#I have always had such a love hate relationship with him
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youngheejay · 3 days ago
Broken hearts and noses
Sometimes you have to get slammed in the face by a door to find your way back into your lover’s arms.
Starring: Jay x fem!reader [established relationship] feat. enhypen members
“All you do is work, work, work
” You crossed your arms in a pout and nagged Jay’s ear off as he tried to make some dinner. The emphasis laid on tried.
“Please, y/n. Not this again.” He exhaled tiredly.
“What do you mean ‘not this again’? If you would just listen to me I wouldn’t talk about it anymore!”
“Listen to you?? I’m already listening, y/n! What do you expect me to do?? Tell my manager ‘oh by the way, I can’t do the concert because my girlfriend complains about me not spending enough time with her’?” He put the wooden spoon rather harshly on the kitchen counter and started chopping up some vegetables on the cutting board.
“And I’m here with you right now, aren’t I? So I really don’t get why you’re still whining so much.” He uttered roughly.
His words were like a stab in your heart - he wasn’t taking you seriously. The realisation of it made you so upset that the corners of your mouth went down on their own. But you didn’t want to cry. At least not in front of him. Which was really weird - in the last two years you had been dating him, you never had a problem with crying in front of him.
That was before your last fight with him. Which was funnily enough also the last time you saw him, so 2 weeks ago:
~ “Are you seriously crying again about this?! That’s all you can do, right? Crying and getting on my fucking nerves.”
His harsh words surprised you so much that your tears automatically stopped from the shock. Or maybe it was an instant defense mechanism to protect yourself from any other hurtful words from your boyfriend.
Of course you tried to be rational: he was tired from work, y/n. You shouldn’t have brought it up. It was the wrong timing. He just had a fight with his manager and just wanted to have you by his side and didn’t want to hear you also complain. Complain about how lonely and neglected you felt for the last couple of months. Yet again.
And as always he snapped at you and didn’t want to talk about it.
Not only did he not want to talk about your feelings and problems, but he also never talked about his own. Obviously.
He didn’t even tell you what the fight with his manager was about. If you hadn’t pushed him so much to tell you why he was in a bad mood you wouldn’t even had known that he fought with his manager.
He never talked about anything that bothered and worried him. Never. He always said everything was fine - and at the same time his actions and words showed you that he wasn’t fine.
And as always, he regretted how he spoke to you and apologised.
“I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to lash out at you. Let me make it up to you,” he had murmured against your neck as you tried to ignore him.
“Hm?” He left a trail of kisses all over your shoulder and neck, “I didn’t mean it. Please forgive me, my angel.”
His hands caressed your waist and stomach, “you’re my little angel, hm? C‘mon, let me apologise to you, princess.”
And as always, you also didn’t want to fight with him. You hated it.
Hence, you let him make it up. He kissed you and ‘made love to you’ as an apology.
As always.
It was a never ending circle. A new couples tradition since a few months now. ~
It felt like a barbed wire was tightly wrapped around your neck as you tried not to cry. But your eyes expressed everything that needed to be said. Disappointment, anger, heart-ache, desperation. Too bad that he wasn’t looking at you but was rather interested in chopping those carrots into thin slices.
The more seconds you held back your tears the more you felt like a wall was being built between you and the person you loved the most. How could your relationship develop like that?
You watched him for a few moments in complete silence. The way he was cutting the ingredients made it seem like he was in complete peace. That’s what he used to tell you - that cooking brought him peace and a chance to gather his thoughts in his hectic life. Or just to completely shut down from all his problems. Either way, it was his way of dealing with his emotions and troubles. A moment of peace and quiet.
It seems like that this also isn’t a good moment to talk to him about my feelings.
But then your eyes wandered up to his face. His eyebrows were furrowed angrily, his lips in a sulking pout and he was clenching his teeth which was evident because of his prominent jaw.
You quickly realised that he definitely was not coping well with whatever was going on in his head. Your heart clenched at the thought of your boyfriend struggling and keeping everything to himself.
“Babe?” You tried to catch his attention.
Nothing. He didn’t reply to you.
” you took a step forward to him as his back was shown to you.
When you realised that he wasn’t going to give you a response you gently put your hand on his arm. He visibly tensed up at that.
“Jay, I-“
“What? What do you fucking want from me, y/n?” He muttered through gritted teeth.
“I just that-“
“What, y/n? What?!
That I’m making you sad because we never go out on dates?
That I’m neglecting you and you want me to be more present?
That I’m always working and never spending time with you?”
You took your hand away timidly - seemingly lost at words.
Jay scoffed as he continued, “I was already working when we two met, y/n! You knew what my profession was and you knew how much I needed to work!”
“Are you saying it’s my fault now?!” You shouted in disbelief.
He put the knife roughly away on the counter and turned around, just to shout angrily at your face: “Yes, y/n! You should’ve asked yourself whether you’re willing to make this sacrifice or not before you decided to date me! You should’ve thought about whether you could adjust to my lifestyle or not!”
“Are you fucking serious?! When we started dating you always had some time for me! I never thought of this because you didn’t give me a reason to see it as an obstacle!”
“Too bad, y/n! This world doesn’t resolve around you! I can’t manage everything like I did 2 fucking years ago!”
You gave up to fight against your tears and just sobbed loudly, holding your face in your trembling hands and letting them catch your tears. At this point your body was shaking like a leaf. You hiccuped, and cried and cried.
As you were still crying and sobbing you tried to calm down by taking deep breaths.
You straightened up your posture and looked him straight in the eyes, albeit you were still hiccuping and sniffling:
“You’re right. I- I made a stupid decision back then. Good thing we- we cleared this up.” You tried to sound as sternly as possible while tears were streaming down your face.
Jay continued to look at you in fury - or maybe it was confusion. You couldn’t tell the difference.
He shut his eyes in frustration and rolled his head back as he leaned back onto the edge of the kitchen counter - holding it with a firm grip.
“Baby- I didn’t mean it like that. I’m so-“ just as he was about to apologise to you for the nth time because of the same thing, the same fight, the same topic, you quickly interrupted him:
“Save it. You don’t have to apologise when you clearly don’t want to change anything.” You made your way out of the kitchen and wiped away the tears on your cheeks. But the tears continued to pour down the same path you just cleaned up.
You quickly made your way to Jay’s room and grabbed your belongings.
Phone, wallet- you hiccuped - no, it’s in my purse. Where’s my purse?
Your sobs didn’t stop.
Where’s my fucking purse?
You spotted your jacket in Jay’s bed and turned around too quickly with it when you grabbed it.
With wide shocked eyes you looked at the frame you accidentally knocked down and broke.
A frame which contained a picture of you two on a random date. One of the many dates you used to have. It was a cute picture. You thought you looked okey in it but Jay swore that your smile was prettiest he had ever seen so he had to frame it and put it on his side table.
~ “This way I will never forget your pretty smile and will remind myself to always make you smile like this.”
He explained to you with a shy smile and rubbed his neck in embarrassment when you spotted the frame in his room and asked him about it. ~
This fucking bastard! Fucking liar is he! I should sue him for all these lies!
You angrily started to gather the broken glass and put it in his bin. Not even in the angriest state you could just leave it like that - he could hurt himself.
You didn’t even think about it. You were just doing it.
Your vision was blurry because of your tears so it didn’t really surprise you when you cut yourself. And as fucked up as it sounded - the pain of the cut was more bearable than the pain in your heart.
Lastly, you put the photo in the bin and with that the promise ring you received from him on your two years anniversary. Which was not even too long ago.
Maybe you were overreacting. You still loved and respected him after all so much. So fucking much that you felt your heart shred apart in several pieces.
And you knew he felt the same towards you.
But you also knew that he was having some own problems and didn’t know how to handle them which resulted in him taking it out on you - unintentionally or not, you had enough with these fights.
Thus, you needed to take this step to make a change. Either for the better or the worse. You just really hoped for the better as you saw the ring laying safely in the corner of the bin.
Hopefully he’ll find it and come back to his senses.
You were a little hesitant to leave the ring there, scared he might throw away his trash and not notice it.
No, it’s okey. If we make up, we’ll do it quickly. He won’t empty his bin till then.
The ‘if’ in the sentence lingered longer in your mind than you would’ve liked.
You then quickly made your way into the bathroom which was directly connected to his room and washed your cut clean. After you wrapped some toilet paper around it as a quick solution you walked back into his room, holding your jacket in your other hand.
Surprisingly, you spotted Jay there. Kneeling in front of the bin, he (fortunately) held the ring and the photo in both of his hands.
And when he turned his head around, showcasing you his misty eyes, all you could see was a small, hurt child. A child who didn’t know what to do with these adult problems and responsibilities, who was overwhelmed and just wanted to be held, who wanted to cry without feeling bad about it, without worrying his loved ones.
He looked so vulnerable in that moment.
You hesitated a little - you wanted to wrap him in his arms and tell him that everything is going to be okay. But you knew this wasn’t the right move.
Then, without a word, you marched out of his room.
Jay was startled: “B-babe!”
He quickly stood up after hastily putting the picture on his bed and stuffed the ring securely in his pocket.
“Wait! Where are you going?”
Of course, you didn’t respond to him as you firmly went to the front door where your shoes were put right next to his larger ones. You quickly went on to put on your jacket when you remembered that your purse was in the living room.
Just as Jay was about to grasp your arm you quickly escaped his reach and walked back right past him as if he didn’t even exist.
When you entered the mess of a living room you thought how clean Jay’s room always was.
Ugh, I don’t wanna think about him!!
“Baby, hold on!” Before you could react he held your wrist firmly: “Are you hurt? Did you hurt yourself with the frame?” He carefully examined your hand and noticed how the toilet paper was stained with blood.
“Wait a minute! I think Sunghoon has some bandage in his room!” He spoke alertly as if you were in some kind of emergency.
Normally you would’ve giggled at his exaggeration but at this moment his reaction only made your eyes teary.
“Just wait a second, alright?” He put his hands on your shoulders and made you sit on the couch. Then he looked firmly in your eyes, assuring himself that you wouldn’t leave just like that.
But he was wrong. You can’t just wait and forget everything as if you never fought.
He’d come, patch you up, apologise to you and you’d forgive him because he means it. He truly does. But you wouldn’t talk about your issues. You’d just place a bandage on the wound instead of taking care and finding the cause of it.
When you heard him rummaging around in sunghoon’s room, you took your purse and went again to the front door. Just as you put on your shoes and were about to leave, you heard Jay:
“Don’t go.”
His voice was shaky and full of pain.
“You forgot your ring,” he spoke quietly, afraid to say the wrong thing.
We both know I didn’t forget it.
You didn’t say it out loud.
Instead, you reached for the doorknob when he repeated his plea:
“Please, y/n. Don’t leave me. I beg you.”
His words broke your heart. You took a deep breath as you tried to gather your thoughts.
“I think-“ you were interrupted with a slam in your face. Tuck. “Ah!”
“Y/N!” Jay exclaimed in horror as you dropped your bag and hold onto your nose in pain. He quickly pulled you into his arms.
“Oh my god! What happened?” Jake asked with a horrified expression.
“You slammed the door in my girlfriend’s face, you fucking idiot!” He gritted his teeth in anger.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, y/n!” Jake wanted to approach you to make sure you were okey but Jay wasn’t having any of it.
He quickly stepped in front of you as he still held you firmly. His back was now blocking Jake from stepping any closer to you. Like a shield protecting you from any danger.
“Stay away from her, bastard.” He gave Jake a glare.
“It was an accident!”
“I don’t fucking care. You hurt her. If you ever get near her I’ll fucking kill you.” He spat back and then turned back to you.
He softly and gently cradled your face: “Baby, let me see if you’re bleeding,” he requested with so much love and care - the complete opposite from how he talked with Jake just seconds ago.
You hesitantly pulled down your hands from your nose to show it to him. Jay exhaled in relief: “it’s not bleeding, don’t worry.” You wanted to point out that he was the one who shouldn’t worry, but then you remembered that you were still mad at him.
“I think you should lay down a bit.” Jake suggested carefully.
“Why don’t you just shut up, fucking bitch?”
“Jay!” You scolded lightly, “it was an accident, don’t be so harsh!” You unconsciously put your uninjured hand on his chest to calm him down.
“Oh? What happened? Why is Jay hyung calling you a bitch?”
“I opened the door when y/n was just about to leave and it hit her face on accident. He’s acting like I tried to kill her!”
Jungwon shook his head - he was disappointed but definitely not surprised and looked at you: “are you okey?”
You nodded your head and tried to give him a smile but the expression hurt more than you expected. “Ow!” You clasped your nose with your hands and closed your eyes as tears pricked up from the pain.
Jay quickly cradled your face in his hands again and brushed your cheeks with his thumbs, “baby
” he cooed in empathy.
“What happened?” You had to stifle a laugh when sunghoon and Riki entered the dorms and asked the same question in sync.
“Jake hyung hit y/n in the face with the door.” Jungwon answered casually as he handed Jay a cool pad.
“On accident!” Jake grasped his hair in disbelief.
Riki whistled: “That’s how people die, Hyung!” He knew what he was doing. Fuelling the fire intentionally so that Jay would rip apart Jake in pieces.
“Wow I can’t believe you’re still alive, Jakey. Y/n is his queen - if I were you I wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. He’ll definitely come for you!” Sunghoon joined the teasing.
But Jay wasn’t even listening to them. He was totally focused on carefully placing the ice pack on your nose. “Ouch!”
What a great day! Fight with boyfriend, injured hand and now this.
“I know, baby. Just a little more, okey? It will help soothe the pain.” He kissed your forehead, wishing he could take away your pain and to let you know he’s there for you. You held his hands, yet again completely unintentionally, as one was caressing your cheek and the other held the cool aid on your nose.
“Oh my god! Guys, you don’t know what just happened! The head manager was sooo pissed that Jay hyung skipped practice today but then, actually just now in the car, Heeseung hyung talked with Jiwoo Hyung about this whole dating ban-“
Sunoo began his loud chatter even before he entered the dorms since the front door was still widely open and he saw his members standing in the hallway.
Then he cut himself off when Jungwon gave him a stern look.
He then looked at his surroundings only to realise that you were also there.
“Oh hi, y/n! You look so stunning today!”
The rest of the boys coughed awkwardly as they face palmed themselves.
You took away Jay’s hands from your face, but still hold onto them tightly, and softly greeted him back and thanked him.
What the hell was going on?
Dating ban? Skipped practice?
You had so many questions but you just stood there completely frozen. Then your world started spinning.
“I’m feeling dizzy
” you weakly informed Jay just in time before your vision turned black and you collapsed right in his embrace.
His arms are so nice and strong.
That was your last thought before you entered the world of unconsciousness.
“What if she’s really dead?” You heard a nervous voice.
“Don’t be stupid, hyung. She’s literally breathing as we talk, look at her chest moving.”
“I’m not looking at her chest! That’s the last thing I should be doing if I don’t want to die at Jay’s hand.”
“Why are you whispering his name?”
“Jungwon, please!” Jake gasped as if Jungwon’s question was absolutely absurd, “did you see how he looked at me?! I almost killed his girlfriend - if he hears me talking about him or y/n he’ll definitely end me.”
“That doesn’t even make sense
 if he wanted to kill you he wouldn’t even allow you in the same room as her. And besides that, how on earth would he hear you?”
“I don’t know
 he probably put a camera here to watch us. His obsession over y/n is a little concerning. But
 now that you’re saying it
 it is really weird. Why is he letting me stay near her
Oh my god! Maybe that’s just his psychotic game. He wants me to witness her death so I’ll live with this guilt forever. Wow, I have to leave this room quickly.” You heard the scratching of a chair.
“You’re not going anywhere, hyung!” Hit.
“Ouch! Don’t hit me there, my leg muscles are sore from practice.” He sulked childlike.
“Just sit down and wait until Jay hyung comes back.”
Where’s Jay?
“See, that’s what I mean! Isn’t it so weird that he went out himself and told us to watch over her?” Jake asked curiously.
“Definitely. Did you see his face when she fainted?I’ve never seen him like this. He froze just like that
 he looked like he was about faint himself.”
“Right? And when he was in shock he was talking to himself something like ‘it’s my fault’.”
“Hm,” Jungwon hummed, “now that I think of it, it really gets weirder - usually he’s the proactive one. He’s always level headed and knows what to do. But back then we had to move him aside and handle the situation. He didn’t even move for a while.”
“Do you think they had a fight and that’s why he was so shocked? Like, why was she leaving the apartment in first place? He texted us that we should eat dinner outside because he’s cooking for her but did you see the kitchen? He didn’t even start cooking - his utensils and ingredients were laying around so randomly
 like he got distracted or was interrupted.
This would also explain why he is making us sit here in case she wakes up - you know, so she wouldn’t be facing him first thing first. And it would also explain why he hadn’t knocked me out yet. He feels guilty.”
You could hear their tiny brains ratter as a moment of silence followed.
Both of them let out at the same time.
How can someone be so clever yet still so dumb?
Jay is only clever. He is really super smart.
Your heart melted at the thought of him.
“Oh my god! Are you seeing this? She’s smiling!”
You quickly made a neutral expression as you didn’t want to ‘wake up’ yet. You wanted to listen what they had to talk about. These gossiping aunts. And you wanted to wait for Jay.
“Hyung, now you’re just hallucinating. How can an unconscious person possibly be making any expressions?”
“I swear! She just made that smile! You know that smile whenever she looks at Jay!”
“Ohhh, you mean her ‘I’m so stupidly in love’ smile?” You felt your ears heat up in embarrassment.
“Yeah, yeah, that one!”
 maybe she’s dreaming about him.”
“Or about something that’s factually beautiful.”
Hey! You frowned internally. Jjongie is beautiful.
“Like a flower garden?”
“Or like rainbows and a sunny day.”
“Yeah, or maybe something cute like puppies.”
“Oh my god puppies! That’s so sweet, I wanna see them too.” You could hear Jake’s pout.
Then you heard a soft knock on the door.
Oh! Is that Jay? I should pretend that I just woke up when he comes in!
“I bought these flowers for y/n!” Sunoo exclaimed in excitement.
 it’s just sunoo

“Look hyung! I got this black plushy cat for y/n!”
And Riki

Jungwon and Jake bursted out in laughter:
“BWHAAHAGAHAH- that looks exactly like jay hyung!”
“His angry eyebrows! They’re like Jay’s!”
“I’ll place it right next to her.”
Aww my baby Riki.
“And I’ll put these flowers on the nightstand then she’ll wake up to the sweet scent of them.”
Sunoo!!! He’s such a sweetheart, so cute.
