#I heard of a Mandalorian movie give it now
dyns33 · 3 months
When other writers move on new fandoms full of new stuff and you are here, in your old ones with no new content to enjoy or discovering old long dead fandoms way too late :
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snowwybear · 5 months
𝑔𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝓇𝑒𝓉𝓇𝒾𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇/ 𝖇𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖈𝖆𝖙| 𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘥
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for my Star Wars girlies out there.
It was a stupid idea. Correction his stupid idea. Vinnie had suggested a Star Wars marathon, the weekend of May 4th. Of course you had said yes, you loved Star Wars. Episode 4, 5, 6 couldn't have gone any better - you spent the time laughing and reminiscing, cuddled up together on the couch.
Then came the prequals, iconically bad. Episodes 1 and 2 went smoothly too, it wasn't until you guys started episode 3 when Vinnie realised his fatal error. You were only focused on, one mister Anakin Skywalker. Your gaze was focused on him, you were making comments about whatever came into your mind, all of your attention was being directed at Anakin Skywalker. You weren't even cuddling anymore, you were sat cross legged, head in your hand gawking at someone other than your boyfriend.
Vinnie didn't know why he felt jealous, he felt stupid feeling this way over a fictional character. Maybe because you were making comments about him that you have never even said about Vinnie. Maybe because this fictional character was getting attention from you that he always craved.
You guys had paused the movie to grab some food and water, stretch and take a small break from the TV. As you were preparing some food of the two you, an idea came to his head. It sounded so stupid, but he was desperate for your attention. He left the room and got changed into something comfier. And by comfier, I mean plaid pyjama pants and his abs on full display.
"What with the?' You asked motioning to the lack of a shirt on your boyfriend.
"Oh, I'm just getting a little hot in here". He replied
You guys had gotten settled back into the movie and you were still gawking at Anakin who was coincidently also now shirtless. Vinnie let out a frustrated sigh.
"What's wrong?" You turned over at Vinnie.
"Nothing, just enjoying you flirting with your new boyfriend". Vinnie said bluntly.
"Aww is wittle Vinnie jealous". You mocked, moving your hand up to his hair trying to mess it up.
Vinnie moved his head out of the way. "Stop, it's not funny".
You heard the annoyance in his tone, he's never annoyed with you. Vinnie stood up from the couch and made his way to the bedroom.
"Where are you going?" You ask.
"To bed". You heard the bedroom door slam. You paused the movie before sitting there for a few minutes pondering about what just happened.
You turned off the TV, made your way to the bedroom, got changed and climbed into bed wrapping your arms around Vinnie's torso.
"Go away". He said a little agitated.
"Not until you tell me what's wrong".
"Go ask your boyfriend since you seem to give all your attention to him".
"Why would I when I have my beautiful boyfriend right here". You gave some small kisses to his shoulder.
Vinnie wouldn't admit this, but he how clingy you were being right now. "Can you just go away". Vinnie tried to pry your hands off him but in return, you wrapped your leg over his hip essentially trapping him.
"No, not until you let me love you". You were fighting against Vinnie to stay clinging onto his body. The two of you wrestled around each other until you finally won by straddling his waist.
"Oh my god, your so annoying". Vinnie whined.
"Just listen, I'm sorry if I made you feel jealous. You know if you needed a little extra attention, you could have just said". You softly said, lightly creasing his chest.
"Yeah whatever". He joked. You just smiled and shook your head at him.
"Considering your this jealous now, I can't wait to see what happens when we watch The Mandalorian. Because let me tell you babe that man is so fucking ho....". You squealed as Vinnie cut you off by flipping you over onto your back.
"For the love of god, shut up". Vinnie said before slamming his lips into yours.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
So, in your last post about the Percy Jackson TV show, I felt you lacked a few pieces of information/points. While it is true that the CGI in the film is pore and not constructed well, please note that while they have a large budget Disney has made a lot of restrictions to the show. In the original scrips there was a significantly larger amount of violence that would have needed more CGI. This was latter edited out of the script due to both restrictions and budget cuts for other parts in the show(sadly). Also to bring into prospective Sea of monsters the movie was made 10 years ago. Inflation has juristically affected the way money is used in films. Another thing to note is typically movie budgets are less than TV shows because they only are filming for one larger block of time. TV however they can take years meaning the acters need to be paid even for the time off set. This is not to say movies cannot take years, but it is to show that TV shows are filmed longer. I would also like to say I am genuinely not trying to be rude or unkind about your opinion and thoughts on the subject. I am just someone who has a different insight into the topic because of the things I know about the topic (I myself, am an actor and for the most part I think this is why the CGI was not the best as well as some of the script work). 
I did actually calculate inflation for Sea of Monsters versus the PJO TV show. We know the PJO TV show allegedly had a budget of $12-15 million per episode. For comparison, this is the type of budget Disney+ usually uses for stuff like The Mandalorian. I was doing a generous underestimate for the entire season which comes out to $96mil (12mil per episode x 8 episodes). Sea of Monsters' budget was 90mil. Here's that inflation:
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So lil over $120mil. Going for a top estimate for s1 of the show (15x8) that's $120mil. And as far as I'd heard that may also not include stuff like budget for casting for the show. They are still roughly in similar ballparks.
Regardless of this - as an animator, i can tell you there is no excuse for that wonky CGI trident other than it being extremely quickly done. That's literally a transform error, like ctrl+t type stuff. That is a lazy and cheap trident, probably because Disney notoriously overworks and cheaps out with their CGI. The CGI problems in the show are majority because Disney's being cheap about it. This shows in nearly all the CGI in every episode.
If they had to remove violence from the script and so remove CGI scenes with it, then theoretically they should have more room in the budget for more or better CGI where it already is in the show. That money doesn't just vanish. Changing that in the script gives them less of an excuse, actually.
Also, as i mentioned in my previous post - if you don't want to CGI hydrokinesis, don't pick the franchise where the main character's defining power is hydrokinesis. If you can't have much violence, DON'T PICK THE GREEK MYTHOLOGY SERIES WHERE THE MAIN CHARACTER BEHEADS TWO PEOPLE IN THE FIRST BOOK AND IT ONLY GETS BLOODIER FROM THERE. You cannot have PJO without some level of violence. It's kind of very inherent to the series. Rick actually talks in his original Teaching Guide for The Lightning Thief about how, in argument against attempts to ban TLT (in this specific instance for "being too violent"), that monsters in the books poof into golden dust for a reason, because then they haven't "died." There is no blood. They can and will come back. Because it's fantasy. That is the excuse for all the violence. Of which there otherwise technically is a lot of.
If you are doing live action PJO you are going to have to have some amount of violence (and there is absolutely a level that is perfectly suitable for a PG13 audience. The show right now is leagues below that level. PG13 just means parental guidance for under 13 - this majority has to do with concerns about children under 13 replicating behavior on-screen. Past 13 kids know better than to do that, which is why that rating is a thing. There are plenty of film/media/etc that are way more gory and violent and are still PG13). You are going to have to CGI monsters/creatures to some degree regularly (alongside demigod powers like Percy's hydrokinesis even more regularly). And between those two things, characters are going to have to look like they're physically interacting with the CGI at times. Disney is capable of doing this. Disney does have the budget for this for the show. They're not doing it because they're being cheap. Disney has done this before and does it regularly. This is not anything new. It entirely has to do with CGI not having as many unions. They have no excuses. If they didn't expect to run into these problems then they clearly did no planning for what adapting the series would entail and didn't think at all of what the series actually featured before diving into it. And they have no excuse for that! That is step one!
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sirfrogsworth · 8 months
Today in, "Conservatives keep making me side with Disney"...
So, Gina Carano is suing Disney. And Elon Musk is paying for her lawyers. And they released the complaint document.
It's... a doozy.
I can't decide if her lawyers are not taking this seriously at all or if they are taking it super duper extra seriously.
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Like, that's a real thing that a lawyer wrote.
As you know, judges are famous for enjoying levity in official court documents. I think in law school you are encouraged to add comedy bits. True facts.
Gina wants money for emotional damages. But she also wants to be rehired, which sounds like another funny comedy bit. They scrapped an entire show because of her nonsense.
Most are saying this will get thrown out with haste due to the fact that Gina wasn't actually fired. She had already done her contracted work. Disney decided not to hire her for any *new* work. So I guess she wants them to honor an imaginary contract that was in her head.
The entire document is just as ridiculous as the opening crawl. It starts out by listing Gina's show biz bona fides. Her myriad accomplishments in Hollywood were listed one by one in a section titled...
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Well, I'm intrigued.
Let's take a look at this illustrious career, according to this document.
"Carano is the first-ever female star in mixed martial arts cage fighting to successfully transition to a career in movies, breaking down substantial barriers for women in the sport."
Off to an interesting start.
All the cage fighting gals can act in movies now and they all have Gina to thank for barrier busting.
"Carano received roles in Hollywood and independent film productions such as Haywire, Fast & Furious 6, Heist, Deadpool, Almost Human, Extraction, Daughter of the Wolf, and Madness in the Method."
I've heard of several of those things! And I think I almost remember her in Deadpool! Very impressive.
Oh wait, they're not done...
"On May 13, 2008, “Gina Carano” was the fastest rising search on Google and third most searched person on Yahoo! while being ranked no. 5 on Yahoo!’s “Top Ten Influential Women of 2008” list."
In 2008 she was popular on Yahoo for a bit. Got it.
Has she won any awards?
"In 2012, Carano was the first recipient of the ActionFest Film Festival’s Chuck Norris Award for Best Female Action Star.
In 2017, Carano received the Artemis Action Warrior Award.
In 2019, Carano received The Rising Star award at Ischia Film Festival."
Very prestigious. I'm sure Chuck Norris has a lovely basement where that ceremony was almost certainly held.
You know what, why don't we just skip to The Mandalorian?
"Although her character instantly became one of the most recognized and popular characters in the series..."
Gina, no... that was the little green puppet.
You were the one who couldn't act very well but you made up for it by punching things good.
"Carano was again instrumental in the success of Season 2 of The Mandalorian."
Nope, still the puppet.
End of "accomplishments."
The next section is titled
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For some reason they left out "bigoted" before speech. Weird.
In most of it, it legit sounds like they are making a case *against* her. They show that everyone at Disney and Lucasfilm tried very hard to give her chance after chance. They did everything but point blank tell her, "Either learn and relieve yourself of this ignorance or stop posting shit online."
She totally had the option to keep her shitty views to herself and shut the heck up for the duration and enjoy the money and success a Star Wars show can bring. It's like swatting away a lottery ticket.
I'm all for free speech. And if the government tried to arrest her for saying dumb shit, I'd be against that. But that freedom to speak does not mean there are never consequences. People are also free to not like what you have to say.
The entire last section of the document is just tweets that Gina screencapped. Like, her lawyers didn't even redo them so they had consistent formatting or pixel dimensions. They were literally just off Gina's phone.
