#I hope you're enjoying these excerpts. :D I'm loving writing them.
blue-kyber · 2 years
When you write your strong, talented, brave, self-sacrificing MC hero who saved everyone devolving into a whiny little shit. :D
(from today's edit of "Out There: The 1K - part 2)
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[Jeina] tucked her hands into her pockets, “As for teaching you how to see, I mean it. Right here. Right now.”
“And I told you it’s impossible.”
“Ah, you told me what you think is impossible.”
“Uh huh. Ok,” Yune harrumphed with tar-thick sarcasm. “Glad you’re here to tell me these things.”
“Alright, then prove me wrong. Follow my instructions exactly as I tell you, and if you can’t see after giving it your best, honest effort, then I’ll concede.” 
“Biology doesn’t work that way.”
“So quick to accept the worst of a situation.” she shook her head, “Well, then, since you’re officially a permanent resident here, you and Will are welcome to claim the upstairs room as your own. Divide it down the middle, or whatever you want. Do what you want with it. It’s yours. We'll bring your ship here as promised," she rested her hand in gentle sympathy on his shoulder, "This is your home now, Yune. You won’t be cast out of it.” 
An ache at never seeing the stars again, of never feeling the satisfying thrill of soaring through the sky again knotted in his chest.
He belonged up there. A need to be up there, to explore, to fly, had pulsed through him all his life.
To not experience that again - the one thing he lived for - to be trapped on the ground, would be a soul-killer. He could already feel his soul constricting, writhing, and screaming inside him remembering the past. He didn’t ever want to feel that again, and wanted to scream out loud.
There was no guarantee she could fix the complicated tech. He faced losing his first love forever if she failed.
This might not work, but if he had a vague chance of getting his sight back, he could at least do his best to entertain her unorthodox idea. 
He heard the door slide open. “Wait.”
She paused, bearing a slight smile of relief. She'd hoped he would come to this conclusion.
He stepped away from the edge, “What do I have to do?”
The rain let up seconds later, and the air grew colder as the clouds broke up. Either they were in the eye of the storm, or that was a small, violent one that passed. 
“Come with me.” Jeina took his right hand and coached him down the two steps to the ground.
One step into the wet dirt made him stop and cuff his pants up to below his knees. He didn’t need his feet matching their color, “I’m putting my shoes on.”
“Nope,” she snared him from heading back inside and pulled him out into the valley.
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Grudgingly, he went with her. “Oh, come on. You can’t still be on about this whole ‘grounding’ thing. It’s muddy out here.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Yeah, because you’re wearing boots – ech,” he lifted his right foot, “I think I just stepped in something that’s not mud.”
“I’m leading you around the obvious scak piles, but I might miss one or two. It’ll wash off in puddles as you walk.”
“This is some kind of odd torture, isn’t it. What did I do in a previous life to deserve this?” 
“Are you done complaining?”
“No. I’ve not yet begun to fight.”
“You can’t always be this annoying.”
“You keep insisting I’m a kid, so we’ll have it your way. Fine. I’m a kid. It’s my job to be annoying.”
“Well, you’re excelling remarkably at it.”
“Thank you–ach!” more gunk he was sure wasn’t mud squished between his toes. “Uch. This had better be worth it,” he kept going, trying to shake off the gunk, “This is the worst.”
That was one of the many things he loved about space; no organic presents to step in.
The cold, wet ground chilled his bare feet to the crisp crackle of grass and ‘squish-squelsh’ of mud. A brisk wind fluttered his loose clothing. “Taking a blind man on a hike barefoot through a minefield of scak. Great idea.”
She sighed. It was like she was dealing with two of her old friends again when they were this age and she had to guard them. She saw them in this salvager’s eyes, and heard them in his personality.
She knew why he’d transformed into a big child. For one, he was one - he just didn’t believe it - and two, awakening from a lighrey too early will turn the most amiable, pleasant person into an exceedingly cranky, irritable creature that would try even an Ai Hiri’s legendary patience. 
