huganon · 10 months
Hey huganon can I plz get a hug plz
Sure thing ! I can’t give you a physical hug but I can give you a virtual hug <3
How are you feeling ? <3
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lancshygiene · 1 year
Refuse Sacks 18/29/38 Heavy Duty
Our Heavy Duty Black Refuse Sacks, are made from 100% recycled materials. They are CHSA accredited, as indicated by the CHSA accreditation marking on the case. Each case contains 200 sacks. With their durable construction, these sacks are designed to handle heavy loads and meet your refuse disposal needs. For more information please click the link: https://shorturl.at/nBRS9
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View On WordPress
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shutterlens · 1 year
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The second design for the main Super Cyber Action Kids from my new series concept, SCAKs!, now with a new main character.
Characters: (left to right)
Dazey Bell Netkid ["Dazey Duke"] (she/her), Kasper Flipp ["Krown"] (he/him), Webster Brain ["Webster"] (he/him), Vertigo Altair Antares ["Vertigo"] (they/them)
New Character: (the one in yellow on the far right)
Vertigo (they/them) -They're a prodigy of music, song, and dance. -With their optimistic yet level-headed nature, Vertigo oftentimes acts as the glue of the main SCAKs. -Vertigo is from New York City.
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drmonkeysetroscans · 2 years
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Trump at his shithole Mar-A-Lago.
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sammy8d257 · 10 months
Red is opened for asks, right? Ok.... here i go... Hello Red, has it ever occurred to you that the last couple of days orange/tsc is acting a little different?
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(Asks by @mutlu03, @hillian-scaks, @yanganimates , @violetthunderstorm )
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(Ask by @danganronpafan777 )
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"Hmm... did Orange talk to you guys about that..."
[A Ghost in the Machine 1 Year Ask Event]
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chain-draws-stuff · 11 months
Psst psst
Comic >:]
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part 2(final)
The Characters originally belong to @glichsworld and @hillian-scaks :)
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the-scribbles-painter · 11 months
Oh this blog looks fun...hey can you do me scribble on my blog please
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@hillian-scaks' blog has been Scribbled on!!
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jijjmoon · 10 months
Hey I have 2 thing I want to say
1:I love the drawing you did of me it's amazing
2:can I ask for a noter one
And if I can you plz draw some angst art of me
1. Thanks -^_^-
2. What do you mean by 'noter one'? Sorry I don't know lots of English ㅜ.ㅜ
Anyway, here is angest art for you. Hope you like it
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Did I did it correctly?
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wind-corner · 5 months
Chapter thirteen
Chaim took a deep breath. The air was crisp. The wind cold as it blew with out a care. And the moon while bright in the sky was mostly ingored as people favor other things. Irfan sat on his shoulder as he watched the land bellow him.
After a moment he jump off the railing. Closing his eyes the wind whipped humans his clothing but its not like he found any issue as he did his normal magic becoming one with his familair and spread out his wings which caught the wind and before anything happened he begin using the wind currents to take him away from the room he leaped out of.
Opening his eyes the world below him was much different look from the ground, but it was not unfamiliar to him who spent many days sneaking out in the middle of the night. He had a goal. But he wouldn't head straight there, first to the slums get some intal and ask for them to do some digging for him, maybe do a bit of good by handing out a bit of money here and there, and than head to the den.
For now he was flying and it wouldn't take him to long to get to where he wanted to go landing on a roof he split himself from Irfan landing with a thud he motion for his familar to head off ahead. Soad bird would look for any guards and warn him in advance should they be on his usual path. After all he could be in all the blind spots but sometimes a guard might decide to actually look or they are following someone into said blind spot.
But first things first chaim walked to the side and drop onto the balcony and knocked on the shutters and moved a bit away to to lean on the wall near where they would open and while he might look relaxed he was ready to pull out his dagger at a moments notice his eyes watching the area to see if anyone was learking about.
When the shuttle open the woman who had opened it looked around before spotting him in which he gave a little wave.
"Young King!" She spoke a little to loudly for his liking but she quickly quieted herself and apologized for it, and than asked him to come into the room.
And had he, nothing to do, maybe he would have, stay and 'talked' but he had things to do so he shook his head. And he didn't have to tell the woman anything more as she asked him if he was seeking information. In which he nodded.
The woman than closed the shutters and chaim went back to watching the streets. When the shatters open again the woman had a notebook and held it out to him.
Pushing himself off the wall chaim reached for the notebook and quickly went though the notes. Humming at everything he reached into the scak he carried and pulled out a small bag full of money. It would most likely pay for a month or two of rent along with utilities. But to him it wasn't much. And while he wished he could give more, he knew from experience that by gaving to much money risked having the woman target by those who would do her harm.
