#I hope this is acurate
abblegum · 4 months
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did any other women enjoyers see the season 2 first look pics, see this:
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and go directly into gay panic before making it their phone background or just me?
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blarrghe · 5 months
Anyone else see Godzilla -1???
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dash-n-step · 1 year
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People when game is about protecting your native land from invaders: This game is bad because it paints an inaccurate retrospect on history, how dare you say anything bad about people who were literally called conquistadors
Same People after the game gets delayed and seems to plan on letting you play as slavers and murderers: Uh, calm down bro it's just a game
sure is convenient that it's only ever just a game when it excuses hate and bigotry either within itself or through its production
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darksigns-exe · 11 months
Seriously hoping that Fall Out Boy is going to magically fix all of my problems. If teenage me was wrong about this too I’m inventing a Time Machine to strangle that bitch in her sleep
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moonjellyfishshark · 3 months
Your baby took your phone!
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Characters : Toji, gojo, Geto, sukuna, & choso
🪽**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚[𝑚 𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡]˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*🪽
Author's note : hii guys 💗 (I didn't add megumi, toge, and yuji because there too young people!!! 😨) I hope you enjoy and the smau will be posted tmr! Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or if it's not acurate 😢
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༻꫞ 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍 ꫞༺
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♡hi guys tysm for all the likes and I'm about to hit 100 followers! I love you guys so much and hope to post more soon!♡
ᰔBye bye!ᰔ - 𝑺𝒖𝒌𝒊
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clip-the-simp · 22 days
Do Over
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Ao3 Master list
Pairing: Logan Howlett // Wolverine x mutant!fem!reader
Word count: 3,898
Cw: light proofreading, fluff, mentions of intoxication, pet names in replace of y/n,
Summary: After the drunken kiss you had given Logan you couldn’t get the scene out of your head. So as you avoided Logan he then confronts you during training.
A/N: Alrighty rooty people! This is the second part to A Long Days Work. I hope y’all like it. Not 100% sure what imma do after this one but I got a pretty good idea. I have several scenarios I can do but they would be more filler then any substantial plot. But let me know what y’all think.
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You had spent three days avoiding Logan as much as possible. The overwhelming embarrassment of what you’d done eating at your thoughts any time he was around. Granted there was only so much avoiding you could do when he seemed to be everywhere you went. He would frequently bring kids to your office to be bandaged up in which you had to speak with him. But he also sought your company whenever he could which added to your overwhelming thoughts.
You hadn’t found the proper words yet to bring up the drunken kiss from that Tuesday night’s outing and it was killing you. It wasn’t like you wanted to stop being around Logan but avoiding him until the right words came to you was best. Although when you couldn’t avoid his proximity you kept your speech to a minimum. The way he acted as if nothing happened and hadn’t brought it up either also caused your brain to overthink more.
However, there was no escaping him when a scheduled training session came. While the two of you trained in the danger room it was definitely impossible not to speak to him. He was still working to get you to use your powers more offensively. So his solution had been to go one on one with you. When he would give you instructions on how to disarm an enemy you simply took it in. Whereas in other times you would’ve teased and joked with him you stayed silent.
“Try again. Focus on restraining me with your powers then go in for the attack.” He told you with his usual gruff tone. Your breathing is ragged as you collect yourself. Logan was able to throw you off easily with every attempt you made and he knew something was up. Sure your offensive skills weren’t great but every time your powers were used to restrain his arms, as soon as you came in contact with him, they would dissipate to allow Logan to throw you.
You caught your breath before charging at him once again. Quickly forming a band of air particles to hold his arms to his sides, you went to sweep his legs out from under him. But as soon as you knelt to the floor and swung out your leg the focus you had on his restraints faded. He jumped back with his arms now free, and while your guard was down he lunged to pin you to the ground.
Before you were able to defend or roll out of his grasp Logan had your hands pinned above your head and your legs sufficiently incapacitated. You hit your head back against the mat and closed your eyes with an aggravated groan. Your thoughts were becoming more focused on Logan while he was on you which you pushed out of your head. You tilted your head to the side to avoid looking directly at him, knowing if you didn’t not so innocent thoughts would acure.
However, Logan could only take your lack of attention in him for so long. Gripping both your wrist in one hand he forced your gaze back to him with the other. A scowl plastered on his face as he looked down at you.
“You’re sloppy. What’s going on in that head out yours?” He said with a firm grip on your face. Your eyebrows furrowed and you couldn’t help mirroring the look Logan had. As you started to speak he released his grip on your face.
“You don’t want to know.” With your words his hold on your wrist tightened, a slight pain starting to form. A hiss slipped through your teeth before you bite your tongue.
“If I didn’t wanna know I wouldn’t have asked. Now spill.” He demanded, leaning down to invade your space. You tried to buck your hips to get him off but he was firmly planted on top. Your brow softened and your full focus was on him. You felt so small under him and even more so as he continued to glare down at you.
“Get off me Logan.” Your voice was leveled but there was a hint of a plea in your words. Logan’s expression didn’t falter but his grip on your wrist loosened to allow circulation back to them.
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.” Logan’s voice wasn’t nearly as gruff as his face let on. He was worried and you knew that. You had gotten to know his expressions and vocal cues to understand what was going on behind his eyes. However you still couldn’t bring yourself to admit to Logan how much you loved him.
“Then we’re going to be here a while.” You snapped back with a bit of challenge in your tone. Logan was unmoved and simply kept a strealy gaze trained on you.
“Fine by me.” He said without moving an inch. His eyes burrowed into your own as he kept his focus trained on you. The pressure became too much as the guilt and embarrassment seeped into you.
It wasn’t Logan’s fault you couldn’t confront your feelings. Couldn’t put words to the deep love and admiration you held for him over all those centuries. But in that moment you were being forced to confess to so much more than you had been ready for. A shaky exhale left your lungs as you began to speak.
“Logan. I’m sorry.” You said, voice cracking slightly as you kept tears from rolling. It wasn’t the time to be an emotional crier. You blinked away the excess wetness while Logan looked down at you confused.
“For what? You haven’t done anything-“ he began, but you quickly cut him off. Not wanting your words to leave you before you could put them out there.
“I didn’t want our first kiss to be like that.” You blurted, words seemed to blend together as they came out. Logan looked shocked for a moment before realization hit him. You’ve been wanting to kiss him for longer than he had known. That knowledge caused a smirk to adorn his face.
“How long have you had plans to kiss me?” He teased, leaning in just a bit more. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing. As if Logan staring into your eyes would give away more of your secrets.
“Far longer than I care to admit.” You informed him. Letting your head fall to the side to rest against your arm that was still pinned above you.
“Then let’s try again.” Logan said as he leaned back, hands leaving your wrist. He still had your legs pinned but you didn’t pay attention in your shock. Your eyes flew open and you found his eyes. There was no lie behind his gaze and he meant it. He wanted another kiss.
“What?” The nonchalant suggestion from him caught you far off guard. The implications that he saw you as more than just a friend causing your heart to flutter.
“You heard me.” He rolled his eyes not wanting to make a big deal of the situation. “Meet me near the oak tree after dinner.” He instructed you. Your cheeks grew hot as reality began to sink in.
“O-ok.” You couldn't help the stammer that came out as Logan proceeded to get off you. He reached out a hand to help you up which you gladly took. Already missing the feeling of his warmth encapsulating your body.
“I think that’s enough training for the day. I’ll see you later.” He bid you a quick farewell and made his way to the door. But before Logan left he turned back to you.
“Don’t be late.” And with that he left before you could reply with anything. You pressed your hands to your face and felt the heat radiating from your cheeks. There was a spinning in your head from it all. You couldn’t believe what had happened. Logan didn’t hold any destain for the previous kiss, and on top of that he was willing to do it over.
