#I have like seven pages of the new chapter done but i'm happy with like 1/3 of it
flower-blossoms654 · 10 days
Me, trying to write after studying ochem and physics: tanjiro did cool flip stuff and something something about dead family
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venomous-qwille · 9 months
Hellooooo! Saw the last ask about tarot cards and while you don't have to answer this, I'd like to give the meanings of the cards that we've seen in the chapter titles, which I'll let others make the connections cause this is already gonna be pretty long if you choose to answer this ask lol
Please note all of these are the general information and meanings about the cards (upright) I could find and the meanings can slightly vary depending on the kind of reading being done and the paired cards <3
Chapter 1: Death. Generally this actually refers to new beginnings and change! It's also a good reference to the talk of sight and death in the first chapter imo, very clever play on your part!
Chapter 2: Seven of Cups. This generally is interpreted as having many options or multiple possibilities, which can either be a comfort due to having options but also could inform you of a sense of being overwhelmed due to too many choices.
Chapter 3: Page of Wands. Often this means good news that should be coming to you soon (often represented by mail or a phone call wink wonk) though for the particular chapter I feel it's relevant to point out some other interpretations, including but not limited to: being inspired or creative, making new exciting plans, finding something you are passionate about, and having a tendency to rush into new things without thinking them through.
Chapter 4: Two of Pentacles. Oft a representation of trying to find or maintain the balance of various aspects of ones life! It can also be a warning to those trying to juggle too many things at once.
Chapter 5: Trochomancy. Not sure if this is a tarot card, I've never heard of it and I can't find anything about it in any of my sources so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ though I did find a definition of the word from a simple Google search: "Trochomancy is a divination by interpreting the wheel tracks." Which plays in well with our little bike trip.
Chapter 6: The Moon. The simplest interpretation for this card generally is that everything is not as it seems, be it a person or a situation in your life.
Chapter 7: Three of Pentacles. This generally is seen as a good card in a reading, often representing things like learning and/or apprenticeship, hard work, dedication, and building on success or foundations!
Chapter 8: Seven of Pentacles. Generally, this card tells you that you've been working very hard and soon your hard work will pay off. A wonderful successor to a card like the Three of Pentacles! You've used these very cleverly, it makes me so happy to see these pair so well with each other and the chapters!!! New thing to be insane about your fic!
Chapter 9: Clamomancy. ALAS! Stuck again with one I've not heard of as a card or can find in my sources, my apologies. But, again, I could find a definition from the ever reliable yet not so reliable Google! "Fortune-telling from the random shouts and cries heard in crowds, at night, etc." I. AM. STARING. 👁️👁️
Chapter 10: Two of Cups. A little ironic considering it's general upright reading interpretation and how the chapter starts out lol. Two of Cups often means things should be going well for you and your life should be very harmonious. It can also mean harmony and mutual respect friendships/partnerships, and all in all has a lot to do with balance regarding life and relations.
Chapter 11: Six of Swords. At the time of writing all this out I actually haven't read this one yet so I'm very excited to see how the cards meanings apply to this chapter! This card generally means moving on or making progress (love that idea), but can also be interpreted as escaping/running away (👁️👁️) or travel! But most often means things like the calm after the storm (👁️👁️) I'm excited to find out how these apply!
I need you to know I actually love you (platonically) for being this amazingly creative and playing these so well!
Thankyou for going to all the effort of writing these! <3 Some of the chapter titles do play into the reversed readings of the cards too, which is something that's worth considering if you want to deep dive!
I anticipate GITM being 100+ chapters so while I intend to use the entire major and minor arcana Tarot as titles, I will also be including some Astral Houses, Lenormand Cards, divinatory practices and philosophical ideas to fill the gaps!
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 121
Chapter 121: "Isn't This Great"
It's kinda scary how they're so excited about violence and destroying this world, like I know y'all have experienced harsh times here and just wanna live in peace but damn.
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When someone as logical as Ray starts to believe in the new plan then you know it's gotta be a more optimal strategy. The Seven Walls is a big bag of surprises on its own anyway so they're not entirely wrong to be skeptical about it either.
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I know they're worried for Emma and it's very sweet that they see Norman's plan as a way for her to finally relax after everything she's done for them up to this point, but it's not like she's been doing absolutely everything on her own either. Yeah everyone is following her as their leader, but the whole family is supporting one another as well, whether it's proving food, safety, healthcare or assisting with gathering information about the human world, WM, the Seven Walls, etc.
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And yet something about their praise towards Norman kinda bothers me, or at least the timing of it and how they word it. Everyone was just saying how Emma was doing so much for them but now with Norman here, he's gonna do even better "this time for sure." Emma was already doubting her choices back during & after the shelter raid, do we gotta lead her down the same train of thought again? Our girl is doing her absolute best! It's not her fault a few people died while she was in charge.
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Words can't express how glad and relieved I am that Ray notices her bluff.
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It's such a tiny panel too but I'm glad the anime remembered to include it anyway. Very important for the upcoming chapters.
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I love that we get a moment away from all the drama and just see the kiddos all excited as they explore paradise. They definitely deserve some luxury after the stressful trip they enduring to get here.
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Affectionately blaming Tag because this is all I can think about whenever I see this panel of Norman.. I still dunno why I find it so funny to this day, but yeah.
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It's beyond precious to see the trio play chess together again, even if Ray's acting like their parent. Deep down he knows he can't say no to them. Just give in, sweetie!
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I hate this speech bubble so much! Let me see my boy's cute sleeping face!! He's probably feeling so safe and content around his two favorite people in the whole world, I'm certain he's got a big smile on his face as well.
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Favorite panel/moment:
The younger kids are so cute when asking Norman which name he prefers. They wanna be so proper and don't wanna make him upset or annoyed by saying the wrong thing. It's so heartwarming to see him drop the facade around his family though.
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And they're so relieved by it too! Just to have him act as their older brother again! (Ray actually imagining him as a giant is hilarious.)
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Absolutely one of my favorite panels of this lad, not even solely because he's getting tackled and knocked down by so many kids but also with the happy look on everyone's faces.
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And I especially love Anna, Sandy & Paula's reactions to finally seeing Norman; from the dramatic pause to their totally shocked expressions. Even Hayato is taken off guard as he's certainly never seen the boss act like this before. (it's a bit odd though because Paula was shown touring paradise with the others a couple pages ago so why is she suddenly surprised here? I know she and the other two were taking care of Chris & Dominic earlier and missed the initial reunion, but whatever.)
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Don and I got that same mindset.
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handsofred · 11 months
20 Questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the writing goddess @renmackree
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 62
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Teen Wolf
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My top five are:
Air Mail - (1,662 Kudos) - Sterek, Soldier Derek, Daddy Derek, School teacher Stiles, Letter writing, First meetings, Slow build,
2. Silent - (1,660 Kudos) - Sterek, Deaf Stiles, Wolf Derek, Mates, Kidnapped Stiles, Alive Hale family, Hurt Stiles,
3. This is Stiles, he is mine - (860 Kudos) Sterek, Alpha Derek, Were-cat Stiles,
4. Ownership - (858 Kudos) Sterek, Were-cat Stiles, Mates, crack, misunderstandings, Alpha Derek,
5. New Orleans - (856 Kudos) Sterek, Zombie apocalypse, Wolf Derek, Human Stiles, Misunderstandings, Derek takes care of Stiles, Hurt Stiles, Road trip,
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do respond to most, when I remember to check my inbox. But I also don't respond to some if they are quite similar to others.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh god, I have no idea.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I have a few fics that end up happy, I normally try and end them on a happy ending. (Pun intended)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have had a few comments which seemed a bit hateful/hurtful. But I normally ignore those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do and oh god...all the smut, I'm pretty sure I'd write any kind you wanted me to try my hand at.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have indeed, and when I got the request to do it, it made me so happy and giggly. It was a translation request for my fic : Baby smiles.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Once upon a time, but it wasn't a proper co-written fic, it was more that both our names were on it, but I wrote it while the other person came up with ideas.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
That is like asking who my favourite child is if I had children. I can't choose.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Cookies Daddy!, we need more cookies! - It has seven chapters and I last updated it back in 2014. It's a sweet thing, single father Stiles who owns a bakery, but I don't know, I just kind of ran out of juice for it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banging out a few thousand words sometimes when I'm in the zone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not writing at all for ages and not updating for a while too. But also I don't really plot out my fics so I write them as I get inspired which can make some down time between chapters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't mind it, just as long a there is a translation for the dialogue if it isn't in English for me. I have done it myself and normally put the translation of the words in the notes at the end of the page. I know that there is a link you can add in which can make the translation come up when you hover over it, but I have no clue how to do it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My very first one was for Adommy.... Adam Lambert and Tommy Ratcliff....that was a very long time ago and under a completely different name.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I have a few that I've really enjoyed writing, one of my current WIPs : Signal in the sky: is up there as a favourite, I kind of not want to write more and update it because I don't want to leave it, but I have got a new chapter nearly written fully for it which has some drama in.
low pressure, not required, only if you're feeling it: @endgame-sterek @youneedmetosurvive @greyhavenisback @xxstacksonqueen @colethewolf @lucky-bishop @lunar-eclipse-tales ( I know some of you may not be fic writers, I had no idea who is on here anymore, so I tagged at random.)
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c0wboylik3m3 · 11 months
Well loved books.
I am in firm belief that books should be well loved. they should be written in, the spine should be cracked, the pages should be folded, things you find during the adventures you take squished between the pages. The more damage done to a book, the more memories and love are in it and there's something so beautiful about a well loved book. it tells a story. it's like a scrapbook of that time in your life whilst you've read it and when you pick it up again after a while of finishing it you can look back at the life you lived while the book traveled with you.
I've started packing my things to put into storage while i'm away at college and I picked up my very well loved copy of Red, White And Royal blue that I read last summer and was flipping through it. it had water damage from me accidently dropping it in my pool and writing in it and different keepsakes from things I did that summer. it has things that I wrote that i never spoke to another living soul, thoughts of love, insecurity that the ink on the pages written by the author reminded me of.
"I don't think I ever thought I would have proper true friends until gr. 12 and now with september almost here and half of my friends going to college it's definitely gone. I hope to feel this truly happy again soon" is messly written on page 201 in pink glitter pen. I wrote that at 18 about the loss of my huge friend group leaving while I stayed and went back to school for another year, needing a missing credit to get into college. I was already feeling like I failed having to go back for another year and losing my friends and reading about Henry, Alex, Nora, and June partying and Alex having that moment of realization of found family made me realise that I most likely won't have that comfort again. Looking back at it now being on the cusp of 20, that friend group was the farthest from friendship, I had just romaticided it. We had moments where it was friendship, in its purest form but overall it turned into something toxic and by the end most of us hated each other and we split into two groups, but the girl who left the scribbled note in the pool water damaged book didn't know that yet. She didn't know what came from that friend group. The friendships that truly blossomed from it, the trips and adventures she'd have with the few friends that made it out of that friend group. She got so, so much closer to her favorite people. She has never been happier then she has now starting the new chapter of her life in a big city, and having the best friends she could ever ask for.
The seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, the well loved book i've brought on my most recent adventures. Lies sand in the crevices of a few pages where I had been reading it on the beach with my friends this summer, the ones that made it out of my Red, White and royal blue adventures.
damaged books are well loved books,
well loved books keep memories,
and well loved books are scrapbooks.
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laminy · 7 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine. I’ve done this before but I’m too lazy to go see what my answers were so if you’ve already read this before oh well lol.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. I'm breathing in the chemicals (Teen Wolf)
2. and you know you don't have to go (Ted Lasso)
3. Fear and Self-Loathing in Beacon Hills (Teen Wolf)
4. you're the sunflower (Ted Lasso)
5. into the blue and sunny morn' (BoRhap Actor RPF)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
For sure! People took the time to comment and I really appreciate it so I always reply.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
None of my fics have angsty endings! I’ll do all the angst in the story itself, I’ll make them cry and be angry and break up and whatever but there’s gotta be a happy ending.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
When all the endings are happy, it’s kind of hard to compare, but probably a new life grows. It was the last part of ITBASM so its ending had to some up years of me writing and years of their fictional lives and put them all in a fantastic place.
Do you write crossovers?
I wrote a couple Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fics.
Have you received hate on a fic?
I’ve gotten some rude anons. I didn’t realize until I was almost done posting ITBASM (the original story) that I didn’t have asks open on here. I imagine I would’ve gotten a lot of hate about one chapter if I had. Back when I was first posting fanfic (like, almost twenty years ago) I found out that people in some private group were making fun of a fic that I’d posted. that was great.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I certainly do. For the longest time, just m/m, and that’s all I’ve ever posted. But for my original novel I’m working on now, it’s my first m/f and it is an experience lol I find it more awkward to write at times but it’s fun too. I’ve had to get used to writing wet a lot. And clit. And cunt. A whole new world!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I find it hard to comprehend writing as a team event.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I genuinely don’t think I could ever pick. There are so many I’ve read over the years. Some I will never touch again, some I will probably still be reading on my death bed lol. Favourite ever??? No way.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I wrote a 6 Underground fic with Four and Seven that had a couple parts. I intended it to have another, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
Same with the Midsomer Murders x 6 Underground fic (I guess I gave up on Four lol), I still have the exact scene that I want to write in my mind, I picture it, but I doubt it will ever go anywhere. Unless I just write that one scene.
What are your writing strengths?
I love writing dialogue so I hope it’s a strength. Also, way too much research and detail and background stuff that will never make it onto the page, it’s just for me.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Overwriting, and flat description, A couple years ago I took a writing course and I submitted the first chapter of a fic I had written (one name changed lol), and they really hated it and it was really demoralizing. They said it read more like a screenplay instead of a book because there was no emotion, no thought, it was just “he did this and this and this.” I’ve tried improving since then, I hope I have.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have done it! to varying levels of success. I wish I knew Egyptian Arabic so I could have included it more in ITBASM. I only ever include small bits in other languages, and I don’t bother to translate. I assume based on context people can figure it out or check for themselves.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Friends, in the fifth grade. it was handwritten in a notebook, which is possibly still somewhere in my parents’ house, but not with me.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I would still like to finish one of my Gran Turismo fics but I don’t know if that will happen.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
ITBASM as a whole. I know that by the end I was pretty much doing it for me and a handful of other people and I don’t know if it’s as good as it could’ve been but I felt really proud of it and what I did manage to accomplish. It felt more mine than other fics I’ve written.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years
Copycat: Cryptomnesia —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: Happy New year! -Danny
Words: 1,583
Phase Five Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘High Hopes’ -by Kodaline
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xxv: A Really Good Lawyer
The mutant arrived right on time for her first day, she had her sunglasses on, and her silver hair was falling neatly on her back for the first time ever. Now her identities had switched places, and Cat was the one who would remain hidden.
She entered the elevator, and two men walked out of it.
"Good morning!" Foggy Nelson looked at her as if she were Santa Claus. "You're Copycat!"
Matthew tensed, but Cat was too shocked to feel anything. "Yes."
"I'm Franklin Nelson, but everyone calls me Foggy," he said amicably. "This is my partner, Matt Murdock, we just had a reunion with your boss."
"Oh," she said. "Okay. I, er... I-I suppose we'll be working together?"
"Well, there's no reason to believe your boss will need us soon, he just asked for a bit of legal advice. Matt's friends with him."
Matthew cleared his throat. "It'd be better to not go around saying that to everyone, Foggy."
"Sorry," he looked at Cat with a faint blush.
To make him feel less awkward, she decided to share as well. "I'm friends with Mrs. Stark, she hired me to protect Harley. He's got no Iron Man suit so he'll need to be looked after."
"But you're an Avenger, right?"
Matthew did a throaty noise that sounded like laughter. Cat looked at him with a frown. "I work here, not with the Avengers."
Foggy nodded at her, Matthew excused himself and started to leave. Foggy said his goodbyes too, and she closed the elevator.
"What the fuck..."
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Happy was waiting for her outside Harley's office. "Boss wants you at her office."
"Haven't done anything!" She complained.
"She doesn't want you there to scold you."
"Oh. Hey, I have a question," Cat followed him through the hall. "Are we going to hire Nelson, Murdock & Page?"
"It was Harley's idea," Happy shrugged. "Thought you'd be happy to see them."
"Why don't we stick with the old law firm?"
"That's not up to us."
Cat walked to Pepper's office with a clear pout on her face. Outside the door she fixed her posture, Cat knocked once, and Pepper told her she could come in. She made her way to stand behind Harley, who gave her a brief smile. Cat was trying hard to pay attention to what they were saying.
Despite the tension, seeing Matthew safe and sound gave her peace.
"Take a seat, C.C." Pepper looked at Harley and Cat with a serious yet motherly expression. "You're gonna tell me what the hell you're up to."
The young adults shared a look, and Cat sighed.
"I thought you wouldn't notice for at least a month..."
"All I'll say is... we're about to save you so much money."
Pepper's face fell. "You're so much like Tony it's scary."
"Let's not go there," Cat took off her sunglasses and placed them above her head.
"Okay," Pepper grabbed a few files, "but I'm warning you, C.C., I'll retire next year and I'll leave Harley as the CEO—"
"Wait, what?"
"You're far more responsible and put together than Tony was at your age, and you're already older than he was when he became CEO— but that doesn't mean I don't have other options. You can bring new and good things to the table, if you ruin this, you won't get a second chance."
Harley was pale and speechless, Cat nodded somberly. "Got it."
"Good," Pepper walked to the door and opened it for them. "See you."
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"You look like you're about to die," Cat placed the tea in front of Harley. "Calm down, I have everything under control."
"The CEO!" He drank half of his cup at once. "Is she crazy?"
"She wants to focus on being a mother," Cat sat in front of him. "This is a tough call for her, you know? She'd love to see Tony's legacy through, but it must be tiring... she's been doing this for fifteen years."
"Could keep going though, she's young."
"That's not the problem," Cat pointed out. "Bet all she wants is a quiet life after all that's happened, enjoy Morgan before she's off to college."
Harley frowned. "Morgan's seven."
"Kids don't stay little forever. We were eighteen yesterday and now we're twenty-four."
