#I have two other lore drops that should happen within two weeks hopefully.
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seastarryclouds · 1 month ago
A look into Maelstrom NPC's in the Danger Gal Dossier
Last time I covered the maelstrom section in the DgD I went over their base, history (that is listed in the Danger Gal Dossier), resources, and goals. Now I will go over some of the listed characters and NPC‘s in the book. For context, the DgD is an expansion of the lore for the Cyberpunk Red tabletop game, and characters listed in here could be used in a tabletop gaming session. I’ll be honest I view every character in here as canon, considering some of their names pop up on the Maelstrom wiki, and the fact that the Tyger Claws (ew) section of this book we have a character named “Wakako” who is the same Wakako that we see in 2077 as a fixer. 
With that out of the way, here is a small summary of each characters bios, my thoughts on them, and anything else of note that I think is important. I’ll be going in order of when they appear in the book and as always if you want the full image and details of a character message me and I can DM them to you.
1.Crusher- Cyberpsycho Urban legend and Former Leader
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Crusher had become Maelstroms leader after the former boss, Hammer, died in the nuke frenzy that happened after Arasaka tower fell. Crusher was the one who rallied Maelstrom survivors to fight through the destroyed city to the hotel where the Totentanz is located. He dueled a Warrior hearts gang leader for the hotel that serves now as Maelstrom’s base. Thanks to Crusher and other Maelstrom survivors, they would stabilize the Totentanz with rubble and construction gear they salvaged.
I cannot express how impressive this sounds. Maelstrom literally dug themselves out of the scorched earth that was the hot zone of Night city. They built and fought off looters and soldiers from trying to claim their newly rebuilt base.
Crusher would be the lead in fights to protect the Totentanz and is described as having “all his cyberwear working” and “one of the most dangerous people in the city.” This small bit has me, wondering if Cyberware had a habit of breaking more easily in the time of the red, considering the nuke frenzy I bet cyberwear was more prone to decay, glitching, and breaking due to radiation
Crushers rule came to an end in 2027 when he suffered from a psychotic episode while slaughtering a storm-tech convoy, and then disappeared into the hot zone. Ever since that event, he has made random appearances. Sometimes it’s to aid Malstrom in their battles while other times he will beat down current members and will rant at them cryptically. The book describes Crusher as the gangs personal angry God. Which I find a little amusing, imagining a Maelstrom goon just chilling only for crusher to jump them while yelling about how the Malstrom gang just isn’t what it used to be. Maelstroms angry dangerous Grandpa.
The fictional author of this section, Linda “Overpass” Lucastra, comments that they don’t understand how Crusher dodges MAX-TAC, and where he vanishes to.
I am left wondering too since I don’t have lots of context of what the city looks like or a map of the time of the red. Now some interesting bits, Crusher has both a pop-up grenade launcher (x2), and a pop-up flamethrower, and of course a bunch of body cyber wear. Inn the skills base category. I was shocked to see the first aid stat at an 11, which is pretty damn high! I suppose living on your own means you better know how to take care of yourself, but don’t expect him to help you or any of his fellow maelstrom members. His empathy stat is at a zero. He also has a karate stat of 16. For context, anything over 10 for a skill base stat is like expert level. For example, if you have a mathematical stat over 10, you are doing messed up equations easy Peasy.
2. Warlock- the Maelstrom Warlord
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Warlock is described as looking like a disposable goon at a first glance however, he wields a lot of knowledge, social awareness, and presence that he can use to push his agenda and secure deals. He can even use his skills to get one over on corporate agents and make deals with them. He will use his soldiers, maelstrom gang members, to build up the gang reputation for a gang prone to hyper violence and creepy rituals. He does this on purpose, making Malstrom look like a chaotic mess from the outside while building his teams carefully and planning for the long term. It might be thanks to him that we have maelstrom in 2077 to quote the book, “if Warlock lasts Maelstrom could wield real power in night city”.
Warlock joined the gang as a kid while Crusher was still in charge, and took over Malstrom after crusher successor Hextra (who is not shown in this book) was killed by MAX-TAC. Warlock was responsible for organizing wannabes who hung around the Totentanz into an incredible scav force that worked in the hot zone collecting what was useful. Warlock is also responsible for unifying the gang's grasp on the Totentanz. Booster gangs of all types are still welcome at the Totentanz in a “come get stabbed” sort of welcome
To me, Warlock has to be one of the best Maelstrom leaders, and honestly what I expect from a Maelstrom leader. There needs to be some sort of order in the chaos, or else maelstrom will fall not just to other gangs, but to themselves. Another thing of note, it states that Warlock joined the gang when he was a kid. I have no idea how young he was but my guess was he was in his late teens when he joined. I’d say that Warlock deserves his NC legends just for that. This was the time before Maelstrom initiations came with the big red optics to your face, but still he survived in the gang and clawed his way to the top and made Maelstrom a big threat to night city.
There is nothing majorly surprising in his skill gear or cyber wear (at least that I can decipher), but one funny note is that in his gear he has something called a kibble pack, but not just one, he has ten… Kibble in the cyberpunk universe is like this cheap food that you can buy and eat, but it’s literally like human dog food. I’m currently listening to a cyberpunk podcast called Chambers Bullets and one of the characters is constantly eating it cause he enjoys it and every other character gives him shit for it, so reading this little detail makes me chuckle.
3. The Pit- Maelstroms Pet Cyberpsycho
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Deep down in the sub sub basement of the Burleson Tower The Pit stalks for their prey. Maelstrom uses this once man to entertain and punish. Linda “Overpass” Lucastra describes how they have done right along with MAX-TAC and The Pit doesn’t even come close. Describing them as something from a brain dance horror Sim, The Pit will stock their prey before they kill them and no one has beaten The Pit. Things got so bad that Joe Pitt (I’ll get to him) Bolted a mask to their face because they were eating their victims and it was making The Pit sick. Maelstrom gangers at the Totentanz enjoy standing around and saying “feed him to the pit!” (saying this to customers at the Totentanz I presume).
The pit situation kind of reminds me of Ellis Carter, a former supporter of Brick that went cyberpsycho, and got kept as a way to entertain. There is no info on who The Pit was before becoming a cyber psycho. Just like Crusher The Pit's empathy is at zero and they have a first aid stat (only at a four). The Pit has an unknown language stat of six, which makes me think that The Pit has their own form of language that they made up due to psychosis. The mask bolted to their face is also a anti-smog mask. Surprisingly The Pit also has a gun they can use, but is noted in the book as “someone else’s very heavy pistol”.
