#I imagine these two plots exist in the same universe
emily-mooon · 11 months
While Jancy is having their film noir confrontation, Byler is singing songs about pining and angst in their 1930s movie musical romance.
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intuitive-revelations · 4 months
Theory: Something serious is up with the TARDIS
I had been wondering about this all series, but after Rogue today, it's finally been confirmed that something's going on with the TARDIS (on top of all the other arc threads going on!).
The moment I picked it up was in The Devil's Chord, where the TARDIS makes a strange groan and creaks after landing back in 1963. Ruby thinks it's from Maestro, but the Doctor says it's "something else". As of today it's happened again, twice! Once in the episode itself, once in the next time trailer. The exact same sound effect!
Someone on reddit pointed out a few weeks ago that this sound appeared even earlier too, in Wild Blue Yonder (notably also when we first saw Susan Twist, had gravity changed to mavity, and welcomed the Pantheon into the universe). Each time, it's also had attention drawn to it. Here's a video of each scene, followed by a direct comparison of each sound:
(I did have a quick glance to see if it appeared elsewhere, maybe even during Flux. As far as I can tell however, Wild Blue Yonder seems to be the only non-S14 appearance.)
What's more, going back to that Reddit thread, someone pointed out what the Wild Blue Yonder script says about this moment:
And then the TARDIS seems to moan. The Doctor fascinated. DONNA: Is it working? THE DOCTOR: I think so. Strange. He reaches out, touches the TARDIS, wondering. And that 'strange' will come back to haunt him, one day. But now...
(Suddenly the TARDIS freaking out over Donna's spill might make a bit more sense...)
So what the hell's going on?
Well, between a trailer scene and some news that just came out a few hours ago as of writing this, I think I may have an idea. Given it's based on trailer footage uploaded and then removed from YouTube, I'll put it below beneath a read more:
In a removed Disney+ teaser trailer we get two frames of the Doctor screaming out into space (with Mel behind him). Except it's not from "his" TARDIS:
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It's the f*cking memory TARDIS!
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And here's the thing. Not only was this trailer scrubbed from the Disney+ and BBC channels, but in the other trailers, this clip is entirely different! Not only is Mel gone, but the TARDIS interior is now Fifteen's own, and the TARDIS is in a different, generic region of space.
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Just before this, we also see a similar nebulous region of space matching the unmanipulated clip.
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But why on Earth is this such a big deal, that the BBC/Disney would go full MCU and give us a deliberately altered clip? The only previous time I remember Doctor Who doing this was for Series 10, hiding the plot point of the Doctor's blindness. It's not because of Mel, who literally appears in the released trailer. It's also seemingly not because of the background, despite it also being altered (unless the two moons are a clue with the planet being Gallifrey or something - the thought had occurred to me - but that's such a tiny detail, and we also only see one sun). Instead, it must be the Memory TARDIS. But why?
In-universe, I have no idea. On one hand I'd be delighted to get some answers as to its nature. Assuming it's connected to the groans we've been hearing, then it could be the TARDIS undergoes some sort of metamorphosis into this state? But we've seen the TARDIS change all the time, whether for safety, to recover or whatever. I also can't imagine general audiences are falling over themselves to find out the in-universe explanation for a Classic Who re-release framing device. Not to mention, apparently the sound will go on to "haunt" the Doctor...
...maybe the TARDIS straight up is taken out of commission in some way? And the Memory TARDIS isn't the same ship, but the Doctor's way of saving the day without her? Maybe even remembered into existence Fitz/Amy style?
Out of universe however, it's just been announced yesterday that we're getting more Tales of the TARDIS.
And not just more omnibus stories with past characters returning for in-universe commentary... but with Fifteen and Ruby! What's more, it's apparently a one-off, right before the finale (but, note, after the first part next week).
Which means it's important. Possibly extremely so, given the edited trailer scene. It might even serve as an interquel, given Fifteen and Ruby are somehow in it.
I've seen two common theories. Either a) it will be Pyramids of Mars, and we're getting Sutekh in the finale (presumably with Fifteen and Ruby partially because of bringing back Elizabeth Sladen obviously not being an available option - and even if you thought up another character, eg. Luke, I doubt Tom would be interested, at that point anyway), or b) it will be something tying into Susan returning.
Honestly between the remaining trailer clips (eg. sandstorms and dusty planets), a tease RTD supposedly gave in DWM, and an old interview with him where he supposedly floated the idea of bringing back a Classic Who for a finale and airing the original serial on BBC3 beforehand, I'm kinda leaning towards the prior, even though it wasn't at all on my radar.
However, this still doesn't actually answer what's up with the TARDIS.
It could quite literally be anything. However, here's a few ideas, some reasonable some weird, that I have come up with:
Old age / stress. This is a weird one, but oddly enough something I had thought of once in the past, and I just saw someone else come to the same idea on Reddit. The idea is that while the Doctor has a new regeneration cycle and now a good few years, if not decades or more, of rest and recovery, the TARDIS may struggling in it's own right (especially if it is somehow old enough to have once been the Fugitive Doctor's). However, while this could be something interesting to explore, and I think isn't entirely mutually exclusive with other options, I can't imagine going anywhere near a storyline of the TARDIS itself 'wearing thin'. Besides, if we did, I like to imagine it would have been foreshadowed with size leakage, as per Name of the Doctor.
Relating to the above, could it be something linked to the TARDIS splitting in The Giggle? However, the sound starts before then (not that that means much to the TARDIS, but still).
Laws of rationality breaking down. This one makes the most sense in a lot of ways, between the expanded universe (particularly Christmas on a Rational Planet) and Flux, we've seen the TARDIS cannot survive in an irrational universe. While time has stabilised for now, we're still seeing magic and other Old Time forces encroaching in on the Web of Time. I'm a bit torn with this one however, as while it works from a lore and writing perspective, plus matches with this starting in Wild Blue Yonder (right after the Mavity incident... interestingly), it seems odd it's not more connected with what happened in Flux? Why are the sounds and effects on the TARDIS completely different?
Something to do with the Doctor's fobwatch. In Rogue, the Doctor blames the sound on indigestion. We know we're getting more Timeless Child related stuff - could this somehow be linked to Thirteen dropping the Division biodata module deep into the TARDIS? Would be a weird time to pick this up though, and I'm not sure exactly how that would have had such an effect.
The most actually likely, but least possible to theorise about: it's something time-wimey to do with Ruby, the villain(s) of the story, and/or Susan Twist, especially given this started after her first appearance.
Regardless, I'm just excited to see what's up with the Memory / "Remembered" TARDIS, because it's seems we're about to learn something...
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juqtier · 9 months
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SUMMARY: when you moved in to your new apartment, you never imagined your neighbor, spencer reid, would be such a nightmare. he wasn’t your favorite guy. in fact, you hated him. unfortunately for you, you can never seem to escape him. the universe clearly has other plans for you two.
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption in some chapters, angsty, arguing, spencer is kind of (definitely) an asshole, kissing, cursing, somewhat darker plot points as story progresses (this is my first ever full story fanfic! so it might be bad…) this will also be 10 parts so yayyy
GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
⋆·˚ ༘ *
chapter 1 : a nightmare..
✎Was it even possible to hate someone so much that even the thought of them made your blood boil?
You never thought that was even possible. You were always trying to see the best in people, even if they were rude to you. That all changed when you moved next door to Spencer Reid.
Spencer Reid
The bane of your existence.
You had moved into your first apartment alone, with the help of your parents loaning some money and your waitressing job, when you had the unpleasant experience of meeting him.
God, he was so stuck up and pretentious. Getting to know him might have been your biggest regret.
The first day you met him, he immediately gave you an attitude.
You weren’t all that familiar with this area, so you took it upon yourself to try and make friends with the neighbors.
As you walk up to the door and knock, you become excited at the potential of a new friendship.
Behind the door, you can hear a quiet, muffled voice and some shuffling before it’s opened to reveal a rather tall man looking down at you.
“Yes?” He sounded a bit annoyed, yet you continued your introduction.
“Hi, I’m your new neighbor! My name is-“
“Cool, I’m really busy, and if it isn’t important, don’t bother me.” The man quickly shuts the door.
You were so puzzled and quite upset.
Who just shuts the door on someone’s face like that?
However, after some time, you forgave it. Everyone has bad days; everyone is very busy at some point. Maybe he was just overwhelmed, right?
That was until you saw him again, in the parking lot of the apartments.
You found out his name was Spencer Reid from some other neighbors. This only made you more interested in getting to know him, or at least being civil with each other.
You were getting out of your car after returning home from work when you saw him coming down the stairs to the parking lot. Trying to be friendly, you waved and smiled.
“Hello!” Your expression was bright and kind, as always. Something Spencer never seemed to return. He visibly rolled his eyes at you, rushing to his car.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to offend him? Do I have something stuck in my teeth
Your thoughts ran wild, doubting every interaction you have had with anyone before. Were you just annoying? You barely had a conversation with the man; how could he find you annoying?
Maybe he just sucked?
For months, your interactions were the same. You’d attempt to be friendly, and he’d quickly (and quite rudely) shut you down. You had convinced yourself he was just a busy man until you were proven right. He just sucked.
Friday, 10:49 pm
Music played throughout your living room as you unwinded on your couch. The weekend had just begun, so you decided to finally relax. Work had been extra shitty today, and you felt you deserved a break. You sat on your couch, reading a book, as your favorite songs played when you heard a knock at the door.
Who could be knocking so late?
Placing your book down and quickly turning the music off, you rush to answer the door.
As it opened, you'd never been more confused to see Spencer Reid standing in front of you.
“Uh, hi? Is something wro-”
“Can you turn the music down?” He seemingly snaps, not even letting you finish your sentence.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to have it so lo-”
“If you’re going to blare your music, you shouldn’t have such terrible taste.”
You were taken aback. You were used to the interruptions, the eye rolling, even being completely ignored. But now, he was just being plain rude.
“What? I said I’m sorry.. What’s your problem?”
You were almost about to snap at him. It took all of your power to not rip into him, calling him every name you could think of.
“My problem? My problem is that ever since you moved here, I can’t get even a moment of peace. Some people have jobs and commitments.”
What the actual fuck?
“Holy shit, Spencer. I’ve done nothing to you, but all you’ve done is be an asshole to me!”
Your anger and frustration seemed to boil over in that exact moment, not caring if you hurt his feelings anymore.
“No, let me talk for once. I don’t know where you work or what you do to make you think you are so morally superior to me, but fuck. You are so fucking mean.“
He seemed shocked at the sudden outburst, as you only ever showed him your bright and bubbly side. His eyes widened slightly, not expecting the blow-up.
“You don’t get to talk down to me because you’re in a pissy mood. So leave me the fuck alone.”
