#I have one more idea that will be a little spicy and then I've ran out for now tbh
orengejoshi · 4 months
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Flug has 'bout zero self-control
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whimsyfinny · 2 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: language, violence, oral (male receiving)
Chapter Word Count: 5306
A/N: kind of an odd chapter tbh, there was a few things that I wanted to write so it felt best to squeeze them all in together. I want to start getting into the romance side of things with Dean, so I guess that starts here. Also I’ve been away sick so I’ve added a bit of spiciness.
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New readers start here: Prologue
Previous Chapter: Chapter 13
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 14
I grasped the hanger off the rail and slung the pair of flared jeans over my arm to join the other items I was purchasing. Dean had been kind enough to give me a hundred bucks in cash - God knows where from - to get myself whatever I needed whilst he and Sam sauntered off to the menswear stores. As I browsed, lifting a crocheted crop top up before scrunching my nose at the thought of how little it would cover, the bell to the store jingled as someone else walked in. I heard footsteps slowly pace down the short aisle I was in, and as I placed the top back on the rail, I almost jumped out of my skin as someone started talking.
“Oh hey, it's (Y/n) right? You're bunking with the Winchester boys?”
I snapped my head up at the female voice, not expecting anyone out here but Sam and Dean to know my name. My eyes met a pair of warm brown ones, faint crows feet in the corners from years of joy and smiles. I recognised her; she was the short haired woman in the bunker kitchen the night we got back from the strip club.
“Uuhhhh ye- yes! You know Sam and Dean?” My expression was clearly confused as she grinned and held out her hand.
“The names Jody Mills. I've known the boys for a while now - through hunting. It's a pleasure to meet you at last - I've heard great things about you,” I juggled the clothing in my arms and grasped her outstretched hand, giving it a firm shake. She seemed to grin at that.
“Oh, they talk about me? I had no idea,” I suddenly felt a little nervous, the knowledge that I've been the topic of conversations unbeknownst to myself made me sweat a little. Jody seemed to notice this.
“They've only had great things to say, so don't panic! Especially that boy Dean. Not sure how you've done it chick but you really got that wild card wrapped around your little finger,” she raised her eyebrows almost suggestively and I felt heat start to prickle my skin.
“Wh-what? No no no, he's not-” I watched as her head tilted in my direction, eyebrows still raised as a slight grin tugged on her lips. “Have I really?”
She hummed and nodded her head, starting to flick through the clothing rail that I'd been looking at before.
“I've known that boy a few years now, and I've never seen him run to anyone the way he ran to you that night you appeared in the kitchen, looking like a kicked kitten,” she smiled softly and squeezed my arm, “you're something special to him honey, so try not to break his heart.”
“Oh,” was all I managed to say, with what I can imagine was the dumbest look on my face as I felt myself getting redder by the second. A phone ringing suddenly pulled me from my dazed thoughts as Jody reached into her pocket and answered the call. She spoke in a sterner tone than what she'd used with me, and after a few words were exchanged she hung up and returned the device to her pocket.
“I've gotta get going, but I'll try and catch you all again later. I'm in the area for a bit so I'll try and pop by. It was lovely to meet you (Y/n),” she squeezed my arm one last time before turning to leave, the bell on the door signalling her departure. I stood for a moment, my mind spinning from what she'd said about Dean. There was absolutely no way that what she'd said was true. I mean, I beat the crap out of him when we first met, and we've bickered a lot. I guess we've not argued for a good few days. And we've had sex. Oh the sex. I bit my lip as thoughts of us tangled in his sheets came to mind. Not just thoughts, but memories. Like I said to him this morning, we're just fuck buddies. Right?
Leaving the store with two large paper bags in one hand and my phone in the other, I first dialled Sam to find out where he was down this stretch of high street. When it went to voicemail, I hung up and dialled Deans number instead. It rang and rang, and when I thought his was going to ring through as well, he finally answered.
“Hey sweetheart, what's up?”
“Hey, I'm finished getting what I need. Whereabouts are you?”
“Uhhh…” I heard him turn to the shop assistant and ask for the name of the store he was in before he relayed it to me.
“Cool, I'll be there in two minutes. See you soon.”
“See ya.”
And with a click I hung up and tucked my phone into my back pocket and walked no more than two hundred yards to get to where he was still trying on boots. As I gingerly walked in, well aware it was a men's store and I was currently the only woman in here, Deans head snapped to the door when the arrival bell jingled.
“Hey sweetheart, you're just in time! I have no idea what to get.”
I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the thought of the great Dean Winchester getting stumped by the more domesticated side of life.
“Well I'm here to help,” I placed my bags on the bench next to his discarded jacket. “What are the options?”
We must've spent half an hour going over the ones he'd shortlisted, then he chose an entirely different pair anyway, unrelated to the ones he'd picked out for himself.
Leaving the store and a quick phone call between the brothers, we all concluded that now was the best time to stop for lunch. Dean and I made a quick trip back to Baby to drop off our bags, with Dean opting to sport his brand new boots in favour of his old and decrepit ones. It was a short walk back to the high street now that we were bag free, and I could see Sam a mile off - his tall frame loitering outside the chosen diner, the occasional woman walking past throwing a few looks his way. He, of course, was oblivious to those looks, and when he spotted us as we neared he offered a wave. He sprouted a wide, friendly grin as we came to stand next to him.
“You guys get everything you need?”
“Yep! Took Cinderella a while to find the right boots but we got there in the end,” I flashed Dean a playful smirk as he tilted his head in slight annoyance at the nickname, which pulled a light hearted laugh from Sam.
“Oh yeah? Well, at least I didn’t spend twenty bucks on a thrifted Carhartt hoodie.”
“Hey that is durable shit, it’s worth every penny.”
“You could've had one of mine, I don't wear hoodies much anymore.”
“I somehow feel like there'd be a catch with that.”
“Uuhh, I got my jacket, if anyone cares?” Sam decided to interject, and we both turned to look at him.
“Good for you Sammy.”
“Yeah, nice one Sam,” I looked around for a second, not seeing any bags, “where is it?”
He gave me a funny look.
“Seriously?” He asked, looking between Dean and myself. I looked at the older Winchester and seemed to have the same questions I did.
“Guys, I’m wearing it. Did you seriously not notice?”
I bit my lip.
“It looks exactly the same,” Dean spoke my own thoughts out loud.
“Well I mean technically it is. But it's not all scuffed up. Look you can clearly tell it's new,” he gestured with his hands that were still in his pockets, flapping the jacket around like he was an elongated flying squirrel.
“Not really.”
“Nope,” Dean popped the ‘p’ before he walked past both of us, “come on guys I'm starving, can we just go in?”
A simple lunch in the diner turned into beers in the bar which somehow turned into karaoke followed by shots. The place was bustling - all tables and booths occupied and a permanent flow of people ordering drinks. Most of the guys were of similar tastes, donning boots and leather jackets whilst the few women that were there pranced around in short-shorts and low cut tops. I for one felt a little out of place. The three of us were lucky to snag a booth, albeit close to the small stage situated up front, and I’d tucked myself into the corner, cradling my rum and coke. Dean had left his jacket beside me whilst he’d ventured off to challenge a group of guys to a ‘friendly’ game of pool, his laugh occasionally flowing over the chatter and music towards where Sam and I were sitting.
“How long do you think it’ll be until they realise they’re being conned?” I quizzed, taking a gulp from my glass and letting the bubbles fizz on my tongue before swallowing. Sam chuckled, taking a second before answering.
“Uhhh I don’t think these guys will find out until tomorrow morning.” We both laughed, knowing full well that Dean will spend all night gloating about how great he is, how we should bow in respect of the swindle master. I was lost in thought for a moment, wondering how much money he would actually walk away with when Sam’s voice pulled me back to reality.
“(Y/n), can I ask you something?”
I took another gulp of my drink, knowing full well what that puppy-dog look in Sam’s eyes meant, that furrow in his brow only accentuating it.
“Sure, go ahead.”
He took a breath.
“Are you ok? Like, really ok? Because if I’m honest, if I saw someone who I thought was dead - that I used to be in love with - stand before me after years of believing I’d never see them again; I don’t think I would be ok.”
I fiddled with the hem of Deans shirt sleeve for a second, my brain swarming with every thought I’ve been avoiding since the other night and keeping every little buzz under lock and key. I hated to admit it, but I was afraid to open Pandora’s box for the fear of ice cold confrontation. It wasn’t the wisest option, but putting the skeletons back in their closet and throwing out the key was what I genuinely thought was best. I let out an emotionally exhausted sigh before slumping back in my seat.
“I’m not ok. It still feels like some sort of fucked up fever dream, but… but thinking about it isn’t going to make me feel any better. Talking about someone who’s been dead to me for years isn’t going to take this messed up feeling away. In my mind, there’s nothing to get over where he’s concerned. Yeah, he was my teenage sweetheart, but I’m a grown woman now with a whole new brain and a whole new heart,” I could’ve kicked myself for letting my eyes flick over to Dean.
Sam sighed, resting his elbows on the table, a small smile twitching on his lips.
“If you’re sure, because you know I’m always here if you want to talk.”
“I know, thanks Sam,” I gave him a soft smile, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. “Although, just one thing…”
“What’s that?” He sat up straighter.
“I don’t think it’s Daniel as a person that has me feeling like this - I grieved him and moved on from him years ago. I think… I think it’s the thought of that soul crushing sorrow coming back that scares me the most. The kind of sorrow that makes you forget what day it is; that stops you from eating and going outside and taking care of yourself. It makes you lose friends and interest in hobbies. It makes the whole world look grey and lifeless. You feel so unbearably numb that you aren’t even sure why you’re alive anymore. It makes you want to die.”
“(Y/n)…” Sam seemed at a loss for any other words as he held my hand softly across the table, running his thumb gently over my knuckles. I took a deep breath before carrying on.
“I felt like that when I lost Daniel, but when I lost Bobby, I… I…” I felt my voice crack slightly, “when I lost Bobby it was so much worse, I genuinely never thought I’d be normal ever again. Luckily for me, Charlie found me,” I grinned, remembering her determination to piece me back together. I looked up from where our hands joined, meeting Sam’s gaze.
“The only way I’d go through any of that again would be if I was to lose you guys. I know it’s not been long, but for once I’ve found something that makes me want to get out of bed in the mornings. That shit is hard to find.”
We both took a moment, feeling the weight of my words as we shared a gaze. I knew from the way his brows drew together and that far away look in his eyes that he felt everything I’d said. He’d experienced it first hand. And he knew that he didn’t have to say much, if anything, to convey that he understood. Slowly pulling my hand out from under his and placing my palm over his knuckles, I gave a gentle squeeze before standing, letting him go and grasping my glass. I threw the last mouthful back, the liquid vigorously fizzing down my throat before warming my chest. As I swallowed, I held my glass up and raised an eyebrow at Sam.
“Well shit, would you look at that - my glass is empty. Guess I’m heading to the bar. You need a top up?”
“Yeah, please. Remind me to get the next round,” he grinned as I slid out the booth and headed towards the bar. As I waded through the crowd I passed the pool table, glancing over at Dean who was deeply engrossed in taking a player's hard earned money out of his grasp. I watched the smug grin spread over his lips as he counted then pocketed the cash.
I looked up to see an opening at the bar so I squeezed in, perching myself on a stale beer-scented barstool whilst I waited for the barman to notice me. After a couple of minutes of being served he placed the drinks before me and I paid on one of Deans ‘special’ credit cards, scooping all three glasses into my grasp - with an insane amount of skill - and turned to leave. The moment my ass left the seat cushion however I found myself toe-to-toe with a very tall and very rugged stranger, the smell of cigarettes and old leather wafting around him.
“Not seen you around these parts before doll; I know I’d recognise such a pretty face,” he had a grim smirk on his face and his voice was like sandpaper - rough but certainly not sexy. I tried to take a step back but only ended up seated back on the barstool.
“Just passing through,” I did my best to flash a polite smile in the hopes he would sense I didn’t want to have this conversation. No such luck.
“A pretty thing like you shouldn’t be in a place like this all alone. Things might…happen.”
A shudder ascended my spine into my neck and I tried my best to subtly shake it out before I gave into my more defensive side.
“Who the fuck do you think I am with this many drinks? They’re clearly not all mine… ergo, I have company.”
His gross grin widened, the subject of my statement clearly not settling correctly in the empty space between his ears.
“Getting feisty… I like it. Can’t get much better than a little thing with a mouth.”
I shuddered again.
“What part of ‘I have company’ do you not fucking understand? And even if I was alone, I definitely wouldn’t be going anywhere with you.”
His grimy smirk faltered slightly, finally absorbing some of my words that seemed to be floating in the air around his thick skull.
“Aw don’t be like that.”
“Oh I’m gonna ‘be like that’ until you leave me the fuck alone.”
He took a lumbering step forwards, pushing me further onto the barstool.
“See now there’s a point when a mouth on a pretty thing becomes down right obnoxious, and you’re nearing that point sweetheart.”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me you dick,” I was mentally preparing to buy another round of drinks as the thought of throwing these three at this asshole was becoming sweeter by the second, and people were starting to watch on but there wasn’t a single white knight in sight.
“Well now you’ve just crossed that line,” the second I saw him start to raise his arms my instincts kicked in and I gave into my previous thought and doused him in liquor, the amber liquid running down his face and neck and soaking into his clothes. He looked down at himself in disbelief before lifting his head back up, this time baring his teeth and raising his hand as if to slap me. I reflexively raised my arms and squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for impact.
“You stupid bitch.”
“If you touch a hair on her goddamn head ‘imma put you six feet under.”
My eyes shot open and I lowered my hands to see a seething Dean Winchester, a single strong hand wrapped around my harasser's wrist.
“Who the fuck are you?”
The faintest smirk pulled at the corner of Deans mouth before disappearing as quickly as it appeared, leaving nothing but quiet rage burning across his features.
“I’m about to be your biggest fucking problem.”
Before the asshole could even react Deans hand went from twelve O’clock to six O’clock in half a second with a sickening snap, breaking the jerks elbow with deadly skill. Practised skill. Whilst my harasser cried out and cradled his limp arm, Dean let go of him before a few of the onlookers gave Dean a nod of approval before escorting the creep out. Once he knew he was out of the building, Dean turned to me, softly grasping my chin between his thumb and index finger.
“Are you ok? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” He tilted my face left and right, scrutinising over my unharmed skin. When he was sure that there wasn’t a scratch on me he let go, relief flooding his gaze as he sighed.
“Dean I’m fine, I promise,” I reached up, fingers hesitantly grazing his stubbled cheek before I thought better of it and dropped my hand to his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“I swear to God (Y/n), if he’d laid a finger on you he’d get a lot more than a busted elbow,” his hand came to rest on my bicep, his long fingers gently wrapping around my arm in subconscious comfort, almost pulling me towards him. My own hand seemed to slide down from his shoulder to rest softly on his chest, my fingertips feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath.
“I know,” I reassured, giving him a little smile to which he returned. I felt my soft smile turn mischievous as thoughts started conjuring in my mind.
“Come on, Sam is waiting for another drink, let's order and get back to the table.”
The bartender had seen Dean step in to help me, so luckily for us this round was on the house. As we slid into the booth opposite Sam I slid his drink over to him.
“What happened back there?” He asked, mildly concerned.
“Just some asshole thinking I was gonna leave this place with him,” I sighed, sitting down, Dean taking his seat beside me. Sam's eyes flicked between the two of us.
“I'm sure I saw him leave with his arm all out of shape, was that-”
“Yeah well, shrimp-dick had it coming,” Dean was doing his best to act nonchalant, however the moment our eyes met over the top of our drinks we couldn't stop the giggles from tumbling out.
“Guys, Dean, you can't go around breaking elbows-”
“Relax Sammy. No one's gonna say anything, they all saw him acting like a creep. Just didn't have the balls to step in. Anyway,” a darker look clouded his eyes as his gaze bore into his younger brother, “he was harassing our girl, Sam. Ain't no way in Hell I was gonna let that slide.”
There was a moment of thick silence before Sam nodded, finally agreeing with Deans actions, knowing that if it had come down to it, he might've done the same. I raised my glass to my lips, taking a long sip before placing it back on the table, looking between the boys as they continued to have some sort of silent conversation that I wasn't a part of. The mischievous thoughts from earlier kept bubbling in my mind, and it didn't take any self-convincing for me to act on them. I shuffled slightly closer to Dean, not enough to draw attention to myself but enough to be in touching distance. I glanced up at him, making sure he was totally unaware and focused on his drink before I reached out slowly, letting my soft fingertips glide over the rough denim of his jeans. I glanced up at him when I heard him inhale his drink, spluttering slightly as I squeezed the inside of his thigh. I traced the length of his inseam, watching his grip on his glass tighten, the tanned skin over his knuckles paling.
“You ok there?” I asked, feigning concern with a quirk of a brow.
“Oh I'm just peachy sweetheart,” his voice came out low, lower than I think he was expecting it to as his eyes nervously darted to Sam who was too busy opening his laptop to notice. Dean leant back on the bench, the worn leather creaking under his weight. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, pausing for a moment before lifting his arm closest to me, as though inviting me to sit closer. Eager to oblige I scooted towards him, nibbling my bottom lip when I felt his large hand rest softly on my back, subconsciously pulling me in. I crossed one leg over the other, turning into him slightly, tilting my head to get a better look at his face.
“I think I left something in the car, would you mind coming with me whilst I grab it?”
He looked a little puzzled for a moment before shotting the last of his whiskey and nodding his head.
“Sure thing,” he turned to his brother, “hey Sammy, we’ll be back in a few.”
Sam grunted a reply, too lost in the article he was reading to pay much attention to us. Dean slid out of the booth and held his hand out to me, which I grasped. His long rough fingers enveloped my hand as he pulled me to my feet. Leaving his jacket behind, we left the bar and made our way to the impala.
The night air had turned chilly, biting at my flushed cheeks as we paced across the lot, taking all of about thirty seconds to reach the impala. Dean was a few steps ahead of me, having unlocked the rear passenger door by the time I'd arrived.
“There you are, grab what you ne- whoa!”
He was caught off guard when I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him down into the car, his broad form filling the space in the back with ease. I climbed in after him, closing the door and crawling along the back bench towards him. It took a moment, but Dean eventually caught on.
“Oh, I’m liking where this is going.”
I chewed at my bottom lip, watching him settle beneath me as he propped up slightly on his elbows, the fabric of his T-shirt stretching thin over his muscular chest.
“I wanted to thank you for being my hero. That’s the second time you’ve rescued me - I wanted to thank you properly. You know, to really show my appreciation.”
It was Deans turn to pull his bottom lip between his teeth, the corners of his plush lips turning up.
“You know, I’m starting to think you might be trouble,” his voice was getting lower with every word, each syllable rumbling in his chest and vibrating into my fingertips.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his words, feeling some truth to them as I scooted down the bench to sit between his legs before slipping into the large footwell. I patted the seat in front of me, and it didn’t even take a second for Dean to slide himself into it, sitting up straight. As I sat between his knees and looked up at him, I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight; the way the streetlights painted his face in warm amber, softening his battle-hardened features and reflecting in his eyes like dancing embers from a stoked fire. The shadows didn’t seem contradictory - the darkness we were sitting in was far from cold. Dean Winchester was not an artistic man by any means, but he himself was certainly a masterpiece.
I reached up and unbuckled his belt along with the button on his jeans, carefully dragging the zipper down after and tugging the thick fabric along with his boxers off his hips; just enough to dip my hand in and pull out his cock, already hot and heavy in my palm. He made an almost strained noise on contact and my stomach fluttered at the thought of him being so sensitive. So sensitive at my mercy. I adjusted my grip on him before going up and down, once… twice… three times… over and over at a sinfully slow pace. His hands gripped his thighs like they had nowhere else to go, and when I looked up he was watching every move I was making with knotted brows and parted lips. His eyes only found mine when I straightened my back and leant forwards, gliding my tongue up the thick length of him but avoiding the tip. Mimicking my hand, I licked up and down again and again, ever so slowly gaining speed before I finally dragged my tongue over his tip and plunged his whole cock down my throat.
