#I have found this blog to impact my actual life too often
aphverse-confessions · 7 months
I think I will be taking a break from this blog for a while
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
Travel is good, tourism isn't
Tumblr media
I said in the blog yesterday, that I think travel is good, but tourism isn't. So, let me explain this. And I will put this here first: I am going to explain it on the example of Japan, because I know the most about what is happening there in terms of travel and tourism - and what issues arise from it.
See, I do think travelling to foreign places (whatever that means for you) is a good thing. Experiencing other cultures and interacting people who due to their culture have a very different outlook on life and the world is a good thing. Not only to move away from a certain worldview (which for white people tends to be an eurocentric one, and for Americans an US-centric one), it also fosters empathy to other people.
And I think of this dramatic thing especially when it comes to Americans travelling, who due to their lacking education system often do know jack shit about the rest of the world.
However: I do both think that the thing we right now call tourism does not really help, but actually does hinder this - and is harmful in many other ways.
Right now, foreign tourists are no longer allowed in Gion, the Geisha quarter of Kyoto. The reason for it is, that too many of them were fucking disrespectful. Some made photos of the Geisha without asking, some even touched the kimono and the hair of the Geisha. Some even got angry and started arguing, when people told them to not do this.
Especially when it comes to Kyoto I can think of a variet of other examples. People have carved their names into temples. People touched things that are not supposed to be touched (like idols). People otherwise behaved inappropriately, for example towards kannushi and mikos. Folks have bathed their feet in pools meant for ritual cleansing. There are a lot of examples of this.
And I think part of this goes back to two things. For one again eurocentrism and the way, that a lot of especially white folks to not perceive other cultures as real. But also, and maybe more importantly, the mindset that: "I have paid $1500 for this trip and I get to very well do what I want." The different culture in this mindset gets treated like a themepark, not as a place filled with real people, rather than performers there to enhance the tourist's experience.
Meanwhile the tourists generally are not really interested to interact with the other culture further than that. Which is also, why they tend to flock to the same few places, to all go make their own photo of the same place that a million people have photographed before - as compared to going exploring in a foreign place.
And in some cases - like Kyoto - this also leads to the fact that the local people often get pushed out of the places they actually live in.
A lot of people will often say: "Yeah, but it is great for their economy." Which... leaving my capitalism-hating-ideation aside for a moment... Well, actually it is not good and COVID showed us. Because it makes the economy totally depedent on tourism. In places that are heavily dependent on tourism, the sudden complete anihilation of tourism with the pandemic pushed those places further into a crisis than anywhere else. Heck, keeping it with Kyoto: Given a lot of folks had jobs related to the tourism industry and there were in fact not many other jobs, a lot of people found themselves forced to move away from Kyoto during the pandemic.
So while the entire "but economy" thing will seem true on a short term, it actually is not on the long term.
And that is without going into the environmental impact that comes from a lot of people flocking to certain places. This is shown especially in areas, where folks go for "nature", destroying nature while they do so. Because nature just cannot handle thousands upon thousands of people travelling through.
So, what do I mean with "travel, instead of tourism"? Well, frankly: Yes, you still go to other places. But - to keep with Japan - instead of going to Kyoto you might go to Morigushi or Beppo, and instead of touring from one temple and shrine to the next, you will just interact with the places and explore them. To actually experience them, rather than some preconscieved notion of what it is supposed to be. And you interact with the people.
And you learn. Because we all just need to learn about different people, different cultures and different places. Rather than just consuming them.
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marty-parties · 4 days
Happy September 15th! Which, if you didn't know, is 'leave a comment day.' I could be wrong though, since my source is a poll i took on my other blog - either way, i've come up with a fun idea.
In honour of ‘leave a comment day’ i’ve made a list of all of my favourite fanfics/authors that I can think of atm, and I wanna leave a nice little note about them and their work! This isn’t in any particular order, tbh it’s mostly me going through my AO3 bookmarks and re-reading all of my fav fanfic, haha. 
I honestly had no idea 'leave a comment day’ was a thing, and if you didn’t either, show your favourite authors that you appreciate them! Anything from a heart emoji, or a key smash, or an insightful/heartfelt comment will do wonders in terms of showing/being appreciated.
A lot of these fics below have influenced me in some way, big or small, into how/what I write today. I guess I wanted to give thanks where I could. (It’s also just really sick to make a doc full of your favourite things,and I highly implore you to do it too, even if you don’t wanna post it. (That's totally fair, no pressure.) I keep going over in my mind what I like about each fic and ‘oh, this fic is different from that, but it’s still fantastic, oh and this fic, too,’ etc. it’s such a fun little snowball effect of positivity, i definitely recommend you do this if you have time and need a pick me up, haha.)
Little note, here, If you’ve seen that I’ve read your fic, but found you’re not on the list - it’s not that I don’t like you/or work! I probably very well did enjoy it! I found as I was making this list it was taking a lot of my free time. (Free time that i’d rather like to use writing or reading more, haha.) And, I feel like this list is already so wickedly long ‘cause I can't shut my mouth to save my life, to add more might be a little bit much to read all in one go. 😅
So, please don’t be upset if that’s the case! ily *mwah* 
Also, there’s a few nsfw fics mention at the end, so if you’re a minor, pls buzz off,  that content isn’t for you! I also recommend you check the links on some of these fics. I think I’ve included warnings where I think they’re due, but you know yourself better than i do. And, who knows, I might’ve accidentally missed a tag or two - So, please take care of yourself out there! 
You’ll notice i’ve either included a source for either the authors tumbr, or AO3. I originally was going to try and do both, but i lost steam. Each story is linked to their author, on some site, promise. 
Last thing, most of these fics are in the undertale fandom, tbh. It’s been my ride or die since highschool, so i’ve got a lot of love and things to say. You won’t find any frans or foncest here, i’m a reader insert girlie, simply put, and I don't care much for those tags on the fics i read. 
Quick legend here:
Complete = complete work
Ongoing = still updating / i think they’re still update
Incomplete = either hiatus, or just incomplete
So, without further ado- 
 Road Side Attraction (Ongoing, teen+ rating) and Dirty Laundry (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Popatochisp  (AO3) / popattochisp (Tumbr)
I’m going to be grouping together fics by author. Usually when I find one I really like, i really lurk around their tumblr/AO3 for others, haha.
–AND because I can’t think of one fic without the other. I find myself going back to read them both quite frequently, usually on rotation,  they’re my little bedtime stories i keep on repeat in my mind, lol. 
I mean, if you’re in the undertale fandom how can you not know about pop? For me, them (and luluwrites, among a few others i can’t remember rn,) –were really impactful to me growing up, as I think it was to a lot of people. (Tbh they’re still impactful, actually. I find myself going back even pretty often to read the same fics I read in high school.) They’re like the one piece of media you read in English class in high school that sticks with you throughout your adult life. (Looking at you, monkey’s paw.)
Pop has like 1,000 different au’s to choose from, all with fantastic and deep characterizations and lore.( I don’t know how they do it, i’m only writing a/b ONE skeleton rn, and i feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to get his characterization right.  I couldn’t imagine doing that for every single au they have. God damn.) 
I especially love Roadside Attraction, because of how easily i can relate to it? I’m deep in the sticks, a town more populated by livestock and people. When I read this, I can really put myself i MC’s shoes - b/c i’ve been there! (Hah, maybe not the dating skeletons part, granted, lol.) But it’s such a fantastic read, I love any and all media that has a vibe that it could take place in like a   rural Montana. (think scenes in Twilight. Tall spruce/pine trees, misty morning, the possibility of seeing bigfoot, that sorta thing.) 
And Dirty Laundry? Come on, dude. What a love letter to the swapfell universe, truly. If you haven't read it, you gotta. The world building, and the changing POV’s are so damn good, that every chapter feels crisp, and like you’ve got a really good inside scoop of each character. You can’t knock the characterization in this one, fellas. All the dynamics are so dead on - how Sans and Papyrus interact, how Sans and Alphys – dude, even how Sans and Toriel interact read so deeply in character. Everyone’s motives and ideas make sense to each character and the conflict that it  brings. Big fan. 10/10, will definitely read again and again. (There’s also a ‘Menswear addition, where the reader has he/him pronouns if that’s your cup of tea!) 
Bones Picked Clean (Incomplete, teen+ rating) and) Apéritifs (Ongoing, Mature rating)
By Skelezbian (tumblr) / luluwrites (on AO3)
Woof, where do I start?? I think Bones Picked Clean is another one of the first fics I remember being a really impactful piece of undertale fanwork that stuck with me. I know they’re not the one who created the whole ‘lodge’ scenario, (if you know, you know. Thank you @Tyrant_Tortoise, we’ll be seeing you next,) but they put a spin on it that is so interesting to see. The problems feel very realistic, like something that can easily happen in a house full of busy bodies with not enough communication. And, ohmygod the MC. My first love, truly. You get to see each set of skeleton brother’s, and watch how MC’s befriends them all. Granted, they have a track record of putting themselves in dangerous situations, for reasons revealed in the fic, but they’ve got a heart of gold, and a PHD in being a sweetheart.
The horrortale boys really shine here. I haven’t read much horrortale centric fanfics, but I really like the soft horrorale’ spin. The healing after the damage, the sunshine after the storm, watching the fauna overgrow, etc. I love watching characters grow when love is shown, and here, you can really see it here. I love domesticity, and using food as a love language– which is something this fic has in spades!
(I also love love swapfell characterization in this fic, chapter 13 does a REALLY good job of walking you through the mindspace of sf pap. But in terms of favourties, i’d have to say that would be Chapter 18. You get to see sf pap’s relationship with his brother!  You really see/understand their dynamic, and how they really act as brothers behind closed doors. The other reason it’s a favourite is the inherit domesticity! Maybe I’m a sucker for the normie, slice of life, but how MC and sans chit chat at the start of the chapter is so cute! )
Warning: mention of past cannibalism, past murder, past abuse? I think that’s it, maybe check the tags to be sure. They sound scary, but I promise it’s a very sweet story. 
Ohh, Apéritifs. First of all, what a clever name! I’m a sucker for word play, and this title alone really did it for me, haha. (if you don’t get it, please google ‘define Apéritifs’, and you’ll be just as jazzed as me.)  They’re three stand alone one-shots featuring a  different skeleton each chapter. I will say, I think chapter 3 is my fav. It’s actually heavily inspired me to make one of my one shots - it’s that good! I love the world building in it, as well. Really, you can’t go wrong. (Lulu really knows how to nail flirty dialogue, in very funny ways. ‘“so, you a fan of spare ribs, or just mine?”’ (ch. 3 – Apéritifs) KILLS ME, oh my god, what a funny flirty little one-liner. 
Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Tyrant_Tortoise (AO3) tyranttortoise (Tumblr)
Man– SSLL walked so we all could run. The amount of ‘lodge’ type fanfic dynamic i’ve seen, BECAUSE of this fic is wild. I might be wrong in saying this, but I think they were the one who came up with the whole ‘lodge’ type scenario, like all the reverse harems with all the au’s. 
I haven’t read anything of theirs in a long time, but I wanna pay my respects where respects are due. Tyrant made one hell of an influential fanfic, enough so, that I’m pretty sure if I had a timeline of fandom evolution on undertale alone– I think there would be a noticeable difference in the before and after SSLL.  Which, is so sick!! To have influenced a whole fandom with a concept that we’re still seeing it years later? (I get that trends sorta tend to last longer in fandoms than they do irl, but isn’t that such a neat thing to think about?) 
I’m going to age myself (and maybe you, reading this a bit, but–) the first chapter was posted in 2017. 2017! Isn’t that nuts to think about? I was literally 17 at the time. No WONDER it stuck with me, my teenage brain was looking for all the  serotonin it could get from fandoms.  (wow. Things haven't changed all that much for me, haha. 
Skeleton Ex Machina (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By Cryptid_jack (AO3)
Ohh, okay, for all the SSLL fans out there, you probably already know who cryptid_jack is. And if not, I'll gladly tell you!
They’ve made this cool ass AI AU (it’s a LOT cooler than it sounds, I promise!) in their words, ‘a fanfic of a fanfic’ that’s actually in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady (see above.) I’d recommend reading SSLL to fully understand this - although, if you’re good at picking up context clues, or maybe don’t mind missing some context, I don’t necessarily think you’d have to, since jack does a really good job of showing the reader everything that’s going on. (although, i really  recommend you do.)
I think this au is so cool, it’s literally tagged as ‘Quarantine Sans’ (which, i’ll be the first to say, that maybe that name didn’t hold up too well, with recent 2020 events, an’ all that. Pandemic aside, it’s a cool name for an AU!) 
It’s also really fun to see two friends in the fandom interact with each other's works like this. Even reading the note at the start of the fic, you can just feel the camaraderie and care that went into paying each other's proper respects. 
Big big ups, hats off to proper manners and friendship!
All’s Fair In Love and (Prank) War (Incomplete, teen+ rating)
By torrikor (AO3)
Ohh, this is a short and sweet 2 chapter read. I don’t the author is going to circle back to it, but i suggest you read it anyways! the idea is so so good! In essence, MC and sf sans are roommates, and MC starts a prank war. I love love love their dynamic, their bickering is a real treat to read, that, coupled with their size difference? Sign me up!
My Favorite Thing (Complete, teen+ rating) and A Conversation Starter ( Complete, teen+ rating) 
By peachwhimzy (AO3) peachwhimzy-things (Tumblr)
I’m a slut for their characterization of sf pap here, oh my god. Both are so so good, and i know  i must sound like a broken record by saying I love how this author interpreted his character - but i can’t help it! So many people have good ideas and ways to showcase a character! Sue me.  
A Conversation Starter is another one that’s inspired me to write a little one-shot. It’s so fantastically written, sf Papyrus and MC are at a bus station, both the first human and monster either have met. The world building is subtle, but wonderfully done. MC is so damn cute in this, and so is Papyrus, who’s really just trying to keep the conversation going, lol. There’s a delightful slice of life aspect to this. 
Honestly, a lot of of Peach’s work feel very domestic, and sweet, and romantic. Sorta like i’m reading a studio Ghibli movie. Do yourself a favour and go check em out!
Late Night Shift Romance (Complete, teen+ rating)
By Inumaru12 (AO3)
The one fic on here that’s not a romance,how about that. (I guess that’s not technically true. There's possibly something budding, if you squint. I always read it as platonic friendship- it’s fanfic! Read it with whatever context you’d like!)
Burgerpants and MC are at the same convenient store late at night, and there’s a robbery. Friendship ensues. I love seeing the background character of undertale, and honestly, who doesn't relate to Burgerpants? Perpetually working shitty minimum wage jobs, trying to chase his dreams - that’s rough. I appreciate a character who can give a nod to class solidarity.. I think Inmuaru12 did so well writing his character, it feels like he was plucked out of the game himself, haha. 