With that, you slam your door in his face and quickly turn around. Your fists clench as you storm to your room and flop onto your bed, letting out a groan of frustration.
God, he was a nightmare.
PT 2
a.n : sorry if this sucks or is boring! i’ve never wrote a story like this before but i hope it’s okay!
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graceofagodswrath · 11 months
Ok ok ok your "Humans of Transformers franchise are space orcs" rant is out of this world.
I detest with passion when humans are reduced to pets and plot devices when instead the story could be about two alien species finding one another equally amazing/terrifying for their own respective reasons.
Here is my question: do humans and Cybertronians see how eerily similar they are? They have love of music, familial relationships, similar urban infrastructure, societal structure, financial systems, competitive entertainment, organized societies and war, colonialism, recreational intercourse, marriage...
Not to mention, why was it never addressed how similar both species look: bipedal, waists, noses, cheekbones, 5 fingers, chins, facial expressions and sense of aesthetics and beauty? Sure, humans have hair but in rather strategic places.
Veins and wires, blood and energon, metal and flesh, nanobytes and blood cells, Sparks and brain impulses, sexual organs...
Imagine Autobots arrive on Earth for the first time expecting some primitive cave-dwellers, only to encounter a less advanced mini-version of Cybertronian cities (New York, Singapore, London, Rome, Tokyo, Rio, Dubai...) and societies running on scientific, artistic and philosophical development which has no right existing on the ruthless, all-organic planet such as Earth is. Societes run by creatures who 4.000.000 (the duration of their war) years ago were hanging from the trees btw.
Autobots would be terrified.
Lemme make sure this response saves this time, cause it took me a minute to answer cause my first deleted and I had so much written I got unbelievably angry and refused to even look at the tumblr app.
But here we are.
So, this is EXACTLY what I have been thinking about for who k owe how long. It’s also the intro to this wack as fuck universe idea I’ve had in my head a while, and have kinda hinted at in my other works, but I’ve never gone into detail about.
And I still won’t.
Anyways, yes. It’s crazy that we backlit humans so much when any other sentient species is about. Transformers, TMNT, etc (I’m on a one track mind, feel free to jot down any other fandoms I can’t think of). The main theme of these stories? HUMANS SUCK. And that is severely unfair. People want to cry about how much our generation doesn’t give a shit anymore. Have you SEEN the media we feed kids???
That’s why I live Humans are Space Orcs so much. It really puts into perspective how unique and batshit our species is.
So, onto the Transformers vs humans concepts. The ONLY reason (forgoing technoism and general hate towards organics) cybertronians don’t see humanity as an imminent threat, or one in general, is because of size. WE BE SMALL AF. Can’t blame them, I get it. We do the same. Insects? Fuck them mfs.
But have you seen a botfly or tick burrow into your skin? The infection that comes form that? Have you seen ants jump a small animal as a colony and absolutely shred it? Or a spider only biting you, and the horror the venom causes (recluses and huntsman’s specifically). We have a good fucking reason for disliking these mfs.
But transformers? These are organic experiences. Worst they go through are rust infections, spark death, the works. They are not at risk the same way we are. That is why they view organics as small and inconsequential. They have no idea how hard we fight to simply stay alive.
And now the similarities. It’s understandable that they wouldn’t immediately recognize the physical, cultural, and psychological similarities between our species. Transformers are an incredibly diverse race, like any other. But specifically in physical form. Your average cybertronian holds a similar appearance to your average human. We tend to have the same features, just with different names. Eyes, noses, faceplates, ears, two arms, two legs. Sure that’s average for them too. But they are unique because of the fact that they have two forms. Vehicle mode. Their mode decides what they’re second mode looks like, which can create extreme diversity is appearance. Small, large, many limbed or not.
So the immediate similarities probably wouldn’t jump out to them in an odd way. There’s also the idea that because they’re so spread out in the universe, they’ve seen other organic races that are also similar. Pairs of every body part could be the common denominator among species.
That goes culturally too. War, love, music, government, politics, it’s all a natural form of sentient evolution. Another common denominator. It’s how it’s done that makes it unique. And the similarities between human and cybertronian culture is uncomfortably familiar.
I think that’s why cybertronians are seen being closest with humans rather than other species in the shows and comics (obviously because the audience is human and they need relation to characters but shhhh forget that for a sec). This is where the theories start.
Let’s say cybertronians begin to recognize the weird similarities between our species. The really, really weird stuff. The itty bitty details. Like:
- how we also mainstream kissing on the lips as the top tier romantic gesture.
- use verbal tone and cues for our language.
- have intensely complicated interpersonal relationships in the exact same manner.
- suffer from extreme mental health issues like depression, anxiety, PTSD (I totally headcannon that forms of adhd, autism, and ocd exist in cybertronian society, have y’all not seen my boy rodimus prime??)
- will also destroy each other in the name of our gods, until we have a common enemy.
That’s just the basics I could come up with. The only time I actually saw a moment where a transformer genuinely take a moment to realize that humans can be a threat, was in transformers prime. Episode 6 of beast wars (I think, correct me if wrong), where Miko beats the ever loving fuck out of an insecticon (I think) and upon Megatron hearing this, just goes blank Kubrick stare for a hot second. Man had an ugly realization that did not fit in with anything he had experienced his whole life.
AND THEY NEVER FUCKING ADDRESSED IT EVER AGAIN. Sick of this shit. Could’ve had the most badass character development, where the humans actually proved useful and did something (it would have fit Milo’s character so perfectly too) and scared the utter shit out of the transformers. BUT NO. They continue to be annoying as fuck.
One thing I loved about TF Prime was that it canonically turned Unicron into Earth. And humans came from the earth. Which relates humans beings and cybertronians so hard. Cousins Fr. We are the cybertronian equivalent of organics, and transformers the inorganic equivalent of humans. The individuality, the chaos, the culture, it clicks. There is so much material to really go into it.
But they never do. Don’t get me wrong, I love Transformers lord and just discovering more without humans being involved. We’re just annoying af at this point. But there is so much u tapped potential in transformers actually taking the chance to LEARN about us. But we’re just friends (pets) to these mfs.
That’s why I love TF Earthspark so far. Transformers ingrained into human culture because they’re not from Cybertron, and cybertronians having to adapt to human culture because they have no where else to go. Granted, it’s a kids show. There’s only so much they can do. But I’m excited for where it’ll lead. It really shows how much of threat and ally humans are, and how we are just as diverse as cybertronians.
I need to write another fic about cybertronians meeting humans their size from our world tho. Need to continue my old piece. Would give me so much life. Y’all help motivate me, college draining my ass.
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cyren-myadd · 1 month
This concept art has been living in my head rent free
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This concept art of Spider with a kuru literally keeps me up some nights wondering what it means. I got so excited over the new D23 concept art that I went looking through some old Avatar stuff I had saved and came across this again, which reignited all the burning questions I have about it.
Concept art typically leads to two outcomes: either it gets scrapped and removed from the plot or it gets refined and is eventually realized within the story. The same is true for this particular piece of concept art. Its existence means it's either:
A) an old idea that they ended up scrapping, or
B) it's an idea they're going with and will eventually be realized in the movies.
The reason I keep myself up at night wondering whether its A or B is because of the context of this concept art. The art was originally shown on a gigantic screen at some big avatar showcase thing in Los Angeles. There's no way showing this was some oversight or mistake. Unlike the script that was shown on accident, this was shown to avatar fans INTENTIONALLY. Which leaves me with the question of why they would show such a shocking concept on purpose?
If option A is right and this is just an old idea they scrapped, why show people? This isn't a minor change (ie switching the Metkayina eye color from yellow to blue/green) that won't really make an impact on the plot. Spider growing a kuru would be a massive change that would radically effect the story. I think I read somewhere that James Cameron at some point wanted the character Trudy to return as a recombinant like Quaritch, but scrapped the idea because the actress, Michelle Rodriguez, didn't want to reprise her role. Could you imagine if before Avatar 2 released, they showed concept art of Trudy as recom, and everyone got all excited to see how that would play out, only for it to be revealed that it was an old scrapped idea and we were never going to see it on screen? That would be such a confusing and disappointing thing to do. This is how I feel about this concept art. If it's never going to happen, why show it at all? Since intentionally showing concept art for an idea they scrapped doesn't make any sense, that makes me wonder if option B is right, but option B doesn't make a lot of sense either.
If option B is right, once again, why show people? That's a MASSIVE spoiler. Showing this image would be like if they showed concept art of Neteyam's funeral before Avatar 2 released, spoiling the major death of the story. It wouldn't make any more sense to spoil a big death than it would to spoil such a radical change like Spider getting a kuru. I'll admit that when I first saw this image, I accepted it at face value and I made this long post theorizing that Spider will get a kuru and that this will somehow be connected to the leaked script where he gets the ability to breathe the Pandoran air, but since then I've rethought my position. It just doesn't make sense to me that they would show it on purpose if they actually do intend to give Spider a kuru in Avatar 3. But at the same time, it also doesn't make sense that they would show a scrapped idea that's so wildly out of the range of what we know is possible in the avatar universe.
Unless there's some secret third option I'm missing, I'm going to keep wondering and wondering whether this image is just a scrapped idea or a real spoiler of what's to come. I guess I'll get my answer when Avatar 3 finally comes out and this idea happens or not, but I'll still wonder why they showed it.
Do you guys think this concept art is depicting a scrapped idea or a spoiler, and why? And does anyone have any idea why they would show this regardless if its a scrap or a spoiler?
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lesbiandarielle · 9 months
I've just finished "Adventure Time Fionna and Cake" and I'm impressed by how much for the best this show is the anti-"Rick and Morty".
In Rick & Morty, the immediate conclusion of the existence of a multiverse is nihilistic and individualistic, that nothing makes sense, and everything is replaceable, yourself especially included. Nothing is beautiful, because nothing is unique. Consequently, the characters are all depressed, self-hating, alcoholic, or generally miserable.
On the contrary, in Fionna and Cake, the multiverse is pictured as infinite beauty and discovering opportunities. Every universe, even cheap fan-made ones, is worthy of being cherished, loved and appreciated. The characters want to fight for their universe, because they love it and despite the comparison to the others. Even when they're insane the characters can be happy, they can heal from their depression, etc.
Coincidentally, this leads Adventure Time to tackle the notion of "multiverse" much better than Rick and Morty by really exploring the possibilities it offers. In Rick and Morty different universes are mostly "same universe but everyone has a mustache" or "same universe but Morty is inherently evil" (which has consequences for the plot, but not his own universe) or "same universe but in this one Rick OOC failed an experiment and died there". Universes from Adventure Time are treated with imagination, intelligence and beauty, and even "sad" universes like the post-apocalypse one. "She didn't have a me" is a so powerful line, and the way Bubbline is pictured in this universe is so poetic, for me it crystallizes all the difference between the two shows.