“Holy shit.”
The remainder of the day passed at an agonizing pace. Even with only a few hours before dinner the world felt slower than normal. You had taken a shower after training like you normally would and proceeded to make yourself look presentable.
You decided on wearing one of your more casual dresses. Nothing too fancy but still something nicer than your work scrubs. Once you were fully confident in yourself you made your way down stairs. Before you even made it through the door you stopped when you noticed Rouge instantly giving you a shocked look.
“Don’t you look nice? Got a date?” Rouge asked, sitting in one of the island chairs as you stood by the door. You leaned against the door frame, crossed your arms, and shrugged your shoulders. Trying to seem nonchalant about your secret meet up with Logan.
“Not exactly.” You said with a sheepish smile. There was already the smell of food being prepared in the air. One of your eyebrows rose as you straightened up and began to walk into the kitchen.
“Who’s cooking dinner tonight?” You asked as you peaked your head around the corner of the fridge that was blocking your view.
“Remi is.” Rouge said, pointing to the man at the stove. You turned the corner and spotted Gambit in his apron along with a ladle in his hand. You let out a dramatic sigh as you leaned against the island.
“And I thought I was going to go a week without food poisoning.” You said winking at Rouge who chuckled at your remark. Gambit turned around and pointed the ladle at you with furrowed brows.
“If you don’t like Gambit’s cookin’ you’re always welcome to make your own meals. More for the rest of us.” He said before turning back to the pot and stirring the food inside. Rouge and you chuckled at his half joking remark.
The food he was making was only meant for the adults of the school, the students had already eaten an hour before and were already in bed for the night. The teachers always ate later due to grading and other adult responsibilities. But it was always a pleasant experience to share a meal with the other teachers at the end of the day.
“You know I’m just pulling your leg.” You said with a smile before moving to the fridge to grab a drink from your designated supply. Typically you kept all your favorite foods and drinks up in your room like the other teachers. However you didn’t mind sharing with the students from time to time.
“Have you seen Logan recently?” You turned back to the other two before popping the lid off your drink and taking a sip. Rouge and Gambit looked at one another. He shrugged while Rouge looked back at you.
“Not for a while Sugar. Although the stuff he uses to make that poutine dish of his is gone.” She informed you which caused your heart to sink a little. Part of you was hoping to see Logan during dinner, but you should’ve known he would be off eating by himself. He typically stayed away from the group dinner situation unless he knew you were cooking that night.
“Thank you Rouge.” You acknowledged her before taking another sip of your drink. It ran cold down your throat as it reached your stomach. You had started to dissociate from this situation but Gambit got your attention back once he began to speak.
“I think I heard him talking to himself early in his room.” Gambit chimed in, still stirring the pot. Both literally and metaphorically. Your focus switched from him to Rouge as she began to add on.
“Wouldn’t be the first time. Man might not say much in front of folks but he’s quite the mumbler when he’s alone.” She wasn’t wrong either. There had been many occasions you had walked by his class room where he would be hunched over his desk mumbling about grading papers. You always enjoyed watching him for a moment before interrupting his thoughts to talk with him.
“Who are we talking about?” A familiar voice asked which broke got from your thoughts. You turned to the door and saw Scott with Jean in tow. You smiled at them as they joined the three of you in the kitchen.
“Logan.” Gambit answered them flatly as he focused on adding some seasoning to the food. You took another sip of your drink as Scott let out a scoff.
“Oh Mr. ‘I’m too good to eat with everyone else’?” He asked in a mocking tone which earned him a light smack to the shoulder from Jean. Along with an eye roll for yourself.
“The very same. Sugar here was asking about him.” Rouge outed you as she pointed to where you leaned against the granite top. Your face burned as the attention was focused on you.
“Is that why you’re all dressed up?” Jean asked with a warm smile. She already knew the answer to her own question. You had confided in her and Ororo about your feelings for Logan on many occasions. However every time they encouraged you to confess to him you always got flustered. Before you could properly answer Jean, Gambit beat you to it.
“Hey now maybe she just felt like getting fancy for Gamit’s cookin.” He said with a cheeky smile. You rolled your eyes as did everyone at his remark. Having finished your drink you walked behind Gambit to the trash and gave him a light tap on his back as you passed.
“In your dreams swamp rat.” You remarked making your way to the trash while everyone chucked. A smile graced your face as the room was filled with laughter.
For the rest of the evening everything was joyful as usual. Laughter filled the kitchen and dining room as food was dishes out. Charles and Storm showed up a few minutes before dinner was ready while Hank and Kurt appeared right before everyone was seated.
Conversation flowed like it usually did. Everyone talking about their day and the misshapes that occurred. It was always a wonderful way to end your day. Once all the food was gone and the conversation had died down you looked at the clock and realized it was eight thirty.
Grabbing your plate you excused yourself before walking to the sink. Taking the time to quickly wash your dishes and drying them to put them away in the cabinet. You bid everyone a good night before making your way to the back door. There were murmurs coming from the dining room but there was only one sentence you could make out from Scott.
“Do you think it’s actually going to happen?”
The air was warm just as it had been all week. It was a pleasant feeling on your skin as you made your way across the yard. Glancing into the pond as you passed to admire the light of the moon dancing across its surface. It wasn’t a far walk to the spot Logan told you to meet at. The tree being a fairly common landmark to gather around.
As you approached the oak tree you noticed the man you’d been anticipating all evening. He was leaning against the tree with his eyes trained on the moon hanging in the sky. However when you rounded the corner his attention turned to you. A smile appeared on his face as he recognized your presents.
You took a moment to take him in. Noticing that his usually messy cat ear hairdo was styled in a more uniformed way. His clothes also seemed to be cleaner than he usually kept himself. The blue flannel he wore didn’t have any stains or stray bullet holes unlike the majority of his clothing. He had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows which gave you the perfect look at his arms as they flexed. Although his clothes were clean, he still wore the flannel like usual. It was completely open to show off his undershirt that was tucked into his usual worn out jeans. You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you looked at him.
“You didn’t have to get all dressed up for little ol me.” You said, closing the distance between the two of you. He pushed off the tree and stood toe to toe with you as he smiled down at you.
“You’re one to judge. I never see you in dresses. Besides on undercover missions obviously.” Logan remarked as he ran one of his hands down your bear arm, taking your hand in his as he reached it.
“What can I say? It’s hot.” You remarked while using your free hand to fan your face. It was a poor excuse since it wasn’t truly that hot. Logan gave you a teasing smirk pulling you a bet closer by the hand he was holding.
“It sure is.” He said, referring to the dress you were wearing. Your face grew red from embarrassment but you couldn’t help smiling as you hit his chest with the back of your free hand.
“Not like that!” You couldn’t help the way your voice rose when you were embarrassed. Logan laughed when you hit him only taking the opportunity to move his hands to your hips. Pulling you flush to his body as he leaned in a little closer to you. His hold on you was gentle and warm as his heat radiated through his clothing. You lifted your hands to rest on his shoulders as his thumbs began to rub circles where they laid.
“So doll face.” His right hand moved up your body before stopping at your cheek. Running his finger over it as he kept his gaze fixed on yours. A warm feeling began to build in your body.
“You have me. How did you imagine that first kiss you’ve been planning for oh so long?” There was a hint of teasing to his question but with the way he held you there was no doubt he was, for the most part, serious. However the way he phrased his question threw you off which caused your blush to remain a deep red.
“I- honestly I can’t decide. It’s embarrassing to say I have too many scenarios of how I wanted it to go.” You confessed before covering your face with your right hand. Logan took his left hand from your hip to take the one you used to cover your face. Bringing it back to his shoulder as he put his hand back on your hip.