“Oh fuck,” Dean gasped out, his large palms flying to my hair - long fingers knotting with the soft strands. I could tell he wanted nothing more than to shove my head down as far as it would go, but his self restraint shone through. I started to move, slowly at first, head bobbing without missing a beat. The feeling of his cock pressing against the back of my throat over and over was fine at first, but the longer I sucked him off the urge to gag grew. The size of Deans cock was not something to be taken lightly, and after a couple of minutes the impending gag hit and I pulled him out of my mouth.
“Shit, (Y/n)… How are you so good at this?” He hissed out in a breath I’m sure he’d been holding since I'd started. I assumed the question was rhetorical as I gave him a few pumps, swallowing the excess spit and precum on my tongue before leaning back in. One by one I placed hot, wet kisses up his length, placing the final one on his tip before I pulled it back into my mouth. With the new found sensitivity of my gag reflex ever-present, I avoided taking him too far down my throat, this time using one hand to reach where my mouth couldn't at his base. Adding a little twist, I felt his grip tighten once again in my hair, his long fingers absently scooping loose strands away from my face. The combination of feeling him lose his mind beneath me and the tenderness of his touch sent a flutter to my heart which quickly travelled south at the sound of his euphoric groan, his head lolling back and eyes closing. As I pressed my tongue to the large vein scaling his length I could feel his rapid pulse, my own heart rate almost as fast as his. As I continued to bob my head, I could feel him gather all my hair in one hand, his other softy tracing down over my temple, my cheek and my lips before stopping at my chin, a single swipe from his thumb removing most if the spit and precum that was threatening to stream down my neck. I would consider my next move a grave mistake - looking up through my damp lashes to meet Deans white-hot gaze fixated and fascinated with every little motion I made. The blissed-out look in his eyes could have turned a weaker woman into a puddle right then and there, and I surprised myself with my own resilience. He continued to hold me with one hand in my hair and a soft grip on my chin, my own free hand moving to grip him near the inside of his thigh. Another soft moan slipped from his lips as I started to speed up, not caring for the ache in my jaw or mess he was now too preoccupied to swipe away. I was surprised when no words left Deans lips, his usual blasphemous language replaced with velvety moans of pleasure. I could tell he was nearing his peak when his cock twitched between my lips, again and again before before he finally groaned out a strained:
“Fuck, oh shit.”
His grip tightened, like he was trying to pull me off him, however when that telltale throb made his cock graze the back of my throat I removed my hand from his base and enveloped him in his entirety, a final, breathy gasp and groan tumbling from Deans lips before the sensation of warm, viscous liquid spilled across the back of my tongue. It took a moment for the ropes to stop coming, and when they did I pulled him from my mouth slowly, looking up at his breathless form. Not taking my eyes from his, I parted my lips slightly to show his cum, glazing my tongue, before closing my mouth and swallowing the thick liquid down. He let out another groan, his grip finally releasing my hair as he ran his hands over his face, taking a moment for his eyes to find mine again.
“Holy shit, sweetheart… I feel like I just died and went to heaven.”
I couldn't stop the stupid giggle spilling from my lips as I wiped the spit from my lips and chin with the bottom of Deans shirt that I was wearing.
“For a moment there I thought you had too.”
He grinned down at me, perhaps a little bashful as he tucked himself back into his pants and refastened his belt. As he finished up, a few moments of silence hung over us as I still remained nestled between his strong thighs. His eyes met mine and they seemed to hold a thousand words that he wanted to say, and when nothing came from his lips he simply held out his hand to pull me into his lap. Just as my fingers grazed his, however, there was a loud rap at the window which spooked both of us out of our skin.
“Motherfucker,” Dean muttered before rolling down the window, and a small wave of guilt and embarrassment washed over me when I heard Sam's disbelieving yet humoured voice coming from outside.
“Guys are you fucking serious?!”
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hobby27 @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @feyresqueen @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @spookyysinsanity @safiyas-world @uncle-eggy @happyt0exist @supernaturalstilinski @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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dreamofbetterthings · 5 months
No Regrets Noah Sebastian x Reader
Prompt: "The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
VIP: Noah Sebastian
Band: Ban Omens
Summary: There's no such thing as a "calm" Halloween night, especially when hidden feelings are involved.
Warnings: It's gonna be a little spicy, but not full-on smut. Still, this is 18+ due to descriptive language and some curse words scattered about, so minors, please DNI. 
Hello everybody! I'm sorry that I dropped off the face of the Earth. I have an abundance of things going on in my personal life and I am trying my hardest to get through it all. I know in the last post I said chapter 3 of It's Been A Long, Long Time was coming soon. That wasn't a lie. It is still in the process of being edited. I'm working on a new uploading schedule for you guys, and a page redesign as well so if everything pans out the way I'm hoping, it will be put into effect starting next week. In the meantime, I have a couple of stories I'm planning on getting out before Chapter 3 gets released. This turned out a lot longer than I thought it was going to be, but I had an idea and ran with it. I've never written for Bad Omens before, so let me know what you think. Enjoy!
This is a fictional story about real-life people. Nothing that is mentioned in the story below represents who said individuals are, or how they act in real life.
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Halloween night was always your favorite time to be around certain people, specifically the friends you called Motionless in White and Bad Omens. There was always something up their sleeve to turn the normal night into one that you weren't sure you wanted to remember in the morning. Luckily, tonight was the annual hangout at Chris' house this year, and you couldn't be more excited. Every year you all would get together at someone's house and pass out candy to the kids, then watch a couple of movies after the last stragglers came through. After that, came your favorite part of the night, Hide and Seek. It might seem childish, but watching a bunch of tipsy/drunk people try to stay quiet in a hiding spot was always hilarious.
 You were making another batch of popcorn when Chris walked into the kitchen. "Hey, we just put on The Lost Boys, just thought I'd let you know." You smile. "I'm not surprised. That's almost everybody's favorite." He laughs and grabs another bowl from the cabinet. "I know, that's why we put it on first, so nobody can complain about it later." The timer on the microwave went off signaling that the popcorn was finished, and you carefully took the bag out. You gave Chris the cooling-down bag and picked back up the one you set on the counter before he walked in. After emptying them and grabbing extra napkins, Chris brought the popcorn out to your friends who were talking through muffled and hushed whispers. Before you walked back into the room, he pulled you back for a second to whisper something in your ear. "I pulled the seeker for tonight. Unfortunately, it wasn't you. Maybe next year." You pout and then smile "Fuck, I'm never going to get picked." He laughs as you glanced around at everybody scattered in the room. 
Ryan sat with Justin on the loveseat. Folio was a drama queen and insisted he get his own seat. Nicholas, Vinny, and a few other of your friends, Florence, Nicole, Victoria, and Robert who were invited sat around the coffee table on the floor. Ricky, Jolly, and Noah were on the couch. Then, you and Chris got the two giant bean bags in the corner. The lights were changed to red and the TV just started the opening credits to The Lost Boys. You and Chris give the popcorn to Ricky and Nicholas respectively, everybody else having their own mostly full bowls, and grab your drinks before plopping back down on the bean bags. Folio rubs his hands together and smiles. "Now that our final two goofballs are here, who's ready to watch one of the best horror movies ever made?" Everybody gives some form of yes or a holler, and he immediately turns the volume up. As the movie plays, there is a small conversation here and there, and occasionally someone has to get up for a new drink, but you are relaxed and having fun. 
At about the halfway point of the movie, Noah gets up to get another drink from the fridge. On his way back, Jolly scares him, causing his wine to spill all over the floor and your sweatpants. "Jesus man!" The movie is paused and everyone's attention is on you guys. Jolly laughs and puts his hands up in defense. "Sorry dude, I had to scare you at least once today." He turns to look at you. "Didn't mean to ruin your sweatpants though, my bad." You wave him off. "It's no big deal, these were old anyway. You guys can keep the movie playing. I'm just gonna change into different pants real quick." You take a sip of your drink and get up from your spot to go upstairs. 
After finding your weekend bag, you huff as the extra sweatpants are nowhere to be found. Instead, you pull out a pair of spandex volleyball shorts and go to the bathroom. Noah hears the sink running upstairs as he's cleaning up the accidental mess he made by your spot. He throws the paper towels away and before he gets to the stairs, Chris quietly asks "You good?" He nods, telling the other singer he's going to make sure you're okay, and heads to your bathroom. He knocks a few times and after a couple of seconds, the sink cuts off and you open the door. You were expecting one of your girlfriends to be standing there, but instead, it's Noah. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm sorry about spilling on your sweats. I hope I didn't ruin them." Holding up the pants, you show him where the stain had previously been. "If these sweats can make it through one of your tours, they can certainly handle a little bit of wine. I just didn't want them to stain, since you drink the darker stuff." He chuckles and follows you back into the bedroom. 
You grab your shorts and get ready to put them on, but Noah points to your leg. "I didn't know you had a thigh tattoo." You glance at it and glance at him confused. "Really? I got it a while ago. I could've sworn I showed you when I got it done. Then again, I'm always in longer shorts, so it's not exactly easy to see." Setting them down, you turn to the side and pull part of your underwear band up, showing the last covered part of the tattoo. Looking up at Noah, you can see he's staring, but there's something else behind his eyes. Just not sure what it is though. You don't flinch when he reaches his hand out, but your skin gets goosebumps as his fingers ever so lightly trace over the ink on your leg. Everybody that came over tonight had seen each other in their undergarments or even completely nude before, whether by accident or on purpose. Hell, you've walked in on him changing plenty of times. 
So why did the room suddenly feel hot? 
It could be that you've had a crush on the man since you were kids. There wasn't anything not to like. His personality just made you want to be around him all the time. He's sweet and kind, and has a terrible sense of humor that only you two get. You could go on and on. He was just an all-around amazing person. You were so caught up in your thoughts, that you missed the hand that was snapping in front of your face. "Hello? Are you there?" Coming back to reality, you saw Noah looking down at you with curiosity. You quickly apologized and asked him to repeat what he said. "I said it looks amazing on you. The placement is perfect and it works great with the curves of your leg." You thank him and can't help but notice just how close he's standing to you. There's a tense silence for a couple of moments, and neither of you moves from your spot. You glanced at his eyes, then his lips, but immediately looked away. 
It felt like you were a school girl again, talking to the guy you've had a crush on for ages. You heard him mumble a "Fuck it" before he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. They were soft and tasted like wine, courtesy of the drink that led you here in the first place. You felt his hand move to rest against your cheek. His lips were gentle, almost as if he was savoring the moment, afraid it would never happen again. When the two of you finally pulled away for air, your eyes remained closed for a moment, before slowly opening them and meeting Noah's. The two of you looked at each other in pure awe before you let out a small "Woah" He laughed, and you looked down, feeling your cheeks become hot.
The thought of you being so flustered made him blush too. How was it possible for someone to be this cute? Your heart was pounding out of your chest, and you almost couldn't comprehend what just happened. "You know, for someone that always complained he was a terrible kisser, that was uh, really impressive." He could feel you now completely relaxed against him and he laughed a little, slightly embarrassed. "I'd say that I've had practice, but you already know my teddy bear in fifth grade doesn't count." The two of you laugh. Remembering his hand resting on your cheek, you look away and take a small step back. "I think we should get back to the movie. It's gotta be almost over by now, and I don't want them to yell at us for taking too long." He let out an uncomfortable laugh and muttered a "Yeah." 
You never noticed but Noah frowned slightly when you pulled away from him. He felt so comfortable being that close to you. As you turned to the door he realized something. He really liked you and didn't want this to be just a one-time thing, especially if it was going to make things weird between you afterward. He picks himself out of his thoughts just as you open the door. He walks across the room, taking your hand and silently closing the door. Standing there surprised, you ask him, "Are you okay?" It was now or never he told himself. "I'm sorry, I just..." He takes a breath before continuing. "I really want to kiss you again." You stand there just as surprised but decide to see just how far this could possibly go. "What's the problem then?" He lets go of your hand and brings his own up to hold your face. Pressing his forehead against yours, he whispers. 
"The problem is, if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop." 
He obviously likes you, right? But this is your best friend. You've known each other for years. If he did like you this much, he would've told you by now, right? You two have been affectionate towards each other before, but there's a line neither of you dared to cross. If you crossed it now, you would rather do it with no regrets. It was better than wondering what could have been. "What if I don't want you to stop?" Noah tilts your head so you're looking him in the eyes. 
"Then I won't." 
He pushes his lips against you again, this time with newfound hunger. His hands fall and grab at your waist while yours go around his neck. Your feet follow his backward and you hit the edge of the bed. He pulls you down to sit on his lap, completely forgetting your lack of pants while he pushes himself further back on the bed. His tongue runs across your bottom lip and you open your mouth allowing him in. Your hands gently tug at the now-cut-short hair on the back of his neck and he grabs at your hip hard enough to leave bruises before pulling you even closer to him. Shifting your weight a little, your lower half sits directly on his hardening cock and he groans into your mouth. He pulls his lips away only for them to move down your neck. You tug at his hair a little harder and he sucks at the tender skin that connects your neck and shoulder. A moan leaves your lips and you mindlessly grind down against him. There was nothing that could prepare you for how right this felt. Like you were seeing a whole different side of him, hidden from the outside world, and for your eyes only.
Noah moved to whisper in your ear. "Quiet baby, wouldn't want everybody to hear us, hmm?" You shake your head no, but it doesn't matter as he kisses you again. "Hey, are you guys-OH MY GOD!" The bedroom door opens to see a shocked Chris looking at the two of you. Noah pulls away from your mouth, and the two of you look like deer in headlights. "I'm going to go... quickly." Chris walks away, before coming back and closing the door. You and Noah make eye contact for a split second, before the two of you look away, slightly embarrassed that you were caught. "Maybe we should go back before someone comes in again." He clears his throat and nods. "Yeah, that's a good idea." Carefully getting off of him, you stand up and let him off the bed. You both straighten out your respective clothes, and you finally put on those shorts. 
"Are you alright?" He nods and you get ready to walk toward the door. Noah runs his fingers through his hair. "Um, Before we go, I just wanted to ask...You don't regret any of what just happened, right?" You immediately shake your head no, slightly frowning. Maybe this was all a big mistake. "Not at all. Why? Do you?" He smiles and also shakes his head no before taking your hand in his. "Nope. No regrets." A smile replaces the frown on your face. You ask "Are you ready for them to never let us live this down?" He laughs and glances at the door. "That doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me." Giving him a nod, he opens the door and the two of you walk back into the living room where the rest of your friend group is talking amongst themselves. When they hear you guys walk in, it gets silent. Noah lets go of your hand so you can sit down first, and then goes to his spot on the couch. 
Nobody said anything for the first couple of moments before Chris broke the silence. "You guys fucked in my spare bedroom..." Instantly you and Noah sat up and shook your heads. Your voice and his overlapped and both of you tried to tell your friends that technically nothing happened. Once the two of you were finished explaining, the room was silent for another couple of moments before anyone spoke. The silence was starting to make you uncomfortable, but before you could say or do anything, Ryan threw his hands up and yelled. "Fucking finally!" This breaks the tension in the room and everybody starts laughing and giving you and Noah happy looks. You even saw a couple of people passing money around. Those fuckers bet on you and Noah getting together. When the commotion has died down, another movie has started, and everybody turns their attention to the TV. As you focus your attention on the screen, your phone buzzes, and you pick it up. 
"I was thinking later we could finish what we started in the spare bedroom?"
You smile at your phone and quickly respond before setting it down.
"Well, we're still playing Hide and Seek after the movie. I'm once again not the seeker, lol. If it happens to be you, don't go easy on me. Depending on how the rest of the night plays out, you might get your wish ;)"
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Noah readjust himself in his seat. He sends back a text almost instantly, and goosebumps litter your skin again as you read his last text.
"Oh, I won't. I like the hunt."
Nope, no regrets.
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4st4rion · 10 months
could've shouted out loud
ao3 link
at the end of the game i went with karlach and wyll to avernus without realizing that would like cement things and then watched how nervous astarion was about if you're really staying together when my gf finished the game with him. so i split the difference and wrote fix-it fic for my personal fuck-up lmao
just over 2k; spoilers for the end of bg3 of course. rated mature-ish, fully gender neutral tav. it takes a while to come back from avernus and when you find him he is Pissed with you (and very hurt). comforting and some spiciness ensues
It takes longer than you expect to find Astarion again.
You, Karlach, and Wyll have been working on carving out your little corner of Avernus; it's rough work, but Karlach pulls most of the literal weight of setting up shelter for the three of you. It's not much, little more than reinforced tents, but it's better than nothing.
You finally feel like it's safe to go back and look for Astarion, and Wyll opens a portal for you that brings you right to the heart of Baldur's Gate.
It takes three days and nights of asking around before you find him. A helpful bartender at the Blushing Mermaid informs you that someone matching your description of him comes in and sits at a certain table, alone, most nights, and you go there yourself to wait for him.
And sure enough.
Sure enough, come sunset, and given an hour, he walks through the door. He doesn't notice you right away, ordering himself a bottle of wine and taking a glass from the bartender, but when your eyes finally meet, he nearly drops them both.
You smile pathetically at him.
He does not smile back.
He makes his way to the secluded table and you stand to meet him when he does. He sets the bottle and glass on the table and folds his arms, looking you up and down.
"Is this a trick?" he asks, first, looking at you with scrutiny.
Despite his closed-off posture and his attempt at a foul expression for you, he's still just as beautiful as he had been when the sun began to burn him.
You shake your head.
"No, no trick," you promise, and he tenses hearing your voice. Disguises and illusions can mimic many things, but a voice is tough, too unique to recreate for most mages and wizards.
"I'm going insane, then?" he asks sarcastically, and gestures at you to a man passing by. "Excuse me? Do you see the person in front of me?"
The man looks between you and Astarion and you can only give a little wave.
"Yes?" the man answers, and fucks off.
Astarion's frown deepens.
"So, what?" he asks, voice dripping with venom. "It's you, then?"
You swallow nervously and hope that the time apart hasn't put you back to square one.
"It's me," you confirm. "I'm sorry it took so long to find you," you apologize, but he scoffs.
"Must not have been looking very hard," he huffs. "I thought you'd —" he says, voice cracking in vulnerability, and he steels himself all over again. "I thought you'd decided I wasn't worth the trouble once you saw me in the sun," he tries again, and this time, his volume is louder. "I thought you ran off so I couldn't find you and be your burden."
You reach out, but he smacks your hand away.
"Astarion," you breathe, heartbroken. Is this it? Does he... Has he gotten used to the idea of living without you?
Is this over, now?
"Where have you been, then?" he spits, looking away from you in a huff. "You'd better have a damn good answer, or I'll kill you right here myself."
"I'd let you," you breathe, smiling just a bit — threats of harm are better than a cold shoulder. "I've been in Avernus," you say. "With Karlach. And Wyll."
His shoulders relax just slightly hearing Karlach's name.
"She's still alive?" he asks, making glancing eye contact with you to show his sincerity.
You nod.
"She can't leave the hells anymore, not yet, but she's alive," you confirm. "We've been working on a solution, and working on making a home there, for now."
He doesn't say anything, waiting. You swallow nervously.
"We were chased by devils for a tenday when we arrived, otherwise I would have been back for you sooner," you say, and pray to any gods that might listen that he understands. "And then we had to get settled, make sure no one was on our trail," you continue.
Astarion scoffs, but his eyes glimmer with unshed tears.
"You could have written," he mutters, needing to make light of the situation for his own sanity.
"I owe you a postcard," you agree, the barest smile slowly returning to your face.
He sniffles, and curses under his breath.