With this in mind it's funny to me that it's Rick and Morty that is considered as an "adult show" compared to Adventure Time. Regarding my (complicated) life path it's a lot more "adult" to know how to appreciate beauty and to feel good and find a purpose in your universe than being nihilistic, self-hating and depressed, and consequently edgy and trashy to hide this. This isn't "adult", it's precisely what I was doing as a teen who couldn't manage my problems and emotions, and precisely what I'm learning to avoid as an functionning adult.
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txttletale · 5 months
(Other than the really weird bit about "Male presenting Doctor") what were your thoughts about the specials?
pretty mixed bag, pretty messy, but good overall. i think they were very obviously a nostalgia trip for people around my age lol and it worked! i loved seeing tennant and tate back onscreen together, their chemistry hasn't aged a bit, and honestly just watching doctor who that wasn't written by chris chibnall was a breath of fresh air. they weren't boring, like seasons 11 and 12 were, and they didn't go too far off the other end into nonsense like flux did. characters want things again! the show can let itself just be silly! i was literally cheering out loud when donna and the doctor were just saying random scifi gobbledegook at each other for like a solid several minutes during the star beast.
the structure of the specials kind of baffles me. i love wild blue yonder--i think it's definitively the best of the specials as a standalone, it's absolutely fantastic, creepy and atmospheric and bringing things around to RTD's strength, which is well-written characters interacting with each other and letting good actors just act. but at the same time i dont understand why it exists? it feels like...idk. imagine if you watched the star wars original trilogy but instead of the empire strikes back the middle film was just a feature length film about luke and han surviving on an ice planet with no reference to anything that happens in the last film except the two characters' relationship. and then the next film was still return of the jedi, unchanged. it felt like that
i liked all the weird campy silliness of the star beast and the giggle, and they were both very fun! neil patrick harris gave a fantastic performance, there are a lot of very memorable sequences from the giggle, but it's very very all over the place. so many threads get kind of picked up and go nowhere. the toymaker's haunted house dimension goes nowhere. RTD's eyerolling social media commetnary goes nowhere (thank god tbh but yknow im illustrating something here). even the toymaker kind of goes nowhere, after ncuti gatwa shows up he's bascially an afterthought who loses by dropping a ball. obvious parallels to david tennant's first episode with that ball scene could be made, but just... aren't. it feels like load-bearing sectikons of the plot and themes were cut out to make room for a backdoor pilot for the stupid fucking UNIT spinoff
oh and it goes without saying i fucking hate all the UNIT wank in the star beast and the giggle. i hope space nine eleven 2 happens to their stupid fucking avengers tower i cannot stand kate stewart who is constantly a murderous bonehead (in the giggle alone she gets two pepole killed by not listening to the doctor and assuming that this teleporting godlike entity could be restrainted by Two Guys) who is both in and out of universe just a boring nepo baby with no merit of her own
um. i still dont know what happened with the regeneration. i think the implication is that when david tennant dies hell time travel back to become ncuti gatwa inside himself--at least the rehab dialogue seems to make that implication. but it's not really explained or explored? baffling. i do think that fourteen getting to settle down and live a peaceful life with his friends is cute.
oh yeah and the ask said other than that but goddd there was some good stuff in the star beast and honestly with the state of the UK media i will take any perspective on trans people that includes baseline human erespect but some of those lines made me cringe so bad. anyway overall i am cautiously optimistic for the future of the show--oh ncuti was fucking great did i mention that i instantly bnought him as the doctor he owned the scene, the moment he was there it was clear he was the protagonist, and i liked the church on ruby road well enough too--i am cautiously optimistic but i worry that a big UNIT-shaped tumor will devour huge chunks of it and it'll be annoying. also russel t davies is like 60 and i just dont want to hear what he has to say about twitter so im not looking forward to dot and bubble
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springtrapssextoy · 10 months
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Huggy Wuggy x FEM!NB! Scene reader: SFW
(pretend that scene exists in 80's-90's in this universe) He would definitely love you on sight, all of the boys with the same or similar hairstyles and same with the girls, but you...you were much better than them, you had poofy multi colored hair, big bows, hair clips of multiple colors, you wore very colorful beaded bracelets, are those glow in the dark? You looked like you would fit right in with the others!
When he would escape the facility he would try and find you, you were the only one that made him feel safe. He needed you.
Oh he was so happy when one day you gave him a friendship bracelet with your name on it you had one with his. (He killed multiple employees and scientists that tried to take it off and became much more aggressive when they got rid of it when he was asleep to a point were the scientist had to beg you to make another one)
You always knew he was alive. Plus it of course it was true and you found out the hard way. He hugged you and you kinda was like 'your my friend now, were having soft tacos later!' (plot twist you did and now he misses the taste of soft tacos)
Sometimes you would schedule "sleep overs" with huggy and it would have (soft tacos) you and huggy snuggled up in the tens of blankets and pillows you bought for huggy to nest with and imagine how amazing that would be! A very warm fluffy purring creature that gives the best hugs in a room with little lighting but mainly dark on super soft blankets and pillows (the only downside would be two things , one you would have a hairball of his fur in your mouth and nose constantly and two the scientist has to separate you two and or observe such a interesting behavior)
Holidays would be the worst for the poor little guy-or big guy.. but it would be tough for him, you LEAVING?! YOU are LEAVING ME?! He would be so happy your back, more cuddles more hairballs.
Imagine something sad, you get into an accident at work that huggy has to see you leave and will feel lonely and wonder why did you not come back? Do you not live him? But know one knows how to tell him for him to understand that you have died, so after years he still waits for you to come back...
Sorry I just had to leave ya with something angsty
(he will not sleep in the cuddle room anymore cause it feels empty without you with him and he with wait in the main room for you to come back)
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poppyfamily · 2 months
Amangela Writer Appreciation Post!
I'm feeling a lot of things right now and I've decided to write what I like about my Amangela writer friends' writing. I often forget to leave comments on their work because they are GOOD at what they do, and I often forget I'm in the middle of reading good writing because it just exists (something something baby fish asks mommy fish where water is only to realize they've been swimming in it the whole time). Can you believe they do this for FREE? And share it with us just because they want to? They are GIFTS to the community.
It is such a privilege to be in the same creative sphere as these people and I need to express Emotions or regret not doing it. They inspire me everyday. Here is a public declaration of love, hope y’all are okay with that. Ramblings under the cut, because it goes without saying, this got really long.
@okiankeno is so imaginative with their writing. My Teeth, Your Neck is impressive with its incorporations of many elements that are familiar to Smosh and Amangela while throwing them into a fantastical, supernatural universe. I haven't watched Buffy, but their writing is so good at making this fantastical world feel lived in. The world just seamlessly slides into the way they write character motivations, making for strong characterization and dynamics that have me INVESTED. That Maia/Valerie twist? Screaming. Crying. Throwing up.
@babychosen is wonderful at dropping Amanda and Angela in situations optimized for maximum tension - which is clearly seen in first time that i met you (i didn't have a damn clue) and you could be bad (but i wanna find out). I love how she crafts her plots, keeping me at the edge of my seat for what comes next, which is driven forward by the way she writes dialogue - natural to the situation as it captures a range of emotions: awkwardness, uneasiness, attraction and just all the quirks that come with forming relationships. Her writing is so fun to read!
@sage-lights writes fics that are short and sweet, but they pack such a powerful punch. With just a few words, she's able to tell a story that contains the energy of a multi-chaptered fic. This is especially true in sometimes i hold you closer (just to know you're real). LIKE HELLO. I was on the road when I first read it and it had me spiraling for a good few hours. She also captures their voices very well. They also capture the tenderness of Amanda and Angela in such a specific way. One of my favorites is met you at the right time (this is what it feels like), capturing the intimacy of two women who earnestly love each other, beyond romance.
@xxsuicidalravenxx 's writing explores the inner turmoil of being drawn to someone while having a lot of insecurity about your own place in other people’s lives. You know I'm such a fool for you (you got me wrapped around your finger) captures something so incredibly real about the anxiety that comes with a murky and under-communicated relationship dynamic based on unfair assumptions about both herself and how Amanda feels about her - which ultimately is a reflection of Angela’s own self-worth which at this point isn’t the best. It’s so real, god - the self-sabotage and all that and slowly realizing that the people around her care more about her beyond whatever mistake she believes she’s made. Also just - all Chamangela dynamics are excellently written here. It’s a gift.
@unknownteapot is masterful at her craft. I've said it before - their writing is so cinematic.  I can see it clearly in my mind - so good at painting clear pictures of where the characters are in the story. It's dramatic, tension-filled and just excellent writing all around. Several minutes of my life have been spent reading her fics. I feel comforted whenever I read her stuff, it gives the feeling of hope - that things will be okay even when it doesn’t seem that way. I remember when sweetheart dropped in the Amangela ao3 tag and thinking WHO is this absolutely talented writer that came out of nowhere (to me lol), but now I can't imagine this little community without them.
@shesmore-shoebill is so good at capturing Amangela vibes as we see it. Like it truly feels like they've broken down the dynamic into its bare essentials which enables them to produce fics that I can vividly HEAR.  They also just infuse a lot of tenderness into the way they write Amanda and Angela, whether it's in a joke or in like genuine moments of checking in - both demonstrated very well in empty space and Joint Custody (Hey Siri). Also, you just know they're a good writer without reading any of their fics because they are already so articulate in how they write commentary on videos when they aren't even trying to write a story, so when they do have a story, it just hits even more. So good.
@skiespeaches has authored one of the hottest, tension-filled fics I've read in my god damned life. From the first chapter of The devil is in the details I was screaming over how THE FUCK they were able to make just ONE KISS feel like THAT. Also, really really really love how grounded this is in the way they write dialogue and internal thoughts. It captures the pleasant feeling of realizing just how much you like someone and receiving some cues that they might like you back. It captures actions you take because of those feelings that can get in the way of communicating what you really want, the emotional tentativeness that comes with not wanting to bear your heart completely quite yet - yet there is a willingness to see where it goes, hoping that it does come to that point. The entire fic feels like the most emotionally charged scene of a slice of life movie - which is literally my personal favorite genre.
@ghoulishhgayy - famed author of hit Amangela fic Oil Burns had me invested in a situation that I personally haven't read a lot of in fanfiction. The spirit of their fics can be boiled down (haha get it) to the way they write about two women who deeply care about one another unconditionally supporting each other through difficult times. That's the kind of shit I eat up, and it's done so excellently. They just also write in a way that just makes being in love so appealing. They capture the moment of oh in Oil Burns so well that it has me gnashing my teeth, gnawing at the bars of my enclosure etc etc.