4. Quake the Lord of the Hammer
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Quake is a big and scarred man who works under Warlock as one of his lieutenants. Quake trusts Warlock, and Warlock makes sure that Quake gets to throw it down with Inquisitors and lead the gang in riots. Inquisitors for those who don’t remember is a cult gang that is devoted to squaring up with every gang in night city because they hate Cyberware. Inquisitors believe cyberwear to be blasphemous, and basically have made enemies out of everyone, but of course Maelstrom especially hate them. Quake dresses himself in a way that is specifically meant to catch the eyes of anti-Cyberware extremists. Quake enjoys taking out these extremists and claims he specializes in “chewing up meat”. The DgD notes that “the massive, customized hammer and built in revolver, his deliberately chunky linear frame, his glossy black leather, and the red underlighting built into all of them” is what is used to catch the eyes of the Inquisitor's. Lower level gang members have started adopting his style, but not just his physical style. Quake is very messy with his kills. Overpass states that “I saw him pull a guy into a storm drain by his ankle through the gate.”
I have the feeling that we can thank Maelstroms current style of nearly everything to this guy right here. On a slightly more positive note, the DgD says that everyone in the Maelstrom has lost someone to Inquisitor ambushes, so Quake is responsible for being an avenger of sorts. The gang will corner them and block Inquisitors routes of escape, Then Quake tears them apart. Interesting things of note, not only does he know Spanish with a stat of 8 but he also knows Russian with a stat of 8 too. This guy knows three languages and could possibly hint that he is mixed and possibly from another country. Overall, I love this guys dress style and it’s kind of sweet in a fucked up way that Maelstrom has their own little angel that gives inquisitors a what for.
5. Flenser- Maelstroms Intelligence Expert
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Flenser is Maelstroms other lieutenant who works under Warlock. While Maelstrom is known for its brawls and armored heavyweights, Flenser is a patient, stealthy, and clever spy. Warlock has her stalk other gangs in order to learn their secrets, resources, and deducing their patterns. Flenser is deadly, but doesn’t often fight directly, and Warlock works to keep her profile low. She will hang out at the Totentanz occasionally, but keeps to the back. Flenser is seriously good at what she does, even able to breach into government and NeoCorp systems. She likes to get in through various methods, from crawling in through rooftops to packing herself in through cargo pods. When she is in she hits and leaves before anyone knows she was there. She also works to protect Maelstroms secrets. The Burleson Tower has strong locks and good surveillance due to her. The DgD notes that “no doombas or addicts get keys to anything important”. Warlock uses Flenser’s data sparingly, but her data has helped recent big wins.
The most interesting one to me is the red chrome beat down. I will come back to this in a later post.
I think the reason warlock doesn’t use a bunch of her info is so people don’t get nosy about Flensers existence. If Maelstrom started having all these big wins especially towards bigger targets like major corporations, people would start to get suspicious as to why a seemingly unorganized violent gang is able to go toe to toe with bigger threats. She is a secret weapon that should remain a secret to secure big wins and help protect Maelstrom. 
Flenser is the first non-solo Maelstrom we have encountered in this book! That’s right all the characters above have been solos coming from someone who has played the cyberpunk tabletop game. They are really scary to deal with when you yourself are not a solo. She has plenty of Netrunning cyberwear and gear perfect for sneaking around. I was happy to see that she is another character that has another language other than English, with a Korean stat of 9, but looking even closer she doesn’t even have an English stat in her skills at all! Only street slang and Korean. Either this is a typo and the English is just missing or Flenser truly doesn’t speak English that well or at all. Could be an interesting mistake, turned into detail! I leave you with this final detail, Overpass had difficulty writing this brief on Maelstrom due to Flenser. Quote “she was the biggest obstacle to completing this brief.”
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spicy-dunkaroo · 4 years ago
Stuck by Your Side (Part 1)
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♫Now Playing: “Stuck by Your Side (Part 1)” by Spicy Dunkaroo…♪
❀Word Count: 2.5k
❀Rating: PG 13, 18+, Minors Do Not Interact (please)
❀Genre: Mythology AU!, Kelpie! Tamaki Amajiki, a pinch of Angst, very Fluffy, Maybe Smut (Still not sure yet)
❀Summary: Due to your job, you’re forced to visit a beautiful city in Scotland in order to get some reconnaissance on the locals. While on this trip, you grab a drink with a coworker and return home where you begin to notice strange things happen.
❀Warning(s): Cursing, Mentions of Alcohol use (Characters are aged up), and Mentions of Depression
❀Author's Note: Hello everyone!! This will be my first collaboration with the BNHarem server (Of hopefully many more). I hope that if you enjoy this story that you also go ahead and check out the other talented artists/writers that participated in this server collab here. I am beyond grateful to be working with so many amazing writers and artists that have helped me and inspired me to start writing!! I would also like to ask that if there are any warnings I might have missed, please do let me know. The last thing I want to do is have anyone read my story and get triggered because I didn’t properly put the warnings here.
Without further adieu, I hope you enjoy :)
Birds singing, leaves crunching, and the wind singing in your ears was all you could hear as the tour guide went on with their one-sided conversation of tour around Inverness, Scotland. If it weren’t for your worrisome supervisor, you’d be in the cute little cottage that you rented for the next few weeks, probably playing on your switch or watching Tigtog videos for hours on end. But noooo, they mandated that everyone had to go on this hour-long tour of the city to “get a nice perspective of the city” or whatever the hell they were rambling on about.
Each person was assigned a partner for the tours so they didn’t have to worry about anyone getting abducted or ‘lost’. Knowing better, you visibly rolled your eyes as your partner looked around like a kid in a candy store. Apparently the woman was from the marketing department as well, her name seeming to leave your memory as you squinted in her direction.
“You forgot my name again, didn’t you?”
“Pfft- no- no way!”
“Yea? Then what is it?”
“Uh, erm...It- it starts with a H, I know that!!”
“It’s Hoshi, or if you’d like to continue with formalities, Ms. Tenmei.”
Hanging your head in shame you look away. Getting lost in your thoughts once more, Hoshi taps on your shoulder.
“Hey, no worries! I’m pretty bad with names myself. How’s camera duty going?”
Saying this, the woman grabs the camera from your grasp, turning it back on to see the pictures you had taken thus far. Whistling, Hoshi looks back at you, noticing the lack of enthusiasm that was painted across your face.
“I know this tour is the last thing either of us want to do, but the quicker you get all those pictures for the portfolio, the quicker we can get out of here and grab a drink. It’ll be my treat if you can get all of them before the end of the tour.”
Nodding your head, you grab the camera back from her, beginning to focus it on a nice view of the lake from the bridge the two of you were standing on. Before you can snap the shot, the tour-guide’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts as he begins to speak about a more interesting topic.
“It’s said that this lake has a kelpie spirit living within its waters. Although, that can be said about any lake that’s big enough to swim in.”
As most tourists begin to talk amongst themselves, you grip onto the expensive camera once more, hoping to find that perfect shot you had before the man’s shrilling voice had interrupted your train of thought.
“Mommy, what’s a kelpie?”
As the little boy spoke, you took the chance to snap the shot as a bird flew on the lake's surface, leaving a black blur on the perfect shot!
‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’
The tour guide you grew to despise butted into the pair’s conversation to answer the boys question.