"I thought...?" he starts, but can't finish, hiccuping back a sob.
"I know," you try to soothe. "I'm so sorry."
This time, when you reach out, he doesn't stop you. You put your hand on his shoulder and squeeze lightly, stroking your thumb over the soft fabric he's wearing.
"I love you," you practically whisper. "I've thought of you every moment of every day since we were parted."
He doesn't answer with words — instead, he shoves himself against you, and it takes half a moment to realize he's trying for a hug, reluctant to wrap his arms around you but making the gesture anyway.
You fling your arms around him and squeeze him in tightly. He's cold, so much colder than he ever was when he was feeding from you regularly, and you realize he might not have been drinking from anything but animals again.
"I've missed you so much," you mumble against him, your head ducked against the side of his. "Astarion, I can't believe we're both here," you laugh, relieved, and he laughs too.
"I thought you might have been dead," he admits, and his voice is so, so small. "I thought I'd never see you again."
You hug him tighter.
"I'm here now," you promise.
His arms wrap around you properly now, too, and he almost starts to relax against you.
He's holding back because you're in public, but he shakes with emotion.
"Where have you been staying?" you ask, pulling back just enough to speak with him properly. "Let's get out of here and talk there."
"The Elfsong Tavern," he sniffs. He straightens himself up and quickly wipes the tears off his face, and suddenly the mask is back in place. "Let's, shall we?"
You hold his bottle of wine in one hand and his hand in the other as you walk back to the Elfsong. Neither of you speaks beyond his comment that it's a nice night out and your hum of agreement.
Once you arrive, you head upstairs. His hands shake as he pulls out his room key, and you've never seen him struggle with a lock more than now.
It finally gives way and opens, and then you're finally, finally alone together.
You set the bottle of wine on a side table, briefly turning away, and when you turn back to say So, where do we begin? he's already kissing you.
You've missed this. You've missed him, his insistent, smart, sharp mouth and his hands that pull at your waist to bring you in close and his fingers that dig into your sides like you could disappear if he ever loosened his grip.
He's crying again, tears catching on your lips and turning your kisses salty, but you don't care at all.
"Astarion," you gasp between breaths, just to hear his name on your tongue, and he drags you to his bed.
"I thought I was going to die without you," he growls, pushing you onto the mattress and crawling over you like a predator. "I was so scared, for you and for what I might do if you didn't — if I never saw you again," he admits, voice low and dangerous.
"I'm here," you reassure him, holding onto his arms and sliding your grip to ground him.
"I thought you were gone," he says, angry and scared and afraid and a thousand other things.
"Have you... Are we still...?" you start to ask, and he kisses you again.
"I've been mourning a lost love," he breathes against your lips. "Every face I've seen, I've only looked to see if it could be you, and then I've looked away," he admits. "When I saw a stranger with your stature or your hair, I'd hope, just for a moment, and then it'd be lost."
Your heart flares with love — even thinking you might have left him, abandoned him, died on him, he didn't give up hope that you might return.
"I'm so sorry," you apologize again, kissing him over and over. "I'm here now, I promise. I'd never leave you."
Rather than the coy, self-deprecating never say 'never', darling you might have heard when all this began, he hums with such pleasure it's nearly a moan, just hearing your dedication to him spoken aloud.
"I love you," you remind him, fingers tangling into his hair to keep him close. "I love you, I love you," you breathe, and with every word his breath hitches higher until he's kissing you hard, forcing you silent lest something in him break.
"I want you," he rumbles against you, and your heart soars while your insides dance with butterflies.
"You have me," you say, and you mean it. It doesn't matter if you do nothing but kiss and hold each other tightly until the sun comes up and then goes back down, you're his as much as he's yours and you're eager to remind him of that however you can.
"You're wearing too many clothes," he practically snarls, digging hands under your shirt and pulling roughly at things to loosen your breeches, and you wholeheartedly agree.
"So are you," you growl back.
You manage to get his shirt off over his head at the same time he's struggling with yours, and you sit up so he can do the same with yours.
Wriggling out of your bottoms is a little more difficult when neither of you can stand to be apart, but you both get the waistbands to your knees and that's good enough for you.
His cock is half-hard from excitement and anticipation and you're quick to reach for it, but he stops you by pinning your wrist beside your head.
"I've missed this," he purrs, squeezing your wrist in his hand. He grabs for your other wrist and you let him, allowing him to pin you fully and press his body up against yours. "I've missed feeling you struggle against me," he laughs.
You arch up against him just for fun, pressing your leg up between his and rubbing his cock against your hip.
"Is that what you want tonight?" you ask, challenging him by straining against his hands. He's weak — he hasn't fed recently, or fed enough, and you can feel him put his full weight into keeping you down.
"Oh, darling, I want everything," he hums. He kisses you again and ruts his cock against your hip on purpose this time, moaning softly into your mouth. "I want you ruined under me," he breathes. "I want you debauched on top of me. I don't want to leave this room until tomorrow night at the earliest."
You laugh against him.
"Agreed," you hum back.
He lets go of your hands in favor of holding you by your hips, and your arms wrap around his shoulders like it's where they've always belonged.
"I missed you," he sighs. "So much."
"I'm here now," you reassure him again. He nuzzles into your throat and you bare it for him, inviting him, and he shudders.
"I don't suppose I'd be allowed a bite?" he asks, trailing kisses over your pulse.
"I've missed that, too," you sigh. "Go on."
He gives your neck one more tender, open-mouthed kiss before he sinks his teeth into you, a familiar pain that you've dearly missed.
He drinks deeply. You can feel his starvation sating, his body becoming warmer and softer against yours as he melts against you.
Gods, you've missed him. You never want to be separated again.
You feel the past slipping away from you, as though you've never been apart; all that has ever existed is this, this moment, with his mouth pressed to your neck, bite-wound weeping blood onto his tongue and him swallowing as greedily as you cling to him.
He finally pulls away, the perfect amount taken that you feel light-headed but not dizzy, and he feels sated but not full — a balance the two of you perfected over your journey, and one that he's apparently still in tune with.
"Perfect," he breathes into your neck, lapping at the fang marks still slowly oozing blood. "Oh, love," he sighs.
He buries his face in your neck and breathes deep.
"You smell like Avernus," he notes, amused.
"Ugh," you agree.
"You smell like you, though," he says, muffled against your skin. "Gods, I missed that."
You take a long moment to hold each other like that, arms wrapped around each other and clinging and just breathing deeply, taking each other in.
Eventually, his cock twitches impatiently against your skin, and you laugh.
"Sorry," he mutters, pulling his face out of your neck to kiss the corner of your mouth. "I really would just like to be close, if you're not up for anything like that," he says, almost shyly.
You press your hips up against him in answer, and catch the gasp off his lips with your mouth against his.
"I'm up for things," you grin, and he laughs against you.
"Alright," he agrees. "'Things', it is."
You give him one more long, lingering kiss before the two of you go any further, one that you'll remember years from now.
"I'm so happy you're here," he admits, and you smile against his mouth.
You are, too.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi! can you make something uuhhh... kinda spicy..? the side characters reaction to getting catch making out/ kissing mc hard?😳
Hi there, anon!
This is by far the spiciest thing I've ever posted here (ETA: lol), but I would still say it's only slightly spicy. They ended up a little longer than I meant for them to, but you know when inspiration strikes, I tend to go with the flow and not question it. Anyway, I hope the spice level is okay and that they're not too cheesy, but either way I enjoyed writing it!
Thank you for the request!
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side characters make out with GN!MC and react to getting caught
Warnings: making out, kissing, touching, etc, but everyone stays clothed lol
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You had received a message from Diavolo earlier that evening asking you to come see him at the Demon Lord's Castle. Although he hadn't said what it was he wanted to talk to you about, you were pretty sure it was regarding an upcoming event that you were helping him plan. So you made your way over to the castle quickly.
He had been at his desk in his office, working away, when you arrived. He looked up at you as you entered the room, putting down his pen and actually standing up to greet you.
"Thank you for coming, MC!" he said, taking your hand and leading you to a seat in front of his desk.
You sat down as he passed several papers to you. A glance revealed that you were correct - they were about the event at RAD that you were planning. You had some ideas about it already and the two of you launched into a discussion about logistics and such things.
When your talk finally came to an end, you nodded firmly. "Okay," you said. "I'll have all this ready in the next couple of days."
"That would be wonderful, but don't overwork yourself, MC," Diavolo said.
"Don't worry, I can handle it," you said. You stood up from your seat and smiled at him. "Good night, Diavolo. I'll see you at RAD tomorrow."
You turned and walked toward the door. You were about to open it when you found that somehow Diavolo was already standing in your way. How did he get there so fast? But you didn't have time to wonder too much about that.
He frowned, but it was more like a pout and you could see the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Must you leave so soon?"
You folded your arms and looked at him. "We both have a lot of work to do."
Diavolo couldn't keep the smile off his face. He moved closer to you, settling his hands on your waist. "I know, MC," he said. "But can't we take advantage of these few moments alone? I promise I'll be able to work twice as hard later."
You scoffed at this, but you also felt a smile creeping onto your face. You couldn't exactly refuse those sparkling gold eyes. "I guess I have a few minutes…"
Diavolo pulled you closer, kissing you as your hands rested on his chest. The heat from his soft lips spread throughout your entire body as you felt an electric thrill run through your stomach.
Diavolo began to move forward, causing you to move backward until you ran into his desk. You felt him lift you to sit on his desk and you let out a small sound of surprise, nearly breaking the kiss. Your concern quickly fled as he moved in further, one hand leaning against the desk beside you and one cupping your cheek.
You could feel the flush warming your face and neck as his hand moved from your cheek into your hair. Your own hands gripped the front of his uniform before sliding up to clasp behind his neck.
The hand in your hair slid down your spine slowly before stopping on your lower back. You couldn't help but arch into the touch. This broke the kiss, but Diavolo's lips were now on your neck. You bit your lip as he trailed kisses down your throat.
The door to the office opened with a slight creak.
You froze. Diavolo pulled away, hovering over you, but clearly not willing to completely let you go.
You looked over his shoulder at Lucifer, who stood in the doorway holding a stack of papers in one hand, his other hand still on the doorknob.
Lucifer cleared his throat. "Forgive me for interrupting," he said, his voice full of sarcasm. "I'll just leave these here." He put the papers on a nearby table before exiting immediately, shutting the door sharply with a snap.
You looked back at Diavolo, who was staring at you in surprise. Then he laughed, standing up straight and running a hand through his hair as he did so.
"I'm so sorry, MC," Diavolo said, a light blush across his cheeks. "I'm afraid I got carried away and forgot that Lucifer was coming by. Can you forgive me?"
You sighed. The pool of warmth that had settled in your stomach still lingered, fueled by Diavolo's cheerful response to having been caught like this. "I'll forgive you on one condition."
"Anything for you," he said.
You slipped off the desk, fixing your clothes and hair as you did so. Then you straightened his tie, which had gotten skewed. "Next time, invite me over when you aren't working so we can have the whole evening to ourselves."
"I promise," he said, smiling brightly.
It was a rainy day in the Devildom and for some reason you found yourself craving one of Barbatos's signature cakes. When you asked him about it, he offered to come over to the House of Lamentation to make one for you. That was how you found yourself in the kitchen, watching as he expertly mixed various ingredients to create cake, frosting, and filling. You helped where you could, but really it was best to just watch the master at work.
He had removed his gloves and RAD uniform jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his green shirt. It was really quite enjoyable to watch him as he made the batter or piped the frosting. Barbatos was always smiling and content while he was baking. He was in his element and you couldn't help but stare at him as he moved about the kitchen.
When the cake was finally ready, you waited in anticipation as Barbatos cut you a slice. He placed it on a little plate before using a fork to scoop up a bite. You watched curiously, thinking he was going to sample it himself before allowing you to eat some. Instead, he held the fork out to you.
You blushed instantly, but you held his gaze while you leaned forward and ate the cake off the fork. He waited, watching you.
"It's delicious, of course," you said. "You don't… you're not going to feed it all to me, are you?"
Barbatos smiled, placing the plate on the counter. "Did you think I hadn't noticed the way you were staring, MC? It was quite distracting."
"I couldn't help it," you said. "If you could see yourself, you wouldn't blame me."
Barbatos moved closer to you. He leaned in, not quite touching you. "I came here this afternoon to satisfy your craving," he said quietly in your ear. "But your keen attention has caused a different craving in me, I'm afraid. Won't you indulge me?"
You knew he was waiting for some kind of confirmation from you. He was so close, you couldn't quite focus because your heart was pounding too hard. You opened your mouth, as though you were going to say something, but found that no words came out. So instead you closed the remaining space between you, put your hands on his cheeks, and kissed him.
You felt Barbatos's arms wrap around you, pressing you to him. You kept one hand on his face, but let the other one fall to grip his arm, your fingers coming in contact with his rarely exposed skin. You gently nipped his bottom lip and he opened his mouth for you. Your whole body was warm, a giddy feeling bubbled up in your stomach, and the taste of him was so much sweeter than any dessert.
You felt his hands moving slowly but deliberately up and down your back. The sensation of heat was almost overwhelming you.
You tried to stop yourself, but it was no use. "Barbatos," you moaned his name into his lips and you felt his grip on you tighten.
Your knees were weak and just as you thought you might not be able to stay standing, there was a clatter at the other end of the kitchen.
"Ohhh MC! Barbatos! Why didn't you invite me to this make out party?"
You felt yourself blush intensely as you pulled away and saw Asmodeus walk into the room.
Barbatos smiled at you before letting you go and turning around. "Asmodeus," he said, perfectly composed. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo pouted. "Are you really going to try to pretend that you guys weren't just making out?"
"Asmodeus," Barbatos said again. He was smiling, but an aura of black and purple had sprung up around him. "Would you like some cake?"
Asmo shuddered. "That cake looks divine, of course I'd love a piece!"
Barbatos began to cut another piece of the cake for Asmo while you picked up your own plate and took another bite. It was as amazing as it always was. Word spread quickly around the House of Lamentation that there was cake to be had. There were no leftovers, especially after Beel showed up. Barbatos was more than happy to make another cake so everyone was satisfied.
Later on, you stood by the front door as Barbatos prepared to return to the castle. He was back in his full uniform, white gloves and all. He paused in the front doorway, taking both of your hands in his.
"Should you wish to enjoy that cake again, I must insist that you come to the Demon Lord's Castle," he said with his usual smile. "Allow me to treat you to a full tea party as well."
You leaned in a little closer and kissed his cheek. "I would love to," you said. "Especially if it's a tea party just for two."
You lingered outside the door of the home economics classroom, waiting for Simeon to come out. Many delicious aromas wafted out as the other students filed past you, chatting about the various things they had made during class.
You had just come from seductive speechcraft, where you had received a message from Simeon on your D.D.D. After working out a couple of the typos, you realized he was asking you to meet him here at the home economics classroom so you could have lunch together. He had made something tasty and wanted to share it with you.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Simeon emerged from the classroom with a small box in his hands. He smiled when he saw you.
"I'm sorry if you were waiting long, MC," he said.
"It wasn't that long," you said. "Are you ready to go?"
"Yes," Simeon said, still smiling. "I was thinking we could eat outside. It's a nice afternoon."
"Sure," you said.
You and Simeon made your way through the halls, down the front steps, and through the grounds to a mostly secluded spot surrounded by trees. You both sat down at the base of one of the trees. Simeon carefully opened the box he'd been carrying to reveal a couple of his famous BLT devil sandwiches.
"I made a lot of these today," he said. "I gave most of them to Beelzebub during class, but I saved these for us to have for lunch."
You pulled two devil crush super spicy mango juices from your bag. "I brought drinks," you said.
"That's perfect," Simeon said. "Thank you, MC."
It didn't take the two of you long to eat your lunch, laughing and talking the whole time. When you were finished, there was still time left before you needed to go back to class.
You sighed and leaned back against the tree. "This is so nice," you said. "I wish I could just stay here with you forever instead of going back to class."
Simeon laughed and leaned toward you, taking one of your hands. "Forever? Are you sure you would want to stay with me that long, MC?"
The bright smile on his face and the way his blue eyes were shining caused you to lean closer and say, "Yes. Forever."
Simeon blushed and raised your hand to his lips, kissing it softly while looking up at you.
Your heart began to race. You turned your hand in his and cupped his cheek.
The two of you stared at each other for a few moments before you simultaneously moved closer together, your lips meeting. Simeon shifted so he was on his knees before you, one hand on your thigh and the other still covering yours which remained on his cheek. You could feel his skin flushing beneath your touch.
You opened your mouth without thinking about it clearly, eager for more of him. He responded instantly, if tentatively. You ran a hand through his hair, letting the soft, smooth strands fall through your fingers.
You pulled away briefly for some air and found yourself looking at the soft brown skin of his throat, peeking above the high collar of his shirt. You kissed it and you couldn't resist continuing down to his exposed collarbone and one of his shoulders.
"M-MC-" Simeon's grip on your thigh tightened as he said your name.
There was a rustling in the tree above you and a loud thud nearby.
Simeon sat back and stood up in one fluid motion, clearly surprised. You looked up to see Belphie rubbing at his eyes. He seemed exasperated.
"Can't a demon take a nap in a tree without being disturbed around here?" he asked, giving you both a sleepy look. "You guys better stop making out and get back to class or you'll get detention for skipping."
Simeon sighed and held out a hand to help you up. You accepted the offered hand, letting him pull you to your feet. You saw that he was blushing only slightly less than you were.
You were ready to get on Belphie's case for sleeping in trees, but he was already on his way back to RAD. You turned to Simeon bashfully. "Thanks for lunch," you said.
Simeon laughed and shook his head. "You're welcome, MC. We should do this again. We'll just have to make sure the tree we choose to sit by doesn't have Belphegor napping in its branches."
You couldn't help but laugh, too. It was embarrassing to get caught, but Simeon still looked like he was happy just to be with you. He held your hand all the way back to RAD.
You had been in the library at RAD with Solomon for the last couple of hours, reading through a stack of books. He was researching some minute details of a certain kind of spell involving a magic circle, but it was an old spell and there was limited information about it. So you had to look through many old books to see if you could find even a small mention of it.
You closed the book you were currently looking through as you reached the end and realized that you had no more books in your to-read stack.
The library was quiet at this hour of the day. Across the table from you, Solomon was engrossed in whatever book was in front of him. The look on his face was one of serious concentration.
You didn't want to disturb him, but he seemed to sense that you were watching him. He looked up at you, smiled and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head for a moment.
"Are you done already?" he asked.
"I've gone through all of these," you said.
Solomon nodded. "Come on, there are plenty of other books to look through. I'll help you get more from the shelves."
You got up from the table and followed Solomon. You frowned when he passed by the books you thought he was going to stop at.
You jogged a little to catch up to him. "Um, weren't the books back there?"
"There are more over here," he said. "I think we might be more successful with these."
He stopped in front of the back wall of books and indicated the top half of the shelves. "You can use this step stool to reach them," he said, pulling a little step stool from nearby. "If you want to hand them down to me, we can take back a stack of them."
You stepped up onto the first step and knew immediately that the stool wasn't balanced right. It tipped slightly and you stumbled, throwing out your hands in an attempt to catch yourself.
Fortunately for you, Solomon was there to catch you. However, you then found yourself with your back pressed against the shelf and his arms wrapped around you. You knew he saw the blush that you could feel suddenly spring to your cheeks.
Solomon seemed reluctant to let you go. "Are you all right, MC? I'm sorry I almost caused you to get hurt."
"I'm fine," you said. "It scared me a little, though."
Solomon reached up and brushed back some of your hair, which had fallen forward into your face when you fell. "Let me make it up to you," he said, leaning in closer and pausing, lips inches away from yours.