@wlwsmosh manages to get to the heart of a story in a few words. It's actually crazy and I’m in awe of their talent. There is a lightness to their fics that just makes me smile so much while also like having some really smutty scenes, which is so dang impressive - balancing sweetness and steaminess really well while also feeling very much like Amangela. My favorite from them are when i call the shots, you call me mommy which I think feels so much like Amangela voice and humor, while also placing them in a relationship and kink context. Honestly, all of their fics are gems.
@baflegacy is so GOOD at putting Amangela in the silliest of situations (heck, situations that are very much based on what we have seen in canon) and teasing out its potential romantic through line. They have a way of capturing emotions that accompany these situations in a way that just shoots you straight to the core. They write tension so well, and are so good at keeping me engaged with what's about to happen next. All of their works are GOATED. I, however, am extremely biased when I say that my favorite is their birthday gift for me - too good (to deny it) - aka one of the best angsty pieces of writing I've read in my whole life my GOD.
@cuecrynsleep is so!!!! A newer friend whose first fic in the Amangela tag I fell in love with immediately (Being Transparent). It was so simple, but captures Amangela’s adorable nature within the context of a romantic relationship REALLY WELL. I’m also just out here eagerly awaiting every post from Reconnecting the Past, which is a chat fic - a format that I rarely like the execution of, but damn I love the way they’re doing it here with the added bonus of the Changela, Arangela, and Shourtmanda dynamics which is just feels absolutely right. I’m out here thinking what are they gonna do next. They are so good at building intrigue and I’m just here sipping my tea and thinking in my head that I sound like some pathetic fuckboy sexting going “and then what?” because I am seated. I am sat. 
Anyway, if you’ve reached the end of this post - go support these writers!!!! Make sure you let them know if you like their stuff - either through a comment, kudos, an ask, a message, or bookmark. I promise you it makes these authors’ days whenever they see any kind of feedback for their work, and it keeps the community ALIVE. I am guilty of not doing that but it’s always great to try instead of not. I know from personal experience that it makes so much of a difference in their motivation to write more, while also allowing us to savor the work instead of mindlessly consuming it. Thanks for reading me gushing about all of them. Love you Amangela RPF community! Very grateful for y’all more than you’ll ever know <3
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robbsstar · 1 year
Hi love! I would have a request for you if you are so kind to give it a try : Aemond x reader with Oleanna Tyrell vibes (very cunning, outspoken and bold). I somehow imagine her as being a couple years older than him, long blood red hair and has a dark vibe to her. She challenges him but she is also a big softie inside capable of the biggest love ever. I really feel like he needs this kind of woman in his life like air :))) And would also be someone to keep him on his toes at all times and rock his world up a bit. Please feel free to adapt this idea however you see fit and thank you million times for giving me the opportunity to request. Can't wait to read more from you, you are super talented and we need more of you ^^
Of course<3 I do want to apologize if I went more for the 'plot' than relationship. Allergies are mentioned lets all pretend it exist in their universe as I'm not really sure whoops.
an unfortunate accident- 4.9k words
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pairing / summary / warnings ->
-> Aemond Targaryen x Reader -> You deal with the enemy while being married to Aemond -> slight misogyny towards Rhaenyra, Otto, desrcibtion of death, Aegon, slight swearing but not much
masterlist <-
Due to Alicent's mistrust of anybody who is not related to her, Helaena and Aegon were wed. The Queen consort convinced herself she could only trust those she lived with, her family. She disregarded the woman her crafty father, Hightower, had been offering for Aemond. It was you. He did so to build a stronger house, stronger alliances, or, in his opinion, a greater war opponent against the blacks.
But when it was time for her second born to marry, the stressed mother had little option but to listen to her father this time because she didn't have another daughter. Otto Hightower persuaded his daughter to take into account the Hightower's distant cousins.
Your house was the one. Just as savvy, as wily in their schemes, and as brilliant as the Hightowers. There was just one distinction between the two houses. One House plotted behind closed doors, while the other could not be bothered. Yours was the latter. They caused Otto some resentment, and he was embarrassed to refer to your family as a relative of his. However, he was left with no option because there were no better-bred women in the seven kingdoms. An ideal wife for his grandson, is difficult to manage but not necessary because the two families shared the same notion of the iron throne, a male leader, and no woman.
Your father and Otto Hightower were made of the same ancestors. So it was no wonder they strived for power.
Your father, like Otto Hightower, did not want to serve a woman, a lady who also bore bastards. Your father referred to them as brown-haired, illegitimate whore sons. In their youth, he and Otto had plans to marry their offspring in order for their blood to inherit the throne and power. Your father, not your mother, reared you throughout your entire life. Your mother was a gentle, intelligent, but sensitive woman. Therefore, your father decided to take matters into his own hands and raise you to be brave and powerful, bold and ambitious, cunning and scheming.
You demonstrated early on that you were a perceptive young dove. Your father would receive compliments from other lords who told him he did a fine job. Even though he was aware, he was nonetheless inspired by the compliments that were given to him.
You adored the concept your father planted in your brain and knew from a young age that you were destined to marry into the Targaryen family. Who would turn down the chance to become the high-status lady you were to become? As a result, you carried the distinctive qualities of your house with you as you developed.
You met your soon-to-be husband when you were being watered to blossom into an ideal representation of your father. Throughout your time in Kings Landing, you got to know Aemond Targaryen. The blacks had long since left, having fled to Dragonstone, which you described to Aemond as pitiful. The younger child had told you about his lost eye and how he came across his dragon. You had pledged, filled with awe, that you would protect him from further damage.
The boy had mocked you back then. He assured you that it was his responsibility to safeguard his future wife from harm. His words touched you. You had graciously taken his hands in yours and then addressed the youngster, speaking to him with wise counsel. "My dear boy, let's make a pact to look out for each other from now on." You will use your strength to keep me safe, and I will use my smarts to keep you safe.
Your words had left him in awe. It felt almost wrong for Aemond to trust a person that fast. His vision changed ever since that dreadful night, he became aware of all the snakes and rats who were waiting for the demise of the Targaryens- Hightowers and the ascent of Rhaenyra Velaryon.
Since then, getting along with Aemond was not difficult for you. You two had already started to feel wonderful things for one another before being married. Once you did get married and formed a lifelong commitment, your feelings just grew deeper. The first to congratulate you both were your father and Aemond's grandsire; shortly after, they were discovered to be drinking above their actual limit.
Their plan had worked and you were delighted to assist your brother-in-law in usurping his elder sister. To have him sit on the iron throne. For you to survive in this world, you needed wealth and power, and you knew that if you stopped now, you and your spouse would both perish whenever Rhaenyra Velaryon ascended to the iron throne. You were willing to go to any length for the sake of your husband and family, you told yourself.
As the years passed, the Targaryen line flourished. His wife gave Aegon twins, and Aemond was given a son and a daughter. The older one shares the blood-red hair of his mother and the violet eyes of his father, while your daughter had long, white hair. Like him, she has deep Targaryen eyes. A vibrant violet.
Your step-sister-in-law still lingered back at Dragonstone with her sons. You had never met her yourself. The stories your family spoke, even the maids and guards in Kings Landing were enough to get an insight into her character. You held your description short seeing that you could not fully rely on the tales the maids whispered- you found them exaggerating their tales of her. The stories of the rogue prince, you trusted fully even his brother- the King had spoken ill of him in the past.
You believed the firstborn of the king was calm and composed, certain of her own abilities. You must use caution when facing her, which is a great quality to have in times of war. If the rogue prince is by her side, does she still possess mercy in her heart? You were unaware, and perhaps this is not the right time to learn.
The Targaryens- Hightowers were currently dealing with other concerns. A literal knife was being held against their throats. Today they are expecting a visit from a small but strong house. It is said that one man held the power of seven and thirteen if handed a weapon. They needed men to win the war that was coming for them, and they were not about to deny the house that offered their help. House Tindall offered themselves, led by a strong and hasty man.
However, they were the issue. They were the knife that the king had invited for dinner today. Your grandsire-in-law intended to attack them in order to weaken Rhaenyra, not to gather the warriors Lord Tindall so generously provided. You were aware of Rhaenyra's followers, particularly those who resided in Kings Landing.
When it comes to their opinions, your family is a transparent bunch. Maybe not when it comes to their schemes and plots, but they made their opinions known. Therefore, it was difficult for you to keep your mouth shut as you observed her loyal dogs eating, bathing, and sleeping in warm, thick sheets. You were not about to put your husband and two lovely children in danger because you could not compose yourself.
It would only reflect poorly on your own name and that of your father, who raised you differently. A disgrace, which you will never put into consideration, but still, you desired for the traitorous Tindall's to depart or, even better, to die because if they were to return to their queen, she would become stronger. That was something the greens tried to avoid; it was already beginning to look difficult with only three dragons on their side while the blacks have way more.
Hence, you decided to take a different approach. Something that would not declare war but rather be an unfortunate accident. Despite Tindall showing great strength, they also have weaknesses—pathetic ones, you thought.
Your heels filled the halls as you walked along the high walls. The silky, gold dress you are wearing is being held up by one of your hands while the other holds your daughters. While the maids made you ready for the dinner that was about to take place in just a few hours, your ears picked up the rumours the maids spoke about. A weakness. A plan to get rid of Lord Tindall.
In haste, you made your way outside to search for your son and husband. The whole way, you struggled to hide the smirk on your face. ''Mother please! Could you slow down?!'' All the things you wished to tell Aemond left your mind, and you focused on your daughter. As you watched her smooth her silky white hair down, you grinned down at her. You exhaled a chuckle and kissed her on the head.
''I have exciting things to tell your father, my love. My 'running' only reflects my eagerness, and would you not like to see your father yourself? I bet even your brother is there, training to become strong just like your father.'' Your daughter's face lit up just like the sun does every day; it warms your heart. 
''Aemys!'' The little girl called out and ran towards the doors that lead outside, leaving you in the hall alone. You straightened your clothes before pursuing your daughter The sun immediately warms the skin exposed to it, and your eyes squint from its brightness. Only a quick look around was needed to find your daughter again. Her short arms were clinging to the legs of your husband. 
''As she grows, so does her love for you. Perhaps she loves you more than me.'' Your voice caught the attention of your son and Aemond, but your daughter still stuck to him. Your son, Aemys, raced into your arms after dropping his sword. He gains strength as he ages. The arms that are around your waist feel tighter each time you hug your firstborn.
''And he loves you more than me. A fair exchange, I would say.'' Aemond could spout insults and still seem courteous thanks to his soothing voice, which was always pleasant to hear. He took your daughter by her hips and threw her in the air above him. Every time he caught her, a giggle would go past your daughter's lips. Alysys has always been a walking sun in your eyes.
