#I hope you love this nonnie lskjdfhgjfdks
universal-kitty · 6 years
would it be possible to get a Watch_Dogs Wrench x nonbinary reader where they're going out and causing some havoc? explosions optional. many thanks~!
   Mmmm, delicious anarchy... Let’s cause some mayhem~!
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   “You want to what?” You heard him just fine, but it doesn’t stop you from pretending like you didn’t, a grin slowly growing over your face. Wrench was known for his chaos- you loved it- but an actual invitation to hop on that explosive ride for the night? A rare opportunity from “Mister Works-Alone” and with such a rare offer...you had to ask again. Gotta make sure you’re not dreaming, right?
   “C’mon, baby... Don’t make me say it again,” he purrs, arms extending in his usual dramatic fashion. He’s in such a good mood and the knowledge of it makes you giddier than normal. That’s just Wrench, though; infectious.
   “Won’t you please~?” You flutter your lashes right back as his mask flickers into a playful, downward double slash before flicking back to carrots.
   “...You’re lucky that you’re the hottest thing since switchblades... As I said! I’m planning on ruining a few files with a virus Josh cooked up and then blowing up a new summer estate for some shitty rich dude up on the hills... Could be a fireworks show. Wanna join?” The low rumble of his voice at the end question had shivers rolling up your spine, suggestive in his playful way, and with the notion of waggling brows under the mask. (Some things you don’t need to see to know they’re happening.)
   A deep sigh from you, but a grin on your face regardless. “Well, I suppose I don’t have anything better to do... Give me a moment to grab my shit and let’s do this~” Wording it that way? Worth it for the offended down slashes it got you, laughing softly as you went to grab your stuff.
   “Who’s truck even is this?” You asked later, feet kicked up on the dash and eyeing the cushy interior. Definitely not Wrench’s, but did he own a ride or...?
   “Don’t know, don’t care!” Was his cheerful reply, weaving through traffic with a practiced hand that made you nervous and a little flustered. Something, something, adrenaline...and the pure fact that- even without seeing his face- Wrench was hot as hell. He’s a teasing shit, an annoyance, and with an anger that makes you cringe on occasion, but DAMN if he doesn’t know what he’s about, down from the distracting roll of tattoos on his arms, the anarchy tatt that bobs on his neck when he swallows, or the energetic way he moves.
   Wrench is a living distraction that’s only competed by his taste in music (which is as equally loud and distracting) and... Yeah, you still love it. Even as a song about....something blasts through. You haven’t been paying attention, but knowing Wrench, it’s either about dismantling the system, weird shit, or perversions. Maybe a mix of the two, any two.
   It makes you smile a bit, staring out the window to catch a glimpse of the moonlit bay as Wrench catches a glance at you- unseen- and his display momentarily flickers to hearts.
   You both left the house wheezing from laughter, stumbling to the truck in a rush. “H-Holy shit,” you whisper-yelled, wiping a tear from your eye. “The computer! Smoking!! How long do you think before the smoke alarm goes off?!”
   “I don’t know, but MAN I wish I could see his fa-” Wrench’s own whispers were cut off by blaring alarms and a muffled shout. You both choked on laughter, hopping into the truck and racing off, laughing into the night as some poor asshole now had to deal with his shit being fried to hell and back.
   That’s what you get for treating your employees like shit!
   Final stop, the framework of “some rich asshole’s” getaway. Such a shame...that DedSec is gonna bring up some just desserts for this one. You wanna be a shitty person in San Fran? DedSec coming after you! You don’t make money off the broken backs of the struggling middle and homeless population without getting cooked for it!!! And they’ve got all the fires and best seasoning...
   ...Fuck. Does this make any sense? Maybe.
   Anyways, you assisted in getting most of the security down while Wrench did a bit of his own work...and still did enough- just in time- to help out with rigging the explosives. Getting them placed and even getting a more...hands-on approach when it came to setting them up in a way that Wrench needed to blow this place sky-high.