“That’s a good question kiddo! It’s said that the origins of the Kelpie were originally told as warnings to women and children alike to be alert at all times when not around their loved ones. Despite this, you can ask any local in the area and most could tell you their story of encountering the supposed myth. I suppose we’ll never know till we see one for ourselves. Though, if you’re unlucky enough to encounter such a myth, there’s the chance that you won’t live to tell the tale...”
The boy trembled as he gripped his mother’s dress tighter in his clutch. Your partner begins to scoot closer to you as she whispers into your ear.
“Psst! Hey, what do you think about those ‘kelpie’ hm?”
“It sounds like some sort of folk-lore they tell all the tourists here.”
“Oh c’mon now, you’re no fun! I’d like to think they might not be as brutal as this guy says.”
Scoffing, you shake your partner’s hand from your shoulder as you look into the camera’s lens once more to take another picture.
‘I’m sure it’s all bullshit. There’s no such thing as a shape-shifting kel-‘
Thinking this, you suddenly feel your body begin to fall forward as the bridge railing suddenly let out from beneath you. Before you realize it, you open your eyes to see the water's surface only a mere foot or two from your own face, the camera hanging by your neck and grazing the lake, your body beginning to be pulled back to its upright position.
Turning around to thank whoever it was that just saved you from having to pay for the company camera, you look to see nobody behind you. Nobody seemed to even be around you as you see Hoshi following behind the group of tourists, leaving you in the dust. You begin to chase after the group as you shake off the entire encounter.
Shuffling your bag off of your shoulder you threw it into the nearby chair, slumping into the couch that was adjacent to the chair. You began to hum to yourself as you felt the effects of the beer contest you had with Hoshi who you now knew was your supervisor. Thinking to yourself you remember losing that contest the two of you set up.
‘It was nice of her to pay for us and to bring me back home even though I lost. I should thank her tomorrow and try to pay her back if I can.’
Suddenly feeling the effects of the liquid courage, you stood up a bit too quickly, reaching your hand out to the couch you were just laying on. Not sure what to do, you reached for your phone to scroll through Tigtog, that was until you began to hear something strange. From what you could tell, it sounded like a voice, though you weren’t sure if it was male or female. Curiosity began to take the lead as you stood upright once more. Looking around, you began to walk around the cottage, seeing if there was anything on that could be making that noise. Eventually you found yourself outside in what looked to be the backyard of your little cottage, swaying side to side as you tried to listen for the voice once more.
“Y/N? Are- are you there?”
Under normal circumstances, after hearing an unknown males voice you’d already be locking the backdoor behind you after racing to that door. Tonight, however, was not the case as you yelled back the best you could of a response.
“yYeaa! Wwwhooo- whoo arre yOU?”
After saying this, you suddenly began to burp, probably due to the alcohol. Despite everything you had experienced thus far, for some reason your fit of burps could not be funner to you at that very moment as the voice spoke once more.
“T-That’s not important r-right now. I just wanted to make sure you made it back home safe.”
The liquid courage that coursed through your veins decided that you wanted to find out more about this stranger and began to walk into the forest. You began to sway as you attempted to find them, calling out to them in hopes of convincing them to stay and hang out.
“OoooOh c’mON now!! Don’t be liiiike that! Wh-wherrrreeee are ya? Le-le-let’s hanggg ouT for a bit! I-I *hic* think there’s cards in the liv-livingg roooom~! We- we can play a gggame of poKER and- and see what’s in the fridge. Man, now I’m hungryyy!”
Despite your lack of sobriety at the moment, you began to hear a few leaves crunch nearby. It appeared that for some reason or another, what you lacked in logic you seemed to gain in your basic senses. This theory proved true as you sniffed the air, you noticed that there was a lake nearby.
‘Since when the hell did I know what a river smelled like?’
Before you can continue on with your train of thought, the stranger responds once more. They seemed a bit panicked as you heard a twig snap, followed by more leaves crunching beneath their feet you suspected.
“D-D-Don’t come any closer! Y-You should go back h-home, you’re not t-thinking rationally.”
Not wanting to take no for an answer, you continue to walk to the source of the sound, hearing what sounded like a cascading river growing louder. Looking through the trees, you noticed a few yards away the river you had just heard. You speak up once more as you begin to walk toward the river.
“I-I don’t want to be alone r-right now… It-it’s stupid I know, I just...I’d just like to talk, just for a little bit. Would that be okay?”
Your vision began to blur as you rushed to the river's edge. It didn’t matter now if the stranger responded or not, your world began to crash down around you as you looked at the reflection on the water's edge. Sitting on your knees, small whimpers escaped your lips out as you covered your face with your hands. Despite the literal lack of sight, your emotions consumed you as it felt that everything around you was losing the light that once shone in your hopeful eyes.
At this point, you couldn’t hear any signs of life as you gripped harder at your face, only the sound of your quiet cries for help being all that echoed through that hollow forest. Assuming the worst, you began to move your hands from your face, dropping them by your side once more as you looked at your reflection once again.
“Y-You said you wanted to talk? T-That’d be fine, just- just promise you won’t cry anymore?”
There's a beat of silence, it seemed that not even the wind could speak as your body froze. Sure, you could convince yourself that you were just hearing things, that you were just acting aloof because you were feeling lonely. If you could get yourself on the couch, you could wake up and even tell yourself that the whole experience was just a really surreal dream you had. What you couldn’t convince yourself was the half naked man that appeared to be standing a few feet behind you, his voice matching his lips as you watched them move.
‘Maybe- maybe I’m just seeing things? That-that has to be right, right?! But alcohol doesn’t cause hallucinations and I’m positive that none of my drinks were spiked. So- so...Who the hell is this!?!’
“Are- are you okay Y/N?”
Your body grew stiff as you heard your name roll off of his tongue. If you weren’t getting clearheaded before, you definitely were cold sober now. Those shy indigo eyes that seemed to stare back at your own off of the river's surface as they brought you back to your senses.
‘There is a strange, half-naked man, who somehow knows you by your name, staring at you- talking to you! He doesn’t seem very intimidating, but then again he is a stranger!! In the best case scenario, he could just be a nice guy who found someone in need. Worst case, he’s a psycho that found their next victim! I can’t keep my back turned like this, I have to do something and get the hell out of this!’
Taking a shallow breath in, you swiftly turn your entire body around, facing the stranger that now made your body shiver in fear as you looked up at him. Despite the appearance of the situation, the man seemed to be intimidated by you as he looked away.
‘He doesn’t really seem like he wants to hurt me. If anything, he’s scared of me? Maybe I can intimidate him to leave me alone? Though, I don’t think I could pull it off seeing as I’m still a bit drunk…’
Looking back at the man, you notice he begins to reach his hand out toward you, slowly beginning to walk toward your crouched form. Worried for the worst, you scoot away as you respond.
