#I heard she was the primary love interest during that time
sing-me-under · 1 year
I still love comics canon Jason Todd. I very much disdain comics Batman though, so I haven’t read the relevant issues… But I love to absorb all the information relating to Jason Todd through whatever forums and wikis are available.
Also I wish I could watch the entire interactive Death in the Family movie.
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sleepynegress · 1 year
If you ever find yourself in the position of living in the home of a parent who is disabled and requires full-time care and you are their primary caregiver for at least 2 years, and they intend to leave their assets to you after they pass, make sure to transfer ownership of their assets, home/land in your name ASAP...or they will require you to pay back any benefits received and claim those assets even out from under you, as soon as your loved one passes. This is yet another way that generational assets /wealth are easily taken out of marginalized communities. It is a loan.
And the sharks circle as soon as your loved one passes. Here's an article about it:
Decided to add context. I don't like to talk about it here, because ehh, social media is for my vapid entertainment thoughts for me. It's a hobby/getaway/ place to get semi-social with strangers and online friends with shared interests, but I don't want anyone else to go through what I am... Of course, this applies specifically to the U.S.'s broken healthcare system. So, for those who don't know, my mom passed recently. I am an only child with no siblings or children. My whole life during that time was 24/7 care. She had insurance, but it wasn't enough to cover everything that she needed, so Medicaid was the obvious solution, right? The government takes care of our disabled elderly who have worked until retirement, right? It seemed like the routine thing to do, I had never heard anything during the process about having to pay it back,but sure enough, less than 12 weeks after her passing, I was hit with a warning (which I followed up on and was told I would NOT be charged because of my caregiver status) and then 2 weeks later the "bill". The lady I spoke to, totally changed her attitude from the first time I spoke to her to the point where I felt scammed. Out came a patronizing voice certain people use with children, that measured whiny thing (it's always a red-flag to me and makes me instantly dislike you if you do this even with kids, btw... speak to kids like PEOPLE). I feel like an idiot. I have been doing this for over a decade and didn't think to transfer any assets of hers during that time because it *was* hers. I wanted her to feel as empowered about that as possible.
Not a single soul said I should transfer those assets to keep this from happening and now I'm facing down what feels like some kind of weird conspiracy to take the land and house.
FYI, there have been weird inquiries, the census came to mark down my mother's death literally *immediately* after she passed...and odd timing called the day of the notice to "help", with all the southern Christian signifiers (bless your heart we'll be praying for you).... It feels so seedy. Anyway, all this to say if you find yourself in a similar position....
TRANSFER THOSE ASSETS INTO YOUR NAME 2 years into caregiving or they will take them from you, house etc..
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myargalargan · 3 months
Polin’s Theme in Part 2 (a musical Polinalysis pt 3)
Okay friends, it’s time to talk about chord progressions!
In my first two Polinalyses, I talked mostly about the melody line of their musical theme and what I think it means in terms of storytelling. But the character of the theme the way we hear it in part 2 is completely different from what we hear in part 1, even though there’s only two changed notes in the melody line...
As a refresher, here's the theme as it is in part 1:
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And here is the way we hear it in part 2:
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I’ve circled the change in red. That's it—just those two measly notes at the end of the phrase.
But if you listen to the score, the part 1 variation has a sort of...thrilling, enticing quality (check out the "Never Been Kissed" track starting at about 1m35s).
While the part 2 variation is warmer. Rounder. More poignant, somehow (check out the track "A Surprise" at about the 20s mark).
So what else is going on besides just the minor change to the melody line? It's really the underlying harmonies that are driving the change in character.
Before we get into what those harmonies are, I wanted to give a bit of a primer on chords… There are seven primary chords in any musical key, and they are named in order—one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, then starting over at one again (using Roman numerals)—as you go up the scale. In a major key, the chords are as follows…
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Where the I (one) chord is also called the "tonic." I talked a bit about the tonic in my first musical Polinanalysis but basically, the tonic is like the home chord. Music—particularly music from the Western world—is typically a journey that carries us away from the tonic and then leads us back. That journey away from the tonic (and the desire to return) is what creates interest and movement in the music. The journey back brings us satisfaction. If the music never resolves to the tonic, then as we listen, we are suspended in tension and drama. Like a slow burn where no one ever kisses. 
If I were to play those chords again but stop on the vii chord…
…then even if you knew nothing about music theory, you might still know, instinctively, somewhere deep down in your core, how good it would feel to resolve back up to the tonic.
(Doesn’t that feel better now?)
So let’s bring this back to Polin’s theme. Let’s listen again, but this time with the underlying chords that make up the harmony (simplified for the sake of analysis).
Here’s the theme as we hear it in part 1…
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I’ve labeled the chords beneath each one. Do you see any Roman numeral 1s there?? Neither do I. The theme does not start on the tonic. It doesn’t end on the tonic. Nowhere in that musical phrase do we ever even land on the tonic just for a moment. If the tonic is home, then here we are lost.
Contrast this with the theme as we hear it in part 2…
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Lo! We start on the I, we end on the I… After all this time, we are finally home.
Fittingly, the times we hear the theme in full like this throughout part 2 are…
When Colin brings Penelope into Bridgerton house to announce their engagement (ep 5)
During Penelope's confession in the church that she’s loved Colin for as long as she’s known him (ep 6)
When Colin and Penelope exchange wedding vows and their first kiss as a married couple (ep 7)
After Penelope's Lady Whistledown confession, during Colin's speech about how fulfilled he is loving her (ep 8)
And of all the times we hear the theme in full in part 2, not once do we hear it again the way we heard it in part 1—meandering around but never landing on the tonic. 
If their theme in part 1 is all about the uncertainty and drama of “will they/won’t they” rom-com tension, part 2 is all about reaffirming, repeatedly over the course of those four episodes, that for Colin and Penelope, they are each other's home. 
Not to say that there aren’t other treatments of their theme in part 2 that create tension and uncertainty! But I’ll leave that for my next analysis… ;)
analysis part 1 | analysis part 2
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bad268 · 5 months
I love your writing so much!!
Can you kaybe do a Ralf Aron one where him and the readers parents go way back and they always thought that Ralf and the reader were going to marry each other?
Skip To That Part (Ralf Aron X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/WEC
Requested: Clearly (THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE)
Warnings: None (no physical descriptions of reader)
POV: Second Person (You/you)
W.C. 1270
Summary: Let's just skip to the best part of the wedding (save me from embarrassment). + Song Rec
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Today was the day. Your wedding day. As cliche as it sounded, you were excited to start the new chapter. Sure, not much of a new chapter when you grew up with your future husband, but a step forward nonetheless. Ralf and you had been friends since primary school and together since you were teens. You were interested in engineering, so it was easy to follow him around everywhere. You were able to help with his karts, and it was only a matter of time before he put a ring on your finger.
The only thoughts that ran through your head as you stood at the altar were that you could not believe it. All that planning was finally coming to fruition, and so far, it was perfect. The skies were clear, the weather was nice and the wedding itself was small. You only wanted your closest family and friends since you were both pretty reserved. Plus, this was your day. Neither of you needed to justify your want to have a small ceremony or reception. 
There was one very important part of the ceremony, though. It was something you were looking forward to, and when you first told Ralf about it, he thought it was a great idea. You had heard about people having their parents or married family members give you advice or tell a story during the ceremony, and every video you saw of it made you want to include it in your day. 
Your concentration (or lack thereof) when your mom and Ralf’s mom stood before you. You chuckled nervously before they took the place of the officiant and faced the rest of your families.
“Before we get started with the advice,” Your mom started as a few of your families looked at your mothers.
“We thought now would be a good time for a story,” His mom finished off. Everyone laughed, but you looked at Ralf nervously, knowing this was probably going to be an embarrassing story. His mom waited for everything to calm down before gesturing to your mom and saying, “For some background, I have known her for years.”
“That’s right! At least 30 years!” Your mom laughed, playing along. “And we said that when we had kids, we would force them to be friends.”
“Well, lucky for us, our kids didn’t need to be forced!” The entire group erupted in laughter as you leaned to try and hide your face in Ralf’s shoulder. “These two were always attached. I don’t even think I ever saw you apart!”
“I can think of one time where I walked in on you two-” Your mom started, but by the glint in her eyes, you knew this was not a story you wanted to air out.
“Mom, please don’t embarrass me too much on my wedding day,” You cut her off immediately. No one needed to know that story. Some things just needed to stay between you and her, and this was one of them. 
“Ok, we won’t say that story,” Your mom conceded as she brought her hand up to fix a hair that had fallen in front of your eyes. “But I will say this. One day, we took them to the local karting track. This was back when they both wanted to be F1 drivers.”
“Oh right! To say Ralf got beaten to a pulp was an understatement,” His mom chuckled, poking fun at her son.  
“We were like 7!” Ralf defended himself with a laugh.
“Anyways,” Your mom dragged out before gesturing to you, “You climbed out of that kart so quickly and ran to Ralf. I don’t even think I’ve seen Lightning McQueen go faster than that!”
“You hit him with such momentum that it knocked him over! Good thing you both were wearing helmets,” His mom joked. The rest of the guests also laughed as both of your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. “I said right then and there you two would get married, so thank you for making me 100 euros richer.”
“You bet money on my love life?” Ralf gasped as his mom added the last part. “I should get at least half! I mean, it is my life!”
“And I get the significant other’s tax of 50%,” You joked with everyone, but once everyone calmed down, you turned to your mom and mother-in-law, “Did you really make a bet based on that one interaction?”
“Oh no!” They both said quickly, almost offended at the accusation.
“There’s plenty of instances that led to the bet,” His mom said.
