#I have to thank Harry and Louis and tumblr even for this
ishipmutualrespect · 4 months
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twopoppies · 2 months
Hello, Euros anon here again… to clear up a few things — when my sister saw Harry and Louis together it was before the game in the indoor room attached to the viewing suite they were in, as when the game started Louis left to go to another viewing area and she remained in the area that Harry was in. My sister is a journalist, and she told me that she didn’t even know why she was placed next to all of the “important looking people” because like in the photos, it really was just a lot of men in suits. She has obviously heard of 1D and Harry because of me being a fan, and that she was a teenager when 1D was still together. As a result, she did know who they were, however, nobody was really viewing them as celebrities or freaking out about them being together because it was a pretty professional setting, and she wasn’t going to be disrespectful to them or others. The kiss I mentioned really was just a quick peck on the cheek as they were mostly talking to other people/in separate groups the whole time. And yes, when they were together Louis would put his hand on Harry’s back and what not, but everything was very casual. Nobody was really taking photos in the room because there were people there and everyone was just talking. However, if you want I do have photos I could send that she took of like the Euros sign and what not if there was a way to still stay anonymous? I don’t really know how tumblr works because I usually only use twitter.
Hi, love. Thank you for coming back and trying to give more context to the receipt. I think our fandom is just so used to getting so many fake stories that we’ve become so skeptical, and we all have our theories on how things would happen if they were at the same event.
If you want to message me in my DMs, I promise to keep your identity private. There’s no reason for me to go spreading it around. But that’s totally up to you. I don’t need to share any info or “proof” you don’t want shared.
As I said before, I hope the receipt is real—mostly because it says that they’re able to have basic interactions with each other.
In reference to this
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savebylou · 2 months
to celebrate the anniversary, mutuals as 1d members? 💙💚🇮🇪❤️💛
Hi anon. What a fanstastic and a very difficult question. I honestly had been posponing to answer this because tagging people always give me anxiety and is always so hard because you are always missing people so if you are not tag you still are inclueded at the end.
Like Zayn very artistic, creative with a sense of humour: @wendersfive @enchantedlandcoffee @rainbowbeanstyles @moon-sun-thyme @lebesyej
@yimmysart @dxnny-art @evenasyoungastheyare @lonelychicago
@punkpillowprincess & @28goldens
Like Liam kind, funny, artistic, talented: @theeliampayne
Like Niall, who always makes you smile, is kind and funny: @hl-obsessed @justthinkingaboutlouis @ocean-sailor @awesomefringey @whatifai
@sunflowervoltwentyeight @starrysaturdays & @sunkissedlouis
Like Harry who is creative, funny and make you see the world more bright and joyful: @thechavier @defences-down @twopoppies
Like Louis that is thoughtful, funny with a big heart: @srldesigns6277 @delicatepointofview @freensarocha @nunchailou @nauticallyrics
@nouies @louisisalarrie @mc5ftjillo @goldcrumble @omglarryrabbit
@dreamings-free @lets-laughagain @calordelverano @theydopissmeoffavocados @sunshineandlyrics
@louisarmpits @voxina @stoned-styles @doesntmeanitsmeaningless
The rest of my mutuals that I didn't tag because tumblr doesn't let me tag so many people: also Louis. You all know who you are and I hope that even that you are not tag you feel the love and appreciation I have for you, you all make the fandom a lovely place to be in.
This fandom has being a home to me, thanks to everyone for sharing a little bit of your heart, thoughts, personality and talented to tumblr. I admire all of you and I'm grateful for this fandom. You all bring joy to the fandom. Happy 1d anniversary to all of you ❤️.
Is still 11:48 of the 23 so I'm still on time to post this. Thanks anon for the question.
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larrylimericks · 2 years
We’re feeling some internal friction At silver screen Louis’ depiction; All the world is a stage But it’s hard to engage When plot lines combine fact and fiction.
I get really rambly below the fold. Proceed with caution if you’re over the discourse already.
I debated seeing All of Those Voices in theaters. I didn’t see either of Harry’s films in theaters — Harries are too much of a wildcard, and I refused to sit through hours of squeals and gasps and reactions, not to the movie but to “omg! Harry’s going down on someone! omg, Harry’s bum!” So I was already tentative about seeing Louis’ film in a shared space, outside the protective silos of tumblr. But I bought a ticket, because I want to support him and because I was genuinely curious what story would be told. Then we got the trailer and I hesitated again, not wanting to watch a propaganda film. But, I’ve lived through all the other Bullshit moments, so I figured I could live through Bullshit on the big screen.
My theater crowd was great — pretty neutral aside from an amusing row of politely excitable Larries I was in secret solidarity with. And I pretty much loved the film. Well, 92% of it. I look forward to watching it again when it streams. I mean, it was an hour and a half of content featuring this fascinating creature we’re all obsessed with. I didn’t want to blink. I hung on his every word (when I could understand them). How cool to get, essentially, a long-form interview, where he’s not promoting an album and we’re not getting the same sound bytes. Louis is wonderfully open and vulnerable, and the story of his life (heh) is inherently compelling. The cinematography is beautiful. The behind-the-scenes are delightful and delicious. I can’t wait for the AOTV gif sets once we have it in high-def.
But it has some plot holes as wide and deep as the ones in Don’t Worry Darling.
First, there’s the confusing (to the uninformed) absence of a love interest. Louis is asexual, as far as the film goes. There’s not even a ghost of Eleanor, with whom he’s cumulatively spent a decade and who is supposed to have inspired so many great love songs and with whom he is supposed to have survived a pandemic. Props to E for living her best life now: going to see Scream on AOTV opening day, enjoying full custody of the pups, publicly supporting her assumed partner — sorry you got Kiki Layned from the film, but I’m guessing you weren’t even written into the script. (It’s not like the film was conveniently re-edited in the months since their break-up. Her stunt tapering was intentional.)
Then there’s the glaring absence of a baby mama (thank god; that family would have been even more insufferable). We’re cruising along for 45 minutes or so and then, wham, Dad!Louis enters the chat with a fully formed 6-year-old child. The kid just magically appears with no backstory — just like in real life ... twice (the first time with the pregnancy announcement and the second time with the revival of Dad!Louis after several years of dormancy, right in time for documentary filming. Just like Harry stunted with his co-star during filming and production, Louis stunted with his.)
The kid is cute, and faultless in this. The scenes are objectively sweet (as they were designed to be). But Louis, who normally keeps things very close to the vest, is all of a sudden an emotional spigot you can’t turn off when it comes to these scenes. It seems quite out of character. Which brings back to mind that this Louis *is* a character. The Freddie scenes just didn’t seem to have a point in the plot other than: Louis is a dad. And that role isn’t integral to the film’s story.
He’s incredibly emotional with Freddie, but the movie doesn’t tell us why. The storytelling gets lazy here. The lad/dad plot seems wedged in. The movie would be perfectly complete without it. I felt like it could have been integrated a few different ways: Louis experienced tragedy after tragedy after tragedy — loses 1D, loses his mum, loses his sister ... and then impending fatherhood either becomes another trial he must reluctantly face (in the surprise pregnancy narrative) or it helps him navigate the grief of losing his sole parent, his closest confidante. OR, Louis, not wanting to be like the absentee father he had, shows up for his own oopsie baby despite the unexpected circumstances. But there’s no exposition or rising action. No footage or photos from the first few years of the kid’s life that we haven’t already seen. Just an immaculate conception.
I think the most compelling narratives of the film are these:
Louis’ overcoming adversity after adversity after adversity. Holy hell. I lived through 1D ending, through the devastating news about Jay (god, I remember the shock and sadness of that day — it was incomprehensible), through the heartbreaking news about Fizzy, and then when you think Louis is gonna get his moment of victory with his first solo world tour, coronavirus pulls the rug out. (That sequence was well done: where we keep seeing the dates get closer and closer to March 2020, and we all know the villain that’s coming, but it’s still such a blow.) I lived through all that in real time, but seeing it in such a concentrated sequence really highlights the shit he’s been dealt, and hearing him open up about so much of it ... that’s the character development relevant to the film’s denouement. And getting to see Louis get what he deserves, finally, and hearing him acknowledge that he deserves it, was a lovely ending.
Louis’ journey to find his footing and his confidence as a solo artist after unfathomable success as part of a group. But, in a sort of plot twist, he’s not really solo, is he? The film gives a lovely introduction to his band now — and in their own words, reveals that they’re not just a backing band, they’re a *band* band. Louis has let them in. He’s forged a new brotherhood. *That*, for me, was the heartwarming story. I loved those scenes, loved seeing Louis in his element, which is in a collective, where he is both king and jester at the same time. (Or perhaps Oli’s the jester. Thank fuck for him, man. Oli is the standout. The breakthrough performance. The comic relief. I want a spinoff series.) It’s easy to miss 1D and glorify those short years and think nothing will ever top it, but Charlie’s storytelling of the LT Band is remarkable. We’re left looking forward, not back.
I know Louis’ dedication to his fans and his fans’ dedication to him is a huge focus, but I don’t really enjoy watching commentaries on fandoms I’m a part of. I’m living it. I don’t need outsider context. And in a fandom as fractured as Louis’ (and 1D’s) there’s not a universal experience. The film depicts dedication as sleeping on streets for rail, hopping from country to country and draining bank accounts — because that’s the kind of “superfandom” that gets easily turned into a marketable freak show. Show me the documentary on the fans who organize the light projects, who run the fashion accounts, who curate livestream sources on show nights, who have turned giffing into an art and science, who help promote Louis in the absence of a competent marketing team, etc., etc. I also thought the interview with the American(?) girls talking about LATAM shows was shortsighted. And showing the rainbow factions but not addressing them? What a missed opportunity to talk about songs like Only the Brave becoming a queer anthem. Straight artists can have gay fans, you know.
But the film doesn’t make the kid relevant to any of those storylines. He could have been worked into the first, but wasn’t. It was like a standalone narrative, with footage from a narrow set of days. I was at both those L.A. shows. The energy was so different from night 1 to 2. And in retrospect it’s clear Louis was performing the first night so Charlie could get the right shots. More like a choreographed play than a rock concert. It makes sense now why the Clarks weren’t in the VIP box with Freddie — couldn’t have them cluttering the frame or distracting the actors. Just, everything about the Freddie scenes is heavy-handed. Make a sign for your dad! Draw his logo in the sand! Fly a kite at sunset! He’s the spitting image of Louis! (Len does all the heavy lifting.) And all the maneuvering it had to take to get all those shots from the L.A. show?! In the VIP box from behind (and from the front, and when he just happens to be mouthing along to Two Of Us), side stage watching Louis end the show, on-stage watching Louis approach Freddie after the show, on-stage catching the moment Louis gives the lad a shout-out ... Charlie had a shot list. But sure, nothing was set up, it was totally organic.