You took the invitation and kissed him, letting your arms wrap around him, your fingers clinging to the back of his RAD uniform. He responded by pressing into you, keeping a hand behind your back to prevent you from being pushed uncomfortably into the bookshelf. His kiss was hot and heavy, his touch needy.
You felt dizzy, ready to get lost in him and forget about the old books for a while. A twinge of butterflies fluttered through your insides as you felt yourself flushing in response. The heat around you increased, Solomon's body pressed up against yours, one of his hands tracing lightly down your arm.
You gasped as Solomon broke away long enough to move to your neck. You tangled a hand in his hair as he made his way down to your collarbone, biting gently at your skin.
And then someone cleared their throat loudly.
Solomon reluctantly pulled himself away from you, turning to look at whoever had interrupted while straightening his uniform.
Satan stood there, arms folded, looking like he was about to go into demon form on the both of you. "Solomon. MC. What are you doing? This is a library. And I need one of the books you're so blatantly making out on."
You blushed, covering your face with your hands. "Sorry," you mumbled into your palms.
Solomon laughed and took your hands away from your face. "Sorry about that, Satan," he said. "We were just leaving."
Solomon led you back to the table where the books from earlier remained stacked.
"I thought there were more…?" you said.
Solomon shook his head, still smiling. "I think we're done for the day, don't you? We can pick up again another time. Let me walk you home."
You nodded, then stopped when something dawned on you. "Solomon, couldn't you have just used magic to get those books down from the top shelves?"
Solomon laughed again. "I suppose I could have."
You laughed, too. Like he really needed to make up an excuse like that to kiss you. You let him walk you home and made sure he knew as much before you parted ways.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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rogueddie · 8 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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quinloki · 5 months
What's your writing process like? Do you draft everything at once and then release chapter by chapter as you edit or something similar?
How to you keep your notes organized? I think you've said before in an ask you use Scrivener (me too!), how do you organize that? I love seeing peoples writing processes in general, if your comfortable explaining!!
Okay you're awesome thank you 💛
Process. Ah. Ahem. Organization... /sweats/
Okay, so organization I have something like that. Thanks almost entirely to Scrivener if I'mma be honest. My projects are organized by blorbo - so like all the Kid x Readers are in one project, and then broken down in files by book.
Except for A Light Touch - cause that's in the Grandline AU collection project, and all associated stories are in there with it.
Notes, though, and er... drafts... Ah.
So I would like to note I mean this in the stereotypical pop culture way, and not in the legitimate way, but I'm insane.
I have never known how long a story was going to be until I wrote it, and while I've had a few slapdash outlines for stories, I never manage to stick to them, so I barely even bother writing them out anymore.
Usually the process is something like:
Inspiration -> Idea -> details for Idea -> some notes -> decide certain parameters -> and time allowing either set aside or start writing chapter 1.
Quicksand, for instance, was inspired by a piece of fan art. It was going to be a one-shot. I started world-building and deciding functional parameters and uh... it's 20 chapters if you don't count the alternative story line. The inspired scene doesn't even happen until like chapter 18.
And even within that, I'd meant for Crocodile to be way more terrifyingly yandere to the point that Doflamingo was going to be the GOOD GUY.
That was the plan. That did not happen.
Inversely, I had the first 5 chapters of A Dragon's Clause outlined, and got so into it those 5 chapters were 8 chapters when I ran out of outline. There are, however, THREE different pages of notes for world building, characters and orgs, and important details, that I reference while I write, and I very much expect the story will be near to 50 chapters, if not longer.
Hey Doll has no outline. It's got a page of notes.
The Host Club AU as nothing set in stone except the Club itself and the owners. Yeah I did some headcanoning and world building via asks, but I still don't know what I'm going to keep and what I'm going to cut, and I'm going to start writing chapter one in June XD There is no outline.
Hell, the ending of a Heart of Gold was decided by a scene in A Light Touch, so one of the reasons I'm going to a little slower than usual is because I have to make sure Heart stays on track. (And yes, A Light Touch, Quicksand, Heart of Gold, and Thrice Prophesized all happen in the same AU at the same time - it's not just a backdrop AU for those stories like it is for Some Direction and Hey Doll.)
But yeah, that's uh... that's it. I don't really have much of a process beyond "This is what I want to work on" and then I turn on a appropriately themed playlist, pick some art to have on one monitor and write on the other. And honestly, thank fuck for like @swampstew, @mamaalpha, @standfucker, @lyndsyh24, @writing-yarn-goblin, @kazieai, @anon-germany, @theaceofflamesposts, @zorostittiesz, @leakyweep, @icy-spicy and @thus-spoke-lo and @mewiyev for all being awesome fucking friends.
Between writing sprints, and beta-reading and inspiring with head canons and thots and art and support and the list goes on and on - I just. (and gods that's not even including @friedbluechicken and @cyborg-franky and can you understand how long this list is gonna get?)
I just kind of stumbled into this whole fandom thing. I didn't know wtf I was doing or what, and I swear I tripped into being friends with Lyn and Raven and it's all kind of a blur and from those two to everyone else on that list to many more beyond that and these alarmingly talented people talk to me of all the random ass bastards out there, and folks are sending me asks thinking I'm cool and wanting to know my process and like -
I'm just a stoat in a trench coat man, I don't even know what I'm doing here.
/ahem/ Okay, I got a little off the topic, but I guess I can't really say I have a process, and I don't plan out my stories much at all. But I will have highlights like I want x, y, and q to happen, so how do I do that? And the real relief is being okay when the story goes a different way and I just let it. I wrote Some Direction inside of a month just doing that. The only thing I knew about that story was who the antagonist was going to be ^^;
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yukidragon · 11 months
Sunny Day Jack - Reincarnation Headcanons
It’s been a while since I’ve gone on a proper ramble for Sunny Day Jack, so let’s start getting the ball rolling again with some good old shameless OTP self-indulgence, shall we? I have no idea how long my momentum will last, but I’m going to do my best to have fun and see where things take me.
I just loved the script teaser for the upcoming demo update that got publicly posted over on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon. It really got me thinking, and one line in particular intrigued me.
Jack: I can’t explain it, but I know this feeling. I've felt it before. I just can’t remember where...
This really gives me strong vibes that Joseph did have someone he loved before he died… and it really makes me keen to think that MC is his reincarnated lover. Or at least they remind him of a love he lost when he was murdered. This could also be a narrative parallel with the way MC used to(?) love Ian. It’s hard to say at this point.
Regardless, this did make me immediately think of my own MC Alice’s previous incarnation, Mary, who I first mentioned in a previous ramble. I also wrote about her in this very spicy two-sided first-person story, as well as a little snippet about Mary’s potential sweet reunion with Joseph after they were separated for years.
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Content Warnings: this post will have mentions of death, trauma, bullying, SA, and probably touch on other dark themes. Reincarnation stories, especially those involving murder, tend to have a bit of a dark side after all. I’ll make sure to tread lightly on these topics since the focus is on indulging in a reincarnated soulmates storyline after all. I might also indulge in some spicy thoughts as well, but we’ll see.
As I previously mentioned, I’m still on the fence about whether or not I’m going to go with the reincarnation storyline for Sunshine in Hell, or stick with it being an AU thing. There’s plenty of pros and cons for both routes in my mind, and I’m still not quite decided yet. Though playing with it more in these rambles, reading that teaser, and even seeing other MCs with past incarnations have made me start to lean in that direction.
Though… it’s pretty sad to imagine that Joseph had love in his past… only to forget about it and only remember the persona of Jack that he’s wearing now. Then again, he would no doubt be sad that his lover forgot about him too. It’s not either of their fault of course. Death is a cruel thing that takes away so much…
Still, it would make more sense why Alice would feel compelled to save Jack, not just because she was in a vulnerable place and couldn’t turn away when someone was suffering and she could help him. A part of her would feel this strong sense of longing and nostalgia, a feeling that she had been waiting for this person for such a long, long time…
It also is more reason for Jack to instantly fall in love with Alice. Even if he forgot he was Joseph and anything tied to that life… he still remembered Mary, even if only as a feeling of love. Names, faces, and places aside from the lore of Sunny Day Jack were erased, but there was only ever one person who made him feel truly loved, and she found him again, just like she did before. He might not remember it, but a part of him wished for her to find him again for 40 long years.
Naturally, with a reincarnation storyline, that means that memories of the past would inevitably return. How much and how quickly are up for debate, but most likely it would be a gradual process for both of them.
It would be interesting if Alice remembered everything first. After all, Jack is practically traumatized by the idea of being Joseph. He doesn’t want to remember being that person who made so many mistakes and was so flawed. This is especially true if his death involved horrible secrets being revealed about him… secrets he never wanted Mary to know that he feared would ruin things between them forever.
Joseph would never have told Mary about his time as a bully, or why he ran away from Haberdae High. He couldn’t forgive himself for what he did, couldn’t see anyone being able to ever love someone who did something so horrible. He couldn’t let his past mistakes ruin things. He couldn’t lose her, not after he finally found her again. He wanted to be a better person for himself and for her.
Mary hated bullies, and Joseph had become the worst of the worst of them. Even if she hadn’t been his victim personally, he knew how she felt about bullies, how the damage they inflicted on someone never truly disappeared…
Having his ugly past revealed before her and the entire world in the worst way possible was no doubt soul crushing.
If the two of them had more time together, Mary could have helped Joseph open up about the things he was ashamed about and eventually forgive himself for his past mistakes, but he died at the worst possible time. It’s all the more reason why he can’t handle being Joseph anymore.
I’d have to consider all the implications of Alice remembering being Mary and if Jack would remember enough to be terrified of that idea. After all, if she remembers, sure she remembers the good moments, but she would also remember when his mask was ripped off and revealed the ugly person he was underneath. In that case, he would try to stop it from happening, deflect and avoid, terrified to let the past resurface while trying not to remember it himself.
Of course Sunshine in Hell is a story of two broken people healing and opening enough to expose their scars in order to heal. Alice would help Jack trust that he can be flawed, he can make mistakes, and she’ll still love him. It’ll take time, but eventually he’ll learn to stop hating the person he was and accept that he was always worthy of love.
While pondering possibilities, I also thought of the classic reincarnated transmigrator stories that are especially popular in the webcomic scene. The idea of Mary being reborn into her favorite story as the “villainess” Alice gives me a little chuckle. Though that’ll be an AU for another post.
Anyway, I considered how much Alice remembers of being Mary and when it started. Many reincarnation stories have the MC remember all at once when they’re young, sometimes even as a baby. That certainly wouldn’t be the case for Sunshine in Hell, since the more I thought about it, the more I knew that it would change the story, particularly when it comes to Alice and Ian’s relationship.
If Alice remembered her past life before she met Jack, it would be a painful gut punch, to say the least. There would be a strong feeling of dissociation. This life is so different from her past one, and Joseph isn’t there. It would give this feeling of not really being sure of who she was or if she should really be there. Does she deserve this life?
Then of course there’s the problems of remembering life as an adult while being stuck in a child’s body and all the issues that come with that.
Still… Mary always longed for a family who actually loved her, and Alice has that. It would be impossible for her to resist wanting to be Alice with her whole heart, to be surrounded by such love in a way she only experienced with one person. The only thing missing would be Joseph. A part of her would feel guilty about being happy without him.
But… if she was reborn, then Joseph must have been too, right? Would he remember her? How would she find him in this vast world?
Though… she did it before didn’t she? On a lonely road in the middle of nowhere, far from their old homes, somehow she found him. Even though he had changed, she still recognized him immediately. Surely she would find him again in this life too.
Mary didn’t have anyone left at the end of her life, and so she lost hope. Alice, however, has people around her who love her. She has hope and reasons to keep living. She has people who want her to be happy and feel loved, even without Joseph by her side.
So Alice would open her heart to the love all around her and live. She would also hold onto the hope that someday she would find her starlight again, no matter what name he had now.
Ian… is not Joseph. There are parallels in the game’s narrative between him and Jack, but their personalities are way too different. Ian and Alice would become friends, but romance wouldn’t develop between the two. It wouldn’t feel right for many reasons to Alice, especially since he’s just… not her starlight. She would be fond of Ian certainly and want to protect him, but she could only view him as a little brother, especially if she had the memories of an adult while they were still children.
So when poor shy Ian gathered the courage to confess to Alice, she had to gently turn him down. It just wasn’t fair to him, or to her. Maybe someday her heart will move on, but not yet, not until she finds someone who makes her feel love the way Joseph did.
Of course, if Alice remembered later on in her teens after she already had a crush on Ian, that complicates things. Sometimes traumatic incidents make people remember their past life incarnations in these stories. For Alice, her most traumatic incident was when she suffered from SA.
Boy, what an awful time to remember one’s tragic death and lost love, don’t you think?
Alice woke up in the aftermath in pain while remembering even more pain, two overlapping identities warring in her mind even as she has to deal with the fresh trauma inflicted upon her. It took her a while to process what happened to her even without adding the memories of Mary on top of all of that.
One side of Alice feels the pain of losing the love of her life as well as fresh memories of dying slowly all alone, and the other side just lost her innocence after her power and agency were stripped away from her. It would be quite a rough time, and how could she tell anyone about these memories? Who would believe her? They’re too real to feel like just a dream she had due to trauma… but what if she’s wrong? Could trauma be great enough to create memories of an entirely different life in an instant?
Fortunately, Alice has the love of her family to help her through hard times, as well as good friends like Ian to support her. It takes a while for her to really process and accept everything, but she at least knows she is loved.
In this scenario, despite the crush Alice had on Ian, she wouldn’t feel right letting it develop into anything more, especially not when her memories of Joseph and the intense love she had for him would be so much more fresh. She would feel guilty, as though she had cheated on… Ian? Joseph? Both?
Either way, Alice is not in any state to enter into a romantic relationship.
So, hey, Alice might be facing reincarnation trauma and dissociation with her identity in this AU, but she avoids a bad romantic relationship and being cheated on. Poor Ian gets turned down by his childhood friend turned crush, but at least they’re still good friends, even if she’s a bit more distant now after the… incident.
Regardless of the twists and turns remembering her past would take her to the present day, eventually Alice finds the tape. It’s just so compelling. When she sees it’s an episode of the SunnyTime Crew Show, well, there’s no way she could resist it. Just the logo would hit her with painful nostalgia and struggling not to cry in the thrift store. For a moment, she just hugs the tape to herself, remembering all the times she wrote for the show as Mary, watched the filming, and especially the last day they ever filmed… and it leaves her longing for the day she finds her starlight again.
Alice has to watch the tape.
It feels ominous too. The blood red handwritten scrawl of “‘84 Incident” makes Alice think about that incident… but surely that couldn’t be… right? LambsWork Productions destroyed every trace of the show. Surely they would’ve gone scorched earth on any recording of the murder?
Then again, if all the tapes were destroyed… that should have included the one she found in this thrift store…
Alice all but runs back home after buying the tape, not bothering with anything else she was going to purchase that day. Her hands are shaking when setting up the VCR, but fortunately she remembers how to use it. It’s almost muscle memory going through the motions of playing a VHS tape. She can’t peel her eyes away from the screen, holding her breath.
The show starts and… oh the pain from nostalgia is unlike anything else. Jack - her starlight - is there. That familiar dazzling smile shining at her as the episode starts. When he greets her and asks her name, she can’t help but answer him, though she doesn’t notice which name she gives him…
I’ve gone over thoughts of how the deal between Alice and Jack might have gone in previous posts. Seeing Joseph’s death again hurts like hell, but the moment Jack starts to talk directly to her, that’s when her heart really starts to pound.
Needless to say, Alice is just as desperate to save Jack as he is to be saved. The pact is made, and their souls are tied together, making them true soulmates.
Then again they already were even without the deal. ;3
Of course, the trauma of the pact does make Alice forget the agreement they made, but her reaction is very different when she wakes up. There’s a moment where she just has to stare at Jack, smiling gently down at her, greeting her like he used to… and she starts to shake. This isn’t a dream, is it?
Jack innocently replies that of course it’s not a dream. Her pal Sunny Day Jack is here to brighten up her day!
Jack doesn’t expect Alice to practically throw herself into his arms and hug him, but he reacts instantly to embrace her. It’s familiar, warm, wonderful, and everything he could ask for.
“I’m happy to see you too, sunshine,” Jack said with a chuckle.
Unfortunately… Jack is in character. Alice calling him Joseph is like a splash of ice, chilling him to the core and he has to correct her, gently of course.
It’s very apparent to Alice that Jack is shaken up. She tries to explain, talk of their past lives and remembering, and Jack… can’t handle it, burying himself deeply into the character of Sunny Day Jack, insisting he’s not who she thinks he is, trying to skirt away from anything Joseph. He cites off lore of the SunnyTime Crew and Sunny Day Jack that she helped write about the character back when she was on the writing staff.
It’s surreal for both of them, with mixed feelings, but Jack is ever eager to change the topic to something sunnier, to try and be the best and brightest friend known as Sunny Day Jack. Alice learns she can’t push him, at least not right now, but now… she’s left wondering if this is really Joseph… or a memory left in the tape? What if he’s just the character brought to life?
What if she lost her mind?
Still, Alice can’t bring herself to push Jack away, even if it’s a bit painful. Over time she picks up that he is Joseph after all, but he forgot everything.
Is this the result of the tape? The murder? Something else? Alice has to figure out what really happened at the studio that day. At the same time, she has to focus on figuring out where to go with Jack.
Alice wished to see Joseph again, no matter what name he had now, but she never expected something like this.
Still… she’s different now too. She’s not Mary anymore. She might have Mary’s memories, but she also has Alice’s memories, a second lifetime in different circumstances, different choices and experiences. She’s different from who she used to be.
So what does that mean for her and Joseph Jack?
Obviously the shadow of Joseph scares Jack. Alice won’t force him to remember, not when his death and what came after were so horrible. Instead she tries to get to know who he is now and figure out where to go from there.
Alice quickly falls in love with Jack. He’s not Joseph, and yet the important parts of him that she fell in love with are still the same. She sees little things of Joseph in him, but he’s also different at the same time. He’s changed, he’s masking things, but he’s still her silly starlight who never failed to make her smile.
Jack tries to overlook memories Alice stirs up in him, hints of sunshine that looked a bit different, but with the same beautiful blue eyes that always held such warmth. He focuses solidly on the present and enjoying his life now with his sunshine.
Still, Joseph’s habits slowly come back in spite of himself. Alice makes him feel so loved and accepted. He has moments where he slips, and she loves him despite it.
Needless to say, this AU would also have a happy ending. They would also get together much sooner than the main universe. While Alice would be trying to keep a respectable distance to understand who Jack was now as he is without forcing him to be someone he doesn’t want to be anymore or pushing her feelings and memories on him, Jack is a yandere who wants her badly. He’s going to notice her feelings quickly and do everything he can to encourage them.
Since Alice doesn’t have baggage from her toxic relationship with Ian holding her back, and she’s been aching to be with Joseph for so long, it won’t be long before her resolve crumbles. He’s always been so good at seducing her, even while dressed up as a silly clown. He might be wearing a different name and look, but he’s still her starlight, and he always had a knack for making her feel so loved, precious, and irreplaceable.
Jack might have buried his memories, but he’s quick to remember all of the ways he could make his sunshine melt in his arms. There are small hiccups due to her SA trauma as he has to be careful about the triggers she has from that, but he’s patient and gentle with her. He thoroughly focuses on her pleasure and comfort, making sure she feels nothing but safe and loved the entire time.
Needless to say, Alice’s first time in this universe is much more pleasant than it is in the main timeline.
It all feels familiar to both of them, the physical and emotional aspects of making love that they experienced countless times in the past, but the feelings are more intense due to the supernatural connection between them making their feelings bleed into one another. Jack at times is almost overwhelmed by nostalgia, but it doesn’t scare him when they’re making love. The nickname of “starlight” Alice used for him was always familiar, but it didn’t upset him like the name “Joseph” did, not when it’s his sunshine calling him that, saying she loves him, and kissing him so tenderly. She makes sure to call him Jack or starlight even while she’s screaming in pleasure beneath him. She’s careful to avoid old names that bring him pain, focusing on who he is now, taking care not to push him when she senses it’s causing him distress. She cares just as much about his comfort and avoiding his triggers just as he does for her.