“Like when you first met, and you grabbed his hand and said, ‘mine’ before dragging him into your room.”
“Or when you both raced against each other, swapped cars and immediately said each other’s cars sucked.”
“Or when you joined Prema just to travel with him during his F4 and F3 champaigns.”
“Or when you said you couldn’t stand each other after every other time you hung out.”
“Or when you both admitted to not wanting to ruin your friendships because of your feelings,” Your mom exasperated. “I had to listen to it for three years! We had to do something!”
“What do you mean you had to do something?” You and Ralf asked skeptically. You did not like the sound of that. Neither of you did.
“Let’s just say someone had to give you a little push but don’t shoot the messenger,” His mom replied quickly as she raised her hands in surrender. That’s when you realized what they were talking about.
You were 15 when you became official with Ralf. He slipped a note in your post box, and you knew it was him because it was his handwriting. You knew his handwriting like the back of your hand. It was a love letter that you still had to this day. As soon as you read his confession, you went to his house and admitted your feelings. The rest was history. 
However, the way his mom said, “Don't shoot the messenger” got you thinking. You never mentioned the letter to Ralf, thinking he delivered it, but the way she said it seemed suspicious.
“Did you give me that letter?” You decided to just bite the bullet and ask.
“What letter?” Ralf asked as he glanced between you and his mom confused. “What am I missing here?”
“Ralf, did you or did you not confess to me through a letter?”
“No…” He trailed off but picked it back up in a second. “I wrote a letter once, but I threw it away. I was going to give it to you, but the day after I wrote it, you came over and confessed. I didn’t need to give it to you.”
“Would it happen to have started with, ‘How about we shift our gears and drive into the sunset together? Because with you, every road feels like a scenic route’?” His face said it all as his eye snapped to his mom. “So the bet is invalid because the messenger interfered. I petition to just move on and never speak of it again.”
With a laugh, they sat back down, and the officiant stood between us again. Just as the officiant was about to call up the first couple to give us advice, Ralf stopped them.
“Can we just skip to the part where we kiss? We can do the advice during the reception, but that story took forever,” Ralf pressed as he tried to pull you closer. The officiant looked at you for approval, to which you nodded with a sigh.
“I think it’s time we skip to that part.”
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ne-nene-ne · 2 years
Imagine being Nagi’s crush and Reo getting jealous, unsure whether it's because you're taking Nagi's attention or because he also likes you
seishiro nagi × fem!reader × reo mikage
- nagi is the primary love interest while reo has a one-sided crush on you (mostly from his pov too)
- includes a smidge of angst I'd say, (well actually not just a smidge teehee)
When Nagi was developing a crush on you, Reo was the first to notice. You were classmates, and you caught Nagi’s attention by playing the same mobile video game he did.
As Nagi was walking through the school yard with Reo, his ears perked up when he heard the familiar sounds of attacking noises and fanfare from his beloved game. Following the source of the sound, he found you, sitting on the bench and indeed playing the same video game that he did. You seemed so happy in your own little world that he didn't want to bother you. Instead, he would often peek behind your shoulder at a distance to see your progress. Your gaming tactics interested him.
Reo found the whole thing amusing at first. He elbowed Nagi lightly, "Why not just approach her and ask her about it instead of watching her like a creep?" Reo wouldn’t have encouraged him if he knew how this would eventually play out.
Nagi took his advice and approached you during those rare moments when you were having difficulty defeating a boss. You were incredibly concentrated on your phone screen, with your brows furrowed and teeth subtly biting your lower lip. It was an unusual sight to see that he finally felt the need to step in.
"Use that spell and use that attack at the same time, he'll be much easier to defeat", he says, earning a startled reaction from you as the silver-haired boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. Yet, you do as he says and end up finishing off the boss with ease.
You say your thanks, introduce yourselves, and segway into talking more about the game (and also exchange player ID's). The two of you began talking to each other more often.
This would be the beginning of Reo's 'dislike' for you.
Reo's irritation would increase when Nagi noticeably had you on his mind constantly.
Even with Reo next to him, Nagi's mind would still wander off to you. “I wonder if she’s online…”, he'd mutter and frequently check his phone, hoping that your active status would be green. The fact that Nagi would check nearly every 2 minutes particularly pissed him off.
In class, Nagi would come over to your desk, pull up a chair, whip his phone out, and you two would play the video game together. Poor Reo would be off to the side, sulking while his eyes were drilling holes into you. He'd be muttering to himself.
So what if you liked the same game as Nagi? What made you so special? Was it the way you'd sweetly smile at him whenever you saw him coming? Or was it the way your eyes lit up whenever he gave you a helpful tip to win? And that soft laugh whenever you thought he was being a bit silly. How annoying… Your blatant 'flirting' was irritating the hell out of him.
Reo was cut off from his thoughts when you suddenly called his name, beckoning him to come over with that same sweet smile of yours. And for a reason he couldn't comprehend, it made his heart beat a little bit quicker. What did you possibly want from him? He swallowed thickly as he approached you two. Turns out you wanted to learn how he and Nagi got into soccer as you noticed them practicing on the field after school.
'Is this your attempt to be nice? How dare you try to act so considerate when you're the root of the problem. I don't need your pity', Reo would think. Yet, he found himself answering all of your questions so willingly. Your eyes, brimming with genuine curiosity, were getting to him as he spoke that he ended up inviting you to watch their practice without thinking. Of course, you said yes.
Before he could come up with something to change your mind, the teacher came in and began class. He mentally punched himself. What was he doing? You were the enemy and he invited you to spend more time with them. But those eyes– It was those bright eyes that gazed at him while he spoke of his passions that got him carried away. He wanted more of it. You found his weak spot and he hated it.
And so you'd show up to their practices to watch them play. The moment both boys saw your figure waving at them, they'd instinctively try to show off. For Nagi, he hadn't realized it himself until he thought it odd that he wanted to put in a little more effort that day. (but that was just the effect you had on him). And for Reo, well, he just reasoned that if anyone at all was watching him, there's no doubt he'd want to look great.
But halfway through practice, he questioned himself. What was the use? You were looking at Nagi most of the time and not him anyway.
You had gained more of their affection when you brought them their favorite drinks and snacks once practice was over. Nagi would definitely eat most of the snacks you brought while you and Reo had to scold him to not eat either of yours. A muffled, "Thanks for the snacks, y/n" would come out of Nagi's mouth, now full of chips, and Reo would mutter a small "...thanks" (If you tell him to speak up or that you couldn't hear him, you'd get a rise out of him for sure, hehe)
And this would sorta be your routine with them. You would watch and wait for them to be done with practice and you three would hang out together afterwards.
Rather, in Reo's pov, it was more like you and Nagi hanging out while he was basically just third-wheeling, no matter how much you attempted to include him in your conversations with Nagi.
The interactions you two had were just different. The looks, smiles, and light touches that you'd give to Nagi weren’t the same ones you'd give to him. It was frustrating that what he wanted was right there but he could never have it.
And so maybe he could finally admit to himself that he's just jealous– Jealous that you were stealing both his best friend and his heart.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
Rafe Cameron x tutor!reader? I know it’s been done a lot but it’s a really fun idea.
This is possibly one of my favorite tropes in this fandom.
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Of course a storm had to hit the minute I wanted to leave after my meeting with Wheezie.
We finished up her math and her history homework in a few hours, Ward paid me and I had all of my stuff ready to go when I heard the booming of thunder over the estate. Rose had mentioned when I got there that there was some nasty weather coming towards us but I definitely was not expecting a tropical storm that's forcing everyone to stay in their homes till it passes- which, of course, would be tomorrow.
It's not the worst placed to be holed up, not in the least. They had plenty of food, plenty of guest bedrooms, Sarah and Wheezie and I already spend so much time together so it wasn't odd. But I'd never been forced to spend so much time under the same roof as Rafe.
I have no personal issues with him, I've just heard things throughout the different pogues that I hang out with, including Sarah's boyfriend who's had a thing against Rafe since they were in primary school- the last time they were in the same social bracket.
He's just the older, best friends brother, who'd go out of his way to mess with me if given the chance- whether than be at parties, during my meetings with Wheezie, or if he happens to be at the beach the same time I'm there, basking in the sun. He's an instigator, he loves the attention and he almost demands it whenever he walks in the room just by the stupid cocky look on his handsome face.
I practically jump out of my skin as the house shakes, rain pounding against the window of the guest room that I've forced myself into after gladly changing into a change of clothes that Sarah had graciously offered me.
"You okay?" My head snaps to the open door where Rafe stands, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. I give him a simple nod before looking back out the window, watching my bike fall over in their driveway with a sigh.
"That was my bike you heard hitting the ground." I huff, biting at the skin around my nails as I tuck my legs under me, heart pounding as I feel the weight of Rafe's gaze.
"I can give you a ride home in the morning- in fact, my dad's insisting I do." He laughs awkwardly, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, feet shuffling against the carpet.
"Thanks, Rafe." His name feels foreign as it leaves my lips as he steps into the room. "Do you need anything-"
"How's the, uh, sessions been with Wheezie?" He asks suddenly, cheeks blushed in a faint red tint. His question makes my brows tick up in confusion, wondering why on earth he cares- he's never been interested enough to ask. "That was a really poor attempt to try to talk to you." He chuckles bashfully, leaning against the wall only feet away from me.
"You could've just talked to me." I laugh, fisting the sleeves of my long-sleeve shirt, nervously biting at the inside of my cheek. If Wheezie was here, she's ask for some distance between us, constantly joking about my 'hormones' when it comes to her brother. She's way smarter than people give her credit for and you'd be so surprised on the things she's picked up on, even when you don't want her to.
