#I have no idea why pairing that phrase with that gif never occurred to me before
The Doctor Is In
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
❝ 𝕛𝕒𝕡𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕖 𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕤 ❞
⇢ yuta and hannah try to do japanese lessons, but they didn’t plan it out at all
⇢ set in early march of 2018
⇢ mentions of incidents from hannah’s childhood and from “lurking”
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english, bold is japanese. feedback is highly appreciated!
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Hannah was stressed out.
No, that was an understatement. For the past month, she had flown to Ukraine and LA to film three music videos then back to Seoul for another two. Not to mention she had recording sessions and a ton of rehearsals to attend because the company decided it would be a good idea to have her promote five songs in a row. As thankful as she was to be doing a lot of work, she was just getting more and more irritable. Not to mention she still hasn’t fully recovered from what happened last December.
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Just then, she heard a knock on the door quickly followed by a doorbell. She glanced at the clock. It was already 11:30? She ran over to the door and opened it with her elbows. After a bit of a struggle and a quick mental cursing of both her manager and Mark for not being home, she finally was able to welcome her visitor.
“Hey, kitsune,” Yuta ruffled her hair before stepping in and taking his shoes off. “Why the gloves?”
“I was making us onigiri for lunch,” she told him while heading back to the kitchen. “Sorry, I lost track of time. You can set up anywhere.”
This was the first of what she already knew would be many one on one sessions she’d have with Yuta. She knew he wanted to be able to talk to someone in his mother tongue, so she had asked him to teach her. Sure, she knew the basics and was able to read and write in kanji, but she wanted to be able to actually have longer and deeper conversations with Yuta like she knew he wanted.
She heard him follow her towards the kitchen and settle his stuff on the counter separating the kitchen from their little dining area and living room. It didn’t really occur to her how he was silently watching her every move.
The feeling of it just being the two of them together was unfamiliar to her. She wasn’t close to him when they were trainees. No, aside from the dreamies, it was only Johnny, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Doyoung, Ten, and Kun who really tried to grow closer to her. Now, she was part of 127. They had their training time together, and they were set to film their music video within the next week. He even started calling her kitsune since the other members insisted that she looked like a fox, but they never really got the opportunity to actually talk.
Until she asked him to teach her to speak Japanese.
“You good, oppa?” She brought him out of his thoughts while bringing over a big bowl of rice and a big bowl of tuna mayo to the counter.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he smiled at her, “I think I can help you with that. Got any extra gloves?”
“Hold on.” She went to the cupboard and carefully opened one. She cursed under her breath. Why did Mark put the box of gloves so high up?
A chuckle sounded from behind her. “I got it.”
She stepped out of the way and let Yuta grab the box. They went back to the counter where Yuta pulled on a pair of gloves and grabbed a handful of rice.
“You’re lucky you’re still growing,” he lightly teased her. The unamused look on her face made him laugh. “You’ll be able to reach those cabinets in no time. Have you made onigiri before?”
“Good question,” she grabbed some rice as well, “but no. This is my first time making onigiris.”
“Here, let me show you.”
She listened to Yuta intently, noting how he purposefully switched out a few words and phrases into Japanese. It seemed like he was trying to get her used to cooking jargon, which was pretty cool to her since some words and phrases did stick to her mind.
Pretty soon, they were just snacking on their onigiris while watching Your Name. Without the subtitles.
“I don’t get it,” she began, “he’s going on a date with another girl?”
“Mitsuha arranged it for him.”
“Doesn’t she like him, though?”
“Watch the movie.” He put a hand on the top of her head and physically made her face the laptop screen. She laughed and removed his hand from her head.
“Oppa, I don’t think watching this without subtitles is the best way for me to improve in Japanese.”
“Yeah, it is,” Yuta told her. “The best way is to learn through immersion. Because we can’t just take a year off to live in Japan, we’re gonna immerse you in movies and anime.”
The thought of watching anime and movies to study made her snort. Usually she’d sit in class doing the same thing secretly on her phone while trying not to study. Leave it to one of her group mates to find a way to make studying seem like it isn’t what it is. She pressed pause on the screen and looked at Yuta.