That increase in intimacy, both physical and emotional, is the trigger that starts Jack really remembering things as Joseph, but not in a negative way. It’s an addicting feeling, one that’s hard to resist, especially when it feels so, so good and comes with so much pleasure and love.
Still, at some point Jack starts to get those fears of Alice learning… something. He still flees from those bad memories, not even wanting to know what that something was.
But over time… Alice helps Jack accept his past. It takes him a while, but when he’s forced to face it and she reinforces the fact that she accepts him, even the awful things he did back then, that she still loves him… he practically collapses into her arms, crying, just so relieved.
For 40 years he was convinced that the reveal destroyed everything, robbed him of love, and it… didn’t. Alice lets Jack be who he wants to be and accepts the mistakes he made in the past who are a part of the person he is today. She loves him even with all his flaws, and she wants to help him to keep growing to become the person that he wants to be, because he’s always been the person she wants to be with, flaws and all.
It still takes Jack a while to accept his past identity as Joseph, but Alice helps him. She can also relate, as it took her a while to accept her past incarnation as Mary too. It’s something they both can understand intimately. Even if their circumstances for being reborn as new people are different, they both understand each other in a way no one else can, and they help each other navigate what it means to live a new life while being haunted by the memories of a previous one that was less than ideal.
Fortunately, this time, their love story has a happy ending instead of a tragic one.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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clotpolesonly · 2 months
Declan pimped out??? 👀
i was listening to this true crime podcast thing on youtube 😂 about a cult, and this one girl got sex trafficked/forced into prostitution to "pay off her debt" to the cult leader
and i had just reread the chapter of GW where Declan retrieved Ronan's body from the care facility, and he thought about Ronan as a "very expensive corpse" and about how he's entirely out of money and can't afford to even buy Matthew a sweetmetal that will get him through the school year, much less one strong enough to wake Ronan up and save both their lives
and then there's boudicca
the fucking MOB full of powerful women who have a stranglehold on the sweetmetal trade
women who, later, essentially call Declan a nice piece of ass but hey let the grown-ups handle business, mmkay?
so, like
you can probably see what this added up to in my brain 😂 Declan needs a sweetmetal and he has nothing left to trade for it but his pretty face. i'm sure there are plenty of associates and clients who would be much more amenable to dealing with them if there was a little treat to sweeten the deal.
if, of course, Declan prove that he's worth the investment. i can't imagine negotiations being closed before the boudicca rep had verified his credentials, and it's not exactly the kind of thing where you can just call up references.
see, this thought began as a spicy little dubcon voyeurism idea, cuz boudicca likely wouldn't even agree to meet with Declan in the first place if he didn't have Jordan along to vouch for him, and thus she would be present when he is pressganged into an audition for his new career. then i thought about it a little too hard and it got real angsty real fast, and i got super invested alkdjfgh
the only thing i've actually WRITTEN for it is, like, ya know how Mstief often starts chapters with a flashback/anecdote? that then sets up a parallel or emotional resonance for what's happening in the current timeline? i wrote that, a Hennessy girls flashback, and then immediately ran out of steam before getting to the present action 😅 but i do love what i have and want to come back to it at some point.
here's a snippet, and though it might not be obvious how it's in any way related to the above premise, i promise it makes sense in the end 😂😂😂:
Being Jordan Hennessy, et al, meant playing to the lowest common denominator. It meant being your worst self because another Jordan Hennessy couldn't be better. One could not live a healthy vegan lifestyle when one shared a name, a face, a body, a social and professional life, with another who could not be relied upon to refrain from scarfing quarter pounders where all and sundry could see. One could not meticulously graft a Mona Lisa smile onto a child's finger painting and expect no one to notice the discrepancy. To be Jordan Hennessy, et all, was to forge oneself into the disaster that was Jordan Hennessy, the original, sloppy brush strokes and all. Consistency is key. This deliberate deconstruction was easier for some of the girls than others. Madox shared the most of Hennessy's vices and thus resembled her in her lowest moments with the fewest sacrifices made. Hennessy's vicious tongue was hers by right of being brought into the world by a thirteen-year-old, as was her recklessness. She was just as eager to drop a match and see what caught. She had her own string of meaningless hookups and didn't much mind swapping out for one of Hennessy's if necessary. She didn't seek out substances to abuse the way Hennessy did, but she was more than happy to get rip-roaringly drunk and do a few lines if they were offered to her. Brooklyn wasn't as keen on destruction. If she had her way, she'd settle all disputes with a good shag. Unfortunately, that was only Hennessy's way some of the time, and so sometimes Brooklyn came back from her turn in public with bruised knuckles or blood on her teeth or the smell of smoke and burnt rubber in her hair. On these occasions, she would be snappish for hours, days if Hennessy opted to poke a sharp stick in the wound. She never bothered to demand an apology for what she'd been made to do by virtue of Hennessy's reputation, though, and Hennessy never offered one. She never offered one to any of them.
ask me about my WIPs!
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mslanna · 9 months
Good morning to youuuu!! Or good night! I have a spicy idea: Raphael going through your phone and finding some spicy pictures + getting to know how to use a phone 😭🤣🤣 old man
I've Known You Only Now
I've Known You Only Now on AO3
Raphael manages to come to the material plane of earth and finds Tav at a comic con. But they remember nothing. Reverse iseaki, kinda. mangled as per usual 🤷
It is a weird place this material plane called earth. And whatever conventions are, Raphael is not sure he likes them. He ran into many people pretending to be some of his merry and of adventurers, even some how posed as himself. Which was preposterous, but he let is slip. They were all so eager. To be seen with him, talk to him, offer their souls for almost free and their bodies for even less.
Coming here was worth the trouble it had been. And then there is Tav. He'd know his little mouse everywhere. It helps that they wore the impossibly underpowered armour of their first meeting. Raphael smiles at the memory. It makes up, somewhat, for the insultingly cheap accommodation they lodge in. Not that Tav seems ashamed, considering they brought him along without much persuasion.
The mattress sinks disgracefully under his weight and there is only one chair in the tiny room. The chair, though, is stacked with clothes. Some look hauntingly familiar. Tav retired to the bathroom to slip into something more comfortable. Raphael is curious as to what that might be. The occasions on which he saw Tav in casual garments were few.
Tav being in this material plane explained where they had gone to when the elder brain exploded. Raphael refused to believe they were dead from the start. His mouse did not die. It is good to have his truth confirmed.
Not that Tav went by their name here, or seemed to what happened. Something he can certainly help with. And they are so pliable, open for his every suggestion. All it took was one conversation and Tav cancelled all their plans.
Raphael picks up the phone rectangle and scrutinises it. Tav used it to cancel their plans with their friends (immediately) to let them know they wouldn't be back until the next day.
Raphael will see about that later. First he has to reawaken Tav's memories. Maybe something he can work with is hidden in the phone The lock screen is an image of him in full armour, glowering. He appreciates. But what else hides on the device?
M for Mouse is an obvious password. The letter is also a greasy smear on the display. Raphael unlocks the phone as he observed Tav dong earleir. And stares. The home screen is a picture of him, alright, but naked and bloody. The profile is gorgeous, if he says so himself, and thankfully the image cuts of at the waist.
Unsure what to do next, the icons on the home screen don't look like anything familiar except for the musical note, Raphael swipes and gets an error message. Not his fault. Skip. He is returned to the previous screen and tries the other direction. More unknown icons. And the Gallery. His lip quirks up.
Camera is first. The folder contains random images of his little mouse, everyday items and occasions like food. He thumbs back to the gallery and opens the next folder.
Mouse on holiday with a sibling by the looks. The pictures are suffused with the bright light of southern skies and deep blue seas. Tav shines with happiness, out-radiating their sibling by ages. Raphael doesn't understand why Tav was talking about them as if the other was the good-looking one earlier.
But they like the Ocean. Good to know. Something he can work with needs be. Raphael smiles as he opens another folder. Another holiday. Same content. His little mouse looking so relaxed. They obviously need some time off. That can be arranged.
He browses more folders, wondering if he can find something spicy. A preview, so to speak. Instead, there is a folder titled "oh no" that has an image of him as thumb nail. Whatever was 'oh no' about him. Raphael fumes silently and opens the folder.
In comparison, it is huge. More images than the other folders combined, probably. And they are all of him. Raphael blinks and fast scrolls to the bottom. It takes a while, but no, all files are pictures of him. He scrolls back up slowly.
Most pictures are just him in various places, outfits, and angles. He frowns at some that show less than perfect renditions. Whatever does Tav want with those. Even more surprising are the artistic renditions. Many overemphasise the bump on his nose and the wrinkles.
And then there are – nudes. All drawn, naturally. Artistic nudes and – not so artistic ones. His eyes widen. The one thing he can say for the images is that none show him humiliated in any way. Except by depicting him in states of ungodly arousal.
Tav has drawn a crude arrow on an image that cuts off at the waist while his face shows decidedly what happened there and written in shaky letters "my head there" on it. Raphael almost blushes. That naughty little thing. The name of the file being "I Wish" adds to the overall flavour.
Reluctantly, he scrolls on, while his head provides the most delicious ideas to the scenario. Who'd have thought his little mouse was this far gone for him? Something to exploit, certainly. For his own advantage, of course; pleasure being incidental, naturally.
For his sanity and the structural integrity of his trousers, Raphael looks through the other folders. But there is nothing showing his little pet in similar situations. A shame, really. He'd like to see it. Instead there is images of Tav in different outfits and wigs. They look a little silly in most but so very happy, he cannot begrudge them.
The other little images lead to confusing places full of words and images by other people. He closes them and returns to the gallery. He's still musing over his unexpected finds when Tav re-emerges from the bathroom. They look – underwhelming, if still stunning.
Their light blue short-sleeved shirt has big white flowers patterned over it and buttons down the front. The trousers are of a light cotton, the kind that is usually held up by elastics. Raphael can't help a knowing smile.
Tav blushes a little, but keeps their trajectory and flops down next to him. They glance at the screen in his hands and let out something akin to an embarrassed chuckle. "Found my collection, huh? At least you didn't call my mum."
"I don't see that purpose contacting your mother would serve," he replies. Tav's hair is lightly damp, still, smelling of sandalwood, bergamot and cinnamon. There was no need to shower. They did it anyway. Prepared for absolutely everting, it seems.
"A truly remarkable collection. Though I hoped there might be images of you in precarious situation as well." Raphael puts an adventurous arm around the human leaning against his side.
"I'm not stupid," Tav replies.
"Only horny." He scrolls back down and relished in the delicious blush turning their face bright red. "I was offered several souls in exchange for this today."
Tav buries their face in his arm. "You got so lucky in the looks tombola."
Raphael sits back a little and takes Tav's chin between his fingers. "You really don't remember who I am, do you?"
They shake their head, eyes wide and blush giving their face an intensity that makes itself felt in less polite regions of his body.
"Let me show you." He stands and even in human form his crotch is at an unfortunate height now. But Tav stares up at him, curious and unafraid, just as he remembers. With a smile he rolls his shoulders and stretches into his cambion form.
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helloabominacion · 2 years
Tumblr media
𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙊𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 ....
pairing: Human!namor x (f!mexican)reader
word count: 5718
warnings: eighteen+ content, a few non-con themes ( but no rape ), nicotine, alcohol, mention of a slur
note: ok, so this man has me on a choke hold, so i wanted to add my little piece of cake to all the wonderful namor x reader fics. this is more like a plot with three chapters, but there will be spicy moments in the next chapter.... also it's been a while i've post a fic so, critics? im up for it. ASLO, all the translation except the spanish ones are inacurate, if you see a mistake, let me know! and in this fic, nobody has powers, no avengers nothing like that, just kinda dosmetic, i guess?
hope you enjoy it!
— 🌙🌙🌙 —
Your promises to your mother about not going overboard with your delight on this field trip that your prestigious college had paid for went down the drain just like the contents your stomach expels into the club's pristine porcelain bathroom. This vacation was the ideal justification for the students to blow off steam and unwind after a semester of extended essays and unbearable exams. But, of course, they deserved this beautiful opportunity! But you didn't earn the embarrassment of vomiting in front of the toilet.  
“Que pinche suerte tengo, at least these bathrooms are clean...”  The misty feeling of nausea still lingered in your mind, and you kept inhaling long breaths to appease your poor stomach. The rumble of cumbia and bachata mix tunes runs through your entire body, muffled by the bathroom walls.
After several minutes of listening to your body and being entirely sure that nothing else will come out of your throat, you left the cubicle with careful steps, the alcohol still circulating your blood. Your hands rested on the sink to support you and began to inspect your reflection in the illuminated mirror, making sure your beautiful hair looked decent. Still, a frown fell on your brows as you noticed you needed a retouch your makeup quickly. 
There's no way in hell you'll let half of your classmates see you in this mess. What would Riri think? After all that time, they wasted watching tutorials on how to do your makeup instead of finishing the due essays. ( and by the way, you did finish that essay, you only need three red bulls.) You blinked owlishly as your drunk mind realized something; you forgot to notify your bestie! It must have slipped your mind while rushing to the bathroom. Then, quickly pulling out your smartphone from your purse, a surprised grimace pulls your red lips at the five lost calls and 12 messages.
You were already cursing in your native language while reading Riri's angry messages, and you knew the black girl would chew your ass out instantly for leaving her all alone. Well, technically, she's not all by herself; it was a miracle how Riri's plan was a success sneaking the princess into their flight directly a Mexico, Yucatan. 
But you knew it was the worst idea your intelligent roommate agreed on, and you can't practically say no to Shuri.
And you dote on Shuri like she was your older sister who just wanted to have fun and create unforgettable memories with her loved ones, but the thought of Auntie Ramonda finding out about this tormented you sometimes. You only visit the Udaku residence occasionally because you are always busy studying. The other excuse was Ramonda's regal and elegant presence overwhelmed you; it was how she could look at you for the first time with those sharp eyes and discover your most embarrassing secrets. You jerked your head as the shiver ran down your shoulders; that's not going to happen! You'd faith in the plan, but only because they got some assistance from Shuri's older brother.
"T'challa eres un angel caido! Thank you so much for this!" Your hands made a prayerful gesture, showing how grateful you were for this great opportunity; then, you huffed sharply. Now it's time to continue putting on your makeup war because you know damn well there will be attractive and captivating individuals, and perhaps you might steal someone for yourself tonight. Who knows what could happen, and you're excited to find out.  While you were fixing your makeup, you looked sideways at your smartphone and then paused at the last message you received from Riri, your eyes narrowed at the change of image on your screen. Riri was calling you, and you answered right away.
"Oye, ¿que paso?"
The shout of your name made you wince, but you kept the phone close to your ear. "CONCHA! Where the fuck are you!?"
"Wh-what do you mean where I'm? In the bathroom bitch, didn't I send you a text!?"
"Bruh! I thought you meant in the hotel's room bathroom!"
You rolled your eyes while snorting. Riri was a bit under the influence of so many Mezcal shots. "Pendeja, as if I'm going to walk like twenty blocks to go over there!"
"Fuck, okay, okay, don't worry! Let me get my key card, and I'm going to get -- wait, Shuri, stop!"
You waited for Riri to finish talking to her girlfriend. Then, finally finishing your makeup, you started packing your belongings into your purse.
“Conchita, you still there?”
“Si mensa, it’s Shuri fine thought? I can hear her laughing and shrieking.” You mused, chuckling t the frustrated groan from Riri. “Is that the reason you left me, Riri? Wanted to spend some sweet time with your princess?” 
“Shut up you! Nothing like that! I had to bring her back cuz she wanted to beat someone!”
“These two Dwayne Johnson-looking ass bumped into me, spilling my amazing drink. They didn’t wanna apologize, so Shuri was about to throw hands with them.”
A thunderous laugh burst from your mouth, your melodious laughter filling the bathroom. You already imagined Riri's annoyed face as you cackled like a crazy bird. You place a hand on your stomach, and tiny tears prickle the corner of your eyes for laughing too much. You panted and coughed a little in an attempt to catch your breath.
“Oh my god, that’s so her, I would’ve paid to see that,”
Riri sucked her teeth but you knew there was an amusing hint behind her tone. “But Conchita, girl, I can’t leave you all by yourself! It’s dangerous, man, what if you get lost?”
“Ay, don’t worry about me, chula! Some other students are here, asi que me voy colar con ellos.” You snicker to yourself; the tequila is getting to your brain currently. “Besides, you will have the suite all to yourself,”
Pulling the phone away from your ear to see that Riri hung up on you.
"Que mamona, ni siquiera me dijo adios."
A creak from the door distracted you from your angry text, and a group of girls with drinks in their manicured hands entered. The second their eyes fell on you, their drunken mouths began to shower you with compliments on your hair and dress and how they loved how your heels accentuated your ass. The comments made butterflies flutter inside your stomach, and a hot wave crept on your face. You weren't used to people throwing compliments at you. A year ago, you would've shied away and possibly left the restroom with a hot shame face, but thanks to Riri's incredible support and friendship. You began to lose yourself.
 Life's too short to be quiet.
With a flamboyant twirl of your body, the girls squealed happily and quickly swarmed you with questions about drinking more mezcal shots with them and exchanging phone numbers and socials. Oh yeah, this was going to be a special night.
Your heart began to fall in love with this magical city, Cancun. Its streets are still busy with locals visiting the stalls and tourists who come from all over the world to taste the exquisite meals, learn about the Yucatecan culture and enjoy the heat that touches your skin. Shot after shot and dancing uncontrollably to the music, you, unfortunately, had to separate from the new friends you made, promising to call them and make sure you'll get safely to your hotel.  You took another bite of your vegetable on a stick, wiping the cream off with your tongue because you forgot to ask for a napkin. The warm air from the night brushed your shoulders and naked legs, and the waves crashing over and over against the sand sounded so captivating to you that the idea of sitting in front of the ocean to contemplate your life was so tempting.
A loud shout made you stumble mid-step but quickly recovered, whipping your head behind you to see what it was and a cold sensation — dread — washed over you. Your stomach dropped right at your feet at the sight of three grown men approaching you, it seemed like there was a ten-meter stretch between you and them, but that didn't alleviate the fact that you were alone in a not-so-traveled area, and you just noticed that. Mierda, mierda, mierda! You conjure up a tight smile, your chest tightens when you breathe slightly, and a knot forms in the back of your throat. This is not happening now, not tonight please, but what you expected from reality?
“Hey, mami, where are you going?”
An eyebrow twitch while holding a frown, of course they are from the states,
“I’m ‒ I’m just taking a stroll …”
“A stroll, huh?  All by yourself?”  One of them questioned, no good intentions behind that smirk. Before you could open your mouth, your mothers’ words flashed through your mind. Never tell a stranger that you are alone, make them think that someone is waiting for you.
“No, no at all!” ah shit that was too fast.  “I’m just going to back to someone,”
“Oh, you have friends? Maybe we can some fun together.”
“Sounds good to me, the more the merrier.”
Their cruel cackles disgusted your stomach but kept the tight smile on. Your conscious was yelling to run, to run far away and quick, but you knew you could be outrun easily.
" I'm s-sorry but my family is waiting for me.  I - I have to go..."
They began to approach you with steady steps.
"Aw come on, sweetheart, have a little fun with us,"
“Yeah, loose a little with us, we can show you a good time.”
Oh, you can't do this, you were trembling with uneasiness, and your eyes burned with the urge to cry. You once again shook your head, refusing their unwanted invitation, and spun around, walking away from the trio.  But your polite nature didn't stop them and they chose to follow you, taunting you and catcalling. You completely forgot the corn in a stick, and you increased the pace of your step, your heart ached from thumping so much that you believed you were going to have a panic episode. 
