#I have been very excited for this week to be over since Tuesday
youngpettyqueen · 7 months
in case anybody is wondering what kind of week im having. today on the way home from a LONG day I got myself a piece of oreo cake. my brother saw it in the fridge and asked who it belonged to. my dad went "thats your brother's support cake dont touch it" and I immediately popped into their view from the other room and went "yeah thats my emotional support cake and if any of you touch it im blowing this entire fucking house up" and my brother very quickly closed the fridge
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prettycottagequeer · 6 months
ok maybe I'm a little late to this BUT I'm gonna do a to-do list motivation thingy because I've had the worst two weeks since I started college :)
SO these I should start on asap:
50 I make the snack I really want but I haven't had the motivation to make
100 I clean my dorm. another thing I've been meaning to do for a week
150 I do the presentation about mid-victorian fashion I've been putting off (due Monday)
200 I start memorizing the monologue that was due a week ago (now due Tuesday)
these can wait longer:
300 I spend time outside. It's so nice but I'm getting stuck scrolling because I feel like shit. vicious cycle ect
500 I start setting a better weekend routine (aka getting up before noon)
1k I start working out again. I was doing a routine to get more masc and build muscle and I liked it but life hit me like Crowley driving the Bentley and I've missed like 3 weeks
2k I buy my first binder. I've been coping with sports bras for almost a year now and I haven't been able to justify spending $50+ on a binder even though I know I'd love it and use it everyday.
Do I tag people? I don't know but I'm going to. @the-globe-theatre-maggot @weirdly-specific-but-ok @howmanyholesinswisscheese
here's just some context if you want to read, feel free to skip. some of this I've talked about in the maggot server, some I haven't, but I really just need a place for this to go that's out of my head. tw homophobia, transphobia, car crash(??)
How I Have Been Run Over By The Bentley Going 90 In Central London What Feels Like 50 Times In The Last Two Weeks
I'm going to college about 4 hours away from my parents, and it's been really nice. They.. suck, to say the least. transphobic/homophobic ect, super traditional conservative catholic, racist, all of it. so i tried to move somewhere where I wouldn't have to think about them and I could be myself and do what I can to be happy. March 1st was the start of my spring break, which meant going home because the dorms close. I was already not excited, but I was prepared. the problem with being away from home is I forget just how bad they are. My optimism gets the better of me and I think maybe this time they'll be better. so I decided to not hide my septum piercing.
that was a mistake. it starts a whole fight where they say we know you're trans, you're actually a girl and you always will be, we have the bones argument, they think I'm being influenced by demons or something (if only they knew about crowley) because I want to change my name, and they tell me that going on t will completely ruin my body and give me cancer and other things. They're also mad about my dyed hair, septum, and general style, and say I'm setting a terrible example for my (5) younger siblings and make it a point to tell me just how much of a disappointment I am. I think I'm pretty cute and fun but y'know, whatever. very fun time. I lie so much, don't give them any more details about my identity, and say I'm not planning to go on t to save my ass. which is all on instinct which makes me feel worse because if I'm really trans I should be able to stand up for that, right? maybe I'm faking the dysphoria.
the next morning I wake up really sick, and spend the rest of the week sick and feeling like shit because I'm home and back in the same place and situation I was a year ago that I thought I escaped. at one point I pretty much lose my voice but also kind of get gender euphoria from it. it's weird.
On Friday it's time for me to drive back 4 hours to school, and I make it about 3/4 of the way when google maps takes me on a random gravel road and I crash my car, really crash my car, like sideways-in-a-ditch-windows-broken-crawling-up-out-the-door crash it in the middle of nowhere. (I was fully paying attention to the road, it was raining and super slick) I call my parents because I have no one else to call and I sit in a Subway for 3 hours while they drive to get my car. when they get there they're (understandably) really mad, and they tell me that I'm not mature enough to be going to school so far away and I need to get my shit together and stop depending on them. which. is probably true. but made me feel even more stupid about the fact that I crashed my car. I get back to school and I'm still Very Sick with no energy or motivation to do anything. So I've spent the last week trying to get better and honestly to do anything. it hasn't really worked. I'm a lot better health-wise (Not emotionally), still sick but I have a lot of work due, so I really need a push to get started
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siddyyyyyyyy · 1 month
Red Knight in Shining Armour (2)
Red Hood x Reader
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wc: 6.1 K summary: You ask Red Hood for help from a creep and he does so. However, a funny coincidence happens; part one warnings: language, standard Gotham violence, kidnapping a/n: I originally wanted to split this into two parts, but then got lazy and just decided to keep it at that. (I also got a bit carried away)... Have fun!
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You slept safely in your bed with the thoughts of Red Hood always protecting you. It may seem delusional, but you couldn‘t care less. Not everyone gets to be saved by a vigilante on a random tuesday night. And he personally drove you back home, it really makes you wonder if he does that with every civilian that needs help. Surely, he does or else it would have been all over the news by now, right?
So, going to work the next day was rather exciting. Your best friend and coworker, Evelyn, will most likely be more excited than you when she gets an earful about it. And as soon as you enter the backdoor, you start rambling off to her and she is indeed more ecstatic than you. You both start to fangirl, mostly repeating the whole situation to her as she squeals and jumps lightly on her feet, listening to your every word.
Of course that moment of excitment didn‘t last long as you had to take care of costumers, but you already told the story four times by now and every time with more details.
You really hope Red Hood will come by later for a sweet treat, having promised him that after all. However, the bakery remains to fill the regulars and other random people, the day growing more frustrating even though the usual people come in and it stays rather full.
An elder man notices you sigh out while leaning against the counter with your elbows, the man being one of the regulars.
»What‘s wrong, dear? You have been sighing all day, is there something wrong with the orders?«
There is nothing wrong with the orders at all, you just feel very sluggish now that you don‘t see your favourite red guy anymore. Since when he became your favourite? Since the moment he wrapped his arm around your shoulders… you could still feel the distinct weight of his arm, how he radiated an oddly amount of warmth against you, and how he kept you at distance from the creep. Since the moment he squeezed your shoulder in comfort.
You truly became insane over him. Just a little.
The elderly man waits for your answer, eventually receiving a simple shake of your head. There could be nothing you could say to him that he would belive you.
»Just a slow day, that‘s all. Nothing you need to worry about, sir.«
He huffs out lightly, finally getting off his chair and walks up to the counter.
»It‘s ‚Charles‘ for you. You‘ll get an extra tip today for being so pouty. Your baked stuff is amazing, don‘t beat yourself up about it.«
He lays the money for his order and a ten dollar extra bill on top of it, making you rethink of acting pouty every day now.
»Thanks, si- Charles. Have a nice day.«
You smile gratefully at him and take the money into the register, seeing him smiling back at your brighter face before he exits the shop.
Unfortunately for you, Red Hood didn‘t come along in the following days and your bus didn‘t drive away from you anymore. It could be really useful now, but it seems like the bus driver really despises you. Obviously it‘s good you don‘t need to walk home anymore and can safely drive by the bus, but you also miss getting saved.
A week went by after the miracolous saving, and you‘re still hanging on by the last thread of hope that he will eventually come by. But no, no signs of him all around and it‘s closing shift anyway. Your best friend left a while ago and you are always in charge of closing the bakery, doing the same tonight as every other night.
A big crash startles you, making you jump out of your skin, and before you can realise what‘s happening, you can only make out two large people fighting violently on the floor of the bakery. You quickly run into the kitchen to hide, feeling the sudden rush of adrenaline come over you and how unsteady your breathing becomes. You cower in a far corner, holding a big kitchen knife in hand and trembling in your curled up position.
You can hear loud thuds and some sickening cracks of something getting broken, them most likely moving around as you hear glass shatters move around the wooden floor. At every grunt and scream you flinch, flinching even harder once you hear a gun go off. Wait, someone‘s shooting? In your bakery? Your heartbeat quickens even more to the point of a near damn heart attack state, but you can‘t seem to move out of your spot. After some more triggers being put off, the fight seems to come to an end. But it seems the silence is even more terrifying.
After what seemed like hours, some police siren‘s went off and are on their way to your location. With uncertain and shaky steps, you dare to peek outside of the kitchen door and try to make out what happened. Looking though the kitchen counter seems to be difficult, and you hesitantly make your way to the counter to examine the scene some more.
Watching, you notice a big brooding shadow with white slits stand at the entrance… or what used to be an entrance, before someone decided to have a fight in your bakery. The speculations didn‘t last long as you notice another brooding figure in the very dimly lit room. You quickly recognize it as no other than Red Hood, the same man that saved you just a week ago. This is the perfect time to actually give him a treat, the worries of the current situation thrown away.
Quickly grabbing a big chocolate cookie from the leftovers, you don‘t hesitate to skip to the red helmet wearing mass of muscle, with a wide smile. With your adrenaline still being skyrocketed, it doesn‘t make this easy at all though. Your hands and legs are trembling, and you are still having trouble processing what actually happened in here.
Tapping the shoulder of Red Hood, you keep hold of the cookie in your free hand. He immediately turns his head to you and he visibly relaxes, but tenses again. Bruce is going to cut his head off later, for being unaware of civilians and possibly harming them.
»Y-your sweet treat for saving me last week.« You want to slap yourself with how your voice trembles and the fact that you just stuttered in front of him. But he doesn‘t seem to acknowledge it and seems to scan you and the cookie.
Batman also has his attention on you and the other vigilante hopes the words you just said made Bruce less angry towards him. You are clearly unaware of the tension between the two and just seem to be happy by just giving your hero of the night a cookie as a small thanks. Red takes the cookie from you, having to save it for later since he can't eat with his helmet on. He simply takes it and looks back at you with a subtle nod.
»Thanks, but you didn't need to.«
You wave it off, glad he didn't seem to notice your trembling hands and slightly dishevelled look. Well, he did not acknowledge it, but Batman will surely take care of that. Ambulances are on their way already and he is sure he will grow sick from the way you look so dreamy at his son.
»Are you hurt? We'll get you some help, just lay the knife down.«
Oh, the knife is something you've totally forgotten and now your trembling hands seem even more obvious. You sheepishly lay the knife away onto the counter and follow them outside, Red Hood guiding you to a nearby ambluance to let the doctors treat you. Once there, they can only patch up the light scratches you got from the few glass splitters that flew your way from the big window and glass door. You still have no idea how they could possibly fly through that thick glass, having paid quite some money for it.
Finally, they finished with the few scratches at your side and you are left alone with a warm cup of tea to soothe your nerves and keep you warm; a silver blanket around your shoulders to protect you from the biting february cold. You have the perfect opportunity to look over the scene. Police have already sealed your bakery off with yellow tapes, now looking around to put small cards with numbers on potential evidence. From this view, you can see the few blood pools on the wooden floor, knowing it will be a pain to clean that off. Surely your clients can understand and tolerate a small haitus over a few days, if not weeks, to clean everything and renovate some things.
Sighing out, you sip on your tea and already make mental notes on what to buy and work on in your bakery. Luckily your kitchen stayed unharmed.
»How you holding up? Enjoying your tea?«
You almost jump out of your skin again at the voice that came beside you, not having noticed him approach at all. Is this why they call him Nightwing? Getting out of your small surprise, you nod and just rest the tea cup in your hands.
»Good, tea is good too.« You smile back politely, the man beside you currently leaning against the door of the ambulance slightly.
»Yeah? Is this your bakery? We didn't mean to destroy your windows and floors, we can take care of that since it's the least we could do.«
Damn his charming smile and smooth voice. You simply nod in response but your mind drifts off. What is he doing here? Shouldn't he be in Blüdhaven, fighting crime instead of here? You don't follow the news that much, but you do know that he isn't normally here. Not in a situation like this anyway. You snap out once he speaks up again.
He eventually finds out that this bakery is indeed yours and you were about to close it before these two insane maniacs accidently flew right through the big window and continued their fight there. He also finds out about how Red saved you last week and got you home safely. Somehow you managed to even ramble off to Nightwing about it. And he seems invested in your story, almost fangirling with you but keeps his laid back and smug demeanor for most of the time.
The conversation gets interrupted as Red Hood grabs Nightwing by his collar, dragging him finally away from you and also almost starting a fight with him because of that.
»Dude, this is destiny! You can't tell me this is a very strange and funny coincidence; you saved her last week and now crashed into her bakery? That's... that's-«
»Shut up, dick! We don't even know each other.« Jason snaps back annoyed, really not wanting to talk about something cheesy like this, even when he privately enjoys reading romance novels, similar to this.
»Oh, come on, she seems nice and genuinely wants to get to know you! Now's your chance, Jay.«
»Fuck off!« Jason almost growls, earning a look from Bruce who is currently approaching them. It seems like the GCPD caught the criminal and are currently driving him to his new cell, being done for tonight, if nothing other happens after this.
You attempt to peek towards their way, but you don't see them anywhere anymore, having disappear into the night again. The ambulance drives you home that night, getting told to rest for tonight and don't worry about anything else. But you do worry about something. Are they really going to replace your window and half-broken door?
The next day felt a little less pleasent, the wind being stronger than yesterday. You make your way to the bakery and go into the front door this time, wanting to see how bad the damage really is. The entire front window is gone, the glass splitters laying on the floor inside and outside, and your door seems to jammed and half crushed. You don't even want to know how they managed to do this.
Not even a minute later, a small group of men approach you and look kind of shady. One of them stands now in front of you and holds out an envelope, it being almost as thick as a small loaf of bread.
»Miss, we are here to repair your window and door.«
He starts, expecting you to take the envelope full of money and just trust him with the repair. Where did they get so much money from?You study them, the small group of men standing behind him and also watching you, some assessing the damaged shop. They are all taller than you, dressed in a suspicious looking clothes, but they seem to have a good motive.
»And who are you?«
»I am Bill-« He gets slapped by the back of his head, getting whispered some words. His more chirp tone gets interrupted and clears his throat before speaking up.
»We were sent from Red Hood to take care of the damage.«
He said with a more monotone and low voice, glancing to the non-existent window. You slowly take the envelope from him and nod, remembering the words from Nightwing last night again and feel relieved about it.
They get to work once you agree, noticing the small truck near by as five of them walk over and now carry the new glass of window to your shop, the other five men cleaning the mess up, and making sure the window is ready to get installed. You almost get a heart attack as you watch them carry the new window, keeping your eyes on them while they work. In the meantime, you make sure to stash the large stack of money somewhere safe, guessing it's probably more money than needed, but you don't complain.
After probably two hours of watching them work, the men seem to be finished and now clean the big window, also making sure to clean the blood soaked floor, and not knock anything over. You've counted ten of them, meaning to give them some sweets in return.
As soon as they all group up again and get ready to leave, you approach them quickly with two bigger bags in hands. One has a good amount of cookies, the other has two boxes full of éclair with different fillings. They hold back their excitement and take the bags, driving back to their unofficial base and share the sweets with the rest. Mostly giving it to the kids since they are also curious on what they brought back.
Finally, the bakery seems to return to its old self. The usual costumers arrive and buy stuff, sharing their empathy with you and also leaving you some extra tips for the repairs. If you knew this could get this much money, you would have done this way earlier. Somehow.
The following days, the men of Red Hood appear in your bakery more often. At least five of them arrive each day and buy some sweets from you, mostly getting some éclair and brownies. You don't complain, actually finding it quite cute how they buy some of your baked goods and pay you a good amount of money for it too, wondering if they buy it for themselves or even for the Red Hood himself.
Red Hood, however, hates how obsessed they seem with your sweets. It's gotten to a point where there is always either a full or half-eaten cookie laying around somewhere. The children shouldn't eat so much sugar anyway, so he tries to control the amount of stuff they buy from your shop.
Once the six men arrive back from their small shopping trip, they get greetet by a grumpy Boss. He seems to be grumbling something to himself, several curses slipping out of him while he cleans his gun on the couch. But Bill does figure out some words, something about a bakery and... is he fussing about the baked goods? Does he want more or is he trying to figure out on how to meet you again? Whatever it is, he already has a plan. If boss seems upset, he is the first to make him feel better and solve any problems he may have.
You are currently closing the back door after taking care of the place, having cleaned it as usual and prepared the rest for the following day. It's been probably about two weeks since you have these new, polite, but also strange regulars. They come in every day around afternoon, order about two bags full of baked goods and leave the place with small smiles. Today wasn't any different, they even left a big tip again and muttered small thanks as the other day.
Turning around, you didn't notice to see a small girl standing before you, asking for help as she claims to be lost. Of course you help her, she looks so tiny and cute as her eyes water up and seems to be close to howliing her eyes out. You kneel down to be at her level, getting something cold hit against the back of your neck. You pass out. That is the last thing you could remember, being unconscious.
Red Hood doesn't know what's worse. The fact that his men kidnapped you or that Bill used his niece for bait to get you. Either way, he has no idea what he should do now. You are laying unconsciously in the arms of the so-called kidnapper, Bill, who organised all of this. His explanation was simple: 'But Boss, you looked sad and talked about her.' No, the fuck he didn't.
But before he could scold him out and land bullets in each of their heads, you stirr in his arms. Air seems to freeze and everyone watches your next move. Red tenses and is also relieved at the same time, glad they didn't knock you out too hard. Once you can blink your eyes open, you recognise the man holding you almost immediately. Still, due to not knowing where you are or how you got here, you swing at him and fall to the ground. You yelp and grab for your pepper spray in your pocket, trying to aim it to him but realise too late that the safety click is still on.
»Lady, calm down! We brought you to Boss- Red Hood, sorry!« Bill exclaims and holds his hands up, as do the other four men who stand by him. Your heart somehow calms down, but only a fraction until you look to the actual Red Hood standing by the other side.
»What?« You huff out quietly, still aiming the bottle of pepper spray towards your supposed kidnapper.
Red only groans, the sound coming off strangled through his helmet and the distortion mic he most likely wears. »Idiots. Out.« He gruffs out, them actually listening and hurrying out of the room.
Now, this is awkward. This feels like a bad romcom-soap your grandma would watch and try to convince you of how romantic it is. You slowly put your pepper spray back into your pocket and stand off the floor. At least he isn't towering over you now, but the height difference still feels humbling to some extend.
You clear your throat and try to figure out what to say. It seems like he is doing the same, staring at you while scrambling for anything to talk about.
»Do you... need a ride home? It's almost one in the morning, so...«
He eventually suggests and you wish you could at least read his body language, but he stays as still as a stick. But the request is appreciated and you nod, actually happy to be driven home by him again. He grabs an extra helmet for you and you both make your way outside, walking the few steps to his bike.
It's mostly quiet, and you don't really know what to say yourself, just letting him help you get on and ensure that you sit safely behind him. You wrap your arms around his torso, making sure to keep them higher up, instead of listening to your intrusive thoughts and letting them slip lower. You can't even wrap them fully around him, being able to touch your fingertips together at his chest, but not more. He starts driving in a shocking speed, making you clutch onto him tighter.
You squint your eyes together under the helmet, just hoping he isn't driving too fast and possibly going over the speed limit. But even if he was, he most certainly didn't care and you start to think he just wants to bring you home as fast as possible.
And indeed, it didn't take long for you to get home, getting off the bike with some help again. His bigger hands help you take off the helmet you wear, getting a bit sheepish and secretly flustered at how gentle he is.
»Listen, I'm really sorry for this. I don't know how they got the idea of... well, kidnapping you. I'm really sorry.«
He holds your helmet in his hands as he apologises and seems genuine. Like, genuinely sorry and guilty for this.
»No, it's fine. At least I got a free ride home.« It seems he didn't expect you to be so forgiving about it and take it lightly. Were you kidnapped often that you are reacting this way? He nods slowly, straightening up on his bike.
»Still... have a good night, then.«
He drives off afterwards, having watched you walk inside your apartment complex, just to make sure you actually went home safe. ----
The next few days were actually quiet for once. The usual buff men of his didn't come in for a while until, like three days later and bought a few cupcakes and cookies this time. It's getting warmer now finally, it being march now and it starts to rain less. Even though you live in Gotham, the weather seems to work out somehow. Especially today, the sun was out for maximum ten minutes and your day got better a whole lot. After dealing with the handful of costumers that come in everyday, you can prepare the bakery to close down. Once it's done, you close the door but halt in your steps as you turn around.
Red. A red motorcycle and the red man leaning against it with his arms crossed.
»What are you doing here? Kidnapping me again?«
You step closer to him and he shakes his head lightly, already handing you over an extra helmet. »No, trying to do the opposite. You seem to have a problem with getting home safe.«
You huff out amused at his answer, secretly flustered and appreciating that he will drive you home again.
»Is this going to be a routine? Because I do hope it will.«
You question while putting on your helmet, keeping your eyes on him. He seems to consider it for a moment, in reality not wanting to come off as a creep or stalker.
»I guess so, then. Seems like you would only appreciate it.«
He shrugs and helps you getting on the back of his bike once more, making sure your arms are tight around him before he drives off. This time he drives slower and probably more cautiously. Either way, you keep your arms tight around him. Getting to the point of arriving home is the saddest part though. You step from the seat and feel the need to return the favour. Standing before him, he also doesn't leave just yet, even when he just put your helmet away.
»Same time tomorrow?« You finally manage to ask, smiling sheepishly at him. He nods almost too quickly and straightens his back lightly.
And on that night, you weren't sure what you two were. Of course, he is your personal uber driver now, but that doesn't stop you from becoming even more crazy over him.
It had been about three weeks since he drove you home himself, and he is still doing it. The brief drive back made you two become closer. Well... you are mostly talking about your day and yourself during the ride while he listens and nods from time to time.
This time though, he doesn't wait for you as usual. Indeed, you are getting worried and hope you didn't overshare the other day and scared him off that way. Okay, maybe that was dramatic, but you are really unsure now. Should you go to your bus station or wait until he arrives? If you wait and he doesn't appear, you will miss your bus and have to walk. At least there isn't any ice around anymore, it being the middle of march. But you also have some hope that he will actually arrive and you just need to wait a little longer... a little longer, and... just a little longer?
An hour came by and you missed your bus already. It probably would have been better if you just went to your bus station.
A loud sound of an engine rips you out of your thoughts and you look towards the sound, instantly recognising the bike. He stops just right before you, making you flinch at how dangerously close he is.
»I'm late, I know - something came up, just hop on...«
He gestures behind his back and you hesitate briefly before taking a seat behind him. Red hastily hands you over your helmet and waits, sighing out. He sounds exhausted and seems unlike himself. Whatever happened, you are very curious and on the verge of asking. You would have, if he wouldn't have started driving in high speed. The bike lets out an ear-blaring sound and a high screetch against the asphalt, making you hold on tighter around him. You don't hear it, but Red grunts lightly at your touch, gritting his teeth under his helmet.
He parks clumsly near your door and stalls the bike, groaning as he tries to keep himself from wincing at his pain by his side.
»What happened?« You get off the bike and stand by his side, taking off your helmet while he tilts his head away from you. He shakes his head and waves a dismissive hand at you, struggling to puts his engine on again.
»C'mon, you arrived late, you seem to be in a hurry and you breath unevenly. Something's up.«
You try to be more demanding and he stops breathing for a moment at your observation. After what seems like an eternity he caves in.
»You know how to stitch people up?«
Standing in the living room in front of your couch, on which you sit on, you stitch up his gash across his side carefully. You explained to him shortly that your father was a medic in the past and thaught you a thing or two about that stuff. You live in Gotham, for God's sake.
He stays surprisingly still during the treatment, not uttering a word or wince during the entire procedure. That's when you start to get worried.
Finally, after several minutes of dead silence, you lean away and now bandage his cut up. »You had a full on gash on your side and still decided to drive me home? Are you completely insane?«
Now the scolding starts. He had hoped you would just patch him up and let him go, but it seems like you make him stay and listen to your lecture. He stays standing in front of you, silently observing you while you scold him out and stand right before him. Your friendship had reached the level of where you can easily joke around with each other and tease, but also express concern without coming off as weird or creepy.
»You could have just texted me and tell me you wouldn't pick me up, you know? I could take the bus instead.«
He shakes his head. Of course he does.
»Wanted to make sure you are safe.«
»No, absoulutely not. Don't put me over your health, that's stupid and dangerous.«
You voice firmly but he stays calm. You have every right to be upset and angry about his antics, but he really just wanted to make sure you are safe and sound.
"Now, eat the cookie and crash here. No arguing.«
He blinks, perplex about your final words. To be honest, he didn't pay attention to your lecture until now. The cookie in his hand is new too, not having felt it there before. The red vigilante listens to you and sits down on your couch.
You watch him, eventually leaving the living room to your own room, and get ready to sleep.
You don't see him the next morning, but he did text you just around four AM.
»Thanks for patching me up, doc. Will come by more often, probably.«
»So, have you asked her out yet? Even gotten her number, or nah? Do you even know her name by now, or should I ask her? Are you even listening to me?«
Dick asks through the comms, making a big deal out of it. It's only a matter of time when he notices that Jason turned his earpiece off and starts annoying him all over. This night's patrol is slower than usual; Nightwing gaining the chance to annoy and interrogate his little brother.
»Well... her cupcakes are good.« That smug bastard mumbles into the comms once he sees they are turned on again by Jason's side, the sly smirk evident, even through an earpiece.