“I understand nothing.” She leaned forward and shook her head while pronouncing each syllable as slowly and clearly as she could.
He scrunched his nose at her before turning his chair towards her as well. “Then let’s try having a conversation then. A little beyond basics. I want to ask you a question.”
“You’re gonna ask me something,” she grinned upon understanding the sentence. “I’ll do my best to answer. Hit me with it.”
“So Taeyong had a meeting with us before you came.” He raised his eyebrow at her.
She furrowed her eyebrows, searching her brain for any words she could comprehend. “Taeyong oppa did something before I came?”
“He called a meeting, yes,” Yuta patted her head, “and he gave us a few rules to follow.”
Hannah frowned. She understood the word give and he, but she didn’t get anything else. Yuta patted her knee.
“He gave us a few rules,” he translated. “Japanese lessons aside, what was that all about?”
Her fists clenched the slightest bit as she let Yuta try and read her face. It’s not that she was uncomfortable with the older members. She actually found herself having fun with them more than she originally thought she would. It’s just that she didn’t want them worrying for her about something that happened in the past that she didn’t want to remember.
“The incident last December,” she told him. From his eyes, she knew that he didn’t believe her. To be fair, that meeting did happen months before the incident. She was just thankful he didn’t press on about it. Well, not too much.
“How are you coping, by the way?”
“Better.” She tried to act nonchalant about it, but she knew how obvious it was that she felt a little scared. “I fell asleep with Mark on his bed instead of mine today. I did get a little messed up when I woke up, though.”
“That’s progress,” he smiled before realizing something. “Wait, was it okay then for them to leave you alone here earlier?”
“You came just a few minutes after Mark and Kihyun oppa left, so no worried,” she laughed, “anyway, our Japanese lesson?”
“Alright, how about this,” he started before switching back into Japanese. “When will you start acting like a kid?”
Her eyebrows furrowed. Was he saying she was acting like a kid?
“I’m mature!”
“Too mature,” Yuta chuckled. “You only act like a kid when you’re with Haechan, Jaemin, or Kun. What’s up with that? Answer in Japanese, kitsune.”
She sighed and rested her chin in her hands. “I don’t know. I care for you guys, and I want to help, um, protect? What’s take care of in Japanese?”
“Take care of. So you want to take care of us even if you’re our maknae?”
“Is that weird?”
Yuta ruffled her hair reassuringly. “Not at all, if that’s what makes you feel happy. It’s just that I want to see you act your age. I know we tell you that you can treat us like friends, but we want you to be childish, too, alright? Make a mess of things, rile us up, be carefree, be like Haechannie. Let us watch you grow up.”
She smiled at him, knowing this was coming from a deeper place. “You miss your sister, don’t you?”
He raised his hands in mock surrender. “You caught me. She’s your age, you know?”
“I thought you have an older sister?”
“I have two sisters. My noona got to watch me grow up, but i never really got to watch my little sister grow up.”
She looked at him in sympathy. It wasn’t the same, but Hannah and her mom used to live with her mom’s sister. She had her little cousin there as well, who was only 8 when she left San Francisco to train. She’s a little upset she didn’t get to help raise him, but he was probably her number one fan.
“I watched you grow up, though.” Yuta brought her out of her thoughts when he poked her cheek. She gave him a puzzled look which made him laugh. “We weren’t close, but you hung around with Johnny enough for me to notice how you grew. Like my friends little sister. Well, I guess you’re my little sister now, too.”
“Little sister,” she smiled. The last time someone had actually verbally claimed her as their little sister was Lucas. “I don’t know why, but I like that.”
“Ah!” She jumped at Yuta’s sudden yell accompanied with a clap of his hands. “I should introduce you to my actual little sister! No offense, Hannah, but you need more girls in your life.”
She snorted before turning her head back to the anime movie. She could feel Yuta’s appalled look on her. She felt him poke at her waist, making her recoil and laugh.