The young man pushed his short curls back. "It feels like yesterday when I found Tony in my workshop..."
"And now you're the future CEO of Stark Industries," she smiled.
"Feels wrong."
"Well, I think you deserve it," she shrugged. "Can't think of another guy as smart and hardworking. You were by far the best choice. The only choice."
Harley hesitated. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"
Cat looked around, her friend fitted there perfectly... but she had to do what she had to do, she'd just make sure it wouldn't risk Harley's future.
"If anything goes south, I'll take full responsibility. You hired Nelson Murdock & Page for this reason, right? Matt knows who I am and he'll know what to do if I mess up."
Her friend made a face. "I haven't, I knew you'd be against hiring him. I just asked for advice."
"Well, I'm not mad exactly," she sighed, "he's a mighty good lawyer, he's the best choice."
She snorted. "Fuck no! If I need a lawyer I'll call Jennifer Walters. But I won't deny it didn't feel good to see him again."
Harley rolled his eyes, but he was grinning. "Fine. Let's move on to the next part."
Cat called Bucky Barnes, and the man replied almost instantly.
"Hi, grumpy, nice to hear my voice, I expect," she said. "Are you sitting down? You should sit down."
"What do you want?"
"It's not what I want, it's what I'm about to do," she said sweetly. "You know Sharon Carter?"
"What about her?"
"She's the powerbroker," Cat revealed. "You're the only guy I can trust with this information."
"What about Sam?"
"I don't have his number."
"Wise guy."
"Buck, are you not listening—"
"First, don't call me Buck, alright?" He said. "Second, why would I believe you? You've been missing for months. Valentina's got Ken and taskmaster after you?"
"They won't find me. You haven't told them I'm Copycat, right?"
"Of course not."
"Well, as long as you keep your mouth shut I'll be fine. I'm not lying, Sharon threatened to reveal who I was to every mobster I've ever inconvenienced."
"You got proof?"
"I got her fingerprints all over an envelope with dirty money. And I know where she lives in Madripoor... and I know some of her pals are after me."
He was quiet for a moment. "You realize if we go after her, she'll know it was you."
"I'm counting on it."
"Cat, what are you gonna do?"
"Call me once it's done. Oh! And don't tell Valentina about this, she's working with Wilson Fisk."
Cat hung up, Harley was staring at her.
"Just say it," she rolled her eyes.
"You must be one, if not the most exasperating hero to partner with."
"You would know, you're my number one collaborator," she smirked. "And I'm no hero, Junior."
"I believe the number one title belongs to Nightcrawler, thank God," he snorted. "Probably because he's equally annoying."
"I love him," she beamed. "Well, Sharon's no longer our problem, now we move forward."
"Phase two," Harley turned on his computer. "Stark Expo."
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The second time she ran into Matthew, it was just the two of them.
This time she felt less awkward about it, she'd been mentally preparing in case a surprise encounter happened. Besides, she'd been caught up thinking about the prospect of seeing Kate that weekend, and Matthew didn't look as tense when she accidentally bumped into him.
"Good morning," she said.
Matthew waited until they entered the lobby to respond. "Thought you were in L.A."
"Haven't been there since April last year," she replied. "I heard you were there assisting She-hulk, was it fun?"
"What are you doing here?"
"That's not what you wanna ask me," she said with a smirk. "But I won't force you. I'm Harley's bodyguard 24/7 now. Whether you believe it or not, that's your business."
Matthew tilted his head. "You're not lying."
"You were listening to my heartbeat?" She asked in outrage. "No, I'm not lying 'cause I'm not a mythomaniac," Cat shook her head, she was tired of being so defensive all the time. "You were right that night though, I was a coward."
"You see right through me," she laughed, pressing the elevator's button. "No pun intended. I didn't want to be a good person 'cause I wasn't good at it, but then Karen told me she'd never seen you that happy and I... I didn't know how to handle being someone's source of joy. I dropped the ball."
"So what are you doing working as a bodyguard instead?"
The doors to the elevator opened and they got in. "You don't expect me to just go ahead and tell you, right?"
Matthew sighed. "Didn't hurt to try."
Cat wished she could get closer, her heart ached for more of him. It frustrated her, progress and months apart felt like nothing standing beside him.
"Are you okay?"
He chortled. "That's not what you wanna ask me."
" I didn't want to hurt you—"
"You're alright and so am I. Let's focus on the present."
"Please, Cat. Let's not."
She lowered her gaze. "Okay."
"I heard you're seeing someone anyway," he continued. "Happy warned me as soon as he saw me."
"He can't keep his mouth shut. It's none of his business."
Matt hummed. "You know, I actually went to L.A. to get my suit fixed in that place you mentioned. That's how I met Jen."
Cat was aware of how selfish it was to feel jealous over nothing. "Cool."
"She was here last month."
"Let's not," she responded curtly.
Matthew smiled. "Maybe we should a little, to get it out of the way."
"What for?"
"To make sure we stay away."
The elevator opened on Cat's floor, she walked out but Matt stayed in.
"I don't think we can stay away considering what we are."
The doors started closing.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​ @siriuslysirius1107​ @greengarsstuff​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​ @espressopatronum454​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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cheeeryos · 1 year
BTS of your favourite scene from the waters and the wilds?!!
ooh thank you! The Waters and the Wild was written pretty intentionally to be dreamy and cozy, so a lot of my favorite scenes have something to do with feeling warm and comforted even when surrounded by cold water or harsh weather. seal skins keep you warm, u know!
the epilogue is probably my favorite part of the whole fic, and most of it was actually written pretty early on, before the bulk of the action plot. I knew what the story was moving toward, I just had to figure out all the pieces to get there!
these paragraphs in particular (spoilers ahoy if you haven't read the fic):
Adam was feeling more than lonesome, lately. He was lonely.
-callback to lonesome adam in bllb, and also chapter one when adam began to feel at home in such a lonesome place, and chapter two when ronan recognized it in adam's face.
He had been keeping busy. After months of hard deliberate work, he was happy with what he’d built. He was happy, and he was lonely. 
-this is half-stolen from henry's "be afraid and happy" advice to gansey in trk, but I've always enjoyed the idea of a complicated happiness, because emotions are complex and we don't only experience one at a time! adam is large, he contains multitudes, etc etc.
He missed Ronan. He couldn’t help but think more about it as the weather began to turn. He had done well for a while to keep the thoughts at bay. Now, on the island alone with only the ocean for company, the absence felt physical, like a phantom limb. 
It was seven months since they’d said goodbye on the edge of the cliff. Adam could wait longer. He was patient and he was stubborn, and he had things to keep him occupied. If he didn’t have them already, he could make them.
But he missed Ronan.
-I just like repeating sentences for emphasis. he missed ronan ok!!
His thoughts wandered further and further out across the waves. He wondered more and more how Ronan was doing, what he might be thinking. If he was happy and lonesome, too. If he missed Adam just as much.
The turning of April brought howling storms down from the north. One particular morning before the weather got too bad, Adam went to town to restock on food and batteries. He set his favorite chili recipe to bubble in the crock pot before he left and returned to find the cottage smelling like heaven. By late afternoon, the sky had grown dark, and the wind whirled and creaked against the walls. The rain pittered, then pattered, then lashed a heavy tattoo against the roof. Adam was glad he had taken care to strengthen the roofbeams and fit the extra insulation on the walls during repairs. The storm raged against the new fortifications, but the cottage was cozy as a burrow inside. Adam settled down in the armchair with a book of Yeats poems he had found in the main house, but he had barely cracked the page when the whirling wind played a magic trick.
-this is literally just me cooking up my ideal cottage-in-the-middle-of-nowhere where I can set up shop as a fairytale witch. also I love being inside with soup during thunderstorms.
With a tremendous crash of thunder and lightning, the door slammed open. In the doorway stood Ronan Lynch, his shining black cloak folded over one arm. He was soaked to the bone from the storm. Adam realized after a second of blank shock that he was probably wet from the ocean, too. He had been living there for half a year, after all.
In three steps, Adam was in his arms. They clung to each other—Adam’s hand cradling Ronan's skull, Ronan's arms squeezing Adam's ribs. They were both shivering, trembling with the shock of the cold and each other.
-and then the skull-cradling reunionnnnnn! because I'm a sap and need my happy ending :)
[unusual fic asks]
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – Six // Wanda Maximoff
chapter five | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter seven
author’s note: i’m glad you all seemed to like the last chapter! i’m all for slow burn but i didn’t want to leave you hanging too long aha. Now onto dating territory!
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Since going to Blackpool with Wanda, we hadn't actually gotten another moment to ourselves. Wedding plans were picking up which kept her busy, and if not that, then I'd only see her in passing in which we'd exchange smiles before moving on.
So, I though it would be good to take her out on a date. A proper one, even if it was to be disguised as a simple outing between soon-to-be sister-in-laws. The plan was to 'bump' into her in town, which we did, then I asked her if she wanted to go to the art gallery. She'd been before, but they'd put in a new exhibition which I thought she might like.
We couldn't exactly hold hands when there, but I made the most of her presence and stood a little too close to her than a friend might. Since she'd kissed me at the beach, I wasn't able to think about anything else. And when shot me a knowing smile, I knew she felt the same.
"I like this one," I told her, pointing to a piece hung on the wall, before squinting to read the plaque. "Jedburgh Abbey from the River by Thomas Girtin."
"And why's that?" she asked, watching me with humoured eyes.
I pursed my lips, glancing between her and the painting sheepishly. "I'm not gonna lie, I just like the way the guy painted the clouds in the sky."
She stifled laughter, not wanting to draw attention from passers-by, and nudged me in the shoulder. "You're unbelievable, milaya (darling). We didn't have to come here if you don't like art."
I gave her a knowing look. "Hey, I love art. Especially when it's by a certain Sokovian artist named Wanda Maximoff."
Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. I grinned at her bashfulness, wanting to tease her but also very true with my words. Her work was my favourite, biased or not, and I still had that amazing portrait she'd done of me in my room back home. It was tucked into one of my drawers where nobody would find it. I didn't want anyone else to look at it since she'd done it for me and it was private... it was a beautiful reminder of the amazing day we'd had.
"You're poking fun, but in all seriousness, I'd actually love for my work to be up here someday," she said softly, looking at the painting before us with hopeful eyes. 
"They wish they were that lucky to score someone as talented as you," I said without skipping a beat.
She cracked a smile, tilting her head in my direction. It was obvious she was losing her patience with me, but I enjoyed watching her lose it. She didn't know what to say, especially when being complimented, and it was endearing to witness.
We remained civil for the remainder of the 'date', refraining from holding hands or gazing at each other longer than friends would, and I was pretty proud of myself for not thinking about kissing her once when we were done.
As we got into the carriage to go back home, the door closed and I was going to ask her how she found it when she moved towards me in an instant, kissing me without question. I raised my hand, caressing her jaw and closing my eyes as she leaned forward, practically on my lap, not that I cared. She sucked on my bottom lip sensually before she opened her mouth, pushing her tongue into mine. I almost forgot how to breathe as she did, unprepared for such an intense kiss.
"I've been wanting to do that all day," she revealed when she pulled away.
I flushed at the contact, a dazed smile on my lips. "Huh."
She chuckled as she sat back beside me more 'appropriately'. "Thanks for taking me. I loved it."
I nodded lamely, still trying to recover from our kiss. "I'm– I'm glad."
She smirked playfully, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to my lips before sitting back. "You're so cute."
My words still hadn't returned, so all I could do was nod before looking the other way. Her laughter filled the carriage and I wondered how I'd gotten so lucky to be in the presence of someone so perfect.
After exchanging some more kisses and actually being able to hold hands without prying eyes, we reached Wanda's home and she invited me in for some tea. Sadly, that meant we had to let go of one another, but I think she'd given me enough to remember her by as we parted, and she must have thought the same, judging from the smirk she sent my way.
We sat on the patio outside to have some tea and biscuits, enjoying the sunshine and blue skies, a rare occurrence for England. We were chatting mindlessly when her brother decided to make an appearance, helping himself to a seat between Wanda and I.
"How lovely of you to grace us with your presence, Miss Y/L/N," he said playfully, shooting me a charming smile, before reaching to grab a biscuit. Wanda slapped his hand but he stole one anyway, making her roll her eyes.
"Nice to see you, Pietro," I greeted with amusement, always enjoying his presence.
"And you," he returned, before chowing down his biscuit.
Wanda gave me a fed up look over his shoulder which he was oblivious to, and I tried not to laugh as she clearly wasn't a fan of him interrupting our time.
"So, I caught a glimpse of the wedding invitations," Pietro said, making conversation. He glanced between us with a nod of approval. "They're coming along well."
I hummed in agreement, smile becoming less real when he mentioned the wedding. Wanda didn't acknowledge his words as she fiddled with the handle of her teacup.
"Is your brother behaving, Y/N?" Pietro continued jokingly, looking to me. "I know how many admirers he has, but my sister should be his first priority."
"Oh, Piet...," Wanda breathed out with embarrassment, facepalming.
"Of course he is," I assured her brother with a small smile. "He wouldn't dare try hurting Wanda or he'd have a lot of explaining to do."
There was some playfulness in my voice, but an underlying truth to my words.
"It's sweet how close you've gotten," Pietro noticed, looking between us, before settling his gaze on me. "It's about time Wanda made friends with people who aren't me."
Cue another slap. I chuckled at her sheepish expression, amused by Pietro's antics.
"Anyway," he changed the subject for his sister's sake, "mother has been getting on my very nerve about finding a bride because you decided to get married."
Wanda rolled her eyes. "We both know I didn't decide, Piet."
He sighed over-dramatically. "Well, it's because of your engagement that she's now on my back about it."
"Join the club," I joked, knowing exactly what he meant. "My mum was already on my back about finding a husband, but since this engagement, it's ten times more annoying."
Pietro laughed. "Oh, no. Has she lined up suitors? My parents like to point out every pretty woman they see to me in hopes I'll make a move. It's hardly productive."
"I haven't asked her for fear she'll pull out a folder with all of the eligible bachelors in town," I said, half joking and half serious.
Pietro snickered as Wanda rolled her eyes in the background. She should have been happy I was getting along with her brother. He was actually quite entertaining to be around.
"It's funny you say that because you're one of the women my parents pointed out," he admitted.
"Oh, God, so they're saying the same thing to you?" I asked with a groan, and he nodded regretfully. "Isn't it just the worst?"
"You're a lovely girl, Y/N, don't get me wrong," he began gently, "but I don't like you like that."
I raised my hand for a high five. "Me and you both."
Laughing once again, he returned my high five and I was glad we were on the same page. The amount of people that had been hinting at getting to know Wanda Maximoff's very single brother was getting pretty annoying. It was nice to know he was just as irritated at the insinuation as I was.
"Okay, I should leave you both to it," Pietro concluded, slapping his knees and standing up. Looking to me, he said, "Miss Y/L/N, it was as lovely as ever to make your acquaintance."
I smiled as he winked playfully before looking to his disgruntled sister.
"Dear sister, the pleasure is always mine," he continued to tease, and she slapped him once more, making him dodge her and begin to leave. "Love you, too!" he called before heading back inside.
I laughed at his silliness and relaxed in my seat, looking back to Wanda. She didn't seem half as amused as I was as she drummed her fingers on the table and chewed on the inside of her cheek.
"I may be mistaken, love, but it looks like you're jealous," I poked fun at her.
She rolled her eyes and her jaw tensed before she finally looked to me, expression softening. "Can you blame me?" she asked quietly. "You're both single. You're both similar age. Everybody talks."
I shrugged nonchalantly, having a sip of my tea. "True... but I've got my eye on another Maximoff anyway."
She sighed, small smile creeping on her lips. Subtly moving my chair closer to hers, I grabbed her hand under the table and squeezed. My thumb stroked her hand softly as I leaned on the palm of my hand on the table.
"You look really beautiful today," I admitted in a hushed voice. "I should have told you earlier."
She, too, leaned into the palm of her hand as she watched me with an enchanting gaze. "So do you, milaya (darling)."
Unable to resist, I glanced around quickly before kissing her cheek and pulling away. Letting go of her hand, I busied myself with the tea and biscuits again.
"Biscuit?" I offered her, and she began to laugh at my attempt at acting casual.
Playing along, she accepted the biscuit from my hand. But a knowing smile was on her lips as she nodded. "Thank you."
Being with Wanda was a luxury in itself, even if we had to keep it private.
To everybody else, we were merely two women about to become family who happened to create a bond that was close. But we both knew what it really was and weren't eager to say it. Because saying it made it true and that meant that what we were doing became realer than it was in our daydreams and hidden moments.
I did find myself wracked with guilt sometimes – particularly the times when Y/B/N would gush about how excited he was to marry her. Wanda was technically cheating on him with me, his sister, but that fact was something that was still blurry to me.
We had no choice but to lie and be secretive. In a world like this, where we would never be able to be together like we wanted to, all we had was secrecy and deception. Did that still make us bad people?
I tried not to think about what would happen when she actually married my brother. The future was something I was adamant on pushing to the back of my mind because I knew what it would hold and I just wanted to enjoy the time I had with her. Convincing myself that what we had wasn't serious, just a heat of the moment relationship maybe, made things easier to accept. But really, I knew that whenever she looked my way with her signature smile and dazzling eyes, it was way more than I envisioned. She was way more.
So, trying not to be dragged down with the weight of reality, I vowed to myself to only focus on the now. Focus on the moments I shared with her whilst we could. Anything beyond that and I'd surely snap.
"Medovyy (honey), the Y/L/Ns are here!" Iryna called behind her, before looking to my family and I as we stood at her front door. "Please, all of you, come in!"
She ushered us into the main hall before closing the door after us. Perfectly timed, the rest of her family left the living room and came to greet us.
Automatically, my eyes found Wanda's and she was already looking my way, her dimple making a show as she attempted to reign in an excited smile. I did the same, trying to ignore the way my heart stirred upon seeing her.
Oleg and Iryna welcomed my parents and then me, kind expressions accompanying genuine greetings. In the corner of my eye, I saw Pietro shaking Y/B/N's hand before Wanda took his place, accepting a kiss on the cheek from Y/B/N. It wasn't jealousy that I felt whenever they were together, at least not entirely – they were to be married, what more could I expect? – but it wasn't anything pleasant either.