My Dearly Detested Delivery Man, (Complete, teen+ rating) and Black Coffee (Complete, general audiences rating) 
By Little_old_lady (AO3)
Lol yet another set of swap fics, haha. (Yet another great example of different interpretations of the swapfell au!)
My Dearly Detested Delivery man is so  fun, I love an ‘enemies to friends to lovers’ type of fic. I love the dialogue, it’s so funny! Like almost sitcom-esk with how good the one liners are. I think my favourite thing about writing fanfic is the dialogue- but reading what other authors have cooked up is such a treat, too. I love seeing authors with a certain brand of wit/cleverness they think the character would have, and seeing their own comedy bleed through, too sometimes. Little_old_lady does a good job showing the reader what you can gleam from the characters with how they talk to each other, in a way that sets the tone for their relationship. (whether it’s platonic, romantic, etc.)  There’s so many ways you can show friendship, but I think the “passion” (lmao I don’t know what else to call it!)  that’s at the heart of any argument is what can create the difference between friends arguing, vs two people who could be more. (Better put, I think what I like about two characters arguing is the sorta obvious chemistry it can create.) 
Black Coffee does a good job about that too! I’ll be the first and last to say that I love any characters whose love language is ‘argue’ (lol even though irl I wouldn’t last long in any relationship like that, haha. ) I can be hit or miss with a soulmate au, but there’s another layer that I think undertale adds another level to in a soulmate au-since the game established that monsters and magic are real— that it almost feels a little more plausible of an au, than say, a soulmate AU of parks and rec? (no hate on the au or parks and rec, haha. I guess it just feels more “realistic” being that undertale is already a world made of magic, that magical soulmates, is one more step into weird that also makes sense?) I also love the bro-ship mc has with pap, in this one. Coming from someone who’s constantly worked retail/with customers one-on-one, somedays you want to go ape shit, so it’s nice to see an MC who can.
Half Your Age Plus Seven (Complete, teen+ rating) 
By KassyKins
Ohhh, what a little treat this was to read. Tragedy! Romance! Love-rivalry! (NOT a love triangle!) People just Trying to do their best, they’ve got it all! This is another MC i’m in love with. They know what they love, and what they’re passionate about, but when push comes to shove, they’ll choose their family over themselves every single time. I think it’s a very admirable trait to have, integrity, and the ability to self-sacrifice.  I think those two tropes/characteristics can really lead a story in so many interesting directions - weather it be an MC who’s too self-sacrificing, giving parts of themselves to everyone, leaving nothing for themselves, or an MC who’s pushing themselves through the ringer trying to do what they think is right according to their integrity, burning them up in the process.  In this particular case, it’s maybe a little bit of both, coupled with (sad) a slice of life meet cute, with a healthy dose of growing pains. 
There’s something about it that always hits extra hard to me, the ‘thrust into the lime light, or power, or a position they have no business being in. But, they’ve got people on the line, their people to take care of, so by god they’ll try.’ There’s something so tragic and poetic about it – but who knows, maybe I'm waxing poetic about the eldest daughter trope. 
This fic really nicely written, and there’s so many fun hijinks and shenanigans in there to make you chuckle. Featuring another MC who’s able to shout at their boss and get away with it- big ups from me, lets goooooo working class!
Fair warning, this is a notable age gap from MC and swapfell gold sans. It is talked about in the story as well. I personally don’t mind it too much, but if that’s a no-go from you, you’ve been warned. (Maybe just check the tags on this one, (spoilers!) I know someone gets pregnant later. But, I know that can freak some folks out, so, heads up.) 
There’s some smut mentioned, but it doesn’t go into detail about it, so i’ll leave it above the NSFW section. Just fair warning! (Maybe not a story for minors? I don’t know, read at your own discretion if you are?) 
For the smut mention, be warned that I couldn’t find any age in their bio, do with that what you will. 
And Now It’s Crystal Clear(Complete, teen+ rating)
By nighttimelights (AO3)
Oh, man. What another banger read. 
Fun fact- i read this in . . . highschool? But i forgot the name of the fic,and it took me FOREVER, im talking YEARS before I found it again. I actually gave up the hunt, and just found it again one day– what an utter joy that was for me to rediscover it. I felt like I ran into my highschool sweetheart at the grocery store after not thinking about them in years. 
It’s really cool concept on the whole ‘machine gaster’ situation. I respect someone so damn much who incorporates a bit of sci-sfi in their fics, I have no idea how to write it, but I love to read it/see it in media. So to see it, and understand it, and how it’s relevant to the plot is a real treat!
I also love the ending.  :)
Wish Bone (Ongoing, Explicit rating)
By timeofjuly
I could not, in good conscience make this list without including my bestie, the OG and probably the reason why I'm actually posting what I'm writing today. I really can’t sing their praises high enough – but for the sake of comment day, I sure can try, haha.
July really does a good job of creating a wicked atmosphere in her works. The stark difference between Wish Bone (a political romance drama) and Resisting the Currents (reverse harem, but the gf likes you too. It's linked in the nsfw section, please check it out if you can.) is so incredible – they’re really an author that can do both, haha. Even though both fics are so different, what they have in common is their ability to get you right in your feelings, in whichever way the story calls for. 
In Wishbone  – Flint (the MC) has a bad case of being a massive asshole, that’s verging on becoming chronic. Their paranoia has caused their head to permanently be a swivel, and they’ve developed a taste for their own brand of Justice (however malicious as it is.)  That sounds like the start of a vigilante story, but in all truth, Flint is a dick. Which, is another thing July is great at! Writing MC’s who are assholes! You love to hate them, you hate that you love them! 
This is a MC x sf Pap, and later X sf Sans as well, If you’re hoping for a sappy romance, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a reluctant soulmate AU fic, a fantastic spin on the traditionally very romantic au, a meet ugly, sort of vibe. If you love arguing, political drama, fantastic world building, and a very, sad, broken MC – you’re going to love this. Hell, even if how I described it doesn’t sound appealing to you – I implore you to check it out anyways. July will absolutely knock you on your ass with her writing. By god, there’s themes, motifs and symbolism that I'm not smart enough to analyse, let alone talk about. Whether July intentionally put them there or not, I have no idea, but they’re there and it adds another layer of depth in a delightfully, painful soul crushing way. 
Go, see what I mean for yourself! 
Tbh, i feel like I could go on forever about what I love about their fics, and my little personal theories on them – but I feel like I already look pretty unhinged. For the sake of my ego, i’ve gotta move on. 
In terms of warnings, I think I sorta covered them? There's Plenty of anger, and hatred, ummm monster phobia? There might be some sorta nsfw stuff down the line, thus the rating, but as it stands now it’s smut free! Just a heads up, I suppose. 
 In Two weeks time and Red is my favorite color
By who_wants_a_muffin (AO3) 
My other current ongoing fav, in two weeks time! Another swapfell sans one, to the surprise of absolute of no one, haha. 
This MC is a dude! A man! Which is a refreshing change up, I don’t think there’s many many fics out there with a male leaning/male dominant MC’s. The characterization of MC is very good, 
is so so good, it’s and X sf sans, and he’s got the exact right amount of snark and sass to keep you coming back, haha. (Or, I guess in this case, he keeps coming back. MC works at the pool he frequents.) Their banter is really fun to read, bordering on bickering, really. They’re almost like a little old married couple, haha. Which is to say, you can really feel the chemistry they have even though they’re basically strangers. 
sf Papyrus is such a little shit in this one, i love it. He’s perpetually the youngest brother, and how Muffin writes him is so snarky and funny, and very endearing. 
The chapters are short and sweet, enough so that you can read it a few times in the same day and still enjoy it, even though his updating schedule is crazy fast! I don’t know how he does it, but they’re just motoring along, haha. I get excited whenever I get an email saying Muffin updated. It’s like a little treat to brighten your week.
I’ve been reading a bit of his other stuff, and he just gets it! Like the dynamic between MC and fell sans in Red in my favorite color, is just perfect. I love the soft!underfell au, and he does a really good job of capturing how underfell sans straddles the line between being a bad boy, and a boy that's not all that bad.
I also love the notes he writes, ‘Hello gays and other assorted sillies!’ (from Chapter 2 in Red in my favorite color,) Like COME ON, that’s so funny! 
– Undertale related 
Bonley Hearts Club (Demo available, Ongoing, teen+ rating) 
Bonely Hearts Club (tumblr) 
owl-bones (tumblr) is the Developer and Director and (self proclaimed! I’m not being mean!) Lead Nerd.  Here is a link to their cast, although it might not be fully updated. (It’s  \a big one, so I'm going to leave it as a link.) 
I don’t even know how to begin to explain my love for Bonely Hearts Club. It’s a fanmade game, made entirely of love, which you can tell, even before you play it. The sprites are so cute, and fantastic, and the writing is so in character and on point, do not get me started on the voice acting - which is also incredible. I’m not kidding, when I first played the demo, I immediately followed the voice actors on tumblr after, haha. 
This is the kinda piece of art that you just stand back and look at it, and just go ‘wow’. It’s such a big undertaking! I know very little about game development, but from what i vault remember from my comp sci class - is that is’s hard. Mad respect from me to Owl, and everyone a part of the team/process. 
This is off topic, but I wonder if Toby Fox has read any of these fics, or played the demo of this dating sim, like in the same way Alex Hursh has played a bit of Swooning Over Stans: A Grunkle Dating Sim. I’d pay serious money to have Toby play the dating sim demo. God, could you imagine the energy in that livestream? It would be goddamn electric.
[ Soul Redacted ] (Completed, teen rating) and The Great Noodle Jape (Completed, teen rating) 
By nighttimepixels (game jolt) nighttimepixels (tumblr) 
// active twitter lethalhoopla  
//active tumblr lethalhoopla
Good god, talk about a . . .what, triple, quadruple threat? There’s nothing nighttimepixels can’t do. They write, they make art, they’ve made two complete games, (and the beginning of another,) and they animate!! Like oh my god! Another love letter to the fandom, everything they do is so so good. 
[Soul Redacted] is a very cool rpg sidescroller explorer/mystery, and i’d say a touche of sci-fi in there, too. It has fantastic writing, and features Q! (from Cryptid_jack au, in Skeleton Squatters and The LandLady fromTyrant_Tortoise  fic! see above for all!) Truth be told, I got a little scared playing this. Granted, I played it at like 2 am in the dark - and I am a coward lol. I don’t think the average person will get scared, but fair warning anyways, haha. 
They’re not into the undertale fandom anymore, I don't think. Which is sad to hear, but also understandable. It’s not fun making art and other creations if you’ve lost that spark there. However, if you’re a mass effect fan, they’re making a bunch of art on their other bog. I personally really love their art style, so i’ll gladly keep checking back. Also, there’s so much undertale content on their blog that you’ll be good for a long while. And if not, you can always go back and look again! If you can’t experience it for the first time, the next best thing is to experience it again. 
Warning: I think there’s some flashing lights at some point? Maybe double check the tags on that one if that’s a concern for you. 
The Great Noodle Jape is so damn cute. As night put it, ‘a visnov style silly whodunit’, which I think it captures it perfectly. The writing is so fun, all the characters feel very well written/in character, and i love how they all interact with each other. As well, the sprites are so fantastic! Night has that kind of art style where you just know it's theirs without needing to confirm. 
No warnings that I could think of, other than you’ll be wishing for the experience of playing it for the first time once you’re done.
– non-Undertale related fics - 
Cult of the Lamb—
The Rehabilitation of Death 
By bamsara (AO3) / bamsara (Tumblr)
WOOF. I am an ‘happy ending angst’ lover, and a ‘energies to lovers slow burn,’ and this fic takes the cake on both regards. Truly, who could pine better than a god, who’s named literally ‘The One Who Waits’? What an aptly named character for one of the major troupes in the fic, haha.
But for all you freaks out there (lol me) who don’t mind horror some of the time, I recommend reading it! Even if you’re not into CoTL, the pining is so goddamn good! (Considering it’s about gods, they’ve been pining for hundreds of years without even knowing it–  the slowest of burns, like oh my GOD.) Bam also is known to post longer chapters- so if you like a read that lasts a couple days, PLEASE do yourself a favour and check it out. I don’t wanna spoil anything, but they’re getting to the part where the main couple is starting to be nice to each other, plus, the subplot B couple is starting to sorta shack up too. There are so many good, funny dynamics that are in this fic, that I don’t have enough words to properly explain them. 
They also make fantastic artwork and sketches for just about each scene in their fics - which for all you visual girlies out there (myself, haha.) I think you’d appreciate it! I wish I was that type of triple threat, but I think i’d burn out too quickly if I was also drawing scenes of my fics – which is why I think it’s so impressive when other authors/artists do it! 
 They do art streams pretty frequently, too, and they make stickers too! A true triple threat, 
Just, fair warning-  like Cult of the Lamb (the game the fic is based off,)  this fic mentions a lot about gore, and death, and mention of cults and religion. So if any of that is a turn off, or something you don’t like to read about, this might not be your cup of tea. 
Non-fanfic Undertale fandom related material– 
Solar Lunacy (Incomplete, Mature)
By BamSara
(I kept these two separate on the account they’re different fandoms, lol) 
I was very briefly into the FNAF fandom, I only read a handful of fics— but Solar Lunacy really stuck with me!
Robots with trauma! An overly curious MC! I think what I like most about this, is how driven mc is? Usually it gets them into trouble, haha, but I love that troupe where the MC really puts themselves through the wringer looking for answers. (I.e like ford and bill from gravity falls.)  
What’s not to love? For all you robot fans out there, it’s pretty sick! I’m sure if you dig deep enough on Bam’s tumblr you’ll find all their old DCA fanart, and draw parts from this fic. 
Fair warning! Scary robots, the regular tags of the fnaf fandom (past child abuse/past child murder), robots don’t understand boundaries, maybe check the tags on this one, just in case. 
Sleuth Jesters (Series!) (Complete, teen+ and mature ratings, depending on which fic in the series you’re reading.)
By naffeclipse (AO3)
This was the other FNAF fanfic that really stuck with me when I had the robot bug. (lol)  I’ll be the first one to admit that I’m not overly into the whole ‘mafia boss’ side of self-ships, but if I had to choose one to read for the rest of time –  it would definitely be this one. It’s like a detective noir, where mc is the vigilante who’s only law they follow is their grey moral code - but usually it’s for the good! So you can’t really feel to bad about that, haha. 
Tbh it’s almost hard to verbalise what I like about it, it’s one of those fics that give you a feeling you can’t name, and it’s so frustrating to have this unnamed feeling you can’t quite pinpoint! (PLEASE tell me some of ya’ll know what i’m talking about!)
I feel so tragically for the MC, if that makes sense? They’re constantly putting themselves in harm's way for answers, and for others.  They’re selfless, yet selfish, and they never let anyone too close, except for when they do. There’s some heavy themes and very toxic relationships, but there’s a happy ending! 