For anyone else, the effects would be like not sleeping at all for three days straight. 
Until he went back to sleep, she would have to deal with a taller, older-looking version of Will.  “Three-hundred years, and it never gets easier,” she mumbled to herself.
It didn’t take long before the effects of being forced out of a lighrey too early hit him suddenly like a meteor. Fatigue turned his limbs into the heavy density of pure karrelite, and the lack of energy gave him shortness of breath. 
“We couldn’t have… done this… inside?” he huffed and puffed.
The parallels between him and Will were amusing. The two were cut from the same cloth, “Being out here will have more of an impact. Trust me.” 
“Sure. Right,” he panted, “Obviously.” he seasoned in as much sarcasm as possible, “What was I thinking.”
She stopped to let him rest against a large white chunk of masonry for a moment.
“Are we there yet?” he tried to look like he wasn’t carrying a small moon on his back.
His hand brushed across the rough, dimpled surface of the boulder. It felt exactly like the one near the house, “Where’d all these rocks come from anyway?”
“I’ll tell you later,” she pulled him away from the rock by his hand, “Come on. Just a little further.”
He groaned from having to keep moving, wondering why he agreed to this crazy idea.
 He wasn’t sure how far out she’d taken him, but it would be a decent trek back to the homestead - at least in his current pathetic state. 
Finally, they came to a stop. “This is it.”
Thank everything they’d stopped. He wanted to sit down - scratch that, he wanted to take a nap, “You’d…said it was…a little…further. That was…more than…a little,” he slumped, bracing his hands against his thighs to catch his breath, “You…lied.”
“I’ve never lied to you once, Yune, I’m not about to start now.” 
“Where’d you… take me, the…the mountains?”
“We’re in the middle of the valley,” she stated.
That wasn’t more than a quarter of a mile. The small valley stretched half a mile wide from the eastern hills to the lake, and from there, another mile. It stretched a mile-and-a-half sideways from mountainside to mountainside. And the house sat a little ways forward of where the hills began. He chastised himself for being this exhausted at half the distance he could normally run with minimal effort.
His sarcastic exclamation echoed loudly enough to disturb some nearby nathreep into a mild, startled bleating, “Great!”
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About a minute passed for him to recover. “Ok, against my better judgment, I’m here,” he spread his arms out, “Now what?”
She slipped the blindfold away from his eyes.
He blinked in darkness at the cold breeze brushing across his exposed skin. 
“Now your training begins.”
Her professor-esque tone cut down his smugness. “I kind of don’t like the implications of how you said that.”
Tag list: @muddshadow @cedar-west @athenixrose @penspiration-writing @runningoutofbooks @tobiornottobithatisthequestion @roll-top-writing @subject-2-change @dreaming-in-seams @mismatchingart @midnights-melodiverse
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altraviolet · 6 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well! Just an ask abt the ch47 spoiler(thanks for that btw<3)
So in one of the paragraphs it says he feels love for sw and thinks of him as a sorta lover because sw cares for him in a way no not has but doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift. My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
(I just wanted to thank you for getting me into reading mtmte, I'm currently on issue #26 :D)
Before I read teg I had no idea what mtmte was so I just took your description of every character and just rolled with it, but now that I have read a few comics and have a somewhat grasp on their canon attitudes, I can confidently say that you wrote them so well! Every description and attitude you gave the characters matched up so perfectly I just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Also I'm very sorry if this is reaches you at 4am I'M VERY VERY SORRY
yayyyy I'm glad you picked up mtmte!! isn't it good?!?! I'm glad you enjoy the comic and that the fic's characterization works well with it.
>My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
Okay I'll admit I've read this question a bunch of times and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. I thiiiiink the 'he' refers to Rodimus. I think you're asking, "has Rodimus shown any signs of liking SW and I missed it?" and I don't really have an answer to that, as I don't know what you've gotten out of the text. I think the answer here is: yes?