She thought she was collecting receipts but it was mostly just her co-stars standing up for marginalized groups.
Based Pedro Pascal posted this...
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And the document commented...
"Pascal was not disciplined, required to review documentaries on any of these topics or speak to individuals with contrary points of view, or pressured to apologize for any of his posts. His employment was not terminated, and Defendants made no public statements about his social media posts, much less refer to them as “abhorrent.”"
Yes, why wasn't Pedro forced to listen to MAGA dipshits tell him why they hate his sister? Why wasn't he told to watch a Dinesh D'Souza documentary? Why wasn't he told to apologize for posting cool ass muppet memes?
The most telling part of the document for me... the part that really showed her ignorance... was when she compared one of her tweets to one of Carl Weathers'.
First, her infamous tweet comparing the holocaust to conservatives being moderated on social media for spreading misinformation...
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And then Carl posted this in response to conservatives banning books...
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And the document says...
"Even Carano’s male co-star, the late Carl Weathers posted the exact same message, but no action was taken against him. Nor was Weathers accused by Defendants of denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identity."
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peterparkouryo · 2 years
favourite movies | -‘๑’-
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prompt; You have to beg your boyfriend Peter to watch your favourite show with you.
warnings: literally just fluff.
word count: 632
a/n: also i know it says "favourite movies" but pretend it doesn't.
"Please!" You pleaded from your end of the couch, giving your boyfriend your best puppy eyes.
"Not the puppy eyes, stop." Peter groaned, dragging his hands down his face in defeat.
You watch Peter roll his eyes, and you hoped that your pleading and puppy eyeing (something he did whenever he wanted something) was enough persuading to get him to watch the show you had been begging him to watch with you for a few weeks now.
Every time you would ask, he'd make an excuse or just assume it'd be a boring show without even giving it a chance. Despite of all that, you still implored him, waiting until he finally cracked.
Today unfortunately, wasn't any different. You tried basically everything in the book, lingering kisses, teasing touches, and not to mention you forced yourself to study with him.
"C'mon! I watched two Star Wars movies with you the other day." You pointed out, slightly bouncing up and down on the sofa, like a whiny child.
"You went to sleep through the first one."
"So, I still watched the second one." You say matter of factly.
Peter gives you a knowing look, tilting his head at you.
"Okay, so maybe I fell asleep during that one too, but I still attempted to watch it. Doesn't that count for something?" You argued.
The boy thinks about your statement for a second, and you hoped you finally convinced him well enough to watch the show.
"Please, Pete." You pleaded once more, pouting for the dramatic effect.
Peter gives you a side eye from his end of the couch, sighing in annoyance and mumbling a small fine, and if you weren't desperately paying attention to his every move, you'd probably not even hear it.
"Yay!" You exclaim, shifting closer to him for a hug and a kiss on the cheek, to which he just smiles and rolls his eyes once more.
"But, if it's boring, I'm never watching a movie or TV show with you ever again." He mannered and you ignore his comment as you grab your remote and turn on the TV, going to the streaming service before scrolling to the show.
Though Peter is the one with the senses, given that he is Spider-Man, you could practically feel his eyes widen in excitement at the show you clicked on, restarting to the first episode.
"Your favourite show is The Mandalorian?!" Peter gasped, turning to look at you with extremely wide eyes and a gorgeous gleaming smile.
"Well, yeah." You giggle.
If you would've told Peter the show from the very beginning, he most likely would had said yes as soon as he heard it come out your mouth, but you thought with less context the better. Plus on the bright side, it's always fun to see him amused annoyance.
"Ned and I have been trying to watch this forever." Peter tells you, smiling back at the TV.
You, of course had known this, but didn't say anything because again, it's always fun to see him annoyed.
"I know." You tell him.
"If you had told me this was your favourite show in the first place, we could've been done with it within a day." Your boyfriend countered.
"I'm aware." You agree waggishly.
Peter shifts his gaze to you, watching your side profile fight back a smile as you look at the TV.
"C'mere." He whispered, gesturing his head over toward himself.
You show him a grin at his request, crawling over to be closer to him, the boy wrapping an arm over your shoulder for a cuddle.
You let out a content sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder as the episode played out.
"Next week, we're watching New girl." You say joking after a few minutes of silence.
"Absolutely not."
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mondaychildsworld · 1 year
One Night Only - Din Djarin x Reader (ONESHOT)
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Rating: E
Word Count: 4.4k
Summary: You and Din get down and dirty in a fancy hotel room in Coruscant. That's literally it. Just pure smut.
Warnings: Fingering, oral (M receiving), unprotected P in V, light spanking, ass play, ejaculation inside of reader, smut and fluff, the helmet stays on
A/N: I don’t know Star Wars well enough to write a whole fic (yet, my bf has agreed to watch through all the movies with me). So until then, here’s a Din Djarin oneshot. Because he’s hot. I’m already blushing OK BYE. 
Also, I know I promised the next chapter of I Know The End to be up soon, but my brain is just fucking fried and I spent all weekend writing this instead. I need to catch up on life a bit because I've been writing like a mad woman these last couple of weeks so I'll have to give myself some grace and focus on me right now. I'll be back to I Know The End soon! ily 🧡
cute divider by @saradika 🤍
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The night sky looked like deep blue velvet, scattered with small stars dancing above your heads. Even though it had been night for quite a while, the city wasn’t sleeping. There were lights everywhere you looked, bright neon colors flashing by, streets and buildings filled with life wherever your eyes landed. 
You glanced up to the man standing beside you. The colors and lights of Coruscant's night life reflected in his beskar armor. The thought of him made you shiver, you were equally shy around him as you were fascinated by him. Which made you nervous. 
As you walked the streets towards your destination you could see how his eyes roamed the streets, scanning your surroundings. Of course, you couldn’t really see his eyes. His face was always covered by the helmet, which he never took off. As much as you were curious of what he looked like under there, you were just as understanding with the fact that you’d never know. And you were okay with that. 
The way of the Mandalore went before anything else. So, the helmet stayed on. But it hadn’t stopped him from removing other pieces of his uniform before. You remember when you had lifted your dress up and graciously lowered yourself onto his beskar covered lap. He froze in his movements and asked you what you were doing. It didn’t take long for him to get the hint, turn the crest into autopilot and then let you bring him pleasure in the cockpit. You had to brush away the thought, for now, you were outside, with other people around. So you had to keep it all together. 
You knew he was on a mission. He had to hunt for his next bounty. But you had never visited Coruscant. When you asked to come with him, he immediately said no. When you said you didn’t want to join him on his hunt, just see the city, he hesitated. When you asked him to just spend a night with you outside of the ship, he agreed eventually. 
So you had spent the evening in this huge, gleaming city. You had seen the Skydome Botanical Gardens and walked by the incredibly tall 500 Republica building, with the mandalorian just a step or two behind you at all times. The things you’ve only read about in books or heard distant stories about became true when you explored the city. You grew up far, far away from here. So naturally Coruscant had felt like a fairytale in real life. 
But now, it was getting way too late. You were tired after the evening outside of the ship, and the mandalorian was guiding you to the inn where you had planned to sleep. That’s what you had said, that you would sleep there. None of you had spoken a word about the tension in the air between the two of you. The way you had tried to lock your eyes with his under the beskar helmet, and the way he held a hand at your lower back when guiding you through the city. You just acted as if it was just normal between the two of you. But the gloved hand on your thigh under the table while you were ordering something to drink in a too crowded bar told you otherwise. He tried to hide his small actions of affection towards you in public, but you knew. This wasn’t normal. The two of you weren’t used to this kind of relationship outside of the crest.
His ship had been a safe space. Where it didn’t matter what time or day of the week it was. You could be yourself, slowly but surely reveal more about you. He wasn’t the talkative type. You didn’t know much about each other, but you knew how to make each other feel good.
But this was different. You had roamed the streets of the city, and actually held a conversation beyond the usual talk, about whether or not the child had eaten, or where he’s heading for his next bounty. He had asked about the place where you grew up, and you told him your favorite color was orange, since you were a little child and watched the incredible sunsets on the planet you called home. You asked if his family also were Mandalorians. He explained to you about how the Mandalorians rescued him when he was orphaned, so he was raised with the Creed and didn’t remember much from before.
It was nice, sharing small bits and pieces about yourselves. Slowly unraveling each other's stories. It was clear he was not the nostalgic type, and you didn’t want to intrude, so you took it slow. 
But now you’re peeking through the curtains of the window in your room and can’t help yourself to wonder how you ended up like this, in a hotel room with him. If someone told you a year ago that this would happen, you’d just laugh in their faces. You glance down. Everyone down on the street looks so small. Like tiny ants making their way through the maze of Coruscant. 
The room was nice. Almost a little too nice. You had tried to protest when he handed the woman in the reception around 400 credits. But he had just squeezed your waist tightly against his beskar side, nodded to the woman over the desk when she wished you a lovely evening and guided you away towards the elevator. 
”You shouldn’t put that amount of money on a room.” You say, still watching the people on the ground. 
“It’s too…” You trail off as you feel gloved hands softly placed on your hips. You didn’t realize he was right behind you. “It’s too fancy for us.”
“You shouldn’t worry about that.” The modulated voice says. “It’s only for tonight.”
You close your eyes and lean back as his hands slowly explore your body. He starts to hitch your dress up slowly, over your knees, over your thighs, over your…
You quickly turn around to face him. He drops the dress and if you could see him now, he’d probably raise his eyebrows. Looking at you with an expression that said should I stop? but all you see is a dark visor. 
“No?” He asks after a couple of seconds of silence, his grip on your hips loosened. 
“Din.” You say, looking straight into the visor. You’re alone now, so you can say his name. He asked you to only call you Mando out there. It was too dangerous, he said, too many eyes and ears. It was bad enough a fully armored Mandalorian was walking down the streets. You could never know who was listening. He only told you his real name back in the crest. When the two of you were safely wrapped around sheets and darkness, after he’d made you climax twice in a row. No man had ever done that before.
You were so incredibly turned on by now, but you felt a bit ashamed about it. You felt just a tiny bit disgusted at the money he spent, which made it possible for him to have you gently pressed up against the window right now. 
“Yes.” You say. “Of course I want to, but you just put an insane amount of money on this room...”
He stays quiet, waiting for you to explain. All you hear is his low modulated breathing through the helmet. 
“...and on me.” You confess quietly.
He sighs and takes a step closer.
“You’re telling me I can’t spend my money on things I enjoy?”
“That’s not what I mea…” A whimper escapes from your lips and cuts you off. He squeezed your hip.
“That I can’t spend money on you?”
You just nod.
“Such a shame.” He says and his hand goes up to cup your cheek.
“I’m sorry.” You breathe. He’s so close, and you feel so stupid. So fucking dumb to bring this up. Who are you to complain? You asked to come here. He didn’t want to at first. But he agreed because you asked him to. You should be grateful. 