“Hyung, you need to put them in water otherwise they’ll wilt too quickly.“
“Nah, she can do it herself when she wakes up. Ugh! How long is it going to take? I think I’ll watch the new episodes of our show so I can threaten her with spoilers and make her do my laundry.” He chuckled evilly.
Sunoo! You felt irritated.
“If she ever wakes up.” Jake corrected him in a matter-of-factly tone.
“What do you mean ‘if’?”
“There’s a high possibility that she’ll never wake up, Riki.” Jake muttered dramatically.
“What?” Stop scaring my son! Don’t worry, riki, I’ll wake up soon!
“Nice! I always wanted her beanies!”
Riki!! You tried to calm your anger down.
“Oh my god! You’re a genius! I’ll take her skincare!” You felt your blood pressure rise. Don’t you dare, Kim Sunoo!
Then you suddenly felt the weight of the mattress go down at the foot of the bed.
“She better not wake up anytime soon.” Sunoo mumbled as he put his legs under the blanket and made himself comfortable as he pulled most of the blanket towards himself.
“Hyung! Be careful!” - at least there’s one person in this room who’s worried about me - “Jay hyung will get mad when he sees you sitting there. He strictly forbid it.”
Right. Jungwon is not taking care of me. He’s following his Jay hyung’s instructions!
“Agghhh this is nice,” next you felt a heavy weight settle on your legs as Riki was laying horizontally on them.
Ugh, he’s so heavy.
“Hyung knows y/n likes us. We’ll just tell him she wouldn’t have liked it if he scolded us.”
Then he started to roll his back on your legs and used them as some kind of muscle roller.
“That’s right,” sunoo agreed with Riki.
After a few moments of silence - and after Riki moved around on your legs and ultimately decided to sit like Sunoo but on the other side (and stealing more of the blanket than he did) - you finally heard the door open again.
“Oh you guys are back! Did you get everything for y/n?” Jungwon asked.
“Yeah, Jay went to her apartment on his own and got her necessities meanwhile me and Hoon went to a store.” You heard how Heeseung was placing multiple bags on the floor.
“Wow did you buy everything from the store?”
“Basically, yes. He gave us a list he quickly had written down during the car ride. That man knows his girl.” You heard Sunghoon and his rummaging to which you assumed that he also was setting some shopping bags on the ground.
Exactly, you agreed proudly.
“Or he didn’t know anything and just wrote everything down he once saw in a store.” You ‘accidentally’ kicked your feet and hoped you aimed any body part of Riki.
“Ouch! She kicked me!” Bingo.
But where is Jay?
“And where is he now?” Sunoo expressed the thought that clouded your mind.
After a few silent moments Heeseung sighed softly and finally spoke up: “In the car. He told us to take the stuff to his room and if she’s awake we should text him. He’s probably waiting in the car for the message.”
“I don’t know man. He was acting so weird. Like he was the one at fault. I mean I get it; to see your woman faint like this is probably not easy but
 - i don’t know how to describe it- he just was out of it.”
Heeseung hummed in agreement to sunghoon’s observation.
My baby. Your heart broke at the thought of jay sitting alone in the car. What is he doing? He should sit next to you and wait until you woke up! Or even better! He should kiss you awake!
Just as you wanted to speak up you heard the door opening again and finally there was your boyfriend.
“She’s still not awake?” With panic in his voice he entered his room. “I knew I shouldn’t have listened to you guys! I’m calling an ambulance.” He announced suddenly.
“Don’t call an ambulance! You have to kiss me awake, you moron!” You shouted in frustration as you suddenly sat up, startling everyone.
” Jay’s shoulders visibly relaxed and his eyes were shaky as he looked at you with so much relief.
He quickly made his way towards you and sat on the bed right next to you. Then he pulled you carefully into his warm embrace and nestled his head on your shoulder.
“I was so scared, honey. Don’t ever do that again.” He said with a shaky voice and pulled you as close as possible. And then he started to cry. Loudly.
And of course hearing him cry made you also cry. So you cried just as loudly.
“Why weren’t you here, Jay?! Everyone was in this room except for you! I- I was waiting for you but you were the last person who came into this room!” You wailed as you gripped tightly onto Jay’s shirt.
Jay’s heart broke at this, nevertheless, he started to caress your hair in order to calm you down.
“I’m sorry, princess. I’m so sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am.” He whimpered as his tears didn’t seem to stop. “Just please don’t break up with me. I’ll do anything. But don’t leave me.”
“I don’t wanna leave you either, jay! But I can’t keep going on with these fights! You never tell me when something is wrong and you have no idea how devastating that is! It hurts so much knowing you’re in pain but not being able to help you or comfort you in any kind of way! Why even have a life partner if you don’t want to share your life with your partner?!”
“I’ll- I’ll tell you. Alright, princess? I’ll tell you every little thing from now on. Just promise me you’ll never scare me like this again.” He pulled away slightly and cradled your face in his hands to wipe away your tears with his thumbs.
“O-okey.” You sniffled and nodded a little as your tears were slowly but surely stopping.
You patted his cheeks with the sleeve of your shirt to clean up his wet face when you suddenly heard a light sniffle.
When you looked over your boyfriend’s shoulder you caught sight of sunoo trying to hold back his tears after seeing such an emotional, heart-wrenching and romantic scene in real life.
The realisation settled in that you and your boyfriend shared such an intimate and personal moment with his 6 fellow members. But when you looked around, anticipating teasings and laughter, you were met with nothing but compassion.
They all looked like they were trying to hold back their tears.
When you looked back at your boyfriend he was already looking at you with so much love and regret. He kissed your forehead: “I’m so glad you woke up.” he mumbled against it.
“Of course I would wake up, idiot!” You giggled a little and it immediately melted his heart.
Then you pouted sadly and hold your nose lightly: “It hurts.”
He widened his eyes in panic, “your nose? I swear to god I’ll kill Jake
” he mumbled under his breath while he examined your nose.
Jake gulped.
“It doesn’t look swollen
 but we should go see a doctor, princess.” he firmly decided.
“No, jjongie. I just wanna lay down a bit. Can you get me the cooling aid, please?” Jay hesitated a little as he wanted you to visit the doctor nonetheless he didn’t want to argue with you: “Of course, honey. Lay down and rest, hm?”
“Can you lay down with me, please?”
Jay felt butterflies erupt in his stomach, “of course, my sweetheart.” Then he turned around to glare at Jake: “what are you doing, clown? Get her the ice pack, will you?”
“Y-yes, sir.” Jake sprang up from his chair.
“Jay, don’t be so mean to him. He didn’t do it on purpose.” You spoke softly as you patted his chest. Jay responded with a sulking grunt.
Then you looked at Riki and Sunoo who were still sitting on the bed at the other end with squinted eyes: “You should actually talk to them.”
Both of their eyes widened in a comical way.
“Wh-what do you mean?” Riki stuttered with fear loaded in his voice.
“We- we didn’t do anything wrong, hyung!” Sunoo stammered.
“What’s with them?” He looked over his shoulder and then back at you.
“Actually, they were so nice talking about how they got me gifts,” you looked around and found the plushy and the flowers they were talking about, “see, Jay? They took good care of me.”
“Really?” Jay inspected the plushy with suspicion and was surprised at his little brothers.
“Mhm, I heard something - I don’t if I understood it correctly - but something along the lines how they’ll buy me beanies or just in general some branded clothes and accessories and of course some skincare! Oh and how they’ll go to my apartment and clean it up for me. They even want to do my laundry!”
“Wow that really doesn’t sound like them,” jay chuckled but then turned around to look at them again. Just in time the two boys switched their facial expressions from unpleasant to happy ones.
“Thanks guys. I really appreciate it.”
They gave him a forced smile. Jay rose his eyebrow: “her apartment key is in my jacket pocket- you can go now and clean it up. I’ll join you.” They started to climb out of his bed whilst rolling their eyes secretly.
“No, jjongie! Let them do it!” You gave him your best puppy look. Sunoo rolled his eyes harder than before.
“No buts! We still need to talk.” You gave him a stern look.
Jay looked at your cute expression and he’d be an idiot if he refused you. “Of course, my love,” he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Then just go and I’ll check tomor-“ he looked around and realised that everyone left already and that the cooling aid was laying on the ground at the swell of the door frame, “-row
“When did they even leave?” Jay mumbled as he stood up to pick up the cool pad and closed his door. After wrapping it up in a thin towel he went back to the bed where you were already laying and made some room for him. He joined you in the bed and gently laid pad on your nose. You sighed in relief: “This is nice
Jay kissed your forehead and cradled you in his other free arm, “come here,” he mumbled. You took the cool pad from his hand to press it on your own when you asked curiously: “what did you buy for me?”
“Oh, that?” He looked over his shoulder where the bags were, “just some stuff for my princess.” He cheekily answered. You swatted at his chest but he quickly caught your hand and pressed a kiss on the palm before resting it on his chest and pulling you closer. You felt him caressing your ring finger when you heard him shakily breathe in: “babe
Hearing his serious tone you put the cool pad away and looked him in his eyes, you hummed: “yes, darling?”
He squeezed your hand lovingly as he felt his stomach churn anxiously: “Can you please wear the ring again? It feels heavy in my pocket.” And in his heart.
You smiled at him softly: “Of course, my love.”
Letting out a shaky breath, he speedily and clumsily pulled out the ring from his pocket and immediately slid it on your ring finger.
He lingered a kiss on it, “I’ll make sure you never take it off again. Only if I replace it with an engagement ring.”
You grinned widely as you felt a blush on your cheeks: “I’d love that actually.”
Jay leaned in to kiss you but you quickly blocked him by putting your hand in front of his lips. “Why?” He tilted his head and looked at you with sad eyes. You almost caved in.
“First talk, then kiss. We’re not doing any kind of lovemaking - and you know what I mean by that - until you explain to me what’s going on,” you declared sternly, “and until then I’m still mad at you and won’t speak to you otherwise.”
“Okey, okey. I’ll explain,” he replied to you swiftly and wrapped his arms securely around you as if to make sure you won’t go anywhere.
And then he started to explain. And you didn’t say anything until he was done.
“So, just because of Jungwon’s dating scandal your head manager banned everyone from dating?” You summed up the whole complicated tension in the company, which had been going on for a few months now. You tried to process the information. “I can’t even comprehend this. That’s so unfair.” Your heart felt heavy.
“I know
” he agreed with a sad tone.
“Now I can actually understand why you wouldn’t tell me this. If I were you I probably also wouldn’t have.”
He sighed with a heavy heart: “but still
 I failed miserably at hiding it from you. I mean it totally affected my mood. I should’ve just talked with you about it.”
You patted his cheek: “It’s okey, honey. It’s now in the past. We’re letting this chapter of our relationship go and are looking forward, alright?”
He gave you a cute little nod but one look in his eyes told you everything. How much he regretted these fights and his harsh words to you. It was impossible to express it with words.
 why are you looking like a sad puppy? It’s okay every relationship has its ups and downs. That’s actually a good thing. That way you can see whether a relationship is healthy or not. Whether the two partners are aligned with each other or not. Look at us: we’re talking about it and are going through this together. The important thing is that we’re making progress together, right? And that we’re learning from our past mistakes together. It’s also a testament to our commitment.“
He responded again with a nod, not daring to speak up as he was too afraid he might break out in tears. You pouted at him and whispered, “give me a kiss.” Without a word he leaned into you and met his lips with yours. And only after a few moments you started to taste his salty tears. “Babe
” you parted your lips from his, just to peck them several times. “Don’t cry, my jjongie. Everything is alright. We’re okey, baby.”
“I almost lost you, y/n.”
“No, you didn’t, silly.“
He wiped his tears away and pouted a little: “you threw away your ring.”
“It was more of a symbolic gesture than anything else. You found it and we talked about everything, right?”
“What if I didn’t? What if I threw it away on accident?”
“Then we would’ve gotten a new one. But I knew you’d find it and we’d make up in time before you would even empty out your bin.”
“Don’t ever do that again.”
You kissed his sulking lips again, “okey, I won’t, you little baby.”
As you were sharing another sweet kiss his nose bumped against yours and normally you would’ve chucked at the ticklish feeling but, unfortunately, your nose was really sensitive as you let out a painful groan.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he looked at you concerned.
“It’s okey,” you grabbed the cool pad again and held it against it.
Jay rubbed your waist to give you some comfort as he mumbled: “I really wanna punch Jake in the face.” He squeezed his eyes shut to calm himself down when all of the sudden he sat up from his laying position. “Give me a minute. I’ll just do it now.”
“No, you’re right.” He took a deep breath: “I’ll slam his face against the door.”
“Honey,” you stretched out your arm and put your hand on his back, “before you do that just listen to me. Think about it: this accident brought us back together.”
He turned around to give you a look, “you’re not being for real, are you?”
“I’m 100% sure we wouldn’t have talked for at least one whole week. But looked at us now,” you wiggled your hand clad with the ring in front of his face. Jay laid back down next to you, now a little more relaxed.
“Sometimes I don’t like how you only see the good even in the bad things.” He was laying on his back and didn’t look at you as he stared at the ceiling.
“Why?” You giggled, “isn’t that a good thing? To be optimistic.”
“It is, I guess. It’s one of your traits I love so much. But it also makes me realise that I’m not worthy of your love. That you’ll probably leave me someday because you found someone who matches you way better than I do. That’s why I also don’t like it. It’s like a reminder that I’m not good enough for you.” He whispered the last part as he wanted to avoid a crack in his voice.
” you were lost at words. In your eyes Jay was the most confident person to ever exist. Never ever did it cross your mind that Jay could also be insecure about your relationship. Just like you felt sometimes.
“Oh Jay
” you repeated emphatically and scooted closer to him. “Come here.” You wrapped your arms around him and pulled his head towards your chest. He immediately responded by embracing your waist and nestled his face in the crook of your neck.
“This was really stupid of you, you know? You always tell me to not speak such nonsense when in reality you also have these thoughts of insecurities.
I need you to know that there’s no person on this earth that can handle me as well as you do. There’s no person who loves me like you do and you show it to me in the most special ways. I know there’s nobody else who knows me like you do. So don’t ever think this again, alright?”
Jay only tightened his embrace around you as a response.
“So what if we fought? It only grew us stronger and closer. I got to know you better through this. And you’re acting like I’m some saint who’s never done anything wrong in this entire relationship. I think you’re forgotten that I always snap at you when I’m overwhelmed in the slightest. Or when I get my period I’m always annoyed with you. Or when I’m sleep deprived. I could give you sooo many examples from our life that we’ve been sharing for quite awhile now. You can’t tell me that you forgot all these instances.”
“Hm, but it’s not the same
” he mumbled against your skin.
“How so?” You exclaimed in a high pitched tone, “just like you don’t care about my bad traits I also don’t! I feel the exact same way about you. Believe it or not!”
“Promise?” He rasped with a sleepy voice.
“Promise.” You sealed it with a kiss on his head.
“You know, about this picture I told you I liked it because of your smile, right?”
You hummed.
“That’s actually not the whole story. I love this picture so much because on this day I realised I wanted to marry you. That you were the one for me.”
Your eyes widened in surprise: “Really?” You asked yet again in a high pitched tone, which made him chuckle lightly.
“But it was taken not even 1 month into our relationship! How could you possibly know it back then?”
He looked up at you and brushed away a strand of hair behind your ear gently:
“I don’t know what happened that day, princess. I just realised that my feelings for you weren’t - and obviously still aren’t- for someone who I’m dating casually. When you greeted me that day with your usual beautiful smile I immediately knew it. That’s why I love this picture so much. It reflects not only my feelings for you but also the importance of your smile- your happiness to me.”
He sighed sadly, “that day I swore to myself to never be the reason of your tears. To shield you from any harm and pain that could potentially make you sad. And I miserably failed at that
” he blinked his eyes harshly to stop the tears.
“Stop it, Park Jonseong!” You frowned angrily.
“You’re only a human. You didn’t fail at anything. Do you really think I’d be laying here with you if I thought that? You always take care of me. Even when we’re fighting! You literally skipped practice today to spend time with me. So don’t ever talk like this about yourself.”
“That slap hurt
” he mumbled as he held his cheek with his hand.
“Stop acting like a child.” You rolled your eyes but nonetheless you leaned in to kiss his cheek where you slapped him.
“Here also.” He pointed at his other cheek.
“I didn’t even touch that side.” You laughed at his silliness. Nevertheless, you pecked it.
“And here.” He pointed at his nose.
“Mwuah.” You smooched his nose.
“And here also.” This time he laid his finger on his lip.
“Oh now you’re getting bold.”
“I was born bold.” He clasped your face in his hands and gently pulled you in for soft kiss.
The kiss was interrupted by a giggle of yours which you unsuccessfully tried to stifle: “bold or bald?”
Jay rolled his eyes with a smile and leaned in yet again to kiss you: “oh just shut up
After this chaotic day you were sure of two things:
First, the next time you’re taking off your ring it will be because he’s giving you another one - this time a diamond ring.
Second, from now on, whenever you’re with him, you’ll never have to open a door yourself.
Comment and reblog! Appreciate likes but tumblr doesn’t.
Feedback etc. is highly appreciated.
© youngheejay 2025 | do not repost or plagiarize.
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wow-thisismylifeiguess · 2 days ago
Sentient Gotham
- Bruce regularly chats w her. Like, full blown conversations. He can see a physical manifestation of her like she’s right in front of him, but completely invisible to everyone else
- Zatanna does not believe him. She’s Gotham born and bred and a powerful magician, but she cannot sense a living breathing Gotham the way Bruce claims he can
- Constantine does believe him, but it’s mostly to spite Zatanna
- Gotham calls herself Bruce’s mom and frequently whines about him not calling her that
> “I had a mother. And a father. They’re both dead.” > “WHEN WILL YOU STOP BLAMING ME FOR THAT?!” > “When I’m convinced it’s not true.”
- Bruce’s kids also don’t believe him about the whole ‘I talk to Gotham’ thing for a long time and think he’s either lost his mind, he’s schizophrenic, or that he’s fucking w them
- they do eventually see and speak to her themselves
- Jason first sees her right before his death, which was an incredibly difficult task for her. It’s a combination of reasons. 1) like Bruce, Jason is a Gotham City native and has deep ties to the city, 2) he has deep ties to Bruce, 3) she was also there to comfort Bruce because she knew he wouldn’t be fast enough. But Jason sees this gorgeous woman who cradles his cheek and murmurs soft words to him that he’ll only end up remembering many years later
> “Your father loves you. He tried. So please don’t hate him. It’s my fault, not his.”
