#I imagine that he absconded to evershade to seek assistance from the professor
spewpurr · 3 years
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Dimentio is no stranger to finding loopholes in the Dark Prognosticus, so when Luigi ends up MIA, he finds another man in green... skin.
This, but like. I imagine they’re slightly more antagonistic towards each other in the beginning. Thorn-in-my-side to lovers, if you will.
Also, a bit of rambling about my spin on it, because I’m interested:
1.) I don’t see Peasley as being, like. Completely blind to the fact that Dimentio is trying to pull SOMETHING, even if he doesn’t know what it is. I mean, this is the same bean that thought of the idea to replace Princess Peach with a transmogrified Birdo— he’s no stranger to deception.
But he’s also, like, A.) a diplomatic and optimistic prince, who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt, and B.) a professional spy who seeks out valuable intel from dangerous situations. So he sees this funky little jester with his Definitely-Not-Shady-at-all prophecy and says:
“You know what? Sure. I’ll allow for the possibility that there’s something genuine here, and tentatively follow along for the time being to see where this leads me. I’ll even do some of the reaching myself, just to be cooperative. Best case scenario, it IS genuine, and I’ve saved all worlds from certain doom. Worst case scenario, it ISN’T genuine, and I’ve successfully invaded their operation to sabotage it from the inside.”
(His pride DOES blind him to the third option, though, which is that it’s NOT genuine, but he completely and utterly fails to actually DO anything about it because he’s overpowered or brainwashed or what-have-you.)
2.) I really don’t think Dimentio would let Peasley close enough to the Dark Prognosticus to read it, ESPECIALLY before he can confirm his loyalty, but like— If Peasley’s purple prose is anything to go by, that bean is a language nerd. And I feel like that’s a significant character trait to establish when we’re exploring his chemistry with Dimentio, who loves loopholes and wordplay (and who strikes me as the academic type, underneath all the exaggerated tomfoolery).
3.) Given that Peasley is still trying to determine Dimentio’s intentions (but suspects that he’s acting in bad faith), he tests the waters by candidly insulting him. (Trying someone’s patience can reveal a lot about their intentions, and how genuinely they’re begging for help.)
4.) I imagine Dimentio would react more cheerfully to being insulted here, to keep up the facade of being a harmless and helpful ally, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to draw him with expressively droopy hat tails. (The idea that his hat tails are emotive like cat ears is very fun to me.)
5.) Consider: two incredibly prideful master manipulators, who are both, independently, trying to manipulate the other. *chef’s kiss*
6.) Once Dimentio gets Peasley to follow him to Castle Bleck, I imagine they’d want to seal the deal by giving him the ol’ razzle dazzle (read: Nastasia’s hypnotizing spell), but it wouldn’t be terribly conducive to a story about how their feelings for each other develop if they don’t have time to establish a connection before one of them has their will totally overwritten. My solution: They TRY to brainwash him, but Beans have, like... reflective cat eyes (or something else to that effect), such that Nastasia can’t just flash Peasley into submission. (...INCREDIBLY poor word choice, I know.)
7.) Beans are plants? And I’m really curious how— or if— that would affect the Floro Sprout’s efficacy, when Dimentio eventually pulls that betrayal out of his sleeve. Maybe being made of plant matter makes it easier for the Floro Sprout to possess him more completely? Or perhaps the opposite— that something made of roots and chlorophyll like the Floro Sprout can’t very easily dig into and possess something else made of roots and chlorophyll, so Peasley is virtually immune to it?
8.) Final point (for now), but like. Beanish culture puts a very heavy emphasis on jokes and laughter and the like, whereas Shaman culture leans more serious, with mounds of academic texts and a heavy emphasis on, like, Divining the Ultimate Fate of All Worlds. So a Bean who is very posh and pedantic and a Shaman who is very irreverent and LITERALLY plays the part of a fool is... inchresting.
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