#I hope you’re recovering well? ik it can take a while to get back on your feet after covid :(
bruhnze · 25 days
Hello my favorite writer!
I am ‘tan line anon’ although I kind off don’t like the name anymore, it gives me a little embarrassment now.. maybe I can take up ‘☀️anon’.. if you don’t mind..
Sorry I come to you this early morning with this long story.. but yesterday I slept with my gf for the first time and I need to tell someone and you are my comfort blog.
I will dive right in and maybe I will be too detailed.. but I am anonymous for that exact reason haha.. I hope you don’t mind. Okay here I go:
JSKAJKSJAKJKSJKSJJSJSJSKKKK OMMGGGGG AAAHHAJSHDASJHDFFGGFGG I understand for a thousand percent what the hype is all about omgg!!!!!!!!!
Okay let me actually keep calm and start at the beginning.. it was in the afternoon and the last couple of times we saw eachother things had gotten… heated a couple of times and when we were at the point of doing something a couple days ago she was on her period and she said she’d prefer for our first time to be both.. not on it.. haha. Anyways, I thought that was best too, so we sort of knew it was going to be yesterday.. there was like a vibe in the air I don’t know how to explain it. We were alone at her place in the afternoon and one thing let to another.
Anyways NO ONE TOLD ME A MOUTH FEELLSSSSS SOOO FREAKING GOOODDD WTFFF.. uhm.. yeah.. we did have to stop like two times with what we were doing because we were a little flustered, or actually I was, my insides just ‘’tingled’’ so hard my body was actually about to explode, or that was how it felt at least.
I found the advice to talk very helpful, and I was a bit bold and said things like -you look so pretty- and something about her taste SJKSJSKDDKSJK and she blushed and I felt so proud because I had expected for her to be more confident but we were both equally nervous.
Anyways, she made me come and it was such a different feeling? Like, I had not expected the actual orgasm to also feel different.. but omg was it great.. like when I went home in the evening I just kept thinking back about what we’d done and even this morning.. how can I continue to live a casual life?????, I see her tonight again but my parents are also home but if I am completely honest I hate that because I want her again so bad. AHHHHHHHHHH.
But I do have some things to question, 1. HOWWW was it like actually four hours long, FOUR HOURS, not that I minded, not in that sense but I was like.. where did the time go?! 2. Why did my mouth get so tiredddd, I wanted to keep going but at certain point I was like, ouch I just couldn’t even though I wanted. Even this morning I woke up with like a sore jaw, which is crazy to me because I know where it came from but I need to not accidentally complain about it out loud! Haha I texted my gf and she found it funny 3. ……….I didn’t make her cum………. I felt bad but she said it was okay and then we sat like.. up.. and she sat between my legs, like her back against my chest ?if that makes sense.. and then she made herself cum.. while I was also touching her… so it was hot still but like, I am sad I couldn’t do it. 4. SOFT KISSESS ON YOUR HIPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I am still recovering (that is not really a question but more a statement).
Sorry this was not as structured as I normally try to do it, because I know English isn’t your first language, but I hope you were still able to make sense of it haha ❤️
Maybe you can write something about a first time some day? I think you could write it really well (sorry, my mind is currently only playing images of my gf and I can not think anymore.. how will I go on with my day today)
Okay thank you bye.
MINORS DNI (for good measure)
Disclaimer: I am not a professional, I just try to answer based on what I think/know 😊(ik you know but just clarification) > other anons feel free to share advise too if u think somethings missing.
AWWWW I am excited for you! Congrats with that ☀️ anon!! I am happy for you.
You can always tell me anything you want, you’re the cutest.
To jump right in too:
Yes it can be a very different feeling, depending on if you go solo/ or with someone (and in my opinion with every different person it is also different) and the ‘way’ you do it also changes things.. like toy/ or not, etc.
‘’How can I continue to live casual life’’ 😂 this made my chuckle. I know exactly what you mean, but you got this! I am not saying it will get easier but you will be able to stick it further back in your mind eventually (most of the time🙃)
I love to read that you two communicated that you needed a break, that is very good. Proud of you!
Cute that you made her blush with a couple of compliments, making a girl blush is amazing and I am giggling and kicking my feet for you!!🤭🥺
Oh no! not the parents 🐱blocking you 😭!! Life can be cruel! I wish you strength… or maybe just try to be like.. really quiet👀🤭
For your ‘questions’ (you are honestly such a cutie I can not say it enough, I love following along your little story, it is super wholesome)
(4hours?!) – Yes. Also... four hours is honestly decent 🤭, I would say.. brace yourself, there will be fun days ahead for you! (or nights)
(mouth tired, sour jaw) – yep, eventually you will get the hang of it more (like how you will know a little better how to position your head etc) and honestly with more experience will also come more stamina. If you want you can maybe watch a yt video with tips (like this one,,, yes I did search on yt for a crazy amount of time to find one I liked/found accurate for u,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGC5sN8bsb8 😌 (this vid is honestly great, i maybe even learned something lol) it is a little descriptive tho.. but they explain it calmly and without being childish, just informational)
(didnt make her cum) - Aw, anon, you dont need to feel bad, honestly how you two made it work sounds perfect. It might even take 3,4,5,6,7 times together to finally get it🤷‍♀️ I think it is important for you to not put pressure on it for yourself, bcs it will result in a tension around it and make it even more difficult, I believe in you and if you just continue with exploring things, on your and hers pace, you will succeed (and also, just like she said, she enjoyed it, sex is also about other things then the climax, especially when u are in love with the person, so also just enjoy the moment and try not to get into your head to much (easier said then done ik))
It is okay, I understood. But it is very thoughtful of you to put in effort, thank you! (I feel like i am never structured tho so sorry from my side for that too then😂retroactively)
Oh that would be a cute fic idea, maybe in the future!
I hope u had/have a great day -☀️
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shibaraki · 2 years
Hello tis I, sick-anon, to inform you that I sat and cried like a baby at ur latest gojo fic. I too want to be someone’s favorite person even as I am lethargic with fever and desperately trying to keep my ~sparkle~amid the fact that I feel like hot trash. Thank you once again for thrashing my emotions (and I promise that I am Taken Care Of, I had Covid and had to be isolated so I have a whole 10 days of Sick And Lonely Feelings to deal with lmao)
ohh beloved I’m so sorry to hear you’ve been sick and having to isolate. very glad you’re taken care of, though!! thank you so much for reading it, I can’t say I’m happy you cried (that would be odd) but it’s lovely knowing it evoked so many feelings for u <3
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sukiglycerin · 4 years
13 minutes || katsuki bakugou.
* pairing: pro-hero (therefore aged up)!katsuki bakugou x fem manager!reader
* genre: pro-hero!au, smut, this is the longest warning section i’ve ever written, mainly pwp, fluff at the end :>
* words: 2,266 of all this fiLTH
* warnings: AGED UP KATSUKI, ugh tumblr deleted my super long tags so now i must redo them, this is very long & filthy, whew let's go, dom!katsuki, sub!reader, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, slight voyeurism, office sex, reader is bent over the desk ofc, master/sir kink, a little pet play (he calls reader pet/kitten), dirty talk, degradation, fingering, breast/nipple play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, orgasm denial (how contradicting), cunnilingus (f receiving), cum eating (both ends), talks of safeword/colour system but no actual usage, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pls use protection irl!!), creampie, reader is kinda masochistic, pussy slapping, crying sex (no angst here tho), hair-pulling (m receiving if it matters), implied subspace, aftercare !! the best part !!
* a/n: so tumblr messed up sO much while i tried to post this, so i hope you like this! ty @toishi for sticking with me and all of my ramblings while writing this! (and ofc @dylanxmin for her lovely support!!) this is a VERY spicy thing, and almost had actual plot before i cut it out. if you like this, i may do a fluffier pt 2!! enjoy!
being a pro-hero's manager has its perks. the pay's good, the coworkers are pleasant, and travelling is pretty fun. to you, the best part is that you get to see your boyfriend of three years every day.
you've been dating pro-hero ground zero secretly, and you happen to be his manager. honestly, the latter came first in chronological order, but that doesn't matter anyway.
you first encountered ground zero (or as he was called back then, katsuki bakugou) during your time in the business course at ua. he bumped into you quite ungracefully, cursed at you, pushed past you, then let a startled but apologetic kirishima to apologize. it was fate, in kirishima's words. 
such fate led you to manage ground zero five years ago, after slowly climbing your way up from managing smaller heroes to finally reaching the popular ones. bakugou had been the only popular hero with a manager opening; you learned why soon after being hired.
the spiky haired hero had a short fuse and a tendency to cuss. he was picky, indecent, and often reckless with his public image; the calmest you'd ever seen him was when he blew up villains and screaming "die."
however, things change - things change a lot. five years later, you're here: katsuki mumbling sweet things into the crook of your neck as his hands tease the waistband of your pencil skirt.
"katsuki, we can't- you have a meeting in fift- hng-!"
his lips find yours quickly, effectively quieting you down. you're sitting on katsuki's desk - a polished cherry wood thing that took too many weeks to find - as he towers above you, pinning you to your spot.
katsuki pauses, and pulls back, licking his lips. "sounds like a you problem."
"we really can't, this meeting is really important-" bakugou's fingers nimbly find their way under your skirt, deadly close to your panties. he really isn’t paying attention to you.
"and i'm the star of the show, the number one pro-hero-" if he hears you mutter 'that's midoriya,' he ignores you and continues, "-aren't i the most important one here?" his fingers rub your clothed clit, smirking at your audible gasp.
"k-katsuki, no-" you know he can feel the wet patch growing on your panties; from the way his determined eyes lock on yours, you know he won't be finished until you are too.
"how long do we have now, love?”
"thirteen minutes, but-"
"you're going to cum for me three times in the thirteen minutes we have."
it's not a question; it's a fact. you are going to cum three times in the next fifteen minutes.
“once on my fingers,” he puts a finger up, “once on my tongue,” another finger, “and once on my cock. the only thing you have to worry your pretty head about-“ he leans in close to your ear, voice dropping a couple octaves, “-is keeping quiet enough.”
his fingers push your panties to the side with ease and play teasingly with your wet folds. he circles your clit with his middle finger slowly, dragging out each languid movement with a smirk on his face. you flush at the lewd, wet noises he elicits from your pussy. you know that his fingers are coated in your arousal.
you look down in embarrassment, gripping the edge of the desk, and stare at the cotton material of your pencil skirt.
"slut." the word is spat from katsuki's mouth. his hand holds your chin; his touch barely ghosts your skin, but the command still exudes dominance. he tips his hand up, so you're looking into his intense eyes.
"look at me, slut." the word is emphasized by the plunging of three fingers in your wet core. you whine, unprepared by the sudden intrusion. your legs move uncomfortably against the fabric of your skirt, which restricts you from spreading open your legs wider. you want to clamp down on katsuki's hand, but you know that that won't end well.
"patience, kitten." either by intuition or his own frustration, he speaks up gruffly. "all in due time." his thumb starts to knead your aching bud as he thrusts in and out, knuckle deep in your pussy. glancing at the clock, he grows impatient, quickly attempting to unbutton your blouse before ripping off the rest entirely. you'd normally protest - you liked that blouse - but you find yourself falling short of words at the pressure on your pussy. katsuki goes at a more rigorous pace, thrusting fast and deep while his free hand snakes itself under your bra to play with your nipple. the added stimulation has you keening to his touch, suddenly aware of his every touch. he pulls your bra cup down, freeing your breast and bending down to to encapsulate the hardened bud in his mouth. his tongue circles your areola and flicks your nipple; meanwhile, his pace on your pussy hasn't relented. 
soon, you feel the telltale feelings of pleasure bubbling through your body.  you tense against him, gasping out his name and clawing at his back. your knees buckle as your climax washes over you, making your body go limp in his hand. bakugou lets go of your nipple with a popping noise, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. his other hand pulls out, and he outstretches three cum-soaked fingers to you, an unspoken code for "suck." you open your mouth obediently, sucking your salty juices off his slim digits. 
"fuck," he cusses, eyes blown out wide in lust. "so fuckin' obedient for me, hm? such a fuckin' whore for your master."
you let go of the fingers in your mouth and nod. 
his non-wet fingers grip the bottom of your skirt. "off. now." 
"yes, master." you feel his eyes pierce you, watching you unzip your skirt and panties and let them pool around your legs. he holds you steady as you step out of the garments and toss them to the side. 
"sit up." he taps the desk lightly.
"it'll get w-w-" 
"did i stutter?"
"n-no, master."
he hums while you acquaint your bottom with the cold, hard wood of his desk.
"colour system, love?" his voice gets soft and he breaks the hard persona. his eyes are gentle, searching yours for any speck nervousness or hesitancy.
"green for 'i'm good, keep going,' yellow for 'slow down,' and red for 'stop.'"
"and if you can't speak?"
"three taps for red, two for yellow."
"what's your colour right now?"
"green, master."
his face hardens at the title. "always a good pet for me, aren't you?"
you nod. "yessir."
he spares another glance at the clock on the wall. "you're going to be a fucking good slut for master in the next 7 minutes, understand?"
"what was that, pet?"
"better be. spread." his fingers gesture to your legs.
he kneels before you, your drenched core spread out and on display for him at eye-level.
"so wet," he marvels, making your face heat up. like this, you're completely exposed to him; your breasts free from your bra, nipples hard against the cool air, and your pussy glistening under the light of his office.
he licks a long stripe up your folds, testing the waters. by now, the original intensity of your previous orgasm had worn off; despite this, when his tongue met your clit, you found yourself reaching for his hair, gripping it tightly. he groans into your pussy, poking his appendage through your folds and administrating kitten licks up and down your inner lips to slurp up whatever juices were left. the teasing doesn't last for long, however. he starts to suck harshly on your clit, making you buck into his face in overstimulation and surprise. you cry out at his unceasing ministrations, tugging on his hair and your toes curling. the overstimulation is too much; pain mixed with white hot pleasure blinds you. the lips closed against your clit go hard; you're not even sure how katsuki can breathe going at such a pace. the pain starts to blend into pure pleasure. you throw your arm over your mouth in attempt to stifle your noises, eyes shut tight. you feel tears line your eyes as you cum again, katsuki's tongue pressed flat against your pussy. the pleasure is five times more intense now; you cry out, sure anyone standing outside heard, and clutch katsuki's hair as you recover from your orgasm. your pussy convulses violently, and you pant in a similar manner.
"k-katsuki- master- i-" you breathe hard.
"one more for me, okay?" he rasps into your ear. "i know you can take it, kitten. so good for me..." his chin and lips shine with your essence.
you nod, spreading your sore legs further apart.
"colour?" he checks, hands starting to reach for his belt.
he nods and unbuckles, pulling his pants and boxers down to reveal his cock. katsuki leans in, hot breath fanning against you as he peppers kisses on your clavicle.
"you're gonna be a good cocksleeve for master, yeah? gonna be all fuckin' tight and wet for me?"
you whimper a shaky "yes," the head of his cock nudging your folds.
he eases his full length into you, the stretch always being something you always need to get used to. katsuki's not particularly girthy, but for what he lacks in girth he makes up in sheer length. he pushes in gently; it's clear on his face he wants nothing more than to ravage you, but he understands your needs.
"f-fuck," you gasps as he bottoms out. 
"ring ring ring," the tone of katsuki's phone rings through the room.
you lean over the desk, reading the caller id.
"it's horikoshi corp?" you say to katsuki.
"pick it up." there's a mischievous gleam in his eyes, but there's no time to dwell on it before you pick up the call.
"is this the office of ground zero?" a male voice asks through the line.
"yessir-" katsuki starts moving inside you, to which you bite your lip. "h-how can i help you?"
"this is regarding the meeting scheduled for today?"
"y-yes?" you gasp, flinging a hand over your mouth as bakugou starts thrusting into your core roughly.
"i'm terribly sorry to say this, but it appears that our boss has come down with food poisoning from lunch."
"don't- don't worry about it-" your knuckles are white gripping the edge of the desk, and you're slightly bent over it.
katsuki continues to hammer into you, speed increasing quickly.
"could we reschedule to friday, at 1:30pm?"
your mind skims through katsuki's friday schedule. "u-um... y-yes-! that can be arranged..." you're not sure if he can hear the wet slapping noises coming from your end of the line - but the thought of him knowing your dirty deeds with katsuki made you even wetter.
"alright, thank you!" the man sounds relieved. "goodbye."
"bye!" you half slam the phone down on the receiver, chest heaving.
"it's your lucky day, huh, kitten?" katsuki purrs smoothly. 
you nod, pressing yourself onto his desk so you're bent over it for him.
"such a fucking slut," you can hear the pride in his voice. "you like that, yeah? i can feel you clenching all around me. you're my fuckin' cockslut, right?"
your head bobs rapidly up and down. "yes, master- i'm-" you feel the familiar heat start to bubble in the pit of your stomach.
"don't you dare fucking cum yet," he growls in your ear, punctuating his words with a sharp thrust.
he presses you even harder into the desk, your breasts pushed up against the cold wood. 
"my little pain slut, isn't that right?" 
"y-yes-! f-fuck, master-" 
he slaps your clit, making a loud, wet sound resound through the room.
it almost sends you over the edge. almost.
"don't- cum-" katsuki grunts in between thrusts.
you're so close it almost hurts. the pleasure overwhelms you; you shut your eyes tight to distract yourself, but you can only hear the sound of katsuki's heavy breaths and his cock slamming into you.
"katsuki- master- please, i can't-" tears start to form in the corners of your eyes. the pleasure is just too much, beating into you incessantly.
"you can, and you will," he orders, voice firm.
"k-ka- ka-" you blubber, tears dropping from your cheeks. you know you won't be able to hold it much longer; your pussy aches in need of release. "pl- pl, ka-"
"cum." it was the only word you needed to find yourself toppling off the edge, euphoria rippling over you violently.  tears stream down your cheeks, cum gushing from your heat. you're as limp as a doll in katsuki's arms, slumped against his desk. your pussy throbs, contracting violently - somewhere amidst your orgasm, katsuki had finished as well. your cheeks are wet, blouse thrown somewhere on the ground. your breathing is shaky as katsuki picks you up, stroking your hair delicately.
"hey, honey," he kisses your forehead softly.
you mumble incoherently, eyes drooping shut.
"you did so well for me... i didn't hurt you, did i?"
"no, 'suki.... 's good.... i liked it a lot..." you nuzzle into him, his body warmth comforting. katsuki smells of vanilla and caramel, a sweet combination that feels undeniably like home. 
you don't remember many of the next events well; everything blurs into a haze. you feel him gently thumbing your tears away, slipping your skirt and panties on and buttoning up one of his extra dress shirts on you.
the last thing you hear is a gentle "i love you," and before you know it, you're drifting asleep.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
So you can, nice.
I been wandering if you could write something about a painful love triangle between iromatsu and a new neighbor they have met and become Friends with.
She is like the epic older sister type, but with some depression and emptiness. Best if her name was Irusu. She likes to pet the sextuplets.
ichimatsu happen to fall for her thinking she is similar to him and karamatsu falling for her strong personality thinking it was beautiful.
however when karamatsu realized that ichi love her too and saw how close they are. he had a emotional battle with himself not knowing if he should choose his happiness or his brother's, in the end he chose what he thought is the best for them all and immediately give up on her and start avoiding her not knowing that the girl actually have a crush on him (lot of details, ik)
eventually the girl got hurt from Karamatsu action and blamed her foolish messed up self.
Ichimatsu who know the girl's feelings get into a fight with karamatsu and they got injured both physically and emotionally.
I don't know about the ending tho, you can write whatever you want I'm only here to give pain to my heart.
It's a bit long so take your time and don't overdo it pls, love ya💙
ahahaha sorry, was the request "yo girl how much emotional Iromatsu shit can you fit into less than 3000 words?"
... the answer is literally all of it
this was fun, Iromatsu fighting hurts my heart but also I love it, that angst is delicious :D
I made the ending vague in order both to let people imagine their own ending AND to set up for a possible sequel if anybody wants one!
love ya too, I hope this is good for you *fingerguns*
For the first time in a long time, Akatsuka Ward has a new resident.
For the first time in an even longer time, she’s been hanging around the Matsuno sextuplets as if they’re her only friends.
As far as anyone else knows, that might be the truth. No one ever sees her with anyone else aside from the times she happens to work, and the brothers all seem incredibly fond of her, so there’s really no reason to find anyone else when she has six new friends.
Irusu is maybe a strange kind of young lady, but no stranger than the rest of Akatsuka’s inhabitants, to be fair. Around the sextuplets, she doesn’t really rest in making sure they’re all taken care of and happy.
She accompanies Osomatsu to the pachinko parlor, often putting her own money into the machines so he can play. She sits next to Karamatsu on the roof, listening to him play guitar and singing along. She collects magazine articles about idols and proudly sets them into Choromatsu’s hands when she comes over. She brings over food for Ichimatsu’s cats, giving little kissy noises as she feeds them. She always offers to play baseball with Jyushimatsu, even though it always leads to exhaustion later. She displays an incredible willingness to star in selfies with Totty and makes him laugh with silly poses.
And if she’s not doing any of those things, she’s got one of their heads in her lap, stroking through their hair. More than one fight has broken out over who gets to be petted the most on any given day.