"Ah, my favourite Y/L/N," Pietro beamed upon shaking my hand, making my lips twitch upwards. "You excited for dinner? We're having salmon."
"Ecstatic, Pietro," I answered with a playful eye roll. "All I've been thinking all day."
He chuckled at my sarcasm before letting go of my hand and moving over to greet my parents. Wanda was next, her shoulders relaxing when she stepped before me with a soft smile present on her lips.
"It's good to see you," she said, but her eyes said much more than that. "How have you been?"
Exchanging a friendly-looking hug, my body was warm where she pressed against me. Touching her always sent a rush of emotion through me and I looked forward to it every time.
"I've been good," I answered aloud, before whispering into her ear, "Better now."
She squeezed my waist inconspicuously in response before letting go. "That's good. You know, we've got time before dinner and I wanted to show you the painting I've been working on lately. Wanna see?"
I glanced at my parents and hers for permission, knowing they'd heard her question.
"Just try not to take too long since dinner will be on the table soon," Iryna said with a nod. "It's so good to see you girls getting along."
Breathing out slightly, I smiled gratefully before letting Wanda intertwine our fingers and drag me up the staircase. She led me past several doors before we finally reached hers and she tugged me inside.
As soon as the door closed, she was quick to connect our lips in a heated, desperate kiss. I relaxed against her instantly, my hands falling to her side and pulling her closer. Her fingernails gently scratched the sensitive skin behind my neck, giving me goosebumps, and I let out an involuntary gasp at the feeling.
When we pulled away for a breath, her nose brushed against mine and she pressed a final kiss to my lips, slower and more tasteful compared to the first, before smiling at me.
"I missed you," she said, as if reading my mind.
A breathy laugh escaped my lips. "It's only been a week since we last saw each other, love."
She shrugged, arms laced around my neck. "A week too long."
Raising a brow judgementally, I gave her a knowing look. She wasn't embarrassed in the slightest as her half-lidded eyes met mine with a confident smirk.
"Did you just pull me up here to have a quick snog?" I teased her.
"Well, yes," she said, making me laugh again, before adding, "And I wanted to ask you if you'll go to the park with me tomorrow. A picnic. If you want."
She bit her lip anxiously, eyes darting elsewhere as she waited for an answer. I always found it amusing how she could be so confident one second and then so innocently adorable the next.
"Wanda, I'd love to." My thumb rubbed circles on her waist as I kept ahold of her. "I hear it's supposed to be nice weather tomorrow, too."
She pursed her lips. "Even if it rained, I'd still drag you to the park with me."
"Somehow, I feel like that's true," I countered with a ghost of a smile on my lips. She tried to hide her own smile and I continued, "Was there an actual painting you wanted to show me or...?"
Breathing out with amusement, she intertwined our fingers and pulled me to the back of her room where her 'studio' was. Since the last time I'd visited, there were plenty of new additions to her work, all as wonderful as the next.
"This one is from the beach at Blackpool," she said, stopping before a medium-sized canvas depicting the horizon. "When we sat on the bench. Just before I kissed you."
My heart fluttered at the memory and I studied the canvas, recalling it looked similar to her watercolour painting of the same view. She'd done a spectacular replica in oil paints, reminiscent of the trip we took.
"You should already know what I'm going to say," I said, looking to her knowingly. "But just so you can hear it again, I absolutely love this. You're so talented."
She rolled her eyes to distract from the pink spreading across her cheeks. "Thank you... and again, thank you for taking me. Seeing an actual water source upfront really helped me refine my paintings. It feels so much more real now."
I looked back to the painting, noticing what she meant. Either way, I loved both versions of her work, before and after going to the beach.
"You did good, love."
She squeezed my hand gently before sighing quietly with realisation. "We should probably go back down."
"We should," I agreed, glancing at her. "Thanks for showing me these."
She cracked a smile, teeth nibbling on her bottom lip. "Always."
Reluctantly, the two of us returned downstairs and joined the others as they were settling at the dining table. Wanda and I sat side by side, and this time when her fingers brushed mine, I made no move to pull away.
The meal was good, but as usual, I found myself zoning out. The conversation made its rounds, falling to me as the Maximoffs wanted to know how I was doing, then moved on, giving me chance to focus on eating my dinner and getting through the evening. I knew that at one point, everybody was talking about some play that was showing in the theatres.
Bits of the conversation were going in one ear and out the other and I was minding my own business until Wanda's bare foot rubbed against my leg under the table. The sensation of her skin against mine made my knee bounce up and hit the table with surprise, earning everyone's attention.
"Are you okay, dear?" Oleg asked, noticing my discomfort.
I cleared my throat, straightening up and ignoring the stifled smile Wanda had in my peripheral vision.
"I'm good, sorry about that," I apologised awkwardly, shivering when she dragged her foot back down my leg. "You were talking about the play, right?"
That seemed to distract them, as they leapt right back into conversation, giving me a chance to breathe out with relief. I looked to Wanda, watching her lean on her palm and hide a smirk as she stared at me with mischievous eyes.
Glaring and nudging her in the arm subtly, I looked back to my food, but she didn't move her foot, nor her hand. Both brushed my against me, starting a fire on my skin and making me swallow hard. She kept like that for the whole evening, making my head dizzy and leaving me at a loss for words.
And when I looked her way, she was already staring, definitely knowing the effect she had on me.
"I just need to find my shoes and we can go," I told Wanda the next morning, before our date at the park.
She'd come to pick me up at my house and was hanging around my room as I finished getting ready. From her place at my desk, she hummed in acknowledgment before distracting herself with my notebooks.
"I see you're making great use of the notebook I picked out for you," she commented, and I glanced towards her mid-search for my shoes, seeing she was flicking through the already-filled book.
"I have a lot of ideas, what can I say?" I joked, before looking under the pile of clothes near my wardrobe.
She chuckled, before falling quiet again. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing until she spoke up after a few minutes.
"Y/N, your writing is beautiful," she said, making me look her way to see an amazed smile on her lips. "I didn't know you could write like this. I mean– I should have because you helped write that letter Y/B/N gave to me, but this..."
I shrugged awkwardly, distracting myself with my search again. "It's okay, I guess."
She exhaled mockingly. "Okay? Y/N, this is miles better than okay. Why didn't you show me this sooner?"
I smiled satisfactorily as I finally located my shoes. Grabbing them, I approached Wanda and took a seat on the edge of my bed, opposite her seat at my desk.
"Because it'll never be anything more than what you're looking at?" I said rhetorically. "It'll only ever be words confined to pages that nobody will see?"
She gave me a knowing look. "I think you forget that my brother is a publisher, dorogoy (dear)."
"And I think you forget that he is the publisher to my brother, dear," I retorted playfully.
She sighed, shaking her head and putting the notebook back on my desk. "You know Pietro would love this, right? He'd sign you in a heartbeat."
I snickered at the ludicrous thought. "Wanda, you're a little biased, love."
She rolled her eyes. "Writers write for audiences. I am an audience. I consume literature. And I'm telling you that it's not just me who would read what you have to write."
I tried not to laugh as I pulled my shoes onto my feet.
"Are you really telling me that you'd never want to get published?" she asked with a raised brow.
My heart ached at the thought of such a fantasy. "Of course I would, Wanda." I met her eyes, which were already peering across from me patiently. "I've dreamed of that. But it's just not what's to happen. My family have told me that many times. In another lifetime, maybe."
She pursed her lips, studying me thoughtfully. I offered her a smile and stood up, holding out my hand.
"Forget that," I told her. "I believe you promised me a picnic."
Thankfully, she dropped the subject and accepted my hand, letting me pull her up. The topic wasn't brought up again and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
We went to the park like she wanted and she brought a picnic basket with her, having packed a lovely variety of finger foods and snacks.
As she was unpacking the food onto the blanket, I narrowed my eyes at her. "You know, now that we're finally alone, I can say how unfair it was of you to do what you did last night."
She played dumb, shrugging, focusing on neatening up the sandwiches on a plate. "I don't know what you mean, milaya (darling)."
"Huh. Sure you don't."
Giggles flew from her lips as she glanced at me through her eyelashes. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I just love seeing you squirm. You get all tense and it's so cute."
I pursed my lips. "I figured. You've been watching me squirm since we met."
She grinned knowingly before straightening up. "Okay, I made sandwiches and there's also some coleslaw, fruit, cheese... I made some Sokovian dishes, too, if you want to try them. Okroshka – it's like a cold soup. Then there's this olivye salad. It's... well, salad."
I smiled at the thought she put into it all and grabbed her hand between us. We'd set the picnic out behind a tree so we wouldn't have curious eyes watching us. It didn't look like we were overtly hiding, but we still got our privacy, too.
"It all looks great, Wanda," I said with appreciation. "I can't wait to try it."
She squeezed my hand in response before letting go to grab some paper plates. After popping a strawberry in her mouth, she asked, "Do you just want a bit of everything?"
I leaned on the back of my hands as I hummed a 'yes'. She began to put me some food in and I watched her, admiring the sight.
Her hair was half-pulled back today, falling in waves down her back and exposing her perfectly sculpted jawline. Everything about her was perfect – the way she moved was elegant and graceful, even when her hair fell over her shoulder and in her way; she simply moved it back with a flick of her hand and resumed what she was doing. The sun caught her immaculately, her hair glowing bright under the light and her eyes magnificently green as they focused.
As always, she took my breath away.
"Here," she said, holding out the plate towards me and pulling me from my reverie.
I accepted the plate and fork, returning her smile, before she watching as she began to make another plate for herself.
"You sure this is fancy enough for you?" I asked jokingly, stabbing my fork into a carrot. "I heard you and my brother went to a very luxurious restaurant the other night."
She met my eyes, holding amusement in her own. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, milaya (darling)."
I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes. "I'm not jealous, I just– it's so annoying listening to him talk about how beautiful you are or how funny you are or how kind you are."
"Oh, so you don't think I'm any of those things?" she teased, trying to get a rise out of me.
I titled my head towards her. "Of course I know you're all those things. But it doesn't mean I like hearing him talk about it constantly..."
Clearly amused, she erupted into laughter and I felt my face heating up with embarrassment. I know it sounded like I was whining, but it was true. Sometimes, I wasn't envious of my brother but rather at the fact that he could actually take Wanda out properly. He could be seen with her in public and hold her hand without fear of getting looks or disowned. He had the privilege of being with her and it wasn't fair.
"You may hear him talk about it, but there's one thing I can assure you that you get that he doesn't," she said when recovering from her laughter.
I stared at her with an exasperated sigh. "And what's that?"
She smiled confidently, glancing around quickly, before leaning forward and kissing me softly. As quickly as it came, it disappeared, leaving me desiring more.
Licking my lips, I couldn't tear my eyes from hers. "You know, you're a really good kisser."
She chuckled at my reaction and I found myself leaning in again, entranced by the way she tasted. Putting my plate to the side, I raised a hand to pull her closer, getting better access to her mouth.
She tasted sweet like the strawberry she'd just eaten and I swiped my tongue across her lip, indicating I wanted her to part her them. She did, allowing me to slip my tongue in and wrestle with hers, revelling in the way she tasted. My heart was thumping loudly in my chest as she let out a moan, it reverberating in my mouth and giving me goosebumps.
When lack of oxygen became an issue, she pulled away breathlessly, flushed cheeks adorned with a smile.
"As lovely as that was, I actually want to eat what I made," she ridiculed playfully.
"Yes, we will," I assured her, my hand moving from her neck up to her jaw. My thumb touched her lips, outlining them tenderly, subconsciously committing them to memory. "We'll get back to it."
She wanted to laugh, but I moved forward and caught her bottom lip between mine, unable to stay away. It was wrong, the rush I felt in my gut and the warmth that spread all over my body and the tingles that travelled down my spine. Because I knew what it all meant, but admitting it was a different story. So, I didn't.
I just continued to kiss the girl before me, knowing I could have kissed her forever and not regretted a single thing.
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babymetaldoll · 3 years
DIWK - Chapter one: "Yes, I'm a genius"
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Word count: 10,5 K
Warnings: Cursing, but it's mostly a fluffy nerdy start to our story.  Mentions of the L.D.S.K episode (Season 1, E06) and A real Rain (Season 1, E17).
Summary: Spencer meets the BAU new member, a young S.S.A. who happens to be just as nerdy as he is. (Y/N) is excited to join her dream job finally, but she is decided to create an imaginary barrier between her personal life and her job 'cos she doesn't want to make the same mistakes her father had done.
A/N: It's happening!!! I'm so excited!! I'm sorry it's gonna be long, so I hope you enjoy the ride 💕. Let me know what you think!  
Series Masterlist
Chapter one | Chapter two | Chapter three | Chapter four | Chapter five | Chapter six | Chapter seven | Chapter eight | Chapter nine | Chapter ten | Chapter eleven | Chapter twelve | Chapter thirteen | Chapter fourteen | Chapter fifteen | 
Spencer's point of view
I remember everything that happened the day (Y/N) first arrived at the BAU. It was Monday, November 7th, 2005. Morgan had teased me for a whole week already, as soon as Hotch told us a new member of the team had been selected.
I first saw her when she had her last interview with Aaron and Gideon. My eyes were glued to her from the moment she stepped into the bullpen, and of course, Derek saw me.
- "What caught your eye, kid?"- he asked, walking to my desk. He sat on it and cut me one of his smirks, telling me he knew something was going on. I cleared my throat, trying to turn to my pile of paperwork, going through the papers, and narrowing my eyes, pretending to read.
- "What?"- I know I couldn't fool him, but at least I tried.
- "Do you know her?"
- "Who?"- Morgan looked at me in silence. He knew I knew what he was talking about- "The... no, Hotch is talking with someone..."
I was completely flustered.
- "That I can see, do you know her?"
- "No..."- I whispered and looked over again, this time staring at the scene inside the office, trying to figure out what they were talking about.
I could see (Y/N) smiling at Hotch, and he... smiled back, which still surprises me. Our Unit Chief never smiles in the office, and somehow, (Y/N) always manages to make him grin and express tenderness. I guess that's one of the things about her I love, the way she always manages- somehow, I still don't know how- to make everybody around her happy. Especially me. I had never been as happy as I've been since I met her.
- "Hey, Hotch!"- Morgan waited until she was into the elevator to call Aaron and start asking questions- Who is she?
- "That's Supervisory Special Agent (Y/F/N) (Y/S/N) (Y/L/N), and she is going to be part of the team, starting next week."
My heart stopped. (Y/N) was gonna work with me. I was never going to have another intelligible thought or idea if she was going to be around. Of that, I was sure.
Derek turned to me with a grimace of taunt as I tried my best to look away and hide my red blushed cheeks. Damn it. I hate it when he makes me feel like a kid. He did that then, and he still manages to do it now, even when I'm already thirty years old.
- "Did you hear that, pretty boy?"- I was so glad it was just him and Hotch. I didn't want anyone else to listen to that conversation- "You are going to get many chances to talk with that pretty girl."
- "We are going to have to go through the fraternization policy then."- Hotch joked. Yes, he joked and smiled as he walked away.
I could barely talk or even look at her during her whole first day. I was so embarrassed that week 'cos I had just failed my firearm qualification, and I knew everybody was judging me. At least that's how I felt. It didn't work that Morgan welcomed me that morning with a freaking whistle. I felt like the mockery of a Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, and of all days, (Y/N) had to arrive that morning.
We had a long briefing that day, JJ catching (Y/N) up with a few cases we were reviewing, and Hotch gave her the proper induction to the team. Penelope loved her. It was friendship at first sight.
- "I'm so happy you are here to stay! There aren't enough girls here at the BAU!"- she nearly squeaked as soon as we left the meeting room- "I want to know everything about you! We are going to be best friends. I can feel it!"- (Y/N) smiled at Garcia and nodded.
- "If you are a cat lover and a sucker for nerdy things, then I guess we are already family."
Her answer made Penelope shriek in excitement as I walked back to my desk quickly. I knew Derek wasn't going to waste the chance to embarrass me in front of her, and I needed to avoid it no matter what.
- "Considering it's your first day, and so far we haven't got a case, I say we should all have lunch together. There's a small place nearby"- Morgan smiled sweetly at (Y/N), and she nodded.
- "I'd love to."
- "Spencer here was just telling me how he wanted to know how you got to the BAU so young; he is excited not to be the team's baby anymore"- I turned to Morgan slowly. I swear he could feel the daggers from my eyes.
- "How old are you?"- she asked, and her smile left me speechless. I tried to answer, but I couldn't make any sound but an awkward stutter.
- "He's twenty-four"- Elle had to answer for me, 'cos I had literally lost all my verbal abilities- "His birthday was a few weeks ago."
- "Congratulations! I'm twenty-four too! I'm so happy I'm not the youngest! My brother teased me about it for the last couple of days and got me all freaked out."
She looked so happy to be there. When you spend day after day surrounded by the worst of humankind, you seem to enjoy and appreciate the little gentle things in life. Her excitement was one of those. It was refreshing.
- "That's..."- it was so hard to pronounce any word at that moment. I was flustered and mortified 'cos I was making a fool out of myself.
- "That's great."
That was all I managed to say. Then, I looked down at the papers on my desk, doing my best to avoid any conversation. JJ and Elle talked to her for a few more minutes before returning to their duties, and Derek tapped my back as he walked to his desk.
- "Way to go, Romeo."
- "Shut up."
We never made it for lunch that day, 'cos we were called for a case in Illinois, and I was embarrassed in front of (Y/N) for the very first time. The first of many.
(Y/N)'s point of view
I could never forget the day I met Spencer. We were just kids. We were both twenty-four, and that was the first thing that caught everybody's attention on my first day at the BAU. We were the youngest, though he was a genius. I was an average kid who graduated high school at sixteen, got good grades at college, and got into the academy at twenty. Somehow I managed to kick ass until I got the position of my dreams in the Behavioral Analysis Unit. I felt too young and inexperienced to be there, but seeing Reid's face made me feel a little better.