The fic is told mostly through SW's point of view, so while we haven't seen Rodimus pine over SW, we have gotten other clues as to how he feels. The ch 47 excerpt is the most explicit statement we've gotten about it: we see Rodimus drawing a ton of parallels between waking up with SW and waking up with Drift. As you said, he "doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift." So that part at least is clear.
You want examples of Rodimus becoming close to SW from earlier in the story? They're there. The biggest one is probably holding SW's hand, unprompted, in 2938. Usually I don't mind writing out examples and details, but I'mma be honest with you, I'm really tired xD If you ever feel like rereading the fic, keep an eye on Rodimus as you go. Watch him slowly change. There is definitely a first time he laughs at a SW joke. We do see him acknowledge his own obsession with alt dimensioners until they're assimilated. He tells SW a really big secret very early on. We see him share his private screaming place (the dead zone). We see how hurt he is when SW avoids him after The Irradion incident. We just usually see all these things from SW's point of view, so they don't feel as definitive.
Hope that helps/answered the question :)
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merakiui · 9 months
8) There’s so much to love about your writings!!! My gosh, I the characterization, the setting, the way you weave in details that utterly change with the ending once you recontextualize clues…
I also love how, depending on the context, the reader’s personality fits the situation and your readers are so relatable!!! They are all sympathetic to a degree and there is a reason why they are the way they are.
Plus, your ramblings are bite sized and easy to digest, which makes it all the more compelling and fun once you give us entire meals!
Also the themes? Symbolism? Pretty much everything you write has a purpose and I aspire to write like you!!!
9) Anything octatrio related! I’m not ready for TMDG, but I know it’s gonna be a blast!!! And your Azul thoughts (both planned sequels and future original thoughts) are always a treat!!! And let’s not forget about our cute, fluffy boy!!! (Give him more spotlight, I feel like he’s being neglect sometimes >.<)
3) Octatrio again, but with a special mention to Jade. I’ve taken inspiration from the way you’ve written him and have received positive feedback! Your Jade is so conniving and devious, but catch him at the right moment and he’ll be soft as his mushrooms he likes to forage! (It’s all an act, he’s acting cute just for you 0.0)
(ask game)
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WAAAAAAAAA OMG OMG...... you're too nice. T_T I read your messages with such a happy smile omg omg omg... >w< thank you so much!!!!
I'm so glad you can enjoy all of those facets of my writing! I am a sucker for symbolism. It will have to be pried out of my hands before I ever stop putting lots of symbolism in my writing hehe. >:D and relatable readers!!! :o thank you for saying so! I always hope the reader's personality can be enjoyed in my fics. Their interactions with certain characters are so different depending on the type of reader, and I try to write a different sort of reader for each fic just to add more flavor to the plot. Like a reader who greatly dislikes the yandere (in the context of DRU or Love me Not) or a reader who is head over heels for the yandere (like in Azul thought 4). It's also just really fun to write a variety of varying personalities for each reader and to see which would clash/connect with the character's personality!
Hehehe I fear no one will be ready for the monster that is TMDG. ^^;;;; like Azul thought 4, it's a concept that plagued my brain so much that it compelled me to create a playlist for it and it has me looking up all manner of moray eel courtship to slyly add into the scenes. I'm very excited to share it with everyone! ^0^ it's quite a lengthy read, but I hope such a thing can be acceptable. orz
And my Azul thoughts omg!!! Thank you for liking them! Azul is my beloved muse. He's just so fun to write for. I put him in so many concepts and he never fails to entertain! And then there's our beloved Floyd... admittedly, he has been a little neglected as of late. Rightfully so! >:( he was too troublesome during his basketball card rate-up!! But he is always properly loved on the blog hehe. <3
AAAAAAA thank you for liking the way I write Jade!!!!! He is very devious and conniving; that is a good way to describe him! I love him a lot because he's an eerie menace and a danger to all, but beyond that he can be so incredibly soft at certain moments. Just like the mushrooms he loves so much as you wrote!!! Maybe it's an act, or maybe it's the truth. It's so hard to tell with him, but when he's being so soft and sweet how can you not feel so fluffy? Not to share yet another excerpt from TMDG, but he's so soft!!!!!!! This is an eel who is so unabashedly in love with you and he's just barely treading the line between friend and lover. I love writing him in this way. In my mind, you hold the leash and he is happily, pleasantly collared (for now hehehe).