“Don’t.” He lifts your chin up a bit. “Don’t apologize.”
His thumb slowly caresses your lower lip. You shiver. You want to say you’re sorry for apologizing, but that would just be stupid, and maybe annoy him to the point that he would let go of you and leave the room. So you just nod. Silently agreeing.
You can feel your skin prickle when he pushes his thumb into your mouth. You gasp and part your lips for him.
“Good girl.”
Your knees go weak and you blush. There’s a warmth growing in between your legs. You’re in a really fancy room, standing incredibly close to Din, with his gloved thumb in your mouth. The feeling of guilt and shame is washed away by the fire burning inside of you. 
You slowly bite down on his glove, and he slides his hand out. You open your mouth a bit and let the glove drop to the floor.
You take a shaky, heavy breath as Din once again starts to hitch your dress up. His ungloved hand strokes your leg up, up, up until his fingers reach your hip. He follows the seam of your underwear down to your middle. He hovers just above your core for a few seconds. Teasing you.
A dissatisfied moan escapes from your lips when he doesn’t give you the friction you crave. You close your eyes when the teasing gets too much. 
“Look at me, pretty girl.” He whispers.
You open your eyes and stare straight into the visor. He rewards you by pushing your underwear aside. You feel him drag his fingers through your wet folds. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, so silently this time that you almost didn’t hear it. Like it was meant to only be a thought, but somehow the words escaped from his lips. So you try to ignore the compliment, even though it makes you shiver. 
He starts rubbing your clit in slow circles. You have to grab him by the shoulders when your knees go weak, you need something to hold on to. 
He’s in no rush. He’s taking his time with your sensitive bud, adjusting his movements by the expressions on your face. But you crave more. Your hands travel down his body and reach for the zipper of his flight suit.
He’s quick to notice, because his other hand suddenly and firmly grabs yours as they’re about to start working on the zipper. 
“You want more?” He asks you. You nod, not breaking the eye contact you just know you have, but can’t see. You wonder what the color of his eyes would be, that you could see, if he wasn’t sworn to the Creed. You respected it, but it did drive you mad in times like this. 
“I’ll give you more.”
He pushes a finger up inside you and sets a slow pace. You moan. His gloved hand still holds your wrists together and you have no way to keep yourself up other than to lean your back onto the window. 
He adds another finger and increases the rhythm. The stretch is bittersweet. It’s not painful, you’ve been too turned on for too long for it to hurt, but you’re never ready for the way he fills you up. 
You moan and the back of your head bumps into the window when you throw it back in pleasure. The nightlife of the city is still very active, and you hope that no one outside notices you squirming against a window with a Mandalorians hand between your thighs. 
Ironic, since he didn’t want to draw more attention to him than necessary. A Mandalorian fucking a girl against a window will most definitely create some interesting headlines. 
The build up of your climax increases at the same rate as his modulated breathing. You think he can sense it too, because when you’re close he pulls his fingers out, to your disappointment. 
“Not yet.” He says when you look at him with pleading eyes. 
“Alright.” You say with a heavy breath, drunk on pleasure. “Let go of me then.”
He lets go of your wrists. You immediately place them on his chest, slightly pushing him backwards towards the bed. The back of his knees hits the bed frame. He sits down and watches you as you start to undo his armor. 
You work your way downwards, starting with his shoulder plates. You fumble with the straps but once they’re off you start with the chest plate. Din just patiently sits there watching you work. When you had removed the chest plate you sank down to your knees and put it on the floor next to you. 
Now you’re sitting right in between his legs, nervously glancing up to the visor quickly before you start undoing the armor on his thighs. 
He grabs your arm with his ungloved hand before you can start. 
“You don’t have to.” He tells you, calmly. The hold he has on your arm tells you otherwise. He’s everything but calm. His grip is slightly shaking, and you can feel his pulse beating fast. 
“I want to.” You give him a reassuring smile and he lets you go. Once all of his armor is gone, you lean onto his lap and slowly drag the zipper of his flight suit all the way down. 
The exposed skin beneath the black fabric is smooth and tanned. Shining like gold in your eyes. Your hands travel down and reach into his pants. 
You hear him grunt as you pull his cock out. He’s already hard. You give him a few pumps up and down, and you expose his swollen tip. You lick your lips and slowly drag your mouth up against his length. He tries to still another grunt, but it’s clear he’s far beyond the point where he can keep it all together.
When you’re just about to put the tip of his length in your mouth you look up and fix your eyes to his. You know you do, because his breath hitch from the look of you on your knees, face just inches away from his erection, looking straight at him. 
His whole body jerks a bit when you slowly slide your mouth down his cock and you start sucking. You bob your head up and down and hear him pant above you.
“Maker.” He mumbles, his voice is strained.
“Mmhm.” You mumble in response while you keep bringing him pleasure with your mouth. 
His hands reach for the back of your head. His hand rests on your neck and he grabs your hair. He pulls it all together so it keeps strands from falling over your face. After a few minutes of you setting the pace he jerks his hips up just a tiny bit, as he pushes you down further with the help of his hands around your head. His length glides right down your throat, and your eyes water a bit. 
He mumbles something you don’t understand, probably in Mando’a. Even if you could understand, he’s too far down your throat for you to be able to answer. So you just moan in response when he thrusts into your mouth. 
He gives your mouth a few last thrusts before he lets you go and you pull back for air. He takes a few heavy breaths. 
“You’ ready?” He asks and you nod, still trying to catch your breath.
He leans forward just a bit, grabs you under your arms and drags you up to your feet. His movement is quick and simple. You see his exposed muscles flex when he lifts you up. 
“Take them off.” He commands and you know exactly what he’s talking about. You’ve been in this situation before, so there’s no question about what he wants. You grab the hem of your dress, lift it up, grab your underwear and slide them down. 
You climb onto his lap, where he sits on the edge of the mattress. He then snakes both of his arms around your back and you straddle him. He removes his other glove and finds his way under and up your dress. He places his palms on your buttcheeks and gently squeezes. You bite your lip and align your hips with his. 
With one arm wrapped around his neck you use your free hand to guide his cock to your entrance. He squeezes your ass harder and you slowly sink down. 
You both moan when you finally get what you crave. Instinctively, you want to kiss him. The realization that you can’t taste his lips makes you a bit sad. You gently place your lips on the cold beskar and start to move yourself up and down. 
The rhythm is yours to set, when you’re on top. It’s like a silent agreement between the two of you. It’s always clear who's in charge. And when you’re the one straddling him, you’re the one to set the rules. And he’s never been one to complain. 
After you’ve adjusted to having him inside you, filling you up all the way when you grind down on him you decide you need to feel him more. So you grab the collar of his flight suit and slide it off his back and down his arms. He lets go of you and helps you free him from his clothes. 
“Mesh’la, I’ve been waiting to remove the dress from you all day.” He says and pulls one of the straps down. “Yo-you’re beautiful like this.” 
He plays with the hem of the fabric. You blush. You’re not used to getting compliments from him. He’s called you sweet and pretty before. But never beautiful. That one is new. 
“What does that mean?” You ask and place your hands over his exposed chest. 
“What? You’re obviously wearing a special dress tonight, aren’t you?” He asks and pulls the other strap down. You shiver. If he continues like that he’ll soon expose your whole chest. And he was right about the dress. You had never worn it before around him. It was too nice to be worn on a regular day in the crest. But tonight was special. So of course you put on your best dress, and he noticed. But that’s not what you meant.
“No. You said something in Mando’a.”
“Ah, yeah.” He breathes and his hands travel to your back. He fiddles with the zipper. “Mesh’la.”
He slowly drags the zipper down in silence and the light blue fabric pools around your hips. Your breasts are exposed to the air and his gaze. Your nipples immediately turn hard. One of his hands briefly brushes over your breasts, gently cupping one of them and squeezes until you let a moan slip. 
“Mesh’la means beautiful.” He lets go of your breast and lifts you up from his lap. You stand in front of him as your dress falls to the floor. “It means that you’re beautiful.”
He grabs your hand and your heart beats fast. You don’t know what to say. You think he can sense that this conversation is a little too much for you right now, and not what you were expecting for tonight, so he just guides you onto the bed. 
“But you’re even more beautiful on all four.” He says and you can hear the change in his voice. When he explained to you the meaning behind the Mando’a word and when he slipped the dress off of your body his voice was tender, sweet, caring. Now, he speaks with the dark, lust filled tone you’re used to.
So you do as he says and climb onto all four. He gets up on his knees and shuffles closer to you. A second later you feel the tip of his cock pushing at your entrance and you let out a shaky breath.
You arch your back and wait for him to push his cock all the way inside of you. But when it doesn’t happen you’re wondering what he’s waiting for, but before you can turn your head around to look why he doesn’t move there’s a sudden, smacking sound. A second later there’s a bittersweet sting to the cheek of your ass. He spanked you, and you feel how instantly wet you get from it. 
The tension in the air vanishes, and is replaced by filthy lust. You’re so incredibly turned on by now that it’s almost painful when he doesn’t fuck you straight away, he literally has you on all fours, ready for him. 
“Please.” You beg. 
Smack. You gasp loudly. He hit your asscheek again, harder this time. 
“P-please.” You’re desperate. You like it, but you’re desperate for more. 
So you slowly lean back, pushing yourself towards him. You feel the head of his cock entering your core, and you hear a loud modulated sigh as you do. 
He grabs your hips and shoves you back, filling you up more than before. This time he’s the one to set the pace. And it’s not the same steady rhythm you went for before. This is persistent, rough and just… wonderful. This is what you were craving. 
“Oh stars!” You moan out loud. He fucks you relentlessly, just like he does when he has to blow off some steam after a particularly difficult hunt and you join him in his personal quarters. 
In there, you fumble in the dark and claw at metal walls. Here, the light is comfortably dim, warm and you clench your hands around soft, expensive sheets. 
His hands on your hips are warm. The skin to skin contact makes you tingle, everywhere he touches you. Maybe that’s how it is when you spend your time around someone who’s always covered up. So when you do feel him, it’s like your nerves are extra sensitive. 
His pace falters a bit and he gives you a few extra hard thrusts, grunting as he drills extra deep inside of you. 
“Mesh’la.” He says again. Your whole body shivers by his words, now that you understand them. “Will you let me?”
He stands still behind you, the only thing moving is one of his hands that travels from your hip down to your asscheek once again. But he doesn’t spank you, or stop there. His fingers trace your curves down to your middle and stop right above the hole he’s already filled up. His thumb caresses the tight ring of muscle, where no one’s ever been. 
You freeze for a couple of seconds while you consider it. No one’s ever fucked you there, and he knows that. He’s never been pushy about it, but the subject has been brought up before and you’ve always told him that you don’t do that. But now you’re intrigued and so horny at the same time. 