“Then perhaps I’ll show you how I pictured it.” He suggested before the hand on your face moved to cup the back of your neck. Logan slowly brought your face closer to his as he leaned down to close the gap.
As your lips met you instinctively brought your arms up to wrap around his neck. The burning desire to keep him as close as possible to you grew as he deepened the kiss. It started out soft but once your arms were around his neck he couldn’t help gripping onto you tighter. Too eager for his own good, Logan took that opportunity to slip his arm around your waist and pull you deeper into him.
However you hadn’t realized the lack of oxygen you had consumed before the kiss so had to break away before it got too heated. Your eyes remained closed as you breathed in deep before focusing your vision back on Logan. His hand still cupped the back of your neck and it had just registered that his other had snakes around your waist.
“That- was better than I imagined.” You told him breathlessly. Quickly realizing how stupid you sounded in such an intimate moment. You couldn’t help burying your face in his shoulder to hide it. After centuries of pining over the man that was all you could say after kissing him? Logan let out a laugh which reverberated through him and you felt through his hold still on you.
“Oh ya?” His words got your attention as you looked back into Logan’s eyes. Both his arms moved to securely hold you as close as he could get you. He leaned his head down, his breath brushing over your ear as he began to speak in a low tone.
“Well maybe-“ but before he was able to get the words out there were sudden noises coming from the tree tops. The sounds of crashing limbs and a few pained noises followed when a blue man landed in the grass beside you. Laying on the ground was Nightcrawler. A sheepish smile appeared once he realized he was caught.
“Hi guys.” He said as he slowly stood, rubbing the back of his neck as another pain ran through him from the fall. Your face turned a bright red with embarrassment while Logan glared at the elf.
“Kurt!” The two of you yelled in unison. Your voice held an edge of shock while Logan’s was laced with anger. You tried to pull away from Logan to check on Kurt but his hold got tighter when you tried to leave.
Before he got yelled at any further, Kurt vanished with a puff of sulfur smoke. Leaning back slightly you could see past the tree and into the dinning room through the window. Although it was hard to make out who was in there, you had your speculations. You also had a feeling you knew exactly why Kurt had been there. Sent in by the group to spy and tell them how you and Logan were doing. Bets had surely been placed on if Logan and you would finally kiss.
“There goes the moment.” You said with a deep sigh as you looked back at Logan. His hold loosened a fraction to allow you some movement within his arms. He gave you a soft smile before placing a kiss on your forehead and fully letting you go. His arms leaving your waist rather reluctantly. Not wanting to fully rid himself of your touch he held both your hands in his as he began to speak.
“I wouldn’t count on that. Can’t say I haven't wanted to do that for quite some time myself.” He told you, his thumbs beginning to rub over your hands. The familiar feeling caused your smile to appear along with the recognition of his words. Logan leaned down to your ear, his breath ghosting over your skin as he spoke.
“Maybe next time I can show you what else I’ve been wanting to do.” His words caused a shiver to run up your spine while he pulled away. Before you could speak his lips met yours once again. Only for a brief moment, long enough for you to kiss back, before he was pulling away again with a smile.
“But for now you need to get some rest. It’s late.” Logan acknowledged, brushing a stand of hair out from in front of your face. The consideration for your well-being made you smile a little wider. Nodding in agreement, but not wanting to leave him just yet, you came up with a simple request.
“Walk me to my room?” You asked. Knowing he wouldn’t say no to it. He always walked with you regardless of the safety the school provided. He smiled down at you and gave a quick nod.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
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onim5 · 2 months
Luffy x fem reader
Warnings: Angst,
"This is weird .:.:."
I lined out the strawhat from memory and made small straw deatails. The whole week had I been trying to get a good look on his strawhat to get it as acurate as possible. I began to color it carefully to make sure it looked good. Strawhat Luffy had saved me from a collapsing building, I had given him some money as thanks, but it didn't feel enough. That is why I began making this.
I snuck around the corner and saw him, strawhat Luffy. I felt a smile grow upon seeing him. "Man, she's so annoying. Why can't she just leave me alone?" Luffy complained to his crew. My smile dropped, and I kept myself hidden. "You saved her life. Don't expect her to not show any grattitude." Nami answered with a frown.  "But she's such an idiot and she's been so close, and I swear she's been trying to steal my hat." Luffy said, taking a strong hold of it. "Just ditch her." Zoro exclaimed. "Oh yeah, I can do that." Luffy smiled. Sanji hit them both and then started to explain that ditching a woman is wrong and that they will be leaving the day after tomorrow anyway.
I silently walked back to my place. When I was far away from them, tears fell. The painting of Luffy's strawhat was done. I gave it a beautiful frame and then began writing a note. I hurriedly got to the Sunny and left it in the kitchen on a table. Then I began running away, sniffing and actually crying while doing it. It hurt to know he thought of me as an annoying idiot.
Usopp watched from the Sunny hearing the crying of the girl Luffy had saved. He scratched his head and walked into the kitchen.
"Joho, SANJI MAKE DINNER!!!!!" Luffy yelled happily. He got into the kitchen like a rocket and quickly noticed something on the table. He walked up to it and saw a beautiful painting of his strawhat. His smile grew, and he quickly admired it. He reached out to the little note and read it.
Here's a gift as thanks for saving me. I hope your journey to becoming king of the pirates will be amazing and fun.         :)
"Wow, it looks just like yours." Sanji said, entering the kitchen. "I know, right?" Luffy showed the whole crew proudly and happily. He was grateful. Many of the annoying actions I did made sense to him now. "I already seen it. It's just weird cause she cried while leaving." Usopp explained, settling down at the kitchen counter. "Huh? Why would she cry?" Luffy asked, confused. "Probably since we're leaving, and she might never see you again." Robin explained.
The next day, Luffy waited for me to show up, after all, all the other days I had. He waited patiently. He wanted to thank me for such an amazing work, personally. "Did you thank her?" Robin asked as Luffy entred the Sunny. "No, it's weird she normally shows up right before me multiple times a day." Luffy explained with a frown. "Luffy, do you remember when you called her an annoying idiot?" Nami asked, a theory forming in her head.
"Uh, yeah, but I don't think she is one now." Luffy said, confused. "Usopp said she was crying while leaving the Sunny, so what if she heard you?" Nami explained with a harsh tone. At first, Luffy just blinked in confusion, but then his eyes widened in realization. "But, I don't think of her like that anymore!" He protested. "SHE DOSEN'T KNOW THAT!!!" Nami yelled with disappointment, clear in her voice.
"But, I don't think of her like that anymore, I, I even want her to join us, as the crews artist." Luffy whispered sadly. The crew quickly split up into groups to try and find me. I didn't take long for them to find my home, but I wasn't there. The day they were supposed to leave came, and I slowly walked back to the village. I carried an empty basket and made my way through the small town. "There you are!!!" A voice came from my right. Two rubber like arms circled around me multiple times and hugged me. I looked up at Luffy and felt how a sad cloud formed on the inside.
You already cried for this guy. Don't let him get into your head. I thought reassuringly. "What do you want, Strawhat?" I asked, squirming a little in his tight hold. "I'm sorry, I don't think of that way anymore. I think you're pretty cool and amazing." Luffy whispered, leaning his head on mine. I understood the situation completely, and I didn't really know what to do.