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triptychgrip · 2 months
New chapter of Put It In Reverse For Thirst: my story about married Viktuuri writing a role-reversal fanfic
I've always loved the headcanon that established Viktuuri would enjoy writing sappy fanfiction together, and especially love Yuri!!! On Ice role-reversal fanfics, so decided to combine these two ideas! The result is my 4 chapter meta fic called Put It In Reverse For Thirst, which you can read here.
This story centers around Yuuri and Viktor -- who at this point, have been married for just over one year -- reading/role-playing their friends-to-lovers fic about 23-year-old skater Viktor revealing his feelings for his coach: "Living Legend" Katsuki Yuuri.
The chapter I just uploaded was my favorite to write, as it involved the highly sappy in-fic love confession, which, unsurprisingly, makes "real life" Viktuuri emotional when reading it. I'm including an excerpt of the latest chapter below, and hope you'll check it out and/or subscribe so you're updated when it's complete! Note: the final chapter will be pure smut, so make sure to read the tags. Also, the portion in brackets below is from their fic, while everything below is their "real life" exchange
(Content warning: implied sexual content)
---- [Drawing from the well of quiet courage that had grown deeper and deeper since their conversation in Turin, Viktor channeled the hope that had sparked to life in his chest when Yuuri had held him and told him with such sincerity that he wished he’d never retire.
“Since the Grand Prix Final, especially, there've been so many times where I’ve wondered if the d-depth of what you feel for me is in any way comparable to what I feel for you,” he managed to get out, every word imbued with rawness and aching intensity. “Because for the first time in my life, it feels like I’ve found someone that I want to h-hold onto, and even though I don’t really know what to call that feeling, there’s only one word that seems to make sense.”
And damn his tear ducts, because his eyes were beginning to stream]
“Awww, lyubimiy,” Viktor mumbled in interruption, as the wet sensation on his forehead alerted him to the tears that had begun to drip down from above. “I know just how you feel.”
He craned his head upwards to kiss along Yuuri’s ticklish jawline, his stomach swooping with joy at the sound of the resulting laughter.
“Let’s take a vote: by the time we’re done roleplaying, do you think the liquid volume of the tears we’ve cried will be more or less than our fic selves?” Yuuri asked him, pushing his glasses up to wipe at his eyes.
A spark of impishness flickered to life in Viktor’s mind. He waited until his spouse resituated his glasses before affecting a decidedly contemplative look and tapping at his lips.
“Does the type of crying matter?” he questioned in reply, matching the answering head tilt with one of his own.
“I ask, because on several occasions, you’ve been known to fuck me so good that I cry,” he went on, keeping his face neutral even as Yuuri burst into giggles.
Viktor smirked and leaned over, reaching for his lip cream.
“Am I wrong, though?” he leeringly asked, while unscrewing the lid.
“In fact, I believe it was just last week that you pinned me to the kitchen countertop and made me come, untouched.”
He preened internally at the smile now affixed to Yuuri’s face. No matter how long they’d been together, he always found the sight of his husband like this – radiating joy – to be immensely beautiful.
“No, you’re not wrong,” Yuuri giddily responded, before closing the gap to kiss him.
Viktor reciprocated with a happy hum, and they enjoyed the tranquil closeness for a few minutes.
“Hmmm…as much as I love making you cry that way, I’ll have to remind you, baby: our fic-selves are in the middle of a competition, hence our rationale for not having them go ‘all the way’ so to speak,” Yuuri noted after breaking away.
A mischievous glint entered his eyes.
“At least not in this particular story. There’s certainly nothing stopping us from writing an entire smut series around their debauched future adventures,” he went on, with a fair amount of heat in his voice.