"Yeah?" He asks, brows furrowing cutely. "Can we talk now?" His question makes my stomach flip, more so than the pounding thunder outside the walls as the rain violently hits against the window.
"About?" He shrugs, sliding down the wall to sit. "We've literally never had a substantial conversation. Why now?" I ask, jumping as another crash of thunder hits, lightening lighting the whole room up momentarily.
"In all honesty?" He asks with a sheepish laugh.
"I'd hope so." A few moments pass, Rafe's lips parted in silent words, the smile on his lips not fading as I wait.
"I think you're really hot."
I'm sorry, what?
I blink dumbly at him, jaw slack as he laughs. "That was unexpected." I whisper, reaching up to rub my hands down my face, taking a second to grin like an idiot into my palms. "Just like this storm." I snort, pointing out the window as the house rattles.
"Do you not like storms?" He asks, not phased one bit at chaos.
"I do. But only when I'm tucked in my bed in my trusty trailer and not in a mansion, in clothes and a room that aren't mine." I chuckle nervously, watching his brows settle and his lips tug down into a frown as he looks around the room.
"Well, it's not your bed or your room but I could tuck you in." He flirts, his grin making my head spin especially at the realization that he's openly flirting with me.
"I'll be fine-" I cut myself off with a squeak as another crack of lightening lights up the room, a loud laugh coming from Rafe who claps his hands in amusement.
"Mhm, you look fine." He teases, making his way over to sit beside me, his arm scooting around my waist to pull me into his side. I gawk up at him, taken completely off guard at his forwardness but he just smiles calmly.
"So you've gotten an excuse to talk to me and now what? Touch me?" I ask, finding it humorous that he'd ever take on the stance of a 'knight in shining armor' to protect me from the raging storm outside.
"Yeah, I'd say this is working out in my favor." He shrugs cockily but his soft smile tells a different story, his boyish gaze flickering across my hesitant expression. Reaching out, I press a hand to his chest and he raises his hands in surrender with a laugh.
"Cool it, hot shot. Before I tell your sister you came onto me." He scoffs at my threat, bumping his shoulder with mine before patting my knee as another crack of thunder sounds above us.
"She'd jump for joy."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @smoke-and-fire386 @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies @hysteriahall @piceous21 @igotmajordaddyissues
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azure-cherie · 6 months
Heyyy , I am super new into astrology and energy stuff but I always had this genuine question for forever. Do our energies change during menstruation? I don't know why but I always have had this feeling that menstruation and spirituality is somehow more together.
If you have any opinion/views/facts on this topic i would LOVE to hear them
— @aai-m
Hii babe ,
Thank you for asking this question it's really really interesting I'll be telling you what I know
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Menstrual blood has been compared to semen in some older texts , like semen is the source of a man's energy and conserving it makes him enhance his masculine energy likewise menstrual blood also enhances the energy of a women , the topic is rather debatable, the stopping of the menstruation in a women ( please note I'm taking about before the period of menopause) signifies that the women has high levels of prolactin which may lead to premature development of milk in a women . Milk which is associated to the primary nourishment form of a child , after a women gives birth it acts as the best nourishment for a child so somewhere or the else menstrual blood is related to milk and creation. Basically it's a play of our hormones.
The magic lies in the flowing of the blood as well , it is literally the blood that creates a child , it is potent and has lot of stem cells which can be used in menstruation magic which I don't know much about but you should read if you wanna know . One more thing to note is that the loss of menstrual blood is associated of the energetic purge a let go of desire and essence so it's oftentimes written that when a women is on her periods she takes energy from the sources around her because she's drained , it is energetically a part of us ,
our energies shift in a way that we are more receptive in this time to good and to the bad energies as well you will notice a rise in your intuition in this time , it's the time when you will be brought forth with divine inspiration which you will have the energy to follow in your follicular phase , it's a great practice to note down the things you wanna do in your menstrual phase , how are your feelings, what are your desires , it brings you closer to your authentic self .
Apart from that the cycle of your menstruation also tells you about yourself, like the concepts of red moon cycle , pink moon cycle etc , what are your best points where are you connecting in this phase of life , since it also associates with authenticity you will often noticed that women who are in too much stress or who have wounds get PCOS , no matter what the best way to heal is to heal your wounds , to do activities that calm down your stress levels , when a women lives in femininity and receptivity her stress levels are low .
Yes the cycles are an integral part of us , our energies definitely shift a lot in follicular in ovular etc , it's just feminine nature , during menstruation you're stronger , more receptive , you might be bleeding but You're capable of creating inside the womb and outside the womb as well , as it directly related to your sacral chakra .
A woman in her menstruation is also not allowed in temples because they compare her to a living goddess, I'm not quite sure about this point but I heard it somewhere . This is the perfect time to meditate and think about the energies you want to attract and what you want to let go of , the blood will bleed the sorrows away it will also give you power you will invite the good and let go of what no longer serves you .
If observed with intention this becomes a period of great rejuvenation and transformation, what a man acquires through meditation is what a woman naturally embodies through her cycles .
This is quite a big topic I hope you got an answer even if a Lil bit 🥺
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nyrhtak04 · 3 months
Inside Out 2
This is going to be pretty long, I think. Spoilers ahead.
I went to go see this with my siblings earlier this evening and oh. my. goodness. IT. WAS. AMAZING!!!
I did not go into it with high expectations, expecting another "first draft" movie. But no. It actually felt like a PIXAR movie.
Okay, the new emotions:
Anxiety: My immediate new favorite character. I love her wacky design and her VA (wasn't sure how Maya Hawke would do, but I absolutely ADORED her here). Also, as someone with GAD, she is my default emotion. I couldn't even hate her when she became the primary antagonist. And that panic attack scene. like.
Envy: Adorable. That's all I have to say. just. adorable. Again, character design and VA were perfect. I was kind of surprised that she was such a soft character. Almost seemed more like "emulation" or "admiration" than "envy." Wonder if they'll explore the harder/darker side of envy later I have only seen it once, so I could just be forgetting a part. I think there may have been a part where Envy caused Riley to side with the Firehawks. Anyway.
Ennui: Enjoyable character. Got a few laughs. Character design is fun like the others. I don't have strong opinions about them. I liked them.
Embarrassment: I liked the character design. "He's not big on eye contact or touching." Same dude. same. I was in physical pain whenever he was on screen, but I think that was the point. Also his teaming up with and hiding Sadness was so cute/sweet. Big marshmallow.
I've heard that guilt/shame were supposed to be involved. I would have loved this, but I can see how that might have made the movie a little too busy.
Now, the movie itself:
Some parts were rushed, but since this is a movie about anxiety, I'm not mad. Some worldbuilding parts could have been fleshed out more; it's only an hour and a half long, they could have made it a bit longer without it becoming tedious. Just linger on a few scenes a little.
Riley was ridiculously relatable. I mean, she always was, but this movie it's like they got footage of me. Except I got those feelings/thought processes a lot earlier than 13 and they've never gone away (if anything, they're getting worse. thanks burnout).
As someone who finds secondhand embarrassment to be physically painful, I spent most of the movie with my hands over my face. At one point (I think during the secrets vault) I slid down in my chair because I couldn't take it anymore. The squeaks and shrieks I had to keep quiet. I tell you.
As painful as those parts were, they were still cathartic. I felt seen. Having interests intended for much younger people. Being super conscientious about those interests and pretty much everything else to the point of missing the conversation. Constantly monitoring myself and being terrified that if I didn't I would end up alone. The conflicting self-images. The phrase of Riley's anxiety-driven self being "I'm not good enough" and anxiety being confused and trying to spin it as "just means we have room to improve" (or something like that). The panic attack. Oh my gosh the panic attack was perfect. The whirlwind and simultaneous paralysis. This movie made me cry so many times.
I am obsessed with this movie and will probably post a lot of art about it.
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the-boney-rolls · 2 months
Elliot Mintz has peddled several different versions of the Christmas lunch story over the years. The last one I heard on some sort of audio broadcast (probably his Lost Lennon series) a few years ago, John and Paul ran out of things to say to each other during the course of the day and whatever friendship had existed between them had clearly ‘run its course’. This business of John ‘adoring Paul’ is a new addition to the narrative, Mintz probably acting strategically to suck up to Paul in anticipation of Yoko’s impending departure. None of it rings true. For a start, what’s the likelihood that Paul and Linda would abandon their primary school age children on CHRISTMAS DAY to have lunch with John, Yoko and Elliot Mintz? Zero, that’s what. One wonders what else Mintz will suddenly remember when Yoko finally kicks it. If she hasn’t already, that is, and they are all keeping shtum so she can officially die one day after Paul.
ahahaha CACKLING at the idea of Yoko's people hiding the fact that she's dead until Paul's gone! would not put it past her
Thanks for the context! It is interesting to see how people's narratives shift over time and certainly the dominant narrative has tipped from being very anti-Paul to being extremely pro-Paul so it's no surprise that folks on the outer edges of the Beatles circle would want to change ranks to stay in Paul's good graces. Does that necessarily mean that this event didn't happen? I don't know, I'm not very familiar with Elliot Mintz outside of this but to me it seems unlikely that someone would make up a story like this whole cloth, tell it multiple times and also give it a date, making it easier to refute, all while people involved are still around? I'd be curious if some Paul scholar could figure out if there's a year when this would have even possibly taken place.
But yeah, even just based on this interview I wouldn't call him a reliable narrator. The rest of it was sycophanitically starry-eyed about JohnandYoko and he placed himself in the center of the story more than I think likely. He said they were his best friends, referred to his relationship to both of them as a love story. Like, uh huh sure dude.