"Luffy, I honestly don't care anymore." I said, trying to get out of his grip. I have been crying and thinking about it, and I refuse to get dragged down by a guy I meet this week. "Oh, great, then you can join my crew!" Luffy cheered. "Huh?" My eyes widened. Like hell I will, you still hurt me! I thought, trying more than before to get out of his arms. "Hey! Stop it, you're getting us tangled!" Luffy tried to tell, but his arms went, here, there and . . . . Yeah, it's too late. "OI, LET ME GO!" I yelled as I couldn't move anymore. "I can't . . . . We're tangled." Luffy said, surprise clear in his voice.
A sigh left my lips as I leaned on Luffy's arms.             F.       U.        C.       K.        Luffy began walking away to his crew. "Hey, guys." He said in his normal happy tone. Why is he so happy? We're stuck. I thought in disappointment. "LUFFY THAT'S NOT A GOOD WAY TO HOLD A LADY!!!!" Sanji yelled, running up to Luffy and I. "We're tangled." Luffy explained. Sanji's face fell in with disappointment. This imbecile. He thought. "Is anyone good with nots?" Luffy asked, holding up his arms a little to show the mess.
Robin worked with Luffy's arms to get me out. "Did you thank her for the painting?" Robin asked, moving one of Luffy's arms. "Oh, right. Thanks for the painting." Luffy grinned. "You're welcome." I mutter tiredly. "So when are you guys leaving?" I asked. "You mean, when are WE leaving, you're a part of the crew, remember?" Luffy smiled. "Eh, no, I'm not. I never agreed to that." I explained in annoyance. "But, you said you didn't care about what I said, and I apologized." Luffy said in confusion. Robin was done lirking with his arms, so now Luffy could just let go of me, but he didn't.
"Why don't you wanna join my crew?" Luffy asked now slightly annoyed. "Because I have a dream." I murmured. Luffy knew he couldn't come in my way towards my dream, and he lost some hope. "What's your dream?" He asked low. "I wanna settle down with a lover and spend my days with him." I explained quietly. Luffy's grin grew. "I be your lover and the Sunny be our house. There we go. Your dream is now set in motion, I go get your stuff and some flowers. That's what boyfriends do, right." He mumbled, jumping down from the Sunny to go to his new girlfriends house. "Huh? That's not how it works! " I yelled, moving to the Sunny's fence. Only to realize he's gone.
Franky walked into the sunny, deep in thought. I slumped down on the fence. "He called me an idiot, but he's clearly the idiot here." I mumbled out loud. "We know." The crew said behind me. I turned around, surprised. "Miss, if you don't wanna join the crew, we can bang into his thick skull that you're not coming." Sanji said, lighting a cigarette. "I won't survive a life at sea, I'm too weak." I said with a hint of guilt. "I protect you, I'm your partner after all." Luffy said from down below. He jumped up and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's grab your stuff." Luffy smiled, and within some seconds, we're gone.
"Luffy, wait!"I found some bags, pack your clothes." Luffy! Don't touch that!" "Do you want this with you? That one is cool. Did you make this? Can I have this?" Thanks, yes, it's just food it's not actually edible."
"LUFFY!!! YOUR GONNA BREAK MY STUFF." Luffy held the broken pieces of the vase. He looked up in fear at me and saw my sad eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I make you a new one. Just please don't be sad." Luffy hurried, panicking a little. He'd had what, been your boyfriend for 20 minutes and already screwed up.
" Luffy, go to the Sunny, I will take care of this." I sighed, taking a broom. "Promise you come to the Sunny, please." Luffy said, throwing the vase pieces in the trash. "Luffy, are you sure you want me?" I asked, cleaning it all up. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, confused. "You called me an annoying idiot, and then you change your mind and all of a sudden make me your girlfriend. Isn't better if you just left me here?" I asked, feeling weird. "I called you annoying because you were so close upfront to me, but now I know it was so you could make that painting. When I said you were an idiot, I referred to all the weird excuses you made to try and hold my hat, I thought you wanted to steal it. I'm sorry."
"Then I felt bad because you only wanted to thank me. I waited for you to come to me, like you have done previously, and as I waited, I remembered how fun it was to just have you around. I thought about how warm I felt spending time with you. So when I say I become your boyfriend I mean it. I want you next to me, and I'm willing to protect you from all the danger as long as you stay." Luffy confess. Does he even know how romantic he just was? Can I even refuse him now? Do I want to refuse him? "I be at the Sunny soon, don't worry." I smile at him. He looked realived and walked up to me.
"I be waiting for you." Luffy put his hat on my head and gave me a confident smile. And not long after, was he out. I took his hat off and looked at it. As I packed, tears of happiness fell after a while. I had three big bags, with clothes, books, art, art tools, other stuff, and my dairy. Grabbed the bags and carried them on my way to the Thousand Sunny. I took a long way and left notes at people I consider friend's homes. "Goodbye." I mumbled.
Luffy hung at the fence, waiting. Very soon, would she come, very soon. He squinted his eyes, and in the distance, he saw her. Laughing, Luffy jumped down and immediately grabbed my bags and me. Only a few seconds later, we were flung into the Sunny. "Let's eat dinner!" He cheered. I put his hat back on him and smiled. "I made you a new vase." He grinned, running away and was back in a second holding proudly in his hands a . . . . . Uh, well, a? "Thanks, uh, Love. I put something I love in it." I smiled, taking it from him. Wait, this is painted papper, with  a lot of glue. Oh shit.
I ate dinner with the crew, and we all got better introductions than before. Sanji had served me a lot, so I sneaked some food over to Luffy's plate, which made his eyes sparkle. "Um, where can I put my stuff, and where do I sleep?" I asked. "As the Captains girlfriend, it's only right you sleep in the Captains chamber." Franky grinned. "Oh, yeah, right." I smiled nervously. Luffy looked up from his plate in confusion, didn't he sleep with the other dudes, in bunk-beds? "I show you the way." Franky said standing up. In the corner of the kitchen Sanji let out an aura of jealousy.
"Wow, Luffy is so orgonizeid." I said surprised. Walking into the room, it had a big bed in the middle and a nice window. Some beutiful flowers was decorated and so was the painting I made on the wall. Luffy snuck his head into the room a meat bone in it. "Where did this come from?" He asked, walking in. "I made it for you and you're partner, captain." Franky said proudly. Luffy opened a door in the room finding a personal bathroom.
I talked to Robin about books when an arm grabbed me. "God night." She said with a smile as I seconds later I get dragged away by the rubber arm. Not long after I laid next to the idiot aka new boyfriend. "Good night Y/n." He mumbled as he snuggled up to my body. I blushed madly and listened to his snores, eventually I also fell asleep.
The end
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arlana-likes-to-write · 10 months
I'll Be Home for Christmas
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Summary: You loved November, well to be more acurate you loved when Thanksgiving was over so you could start celebrating Christmas. Since it was your first Christmas with your girlfriend, you wanted it to be a good one but her Avengers take her away. Will she be back for the holidays?
Note: Look I know it's still November BUT Thanksgiving is techincally over for me so I say we can start posting Christmas one shots. I have more planned so hope you enjoy them!
Warning: fluff, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 2k
November was your favorite month. It was not because you liked Thanksgiving but because it was the Christmas season kick-off. The Christmas decorations came out as soon as everyone ate food and left. You were doing that while your girlfriend of 6 months was putting the rest of the food away. It was your first Christmas with Carol, and you were determined to make it good. While you were climbing down the attic stairs with the start of your decorations, your foot slipped, and you yelped as you fell off the ladder. Before you landed on the ground, Carol caught you in her arms. “Awe, how cute, you are still falling for me,” she smirked. You blushed but rolled your eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Danvers,” you said, putting your feet on the ground. “But I do appreciate the save, Captain Marvel.” It was her turn to roll her eyes. You kissed her cheek before walking into the living room.
