#I have more to say but I’m too busy rn to make a post
canisvesperus · 2 days
Ironic of those of you who try to moralize over people like me for liking 🐠 or whatever blorbo, once again oblivious to WHY they are appealing to somebody like me (sounds about ⚪️) when you act x10 worse than the character towards real poc in fandom then deny it to our faces when we confront you on it— but you will never be ready for that conversion will you…
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auckie · 5 months
I think the things that offend me most nowadays in like, smaller interpersonal interactions rather than grand, sweeping trends in culture, are when people chose to not partake in a wide set of things. Like musical close mindedness, or refusal to try different foods from different cultures. Not watching an entire subset of films bc they’re ‘french’. Avoiding reading bc you say you have adhd and it’s too hard. Like dude I get it, I’m busy. I can be picky. Everyone can. But the willful ignorance of closing yourself off to those VAST portions of the human experience, and not having curiosity and a lust to learn and explore art that was made by someone worlds apart from you either in terms of their culture, era, whatever. I dunno man it just pisses me off so bad. I think it’s arrogant. Like oh you’re comfortable in your safe little bubble huh? And you’re enforcing its barriers with the excuse that you’re autistic and have sensory issues. With music made by black people?? lol okay. It is pretty presumptuous for me to assume malicious intent but I think those prejudices are borne from either the comfort of being someone who’s wealthy and probably white not feeling the need to learn past what they think is enough, or it’s a reflection of a society that’s taught you to prioritize what it shills— popular, current (white, depending where you live ig) artists who are making streamlined, easy to digest content. Often when I meet people with these issues they’ll have one particular ‘niche’, and it tends to be like. 70s music. Victorian literature. Anime and Japanese games. But they’re still not really investing beyond the media presented. Like there’s so much more to Japanese culture than liking some cartoons put out between 2010-2020. You don’t gotta become some sorta Einstein who learns the background of every little freak in FGO yeah. But don’t you wanna aim higher? Aren’t you interested in any of the historical figures? And nothings wrong with hopping onto a trend. You read Dracula bc of that Dracula daily thing. Cool! Read more. Some people will say they’re chronically ill or disabled and can’t get outside. That’s okay. The internet is full of things you can read other than fanfiction, YouTube has a shit ton of free music. There’s Wikipedia and free articles online if you have questions about things. Yeah nobody is spending four hours a day looking at the national archives website and studying art history but it’s imbued in the things around you, and youll absorb it ambiently as you go along. you dont have to be a jack of all trades and cover every major genre of every major medium, but it never hurts to try! I really love seeing ppl ask too. Bc it can be kind of humiliating to admit to what seems like some jackass hipster that you’ve never delved into, idk, Serbian films (lol not that one). And hopefully if whoever you’re asking will give you honest good recommendations and not berate you. I’m kind of berate a straw man rn I guess. The hostile tone def doesn’t lend to an atmosphere of sharing but I cannot tell you how many times I’ve rbed anything involving specifically jazz only to see someone rb and add the stupidest comment on the post, or in the tags, or go into my inbox to be like waaah I don’t like jazz bc it’s boring and old and for pretentious hypocrites who hate neurodivergent people! Like what are you TALKING about. Fine if you don’t like it but don’t try and rationalize that as a moral standing you shit lark. And just as they’re allowed to dislike jazz I’m allowed to not really enjoy people who don’t like jazz. Or country. Nautical knots. Knit wear. Watching urbex YouTubers get their shit rocked by squatters. Korean food. Pachuco fashion and stupid ugly low riders. Bollywood films. and they don’t want to try any of those things either yknow? The next thing I’m getting into is circuit bending.
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ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
Heyyy, i love ur jjk fics so when u posted abt writing for aot i SCREAMED bc ik you'll do it justice 😩❤❤
Do u reckon u could do like a levi post rumbling fic bc i need the confort rn and SO DOES HE I NEED HAPPY LEVI PLSS ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
When I tell you I had to write this IMMEDIATELY <3 Please let me know if you like it, this is my first AOT fic EVER
Levi finally getting his happy end with (y/n) after the rumbling
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
Synopsis: When he met you after first stepping a foot at Marley, Levi didn't forget you until the very end. But while he thought you died through the rumbling, he meets you again for his happy end.
Warnings: this is the comfort I needed, I actually had to cry while writing this, not proofread because I wanted to publish this asap
Tags: @sanicsmut begging on my knees, please I hope you like this
You’ve been on his mind ever since he met you on that fateful day at Marley. So gorgeous that he couldn’t take his eyes off you, a smile so sweet it could melt even metal. Yes, you were so different from what he expected to find across that ocean, a truly pleasant surprise to say the least.
“Oh, you are quite small for a grown man!” you commented, giggling so effortlessly that Levi wasn’t able to even react to your rude comment.
“But to be honest, I’m a little small myself. Well, not all of us can be tall, right? Where are you from, stranger?”
“None of your business.”
His voice sounded harsher that anticipated, making your joyful face drop in an instant. Why…Why the hell did it even bother him to see you like that, that sad glow that formed in your eyes?
“I’m not from here”, he added.
“Oh, I see! Don’t worry about it too much, it’s like everywhere else!”
Oh, if you only knew how wrong that statement was.
His eyes landed on your right arm and the star that covered the sleeve of your blouse. Why would you wear such a badge? Upon closer inspection, he noticed your shattered clothing, the hem of your earth coloured dress completely torn.  
Before Levi was even able to react two men ran into you, forcefully pushing your body into the dirt of the streets.
“Get out of the way, scum”, one of them hissed towards you.
Anger rose inside his veins immediately. You were just standing there, minding your own business. Why on earth did they push you?
“Watch your step”, his voice suddenly called towards the men.
“Please, it’s alright. Don’t get into trouble because of me.”
And then your hand rested against his shoulders, making his heart beat so loud that Levi swore you could hear it. What was this? Why did your little innocent touch turn him all flustered?
Something about you just seems different. No, despite the fact that it is so wrong, despite being here only for a mission, his mind wanders to you every free second.
Even though you might be dead by now.
“I will leave after tonight”, he announced into darkness, your moonlit features making it hard for him to focus on staying serious.
Your lip began to tremble, glossy eyes darting towards him.
“What? But why do you have to leave? You just arrived…”
“I came here because I have a mission to accomplish, (y/n).”
“But you will return when you’re done, right?”
The hopeful tone in your voice killed him from the inside. Oh, how much he wished he could just take you with him, how much he’d love to have more time with you. But this is simply not possible.
His cold eyes glared at you through the darkness, desperately trying to keep his composure.
“I might never return to this place, (y/n).”
You felt like someone pulled the ground from beneath your feet. Within the last few weeks, you learned that Levi’s hard façade isn’t more than a trick. No, in fact, he carries a character made of pure gold.
You started to like him.
“Then I’ll find you wherever you’ll go.”
And you did. You never missed to write him letters. Levi can’t help but wonder how you did that, your elegant handwriting following him through the darkness of the night, lighting up his mood despite the situation he’s in. Yes, he looked forward hearing from you every single day.
Until the rumbling started.
Until he didn’t receive any letters from you anymore.
It broke his heart, waking up from his coma with all that was on his mind being your stunning smile.
“Did I receive any letters from her?”
“You mean (y/n)? No, not until it all started. She lived in the northern area of Marley so it’s very likely that…”
His heart shattered into a million pieces, dead eyes staring into the distance. Your beautiful smile, that promise you gave him the night before he left. The thought of you getting trampled to death…
“Don’t say it.”
“Hey, maybe she did it somehow. (y/n) is a smart woman. I’m sure she found a way out.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, shitty four-eyes. She’s dead.”
He has seen it all, countless people died in front of his very own eyes. Why would it be different this time? Why shouldn’t you of all people be taken away from him? A little spark of luck, a minor ray of sunshine in this sheer darkness.   
He leans back in his wheelchair, darkness consuming him all over again. You deserved so much better, your whole life was still ahead of you. In a world that never wanted you, you always kept your smile as bright as the sun. Despite the fact that they treated you like the dirt underneath their feet, despite how poorly the circumstances were, your smile beamed brighter than anything else.
“What would it give me to burry myself in sadness? I only have this one life, why not making the best of it?”
The best…
“Fuck!” he cries out, slamming a nearby book against the wall in frustration.
Why you? Why out of all the people, you are the one who had to lost her precious life? He never had the chance to tell you how he feels, how you turned his world upside down, that he survived for you.
Dear captain Levi (I love to call you that),
How are you? I hope your mission is going well and that you’ll return soon. I have some exciting news to share with you! After working so much over the last few weeks, I was finally able to buy myself a new dress! Although I wanted to get a white one because I know you love the colour, I bought a dark green one in honour of you. When you come back, we’ll be matching!
I miss you and our conversations late at night. Please tell me you and the others are okay.
In love,
That dark green dress he never got so see, the joy you fuelled inside of him despite being hundreds of miles away from him. God, how much he misses you. How much he fucking misses talking to you through the darkness of the night, to hear from the world through the unwavering veil of your optimism. What would he give to stretch out his hands after you for once, holding you tightly against his chest? It truly kills him from the inside, knowing he will never be able to hold your hand or kiss your lips tenderly, that you’ll never tell him old fairy tales anymore.
You were special. An angel in a world full of devils. Your word alone should have been enough to end every war in the blink of an eye. It definitely was enough to end the war inside himself.