“I m-mean…” You stutter out. He’s waiting for your answer. “Only you… only your hands.”
“We don’t need to.” He reassures you. “I’m just asking.”
“It’s okay.” You breathe. You’re turned on by the situation, him touching and exploring you where no one else has ever been. 
“Let me know if it gets too much.” He says and adds some pressure with his thumb. 
A moan escapes your lips and you nod eagerly. He picks up the pace from before and pushes his thumb just a little harder when you relax a bit more. You feel him entering your other hole with his thumb while he keeps fucking the first one. 
It doesn’t hurt, but it burns. It’s a sweet burn, the satisfaction shoots up your spine and you groan. This new sensation drives you mad. It’s so incredibly filthy, the things that you’re doing right now. You’re glad you’re not standing by the window anymore. 
He keeps his thumb just like that, and doesn't push you too far. He doesn’t move it, just let it sit right there as you adjust to him. You feel your climax closing up on you as he grinds his cock into you with a perfect pace. 
”Din.” You moan and let a hand snake its way down to your slit. Your fingers reach your clit and you start pleasing yourself. 
Din moans under his helmet, the view of you touching yourself is almost too much. His hips stutter a bit and you know he’s insanely close too. 
“I’m gonna come, Din.” You moan his name. 
He grunts and removes his thumb from your ass and grabs both of your hips again. 
“Come for me, pretty girl.” His voice is shaky, barely holding it together. 
You clench around him and come undone, your whole body trembling like a leaf under him. He gives you a few last thrusts and you feel the soft warmth of his cum covering your insides. 
He collapses over you and you both crash into the mattress and fluffy pillows. He rolls off of you and lays on his back. You both breathe heavily as you come down from your climax high. 
After a minute or two he zips his flight suit back up and you scooch closer to him. You nuzzle your head into the crevice right below his helmet and sigh into his neck. 
You’re slowly brought back to reality when you remember that you have to go back to the crest when you wake up, and he has to start his next bounty hunt. The thought makes you heavy-hearted. You wish you could stay like this forever. 
Din rests one hand at the curve of your hip and waist. He turns his head to you. 
“What are you thinking about?” He asks.
“Nothing.” You quickly answer. You glance up towards the ceiling and around the room. 
“I’m just happy I’ll get to spend the night here, with you.”
“Don’t get used to it.” He chuckles. “It’s only for tonight.”
“Yeah, only for tonight.” You say sleepily. He turns you over, pull the sheets over the two of you and put his arm safely around your waist. 
You lay like that for a while, Din keeping you close to him. You feel his cum slowly seep out from your core. You don’t even bother to get up to the equally fancy bathroom connected to your room to get you cleaned up. You want him close. You’ll deal with the mess tomorrow. Your eyelids get heavier by each minute and you’re soon drifting off to sleep. 
The last thing you hear is a mumble, so silent it’s almost a whisper. 
“Mesh’la.” He says, and pulls you even closer just as you fall asleep.
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Here's a bonus for you if you've read this far:
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punkshort · 8 months
Can you share how & when you became a fan of Pedro 💘
So I am very much late to the Pedro bandwagon and I am really sad I didn't know of him before The Last Of Us because I wish I could have been a fan back when he was on Twitter. I had heard his name before, but I had never seen anything he did prior to TLOU. I never watched Game of Thrones, Narcos, Mandalorian... none of it. Obviously I had heard of those shows, but for some reason never got into them.
I've been a huge fan of TLOU game since it was released. I actually remember my (now husband) bought be a PS4 and the game for Christmas one year and I cried like a baby because we had an Xbox, but the game is only on Playstation. I had heard so much about it and I really, really wanted to play it and he just fucking bought me a whole new gaming system just so I could play that one damn game. And let me tell you, I played that game SO MUCH... I don't think I could give you an honest answer, but if I had to guess I would say minimum of 50 times, all the way through. I could quote it (and I did while I was watching the show live, drove my husband nuts) I've played it that much. Absolutely obsessed, changed my life, no other game could compare. So when I heard they were making a show, I followed it extremely closely, saw the blurry set pics and all that and when I finally got to watch it last year I once again CRIED like a baby. I had to pause the damn thing because watching how perfectly they created that show from the game made me so emotional, I couldn't handle it. I still cry watching it sometimes because I felt like I waited 10 years for that damn show and when they finally made it, it was fucking perfect.
So anyway, that's when I first saw Pedro's work, and since then I have gone and watched The Mandalorian and Narcos (I watched Game of Thrones but only his scenes because I don't really like that show) and a handful of his movies, and he is just so awesome in everything. Then when I read up on his life, it just made me love him even more. He's been through so much and he deserves every single accolade he gets because he's an incredible actor and he seems like a genuinely sweet and kind person.
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While I’m not a dinbo fan (din/fennec all
The way) I do have to say your positivity of this season is refreshing. I feel like I’ve been defending this season all by myself. Dave and Jon are excellent writers and I trust them with my whole heart. This season has really focused on the subtle plot choices that are going to come clashing together and make sense.
Nice to see another fan enjoying the show. 🧡
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts. It's so nice to hear from other voices who are not so quick to jump on the negativity bandwagon. The Mandalorian tag has definitely had its ups and downs over the seasons. I can remember when the chief complaint was that there were too many episodes with canned plots that were "filler" or "slow" or "side quests" and everyone kept asking "where is the plot?" Of course, the overarching plot (that all those canned episodes contributed important pieces to) always came crashing down in the last few episodes of the season and they complained about that too.
This season has seen a lot more world building and has been incredibly focused on character development. The chief complaint I've heard now is that Din's character is "regressing" or being "sidelined". In the first two seasons, Din's priority was a) keeping Grogu alive and b) getting Grogu to a permanent home. Since The Book of Boba Fett, Din has accepted that Grogu is now his responsibility for the long haul. That has shifted his whole world. He can't keep dragging a baby on bounty hunting missions and even if he could, he wants something better for Grogu. He wants to give him a home and people, a stable lifestyle. Bo-Katan can make that happen and he is willing to support her in any way possible to help her succeed - not just for his and Grogu's benefit - because he truly believes in her.
And though I understand and respect that Dinbo is not everyone's cup of tea, I do believe that is the direction the writers are taking their relationship, especially in light of the fact that Bo has voluntarily (with zero prompting from Din) assumed a motherly role with Grogu. For me, I just really want to see these characters find some peace and happiness. I know that in Star Wars peace is always temporary, but it would be very satisfying for me to see Grogu, Din, and Bo (three characters who started this journey utterly alone) become a family. They have each grown so much over these three seasons and the writers have spent the most time focusing on them for a reason. I believe their story can be told well without detracting from the bigger picture of restoring Mandalore and pushing back against the restoration of the Empire.
We know that Star Wars fans are a toxic bunch who aren't happy unless they're complaining. I'll be the first to admit, I went through a phase where I really hated on the sequels (even though I was actually enjoying them until TRoS). We've all done it. And let's be real, there are legitimate reasons to be critical of some of these shows/movies. But I really do believe that a lot of the negativity over this season of The Mandalorian has been predominantly from fans who were just salty that their hyper specific headcanons weren't coming true or because they jumped the gun and judged it before they got to the end. If I had a nickel for every complaint about loose threads, I'd be rich. Even before the season is complete, the vast majority of those threads or pieces have become relevant and now everyone can clearly see why those were important. Patience is a virtue, y'all. Let the season play out and just learn to enjoy the ride. Save your criticisms for after it's done - you'll probably have a lot less of them and you'll undoubtedly feel less stupid when that plot thread you thought was just dropped actually became relevant (looking at you people who thought they went through all that trouble with IG-11 for no reason). Maybe we should all start meditating on my new favorite Mandalorian proverb:
"One does not speak unless one knows."
It sounds a lot like this other favorite of mine:
"Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive." Proverbs 17:28
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 1 year
Shows to Watch/Get Caught Up On:
There aren’t any anime in the Spring 2023 season that appeal to me, so I’m going to use this time to catch up on some (mostly) Western TV shows and animation series. 
I do also end to dig into older anime at some point or another, but those are a lot harder to locate (most of the time) so require some more energy in finding them. Something which I don’t really have right now. Anyway, I’m just making this list to ensure that I’ll actually watch these shows. More potential for actual initiative.
Also, if you notice that there might be some series that I might like, based on these shows, feel free to drop recommendations in the comments! 
The Fire Hunter: I need to rewatch this from Episode 1. It’s the only anime here. It’s based on a Japanese novel and had some really excellent world building in the first two episodes. 
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Bee and Puppycat: I remember watching episodes of this series when it was still a Youtube series. I love, love, love the colors in this series and just the soft style of it.
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Proud Family: Louder and Prouder : I remember this show when I was a kid. I didn’t watch all that much of it, since it aired around the time I was really starting to get into anime (2001, I was 11). But, I remember enjoying it when I did watch it. I also love everything I’ve heard about this reboot.
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Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: I hadn’t realized that this was based on a Marvel comic, but I LOVE the visuals and it just looks so interesting and cool!
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Dead End: Paranormal Park: The lead character for this series is trans and I’ve heard great things about it. I’m also partial to paranormal, supernatural, light horror stuff, so this seems like it will itch that scratch.
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Willow: I need to rewatch the movie first, I haven’t watched that movie since I was a kid, but I remember liking it a lot. I also just remember Warwick Davis as being a part of my childhood through Willow, the Leprechaun movies, and even in HP.
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The Mandalorian (S3) : To the surprise of probably no one, I find Grogu precious and adorable and am a sucker for cold hardass gets given kid that then softens them up. It’s just way too cute a combo, so I’ll be checking this season out too.
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The Owl House: My friend knows Dana Terrace (they had some class together, iirc), she’s also from my home state, so I feel I need to watch it not only because of that, but also because I have enjoyed a lot of what I’ve seen in the show. So, I want to finish watching this one. I know it is well beloved and that is likely for a reason.
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Infinity Train: I watched the first season of this show when it first came out and I LOVED it. But, it wasn’t easy for me to watch, and that ended up being what made watching the rest of the seasons a lot harder for me. I want to watch the other seasons that came out for it though. It was such a wonderfully creative show that explored some great themes.
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Amphibia: This one has interested me for a while and supposedly is quite good. So I want to give it a watch (especially now that it is finished, iirc, it’s easier to binge watch that way).
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Hilda and the Mountain King (TV Movie): I watched the first and second season and I really enjoyed this series. It’s very character focused and I love the fantasy elements of this series. It’s all very magical and also kinda has a Welcome to Night Vale vibe about it, but child friendly. Since this is just a movie, I should be able to watch it quickly.