I’m still unsettled by how heavily Charlie laid it on at the first premiere press conference — *he* was the one to bring up the kid, and was weirdly emphatic that nothing was staged, nothing was forced. It had the same energy of the “It’s. Not. Real” thrown baby doll moment, only it’s Charlie insisting that It. Is. Real. Thou dost protest too much, me thinks.
And of course, the lack of interaction between Louis and Harry remains, as ever, the biggest tell. We get poignant post-1D Nouis and Lilo moments in the film, but no Larry. We’re spoon-fed these Very Emotional Moments between father and son (“love you,” “Darling,” mouth kisses), when the real story, the real emotion, the real connection is in just a few seconds of furtive glances between Harry and Louis in the backstage footage of the last 1D performance. Christ, the way Harry’s eyes bore into Louis — chin tilted down, eyes glancing up from beneath a furrowed brow, lips tight, disguising his attentiveness with a hair flip ... they mastered so many forms of silent communication. The quiet call and response, the depths of love and care and concern and protection contained in micro-expressions. Fuck, give me 90 minutes of that. Just a silent film of Louis and Harry looking at each other.
Anyway. Sorry this sounds so grumpy. I did really love most of the movie. But I haven’t made sense of why this film was made. I don’t know its purpose. Maybe the introspection forced by the pandemic lockdown is to credit for this glut of music docs (“docs”) lately. Maybe nine minutes frees him up for nine more months or nine more years. I dunno. He obviously wanted this story told in this way.
Seeing a movie requires the willing suspension of disbelief. You have to ignore critical thinking in order to enjoy the story you’re being told. You tune out your knowledge that everything is fake for the sake of being entertained. We know that Superman can’t actually fly, but we still buy tickets to the cinema. But, a documentary shouldn’t require us to employ this semi-conscious perceiving mode. Yet here we are. I’m just not sure how much more or how much longer we can suspend our disbelief to enjoy fandom.
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hlficlibrary · 28 days
hi admin! i found your page just a couple days ago and you're already my favourite one here on tumblr <3 i was looking for friends to lovers fics where hl friendships starts as something more platonic! yk when even others think they are in love but they don't realize (like end up messing other situationships up bc the other and stuff if u know what i mean)😅 basically platonic best friends to lovers i guess it's called (? anyways, lots of love for you :)
Hi, anon! Thanks so much for your kind words! Here are some fics that fit what you're looking for!
Snow In Love by @lululawrence
Harry and Louis are best friends and have been for basically as long as they can remember. For the first time since middle school, they are both single for the holidays leaving them with the brilliant idea to take each other as their dates to work events. To make things easier they will pretend like they’re dating. But then they learn something funny.
People thought they were already dating. Weird.
An advent fic featuring childhood friends, fake dating turned actual dating, really horrible secret keeping, and a winter weather surprise.
After All This Time by lovelarry10 / @chloehl10
“Look, I’m sorry. I just… we reckon you and Harry would be so good together. You just, I dunno, complete each other somehow? In a way that we all don’t. Sometimes, we watch the two of you and it’s like Harry and Louis against the world, like we could all disappear and you’d both be just fine as long you have each other.”
“Shit. God, I’m sorry, Li, we don’t mean to-”
“No! No, Lou, I’m not looking for an apology or whatever. I just… I wish you’d both see how good you’d be together. It’s nice, to watch you both actually, how easy things are between you. You cuddle, and touch each other, but at the same time, you can just sit in silence with each other, and it’s enough. I’d like to find that, someday, that’s all.”
Louis and Harry have been best friends since a fateful meeting on the Hogwarts Express seven years ago. With their time at Hogwarts coming to an end, their friends are determined to make them see that perhaps they've always destined to be more than just friends.
Prompted into reliving some of their most vivid moments at Hogwarts, Louis and Harry come to a startling realisation... that just maybe, after all this time, they're meant to be each others. Always.
spoon time by shiptattou / @wecantalktomorrow
There was nothing going on between them outside of the normal bro-pal-laddy-dude things every other set of best friends did. All sets of best friends did things like this. You know, hanging out every day, staying up late, and chatting until the wee hours which usually ended up as a sleepover and bed-sharing. There is nothing going on between them.
That is what Harry was going to keep telling himself and everyone around them, anyway because it is the truth, after all.
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sadaveniren · 9 months
Tumblr media
Happy 9 years in this fandom to me 🥳🥳
I made this tumblr so that way I could start posting my first 1D fic (spoiler it’s unfinished - blame Zayn leaving) and try and make some friends in a new fandom. Very quickly I befriended @ashavahishta (because I asked for beta/britpicking help in my author’s note and she reached out to me 🥺) and I’ve been lucky in fandom friends ever since. I joined fandom during a really difficult time for me personally and sure! The nonsense that was 1D in 2015 was absolutely wild but it also kept me distracted from what I was dealing with and so I will always, always be thankful for this fandom for the people it has brought into my life.
I’ve seen Harry 4 times, one of them being ONO for HS3. I’ve seen Niall twice and will forever be bitter about the canceled Niall/Lewis tour with Fletcher as opener. I’ve seen Louis 3 times, once was for his album release in NYC for walls - WHERE I ALSO MET HIM WITH @crinkle-eyed-boo AND @onesweetworld18 AND HE SIGNED MY CD (and also swore so loud when he realized I was 36 weeks pregnant 🤣) I helped @londonfoginacup and @lululawrence and LOML Jenna hand out hundreds of rainbow flags in Iowa and then danced with Sus waving our flags the entire time and Louis kept coming over and watching us and then gave the SPEECH HE GAVE IN IOWA ABOUT BEING BRAVE AND TRUE TO YOURSELF THAT WAS FOR US IT WAS FOR US SUS HE LOVES US 😭😭
I’ve written over a million words in this fandom, 72 fics in total. I’ve brainstormed so many fics and read even more fics. I’ve been moved to tears and changed by fics I’ve read. Hell fic is what brought me to tumblr to begin with because everyone just had to keep writing this stupid trope where Harry and Louis have complimentary nautical tattoos and this company Modest is forcing them to be closeted 🙄 like what popular fic gave rise to THAT madness (it was them your honor. Those fuckers right over there)
I cried at music the boys have made. I’ve laughed at the dumb interviews they’ve done. I have a stupid teddy bears number in my phone because of these assholes. I’ve been woken up at 3am by a phone tree to let me know new music has dropped. I’ve been here for leaks and demos and rumors and it’s been such a huge part of my life and my identity. You literally can’t say “we are all moving in one direction” in front of me without me giggling.
I love this fandom so much. I love tumblr larries. I love my friends. I am so happy to have been here for 9 years and I can’t wait to celebrate more years 🤗
🎵 The friends we make, the love it takes is worth, is worth, is worth it all this time 🎵
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awesomefringey · 11 months
Here is a receipt from summer 2021
"I was spending my summer holidays with a few cousins at one of their family bungalows in Ireland. And the outskirts of this county I was in, is known for alot of celebs having their holiday homes.
Two of my cousins are golf enthusiasts and they have a membership in the nearby golf center. Its one of those boujee clubs that has golf but also other amenities. Almost like a leisure club yk. If you are a member, you get free food, drinks, you can use the gym, they even have a spa. Truly heavenly. They give 3 type of memberships: silver, gold and platinum. The names are self explanatory. My brothers had the gold one.
They offered me to join them for my last week there. And i have no interest in golf whatsoever so i just chilled and roamed around while they were golfing. My first two days there went without a hitch. Such a great aura. I enjoyed myself. But the next day, they had closed a section of the golf course where my brothers usually liked to golf. And they were a bit upset about it. They talked to the manager and they were told that a vip member(with platinum membership) was there who specifically asked to close that section for an hour and a half. They then gave my brothers a spot nearby as to not upset them further. I was in the viewers section above just watching my brothers golf, when I glanced towards the closed off area. I was shocked for a sec because I was sure that it was Harry but I was like there is no chance he is here. As the time went on, in the next 10 mins I was sure it was harry. Then this caddie I had become friends with came to the bleacher and I asked him about H and he told me that harry had a booking for for 3 days this week. Has been coming here with some of his friends. I was so star struck but like it also made me so happy and giddy. I observed him for a while and this caddie then told me in all the golf terminology that he was quite a decent golfer.
We returned back the next day, they weren't there. We went there the day after, and harry started golfing when my brothers were almost finishing but that day harry and louis were both on the golf course with 2 other guys who I assume were the same guys louis was chilling with. Louis was looking at Harry golfing. And oh god, it looked so domestic even from afar. At one point louis said something and they all laughed. Harry too laughed with his head thrown back. I watched them for 10-15 mins and I saw harry glance up at Louis like 5 times in that time span. They maybe just hanging out as friends tbh. But just seeing them together made me so happy.
Sorry for such a long receipt, I go too much into details haha. I am submitting this to you and to a few tumblr accs today cause I feel like our fandom needs it right now and its been a while since this happened. Good day!"
Got this in my twitter submissions. Idk how true it is but like thats the case with all the receipts. Hope you're having a good one!
Aww thank you for sharing it with us, Aster. ❤️
Always take these anons with a huge grain of salt, but the image of Harry throwing his head back laughing at Louis made me smile, so I’m not mad.
Edit: Just noticed how they turned from cousins to brothers. 🤦🏼‍♀️
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magicalrocketships · 2 months
not me discovering this fine evening that you wrote other parts of Won’t Get To Space here on tumblr 0.o that fic is like *my fic*: i read it probably once a month, i like it that much (plus - me and liam may have something in common and this fic doesn't make me feel pathetic like i sometimes feel - even if i'm in my 30s) .. so, thanks to that anon for talking about this fic and for you to link the other snippets: you just made the (what was supposed to be an early) evening for an European <3 if you ever want to share anything else in that universe, please do <3 i wish you an amazing day / night and thank you *very much* for creating this AU
oh, thank you! I'm so glad <3 It's so lovely to hear that it resonated with you.
I went looking for the sequel file in the depths of my dropbox, it has a last modified date of 2015, it was created in 2013, I don't have the original program I wrote it in anymore so I don't know if any of the formatting is messed up as I really haven't looked it in years, but here's the contents of the file. There's no ending and it's just bits and pieces, but please know that of course they end up happily, and I don't think I ever posted it in its entirety here.
I hope you see this, anon!
won't get to space because I haven't got a rocket part 2 (harry/liam/louis)
(first part here)
Like the sky is blue (all the things that stop you dreaming)
Come to London this weekend, we miss you xx
Liam grins down at his phone. He's on his break, eating two ham salad sandwiches and a bag of cheese and onion crisps in the back of the garage, flicking through The Mirror.