“Captain Levi, will you assist me?”
“Stop calling me that, Onyankopon”, Levi mumbles, silently following the taller man into the heart of the city.
The war made the remaining 20% realize how precious being alive is only after their lives hanging on a thread. While the others carried on with their lives, Levi himself got stuck in this cursed city, the city he last saw you in. Returning to Paradis would mean giving up on you, giving up on the spell you put on him. And he simply can’t take it. Even though the whole town got destroyed by the merciless feet of titans, despite numerous people telling him than no one was able to escape, he always looked out for that dark green dress you described to him.
“Thank you”, a little girl giggles at him, eyes widen at the delicious sight of the lollipop in her hands.
All he can do is stare at the ground in front of her tiny feet with empty eyes. How nice it must be to have something to hold onto in times like these, after losing everything and everyone.
“Hey, can I get another one?”
“Don’t get greedy, young lady!”
That voice, that angelic voice almost reminds him of you. How long has it been since you last spoke to him? So long that the sound of your speech slowly fades in the back of his mind.
But that woman, that woman almost sounds like you. His gaze wanders up her dirty shoes, the hem of her green dress…
A green dress. Dark green, to be exact.
His eyes widen, his heart stops beating.
No, this can’t be. Is it a dream?
“Levi Ackerman? Is that you?”
His gaze darts towards your face, time stands still. Your facial features, your joyful eyes. It’s you, it has to be you. Without any doubt.
He can’t catch his breath, his orbs lingering over your delicate figure, your dark green dress.
That dark green dress.
Before he can stop himself, his eyes get glossy. It is really you. You’re standing in front of him, uninjured, just like you did before.
“Levi!”, you cry out.
In the matter of seconds, you kneel in front of him, hungry arms holding onto his frame for dear life. Oh god, how much you prayed to see that man again, how much you longed to finally be able to hold him in your arms.
“I never gave up hope. I always believed in your abilities and that you’ll return to me someday”, you mutter against his chest, your salty tears soaking through the fabric of his shirt.
“I thought you were dead.”
His voice isn’t more than a fade away whisper, hand running through your soft hair. He always wondered how it would feel against his fingertips. And now you’re here. In his arms, alive.
You are alive.
“I’m fine. I did leave this town just in time because I wanted to see you again. It was a close call, I almost got crushed but…I made it. I couldn’t leave after telling you the fairy tale about the fox and the rabbit, right?”
Silent tears stream down his face like a waterfall while you cry rivers against his chest. His whole life Levi was haunted by loss and grief. As if he was cursed, everyone around him seemed to die in front of his very eyes. Just after letting himself fall, after trusting someone, after gifting them his feelings…They just lost their lives like flies.
But you’re safe and sound, you look just like you did in his memory.
“I love you, (y/n). I should have told you this way sooner and I did all of this just to return to you.”
Your heart sinks in your chest, body overflowing with feelings. Without thinking twice, you press your lips against his scarred ones, letting yourself sink into his lap while your hands hold onto his face for dear life. This man right in front of you, the man who never left your mind, the man who risked his life to save yours. He survived. He survived and came back to you just like you always dreamed of.
“I love you too”, you shriek, smiling at him so widely with tears overflowing in your eyes that you make his world whole again.
“But as you see, I’m not the man you met back then…”, he begins, looking down his disabled body.
You shake your head vehemently, gently taking his hands into yours.
“All I see is the man I love and waited for”, you reply.
You wipe away your tears and a trail of snot in the most unladylike and precious way Levi ever witnessed before standing up and straighten your skirt with trembling hands.
“So now, what do you think? How do you like my now old new dress?” you croak.
You twirl around, making his life complete. This. This is exactly what he fought for, why he never gave up even after Hange dedicated her life. You standing in front of him in that dark green dress, smiling widely after he told you that he loves you.
This is all he ever wanted.
“You look lovely. Absolutely lovely, (y/n)”, he replies.
And for the first time since forever, a genuine smile is formed on his face.  
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cuverale · 1 year
can you do a insta au w gracie abrams as the face claim! any story line u want 💓
a/n: hope you like it! someone asked me to make an insta au about these rumors and I mixed it with this i hope you don’t mind! i’ll make second part for this.
Face claim: Gracie Abrams
part two
my girl - t.c
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liked by iansomerhalder, emmaroberts, henrycavill and 10,593,105 others
rollingstone we are back with our favorite lady yourusername!!! we had an amazing conversation (some questions we asked might be what you wondered 👀) don’t forget to check it out! Link in bio.
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yourusername 🩶
*liked by rollingstone
ynmybaby MY GIRLLLL
username994 wowza ❤️‍🔥
yourfan385 my girl looks so fine!!!!!
ynsbabygirl can’t believe timothee prefered some plastic over this masterpiece
randomuser wait what?? They broke up?!?!
yourfan593 yeah they broke up 2 weeks ago and now he is rumored to be dating kylie jenner since january. If that’s true that means timothee cheated on her
timmytimmy he would never do that
ynsbabygirl well, he would never date kylie too right? but now entertainmenttonight says they’re officially dating 🤷🏼‍♀️
kissmeyn mommy 🥵
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ynlndaily I really didn’t want to believe he would do something like that but idk if I can defend him anymore.
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username560 I can’t believe it
timmyfan04 This is just a PR but they’re talking badly about timmy :(
username94729 well, he shouldn’t let that happen then
tchalmtfann I won’t believe this shit until there is a valid proof or some pictures of them together
randomuser noooooooo
ynsbabygirl idk if this is true but if it is that means Y/n made the right decision
timmytimmy pls tell me this is a joke
timmyfan3 Timmy nooo
yourfan0 he looks like her son💀
ynmybaby I just watched Rolling Stone interview. They asked about her relationship with Timmy and she said they ended it on good terms, she said “We didn’t break up for any dramatic reasons, we were so busy with our careers and we didn’t have time for each other and the relationship wasn’t going well because of that so we decided to end it. We still care for each other.”
username59275 istg these celebs always break up for being so busy for relationship. Give me the real reason!!
kissmeyn yes you’re right about that but Y/n always explained why did she break up with all of her exes, she never lied once so you don’t have any right to say that for her
username59275 yeah, you’re right i guess
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tchalametdaily Timothée spotted in New York, filming a commercial for Chanel directed by Martin Scorsese.
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timmytimmy OH MY GOD 🥵
tchalafann mom, your girl is in love with this man
calametfan5 🛐
timmytea WAIT WHAT
timotheefan15 I’m sending you the link!!
username594 ME TOO PLS
timotheefan15 sure!
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enews After a video by jessielyn_ on TikTok went viral, everyone talks about newly ended relationship these two shared. Since Timothée still follows her on Instagram (he only follows one person and that’s her) and likes some of her posts, the fans are still hopeful for them.
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liked by tchalamet, johnnydepp, kidcudi and 13,395,296 others
yourusername So ready for you Coachella!
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yourusername I’ll be waiting hon 💋
yourfan385 SO EXCITED
florencepugh go girl!!!!!
pauline.chalamet ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
kissmeyn i love you so much it hurts 😭
timmytimmy you look stunning!!!!
tchalafann I wonder if Timmy will be there, he said he will definitely come before they broke up :/
randomuser what if he shows up with kylie 🤯
timotheefan494 he literally said he wasn’t dating her
randomuser oh right!
zendaya THAT’S MY GIRL
hero_ft you’re the reason I’m attending Coachella this year
henrycavill same.
username5947294 HENRY IS ATTENDING COACHELLA?????????
random_username THIS IS TOO MUCH 😭
tomholland2013 Let’s gooo!!!!
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tchalamet’s story
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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p — CHOI BEOMGYU x gn! reader. g — humor, fluff. w — swearing, beomgyu is embarrassing but that's nothing new with my recent works. 1.6k words.
note — inspired by this post. i'm supposed to be studying rn.
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everyone in your department knows that choi beomgyu is not to be trusted.
no, it’s not like he scams people with overpriced products on the university buy and sell forum. he doesn’t give you wrong answers during tests to fuck you over. he isn’t seeing multiple people at once behind their backs like a shitty fuckboy, either.
but when choi beomgyu tells you that there’s a buy one take one promo at the coffee shop near campus, you should probably think twice before rallying your friends over because of your shared coffee addiction. it’s the reason why hueningkai showed up to a department party last month wearing a penguin costume when the theme was business-casual. it’s the reason why choi yeonjun sends a string of curses to the group chat bi-weekly because he’s told that there’s a quiz today, only to arrive at an empty classroom.
it’s all harmless. it’s all fun and games and for a good laugh— but nevertheless, everyone knows to think twice before listening to the honeyed words that fall from choi beomgyu’s mouth. the problem is, the bastard is charismatic and he knows it. “he’s weaponizing his pretty face like a motherfucking gun,” you mentioned to soobin one time. so even if people are ware that he’s slimy little bitch that likes to fuck around a lot, they still listen to what he says. even when in doubt.
well, they’re all fucking stupid.
“hey, let’s compare hand sizes!”
and you refuse to be branded as a gullible idiot, too.
the sandwich you’re having for lunch suddenly feels dry on your tongue. “gimme your hand,” he insists, and you narrow your eyes at him. what...what the fuck is this bastard trying to do? “i wanna know whose is bigger.”
now, that’s a familiar line. it almost made your heart flutter when he’s batting his eyes at you so expectantly with that pretty face of his from across the cafeteria table, the fingers of his right palm outstretched and ready to catch yours upon your consent.
almost. but there’s no way in hell you’re humoring his dumb ass.