   ...Safely, of course. Can’t exactly take down the powers that be and hurt the average citizen in the process. What would be the point, then??
   “Alright... We’re good. C’mon! We’ve gotta watch the show!” Who knows why Wrench thinks it’s important to whisper, but you shrug to yourself and follow him out, cautious the whole way to the truck, where he proceeds to drive off a little ways more and check something, fiddling with the remote.
   Remote detonation, the safest way to blow, as he said before...and then made it more perverted. Because that’s just how Wrench do.
   “Everything alright?”
   “Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, looking down again before focusing on the road. “Just making sure it’s been set at the right time. Don’t want it to be too short or that could be a taaaad risky. Too long, and not only is it a little boring, but it might’ve gotten out of range... Just making sure things are good to go.” He hums pleasantly and you settle on it being a good sign, delighting quietly in the way your boots shake dirt onto the dash.
   Joyriding in a stolen car... It makes moments like this more delicious.
   The rise is perfect when you hop out of the truck, a perfect view of the in-progress mansion and what’s about to be the fireworks show of the century. Lighting up and blocking off a shithead if even for a few more years... Mm, glorious.
   “T-minus....4 minutes,” Wrench hums, checking his phone for the time, then clicking it off to flop his butt onto the grass. Watching him a moment, you hesitantly step over and flop down yourself, watching the opposing hill with sharp eyes.
   ...Man. It’s a shame nobody brought snacks. It’d be a good way to pass by some time with chips or maybe some candy and a drink... Classic popcorn, maybe? You snort at the thought of 3D glasses and a bowl of popcorn, drawing Wrench’s attention and the appearance of question marks on his mask.
   “Trying to imagine you wearing 3D glasses over your mask,” you admit, laying back. Quick thoughts of bugs rise up, but your wrists and shoulders would surely thank the lack of pressure on them. “Shoulda brought popcorn.”
   “....Damn,” he mutters, looking back to the hill, downward slashes appearing on his display. “You’re right... Ah, well. Too late now. I guess we could get Chinese after this, though.” You hum in thought, tilting your head a little.
   “...I guess?”
   “Never such thing as too much Chinese food!” He suddenly gives a firm pat to your stomach, making you squawk in alarm as he loses it laughing. Squinting at him with a huff, shaking your head...but a smile growing regardless.
   “You’re...sure something.”
   “Oh, I know. No need to compliment me,” he assures, double carrots flickering to a single tilde; a winking face. You shake your head again, groaning, but you’re still grinning. “See? You’re smiling! It’s proof!”
   “That is not pro-” Any further playful debate is put on pause as something starts beeping, Wrench’s display lighting up in double stars as he looks up to the hill, you shooting up to follow his gaze-
   --and watch that bitch not only light up like a bonfire, but for literal fireworks to shoot into the air.
   “....You glorious bastard,” you murmur, watching blues and whites and the whistling of fireworks blaze into the sky. It lasts a bit longer than the explosion does, as to be expected of fireworks, but by the time they simmer down and you can look away...your eyes meet the enchanted screen that is Wrench’s own vision.
   Heart eyes on display, softening your look.
   “Huh- Yeah?” You lean over, watching the mask rapid fire through question marks, stars, the @ symbol, and hearts, until you very gently kiss the spikes of his mask. A start, at least. Another roll of the @ symbols, then settling back to hearts.
   “...Thanks.” The display flickers for a second, but ultimately doesn’t change, Wrench giving a shaky laugh in response, sounding a little breathless.
   “Heh, yeah, uh... No problem. Glad I could do this with ya...” He gets up slowly, shifting a little before he steadies himself and offers a hand to help you up. One you accept, smiling a little brighter at how much something so simply threw him off so much... “So... Chinese? Food? Yes, no, maybe so?”
   “Yeah,” you say through a laugh, beaming more when you notice his hand hasn’t quite let go of yours. “Let’s get some fuckin’ rice.”
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