“Our Japanese lessons aren’t done, little miss.”
“I need more words in my brain!”
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professorsnape394 · 3 years
The Potions Master’s Apprentice
Chapter Seventeen: Heart or Head?
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A/N: This is the seventeenth part to my fanfiction ‘The Potions Master’s Apprentice (Severus Snape x OC)’. Chapters 1-17 can also be found already uploaded on Wattpad under the same name. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox for anything Snape related you want me to write. Leave a comment below or send me a message if you wish to be added to my tag list.
Pairing: Severus Snape x OC (Dumbledore’s Granddaughter)
Summary: A talented young witch is employed as an apprentice professor at Hogwarts, but who will she be working under? Severus Snape is not best pleased with his new responsibility of taking on an apprentice, however she is relentless to create a friendship between them. Will she be successful? Or might the friendship just go a little two far? With the eyes of her grandfather constantly watching over them, an attempt at a relationship might not be in the cards for Aria Dumbledore and Severus Snape.
Word Count: 1756
Warnings: n/a
Credits to Gif Creator
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"Severus. Aria. May I speak with you both?" Dumbledore requested the next morning after breakfast.
The two professors exchanged an awkward glance, rising from either ends of the headmaster, unsure of the old wizard's intentions.
The hall bustled with noise, students and teachers alike eager to escape the great hall, enjoying their last day of freedom before yet another week begun.
The trio remained behind, exchanging not a word nor glance, until Dumbledore spoke once more.
"I assume you know what this is about." Albus questioned, his eyes travelling between the pair suspiciously.
Unable to force their eyes to meet the headmaster's, both Severus and Aria's minds began to race. Each of them suspecting that the other had divulged unto him the events of last night.
"I'm afraid not, Headmaster. Care to enlighten us?" Severus finally found the courage to say.
"As I am sure you were both made aware this morning at breakfast, Professor Karkaroff has found himself in a rather unfortunate state." Dumbledore explained, his eyes still surveying their faces through the top of his glasses.
Aria let out a huge sigh of relief, glad that Snape had not humiliated her further. Severus too was more than thankful his employer remained unaware that he had both seduced and rejected his beloved granddaughter in the early hours of the morning.
"What does that have to do with us, Grandfather?" Aria asked innocently, knowing fine well who was responsible for the wound.
"Nothing, as for as I'm aware." Dumbledore hummed. "There is no concrete evidence of what happened to Igor has anything to do with the two of you. However, given that the two of you, along with Professor Karkaroff were significantly late to breakfast, and given the state in which the two of you look, I have my suspicions."
"And what reason would either Miss Dumbledore or myself have for harming the man in question?" Severus retorted. "And surely you must be aware that I, as I always am on October 31st, was in my office until the small hours of this morning. I cannot, however, speak for your granddaughter's whereabouts, and why she looks so uncharacteristically dishevelled this morning."
The potions master glared at his apprentice out the side of his eye. It was the first he had dared to look at her all morning. Her face was bare; clearly she had made no effort to apply a face of makeup this morning, but a slight trace of eyeliner and mascara was still visible around her tired puffy eyes. She had hastily scraped her hair back into a tight ponytail, a half-hearted attempt to salvage her borderline greasy hair. Admittedly it was the worst he had saw her look since their meeting, but even then he could still appreciate her true beauty. Once again Severus Snape found himself getting lost in the woman's features, enchanted by her mere presence.
"The party." She blurted uncontrollably, upon noticing her mentor staring. "The Halloween party, it went on very late. I apologise, I should have been more responsible." She turned to the headmaster.
"Very well. I believe the two of you have very solid alibis, therefore I have no reason to suspect you any longer. As of now Igor is yet to come forward about the incident, so until he does, that is if he does, the two of you are... what's the phrase? 'Off the hook'." Albus said, raising an eyebrow, throwing his hands in the air.
Sensing that the pair were very eager to leave, Dumbledore took his chance to stop them once more.