To me the most interesting thing about the clip I transcribed was its placement in the middle of an interview that is otherwise built around upholding the ballad of John and Yoko, the inclusion of "I Know (I Know)," the fact that this series was executive produced by Sean and what those choices mean about the shifting "official" narrative around John and Paul.
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keep-the-wolves-close · 6 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 29: Trouble
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M? (Still figuring out the rating system) (might eventually be M anyhow)
* Warnings: language, someone tailing Stella
* Word count: 4,314ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all
Author's note: Oh shoooot 👀. Things are getting interesting! And okay, I only lasted two days, but I got the finale chapter done, and I wanted a reward. 😂😂😂 Also a fun fact about this chapter, it was the first chapter I wrote for this story a little over a year ago. I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well!
Ryan and Stella were out riding. There was no work to be done and Ryan wanted to take the opportunity to check in with his little sister. It had been a little while since they had one on one time. Since he’s been her primary guardian for so long, even though she was a full adult now, he still liked to make sure she was okay. He never wanted her to feel like she was alone in dealing with whatever life threw at them.
“So truly Stellee, how are you?” Both of them came to a stop at the top of a hill overlooking the valley back to the ranch.
Stella pursed her lips and sighed quietly to herself while adjusting her glasses. “I’m okay, Ry. There’s just been a lot going on.”
He nods in understanding, looking her over. She was shifting, seemingly uncomfortable in her saddle, which was the farthest thing from true. That woman was more comfortable in a saddle than on her own two legs. Her bay roan mare, Abigail, whom he gifted her at 16 was also fidgety. Kayce and Stella had both worked together to make sure that the horse was as solid as a rock. She was feisty, sure, but solid. She was sure to give away how Stella was feeling though.
“You know I don’t fully believe you, right?”
Stella barked out a laugh, “Oh really now? And why is that?”
“You’ve got a tell, sis. It also doesn’t help that your mare gives you away either.” Ryan smirked.
“I mean, I’m not lying when I say there’s been a lot going on this year. Lee, the bear, Jenkins, Malcolm.” She glared at the horizon at the thought of the platinum haired man. “The stupid shit with Kayce. There is a lot going on at the repro barn over at Olivia’s.”
Ryan smoothly interrupts, “but…,” he drug out.
“But,” Stella huffs, giving him a pointed look, “a couple times on my way here recently, someone has followed me.” She decided to fess up without much of a fight because there was no use trying to get around Ryan when he wanted information. He’s very persistent and she’s the same way. They would have dug themselves into the ground and died before giving in. Being followed was also starting to bother her.
“Excuse me Stella Lee?! You’re just telling me this now?!”
“Well at first I didn’t think too much about it! A lot of people drive back this way. The second time was after that thing with Malcolm.”
“So why didn’t you tell me then?” She could visibly see his blood pressure rising higher and higher.
“I wanted to be 100% sure they were actually tailing me. Third times the charm, right?” She defended weakly.
“Wait, the third time?” His face turned to stone.
“Today.” At this point, if he would have been able to physically implode and survive, he would have. Stella swore she heard an explosion of the sound barrier as he took off back toward the ranch.
“Fuck.” Stella motioned and Abigail kicked it into high gear. She had to beat Ryan before he caused a ruckus and bothered everyone.
Ryan knew he needed to tell Rip or John. Something wasn’t right and he had to beat Stella there. He adored her stubborn and independent nature, but sometimes it was capable of giving him aneurysms.
In the distance Ryan could see John, Rip, and Kayce by the outer fence talking amongst themselves. Lloyd was closer to him and was trying to flag him down.
“Ho, Ryan! Where’s the fire?”
As he rushes by Lloyd, “I need to get to them before Stella does!”
“She ain’t far behind you.” Lloyd said quietly and looked in the direction of the woman in question. She and that mare were closing in on the round pen with an extensive cloud of dust following. Stella’s face was more determined than he had ever witnessed and he worried for Ryan’s safety.
Ryan came to an abrupt stop in front of the three men, out of breath and rushing to get words out, “Someone has been following Stella. Three times on her way here, and god knows how many other times she’s failed to mention to me.”
In a swift motion with the sharpness of a damn good cattle horse, Stella and Abigail swept in and bounced to a solid stop between Ryan and the others.
“Ryan! Don’t bother them with this! It’s probably just me being paranoid.” She rolled her eyes and moved her glasses back to the bridge of her nose. She really wasn’t feeling having any of her bosses involved. Kayce especially.
“No. It’s you being observant of something that’s out of place.” He pointed at her. “You trying to brush it off the way you are? Is gonna get you kidnapped or killed.”
“Or both,” Rip chimed in from behind them making Stella whip her head around. She had forgotten they had an audience.
“Or worse,” Kayce added with a serious look.
She groaned, “Not you too…,” she trailed off as she finally took notice of the look he was giving her and stopped all forms of argument. They hadn’t had a real chance to speak much since his visit with Monica the other night. Only the one time and it didn’t end great. Her shoulders dropped. It was three against one.
“You’re staying here for a little while. Isn’t she Ryan?” The direct eye contact from Kayce pinned Stella to her spot as he made his declaration final and he didn’t break the contact to talk to Ryan either.
“Yes Kayce, I couldn’t agree more.”
“Ryan, you stay here. Stella, come up to the barn with me.” She rolled her eyes, mostly to herself and the situation she had gotten herself into, but kept up behind Kayce and his mustang nonetheless.
As they were breaking down their horses it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Stella was a speedy little thing when it came to break down. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence. If she finished and got out of the barn before he could catch her? She would be just fine with that.
She hung Abigail’s halter on the outside stall hook as she shut and latched the door. Before she had a chance to turn around, there was a heavy hand that gripped her up and tugged her to the tack room.
In a flurry of noise the door slammed shut behind her and the offending person. Quickly Stella turned around while cocking back her fist. She was fairly certain it was Kayce, but she would rather be safe than sorry, and he deserved a punch from her. So she was fine with it either way.
He grabbed her wrist as she swung her balled fist toward his nose. She visibly relaxed when she realized her assumption was correct. It didn’t ease her irritation, however.
“What the fuck Kayce,” she flicked the brim of his cowboy hat with a huff and pulled her wrist from him. She noticed she was in his personal bubble and tried to back up.
“You’re staying here until we tell you otherwise. Don’t even bother trying to fight me on it. Ryan agrees and will fight you with me, so there’s no use.”
“Kayce, I’m sure it’s just me being paranoid. A lot of people drive back and forth past here every day. It’s a popular road.”
Kayce pulled her back in toward him trying to make a point, “I would like to not have to plead on the six o’clock to get you back or find you murdered.” He leaned closer as if she was about to disappear into thin air.
She adjusted her glasses thinking how she should really get them tightened. It also didn’t help that it was a nervous habit. She looked down in defeat.
“Okay fine. But you’re taking me back to get my clothes for my undetermined stay.” She poked his chest as his body sagged forward. Yes they had been avoiding each other, but she was one of his best friends. Longest friend at least.
“We just want you safe, Stellfire.”
“I know, ya big dumb cowboy,” she smiled and gave him a friendly shove, “now let’s go before they think I’m still being the other woman in the tack room.” She missed the fall of Kayce’s face as she walked away.
Ryan grimaced. He hadn’t meant to cause such a fuss. Other than the ranch and being a livestock agent, his little sister was his everything. They had been through hell and back, and he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if something happened to her and he couldn’t get to her quick enough.
“Sir, I’m so sorry to bring this up to you all like this. I just know something isn’t right and I needed someone to know before she could stop me. And I mean you saw her coming —,” John interrupted.
“She looked like the devil herself coming for reckoning. It’s something I’ve seen in you both.” Ryan almost let a look of pride slip through at John’s admission, but he held it together.
“You’re my lead livestock agent for a reason, Ryan.” John tried to hide a small smile, “We can have her stay here. It’s probably safer than her place anyway.”
Rip offered, “I’ll follow behind to keep an eye out with Lloyd. You or Kayce can run her in a different car.”
“Kayce is gonna take me.” The pair sauntered up to the group from behind. Rip could see Ryan’s hesitation at the thought of not being close to his sister.
“Ryan, why don’t you back Lloyd and I up on the way?”
Ryan came out of the bunkhouse and stopped for a minute to look at his sister. She could most certainly be hell on wheels more often than not most days. He liked to think it was all the years of holding her own with the bunkhouse. He knew that it was a trait shared between them as well.
Even though she was rough and tumble, she had a soft and gentle grace about her. Especially when having a heart to heart with someone. Her being stubborn as a mule was giving him grey hairs, but he couldn’t be more proud of the woman he had raised. Of course, with the help of the wranglers. ‘It takes a village,’ he thought to himself.
Stella could feel eyes on her as she threw a couple of empty duffle bags into Kayce’s truck. She glanced around and spotted her brother giving her a look. She tilted her head at him with her eyebrows scrunched together. He shook his head and went about getting things for the ride together.
It almost felt like an out of body experience looking at the men around her. There was an immense feeling of humility that swarmed in through her lungs and filled her chest. These tough as nails cowboys truly cared about her. They cared enough to rally around her and try their damndest to keep her safe. She studied each of them with a loving fondness. She had grown up with these men, and they had always remained a steady constant in her life. For that, she was grateful. She realized that this place, these people, really did feel like home. If she thought about it hard enough, she might get misty eyed.
Finally, forest brown eyes met a matching set as Stella felt the breath in her lungs get caught. Kayce gauged her actions, trying to decipher if she was okay without asking. She shook her head and smiled at him to let him know she was indeed okay. Ryan made his way over to the pair while clearing his throat, feeling like he was interrupting some unspoken conversation.
“You almost ready, Stellee?”