»What? Please don't tell me you visited her fucking bakery, you-«
He gets interrupted by his brother, chuckling through the earpiece like the infuriating jerk that he is.
»She knows my name by now. Because I am a regular.« Dick taunts, hoping to get a reaction out of him and also know more about the situation he has going on with you.
»Yeah? Well, she knows the names of my men and I drive her home every night after her shift. You've got nothing on me.«
For the first time, Dick is actually positively surprised about what his brother said. If this is true, then why aren't you guys together yet?
»And...?« He presses on, hoping to hear more news about the new soon-to-be-girlfriend, not wanting for him to say that there is nothing else to discuss about just yet.
»What 'and'? There's nothing else.«
Dick groans heavily, having to lean his head back in frustration and stop his observation over the city. »You can't possibly tell me you haven't made a move yet. Seriously, are you that shy or are you genuinely this stupid?«
Jason rolls his eyes and continues to cruise through the busy streets, skipping red lights while doing so. »Don't tell me what to do, you're the one who fumbled the most.«
Dick is silent after that, deciding to continue patrolling and focusing instead of prying into his brother's love life. But not without some more 'friendly' bickering between the two. ----
A month later and Red Hood has been over in your place more often, mostly because of his injuries but also because of you. He wants to actually spend more time together and for you to get to know him. Currently, he is sitting leaned back on your couch, you sitting beside him while sorting through your med kit after treating his light wounds.
Your friendship has grown to that point, where you can lean against the other without much trouble and you already took a nap against his shoulder once after patching him up.
This night seems a little different though. Mostly for Red because he is determined to chance something in your friendship. Once you place the med kit back on your coffee table, you lean against his side and sigh out. He carefully wraps his arm around you shulder to keep you close, but also making sure to give you some space if you don't want to stay close.
»Tired?« He still hasn't taken his helmet off once during your time together, hiding his identity like no other. But you do know his first name, he has given you that after you'd asked rather sheepishly a while ago.
»Not really, just... a little.«
He nods back in response and feels his heart rate pick up as his thoughts wander off. He really does want for you to know him. To really know him, not just his name. After a longer moment of comfortable silence, he clears his throat lightly and shifts beside you.
»I want you to know me.« He really doesn't know how else to start this and be more vulnerable around you. You, however, don't react shocked or with any negative reaction, just listening and staying leaned against him with his arm gently around you. He takes it as a sign to continue.
»I'm... I'm going to take my helmet off, so... just don't freak out or anything.«
Red scoffs lightly to himself and reaches for his helmet with his free hand, slowly taking it off while he feels his heart pound in his ears. You simply watch, being nervous yourself for no reason. No, you are happy. Ecstatic even, and it gives you an absurd amount of feelings in your chest that you can't comprehend.
His face his bare now, hair falling lightly into his face. Jason finally looks to you and shifts on the couch to face you better. He looks way younger than in your head but even more so handsome and beautiful. His eyes search yours, any sign of rejectment or disgust but he sees none. Indeed, he can only see the amount of adoration and affection in your gaze.
»I really want to you know me and for us to actually be more than... this simple arrangement we have going on. You are, I mean... you make me happy and you're literally, hands down, the most friendly and understanding person I've ever met. It's probably a lot for you, but I genuinely want more and for-«
You really want to hear him out and hear what else he has to say, but your emotions take over. You cut his words off with a kiss, and not just some kiss. A meaningful, and passionate kiss that should make him know how much you adore him and love him. You put all your feelings into it that even he is overwhelmed with how gentle you are. As if he could break of crumble at any moment.
Both hands holding his face, he leans closer into you and kisses you back with just as much love. Neither of you know who broke the kiss first, but you both gasp for air. He leans back again and stares back at you, cheeks flushed and heart calming down slightly.
You both feel flustered now, letting go of him and stay seated beside him.
»I was kinda impatient, sorry...«
Finally he chuckles, sending you both into a fit of giggles and he hugs you tightly, almost crushing you with how strong he is. The night ended up with you both talking even more, sharing some fleeting kisses into the early morning before you have to go to work and he needs to leave to his own business. ----
Your relationship progressed in the following months, both being super cheesy with the other in private but both of you won't admit it to anyone else.
That's when the door rings to your apartment, not expecting anyone in particular as you bake cookies with Jason in your kitchen. He goes to the door to answer it, his cheek having some flour on it while his usual black shirt also has flour spots. Not that he cares.
He opens the door and there stands his oh, so lovely brother. His eye twitches.
»Hey Jaybird, I see you're having fun, but I-«
The door closes abruptly in Dick's face and there's only some muffled words to be heard from behind it, Jason ignoring those and walking back to you.
»Who was it?«
He grumbles, settling behind you to hug you and rest his chin on your shoulder. You want to scold him for treating his brother that way but you lose your words as soon as he nuzzles into your neck. That day went by great without any further interruptions from annoying dickfaces, spending the time with you in peace after turning his phone off as well.
Jason's won't ever let anything interrupt you both.
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a/n: literally wrote this whole thing in one go, I was really determined to get this off my list. I really hoope it didn't come off as too rushed 😭😭 I hope you enjoyed it!
364 notes · View notes
bonny-kookoo · 7 months
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 | In Motion
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Moving on is scary. Moving back won't bring you forwards. But moving with someone at your side can be exciting.
Tags/Warnings: Aged up!Jungkook, Younger!Reader, Age Gap (9 years, JK is mentioned to be 34/35), Angst, Mature romance, Jungkook's ex wife, mentions of past physical abuse, mentions of alcohol abuse, fluff, flirty Jungkook, fluff!!, MCs Ex, police, Jungkook being the victim of bullying (dw), fluff?, nsfw but it's very light (sorry)
Length: 6k words
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“Its funny how a woman can change a man.” Yoongi mentions, sitting at the big company dinner next to Jungkook, who's both visibly distracted and upset to be present, phone being checked every few minutes or so- and Yoongi knows who he might be texting with. “why didn’t you bring her along?” He wonders, while Jungkook sighs.  
“I’m actually not sure.” He admits. “I’ve been given a plus-one like always, and I planned on inviting her- but then I.. chickened out.” He shakes his head. “these events are boring as hell.” He says, eating his food with not much interest.  
“What is she doing at home instead?” Yoongi asks, setting his own cutlery aside as he’s finished his plate.  
“Cooking. She sent me a picture of some.. macaroni and cheese she made from scratch.” Jungkook smiles to himself as he thinks to the image you’ve sent him with multiple excited emojis to convey your happiness over it- having tried to wing it for the first time. “now she’s most likely watching her favorite show since it’s Tuesday.” He shrugs.  
“Wow.” Yoongi jokes. “That’s so much more exciting, damn.” He flatly tells his friend, who rolls his eyes. “Jungkook, have you actually asked her if she’d ever want to tag along?”  
“…Yes.. and she said she wouldn’t mind..” He admits shamefully so.  
“Then bring her next time. You act as if you and her are George and Maria over there. You’re not sixty for God’s sake, and she didn’t turn legal yesterday either.” Yoongi shakes his head with laughter, amused by his best friend. He’s noticed the change in him pretty much immediately after the younger guy had returned from his vacation and days taken off- looking almost ten years younger, happy and most of all carefree. There was no worry on his face, no thoughts wrinkling his brows, no annoyance and clear signs of boiling burnout left.  
“I.. want to ask her to move in with me.” Jungkook admits suddenly, staring at his food. “I know it’s a bit fast but.. I feel like this time, she really is the one for me.” He tells his friend, who shrugs.  
“Its your decision. I’m happy you found someone good.” He simply answers him, refusing to really help in that regard. Jungkook can make this decision all by himself, after all. 
And he should. 
Back at his place, where he puts the car keys on the kitchen counter before he unbuttons his shirt to get ready to shower, he takes a small look around. The cooking utensils he bought just for you are still here, and so is your favorite blanket. The pillows he got are littering the couch, and yet, only you are missing.  
You’re missing.  
Even though you’re technically not even meant to be here all the time yet.  
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Jungkook has become.. suspicious, to say the least.  
You’ve been together for a few months now after all, and ever single one of them, for the same week or so, you vanish out of sight. And he’s not stupid. 
He knows you don’t have an affair with someone else, or your work simply always calls you in during that time, because he knows you escape his sight even when you have days off. No, he knows exactly what it is, and he honestly doesn’t really know why you do it.  
Do you think it grosses him out? Or that he doesn’t know how to deal with it? Knowing you at this point, he might just be right.  
But he also can’t force you to come out and be with him during that time of the month if you don’t want to. You have to want this all by yourself, because otherwise, how can you both build a relationship that’s not the same as your past? He’s not that much better from your past boyfriend if he was to just overstep a boundary you clearly still have.  
Back at work in his private office, he contemplates on messaging you. That could help, right? He types out a simple message, letting you know that if it really is what he thinks happens every month, then you don’t have to be worried at all.
He doesn’t mind. At all.  
So he just texts you- tells you that if you ‘need anything at all’, he’d just bring it over and leave you be if that’s what you’re most comfortable with. However, instead of just texting back, you call him- making him wave towards his secretary in a manner that shows her he is for now unavailable unless urgent. “Well hello, darling.” He chuckles when he picks up the call, unaware that on the other end, his words still make you horribly shy.  
“Sorry for not.. Uhm.. You know, calling you or anything.” You say, but Jungkook doesn’t mind.  
“It’s no bother. We’re both still getting used to things, after all.” He reminds you. “Though I’d love some sign of life every now and then in the future. Just a quick ‘hey, I’m doing ok’ is really enough for me.” He offers.  
“Sorry. I’ll think about it from now on.” You say, though Jungkook is pleased to hear that you don’t just do it out of submission- but that it sounds a lot more like relief, almost. As if you’ve waited for him to say this. “But uhm.. What do you mean by, ‘if I need anything’?” You wonder.  
“I’m assuming you avoid me every month due to your period.” He says, and you just meekly answer with a sigh, and a ‘yeah’. “It’s no bother to me, really. It’s not gross or whatever you might think.” 
“I’m just.. Moody and stuff. I’m worried I might.. I don’t know, be mean to you on accident.” You warn him, and he just laughs it off.  
“I’m not that fragile, love.” He jokes. “And I doubt that you’ll end up calling me an asshole every second of the day if we spend time together.”  
“No, I’d never!” you defend yourself, making him chuckle. “I just get cranky, and I don’t know.. I might just get onto your nerves.” You warn him. 
“You could turn full on toddler on me, and I’d still take care of you.” He jokes. “I really don’t mind. How about we meet up later, and I’ll cook us something at your place? I have the weekend off, we could spend it together.” He offers, clicking a little through the rest of the E-Mails he has for today. “Or you could always.. Stay over at my place as well. You know I love it when you’re there with me.” He says. 
You really like his place. To the point, where you actually begin to miss being there, despite having loved your little apartment for so long until now. It’s odd how his house has become somewhat of a safe-space, even thinking about it makes you feel good. And hearing that he personally enjoys having you over as well offers you some sort of hope that maybe one day, he might even want you there permanently.  
What could living with him look like? 
How long until he gets annoyed with you? 
“I really like your home.” You confess quietly, and he waves off his secretary that’s about to knock- because he can feel he’s potentially at the very cusp of something. “Do you.. I mean..” You mumble, before you sigh. “Yeah sure, let’s uhm.. Spend the weekend together.” You tell him, and he realizes quickly that your tone is not very confident at all, despite the fact that you’re trying to make it seem like it is.  
“It could be your home too, you know?” 
He waits for you to answer, and he knows this needs some time to be thought through, but he truly believes that you’re the one for him. It doesn’t have to happen right away either- but he wants you to know that the option is there, if you’d like to take it someday.  
“I-“ you start, when he can hear your doorbell ring in the background. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.” You tell him, leaving the phone for a little bit, silence the only thing that Jungkook gets to hear. Your phone probably cancels out whatever quiet noise might be there, so he’s unsure what’s going on, until you return to the phone again. “Can I call you back later?” You say after a moment, voice almost whispering.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks, immediately alarmed by your behavior. He presses for an answer by saying your name- but still, you don’t answer. Until you finally do.  
“He’s here.” You say, 
And Jungkook immediately grabs the keys to his car, rushing out as fast as he can.  
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Jungkook isn’t sure what he expected your ex to look like. But seeing him now, in front of your door as Jungkook walks closer, he feels his blood boil. 
The man is not quite as tall as he is just like you mentioned a few months back, but he’s clearly training for muscle. A very intimidating body, and the second the man turns towards him, he spots the things you’ve told him before as well. His facial features are a lot sharper than Jungkook’s, eyes dark as they muster him up and down, frown on his face. “What do you want?” He asks, voice deep, raspy. Most likely from smoking- cigarette smell still clinging to the man in front of him. 
“I’d like to visit my girlfriend, if you’d be so polite to make space for me to enter the door, please.” Jungkook speaks, tone held at a very specific tone as to not give away any emotions for his opponent to pick up on. 
“Oh, so she got a rich guy now.” Your ex says, leaning back, arms crossed- most likely to present his muscles, something that Jungkook thinks looks simply childish. “Tell her she owes me money. I need it asap, and she keeps avoiding me.” He explains, and Jungkook nods.  
“I’d love to tell her that.” He says. “But you’re still blocking the door.” he says, noticing both the very clear and sharp smell of alcohol, and the way he slightly sways a bit. 
It’s quiet for a good moment, both men staring each other down, before your ex moves to the side, though it’s clear that he doesn’t do it as to admit defeat. Jungkook takes the chance and knocks at your door now, prepared that your ex might try and slip inside the second you open it. “Hey- it’s me.” Jungkook tells you through the door, and at that, you open it just a little bit, like you’re trying to check if he’s actually there or not.  
Once you look at him, his entire face softens. 
You look like a panicked animal that just escaped a shot to the head, eyes wide, staring up at him. At the sight of Jungkook you instantly open the door wider to welcome him inside, and he himself is quick to shut the door right behind him, a hand having tried to keep it open last second. 
“I’m here now.” Jungkook reassures you while you cling to him, your ex having moved to knock and ring the doorbell constantly, angry about Jungkook’s antics. “Don’t worry. Let’s call someone to deal with him, and then we’ll go from there, alright?” He explains to you, as you detach yourself a bit, taking a few deep breaths at the instruction of Jungkook who’s still holding your arms as if to steady you. “Go sit down, I’ll make the call. Did he hurt you at all?” He worries, but you shake your head. 
“I didn’t let him in.” You answer quietly, and Jungkook nods. 
“Which is the best thing you could’ve done. Good job.” He praises, helping you sit down in your bedroom, as far away from the front door, which is still being tortured, as possible, before he walks back out into your kitchen, phone on his ear to call the police. 
It all happens a lot quicker than he would’ve thought- your ex having apparently had gone against some very important guidelines he’s been given after a more recent violent crime he’s committed. “You can file in for a restraining order.” The officer tells Jungkook who nods. “Judging by the fact that he’s known already, that might be for the best. Those people are too unhinged to really be trusted.” 
“Yeah, seeing him in person today has definitely made up my mind about some legal restrictions placed onto him.” Jungkook agrees. “Thank you for dealing with him so quickly.”  
“No problem. You two have a calm rest of your day.” The officer says, before they drive off, your ex in the back of the police car. 
The second he’s back in your home, having realized he actually knows the pin-code to your door, he carefully opens the bedroom door where you’re still hiding on your bed- and the second he nods, you get the message letting go of a deep breath, leaning against him the second he sits down on your bed. “The officer said we should probably file a restraining order towards him.” Jungkook tells you. “I think that’s a good idea as well. It would.. Definitely help me, knowing that he can’t get close to you.” 
“...wait- it’s Tuesday, you were at work-!” You suddenly say, realizing that he probably left work early just to be here now. “You can go back now, I swear I’m fine-” 
“The office won’t burn down just because I’m not there darling, relax.” He laughs, running a hand up and down your arm. “I’ve got the day off tomorrow anyways, and after that I’ll work from home for a while. So it’s not that bad, I promise.” He explains to you, who slowly nods. “And it was a family-emergency after all. They all surely understand that I suddenly ran off.” He jokes- 
Though you feel oddly emotional at the mention of that phrase. 
“Family emergency?” You ask quietly, and he nods, easily, as if it’s no big deal.  
“My girlfriend was in trouble. I’d count that as a family emergency.” He shrugs, and you look at your knees, unsure about what to think. “Which, by the way.. And you can totally say no, it would be completely fine-” He starts, before he continues his sentence once you look at him. “-but.. My parents might want to meet you.” He reveals, strangely... shy almost. 
“Might?” You wonder, and he nods, before sighing. 
“I might’ve let it slip that we’re.. Well, a couple.” He admits. “And I can’t help it, really.” 
“Can’t help what?” You wonder, making him play with the silver rings on his bottom lip. 
“I tend to.. Ramble on and on when it comes to you. So when they asked about you, I just.. I couldn’t help it. And now my family is very much curious to meet you.” He explains, and you smile to yourself. 
“Well.. I mean, I don’t mind?” You say. “What’s the worst that can happen, am I right?”  
“Oh god you don’t know my family.” He dramatizes playfully. “My mother can be a handful, and my brother will most likely just go on and on about some embarrassing stuff that happened when we were kids.” he groans, and you can’t help but grin. 
“Are you scared I might end up hearing something you’d otherwise keep from me?” You wonder, and he glares at you, before he suddenly smiles. “But really. I don’t mind meeting them, if you’re okay with that.” You say. 
And Jungkook can’t help but lean over at that to kiss your lips, realizing just how serious you’re both getting. 
“You’re the only one I’d ever want them to meet.” 
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Jungkook’s parents have never liked his ex wife. 
That’s information you’ve been told later that night before Jungkook had left to go home- and you’re unsure how to think about that. You feel like there’s now a standard you have to reach, and you’re not sure if you can. If you meet them, and it doesn’t work out, what will they think of you?
Your ex has never really let you meet his parents much- only fleetingly, when you met them by chance at the local grocery store or in similar situations. You know that Jungkook has a brother who’s been married for much longer than Jungkook has been- will he judge you for being so much younger than Jungkook himself? 
Will his parents think you’re not a good fit for him because you’re too young? Or do they know already? 
You’re currently washing dishes from the breakfast Jungkook and you had at his place today, when the doorbell rings. You’ve spent the night after admitting that you weren’t feeling good about sleeping at your own place after what happened, and he understood- happily telling you that you can always stay at his house for as long as you’d like. You wonder if he meant permanently.   
He’s been hinting at it for quite a bit now.  
A dog almost jumps up on you, another one following- two tiny whippets excitedly yapping at you, before a young man calls them towards him. Only now do you see three people entering the house through the front door- an older couple, and the young man who you assume owns the dogs, Jungkook standing on the sidelines, hiding his face in his hand.  
“Oh, you must be her!” The woman says, and you instantly know that she must be his mother. He inherited quite a bit of her facial features, though you can also see his father in him as well, the man a lot quieter than her, simply hanging up her coat before greeting his son properly. “Oh you do look young! But very pretty.” She tells you, before she tells you her name.  “When did you change the furniture? It looks so much brighter in here without that weird sofa in the living room.” His mother exclaims, as Jungkook enters the open kitchen.  
“I- mom, when I said you could visit I didn’t mean today.!” Jungkook almost whines, before he throws you an apologetic look. “And also, what are you even doing here?” He asks the young man who very clearly has to be his brother from visual appearance alone.  
“Hey, I gotta know who the pretty girl is who caught my baby brother’s attention!” He teases, smacking Jungkook’s back. “You’ve been going on and on about her, you can’t blame me for being curious.” He explains himself, before he reaches out to you. “Junghyun. Nice to meet you.” He greets you, before he boldly moves to take a look inside the fridge.  
It's odd how you just instantly know the dynamic of his family from this small interaction alone.
Jungkook quickly somehow gets his family to sit in the living room while telling them that he’ll make them something to drink, before he joins you in the kitchen again. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know when J talked to them yesterday that they would show up literally 24 hours later-“ he apologizes, but you wave him off.  
“Its.. not that big of a deal. They seem nice- and it would’ve had to happen at some point, right?” You wonder, and he nods.  
“Still, it must be at least somewhat uncomfortable. I know I’d like to be prepared to meet your parents.” He sighs, moving to make some coffee for his parents after pecking your lips once.  
“…would you?” You ask, and he turns around after clicking the right buttons on the coffee machine in front of him. “meet my parents, I mean.” You ask, unsure.  
“I.. yeah?” He rubs the back of his neck a little. “I’m.. I mean, I don’t know if they’re even aware that you’re seeing someone-“ 
“They are.” You admit. “they.. I told my mom. After we.. after Christmas.” You explain, and he listens with interest, letting you go at your own pace however. “She’s.. they both know you’re older, and my dad is not very happy about that. But my mom seemed welcoming of the idea.” You tell him honestly, and he nods. “they’re scared too, you know? After all that happened.”  
Jungkook nods. “I completely understand. And even without that-“ he shrugs. “-I guess any parents would be suspicious of a relationship like ours.” Be admits and you nod as well, well aware that your parents might not be as easy going as his are. “but well make it work. Right?” be asks, and you know what he’s asking.  
Not if you’re gonna make it work- but if your parent’s possibly being against your relationship could be a deal breaker for you.  
“Yeah.” You say, because you’re not going to let this be taken away from you, by anyone. You’ve had a taste of what your life could be like if you were to just let it happen- and you don’t want to hide away and be trampled over anymore. You want him, you want this life and this future you might have together- no matter what.  
And Jungkook can’t help but walk closer to you, kissing your lips while he tenderly holds your cheeks.  
“Mom, Jungkook is making out with his girlfriend instead of making Coffee!” his brother yells, and Jungkook leans back at that, jaw clenched and tongue prodding against the inside of his cheek while he’s got his eyes closed, having to restrain himself you imagine. But you can’t help and giggle at the situation- visions of what those two brothers might’ve been like as children filling your mind, curiosity growing.
What was he like before Evelyn? Before he married? Before he met her? 
“get out!” Jungkook barks, taking a towel from the sink to hit his brother with it, the laughing older male running off back into the living room, where you follow- carefully carrying the two cups of coffee Jungkook had forgotten in his playful rage against his sibling. 
“Thank you.” His mother says, smiling warmly, while his father only nods, face however gentle, and friendly. You sit down after that, in the corner of the sofa, listening to the two brothers fighting in Jungkook’s office, before his father speaks up.  
“My son mentioned that you two have.. Quite the age gap between you.” He says, and you nod. “And that doesn’t bother you?” He asks, and you shake your head. 
“It.. Did. In the beginning.” You admit, his father now visibly interested in your answer as he didn’t expect you to admit something like that so outright. “I was worried that he might.. Think of me as childish. Or that our ambitions might differ too much, since we’re both at different points in our lives.” You explain, his mother now listening in as well. “I mean.. Let's just take family-planning for example. He’s a lot closer to settling down than I am, technically.” You explain, and his mother nods. “But I realized that, if we talk about these issues, we can solve them together. Make compromises, so we can meet in the middle, so to speak.” 
“Has he spoken to you about his.. Past marriage?” His father asks, and you nod. 
“I’ve met his former wife a few times. And I’m.. Somewhat aware of the things that happened in the past- though I’m sure he didn’t tell me everything yet.” You say. “And I respect that. We’re still.. At the very beginning of our relationship after all.” You chuckle a little, nervously, but suddenly, his father smiles. 
“Stop interrogating my girlfriend just because I’m not here.” Jungkook interrupts the conversation, protectively sitting in between his father and you- though that wasn’t the smartest idea, since his father just quietly pats his back rather roughly, making Jungkook complain in embarrassment. “What the fuck dad?” He asks, but his father just laughs. 
“Stop hitting him darling, you’re gonna break his back!” His mother complains, and you can’t help but smile at the mention of that petname- making it clear where Jungkook got the habit from, since he calls you the same most of the time. It’s cute. 
You’re happy to see that he has such a nice family.  
“So, when are you gonna bring a kid into this world, huh?” His brother asks shamelessly, making Jungkook choke on his water. “Hey, come on. I’ve got the second one on the way, you can’t make me do all the work here!” He teases, making Jungkook turn towards you. 
“I’m so sorry- if you want them to leave, just tell me.” He says towards you, but much to his dismay, you shake your head. 
“I don’t mind them.” You say, and his brother grins, before he leans forwards towards you. 
“Did you know that Jungkook used to be scared of the microwave-” Jonghyun starts, and Jungkook throws his head back, groaning in agony.  
All while you can’t help but be happy that his family seems to like you. 
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Later on, once they all left again, he talks to you once more in the living room after the dishes had been washed, and you both had gotten ready to just laze around and go to bed later. “I’m really sorry they showed up unannounced. That was terrible of them-” He shakes his head still, holding you in his arms on the couch while a random TV series plays quietly in the background, commercial break ongoing. “-and I’m also sorry I left you alone with them. I hope they didn’t interrogate you too hard.” 
“It was fine.” You brush off, telling the truth. “We just.. Spoke about the age gap.” You explain, and Jungkook sighs. “And I told them that, you know, yes, it did bother me at first. And I know that it bothered you too.” You admit, making him stare blankly, listening to your words. “But that we.. Work together. If problems occur, we find compromises. Put equal effort into it so we meet in the middle, you know what I mean?” You say, and he nods. 