“How many more boxes do you have?” She asked; the sound of her socked-covered feet following you. You clicked your tongue on the roof of your mouth as you thought. You’ve downsized over the years. The Brooklyn brownstone was your grandmother’s that you inherited when she passed away. The woman loved Christmas more than you did. It was your priority when you moved into the place. You kept the sentimental pieces, gave some to your parents and siblings, and donated the rest. The woman had an unhealthy obsession with Christmas gnomes.
“Probably eight plus the tree,” your girlfriend made a noise in the back of her throat as you placed the tote near the couch. Spinning around, you put on your best smile and puppy dog eyes. “Can you grab the rest of them, darling?” You asked, stepping closer and placing a hand on her chest. The captain rolled her eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“My undying love and affection.” She scuffed and pushed you away slightly.
“I thought I already had that,” she said, walking back toward the attic.
“You do,” you called after her. “But now it’s Christmas-themed.” The sound of Carol’s laughter echoed against the wall, and it made you smile.
“Baby,” you were being gently rocked awake. “Baby, wake up.” You groaned, burying your face deeper into the pillow. The action caused your girlfriend to chuckle. “I know, but I need to see those beautiful eyes.” Mustering strength, you turned to face your girlfriend and opened your eyes. Carol wore a white muscle shirt, and her suit was loosely tied around her waist. She looked hot; any other time, you could compliment her on your looks, but your brain wasn’t at total capacity.
“You’re leaving,” you sat up, and the blanket that protected you from the coldness of the room fell. Carol nodded.
“Just got the call,” she said. “I’m needed in space.” The pout that appeared on your face wasn’t intentional. During the day, you were better at hiding your disappointment when her duties as Captain Marvel took her away from you. “I know,” She quickly placed her hand behind your head and connected her lips with yours. The kiss was slow as she savored the taste of you. No matter how often you kissed Carol, your heart seemed to drop. She pulled away a little too soon for your liking.
“How long will you be gone?” You asked.
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “But I will be home for Christmas.”
“Promise?” In the back of your mind, you knew having her make such a promise was harsh and a little unfair. The line of work was unpredictable. But she smiled, kissed you again, and without speaking a single word, she promised to be back in time for Christmas.
“You look hot,” you rolled your eyes at the archer as you applied your lipstick. Kate had your love for Christmas, so when she got two tickets to Radio City Christmas Spectacular, you were her first call. Kate was the reason you met the Avengers and Carol. She was a regular at a coffee shop your family-owned. Although you were a few years older than the girl, you became close friends. Wildly, when her one-eyed Golden Retriever rushed into the shop and pushed down a display of mugs, her girlfriend always wanted to remind her of the story.
So, the two of you were having a full-blown Christmas day—a trip to Bryant Park, some Christmas shopping, dinner, and now the show. “Give me your phone,” she took it before you gave her your consent. “Have to capture this so you send it to Carol,” you faced the archer so she could take a few solo pictures and then a selfie. “Ready to go?” You grabbed your bag and coat.
“I am,” While you walked out of her apartment to grab a cap, you sent a picture to Carol.
“So I’m thinking after the show, we grab drinks.” A cab pulled up, and you got in the back. Kate told the driver where to go. You chuckled.
“Do you have an off switch?” She punched you playfully on the shoulder.
“Hey, going out is better than sulking in your home because you miss your girlfriend,” you huffed and crossed your arms.
“I have not been sulking,” you defended. It has been a week since Carol left. You’ve kept busy, spending hours at the coffee shop until your parents told you to go home. But your Brooklyn brownstone was too quiet, too cold, even with all the Christmas decorations you and Carol put up. As the driver pulled up to Radio City, your phone dinged. It was Carol.
‘You look beautiful,’ Another ding. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas.’
“I don’t like grocery shopping,” you said into your headphones. Carol laughed. She had some downtime and asked if she could call. It happened while you were grocery shopping for last-minute baking essentials. You and Wanda were making Christmas cookies, probably enough to feed a small army. The witch could wave her hand, and the cookies would appear, but that would go against the Christmas spirit.
“Well, it is December and the busiest time of the year,” you rolled your eyes even though she couldn’t see you. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” You huffed, grabbing a few bags of chocolate chips. “I am sad. I miss your baking.” You smiled, knowing that wasn’t a lie. Whenever you had to try out a new recipe for the coffee shop, Carol was there to try it out.
“If you give me an address, I’ll mail you some,” Carol laughed. The sound always made your insides go warm and gooey. “I miss you.” She sighed.
“I miss you too, baby, but have fun with Wanda and send me pictures.” You agreed, hung up, and walked over to the register.
“WANDA!” You shirked as the witch dumped flour onto you. You made one little joke about her and Vision, and she turned to her witchy powers for revenge. Her magic grabbed onto a cup of flour you were measuring and dumped it on you. The Sokovian laughed. “Oh, you are so on, Maximoff.” You grabbed onto the bag and chased the Avenger around the shared kitchen. It was only a short time before the kitchen, you, and her were covered in flour.
“Children,” you froze at the Black Widow’s voice. Natasha was smirking and holding her phone to capture the scene before her. “I thought we were making cookies, not a mess.” She put her phone down.
“We are,” you defended. “We were taking a break.” The redhead pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Just clean it up.”
“Aye, aye, captain,” Wanda giggled and summoned a broom of you to use. You took it from her.
“This is your fault,” you mumbled and began to sweep the floor. Wanda whipped down the counters. The ding of your phone interrupted the soft Christmas music playing. You placed the broom against the counter and picked it up.
‘I thought you were making cookies,’ Carol sent you the video Natasha took of you and Wanda. ‘Looks like you are having fun.’ You smiled. ‘I’ll be home for Christmas. You can count on me.’
“If you fall,” Yelena said, sitting beside you on the bench. “I will laugh and then ask if you are okay.” You laughed.
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” you put on your ice shakes and tied them tight. “I used to play hockey when I was younger.” The sport ran deep in your family. Your siblings, father, and grandparents played it. Every Christmas, your family would go out and play. But an injury to your right knee forced you to stop playing. You were devastated.
“Yes, but you are going ice skating with two Russians. You will still look like a foul.”
“Thanks, Belova,” you sighed. “What happens when your girlfriend falls?” The blonde smirked, but her green eyes showed a fondness for them.
“I will also laugh.”
“I heard that!” The archer sat on your other side to put her skates on. “You are awful.” The blonde merely shrugged her shoulders. You wanted to go ice skating, but going alone was less fun. A quick text to Kate: she got a small group to join you on your adventure. It was a beautiful day in Central Park, perfect to hit the ice.
You walked over to the ring and slid onto the ice. Ice skating was freeing—the wind through your hair and the crisp air that filled your lungs. Every worry in your mind was gone, and you felt at peace.
Your phone vibrating in your pocket caused you to move towards the edge of the ring. ‘I wish I were there,’ Carol sent you a picture she received. ‘You look so peaceful. Please have snow and mistletoe and presents by the tree.'
It was Christmas Eve. Tony always liked to throw a party, especially for the holidays. You were still recovering from the hangover you received from Halloween. So you were sipping on a mocktail that Maria made. The party was in full swing, with Avengers, politicians, and agents dancing to the music or eating the food provided. You stayed off to the side and watched the party around you. “Not having fun,” Natasha said, standing next to you.
“No, I am,” you sighed. “Just-”
“Missing your girlfriend?” She suggested. You nodded, staring into the red liquid. “She said she’ll be back, right?”
“Yeah, not going to hold my breath,” you pushed yourself off the wall and maneuvered your way through the party to a balcony. The crisp winter air caused goosebumps to cover your arms. You shouldn’t be disappointed; being with an Avenger was hard, and it was a life you signed up for. There were moments you wished Carol wasn’t part of the team because she was missing so much on Earth, not just with you but with her friends. Sighing, you rested your arms on the metal railing.