She nodded. “Yeah, but there's a flaw in the plan that I just thought of.”
“What’s that, Stella-belle?” Rip questioned from over by his truck.
She readjusted her glasses and looked around to her brother, almost like she did when she was little and needed reassurance. “Well if they’re planning on following me back, they aren’t going to do it if it’s Kayce’s truck that leaves here.”
Ryan sighed and dropped his head, “As much as I hate to agree with her, she’s right.”
Kayce reached into the back of his truck and grabbed the duffles and on his way past Stella said, “You can out-maneuver them, right?”
“Kayce… I hang out with a bunch of cowboys,” she laughed, “and if I can’t outrun them? Then we’ll get lost in these here hills, baby.” There was a pause between all of them. The men quickly picked up Stella’s hidden meaning.
“Plus, I’ll have one of the best shots on the ranch riding shotgun.” She smirked in Kayce’s direction. She loved to give him a hard time about his itchy trigger finger. He gave her a soft shove as if he was telling her to fuck off, and she giggled and hopped into her car.
Everyone loaded up in their respective vehicles. Stella thought Ryan had hopped into Rip’s truck, but the interior light kicked on and the car moved as Ryan’s weight settled into her backseat. She made eye contact with her brother in the rearview mirror, and silently asked him what he was doing.
He raised his eyebrows at her, “You think I’m not about to be in your car to protect you?” He stopped short for a second realizing one of his bosses was in the front seat, “No offense.” Kayce smirked as Stella put the SUV in drive.
She pulled to the end of the long driveway. She looked in both directions checking for signs of the car from earlier. She didn’t see anything, but there was still a definitive hesitation in her movements. Things were suddenly very real to her.
Kayce says softly, “Hey, it's okay Stellfire. We’ve got you. Just do what you would normally do. We’ll worry about the rest.”
Ryan watched the gentle nature Kayce used with his sister. It was almost similar to the way you would approach a green horse. There was something softer about it though. Ryan couldn’t quite put his finger on what was going on. He knew there wasn’t anything going on between them any longer, but he didn’t know if Kayce was kissing his sister’s ass or being genuine. He squinted at Stella in the rearview, but didn’t say anything. She pulled out and to the left, took a deep breath and began her normal trek home. The only thing different was she had four guests in tow this time.
Rip and Lloyd pulled out a few minutes behind everyone else. They wanted to leave enough space in between to be able to box in whoever was following Stella. If they decided to follow her again.
“You know Lloyd, I’ve got a bad feelin’ about this.”
“I was feelin’ the same way. Especially if whoever these people are, are coming after little bit.”
“Because none of us would let her get involved in some shit like this, well this part of it anyhow.”
“Especially Ryan.” They chuckled knowing that he could be kind of a helicopter when it came to his little sister.
“That boy sure has tried his hardest raising her right.”
“And he’s done a damn fine job. That stays here, Lloyd.” The men smiled at each other.
Halfway between the Yellowstone and the outskirts of downtown, a silver four door sedan pulled out behind the white SUV. Ryan and Kayce noticed that Stella’s body language tensed up, but she refused to say anything to them. They felt her accelerate slightly. Ryan glanced out the back, and Kayce was looking through the side mirror. They easily spotted the car, and let each other know they had seen it.
“Don’t speed up Stella. Remember, we’re both here.” Ryan gently reminded her. Her shoulders relaxed as she found her brother’s gaze in the mirror before looking back to the road ahead.
“You’re just driving home. Nothing out of the ordinary.” Kayce added.
Ryan turned around in the back seat to observe the car again. The windows were, of course, tinted so dark that he could barely make out that the car was being driven by a person in general. ‘Why would this shit be easy?’ He rolled his eyes, turning around to pick up his ringing phone. It was Lloyd calling.
“We’re a couple miles back, but there’s a silver car that’s tailing you.”
“We’ve got them in sights. They aren’t subtle if that’s them.”
“They probably think she’s oblivious and hasn’t noticed them at all. Rip wants to say something, put it on speaker.”
Ryan engaged the speaker, and they all heard Rip clear his throat. “Stella?”
“When you get to your house, I want you and your brother to hop out and go inside. Kayce,” he paused for a few seconds as Kayce presented himself, “You stay outside. Watch every move that these motherfuckers make if they pull in behind you.”
Kayce nodded even though Rip couldn’t see him, “Roger that.” He also heard the unspoken order to shoot to kill if necessary. For Stella, he would change the landscape if he had to.
“Where will you be Rip?” They all clearly heard the nervous tick in her voice. It almost made Ryan grab for her hand like when they were kids. She sounded so small and he hated that.
“We’ll be right outside of view, either following them or making sure they stay off of your property, sweetheart. You go get your stuff. We’ve got the rest.” Rip finished and Lloyd ended the call.
Stella lived just a little ways out in between the ranch and downtown. She had neighbors, but they definitely weren’t close. Ryan grimaced at the thought of his sister being by herself out here.
Stella pulled her car around the driveway and around to the back. She pulled it up to face out toward the road again. Putting it in park, she looked at Kayce. “Alright Kace, I know you’re always carrying, but in case you need extra,” they locked eyes, “it’s holstered in the glove box.” His mouth upturned at the corner proudly, ‘Just like I taught her.’ He quickly nodded as he flipped his baseball cap backwards.
Stella ignored the clenching of her stomach at the attractive maneuver. There was always something about a man in a backwards ball cap that caught her eye. She hopped out and started to walk toward her house as Ryan followed sidling up beside her.
“This is the bad thing about you having a wooded driveway, and all the way out here. Can’t get much of a heads up.”
She smiled at her brother and let out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, but no one can witness the aftermath.”
Ryan’s face screwed up at the confession, “My god, you’ve got to stop hanging out with Rip.”
Her laughter got stuck in her throat as she reached out to unlock her door. Her whole body tensed.
“Ry…,” she said so quietly Ryan almost missed it. She took a deep breath, “it’s unlocked.”
“Did you leave it like that?”
She breathed out harshly and shook her head. Ryan stepped in front of her.
“Stay behind me and do exactly as I say.” Stella wasn’t about to argue.
Ryan opened the door wide, dropped the duffel bags to his far right, and drew his weapon within 10 seconds. She followed suit and went to the concealed weapon underneath the front table and hoped it was still there.
He heard the snip of her gun safety being switched off behind him. He immediately went to the right and into the den taking a wide gap to the left. Stella made sure to clear the rest of the room and the straight view into her kitchen. They swapped places back and forth in a fatal dance going from room to room. Being taught by her brother not only kept him sharp, but it gave Stella the knowledge to help in this situation.
They finally finished clearing the house. She holstered her weapon back and pulled it from its compartment under the table and hooked it to her belt. With a heavy sigh, she reached down to grab the bags.
“What’s wrong Stellee?” Ryan came up from the small hallway that led to her kitchen.
“Someone was in my house, Ryan. That’s what’s wrong.” She said curtly.
“You’re sure you didn’t just forget to lock the door in your rush to get to the ranch today?”
“Yes Ryan,” he could hear the stress dripping in her voice, “not only was my door unlocked, which I never do mind you, but some stuff was out of place. It definitely wasn’t how I left it. And it feels like someone offensive has been in here.”
“Well let's get you outta here.”
Kayce got out of the SUV once the tight knit siblings made it inside. He had seen Stella tense at the door and had almost ran to the porch. He knew that if she needed the help, she would have made it clear. So he held off.
He looked around the back driveway and yard. The parking spots were messy dirt and gravel. It was a shot in the dark that he would see tracks because they had driven over them, but it was worth a glance.
He stood, huffed and placed a hand on his hip as he surveyed the surroundings. Nothing appeared to be out of place. Except a piece of paper that fluttered because it had gotten stuck against the railing in the nighttime Montana breeze. He didn’t think anything of it and grabbed it. It wasn’t uncommon for trash to blow around every now and again. He almost crumpled it up, but Stella’s name in larger font caught his eye.
“What the,” he whispered. He heard the door close. He quickly folded it up and put it in his jacket pocket. He cleared his throat, “everything alright?”
“For all intents and purposes, yes. It’s okay.” Stella readjusted the duffel bags on her shoulder and her glasses with her forearm as she made her way down the porch steps. Kayce met her at the bottom and took the bags from her and put them in her back seat.
“On the back half of that though, somebody was in my house.”
“What?!” Kayce started toward the house, but Stella’s hand in the middle of his chest stopped him.
She shook her head, “let me clarify, someone had been in there. Ryan and I checked the house. No one was in there at the time. I’m ready to get the fuck outta here though,” she slipped her hand away from his chest and made her way to the driver’s seat, “let’s go home gentlemen.” They met up with Rip and Lloyd at the end of her drive. With a nod from Rip to Stella, they made it back to the ranch without any more incident.
Stella got out of her SUV and leaned on the back door, locking her elbows to keep her upright. She was exhausted. Her head started to pound from all the tension being released from her neck and shoulders.
“You alright, sugar?” Kayce came up and touched her elbow. She jerked a little bit, being pulled back into reality.
“Yeah…,” He reached for her arm again and pulled her into a hug. She melted into him and he heard her sniffle. She was tired of avoiding him. She needed her best friend.
“Hey, hey. It’s gonna be alright.” He placed his hand on the back of her head allowing her to hide her face in his chest, “you’re safe, sugar.”
She raised her head partially, “I know. The stress is just leaving. I’ll be fine after some sleep and some hard manual labor for a few days.”
It was comfortably quiet between the pair. Kayce still had her in an embrace. He could feel the tension slowly leaving her the longer they stood there. He could also feel that if they stood there any longer, she would most definitely fall asleep standing up.