- Bruce frequently wonders why it’s him who can see her and no one else, to which she always just says it’s because he’s her son
- Bruce’s connection to Gotham
changes him. He is human, at least
mostly. But there’s an otherworldliness to him that grows over the years which he’s stupidly oblivious to for a very long time
- Gotham has beef w Alfred purely because he’s British
> “I could’ve raised you better than that man!” > “I do not tolerate disrespect for Alfred.” > whining, “But babyyyyyy. He’s an outsider!”
- she adores Bruce’s kids and frequently whines about how they don’t believe she’s real. But at the same time, Bruce is her absolute beloved
- after Jason’s death, she’s the one who basically sends Tim Bruce’s way to stop his self destructive behavior. Tim had been taking pictures of Batman and Robin for a while, but Gotham had fogged over his mind just a little bit to prevent him from putting the pieces together about their identity. When she stops, it finally clicks for Tim and it’s what leads him to becoming Robin
- the kids all have their moment when they finally can see and speak to her. It happens at different times, but the important reason as to why they’re able to do so is due to their relationship to Bruce and the length of time they’ve been around him. It comes at the moment where they’ve reached optimal and absolute trust in Bruce
- Bruce does actually call her ‘mom’, but it happened once and she will never let him forget it
> Bruce getting worked up during a conversation w Gotham in front of Dick and Tim > “Dick
.who is he talking to?” > “You don’t want to know.” > “My mom won’t stop badgering me- No. No. I didn’t say that. I didn’t call you that! You can’t prove anything!”
- Gotham comforts Bruce often when he feels like he’s not enough. His failures weigh heavy in his heart, but she’s always there to talk him through it
> “Why me? Why am I the one you picked? I’m not enough. I never will be.” > “You are and you always will be. Bruce, you do so much for this city. For me. For your family.” > “It’s not enough.” > “You are only mostly human, Bruce Wayne. You have done things no one else could ever hope to do. If any one else were in your position, they would not have nearly enough strength as you do.”
- several months later, after Bruce is just idly going over case files, he remembers the ‘mostly human’ part of what Gotham said to him. He’d glossed over it before in his depressive spiral, but now he’s like !?
> “Gotham
.” > “Yes, my dear?” > “‘Mostly human’. Care to explain what that means?” > awkward laugh, “Uh
..” > “Gotham.” > “I didn’t do it on purpose! I had no control!” > “Gotham.”
- order of who sees Gotham:
Bruce (obviously)
Jason (first time)
Jason (second time)
- the last three take a while but mostly because they’re not Gotham natives. Dick’s a little bitter about it because he practically spent his entire life in Gotham
> “You’re a traitor.” > “WHAT DID I DO?” > disgust, “BlĂŒdhaven.” > “Oh. Whoops.”
- While Gotham is Bruce’s #1 Supporterâ„ąïž, she is at times critical of his behavior and decisions. Particularly about things that damage his relationship w loved ones and things that he chooses to do in order to hurt himself
- she finds ‘Brucie’ to be distasteful
> “I didn’t raise you to be a whore.” > “You didn’t raise me to begin with.” > “STOP DENYING ME PARENTAL RIGHTS!”
- Gotham is, obviously, restricted to only appear within Gotham City’s borders. She’s only able to break through that restriction a handful of times, w the first being when Jason dies. There are a few other instances and she’s popped up on the Watchtower and jumpscared Bruce by accident. The JL were very confused and incredibly amused
- She’s able to take on the form of anyone, but sticks to a unique appearance of a woman w long black hair and pale skin. Her eyes are white and she’s typically dressed in a suit
> young Bruce, in awe, “You kind of look like me if I were cooler.” > “You’re plenty cool, Bruce.” > adult Bruce, tired, “Why are you in a suit?” > “Because I look cool, Bruce. You said so yourself.” > “I was ten!”
- she once offered to take on the appearance of his mother and Bruce shot it down so fast. She never brought it up again
- when Clark found out about her, he believed Bruce immediately. He’s the only one Bruce ever told who believed him right off the bat
> “You
don’t think I’m insane?” > “I do.” > “Then why would you lie and say you believe me?” > “Because I do. You’re insane about a lot of things, Bruce. But you sounded too serious when you told me about this, so why would I ever think you’re lying?”
- Gotham begrudgingly likes Clark
> “You hate Alfred for being an outsider, but Clark is in your good graces?” > “He’s an alien. It’s different.” > “He’s also from Metropolis.” > “Shhhhhh, don’t remind me. I’m trying to be blissfully ignorant.”
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 days ago
I Never Got to Say Goodbye
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ex boyfriend!eddie x reader
You see Eddie over a year after your break up and you both realize that you never stopped loving each other
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) unprotected sex, hurt/comfort, angst, a guy gets handsy with reader
You sit at your vanity in your room, dreading to get ready. You don’t even want to go out, but you feel like you have no choice. Your friends are trying to get you to meet someone new but how can you when you’re still not over your ex? 
You’re not even sure why you broke up anymore and you’re wondering if he feels the same. If he lies awake playing your breakup over and over, wishing that you would have just stayed together. But you suppose it was just a “right person, wrong time” sort of thing, that it was more the situation than anything that led to your relationship ending. 
You put on your makeup and get dressed as you put on the mixtape that one of your roommates had made for you. You’re dancing around as get ready, loving every song that’s been put onto it. She knows you so well, knows exactly what you like. But then you freeze when the familiar guitar riff floats through your ears. 
“I can’t dance,” you tell Eddie as he guides you around your living room. He’s trying and failing to teach you how to dance but he’s just so determined to show you how. 
“Sure you can,” he says, turning up the volume of the stereo before taking your hands in his. He steps forward and you step back as he guides you through the moves, being so gentle with you like always. “Eyes on me, okay?” 
You nod and keep your eyes on his pretty brown ones as he slowly shows you the steps. You’re not even sure how he learned this but you love seeing the fluid steps and wonder how he does it so well. There’s just so much about him that you want to know and you hope you’re together long enough to find out every single thing about him.
A knock at the door pulls you out of your flashback and you’re quick to turn off the music before hurrying to answer it. Janet is on the other side, a bright smile plastered on her face like always. You know she’s waiting on your to finish so you all can leave and you’re actually kind of pissed at her for not at least letting you finish your flashback. 
You’ve been having a lot of those lately. It’s like your brain is trying to torture you with all of the memories because it knows just how much you’ve been missing Eddie. You miss him so much that it actually hurts. It’s to the point where it’s gotten so painful to think about but you don’t want the memories to stop.
You grab your purse and follow Janet and the other girls out the door. Luckily, the club is just down the street so you don’t have to hail a cab to get there. They’re all talking about finding someone to hook up with but of course, all you’re thinking about is your ex and how much he would have hated a place like this.
Being in that close proximity to strangers-drunk strangers at that-was his worst nightmare and the loud music was so overstimulating which you totally understood. It was something that he would always push through for you because of how much you loved it and now you know you’re going to miss having him by your side, whispering silly things into your ear and staring down any man who even looked at you. 
As the four of you get in line, Violet slips some condoms into your purse that you’re sure you’re not even going to need but you let her anyway. It’s easier not to put up a fight, especially when they’re all just trying to help. 
The club is newer and allegedly very hard to get into and as you look up at the name, you notice that it sounds very familiar, something you’ve heard a billion times but you’re sure that it’s not actually what you’re thinking of. 
“Ed’s?” You ask with a laugh. “That’s the name of a bar, Eddie, not a club. And why do you want to own a club anyway? That’s not exactly your scene.” 
“For you,” he says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world before pressing a kiss to your lips. “I want you to have a place you can call your own, where you can make the decisions. You always complain about the music and the prices and now you’d be able to have whatever you want.” 
“You’re doing this for me?” You feel tears welling up in your eyes at the gesture, wondering how you got so lucky to have someone who cares that much about you. That pays that much attention and is willing to drop a bunch of money just so you could be happy. 
“I’d do anything for you, you know that,” he winks and your heart flutters. 
“Ed’s,” you nod, having a newfound love for the name. “I like it.” You lay your head on Eddie’s chest while he runs his fingers through your hair, your favorite lullaby. 
“I thought you might.” 
You’re thrown back into real life to the bouncer outside the club asking for your ID. When did you get to the front of the line? Did you really zone out of that long? 
You shake the thought away and pull your wallet out of your purse, retrieving your ID and handing it to him. Once he sees that you’re of age, he hands it back and you head inside. As you walk through the doors and take in everything, you still think about how familiar everything looks, almost as if you’ve seen it before. But it can’t be what you think it is
can it?
Your friends have separated from you yet again so you head to the bar for a much needed drink. As soon as you sit at the bar, you look around and see just how busy it is. The bartenders are working hard to stay on top of their orders and as much as you really want a drink, you’re willing to wait as long as you need to. 
You pick up the menu and look at the drinks, the deja vu coming over you again as the names all sound familiar. They’re based on metal songs, songs that you’ve heard so many times you could sing them from memory. 
They would all play so loudly in Eddie’s car as you’d drive around town, screaming the lyrics as loud as you could through giggles because you were just so happy to be around each other. 
You haven’t even been able to listen to any of them since the breakup because it just hurts too much. At first, you were only listening to them because of Eddie, but over time, you really grew to appreciate the genre and even started listening to them on your own. 
Eventually, one of the bartenders comes over to take your order and your mouth falls open as you make eye contact with him. You definitely must be hallucinating because he looks so much like Eddie. As you stare at him, taking in his features, his longer hair, his beard, and nose ring, his own eyes widen which causes you to believe that he is in fact real. 
The last you heard, he was in Chicago. What was he doing back in New York? And why hadn’t he told you? Oh, that’s right. He probably doesn’t have your number anymore and considering that you haven’t kept in contact, you don’t really deserve to know what’s going on in his life anymore. 
And that just kills you. You wonder how much about him has changed besides his appearance. He obviously still opened the club even though you aren’t together anymore. And it seems to be doing really well so you can’t help but feel your heart swell with pride. He got everything he ever wanted. And the stab to the chest is that he didn’t even need your help to do it. 
“What can I get for you?” He asks and now you don’t even want a drink. You want him to sit next to you while you tell each other everything that’s happened over the past year. You want to tell him just how much you fucking miss him. 
“Rum and Coke,” you reply and he smiles, loving to see that you’re still ordering the same drink. 
“You got it,” he nods and moves around the bar, fixing the drink. You watch him, staring at his back, wishing you could hug him from behind like you always used to do. He’d just laugh and turn around , wrapping his arms around you and giving you a squeeze. You miss everything about him, but you’re pretty sure you miss his hugs the most. They were always so tight and long, his favorite way to show you just how much he loved you. 
Loved. As in, past tense. You never stopped loving him but you’re not sure if he still loves you. Considering how he’s been treating you like every other customer, you don’t think he does. You almost want to just get up and leave but he sets your drink on the bar in front of you. 
“One rum and coke,” he says, wiping his hands off on a towel and you can’t even look him in the eye. It’s just too painful. 
Eddie can’t fucking believe that you’re here. He hasn’t stopped thinking about you since you broke up, well, more specifically, that day and how much he regrets the whole thing. It still plays in his head on a loop, torturing him. What he would give to go back in time and beg you to stay.
“So what are you saying?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest. Surely you’re not suggesting what he thinks you are. No way are you breaking up with him. You just can’t be. You’ve been through far too much to just give up on each other.
“I’m saying that what’s the point of even being together if we can’t be together? We’re both always busy and we see each other once every few weeks. That’s not a relationship Eddie.” He knows your right, but he’s sure that you just need to push through and you’ll get through it just like the two of you have every time you’ve had something you needed to work through.
“So you want to break up?” He almost looks like he’s going to cry and you just can’t bear to look at him if he does. You don’t need this to be any harder than it already is.
“I didn’t say that
but I don’t see any other choice.” You’re both crying now and the whole thing is just pitiful, the two of you looking at each other with tears streaming down your faces, having a conversation you never thought you would. 
“No. No, we can make this work.” He’s taking your hands in his and as much as you love that he’s fighting for you, you know you just can’t keep going like this.
“How?” You ask and he reaches up and wipes your tears, resting his hands on your cheeks. This is one thing he just can’t fix and that breaks you.
“I don’t know. I guess maybe it’s for the best,” he shrugs, finally seeing it from your perspective. He feels like his heart is being ripped out of his chest and he’s not entirely sure what he should do about it. You’re always there to fix things for him and the one time he really needs you, you’re not going to be there.
“I guess so,” you sniff, the two of you now breaking into sobs, knowing that things between the two of you will never be the same. 
You moved your stuff out of his apartment that week and you both cried the whole time, the pain all consuming as he helped you pack up your stuff, being his sweet self which just added salt to the wound. You broke up with him and he still helped you move your stuff, being nothing but a gentleman about the whole thing. 
He didn’t even beg you to stay or anything like you thought he would. He just silently helped you pack stuff into boxes then put it all in the truck you rented. All he did was cry, not even uttering a single word to you as he did so. 
He hasn’t seen you since that day and he has no idea how you got even more beautiful since then. You’re wearing a pretty silver dress and the biggest standout is that you’ve cut your hair. The short style looks good on you, but Eddie thinks that everything looks good on you. 
He doesn’t know how he ever let you slip through his fingers, who he let you move your stuff out of his apartment, why he even went as far as helping you pack everything up. It was the hardest thing he ever had to do but he felt like it was the right thing for both of you. 
But now that you’re here tonight, he’s wondering if it’s fate giving him a second chance. God, if he’s offered one, he’s going to take it. Just thinking about it, he feels the weight on his chest lifting, like everything finally makes sense again. 
You’re sipping on your drink so elegantly, giggling with a man who’s now occupying the stool to the left of you. You seem to be having a good time and now you’re holding Eddie’s heart in your hand, squeezing it as you continue to giggle with the man and he can feel it, his chest aching as he watches you slip through his fingers once again. 
But as he’s turning his back to help the other customers, he sees the man’s hand sliding up your thigh and something about watching this happen is making his skin crawl. Just thinking about this guy touching you like that makes him want to break every single one of his fingers, especially because of how uncomfortable you look. 
You’re trying to scoot away but don’t have the strength, the guy grabbing hold of your arm and holding you there so you’re unable to move. Even from your profile, he can see the fear in your eyes as you try to push him off. 
 Eddie’s had enough of this and rounds the bar, grabbing hold of the guy and pulling him off the stool. As soon as he looks the guy in the eyes, seeing that he’s not even phased tells Eddie that he does this a lot and that doesn’t sit right with him. He’s seen red now as he holds the guy by his shirt and he knows he really shouldn’t but before he can stop himself, he raises his fist and punches him square in the face before letting security take care of him. 
He shakes his fist afterwards because of the tingly feeling just as you’re throwing yourself into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck as you bury your face into it. He doesn’t exactly know what’s going on, pretty sure that you’re trying to thank him, but he doesn’t need it. He did it because it was the right thing and honestly would have done it for anyone. 
You pull away and Eddie feels every part of him ache when he sees that you’re crying. He notices your face change, your eyes widen as you slip your arms from him, almost as if you think that you’ve made a mistake.  
“I’m sorry,” you tell him as you step away, quickly adjusting your dress before wiping your tears from your cheeks. There was a time where that was Eddie’s job but being chronically single since the breakup, you’ve learned to do it for yourself again 
“For what?” He asks, tilting his head to the side as he slips his hands into the pockets of his jeans to prevent from reaching out for you. 
“For hugging you,” you reply as if it’s obvious, but clearly it’s not since he’s still looking at you like a confused puppy. Has he always been this adorable? 
“Baby-” he cuts himself off, the nickname coming so naturally like it hasn't been months since he’s called you that. “You can hug me anytime you want. Especially after that.” 
“Sorry,” you shake your head. “This is just weird for me, I guess. I-I wasn’t expecting to see you here and I guess old feelings are just flooding back.” You’re chuckling awkwardly like you shouldn’t be saying it, but it’s honestly music to Eddie's ears.
Eddie’s brain short circuits as you finish speaking. Old feelings? So you don’t still love him. You don’t feel the same way as he does and that absolutely kills him. This whole thing has just become torture but he can’t get himself to walk away because he’s still wrapped around your goddamn finger. Some things just never change. 
“Well, I um-” you cut yourself off, now feeling flustered. “I should get back to my friends,” you jerk your thumb over your shoulder and Eddie couldn’t be more disappointed. He really wishes he had more time with you, realizing just how much he missed you now that you’re leaving again. If he doesn’t say something now, he’s going to be kicking himself for the rest of his life. 
“Wait,” he calls after you and you turn around, clearly caught off guard by him still having something to say. “I get off in about an hour. Do you want to
go somewhere?” 
” You look hesitant, almost caught off guard and now he’s trying to think of how he can backtrack since he’s clearly made you uncomfortable. 
“I just want to talk.” You think about it and Eddie can practically see the gears turning in your head. You want to, you really do, but there’s so much that you want to say that you probably shouldn’t. 
You want to tell him how much you miss him, how you miss being wrapped up in his arms, the way he’d squeeze you tight before the two of you fell asleep. You miss the humming that he did or the tv constantly playing on low volume in the background because he hates silence. 
You miss his kisses and even though it’s been over a year since your last one, you still vividly remember what his lips felt like. They were almost always chapped and he often tasted like the mint gum he chewed to cover up the tobacco for you. 
“Okay, yeah,” you nod, craving to be in his presence so badly. Being here with him now, all of that anxiety and dread you’ve been carrying around with you is gone, replaced with warmth that’s spreading throughout your body, the calm that always coursed through you when you were around him. For the first time in so long, you finally feel like you’re home. 
Eddie’s feeling clammy as he stands outside the club. He’s smoking a cigarette to help ease his anxiety but it’s not working. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous to talk to you. Maybe because there’s so much uncertainty. There’s so much he wants to say and he’s unsure how you’re going to take it all. He wants to tell you just how much he misses you, how much he still loves you. It’s fucking breaking him being apart from you and when you left, he felt like he lost his purpose, his passion for everything gone with you in the moving truck. 
And the thing is, he doesn’t even blame you for leaving because what else were you supposed to do? That’s what happens when people break up. He just wishes he had gotten the chance to say goodbye since you made the decision to leave while he was at work. He got home and all of your stuff was gone, those cute little mugs you had collected over the years gone from the kitchen cabinet, your books that you would read to him every night before bed disappeared from his bookshelf along with everything else that you owned. 
Seeing you tonight made his feelings for you even stronger and now he can’t even fight them off like he usually does. They have to make themselves known, wanting Eddie to not deny them anymore. He guesses he can’t now and he honestly has no idea what he’s going to say to you without looking like a lovesick fool. 
So he just continues to smoke his cigarette until it’s gone, then reaches for his pack to get another one when you exit the club, giggling with your friends before saying goodbye to them and heading over to him. You’ve gotten even more beautiful since he last saw you a couple hours ago and it hurts so bad knowing that he can’t have you. After getting your closure, the two of you will go your separate ways and Eddie will go home to a bottle of tequila and put on the mixtape he made for you while he drinks until he cries himself to sleep. 