"I would, however, like to make it known that Igor Karkaroff, along with the rest of Durmstrang school are here as our guests and should be treated with the utmost respect by Hogwarts students and Professors alike. However first and foremost, Aria, you are my granddaughter. And if a problem had to occur, that deserves appropriate repercussions, I should hope that any of my professors would be able to confide in me. And the issue would be dealt with by me, and me only. That being said; is there anything you would like to tell me, my dear granddaughter?"
She remained silent. Her eyes once again falling to the floor.
"And you Severus? You have never lied to me before. Is there anything you have to say on the matter?"
Snape paused for a moment in deliberation, remembering the promise he had once made to obey his employer entirely.
"Like I said. I was in my office all night." He lied, never once looking away, breaking his gaze.
The headmaster looked between the pair, disappointed and frustrated.
"You may go." He sighed.
Taking off in the blink of an eye Professor Snape disappeared from the great hall, his assistant following not far behind.
"Severus, wait." The young professor called out, trying to rush her way past the small clusters of students that filled the halls.
The potions master slowly came to a halt, clearly unsure whether he wanted to hear what she inevitably had to say.
"I want to talk about last night." She confessed, lowering her voice as she caught up with the potions master.
In three large strides Severus Snape turned to the woman, grabbing onto her forearm and walking her backwards into the hard castle wall. It was obvious he was paranoid of anyone, student or staff, overhearing what she was about to say regarding the events of the previous night.
Taken aback by his sudden movements Aria took a moment to catch her breath. Meanwhile Snape had gathered his thoughts on the matter.
"I am unsure of what you are referring to Miss Dumbledore, but as far as the staff are aware we never crossed paths last night, and I would like to keep it that way. Forget about whatever you want to say, anything that may or may not have happened is now considered null and void. Am I making myself perfectly clear?"
Almost instantly Aria found herself becoming defensive in the face of the Professor's aggression. She had come to him with heartfelt intentions, but she'd be damned if she allowed another man to walk all over her again. She was quickly tiring of Severus' yo-yoing insight on their friendship.
"Do not tell me what I can and cannot say, Professor." Aria said, ripping her arm from her colleague's grasp. "However much you'd like to erase the of memory of the two of us, at this moment in time it remains a reality, and I have something to say on the matter. I will not let you silence me for nothing but your own benefit."
"Very well." Snape huffed, slightly impressed that she had stood up to him. "Say what you have to say, if you must, but be quick about it, I would like to enjoy the last day of the weekend without you pestering me for once."
"I wanted to apologise." The witch admitted, raising her head to lock eyes with her mentor.
Snape cocked an eyebrow curiously, silently permitting her to go on.
"I want to apologise for... for try to take things a bit too far last night. I shouldn't have expected you to... well, you know." She shrugged, eyes darting below Snape's belt.
"There is no need for an apology, Miss Dumbledore. After all, it was I who initiated the whole... situation. Like I said, I would prefer if it could be forgotten about to entirely."
"But Severus I- "
Snape held up a palm, signalling for her to stop.
"It was a mistake." He insisted. "You were drunk, Aria, and I took advantage, it was wrong of me. Besides, you're in a relationship, and I would very much appreciate if I were to remain entirely uninvolved in any of your possible drama."
Aria's multiple attempts at interrupting went unsuccessful. Snape was adamant that he wanted to forget the whole thing, therefore it was clear to Aria any attempt at convincing him otherwise would be futile.  Sensing the finality in his tone Miss Dumbledore took a step away from him, letting him go.
"Just one last thing." She blurted, causing Severus to pause halfway down the corridor. "We broke up. Just, if that means anything to you."
Aria waited hopefully for him to turn back to face her, but he never did. It was clear he had heard her but had chose not to acknowledge her words as he disappeared into the labyrinth that is Hogwarts.
Once again Severus Snape found himself consumed in thoughts of his assistant. Ever since his lips touched hers he couldn't get his mind off of her. With no idea what had come over him to make a move, he was sure she would reject him. But when he found that no only had she returned his kiss, but was willing to go further, panic set in.