Ahh warning for a very possessive, toxic robot, and kidnapping in later fics - i suggest you read the tags just in case! Bam is really good at tagging triggers accordingly, 
Fair warning: blood and injury, very possessive character, toxic relationships (one sided), mention of injury, violence, kidnapping, guns, gunshot  wounds, shootouts, broken bone- probably some more. I recommend checking the tags on this one as well, just to be on the safe side. 
NSFW Below – Minors get out of here pls!
A quick mention, before I get into this–
I tried to check and make sure all the authors below are all well over 18, i’ve indicated which link has their age posted in their bio’s if you’d like to check for yourself. If I couldn’t find it, I made sure to be clear that I don't know. 
Just doing some light housekeeping, here. You should also check the tags on each fic for what kinda . . . stuff it has, lol. 
Play With Me (Incomplete, explicit rating) 
By grimrester (AO3) / grimrester  (tumblr/ age in bio here.) 
Oh my god. Oh my god! For all you queers on the ace/aromatic spectrum just like me, this is the fic for you!
I could easily go back and read this again and again - tbh I already do. It’s plot with porn, and then it turns into porn with plot, but emotional!  love the relationship between MC and Sans. There's something about their intimacy that’s so casual (maybe not the right word for what I mean,) but vulnerable, and realistic, but very enthusiastic and personal? I don’t think I even have the right words to properly and fully describe what all I like about this fic, but what I do know is that I like it a lot, haha. 
I like that it shows sex and intimacy in a different way. I know it’s pretty common for undertale smut to have some kind of ecto junk involved - this one doesn’t. I personally, like the creativity involved in thinking different ways a person can get off that isn’t just penetration. (Don’t get me wrong, that’s in here too, but that comes a little bit later.) 
I’m also s Big Fan of the sf sans interpretation here. It’s like a soft swapfell, one of my favourite version of him. I said it already, but there’s so many ways a person can go with his character, and I really really like the worldbuilding. It’s a nice subtle nod told through the characters. I love his relationship he has with Alphys, it all feels so incredibly in line with the character, even though he’s a swapfell version, he still does have some sort of friendship with her – even if to him it’s under a guise. To me, it’s one of those things that you can see the core traits that make him a sans, and that’s a hard needle to thread! Just an all around great character study. 
ALSO, I think I have a particular penchant for MC’s with oddly specific niche jobs?? In my heart of hearts, Pixy’s (the name of the arcade MC owns in Play with Me) is like right next door to Faunas (the name of the pot store my MC owns in Into The Weeds.) 
Warnings: i’m pretty sure this one is tagged accordingly on AO3, so i’m not going to tag it all here, just know there’s smut. 
Something Good (Ongoing, Mature) 
By skeletonlvr22 (AO3)
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find. This fic isn’t at the smut yet - but becuase of the 'eventual smut' tag, and for the sake of transparency, i’m letting you know. (I’m like 90% sure this person is an adult though, since there’s a tag thanking their husband for their help.) Do what you will with this info, you’ve been warned. 
This is another one of my current reading obsessions lately! 
I think i’m realizing I have a particular penchant for some of the lesser known au’s? (niche, I suppose?) Fellswap Gold Pap sets out on his own in only his trusty bus, to explore the surface above, away from the (over-) protective eyes of his brother. 
This is the escape fantasy of my dreams. A stray skeleton on the adventure of his lifetime, seeing the sights and the city lights. The romance portion in the later chapters is so damn cute too, it’s very much the ‘first love’, type of romance that’s very sweet and charming. (also, c’mon, who doesn't love a coming of age story?) Love love seeing a Fellswap Gold fic, and a Papyrus based one, too! People are so damn creative, I never would've ever thought of this plot for a fic, but now that I know it’s real, I love it!I I’m really not kidding when I say it’s prime escape fantasy material -  I think it would be the cats ass to have a van and travel across north america, thanks skeletonlv22 for letting me vicariously live through Pap in your fic. :) 
Warning: Only the ones i’ve given at the top! It’s a very cute story. I put it in the NSFW section b/c of the eventual smut, there’s none in it now – although, they certainly are starting to get flirty. 
Resisting the Currents (Ongoing, Explicit) 
By timeofjuly (AO3) timeofjuly (Tumblr) 
WARNING: No age in bio that I could find, but I’ve been chit-chatting with July for months now and i’m 99.99% sure they’re well above 18. It’s not my info to give out, and i’m trying to be transparent on my end, do with this info what you will! 
Edit: age confirmed in the tags!
This is easily another fav of mine for sure. 
Resisting the Currents is a reverse harem fic (with all the au’s!) but with a twist - the gf likes you too! It’s a refreshing take on the ‘reverse harem’ tag you see often in the undertale fandom - and holy shit, truly ‘only love can hurt like this.’ The relationship they have with the MC is so painful, verging on devastating. There’s love there! There is! But there’s also hurt, and a lot of it, the kind that doesn’t just go away, not on its own, anyway. I’m trying not to spoil too much, because I truly think you should read it for yourself. 
But, Oh My God, their MC? Holyshit- I have a(n aforementioned) weakness for impressionable MC’s, oftentimes, I end up loving them more than the love interest in the fics.  I can’t help it! The electrician is personable, relatable, and funny! They’re a lovable goofball with a rough past, with a history of doing the wrong things.They're recovering/recovered? (I’m not too sure which is the correct term, here,) drug addict, and they’ve come a long way! They’ve changed a lot, and I love love love to see that kind of realism in an MC. 
If you’re reading RtC (which you should be,) you can 100% see me going apeshit in the comments trying to figure out what the elections and Quinn’s deal is. (ESPECIALLY chapter 11!
(Sorry if they’re not coherent, at one point, those theories made sense in my head, but looking back on them, I think they’re more so like the crazed ramblings of a conspiracy theorist, haha.) 
This fic is in the NSFW section b/c it does have a chapter where two characters get it on, but i can’t say that’s what the whole story is about. I put it down here to be safe rather than sorry, haha. 
Ahh, fair warning, there is past drug mention, and past abuse child abuse I think? Plus, a bit of mention of religion and the negative effects that can have on a person. Read the tags just to be safe!
Shark Teeth (Complete, Mature rating)
By luluwrites (AO3) skelezbian (Tumblr)
Warning: No age in bio that I could find. If it makes you feel any better, they joined AO3 in 2012, while I joined in 2016 and i’m 24 currently. I’m not good at math, but I think we’re all in the clear here. But like always, do with this info what you will! 
I will say, this isn’t full on smut - it’s saucy, but I’m trying to keep anything suggestive, kinda together? 
Not to divulge myself too furiously here, but uh–There’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think about Shark teeth. C’mon. Y'all get it, right? It’s just a funny, saucy little number! A funny moment that happens between couples that we get to see. There’s so many different interpretations on the fellswaps, (I know i’ve said it a lot,) but Lulu’s just happens to be one of my favourites interpretations!! Sf Sans is a very precarious character, and I think Lulu does a good job showing that the swaps can be written in a multitude of ways, he doesn’t just have to be the dickhead all the time, lmao. They really do a good job showing how he shines, y’know?
Warning: teeth and/or biting? Not full on smut, or anything, but it is saucy. So, take that into consideration. 
The Fulfilling Ordeal of Being Known (Complete, explicit) 
By nighttimepixels (tumblr) / // active on twitter lethalhoopla (age mention in bio here) 
Ohhh, for all my sapphics out there – you’re going to love this. 
Blade (fem  horrortale sans, who’s apart of her ‘Lillytale’ au, a sapphic take on all the au’s,) and MC settling down for a nice night in, MC playing breath of the wild (BIG UPPS, great game, lol) while Blade plays some games of their own - hopefully you get the picture. 
Just some great lady-lovin’ smut! Size difference! If you love the pillow princess treatment, this is the fic for you.
Warnings: (Lesbians? Queers?) really going to town on each other, def NSFW. Check the tags before reading, it’s nothing Dead Dove, or anything - just want you to be aware. 
mothiepixie (tumblr / age in bio here)
mothiepixie (twitter, age in bio here too) 
No fic to tag, but their art? AHHHHH. They’re more active on twitter than tumblr since The Ban, but ohhh their art is very, very good. Very great if you like fictional hunky men, and beautiful shapely ladies. 
Warnings: tasteful (shameless) smut, you’ve been warned, lol
Woof. That was a lot of typing. If you made it this far, circle back to one of the recommendations above and get to reading!
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
The anon's point about the Mc's presence and how it could be more representative of a wider range of players if the character had an independent goal or mission is definitely a valid one.
But just like you said, a lot of otome games often focus on romance and relationships, with the Mc' s main motivation being to connect with and date the "main" love interests. But there is potential to introduce more complexity and appeal to players if the Mc has their own goals, motivations or missions that are separate from the romance aspect of the game.
Personally, I do think the idea of exploring the more "plot-based" angles and incorporating more elements of action-adventure into the story is a great suggestion and one that could make the narrative more engaging and relatable for us/players.
While the focus of the game may still be on romance aspects and character relationships, adding more depth and complexity through plot-driven angles can definitely add an extra layer of interest and appeal.
And I would love a buff mommy Mc or love interest by the way
I absolutely agree with everything you're saying.
The thing is, that is what you would get from something that is well written.
You are not going to get that level of consideration or good writing from a mobile otome game. Especially one that regularly rotates writers and also has a whole translation team that also mangles the story when they put it into other languages.
I love Obey Me, I really do. But the writing leaves a lot to be desired. I think it's inevitable. And honestly I think that right there is the only reason I decided to write fanfiction for it.
Because the characters have so much potential that's wasted. So why wouldn't I feel the urge to elaborate on them myself? I haven't written fic for a fandom in ages because I never felt compelled to until Obey Me came into my life. I couldn't possibly fuck it up, right?? LOL okay I'm exaggerating, it's not that bad. But they definitely have more characters than they can actually develop effectively.
So I would argue that the main story is more focused on MC's goals independent of their relationships with the characters. In the first season of OG, MC's whole goal is to get pacts, eventually the reason for this is to free Belphie from the attic. But none of that really has anything to do with MC's love story with any of the characters. You can go through that whole season and give them only platonic responses. Season two is similar in that MC's whole thing is figuring out how to deal with their "ring."
In fact, I would say that after season one, the events of each season don't even have an impact on MC's relationship with the seven brothers. The main thing that connects them and deepens their relationships in season one are the pacts. But in subsequent seasons, it doesn't seem to matter what happens, the brothers always see MC as family.
So I actually feel like the romance of the game is a side plot and even then, you can still choose to go through all of it without choosing lovey options for any of the characters.
However, they are expecting you to want to romance the characters. So they have to make MC someone that all the characters can fall in love with, whether their romance is front and center of the story or not.
Would it be more compelling for all of us if MC had a more interesting personality? Yeah, probably! But do I think these guys could pull off something like that? No, not really.
I'm not trying to bash the game or anything, obviously I totally love it. Look at my blog lol. I'm obsessed with it. But I've never found the writing to be especially good.
I've seen complaints that it's not romantic enough. I've seen complaints that it forces romance on the players. I've seen complaints that MC is too generic. I've seen complaints that MC is not generic enough. I'm sure they're doing the best they can, but I highly doubt writing quality is high on their list of concerns.
All that is to say that of course every anon that has come to my ask box about this particular topic has valid opinions on it! And you can certainly discuss what would improve the overall story. I just generally choose not to think about it too deeply because I'm not expecting anything of higher quality than what we've been getting all along. Which is just quality enough to keep me hooked lol.
Lastly, all I want in life is a buff mommy love interest asdlkfkjf not at all holding my breath, but SHEESH. Just gimme a stunning muscular demon lady, huh? I would die on the spot.
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What do the types mean and do the other two groups have them too, or just alphas? Also, what do betas do, since all ive ever seen when people write omegaverse tends to be explicit and about omegas and alphas, and the weird possessiveness of alphas made me too uncomfortable to look into it, but your posts make me feel curious enough to ask
Oh, this is a fun question. I hope you don't mind if I become an unskippable cutscene.
So, for reference, since you said you haven't read a lot of these aus, a good portion of A/B/O fics are going to smut because it's just an inherently sexual concept. I love lore and worldbuilding, so I focus a lot on how it would affect the world. A lot of the things in my world building are present in 90% of A/B/O fics, and a lot of things are just things I came up with.
When I say Type 1, 2, or 3 Alpha, I'm referring to something that I call ‘The Alpha Hierarchy’ or the Alpha scale. Omegas and Betas do not have groupings like it. This is something I came up with. However, I'm sure I'm not the first writer to do something similar.
The Alpha Hierarchy started as a joke. I had started writing the world building for this blog, and I had taken an edible. At some point in the night, everything got fuzzy, and I fell asleep. The next morning, I found a section I had written that said Alphas: Low Tier, Mid Tier, and High Tier. The only thing I had put for this section was ‘dick sizes’.
Obviously, I found the mental image of my stoned self trying to categorize characters by who I thought had bigger dicks hilarious. It stuck with me as I edited my world building and I decided to try to make it into an actual subgrouping.
The types are categorized by the number of ruts they have a year on average. Type 1s have the highest number of ruts, Type 3s have the lowest number of ruts. There's also personality differences that are said to be affected by typing, such as aggression, possessiveness, and confidence, but those are more stereotyping than fact. I still consider dick sizes to be an unofficial trait, but I don't really go ‘They're a Type 2 so they have a mid length penis.’.
Type 1s are the rarest type of Alpha (because I don't believe it would society thrive if the majority of people were very aggressive) but, due to their very loud personalities, they have wormed themselves into being the gold standard for what an Alpha should be.
Type 2s are the most common Alphas but are generally glossed over due to how common they are.
Type 3s are often considered ‘the lowest on the scale’ and are often on the receiving end of mockery. There's lots of jokes about how Type 3s are practically Betas and that they don't live up to the expectations of an Alpha. If you can't tell, a lot of this is a metaphor for how toxic masculinity affects young men and makes them believe they have to live up to this impossible standard.
In most people's fics, Betas exist just as an in-between. Typically for characters who aren't relevant to the smut. They do not have heats or ruts and instead follow the rules of real life humans: people who are born biologically male can get others pregnant, and people who are born biologically female can get pregnant. That's the long and short of it.
This next part is going to reference pregnancy and birth rates a lot, so be warned. All of this is my thought process on why humans would evolve this way, but none of it has any real big impact on the modern world.
In my au, Betas exist because of evolution. In my au, Alphas and Omegas evolved as a way to keep populations up. All the men in your town were sent to war? That’s fine because some women can get others pregnant? Not enough women in your town? Bam, some men can carry. However, both Alphas and Omegas have periods where they are unable to work. A society that's is full of people who can't work for periods of time because they're too horny would be very vulnerable. Enter Betas.