He’s pathetic and he knows it. He’s imagining you telling him that you miss him too then sharing a kiss that’s filled with fireworks. He really needs to get a grip and stop wishing for something that will never happen.
“So,” you speak up, standing there awkwardly as you fiddle with the strap of your purse in your hands. “Where are we going?” Eddie completely forgot to come up with a spot and now he’s panicking, saying the first thing that comes to mind. 
“Dina’s,” he says as he takes one last drag of his cigarette before putting it out underneath his boot. Your eyes widen at the name, memories flooding your mind of sitting in your favorite booth, the two of you giggling over pancakes and a milkshake with two straws. 
Eddie suggesting that place is like a stab to the gut, too painful to go there and try to relive the good memories of your failed relationship, but you think that maybe it won’t be too bad. 
“Dina’s, wow, I haven’t been there since-” you cut yourself off, wondering if this is even a good idea, talking things over with your ex, bringing up the past as you both mourn what could have been. You’re just not sure if you should be doing this. Maybe it’s not too late to catch a cab and go home.
“Since our anniversary,” Eddie finishes, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jacket, seeing that you’re not wearing one, your shoulders bare, your arms wrapping tighter around your body to try and warm yourself up but it’s not working. It’s taking everything in him not to give you the jacket right off his back but he knows you won’t take it, too stubborn like always. 
“Right,” you nod, knowing that this will be nothing like that. It will just be an awkward and painful conversation that you really wished you hadn’t agreed to. You have tried so hard not to think about Eddie, pushing out every single thought you’ve had but there is always going to be little pieces of him sprinkled into your life. Whether you like it or not, there’s always going to be something that reminds you of him, taking you back to that painful place where you left him as you moved out that day. 
Eddie leads you to his van and you can’t help but feel like this is a date. You wish it was, though. Maybe you’ll be able to turn everything around and he’ll be your boyfriend again. Or your friend at the very least. 
He opens the passenger door like he always used to and helps you into the van and it’s just like old times. You look around the van as he rounds the hood and it looks exactly the same, the stickers that have been on the dash since you’ve known him are still there, even the ones you gave him. 
They’re curling up at the edges, the adhesive wearing off, but that only means that he’s loved them so much that they’ve been there a while. You run your fingers over them as Eddie gets into the driver’s seat, watching you from where he’s sitting with a smile that’s filled with admiration. 
He starts up the van and catches you singing along to the next song on the tape he’s got in. It’s the last one you made for him that he plays in a loop because apparently he loves to torture himself. It’s got his name written across it in your handwriting with sloppily drawn hearts all over it. 
He can’t keep that stupid smile off of his face and joins you, both of you laughing through your duet as if no time has passed. Things are so different now but one thing you at least know for sure is that Eddie still loves ABBA. 
You sing the rest of the song, your laughter fading away as another one starts and now it’s just awkward silence. Neither of you know what to say even though you unknowingly still love each other. If only the two of you could get over your anxiety and just say it already. 
But you can’t. You won’t. You already hurt him once and you’re not going to do it again. He’s doing so well and you’re not going to stumble into his life and claim your have feelings for him when he’s definitely over you. 
If only you could see how lovesick Eddie still is. If only you could get back all the cobwebs that have gathered in your past and see the future that’s right in front of you. Eddie is still as head over heels for you as he’s always been. He never stopped loving you even when everything went to shit. He’s tried, god, he’s tried. He’s wanted to forget you, but you’re always still there, stuck in his mind forever. 
He pulls up to the restaurant and you’re thrown back in time again, another flashback that you can’t seem to escape as much as you want to. You remember the tender touches of your hands across the table and the loving stares and now you’re just sitting across from each other like two people on a blind date. 
You hate that you still remember your exact orders even though you haven’t even thought about this place since the last time you sat in this very booth. His hand is resting on the table as he looks at the menus and god, you just want to reach for it, to know if they’re as rough as you remember. You hope he still uses that lotion you always used to buy him. 
He’s sitting there, looking so pretty with his hair tucked behind one ear, moving an unlit cigarette between his fingers that’s always been a nervous habit. You hate that he’s nervous but you completely understand why. This is uncharted territory. You’re completely different people now and this whole thing was completely unplanned. 
You mimic him and look at your own menu but you’re not even hungry. You’re actually feeling sick thinking about why you’re actually here. You’re nervous as shit to have this conversation. You just know he’s going to break your heart and you suppose you can’t even be upset with him since you deserve it for leaving him all that time ago without even so much a goodbye. But the thing is, you actually actually left because you were terrified to see the look on his face so you fled to avoid the pain of seeing how heartbroken he was. 
“So,” he says, taking a deep sigh as he sets his menu on the table, looking you in the eyes as he does so. 
“So,” you repeat in the same fashion and furrow your eyebrows when he brings his hands up to cover his face, scrubbing at his eyes. He then slaps his hands onto the table which startles you, looking at you with that fire that you’ve missed the entire night. 
“I’ve gotta be honest,” he says, his gaze still burning into yours. “I’ve missed you. Like, so much that I can’t even stand it.” He knows that it’s rushed and that he probably sounds crazy and eyes widen at his confession, he’s terrified that he’s scaring you away. God, he’s driving you away again, fucking up one more time before you leave his life for good. He just can’t seem to get it right. 
Before he can even finish his speech that he’s been writing in his head for months because in the blink of an eye, you’re sitting right next to him, a goofy but adorable grin on your face. He has no idea what’s going on but he sure as hell isn’t going to deny you being in such close proximity to him. 
“I’m sorry,” he replies, nervous all over again because even though you’re smiling at him, he can’t help but feel iscared that you’re going to slip through his fingers. “I-I don’t know why I said that. I just-”
“Eddie,” you cut him off, your hands cradling his cheeks like they used to and his eyes widen as he stares at you, wondering what you’re going to do next. 
“Yeah?” He asks, his voice small for the first time tonight. 
“Will you please just shut up?” You ask before pressing your lips to his, pouring out all of your repressed emotions for the past year pouring into it and you don’t even care that you’re crying. You just need this and apparently Eddie does too because his arms are wrapped tightly around you, his own tears trailing down his cheeks as he involuntarily whimpers against your lips. 
This is the best way he’s ever been shut up in his life and it’s crazy to him just quickly you’re both able to do this after so long, picking it up like it’s nothing. It gets progressively more hungry and as you’re sticking your tongue into his mouth, you suddenly realize where you are, deciding that you can’t exactly do what you’re doing here. So you stand from the table and offer him your hand which he gladly takes. 
You’re both out the door in a flash and as soon as you’re heading down the alley between the diner and the other building, you’re pulling Eddie into the dark, pressing yourself to the wall as your lips find his again, somehow even more hungry than before. You’re both crying again but you’re too caught up in your need for each other to be embarrassed. 
His hands are sliding up your dress as he kisses down to your, nipping at whatever skin he’s able to get his teeth on as he goes. It starts off as gentle kisses as he murmurs the words “I missed you” against your skin but it gets progressively more intense as he begins to suck on your skin, making your brain feel fuzzy. 
“I missed you too,” you moan as he pushes you gently against the wall. He’s pulling down your thong and you let him despite being so out of practice that you’ve felt so nervous about sleeping with anyone else. Being with Eddie, though, just feels so right. 
You unbutton his jeans and pull them down with his underwear, so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t even notice that he’s slid himself inside you, both of you grunting at the tight fit.  
He’s moving slowly at first but progressively gets faster, missing the feeling of being inside you, missing the way you moan, the way you grab onto him, scratching up any part of him you can get your hands on, missing you. God has he missed you. It feels so right being here with you now.
He’s moving so fast, your legs wrapping around his waist as he pumps and pumps, his lips finding yours again, biting down on your bottom lip as another moan slips past your lips. It’s loud and he’s eating it up, wondering how much more he can get out of you before you’re absolutely spent. 
You’re close already but to see how long you can hold out. You’ve gone so long without him between your legs that it doesn’t take much for you to orgasm, to completely undone as he bottoms out inside you. He’s still going as you whine his name, pumping in and out, in and out until he reaches his own orgasm, moaning so loudly that you’re almost concerned that someone is going to hear him. 
The words “I love you” fall from his lips and you melt when you hear them, so happy that he still feels the same way, that the love you have for each other has never faded. You’re both smiling now as you pull him into another kiss, mumbling the words back to him against his lips. A laugh escapes his lips as he pulls away and he picks you up and spins you around. He’s the happiest he’s been in so long. 
“C’mon, angel,” he says, grabbing hold of your hand and leading you back to his van that’s around the corner. “Let’s go home.”
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imagine-it-was-us · 2 days ago
where we land || Lando Norris
Inspiration: Ed Sheeran where we land
Author's note: These are getting out of hand. Started as the creative outlet and ended as sleepless nights where you can't go to bed until you let our mind bleed out on the keyboard. Ed Sheeran and his music will always have a special place in my heart. And this particular song makes me miss the relationship I never had. So enjoy, I am really proud of this one. Hopefully you will find it bearable.
Pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: none, just angst.
Summary: do I love you? do I hate you? || I can't make up my mind || so let's free fall (and part ways for the year I guess??) and see where we land.
Word count: 6.8k+
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“Lando, this isn’t working”, she sighed. It was obvious that this short sentence took every last bit of energy she had. After this, there was nothing left – no emotions, no desire to fight, just nothing. A blank expression followed.
He looked up from his computer, unphased. 
“What’s not working?” 
The mood slightly shifted, yet nothing too shocking. It felt like this conversation was overdone way too many times. They have been here before. That's why he didn’t even take a second to think about what sparked this conversation. It felt like it was a casual chat between an old married couple. 
“Yeah,” Lando muttered, exhaling sharply. “Let’s take a break. We’ll make up anyway.”
That was it. No argument, no hesitation. Like it was routine. Like she had just told him she was stepping out for a moment, and he expected her to come back.
When you think about it, it was devastating. The level of indifference was what hurt the most.
They had known each other their whole lives – friends by proximity before choice. Their families lived in the same neighborhood, close enough that their bond felt inevitable. Even as kids, they were opposites. He was the reckless daredevil, climbing trees and riding his bike at full speed down the steepest roads, while she was the quiet dreamer, lying on the grass for hours, lost in her thoughts. But somehow, they worked. They always had.
As they grew up, their lives took different directions, but they never drifted too far. When Lando got into karting, and later, into the high-stakes world of racing, she wasn’t his biggest supporter in the traditional sense. She didn’t attend every event or cheer the loudest. But she cared. She always asked how he was feeling, if he was okay. She avoided getting too involved, not because she didn’t believe in him or was not interested, but because she couldn’t shake the fear of what could happen. The crashes, the risks, the reality of what came with high-speed racing. Maybe that fear had even shaped her, pushed her toward a career where she could save the ones who weren’t as lucky. And yet, no matter how different their paths became, they had always made time for each other.
Then came that one Christmas. The night everything changed. He was on the brink of signing with McLaren, and she had just over a year of school left, set on studying medicine, becoming a paramedic. They spent the whole evening talking – about dreams, about the future, about everything. And the one constant in all their scenarios? Each other. They didn’t officially get together until months later, when the butterflies finally settled in. What started as something gentle and fragile grew into something more. Something that should have been unbreakable.
But it wasn’t.
Between her relentless studying and his deep dive into the world of Formula 1, the distance between them grew. The small sacrifices they used to make for each other became harder. At first, they convinced themselves it was just a rough patch. They had fallen in love as teenagers, blindly, without knowing what love truly required. Clashes were inevitable, but they always told themselves it was just temporary. That love would always outweigh the tension.
Until it didn’t.
The fights became more than just stress-fueled bickering. Trust started to crack. The rumors, the online hate she received for simply existing in his world, the missed races, the missed plans, the days of unanswered calls. The moments of doubt that neither of them wanted to admit were growing stronger.
They had tried. God, they had tried.
The guilt would always swing between them like a pendulum – one of them messing up, the other one forgiving too easily, hoping that this time would be different. And when it wasn’t, they’d take a step back, hoping the distance would fix what being together couldn’t. Then, like clockwork, one of them would cave. One apology, one touch, one whispered „I miss you“ would pull them back in.
The boat had been rocking for years. But at least before, there had still been waves. Now, sitting in their Monaco home, she wasn’t sure if they had finally reached the calm, or if they had simply drifted so far apart that the water didn’t even touch them anymore.
And that was worse than all the fights combined.
“That’s it?”
He lifted a shoulder in an infuriating half-shrug. “What do you want me to say? We take a break, we come back. It’s what we do.”
“That’s exactly the problem, Lando. I don’t want to pause on this empty shell we still call the relationship. I just don’t think I can.” 
Deep down, words coming out of her hurt her. Yet she was just so tired of this game, then at the end there was no happy ending.
Lando exhaled, closing his laptop and putting it away, jaw clenched. Maybe he thought she was being dramatic. Maybe he was just waiting for the inevitable moment when she’d take it back.
But she wouldn’t, not this time. She just stood up from her end of the couch and exhaled. 
“It will take me a couple of days to gather everything I own from this apartment. I will do it once you leave for Las Vegas, so I won’t disturb your calm before the GP. I will just grab my essentials for now,” she said like she was reciting a groceries list. 
Lando didn’t respond right away. He just sat there, eyes fixed on the coffee table like it held all the answers he couldn’t find in her face. Maybe he was searching for something to say – some magic combination of words that would break the cycle, that would make this easier. But there was nothing left to say.
Finally, he nodded. “Okay.”
She felt her stomach twist. Part of her had wanted him to fight – really fight – for this, for them. But wasn’t that the whole point? They were tired. Exhausted. Running on empty, pretending they had more to give when they didn’t.
She swallowed, shifting on her feet. “I think we should do it properly this time.”
His eyes flicked up to hers, guarded. “What do you mean?”
“No breaks. No texts, no calls, no checking in. Not even a happy birthday or Merry Christmas.” The words came out steady, even though her heart was hammering against her ribs. “We give it at least a year. If we’re happier – truly happier – then we’ll know. We’ll let it go for good.”
Lando stood up, facing her. “And if we’re not?”
She exhaled, forcing a small, tired smile. “Then we’ll see where we land.”
He let out a breath, running a hand down his face. For a moment, he just studied her, like he was trying to commit every detail to memory. Like maybe, deep down, some part of him was realizing that this was the last time he’d get to see her like this. Here. His.
Finally, he gave a slow nod. “Alright,” he murmured. “One year.”
One year to figure out if this was really love, or just a bad habit neither of them knew how to break. One year to see if they could be whole without each other. Or if, after everything, they still made sense together.
She was about to turn toward the bedroom, ready to start packing, but he moved first. His arms wound around her, and she didn’t hesitate before wrapping hers around him just as tightly.
And that was what made it hurt the most. Because after six years give or take, after all the fights and make-ups and everything in between, this was still the safest place each of them had ever known. His heartbeat against her ear. Her scent wrapping around him like home. The way neither of them wanted to be the first to let go.
But they had to. So, after one long, lingering moment, she forced herself to step back.
Lando’s arms fell away slowly, reluctantly, like he was holding onto the very last seconds of whatever this was.
And just like that, they let go. Not with a bang, not with a fight. Just a quiet understanding that, for the first time in years, it was time to stop holding on.
Remember the “No Merry Christmas” part? Well, that was their first slip up. 
At first, no one questioned it. 
When they said their goodbyes, when she packed up the last of her things, when they let go without a fight – no one questioned it. Not their friends. Not their families. Not the people who had known them as a unit for years.
Because this was just how they were. Messy. Cyclical. A little dramatic but never final. Everyone assumed that, in a few weeks, they’d find their way back – like they always did.
Yet red flags were being waved when she showed up on your parents doorstep and asked them to let you crash at theirs for the time being. 
And when the world around you was lighting up, getting ready for the most wonderful time of the year, she was really feeling dead inside. That was when the questions started.
As she had to find a new job outside Monaco, she landed in the local hospital, in her parents' area. Her new coworkers, who knew her family, would try the small talk, asking how he was doing as the season went to the end. Sometimes even her patients would recognize her and ask her about F1 and her used-to-be boyfriend. A friend, who you haven’t talked to for weeks, would bring an article and ask for you to comment on it. It was even from her own aunt – the one she only ever saw at Christmas– who asked, completely oblivious, “What size are Lando’s feet again? I want to knit him those socks I promised last year.”
And just like that, he was everywhere. Like an echo of a life she wasn’t living anymore. Like a mistake she wasn’t sure she had actually made.
Because wasn’t that what everyone kept implying? That they had been stupid for doing this? That this break – this “proper” break, this one-year promise – was just a long, drawn-out way of making them both miserable?
And if so—was Lando feeling it, too?
Was he being ambushed with casual mentions of her in conversations that had nothing to do with her? Did he hear her name in places he wasn’t expecting it? Did it catch him off guard, did it sting, did it make him wonder if they had just ruined something they were always meant to fix?
She stopped herself from wondering. After all, she could dwell in these thoughts forever and never move forward. She knew she had to. This break was not only about figuring them out. It was also about figuring who you are outside the relationship you grew up in. 
So for now, she did the thing she knew the best – threw herself into work. That’s why when Christmas Eve rolled around, she had her life line to escape hushed voices and petty looks, asking about her life. Also, Norris' family would always eventually roll around for a quick cup of tea – it was a tradition started by their parents even before the both of them were around so she for sure believed that them being on break would not stop their parents from interacting. Never did on any other break. 
She did what she always did when the walls started closing in. She grabbed her coat, threw a scarf over her scrubs, and braced herself for the short, freezing walk to her car. A twelve-hour shift awaited her, filled with last-minute holiday accidents and bad luck, and she was oddly grateful for it. A perfect excuse to be anywhere but here.
She said her goodbyes, wished everyone a Merry Christmas, and stepped outside.
And nearly crashed straight into Adam Norris. Her hand shot out to steady herself, boots skidding slightly against the icy porch. “Oh – I’m so sorry,” she blurted, barely catching her breath before –
Her stomach dropped.
Because it wasn’t just Adam. It was all of them.
His entire family stood there, wrapped in warm coats and holiday cheer. And Lando – of course, Lando – was in the middle of it all, hands stuffed into his pockets, gaze locked onto her like he hadn’t been expecting this either.
She barely let her eyes flick to his before looking away, heart hammering.
“You’re always in such a rush, aren’t you?” Cisca asked, her voice as warm as ever.
“Yes, I’m working tonight, unfortunately,” she added, making them hear what she wanted rather than expressing her feelings. 