Your both in the paperrrrrrrrr, he texts, once he hits the 3am pages. Did u rlly fall out of a clubbb??????
Shameless lies !!! Louis texts back. we stumbled gracefully !!!!
His phone beeps with a message from Harry. I fell out of the cab not the club. lou just fell over me.
Liam laughs at that. What u uptooo?
Hanging around the record company !! Meetings . Boring !! Louis this time. They must be together, and reading each other's texts. Liam sort of likes the idea of them both peering down at the same phone, together.
Maybe touching all the way down one side.
He really likes thinking about them touching.
Gud luck xxxxx Liam hasn't got long left of his lunch. Mums berthdaaay this fri so cant come down :( sozzzzzzz :(
He has to get back to work anyway, so he stuffs his phone into his pocket before the reply arrives, and heads back across the garage to get on with Mrs Holloway's oil change.
Liam spends Friday night in Garfunkel's with his mum and his dad and his sisters, eating dinner in honour of his mum's birthday. He orders the chicken even though he normally gets the scampi, just like his dad, but it's nice to spend time with his parents and his sisters and just eat together.
Nicola tries not to talk about her wedding, but it's hard, since there's such a lot to organise, and everyone wants it to be great. His mum has been fretting about what to wear since Nicola first came home with her engagement ring, and she's pushing Nicola to try and find out what Graham's mum's wearing so that they don't clash.
Liam's dad makes the same grimace of 'these Payne women, what are we supposed to do with them' that he's been making at Liam since he realised they could have a secret club of two, and Liam makes the same face of agreement he's been making since he realised he could join in.
"Stop it, you two," his mum says, flicking Liam in the arm with her serviette. "It might not matter to you if we both show up in salmon pink from Debenhams, but it'll be embarrassing for our Nicola. And me."
"I know," Liam says. "What if I showed up in salmon pink from Debenhams too, it'd be terrible. I might cry."
"Liam," his mum says reprovingly, but Nicola smacks him in the arm.
"You'll be dressed like all the other ushers," she says, and Liam is very quickly reminded that Nicola is fast losing her sense of humour when it comes to her big day.
"I was only joking."
Nicola rolls her eyes at him. "I'm turning into a proper little madam," she says. "I know, you'll be all calling me Bridezilla the moment my back's turned."
"Of course we won't," his mum says. She leans over and pats her on the hand as the waiter comes over with their food. "It'll be perfect."
It takes a couple of minutes for everything to get sorted, and his dad's already tucking into his scampi and chips before Nicola turns her attention to Liam, and his Peri Peri chicken. "Have you got your eye on anyone, our kid? Anyone you might want to bring to the wedding?"
Liam immediately thinks about Louis and Harry, Louis sprawled out naked on his bed, laughing, and Harry bringing them both cups of tea. He wants to bring them, but firstly, there's no point banking on a future where they're concerned, and secondly, how could he ever explain that he's bringing two boys to his big sister's wedding? He's not even sure he could tell them he was bringing one boy to the wedding, let alone two.
"Ooh," Nicola says. "There is someone, isn't there? I can see it on your face."
"Is there?" Ruth asks.
Liam tries to school his face into something that won't give anything away. He rather suspects he fails. "Nah," he says. "Nothing that'll come to anything. Single pringle, that's me."
Ruth makes a sad face at him. "You'll find someone. You're brilliant, Liam."
Those people on OK Cupid who ever bothered messaging him back didn't think he was brilliant, and neither did all of Andy's friends. Nobody had, really, until Louis and Harry, and Liam was half convinced that they'd be off again given the slightest chance. Why would boys like that settle for a trainee mechanic from the midlands when they could have anyone in London town? It just didn't make sense. He fakes a smile for Ruth, and one for Nicola and his parents, and tries to turn their attention back to his mum and her birthday.
He's not sure it works.
His mum does a roast chicken on Sunday, and Liam rocks up at half eleven with a bunch of flowers for her, because it's her birthday weekend and she deserves flowers. He's in a good mood; Louis had rung him up at half past one in the morning to tell him that they missed him and trying to have sex without him there was rubbish and boring.
Liam hadn't believed that for a second, but he likes to be remembered, and Harry and Louis just keep on remembering him, like he isn't invisible, or see-through at the edges, but like he's real.
(talking about Nicola's wedding and asking Liam if he's bringing anyone, and Liam wanting to say yes but not being able to. Texting Louis and Harry from in front of the telly and his family thinking there's a girlfriend) Birthday weekend.
"What time do you finish work?" Louis asks, as soon as Liam picks up, and Liam’s so used to Louis and Harry constantly using each other’s phones that it doesn’t bother him that it’s Harry’s name that flashed up on his screen. It’s a picture of all three of them that comes with it, anyway, Harry in the middle with Louis on his back with his arm in the air, Liam holding the camera out and pressing in so that he’s in shot. It’s one of Liam’s favourite pictures. 
"Half five, why?" Liam asks. He’s supposed to be seeing them at the weekend, but it’s only Thursday. They have half-arsed plans to go and see the new Captain America film, and Liam’s desperately trying to cover up his desire to see it sooner rather than later. 
"We’re coming to pick you up," Louis says. "We’ve got plans for you."
"It’s Thursday, though," Liam says, puzzled. He has plans for tonight that involve putting a load of washing on and eating beans on toast in front of the telly. It’s the part of his life he tries to hide from Louis and Harry, who are surely only here for the exciting bits. 
"We know," Louis says. "You’re not busy, are you?"
"Nope," Liam says, although he’ll have to figure out when to do the washing now, so he’ll have clean pants for work on Monday. He’s very much in love with Louis and Harry, but he does have a Monday to Friday job he has to work the two of them around, which they don’t. 
"Brilliant," Louis says. "We’ll see you at half five. Love you."
"Right," Liam says, still puzzled, but Louis has already hung up. 
Half five shows up, but Louis and Harry don’t. Liam sits outside the garage with his jacket zipped up, and passes his phone from hand to hand, waiting for them. He doesn’t want to ring in case they’re driving, so he sits outside and hopes that he hasn’t got the day wrong. 
They don’t show up until ten to six, by which point Liam is already about ready to leave to go home. Harry pulls his Range Rover up in front of the garage though, parking it totally skewiff, and Louis is already tumbling out of the passenger door even as Liam is standing up to meet them. 
"Hello," Louis says, bounding over and pushing Liam up against the wall. "Happy Captain America Day, Steve."
"What?" Liam says, but Louis is kissing him hello. Liam can’t quite bring himself to be bothered about who might see. 
"Captain America Day," Harry says, carefully pushing Louis out of the way and kissing Liam gently. "Here, we got you a t-shirt in honour of the occasion."
Louis pulls open his denim jacket to display a t-shirt with Captain America’s shield right there in the centre. Harry is wearing one with a giant Avengers A in the middle. The one they’re holding out for Liam is royal blue, with a white star in the middle and red and white stripes at the bottom. 
"Suit up," Louis says. "Here, preferably. Where we can stare at how hot you are."
Liam swallows, and looks down at his t-shirt. “Why are you here?” he asks, because ninety-five per cent of the time, he has no idea why Louis and Harry even bother with him. 
"Because Steve’s your favourite, and because you’re our favourite, and because we wanted to take our boyfriend out," Harry says. "We’ve got tickets for the eight o’clock showing, we’ve got a table at that burger place near that bowling alley that we went to first, and then we’re all going to go back to yours afterwards and let you talk about how hot Captain America is whilst we fuck you."
"That last part’s my favourite," Louis says, leaning in. "That was my idea, that bit. You can talk about how you’d like Steve to fuck you, if you like. Whilst we jerk you off. Make you come all over yourself."
"Oh," Liam says. Luckily he works on a nice, quiet road. It’s good, that, because he’s sporting a semi. "Right. That’s good, then."
"Brilliant," Harry says. "Now, are you going to change your top, or what? It’s been a whole week since we’ve seen you topless, and we’re getting withdrawal symptoms."
"All right," Liam says softly, and pulls open his jacket. 
(weekend at Liam's)
Plan to go away for a mini break, rent a house for the bank holiday weekend – Frisbee and piggy in the middle on the beach, bacon sandwiches, watching dvds and fucking, joking about singing together, Liam thinks it's a silly joke, they're not joking.
"We should go away," Liam says, without really thinking about it. It's either late one night or early one morning, but his watch is too far away for him to check, and anyway, he doesn't care enough to move. It's dark outside and he's naked. Anything else is just details.
"We're away now," Harry points out, from where he's lying, cheek pressed to Liam's chest. He's playing with Liam's nipple, grazing his fingertips over Liam's skin, thumbnail catching. Liam slides his hand down Harry's side, down towards his hip. He's too sleepy to initiate sex again, but he's not tired enough to fall asleep right this instant. "Well, me and Louis are."
"Don't suppose many people actually holiday in Wolvo, Haz." Louis, for reasons known only to him and at best impenetrable to Liam, is standing by the side of Liam's bed, wearing one sock and steadily eating his way through a packet of chocolate HobNobs. "You are talking about a holiday, right?"
Liam shrugs. He hadn't exactly thought about options. He'd barely got as far as thinking through what he'd actually said. "It might be nice," he says, as carefully as he can. Holidays and mini-breaks are what couples do. People in relationships. He's still not entirely sure that this counts. He's half-convinced that every time he sees Harry and Louis, it's going to be the last.
LIAM WANTS TO TELL HIS PARENTS, he just wants people to be happy for him like he's happy with them. Is convinced they're going to take it well because they've always loved him and supported him and wanted him to be happy.
I told my mum and dad about the 3 of us, Liam texts, on Thursday night. He's careful with his spelling, for once. It takes him about three goes to get it right, and at least two and a half of those he can put down to his hands shaking.
It's about thirteen seconds until his phone rings.
"You all right?" Louis demands, as soon as Liam answers.
Liam lets out a ragged breath. "No?"
"God," Louis says. "You idiot. Why didn't you tell us? We could have, I don’t know, been there. We're like, two and a half hours away. Harry's gone to the shop for a Cornetto and a banana."
Liam tries, desperately, to get a handle on his breathing. "You don't have to—" he says, but then everything he's been trying to keep inside just comes rushing out, and he doesn't mean it to, he really doesn't, but he's crying. He's crying down the phone because his mum and dad don't want him. They don't want him, and they're everything to him, and he really, really thought they'd understand. "They don't want me," he manages, after a while. "Lou, they don't want me."
Louis' breath catches. "Oh, baby," he says. "Sweetheart."
"What am I going to do?" Liam can't think. He can't do anything. He's already been sitting here for the best part of an hour.