Since they don't experience heats or ruts, Betas don't have the same vulnerabilities that the others would. This means that civilization can keep running without pause. Of course, none of this has any real relevance to the plot. It's just my personal thoughts.
Thank you so much for asking this. I hope I was able to answer your questions without getting too wordy. I love this kind of stuff and these aren't facts I would usually have a reason to share. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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radicalbotanicals · 9 months
Guerilla Gardening and Me – My Journey through this Beautiful Movement
I want to conclude my entries into this blog by talking about something that is quickly becoming near and dear to my heart. There are many different types of activists in the world, and I think all of them serve a purpose. There are those who are willing to put themselves in the crossfire, to tear down statues, to stand up to the “man” as it were and have a visceral impact with what they do. That was never my style, as someone who is violence-adverse and perhaps a little too cowardly to engage in such lion-hearted activities, I always preferred the pacifist route. What can I add to the world that will be positive? And my peace has always come from gardening. I think it was after the loss of someone close to me that I found solace in working the land, just as she did, the soil with its earthy richness grounding me somehow. I loved seeing how my labour would create beautiful life and even help feed my family and neighbours. So, imagine my surprise when I learned I could combine these two worlds through guerilla gardening, a practice that has become more and more commonplace here in the UK, but not something I had come across back home.
So what is it, what are it’s origins?
In fact we know that in the 1970s, communities in New York’s Lower East Side attempted to resist the ‘cleansing’ of plots of land by “clipping barbed wire fences or throwing ‘seed grenades’ over them. It was after these efforts that city authority “ultimately succumbed to the protest and legitimised many of the Green Guerillas’ plots into one of the country’s first community gardens, staking a claim for public green space before the onset of gentrification raised the value of the abandoned land and thus transformed the space into a landscape of power and profit.”(Adams & Hardman, 2013). I adore this idea of a community coming together to reclaim their space in a way that actually is useful to said community. Not only are you halting the efforts of greedy developers trying to buy up all the land and sell it back for exorbitant prices, but you are actually providing, feeding the people who live there. It’s such a beautiful idea that really creates change.
As noted in my project, spatial justice is a very intriguing concept to me. How without even realising it, our rights can be encroached on via methods of gentrification or letting spaces deliberately fall into disrepair so they can be sold off since ‘they serve no purpose to anyone.’ With our increasingly individualised society, it is becoming easier to weaken communities as no one feels supported enough to do anything that will enact real change. This needs to end if we ever hope to see improvements in our impoverished urban spaces.
Which is why I respect the efforts of one Ellen Miles, whose Tiktok account has exploded, so much so that I came across her through a Guardian article earlier this year. She is re-igniting the efforts by her predecessors such as Richard Reynolds and informing others on how they could also pick up a shovel and transform the space they live in. “So-called public spaces have been really privatised, and communities actually don’t get a chance to interact with them often. So I think we do have a right to do that in the places we put down our roots, where we live.” Miles stated this in that very article, and it set me down this path that I am currently on.
Tumblr media
Should I continue to develop my project of Radical Botanicals, I would love to see it work to support this growing community. I was given much to think about after I presented my work, and I will definitely need to consider a few things as I work on tweaking its conception and design. For example, considering diverse voices in the space, consulting communities directly to see what they want, and finding the balance between guiding others through this legal grey area and ensuring people do not put themselves in danger as they carry out their activities. I want peace, as stated earlier, I am a pacifist at heart, and I would hate to see others get hurt because of something I created. I am a long way away from having this vision realised, but I thank this class for allowing me the opportunity to explore this idea and really put me in a position I have never been in before, and that is that of an activist. This journey will continue, even if it is just me throwing a seed bomb into a golf course under the cover of night.
Adams, D. and Hardman, M. (2013) ‘Observing guerrillas in the wild: Reinterpreting practices of Urban Guerrilla Gardening’, Urban Studies, 51(6), pp. 1103–1119. doi:10.1177/0042098013497410.
Gayle, D. (2023) ‘I call it botanarchy’: The Hackney Guerrilla Gardener bringing power to the people, The Guardian. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/28/i-call-it-botanarchy-the-hackney-guerrilla-gardener-bringing-power-to-the-people (Accessed: 12 December 2023).
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simply-sithel · 2 years
I’m not against it at all, but I’ve been mystified by the way in which you consume/like tumblr posts for months now. I’m dying to know more about how you browse tumblr.
😅 Given when this came in, I've a suspicion of who it may be... Appreciate the ask tho and have been mulling it over for a while.
The TLDR; I follow very few people directly but will visit particular blogs when I'm in the mood for something or curious about someone (often resulting in Like spamming)
For an overly verbose response, proceed beyond the cut--
I'm very bad at moderation-- my brief flirtations with drinking were sprints to full on drunk. I indulge to the point of disaster on things, a fact I've come to terms with. My moderation needs to be applied a level above immediate impulse control. Which is a long way of saying I keep my Dashboard sparse.
I check Tumblr far too often- muscle memory habit- but I don't actually want to be on Tumblr that much. It can be an infinite dopamine click hole and so I keep my "I accidentally tabbed back to the site" impact low. A Dashboard with the same content as the last time I looked is easier to detach from. The cost being I have few "mutuals" and directly follow mostly infrequently updating art blogs.
BUT! I really do like Tumblr and the different "vibes" I can wallow in visiting particular blogs. The image heavy nature of the site allows me to escape the confines of language and "paints" more abstract pictures of people and spaces.
Frequently when someone follows me (especially my alt account) I will peek at that blog. A shadowy mirror of pondering self by inspecting that which it attracts? Also broadening my own horizons, marveling at the many things that can catch someone's attention. Some of these folks have particular... themes or overarching feelings (to my eye) that are intriguing to me.
I'm not looking for my own self or sameness so there's usually a constant curiosity and ??? on my part when I paw through the blog of strangers. And, like bears in national parks, if I find some place filled with treats, I'm bound to return. And if I return more than... three times? and have found content that is cohesive and interesting, then I'm likely to return again. There's a small list of usernames I'm familiar with (and that I can look up via scrolling through my alt's follower list) that match this criteria. So when I'm in the mood to indulge, I'll flit on over for a good time. But I try to keep such indulgences in check. A couple times a month?
The intake of "interesting" content in large batches is also more fun, I find, than the slow trickle of Dashboard updates. Lets you hold/build a more coherent image of an individual in the mind's eye...
And speaking of the mind's eyeing of Tumblr users... was cleaning up craft room the other day and came across the three remaining Tumblr Saint Sketches I did back at the beginning of the pandemic, the sight of which warmed my heart.
Tumblr media
There were others, but they've since been sent away to the individuals they were modeled off of. These are three examples though of what... I think of when I think of particular Tumblr accounts?
I'm forever regretting that I failed to sketch one final one of @/festering-queen despite several attempts. And since it's been over two years since then, I feel like I could almost add... 3-4 more folks? (in visual embodiment- I've run out of Tumblr components to pair with them)
It feels scandalous to share the specifics but since I'm on the subject, from Left to Right:
@/notbecauseofvictories - does not follow me but I've been following her and am charmed by her views on life. One of the few blogs whose monologues/text takes on things I enjoy reading. Some elements I attempted to capture-- food, justice, temptation/fascination with the Dark/Other (religion?), and Chicago
@/bzedan - follows my main and I've been following her for over 15 years, going back to ye' old LJ days. One of my favorite artists though I remain fascinated/horrified by her taste in many things (Garfield, Miami Vice, fashion choices, muppets). A multi disciplinary crafting fiend, I admire her diversity of work and drive.
@/stairway2mars - one of those accounts I intermittently stalk. Very visual with a strange blend of savageness and beauty and nature. Very little textual commentary peeks out in the comments but I enjoy the strong chords of coherent taste/themes I feel I find when scrolling there.
I just acquired some new toned paper... wonder if I can bend my attention to pinning down a couple others... my sketching skills have definitely atrophied throughout covid tho :(
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martinurbandds · 1 year
The myth of work-life balance and finding your peace
The myth of work-life balance and finding your peace https://ift.tt/fNKpB5e Blogger Amrita Patel, D.D.S. (left), is a general dentist in private practice in Westchester County, New York, and an adjunct faculty member in the dental hygiene program at the University of South Dakota. She graduated from the New York University College of Dentistry in 2011 and completed a general practice residency immediately afterwards. From 2018-20, she chaired the New Dentist Committee of the New York State Dental Association. She was the recipient of a 2021 American Dental Association 10 Under 10 Award, which recognizes 10 new dentists from around the country for excelling in their work and inspiring others, as well as a Denobi award in 2022. She serves as the social media manager for ICD-Global, on the board of the NYU Dentistry Alumni Association, as the leadership columnist for the Academy of General Dentistry Impact magazine, and on the editorial board of Dental Economics. During my journey in dentistry, one of the phrases I’ve heard ad nauseum refers to work-life balance — this mystical and mythical concept of being able to juggle it all. Much is asked of us in this profession. We are expected to be business owners, practice leaders, team players, role models … and that’s before you add in the personal life component and all that goes along with it. It can seem overwhelming — and it is. I have accidentally overcommitted myself to meetings and Zooms and speaking engagements where I’ve realized almost too late that I had to be in multiple places at the same time. Aside from the stress of unwinding my schedule, the feeling of guilt over not being able to split up myself, and my time, started to really wear on me. I got to the point where it became apparent that I had been running my life this way (and running on fumes) for the better part of a decade, often to the detriment of my own sanity, health and stability. It was time to make a change. That change was hard; it took time and a hefty dose of introspection. What was I really looking for? What was my purpose? Were my actions helping me to fulfill my goals and hopes and dreams? This reorganization of priorities led to a serious reduction of stress, headache and heartache and an increase in my overall mental and physical well-being. Realizing that I didn’t have to do everything for everyone all the time and learning to lead my team better at work were the two biggest wins for me. But I get it. We’ve all been stuck behind a computer screen for the better part of the last 36 months, watching social media, analyzing what everyone else around us is doing and sometimes unfairly judging ourselves based on what we see. If you were to look at my Facebook and Instagram pages, a life that seemed glossy and happy was actually one that was bringing me no peace. The travel, the awards, the fun, even the private moments I didn’t share with the world, none of these made me happy anymore. Striving towards homeostasis was only depleting my emotional reserves as fast as I could build them up. Part of the introspection I forced myself through taught me that there is sometimes peace to be found in chaos when you realize that it’s not forever. Dentistry can be incredibly isolating, but with a village around you (friends, family, hobbies, pets, therapy — whatever), we have the capacity to be incredible providers, caregivers, leaders and contributors to society. Make sure to stay authentic to your own self on your journey and find your peace. via New Dentist Blog https://ift.tt/Q6W2LfM May 09, 2023 at 05:19PM
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He Ollie! It's Cef. You might remember me. I just wanted to say hi and that I hope you are doing well. I still love that you are posting t-fics left and right! I miss you all very much! The reason I left the community was because I finally found some meds that work really well for me, except I almost completely lost my love of tickling. I can't really explain it because I have the same reaction as any other regular person now but I do miss everyone here. I just hope you all are doing well still.
cef!!! of freaking COURSE i remember you, you're one of the OG sasi tfic blogs i ever followed!!! (right behind august and dani, right before spikey, pineapple, and felix dfhfdjsk) i actually just recently was thinking about your blog and your writing!
(confession time: i've mentioned before i had a private tfic account before starting this one, and on that tfic account i still have like, TONS of old posts/fics/art that i've reblogged from 3-7 years ago. some of it i can't access if it's behind a readmore and the op has deactivated, but if it's not behind a readmore, i can still read it so..... yeah i have a collection of extremely 2017-2019 sasi t-word posts that would maybe shock the OPs if they knew about it lol)
((and cef, i actually have an old masterpost of urs saved there, i think most of the links are unreachable now since you've deactivated, but it also has 2 links to freaking,,, google doc self insert teases from logan and roman that i just reread recently LMAOOOOOOOO. so yes, of course of COURSE i remember you and the impact u had on my writing and life :3))
and yeah, i still try to stay active around here, even when my tfic writing isn't coming as easy as it used it. it's crazy that u say that abt ur meds bc lowkey that kinda happened to me too... i started antidepressants for the first time last may (almost a year?? holy shit) and although i had been having writer's block for about 3 months prior to starting those meds, i can honestly say that yeah, the meds did change my brain chemicals a lot, to the point where tickling fell wayyyyyy to the backburner of my mind lol. coupled w how busy i've been for the past... solid year lmfao and this blog just hasn't been able to be a priority like it used to be
HOWEVER, not to get any hopes up or anything, but within the last month i have had a p extreme resurgence of thinking about t-word stuff often, rereading old favorites, going through the tags, etc. and i am graduating college (!!!) in less than a month so..... mayhaps. MAYHAPS. there may be more writing coming from me somewhat soon. WHO KNOWS SJDHFGHDJ
but i digress!!! cef, it was really good to hear from you and know you're doing well. when i saw your blog was deactivated, i was surprised but i understand why u did it, and i'm glad to know u remember all those years on here as fondly as i do :3
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holisticsoulhealer · 6 months
Life Projects - A Spiritual Story
Life really is one big project, or at the very least a whole bunch of small ones squished together over a period of time. Not only is life a project, we are an unfinished masterpiece, an incomplete symphony, and I’m not sure when and where, or even how we actually complete this plane of existence at all. Perhaps we don’t, and that’s why we return to this level of illustration again and again.
I have found over the years that there is a real truth to that, with stories that have literally collapsed the timeline of the here and now, into the continuum of forever, because of the connection between friends, family and soul partners across all of time and space, who came together to work things out. It’s been really special.
In all cases it has proved to me the existence of life projects that can span several lifetimes to heal and complete circles. It’s too easy to become caught up in drama, interpersonal relationships, where we don’t understand the fullness of their story and impacts. It’s easy to imagine they are only about the here and now, yet they are often working out the energetic across several layers and fields of reality that are in the unseen as well as the seen. Sometimes we can see the fullness of a relationship and can easily grasp the reason, season and literally the projects involved and included. At other times we are way too close to the project to see its wholeness and that’s when we need each other, and especially those of us who have the gift of vision and ability to witness what is truly going on from a slightly less attached viewpoint.
I remember many years ago, a very wise fellow healer, reminded me to take on project relationships in my practice as a guide, and not to bring them home in my personal life. That was wonderful advice for any healer, sensitive empath. Projects can be fabulous when they are a choice that we can put down and pick up at our leisure. They’re less fun when we live with a massive challenge that is ours to keep, all the time, without a break. Let’s choose our life projects wisely.
As always, please share this post with anyone that you feel can benefit from it! Please like us on your social media channels and subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already done so! We are mailing out a monthly newsletter and a recap each week of our blog posts and interesting tidbits! This is how you can stay informed with what is new in the world of The Holistic Soul Healer!!
Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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mibuswolf · 1 year
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      #MIBUSWOLF is a tkrb themed multimuse written by quinn. All muses on this blog are set in the universe of touken ranbu, however verses will be available for other media that I find interest in. THEMES PRESENT ON THIS BLOG INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TOO; Acts of Violence, Blood and Gore, Sickness and Death. (will be updated if need be) 
FEATURED MUSE: Okita Souji BLOG ROLL: @curmoritor, @noxcomnia, @thalassofiles, @godvity, @snowladened Check my other blogs for rules.
Full muse list under the read more.
Okita Souji. She/Him. Eternally 20. Saniwa. 5'1. Pansexual. Government Aligned, Revisionist, Whichever side she thinks is funnier at the time. Chaotic Neutral. Stuck outside of time. Souji is a famous historical japanese figure that ended up slipping through a crack in reality causing him to now exist outside of it. While she can easily influence and even interact with the events that happen through various time periods, she is never able to leave and impact on people that allows them to remember her once she leaves. However, at some point, he was able to manifest the tsukumogami that existed inside of the swords that he held dear to him. Because of this he is now able to involve himself in the events that happen between the time governement and history revisionist. However, he doesn't really have strong opinions on the history of japan at this point, so he usually does whatever he thinks is funnier or would cause greater problems.
Kiyomitsu Kashuu. Any pronouns. 100-ish. Tsukumogami. 5'5. Pansexual (AU Dependent) Default; Following Okita Souja, Secondary; Government aligned. You know? I don't know what his moral alignment is. You don't get to hear his backstory because he'd rather die (again) then relive it. So, don't ask.
Yamatonokami Yasusada. He/They. 140-ish. Tsukumogami. 5'5. Pansexual (AU Dependent) Default; Following Okita Souja, Secondary; Government aligned. Chaotic Neutral. He may be cute, but he WILL kill you. So, he is like Okita 2.0 but worse because he isn't human and will play even more recklessly with his life.
Yoshimitsu Hakusan. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'0. Pansexual Government Blade, Works closely with Nagayoshi Yamanbagiri. Neutral Good. Is capable of healing allies. Don't even get me started on him. He acts like a robot because of the things the time government did to him. He's incapable of taking care of himself properly and often faints from exhaustion. He has a small fox that he thinks is a communication device, which it half is, but it also yips and squeals every time he faints to get peoples attention. He's a mess, but he's a very well put together mess.
Gou Matsui. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'8. Bisexual Government aligned. Neutral Good. Vampire-like. Would you like him nibble on you? You should.
Kawakami Hisoka. He/Him. 22. Saniwa. 5'2. Homosexual. Original Character. Government aligned. Originally was a neutral party. Neutral Good. College student. Originally found a rundown and abandoned citadel and accidentally brought the swords there back to life with a power he was unaware he had, but after sometime the time government became aware of his presence and made him an actual Saniwa, much to his demise because he is trying to get through his STEM courses at college and does not have time for this. Yet, he tries his best because he loves his swords more then anything.
Sadamune Taikogane. He/they. ???. Tsukumogami. 4'11. Bisexual Government aligned. Neutral good.
Toushirou Midare. Any pronouns. ???. Tsukumogami. 4'11. Pansexual Government aligned. Neutral good.
Toushirou Namazou. They/Them. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'2. Pansexual Government aligned. Neutral good.
Yukimitsu Fudou. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'0. Homosexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
Masamune Hyuuga. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 4'11. Homosexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
Yukimitsu Fudou. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'0. Homosexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
Kunihiro Yamanbagiri. He/They/It. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'7. Bisexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
Ichimonji Nansen. He/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 5'8. Bisexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
Masamune Kyougoku. She/They. ???. Tsukumogami. 4'11. Bisexual. Government aligned. Neutral good.
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❝ i was enchanted to meet you . . . ❞
diavolo picture by @/savemebeel | pfp by @zombiesandbells , it's fanart of my crossover ship diayoi! (diavolo obey me x yoimiya genshin) | banner found on gyfcat
— NESSA . 18 . genderfluid + bisexual . capricorn . esfp . 2w3 . genshin impact . obey me (i stopped playing but still) . hermitcraft s10 ! nevermore . SPY X FAMILY ! MASTERLIST . CARRD (cw light mode)
hi! welcome to my blog, you can call me nessa! enjoy your stay :3
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byf: i swear pretty often and have a tendency to keyboard smash A LOT. especially if i see a fic/fanart that i love. i won't reblog any nsfw fics/fanart but some of my reblogs under my #[☄️] nbr! tag may contain suggestive/dirty humour. oh btw, my blog usually doesn't run by a queue!
go ahead and interact with me, i don't bite ! 🤍 just please don't dm me unless we're close/moots! also mooties can ask for my discord or instagram :)
agere account (completely sfw!): @rambles-of-the-little
tags under the cut!
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— navigation! [tags]
#[💭] my headcanons! — incorrect quotes, scenarios, short fics and actual headcanons!
#[🌺] my posts! — anything i've originally posted :)
#[🤍🖋️] my writing — similar to above, but just everything i've written, since it's the main thing i post here
#[🔄] reblogs — self explanatory, things i will reblog. mainly just to keep my blog tidy when searching through it
#[🖌️🔄] fanart rbs! — reblogs just for fanart!
#[🍃] reading recs — any fics i reblog that i adore ! you should read them too!
#[☄️] nbr! — stands for non blog related, anything that isn't a fandom related thing that i reblog/post
#[🗣️] nessa's rambles! — posts that are just me talking and thinking my thoughts, then sharing them here
#[🫗] nessa's vagueposting again — self explanatory (i literally vaguepost in my posts waaay too much; no i am not apologising for it)
#[🧍] ramble in the tags — sometimes i have a little ramble in the tags, if you're curious go ahead and have a read
#[📥] my asks!  — anything answered from asks
#[🏷️] my tags — in case i'm ever involved in a tag chain!
#[🕰️] from the queue — anything i schedule/put in the queue :>
#[🤝] genshin x obey me — any of my rambles about the crossover between my two favourite games :)
#[🎆] diayoi — to add to the rambles above ^^ this special tag is for my crossover ship rambles between yoimiya from genshin and diavolo from obey me!!
secret tag: #felt like shit might delete later — vent posts
i tag my fandoms accordingly, but i also tag anything mcyt related as #block men tag (ie the hermitcraft, life series or any other things to do with minecraft ccs in general)
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^^ feel free btw!! no judgement here :]
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zombie-honeymoon · 2 years
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I posted 624 times in 2022
67 posts created (11%)
557 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 501 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#hidan - 128 posts
#kakuzu - 123 posts
#kakuhida - 92 posts
#in the queue - 44 posts
#genshin impact - 40 posts
#nature - 21 posts
#tobirama - 18 posts
#events - 16 posts
#childe - 14 posts
#akatsuki - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#until my mom got mad at me and said i couldn't have because i wasn't born yet and we didn't live near enough to have seen it happen
My Top Posts in 2022:
Written for Kisame Week 2022  Day 2- Prompt: Rarepair
Rating: E
Relationship: Kakuzu/Hidan/Kisame, Kakuzu/Hidan, Kisame/Hidan, Kakuzu/Kisame
Teamed up with Kakuzu and Hidan, Kisame is treated to some post mission celebratory fun at Hidan's insistence.
27 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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Very romantic date night...
32 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
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Might I interest anyone in my art? Saw this and had to do it.
44 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
Hidan: I've just had a thought.
Kakuzu: Well there's something that's never happened.
57 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Just some kakuhida headcanons I found in my drafts~ Who hogs the blankets Hidan does, especially when he’s not feeling like he wants to snuggle and just wants to be left alone. With all those hearts Kakuzu doesn’t feel cold until it’s *really cold* so he doesn’t mind letting Hidan have the blankets if he wants them. Who cooks best Definitely Kakuzu, it’s cheaper than going out and he’s learned to cook really well over the years. Hidan can actually make basic foods though, but often gets distracted and burns things a lot if he steps away from the stove.  Who likes to playfully tease the other I’m going to say Kakuzu for this one, Hidan is just so easy to tease and get worked up and Kakuzu loves getting a rise out of him (in more ways than one…). Who always wants to take selfies of the other Hidan does, he wants to show off his man and prove to all his haters that someone out there actually does love and care about him, even if Kakuzu is just as awful as he is, they’re in love and he’s hot. He also loves to look through the pictures when he’s by himself and feeling down. Kakuzu does however like to take the rare picture with Hidan when he doesn’t realize it, in quiet moments like when he’s fallen asleep on top of him. Who cuts the others hair Neither. Kakuzu will either cut his own hair or just go get it done somewhere, but he rarely cuts it, he just likes letting it grow and do its own thing. Hidan is too concerned about his appearance to get an at home hair cut and goes somewhere for it. Who is the most ticklish Hidan is, of course, and sometimes it gets in the way of sexy times, when he can’t stop laughing and almost kicks Kakuzu in the face for touching the back of his knee. Who initiates kisses I’d say they both do pretty well so it’s mostly 50/50. Hidan might just initiate slightly more often though. Who sings along to the radio Hidan, and he's surprisingly good at it. Kakuzu wouldn't be caught dead singing. Favorite non-sexual activity to do together Eating, and having some quiet time together, usually where Kakuzu reads and Hidan lays beside him and either prays quietly to himself, naps, or maybe even reads a book as well (rare but it can happen). Or bathing together which sure, it could turn sexual but doesn’t always. Who makes the other coffee in the morning Kakuzu, but it’s more he’s made himself coffee because he wakes up early, and there’s (usually) some left in the pot for Hidan when he wakes up. But Hidan doesn’t drink much coffee, it makes him too jittery. Who asks the weird question in the middle of the night Hidan does, when he’s contemplating his faith, his existence, or when he’s just in a mood to think about and ask weird questions. Kakuzu would honestly rather they wait for the morning, or while they’re in the shower together, at other times he finds those conversations rather interesting and endearing.  Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times Hidan does, but Kakuzu just turns right around and whispers even more inappropriate things back and makes Hidan get all flustered.
72 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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satnanblog · 2 years
Pop Art
Hello! Welcome to my blog, where I will be covering some of my favorite art forms over the next few weeks, and the wide-reaching impact that they have had both in the art community, but in my life as well. All of these art forms are transformative and unique in regard to the art field, and that is why they interest me so much. Speaking of transformative, let’s begin with an overview of our first subject in this blog: Pop Art.
The Origins of Pop Art
In terms of going against the grain and rejecting traditional art practices, there is no better example than Pop art. This was an art movement that begin in the US and UK during the 1950s, and the entire core of this new art philosophy was to be an alternative to the old standards and traditions of fine art. Which, in conjunction with the actual physical aesthetic, is why this personally attracted me so much. This was an art form that was considered to be a revolt against the dominant approaches to art and culture, and completely shifted the conversation on what art SHOULD be.
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The idea of Pop art was overly complicated either, or to “high art”, as it transitioned away from the theories and methods used in other art forms such as Abstract Expressionism and was more straightforward as a result. Being born amidst such a socio-political climate helped shape the ideals of what this new art form could be. Artists turned toward celebrating simple things, such as commonplace objects, and elevating the everyday and otherwise considered mundane, to the level of fine art. Fine art is not known for its commercial uses, or pop culture imagery, and this is where Pop art in turn shines as advertising, comic books and mundane mass-produced objects are constantly being used in Pop art.
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Bright Colors and Recognizable Imagery
Another major element of Pop Art that I think really speaks to me is the bright and saturated colors that are often on display. Sometimes art gets this very posh and pretentious vibe, and a major part of that is the drab color tones that are used in many of the most famous pieces in the world. There is nothing wrong with that less vibrant colors, however when it dominates the art world as significantly as it seemed too, the vibrant colors of something like a Andy Warhol piece really sticks out. Pop art in general is often characterized by its vibrant, bright colors. Primary colors red, yellow, and blue were prominent pigments that appeared in many famous works, particularly in Roy Lichtenstein’s body of work. The idea behind this was to play off of how advertisements would often use bright colors to illicit positive feelings for their products.
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The element maybe most synonymous with Pop art is all of the recognizable imagery that is included, or the main subject, within the design. Pop art utilizes images and icons from popular media and products. This included commercial items like soup cans, road signs, photos of celebrities, newspapers, and other items popular in the commercial world. Even brand names and logos were incorporated. Many of the times these logos and brands were being used a basis in a more comedic, borderline satirical way, which added a whole new level of commentary on top of the piece. Humor was also a major component of Pop art. The artists had a strong sense of humor, and it often came across in their pieces, as they used their subject matters to make a statement about current events, poke fun at fads, and challenge the status quo. This was especially relevant in the 1950s following WWII as America was going through a massive shift, and commercialism was on the rise.
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Another massive inspiration for Pop art, and vice versa was the comic book scene. Comic books found true artistic expression for the first time during the Pop Art movement, which notable artists like Roy Lichtenstein who often emulated this style in his works. A major feature in the pop art comic style was the Ben-Day dots, this was created and used as a way to minimize the ink being used. As the art styles of comic books and pop art become more synonymous over time, these dots became a common element in pop art. Little additions like these I feel like gave Pop Art this identity that was so unusual for any other art form, because it felt as though it was ever evolving.
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Another strong element that was in part inspired by the comic book world was visual cues of expression and action, which became a bit of a mainstay in this style, as you’d often see large action texts describing particular actions.
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The Artists
Eduardo Paolozzi
Eduardo Palolozzi was a Scottish artist, known for his sculpture and graphic works. He is widely considered to be one of the pioneers of pop art. His art ranges from sculpture to pop art, although he always seems to be able to integrate a lot of similar elements in whichever art form he chooses, which I think is really fascinating.
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This famous piece of his is called “Living in a materialist world. Much of his work included colorful collages, poking fun at post-war consumer society. This one utilizes many mass-produced objects and advertising to illustrate that point. To make this he uses mixed media of newspaper and magazines in a surrealist fashion. The bright ads of perfection displayed what materialism meant back in the day, being a shinier looking human with a house full of new gadgets to show to your neighbors.
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This one is called “Hollywood Wax Museum” Another major element that was linked with Palolozzi and pop art is how a lot of material gets been visually removed from its known context, isolated, or combined with unrelated material. This encourages people to interpret their own meaning
Richard Hamilton
Richard William Hamilton was an English painter and collage artist. Many of his pieces were full blown installations or exhibits, which adds a whole element of immersion to his art that I truly appreciate. His 1955 exhibition Man and his 1956 collage Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?, are considered by critics and historians to be among the earliest works of pop art.
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This piece has a particularly fun name, “Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?” In this iconic collage by the British artist Richard Hamilton, created in 1956, a midcentury living room is filled to the brim with logos and cut-out images of consumer products. After WWII, many of the factories that had been mobilized to create airplanes, artillery, and other military necessities were repurposed towards the manufacturing of popular culture, luxury items, and household products. This was often parodied in popart work, and specifically Hamilton’s collage.