“Oh, your mother told me about the shifts you’re taking and they still make you work during the day like this? That’s so sad,” she said, empathetically. His mother was always the angel and they had a great connection before this break. 
She gave a light shrug, desperate to keep the conversation surface-level. “What can I say? Gotta work if I ever want to give my parents a break.”
It was the lie she’d been telling everyone. That she was saving for a down payment. That the extra shifts were a means to an end. A practical excuse for why she spent more time at the hospital than at home, drowning herself in work instead of drowning in the what-ifs of a relationship that no longer existed.
But it didn’t matter. Not when she could feel Lando’s eyes on her. Not when it took every ounce of strength to keep her own from slipping back to his.
“Well,” Cisca sighed, stepping aside to give her space to pass. “Stay safe, darling.”
She hesitated. A half-second, barely noticeable. And then, before she could stop herself, the words slipped out.
“Merry Christmas, fam.”
The moment she said it, she regretted it. The slip. The weakness. The betrayal of her own rules.
And then there was Lando.
For the first time since she stepped outside, she met his gaze. A brief, fleeting glance. A quiet acknowledgment of everything that still lingered between them.
She barely made a sound when she whispered, “Merry Christmas, Lando.”
Then, before she could give herself time to second-guess it, she turned on her heel and walked away, pulling her coat tighter around herself.
She didn’t wait for an answer. She couldn’t. Because she knew if she did – if she heard his voice, his words – her carefully built defenses would crumble.
But as she made it to her car, something soft, something broken, floated through the cold December air.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
And somehow this moment stung Lando more than anything else ever had.
Spring was warming up the air, shaking winter from the trees and stretching daylight just a little longer each evening. She had always hated this time of year – hated the way it pressed against her chest, thick with stress and expectations. First, it was the exams, the all-nighters, the anxious flipping of textbooks. Then, later, it became Lando’s schedule. The season kicking off, his world spinning faster while she tried to hold onto the edges.
This year, though, spring was something different. Unusually dull. Unnaturally calm. But it was for her to figure out if it was the kind of calm that comes before or after the storm.
By all accounts, she was doing well. She was thriving at work, getting used to the rhythm of long shifts and fast decisions. She had found herself a new apartment – small, but cozy, a space that was hers and hers alone. She even picked up jogging and pilates, things she used to roll her eyes at but now clung to as some kind of personal victory.
Some days were perfect. She would wake up, stretch in the morning light, sip her coffee in silence, and almost – almost – forget why her life looked the way it did now.
Emphasis on ‘almost.’
Because when you spend six years wrapped around someone else’s life, untangling yourself doesn’t happen overnight. Their friend groups overlapped too much, their histories bled into too many places, and avoiding him completely was impossible.
They had been careful, though. Calculated. She planned around GP weekends, making sure to show up to gatherings when he was halfway across the world, and skipping the ones when she knew he’d be visiting the home town. It worked. Until, inevitably, it didn’t.
That night, she hadn’t planned to see him. It was supposed to be a quiet evening. Just a handful of friends, drinks, some music humming in the background. Nothing major. Nothing painful. But then, sometime between her second glass of wine and the last lazy notes of an old song drifting through the air, she felt it.
That awareness. The way her skin prickled before she even turned her head. He was there.
Just across the room, laughing at something, his head thrown back, the sound of it familiar enough to sink straight into her bones. He looked... good. Relaxed in a way she hadn’t seen in a long time. And for a second she let herself wonder if she looked that way too. If he saw her and thought, ‘She’s okay. She’s moved on. She doesn’t miss me the way I miss her’.
It was unbearable. The way it made her stomach twist, the way it pulled something raw inside of her. It wasn’t just the sight of him, it wasn't just the proof that he still existed outside of her world – it was the realization that she still felt it. That she still felt everything.
So she left. Quietly. Without goodbyes. Without looking back.
By the time she got home, she was already peeling off her jacket, kicking off her shoes, slipping beneath the covers in the dark. Sleep would fix it. Sleep would dull the sharp edges, smooth over the crack in her chest.
Morning light bled through the thin curtains, painting soft streaks across the room. She stretched, rubbing at her puffy eyes, the lingering ache of last night still pressing heavy against her ribs.
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that he got to be fine. That he got to laugh and exist so easily in a world without her while she sat here, caught in the ghost of something that refused to fade.
Yet there was a surprise waiting for her when she picked up the phone.
A missed call at 3:48 am. And a voice note from him on her Instagram DMs followed.
Then, for just a second, something fluttered in her chest. A spark of something she didn’t want to name. Because maybe he had seen her last night. Maybe he had felt it too.
But reality was quick to sink its claws in, dragging her back down. No. This wasn’t that. This was probably drunk Lando. This was ‘bad decisions wrapped in nostalgia and gin’ Lando.
She should ignore it. But her thumb was already moving before her brain could stop her.
Click. Play.
“Heeeeeeeyyyy pretty girl.”
She sucked in a sharp breath.
He was drunk. The kind of drunk where words ran together, loose and careless.
“I’m so sorry for the call, I realized that you are probably working or worse – asleep – and just canceled it. Like I know that you would stab anyone who would dare to wake you up if it’s not important, and since I guess I no longer am, I—”
A hiccup. A pause.
Her stomach twisted. She should stop listening. But she didn’t.
“I just don’t know
 Whenever I see you, you seem so fine, so moved on
 And then there’s me, stuck between fake and being down. And you know what I do when I feel down? I go to the bar, the club. You name it. I scan a crowd looking for you. I never find you, because duh, why should I? You only went to these places for me.”
Her chest tightened. She had hated clubs with all her heart. The noise, the people, the way she never really fit into that world. She only went because he loved it. Because Lando loved the music, the energy, the thrill of it. And yet
 after all this time, he was still looking for her in places she never truly belonged.
“So, I get the random girl and imagine it is you. I imagine you still care, laugh at my pick-up lines, take me home with you. I even moaned your name one time and the lady was pissed off, I got smacked, lol. Could you imagine
A sharp exhale left her lips.
God, he was an idiot. Saying things he had no business saying. Telling her things she shouldn’t know. She wanted to be mad. To roll her eyes, to call him out for being reckless, for dragging her back into the mess they were supposed to be untangling.
But she wasn’t mad. She was something else entirely. Because there, tangled between the words and the drunken confessions, was something she wasn’t ready to face. Regret. And worse – feelings that she thought was lost during all this. The kind that made the edges of her world blur for a moment, tilting just enough to make her wonder

What if?
And then – 
“I should have fought for you, you know? When you asked for this break. I was an idiot for letting you walk out the door so easily. Screw the ‘let’s see where we land’ thing. I already know where I’m landing. Now the ball is in your corner or whatever. So yeah, good chat. See you around.”
Her heart was pounding.
She stared at the screen, her mind racing.
This wasn’t just some drunk butt dial. This wasn’t some half-hearted message he would brush off in the morning.
This was a line drawn in the sand. This was him saying, ‘I know what I want. Do you?’
She swallowed, her hands shaking as she locked her phone and pressed it to her chest.
She needed to breathe. She needed to think.
But later that day, when she opened the chat to replay the message and dissect every word it was gone.
Not even a trace of it ever existing.
And just like that, she was left with nothing but the weight of what could have been.
She didn’t want to be here.
That much had been clear from the second she stepped onto Silverstone’s pavement, a familiar hum in the air, the smell of petrol and rubber hitting her in a way that made her stomach twist.
It wasn’t just the track – it was everything it represented. The years spent here, the routines, the nerves. The way she used to pace behind the pit wall, hands shoved into the pockets of a McLaren hoodie that wasn’t even hers, chewing on her bottom lip as she watched Lando push the car to its limits.
It was muscle memory to be here, and yet, it had never felt more foreign.
She had almost backed out, too, with the kind of last-minute excuse that wouldn’t fool her mother but might have been enough to let her go on with her weekend and avoid the inevitable. But the tickets had been a Christmas gift – from the Norris family, as per usual – and her parents had been so excited.
“It’s been too long since we all did something like this together. You used to go with him all the time while we were watching from the sidelines. Now we can switch places, you will be fine” her dad had said. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”
Fun. Right.
So she had caved. And when it was time to leave for Sunday GP, she still wanted to blend in the crowd. She knew there would be plenty of McLaren fans, so if you can’t beat them – join them. She took out a random t-shirt that was probably used way too many times. It was only after pulling it over her head that she realized which one it was.
One he had left in her drawer ages ago, one she had slept in more nights than she could count.
It smelled like fabric softener instead of him now. That should have been a relief. It wasn’t. For a split second, she had almost taken it off. Almost buried it back in the drawer like it was some kind of cursed relic. But then she exhaled. It’s just a shirt. No one will even notice.
And at first she was perfectly flying over the radar. Her parents visited the paddock, while she stayed behind, blending in the crowds. She had perfected the art of blending in – cheering when appropriate, clapping at the right moments, never once letting her gaze wander too long in the direction of the papaya garage. And it was working wonders. 
But then she ran into Emma. The fellow paramedic, who she had known both from the medical, and sports field, as she was a couple years older and worked with Papaya for a few years. One second, she was keeping her head down, avoiding anything orange, and the next, she was being pulled into McLaren hospitality because “It’s dead quiet before the race, and you have a paddock pass, so why not?”
She should have said no. Instead, she sat with Emma, catching up over bad coffee, pretending she wasn’t hyperaware of exactly where she was. Yet every time footsteps neared, her body tensed, anticipation coiling in her stomach like a reflex she hadn’t quite unlearned. It wasn’t that she couldn’t see him – it had happened before, and they had managed to be civil, distant in a way that felt almost rehearsed. But being here, surrounded by everything that made Lando Lando, made her feel too exposed.
Don’t get it wrong – she would always be a fan. Even if life took them further apart, even if one day they became nothing more than a distant memory, she would still admire him. The raw talent, the skill, the way he could take a car and make it his – that would never change. 
But it had been eight months, and for the first time, she was starting to find a rhythm outside of them. A clarity she hadn’t thought possible. And yet. Eight months, and still, his drunken voice note rattled in her head like an echo trapped between her ribs. Eight months, and the thought of seeing him in his element – seeing him – made her stomach twist in ways she couldn’t quite decipher. Would it set her back? Or would it confirm that she was finally past it?
Five minutes into chatting, laughing like she wasn’t standing in the center of everything she had left behind, Oscar Piastri appeared, cradling his arm like it was more of an annoyance than an injury. It was impossible for her not to know or like Oscar – they would always lightly catch up and laugh whenever she visited a paddock. And she sure as hell knew that he was aware what was the reason behind her being absent recently. 
“Hey, do me a favor,” he said, surprised to see her in the paddock, but not making a big deal out of it. “Tell me I’m being dramatic.”
She raised a brow. “You’re being dramatic.”
Oscar grinned. “That’s what I needed.”
They fell into easy conversation – nothing deep, just lighthearted jabs about how McLaren clearly needed her back on call, and how she had ditched them for something far less entertaining.
And then, as she was mid-sentence, Oscar’s eyes flicked to her shirt.
Her stomach dropped. She glanced down, realizing how obvious it was now, when she dropped her jacket off. The faded Lando Norris on the back. The small details only a real fan – or someone owning a similar t-shirt – would notice, proved this shirt wasn’t just merch, but his.
“That is not just any McLaren shirt.”
Her face went hot. “Oscar –”
“You’re both so full of shit,” he cut in, laughing.
Before she could protest, before she could even think, he was pulling out his phone.
“Oscar,” she warned.
“Relax,” he said, snapping the picture. “I’ll make it tasteful.”
So when later that day, after the GP was done and gone, her phone buzzed, she wasn’t surprised to see that Oscar had tagged her in a story, meant for a close friend's circle. At least he had decency not to post it publicly, sparing her from the speculation of people online.
A casual shot – Oscar grinning, arm still wrapped in tape, her beside him, mid-laugh. The caption?
“I’m here catching up with a friend, being all nice and all, and she’s still in his corner.”
She rolled her eyes and locked her phone, pretending she saw nothing. Lando rarely if ever checked other driver’s stories, so she thought that maybe she was safe. 
What she didn’t know, that Lando was also tagged in it. 
It was late by the time the high of his first home win finally started to wear off. It should have lasted longer. It should have been everything. And for a while, it was. The roar of the British crowd, the Union Jack wrapped around his shoulders, the feeling of standing on the top step at Silverstone – his Silverstone. It was a dream he’d had since he was a kid, a moment that was meant to feel like an ending and a beginning all at once.
But the thing about dreams is that you never picture them alone. And she wasn’t there. Not where she should have been, anyway.
He’d looked for her. Not consciously, not obviously, but when he turned toward the grandstands where his family sat – where she used to sit – his eyes found nothing but an empty space. And it was stupid to expect anything different. They weren’t that anymore. They weren’t anything, really.
But for the first time since she walked out, he let himself admit it. It still felt wrong doing this without her.
Later, exhausted but unwilling to sleep, he opened his phone, torn between drowning in nostalgia or holding onto the adrenaline of the win. He chose the latter. Scrolled through the tags, looking for a story to share. When he saw the notification from Oscar, he barely thought twice. Probably some congratulatory post, maybe something teasing him for taking so long to win here.
But when he clicked it, the world narrowed to a pinpoint.
Because there she was.
Not in the stands. Not in his family's section. But she had been there. And she was wearing his shirt. An old one, something he barely even remembered giving her, but she still had it. Still wore it.
His stomach tightened. She hadn’t wanted to see him. Hadn’t let him see her. But maybe he wasn’t the only one still looking for pieces of the past.
And maybe she wasn’t quite ready to let them go either.
There were still three days left until their one-year mark. Not that she was counting. 
362 days had passed. 362 days of learning how to be her own person again. And, honestly? She wasn’t half bad at it. 
She had figured out how to be alone without feeling lonely. She’d chased things she never made time for before, threw herself into work, into new routines, into a version of herself that wasn’t just an extension of him. And she liked who she was becoming – someone stronger, more driven, more sure of herself.
But did she still feel a pit in her stomach every time she thought about the fact that he wasn’t there to see it? Absolutely.
And maybe that was why she had convinced herself she just had to make it to a year. A clean number. One final milestone to tell her that they had really done it – walked away, stayed away and allowed them both to breath.
But then came the invitation. Max, persistently begging her to come. It’s his birthday, he’d want you there. And also, it was hard to lie to herself that three days would make her change her mind. 
Before she knew it, she was standing in the middle of the chaos, clutching a drink she didn’t want, in a room that felt too damn small. The music was loud, the air thick with laughter and voices overlapping in that familiar, comfortable way. She had spent years in rooms like this, at parties just like this, orbiting the same people, the same circles. But tonight, she felt like a stranger.
And then she saw him. Across the room, back turned, laughing at something Max had said. Easy. Effortless. Like nothing had changed.
The last time she saw him, Lando was leaving Silverstone with his name echoing through the crowd. A winner. A hero. And she had watched from the screen of her phone, watching him have everything he ever wanted. 
That realization made her stop in her tracks.
Because here he was, months later, standing in the center of a world that kept spinning without her. With only three GPs left, he was still a contender for the whole damn championship. He had managed to dodge all major drama, kept his head down, thrived. And now, surrounded by friends, by people who cared for him, cherished him, celebrated him – he looked free.
And just like that, the thought hit her like a punch to the ribs. Maybe this should be it. Maybe this night should be her closure. Because if this past year had proven anything, it was that he didn’t need her. And as much as it twisted something deep inside her, maybe she was okay with that.
Maybe she could give up the what if in exchange for the freedom she had convinced herself he deserved. Even if her heart didn’t waver. Even if she was still his in ways she wished she wasn’t.
She turned on her heel, ready to leave this place. She knew that he was aware that she was here. So the checkmark ticked for their friends – she was here, she had cheered for him. Now it was time to leave all this behind them. Just as she was about to put the empty glass on the table by the door, she heard a familiar voice:
“Leaving so soon?”
His voice cut through the noise like a blade. She could barely hear it, but somehow, it still sent a shiver down her spine.
She didn’t turn back, not right away. She let out a breath, eyes shutting for half a second, before finally facing him.
“I was just –” She cleared her throat, finding it suddenly dry. “I was just stepping out.”
Something flickered in his eyes. He didn’t call her bullshit. Didn’t need to. Instead, he simply gestured toward the door.
“Me too.”
As they stepped outside, the air outside was crisp, a quiet relief from the overwhelming heat of the party. She crossed her arms over her chest, less for warmth, more for something to do. Lando stuffed his hands into his pockets, rocking back on his heels as he exhaled, long and slow.
For a moment, neither of them spoke.
And then–
“I didn’t think you’d come.”
She let out something between a laugh and a scoff. “I wasn’t going to.”
His lips twitched. “Max?”
Silence again. But this one wasn’t uncomfortable. It wasn’t unfamiliar. It was them. The kind of quiet that only came after knowing someone for years. The kind that held more weight than words.
Lando rocked back on his heels. “You didn’t have to come.”
She let out a breath, steadying herself. “I know.”
“Then why did you?”
She shifted on her feet, gaze flickering toward the door, toward the party she could easily slip back into. Away from this. But she didn’t move.
Instead, she sighed, voice softer now. “Because it’s your birthday.”
Lando exhaled through his nose, looking away for a moment. “I thought maybe you were done.”
“I thought so too,” she admitted. “I was trying to be.”
His gaze snapped back to her, something sharp behind his eyes. “Trying?”
Her stomach twisted. This was exactly what she had been afraid of – this conversation, the one she wasn’t sure she was ready to have. The one where she had to admit that all the time, all the space, all the growing hadn’t undone a damn thing.
“I didn’t want us to slip back,” she confessed. “Back into something that wasn’t healthy. Back into us, but wrong.”
Lando nodded, slow. “And do you think we would?”
She looked at him. At the way he was standing now, steadier, stronger, more him. At the way his face, older in ways that had nothing to do with time, still softened at the sight of her. At the way she still felt it. That pull. That certainty.
She swallowed hard. “No.”
He stepped forward. Not much. Just enough. And this time, he was the one to break the silence.
“You know what I realized?” His voice was quiet, careful. “That I could have the best day of my life, and it still wouldn’t be quite right.”
She stiffened.
“Because it’s not about someone seeing it,” he continued. “It’s about someone being there. It’s about looking over and knowing –” he broke off, shaking his head, then tried again. “I didn’t need you to see me win at Silverstone. Hell I didn't need you to witness any of this. I just –” his voice dropped even lower – “needed you. And then I saw you in that damn picture with my t-shirt on. It took everything in me not to drive to Bristol, looking for you.”
Her throat tightened. “Lando.”
“I know we did the right thing,” he said, brushing it off. “I know we needed time. I know we needed to fix things.” A pause. Then he looked dead into her eyes. “But tell me. Right now. That if we part ways now that you will be the happiest version of yourself.”