Please, I want to wake up from this nightmare, por favor mama, ayudanme por favor.
Your bare feet led you to where it was busy, where you might have a chance to hide and be secure. Of course, you didn't know the streets and didn't have the remotest idea of where you were going, but your feet kept moving; instinct pushed the idea to run until you were secure. You didn't dare to look over your shoulder to check if they followed you; you weren't sure. So, you turned left, entering the streets of Cancun where the neighborhood was, you slipped through the streets, getting lost in the crowd, you stumbled a few times because of the poorly made road, with its potholes and high steps, but your bare feet roared in discomfort from walking on the asphalt, you need to take a breather because you were about to throw up your lungs.
You ended up in an alley between a cheap motel and an old bar, leaning against the painted wall of the motel. Inhaling deeply through your nose to catch your breath and maybe find out where the hell you were. You pulled your smartphone out of your purse and whined in frustration, a small red bar to the left glowing annoyingly. Remind you only have a little time. You had to call an Uber and take you back to Riri and Shuri; you had enough scares in your life.
“Hi, mamacita!”
A shriek escaped you, but the rest was cut off by a hand that covered your mouth, an arm crossed over your shoulders, catching you in an iron grip. Fear strikes your stomach, accelerating your heart. You thought your eardrums were going to burst!
“What? You thought you could run away, Chiquita?”
“We’re gonna have some fun, right sweetheart?”
Your cell phone slapped from your grasp, and your right arm was crossed behind your back, wincing at the pain blooming on your right shoulder. But your muffled whining wasn't going to get listened to as you thrashed around as soon a pair of hands pulled the hem of your dress and, little by little, got dangerously close to your crotch.
No matter the shameful and desperate tears streaming down your cheeks, it didn't convince the assailants cackling, mocking you. Whispering disgusting things about what they are going to do with you. You still thrashed and pulled away from their degenerate touches.
If no one will rescue you, that doesn't mean you're going to give in, and you are not giving up without a fight.
All attention was drawn to the emergency exit door opening fully, letting out an individual. Confusion invaded you, dumbfounded by the person's attention deficiency, focused on his pack of cigarettes. With an enraged thrash and whining loud enough to get the awareness of the man in front of you, and you could almost laugh right there, it did get his attention.
“Oh, good evening.” So casually, he spoke, making you scowl, stunned. He must joking este cabron! Is he for real!?
The leader of three-step forward trying to be intimidating, but you knew something was off about this guy.
"You got a staring problem, amigo? Just walk away, bud'"
He has yet to move from his position, not even to face them and you, fiddling with his box of cigarettes. An amused smirk pulled his lips, showing a white smile, and he began to saunter towards the leader.
“I could do that, but I’ve seen each one of your faces.” He spoke, enfacing his word as he pointed at your three assailants and returned his attention to the leader. “I could walk away and easily go to the authorities and deport you out of my country….”
The way the strange man threatened them with such confidence and casualness seemed to affect them. The guy who had your dress released it, taking a step back from you, and the other one holding you from the shoulders loosened his grasp. It looked like they were going to either run or prepare to fight. You had no idea!
"Or I can fuck up each and one of you,” The smirk fell to an intense smoldering. “Teach you a lesson for being a scum. How about that option for you, gringo de mierda?”
“Listen here, you fucking wetback loser—!”
You blinked, and the stranger swung a punch at the aggressor. The other two let you go to back up his buddy, the one holding you shoved you against the floor, harming your wrists for cushioning your fall. The quarrel started, but you were focused on putting yourself together while they were beating each other asses. Stumbling and fumbling, you got up your feet, scrambling away from them and hiding quickly behind a full dumpster, observing the fight from afar and letting out a shaky exhale, thankful that your savior appeared on time, but you were now you not sure if he was a ' good ' savior.
His punches were brutal, wasting no second to unleash another strike on your assailant’s face. His powerful kicks looked like they were going to leave a mark of his shoe on their bodies, and despite his complex, he was swift. Effortlessly dodging the pathetic attempts of the others, even though there were three of them, it seemed like your savior surpassed them in all dynamics.
“U sojol, ma' le wíiniko'ob jaaj…” He spits on them with a sneer as he walks away from the fainted men, making sure he steps on each body and wander towards you.  Now you could appreciate it in more detail when he approached you as you stepped away from the dumpster, shortening the space between you and him. His skin color was so beautiful that you'd bet if the rays of sunset illuminated him, he would look so handsome that it'll make you faint.
Short and unraveling raven hair due to the altercation, but what captivated you was his steely gaze that seemed to inspect every detail of your features. His facial hair covered his sharp chin, accompanied by a mustache above his lip. Then your eyes drop and widen, at what point did his shirt come open? Leaving his torso exposed, and even though his body didn't look like an Adonis, you bet if you caressed his chest, it would be solid rock.
“Do you have a lighter?”
His question shook from your gawking, “¿Que?”
Your intelligent answer seemed to irritate your savior, raising an eyebrow he questions again. “Do you have a lighter?”
“I – I do, but I think it’s my …”  you didn’t smoke, but it was for Riri. “In m - my purse.”
Your savior deadpanned at you, and an uncomfortable silence fell between you, giving you an unsettling feeling until he nodded behind him. As if he was saying, " then go get it, girl"
You caught the small order and headed towards your forgotten purse, a little close to the fallen bodies, you glimpsed at them asking yourself if they were alive, but you scowl, they deserved it and snatched your purse. Returning to your savior with a lighter in your open palm.
"Here you go,"
" Can you light it up? My hands are shaking a bit bruised,"
You gulp, and you weren't even subtle about it. His accent was heavy and extremely hot.  Get it together girl, he just saved you but damn stranger danger! A cigarette was already on his lips, ready to consume, and you slightly nodded. Great, this is just fantastic. You accommodated the lighter in your hand and got closer to him since you realized he was a little taller than you. Only a few inches, but you bet you could get there in your heels. 
Your hands are trembling, and the igniter doesn't seem to work when you try to start it the third time.
“Wait, stay still, you are shaking too much,”
Your cheeks burned up, and every hair on your arms stood up when a shiver went through you, but there wasn't a cold draft, not with this hot weather as his rough hands engulfed yours, steading your right hand as you once again ignited the lighter and voilà, a small flame appear. The tip of the nicotine stick ignited with just a few puffs of his mouth. He exhaled a gust of smoke, invading your space as it floated away. You maintained the man's gaze for a few beats but then blushed awkwardly, you snatched your hand out of his grasp. You didn't know what you would do if he kept looking that way. His hooded gaze was causing your lower belly to get warmer, as well as something else.
He straightened up, removing the stick from his lips.  " So, what did you do to piss them off?"
"I didn't do anything." A slight frown pulls your brows.
“Okay,” Your savior looked at you up and down, your scowl frowning even more.
“You don’t believe me?”
“I didn’t say anything, where’s your hotel?”
He raises his eyebrow and smirk amused. ´” What is not an answer, where’s your hotel?  I’m going to walk you there.”
As if you’re going to reveal your temporary location - “It’s the Hyatt Zilara Cancun, that’s my hotel.” Ah shit.
Your savior remains silent for a few seconds as if he was remembering something, and then he nodded.  He started strolling to the opposite street of the alley. “Okay, vamonos, your hotel is a bit far, but we will make it in twenty minutes.”
“Wha-? Wait, wait so you’re just going to take me there, just like that?”  He glanced over his shoulder and nodded, looking at you as if wasn’t that obvious.  He wasn’t giving explanations as to why he was helping you. Something fishy is up.  “But – but I don’t even know your name!”
He pauses and turns towards you, the wheels in his mind were grinding on how to answer your answer, and he gave a confident smile. “My family calls me K’uk’ulkan, but a different kind of people call me Namor.”
You hid the fact that you could finally give your handsome, shady savior a name, but you still continue with your interrogation. “And what can kind of people are those?”
“My enemies.”
Namor chuckled at the pale shade on your face, “I understand you are suspicious towards me, but if I wanted you to get hurt, I would’ve turned away.” Your jaw clenches at Namor's words, a heavy insecurity you sense in your throat, and then fades away at his changed response with a mischievous smirk on his attractive face. “But that would never happen since I'm not a man like them.”
“Que chistosito cabron…”  You muttered under your breath as you went to collect your heels and return to him. Waiting for him to start leading, but he seemed too busy watching your gestures. “What? Is there cream on my face??”
 Namor tilted his head at you. "What's your name?"
You chewed your tongue before you blurt out your real name, savior or not. You still couldn't trust him 101%. Not until you were sure he wasn't a serial killer or worst.
Namor repeated the name, unsure if he was listening correctly.
“Sipi, Conchita, that’s my name. Don’t pronounce too much it loses its charm.”
The smile that revealed his white teeth turned your stomach into butterflies, chuckling slightly at your humor.  Namor steps to your side and puts out his arm for you to grab. " After you, my lady."
“You’re the one who’s showing me, Menso.” You snorted but linked your arms anyway.
Namor chuckled and shook his head, “U ch'úupalo' ya'abtal jela'an.”
And he started to move, letting him take you through the streets of Cancun. But remember, you are only using Namor’s knowledge to bring you safely to your hotel, nothing more and nothing less.
All your questions were ignored or answered with another question. When you began to have confidence in asking personal stuff, Namor would avoid it, always turning everything about you. You even thought that he was getting bored with all your personal life that you were oversharing.
But nothing like that; Namor would interrupt you for a second, only to cross a busy street, then he would ask you to continue with your childhood memories from Mexico when you visited with your mother. But you wanted so badly to know about Namor. Where did he work at? What was his favorite scent? Did he have a wife/girlfriend? Did he live alone? So many questions! He lived with two close cousins and was born and raised in Yucatan. At least, that is not bad to know about him.
You let out a loud yawn while Namor was telling a story about how he and his cousins were diving in cenotes, you didn't mean to be rude, but your exhausted body was at its limits. With sore feet and a wholly drained mind, it sounded tempting to fall asleep on the sand.
“Is my story that boring, In ch'ujuk lool? “
You offered him a giggly smile, but you were slowing down, your brain demanding rest, but you kept ambling while resting your head on Namor's shoulder. " No, nothing like that. I'm just exhausted."
" Ah, in that case, you no longer have to worry, see that? "
Your eyes went up and then watered a little. The sight of your hotel illuminated in all its glory seemed like a miracle straight from heaven. You ignored the pleas of your feet. You pushed a bit more until you finally faced the stairs leading to the hotel's lobby. Desolate was the hotel from the outside, but you knew there were still staff members inside. Namor's warmth was lulling you away while you were holding onto his big bicep as if they were a pillow.
Namor untangled his arm from yours and then took your hand in his grasp, “Well, here ends our little adventure.”
“We finally made it.”
“Oh, yeah right.” Ay no, you didn’t want this to end, it’s too soon to say goodbye! “So, this is goodbye.”
“Indeed, it is, In lool.” Namor brough your hand to his mouth, brushing his lips to your knuckle and you were about melt right there if it wasn’t for his deep rich voice. “It was nice meeting you, despite the events of tonight.”
“It was nice meeting you too, Namor, and I know you already hate hearing me say but thank you so much for saving me. I mean, you didn’t have to do that….” Your voice cracks a bit. Oh boy, you really need to rest and be in the arm of your dearest girlfriends. You feel you were about a break in front of Namor.
Namor goes for your other hand and holds them to his chest, pulling you towards him as he stares you down with deep brown eyes. “No, no, I had to in ki'ichpam nikte'.  No one deserves that type of violation on their person and less someone like you.”
The caress with his knuckles on your cheek was your breaking point. Leaning just a bit closer to his space, your nostrils were filled with Namor's cologne, salt sea water, and nicotine. And Namor was drinking every detail of your features, every mole, and the tiny scar he could find on your plump cheeks that he could kiss, observing how your stunning ( c / e ) eyes shone with the light of the tall lamp posts. They were practically glowing for him.
His nose was grazing yours closely, hot breaths mixing, and Namor could end this intense hunger to kiss you until he stole your breath, but he noticed how you shivered and that glazed look in your eyes. You're still shaken from the event in the alley.
And when you were about to cut the space between your lips and his, but logic slapped you to come to your senses, and backed away.
“Namor, can I borrow your phone?”
He blinked confused for a second but responded. “What for?”
“Well, before you came one of the guys slapped my phone away. Oh, I didn’t event grabbed it." You winced at your forgetfulness and shrugged anyway. “Meh, I’m due to upgrade and all my photos are in the cloud.”  That didn’t answer Namor’s question. “I mean, I need to text my friend so she can come out…”
Namor blinked twice and huffed amusedly, he nodded and fish out his smartphone from his pocket. “Here you go.”
“Thank you,”
Reluctantly you released his hands to punch Riri's number on the phone. No calls. You didn't have the energy to speak everything through the device, so you sent two messages straight to the point. Hoping Riri wouldn't call this phone, you turned towards Namor, offering his phone back with a quiet thank you. Namor reached for his phone, but he didn't miss the opportunity for his fingers to caress yours as he grabbed the device.
You sent him a look when he put his phone away. You were not mad at Namor but at how the fuck this man affected you emotionally and physically.
“So, do you wish to go inside the lobby, and we can wait for your friend?”
You glared at Namor for a second then you glanced at the ten long stairs leading to the hotel lobby, and then back to the handsome shady savior. It’s not worth it, it ain’t worth moving your sore feet from your spot.
“I mean, we could stay outside here. I don’t mind sitting on the hard stairs while waiting in the suffocating heat for my friend….” Oh god, it was the warm weather, too warm for your tastes, you felt the sweat growing in the back of your dress. Namor licked his lips as he smiled at you, shaking his head amusedly by your rant, but he had an easy plan to fix that.
“Hey, yan my ch'ujuk concha, I think there’s a peacock behind you,” A malice glint flashed through his brown eyes.
Your mistake was twisting your neck, you pouted at the lack of the pretty feather birds, and before you could confront Namor, a squeal left your mouth as a pair of solid arms sneaked under your knees and waist. Your arms encircled Namor's broad shoulders to support, and shame began to heat your head. He didn't seem to shake as he went up the stairs with you in his arms, and being this close to his personal space was a bonus point, but you weren't going to let him know that.
“Eres un pinche cabron, pero si no fueras tan chulo te hubiera pegado…” You mumble under your breath, not making eye contact with him as he tries to search for you with a smug smirk.
“If you don’t tell me what that means, I will drop you.”
“It’s nothing, nada!”  You replied quickly, earning a loud chuckled as you tighten your grip around his shoulders. You cling to him like a cat not wanting to get in the water tub.   
“You should’ve told me your feet were hurting, In chan lool .” Namor chided near your ear. “And I told you so for not wearing your high heels.”
“So, my blisters can have blisters? HA! No thank you sir.”
The hotel doors were opened with the help of one of the workers when they glimpsed you from the counter. Namor nodded gratefully for the aid and went to the waiting area. He gently dropped you onto the expensive sofa and sat beside you. A heavy yawn broke out from you, covering your mouth with the palm of your hand. Then you glance at Namor with a hooded gaze, not hiding the fact you are about to fall asleep on this expensive couch with him, and beam tiredly at him, who was observing you with endearment or boredom. You couldn't tell.
“Are you tired, Ba'ax táan a cansada, in jela'an lool?”
“You know it’s not veery nice of you to say those things in your awesome language with your hot accent and voice…” You leaned into him; his arm dropped on your shoulders.  Namor was smiling at your slurred words and your accent slipping sometimes.
“And why it’s not nice?”
“Because! I can’t understand shit and it juuust driving crazy what are you saying.”
“I’ll tell you what those words meant if you give me your real name….” Namor leaned down, brushing the bridge of your nose with his, making you aware of the position. That hot sensation returned with more fervor in your stomach and your intimate parts. Your hand ended up in Namor's abdomen, feeling his warmth and his muscles flex a little. You could finish all this. You can satisfy your hunger and end your desire with just one kiss.
“My real name…?”
“Yes, In yakunaj, only your name.”
You frowned annoyed again by the words, no ideas whatsoever. You brush the tip of your nose against his, almost like an eskimo kiss. Your heart was pumping blood through your eardrums, your body buzzing with heat as you nestled against his. You bet he could hear your poor heart hammering loudly.
“I don’t understand any of that, how do you even pronounce it,”
Namor smirked, eyes focused on your half-open lips. “Do you want me to show you?”
Your mind screamed, but you nodded weakly. You desired those lips to burn and mark you, and you wanted them on top of you in any way possible.
Namor smiled smugly, showing few of his teeth while connecting his forehead with yours. “I need you to hear your words in jela'an floor.”
Shuri's thunderous shout echoed through the empty lobby, you and Namor wince, backing away from each other as your attention landed on Shuri stepping out of the elevator with stumbling steps. You stood up from your seat, ignoring the sharp pain in your feet, and headed to Shuri with open arms.
“Conchita, where’ve you been?” Shuri’s tone scolded. “Twenty-five calls, fifty text messages, and nothing! What happened to you?”
You didn't reply away, mind already clouding with exhaustion, relief surrounded you when Shuri engulfed you with her long arms.
“It’s – it’s a long story, Namor brought me here because I had no idea where I was-”
“The guy right behind me, isn’t he cute?”
Shuri glanced behind you then look you up and down, “ Conchita, what kind of ecstacy have you taken?”
“Uhm no?”
“Then what man are you talking about?”
You whipped your head behind you and indeed, the lobby was vacant. The couch where you left Namor was empty, and a wrenching feeling twisted your gust, disappointed in yourself for not going for the kiss.  And the urges of crying took you over.
“I – I didn’t even get to kiss him,.”
Shuri cooed as she hugged you when your shoulders were shaking. “oh sisi wam omncinci othandekayo,, come on, let us go back to Riri and you can explain us...”
You let out a frail yeah while Shuri led you to the elevator and ignored the staff member approaching you with your heels and purse. So yeah, although the nightmare was over, your precious dream ended terribly. But who knows? You might see him again; you wonder to yourself. Just a little feeling that you would see Namor again, and this time, your tired mind promised to steal a kiss from him.
Que pinche suerte tengo ⇀ how fucking lucky I'm
eres un angel caido ⇀ you're a fallen angel
Oye, ¿que paso? ⇀ hey, what happened?
pendeja ⇀ bitch
chula, asi que me voy a colar con ellas ⇀ sweetie , i'm going to be with them
Que mamona, ni siquiera me dijo adios.⇀ What a bitch , he didn't even say goodbye to me.
U sojol, ma' le wíiniko'ob jaaj ⇀ you're a piece of scum, you are not men.
U ch'úupalo' ya'abtal jela'an. ⇀ what a curious girl you are.
In ch'ujuk lool? ⇀ My sweet flower
In lool ⇀ my flower.
in ki'ichpam nikte' ⇀ my beautiful flower
yan my ch'ujuk concha ⇀ oh my sweet concha
Eres un pinche cabron, pero si no fueras tan chulo te hubiera pegado… ⇀ You're a fucking bastard, but if you weren't so handsome would have hit you.
In chan lool ⇀ my little flower
Ba'ax táan a cansada, in jela'an lool? ⇀ Are you tired, my rare flower?
In yakunaj ⇀ my flower
oh sisi wam omncinci othandekayo, ⇀ oh my dear little sister,
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tavyliasin · 9 months
Festive BG3 Treats!