“sure,” you respond. and, after wiping your lips with a napkin, offer out your open palm for him in the air.
his face brightens— a tiny smile pulling at his lips.
beomgyu reaches out for your hand. before he can press his palms against yours, you quickly fold it into a middle finger.
it’s almost funny how his expression quickly tumbles into despair.
“eat shit, motherfucker.”
you clean up your tray and leave your dumbfounded friend behind. you have no idea what his intentions with that was, but you aren’t risking making a fool out of yourself at the suggestion that beomgyu might be trying to (pathetically) hit on you. he’s probably just concocting some more mischief— especially since you’re one of the people he has yet to victimize with his dumb jokes.
so you’re not surprised when he makes another attempt. but what you don’t understand is why he keeps trying to hold your hand.
“booooring. this class is so boring.”
he’s sitting next to you inside the lecture hall. so far, not that out of the ordinary. you do your best to catch up with your professor’s discussion, but from the corner of your eyes you see beomgyu finally giving up and melting his head into the desk, burying his face into his arms. “this sucks,” he muffles, before craning his head and you can feel him staring at you from below. “aren’t you bored?”
“i’m trying to pay attention, beomgyu.”
“pay attention to me,” he whines. “i’m bored. let me scribble on your hand to pass—”
“please shut the fuck up.”
at some point, it’s starting to confuse you more than annoy you. all signs lead to a boy simply trying to get the attention of his crush, but this is choi beomgyu you’re talking about. you just can’t trust him. not even when he always tries to follow you around in the hallways. not even when he drops a warm latte at your desk every 7AM class.
“i know how to do palm reading. do you wanna—”
“i’m not superstitious,” you immediately put up your shield to his spear. “thanks for the coffee.”
you really don’t understand him.
“there was a hit and run incident yesterday. you should hold onto me just to be—”
“red light. let’s go.”
you seriously don’t fucking get him.
“aaaah! i’m falling! grab my hand, i’m falling to my death!”
what the hell is he trying to do?!
“beomgyu, it’s a four-foot deep pool,” you deadpan, face flushed and it’s definitely not just from the heat of the sun. he perishes into the water with a splash. my god, what’s going on with him? you shake your head, trying to ward off an incoming headache. 
really. if this wasn’t beomgyu doing this shit, you’d be a hundred-percent convinced that he’s trying to make a move on you. that he likes you and is trying his stupidest to catch your attention. but it is beomgyu, and everyone knows he can’t be trusted unless you want to be laughed at. being this week’s joke isn’t on your bucket list. so no matter how many more attempts he’s going to make, you will be impenetrable. you will not be fooled.
that is until he shows up all serious in front of your classroom the next week. 
students are pouring out from the door, and you’re a heavy obstacle from their rush to go home because for some reason, choi beomgyu is there— also obstructing the traffic flow in the hallway. 
“what is it now?” you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the worryingly large bouquet he has in his arms. “are your hands cold? do you want me to hold them to keep you warm?”
“that would be nice,” he replies. you seriously want to hit him. “but, no. that’s not what i’m here for. i decided that it might be best to stop asking for your hand because you might actually punch me this time.” this is a public area, you’d like to remind him. and that dangerously constructed statement of his is eliciting murmurs from the passersby surrounding you. you feel your face flush. 
“if you phrase it like that, people are going to get the wrong idea.”
“let them misunderstand, i don’t really care,” he shrugs. “what i care about is clearing up the misunderstanding between you and me. i don’t think we’ve been on the same page for the past few weeks.”
you furrow your brows. “what are you getting at?”
“taehyun told me that you think i’ve just been fucking around with you,” he says. “and i have to admit that i definitely have nothing to blame but myself and my reputation. but i want to tell you that i have been seriously, seriously serious about you.”
“sure,” you snort. “i definitely trust you, beomgyu.”
he frowns. “dammit, taehyun was right. you really don’t trust me.”
what did he expect? for the past year and a half that you’ve known him, he’s been nothing but unserious and troublesome. beomgyu brings mischief wherever he goes and you don’t want to make a misstep and be caught in that shitstorm— not even when your heart is racing a little too fast for comfort at the moment. not even when those flowers actually look really pretty.
“but i expected this. i’ve come prepared,” beomgyu tells you. what is it this time? you exhale. had he been normal, you might’ve trusted him at his first attempt to shoot his shot with you. “i’ve come to the conclusion that in order to get your trust, i need to stop messing around with everyone. and that begins with being completely, absolutely, unapologetically honest.”
again, this is a public area. people are staring and you’re starting to get a bad feeling.
“i’m in love with you.”
holy shit.
“i’ve been in love with you ever since taehyun introduced us to each other, i think.”
there’s fire somewhere. 
“that was over a year ago!”
that somewhere is your face.
“yeah, and?” he raises a brow. “that means i’ve liked you for over a year. i can do the math. i’m not stupid.” you want to throw yourself into a ditch and die.
“beomgyu, tell me you’re kidding.” not even your hands can fan out the inferno overtaking your face right now. somehow, there’s a lot more people around you than you remember, and while you’re suffering from a sudden onslaught of unprovoked feelings, beomgyu looks relatively unfazed. “you can’t be serious. if you’ve liked me for that long, then why haven’t you done anything until recently?!”
“funny story,” he starts. there is nothing funny about this at all. “i didn’t think i had a chance until soobin hyung told me you thought i was pretty the other week.”
soobin, that fucking rat. 
the context wasn’t even a positive one! you said he was using his pretty face for evil!
like what he’s doing now.
the words get stuck in your throat when you notice that beomgyu actually looks earnest. he’s not smiling or laughing— but patiently waiting for you to say something in response. your mouth is dry. your ribcage is shaking. it doesn’t fucking help that there’s three dozen people watching the scene unfold. couldn’t he have chosen a more appropriate place to pour his fucking heart out?
“you know what, let’s go.”
it’s an act of impulse. you quickly grab him by the hand and lead him away from the crowded hallway with hurried steps. “damn,” he says, trailing from behind you. “i didn’t have to try and convince you this time.”
what’s ironic is that this is the most honest you’ve ever felt of him. his palms are clammy and slipping through your fingers. he’s making jokes, but his desperate squeeze is telling you more than what he’s actually saying. “everyone knows to think twice before listening to me. but everyone also now knows that i’m pretty much in love with you, so that’s a win for me.”
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THE BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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ratedfleur · 5 months
i'm obsessed with scream rn and i'm thinking abt ghostface!wonyoung.. that woman is so—[gunshots]
I JUST NEED TO SCREAM RNNNNN!!!!! also i feel like this is messy so! and i added this post i saw on x which pretty much gave me an idea for this request soooo 😁
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🔞 under the cut: bloody themes, ghostface, knives, blood.
okay so ghostface!wonyoung right? i just thought of her being a part of the photography club and she’d be the president because of her experience and portfolios. one thing about wonyoung and her works is that they were either gore themed or bloody.
her co-members praised her for her creative eye, always capturing her art in such a captivating way. the backdrop would be so simple and yet it would send a shiver up your spine once you saw her model. her models would be women and only women, her model would be unclothed as she lied on the floor, eyes all drained out with no signs of life with her body covered up in blood.
“oh no, it’s just that my models are just good at what they do.” wonyoung smiles when one of the members compliment her work, pointing out parts and bits that they liked meanwhile wonyoung simply listened and agreed.
“you need to send me at least one of their numbers, i need to shoot with them too.” sunghoon commented as he nudged wonyoung’s arm. the woman laughs as she shook her head, “they only work for me, oppa.” she chuckles.
you knew something was up, it was eerie how the ghostface reports would be put up in the newspapers right at the same time that wonyoung would send her portfolios in for approval.
nobody batted an eye, everyone had their own suspicions on who the ghostface was and their fingers would never point wonyoung.
deciding to follow wonyoung after she left the building, you trailed behind her merely a few steps away, close and yet far enough for wonyoung not to notice you. your strides become bigger as wonyoung picks up the pace as she crossed the street, head high as people looked her way.
feeling your phone buzz in your pocket, you take it out as you answered your phone, “hello? no, i’m home. i’m just busy with the club, i don’t have a portfolio for the month so i’ll call—“ you say before someone pulls your arm, pushing you into a dark alleyway. a hand quickly snatches your phone and slams it on the floor, making you gasp as you looked up and saw wonyoung standing in front of you, eyes staring right into your soul as she looked down on you.
"why the fuck are you following me around, ____?" wonyoung spat at you as she stared you down, eyes piercing and terrifying as you looked up at her with your own shaky ones. you blinked profusely as you tried to look for a way out, "i-i.." "you what, you little rat?" wonyoung spat once more.
seeing that you were unable to speak, wonyoung scoffs as she corners you into the wall, head still held up high as she looked down on you, “it’s because you’re jealous of me, huh? you want to be president of the club that’s why you’re trying to look for holes in my career.” wonyoung smiles sinisterly, orbs of brown shining with something else.
“it’s not like that—“ you say before she interrupts you once more, “then what the fuck is it, ____?” wonyoung replies as her face falls into a stoic expression.