“H-HEY!! D-Don’t come any c-closer! If-If you don’t I-I’ll- ACK!”
Speaking this, you only now notice that there didn’t seem to be any more ground beneath you as you felt your body begin to fall into the river.
Before you can process everything that’s happening, you close your eyes in anticipation for the cold water that was bound to drown you. The stranger grabs your wrist, holding your body up above the river, your body mere inches from being submerged in the cold water. Noticing the lack of impact, you flutter your eyes open as you look back at the man before you. Shocked, the man looks down at where he grabbed your wrists. Only now do you notice a purple hue that surrounded both your arms.
“What- what is this?!”
At a loss for words, the man can only look back between your face and where he held your wrist. Confused and scared, you rip your arm from his grip as you stand yourself back up. As you stare at the man, you look around, befuddled by whatever the hell had just happened.
While a part of you would love to ask what just happened, the more logical side of you knew that none of this was worth hanging around to find out. Dusting yourself off, the man speaks up once more as he looks away in what seemed to be guilt.
“Y-Y/N, I-I’m so so-sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to t-touch you- What have I done?!”
Not wanting to wait any longer, you began to shuffle around the man, holding your hands up in surrender as you attempted to empathize with the man. Although, you weren’t sure why he was so worried since he didn’t seem to do anything besides whatever that purple glow was moments before.
“Hey, hey! We don’t have to speak about any of this. I’ll go back and after that we won’t have to ever see each other ever again, okay?”
“Y/N, i-it’s not that simpl- h-Hey, WAIT!!”
Before he had a chance to explain, you sprinted back to your cute rental cottage that you were now wishing you never left. Looking back, you notice the man just stood there as you were almost home.
Suddenly, your body stopped moving. What was even stranger, your body seemed to freeze mid-sprint. Looking around, you noticed that somehow your head was able to move but your arms were stiff as you attempted to force your body to run once more. Just as you were about to give up, your legs moved once more, wobbling as they felt gravity work once more. Not taking any chances, you began to dash once more. Not a second later, your body rolled forward from some sort of large and heavy impact. After your body finished rolling forward, you noticed that you were sitting in the backyard of the cottage, the man sitting on his head as his body laid against the door.
“W-Who or-or What are you?”
The man sighs as he flutters his eyes open, rubbing his head as he looks up at you.
“M-My name’s T-Tamaki Amajiki, and- and I’m a kelpie…”
~End of Part 1~
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missdawnandherdusk · 5 years ago
Something Old
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part One    Part Two    Part Three    Part Four    
Part Five    Part Six    Part Seven    Part Eight
Part Nine
Summary: Now that winter break was upon you, you finally had time to look into what your mother told you about as well as confront the other parent in the situation, the one you dread to think about and the one Draco had to live with.
A/N: Hello my darling loves! We’re finally getting somewhere with plot! And lore! And Latin! ((Seriously, something is lost when you know Latin and can translate the spells on the top of your head... it’s less... magical. But funny because the spells mean exactly what they’re doing and I don’t know if that a cheap lazy move or brilliant.)) Let me know what you guys think! Also I’m toying with the idea of uploading this to AO3... would you guys want that? Love you guys, stay safe. 
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg​ @queenfeatherwings​ @fanficflaneuse​ @go-whovian-universe​ @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise​ @dietkiwi​ @katsukink​ @takemetothekingdom​ @strangerr-things​ @tmnt-queen​ @mccloudchloe​
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Snape eyed me as I smiled through my exam, on cloud none the entire way. I had gotten through my History of Magic exam no problem and now Snape wanted us to recreate our Bellum Amoris antidotes. Weeks of worrying and I was finished with the second fastest time.
Draco beat me by a few minutes—he was allowed to the ingredients first—and we walked out of the exam hand in hand, not caring much about anyone who decided to gawk at us.
I was in too good of a mood. The term was done for the winter, I had finished all of my exams, and I wouldn’t be alone for the holidays when I remained at Hogwarts this year as I had the years before.
“I told you, you had nothing to worry about,” Draco nudged my shoulder. “Except beating my time of course.” A grin stretched across his face. “Which you couldn’t of course,”
I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh.
“I think I’ll be okay missing one point because I wasn’t as fast as you,” I drawled.
“Oh, I’m sure you’re dreading the fact,” He teased back as we made our way to the Great Hall. “Have you heard anything from your mother?” His voice lowered.
“Not yet, thought I suppose she’s waiting to hear from me,” I mumbled. 
“You didn’t answer her!?” Draco grew agitated.
“I did,” I reaffirmed, giving him a look. “But I said that I would talk about it later when we had time to... figure things out? I didn’t know what to say...”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassured as we entered the Great Hall that was really magical with the Christmas decorations and warmth from the people within.
“Y/n! Draco!”
We both tensed until we saw Hermione waving at us along with the four Weasleys and Harry. No one was glaring at us—Draco—so I took that as a good sign as we sat down for dinner.
It was easy to sink into the familiarity and safety of the school, but with the Yule Ball coming, worry nagged at my mind. It was a big deal and an even bigger deal to pure-bloods. Another occasion to show off and “be better” than everyone else. My mother wouldn’t care, and I knew that... but Draco’s parents—father—had to have something to say about it and it worried me.
“Have you heard from your father?” I asked in a soft voice during dinner when the others were concerned with the upcoming task for the tournament.
His expression darkened as he glared at his plate.
So, yes then.
“Dray,” I whispered softly, rubbing his arm softly. “What happened?”
“Not here,” He said curtly, his eyes dancing around the merry scene around us.
I nodded and we both put on masks of calm and ease through dinner. His hand held mine throughout and we both lost our appetites. Maybe I should have written my mother a bit more than the vague note I gave. She would know what to do.
Draco had gotten the letter last night, before he sent you the invitation to dinner. It what prompted him to send it in the first place. He knew that you could take away the depressing cloud that hovered whenever his father spoke to him.
And you did, almost easily. When he was with you, it was easy to focus on your smile, the way your hair fell into and out of place constantly, the way you almost danced down the hallways because you always gave off the demeanor of not having a care or fear in the world. It rubbed off on him. He’d rather be frustrated with the simple secrets that you kept than frustrated with the conflict about family and legacies.
And you were exactly what he needed last night. Your warmth, and comfort, the games you played and gentle touched you gave and small sounds that were his now to hold. But there were
still dark moments of the night that he couldn’t escape when his father’s words weighed him down.
Draco would never understand how you managed to pick up on the fact that his father had sent him something. Maybe he hadn’t given it away and you were just worrying again.
After dinner the two of you split up for some time, to drop off books and changed from school uniforms and in your case hopefully to find something warmer to wear.
Draco almost didn’t want to take you up to the Astronomy Tower because it was so frigid outside. He racked his brain for anywhere else to go in the school that offered solidarity and warmth. He could sneak you into the Slytherin dorms... but it might pose a danger to you as his house wasn’t as welcoming as yours had been to his relationship with you. The library seemed to be the best place at the moment to finally start looking into what was going on.