"Wait for us to get there," Louis tells him. Liam can hear him moving around. "We'll drive up as soon as Harry gets back from the shop. I'm so sorry. Liam, I'm so sorry."
Liam hates crying. He knows it's weak, and he should be past this, but he can't. It's so hard. "Haven't you got stuff tonight? You're going out. You said."
"Fuck that," Louis tells him. "I'm putting stuff in a bag. You're more important than any stupid party."
"I'm not."
"Oh god," Louis sounds like he's going to cry himself. "Liam, sweetheart. Please. Don't say that. We're two and a half hours away."
"Sorry," Liam says, automatically.
"No—" Louis lets out a breath. "Look, are you going to be okay for two minutes? I'm going to phone Harry, get him to get his arse back here. I'll call you straight back, I promise. Please don't cry, baby. It's going to be okay. I promise. It's going to be fine. Your parents are going to come round, I swear."
His parents had asked him to leave the house so that they could 'think about what he'd told them'. They'd used words like weird and disgusting and ashamed.
Liam's always had a lot of feelings, but right this second, he wishes he could tear his heart right out of his chest, just so that it would stop hurting, if only for a minute. "All right," he says, softly, and when Louis hangs up, he buries his face in his sleeve and lets himself cry.
Andy's there when Louis and Harry pull up outside in the car, looking awkward and a bit useless in Liam's kitchen. Liam has to send him to answer the door because he's on the phone when they bell goes; his mum is crying down the phone at him, and Liam's having enough trouble trying to figure out what she's saying in amongst the tears without having to worry about whether Louis' going to lamp Andy when he's not looking.
Liam can't think about that. He squeezes his eyes shut. "Mum—" he says. "Mum."
"I don't understand," his mum's saying. "We don't understand, me and your dad. How can there be three of you?"
"There just is," Liam says, over the sob in his throat. He hates crying in front of Andy. He knows what Andy thinks about lads crying, but Andy's been good enough not to say any of that in the hour he's been here. He'd given in and texted him whilst he was waiting for Louis to phone him back, a garbled evryyhgings gon 2 shit can u cumm overrrr plese.
This is why Andy's his best mate; he'd turned up forty minutes later with two portions of chips from the chippy and a four pack of Heineken.
Once he'd seen Liam's face, he'd dumped them all on the counter by the Baby Belling and punched Liam in the arm, before pulling him into a one-armed hug.
Andy still looks shell-shocked, and it's an hour later. He might not understand Liam and Louis and Harry either—and he doesn't, because Liam's had the questions to prove it—but at least he's still here. He's grown up with Liam, and he's grown up with Liam's family, and he doesn't know what to make of it either.
He's still here, though. His best mate.
He feels Louis and Harry
wakes up to find Ruth in the kitchen talking to Louis
When Liam wakes up, he can hear the soft burr of voices coming from the kitchen. He doesn't open his eyes, staying curled up on the couch instead, Harry's hand in his hair. It's Ruth's voice, and Louis', and Liam can feel himself freezing up all over.
"—I just don't get why," Ruth's saying, over the rumble of the kettle boiling. "You're both—you're in the newspapers. What are you doing here?"
"Because we both love Liam," Louis tells her. "Because it might be weird, and no one might get it but us, but he makes us happy and I think we make him happy too."
"But what are you doing here? You must have a proper posh place in London. What are you doing in my brother's shit flat?"
It's a question Liam asks himself a million times a day.
"Because this is Liam's life, and we love him, and we want to be a part of it. And his life is here, and in this flat, so yeah, we're going to be here. With him."
Ruth's quiet at that, and Liam stays where he is on the couch, his heart thumping. Harry's hand in his hair has stilled.
Liam is sad and alone; his parents want to try, and they all go for a barbecue at Liam's parents.
Louis comes to find Liam in his mum and dad's kitchen after a while, coming right on in and wrapping his arms around Liam's shoulders, pressing a kiss to Liam's neck. "You've been gone a while," he says, not loosening his hold.
"I'm making more salad," Liam tells him, chopping a tomato into eighths. "You lot have eaten all the rest."
"More salad's always good," Louis agrees, but he doesn't let go of Liam, and Liam's grateful because he feels like he's about to explode.
"Where's Harry?"
"Turning on the charm," Louis says.
"It won't work," Liam says, and he doesn't want his voice to catch, but it does nevertheless. His knife skitters over the tomato and down onto the chopping board. "They won't ever understand."
"It'll take time. To everyone who isn't us, this is probably really weird."
Liam shakes his head. "It's not weird," he says stubbornly. "I love you and I love Harry. I don't understand why that's not easy."
Louis lets out a breath, and drops another kiss to Liam's shoulder. "I think you're probably the most honest person I've ever met," he says, which is a lie. Liam lies to people all the time. Louis and Harry don't even know that Liam failed at the X Factor. One day they'll find out that he's lied to them all this time and that will be the end. He lies about how much he needs them and how much this means to him and how much he's desperate for them to love him like he loves them. He lies all of the time, every day, and one day it'll catch up with him and it'll all be over.
"I'm not."
Louis ignores him. "I see you, and you're always just—whatever you feel, you just—you're the most brilliant person I've ever met. You and Harry, but you differently. God, I'm crap at this. I'm trying to tell you that you're so open, and so honest, and that means you get hurt sometimes. If I could, I'd make sure you never got hurt again."
Liam's chest aches. "Louis—"
"People disappoint us," Louis goes on. "Sometimes people we love, they disappoint us. But that doesn't mean they don't love us."
Liam drops the knife. "I want them to love you like I love you," he says, and he sounds all choked up. He tries not to, but he can't help it. "It's not weird, and it's not wrong. We fit."
"I know," Louis says. He shifts, hooking his chin over Liam's shoulder, and wrapping his arms around Liam's waist. "You're fucking marvellous, Liam Payne. Like, fucking brilliant. Me and Harry are going to keep on telling you and telling you until you just know, okay?"
Liam nods, but he doesn't believe it.
When they get back to Liam's flat after the disastrous barbecue at his mum and dad's, Harry and Louis lead him wordlessly into the bedroom, and pull him into a hug. Harry presses his mouth to the corner of Liam's.
"You're brilliant," he says softly, sliding his hand into Liam's hair. "And when we met your mum and dad, we could see just where you get that from."
"They were rude," Liam stumbles over his words. "They barely spoke to you."
Louis slides his hands around Liam's waist, and under his t-shirt to rest his palms against Liam's stomach. "What do you say to the two guys who are having sex with your son, exactly? It's weird for them."
"I wanted them to love you," Liam admits. Louis keeps stroking his fingertips over Liam's tummy, and Liam wants to stay like this forever, in their arms.
"We'll make them love us," Harry says. "Just you wait. You've not seen our long term attack yet. We're excellent winners-over. We've got, like, plans and strategies."
"Just you wait," Louis agrees, mouthing at the sensitive skin beneath Liam's left ear.
Liam tells his parents that his relationship isn't going awawy and then Louis and Harry take him back home and look after him, but they have to leave to go back to London
Liam has to be by himself and Louis and harry are meeting together with Simon Cowell about singing in a group. Liam doesn't think they're serious.
Liam has never, ever been prouder of his sister than he is when he watches her say her vows at the front of the room. He stands there in his charcoal suit with his fuchsia buttonhole, being her usher, and he cries as she says I do. He can see Ruth doing the exact same thing from her pride of place as maid of honour, but he can't help but glance back over his shoulder, gaze going straight to Louis and Harry, half way back on the bride's side. They're probably holding hands, and Liam wants that so much it hurts, but he's promised Nicola and his mum and dad that he'll keep it quiet, this threesome he's in and trying to call a relationship.
It isn't like he doesn't know how weird it is, but he wishes the people he loved accepted him like Louis and Harry do.
Harry gives him a little half-wave, and that catches Louis' attention. He winks at Liam, bumping his shoulder into Harry's.
Liam turns back to the front. His heart is full.
Nicola comes over later. She's drunk and plump and beaming and beautiful. "I'm so proud of you, little brother," she says, leaning over to wrap her arm around his shoulders. Her wedding dress is the size of about three people. She looks gorgeous, and like she's had the best day ever. Liam only wanted that from today, so he can't help but consider it a job well done. "And I'm really pleased you're so happy."
Liam goes a bit red, but he risks a glance at Harry and Louis anyway. They're all sitting out of the way of the dancing, because if they can't be openly together then sitting in the corner together and tangling their feet under the table is enough of an alternative to capture their affection.
Louis winks at him, and Harry just grins. They've got matching button holes, the three of them, Louis biting his lip and swapping Liam's fuchsia one for a cream rose once the dinner and the speeches and the photographs were all done. Liam had wanted something that marked them out as a threesome, a trio, even if he couldn't offer them both more.
"Seriously," Nicola says, her arm still round Liam's shoulders. "I've never seen you so happy."
Liam knows he's blushing more. He wants to reach over and curl his fingers into Louis', and have Harry come over and wrap his arms around him. "Well," he says, only a little awkwardly. "I am."
"It's been a good day, hasn't it?" Nicola goes on. She waves her arm in the air. "Everything's gone right."
"It's been perfect," Harry says. "And you look beautiful. Thank you for inviting us."
Nicola leans over and takes Louis' hand. "You are being good to him, aren't you?"
"Nicola," Liam hisses, but he can't do anything; it's her wedding day, she can hold whoever's hand she wants to. "Stop that. Put him down."
"Shush," Nicola says. "I'm talking to your boyfriend. One of your boyfriends." She giggles. "I never thought you'd have more than one boyfriend, Lee. Never thought you'd have a boyfriend, come to that."
"Well, I do, and they're perfect," Liam tells her. "But will you put him down and stop embarrassing me for two seconds?"
"No, but seriously." Nicola lets go of Louis' hand and reaches for Harry's. Harry lets her take it, and flushes in what Liam can only think of as a ridiculously cute kind of a way. "This is my little brother," she says, not letting go of Harry's hand. "Like—me and Ruth are really protective of him. Cos he's our little brother. And it's like you are too. Not like Andy."
"Nicola," Liam warns.
"Seriously. I'm trying to tell you something, so shush, Liam." She shakes her head, and turns her attention back to Louis and Harry. "If you hurt him, either of you, then I will personally hunt you down and kill you, and Ruth will help me."
Liam isn't so sure of that, since Ruth is still not quite on board with the Liam-has-two-boyfriends part of proceedings. This is still the most embarrassing experience he can quite remember, so he leaves the Ruth part of things to one side for now.
"You don’t need to worry," Louis says, shooting a glance at Liam. "We're the last people you need to worry about when it comes to Liam. I'm pretty sure we're committed to making sure everybody in the world realises how great Liam is."