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copepods · 1 year
hey, I’ve heard over the grapevine that you’re a fan of Star Wars. I’ve only ever watched the first released movie and the first season of Mandalorian, but I would like to get more into it. However, I don’t know what order to watch the movies and all of the tv shows and extras etc etc. do you have any recommendations?
if you're interested in watching the movies, i'd recommend watching them in the order of release- A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, then The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, then The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and the Rise of Skywalker. some of the movies are definitely worse than others, but i'll leave it up to you to decide which ones you like more lol. if you want to watch shows, i'd recommend watching the movies first, since everything uses them as a basis. there's also Solo and Rogue One, which both take place in between the prequels and the original trilogy. you can watch those after if you want, or not at all if you aren't interested.
the Big TV Show in my opinion is The Clone Wars, which has 7 seasons and takes place in between AOTC and ROTS. the creator, dave filoni, is the big guy behind shows like The Mandalorian right now, so i'd recommend watching that first if you want a reference for some of the characters that appear in the later shows. of course, TCW is pretty freaking long, so if you don't want to watch all that there's plenty of watch guides on google that give you the most relevant episodes and what order to watch them in. if you give the show a go and don't like it, that's fine! it's not required viewing, it just gives some added context to everything that happens in later shows. it's also really really good, esp after the first 2 seasons.
there are a lot of other tv shows as well, and you can kind of pick and choose which ones you want to watch (or all of them!) but it's definitely up to you.
Star Wars Rebels takes place shortly before the original trilogy (ANH-ROTJ), so if those end up being your favorite movies, check Rebels out! the new Ahsoka series is going to be a sequel to Rebels of sorts i believe, so it'll give some context if you want to watch that too.
Star Wars Resistance is one that takes place during the sequel trilogy (TFA-TROS), so if you're a sequels fan, that adds some new characters and fleshes out the resistance a little more! i haven't seen it so i can't speak for its quality but there's not all that much supplemental content for the sequels, this is pretty much the big one.
The Mandalorian takes place after the original trilogy but before the sequels. if you're interested in watching more, go for it! it's not required, though. a lot of characters in the 2nd-3rd season are from Clone Wars and Rebels, though, so keep that in mind!
The Bad Batch takes place after the prequels, centering around some clones that made a brief appearance in The Clone Wars. if you want more clone-centric content, you might like this one! i haven't watched it for personal reasons (a lot of the clone designs were horribly whitewashed) but feel free to check it out.
Tales of the Jedi is a relatively new one, that adds some supplemental content to characters from mainly the Clone Wars and the prequels. episodes kind of span all over the timeline. it's relatively short, so if you like the Clone Wars, feel free to give it a shot!
Kenobi focuses on Obi-Wan, and takes place before the original trilogy. to my knowledge there's really not all that much stuff in here that comes from other shows, it's a pretty self-sufficient one. if you like obi wan (i certainly do), give it a try :D
Andor centers around a character from Rogue One and takes place before it. i haven't watched it yet myself, but i've heard it goes into a lot of deep and interesting territory about fascism and how the Empire works, and Rogue One was one of my favorite movies, so i'd definitely recommend it!
edit: I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING there's also The Book of Boba Fett! has characters from both the original trilogy and The Mandalorian, id watch if you're a fan of those :D
that's all the main stuff out right now to my knowledge! there's also a ton of books, video games, etc that i'm not even going to begin to list off, and then the whole Legends canon that disney retconned (which i know next to nothing about), etc. i hope this suffices!
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gggoldfinch · 9 months
talk to me about star wars! tell me all about it!! I know very little about it and am willing like to be educated by a professional such as yourself!!! tell me about anything that's giving you the brain worms! goldfinch rant time go go go
(i'm sat, notebook open and pen ready to take notes ✍️)
Okay so the basics are that the movies are split into three trilogies and tell the story of a bloodline (aka the Skywalker saga), and each movie is called an Episode (1-9). The first trilogy is caked the Prequels, and follows Anakin (Darth Vader) and Padmé, Luke and Leia’s parents. Second trilogy is called the Original Trilogy (which sequentially came out first and is the one pretty much everyone is at least somewhat familiar with), which follows Luke and Leia. The third trilogy and most divisive is the Sequels, which follows Leia and Han’s son and Palpatine’s granddaughter (yikes…). Then there’s the stand alone movies Solo, which is a prequel to Han Solo’s story in the Original Trilogy, and Rogue One, which is a prequel to the events of the Original Trilogy. I recommend watching them in canon timeline order, even if the film quality differences are jarring 🤣 (I personally prefer the visual dark fantasy effects of the Original Trilogy, but I digress)
MY personal favorites are the Prequel movies, specifically The Phantom Menace (Episode 1) and Attack of the Clones (Episode 2), and the standalone movies Solo, and Rogue One (which I believe is objectively one of, if not THE best Star Wars movie to date); however growing up I only ever saw the Original Trilogy, and not very often. I only really got into Star Wars when I was around 18-19 years old. Once when I was a little kid my local library (which was fancy and had a projection theater in the basement) was showing Return of the Jedi (Episode 6) and invited the kids to dress up; so while everyone was dressed up like little Leias and Anakins, my ass was an Ewok (my costume was spot on btw). I got sick halfway thru with like a 101F fever and had to leave 😭
THEN there’s the TV shows. The animated ones, The Clone Wars, and Rebels, are modern television classics and are beloved in-fandom (and although I have personal beef with Rebels i don’t deny it’s a good show lmao). More recently there’s been a surge of live-action TV shows, like The Mandalorian, beloved by all, and recently Ashoka. So far I’ve only watched The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett (which are both my favorites), and Kenobi, so I can’t necessarily speak to the quality of the others (being Ashoka, and Andor) but I’ve heard they’re great too. There are other animated shows too, like Visions (which I have seen) and Bad Batch (which I’ve partially seen), which are also good.
My favorite character, as is obvious by my shrine blog, is Darth Maul, the first apprentice of Emperor Palpatine introduced in The Phantom Menace. He himself is a menace🫡 After his first appearance he’d then go on to have major plot arcs in The Clone Wars and Rebels (the latter of which I don’t ever want to think about ❤️), and also a very hot cameo in Solo. He’s a very complex, deep, and a deeply troubled character (and is also physical disability rep), and he means so much to me. His story is beautifully fleshed out and I just. AAAAAA he’s in the top 5 bracket of my favorite blorbos of all time tbh 🥰
Other runners up for my favorites are: Din Djarin aka The Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Savage Opress (Maul’s beefstick brother played by the same actor as Mr. Krabs), Asajj Ventress, Kit Fisto, Cad Bane, and other miscellaneous idiots. There are so many amazing alien designs & fully armored people to adore and be horny over…
I’m currently writing a Star Wars fic that has been EATING MY BRAIN since 2022 and I’ve only now gotten my act together to actually write it. The main character oc is very self-inserty, as the all are. I put pieces of myself into all my main “I made this as an adult” ocs, and they help me learn things about myself (in a crazy psychoanalytical way), and cope with trauma, and vent, and feel LOVED! And it’s crazy. This fic is MY EVERYTHING and I’m so excited to be writing and sharing it finally after I thought I never would 🥰 It’s seriously just been like an alternate life I’ve lived inside my brain up until now 🚶🏻‍♀️
It’s late and I can’t think of anything more I can infodump about rn but if you want to ask specific questions or want me to talk about specific things I will! THANK YOU FOR INDULGING ME ❤️❤️😭
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kurtzauer · 1 year
Let’s talk Star Wars
They just announced a new Star Wars trilogy.  My fingers are crossed... I really hope the new movies feature:
More Death Stars, maybe even a man-portable backpack shoulder weapon this time... capable of destroying a planet.
The Millennium Falcon flying through more canyons, tunnels, etc. TIE Fighter pilots are in for a surprise!
Harrison Ford's not interested anymore so let's have CGI versions of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia... I just can't let them go.
Sorry.  I'm being terribly sarcastic here. I'm not a nostalgia guy, at all.  Here's what I really hope they do:  BURN IT, I SAY!  BURN IT ALL DOWN!!!  Commence with the blasphemy!  
Blow up the Millennium Falcon.  YES, YOU HEARD ME.  I'm tired of it.  Cut the cord and do something new. Create a new iconic spaceship for our heroes.  Speaking of which...
Make sure these characters are on it when it's destroyed: Chewbacca, C-3PO, R2D2, Maz Kanata.  Yup, I said it.  Blow them all away.  Ok, ok... maybe let Chewie retire peacefully.  Han, Luke, and Leia are gone. We've loved and honored them. Now... it's time for something new. We've seen a new character (The Mandalorian) join the Star Wars universe and have interesting, new adventures so it's completely possible.  Hate to say it but... put Boba Fett on the Millennium Falcon too.  KA-BLAMMMMM!  Good, now let's get started.
If I see another Death Star variation, I'm going to be physically ill.  We should be running out of planets by now. Sorry, blowing up a Death Star no longer makes you a big deal.
Rehabilitate the new crew:  Rey, Finn, and whats-his-name are all currently forgettable characters because they didn't connect with audiences the way that Luke, Leia, and Han did.  This can still be fixed if the script gives them something compelling to do.  Even the best actors can't make us love a movie with a terrible script.
Palpatine... yikes, Bringing him back was a lazy, terrible idea. However!  Rey as Palpatine's daughter... there's something that can be done with that. She's starting up a new Jedi Order in one of the upcoming movies. If anyone is going to feel the pull of the Dark Side, it's going to be Rey. Since she's such a natural (heh), what if she stumbles upon some Dark Side powers during her meditations? What if one of her students is strong in the Dark Side and they explore the possibilities together, leading to the new villain (literally "flirting with the Dark Side")?  
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thevoiceinyourheadx · 2 years
Thanks for the tag @wheresarizona ♥️♥️ My answers are certainly... interesting 😂
Rules: tag (8-10) people who you want to get to know better!
Favorite color: Navy blue
Relationship status: Single (for the last 11 years...god that's depressing 😂)
Three favorite foods: quesadillas, okonomiyaki, and this specific pizza from a tiny town in the south of France that I only had once. It was THAT good.
Top 3 shows: Andor, the Mandalorian,
Top 3 characters: Javier Peña, Din Djarin (my current crushes ans LomL), Leia Organa (my dream BFF and first fictional crush)
What I’m reading now: oh god...after having not read anything for close to a year, my mum got me a book for my birthday that I've just picked up...it's called 'Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism' and I've probably just scared off about 90% of my followers 😂
Song stuck in my head: Don’t Give Up by Kate Bush & Peter Gabriel. I have no idea why. I haven’t heard this song in years. I just suddenly thought of it about a week ago and it’s been stuck in my head ever since
Last movie watched: Glass Onion (for about the millionth time😂). My mum hadn’t seen it so we had a knives out party for her birthday
Last thing I googled: phd interview questions...not that it did me any good 😭
Last song I listened to: Dead in a Minute by A. B. Original... apparently I'm not capable of NOT being political (they make good songs though, I also highly recommend Call Em Out) not for the faint of heart, though
Dream trip: Iceland or Chile, they’re both about even at the moment
Time: just gone midnight!