All in all, they love having her around. It’s been so long since any of them had a real friend outside the family who treated them so kindly.
Is it really any wonder at least one of them ended up falling head over heels for her?
… Actually, is it really any wonder two of them did?
Neither of them is sure who fell first, though they’re not sure it really matters since they can’t really call ‘dibs’ on a person. All they know is that Ichimatsu is drawn to the similarities between himself and Irusu, sensing a kind of heavy-weighing sadness and darkness inside her that’s not unlike his own… and that Karamatsu is pulled in by her strength and kindness, in awe of someone who can be so brave even when she’s suffering herself.
For the month or so after Karamatsu became aware of his little brother’s feelings, he’s been wrestling with his own heart. What kind of horrible older brother would he be if he stole the affections of someone Ichimatsu’s heart is also pining after? Can he even set aside his own selfish emotions when he’s never quite felt like this for someone before?
The whole thing is just awful. Often as brothers they would playfully fight over Totoko, and yet this is… different. This isn’t Totoko. It’s Irusu. It’s someone that one of them might actually have a shot with.
What is he supposed to do? For once in his life, he wants to step up and have a chance, to not immediately give in to his generosity and wanting his little brother to be happy. He wants to be happy. It’s a shame that he does want Ichimatsu to be happy, too. At the very least, he doesn’t want his happiness to have a hand in Ichimatsu’s pain.
He thinks too long and too hard. Every cheesy romantic line that he aims at Irusu and every time she smiles at him ― it’s getting more difficult to take. Every time she caresses his head. Every hug they share.
Every time he notices Ichimatsu tense up whenever Karamatsu flirts with Irusu. Every time Ichimatsu clenches his fists when she’s charmed by something Karamatsu does or says. Every time he looks angry and insecure when she calls him ‘Irusu boy’ and proclaims herself ‘Karamatsu girl’, even if it’s probably just a joke.
Those are the things he thinks he notices more than any of Irusu’s reactions.
He wants so much to be selfish, to not care how his brother feels. The unfortunate truth is that he does. More than anything, he loves all of his brothers, Ichimatsu included. If something he does is going to hurt one of them, then he doesn’t want to do it.
So last night, he did something that he didn’t truly want to do. As Irusu was leaving, he kissed her hand and told her, in a rather solemn tone devoid of his usual theatrics, “Ichimatsu would probably like it if you asked him out.”
With that, he felt like things were in place. He would keep his distance from her, Ichimatsu would get a chance to be happy with her, and… Karamatsu was sure he would find someone else eventually. The biggest problem was that in order for it not to be so painful for him, he would have to try to avoid Irusu as much as possible.
No more hugs. No more being petted. No more pretty smiles in his direction.
It’s only been a few days of it by this point. However, it’s not easy. Even though he thinks this is the best thing, that he’ll stop craving her attention at some point, right now he still wants it. Losing the closeness they’ve all become used to is one of the worst things he can think of, and it’s happening, and he’s so sure it’s the right thing…
It just sucks that the right thing can hurt so badly.
At least his little brother will have a shot at happiness.
Ichimatsu, on the other hand, is pissed.
He’s sure he must have been this angry at some other point in his life, although he can’t really remember this kind of fury burning him up from the inside. It’s probably been a while since he felt anything other than a boiling of annoyance.
He has a hard time with Karamatsu, that much is for sure, but he knows Karamatsu well enough. The man is a goody-goody, or at least he pretends to be, so he’d never do something like, say, step on Ichimatsu’s toes over a girl they both like. That much is certain.
Except the issue with backing off is that in the process, he’s managed to lodge a big, painful arrow in Irusu’s feelings. That is something Ichimatsu can’t just ignore or let slide.
Why would he do this, anyway? If he was going to let Ichimatsu have a chance with her, fine… how come he had to just start brushing her off, though? What, does he think he can’t even be friends with her in order to let Ichimatsu shoot his shot? The hell is wrong with that dumbass?
This is where his dangerous nature comes in handy, at the very least. He can’t act too scary around Irusu or he risks her being afraid of him. Karamatsu is another story.
Which is good, because he thinks his big, stupid brother needs a scare to make him realize what the hell he’s doing.
Not only is he taking away Ichimatsu’s chance of winning Irusu’s affection fairly, instead of being the ‘runner-up’ like he’s been his whole life, Karamatsu is also hurting her. She’s talked about this to Ichimatsu, and she thinks that this is somehow her fault.
She thinks she’s too messed up and Karamatsu has just lost interest in her, that she did something which turned him off. The way she buried her face in Ichimatsu’s shoulder, mumbling tearfully that she should have known Karamatsu couldn’t possibly like her the way she liked him, is a memory he thinks is going to be burned in his mind forever.
He’s mad at Karamatsu more than he’s ever been in his life. He thinks he’s doing a nice thing stepping aside and trying to give Ichimatsu a chance, but if it hurts Irusu, he doesn’t want that chance. It matters what she wants more than anything, so if she likes and wants Karamatsu, if it’s putting her in pain to have him treat her dismissively, then Ichimatsu isn’t going to just stand by. He’s gonna do something about it.
Of course, perhaps he could have been a little more composed about it than to simply walk up to Karamatsu and punch him in the face. That said, nobody ever accused Ichimatsu of being subtle.
The hit was hard enough to leave his hand aching, so as soon as it connects, he pulls his fist back and rubs at his knuckles. It hurts, yeah. There’s more important stuff than that right now, though. He stares down at his brother, who’s on the floor trying to recover, and for a long moment, doesn’t do anything except glare.
Karamatsu, meanwhile, is pinching his nose shut in an attempt to stop the bleeding from being punched in the Goddamn face without any warning. To say he wasn’t expecting the blow would be an understatement. Even when he gingerly draws his hand away with a wince, everything still throbs. “Ichimatsu, what the hell was that for?!”
“You’re an ass,” Ichimatsu hisses, taking a step closer. “You think I need your fucking pity, huh? You think the only way Irusu would choose to go out with me is because you gracefully bowed out? You’re full of shit!”
Karamatsu is on his feet in a few seconds, only to just barely catch another fist thrown at him. His arm shakes with the muscle strain of holding back his little brother’s ire. “What are you… are you angry at me for taking myself out of the running?! Any other time, you’d be eliminating the competition yourself!”
Ichimatsu throws a punch with his other hand, though it’s caught just the same. There’s too much rage and adrenaline flooding through him, and Karamatsu can’t hold him back forever. “You think you’re doing me some kind of favor?! That’s just so like you! You’ve gotta be the hero right? You stupid, chūnibyō loser! You’re the saintly big brother and I’m the pathetic jackass and you’ve just gotta help me!”
“Wha… h-hey! That’s not what I think or what I’m trying to do!” It’s starting to become difficult to keep a grip on Ichimatsu’s hands, so in a desperate bid for some space, he shoves Ichimatsu back… maybe with a little more force than he may have used otherwise. “I care about you, Ichimatsu! You deserve to have a chance, and I know she likes you, and I just thought… if I allowed her to focus on you, I wouldn’t distract her!”
Ichimatsu ends up flat on his ass, although he’s back up in only a second. “You didn’t distract her, you motherfucker! You hurt her feelings! Who cares if she likes me?! She likes you! But as usual, you had to go and fuck everything up for everybody because you were trying to ‘help’!”
This time when he lunges forward, Karamatsu is ready and they end up grappling like two bucks locking antlers. Nobody really has the upper hand unless one counts that Ichimatsu is putting a little more physical force into it; the emotional toll it’s taking on Karamatsu is obvious, though.
“She never told me anything about that!” His arms quiver as he tries to plant his feet so that Ichimatsu can’t just brute force his way through this fight.
“Should she have had to?! You said she likes me, but she’s never said that, so you could obviously read her to know she likes me! You couldn’t tell she likes you, too?! And so what?!” Ichimatsu rocks forward in an attempt to knock Karamatsu off balance. “Even if she didn’t like you that way, you think blowing her off like you’ve been doing wouldn’t hurt a friend?!”
He winds back and goes in for another punch. “You’re not a good person! You know what you are? You know what I see when I look at you, what everyone else sees when they look at you? A stupid, painful, selfish, sorry excuse for a big brother!”
Something about those words makes Karamatsu freeze. The hit lands full-force, kickstarting the bloody nose that had just stopped a moment ago. Sparks dance around his insides, prompting him to gain back awareness enough to reciprocate the blow.
Before either of them know it, they’re rolling around on the floor, kicking and hitting each other and shouting the worst things they can think of.
“Excruciating bastard!”
“Antisocial asshole!”
“Self-centered, holier-than-thou shitbag!”
“Emotionally constipated, ungrateful bitch!”
“You don’t deserve to be anyone’s older brother! You don’t deserve to be anyone’s brother, period! You deserve to be alone, because nobody should ever have to deal with you and your fucking tryhard bullshit!”
“Oh, and you’re so easy to deal with?! All any of us do is give and give and you don’t give us anything in return! Being an apathetic misanthrope doesn’t make you interesting or special, it just makes you an edgelord!”
“Edgelord, huh? Must run in the family, because you’re even edgier than I am!”
“Maybe, but at least I don’t shut everyone out and act like my brothers don’t love me!”
“Oh, you’re psychoanalyzing me now?! Fuck off! Actually, just die!”
“Is that what you say to everything?! You die first and I might consider it!”
“Great! I’m glad to die! I’ve got a noose and a beam all picked out! As long as I get to choose how you die, I’m ready when you are, asshole!”
“Please! As if I’m going to let you do something like that! What the hell is wrong with you, Ichimatsu?!”
It seems to be the turn in that direction that causes the two of them to start to lose steam. The decline is quick as all the anger between both men crystallizes into fatigue and anguish.
Karamatsu rolls over from where he ended up above Ichimatsu, and Ichimatsu lets his whole body go limp. They lie there for what feels like forever, breathing heavily, covered in new bruises and scratches and flecks of blood, too tired to fire any more shots at one another.
They lie side by side, and when Karamatsu looks over, he sees through his own blurry vision that there are tears in the corners of Ichimatsu’s eyes.
His heart leaps into his throat.
He doesn’t know how else this could have turned out, but it’s undeniable that things have gone way too far, as they always do with any of the sextuplets.
“Ichimatsu…” He reaches for his little brother, only for Ichimatsu to pull violently away and curl into a ball. It hurts, mainly because he knows that’s what Ichimatsu does when he wants the entire world to leave him be. This time, it’s Karamatsu’s fault.
“Fuck off, Shittymatsu,” Ichimatsu mumbles. It’s through experience that Karamatsu can tell he’s starting to cry; that break in his voice might not be evident to anyone except his brothers. “Whatever you’re going to say, I don’t wanna hear it. I don’t care.”
Karamatsu huffs. “Well, you should care. We can’t do this shit, Ichimatsu. What’s wrong with us? It’s not normal for brothers to fight like this. We just beat each other up. Over a woman. … A stunning woman, but―”
“You’re a fucking idiot,” Ichimatsu interrupts. “Are there rocks in your Goddamn head? Do you really think this is just about Irusu? Don’t pretend this wouldn’t have happened at some point even if she never came into our lives. We’re fucking losers who don’t know how to get along and she’s just the latest thing we’re fighting about. We’re both shitheads. Neither of us deserves her.”
Well, at least they can agree on that.
Despite the fact that Ichimatsu doesn’t turn to look at him, not even a little, Karamatsu keeps a hand on his little brother’s back. That Ichimatsu doesn’t push him away or scream for Karamatsu to get off is a good sign.
Although, there aren’t enough good signs to just magically fix this. There’s still so much wrong with the entire situation and nothing is going to tie it up with a neat bow.
They lie next to each other in silence for a long time. Gradually, the tension starts to drain out of Ichimatsu’s body, the more seconds tick by without Karamatsu moving away. His muscles continue to relax until he’s bled out of fury, until he realizes that he doesn’t wantto be mad at his big brother.
The anger isn’t just going to vanish from either of them. It’s not going to disappear because they don’t want to be angry at each other. Their exhaustion bringing true feelings out of the shadows, however, is better than making believe they would prefer staying angry.
“I’m sorry,” Karamatsu finally says. His voice is smaller than usual and breathy and sounds cracked in half by the time he speaks up.
At last, Ichimatsu rolls over onto his back with a grunt. “… I’m sorry, too.”
Karamatsu sighs and shifts his hand away to give his younger brother space. “We really are a couple of pathetic creatures, aren’t we?”
“Yep, we’re shitty.”
“The shittiest.”
They both fall silent for another moment or two. This time, it’s Ichimatsu who breaks the quiet. “What… do we do now?”
There are too many thoughts swirling around Karamatsu’s head. And he would assume in Ichimatsu’s head as well. Everything is tumulting around in an unorganized mess, too much to put together any kind of real plan.
What do they do about what,anyway? About Irusu and who gets to have a chance with her? About their own broken relationship?
Neither of them really knows what to do about anything.
“I think,” Karamatsu hums, “we should patch up our wounds before anything else.”
So Ichimatsu nods.
It’s not going to solve any of their real problems, but it’s as good a place to start as any.
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percyjacksonfan3 · 3 years
The Last Olympian Thoughts
So because I have absolutely 0 self-control or restraint when it comes to this series and its characters, and for The Last Olympian in particular, I could not put TLO down. Because of this I figured I couldn’t do the usual photo reaction posts I have been so far, because the spam would just be ridiculous, so I am stealing the idea from @yourstrulytaaay​ to do a masterpost instead. (Adding a Read More cause this got ridiculously long)
Fun fact, TLO came out right after i finished reading the series for the first time so it's the first PJO book i bought  and my only hard cover one for the og series. I checked the year and turns out it was published 2009, which means i was actually 9 when i read the series for the first time. I realize this is not really a fun fact but i thought i was older when I first read the series so it's blowing my mind a little ‘cause now I’m 21 and everything hits different and i still have so much love for this series and the characters Okay onto book thoughts: - i was right that this book is gonna destroy me, the first line alone made me so excited and nostalgic it's ridiculous - I love Rachel and Percy sm tbh. Her being a bit of peace and normalcy in his life without always reminding Percy of who and what he is is so good for him. Just a little escape
- of course by the end of the book that's not the case any more but by the end he's lived his prophecy so he doesn't need it as badly, plus he and Annabeth are solid again - Percy saying Annabeth has been hard to be around lately... Ouch my heart. Luke really is the last thing that keeps them from being together and Percy is so jealous and Annabeth so torn and in pain, i feel so bad for them both
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- Beckendorf 🥺🥺 - the telkhine with the Lil Demon lunchbox!! I forgot about him. Percy: 'i left him alive, partly because his lunchbox was cool' is one of my absolute favourite lines tbh - Paul taking Percy crabbing and being imperative in helping Percy kill the giant crab 💖 Paul Blofis is important and deserves the world, okay? - aw Percy, you can't save every demigod bb
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- 'i had to fight him eventually. Why not now?... What difference would a week make?' Oh Percy you have no idea - real talk tho, the fact Kronos possessed Luke's body would also mess me tf up. Percy keeps forgetting it's not Luke anymore and yeah, that would be so so hard and confusing af, like what another smart little mind game for Kronos to pull on top of everything else - the fact Percy fights Kronos before getting the Achilles Curse and actually doesn't die within seconds is... Astounding. He kicks him in the chest! And yeah Kronos is weaker and still adjusting to Luke's body, but Percy is having trouble fighting Luke cause they used to be friends - Percy breaks Kronos' time magic!! Like?! Boy is POWERFUL.
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- OUCH - honestly Luke, Thalia and Annabeth's family breaking the way it did... Don't talk to me. Poor Annabeth, Luke betrayed them, Thalia joined the Hunters because of Luke's betrayal so she's pretty much AWOL all the time and then Luke dies. Like Rick wtf, my heart can't take it? -Percy and Tyson having each others backs when talking to Poseidon in the underwater palace is the brother-brother relationship we love to see - Percy trying to stick a sand dollar in the vending machines at school 🤦🏻‍♀🤦🏻‍♀ - the whole underwater interaction at Poseidon's palace? Perfection. Awkward family drama and all - Connor falling out of the tree when he sees Percy because he's so excited 😂😂
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- 😭💖
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- k, ik Clarisse isn't perfect but tbh if i was a child of Ares whose father was disrespected and hated by my fellow campers (ares deserves it but still) and that disrespect trickled down to how the other campers treated ME (which if Percy is reliable here, it obviously does) then i would also be irritated at being used for muscle and nothing else? And just expected to fight with the people who act as if they'd rather not have Ares kids around the rest of the time. Like Clarisse isn't totally wrong - Percy reading the prophecy, seeing he's meant to die and just being like 'i do not see it' and refusing to outright think about it makes me so sad for him - (but it taints every action after and he's super reckless afterwards bc of it- including finally breaking and accepting the Achilles Curse) - (also him taking this as the last straw and finally beginning to show Annabeth how he really feels, cause fuck it, he's dying anyway) - Give me more info about Rachel's backstory and family Rick!! -  how did i forget Percy willingly eats chocolates that taste like cardboard because 'i didnt have anything against cardboard' like sir? Ik Silena didn't want them but still? - 'she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful' STOP, MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT - Percy staring at Annabeth and forgetting what they're talking about cause hes so distracted 👌🏻
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- hmm yeah... For some strange reason.... - i forgot how Percy totally bombs this convo bw them and now want to cry 😭 Annabeth is trying to talk about what's important and Percy, you sweet oblivious man, you're shooting her down without even realizing - love that they're both on the same wavelength tho. Percy two lines before, hmm it's cool to date ppl from other cabins, wonder why im thinking that around Annabeth, my best friend in the world, and then Annabeth a beat later, hmm, let me bring up Silena and Beckendorf and how it's important to be with the people you love when you have the chance, no way Percy will miss this huge hint right? - they're the best - k i honestly forgot Percy full on physically intimidates Leneus like that - luke telling his mom if he ran away the monsters wouldnt get her..i can just imagine luke crying when he says good bye before running away because he thinks it's his fault his mom is like that and he cant take care of and protect her anymore because it's too hard - uh oh now i have angsty pre-lightning thief luke fic inspo... Him, Thalia and Annabeth on the run... The ANGST -  Rick holds absolutely nothing back in this book and i am in pain - HESTIA!! 💖💖🥰 - actual loml - i love that Rick titled this book after her and that he wrote such a great series about the importance of family (biological, found or otherwise) and home, and that he said actually Hestia is the most important bc shes the most humble and keeps the peace and knows when to fight and when to yield and you protect what you love, which is your home - i just... Adore Hestia - Grover! Missed you babes - Hades is so so horrible to Nico, always comparing him to Bianca :/ - but i do love Hades, Persephone and Demeter together they make me laugh - oh god the River Styx - Achilles 🥺 - Annabeth being Percy's lifeline is, and continues to be, A Lot™ - 'my name was Percy Jackson. I reached up and took Annabeth's hand.' LOL Why am i crying? - Like the fact there is no Percy without Annabeth, and that remembering her literally reminded him of who he is in his very soul... It's fine im fine - i won't even get into the parallels of her being his lifeline now and then later when Hera takes his memories but leaves the memory of Annabeth for Percy to fight to get back to (anyone who wants to yell about it with me... Feel free to message) - badass Percy is my fav Percy tbh - him defeating Hades?? Like? Hades is arguably the most powerful god, okay - i feel bad for Nico but if i was Percy I'd do the exact same, Nico, sorry man but this is a high stakes time crunch deal and Nico is literally the only hope of persuading Hades and distracted by his own internal stuff - flashbacks to Luke, Thalia and Annabeth hurt, ow - George and Martha are the best - damn i forgot Hermes full on nearly kills Percy here, yikes - Luke stop cockblocking Percabeth challenge
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- i love!! Percy's love for New York!! So much!! - Percy leaving to live in New Rome in HoO is a lie and this is all the proof i need for why - the fact the entire last half of the book is the battle and aftermath... Such great buildup and pacing. All the tricks and twists and battles in this War of Manhattan? I would not take out a thing, Rick, you legend - of course then the final battle in hoo with the gods is what? Two pages? Ugh, don’t talk to me about my hatred for BoO and HoO - 'no detours you two' is still the cutest thing!!! - THE HUNTERS!! Thalia i missed you - good job Percy, you finally spent your sand dollar - Minotaur!! - 'dont i get a kiss for luck? Its kind of a tradition right?' Percy finds out he's gonna die and is out of fucks to give and honestly I support him - also Michael just standing beside these two while they're flirting like umm 👀 👀 while a monster army marches towards them, nbd - Annabeth taking Ethan's knife meant for Percy!!! Cause she just knows his weak spot without him even telling her! They literally invented love - Feral Percy is so scary omg, i love how well Rick incorporates the Achilles Curse in this novel, with the whole heightened weaknesses and stuff ans the parallels to Achilles arrogance being what killed him and Percy's loyalty, fierceness and protective instinct being his own heightened weakness - the fact that Percy is the one who inadvertantly kills Michael Yew tho, I'll never recover from that - the fact Hades offers Maria di Angelo a golden palace by the Styx like how Poseidon offers Sally a palace under the sea tho. Let's talk about that parallel - the entire talk with Prometheus is so so good - not me picturing young Luke hiding in the closet to get away from his mom when she has an 'episode' -i love callbacks in stories and all of the callbacks to the rest of the series in this book make me very happy (medusa, minotaur, the underworld, Rainbow!! My baby!!, Daedalus and more) - Percy summoning a wholeass hurricane against Hyperion - the Party Ponies! They're so chaotic, i love it - Dionysus! 😁 I can't help it, i love him - Percy absolutely losing it when he sees Sally and Paul asleep in the car 🥺 - Rachel telling Percy he's not the hero screws with him so much :( poor bb - although i really really love how Rick wrote this, it's so refreshing to not have one chosen one save the world, but a combination of people - the drakon, Silena and Clarisse make me cry - the Patrochilles references, im not okay - Annabeth giving up on Luke after hearing what he did to Silena and Percy telling her that doesn't make him happy 😭 that whole interaction makes my heart ache - Percy giving Hestia Pandora's pithos 🥺 - and Hades, Nico and the others coming for a final attack is so badass, i love it - listen im glad the og trio were the ones to confront Luke on Olympus but the fact Thalia got so close and then pinned by a statue of HERA makes me so sad. Ik her and Luke were finished and she coped by cutting him off completely and giving up all hope but i would pay money to know what they would have said to each other to say goodbye - Ethan 🥺 - Poseidon joining the fight against Typhon is so cool, such a great scene - 'PEANUT BUTTER!' - Annabeth you brilliant badass you - RIP Luke, you werent great but you werent the worst either - the gods just rolling up seconds too late, wondering wtf happened in Olympus and who the dead body is - the chapter where the Olympians meet and give out rewards is one of my absolute favourites (again i am incensed we didn't get anything like this in HoO) - will Percy turning down immortality ever not make me scream in glee? No? Alright then - Annabeth being relieved like Percy was relieved at the end of Titan's Curse tho - oh Hermes :/ - its so hard reading all this and knowing what comes in HoO... Like it's such a cathartic, earned and mostly happy and peaceful ending and then HoO comes along and undermines it all - aww Rick let Paul see Olympus somehow pls, he deserves it, he killed a dracanae - (i would also love to see it) - Percy being more upset Rachel took his pegasus than her going to Camp and possibly dying, lol, priorities dude - i honestly think that Rick had other ideas for the second Great Prophecy and how things would go down in BoO, cause the prophecy like... Barely applies to BoO, Doors of Death are in book four, and explabations of it is all so unclear when Rick is usually pretty good with that stuff - PERCABETH - lol Percy complaining about privacy when he and Annabeth are caught kissing literally in the middle of the very open and public dining pavilion, okay - BEST UNDERWATER KISS OF ALL TIME - that's it and im a glass case of emotion - very happy to say that this series remains my favourite of all time 💖
 If anyone ever wants to come gush about anything Riordanverse related feel free, because as you can see I have a lot of thoughts about it all
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taechaos · 3 years
Idea series oc sneaking Tae in the house after he had big fight with his father about something (your choice if it's smutty or fluff or angsty) with a peek of a vurberable Tae? Honestly i think he would change the topic as soon as he started it and prob with sex.