"Yeah," Harry echoes. "We think he's brilliant, and we love him."
Liam knows he's doing his best impression of a bright red, on fire tomato but he can't look up. If he looks up he'll do something stupid like kiss both of them, and he'd promised. He'd promised.
"Do you three want to dance?" Nicola says suddenly.
Liam looks up. "With you?"
"Well, I suppose. I just meant—I meant do you three want to dance, together."
Liam looks over at the dance floor. "But everybody will know," he says. "I promised you and Mum and Dad."
Nicola raises her shoulders in an inelegant shrug. "I haven't seen you this happy, like, ever. It's like—I don't think it's very nice of us to be like, come to my wedding, but pretend you're not totally in love for the sake of Auntie Dora and all the cousins and the neighbours or whatever. So I think maybe that you should dance. All three of you."
"But Mum and Dad—"
"Leave them to me," Nicola says. "Anyway, whose wedding is this? It's bloody mine, so you three, get up there and do something romantic for me, all right?" She kisses the top of Liam's head. "Go on, scram. I'm going to find Ed and get him to dance with me too. We'll make a right show of it, us Paynes on that dance floor. Where's Ruth?"
"You're not a Payne anymore, Nic."
"Once a Payne, always a Payne," Nicola tells him, winking at Louis and Harry. "Go on. Up you go." Liam watches as she threads her way through the tables and her wedding guests in pursuit of her new—and quite remarkably drunk—husband.
"Well," Louis says. He smiles at Liam. "What do you want to do?"
Liam smiles at that. "I want to do what I always want to do. Be with you guys."
Harry blinks at that, looking away. "God, " he says. "Fuck, stop making me cry."
"So," Simon Cowell says, when all five of them are in his office, sitting in deceptively low cushioned chairs in front of his desk, "What have you got to say for yourselves."
"This is Liam Payne," Louis says, pointing at Liam, "and he's fantastic. And we think we want to record as a band—"
"I know who Liam Payne is." Simon cuts him off, sitting back in his chair, tapping his pen against the arm. "Long time, no see, Liam."
Liam can't bear to look to either side of him. "I didn't think you'd remember me."
"I'm good with names and faces," Simon says. "It's part of what got me to where I am now. That, and I looked you up."
"What's he mean?" Louis hisses, kicking Liam in the ankle.
Liam shakes his head, and doesn't say anything. This is what the end feels like: this. So close to his dreams, and yet so endlessly far away.
"Didn't I tell you to come back when you'd grown up a bit? Done your GCSEs?"
Liam juts his chin out. "I couldn't afford to," he says. "I needed to work."
"I literally have no idea what's going on right now," Niall says, from Liam's other side.
"I auditioned for the X Factor," Liam sits on his hands. "Two years before you did, when I was fourteen. I went to Barbados with Simon. I didn't get through."
There is no silence like a horrified, wounded silence, and Liam can read this one like a book.
"God," Niall says.
"Shit," Louis breathes, next to him. When Liam looks, Harry just looks horrified. "Why didn't you tell us?"
Liam draws his shoulders up. "Dunno," he says. "Didn't want to tell you I'd failed where you'd all passed. Didn't make any difference anyway, not back then. Then it got too late to tell you. I didn't think Simon would remember me."
"I remembered you," Simon says. He's still tapping his pen against the arm of his chair.
AND THEN: happy ending of course.
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quietasides · 6 months
Hi love, first I want to say you don't have to answer me with a long essay or something, but I just want and need your opinion on something since you have been here since 2013 which means you're a veteran larrie. Could you please answer in private :)
There aren't many larries from those days left and I completely understand why. The fandom is becoming a mess. I would just like your opinion on one subject/aspect of Larry.
I have been back and forth analyzing stuff before but mostly after 1D took their hiatus. Louis' and Harry's lyrics, behavior, and signaling and I just don't understand it anymore. The new influx of larries think L and H broke up multiple times and had other relationships, but I don't know anymore.
Something inside me tells me that isn't what happened, but with their lyrics and everything else (stunts), I feel like I'm in the minority. That's why I would like to ask you one question, you can simply answer with a yes or a no. I'd love it if you could share your ideas or elaborate more, but I know not many larries like and feel comfortable sharing their ideas anymore....so please do so, if you can.
Do you think Louis and Harry have taken breaks/broke up since 2010 (with taking breaks I mean L and H still have a relationship but taking time apart and breaking up is self-explanatory)? And do you think they have slept/been with other people since 2010?
Hello! Thanks for your ask. I don't have a problem stating my opinion publicly. Do I think Louis and Harry have taken breaks or broken up over the past thirteen years, and do I think they have had a monogamous relationship throughout that time?
I think it's absolutely 100% impossible for any one of us here on tumblr to claim we know what's going on with Louis or Harry, together or separately, never mind open-to-interpretation clues and lyrics and imagery. It seems to me that it was a strategic business decision to utilize "Larry" signaling, and it serves a dual purpose of both promoting interest and offering a sort of smokescreen for whatever sort of private lives Louis and Harry lead. I think they're very smart to keep ambiguity around the situation, because I think it allows them a lot of privacy.
I've lived for enough years to know that people grow and change, relationships evolve, partners stay, partners go, deeply committed relationships fail for all sorts of reasons and thrive for just as many—so, really, hell if I know what's gone on behind anyone's closed doors, much less a couple of artists I've never met! I haven't been active in fandom since 2019, when I entered graduate school to get my masters in counseling, so I can state with absolute confidence I have no idea what's going on with their relationships and that really any stance is JUST AS VALID.
It's totally fun to speculate and enjoy analyzing stuff, and it's fun to gather "proof" etc.
People in a successful relationship have determined between them what works for them. Any relationship has its own course and only the people involved know what goes on. Ethical non-monogamy is perfectly acceptable; it's open and honest and no lying is involved. With cheating, there's lying and concealment, which damage a relationship and make it unsustainable without a lot of work to regain health.
I have no idea what's gone on between Louis and Harry, and where things stand between them in 2024. I do know that when they met, in 2010, Harry at 16 and Louis at 18 were not even halfway through their adolescence, which the latest research shows doesn't end until our mid- to late-twenties. Now, almost 14 years later, they are both adult men with a fair amount of life behind them. They now know themselves in completely different ways than they did then, when they were just beginning the journey of growing up.
I hope for each of them, both of them, that they are enjoying living contented lives in just the manner they would like, that they feel healthy and loved and okay just as they are, together, separate, whatever.
I hope that you, dear ziamswitchcraft, enjoy speculating and interpreting symbols and choosing for yourself what you think is true, with the kind understanding that it could only ever be partially true, and could well be false.
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onlythebravest · 1 year
Tumblr media
recently read: May 2023 🌱🍅
If you decide to check any of these fics out, make sure to show the author some love. Leave kudos, a comment and, if possible, reblog (or retweet) the fic post! and a big thank you to all these amazing authors! and authors; thank you for sharing your writing with us!
hello, lovers by @panye (E, 2k, Shiall, phone sex operator, mutual masturbation) Niall is a phone sex operator at Hello Lovers hotline, and Shawn is his last caller on Valentine’s Day.
I've Got Demons, You've Got Scars by @mission2feelike (E, WIP, 83k+, a/b/o, pack dynamics, feral Louis) Harry’s life has been ruined twice. Once, the first time his alpha raised his fist four years ago, and then again today when his job discovered that he is an omega in a world where omegas, especially bonded omegas, have no rights. Now, he’s stuck trying to figure out how he’s going to take care of his four-year-old daughter, Mia. Just when it’s looking completely hopeless, a possible job arises. Someone is looking for an omega to help an alpha in need. The only problem is that the alpha has been diagnosed with Alpha Rage, a crippling disease that causes an alpha to become feral, making them succumb to their most instinctual, primal versions of themselves.A story of an omega that’s been broken, an alpha that can’t trust himself, and their unlikely relationship.
Gosh this fic is absolutely amazing!! I love that it deals with a variant of aggression issues, something that is so rarely done in media with main characters. and the recovery from it, the progress and the character development, it’s just amazing!!
On The Horizon by FitzAndLarry (E, WIP, 184k+, fake relationship, cruise) Drunk, loose, and excited on the first night of his two-week-long cruise, Doctor Harry Styles finds himself with a little extra company on what has turned out to be a lonely experience. Louis, the pilot who helped fly him across the Atlantic, is the object of his fling. Thus begins an adventure filled with laughter, sun, and trauma rearing its ugly head. Deadline on their companionship, the pair commit to enjoying their time - and Harry, the screw-up he is, can't help but lose himself in the fantasy.
Even If It's Just Tonight by nothing_but (E, 26k, BDSM club owner, suitcase swap) Louis and Harry happen to switch their suitcases in the airport's bathroom and it's possibly the best mistake Harry has ever made.
Such a good fic! Loved the idea
Secret Videos by hazzandloubear (Gen, 1.3k, canon, established relationship) The fic where Louis steals Harry's phone and secretly records
We'll Be Seamless by @dinosaursmate (E, 52k, tumblr au, strangers to friends to lovers) Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
I really loved the throwback to the days when you could post nudes on tumblr. I also loved that Louis was a big fan of Harry's blog long before they met irl!
Touch Me Up by @dinosaursmate (E, 2.4k, established relationship) Harry has a big idea for a photoshoot, but Louis isn't too keen.
It’s All Novel: How to Care for Your Omega in Heat by @insightfulinsomniac (E, 12k, a/b/o, established relationship, fluff) Featuring: boys in love actively communicating through a series of tender, intimate moments. The sequel to “Checking Them Out?: How to Use Your Library Science Degree to Get an Alpha.”
Come Morning Light (You’ll Be Safe and Sound) by @babyhoneyheslt (M, WIP, 2.6k+, famous/non-famous, plane crash investigator) Louis is a plane crash investigator, and when a private jet carrying world famous singer Harry Styles crashes, he gets put on the investigation team. Thinking Harry is going to be arrogant and thinks he’s better than anyone; when Louis has to get information he’s surprised by the singers kindness. Although, it seems that Harry’s not all he seems to be, and that he’s hiding something from everyone around him.
Danger I Can't Hide by CelticSky (E, WIP, 156k+, WW2 au, fighter pilots, strangers to friends to lovers) Flying Officer Styles and Sergeant Tomlinson would have likely never crossed paths in a time of peace, their lives laid out neatly, predictably before them. But then the world became unrecognisable. Too soon they grew accustomed to fear, surrounded by death and destruction, not even their freedom a certainty any more. Until they found each other. Comfort. Companionship. Understanding. Another person to lose.
to the surprise of absolutely no one - I love this fic! planes, fighter pilots, friends to lovers - it's as if it was made for me! 