So it was best to keep it at a reasonable amount for someone to have in their savings.
Humming again Chaim was about to leap off the balcony, since he needed to see two more informants and than to the den. When the woman called out to him telling him to be careful. In which he nodded and than leaped onto the nearby roof. And thus begin running across the roof tops jumping and volting over the roofs his destination clear in his mind he needed to get to the hide out of a pertcaler faction that run in the underbelly of the city.
A few jumps here and there and a lot of running had him than making his way though a window rolling to minimize the blow to his body and he stood. Turning to the man who was thankfully in the room, though he hadnt been alone, not that it bother chaim, since he knew these men after all the years of dealing with them.
"Young king!" The men seemed to shift posture. Knowing what their next order would be. After all possibility denailabilty was in fact a thing.
The head of the syndicate shook his head. And ordered his men out. Said men did leave though a few of them try to ruffle his hair under his hat. And he huffed trying to make sure it didn't fall off. At least the man in charged told them to knock it off and they men left the door closing behind them.
Fixing his hat the head spoke. "So kid." The man paused making chaim look at him. And he asked the typical questions he expected out of the man. Which had chaim rolling his eyes, and unlike his other informents, where he would have to just use body motions grunts and hums to get his messages across with out Irfan.
The head was a different story and chaim begin using sign launage. Part of the many things he had to learn, to better himself for the sake of his family name. And he was partly greatful to actually be able to use it on a normal bases, due to these 'talks' and these meetings also allow him to use another skill he had to learn.
[things have been going well with me, didn't quite expected to be back, so soon but I can't let nothing slip by me, so I manged to swing on back for a bit. As for ee he's off doing some recon, since I need some info. And I don't plain on staying very long, just enough to get a few shiny things and get something rolling.]
His last statement seemed to peak the head's interest. And he again begin speaking though he was getting the notebook, that chaim always asked for everyone to write in for him. Moving to his own bag he threw a larger bag full of money on the table, not worried about a double cross, he's known the head to long to worry about, and the both of them have a sort of neutral understanding of things. Plus it also helps chaim brings medication for the man's daughter. Which would be a struggle for him to get otherwise.
Once the man handed over the notebook to chaim, he took it slipping it under his arm to take off a glove than open the notebook. closing his eyes he begin reading the markings that most people might not realize, but said marks were actually words, they were in fact brail he ran his hand over the pages checking that everything seemed ok.
Nodding he put the notebook in his bag. And put his glove on. The head address him again asking if he wanted to join him. Which always chaim shook his head. The man laughed and ruffled his hat and he huffed. As he again try to fix his hair and wished him luck.
Chaim thanked him, and mention he had a more important job, but will discuss that some time in the coming week. He than moved to head back out the window before the boss called him and he tirn around only to catch something tossed at him before looking at what had been thrown.
"The misses told me to hand that to the next time you showed up, since the weather is getting cold and she was sure you and ee are bound to be out in it." The gift seemed to be a scarf and chaim nodded and thanked the man and told him to give his family his regards. Before he leaped out the window again and made is way to the next destination.
It was a quick affair to find their their informat. Sadly it seemed he wouldn't get anything from them today since it seemed some corrupt guards were about given that Irfan was waiting for him on the roof and posing in a way he was ment to if their was crouption happening. Once closer to the side of the wall he looked down and in fact saw the child being hounded by the cops. Sighing he motion for Irfan to fly.
His familair would wait for the right moment to move in and act depending on how things looked. For now chaim made his way down before he was closer to the ground and than let himself drop onto the main offender. It would most likely just knock the wind out if him. Rather than really do damage. And he 'acttcdently' drop some gold coins which would draw them corrupted officers attention.
"Its the modern king of thevies!" Chaim smirk under his mask and did a two finger salut before taking off running. The officer than went running after him. The thing is he knew the slums rather well despite his privilege life, after all he spent a lot.of time running away from home and exploring the world outside his golden halls.
It was actually fun, and these guys were no where as good as rotem and his men, so this was almost child's play. So racing though the city he would find himself drawing closer to the river and putting his rebreather in his mouththe mask hiding it from any on lookers after all the river is the best place to lose people after all its fast current would not be something most.people can escape from, but than again most people didn't have tools that would let them escape. But even he had to be careful or else this escape could be his death.