Now, she was standing in front of the person who had been both her greatest love and her hardest lesson. Now, she was staring at him, the weight of their history pressing in from all sides, and she still couldn’t imagine a life where she didn’t look for him in every crowd. Now, she was tired of pretending.
“I don’t regret what we did,” she whispered. Something flickered in his eyes, but he didn’t pull back. “I think we needed it,” she admitted. “I think we needed the space. The time. I think we needed to figure out who we were without each other.”
She swallowed hard, forcing herself to continue. “And I did. I figured it out.”
Lando didn’t move. Didn’t breathe. “And?”
She hesitated, because saying it out loud made it real. Made it true. But after all the turmoil she owed him that much.
“I had good days,” she admitted, voice barely above a whisper. “Really good days. Days where I laughed so hard my ribs ached. Where I felt strong. Where I was proud of who I was becoming.”
Lando’s jaw tensed. She inhaled sharply. 
“And then there were the other days. The ones where something amazingly good or amazingly bad happened, something I wanted to share, but I’d reach for my phone and realize – ” Her voice cracked. “Realize you weren’t there.”
Lando shut his eyes for a second, like he needed a moment to steady himself. “Yeah.”
Her chest tightened. “And you?”
His lips parted, but for the first time all night, words didn’t come so easily. So he exhaled, rubbed a hand over his jaw, and met her gaze with the kind of raw honesty that left no room for doubt.
“I had the best day of my life, and it still felt wrong because you weren’t there to see it.”
She blinked, chest tightening, but he wasn’t done.
“I had the worst day of my life too. And every instinct told me to go to you. And I couldn’t.”
Her throat burned.
“I used to think what we had was everything,” he murmured. “And then we broke apart, and I thought – maybe I was wrong. Maybe we were just young and caught up in something that was never meant to last.”
She held her breath.
“But then I lived without you. I learned how to be on my own. I grew. And I still came to the same conclusion.”
His fingers twitched at his sides, as if he was holding himself back.
“You are the only thing in my life that I’ve ever been sure of.”
Tears burned at the back of her eyes, but she forced a watery laugh. “That’s funny,” she whispered. “Because I was just about to say the same thing.”
Lando’s shoulders fell, something breaking apart and putting itself back together all at once. And then he stepped forward. And so did she.
And when he kissed her, it wasn’t about picking up where they left off.
It was about choosing each other again. And they landed exactly where they needed to.
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 day ago
A Little Gift
Summary: Being late to a date is unacceptable, unless, of course, the reason for the delay is so adorable.
Word Count: 1846
Warnings: none, just fluff and rhysie being an adorable brother đŸ„č
"Y/n, baby, are you sure you want this?"
Y/n pouted up at her brother, nodding. "He’s very nice to me."
Rhysand sighed, rubbing his forehead. He had been sighing a lot the past week, Y/n noted, since she told him the new HIgh Lord of Autumn had wanted to court her. Y/n knew none of the members of the inner circle liked the news, she could see the disappointment and doubt on their faces clearly. And it had saddened her deeply to know she had let down her family, who had been nothing but kind and loving to her after her parents and sister had passed.
Rhysand had been so loving, taking up the role of a doting big brother so seriously that at times people confused him for her father.
Not that he could have ever been as caring as Rhysand was.
Out of the three siblings, Ophelia had been the loudest, the cheeriest. She would always smile, no matter what situation she was in. Then was Rhysand, loud, but quiet when needed to be. And then Y/n, who barely ever spoke if it wasn’t in front of her siblings or mother.
And then Rhysand and Y/n were suddenly the only ones remaining alive, and she had drawn in on herself more than ever. The first few months, Rhysand was too busy wallowing by himself and trying to take care of the court, thrust into the new role of the High lord without preamble, to notice.
When he had, he had cried, holding his only remaining family tight.
Since then, he had made sure to give Y/n all the attention in the world, never raising his voice at her, knowing she could be ripped away from him too. He did not want to hurt her, when she was the only person who really mattered. He gave her everything she asked or, never saying no to anything.
So Y/n had known when she told him about Eris, that he would not outright refuse to acknowledge their budding relationship, nor would he get mad at her.
But he would try to talk her out of making a grave decision, in his words, and Y/n did not mind it one bit.
"I can’t imagine him being nice, in any world." Rhysand mumbled under his breath, glaring holes into his shoes as he paused his pacing.
"Rhys, can’t you just give him one chance?"
"One chance to do what, angel? Break your heart?"
Y/n leaned back in the armchair she was sitting in, waiting for Eris to show up so the two could spend time together, as promised in the letters exchanged the week before. She picked at the soft fabric of the skirts of her shimmery dark orange silk dress, chewing on her lip, trying to come up with something to placate her panicking brother.
"Y/n, he's late. The male can’t even show up on time. How can I bring myself to trust him with you when he is keeping you waiting?"
Y/n glanced outside, then back in her lap. He was right. Eris was late. Not too much, of course, but late nonetheless. It didn’t bother Y/n. She knew of the problems and responsibilities that came with being a new high lord, having seen her brother go through the same experience her lover was going through. She knew how meetings and tasks came up and demanded your attention even when you didn’t have time for them.
But Rhys wasn’t as willing to be lenient as Y/n, it seemed.
Once again, he sighed, dragging his hands down his face and walking closer to Y/n. She sat quiet, watching him move to his knees in front of her, taking her hands in his.
"I just want you to be happy, Y/n. You are like my own baby, my child. I’ve seen you go through so much, so much pain, so many hardships, and I think you deserve to have a quiet, calm life where there’s no uncertainty. A life where you know you are loved, with someone who isn’t broken, who hasn’t been known to be hateful. I see Eris, Y/n, and I can tell his circumstances were not ideal enough for him to be able to afford being good, and I understand that. But what if his goodness now is overshadowed by his old habits? The things he’s been forced to do won’t leave him just like that."
Y/n’s eyes prickled as she nodded along, her grip tightening around her older brother’s hands. She understood what he was saying, of course she did. But that didn’t mean she wanted to accept it.
 I don’t-" Y/n paused, trying to understand what she even wanted to say.
"I’m not saying you shouldn’t court him, Y/n. Just- just be careful, yeah? Guard your heart until you are sure of his intentions."
Y/n nodded, leaning down to put her head on her brother’s shoulder. She blinked away the tears furiously while one of Rhys’s hands went around her, rubbing her back.
"Okay, enough emotional talk. Too much for my health."
Y/n huffed out a wet laugh, pulling away from Rhys to peer at Cassian, who pretended to gag and turned away.
"When did you come, Cass?"
"Yeah, why did you come, Cass?" Rhys stood, dusting off his pants and sneering at Cass, who offered him the kindest finger he owned.
"I came to see Y/n off. Where’s your mate?"
Y/n swallowed, glancing outside once more. "I don’t know."
His mouth dropped open in a show of exaggerated shock. "He’s making a lady wait? Absolutely horrendous."
Y/n shook her head, pushing to her feet, running her hands down her skirt. "It’s no big deal."
The next few moments passed quickly, as Y/n watched Feyre materialise in the doorway, Nyx and Nesta by her side. Then Azriel and Mor, and her brows furrowed. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for everyone to gather in the sitting room after breakfast on the holidays, lazing around until it was time for lunch, but
 this gathering didn’t seem to be about that.
Were they all here to see her off?
Ridiculous busy bodies.
Before she could say anything about it, though, a knock drew her attention, and Y/n’s heart quickened, already predicting who it was.
But it was Rhysand, who hurried out to open the door.
"You’d think it was him going out with Eris." Y/n murmured, following him out into the foyer. Azriel made a noise of agreement, his arms folded across his chest as he walked behind her.
Y/n ignored his presence, pushing her jittery hands behind her hips, pressing her lips together before stepping fully into view of the door.
Eris wore a simple burnt orange dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbow and two buttons undone, showing off his, evidently, hard earned muscles. Dark brown slacks clung to his hips and thighs, matching with the dark brown long jacket he had draped over his shoulders.
Just the sight of him was enough to make Y/n drool. But she forced herself to look away, to focus on what her brother was saying.
"You understand me?" Rhys said his voice low, menacing.
Y/n didn’t even want to imagine what he was trying to make Eris understand.
"I understand-" Eris paused mid sentence, his eyes moving to rest on Y/n, widening ever so slightly. His gaze moved down to her toes, then back up again, snagging on her hair before meeting her eyes, offering her a small smile.
Rhys didn’t seem too bothered by Eris’s sudden lack of words, moving away from the doorway to grab Y/n’s long jacket before turning to her, waiting. Y/n hurried to put it on when her eyes fell to the way Eris held his hands behind his back. Almost as if he was as anxious to see her as she had been to see him.
"What took you so long?" Y/n pushed one arm through the jacket Rhys held open for her as Azriel prodded, curiously watching at Eris.
His cheeks turned a light shade of red, the freckles dotting his cheeks standing out.
"I, uh
 had a little something come up."
Azriel raised a brow. "And that is?"
Eris glanced at Y/n, before clearing his throat. "I wanted to get her a gift."
"And did you?"
Y/n whipped her head to glare at the spymaster. "Azriel."
"No no, he has a point." Rhys said, resting his hands on Y/n’s shoulders.
Y/n sighed, exasperated, and pulled away from her brother. "Let’s go, Eris. Ignore them."
He smiled, the indent on his cheek making an appearance as he pulled his arms forward. In them, nestled, was a small, golden little pup, eyes wide yet drooping, a messy little red bow adorning its neck.
Instantly, Y/n’s heart melted, a soft gasp escaping her. Her focus zeroed in on the little thing, her brother and Azriel fading away into the background until all she could see were the innocent eyes, the small body, the soft fur and the wagging tail. She stepped forward as he extended his hands, letting the pup sniff the fingers she lifted to pet the little thing.
"What is this?"
"Your gift?" Y/n didn’t look up, but she could practically hear the look on his face.
"Eris- you didn’t have to." Y/n mumbled, feeling her brother peek over her shoulder at the animal she gently took into her own arms.
He shrugged. "I knew you liked cats but I couldn’t find a kitten so I just- got you him. I hope you like him." He paused for a moment, and Y/n could hear his smile when he spoke next. "He certainly seems to like you."
"Like him, Eris?!" She lifted her head and drew the animal close to her chest, her lower lip jutting out as tears gathered in her eyes. His eyes widened, a look of alarm crossing Eris’s face as his shoulders stiffened. "I love him!"
He exhaled a relieved breath, his small grin making an appearance again. "Well, I’m glad to hear that."
"Aren’t you supposed to go?" Rhysand questioned. When Y/n glanced at him, he didn’t even look up at her. His eyes were fixated on the whining pup.
Her eyes narrowed. "He’s mine."
Rhys rolled his eyes, reaching out to take the dog whose tail wouldn’t stop wagging. "Go on, it’s almost dinner time."
Y/n wanted to argue, but he was right. They were running late.
"See you later then." Y/n kissed her brother’s cheek, who simply waved her away, too busy cooing over the golden fur ball in his arms. She dropped a peck on his little head, too, before turning to Eris and pulling the door shut behind her, sighing.
His eyes twinkled as he extended his arm towards her, head tilted.
"Shall we?"
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americas-ass-writing · 2 days ago
Not the game they play
Steve Rogers x reader
Words: 4.1k
Summary: An arranged marriage flips your life upside down. What you thought you knew about your family doesn't seem to be true at all. How will Steve and you navigate your life together?
Warnings: angst, mentions of death, a swear word here and there, insulting of Sarah Rogers, yes that needed to be a warning, difficult family relationship, if I missed anything please let me know
A/N: This is the first part of a series. I had this idea for over two years with some scenes already written out or well thought through. Thank you all for encouraging me to finally do something with it. But don't come for me, you wanted this!
I promised to tag the lovely @ronearoundblindly đŸ©·
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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Chapter One - Cannot stop the rain
The constant bustle of people and their conversations were a white noise like no other. One you can't concentrate on too long, especially when you have to hold conversation with whoever thought it was his turn to smooze a king.
Steve hates galas. He hates the pretentiousness that came with them and the people who attended but most of all he hates that he had no choice but to go. A king missing one of these was only excused when a serious matter arose. And those don't come by easily when you need them. He yearned for the times when he didn't need to attend these things, back when his mom still was the reigning queen and shielded him from this world. But with his mom gone he had to step up.
Gone where the days he travelled the world, studied art and made new friends. So easily replaced with duty and grief... and a stupid crown on his head. He was lucky enough he could hire his friends as staff, lucky enough his oldest friend was his right hand man and never left him alone for too long. James Bucky Barnes, his childhood defender, his best friend, his right hand and occasionally, much to Steve's dismay, his wingman. If only that would have worked out already. He seems to be casually watching people dance but in reality he watches the couples spend quality time together at a stuck up event. If he had a partner maybe this wouldn't be so bad? Maybe people wouldn't constantly come up to talk to him because he'd be dancing himself, someone in his arms, looking at him lovingly...
"Senator Lee is coming up next" a smooth voice mumbles over his shoulder, Sam Wilson. A friend he found in college, a politics major and his chief of staff. Steves eyes find the older gentleman approaching him. He's talked with him before, quite often actually, and he was always so kind and encouraging.
The small talk with senator Lee went by faster than Steve anticipated. Before the next person could swoop in to talk to him he excused himself to the restroom. Bucky, his honorary security detail for the evening since he refused to take his actual one, made to follow him. "It's just the bathroom Buck. I'll be fine and I'll come straight back here." he says lowly, his eyes rolling at the antics. He didn't need this much security before he became a king. Bucky hesitates for a moment, his eyes flickering to Sam who looks a bit unsure himself. "I mean... It's just the bathroom... No danger there. Nat wouldn't go inside with him either right?" Steve lets out a sigh at Sam's statement. Natasha, the head of security, ruled with an iron fist. She had all of them so scared they wouldn't dare to disobey her orders... except maybe her husband Clint but he got free passes for life.
"Right... Just come right back here?" Bucky looks at him and with a sigh and a nod Steve agrees. Before they can say anything else and before whatever lady just seems to approach them can start to talk, Steve hurries to the restroom. He locks himself in a cabin just for a few moments alone. But even those aren't truly alone.
The door to the restroom opens up not too long after him and of course that person takes ages to do their business. With a silent grumble Steve finishes up and leaves the cabin to wash his hands. Just then the door to another cabin opens and an older gentleman with thinning grey hair, in a three piece suit steps out. His eyes meet Steve's in the mirror as he walks up to the sink area himself. They look cold, although he has a smile plastered on his face. Fake niceties like Steve has grown used to.
"King Rogers." He acknowledges and Steve simply gives a nod. He isn't even safe in the fucking bathroom!
"Black isn't really your colour." Steve's brows furrow. What was that supposed to mean? "You know many families waited for the old crone to finally step down and let you be the king. Women shouldn't hold that much power, especially when there's no king at her side to keep her in check. Who would have thought it would take her to die for you to finally step up." The man seems calm and collected as if he didn't just insult Steve's mother.
"What the fuck did you say about my mom? Old crone?!" His blood was boiling and he was this close to hitting the old man if it weren't for his manners. His mom raised him better but she wasn't here to keep him in check was she?
"Oh calm down Steven. No need to get all flustered and angry. Hold your tongue before you say something you'll regret. We'll be one happy family soon after all." The man smirked and calmly dried his hands. He teaches over and turns off Steve's tab, the blonde frozen from anger. What did he just say? He must be demented. "What?" Is all that Steve can bring out. Confused and angry and still so so close to punch that guy.
"Oh you don't know. Can't say I'm surprised, your mother shielded you a lot. Now I have to do all the explaining. That's why women should never be in charge.” he rolls his eyes. “Are you familiar with the Hastings family?" The man hands Steve one of the towels and casually leans against the sink. Hastings? Steve has heard that name before... Wasn't that the royal family that fell from grace three generations ago? His eyes flit to the man.
"Sounds familiar." Is all he can grid out. What is this man on about? Is he just here to gossip?
"Clever boy." The smirk on the old man's face is uncanny. As if he can read Steve all too well. "You know exactly who they are but instead of going off to gossip like all the other royals out there you keep your answer neutral. What a good king you make." Steve's confusion grows.
"What does the Hastings family have to do with us becoming one?" Steve bites out. "Ah straight to business. Just how I like it. You see the Hastings family and the Rogers family go way back. Many, many generations in fact. King Joseph Rogers the first and King George Hastings even made a little pact, that yes, still stands today." His eyes search Steve's face and his grin looks so satisfied. "That the families will unite as soon as there is a male and female heir born into the families. Now ever since then both families only bore strong sons with an occasional daughter that was out of the age range for marriage. That is until roughly 30 years ago. When you and my granddaughter were born just two years apart." Steve's brow lifts. The old man was a Hastings. Wanting to fulfill a deal that was made over a hundred years ago... Bullshit.
"Whatever deal you're referring to will not stand with today's laws. So you can stop badmouthing my mom and trying to get me to marry your desperate granddaughter now." Steve spits. The man just grins. "Oh, it will Steven. Here let your lawyers check this and then get back to me about when my granddaughter can move in with you. " He laughs and hands Steve an envelope before he walks out of the restroom and back into the gala.
Steve's eyes fall on the envelope, it's burning in his hands but he needs to get this checked. He can't marry someone because of an old deal. He can't marry someone with a grandfather daring to insult his mom that's not even been dead for a month. Steve's eyes start to burn with tears. His mom shielded him from so much while she also did her best to prepare him for this life... He wishes she was here... That he wouldn't need to mourn her so publicly while also keeping his tears in to not seem weak. He wishes he could wear the dark blue suits she got for him because according to her that's the colour he looks the most handsome in. He wishes she could brush his hair out of his face one more time. Just once more with that sweet smile that was reserved for him only.
He takes a shakey breath and swallows the lump in his throat. A brief look in the mirror, a deep breath, straightening his tie. He can't show weakness. Not here, not ever. 'Safe the tears for your bedroom, Rogers.' the voice in his head commands. He wipes away the stray tear that got caught in his lashes, pockets the envelope and with another deep breath makes his way back to his friends.
They're chatting, most likely teasing each other. As soon as Bucky sees him both heads turn to Steve with a concerned gaze swiping up and down. They seem to come to the conclusion that he's okay and relax. "We need to leave." he says as soon as he reaches them. His tone more urgent than he wanted to. "Why you got diarrhea? Took you pretty long in there... I told ya to lay it easy on the hors d'oeuvres." Bucky teases with a grin that immediately falls as soon as he sees Steves eyes. Sam can't even get his joke in before Bucky declares that they're leaving. He leads Steve to the host of the gala for a quick goodbye and then out to the car they came in.