She would remind you of your mother many times—a clever and soft young girl. Her love for animals inspires you, while her mind makes you proud. Your son always surprised you with his boldness; he too was a smart child, something Westeros lacked. But Aemys shines the hardest when he holds a sword in his hand. Sometimes you watch him train and see Aemond in him, and a proud glint in your eyes will be seen.
As you fluffed his hair, dirt trickled down it. His eyes quickly shut, and his hands tried to block yours. ''Mother please! There is no need, as I'm about to continue with father anyway. '' You patted his head one more time before leading him to his sister. ''Go show your sister the things you've just learned, and after I've finished speaking to your father, you may continue your training.'' Aemys went to his sister and took her hand, but not before greeting her with a kiss on her head. ''Come Alysys.''
Aemond's form went near you; his head lowered as he followed his oldest child's action. But instead of kissing you on the head, your husband kissed you on the lips. When he whispered, ''Each time I'm surprised to have so well-spoken children, '' his hands were clasped in yours.
A pleased smile appeared as you bowed your head, breaking your gaze from Aemond. ''It merely implies we have done an excellent job in raising them, husband.'' Aemond continued to stare at you with admiration in his eye. ''I would say, you have done an excellent job. I can assure you that, me, and Aegon were not that clever in our youth.'' It seemed like you could not stop smiling today as his little jest brought amusement to you.
''Perhaps you are right.'' You lightly pinched his arm and teased. His head tilted, he wanted revenge but stopped when he noticed your expression change to a darker one. One he knew all too well. Above Kings Landing, the clouds slowly began to cover the beaming sun. You and he were possessed by Shadow, and so was your discussion.
''But that is not what I am here for. I'm sure you have heard about the Tindalls visiting us.'' As soon as he heard you speak, Aemond's attitude matched yours. ''You mean Rhaenyra's ally.''
''Yes, Aemond. The letter from Lord Tindall mentioned that if we agreed to unite our houses, he would give us his soldiers and his loyalty. Basically, his letter was a lie. I was and still am convinced they were sent by Daemon to kill us.'' The words you spoke were low. Only Aemond could hear you say them in a muted tone. Your eyes watched Aemys fall to the ground, letting Alysys win their pretend fight. ''I assume you already have a plan.''
''That is what i was so excited about, my love. I may or may not have handled everything already.'' A dark glint was in your eyes while you watch Aemonds face twist into a amazed one.
''Am I allowed to know?'' Aemond mumbled in his usual soft voice, behind it you could hear his delight. Your husbands hands freed your face of your fiery red hair as the clouds brought the wind forth. ''No. That is for you to find out.''
''I have heard you were in the kitchens a moment ago. Am I on the right path?'' His hands now gently and lovingly caressed your cheeks. ''Perhaps, perhaps not.'' You replied to him. In the background, Alysys's brother began to torment her while she screamed and laughed.
''I shall wait for the upcoming events then.'' Aemond gave you a kiss and went back towards his sword, which he had stuck in the ground before. His hair swung as he went back to train his son. ''Aemys! Say goodbye to your mother, will you? Aemy's attention was taken from his sister, who lay on the ground and waved to you from a distance. ''Till later, mother!'' 
You returned your child's wave. You believed Aemys was a true gentleman. Your son assisted your youngest in rising from the ground and wiping off the excess dirt she had on her yellowish dress. Aemys pushed his sister's small body in your direction after saying goodbye to her with another kiss on the head.
''Mother! Aemys showed me how to fight without a weapon.'' Alysys laughed as she took your hand. ''I saw, my love. Hence, we are going to have you wash up now. '' You told her when you saw the mud prints left in the hall behind you. ''Oh-oh, '' your daughter mumbled.
The sky went darker as time went by. Aemond and Aemys finished a long time ago and got ready for the upcoming dinner. Well, only your husband, because you and he had planned to bring the children to bed before you left. It was quite late, and you wished to keep Tindall's eyes off your children. 
Aemond closed the doors behind him, bidding Alysys a good night. He came up to your side and extended his arm. ''The guards will watch the doors. '' You and he are walking to the dining hall. Guards followed you to the hall. They are safe, my love, '' you told Aemond when you noticed his unnerving behaviour. You felt the same, letting an ally of Rhaenyra into the castle. It was unnerving.
''Did you have a loving day, brother?'' Aemond pulled a chair out for you, and you sat down while looking at the huge table and the food. ''Wonderful. Just like any other day.'' Aegon answered your question. Beside him sat Helaena, mumbling to herself, but Aegon ignored her like he had always done. Her husband instead drowned in his cups and took a few grapes, popping them in his mouth.
''What about you, dear sister?'' The oldest Targaryen present at the moment asked, sarcasm lacing his rough voice. ''It was marvellous, and it's about to get even better.'' You smirked with glee, and your hand took Aemonds. Aegon was an individual who could not be bothered, but he still had a gift for stirring particular people up, and Aemond was unfortunately one of them.
Aemond felt compelled to protect you since he knew his brother simply intended to mock you. But as Aegon and you both know, your spouse is prone to making his emotions known. The male Targaryens all share the tendency to act in the same way when they are irritated or enraged. He has a tendency to hurt them with his comments, which have in the past caused fights or worse.
That was something you wanted to avoid this eventful evening. At this supper, the Tindall's are expected to feel welcomed.
''Better? Our sisters ass suckers are to sit at this table while they stuff themselves like pigs.'' Aegon scoffed; his eyes locked onto yours. His eye bags were so dark that one would think they were talking to a dead body. ''If you are to be king, my dear brother, then you should learn a few things. This is a great opportunity, so you should use it. Pay attention to this supper rather than overthrowing your liver.''
  Aegon simply scoffed and gulped the liquid in the cup quickly. His eyes were suddenly downcast, disregarding the bug in front that was placed in front of him. He murmured to himself under his breath. ''I don't fucking want it. '' Unsurprisingly, his brother heard. When his stool created a screeching noise, Aemond attempted to get up but was halted by the opening of the tall, gold-layered doors.
Loud steps appeared and were followed by exuberant talking and laughing. Lord Tindall, his family (wife and kids). His mother, a tall brunette woman, was the sole female in the household. Her Husband took the lead, wearing warrior-style clothing and a beard that covered his entire neck. Since Kings Landing was hot even at night, his sleeveless shirt was in keeping with the temperature.
The Lord had black hair, and his face and arms were covered in wounds from battle. His sons were similar in height to him and shared their mother's green eyes and father's black hair. The assumed youngest was roughly the same height as Aemond.
It simply took a single glance. Lord Tindall was a tremendously prideful man, and his pride overshadowed his strategic thinking and ability in battle. Even though he was among the strongest people in all of Westeros, his ego got in the way. No words were uttered by his wife. She was submissive and mum. Her eyes would reflect her respect for her spouse when she looked at him.
Both of these traits were present in their three sons. The tallest and quietest child was the oldest. Even before they sat down, his brothers waited for him to sit first before following him.
You figured that he was the second strongest person in the room. They should not have been underestimated—his father came first. They were sent by Daemon for a reason and not by someone else.
However, you weren't concerned. Even the strongest people cannot withstand a food allergy. The other two sons were loud and proud, just like their father. This ought to be over soon.
All four of you greeted the family. ''Where is the King?'' Lord Tindall's rough voice asked as he looked at the empty seat opposite him. You waited for Aegon to talk, as he was the oldest of the four of you. But a sigh left your mouth when you saw the shrug he sent you. You only returned a disappointed eye roll and spoke as the second oldest.
''I am afraid the king cannot attend today. His sickness is taking a toll on him; he must rest. The queen and the hand of the king will be with us instead.'' You smiled at him and raised your cup, a common sign of acknowledgement. ''I see,'' he replied, his eyes showing slight confusion and intrigue. The lord expected Aegon to talk, the male heir, but was surprised it was the wife of the second-born.
It did not take long for Otto Hightower and the queen to arrive. The evening appeared to go smoothly on the outside, but that was only the case.
The queen forced a smile everytime a joke was told or she was fidgeting around while sometimes staring at the weapons Lord Tindalls guards were wielding. When she learned that an opponent had been invited, she felt anxious. Alicent was concerned for herself, her kids, and especially her grandchildren.
Otto Hightower was the one conversing with Lord Tindall. They started off talking about lighter topics but soon drifted to politics and war. Your grandsire-in-law's actions did not surprise you because he most likely had a plan of his own. He was grasping for information.
Helaena took small bites while nervously listening to one of Lord Tindall's sons, or she was talking if it was with Aemond. Aegon completely kept to himself.
Aemond did not speak much, and if he did, it was only with his own family. To Aegon, he would indignantly throw insults; to his mother, he would reassure her with physical touch or words.
You appreciated Aemond not interrupting the exchange you were having with Lady Tindall. You were sharing stories—false stories—with the wife. At first she would only hum or say a few words, but over time she shared more than you anticipated.
You would closely observe her while you listened to her speak. She would frequently fix her gaze on the guards the Lord had brought. When you questioned whether something was wrong or whether the main course was to her taste, she would smile tensely. Lady Tindall would smile hesitantly and wave her hands.
The Lords guards gradually backed away from their original positions and formed a circle around the table. There were perhaps eight guards there, which seemed excessive for just dinner. However, there were a lot more guards for the queen.
''Does your plan involve killing?'' Aemond whispered into your ear; it was obvious he was triggered, as his eye was shooting daggers at the unfamiliar guards around you. ''Do not worry, my dear, as that would only worsen the matter. "Even if they have the power, one guard cannot beat twenty men at once, can they?''
Your eyes caught your mother-in-law gripping a knife hard; the young wife was beginning to tremble in her seat. Aemond watched you nod behind him, your eyes looking past him. ''Watch over your mother, my love; it is time.'' You mumbled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before you slowly stood up.
''I would like to say a toast while the servants bring in the dessert.'' Everyone in the room tuned in when you raised your hand with a cup of wine in your hand. It was held high while you spoke. The hand of the king leaned back into his seat right as you spoke; a smug aura was emitting from him. However, the queen had trouble feeling at ease. You felt bad for your mother, as she was only going to feel worse with what she was going to witness.
''Lord Tindall, my family wants to thank you dearly for meeting with us and uniting our houses. You will be a great asset to the Targaryens, and we are delighted to wed the future king's daughter, Jahaera Targaryen, to your youngest, Finley Tindall.'' 
''As am I! '' He interrupted and hit his youngest on the shoulder hard. His acting was so fabulous that you had to give it to him. A small cheer followed his words. You only responded with a small lift of your lips and continued.
''My brother Aegon will ascend the iron throne after his father, the king, Viserys Targaryen, and protect the Seven Kingdoms just like his father had done all the years before him. With our strength combined, we will stop anyone who says otherwise, as they are nothing but traitors to us, an enemy we have and will destroy.'' 