Viktor grinned, recalling their debate around the merits of realism versus indulgence.
“True, though I should remind you that we’re under no obligation to stick purely to what’s on the page,” he sultrily whispered, before angling his head and latching his mouth onto his love’s neck.
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hey ive been compulsively checking duty & sacrifice for updates because it’s just that good. Sucks to see how such a talented author like yourself has been getting haters for no reason. Most of your readers absolutely adore your writing though, and i hope you never give up on it!
You have a real eye for characterization and drama. Honestly your aemond is the most in character aemond ive read in any fic, much less an omega!aemond one. It’s been such a delight to reread past chapters too and to see the foreshadowing and groundwork you’ve laid. You’re seriously talented.
Anyway I dont want to clog up your asks with too much text, but I just wanted to thank you for your work—it makes my day to see an update. I hope you never give up, on d&s, but also writing in general because of drama and haters!!! The world needs talent like yours.
Anyway stay frosty dude!! Rooting for you!!
You're so sweet anon, I really love foreshadowing/planning ahead in storytelling so it's a big compliment that you're enjoying my attempts! And probably the most flattering thing ever to me is hearing that people are rereading D&S, especially considering it's not finished yet 😂
I love love Aemond and being in his fucked up head! That Ewan Mitchell quote about how Aemond doesn't really experience unconditional love until he bonds with Vhagar really resonated with me (tho that interview was after I started this fic) because in D&S, though Alicent loves him as best she can, she has bought into the rules of society (however reluctantly) and imposes them upon him from a very early age. And of course Viserys might as well not exist in his life. In contrast, the Strong boys clearly have that from Rhaenyra, and I think that's what Aemond really resents them for--that they receive love and acceptance without ever having to earn it. But in part it's also why he quickly starts falling for Luke despite himself, as this is the first person/not-dragon to show it to him (besides Luke's intelligence, humor, good looks, easy-going personality, and talent for giving head, of course 😉)
I really worried at the start of the fic about how OOC the characters might need to be to make them fit omegaverse, especially Aemond being omega, but it's been surprisingly natural for me to have him act under this framework. And feisty angry omegas are my jam anyway lol.
Have no fear, I have no plans to give up on D&S! I'm at about 4k currently on Chapter 13. But as per usual, I'm only barely halfway through the scenes I wanted to cover haha, so this will most likely be a jumbo 8-9k chapter. Hopefully that makes up for the unfortunate wait!!
(Also stay tuned, I might throw out an excerpt on this blog later today)
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alabasterplasterart · 7 months
Welcome To The Rave Cave
Hello hello!
I am Alabaster / Ala (they/them), a queer writer and artist finally digging in and setting my roots somewhere. I am on Instagram and YouTube under the same username, but I don't post art on Insta anymore and my YouTube is, for the moment, quiet.
Below the cut I've got the details of this blog as well as where my art goes. Links to those side blogs are here with more details below. Thanks for reading! :DD
My Hermitcraft and Life Series Blog
My D&D and Fantasy Planets Blog
My Invader Zim Blog
What's The Deal?
This starting lobby is where I'll reblog things, mostly art from my fellow creatives. For non-specific art of my own, I'll also post that here. Anything relating to the above blogs though will be posted there for ease of organisation.
Who Am I
Like I said above I'm Ala, a queer and neurodivergent lover of all things artistic and creative. I love cartoons and animation, music, and gaming, especially. I'm a huge supporter of fan work and do a lot of fan art and writing that you can find either here under '#fandom char' or on the above side blogs!
How to Find Things
Here are the primary tags used on this Blog. Check the pinned message of the side blogs to find theirs.
alaart : For digital and traditional art I make
alawriting : For my story excerpts and such
alaspeaks : For text posts I make
artist support : For reblogs of fellow artists!
fandom char : Tagged on art or writing that I've done or reblogged for fandoms
Note From The Publisher
This is a positive space to enjoy the act of creation. Bigotry and malice have no place anywhere, but certainly not here. We're here to love and create and breathe life back into the world around us. If you're not here for that, you can move right along.