He wanted nothing more than to let her do it. To just let her hands wander freely over his naked body, allowing him to do the same to her. He could have had her right there in his office if he wanted, but he was scared. Scared that he was right about what he said all those weeks ago in the Three Broomsticks, or scared that she would change her mind all together, but mostly he was scared that after it all, if she did actually go through with it that is, she still had a boyfriend and he would inevitably be tossed aside, forgotten and rejected all at once.
So, he convinced her, and himself, that it had all been one drunken mistake, and that it meant nothing to him. He refused to let her think for one second that he feelings of any kind for her. He would not allow himself to be humiliated by her of all people.
It would all have gone just as he had planned if Aria hadn't said those few words. 'We broke up'. Why did she tell him that? What difference did it make to him? Was she trying to get in his head? Or was she trying to tell him exactly what he wanted to hear?
Deliberating over the meaning of her confession kept the potions master preoccupied all day. In his heart he wanted to believe that she felt just as he did. But his head told him no one would ever be able to love a beast like him.
Soon enough all of Snape's uncertainty was to be put to rest by a single knock at the door.
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British Empire- King George III
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Pairing: King George III x Reader
Characters: King George III
Warnings: N/A
Request: N/A
Word Count: 416
Author: Charlotte
Being an advisor to the King of England was an amazing position to be in but also a terrifying one. You were of a high status, revered by many but also it meant you had to tell the king some of the worst news he could hear about and it wasn’t unheard of for an advisor who said the wrong thing to end up injured or dead.
When word reached England of the revolution, you feared what would come of it and when the news was for the worst for the English, you felt terrible for the unlucky fellow who must share word to the King. You were the unlucky fellow. How were you meant to tell the King that America had won the war?
You took a deep breath and knocked on the door of the chamber he was sat in. When he called for you to enter, you wished to run away, especially when the guards offered you a sympathetic smile but you pulled on the fakest smile you could muster and entered the room.
When you hesitated in the doorway, the king shot you a look of disapproval.
“Have you got something to tell me?” He demanded.
He knew you wouldn’t just be visiting for no reason, you would only be there if you had a purpose, even if it was a terrible purpose, one that you never wished to discuss with him.
“Erm… I am sorry to say, your majesty… we kind of… lost America.”
You had no idea how else to phrase it without getting yourself instantly killed for bringing him the message.
“Well, where did you last see it?” He boomed.
The King had been struggling mentally for some time and this did not help matters currently.
“No… erm… they don’t exactly want to be our friends anymore,” you offered to try and clear up the conversation.
He furrowed his eyebrows, inspecting your face closely to figure out why you were telling him such things, as to him this did not matter nor have the severity the truth did.
“No one wants to be our friends, Y/N, but that doesn’t matter,” he stated. “That’s how the British Empire works.”
You let out a nervous chuckle. Technically you had done your job, you had told him that America didn’t want to be under British reign, so to save your neck, you would leave it there for someone lesser to stumble into the trap of getting him to understand what had occurred.
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milfgritty · 5 years
i’ll be good pt. nine | j. hughes & t. zegras
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❀ ⇢ requested: yes | no ❀ ⇢ word count: 2.6K ❀ ⇢ a/n: i can’t believe the end of this series is finally here. this has been my longest series to date and to actually finish it is just insane. i might end up posting a bonus part/epilogue but idk yet. anyway, i just want to say thank you to everyone who has followed i’ll be good and i couldn’t be more amazed by the positive feedback it’s gotten. i hope this ending doesn’t disappoint!
having a crush on one person was confusing enough. now throw in one of their teammates and you weren’t sure where that left you anymore.
⇢ posted: 05.11.19 . | . masterlist prev. | next.
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“We’re going out for a bit, want to come?”
Rolling over, you shifted the covers down far enough to look at your mom. You pondered the decision for a few seconds, staring at her head peeking in through the cracked door.
“I think I’m gonna stay here,” you told her, words muffled.
She hesitated in the doorway before sighing. “We’ll bring back food,” she smiled sadly, retreating and closing the door behind her.