“Yeah, I see where you’re coming from. What did they answer to that?” He wonders, but you shrug. 
“He just asked if I knew Evelyn, and I said that yes, I’ve met her a few times.” You remember. “And that I know you probably didn’t yet tell me everything, but that it’s fine because neither have I. Since we’re still.. Pretty new.” You offer. “And then you came back, so we didn’t talk further.” 
“My brother can be so terrible, I swear.” He huffs. “Two years older and thinks he’s always got the upper hand in everything..” He mumbles. 
“Well, from what I’ve been told, he is a bit quicker with things than you.” You giggle. “Second marriage, second child-” 
“Second job after he kept slacking off at his first, second house because he got kicked out of the first, second dog because one wasn’t enough-” Jungkook goes on, and you can’t help but laugh out loud. “-Hey, stop laughing about that!” He complains, moving his hands to pinch your sides, only causing your laughter to intensify as you try and slip away from him. But you’re unsuccessful, rather ending up somewhat manhandled down into the couch, with him above you, your wrists pressed into the cushions below you. 
It doesn’t take long for him to lean in and kiss you, the knowledge of everything that happened today settling in. You’ve been so understanding about everything, calm and collected even though he knew that you must’ve been at least somewhat intimidated by the whole situation. You still handled it perfectly in his opinion, facing it all head on. 
He’s so in love with you.  
His kisses slow down after a moment or two- and you know why they do. He’s not really a fan of getting heated on the couch of all places, preferring the bedroom or maybe the shower- and sure, you have indeed gotten rather scandalous in other places of his house before, but if he can control himself, he does.  
Laying next to you, your head on his biceps, he just observes you for a moment before he speaks again.  
“Move in with me.” He says, and you’re caught by surprise at the sudden proposal. “I’ve got.. Enough space. A room you can have just for yourself if you ever want some time to yourself. I can continue renting out your old place too if you’d like.” He tells you, hand resting on your waist. “Just.. I’d like to have you close. Every day.” He says. “And night of course.” 
“I mean.. if you’re okay with that?” You say, unsure. “you don’t have to do it just because.. we’re a couple, you know? I can be.. a little chaotic, and loud, you might not-“ 
“I wouldn’t have proposed the idea if I didn’t want it, darling.” He chuckles, easing your mind quite a bit. “Think about it though, before you answer me now. I realize I might’ve come off a bit.. strong with how I phrased it.” He hums, slowly sitting up again with you next to him. “What I really want to say is.. If you wanted to move in with me, I’d welcome you with open arms so to say.” He offers, and you nod.  
“I’ll think about it.”  
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──💜── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
“Hm?” You wonder still half asleep, Jungkook right behind you with his hands running over your skin, legs entangled and lips kissing the back of your neck.  
“You’ve been sleeping for ages.” He complains lightly, his own eyes barely open. “been waiting for you to wake up.”  
“..whats.. why?” You ask, moving a little to stretch your legs out.  
“hm, why..” he just repeats, hands traveling further and further until one of them finds its way beneath your light shirt you wear, bare chest warm beneath his palm. It’s clear to you now what exactly he’s been aiming for when waking you up- intentions obvious, especially with the way he presses himself into you from behind.  
You do have to admit, that it’s been a few days since the last time you two got together like this. With some stress at his work and your own life, you didn’t want to bother him too much- rather deciding to let him reach out on his own, so you know that he’s up for it.  
“You smell nice.” Jungkook comments, running his nose over the crook of your neck. “Is that the.. pink bottle you left here last time?” He asks a bit slurred, himself still somewhat asleep.  
“Hmhm.” You nod. “It’s.. yeah. I forgot it.” You explain, moving a bit to give him better access, and also to show that you’re okay with this. “it’s body lotion.”  
“smells better on you than it does on me.” He chuckles. 
“You used it?” You wonder, and he shrugs, before moving to position himself over you, reaching into his bedside table for a condom.  
“Hey you left it here!” He defends himself. “but it didn’t smell as nice on me.” He admits, shrugging before he moves to shed his cotton pajama pants- the shirt long gone, a habit of his during the night.  
“Well, now I’m here.” You say, and he nods, smiling.  
“You are.” He agrees, tapping your hips to make you lift them, his hands pulling down your underwear and sleep shorts off in one go. He gives the condom to you for now, before he lifts your legs over his shoulders, head lowering between your thighs to eat you out. He’s got a habit of holding eye contact with you during the act, and even now, he does so- soaking up every one of your reactions, eager to see you restless beneath his touch.  
This is the type of love he’d hoped for when he married. This is what he thought could grow from nothing.  
But he’s realizing now that that was a mistake- you can’t just hope for the best and then be disappointed when things don’t turn out the way you’d wanted them. There’s got to be effort put into it, and knowing that now makes him accept the fact that his ex wife isn’t the only reason his marriage failed. He himself also made mistakes, many of them- agreeing to going out with her when he didn’t love her being one of them.  
There’s no clear villain and no obvious victim in his story.  
Your skin is soft beneath his hands as he runs them up and down the sides of your legs- body squirming from his actions beneath them, as you experience things you haven’t before. You’ve never really had anyone ever pay so much attention to you in any way- be it sexually or just with the way that he calls daily to make sure he at least checks in with you whenever you’re apart. And thinking about it, there’s nothing speaking against living together- what's really the worst that could happen? 
You’ve been through the worst. You know that Jungkook would never be anything close to that. 
Your hand finds its way into his hair, unsure where else it’s supposed to go- and you’re faintly apologetic about the way you’re most likely tugging on it the second he pushes you over the edge- but he’s visibly uncaring of it, none of it bothering him it seems. He chuckles as he comes back up to you, wiping his face with his hand before he watches you open your eyes again to look at him. “You okay?” He chuckles, and you nod. 
“I want to move in with you.” You say, and he’s caught off guard, eyes wide for a second before he leans back a little to properly look at you.
“You sure?” He wonders, and you nod. 
“Hmhm.” You nod. “I.. Want to.” You tell him, and he smiles, clearly excited.  
“Okay.” He nods. “Okay! Yeah, we can.. Uhm, I mean, I’ve got the next week and a half set for home-office, so I can help you with the furniture?” He proposes, and you laugh, almost in relief, before he steals the still wrapped condom from your hand that's been holding it the entire time, face leaning down to kiss you.
"But first, let me love you some more."
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lukolabrainrot · 1 month
Nicola's Easter Eggs from This Weekend/Week (and What it Could All Mean)
First, I am going to list the most important pieces of information (imo) that N posted on her IG grid or stories this weekend/week (and I will put the date it was posted- I'm on PST so some of these MIGHT have been posted on a different date for N):
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Posted on N's stories on Friday, 8/9/24
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Posted on N's grid on Saturday, 8/10/24
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Posted on N's stories on Sunday, 8/11/24
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This song was posted on N's stories on Tuesday, 8/13/24
Also, I want to stress I've been DEEP in delulu this weekend/week over all this because it's made me soo excited, but I analyzed the figure in the sunglasses from her milk tshirt pic for such a long time last night, and I swear... I am like 98% certain I see L's VERY distinct tattoo on the person in the sunglasses (and it's totally in the correct placement). I'll put the pic below. It helps if you zoom in a little bit. And after the song that she posted today, I am 99% certain at this point that L took that photo of her in the tshirt 😭😭😭 I could be wrong about the tattoo lol, BUT I still am almost certain that's him based on the arms!
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What Could This All Mean??
I feel like we all have seen the theories at this point around all of these posts/stories, and the MANY Easter Eggs they all contain regarding L OR certain people adjacent to L. Therefore, I am not going to talk about all of the Easter Eggs and what they might be implying. This is what I will say:
If all of this content had not been released publicly in such a short period of time, I don't think I would really have paid that much attention to it, or have been THIS excited. However, it is precisely because N (who is VERY intentional on SM) posted ALL OF THIS in such a short period of time, knowing very well how the fandom would be interpreting it and leaving TONS of Easter Eggs that she's with L, that makes me fairly confident that there has been a VERY positive shift between L/N.
Could I be wrong? Yes. However, the song that she posted today (which I have ALWAYS loved btw 😍), clarified to me that everything she has posted since Friday wasn't just random. That song is a BIG statement! We know that N communicates through music, and this song's lyrics don't leave a lot to interpretation. It is a very sweet and happy love song! Now, could this song be about someone else, or could she just have liked the song and wanted to post it? Yes. But after EVERYTHING she posted on IG since Friday, NOBODY can convince me this song isn't about L!
I don't know what this EXACTLY means right now BTS for ALL parties involved in this situation. However, if L was going to officially acknowledge A as his girlfriend in the near future, would N have posted all of this content in such a short period of time that is very obviously related to L in the fandom? Absolutely not. I think (and a LOT all people might not agree with me on this) that this was an official acknowledgment to the fandom, specifically, that her and L are together currently and happily in love 😭😭😭 I still feel like the situation is probably a little complicated BTS, but something in my gut, based on all this public content the last few days from N, makes me feel like something BIG has changed between her and L, and N therefore feels more comfortable and confident with sharing this type of content with the fandom (and the public). I don't believe that we will get a lot of this type of content from L for a while (for LOTS of different reasons that I think are totally understandable), BUT we might get a couple of little crumbs from him (I'm thinking maybeee through songs). I also don't think they are in any place yet to go officially public, but I DO think that N will continue posting content like this if my theories are true 👀 I also feel like they may make a public announcement sooner than we expected based off of everything from the last couple of days. I have said this before, but I believe that both L/N are aware that this relationship would get serious pretty quickly if they were able to get on the same page. And I think they have 😭😍
Does this mean that L/A are done? I think so. Will we still see some material from A related to L? Maybe. I wouldn't rule that out. I get the sense though, and I have been feeling like this for a while, that L/A really haven't been doing that well in their relationship for a long time based on all the evidence that we now have.
A lot of people might not agree with all of my thoughts here, but I feel pretty confident that the song N posted today is a statement to the public, particularly the fandom, about her feelings currently for L. And it just makes my heart really happy 😍😍😍
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tsukimefuku · 6 months
The man who played with fire
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After some drinks by yourself and getting frustrated with someone, you stupidly knock on Higuruma's door to test a theory.
To vibe: Misery - Maroon 5
Tags: +18 (!!!), WITH PLOT (there is always a plot), Jujutsu Kaisen, SMUT, f!reader, Higuruma x reader, some alcohol consumption,  he's so in love, she's so clueless, reader is being kind of an asshole, oral sex, cunt-locking, penetration, light f!top x m!bottom dynamic, involves some love-triangle classic shenanigans.
WC: 3.4K
Hey, this is actually my first smut piece! Hope you guys enjoy my filth. This is part of my "Jujutsu Partners Canon Divergence AU", a sequence of short stories and random drabbles for a Nanami x f!reader x Higuruma fanfic I'll eventually write (eventually). This is preceded specially by "Kindness and Sunflowers", link here. To see the ever-growing list of one-shots, please visit my masterlist :)  
Disclaimer: they’re NOT written and posted in chronological order of events. To see where this story fits in the timeline, please check the masterlist mentioned above.
Fair warning: I like writing characters being humanely assholes and clueless idiots. Be warned. 
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"I can't believe this," you muttered to yourself. You were drinking alone at the bar, and the darkness served to hide your blushed-by-fury face. After what you called The Event, Nanami asked to talk, only to end up lecturing you about the shortcomings of a jujutsu sorcerer's life. As if you didn't know, given all the losses you had experienced over the years, precisely due to Tengen's established Jujutsu Society. "He can't be serious, lecturing me about this shit." Still talking to yourself, like a crazy person, you tried to let your anger go down with five cold pints of beer. It was definitely not working.
Your phone rang, and Nanami's name lit up on your screen, much to your annoyance. You immediately refused the call and flipped the phone down on the table, feeling all your rage bubbling up from the darkest depths of hell. You needed a release, any kind of release — an exorcism, most likely.
Or, you could try something else.
Peering around the bar, you started looking for someone that you could consider even remotely interesting — but no one, nothing, nada. Given this was a Tuesday night, there were only you and some monotonous people scattered around the murky lighting, encompassed by the noise of a few clicking glasses. 
That was when your phone started to rumble to the sound of some text messages, and you grabbed it ready to pitch the phone across the vicinity, believing it was Nanami again. But, much to your surprise, it was actually Higuruma texting you. You were so angry that you had completely forgotten to talk to him today.
He was basically asking how you were, given that you hadn't texted back since yesterday, and you were both chatting on a daily basis for weeks by this point.
That was when you had a greatly horrible (or horribly great?) idea. After all, how could a decision made under the influence, at night, while angry at someone you knew you had feelings for, be bad? This is fine.
"Are you busy right now?" You sent him, feeling the beer breeze warmly through your nostrils every time you exhaled. You have a crush on him, but that's it, this is fine. And oh, you did. Ever since you dropped him off in his apartment the night he was freed from Jujutsu High's headquarters, you knew that there was definitely something stirring up — at least from your end. Higuruma was drunk, he didn't make a move, and could just have been kind of clingy, to be honest, so you decided to let it go for the time being. Every time you got a little too excited to meet or talk to him recently, you reminded yourself very sternly you weren't a schoolgirl.
But you wouldn't let it go today, because today, you really wanted to know.
"Nothing, really. I just got home." Higuruma promptly answered.
"Can I come over?" You texted back, and locked your screen right after, instantly anxious and eager at the same time. What the fuck is wrong with me? What am I thinking? What am I doing? This can't be a good ide-
"Of course, I'd be delighted." He replied. "And then you could actually see the sunflower is doing very well, in spite of me."
You left the money on the counter and ran off, shushing your thoughts out loud.
This was a terrible idea, but I think I can just hang out for an hour, make small talk and then leave, you started to negotiate mentally with yourself right after the three knocks on the door gave some sanity back to your brain. 
However, after Higuruma opened the door and cocked his head to lean it against the door frame, you knew you were completely doomed. He had the top of his white shirt unbuttoned, his tie was hanging loosely around his neck, and his sleeves were rolled up enough for you to see his beautifully defined forearms. His hair had the perfect messy-I-just-got-home look to it, and you instantly wanted to drive your hands through his pitch black locks. 
Oh shit, you thought to yourself, feeling something stir up in your body — and it surely wasn't anger.
It must have been a moment, because he started to look a little puzzled. "Hey, come in." Higuruma said, as if he was repeating himself. Did you not hear him the first time he invited you in? 
"Of course. Thank you." You replied, looking down and hushing yourself inside his apartment. You could feel your face burning, and imagined how much of an idiot you were being right now for ever believing this could go anything but wrong.
"Are you okay? You seem out of sorts." He pointed out, closing the door behind him. "Can I get you anything? I got some beer from the convenience store, and there might be water somewhere in the kitchen."
"I'm fine, I just ran here to get some cardio." You clumsily replied, sitting on the couch. "I came from the bar, actually. Already drank some beers. No need."
Higuruma huffed out a soft chuckle, still a little confused, but now intent on prying. "You're not helping your case. You mean to say that you, a jujutsu sorcerer that exercises heavily, decided to get some cardio done while walking under the influence, from a bar, at night, to meet me?"
"Yes. That's what I meant. Quit prying." You responded, not knowing what the hell else you could say. Tell him that you came rushing just so you wouldn't have the time for second guessing on having s- no, you wouldn't do that.
"Hm." He hummed to himself, grabbing a can and sitting beside you, bouncing the sofa slightly. "I mean, I'm always happy to have you come over, but the only time you came here was to bring me drunk from a bender. And to get me flowers."
"Get you a sunflower, because yours had died." You corrected.
"Precisely, a sunflower." Higuruma replied, taking a sip from his beer. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I just wanted to see you." You said, earnestly. And deep down, it was true, if only half of it.
Higuruma immediately seemed content, even if he only had a small smile to show for it on his face. "Oh."
You were both silent for a moment.
"I never got to repay you for your kindness that day." He said, out of the blue, taking you by surprise.
"It was nothing." You said, shrugging. "I just got you home and gave you a flower."
"Oh, if I remember correctly…" He began.
"Do you remember anything?" You asked, mockingly.
He looked at you, slightly grinning, and continued. "You had to blow up my lock to bust us in. In some places, that would be considered a felony."
"You're saying I could get arrested for busting into a home while I'm with the man that lives there?"
"You also used explosives and damaged the door, let's not forget that." Higuruma said in a mix of playful and matter-of-factly.
"I couldn't ask, because you were completely wasted! Just getting your address was a pain in the ass."
He chuckled. "Was it?"
"Yes, it was." You replied, more relaxed, thanks to coming back to your old banter. This came for the both of you so naturally that you barely realized Higuruma had rested his arm on the sofa right behind you, leaning closer. "Higuruma, why did you drink so much that night?"
That question surprised him, as you could deduct from his eyes widening lightly. He put his beer can on the coffee table and ran his fingers through his hair, inhaling deeply. "I don't know. I guess-" he stuttered for a moment. "I guess I was just nervous to be out again, finally and properly going for a drink with..." his last word lingered on the air, as he unconsciously looked at your eyes, and then your lips, "with you all."
"Do you remember what you said when we got here?" You asked, shamelessly staring at his lips too.
"I believe I said, 'you are too kind'." Higuruma leaned over even further, and you felt his entire body go rigid for a second as you drifted closer to him, heat crawling all over your skin, putting your forehead to his. After some seconds, he rested the palm of his hand over your knee, and from how needy you felt for that man at that particular moment, even such a small thing was enough to make you trip over to the other side.
You immediately crushed your lips to his, putting your hands behind his head. You kissed him eagerly, letting out an extremely faint moan as you drove your fingers over his hair — he tasted like beer, his worn off cologne from the day was completely intoxicating, and you found yourself nearly lunging at the man like a starved animal. Realizing what just happened, you pulled back, starting to apologize, eyes wide and face completely flustered. "Higuruma, I'm so sor-"
Your apologies were cut short with his own lips now clashing into yours in a passionate kiss, as he pushed you under his weight to lay on the couch, his fingers interlocking in your hair strands from the back of your head. His hips effortlessly slid in between your legs as your hands made their way to brush his shoulders, and you let out another moan against his lips, this time much louder, thanks to the dry pressure of his now bulging pants against your clothed core. Higuruma groaned satisfied in response, tracing the outline of your mouth with the tip of his tongue. Your mind was becoming hazy, and he parted from your lips for a moment to gaze at your face. His eyes were locked on you, studying every feature and investigating for any sign of discomfort or second thoughts.
You caught up on that and made your way inside his slightly open mouth with your own tongue, intertwining it with his in between gasps and huffs. Now you separated just enough to breathlessly say, "Bed. Now."
You gasped against his mouth, before holding yourself throwing your arms behind his neck and locking your legs on his waist, grinding on him. He moaned loudly at this stimulation, before smiling sheepishly and putting both of his hands on the back of your thighs for support, knowing full well you meant for him to carry the both of you into the bedroom.
"Yes, ma'am." He replied, propping the both up and then lifting from the couch. Higuruma pressed open-mouthed kisses all around the nape of your neck, as he walked towards a dark room, parting his hands from you just to switch the light on. "I want to see you," he said, breathing heavily against your skin, as he threw you on the bed, climbing on top, one hand to each side of your head as he stared at you with a lustful look in his eyes. You instantly pulled his loosened tie to kiss him again, and he lost balance, basically falling with his body over yours. You whimpered at the feeling of having his now full-blown clothed erection grinding against your core, and involuntarily opened your legs to accommodate his hips over yours.
Higuruma started to take off his tie and shirt, and you followed suit, removing your top and bra. He basked on the sight of you, and cupped both of your breasts in his hands. His digits felt rough, and frictioned just the right amount against you, as he squeezed both of them, satisfied and reverent. His hands started traveling down your figure, contouring every curve, hill, and valley of your body, reaching the edge of your pants. "May I?" He asked, his face lightly blushed as he awaited your response. You nodded, and he promptly unzipped you, pulling your pants and panties down, the slight stimulation from the fabric sliding over your legs being enough to make you mewl with satisfaction. Every nerve in you was incandescent with absolute hunger for him.
You opened your legs, and he could see you were already completely wet from arousal. Letting out an audible satisfied moan, Higuruma began tracing your belly with his mouth, planting long kisses as he went down, leaving a trail of heat wherever his lips touched. As he got near your core, he kissed one last time one of your thighs, and sniffed on your folds. You smelled sinfully sweet, and he made no effort to hold back his eyes fluttering shut with pure bliss. "Could I, please?"
This was his prayer, the bed was his altar and he was determined to worship you.
Without a word, you simply grabbed the top of his hair and drove his mouth in between your legs, whimpering and mewling as his tongue started to rub against your clit. His chin would grind forward on your entrance whenever he changed the angle, and you involuntarily pushed yourself down when that happened. He noticed it, and slid his tongue inside you, eliciting a loud moan in response, with your walls clenching around it. He groaned back in appreciation, and his husky, low voice reverberated throughout your entire being. You arched your back, beginning to feel that familiar heat and fire pooling on your lower stomach.
"H-Higuruma... I-" You sighed, in between mewls and moans.
He immediately stopped and brought his face up to look at you. You let out a complaint sound, glaring at him to ask why he stopped.
"My dear, I'm literally with my face in between your legs, eating you out." He said, unfazed by your annoyance. "We're way past last names. Call me Hiromi."
Incredulous, you let out a mixture of a chuckle and a scoff, having the top inside of you wiggling its way out to the surface. You grabbed his hair strongly, and he cinched his eyebrows, cock twitching inside his pants, as the corner of his lips formed an open-mouthed smile. His eyes were softly resting on you, and he wouldn't mind if your naked, flushed body was the last thing he saw before he died.
"Shut up." You said, grinding your pussy against his mouth, and locking his head to your core with your legs tightly holding around him. Higuruma proceeded more eager than before, lapping at your clit relentlessly with his tongue, alternating with sucks that were having you seeing stars. He was absolutely pussy drunk with the heavenly taste of you and had, at this moment, relinquished any control, as he let you face fuck him chasing your release.
The heat came back again, and you closed your eyes, sinking the back of your head on a pillow. Waves were starting to form, and your orgasm hit you like the crashing water against the shore. You began to tremble and vibrate, coming hard in his mouth, and Higuruma feverishly drank you up, completely hypnotized with how amazing you tasted and felt, falling apart under his ministrations. 
Letting you finish riding your high, licking gently on your overstimulated core, he waited until you were barely moving before removing his own pants and climbing his way back on top of you. As he got close enough to your face, you looked at him, completely flustered and debauched, resting the palm of your hand on his cheek. "Higuruma, I want you inside of me." His tongue, albeit magnificent, just wasn't enough, and you could feel the same anticipation and neediness coiling in your stomach again, as the tip of his cock rested on your entrance.
He looked at you and grunted, displeased. "Hiromi." Higuruma reached to the bedside table and pulled a condom. The movement had him rubbing his throbbing length, already leaking with pre-cum, right against you, forcing him to let out a strained groan.
You gasped at the sensation and chuckled at his annoyance right after, suddenly locking his hips in between your legs, rolling you both so that you would be on top of him. "We'll see, if you ask nicely." You replied, locking him in between your arms, hovering. Higuruma's eyes instantly softened, and his cheeks took a pinkish-red tint. "You're bossy." He said, turning his head towards your wrist and planting a chaste kiss on it, lingering with his lips for a moment on your skin. "I like it."
You smiled, more pleased than you'd like to admit it, because the both of you fit so well it was astonishing. You never thought it would be happening like this, and for a moment, it felt so right you wished you could be here forever. But nothing that good ever lasts long enough.
Grabbing the condom from him with one hand, you motioned the other to grab his neglected cock. As your fingers grasped around his length, Higuruma let out a satisfied and urgent moan, slowly arching himself under your touch. The sight of him completely pliable to your will had you fluttering, as you began to rub your hands up and down, pumping his girth to pleasure him. Higuruma plastered his palms over the plush of your thighs, and groaned your last name, holding out on some kind of desperation. 
"'Way past last names', huh?" You scoffed, playfully, starting to slide the condom over his cock before he could hit you with any witty comeback. After, you positioned yourself above him, holding his length against your entrance, and started to slowly descend over it, feeling it thrust in you to the brim, stretching your walls as he bottomed out. You both let out a gasp, now connected, and you waited a moment to adapt and take all of him in.
"Come here." You said, pulling on his shoulder for him to sit up, so that you could feel and touch every inch of him. He obliged, and sat up, immediately driving his mouth to kiss your neck insistently, brushing the tip of his tongue on the edge of your jaw. Higuruma began to rock his hips, and you did the same, each in the opposite direction, so that his cock would slide in and out of your pussy easily.
You moaned against his scalp, and he held his hands to the small of your waist, leaning you backwards to suck on your breasts. The moment his mouth latched onto one breast, he rolled your other nipple between his fingers, eliciting loud moans and mewls from you. You had your head dangling back, as he began to thrust into you quicker and harder. He slid the hand previously on your waist to the back of your neck, and pulled you in for a kiss, taunting your mouth with his tongue. You opened it, and both your tongues intertwined, as he, now, chased his own release, panting and groaning into your lips. You weren't so far off, feeling the familiar coil tightening in your abdomen, yearning for release.