Within 10 minutes they're on the road. For the first time with only the three of them in the car, Steve pulls up the divider for privacy. Shielded from Sam and Bucky, he allows himself to spill a few tears for his mother before he can make it to the safety of his bedroom. He knows that will be away for another few hours, especially with the envelope that's burning a hole into his pocket.
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Ever since you were young your family hasn't cared much for you. The only thing that was important to them was that you did exactly what they wanted... in every aspect of your life. You got the education they wanted, you went to college for what they wanted and you hid your interests to make them like you. At the beginning of your twenties you finally broke out of that circle. You moved far away with your friend and only occasionally visited for important matters, much to their dismay. Just like you were now.
The train ride never isn't boring, even with a good book and music. The most thrilling plot or the most beautiful lyrics couldn't distract you from the stranger sitting next to you. Somehow you always had the luck of them eating something disgusting, talking loudly on the phone, constantly bumping into you or being a stranger to the concept of headphones.
Your eyes wander over to your friend and her husband for the millionth time. They were sitting together, cuddling, yet somehow each minding their own business. Her husband looking out of the window, headphones in, music on and daydreaming. Your friend reading the newest book from her favourite author. How you wish you had someone to share a seat with... to share a life with. You wouldn't have a stranger next to you. You'd have a partner. You could cuddle and mind your own business at the same time... or play a game? Would you get upset at them winning Uno? Or would you love them too much to get frustrated?
You let out a sigh. You've been single for so long... a partner was still written in the stars and wouldn't come by anytime soon. So you'd have to deal with strangers next to you on the train, the couch for yourself and your family constantly badgering you when you'd move back and find a partner. It's not like you planned being almost thirty and still single. As a child you dreamed about being married with children at this age. Maybe having a little house and a dog. You wanted to be surrounded by friends, leave your family out of it as much as you could. Just enjoy life with your partner. But here you were, still alone. Maybe wallowing in self pity at a life that could have been would be a good way to pass time till you were back at your family's place.
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You pull your suitcase after you. The walk from the train station wasn't too long and you know better than to ask anyone to pick you up. You don't want to inconvenience them or owe them. Last time you asked your mother and she made you wash all the dishes from the family party by hand after you played waitress during the entirety of it. You'd rather choose walking 30 minutes to the house than do that again.
As you come closer you spot your grandpa's car in the driveway. He must be here to oversee the preparations for his birthday party tomorrow. You briefly look down at yourself, jeans and t-shirt. It looks good enough but you already know you'd be criticised left and right. Never enough for them.
With a deep breath you ring the doorbell and wait. It's not too long before the door opens to reveal your mother. She takes in your appearance and sneers before she greets you. She steps to the side to let you in. "You visit your family that you never see and you show up dressed like some slob. You could wear something nice every now and then." She grumbles before she goes to the living room to announce that you're here. Well if you knew your grandpa would be here a day early you would have tried to wear something nicer. You leave your suitcase next to the door and follow her into the living room. You greet everyone and listen to your siblings' judgments until your grandpa stops them.
"Enough. Let's not ruin this joyful day for our family." He announces before he gets up and stands next to you. Joyful day? What happened? Did he finally win the lottery? You look at him confused.
"You all need to learn to not criticise her so much anymore. After all it would be a bad image to her fiancé and the press." Everyone nods along as if what he said did make any sense. Even your father who usually only shows interest for the drink in front of him, nods along. Has he got dementia since the last time you visited? "What?" Is all you can bring out at which your mother scoffs.
"Well dear... It took you a long time to find a partner, which in hindsight I'm very grateful about. You know our family has a long history and its history and glory shall be restored soon enough.” Your grandpa declares like it's some victory. “Many hundred years ago our ancestors made a deal with the royal family of Brooken. The first heirs of opposite sex shall marry and unite our families. It just never worked out age wise until you came along. Born just two years after the now reigning King Steven Rogers." He explains and you're absolutely sure they all lost their damn minds. No royal family would make a deal with commoners, especially back then.
"Well I recently met the young man and reminded him of this deal. He's more than eager to fulfill it and marry you. He'll collect you and bring you to Brooken tomorrow." He squeezes your arm, a smile plastered on his face. You can't do anything but stare at him and then burst out in laughter. They were messing with you. Or playing along with your grandpa's dementia... But no one else was laughing. They all looked rather serious... And the house looked so clean... Was this not a joke?
"This... This has to be a joke...?" You say, looking at him with desperation. "Why would it be? You'll restore the Hasting family's glory and finally be of use to us.” your heart breaks a little more. Were you truly this worthless? Did nothing you did for them before count? You look up at them, desperate to find any sign that this wasn't true. That they were playing a prank. The stone faces of your parents and siblings look back at you. This... This wasn't a joke. They'd marry you off to some stranger. To a king? To gain what? What about your life? What about your place? Your job? You can't just leave that behind for some king who's probably a huge asshole... Your long fought for freedom taken by your family and that guy. Back under control, every move watched and criticised.
The rest of the day has been cruel. Your family was between joy at your engagement to a king and anger at you trying to refuse. In-between all the explaining, that really didn't give you any new information or any that would make sense of the situation, you texted your friend which promised to call you later.
“It's not all that bad
 at least he's handsome!” Your friend tries to reason. “Plus you'd be a queen! No more shitty job that doesn't pay you enough. You'd live in a castle and wear pretty dresses.” She offers and is met with a heavy sigh.
“Yeah that's great but at what cost? My freedom. I really love my one bedroom apartment. You know why? Because it's mine. I can do what I want. And in his castle? I probably won't even be allowed to hang a picture on the wall. There'll be people watching my every move and reporting back to him. I'll be just as miserable as I used to be at my parents place.” The white of the ceiling starts to become blurry with the tears that are about to spill. “What if I can never see you again? What if he won't let me have any friends?” Your voice breaks at the thought.
“He doesn't look like he'd be such an asshole. He looks nice and the articles write nice things about him too.” She reasons. “Yeah and who has big influence on the press? Him. Of course they wouldn't write anything bad about him.” You complain. “They have written not so nice things about him. Especially with him grieving his mother
” that you do feel sorry for. They seemed to have a good relationship, losing a loving parent isn't easy. “Give him a chance. You never know maybe he's a prince charming.” Her voice sounds encouraging.
“What does a king even want with a commoner? Why would a king make a deal like that hundreds of years ago? I don't get it
” you question. “Who knows maybe your family had blackmail material on the royals.” At that you snort a bit. “Maybe
 he seems eager to get married. My family is eager for this. Why am I the only one who thinks this is a bad idea?” Your hands pick on the scratchy blanket your mother put on the guest bed for you. “Because you're the one who loses a lot for this. Your family gains royalty
 at least they'll be royal adjacent? I mean they do have the stick up their asses like royals already. And he gains a wife? Dating must be hard when you're a king.” She muses. “His last relationship was six years ago. His ex left him for another prince and got married like a year after.” You hum at the information she found. His whole life could be found on the internet which makes you wonder what he even knows about you? Your family didn't even know you so he couldn't even get something accurate from them.
“Listen, I gotta go
 but give it a chance? And if he's an asshole and you need out, you text me and we'll come to break you out ok?” you sigh at your friends offer but ultimately agree. You'll try, it's not like you can leave the house and flee without your family noticing and coming for you anyways. You place your phone on the nightstand and cuddle up in bed. Your eyes fall on the monstrosity of dress your mother picked out for you. Maybe if you truly wore that pink pile of whatever the seamstress had left over, he'd run for the hills and you'd still be free.
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"Sorry Steve... I can check a few more things but this is airtight... They can force you to marry that girl..." his lawyer says. Steve sighs and looks up from his desk to look at the brunette who meets him with a warm empathetic smile. Maria Hill, top of her class, badass in their softball team and brilliant lawyer. Steve recommended her to his mom when the old lawyer retired. Maria showed her wits and was hired within two hours of her interview.
"There's no way a deal from over a hundred years ago still holds up! You're telling me there was not a single occasion where this desk could have already been fulfilled? Aren't the Hastings fucking hornballs with so many family members? They're not even royal anymore! How does this hold up?" Bucky rants, clearly trying to protect his friend. Maria meets his eyes and lifts an eyebrow.
"Well if you want to go through the entire family trees and history to try and prove that be my guest. Matter of fact is that King Joseph and King George thought of everything in their agreement. Even the downfall of royalty... Or in this case the downfall of one royal family. This seems to be their way back. Making Steve marry the granddaughter so at least she is tuly royal." Maria says dryly. "I will check it over once more. I think we all should get as much rest as this night still offers but... don't get your hopes up Steve." She adds as she gets up and takes the contract that was in the envelope before. "What if we kill her. Can't marry someone that's dead" Bucky suggests and immediately gets a slap on the back of his head from Sam.
"As your lawyer I would advice against the murder of the future spouse of your best friend. You'd be one of the first suspects and I'm sorry to say this Barnes but your pokerface isn't as great as you'd like to think." Maria states before she looks at Steve. He's exhausted, his face in his hands, his hair ruffled. "Go to bed Steve." She says softly, worried about her friend.
Steve let's out a sigh and gets up. "Dismissed. Good night." Is all he can say before he drags himself out of his office and up the stairs. His mind is a flurry of thoughts that just won't shut up no matter how much he tries. He lets out a sigh as soon as he reaches the third floor. To the left is his room, to the right the room of his mother. His legs move on their own, carrying him to the portrait of her that's covered in a black veil. In the last month he often stood in front of it. He wished it good night before he'd get in bed. Just like he planned to do today.
"Night mom..." He whispers, the tears in his eyes returning once more. "This is all so hard without you
 you would know what to do with this stupid deal
 I wish you were here." his voice breaks at that. He gulps and tries to hold back his tears. He isn't in the safety of his own bedroom yet. But he isn't sure he's gonna make it till there. His eyes wander to his door, so far away, and back to the portrait. He gulps and moves towards her door. Her room is safe too. Even if it brings sad memories.
He softly closes the door behind him, his eyes falling onto her bed. He'd often sleep with her as a child. When he had nightmares, when he was upset about his father dying, when he was sick. Just one more time he tells himself and takes off his shoes. He can sleep in the sweatpants and shirt he put on earlier, he doesn't need a fancy pyjama set. Hesitantly he slips under the yellow covers. His nose immediately fills with her scent. Her favourite laundry detergent mixed with her perfume and he can't hold back the tears any longer. The dam breaks and he sobs into her pillow. After many minutes of crying he falls asleep enveloped by her one more time.
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carnalcrows · 2 days ago
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☆ name: Felix Marino (ЀДлОĐșс ĐœĐ°Ń€ĐžĐœĐŸ | FĂ©lix Marino) → "Fortunate and Of the Sea"
☆ ethnicity : Italian-American
☆ age : 34
☆ gender : Male
☆ mbti : INTJ
☆ his story : [click to proceed]
Once just a regular blue-collar worker with a simple dream—build a good life for his wife and their unborn daughter. But fate had other plans. A tragic misunderstanding led to his wife's brutal murder at the hands of a gang seeking revenge for a crime he never committed. Grief turned into vengeance, and vengeance turned into power. One by one, he eliminated those responsible, leaving no stone unturned, no soul spared. But revenge wasn’t enough—it never is. By the time the dust settled, he had built an empire from the ashes of his pain. Now, he rules one of the most feared mafia syndicates in the world, his name whispered in both reverence and terror.
He’s a ghost of the man he used to be, his heart long buried with his wife. He tells himself love is no longer for him—his wife would have hated the monster he’s become. But in a world of blood and betrayal, the past has a way of creeping back in when least expected.
☆ appearance:
Dark brown hair, always neatly styled but never too perfect—like he doesn’t care, but somehow, it still looks effortless.
Dark green eyes with brown flecks, almost black in the shadows, but strikingly green in the sunlight—if he ever lets himself stand in it.
6'2" with a lean but powerful build—every move he makes is calculated, every step, deliberate.
A face that looks carved from stone—strong jawline, sharp cheekbones, an expression that rarely changes.
Wears expensive but understated suits, always in dark colors—nothing flashy, just powerful.
Tattoos: His wife's name on one wrist, their unborn daughter’s name on the other, the only softness left in him. He has various other tattoos of flowers and snakes running down his arms and his back.
☆ personality:
Cold, calculating, and terrifyingly efficient—he doesn’t waste words or emotions.
A master of control—of himself, of his enemies, of the entire underworld.
Speaks in a quiet, measured tone, but when he gives an order, it’s absolute.
Loyalty is sacred to him—betrayal is met with ruthless consequences.
His patience is legendary, but once it runs out, there’s no going back.
Haunted by his past but refuses to show it—his grief is a private wound, one that never truly heals.
Believes emotions are a liability, yet can't fully extinguish the ghost of the man he used to be.
☆ with a lover:
He doesn’t do casual—if he lets someone in, it’s serious, but that’s a rare occurrence.
Overprotective to a dangerous degree—if you’re his, no one touches you. Period.
Doesn’t believe he’s capable of love anymore, but if it happens, it’ll be deep, intense, and consuming.
Shows love in subtle ways—protecting, providing, making sure you’re safe before you even realize you’re in danger.
Will never say "I love you" easily, but his actions will speak louder than any words ever could.
Doesn't do jealousy—he does ownership. If you're his, he makes sure you know it.
☆ strengths:
Unmatched strategic mind—he sees five moves ahead at all times.
Ice-cold under pressure—he never panics, never loses control.
Deadly with both words and weapons—he can end someone with either.
Inspires fear and loyalty in equal measure—his presence alone is enough to command a room.
Never forgets a debt—whether he owes one or is collecting one.
☆ weaknesses:
His past—no matter how much he buries it, it never truly stays dead.
Love—he tells himself he’s incapable, but if he ever lets someone in, they’d become his greatest weakness.
His wife's memory—she is both his strength and his curse, the one thing that can still make him hesitate.
He doesn't know when to stop—revenge, power, control—he always wants more.
Has built his empire alone and trusts almost no one—loneliness is his own prison.
☆ relationships:
Wife (deceased): The only woman he ever loved, the only person who ever made him truly happy. Her memory haunts him, and he wonders if she’d still recognize him now.
Unborn Daughter (deceased): A life that never got to begin, but one he still mourns every single day.
Right-Hand Man: The only person he trusts, the only one who dares to speak freely in his presence.
Enemies: Too many to count, but they all share the same fear—crossing him means death.
Potential Love Interest: If someone ever manages to break through his walls, they’ll find a man who is both terrifying and deeply, painfully human.
☆ extra:
Speaks fluent Italian, English, Russian and a handful of other languages (for business reasons).
Has a soft spot for old jazz and classical music—not that anyone would dare comment on it.
Never lets anyone see his wrists uncovered—those tattoos are the only vulnerability he has left.
Keeps a single photograph of his wife tucked inside his wallet. No one has ever seen him look at it.
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taeaura · 2 days ago
Thomas Hewitt | Possessiveness, Desperation, and Jealousy
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Yeah...Thomas has attachment issues lololol
Thomas' possessiveness is really just a progression of his desperation. For example:
Stay with me, I don't want you to leave
Mutates into
You're my possession - Of that, my love, there really is no question
Okay, yeah, I'm using lyrics to get my point across, so what?
Because of his low self-esteem, Thomas gets jealous without realizing it. He's anxious about his potential future with his S/O, with constant worries surrounding abandonment and comparison.
What if you get hurt? What if you push too far, explore too deeply and find something you hate? What if turn to hate him? He can't have that. No, no, no, no, not here; Not now.
You really are his special someone. He's in love with you, his Momma'll make sure to tell you. Thomas' favorite thing is how sweet you are with him; Buttering him up with compliments {all of which you find to be true statements, though he disagrees}, and variations of physical affection. One thing that never fails:
"You're so handsome, Tommy."
Goddd, does it make him blush. He gets all giddy and shy - a bit aroused, depending on the situation.
What if that stops? What if when he finally reveals himself, you run away? You scream and shriek in terror? Is he really that ugly?
What if I make you feel sick?
That's a question he asks himself a lot. You're all he has {outside of the family}, and he plans to keep it that way {excluding potential future children}.
I explored this a bit in a previous post:
'You can't leave. I won't leave you leave - I have nothing. I'll prove to you how good I am - How good I can be, I swear. You can live with us on this farm, just like momma always dreamed of. You're not leaving me; Not after you've met momma, not after the countless times you've saved me from callous assholes out here. No - I couldn't..' -- He had to keep you. Keep you here; In the basement; In the barn; Maybe in a spare bedroom - His bedroom. It didn't matter. You could would not leave.
At the root of his issues, Thomas is a scared, concerned, insecure man who's been starved of proper connection. Healthy, reciprocated emotions that don't burn out when he does something wrong. Once he's found someone worth opening up to, he'll treasured them. After years of believing they'd never meet, here they are.
Are you an angel? Have I been rewarded?
Or has the Devil sending one of his succubi to ravish me down to the rings of Wrath and Ptolemaea?
Although Thomas' thoughts are not as religiously-driven as those above, he often treads in waters of similar questioning:
Do I deserve this? - Am I being tricked? - They'll leave eventually..
Overtime, his anxiety turns to desperation - And soon, that desperation turns into jealousy.
Someone could compliment you, and it'd set him off. Especially if it's a man. He's so scared you'll find someone better than him, and he's envious of how easy it is not only for you to interact with people, but how easy it is for them to interact with you. He wants to interact with you so badly! He wants to tell you how beautiful you are, how grateful he is for you {even if you two aren't in a relationship yet}. He wishes he was approachable - Not that he's comfortable with causal conversation, but he wishes it was plausible in his situation.
One afternoon, a {soon to be} victim complimented you; 'Called you 'attractive' in whatever fancy way they put it. You scoffed a bit, albeit amused, followed by a small 'thank you.' - Boy, Thomas couldn't've been more peeved. How dare you? After all he's done to make you comfortable? Really, this is how you repay him?
He had to take a minute to himself, realizing how irrational he sounded. How were you supposed to know the sacrifices he made? It's not like he could tell you..though he wishes he could, just so you would be proud of him.
After his anger calmed down, he was left guilty and worrisome - It wasn't anyone's fault. The stranger couldn't have known his feelings for you, and he doubted you're aware either. That being said, that 'charming' victim made a delicious dinner that night ;)
Thomas thought he had his emotions under control, but he was greatly mistaken. Momma had sent you out to grab things from the {wilting} garden just a few minutes prior; You'd gained enough trust from her to be left unsupervised outside - Though, she kept tabs on you though the windows.
Thomas was just finishing up in the basement when he walked up to the main floor; Oddly enough, he was looking for you. One random evening {a day he couldn't quite remember}, he'd overheard you talking to Henrietta about a locket you had once - A dainty one that complimented your skin ethereally. One of the victims, a nice gal from out of town, had a locket similar to the one you described; And he planned on giving it to you.