Letting out a sigh, you burrowed back into the blankets. You were grateful that she was being so understanding, but that didn’t stop you from wishing it wasn’t necessary in the first place.
Closing your eyes, you fought back a fresh wave of tears at the thought. How long was it going to hurt like this? Why weren’t you enough for him?
You groaned loudly, cutting off your train of thought. Distantly, you registered the sound of the front door being closed signaling that you were alone. Shifting again, you stared up at your ceiling blankly. You could probably go back to sleep for another few hours—it was the weekend so you didn’t have to worry—
Your phone buzzed on your nightstand. Head falling to the side to stare at it, you debated if you even wanted to see who texted you. Why bother, you know? Like, did you really want to talk to anyone right now?
Not particularly, but curiosity won out as you stretched your arm to grab the offending object. Settling onto your side, you winced at who it was that sent it. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed that he was the one you called and cried on the phone to—
Wait­—no. That’s exactly what it was.
Yea, he comforted you and said that it was fine but what else was he supposed to say? Blowing out a harsh breath, you decided to get it over with.
‘where are you? we need to talk’
Heart seizing up at the phrasing, you slowly typed out a reply.
‘at home in bed. family’s out rn. why do we have to talk??’
God, you hope this wasn’t him telling you that you couldn’t be friends anymore or some shit like that. One guy dumping you was enough heartbreak; you didn’t need another one adding to it.
‘nothing bad dw is it cool if i come over?’
You tried to ignore the way your heart sped up. Sending back a reply telling him that it was okay, you found the energy to get out of bed for the first time all day. Managing the bare minimum of your usual morning routine was nothing short of an accomplishment, no matter how sad the fact was.
It was only the thought of not wanting Jack to see you as a complete mess that got you going, but still. Progress.
After unlocking the door and sending Jack a text letting him know to just walk in—because what can go wrong there, right?—you made your way back upstairs.
Flopping down onto your bed, you sullenly scrolled through a few different apps to calm your nerves. Seriously, who tells a girl who literally just got broken up with that they need to talk? What do they need to talk about? In person?
The entire thing wasn’t giving you the best of feelings, but whatever. Might as well get some more bad news when you’re already down.
Right as you were finally calming down, Jack sent you a text saying that he was only a few minutes away.
Great, this was going to go great. Totally fine.
Oh god, was he gonna make a move? It hadn’t occurred to you but if he did—
No. No, he wouldn’t. That would be a whole new level of shitty. And even if he did, you weren’t going to just jump into things with him. That’d be so bad. No, new rule. Teammates are off limits.
Actually, hockey players in general. Who needs them? And dating? Not you, that’s for sure.
So lost in your thoughts, you nearly had a heart attack when the door downstairs opened.
“Y/N?” Jack’s voice yelled.
Cursing under your breath, you forced to calm down. “Bedroom,” you called back, pulling your legs up to sit cross-legged.
Fingers fidgeting, your breathing sped up before you worked on calming down again. You listened as Jack made his way upstairs—why did it sound like two pairs of—?
“Hey,” Jack appeared in your doorway, offering you a nervous smile.
You returned the greeting, tilting your head. “So what exactly did we need to talk about in person?”
“Uh, yea. You see, it isn’t just us that need to talk,” he trailed off, watching you with wide apologetic eyes.
Not understanding, you were about to ask when he stepped into the room. The words died in your throat when another figure stepped into sight.
“What the hell,” you sputtered, a whirlwind of emotions exploding inside of you at the sight of your bo—ex-boyfriend.
At least they both had the decency to look shamefaced, you mused to yourself as you sprung up off your bed.
“What the hell,” you repeated, unsure on who to round on.
“I told you this was a bad idea.”
You spun toward Trevor at the sound of his voice, ignoring how despondent it was and how your heart felt like it was breaking all over again. But then his words registered and you were marching at Jack.
“Wha—you brought him here?” you demanded, betrayal clear as day in your voice.
He backed away, hands in the air until he hit your dresser. “We need to talk about everything,” he tried, eyes wide in fear.