"Hiromi, please. P-please... Please..." He implored and begged, kissing desperately your jawline. You lowered your gaze and met his eyes softer and more tender than you had ever seen, so urgently pleading for you to let him in, give him this inch of intimacy, and that was the moment you caved. You pressed your forehead against his, and started to cry out his name. "Hiromi... H-Hiromi..."
Letting out moans and groans in between the squelching from your juices, he pulled you impossibly close, eyes piercing and locked onto yours. This was the moment you felt more naked, bare and vulnerable the entire night, and the coil that had formed in your belly snapped, sending waves of pure pleasure from the tip of your head to your toes. Feeling your gummy walls clenching all around him, Higuruma also hit his orgasm intensely, thrusting into you fervently to ride off his high. He stopped slowly, ready to crumble underneath you at any moment.
"Hiromi-" You said, brushing your lips against his cheek, then under his ear. "Hiromi, Hiromi, Hi-ro-mi. Happy? Just for tonight, though."
Higuruma chuckled soulfully, realizing how much he absolutely loved the sound of his name on your tongue, purred through your whispered voice, reverberating on his flushed, sensitive skin. It made his body quiver and tremble with pure satisfaction. 
It was right there, at that moment, with his heart fluttering while you leaned back to gaze at him, stroking his hair strands between your fingers with a gentle smile, that he realized just how fucked he actually was.
Sighing softly and smiling back, Higuruma pushed his lips against yours. He knew that by playing with fire, he was bound to get burned, eventually — and burned he was.
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bruhnze · 3 months
I hope i didn’t crush you - pt.2 - Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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(Pookie Lucy GIF for funzies, not really related to the story).
Summary: Idk what this story has become😭sorry in advance. Anywayss, part 2 of this story, requested by this anon here and here.
Warning: 🔞Mature content, sexual content, sub!Lucy, brief mention of assault (non-descriptive).
Word count: a lot, probably over 8k
Please note that this is pure fiction! enjoy 😘
and brace yourself because it has become quite a rowdy story
Ona's phone rang, by the ringtone she heard it was her mom, who she had assigned a different ringtone to then everyone else, just like she had one for Lucy and her brother.
Lucy told her to take it "go on, i have to pee anyways" she smiled.
So Ona answered as Lucy walked to the bathroom.
When Lucy came back to the bed Ona was completely absorbed in the Catalan conversation and sitting with her back against the headboard.
It seemed to be a happy conversation and Lucy knew how much Ona missed her mom so she laid down besides her girlfriend quietly to let her continue talking.
After a while, when Ona had been mindlessly scratching Lucy's head for a while, Lucy dozed off.
When Ona eventually hang up, she saw Lucy sleeping and was quite tired herself, so she wrapped her own naked body against Lucy's and fell asleep too.
It had been a few weeks since the incident and the pair hadn't spoken about it again.
When cuddling, Ona had been a bit more of a 'big spoon' than usual, but when it came to sex, things had returned to their normal dynamics.
This evening the two defenders were laying next to eachother in bed, it had been a tiring day and the coming days would be quite hectic aswell, Ona was scrolling on her phone and Lucy was doing something on her laptop.
After a while Lucy closed her laptop and got her phone, she put something in and looked at Ona quietly but with a big grin.
Ona's phone buzzed.
Calender: *Lucy Bronze added a new appointment*
She clicked on it and saw the sunday, monday, tuesday in a week and a half being marked yellow -cuddle days- it said.
Ona looked up at Lucy questioningly.
"I booked us a little get-away, we have those day off so i thought i could book something, you know you said you wanted more cuddle time and we are so busy these days " Lucy said nudging Ona's side.
"Aw Luce, i love that" Ona said as she remembered something "but-
Lucy pressed her hand on Ona's mouth, climbing on top of her.
"I know what you're gonna say.. and yes i have planned it perfectly,.. you were going to say that you wanted to go to your parents´ that sunday right?" ... Lucy said as she had taken her hand of Ona's mouth so the girl could breath again and waited on a respons.
"Yeah" Ona said, flustered by her excited girlfriend.
"Okay, so.. i planned it so that sunday we can go to your parents,.. but usually we drive back home after visiting right?" Lusy asked expectantly.
"Yeah, or we stay over, no?" ona said, referring to the few times when both of them had been drinking and then stayed the night at her parents' house.
"Yeah true" Lucy said "but your brother makes fun of us when we cuddle, sooo.... i thought that we better get a nice place nearby where we can cuddle peacefully,.. just the two of us" "no audience and all that"
She looked at ona who just laughed in amusement.
"So do you want to see pictures or do you want to be surprised" Lucy said raising an eyebrow "or do i have to go alone because you think it is stupid to go away for 2,5 days?"
"No" "i love you Luce´´ ona said with with a dopey smile ´´go onnn, show me what you have been plotting" she laughed and pushed Lucy lightly.
The smile on Lucy's face came back and she got off Ona to retrieve her laptop.
It was 1,5 week later, Lucy parked the car besides Ona´s parents house.
This morning they had packed a suitcase together and she was happy to see Ona very happy, excited to see her parents again.
When they were close, Ona had called her mother that they were almost there, after which she said that they were in the garden and that the couple would arrive just in time to join their lunch and that Joan, Ona´s brother, was home aswell.
They walked around the house and happily greeted the three people Ona loved most in the whole world.
After lunch Joan wanted to play a game Ona and him used to play, but it required swimwear so the pair quickly got changed.
In Ona´s childhood bedroom they stole a few kisses from eachother, ´´I love you´´ Lucy said to Ona ´´and i love your family´´
Ona laughed ´´i love you too´´ she kissed Lucy once more ´´but im going to beat Joan and you to pieces, no mercy´´
´´Nuh uh, i dont know the game yet´´ Lucy said in a raised voice ´´but i am gonna win´´ and with that she quickly ran back to the garden.
Ona put her own bikini on quickly, wanting to know what Lucy was up to and sprinted after her girlfriend.
She saw Lucy and her brother in a playful conversation, her brother was laughing and seemed to be explaining something, she saw his hands busy making instructions.
´´Hey!´´ she yelped ´´No sharing tactics!´´ ´´and No conspiracy against me!!´´ she yelled, still running towards them.
´´Whoah, easy little sis, im just explaining Luce how the game works´´ Joan grinned.
´´I don't believe a word of it´´ Ona scoffed.
They had played for hours, Ona was tired and laid on a floaty in the pool. Lucy had ofcourse won, Joan had became close second and Ona had lost big time.
Lucy hang on the hung on the edge of the pool and Joan was getting some drinks from inside the house.
Ona´s mom was busy in the kitchen and her father was lying on a garden chair with a beer and a book.
As Joan came back and they sipped from their drinks Ona sighed ´´see what you did Joan´´ pointing in Lucy´s direction.
Joan looked at Lucy, trying to see what his sister meant, and saw Lucy wearing a stupid, shit eating grin.
´´What´´ Lucy acted innocently, putting up her hands, but then her grinn came back ´´i cant help it, im just that good´´
Ona splashed water at her, ''Joan plotted with you against me and forgot to think about himself because he wanted me to lose for once soooo badd.''
Joan grinned ''yeah that's right, you lost big time Oni''
Lucy grinned aswell ''i thought you were happy we get along so well?''
''perdedors'' (losers) she laughed, ''well, you two have a good time together, I'll see if I can help Mom in the kitchen''.
She got out of the pool next to Lucy, giving her a kiss on her head on the way, to show that she was indeed happy.
If it had been Lucy in her position Lucy would probably have been annoyed forreal but Ona's competitiveness didn't go as deep as it did for her girlfriend.
Ona had helped her mother with some last things from dinner and was now setting the table, she saw that Joan and Lucy had now started another competition, they were keep-ups and whoever dropped the ball got pushed into the pool.
She smiled at the sight.
Her mom stood next to her ''amor vertader?'' (true love?)
''sí, estic realment enamorat d'ella'' (yes, i am really in love with her) Ona answered.
"Veig que és bona per a tu, és bonica" (I can see she is good for you, it's beautiful) Her mom smiled.
Ona looked at her ''pots veure?'' (you can see?)
''Sí, ella és diferent, ets completament tu mateix amb ella'' (Yes, she is different, you are completely yourself with her)
Ona looked at her smiling ''també se sent diferent mammi'' (it feels different too, mom)
''Us agradaria quedar-vos, vosaltres dos teniu el dia lliure demà, no?''(Would you two like to stay over, yous have the day off tomorrow right?)
''sí, ens agradaria, però la Lucy ens ha reservat una vacances sorpresa, avui, demà i dimarts'' (yes, we would like that, but Lucy has booked us a surprise get-away, today, tomorrow and tuesday)
Her mom looked at her with raised eyebrows ''ocasió especial?'' (something to celebrate?)
Ona laughed ''no, acabo de dir que sentia que no teníem prou temps per abraçar-se fa unes setmanes i després va reservar això, ho va posar a l'agenda com a "dies d'abraçades" (i told her i felt like we had not enough time to cuddle and then she booked this, she even put it in the calendar as ''cuddle days'')
''Vaja, no necessitava conèixer la Ona'' (wow, i didn't need to know that Ona) her mom rolled her eyes.
She looked at her mom shocked "no aquests acariciades, de veritat, no faig servir paraules en codi" (not those cuddles, real cuddles, really, im not using code words) ''Però no hi ha res dolent amb la nostra vida sexual, en tenim un munt'' (but there is nothing wrong with our sex life, we got plenty)
Her mother looked at her with raised eyebrows, "Bé, llavors potser és aquí on no tens temps per abraçar-te" (Well then maybe that's where you're short on cuddle time).
"Mom!" Ona said in apparent shock.
The conversation went on in Catalan, while her and her mom were setting up the table.
The conversation turned to the relationship Ona's parents had and what the secret was to a healthy, long relationship.
''Mom?'' Ona asked.
''Yes hunny'' Her mom answered, in Catalan.
"Suppose someone feels vulnerable or insecure, how can you make them feel safe or help them get over it?" Ona looked at the garden while waiting for an anwser, seeing Joan getting pushed in the pool for probably the 50th time.
Her mother thought about it, she thought Ona was probably cryptic for a reason but found it difficult to give a good answer to her daughter without knowing more information.
Ona turned and looked at her expectantly.
''Im thinking baby'', she smiled ''can you be a little more specific?''
Ona thought about it and quietly said ''uhm, like when one person wants to be the big spoon while cuddling and the other doesn't want that, because they want to be the big spoon, and they thought oh she- eh they don't like that, and they think nothing about that further because they like to be cuddled anyways, but then one day the big spoon is the little spoon one day and they admitt to like it in that moment, but say nothing about it ever again''.
Her mom looked at her with one eyebrow raised, she knew that this was probably not about cuddling anymore but she liked that her daughter came to her with her questions so she wouldn't say anything about it.
''Well i think'' her mom began ''that the people in this situation'' she added looking at her daughter with a soft smile ''should talk to eachother, the person who feels vulnerable maybe experienced something unpleasant or they naturaly need more reinsurance with things, whatever it is, you need to talk about to find out what is lying underneed the issue and from there y-, eh they, can work on it, maybe it takes a long time or it's a slow process, but a conversation should never hang in the air undiscussed, your father and I for example, we talk about everything, if I don't like something I used to say, -I have to say something and you can think about it and then you can answer me tomorrow- and that ensured that we could discuss things without immediately getting into an argument about it, because we gave eachother the time to think about it and then have the conversation.''
Ona hugged her mom ''i miss you sometimes mammi''
''Only sometimes?'' her mom laughed pulling her closer and kissed her too ''me too Ona, i miss you too, but i'm happy you have a good life in Barcelona''.
Ona's dad came walking up to the table ''How are things going, can we have dinner soon, it's already nine o'clock?''
Her mother replied, yes we can already eat, but first let's attend this hug, come on, Ona doesn't get enough hugs, I heard.
Ona looked up and saw her dad raise his eyebrows ''qué?''
She laughed at her moms joke ''she was joking, come lets eat''.
''No, no, if my nena needs a hug i will give a hug'' he said as he put his arms around his wife and daughter.
''Hey!'' Joan yelled from across the yard ''a group hug without us??'' he pulled Lucy with him.
The five of them stood there like that for a while, "so what was this about?" Joan asked, "you're not really sad because Lucy and I made you lose, right?"
Ona laughed but decided to play with it a bit ''yeah'' she said ''it hurt a lot''
Lucy's face got serious ''ow, im sorry, we just-
''Nah im kidding'' Ona said
Her mom added ''Ona told us she has 3 scheduled cuddle days, starting today until tuesday, because apparently she is seriously lacking those on a daily basis, so dad and i thought we had to help her''.
The hug broke up and Joan took a seat confused but not really caring enough to ask.
''Nooo'' Ona laughed ''Lucy cuddles, i lack time to cuddle with Lucy''.
''Ew'' Joan groaned and fake gagged.
Ona slapped him ''REAL CUDDLES, damn, why does everyone think dirty''.
''Because you say Lucy cuddles'' her dad said ''why else would you need Lucy specifically,.. that is what would make it confusing to others,.. but i get it nena, you just love her''.
Lucy watched the scene in admiration, not knowing exactly what was happening.
Ona stepped up to her and hugged her from behind, ''ugh, don't you guys get it, mum and dad?, don't you guys have when you hug that you just feel so calm, when you're lying on the couch together that the world around you stands still, that when you-
Joan sighed, ''yeah yeah, we get it Oni, you're in love, jeez, get a grip''.
While Lucy and Joan were in a discussion Lucy was squirming in Ona's embrace, and had freed herself.
This made Ona's mom question herself -was Ona really talking about cuddling after all?-
Ona and Lucy took their seats at the table last.
Ona's dad laughed ''Just be happy for your sister Joan, you may not believe it but your mother and I used to be like that too''.
''Yeah it's true'' her mom said remembering her husband wanting to cuddle with her all the time ''maybe it's a Batlle thing?'' She asked aloud, but also to herself.
''What?'' her husband said ''do you not like cuddles?''
''Yeah i do, but maybe you guys feel a bit stronger about cuddles then us?''
''I feel the same way Ona does'' Lucy cooed ''it feels really good, like the word stops and as if your worries no longer weigh anything''
''Guyyss'' Joan cried out ''Let's eat please, and next time don't invite me if these two are coming over again, this soppy behaviour sickens me''
It was already after midnight when they arrived at the villa on the mountain that Lucy had rented.
They went to bed completely tired from the day and fell asleep cuddled up.
Ona woke up before Lucy, something that was quite rare, after checking the time she kissed Lucy's naked back. ''Goodmorning Luce''.
''hmmm, goodmorning baby'' Lucy said with her low morning voice and turned around to face Ona.
They shared a kiss and Ona went to hold Lucy but Lucy stepped out the bed.
''Huh'' Ona pouted ''i thought this was the moment i was gonna get all the cuddles and now you leave me''.
''Wait baby, look'' Lucy said excited as she drew open the curtains ''we have an amazing view, might aswell look at it while were here, and now i can see you''
Ona blinked at the sudden brightness that filled the room, once she had opened them again Lucy was back in the bed with her again.
She smiled ''if we want to look at it i have to big spoon''
''Yeah. that's what you want, isn't it? that everything I hear these last few weeks'' Lucy smiled
''Hmm, do you not like it, i thought you liked that, thats why i want it...'' Ona sat up.
''Yes I like it, but why are you so focused on it lately?'' Lucy questioned
''Remember that good sex we had?'' Ona asked
Now Lucy was completely lost ''uh yes, everytime we do it?, or are you referring to something specific'' Lucy tried to rack her brain as to what Ona could mean.
Ona looked inspectatively at Lucy -was she faking it so they wouldn't talk about it or was it really not important to her and Ona was now making a mountain out of a molehill- ''When i… wore... it'' she cautiously said.
''Ah'' said Lucy with a smile ''Yes that was good'' then she realised what Ona was referring to ''ohh, I had fallen asleep when we were still supposed to talk,,, woowww I forgot''.
Ona smiled ''All right then, my little oblivious Luce, I thought you never wanted to talk about it again''. she said as she laid down again and streched her arms out to Lucy.
Lucy accepted the invention, she nestled into Ona's arms and laid her head on Ona's chest.
''So, what has this got to do with you using the strap?'' Lucy asked.
''Luce'' Ona said ''if im wrong thats okay just say it to me gently, but.. i think.. that you have trouble with making yourself vulnerable and that its maybe a bit deeper then what you think..''
''I- '' Lucy wanted to defend herself but stopped because she couldnt find the words and because she didn't want to react harshly to Ona.
Ona stroked her hair and then started stroking her back, giving her some time to sort her thoughts.
When it stayed silent for a couple minutes Ona broke it ''babe?''
''hmmm, im thinking but my head is empty'' Lucy said.
''That sounds scary'' Ona said carefully ''what would help?''
''What were the things you noticed that made you say that?'' Lucy asked.
''Uhm, first of all.. you said that you had liked.. uhm the thing we did.. you know.., but you said you felt vulnerable and the person you were with didn’t help with that and after we... after .. you.. you said you talked about it with a therapist and something about an ex.. '' Ona stammered ''Maybe we can start there,. if you still want to tell me the story''.
''Yeah, okay'' Lucy said and Ona heard a slight tremor in her voice.
''wait'' Ona said ''is this a comfortable situation for you right now? do you want to have clothes on or eat first or do you need something else first?''
Lucy looked at her with loving eyes but Ona also detected a hint of sadness in them, she kissed Lucy's forhead. ''Tell me baby''.
Lucy broke, tears rolled down her cheeks, ''thank you'' she hid her face in Ona's neck, ''im comfy, i just need a second to get everything in order in my head''.
Ona played with the hairs in Lucy's neck ''take your time baby''.
After a few minutes of silence Lucy spoke ''By the way it was not Kiera, i just thought about how you could be thinking that but that's not-- ''Gemma, is her name'' she interupted herself. ''The person who fucked me up'' she laughed weakly against Ona's skin.
Ona didn't really think it was funny but she kept her mouth closed and listened to what her girlfriend had to say, knowing she probably needed the jokey comments to cope.
''She was older than me and i dated with her for about a year''
''I was a bit insecure with myself back then''
Lucy talked in loose sentences with pauses.
''when i told her i had never''
''i never''
''Never been with a man''
Ona was still stroking Lucy gently and felt Lucy shake a little bit below her hand ''it's okay baby, i am here''.
''She said i was-''
''-that she had to deflower me''
''and first she was gentle,, a -
''No, actually she was not gentle''
''Hunny'' Ona held her a little tighter ''if-
''She forced herself on me, but i had said yes so i thought it was just my fault.. and i-''
''It hurt a lot and i broke all contacts with her after''
''then with Keira, i, she didn't know how to help me, she just, i, we''
''basicly we tried it twice and it was kinda okay but i didn't feel good about it''
''she got scared about it a little bit too and told me maybe i should discuss it with a therapist''
''so i did that''
''but you know, i, i- , i hadn't dared to even think about doing that ever again and i thought i closed the subject when i had spoken about it with the therapist''
''but with you it's different''
''i told you about the dream right?''
''yes'' Ona replied, realising Lucy was waiting on acknowledgement.
''the dream was really good, it was after-
''you know that time after we had spend the day on the beach and we,,. uh.. made love.. rather than having rough- or just rather then how we usually have sex''.
''you- , i- ''
''when we looked in to eachothers eyes when-''
Ona felt Lucy's head warm up against her skin, she was probably blushing pretty hard, Ona petted Lucy's head ''uhu, i remember baby''
''When i entered you'' Lucy said, ''it felt like a different kind of connection and then i dreamed about it''
''you know''
''i, i dreamed about me giving myself to you that way, but not like, for like both of our feelings and -
''Luce'' Ona said ''i feel so, i, we,.. did i-
''No Ona, you were perfect'' Lucy said ''i know it might have been better to have the conversation beforehand..''
She kissed Ona's neck
''But it was really good, you are really good''
''I feel secure with you, i feel like my feelings matter to you''
''They do'' Ona said softly ''a lot''
Lucy got of Ona and sat upright with her back against the wall ''come sit on my lap?''
Ona did and Lucy held her face while looking in her eyes ''im sorry i didn't have the conversation with you earlier, but also i maybe feel like everything happening in this order is also maybe good?''
''That should've ne-
''sshhh'' Lucy said '' i know, but it did and it will not controle my life any further''
''Did you just think that this second'' Ona asked
''yeah why'' Lucy smiled
''Well yesterday, at my parents i hugged you and you practically threw yourself away from me'' Ona said carefully.
''Hmm'' Lucy said as she thought about it ''maybe it is like a defence? i dont even recall doing that...''
''You don't ever let me be the one in the lead, especially not when we're in public, but also sometimes at home too,.. like the big spoon thing?'' Ona said but then added ''and i mean this not in like a accusatory way, but more , I wish you would, if you wanted too, lean on me a bit more sometimes''.
they talked for a couple hours, about how their relationship was quite different from the ones they had before this one, that they wanted the other to thrive and a few other subjects came up until Lucy's stomach rumbled.
''Hungry?'' Ona asked ''we should probably eat something, how late is it even?''
Lucy escaped Ona's arms and turned to check her phone for the time ''2 pm'' she gasped ''its a miracle im still alive, i don't think i've ever gone this long without food'' she said dramaticly making Ona belly laugh.
Ona got up too and wanted to search some clothes she could throw on but got interupted ''no'' Lucy said ''i have an idea''
''which is?'' Ona asked unimpressed already knowing it was some dumb Lucy idea by the tone she had as she spoke, the tone in which she alway said -i have an idea- just before uttering something rediculous.
''we could walk around naked all day'' Lucy said as she wiggled her eyebrows
''Lucia!'' Ona pushed her girlfriend ''have you seen these big ass windows''
''Big ass?'' Lucy grinned ''no haven't seen it, show me''
Ona laughed ''Luce, you chica loca'' stepping towards Lucy ''but foreal the windows?'' Ona asked seeing the uge windows of the villa.
''it's privacy glass, you can look out, but they can't look in, you just have to stay away from the glass a bit, 50 centimeters to be exact'' Lucy stated it as if she sold these windows herself.
Ona laughed again ''ah, was this a planned event?''
''Watching your big ass?'' Lucy smirked ''yeah it was''.
Ona sighed ''I think your brain is short-circuiting because you haven't eaten yet''.
They took their prepared breakfast back to the bed.
Feeding eachother bites there was an atmosphere of contendness.
''Hmm'' Lucy moaned ''this is the best thing i have ever eaten'' she looked at Ona seriously ''besides you ofcourse''.
Ona rolled her eyes ''what has gotten into you Lucy?''
''Nothing yet, but we could change that'' Lucy wiggled her eyebrows
''Luce?'' Ona asked
Lucy's face got serious ''i am sure baby, i am, i joke about it because i feel so happy, i feel so free, kinda relieved in a way''.
Ona smiled ''good'' and kissed Lucy ''well, if your offer still stands, we could indeed change that''.
''mhmm'' Lucy smiled ''shall i put it on for you''
Ona felt like she nearly almost lost her balance even though she was sitting firmly on the bed ''yeah'' she said and already got wet just thinking about it.
They walked over to their suitcase ''Good thing you were so insistent on taking these things with us'' Lucy laughed ''my horny little girl'''.
Ona blushed ''shut up, tell me which one you want''.
''oh'' Lucy said ''say that again, that works for me, damn''
''What?'' Ona said
''Say that again?'' Lucy asked softly
Ona smirked ''Hm, you like that, me telling you to shut up? want me to make you feel good? Do you want to choose a dick for me pretty little girl?
''Yeah'' Lucy gulped ''This one, use this one to fill me up please''
Ona was hesitant and hoped they didn't go too far, too fast, she didn't want to ruin it and wanted Lucy to feel good. Not only with the dynamic they took on now, but now Lucy had pointed a dildo that was quite big, at least bigger than the one they'd used last time.
Ona took that one all the time, it was her favourite one, but with Lucy only taking their smallest one and that was days ago... Ona was not sure.
Lucy felt the doubt from Ona ''that one first then?'' she asked.
Ona smiled questioningly at her ''yeah is that okay? i dont want you.. i just want you to feel good''.
''mhmm, make me feel good Ona'' Lucy groaned.
Ona was wearing the harness and backed Lucy to the bed while they were kissing.
Unlike the words they just spoke and the jokes Lucy had made, the kiss was tender, loving but also full of desire.
Lucy laid down and Ona got on top, she parted Lucy's legs with her knees. Lucy slid her legs up, wrapping her legs around Ona, Ona moved closer to her as a result, she felt the dildo against her pussy.
Ona and her kissed messily, it was a wet kiss with a lot of tongue, Lucy groaned "take me Ona, i want you inside me".
Ona's stomach flutterd, this was really something, "patients babe, first i want to taste you and then im gonna fill you up, how does that sound".
"Yes" Lucy said desperate for Ona to do anything.
"It sounds yes?" Ona smiled "i dont understand baby, can you say it again?"
"Yes Ona, taste me and then fuck me" Lucy whimpered "put your mouth on me"
Ona lowered herself and saw the wetness already pooling between Lucy's legs. She licked along Lucy's lips avoiding her hole, building up an empty feeling Lucy would want to be filled up desperately.