He met you outside you Common Room, as always and the two of you walk together. he had taken your books from you the moment you stepped out and though you gave him a curt you, you said nothing.
“I was thinking maybe we go to the library,” He offered. “It’s too cold for you in the Tower.” You hummed in agreement, silent in your thoughts again.
“It’ll probably be empty because of the end of term,” You mused, nodding as if you had settled on the idea.
“You’re quiet again,” He noted, the notion bothering him more than he thought.
“Now there’s an idea.” He teased as the two of you sat in a back table in the vacant library. 
It wasn’t the same as being alone with him in the Astronomy Tower, but it was much warmer being surrounded by lit fires and a million books.
“Where do you want to start?” The question slipped through as I pulled out parchment and quill to take notes.
I knew the last thing he wanted to talk about was his father, but that’s what worried me the most. It was all for naught if his father could get between us and make whatever this had become into a tragedy. As if he knew this, he slid a folded parchment over to me, not meeting my eyes.
Taking it, I took a breath in and opened it: 
I have heard many rumors about you, and I pray that none of them are true. You have been raised better than to fraternize a Lupine let alone allow her to kiss you. It is atrocious behavior and it will stop immediately.
They are a disgrace to pure bloods everywhere and are almost worse than the Weasleys. I have raised you with higher standards than this. I am appalled to even hear that these things might be going on.
I do not want you to go near her. I want to hear nothing of you being with her or the people she considers friends. Do not believe her lies or the things that she tells you. It is what the Lupines do. They lie and bend the truth into something that is horrendous. It is what they have always done, and you know this.
She is nothing more than a she-demon come to ruin everything that I have built for you and to steal everything that I have worked all my life to give you.
You are a Malfoy. Do not forget that.
I am beyond disappointed to hear this. Correct what has been done immediately. 
Your Father,
Lucius Malfoy
I frowned at the letter as I read it a few more times, trying to figure out what I wanted to address first. At the moment, I just wanted to send this to my mother and see what she would do knowing the fire in her was stronger than mine. But I didn’t do any of that.
Instead, I placed the letter down and looked up to wary blue eyes. “Well,” I whispered. “What are you going to do?”
“What do you mean what am I going to do?” He snapped; a soft look from me and he took a deep breath, calming.
“If... I know that I’ve dragged you into this. And that you didn’t have much of a choice. So, if you want to... I...” My gaze fell to my lap as I tried to find the right words to tell him... to let him go.
“Why would you think—”
“Because I don’t want you to get talked down to like this by someone who’s supposed to love you!” I threw the letter on the table. “I’m... I’m not worth ruining... You shouldn’t be treated like an errant child because you’re talking to me,”
“I’m always treated like an errant child Y/n,” He scoffed. “Now at least I have a good reason.” 
“What?” I looked up, the frown returning to my face.
“Nothing I ever did for my father has been good enough. I think landing in Slytherin was the last time he was actually proud of something that I did.” Draco picked up the letter and rolled his eyes, tearing it in half.
“What are you doing?” I demanded.
“What I should have done when I got this letter,” He muttered, tossing it into the nearest fireplace.
I marveled at him, a small smile playing at my lips. I had hoped he would choose me, but now that he had, something heavy was lifted from my shoulders. Though I still wasn’t quite taken with how his father talked to him, but I knew it wasn’t my place to go against Lucius no matter how much of a...
Never mind.
“Now, to the books?” He sat back down, picking up the book I had taken from him not too long ago and he leafed through the pages.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly for a moment and whispering a small thanks before we settled in to read. Taking another book—The Nature of a Soul— from the stack, we got to work. My eyes scanned the table of contents and then the pages.
...Every person has a soul created of the either stars, or earth. Those who have earthen souls are born without magic, but those with Souls of The Stars will grow to be wizards. It is not genetics that decides but the universe itself...
I scribbled down notes as I read, leafing through pages.
...Souls born of the same matter bond to another. It is rare for a Soul of The Stars to bond, but when it does happen it is the work of the universe and no man or magic can break it. This was known as the Consentire Animi Pace. Seers of our kind have often prophesied about Great Darkness that would take hold before these Animi came to unite what was unraveled by generations past. Millenia has passed since this foretelling and it is doubted to exist...
I nudged Draco and showed him the page, watching the way his eyebrows furrowed slightly and he gnawed on his lip when he read something due to concentration. It made me smile.
“Great Darkness?” He muttered softly.
“You know as well as I do who it could be,” My voice was soft and hesitant.
I knew that Draco’s father had fought alongside Voldemort in the first war and I wondered what happened if it came down to it, what would Draco choose? With what I knew from Harry’s
adventures and life story, the threat of Voldemort loomed now more than ever. Was that the Great Darkness that the text referred to?
“This talks about a prophecy,” He murmured, pulling the book that he was reading. “That might be what this is, I can only make out some of it...”
He showed me the carpet page filled with intricate designs and detailed lettering. Some of the page was burned away, leaving half in its wake. I ran my hand softly over the artwork before reading the script:
Nox defluet et malum surget. 
Dos Animī consentiens
Eō die, nox non vincet
Cum illī ...
I stared at the text, grabbing my parchment and slowly translating.
“What do you know?” I asked softly. “What could you translate?”
“Nox is night, malum, evil...” His brow furrowed again.
“Night... falls—will fall and evil will rise. Two souls... joining?” I wrote down what I could. “On that day, night will not conquer, because these souls...”
“You can read this?” He was baffled.
I shrugged. “Just some Latin. Mother taught it to me. That’s why spells are so easy for me... it’s just Latin all I have to do is translate.”
“Bloody hell that’s genius,” He muttered.
“But some of the prophecy is missing... I think most of it probably.” I mused, leafing through the book to see if I could find anything else.
“Do you really think that this is about is though?” He asked softly, timid. “Even if it’s not... it’s still something to know. And it might be important.”
“The only person who would see this as important is Trelawney.” Draco scoffed, leaning back in his chair.
“Maybe she’s the one we really need to talk to if prophecies are caught up in all of this.” I thought aloud. “Did you find anything else?” I looked up from my notes.
“Nothing of use. You?”
“Souls apparently are made from either stars or earth and magic or muggle has nothing to do with genetics,” I shrugged, reading over my notes. “So that’s new I guess.”
“What do you mean it has nothing to do with blood?” He snapped.
“I read it; I didn’t say that it was law. And what does it matter anyway? Magic is magic, no matter who uses it or doesn’t.” I defended, narrowing my eyes.
He grumbled and folded his arms sulking.
“Draco,” I chided, but gave up the notion.
I knew it would take time to undo what his father had engrained in him. Maybe this was step one.
Soon after finding nothing more about the prophecy or soul matter, Pince said that she was closing the library for the night and that we should head to bed before curfew. Returning the books to their proper places, Draco and I walked quietly along the halls.