Hotch introduced me to everybody: Morgan, JJ, Elle, Penelope, Gideon -the legend- and Doctor Spencer Reid. He didn't shake my hand, explaining he has a "germs thing." I waved and said I understood him because I've always had a "hug thing," so we are both on the same page.
- "I don't like people touching me if we are not close friends or family."- I explained, and he smiled right away. That smile. It lit up my days for years to come.
- "Me neither, so don't worry, I'm not gonna try to touch you"- I bit my lips as I nodded, and his cheeks turned blood red with embarrassment immediately
- "Sorry, I mean, I'm not going to do anything that might bother you, like hugging you or..."
- "Don't worry, Dr. Reid, I understood what you were trying to say"- he kept nodding and excusing himself, and I tried not to laugh. He seemed to be so nervous it was endearing.
- "You... you can call me Spencer, or Reid"- he added- "You don't need to call me doctor."
- "You can call me (Y/N)"- and he nodded again, looking like a ten years old kid.
I remember clearly that second, right away, I thought he could be my new best friend. There was something about him that made me want to get closer to him.
- "Great! Now we've got two weird kids."- Morgan quickly said, chuckling, and I frowned at his words. I wanted to give him the snarkiest answer, but I remembered it was my first day, and I was still trying to give a good impression to my new coworkers, so I just stared.
- "You know, treating them like kids won't make you look wiser."- Elle whispered, though I heard her perfectly, as Hotch called to the briefing room.
- "I'm just joking with them! Don't you get a joke?"
I thought it was rude to joke around with someone you had just met, but soon after that, I realized Derek Morgan meant no harm. He was like that. And soon, he became the older brother I never thought I was going to need at work. After all, it was my first official job, and it was a very stressful one.
My first case was nerve-wracking. Gideon snapped in front of me, and I felt I wasn't helping at all catching the sniper. We are not supposed to use that word, but fuck it. Besides, Spencer and Hotch were kept hostage by the unsub. And Aaron had to beat the shit out of Reid to save all the hostages. Reid was so embarrassed, and I was so scared.
Scared of looking weak in front of my team. Afraid of not deserve being at the BAU.
I remember Elle brought me a coffee on the jet on our way back and said the words that resonated in my head when she left.
- "No one expects you to be perfect at what you do. We just need someone who gives the best every day."
I looked into her eyes and nodded. That was one of the few intimate conversations we had. Elle wasn't the one to open her heart and share her feelings. But she was always someone who could tell you the truth and support you when you needed it.
- "Hey! Reid!"- I waved at him from my car as I stopped next to him outside the BAU. It was already two in the morning, and he was outside the main building waiting for a cab.
- "Hey (Y/N)."- he whispered as I rolled up the window and looked at him.
- "Do you need a ride?"
- "No... no, thank you"- he hesitated and waved- "I already called a cab."
- "Are you sure? it's gonna start raining any minute now."
And just as I predicted, a few seconds later, Spencer's glasses were covered with tiny drops of water. He smiled and took a step closer to the car, opened the door, and got in.
- "Th... thank you"- he whispered as I smiled
- "It's ok, I couldn't let you there, on your own, waiting for a cab, not after coming back from a case."
- "I'm ok..."- maybe he thought I was implying the beating he got from Aaron earlier that day, so I did my best to tell him otherwise.
- "I bet you are, but it's fucking freezing, and we are all tired. There's no way you are waiting for a cab if I can drive you over... what about your car, by the way?"
- "I'm not a fan of driving; I take the subway to work every day."
- "Really? Why not?"- I was surprised by his answer, but I was way more surprised we were talking, finally.
- "I don't know, I don't feel comfortable driving... the guys say I'm weird."
I turned to him, raising an eyebrow. He looked so nervous it made me feel bad. Maybe I had done something that had bothered him and never noticed it.
- "That's not weird"- my voice was soft, trying to calm him down. Spencer looked like a scared kitten sitting on my car's passenger seat.
- "If you don't like driving, that's ok... I don't like talking on the phone with people. It makes me anxious for no reason."- I confessed, keeping my eyes on the road. But I know he turned to me and nodded.
- "That's completely normal. It's called "telephone phobia" or "phone phobia," which refers to the irrational fear or discomfort with speaking over the phone. Psychologists believe that this condition is related to social anxiety, which causes a person to avoid situations where they will need to act. Making a call is essentially a performance, and some people dread making a mistake, freezing up, being ridiculed, or not being able to perform in front of an audience."
- "Really?"- he just nodded and kept his eyes on the road- "I didn't know it had a name! My insurance should cover it."
And he finally laughed, which made me feel he was maybe a little more relaxed around me.
- "This is me."- he announced, and I parked outside his building. It was a nice place, and conveniently, it was very close to my house.
- "Great! I live just a few blocks away. I can give you a ride to work whenever you want"- I might have sounded a little more excited than I should have, but I wanted to be friends with him. He was the closest in age with me at work, and he looked so shy and friendly. He was a magnet. Spencer Reid was calling for my friendship. I could feel it.
- "Th.. thanks"- he stuttered and nodded as he opened the door and step out of the car- "Thank you, again."
- "You are very welcome!"- I answered with a big smile. He stared at me for another second and waved before turning around, basically running into the building.
I wish I could go back in time to those days. Everything was more uncomplicated, we were getting to know each other, and everything was brand new: Reid's rambling, my bad jokes. I miss that. I miss us.
It wasn't easy to get close to Spencer. It wasn't easy to get close to the team, probably 'cos I was overthinking every single thing I did. In my first couple of weeks, I was as friendly as I have ever been and made my best to be the (Y/N) I had to be as an FBI Agent. I was making a tremendous effort to fit it. I was nervous and walking on eggshells the whole time. Every time Hotch talked to me, I was sure he would tell me I was fired. When Gideon looked at me, I was sure he thought I was the dumbest agent he had ever met. And every time I spoke at the morning briefings, I just could feel Spencer thinking I was stupid.
- "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I was looking for you!"- Penelope ran into me outside the lady's room and jumped on my face, making me scream- "Sorry!"
- "It's ok, you just almost killed me of a heart attack, but that's ok... I'll survive."- I joked as I kept feeling my heart jumping in my chest.
- "Sorry, I'm just excited 'cos everybody is in for a little gathering tonight at my house. I need to give you a proper welcome! You've already been here for nearly a month, and we still don't get to know much of you."
Hanging out with my coworkers outside the office was strange. Not that I didn't want to get to meet them, it's just that... they were FBI agents. Sure, so was I, but it was my first official Supervisory Special Agent job, and I was only twenty-four. There were so many of my teenage days I still wasn't ready to let go. And so much of it, I didn't want them to know.
- "Sure!"- I replied and smiled at her face lighting up. You could tell Penelope was excited to host a party at her house.
- "Great! Tonight! my place! I'll text you the address! you have to be there!"
- "I will, I swear!"
Spencer's point of view
Oh, man! The first time I actually talked to (Y/N) was on a get-together Penelope organized at her apartment a few weeks after (Y/N) joined the team. Garcia made an effort to make her feel welcome, she even invited Elle, and we all knew those two weren't incredibly close.
Derek drove Elle and me to Penelope's, and I was mortified every minute I spent in that car. He wouldn't stop teasing me, and Elle asked over and over if I had a crush on (Y/N).
- "No! I don't have a crush on her! can you knock it off?!"- I finally snapped as I got off the car outside Garcia's building.
- "Just because she is my age doesn't mean I have or should have a crush on her! she is our new colleague! so please! Stop!"
I slammed the door and walked inside. Did I make an unnecessary scene? Yes, but I couldn't handle anything better at that moment. They were driving me crazy.
- "Welcome! Welcome!"- Penelope opened the door and invited us in. (Y/N), and JJ were already there, holding a beer and laughing. I stared at the two of them and knew I wasn't going to say a word the whole evening.
Back then, I still had a small crush on JJ. We had a terrible date after Gideon gave me tickets for a football game with her favorite team. That was his way to encourage me to ask her out, which I did... but apparently, I sucked at it, 'cos she never got it was a date and invited Penelope to come along. Worst date of my life. But still, I got flustered around her, and my mind kept coming back to her from time to time.
- "So, pretty girl, why did you want to be part of the FBI?"- Morgan asked her after a while of small talk. She was sitting on Garcia's coach, next to our host and JJ. I turned to look at her from my chair, and I swear I felt Elle's eyes on me for a few seconds.
- "Do you usually call girls names?"- (Y/N) answered the questions with another question and frowned at Morgan. He just wide opened his eyes and smiled, surprised.
- "He calls everybody names."- JJ replied, chuckling
- "Hey! he calls me sweet names! Just me!"- Penelope got all jealous and possessive right away.
- "Did you know according to some studies, the reason people in relationships use pet names for their partners is that they're harking back to their own childhood experience and their first love, which usually relates to their mother"- facts came out of my mouth faster than I noticed. I didn't have a chance to stop myself.
Derek frowned right away and (Y/N) bit her lips, trying not to laugh. Elle lost that fight and let out a burst of loud laughter along with JJ.
- "Are you trying to tell me I've got mommy issues, Reid?"
- "No, no, of course not!"- my voice was agitated as I shook my head and hands frenetically. If there's one thing I never want to do is get Morgan mad. He is scary when he is crossed, and back then, we weren't as close as we are now. Let's say I was a little afraid I might say the wrong thing. I always said the wrong thing... I don't know when to stop.
- "I call people pet-names too, once I get to know them, so don't worry"- (Y/N) smiled at turned to Derek with a smile- "And to answer your question, why did I join the FBI? I guess I tried to follow dad's steps. He is chief of police here at Quantico... and my older brother is a detective at NYPD, so... I guess I never really thought about it. I knew where I wanted to be."
- "I bet they are proud"- JJ smiled at her, and I held my breath for a second. I don't know why I did it; I just remember feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden. Not because of JJ, but because I wanted to learn more about (Y/N). I wanted to know everything, but I had no idea how to ask her anything.
- "Well, my brother is very jealous since I joined the BAU"- she chuckled with a playful smile- "Now I'm dad's favorite."
She told us about her academy experience, and we all told her a little bit about ourselves. Morgan was nice enough to tell her everything about my degrees and IQ because, well, my IQ dropped to twenty when it was my turn to talk to her.
I found out she has a MA in Linguistics and was considering doing the DA, which she did. That's when I managed to speak, and we talked about our college experiences for a while.
- "Oh, no! I wasn't popular at all. When your dad is a cop, kids usually don't wanna talk to you or invite you to parties."- she explained as we stood at one side of the room. Talking to her on our own was a little bit easier than doing it with everybody else watching. I don't know why. So I took my opportunity when Derek was out getting more beer with Elle, and JJ and Garcia were in the kitchen.
- "Being fourteen and riding my bike to college didn't make me very popular either."- I confessed, and she chuckled
- "Sorry."
- "Don't be"- I smiled and looked down at my shoes- "I guess at a certain point in our lives, we have to start laughing about some of the bad things that happened to us"- her cellphone rang that second, and she looked at the screen with a small smile.
- "Sorry, I have to answer this, it's my boyfriend."
Boyfriend. I should have seen it coming.
I walked to the kitchen, defeated, and sighed. I left my empty can of Coke and looked at my friends.
- "I think I'm gonna go home."
- "What? No! It's too early, Spence!!"- JJ argued right away- "You never want to hang out with us outside work!"
- "Yeah!! Don't you want to have fun with us?"- Garcia begged and pouted. I wasn't sure I wanted to be there. I was very uncomfortable 'cos social gatherings weren't my thing (they are still not my thing anyway) until I heard her voice.
- "So, what are you guys doing?"- (Y/N) walked over and stood next to me
- "Who were you talking to?"- Penelope asked right away with a wink.
- "My boyfriend"- she was joyful, I could feel the happiness in her voice- "He just wanted to know if I was ok."
- "Boyfriend?"- JJ smiled, and I could feel her eyes glance over me.
- "I need to know everything!"- and Penelope hyperventilated right away- "How long have you been dating? Are you getting married soon? Is he the love of your life?"
- "Who's getting married?"- Morgan walked in and wide opened his eyes as he questioned the room.
- "(Y/N) is getting married!!"- Penelope nearly shrieked as (Y/N) shook her head laughing.
- "I'm not getting married! Paul and I started dating just a month ago; it's nothing serious."
I took a sip of the beer Elle gave me and sighed, staring at the bottle. I made my best not to look at Derek for the rest of the night. I didn't want him to give me any sorry glance or anything that might make anyone believe something that wasn't real.
It was a fun night, after all. After my beer, we talked; I felt a little looser and managed to ask (Y/N) about herself and told her I had overheard her telling Garcia she was a sucker for all nerd things.
- "Yeah, I'm a huge nerd"- her cheeks blushed with her confession.
- "I bet you can't beat baby genius here"- Morgan chuckled and tapped in my back, making everybody laugh... at me.
- "I've got the feeling I can top him... you have no idea the kind of geek I am"- she looked straight at me- "How many Star Wars conventions have you been to this year?"
- "Just one, you?"- I raised an eyebrow and watched her chuckle.
- "Five... last two I was in make-up and custom"- I wide opened my eyes as she bit her lips nervously.
- "And Doctor Who conventions?"- I asked her, way more intrigued than I had been about her before.
- "Only two this year, the academy and school got in the way of most of my fun..."
- "Do you have a favorite doctor?"- I had to ask
- "From the new series, ten, the classic Doctor who I have to say four."
- "Tom Baker is by far my favorite doctor of the whole series."
- "But you can't overlook the fantastic job David Tennant has done! He is the one who managed to charm a whole new generation with the show!"
- "Yeah, he is excellent! but he ain't no Baker"- I loved that conversation
- "Baker's popularity is 80% because he had Sara Jane, who is by far one of the best companions the doctor has ever had. She made him human and relatable"- she had a point, but I needed to argue with her. I opened my mouth to answer, but I couldn't because Morgan's voice was louder than my thoughts.
- "Ok, geeks, you can ramble about your tv shows and nerd things some other time, now let's make a toast. To our newest member, we hope you feel welcome working with us, 'cos you are gonna see us way more than you see your boyfriend"- she chuckled at those words and nodded.
- "Thank you, guys. You have been so nice to me these couple of weeks. I've got the feeling we are gonna get along."
- "Do you need a ride?"- (Y/N) turned to me as I grabbed my satchel, and she put on her coat.
- "Thanks, but Morgan is gonna take me home."- I whispered, scared to be alone with her again.
- "Actually, kid, I was planning to hit the club right now, it's still early, and we don't get many free nights, so..."- he looked at us and shrugged.
- "You don't mind?"- I asked her, and she gave me the warmest smile.
- "I just offered to do it, of course, I don't mind at all."
- "Thank you."
I didn't know if I wanted to kill Morgan or thank him. Either way, (Y/N) waved goodbye to everybody and walked out of Garcia's with me, after thanking everybody for the hundredth time for everything.
- "Are you tired?"- she asked me as we both sat in her car. She started it, and the music that came from the radio was so loud, I nearly covered my ears- "Sorry! Sorry! I was rocking my favorite album on my way over."
She quickly turned off the radio and gave me a guilty smile
- "It happens when you drive alone a lot."
- "Did you know listening to loud music helps you liberate stress?"- I started rambling- "There is a direct connection between your inner ear and the pleasure centers in the brain. Shortly explained, when you listen to loud music, endorphins are released, that act on the opiate receptors in our brains, they reduce pain and boost pleasure, resulting in a feeling of well-being."
If I was going to work with her, I had to find a way to talk to her. Even if that way was to ramble facts over and over again. Anything was better than silences, I guess.
- "Yeah! and it also works like a stimulant, which I needed after the week we just had..."- I chuckled, and she looked at me for a second- "By the way, I noticed you have a problem with coffee and sugar"
- "I don't have a problem with coffee!"- I felt nearly judged by her statement.
- "And sugar!"- she added and snickered
- "You know you shouldn't profile other profilers"- I made my best to make a joke, and I guess I nailed it, 'cos she chuckled.
- "That's hardly profiling, Reid! that's just watching you prepare your coffee every morning"
- "Have you been spying on me?"- I could help but to chuckle at that conversation. I was having fun.
- "No way on earth! I just happen to like to drink coffee too, which leads us to the question I wanted to ask, it's still early; Morgan was right, do you want to have a coffee or something... I'm in the mood for something sweet."
- "And you were judging me for my coffee with extra sugar!"
- "I'm not judging you! I'm just pointing out that I noticed what you are doing and wondering how many cavities you already have."
I laughed. An honest, real, pure laughter. She has always made me laugh as I've never had. Like there are no problems, no worries, no traumas. Nothing bad.
- "I have no cavities, thank you very much!"
- "Fine! and are you in the mood for a late coffee and cupcake with me?"- I stayed quiet and looked at her- Don't feel pushed to do it just because I'm giving you a drive
- "No, no, it's not that. I just don't wanna bother you"
- "If I am inviting you, Reid, it's because I want to do it, not because I'm feeling forced to do it"- she kept her eyes on the road, but her voice was so reassuring I couldn't doubt a word.
- "Wouldn't your boyfriend get mad or something?"- I whispered the question 'cos I was scared of the answer.
- "Why should he?"- she looked shocked by the questions- "If he gets jealous, then he is not the guy for me."
I cut her a short smile and nodded. Her personality was so different from mine. It was exciting to have her around.
- "I could eat a donut"- and she clapped at my answer, thrilled with the plan.
- "That's the spirit! I know just the place!"
We talked until four in the morning that night. I don't know how I managed to do it, not because I was tired, but because I was very nervous. Well, I was at the beginning, but talking with (Y/N) has always come easy to me, somehow. To the guy who was never able to speak in public or with any girl, spending three hours in a cafeteria talking, eating donuts, and drinking coffee in the middle of the night was the most significant achievement.
(Y/N)'s point of view
- "How do you know a place open at this hour?"- Spencer asked me the very first time we were out together for coffee. It was already close to four in the morning, and I had started yawning, 'cos even with all the sugar and caffeine I had consumed that night, I was weary.