Anyway I'm really interest in their family dynamic since I remember don't know if it was in part one or two that you mention they have really religious parents? And seeing how harsh their dad is with Taehyung it have me wondering how is his relationship with the mother and ocs with both parents, despite everything the seem really distant from their kids, maybe thats why Tae and YN find comfort in each other. OC is the first real bond Tae made with someone so maybe that's the reason of his fear of being replaced and his obsession with her, and ocs mother probably don't pay that much attention to her so that's why even after the incident she still want him to be there. At this point I'm just rambling I'm sorry. And this ask is all over the place, started with a request and ended questioning characters life 💀💀. Sorry hehe.
when i read this yesterday i was literally blown away by this like hOLY shit your analysis is so in-depth at first i was like damn do my characters have more than oNE DIMENSION?? WHICH IS RLY FLATTERING BUT I THINK ITS JUST UR WORDS THAT MADE ME SOUND SMART 💀💀💀 the ending is chef's kiss tho made me bust a lung SHFJJD thank you so much for taking the time to write this its honestly so fucking amazing. hopefully u can see more of their family dynamic in this drabble :)
Rays of sunlight slither through the cracks in the blinds of the living room, allowing Taehyung's father enough light to scan the newspaper he holds in his hand, with the musical, happy chirping of mockingbirds filling in the silence. All of these beautiful signs of nature and peaceful rotation of the earth makes Taehyung tense up even more.
The moment he got back home from buying drugs, his father greeted him in monotone with a, "would you sit with me for a moment?" and he hasn't spoken since. The zipperbag in his pocket crinkles every time he shifts in his seat, making him cringe momentarily before he starts nervously fidgeting again.
This is so awkward and yet equivalent to hearing: we need to talk. God, why is he so silent?
Clearing his throat, Taehyung stands just as his father flips a page with a lick of his thumb. "I'm going to my room really quick."
"Oh." When will his step-mother return? She's his only hope as he sits down while avoiding looking at his father, whose gaze is set on the black and white printed pages.
It's only a minute later when he talks without diverting his gaze.
"Your sister is in her room, researching her major to get a headstart on a typical syllabus."
"Smart," he comments with disinterest and nibbles on his upper lip.
"Taehyung, how was your attendance in college?" he folds the newspaper and curiously peeks at his son, who is doing a poor job at hiding his nerves.
"It was alright–"
"Lying is a sin, son," his movements are aristocratic when he leans his chin on his fist. "Don't lie."
"I'm not," he stammers and his eyes flicker, "it was bad at the beginning of the year, but I fixed it."
His father pinches the bridge of nose where his frames lie. "I love your sister, Taehyung," he sighs and takes off his glasses, "I want her to do well. I've given up on you, but her? She can accomplish great things if you're not there to influence her. You're a bad influence. Are you following me?"
Taehyung nods dumbly with a racing heart before registering his words and shaking his head. "What?" he blurts. "I used to help her with her homework all the time–"
"You were home once every month."
"Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean I didn't see her," he coldly says. That's not entirely accurate, but it is true that he saw you more than he saw his parents before he started living here again. For you.
His father is taken aback, offended as he scoffs, "You avoided me and your mother, and yet have the face to stay in our home?" He stands up and passes the coffee table that was Taehyung's only barrier to hover over him with distance. "I expected so much more from you, but you can't even do the bare minimum. An adult without a stable job, respectable girlfriend, and embarrassing grades. I'm ashamed to have raised such a boy, for I can't even call you a man."
Taehyung abruptly stands but he continues, "If you can't even pay rent, go back to that landfill you came from."
"I have to pay rent to live with my family?" He's livid and his hands shake by his sides; they're taking you away from him because what? He isn't the son they wanted him to be?
"You've made it clear that the only thing keeping you here is my daughter," he blindly points at the closed door of your room, "and you will have to try much harder to see her again. Get your life together, and you can come back."
Taehyung's face is heated with anger from the injustice. "What the fuck?! This is such bullshit; you're kicking me out?"
His father frowns at his language, growling, "Taehyung! I will not let you drag her down that path with you. When you stop destroying everything you touch, I'll gladly let you live here."
Destroy? He hasn't done any harm to anyone—especially not you. He knows he's self-destructive, but it doesn't extend to his environment. If he fails, it's his failure, but his father takes it personally instead of encouraging him to do better.
The importance of reputation and success in this family enrages him; he's aware that he's not much of an affectionate person either, but a little love wouldn't hurt to witness in the household.
Instead of defending himself or speaking his mind, he obliges bitterly.
"You need to get laid," are his last words before he slams the door and opens the zipper bag to pop a pill. Ecstasy isn't so fun when you're not around, but he can use the distraction. It's been a bad day.
He flips off a stray cat idling around the garden before casually leaving the property.
Studying isn't fun for you, never has been, never will be. Though you hate every second of it, it does give you something to do to make time pass faster. You've been tutoring yourself about things you'll learn sooner or later anyway, but you guess it doesn't hurt to have to study less when the time comes.
You check the time. It's approaching night at 9 PM, and your father wouldn't protest against a break now, hopefully. He only suggested that you should start studying, but you know what his suggestions really mean.
Do it, or get shamed into doing it with subtle glances.
As if that isn't enough, he constantly checked up on you throughout the day. He wasn't exactly giving you a choice, which irks you.
But that's done and over with, and there's a more pressing matter at hand: where is Taehyung? You heard bits and pieces of the argument, but you couldn't get the whole scoop. You worry he's going to go back to his old habits of never being here, rarely seeing you. He would've been hanging out with you six hours ago out of routine... It can't just be you being clingy. Something happened.
You: are you coming home tonight?
The response takes a few minutes.
taehyung: nop
taehyung: but i am coming to ur room
taehyung: cuz ik u cant sleep without me 😖
You: actually the opposite but ok lol
You: when are you coming
taehyung: whenever u want uwu
You: uwu...?
You: just come before it gets too late
So that was a lie. It's 1 AM and still no word from Taehyung. Okay, maybe you're just being clingy now, but it's unlike him not to be clingy. Maybe he wanted to cool off for a long time after his tak with your step-dad, or simply wanted to hang out with his friends after spending all of his time with you.
That makes sense. What doesn't is the slide of your window and shuffling of your curtains. You instantly sit up in your bed and clutch your blanket closer. You watch a silhouette enter your room as you pick up your limp, your tense muscles relaxing only when you recognize the intruder. You put down the lamp with a click of your tongue, ignoring the relief in your pounding heart.
"Hey," he stupidly grins at you. He looks disheveled, clothes untucked and wrinkled, and from the little light you have, you can see his redshot eyes.
"There's also the door," you remark sassily. "Are you um... high?"
He shrugs and crawls in your bed, dismissive as usual. You both make an effort to keep your voices quiet.
"I talked to mom earlier," you ease into the discussion until he butts in.
"That's great."
You roll your eyes and prop an elbow to look down at him. His head lies on his hands while staring at you, mood strangely upbeat. He's definitely high.
"She was a little sad about something, and I know it involves you. I heard you talking to–" You're interrupted with a lingering peck, a little rough in its force but not unwelcomed.
"I've missed kissing you. Shouldn't you be asleep, by the way?"
Recovering from the unexpected attack, you reply, "It's not that late. I don't have to wake up early."
"You shouldn't ruin your sleep schedule," he tucks a hair strand behind your ear without taking his eyes off of you. "Staying up is hard to stop once you start."
"Yeah, you're a great example," you joke with a quiet giggle. Whispering with him feels intimate in a heart fluttering way. His heart pangs with a feeling he can't put a finger on. "You didn't answer my question."
"Don't play dumb, I'm really curious. What happened with dad?"
"A lot of things happen with dad," he shrugs, "sometimes we play catch–"
"Taehyung," you give him a pointed look, and he giggles.
"You're right, he'd never play catch with me." He groans as he stretches in your bed before trapping you with his arms on either side of you in one motion. You don't know what he's trying to do, but you watch him above you in amusement. "No offence, but when is your mom not sad when my dad is around?" he laughs with a huff.
"That's rude, Tae," you remark seriously, "she's happy when you're around."
Taehyung's smile falters like yours, his happy guise crumbling when he says, "Are you?"
"Pfft," you roll your eyes, "What do you think? I was up waiting for you."
Ah. That's not a very good influence.
"I'm here now," he whispers, "go to sleep. It's okay, I won't do anything, I know you worked hard today."
You agree with a yawn and nod. But even in your sleepy state, you can read the room—Taehyung is especially attentive of his tone and volume aside from being so tense. "Are you alright?"
"I'm in and on ecstasy," he falls back on his former spot, "I can't not be alright."
"Taehyung, I haven't seen you all day–"
"Yeah, because I didn't want to be here," he looks at you dead in the eye, "and I don't want you to be here."
You blink rapidly, slightly shaking your head in confusion, "What are you saying?"
"Move in with me."
He's met with cold silence, so he persuades persistently, "Don't you want to get away from here? You'll have so much more freedom with me, and I can help you with your assignments and everything. It'll be perfect."
"I— do you... Where?" Taehyung is high and he doesn't know what he's saying is what you believe because this is so out of the blue, so irrational, but he describes it like it's utopia; you are not completely against the idea.
"I have enough money from drug dealing to rent an apartment, and you can tell dad that you want to move out to be like an adult or whatever, that you have a stable job, without mentioning me," he rambles, and his dilated pupils are more noticeable up close; it slightly puts you off.
"Wh-what about mom?"
He scoffs, "If she wants out, she can get her second divorce. Don't worry about them; after all, they're apparently the only real adults here," he relates back to not being worthy of being called a man. You shift away from him little by little. "Just trust me."
The phrase is triggering for you, a reminder of the time you were tricked into trusting him moments before your trauma. "We'll talk about this when you're sober," you meekly say, avoiding eye contact.
A wicked smile grows on his face, "I can't wait, princess."
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
hello!! can i request a giyuu x reader soulmate au with the red string? maybe after they find each other giyuu avoids the reader and then the reader confronts him about it and turns out he’s afraid to get attached and lose them (like with his sister and sabito)
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I did change the request a bit to pack in that extra angst but I must say (Ik I say this a lot but I mean it), this has been my favorite request/piece thus far. There is more I’d like to add but I’ll save it for the end, so please enjoy ~Amanda
Warning: Angst, Fluff, Swearing
(Longest one yet with 2k+ words) 
The little red string that connected you to your soulmate has always laid limp, even when you were a little kid and had first noticed it. They said this happened when your soulmate was far from you and the closer you two got, the tighter it pulled until disappearing the first time you and your soulmate touched. 
You found the idea of soulmates fascinating, it was amazing that something only you could see fated you to another. As you grew older and entered the corps, you never felt any pull from your string. Once while at the demon slayer HQ, you’d felt the faintest tug on your pinky where the string was wrapped. You’d been so happy to finally feel anything from them, but almost as quickly as you felt it, it was gone.
After that day, you were determined to find your soulmate because, finally, they weren’t so out of reach. You constantly joined group missions in an attempt to find them and when you weren’t on a mission, you lurked around headquarters hoping to feel anything.
You tried for a year straight and nothing happened. Any time you felt a tug on your finger, you quickly followed in that direction, only to have the feeling disappear. You were so close to giving up because it was beginning to feel pointless, really there are thousands of slayers, how could you find just one? That was, of course, until you met him when you were least expecting it.
Your years of service had allowed you to climb the ranks fairly quickly, so as a Tsuchinoto, you’d been assigned to captain a team of slayers on a mission. The mission had been brutal; you’d lost several members of your team in the fight against a high level demon, almost losing your life in the process. You’d managed to kill the demon of course, but the casualties were too high for you to feel like it had been a successful mission.
Despite having only been in recovery for two days, you insisted you attended the Hashira meeting you’d been invited too. Oyakata-sama had asked that you relay the details of your mission to the other hashiras because he believed there was some connection to finding kibutsuji. As you left, you ignored the protest of those taking care of you because if this was important enough to have all the Hashira’s present, there was not way you were letting some stupid injuries stop you from going.
It was exhausting to move but you still held your head up high. The closer you grew to where the meeting was being held, the more butterflies erupted in your stomach. It wasn't because you were about to be in the presence of the most powerful demon slayers (although that was nerve racking), but because with every step you took the string on your pinky grew tighter and tighter.
Upon arrival, you tried to unsteadily bow to your superiors but Shinobu quickly forbade it along with any other unnecessary movement, insisting you sit. “Thank you for your concern Shinobu-san, but I must refuse. It would be disrespectful to sit, beside these wounds don’t bother me” your explanation impressed the Hashira’s, even though it was easy to see that your injured leg and bandaged body were causing you pain and discomfort.
Your eyes followed the string that was pulling so tightly at your hand that you needed to force it to stay by your side, landing on the figure kneeling furthest from you. Giyuu, the water Hashira, sat facing away from you, staring at the floor. “That's strange, doesn’t he feel his pinky being pulled? Can’t he see how our strings are connected” you didn’t allow your thoughts to distract you though, you were here for a reason.
You carefully explained every detail from the mission, answering every question that was thrown your way; you were honestly impressed with how calm you were despite your situation. After the meeting finished, Shinobu requested (demanded really since she wouldn’t accept no as an answer) to walk you back to the estate. “Please give me a moment, I need to speak with Giyuu-san” you told Shinobu, who reluctantly allowed you to walk to him.
You reached him just as he was turning to leave, your string pulling so hard it was getting harder to keep your hand in place. You smiled, “excuse me” you called sweetly, eager to talk to him. Your enthusiasm faded though, as his cold eyes turned to meet yours. He looked almost upset to be talking to you, you gulped before continuing “I think we’re soulmates” your voice sounded so small under his intense gaze.
The remaining Hashira’s watched as the tension surrounding you two began to thicken. “I know” his words were so simple, yet so empty. You didn’t get the chance to respond to him before he continued, “Are we done here? I have no intention of getting to know you, you’d only get in my way”. Every word that slipped past his lips buried themselves deep into your heart, chipping away until it cracked in half.
He turned away without another word from either of you, you watched as his form grew smaller in the distance till it was gone. With each step he took, the string that was once pulled so tauntly, loosened little by little, till it sadly hung on the floor. The room was cold and quiet, no one really knowing what to do as they stared at your slouched body.
“I can’t let them see me like this, I’ll just have to wait till I’m alone”
You turned to face those behind you, feeling embarrassed as they watched with sorry eyes. You cleared your throat trying desperately to erase any sadness from your voice as you spoke “Shinobu-san, I’m ready to go now”, you bore a sad smile and lifeless eyes as you two walked away.
“Well that was a fucking wreck” Sanemi commented making the others hum in agreement.
Weeks passed while you were still recovering at the Butterfly Estate. You’d been completely drained of life since Giyuu bluntly rejected you as his soulmate, feeling completely numb from any of the pain your treatment may have caused. You were miserable and anyone who saw you knew it; you never smiled, you barely spoke or ate, and your eyes were void of any life. Everyone tried to make you feel better, but nothing worked.
Shinobu (who had taken a liking to you) was desperate almost to make you feel better, she feared that if you didn’t cheer up soon, there’d be no bringing you back from the darkness that was drowning you. She’d seen something in you, an incredible potential that was too good to be wasted because of Giyuu’s insensitivity. She left to give him a piece of her mind, you at least deserved an explanation.
She found him training, swinging his sword in various directions. “Giyuu-san you’ve really outdone yourself this time, haven’t you. This is why you have no friends you know.” Shinobu’s tone was friendly, but her words were bitter. Normally, her words would have made Giyuu feel bad, but right now, he couldn’t feel any worse than he already did.
Giyuu actually wanted to be with you, you were soulmates afterall, but he couldn’t risk it. He couldn’t risk losing someone else he loved, his heart couldn’t take it. Truth be told, he didn’t think his plan through, he didn’t take into account how it could affect you.”Shinobu-san please, not now” his response was so out of character that Shinobu was thrown off, she’d come to reprimand him but there was no need apparently. She sighed, “I don't know what you’re doing, but she’s heartbroken and barely eating. She could die if this continues” she walked away after that, she didn’t need a response because she knew what she’d done.
Shinobu had sort of stretched the truth, but for a good reason. She’d never admit it, but she knew Giyuu was a good guy, so the prospect of his destined love dying because of something he’d done would drive him mad. She was right of course; after a night of restless sleep, Giyuu set off to find you at the Butterfly Estate hoping you’d accept his apology.
“(Y/n)-san congratulations! You’ve completely recovered and are ready to head on your next mission, something simple to start no doubt.” Aoi cheered you on. You simply hummed with empty eyes as you finished getting dressed. “Thank you” you muttered, bowing your head as a sign of gratitude. You moved towards the door, failing to notice the strong pull of the string wrapped around you pinky until it was too late. The door pulled open just to find Giyuu standing there staring at you regrettably.
“Excuse me” your voice sounded foreign to his ears; those had been the exact words you said to him when you two met, yet the life and enthusiasm had been sucked away. He winced, realizing he was the one to take those away from you.
“No” his voice was deep and absolute. You didn’t move, didn’t blink, because you knew it was meaningless, so you just stood there staring back at him. “I’m sorry” he started awkwardly, he’s never been a man of many words but if it meant not losing you, he’d suck it up.
“I was selfish and avoided you for my own personal reasons. I didn’t want to let you into my life and have you taken away like the others I’ve loved”  he sincerely spoke, trying his hardest to get you to listen. You’re breath hitched as he continued,  “I’m an awful person for what I’ve done to you, but please, consider letting me into your life because there’s nowhere else I’d like to be” his words were genuine. You didn’t know when you’d started crying, but you had, and now your tears slid down your face in huge drops; all your bottled emotions rising to the surface and overflowing.
Giyuu wanted to wipe your tears away, but he didn’t want to touch you univinted. Your voice was heavy and choppy from the sobs you let out as you cried.”I forgive you Giyuu, but I need time”. You would never shove him away, but you couldn’t accept him back so quickly, these last few weeks had been a living hell and that wasn’t something you could just forget.
You composed yourself as best as you could, even though your voice was still shaky, you’d stopped crying. “Giyuu I’m leaving on a mission for a few days, that will be enough time for me to sort everything out, but you are forgiven”.  Giyuu watched as you raised you pinky, the one that had the string wrapped around it, just like his.