“what? are you curious about how i work? is that how desperate you’ve become to try and beat me?” wonyoung exclaims, throwing her hands in the air like a maniac as she cackled— then her face falls flat, eyes no longer full of any life.
unable to respond, you watched as wonyoung silently turned around before she faced you. to your horror, thee ghostface was standing in front of you, “what if i tell you that all of those models were my victims?” the voice says— real voice hidden and morphed through the voice box in the mask.
“do you want to be next since you’re that curious?” ghostface says to you as she takes a knife out of her black coat, the knife shines under the white light in the alleyway, tip sharp enough to cut after one soft touch.
gulping a ball of saliva, you start to panic once wonyoung ghostface starts to walk over to you, knife facing you as she came close. you gasp when you feel it poking your shirt, close enough for you to feel it’s presence.
“stay silent about your little discovery and i’ll step down from president, take it for all i fucking care." ghostface says as she fiddles with the knife’s handle, making the tip nip a small cut on your shirt when she pushes it slightly. ghostface reaches up to push her mask up, revealing wonyoung’s face once more, “got it?” wonyoung says firmly as you nodded, eyes brimming with tears as her knifes digs past your shirt and into your skin, leaving a cut on your stomach.
“good.” wonyoung says as she stashes her knife back into her coat and her mask back into her bag, she steps away from you with her eyes full of fury and warning as she leaves you in the alley, knees all shaky before you fell to the ground, still in disbelief about what occurred.
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fortemelody · 1 month
here’s some things i noticed/wondered/loved:
- i think in that scene where tom is on the ground yelling for sonic, he is wearing a special forces suit. maybe he upgraded from cop to working with gun?? if so i think that’s a really good use of his character actually! he wanted to save a life and raise a family above all else yes, but he still got his previous dream of doing more serious cop work!
- shadow just. has a big ass portal?? like holy shit he’s just suckin the life outta earth and ig that’s one way to do it (or maybe it’s just a ring and i’m stupid idek)
- i’m sure we’ll learn more about this in the actual movie so i’m not too worried, but i’m super confused at the very beginning scene. apparently sonic didn’t change his heart…but he did tho? like he learned what being a true hero meant in the last movie. tbh i feel like that’s enough but hey i’m not against more character development for our boy so!! (also that bit where he’s like “in my lungs” was actually really funny to me, ben schwartz’ awesome delivery caught me off guard)
- GERALD ROBOTNIK ALIVE HUUUUH?! tbh i would’ve preferred if maria was alive, i feel like that would be an interesting dynamic. but also ig that would make it harder for shadow to learn anything so i totally get it. anyways i’m just glad they’re putting a little twist on the story, it keeps it interesting. they already sorta did that with the knuckles and iblis thing actually! (even if that show sucked ass and although that probably wasn’t intentional 😭)
- even tho bro only got like… 3 lines, i really think keanu fits shadow. he’s very soft spoken in comparison to the rest of the case which feels nice. also he’s like the “really bad” guy so ofc he’s not gonna be yappin on and on like sonic or robotnik and he’s gonna take things uber seriously.
- where was my girl maddie :( i think she was only in like a singular frame. hope shes in the movie a somewhat significant amount. i heart pretzel lady!! could live without wade tho like pls im so sick of his bowling soap opera 💀
- FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK FAT ROBOTNIK!!! after fucking 3 movies they finally fulfilled jim carrey’s wishes!! let the man get creative like please i love jim carrey sm aughdfhfnfmschxj. also love how we got so much stobonik content within that short scene like jesus come get y’all’s food
- shadow at one point says something along the lines of “when we’re done, there won’t be anything left.” maybe i’m reading WAY to into this but what does the “we’re” part mean?? is he working with others? i feel like this is either gonna be team dark or some new movie exclusive character(s). edit: someone made a valid point that he’s actually probably referring to gerald (look at reblogs!)
-CHAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lowkey wonder if the room therye in is like an amusement park or somethin like that
- no sign of amy :( but honestly my prediction now is that she’s gonna be the post credit scene teaser cus they always do a new character reveal there. first tails, then shadow. and honestly now i think it might be better that way so shadow can have a chance to breathe and show his story in full. i’m pretty sure i vaguely remember colleen (tails’ VA) being kinda mysterious about amy’s appearance when asked, and also the fact that it was confirmed that this isn’t the end of the movie franchise/universe. but ig we’ll just have to wait and see!
so sorry i stated this yesterday morning to give my initial thoughts but then got busy and completely forgot to post/finish it. and today i started (and am close to finishing) a very long edit of the trailer, so be on the look out for that too!
genuinely i feel like this movie is gonna somehow be even more record breaking than any of the previous movies and i am so here for the hype 🙏
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yawntu · 2 years
ASS OR TITS FOR THE ATWOW GUYS RN IM BEGGING IT CAN BE QUICK 💳💥💳💥💳💥 Rotxo, Aonung, Neteyam and Lo’ak please please please
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a/n: alright, i’m going to be hearing you out this time. I was working on a totally different request about these specific guys so if that one’s yours too I promise it’ll be done by the end of the night but I got a little carried away with how each of them feel about your tongue ring and it’s way longer than this. This ask was quicker for me and I could publish it while I ate a little snack (this took me less then a half hour and I did it while I ate I promise i’ll get around to editing and proofreading LMAO). Fem body descriptions to fit the nature of the prompt. warning: tumblr mobile eats the end of my fucking posts for some reason
pairing(s): Ao’nung x f!Reader, Neteyam x f!Reader, Rotxo x f!Reader, Lo’ak x f!Reader
word count: ~ 100 words each
warnings: NSFW / MDNI. Female bodily descriptions, Spicy but not extremely explicit smut, Fondling, Public display of affection / public play (Ao’nung), Breeding? (Ao’nung), Impact play (Neteyam), Rough doggy (Rotxo), Analingus if u squint (Rotxo), Nipple play (Lo’ak), lmk if I miss pls I suck at warnings
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꧁ Ao’nung: Can not help but love your boobs. Everything about them. Between their shape, the intoxicating weight of them in his palms, and the fact that they'll feed his kids one day it is obvious why he would obsess over them. These reasons are all valid in his mind, but more importantly to him- other people notice them as well. He can't help but make sure you know they belong to him.
Everyone thinks Ao'nung is an ass man and while I'm sure Ao'nung loves pulling you back by your pretty little tail so he can listen to the sound of your pretty ass bounce against his thick thighs and toned lower stomach- but Ao'nung is a boob man. There's something hypnotizing about the way the fat of your breasts bounces anytime you jump into the water or the way your colorful little tops always rise from your breasts when you convince him to play in said water with you on your shared downtime.
He can't help wrapping one of his big palms around them- squishing and kneading at the flesh anytime he finds the chance. Not only does he get to squeeze your very pretty boobs, but he also gets to hear the pretty annoyed whine you always give him. Some half-hearted comment about how people could see what he was doing. As if Ao'nung could possibly care what anyone thinks; it's bold of you to act as if you do not know that his favorite thing in all of Pandora is leaving wine-stained bruises all over the expanse of your tits for everyone to see.
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꧁ Neteyam: loves everything about you, he couldn’t possibly favor one part of your pretty little body could he?
How can he pick? If someone had told him to choose the best part of your body or die he might just have to say a prayer and meet Eywa. He spends a concerning amount of time thinking about groping at every inch of you. Out of all of the people in Pandora, he is definitely the most enamored with you. So enamored he genuinely does not have a conscious preference. If he reflects on the way he naturally reacts to your body though, he would have to say that he was an ass man.
What can he say? He grew up with pretty strict rules and his own self-imposed regulations. Something is just so satisfying when either on purpose or accidentally, you break said rules. He relishes in the domineering feeling that blossoms in his wide chest and sinks down into his twitching stomach as he gets to toss you down over his legs. Relish in the sharp sound of his smack at the round of your ass while you blabbed and moaned about how sorry you were. Neteyam can never bring himself to truly listen to you though. Too busy watching your skin change colors for him at the command of his controlled strikes.
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꧁ Rotxo: is the most ass man to ever appreciate ass. You can convince him to do just about anything if you bend over and flick your tail at him.
It's embarrassing how quickly he'll say ass. He's obsessed with it. He can't even hide it from your close circle of friends. Unapologetically zoned out, swaying back and forth on the balls of his feet as he watches your pretty little form walk down the beach and away from him. It's why he is so enthusiastically ruthless when he's got your frame bent over in front of him in doggy. Eyes feasting on the ripple of your ass as he slams into you. He can't even hear how you beg him to slow down over the clap of your ass and the thud of his own heart in his blushing ears. He swears the undulation of the way the skin ripples against the force of him makes you prettier than the sea herself.
Walking next to you just doesn't feel right if he isn't grasping at the fat of your hips or thighs. He has to force himself to be decent in public, but to him, it's just not fair. Why would his mate have such a nice ass if it wasn't for him to hold? Eywa forbid he isn't laying his head on the plump of your ass any time you lay on your stomach, it's to make up for how little he can touch you during the day. He'll bite, lick, and paw at it all night if you'd let him.
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꧁ Lo’ak: Knows what he likes. He doesn't hide how much he likes you, but you know how much he likes loving you in the privacy of your own home. There's nothing that gets him through the day quite like knowing he gets to lay down with your boobs in his face and you're sweet enough to let him use you how he wants.
Tits. He'd have to put a lot of thought into it because to anyone who has ever had the misfortune of watching the two of you interact would have sworn your mate was utterly obsessed with the fat of your ass considering how often his hands were attached to it. Lo'ak is not shy in the slightest with you, so playful smacks and grabs are commonplace no matter where you happen to be bent over. That, however, is only what he lets people see. This was only him being considerate of those forced to endure being in the same area as the two of you.