“I didn’t mean to snap at you.” Draco sighed, taking my hand. “Forgive me?” 
I nodded and offered a small smile.
“We grew up in different worlds, it was bound to clash eventually.”
“Doesn’t make it right for me to take it out on you,”
I raised an eyebrow at him, a smug smile finding its way to my face.
“Yeah, yeah shut up.” He muttered.
“One step at a time,”
We walked along in thought, no words needing to be spoken. Pausing outside the Gryffindor portrait, Draco leaned down and pressed a soft and gentle kiss to my lips.
“Goodnight Y/n,” 
“Goodnight Draco,”
There were words stuck on the tips of our tongue that neither of us dare to utter but felt all the same:
I love you.
Part 11?
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edenfindley-blog · 7 years ago
Year 1: Chapter 2
Kenna woke up in the same bed; same rotting posts, same stiff mattress, same dirty sheets, same torn quilted blanket. The girl above her was sleeping soundly, the mattress sagging slightly under her weight. The rest of the girls in the room were no different, each of them younger than the one before. The sky was still dark outside the dusty window. Kenna rubbed her eyes and stepped with a bare foot onto the splintering wood floor. She quickly got dressed and began to head for the door before she noticed the paper attached to it.
Kenna walked across the room, making sure to keep her steps quiet as to avoid waking the other girls.
One foot after another, she made her way to the door. The writing on the paper became more visible with each step through the darkness. Once her face was inches away she could read the first line of writing, beautifully written as if it had been written millions of times before to be perfected.
Kenna Walthorn,
The girl's eyes lit up with fires being fueled by hope as she grabbed at the letter with greedy hands. Her pointer finger had merely grazed the surface when the paper disappeared, a loud pop sounded through the dusty room. The girls who still slept soundly stirred for a moment before lying peacefully once again.
Kenna heaved a sigh of relief before beginning to panic. Her grey eyes darted around the dark room, searching for that letter. The letter that was addressed to her. This had never happened before and it was so important to her. This was Kenna’s letter. She had to find it.
As the witch searched, she heard a sound, almost like small bells, from outside her sleeping quarters. It was against the rules to leave her room until the sun had fully risen. With shaking hands Kenna grasped the door’s handle. One wrong move and she would be scrubbing toiletries for days, maybe weeks. Even worse, she could get kicked out of the orphanage and be left without a home.
She stood and considered, asking herself if this letter was worth the trouble. The bells sounded again. Kenna stared down at her hands which were still shaking. Without her moving, the knob twisted and the door flew open, throwing Kenna back onto the floor and waking the other girls.
In the doorway stood the tall crooked figure of Lady Caterina. She wore a midnight blue victorian style dress with heels much too small for her feet. Her dark hair was tied up into a tight bun. In her long bony fingers she held the letter addressed to Kenna.
Her dark lips curled into a sneer as she proclaimed, “I found this lying at the bottom of the stairs on my way to my office this morning.”
Kenna watched the paper with baited breath.
“I read through it. Nothing important. Just a letter from a school to a ‘Kenna Walthorn’.”
“That’s my letter,” Kenna muttered.
Lady Caterina turned her pointy nose from the letter to the girl. Her smile grew until her teeth were visible, all of them tinted yellow and crooked.
“Is that so?” Her voice was eerie, seeming to grow after every word. “Well,” a spark in her hand turned to flame. “Isn’t that... interesting.”
The wretched woman dangled the letter above the fire, her fingers hanging on ever so loosely.
“Please, Caterina-”
“You will address me as Lady Caterina! Or should I just drop this and let it’s ashes stain the floorboards.”
Tears began to form behind Kenna’s eyes and her face became hot as the girls who still sat in there beds silently stared. It had been fifteen years. She had to deal with this woman, this monster, for far too long. Kenna threw herself at Lady Caterina, grasping onto the hand holding the letter. Lady Caterina being a foot taller only stumbled back a bit. Kenna, realizing how little effect she had, began to panic. She hadn’t thought out exactly what she would do.
Lady Caterina smirked, wrapping her burning fingers around Kenna’s wrist. The girl screamed and leapt back, clutching her arm and crouching down on the ground. The woman closed her hand, extinguishing the flame. She knelt down next to the now crying girl.
“Best get some water. We wouldn't want that burn to scar, now would we?”
She snapped her fingers, letting a small spark hit the letter and lighting it on fire. She set the burning paper on a stone block in the corner of the room and left, closing the door behind her.
One of the girls, an eighteen year old Kitchen Witch named Elizabeth, hopped down from her bed and quickly put out the fire. She then ran over to Kenna and summoned water with Elementalist Magick. Elizabeth removed Kenna’s hand and placed a ring of water around her wrist. She snapped at one of the younger girls to hand her the letter.
“I tried to save it. A few words may be missing but hopefully not too many,” Elizabeth explained solemnly with an accent that resembled one of an Easterner.
Kenna looked up at her. She was beautiful; dark skinned with bright orange hair styled in curls, big brown eyes with a small upturned nose and thin lips, dimples and wrinkles next to her eyes from smiling. She wore a long navy blue nightgown and a large blue necklace. Her eyes were focused on the water as her small dainty hands held it in place.
“Is something wrong?” Elizabeth asked, noticing her stare.
“N-no. It’s just… Why are you being nice to me? Why now?” Kenna stammered, taking the letter.
Elizabeth grabbed a bucket that was usually used for vomit when a child was sick. She filled it with water, dunked the girl’s hand in it, and said, “Lady Caterina is usually mean to you but she never hurts you. Not like this at least. Besides, if Lady Caterina found out I was helping you, I would never hear the end of it. But these girls in here swore not to say a word… this time.”
“Oh… Well thank you for helping, I guess.”
Elizabeth smiled. She stood and began to get ready along with the others. Kenna turned toward the window. The sun was beginning to rise which meant they had to be downstairs for breakfast soon. The fifteen year old looked down at the letter, a corner of it burnt off completely. She sighed, folded the parchment, and shoved it into a pocket in her robes.
Kenna held the door open for Elizabeth who now wore a red and cream dress with maroon flats and the same necklace. Her curly hair was tied back into a ponytail. She left the room without even looking at Kenna.
Kenna sat silently in the library, her favorite books lazily sprawled upon the table’s surface. Kenna held the folded paper in her left hand, a cold wet washcloth over the right. She was nervous to read this letter without reason which made no sense to her and that made her angry at the letter. It had caused her so much trouble and she wouldn’t even be able to read every word of it. Kenna put the letter down on the table with the washcloth and walked around the small library.
Not very many children visited the library during free time. They would mostly just play around within the building or out in the yard. It was always quiet enough to hear the wind flowing through the doorway. There seemed to be really no use of the library other than to harbor dust.
The library itself was very small. There were only two tables, each big enough to hold about two and a half piles of books. The chairs could barely even hold one person let alone a pile of books. There were only three bookshelves which were each four feet tall. There was a matted rug that was either covered in mold or actually that color. It didn't help that holes could be found all over it. The room didn’t have a distinct smell, or anything distinct for that matter. It was completely and utterly bland.