Sucking and licking on her clit Ona moaned, Lucy tasted so good, she could stay there for hours, exploreing every crease of Lucy's pussy.
Lucy cried out "Ona" while arching her back in a way that Ona would not soon forget the sight of and would revisit that mental image in her alone time.
Ona stopped her lapping and crawled towards her girlfriends' face, do you want to know how good you taste.
Lucy moaned "Ona" apperantly it was the only word she could utter.
Ona kissed her passionately, Lucy was moaning and squirming below her.
"What is it baby?" Ona said softly after gently biting Lucy's neck "what do you need?"
"Ona" she said breathless "Ona"
Ona's cheeks got pink, it was almost to much, maybe she had worked up Lucy a little bit too much, but she wanted to hear it one more time. "Do you want me to use my cock?"
"Ona, i need you inside me" lucy whined
That was exactly what Ona wanted to hear, she lined her fake cock infront of Lucy's empty hole and slowly pushed it inside.
Their eyes were locked on eachother and Ona swore she could feel Lucy pulsing around her.
Lucy put her legs around Ona's waist again, slowly Ona thrusted in and out of Lucy.
While thrusting in a ritmic pace, dancing with her hips, Ona leaned against Lucy and kissed her neck.
Their nipples gently brushed against each other every now and then.
"Fuck" Ona panted, "you feel so good Lucy" the base of the strap stimulated her just right with certain thrust, but she did want to go chase her own pleasure too much.
Lucy noticed a bit of hold back from Ona "Ona" she let out "please fuck me how you want too, cum inside me"
Ona got up a bit straighter and pushed with her hands on the inside of Lucy's thighs, Lucy spread for Ona and her thrusts became harder and deeper.
Ona grunted "you feel so good" her eyes were fixed on Lucy's chest, the sight of Lucy's breasts bouncing with every movement.
She upped her tempo more, while changing the angle of her hips slightly, and held Lucy's right leg up, she wanted to put it around her side but Lucy put it up her shoulder.
Ona was surprised by Lucy's flexibility, she held on a little harder to the leg, as support to be able to thrust deeper.
Ona was close to cumming but she wanted to postpone until Lucy was there too.
"Ona i- " lucy moaned while grabbing the sheets.
Ona reached down to stimulate Lucy's clit and picked up the pace to reach her own climax.
"Luce, look at me" Ona panted.
Lucy picked her head back up and looked into her girlfriends eyes as she came, her muscles flexed and from her throat came a sound Ona hadn't heard before, a high pitched moan.
As Ona's orgasm came over her she nearly fell ontop of Lucy, who loosened her hands from the covers and caught Ona with two hands on her shoulders, she gently lowered ona on top of her.
Ona rode them jerkily through their orgasms and eased her weight down on Lucy.
After a little while Ona gently pulled out and stood besides the bed to take everything off, first removing the dildo.
Lucy put her hand on the harness "wait i- we
Ona looked at her with questioning eyes.
"The other one?" Lucy asked
"Dios mio" Ona said lowely, "you want to go again already"
Lucy grinned "your not tired are you now?"
"I dont know how you do it, its like a heavy workout" ona sighed
"Do what?" Lucy grinned wider "fuck you eight times in a night?"
Ona let herself fall on top of lucy "ugh, i want to smack you in the face"
"What???" Lucy laughed
"But i cant because you do fuck me really good" ona said against the skin she had burried her face in.
"You know" Lucy said "thats not even a bad idea i think, i mean, it is your favourite one right?"
Ona looked up "what, you want to fuck me now?"
"Yeah, just because we added a new option to our list doesnt mean the others dissapear"
Okay i hope this is kinda okay,
Another open end im sorry 😫
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greycaelum · 11 months
My shoujo ass cant stop thinking of kenma and masaki wit my baby sai...................
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { First Princess }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: fluff, domestic life, parenthood
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.7k)—/overprotective Dad Satoru, he's having a girl dad dilemma, lovey-dovey moments, fluff, overall domestic life, 3rd munchkins cameo, slight mention of jujutsu society, childhood friends—/
𑁍 A/N: Trick or Treat! And Satoru got the treat from his Baby Cat! In exchange for a stomachache~
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Gojo Satoru... never in his life thought he would die this early...
He can't believe time has passed so much that his bones are starting to hurt when he moves or that his already white hair can get any whiter... or that—
"Love... I have never once doubted where our kids got their drama skills." You sighed, interrupting his monologue.
"Baby!" Your husband whined from the couch and stomped his feet. "She's just 13!"
"Exactly... Calm down 'Toru." You sighed and wiped your hands on your apron. You could see Kouki watching over his two younger siblings in the backyard... Satoru, on the other hand, is having a midlife crisis because of his first daughter.
Barefooted, he trudged to the kitchen and hugged you from the back, a petulant pout on his lips.
"I should have taught her to kick harder as a kid. Maybe I should enroll our daughters in an all-girls school instead. It's not too late y—"
You stuff his mouth with the mochi you're making, effectively shutting him up and, at the same time, calming him down. His ranting turned to munching, and his chattering mouth soon turned to a chin resting on your shoulder while you make snacks for the kids with a husband stuck to your back, hugging you like a teddy bear, asking for bites of what you're making.
You wiped your hand after putting the new batch of brownies you made in the oven.
"You know Saika would never intentionally do anything to make you disappointed. But she's a growing girl, a very good girl at that. Barring her from exploring will not solve the problem." You sighed and turned around to stare at your husband's pouting lips. Gosh, he never grew up from the pouting phase. "If we try to stop her from exploring, she might tend to be sneaky instead. How can we give her guidance if she doesn't feel accepted?" You smiled at Satoru, washing off his worries with your words.
"I know... It's just that..." Satoru blew out a frustrated sigh. "I don't want her to get hurt. She's too young for this, y'know..." He hugged you, burying his face in your neck.
You inhale a large breath and pat his back, empathizing with your husband and his dilemma for being a girl dad. You wonder if you'll ever feel this too with your sons... Or if your husband is simply just being the sensitive big teddy bear he is.
"Y'know, Love..." You trailed and took his face in your hands. "I hate to break it to you like this, but..." You chuckled. "Saika is just with her classmates doing a school project."
Saika has been telling you for one week straight how she's so excited to go over to her friend's house for the first time and do their project, something about some baking activity in home economics, which you agreed with delight. Satoru was also happy about it... until he asked who was her group partners.
"Masaki and Kenma and Iori, and..."
The rest of her partners were ignored the second Satoru heard familiar names.
"Masaki... Kenma?"
"Still! Did you see how that Chiba boy dared come to my doorstep every Tuesday morning to pick up my Cat? That brat, when he grows up, I swear when he grows u—"
You poked his cheeks with your fingers, stopping his plans.
"Baby, you see that?" You pointed to your eldest son, making flower crowns for his youngest sister while his younger brother kept climbing on his back. "You and Kouki have been watching over her since she was born. Do you think your son will be this calm if he doesn't trust Saika's friends? We both know how protective he is of her sister, and he knows Masaki because he goes to school with him almost daily."
You kissed Satoru's frowning brow, easing his temples while his arms remained around your waist, still with the bit of pout on his lips but not as hysterical as earlier.
"Can you blame me? I'm clingy with my first princess." Satoru sighed. "She was so tiny when I first held her. I was so scared if I breathed too deep, she would cry. She's so precious and fragile that I can't handle it. If she cries, it would crush me..." Satoru's words were muffled as he sank into your arms.  
"Mnnn... I know. Must prepare our youngest girl if you suddenly bawl out when she finally gets a boyfriend two decades later.
You didn't have to pull his face up to your eyes to know how Satoru turned several shades paler and sucked a nervous gasp against your collarbone. You saw your two youngest munchkins run to the front yard and the famous single-double tone of knock on your doorsteps.
He left you as quick as a bullet train and ran to the door where, as expected, his Cat was, holding a basket of sweets, and behind her... was someone Satoru would pronounce as his mortal enemy years from now.
Maybe because Masaki is the one he often sees, Satoru never really paid attention to Kenma. That was a long time ago. Saika was just a toddler back then, oblivious to what a 'boyfriend' meant, and took it too literally as a male friend.
"Papa! Look, I made mochi for you!" Saika's eyes lit up, and excitedly enumerated the sweet he brought home for everyone.
"Hey Princess, did you make all these? Lemme have this one~" Satoru looked in the basket and got a cheese stick, then praised his daughter for making them very good... that's a lie, it tastes like the Baumkuchen you threw out coz it was three days expired. But he can't possibly say that in front of his precious daughter, who will probably cause him to go in and out of the toilet later.
"Sir, good afternoon."
A serious voice greeted Satoru.
In his straight stance, hands behind his back and feet against each other, Masaki bowed to Satoru. Saika was used to this. Masaki would greet her Papa, and her Papa would grunt with the same constipated look he always had every time Masaki came into their home.
"Masaki-kun, thank you for bringing Saika home safely." You appeared behind Satoru with a smile. The kid looked up and greeted you formally as well.
"Good afternoon, Lady Y/n..." The young boy visibly softened his stance at your sight, but when he saw Satoru watching him like a hawk, Masaki instantly straightened up again like a soldier under his supervisor's stern glare.
"How about you come inside for tea, Masaki-kun? I made some baklava." You warmly invited, patting Satoru's shoulder in silent warning. Saika already went inside, calling her siblings.
"I... I'd love to, Lady Y/n, but my mother told me to be home by 3 in the afternoon." The boy looked a bit somber as he turned down your offer. You know his parents are stricter than others, so you cannot find fault in such an answer.
"Then next time, I'll make some milk pan. Saika loves those." You didn't miss how his eyes sparkled at your offer and the subtle scoff of Satoru on the side.
The kid waved goodbye, but just then, a rushing Saika almost collided with you in the hallway. She ran past you and Satoru towards Masaki, who was already at the gate.
You couldn't hear what they were saying, but based on the cellophane-wrapped baklava your daughter was handing towards Masaki, you could only chuckle and hold down the hand of your seething husband, dragging him a little more inside the house, just enough so the two of you can spy on the kids.
Your husband silently huffs and walks into the house, holding the basket of sweets Saika brought home, calling the kids to share the treat. Though you didn't miss how he ordered his men to watch over Masaki to make sure the boy reached the Chiba Estate safely.
Later that night, you saw Satoru talking to Saika over an ice cream, the two of them huddled up on the couch, playing some Mario Kart.
"Papa doesn't like Masaki, Mama?" Kouki, in his pajamas, walked closer to you, asking you to dry his long hair from the shower.
"You know your Papa, you'd never hear the end of it if it comes to boys." You carefully wring out the excess water from his artic tresses while he hummed and stared at his sister and father fighting over the last spoon of the ice cream.
"Masaki is better," Kouki said with a long look.
"Why so?" Oh? You quirk a brow at your eldest's remark.
"His family is a branch of the Gojo Clan, though the Chiba clan is a minor family, at least that lessens the complexity of explaining about normal citizens and sorcerers." Kouki huffs.
"Since when did my son start thinking of this stuff? Sweetheart? Is that all?" You chuckled and hugged your eldest, pinching his nose. 
"Of course, it also makes it easier to hunt him down if he hurts Cat's feelings," Kouki grumbled with a pout. Just like his father, thankfully, your youngest son is just a toddler, or else you don't know how to keep your three boys from guarding their sister like an apparition against other men.
"Mama! That's unfair. You didn't comb my hair tonight." Saika called from the living room as she saw her brother all fluffy and well-groomed from your hands.
"I can comb it for you, Cat!" Satoru added. Kouki soon joined the huddle, poking fun at his sister.
Needless to say, whoever tries to ask for your daughter's hand, they'll have to go through a lot. She is, after all, the first princess of the most important boys in her life... Just like that, you can't help but wish that if ever... she did find the man of her life, he would treat her as precious as you all have treasured her... Just like how her father has cherished you, or maybe even more.
Satoru chuckled and put down the comb.
"See, my Little Treasure is as pretty as ever!"
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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elzdaizy · 2 years
Trouble After Paradise (Part 1)
Warnings: lots of angst, conflict, explicit language.
Summary of short story: Reader and Harry have returned from their honeymoon to a harsh reality and their first huge hurdle as a married couple.
A/N: This is 1 of 3 parts. Enjoy! Just a little short story idea i had and wanted to share with you all.
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It’s been four weeks since you returned home from your honeymoon in Costa Rica and you’ve found yourself reminiscing constantly on that magical holiday.
To say the least, things have took a turn for the worst since you and Harry got home.
You were bombarded with mountains of piles of work to get through because there was no one to fill your position whilst you’d taken the month off leading up to your wedding, including the honeymoon.
Harry had started filming his next movie, one that was mentally draining due to his character being a very unwell mental patient at a psychiatric hospital.
You worked from seven in the morning until four in the afternoon in the office but always brought home some work to do which kept you busy until about eight at night when you’d get into bed.
Weekends were exhausting as well, you were catching up with friends and family after basically being off the grid throughout the week.
Harry’s shooting location, thankfully, was only a few hours away up north in Manchester so he managed to be home often between breaks but unfortunately meant that he wasn’t home with you for periods of times.
He tries his best to be at home with you on the weekends but his schedule doesn’t work that way all the time. On average you probably see each other a total of two days out of the week and it’s been this way the past four weeks.
You’ve both been so busy, you’ve barely had the time to live life together as a married couple. There’s a tension building full of stress and exhaustion on both ends of your marriage. You find yourselves bickering when you’re together and getting on each other’s nerves more than ever before.
You know it’s because you’re equally annoyed with yourselves and each other with the current situation.
It’s 8pm on a Friday night and Harry called you earlier that morning to let you know he’s coming home today at around 6:30pm and will be able to stay the full week until he’s off again. He asked for you to pick him up from the station because he had booked a meal at The Ivy for 8pm. You of course said yes. You were so excited to hear the news, you felt tears well up in your eyes. “I really can’t wait, I miss you so much.” You replied before you both said your goodbyes and I love you’s before hanging up.
What you didn’t know was that working would be busier than ever that Friday and now you’re still in the office trying to hurry up and finish off one last piece of paper work to be sent off to your client before the weekend. Your phone had died two hours ago and Harry hadn’t contacted you before it died so you weren’t too concerned that he would’ve tried to since then.
You could cry out of frustration. You purposely stayed back to get all this extra work done so you could book off Monday and Tuesday to extend your weekend to spend some time with your husband.
Half an hour later, you finally send the email and pack up your stuff. You race to your car and make your way home. The door is unlocked when you go to turn the key and your heart skips a beat when you realise that Harry must be home.
The lights are all off downstairs which is odd so you make your way upstairs to your bedroom to find Harry sat on the edge of the bed in just his underwear and his phone in his hands.
“Hi, baby.” You softly speak up as you walk through the door and put your bag and coat over the chair in the corner of the room.
Harry glances at you over his shoulder briefly without so much as a tiny acknowledgment of your presence before looking back to his phone.
You frown, thinking his behaviour seems a bit off. The energy in the room seems low and you can sense he’s not in a good mood.
You walk over to him, a hand on his shoulder and the other hand reaching to lift his head by tilting his chin in your direction for him to look up at you. As soon as you try to lean forward to place a kiss to his lips he yanks his head away from your touch and rolls his eyes, letting out a huff.
You step back, very offended and extremely hurt by his cold actions.
“Fuck you, then.” You throw your hands up and storm away to head downstairs to the kitchen. You’re literally trying so hard not to break down and cry right now so you’re pacing around your kitchen, breathing heavily for a few moments then deciding to pour yourself a large glass of wine.
You almost down the first glass. The second one being poured less than five minutes later. You’re just stood by your kitchen island with a glass of wine in one hand and thoughts racing around your mind as you try to figure out why your husband seems to despise you at the moment.
You soon realise it could possibly be the fact that your phone was dead and maybe he was trying to get ahold of you.
You start to feel a pit of guilt in your stomach when you take your phone from your pocket and plug it into the charger point next to your toaster.
You finish your second glass of wine once your phone switches on and your eyes widen when you notice the ten missed calls and five unread messages from Harry.
You read the texts carefully one at a time.
From Harry:
6:09pm - l’m fifteen minutes away from the station if you want to set off now. Love you. Xx
6:30pm - Where are you? I’m waiting near the security box until you’re here. Xx
6:53pm - I’ve rung you five times and you’re not answering so I’m making my own way home now.
7:26pm - Why aren’t you answering and why aren’t you at home? You do realise we have to be at The Ivy in half an hour.
8:03pm - cancelled the booking. If you read this before you come home - don’t bother me when you get in, I can’t be arsed with this tonight.
You heart feels like it’s going to stop. You have never felt more terrible in your life. You feel like a punch to the gut is what you deserve right now and nothing less. And to think, you literally just spat in his face and said fuck you to him, still not realising what you’d done.
You were so fixated on wanting to spend the week with Harry that you’d completely forgotten about picking him up and going out for dinner tonight.
You were a little drunk and very upset with yourself so of course the only thing currently you did was start to cry. You sat on a stool at your island, lent your elbows on the countertop, put your face in your hands and sobbed. Sobbed for your husband and how upset he must be feeling. Sobbed at the realisation of how much you hurt him and let him down. You felt like a failure.
After about thirty minutes of letting your feelings flow out of your system uncontrollably, you composed yourself and prepared yourself to go and apologise profusely. You’d gone over what to say in your head a million times and nothing sounded good enough but you know the least he deserves is an apology rather than an explanation or excuse right now.
Your face is puffy and red from the crying as you shakily walk up the stairs to your room and find Harry is now laying under the covers with the tv on, watching a movie with a deep frown on his face. As if he’s in deep thought rather than paying attention to the screen.
You push the door open gently and let yourself in. Basically walking with your tail between your legs, you can barely look at him as you sit on the bottom corner of the bed on your side. You couldn’t be further away from him on the bed if you tried.
“Harry, I’m so sorry.” You croak. Lips quivering as you fight the urge to break down crying again. You finally look at him after your first attempt at the beginning of a long apology. He’s ignoring you. Keeping his eyes fixed on the screen and his arms crossed over his chest.
You decide to keep speaking, “I completely understand why you’re angry and I don’t want to give myself any excuses for-.”
He reaches for the remote and turns up the volume to drown out your voice.
You let out a shaky sigh. A tear slipping down your cheek. “I didn’t ignore you on purpose- look, can you please just say something?” You beg pathetically and Harry’s head turns as his eyes look at you with anger.
“Told you I can’t be fucked with this tonight just leave me alone, please.” He sighs in annoyance before completely turning his back to you as he lays on his side.
You really don’t know what to say now. You didn’t expect this reaction from him. He’s never been this angry with you before and it’s terrifying you slightly because you really can’t cope with it. You don’t even care if he shouts at this point, you just want more of a reaction from him.
He has every right to feel the way he does, you know that. You hate going to sleep on bad terms though. You both agreed to always resolve conflicts before getting into bed because you never wanted to be that couple that gets into fights and makes one or the other sleep on the sofa.
It seems like it’s going to be that way tonight though. You don’t want to say another word because you don’t want to make it worse. Even though you know you won’t get much sleep, you decide to go sleep downstairs on the couch. You could go sleep in the spare room but you need a tv to distract you from your racing thoughts so the living room it is.
You get up from the bed, go take a quick shower and change into your pyjamas before grabbing your pillow from your side of the bed and walking towards the door.
“Goodnight, Harry. I love you.” You say to him softly before closing the door behind yourself and making your way downstairs.
You turn on a shitty reality show to fall asleep too. It takes a few hours but eventually you drift off.
The next morning you’re awoken by the sound of the blender rattling off in the kitchen. You feel at peace for a split second as your groggy memory clears up as your consciousness comes back, along with the awful events of last night. You grimace start yourself as you sit up on the couch and turn around to see Harry standing in the kitchen, making himself a smoothie, dressed in his running gear.
It mustn’t be any later than 6am because he only likes going running at the crack of dawn. He hasn’t noticed that you’re awake yet but you know he’s still fuming by the look on his face.
Now that you’re not intoxicated and knowing it’s a new day, you’re determined to resolve this issue very soon. You don’t want to waste any more of the short time you two have together for the next four days being bitter.
You get up from the couch and stretch before walking over to the kitchen island and taking a seat on the stool you were sobbing on last night.
“Morning.” You say with a tired voice as Harry still hasn’t acknowledged you whilst he’s cleaning up some dishes. You’re both facing each other on opposite sides of the island.
Harry looks up at you frowning and doesn’t reply so you take it as your queue to go in strong with all guns blazing.
“Can we please talk about this now?” You plead. Harry just deadpans and looks at you with a look that tells you no as he picks up his AirPods and puts them in as he makes his way to the door to go on his run.
“What the actual fuck! This is an actual fucking nightmare.” You frustratingly shout to no one but yourself after Harry closes the door on his way out.
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nevernonline · 6 months
✧.* he's all that; lsm mini series
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✧.*synopsis: every year the kappa sorority hosted a 'hot or not' greek life pageant show. you've luckily escaped having to bring your own "nottie" to give a makeover to and train in hopes of winning a big prize for the rest of your crew. but, just when you thought your lucky streak was going strong your name get's chosen as a representative and your sisters had just the guy for you to make over.
part of my seventeen movie series. 
paring: seokmin x reader (y/n uses she/her pronouns.) 
genre/s: fluff, strangers2lvrs, neighbors2lvrs or whatever.  
warning/s: alcohol mentions, swearing, cigarette mentions, swearing, some pg-13 jokes. no funny business iykyk. lots of mean girls (rip)
word count: 4.2k
note: im notorious atp for not editing, pls. this edition of nmm is inspired by a true classic she's all that (w/ a bit of greek the tv show/sydney white energy if any of u have ever seen ALSO classics, this was supposed to be one part, BUT! I feel myself getting so carried away so … three parts.) i was going to post my gwag update today but im gonna wait till either tomorrow or Tuesday <3.
beginning ▸ middle ▸ end.
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Y/n was dreading the meeting she walked through the front doors of the sorority for this afternoon, the pageant. Kappa and all the other sororities on Greek row participated in what they call ‘Hot or Not’ every year since supposedly the 1980’s something her now head sister Heather claims was started by the legacy that was her mother. Which maybe was true, but y/n could never figure out why it mattered? And while it was fun it was a little bit old school.
“Hey, girls. Everyone settled in? We have a very exciting tradition here at Kappa as you may know.”
The cheers rang through the sitting room, with its white walls, pale pink carpets, and sherpa couches, the cheers and claps of girls hoping Heather draws their name from the glass bowl with her perfectly manicured finger tips.
“Yes. It’s so exciting, we have a few new faces so since you haven’t been a part of this week in past years we left you out of the bowl, but we will have many things for you to participate in this week. Like dine and dash, our famous Good as Gold party, and of course judging the competition at the end of the week. Before we get to the drawing, I wanted to congratulate our last year's winner, Suni. Give it up for her.”
Smiling, y/n clapped along with the other girls, giving Suni her flowers. About to step out behind the two french doors to grab a water or something to drink, when you hear Heather call your name loudly. All of your other sisters and friends spinning around watching her looking like she was attempting to escape the reality of her name being the one chosen after three years of getting out of it.
“y/n! Finally, Come back here, girly.”
Walking through the clapping crown y/n took her place next to the blonde and pretended to smile with excitement as her gut was telling her it was absolutely the worst day of her life.
The only reason y/n was in this sorority was to get extra college credits, that and Heather and her mother met here and have been friends since that very day. Heather was obsessed with being a legacy and clawing her way to the top of the food chain at the university. Y/n was just there for the ride.
“Everyone, you all obviously know my very good friend and our smartest sister, y/n. I personally have been waiting for the day she got chosen out of this bowl. It’s something our moms, co-vp’s of their 1980’s class of Kappas have been talking about for years. So I’m just as excited as I’m sure y/n is to be our guiding light to another victory this year. Anything to say, y/n?”
“Uh, not really, you said it all.”
Another big fake smile appeared on her face. Laughing and giggling at all the congratulations coming her way.
“Girls, before we enjoy our lunch. Don’t forget tonight is dine and dash, please find your dates and bring them to Carol’s Diner at 8pm. See you there.”
Checking the time on your phone you had roughly 45 minutes before your lecture and enough time to take off the gaudy Kappa logo’d sweater you had to put on for what Heather calls “official business.”
“Y/n what are you checking the time for? We have a lot to do today.”
“I have a class in 40 minutes, I have to go back and change.”
“I don’t get why you won't just move back in here with us?”
“I told you, Heather. I can't. I have to focus on getting into Med School and no offense to you or the other girls, but this isn’t exactly the best place for me to focus when I have to study.”
“Med School can wait just one day right? We have to set up the table at Carol’s and set up for the party later. Would you mind going with the new girl Sam to grab the alcohol? And then you can meet me back here and we will go to the diner together. I’m going to have the girls go out and look for some Nottie’s for you today before that whale from Delta picks them all up. “
“No, but-”
“Thank you! Love you!”
“Also her name is not Sam, It’s Soyeon.”
“Okay got it, toodleoo.”
Searching the house for the person and so called new girl, Sam you stumbled upon her sitting out on the back patio writing in her journal.
“Oh, hey y/n.
“Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“No, you didn’t. I’m just so used to everyone calling me Sam I forget people know that it’s actually not.”
“Yeah, it took Heather a whole year to not call Suni, Sunny and everyone just kind of follows her suit.”
“I thought you had class? I didn’t know you were still here.”
“I do. It’s just a lecture on the importance of mammograms and breast cancer research so, I guess it’s okay. I can just find it somewhere online.”
“Ready to head out?”
“Would you hate me if we stopped at my dorm? I cannot wear this fucking sweater for more than an hour or I may spontaneously combust.”
“Yeah, I don’t want to be seen with you in public while you’re wearing that.”
“I appreciate your honesty.”
“You should.”
Y/n and Soyeon escaped the general excitement of the rest of the girls by escaping out the outdoor gate and walked viciously together to change the heinous sweater on y/n’s back.
Turning the corner to finally reach the hall her single dorm room lived at the end of, she ran into a tall boy who’s books scattered all across the floor, a boy she had never once run into literally and physically.
“I'm so sorry.”
“No, no I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
“You’re y/n right?”
“Yes? Why?”
“Oh, no. Nothing like that. I live across the hall from you. I see your name tag on your door all the time and all the photos of you from all your friends. Which now that I’m talking makes me sound like even more of a weirdo? I’m sorry. I’m Seokmin, my friends call me DK or Dokyeom , whatever. And now I’m rambling, please stop me.”
“No, you’re okay. Can we at least just get off the floor now?”
Seokmin or Dokyeom whatever his real name actually is, crawled off the floor and stuck his hand out to you for assistance pulling your pink colored body off the floor.
“This is my friend, Soyeon.”
“Sorority sisters?”
“Wait. How’d you know? Oh, fuck the sweater. Don’t tell anyone you saw me wearing this, I know where you live.”
“Don’t worry, I never will. But, sorry to uh, cut this meeting short I have to get to class. I’ll see you again, I’m sure. Bye, nice meeting you y/n. And you too, Soyeon.”
In unison you and Soyeon watched the tall boy walk towards the elevators. Both of you have differing expressions of looks on your face, one of pure enjoyment watching the awkward interaction and one of pure dumbfoundedness.
“He’s cute.”
Soyeon brought you out of staring at the boy walking away and stepping into the elevator, throwing his fingers up waving goodbye while clutching his mounds of books in his hands.
“I said he’s cute and he’s your neighbor. Lucky girl.”
“Oh. Yeah, I can’t believe I’ve never met him before.”
“Why don’t you ask him out?”
“We just met. Plus, I’m busy with school and now this stupid pageant. I don’t have time for cute boys.”
“I’m sure you can make it work.”
Unlocking your door and letting Soyeon in before you so you can sneak a peek at his front door in front of yours. Plain, just a few funny messages and cute stickers of tangerines and tigers pasted on his whiteboard. Maybe he already has a girlfriend? But a boy like that with that many books is probably much like you and had no time for dating.
“Wait. Y/N your room is so nice? Maybe I should move out of the house. It’s loud as fuck anyway.”
“Why are you in the sorority? I’m not judging because I was basically dragged into it too. I’m just curious?”
“My mom always wanted me to join. She said it’s a good way to find friends, I always had a hard time making them. So I figured why not?”
“Got it. Makes sense.”
“What about you? You also don’t serve sorority girl to me.”
“Because my mom also got me to join, that’s actually how I know Heather. Our moms were co-captains of the sorority at some point in the 80’s.”
“Oh, so you’ve known her your whole life?”
“No offense or anything, but she’s… kind of a bitch.”
“Kind of? It’s only gotten worse since she’s been in charge. She was okay when we were younger, but you know.”
Slipping out of your jeans and sweater, you threw on a black pair of pleated pants and a loose white button down.
“Also you have tattoos and a sick body, stop dressing like an old woman.”
“I could never pull off what you wear? You’re so cool and confident.”
“Promise me. One party this year you’ll let me pick out something to wear?”
“You’re very trusting.”
“What? You’re going to make me wear a hot pink dress and try to dye my hair blonde too?”
“Hell no.”
Hours passed on as you were getting to know Soyeon more, a part of you realized what you had been missing meeting girls outside of your own circle at school.
People who share your interests and enjoy talking about things other than clothes, shoes, and boys.
It was actually the least stressed you’ve been around someone at the sorority in a long time. Almost like a breath of fresh air.
Getting out of the Uber you took filled to the brim with alcohol and snacks, you were back at the big White House at the end of the street. Not a flaw in sight. Almost like it wasn’t a real reality.
“Should we ditch the diner? We could always go see my friend play at the bar across campus instead?”
“I would love nothing more, but Heather will have my head shaved or something.”
“Okay, well when we ditch later we can head there.”
“It’s a date.”
“Ew, you’re so corny. Save it for your new lover boy across the hall.”
“Shut up.”
Soyeon and you laughed, dragging the last box up the stairs into the foyer of the house. Met with the blonde at the bottom of the stairs.
“There you guys are! I was going to send a search and rescue team to come for you if you didn’t show up soon.”
“We got a little distracted. Sorry.”
“No problem. You’re here now, Sam go up and get ready, I’ll help y/n from here.”
Soyeon or Sam, picked her poison and shoved down Heather still calling her by the wrong name and walked up to her room to change and get ready for the rest of her night. While you were stuck unpacking the boxes.
“Y/n. Don’t forget to look out for the boys everyone brings tonight. We can pick one from the litter for your Nottie.”
“Look, Heather-“
“I know what you’re going to say and don’t even think about asking me if you can drop out of the pageant, okay?”
“I just don’t think it’s worth it or fair anymore, why don’t we just get the other frat guys to do it? Like Mingyu or Wonwoo, Johnny? I don’t know. I don’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable.”
“You raise a good point. And it gives me an idea.”
“Which is?”
“We have the other frats competing too, we’ll get more payout and the three uglies will be more profitable than ever for us. You’re so smart.”
“That’s not wha-“
“Ah! I’m so lucky to have you. I’ll let everyone know.”
Heather bounced off into the other room, texting rapidly with her manicured hands on her cell phone, making the fire bigger.
With your head spinning around and around you don’t even remember walking your way to the diner waiting for the freshman girls to bring their guys along to the large table set for someone’s embarrassment.
Taking a seat near the end of the table next to Soyeon and Heather on your other side, you sat and sipped at the Diet Coke in front of you, feeling your mix of anxiety and angel swirling in your stomach and begging for something a little stronger.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Soyeon leaned over and whispered into your ear, seeing the look on your face and noticing your obvious quietness.
“I’ll tell you after.”
“Okay, if you want to go early, let me know.”
“I will”
Heather had her vulture eyes on, waiting to see which she would inevitably have embarrassed by the groups around you with no remorse.
She looked into your eyes and signaled to a cute shy boy across the table, sitting and picking at his nails, making it clear she had made her mark.
“Let me use the bathroom first okay?”
“Yeah, of course. You wouldn’t want to miss it.”
Walking briskly into the old blue stalls in the bathroom, which you didn't even really have to use, but just needed an excuse to go somewhere and release your anxiety.
“Y/n? Hey. Y/n?”
Seeing Soyeon’s platform heels under the bottom of the stall door you jumped up and swung your head out of the blue metal.
“Remember that guy you met today?”
“Yes, of course why?”
“He’s here.”
“Someone brought him?”
“No. He’s here with his two friends and Heather invited them to the table. One of them is that dude that’s friends with Mingyu with the that acts like a tiger, the hot nerdy one, and the other one is just some hot short buff guy, never seen him before. Anyway, We either have to get out of here right now or stay and hide in here until they're gone.” L
“Why don’t we just go-“
“No. I don’t want him to think you’re a bitch? Are you crazy? You can’t go dunking on nerds in front of three hot dudes?”
“Okay let’s go.”
As the two of you tried to make your exit from the ladies room you heard commotion outside in the dining room, so you both slipped back quickly into the bathroom, locking the door for some reason as you head the chairs scooting and the bell ringing meaning people were slipping out on one of the boys at the table.
“You think they're gone?”
“Yeah. I hear the sink running in the men’s room, come on.”
As you walked out of the bathroom in front of you Seokmin was sitting at the table covered in a turkey club sandwich looking at the long tab Heather left for him.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“Your ‘sisters’ dumped a sandwich on me and left the tab? Do you guys do this a lot?”
“It’s just some stupid shit Heather came up with when she became president. Me and y/n were hiding in the bathroom so we could come and pay the tab. But, you got to it first.”
Not saying anything and standing in your tracks cold, you watched as Soyeon took the check from his hands and waved you on to help him as she went up to pay.
“She dumped her food on you?”
“Yeah, my friends and I were just coming for takeout. I saw Soyeon so I went to say hi and she wanted to come get you. But the blonde girl,”
“Yeah, Heather. She told me to sit down for a second and my friends went back to their dorm so they could keep studying and deliver food to some other guys. She was okay at first, but once Soyeon left she dumped her soda and sandwich on me and when I came back they were all gone.”
“I’m so sorry? Let me get you dry cleaning money or something.”
“No, don’t worry about it. I can handle it. I’m glad you two were here though, I don’t have my wallet on me. Are you okay though? Have you been crying?”
“I’m fine, just had a moment.”
The small black haired girl popped back over, tucking her card back into her wallet and smiling at the two of you sitting and talking with Seokmin covered in an orange beverage, a little bit of lettuce stuck in his hair.
“Want to come to a party?”
“If it’s at the sorority then sorry, no thanks.”
“No. It’s just some of my friends from the music department. They’re playing a show at O’Malley’s.”
“I don’t think orange soda is really a good look for a party.”
“That’s okay, y/n has to go change too. You guys just meet me there? I’m going to head out and get us a table.”
“Well I do owe you guys both a drink. So, sure.”
“Oh, and Seokmin?”
“Make sure y/n actually comes back out, she’s hard to get her hands on.”
“Of course.”
Walking back to your somewhat shared dorm, you and Seokmin walked in silence past greek row, watching all the girls running around to get ready for a greeting ceremony to the frat houses as escorts to their party.
The boy looked at you up and down, imagining you inside one of those grand houses gossiping and dishing on sister life just trying to figure out why you joined in the first place, your friend included.
Reaching your destination with only smiles and small giggles shared between the two of you on the walk over, you both slid into your dorm rooms and found clothes that were far more suitable for a night out.
You noticed the black tank top Soyeon had pointed out before and slid it on, matching it with a pair of dark ripped jeans and your go-to loafers, sliding back into the hallway, finding Seokmin on the other side of the door waiting for you.
He was somehow on your wavelength wearing an oversized black t-shirt and jeans.
“I figured I should try to match Soyeon's aesthetic somehow.”
“Me too. You look nice, I like your shoes.”
“Thank you.”
“Shall we?”
“Yes. I definitely need a drink.”
“So, y/n what is your drink of choice.”
“Anything strong and not sweet.”
“Oh, so not me then.”
“Shut up.”
Seokmin made you laugh, there was no way a boy like him was not taken or at least could be interested in you.
“Have you and Soyeon been friends for long? You guys seem close.”
“Actually, not really. We hung out for the first time today. I mean, I’ve seen her at parties and stuff, but she’s sort of been like a breath of fresh air for me.”
“Really? I’m surprised by that. Why are you in the sorority anyway? You don’t exactly have the same.. Vibe? Or whatever as the other girls. Especially the ones I met today.”
“My mom. The girl. Heather. Soda spiller, her mom and mine were friends when we were kids, they're legacy members. So I just thought it would be fun, but now.. I don’t feel that way.”
“Can’t you just quit?”
“I guess.”
“Why don’t you want to?”
“I guess I just want to be someone who sees things through. I also can’t offer Heather the satisfaction of knowing I left.”
“She really is that bad huh?”
“Worse. It’s a long story. Can we table it?”
“Of course.”
Reaching the door of the bar, you caught a glimpse of Soyeon’s shoulder tattoo near the stage, through the large crowd of people mingling.
“Go. I’ll order us drinks and meet you there?”
“You sure?”
“You said you needed it right?”
“What about your wallet?”
“Apple pay, y/n. Duh.”
“Your ID?”
“My friend is the bartender, just go.”
“So sassy.”
Walking your way through the crowd by pushing yourself through other bodies you finally reach the girl on the other side and wrap your arm around her waist as a hello.
“What the- Oh my god, you actually came? You look so hot. I’m proud.”
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s fine. Where’s the puppy?”
“At the bar grabbing drinks.”
“On the leash already? You’re good.”
“No. He’s just nice.”
“True. But, he also likes you.”
“I don’t think it’s like that, but maybe someday you’ll tell me I told you so.”
“I look forward to it. I saved you guys a table.”
“My girl.”
Soyeon gestured her long manicured fingers behind you, noticing the boy making his way with two glasses in his hands and another tall figure following behind him holding a tray with various things on top.
“Hi, Soyeon.”
“Hi, Keom. Thank you for joining us. Who’s the glasses?”
“My friend Wonwoo, he works here, well he just got off. Is it cool if he joins us?”
“Of course.”
“Nice to meet you, Wonwoo. I’m y/n.”
“So. Since I didn’t get to ask Soyeon what she wanted and I wasn’t entirely sure what you liked. We brought over options. But, we have to finish them all because Wonwoo was nice enough to gift them to us and it’s unfair to not accept gifts.”
“Very charming.”
You made your second flirty comment of the night to Seokmin, even though your sober self normally isn’t entirely as bold as you find yourself being with him now. But, in all fairness you were just trying to catch his vibe. He didn’t respond verbally, but just scrunched his nose in your direction almost as if he was letting you know that he’s interested.
“First, a simple vodka soda, little lemon, then just a couple of beer options, this is a sour, this is just a simple light beer, and an ipa, which ew, but I think Wonwoo likes, some tequila shots and some lemon drop shots, also a whiskey soda and a jack and coke, and then a uh, gin and tonic i think? Right, Woo?”
“Yeah, maybe you should be the bartender, Seokmin.”
“I have other talents.”
All eight of your hands reach every which way around the table and end up with different drinks sat in front of them, you beelined for the vodka and the sour beer, Soyeon went for the whiskey soda and the tequila, Seokmin for the gin and tonic and light beer, and Wonwoo for the jack and coke and the ipa.
“Who wants what shot?”
Soyeon dipped her arm back to the middle of the table covering her eyes with her opposite hand, grabbing a hold of the small glasses very carefully and placing them around the small group.
“There. Decided for you, me and Wonwoo get tequila and you and Seokmin get lemon.”
Smiling widely at your friend next to you, you grabbed a hold of the shot glass and held it up signaling everyone to cheers. Which they all happily obliged.
Soon after the alcohol was going through your bloodstream the band started playing their music that hit you right in the chest, songs about living your life to the fullest and choosing your own path, much to your surprise Soyeon was the one who wrote the music that spoke to your soul.
After the set ended, Wonwoo and Soyeon wanted to stay back and have a few more drinks to congratulate their friends, and enjoy their night, but you were beat thinking about all the work you still had to do over the weekend and dreading the choice of man Heather would embarrass. So you decided to leave with Seokmin walking you back safely to your dorm.
“What are you studying again?”
“Me? Oh, I’m studying to be a veterinarian.”
“Wow really? That’s cool, I didn’t know. You must be busy as hell.”
“I’m sure you’re just as busy, being a doctor for actual humans is way more complicated considering a lot of them are assholes.”
“That’s unfortunately true. But, I love it to be honest. I can understand why people are afraid of the hospital and surgery I guess.”
“That’s good, maybe we should study together sometime? I know it’s not the same exact thing or whatever, but it’s nice to have company?”
“I would love that, tomorrow? I mean if you’re free. We can go to the coffee shop or library or anything really?”
“Yeah, just knock around 10?”
“Okay. Cool. I’ll see you tomorrow??”
“Yes, absolutely. Have a good night, y/n”
“You too, Seok.”
Trying to get comfortable in your bed, some pesky person kept lighting up your phone screen, reaching over to turn on do not disturb you and realized it was Heather. She was asking a bunch of interrogating questions about your new friend Seokmin, begging you to bring him over tomorrow.
Unfortunately for you, you knew her interest in him was about to make your new relationship a very complicated one.
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wildlife4life · 6 months
Seven (+) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the super lovely @prosperdemeter2 @gayedmundodiaz @lemonzestywrites @rainbow-nerdss @devirnis @cal-daisies-and-briars @buddierights @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @dangerpronebuddie @daffi-990 @tizniz @try-set-me-on-fire and @rogerzsteven Thank so much! Go check out all their snippets and works!
Well would ya'll look at that... I'm actually participating in a tag day with an actual wip and not a coda. Whoa. And even better... Its an NFL Buck snippet! WOOOOO! Want to see more NFL Buck? Please check it all out here!
"So." Karen begins, pulling Hen's attention from the book she's been trying to read for the past week. She quirks an eyebrow at her wife, "So?" "So my boss's son's, partner broke their leg Tuesday after tripping over their 15 year old terrier." Karen explains and Hen can't help but look back towards where Paisley is lounging on the arm chair (Hen's favorite seat that she has lost to that sassy fur ball) with worry. Her wife chuckles reading Hen's internal concern, "Babe, Paisley is as pure bred as they come. We'll be lucky if she makes it to 10." "That pure bred survived an earthquake and a collapsed building. I wouldn't put it past her to make it way past 10 out of spite alone.” Hen remarks, turning back to Karen. Karen rolls her eyes, but gets back on topic, "Anyway. Harris, that's the partner, got their hands on some passes to that super exclusive gay club, The Green Carnation for this Friday." "You mean the place that runs a background check rivaling the FBI, makes every patron sign NDA's, and will blacklist a person from every gay bar from here to Vegas if they break said NDA? The place that is rumored to host not only out celebrities, but also the deeply closeted, tilt the world on it's axis if they ever came out, big names? That gay club?" Hen questions, her excitement starting to rise. Her very sexy and somehow very connected wife smirks, "The very one. And poor Harris just can't fathom trying to hop around on one leg and not drink thanks to their newly acquired pain meds. So they had their partner-" "Your boss's son." Hen remembers, leaning towards Karen, who instinctually gets closer as well. "Karson, with a K, starts to asks around his dads work because you know, we're literal rocket scientist working on very classified information." "Who better to invite to a secret club than those who work on secret projects." "Exactly." Karen's smirk becomes wicked (and very sinful), "And wouldn't you know, the only non-straight and married person around is yours truly." Hen honest to go squeals, loud and bubbling with elation, "You got us passes to The Green Carnation?!" "With a pre-paid drink package. All we have to do is agree to the background check and sign the NDA." Karen replies with a broad grin. Hen can no longer hold herself back and practically tackles her wife with a teeth clattering kiss. Karen, as always, catches her and kisses back 110%. ("So, my 48 off falls on the weekend." Eddie states and he takes notice of Buck's sly grin forming, his boyfriend most likely on the same train of thought, "And since it's still your bye week..." "You want to dance the night away with other secret gays." Evan finishes. Eddie smirks, "And get a private room blow job." The quarterback's smile is almost feral like, "I'll make the reservation." And Eddie watches Buck tap on the contact Florists with the green clover next to it. The phone rings twice before a deep voice comes through the speaker, "State your member id." "Buckley, 201-09-18." "Diaz, 201-09-19." A quick moment of silence, then, "What can The Green Carnation do for you today Mr. Buckley and Mr. Diaz?")
Hmm... Is a certain run in going to happen???? We'll see!!! Hope you all enjoyed!
Tagging (no pressure): @hippolotamus @theotherbuckley @watchyourbuck @perfectlysunny02 @aroeddiediaz @loserdiaz @diazsdimples @jesuisici33 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins @buck-coded @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @sunshinediaz @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @goforkinard @bekkachaos @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie @thebloomingheather @bigfootsmom
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gayfromusa · 1 month
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Climbing Partners
[ Art from ksk199999 on DeviantArt, story by me ]
Brandon and Jordan (both 21) had been climbing buddies for about three years. Jordan always wanted a higher, tougher climb, and Brandon was always went along. Brandon loved the time he spent with his buddy, but wasn’t always enthusiastic about traveling so frequently to the mountains each summer. While he enjoyed the challenge, sometimes he just wanted to relax in the sun for a week instead of busting his ass climbing as a vacation.
On one sunny summer day at Brandon’s apartment pool during their breaks from college, Jordan asked Brandon about going for another climb.
“Hey man, how do you feel about going for a climb this weekend?”
“That sounds like a great time, but why don’t we just chill by the pool this weekend? I’d love to just hang with you. We can totally go on a climb next weekend though.” Brandon responded.
While his request was very reasonable, Jordan still couldn’t let go of the idea of reaching a new death-defying height and seeing the incredible views. Jordan made his point known to Brandon, “Dude, there’s always more time to relax, we won’t always be able to climb. C’mon, let’s do it dude.”
Just before Brandon could say something, he got a spam on his phone reading, “Buy now! The brand new Size Gun uses atomic energy technology to transform the size of those around you, to any height within the range! Only $50! Get it before the price goes up!” He showed Jordan before he tried to delete it.
“Dude, look at this bullshit!” Brandon laughed.
Jordan smiled, “Imagine if that was real dude, we could both have the weekend we want.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you could relax all day by the pool, and I could be shrunk to make you the size of a mountain. Honestly the view of your apartment complex would be spectacular from a new perspective.”
Brandon started thinking. It was Tuesday, he just got a bonus from last week’s paycheck, and Jordan was absolutely right. He honestly was excited at even the possibility of a real man being the size of a toy in his hand. “You know, what if this thing is legit? There has to be some sort of legal thing preventing them from selling this, so why not try and get my hands on it before they get caught? And honestly it’s so cheap for what it’s offering.”
“There’s no way though, right?”
“I don’t know man, but even if there’s a small chance, I’d bet something for it. Let’s see if this is real.” Right then, Brandon clicked the link and ordered the product. He put priority shipping on it. “It’ll be here Friday. If this thing doesn’t work, then we‘ll spend Saturday climbing and Sunday relaxing, deal?”
“Dude, I’m so in. This could be sick.”
Friday came and a package arrived. Brandon spent the night figuring it out and texted for Jordan to come over the next morning for a surprise.
On Saturday, Jordan knocked on the door of the apartment, and Brandon opened. “Is it real dude?!” Jordan asked with excitement.
“Well come inside and see!”
Jordan walked in and closed the door. Brandon led him to the living room where on the table sat a sci-fi-looking gun of sorts. “How does it even work??”
“Well I tried reading the instructions to find out, but they were in Chinese. Found a YouTube video where they basically said they can’t release how it works due to it being such a new technology. Anyways, it only works on biological matter. It’s not able to make anyone taller than their normal height, unless someone else is shrunk, then the height can be transferred to whoever. The limit on shrinking is currently an inch tall. It’s also supposed to make the person a bit more durable than you expect since it makes them more dense, but the guy said to still be extremely careful if ever handling a shrunken person.”
“One inch seems a bit tiny for climbing you, maybe we could do two inches instead?”
“Yeah sure, but don’t be shocked if you get there later.”
Jordan laughed off that last comment, “Dude I am so excited. I’ve kept on thinking about everything ever since earlier this week. Can we test it out?”
“Yeah man! It connects to my phone, then I have to make a profile for you. I made one for myself already. I’ll input your height and scan you with the gun. I hope you’re chill with it man, you have to be naked for the scan.”
Jordan nodded his head.
“Alright go ahead and strip.”
Jordan blushed slightly while he awkwardly got naked. He heard Brandon say it only shrank biological matter, so he’d be naked when he shrinks anyways. He really did want a climbing challenge, and only brought up this idea as a joke. Now that he is about to actually be able to do this, he started thinking about Brandon’s body. Brandon stood at a good 6’0”, and Jordan at a below average 5’8”. Brandon had impressive muscles, and occasionally Jordan wished he could feel them, but always wanted to respect Brandon and never asked.
But now Jordan was going to feel Brandon’s muscles up close, for maybe even a few hours. Even more pressed in his mind was Brandon’s specific features he might get to climb on. His feet, his pecs, his biceps, and maybe even other parts of his body. Thinking about all this gave Jordan a boner that he didn’t even notice, and he was already in just his underwear.
“You excited for today lil’ buddy?” Brandon smirked.
“I-“ Jordan blushed a bright red.
“Hey dude it’s alright, to be perfectly honest, I haven’t gotten the thought of you as a living toy out of my head”
“Oh, uh.. then let’s do this.” Jordan nervously took off his underwear.
Jordan, fully nude, stood before Brandon. Brandon pointed the gun and a fast burst of light emitted from it. Brandon set it down, while Jordan clothed himself.
“Why are you getting dressed? Your clothes won’t shrink.” Asked Brandon
“I wanna feel them get bigger on me.” Jordan said.
Brandon chuckled a bit, “Fair enough I guess.”
Brandon looked at the app on his phone. Jordan filled his profile for the app. He input his height, weight, sex, his feet size, then left blank the desired height spot for Brandon to fill out.
“I wanna start by just making you just slightly shorter, just to see if it works, how does 5’0” sound to you?”
“I mean 8 inches seems like a lot, but yeah let’s do it!”
Brandon once again pointed the gun, he pressed the trigger and the light flashed. No sounds or anything.
“Did it work?” Asked Jordan.