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This next piece was an an installation that was conceived for the legendary exhibition This is Tomorrow held in 1956 at the Whitechapel Art Gallery in London. It was called “Fun House”. Visitors had to squeeze through a narrow corridor past pin-up pictures, hundreds of advertisements, movie posters and spinning color discs, while songs by Elvis Presley and Little Richard alternately blared from a jukebox. The idea behind this was to group together an idealistic location according to the ideals of modern marketing and post-war commercialism.
Andy Warhol
Next up we have probably the most recognizable and influential artist of the bunch, Andy Warhol. He was one of the most prolific and popular artists of his time, using both avant-garde and highly commercial sensibilities. His works explore the relationship between artistic expression, advertising, and celebrity culture that flourished by the 1960s, and span a variety of media, including painting, silkscreening, photography, film, and sculpture.
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This piece really showcases the Pop Art tendency to use commercial projects in their art, as this is expectably titled, “Campbell's Soup Cans”. Andy Warhol famously appropriated familiar images from consumer culture and mass media, among them celebrity and tabloid news photographs, comic strips, and, in this work, the widely consumed canned soup made by the Campbell’s Soup Company. When the canvases were originally showed, it was displayed in shelves to mimic products in a grocery aisle. Though Campbell’s Soup Cans resembles the mass-produced, printed advertisements by which Warhol was inspired, its canvases are hand painted.
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This next piece may be Andy Warhol’s most popular one of all. It’s a portrait of Marilyn Monroe, simply titled “Marilyn Diptych”. The name of this piece is a referring to diptych, a painting hinged on two panels that can close together like almost like a book. Warhol used a publicity photo for her 1953 film Niagara as the source image. The use of two contrasting canvases for Marilyn Diptych illustrates the contrast between the public life of the star, who at the time was one of the most famous women alive, and her private self. The print is vibrantly colored to reflect her vivacious personality, akin to the majority of Andy Warhol’s colorful gallery.
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This piece was another portrait, this time of Queen Elizabeth, and titled “Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom”. Nobody said Andy Warhol was all that creative in his naming schemes. However, he was an obsessive photographer. He not only took photographs of the rich, famous and beautiful, but also documented the myriad aspects of his daily life. This specific portrait of Queen Elizabeth was based on photos of Elizabeth II taken for her Silver Jubilee in 1977. The same basic image of each queen appears in each of her four prints, but they vary in color. Warhol began working in this style in the mid-1970s, fragmenting the image with various overlaid shapes and patches of color.
Roy Lichtenstein
Finally, we have my favorite artist in the grouping, and one of my favorite artists of all time. Roy Lichtenstein was so influential during the 1960s, he became a leading figure in this new art movement. His work defined the premise of pop art through parody. Inspired by the comic strip, Lichtenstein produced bright, graphic works compositions that were often made in a tongue-in-cheek manner.
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This piece is titled “Drowning Girl”. The painting has been described as a "masterpiece of melodrama” and is one of the artist's earliest images depicting women in tragic situations, a theme to which he often returned in the mid-1960s. This piece uses the conventions of comic book art, a thought bubble reads: "I Don't Care! I'd Rather Sink". This narrative element highlights the clichéd melodrama, while its graphics — including Ben-Day dots that echo the effect of the printing process — reiterate Lichtenstein's theme of painterly work that imitates mechanized reproduction.
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This final piece was titled “Bedroom at Arles”, as opposed to Bedroom in Arles, the original Vincent Van Gogh piece this was emulating. Lichtenstein has updated the original work by van Gogh with contemporary chairs and replaced casual shirts with businessmen's white shirts.
In spite of Lichtenstein’s reputation for parody, this was more of an homage to one of his favorite Van Gogh paintings. He uses the common popart Ben-Day dots on one wall, as well as many other fun patterns throughout the rest of the room.
In Conclusion
Pop art was and still is one of the most influential art forms in the past century, and helped alter this strict view of what could and couldn’t be considered true art. Next, we will be tackling another art form that may be considered even more controversial in the traditional fine art world, and that is “Pixel Art”. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you back for next week!
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luimagines · 3 years
Perhaps them being protective over you(the reader)? Mostly platonic but hints of romantic(if you get what I mean?) Like, the relationship between them has been platonic and they’ve only really seen it has platonic, but someone(the Heroes) might be catching feelings. Also if it isn’t too much trouble do you think you could keep this in the same timeline? Like, your other scenarios had the same reader and felt like these all happened at some point, can you do the same for this one? I hope this isn’t too much trouble, really love your blog!💖💖💖
Ok, I think I get what you mean. The Hero is protective with a hint of feelings they haven't come to terms with. They're crushing but they don't know it yet.
I don't know what you mean by the same timeline though. It wasn't supposed to be the same reader for all of them but hey! It be like that sometimes, I guess! Especially if they're just friends.
The Reader is also set to be the same age as Wind for his scenario.
Warrior's got longer than intended and there is some catcalling in that one. FYI
Scenario under the cut!
"You can be seriously going out in that." Legend couldn't help but snap. The group had been dropped into a snowcapped mountain in the middle of a blizzard. The only luck they had on their side was a nearby cave where they all but ran to in an attempt to weather the storm and get their bearings.
But someone still had to scout and you were planning to take Wild and Twilight with you since they were the only ones who could both brace the cold and most likely find their way back.
He, however, didn't like the idea of you going out there period.
Even less so when he found you severely underdressed compared to your companions.
It seemed however, that you saw no problem with it, even going as far as to tilt your head and look down at what you were wearing at his comment. It sparked something in Legend's chest that he wasn't willing to decipher at the moment.
"What's wrong with it?" You asked.
"Are you serious right now?" Legend scowled. The top you wore was tight around your chest and the cloak that clasped at the front billowed around you ever so slightly from the wind at the front of the cave. There were thin layers of furs under your linen over shirts that matched the fur lining your boots outlining your figure and silhouette in a way he found irritating.
The light that barely peaked through the clouds lit up your form gave you a halo of light over your head and made you look more of a hero than he ever would have pictured you.
It didn't sit well with him.
"That doesn't nearly look warm enough. If you plan on going out in that then you'll freeze within the first ten minutes." He crossed his arms and stared you down, willing you to disagree, to challenge him, keep you here longer so one of the others can pick up the lack and go instead.
"It's bear fur Legend." You reply instead with an easy grin your face. He elected to ignore it because he was trying to stay mad and irritated at the lack of care you seemed to have for your own safety. Why weren't the others backing him up?! Wouldn't Twilight have said something by now?! Or Time?!
Why was it just him?
How dare you smile like that? And at him no less! He's trying to make a point, darn it! It's hard to concentrate when you look so... innocent and bright and happy and-
Focus Link.
"I actually have four layers on as well." You continue and peel back what you can to show him what your clothing looks like. Unknowingly giving him a great look at your figure beneath said layers. "Two layers of wool and two of fur and I still have my clothes under here as well. Without enchantments like Wild, it's probably the warmest thing here. I'll be alright."
He can't bring himself to believe it.
He grits his teeth and continues to look at you, not bothering to spare a glance at Wild or Twilight when they eventually join your side, both now ready to head out.
"Honestly Legend. I know it doesn't look like much but I grew up around snow and ice and mountainous storms. If anyone knows what they're doing here, it's me."
He knows this. You told him. He knows that he knows this.
Why can't he believe it?
His hand forms a fist with a tight grip and he gets an idea.
Before he can fully think it through, he's marching up to you and snatches up your hand before you can protest.
You haven't put on your gloves yet so it's skin on skin.
He can't think much of it or he'll lose his nerve and he's already gone too far to go back now or he'll only be making a fool of himself.
Legend all but rips the most powerful ring he has on his person and shoves it onto your own. It's a protection ring, it'll shield you if anything tries to hurt you.
He's not entirely sure why he cares so much, just that he does, and this is all he can do if no one is going to back him up and stop you from going.
"I want this back." He says. He knows it sounds meaner than he's intending but then you let him put it on, take your hand back and marvel at it for a moment.
"I'll protect this with my life." You flex your hand, testing out how it feels and wonder what magic it must posses for Legend to not only give it up but deem it worth for the storm outside.
"Thanks Vet." You grin brighter and Legend finds himself floundering for a moment at the intensity of it.
The tips of his turn red, he knows this and he forces himself to distance himself or else the others would notice.
Your trio disappears into the white and he sits down by the fire made for the smaller ones of the group. He hasn't made eye contact with anyone since you left and he makes the mistake of trying to casually play it off by looking up.
Time is watching him with a knowing smile on his face.
"What?" Legend barks and scowls at the attention.
The older man just laughs a bit to himself and shakes his head but he doesn't say anything.
Legend thinks back on his actions a little sooner than he thinks he should and glances at his hand. The hand that grabbed yours.
Despite the journey, your hands were so soft.
He can't help but smile.
Time was watching the over the group for the morning shift, his hand over his sword and his eyes watching... well you.
You intrigued Time.
Out all the heroes of courage on this journey, you weren't one of them. You weren't a Link and yet you seemed to fill a gap the group didn't know it had.
He couldn't figure out why or how but he found himself wanting to know what made you tick, why did you work so well with the others, what your world was like, and how did it mold you to be so....
He had trouble finding a word for it.
As the boys rough housed and played around, he found himself relaxing. It was a quiet morning and he had the added support of Wolfie on look out for any monsters.
He put his sword down and and walked over to where you were.
You were sitting with a book in your lap, something he found you doing often. But this time you were ignoring the book, laughing at Wind's and Wild's antics as they blasted each other with their Deku leaves. Wind continuously knocked the Champion around but neither of them seemed to mind.
If anything, it appeared the were doing on purpose and were trying to see how far he'd go.
He could feel the smile on his face as he made his way toward you.
"Enjoying the theatrics?" He spoke up.
You jumped with a small yelp, something he found endlessly entertaining.
"You're the biggest guy here! How are you so quiet?!" You yelled in his face with a pointed finger and hand on your chest.
Time chuckles and sits down next to you, sitting just close enough for your knees to brush. "Sorry. It's not always intentional, I promise."
"So you admit you do it on purpose!!" You turn to face him fully. Book absolutely forgotten.
Time finds himself pleased by the change.
"Occasionally." He grinned.
"Oh, and I so happen to be your favorite victim then?" You crossed you arms and leaned closer to him. Your words were biting but the smile on your face was teasing and the glint in your eye was knowing.
"Of course."
"You're impossible." You shove him away. "You're only like this because no one will ever suspect you."
"Is that so- LOOK OUT!" Time had noticed a second too late but in the seconds Time stopped paying attention to them, Wind and Wild had stopped launching each other and started launching objects.
Such objects like coconuts and hard wooden barrels.
Like the ones heading in your direction.
With no time to act, he grabs you and rolled out of the way, pressing you into his chest. The huddling objects bounced off of your spot, some exploding on impact while the rest crashed into the nearby trees and bushes.
It looked like a war zone.
Time held onto you for a second after the damage passed, waiting for any else to come your way. When nothing appeared, he began to let you go, looking down on you to see your reactions. "You ok?"
You had curled yourself into his chest, continuing to press yourself close to him even after he let go.
Time finds himself pleased by this as well.
"Well..." You took a deep breath and slowly looked up and around. "That was exciting."
"Are you hurt?" He asked again. You looked fine, if only a little shaken, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"I think my leg got scratched in the chaos."
Time forces himself to stay calm and to not show any reaction. A scratch is better than getting hit head on. You'll be fine.
"What about you?" You look up to him again, eyes wide and bigger than he remembers and they were such a lovely color-
"I'm more concerned about you." He says, cutting his own thought process off. Time proceeds to get up, being as gentle as he can with you still in his arms. "I did just happen to grab you."
"Well, I'm sure it would have been worse if you hadn't." You grin at him and push yourself away.
Time now finds that he misses the feeling of you there but isn't able to focus on why when the two culprits are running up to you at break neck speeds.
"Are you two ok?!" Wind reaches you first.
"We're so sorry, we miscalculated the angle and it went wildly off our target." Wild continues and helps you to your feet.
Wind hovers near Time, unsure of what to do or how to help.
Time looks over to where you are, breathless but smiling dazzlingly. "We're ok." You tell Wild. "Just thrown around is all, we're fine."
Time sighs and stands up, putting his serious face on. "You boys better have a good explanation for this."
They could have hurt someone. They almost hurt you. His only consolation is how they squirm under his gaze.
"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What is this place?!"
Wind looked over his shoulder from the fight over to where you were, the monster he was fighting falling before him. It was a great thing in his eyes to no longer be the youngest of the group. Not only for there to be someone of his age to talk to but also get the group off of his back for some of their more dramatic attempts at keeping him safe.
Wind was having a blast.
Everyone had found a dungeon in the sense that they fell into it against their knowledge and will and had happened to land with partners.
He hopes so anyway.
But on his end, he's with you!
And he's loving it!
You've never judged him and you've always thought that his stories were great and this was a great opportunity to show you how cool he is in a fight without the others trying to stop him from doing all his cool stuff.
And as an added bonus, he loves spending time with you!
Wind was close to wishing on stars for more time to spend alone with you. The others were always around and always in his business. How lucky that it seems he got his wish without doing that little kid stuff, like star wishing.
He didn't take into account that this might be your first dungeon though.
...Guess you didn't have those in your world...
But that's fine! He'll just walk you through it. They're easy once you get a groove going, and as dungeons go, this one is old hat for him.
The enemies around you fall within minutes and you're a little more shaken up than he likes.
"You ok?" He puts his sword on his back and walks toward you. You're staring at the fallen enemy in front of you with your own sword still raised. There's a slight cut on your arm, a red line going across and down, but Wind is almost certain that the cut is across...the blood is just going down your arm.
Wind takes a moment to quiet the sudden and unexpected rage. The monsters are lucky, he thinks, that they're already dead.
He grips his wrist tightly at the sight and places his other hand on your own. You gulp slightly and look at him tearfully. "Wind, where are we?"
You're scared, he realizes.
Scared, and alone and you don't know what kind of place this is.
There's another cut just above your eye and there more blood going down your face.
Wind feels himself fill with determination. He has the experience you lack to make it through here. He has been in more fights than you have. He knows what he's doing.
He's going to make sure you get out of here without being afraid anymore.
"Come on." Wind lets himself go and places his hand on top of yours, gently pushing the sword down and make a small effort to lace your fingers together. His other hand grips his sleeve and he begins to swipe it across your face, trying to clean the blood the best he can. "We're going to find the others, ok? We just have to keep going and if we're lucky we'll find a map, maybe a compass and it'll help us get out of here. We'll be back with the others in no time!"