“Giyuu I need you to make a promise to me first. Promise that no matter how it may seem, you’ll have faith in me. I don’t know what happened in your past, and I hope you’ll tell me one day, but I’m not going to leave you so easily. Promise that you won’t shut me out like this again and that you’ll be honest with me about your feelings as best as you can. And Finally,” you paused as you formed the faintest smile, “promise to never break my heart like this again”
Giyuu was stunned, you’d forgiven him and he was more grateful than words could explain. His mouth quivered as a small smile crept its way onto his face. His pinky, the one with the other end of the sting, wrapped around yours reassuringly. You two watch as the red string, the one that has tied you both together your whole lives faded away.
“I promise”
Main Masterlist
Ahh this request made me feel all kinds of ways, but I’m so glad that I’ve written it. It made me feel so many emotions, so thank you for giving me the privilege of writing it. This is also the longest fic I’ve written on this blog so yay! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, if you did I’d appreciate it if you read my other work. Thank you ~Amanda
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amelink66world · 4 years
Love of my Life
Heyyy guysss!!! The previous chapter is right below this one. It's even there on my wattpad. You can check it out there too! Enjoyyy 💞
Back on Track
Calling the first hour of the surgery uncomfortable would be an understatement. It was downright heart wrenching. Anxiety was flowing in Jackson's nerves. He was trying to start a conversation every now and then but it appeared that Link had taken an oath of silence and Nico had seen a ghost. He was too anxious to even utter a single word. Amelia was really nervous and sweating like crazy. Jackson was quick to understand that Link and Amelia had a falling out. Yeah, yeah. Everybody thinks that I don't know about them. I'm the most important member of the hospital board. Of course, I know about them. I know about everyone in this freaking soap opera we call a hospital. I even know that no one should even dare to enter the Blue Room between 12 and 1:30 everyday. NO ONE.
The tension was so intense that it could be cut with a knife. Amelia too was trying her level best to initiate a conversation and the only active participant was Jackson. Nico was pretty sure that if he spoke to Amelia then Link would most probably fire him from his fellowship so he kept mum. Amelia tried to ask him some questions about the patient in excuse to engage him in a conversation as obviously the cold wall of a man beside him was making it really hard.
Nico was about to start answering Amelia's questions when a sharp glare from Link's way shushed him. He yelped and quickly focused in the patient, now more than even concerned about his employment. This didn't go unnoticed by the other two surgeons. Jackson raised a brow and looked at the pair who were so used to acting like horny teenagers just a week back. Did I miss something?
Amelia more determined now to at least make Link acknowledge her presence commented about Jai's wife, " I have no idea how she hung onto her husband for that many hours. Have you looked at her posterior cord? God, it's in shambles! I would have let go at aboouutt the twenty minute mark, if not sooner," she chuckled, obviously laughing at her own joke.
Link got offended and rolled his eyes. He was still pretty mad at how she left him. She could've given a heads up for crying out loud! He snarkily replied, " Well, it sounds about right," while still focusing on the patient.
Amelia's eyes widened at his harsh comment. She stared at him. Ouch. Huh, at least I got his attention.
Jackson listened in on the conversation, his interest piqued. Nico, on the other hand, suddenly found himself on crossroads. He finally decided to present his input too, ofcourse if needed, who shies away from hospital gossip and drama, huh?
Trying to make it all right and diss the situation, Amelia addressed Link with nervousness, "So clearly, we've had a misunderstanding. Can we talk after surgery? ", Amelia looked at him with hopeful eyes. Their eyes met and Link started feeling that warmth arise in his stomach. Not trusting himself with Amelia alone, he shrugged, " I'm happy to talk here."
Amelia nervously looked at Nico and Jackson who were trying so hard to pretend this conversation didn't interest them in the slightest, feelingwhat uncomfortable having to talk about her feelings before the. Link seemed to be adamant though. Nico took the hint and was quick to reply, " I'm not listening," before looking at Link. Jackson replied right after him, " And I don't care," with slight amusement.
Amelia rolled her eyes at them before dragging her " Ookaay". She sighed deeply before directly looking at Link in the eyes," I like you. A LOT. I would love to keep seeing you. What I don't want is...bury myself in you." All the three males operating raised their heads and looked at her. Link raised his eyebrows, confusion written all over his face. Again she's talking Amelia language. He wanted to smack his head but they were embedded in the patient's body. What does she mean by that? Of course she's not talking about the sex. God, I don't understand. Help me out here, please.
Nico was quick to respond for him. Of course, he's a guy he understood what Link was feeling. He obviously did not understand in the slightest what Amelia was trying to say. He had observed how happy Link had been lately with Amelia and wanted his mentor to be happy in his life. He decided to help him out here. Answering her earlier question, he says, " Uh, no he doesn't ".
Amelia frowned. He doesn't understand simple English? " He doesn't? " She looked towards Link and questioned him, " You don't ? " Now it was Jackson's turn to reply. He had known Amelia for the past six years and knew she could be nuclear sometimes. And he was a guy too. No male on the planet could understand what a woman speaks when she's nervous. " Of course, he doesn't. You're not speaking a language any dude could possibly understand," he replied incredulously. She looked at Jackson first and then Link for confirmation. He felt her eyes on him and felt compelled to make this easy for her so he shrugged. Without looking he confirms her suspicions, " They're not wrong. "
Amelia sighed deeply again. Like I said, MEN! She tried to say it the easier way. " I would like to go on dates with you and get to know you better before I'm all in. I have a history of going all in, too fast and I would like to change that with you. So...", she trailed off and looked at the other nosy surgeons for affirmation. " Better? " She was rewarded with three simultaneous replies,
" Better "
" Better "
" Better. " It was the last one that brought a wide grin on her face. Link finally turned in her direction and passes her a small smile. He would love to talk to her thoroughly before coming to a conclusion as to where they stood right now but he was at least happy that the misunderstanding seemed to have fizzled out somewhat. Amelia couldn't see him smiling because of the mask but the glint in his eyes gave him away. The tension in the OR finally seemed to have vanished and as usual they performed the surgery engaging in small talk with Jackson occasionally probing Amelia and Link for details and him earning a glare from both the parties involved.
After the surgery, Nico almost pushed Jackson out of the scrub room to give the couple some muh needed privacy. The silence in the scrub room was not as awkward as before but Link still had some uncertainties. He glanced at Amelia who was too busy concentrating on her hands. He cleared his throat and turned in her direction. " Sooo...", he trailed off and raised his eyebrows prompting her to take the lead.
" Not here." She grabbed his right hand and pulled him with her to their favorite on-call room on the fifth floor. Link waited patiently by the bed smiling while Amelia paced trying to gather her thoughts as to how to start the conversation. She was just teeny tiny bit nervous. She couldn't help it. Link made her nervous!
Okay. Here we go. She turned towards him and clasped his hands in hers. " Link "
" Amelia ", he replied playfully.
He was rewarded with a smack on his arm. " Shut up. I'm trying here," she glared at him accusingly making Link grin. He just loved teasing her. Seeing her so anxious was oddly entertaining.
Link recovered and looked deeply in her eyes providing her strength. She nodded before saying, "Link. I never said that I wanted to break up with you. That day what I meant was I just needed to figure out myself. I'm going to be completely honest here. I'm that sort of a person who falls in love too quickly. That almost always becomes the reason why I hurt people or they hurt me. I didn't want that with you. I don't ever want you to get hurt. I can be very reckless and rash sometimes. Ypu don't deserve that. I thought I would hurt you...badly, which I unintentionally have done. And in the past too." Her eyes became downcast and her voice was quivering.
Link pressed his hands to her cheeks forcing her to look in his eyes. She had tears in her eyes. Her nodded at her willing her to continue. " In the past week, I never thought I'd miss you so much. I thought we'd still be together, we'll just be going on dates and no more pain relief sex. I wanted us to give us a try. You asked me a question a few days back whether it felt real for me too. I couldn't answer it that time." She too pressed her hands on his cheeks. He momentarily closed his eyes feeling her warm hands on his cheeks.
He had missed this! He had missed her touch, missed feeling so close to her. She leaned in and softly brushed her lips against his. " It does. I'm a 1000% sure, it definitely does. It all feels real to me. I never thought I'd feel this way. I never felt like this with Owen. YOU made me start feeling those things which I can't explain right now. And...I panicked. I thought I'd sabotage this relationship too, just like I did to all my other relationships. I'm really sorry, Link for hurting you."
She started sobbing. Link's heart broke for her. Why does she think she sabotages relationships? Who told her that ?! Link couldn't see Amelia so broken. He put a finger on her lips, silencing her. He drew her in closer before brushing her tears with his thumbs. " Who told you that, Amelia? It's not true. YOU could never hurt me. Even if you wanted to." Amelia raised her head to look at him properly.
"And you're not reckless. You're the most beautiful person I know. And I'm not talking about your appearance. Even though you're gorgeous", he chuckled. She smiled at that. He always knows how to make me feel better. " It's okay, Amelia. I understand, you panicked. It's completely normal. It happens to everybody." He hugged her tightly for few long moments before pulling back slightly to look her in the eyes.
" I like you, Amelia. YOU. All of you. Even if you think you're reckless, it doesn't matter. I like your recklessness." He kissed her cheek. " I like everything about you. Don't think I'll ever judge you Amelia. You can be honest with me. Always. And who doesn't have flaws? Look at me! I'm the one who ignored you for a week! I'm the one who tortured the both of us by avoiding you! I mean, I literally ran in the opposite direction at the mere sight of you! ", both of them started laughing.
" Yeah, that was quite funny to watch." At Link's confused expression, she smugly replied, " Don't you ever think you will be successful at hiding. I saw you every single time! After all, I invented the Game of Avoidance," Amelia started laughing harder at Link's horrified expression.
" And here I thought you never saw me hiding." Link shook his head in embarrassment.
Amelia brought his attention back to her by placing a soft kiss on his right cheek. " You didn't have to avoid me, Link. You could've simply come and talked to me," she whispered. " Do you have any idea how much I wanted to talk to you? It was like, I couldn't stay away from you. I always came to look for you but then I saw you avoiding me like a plague. I thought you needed your space. So I always stopped myself from punching you to knock some sense into that stupid, male brain of yours ! "
Link's eyes grew soft. Amelia looked really vulnerable. " Then why didn't you? All you had to do was simply push me into an on-call room like you did today! Amelia...I'm really sorry for avoiding you."
Amelia leaned in dangerously close. He felt her hot breath on his face. She whispered, " Don't you dare do that again. Ever. I really missed you, Link." She then pressed her lips against his in a chaste kiss. A warm feeling washed all over them as soon as their lips touched. It started soft but soon turned frantic. Both of them poured the whole week of pent up tension into that kiss. Amelia wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. They were devouring each other's mouths. Link nibbled on her bottom lip before pulling back slightly.
Amelia was totally breathless. Ah, I missed this the most! Link kissed her forehead, " I missed you too. Terribly." He then kissed her right cheek, " I missed this." Then her other cheek, " And this." Amelia sighed with content. Everything was back to normal. Just like it was supposed to be. Everything was back on track. Link wrapped his hands protectively around her waist. He kissed her nose then. " And this too. " He leaned in her ear and whispered huskily, " I really, really missed you, Amelia," before biting her earlobe. He nibbled on it for a few more seconds before pulling back. He softly pressed his lips to hers. " But, I missed these the most. They're mine." Amelia panted with anticipation. She waited for THAT kiss to come.
MINE. Those words ringed in Amelia's ears. If she thought she was aroused before, then what would she call herself now? These words arose something wild in her. She couldn't hold it any longer and closed whatever little distance was left between them. Link was happy to oblige. The kiss was frantic. Demanding. Desperate. Needy. They poured all their feelings into the kiss.
The couple were finally happy to have resolved everything. They could finally put a label on them. GIRLFRIEND. Link was overwhelmed with emotion at finally having to call her that. She was his girlfriend. His. After avoiding her for soooo long, now he could finally have his way with her. His body reacted instantly.
Their tongues were battling for dominance. She moaned in his mouth. Suddenly Amelia felt herself being pushed against the wall. Link's hands were on her hips pressing her even closer to him. I had missed this. His hands. On my body. His touch. His kiss. It was bliss for her. Pure bliss. Amelia pulled back, breathless. She looked at him. His naturally grey eyes were dark with lust. She knew her eyes mirrored the same expression. Nobody but him could put her in that state.
Before she knew it, Link dove right back in and attacked her neck. He kissed and suckled. One of his hands moved further down her back to press her against him more firmly eliciting a moan from her. His other hand slowly slid inside her scrub top and moved upwards. Amelia moved her hands to the back of his head, entangling her fingers in his soft, brown hair and tugged. He pulled back sharply to look her in the eyes before removing his scrub top. " No more secrets." He looked her in the eye.
Amelia stared at his rock hard abs for a second too long before meeting his eyes, sincerely speaking, "No more secrets." He smiled mischievously before pulling her top over her head and pushing her against the wall again. He then attacked her lips with renewed vigour and Amelia was more than happy with turns of events. Just minutes before she was crying and here she is now, panting like crazy. Only this man can do that to me. He moved his hands up her back and pulled at Amelia's hair softly to expose her neck. His lips went to her neck again and he unclasped her bra. Skin to skin. Amelia pressed herself even closer to him making him groan. She held on to his shoulders for dear life when he suddenly picked her up and wrapped her legs around his muscular waist.
She gasped at his eagerness. He smirked, So someone missed me too. Amelia was getting impatient and squirmed against him. He understood her point and held on to her protectively before moving them to the bed. Today she was all his. Amelia liked to be in control. Even when it came to the bedroom, her desire for control never faded. It aroused him always to an inexplicable level. But today he was having none of that. He was going to be in total control today. He was going to have his way with her. He didn't know what came over him. Maybe staying away from each other for a week did that to them.
If staying away from each other for a whole week did THAT to him, then maybe we should avoid each other more often. She couldn't stop the sounds coming from her mouth at what he was doing to her. This side of Link was kinda hidden until then. He had been rough with her before, but never like this. And Amelia liked it to no end. No, she loved it.
Hours later, Amelia laid on top of Link's chest completely spent. She was trying to catch her breath and Link was breathing heavily. Her arms were still wrapped loosely around his shoulders and his strong, muscular arms were tightly placed around her body holding her close. He was softly caressing her side and his nose was buried in her hear, inhaling her scent. There was peaceful silence surrounding them and they were content with each other. They were in their own pink bubble. Amelia was drawing small patterns on his chest when Link pulled her out of her thoughts and suddenly asked her, " Amelia, would you like to go on a date with me? ", he asked hopefully with a childish grin on his face.
Amelia laughed heartily, " You are such a dork." She couldn't help herself and kissed him at his cuteness. " Of course, silly. People who are dating are kinda entitled to do just that." Link joined in on her laughter and pulled her even closer before cheering, " Yayy. Today is my best day. I get to take Amelia Shepherd on a date. Lucky me."
Amelia countered, " No, babe. I get to go on a date with you. Lucky ME. All the nurses will chase me and I'd have to run for my life! ," she laughed.
Amelia looked up at him to see that his eyes were gleaming and he was staring at her face with a radiant expression. " What's with the face? ", she raised her eyebrows and tried to look suspicious but her smile gave her away.
" What face? ", he smiled down at her innocently.
She moved up his chest to look him in the eyes. She searched his eyes while caressing his jaw. " This face."
Link smiled. He moved his right hand up and down her uncovered body softly. He picked up her hand on his chest to bring it to his lips. He kissed it before answering her, " I'm happy, Amelia. With you. You make me happy. Thank you for being here with me." He then winked at her smugly when he realised how flustered she was getting.
Amelia blushed and felt butterflies in her belly. We just had sex! How can he make feel shy and giddy right after we had sex?! She rewarded him with a passionate kiss on his lips. She proceeded to kiss his jaw and moved lower till she reached his ear. She whispered seductively, " You have no idea how happy you make me. You don't know what you make me feel, Link." Mimicking his actions from before, she bit his earlobe making him groan. It was a soft spot for him. He loved it when she did that. His arms now wrapped around her tightly trying to bring her as close to him as physically possible.
He groaned when she moved down to his neck and gave it as much attention as it deserved. Her hands moved down his body to reach their goal. Link moaned and She made her way even lower when all of a sudden she shrieked and found herself on her back with Link pinning her hands above her head. When did he flip us? That dark look returned in his eyes which made her shiver. He kissed her nose before slyly whispering, "Are you cold? Huh, I know a way to warm you up very nicely." With a mischievous glint in his eye, he made his way down her body.
Author's Note:
Heyy guys!! I'm sorry for being hone for so long. And yet again I'm back with a horribly long chapter XD I just hope you people love this chapter! This was how I imagined their reunion after season 15 should've been like. Sorry this is kinda smutty, I mean, not exactly, but yeah. It wasn't my intention to but I just went with the flow.
This chapter was so fun to write, especially the OR scene. Jackson and Nico just made me laugh in that scene when the episode aired. I hope you like my portrayal of everyone here.
Next up we have some fun chapters with Meredith and Maggie being typical sisters to Amelia. Can't wait to begin writing them! Until then.
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ikenbar · 4 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice Ch3 Prologue & Pt 1
Author’s note (wait don’t go it’s important lol):
Alright!! Time for Chapter three!! I’ve already gone into what this story is and what to expect in chapter one part one so I won’t explain anything here, but this chapter will be introducing a new side to Ikamara. Also sassy Victor, soft Lucien, and angsty bois!! Also I will be taking lines directly from the game in this chapter. Don’t worry, I will be sure to add credit and the source when I do so they get their rightful credit :D I will be posting Wednesdays/Thursdays so stay tuned!! This chapter has themes that are meant for more teenage audiences so be wary with your young eyes. Nothing too bad but there are some adult themes and suggestive scenes so keep an open mind and prepare for a good story :D
(p.s. I’m mashing the prologue and the part one together because I feel like it :P)
Warnings: Nothing. Honest to goodness soft times with family and adorable cheesy mishaps. The best kind when dealing with a corny intro to a new chapter :3... ah Oh but there is a cliffhanger to throw off the soft mood~
(Chapter One (intro to characters) parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven here :))
(Chapter Two (Gavin) prologue and parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven here :D)
(Ikamara One Shots: St. Richards, Mp3, more coming soon :D)
 Chapter Three:
Dinner had been like all the others before it. With a small prayer from Maria, the kids talk about their day, then Bart would try to get the newest little addition to the family to talk. Their efforts had been fruitless thus far from the past month that she had spent at their foster home, but Bart and Maria thought they were getting through to her. “So, Ikie!" Bart began cheerily, “Ikemilike. Ikeamelon… Ike, how was your day? Do anything worthwhile?” Ike stayed silent, picking at the stake left on her plate. After some awkward silence, Sam stood on his chair.
“Yeah she did!” Sam said happily, “She totally schooled some bullies for me! Isn’t that right, Ike?” 
Still nothing.
“All she did was look at them and they ran off like scared little school girls! It was hilarious!”
“That sounds pretty fun!” Bart chuckled and looked over to Ike, “It sounded like you really had Sam’s back, back there!" Ike took a cup up to her lips and avoided eye contact with Bart.
“Of course she did!"” Sam chimed, “We are connected by a brother and sister bond! I can tell you exactly what she is thinking right now!” Ike halted her movements.
“Oh?” Bart laughed, “Well then go ahead! Tell me, what is she thinking right now?” Sam puffed his cheeks and stared intently at Ike from across the table. Ike placed down her cup and stared back, unphased. Silence washed over the room as Sam and Ike held their eye contact. Bart watched the girl intently. He wanted to have a go at reading her as well. Ike’s eyes portrayed a strong emotion that was indistinguishable to Bart. She looked like she wanted to say something, to scream it to the world. What did she want to say? And why wouldn’t she just say it?
“Got it!” Sam broke the silence harshly, causing everyone, except Ike, to jump, “She is thinking that she loves and cares about each of us! And when she is ready, she will be sure to tell us herself!” Ike’s usual poker face broke. Her mouth fell open and her eyes grew wide. Sam got it right. 
Sam proudly smiled at Ike, “I got it right, didn’t I?? I told you we are connected!” Ike stared at him for a little longer with the same awestruck look from before. Bart opened his mouth too. He wanted to say something. To encourage her to speak and tell them what she was thinking. To trust that they will do anything to make her happy, but he didn't get the chance to. All at once, Ike regained her original poker face and stood from her seat. She bowed then took her plate up.
“You’re done already?” Bart asked, quickly standing with Ike, “You haven’t finished your food yet!” Ike turned without acknowledging his words and left the room.
“Are you going to the gym?” Maria called back to Ike, after her as she walked to the front door, “Would you like a ride?” Bart got up and followed his wife. Ike shook her head and grabbed the gym bag she always kept by the door.
“Oh so you’re walking again.” Maria wrung her hands nervously, “Well, be careful, Ike. Text me when you have gotten to the gym, Ok?” Ike nodded and slung the bag over her arm. She moved to open the door.
“Wait!” Sam sped out of the dining room and to Ike. She halted her movements and turned to face Sam as he stopped in front of her, panting slightly. He smiled and held out his hands, “I have something for you!” Bart and Maria craned their necks to look at the contents in Sam’s hands. Right in the middle of his palms was an old, small mp3 player with earbuds wrapped neatly next to it. 