“I think so.. it’s not supposed to be instant, but shouldn’t take too- oh there ya go.” Brandon noticed Jordan’s eyes shrink down a bit.
Jordan felt a sensation through his body. His previously snug shirt and shorts now a bit loose. “Holy fuck dude it worked!!” Jordan reacted.
“Damn dude, my shorty got even smaller.” Brandon jokingly smiled.
“Dude I wasn’t short before. 5’8” isn’t short.”
“Maybe, but an angry 5’0” sure is cute.” Brandon began to laugh a little bit started messing with his friend’s hair.
Jordan’s face got a bit red again, then he pushed Brandon’s hand off his head.
Brandon didn’t say anything, just smirked and started inputting stuff into the app again.
“Hey! What are you doing now?”
Brandon pointed the gun and fired the silent blast again. “Made you small enough so you can’t fight back.” Brandon smiled.
Before Jordan could do something, he felt the sensation and this time got a bit dizzy. He fell back a bit, then his shorts fell down his legs and he tripped on them “What the- how big am I now?” Sitting with his butt on the ground, Jordan looked up and saw a staggering figure. His friend seemed more than twice the size of a normal human. He began to cower a bit as Brandon’s hands reached down.
Brandon laughed at Jordan’s choice of words as he crouched down and helped the little guy up. “You’re 2 feet small now.” Brandon laughed once Jordan was on his feet, seeing the huge oversized shirt on his friend was hilarious. He snapped a picture then removed the shirt from Jordan. “There you are again! All your glory. Still excited I see.” Brandon poked Jordan’s dick, Jordan tried to fight Brandon’s hand again but ended up pushing himself back more than doing anything to stop Brandon.
“I- I’m so sorry Brandon,” Jordan tried his best to cover the hard-on, “This is all so new to me, and seeing you so huge is kinda turning me on. We can stop if you want to, I don’t wanna do anything you’re not okay with.”
“Well I saw your hard dick earlier too bud, I kinda figured this was turning you on. Now that you’re tiny I can say that this is also really hot to me. I’m not gonna stop, no matter what you’re going down to two inches.” Brandon said with a hint of seriousness that hadn’t been there before.
Jordan was shocked. Brandon was speaking with such authority over him. He felt like a child, any sense of control was lost in that tone. A fear set in, he was at the mercy of this man. There was nothing he could do to stop his friend if he wanted to. Thankfully he didn’t want to.
Brandon shot the gun at Jordan one final time, then Jordan passed out.
After what seemed like hours, Jordan woke up. He was outside, laying on a cloth surface of some sort. It was hot outside, around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so still pretty bearable.
Jordan sat up and looked around. He was on a humungous beach towel that was flat on the ground. He looked up and saw Brandon laying back on a pool chair in just his swimsuit. He was sound asleep with his hands behind his head, feet on the ground touching the opposite end of the towel.
Jordan grew excited, it was time to climb his friend. The moment he’d been waiting for. He began to run to Brandon’s right foot, realizing the distance, he slowed to a better pace.
Jordan had never in his life imagined a foot this massive. Size 13 was big, but it had never seemed this big. Still, once Jordan reached the foot he realized he could at least climb onto the foot with relative ease. The smell was prominent, but Jordan didn’t think it smelled bad by any means.
He paused though, and decided to explore the foot a bit before venturing upwards. Starting with the pinky toe, Jordan compared his own body to it, roughy half his size. He was amazed at the size. Moving to each bigger toe, Jordan found the sizes so hot. Reaching the big toe, he laid down next to it for a moment. It was bigger than he was. He stood up and bent over onto the toe and spread his arms, feeling the massive toenail. He then went to the side of the foot, and positioned himself under Brandon’s arch, nuzzling into the soft skin a bit, and noticed that Brandon was a bit sweaty already, just from laying in the heat. Jordan didn’t want to leave, but he decided to keep going before the sweat got too much worse.
Jordan got up and walked back to the pinky toe to climb onto the foot, and crawled his way towards the leg hair. The hairs didn’t contain a lot of traction, so Jordan had to sort of wrap one around his hand and pull himself up little by little. Getting past the knee, Brandon’s thigh was much easier due to the less harsh angle. It was still tough, but not as difficult.
He then reached the next challenge of his journey, Brandon’s swim shorts. They were made of a waterproof material without a lot of traction for the tiny man to grab onto, so Jordan decided to crawl under the shorts. What was one more detour? The man was seemingly sound asleep, and seemed pretty comfortable with Jordan’s hard-on earlier, so why not stop by and see Brandon’s beast for a moment?
Jordan slipped under the shorts and made his way towards it in the darkness. Before that, there was a sort of net/mesh barrier he needed to get through. Managing to push it up and squeeze underneath, he was safe from falling because of the barrier. The overwhelming musky scent of Brandon’s cock began to hit, it put Jordan into a horny state of mind. Climbing over just a bit more, he bumped into the semi-hard anaconda. Pausing for a moment to reflect on what he was doing, he continued. Jordan began to nuzzle up against it, and attempted to reach his arms around, but was far too small to reach around the girth. Still he tried to squeeze. It began to grow a bit harder from the sensation he was giving it, that’s when Jordan backed off and decided to keep going.
Climbing upwards a bit more another issue arose, the elastic band around the swim shorts were skin tight to Brandon’s waste. He went in arms and head first and tried to army crawl under the obstacle. It took a few minutes but eventually he crawled up the other side, revealing a glorious landscape Jordan rarely got to see; Brandon’s beautifully toned and tanned abs.
He paused to catch his breath, and at the same time turned around. Jordan saw the whole apartment complex’s pool space. Given it was a nice weekend day in the middle of summer, there was actually quite a few people. Some families, a lifeguard, and even some pretty big guys, all enjoying the pool and the sun. Thankfully Brandon picked a spot away from most people which wasn’t by the edge of the pool. He was the only person in this corner. Seeing all the ginormous people going about their day, not realizing a tiny person was climbing the man tanning in the corner, was intriguing.
Jordan wondered to himself if Brandon was going to grow him back after this. The way Brandon seemed so eager to have power over him made him wonder if he should climb down now and try and find someone who would certainly help him get back. Then Jordan realized, these people might not see him, they could crush him and just think he was a bug. But even if he found someone who wanted to help, Jordan couldn’t grow back without the mass stored in Brandon’s machine, and without Brandon’s app. Brandon had all the power, even if Jordan was in someone else’s hands.
He turned back to the giant he was climbing and accepted his fate, feeling someone content. Brandon would certainly grow him back, he beat himself up mentally for considering that Brandon didn’t have his best interest in mind. After all, Jordan asked for this. Besides, Brandon’s abs were hot. Jordan climbed up a bit onto his friend’s belly and laid there for a moment. Spreading himself and feeling the muscles. He then got up and kept going.
Knowing his end goal was the top of Brandon’s head, Jordan realized he could never climb straight up Brandon’s neck, he’d have to climb onto his biceps and forearm to reach Brandon’s head. But now Jordan felt he needed to hurry, if Brandon woke up, Jordan would certainly fall flat onto the concrete below.
But Jordan couldn’t help himself when he reached Brandon’s pecs, again he laid down for a moment then spread himself out between them. His mind going back and forth, Jordan got up and kept going. Finally being able to stand when reaching the collar bone, Jordan moved pretty quickly towards the bicep. He laid against the muscle for a moment, feeling it with his arms spread yet again, and then his footing slipped.
Jordan fell what felt like almost ten feet, but was actually just down to Brandon’s rank armpits. Definitely no deodorant used today, not that Jordan was complaining. He had caught himself using the armpit hairs. And used the same strategy from before, and began to wrap his hands around the hairs to secure himself and climb up. He made his way up and this time didn’t fondle with Brandon’s ginormous arms this time, and instead kept climbing.
Using the last bit of his strength, Jordan finally reached the end. And laid on top of Brandon’s head in relief. Immediately, Brandon’s massive hand made a move to scoop Jordan. The hand enclosed around him and Jordan could barely move. He struggled for a bit but gave up upon realizing Brandon was up and walking, likely back to the apartment.
Brandon opened his hand and placed Jordan on the desk in his room. Jordan collected his composure to the best of his ability and stood up and watched Brandon.
Brandon walked around the room a bit, picked up an old pair of socks off the floor and placed them in the laundry. He then took off his swimsuit, this time turned around revealing his muscles butt to Jordan. He threw the swimsuit into the laundry then turned and went to stand at the end of the desk. Jordan while on the desk was eye level with the head of Brandon’s dangling cock. His dick now appeared much more massive when it was freed from its mesh cage.
Jordan stared at the dick in front of his face for a moment, then began to lean his head back to look up at Brandon. Brandon was looking down at him with a pondering look in his eyes.
“Just so you know, I was awake the whole time.” Brandon stated.
“So you almost let me fall off your bicep??” Jordan seemed shocked. Why wouldn’t Brandon save his friend?
Brandon replied, “You caught yourself, I almost flinched, but I’ve seen your reflexes before and knew you could handle it. But regardless, do you remember the other parts of the journey?”
“The uh- oh, um..”
“It seems you rather enjoyed my feet, my abs, my pecs, my biceps, and not to mention my eight inch cock. I’m glad you took a fascination to me.”
“Wait, why are we in your room? Are you going to grow me back?”
“Not today. We said the weekend, remember? I want to play with you since you got to play with me.”
“Brandon, I-“ Jordan was shocked. He was reminded of his powerlessness from Brandon’s tone of voice. He had never seen this side of Brandon before today, and felt completely helpless to do anything besides comply. His dick got hard again.
“Jordan you are enjoying this more than I am, let me have some fun, okay?” Brandon left the room for a moment and returned with the gun, “To be honest, I wish I could make you smaller than an inch, but it’ll have to do.” The light flashed and Jordan felt himself dwindle down even tinier.
Brandon picked up Jordan with a hand that now felt twice the size. Brandon sat down on the carpet of the room and opened his hand and smiled.
“You are so cute, I’m so glad we did this.” Brandon said with a bit of a smile.
Jordan felt uneasy and turned on at the same time. He didn’t want to be like this tiny all weekend, but that thought started to fade when Brandon set him down. He tried to figure out where for a moment, but then realized he was laying between Brandon’s feet that were placed together. Brandon winked at Jordan then closed his feet softly.
Jordan could opened his mouth a bit and could taste the sweat from the gargantuan feet. Brandon slowly rubbed his feet back and forth a little bit, which caused such a pleasurable sensation for Jordan that he began to moan. Brandon heard the moans and stopped, picking out Jordan from his feet and bringing him over to his armpit.
“You know, I probably could have saved you now that I think about it, my armpit is pretty soft and could have protected you pretty well. Hope you enjoy bud.” Brandon said with a smirk.
Jordan was placed in Brandon’s pit once again, this time when Jordan grabbed the hair from the pit, Brandon closed his arm shut. The smell was ten times more potent, and the feeling of being enclosed under such a monstrous bicep was magnificent. The heat, sweat, and pressure only added to the experience. He had never felt more comfort, safety, vulnerability, and helplessness all at once. It was wonderful.
Jordan expected this to only last a minute or so, but instead it went on for ten or fifteen as Brandon walked around with Jordan before he could finally breathe normally again. He was plucked out of the pit, now smelling like it from the sweat, and held in front of Brandon again.
“I hope you enjoyed, I think I felt you ejaculate almost as soon as I closed my arm, but you’re still hard. Guess you wanna keep going.”
Brandon then brought his hand with Jordan in it down to the his dick. Without hesitation, Brandon grabbed his cock with the hand he was holding Jordan in, and began to masturbate. The cock was fully erect already, and Brandon slowly moved his hand up and down with Jordan being used as a sex toy.
Brandon then stopped for a moment to set Jordan down onto the desk once more, before continuing to masturbate at an increased speed and harder grip. Jordan sat watching the event transpire, only realizing a second before the climax what was about to happen as Brandon came all over Jordan’s helpless body, knocking him down. Brandon moaned as he released the cum.
He grabbed Jordan and brought him up to his mouth where he licked off the cum from Jordan’s back, then his front. The mouth and tongue were so huge to Jordan, and he could hardly process what was happened as he was receiving a sensory overload. When the second lick happened, Jordan came again.
Jordan was set on the desk once more as Brandon sat down in his chair and looked at Jordan. Brandon was smiling and had a look of glee in his eyes, “That was amazing, thank you for coming up with the idea for this weekend. I’m so glad I have you.”
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bettyfrommars · 4 months
After I saw your blurb game post I just had to run to your inbox
E4, *, 💜
Very excited to see what I get ☺️♥️
Gia you sweet angel, you can have whatever you want 🫠 blurb game
Your Person is that babe Drifter!Eddie, your Place is a Concert Venue, and your Thing is a Payphone
18+ONLY, hints to monster Eddie, yearning, scars, allusions to physical fights and angst, gender neutral reader
word count: 764
Eddie had been on the road for so long, he often forgot what day it was. Was it Saturday or was it Tuesday? You were never far from his thoughts, and the weeks all blurred together.
He wasn't supposed to feel this way, especially not about someone he'd met while on a short visit back to the Midwest.
He took a rubber band out of his pocket to tie his hair back before he picked up another heavy piece of equipment to load it onto the stage with ease. It was the summer of '98 by then, and he'd taken a job as a roadie for Pantera on their European tour for Ozzfest. He hadn't known why at the time, but he needed to get as far away from the states as he could, far away from whatever connection bound him to you.
He was scared shitless that you'd see who he really was and run. Worse yet, what if he woke up from one of those nightmares about the Upside Down and he hurt you? Nah, he wouldn't be able to live with himself then.
He overheard one of the new guys ask, "which one is Eddie?" To which Dimebag Darrell pointed in his direction and said, "the one over there, the one with all the gnarly scars."
It didn't bother him anymore, not like it had in those years right after it happened, when he was so full of rage, he'd pick stupid fights for literally no reason. Back when he wanted to transmute his pain onto others and make them hurt as bad as he hurt.
Backstage that night, while Phil growled out the lyrics for the song This Love, the music pounded in his chest and watching the action under the bright lights made him forget who he was for a second. Through the deafening throb of the crowd, he made his way down along the backstage hallway where he remembered seeing a payphone earlier.
He'd had your phone number written on the back of his hand in black marker for the longest time, and before it faded completely, it was committed it to memory. He always had a way with numbers.
He stared at the box for a hot minute before yanking the receiver off the metal cradle with a curse, as if he'd just lot a bet with it.
He dropped in the quarters for long distance, punched the keypad, it rang, and he held his breath. In the space between the second and third ring, he realized he hadn't remembered to take the time difference into account. Shit, what if he woke you up? No, it had to be the middle of the day still where you were.
If you were still in the same place, if you even wanted to hear from him.
He panicked a little when a voice finally came on the line, but it was your answering machine. Much safer talking to a machine than a real person, so he took a breath to prepare what he would say.
"...just leave your name and number at the beep and I'll get back to you..."
The beep was a long one, felt like it would never end.
He cleared his throat. "Hey, it's me, um, it's Eddie. I know it's been a while but I'm out here in Italy or some shit and I----"
But then your voice came on the line, your real voice this time, and you sounded winded like you'd been exercising or something.
"Eddie? Oh my god, Eddie? Are you still there?"
If only you could see the huge ass grin that spread across his face.
"Yeah," he chuckled. "I'm still here. How are you?"
You'd been screening your calls, waiting to see who it was, and maybe you'd get back to them later. Since you were on the other side of the apartment, you worried you wouldn't get to the phone fast enough. You'd slipped on the rug and bounced off the wall, landing on your knees in front of the sofa.
"I'm good, I'm..." you trailed off, feeling a wave of relief and happiness so strong, you almost burst into tears. "It's good to hear your voice again."
He ran his thumb along the plastic divide, feeling all lovesick goofy. "Well, I figured, you know, it wouldn't hurt to check in, make sure you're okay or whatever. This tour is nuts, I wish you could see it."
You climbed up on the sofa to hug a pillow, smiling into the receiver.
"Tell me all about it."
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
It's A Girl - Matt Casey
Matt x reader
Kelly x friend reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 420
Requested: Something about Matt Casey and his wife expecting there first child, a baby girl. -@Anon
Summary: There’s a certain someone that really wants to know the gender of Y/n and Matts baby. Can you guess who it is?
One Chicago
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“I can’t wait to get this baby out.” Y/n said as she walked over to sit on the couch from the kitchen. It was nice to have her husband and their bestfriend home after a long week.
“You done y/n/n?” Kelly asked amused at his pregnant friend. He did feel bad for her, the pregnancy hadn’t been an easy one.
“Yes, Severide. I am.” Y/n narrowed her eyes playfully at the salt n pepper haired man sitting across from her.
“Are you still coming over to help set up the nursery after shift tuesday?” Matt asked coming into the living room, handing Severide a beer before sitting down next to y/n.
“Yeah. of course I want to help set up my nephew or . . . Niece’s room.” Kelly smiled, hinting obviously at the certain information he has yet to be told. Kelly has been the most excited besides Y/n and Matt for the baby to come and he’s been trying to get the gender out of them since he knew the couple found out.
Y/n laughed at his antics, before turning her head to face Matt. “Come on Matt, I think he deserves to know. He is an uncle and Godfather right.”
Matt smiled nodding, giddy about finally letting his best friend know the gender of his baby. “Okay, okay. Let me go get the thing.”
“Thing?” he asked with confusion all over his face as he looked at Y/n since Matt left the room.
“Yes, thing. We planned a way to tell you.” Y/n smiled, also excited for Kelly to know the gender of their baby. Matt and her both knew Kelly was going to be very included in their child's life.
Matt came back into the room with a small gift bag with tissue paper coming out the top. Once he handed Kelly the bag he sat back down next to his wife, both smiling at the Squad Captain as he stared at the bag in his hands. “Go on, open it.”
With the encouragement Kelly did as told excitedly digging into the bag. “No!” he looked up towards the couple across from him with pure excitement lit up in his eyes. “Are you kidding?!”
Y/n nodded with watery eyes, loving his reaction. “We’re having a baby girl.”
The rest of the night was filled with so much happiness from all 3 of them. And Kelly knew Stella was gonna be so pissed she didn’t end up coming that night.
Taglist: @padawancat97
340 notes · View notes
G- Goofy
A/N- i was very excited to write this one! i’ve been dying to learn how to play dnd and though i don’t have a very good understanding of it i’m glad i could do a little research and try my best to incorporate something like this in a bedroom sense. cause let’s be honest, this is 100% something that Eddie would do. please bear with me, this is the first time i’ve written something kinky and also the first time i’ve written anything about dnd and i’m not the most well versed when it comes to things like that 😅 i also want to apologize for how long it’s taken me to finish this, it’s my longest fic to date! to be honest i’m quite proud of it so i hope you all enjoy it too 🥰🫶 and for those of you who aren’t aware, this is a fic for my series based on my NSFW alphabet 🖤
Genre- Fluff, Smut
Warnings- reader has female anatomy, p in v sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), body worship, use of handcuffs and blindfold, overstimulation, use of ice cubes, nipple play (i think that’s it 😅)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @heydreamchild
Words- 7.2k
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You giggled as you sat on your end of Eddie’s bed as he placed a small wooden tray down onto the blankets between you two. On it was a small velvet bag, a little notebook, and a few other romantic touches like flower petals and a few pieces of chocolate.
Tonight was the night you and Eddie had been planning for a while, or at least he’d been planning it for a while. He had been hinting all week at having something special planned, even getting you little gifts to prepare for it. On Monday it was a new little bottle of perfume that you knew he picked out with himself in mind, considering the smell of rose and strawberry mixed in with your natural pheromones was a major turn on for him.
Tuesday was a new pair of black fishnet stockings, complete with a black lace garter belt to keep them held up, which was perfect considering he had destroyed your last pair.
Wednesday was some new makeup that you said you’d been dying to try out. A deep red lipstick, new eyeliner and mascara, and Eddie added one of his own personal touches by getting you a new set of makeup brushes with little bats all over them that he had to have been waiting to give you since Halloween.
Thursday night was a new pajama set, though it was more like lingerie than pajamas. A silk blood red negligee with black lace trim, with a long robe to match it. It was comfortable, it was sexy, and it was what Eddie loved to see you in. Though he would prefer to see you in nothing, this was a pretty good compromise.
Friday night was your favorite gift. A silver chain with a little ‘E’ pendant that hung so prettily around your neck, and you could tell from the way that Eddie placed it so delicately around your neck that he had been planning on giving it to you for a while, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to mark you as his for everyone to see.
Finally, Saturday night came, and Eddie had all of your little presents laid out on his bed for you to change into as soon as you got back home.
He hadn’t told you what your surprise had been, but when he walked into your bedroom with a big smile on his face, wearing only his black boxers and carrying that tray in you knew it had to be good.
You glanced over and saw that he had a few things out on his nightstand as well, things that he wouldn’t normally bring out during sex. There was his handcuffs obviously, but you also saw a small bowl filled with ice cubes, a blindfold, his bandana that he loved to use as a gag, and a lit candle that you seem to remember seeing hidden away in one of his nightstand drawers.
“What’s all this for?” You asked him with a giggle.
Eddie smiled and clapped his hands together, looking at the tray he had set up before him,
“Sweetheart, i have something very special planned for us…” He reached out for the little black bag and untied the top strings, pouring out the contents of it onto the tray and your eyes widened seeing all the different dice fall out.
“Are those new? Oh god, what do you have planned?” You said between giggles.
Eddie tossed the small bag onto his nightstand and reached his hand out to your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss.
“They are princess, and i got them just for us to use. You know i’ve been giving you all those presents this week, but i never told you what i had planned for tonight…” He picked up the little book and flipped through a few of the pages, “I know you said you wanted to try and learn some more stuff about Dungeons and Dragons, and you wanted to try out some new stuff in the bedroom, so i made us our own little kinky roleplay session to do together.”
Your heart was racing, your face bright pink from your blush and Eddie could tell you we’re excited from your smile.
“Really?! Aww, Eddie that sounds like fun! How do we do it?”
“Alright sweetheart, here’s how it’s going to work,” Eddie cleared off the board in front of him, opening the small book to the first page, “I’m going to tell you something that i want to do to you, but instead of just doing it you’re going to roll a specific die and that’ll decide what we’ll do. So, for example, i want to kiss you and i’m sure you want to kiss me too, but you’re going to roll the D20 to see who initiates it.”
Eddie handed you the D20 and you rolled it onto the board in front of you as you bit your lip, watching as it landed and Eddie leaned over with a smile,
“Looks like you rolled a 12 sweetheart,” Eddie leaned himself over the bed and placed his hand behind your neck, bringing you closely into him, “Even means i initiate, odd means you do.”
Your hands went to gently hold onto the sides of his neck as he pressed his lips to yours with a smile, gently suckling your bottom lip as he pulled away.
Though this was just the start of the night Eddie had planned for you, seeing how much thought he put into it was so sweet, and even more of a turn on for him to bring his nerdy things into the bedroom.
“Good girl, you’re catching on quick.” He moved himself back and you were sat on your legs, eager to see what would happen when you rolled the others. He picked up two more of the dies and held them out for you to take,
“These are the D10 and the D8. Normally, you’d use two D10’s but to be completely honest with you i felt like using one would just be easier for us.” You giggled and looked at them in your hand, quickly figuring out which one was which.
“So what do i use these for?”
“The D10 is going to decide what kind of foreplay we’re doing, and the D8 decides how long we’re doing it for. And you can roll as many times as you want sweetheart, i’m feeling generous tonight.”
“Oh, is that right?” You said with another giggle before rolling the D10, “Or do you just want to see how long we can keep all your nerdy stuff in the bedroom?”
“Maybe a bit of both.” He said with a smile before looking at what you rolled, checking the little black book still in his hand, “You rolled a 1, so that means we’re just making out for…” He said as he waited for you to roll the D8, watching it closely, “Damn, only two minutes.”
“That’s ok! I plan on rolling it a couple of times tonight.” You said with a smile, biting your bottom lip,
“Do you want to roll the D20 to see who initiates it?”
“Absolutely! You’re catching on pretty quick.” Eddie eagerly reached out and rolled the D20, the both of you watching it carefully to see what it landed on,
“7. You initiate sweetheart.”
You nearly jumped into Eddie’s lap from your place on the bed, straddling his waist as your hands went behind his neck to pull you in close. His hands immediately went to your body, one grabbing hold of your waist while the other held the back of your thigh, kneading the soft flesh of your ass in his hand as his lips met yours.
Your make out session was quick, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t hot and heavy. You were grinding your hips into his lap as your tongue gently pushed your way past his lips, and he tasted of sweet cherry, almost like he was hoping you would pounce on him as soon as you got the chance to taste his lips on yours.
As you pulled away, you gently bit his bottom lip and giggled as he held you in his lap for a few moments,
“Fuck, princess, you can’t be doing shit like that to me on a night like this… You’re gonna make me want to take you right here and now and say ‘fuck it’ to this whole night i had planned out for us, you wouldn’t want that would you?”
You giggled and pressed your forehead to his, gently kissing the tip of his nose,
“I don’t know… Maybe i do, and maybe i want to see what happens with the next roll…”
Eddie smiled and slid the board next to you to keep you in his lap.