Previous months: Jan, Feb, March&April + my other fic recs
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twopoppies · 5 months
hi gina!! I hope you're having a great day.
this is gonna be a weird message, I know, you don't have to answer, you can absolutely ignore it, don't worry. it might bother you, I'm not sure.
so. I've always been a larry. always. I've always believed H and L have been in love with each other, ever since they first met. but I haven't really been active in the fandom lately, mostly because of work and personal issues. I still used tumblr occasionally, to see if there were news or just to check what was happening in general. I didn't have time to watch louis' docu until yesterday.
and. well. now, for the first time, I believe freddie is louis' son. and trust me when I tell you that up until 2 days ago I thought he most definitely wasn't. I don't know, the way he looks, the way lou talks about him and acts around him... I think he's his son.
so, because of this "realization", I basically reconsidered everything I believed in. my head is kind of a mess, because I still want to think there was something between them but that maybe something happened and they broke up or idk... maybe it really was just a relationship we made up. I feel like shit, like I'm "betraying" all of you, I don't know how to explain it.
one thing is certain, even if they were together, I believe that right now they're not an item anymore, and they haven't been for a very long time. I feel so weird, I can't believe I'm actually writing this words.
you might ask yourself why tf I'm telling you all this, and I'm really, really sorry, but there's no one in my life I can talk to about this. and gina, you and your account have always been amazing. I used to check your account all the time, to see what was happening or for fic recs. so yeah, when I was thinking about who I was gonna tell this (because I feel like I need to tell someone or I'm gonna go insane), you're the first person that came to mind. again, I'm sorry. I kinda feel like an idiot.
so yeah, here I am, I can't believe I don't think they're together anymore. I feel guilty, like me/us believing in larry was the reason they stopped being friends, like it hurt them somehow. I used to hate people who believe this. ugh. I'm sorry.
But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. there's a part of me who wants to be.
you're a great person gina, I'm sorry for bothering you with this. thank you.
Hi, love. So, I’ve very honestly lost all interest in trying to rationalize with people about babygate. If you believe Louis is a dad, and you believe that changes everything you ever knew and thought about him as a person and him and Harry as a couple, you do you.
I know what I know. I know what I’ve seen. But it’s very obvious that for some reason Louis wants people to believe he’s a dad.
I watched this clip of Zayn today on the Zach Sang show talking about his daughter. The facial expressions, the pride in his voice, the anecdotes he tells… that’s a dad.
But Louis is a dad. Ok. 👍🏻
Anyway, once upon a time, they wanted and needed our very vocal support. They don’t anymore. I hope that even if you think “Larry” never existed, if you think fans ruined their friendship, if you think Louis is a dad, if you think Harry and Louis were together but aren’t now… whatever you think about their personal lives, I hope you can enjoy their music because that’s all they seem to really want from their fans these days. ❤️
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kingsofeverything · 1 year
I’m interested! Can you post The fake relationship for a work party? 🫶
Thank youuu 💛 Yes! This is based on a tumblr post that I can’t find now.
Anyone who reads this, remember it’s unfinished, unedited, etc.
And here’s the list of other WIPs
“Yes. Yes, sir. Sounds great. We’ll see you then,” Louis says, and waits for his boss to hang up first. As soon as he does, Louis slumps in his ergonomically designed desk chair and sighs.
He never meant to lie to his boss. It’s not the sort of thing he normally does. But when he first started the job almost a year before, his boss asked if he had a girlfriend or a boyfriend, and his brain couldn’t keep up with his mouth. He answered as if it was a multiple choice question instead of a yes or no question, accidentally outing himself as well. Thankfully his boss just smiled and nodded and told Louis to bring his boyfriend along to happy hour at the bar around the corner.
That first day, Louis went out after work with his new boss and coworkers like a dutiful employee who desperately wanted to keep his job. It turns out that, for a group of accountants, they’re a rather wild bunch. And at almost twenty-eight years old, with a good bit of bartending through college, Louis is… not so wild.
He had more than his fair share of booze and boys over the last decade or so, but as he’s gotten older, his hangovers have gotten worse, and his tastes have changed. Now he much prefers a glass of wine with dinner (two on weekends), video games or movies on the couch (the ability to pause and go pee is underrated), and a ten o’clock bedtime (midnight on weekends). He does go out occasionally, usually with his best friend and roommate Harry, though with his schedule at the bakery, they tend to stay in more. But Louis hasn’t had time to date, really. Or hasn’t made time. He hasn’t found a guy who can give his comfy couch any competition.
But his boss doesn’t know any of that because Louis had the brilliant idea that first evening out after his first day on the job, to use an imaginary boyfriend as an excuse to leave early. He’s done the same every single night out since. Sometimes he’ll stop in for one drink and make a joke about getting home before his boyfriend goes to bed. But most of the time he successfully uses his imaginary boyfriend’s odd work schedule as a reason to skip out on everything. Even the annual company picnic in the park the previous summer.
When he started the lie, he kept it bland and boring, with no details about his imaginary boyfriend or his job. Less than a month into it, Louis started to elaborate. First, mentioning Harry by name, and then dropping little details into conversations. It was easy when no one knew Harry and Louis knew Harry wouldn’t be stopping by his office or anything like that when it’s way across town from the bakery and their apartment. And it wasn’t as if Harry would care. He’d probably think it was funny. So Louis just kept his little lies to himself, not wanting to burden Harry with keeping an unnecessary secret.
Now he’s backed himself into a corner. Because his boss gave him plenty of notice and has practically begged Louis to bring Harry to the company holiday party.
So he has less than a month to find a new job.
Louis flicks his finger against the clip art of the printed invitation, eyes darting around the office to check that no one is watching him, not that they’d be able to see his text conversation. Still he backs up to the far wall of his cubicle, the one that’s actually a wall and not a partition, and sends a quick message.
Louis: Need a favor
He bites his lip, staring at the screen, but a reply comes almost immediately.
Harry: What
Louis: Come to my company xmas party and pretend to be my boyfriend and I’ll give you $20
Harry: What
Louis: $20 and a $20 Starbucks gift card to pretend to be my boyfriend for one night and not ask why
No dots appear. Louis blinks at his phone, trying to will Harry to agree.
Harry: $20 and a $20 Starbucks card, a foot massage, buy me sushi for dinner, and you have to take the trash out without complaining about it for the next year. And we’re talking about this when you get home tonight. I might need to add to my list of demands.
Louis: Ok
If that’s all Harry asks of him, he’ll gladly give it.
“Hello, darling,” Louis says the second he opens the door and sees Harry laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. The hood of his sweatshirt is pulled tight around his face so that only his eyes and nose are visible. He looks tired, but comfortable and warm. “That’s my hoodie you’re wearing.”
“Finders keepers.” Harry loosens the strings of his hoodie to uncover his pout, pushing it back off his head. With a quick pat to the couch cushion, he says, “Come sit.”
Kicking off his shoes, Louis drapes his coat over the back of the couch. Harry lifts his head, and Louis sits, waiting for him to lay back down so he can comb his fingers through Harry’s curls.
The weight of Harry’s hand against his shin is warm even through his trousers. Harry reaches down and slips his fingertips under the hem, pushing down Louis’ socks and scratching lightly at the hair on his ankles. He sighs and his breath is hot on Louis’ thigh. “Explain, please.”
Louis starts at the beginning. It’s less embarrassing than he expected it to be. He really thought Harry would give him hell for lying to his boss. But he doesn’t even seem mad that Louis lied to him. He listens quietly to Louis’ explanation, humming and nodding occasionally, rubbing circles over Louis’ ankle, and not speaking until Louis is finished.
“Since you started the job in January?” Harry asks, tapping his fingers against the back of Louis’ calf.
“Yeah.” Louis holds his breath.
“What if you’d like, met someone and wanted to bring them to the party?” Harry glances up at him. “You would’ve just like, imaginarily broken up with me? And I never would’ve known.”
“Suppose so,” Louis says, exhaling and tracing the curve of Harry’s ear with his eyes. “I haven’t been on a date in forever though.”
While Louis twirls Harry’s curls around his finger, he thinks back to his last date. It was a few months after they moved into the new apartment, right before he put in his notice at his old job. The guy hadn't been awful or anything, Louis just found himself wondering why he’d bothered leaving the house halfway through dinner. And Harry can’t really say anything when he’s been “quite happily single, thank you very much” for going on two years now.
Finally, Harry says, “I’ll do it.”
“You will?”
“Yeah.” Harry rolls onto his back, looking up and meeting Louis’ eyses. He catches his lower lip between his teeth, studying Louis’ face. “Do you have a plan?” When Louis shakes his head, Harry says, “Okay, so… You haven’t really lied about anything other than like, calling me your boyfriend. I’m not like, pretending to be someone I’m not, so it’ll be easy. I’ll just be me, but like, with hand holding and kissing and stuff.”
“What?” Louis frowns down at him. “Why kissing?”
“Please, Louis. This is an office party. There’s always mistletoe.” Harry rolls his eyes and sits up, hair standing in all directions from Louis’ attention. “I don’t mean, like, making out or whatever you’re thinking. But…” Slowly, Harry leans in, licking his lips and Louis’ eyes track the movement. He glances up holding Harry’s gaze as he presses a slow, gentle kiss to his parted lips.
Instantly, Louis’ face heats. “What… Why’d you do that?”
Harry snorts. “The party’s tomorrow and we’re supposed to have been dating for more than a year, Louis. You can’t blush and stutter if I peck you on the lips.”
“It’s not… I didn’t…” Louis holds his hands to his cheeks, trying to cool his heated skin.
“I’ll be your fake boyfriend, Lou, but you clearly haven’t thought this through.” Sitting back against the armrest, Harry takes a breath and blows it out, puffing his cheeks. “We have to like, practice kissing under the mistletoe.”
Narrowing his eyes, Louis lowers his hands, though his cheeks still feel flushed. “I feel like that’s probably unnecessary.”
“Nope. Totally necessary.” Pushing himself up off the couch, Harry yawns, then says, “I’m exhausted. I’ve got an early morning, and a party to possibly attend.”
“Possibly?” Louis asks.
“Yeah, I mean, like I said, I’ll do it, but not if you’re going to argue with me about the like, logistics.”
Harry nods, stretching his arms overhead so that Louis’ hoodie lifts up and Harry’s sweatpants slip down. Louis almost misses Harry’s response, but he leans down and ruffles Louis’ hair, drawing his attention. “I’ll only be your fake date if you make out with me — with tongue — for two whole minutes.”
“What?” Louis jumps up from the couch.