Kenna looked back at the table. The letter seemed to pulse with an urgency. She forced her gaze away from it and to the door where a shadow had appeared. A young boy popped his head in, looking around in confusion. He had small brown eyes (one slightly more closed than the other), light skin, and dirty blonde hair.
“This isn’t the washroom,” said the boy.
“No, it’s not,” Kenna affirmed bluntly.
“My mistake.”
And with that, he was gone. That was the kind of attention the library was graced with, lost people.
Kenna sat back in her chair, staring at the books that she had selected. They were just stories, witch lore, history, etc. None were very interesting yet she still chose them. She just needed a distraction from that damned letter. Kenna rubbed her eyes and groaned out of frustration.
Finally, she slammed her slender hand down on top of the letter and dragged it across the table (which wasn't very far) so that it sat right in front of her. Kenna just stared. That's all she had the courage to do; stare at the folded piece of paper that was either absolutely useless or could change her world with a few simple words. She held the letter in front of her face and after what seemed to be forever, she unfolded the letter and began to read it.
Kenna Walthorn,
We are delighted to inform you that you are required to join the Iverness School of Witches. This school teaches witches ages 15-23 in combat skills for protection during a full moon as well as Magick.
You will be in the first year class and will receive your books upon arrival, which is required to be at least one week prior to the first day (September 9th). You will also be required to fill out a form stating which Magick you will major in. This will affect your schedule as well as the classes you will attend.
There is no uniform but you will be staying in a dorm with at least one other person. You will be expected to be respectful to your dorm-mates as well as your living space and they will be expected the same.
A passel of carriages will arrive a week prior to the first day at your address if transportation of the sort is necessary. It will pick up a few more witches befor                    school so it will be a bit crowded. There will be elder witches going wi                                      you should arrive at the school with no problem.
Once again, we are delighted  
      Professor Sutton
Kenna heaved a sigh, realizing she was holding her breath as she read. Her heart rate quickened as she read through it again. She could leave. She could go to school and never come back. Kenna quickly shoved the books back into their shelves and the letter into her robes then ran out into the hallway. The boy from earlier was on his way outside.
The boy jumped, turning to face her.
“What day is it?”
“It’s Sep-September f-first,” He stuttered.
“Okay. Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome?”
Kenna ran up the stairs and began packing up everything she had (which wasn’t much). Once packed, she hid everything under her bed in fear of Lady Caterina figuring out what was to happen. She knew others went to the school, but Lady Caterina was kinder to others.
After everything was in place, Kenna created a spectacular plan. She was to run after the school year had ended; to the mountains in the north opposite from their little beachside colony. Caterina would never find her there. She would be free. The witch’s mind was buzzing at the opportunity presented to her.
As she sat in her room silently, her stormy gaze drifted to the rain outside her window. She always found this type of weather quite calming. Kenna didn’t have a reason, it just was. It was just as much as the fact that she breathed air to stay alive. It was just as the fact that she herself was Kenna. Her mind stepped back at that last thought. There was always the possibility that she was not Kenna. She could be someone else but never know due to her parents not being around. She could have been the daughter of a leader, or a human who fell in love with a witch, or something special… but it was more likely that she was just a witch. Nothing special, just a witch that disappears when she’s scared. A cowardly witch. She dismissed the thought and left the room.
Smoke hampered Kenna's senses immediately after her eyes opened. Heat coming from the first floor was scalding and the door was open. She looked quickly around her room and noticed only one person was missing. Everyone else was sitting on their beds, shaking.
“What is going on?!” Kenna yelled at the girls.
One of the climbed down from their bed to where Kenna was sitting. “I think a fire started. Elizabeth told us to stay here until it cleared.”
“Where is she?”
“She went to put out the fire.”
As if on cue, Elizabeth appeared in the doorway, soot covering her face and dress as she pressed a cloth to her mouth and nose. She screamed through the cloth, “We need to evacuate! The fire is getting too big and if we don't leave now we'll all be incinerated!”
She ran to another room to get the younger witchlings and together Kenna and her roommates scurried down the stairs. The fire was bright as it devoured the hall, the heat causing it be blinding. The door was open and there were about fifteen witches standing in the yard, staring in terror at the orphanage was enveloped in pure flame.
It wasn't long until the yard was filled with witches. Though it was still late, no one bothered to conjure light. The orphanage was ablaze, every face in that yard was visible. Every face silent, every face crying.
In the distance carriages could be heard filled with witches ready to put out the fire, their wheels rolling along the gravel at a quick pace. A few yards behind them was another group of carriages, moving not nearly as quickly as the ones ahead. Elizabeth must have noticed them as well because she abandoned the orphanage and made her way quickly to the one leading the group. She spoke to someone in the backseat then hopped into the second car.
A few moments passed and a short, thin, bald man wearing auburn robes stepped clumsily out of the first carriage’s back seat. He walked up to the crowd of witchlings, ignoring the witches attempting to put out the fire, and took a folded paper out of his robes.
“Ex… Excuse me!”
Everyone in the yard turned to face him and he seemed to be getting increasingly nervous with every turn of a head.
“My…” he cleared his throat, “my name is Simon Weaver. I am a personal assistant of the headmaster at the Iverness School of Magick and Self Defense.” He paused and examined the scene in front of him. “I see I have appeared at a rather… inappropriate time. But nonetheless, here in my hand is a list of students that will be attending Iverness School. When I call your name, please make your way to our selection of carriages.”
One by one, the population of the yard decreased. Kenna was only able to focus on how deep Mr. Weaver’s voice was comparing to his his appearance. It was rather odd and a bit uncomfortable to witness. Kenna did expect her name to come up but was surprised nonetheless. She tried to find a spot with Elizabeth so they could talk on the way over. Once everyone was settled, they driver began to take us away from the orphanage, still blazing through the night.
It had been a few hours  since they left the orphanage. Elizabeth had been staring quietly out of the window while Kenna drifted in and out of sleep.
Finally Kenna spoke, “Uh… hi, Elizabeth.”
“Hello.” Her glance never broke from the outside world.
“Are you excited?”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“For school, I mean.”
“You’re a first year. I forgot. After a few years of going it couldn’t get less exciting.”
They sat quietly together for a few more moments. Then a thought crossed Kenna’s mind.
“Where was Lady Caterina? I didn’t see her in the yard.”
For the first time all night, Elizabeth looked away from the window and to her hands. Her bright orange hair fell in front of her face and she began to fidget with it.
“She… She perished in the fire.”
“I see…”
After that, not a single word was uttered until they arrived at the school.
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conspiracykeepup-blog · 7 years ago
Black-eyed children
To be honest, any story starting with creepy children is honesty a nightmare for anyone. So a lore such as a Black-Eyed Children is nightmare fuel for a few souls out there. But if you’re brave enough to continue reading this post then by all means, sit back, relax, and enjoy. 