- "Sorry to break the news, doctor, but are not the only one with a sugar problem"- I licked a little frosting from my finger and grinned- "Sometimes after classes, or when I was too stressed studying, I would come here, get a coffee, a cupcake and just... do nothing for a while, just to let my brain rest I guess"
- "That makes total sense. The brain needs free time to process new information and turn it into something more permanent. Though the amount of time a mind needs to construct a durable memory probably varies from one person to the next, it also depends on the complexity of what that person is trying to learn"
- "Well, believe me, it felt like I needed two weeks to process all the information, but I only had half an hour if I was lucky"
- "Then you are already trained for this work. We don't have much time to do anything when we are on a case"
- "That's what I've seen so far... but at least you all get along. It would suck to be stuck in a team that fight egos and divisions."
- "Yeah, you are right, we are lucky to have very nice people working with us... everybody brings something different to the team"- I nodded at his words and looked down at my fingers as I tried to wipe the leftover sticky glazed with a napkin.
I had been working there for four weeks already, and I still felt like I didn't belong. Honestly, it was such hard work being there, not because they weren't a great team, but because it was more challenging than I ever imagined. Profiling and traveling all over the nation catching serial killers was... stressing, to say the least.
- "You bring a completely different point of view in every case"- he continued speaking and looked down at his cup- "And your knowledge in Linguistics adds more information to the profiles, which helps working faster and better."
I held my breath at his words. I knew he was just polite, just trying to make me feel better about my job performance these weeks.
- "I can assure you, you have been an incredible addition to the team"- he stayed quiet for a second, still just staring at his cup.
- "Thank you."
- "It's true; I'm not telling you this 'cos I think you need to hear it. I wanted you to know 'cos that's how we all feel."
I know I was blushing. I don't know how to take a compliment. Not that I get many, but it's always weird to hear someone telling you so nice things about your work.
- "Thank you, Spencer"- he finally looked at me and nodded. We stayed in silence for a few minutes. I didn't know what else to say, and he seemed to be embarrassed.
- "Thank you, actually"- he finally whispered.
- "Why? I didn't do anything"- I was confused, but he was earnest about his words.
- "Thank you, 'cos you have been very nice to me, even though I am a barely tolerable person."
- "What? Barely tolerable? What the hell are you saying?"
- "I mean, I know I drive people crazy 'cos I am always rambling and giving unnecessary facts all the time"- I narrowed my eyebrows, not getting why he was saying those things.
- "You do not do that."
- "Maybe you haven't been here long enough to realize I am always giving facts, and..."- he was honest. He actually believed people were annoyed by him. It hurt me to know that's what he thought of himself.
- "I realized that within the first three hours into the job, but I think that's amazing."
- "People would always say it's annoying."
- "Why would they say that?"
- "Because... I know they do."
- "Well, whoever says or thinks that are assholes, I like your rambling."
Reid snorted, and I hit his arm with my knuckles softly. I really felt bad he was so insecure, and most of all, he thought everybody hated him.
- "I mean it, Spencer, I wish I knew half the things you know, and if being with you means having to listen to your rambling, I think it's incredible, 'cos it gives me the chance to soak some of that knowledge."
The way he smiled, it was like his whole face lit up. He blushed, obviously embarrassed, and it also blushed me, 'cos he was gorgeous when he smiled.
- "So please, don't stop the facts, not with me"- he nodded and sipped what was left of his coffee.
After another few minutes, we left, and I drove him home. We were in a small sugar rush; we were too tired to have a full effect. I knew all I wanted was my bed and sleep the whole weekend.
- "I had a great time tonight"- I parked my car outside his building and smiled- "At Penelope's and with you"
I was so excited we had finally talked and gotten closer. I wanted to be friends with him so badly. Why? I don't know. I just knew I needed him in my life, from that minute on.
- "I had a great time too"- he smiled and held his satchel- "See you Monday"
- "Yeah! See ya!"
- "Drive safe!"
- "I will!"
I got home that night and laid on my bed, fully dressed. I barely took off my shoes and fell asleep right away. I was too tired to think, too tired even to put on my pajamas. But I wasn't too tired to remember Spencer's smile while he ate donuts. His dorky glasses, the way he gesticulated everything he said when he was excited about a subject. I was glad I had finally gotten to talk to him for once. And I couldn't wait to do it again.
Back then, Paul and I had just started dating. I wasn't in love with him, but he was a nice, funny guy I loved spending time with. I met Paul a couple of months ago at a friend's party. He was fun to be with, and we had a lot of things in common. We were both into music. He had a band, I didn't back then, but eventually got mine over time. He was like me, nothing like my friends at the BAU.
I thought that was cool, 'cos he represented a part of me I didn't want to lose working at the FBI. I was terrified I was going to lose myself in my new job. I saw how it affected dad's and my brother's life, how they were consumed by it in almost every single way. It was why my parents got divorced. It was why my brother couldn't keep a girlfriend for longer than a few months. 'Cos work was first, and their job was everything. The crazy hours, having to answer every call, no matter how busy you were. I thought it was sick how work could be your whole life. I was decided not to let it happen.
Yeah. I had no idea what I was getting into.
Soon after I joined the BAU, the nightmares began. I guess nothing prepares you to see so many people die. And nothing prepares you to kill someone, no matter if that someone is a child abuser.
I took the shoot, didn't even hesitate. It went right between his eyes. It was him or me, I know that. He was going to kill me. But still, it was hard.
Derek turned to me as I stayed still, in shock. It took me a few seconds to even breathe. I had just killed a person. It wasn't just some random thing.
- "(Y/N), are you ok?"- he landed a hand on my shoulder, and I quickly nodded.
- "Yeah, I'm ok... that was fast"- it was all I could say and turned to him. He gave me a short warm smile and wrapped an arm around me. I flinched at his touch right away and held my breath again. I don't know if he felt it, but still, he didn't let me go.
Derek has that thing when he doesn't care if you want it or no; he will give you his love and friendship when he feels you deserve it. I guess I'm lucky to call him my friend. And he really pushed that hug thing I still have.
- "Are you ok?- Spencer's voice was a sweet whisper. He sat carefully next to me in the jet and gave me a warm cup of tea- "I made you the one you like"
Of course, he had noticed my favorite brand, 'cos that's what Spencer does, he takes mental notes of everything and never, ever forgets. I wonder if that's a good thing or not. I guess it depends on what you remember.
- "Yeah, just tired"- working at the BAU, you can hide any kind of feeling behind the "I'm so tired" excuse. Mostly because we are indeed tired the whole time.
- "It was an extreme case"- I sipped my cup of tea and nodded at his words- "Do you..."
- "No, I'm ok, I don't wanna talk about it"- he bit his lips as he smiled. We both stayed quiet for a while. He read (somehow, at a relative normal peace), and I drank my tea. I couldn't concentrate on anything, so I just looked outside and tried not to think about the unsub's face and how he looked when I killed him.
- "How was your first time?"- I finally asked him, and I think my question caught him by surprise, 'cos he nearly jumped on his seat- "Not your first time in the sack, the first time you had to..."
- "No, I got it, I got it"- he was already blushing, it was adorable- "My first time was actually the first time you drove me home"
- "Really?"
- "Yeah"- he made a pause and gathered his thoughts, I guess- "I didn't really go out to the field a lot before 'cos I didn't have my firearm qualification"
And suddenly I remembered how embarrassed he was about it on my first day at the BAU. Derek made sure everybody knew about it 'cos he thought it was hilarious. And I thought he was a jerk for making fun of him.
- "And did it affect you?"- it was a stupid question. I knew Spencer was a sensitive person; of course, killing someone was going to affect him in many ways- "I mean, how did it affect you?"
- "I couldn't feel anything at first"
- "Shock?"- he nodded and sighed- "Gideon said that maybe I didn't know what I felt and that's why I thought I didn't feel a thing, but that wasn't it, it was like I was numbed inside... but then when it hits you"- he murmured- "And you can't stop thinking about it"
- "I think it hit me sooner than I thought"- I closed my eyes and sighed, but even then, I could feel those empty dead eyes staring at me.
- "Wanna know what helped me?"- Spencer's voice was velvety and soothing. It felt relaxing talking to him.
- "What?"- I whispered and turned to look at him
- "Remember two things: you did what you had to do"- I sighed at that with a small smile. It didn't sound like something I could believe at that moment.
- "And the second?"
- "A lot of kids are alive and safe because of you"
Now, that made me feel a lot better. Reid was right. I did what I had to do to help people. That guy wasn't going to stop.
- "Thanks"- I managed to give him a slight smile, and he did the same.
- "I'm here to talk if you want to"
It felt like he was really making an effort to say those words. I didn't know why it was still so hard for him to talk to me. Maybe it was still a sensitive subject for him, so I did what I do best: I joked about it.
- "Thank you... I'll try to avoid the issue as much as I can, but when I collapse under the pressure, I promise I'll come to you"- he chuckled at my answer and nodded right away.
- "Great plan."
And a few days later, I couldn't sleep anymore. I kept waking up to those eyes. I kept feeling guilty for killing a child abuser who was trying to kill me. I relived in my mind that moment over and over again.
- "Babe, come back to bed"- Paul found me sitting by the kitchen island staring at a herbal teacup at two am. It was my third insomnia night.
- "Yeah, I'll be right there"- he turned to walk back to the room but hesitated and looked at me again.
- "Do you want to talk about it?"- I shook my head, still not taking my eyes from the cup. He slowly walked to me and held my hand - "Come on, babe, everything looks worse at two am."
And he was right. Everything seemed to be worse when it came to my mind in the middle of the night. But it didn't get any better during the day either. He cuddled with me in my bed and fell asleep soon after. I just stayed there, feeling his chest moving softly with his soft breathing, thinking I had killed someone, and it wasn't going to be the last time I was going to face something like this.
Spencer's point of you
Do you want to know something sad? I was excited we had an unsub in New York 'cos I had never been there. Back then, I didn't know my colleagues were going to tease me about it. I didn't give it too much thought. I honestly wasn't good at leaving my house when we weren't in a case. Most of my traveling had been due to work, and other than La Vegas and Pasadena, I hadn't been to many cities just to sightsee.
Why am I thinking about that right now? 'cos we were in New York the day (Y/N) gave me her first gift.
Everybody had made fun of me during dinner because I didn't know how to eat with chopsticks. JJ tried to teach me, which also caused hours of Morgan's teasing for the rest of the trip. Thankfully, they dropped the jokes when we went back to the police station to take one last look at the profile after we got a call out unsub had killed a cop this time.
But after two hours of thinking, neither of us was honestly able to give any new idea to the case. Hotch insisted we head back to the hotel to have some rest. (Y/N) was one of the last ones to leave, along with Gideon and me.
- "Stop looking at the board"- she said, standing by my side, bag in hand- "Let's go. Your big brain needs to rest."
- "I won't be able to sleep knowing I'm missing something"- I answered, not taking my eyes from the board
- "Come on"- (Y/N) playfully hit my arm- "You need your eight hours of sleep to be a fully functional genius"
- "You should try to get a full night's sleep as well"- I turned to her and watched her eyes widen- "What? Do you think I didn't notice you haven't been sleeping?"
- "No, but I thought you were going to wait until I had a mental breakdown to force me to talk about it; that was the plan, right?"
I tried not to laugh, but it was hard; she is so funny, though I knew that was a sensitive subject, it had been weeks since the incident, and it was clear (Y/N) wasn't processing everything right. If anything, her jokes were a coping mechanism to avoid talking or even thinking about what had happened.
- "We can also talk about it, just... talk"
- "I know what happens with me, Reid"- she whispered and looked around. Gideon was outside, no way near us, but still, she kept her voice low. It made me see she was scared he would hear her, 'cos she didn't want him to think she was weak.
- "I guess I just have to make peace with it. It was gonna happen, and it will happen again, it's my job, it's part of what I do, end of it."
I looked at her and nodded in silence. There was so much I wanted to tell her, but I couldn't shake the thought she was going to laugh at me.
- "Do you want to?"- I made a pause and took a deep breath. Yes, I was very nervous- "Do you want to walk back to the hotel? it's just a few blocks and maybe... fresh air can help you relax?"
I didn't mean to hesitate so much, but it was scary for me to ask her to spend time on our own. I don't know why. It wasn't just with her; it happened with everybody at that point in my life. I was sure no one wanted to spend time with me. Why would they?
- "Can we have a midnight cupcake?"- she asked and smiled. I bit my lips and pretended to give the idea a lot of thinking, though I was craving donuts ever since we didn't have time for dessert at dinner.
- "Just one, and no coffee"
- "What are you? The sleeping police?"- she teased me and led the way. We waved at Gideon and walked outside the police station.
For a rainy night, it was freezing. But I didn't care much. I was too busy looking around, it was technically my first night out in New York, and though I was just leaving work and walking back to the hotel, it was the biggest adventure I have had there so far.
For the first couple of minutes, we walked in silence. (Y/N) looked at her feet, hands stuffed in her pocket as I walked next to her, holding my umbrella for the two of us. I tried to take in everything that was going on around us. It was exciting, being there, alone. I was a twenty-four-year-old Supervisory Special Agent of the FBI, and I was excited to walk with a friend in the New York city streets. No wonder why Morgan called me "kid."
- "Did you know more than 800 languages are spoken in New York City? that makes it the most linguistically diverse city in the world"- I had to start rambling facts after a while because I guess I couldn't help it.
- "Vraiment?"- she answered, and I chuckled. Of course, Master in Linguistics.
- "Oui"- I thought we could have a whole conversation in french; it would have been fun and fascinating, but my French was very rusty, and I didn't know if she was fluent or just learned a few things.
- "When I was a kid, I dreamt about living in New York. I was obsessed with it"- she kept looking down at her feet as she spoke, and I turned to look at her for a second. She looked sad somehow, or that's what I read from her. I've always done my best not to profile profilers. It's harder than you imagine.
- "Why?"- she chuckled at her thoughts and kept her eyes on her shoes.
- "You know how they always make you feel no matter how weird you might be, you are still going to fit in New York?"
- "You are not weird"- I couldn't help but frown and look at her- "You are..."
- "I am weird, we are all weird, that's what makes us great"
I loved that thought. That's why I've never forgotten it. Lie, I can't forget. I remember everything we've said to each other because I want to, not because I have an eidetic memory.
- "But when you are in school, everybody is trying to fit it and be normal, and that wasn't me at all..."
I didn't see that coming, and I have to admit it, I loved it. I often felt I was an outsider at the BAU. Hotch, Gideon, Morgan, Elle, JJ, they all fit in everywhere we'd go. Meanwhile, everybody looked at me, wondering what the hell am I doing there. I could read it on their faces. The fact the team had to introduce me as "Doctor Spencer Reid" is a sign they are making an effort to make me look older and more experienced. Reliable, even.
- "Why would you say you are weird?"- I had to ask- "You look very normal to me, I mean it"- she raised an eyebrow and didn't say a word. She just pulled my jacket and dragged me to a coffee shop.
- "Cupcakes, Reid, you can't expect me to tell you embarrassing facts about my life without a cup of coffee and a mountain of sugar."
JJ always said I ate like a kid, too many pastries and candy, no salad. Meanwhile, (Y/N) kept pushing sugar into my body. I liked that. They were both so different. JJ treated me like I didn't know how to deal with life. (Y/N) treated me like I could help her deal with life. JJ wanted to help me grow up. I could feel (Y/N) wanted to be my friend, and I loved that. I had never felt someone longing for my company. It was always the opposite. I usually felt people were stuck with me.
For months I kept comparing the two of them in my head. JJ had such condescending manners, it sometimes made me think she might actually have feelings for me. Other times, Morgan would call her my mom, which took all the hopes from my mind.
- "What do you do in your free time, Reid?"- (Y/N) sat in front of me in a booth. Right in between us, a table with two coffees, a red velvet cupcake, and a chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles.
- "I read, study..."- I didn't give much thought to my answers- "I also write a letter to my mom every day"
- "That's so cute"- I felt how my cheeks turned blood red, and she smiled at me sweetly.
- "Thanks..."- I sipped my hot cappuccino and winced as the coffee burned my tongue, and she chuckled.
- "Slowly, doc, or are you in a hurry?"
- "Definitely not, I have no other plan, I mean, I could sleep, but I know I won't, and, and I know you won't sleep either, so"- the words left my mouth at such a fast pace, not even I got them all. (Y/N) nodded and started taking apart her cupcake, little by little.
- "That's awesome, 'cos I like hanging out with you, and I don't feel like hanging out with Elle tonight. We are sharing rooms."
- "You don't like her?"- now that was breaking news- "I thought you two got along"
- "Don't get me wrong, I like her. I just don't feel like being the version of myself I am when I'm with her"
I looked at her, not sure of where she was going. She took a piece of cake and ate it slowly.
- "You lost me"- (Y/N) sighed and ran a finger around the edge of her cup.
- "Are you really you the whole time when you are at work, Reid?"
- "Well, yes?"- I wasn't sure that was the answer she wanted, but it was the only one I had- "I don't know how to be anybody else"
That was the whole truth. That's still the truth. Maybe that's why I have never been popular. People say I have no empathy, that I can't read any social cues. If I knew how to be someone else, I would probably try to change that and be a Spencer that's entirely sympathetic and social, like everybody else. But I can't force myself to act differently.
She stared at me, and I could feel the frustration piling behind her small smile.
- "Do you want to know something weird?"- her eyes shone as she stared into mines asking the question
- "Always"
- "You are the only person at the BAU I feel I can be myself with"- she whispered and sipped her coffee again.
- "Thanks?"- I was confused- "But... you are not that different with me than you are with the rest of the team"
- "Well, I am... I don't share who I really am at work because I am afraid"
- "Why? What scares you?"- she sighed and laid back on the seat. I kept my eyes fixated on her until she furrowed her brows, staring back at me
- "Are you trying to profile me, Spencer? 'cos we are not supposed to profile each other. I'm pretty sure it was in the contract I signed"- I smiled, busted, and nodded.
- "If it makes you feel any better, you are hard to read"
- "I'm a good liar, don't tell anyone"
She was proud of her answer, and I guess she should have been. You have to be an excellent liar to catch unsubs, get in their head, play with them when you have to make them talk. I guess she was ahead of me in that area.
