#I hope it doesn’t scare my own pet snake
crowatyourwindow · 9 months
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To add to my mysterious cave of shinies and trinkets, I impulsively obtained a framed snake skeleton ahhhhh! (IM SO EXCITED ITS BEAUTIFUL SHGDHJDGJYSGJS)
Bought it from a local who does taxidermy. All their specimen had died from natural causes. This one was a pet (I don’t know the species) that had been donated from a vet clinic.
I think it’s absolutely gorgeous, snake anatomy is so fascinating! Definitely giving me some art inspo :)
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kiss-theggoat · 1 year
(Shuffles up to you nervously) hi I was wondering if it would be ok to request a billy Lenz fix where the reader actually has a pet pig, also your my favorite writer 🙂
A/N: Two things! One, sorry for my inactivity! I was away on a trip. Two! Thanks so much for the suggestion and thank you so much for the kind words. I decided to expand your request and do different slashers with different kinds of pets!! I hope that’s okay and I really hope you like it!
Slashers With Your Pets
Slashers Included: Billy Lenz, Michael Meyers, Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger
Billy Lenz:
If you have a….
Cat, Billy is a cat man. He loooves cats, they’re so warm and cuddly, but they also understand boundaries and the need to be alone sometimes. The only thing he might not enjoy about cats is the fact that some can be timid around loud noises, which immediately means they’re timid around Billy.
Dog, Billy is less of a dog person. He thinks that dogs can be overwhelming in their attention, especially if one jumps on him or barks at him. He likes the gentle giant dogs, golden retrievers that just lay down and don’t do anything. But, if you have a little dog that barks at everything that moves, expect Billy to be very unhappy.
Reptile or Invert, BILLY HATES SNAKES. If you bring a snake or tarantula or lizard or scorpion into the house, Billy is not going to want you near him. The only reptile or invert I could see him being okay with would be a leopard gecko type. Something smaller and less active.
Farm Animal, if you had pigs, horses, or cows, something like that, Billy would probably be vulgar about how they smelled. Of course, if you owned a pig, he’d call it is little piggy. You could definitely convince him to help out with the animals, especially the pigs or cows. He thinks the cows are cute, and wants to spend time with the little piggies.
Michael Meyers
If you have a….
Cat, Michael likes cats. He understands them, they understand him. He likes to be left alone, they like to be left alone. They get along great. But, if you catch him petting your cat on the couch or inviting it up into his lap, don’t mention anything. He’ll be embarrassed that you caught him in a vulnerable time. He’ll never admit to liking your furry friend.
Dog, Michael actually really likes dogs. He likes big scary looking dogs, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Cane corsos, those types. Because even though they’re scary, they’re well trained and methodical, just like him. If you have a big dog, expect to peel around the corner and catch Michael giving it a pat on the head or a belly rub every once in a while.
Reptile or Invert, Michael could care less. They don’t do anything, so he doesn’t feel the need to pay attention to them. If you have a big lizard or something, he might be a little hesitant to touch it or go near it, but other than that, he walks by the tank without a second thought.
Farm Animal, Michael really doesn’t enjoy farm animals. They smell, require a lot of care, and make a lot of noise. They sort of cramp his style, and he doesn’t understand why the hell you’d want to take care of them.
Jason Voorhees:
If you have a…
Cat, Jason likes your cat because you like your cat, but overall, he’d really prefer an animal that shows him more affection. He wants something that wants to be near him all the time, not something he has to force to be near him.
Dog, Jason would love your dog. He would probably be a little timid at first, but after him and your dog got close, they’d be thick as thieves. They’d go out in the woods and play fetch together, Jason would carry the pup around no matter how big or small. He would adore your dog, and your dog would adore him.
Reptile or Invert, Jason would be a little scared of a tarantula or a lizard or a snake. He would probably be interested in them and try to like them because you liked them, but when it came to handling or feeding, that would definitely be your job.
Farm animal, if you had some farm animals, Jason would welcome them with open arms on his camp. He’d probably be the most open to horses or cows, but would like to see you so caring. Seeing you put in the work to take care of something so time consuming would be a really endearing trait.
Freddy Krueger
If you had a…
Cat, Freddy doesn’t like. Freddy isn’t a cat guy, he’s not into all the cuddling and the meowing and the fur. Heaven forbid your cat tear a thread from his sweater, he might just bust a vein in his forehead from holding in his angry yells. His kind of cat would be the one in the corner that hisses at everyone.
Dog, he only likes very certain dogs. He’s okay with dogs that mind their own business. Ones that just hang out in the other room and don’t bug him. If you had a dog that jumped up on him or barked at him, he would hate it. Or, his least favorite kind, tiny dogs with high pitched barks. Don’t even get him started.
Reptile or Invert, Freddy thinks they’re cool. I think he’d like lizards the most, like if you had an iguana or a bearded dragon, he’d hang out with it next to him, just chilling. If you owned a tarantula or a scorpion or any other invert, he’d be interested in it, often asking to feed it and handle it if possible.
Farm animal, no. Don’t ask. Don’t even propose the idea. Stinky, loud, annoying. He hates farm animals unless they are on his plate as a juicy steak or a nice burger. He might be able to tolerate it if you ride or own horses, but other than that, he’s really not into it.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Obanai Iguro Headcanons
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Warnings: Yandere behavior, spoilers for his mask, punishments, and stalking; lmk if I missed anything.
Authors note: Obanai is one of my favorite characters so this may be a bit longer; I also do not own this character!
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Rarely, does anyone he encounters or secretly watches is worthy of his time; yet… you, the most prized, kind, and the lovely person he’s ever seen, wrapped his heart in tight strings, making him fall for you. Getting his attention is quite a hard thing to do, but once he realized the feeling of butterflies hitting everywhere in his stomach, making him sweat profusely and act ‘awkward’ around you; almost acting like a different person.
At first, Obanai will try his best to avoid you or rather not let you see him. Not because he hates you or dislikes the emotions that are coming forward, but rather because he believes that he might not be the best decision for you; his clan following him like a trail of blood with an eminence feeling of guilt. He’s rather insecure about his past, including his wide mouth that he rarely shows. He fears you’ll hate him, causing him to make sure you see him as ‘normal’ and ‘human-like’.
Of course, this shows that he’ll be stalking you like no other, watching you from afar in awe, a small smile projecting on his face under the mask. Much like the other Hahsira’s, he will try to find out everything about you: likes, dislikes, pet peeves, and many things that’ll make you happy. Once he does find out, Obanai is leaving small gifts on your doorstep, hoping you’ll like the clothing, hand-written notes, and flowers he left for you.
If you decide to have a crush on someone, or someone has the urge to pursue a relationship with you (romantically), they are immediately taken down by Obanai. Either, he would try to find information that they wouldn’t want anyone to know, blackmail them to never be around you or, threaten them and belittle them to the point they’re scared to be even around you.
This also goes along the same line of your loved ones, not that he enjoys seeing you happy and content with your loved ones, he just has high paranoia about anyone that’s around you. He believes that they’ll take you away from him, possibly stealing you away forever and completely forgetting about him; in which, he fears highly. In this case, if he sees you getting hurt (verbally, emotionally, or physically), they are getting hurt and killed in the most gruesome way.
Most likely, the way you caught Obanai’s attention was the fact that you were a strong Hashira; you had a kind, caring, and gentle personality that drew his attention. You treated him like a human being, something that he wasn’t used to. You always tried to talk to him, in which he'd always blow you off: “Leave me alone, you’re annoying.”
Yet, you continuously approached him, even when he spewed out threats that would hurt people and lead them to tears. But, now, since you’ve caught the eye of a snake, he becomes extremely protective of you, even if you’re a Hashira.
Obanai knows you aren’t weak, you’re a Hashira for damn sake; but the moment he starts to realize he loves you, your privilege as a Slayer is quickly stripped away. Either, he would come up with an excuse to Oyakata-sama about needing you to stay home; resulting in you ‘retiring’. Or, force you to quit by guilt-tripping and manipulating you.
Even though Obanai is very possessive of you, he wouldn’t kidnap you unless you were hurt very badly. Whether that’s you tripping and breaking a leg, someone assaulting you or almost getting eaten by a demon: Obanai would only take severe precaution if needed. He knows what it’s like to be caged inside a box, which he doesn’t wish upon you at all. But, he will manipulate you to keep you home as much as possible, using the excuse: “I can save you if any problems come forth. You have everything you want here, right? So why not stay to keep yourself tight, I’m only doing this to protect you. I love you, you’re safer here.”
Though, if you were to get hurt and end up in the Butterfly Estate with multiple injuries, Obanai is sitting right next to you, holding your hand, planning a way to get you ‘home’. Once you’re awake, he’s right beside you, ordering you to never scare him like that again: “Since you were hurt badly, Master has made it clear you’re retired. You’re not leaving without me anymore, it’s final.”
Back on the track of manipulating, he would order you around to stay by him at all times. This includes ‘accidentally’ slipping into a relationship with him and moving in with him; controlling you from the moment you step foot in your now-shared home.
Obanai’s yandere tendencies consist of being very overprotective, paranoid, semi-worshiping, and possessive. He’s always watching over you, paranoia covering his thick skin as if someone will come into the home and steal you away. Rarely does he allow you to leave the house, at least without him that is.
From his experience, he knows you need sunlight to function. He would allow you to come out, shop, and eat out at your favorite restaurants as long as he’s alongside you. Of course, anyone who dares to eye you is immediately stared down by him.
His biggest problem is his insecurity, fearing that you’ll abandon him and betray him like everyone else. This makes the affection between the two of you (at times) very confusing, he will believe he’s not good for you, pushing you away to the point of desperation of physical contact. Then, other times, he wants a cuddle session the moment he comes home, bringing you in a tight embrace whilst he smells your hair.
Because of his insecurity of his body and face, he would never ever drop off his mask around you, scared you’ll run away once you see it. But, when it comes to a year within the relationship, he’ll allow you to pull it down, unexpected by the gentle kisses plastered on his face given by you; it may lead him to tears.
The punishments you’ll receive are pretty slim in advance; he hates hurting you in any way. Normally, if you decide to act out, he would either ignore you or lecture you to the point you’ll feel bad.
Throw insults towards him? He’ll bluntly ignore it. He’s heard those before, it doesn’t affect him as much as it did when he was younger; go ahead, he’s heard worse.
If you decide to try to break out or try to hit him? He would be annoyed and hurt. Of course, he would snap at you… yelling at you as to why ‘are you stupid?’ or ‘try that again and see what happens next.’
However, the most he would do to ‘hurt you’ is when you escape; bruising your wrists. Either after he finds you stumbled into the dirt outside or he catches you before you make it out into the woods, Obanai is yelling at you and dragging you back to your shared-room. You’d have a few scratches from trying to get away and the now reddish-bruise forming on your wrists from him dragging you inside.
You will be spoiled with everything you want if you act good. You want jewelry? You have a basket full of it, plus that haori you wanted. You love to read? You get as many books as you want, letting you admire the book cover as he blushes at your happy face. Whatever you want, is yours; all he asks in favor is you allow him to cuddle you, get many kisses and hugs from the desperate snake Hashira.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, stay well!
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Severus the Bitch
A/N: This is an AU set in the 80s where Severus and the reader are seniors in high school. There’s no magic and instead of being into brewing potions he’s a drug dealer and he grows/makes his own drugs to sell. It's basically Eddie Munson from Stranger Things vibes and this Severus Snape is definitely not canon compliant. He’s flirty, cockier, and more confident, but still just as sarcastic. This is totally a self indulgent fic and won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and I get that. However, it’s the most fun I’ve had writing in a long time and I hope at least some of you enjoy it as well :)
Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem Reader
Genre: Smut and Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI!, Sex, Drugs, Losing Virginity, Fingering, Squirting, P in V Sex, Pet Name Kink, Praise Kink, Slight Dom Sev
Summary: In a high-school AU where there is no magic, Severus Snape is the local badass drug dealer. It's senior year and the reader is becoming all too aware of her growing crush on her best friend. Does he have feelings for her as well?
Word Count: 3,037
As you close your locker you jump at the sight of your best friend since middle school, Severus Snape. He’s clad in all black as usual; black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black tucked-in t-shirt, a black leather jacket with the name of some metal band stitched onto the back in silver letters, black hi-top Converse, and even his belt is black with silver pyramid studs lining it. He’s wearing the four rings he always wears, a skull on his right ring finger, a bat on his right middle finger, a snake on his right index finger, and the black obsidian ring you had gifted him for his birthday a few years back is on his left middle finger. His straight onyx hair is still slightly damp from his shower this morning and he’s got a goofy grin on his face.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, princess,” he chuckles, crossing his arms across his chest. Your heart flutters at his nickname for you. Even though he’s been calling you that for some time, it never fails to make your heart beat just a tick faster.
Though you had been best friends with him since middle school, it’s easy enough for you to admit that you and Severus had grown a bit further apart in your high school years, mostly due to his extracurricular activities. Severus was now known as the best drug dealer around, he brews up his own concoctions and grows his own weed to sell. You disagree with his new career, but it still doesn’t stop you from staying close to him, not when you’ve been becoming ever so much more aware of the growing crush you have on him. You know he will never see you as anything but his best friend, but there’s a part of you that wishes he will notice you, touch you, maybe even - fuck you.
Embarrassed at your thoughts, your face starts burning. “Sev! Stop sneaking up on me!” you exclaim, giving his shoulder a playful slap.
He holds his hands out in front of him, waving them defensively. “Woah, there! You have maimed me!” he laughs, feigning an injury. “I just wanted to check and make sure we were still on to hang out at my place tonight!”
You always hung out at Severus’s place, a small little home located on the more rough side of your town. Since his mom was never home, always away working some sort of job, it was the perfect place to smoke the occasional weed that you did and just hang out without being interrupted. She had left Severus’s abusive father back when Sev was in elementary school, and since then Severus has had to practically raise himself. You don’t blame his mother, she’s doing all that she can to provide for them, but Severus could have used some more parental guidance growing up, and perhaps he wouldn’t be a drug dealer now.
“Of course, Sev! What do you have planned?”
“That is part of the mystery,” he says taking a dramatic bow as he backs away from you. “Catch a ride with me after school?”
“Fine,” you huff, letting out a small sigh.
“That’s my girl!” he replies, giving you a wink.
All day you could not focus on any of your classes, your conversation with Severus replaying through you remind over and over again. You know he doesn’t mean anything with his flirting, it’s just his personality, but it still makes you feel some sort of special way. 