“It’s my old mp3 player!” Sam’s voice was so sweet that he could cause cavities, “I have all of my music on my phone now so I figure you can have it! Look,” Sam flipped the player over, “There is a clip-on it’s back so you can use it while working out! I put all the songs you like on there! Plus some songs I think you might enjoy!” Ike stared at Sam’s hands. She held that same look that she had in her eye from dinner but she showed no sign of taking the mp3 player. “I-I read somewhere that working out with music makes the exercise easier.” Sam hesitated slightly. “I know how you gave your mp3 player to Ashton so I’m giving you mine! I wanted to make sure you enjoy every second you spend at the gym… and,” Sam lowered his head slightly, “I… I want you to be happy. I can understand if you wanted to be happy away from us, but I want you to remind you that you can be happy with us as well! So, I hope this mp3 player will remind you of your new family! And how much we care about you!” Sam extended his hands a little further, “If you’ll let us… if you’ll let me, I’d love to show you how much I care! Then maybe, just maybe, you can tell me yourself!”
Ike's eyes were trained on the player but they weren’t focused on them. She seemed to be thinking about something else entirely. Sam noticed this and, looking defeated, he started lowering his hands. Swiftly, Ike’s hand darted out from her side and grabbed the player from Sam. He looked taken aback but soon recovered and he smiled widely as Ike took the earbuds and unwrapped them, draping them around her neck. She looked up, eyeing Sam. Sam opened his mouth to say something but an unfamiliar voice interrupted him.
“Thank you.”
Part One:
My eyes flew open. The alarm on my phone buzzed obsessively but I didn’t turn it off. I didn’t remember falling asleep that night. Nor did I remember doing it at my desk over the paperwork I had out for my meeting with Victor later that day. What was strange to me though was that dream. The woman in front of me. Something about her seemed familiar. Something at the back of my head ached to reveal why but, for some reason, kept itself in the dark. Why? What was so special about her? I finally slid my hand over my phone, pressing the button to silence it. She can’t have been someone from my past. Everyone from my past made me feel weak. That woman’s silhouette… I felt strong. I felt like I needed to be. For her. Who was she?! 
In a white room, one person stood in front of me. Facing away from me. A small woman with shoulder length brown hair, a striped blue dress, and a petite body. I had no memory of her but, somehow, I felt drawn to her. Felt strongly towards her. Protective of her. The woman slowly turned around…
A small ping came from my phone, snapping me to my senses.
The bottom of the old dresser drawer dung uncomfortably into my fingers as Bart and I carried it up the stairs. Bart had texted me and asked if I could help him move some new furniture into the vacant bedroom in their house. I had already been awake from spending that whole night preparing for Victor’s meeting that day so I accepted. When I had come over they had greeted me with the news that Maria had gotten a call from the foster care center and was asked if she could take in another kid. She gladly accepted and had splurged on items to fill the room with to make it homey. She refused to tell us anything about the new kid but, from the items she chose to decorate the room, it was going to be another girl.
“Why did we need to get a new dresser?” Bart grunted as he adjusted his grip, “We still have Evie’s old dresser upstairs.”
“This new kid doesn’t deserve any hand me downs!” Maria stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at us with worry and excitement in her eyes, “They deserve to be greeted and welcomed home with things just as new as they are! Besides, Evie’s old dresser is in the guest room. And I am not going to try to move that one again.”
“Bart, you can give me more weight,” I reassured as he struggled to lift the dresser, “I can take it.”
“Nope!” He huffed through his cheerful smile, “You were asked to help, not to hold the team.”
“It’s nothing. I normally take this time to exercise anyway. I could use a challenge.”
“No need to show me up in front of my wife, Ikamara.”
I rolled my eyes as Bart continued to struggle. The dresser weighed nothing to me thanks to my Evol, but waiting for Bart to take the next step on the stairs caused the weight of the dressers to ding into my skin uncomfortably. It was then that I was once again thankful for the nerve damage in my left arm. “So, Maria.” I casually made conversation as Bart murmured to himself angrily, “Tell me more about this kid. How old are they?”
“It’s a surprise!” Maria giggled and bounced in place slightly.
“Really? Are we still on that?” I rolled my eyes, “Can’t we just skip the stage of playful teasing and to the point where you break and tell me everything anyway?”
“No way! I’m going to hold off on this one!” Maria had played this game far too often. Luckily for me, I knew just the right buttons to press to get her to talk.
“Whatever, I’m just excited for another girl.” I said this casually. Casually enough to send Maria spiraling.
“AH! ME TOO! I FINALLY HAVE A GIRL IN THIS HOUSE WHO IS OLD ENOUGH TO-” Maria caught the sight of my arched eyebrow and the smirk rising the corner of my lips, “... That was a cheap shot.”
“It was inevitable.” I redirected my attention to Bart, who was trying to find a different grip on the dresser. I sighed and repositioned my hands on the dresser so that I could support more of the weight. I raised the dresser slightly. 
“Hah!” Bart exclaimed, finally finding a good spot to hold on the dresser, “I’ve got it now! Ok, Evie, start making your way up the stairs.”
“Finally.” I sighed, moving slowly up the stairs, “Ok, Maria, You can continue telling me about your new daughter.”
“Ok!” Maria clapped her hands and leaned on the railing as she giggled like a teenager talking about their new crush, “Her name is Adrienne. She is seventeen, really loves to listen to music, is super good in school and is exceptional with kids-”
“But...” I egged.
“You only use such over the top adjectives when there is a ‘but’ coming. What’s wrong with her?”
Maria scoffed but, after catching my eye, she sighed, “... She is a flight risk. And I was warned she likes to talk back and rebel a lot. She hates being a foster child and often runs away to try to get back to her parents, who have been called out to a business trip for a few years in The States. So Evie, I know I’ve asked a lot of you lately, but,” I had finally hit the top stair and placed the dresser on the ground when Maria rested a hand on my shoulder, making me face her, “I need you to come over tomorrow for dinner. She’ll have moved in by that evening. I want you to show her this place isn’t as bad as she may think. I want her to stay here until her parents come back. I know you know how it feels to stay here for a long time so… maybe-”
“I’ll be there.” I interrupted Maria. Her eyes brimmed with excitement and her smile widened. She jumped into my stomach, pulling me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you!” She bounced slightly, nudging her head under my chin.
“Yeah, yeah.” I patted her awkwardly on the back, “First we’ve got to move her in. Bart,” I looked over to Bart, who had sprawled himself out on the floor, “You ready?”
“Gimme… a… second.” Bart panted, raising a limp finger. He took a deep breath and slowly raised himself off of the floor. He cursed under his breath as he stretched his back.
“Swear jar.” Ashton pushed Bart out of the way as he came from the bathroom behind him.
“Jeez, dad. You’ve seen better days.” Sam teased as he followed Ashton out of the bathroom and prodded Bart’s side.
“Don’t make me ground you, mister.” Bart teased back, glaring playfully at the boy beside him.
“You’d have to find it first.” Sam laughed and rolled his eyes. They fell on me and his snarky expression changed to a happy one, “Ike! When did you get here??” I checked my watch as Sam made his way over to me. 
“A little over an hour ago.” I accepted Sam’s hug with a couple of pats, “And we have only moved one piece of furniture.”
“It was the heaviest one!” Bart pouted, “You don’t have to be so rude about it!”
I rolled my eyes, “I’ll have to leave soon to head to work”
“Oh yeah!” Bart’s tone changed dramatically as he smiled proudly at me, “Don’t you have that meeting with Victor today?”
“Don’t remind me.” I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes, “I've also got that new assistant that I need to train.”
“Oh yeah! What did you say his name was?” Bart tapped his chin in thought, “Michael?”
“Minor.” I corrected Bart as I nudged Sam off of me. He complied and I repositioned myself in front of the dresser, “Let’s get this done so I can get going. Ready?” Bart grumbled but positioned himself across from the dresser as well, “One… two…”
“Isn’t your date with Lucien today as well?” Sam sweetly asked from next to me.
I froze. After the events of the past week with Gavin and the warehouse, I had completely forgotten about my da-... meeting with Lucien. Whether that was because I was distracted or because I was suppressing the thought, I didn’t know. What I did know was that it was that night.
... And I had completely forgotten to tell Maria.
“DATE?!” Maria nearly exploded. I shook my head and focused on the dresser again
“Three.” I moved to lift it but Bart stood from his spot on the dresser.
“You got a date with Lucien?!” Bart smiled widely at me.
“I guess we are talking about this now,” I sighed, letting go of the dresser and standing as I spoke, “It’s not a date. It’s a meeting to talk about the psychology of our show. He is only there to give me tips.”
“Oh really?” Maria teased, “When will this meeting be?”
“After my meeting with Victor.”
“So after the hours you are working?” Bart chimed in, giving his wife a knowing look.
“That was the only time he was available.”
“Is he going to be the one picking you up?” Now Sam was asking questions.
“I don’t know!” My voice became an octave higher than normal, “When did this become a game of twenty questions?! I-” A small ping came from my pocket. I grumbled as I pulled out my phone. Someone had sent me a message. My heart skipped I read the recipient’s name. That man had impeccable timing.
“Speak of the devil!” Maria had peered over my shoulder and read the notification on my screen. Bart and Sam soon found their way next to me to look at the screen as well.
“Well?!” Sam cheered, craning his neck slightly, “Open it!” I hesitated for a moment, then opened the message.
I am looking forward to our date tonight.
“Ha!” Everyone around me exclaimed haughtily. Maria, Bart, and Sam exchanged high fives. I sighed and rubbed my temples. These people were going to be the death of me. Another text from Lucien appeared on screen.
I have a wonderful place in mind for dinner. Do you have any allergies?
I quickly texted back.
I don’t remember agreeing that this would be a date.
I didn’t wait long for a response.
I’m sorry but I assumed that was what you intended.
“What are you doing?!” Maria pulled the phone from my hand and read the last texts, “You’re going to blow it!”
“Maybe that’s my intention.” I reached to take back the phone but Maria pulled it away from my reach.
“Ike, this is your first date! Are you sure you want to call it off?!” begged Maria.
“I didn’t even know it was a date! Give me my phone!” I moved to take it again but Sam pushed on my stomach. I looked down annoyed at him but my face melted when our eyes met. His eyes were big and his bottom lip was puffed out.
“He said he was looking forward to it.” Sam’s voice was higher pitched and whiny. As much as I hated to admit it, Sam's puppy eyes always got to me.
“Oh don’t give me that.” I whined rubbing my eyes to avoid meeting Sam’s, “I’m not ready to date anyone! Let alone someone like Lucien!”
“When will you ever be ready?” Sam’s question made me stop my movements. I finally met his gaze. He hadn’t dropped his puppy dog eyes. “Come on, Evie,” Sam continued to beg, “Give him a chance? For me?” Words jumbled themselves inside of my head as I tried looking for an excuse to say no… Ugh, how could he be so good at those eyes? A small ping came from my phone.
“He sent another message!” Maria gasped. I held back the urge to tackle her as I held out my hand. Maria looked hesitant, but after one raise of my eyebrow, she sighed and placed the phone in my palm. I looked at the message.
Would you prefer it to be purely professional?
My thumb hung over the keyboard, my stomach turning with anxiety. I should have known that was his intention… Still, this would be my first date with anyone. Ever. Was I willing to have Lucien become someone that I dated? Do I really feel comfortable with dating in general? 
I looked back down at Sam. His puppy dog eyes were gone. He looked at me with genuine determination and hope. I sighed and looked back at my phone. I quickly typed a reply before I could talk myself out of it.
 No. Where are we meeting?
Sam pulled down my arm to look at the screen. His expression changed as a huge smile rose across his cheeks. He cheered and replaced his arms around my stomach.
“Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled, patting his back, “But that is the last time I am letting those stupid eyes get to me.” Maria and Bart had found their way behind me and had read the text as well.
“This will be good for you, Evie.” Bart assured me, patting me on the back, “It’ll get you out of your head and into the world for a change.”
“Not to mention Lucien is a really good guy.” Maria beamed as I tucked my phone in my pocket, “He’ll be a good first date!”
“Right.” I disregarded their words and checked my watch,
“Not to mention good looking-”
“I need to go. Maria, could you help Bart with the rest of the furniture or do you need me?”
“No,” Maria shook her head and rolled up her sleeves, “We’ve got it from here. Have a great day, sweetie! Don't forget to come by tomorrow for dinner!” I nodded and started heading down the stairs. Bart and Maria assumed their positions by the dresser and Sam walked to his room, but another ping from my phone caused everyone to stop in their tracks. “What did he say!?” Maria bounced in place.
“Good bye!” I called behind me, continuing my walk down the stairs slightly faster this time. It wasn’t until I was outside the front door did I check the unread message.
No need to worry about that. I’ll come to pick you up. Where will you be after your meeting?
My stomach turned once again.
I can drive myself.
Lucien replied almost immediately.
I insist.
There was no winning with this guy...
...LFG. 6:00. Don’t be late.
I put my phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath of the morning air. Six o’clock was twelve hours away. That is just enough time to mentally prepare myself to open up to a person… after years of shutting people out… it took me three months just to talk to my foster family… oh boy.
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thenovelartist · 5 years
Quick personal q but idk ig its in regards to me too. When/how do u think ull find true love? Ik u have a troubled past like me but the diff is u write love in such a beautiful way and im like how to do u convert that from paper to real life?
Oh geez XD Quick question, not a quick answer.
As to when and how I’ll find true love, I honestly don’tknow. I’d like to know those answers myself. XD But I’m not trying to rush tofind it. I’m not out there particularly searching for it. I’m hoping that it’sone of those things that we cross paths because we’re in the same friend groupor attending the same church group or something like that.
For me, I think it’s important to not just hook up with justanyone. I think the “friends to lovers” thing has some merit to it in the sensethat you’re trying to find a good partner to be with, and being friends first (evenif it’s just for a short bit) allows you to know if you really want to datethem in the first place. Don’t treat dating just as ‘dating.’ I see that a lotin this culture. You should be selective and picky and date with the intentionof getting into a serious relationship. You also need to be aware of if saidpartner wants to be in a serious relationship, too. Because if they don’t, youhave to realize that the likelihood of you changing that decision is very, verylow.  
This also goes for things you want out of your life and arelationship. If your partner doesn’t want things you want—for example, a bigone would be “kids”—then you need to find someone who wants the same out of arelationship that you do. This is why relationships where people have differentmoral values or views on life/relationships don’t always work. Specifically,long term.
If you are looking for True Love, then you need to look fora partner looking for True Love, too. Both of you need to be on the same levelof “long-lasting relationship is endgame.”
I will also take a second to concede that this isn’t alwaysthe case, that sometimes one partner comes around, but MUCH more often thannot, I’d say to not be so quick to think you’re the exception and that you’llbring your partner around. Don’t expect our partner to change for you.
As for how to convert what’s in my stories into real life,well… there’s a lot of information to unpack there. First thing to remember: arelationship is two people constantly working to stay together. True Love won’talways be sunshine and rainbows all the time. It won’t be easy, even if youlove the other person more than anything. I illustrate this point in “LoveDare” with a box. The relationship is a box that you and your significant otherhave to care for together. You only get out of a relationship what you put in.
The trick with the box: the work is not always even orequal. I got a lot of comments on the “Love Dare” about Marinette doing all thework and how that wasn’t fair. If you look at a relationship in that way, ifeverything has to be even and fair, it’s going to crumble because there’s goingto be too much tension to survive. Am I saying that you should be/stay in arelationship where one person always does all the giving and the other does allthe taking. No. That is a bad relationship. Am I saying that there are going tobe times where one partner does all the work while the other partner isstruggling? Yes. Is it fair? No. But relationships are not always fair. Theyare not always equal. There are times one person has to put in more work thanthe other to get the box back to a place where you and your partner togethercan continue on. Sometimes, it’s the person who caused the most damage to thebox in the first place. Sometimes, it’s the other person who wants the stray tocome back. Sometimes, you both equally royally screwed up and now one of you isgoing to be the bigger person and take care of the box.
A relationship is a balance. And every relationship beingdifferent, you and your partner have to find the balance. Again, this balancemay not be “equal” or “fair” but it’s the balance you and your partner have.Finding that balance takes work and patience and communication. And it willchange as life progresses on, and you and your partner need to be on the samepage so that you can move forward together. You and your True Love want to betogether because you love each other and you enjoy being together, so you makeit work.
Usually, in order to find that balance, you have to beselfless. You cannot say “well, I do more work here in this area and it’s notfair that they don’t.” Relationships based on “well, I need/want you to be thisway for me” are destined to fail. Yes, you need things from your partner, justlike your partner needs things from you, but you cannot let that be thedefining basis of a relationship. You have to be selfless in them.
All that being said, it should be stated that there is aline between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. If one person is alwaysdoing all the giving while the other is doing all the taking, that is a badrelationship. If one person is forced to be the doormat to the other person,that is a bad relationship. If one person is controlling the other, in anyform, that is a bad relationship.
But is it a bad relationship if one person happens to holdup the other while the other is recovering? No. All relationships will haveweak moments, and you have to realize that you have to fight for your partnerthrough those weak moments even if it feels like you’re fighting against them.Don’t give up so easily unless it is a danger or very unhealthy for you to stayin that relationship.
Finally, I’d like to point out that in talking about TrueLove, sex or physical pleasure or even kissing did not come up. Because interms of a relationship, this is… oh, how do I put this? Not as important ashow you and your partner are able to tackle life.
I’m not going to say it’s not important, because I thinkit’s important for a couple to be able to come together and show physicalaffection towards each other, but it has no part in determining if they are agood “fit” to be your partner. Honestly, what the heck even is “sexualcompatibility”? If you are in a committed relationship with each other, don’tyou learn how to become “sexually compatible” because you want to please yourpartner? Isn’t that coming together to find a balance and selflessly giving toyour partner?
Anyway, I’m going to cut my rant here. There is a lot morethat goes into a relationship but those, I think, are the big things and thingsI’m considerate of when writing a relationship.
If you have anymore questions or specific clarification,please message me again and I will be happy to answer. 😊
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Set 5: Saccharine Swashbucklers vs. The Royal Fortune Crew
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        “Phew. It’s been a pretty long day, hasn’t it? Sorry for the delay -- I hope you’re all holding up, or at least you haven’t gotten too bored yet. We’ve got just one more match this afternoon before we conclude for today...Let’s get on with it!”
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                                  VS. THE ROYAL FORTUNE CREW
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        “Everyone, to your places...On your marks, get set, go!”
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        “Grima bolts to a cannon and fires thin air! I like his enthusiasm, but remember, load your cannons first! Lon’qu didn’t get the memo either, since I see a similarly empty puff from his end...Captain Asugi tries to be a good sportsman by waving towards the other team, and Fergus waves back -- only to be shot down mercilessly by Gangrel! To the head, too! (Fergus [RFC] eliminated, +5 to SS)Tobin doesn’t look too happy about this, and I think he’s learned a bit after all that misfiring -- he rattles off a shot straight to Asugi’s head too! (+5 to RFC) An eye for an eye...a head for a head? Meanwhile, Vice Captain Mitama, Kamui, and Kaze all nicely wish each other good luck -- not broken by any headshots. That’s some proper friendly spirit!”
        “Actually, now that I look back down at our roster...we have a Kaze on each team? This might get a bit confusing...They didn’t give us nicknames like the Azuras, or...Er, Uncle? Aren’t we around the same age...?”
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        “I’m just going to...call them Kaze S and Kaze R, like their team names. I hope I don’t mix them up....”
        “Anyway! There’s a bit of jostling among the team members as they struggle to find a sort of rhythm to their barrages -- but Linus and Jonathan trade arm hits! (+1 to SS, +1 to RFC) Mark gets Raigh’s foot! (+2 to SS) Ike bounces a ball off Grima’s arm! (+1 to SS) And...Grima attempts to retaliate, but he blows a hole in the enemy mast instead. And Vice Captain Mitama, somehow...aims her cannon so low that her shot bounces around and hits her own foot. Ouch, that looks like it could hurt...Not too long after, Danielle also hits the mast. And Lon’qu seems to aim a cannon towards Sara but decides to hit the hull instead...Who’s letting her near the cannons, anyway?”
        “Mitama retreats towards the Crow’s Nest, which is probably a good idea! Tobin, Valter, and Raigh all seem to get the same idea, because they’re rushing up there too. Asugi’s yelling something at Kaze S, who’s too busy to notice Sara trying to load a cannon...Er, is anyone going to stop her? Mark, Gangrel, and Jonathan are all occupied trying to hit the enemy team -- but they’re just getting the ship instead. Maybe look around yourselves too, guys...not just the other ship!”
        “The Royal Fortune Crew is having a little trouble themselves, it seems. Joelle just manages to crouch out of the way of Grima’s fire, but Raigh and Tobin can’t help bumping into each other -- same with Valter and Kaze R, who almost collided trying to reach the same cannon! At least Captain Lilina is pulling some weight -- although Danielle sidesteps Lilina’s first shot, Lilina gets Captain Asugi’s leg in the next. (+2 to RFC) Linus fires at Sara, but it just grazes her -- I don’t know if she was lucky, or that one was intentional. Grima’s hitting the mast again, except in a different spot, and Kaze S and Vice Captain Mitama make nice dents in the Royal Fortune’s hull. Is everyone pulling their punches a bit, or is it just the exhaustion from the other matches getting to us all?”