He patted her on the back, “Your brother is probably wondering why you haven’t made it inside yet. Let’s get you settled in, yeah?” Stella nodded, too tired to speak anymore. Kayce grabbed the bags out of the back seat, and gently directed her to head inside.
When she crossed the threshold to the bunkhouse, there was a slight lull in the usual loud activity before everyone jumped to greet her. She greeted them quietly back and made a beeline to the empty bunk that Kayce used when he first came back since Jamie took the one she usually took. Ryan had a clear view from here. She knew she could let herself relax, even if it was only for a few short hours.
Everyone quieted. They weren’t used to seeing Stella so defeated. Kayce made eyes at Ryan, Rip, and Lloyd and nodded toward the outside. He didn’t want her to hear about the note.
Lloyd started off, “That silver car slowed up at her drive until they spotted us.”
“We followed them into downtown as far as we could, but with the fuckin’ traffic we lost them.” Rip was pissed.
Kayce pulled the note out of his jacket pocket. “I found this on the stairs at Stella’s.” He handed the note off so the others could take a look. “Even though she's not as involved with any of the shit that happens here, somebody sure as hell thinks she is.”
“Someone is trying to find vulnerable spots. This is about to be a shit show.” Ryan said.
Rip directed, “We’ll talk to Mr. Dutton in the morning. Let the girl get some rest for now.” He took a second and looked to the youngest Dutton, “Oh and Kayce?” Rip paused. “Don’t let Stella see that.”
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aq2003 · 8 months
it is literally canon that Martha stayed with Ten even though she knew he didn’t love her back. she stayed because she was in love with him. you can think whatever you want in fan spaces, but staying with him for love is exactly what she did. Ten was an ass to Martha in so many ways during this season, I think he coped with being the object of her desire (and even bragged about it to Donna).
sorry i'm putting my foot down here. anon we are watching different shows because in the very first episode ten is uncomfortable and shuts her down the minute he catches that martha has an interest in him. he (as stated by david tennant) spends nearly the entire season unaware of her crush. "i don't think he's [aware of her feelings for him]. i don't think he'd do that otherwise. i think he gets aware as the season rumbles on" — but even then, he still has that line in sound of drums where he goes "it's like when you fancy someone and they don't know you exist" to her. you could interpret this in either one of two ways, either he's trying his hardest to ignore her crush and is acting like it doesn't exist, or he honest to god still does not know. and when we're talking about a character that has a famously long history of being not involved in romance or being unaware of standard romantic conventions, the fact that he isn't aware of how she feels (however long that may be, but we know it extends over a majority of their time together) makes much more sense than... i dont even know. going out of your way to make someone fall in love with you but the moment you think she's in love with you you go "what the fuck! don't do that! back off!". like??!? and as someone who has been the object of an unrequited crush from one of my close friends before, it's difficult to look back on this person without thinking about it or feeling guilty over it. this is exactly what the scene with ten and donna reads like to me; they're talking about the relationship ten and martha had and he brings it up bc it's been directly on his mind (he's fucking tactless about it but being tactless is like one of his primary personality traits!). it's one of the reasons she left him! it's the reason why he rejects donna initially before finding out she wasn't interested in him! i'm not trying to say that their relationship was healthy or that s3 ten did nothing wrong or whatever but god will you all kill him for the crimes he actually committed
as for martha, i feel like you're misunderstanding the point i was making about her and i already got into arguments in two separate posts over it so i'll just leave it at "if you think her crush is her only personality trait and the only reason she chooses to stay with ten is /thinking he'll eventually fall in love with her back/ then please get well soon". look at shakespeare code when after ten compares her to rose and says he'll take her back home she sarcastically goes "great!" or at the beginning of gridlock when she goes "ever heard of the word 'rebound'?" (i could write another long post about this line but that's not the point rn) - she isn't having a good time! she knows ten isn't treating her very well! but the reason she doesn't want it to be "just one trip" isn't bc she's romantically pursuing him (which is the point i specifically took issue with) or even bc of her crush, it's bc she knows ten is grieving—he lost his home planet, his people, his kind-of-girlfriend and just needs someone with him and SHE KNOWS THAT! BETTER THAN HE DOES! look at family of blood: she's asked why she's his companion and she answers "because he's lonely". she KNOWS he needs her and as a character established from day 1 to be someone learning to save people for a living i don't think it's a massive stretch to say that she's not 100% in it for herself. if you take the show at face value, it's saying that martha is straight up wasting the years of her life and isn't getting nearly as much out of her friendship with ten the way he is with her. this extends to multiple areas of their relationship. and forgive me if i'm being too fucking bold but "thinking whatever you want in fan spaces" is a mentality you treat shipping with, not "analyzing the character writing of a writer first and foremost known and praised for his character writing"
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hungrywriter · 1 year
10 days (pt. 5)
Jobe Bellingham x Reader
Taglist: @hummusxx @luvvtrent @fleurographist @bl00dst41ned @elyne01 @iissza @fictional-l0v3r 
A/n: hehe sorry i’m late...
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Over the course of the next three days, Jobe rarely left Y/n's side, eager to spend as much time with her as possible. He accompanied her on errands and found ways to be together even when she had work at the resort. Gradually, Y/n began to open up, genuinely interested in the stories Jobe shared about his life in England. Jobe initially worried that he was talking too much, but he soon realised that Y/n enjoyed hearing about his experiences. Encouraged by her interest, he eagerly continued sharing more tales. However, Y/n remained guarded when it came to her own family, indicating a topic she wasn't yet ready to delve into. Although this saddened Jobe to some extent, he found solace in the genuine friendship they had forged during his vacation.
On the ninth day, Jobe couldn't find Y/n anywhere. He searched for her at the house, but she wasn't there. He then went to the resort, but she was nowhere to be found. Determined to locate her, Jobe approached the townspeople and even denied a game of football, a choice he never thought he would make. Through his inquiries, he discovered that Y/n was at the docks, preparing for a week-long fishing trip. Curiosity sparked within Jobe as he noticed the words 'Captain Kai' painted on the side of the boat. Although he briefly pondered the meaning behind it, his primary focus remained on finding Y/n.
Arriving at the docks, Jobe spotted Y/n setting up the boat for departure. He couldn't help but tease her, a playful smile on his face. Y/n stepped away from her task, responding with a genuine smile that immediately brightened Jobe's mood. He was relieved to see her in good spirits.
Y/n expressed her uncertainty about whether Jobe would want to join her, considering that fishing could be boring at times. Jobe, smitten and eager for any opportunity to be with her, couldn't resist a charming response. "How could I resist, love? Besides, any time I spend with you isn't boring. I'd spend a whole day fishing just for you," he slyly remarked, seizing the moment to win her heart. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully but couldn't hide the small smile that graced her face.
Jobe climbed aboard the boat, lending a hand to Y/n as they prepared for their fishing expedition. Once they were both ready, they set off, venturing deeper into the vast ocean.
They had been out at sea for two hours, and a palpable tension hung between them. It was evident that both Jobe and Y/n harboured feelings for each other, yet neither had made a move. Despite numerous opportunities to express their emotions, like when Y/n patiently taught Jobe how to handle the bait or the fish hook, he found himself paralyzed by nerves each time he considered confessing his feelings. Jobe's frustration with himself grew, while Y/n appeared content with the status quo.
As the day progressed, Jobe thought it couldn't get any worse, but he was mistaken. The sky darkened, and the rain began to drizzle, quickly escalating into a torrential downpour. The once-calm waves transformed into monstrous mini-tsunamis, filling Jobe with terror. He was gripped with a fear of death, especially without having the chance to reveal his true feelings to Y/n.
The fierce rain left them with no choice but to head back home. However, a crucial rope that held the sail in place broke, leaving Y/n struggling to regain control of the boat. It violently swayed from side to side, nearly tossing them overboard. Lost and disoriented, they were pushed further out into the sea until they stumbled upon another island.
Amidst the chaos, Jobe's mind raced with various scenarios, his fear and inability to act immobilising him. In a sudden twist of events, a wave struck the boat, causing Jobe to lose his balance and hit his head on the railing. His senses faded as he heard Y/n calling out his name.
Jobe awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. Blinking against the brightness of the morning sun, he realised he was lying on the sand.
Gazing around, Jobe spotted the boat a few feet away, partially damaged from their previous ordeal. His eyes then fell upon Y/n, her back turned as she rummaged through the boat's supplies, her frustration evident in the way she clenched her fists.
Wiping the last traces of sleep from his eyes, Jobe approached her cautiously, unsure of how to address the situation. He knew they had been through a lot, and emotions were bound to run high.
“Shit. shit. shit. Where is it?!” She muttered under her breath. 
"Y/n," he called gently, trying not to startle her. She turned around, her face contorted with anger, and Jobe could already sense a confrontation brewing. She jumped down from the boat and ran up to him, her emotions boiling over. Unexpectedly, she gave him a tight slap across the face, leaving him stunned and hurt.
He looked at her in horror, the sting of her hand still lingering on his cheek. She appeared strangely satisfied with what she had done, her eyes blazing with frustration.
“Why did you do that?!” He exclaimed, rubbing his cheek.
She pointed her index finger accusingly and shouted back at him, her voice laced with bitterness. “If it weren't for you, my father’s boat wouldn’t have been broken. We wouldn’t have drifted further into the sea. We wouldn’t be stuck on this godforsaken island!”
Jobe's initial shock was now replaced with a mix of anger and disbelief. He couldn't believe she was blaming him entirely for their predicament. Feeling hurt by her accusation, he decided to stand up for himself.