Pushing down the hurt, you shook your head bitterly.
“What’s there to talk about? He–“ you gestured at Trevor who had taken an awkward stance “–broke up with me. There’s nothing to talk about. And since there’s nothing to talk about, I want both of you out.”
“Y/N, stop,” Jack pleaded, grabbing ahold of your hands. “You and I both know there’s a lot we need to talk about—shit we should’ve just talked about a while ago.”
“We all fucked up,” Trevor cut in before you could respond. Going quiet, you refused to look at him and swallowed roughly. “And everything got out hand. I found out about you and Jack almost kissing and instead of just talking to you, I thought it would be better for all of us if I broke up with you—don’t look at me like that, I know it wasn’t the best idea now.”
A snort left you against your will, a small smile gracing your features before you caught yourself. “Yea, it was a pretty shit idea, man. You should’ve seen that,” Jack interjected quickly, shrugging innocently at Trevor’s glare but flashing you a smile when he heard your quiet laugh.
“I never claimed I had good ideas, okay?” Trevor attempted—maybe?—to defend himself.
“Can say that again,” you muttered under your breath, sniggering with Jack who heard your comment.
“Rude.” Trevor pointed at you in offense. Brought back to reality, you plopped yourself down on your bed.
“We really do need to talk about everything, don’t we?” you sighed, looking up at them. They nodded in agreement, turning to find chairs to sit down in.
Jack managed to lay claim to your desk chair. Trevor, given the option of the other side of your bed and your sad old beanbag, found himself practically on the floor.
“Be serious, man,” Jack mock scolded Trevor as the latter squirmed in the near flat beanbag. A laugh left you as Trevor flipped him off, and then yet another when you had to look all the way down to see him.
“Dicks,” Trevor mumbled, ignoring both of you as he finished settling into his bag.
“Now that that’s out of the way, where do we even start?” you voiced the unsaid question.
The boys exchanged glances and hesitated. “I don’t know,” Jack said quietly, slumping down.
“Great,” you nodded sarcastically, earning yourself a glare and laugh. The three of you sobered quickly after, realizing that none of you actually knew where to begin.
“I’m just gonna start by saying that before I even asked Y/N out, I seriously had no idea you liked her,” Trevor spoke to Jack before turning to face you. “I did know, though, that you liked him. Which—admittedly—wasn’t great, but still.”
Shaking your head, you tried to wrap your head around that. “That makes no sense. Why ask someone out if you know they like someone else? That’s like setting yourself up for failure.”
Trevor shrugged in response, reasoning, “Spencer is a good hype man.”
Closing your mouth, you nodded. He had a point.
“My thing is,” Jack leaned forward, peering up at you, “why did you agree to go out with Trevor if you liked me?”
Clearing your throat, you resisted the urge to blush. “Right before that, I heard you and the guys talking about some hot girl that gave you her number. After so long of you not making a move, that was just the last straw I guess. I was leaving, thinking about how it was time to move on and then Trevor asked me out and—well.” Ending your words with a shrug, you winced at how bad it sounded when put like that.
“You only went out from me to move on from Jack?” Trevor asked, hurt creeping into his voice. Jack leaned back into his chair, falling silent.
Meeting Trevor’s eyes, you shook your head rapidly. “No! It played a part, yea, but I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t think I could actually like you. You looked all cute and flustered when you asked me and I just—it dawned on me that if I wasn’t hung up on Jack, I probably would’ve liked you for a while at that point.”
Talking about it like this was more than a little embarrassing, especially since you could feel Jack’s gaze on the side of your face.
“And if you’ve liked me for so long, why were you talking about how you were going to call that ‘hot chick’?” you turned it back on Jack, the question having bugged you since you found out Jack liked you.
Eyes going wide, Jack sputtered. “I said I was kidding! That she wasn’t my type, because you’re my type—not the you’re my type part obviously but—didn’t I say that right after the guys calmed down?” He directed the last question at Trevor, putting him on the spot this time.