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        “The hits and just-misses continue, with Joelle and Kamui changing it up by heading up to the Crow’s Nest. The others are taking their time to reload, but Vice Captain Mitama is looking hasty -- and deep in thought about something -- as she reloads. She might want to pay more attention to her work, though, because -- “ BOOM “ -- just like that, you can misfire!”
        “If anything, that self-destruction’s got everyone all up and firing again. Lon’qu gets Mark’s arm! (+1 to RFC) Valter shoots Kaze S’s leg! (+1 to RFC) Ike hits Joelle’s hand! (+2 to SS) Grima swerves his cannon out of Captain Lilina’s direction and manages to bounce off Jonathan’s leg! (+1 to RFC) Raigh follows up with a hit to Gangrel’s foot! (+2 to RFC) I’m going to refrain from making a gangrene joke, but know that I thought about it!”
        “The quick pace continues as First Mate Grima and Captain Lilina run up to the Crow’s Nest, quickly followed by Captain Asugi and Kaze S doing the same! Kaze R and Lon’qu both try to aim for the moving targets, but they’re reloading and aiming far too messily -- poor Linus and Valter are caught in the crossfire, each with a hit to the torso! (Linus [RFC] and Valter [RFC] eliminated) Tobin and Joelle attempt to make up for it, but oh no! They misfire onto themselves, and share the same fate!” (Tobin [RFC] and Joelle [RFC]) eliminated) 
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        “At this rate, we might need to rename it to Royal MISfortune...”
        “Gangrel watches deviously and seems to want to capitalize on Royal Fortune’s chaos -- but he doesn’t turn the cannon around fast enough, because he hits himself instead! (Gangrel [SS] eliminated) That’s nearly five self-destructions in five minutes...are you guys alright?!”
        “Meanwhile, the First Mates and Captains seem to be focusing on trading blows with each other. Asugi and Lilina exchange arm hits, while Grima and Mitama are rattling off shots faster than the eye can see -- but they manage to hit each other in the torso at the same time! (+4 to SS, +1 to RFC) Grima, you’re still safe, but Mitama, that’s a knockout! (Vice Captain Mitama [SS] eliminated, +3 to RFC) The Kazes seem to be battling for dominance on the other side, because they’re trading arm blows as well! (+1 to SS, +1 to RFC) Now Grima’s trying to continue his streak; but that cannon looks aimed rather dangerously at his own teammate Lon’qu before he swivels it back towards the Saccharine! Lucky for Lon’qu, he’s safe from the friendly fire, but Danielle is hit in the chest and knocked out!” (Danielle [SS] eliminated, +3 to RFC)
        “Perhaps deciding not to push his luck, Grima gives his firing a rest by climbing up to the Crow’s Nest. Jonathan tries to aim for the First Mate, but he’s having trouble with his aim -- and he’s just not fast enough! The cannon fires off, back onto Jonathan’s torso! (Jonathan [SS] eliminated) You know, I feel bad...I think I’m going to pay a few more friendly visits to his slush stand.”
        “Lon’qu attempts a quick reload, but his timing with the cannon turning isn’t working out either! Although he manages to avoid being hit by his own cannonball, Raigh isn’t so lucky! Sorry, Raigh -- you’re out!” (Raigh [RFC] eliminated) 
        “Kamui aims for Lon’qu in the meantime, but he just misses! Now Captain Lilina is trading barrages with Mark -- they hit each other’s arms! (+1 to SS, +1 to RFC) And the two Kazes are back at it again...which one is the real one? Or which one is the best one? The answer is -- both! Or neither! Their last pair of shots each hit the other’s torso -- that’s a double knockout between the two Kazes! (Kaze S [SS] and Kaze R [RFC] eliminated, +3 to SS, +3 to RFC) At the same time, Captain Asugi leaps out of the way of Ike’s awkward fire, which bounces off Captain Lilina’s hand -- and back to Ike’s own head! (Ike [SS] eliminated, +2 to SS) I really don’t know how these self-knockouts are happening, but the Saccharine Swashbucklers don’t seem too lucky today either!”
        “I see Sara sneaking up to the cannons while Ike’s recovering from that head hit...Kamui seems to be warning Mark about this, but they’re too late! Sara fires off a shot -- straight into Lon’qu’s torso! Yes, that’s points! (Lon’qu [RFC] eliminated, +3 to SS) Captain Lilina tries to return the fire, but her reload is too clumsy -- she crouches down to pick up some dropped ammo and the cannon fires into her own torso! Sorry, Lilina -- you might want to wait to do that after you fire off!”
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        “After that the players seem to be taking a short break...Grima’s swapping between checking the cannons and looking back at Captain Asugi. I wonder if he’s planning something? The rest of the teams are laying low, except for Sara -- I think she’s trying the old trick again, scurrying down the deck and hoping to pull a fast one on the Royal Fortune...Unlucky for her, she misfires! The ball bounces from the ship deck and onto her own torso...I think that’s enough for Sara today!” (Sara [SS] eliminated)
        “Now, we’ve only got a few members of each team left! Mark and Grima swap arm hits, and so do Asugi and Lilina! (+2 to SS, +2 to RFC) They’ve been at it for a pretty good while now...I wonder who will be the first to buckle? Kamui attempts to aim for Lilina as well, but she goes through the mast instead. I see Asugi and Lilina tensely trying to reload as fast as they can, but you know they say slow and steady wins the race -- because they both let go too soon! Their cannons swivel back towards their own side, and both Mark and Grima are sacrificed to the, er... God of Torso Hits? (Mark [SS] and Grima [RFC] eliminated) Poor Kamui, who’d been hoping for a more successful hit, gets caught off guard by the friendly fire, and hits herself in the chest as well. (Kamui [SS] eliminated) If only these went to the other team...”
        “And for better or worse -- only the captains remain! They’re in a frenzy of shooting and dodging whatever they can, but not a one is landing a hit on the other -- Lilina just narrowly escapes a self-destruction by crouching out of the way, and Asugi hopes to get the edge on her! However, Lilina takes the moment to surprise fire from the cannon beside her, and Asugi has to abandon his aim in order to dodge it! But the cannon’s still going and -- Oh! He can’t move away fast enough! The shot he was loading lets fly in the wrong direction -- into Asugi’s own torso! I wonder if Lilina planned that far ahead, or Asugi was just unlucky?!” (Asugi [SS] eliminated)
Saccharine Swashbucklers: 27 points! MVPs: Designer Ike and Janitor Gangrel Royal Fortune Crew: 27 + 5 = 32 points! MVPs: First Mate Grima and Sailor Tobin
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        “Well, that was definitely a close one, wasn’t it! But the last man standing bonus gives the Royal Fortune Crew just enough to beat out the Saccharine Swashbucklers! Good work, everyone -- why don’t you all go enjoy the other festivities for the rest of today, and come back prepared for more tomorrow? We’ve got more exciting matches for you, so see you then!”
(( Simulation screencaps can be found here! ))
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whereisvanderwood · 7 years
Him Amongst Us
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Yandere!Yun x Reader
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
--And then his eyes met hers for that one life-changing second. That one second that only a handful of people get to experience in a lifetime.
"I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you, Yun."
Her fingers were delicate with her hands showing scars of many trials she had faced before. She was beautiful, too; the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes upon. What did she do to deserve the life she was living? Nothing, as far as he knew. The Happy Hungry Bunch couldn't save everyone they met in their travels, but saving this one girl was what Yun felt he had to do.
He wanted to protect her-- shield her from the horror of the world called the human race. Everyone is a terrible person deep down inside, but he wanted to prove that wrong to (Y/N) and let her see the good in people like him.
"Priest Ik-Su? I’d love to meet him.”
"We're heading that way now, actually. Hopefully he hasn't managed to die in the time I've been gone. That clumsy priest doesn't know how to take care of himself."
"Let alone walk by himself," the Thunder Beast added.
"Come to think of it, none of you have met him yet, have you?" the Princess realised as she turned around to face her fellow dragon friends. "He's the one who told me to look for all of you in the first place!”
"Well I suppose meeting him is a must, then. I just have thank the one who lead such beautiful women right into my arms." Jeaha flicked his hair as he smiled innocently.
"Coming here is a good chance to restock on supplies too, since where we need to go follows this path anyway. So we might be here for a couple of days. Sorry for the detour, Yona.”
The path began to clear and that same little hut came into view. Hak, Yun and the Princess all felt the nostalgia from having last been to this place forever ago; the very place where their journey had begun. After recovering from the heart-stopping sight of the clumsy Priest collapsed on the floor with blood trickling down his limbs, everyone settled in nicely.
“I need to make a trip to a nearby trading hotspot before the day is over, otherwise I’ll miss the merchants,” Yun told (Y/N) once he found her exploring the area. “You should come with me.”
“Yeah, I’ll come!”
“Zeno will come too!” the Yellow Dragon volunteered when he overheard the conversation.
“No, you stay here, Zeno. Who knows what’ll happen to Ik-Su if no-one is watching him. I think you should just keep an eye on him for me.”
“Oh… sure!”
The blunt response had taken both parties by surprise. Zeno and (Y/N) shared a quick glance as the bouncy dragon trotted away. Yun was already walking away, hurrying (Y/N) along. She quickly caught up to him.
“What kinds of things do you need to get?”
“Just some basic things like clothing, food, and some medicine if I’m lucky. Now that our group has gotten bigger, we go through all of our supplies much faster.”
“You do so much for everyone, Yun. I don’t know how you can keep up with everything.”
The boy blushed. Though she hadn’t been part of the group for long, her words meant everything to him. It was the oxygen he breathed into his lungs, the jubilation that pumped in his veins, the orchestra of the angels at heaven’s gate-- he could never grow tired of such a person’s company.
“H-Here we are,” Yun cleared his throat.
(Y/N) eyed a large group of people standing in the middle of a clearing. Many of them carried large backpacks or had a horse and cart with them, whilst others emptied the contents of their coin purses with each purchase. The turnout was better than what Yun was expecting. He had not realised he was going to stumble upon a trade of only the best items.
There was a beautiful dress Yun had been eyeing for the past few minutes. It was made with chiffon, perhaps a little small to be (Y/N)’s perfect size, but he could work around it. He purchased it when the thought was concreted.
“Oh, Y-Yun, you didn’t have to do that!” (Y/N) was flattered with the idea of Yun gifting her something so valuable with the scarce money they had. “That money could go towards much more important things.”
“You’re important too, you know.” There was no further debate. Yun’s eyes skipped over the rest of the clothing and put the rest of his money toward a small amount of food and a large amount of medicine.
(Y/N) began questioning what was going through the boy’s mind as they finally started making their way back to Ik-Su’s residence. “You didn’t end up buying any clothes for the others. Is that alright?”
“They’ll live. They’re already wearing clothes.”
“But… so am I.”
“I just wanted to buy you something so you feel part of the group. And, like I said before, you really deserve it.”
“Well… thank you. It does mean a lot to me.” She smiled kindly, but when his head faced forwards again, she let her face fall. Something about this made her feel uneasy. The dress was a lovely gesture, but she had to admit to herself that it wasn’t really her style, and the fit would be tight. In the end, she put her uneasiness on the backburner and walked side-by-side with Yun for the rest of the way.
Elsewhere, Hak had taken it upon himself to update the priest on their journey while everyone else was preoccupied, although he believed Yona would be much better at this.
“And how is Yun?” asked Ik-Su. “I hope he’s been nice to his new friends made along the way.”
“Yeah, the kid is definitely different from the first time we met you guys. He doesn’t fight with us, but he’s been helpful in other ways.”
“I’m glad… It’s better he doesn’t.”
“How do you mean?”
Ik-Su sighed. “He’s young. He’s seen and felt many things, even before you and the Princess stumbled upon us.” The priest stood up and looked directly into the Thunder Beast’s eyes through his blonde locks of hair. “I’ve only seen it once, and I want it to be the last. Under any circumstances, do not let him fight.”
Hak folded his arms. “I’d say ‘you’re joking’, but you don’t look like the type to do that kind of thing.”
“I only tell the truth. More blood could be spilled than need be, especially when he has someone to protect.”
When they had returned, (Y/N) volunteered to assist Yun with the restocking and reordering of Ik-Su’s shelves. It was the least she could do, seeing how generous Yun had been toward her.
“Miss, (Y/N)~! Welcome back!” Zeno barged into the hut and pounced onto (Y/N) with a great big hug as she sat on the floor.
“Z-Zeno! We were only gone for a short while,” she giggled. “But it’s good to see you.” She held eye-contact with his beautiful sparkly eyes, and the dragon warrior found himself blushing. Yun saw this.
“D-Did you buy anything good?”
(Y/N) hesitated a little. “Oh, not a lot. Just some essentials. They were really high quality which was a bonus.”
Zeno spotted the dress in a corner of the room. “Is that for the Miss?” He asked as he delicately picked it up at sight of its clear value. “Did the boy buy it for you?”
Yun glared. He didn’t like Zeno touching what didn’t belong to him.
“Y-Yes he did. That’s why I’m helping Yun. It’s the least I can do to repay him.”
“Zeno can help!” He was about to lift some books out of (Y/N)’s to put on the shelf for her, when suddenly Yun slapped his hand away from her.
Zeno saw it in his eyes. He’d seen it many others’ before; eyes that looked ready to snuff out the life of anyone who got in his way. Startled, he instinctively took a step back before steeling himself again. Something wasn’t right.
“What’s the matter, mister?” The yellow dragon narrowed his eyes. “You look like something is bothering you.”
“You don’t know about this kind of stuff. Restocking is a difficult process, you know. Why don’t you go exploring and see if you find a souvenir?” Yun’s tone was low and sounded threatening. Both (Y/N) and Zeno shuddered at the sudden rise of the cold tension in the room.
“Umm, Yun, I-I think it’s okay if he helps-”
“That’s alright, Miss (Y/N).” The dragon shot a smile in her direction that was somewhat reassuring. “He’s right! I should find something to take along with us~”
Yun didn’t stop glaring until Zeno turned his back on them and started walking out the door. Seeing through the window that Yun had looked away for a moment, he eyed (Y/N), saying something like “Be careful” before disappearing completely.
“Sorry you saw that, (Y/N).”
She jumped at Yun’s voice and was surprised how it had returned to his normal tone so quickly. “Sorry? For what?”
“I might have overreacted a little. But… I like our time together, and it’s nice to have some time away from those beasts.”
“I can understand that. We all need our space sometimes.”
Yun smiled at her and both of their hearts thumped in time. With their cheeks a pretty pink, they returned to their own jobs.
Zeno, on the other hand, went to search for another one of his friends, seeing how he wasn’t allowed anywhere near (Y/N) as long as Yun was around. Hak was returning from the waterfall out of this corner of his eye, and he skipped his way over to him.
“Mister Thunder Beast~ can Zeno ask you something?”
“What’s up?”
“...Do you think the kid is acting a little weird around Miss (Y/N) lately?”
“Yun?” Hak instantly thought back to his conversation with priest Ik-Su only moments earlier. “In what way?”
“I’m not sure. He looks like he wants her to be really close to him, and is treating her to nice things and giving her lots of attention.”
“That definitely doesn’t sound like him.”
“Zeno just wants to make sure (Y/N) feels okay around him.”
“I’ll tell the others. Let’s keep an eye on him.”
The couple of days scheduled to be spent with Ik-Su flew by very quickly, and the gang was already packed to get back on track with the journey. Through the embarrassment, Yun and Ik-Su shared another parting embrace as the group made their leave through the trees.
But not until they were to deal with the masses of bandits that had surrounded the entire vicinity without their knowledge.
“You’re not getting away from us this time,” one of them sneered.
“We can never get a break from you people, can we?”
“Allow me to do the honours,” Kija smirked as his dragon hand was enlarged to its monstrous potential.
“Princess, Yun and (Y/N), all of you go hide with Ik-Su,” Hak ordered straight away. “Zeno, take them with you.”
Yun grabbed (Y/N)’s hand faster than Zeno was able to, and the four of them took shelter with Ik-Su in the hut. The fight quickly commenced and bandits were already falling to the ground lifeless. (Y/N) awed at their strength, and was lulled by Yun’s warm touch with his arm protectively around her shoulders.
In the far, far out distance, a hidden archer lay under the cover of the trees. The fighters cursed themselves when they were unable to stop the man from releasing the arrow, and could only shout a cry of warning to the ones in the house.
“Yun, look out!” (Y/N) grabbed onto him and made them both crouch as low as possible. Yun’s eyes widened as a small yelp escaped her lips. He looked to her face, and noticed a thin line of blood dripping from her cheek. Thankfully the arrow had not struck her.
But it still hurt her.
“Are you alright?” (Y/N) asked when she saw his face. She gingerly touched the paper cut-like slash with her fingertips when his eyes would look at nothing else but the blood on her cheek.
“You’re hurt…” Yun’s pupils looked like they were constricting and his hands were already balled into fists.
“Yun, I’m fine! It doesn’t even hurt that much-”
“How dare they…”
(Y/N) looked at Ik-Su nervously as Yun’s abnormal behavior was showing again.
“Yun, she said she’s alright,” Ik-Su tried to reassure. “No one’s in danger. There’s no need for you to-”
Yun grabbed the nearby knife used for his earlier food preparation and sprint out into the battlefield. He aimed for the unfortunate soul standing closest to him, dodged his attacks effortlessly, and pierced his chest. He did it again another three times before moving onto the next one.
“Yun, what the hell are you doing!?” the fighters on the field yelled at him.
But Yun couldn’t hear anything anymore. Only the blood pumping in his ears and his ragged breath escaping his lips. Another man down. And another, and another.
He zig-zagged his way through the thick of the trees, looking for the archer that was already retreating for his life.
“Where are you going?”
He jumped on him from behind, sitting on his back, and stabbed him. Then again, and again, and again.
“You’ll never hurt my (Y/N) again!”
The man screamed and writhed in pure terror as Yun rotated the man to be looking straight into his eyes, adding several more blows to the chest. Six to be exact.
Kija, Jeaha, Shinah and Hak couldn’t do anything. They themselves were paralysed in fear, witnessing such hell be brought upon one man by the hands of someone so young. Even the rest of the bandits were stiff and ceased their attacking.
(Y/N) suppressed the urge to vomit as Yona shielded her eyes from the splattering gore, Zeno standing in front of both of them with even his back turned on the scene.
Once the man had no life left within him, Yun turned around to the remaining men who had somehow avoided the boy’s wrath.
“I won’t let any of you touch my (Y/N)!!”
He sprang to his feet and chased down the men who fled with their tails between their legs. Having a young boy running after you with a knife in hand, blood splattered across his face not phazing him in any way, was surely a terrifying sight to behold.
His friends all remained in place in complete shock, unable to comprehend what they had all just witnessed.
“Oh god…”
“What the hell was that…?”
Kija and (Y/N) were on their feet about to run after him, but Ik-Su stopped them both. “You all need to stay away. I can’t promise your lives otherwise. Especially you, (Y/N). You cannot go after him.”
“But… he needs our help.”
“...He’ll return after a few days.”
“Days!? What will he do!?”
“He’ll only kill.”
None said anything as they processed Ik-Su’s words.
“Can we… really have someone like that amongst us?” Kija muttered the painful thought.
“It’s best we don’t,” Hak growled. “He’s a threat to all of us. Let’s go.”
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
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tylerhoechlin · 7 years
Back from the brink, Dylan O'Brien is ready to prove he's an action hero
or the past year, Dylan O’Brien has been in hiding. He spent most of his time inside his home in Sherman Oaks, wondering if he’d ever be the same person he was before the accident. Not just emotionally, but physically too: After major reconstructive surgery that left him with four metal plates holding one side of his face together, he feared he’d never look the same again.
“It’s a miracle, what they’ve done,” O’Brien says, placing his hand on his cheek. Indeed, the actor’s team of doctors must have done some incredible work, given the fact that he looks almost exactly as he always has — the boyish teen heartthrob who has amassed an army of young female fans since he began working on MTV’s “Teen Wolf” at age 18.
Of course, he’s 26 now, so he’s filled out a bit, and there’s also a hint of patchy scruff on his face. He had enough gravitas to him that the producers of “American Assassin,” which opens nationwide Friday, felt confident casting him as the grizzled action-hero Mitch Rapp — even though the character in Vince Flynn’s bestselling books was widely believed by readers to be in his 40s.
“American Assassin” is the reason O’Brien emerged from his self-imposed exile. He’d signed onto the film just a few weeks before he began work on “Maze Runner: The Death Cure,” the third and final installment in 20th Century Fox’s post-apocalyptic young-adult franchise. He was hoping “Assassin” would mark the beginning of a new period in his career. In 2017, after six seasons, “Teen Wolf” would come to an end, as would the “Maze Runner” series.
“I’ve never looked at myself as this pop candy type,” O’Brien says, peppering his speech with more colorful language. “I felt like I was more real than that, so I would get mad when someone would say [I was a teen heartthrob]. I’d be like, ‘I’m 19! I’m a stoner!’ I really resented that.”
He was so excited to begin work on “Assassin” that he fielded calls from director Michael Cuesta just as production began in Vancouver, Canada, on the final “Maze Runner” film. Together, they discussed how O’Brien would approach the character, a 23-year-old who is recruited by the CIA to hunt down terrorists after he witnesses his girlfriend’s murder at the hands of Muslim radicals.