What I want right now: money, because I have none and government benefits don't even cover my rent. That and this job to get a move on and hire me already because they've been checking references for 3 weeks 🤷‍♀️
No pressure tags (I'd just be interested in your answers, feel free to ignore!) @bitchin-beskar @pedropascalito @mellowswriting
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gaysimpsstuff · 3 years
Accidental Turn-Ons; Hawks x Dom! Reader
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Genre: angst to fluff to smut
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Hawks returns home from a mission, clearly exhausted, and you take the time to give him a little massage! However, it doesn’t quite have the effects you expected.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: minor dub-con (Y/n doesn't know that what they're doing is sexual for Hawks), stress, minor injuries, Keigo's adorable bird tendencies, sexual innuendo, dom y/n, wing play, feather play, nicknames, edging, dacryphilia, handjobs, aftercare
Other: Yo this might actually be my best smut yet
Inspiration: This was actually inspired by my own piece of work, MHA Characters + Their Biggest Kinks where I spoke about Hawks’ wing and back kink and how it relates to his avian traits.
Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore @popcatx0
You paced the living room, glancing between the TV and the door. The news station had cut away from the fight five minutes ago, which meant your boyfriend was either in the hospital getting treated for any injuries he might have sustained, dealing with fans, dealing with paperwork, or on his way home.
Your phone buzzed and you raced to grab it off the couch, fearing an incoming call from the hospital, or a news alert about the well-being of the man you loved.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you realized it was just an email from work, not even marked important. You tossed your phone back onto the couch with a groan.
Wasted build-up. Your mind grumbled
Your eyes flicked back to the TV, watching as the reporter rambled on about yet another stupid thing America had going on as you waited for something, anything to happen. Right when you were getting ready to pick your phone back up from the couch cushions when you heard a light tap tap tappity tap against the thick glass of the sliding glass door that led to your balcony.
You dashed across the living room, accidentally knocking a chair over as you raced to reach the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. You'd recognize his special knock any day, even if he changed it all the time whenever he forgot it. You always had patience with him, you knew he had too many things on his mind with Hero Work to always remember a random knock.
You grabbed the handle, yanking the door open with a wide grin, finally laying eyes on your bird boy. He had a hand stuffed in his pocket, the other rubbing at the back of his neck.
"Hey, Y/n. So sorry I'm late, been flying all day so naturally I'm a little sore. No excuse for missing movie night but-"
"I'm just so glad you're here!" You exclaimed, taking his cheeks in your hands and rubbing at his cheekbones. "I'm so sorry you're hurting, come inside I'll get a heating pack, or a cooling pack, maybe some lotion and I could give you a massage." You babbled, tugging him inside.
"A massage and some cuddles sound great," he sighed, eyes tired. You never liked the fact that Keigo was a hero. He worked too hard, too much, and for so long. He was still young, he should be appreciating life and spending time on himself and with his lover and not with the commission. "Oh I uh, I found this for you."
He took one of your hands off his face, taking his other hand out of his pocket and pressing something cold and smooth into your palm. You opened your fingers, a soft smile growing on your face at the sight of a smooth pretty white rock with grey and black speckles.
"Oh, Kei, this is beautiful. I love it~" you pressed a kiss to Keigo's cheek, loving the way he trilled. He was always so excited to pick up random items he found pretty or interesting, and he'd always give them right to you. It was truly adorable, you loved his gifts. His wings fluttered in happiness for a moment before he winced slightly in pain, happiness vanished in a reminder of his stress from the day.
"Ouch, okay, sitting down time," he muttered, stumbling past you to flop down on the couch. You grabbed the lotion from the kitchen counter (you kept it there for whenever he came home with sore muscles). You set the stone down on the coffee table, tapping it twice in a small show of affection before sitting next to Keigo.
"Shirt off Birdie," you said, squirting some lotion into your palm before rubbing them together.
"Hey, at least buy me a drink first," he chuckled, tugging his jacket off and peeling off his tight hero shirt. You sighed, deciding not to comment on his tacky flirting, knowing you'd been dating for almost a year now.
He turned his back to you, crossing his legs. He folded his wings, lowering them to give you access to his shoulders and shoulder blades. You pressed your fingers against one of his shoulders, finding a large knot almost immediately. You heard him hiss, and your frown increased.
"I know it hurts but it will hurt a lot less when I'm finished," you told him, pressing a gentle kiss to the nape of his neck. The hair there rose against your skin, a shiver shooting down his spine. You blinked, confused at his reaction. Maybe it was uncomfortable for him. You resolved not to kiss there again.
You continued to rub against his tightened muscles, listening to his soft hisses and groans. You pulled away after about six minutes, picking up the lotion bottle and squirted some more into your palms.
"Hey, when you finish with mm~ when you finish with that shoulder could you do around my wing joints? Down my spine, y'know?"
"Are there muscles there?" you asked, most people didn't have muscles down their spines, usually it was just the ridges of said bones.
"Yeah, I do," he explained quickly. You nodded pressing into his knot, slowly working down when it eased up. You moved your fingers downwards, feeling his shoulder blades and spine before reaching his wings joints. He shuddered, similar to when you kissed his neck, but a little larger. You hummed, pressing your fingers down and finding another knot, right where his skin turned to bright red feathers.
"Oh, yeah, yeah right there that's perfect." You glanced back up at him, confused, he didn't usually speak when you massaged him, he'd also never asked for a massage so close to his wings, he was usually very cautious about having his wings touched. Maybe he'd just gotten tired of dealing with wing pains by himself, it was probably a lot different from other knots.
"I'm so sorry you have to deal with this," you cooed. "You really deserve a break, it's not healthy to work this hard all the time."
"I know, Little Feather, but it's nng- n-not my fault. The citizens need me." he panted. You sighed, moving your other hand to work out both wings' knots at the same time.
Keigo's head flopped forward, and his hand flew up to slap over his mouth, holding back a soft whine. You lifted an eyebrow in suspicion, there were only a few times when you heard him make noises like that.
Slowly, you pressed your fingers down closer to the underside, right over a few of his downy feathers.
"Oh fuck~" he hissed.
"Okay, that's it." you lifted your hands away from them, holding them in the air. "What the hell's going on with you?" His head whipped around so fast you were surprised it was still attached to his neck. His golden eyes widened, pupils blowing out, nearly completely covering the honey iris.
"W-what?" he exclaimed, feathers puffing up.
"I'm sorry if I seem mad, I'm not, I'm just- very confused. You're literally moaning. I am giving you a massage and you're moaning. Explain."
His cheeks dusted over in pink, and his eyes fell down to his lap.
"Okay uh- fuck I- this was not how I planned on telling you, erm- I promise I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-"
"Keigo, it's alright, I'm not uncomfortable, just confused. Take a breath darling,"
"Okay, okay, okay." he took a deep breath. "My wings and back are... sensitive, like- in a sexual way. It's why I never let you touch them, I didn't want you to get uncomfortable with that."
"Oh Keigo, you should have just told me, it's perfectly alright, you know I love you, and I love your bird traits. I'm not uncomfortable with this." you smiled sweetly, pressing a hand to his cheek.
"You're- you're not?" he glanced back up at you, golden eyes filled with hope.
"Not in the slightest. To be honest, I don't see why anyone would be uncomfortable with it. It's just another erogenous zone, like someone's neck, ears, or nipples would be. And lots of people keep those bits on display."
"Thanks," he murmured, rubbing his nose against yours. "That does make me feel better, but uh- there's something else.." he trailed off, nervous.
"Your obvious boner? I was gonna leave you to take care of that yourself, but I'll gladly do it for you if you'd like."
"Oh uh-" his cheeks brightened as if attempting to match the tone of his wings. "I would very much like that," he admitted, offering you a slightly nervous smile.
"Anytime, Birdie~" you stood up, hands landing on either side of his waist as you pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But I would very much like to experiment with those wings of yours, see what we can do with them. Just how far can we go?" You smirked at him, tongue darting out to moisturize your lips. Keigo let out a soft breath, shifting against the couch to make room for the tent in his pants.
"I- I have thought about using them before- my feathers can move fast, so they can act as a vibrator if I focus, but I could never use it on myself. I know I'd get distracted, then the feather would stop moving, then I'd have to start all over again. I'd basically just be edging myself all night. I know I'd just give up and jerk off."
"I can work with that~" you pressed your lips against his, surprising him. He whined into the kiss, hands flying up to fist your shirt.
Unfair. He thought, he already had his shirt off, and he knew he'd be naked in just a few minutes, but you hadn't taken anything off yet. Knowing you, you would stay clothed just to tease him. The most you would do was lift your shirt a little to show him your stomach before quickly covering it again. That was what you usually did when you dommed. At least for the foreplay.
You pressed the tip of your tongue against his lips, pushing past his defensive barrier of shiny white teeth, perfect for the press, and you licked along the top of his mouth. His whole body shuddered against yours, his hips jerking upwards.
You grabbed his thigh with one hand, squeezing. A warning, he knew, against bucking up again, against disobeying. He tasted your saliva, feeling it pool onto his tongue. His eyes finally drooped closed, enjoying the taste of leftover's from last night's dinner on your tongue.
He whined against the back of your mouth, feeling you move your other hand up towards his back. He already knew what you were going to do. Without pulling away from the kiss, you plucked a feather about the size of his hand from his wings, running a finger down the stem, brushing it against the little red bristles. Soft against your finger, yet forcing Keigo's restrained cock to grow even harder than he ever thought possible.
You slowly pulled back from the kiss, taking his lower lip hostage between your teeth, tugging it as far as it could go before finally releasing it. You felt Keigo's hot breaths fanning out across your face, and your grin only grew. You loved breaking him apart, the strong, well-put-together Hawks was an act only for the cameras, only you could ever know the real him, the horny, whiny, needy baby he truly was.
"Look at you, falling apart already? I've barely done shit to you."
"Fuck- that's just 'cause it's you~" he purred
"Flattery won't get you anywhere, doll." Your shit-eating smirk only grew, and Keigo could feel himself melting into the couch cushions. "C'mon, take 'em off, you're a big boy, I'm sure you can do it yourself."
He nodded, hands flying away from your shirt and grappling with his belt buckle faster than you could say 'Hawks.' He tossed his belt behind the couch, not caring if it hit anything, and quickly shimmied out of his pants and underwear, letting them pool around his ankles. His cock slapped against his stomach, six inches and throbbing.
Looks like his prediction was correct. He was naked. You were not. You didn't look like you were planning on undressing anytime soon, which left Keigo feeling slightly disappointed. However, any negative emotions vanished the second you ran his bright red feather down his nose, over his lips, then under his chin. He knew immediately you were trying to lift his face with the feather, despite the single feather not being strong enough by itself, not unless it was under his control. But he was not in control, you were, and fuck it if that wasn't the best part.