Though Severus has never been particularly well in social situations and you are his only close friend, you know he has been in several relationships before whereas you have not. Yeah, you’ve dated every now and then, but the relationships never were steady and usually ended after the first date. 
Finally, the day ends as the bell sounds dismissing you from your last class. You stop by your locker to put away your books and then head to the parking lot to meet Severus, but he catches you before you exit the school.
“Someone’s in a rush to get outta here, huh?” he smirks, placing an arm across your shoulder and pulling you close.
“Shut up, Sev!” you say, throwing his arm off of you and sprinting towards his car. He’s right on your heels the whole way, both of you giggling like small children.
You arrive at his car panting and out of breath and try to open the door, to jump in before he reaches you, but it’s locked. “Oh, come on! Since when have you started locking your car?”
He leans over you, trapping you against the door of his car, both hands on either side of your body. “I just did it today so I could trap you here,” he responds smugly.
“You bitch!” 
“Ah, yes that is I, Severus the Bitch!” he laughs. Reaching next to you he inserts his key into the passenger side door keyhole and unlocks it, holding it open. “Get in loser!”
The drive to Severus’s house only takes about ten minutes and you both sit in silence the whole way since Sev had turned up his radio to a rather earsplitting volume the moment he plopped down into the driver's seat. When he parks his car in the driveway he runs around to your side, opening the door for you and holding his hand out for you to grab onto for support. You gingerly take his hand, it’s warm, slightly sweaty, and it’s way bigger than your own. You can feel electricity pulse through you at his touch, but it ebbs down as your quickly release his hand, being sure to not hold on for a moment too long in case he gets weirded out.
Severus throws his jacket off and onto the couch, revealing the snake and skull tattoo on his left forearm and a hint of the bat and moon tattoo that you know is on his upper right arm. “Help yourself to a drink if you want, I think there’s some soda in the fridge,” Severus calls from down the hall as he riffles through some stuff in his room looking for the perfect movie for you to watch.
Opening the fridge you see a pitcher of some sort of blue liquid, thinking it’s a fruit drink you pour a bit into a glass and give it a taste. “Ew,” you mumble, smacking your lips together at the disgusting taste. “That is definitely not kool-aid.” You pour the rest of the drink down the sink and replace the pitcher back into the fridge, opting for a soda instead. 
“You want one?” you yell down in Sev’s direction.
Grabbing another soda for Severus you also dig through the pantry looking for a snack. There’s not much there, but finally, you find an old bag of salt and vinegar chips. You taste one, and sure enough, they are a bit stale, but you decide they are still edible. Retreating down the hallway to Sev’s room with your stash, you join him on his bed, handing him his soda and setting the chips down between you. 
The two of you chat and watch the movie; before long you are snuggled up together on the bed legs intertwined and Severus’s arm over your shoulder. Almost subconsciously one of his hands finds its way to your thigh and starts massaging it gently. You know he doesn’t mean anything by it, that it’s more a comfort thing for him, but the motion sends a tingling sensation right to your core. 
You do your best to divert your attention to the movie but when Severus snuggles closer, his hand drifting slightly higher, and you feel his hard cock press into your leg, you have to stifle a moan.
“You okay?” Severus whispers, noticing you tensing up. 
“Y- yeah, I’m fine,” you say, your voice accidentally coming out a bit higher than normal and your cheeks burning from a blush.
“You sure?” Severus asks, repositioning himself a bit farther away from you. His hand leaves your thigh and instead finds your head, brushing a piece of hair back into place behind your ear before resting on your forehead. “You feel a bit hot. Are you feeling okay?”
“Well, you being so close to me surely isn’t helping. How am I supposed to concentrate with your hard dick on my leg?” you mumble under your breath, thinking it was low enough that Severus couldn’t hear you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch all of that,” Severus says, a lopsided grin on his face. “Something about my hard dick? Would you care to elaborate?”
“I - What? I didn’t say anything!” you exclaim, jumping up off the bed and turning around to hide your face from him.
Severus inches forward onto the edge of the bed. “That’s what I heard,” he says with a shrug. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/N). I can take care of you if you’ll let me.”
“But we’re friends! Best Friends, Sev! Friends don’t - do that!”
“Oh, princess. You really are blind, aren’t you?”
“I’ve had a massive crush on you since freshman year.”
Turning around, you look at him expecting to see him with that tale-tale look on his face that lets you know he’s cracking a joke, but that face isn’t present. “You’re being dead serious, aren’t you?”
“That I am. You know me so well, sweetheart. I don’t know how you didn’t notice my crush on you.”
“Sev, I’ve liked you since sophomore year.”
“Ouch, my heart!” he taunts, falling backward onto the bed grasping at his chest.
“Oh, shut it!” you giggle as he sits back up, brushing his long locks out of his face.
“Come here,” he says gently, moving back to where he was while you were watching the movie, his arms spread wide. You sigh and crawl back over to him, straddling him and resting your head on his chest. His arms come around and hold you tightly. 
“Hey, look at me,” he pleads and you glance up at him and into those dark eyes of his. “You are stunning. If you want you can be all mine,” he says, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. 
Those words have you pressing your thighs together in an attempt to lessen the growing tension there. The fact that you can feel his hard cock pressed up against you is not helping either.
“My, my,” he tuts. “Why are you pressing those delicious thighs together?”
“Oh my god, Sev! Can you not?” You roll off of him and go back to laying beside him. 
His hand attaches itself to your thigh giving it a squeeze, before wandering upwards every so slightly and then back down again towards your knee. Before you can stop yourself, you let out a little gasp at his touch and he quickly draws his hand away.
“I’m sorry. I - I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He licks his lips in anticipation. He’s finding it hard to control his impulses right now, but for you, he will hold back.
“Sev,” you breathe, finally deciding to give in to your desires. “I - I want you.”
Immediately, he jumps on you like a stray dog that hasn’t eaten in weeks. Rolling over on top of you he rests his weight on his arms and devours your neck. Sucking and kissing you in all the right spots causing you to let out a low moan as he grinds down onto your thigh before planting a kiss on your lips.
“Fuck. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he groans. “May I remove this?” he asks tugging on the sleeve of your shirt.
You nod. He peels off your shirt and throws it to the ground of his room where it is sure to get lost amongst all his own clothing there, but you don’t mind. The cold of his room hits you like a ton of bricks, causing your nipples to stand so erect it’s noticeable under your simple t-shirt bra.
Severus begins peppering your chest with kisses before sucking on the top of your breast. He lifts you up and grasps your bra clasp and waits for your approval before unclasping it and removing it, chunking it across the room. “Oh god,” he wails before taking a breast into his mouth and sucking on your nipple. His other hand travels to your other breast and massages it. 
Your hands soon find themselves under his shirt, raking at his skin for support as you squirm under his touch. He momentarily stops his kissing to remove his shirt and pants before returning back to your skin, trailing kisses down your stomach to the top of your pants and back up again. Fingers shaking you reach down and try to unbutton your pants, your nerves getting the best of you.
“Allow me, my queen,” Severus says, expertly removing your pants. “Cute undies, too bad they are absolutely soaked,” he comments, pulling the band back before letting it retract back and hit your skin with a smack. 
“Sev, please” you whimper as he slowly slides your underwear off followed by his. His cock springs out of his underwear, already leaking with precum. The sight of it makes you almost burst with anticipation and you spread your legs, begging him to enter you with his cock.
“Not yet,” he says, trailing a finger through your wet folds, gently spreading them open. “Shit, you’re so wet, and all for me,” he hums. Removing his rings and placing them onto his nightstand, he carefully inserts his middle finger followed by his ring finger into your hole. 
He finger-fucks you gently, quickly finding just the right spot and speed to make you scream, hitting it over and over again until your eyes are rolling back into your head, your orgasm impending.
“I- I’m gonna cum, Sev,” you screech.
“That’s a good girl. Cum for me, princess.”
On his command you cum hard, panting and squirting your precious liquid all over his bed, soaking it. His eyes glaze over with lust at the sight. “Oh my god, that was so hot. Fuck, I’m never washing these sheets again.” 
“Fuck, you’re really good at this.”
“I told you once already, babe. You know me so well and I know you just as well,” he says, planting a kiss on your lips.
He reaches over to his nightstand and pulls out a condom, tearing it open with his teeth. He puts it on, rolls it up, and palms himself back to full erection. “Are you ready?”
“Ready as ever,” you giggle, butterflies in your stomach.
He lines himself up and slowly enters you, allowing you time to adjust to his length. It hurts a bit as he stretches you out but it soon fades away. 
“You good?” he asks, determined to make sure he’s not hurting you.
“Yeah. God, Sev. You’re big.”
He shrugs and slowly begins pumping into you, increasing his speed in accordance with how your body reacts to him. Your second orgasm of the night soon washes over you and at the sight of your beautiful face contorting under him, Severus loses all of his self-control. 
Relentlessly he begins pounding into you, chasing his own high. The thought of him using you to reach his climax has your pussy contracting around him. Your body shakes violently as you squirt again, this time all over him and his dick. 
The pleasure from you contracting around him and releasing more of your liquid is enough to finally tip him over the edge. With one last thrust and a screech, he cums hard, the hardest he has ever cum before. “FUCK!” he screams and then he stills, collapsing onto you.
Legs still shaking from your post-orgasm bliss you run a hand through his hair. The two of you stay like this for a few moments until you break the silence. “I could use some water, Sev. You fucked me too good.”
Sev mumbles something incoherent as he peels himself off of you, returning a few moments later with two glasses of water in hand. You move over on the bed to an area that’s not wet as he hands you one of the glasses.
“Shit, did I hurt you?” he says, eyeing the bits of red blood on the sheets.
Your face immediately begins burning, you guess you should have told him beforehand. “I’m fine, Sev. Um, you just took my virginity.”
His eyes turn into saucers and almost pop out of his head. “You’re lying. You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not.”
“Shit! You should have told me! I could have been even more attentive to your needs! I just figured you had already had sex, you know? I mean you’ve dated before… damn it.” He runs a hand through his hair and starts looking for your clothes in the midst of his own scattered all over the floor. Not being able to find them, he tosses you one of his t-shirts and a clean pair of his boxers to wear as he throws on a new outfit himself.
“Sev, it was perfect. You were perfect. It’s everything I could have ever imagined,” you say as you throw on his clothes.
Severus climbs back on the bed and the two of you lay cuddling. “Did you try any of that blue drink in the fridge by chance?” he asks finally. “I saw an extra glass in the sink that I didn’t notice before.
“Yeah, it was disgusting so I poured it out and got a soda instead,” you reply with a shrug.
“Oh my god! (Y/N), that’s the experimental aphrodisiac drug I’ve been brewing!” he says with a chuckle.
“Severus Snape! Why are you experimenting with such a thing? And why wasn’t it labeled?” you exclaim slapping his chest.
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say it works.”
“You bitch,” you mumble.
“Ah, yes it seems I am still Severus the Bitch, huh?” he cackles, planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Well, I’d say your Severus My Bitch now.”
“Touché, my princess.”
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butternutrisotto · 27 days
Imagine this:
I stranded alone in an unknown land. I have no idea where I am, what kind of place is this, and I have no one by my side. How does it look like?
Let’s imagine together, umm, no, let me imagine this. Hehe.
The situation be like: I wake up on a sun-soaked beach, squinting at the bright, unfamiliar surroundings. As I stand up and brush off the sand, I realize I’m stranded in an unknown land. There’s no phone, no map, and definitely no Wi-Fi. Just me, a salty breeze, and what looks suspiciously like a seagull laughing at my predicament. “Great,” I think, “my life just turned into a bad episode of a survival reality show.”
I decide to explore, hoping to find some signs of civilization—or at least a snack. As I wander, I discover that my survival instincts are… well, questionable at best. I spot a coconut and spend a good 20 minutes trying to open it by smacking it against a rock. When that doesn’t work, I give it a dramatic side-eye, as if sheer willpower alone could crack it open. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. So I carry it around like a weird, round pet, hoping I’ll figure out a solution soon. Meanwhile, the seagull follows me, looking more and more like it’s placing bets on how long I’ll last.
As I trek through what seems like a jungle, I keep hearing rustling noises. My mind races through every possible scenario—giant snakes, wild boars, or maybe a rogue monkey gang ready to steal my coconut. My survival strategy? Singing loudly and off-key to scare off any potential threats. Turns out, I’ve got a surprisingly wide repertoire of show tunes that echo awkwardly through the trees. I can’t help but imagine the wildlife rolling their eyes at this unsolicited concert.
Eventually, I stumble upon a makeshift hut. I approach cautiously, hoping to find someone who can help me—or at least a Wi-Fi password. But it’s empty, and from the look of things, it hasn’t been inhabited for a while. I flop down in a chair, feeling like the protagonist of my own ridiculous adventure story. The coconut and I have a heart-to-heart about our chances of survival, and I briefly consider painting a face on it, Wilson-style. The seagull, now my third companion, perches nearby, still judging.
With my new coconut buddy in tow, I decide to scout the area for food. I spot a fruit tree and eagerly climb up, only to discover that my rock-paper-scissors skills with coconuts do not translate to climbing prowess. I’m halfway up when a branch snaps, and I land in an ungraceful heap on the ground. The fruit, unimpressed by my efforts, remains just out of reach. The seagull caws, which I’m pretty sure translates to “Nice try, loser.”
As the day winds down, I sit on the beach, watching the sunset with my coconut and my feathery heckler. I take a moment to appreciate the absurdity of my situation. I may be stranded, clueless, and possibly dehydrated, but at least I’ve got a sense of humor about it. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I’ll find a way off this island—or at least figure out how to open the damn coconut. For now, I just enjoy the peacefulness of this strange, unexpected adventure, hoping that when I do get back home, I’ll have the funniest, most ridiculous story to tell.
0 notes
blythebitez · 3 years
I loved the yandere beel headcanons. My favorite thing is when true demon nature comes out. May I request the same prompt with Satan? <3
Yandere avatar of wrath// Satan
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TW: Yandere(Duh), manipulation, blood/gore, pet play? (General Yandere things)
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-Normally it is hard already for Satan, not to rip out someone’s throat.
-When it comes to you well, a whole different type of rage comes out of him. A fury he can’t explain.
-He’s tried to hide his demonic nature for the longest time knowing that giving into his nature would end up worse then any of his brother’s natures.
-But when you snake your way into his heart? He can’t help but be a little demonic, telling everyone else to back off.
-At first he’s subtle, his hand shaking lightly when seeing you speak to someone else. His glaze lingering for far too long. Eye twitching when someone is near you.