“I spoke with him on a Saturday when he had just started ‘Maze Runner,’ addressing his notes and concerns about the character,” Cuesta recalls. “He was really excited and seemed like, ‘Yeah, I’m ready to do this.’ I was like, ‘Pace yourself, dude. Take it slow. We’ll talk when you’re off this project.’ That was Saturday, and on Wednesday, I got a text from my agent telling me that this awful thing had happened to him.”
On the third day of production in Canada, O’Brien was performing a stunt that required him to be harnessed to the top of a moving vehicle; reports claim he was accidentally pulled off that vehicle midstunt and hit by another vehicle. As a result, he suffered “a concussion, facial fracture and lacerations,” according to a report from WorkSafeBC.
Fox put production on hold in March 2016, and O'Brien ultimately returned to set a year later — after he'd shot "Assassin." “Death Cure,” which was originally scheduled to open in February of this year, is now set for release Jan. 26, 2018.
“I didn’t really wake up or become cognizant, in a way, for a good six-to-eight weeks after it happened,” O’Brien explains. “And then I entered a really difficult phase. I just wasn’t the same person. Things happen to you after something like that that you just don’t have any control of. Your body is designed to react in a way to protect itself if you have a severe trauma to your brain.”
The actor is sitting at a hotel bar in late August, publicly discussing his accident for the first time. He’s been anticipating this day for months. He knew how it would go, meeting reporters at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills, where he’s done press a handful of times before. Even though he was supposed to be talking about “American Assassin,” he’d also have to talk about what had happened to him.
“I hid for a long time, obviously. I was going through a lot and didn’t want anybody to see me going through that, I guess,” he explains. “But I’ve gotten to an OK place of talking about it all. I’ve had to come to terms with people asking me about what happened.”
In a way, he admits, he regrets being so private about what happened to him, given the rash of recent on-set stunt-related injuries and deaths. Last month, stuntwoman Joi Harris was killed while riding a motorcycle on the set of “Deadpool 2.” In July, a stuntman on AMC’s “The Walking Dead” died after falling and suffering massive head injuries. And actors have been harmed too: Tom Cruise broke his ankle while attempting a jump from one building to another on the set of “Mission: Impossible 6,” and filming had to be halted in August. And on the sets of two different comedies this summer, Rebel Wilson suffered a concussion and Ike Barinholtz fell from a high platform, fracturing two cervical vertebrae in his neck.
“It’s really disappointing, and I think things like that should really wake the industry up,” says O’Brien. “It’s really easy, sometimes, to get comfortable on a set and get into the groove and think it’s all make-believe so nothing bad can happen. As an actor, you blindly put your trust in experts — and if they tell you something’s safe, you don’t fully vet it yourself. If you’re young and inexperienced, that’s just what you’re taught to do.”
While he never felt like a “gun was to [his] head,” O’Brien admits he always felt responsible for performing his own stunts. He’d get upset any time he had to be replaced by a stuntman. When he’d watch one of the first two “Maze Runner” films and catch a shot of his double, he was irritated.
“It bugs you,” he explains. “You see it and you’re like, ‘Ugh, what the [heck]? How do people not notice that’s not me?’”
But if he knew if he was going to move forward with “American Assassin,” he’d have to approach his action sequences with far more caution than he ever had before. Once he decided to stay with the project — and CBS Films, the production company behind the movie, agreed to wait for him to fully recover — he began working extensively with action coordinator Roger Yuan to ready himself for the movie’s hand-to-hand combat scenes.
Not surprisingly, O’Brien says, there were strict parameters set in place by the film’s insurance company that dictated just how much he could do himself in the wake of his accident. But he was still eager to do the fight scenes himself, so he rehearsed them extensively — to the point, he says, where he literally could do the choreography blindfolded.
“You just want to know it to that extent so that everybody knows what they’re doing on that day,” he says. “And then when you get to that day and somebody says, ‘Wait, can we just change this?’ You say ‘No.’ Things like that, you’ve gotta stand up for. I’ve understood more of where my voice can exist. When I was younger, I used to just want to please everybody and not want to be an issue or not be considered a diva. I’ve just grown up and realized you have to look out for yourself and stick up for yourself and there’s nothing wrong with that.”
Other protections were built into the production to make O’Brien feel more at ease too: His father, a veteran below-the-line staffer, was hired as a camera operator so he could be there if needed for his son. And “on the days we were putting Dylan in a situation that might make him uncomfortable, we took longer than we might normally take because we didn’t want to rush it,” says producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura. “We were acutely conscious of not putting him in a situation where he could have an adverse reaction — a stunt that might rekindle something.”
O’Brien had also spent time readying himself mentally for the return to set even before production began, visiting with a therapist two times a week. It was there that he realized the similarities he now shared with Mitch Rapp, a character struggling to contain his anger in the wake of a serious trauma.
“It felt like this version of me at the time, always trying to hide from people,” he says. “I was in a really dark place. Obviously, I didn’t experience what he goes through, but that summer when I was in recovery, I was going through a lot. Funny enough, I felt so deeply connected to the dude, and I don’t think I would have known how to play him if this hadn’t happened.”
Meanwhile, it remains to be seen whether “American Assassin” will be the role to catapult O’Brien into adult leading-man territory. His young female fans are still ravenous, anyway: On set in Rome, they once became so intense that the actor was forced to move to a different hotel.
“I saw some fans outside afterward, and three of their moms gave me the finger,” says Cuesta with a laugh. “They hated me because I was keeping Dylan from them.”
The producers of “Assassin” are hoping the film does well enough at the box office this weekend to launch a new action franchise. O’Brien knew that was a possibility, and says he’d be happy to play Mitch Rapp again. But he’s also looking forward to doing something smaller — “finding the new generation of filmmakers and taking risks on guys who don’t have a 25-year résumé.” The idea of acting in a Marvel superhero film, he says, makes him shudder.
“It just seems like too much,” he says. “I don’t think I’m a person who could handle being that face, that star who has to be on every talk show every year. It gives you a lot of flexibility and freedom in things that you do want to do, but it also takes a lot of your time away. And just artistically, it must be hard to keep suiting up and be the same character again over and over all year long in a bunch of different movies. I would like to have a lower profile and career, in a way, but still do things that mean something to me.”
He’s proud of his work in “Assassin,” he says, but he almost doesn’t look at it as a movie.
“It was everything but, in a way,” he acknowledges. “Look, I was angry for a long time. But at this point, that’s not going to do anything. I have to process what happened and move beyond it, and I have. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it’s provided me with a lot of growth and insight that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”
[source: LA Times]
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samayla · 7 years
Fic: Gemini Chapter 3
Bilbo may be a Baggins of a Bag End, but his twin sister Bella inherited all their mother’s Tookish tendencies. If one Hobbit burglar is good, surely two will be better… right?
Rating: G
This is going to be a huge multi-part fic. I’ll be tagging it #HobbitGemini for anyone who wants to follow it, or shoot me a message if you’d like me to tag you specifically. I’ll post another chapter or two tonight, but then it’ll probably be a week before I update. I’ll settle on a schedule of some sort once I figure out how fast I can crank out chapters.
Chapter 1: Late for Dinner
Chapter 2: An Unexpected Party
Chapter 3: No One West of Bree
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“I don’t like it, Ki,” Fili growled as his brother thunked two mugs onto the table and slid into the seat facing him.
Kili glanced around, one side of his mouth quirking upward skeptically. “What’s not to like, Fi? We could take this lot without even breaking a sweat.”
“That’s what I mean,” Fili answered darkly. He wrapped his hands around his ale but didn’t yet take a drink. Too many of the assembled halflings were looking their way. Too few looked friendly. “These are some mighty strong glares for folk who don’t seem to have a chance of backing ‘em up.” Sure, they had numbers, but that was about it, as far as he could tell. They were small and soft and round, dressed in the garish colors that adorned their gardens. They weren’t fighters. But he wasn’t sure what that made them instead.
He nodded toward a particularly venomous-looking halfling sitting in the corner. “Take that toadish character in green back behind you,” he said. “What does he think he can do? We’re missing something, Ki. We’ve got to be.” It was hard to explain, but Fili couldn’t help but feel uneasy. There just had to be something more to these strange little creatures than looks would suggest. Why else would Gandalf want Thorin to engage one of them in their quest? And what’s more, brave Thorin’s wrath in making the very suggestion? If a halfling could be expected to best a dragon when an army of dwarves could not…
Kili shrugged, unconcerned, and lifted his mug to drink. “I think you’re just - hey! Where’s my ale gone?”
That got his attention. “What?”
Kili tipped his mug toward Fili. It was half empty. “Did you drink it?” he demanded, punching Fili in the shoulder before he could even think to answer.
“What? No. Ki, I haven’t touched it.”
Kili didn’t look convinced. He snatched up Fili’s mug and peered inside. Fili took advantage of his brother’s momentary distraction to rub surreptitiously at his shoulder. He could feel it bruising already. “Yours is short too!” Kili exclaimed. “What’s the big idea?”
Both brothers about jumped out of their skin when three more mugs of ale and a plate of fruit tarts clattered onto the worn table between them, and Fili nearly skewered the cheerful lass who dropped into the seat beside him.
“Don’t take it personally - Old Wil always pours short for strangers,” she chirped, apparently unaware of her brush with death. Or of the intensified scowls now directed at their table. Fili half expected to burst into flames. “Bella Baggins, at your service.” The lass bobbed her head and then grinned expectantly.
“Fili,” he supplied slowly.
Kili was quicker to add his own name to the introduction, though his attention had already been snagged by the plate of tarts. When Fili saw his brother’s hand slide away from his knife and toward the sweets, he allowed himself to relax slightly. Kili’s stomach hadn’t led them astray yet. Well, not since that cask of dandelion wine when they were in their twenties, but that was completely beside the point.
Kili took an enormous bite of one tart, but Fili was relieved to note that he’d at least smelled it first. “’Ooks ‘ike ‘e pourth thort for ‘oo, too.” Kili sprayed them both with crumbs as he spoke. He downed the ale in one of his mugs in a single gulp, and then swept the back of his hand across his mouth. “Sorry. These are great!”
Bella laughed as she shook crumbs from her sandstone curls. “Forgiven.” She peered into her own mug and sighed. “Wil’s pouring may be lacking, but his wife’s cooking certainly isn’t. Alessia Bracegirdle’s blueberry tarts are local legend.” She glanced sideways at Fili as she took a more moderate drink from her own mug. “Your hands would be much better occupied with her tarts than your weapons,” she commented with a wry twist of her mouth. Perhaps she was not so unaware after all. “Terrifying though I know I seem, I really just thought the pair of you could use a friendly drink.”
Fili smiled back a little guiltily and relinquished his grip on the knife in his sleeve. He still had plenty of others in easy reach.
Just in case.
Kili grinned and flicked a bit of tart at him. “Don’t mind him, Bella. He’s just tense from being on the road. It’s sucked all the fun out of him.”
Fili flicked the morsel back at his brother. “Has not.” And even if it had, someone had to be the responsible one after Kili went and got them lost. ‘Shortcut,’ indeed.
Kili snatched up another tart from the plate. “Has so! You’re seeing threats everywhere. You’re worse than Mister Dwalin! Even unarmed, these halflings have you jumping at every shadow. And then you nearly kill the only friendly face in the whole place! Imagine - not even trusting a blueberry tart!” He took another huge bite to prove his point, and when he spoke again, he sprayed Fili and Bella with crumbs once more. “’M worried ‘bout choo, Fi. “S’not righ’.”
Bella glanced over her shoulder, then looked from one to the other of them with amber eyes as large as dinner plates. “Oh,” she breathed, leaning close over the worn wooden table. “But Fili is quite right to be on his guard, for your kind hasn’t any defense against our secret weapon.”
Kili swallowed with difficulty. “What’s that?” he croaked, leaning toward the halfling lass, his eyes growing wide to match hers.
“It’s a fearsome thing indeed. Makes even the biggest of big Men fall to pieces and go running back for the Wilds past Buckland.”
Though Fili suspected - or perhaps hoped for - a joke, he found himself listening just as attentively as his brother. He knew there had to be a reason Gandalf wanted a halfling along.
“It’s the Look.” And she leveled a truly impressive glare at Kili.
Fili burst out laughing, both at the halfling’s answer and the look of confused horror on his brother’s face.
Bella managed to hold her expression a second longer before she, too, broke down in laughter, Kili joining in almost immediately in obvious relief. She leaned back in her chair, taking her mug with her. “Oh, we’ll glare you do death, and no mistake,” she boasted, a raised eyebrow replacing her smile, and both dwarves ceased their laughter at once. Then she grinned again, an easy, crooked thing that made her eyes twinkle. “That’s about it though, I’m afraid, unless one can be killed by a short drink.”
“I hope you didn’t pay full price for these,” Fili commented, reaching for one of the mugs she’d brought them. It held even less ale than the first mug had.
Bella shrugged. “Seems cruel to deprive Wil of his petty revenge when there are real strangers about to bear the brunt of it. Usually, he has to content himself with shorting me, as I’m widely regarded as the strangest thing around these parts.”
She deftly snatched the last two tarts from the plate before Kili could grab one. She passed Fili one, but broke hers and passed half of it to Kili. Fili shot her a grateful look on his brother’s behalf, but Kili, for his part, was too busy inhaling the treat to thank her for it.
“But if you were hoping to get drunk tonight,” Bella continued, “you’d have had better luck at the Green Dragon in Bywater. It gets all the outside traffic. We’re a bit isolated here in the heart of the Shire.”
“So I’m learning,” Fili answered. “But we were told Hobbiton, and this place seemed as likely as any around here to hold a meeting about an adventure.”
The lass choked on the last bite of her tart.
Fili thumped her on the back in alarm, but as soon as her airway was clear of crumbs, she doubled over laughing. “You won’t find any adventures here, lads,” she panted as soon as she was able. “Even the mildest sort won’t come any closer than Bree, I’m afraid.”
“But Gandalf said Hobbiton,” Kili protested. “Very clearly!”
Bella frowned and took another drink, clearly thinking hard.
“What is it?” Fili asked. “Is something the matter?”
She shook her head. “Gandalf, you say? Old fellow dressed all in grey? Wears a pointed hat, as if he weren’t tall enough already?”
“That’s him!” Kili exclaimed, jostling the table in his excitement. “Have you seen him?”
“He’s hardly been seen around these parts since I was a child, but he was always fond of a good story, and turning dwarves loose on unsuspecting hobbits sounds like as good a start to a tale as any I’ve ever heard.”
Fili shared a grim look with his brother as Bella chuckled to herself and returned to her drink. “You think this is some sort of joke?” Fili inquired, careful to keep his face and tone from betraying his worry, while Kili looked downright offended at the very idea. If they weren’t careful, Kili was going to blunder right into revealing their whole quest in a room full of hostile halflings.
“Oh, yes,” Bella replied at once. “Though there are few enough around here who’ll see the humor in it. When news of you two gets out, there’ll be a scandal in the neighborhood! Old Wil may never recover!”
“Still,” Fili reasoned, trying to reassure himself and also keep Kili from causing a scene, “better a joke than a trap, I suppose.”
That notion backfired.
Kili jerked upright so quickly he nearly overturned the table. As it was, several of the halflings in the nearest seats shot them especially dirty looks at the clatter. “You don’t think it could be, do you?” Kili hissed. “A trap, I mean.”
“Of course not,” Bella soothed, beginning to pick up their overturned mugs. The short pouring was a good thing after all. All five had been empty, or near enough, when they’d fallen. The little bit of ale that seeped across the table was quickly mopped up with a rag Bella snagged off a passing server’s arm. The lass made eye contact with Kili when she spoke next, all laughter aside. “Gandalf may not have visited the Shire in ages, but I have had some dealings with him outside of it. He’s a good sort. A little meddlesome, but he means well, and that’s got to count for something, hasn’t it? And from what I understand, by the end of things, he’s usually righter than one would have expected at the beginning.”
Fili shot her another grateful smile for her efforts at calming his brother. And her words had gone a long way toward easing his own mind as well. Balin had seemed confident when he’d suggested the pair of them set out ahead at the edge of the Shire, but as the hours had passed and they’d grown more and more hopelessly lost in all the halflings’ tangled footpaths and hills, Fili had been unable to shake the growing suspicion that this whole thing was a test. One he was failing miserably. But this chance meeting made him feel as though he wasn’t botching absolutely everything. At the very least, they’d managed to secure an outside perspective on their wizard. He smiled to himself at the thought of Balin’s approving nod when he shared Bella’s vote of confidence at the meeting.
“Well,” Kili mused, interrupting Fili’s thoughts, “I hope you’re right about the wizard’s scheming.” He still didn’t look entirely convinced that the whole thing wasn’t some sort of elaborate trap. “I’d hate to have come so far out of our way to collect a burglar for nothing.”
“A burglar, you say?”
“Uncle didn’t think much of the idea at first, to be honest, but -”
Fili kicked Kili beneath the table before he could spill any more details. Their uncle would kill them. “Yes,” he interjected to distract Bella from Kili’s pained indignation. “But here we are. You haven’t heard anything about a burglar advertising around Hobbiton, have you?”
Bella laughed again at that. “Of course not! In my experience, that is not usually the sort of activity one advertises!”
“Oh, not petty burglars, or hobbyists, certainly,” Fili acknowledged, “but professional burglars quite frequently advertise their services so as to attract respectable clients. There’s nothing saying one cannot steal back something that is already one’s rightful property.”
Kili brightened suddenly, obviously picking up on Fili’s intent. “We’re on our way to visit kin in the Iron Hills,” he recited dutifully, only making the line sound slightly rehearsed, “but we’ve had some things stolen from our company.” He looked to Fili for approval of his addition to Balin’s sketchy cover story.
“Hardly the most auspicious start to a journey, as I’m sure you can imagine,” Fili added with a shrug, hoping to distract Bella from his brother’s blundering again.
Bella nodded sagely, but Fili could see the twinkle of laughter in her eyes once more. He let it go. Better she think them joking than lying. And it wasn’t a lie, not really. An entire mountain kingdom was probably just likely to be rather larger than whatever she was picturing they’d lost.
“Of course,” Bella said. “If Gandalf’s involved, I suppose it can’t be nearly as disreputable an affair as it sounds. But I’m afraid you still won’t find any burglars, professional or otherwise, advertising their craft here in Hobbiton. Hobbits, as a rule, frown upon burglary at any level of dedication.”
“But can you think of no one at all?” Kili asked forlornly. He fixed the lass with the same look he’d give their mother to coax her into allowing him a second helping of dessert.
Bella shook her head, and for a moment, Fili thought they might have at last met someone immune to Kili’s puppy dog eyes. But then she sighed. “I really can’t think of anyone who would fit your needs.” Fili waited. It was coming. He knew it, and Kili did too. Neither of them spoke, and sure enough, she continued after another sigh. “But perhaps we can have a spot of dinner, and you can tell me more about your adventure, and what it is, exactly, that Gandalf told you. Maybe then I’ll be able to think of who he could possibly have meant.”
As she surged to her feet and headed for the bar, Kili flashed a triumphant grin across the table. Fili nodded in acknowledgment of his mastery, but couldn’t help a few words of caution as well. “We still have to be careful what we say, Ki. Uncle won’t like us giving everything away to a stranger.”
“But it’s to get help,” Kili reasoned. “After all, if we can’t find this supposed burglar, what’s to say any of the others can either? We could be heroes, Fi, and find him before anyone else!”
“Gandalf will know him, if he can recommend him,” Fili reminded him. “And the others, at least, might remember the fellow’s name.”
Kili pouted at his tone. “How is it my fault that you didn’t listen on your turn?”
“I was trying,” Fili shot back, “but someone was pulling faces behind Gandalf’s back the entire time, ruining my concentration.” It really was unfair. He hadn’t known of Balin’s plan to send them ahead. If he had, he would have made Kili listen to Gandalf’s instructions as well, and then they would both know the burglar’s name, and they wouldn’t be in this predicament at all. They could have stopped and asked for proper directions to the fellow’s house, instead of trying to make sense of the garbled nonsense Kili had rattled off about “pretunies.”
Kili opened his mouth to argue, but was interrupted by Bella returning to her seat with a huff. “What’s the matter?” he asked.
“Kitchen’s closed,” Bella snapped, just as a serving girl whisked past their table with plates piled high with roast pork and potatoes. She pressed her lips into a thin line.
Kili was aghast, and Fili suspected his own face wasn’t much more composed. “But-”
Bella cut Kili off. “Well, it’s closed to us, anyway. Wil wants us out. ‘Putting his patrons off their drinking,’ he says, with all our talk of adventuring and burgling. Ill-tempered old goat.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then forced a bright smile. “There’s nothing for it,” she declared. “You’ll have to come home with me. Bilbo will have cooked something up, I’m sure, late as I am, and if not, then there’s plenty of cold food in the pantry for all of us.”
“Bilbo?” Fili asked. Of course a lass with a smile like that would have someone waiting at home.
“Oh, yes. He’ll probably be much more help than I could be. He’s much more sociable, you see, and has a good ear for gossip. Perhaps he’s heard something about this burglar of yours. And if not, than at the very least, he’s got a library full of maps and things, and we can get you two pointed in the right direction. I’m sure there must be any number of places that sound like ‘Hobbiton’ if one is distracted from listening.”
“Of course we’ll come!” Kili exclaimed at once, not bothering to consult his older brother.