You did not hesitate to emphasise the last bit. A quick glance was shared with your distant uncle and, at the same time, your grandsire-in-law. ''I am sure the ride here took you a long time, and so I want to express our gratitude through a wonderful dessert.''. Many servants began to bring in the dessert.
''I have heard many stories of your hometown, and the foods sounded interesting." With the bowl placed in front of you, I wish to make you feel even more welcome. Good apatite.'' You finished your toast and drank the wine in your hand.
Before taking a seat, you delayed and nodded at one of the guards. When the bowls were set in front of your family as well, they instantly understood. Alicent's expression was one of shock and worry. Otto looked proud but managed to hide it effectively. Helaena played with a bug under the table while trying to avoid glancing at the guests. Aegon's intoxicated self laughed but quickly covered it up by taking another drink. Before that, he gave you a discreet applause, to which you responded with a smirk of your own.
Aemond first looked towards you, looking for a sign of confirmation, and when he got one, his eye was directed to the Lord. His eye followed the way the family began to swallow their hometown's last course. 
''While you eat, I want to confess. My maids, sadly, could not find the right ingredients, and so we had to change a few things.'' You nervously told them, but the second-born spoke fast after you. ''No worries, my lady. This tastes just like the maids at home do it!''
''Oh really?'' You asked, following your grandsire's form. Your back against the chair, a hand holding onto a cup, and the other holding your husband's Your pretending eyes turned sly and dark, and instead of a fake nervous smile, it got replaced by a lazy smirk.
''Then I am glad.'' Even your voice sounded shady. ''I was afraid the peanuts were going to be a distraction.'' This sentence stopped the whole hall. Your family watched with interest when the Tindalls stopped eating their dessert. His wife, Lady Tindall, began to shake with terror. ''P-Peanuts…?''.
Each kid responded differently. The oldest appeared to accept his fate and made an effort to reassure the secondborn one that everything would be alright. The smallest, Finley, started crying, while the second child did nothing but gaze at you with horror written all over his face.
"Y-You cunt!" Bring me Aegon and her head, guards! '' His raspy voice rang out, but all he got in response was silence. Unlike his family, the man with the black hair understood what was happening right away.
He got to his feet and scanned the area. Each of his guards had a severed throat and was lying on the ground. It's unfortunate that Lord Tindall was stuck with his head in the bowl and was unaware of the silent killing.
He hurriedly approached you, his feet pounding the ground so loudly that it echoed. You chose not to move and simply gave him an arrogant shrug. You got blocked by Aemond. Your husband glares at the furious man, watching him hit the ground.
''Th-The Q-Queen! Rhaenyra Velaryon will sit the ir-on throne after Viserys T-Targaryen. I-I pr-omise you tha- Cun….'' He was loyal until his last breath, but it obviously did him and his family no good. Blood was pouring from their eyes, nostrils, and mouth. Aemond slowly made his way back to his seat, almost stumbling over the dead body of Finley Tindall.
''M-My dear? What will we tell the people? Rhaenyra will take this as an act of war, will she not? Father.'' The queen said this while being comforted by her son, Aemond. It was a sight she did not wish to see. 
''Do not worry, mother. Rhaenyra, more like Daemon, cannot do anything as this will only show he had a plan of his own- this is delicious!! My Gosh!'' You interrupted yourself when you tried the dessert. ''A shame they were allergic to peanuts, though, '' you said with a full mouth, ignoring the tense atmosphere around you.
  ''This really isn't bad.'' Aegon muffled and took another spoonful of it. His mother only glanced at him with disbelief. This time Otto spoke and while the king's guards moved the bodies. ''I assume your plan was to lie. We will say an unfortunate accident happened; we had no knowledge of their allergy or a cure. The guards had to be killed because they wanted to kill us. '' Otto told his daughter and offered her the dessert. 
''Exactly. Is it good, my love?'' You beamed and turned to the seat next to you. Aemond nodded at you. ''It is. Perhaps we should give a little to Aemys and Alysys. Our little ones would love it.'' He takes another taste after answering. ''We should.'' You confirmed his thoughts.
The queen was at a loss for words as she observed her children eating in peace. Helaena does appear to be a little uneasy but still emptied the bowl herself. Alicent worries as she looks at her father. After a brief exchange of stares, her father's eyes finally got through to her.
''a-an unfortunate accident… alright.'' She repeated it and took a shaky spoonful of the soft texture. 
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fetusgooseandjuice · 2 years
i saw this promt:
"Please. Stay with me."
A turned to spit out a snide remark, but they bit their
tongue when they saw B's eyes glistening with tears.
... Please," B repeated softly. "I'm scared!"”
could you please write where the reader is scared and says that to shuri? maybe in an enemies to lover situation but that line is like the switch for them? it doesn’t have to be enemies to lovers if you dont want or if you have another ideas!! i love your writings so much and cannot imagine a better writer for it
Please, Stay With Me
Pairings: Knight!Shuri Udaku x Princess!Reader
Summary: When the kingdom gates are breached and your parents enemies have returned in attempt to kidnap you once again, your father assigns Shuri with the task of making sure you get to the safe house unharmed. Is this when your true feelings for each other are finally revealed?
Word Count: 2,176
Warnings: Mentions of violence
Alternate Universe: Your parents are King and Queen of Wakanda. You are a princess while Shuri is your assigned knight. The MCU plot doesn't exist.
A/N: Not my best writing, and I’m not sure if I like how this one turned out because I’ve never written enemies to lovers before, but I tried. Let me know what you think, and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated!
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Second Person POV:
"Udaku, please escort princess Y/N to her room. Make sure she doesn't attempt to pull anymore stunts." your father ordered Shuri.
"Yes, sir." she said with a single nod of her head.
Earlier you had once again left the kingdoms boundaries against your fathers orders to spend time in your favorite spot, the dandelion field. It was located a little ways beyond the kingdom walls that your father forbidden you to exit without a guard for your safety, as you were the princess of Wakanda.
But you didn't care. You quite frankly hated the fact that you were born into royalty because of all the responsibilities it came with. Your parents were always very strict with you, telling you how your focus should be on learning to run the kingdom instead of "playing games and your precious flower field" in their words.
You just wished that you were normal person living a normal life. On the other hand, your knight, Shuri Udaku, couldn't understand why on earth you would ever want to run away from the royal life. You lived in a beautiful palace, had all the delicious food you could hope for, and people who would protect you and do chores for you.
She was annoyed, but found it hard to hate you because you were always so sweet to everyone. Honestly, she thought you were gorgeous and she didn't like to think about it, but she might actually have real feelings for you.
But she couldn't help but be jealous of you. She didn't understand why you had so many privileges, yet didn't want them. Meanwhile, she was living off of the minimal salary she earned from being your knight.
You noticed the subtle glares and irritable heavy sighs Shuri would give you, but you didn't get why she was like that to you. You tried to be nice and make conversation when you first met, but it just seemed like she didn't want to and was only there to do her job, then go home.
So you began to be just as unfriendly to her as she was to you, creating tension between the two of you. If she wanted to be stone-hearted towards you, then you would do the same to her.
As you stood up from the large dinner table, Shuri stayed at your side, walking you to your bedroom.
"Have a nice night, princess." she spoke blankly when you arrived at your door.
She turned to walk away but you stopped her, "Are you like this towards everyone?" you asked.
She turned back around to look at you, "I'm not sure what you mean by that, princess."
"What I mean is that you're always so cold to me. It makes it seem like you hate me or something." you said, explaining what you were trying to say.
"Look, I'm just trying to do my job so I can earn money to afford to live in an actual house with four walls and a roof. Something you'll never have to worry about." she snarked.
"I'm sorry that's the case for you, but that doesn't mean you have to act like a total jerk to people who haven't done anything to you. Seriously, what is your problem?" you voiced, wanting real answers for her behavior towards you.
She just blinked at you for a few seconds, "Good night, princess." she muttered before turning around and walking off.
You sighed, feeling defeated and confused. You didn't know what you did to make the knight dislike you so much. You really just wanted to be able to talk to her without your conversations turning into snarky remarks.
You didn't like to think about the feelings you might have for her either. You've seen the way she laughs and smiles when talking with other guards, and deep down you think it's adorable despite how poorly you two get along.
So let's just say things were complicated.
As the day was now coming to an end you got ready for bed, changing out of your dress and into a white silk nightgown. You read a few chapters off the book you had started in the dandelion field earlier before setting it down and turning off the lamp on your bedside table, falling asleep for the night.
Meanwhile, it was very late at night, nearing 1:00 am when the gates at the front of the kingdom had been breached. Your parents were immediately informed of the situation, and they had no doubt in their mind that it was their rivals attacking for the second time.
They've always had their minds set on capturing you, but no one knew why. That was the reason why your father was so strict with you leaving the kingdom  and who you left with.
The more skilled defense force immediately sprang into action and started fighting back, but they came prepared with more numbers this time around. So it was clear that they might actually succeed in their goal this time.
Your father searched for Shuri, finding her in the armory where she was putting on her gear to go help, "Udaku! You're my best knight, I trust you. I want you to get my daughter, and take her to the safe house I told you about during your training. Go out the back gate, and don't come back until I send someone out to get you, understand?"
"Yes, sir. I won't let you down. The princess will be safe with me." she responded knowing not to question the king, going to follow his orders.
She ran up to the palace bedrooms and knocked on your door, not even waiting for a response before entering knowing that you were probably asleep.
"Princess," she whispered, gently shaking you awake. You tiredly mumble a few incoherent words.
"Princess, I know it is the middle of the night, but you need to get up now. Your father has ordered me to take you to the safe house as those people are back to get you again." she quickly explained.
You sat up to look at her as best as you could. The only light in the room being the moonlight that shines through the window, "Why should I go with you? For all I know you hardly like me, so what makes you think I'd believe you care about my safety?"
"You will go with me if you'd like to continue living freely. Who knows what they will do to you if they finally get their hands on you." she responds, and you just roll your eyes.
Throwing the covers off of your body, you stand to your feet and begin to go through the drawers filled with your clothes.
"What're you doing? We have no time for that, we need to go before they block the back gate off." she grabs your hand and leads you out of the room, rushing down hallway that'll get you outside the quickest.
Trying to avoid all of the commotion, she hopes that she has enough time to get to the stables. Her horse would be the most efficient way to get you out of here, so she makes fast moves of getting it out of the stall.
"If we don't run into any interferences and all goes as planned, then we should get there in no more than thirty minutes." she spoke, helping you onto the horse.
"You must be so excited to spend a half hour this close to me." you muttered under your breath, wrapping your arms around her waist to hold on.
"Ok, can we not do this right now. There are people actively trying to kidnap you, so we don't have time for this." she said, sounding annoyed and you just huffed as she quickly led the horse out of the stables and in the direction of where you needed to go.