“You know,” you spun around at the sudden voice. Carol landed on the balcony, still in her uniform. “You are going to get sick standing out here.” She was here. Carol was here and in front of you. Right? Your eyes weren’t fouling you.
“Cutting it a little close,” you chuckled.
“I like to keep you on your toes,” she smiled. “Besides, isn’t it in the song?” You raised a questioning eyebrow at her. “Some Christmas fan you are,” she cleared her voice. “Christmas Eve will find me,” she sang and held out her hand. “Where the love light gleams,” you took her hand. She was always so warm. It was perfect for the colder weather. "I'll be home for Christmas."
"You are such a sap," you jumped into arms, and she held onto you right. You felt her let out a shaky breath. "I missed you so much." You whispered against her skin.
"Missed you too, baby," she kissed your head. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas."
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bendyartistic · 1 month
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Can you draw her?
In case you get confused: color is already acurate in the little goofy one but the rollerblades are purple
Hoping this is good enough :3 Sry if I got anything wrong btw...
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I think she's very neat! apologies that it's not a full body drawing tho, wasn't up for it.
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necrodogmtsands4s · 2 years
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Carriages & horses MOD.
Hello. I have finished this set. They are some horsed vehicles for your sims. They work as a bike. They are a pegasus, horse, wild west carriage, antique carriage and a conversion of TSM stagecoat. Hope you will like.
They are located at vehicles or outdoor activities. On the carriages the horses are little distorted because its difficult to acurate the weight transfer of the bones. Please forgive me :( but I did my best to look them nice and cool.
Suggested download
No bike helmet by littlemssam
This is a video in action
Download early access for patrons
This post will be public on 10- October -2022
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thebeanyboi · 2 days
Ofc i cba to proof read. (it gets worse as it goes on but English aint my strong point :/) quite frankly had to write my ideas tho.
(starts from just after Soap is shot, everything canonically after is non-existent. ik it aint acurate)
Waking up to an alarm sucks. Waking up to a phone call also sucks. Unfortunately, today was the latter. The sound of “California Girls” blasted from my phone and has now officially won the spot for my least favourite song.
Groggily, I roll out of my warm and cosy covers and pick up the phone without a second thought, my eyes still half closed and my brain only a quarter working.
I was quickly snapped out of my sleepy haze when I heard the familiar voice of Kate Laswell once the line had connected.
“I’m so sorry to bother you at this time, Y/N” she spoke, her voice a little more flustered and rushed than usual.
“No- no it’s fine” I mumble, words croaked from my throat as I rub my face.
“I- really need your help though” she continues along with the sound of rustling paper and the clicking of laptop keys “one of the members of the 141 has been involved in a mission and received a bullet to the head-“
I should’ve known why she was really calling me at this hour, and the idea instantly hitting me like a brick was enough to wake me up fully.
“I know you said you could never do it again- but this- it’s one of their teammates. They’re not a team without him-“ she sighs, the sound of a leather chair squeaking a little as she sat down only before standing up.
This was a difficult situation, it wasn’t just about the physical strain for me but the mental and emotional one for me too. On the other hand, the team had saved me when I was held hostage in a Russian base and I genuinely owe them everything I got.
After a brief moment of contemplation, I spoke again. “I’ll do it. How long ago was he shot”
“Just twenty minutes. His body has been recovered and they’ve plugged his wound to prevent too much blood loss”
As Laswell spoke, I was swiftly pulling on some more reasonable clothes over my head and disregarding my sleepwear. I didn’t know the plan, all I knew is that I had to work quickly.
“We’ve sent a chopper down your way, it should be there in minutes. They’re going to take you to Luxembourg where the remnants of your- machine is. You’ll meet him there” she spoke, but my mind was half occupied as I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over the stray cat that I brought in three months ago.
My bookshelves where never known to be the tidiest things but I always knew where everything was, and the papers from my machine was on the very top shelf in the left corner, stuffed away in hopes of never looking at them again. I didn’t, not yet as I packed them into my bag and went to my front door to pull my shoes on.
Laswell was still on the line, probably explaining something important that I’d have to find out in the ride to Luxembourg but I hung up once she had told me that I’ll get more intel later.
It wasn’t long before the sound of the chopper could be heard, and I was thankful that I lived in the middle of bloody nowhere so that no nosy neighbours would be poking their head into my business, but that wasn’t what I should be worried about.
They landed in a field near my house and I made my way over, I’d seen something similar before- a H145M that had flew me out from Russia over to France so I could be brought back to the UK so I knew how fast they could really go. According to my very brief calculations I made as they were landing, I estimated it would take roughly two hours to get to Luxembourg without any stops.
After the scramble of fighting against the winds, I clambered in and chucked my bag on one of the many seats that were empty before strapping myself in and giving a quick thumbs up to the pilot.
Once they took off and had got high enough to begin flying more horizontal I looked out the window to see my small house disappear below. At this point, it’s hard to tell if this is all a dream or genuinely real. I’d sworn I’d never even think about the machine that ruined my life. Not just after, but before too.
When I was doing my A-Levels, I’d lost my mum. She was practically the glue of the family and got us out the house altogether on the weekends and got us to sit and have tea together in the evenings. Once she died, I barely spoke to my dad, or rather, he barely spoke to me.
It wasn’t his fault, and I’d never blame him. His family ethics were that everyone went out and did their work, got home, eat dinner in silence and then go to bed or do more work, but at the time, doing this made it feel like the little family that we had left was falling apart and I desperately wanted my mother back.
It was a few months after she died that I began becoming fascinated with resurrection and what happens to the body post death, not in the religious sense but in the scientific sense. Bringing back someone from the dead, or more specifically my mother, became my soul focus.
Everyone, including my father, said it was a bad idea and that fate had taken its course for a reason but I just couldn’t let go.
Once I’d graduated college, I went straight into university to do chemical engineering to get a better grip on ways I could bring back the dead.
I’d spent months and months studying as hard as I could for exams and papers and in my little spare time I would be researching into my own project and I finally reached my final year where I chose my final project to be to bring back to life a small and dead animal (telling my mentor I wanted to try and bring back a whole human was out of the question after they’d tried to send me to counselling many times.)
The year was off to a shaky start already, my father becoming ill and in and out of hospital several times a week meaning I was left alone for hours on end in my own thoughts. This has put a toll on me, though we weren’t close I still feared I’d be entirely alone if I lost him too so this pushed me harder to work on my project.
It wasn’t until the end of the first term when a lecturer noticed my works, a new teacher who’d worked in inspecting the cause of death by looking at chemicals in the body. He gave me access to a mechanical lab where I made a small machine, after much research and putting things to get whet with my own instruction, that I made my fist small machine to bring back an animal from the dead.
The trial and error process took its time, and there were specific conditions that I needed to bring an animal back but after several months of non stop work I managed to bring an animal back to life.
As soon as I’d wrote it in my project notes, the lecturer posted it to a large scientific forum and it got me tons of attention. People from across the world asked me exactly how I did it, but, thanks to my lecturer, I decided not to give any info on how I actually did it to its entirety to protect something I’d worked incredibly hard on.
I had a brief break from working once I’d graduated, but only two weeks into the summer and I’d just got back home from a quick trip to the store when I found my dad on the floor and unbreathing. Instead of calling 999 like a normal person would, I cleared out the freezer and put his body in there (leaving all the frozen meals to defrost)
Thought I didn’t have a driving licence yet I drove to the storage where I had put the machine and got it out while on a very tense call to my old lecturer to get him to help me make the machine on a large enough scale to put a human in it. He was as sceptical as he should have been, but not as any other normal being would be so he agreed.