- He calculates it all in his head… ahh he doesn’t need to go fully demon… just some intimation!  that is all he needs. While trying to keep control you find Satan’s horns coming out more often, his tail whipping around sometimes and his nails, not quite sharp as in his full form but they do the right job of scaring away lower demons.
-He watches over you 24/7 and now requests you often. He makes you sit on his lap when he’s reading. You… you calm him down. He feels a warmness in his chest, like he can actually let go in that moment. His head is filled with fuzzy thoughts as his tail wraps around your body pulling you closer.
-He goes through this easily at first, intimation to lower demons then, he’ll use you to calm down. Easy as pie and look no bloodshed-
- Is what would have happened if a filthy lowlife didn’t grab you by the hand. Before he could think he was ripping the demon’s eye’s out with his talons, sinking his claws into the demon squeezing it like a chew toy and watching the blood gush out.
-Hmm… wait… that wasn’t that bad. No one bats an eye, it’s just a lowly demon after all…Plus he let out his rage. It felt. Good.
-What do you mean he was just your project partner? He didn’t value his life if he chose to touch you while you smell like Satan. You don’t know what he could have done to you, you’re lucky Satan was there to kill it.
-With Satan no longer feeling remorse for anything he kills, a blood trail follows you. Body after body piles up and Satan gets more and more controlling and manipulative.
-He sleeps with you every night now, his tail wrapped around you tightly to keep you in place. His claws has grown bigger and his feathery chest had began to rise. It seemed like he was no longer keeping the beast at bay.
-He’s with you all day, all night, every day, every night. And suddenly he starts… ridiculing you… “why are you wearing… that?” “You’re really going to eat that? After all you had today?” “That question was easy… why’d it take you so long?” He doesn’t notice this at all, he’s a walking negativity machine that follows you and confirms your insecurities.
- Trying to escape him, will not work, he’s not stupid or naive he knows you’re avoiding him. He’ll pin you against the wall holding you by the throat, getting angry at even the thought of you trying to avoid him, trying to leave him! He did this all for you! All of it is for you! You’re so ungrateful! Are you blind?! It’s all for you!
- The blonde squeezes your neck tightly getting lost in his own thoughts, his eyes white, his teeth seemingly growing in size. He leans over sniffing your neck. The only thing calming him down lightly was the fact you smell like him. A mark… he’ll mark you… you’ll see then that you’re his mate. Without a second thought he bites down into your neck transferring some of his power into your feeble human body. You scream out, your heart beating quickly as he drops you.
-“There! Now I hope you can see! Don’t try to leave me ever again! You’re mine! And mine alone!” Satan screams at you while you’re on the floor, heart beating quickly, tears flowing and sobs coming from your lips. He can’t see that he’s hurt you. He’s let wrath consume him.
- Now he treats you like a pet, you wear a collar around your neck with his name on it. You’re with him 24/7 like an accessory. You don’t do anything unless you get the Okay from him (he rarely gives it to you). He dictates your life. His brothers don’t bat an eye simply because
-He is a demon after all
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Helo lol. May i request Gundham, Sonia, Kokichi, and Kaede with an s/o that has a pet snake? Except the snake is really clingy, and s/o literally can't leave without them slithering up on to their arm or neck. And the snake immediately becomes attatched to characters mentioned as well? Basically that vid with the guy with eating a lollipop with his snake lmao. Sorry if this is to specific ajshsikjsjjsioe
Gundham Tanaka, Sonia Nevermind, Kokichi Ouma, and Kaede Akamatsu with a S/O who owns an affectionate snake
my cousin had a snake before she became an ADULT and now she lives on rez and has a child wow i'm going to die
it was so cute he had like a little enclosure ugh very precious. i think that was like. 4 years ago bye.
-Mod Souda
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Gundham Tanaka
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❤ How dare you, within the first 30 seconds of meeting him, not tell him you have a pet. Once he learns that you have an animal he suddenly becomes a little more normal-talking as you two bond over this. <- I feel like he would revert back into God-talk once he learns it's a snake. He wants to hear all about its personality and the things it likes and dislikes. The personalities of animals are his favorite thing - they're all individuals just like people. He must meet your little guy.
❤ He is absolutely living for that little fella. That snake automatically draws to him as if you don’t even exist no more. Very jealousy-inducing.
❤ Gundham IS that thing of the guy eating the lollipop with the snake.
❤ He has full conversations with it that are so consistent that you can swear he’s somehow able to read the snakes responses.
❤ Later in the relationship (or really after the honeymoon phase) when he comes over he just makes a b-line to the snake.
❤ You don't have to worry about them being alone together (not that you would have anyway but just saying).
Sonia Nevermind
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❤ How unique! She loves things that are unique and even things that are a bit unsettling. She has never been scared of your snake nor thought it would harm her. Snakes are beautiful to her - and your snake is so gorgeous and friendly that she couldn't just not fall in love. It's very occult and dark, though being so soft and sweet (just like her?).
“My new necklace,” she says happily as the snake wraps itself around her.
Her painted fingers brush against its body as she tries to locate it without looking down. You watch as her mouth curls into a smile.
“Beautiful,” you joke along. “Looks custom made.”
“My sweetheart gifted it to me.”
“They sound nice.”
Her head tilts when her blue eyes meet yours. “They are magnificent.”
❤ Ever since she’s been a Hope’s Peak student, she’s gotten used to seeing many domesticated predators.
❤ ^ And she definitely goes to ask Gundham about snakes so the next time she sees you she’ll seem educated and well-informed in such an area.
❤ She wants to impress you and the little thing! Will the creature be flattered that she cares so much? She hopes so!
❤ Wants to put it in little snake outfits. (Plz the photo of the snake in the dolls sweater)
❤ She doesn’t mind it crawling up around her. She thinks it’s very flattering that such an elegant creature would pick her.
❤ She had always wanted to get along with it so now that it’s actually being affectionate she feels super super accomplished and ‘belonged’.
Kokichi Ouma
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❤ Don't let him use the snake for his devious tricks. He will try to steal it and use it to scare other people - the snake allows this, for some reason. That animal is too heads over heels for your boyfriend. Kokichi loves this, of course, being accepted by something so close to you is very satisfying. He has a bit of an issue feeling as if he deserves to be in certain situations and relationships, and these double positive from you and your snake makes him a lot safer.
“I’ve never met a snake so receptive to affection.” He runs his finger up and down its scaly body.
“You’re very well-liked in this house.”
“In general?”
He offers you a quick smirk before returning his attention back to the snake. “I wonder if it’s ever watched us makeout... Ne-heehee...”
You close your eyes, tilting your head away from him quickly before covering your mouth. Oh my goodness probably.
❤ He also is the photo of the guy with the snake and the lollipop.
❤ He stares at it a lot when it’s just slithering around things like furniture - it’s absolutely appalling to watch its limbless body move (he’s so used to seeing it wrapped around you).
❤ There’s always the distant sound of him talking to it. He always talks to it whether you are in the vicinity or not.
❤ ^ “You don’t have any arms.”
❤ He sticks his tongue out to it whenever it smells him.
❤ Takes pictures of it’s face from the front view to make it look like the snake’s on facetime.
❤ ^ “You’re so ugly.”
❤ ^ “Kokichi! >:(“
Kaede Akamatsu
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She puts her hand up to it, carefully sticking its tail through the hand-knitted snake sweater.
“Toujou-san made it,” she says. “Look, it's so comfortable!”
It’s head protrudes from the loose yarn - the snake doesn’t move outside of flicking its tongue and moving its head to look at you. It quickly and suddenly settled itself within the sleeve.
“Huh, you’re right.” Is all you can say. You pet its head with one finger before letting it settle in peace.
❤ The little thing never actually scared her but it did make her continuously unsettled if she didn’t keep her eye on it whenever it was around.
❤ Once she realizes that it’s not going to attack her at all (and that it actually likes her) then she lets herself like it, too.
❤ Kaede is extremely level-headed and wouldn’t do anything to harm or villainize an innocent animal, even if originally she thought it was a really strange choice of pet.
❤ She has never asked you to put it away or to not let it out - the snake has always been a part of your house. It’s not a situation that she was trying to prevent, rather a situation that she’s just dealing with.
❤ Will always try and look it in the eyes when she pets it.
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
The Royal Ball
The Royal Ball
Loki laufeyson x Fem!reader
Summary: There is an Asgard ball being hosted in the palace, Y/N is yet to find a date to accompany her. She’s disappointed when a certain God doesn’t ask her, however, what happens when he sees someone else getting a little too close for comfort throughout the night?
Warnings: lil bit angsty, self doubt, JEALOUS LOKI, fluffy ending
Word Count: 3.3k
Message/ask if you’d like to be added to the taglist!
Requests are open loves <3
Y/F/N - Your Friend’s Name
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It was a beautiful autumn’s day, crisp brown leaves were falling off of the large trees in the courtyard and scattering the cobbled ground. Loki and I had been wandering around for some time now, discussing everything from the books we’ve been reading to the dreams that have come to us in our sleep.
“And then this huge ghost thing was chasing me around the halls! and if that wasn’t weird enough, you popped up-”
“Ah, seeing me in your dreams are we, darling?”  Loki chuckled, taking great pleasure at the fact that he had made an appearance in my subconscious, completely ignoring my distress at being chased by a supernatural being.
“Funny you should say that, right after seeing you, I woke up. The sight must’ve given me quite the scare.” I scoffed, a smile unable to stop itself from making its way onto my face, eyes meeting his, face etched with shock. With a hand to his chest, he spoke again in disbelief.
“You have truly offended me, love. I never knew you had this side to you.”
“What can I say? I’m a woman of many talents.” I winked, nudging his side slightly with my elbow.
“Really? Can you produce illusions?”
“Look inside other people’s heads?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Turn yourself into a snake to scare your eight year old brother?”
“I still can’t believe you did that”
“My greatest achievement yet.” He smirked, the memory never failing to amuse him.
His stories always had me in awe of his capabilities, even if it was to give his brother a long-term fear, it was still an incredible talent. Whenever he tells me of his latest adventures or tricks, I always think of how well his title fits him. God of Mischief. Maybe that’s why I liked him much more than what a best friend should, not that I'd ever admit it. Not to him anyway.
We soon found ourselves standing next to one of the windows of the hallway, the crystal clear glass giving a beautiful view of the city of Asgard. From here, you could see the Queen’s gardens, full of flowers in all different colours and types, grass cut to perfection. You could see the families in the town, walking around the different buildings, children playing. It was lovely to watch, seeing everyone enjoy the seasonal weather and the light bounce off of the windows, it was ethereal.
“I never get tired of this.” I sighed, voice only slightly above a whisper
“Tired of what, love?”
“Just, this. This view, this kingdom, it’s incredible.” I looked up at Loki, trying to see if he was seeing the same beauty that I did. He was already looking at me when I met his eyes and upon seeing the way they sparkled, I assumed he did.
“Actually, speaking of the Kingdom, I have something to tell you. There’s-”
Abruptly stopping him from continuing his sentence, voices were heard from the other end of the hallway, though we couldn’t make out the words until they came closer. We gave each other a quick look of confusion before turning to see where the commotion was coming from, hearing the quick and heavy footsteps before being able to put names to the faces.
“Loki! Y/N!” A deep voice bellowed. Was that Thor making all of that noise?
Before I could process any more information, a blur of a pastel pink dress was in my face and hands were placed on my shoulders. I smiled down at the slightly out of breath figure using me as a support stand, it was Y/F/N.
“Wow, Y/F/N, you sound much different than when I spoke to you yesterday, did you drink something funny?” I chuckled, receiving a glare from my friend and a quiet laugh from the God beside me. Thor soon appeared next to Y/F/N, hands on his hips and head thrown back as he tried to compose himself.
“My God, Y/F/N, you run fast.” He pants.
“Care to tell us why you’re both running like madmen through the palace?” Loki speaks, one eyebrow raised in curiosity and what looked a little like concern.
“We..had to..tell you..there’s a ball..next week.” Y/F/N spoke, a bit more stable now, but still in between breaths.
I felt my eyes widen, a ball? I didn’t know Asgard held balls.
“Father is opening up the palace next week to neighbouring kingdoms, in hopes to be closer with them, open Asgard up to more trade opportunities, build relationships and whatnot.” Thor explained, emitting a loud sigh to come from Loki.
“I was just about to tell her, brother. Thank you for interrupting.” He rolled his eyes, half joking, half serious. I reached up and patted his shoulder gently, a small smile on my face.
“Maybe next time Lok” He nodded in response, I didn’t get a chance to comfort him much more before I was being pulled away by Y/F/N. With a small huff of surprise, I gave Loki a glance, silently apologising for our conversation being cut short, receiving a shake of his head in reply, affirming me to not worry about it.
“So.” she begins. “We need to find you a date and a dress. I’m thinking blue. I’m wearing purple so it’s probably best to avoid that one. Hmm. let’s see..oh! I know! we could- Y/N? You listening?” I snapped my head around, not missing the sly smile that was plastered all over my friend’s face.
“Y/F/N, don’t-”
“Loki! He has to be your date. You could wear green and match! If he’s even going to wear green, I'm sure I can get Thor to find out, I assume they’ll get ready together. And black accessories! I have so many ideas.” She clapped her hands, over-excited about the opportunity to plan this evening for us. Except for one minor detail.
“That sounds great, Y/F/N, it sounds wonderful, you’re just missing something.”
“Missing something? Oh, if you mean our hair then i’ve already-”
“No, not our hair. Loki hasn’t asked me, and I doubt he will.” I spoke, the second half coming out more as a whisper, my heart dropping a little at the thought. He’d never really expressed having those kinds of feelings for me and I'd always seen him be close with different girls around the palace, he’ll probably ask one of them.
“He might ask you, you never know what’s around the corner.”
“I guess so, we’ll have to wait and see.”
And that was the last we spoke of it before she went into full planner mode again, while I continued to ponder over all of the thoughts running through my head. I mean, he could ask me, right?
He didn’t.
After talking about it with Y/F/N, I had a glimmer of hope that maybe I was wrong, maybe I hadn’t noticed something that she had, that Loki would approach me and ask me to be his company for the evening.
I spent the next couple of days with him, hoping he would ask me, everytime a pause would appear in conversation, maybe he was finally going to do it. And everytime, a little bit of the hope I had, had fizzled out.
I’d even considered other reasons as to why he hadn’t asked, maybe the King didn’t want him and Thor to have dates so that they could mingle with members of the other kingdoms. Of course that theory had flown right out one of the Palace’s windows when Y/F/N told me that Thor was going to be her date. I was right then, he wasn’t wanting to go with me.