So what are black-eyed children? Black-eyed children in a short summary are supposed paranormal creatures that resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16, with pale skin and black eyes, who are repeatedly seen hitchhiking and panhandling, or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. According to google definitions. 
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People who have reported meeting black-eyed children have said that they will asking you if they can come in your home or in your car. If you deine them they will soon become a little bit agressibe and repreatdly ask you “Can I come in? Please let me come in?” After a while, many people say that they felt as if they were in a hypontic trance where they started to do what they ask and open their house or car doors for them. It’s not known what happens once you let them in as most of these people who have reported have said they soon snap out of their trance and either lock their doors shut or drove away. There is one story however, about a women who let in two black-eyed children and soon experience terrible outcomes once they were let in. 
(This is the edited version  but click here to read the full unedited version)
Story: “I let the black-eyed children in and now i’m slowly dying.”
“A little over a year ago I woke up because I heard a loud banging on my front door…
When [my husband] opened the door there were two children standing in the snow looking toward the ground. They were a boy and a girl and could not have been more than 8 years old… The girl’s hair was very long and straight and the boy had a dated haircut that looked almost like a bowl cut. They weren’t dressed for winter and my first thought was that they must have been Mennonite children but as far as I know there was never a large community of Mennonites near us.
Thinking back on it I know that my normal reaction to seeing children in a snowstorm would have been to rush them inside and bundle them up with some blankets and hot cocoa, but that’s not how this felt. The children were very unnerving. They would not make eye contact and when my husband asked them if everything was OK, they asked if they could come in. My husband looked at me like “What do I do?” and I asked the kids where their parents were.
“They’ll be here soon,” is all they said.
It was around 2 o’clock in the morning at this point so the only reasonable thought in my head was that there must have been an accident or these kids got lost. As much as my instincts told me not to bring them inside I did it anyway…
I started to notice that our cats (we had four) were all hiding except [one]… none of them even tried to see who was here which I thought was very strange…
I turned back to the children to give them cocoa, but when they looked at me I gasped. It took everything inside of me not to drop the mugs and run away. When they looked at me their eyes were completely black. They had no whites just giant black pupils.
When they saw that I was scared they stood up and asked if they could use the bathroom. .. [My husband and I] were in the middle of talking about whose children they could be when my husbands nose started to bleed. He’d never had nosebleeds as long as I had known him. I just knew inside myself that this had something to do with the kids…
That’s when the power went out. I heard my husband yell my name from the living room and as I started to walk back through the hallway I stopped dead in my tracks. The two children were standing at the end of the hallway. They weren’t moving and I have never been so scared in my whole life. They just stood there in the dark.
After what felt like forever the boy said “Our parents are here,” and they walked to the door, opened it, and walked out leaving it wide open. My husband jumped up to go close it and almost fell over. We looked out the window and saw two men standing by a black car idling at the end of our driveway. The men looked like they were wearing black colored suits and were very tall, at least 6 feet. When my husband waved at them they just stared at us, got into the car, and drove off.
Our power came on about a half an hour later but nothing was the same after that.
Over the next few months three of our cats went missing…
After my husband’s nosebleeds became a regular occurrence we went to see the doctor. He didn’t know what to make of it other than “dry nasal passages” but my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive skin cancer…  The doctors think he will recover but don’t understand how it got so bad so quickly…
Since we let the Black Eyed Kids inside our home I’ve also suffered from regular dizzy spells and nosebleeds on a regular basis. I’ve had other issues which I won’t mention here but trust me when I say that I am suddenly in the worst condition of my life and no one can do anything about it. I know that all of this is because I let the Black Eyed Children into my home. We’ve told everyone we could about the strange kids that showed up that night but no one else saw them and some laugh at how scared we were of the “Mennonite kids” but we know what we saw. I wish my husband had never opened the door.”
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This isn’t the only story that’s recently came out. More and more people have posted their own stories of seeing black-eyed children and each one is more terrifying than the last. 
(To read more of these reported accounts clicked here)
So where did these stories of black-eyed children start exactly? Well, the first ever story that became the “true origins” of this lore was from a man named Brian Bethel. Whose story still to this day is fascinating readers and having them question if this lore maybe could be the real deal. 
Story: “Encounter at the movie theater.”
“On a spring or summer evening in 1996, Bethel was making his way to his Internet Service Provider Camalott Communications’ office on North 1st Street in Alibene Texas, to pay off his bills. As he innocently scribbled on a check in the dimly lit area before the theaters, intending to drop it in the office’s drop slot, little did he know that this was to be his most frightening night ever. He was seated in his car at the parking lot, when two boys aged 9 to 12 came knocking at his window. The boys, as he described them, were “a somewhat suave, olive-skinned, curly-headed young man” and “a redheaded, pale-skinned, freckled young man“. The boys wore hooded pullovers. The first boy explained that the two of them had come to watch a premier of “Mortal Kombat” at the theater, but had forgotten their money in their mother’s house. They, therefore, requested a ride to their mother’s house to fetch their money and get back to the theater. All the while as conversation ensued, Bethel was consumed by an irrational fear. The boy tried to convince him with assurances like: “It wouldn’t take long, they were just two little kids, they didn’t have a gun or anything.” Bethel subconsciously reached out to open his car door, when he suddenly broke his vision of the boy, and came to notice his coal-black eyes, eyes he described as “The sort of eyes one sees these days on aliens or bargain-basement vampires on late night television. Soulless orbs like two great swathes of starless night.” Trying to keep his behavior normal, bethel muttered a few excuses, pulled at the gear, and rushed away with his car. As he stared at the rear-view mirror, he found that the children had just vanished, within seconds.
Bethel’s incidence had allegedly taken place from 9:30 to 10:00 p.m. that night, an incident he could never forget. Bethel began sending private emails to a trusted few about his experiences, but soon his story spread like wildfire on the internet. Thus, the personal experience of this famed journalist was soon shared by thousands of others, some legit, some fake, but enough for the BEKs to be regarded as a modern paranormal phenomenon.”
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~Taking in all these reported encounters, is there a possibility that black-eyed children are the real thing? Are they perhaps super natural beings stalking the night and finding their next victim to do unspeakable things? Or is it just another lore created by the internet to strike fear to anyone who believes it? For now, I will leave you the question which is; Do you believe the Black-Eyed Children are real or fake? And if you say yes to them being real, what do you think they really are? 
Thanks for reading my first blog post on this site. I know I cut this post a little short and I didn’t put too much of my input on the lore but I wanted to make a second part with some research I've been gathering up. I’m not sure when the second part will be posted but hopefully it’ll be posted by the end of this week. Let me know what you thought about this post and if there’s some changes I should be make. I’m really happy to be able to post things like this on a platform like Tumblr and i’m exciting for future postings of other paranormal/conspiracies I find!~
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