- "Well, If it makes you feel better, I feel more comfortable around you than most of the team"
I closed my eyes as I spoke, and I knew my voice had been so low and soft, it hadn't been surprising if she hadn't been able to hear me, but she did.
- "Is it because I don't like touching people either?"- she joked, and a small smile stretched across my lips
- "It is because you"- I stopped and rearranged my thoughts. You could tell she was eager to hear the rest of my answer, and I was making sure not to make a fool out of myself.
- "It's because it feels you don't judge me for being me"
- "That's exactly how I feel, Spencer"- her smile was so big it made mine grow bigger as well.
- "But, why can't you be you with everybody?"- (Y/N) took a big bite of her cupcake, feeling more confident about our conversation and nodding.
- "Mmm, this is so damn good, you should try it, Reid"
- "Answer the question, (Y/N)"- I ignored her random comment and asked again- "Why can't you just be you?"
- "There are two answers to that question, and both of them are real"- she finally confessed and bit her lips, playing again with a little piece of cake on the dish.
- "I'm waiting"
- "You know, for someone who said has all the night off, you are indeed in a hurry now!"- she snickered and stuck out her tongue at me.
- "Fine, here's the truth: I don't want to share my whole real me at work because I am scared people will judge me and think I'm weird and too immature for the job, but at the same time, and this is the second reason, I don't wanna show my whole me at work 'cos I am afraid I'll lose it along the way, I am worried the FBI will take that weird part of me and will turn me into an SSA."
- "You are an S.S.A., (Y/N)"
- "I know, but I'm afraid I might end up being an ASS, Reid"
Her joke made me laugh so hard, tears fell down my cheeks. And she looked pleased to see me laughing.
- "See? That's me, the girl telling weird jokes the whole time 'cos can't stand a serious "grown-up" conversation. Can you imagine this (Y/N) talking with Hotch? Seriously, Reid, can you imagine?"
- "No, I can't"- I shook my head, still chuckling, and took a bit of my donut- "But I would definitely love to."
- "Do you want to know what I do in my free time?"- my mouth was still full, so I just nodded, feeling a little guilty I hadn't asked about her when she had asked about my hobbies.
- "I ride my longboard and play bass, do you think an SAA should be doing that? Do you think Elle does it? JJ? they are the perfect fit for the role. I am that kid at the back of the class who got a stroke of luck and managed to hang out with the cool kids"
- "Am I one of the cool kids?"- I had to ask
- "Yes, Reid, why?"
- "I've never been one of the cool kids before"- she gave me a severe look and sipped her coffee.
- "Here I am, pouring my heart and soul out for you, and all you care about is being one of the popular kids. That's being a lousy friend, Reid."
She was joking, and we both chuckled, but my chest tightened at her words, and the smile on my lips grew wider. She called me her friend for the first time that night.
- "I think you are overthinking this whole thing, (Y/N)"- she sighed at my words and finished her coffee- "We are all weird, you said it yourself"
- "Some on us more than other"
- "Yes, but that's what makes us great and unique. I told you, your vision brings a whole new point of view to the profiles, and I know what it's like to feel insecure people will judge you for being too young"
- "I know, that's why I'm glad you are here"
I am sure I was blushing, and I am absolutely certain she noticed because I heard her giggle as I looked down at my empty dish and fidgeted with my cup.
- "And... are"- I stuttered and narrowed my eyes. I knew I had to stop being so nervous around her; she was my friend, she had said it herself- "Are you ready to talk about your nightmares?"
- "Are you profiling I have nightmares?"- she raised an eyebrow and questioned my question
- "I am staring at the back rings under your eyes. It's clear you haven't been sleeping and considering we both know you went through a traumatic incident, to call it that way, you are clearly going through night terrors or nightmares"
- "Did you go through the same?"
- "Yes, I did"
- "And how did you overcome it?"
- "I haven't. I just made my peace with it"- you could read the deception on her face. That wasn't the answer she was waiting for.
- "They will be more sporadically, I promise, (Y/N)"
- "That's what's scares me too"
- "What?"
- "That one day I won't have the nightmares 'cos I'll be used to seeing the darkness and horror around me."
When we left the cafeteria, it was two in the morning, and the night was freezing. It was no longer raining, and the cold wind could freeze your skin in a second. (Y/N) looked at me as I shivered and opened her bag.
- "Here, put this on"- it was a purple scarf.
- "Thank you"- I was so cold I didn't hesitate. The wool was warm, soft, and it smelled like her- "It's pretty"- I felt I had to compliment it, 'cos she was too nice with me.
- "I made it myself"- you could tell she was proud. I tightened it around my neck and continued our way back to the hotel.
I hadn't felt I could count on someone at the FBI as I did with her. She wouldn't think I'm a kid; she wouldn't be forced to hang out with me. It felt pretty good to have a friend again. Ethan had been the last one I had lost. I always lose the people I love.
- "Thank you"- we were standing outside (Y/N)'s room back at the hotel. I took off the scarf and tried to give it back to her, but she didn't let me.
- "Keep, it's a present for being my first and best BAU friend"- I felt profoundly flattered, and I'm pretty sure I giggled, blushing- "Besides, purple looks good on you"
- "It's my favorite color"- I confessed- "And I'm not saying it just to make you feel good"
- "Then you have to keep it. It was made for you even when I didn't know it"- she smiled one more time and opened the door- "Good night, Reid."
- "Good night, (Y/N)."
Series Masterlist
Chapter two
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2021 Creator Self-Love Extravaganza!
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2021. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
This year I experimented with gifmaking for the first time, so on top of a word count, I have a media!
Years total: 91014 words, 10 fics, and literally hundreds of gifs
1. "At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play together for the last time, and nobody knew it" - Hakuouki, ensemble, rating: G - It's not every day that I get to bring my own brand of emotional terrorism to a new fandom, but when I do, I make sure to attack the entire fandom as a whole. Bonus points for using a brand-new-to-me medium to do it! :D [gifset]
2. Initiate - Gokushufudou, Tatsu/Friendship, rating: G - My first foray into writing for a fandom outside of AnS! And of course what would inspire me was a brief excursion into the AO3 tag only to discover the tragedy of a mere 9 fics for that wonderful series 😢 There's more now, but this was me pushing the tag into the double digits and I had a lot of fun writing early Tatsu adjusting to his new role as a homemaker (and the friends he made along the way)! [4818 words]
3. A Place at the Table - Akagami no Shirayukihime, Happy Family, rating: G - This is a fic that I drafted back in 2016 when I first joined the fandom and quickly became overwhelmed since I hadn't the practice nor the skill at the time to execute what I wanted. Five years later, I tried again and not only got to write food feels, but also a snap shot of the early Happy Family formation between Ryuu, Shirayuki and Obi! [12231 words]
4. the abyss gazes unto thee - Hakuouki, No Pairing, rating: M for body horror and raising the dead - I raged - RAGED - at Yamazaki's death scene during Sannan's route and clearly there was nothing to be done but right a terrible, terrible wrong. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to write Sannan's voice, too. He is precisely the degree of morally gray that I'm down for apparently. [2198 words]
5. Seraglio, Chapter 3 - Akagami no Shirayukihime, Obiyuki, rating: M - Everything about this AU is like pulling teeth to write because Shirayuki has undergone such a fundamental change to her canon story. Whenever I sit down to type out a new chapter for it, it undergoes multiple fully rewritten drafts and also has to be discussed in depth with @sabraeal on each draft because this is a joint venture and we need to be on the same page when the other half is writing a new chapter. For as much as I complain about, though, I really love the final product. There's something about these two upping their messiness to previously unknown levels that just appeals, ya know? [7702 words]
I'm going to add a new component to this, too, people can choose to skip this part if they want. Future plans! In 2022, I plan on wrapping up Seven Nights (Yamachi) and I Should've Met You Yesterday (Obiyuki); if I am successful there, then I want to get to work posting the tumblr-only follow up. I also want to write a "short" PWP for Spy x Family (Loid/Yor). But my BIG project, I think, is going to be centered on My Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom! (Maria/Catarina). Of course this is an ambitious line up, but I am excited about each of these pieces and I'm really hoping to share what's in my head with you all! :D
Alright! I'm tagging... @sabraeal, @claudeng80, @onedivinemisfit, @ruleofexception, @infinitelystrangemachinex and anybody else who wants to join in on the fun!
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syubub · 3 years
May 13th Reading
Definitely long awaited and way bigger than I intended it to be so buckle up.
Funky disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as fact! This is my interpretation of the cards!
Oh boy. The continuation of yoongis soulmate saga.
(Note frome future me: it's not proofread but I'm hungry. Sorry for mistakes!)
So so so so
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Let's start.
I started with all the normal jazz. Connecting with his energy and shit. Same as usual same old same old. Platform= same same. I was like, "hey, let's talk about your soulmate and the whole may 13th shit" and we connected via energy stringy thing to the forehead and such. I was intresting bc my end of the string was kinda my energy color! Neato. Looks like some rest has really done me good!
Okay, here's where I start actually asking shit. I made notes at this point before the reading as I usually do. I'm just gonna insert the screen shot here.
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The 14 thing really fucked me up. You'll see later. Also, when I got the whole Pisces Jupiter thing I had to do me some googling bc we established that Jupiter went into Pisces ON May 13th so I was like?? Am I missing something?
I was. I forgot that it goes retrograde and then co.es back to Pisces on December 28th. And I do indeed think it to be significant.
The shit about temperance makes a lot of sense. In yoongis first soulmate read I flipped my shit bc he was like, "You're gonna get temperance reverse" in regards to a card for his soulmate and I was like "pft whatever. Don't play me like that"
And then I got temperance reverse. It's been a significant card from the jump.
I asked him if he had any advice for his soulmate and that's what "Don't wait for big things, you'll miss the small ones that lead you to bigger things" and "Look for facts before assuming" and "Don't try pushing it, forcing it won't make sense" and "A spade is a spade/ ace is an ace" and "Don't make ill informed guesses" all were
Now this part:
"Union has happened , yet to on the physical"
Gave me some hints thankfully because he straight up said no more hints.
This ties back into the whole Jupiter thing too. The seeds are/ have been planted and now they have to grow before they can be harvested.
Well Mr. Yoongi, I'm impatient and I don't want to wait. I want to see you in love pronto.
He showed me a little dream box/ trinket box looking thing and a super vague Keychain with no further explanation... so... there's that I guess.
I can't quite decide if "Don't make ill informed guesses" was a tongue-in-cheek pike at me or if it was genuine advice to his soulmate? He just loves to not explain things.
Now let's begin the monster read.
So. The first row of cards
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I asked the question, "what the fuck was May 13th and what was it's purpose in regards to your connection"
Important is what it was lol. I interpret this as them finding their footing and this being the starting point of the genuine foundation being layer. Like they've been manifesting eachother for a while but May 13th marked the start of them making the real life changes in their actual lives that will be the set up for them meeting.
The seven of coins is about thoughtful planning and creating security/ stable plan. The tower is essentially ripping away anything and everything that was built on unstable foundation and challenging/ testing your character (an extremely rude awakeing if you will). Judgement is releasing the past so you can rise above it and confronting yourself as you are (Also legit awakening) the queen of coins is financial security and self confidence in your abilities. Ten of coins is prosperity and abundance and most of all, stability. Eight of wands is explosion of potential and rapid movement. Temperance is awareness and balance between physical and spiritual. It's also that quiet peace where you find balance.
So. Seeing all those cards it really does seem like maybe his soulmate took on something new that could lead straight to union? Same for yoongi. I'd like to analyze and recent or new-ish habits or hobbies he's picked up?
Moving right along though. I asked what the 13th did for each of them in their personal life and personal journey. Kinda like what came as a result of that energy? Let's start with yoongles
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This was really intresting to me. I think he definitely gained some form of clarity about the situation with that sun card. The 5 of cups tells me that either he was kinda forced to confront some of his flaws in a way that he was trying to avoid or he had to consciously let go of something dear to him? Could be something he had to leave behind because it crumbled with the tower moment but he didn't see it coming or didn't know that it was time to part with it? With that queen of wands though fits beautifully with the sun! Its like he's found warmth after a long winter. Definitely found a spark of compassion and generosity from a place of happiness and love rather than anger, fear, obligation or pitty.
I asked for clarity cards/ anything else that may 13th signified bringing in and we got the 2 of cups and 10 of swords. I have two thoughts. Either he let go of a relationship that he was already in because he didn't feel as though they were particularly compatible anymore (Also ties into the above section) OR the 13th had made him very much consciously aware of his soulmates incoming status and he is now preparing and working on himself for when this person comes. The 10 of swords would be him releasing the past and the pain and any ill fitting behavior that don't vibe with him any longer. Yellow really seems to be working for him by the way.
Soulmate time
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Lol. All signs point to his soulmate genuinely starting a new venture. New creative pursuit that will bring them good money. 10 of pentacles is abundance, prosperity and stability. The ace of wands is a new creative spark and passion and it's the first big steps into something new. The 2 of wands is "the world is in the palm of your hands" vibes. Choices need to be made swiftly and with the ace of wands I think they will be. With the heirophant too, it will be a well informed decision because they've been manifesting this and has been searching for all the possible information.
As for clarity, we have the moon. Damn. Soulmates been doing that shadow work. Dredging up all their bullshit and getting rid of it while still taking the time to sit with it and release it so nothing is unresolved. Also probably extra creative due to all the emotional baggage being thrown out. (Definitely helping with the ace of wands vibes tbh)
Now for the bad boys in the middle
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The question I asked is what those individual changes (detailed in the last two sections) will bring for the bond and I just can with them. These fuckers. I am so invested in their love story bc it's so... them? And just so fucking ROMANTIC. UGH I CAN'T.
Back to the point. High priestess, 4 of wands and the lovers. The high priestess is deep knowing and insane intuition, the 4 of wands is the purest joy and marriage and the lovers is well, the lovers.a magical union.
For the row of bottom cards
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I asked if they had anything at all to add so I'm gonna explain each card individually bc I think they could be individual tid bits of shit.
Knight of coins is good news about finances/ money looking promising and organized work (also dependability!!). Death is all about transformation, the beginning of a new chapter and accepting in order to move foward. Ace of coins is spiritual and material abundance and also a reminder to keep grounded. Page of swords is confidence, important news coming and really good insight! Roots out secrets or hidden things like a truffle pig. The star is promising potential, healing and guidance from an enexpected place. The two of cups is a soul connection, love, intuition especially in regards to another person and a good bind. The emperor is self awareness, foresight, fearlessness to achieve a goal and confidence. Eight of coins rev is poor discipline and skating by on low effort.
Now to the sides!
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Yoongi is the left, soulmate is the right.
So, let's begin with yoongi. The first two cards are anything he wants to say to his soulmate. Wheel of fortune and three of swords reverse. I take this as "its all in divine time/ it's destiny" (wheel of fortune) and "trust your intuition. It's okay to get hurt, you just need to remember you can always pick yourself up" (3of swords rev.)
We have now cards that I asked what he was learning through this process/ in this time. Be positive and first step.
The last two cards are affirmations he wants to give his soulmate.
"When I introduce joy to a situation, I change the vibrational frequency of what's happening around me" and "directing my focus onto what's thriving creates more of what I want"
Now for soulmates cards (same structure)
Strength and eight of swords. "You're stronger than you think. Take every part of yourself and acknowledge it. You're a force to be reckoned with" (strength) and (soulmate snapped at him on this) "the only thing holding you captive is you."
Now we have peer pressure (I think soulmate is learning to say "fuck you" and "fuck off" to people who have a set idea of how everyone should be living their lives), emotional healing and open your arms to receiving.
Then we have "its good to feel good" (lol I feel like yoongi definitely needs this one) and "when I connect to the spiritual realm, I open the door to recieve divine guidance, clear direction, and great wisdom"
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The last stretch my friends.
So. Completion, leave behind the things that no longer serve you. Exist in the present and don't keep mulling over the past or any future happenings. Magic, pay attention to the magic around you. Listen for the signs of the universe and take them as they come (essentially listen to divine guidance) . Be open minded but logical as well. Luminous warrior, try focusing on the good in yourself instead of berating yourself for every small flaw. Spiritual path, self explanatory. The blade, your power can be a weapon when used willy nilly (most often wounding the wielder) or it can heal. Don't fear it but also consider how you choose to utilize it. The give away, be greaful for the sake of being greatful for it, not because you want something in return. The rain maker, manifestation station. Create with the tools you have because you have everything you need in order to manifest. "Don't take life personally"
Now we have heaven sent.
""Let yourself be helped" assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes"
" This Oracle also comes with the message that you are to trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don't block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this."
And free from judgment, free to love
" If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, this Oracle comes with the message that a solution is in gestation right now. This situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the eminent birth of that resolution."
" This Oracle also brings you a message about love. You may find that you are loving, or soon will love, in a different way. You may worry about this love, given that it defies what you have known or been taught about love. Perhaps you are becoming able to love another tremendously, even though you don't have much of a personal relationship with them. You might question if this love is real. It is real Kama it is just happening at a different level to the love and attachment you experience when you are involved in a personal relationship with someone. It is not more or less, it is just a different facet of love. It may be that you are opening up to love the planet and her creatures, including the animals, the ocean dwelling life, your own body, the trees and so on, more than before period you may feel passionately purposeful about giving your time and energy to causes that protect and nurture the Earth and her creatures. You are affirmed in this love too. The universal mother is operating through you to nurture life. She will support you in your work, so that you can continue To come from love and not become drained, depleted or lost in despair or fear of futility. Instead, you will be energised and expanded by your dedicated service to life."
" Finally, this Oracle has a message for those who may be feeling alone or lonely in a need of greater nurturing from others. You are asked to stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself. The air in your lungs is the same as the air that moves through the trees. The water in your blood is the same water that fills the oceans and is moved by the phases of the moon. The flesh of your body is the same substance as the body of the Earth itself. The heat in your digestive system is the same fire and heat as that from the Sun. Feel this connection, then do something nice for another without agenda. Make a donation, even if just a small one, smile, say a prayer, sent out a good thought or make a wish for another. That's it. You have connected to life again and in doing so, life can connect with you. And so it shall.