We assembled it within hours and he helped me clear my father body of what killed him (in this case being the disease he had contracted several months ago) his body staying frozen the entire time.
Once they were ready, they put the body in the machine and turned it on. The week following required hours upon hours of constant observing and keeping levels just right and adjusting things as needed.
Several days passed as a sleepless blur, I spent hours working around the machine with my notes in hand and writing various numbers. It was a shock when I was at my absolute limits, fully prepared to call it off and without hesitation and eye peeked open(without another word from my lecturer who had gone on a tech free holiday with his wife and child. Very convenient timing, I know)
My heart jumped to my throat as the other eye opened and I checked levels one last time before opening the lid to the contraption. He didn’t sit or move straight away, his eyes on the ceiling.
The next step was to get him on life support to bring his internal levels of salts and nutrients back to what they should be (rather than the high levels used during the previous week) so I swiftly called an ambulance to take him back to hospital.
During the next few days of him being closely monitored and me catching up on hours of missed sleep the media went absolutely bonkers over the fact that a human had been brought back to life and my face was regrettably plastered all over the papers.
All the attention wasn’t quite what I wanted, a wave of negativity understandably from people who believed that humans shouldn’t be brought back to life once they’ve passed.
My dad’s opinions where something I was desperate to hear thought so once I got the call that he was stable from the hospital I made my way over there and flew up to his ward.
He was surprised to see me to say the least, sitting himself up on the bed as soon as I knocked my usual pattern on the door. His interest quickly depleted once I told him I needed to ask questions for science but he agreed that once he’d fully recovered he’d have a proper chat but for now he is feeling much better than he had in the last year he’s been suffering.
When the nurses told me it way probably time to leave because he was falling asleep once again, a large crowd of science journalists and news reporters had gathered outside the hospital and a doctor had suggested to use the back exit where there was less of a crowd of flashing cameras.
On my way home, the past few years finally began setting in, seeing all my work and I was looking forward to seeking where my life would go after the whole ordeal. (Bringing my father back from the dead, but there are no words to describe the sense of achievement and hint of guilt I was feeling at this time)
My mind was half wandering and my focus on the world around me was minimal (I almost walked into the road several times but taking the back roads to escape more embarrassing pictures being taken meant there was a minimal amount of cars around anyway.)
Without warning, the world around me went dark and all I could smell was the stink of dirt and a sour sweat. I tried to give fight, guessing something had been put over my eyes and presumably my head too.
maybe more later tee hee ;-;
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coffee-master · 7 months
ANGST ! Angst ! ANGST ! ☺️
But it's still not the time for seabound angst in Siblings elemental change AU!
But you want angst from me? Sure!
Read this one-shot with another AU of season 11 in ninjago "Story about a fire warior and ever-crying sea"
Short and silly but I hope it's worth it.
"Story about a Fire warior and Ever-crying sea"
It was a peacefull day in the Neverland. The whole earth began to turn green and everything gradually came to life, indicating spring.
Sorla watched with a gentle smile as people began to organize things to create a Madder, for today's spring welcomming. Everything seemed acured to the plan, apart from one small detail, which were children who did not take this holiday seriously.
The woman couldn't just watch the whole thing and invited all the children from the village to her hut. 
It was time for the story, she decided.
As every child sat finally down, some excited, some annoyed, the leader finally decided to speak.
"Children, do we know, what day is it today?" The eldery woman asked and all of the children at once answered correctly. "Good." Sorla nooded with a smile on her face. "But do we know why we celebrate this day?"
"Because that's the time when the evil Ice Emperor was defeated by the strong wariors!" One of the chid suddenly shouted.
"It means the start of spring!" The younger kid said.
"We all know the story granny!" The other child shouted, tired. "You don't need to tell us!"
Surely all of the children knew that story. Everyone in their village knew that. Maybe for the future generation it was meaningless, since this is what they are told over and over again.
"Yeah, we don't need to hear the story about the Ice Emperor again." The little girl said, clearly tired of hearing it each year.
"We know it well!" Other boy shouted.
Bit it wasn't child's fault for lack of interested. They neither experience that tragedy nor knew the full story.
Maybe it was time.
"Maybe you're right." Sorla agreeded with them with a smile. "Then let me tell you a story about The Fire Warior and Ever-crying Sea."
As the leader uttered the sentence and the entire crowd of kids became silent, since they had never heard of such story.
She finnally got their attention.
"One upon a time...
Our beautifull world was under control of the Ice Emperor for centuries, until brave elemental warriors appeared.
Earth, Lightning, Water, Fire and Green.. But that's the part that you know well. What you didn't know is how they defeated our enemy and how much did it cost them.
During they journey they came to our world looking for their friend. That was their mission, but after seeing the situation in our world, they decided to help us.
Among them there was one warrior who lost his power. It was the master of fire.
He was a brave and strong warrior whose heart burned with determination and pure fire. Even after loosing his gift, he didn't give up.
Firstly the man thought it was forever gone, but the power was part of him, so it couldn't be gone.
After repeated attempts, he finally managed to regain his power once again.
In that time the leader of the group, the green warior, whose power was even unknow to himself, set out to search for his friend.
He decided that waiting wasn't good and he'd go alone to the ice emperor. During his journey he met a wolf, who was sneeking revenge for her brother.
As the two continued their journey, our village was attacked and the inhabitants were completely frozen.
The fire warior wasn't able to protect our people, back then.
His fire was weak. It was too much for him in such short time.
The other elemental warriors tried to help him, but for the fire maker it wasn't enough.
During their adventures, they've learned that every each elemental master can become one with their element.
The fire warior decided that he didn't want to be weak again. He decided that he didn't want to loose anyone dear to him.
He knew that the fight with the Ice Emperor will require all the fire he has to offer.
So the warrior decided to become one with the fire.
Using all his strength and focus, the boy broke through all his barriers and became one with the fire.
There was no body.. Just fire.
Poor man didn't know what effect it'd have on him. When you once become one with your element, you also will gradually lose your humanity..
Your memories, your priorities, your mind..
The warriors rushed towars the Emperor's castle. The leader and wolf were first to apear and after them the rest of the warriors came.
Everyone was ready to attack, until the element warrios noticed that the Ice Emperor was actually their friend.
The ice warrio was lost and cursed by the staff, that he wielded. It took control over his mind and heart.
And before the green warrior was able to warn his companion, the wolf full or rage and revenge jumped at the emperor killing him.
The warriors were devastated.
The friend, they were looking for so long, lost his life in front of their eyes, but that was only the begining of the tragedy.
As it is known fire is very dangerous and unpredictable in nature.
It spreads in the blink of an eye and there is no control over it. It goes it's own way and emotions have big influence on it.
So as the master of fire once united with his element saw his friend's death, he exploded.
The rage consumed him entirely and the fire started spearing around, melting the whole castle and mountain.
Anger took the warrior completely forgetting who he was. The man began to be driven by emotions, and no one could reach him.
He was fire.. The fire which kills.
The fire who killed the wolf warrior.
Everything was melting and there was so much water.. So much that the rest of the warriors realised that it'd drown our village..
All the people were in danger and and the water warrior realised there was only one way of saving us.. And it was the way her brother went.
So as the fire master, the master of water, because one with her element.
As the water was melting increadibly fast, the warrior brought water to the right place. The Master of the Earth built a dam made of boulders, which still stands here.
All of that water is there.
But even her best efforts, she couldn't fix all of that until the Fire Master would control himself.
The water warrior decided then to reduce your brother's flame, by comming to him.
The pure rage was in the fire's eyes.. And the Master of Water decided to calm him down, by hugging him.