"Good boy~" you praised him, sliding a hand up his bare thigh, brushing it carelessly close to his dick. He bit his lip, eyes flicking between your hand and your eyes.
"Please, please touch me," he whispered, slightly embarrassed by the situation. It had been a long while since you'd last had sex, and an even longer while since you had been the dom. He'd all but forgotten how to properly beg. You could tell.
"Come on, doll, I know you can ask me nicely, or at least better than that." He groaned, hands gripping your hips and attempting to tug you into his lap, a plan formulating in his head that ended in an amazing thighjob. But his plans never worked, not at least with you involved. No, you were too stubborn, one of the many things he loved about you. But not really in this precise situation.
"Nah ah ah~ hands off the merchandise." Your hand squeezed his thigh again, twice this time. That was all he needed to let go. He found purchase in a nearby pillow, moving it behind him and tugging on the little dangly bits on the corners. He forgot what they were called but he was ninety-five percent sure it started with a 'D' or something.
"Fuck, please, I need it, you know I need it, I-I've been nothing but good all day, please touch me, please~" He whined, eyebrows furrowing. That plus his reddened cheeks made just the cutest face. You couldn't wait to make his eyes go crooked and for him to drool.
"That's it, good boy~" You ran the tip of the feather up his cock, circling the tip. He shivered in response, biting back a loud moan. "Come on, don't make me mad, vibrate yourself with your feather~" you cooed, teasing tone making his stomach churn in the best way possible.
He bit his lip, looking down at the feather slowly circling the tip of his dick. It had already nudged his foreskin downwards, leaving the red skin fully exposed. He took a deep breath, trying to block out your presence, and how hard he was, just focusing on the single red feather, twirling around in loops.
He felt it twitch against his skin, before finally starting to shake, then at last it was vibrating. He twitched it away from his dick, slightly nervous about how it might feel. You sighed, pressing it directly onto the little hole at the tip.
"Ghhh- oh fuckkkkk~" he moaned, pressing his head against the couch cushions. It felt better than he ever possibly could have imagined. Feeling the feather on his dick, his dick against his feather, it was double the pleasure. He whined loudly when the vibrations suddenly stopped. "Nooooo I want it, bring it back, please," he begged, looking up at you with wide eyes.
"Doll I didn't even do anything. You lost focus. You gotta try a little harder." you said, tapping the feather against him again. Pre-cum stuck to it, making red glisten with a little bit of white. He cursed at the sight (and feeling) of his own pre on his feather.
Soon enough, it started to buzz again. And you put it back on him. This time, you traced it up and down his base, running it over the tip again. One of his hands flew up to his mouth, knuckles pressing against his lips. His hips bucked up against the vibrating feather.
"Ooooohhhhhh fuckfuckfuckfuck so goooood~" he moaned loudly. Again, the buzzing stopped without warning. "Nooo fuck no! I need it please fuck!" He looked like he was on the verge of tears- no way it was really that good. You'd have to ask him to use his feathers on you sometime.
"I know baby, I know," you ran your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly. His breath hitched, golden eyes filling with tears of pleasure. "But you gotta focus to get it done, okay?" he nodded, wiping his tears, but he only managed to spread the warm, salty liquid over his face, making him appear even more debauched.
How cute
You wrapped your hand around his dick when it started to vibrate again, the feather curled up between your palm and his dick. Slowly, you began to jerk him off, feeling the feather vibrate faster than you'd felt any toy vibrate, and his dick throbbing and pulsing against you left you feeling like you just might cum in your pants.
"FUCK!" he shouted, back arching off the couch. One of his legs flew upwards, toes curling around the air. He was shaking at this point, looking like he was just on the verge of cumming. "Oh, Godddd fuckkkmeeeee~" he wailed, tears overflowing and falling down his flushed cheeks.
"No god's gonna fuck you, darling, only I will because you belong to me. Isn't that right?" You pulled on his hair and his moans grew louder, the vibrations intensifying, which you thought was impossible at the rate it had been buzzing against your skin and his.
"Youuuuu fuck- I- I belong to youuuu~" he moaned, hiccuping a little.
"Fuck, you're so fucking cute like this, so adorable when you fall apart beneath me, gonna break soon?" He sniffed loudly, nodding. His moan broke out into a disappointed wail when the vibrations stopped again. He tried to get it to move but it just wasn't going to. You opened your palm, revealing the feather, the stem bent awkwardly. Hawks sighed, sadness filling his eyes.
"I was just 'bout to cum too..." he whimpered.
"Oh, you'll still cum. We don't need anything else between us anymore~" you tossed the feather aside before spitting into your palm, beginning to jerk him off again. It certainly didn't feel nearly as good as it did with the feather, but at this point, he was so close he just couldn't give two fucks about how good it felt, just that it would get him where he needs.
"Oh yes yes yes fuck yes more more- gonna cum gonna cum ooooh fuck baby you're gonna make me cum!" He cried out, bucking up into your hand, sobbing as pre ran down the sides of his dick and onto your fingers.
You pulled him to you by his hair, loving the loud moan he let out from the pain. You pressed your lips right up against his ear.
"Then fucking cum, my baby boy~" you purred seductively. Moments later, his whole body spasmed, legs shaking violently and wings flaring outwards. He wailed, screaming as he finally came into your hand, white ribbons landing on his legs, stomach, and even a little on the couch. Subconsciously, he knew he'd have to clean that up later, but he was not about to worry about that right now.
"Godamn! If that wasn't the hottest thing I've ever seen!" you exclaimed, truly in awe at just how good his orgasm looked. He had gone limp, flopped back against the couch, and panting. You pulled your hand away from his dick, licking away the bits of cum from your skin before sitting down next to him, tugging his body closer to you.
"Unf, that was the best damn orgasm of my life," he murmured, voice a little hoarse.
"Looked like it, you alright darling? Can I get you anything? Water, blankets, bath?" You worried a little, hoping you didn't completely brain-fuck him.
"Jus' some cuddles." his head flopped down on your shoulder, eyes fluttering shut as he yawned.
"Hey birdie, don't fall asleep on me," you chuckled. "We still gotta get you all cleaned up and put in bed."
"Not... a problem..." he whispered, breath tickling your skin as he nodded off.
"Heh, that's a problem," you smiled affectionately. He deserved his rest. You resolved to stay still for a little while, then clean him up as gently as you could before carrying him to bed. He wasn't that heavy, after all. "I love you, my darling Keigo~" you whispered, resting your head on top of his and closing your eyes.
Maybe the mess could be cleaned tomorrow, you were also very tired.
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ariainstars · 2 years
We Need More Heroes Like Luke Skywalker
I remember how appalled I was in 2018, when I learned that many fans ranted and raved against The Last Jedi; to the point that both studios and director were subject to death threats. And the general outrage was mostly due to the depiction of the elderly Luke in this movie, who, according to said fans, would never have developed this way or done this and that. Some hate the movie until today.
I was appalled, but also surprised. Until then I would have assumed that the most popular Star Wars character is either Darth Vader or Han Solo, not the naïve, hotheaded farmboy who wanted to live adventures and then had to become a hero to save his loved ones and bring his family back together.
While Luke is my favorite character in the franchise and one of my favorite heroes of all times, until a few years ago I thought I was rather alone with my preference for him. It was surprising to find out that I’m not. I liked how he was portrayed in Episode VIII, and I did not understand how so many fans could feel so deeply offended.
Years later, I am still wondering why. Now here is my interpretation.
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From his first dramatic and iconic appearance, Darth Vader shows that he hates people. It makes no difference for him to kill, torture and traumatize.
Luke is the exact contrary: he personifies love for people. He always wants to see the good in everyone and to protect people and to see them happy. That’s why everybody trusts and likes him.
I have often heard Luke Skywalker being defined “beautiful”. Let’s be honest, he isn’t. He has that difficult to define quality that is usually called “cute”, a person who draws people in and makes them like him instinctively. What’s more, he seems absolutely unaware of it. He doesn’t think of using his charm to make people do what he wants them.
Fans do and did not identify with Luke because of his powers and aloof attitude (which he mostly displays in Return of the Jedi). They identify with him because being the most human of the bunch, he’s the easiest to understand. Luke always was the window to Star Wars, the most relatable character. Maybe the reason why newer SW content, while often good, does not touch fans that deeply.
Apparently, action film fans do not love characters like James Bond or Indiana Jones as much as one would assume. They may admire them, but they don’t love them.
I think movie fans, even those who watch action movies, are starved for compassion. We’ve had so many brave, badass heroes that we can hardly count them. Luke is still almost on his own, holding the torch for the thing he always stood for - love for people. Someone who encourages other people to act out of compassion, too. Who, for all his bravery, fighting skills and Force powers, is human and relatable.
But as far as I can see, until today, a character like Luke Skywalker, someone who embodies love for people, is still quite unique. Many heroes are good and kind, but they are not so deeply compassionate, willing to see the good in people, taking everybody the way they find them.
This goes for both male and female characters. During the last decades we’ve been flooded with “badass” heroines who fight and stand their ground and even kill, but I can’t think of a single one who was so deeply loved by the fans, none who could balance power and compassion in such a convincing, captivating way.
Luke is not even the actual protagonist of the Skywalker saga. He is the hero because he saves the situation, but he is not the central figure.
Anakin, his father, was the Chosen One. Luke was not the Chosen One.
People will admire and like Anakin Skywalker, and be impressed by Darth Vader, but both characters don’t inspire much love. Luke does.
These last years Disney studios are bending over backwards in their new tv shows to give the fans what they want, but until today, they haven’t.
The Luke we meet in The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett is “the perfect Jedi”, a man obviously following the path of the prequel Jedi. This version of Luke does not embody compassion and love for people. This is paving the way for what will eventually happen to him and his family: Luke is learning to be detached, not understanding that his compassion is his greatest strength. He is obviously afraid of going his father’s way, and naïve as always, he believes he can avoid that by following the teachings of the Jedi.
The irony is that now many fans are rejoicing, believing that this is the Luke Skywalker they wanted to see when the sequels hit theaters. Despite their horror at Episode VIII, many don’t seem to understand to this day where their own outrage actually came from. This new version of Luke is cool. He’s aloof. He is kind, e.g. offering Grogu the chance to refuse to become a Jedi (on a side note: Luke or Anakin didn’t have that choice), but he’s not shown as a man who would follow his heart.
The Luke Skywalker from the classic movies is by no means perfect, he’s very human. He is open with his emotions, the living proof that strong feelings must not be dangerous. Usually he is associated with hope, but what he embodies even more than hope is the desire and willingness to bond with other people. Luke is a hero in his own right: he doesn’t need a villain to act as a foil.
Why would SW and other fans love this character so much, if he wasn’t so unique? Why, still after so many years, are we confronted with badass heroes of both sexes, and no one with whom we can actually respond with so much love?