And that's all for the cards but but but.
Someone (either my guide or yoongi) was like, "do a song. Do a song. Do a song." And I was like, "oki doki, sounds good.
So I asked what numbers I should try refreshing and then it hit me. The number 14 came up before the reading and it seemed a bit misplaced? So I did 14 shuffles and look what popped up
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You gotta be fucking with me.
Istg these fools will actually be the death of me dude. Euphoria is so romantic and I lowkey feels like it describes a bit of what their bond must be like.
I came back to the platform to be like, "thanks homie" and it was weird bc he was practically pure energy? Like usually I visualize his energy as what his physical body looks like because it's easier to comprehend? But nope, he was just a big shimmery glob of energy.
As I was going to disconnect, a few things happened. I felt tingly and the platform was vibrating almost? So I was like, "hold on, what the fuck is this?"
And then
It hit me
I could tell this fuckin asshole was smug even in his blue glob form.
The color was... blue like yoongi but also a light lavender/ pink kinda vibe. Pretty damn distinct.
I was so stoked and I thought we'd all get to chat and I could yell at his soulmate for being an elusive asshat
But Mr smug butt had different plans.
My dude dropped a little marble thing in my hand and I was like ??? And he was like, "you'll know when you need it" and I was like ?????
My guide took pity on me and said, "it's just a representation on information that you've been given but it isn't the proper time to unpack it yet"
Cool cool so like and energetic zip file that will release itself whenever it damn well pleases? Cool cool cool.
Anyway, I genuinely think that my excitement of this whole situation must somehow also influence how yoongis energy handles my prodding? Like what the fuck is this marble bullshit?
To top it all off, he gives me a friendly shove off of his platform.
Thanks, buddy.
Now we are here. And as always, I'm left with more questions.
My main take away is that amay 13th through July 28th will be all the foundation and ground work and December 28th 2021 through May 10th (11th? 9th?) 2022 will be a more likely time for physical union and actual relationship stuffs.
Anyone who knows more about astrology please feel free to chime in on this whole Jupiter in Pisces bit! My understanding is super surface level!!
That was a big boi and now my thumbs hurt real bad. Hope you were entertained by the chaos.
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bellaslilpapercut · 3 years
Oh boy New Moon! I've got some Thoughts a brewin' babey:
1. Smeyer: you do not need to remind your audience what happened last book, they aren't stupid. Imagine if SC started catching fire with ANOTHER explanation of what the hunger games are and that's the vibe of the first chapters of new moon. We remember james, we know what vampires are, we know that Bella is white, stop reminding us!
2. Bella has the worst self esteem of all time. Every bad thing that has happened to her since the Van Incident has been Edward's fault but she still blames herself and idk if this is Intentional Insecurity or if smeyer is protecting edward's "character" or both but gdamn it's depressing.
3. The reason I said Jasper was Inconsistently Written jumped out at me again. Smeyer dedicated a whole paragraph to pointing out how terrible jasper is at the diet or whatever but in the guide, smeyer tells us jasper actively tried to starve himself in the past because of how difficult his gift made feeding. He was one of only two Cullens to show bella empathy, he smelled her blood before, why does he attack her? The weakness of this decision is pointed out in the exposition: if it really were likely that Jasper would attack Bella, she wouldn't have needed a superfluous paragraph dedicated to telling us how bad he is at self control. If the story had convinced us of that beforehand, we would have believed the attack without the addendum.
4. The party is my least favorite part of the whole series and I will die on this hill: edward should have attacked bella. Bella should have tripped into something glass and edward should have lost it because he tasted her blood before and couldn't help himself. That way: edwards self loathing makes sense and he's forced to recon with his superiority complex from the ending chapters of twilight AND bella's self blame makes sense. A vamp who was able to starve himself before he even heard of the cullens should not have lost it around someone he spent days in close quarters with, building rapport and friendship. Edward got too high and mighty after he fed from Bella in Twilight, that should have had real consequence.
5. The writing is getting a little better as we near Edward leaving. "Better" isn't a good word actually but it's getting closer to the prose in twilight (which was flowery and annoying but at least it didn't constantly feel like being spoonfed exposition every paragraph). Hm wrote this blurb while I was still on chapter 3 and the vibe of being spoonfed reminders has not really dissipated lmfao.
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We remember Sam Uley, smeyer, you introduced him four chapters ago. Just quick question: did anyone proofread this?? I think it's fair to say: when she isn't reminding us of things that we remember the prose is more similar to twilight. A little annoying but interesting enough to forgive the errors (or at least move past them easily enough lol).
6. I'm on chapter 8 now (I'm gonna break this up into three parts so I don't forget stuff like I did during the twilight reread) and there's a very heavy Vibe that smeyer is setting Jake up to be a parallel for twilight-era Bella. This line here is a pretty clear parallel for Bella telling Edward not to hold his breath in Twilight when he tells her she might get tired of him.
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7. This line here "almost happy in a shallow kind of way" really jumped out. What Bella's narration says about Jacob versus her conversations with him (and her one paragraph about his happiness being effortlessly contagious) are at odds. It doesn't read like shallow happiness when she's with Jake. However, Smeyer is also a bad writer, she thinks the story she's telling us is literally what the narration says and not what the action shows and I think she realizes this in Eclipse (but obviously I'm not there yet so I can't say for sure).
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8. I really can't get over the drop in writing quality. I know that she had already mostly finished Forever Dawn by the time Twilight was published (or was halfway done, I think her website said she had over 300 pages of forever dawn complete when she found out Twilight was getting published). I think the writing quality really reveals that she was not prepared to write New Moon. It's sloppier than Twilight in a way I'm not able to articulate (by that I mean I personally have a more intuitive than technical understanding of grammar and syntax so I don't have the language to break down the differences). Twilight itself is ripe with technical errors and plot errors and awkward exposition so it's not an overt drop in quality but I think it very much reads like a rushed writing job. She was committed to forever dawn, her publishers wanted New Moon, it shows.
9. I think New Moon was when I first started physically editing my copies of the saga lol. Even reading it now I'm so tempted to open up a word document and cut half of the useless shit out and fix all the grammatical mistakes. I can't even talk shit because I am also a comma-abuser but I hoped an editor would at least catch the errors before publishing. Guess not! Brevity is very clearly not meyers strong suit and this would have been a much stronger sequel if she had been able to reign herself in a bit. New Moon isn't supposed to be as narration heavy as twilight, there's already more action in the first seven chapters than the there was in the first 19 of twilight but she always delivers exposition via awkward dialogue or Bella's narration. Again, we already got a lot of the exposition in twilight, we know how vampires work et cetera. You can show us how bella feels instead of making her tell us and the story would run a lot more smoothly.
10. I'll end on a nice note! Little treat!
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This is my favorite part of the book so far. I whited-out the useless dialogue tag because the line reads better without it ( line originally ends with "I emphasized" but she could have been brief and just ended the dialogue with an exclamation point for the same effect). The dialogue is natural and shows the J/B relationship that lives in my head way better than anything else I've seen on the page at this point. Like, I literally love this line more than any dialogue that preceded it (including twilight) lol.
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blackapricotsblog · 3 years
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Hi guys!
I'm so happy to introduce y'all these two little kids! They are the protagonist of my new comic named "I fell in love with... Seven".
Stuart is an 19 years old boy with real eyes and a blue head. Although, Murdoc is 20, and he has a "normal skin".
The first chapter is done and I am so excited! It took a month of work before the script and the drawings were to my liking but... hope you will enjoy it!
The comic will be a Shounen Ai BL ""manga"" (if I can call it that way), and the update will be every 3 or 4 weeks. I know, it's a lot of waiting but... I have no free time bc of my real work and also for my patience😅 anyway... hope you enjoy my idea!
Stay tuned for the first chapter of this comic! I only gonna publish it here, on my Tumblr page!
No Instagram bc the quality is horrible...
(And sorry for my bad english anyway 😅 I'm not so good in it lol)
See ya soon!💞😎
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Fifty
Table of Content or Part Forty-Nine
Word count: 4.9K
Warning(s): Explicit language, Violence, drug abuse
A/N: so this is annoying, I know, but as I was writing this chapter, I may or may not have made a plot hole that I went back in the story and filled in so it wouldn't contradict with this chapter, I think most of you will know what it is, I'd tell you now but I don't wanna spoil the chapter. Anyway, sorry if that bugs you guys but I was writing and it just flowed out but I did go back so the chapter it was first brought up in matches what happens in this one so it's not confusing for future readers.
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi
@fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror @blowinmeupwithherlove @xrosegoldwolfx @mylifeisjustafeverdream
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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear Nikki, happy birthday to you!" We sing as Nikki's about to blow the candles out of his cake.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Steven interjects, holding a joint above one of the lit candles, lighting the end of it on fire. "Okay."
He takes a drag of his blunt as Nikki blows his candles out, Tommy patting his shoulders.
"A whole twenty-eight years and you're still kickin', man." Tommy tells him and he grins.
"Who'da thought." Nikki adds, laughing, taking a sip of his homemade margarita.
"Okay, who wants cake?" I ask them, getting up from Tansy's dining room table to go get a knife from the kitchen.
I come back in to see Nikki and Tommy cutting at random parts of the cake with their switch blades.
"Guys, c'mon." Sharise scolds them, lightly hitting their arms before plucking the cake and icing covered blades from their hands.
"Boo, mom." Nikki sarcastically lets out with Tommy and Steven both echoing in "boo!"
"Hey, you're the good child." Sharise snaps her fingers at Stevie. "Don't let Chip and Dale contaminate you." She states to him, motioning to Nikki and Tommy, brushing past me to go to the kitchen to clean their switch blades off.
I give pieces of cake out, which isn't that much work since there's only seven of us in total: Nikki, me, Vince, Sharise, Tommy, Steven and Tansy, and once we're done eating, Tansy's insisting on presents.
"Alright, time for presents in the living room." She claps her hands together and we all head there, Nikki falling back on a couch and pulling me onto his lap.
"I'm gonna let you open 'em, babe." He tells me, patting at my hips where I shift to rest on one of his spread knees.
"Nikki, opening them is the best part." I argue.
"Which is exactly why I'm letting you do it." He replies, smiling tightly, but I know it's really because he doesn't feel like doing it.
I just roll my eyes playfully and Tansy organizes the presents around us.
"Okay, great and mighty one, which present would you like to be opened first?" I ask him and he leans over a little to see past me to examine the various shapes and sizes of his gifts.
"I want...that one." He points in the direction of a small, rectangle shaped box wrapped in news paper and Tansy hands it to me.
"This one's from me and Stevie." She adds.
"Thanks." I tell them, taking it from her and I dig into the paper and unravel it, seeing a black guitar pick, with a tiny name etched into it with white ink, I have to squint to make it out, but when I see who it's from, I know Nikki will love it.
I hand it to him, and he struggles to get his eyes to focus before looking at Tansy.
"Marc Bolan?" He asks her, impressed. "I didn't even think you knew who Marc Bolan was." He says to Tansy.
"I didn't until he died and Vince went into a depression over it for a few months." She explains. "But Stevie and I were thinking of what to get you, and then Doc helped me get in contact with his wife earlier this year and she still has his things and sent us that for you." She explains.
"Aww, that's cool." Sharise pipes.
"Guys, you didn't have to do that." I state.
"Aw, man, thanks, guys, I really like it." Nikki tells the two blondes, keeping himself from tearing up as he plays it off by clearing his throat, handing the pick to Tommy and Vince so they can look at it.
"You're welcome, dude." Steven replies.
"Alright, next is from..." Tansy looks at the name tag attached to a box wrapped in black paper. "...Tommy and Heather."
"It's kinda for you and Vivian." Tommy tells us. "We were gonna wait for Christmas but I figured it'd be better for your birthday."
"Is it raunchy?" I ask him to make sure.
"No." He assures me, smiling excitedly as I start unwrapping it.
I get it unwrapped and open the box to see a thickly packed book, and open it up to see an old picture of Nikki and I, visibly scowling at each other, looking like we're in the middle of an argument. He's in one of their old stage outfits they played the clubs in, in their early days and his black hair is completely covering his eyes, while I'm not wearing a trace of makeup, my hair pulled into a ponytail and my middle finger in his face.
Under the picture reads "The Whisky, '81."
I start flipping through it, seeing more candids and pictures of the two of us, featuring the guys, Tansy, their girlfriends at the time, groupies, Ozzy and his band, us with Sharon, the guys of Ratt, fans, us standing in front of important landmarks in other countries and different states we've visited in the U.S., our wedding photos, our reception pictures, "Shout at the Devil" era, "Theater of Pain" era...practically an entire montage of some of our biggest highlights and smaller, more intimate moments in between, featuring all of our friends and people we look up to and admire, all up to this year because there's even pictures of us hanging out with them recently.
Every picture is marked with a place, month and year and I sniffle back tears.
"You were so cute." Nikki comments as I pass the album to him and he's looking at one of the first pages at a picture of me and Tansy from one of their earlier shows. "You look like a baby." He adds, chuckling, patting at my thigh and I look at Tommy, more tears spilling over my lashes.
"Viv." He starts, smiling goofily at me.
"Aww, don't cry or I'll cry." Steven states.
"I'm sorry." I laugh a little, Sharise handing me a tissue from the box on Tansy's side table beside the couch before I'm getting up to see Tommy.
He's sitting on the edge of a comfy chair, and welcomes me with open arms when I sit across his long, skinny legs, and hug him as tightly as I possibly can.
Tansy leans over to look at the pictures with Nikki and she smiles.
"This was the night you lost your virginity, Viv!" Tansy pipes, holding the album up to show me a picture of me with my hand on ice--because Nikki slammed my fingers in my car door on accident--looking like I want to strangle Nikki and Vince as they try to wrap my hand up like a bandage, using a sock, which didn't work out anyway.
"You lost your virginity with one hand?" Steven asks me and Nikki and I exchange looks.
"It was her first time so it's not like she was doing much work, anyway." Tansy states.
"Okay, we can change the subject." I reply, awkwardly.
"She was doing plenty without needing her hands." Nikki insinuates reminiscently. "That's when I learned her little prude act is a cover up."
"Babe." I complain as Tommy squeezes his eyes shut, not wanting to imagine me and Nikki having sex.
"Fine." Nikki chuckles, nudging at Tansy to get him another present.
Once he's done unwrapping the rest of them, Sharise and I are picking up the wrapping paper and throwing it in the garbage can, and cleaning the place up while the guys talk in the living room.
By the time we're finished, we're heading back to the living room and I'm sitting down next to Nikki, laying my head on his thigh because I'm sleepy.
His fingers brush against the red strands of my hair soothingly, and I maintain on the brink of sleep, but still able to hear everyone's conversation and sudden bouts of loud laughter.
I'm nudged awake as Vince, Tommy and Steven talk about taking Nikki out to a few bars here in Malibu for his birthday.
Nikki stands up and I just put my head back down on the couch when he gets up before he's chuckling to himself.
"Let me get her to bed and I'll be out there." He tells them. "Viv, baby, c'mon, let's go to bed." He says to me and I stretch, humming softly as I wake up, sort of.
When he sees I'm not getting up, he leans down, and picks me up bridal style as Tansy points him in the direction of guest bedrooms.
My back hits the soft mattress and I feel him pulling at my jeans to get them off and I find the motivation to try to fumble to get my constricting bra off.
He sees me struggle to unbuckle it in my hazy state and scoffs a little, helping me get it undone before I'm throwing it in the floor.
He's pulling the covers back so I can curl up underneath them.
"I'll be back later, k?" He asks and I nod with my eyes still closed, getting comfortable on the bed.
"I'm sorry I'm so tired, I'll give you the best blow job ever later on." I promise him, knowing he probably expected a fun night for the both of us for his birthday. "And can you ask Sharise or Tansy if they can sleep in here with me until you get back?"
"Okay, Viv." I hear his smile in his words before his lips are pressing to my forehead for a second. "Goodnight, baby."
"G'night." I mumble.
He steps to the door and switches the light off before stepping out.
He hadn't been that affectionate since we got married.
I blamed it on the fact it on the fact that he'd "sobered" up to focus on the album and kicked heroin.
He'd gotten back on freebase, yeah, but cocaine, in any form, never made him mean or vindictive.
He would hallucinate and get scared, but he wasn't consciously mean for no reason.
Heroin, however, turned him into the devil, and by that point in his addiction he functioned better on heroin, than not, because without it in his system he just couldn't think of anything else other than getting a fix and if you weren't apart of his aid for a fix, you weren't worth his time and he let you know.
So I thought he had kicked his heroin habit for the most part because he was being nicer than usual to me but oh, no.
He felt guilty for cheating on me so he compensated by not being an asshole to me as much--yet.
It makes sense to me, now. I'd feel like shit, too, if I were telling my mistress I was going to leave my wife for her because my wife was "suffocating" and "draining the life" out of me.
Which translates to, "I'm leaving my wife because she doesn't like or contribute to my addiction."
Christmas came and Jason was Nikki's Santa Claus.
Then came New Years...which winded up being near death experience number one of two involving my safety at the hands of Sikki.
Sharise, Skylar and I pull into the driveway in Sharise's car, and she's putting it in park as I grab my few shopping bags.
"Thank you for getting me out of the house." I tell her, unbuckling.
"No problem." She replies.
"Bye-bye, Sky." I say, waving to the baby tucked safely in her carseat with her fist in her mouth, leaning closer to her to press a kiss to the bottom of her foot, causing her to smile and kick a little. "Bye, Sharise." I add, giving her a hug as best as I can.
"Bye, Viv."
"Call me when you get home to me know you got back safe."
"I will. Love you." She calls before I close the door.
"Love you, too." I shut the door with my bags in hand and step to the front door, fiddling with my keys.
Just as I step inside, I furrow my brows at the sound of Rabid dog fight, until I realize it's Nikki screaming.
"You're not making any fucking sense so just shut the fuck up!" He yells and I start cautiously walking to our bedroom, putting my ear to the door, hearing a woman crying. "Stop whining and just go fuck yourself! Fuck you! Fuck Jesus and get the fuck outta my house!" He barks louder and the door is flying open and I'm met with a distraught, jittery Vanity, who's eyes are wide as can be, and the smell of burnt cocaine nearly knocks me to the floor.