A spontaneous prompt from Tav'ern Discord inspired some spicy festive cards from all of our favourites! These are messages they might leave in a greetings card at this time of year - if there's anyone I missed that you want me to add, or if you'd like to throw your own ideas in, please do comment and reblog! I'd love to see what you all come up with too~ Smut below the cut~
--- MAIN COMPANIONS --- Gale: On the eve before the celebration, some traditions include a hot drink and a bedtime story... Well, dearest, how about I read you something hot and drink from you at bedtime instead? --- Astarion: Darling, you would look so beautiful dressed all in red and white...clothing not required~ --- Wyll: You are the greatest gift I could wish for, let me unwrap you carefully and give you a gift of my own. --- Halsin: My heart, I have heard that it is customary to bring a tree indoors at this time of year. While that does sound intriguing, I have another kind of wood that you can bring "inside"... --- Shadowheart: You know that I'm the only gift you need, but I should like to give you something in return... You decide where the mistletoe goes, and I will decide how to kiss you beneath it. --- Lae'zel: Tchk. If anyone attempts to invade my chimney I will fight them. However, you are welcome to try. I relish the thought of our "battle". --- Karlach: You don't need a fire, I brought my own! Hurry up and lay on the rug by my fireplace, I've been waiting all bloody year for this. --- Minthara: A trade, is it? I will not be outdone, but you will find yourself undone before the season is over. --- OTHER FAVOURITES --- Raphael: No I am not dressing up as Santa. However, there might be allowances made for a Little Mouse to sit upon my knee and whisper all their dirty little desires into my ear. All you need do is sign right here- --- Haarlep: If you wanted to sit on the lap of one dressed all in red, Little Thief, you need only ask. You can choose the form of the gift I deliver, and I will enjoy the taste of your "milk and cookies"~ --- Abdirak: Pain is a gift I will give or receive, gladly...I long for our flesh to be decorated with the colours of the season. Holly is sharp, is it not?... --- Alfira: There's lots of singing this time of year, isn't there... How about you and I compose our own duet? --- Rolan: I've been studying a while and this tower is cold...would you care to visit and warm it up? I have something new to show you, a kind of magic that you won't soon forget. --- Dammon: Do drop by the Forge soon, I've been working on something special... --- Gortash: If you do not wish to be beneath my heel, I suggest you place yourself beneath my tree instead. --- Isobel: I might not be a tree, but I want an angel on top of me. --- Aylin: None shall tie me down ever again...unless you ask nicely first. --- Emperor: I already know everything on your wish list, and I can tell you would rather be naughty than nice... --- Ansur: Why did you ask this of me? I am a dragon, and dead, and you carry my ex in your pocket. Is this some kind of sick joke? --- Geraldus: You gifted me another chance to show the honour of the Harpers. Would you allow me to return the favour? --- Jaheira: You are quite certain? Then you should come, cub...more than once. --- Nine Fingers Keene: I see you are Keene to feel all of my Nine Fingers. Earn the right, and I will consider it. --- Mizora: Such an eager little pup; forget the festive feast, taste the hells with me instead. --- CURSED LIST TO FOLLOW IN A REBLOG (I ran out of space? I kept getting errors...)
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forcebookish · 24 days
Okay tell me when you think Jesse and Pearce would have gotten together 👀
i've always thought of her (or jesse) as being the new lead in a spin-off. after torpedoing her career and getting stuck in mumbai in s5, she's eventually burned, either falsely accused like jesse/michael or was put in a situation where she had to kill another agent or asset and had to flee imprisonment. i also kind of like the idea of her having a heel turn and falling in with or even heading up a terrorist group like james's where either she genuinely thinks they're doing good or she's goes full traitor for revenge reasons - maybe the CIA finally pushes her too far.
if it's the former, she shows up at jesse's door with nowhere else to go (on "episode one") and it more or less follows the same beats as the original series, except that dani doesn't really want back in and just wants to clear her name. they uncover a conspiracy about the crime she was framed for or why she was driven to kill who she killed (or OOH maybe she accidentally burned another spy like michael burned jesse??) and try to unravel it while facing monster of the week b plots. their love is a spicy (spy-cy?) slow burn; like i don't think they should even kiss until at least "season 2." just a lot of yearning and getting stuck in tight places and staring at each other. sam makes fun of them for the palpable sexual tension, until jesse is like, "dude, stop joking about that."
if it's the latter, jesse is recruited by CIFA or the CIA to take down dani or the group she's gotten lost in. perhaps there's a bit of a twist. PERHAPS, while she was working her counterfeit job, she uncovered this secret network of retired spies and brought it to her superiors to head up. either they don't pursue it or send in their own guy in lieu of her. i like the idea of the guy they send in winding up dead, and so dani goes in to pursue it herself. jesse's assignment is just to rein her in, the company thinking that she's avenging the guy or simply running her own op, but jesse uncovers that she is much higher up in the food chain (maybe even totally running it? like if michael had actually succeeded james?) than anyone thought and it even looks like she killed the CIA agent as a way to prove her loyalty (idk if i prefer it being true or not 🤔). i don't think jesse's the type to get sucked in and brainwashed like michael or begin to believe in the cause, but i do think he'd be sympathetic to her, and they would get together earlier on (like, by the end of the "first season"). and then of course there's this big fallout from finding out that he was sent there and didn't come looking for her himself, that he's been lying her to the whole time, yada yada yada. past that though, i'm not sure 🤔
actually, i could see the first one being the first few seasons and the second one being the later seasons 🤔 a little derivative, but still fun!
GREAT QUESTION BTW i was going to be like oh you can dm me about stuff like this, but it ran away from me so my askbox probably is the best place for questions like this hahahaha
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
To add onto you not liking Idia I would like to add Vil. The whole potato thing? What if someone's already insecure, huh? (Not speaking for myself here no worries) You trying to get them an Ed, I get I guess why someone could like him but he just seems so controlling and demeaning in a way.
And then to add onto the Leona and Zazu. I think those would be great ideas, especially him sneaking off to nap, MC having to go find him and then running into Zazu (or his brother?).
Some other characters for that could be, of the top of my head.
-his brother (forgot his canon name, does he even have one??)
They all go to the mall and get separated or he just wants to spent some time with his brother and his girlfriend. Yes that's his girlfriend, right?
-Pumbaa and Timon
They could recreate a bit of the original Lion King, with Simba meeting those two but instead it's MC telling them about their worries for finding their way home and in this world.
-Cheka (and Nala)
MC stumbles upon them a bit like their first meeting, Cheka ran from his bodyguards and finds MC and is like: 'I can trust this person they are with Leona.' Maybe he has a bit of a misunderstanding and things Leona and MC are a couple like little kids do.like father like son, Idk? Or Leona has to babysit and dumps Cheka with MC and pays them to babysit in his place.
Not sure but these ideas came to mind, also I love the staff fic of this, shame part 4 didn't get as popular as the others it really deserves a lot more recognition, your writing is fantastic keep it up, and I get the whole school thing, take your time.
Lots of love.
- court-jester-stuff ♡
The thing for me with Vil at least, is he gives me those vibes of "kind, but not nice." Like I think if someone genuinely burst into tears and was super upset about his nicknames/behavior (in a, 'this is something that is really sensitive to me' sort of way, not the 'stop calling me names!' sort of way, because then he'd just roll his eyes), he'd feel genuinely shitty about it. He is King of insecurities, so as fussy as he can be, I think he would at least amend his behavior if it was causing genuine issues. Again, though. I can also see why people really do not like him. I'm just horribly biased because he's the character in Twst whose arc I find the most relatable (the wonderful slew of self-worth issues and never feeling good enough no matter how hard you work in comparison to people who are just 'naturally' best. I felt personally attacked reading all of it lol). But, yeah. Again. I can DEFINITELY see why he'd rub people the wrong way. Underneath it all I think he's awesome, but he is still a Spicy Asshole on top of all of that lol
But anways! (I have too many thoughts on all these characters and they like to bubble up and out at any moment they can >.< ack)
And oooo all good ideas. I assume for Falena, it's his wife because they have their son Cheka. So I'm also assuming they're at least a teeny bit older (granted, Leona is also older because of how many times dude's gotten held back).
I really really want to do something with Cheka, because he is ADORABLE. And I love the trope of the sunshiney child who just absolutely latches on to the most miserable piece of shit they can find, and is like 'ah yes this is my favorite person ever. He threw me in the garbage once and it was the best day of my life.' So I'll definitely have to find a way to incorporate all of them intogether. I also think Leona's brother would be a lot of fun to try and write, so he's definitely got to make an appearance!
But yeah--for Part 4, I guess it wasn't the issue of popularity so much as it made me take a step back and try and consider WHY I was writing all these again. They're supposed to be for fun! So the fact that I was getting so hung up on the numbers was bleh and also a personal pet peeve of mine that I had really, really, wanted to avoid. But now that I've kinda given myself that boot to the butt, I am excited to hopefully go back to it at some point! There's just so much to write and so little time lol
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hearts-hunger · 2 years
home for the holidays — chapter two
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Series Summary: The Cabin Fever gang spends Christmas in Frankenmuth. ||  Companion series in the Cabin Fever universe
⮡ part one
Chapter Summary: The gang explores a very festive Frankenmuth. (Danny's POV)
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Danny Wagner, Josh Kiszka x Reader, Jake Kiszka x Reader | Genre: holiday fluff | Word Count: 3.5k | Chapter Warnings: spicy remarks, talk of sexuality, mention of the devil's lettuce
A/N: My first time writing Danny and Sam from their perspective! Also, fair warning, everything I know about Frankenmuth is from the internet, so forgive me if it's not accurate hehe. I hope you like it! ♡
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Sam dropped their bags just inside his bedroom, giving a theatrical, contented sigh as he stepped in.
“Home sweet home.”
Danny chuckled as his boyfriend flopped unceremoniously on the bed, a display he’d seen many times in their youth when they came home tired from soccer games or gigs or long nights finding trouble to get into. Not that there was much trouble to be had in quiet little Frankenmuth — they’d mostly gotten their kicks from a dime bag and one of Sam’s records. This bedroom had seen countless hours of the two of them playing music, helping each other with homework, talking about everything and nothing. To Danny, the Kiszka house was a second home, and Sam’s bedroom had been the safest and most wonderful place in the world for many years.
He moved their duffle bags out of the way and perused Sam’s record collection, small as it was with most of it moved to their apartment in Nashville.
“I've been wondering where this was,” Danny said, pulling out a Cat Stevens record. He put it on the old, beat-up turntable and let Teaser and the Firecat play.
Sam rolled to his back. “We should take all those back home when we leave,” he said. “We left a lot of random stuff here.”
“That’s because you were in charge of packing up your room,” Danny reminded him. “And you're terrible at packing.”
Sam grinned as Danny sat in the edge of the bed. “Yeah, but you still love me.”
Danny gave a soft laugh. “Lucky you.”
Sam nudged his knee against Danny’s back. “Hey, you love this song.”
Danny smiled. “I know.”
“I listen to my words, but they fall far below,” Sam sang along absently. “I let my music take me where my heart wants to go.”
He sat up and stretched. “Where does your heart want to go, Dan?”
Danny moved Sam’s legs out of the way and laid back on the bed, his feet still on the floor. “Right now? My heart wants to go to sleep.” 
Their pre-dawn flight had sounded like a great idea when they’d planned it, but he was exhausted now and they hadn't even gotten started on all they planned to squeeze into one day.
Sam laughed and sat cross-legged at Danny's side. “You can’t sleep now. We just got here. We still have lots of stuff to do.”
Danny groaned and draped an arm over his eyes. “Don’t remind me.”
Sam ran a hand over Danny’s chest in a soothing motion. “You’re really tired, huh?”
“You want more coffee?” He got off the bed without waiting for an answer. “I’ll go make you some.”
Danny propped himself up. “You don’t have to.”
Sam smiled. “I want to. Maybe mom has some of that fancy creamer you like.”
Sam was only gone for a minute, and Danny gratefully accepted the mug of coffee with sugar cookie creamer when he returned.
“Thank you,” he said with a contented sigh.
Sam smacked a kiss to his cheek with a goofy muah, making Danny laugh.
“You’re welcome, honey.”
They sat in companionable silence for a few minutes, Sam rifling through his things and showing Danny any interesting discoveries as Danny drank his coffee. He looked up at the posters haphazardly taped to Sam’s ceiling; they were all male rock bands and musicians, some in various states of undress like the Mick Rock photo of Queen that was almost a boudoir shoot. Danny chuckled.
“What's so funny?” Sam asked with an affectionate smile.
Danny shook his head. “I can’t believe it took you so long to figure out you were into guys.”
Sam gave him a wry smile. “Yeah, well, not all of us were born self-aware bisexuals, Daniel. Some of us had to go through gay trauma.”
Danny looked over at him. “What do you mean?” He’d known it had been a little harder for Sam to come to terms with his sexuality than it had been for Danny, but he didn’t remember anything close to trauma. 
Sam gave him a reassuring smile. “I’m kidding. There was very little trauma involved, if any. Aside from realizing I was hopelessly in love with you and not being able to tell you.”
Danny sighed. “Sweetheart, I think that was just you being dumb,” he teased. “You could have told me any of those million times we were in here goofing off and trying to act straight and I would have told you I felt the same way.”
“Not if you were making out with girls all the time,” Sam needled.
“Minor detours,” he said. He finished his coffee and set the mug on the nightstand. “I was always on the road to you, Sammy.”
“Now you sound like a Rascal Flats song.”
Danny laughed until he was out of breath, and Sam wore a lovesick smile as he watched him.
“You know I spend every waking minute trying to make you laugh?” Sam said, coming to sit beside him on the bed. “It’s my favorite sound in the whole world.”
“Aw, love. You’re secretly a romantic, aren’t you?”
“I am not,” Sam said. “Take that back.”
Danny smirked. “What are you gonna do if I don’t? Make swoony romantic love to me?”
With a quickness that made Danny blush, Sam straddled his lap and pulled his arms behind his back.
“Does this feel swoony and romantic to you?” Sam asked.
Danny smirked. “Kind of.”
Sam immediately took down the facade and released Danny’s hands to cradle his face and kiss him gently. That suited Danny better; usually he was the one giving the business to Sam, and he liked it just fine.
“I love you,” Danny said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Sam smiled and buried his face in Danny’s neck.
“I love you too,” he said. “You know, it’s been a while since we fooled around in this bed.”
Danny snorted. “It’s barely eight in the morning, Sam.”
Sam gave him a serious look. “You know you can do the deed even when it’s not dark outside.”
Danny laughed. “You’re funny.”
Sam was pleased with the compliment and rewarded him with a kiss. Despite what he’d said, Danny felt himself warming to the idea of “fooling around,” and he broke the kiss before it got too hot and heavy.
“Hey,” Sam protested. “Be nice.”
“Don’t tempt me. You’re the one who said we have all this stuff to do.”
“Forget I said that. We can stay in bed all day.”
Sam kissed him again, and Danny had almost agreed to stay in bed when a knock sounded on the door.
“Let’s go, lovebirds,” came Jake’s voice. “It’s too early for all that.”
Sam rolled his eyes at his brother’s impeccable timing. Danny chuckled and gently eased Sam off of him.
“Come on,” he said sweetly. “Let’s go look at Christmas lights or something.”
Sam softened. “You sure you’re not too tired? You can crash for a while if you want.”
Danny shook his head. “I’m feeling better after having some coffee. In fact, I’m rarin’ to go.”
Sam grinned and took his hand as they went to meet the rest of their friends at the door.
“Are you coming with us, mom?” Sam called, pulling on his jacket.
“No, you kids go have fun. You girls take nice pictures, because I know none of these boys can.”
Sparrow and Baby laughed.
“Yes ma’am,” they chorused. 
Bundled up in scarves and hats and big jackets they hadn’t had to use since they moved, the six of them crunched through the few inches of snow that had already accumulated on the ground. Danny took the driver’s seat again, reaching his hand back to find Sam’s.
“I’m assuming you don’t want to hold my hand,” Josh teased, slapping his palm against Danny’s.
Danny took Josh’s hand and squeezed it. “Who says?”
Josh laughed and returned the affectionate squeeze before Sam batted his hand away. 
“Hey now,” Sam said. “Hands off my man.”
Danny felt Sam’s wiry hand in his own and ran his thumb over Sam’s knuckles.
“You’re gonna freeze with no gloves, Sam.”
“I do have one glove,” Sam said. “I guess you’ll just have to hold my other hand to keep me from getting frostbite.”
The drive to town was quick, but it took ages to find parking. Even with the light snowfall, people were out and about, enjoying the snow-capped and colorfully lit Little Bavaria of downtown Frankenmuth. Danny was happy to be back; he’d missed the sights and sounds of his hometown at Christmas, and he was glad they’d decided to come home for the holidays.
They all cheered when they finally found a parking space, and Baby pointed out that they were right near one of the “Stop and Snap” picture spots. 
“Get in,” she ordered with all the seriousness of a general directing her army, gesturing to a giant ornament with a wide seat in the middle. “We’re doing all fifteen stops so we can get our collector’s edition ornament at the Visitor's Center.”
They did as she asked, squishing together, sitting on each other’s laps to fit.
“Put those long arms to use for a selfie, Daniel,” Sparrow said, just as dedicated to the cause as her best friend. 
Danny smiled and did as she said, fitting everyone into the picture and taking millions so the girls could pick out the one they liked the best. As they walked around town, they stopped and took more pictures, each one more ridiculous than the last, and Danny felt the infectious joy of good company as they explored the town they knew like the back of their hand.
“We ought to stop in and say hi to Mr. Miller,” Sam said as they rounded the corner near where the record shop stood. 
“Hey, we should!” Josh agreed. He nudged his shoulder against his girlfriend’s. “And maybe Santa can get me that John Denver record I’ve been looking for. What do you think, baby?”
She gave him an innocent smile. “I don't know, honey. Have you been a good boy this year?”
He whispered something to her that made her blush. “Joshua,” she protested, but her smile gave her away.
They came into the record store and basked in the warmth for a moment before spreading out to flip through rows and rows of second-hand vinyls. All of them had spent countless hours there searching for good finds growing up, and the owner, Mr. Miller had always been a kind friend and musical mentor to them. They went to say hello to Mr. Miller, and he was delighted to have them back; he gestured to the boxes of records he hadn’t yet put out and told them have at them.
“I know you kids like to hunt for hidden treasure,” he said with a twinkling smile. “Knock yourselves out.”
They did, and they found several records they asked Mr. Miller to keep for them behind the counter until they were headed home. He did, saying he was “always happy to see young folks interested in good music.”
Danny and Sam looked together through the jazz section. The smell of old records brought back a flood of memories for Danny, and he gently tapped his boot against Sam’s.
“You know, Sam, I think I fell in love with you in this store.”
His boyfriend gave him a heart-tilting smile. “You did? You never told me.”
“I mean, I'd been in love with you forever,” Danny, a little bashful as he remembered the years of fumbling, hesitant flirtation with his best friend. “But I do remember one time when we were in here, a few weeks before we went to the cabin. You found a copy of Teaser and the Firecat — the copy we were listening to earlier, actually, because you ended up buying it — and started singing ‘Rubylove’ loud enough for the whole store to hear. But you changed ‘Ruby’ to ‘Danny’.”
Danny was surprised to see Sam blush bright red.
“Oh, god, I remember that,” Sam said with an embarrassed laugh. 
Danny himself felt a little embarrassed at the thought that Sam didn’t remember that day with as much fondness as he did.
“I thought you were flirting with me,” Danny said, hedging. “I guess I was wrong.”
Sam looked surprised. “I was!” He came close and eased Danny’s embarrassment with a lopsided smile, tucking his hand into the crook of Danny’s arm.
“I was definitely flirting with you, honey,” he said, kind and affectionate. “I mean, I sang you a love song from your favorite album of all time. I was one hundred percent wearing my heart on my sleeve and making a complete fool of myself.”
Danny softened and gave him a chaste kiss. “I don’t think you made a fool of yourself, love.”
Sam raised a brow. “No? What if I did it again right now?”
Without waiting for Danny’s answer, he pressed his clasped hands to his chest in a dramatic gesture.
“Danny my love, you’ll be my love. You’ll be my sky above, Danny my love.”