For his part, Bella’s sly smile was enough to make Fili forgive her for overhearing their argument - it seemed these halflings had exceptional hearing, information which he filed away for later - but at the same time, he couldn’t forget the weight of responsibility on his shoulders in Thorin’s absence. “I don’t know,” he murmured reluctantly. “That’s a generous offer, but we’re to meet the rest of our party tonight, if we can find them. We probably shouldn’t go wandering about the countryside at random. Uncle always says it’s important to stay where you are when you’re lost, and let the others find you.”
“Uncle has a good deal of experience at being lost,” Kili piped up helpfully.
“No more than most,” Fili shot back in his uncle’s defense. “And it’s sound advice, anyway. The others have a much better chance of finding us if we just stay put.”
“We could always leave a message with Wil, in case any of your friends come looking for you here,” Bella suggested.
Fili was skeptical, to say the least. Could the peevish barkeeper really be trusted to pass along a message faithfully?
Bella must have read the look on his face. “It’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Old Wil may be petty and vengeful when it comes to strangers, but he won’t hesitate to send those strangers in another hobbit’s direction if given half a chance. Odds are, you’d have been sent up my way sooner or later, if I hadn’t met you here first. Come on. Good food and a good night’s sleep - not to mention better company than this lot -” she gestured at the still-glaring halflings scattered around the room “- will set you up right proper for whatever the morning will bring.” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “And there’s a strawberry-rhubarb pie in it for you if you’ll at least walk me home. You’re my excuse, you see. I’m abominably late for supper, but if I go home and start spinning tales of drinking with dwarves, Bilbo will never believe me. The only way I’m getting off the hook tonight is if I bring you lot around as -”
The lass’s face went suddenly blank.
Well, not blank, exactly. Fili was sure it was supposed to be something resembling politely cheery, but it was off somehow. Like a pane of spun sugar. Sickly sweet, but fragile, with no substance underneath. He was just about to ask what was wrong when a shadow fell across their table.
“Cousin Belladonna!” The voice was just as rotund at the rest of the green-clad hobbit, and Fili inwardly cringed at his false cheer, as if the fellow hadn’t just spent the last half hour glaring daggers at their table. It explained Bella’s face, at least.
“Cousin Otho,” she replied, her tone just as false as his. Fili noticed her knuckles were white around the handle of her empty mug. “I didn’t see you there. Would you care to join me and my friends for a drink?”
Fili saw Kili open his mouth to protest and kicked him under the table again. Better to let the lass handle her relations herself. For now, at least.
“Goodness, no!” Otho forced a chuckle that was as false as everything else about him. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his gaudy green waistcoat. “I was just about to head home to the missus. Getting late, you know, and supper’s waiting. But I’d be happy to walk you home, Belladonna. The Hill isn’t too far out of my way, after all, and you wouldn’t want to keep Bilbo waiting up too long.”
Bella made a big show of looking past Otho and out the darkened window. “Oh, Sweet Lady! You’re right,” she gasped, and Fili had to admire how realistic she made her astonishment seem. “He expected us home ages ago!”
Noting Bella’s ‘us’ at the same time Otho did, but taking it as an invitation, Fili spoke up, doing his best to match her performance. He peered out the window and then hung his head, reaching for his pack. “Sorry about that, Bell. But you know Kili and his ‘shortcuts.’” He elbowed Kili, who elbowed him back with a scowl.
Bella laughed. “Well, I know you do. You don’t have to take them, you know.” She smiled warmly at the indignant Kili, her facade temporarily abandoned. “Even if he does give you his Look.”
All three of them burst out laughing at that, leaving poor Otho to sputter and try to come up with a way to retake control of a situation that was obviously not going at all as he’d planned.
Bella was the first to come back to herself. “Oh, dear,” she breathed. “I’m afraid this isn’t making us any less late, is it? We’d best be going, lads.” She rose and turned back to Otho with an - almost - apologetic smile. “Sorry to run, cousin, but you know how Bilbo is about his cooking. If his supper is ruined, I’ll never hear the end of it. Give my best to Lobelia, won’t you?” She didn’t wait for an answer from her cousin before issuing orders to the dwarves. “You lads can go gather your things, and I’ll settle matters with Wil and meet you out front.”
“Cousin Otho,” Fili intoned gravely as he stood. He bowed with an exaggerated flourish.
“Pleasure,” Kili added, mimicking Fili’s bow. It was all Fili could do not to laugh at the look of shocked dismay on the poor halfling’s face. His face had become nearly as green as his shirt. They collected their packs from the heap beneath the table, and Fili adopted his best princely strut. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Kili doing the same, and they left the poor fellow standing, completely befuddled, beside their table.
They both burst into laughter as soon as they stepped out into the lane and the door swung shut behind them.
“Bella is a natural,” Kili declared. “I thought he’d faint when she said we were expected!”
“Poor fellow didn’t know what hit him,” Fili agreed, adjusting his pack to sit more evenly across his shoulders. “Do you really think that sour old barman will send the others our way?”
Kili shrugged. “I don’t know, but Bella should know how to handle her own people, right?”
“She should. And waiting at her house for the others can’t put us in much worse of a position than waiting here would, I suppose.”
Kili’s eyes got dreamy. “Especially if there’s pie…”
“You always think with your stomach, Ki,” Fili chided, chuckling.
“Well, it got us excellent blueberry tarts and a good joke, didn’t it? And pie! These halflings know how to get things done! Imagine if Bella’s pie is even half as good as those tarts… Maybe that’s why Gandalf wants a halfling along - someone has to sweeten Uncle Thorin up, or he’s liable to kill everyone before we even lay eyes on the mountain.”
“If that’s his plan, he’ll have to hire two - one to cook Uncle’s pies, and one to cook Dwalin’s. Otherwise Uncle will never get so much as a bite!”
It felt good just to laugh for a bit. Maybe Kili was right, Fili reflected, and he had been too serious since they went on ahead of the company. What had being serious gotten him? Lost in the dark. Everything seemed to be turning out alright after all, so why worry?
“I just hope we wind up with someone like Bella,” Kili confided. “A pie from that Otho character would probably just make everyone sick.”
Fili’s smile faded in spite of his resolve to stop worrying. “You don’t think she’s having any trouble in there, do you?”
By unspoken agreement, they both dropped their packs behind the bushes at the side of the road and started for the door. Fili took the lead, and Kili fell in half a step behind him, watching his back as always.
Suddenly, the door flew open, and Bella came storming out, dragging a very startled-looking Otho along behind her. “…one whit what sort of company you think that makes me, Otho Sackville-Baggins!” She spun to face the stout halfling, and Fili realized that instead of her holding him, it was he who held her wrist in a bruising grip. The stupid sod had apparently been too shocked to let go when Bella started moving.
“You having any trouble, Bell?” Kili growled, his eyes on her arm too.
“None at all,” Bella replied, trying to twist out of his grip. “Oh, Otho!” she exclaims, stomping her foot. “Let go of me this instant!”
That seemed to bring the fellow back to his senses somewhat. But instead of releasing the lass, he dragged her around in front of himself, like a shield. “Now, see here,” he stammered, his eyes darting wildly between the two armed dwarves. Neither had drawn a weapon yet, but both Fili and Kili had taken up defensive stances, and neither of them looked kindly on the halfling’s treatment of their new friend. “I’ll call the Sherriff on you!”
“For what?” Fili asked, taking a step forward and resting his hand on the hilt of one of his swords.
“Yeah,” Kili agreed. “Far as I can see, the only one causing trouble here is you.” Kili stepped forward as well, and Otho backed away, dragging Bella with him.
“See, Belladonna? I told you these strange folk shouldn’t be trusted. Troublemakers, the lot! Who knows what sort of trouble you’d have gotten yourself into if I hadn’t been here!”
Fili saw Bella’s jaw clench. “I’d release the lass right now, if I was you,” Fili stated slowly and calmly. He moved his hand away from his sword.
If the halfling had had a lick of sense, he’d have backed down by now, but Fili hadn’t forgotten the powerful glares this stammering idiot had directed their way back in the tavern. Nor had he forgotten the wizard’s stubborn insistence that they hire a halfling to handle a dragon. Despite the amused smirk growing on his brother’s face, Fili wasn’t ready to count this fellow out just yet. Not until Bella was safely out of his grasp.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Otho declared, trying to wave a very disgruntled Bella in front of him by way of proof. “Belladonna is my cousin, and I say what she -”
Bella elbowed him in the face with her free arm, spinning to follow through and drop with him to the ground. “Don’t call me Belladonna,” she snarled, tearing her arm out of his grasp. She ducked back into the building as Otho’s startled silence gave way to pained howls. Judging from the blood pouring through his fingers, she’d broken his nose.
“Come on, lads,” Bella said briskly as she came back out, a pack slung over her shoulder and a walking stick in her hand. “I do believe I owe you a pie.”
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hi! I started archery and in my beginner course I realised that I'm really weak :'( My instructor recommended me to use a compound bow bc I'm fairly good at aiming while using it, but I crave the aesthetic of the recurve. Is it possible for me to build enough muscle so that I can aim well with a recurve? (Could you recommend me some exercises?) Also I'm planning on buying equipment within a month so would it be best for me to wait to build up strength before buying a bow? sorry for the essay!
Okay so, just so we’re clear, I am for the moment gonna assume that when you say ‘weak’ you mean ‘what are sports?  we just don’t know.’ --because bro!, that would be me!, I know that one.  if you mean weak as part of a disability*, then bruh I can help with that too.  one of the coaches at my range is on the US Paralympic Archery team and I would be glad to hassle him for advice.
*archery is for EVERYONE.  there are archers in wheelchairs, there are blind archers, the world record for the longest accurate shot in archery is currently held by a gentleman who doesn’t have arms.
Moving on, okay, I am ... side-eyeing your instructor just a little bit?  do you happen to know what poundage (How hard to pull) the recurves you used were?  at my range, a beginner archer of adult height gets a 66″ bow of either 12 or 16 pounds of draw weight (how much force it takes to pull the string back 28 inches.)
so, here’s the thing about pulling a bow.  imagine a gallon of milk.  or juice is okay if you prefer juice.  imagine picking it up by the cap.  yikes???  most people would find this very hard or impossible, and it’s not necessary.  so, you pick it up by the handle.  much easier!  you can manage the weight.  archery is just the same - the same amount of weight is either dang near impossible OR not too bad, and it’s all down to how you use your body to move that weight.
shooting a bow, your instructor should be showing you how to hook the string and pull with your back (much more muscle!) as you lower your front shoulder and push the bow away. push and pull, push AND pull.  it’s awkward at first, but once you get the hang of it, if you are using a bow that’s appropriate for your skill level, it’s MUCH easier because you are using your muscles efficiently.  and definitely don’t feel bad about feeling weak - literally every saturday i have people who are convinced they cannot do this, whole body shaking as they try to pull the bowstring back in an awkward way, and once they’ve had fifteen minutes of me poking at their elbows and back, saying ‘pull from here, elbow behind you, now push it away push push--’ they’re drawing the bow smoothly and making very nice shots!  
tl;dr, it is totally possible to build up enough muscle to start a recurve!  exercises, briefly: 
1.) buy a stretchy band and pull it like it’s a bow.  this one is... hrm.. I could explain it better with pictures.  would you like pictures?  i can try to do that tomorrow.  
2.) less need of pictures, do plain old push-ups - i do them against the wall. place your hands against the wall, lean in (bending elbows, tummy firm, back STRAIGHT - if you let your back sag, it will hurt) until your nose touches the wall, then push off. repeat until tired, and it’s okay if that only takes five times.  try to do six next time, then seven, then take a dang day off!  when you can do like thirty, make it harder - back up further away from the wall - it will be harder to push off. 
3.) lift things.  lift a water bottle.  lift the cat.  hold the water bottle at your side, then lift it to shoulder height, arm fully extended - as you would lift a bow.  hold it up for fifteen seconds (10 or 5 if you can’t do 15), then lower it.  rest for the same amount of time you held it up, then repeat.  if you can only do two of those at first, bruh!  that’s fine.  try to do three tomorrow, then four, then - take a day off!!  lots of rest days are important - you WILL get sore, your muscles WILL need time to recover.  starting out, swap the water bottle (or weight or cat) from arm to arm, so that one can rest while the other works.  as you get stronger, use two weights and do both arms.  extend your arms both straight to your side and straight in front of you - this is working on different parts of your shoulder.
WOW has this gotten long - and here you thought you wrote an essay!
Equipment:  Nope, you don’t have to wait, as long as you buy ‘the right’ equipment.  ‘Right equipment’ doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, it just needs to have limbs that can be taken off.  Here is an example of the sort of bow I mean:  LINK!  We have tons of bows just like this one at my range. that one is metal, but plastic (like this) is also fine, and so is wood (like this.) See the black knobs at the top and bottom where the limbs (white bendy parts) meet the riser (the ‘body’ of the bow)?  those are bolts, the limb can be easily taken off and swapped out for a lighter (easier to pull) or heavier (harder to pull) limb.  limbs of the bolt-on type are very affordable, and a beginner bow of good quality is both tough and light weight.  
the only point I will make on the purchase of the equipment is, do NOT let anyone tell you that it’s a ‘waste of money to buy limbs that are too light.’  that is dumb, people that ought to know better say it to archers all the time, and you know what happens?  those new archers hurt their shoulders, aren’t having fun with a bow that’s a struggle to pull back, and the bow goes in the closet and we never see them again. :’(  go ahead and get the lightest limbs available for your bow of choice - this is usually either 12 or 14 pounds. if you are over about 5′6″ tall, get the 12 pound limbs or even 10 if you can find them.  If you are 5′6″ or under, 12 is still okay, but so is 14.  this probably sounds backwards, but to put it bluntly:
the farther back you pull a recurve bow, the HARDER it gets.  that’s what the recurve shape of the limb does, it makes the bow more powerful as it is pulled back more. so, if you’re tall, or have rather long arms, you’ll pull the bow back more - you want lighter limbs so that you don’t have to fight with them. if I draw a bow with 14 pound limbs, it will be 16 pounds - I am tall, my arms are long.
 if you are short or have stumpy t-rex arms, your draw length will be short - you may only pull a pair of 14 pound limbs to 11 or 12 pounds, if not less.
MAN ok, this has been an info-dump, and I hope it helps; if you have any more questions let me know, and I will do my best!  ENJOY.  YOU CAN DO IT.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Soo like 6 days ago I started watching the Witcher stopped at ep 7 bought the Witcher 3 and have been playing it nonstop. The shows okay? I think? (From someone who only knows what the series is from a 4 hour critic video that I had no idea what was going on in BUT- the game is so funnnn. Like I barely know what’s going on, from that video and people discussing things online but WOW??? Like how was I not told about this shit earlier??? Dandelions realllllly icky thooo like I thought he’d be more fun and less “wow your straight fucking scum” but I mean at least he cares about his friends? Triss and yennifer are... Oof rough BUT I’m only just in the game, hope they’ll grow on me? Or change? But Ciri? Is adorable? Her parts are so fun to play her dodge is so fun.
The novels! Have You read them? Where does one get them lmao Ik they’re translated?
[old timey fisherman's voice] WE CAUGHT ANOTHER ONE, BOYS!
Ahhhh new Witcher 3 fan!! Congratulations, anon, you've unlocked my numerous Thoughts™ and Opinions™ on the matter that I am now going to dump on you in bullet point form. No spoilers though!
Okay, okay, yeah I like this game a totally normal amount. I've sunk at least 250 hours into it (so far) which might not be much compared to the Pro Gamers and whatnot, but it's an insane amount for someone like me who possesses the attention span of a goldfish. I don't do any of the same thing for 250 hours (except write things on tumblr, I guess)
I didn't know what was going on either when I first played. I didn't even have the show to sort of help me out, Witcher 3 was the first Witcher story I ever dove into. The great thing though is you can just... google stuff? See, idk if you've worked this out yet, but the games all take place post-book series. All the stuff in the series happened, then Witcher 1 starts with Geralt having amnesia, and everything else in the games is new content. Which means that though there's obviously a fair number of book spoilers throughout, it's pretty easy to google worldbuilding questions without getting game spoilers. So once I understood that I was able to supplement what I was getting via game osmosis with stuff like, "Who the fuck is Nilfgaard again and why does everyone hate them?" or "What did Triss do to Geralt?" without getting any quest-specific spoilers. Basic wiki articles with, "Such and such is related to such and such and once did This Thing" was super helpful.
Yeah, the show is just okay. I'm far less enamored with it a year later than I was at the start. I think I was trying to like it more than I actually did... Honestly, I'm actually somewhat wary of getting more seasons simply because of how TV shows tend to dominate fandoms. The Jaskier/Geralt dynamic is a perfect example: once the show does something, a very large portion of the fandom tends to take that as their preferred canon. Finding non-TV!Jaskier/Geralt content is more of a struggle now. Which isn't a bad thing, god knows I'm happy to have more Witcher content in general, it's just too bad that we have game and book dynamics that are, at least here on tumblr, largely overshadowed by the show. My fave in the whole franchise - Regis - is someone I'm particularly worried for because if the show does him dirty and the whole fandom takes that characterization as gospel, I may not recover lol.
Dandelion's characterization in Witcher 3 is, sadly, not what I'd hoped it would be. To my mind book!Dandelion is superior to both game!Dandelion and TV!Jaskier. It's his dynamic with Geralt that made me ship them in the first place. He does grow on you in the game though (or at least he did for me), but he's definitely presented as more annoying/inept/creepy than in the books. And don't even get me started on how they butchered that relationship in the show... Though I WILL say game!Dandelion remains pretty funny. There's one quest in particular that never fails to make me laugh. Also his fashion is on point for a flamboyant bard.
Oof Triss and Yen... beware, anon, that is THE debate in this fandom and the one you might want to steer clear of lol. Personally, I'm not a fan of either. Triss is fine, I guess, but not someone I really, actively like and Yennefer is... well. Let's just say if I could do away with any character it would be her. I absolutely despised her in the game, was told she was better in the books, started the books, hated her even more, tried to give her a chance in the TV show, and ended up hating her there too. I'm just not a Yen fan, at all, which basically makes me the black sheep of the Witcher fandom lol. You might warm to them though, the majority do, however, know that you don't have to romance either of them. My Geralt was quite happy being a single father to his amazing daughter Ciri :D
I've read the short story collections and read enough of the novels to realize it wasn't my cup of tea. Basically, there are two collections of interconnected tales as Geralt goes about his witchering and then a six book epic following the hansa and everything with Ciri. Personally, I couldn't get into the epic and dropped the novels early on. In my humble opinion Sapkowski, writing a character like Geralt, (much like Doyle writing Holmes) excels in the short story format and then struggles stylistically in novel form. I found his writing tedious, the themes not nearly as poignant (many outright uncomfortable), and the fact that Yen is a central part of the whole tale didn't help sell things for me. Reading a six book series where a good chunk is dedicated to the supposedly epic love story of a couple where you hate one half and find the whole relationship cringy (though not in a way the story is purposefully acknowledging)... doesn't make for great reading imo lol. But I want to emphasize that that's my take and god knows it's a minority one. Most fans adore the books - and I do heartily recommend the short stories - so definitely give them a shot for yourself some time.
They are indeed translated (I can't read a word of Polish lol) and are very easy to find in a bookstore, online seller, etc. The wiki article lists them all.
(Though know that you definitely can't download ebooks for free via the Z Library. Nope. Not possible. Don't know why I'm even getting your hopes up.)
Really though, Witcher 3 is my fave, hands down. Out of the books, the show, the other games... Witcher 3 is the version of Geralt and the world that I truly fell in love with. When people say "Witcher" that's the version of Witcher I'm eager to discuss. However, if you can stomach early 2000s games with pretty terrible graphics, I recommend trying Witcher 1 and 2 once you're finished (I was immediately ready for more gameplay content after I'd finished lol). Witcher 1 is, in many ways, a mess. God the combat system drove me nuts... BUT it has a strange charm that I, in all seriousness, really loved. Meanwhile, Witcher 2 (Assassins of Kings) is far stronger. You can easily see the building blocks of Witcher 3 in the narrative choices and worldbuilding. Plus, AoK has Iroveth who is just such a fun character. Wish he'd made it into Wild Hunt :(
Also the comics! I bought the omnibus a while back and didn't regret the purchase for a second. House of Glass (the first story run) also has one of the saddest Geralt moments for me. Just this single panel that lives in my head, rent free, making me Feel Things on occasion lol. There's a new run, Fading Memories, releasing this month (!!!) which I can't wait to get ahold of once the trade paperback is out.
Oh god I could ramble about Witcher 3 for ages but this is already getting so long. Do all the side quests! Return to places you've already been to for fun surprises! Replay decisions to see how differently things turn out! Play lots of Gwent! Enjoy the gorgeous landscapes! Be sure to get the amazing DLCs when you're finished! Play Hearts of Stone first because Blood and Wine has an ending-ending and I didn't realize that, so it was a little weird to get the emotional finish and then have like 10+ hours of gameplay left! Oh, and if you haven't figure it out already know that you can put points into any skill in the General Skills tab (you don't build on it like the fighting/signs/alchemy tabs) and I would snag the "Gourmet" ability ASAP because it has saved my ass so many times.
I wish I could play it for the first time again, but diving back into more Blood and Wine tonight will have to do :D
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