You gulp and nod, tightening your grip on his hand and let him lead you through the unknown. Your voice is quiet and soft and Wind finds that he wants to hear it more often like this...just not laced with fear. "Ok. I trust you."
Wind nearly preens at your words, a large smile overtaking his face.
He'll protect you and you won't have to be afraid, not while he's here.
"Just leave it to me. I got this."
"Whatup, Captain?" Warrior feels a weight be thrown on his shoulder at the call of the voice.
He looks to the side where it is and throws an easy smile on his face.
It's you! And you're grinning fabulously in his direction.
"Nothing in particular. Just checking our supplies, we might need to make a supply run in the nearest town for potions if we're lucky enough to find one but..." He looks at the bag in front of him with slight distain.
Truthfully, the group is low on a lot of stuff. Food, medical and magic supplies, someone is going to have to buy the Veteran more sewing supplies as well with how much battery all your clothes have taken on.
It would have to be a big buy....
A small town probably won't have half the stuff they need. And he doesn't know what kind of budget he's working with either.
But he's dealt with worse with less.
The group will hold on for a little longer if nothing drastic happens.
But Warrior doesn't want you to know that. If he had things his way, he'd let you think that everything was ok. That everything was fine and under control.
He's used to having to keep dire news from the troops so that they can keep fighting the good fight.
Lying to you though feel wrong. Dirty.
He finds your complete trust in him endearing and your willingness to help him with any and all loads on his shoulders means more to him than he'd ever be willing to tell you to your face.
You brighten and throw a thumb in the direction behind you. "We're in luck then. There's a town, that-a way according to Wild's weird telescope from his slate. I was planning to go check it out regardless but was in need of a partner. Wild can't because Twilight benched him after last fights stunt. Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone?"
That idea sounds fantastic.
"I'd love to." He says easily. "Got anything to do before we head out?"
"Nope. Ready to leave immediately." You get off of him and he follows after you without missing a beat, quickly falling into sync with your steps. It's a habit he has trouble breaking, but if he can focus on matching your stride instead, he can stay by your side for the walk.
"We're getting supplies from the town. Be back soon!" He calls out to Time and the group as you walk by.
Time raises his hand in acknowledgement and goes back to pinning Wild down with his stare alone. Warrior doesn't feel sorry for him.
With that taken care of, you both pick up your speed and quickly leave the range of your little camp. Jokes are traded easily between you two and Warrior finds himself relaxing.
It's a strange feeling but one he knows that he can share with you.
You put him at ease and there's something about you that calls for his attention.
Maybe it's your attitude. Maybe it's your determination. Maybe it's the way you fight and the grace you carry yourself with.
You're a good fighter, a good team mate, and a good person.
You take care of the others. You take care of him.
He doesn't know how to thank you.
Warrior notices that you both reach the town in record time, the conversation seeming making time a useless way measure distance.
You both walk in and begin with Warrior's shopping list since it has a higher priority than simply exploring.
Warrior makes a promise to himself to find something for you.
A small gift, if you will.
He's not entirely sure what you like just yet but he thinks you deserve something nice and if he's here to buy nice things, then why shouldn't you get something as well.
The trouble is getting it without you seeing him buy it, or figure out his plan.
You were always able to read him like a book.
"Lookin' good sweetheart!" A voice calls from the side. A loud and obnoxious voice followed quickly by multiple cheers and whistles.
Warrior instantly has a spike in irritation and he forces himself to not shout back. He's used to this. It happens sometimes back home. He's not surprised it can carry elsewhere. There's pigs everywhere.
He ignores them.
"Why don't you leave your boy toy and come find out how a real man can treat you darlin'?!" Another one comments. More cheers and howls.
Boy toy?
That's new.
Warrior looks in their direction and comes to a startling discovery.
They're not looking at him. THEY'RE LOOKING AT YOU.
Now... Warrior likes to think he's a rational man. He's good at keeping his head on straight in tough situations. He's good under peer pressure and under stress.
He takes one look at you and sees your smile gone, your head is down and your face is red in shame, anger and embarrassment.
But you don't say anything in reply and only shuffle closer to him, trying to get in front of him so he'll shield you from their gaze.
Warrior is a rational man.
Many would agree with that.
He wants to tear their heads off.
"Come on baby, don't be that way! As easy as your back is to watch, we want to get a good look at your pretty little face!"
Warrior turns suddenly and faces them all head on. "Thank you for the compliment doll face! I'm new in town and just passing through but maybe-"
He starts walking towards them as sultry as he can manage, pulling on every acting cell he has in his body.
Which is a lot if you ask him.
The tactic works as he wants it to. Warrior knows he wasn't their target and the idea of him responding instead throws them off their rhythm.
"No, no, wait-" One of them holds a hand up and takes a step back. "Not you."
"Who else darlin'?" He mimics their drawl and smirks at their instant discomfort. "You want a good time?"
"I'm leaving." One of them says after a second of horror shows on his face and not so subtlety turns on his heel and leaves. The third follows without saying anything and it just leaves Warrior and the first caller.
Warrior likes these odds.
He drops the act and lets his murderous intent shine on his face. "Got anything else to say?"
Warrior reaches for his sword and the idea finally gets through the guy's head. Leave us alone or else.
"...No." He says and finally leaves as well, not looking back at either of you.
Warrior nods at his retreating form and returns to you, a little ashamed by how long it took him to react. For your sake.
His head is low when he reaches you and he scratches the back of his neck instead of making eye contact.
"Um... What do you want to do now?" He asks lamely. By Hylia, he wants to kick himself into oblivion.
A small snort catches his attention and he snaps his head up.
You're looking at him, hand over your mouth and crinkled eyes giving away your not so hidden smile. Your shoulders are shaking and it only grows as he stares at you.
You're not mad? He has trouble believing it because he's still furious.
A small bark of laughter escapes without your consent and it's the last wall to break as the dam flows out. You're laughing hysterically and it's beginning to scare him a little.
"D-Did you see their faces?!" You nearly scream. "Oh my god, Warrior, I love you. That was amazing."
Warrior shakes off the shock and feels himself blush. "It wasn't that special..."
"Wasn't that-? Oh boy, I wish Wild was here. I would have loved to get a picture! Warrior that was awesome. I'm so glad that you agreed to come with me." You walk beside him and grab his hand, beginning to drag him through the town. "You know what? I owe you. I have some rupees and we're not expected to come back to camp yet. You want something? I'll get it for you. My treat. Anything you want."
Warrior begins to flounder, and he's uselessly dragged behind you while your grin grows with every second that you talk.
While this all happens and you talk about the ways you plan to treat him, Warrior starts to think that he might just do anything for you.
Hyrule was busy enjoying the scenery of their most recent trip. He had managed to sneak away from the group and walk around the area without having to worry about the others for a moment.
The quiet was nice and familiar. The place was new and begging for him to explore what it had to offer.
Hyrule... found himself wishing for companionship, weirdly.
Well, as long as his travel companion is you.
He supposed Wild would have been just the same....but he found himself wanting to be with you instead.
He just... he doesn't know why. It doesn't bother him.
There's just.... He has trouble finding the words.
You're warm and gentle and it reminds him of casting his Life spell on himself before he met the others. There's a sense of safety, of calm.
A cool breeze on a warm summer's day.
A smile creeps on his face at the thought of you. Hyrule knows that he does it often but he still can't bring himself to care about it.
"Oh my- NO! HEY!" He hears your voice. Panicked, frantic and shrill.
And it gets cut off.
It's a bucket of ice water dumped over him. His heart launches into his throat and his stomach drops to his feet. His feet are moving in the direction towards you before he even realizes it.
Hyrule has reached a full on sprint and has to continue to run when he fails to find you. He takes a moment to be grateful for his stamina and how he's used to running but you're not.
At least he doesn't think so.
But he hopes this isn't where he finds out.
He trips over something. A sharp pain cuts across his shin as he falls to the ground, palms barely sustaining damaged thanks to his armor.
Hyrule gets up and sees something even worse than what he thought.
It's your sword.
You don't have your sword.
You're unarmed and alone.
Hyrule picks himself up and your sword and continues running at an even quicker pace.
He reaches you eventually and feels unadulterated rage flood through his system.
There's a pig monster over you, cheering and dancing in victory. There's only one. He thinks it's one of Wild's bokoblins but he calls on his magic and sends his sword straight through the monsters beating heart.
There's no black blood as it falls.
He sprints even more in your direction and begins to cradle your head, gently checking for blood any injuries.
He lets the healing spell move through his fingers to catch whatever he might be missing, whatever he can't see or get to without hurting you further.
He can feel what areas need the attention the most and can almost reconstruct the attack.
There's a large bump on your head, most likely the hit that knocked you unconscious.
Your arm is scratched and multiple pieces of skin have been torn off but it's a graze more than anything, it's not bleeding and doesn't goa any deeper than that.
Probably the hit that knocked your sword out of your hand.
There's a bruise blossoming on your knee and on your stomach and he has trouble figuring out what came first. They could have come from your fall or the beast could have simply hit you again.
The magic works its way through your system and subsequently heals him as well from his own minor injuries.
There's no way you can wake up fast enough and it leaves his heart pounding in his chest.
Hyrule knows when there's nothing left to heal and has to force himself to stop before he overexerts himself. The uncertainty is killing him. Just when he was hoping to spend time with you alone, this happens.
You groan and begin to sit up, your hand going to your head before realizing that it doesn't hurt and that you're not alone.
"Hyrule...Hey." Your voice is soft and a smile overtakes your face. You looks around and sit up straighter when you catch the dead body of the monster not two feet from you. "Guess that's your doing?"
Hyrule nods and moves to give you space, reaching his hand out for you to take. "How are you?"
"Good, all things considered...." You shrug and pick up your sword. Hyrule didn't even notice that he dropped it. "I was looking for you."
A mix of emotions fills his heart. Guilt at being the cause of it. Relief that at least you're together again. Happiness, strangely, at the thought of you thinking about him.
"Well I'm not lost, just..." He nervously looks up to you, his hand coming to scratch the back of his neck. "Got left behind."
"We noticed." Your smile fills with mirth and it's borderline a smirk.
Hyrule is not prepared by the realization that he finds that incredibly attractive.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue." You say, wrapping your arm with his. "The rest of the group is over here by the way."
"Yeah... Yeah ok." He grins and tightens his grip around your arm. "Let's meet up with our friends."
Yeah....friends...That's just what friends do.
Why does he feel weird about it?
"On a scale of one to ten, how hard is it to learn how to ride a horse?"
Twilight looked around Epona's form, pausing his motion in brushing her to see you leaning up against her, a hand on her neck and brushing ever so slightly.
"Some people are more natural than others I suppose..." Twilight responded, an idea forming in his mind. "But it's not difficult."
You nodded in response and continued to pet the best girl around.
"I can show you how... If you want that is." Twilight grins to himself, leaning closer to Epona so you don't notice. The thought makes him giddy in a childlike way and he doesn't want you to be put off by his overexcitement.
You snap your head in his direction, a bright and excited smile on your face. "Really? I've always wanted to learn but I didn't want to impose."
Out of everyone who could easily show you how to ride a horse, you came to him.
Well... doesn't that do something to his heart.
I mean, he is the only one with the horse but -DETAILS!!
He doesn't care for them.
"Here. Get on." He walks around and holds the reins, gesturing for you to get on Epona's back.
"Right now?" You're surprised, but delighted.
Twilight thinks it a good look on you.
"Sure. We're not going anywhere just yet and Epona can use a walk to stretch her legs." He says and helps you get up. Twilight is quick to follow after you and sit behind you, your back pressed up upon his chest.
"Ok, here's what you're going to do." He gives you the reins and places his hands over yours, leading you and Epona to where he thinks is a good place to go for a small trot.
It's effortless for him to lead you both through the trail.
Your trio actually pass by the group who are resting for lunch and wave to them as you go. Twilight catches the smile Time has on his face and is quick to put together that he knows something he doesn't. He'll ask Time about it later.
Twilight talks to you about how to hold the reigns, how to kick the horse into gear, how to steer and anything that he can think of that means safety for both you and the animal.
"Hey Twilight-" You mention suddenly and point just beyond the distance. "-Should we be concerned about that?"
Monsters, also on horses.
An arrow wizzes by suddenly, imbedding itself in Epona's side.
Shocked by the pain and scared by the suddenness of it, Epona takes off in a sudden sprint. Encouraged by the reaction, the monsters give chase.
Twilight notices that they don't have as much control over their chosen transportation.
He has the advantage.
Epona's first instinct is to run back to the group, back to the numbers and safety. Twilight knows better though, he can't lead the monsters to the group, even if he has a sizeable lead on them. He quickly turns her away, a plan forming in his mind.
You don't have weapons or back up, so this is going to get interesting.
"TWILIGHT!" You scream and throw yourself against him, covering your eyes with one and and gripping him tightly with the other. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Trust me!" He yells over the rushing wind. "I think I have a plan!"
"YOU THINK? You're crazy!" You reply, directly into his ear. "But I trust you... so I guess I am too!"
"That's the spirit!" He grins. Twilight knows Epona won't be able to do much more without injuring herself further and he doesn't want to make any reckless decisions with you right next to him.
He'd hate for you to no longer want to ride a horse over this bad experience.
"Hang on tight!" He finds himself yelling, adrenaline in his veins and he pushes Epona to go a little bit faster.
There's a cliff nearby, a ledge that if he can Epona to go fast enough, she can jump it.
The monsters may try to follow but Twilight is riding heavily on their lack on control and the horses will to stay safe.
Epona reaches it and jumps.
There's a moment of weightlessness and Twilight's heart floats up to his throat. You gasp, and fling yourself around to press your face into the crook of his neck.
Twilight takes one arm off of the reigns and wraps it around you, pressing you tightly into his chest.
Epona makes the jump, landing on the other side with a little more turbulence than Twilight is used to, but he'll blame her shot.
He slows her down and looks to the other side of the ledge.
The monsters do in fact try to follow but Twilight's gamble and intuition pays off. The horses stop just by the edge and several monsters fly off of their backs and down below. The other monsters who can't get by, stop in anger and scream from the other side.
But it appears they lost their archer to the abyss.
So you're safe.
"Oh my goodness..." You gulp and remove yourself from him. "Holy cow... You did it. You mad lad, you did it."
Twilight chuckles nervously and begins to lead Epona back to the camp, gentler and a little more aware now of how she's moving, how much she's been hurt.
"Is Epona ok?" You try to look around him and spot the injury, but there's not a lot of space on the saddle to manage that. He does it for you and sees that it's mostly blocked by the saddle itself, the arrow imbedded deep into the side, just missing the both of you.
Epona most likely only has a scratch and was more startled if anything.
Twilight's not happy about his girl getting hurt but knows that she's taken worse hits. He'll tend to her later, he's worried about you too.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, but Epona?" You insist.