“My fault?! I’m sorry I can’t control the fucking weather! Besides, the rain was bound to happen. You saw the clouds when we left the port. With or without me on the boat, you would have been stranded!” he retorted, his voice tinged with frustration.
Y/n shook her head, not wanting to admit defeat. She grabbed her knife and walked towards the direction of the woods. Jobe's anger quickly vanished, replaced with fear and anxiety. He didn't want to be left alone, especially on an island where there was no life or civilization.
“Wait! Where are you going?!” Jobe's voice trembled, his concern for her outweighing his anger.
“Anywhere without you!” she shouted back, giving him the finger as she stormed off into the woods.
He decided it would be best to give her space, rather than follow her and escalate the situation further. Alone and uncertain, Jobe looked around, pondering his next move. He knew that staying on the boat was not a viable option for survival, as it was damaged beyond repair. He needed to find a way to make do with what little resources the island had to offer.
As the sun began to set, he collected wood for a fire and scouted for any potential sources of food and water. The island felt desolate and unforgiving, but Jobe knew he had to remain strong and resourceful.
As the night fell, the reality of their situation sank in, and Jobe felt a deep sense of loneliness and regret. He wished he hadn't fought with Y/n, even if her accusation was unfair. He missed her presence and longed for the comfort of companionship.
He sat on the sand, cooking the fishes they had caught earlier that day on the fire that he had made, which made him proud of himself. He looked at the pile of items beside him, Those were some things that he took looted from the boat, things that he felt that can be used or just still brand new. One of the items was a walkie talkie. It still had its battery but Jobe couldn’t reach anyone. He was staring into the sea when he felt a figure beside him. He grabbed a makeshift stick and pointed to the unknown creature. 
“Relax, it's just me,” Y/n said, with her hands up. “Nice weapon, Where did you get it from?” She snickered. 
“Shut up, it's the only thing that I could do alone” He said as he put away the stick. She chuckled and that made him smile. There was a silence between them and they watched Jobe roast the fish,
“I’m sorry,” Y/n began, “I shouldn’t blame you for bridging you into this mess. It’s just that all my life I’ve been alone and suddenly you came and for the first time in my life, I actually had fun. And then we got stuck here and I’m scared you know? Usually I know what to do but now I’m just lost,” 
Jobe listened to her story and he realised that he had never seen her parents before, just that one picture frame at her house when they had first met. Questions popped up in his mind but he wasn’t sure if she was in the right mind to answer them.
“I’m sorry too. It’s okay to be scared. I’m scared too. But we can’t let fear consume us. Right now, we need to find our way out of here,” Jobe said, his voice filled with reassurance and sincerity. Y/n looked over to him, her eyes meeting his, and she could see a glimpse of hope in them.
She smiled to herself, admiring his unwavering determination even in the face of uncertainty. Despite the challenges they had faced, his resolve remained strong, and it gave her a sense of comfort she hadn't expected.
Without a word, she moved closer to him, feeling the warmth of his presence. Y/n leaned gently against his shoulder, and for a moment, she sensed him tensing up. But soon, she felt his body relax, as if he had allowed himself to trust in their connection.
In that quiet moment, under the starlit sky, they found solace in each other's company. The waves crashed softly against the shore, and the crackling of the campfire added a soothing ambiance to the night.
Jobe leaned his head on hers. He can’t believe it. After 9 days or trying, he had finally won her over. He felt a sense of accomplishment. As the night wore on, they shared stories, hopes, and dreams, finding solace in each other's company. The stars twinkled above them, and in the midst of the wilderness, they found a sense of peace and contentment they had never experienced before.  
It was already late at night, and both of them were laying side-by-side on a makeshift bed made from extra clothing and fabric. They were looking at stars, something Jobe had rarely seen since living in Britain. Since they were comfortable with each other, Jobe felt that it was the right time to ask the questions that were bothering him since the fight. 
"Just now, at the boat, what were you trying to find?" Jobe inquired, his tone cautious, hoping not to evoke any negative emotions again.
Y/n's smile faded slightly, but she seemed willing to share this time. "Remember that day when you asked me to go out, and I went on that errand without taking you inside the shop? I was actually selling most of my belongings. I've been saving money to find a way off this island," she explained.
Jobe's frown deepened. "What about your parents?" he asked, genuinely curious about her past.
"My family died in a wildfire when I was young. That's when the resort manager took me in, and I've been working at the resort ever since. There's no reason for me to stay on this island. You saw it for yourself; the village has almost nothing, except for that resort," Y/n shared, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination.
However, Jobe felt compelled to disagree. "That's where you're wrong. The village does have something special, a hidden gem," he said with a soft smile.
Y/n frowned, intrigued, and asked him what it was. "It's you," Jobe said, causing Y/n to burst into laughter.
"You are so corny," she teased.
"Yeah, but I made you laugh, didn’t I?" Jobe responded with a playful grin, and they both laughed together, sitting up on the sand.
Their shared moment of laughter brought them closer together. Jobe's hand instinctively found its way to her cheek, and he gently pulled her face towards his. Their lips met in a sweet, tender kiss, and for a moment, the world around them disappeared. It felt as if they were made for each other, their connection deepening with each passing second.
After a while, they separated, catching their breath, but their hands remained entwined. Y/n smiled, her eyes shining with affection. "You're a better kisser than I expected," she admitted, and Jobe couldn't help but chuckle.
"Is that so?" he replied with a playful glint in his eye.
They lay back down together, finding comfort in each other's embrace as they drifted off to sleep. Under the starlit sky, on the isolated island, Jobe and Y/n discovered a love that felt destined, a love that bloomed amidst the challenges and uncertainties they faced.
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orlafilmblog · 5 months
Some extra thoughts...
I have some random extra details I would like to talk about that aren’t worth a blog post each, so here are some fun little details that I have been thinking about!
An interesting aspect of the script and the location was the contrast between the vast beautiful expanse of the outdoors and the cramped closeness of the caravan. One of the main reasons for suggesting to Katie that we set the film on a group holiday was because of this ‘trapped together’ sense that is created when you are away with your friends, and I really want to lean into this. There should be a distinct contrast between this feeling of freedom and openness and this crushing close proximity. This also comes into play with the confrontation scene being set in the woods.
The best way to describe this in terms of scenes is that as the night grows slightly darker in tone, and then after the assault happens, we move from exterior to interior locations, trapping Phoebe. We then move to the forest for the confrontation scene. This resembles Phoebe’s attempt to escape back to the freedom from before, however she cannot do this until she has faced Harry and let her hurt be known to him. She then has to face Sara inside the caravan once more before she can reach the true freedom of the loch, where we return to wider shots and vast spaces.
Shifting from Memory to Reality
Something I want to explore in Saint Catherines is how to effectively shift quite drastically in tone, whilst keeping a consistent style. I see the film in two halves, pre-assault and post-assault. Pre-assault, the film should have a memory-like feel to it, specifically Scene 2 and 3. There should be an almost dream-like quality to the free-flowing nature of these scenes. They should not be linear, and should just be montages of individual moments, in the same wat one remembers fond holiday memories. The colours should be warmer and more saturated, and the sounds should follow the edit in their free-flowing nature and fast paced fullness.
The shift in tone should he felt at first between Scene 3 and 4, but only slightly, and should be felt strongly between 4 and 5. Scene 4 is when the film follows a more linear pattern again, and lighting should return to a less saturated ‘normal’, and the sound should level out and calm down, focusing more on specifics. Scene 5 will complete the tonal shift by being just one shot of an isolated Phoebe, surrounded by silence and darkness. This move over these few scenes from fast paced energy and fun to a single quiet shot should hopefully communicate to the audience where the film is going from this point on.
To keep a consistent style, I plan on ensuring that the film still has a naturalistic feel to it, primarily through having every shot handheld. Through the cinematography remaining consistent, it allows for a drastic shift in tone without losing the primary style of the film.
Also, the help me visualise this idea of memory, I looked through my own photos of fun times with my friends to create a sort of 'vibes folder'. It was more of just a fun way to wast time but oh well!
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360-Degree Set
I was listening to an interview with Mia McKenna Bruce talking about her experiences filming How to Have Sex (our fave inspiration film) and she mentioned a concept I hadn’t really heard of before: a 360-degree set. She explained that a lot of the rooms and spaces the girls were in were fully dressed sets, with props and things to interact with hidden in cupboards and placed all over the set. This meant during takes, the actors could interact with any part of the room that felt natural. There was mascara wands in the drawers, empty noodle pots in the sink. I loved this idea, and thought it would be great to try and incorporate into Saint Catherines to aid the actors with their performances. Lucky for us, the caravan we are filming in is already full of stuff for us to use, it is a natural 360-degree set!
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( the 360-degree set in use)
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cygninae · 6 months
if you're interested, curious as to which perfumes you'd choose for the asoue characters?
I'm terribly sorry for the late response to this! I'm awful at answering my asks. Feel free to be justly annoyed.
But this is a very very cool question! One of my (lamest) interests is perfume. You couldn't have asked a more 'me' question. (Somewhat unrelated, but I actually wanted to be a perfumer for many many years. unfortunately it is a very difficult business to break into.)
Violet: CK 2
This fragrance was credited at its time of release as one of the first true gender neutral fragrances. Since Violet tends to stray from feminine stereotypes, I think she'd like something bold, androgynous and simple like this to wear every day. Interestingly, one of the main notes in this fragrance is violet leaf. It also has notes of mint and basil and is very sharp.
Klaus: Chanel Égoïste Platinum
An aftershave that I used to wear a lot! The inspiration for this fragrance is from a French saying "qui a de la platine" which can describe a man of eloquence and brilliant mind. It is very fresh and subtle, with some French lavender. I think a quiet scent like this would suit him well.