“Two minutes,” Harry says, shuffling off towards the kitchen so that Louis has to follow him. He reaches for the tin of mints he keeps in the junk drawer and pops one into his mouth, holding the container out towards Louis. “Mint?” While Louis takes a mint, Harry pulls out his phone and sets a two minute timer, showing the face of his phone to Louis. He loudly chews his mint, swallows it, and taps the start button on the timer.
That is apparently what Louis needs to convince him that Harry isn’t joking. He hurries to swallow the mint in his mouth, and almost chokes, while Harry lounges against the counter, arms crossed, smirking like he doesn’t think Louis will do it. The timer doesn’t make a sound, but Louis can see it ticking away on the screen of Harry’s phone, and it suddenly feels like now or never.
Reaching out, Louis tugs on the strings of Harry’s hoodie — Louis’ hoodie, but finders keepers, apparently — twisting them around his fingers and pulling Harry down to meet him just as he moves fully into Harry’s space. He steps to either side of Harry’s crossed ankles, and Harry drops his arms, grabbing onto the counter with both hands, fingers curling over the edge. Harry’s eyes flicker down and Louis brings their lips together, releasing his hold on the hoodie to cup Harry’s face with both hands.
Two whole minutes, with tongue, Harry said.
Behind his closed eyelids, Louis rolls his eyes. He tilts his head slightly to the right, stroking his thumb over Harry’s jaw and guiding him to meet him, their lips parting at the same time. Harry hums, pushing off the counter, forcing Louis to take a step backwards. He grips Louis’ hips, steadying him, and Louis grabs hold of his shoulders, still feeling unsteady. Mostly that’s due to Harry’s mouth on his because of course he’s a good kisser. He sucks on Louis lip, one hand pressing into the curve Louis’ lower back, the other creeping towards Louis’ ass, when the alarm on Harry’s phone blares and they both jump backwards.
“That wasn’t totally horrible, was it?” Harry asks, slightly breathless.
Louis shakes his head, because it wasn’t, but also because he’s known Harry for a while and never thought to kiss him before and he doesn’t know why. Definitely not horrible. He reaches for the fridge in search of a distraction and something cold to drink.
“Okay, so, I’m going to bed.” Harry snatches Louis’ water bottle from him and takes a sip before handing it back. “Don’t worry about your boss or whoever. I think we know each other well enough that we won’t have any trouble convincing them we’re together.”
“So you’re in?” Louis asks, taking a step back and gulping his water. He raises his eyebrows and says, “You’re going to make this fake dating au a success?”
“Yeah.” Harry nods, scrunching his nose. He pulls his hood back over his messy curls and says, “I suppose I need to wear a suit.”
Louis shakes his head, pulling Harry’s hoodie strings again, this time so tightly that Harry’s nose is all that’s visible, tapping it lightly with the tip of his finger. “Wear whatever you want. Glitter, lace, a tux, a dress…”
“Okay,” Harry mumbles through the fabric of his sweatshirt and Louis pulls on the hoodsweatshirt until he can see Harry’s face againthe hood falls off. “’Night, Lou.”
“’Night, darling,” Louis says, tucking Harry’s hair behind his ear.
Louis spends all day Friday working from home and regretting the past year of his life.
In the late afternoon, Harry comes home with shopping bags, and Louis finds himself grinning at him like a loon. He catches himself mid-sigh, and freezes, eyes going from almost closed the force of his too big smile, to wide open, and jerks his head around to stare back at the television.
“Sorry I’m late,” Harry says, rustling his shopping bags before dropping them onto the couch beside Louis. “Realized I didn’t have anything to wear to an office Christmas party.”
“You don’t have to dress up.” Louis turns and pulls his feet up, watching Harry unwrap his scarf and take off his hat. Combing his fingers through his hair, Harry scratches his scalp, stuffing the beanie into the pocket of his coat.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you!” Harry stops, coat dangling off his arms. He hurriedly joins Louis on the couch, and says, “I meant to text you earlier. I thought about it today and I think I’ll need some time to like, get into character. I meant to give you some warning. Sorry. But, um… I’m officially your fake boyfriend as of right now.”
“Now?” Louis frowns, reaching for one of Harry’s shopping bags, but Harry smacks his hand away. There are still X hours until the party.
“Yes, sir.” Harry nods and winks, which Louis always finds annoyingly endearing, because he’s never sly about it, always obnoxious and over-the-top dramatic, with accompanying sound effects and open mouth. “I need a shower. You coming with me?” Before Louis can register what he said, Harry barks a laugh.
Standing and gathering his bags, he walks around and looks down at Louis from behind the couch. Louis tips his head back, about to ask Harry if he plans on being a pain in the ass as of right now, too, and if that’ll carry on all night at the party, but Harry bends down and kisses him before he can speak. It’s no two minute kitchen make out session with tongue, but it’s unexpected, and somehow, even at an angle, Louis’ barely open mouth lines up perfectly with Harry’s cold, peppermint chapstick flavored lips.
Harry walks away and Louis is left there, the tips of his fingers hovering in the air in front of his mouth. The tingling doesn’t dissipate when he finally touches his lips.
Perhaps a better use of his day would’ve been shopping for himself or even sorting through his own clothes in an effort to find something to wear to the party, rather than simultaneously regretting his life choices and trying to figure out when the hell he developed these feelings for Harry and why he didn’t notice them before.
While Harry showers, Louis rifles through his closet, searching for magically hidden clothing that he’s forgotten owning or buying. All he finds is a black blazer and his fitted black trousers — the ones that he never wears anymore because they’re a bit snug. No one’s looking at his bum when he sits behind a desk all day. His deep red scoop neck t-shirt seems festive enough, but he refuses to do more than put on deodorant and blow dry his wet hair after he showers.
It’s a sort of penance for jacking off to the memory from the kitchen the night before. He had to do it. No question.
Harry seems to be all in with this fake boyfriend thing and Louis is powerless to stop it, which means that if Harry’s as big a proponent of PDA as he suspects, he’s going to spend the duration of the party touching Louis in one way or another. However innocent the intention, Harry’s hand in his all night would still give him a boner eventually. God forbid Louis rest his palm on Harry’s lower back.
So he pregamed it a bit. Tired himself out. That way, Harry can kiss him under as much mistletoe as he likes and no matter how red Louis’ cheeks get, at least he’s less likely to spring an erection in the middle of his office Christmas party.
Louis adjusts his hair in his reflection in the bathroom mirror, flicking it off his forehead. He steps out of the bathroom just as Harry opens his bedroom door and they both stop short as Harry drops his coat.
“Oops,” Harry says, but Louis catches it before it hits the floor.
“Hi.” Louis tries to see as much of Harry as he can in the few seconds he allows himself to look.
“That’s very boyfriendy of you, Louis,” Harry comments as he slips his arms into his waiting coat. Louis brushes the backs of his shoulders, straightening Harry’s coat, though it doesn’t need it.
“I try,” Louis says, wondering if he should behave any differently towards Harry. Maybe he ought to change the way he talks to him or acts in his presence as a boyfriend rather than just Louis. He drums his fingers against his stomach and smooths his brow, unsure what he’d need to do differently.
The walk to the subway is colder than Louis thought it’d be, which is typical of him in any winter weather. Harry’s always telling him he should wear more layers. He keeps his hands in his coat pockets, balling them into fists until Harry tugs on his elbow, pulling his hand free.
Even without gloves, Harry’s hands are warm, or at least warmer than his own. He holds Louis’ hand between both of his as they walk, forcing Louis to stay close by his side until they reach the first step leading them underground. Louis follows, keeping his eyes glued to the back of Harry’s head where the ends of his hair curls over his scarf.
The party is being held at the same bar around the corner from the office where everyone else goes for happy hour. As soon as they walk through the door, Louis takes their coats, and when he turns back around, Harry passes him a beer.
“Introduce me,” Harry mutters, slipping his arm around Louis’ waist, and tucking his hand through the vent in the back of Louis’ blazer so that it rests on Louis’ hip.
Turning at the warmth and weight of Harry’s palm, Louis finds Harry already leaning towards him, making it easy for Louis to mutter, “Mr. Davidson is my boss. He’s at the end of the bar. Blue jacket, glass of whisky?”
Harry nods and smiles and proceeds to charm every person in the room. It’s completely unsurprising, but Louis is annoyed at how well he plays the part.
“So what else is there? Someone has to get drunk and dance on a table.” Harry props his hands on his hips and twists at the waist, looking around the room. His eyes go comically wide and his lips form a perfect O. “Presents, Louis. There are presents over there. Were we supposed to bring something?”
“Don’t worry about it. Didn’t want to bother you, so I picked up another $20 Starbucks card.”
Clearly affronted at the thought, Harry gasps and squeezes Louis’ upper arm. “You know I love gift exchanges.”
“Yeah, but there wasn’t a lot of time. Sorry. I—”
“Next time,” Harry says, frowning at the envelopes (?) when Louis pulls them from his jacket pocket and puts them on the table with the other gifts.
Louis nods and let’s Harry guide him away, hand cupping his elbow. He doesn’t want to get drunk, after all, it’s his office party and his boss is present. Aside from that, he could easily slip and say something that would ruin their story.
Louis and Harry both turn and Louis smiles at his favorite coworker. “Merry Christmas, Niall!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Niall says, pointing with his beer bottle. “This the famously mysterious Harry?”
Louis rolls his eyes as Niall shakes Harry’s hand. “This is Harry, yes. I wouldn’t say he’s famously mysterious though.”
“Sure. Okay. It’s not as if anyone placed bets as to whether or not he existed.” Niall nods and winks and Louis is pretty certain such bets were placed and he’s curious about who won and who bet which way. He turns to the tall man standing next to him and says, “This is my boyfriend Shawn. Been trying to get you to meet at happy hour, but—”
“Actually, um…” Harry starts, then frowns, scratching at the stubble on his chin. “Shawn and I kind of know each other?”
It’s said like a question and Louis panics at the thought that perhaps Harry and Shawn have slept together at some point over the past year, but Shawn quickly puts that fear to rest. He grins, reaching for Louis’ hand, and says, “I work around the corner from Harry's bakery. Stop in all the time for coffee and too many pastries.”