She stumbles past me and out the front door, barefoot, and I'm dropping my things to go check on her.
"Hey, do you need me to call you a cab or your driver?" I ask her as she continues to walk to our gate at the end of the driveway.
"N-No, I got it." She assures me, shakily, and I feel like I'm looking at a beaten puppy.
"Vanity, I can call someone to take you back home. It's a long way from here." I try to persuade her but she keeps shaking her head.
"I'm fi...fine, Viv, I promise." She insists.
"Do you at least want your shoes?" I ask, my thumb pointing in the direction of our house.
"No, I'm fine." She wipes her tear stained cheeks frantically. "I'll get them later."
She turns to keep walking but I look down at her feet that are only covered by her thin black stockings, then down at my shoes.
"Vanity, here." I pull my sneakers off and she watches me, her eyes struggling to keep focus as I crouch down and put them on her feet, tying them in a double knot so they won't come untied and trip her up. "You can just give them back whenever you can." I add and she gives me a nod.
I step back into the house, and don't even bother Nikki.
I don't feel like putting up with his nasty attitude.
A few hours later, I hear the bedroom door open, and he's slowly coming into the living room, turning on the T.V. and flipping it to MTV.
"Vanity was here." I say to him, turning a page in my book, as more of a statement than a question and he just stares at the television. "I don't like when she's here while I'm not around. I always come home to you two coked out and fighting. It scares me." I tell him.
"I dont know why." He mumbles and I roll my jaw.
"Because when you freebase you always end up waving a gun around." I state. "I'd hate to be the woman married to the murderer of Vanity."
"If you knew the whole story you wouldn't care if she died or not." He scoffs to himself and I furrow my brows.
"Well, then, what's the whole story?" I ask, putting the book down and he sighs out, shaking his head a little.
"She just picks fights. She likes to pick fights with me." He says and I rub my lips together.
"Well, damn, Nikki, I do that. That doesn't mean you scream at her like you do to me." I take up for her and he rolls his eyes.
"Vivian, I'm not arguing with you so just shut up." He tells me, tiredly.
"Are you back on junk?" I ask next and he let's out a heavy breath.
"Vivian." He snaps, glaring at me. "Drop it."
"I take that as a 'yes'." I mumble.
"Why the hell do you not stop when I ask you to?" He asks me sharply.
"I'll stop picking at you when you want me to, when you stop the drugs when I ask you to."
"And this is why I liked you better a few years ago because you kept your fucking mouth shut unless I wanted it open." He stands up, walking away.
"Yes, because me keeping my mouth shut out of fear of my significant other was so much better than feeling comfortable enough to voice my concerns for you." I trail behind him as he steps to the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. "Nikki," I breathe out and he ignores me, causing me to cringe as he cracks open the beer bottle lid with his teeth, and before he can spit it in the floor, I'm plucking it from between his teeth. "I'm not trying to be a bitch or piss on your parade." I tell him, softly, throwing the lid away as he takes a swig of the beer, leaning against the counter. "I'm worried about you. Our friends are worried about you. Doc is worried about you."
"Doc's only worried about me because the office is on his back because I'm apart of the label's money train and if they lose me, they lose Mötley Crüe, and all the money we bring in." He states.
I feel bad, because it's true.
"I'm fine, Viv." He lies as he puts on a fake smirk that tries to tell me he has it under control, but it's really telling me he needs help...even if he doesn't realize he does.
He puts his beer on the counter beside him before pulling at my hand, tugging me to him, wrapping his arms around me and I hold him with my arms around his waist, looking up at him, trying not to gag because he smells like straight cocaine and sweat.
"I wanna write a song about you for the album." He tells me, his hand running through my hair.
"Are you being serious or deflecting from the fact I'm not very happy with you right now?" I ask, raising a brow.
"If I wanted to deflect anything I'd just bend you over and go to town." He shrugs and I cut my eyes at him.
He licks his lips before leaning down, but I put my hand over his mouth, stopping him from kissing me.
"After you get a shower and brush your teeth."
I'd hoped his spat with Vanity was the last for the day.
I shouldn't have thought that highly of him to only have one freebase session.
The house is pitch dark, not even the lamp in the living room is on.
Nikki must've cut it off when he went back to our bedroom.
I ended up falling asleep as he was taking a shower, and he didn't bother to wake me up when he was done.
I wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, padding over the fluffy carpet of our living room after I get off the couch and stretch.
My hands carefully feel around to make sure I don't run into anything while my feet make slow, deliberate steps.
I get to the door of our room, that isn't locked, surprisingly, and I turn the door knob.
It lets out an eerie, growling "creak" as it opens and I smell bitter drugs and hear heavy, loud breathing coming from the closet, gasps escaping between each breath as Nikki scrambles around.
I can't see anything but the very faint glow of a small tea candle in the closet that he's using to see what he does, but I know he's in there.
I take one step into our room, and a wail of the deepest fear cracks through the air before a booming gun shot chases after it.
I'm hitting the floor as fast as I can, screaming as my ears ache from the noise as he just starts shooting repeatedly, and the house shakes, my only chance of protection is getting under the bed and I rush to get there, covering my ears as my spine paralyzes with fear and more shots fire out. I hear things in our house breaking and shattering from  buckshot that flies through the open doorway as Nikki is shouting "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" with raw tears in his voice.
I keep a hand over my mouth to keep from crying too loud or else he'll open fire in this direction and keep his aim low.
I don't know if I'm hit or not, I'm scared to move around a little just to see, because he'll hear me shifting around on the carpet.
He thinks something is attacking him, he isn't thinking about it being me.
I wait for several minutes, trying not to breathe loud.
Thinking he's settled down, I shift from under the bed as quietly as I possibly can.
My ankle pops with my movement, and I immediately know I've fucked up the second he starts up again, and I feel the pressure of a smatter of shrapnel grip to my thigh and I fall on the ground, my instincts kicking in to get the hell away.
This time I crawl out of our room until I'm tucked behind the wall that leads to the living room then I'm standing and tripping over things in the floor to get to the phone in the living room, praying to God that Nikki doesn't get ballsy and get out of the closet to try to chase whatever he's hallucinating that I am, out of the house with more shots.
I'm turning on the lamp and dialing my emergency number before turning the lamp off and dragging myself to the christmas tree in the corner, holding the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" Fred croaks tiredly.
"Fred..." I whisper.
"Viv? Why the fuck are you whispering?"
"N-Nikki's got a gun." I say as calmly as I can, another "BOOM" zipping through the house and I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming.
"Vivian, what the hell is going on?!" I can tell the sound of a gun has woken him up as panic fills his voice.
"He's got a gun, he's hallucinating, I got hit with some buckshot but I don't know how much." I very quietly say.  "Don't call the cops. He'll get in trouble." I add, taking deep breaths as the pain starts to set in.
"Viv, I'm coming, alright? I'm coming, get somewhere and get still. I'm coming." He promises.
"Please, hurry, Fred, I'm scared." I plead under my breath, tears rolling down my cheeks.
"I'm coming, I promise. I'm hurrying. I promise." He hangs up and a wave of quiet sobs rocks through my body, my eyes squeezing closed as I beg God to let Nikki come down.
I just got a sprinkling of metal pellets from the shell that the majority missed me, and it was in the side of my thigh, but I felt like satan had dug his nails into my leg, down to the bone.
By the time Fred's unlocking our door, and switching on the light, a angry look on his face as he has his pistol out, he heads to our bedroom before coming to me.
"He's out cold." He tells me, turning on the other light over the living room. "Holy fuck, Viv." He says and I look down at my thigh, fear gripping at my heart and I start crying.
My skin is torn to shreds, deep, black tails of metal are deep in my flesh and I'm bleeding everywhere.
"Alright, we gotta get you to the hospital." He tells me, scooping me up and my heart pounds.
"Is Nikki gonna be in trouble?" I ask him frantically, starting to get more and more worked up.
"We don't have to tell them how this happened, Vivian. You probably need fucking surgery to get that shit out of you or you're fucked. You don't have a choice." He states, carrying me out to his car.
Turns out buckshot is more brutal than I expected. I was rushed into surgery while Fred contacted Doc, and he got ahold of the guys before going to see notify Nikki he had shot his fucking wife.
Once I was finally out of surgery, they were pumping me full of morphine to ease the pain of my shredded thigh because they had to cut into more of me to dig around to get all the metal out.
"I want a divorce." I mumble to the sound of Doc and Fred talking quietly amongst themselves, as I come to, but keep my eyes shut.
"How're you feeling?" Doc asks me and I force my eyes open, squinting through my sleep.
"My husband just tried to fucking kill me. I'm not okay." I grumble, trying to sit up in the bed, expecting to feel the pain I felt before surgery from my thigh, but I don't feel anything.
I barely feel my emotions. "Am I drugged?" I ask them tiredly, glancing up at the IV drip they have me on.
Fred and Doc don't say anything, just observing my experience with the first strong drug I've been in contact with.
I lean back, actually relieved that I truly don't give a shit about anything right now.
"I get it, now." I scoff, closing my eyes.
"Did I hear Duff, earlier?" I cut Doc short. "Or was I dreaming?"
I recall hearing Duff slurring "where's he fucking at? I'll fucking kill the motherfucker? Where's he fucking at?" but can't decide if I was dreaming or if he was actually here at some point.
"He's in the waiting room with Steven and Slash." Doc informs me. "We had to get him calmed down before he got himself kicked out."
"He wants to kick Sixx's ass." Fred informs me and I smile a little to myself.
"I wanna kick Sixx's ass, too." I agree. "Go get them. I feel like I'm about to fall asleep again and I wanna see them before I go."
"Alright." Fred stands up and steps out of the room.
"The bullshit has got to stop, Doc." I tell him, hoarsely. "The heroin. The coke. The alcohol. All of it. I'm getting tired of fighting." I admit and he let's out a breath.
"I know, Viv."
"I'm so tired."
"When we get you out of here, I'll talk to him."
"Does he know where I'm at?"
"I tried to wake him up and tell him but he was too doped on smack." He explains.
"He told me he wasn't on smack anymore." I say, finding it weird that I know I feel sad, but unable to feel the weight behind the emotion.
Before he can reply, the knocking on the door signals Duff's arrival as he slowly opens it.
"Hey!" I greet him as cheerfully as I can, my eyes barely able to keep open.
"Hey, Viv." He tries to play off his feelings but I can tell he's been worried. "Uh, Slash and Steven had to head home but they're coming later on." He adds. "No, it's okay, you're here. That's all I cared about." My cold hand reaches out for his hand and he's taking it.
"I'll leave you two alone for a little." Doc tells us. "I'll see if I can reach Tommy and Vince, now."
He leaves us alone and Duff's rubbing his lips together.
"You've been drinking." I say with lack of filter.
"Yeah, I was out partying." He tries to play it off with a smile.
"I was, too." I reply, grinning lazily and he let's out a soft breath. "Oh, come on, if I can't joke about getting shot, I'll cry and I'm tired of crying so just humor me."
"I think I've been humoring you the past year, Vivian. Every time you've sworn he was gonna change." He says a little more seriously.
"He didn't mean to do this, Duff. He didn't. He gets high, and he gets scared, and he thinks something's after him."
"Fred told me if you would have been hit with the brunt of the shot, your leg would have been useless, Viv."
"But I didn't." I argue softly, a tear trailing down my cheek. "God keeps me safe."
"I don't think God wants you staying in a relationship with someone who fucking puts the life he gave you, in danger." He states.
"Do you even believe in God?" I completely belittle what he just said. "Because if not, it's in your best interest not to speak on His behalf." I finish.
"How the fuck are you so argumentative when you're on morphine?" He asks, managing to bury the argument that was brewing.
"I don't fucking know I'm just tired." I let out.
"I can go, I just needed to see you were--"
"--Can you sleep with me?" I ask him out of nowhere.
"I don't want to piss anybody off." He tells me, but I know he really means, "I don't want to risk Nikki finding out and getting the wrong idea."
"My ass is hanging out of this gown, thigh looks like a fucking piranha got a hold of it, and I've had to use the bathroom in front of a nurse so she can monitor the consistency of my shit. I feel violated in every sense. I don't give a fuck what people think of my best friend sleeping in the bed with me for comfort's sake."
"Scoot over." He says, and I gently move the best I can to make room for him.
He gets in next to me, lifting his arm to rest above his head so I can lay beside him comfortably, and before long, his soft snoring brings a peaceful blanket of serenity and wraps it around me as I give into the drugs in my system pulling me into a sleep so I can help myself heal.
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herprincenamjoon · 2 years
Chapter 5
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Her Prince
✏️Prince Namjoon x OC
✏️ Romance
⚠️ Warning Fic includes: Fighting (sword and physical), blood, kidnapping, injury fighting additional warnings in tags⚠️
<<Previous Chapter
"Ugh, I'm so full," Kaira said as she laid her head on Yeona's back.
"I told you not to pack so much food," Yeona said, turning to a new page to draw.
"I can't help it that mom bought so many good snacks while we were gone." Kaira adjusted herself so that she could watch the people hanging out by the stream.
"Don't blame mom for your lack of control," Yeona laughed.
"What do you think their story is?" Kaira asked, changing the subject. Yeona didn't have to turn her head to see who her friend was talking about. She had seen the seven men at the bottom of the hill when they arrived a couple of hours ago. She and Kaira watched them and everyone else near the stream as they ate and chatted.
"Robbers, who have come to rob the village for all its money and take us, single women, as their wives," Yeona said as she started placing the finishing touches on her final design.
"I don't get bad vibes from them, though, and I know you don't either. Or else you wouldn't have let Namjon walk you home last night," Kaira said, sitting up.
"He didn't really give me a choice," Yeona mumbled.
"You know as well as I do, Yeo that if you would have gotten any bad feelings from them you would have run," Kaira said as she stood up. "I'll be back in a bit. I need to go talk to someone."
"Ok," Yeona replied as she watched her friend brush off her shirt and make her way down the hill.
Yeona sat up and stretched before going back over each sketch. She was pretty happy about how they looked. She was also thankful that the guys had been at the stream today. She was able to observe them and get a feeling for what she thought they might like. She had decided to do as her father did with her sword. Each of theirs had a different colored cord that matched the small drawing at the bottom of the case. Nothing too fancy but still unique. It also put less pressure on the men at the shop. They'd be able to get them done quicker and move on to other jobs.
"Please help yourselves. We brought so much food, and we don't want it to go to waste.” Yeona looked up at the sound of her friend's voice. She had returned to their spot with the seven men.
"Good evening Noona," Jungkook said as he sat beside her. "What are you drawing?" He asked with a mouth full of food.
"A surprise," Yeona said as she quickly closed her sketchbook.
"Is it our swords? Can I see them?" He asked, reaching for her book.
"It wouldn't be a surprise if I showed you then now, would it?" Yeona quipped, smacking his hand.
"Can I draw something?" Yeona looked at Jungkook, who was looking at her with puppy dog eyes. "Please?"
"I don't usually let people draw in my books." Jungkook gave her a pout.
"Let him draw Yeo. It's not like mom didn't buy you ten before we left last month.” Kaira said as she poured the guys something to drink.
"I was going to say yes," Yeona said, handing Jungkook her sketchbook. "How can you look at that face and say no?" She pouted. "Just draw in the back, please." Jungkook smiled at her and opened the back of the book.
"How many of them do you have left anyway?" Kaira asked.
"That's the last one." Yeona mumbled.
"Did you say that was the last one? I know you didn't go through them that fast." Kaira raised an eyebrow at her. "You gave them away, didn't you? Yeona, you have to stop giving all your things away. My mom buys you things because she..."
"I know that I am too stubborn to spend it on myself." She said, cutting her off. "And your mom knows that if I see someone who needs the stuff more than me, I will give it to them. Why do you think she buys me so much at once?"
"So, where are you guys from?" Kaira asked, breaking the staring contest that she was having with her friend. She knew that Yeona would be upset as soon as she had said it. But she couldn't figure out why her friend was so set on helping other people all the time, while she did without the finer things in life. Her mom would buy Yeona clothes, and she'd give away her old ones or sometimes even the new ones without a second thought. She'd even spend money on food for the beggars in the street before she bought herself any.
"Emelle." The sound of Namjoon's deep voice beside Yeona made her jump. She didn't realize he had sat beside her.
"Oh, that's on the other side of the capitol, right?" Kaira asked.
"Yes," Namjoon answered without looking up from his book.
"That explains the proper way you talk and your expensive clothes." The five men sitting near her looked down at their clothes.
"I don't think our clothes are costly," Hoseok said.
"They are. You won't find anyone this far out wearing something like that. Well, unless they have a lot of money and visit the capitol often like my family. Why didn't you guys bring horses or weapons if you came this far? And why would you pick a little village like Hwen?"
"Kaira, did you bring them here to interrogate them?" Yeona asked, irritated at her friend's never-ending questions.
"I was just trying to get to know them," Kaira replied.
"There are less intrusive ways to get to know them," Yeona said as she looked over at what Jungkook was drawing. She had no idea what Kaira's mission was, but it was upsetting her. First, it was her and now the guys.
"No peeking, Noona," Jungkook said as he turned his back to her. Revenge for her closing the book on him earlier.
"I just wanted to see what you were drawing." She pulled her knees to her chest and watched the six people in front of her chat.
"It's a surprise. And you looking would spoil the surprise." She couldn't help but laugh at that.
"What are you reading?" Yeona asked, looking over at Namjoon, who had his head in his hand as he read.
"A book." He spoke softly out the side of his mouth that wasn't covered by his hand.
"It's about art?" Yeona asked as she started to read what was on the pages.
"Yes." She moved her head a little closer so that she could see more of the page. "Are you still upset with your friend?" Namjoon asked softly as he moved his arm out of her way.
"A little, yes." She said softly enough so only he and Jungkook could hear it, "You didn't have to move your arm.
"You can't read the next page if my arm is on it." He pointed out. "And you need the distraction of reading as much as I do right now."
Next Chapter>>
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