When you arrived she helped you off the horse and guided you inside the small, secluded house. It was located in the woods, so all of the trees made it uneasy to spot, especially at night.
"What're we supposed to do now?" you asked, turning on the dim light and looking around the unfamiliar room.
"Sit and wait. Keep you out of harms way until your father sends someone out to come get us." she answered blankly. "If you want to go back to sleep, the bedroom is in there." she pointed towards the only other door in the house besides the front door.
You of course were tired considering you were woken up from your sleep in the middle of the night, and then drug half an hour away from your kingdom.
So you entered the bedroom, closing the door and dusting off the sheets before climbing into the bed. Laying there awake for few minutes, you didn't think you'd get to sleep anytime soon now that the scary reality of the situation was setting in.
You still tried to fall asleep until you heard yelling in the distance coming from outside. You sat up and looked out the window that was right next to your bed. You saw the warm lights of lanterns through the trees, but the people who were holding them did not have warm intentions.
They were the people who were looking for you.
You were about to get up to get Shuri until she opened the door and rushed to the window, looking out of it just as you were.
"Do they know we're here?" you asked with a shaky voice.
She stared out the glass for a few more seconds before answering, "I don't think so. It's night, so we're well hidden." she answered, standing up straight to leave the room.
"Where are you going?" you spoke with a small voice.
"To go keep watch. Someone has to make sure you stay safe." she responded as she started to shut the door.
"Wait. Please stay with me." you quietly whimpered out.
Shuri turned around to spit out a snide remark, but bit her tongue when she saw your eyes glistening with tears.
"...please." you repeated softly, "I'm scared."
Her heart practically shattered into pieces at those words. Everything she convinced herself to feel for you before disintegrated as compassion and the desire to comfort you took over.
She immediately took off her heavy armor, leaving her in her black compression shirt and pants. She climb into bed with you, letting you curl up to her, gripping her shirt so tightly she thought it might rip.
Her hand went to rub your back over your lace nightgown, "Shhh it's okay. I'm here, I'm so sorry." she whispered.
"I know you hate me because I annoy you or whatever, but can you please just stay here the rest of the night?" you sniffled.
If it was possible, her heart broke even more hearing you think that she didn't like you, "Of course, but I don't want you to think I hate you."
You looked up at her through teary eyes, "What?"
She sighed, "Princess, if anything I'm infatuated with you. I know how I treated you, but I was jealous. You had everything I didn't have, yet you didn't want it. You wanted to run off and read books in a dandelion field." she lightly chuckled at the last sentence.
You were shocked, but confused at her words, "You could've just talked to me about how you felt."
"I know. I know, and I should've. But I'm not very good with that kind of stuff so I tried to convince that if I acted like I hated you, then those feelings would go away, but I just can't anymore." she said and you stayed silent.
"Now you’re probably the one that hates me." she mumbled mostly to herself.
"What? Shuri, I could never hate you. I just thought you did, so I reciprocated. All I wanted was for you to like me because I knew I liked you." you admitted and her heart fluttered hearing you say that.
She gazed down at you, everything in her body was screaming at her to kiss you, but she could see how your eyes were struggling to stay open. So she opted to just save it for another time when the circumstances where also better.
"I'm sorry. I guess I kind of fueled the fire." you spoke quietly.
"No, don't apologize. I should be the one saying that. But you look like you're gonna pass out any second, so go to sleep." she said in a hushed voice and you giggled, laying your head on her chest.
She wrapped her arms around you, mentally lecturing herself for the way she acted and not telling you sooner.
But both of your secrets are out, and it seems like the only way for your relationship to go now is up.
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angelicjungwon · 10 months
heeseung - enemies to lovers kinda thing
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plot: you and heeseung are at the same uni, sharing the same classes and exchanging glances every chance you get.
you hated him, he hated you. it was a mutual feeling, at least that‘s what you thought.
but one party and a few drinks changed it all.
word count: 1089
tw: heeseung being mean, suggestive talk (tiniest bit), university & classes lmao, alcohol, idk if i forgot something
There he was again, sitting right where you were able to see him. He wasn’t listenting to the lecture, all he was doing was staring at you and pretending to take notes.
You knew he never studied or took notes, this man was not only gifted with his looks but also with a great memory. He didn‘t need notes or books, all he had to do was listening to watch the professor said once and it was embedded in his brain.
He was your ideal type to be exact. He was smart, handsome, tall, had a great fashion sense and he loved tea, coffee and books as much as you did.
You have met him way too many times at your favourite café but you avoided him.
You two rarely exchanged words, only if needed to.
The reason you disliked each other was easy - you two liked each other but your pride was too high to accept it.
He was known to be a player, at least rumors made him to be and you hated player with a passion but that was not the only reason.
He once made a remark to his friend group, stating that he‘d never in a million years go out with someone like you.
Usually it wouldn’t hurt you hear a man say that, of course it‘s a little off putting but you knew well enough that it usually comes from men who are insecure, however him saying that kinda hurt, considering that he never really talked to you before.
He was making you lose your mind and focus, every class you attended your focus was on him and him only.
"You‘re staring at Heeseung again." Your friend Jungwon said, shaking your shoulder a little. "But this time in disgust, stop it, it looks weird." He added, making you chuckle. "Why does he keep looking at me if he thinks I‘m so ugly."
You muttered under your breath, your eyes not leaving Heeseung.
"I don‘t know, go ask him yourself." Jungwon chuckled and pushed your head to face the tutor. "You look desperate…"
And with that, you only side eyed him for the rest of the lesson before heading out once it was over, deciding to get coffee at your favourite local café while reading over the notes you made during class.
"Stalking me, hm?" A familiar voice asked, you looked up and rolled your eyes. "You wish." You mumbled, facing your notes again. The person you least wanted to see right now, Heeseung himself.
"Jake is having a party at his parents place, they‘re out of town. You should come." He said, handing you a piece of paper with the address. "Why would I?" You asked, making him laugh. "Jungwon said he won’t come if we don‘t invite you. Be a good friend and just stay for at least an hour. I haven’t talked to him in ages, I wanna catch up a little." He said, causing you to roll your eyes at him.
"I‘ll think about it."
And with that you sat in your dorm room, staring at the blank wall of your non-existent roommate. You enjoyed that you were alone, you‘d dislike it more if you had someone in your room every single day and lets not forget, that if you ever felt lonely, Jungwon would spend the night over, telling you all about his dance practices.
You took out your phone to text him, letting him know you‘ll join him on his way to the party, making sure to mention that it was only for an hour and that you two will leave as fast as possible.
Well, let‘s say, the plan did not work out, as two hours later, you were on Jake‘s couch, a little too tipsy, talking to Sunghoon, a friend of Jake, about the most weirdest things possible. It began with eating habits and now turned into 'imagine you could drink soup with your butthole' kinda conversations.
"Are you and Jungwon a couple?" Heeseung said as he took a seat next to you, handing you a cup of whatever alcoholic drink it was.
"Nope, we‘re just friends, no worries, you have Jungwon all to yourself." You replied sarcastically, taking a sip from the cup in your hand as you turned your attention back to Sunghoon.
His eyes never left you, however whenever he did turn away, your eyes didn‘t leave him. Every once in a while you two caught each other staring, however once you two had enough alcohol in your blood, it almost turned into a staring contest. You were in one corner for the room, he was in another, eyes never leaving each other.
You both clearly had the same thought process in that moment, the tension was so intense, everyone else was able to feel it as well.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone, his closest friends new he wanted you the day he met you. He couldn’t stop talking about you and once they asked why he didn’t just ask you out, he‘d find excuse like 'not my type' or 'not interested' but everyone knew that he was just too butthurt about the fact that you didn‘t swarm over him like everyone else did.
That was his way of coping, they supposed.
"Heeseung stop staring at (y/n), just go ask-" before Jake could finish his sentence, Heeseung was already on his way over to you.
"I know you want me." He said, leaning over to you, causing you to laugh. "More like, you want me. I see you eyeing me down from back there." He smirked at your response, he did want you.
"Fuck you‘re right." He mumbled, staring at your lips before licking his own. "You have no idea how much I want you, love." He added, eyes back on yours.
"But as much as I do, I would prefer to have this conversation again once we‘re both sober. As the gentleman I am, I‘d like my partners to not be intoxicated before I make any moves. Gotta make sure everything is consensual." He exhaled, unlocking his phone before handing it to you.
"How about you and I get coffee after class on Monday?" He suggested, making you smile.
"Mhm, sounds good to me." You replied, typing your number in his phone before handing it back.
"And bring a list of your favourite books and songs at the moment, I‘d love to get to know you." He winked before leaning back on the couch, getting involved in everyone‘s normal conversations again.
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shmowderslut · 3 months
I recently started a "im going to read EVERYTHING" bachelor playthrough, and im surpriced i havent seen anyone talk about the many-legged fugitive side quest. Im sick and feel like my brain is filled with rats, so here's my unorganized and unholy feelings about it.
First of all the house you need to go in is *not* easy to find, it is not the nearest house to the staircase (also theres two of them!) and definetly isnt visible from the stillwater. I have to confess, i needed to look it up online, and even the guide had misplaced the marker! As always, the frustration fuels me, and makes my love this game even more. And this is day 1! Its a nightmare and i love it. If youre stuck here, its okay, it seems like so many people were too.
Plot and character spoilers under the cut!
Okay now into the juicy stuff. Technically not about the quest yet, but we're getting there.
You get the quest talking to Lara Ravel, after learning about her from talking to Yulia in the main mission. A thing i dont think is mentioned a lot is that Yulia dislikes Lara Ravel. Now Yulia being a queer woman in stem (i will not accept criticism on this) She raves about all the other women like theire goddesses (they are) but she sees Lara as ungenuine and almost sad.
"She pities everyone she comes across, for she knows they will all die just like her dearly departed. She sees a corpse in everyone she looks upon"
And maybe i havent been paying attention, but this is very different from how Lara is usually portrayed, as a literal angel and a philanthropist. She always stood out to me as a surprisingly simple and good character is pathologic, so i was exactic to find out this detail of hers. Also the relationship says a lot about Yulia and her no-nonsense attitude, that she values honesty over good deeds.
Then we finally get to the quest in itself, where Lara tells you the children have brought an old dangerous game back. They used to play doctor using a dangerous mix of medicine and pretend healed eachother. She asks you to find a secret stash these kids hid and destroy all the shmowders (again, i went a lil insane trying to find the house). Unfortunately the bachelor is just too late, again, and the stash has been distributed among the children.
Theres 2 dogheads you can talk to, one of them tells you more about shmowders. That they doent believe in shmowders and its the little kids who are playing epidemic with deadly conjuctures. They blame Capella for distributing them, and all the kids should just go to the polyhedron to stay safe.