The Last Jedi was not the problem. Neither was the character of Luke, or how he was both written and interpreted either in the classic movies or in Episode VIII.
I think the problem is that filmmakers, whether they tell Star Wars stories or others, are wary of depicting this kind of hero. There are many nerdy heroes too, noble and romantic ones, and not everyone of them spends all the time using his fists and weapons.
But a hero as a person who actually embodies love for other people? Sorry, I can’t think of any. The outcry of the fans who showed how much they loved their childhood hero has made one thing clear – viewers are not as keen on tough guys as one would think, not even in action movies.
When I hear and read that viewers want to see woke females who don’t need a man by their side and who will fight any bad guy with fists, brains and weapons, I have to laugh. This is obviously not the case, either fans wouldn’t get so upset about a hero they loved and still love due to the power of his heart, not his badassery. Many Star Wars fans dislike Rey, and some have even grown to detest her since she became all “independent and strong” in The Rise of Skywalker. It’s obviously not what fans want to see.
We don’t need any more heroines who ape men by using weapons, killing the bad guys and then riding into the sunset alone. As an audience, we obviously want and need more male heroes like Luke Skywalker.
And I mean the person he used to be, not the sanctimonious “Jedi” cliché the Disney studios are serving us with their new tv shows.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
Honestly thinking how sad it would be if Luke tried to train all of his students in the traditional, old-fashioned Jedi way because he never got to be trained like that? Like, he wasn’t raised a Jedi and he was just expected to be a Jedi and he actually has no idea what Jedi are even like because his two examples were both hermits who lived secluded from all civilization and spoke in riddles and who didn’t exactly teach him in a way that’s repeatable. Luke had to learn everything about the Jedi himself, and he looks at all of those old stories and old holocrons and he learns about Anakin and he just assumes that it would be so much better if his students learned the way they were “supposed” to.
Like, look. I am one of those people who honestly believe that Luke and Leia are a duo that, when combined, are the most powerful in the galaxy. Like, Anakin was overwhelmed by Force energy, but his children got half of that. And y’know, it’s magic space sci-fi and they’re magic space twins and it just makes sense to me that they’re more powerful together. Like, they’re super powerful apart, but together they’re unstoppable, that sort of thing. And I also believe that, ultimately, what saved Anakin was his attachment to his son and what kept Luke from falling to the Dark Side in the movie was his attachment to Leia and Anakin and so attachment isn’t bad, but rather can be good. I mean, I’ve gone out of my way to criticize the Jedi teachings.
But, would Luke know any of this? Would Luke, who grew up not knowing what a Jedi was and was trained while not knowing what a Jedi was and who tried to go on an adventure to find himself and figure out what a Jedi was, only for it to be repeatedly interrupted by Force Ghost Ben telling him he wasn’t ready every other place he went and Darth Vader sending literally the best bounty hunters to kidnap him. Then, he gets his hand cut off, and I don’t care how much medicine has improved by Star Wars time, there’s no way it didn’t take Luke a while to figure out how to use his prosthetic. And RotJ takes place a year later, so even if Luke only took a month to recover, how long did it take to plan to save Han? To get every piece into place? Surely, it took at least a few months? And that’s a few months of Luke still not knowing what a Jedi is aside from “hermit who speaks in riddles.” Would he really know anything other than what he’s seen and experienced himself?
So, by the time of the Mandalorian, he’s maybe had a few more years to do some research on what being a Jedi is, but look at his experience! He got trained for four years and then was told to face Darth Vader (not even in a fight, just in general, I think, it’s unclear to me) and boom, now you’re a Jedi Master, Luke. Congrats.
The two teachers he had were honestly pretty bad, all things considered. Don’t even try to look me in the eye and tell me that Obi-Wan did not set out on this journey with the intent and knowledge of his own demise. He trained Luke for, maybe, a day or two? He did his best, I’m sure, but he just didn’t have enough time. And what even were Yoda’s lessons? Be patient. Okay. The Force is strong. Cool. Your own powers are more than you might think. Right. Handstands, run around, do some flips, lift some rocks. What?
How can we really expect Luke to be a good teacher at this point? He barely knows what he’s trying to teach! And even if he knows how to do it, that doesn’t mean he knows how to explain it. Has he even ever heard the word “midichlorian?” Like, come on. Give him a break. He saved the galaxy and I’m sure there were a lot of loose ends to tidy up before he was allowed to go off and do Jedi stuff. It just feels unfair to expect him to be a masterful teacher right off the bat, when he didn’t exactly have the best examples. He can’t exactly put himself in a sling and ride around on Leia or Grogu’s back. He’s at a disadvantage, his only real teacher has been himself.
And even if Force Ghost Obi-Wan could help, I don’t think Obi-Wan would want to. Obi-Wan still views the entire situation as himself failing as a teacher. Do we really believe that he’s going to give Luke teaching advice when Obi-Wan doesn’t view himself as a good teacher?
And, I know there’s a lot of discourse over Luke showing Grogu his repressed memories. Horribly scarring a child, okay. But, look at Luke’s history. Leia remembers their mom’s face, but Luke doesn’t know anything about his family for over twenty years. Maybe he was wrong, but I too would assume that others would rather know where they came from, if they could. Maybe he was thinking that he wanted help and could ask Grogu what his teachers did, maybe he was thinking that Grogu would want to know and remember all the things he learned and, more importantly, the people he knew. I don’t know, but it just feels weird to be upset at him for letting Grogu remember these memories. They’re Grogu’s memories!
And, I don’t think repression is actually considered healthy? Like, it helps, sure, but it also means that you have huge blank spaces in your mind and your memory, and that’s sometimes even worse. Yes, Grogu now remembers the genocide of his own people, but wouldn’t he have found out about it anyway? He couldn’t be kept from the knowledge forever. And, isn’t it better to remember this stuff around someone he’s comfortable with? Even if he doesn’t like Luke, he knows he’s safe with him. Wouldn’t it be better to remember these scary things with someone you feel safe around? I don’t know, I just know that I have repressed memories and there are things that make me so uncomfortable and I think “What happened? Why am I like this? Why am I weaker than other people? Why don’t I remember?” and so I think it’s better to remember than to forget. That might just be me. I’ll let everyone defer to their own experiences.
And like, the whole thing where Luke told Grogu to choose between being a Jedi or with his dad.
Luke never got a choice. Luke never got an option. Most Jedi younglings didn’t get a choice, did they? Most of them were just expected to be Jedi or to work in fields or whatever, right? The Jedi had a lot of younglings, and all of them were expected to become Jedi or at the very least work around Jedi. And, leaving the Jedi Order is never brought up as an option. Being forced to leave is brought up, but never someone saying “Hey, I just don’t think being a Jedi is for me. I’m going to go be a florist instead.” Ahsoka leaves after they wrong her, but they wronged her! We don’t see anybody make the decision to leave just because they’ve chosen not to become a Jedi.
So, Luke giving Grogu that option is already breaking the traditions of the Jedi Order, isn’t it? Luke sitting down and telling Grogu that he doesn’t have to be a Jedi is a big thing, I think. He gives him options. And, no other Jedi youngling got that. Anakin certainly never got that. And Luke definitely didn’t get that. Luke is going against the ways of the Jedi simply by acknowledging that a Force-sensitive child who was previously trained to be a Jedi, might not want to be a Jedi. He let’s him choose. He doesn’t try to force him to stay, he doesn’t hide the fact that Din misses him from Grogu, he doesn’t keep Din’s present from Grogu. And he could have, so easily, done any of that. But, instead, he sat down and let Grogu choose.
Also, Grogu’s options being Yoda’s lightsaber and the little shirt from Din are apart of the ongoing theme in the series of “Old ways have to change.” This is Din’s story arc, this is the Galaxy’s story arc, this is a lot of characters’ story arcs. This is a more visual representation of the choice most characters make between staying in the past or moving to the future. And, honestly, neither is really looked down upon, if you think about it. Like, yes, the obvious moral the story pushes is that change is good and change is for the best, but the story also shows us Boba Fett in a positive light. Boba has spent how long trying to get his armour, his past, back? Not just his past, but a past that’s representative of Jango Fett and the countless clones? Boba is remembering the past and still looking to the future and he’s supposed to be a cool guy you want to take advice from.
This is long, I know, and it’s rambly, but I feel a bit bad seeing people badmouth Luke. And it’s just, Luke’s life has always seemed really sad to me! Luke spent the first nineteen years of his life feeling like he was meant to be somewhere else, like he was missing something, and all he wants to do is pilot starships. He says he wants to join flight school for the Empire, but his motivation really is to just fly. That’s all he wants to do. He gets roped into the Rebellion, and of course he supports the cause and the people and wants to help, but they treat him oddly. Like, they don’t seem as concerned about him. When he’s stuck out on Hoth, nobody but Chewbacca, Han, Leia, Artoo, and Threepio seem concerned. They’re the only ones who think “Luke will die if he’s in trouble, this can’t wait until morning” or at least “this shouldn’t wait until morning.”
And of course, there’s the comics. Where he’s treated differently because he’s supposed to be a Jedi. Even as he constantly tells people he isn’t one, they tell him he’s wrong. They tell him “You’re a Jedi” when he says “I’m still just training.” They tell him “You’re a Jedi” even when he says “I don’t know what I am.” Luke never gets a say in it. The Rebellion wants him to be a Jedi and his dad was a Jedi and Ben wanted him to be a Jedi so I guess he’s a Jedi now. He’s a better pilot than ground operative, but Jedi are supposed to be on the ground, so.
His dad is Darth Vader. That sucks. His dad is the reason he has no one to teach him how to do anything, literally. His dad is the reason he no longer has a hand. His dad has killed countless rebels in an attempt to try and capture Luke, and his dad has been doing this for years, and how must that feel? All those people who die, and you know it’s because one man was after you. Not to mention, how must it feel to remember all the times someone likened him to his dad? People tell him constantly that he’s like Anakin. And that must suck, because he knows Anakin became Darth Vader. People are telling a twenty something that he’s like the man who committed genocide against his own people, killed his old master, and commits atrocities because he’s a slave to the Emperor. Wow. Thanks.
Luke just wanted to be a pilot like his dad. That’s all he wanted. Now he’s expected to be a teacher because Yoda told him to be one. Luke didn’t get a choice in anything, he never gets a choice, but he still lets Grogu have a choice, and to me, that means that no matter how anybody talks about it, Luke is still kind and selfless and thinking about everyone except for himself.
Think of it this way. He let his only real, living connection to the Jedi ways of old, his connection to his own father and masters in the past, his first real padawan, someone who reminded him of his own master he looks back on fondly, someone who could help teach him what the Jedi were supposed to be like, someone who was alreayd trained for years to be a Jedi and so is expected to finish the training; he let that kid choose to go back to his dad.
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