So diving into the river he hit the water with a loud splash. And chaim knew he only had a short amount of time as he moved under the water tossing a bottle of fake blood before using some rope and a claw dagger he stab it into a hopefully empty boat. That was tied to the side of the river mean it wasn't going anywhere and so long as he was attached to the boat he wouldn't be either.
He than had to wait. Watching glimpse of lights seeming to scan the river it seemed no one noticed him. Time seemed to tick at a snails pace. Before the lights seemed to leave the area. Taking a deep breath he the rope tighter and allowed his mind to focus on Irfan, when he opened his eyes he saw not the site of being under the water but the site of sitting on an awnings looking at a boat in the river the mean walking down the streets all of them actually seeming to look for a bit longer before seeming to give up and head down a street.
Chaim blinked and nodded and closed his eyes and the site was soon gone and he was back under the water hiding under the boat. Using his other hand he grab his dagger and stab it unto the boat just so he can dislodge the claws. And return it to where it was before he moved to get out from under the boat and onto the top of it. A bit of a struggle but he manged once on the boat he took a moment to remove the rebreather and actually pant since he had been running out of oxygen in the small tank. And he had been doing his best not to panic. But now he could suck in air like he had been wanting to.
Laying on the boat he sort of knew he had to move but he really didn't want to. Sadly he had to so standing up he did a spell which dry his clothes and called Irfan to him and he again merged his familar. He than. Headed to the edge of the city reaching the farm lands and landing outside a ranch where their were houses entering the barn where the horse slept.
Taking a moment to ditch the unneeded oxygen tank and stick the unneeded stuff in a chest. He'll get it some other time. But not at the moment. Once done, chaim scan the horses seeing which one would be fitting for his needs. And moved to get the horse ready to ride.
Opening the door he gentle woke the creature which seemed to be confused for but a moment only to calm down as it was handled a treat. And followed chaim out of the barn before everything was put on him..and chaim got onto the horse. Irfan who had been keeping a look out from the barn roof flew to land on his shoulder. And with that he smiled under his mask and took off into the desert.
The cool breeze hitting him as he urged his horse to move the beast moved as quickly as he urged it to and the ride he knew was going to take a while, he might just have to be missing in the morning, but he'll deal with that later. The ride would take him some time and he would slip into the hidden area that most wouldn't have seen from the outside, and only those who knew about it could find the place.
And of course he knew of the place. And he knew the men who had been hiding and watching the entrance had seen him for a while but he didn't care. What mater was getting off the horse once inside the hidden cave and he heard the murmurs of the others inside the cave. The only thing lighting the cave were candles and lamps a mix of old and ancient lights flickered in the cave giving it a yellow hue.
Making his way to the center of the cave's main chamber past the halls and the smaller sections that lead to smaller rooms where some rested. Though most rested in the large chamber where many hammocks were set up along with training dummies.
Though he ingored it all what he headed to was the large table. Though as he near it Irfan flutter in his shoulder before flying off his only warning before he shifted his postion narrowly avoid being stab with a dagger.
Chaim sighed deeply before setting his bag on the table with a loud thud. Closing his eyes he connected with Irfan who returned to him. Sitting upon his shoulder as Irfan was his voice while he himself remain silent.
"/Sakhr./" He heard movement from behind him. Most likelythe other teen moving closer.
"/I can't belive you would do that, and here I thought I would bring gifts./" Taking a moment to dump the bag onto the table a lot of gold and gems spilled onto it, enough to set every one of the people here for a good chunk of time. Assuming they sold it all. Though he was sure they might keep a good chunk of it to play with like small children would sand at the beach.
Turning around chaim turn to see Sakhr unamused. Though the other teens face changed as he pulled out the claw dager. "/and I bought this gift of gold especially for you. Even tested it to make sure it was nice and sharp./" chaim took a moment to look the blade over as he ran his hand over it. Even in the pale light the gold of the blades shined brightly.
"/but I guess, I could just keep such a thing./" chaim motion to put the claws back on his person, but Sakhr quickly made his way over to him and put his hand on the shoulder that Irfan wasn't on.
"Oh! Don't be like that, I was only kidding!" The teen patted his shoulder. But chaim wasn't stupid and honestly he didn't trust the slightly older teen, and rolled his eyes.
"/you say that, but had i been anyone else, that dagger would have stab me in the back, not something to take lightly, should I take this to mean you are challenging me yet again?/" it wasn't uncommon for sakhr to challenge him to prove who was stronger and who should lead their group.
"Of course not! You know I only do such a thing to not get to dull." The elder patted his shoulder and chaim rolled his eyes again. before stepping away from the elder who acted as his second when he wasn't around. But honestly this pet project of his was sometimes a pain, but he promised himself to help the people, and what better way to help the people than to rein in a well known thevies guild and reform them to do good.