I guess I understood, I’m the best friend, we’d always been that. I think a part of me just thought that maybe he, like me, wanted something a little more. Clearly, I was mistaken.
Y/F/N and I had been getting ready for a while now, our hair was styled to perfection, our dresses were on and both of us were fully accessorized. We were looking at ourselves in the mirror, doing spins and curtseys and gushing over how good the other looked.
“You look amazing tonight, Y/N, really. Loki is missing out.”
“Thank you, and I'm sure his date is beautiful.” I spoke, fidgeting with the fabric of my dress, trying to avoid the subject and the twisting knot in my stomach at the thought of him with someone else all night. “You look incredible! You were right to pick purple, it’s definitely your colour.”
“Y/N’s right, you look gorgeous.” Thor declared, leaning against the doorway sporting a black suit and a dark purple tie, the perfect match with his date’s dress. I could feel my eyes light up when seeing how happy the simple, yet effective comment had made Y/F/N. Rushing over, she engulfed Thor in a hug before leaning up slightly and giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Ah and can’t forget, Y/N, you look stunning tonight.” He gestured to me, arm almost scanning me up and down.
“Stop, you’ll make me blush.” I laughed. “You both head off, I’ll catch up.”
“Are you sure? We don’t mind waiting?” Y/F/N questioned.
“Don’t be silly. You guys go on ahead, I'll meet you there.”
With a nod and a wave, they were off. They really did look like a perfect match tonight. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, fixing any stray hairs, flattening any kinks in my dress. Realistically, I was probably trying to prolong leaving for as long as I could. I was excited, but I was turning up on my own while everyone else had someone, it was a bit nerve-wracking. I still wanted to look my best though.
“Stop trying to convince yourself that you look good, you could literally blow an army of men away by looks alone.” A voice spoke, I spun to see who was speaking, the flash of green was enough to decipher who it was.
“You look lovely tonight, darling.” He grinned, the pet name had set off butterflies in my stomach.
“Thank you. As do you.”
“Well, I did put in an effort, nice to know it’s appreciated.” He joked, a breathy laugh left my lips, entertained by his words.
“Yes, well, I'm sure plenty of others will too.”
“The eyes will never leave me, I'm sure. Unless they’re on you, then I'd be surprised if I get even so much as a glimpse in my direction. Someone is a very lucky guy tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Why do you say that?” I asked, confused by his statement.
“Well, they get to be beside you all evening, it’s a beautiful view.” He winked.
It could’ve been you, I thought. I knew he was joking, however that didn’t stop the fire in me from igniting.
“I could say the same for you, someone is a very lucky girl.”
“I’ll be sure to let her know if she ever thinks otherwise.” Joking, again.
So he had asked someone. Albeit disappointed, I'm happy he’s happy. Though I still wish I was the girl in question, I couldn't stop him if he was interested in someone else. That wasn’t fair.
Giving him a brief nod and a tight lipped smile, I picked up the front of my dress a little bit and made my way out of the room and downstairs to the ball. I could still enjoy myself, the night is young, I've got this.
“It was crazy! And let me tell you, my dad was so angry with me. He didn’t let me serve Turkey again after that year.” Charlie, a guy that I had met an hour or so ago, finished his story of the Christmas horror he had, allowing me to relax for the first time that evening. Up until now, it had felt like all I’d seen was either happy couples, or stares from across the room. Usually the second and usually Loki. The same Loki who had a girl’s arm linked with his and was looking at him like he held the world in his grasp. I broke the gaze, finding it difficult to look at the pair for any longer, as I turned back to Charlie so he could have my attention again, a lazy smile was present as he took a sip of his wine.
“I don’t blame him, really, it sounds like you started a riot!” I exclaimed, sending us both into a full on belly laugh, thinking back to the story. This continued for another five or so minutes, laughter turning into a low chuckle, as if we were about to be told off for how loud we were being. Just as my hand had reached his arm to help hold me up, saving me from laughing myself into the ground, Loki and his date had made their way over.
“Enjoying ourselves, I hope?” He beamed, taking one look at me before giving his full attention to Charlie.
“Yes, yes we are, thank you. How about the two of you?”
“It’s been fine, yeah, good. So, what’s your name then?” Loki interrupted, his date having no choice but to leave him to respond instead.
“I’m Charlie Fernsby.” He held his hand out, greeting Loki. A gesture that was very awkwardly not reciprocated as he let his hand fall back to his side before Loki spoke up again.
“Charlie..Charlie, now, isn’t that a girl’s name?”
“Loki!” I scolded, giving him an evil side glance, what was he doing?
“No, no it’s okay. Yeah, it can be used for girls too, but it's common for boys to have the name Charlie.” Polite as ever, he responded. A mischievous look made its way onto the God’s face. Oh no.
“So, I take it your parents wanted a girl?”
“I- I’m sorry?”
“I assume your parents wanted a girl, considering they’ve given you a girl’s name?” I rolled my eyes, this teasing was unnecessary.
“Charlie, let’s go and get a drink.” I tried to tug him away, only to be halted by another sentence leaving my best friend’s mouth.
“It was only a question, I'm sure he doesn’t mind answering, do you Carl?”
“That’s what I said.”
“You said-” I tried to interject, but he was quick to stop me
“I know what I said, Y/N, but I'm speaking to him. Let him answer the question.”
Loki’s date was long gone by now, she’d left to speak to another group of people, presumably another few couples, leaving us three to have this discussion, thing, whatever you would think to call it.
“I’m just saying, maybe they would’ve preferred a daughter, seeing as they’ve very obviously made that clear.” He beamed, expecting me to join in and agree with him, I don’t find this funny. At all.
“Can you excuse us, Charlie? Loki, A word.” I pointed to the door, giving him a look implying for him not to test me.
“I’m in trouble. Wish me luck Carlos.”
“I know, that’s what I said.”
I pushed him all the way out the door, into the hallway and round the corner so as not to disturb everyone else’s evening. When I’d made sure there was no one else around, I looked up at the Asgardian, my arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed, I wasn’t impressed anymore.
“So, are we out here for some hide or seek, or?”
“What the hell was that in there?!” I raised my voice slightly, his need to always make everything a joke wasn’t working this time. He had his night, his date, he didn’t need to come over and insult mine.
“What was what, darling? I was making conversation.”
“You were making fun of him.”
“No, I showed some concern about his parents choices, that’s all. Friendly advice if anything.” He looked a bit more frustrated with me now, as though he was stating the obvious and it was going over my head. I wasn’t having it this time.
“No, Loki. You weren’t and you know you weren’t. You had your date, she was fine, you were fine-”
“Let me finish. Everything was fine. Until you caught sight of me having a friendly conversation with another guy who wasn’t you. But guess what Lok, I’m allowed to do that! I’m an adult, I can speak with whoever I like!” My arms were all over the place now, my frustration was starting to show itself, it seems I had a bit pent up.
I saw his lips move, I heard something, but it was so quiet I couldn't make it out.
“Speak up, Loki. I can’t hear you.”
“I said, if you think he was just being friendly, you’re clearly out of your mind.”
Is he serious?
“Are you- Loki, you have no right to make a judgement on who and how and why I interact with other people. Not that it should matter to you anyway, you’ve spoken to other women before and I've never said a word or tried to stop you. Why does this matter so much?”
“No, please, go on, tell me, enlighten me as to why this bothered you so much tonight, because trust me, I'm dying to know, truly.” I was shouting now, I just wanted answers for his behaviour, I didn’t think it would be this difficult.
His hands had made his way into his trouser pockets, eyes looking everywhere before settling on mine. He looked conflicted, I wanted to drop it when I saw his troubled gaze, but I couldn’t go back in there without an explanation.
“I like you, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear, love? That I was so uncomfortable seeing some you get close with some guy that I had to embarrass him in front of you? Something I'm sure my father won’t be so impressed to hear, but there, you’ve got your confession.” His voice had gone much louder than mine, taking me by surprise, so much so that it took me a minute to process what he had said. He liked me?
He turned to leave, I assume because I hadn't said anything for a matter of minutes, but I gently grabbed his arm, tugging him back towards me. I looked up into his eyes again. I was so close that you could see the specs of different colours spotted in them, they were flawless. This view beats the Asgard view anyday.
“Why didn’t you mention this before?”
He shrugged, “I don’t know. Worried I guess. We’d never spoken of moving past friendship and I didn’t think you’d be interested.”
“I’m more than interested, Loki.” I grinned, my smile meeting my eyes, never leaving his.
“Not Chelsey?”
“For the love, it’s Ch-”
I couldn’t say his name, a certain pair of lips had stopped me from doing so. As they molded against mine, my hands went up to tangle themselves in his hair, his hands falling to my waist and pulling me closer, I didn’t even think that could be possible. We pulled away when we needed to catch a breath, foreheads falling against each other, smiles painted on both of our faces.
“I bet I'll be in your dreams again tonight.” He whispered.
“I bet I'll be in yours.”
“Always are, Darling. Always are.”
taglist: @horrorxweasley
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Them With a S/o That Owns a Snake || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Requested by Anonymous: hello lovely! i read the headcanons about the s/o having a rabbit but what about some headcanons with the boys wherein their s/o has a snake? 👀 thank you so much and i hope you have a wonderful day!
Word Count: 800
A/n: Ignore me expressing my love for snakes wearing hats, by adding it to Izuku’s headcanons, I couldn’t help myself. I don’t know crap about owning a snake, so I hope I did okay! Thanks for requesting! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
“You have a WHAT!?”
He was absolutely freaked out at first, I have no doubt that Izuku was told as a kid that snakes were scary and he never really grew out of his fear until he met you and your pet snake
It took him a while of getting used to it, but eventually he fell in love with your little pet
You know those photos of snakes that they have on google with like little hats? Yeah, he takes and uploads a lot of those photos
This man made a separate account on like a bunch of social media, just to post about making little hats for your snake
He’s Tik Tok famous for his little hat making, this man even started selling them, he got so addicted
He spends so long making them too and they always end up turning out so cute
The photos he takes are so good quality too
But he also makes sure he doesn’t do it too often, so he doesn’t irritate your snake too much or bother it
He loves helping you take care of it, and he frequently asks if you need any help with it, and if it’s anything that he can help
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Katsuki Bakugou:
“Why the hell would you want a weird thing with no arms or legs as a pet? It’s ugly as fuck.”
“Shut up, you’re ugly as fuck.”
“You take that back, you little shit!”
He pretends to hate your snake at first, and will constantly throw insults at it, as if it’s going to understand him
He won’t physically harm it though, Bakugou can be a hothead but he wouldn’t hurt a pet, let alone an animal that isn’t attacking him or causing any harm to anything
I don’t think he’ll ever really become a huge fan of it, the most you’ll get out of him is him tolerating the snake and not insulting it every five seconds
Still thinks it’s creepy and won’t hesitate to tell you his thoughts on it
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Eijiro Kirishima:
“That’s so cool! Snakes are so manly!”
He loves your snake
He thinks it’s the most precious and cool thing in the whole world
The first time your snake slithered onto him, he looked like a little kid on Christmas, he was over there refraining from bouncing up and down and he was going on like, “Look, Y/n! Look! Look! S/n is slithering on me! Oh it’s so manly! Does this mean it likes me!?”
Loves posting photos of him and your snake together online, and he loves when people ask about it, and ask him what kind it is and all of that
He treats it as if it’s his own child, and he also refers to it as your guy’s child
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Shoto Todoroki:
“Oh, people keep those as pets? Don’t they bite or something like that?”
He had no idea that people could keep those as pets, and he’s honestly pretty amazed by your snake
He never got a pet growing up, and he had met dogs and cats before, but never a snake, and he was absolutely fascinated by it
He loves listening to you go on about how to take care of the snake, as he’s staring at it, and watching as it slithers over various surfaces, and don’t worry, he’s paying attention to everything that you say
Shoto really enjoys playing with your snake, as well as caring for it, after you explained everything to him
He also did a ton of research on your snake and the specific breed, after learning that you had one, so he could just learn more about it in general
But he loves spoiling your snake and buying it different kinds of toys to try and giving it everything that it’s little snake heart could ever desire
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Denki Kaminari:
“Wait, but won’t it like try to kill you?”
Denki thinks it’s kind of cool that you have something like that as a pet, but at the same time he’s scared of snakes
Not to the point where he like screams like a little girl and runs from it, it just creeps him out a little and he might flinch and freak out a little if he tries to hold it
He does get used to it eventually, but it takes a bit of work for him to not get freaked out around it
Once he gets used to it, and your snake gets used to him, the two of them are amazing friends though
He’s not really amazed by your snake, all that much, sure he thinks it’s sort of cool, but it’s just another animal, why should he act like it’s special?
He betrays his own thoughts by constantly taking photos of him with it and posting them to his Instagram and some of his other social media
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oyasuminto · 3 years
How about Strade second captive turns out to be a female bunny beastkin? I can imagine him locking bunny reader and Ran together to see if Ran will fuck the the reader or eaten them or both.
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Ren is certain that Strade wants to see his pet fox hurt his new little bunny, but he also knows that Strade isn't going to let her die, not anytime soon at least—she's unique, like Ren, and Strade likes that; he thrives on sating his sick curiosities.
She's cowering in the corner, shaking like a leaf, eyes wide, and large rabbit ears pressed down against her head.
"Well, Ren, aren't you going to play with your new friend?"
Strade is perched on the basement stairs, his own way of letting both beastkin know that they aren't getting out of this unscathed. His legs are splayed, displaying the prominent tent in his khakis.
If there’s one thing Ren’s learned during his time with Strade, it’s that his captor is most dangerous when he’s horny and that making him wait isn’t a smart choice.
Ren slowly shuffles towards her, hunched over and avoiding eye contact. He just...can’t look her in the eyes, not with what Strade expects him to do. The rabbit beastkin’s feet slide against the ground as she attempts to press herself further into the wall, as if the solid stone will part and allow her some form of escape.
A swift kick leaves Ren crumpling, clutching at his ribs, several more subsequent kicks, each one accentuated by panicked squeals, have him gasping for breath.
Footsteps rush up behind him, and before Ren can even register what’s going on, Strade’s got a hand wrapped around the bunnygirl’s floppy ears.
Ren cringes at the sound of flesh meeting stone. He’s almost too scared to look—crushing injuries are never pretty—but he can still hear her crying. She’s alive, Strade must really want to keep her.
“Play nice, Häschen,” he snarls, releasing his grasp and kicking her in the ribs for good measure.
He can’t do this.
The bunnygirl lays on the cold basement floor, curled into a ball, sobbing and squeaking and hiccupping as her hair begins to matt with blood.
He can’t do this.