Danny laughed and shushed him with a hand to his mouth as they gained troubled glances from other customers and a wolf whistle from one of Sam’s brothers.
Mr. Miller called to them from behind the counter. “Haven’t you boys quit flirting and actually gotten together yet?”
All of them laughed, and Jake wryly assured the older man that the two singing idiots had indeed gotten together.
Mr. Miller shook his head. “About time.”
Sam looked up at Danny with a beaming grin. “I was flirting with you this time, too, just so you know.”
Danny chuckled and gave him a quick kiss. “I figured.”
After a while, Danny found Baby flipping through the John Denver section with a look of concentration.
“Don’t you have most of these?” he asked. She and Josh had adopted John Denver as “their” artist, and from what he could remember of their collection at home, they had almost all of his albums.
“Yeah,” she said, a little distracted. “But we don’t have Rocky Mountain Christmas yet, and I wanted to get it for Josh this year.”
He helped her look, and after a few moments, he pulled out a blue and white album with painted mountains on the cover. “This one?”
She gave him a sweet, joyful smile he couldn't help but return.
“Yes!” she said happily, taking it when he offered it to her. “Thank you, Danny. That's exactly what I was looking for.”
She looked up at him. “Did you find anything for Sam?”
He shrugged. “I can’t think of a record he wants that he doesn't already have,” he said. “He’s hard to buy for, you know that.”
“Tell me about it,” she agreed as they walked to the counter together. “Josh and I got him a Polaroid, so I hope he’ll like it.”
“He’ll love it,” Danny assured her. “That’s a great gift for him. Did you have it shipped here?” Since they’d decided on the trip, they’d been sending their packages to the Kiszkas' for Kelly to hide, and they had a lot of wrapping to do that night to get everything ready.
She nodded. “Kelly said it got there yesterday, so it was just in the nick of time.”
She handed the record to Mr. Miller and asked him to keep it with the rest of their picks, and Danny blocked Josh’s way when he tried to come close.
“What are you, her bodyguard?” Josh laughed.
Danny shook a stern finger at him. “Christmas is no time for snooping, Mr. Kiszka.”
Josh grinned. “Fine. We’re ready to go when you guys are.”
They rejoined the group when they’d said their goodbyes to Mr. Miller, a little relieved to find it had stopped snowing while they were shopping. Sam took Danny’s hand as they walked, and Danny laughed when he found that Sam actually did only have one singular glove.
“Here,” he said, making to take off his own and give them to him.
“Aw, Dan, you don't have to give me your gloves,” Sam said, surprised but touched that he would offer. “Just hold my hand and I’ll be fine.”
Danny gladly did as he said. The feel of Sam’s hand in his still sent a thrill through him like the first time he’d felt it, and he knew he’d never tire of the little ways Sam came up with to be close to him. 
“Alright, boys, strap in,” Sparrow said, rubbing her mittened hands together in gleeful anticipation as they came up to Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland. The gigantic building was festooned top to bottom in garlands and lights, and even from the outside it lived up to its billing as the world's largest Christmas store. Danny smiled as he watched Jake join in his girlfriend’s excitement and saw Josh snap a picture of the sign with the disposable camera Baby had brought.
“You ready?” Danny asked, looking to his boyfriend with a grin.
Sam shrugged. “Oh, sure.”
Danny chuckled. “You promise you won’t hate it?” he teased. Though Sam would never admit it, fearing to tarnish his rockstar reputation, he loved going to Bronner’s and looked forward to it every year.
Sam gave him a grudging smile. “I think I’ll survive.”
They wove through life-size nativity scenes and towering nutcrackers until they came to the door, entering into a sprawling display of festivity. The girls gave delighted giggles and dragged their boyfriends off to look at the huge Christmas village exhibits and hundreds upon hundreds of ornaments that sparkled and shone from every corner. Sam and Danny took a moment to take it all in, looking over the waterfalls of twinkling lights, giant baubles suspended from the ceiling, and many-tiered displays of Santas, presents, and brightly-lit trees.
Danny snuck a glance at his boyfriend and softened at the look of boyish wonder and excitement of Sam’s face. Spurred by affectionate impulse, he kissed Sam’s cheek. 
“Merry Christmas, love.”
Sam pinked and gave him a bashful grin.
“Merry Christmas, Dan.”
They whiled away the morning at Bronner’s, spending a long time in leisurely enjoyment of the sights and sounds of Christmas. When they’d seen all there was to see and successfully dissuaded the girls from buying the entire store, they had lunch at the Christmas Town Pub at the farmer’s market and talked over mugs of mulled wine.
“You’re not doing this whole vegan thing with Sammy, right?” Josh asked, snagging one of the fries that had come with Danny’s bratwurst. Baby batted his hand away and pushed her fries towards him.
“I don’t mind sharing,” Danny said, giving her a smile. “And to answer your question, Josh, I think I’d qualify myself as a selective vegan.”
Sparrow laughed. “So not really a vegan.”
“Well, we’ve been doing it at home,” Sam said. “Danny’s been a real champ so far.”
“I’m not going vegan for you, Sparrow,” Jake said. “I mean, I love you, but I really, really like meat.”
“Yes, honey, I know. You and your steaks.”
Jake put a hand to his chest. “You don't like my steaks?”
She rolled her eyes but smiled all the same. “Of course I like them, Jakey. I like anything you cook. You know what else I like?”
He smirked. “My world-famous kisses?”
She laughed. “Those too. I was going to say mulled wine, but if you would be so kind as to get me some more, I’ll let you give me one of those world-famous kisses.”
Josh and Baby asked for more too, and Sam offered to help Jake carry them.
“You want another one?” he asked Danny.
Danny finished his drink and raised his mug. “Sure, why not.”
They lingered for a while over their drinks, and Danny started to feel the pull of exhaustion again as the wine and warm food worked their magic. Sam’s hand running up and down his back, though a welcome touch, wasn’t helping him in his losing battle. Sparrow and Josh, too, were looking ready for a nap, and their partners were happy to have them rest their heads on their shoulders. 
“We’re losing them, Jake,” Sam said with a laugh. He looked over at Danny. “My big guy's about ready to crash, huh?”
Danny gave him a drowsy smile. “I like it when you call me that.”
Sam chuckled. “I'm glad. You are my big guy.” He brushed Danny's hair over his shoulder. “You ready to head home?”
Danny stifled a yawn behind his hand. “Probably. If everybody else is.”
“I think we should call it before Sparrow falls asleep at the table,” Jake said, kissing her cheek. “We can take a power nap and come back for ice skating later.”
Jake offered to drive home, and Danny leaned against Sam as they rode. With a bit of persuasion, Sam got him out of the car and into bed.
“Just one more minute, sweetheart,” Sam said, kneeling down to take off Danny’s boots for him. Danny felt his heart squeeze at the selfless gesture and rested his head against Sam’s for a moment.
Sam breathed a laugh. “You alright?”
Danny hummed in agreement. “I love you a lot, Sam.”
Sam set Danny's boots to the side and tipped his face up for a kiss, which Danny gladly gave.
“I love you a lot too, big guy.”
Danny snuggled close to Sam when they were both under the covers, and Sam brushed Danny's hair back from his face.
“I’m glad I get to spend Christmas with you now, Sam.”
Sam's laugh was soft. “We’ve always spent Christmas together, love,” he said. “Even when we were kids.”
Danny cuddled closer. “You know what I mean. I’m glad I get to spend Christmas with you like this.”
Sam relaxed with a contented sigh and gave Danny a gentle kiss.
“Yeah,” he agreed, and Danny could hear the smile in his voice. “You’re right. This kind of Christmas is way better.”
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if you’d like to be tagged in this fic, please send me an ask! ♡
fic taglist: @shutupdevvie @streamsofstardust @cal-a-bungaa
gvf taglist: @gvfrry @ohhey1293 @the-chaotic-cow @mountain-in-springtime @xserenax-13 @stardustjtk @brooke-gvf @weightofdreams-gvf  @jakeydoesit  @gretasmokerising @loofypoofy @hayley1623 @doodle417 @finestoflines @brokenbellz @bowievanfleet @s0livagant @trplshotofdopamine @strugglingtodoshit @deadbeat-z @s-u-t @kay-jordan @gretavanfleas @jakeyboiiiiiii @gretavansteph @gretavanbitches @myownparadise96 @luverleaver @weightofdreamz @greatervanfleet @maedesculpaeusoubi @jakekiszkasbestie @pineapple-photographer @baguettejuliette @alexxavicry @levi-wants-ur-bones  @carlybubs @cowboysamkiszka 
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
2023 Advent: Day 4
This is another idea that popped into my head while I was planning all these blurbs out. Partly inspired from me writing smut at work lmao. But I think somehow this one ended up the longest of all the blurbs (that I've written so far anyway)
Warnings: workplace sex, p in v sex, fingering, neck kisses, unprotected sex, minimal editing
Everyone has a way they make money to pay the bills. For you it was a boring office job, but you were trying to change that. You’d always enjoyed writing but it was only in the last couple of years that you’d begun to consider it seriously as a potential career. You’d had an idea for an erotic romance novel, spent the better part of a year working on it and, miraculously, a publisher had picked it up. Then you’d written another and another, all published under a pseudonym of course. None of them were best sellers, they’d never topped a popularity poll, but they were a good second stream of income. Enough people bought them that it was worth it to keep publishing, and you hoped that one day you’d catch a lucky break and manage to turn it into a full time job. Until then though, you wrote when you could. During the week it was mostly late at night and on your lunch breaks, but you had a deadline approaching and were a little behind where you’d hoped to be, so you’d taken to pulling your draft up during work hours.  
You’d long ago stopped being embarrassed about writing at work. Your screen was mostly hidden from view, angled so that anyone who came to your cubical wouldn’t be able to see exactly what you were doing. And no one would question a word document anyway, they’d assume it was a report or something else for the company. So it wasn’t that you were embarrassed this time, but you were a little more anxious to keep your screen hidden since you were in the middle of a very steam sex scene. Up until now you’d managed to only write the spicy sections in the privacy of your own home, sticking to flirty banter and location descriptions at work. But you wrote best when you were writing in order and you were at the part where the main couple finally had sex. The culmination of pages and pages of build up and sexual tension.  
Perhaps some of your discomfort came from the fact that it was a workplace romance, set in an office not dissimilar to the one you were currently sitting in. Your hero and heroine had flirted at the water cooler and accidentally kissed in a supply closet much like the ones you saw daily. And, worst of all, your hero had a passing resemblance to one of your colleagues. Gwilym was the best of the IT guys, always friendly when you ran into him in the break room, always helpful when you had any tech problems, and unfairly handsome to boot. Too handsome for IT. You’d given your leading man a much more high profile job but the same chiselled jaw line and deep eyes that Gwilym had. It hadn’t been a problem when you started. After all, no one at the office was likely to read it and if they did it could hardly be traced to you since your author name was entirely different to your real one. But it would be incredibly embarrassing if anyone, or god forbid Gwilym himself, caught sight of the screen. But you relaxed more as you got further into the scene and no one came to interrupt. The words came easily as you described the couple becoming trapped in the copy room, eventually resorting to fucking on a copy machine. A little comedic but mostly focused on the spice. You were really hitting your stride, the heroine close to falling apart under the hero’s expert touch, your cubical neighbours probably thinking you were having a very productive day with all the click clacking of your keyboard, when your phone rang.  
Grumbling a little about the interruption right at the literal climax of the scene, you picked it up and put on your politest work voice as you answered.   “Hi Y/N, it’s Gwil from IT.”  You suddenly felt warm and less annoyed about being disturbed, “Hi Gwil, how can I help?”  “Sorry to interrupt, I just had a flag pop up that there could be something wrong with your computer.”  Your first thought was for your manuscript and you hastily saved it just in case, “That doesn’t sound good.”  “If there is something wrong, it shouldn’t be too hard to fix. But I do need you to clarify a couple things for me, just so we can determine what the cause of the issue is. Are you able to pop down to my office?”  “I can come right now.”  “That would be amazing. I’ll see you in a minute.”  Composing yourself you closed your document and began to head downstairs to the IT department’s rooms, wondering all the way at what the problem might be. You were always careful about what links you clicked on, so you doubted it was a virus or anything too worrying but still, you didn’t want to lose any of your manuscript, or your actual work, in some sort of freak tech failure.  
The IT rooms were overcrowded and stuffy, the walls lined with shelves of equipment – backup monitors, boxes of loose cords, spare computer parts for quick fixes. Gwilym met you as soon as he heard you arrive, apologising for the inconvenience of it all.   “I would have come up but it’s just me at the moment,” he gestured to the empty desks his coworkers usually occupied, “so I can’t really abandon my post.”  “Oh, no trouble at all. I was thinking of taking a coffee break soon anyway,” you lied, his handsomeness making you eager to please.  “Well this won’t take long. D’you want to come through to my office?”  “Sure.” You followed him past the clutter into a much neater, though quite small, office.   He closed the door behind you, waved you into the seat opposite his desk and sat, pulling something up on his screen.   “So what do you need to know?”  “He thought for a moment, looking at his screen, “So you’re working on a novel, huh?”  Your heart stopped and you felt heat rise in your cheeks, too surprised to pretend you were confused, “How do you know about that?”  “Oh please, I can see what everyone in this building does any time I want. Head of marketing up on twelve has been on ebay all morning bidding on a novelty clock. And theres a guy on Six who is,” he paused to check the screen, “currently looking at engagement rings. Sweet.”  “You spy on us?”  “No. But I could if I wanted to. And sometimes I get notifications about people spending too long on things other than work. Like you and your erotic novel.”  You felt embarrassed again but couldn’t deny it so stayed silent.   “Bit dangerous, writing that in public. Lucky only I saw and not anyone more important. You probably weren’t aware but sometimes the bosses request info on who’s been getting most distracted.”  “You won’t tell anyone will you? It’s just a stupid side gig, I don’t want to get in trouble over it.”  “Oh gosh Y/N, of course not.”  You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I just thought you should know the work computers aren’t as private as you might have thought.” He paused and then, almost as an afterthought added, “And that, y’know, I thought what you were writing was quite good. Arousing. Although maybe it would be better if she were bent over a desk instead.”  You didn’t catch the hungry way Gwil looked at you, too taken aback by his critique of your work, “What?”  “Just a bit easier.”  “Well, no, the copy machine is symbolic. It serves a purpose. It makes sense if you’ve read the whole thing. Plus, I prefer for my characters to see each other the first time they’re together. They’re meant to be falling in love with each other after all.”  “Okay, I see your point. But I’d still argue a desk would make more sense than a copier. She doesn’t have to be bent over, she could be sitting or laying on it.” His palm brushed over the top of his own desk.  You couldn’t believe the arrogance of his suggestion but the shock at least kept you from being too aggressive in your disagreement, “Thanks for the advice but I think I prefer my way.”  “Well I think you should reconsider. Maybe you haven’t had the personal experience, but I have. And I can tell you the desk works better. Copy machines like the one you describe are fine but they make getting the right angle, well, tricky.”  His knowing smirk should have infuriated you but you found yourself swiftly crossing from indignant to turned on. You chalked it up to the sex scene you’d been writing, and that you’d long had a crush on Gwil, so the combination of him talking to you about sex was almost too much.   He stood, and you became very aware of how tall he was and how handsome, as he moved around to your side of the desk, leaning against the edge casually, one eyebrow raised as he said, “I could give you a demonstration if you want.”  Your breathe caught. You’d missed the signs that that was what he wanted so for a moment all you could do was stare at him.  “I hope that’s not too forward of me. But I really liked your writing.”  It was like you’d stepped into the pages of your novel somehow, and you knew exactly how your heroine should react, “Well I never say no to research.” 
Gwilym looked altogether too pleased with himself as he drew your to your feet, his hands falling to your hips and then sliding down to squeeze your arse as he kissed you hard.   It was a strange moment, living out the reality of something you’d imagined over and over, something you’d written into your book, but more than welcome. He was as talented as you’d hoped, as talented as you’d written him, his hands firmly directing you towards the desk and then, when you were in front of it, working to push your pencil skirt up to your waist. He only stopped kissing you to guide you up to sit on the edge of his desk, picking up where he left off almost as soon as you were situated. You let your knees fall open, partly directed by him but gently enough that it felt entirely your decision, and he stepped between them letting you feel for the first time just how affected by your writing he was. Your eyes widened at just how big he felt pressed between you and his tight work trousers.   Gwil must have noticed your expression because he chuckled and, leaning in closer to your ear, whispered “I’m glad you were writing your porn at work. Because now I know the sort of filth you can come up. Make me wonder what other dirty ideas you have in that pretty head.”  His breath was hot against your ear, making you shiver and breathe heavier, but it was nothing to the sensation of his teeth tugging at your earlobe that followed. You whimpered at the feeling and how unfairly sexy he sounded talking about filthy ideas, a thousand more of them springing to your mind.   He seemed amused by your reaction. Not that you could see him but you swore you could feel him smirking again as he nipped at your neck, not quite distracting you from how his fingers were slipping into your knickers.  
It took almost no time at all for him to have your underwear off and his cock out, pressing against your entrance. Your brain was hardly working, overwhelmed by your dreams coming true so unexpectedly. But Gwilym seemed to like you that way, barely able to do more than whine. Whenever you’d tried to speak he’d shift his fingers or trail his tongue over your neck or toy with your nipple, effectively diverting you attention and causing another small moan as he drew you towards the edge. Nothing like the banter in the scene you’d written, though Gwil offered a few comments here and there, teasing you for being so wet and reminding you to keep quiet since you were at work. But now, close to release and so close to finally having him fill you he stopped and asked the worst question imaginable.   “Have you written anything else about me?”  The answer was no, or not entirely, but the small part of your brain still ticking thought his ego might like a yes more. Thankfully he didn’t seem to need a real answer, happy with how fucked out you’d already gotten.   “Bet you have. Bet you’ve written about me in all sorts of positions.” The very tip of his cock dipped into your hole, teasing you just a little more. “I want to read them all. And then show you how the real thing feels.” Finally he pressed himself into you, making you gasp.  
Gwil groaned as you unconsciously clenched around him and paused for a moment before beginning to slowly pull back and sink into you.   He was big and all you could do was moan at the way he stroked inside you, though as he worked into a faster pace you grabbed onto the edge of the desk, needing to hold onto something.   He just grabbed at you, fingers wet from your cunt digging into your thigh before slipping down to your clit as he leaned forward, using his arm to brace himself on the desk.  The slight shift, the way he seemed to surround you as he leaned forward, the constant pressure from his fingers on your clit, not to mention the quick snap of his hips into yours and the sheer delicious fullness of him filling you, quickly became almost overwhelming. He had taken over all over your senses as he grunted in your ear, his taste still on your tongue. Whining into his neck you begged him not to stop until there was no choice but to cum for him, because of him.  
He didn’t take long to reach his climax after that, his breath getting heavier and his thrusts less smooth.  “Wh-where?” was all he could get out before another moan, “Where should I?”  Your orgasm had brought a sliver of clarity back to you, enough to know that you couldn’t risk anything that might leave a visible mark. But more importantly, enough to know you didn’t want him to move from between your thighs.  “Don’t care. Inside.”  Gwil groaned again, hips stuttering with how hot he found your answer. He kept fucking you as consistently as he could manage, his fingers no longer on your clit but back on your thigh as if to make sure your legs stayed spread. You heard him curse in a strangled voice before his hips jolted and then stopped pressed hard into you as he came with a moan and a grunt. Everything was quiet and still for a few moments, aside from both of you breathing heavily as the reality of what had just happened caught up with you.   Gwil leaned back a bit, slipping out of you a little, “Fuck.” was all he managed to get out.  You gave an embarrassed sort of laugh, “Yeah.”  He was still absurdly close, still half inside you when he said, “So? Do I live up to your imagination?”  You laughed again, “Oh exceeded it. Think you gave me an idea for the sequel though.”
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