As she did it, it hurt them both, but the fire warrior didn't move away, he even hugged her back.
The fire was comming back to it's norm and everything seemed, as it should be.
But as we known water and fire cannot mix together..
The fire was becomming smaller and smaller so fast.. The Master of Water noticed that when it was too late.
The fire was so small, until there was nothing left.
The warrior was a pure, so when it went out, he died.
Once the water warrior realised, she killed her own brother, she started crying uncontrollably.
The water became uneasy and the waves were deadly. The sea started crying and all the water went to the sea with her too.
And so, of the six warriors, only three remained.
Master of Lightning, Master of Earth and Master of Green.
All of them devastated, since they came for a friend and lost more..
The Master of Lightning set out in search of the sea, looking for his beloved, who became one with the sea.
The Master of Earth decided to take and hide the cursed artifact that turned his friend into a tyrant deep down in the mountains.
The Master of Green lost his hope, but set out on a journey to help those in need. To fix what was left.
And since that day noone saw the warrios, while the sea cries to this day.
Even if it doesn't remmeber why, it's sad.. especially when the day of her brother's death comes coler.
Which is today."
The woman closed her eyes for a moment, giving a moment of silence.
Then she looked once again at the children, who couldn't say a word.
"Do you know now, why this day is so important for us?" The eldery woman asked, but the children remained quiet.
She knew that the true wouldn't be easy for them. Every spring year was a day of happiness and carefree.
But now it'll look for them diffrent.
"Each year, we build a Madder, which commemorates the master of fire. We set it on fire and drown it in water, do you know why?"
Once again there was silence. The children were still in too much shock to respond in any way.
"It not only symbolizes saying goodbye to winter. This shows death, but also a new beginning." Sorla explained. "Maybe it was end for the warriors, but for as it was a new start for us and every year we show them respect for their sacrifice."
She saw the sadness in their eyes. They tired to understand, but that story was just sad for some of them. For the older kids it could be meaningless or just simple words.
But they needed to behave, after what ninjas did for them..
"And each spring means new life.. they lifes were not wasted, so please, be respectfull this day, especially since the water warior is especially sensitive in this."
The woman said calmly.
"Now go." She said and the kids immediately rushed towards the exit.
This year had to be perfect, just like always..
The End
I hope you enjoyed with something small! Have a nice day!
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quartztwst · 4 months
In reference to the thinking of an Asian character as white thing-
Yeah some people are dumb about that 😭, they'll hate black cosplayers and say it isn't acurate because the character isn't black but when a white cosplayer does the same they don't have any issue with it like the character is Asian not white. (I'm not saying that people can't cosplay characters I'm just talking about the hypocrisy. I hope I made sense.)
LIKE WHITE PPL ARE LIKE "omg black ppl cannot cosplay this character bc they're white!!!"
Even with Asian characters that are coded and told are Asian, APPARENTLY WHITE PPL CAN COSPLAY THEM BUT BLACK PPL CANT?? LMAO GET OUTTT???
They're always picking the characters that live in Japan, speak Japanese, go to a Japanese school, and lives a Japanese life to be white where do you see the whiteness at
If white people can cosplay as that character, then black people can too like ur not special bro 😭😭😭
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blizareweirdo · 7 months
i hear u want art requests?? cinder from the hit show lego ninjago dragons rising season 2 . maybe?
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Here you go! I don't really know him that well since hes such a new character but I hope its acurate enough lool
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Meeting someone on the rooftop of the hospital
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[ ONE SHOT ] [ Sunny ] [ Omori ]
⚠️ This contain mayor spoilers from Omori
⚠️ Mention of suicide attempt
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It's totally not me thinking about unalive myself 😶
I think that all the endings of the game are pretty interesting and really acurate for what happen!! The creator really made a good job!!
I really got reflexive, maybe this is a little vent but don't matter, I hope you enjoy it! 😙
No matter how much time it pass the guilt Sunny feel doesn't go away, in fact it had just become more dificult to bear, he had get enough and just let himself fall into de despair
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Climbing the stairs towards the rooftop without thinking in anything else aside from putting an end to all of this, is the only thing he wants right now, he just can't continue fighting
His body was practically moving alone when he reach the top of the stairs and open the door of the rooftop, but he was stoped by something he never expected to see, there were someone else, someone dressed in a hospital gown similar to his, someone who was on the edge but just looking at the view
He was really shocked, Sunny had been trapped in his own world for so long that he had just forgot about the rest of the world, he never expected, or even thought that he could meet someone in a similar situation (aside from Basil)
When you had noticed him you just had greet him with a smile, inviting over to look at the view of the city with you, he isn't unfamiliar to kindness but he never expected to be accepted in this state, and again, without thinking much, his body slowly approaches to you. You two spend a while just watching to nothing in particular without saying anything, not a single word, Sunny can't help but wonder what you were doing there (even when thinks he knows the answer)
When you ask him if he was planning to do it too he was taken aback, you seem in peace righ now so why will you want to jump? and how do you know that he was planning on doing it? he isn't the type to express his problems and still you had read him like an open book
This was one of the only times his facial expression showed how surprised he was, and you were quickly to reasure him, although not knowing exactly what to say, maybe you say that you just suspected that that was the reason that bring him here or you reveal that that was your reason for being there
Sunny was so taken aback that he didn't know what else to do or say, so he just stay there by your side while you talk. You start saying that life isn't easy, that you feel like it would be better if you weren't there, just put an end to everything probably would be better, but for some reason you always find a reason to not do it, maybe you were just too coward or maybe there were really reasons to continue fighting
Why is a question you don't manage to answer yet, and you want to make sure you won't regret it on the middle of the way, when it were too late. Maybe that were the reason you were there, being so close to what you want but still with the option to decline it gives you peace
Everyone says that things will get better but is really getting better? how will you know if things are getting better? If you ask him he won't be able to answer to that either, he doesn't even had pay attention to rest of the world, but what you said make him remember how Mary had teach him to calm down and focus when he started to be afraid and how she used to tell him that everything will be fine, maybe things don't get better but for some reason that always comforted him
Unlike at what it was expected Sunny was paying a lot of attention, but what you were saying was something he had really never considered, again it was because he was trapped in his own world
None of you really noticed how much attention he was paying to you, but when you do you were quickly to apologize for venting to him, you were sorry for bothering him but is just that the moment felt perfect to share this, and you admitted that you didn't remember when was the last time you had the opportunity to talk to someone with such sincerity, heck you don't remember if there was even an oportunity to do so
You were right, when it was the last time he had talk about this?, the only people he dare to talk with about this kind stuff was his sister Mary, but he killed her, and his best friend Basil, but he turned away from him when he insolate himself, not even to himself since he had been trying to avoid all of those feelings, the guilt was starting to get unbearable but when was the last time he tried to face it or talk about it?
You two spend some time just watching the view from the rooftop, mostly in silence, you just say some coments from time to time, but that was enough to make him wonder if the things were really like he think of them, he had been all this time fearing that his friends will blame him and hate him for Mary's death, but if a stranger that doesn't even know his name accept him at his lowest maybe things won't go as bad as he thinks
At some point you two say goodbye and wish luck in your lifes for both before going back inside of the hospital, and even when you had go away your words get stuck on Sunny's mind, he had just realice that he isn't alone, in this world are people that understand how he feels even when the situation isn't the same or even when you don't express it directly
Maybe this wasn't the moment to jump, maybe this wasn't even a good option, Sunny doesn't have the answer to everything and he still fears the future and what will bring him, but right now he think that maybe it won't be that bad to give a try and continue fighting
He knows that the chances are minimal but he can't help but wonder if he will be able to see you again, he should thank you for give him motivation to continue at least one more day
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