Her bruised body is clothed only in a baggy t-shirt—one that clearly belongs to Strade—and he can see her ass and pussy poking out from beneath.
He can’t do this.
She smells so sweet and, and, and...
Ren grabs her legs, hooking her knees over his shoulders and putting him at face-level with her sex.
He has to do this.
His first lick is tentative, as much a way for him to get a brief taste as it is to gauge her reaction.
Within mere moments, Ren’s face is buried in her pussy, desperately licking and sucking and slurping even as the bunnygirl squirms and weakly pushes against his scalp, still heavily dazed from her recent head trauma.
She delivers a particularly hard slap, earning her a warning bite to the thigh. That’s enough to subdue her, for the time being, at least.
If he doesn’t fuck her, he’ll have to hurt her. He’s doing her a favor.
That’s what he tells himself at least. Ren hopes that no-one can see his cock straining against his thin shorts.
Strade is back on the stairs, cargo shorts unzipped and thick cock resting in his palm. The click, click, click of precum being smeared makes Ren shudder. He half expects to be pulled away by the scruff of his neck and used as Strade’s toy again.
“Daddy’s getting bored, Renny.”
Ren flinches at that, pulling his head away just as the bunnygirl beneath him is dragged away, Strade now sitting behind her.
Strade impatiently shucks up her (his?) shirt, baring her nice, soft body, and forcing her into a kiss. From the way she gags, eyes widening, Strade has either forced his tongue past her lips or spit in her mouth. The string of saliva as he pulls away makes the latter most likely.
“I brought my fox such a nice little gift, and he can’t even enjoy it properly.” He yanks her legs open and snakes a hand down between her thighs, spreading her pussy lips.
It makes Ren whine, watching her squirm and shift away from Strade’s fingers, only to cringe when his cock pokes into her back instead.
“N-No, stop, please!”
She sounds so pathetic.
Slowly, Ren crawls forwards, watching Strade for even the slightest change in expression.
“Thaaaat’s a good boy.” Ren hates how the small crumb of praise makes his heart flutter.
Once he’s in reach, Strade tugs down Ren’s shorts, grabbing his cock in a slightly too tight grip.
“You’ve always had just a cute cock, Renny.” He shifts a bit, forcing the bunnygirl into an awkward half-sitting, half-lying position and pinning her in place by wrapping an arm around her stomach.
“Do it. Eat her, fuck her, just don’t break her—yet.”
Practically salivating and too horny for his own good, Ren finally sinks his teeth into her shoulder, blood quickly hitting his tongue as he simultaneously thrusts his hips. The combined sensation of tearing into his prey’s flesh as a nice, tight pussy—far tighter than any of the toys Strade’s bought him—squeezing his cock like a vice has Ren’s glowing eyes rolling into the back of his head.
He’s relentless, desperately slamming his hips into the sobbing bunnygirl’s, letting out little growls anytime she squirms.
Ren doesn’t even realize that his knot is inflating until it thuds against her entrance.
“No, no, no, no! Please, make him stop! I-It’s gonna split me in half!”
Strade just chuckles. “Good. You’ll look so pretty all torn up.”
Ren keeps jerking his hips, solely focused on chasing his own climax. It’s almost as if Strade isn’t even there.
The shrill scream and heavy sobbing that comes from the bunnygirl’s mouth signals that Ren has finally managed to force the last of his cock inside. He cums not long after, flooding her pussy and womb with thick, warm seed as he collapses on top of her.
She’s full, too full, uncomfortably full. How can such a tiny foxboy cum so much!?
But at least it’s over, Ren’s knot will have to deflate at some point. Maybe she can just rest and recover for the time being.
“You’ve got me all worked up, Häschen,” Strade’s breath is hot against her ear, “ah, but your pussy’s all plugged up, isn’t it?”
No, oh God, don’t, don’t, don’t.
He lifts her up just enough for his still-hard cock to press against her ass. “Don’t wake up my little fox, he needs his sleep.”
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strawberrylabs · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could get a match up from bnha no one underage please since I’m 22 years old 😅 I’m just not comfortable with it
I’d prefer a male matchup please
Pronouns: she/they
A romantic match up please
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Personality type: INTP
I’ve been told I’m come of as very intimidating to people who don’t know me and also I’m very introverted. I have a little bit of a tattoo obsession and have quiet a few also some piercings. I get told I look like cruella deville cause my hair is half black and half white 😅. I like the horror genre in anything and also like listening to true crime stories. I’m not the softest person I’m assuming since a lot of my friends say I’m just someone who’s never really cared about a broken bone or if something scary is happening. Example: one time I got my toenail ripped off and didn’t even notice for like five minutes then just casually removed it and put a band on. 😅 I also love rats and snakes ❤️ and have a dog (a bassist hound named Lou) two cats, (a Maine coon named Koa and a one eyed black cat named Remi), and a rabbit named patches.
Just a little bit about my fur babies since they’re very important to me
Lou: scared of everything. But mainly of men and I have no idea why 🤷‍♀️. He the first dog I ever had.
Koa: super shy but secretly really likes affection and food. Meows back when I say good morning or ask how his day was. 😭 he’s so cuteeee
Remi: A crackhead. He’s got one eye and breathing problems but that doesn’t slow him down 😃. Treat addict. Like literally always gets in the cabinet where I keep the animal treats.
Patches: very quiet. Stares a lot. He’s still cute and fluffy though ❤️
(Also I’m working towards owning my own tattoo shop ¨̮ and can you maybe include how a lot of people I’m close to call my middle name Evangeline. I’ve always liked it cause I got it for a really sweet reason)
Could you maybe include my pets. you don’t have to! You also can choose to ignore this if you want. I’m sorry for adding so much!
Thank you even if you don’t do this! 💕
Have a wonderful day/night!
Hello! I am so so sorry for the late reply! I really hope this lives up to the wait!
your pets sound adorable! and good luck with opening the tattoo shop!
I had a hard time deciding with this one- If you're unhappy with who you were matched with feel free to request headcannons for a different character.
Hope you enjoy<3
Also the character may be a little OOC, as I haven't watched or read BNHA in a longgg time
Warnings!!: May be spoilers to the BNHA lore, slight gore (only minor) and mentions of needles(tattoos)
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I match you with...
Tomura (Tenko) Shigaraki!
You and Tomura were probably friends when you were younger but lost contact a little before the incident.
Years later, you live in a two story apartment in the city, the bottom floor is your tattoo parlor and the top is your home!
Your and Tomura run into eachother again when you're looking for your cat Remi who managed to get out the window while you weren't looking.
Despite his new appearance, you recognised him instantly.
Unfourtunetly he cannot say the same.
His memory is.. foggy. He recognises you, but he doesn't know why. Why does his heart hurt at the sight of you?
He tells himself he doesn't need to know why, he just needs it to stop.
So he gets Toga to spy on you with the intention of eventually using the information he gets to kill you.
Or that was the original plan
Toga goes to your tattoo shop one day saying she wants a tattoo!
Which is true- she does want a taattoo!
In Toga's mind it's a win win, she gets a tattoo of a knife on her wrist, and she gets information on you!
However she ends up liking you a lot more than she anticipates.
"Ok so what would you like to get?"
"A knife! With blood on it~!"
"Ok sure! Sit down and I'll ask you a few questions and then we can get started."
It starts off well, you two talk a lot, surprisingly hitting it off right away.
That is until your animals decide to come down because you apparently forgot to close your door
although you're convinced they know how to open it yourself
Remi goes ballistic, jumping around the place, bouncing himself off of Toga's lap- It's a wonder you didn't mess up the tattoo
You turn off the machine and apologise to Toga as you round up your pets.
Toga loves them.
"OMG they're so fluffy!"
After that incident Toga tends to stop by more often to see you and your pets.
She may or may not forget her mission for Tomura- which leads to him confronting her while she was with you.
He walks into the shop, ignoring the closed sign (he disintigrated the lock smh)
he hears you and Toga laughing and goes upstairs, furious with Toga.
"Awww, Evangeline listen! Koa is mewoing with me!"
This makes Tomura stop in his tracks. Evangeline?
Why is that name so familar?
He walks in the room with a sense of urgency, no longer angry at Toga.
"Uh oh! Shigaraki I swear I was doing my job but-"
"Tenko? It's nice to see you again!"
Toga and Tomura are silent.
That one name uttered from your lips brings back Tomura's memories of you.
Needless to say Toga is very confused.
After some explanations from all of you, you kinda all just sit there and process for a moment.
"Wait.. You were going to kill me?!"
This leads to Tomura and Toga reluctantly explaining their.. ahem.. professions.
Surprisingly, you're chill with it. Toga still comes over often to hang out with your animals you, and sometimes manages to bring a reluctant Tomura with her.
Over the course of a few months, you become acquainted with the entire league, and even gave a few of them some Tattoos.
During that time, you and Tomura rekindled the flame that was once lost, although this time, it burned much brighter.
One day Toga wasn't able to visit, and it was just you and Tomura,
Normally you would find a way to fill the silence but today was.. different.
So, to nulify the awkwardness, you decide to make some tea/coffee/hot chocolate.
Only Remi decides to jump in front of you and causes you to trip. smh.
You fall down the stairs. Oops.
But you're ok! You didn't really hit anything to hard and you braced yourself pretty well.
That doesn't stop Tomura from freaking out though
"Holy shit! Are you alive?"
Tomura rushes to you in an instant, checking over you, while being careful not to touch you with all 5 fingers.
While he's fussing over you, all you can do is stare at him. All you can think about it how he was as a child. How much you adored him- and still do.
So you decide- Fuck it. Now or never as they say, right?
"I had the biggest crush on you when we were kids, and now I am in love with you."
He broke for a second. He thinks you hit your head or something.
"You must be stupid after hitting your head... there's no way you'd feel the same."
Man is so insecure please
"I didn't hit my head Tenko. Please, believe me."
After a few hours of conversation, you come to the conclusion you both like eachother, but you can't tell anyone else.
He can't risk your safety. Being in contact with the league is already dangerous enough.
From there its a slow but steady start.
You eventually both warm up to eachother more and more, regaining that trust from all those years ago.
Tomura gets so worried whenever you injure yourself and brush it off like it's nothing- how are you still alive?
Having said that if anyone makes a comment about your unnatural ability to suppress pain, they will lose a finger or two. Maybe even an entire limb.
He 100% insists on matching tattoos
He's a little bitch while getting it though
Eventually you invest in getting him those gloves woth only 1 or 2 fingers covered so you can hold hands<3
The more comfortable he gets, the more he realises he's very touch starved.
It eventually escelates to him staying over at night and just- cuddling.
You make him feel... stable. Safe.
And that's something he hasn't felt in a long time.
He just hopes he can do the same for you<3
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I hope you enjoyed<3
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kuroos-babie · 4 years
This is Home
Tendō Satori x fem!Reader
[ Oneshot ]
wc: 1.6k
Request: The Tendou childhood sweethearts scenario is just so friking cute. Is it okay if I ask for a one shot of them in high school?  —anonymous
a/n: so this is like a second part to red craft yarn inspired by the request above and ½ of a request from @lunabby010 !! sorry it took so long, i hope you like this one 🥺 also tagging @bitchofthecourt ​ bec u might wanna see this hehe
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The sound of your best friend’s footsteps bounced across the walls as he skipped and skidded through the dorm halls, stopping right by your door.
“Y/N-chan~” was his little chant as he slowly opened the door without waiting for your reply, spiky red hair sprouting from the gap as he peeked through it.
He had a cheeky smirk on his face when he saw you sitting on your study desk, earbuds in and your back to the door. Tiptoeing silently, he wrapped his long lanky arms around both your shoulders, earning a surprised squeak from you.
“Satori don’t scare me like that”
It came out as a whine but you leaned back to him nonetheless, reaching back to pet at his hair, “How was practice?”
Breathing in, you caught a whiff of his lemon-scented shampoo and minty toothpaste, his own breath fanning against your ear as he chuckled. It was a familiar scent, a familiar feeling of being wrapped comfortably in his arms, that always lulled you into a dreamlike trance — one you wouldn’t mind never waking up from.
“Can we cuddle? We did so many drills today and that Chemistry test sucked”, you could already hear the little pout in his voice and you couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Please? I’m so tired. I just want you to hold me, Y/N-chan~”
He rubbed his cheek against yours, earning a fit of giggles from you as his back ached from bending over low enough to reach your seated position, “Alright alright”, you replied in between smiles.
With a short celebratory “yay!”, your bestfriend assumed his regular position on your bed and stretched his arms out for you and made grabby hands, beckoning for you to lay on top of him.
You did so with a soft smile on your face, straddling his waist before leaning down and resting your chin on your hands, elbows on the mattress beside either side of his head.
He smiled at you broad and lazy before wrapping his arms around your waist, squeezing you tight, “Y/N-chan, you’re the best”
You gave the compliment you’ve heard a hundred times before a short chuckle before lightly tracing the bridge of his nose with a finger, the action making Tendō instantly relax.
He closed his eyes and let out a sigh, his breath tickling your face. He caught your hand in his and pressed your palm against his cheek.
Tendō let his fingers wander over the worn-out thread that wrapped around your finger, playing with the red craft yarn that silently held your promise to be with him forever.
The content smile he had pressed against your palm caused a comforting heat to creep up your cheeks as you buried your face against the crook of his neck
"No, you", was your weak retort which he just laughed over before turning to his side and wrapping his leg over your waist.
"Let's go out tomorrow"
You shook your head, your hair tickling his chin, "Sorry Satori-kun, I promised Suga-san I'll help him with errands tomorrow"
"Again? You've been helping him out a lot since our last match", you looked up at his pouting face, "you've been neglecting me~"
You rubbed your nose against his chin with a giggle and a promise to make it up to him which he dramatically took a hot minute to agree with.
The weekend comes rolling in and you soon found yourself with Karasuno's setter, sat in a quaint little café after finishing up with your grocery runs and a short trip to the shopping district.
"You've been a great help, Y/N-san! I couldn't even imagine doing all those without you"
He smiled at you a beaming one as he reached over to grab your hands, "I'm glad I could help you with that thing, though"
You felt your face effectively flush as he sent you a cheeky grin, wiggling his eyebrows at the tiny drawstring bag in your purse.
"Thank you, Suga-san. It was a tough time picking out the best one"
You continued chatting with the grey-haired man in front of you, basking in laughs and banter shared over some drinks and croissants, completely oblivious of the pair of red eyes ruefully observing the way you and Sugawara seem to perfectly fit each other.
The setter seemed to complement every beautiful feature you had, warm smiles and soft eyes were a stark contrast to his piercing ones, Tendō thought.