What people do not know however, is the second the two of you are wrapped in the comfort of privacy his pretty plump lips are almost always leaving sloppy open-mouth kisses up the expanse of your pretty azure chest and toying your nipples with his tongue until his spit is dripping off of you. He can't help but find comfort in listening to the flutter of your erratic heartbeat and your pretty little sighs as he tries his very best to make you cum just like that. It helps him unwind from his often busy days and it even helps you relax and drift off to sleep. How is he meant to spend a single night without your pretty boobs in his mouth?
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diorsluv · 7 months
die for you , part 2
“ no point in turning off the lights ”
series m. list previous chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by ilia_quadg0d_malinin, lhughes_06, jpav8, and 299,193 others
yourusername i flew all the way to virginia to try pairs skating with him.. then we got forced into a mock comp. NEVER AGAIN.
(photo evidence of him death glaring me when i asked him to carry my luggage 5 feet into the house)
tagged: ilia_quadg0d_malinin
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username26 first post in so long that trev HASN’T liked 😭😭
→ yourusername no 🤬
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin AGAIN?? last time i didn’t drop her on her face it was just her head 😔
_alexturcotte it’s the next vasilisa and valeriy in the making
→ yourusername how the hell do you know who they are????
→ _alexturcotte i’ve been doing my research 😈
→ yourusername then maybe you’ll be a better skating partner because CLEARLY it isn’t ilia
→ yourusername THAT’S A FAMILY LIE I SWEAR
→ yourusername they like to bring up my past trauma… 😔
jackhughes someone’s a little jealous
→ username84 😟
→ username55 TREVOR?
→ username93 mhmm and who are we talking about here let’s be REALLLL specific 🤨
username44 all trevor’s friends are dropping the fattest hints rn
username92 AWWW yall are so cute
→ yourusername no not cute i think he’s trying to murder me
matt9duchene you better come back home before we play the ducks
→ yourusername I WILL I WILL don’t worry 😔
→ hhinee i know you wouldn’t want to miss that oppurtunity
→ yourusername i won’t miss it i swear
mush__27 don’t put the poor kid to labor
→ yourusername ur right.. if he couldn’t lift my luggage how could i expect him to lift me up on the ice
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin stop calling me weak 💔
miroheiskanen hold on is he the guy you’re talking about?
→ yourusername WHAT NO i would never date his ass
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin when did this turn into you bullying me
username3 i’m sensing a glitch in the matrix why hasn’t trevor liked the post
→ username76 he’s too busy being jealous of ilia 💀
username34 ilia looks so done
username20 we need you to perform the routine RN
jasonrob19 your mom was looking at my phone and now she’s asking if you got severely hurt
→ yourusername yes i got really really severely hurt and i need motherly assistance rn
jamiebenn14 this isn’t the boyfriend?
→ yourusername NO HE’S NOT 😭😭
→ wyattjohnston_ it’s the other ice sport
→ tseguin92 speed skating??
→ logan.stankoven no the OTHER other ice sport
→ jpav8 ice soccer?
→ t.harley48 the other OTHER other ice sport
→ matt9duchene ohhhh curling?
→ yourusername oh my god…
colecaufield blink twice if you’re being held hostage
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin BLINK BLINK
→ yourusername he’s just trying to get attention
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin ????
username47 tell me you’re considering doing pairs again 🙏🙏
→ yourusername idk about that one… (please god no)
nickrobertson01 remember when you fell on top of me and almost cracked my head open when we were kids
→ yourusername remember when i said i have 10x more blackmail on you than you do on me 😍
→ jasonrob19 actually i’m the one with all the blackmail
→ yourusername shhh you know nothing
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liked by jackhughes, colecaufield, yourusername, and 292,268 others
trevorzegras 🦆🦆
view all comments
jackhughes numero 11 stays on top 😮‍💨
→ colecaufield 22 is arguably better
→ _alexturcotte u just doubled the number bro
→ colecaufield bc i’m doubly better???
→ trevorzegras uhhh is that even a word
username31 is trevor in his aesthetic era???
username97 i love the ducks but their jersey is such a jumpscare
yourusername let’s go fucks
liked by trevorzegras
→ yourusername oh my god i meant ducks
→ yourusername there goes my reputation
→ colecaufield i love the anaheim fucks 🔥
→ ilia_quadg0d_malinin i wasn’t gonna comment on the post but.. how’d you manage to screw up this badly
→ _alexturcotte tell me you’re stupid without telling me you’re stupid
→ trevorzegras LMFAO that’s cute
username25 bro really thought he could sneak in that lipstick stain pic
→ username72 more evidence that him and lacey r dating fr
mush__27 excited to play you next week!
→ trevorzegras thanks man
username2 oh lord the stars are commenting now
colecaufield when you come to montreal we’re gonna have a nice long chat in a dark closet where there’s nowhere to hide
→ trevorzegras oh
→ trevorzegras again?
→ colecaufield “again”????
→ _alexturcotte oh it’s okay i already did that 🤗
wyattjohnston_ 🦆
→ trevorzegras ⭐️
_quinnhughes i hope you know i’m praying on your downfall
→ trevorzegras i’ll be forever grateful. 😐
username67 they gotta be fucking on the dl
username21 tell me she’s not getting railed after every game like hello?? insta interactions don’t lie ❌
→ username50 that’s so specific.. 😰
jamie.drysdale we will we will quack you ‼️
→ trevorzegras ducks wannabe 🙄🙄
→ jamie.drysdale okay i see how it is..
lhughes_06 $200 is on the line dude
→ trevorzegras you’re the ones placing bets it’s not my fault if you lose all your money 🤷‍♂️
→ jackhughes $250 now cuz u mentioned it to him 🙄
→ _quinnhughes i’m gonna be SO unbelievably rich
anaheimducks and when did you go on a cruise?
→ trevorzegras 🤫
→ anaheimducks 🧏‍♂️
→ masonmctavish23 please for the love of god stop mewing it’s not funny
tseguin92 i got my eye on you kid
notes ) ew ew ew i don’t like it but it is what it is
tags: @dancerbailey3 @lexihowardsgf @bunbunbl0gs
157 notes · View notes
licorice-tea · 5 months
Seaside Rendezvous
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x reader
Content: fluff, a little angst, unrequited feelings/ miscommunication, not rlly unrequited
Word Count: 0.6k
A/N: Heyyyyyy….. it’s been a while, huh? life has been busy and difficult and amazing and everything in between, but i just wanted to post something (even if i feel like it’s not my best work😓) i might be more active after like 2 weeks, but it’s also finals season rn :o anyway, miss you guys and miss writing! looking forward to getting back into tumblr, and i hope you enjoy!
It’s a clear and overwhelmingly blue sort of day. You walk along the beach, beneath a cloudless sky, which creates calm waters to push gently foaming waves onto the shoreline. They soak your feet while you amble on, shoes in one hand and a single bag of groceries in the other. And Sanji’s signature blue pinstripe shirt makes him look even more picturesque than usual- a perfect man against a perfect backdrop.
He’s less than an arms distance to your right, with at least 4 bags in each hand, plus a tote under his arm. But you feel there is no point in offering to hold a few, since he had already refused when you initially left the market. That was half an hour ago, and you’ve been merely contemplating your feelings up till now. You’ve always felt something for Sanji, it’s just hard to say what exactly. He flirts so shamelessly and often that understanding your own emotions is nearly impossible. Are they a matter of genuine affection (beyond friendship), or simply flare-ups of lust inspired by how much he seems to want you?
Even if you could know how you truly feel for Sanji, your longtime crew mate and friend, it wouldn’t matter for that very reason. If anything, it might be worse to know how real your affections for him are than it is to continue pushing them to the back of your mind silent, contemplative moments.
But Sanji makes that impossible, too.
“What’s on your mind?”
Your eyes leave the sand to meet his mirth- crinkled eyes. “Nothing, why?”
He manages to shrug beneath the weight of the groceries. “You were being quiet, that’s all.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Don’t be, dearest.”
You avert your eyes before mumbling, “Are you sure you don’t want help with those bags?”
“I don’t need help, but thank you. And,” he smiles a little brighter, “I’d hate to ever burden you, love.”
“Sanji, don’t say things like that.”
“Oh? I thought you enjoyed my terms of endearment for you.”
You shake your head no. “Not if they aren’t serious.”
Sanji’s expression turns from content, to confused, then surprised, while he slowly comes to a stop. Once you’ve notice he’s no longer walking by your side, you turn back in time to see him finally settle on a gleeful smile.
“You’d like it… if you knew I was serious?”
“W-Well… I guess, yeah. Not that I-“
“Because I am serious about you. I always have been, really.”
Now you’re the one who’s confused. “What?”
He rushes to drop the groceries, followed by the tote bag on his shoulder, and approaches you. Sanji guides you to drop your own load, too, before taking your hands in his.
“Would you be mine?”
“Sanji, you’re being ridiculous now…”
“I’m being genuine. Why, you don’t want to?”
“Well I mean, I would if I could, but I can’t. We can’t.” You let go of his hands and pick up your shoes and singular grocery bag, then straighten up and look into his eyes. He smiles sadly, and you just smile back before walking on.