Count Olaf: Nuit de Bakélite
In the ASOUE book released a few years ago, NPH said he used a 'sinister smelling' fragrance to get into character, with metallic, dark notes. I couldn't find the exact fragrance, but after some research into similar fragrances I found this one from Bloom. It, apparently, has an incredibly gothic feel, with hints of cardamom and leather and ylang-ylang. Very dark, masculine and unsettling.
Lemony Snicket: Memoir Man
I was very conflicted with Lemony. I think he'd like something with a mix of soft lavender and bitter tobacco, with a real dark feel, but there were so many to choose from. I landed on this amouage scent (I tested this once but it was quite a while ago) which has a melancholic, bitter scent of tobacco, absinthe, lavender and mint. It's quite powerful in what it leaves behind.
Isadora Quagmire: Jo Malone Rose & Oud
I almost chose the classic Chanel 5 for Isadora, simply because I think she would favour something vintage and classy, but I personally love this scent and think the darker, gothic intensity of it would suit her very well. It still has an old hollywood, classic vibe but is much more mysterious and gloomy.
Duncan Quagmire: Colornoise Classical
I had not heard of this one before, so I can't totally vouch for it, but from what I've read this would definitely fit Duncan well. Apparently, this is a very classic, vintage scent. Primary notes are vanilla, musk and wet ink on paper. I could see him wearing this as an every day scent while in the library or his study.
Quigley Quagmire: Montblanc Explorer
This is a scent I currently use, typically for nights out but occasionally during the day. As the name suggests, it has the feel of an adventurer: it's peppery, woody and mossy, with some sage, patchouli and leather. It's definitely bold and makes you feel extraverted. It feels sort of like a foggy, rainy morning just before sunrise.
Jacques Snicket: Bleu de Chanel
This one was possibly the easiest pick on the list. This iconic, classy scent is the epitome of masculine fragrance and Jacques would absolutely wear it. In fact, the nose behind the scent was actually called Jacques!
The scent is very fresh and citrusy, but also has a sharp note of pepper and ginger. I used to wear this fragrance and it's classy and bold. Very masculine.
Esmé Squalor: Chanel no.5
I contemplated on this one for a while, but I think Esmé herself would opt for something sensual, classy and feminine. This fragrance is literally the feminine standard, the most classic choice. If you have never had this fragrance or smelled it, it's floral most intensely but also has a darker scent of vanilla and musk that turns it more sensual and womanly. I think this is the perfume Esmé would, and always had used. This perfume is literally always 'in', so I don't think she would ever change it.
If you would like a part 2 with more characters, just let me know! This was extremely fun for me and I'd be happy to do more. Thank you for the fascinating question.
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elaineas-elysian · 1 year
Hello, I would love to see a headcanon of yui as the ultimate murderer, little creppy but an interesting scenario.
🤎 //Admin’s Note: Hello there! Thank you so much for requesting! This will definitely be an interesting Alternative to if Yui was an actually Serial Killer herself, because I can definitely imagine some of the trifling things that Yui would definitely do as one, therefore, this will make an interesting Headcanon Scenario! I hope this surely lives up to your request! 🤎
TW: !Mentions of Death, !Gore, !Mass Murdering, !Harm, !Weaponry, !Mentions of Animal Brutality.
⪼ «﹤┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈﹥» ⪻
Yui will definitely be interesting as a mass murder. In this Alternative, Yui is a silent killer that targets anyone that potentially hurts her in some form of way, or sometimes, for self explanatory satisfaction. Yui will somehow make herself very mysterious as a killer, she's probably the least person to expect to commit a crime considering how innocent she displays herself towards other individuals. So if their we’re an investigation for the Murders that potentially happens specifically in Ryoutei academy, Yui is the last person on the suspect list.
At night, killing become’s a huge thing for Yui. During the midnight hour, she glances around in search for her next victims, until she spots a group of friends that usually skips during the current time that class sessions has taken place. Now, since Yui is a coherent serial killer, she carries with her a planner to memorize how exactly she's going to do these killings, and when the time is right. Firstly, Yui will wound her victims badly, leaving them on the verge of death. If her victims threaten to expose her, she uses her favorite weapon such as a knife, and stabs them multiple of times. If Yui feels torturous towards her Victims, she lures them to a secluded area and forces them to plead insanity.
Yui has a small hideout in the woods, specifically in the back of the Sakamaki Manor where she keeps a select amount of weaponry, that way she can also use different torture devices to inflict a crucial amount of pain towards her Victims. The sound of screams and cries cannot be heard from that identified location because of how far away it is from a nearby housing placement. Although being a Mass Murderer/Serial Killer, Yui was never the type of Killer to murder Animals, or dislocate the bodies of her Victims, although killing people is as gruesome as it seems, she has never had the courage nor strength to kill an simplistic Animal. Yui was also not an Egocentric Killer, but she did tend to show signs of Jealously first and foremost, but her Jealousy has never led to pure hatred as a killer, although killing people expressed her psychopathic nature.
Yui has never had a Primary Motive onto why she actually killed other’s, that secret always will remain deep within her. She never killed out of strong Jealously or Emotions, but when she did kill other's it was more of a “I killed you, because I wanted to feel how it felt to express Psychopathic Tendencies in Various of ways.” Therefore as a result, the intrusive thoughts took a toll on her, leading her to be a Mass Murderer/Serial killer herself.
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richmond-rex · 2 years
I'm not really interested in the War of the Roses but I was reading up on Edward IV lately and his 1475 will regarding Elizabeth Woodville is SO INTERESTING and endearing. I noticed a couple of things - 1) he calls her "dearest wife" like 5 times lol (along with "most entirely beloved wife" and "Elizabeth the queen in whom we singularly put our trust), 2) you mentioned books but he also seems to have basically given her all his goods - bedding, tapestries, ornaments etc 3) he mentions twice(!) that she should be able to do whatever she wants with them without the interruption of any other executors, 4) from what I understand he made her his primary executor? She's first on the list, 5) he made her guardian of their children, and I think that includes the crown prince? It definitely included their daughters.
The will was made 10+ years after their marriage which is interesting imo because I wasn't very aware of this era before but almost everything I've heard makes it seem as though he married her purely due to lust/desire. I've also seen several claims that his passion for her faded over time - which really doesn't explain their 10 children in 19 years but whatever. His affection and consideration of her is pretty evident in his will, and I saw a post about his reconstruction work in 1482 where he once again refers to her very endearingly (in a renovation document of all places 😂) and seems to have built their rooms very close together. I searched a bit about his mistresses as well because of his reputation and found it VERY strange that while contemporary reports mention his womanizing, there's literally no actual mention of any specific singled out women during his reign itself? It's very different from several former kings and their mistresses - after all, More's writing is not contemporary and was written (I think) three decades later, I can't find any continued emphasis on Jane Shore during Edward's actual reign. I wonder if the Croyland Chronicle, which was contemporary and stated that he had incredibly short term affairs and lost interest soon after (directly contradicting what More says), is perhaps closer to the truth? We'll never know I guess, although that itself is quite revealing considering how much more we know of other kings. Though like you mentioned, whatever the case was, judging by their many children, he very clearly still paid attention to his wife.
Correct me if I'm wrong about anything lol, im not familiar with this time period and thought I'd send this ask because I found his 1475 will very endearing
(Also Hannah Dodd is is a SPECTACULAR Elizabeth of York, you've found the perfect casting choice for her!)
[In response to this ask]
Hi! I agree with you, it seems like Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV had a very companionate marriage! I will just make a few observations: 1) It seems to have been conventional for the king to refer to the queen as his 'dearest wife', 'our most beloved consort' etc in formal documents. I know Henry VII only ever referred to Elizabeth of York in such terms, but from what I've seen it is also true of his predecessors. It doesn't contradict the fact those men may well have truly loved their wives, though, of course! 2) I had a look at his will before answering the previous ask, and it seems like Edward IV left Elizabeth not all of his stuff but hers, the objects that were already in her possession and that according to his will should remain in her possession after his death. It's not a matter-of-fact procedure, because husbands were legally entitled to dispose of their wives' possessions as they saw fit at the time. So Edward could have left them to his mother, for example, but he made sure that no one could take Elizabeth's possessions from her. Incredibly, I've seen ricardians actually accuse Elizabeth of theft for taking her stuff to Westminster Abbey when she sought sanctuary there.
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The post this person is commenting on also refers to the incident as 'looting'. That was literally her stuff, the stuff that her husband had secured for her in his will, even. He also gave her the keeping of all of his children (though that's not exactly the same as legal guardianship). And yes, she seems to have been the main executor of his will, especially given that Edward explicitly said that he ‘moost singulerly put oure trust’ in her.
About Jane/Elizabeth Shore, it's difficult to pinpoint when she turned up in Edward's court. More said she interceded for the merchants of London. Still, strictly speaking in contemporary terms, it is clear that Shore had some political power because Richard made such a case of neutralising and humiliating her (why focus on her so much if she was completely powerless). It's possible the Croyland continuator didn't want to dwell on Edward's misconduct too much (even when criticising Richard's allegedly libidinous Christmas party the continuator said he didn't really want to talk about it, so he asked 'why enlarge?'), but at the same time, it's also clear Shore never came close to displacing Elizabeth as the most important woman of the realm, and that Edward was still intimate with his wife up to the last years of his reign (when she was already in her forties, and after she had already given him an heir and a spare).
To sum up, although he refers to his wife in conventional terms, Edward IV clearly made a demonstration of trust in his last will. It's also clear he cared for her well-being and tried to provide so that she wouldn't suffer in material terms after his death.
About Hannah Dodd: I knooooow
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