With that said, I hope my little corner here can be a safe creative space for you lot! Enjoy, be merry, and kiss your dad square on the lips.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
my world is changed and it’s cradled by the comfort that is you.
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ೃ pairing: (third year! katsuki bakugo x third year! fem reader)
ೃ  warnings: cursing c/o of katsuki bakugo
ೃ genre: fluff overload and bakugo tryna comfort you in the most “katsuki bakugo” way possible
ೃ word count: 1,189 words
ೃ  my ongoing bakugo x reader smau and  my writing masterlist (if you want to see more from me! c:)
ೃ this is very very self-indulgent. channeling your frustrations and turning it into some good ol fluff is the best remedy. i am very proud to say that i had so so much fun writing this. hope you enjoy reading it too!!
ೃ song inspo: home by reese lansangan
ೃ After receiving a quarterly report on the status of your hero internships and as a 3rd year student of UA Academy, your day is ruined as soon as you began to read it’s contents. Your explosive boyfriend does not want to see you like this. But how can he possibly cheer you up?
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You weren't feeling well.
Not in a "Oh no I'm sick! I'm going to be bedridden the entire day!" It was more of a "I hate everything about myself and half of UA Academy's Third Years seems to think so, too".
It was torture for Katsuki Bakugo to see his girlfriend like this, who only actually got up to go to the bathroom and even then she looked absolutely sad. Not even acknowledging her classmates who she passed by all the way to the bathrooms. Katsuki knew he had to get (Y/N) out of bed and do something fun and enlightening or something to make her feel a little bit better...
That's the problem though. He has no idea how to. With how he tends to act most of the time; (aka his explosive and hot-headed antics for a lack of a better word)  trying to be a soft and comforting boyfriend was a foreign concept to him.
But... he had to find a way.
This is for your sake after all. He doesn't want to see you looking like this again. Rather, this is the first time he's seen you look like you're drowning in endless sorrow and... it was not a happy sight.
Your sunny and bubbly disposition in contrast to his rough and proud nature, was one of the many reasons why he fell for you in the first place. (A point he has yet to admit to his family and friends but he's getting there) You were the sun to his moon, and the sky was your love. An excerpt from the poem you dedicated to him for your 1st year anniversary. He found it cheesy as hell but it had a special place in his heart. No one had ever done something like that for him after all.
Bakugo knocks on the door of your dorm room before walking in, frowning and scrunching his nose at the sight of his girlfriend sulking and wrapped around her blanket in a style of a blanket-burrito.
"Hey." You jump a little in your little burrito and your lips don't even quirk at seeing your spiky haired boyfriend. Which is unusual because as far as Bakugo is aware, you show him your most brightest smile and say your most loving words whenever you see him enter your room.
"Hi." You mumble slipping in further, burying your face on your pillow. Katsuki sighs and sits next to you on the bed. He moves some strands of hair from your eyes and pouts. You glance at him and huff, eyes still red though your lips are quirking up. "Don't pout and get mad at me Suki-kun. You know how much that makes me weak. I'm not really in the mood to argue with you."
Katsuki scoffs in a rather playful and affectionate way as he lays on top of you making you squeal. "Katsuki! I can't breathe! Please!" You giggle, your face turning beet red. Your thoughts battling each other as you don't know whether or not to savor the moment or to go back to your sad thoughts. "Not until you stop sulking like a fucking weirdo." You wriggle around and manage to get your arms free so you could shove him off lightly. "I am really not in the mood Suki. I mean it." You say giggling still. Bakugo continues to give you an unimpressed look, his brows furrowing, as he pecks your cheek.
"You okay? On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you feel like shit?" He says in a rather more gentle and polite manner this time. You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. "Could be better. I feel like shit times infinity." Bakugo grunts, as he hesitantly interlaces your fingers together. You shiver at the touch of his hand with yours. Your cold fingers interlacing with the heat emanating from his. It felt weird yet comforting.