He left with a sigh, not wanting to see you getting comfortable with another guy that wasn't him.
Damn. Jealousy wasn't great on him at all.
Acting purely on instinct and muscle memory, Tendō walked over to your dorm room and plopped on your bed before even realizing it wasn't his own.
He laid there, face down, and replayed the scene of you laughing with that pretty boy over and over again until he fell asleep on your sheets, the familiar smell of it the only thing comforting him in the chill of the empty bed.
You arrived later— an hour or so, to your bestfriend lightly snoring on your bed, clutching your pillow.
He stirred a bit, the mattress dipped beside him as you sat down, running your fingers through his hair.
It's always been soft, just like you speculated back when you were kids.
"Satori-kun~ I got you some chocolate croissants"
After a moment or two of silence, he let his hand lazily snake around your waist to pull you closer, his other hand reaching for yours that was still playing with his hair.
His hand played with your fingers, rubbing and squeezing them but soon came to halt when they grazed over your ring finger.
"You don't have it on"
He looked up at you with evident panic in his eyes, the absence of the silent promise between the two of you effectively causing a chill to run up his spine, giving him this disgusting feeling in his gut.
"Y/N?", he searched for your face but he only found confusion in the way you tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows, "You don't have the red string on"
"Oh that!"
Tendō didn't really know what to make out of your reaction but his mind was reeling, running a thousand miles a second with thoughts of you going off with that Sugawara guy— was that why you took off your makeshift ring?
He bit his lip at the thought, willing the headache that was starting to creep in away.
"I just thought it was a little worn out," you whispered and took his hand in yours, unwrapping the red string from his finger— undoing the safety blanket he had on for years.
Was this you saying good bye to your promise?
"Y/N, no. Please—"
The look in his eyes was pure panic, distraught by the thought of you leaving him behind.
But your thumbs running over the back of his hand helped ease his nerves and pull him back down with you again— like you always did.
"Hey, calm down. I got a better one for us"
He watched you, his breath slightly heaving, as you pulled the small pouch from your purse, "Suga-san helped me pick it out"
The ache in his chest quickly disappeared as he saw you pull out a ring from the pouch and put it on your finger where the red craft yarn had previously been, "This one's mine"
His eyes widened as you pulled out another one, the same silver ring with a red band running its length, and proceeded to put it on his finger— once again enveloping him with the feeling of being wanted, of being safe.
"And this one's yours", you said with a grin as you looked at him, sliding the ring snug on his ring finger.
When he didn't say anything, you pulled his face close to press your forehead against his, closing your eyes and bumping your nose with his.
"I didn't want my promise to be held by a flimsy piece of craft yarn"
With that, Tendō went slack, all the tension in his body bidding good bye as he held your face in his hands— your face that still fit snuggly in his palms after all those years.
"I thought you were done with me. I thought you were gonna leave me and go off with your Suga-san"
You hastily pulled away from his hold, gripping his shoulders for support, "What?! I told you I'm staying with you forever, didn't I?"
The scowl on your face made Tendō laugh as he sighed, cupping your cheeks once again, "Yeah, you did"
He was pulling you closer, gently, slowly, "And I told you I was going to marry you, didn't I?"
His eyes were now closed but his lips kept that soft smile, "I guess you did"
"And I told you I'll marry you again and again— over and over, until you believed that I'll forever stay with you, didn't I?"
You squeezed at his shoulders, making him look at you, his eyes beholding you with all the adoration in the world, "So, please, Tendō Satori"
You held his wrists and pulled his hands off your face, cupping Tendō's face instead
"Marry me right now?"
He gave you a soft chuckle, the cold from the metal band on your finger a foreign feeling but was definitely something he could get used to
"You know I would"
And as you pulled him closer, lips softly brushing, bodies flushed against each other, he felt his heart beat at ease— knowing it belongs to you
Knowing that his place was in your arms and in your arms was home.
"Y/N-chaaan~ I told you I was saving that kiss for the real thing!" his lip jutted out in a pout, tempting you to press another kiss on it, sucking ever so lightly before pulling away.
"Can't this just be the real thing?"
You tried to attack him with kisses but he was pushing you away, craning his neck to get his face away from you
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nicolewoo · 3 years
Pairing: Dom Roman Reigns X Sub Reader, Dom Dean Ambrose X Sub Reader
Warning: SMUT. Sharing. Double penetration. Whipping, spanking, riding crop,.. Just know it’s smutty. You’re warned.
Requested by: Startwithaheart. Thanks for the great idea. I hope I did it justice.
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“Where’s Y/N?” Dean asked looking out over the ocean from my back deck.
I handed him a beer and opened my own. “She’s upstairs doing something.”
Dean took a big swig of the beer I’d handed him, letting out a loud burp after. “You two still doing ok? Isn’t her contract about up?”
I shook my head, intentionally looking at the ocean to avoid looking at him. “Yeah yeah. Things are going great. We’re both eager to re-sign.” This was the time. I had to ask before second guessing myself. “But there is one thing....” I let the sentence trail off when the awkwardness of this conversation hit me again.
Dean looked at me, motioning for me to continue. “What kind of thing?” He turned toward me a bit. When I wasn’t quick to answer, he continued. “Run it by me. Maybe I can help.”
I took a deep breath before turning to him. “Y/N has one fantasy that I can’t fulfill on my own.”
Dean processed the information quickly. “Ah, your baby girl wants a three-way?” He nodded as if the information didn’t surprise him. “You want some help pickin out the right girl?”
“The thing is, she wants another guy, another dom to join us. She wants both of us to dominate her.” I paused hoping he’d just volunteer, but he didn’t. I couldn’t look at him for the next part. “She wants you to join us.” Dean was stunned into silence. I knew Dean preferred open relationships. That was no secret, so why didn’t he just agree?
“Ro, man. This is YOUR baby girl. I know how much you love her, and I know how jealous you can get.” He looked back out at the ocean. “This is a bad idea. I’d be worried our friendship couldn’t make it through this.”
I looked Dean in the eye, letting him know I was serious. “I’ve thought about this a lot. She told me about this fantasy when we first got together, so trust me, I’ve thought about how it’s going to feel. Hell, she and I have talked about it a ton. It boils down to this. We wouldn’t trust anyone BUT you.”
He took another swig of his beer. “You guys talked about me specifically?” His eyebrows raised on surprise.
“Yes, and we both agree on a one night thing.... just a special re-signing gift. Will you help us?” I practically begged.
I came down the stairs freshly showered and wearing a sundress. I’d fixed my hair and makeup both to look my best and to give the guys time to talk. Now, I was shaking with nerves as I descended. Both men looked at me. When I looked at Dean, I couldn’t tell how the meeting had gone. His stoic face hid any emotion he felt. It only made me more nervous.
Dean stood and met me at the base of the stairs, blocking my path. Standing one step higher than him, I was slightly taller than him. He reached his hand out and I took it. Did this mean he agreed? Lifting my hand up to his lips, he kissed my knuckles lightly. The simple little kiss answered my question. “Y/N. Is this what you want?” His stare was smoldering, his eyes taking in my whole body as he waited for me to answer. I couldn’t speak so I nodded yes. “Not good enough princess. You have to say it out loud.” He stepped closer to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. I nodded again, and tentatively said yes.
Dean pulled me harshly against him, and I felt his hard dick against my thigh as he pushed a knee between mine a fraction of a second before he pressed his lips to mine sweetly and finding me willing, he slid his tongue in my mouth. His taste flooded my already lustful thoughts. My body yielded to his dominance, pressing desperately against him as my hips rolled against his thigh trying to find relief from the desire building in my core. When the kiss ended, Dean stared into my eyes.
“You got a playroom Ro?”
Roman neared us now, and I scanned his face for any sign that he wanted to stop this. Instead, he looked ready; the tent in his pants showing his desires. “Take him upstairs baby girl. Show him where we play.”
I turned quietly, but Dean kept his arm around my waist. He pulled me tightly, roughly against him, rutting his cock into my ass as he locked his lips on the back of my neck. I moaned at his touch, but he pulled away much too quickly, giving my ass a swat almost hard enough to knock me over. I yipped at the pain, and quickly recovered.
The closer we got to the play room, the harder my heart beat. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this. I was actually going to fulfill my deepest fantasy. I was as scared as I was excited.
I led Dean and Ro upstairs, and I could feel Dean’s eyes following my every move. My mind spiraled out of control for a minute. Do I look good in this dress? Is Dean going to like my body? How harsh would he be? Would he like the way I taste? As we neared the door I waited for Dean to enter first while I lagged behind to be reassured by Roman for a second.
“You can still stop this, baby girl. Is that what you want?” I shook my head no. “Then what is it? Tell daddy.”
I cast my eyes down to the floor, knowing he wouldn’t like my next answer, but I still needed to tell the truth. “What if he doesn’t like me?” I had tried to whisper, but as soon as I said it, Dean turned around.
“Ah, Doll. Look at me.” He took my face in his hands forcing me to look at him. “You’re a knockout baby. I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw ya, but Ro doesn’t like to share.” He kissed me passionately, snaking his arms around me and pulled me against him so I could feel his rock hard cock. I melted into his kiss. His kisses were tougher than Roman’s. There was an urgency to them, like he needed to devour me soon or he’d explode. Roman was never in a hurry. He took great pride in making me wait until I begged him to fuck me. What other surprises would this night bring?
“Take your normal place, doll.” Dean said and motioned me to come into the room. I did as directed and stood in the center of the room. “Clothed? Standing?” Dean asked Roman.
Ro shrugged. “I like undressing her.” He walked over to a table with a couple of glasses and the whiskey Roman liked. He filled them, handed one to Dean. “Have a seat,” he said, and they sat, both of them just openly leering at me. Roman knew just how uncomfortable I was the first few times he did this. He knew that having Dean here would stir up that discomfort and heighten my arousal.
They sat quietly, sipping their drinks for a few minutes before Dean downed his drink with a hearty “Ah” before he stood. “Enough of that. Mind if I....?” Dean trailed off but motioned to me.
“Yeah. If you’re ready to play, go ahead.” Roman said it so nonchalantly I was surprised. He had promised that he was ready to accept this, but I had expected a little hesitation at sharing me. Before my mind could process the thought, Dean was kissing me so roughly, so passionately it wiped the thoughts out of my head. He grabbed and pulled at me roughly, my arms, my waist, my ass. He was everywhere. Just as fast as he started, he stopped. My head was spinning trying to process everything.
“Let’s get this dress off.” Dean pulled the dress over my head, dropping it on the floor and pushing it away with his foot. He wolf whistled as he surveyed my matching bra and panties in a pale pink. “Look at you, doll.” He walked around me, drinking in the sight of me as he trailed two fingertips over my body. When he reached my bra, he trailed his fingers over my already hard nipples. I inhaled sharply as a pang of need caused my core to clench looking for relief. “You’re just perfect. Bet you’re already wet for me. His hand flattened now, sliding toward my pussy and finding my underwear soaked. “I thought so.” He kissed me again as he brushed his fingers over my clothed clit. I gasped and bucked my hips toward him. “Good girl.” He grumbled between the kisses he was trailing down to my neck. I couldn’t help but smile, and noticing a change in my body language, he glanced up at me before turning to Ro. “A praise kink huh?” He looked amused. “I can handle that.”
He slid an arm around me, pulling me close as his fingers toyed with my nipples, squeezing and pulling lightly at first then harder and harder. It hurt so bad, I squeaked out. He immediately stopped the pain but ran the tip of his fingernail over my sensitive nipple. Need roared in me again, shooting straight to my pussy. I was panting now. Dean bent to lick my nipple. Even through the fabric, his tonged was hot and wet, and I didn’t want my bra in the way of it anymore. I whined with need and pressed my thighs together tightly. “Did you want something pet?” He slid his hand into the back of my underwear, grabbing a handful of my butt cheek.
He pressed his thigh between mine. I couldn’t help rolling my hips trying to get friction where I needed it the most. “What’s the matter, baby girl?” I hadn’t noticed Roman get up, but he came up behind me, brushing my hair back and kissing my neck. Dean started kissing the other side as his hands grasped my hips, guiding my pussy across his thigh. I moaned and rolled my hips again. “Oh doll, you’re just a needy mess, aren’t you?” Dean asked and laughed when I moaned out a yes. “Let me see.” His hand slid into my underwear and between my mound and his thigh. “Ahhhh you’re all wet” he exclaimed as he started circling my clit with my fingers.
 I couldn’t help my reactions. I panted, whined, bucked my hips. They’d barely started, and I was already craving a much needed orgasm. Roman kept his lips near my neck. “Baby girl, are you ready for more?” I nodded overly excited.
It took Roman a fraction of a second to open the clasp of my bra, and Dean trailed kisses from my neck to my shoulder, leaving a trail of kisses as he slowly slid the straps off me. The bra fell to the floor and was quickly kicked out of the way. Dean turned me around before sliding his fingers inside my underwear and pulled them down to the floor too.
Roman picked me up easily, freeing the cloth from my feet and placed me back down. He knew I loved when he manhandled me, and I let out a little squeak of excitement that made him chuckle.
Dean peeled his shirt off letting it fall to the floor. “Where’s the toys?” He kicked his shoes off.
Roman motioned to the dresser. “The 3 drawers on the right.” He scooped me up and dropped me on the bed so hard I bounced.
I giggled as I sat up on my knees and held my arms up to Roman. “Again!”
“Not right now.” He started to turn away, and I quickly frowned.
“Again.” I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted at him.
He turned back to me brows raised. “Now you’re going to be a brat?” The word brat caught Dean’s attention, and he turned to watch us. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
I looked from Roman’s stern expression to Dean’s amused smirk.
Looking defiantly into Ro’s eyes, “Again.”
In a fraction of a second, Ro had flipped me on my stomach and spanked me HARD: right cheek then left. I screamed out with each searing stroke. He hadn’t spanked me this hard since he’d tested my limits when we first got together. He grabbed a handful of my hair, yanking my head up to see him. “Do you have anything to say now?” He growled down to me.
“No daddy.” I said quietly and politely.
He released my hair. “I didn’t think so” he huffed out.
Dean approached me from the other side of the bed. He grabbed another handful of hair, causing my already sore scalp to sear in pain. “See ya later, doll” he said just before Roman slipped a blindfold over my eyes.
Dean flipped me now, without the fun bounce, and both men started to shackle me to the bed frame. “Too tight?” Dean asked as he tightened the strap on my wrist.
My inner brat now subdued, I answered “No sir.”