You reached for the D10 once again and you both watched with anticipation waiting for it to finally land, and Eddie smiled as he saw the 6 land upright on the board.
“On your stomach baby girl,” He lifted you out of his lap and you did as he said, quickly removing the robe from your shoulders and gently placing it onto the floor next to his bed, “rolling a 6 means you get a nice relaxing massage, and i’m going to be doing it for…” He picked up the D8 and rolled it on the board, “4 minutes! I’ll make sure to go nice and slow just how you like it.”
You smiled and your body relaxed into his bed as Eddie moved himself over you, straddling the back of your legs as his hands slowly moved up and down the sides of your back before placing a soft kiss to the space between your shoulder blades.
His hands moved slowly and gently, but still firm and loving as they kneaded the soft flesh of your back, making sure to leave a few kisses here and there as he admired your body beneath him.
You closed your eyes and let out a moan as he placed a kiss onto your back before he lifted up the back of your negligee and moved onto your lower back. His fingers delicately traced over your spine and he gripped your waist as he leaned down over you, pressing his chest into your back to whisper into your ear,
“Feels good baby girl?”
You smiled to him and nodded as your head was still relaxed into the pillow. He hovers his lips over your neck before leaving a trail of kisses down to your shoulder,
“My turn to roll princess…” He reached over for the D10 and smiled as he waited for it to land, his lips curling into a smile as it landed on a 2,
“It’s a 2! And that’s a very special roll too,” He moved himself off of you and laid next to you on the bed, his back propped up against the pillows as he moved his hand down and slowly rubbed over his cock that was still covered by the black fabric of his boxers, “If we roll a 2 or a 3 that means that either i’m going to eat you out or you’re going to suck me off… The D20 decides who goes first. Why don’t you roll the D8 for me baby?”
You smiled and sat yourself up onto your knees as you pulled off the negligee that was already halfway off thanks to Eddie being so eager during your back rub and leaned over to kiss him quickly before rolling the D8 on the board,
“Only 5 minutes handsome, but i think i’ve been able to make you cum in less than that before.” You said with a giggle as Eddie leaned over to grab the D20, making sure he was able to get a handful of your ass and squeeze as he did.
He rolled and you both watched it with anticipation, waiting for it to land until Eddie laid back into his place with a smile, sliding his boxers down his thighs,
“4 means i get to go first baby,” He got himself comfortable in his place as his cock sprung free, and though you’d obviously seen it plenty of times before, each time Eddie was fully exposed to you in his state of desire it always made you blush, “come over here and let me hold your pretty hair back. I wanna see your face when you gag.”
With a smile you eagerly moved yourself between Eddie’s legs, his hands moving through your scalp to collect your hair and hold it back out of your face as you leaned down and gently licked the head, already dripping with precum.
You looked up to Eddie as you placed open mouthed kisses all over his length and he watched with a smile, leaning his head back as you took the tip into your mouth and gently suckled on it before swirling your tongue around it.
Eddie was always very vocal whenever there was oral involved, wether it was you or him receiving he always let you know that he was enjoying it and this time was no exception.
As you slowly leaned your head down onto his cock, a few gravely moans escaped his throat as you slid your lips further and further down his length, pulling back as you reached halfway only to sink back onto it.
He hated it when you teased him but god you always made it feel so good. As dominant as he liked to be, when your mouth was on him he was like putty in your hands, entirely under your control. He watched your head bob up and down on him, and as you looked up you could see the glazed over look of lust in his eyes.
His head leaned back and Eddie let out another moan as his fingers gripped your hair, your lips now giving their full attention to his sensitive tip and as he started gently thrusting his hips upward you could tell he was getting closer.
“Stop!” He yelled out between moans.
You took your mouth off of him and looked up to him with concern in your eyes,
“What? Is everything ok?”
“Everything’s fine baby…” He had taken a few deep breaths to compose himself before bringing you close to him for a kiss, “It’s your turn, and i want to make sure i don’t cum until i’m inside you baby girl.”
You giggled and bit your lip as you swapped places with Eddie, laying back against his pillows as he positioned himself between your legs.
His hands slowly moved up and down your thighs before taking off the fishnets and garter, kissing down your legs as he pulled them off and tossed them away before moving to your panties.
His fingers hooked into the sides and placed a kiss to your clothed core before he slid them down your thighs, laying himself down on the bed as he tossed them with your stockings.
You giggled and moved your hands to the sides of his hair, moving it back from his face,
“Now it’s my turn to hold your pretty hair back handsome.”
Eddie smiled and looked up to you, placing a few more gentle kisses over your thighs before licking a long wet stripe through your folds,
“I love it when you talk sweet to me pretty girl.”
Whenever Eddie had his head between your thighs he loved to show you how much he really loved you, and wether he had all the time in the world or only the 5 minutes you were given from the roll of the D8, he wanted you to know how much he adored you.
His eyes stayed on you the entire time, watching as your head tilted back and your back arched as his tongue made sure to reach all the right places. With every whimper and moan that escaped your lips he was only encouraged to keep going for as long as you wanted him to.
One of his hands moved yours away from his hair to interlock your fingers together.
If he couldn’t hold you while he was making you feel this good, he wanted you to know that he was there to give you all the love and affection that he could. It only meant that when the time came for him to be in full control of your body, you knew that everything he did to you was out of pure love and respect for you.
Your legs wrapped themselves around his back, your plump thighs gently squeezing the sides of his head as your toes curled, getting closer and closer to cumming with every whine that left your lips.
With one last lick to your folds, he caught his breath and carefully unwrapped your legs from around him, climbing up and laying over you with his hands on either side of your head.
He brought one hand up and guided you up to his lips for a sweet, soft kiss, giggling as you pulled away,
“I can taste myself on you…”
Eddie giggled with you and pulled you in for a few more kisses before laying himself down over you, his hard cock resting between your legs as you held each other close.
He slowly pulled away from you, glancing over to his nightstand to all the little toys he had set up for him to use on you,
“Want to try the D6 angel? I think you’re going to like what we do with it.” He said, reaching over and handing you the D6.
You moved to lay on your stomach with Eddie moving to lay himself on top of you, placing kisses over your shoulder blades as you rolled the die onto the board.
“It’s a 2! What does that mean?”
Eddie smiled and placed another kiss onto your shoulder before getting off of the bed and grabbing his little book, flipping through the pages. He chuckled and set it back down onto the tray before leaning over to the nightstand, grabbing the blindfold and moving the tray onto the empty space,
“This die decides which little trinket i get to use on you. Rolling a 2 means that you get to be blindfolded, is that alright sweetheart?”
You nodded excitedly and sat up on the bed, moving to kneel before him on the mattress.
He smiled and carefully wrapped the black silk cloth over your eyes, making sure not to make it too tight or get it tangled into your hair as he tied it into a little bow in the back,
“How’s that?”
“It’s perfect! Not too tight but not loose enough to fall off.”
“Perfect. And you can’t see a thing can you?”
You blushed and shook your head, curious and yet nervous as to what Eddie planned on doing to you with this sense cut off.
He reached out and gently traced his fingertips down your arms, taking your hands in his and placing your palms onto his torso.
You smiled as you felt the soft skin of his abs under your fingers, moving them to his waist and bringing him in closer to you. Eddie stepped forward and you could feel his hands go to your shoulders, guiding you back into your position laid down on the pillows.
“Don’t worry sweetheart,” Eddie placed a trail of kisses down your neck to the valley of your breasts, “i’m going to take good care of you.”
He moved himself back up and placed a soft kiss onto your lips before reaching over and grabbing the D6,
“Here pretty girl, one more time.” He opened your palm and placed the die in your hand, moving the board over within your reach.
You giggled and rolled the die onto the board, hearing it come to a stop as it landed upright, and you heard Eddie chuckle. The weight shifted on the bed as Eddie reached over to the nightstand, and you could hear the gentle clinking of his handcuffs.
Your body shivered as you thought about being restrained once again, and though it was something Eddie loved to do often, you never got tired of it. He was always so gentle with you no matter how aggressive he liked to get, he always made sure that your comfort came before his pleasure.
A gentle gasp escaped your lips as he dragged the cold metal over your tummy.
“You rolled a 4. That means we get to use my favorite toy.” Eddie smiled as he gently took your hands, placing a kiss onto the back of each of them as he lifted them above your head, “Don’t worry sweetheart, i promise i won’t make them too tight.”
He placed one around your right wrist and lifted it all the way up to his headboard, pulling the other cuff through the metal bars and placing the other cuff around your left wrist.
“You know what to do sweetheart.”
You nodded and tugged at the cuffs, making sure that they were comfortable and secure around your wrists.
“Not too tight?” Eddie asked.
“Not too tight.” You confirmed for him with a smile.
“Good girl.” Eddie leaned over you and placed a kiss onto your forehead before reaching over to grab the die one last time,
“i’m rolling it one last time sweetheart, then i’ll play with you.”
You heard the die roll and land on the board and the weight shifted on the bed again as Eddie leaned over to the nightstand.
“We’re going to try something new tonight angel…”
“New? What do you me-“ Your sentence was cut off with a gasp, feeling a few drops of ice cold water drip onto your torso.
“It’s alright baby,” Eddie climbed up over you and grabbed your hand, tracing little patterns into the back of it with the ice cube in his hand, the cold water dripping down onto the sheets beneath you, “i rolled a 5, and that means we get to to try these ice cubes out. And i’ve been waiting so long to use them on you pretty girl.” He trailed the ice cube up your arm and slowly down your chest, your body shuddering as he circled it around your breast.
“If it gets too much you tell me, ok?”
You nodded and gasped again as he moved the ice cube to circle your nipple, the cold making it harden instantly and as Eddie heard you gasp again he moved the ice cube and wrapped his lips around the sensitive bud, slowly circling his tongue around it to warm you back up before giving your other breast the same treatment.
Eddie made sure his lips followed the cool trail of water the ice left behind on your skin as he trailed it down your body. As the first ice cube melted over your skin, Eddie reached over and grabbed another one, placing it between his teeth as he tied his hair back. He kept it in place and trailed it over your body once more, this time letting the water flow down your skin, making you shiver and moan as it trailed down between your legs. The cold was almost too much but Eddie’s hot touch that followed soon after always made it feel so much better.
His lips touching your skin as he dragged the ice down your body helped keep you grounded and not get consumed by the pleasure but the ice cold water made every part of you more and more sensitive the longer he had it on your skin.
And all you could do was lay there and take it.
Of course you could always tell Eddie to stop and he’d listen but this sensation was entirely new and though it was different and difficult to keep your composure, you never wanted it to stop. You wanted him to keep using you like his plaything and try to hold on until he was finished with you.
The second ice cube finally melted and Eddie lifted his head away from your body, his hands spreading the little drips and trails of water all along your torso, watching as your skin shined under the dim light. There were little red marks all along your skin, and he couldn’t tell if someone of them were hickeys or from the ice but he loved every little mark he left behind on you. He needed you to always be marked up and claimed as his, wether other people could see it or not.
His fingers gently touched a few of the red spots along your torso and you whimpered and flinched at his touch from the ice making your skin sensitive. It didn’t hurt, it didn’t burn, but it intensified every little touch and kiss that Eddie left behind on your skin.
“Had enough baby?” Eddie asked just as he let the cold water drip from his fingertips right over your folds, making your legs twitch as the icy sensation ran all through your body.
You nodded and gently tugged at the cuffs around your wrists, begging Eddie to release you and let you touch him again.
He smiled and leaned over you, placing a few kisses along your body as he made his way up and put his arms on either side of your head. He kissed the space on your neck just below your ear before whispering,
“Need me to warm you up baby girl?”
You nodded and he carefully removed the blindfold from around your eyes, and as you blinked to let your eyes adjust to the light you saw the familiar look of lust in Eddie’s eyes.
He was smiling down at you, admiring the way that you were completely exposed and vulnerable just for him, and all he wanted to do was show you how loving he could be with you.
He reached over and moved the board towards you, grabbing his little black book and opening it up to one of the very last pages,
“Alright pretty girl, this is the last die we’re using tonight. Are you ready for it?”
You smiled and nodded, excited to see exactly what Eddie had planned for you, and even with your arms restrained all you wanted to do was wrap them around him and flip him onto his back, riding him into oblivion as your thank you for him making tonight so special and so fun for the both of you.
He picked up the last die from the board, the D4 and held it up for you to see,
“This is the D4. Usually it’s used for damage for smaller weapons, something that isn’t insanely important for gameplay, but it still has a purpose. And tonight this is going to be the most important die that we use.”
You tilted your body upwards to get a closer look at the page Eddie was smiling at in his little black book, but he softly pressed his hand to your chest and pushed you back onto the pillow,
“No peeking!” He giggled and moved the book back into his chest to keep you from looking, “I’m going to roll this one pretty girl, and I’ll tell you what it means afterwards.”
He smirked and as he rolled the die onto the board you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
The anticipation was killing you and as he rolled the die it felt like you were watching it in slow motion. You had no idea what he had planned for this last roll, but you knew that whatever it was, based on how your night together had gone so far, it had to be something good. Both of your eyes followed along with it and as you watched it land upright, the point at the top showing the number 1, you saw Eddie smile wide and you weren’t sure if you should smile too or be scared of what he had rolled.
He moved the board over to his nightstand along with the dice and his book, staying silent as he did so, a smirk on his lips as he set them down.
“Eddie?” You asked him nervously, still entirely unsure of what was to come.
He slowly moved himself between your legs, placing his hands onto your thighs and moving his palms along your soft skin,
“The D4 decides what position I get to fuck you in angel,” You looked up to him in awe as he kneeled above you, smiling down at you as you laid beneath him, completely vulnerable to whatever he wanted to do to you and yet he was being so caring and so gentle with you, “and I rolled a 1. That means I get to go nice and slow on top of you just how you like it.”
He settled himself between your legs, hands going to either side of your head as he peppered small kisses all along your neck, listening to the little moans escape your lips as he grinded himself along your folds. As he laid on top of you, he reached one arm over to his nightstand, opening the drawer and pulling out a condom, bringing it up to his mouth and tearing it open with his teeth, moving his hand down between your bodies to slide it onto himself before placing his cock over your wetness and gliding over it.
Just the feeling of him grinding between your legs was enough to make you reach the peak of pleasure, but it was agonizing to not be able to touch him. He smiled down at you as he watched your face scrunch with each thrust,
“Baby girl, I’m not even inside you yet and you look like I’m about to make you cum.”
“Eddie…” You managed to squeak out between whimpers, “please…”
He smiled and heard you still struggling with the cuffs at your wrist, seeing how desperate you were to touch him,
“Alright baby, you get to pick one, do you want me to fuck you? Or do you want me to take those cuffs off?” He reached over and grabbed the key from his nightstand, “Because you know you can’t have both right now.”
“Cuffs. Please, i just need to touch you…” You kept tugging your arms down, hoping that they’d eventually break before Eddie was able to get the key anywhere near them.
“Cuffs it is sweetie, but you have to promise me that you’ll be good when they come off. You’re only allowed to touch me from where you’re laying.” He smirked seeing the desperation in your eyes, “You know the rules always make it more fun.”
You nodded and watched above your head as he grabbed your wrists and quickly unlocked the cuffs, tossing them onto the floor with the key still stuck in them as you brought your arms down to stretch them out. Eddie gently held your wrists and kisses over the little red indents left behind from the cuffs before he moved your arms to wrap around his neck as his hands went back to either side of your head.
“Better now?” He asked you, dipping his head down to place a few kisses onto the open spot on your neck as he continued grinding his length up and down, agonizingly slow between your legs.
You nodded and as you held him close to you, your arms wrapping around his back and your fingertips slowly tracing over his spine as you raised your legs up and carefully wrapped them around his waist just to feel him closer to you.
You could feel Eddie shift himself down between your legs and his tip searched for your entrance, your slick providing the perfect lubricant for him to slide in so easily,
“Ready pretty girl?”
You nodded eagerly and Eddie leaned his head up, pressing his lips to yours as he carefully pushed his tip to your slit, wanting to keep you silent as he heard your whimpers while he stretched you out. Your fingers were grasping at his back as you felt him push further into you.
The two of you have had sex before, it wasn’t like it was rare for him to completely lose himself with you every other night in bed, but every time he dragged out your night and extended the foreplay and his teasing it always felt like your first time together all over again. The slight pressure between your legs as he pushed himself inside you all the way to the hilt, his careful attitude making sure that you weren’t in any pain whatsoever, and his warmth and praise providing you with all the comfort you needed to take whatever it was he going to give to you.
He started out slow, keeping an even pace as you were wrapped around him, placing a small kiss onto your neck and shoulder each time he heard a little whimper leave your lips.
He loved getting to take his time with you.
Being able to feel how good he was making you feel, keeping your body pinned beneath him as he kept rhythmically pumping himself in and out of you. He loved how intimate it always felt to be so close to one another.
He could feel your fingertips dig deeper into his shoulders as your whimpers soon turned to moans, knowing that he was hitting that spot so perfectly, waiting for you to start begging him to go faster, to go harder.
“You always take me so well pretty girl…” Eddie chuckled as he felt your legs wrap tighter around his hips, bringing him in closer to you with each thrust, “You want me to go faster?”
The slow, soft, sweet pleasure was too much for words. All you could do was nod slowly as you placed gentle kisses all along his collarbone.
His grip tightened on the bedsheets beneath you as he picked up his pace, your arms wrapping tighter around him as you heard the sound of your hips clashing together between you.
You placed another kiss onto his shoulder as you heard his grunts and groans get louder and louder, knowing how hard he was trying to stay at a steady pace for you instead of holding you down and having his way with you. Thrusting into you as fast as he could as he gripped your hips and tossed one of your legs over his shoulder to hit your g spot at the perfect angle. But he wanted to be slow. He wanted to be sweet. He didn’t spend weeks planning out all your fun for him to treat it like it was any other time you had slept together.
He wanted to make tonight last as long as possible.
“Baby… I cant hold back much longer,” He pressed his lips harshly into your neck and you could feel that a few hickeys would need to be covered up the next morning before work, “I want you to roll again, just one last time, ok? And then i promise you that you won’t be able to walk tomorrow…”
He slowed his pace once more and you giggled as he leaned himself up off of you, giving you one last kiss before slowly pulling himself out of you as you unwrapped your arms and legs from around him.
You groaned as you turned your body to lay on your stomach, reaching out to grab the board from his nightstand and brought it onto the bed before you,
“Which one is it again Eds?”
Eddie laid over you, his chest to your back, and handed you the D4,
“This one my love, the D4,” You took it from him and giggled as he laid on top of you, his weight pushing your body into the mattress, “just roll it one more time for me pretty girl.”
He placed a few kisses along your shoulders and down your spine as you rolled the D4 onto the board, watching as it landed.
“It’s a two!” You said excitedly as Eddie’s lips worked their way back up your spine and you could feel him smile against your back as he laid back over you, reaching over your shoulder to place the board back onto his nightstand.
He moved onto his knees and placed his hands onto your thighs, spreading them wide as he moved himself between them, grabbing your waist and pulling your ass into him and earning another giggle from you,
“I’m guessing the two means you get to take me from behind?”
You adjusted your body, your ass and hips arched upwards as your chest was pressed into the bed, your arms in front of you to hold onto the edge of Eddie’s mattress.
“It does pretty girl, you’re so smart.” You giggled again as he grinded his hips into yours from behind, his length moving over your folds as he adjusted himself between your legs, “Do you want me to start slow like you like it sweetheart? Or am i allowed to use you?”
You arched your ass up a bit more for him,
“You can use me baby, i just want you to go in slow, ok?”
Eddie smirked and moved his hand down to spread your thighs wider, slowly inserting his tip back through your slit with his hands holding your hips to keep you steady,
“Anything for you baby girl.”
You gripped the sheets as he pushed further into you, tilting his head back and groaning as he was fully sheathed inside you, he gripped his hands tightly onto your hips as he slowly moved you back and forth as the gently thrusted into you,
“Ready sweetheart?”
You did your best to turn your head back at Eddie and nod, but he had already picked up the pace of his hips pushing into yours.
Your whimpers and moans became cries of pleasure as he slammed into you from behind, using you to his hearts content. From the angle he was at, it gave him the perfect view of your body moving beneath him, and though he couldn’t see your face your squeals were letting him know he was making you feel just as good as he felt.
His grunts and groans became a string of curses through gritted teeth and he could feel the wisps of his hair stick to his forehead as he started to sweat from the mixture of pleasure and exhaustion. He looked down at your body and smiled at what he saw beneath him.
Your beautiful body sprawled out on his mattress, your knuckles almost white from gripping his sheets between your fingers, your cries now being muffled as your face was pressed into his mattress. He reached a hand down and took a handful of your hair, gently pulling your face up from his mattress,
“No babygirl, you know how much i love to hear all those pretty noises you make,” You could just hear the way he was smiling behind his gravely voice, “and i want to hear you cry out how much you love it when i fuck you.”
You did as he said and couldn’t hold your screams back any longer.
His name left your lips each time you felt him hit your sweet spot, and you just knew that your throat would be sore when you woke up, no doubt the neighbors would be talking about being able to hear you but you didn’t care. You wanted the whole world to know how good Eddie made you feel.
He tightened his grip on your hair and moved his other hand from your hip, placing it onto your shoulder and pulling you upwards into him, his chest pressed up to your back once again as he kept thrusting up into you. He moved his arms to wrap around your body, one around your torso while the other was across your chest, his hand softly gripping the sides of your neck as you moved your hand up into his hair.
“You gonna cum for me pretty girl? Come on, i know you’re close, don’t hold back…”
He could feel you tightening around him and he knew you couldn’t last much longer with him being so deep inside you.
Eddie bucked his hips into you and as he hit your sweet spot one final time, you tilted your head back, your eyes squeezed shut and your hand gripping his hair as you cried out his name and felt a wave of pleasure wash over your body.
As he felt you start to relax around his cock, he thrusted up into you one final time before he reached his peak, holding you tightly to his body as he shot thick ropes of his cum into the condom.
You both collapsed onto his bed, your heads at his pillows, still holding on so tightly to one another. You were a mess of sweat and heavy breathing, doing your best to catch your breath and get grounded back to reality as the wave of pleasure flowing over your body started to fade.
Eddie placed a few kisses onto your shoulder, slowly pulling himself out from between your legs and pulling off the condom, tying off the end and tossing it into the trash before pulling his comforter over your bodies. He went back into his position from before, your back to his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around you, enjoying the warmth of your body as he nuzzled into your shoulder,
“Did you have fun with my little game sweetheart?”
You smiled and turned your head to face him, your hand gently holding his cheek,
“I loved it. Fuck, you really know how to make things fun in the bedroom,” You said with a giggle, placing a soft kiss to his lips, “next time can we try it with a little role playing?”
“Really?” He said with a big smile on his face and you could hear how excited he was.
“Of course! Maybe i can be the princess and i give you a little reward for saving me from the evil wizard who’s been keeping me locked away? You’re good at thinking up things like that.” You giggled again as you saw his eyes light up.
“You’d really want to try that out babe? You don’t think it’s too nerdy?”
“Eddie,” You looked deep into his eyes as you held his cheek, “if i thought it was too nerdy, i wouldn’t have asked you to try it! Besides, i think it’s sexy that you bring all your nerdy stuff into the bedroom.”
“Well in that case, i’m going to have to get started on that first thing tomorrow morning. For now…” He moved your leg over his waist, hooking it around him as his hand went to your thigh to keep you held close to him, “I just want to hold my angel.”
You smiled and rested your head onto his chest, listening as his heart beat slowed to a steady pace, slowly soothing you to sleep as he kissed your forehead.
“I’d love nothing more.”
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AITA in an argument I had with my girlfriend?
I (22m) have been with my girlfriend (22f) for a year, and we currently live together. She comes from a wealthy family, which might contribute to this in some way.
We've basically never had an argument about anything before, so this is tripping me up, especially over something so ridiculous. A few weeks ago, my girlfriend went to the dentist for a routine checkup. She visited a new dentist and according to her it was pretty expensive. I don't know why this is, maybe they're a dentist for celebrities or something, but the dentist claimed she had very similar teeth to Leonardo DiCaprio. She was very excited about this and told me about it when she got back, and I was kinda like "oh that's cool" because I didn't know what else to say to that.
But then she just kept mentioning it. She'll say it whenever she brushes her teeth now, or she refuses certain foods so she can keep her teeth perfect like Leonardo does. It was kind of funny at first, and I thought she was joking, but I discovered pretty quickly it wasn't a joke to her and she cared very deeply about this. When I asked about it, and asked her why she was so obsessed with this, she just said she liked the compliment the dentist gave her and wanted to take it seriously. The references to it didn't stop after that conversation.
I brought it up again this Tuesday and told her the constant Leonardo DiCaprio teeth comments were weirding me out, but she got incredibly defensive and told me I was trying to make her less confident in her teeth. I told her that was crazy and that I didn't care about that, I just thought it was weird she talked about her teeth being like some movie actor's so frequently. She ended up walking out and sleeping on the couch and I didn't want to bother trying to talk to her again because she seemed upset. We've been speaking since and all but she's been very cold and distant now. Am I the asshole here? And what should I say to her? I'm totally lost.
What are these acronyms?
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