The second doghead tells you that yes, the shmowders do work and they came in use the last outbreak. That the kids were safe in the polyhedron, but some of them wandered out and made shmowders. Shmowders that were stored in this stash, but have now disappeared. Also as a fun fact, he tells you the spesific people who made the shmowders. Now i dont recognize these, but if you do please tell me.
"The original ones were made by Catchfly, but they were no good; the disease would pass, but the person would pass away along with it. But then Beaker's brothers made some nice ones. Crowfoot's weren't too shabby, and neither were Flanky's..."
I just think its neat to have an in universe reason the pumpkin girl sometimes carries a shmowder. Also this plays into what i think is the most prevalent pathologic theme, two impossible truths existing at the same time. The shmowders are a live saving medicine AND poison. Its childrens imagination AND real. You get the jist, my head hurts and im going to sleep
Also if you read this far, thank you?!? I am in no state to check this for clarity, but im pretty rambly (battling to not write a fanfic about this quest) and this is not my native language
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Weeping Siren
Inspired by this post, but not the same thing.
Had this amazing idea I couldn't let go.
So basically, Danny's home world was destroyed, and none of his friends or family are alive or even dead with him. I'm not sure what caused thus but probably some sort of dumb GIW plot. This act also damages, but not destroy, the ghost zone/infinite realms.
Danny becomes the ghost king, sure he might have a bit of paper work, but in this story the main job of the ghost king is to keep the ghost zone working/safe, and even protect it should he have to. Because the ghost zone is damaged, he spends most of his time feelings himself through the ghost zone and fixing areas, maybe this is why the Lazarus pits exist?
Anyways, since Danny's always stressed and is grieving/will always grief his home, the ghosts always feel the sorrow of their great king, whom they all grow protective of, and who they greatly love and appreciate.
Danny takes to singing to relieve stress, help him pass the time, and even let him grief in a safe way. Despite this and the love of his people, being in the ghost zone and effectively working even when he can sleep, it all starts getting to him. So he starts performing his songs to the ghosts, telling his stories, his wishes, his love and grief, what he wishes could've happened, and what he hope WILL happen, all through his songs.
Yet he is still in the ghost zone, and so the ghost suggests he performs to the many dimensions and universes that the ghost zone is connected to, it is infinite after all.
And so he does.
From here the ghost king gains a reputation for being a great, yet sad king. A being that could destroy dimensions without trying being in perpetual grief. His stage name becomes the Weeping Siren.
It continues like this.
My idea come from a story where the JL see Constantine being excited/ecstatic for once. They ask what's up and John says the Weeping Siren is going to perform in their universe soon, and he's excited to attend.
One thing leads to another and John or Zatanna convince the other members to join, or the other way around, the JL convinces the two to take them. Either way they tell the JL time and space and everything stops for those who attend, so there are no consequences, and everyone can have a chance to join. And they want the JL beings from different dimensions and universe will most likely be attending as well.
If you want to go even crazier you can add different versions of the Justice league or those they know, like many different versions of Jason Todd attend and things like that.
I imagine it like a bar/dinner kinda vibe, with a stage that Danny steps on to. He's obviously going to be dressed androgynously, and it's hard to say if he seems more ghost or human, as his forms have long since practically merged with eachother. Sure he could shift more to one of his sides, but he accepts hes both, so he becomes both.
Danny sings songs, even the happier songs have a wisp of sorrow or longing in them.
A song I'd add is Nobody by Mitski. Idk why, but it resonates with me, and I think It'd resonate with this Danny.
This danny totally wears dresses, and i imagine he wears darker colors, more blacks with chains, as well as have glasses that look perscripting perched on his head like you would sunglasses. With a certain flower in his hair. Nods to Tucker and Sam. Yes he wears pants and combat boots popular my many world's men. He'd wear biker gloves and all in all he'd change up his outfits, wearing a multitude of different things popular of both genders. Yet the flower, the dark colors, those glasses, they always stay consistent.
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starry-blue-echoes · 7 months
Okay, I just got here. Sorry for intruding and I'm kind of freaking out about part 4 of Star Swap.
Because there are two Jotaros. Why is nobody talking about the fact that there are two Jotaros? Am I missing something??? 
Unless I am completely failing in Star Swap lore, in order to not become super convoluted and insane, a universe is localized to a Swap… probably? Anyway from what I understand three universes have an event happening in them and Star Swap is a series… except there's also an OLDER Jotaro here in Part 4! which would be the same Jotaro that experienced part 4 as Josuke! Which is causing problems in my brain.
… I was thinking it's either Joseph and Giono is the exception -Thanks to Hermit Purple Rrequiem- and swaps actually jumps across universes making Older Part 4 Jotaro have that Canon backstory.
…Or… hear me out..
 Specifically, Jotaro gets some of that Time Jumpy Amnesia and has not a single fucking clue what happened to himself.
No one else
He is the sole one that gets bonk with a forgot stick
For all Jotaro knows: he blacked out, got possessed, and went to Egypt. Everything went well. His mom got cured and people survived, but STILL. said person that possessed him made a bunch of friends and now Jotaro has to deal with them. HE has to rely on other people's information to figure out what the hell HAPPENED.
Jotaro still gets that Battle Experience in and gets those cryptic forgotten fog of memories from the trip But Yeah
Jotaro has no idea what happened to him when that guy was possessing him. Jotaro doesn't know! he doesn't remember shit!!! All people got is theories.
I have a lot of thoughts and this is probably not even an issue.ARGGGG
.. I'm here thinking that for The Star Swap parts 3 and 4 to connect in an interesting way is Memory Blockage or else Part 4 Older Jotaro would have to walk on fucking eggshells if something wasn't blocking his memories because if he talks or says anything that doesn't link up then he breaks time. Jotaro's fault for actively getting involved!
Probably. I don't know!!! I'm just thinking!!! 
you're correct, Parts 3 and 4 have been criminally neglected amongst all this chaos, so this is p e r f e c t
to clarify the universe shenanigans of everything: I've always been thinking that each "set" exists in its own universe. 1 and 6, 2 and 5, and then 3 and 4 all exist in their own sort of "pocket universe" just so we don't need to keep track of of all the inevitable changes and how they influence each other
that being said, funnily enough what you've brought up with Jotaro is REALLY close to what I've been imagining too!
Jotaro is So Fucking Lost when he wakes up back home. He feels like complete and utter shit and is covered in more bandages than he's ever had before. The last thing he remembers is his mom leaving after visiting him in the prison cell after he tried to shoot himself with Star Platinum
only...... when did Star Platinum have a name? When had it stopped being an evil spirit?
when had he stopped being scared of it?
Kakyoin and Joseph are of course INCREDIBLY worried by Jotaro's apparent and very sudden shift in personality. And of course, this panic only multiplies when they find they think Jotaro's stand has been changed as well. They immediately think it's a Stand attack......
but then Holly steps forward and denies this. That this is how Jotaro normally acts and more importantly, that she remembers seeing Star in the jail
now, technically this might be bending the rules a little bit, but I think it would be interesting to give Holly some..... memory weirdness. Maybe we can tie it into her Stand somehow, or maybe it's just For The Plot, but Holly has two distinct sets of memories before she collapsed from her illness
One where Jotaro comes home with her, quiet and awkward and open in a way he hadn't been since he was a child. And another where he refused to leave and shot himself in an attempt to goad a spirit hovering over his shoulder
this then raises the incredibly uncomfortable idea that the Jotaro they'd gone to Egypt with was the imposter. That there had been a fake in their midst the entire time and they never knew. Was he working with Dio? Another group? What was his goal? Why had he done it? And of course, the biggest question of all, where was Jotaro the entire time and why doesn't he remember?
because it's obvious Jotaro was somewhere. He has skills and knowledge he hadn't before. He's different, he's grown in some ways, but has receded in others
Electricity and loud sounds terrify him in a way that can't be described as simple fear
they do what they can to help and figure things out, but they can never find any leads. It actually during these investigations that Jotaro decides to start working with the Speedwagon Foundation on the side and "rekindles" his friendships with the Crusaders
(he finds himself drawn to Kakyoin at times. Or to be more specific, he's drawn to his Stand. The colors and shapes and eyes all feel so tantalizingly familiar, and sometimes he finds himself talking to the being as if expecting a response)
years go by, and the fog around his memories stays. It bothers him less as more time passes and he makes new memories with people who had a headstart on their relationship, but there's always a quiet niggling in the back of his mind about what could've happened
and then a decade later he finds a boy with a different face but identical Stand and temperament to match
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ad-hawkeye · 5 months
Having absolutely no context for your Lovebrush posting almost makes me want to stay clueless about the plot because there's something so funny about seeing the same guy be this really nice sweet guy and then next post is about his war crimes. Please keep it up I'm deeply enthused - an Artem follower
second of all - this made me laugh so hard. im not even joking i stashed this in my inbox for a bit because i wanted to reply properly. so i apologize for the wait!!
lbc is. so stupidly complicated and i love it so much. okay. so like. the sparknotes summary. if you want it.
the mc is a "traveler", aka someone who can travel through space and time. there is only one of her across every universe.
cael (one of the love interests) is also a traveler and is from a War Criminal Planet universe where war crimes are the norm and emotions are SO not cool. there is also only one of him across every universe. he is also immortal.
the other love interests (ayn, alkaid, clarence, lars) are "paragons", who are basically four guys who manifest in every alternate universe and act as their worlds' last line of defense in the event they are ever threatened.
two different au versions cannot exist in the same universe as their souls will either combine, or one will take over the other.
their alternate selves are all different people, but are the same at their core. they have the same "nature", but very different "nurtures" due to the differences in their backgrounds and home planets.
of course, this means there are also "paragons" on the War Criminal Planet cael is from. so while they have some similarities due to their nature deep down, their nurture has made them. uh. well uh. insane??? lmao??
so basically this means while each alkaid tends to be friendly and patient, you also get the prefect luminary, who was raised in a world where our morals are flip flopped and what is good here is bad there. the fun in lbc is seeing how these two very different alkaids are similar, and how they are VERY different due to their upbringing.
for example, alkaids tend to be very image conscious. this manifests in modern alkaid as coming across as unassuming and nice to everyone to get them off his back. while it is in his nature to be nice, it is also in his nature to be perceptive and sharp as a tack. something he tries not to be too open about in the modern world for backstory reasons.
in the prefect, this manifests as someone who feels the need to overcompensate and try to exert their power to be the prime example of a prefect in the empire (war criminal planet). any deep down kindness is smothered. his perceptiveness and sharpness, however, is on full display.
these two alkaids' ways of "fitting in" are veeery different due to their environment.
BUT YEAH. basically take the au cards in tot and just. imagine rosa going through time and space and meet all of them and each of them have a route and stuff.
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