“That’s more like it.” Ro said. He leaned down and kissed me passionately.
I felt Dean sit on the bed next to me and stroke my hair softly. “That’s a good girl.”  He slid his hand over my body finding my breast and playing tenderly with my nipple. He leaned down, taking my tit in his mouth, his tongue licking furiously over the nipple. I moaned and tried to press my legs together for relief from the desperate need inside me, but I couldn’t with my legs shackled to the bed.
“Dean, she’s ready.” Roman’s comment wasn’t meant for me, but I wanted to know what he meant.
“Ready for what?” I moaned.
“Shhhh. Just relax baby doll.” Dean whispered to me. “Daddy Dean is gonna take care of you.”
I felt as he moved to the foot of the bed trailing his hands down my body as he went. As his hand slid over my mound, I bucked my hips and mewled out in need.
“What’s the matter baby girl?” Roman’s amused voice whispered in my ear.
My response was more of a pant than an answer. “I neeeeed….” Dean’s hands slid from my feet slowly up my legs. He peppered kisses over my thighs as he went. I couldn’t finish my sentence, a whine interrupting me.
“You need? What do you need?” Ro teased.
“Daddy!!!” I cried out as Dean’s finger slipped over my clit.
Roman shushed me while he ran his hand over my hair. “Is Daddy Dean making you feel good?” I knew he could read my body language. He knew just how horny I was getting. I needed relief. My daddy wouldn’t make me wait too long for relief, but what would Daddy Dean do?
A split second later, Dean licked a strip across my folds eliciting a moan from me. My head swam in desire. I bucked my hips up to meet him, and I heard him moan when I did, the vibrations making his licking even better. He grabbed my hips hard, holding me mid-air to get me exactly where he wanted me, and then, he devoured me. I wanted to help hold myself up, but his talented mouth was the only thing I could focus on. His mouth and Roman’s tender kisses. We fell silent, Dean focused on my pussy, Roman teasing my nipples and kissing me and cooing out praises to me.
Minutes later, an all-encompassing orgasm racked through my body. Dean slid a finger into me, easing a bit of the clenching as he brought me gently down from my orgasm. “Whoa Whoa Whoa!” Dean stopped his ministrations. “I didn’t tell you you could cum, did I?” He pulled the blindfold up so I could see him.
Shit. “I’m so sorry Daddy Dean. I couldn’t help it. You were making me feel too good.”  Roman would have been flattered and let me off the hook, but the look on Dean’s face told me he had other plans.
He turned suddenly and went back to the dresser, grabbing a couple of things from the drawers before returning and putting the blindfold back on… with one hand behind his back hiding what he picked. Suddenly, a terrible pain radiated through the skin of my chest. It was a cat -of-9 tails. Normally my favorite toy, but Daddy Roman never hit me this hard. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t. I was ready to call yellow when the next hit came. The third though was not as hard, and relief washed over me as I realized the worst was done. “You gonna cum without permission again, doll?” Dean’s menacing voice growled in my ear.
“N…no… no sir.” I stuttered out as a tear ran down my temple.
“I didn’t think so.” Dean kept his mouth close to my ear, taking the lobe in his mouth and suckling sweetly before biting down hard on it, which made me cry out in pain.
Roman grumbled. “Hey, not so hard.” He was telling Dean.
The cat of 9 hit my chest again, but much lighter than before. This was closer to what I was used to. “She’s ok. Aren’t you?” he asked me.
Ro lifted up my blindfold a bit. “You ok?” he asked.
I nodded as I swallowed. “Yes daddy. Just not used to it.” He looked worried. “I’m good daddy. Just need a few more orgasms.” I smirked up to him, which made him chuckle.
“She’s fine.” He laughed as he put the blindfold back on.
Dean grabbed a handful of my hair and lifted my face up to kiss me roughly before tapping the soft head of his cock against my lips. I opened obediently and stuck my tongue out as far as I could. “Fuck! You look so hot like that.” He said before sliding his cock slowly in my mouth. The moan that escaped his mouth comforted me. He liked how I sucked his dick. He wasn’t as long as Roman, but his girth was daunting, and I struggled a minute to adjust. As I fell into a rhythm, he released my hair, allowing me to take him as I wanted, and damn he tasted so good.
Roman kissed a trail down my body, stopping to lick and suck my nipple gently on the way. The tender touches from both of my daddies was so opposite the harsh punishment I’d just gotten that it made my head swim even more.
The lower Ro kissed, the more desperate noises I made with my mouth around Dean’s dick, and I knew the vibrations had to be pleasing him, but I couldn’t see him. I could only judge the effect I was having on him by his hands, the praises he cooed down to me and the throbbing of his dick in my mouth.
Roman’s finger slid into my pussy, moaning when he felt how wet I was. Sliding another finger in, he went straight to my g-spot. He knew it would make me cum. I knew it would make me cum too, but I had no way to stop it. I started tapping feverishly at Dean’s thigh, trying to get him to pull out of my mouth, but he didn’t stop right away. He thrust a few more times into my mouth while tears steamed out of my eyes.
Roman must have interceded because Dean finally pulled out. “What’s up doll?” he asked.
I gasped air so Roman answered. “She needs to cum.”
“Again?” There was a hint of amusement in Dean’s voice.  
Ro laughed back. “In her defense, the g-spot is the fastest way to get her to cum.” He continued to stroke inside me just the way I liked as I cried out desperately.
“Please. Daddies! Please! May I cum?”
Dean laughed at my desperation. “She’s so fuckin cute when she begs.” Ro agreed.
“Should we let her?” Ro asked.
A sudden strike to my stomach made me yip. Ah, the riding crop. Another of my favorites. Either Dean and I had similar tastes or they had discussed toys earlier. “If only you’d asked before you came last time.” He teased evilly. “No. Not yet. You’re gonna have to wait a while baby.”
Roman stilled his fingers before pulling them out very slowly. “No! No! No!” I cried desperately as my core clenched trying to find some friction, some relief.
“Yes,” he said firmly.
“Darlin’, The next time you cum is gonna be on my cock.” Dean said before kissing me and playing with my nipples. He grabbed my hand, pulling it to his hard dick. I didn’t need a command to start pumping him. I was rewarded with a long low moan from him.
Ro began peppering kisses over my legs, my thighs and my hood, but he never touched where I needed him the most. I whimpered and tried to buck my hips, but he held me firm.
The men fell silent for a second, and I wondered what was happening when a faint sound from Ro clued me into the fact that they were whispering…. Planning what they were going to do. I focused on stroking Dean, knowing he wasn’t going to let me cum until I earned it this time.
Dean removed my blindfold and both men un-shackled me. “Come over here.” He laid down beside me and pulled me on top of him. “You’re gonna ride me now.”
They didn’t give me any time to think before four hands grabbed at my waist and hips and guided me down onto Dean’s dick. Being shorter and thicker than Roman, he filled me in a way I wasn’t used to, and as he was sheathed to the hilt inside me, we both moaned in relief.
“So fucking tight!” Dean pulled me down until I was face to face with him and kissed me passionately while I began to rock back and forth. “That’s it Doll. Ride me good.” It didn’t matter what Dean said now. I was so lost in the feeling of him inside me, I could hardly think of anything else.
Once I’d found a rhythm, I sat up, reveling in the feeling of him being so deep. Roman came behind me, holding my hips to control my pace. He pulled my hair back and began kissing my neck. “How is my baby girl doing?” He purred in my ear. My moan was the only answer I could give. “Good girl.” He wrapped his arm around me and started playing with my nipple, twisting and pulling it gently. The combination of the sensations drove me over the edge. I came with a wild scream; my entire body went limp as waves of pleasure rolled through my body. Roman began cooing praises to me; telling me how good I was doing, how sexy I looked, all the things he knew I wanted to hear.  
As the lustful haze in my head faded, I noticed that Dean wasn’t making a sound, and he wasn’t moving. I looked down to see him staring at me, eyes glazed in desire. “Dean? Are you ok?”
His huge smile answered before he could. “I’m wonderful, doll. Wonderful. Just enjoying that tight pussy squeezing my cock.” He pulled me down to him and kissed me passionately before starting to move his hips again. I wanted to roll with him, but my legs were like jelly. “Just relax. I’ve got ya.” Dean grabbed my hips and began bucking inside me. He was rough and fast and my body was already sensitive. He was all I could concentrate on.
I knew Roman was still in the room, but he wasn’t near me. A few minutes later when I felt his hands massaging my ass cheeks, I knew where he’d gone. A well lubricated finger slid in my ass gently. My head snapped up at the feel. Full. So full, and I knew I was going to get fuller. Dean pulled me in for a long kiss that made my head spin. “Look at me.” Dean said, and I did.
Roman slid a second finger in after the first. This. This was what I wanted; what I craved. What I was both excited for and scared of. Dean held my gaze as Roman pulled his fingers out. “It’s time for you to cum baby girl.”
“Wha…?” Before I could finish my sentence, Dean flipped me on my back, pulled my legs over his shoulders and started pounding mercilessly into me. He was fast. He was rough. He bit and grabbed and pulled and pounded into me like a wild beast.
“You heard Ro. It’s time for you to cum.” Dean’s voice took on his dominant tone as he wrapped a hand around my neck. “Cum all over Daddy Dean’s cock.”
My ears started ringing, my eyes going dark around the edges. I exploded the second he removed his hand from my throat. Relief rolling over my body in a warm tingly wave of pleasure. Dean didn’t stop. He didn’t even slow down. Another orgasm started just seconds after the last. “That’s it doll.” He cooed to me.
He slowed down now. Like someone hit a switch, he went from mercilessly fucking me to making love to me. He kissed, nipped, sucked and caressed. After a few minutes, I saw him look over at Ro and nod. He grabbed my waist and rolled us until I was on top. Roman’s hands grabbed my hips. “Did Daddy Dean fuck you good, baby girl?” I nodded. “You ready for more?” I nodded again. “Ok baby, I want you to just relax. Dean and I will hold you up. All you have to do is relax.” He kissed my neck before sitting up and pressing the tip of his cock to the entrance of my ass. Dean stopped all movement, letting me adjust as Roman slowly slid in. “You’re doing great baby.”
Dean kissed me deeply as Joe slid further and further. It got so quiet in the room, all of us holding our collective breaths to see if I could handle both of them. Before I knew it, Roman said “That’s it. I’m in. Are you ok, baby girl?”
“Yes.” I said. “You can move now, Dean.”
“You sure?” he smiled up at me. I was only ½ way through a nod when he bucked into me. “Fuck! That just makes her tighter” he said to Roman who chuckled.
“Like she’s not tight enough as it is?”
Dean laughed softly, staring at me the whole time. “No kidding.”
Dean moved slowly, gently while Roman stayed still sheathed inside my ass. After a few minutes, Roman started moving too. The sensations were overwhelming, and I came again and again. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. I became a being made of pure sensation. Dean’s face turned red, spots of sweat dotting his forehead, and the groans from my Samoan daddy told me how good he felt.
Dean came with a loud roar, bucking into me so hard that Ro pulled out of me on one thrust. Roman waited a minute and then pulled me off Dean, who turned to face me. Roman left and I heard the shower turn on for a few minutes while Dean and I laid silently kissing and caressing. “You did it. You did so good for us.” He whispered as he kissed my forehead.
“I did it.” I sighed out. I could feel my eyes drooping. I needed sleep, bad.
“You’re almost done.” Roman said as he climbed into the bed behind me. He smelled clean and wet and like my daddy. “How do you want me baby?” He kissed my shoulder as he pulled me tightly against him.
“Just like this.” I could fee his hard dick pressing against my slit, and realize that like this, I might be able to find the energy to move my hips to meet his, so at least I’d be contributing something. I tried lifting my head off the pillow but couldn’t.
Ro slid into me with great care. He kissed my neck now as he started to move. I tried to help but ended up being all off rhythm. “It’s ok, baby girl. You don’t have to do anything.”
Dean returned after his shower, climbing into the bed in front of me. He smirked mischievously at me as he reached up to play with my tits. “Is your daddy making you feel good?” he teased me. I nodded at him, feeling another orgasm building.
“Can I…?” I started, and both daddies said yes at the same time.
I fell, slowly slipping into the abyss of ecstasy as both men touched me, kissed me, praised me. Roman came a couple of minutes later. I laid on Dean’s chest recovering while Roman regained his breath.
“I know you guys said this is a one time thing, but if you EVER change your minds, I’ll be happy to do this again….” Dean kissed my forehead, leaving his lips there as he said “and again and again and again.” We all laughed. 
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole​
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katsucutie · 4 years
if you're still taking requests i was wondering if i could get some head-canons about them with an s/o that owns a crap ton (4-5) of snakes and bearded dragons? its cool if not tho thanks for the opportunity :))
Okay so when Bakugou first saw your bearded dragons, he thought they were gross
He literally did not go near its terrarium the first 3 times he visited your house
And the times after that, he made an effort not to look at the reptiles when he was close to the terrarium
Sometimes you would joke around saying the only reason Bakugou avoided your bearded dragons is because he was scared of them
But Bakugou would never admit to that
Just give the blonde some time to get used to the reptiles, and he’ll come to like them
When you first showed Shouto your snakes, he held a blank face which made you believe that he did not like them
He never said anything about your pets, nor the number that you had
And when you took them out of its terrarium he never batted an eye
Although, one day after heading back to your room from the bathroom, you overheard Shouto talking to your snakes about how he wished he had a pet growing up
And you might’ve teared up a bit
But at least you know now that he likes your snakes.
This boy loves your snakes
He always has them wrapped around his arms and constantly gives them snacks
And whenever y’all hang out, they're never in its terrarium
It’s as if he’s only dating you to see them
Although, you can’t complain
It's nice to have a s/o who loves your pets as much as you do
Shigaraki definitely thinks your bearded lizards are a nuisance at first
He doesn’t understand why you’d want a pet
Especially 5 of them
He’d tell you that you’re just wasting money on an animal that only views you as its feeder
But over time after seeing the joy they bring you, Shiggy begins to comprehend why you have a lot of bearded lizards
a/n - Thank you for this request! I didn’t know which characters you wanted so i just picked my favs, hope you enjoy. :))
tags//  @samanthaa-leanne
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tenthgrove · 3 years
Sorbet and Gelato Drabble- The Foundling in the Woods
(Cut for length. Child Reader, parental relationship)
This is a very strange forest. The leaves above you gather so thickly you cannot see the sky above them, as though night suddenly fell as you stepped in. They are tall trees, even taller than the temples at Arigento your father took you to pray when the hunger began. They are spindly and twisted, like looming figures staring down with malice. With the worst ones, the ones whose branches hang out in great arcs over you with an impossible stillness, your little legs run across the forest floor to get to the other side of the shadows as fast as you can. You are deathly afraid that one of those trees is going to fall on you.