He knows you don’t mean to hurt his feelings, especially since you seem to barely believe that said feelings for you could be real or serious. But it does hurt a little. Sanji sighs as he picks up his bags. He follows you and watches your hair bounce with your steps.
For now, he’d have to be content with letting his imagination run away with thoughts of loving you.
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tastesousweet · 10 months
⭒ vampire love
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chris sturniolo x fem!reader
summary : they were each others’ go-to hookup in highschool, chris is back in town and y/n surprises him at his window. based on “vampire love” by yung bruh.
warnings : basically pure smuttttt :P & they’re both just whiney and horny idk. they get fluffy at the end tho
mickey speaks : uhhhh 1st post & im showing my whorism already !!!! oops
Y/N - 12:56 AM
are u home?
yea i landed this morning
u never told me ☹️☹️
i know it was a busy day for me
i’m sorry
well wyd right now?
texting u 😘
cornball. go back to LA
nah im actually just sitting here watching
family guy in nick’s room
tell nick i say hi aw
i missed u guys
i missed you bruh
i wanna see u but i don’t want u
leaving the house this late for me
i’ll def come see you tomorrow tho
oh??? that’s crazy bc i would get
“come over” texts from u at 3 am
in highschool 😭😭
like who am i speaking to rn
a gentleman tf🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️!!!
message laughed at by Y/N !
Y/N - 1:23 AM
you still watching tv?
nah i’m in my room now
oh ok
i’m at your house????
window …😊😊
chris immediately shuffles from his bed over to his window, seeing you with your face illuminated by your phone light.
he smiles and goes to text you,
what r u waiting for?? get up here
he looks back to see you roll your eyes in response and begin to move the same ladder you used in highschool over to chris’ window.
chris pries open the window with his bottom lip comfortably tucked in his mouth. he peeks his head out and can’t help but commentate on your situation as you focus heavily on making it up the rickety ladder. “she couldn’t wait twelve hours to see her man, wow. i must be something special, huh?”
you move your focus from your careful footsteps, up to chris, with a smug look and fuckass hat on his head. “maybe she was just a little horny and very bored.”
“she could’ve gone to sleep like someone normal.” he teases more, leaning back as she’s now made it up to his level.
he reaches his hand out and helps her into his room, “does he not want to fuck her or…?” she tilts her head and watches chris close his window.
“shut up,” he laughs a little walking towards her and pulling her into a hug (he makes sure to hold the sides of your bare hips that you purposely have on display, just so you know he saw and he appreciates it) which you embrace deeply. “hottest bitch alive,” he laughs into your hair.
you push him away, laughing at the old inside joke (before anything had happened between the two of you chris took a hit or two from a joint sophomore year of highschool and revealed his attraction to you, declaring you “the hottest bitch alive,” and of course you teased him but none the less took it as a compliment).
he hooks his hand on the waist band of your small shorts before you can get far, pulling you back and laying a soft, short kiss on your lips.
your head is at an angle looking up to him and the corners of your mouth begin to upturn as you chase his initial kiss with another and another, building passion with every connection.
he deepens the kiss while moving backwards towards the black couch at the foot of his bed. upon reaching it you push him gently causing him to fall back onto the plush surface. he draws his hand across his now wet lips as a smirk crosses his face.
chris pats his lap anticipating your willing obedience, only for you to step back and remove your teddy bear slippers you hadn’t gotten the chance to take off yet. he chuckles a little and removes his hat, throwing it behind him onto his bed, and moving his arm to rest behind his head as he lazily watches your every move.
your loose tank top and lack of bra leave little to imagine as you walk back towards him and crawl onto his lap. you try not to let the dopey grin that’s etched on his mouth effect you too much as you move his hands to hold your ass.
he begins to kiss you again, a little harder than before and adding the aspect of his tongue to explore parts of your mouth he hadn’t seen in some time. your hands ghost up his neck and one hand holds there while the other moves to his cheek.
you begin grinding yourself against his lap and he disconnects your lips to hiss at the sensation before kissing up and down your neck slowly.
girl lay yo body down on that fuckin couch
when you begin to moan lowly and grind yourself harder chris lifts you off of his lap and lays you on the couch, now hovering over you.
you’re annoyed by the loss of stimulation and groan, “come backk.” you pull at his white wife beater and chase his lips with your own.
“shhh” he whispers against your pouted lips, dragging himself down to settle on the floor below you, guiding his face between your legs and making them fall on either side of his head.
open up your legs i’m gon’ work my mouth
you whimper and suck your bottom lip in your mouth when he starts to leave kisses and nibbles on your inner thighs. he’s carefully avoiding your clothed center, taking his time loving on you.
“chris,” you let out a breathy whine and reach for his hand, bold enough to place it right at your lower tummy and waistband of your tiny fucking shorts.
chris hums against your center, finally looking up at you with droopy, infatuated eyes. you caress his hand to encourage him to adventure further into your heat.
as much as he loves to tease, his fingers curl and grip the waistband as his fingers dance along the small string of your thong. he smiles at the thought of you putting it on just for him tonight.
“baby, please,” you whine again, louder.
try not to make a sound this my momma house
he kisses the space between your center and thigh, the closest he’s gotten to where you need him most at this point. “shhh, i’ll give you what you want. jus’ gotta be quiet, ‘kay?” he mews before he presses a gentle kiss to your clothed cunt.
you just about sob and fight the urge to push your shorts to the side and force his head down yourself.
he finally sits back on his legs, moving his hands slowly up your legs. “god damn, you’re so precious,” he rasps with a smile as he slowly lowers your shorts down your legs.
“just for you,” you breathe when he’s finally pulls your shorts off and throws them behind him.
“how sweet,” he kisses your ankle before hooking it over his shoulder. chris stares up at you before his eyes flick down to your dripping core, leaving a wet spot at the center of your tiny thong.
he groans at the sight and uses his right hand to pull the cloth to the side as his left hand rubs across your lower stomach leaving butterflies in its path. he moves his index finger through your soaked folds causing you to let out a hushed yet sharp moan.
chris uses your sound of pleasure as encouragement when he dips his tongue into you continuously. when you start to buck into his face he uses his arm to hold your leg (that’s not over his shoulder) down against the couch.
your soft moans are harmonious and you watch as chris closes his eyes and begins to fully enjoy licking at your core. he moves to kiss your thigh again, replacing his mouth with his fingers entering in and out of you slowly. you watch him as he focuses on his fingers’ every move and enjoys his front row viewing of your body’s appreciation of him.
he blissfully lays his cheek on your inner thigh when you bring your hand down to his face and comb through his hair to pull his attention back to your face rather than your pussy.
he shifts his eyes up and you draw your finger across his swollen bottom lip. he slowly smiles at you before speaking, “wanna cum, hmm?”
and to his surprise you shake your head no and begin to take his fingers out of you and bring them up to your mouth.
chris lets out a whiney moan and drags himself up to be face to face with you as you swirl your tongue around his fingers, tasting every bit of yourself. “so fucking hot.” he whispers and replaced his fingers with a rough kiss to your mouth.
you wrap your legs around his waist and hook your arms around his neck while he continues to kiss you. you can feel him moving underneath you to grind his hardened center against the couch cushion so you pull away from him and tell him to sit down instead.
he nods his head and you both trade positions; your face now level with his lower half just as his once was with your own.
you run your hands up his covered legs and towards his hard center and begin to stroke him through his sweats. he lets out a relieved breath as he watches you and anticipates your descent further.
you adjust your position and pull down his boxers and sweatpants just far enough that you can pull out his pulsing member. chris throws his head back and covers his eyes with his hands at the sensation of your thumb circling his sensitive head.
that bitch gon’ give me top, that’s without a doubt
you pump long, slow strokes along his cock while starring up at him hazily. you begin to feel annoyed by his lack of eye contact and pull his attention by guiding him into your mouth.
chris lets a choked moan escape and looks down to you, with a mouthful of his dick and glossy eyes, looking back up at him. his mouth is hung open subconsciously as he fights back his own excessive moans, instead he gathers your hair for you and uses all of his might to not fuck your face.
once you build a rhythm you take him further until he’s fully buried and slightly curved down your throat. his moan comes out in fractures and his grip on your hair grows tighter. “you’re so good to me,” he whispers. you go to move but stop once he pleads, “wait! no, please jus’ just stay right there, baby.” so you begin to focus on breathing through your nose as he holds your head back down.
you stay for a few moments and when you finally gag and pull off of him he thrusts up into air to almost chase the feeling while you gather yourself. “you okay?” his face is pulled tight together but you can’t tell if it’s because he’s concerned for you or his own orgasm.
you nod and his senses are heightened as you start to stroke his cock a few more times but before he can finish you confess, “baby, i want you to fuck me now…”
he gathers your face in his hands and rubs your cheek, “you know i will… but first can i cum, please?”
you shake your head with a smirk, kissing his inner hand but before you rise to your feet you kiss the top of his sensitive dick, to which he uncontrollably spills a small amount of his cum onto your lips.
he feels a little humiliated at his lack of control. “fuck. ‘m sorry i didn’t mean to-” but chris can feel his stomach recoil as he attempts to fight off finishing all over your face right now.
he watches intensely as you lick your lips slowly, tasting every bit of him, before you stand up (your thong showing every inch of your full ass while you walk) and go to lay on his bed. he can no longer see you but he takes the hint when your small tank top is thrown at him.
he exhales and begins to fully remove his clothes as well. he joins you in his bed to see you bare and sprawled out, your fingers tapping softly at your clit.
you whimper when you dip your fingers inside of you then bring them up to his mouth. he hums and sticks his tongue out. you drag your fingers across it before he’s wrapping his lips around them and sucking hard.
you bite your lip at the sight of chris being so willing and eager.
he pulls them from his mouth and smiles while guiding your hand between you both to grab his needy cock. “please.” is all he says before he kisses you.
you pump him a few times before guiding him into you slowly, to which chris moans directly over your mouth, eyes slightly rolled back. you quiet him gently by kissing him again.
i fuck her like a god, that’s without a doubt
he continues the slow pace you began as he guides himself fully in and out of you. the silver of his necklace catches the light of the moon every so often making it gleam as it sways over your face. you find it so satisfying and pretty.
you suck on his neck and whisper that you need him to fuck you hard or not at all. he immediately is quickening his thrusts into you and you muffle a cry into his neck, clawing at his back with your manicured nails.
i got that pussy wet, that’s without a drought
you’re so slick that the sound of your skin slapping together is amplified and chris prays to fucking god his mother hasn’t found herself thirsty in the middle of a rem cycle.