"What the hell happened? If this is because of either Monoma or Mineta again, I'm going to beat them to a fucking pulp-" You shake your head rapidly, pulling away to grab a copy of the Third year student rankings and then placing it on Katsuki's lap, lying back down and sighing loudly.
Katsuki looks at the paper you had placed on his hands, and sees a stupid remark about your hero internships. Saying something along the lines of you and your quirk not being good enough, especially during battle-oriented situations. Another critique went far as to say that your quirk is useless and that you don't deserve to even be studying at UA at all. Katsuki clicks his tongue, crumpling the piece of paper and shooting it in the trash can. He sighs heavily, laying down next to you.
"(Y/N." Katsuki begins, "Are you really listening and or putting these shitty  fucking critiques to heart? (Y/N) you're better than this."
You sniff and shrug. "I don't know. I guess I should. These statements are coming from the general public after all. The people who watch our every move."
Katsuki sighs and brings you close to hug him, kissing your forehead. "You're more than that, okay? You may act like a dumbass sometimes, but you've got a lot of heart and that's what's important." You shrug once again. Your eyes widen when Katsuki lifts you up, and positions you on his lap. You sit comfortably with his face inches from yours, and his strong arms wrapped around you. You look away, trying to hide the half-hearted smile forming on your face.
It was a gesture of affection you rarely see from him and if the circumstances were any different right now, you most probably would have been screaming internally and your face would be flushing a shade of red you have never seen before. You most probably would have d worded from embarrassment too.
"Listen... fuck what other people think. People shouldn't judge you on what makes you happy and what makes you special, especially as a hero. You are worth more than they made you think." He pecks your lips and touches his forehead with yours. "You saw something different in me. You still tried to be my friend even though I looked down on everyone and acted like a pompous ass every single day. Yet you still saw the good in me. You loved and accepted my flaws that I despised with a burning passion. Now it's time for people to find the good in you too. No matter how long and how hard it takes." You nod bringing yours lips to meet Bakugo's. He smiles into the kiss and you wraps your arms around his waist, pulling him flush against you, burrito blanket and all.
"Thanks for that reminder." You whisper, kissing Katsuki's nose. Katsuki mumbles softly and kisses you again. And again. And again. And again until you're giggling like a little girl against his lips. "Tch. Any time." He replies annoyingly.
You smile as the two of you look at each other with nothing but love in your eyes.
 and from then and there, he doesn't mind doing anything else for the rest of the day.
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m34gs · 2 years
Hi friend! I hope you're doing well💙💙
For the ask game: 4, 6 16??
Thank you for the ask friend! (from this post here)
Under the cut as the excerpt I'm sharing is a bit...creepy. :D
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
“And lilies are so elegant. The stems stand so tall, and the flowers themselves look graceful. I have a few different colours; pink, white, orange.” He paused and watched the little bee bumble around. “Do you have a favourite, Mr. Bee?” The bee hovered over the flowers, before settling inside an orange Tiger-lily. “Ah, Tiger-lilies. I like those ones too. The contrast of the black and the orange is so…gahh, I can’t find the words to describe it!” Shouyou turned back to the flower-bed and yanked out the last weed. He plunked it in the bucket next to him, along with all the other weeds and grinned. “All finished!” He stood, with his hands on his hips and surveyed his flowers. Pride swelled within him. He glanced up at the sky and then checked his watch. “Hmmm. Almost supper time. Tobio will be home soon.” He turned to his garden. “Are you guys hungry?” The flowers bobbed in the breeze, almost as if they were nodding. Shouyou grinned. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”
Humming, Shouyou picked up his bucket of weeds. He dumped them in the outdoor garbage, not wanting to risk them reappearing in his garden. Then he opened his large compost bin. He hummed thoughtfully as he surveyed the inside of the bin, noting the state of the latest addition. “Wow, Worms. You really like that new one, huh?” he murmured with a gentle smile as he greeted the earthworms in the bin. He scooped out compost they’d already broken down and put it in his bucket. As he was about to shut the lid, his eyes met Kei’s. Only his head was visible. The rest of his body, or what was left of it, was buried in the decomposing scraps. Shouyou stared into the glassy eyes of his neighbour and sighed. “Oh, come now. You know you deserved it. Really, I don’t know what you expected. Besides, it’s not like you’re stuck in here forever. Soon you’ll be a part of the garden too! Isn’t that exciting? You’ll get to be a part of the flowers.” Kei’s eyes stared back at him, unchanging. A fly landed on one eye and started crawling around on it. Shouyou shook his head. He reached in and shooed the fly out. “No, I don’t want maggots. I want earthworms. I like them much better,” he stated. Then he smiled. “Goodnight, Kei.” He closed the lid of the bin and picked up his bucket. He whistled as he brought the compost back to his flowers.