"She's fine. It mostly hit the equipment. They were terrible shots." Twilight grins easily, taking the lead in steering Epona and leans into your back.
You laugh breathlessly and turn your head directly into his. It gives him a great view of your eyes and how they seem to glow in the light. He finds himself entranced and almost misses what you say completely.
"You're incredible, you know that?"
He nearly preens and he pulls himself back. "You think so?"
"Incredibly reckless." You snort. "You've lost your privileges' for yelling at Wild. You're just as bad as him."
"I-..." Twilight starts but can't finish.
"But hey, at least we're ok." You lean back and make yourself comfortable against him. "That could have been worse."
Twilight doesn't move a muscle while you're there, if you're comfy against him, then he'll keep you comfy. "Yeah. Sorry about freaking you out back there."
You go quiet for a moment and he wonders if he's ruined something. Twilight doesn't know if there's something to ruin actually, and he doesn't understand the thought now that he's had it. He doubts you'll stop being friends because of this, so that's not at threat. Monster attacks are not something new. But...
He wants to do this with you, for you.
He doesn't like the idea of you turning him down.
"I don't know..." You say eventually. "Maybe you can make it up to me by continuing these horse riding lessons. Maybe I'll forgive you then."
Twilight doesn't look at your face, he doesn't turn to look at you. He's afraid he'll give too much away on his face if he does.
"If you're still up for it?" It's question. It wasn't supposed to be a question.
You nod and fully relax, your heartbeat gently beating against his own. "Maybe less monsters next time?"
"Agreed." Twilight grins. "Not until after you learn to go out on your own."
"How about... No."
"Wild. I. Have a question." Wild looks up to your approaching form, tensing up in anticipation.
"Yeah, what's up?" He tries to grin naturally. Wild feels his heart start to beat faster and his face heat up. He gets nervous around you even if he wants to be by your side, but he doesn't know why.
He knows you're friendly and sweet and nice and incredibly smart and there should be no reason that you do this to him and yet he wants to impress you so bad....
But he doesn't know how.
"Your slate has that crazy inventory right? So you carry a whole bunch of stuff on you at all times?" You try to stand tall but you dip your head and thread your fingers through your hair.
You're nervous.
Now you really have his attention.
"Yeah. I might have enough stuff to rival the Veteran and he's known as the Collector as well." Wild sits back and tilts his head at you. "What's up?"
"I..." You start and bite your lip. Wild's eyes land on it and he focuses there for longer than he thinks is appropriate. "I just wanted to ask if I could borrow a sword if you had extra... Mine's about to break and I don't want Smithy on my case about it, since I don't have what I need to fix it. But....um...You know what, nevermind. It's not a big deal, I'll manage, I'll-"
"No! It's fine!" He shoots up to his feet and grabs your hand to keep you from leaving. "Got anything in mind? I've got claymores and short swords, elemental weapons and sheikah blades. I've got some cool boomerangs or clubs from monsters if you want those."
While he's talking, he brings up his slate and begins sliding through the pages and icons, bringing it up to your faces so you can get a better look at what he had to offer. He's quick to point out what weapon can do what and how he has one story for each of them.
He takes a look over to your face and is overjoyed when he sees that you're looking through the screen with as much fervor and excitement as he did when he first came into contact with his world's weapons.
"..." He sees your eyes lock on one of them and voice comes out in a giddy giggle. "This one."
"Which one?" He leans over and places a hand on your shoulder. You let him, or you don't notice but the fact that you don't shove him away makes in happy in a way.
You point to it and he has a brief moment of panic when he sees the one you want. It's one of Robby's creations, a sheikah chainsaw so to speak. It's one of the biggest weapons he has.
"OK." He gulps and takes it out. He presses the activation button and watches your face when it lights up the blade.
A large grin over takes your face when you see it and stare at it for a moment. The light is bright in your eyes and you let out a giggle that's borderline hysterical.
"This is awesome!" You make grabby hands at it and he hesitates to give it to you.
He likes that you like it....but he's suddenly not all to convinced that he should. Wild knows that he's reckless and that he gets hurt a little more than anyone appreciates but... What if you get hurt? With his weapon, no less?
The thoughts scares him a little more than he'll admit.
Maybe you should have that one.... Maybe a more... normal weapon would have been better?
You step away and give it a few experimental swings and his heart launches into his throat.
"Ho-ok!" Wild frantically opens his slate again and takes out a another weapon, a normal iron sword. "Take this one as well actually."
"One is enough Wild. Thank you but-"
"We don't want the others to get jealous, now do we?" He lies. "This way it'll be easier to explain...so maybe save that one for emergencies?"
"Alright." You press the button and stash the weapon away, taking the other sword from his hand. Your fingers brush and he tries to not jerk his hand back and make it awkward.
"For the others sake." You grin, and there's a glint in your eyes that makes him think that you're on to him.
But you don't mention it.
He won't plan to mention it either.
He'll gladly share anything else with you though. You just have to ask.
Four's head snaps up and he doesn't have the time to register why before you run past him and grab his hand, dragging him behind you.
"WHAT?!" Four yells next to you and matches his stride to your easily. "WHY ARE WE RUNNING?!"
"THEY'RE AFTER ME!" You cry and continue running, taking a sharp turn. "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!"
Four isn't prepared for the level of rage and concern for your behalf as he begin to reach for his sword and turns around to fight whatever has you in a panic.
"Don't!" You pull his hand harder and nearly throw him off of his feet. "It's not worth it. Just run, maybe we can find a place to hide."
"What's after you?" He asks instead. How bad did it have to be that you didn't even want to fight back? Was it monsters? Did they have numbers on their side? Was it the weapons they had? Were they infected?
He'd gladly fight them for you.
But if it's bad... it's bad and he knows that infected monsters take more effort then they should and they're not something he can do alone.
"Here!" A smile appears on your face and with another sharp turn to press him close to your body and squeeze into a small space. There's no space between you two, it's chest to chest, completely up against each other and Four suddenly has a hard time concentrating.
Four says your name in an attempt to distract himself from your body and eyes the hand you press against his mouth in response.
"Shh..." You look outside the hidey hole and snap back in.
Familiar voices ring with mirth and exhaustion but they are not dangerous. Four finds it in himself to be a little miffed at there not actually being any danger but he keeps quiet at your request.
"Where do you think they went?" Wind has a grin in his voice.
"I don't know. I think they actually lost us." Wild replies in kind. "But they can't be far. It's not like they can out run us."
"You take the right and I'll take the left?" Wind offers and Four has to wonder what they want with you.
You keep your hand over his mouth for a moment longer before slowly retreating.
Four gulps and takes a breath. He's immediately assaulted by how you smell. It's weirdly not just sweat, but apple blossoms and some kind of herb that he's having trouble pin pointing.
It's intoxicating and despite the lack of personal space, Four thinks that this is the most comfortable place he's been in a while.
"Ok. I think they're gone." You turn and begin to shimmy out of the hole. "Sorry about that. They want me to do something dumb with... an item of mine and I don't have the heart to tell them no. So I ran... Which didn't really work because they followed."
Four follows out of the hole and brushes the front of him off. He places his hands on his hips and fixes you with a stare.
"And then I ran into you and I didn't want to explain everything but you're a good guy and you'd just tell them where I went because you wouldn't know and I didn't want to risk leaving you behind-"
A good guy?
"So you kidnapped me?" Four raises an eyebrow. "That was your solution?"
"Well... How else do I get your attention?" You mimic his position and look him in the eye.
Four's about to retort with something that you could do before he stops himself. It's... not something one would just say to a friend. But he finds the idea very appealing for a moment before being disgusted with himself for thinking that about you.
He rolls his eyes to change the conversation outwardly but he continues thinking about it. "There are easier ways to get my attention. One of them, for example, say my name."
"Hard to do, if all of you have the same name." You grin.
He smiles back.
Truthfully, now that he's thinking about it, a lot things that you do catch his attention.
The way you move your hands when you talk. The way you move when you fight. The sound of your laugh. The color of your hair and your eyes.
"Um..." You laugh nervously and scratch the back of your neck. "Would you mind staying with me for a moment longer? I uh- Don't know the way back and I don't want to risk running into either of them just yet But.. I did kidnap you, so if you have something better to do-."
Oh yeah, he'll stay with for for longer. He doesn't mind one bit.
Sky yawns and rubs at his eyes for a moment before turning his gaze back into the fire.
It's early.... like, stupid early. He hates getting up before the sun and would have gladly stayed in his bedroll... but it's his shift.
Admittedly, he doesn't mind being on watch.
But it's the whole concept of being up before the very time keeper in the sky that miffs him. His body wants to fight it and he typically has to put his whole bed roll away when it's his turn or else he'll be tempted to go back to it and sleep the rest of the night time away.
The only bonus, he supposes, is the chance to watch the sunrise.
It's so different on the surface than on Skyloft, there's more colors and it's not as blinding. He can't to experience more when he reaches his own time again.
The other bonus, he supposes, now that he's thinking about it, if the chance to watch over his new friends and that includes you.
You... Are just as mesmerizing as the sunrise, he thinks.
There's something about you that he finds completely captivating. Your endless colors and arrays of simplistic beauty keep his attention in ways he wouldn't have thought possible. Bringing peace and tranquility to the group when they need and being a signal to start the next leg of the adventure.
And yet, he can admit that it's nothing extraordinary.
You're not trying to impress anyone. It comes naturally to you.
Like the sunrise.
Sky smiles to himself and....he's mature to admit that he's glad he met you, and he think he'll miss you the most when this is all over.
When Sky comes back to the present instead of being trapped in his own head, he realizes that he's been staring at you for a while.
You're still sleeping.
He takes a breath. That wouldn't have been awkward. He prides himself on not being a creep, thank you very much.
You turn in your sleep and a sound escapes you.
Sky sits up a little straighter and watches you again. He knows that everyone has their fair share of demon to fight even when they're asleep. It wouldn't be all that surprising to learn that you had your own battles beyond daytime.
You move again, lifting your arm to fight whatever your brain says is in front of you and a gasp comes through.
Sky shoots up again begins to make his way over to you. He's careful not to wake the others but if he kicks Wind's on the way over, he won't mention it... It's not like that woke him up anyway.
When he finally reaches your side, you're shaking and moving side to side without knowledge of what is happening outside your own mind.
Sky nearly growls and kneels next to you.
"I wish I can fight those things for you..." He says out loud as he begins to gently shake your shoulder. "How dare they still plague you. They're not even here. Who gave them the right?"
You give out a small scream, something in your mind terrorizing you and it prompts Sky to shake you by both your shoulders until you wake up.
Your eyes shoot open with a gasp. You're covered in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. It takes you a while to realize where you are and who's in front of you but in the meantime you try fighting Sky off, still not fully aware that you're awake.
"Hey, hey, it's me." Sky takes a step back in hopes of calming you, even if it's the last thing he wants to actually do. "You're safe now. It's ok."
You finally stop and look at him, staring for a moment until he can see the moment when you see him. "...Oh..."
"You ok?" Sky takes the step forward. "That seemed rough."
"I... Um..."
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He takes another step forward and places his hands on your shoulders. You're still shacking but instead of answering him you launch yourself into his arms.
Sky doesn't hesitate to hold you and lets you cry into his shoulder for as long as you need. He makes a vow to himself right then and there.
He's going to do his best to protect you... and the others. So that even if things get hard, maybe you'll have less nightmares to deal with.
If you'll let him, that is.
For now, he's going to hold you and be there for you when you need him.
It's... really all he can do.
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angsty sex headcanons for Hangman? 💜
Fuck 💦❤️
@hungmanhorsecarriage, @theworldofotps, @writtingrose, @sophiewolfheart-blog, @wrestlersownmyheart, @aerynscrichton, @thealliasylum, @crowleysqueenofhell, @new-zealand-chic, @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch, @ava-valerie
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Generally, you didn’t argue that often
It was actually pretty rare
But lately, the stress from work, jealousy and neediness was taking the best out of you both
So the rare times Adam was home
You fought over the most stupidest things
This time, the fight happened because you bought the wrong coffee
You were both screaming and cursing each other over a fucking.coffee
“I told you one thousand fucking times, Y/N. I hate this fucking brand!” Adam tossed the coffee pack inside the sink
“And I already told you that I’m fucking sorry, ok?! I had a lot of shit on my mind and I just grabbed the first coffee I saw”
“But you had to grab the one that I fucking hate, didn’t you?”
“I didn’t see it, damn it!”
“Bullshit! You’re always doing this!” Adam ran his hands through his hair in exasperation “Always so fucking selfish” He muttered under his breath
“Excuse me?” You yelled “You know what? Fuck you! I’m selfish? I’m the one who stays alone in this fucking house! I fucking married you, but I only get to see you once a week if I’m lucky enough! While you and your little road buddies get to go to bars and have a drink every night, I work and stay in this stupid house, all by myself, taking care of everything else! And you come tell me that I’m selfish? Screw you!”
“The only reason I’m on the road is because I’m working, sweetheart!” He bitterly spat “And I work VERY hard and my job is VERY stressful and if you don’t know the meaning of that...” Adam shrugged
“Don’t I?” You screamed “I do EVERYTHING! I work, I cook, I clean, go to the bank, buy groceries, pay the bills, take care of your schedule, I manage every single thing in your professional life even when it has absolutely NOTHING to do with mine! So you can come home, barely look at my face, sit down on the fucking couch, because I’ve done everything, and play your dumb video games while I get ignored. And I’m the selfish one?” Your voice was filled with anger
“You know what? Fuck you and fuck this marriage! I want the divorce” You took off your wedding ring and placed it on the coffee table while you made your way upstairs to the bedroom. You tried to close the door on his face, but Adam was quicker and held the door open with his foot.
“You’re not getting the fucking divorce, you know why?” He pushed you down on the bed “Because I fucking love you and I can’t live without you” Adam tried to kiss you but you pushed his face away. He then placed your hands above your head
“Bullshit!” You said while fighting against his grip “If you loved me, you wouldn’t argue with me all the time”
“I argue with you because I’m dumb and am frustrated because we can’t get as much time together as we did in the past” He leaned down and quickly pecked your lips “And I fucking miss you so much” Adam released your wrists and you threw your arms around his neck “I need you more than I need air, sweets” He kissed you deeply ”You know that, don’t you, baby?”
“I hate when we fight” Your hands dipped inside his t-shirt
“Me too” His lips found your neck “I promise you we’ll take a nice vacation, anywhere you wanna go, just the two of us, no phones, no interruptions”
“That sounds like a nice way to apologize” You teased
“No, no, no, baby. As an apology, I’ll first eat this pussy until the whole neighborhood hears your moans and then I’ll fuck you until you’re sore”
Everything happens that night
Impact play
Hard pounding
Lots of dirty talk
Loud moans
Wax Play
And a call from a very concerned next door neighbor...
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