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ziamhaze · 1 month
hi! i just read your Compartment 451 fic on ao3 & i just wanted to say some words :)
this is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful story. my feelings towards harry potter are — well, mixed at best, but there will always be a little piece of me that adores it. this was so nostalgic for me, personally, as someone who knew (and still knows) so much trivia about it, so all the little nods to hp canon were downright delightful and having dean feature prominently makes me smile even more.
the boys' friendship is so delightful — being in different houses but still prioritising meals with one another, having their own little room, zayn inventing the cards to help them communicate. louis's what are they going to do, kick me out? attitude made me laugh, and little elijah just straight up stole my heart. also, the matching 451 tattoos for the compartment!! i love it.
but ziam. oh wonderful ziam. the fic being told from zayn's perspective works so well, and zayn coming in as a muggleborn and being so unapologetically comfortable with being muggleborn in a world of magic!! i love it, i love it so much. liam's speech at his presentation mirrored zayn's conversation with elijah about being a muggle vs being a wizard and the things that comprise him.
the backstory told through zayn's dreams is such a nice touch, it was a natural break in the current timeflow and gave us context for zayn's actions in the each section when needed.
this was just a really, really, really well written AU, and it sucked me in and captivated me, i blitzed through the entire fic in one go. i love it, i love it, i love it. one of my favourite fics i've ever read, ever. thank you so much for writing it.
First and foremost, my sincerest apologies for taking well over a year to answer this!  I’m currently working on several pieces of work and sadly, no longer check Tumblr as much as I used to.
This message has lifted my spirits in the most sincere of ways.  Admittedly, I knew very little about HP before writing this AU; I’d only ever read the 4th book and saw all of the films.  So, to hear that I did a relatively good job with my research during the planning stages of this fic is unbelievably fulfilling.
Looking back on this story in particular elicits an immense amount of nostalgia in me.  For my writing style, for my eagerness, for the early days of not knowing that I’d one day be dedicating my life to world building.  And yet, when I try and go back to read this specific fic, I often times cringe at how horrible the grammar or sentence structure is.  That said, to know that others are still finding joy beneath all of that, years after its original publishing date is the most unexpected thing ever.
As much as you’d like to thank me for writing this, I’d like to doubly thank you for taking the time out of your day to reach out and let me know how it’s touched you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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AO3: we_are_the_same
Tumblr: @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
✤ Number of fics: 81
✤ Posting Since: 2012
1️⃣ you've set my soul to dreaming (T, 9k)
At first, when Harry wakes up on Christmas Morning with a warm body in his bed he wonders if he pulled someone last night. He’d met some friends at the pub, none of them really having anyone to spend Christmas Eve with, and he knows he might’ve had a few drinks to numb the loneliness for a while, but he didn’t��think he got that drunk that he’d ended up pulling someone and forgetting all about it.
Or: Thirty year old Harry Styles goes to bed single on Christmas Eve, only to wake up on Christmas morning with a husband in his bed and a son down the hall.
2️⃣ room for your love underneath this tree (T, 11k)
“IwannameetHarryStyles,” Daisy mumbles, and Louis blinks.
“She says she wants to meet Harry Styles.” Phoebe pipes up, and Louis blinks again, absently switches the camera to himself because he knows that his followers will want to catch his baffled expression.
“You-” he starts, and then stops himself, because he did tell her she could ask for anything she wanted, and how can he go back on his word and tell her that he doesn’t actually have the power to make that happen?
Because Harry Styles is -- he’s next level kind of famous. Louis has two million subscribers on his YouTube, but Harry has eighteen times as many followers on his Twitter alone. He’s had three number one hits in the last year, and his last album had charted at the top spot for a record breaking 27 weeks. He’s a singer, actor and philanthropist, and there is no way in hell that Louis can get him to come meet Daisy for Christmas.
So of course he laughs, even if it’s a little bit breathless, and nods at her. “One Harry Styles for Christmas, coming right up.”
3️⃣ some things fade (some never do) (T, 25k)
Matching tattoos. He’d never thought he’d be the type for tattoos to begin with, let alone matching or magical ones, but once Harry had put the idea in his mind it had never quite managed to disappear. And it had made sense. With their relationship a long distance one, this was simply another way of feeling close to one another. Of knowing where the other was, how they felt. It had made so much sense.
Back then.
Three years after their break up, Harry calls.
4️⃣ with no way out and a long way down (T, 31k)
Prince Harry is ten when he receives his soulmark.
5️⃣ In a sky full of stars, be my Northern lights (T, 13k)
It's one of those nights there's nothing on the telly that Louis absently scrolls through Tinder. After swiping left on a bunch of profiles he comes face to face with a picture that stops him in his tracks. The picture is..almost sweet. It’s a boy with brown curly hair, wearing a very low cut yellow blouse, paired with a black jacket. He’s got a smile on his face and his tongue sticking out, but it’s not in any way lewd or suggestive. He just looks like he’s having a good time, and something about the innocence of it has him swiping right rather than left.
He’s barely checked the other pictures on the boy's profile before Tinder confirms that he’s got a match. The shots are so different from the pictures Louis is used to on Tinder - half naked boys who are smoldering at the camera - that he can’t help but smile.
It quickly turns into a frown when he opens up the message he’s just received.
Harry: Hello! Harry: Thank you for swiping right Harry: I have a proposition for you
💎 it's time to find your wings again (T, 12k)
The first reports are dismissed, as tall tales or folklore. As mental illness, poor Bathilda, she’d gone loopy. As people simply getting scared in the dark woods and seeing things, making things up. Magic isn’t real. Mythological creatures aren't real.
But then the first one is caught. A faun, that little Meg from around the corner swears has attacked her in the woods, and everyone comes to the marketplace to see the faun be hanged for its crimes. Louis doesn’t want to go, but at the same time, he finds himself unable to stay away. Not when this proves what he’s wanted to believe all along, that magic is real.
Louis is twenty when he starts working at the prison. His fascination for supernatural creatures had turned into something most closely resembling loathing over the years, due to the many stories of their evildoing, and although he still doesn’t believe in hanging them for their crimes, he does believe in keeping the town safe. In making sure that his siblings get to grow up without fear of being kidnapped or hurt. As the oldest son, it feels like his duty to make sure that no creature in the wide area will ever pose a threat to anyone.
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
I’d love to believe these but honestly they’re always the same kind of format. Anon implies they’re not a Larry so knew nothing previously of the Lou/Harry situation (mmmm); mention of them touching (or kissing) in the room (I highly doubt it!); Louis being loud (well I can believe that! But everyone knows that about Lou so it’s not necessarily proof); how Harry smells; mention of Louis being hot…it’s always the same. Like these receipts creators know what Larries want to read/hear and play into it.
It’s a bit cruel if you ask me. I’d love if it were true but I think they’re playing with the fandom.
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Hello team!! Thank you for ur sweet messages xx I know I have been super busy and practically MIA for a hot second but regarding this, look…I did a post not too long ago about how everyone waves off receipts as fake. Listen, this day and age, the majority are. It was bad back in the day but now it’s even worse. So yes, a lot of the receipts we are getting are poorly faked/too good to be true/no proof and… that’s the way it is.
So, it’s easy to disregard receipts as fake. It’s very blindingly obvious when they are, and there were certain elements of that one that I’d use as evidence of it being fake, but the thing is… we just don’t fucking know. Right? We just don’t know without blatant proof which is so difficult in Larry’s case without someone losing their job/getting in MAJOR trouble.
Proof is essentially only if there is a photo/video that we can prove is NOT edited (or AI, which has made this increasingly more difficult from 10 years ago) and is clear and certain. Which just… exists, people do have this knowledge and these photos and stuff, but they don’t circulate for a multitude of reasons. So, anyway, we get nothing but words.
And like, I get it. Anyone can write an anon. Anyone can just type out something that seems vaguely realistic but reaches a bit into the fanfic world. It’s easy. However, it’s very hard to tell the real from the fake. And at the moment, the real is along the lines of receipts that aren’t super detailed, over the top, or just plain weird, and the ones we take as real are the more low key ones because it doesn’t make as much sense to fake a lowkey receipt, right?
Anyway, the euro one seemed kinda legit for me, but then after I reassessed, it didn’t seem as real. But, like, who knows? Some of the shit said in these receipts could be genuine but it’s disregarded because it’s seen as too over the top or whatever. But tumblr will always be a minefield for them, because of the anon feature.
So, take what you will, with a grain of salt. It’s getting increasingly harder these days to confirm receipts with less and less content of the two of them, and a bigger anti/solo fandom looking to stir the pot, and easier ways to edit things and it just… is what it is. I tend to reblog it so we can discuss, and if it’s not real and we verify that then it’s not real. But there are many that are that float around so I think, with caution and several grains of salt, do read them and make up your mind.
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bi-disaterlol · 2 months
Larry fic.
hello again tumblr! this an old fanfic of mine, i hope you enjoy.
Insecurity & Cuddles.
It was about 1:00 in the morning and Louis was still awake. He'd been trying to fall asleep since 10:00 pm. The truth was, he hadn't been feeling good both physically and emotionally all day. He'd been crying and wanting to be held by his loving boyfriend, Harry. He'd been feeling nauseous and bloated all day. The worst part was that he and Harry got in a fight with each other earlier that day because of stupid things. Louis finally decided to go and wake up his boyfriend.
Louis: "Haz…"
Harry: "What do you want?"
Louis: "Help…me"
Harry: "Louis, stop it. You're scaring me."
Louis: "I.. feel… sad." He then started to cry and Harry sat up from the bed.
Harry: "Shh… it's ok… shhh." He gently lifted the boy from the floor and onto the bed. He then held the boy in his arms and stroked his back.
Louis: "I'm.. sorry.. for… bothering you."
Harry: "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. Please tell me what's wrong, baby boy."
Louis: "I-i feel so miserable, Harry. I haven't felt ok all day. You getting mad at me earlier didn't help. I feel so sick and nauseous and you don't even care. I've been crying for an hour or so I think. My head hurts so bad that I can't even think. I've been debating if I should come to our room for an hour because I don't have the strength to hear you yell and get upset at me again. I just want to be loved and comforted by the person I love most, is that impossible? Please… please Harry… I'm sorry for asking this… can we cuddle?"
Harry: "Yes. Yes my baby, my beloved, my everything, my one and true love. I love you so much. I'm such an asshole for being like that to you. I want to make you feel better, ok? Let me take your hand, I'll make it right. I swear to love you all my life. I would rather die than let you go. I love you so much, my beautiful."
Louis: "I… love… you… too. Please don't be upset again."
Harry: "Never again will I do that, my love."
Louis: "My stomach hurts so bad."
Harry: "Let me get you some medicine, ok?"
Louis: "Ok."
Harry: "Here baby. After this, we can cuddle, ok?"
Louis: "Ok." Louis took the medicine.
Harry: "Do you want to try sleeping now, my love?"
Louis: "Yes babe."
Harry: "Ok babe." Harry and Louis laid down on the bed and Harry wrapped his arms around Louis.
Harry: "Good night, my love."
Louis: "Good night baby. Thank you for taking care of me."
Harry: "I love you too baby. Now sleep."
They both fell asleep, one's arms wrapped around the other's waist.
The end. have a good day, lovely reader.
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