From my AO3 fic Rest Among the Flowers; a Haikyuu! murder fic. :D I don't have much of a reason for loving this part specifically other than it's just very...different from what I wrote prior to this? I don't know, it was my first attempt at "dark without angst" and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Hmmm. Honestly, I really love writing Hitoshi Shinsou from My Hero Academia. He's one of my absolute faves!!! I can't help but adore him! And writing him just feels so natural...honestly sometimes I have to physically stop myself from letting him take over the plot of some of the fics because he's not meant to be the main protagonist in them, yet he somehow manages to become a major character in a lot of my MHA fics/wip.
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?) Hmmm, not anything I've posted recently...but I am working on a different ship in Haikyuu! and have some ideas in the works for the Bar AU @kimium and I have...along with all the fandoms I have yet to write for for that au...ahahahaha
Thanks for the ask, friend! Hope you enjoyed these answers, and let me know if you have any questions or need/want any clarifications or just wanna chat more about any of this in general!! Love ya tons!
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Hello hello! I’m sure you have this posted all over your blog, but I saw a small excerpt of your writing just now and I WANNA READ YOUR STUFF IT WAS AMAZING!
I’m just having a busy morning and I wanted to ask if you had an AO3 account where you post writing before I forgot! Have an amazing day!
AAAAA! Hello!! What a lovely ask to wake up to!!
Yes, I do have an AO3 account! and I have a pinned post on my blog that has all of my writing (both on and off AO3) linked!
But let me break my stuff down for you 😎
On AO3:
I have this Fic is a very fluffy one-shot where Alberto proposes to Luca (2.8k words)
And this fic which is a 13 chapter/~45-50k word fic. It's currently incomplete on AO3, but it gets updates on Wednesday and Sunday. Everything it written for it already except chapter 13 (which is an epilogue), so I've been able to stick to that upload schedule. Tags for this fic are: fake dating, aged up, and slow burn.
My guess is also that whatever excerpt of my writing that you read, it was probably a snippet from this fic? I have a few snippets floating around from that that have gotten a decent number of notes.
Off AO3/ On Tumblr:
I have a bunch of ask box prompt writing! most of those are sort of incomplete fic ideas with some one-shot type stuff thrown in. They vary from fluff to angst. I have plans to polish at least some of them up to post on AO3 eventually.
And if you read through all of those, and you're still craving something more... I have this hc chitchat tag and this prompt talk tag both of which are writing adjacent. Those tags are full of casual conversations about head cannons, au ideas, and me gushing about the ask box prompts before I actually write for them.
And also in terms of upcoming writing. There's the last few chapters of We'll Chase the Moon to upload. I still have 20-ish ask box prompt to respond to, and I'm planning to write a fic for NaNoWriMo this year. It is probably going to be a Greek Tragedy/ Achilles and Patroclus au. When I write, I usually post snippets under some sort of wip tag, so you'll see those teasers while I'm working!
I think that's everything! And in case you lose this post, pretty much everything is linked in the pinned post on my blog. Just tap on my icon, and it'll be the first post you see! If you have any more questions lmk, and I hope you enjoy my writing!!! :D
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