You do not know this forest. It is very different from the outlying woodlands your father takes you to hunt in the summer. You do not know this forest and you are scared.
Why did father leave you here? Were you one of your older brothers you would understand as they are big, and strong and capable, but you are not yet five years old. Maybe he saw a god and fled in terror- your aunt the priestess says there are a number of gods and spirits who live amongst these trees, but now you think about it your father did not run at all. He just left.
You continue on through the woods nervously, scrambling over roots and standing on stumps to try and see more of the route ahead. If there really are gods in these woods, or at very least hunters, maybe you will find a house eventually to rest in. You are small, and could easily slip through a window and under a bed so you are not found. That way they would not be angry at you. You hope the gods have food in their houses as well, because you are starting to feel hungry.
A wolf howls in the distance. It is not the first time. You are scared because the wolf-howls keep getting louder and louder and you cannot hear the human voices that would suggest they are hunters’ wolves. You start to walk faster. Maybe if they are like the dogs in your village they will not bother you if you aren’t afraid. But you are afraid. Will they notice?
Another sound comes from the forest. A low, angry snarl. A flash of silver darts between the leaves. You run.
Many paws bound against the ground as your chase begins. You look behind yourself briefly, terror only growing each time you see the number of angry, snarling wolves behind you increasing. Your breaths are sharp, panicked little whimpers that grow louder as your chest starts to hurt. You’ve never had to run like this before, and it’s painful. But you know if you stop they’ll catch you.
A giant oak lies ahead of you, bark withered with age. You are not very good at climbing but you can manage it when the trees are bumpy like this one, so maybe if you try, the wolves will go away.
Arriving at the base of the tree, you halt in terror. Wrapped around the lowest branch is the biggest snake you’ve ever seen, big blue eyes and coal black scales and teeth bigger than your own that are sharp as blades. The snake hisses, rearing up as it unfurls itself from the branch. Behind you the wolves close in. You scream, and fall to the ground.
You are not bitten.
One of the wolves starts to whimper and scream behind you. The rest seem to be running away judging by the sounds their paws are making but you dare not look to see. The wolf that was in pain goes quiet, something large slumping to the ground. You dare to peek.
The blue-eyed snake has its enormous body wrapped around the wolf, teeth sunk into its neck at the base of a trail of blood. When the wolf is still, the snake removes its fangs, clear venom still dripping from its mouth. You get up and start to back away slowly, but the snake notices. It doesn’t attack like you fear it might, only moves towards you slowly.
You try to run. It’s only natural after what you’ve just seen it do. The snake is quicker than you are, getting in front of you in seconds and wrapping itself around your feet. You scurry to a stop so you do not fall over, and the snake does something strange. It reaches up for a low hanging branch and pulls off a small, white flower. It rears up so its head is at your height, as though offering the flower to you. Nervously, you take it, and the snake lies down, satisfied. You don’t think it’s going to hurt you now.
Exhausted from your run and the hours of wandering in the forest, you sit down. The snake circles itself around you once, forming a protective ring around your body. You pet its scales. They are smooth and cool.
Some time later, you fall asleep.
The first thing you are aware of when you wake up is that you are not being held by the snake anymore. There is still the sensation of its scales under your hand but the creature holding you is larger now, warmer, and with hands of its own that trail through the softness of your hair. Has a person found you?
“Excuse me, mister? Could you please help me find my father?” you ask.
“Hush little one,” the man replies. “We’re working on it right this moment.”
Satisfied with the answer that your father may be returned to you soon, you relax, and lie content in the man’s arms. You soon realise why it is you thought you could still feel the snake in your hand- he is wearing a long-sleeved tunic made entirely of snakeskin. You wonder why he would choose to do that.
Another man steps out from behind the trees. It is still dark, more-so than before you fell asleep. And yet, you can see this man as clearly as a summer day. He is blond, youthful and husky with a woven weight tunic embellished with gold. Is he a rich man? Where are all his servants? He wears a cloth armguard that weaves itself as he walks, string extending from nowhere as it darts between the trees. He doesn’t seem to notice you awake.
“Sorbet, I have searched this entire forest and found not a single trace of mortals. Other than this child! There’s no way one that small could have wandered this far alone, especially with all the wolves around! Sorbet, this can only mean-”
“Gelato, save your anger. We both know what has happened. All that matters is we found them in time,” the man holding you intercedes. He sighs deeply. “It disgusts me as much as you, but humans have been doing this since time immemorial. In some kingdoms it is routine, when the child is deemed weak enough. Any attempts to return them to their family will not end well.”
“I know,” the golden man sighs. He snaps a twig beneath his feet and steps closer. “I’m still hunting them down after this,” he maintains.
“In which you will have my full support,” the one holding you agrees. There’s a hint of joy in his voice as he accepts the proposition. Still holding you, he stands. He passes you over into the golden man’s arms.
“Though it’s hard to tell on such little interaction, they seem a very sweet child. I’d wager they would do very well with us. Furthermore, our current standing with Athena should make it very easy to procure some artefact to immortalise this child, so now is as good a time as any to take them in.”
“Good. After Tithonus I’d rather not go through Zeus,” the blond man agrees.
“Who would?” the other snarls.
The next thing you know you are lifted into the air, the two men flying high above the canopy with you in their arms. The forest grows smaller beneath you.
At the deepest part of the forest. There is a house. It is a large house, grander than any king’s but empty, aside from two, now three, lone inhabitants.
Sorbet and Gelato do not sleep that night, not that their divine bodies have any need for rest other than their own pleasure. They remain awake for the sake of their child, who sleeps soundly in their new chambers, thanks in no small part to the healing serum applied to the many scrapes from their forest expedition.
Gelato traces his finger in a circle across their tiny palm. Sorbet sits across from him, checking frequently the temperature of the sheepskin pouch they filled with hot water to keep the little one warm. It is a very cold winter, after all. They look between each other, a silent acknowledgement for the mutual adoration for this sleeping little stranger. It’s a moment so… human.
It is not an act uncommon, amongst the gods, to take in a mortal child. Many are raised to be great heroes, to spread reverence of their patron’s dominion across the human world until fate comes to claim them. Sorbet and Gelato have no such wish for this child. They simply want you to feel loved.
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heroofpenamstan · 3 years
tagged by the lovelies: @shallow-gravy​, @shellibisshe​, @belorage​, @honeysides​, @strafethesesinners​, @faithchel​, @blissfulalchemist​! thank you, dears! x since i’m tragically late to the party as per usual, not going to be tagging anyone since i assume most of my mutuals have done it, but if you want to go right ahead and tag me too so i can see! :”)) also, fair warning: 80% of the questions i answered at ungodly hours overmedicated on paracetamol and it shows because re-reading this in the morning was a Yikes
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name: joanne burton alias(es): jo, annie ( mike exclusive ), burton, dep, jr. deputy, rook, traitor, sinner, wrath/pain in the ass ( john exclusive ), rabbit ( jacob exclusive ), heinous fucking bitch—( also john exclusive ), black widow ( new dawn au ) gender: cis. female age: 29 birth: 30th october, 1988 place of birth: meridian, idaho spoken languages: english; may or may not recite some hebrew lines over the holidays sexual preference: bisexual occupation(s): junior deputy of hope county, montana/menace to all cultists everywhere ( in a certain radius of said hope county, montana, anyway )
eye colour: brown hair colour: black height: 157cm ( 5′2 ), or approximately 7′11 when balancing on michael’s shoulders to peer inside john’s windows scars: split right eyebrow ( thanks, jake ), minor cuts and incorrectly healed bruises and gashes, scarred bullet wound on left hip ( you’re welcome, jake )
colour: orange or yellow or cyan, or whatever is more stupidly eye-catching and not at all fit for her current environment song: i’ve been thinking by handsome boy modeling school food: various stir-fries, fruits and protein ( or anything that she claims to be “healthy” when, truly, bitch is one step away from living off of instant noodles and canned pineapple and cigarette buds from dutch’s stash ) drink: beerherbal teas and infusions
passed university: no, but passing the police academy was already a pleasant enough surprise for her had sex: today? no. two weeks ago? probably had sex in public: probably said two weeks ago gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes, but we don’t talk about it kissed a boy: yes ( derogatory ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate ) gotten tattoos: yes, loads: most were practice scribbles for her ex-girlfriend, and the only true meaningful one she possesses is lydia, scrawled into her pinky in remembrance. otherwise, john seed do not even engage with that rusty ass tattoo gun— gotten piercings: yes, loads multiplied; if there’s a place for a piercing in her ears, she has them. also, an old septum piercing she hasn’t worn in a hot second been in love: yes, loads squared ( girl rents out her heart on the weekdays and cries about the scratches she notices on saturday, but still repeats it all over again come monday; falling in love for her is easy, but actually loving someone and getting over her self-loathing to do so is a whole different ball game ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: she’s probably on hour 31 as we speak ( someone knock her out pls )
a virgin: whitehorse has heard enough horror stories in the break room between her and joey to last him a lifetime a cuddler: closeted cuddler, yes a kisser: most definitely; woman has to play up her natural assets scared easily: her response time is too lagged for that jealous easily: depends; she’s more jealous of what she should have/could have/would have had in a general sense than being jealous of a particular person or a thing trustworthy: in her own way, yes dominant: disgustingly so submissive: not in this lifetime in love: very much so single: very much so part 2
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: yes, but it’s more by means of unintentional yet severe substance abuse thought of suicide: not as often as one would assume; joanne has a very strong sense of self-preservation, but tends to run from her bleak reality by means of one harmful way or the other attempted suicide: once or twice during her lowest points in life wanted to kill someone: on the daily have/had a job: girl had juggled three part-time jobs; there is nothing she fears anymore have any fears: ( see above ) to fall back into old bad habits, loss of control, death, failure, a bad future, poverty, being abandoned and forgotten, long stays at a hospital, the judges, the bliss, the power of john’s hair gel
sibling(s): micah burton ( older brother ) parent(s): abigail burton née belman ( mother ); jim burton ( father ) children: asher seed ( daughter in new dawn au ) significant other: jacob seed ( circumstantial lover/”could do without” mentor/#prisonwife #prisonhusband #imkidding #kinda ) pets: boomer for the cuddles, cheesecake for the throttles ( bitch naturally attracts the judges but will forget her dog 101 and run away like what does she think will happen then?? )
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name: michael scott-hughes alias(es): mike, mikey, mickey ( mary may exlusive ), mike the bike/fall’s end’s bicycle, resistance’s poster boy, manwhore, cassanova, the archangel ( joseph exclusive ), the antichrist ( also joseph exclusive ), war dog, hughes boy ( fairgrave exclusive ) gender: cis. male age: 30 birth: 6th july, 1988 place of birth: fall’s end, montana spoken languages: english, russian, basic chinese mandarin and turkish sexual preference: pansexual occupation(s): residential shady, shady man ( international arm’s dealer, most recently demoted to local resistance leader and occasional general goods store co-owner )
eye colour: green hair colour: brown height: 181cm ( 5′11 ), and 6ft on tinder jkjk man’s confident enough to not grasp for that extra inch, unlike someone ( john ) scars: heavily burnt left hand ( from trying to fish out his ex girlfriend’s boiling corpse r.i.p. to that steaming puss— ), gash on his right temple, nicely healed gun wound on left shoulder, not so nicely healed amputated right hand ( man’s not having the best time in my canon, is he ), various incorrectly healed cuts and bruises
colour: green and rustics song: wild world by yusuf/cat stevens food: unlike the faker above, michael actually likes to cook and eat healthy meals, so anything from salads to veggies to oatmeal to soups will do ( and meat; man’s been a vegetarian for a grand total of 4 days in his entire life ( or 14, if you count the time he got abducted to john’s bunker womp )) drink: sugary drinkswhiskey, fresh juices, “water can be so, so sexy, annie—”
passed university: no, though michael really busted his ass to self-educate on subjects that will be beneficial to his line of work had sex: we stopped keeping tabs and numbers nearly ten years ago had sex in public: we stopped blinking at these types of shenanigans nearly ten years ago too gotten pregnant/ someone else pregnant: yes? no? maybe? ( mike’s too afraid to even think about it, but hopes he hasn’t fathered any babies any time soon ) kissed a boy: yes ( affectionate ) kissed a girl: yes ( affectionate² ) gotten tattoos: yes: the sword of damocles on his left inner forearm, intertwined snakes running across his right ribs, a tiny smiley face on his ass lord save him gotten piercings: yes, and everyone hated his attempt to revive the 90s with his lil earring like c’mon you already have a reputation of being a sleaze— been in love: yes, but surprisingly not as many times as one may think ( truthfully, three times: mary may, lana, joanne mary may again ) stayed up for more than 24 hours: sometimes it just cannot be helped
a virgin: maybe in a past life as an amoeba a cuddler: yes ( try to escape his hold during a summer night i’ll give you 5 bucks if you can break the deadlock ) a kisser: he just exists to smooch at this point scared easily: truthfully, he’s quite desensitized as is, so it’s really hard to truly rock him jealous easily: no; though he might get a bit petty and bitter if someone mentions merle and mary may becuase, like, c’mon, mary—merle briggs? trustworthy: one of his better traits, but past events have shown that boy tends to lose some of his morals for love dominant: yes submissive: yes part 2 man will accommodate and switch it up in love: often single: loosely, often
RANDOM QUESTIONS (tw for self harm/suicide mention)
have they harmed themselves: michael has bad mental health trips stemming from having a lot of insecurities as a child; these may evolve into bad habits and pure recklessness on his part to prove his worth thought of suicide: these thoughts don’t come often, but when they do, it’s harder for him than most to shake them off and recover attempted suicide: once, during the boiling pit incident wanted to kill someone: yes, but it comes more from need than want usually have/had a job: yes, though no retail until he was 30 and stuck providing hope county with slugs and bullets have any fears: loneliness, rejection, abandonment, repercussions and consequences, not being good enough, powerlessness, loss, the angel pit, the process of dying
sibling(s): none, but: jackson hughes ( uncle ) parent(s): jessica hughes née scott ( mother ), david hughes ( father ) girl i have his whole family tree drawn up like you wouldn’t believe children: andrew hughes ( son in new dawn au and maybe canon ) significant other: mary may fairgrave ( childhood sweetheart/awkward ex/once in a rare cosmic event fuck buddy/volatile lovers ) pets: peaches loves him she doesn’t; she just wants to chew on his hair
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