“i need you chris, i need-“ your words spew out and he doesn’t let up, continuing his harsh pounds into your used center.
“hold on to it, baby. ‘m so close, please,” he reaches for your hands and holds them against the mattress on each side of your head as he continues to build to a climax.
you whine and he gives in to you easily. he removes one of his hands from holding yours to rub your clit harshly, “go ahead, give me everything then.”
he continues to thrust himself into you but his eyes stare intently at your face as you fall apart beneath him and squeeze around his length. you’re a moaning mess and he quickly puts his hand over your mouth until you’re spent.
the scene alone causes him to pull out of you and let out a series of low moans while his cum falls onto your lower stomach.
to make the most out of the overwhelming sensitivity you both feel, he immediately guides his cock through your folds, crying out at the intense stimulation. as you try to push him away, and whine his name telling him it’s so much.
he obliges and unknowingly blurts more cum on your thighs as he moves up to kiss you, out of breath.
he sucks your bottom lip for a second longer before pulling apart and whispering, “hold on.” your sleepy figure just nods up to him and he breathes out a laugh before finding his boxers on the floor and walking out quietly.
you try to keep your eyes open but it feels like forever when chris finally comes back with a damp wash cloth, two water bottles, and a bowl of washed grapes (??). your eyes open timidly at the small amount of light coming from his phone’s flashlight. you can see him wearing your teddy slippers though which makes you mentally laugh, but physically smile as he approaches you.
he places the items on a side table and begins to wipe your stomach off slowly, the warmth on the cloth soothing you further. “open your legs, please.” chris already had began to physically separate them but he asks you to open them so that you feel in control of yourself anyways.
“sweet girl,” he compliments and smiles as he wipes your thighs down, kissing your stomach again before making his way to throw the cloth into a laundry basket.
you hum at him and lift yourself up to watch as he opens one of his drawers and offers one of his t-shirts to you.
you slip it over your head easily and he hands you a water bottle and your phone before crawling into his bed with you. you curl up to his chest and he hands you the bowl of grapes which you don’t question because you’re hungry as fuck, why would you deny it?
you thank him and he thanks you for coming to see him tonight.
you both smile into a kiss and you continue to finish your grapes as he closes his eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.
🍊✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ
AW! everyone cheered. and came (probably)
got inspo for the end bc of this lmao :
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also go listen on spotify for vibes
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averyangrypossum · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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deesseshesca · 3 months
Why am I emotional ?
And suddenly it was just me… FUCK it is just me. 
Good evening, pretty souls, today we are checking on your emotional scale. What is affecting you now, how can we fix it and how to minimize the damage in the process of doing so. 
I will be giving full reading for a very affordable price (almost free) but there will only be 3 spots available. Stay posted on my blog, so you don’t miss this opportunity. 
Choose the image that’s speak to you and allow yourself to soak ONLY what’s reasoning with YOUR SITUATION 
Rules and Disclaimer 
I am the type of tarot reader to say as it is. Nothing is sugar coated but everything is send with good intention. If you are not ready to face some truth, you should vagabond somewhere else. 
TW: R@pe, S@cide
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Two wands, Ace swords, Justice, Queen wands, ‘’Please unblock me … Yeah, that’s me calling you from an unknown number’’, ‘’ I have abandonment issues ! I grew up in a single parent household ! I had a rough childhood”
HEYY !!! Spiritual girly. I’m talking to earthy aesthetic girls. The one that smells like coco butter and vanilla walking around in a long skirt, crop top and too many jewels. When it comes to you, the cauldron told me about an opportunity that finally touches your hand. When I dive deeper into the message, I’m sensing something that took a lot of hard work and a lot of faith. For a long time it was just an idea in your mind for which you fought for it to materialize into the 3D. Congratulations babes ! A lot of obstacles came in the way but you stay resilient. That also was not easy since your faith was often tested in the meantime. I’m getting a new opportunity, a new career field opening, and the start of a new hobby/business. You finally have the time and funds to dive deep into a project. I’m hearing: ‘’I’ll be dammed if I let you fuck me up’’. At the moment, you feel a bit overwhelmed. Now that the gift is sitting on your porch, you don’t actually know how to approach it. What do you want VS what you need ? Your desires or your needs, first ? One is all about the action while the other path is all about trusting the process called ‘’life’’. A lot of people all of the sudden seem very worried about your actions. Acting like the decision you are making has a huge impact on their destiny. If I may, girl f them. If they paid attention earlier, they would have noticed you were not happy with your life . Now all of the sudden they care so much about what's happening to you. Like…Let’s be frl. You have to stand up for yourself. Whatever decision you make regarding that situation, you will NEED to voice it. Is insomnia keeping you up at night ? Well let’s start to implement some meditation before sleep. So you can be less in your head. Try to be more practical with your way of living. Rn I feel like you always looked like a baddie but it’s only recently that you actually felt like one.  Advice: Don’t slow down. Is easy now since you finally receive what you pray for, to relax and enjoy but it is only the beginning. Don’t try to accommodate or to one. Put yourself FIRST. 
The ex of your dude ( the fact that i did not choose a lover, sneaky link or even crush. Girl why are still holding on for. LOL. ) Is trying to get him back. And you really don’t give a damn. I feel like you don’t even want him. But he is stuck on you like glue. I think the thing that completely broke the bond between y'all is that he doesn't want you to be better. Like you announce him the good news and he knew you really wanted it. Now he wants you to let it go. BOY BYE ! BYEEEE! You don’t even hate him, you feel disgusted that he even thought his opinion mattered that much. Plus he keeps mentioning you change. Babe you did ! Don’t let him bully out of your shit. Now you are more sexually confident with yourself and bold with your boundaries. Him: You were more submissive back than. You: Now I have shit I care for. Advice: STAND ON BUSINESS. If he is block let him stay there. Yes, he is the unknown number that is trying to reach you. 
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Hanged man, Moon, Ten pentacles (reverse), Tower, 1111, 777, ‘’I want a second chance ! Not being with you is killing me !’’ 
Heyy… pile 2, you are my TW pile. Before you get deeper in the reading just know it is completely fine for you to take another one especially if you are not ready to talk about it. To beginning , when I was channeling, I first sang a very happy song. Then a faint voice called for help. At that exact moment the card fell out. First let go of the struggle especially if you try everything and nothing is working. Take a moment to breathe. Is time to surrender to life and believe that it will actually bring you to a better place. Let go of the victim and become the warrior you needed from others. Start your healing journey, go to therapy, take your pills, do some journaling. I know when you are reading you probably smirk. I’m speaking with experience, babies. Is not going to change overnight. But as I am channeling, I'm picturing you in a very messy room with molding left over surrounding you.  I keep hearing ‘’ I was NEVER like this before’’. I know babies, I know how such experience can change you. You are FUCKING powerful. I’m not saying this because of trauma, that’s what I channel. You were always standing on your power and someone tried to knock you off your throne. One small change at a time, like cleaning your room once a week. Drinking one water bottle a day. Eating at least 3 times a day even if it is a snack is going to get you going. Right now, you must be feeling fucked up. Like he hurt you. He took away your spark,  why should you try to get it back. When such an event happens in people's life, it is re-birth. Is time to re-learn to live again. Choose your pace and take it day by day. Nobody truly heals from it, I can assure you that. But you can learn to live a thriving life despite it. Instead of going on the hunt for the old version of you, learn about this new you. Pay attention to your dreams, there is a message in them. Reflect on your inner voice. Don’ t allow others to dictate how you are supposed to heal even if what you feel right now is numbness. Stick to your guns since you are the only one that knows you best at the moment. A good opportunity or news is going to present itself in divine timing. You will be sitting in the right place and right moment. One of your wishes will come true. Something worth living will come out of this situation. There’s good luck heading your way. All wisdom gain from this journey would be very helpful to the community if you ever decide to share it one day. 
You are with someone that your friends and family don’t approve of. And the icing on the cake , you don’t like them either. You don’t want to be alone and you are too ‘’broken’’ for a healthy relationship so you are distracting yourself with that. Let me be the bearer of bad (good) news, this relationship will end. Your distraction will leave and reality will hit. One thing I see, they will play games in front of your face. They will even threaten to kill themself, just to keep you sucked in. Text them number phone for help online and move on. Don’t engage more than that. What is more fuck up, is that they keep you close just have sex with you. 