Trevor went quiet for a second before answering. “I think? I can’t remember, right around then Spencer came in to tell me Y/N was leaving.”
“Spencer was the one who told you I was leaving—?”
“Wait, how did you know I’ve liked you for ‘so long’? I never told you that I actually liked you,” Jack questioned, talking over you.
“I think almost kissing someone is a pretty clear sign you like them, Jack,” Trevor told him condescendingly. Jack rolled his eyes at him, kicking him lightly, before looking back at you.
Avoiding his gaze, you found a sudden interest in your shirt. “I might have overheard the two of you fighting that night you spilled your drink on me,” you mumbled, pursing your lips.
“You did?”
“Oh god,” Jack groaned, covering his face with his hands as Trevor choked.
“Yea.” You drug the word out, grimacing. “Not your best moment, either of you.”
“Is that why you avoided us the first time?” Trevor asked, his head angled to the side. You nodded, confirming his suspicion.
Jack’s sudden laughter startled you. “This is why we communicate, kids,” he said between gasps for air. A snort left you and soon enough you were all laughing at how bad the three of you really are at handling shit.
After your amusement died down, Trevor brought up a valid point.
“What are we doing now?” he asked, glancing up between the two of you. “I mean, we know where we went wrong and all of that, but where does that leave us?”
The question everything came back to, it seemed.
“I still don’t know,” you admitted, darting your tongue out to wet your lips.
Quiet dawned over you again, contemplative and unsure. All of you lost in thought about what happens next.
“You know what? I don’t care what happens as long as I get to be around you,” Jack shrugged. At your curious gaze, he elaborated.
“It’s been too long of constant drama. I just miss being able to talk to you and be your friend.”
“Lame,” Trevor didn’t even bother to hide his whisper. Jack rolled his eyes, flipping him off. You rolled your eyes at the both of them. You missed their antics and agreed with him, saying as much.
“I think we should start over,” you told them, bouncing your leg.
Their heads snapped toward you, forgetting about their bickering. “What do you mean?” Trevor asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Jack mirrored his expression, staring intently at you.
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word it. After a second, you started, “Obviously, even from the beginning, this wasn’t the healthiest relationship if that’s what you want to call it. There was always something holding someone back or coming in the way of things. I think we should just forget everything. Let everything be in the past and start anew. As friends or some sort of weird in between—I don’t care. I’ve just missed both of you a lot and don’t want to lose either of you over something so stupid.”
You couldn’t get through it while looking at them. Your gaze had shifted down to your fidgeting hands at some point. After you finished, they stayed quiet taking in your words.
“I’m okay with that,” Jack said finally, causing your head to snap up. He met your eyes with a soft grin, reassuring your nerves. Your gaze slipped down to a still silent Trevor, anxiously awaiting his response.
He looked up after a few seconds to see the two of you staring at him. “Oh! Yea, I’m cool with that. As long as we’re good and not ignoring each other anymore, I’m fine.”
Letting out a laugh, you shook your head. Relief washed over you, resulting in a goofy smile taking residence on your face. “Great,” you told them.
“See, this all worked out because I cornered you in your bedroom,” Jack told Trevor, standing up and making his way to your bed.
“Wait—you what?” you asked, vaguely noticing Trevor having difficulty getting up and out of the beanbag. He kicked at Jack, waving his hands in the air.
“Yea well this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t kissed my girlfriend,” Trevor shot back at him as he pulled him up.
You stared up at them, trying to get an answer from one of them. Jack pushed you over, sliding down on your left while Trevor took a spot on your right.
“You cornered him—?”
“Get over it already, that was so last week,” Jack ignored you, tugging you down beside him. Trevor snagged one of your hands, lacing your fingers together. Your heart soared at the familiar gesture and you let yourself be maneuvered.
The bed barely big enough for all three of you, you tried again.
“What’s up with you and cornering people in their rooms?”
The boys bursting into laughter at your genuine confusion on each side of you, you found yourself smiling widely.
This is good, you thought to yourself.
Everything is good.
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