"/yes yes yes. But I belive we all know the old stories whisper among our kind. Of a great king of thevies who greatness known no bounds. And his men who followed him and how they actted in betrayal and almost killed the king, but if not for his greatest and the loyalty of his bird familair and the one man who actually was loyal he would have been killed. So tell me Sakhr, are you the loyal man? Or one of the thirty-nine that would dare cross me?/" he glared at his second. Refusing to back down.
And it seemed sakhr step away and gave a bit of a bow. "I am nothing but loyal to you king." Chaim watched him for a moment with narrow eyes before sighing and tossing the dagger at his seconds feet.
He than looked around the room and motion for the others to come get the gold in which the desended upon it like a bunch of staving dogs to a feast of fresh meet. Sighing he moved to let them have at it till everyone had something.
"/now that you are enjoying the bit of riches I have come onto some information that might make everyone of you, set for life./"
This stament peaked everyone's interest. And all turn to hear him out hoping onto the table chaim begin to explain he came upon a couple good rumors. One that was so old that they were mer children when it happened, and the other a more recent event that would make travel much easier for them.
And of course the others asked questions, and chaim spun a tale upon hearing that the young master of the al-asim family order for many vehicles and animals to be bought to the mansion. Chaim mention that perhaps said items could go missing. Of course its not really stealing if he's the one who bought the stuff and is taking said items but none of the men here had to know that part.
But now was what he wanted to do. And he informed the men of his guild that they were to seek out information that was around ten years old. That information well he wanted them to find someone, and they wouldn't have to do much after that because he would do the last leg of the work if they mange to find him. Even if they don't at least the got transport out of this deal.
Of course while looking for some old person didn't really mater to them, chaim could see how much the thought of money excited them. And while he wish they would just relax, maybe after this and with enough money that it should last them well into their fiftiethes he hoped they could become decent people. And he also hoped they could help him get justice for rotem. After all its only fair that his loyal retainer get some justice. And if he had to use his connections to the under belly of the world than so be it.
After all he swore he would protect his people, and the best way to help rotem was to help him get peace of mind. And thus that is what he'll do. Even if it will not be the most cleanest of ways, he'll use what he can to get the ending result for he was in fact the modern day king of thevies.
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yegopsykhe · 3 months
Bomboş süt çok güzel bi şey köyde olsam keşke yeni sağılmış süt içsem sıcak scak balkonda oturup yüz tutsa höpürdetsem mmmm 😋🤤
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glichsworld · 11 months
@hillian-scaks WANTS TO KILL ME AND I ONLY HAVE 4 TOTEMS OF UNDYING (one was used thanks to them)
U-UHH *procedes to yeet to @chain-draws-stuff and some of the other scrunchys* your safe now :) (I hope...)
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mary-games-and-arts · 10 months
Hey Mary since @hillian-scaks makes a lot of jokes about being a demon half demon but still
Maybe pouring a bunch of holy water on your blog would stop them
Hmm.. You could try that
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shutterlens · 1 year
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A skateboarding rink background that I drew for my new series concept, Super Cyber Action Kids!, that I did to try to further explore the established background style for the series.
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avoidingwinter · 2 years
how did i not think of carving sackboy pumpkin for halloween i love scak boey
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ashenprofessor · 2 years
"I would love to receive a flower press. Pressing them in heavy tomes works but perhaps an actual press would work even better. What a lovely idea!"
Ah, a simple request. Easily spelled out for the professor to accomplish. Byleth headed to the local market to see what the traders had to offer. It took a bit of searching but eventually, they were able to track one down from a visiting herbologist. After a more than slightly awkward conversation as Byleth explained what they wanted, they came away hauling a press.
Wrapping the present was a different challenge. The object itself was fairly large and heavy with metal screws sticking out at odd angles. Anyone who wasn't sure what the press was used for might mistake it for some sort of torture device. In the end, Byleth stucki it in a box and wrapped that.
Choosing to deliver this present first due to its weight in their scak, Byleth approached Dierdre. "Merry yuletide, fair lady" They said, lowering the tone of their voice. "May this gift bring you much pleasure"
Carefully as not to drop it on the recipients toes, Byleth handed over the flower press before continuing onto the next person on their list.
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chain-draws-stuff · 11 months
@glichsworld @hillian-scaks you 2 are RP too much that it got you the point of making it a comic
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@glichsworld your evilness was too good that it caught my attention for me to make this comic
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This is just straight up evil just pure evil
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