Song: Praying-Kei$ha
Loves classic English literature, read the bible just for fun, future witch
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PILE 3 (18+) 
Lovers (reverse), Page Wands, Strength, Hanged man, ‘’I love your swag ! You are the whole package !’’,444
Hey…beyhives. I feel like, I’m only speaking to Beyonce stan at the moment. You guys are still bumping the country album of Queen B, like it came out yesterday. You guys are weirdly connected to my spiritual team because it feels like I was meant to read for you. Let’s get into it. People don’t realize how kinky you are, they know you are freaky. But nah… y’all are KINKY. You are a person that is aware of your sexual power and don't mind using it to your advantage. Your manners , your body, your sensuality, attract and please other people. You know what button to push. You are a very experienced  and sensual lover. Not shy at all, actually very confident. 
I feel like you are looking for a confirmation. Let me be. Your relationship has run it’s time. I don't even think y’all ever loved him. But he was the only one that allow you dual nature. I’m getting from the outside y’all are super cute, but in the bed a pure beast. You guy LOVE sex. You are scared that you are never going to find someone that will get you stamina without judging you by calling your names, especially if you identify as women. He cheated. Which made you extremely possessive and jealous. So you use sex to control him. I’m hearing: How DARE you think you can find better than me ! Advice : Start something new take a break from your love life and slowdown on sex for a minute. Usually if you have more sexual energy than usual it is because your body's calling you to create. Think about it: to create life we need to get nasty in the bedroom. Imma need you to get nasty in your career. Find something that is passionate about you  and go hard (ahahaha). Look at the bigger picture, you are way to focus on him. Feel the fear and do it anyway. You are fearful of rejection. That’s why you allow this man to take the best out of you. Find a new source of inspiration and shake off the blues. Right now contrary to what you might think, you are not sitting in your divine feminine energy. Since you are in such war mode, it is almost completely masculine. Plus, he doesn't care for you at ALL. But he does know that they will never be another woman like you.
Song: Haunted-Beyonce 
Platinum blond hair, very fair skin, very light blue eyes, luscious lips and round face. Face card is LETHAL. 
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
heyhey! You said you had a request but couldn’t see it and in case it was mine here i am once again humbling asking you to feed my delusions. I am the same person who asked for the one with the fake dating trope and the one where reader spawns into the lobby :))
But i am here now going for a more angsty route! >:) Granted, this is more of an OC x Alastor but im describing it more generic for the populace BUT HERE GOES
right before “Cover me” reader kept silently glancing over at Alastor which was on the dance floor, subconsciously making him approach her. He goes of course they have a (Important for later) conversation like “I havent seen you around here. Are you new around town?” “Just moved in actually~” “Well, Id love to give you a tour someday, the names Alastor” and he kisses her hand “Ah a charmer, ill have to be careful around you” (OR A MORE ELEGANT CONVERSATION THEN THAT I SUCK AT DIALOGUE) then theres the knife and gun scene and the team up
And then they get together after about a year or two and I dont wanna say theyre legally married but eventually use wife and husband terms because its more fancy and gives them more respect in eyes of others but they have been together for around 5 years at this point.
but then the events of 1925 happen where readers twin brother dies because some bastards set fire to his house and Reader has an argument with Alastor before eventually going alone to avenge her brother (theyre like “theres too many, youll die” “so be it!”)
Reader kills them all (duh) but because it was January and extremely cold she eventually gets hypothermia and during the delusions it gives she stumbles and gets impaled on an abandoned rusty fence spike and dies :3
Alastor find her and gives her a proper burial and 8 years later in 1933 while visiting readers grave he gets shot canonically
But these 8 years gave reader enoigh time in hell to establish her own dominance and due to the life she lived and the death of hypothermia- she gets turned into a sort of blizzard demon. Around 180 cm with black limbs, white fluffy hair and fluffy ears and a white tail as a sinner form and for the demon form im thinking of the faceless Room Guardians by Anyaboz on Instagram (incredible artist btw) with ice powers like summoning weapons and ice spikes and ice touches and moving freely (like Kindred’s wolf in League) in her blizzard. Taking over half the pentagram like this-
Until 1933 when Alastor pops up in hell, does his demon business and eventually wants to check out these frozen parts and goes into a bar very similar to the one they met and sees reader at the table and then THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION THEY HAD WHEN THEY FIRST MET (maybe with the knife and gun scene too hehe) and theyre both like “i forgive you” or smth idk maybe they just have a silent agreement- either way.
After they met the blizzard stops and no one knows why or who did it :>, readers identity as the blizzard demon remaining a secret
BTW I LOVE YOU FOR MAKING MY DREAMS COME TRUE- if you want more i have a ton of ideas because brain rot- (also lil side note i kind of imagine reader as albino because it would fit my ocs lore a bit more- but keeping it basic would fit everyones ideas of their own reader so! do what you please you already made my day better by reading my ideas come to life :3))
yes!! i did see yours and it is currently in third place for requests i need to fill so ill probably get it done by this weekend, early next week at the latest. it’s just taking me a bit because i’m in midterms rn and also i want to make sure i get in all the details :) i think it might’ve been a request for alastor’s mom reader x lucifer?? i recall getting one about that but can’t seem to find it anywhere. long story short,, your request is in progress and i will post it as soon as i have the time to finish it up :)
UPDATE: This piece has officially been posted as of Friday February 23rd, 2024.
Frostbite (Alastor x Reader)
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To anyone looking for a complete list of trailers, vids, and photos released for OFMD season 2, here ya go.
(I’m not rly active on anything other than tumblr rn so i’m sry if I missed smth)
So, first of all we have the official teaser trailer, released on August 30th: TEASER LINK
On September 14th we finally got the full length trailer. I’m assuming we’ve all seen these already: TRAILER LINK
There was a promo vid containing new s2 scenes that some people were getting on their TVs and recording and uploading to twitter. What some people don’t know is that that the official OFMD facebook account recently uploaded the same promo thats actually good quality and not just recording off a tv screen. Anyways if there’s a scene you’ve been seeing but it wasn’t in the trailer or teaser, its probably here: PROMO VID LINK
Here’s the links to some of those twitter vids if you don’t know what i’m talking about: twitter vid, twitter vid, These have the same content as the facebook link, just shitty quality.
Oh also Vico Ortez (plays Jim) posts a lot of s2 things on their tiktok. Nothing with spoilers just BTS (not the k-pop band I swear to god) I guess this doesn’t count but some of it’s rly funny: Vico Ortez tiktok
The first batch of season 2 photos we got were from Vanity fair on august 24th, but those photos plus a bunch of others are now available together somewhere i’ll say in a sec. Here is the article that showed us the first look at s2: VANITY FAIR ARTICLE
So, warner bros discovery gave us an *almost* complete collection of currently released photos. This does include the vanity fair photos but most of these you can’t find anywhere else. they say which episode every photo is from and let you download them too which is pretty cool. The site also has some great articles in the media releases section but they’re not that relevant. Go to the images section to see the s2 pics: S2 PHOTO COLLECTION
The final thing I found was the exclusive photo “The Streamr” posted on twitter. In fact there’s this whole thing happening with the OFMD twitter fandom and The Streamr and apparently they’ve posted exclusive photos that aren’t in the Warner Bros collection. Once again I am not actively on twitter so I don’t really know that much. I was only able to find one exclusive image posted by them but if there are any more please let me know. THE STREAMR EXCLUSIVE PHOTO
EDIT: found another photo on twitter! YET ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE PHOTO
EDIT: There’s a S2 behind the scenes vid from the max YouTube channel and it’s got so many extra clips it’s practically a third trailer!!! Also apparently there are some more articles that just released and I’m a bit busy rn but I’ll find and add them soon behind the scenes vid
that is all that I personally know of but if there is anything else you think should be included please add it or lmk, I want this to be a complete list. If anything new comes out I will try my best to add that as well.
I was pretty confused where everyone was getting all the s2 info and I couldn’t find a complete list anywhere so I decided to make my own. hope this cleared it up for anyone else🤗
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asexual-spongebob · 2 months
hi guys um… I have really been debating on whether or not I should make this post but I feel like I finally should.
it’s been a long time coming.
I am taking a break from the Octonauts fandom.
I just haven’t been as interested in it as I once was. It’s like I’ve eaten too much food and now I’m ill. Don’t get me wrong, I still like it. I still adore the characters and such. But, I’m just getting kind of tired of it.
Plus, I kind of have some personal grudges against a few people, (Don’t worry moots, this ain’t about you. It’s nothing yall should worry about. Please don’t ask me about it in dm’s.) and i don’t think that it’s a good idea to have all the negativity.
Not to mention, I’ve just been obsessing over different shows recently, like invader zim for example. And I’ve been very busy writing my iz au’s and making iz related stuff. Like writing my au trilogy and side stuff for it. And I’ve also been into danny phantom (which is a show I’m trying to finish rn), gravity falls, fop, and nicktoons and such more recently as well. I’ve even been thinking about writing or making nicktoon crossover posts.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s time for me to move onto different fandoms. I’ll probably reblog Octonauts related stuff sometimes, and knowing me I’ll probably be back to my transfem paani and kwazini posting some day, but right now I think it’s best I take a breather.
Thank you for supporting me for past 9 months, I greatly appreciate it
__ lot’s of love, your’s truly, Kitty.
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