As he searched around the home, he found no trace of you. His anxiety quickly picked up; What if you'd left? No, Momma wouldn't lose you that easily, you'd have to be somewhere. He made his way outside, carelessly throwing the front screen doors open, albeit a bit aggressive. After a few minutes of pacing, he finally found you in the garden - Just as you were supposed to be.
The knot in his stomach relaxed, just as his shoulders did. There you were: Safe and content. He clutched the locket within his right hand, the chain dangling from his stressed fingers.
Unbeknownst to you, Thomas stood a few feet away, just..staring. His mind raced with incoherent thoughts: Would you like the gift? What if you were confused, or even worse, disgusted? What if the locket wasn't to your liking? He was quickly pulled from his thoughts when you finally noticed him.
"Hi, Thomas." You acknowledged, he really was just some big, awkward hunk, huh? "Did you need something?"
He quickly shook his head, bringing his hand forward. He twisted his wrist so his palm could face upward, revealing the locket.
You wiped some sweat off your forehead with your dirt-covered gloves and stood up. Your knees had gotten a bit dirty, but your pants provided a solid-enough layer between skin and soil.
"Is this for me?" You naively asked. Of course it was for you, he wouldn't just hand something to you that he intended on keeping.
He nodded, slightly nudging his hand closer as if to say 'take it.' - Which you did.
"Might be a bit difficult to put on, the jump ring's a bit small."
Were you..asking him to help? Was that it? He wasn't too sure, but he took the chance anyway. He gently grasped the split chain, folding it cautiously around your neck. He fumbled a lot with the chains..he didn't know how to handle such a small mechanism despite his sewing hobby; But eventually, he connected the jump rings.
You adjusted the locket to your liking, turning to face him with a thankful smile painted amongst your face.
"Thank you, Tommy."
Oh god..there it was. You knew he liked being called 'Tommy', you must've. He felt teased, just a bit. Mostly shy, though. He swallowed and gave a small nod.
Gosh, you were gorgeous, at least he thought so. He wanted so badly to tell you - Just like that piece of shit victim previously had. Okay..they weren't that bad, but he didn't want to acknowledge that. His jealously started to fester again, soon overriding his yearning.
God fucking damnit, why do I have to be so restricted? He thought to himself, an anger bubbling beneath him.
"Are you alright?" You hesitantly asked, tilting your head just a bit.
Was he alright? No, he was not 'alright.' He felt silenced. Restricted in his own body. How hard could it be to tell you how much he liked that locket on you?
His throat strained, trying to make any sensible noise - Yet all that came out were gurgles and incoherent mumbles. He shook his head, obviously overwhelmed and fed up. Instead of straining too hard, he pointed at the necklace and nodded - He really did think you were the most beautiful creature in the word, the locket only amplified that.
"You like it?"
He nodded once more.
"Aw; Well, thank you, Tommy. That's very kind of you."
He nodded a final time, making a mental decision: You were never going to leave him. He'd do anything and everything to make you happy, including small things like this.
That piece of shit nobody couldn't treat you like I could; They'd only make you happy chopped up, seared, and served right at the dinner table.
He'd make sure that would never happen to you. That no one besides him or the family would make you laugh, cry, smile; Not like he could. You two would be one, one way or another - Even in death. He'd make sure of that.
Boo lame boo 🍅🍅🍅
I'm not too proud of the one-shot but my brain isn't giving me anything different.
We will, however, get more possessive Tommy as I finished up pt. 2 of Proprietorial 😈
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yanderes-galore · 2 days ago
Hi.. could you do best friend itadori x reader where itadori is a platonic yandere but then becomes romantic yandere when they are 1 year away from going to college?
Oh sure! This sounds like a cute idea :)
Yandere! Best Friend! Yuji Itadori Concept
Pairing: Platonic -> Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Jealousy, Blood, Violence, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Denial of feelings, Clingy behavior, Dubious relationship.
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Yuji has always cared for you during Jujutsu High.
Even when he was a vessel, he's been protective of you.
I can definitely see Yuji falling for a best friend he has.
When he was learning to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer he barely had time for love.
Despite this... He always felt a close connection with you.
Through training under Gojo sensei, you two worked together to he Jujutsu Sorcerers.
Yuji didn't realize it at the time, but throughout his school life he fell for you more and more.
Even when you all lost Gojo during Shibuya and felt lost... You did your best to guide Yuji forward.
Yuji's always been concerned about your safety.
Even to the point Sukuna comments on you, wondering if the teen is having a little crush.
Yuji always ignores the curse in his head, thinking that it can't possibly be what he feels for you.
He... He's just like a brother, right...?
Although even that doesn't feel right to him.
There've been many situations in just his first year of meeting you where he's gotten bloody on your behalf.
Many battles have led to injury or him pummeling another curse user.
Each time you've been at his side to check his wounds and help him.
Yuji's experiences have made him worry about losing you.
He hates that you've both seen countless deaths and injuries due to curses and curse users.
This is one of the reasons your best friend is so overprotective.
He never leaves your side, checks to see if he trusts the people he leaves you alone with...
Get into fights with those who failed to protect you....
You've been his family since he started Jujutsu High.
You've always been there for him, his best friend....
Even when Sukuna's defeated and he continues high school with you, that protective behavior remains.
He's covered in scars from his battles... grimacing when he sees them on you too, apologizing for being unable to watch you.
Not that they... don't look attractive...
What is he thinking!?
It's nice for him to not have Sukuna whispering impulsive thoughts in his head.
He can finally clear his head... focus on you...
Why does he keep thinking of you?
Yuji is probably in denial about his feelings.
He wants to focus on his studies and training.
Yet he keeps finding his gaze flick over to you, wondering what it would be like if you two...
Best not to say that right now.
Yuji truthfully develops a crush throughout high school.
You both have grown quite strong and he only seems to admire you more the more you grow.
He tries his best not to show his growing feelings until after high school.
He still finds himself calling and texting often... visiting you... training with you...
You two are practically unable to be separated yet he hates admitting his crush.
You probably don't feel the same... and he should just watch over you for now.
Unfortunately... Watching you develop relationships with other people tends to make his heart ache.
College wasn't something Yuji thought he'd do.
Yet when you both graduated and you expressed an interest in pursuing a career outside of Sorcerer duties.
Well... He couldn't help but want to follow you.
Yuji wasn't sure what major he wanted, he just knew he wanted to continue being in your life.
Which is what leads him to setting up a college application to support your interests.
Yuji's not that bad of a yandere with Sukuna gone.
He isn't murderous and is most likely not going to kidnap.
He's a soft yandere, acting like a puppy around you when he finally accepts he has a crush on you.
Yuji tried to give you space before college, but he finds himself unable to do it.
Even if you were seeing someone at the time, he can't ignore the feelings steadily growing within him.
He's gone from wanting to protect you... to also wanting to kiss you.
He wants you to know you're loved.
Yuji would probably confess before you both went to college.
He's surprisingly shy, fidgeting as he admits he's loved you for a long time now.
If you're single and accept him, he's ecstatic.
If you aren't single or are and just decline... Yuji's understanding and drops it for now.
Yet he doesn't stop obsessing over you.
While he's a soft yandere, he still stalks you.
He tries not to... but he's so concerned about you he can't stay away from you.
You mean everything to him...
Even if you don't love him now, he hopes you will at some point.
If you had someone you were dating already, Yuji's going to secretly sabotage that relationship.
Then he's going to comfort you as your best friend... all while saying you deserve so much better.
While he doesn't want to be... Yuji can be manipulative.
He wants to be the only one for you.
His whole plan was for you to date in college....
It would be perfect!
His jealousy tends to make Yuji pushy, gently trying to nudge you into loving him.
He doesn't want to be best friends anymore...
He wants to be your boyfriend.
One way or another, Yuji's going to drag you into a relationship with him....
Even if it's just a pity date... Yuji plans to prove to you he's perfect for you.
He'll protect you like a good boyfriend should... just like he always has....
Yuji's intense with affection since he's trying to prove he's a good boyfriend.
He loves you... so much.
If it means hugging you tightly and covering you in kisses, he'll do it.
It's hard to focus on training or class work when he can only think of you.
He understands you may just want to be friends...
He tries to be patient...
But by now he can't see you as just a friend anymore.
He's addicted to you and your attention.
All he looks forward to is dragging you to his dorm for cuddles.
Probably even a bit of PDA in class to show others you're his.
While not a bad boyfriend... He doesn't leave you alone.
Yuji watches you from a distance when you're with others, he tracks your phone and socials...
He wants to be involved with everything you do.
He refuses to lose you to anyone.
He just can't... You need to be his.
If you aren't... He might just go insane.
There's times he's threatened those around you, unable to hide his jealousy.
There's times you hope the blood on his hands is just due to him training too hard.
He never gives a straight answer.
You can try to tell Yuji to back off, to give space for you to clear your head...
He backs off for a little while.
Yet then he comes right back like being alone is the most horrible experience for him.
You try to have Nobara and Megumi distract him... No dice.
Yuji now finally understands what he feels for you.
You're not his best friend... you're meant to be his partner.
Yuji wants to support, protect, and care for you... Nothing will take you from him...
As long as he loves you... Yuji will never leave you alone... even if you asked him too.
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writhyv · 3 days ago
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â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© [jay, jake, ni-ki, sunghoon] your bf comforts you from 'haters'
unsorted | park jongseong x male!reader + sim jaeyun x male!reader + nishimura riki x male!reader + park sunghoon x male!reader
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pairing: jay x male reader + jake x male reader + niki x male reader + sunghoon x male reader genre: sad angst vibes at the start but def fluff or comfort fgjkasjf notes: there's always going to be people who will hate you and your relationship. and yes, it's normal to be affected. however, it's also normal to accept some comfort by your side. everything's just better with someone you can rely on :)
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Of course, you weren’t Korean. Of course, you weren’t used to their culture. But
 did they really have to throw that in your face? Did they have to make you feel left out? Or was it just a game to them?
Jay could only look at your face, which seemed so troubled and gloomy. You were going through a lot of emotions right now, and he hated seeing you like this.
He held your hand tightly, warming it with his grip before speaking softly, like a gentle thread of silk. “I’ll talk to them.”
You held onto his hand, never wanting to let go. Jay wasn’t surprised, waiting patiently for you to unclasp his arm.
He knew he shouldn’t do that. It felt embarrassing. It felt stupid. It was—
“I won’t make a scene,” Jay reassured you, placing his hand on your shoulders.
You continued to grip his hand firmly. Jay sighed and lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles as you turned to face him.
“I’m just going to tell them how hardworking you’ve been.” He flashed his signature smirk, managing to relax your nerves for just a moment.
“And how grateful I am to see you every single day.”
You both exchanged thoughtful looks, gazing into each other’s eyes. In that moment, you felt your eyes begin to dampen. He wiped away the tears slowly falling from your cheeks. “And how I’m so in love with you that no one could possibly understand.”
Jay looked at you with such a loving gaze that you couldn’t help but wonder—what kind of life had you led before to deserve this kind of blessing?
“But Jay
“No buts.” Jay placed his hand gently over your glossy lips, his finger softly trailing down your bottom lip. “Just let me handle it.”
You tightened your grip on his hand one last time. You didn’t want him to get involved in something that seemed so silly, yet somehow, you felt relieved.
Relieved that someone cares for you. Someone who looks out for you.
Someone who sees your worth and values you.
Jay understood the silence that filled your head. So what’s the best thing he could do right now? A kiss. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, a soft sway in the wind as he landed his lips on the top of your head.
“I’ll be right back,” Jay said with a warm smile.
You let his hands go, knowing Jay’s intentions were pure and nothing more. You smiled back, trusting your lover to defend you.
It was comforting—to be defended and cared for, just as you would do for him.
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“Babe?” Jake knocks on the door, clearly waiting for you on the other side.
“This is nothing, I swear!” you call out, sniffing as you huddle in the corner of the restroom.
Yes, the place is damp, messy, and definitely not nice
 but nothing could be worse than the hurtful things you’ve heard from other people.
And Jake can’t bear not knowing what happened.
“I... I’m sorry,” Jake whispers, his sadness evident in his voice. Even the tone reveals his regret.
You turn your gaze toward him. “Oh, don’t be!” you say, trying to wipe your face and smile as if everything is fine. “C’mon now.”
“But they said bad things, right?” Jake asks, trying to express his feelings. He cares deeply about what he missed. He swears that if he hadn’t taken his time at the counter, he wouldn’t have hesitated to teach those mean people a lesson.
Yet he needs to know how you feel first. When he saw you run to the restroom, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. He was scared, worried, and he wasn’t going to let this slide.
He was determined to be your protector.
“It’s not that bad
” you try to defend yourself, almost reflexively.
Were they really NOT that bad? Is that how you would describe being labeled as someone your boyfriend doesn’t deserve? Not bad?
Words sting. Words hurt. Is it really not bad if they call you an opportunist just because you love your boyfriend?
“I don’t think you’d lock yourself in a public restroom if it wasn’t, babe,” Jake sighs, hoping you’ll open the door quickly.
” you suddenly burst into tears, remembering every single hurtful word you’ve heard.
Why must it be you who feels this way? Why must it be you experiencing something that shouldn’t happen to anyone?
“I’m gonna bust the door open—”
“HAH!!!” He successfully breaks through the distance between you and him. With a bright smile, he wants to comfort you right then and there.
Wherever ‘there’ is

“B-baby!” Jake jumps in surprise, his heart racing as he sees you on the floor, all tumbled up.
“It’s fine
” you say in a gasping tone. You don’t mind it at all, though Jake’s strength is definitely nothing to be messed with.
“Sorry! I thought you were in one of those!” Jake points at the two restroom divisions, thinking you were hiding somewhere.
“So cute
” you coo, making Jake blush a little. “You’re trying to save me like a hero?”
Jake rushes to your side and helps you get up. “Ugh, look at your clothes! It’s your favorite, right?”
“Pssh. Like it matters.” You deny it, clearly relying on this mechanism to cope.
Jake looks at you with serious eyes. “C’mon. Don’t do that now.”
“You were hurt. Two times.” Jake raises his fingers. “In one day. It HAS to hurt.”
You look at him, realizing how much you’ve been denying your own feelings. Of course, you hate it. You hate feeling what you’ve felt today. Although Jake’s little push wasn’t much, that earlier situation scraped at your heart.
Just then, you notice your eyes are wet. They aren’t just damp; they’re soaking. You can only cry right then and there.
Jake sees your tears fall and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
” he says softly, trying to comfort you, patting your back as you sob against him. “I’m here.”
You continue to cry, letting it all out. Maybe on this day, or in this life, you feel like you don’t matter to anyone. You’re willing to accept that.
But you matter to Jake. Just as he matters to you.
Maybe that’s all you really need.
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“Something wrong?” Ni-ki asks, his voice low and filled with concern as he leans closer to you, sensing the tension rising in your body before you even fully process the words.
His gaze, sharp and hyper-observant from years of reading rooms as a performer, flickers to the source of the whispers around you and then back to your face.
At first, he thinks you’re just your usual unfazed self, but as he studies your expression, he realizes the truth—you are affected.
This awareness shifts something in him, prompting him to step closer. His shoulder brushes against yours casually, yet it feels fiercely deliberate—a shield disguised as coincidence.
“Hey,” he murmurs again, tilting his head down so only you can hear. His hand finds yours, warm and grounding, guiding you toward a quieter corner away from prying eyes and judgmental voices.
Ni-ki isn’t one for dramatic confrontations; he prioritizes your peace over their noise, ready to remove you from the chaos that surrounds you.
Once you find a moment alone, he faces you fully. His usual playful smirk is replaced by a quiet seriousness that catches you off guard.
“You know they’re wrong,” he states simply, his tone leaving no room for debate.
You recognize this side of him—the one that surfaces during tough rehearsals, when he’s pushing himself to perfect a move. He is stubborn in his convictions.
“I... I know. It’s just—” you begin, but the words catch in your throat.
“It’s nothing but smack.” Ni-ki tries to push away that trembling fear of yours, the snake that keeps crawling up your leg, the creeping anxiety that always seems to burn you down whenever something like this happens. He weighs his words carefully, wanting to make you feel better, or at least let you know you’re not alone in times like these.
“You’re... stronger than they think. And I know what’s real.” His thumb grazes your wrist, a fleeting touch that carries the weight of his loyalty, reminding you that you’re not alone. "I just-" A sudden kiss then touches your lips, warmth bathing your own. "Wah-" Another kiss graces you again. Ni-ki smirked as he prompted to wait another moment for you to speak. "He-" One last kiss to shut you up. That will do it, Ni-ki thought.
“Hehe.” You felt suddenly lighter than before. Maybe three kisses worked their magic already. As for Ni-ki? He looked proud as one definitely would, like winning a raffle prize. Bumping his head close to yours, he lightens the air with a half-smirk.
“Next time, I’ll ‘accidentally’ spill my drink on them. My clumsy era.”
“What the..." You looked at him, a familiar glance he knew well you'd do when he teased you.
“What?” Ni-ki smiles, mischief sparkling in his eyes. “Is that a game plan or what?”
You giggle, knowing how he always tries to cheer you up has been a success in the past. Even amidst the buzz of the world, just having Ni-ki right with you feels like enough. With him, you feel stronger and much better.
And Ni-ki? He loves you even more. Nothing compares to that.
The next day, he shows up at work wearing the hoodie you once teased him for borrowing, unbothered by the stares of others around you. Yes, it was pink. Yes, it was a Donald Duck comic panel hoodie and yes, it wasn't his taste at all. But with all of this, his presence is a silent rebellion against any negativity. For Ni-ki, comfort isn’t found in grand speeches; it’s in staying.
He proves, through every small choice he makes, that he will walk beside you—loudly, unapologetically—no matter who’s watching. In this moment, you feel a sense of reassurance, knowing that with Ni-ki by your side, you can face anything that comes your way.
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“You good?” Sunghoon asks, noticing the bad vibe in the air before you even do. His polite smile, which he uses in public, freezes just a little as his instincts kick in to hide his irritation.
But his eyes, usually calm and peaceful, darken with a hint of protectiveness, a fierce guardian ready to shield you from the negativity surrounding you.
“Mhm.” You nod, trying to show him that it’s not a big deal, even though you know it is. You want to be strong for him, to not add to his burdens.
Without breaking his cool demeanor, he steps subtly between you and the voices, standing tall like a strong tree, unyielding against the gusts of harsh words.
“Let’s get some air,” he says lightly, as if he’s just suggesting a casual walk, but you can sense the underlying urgency in his tone.
“O-okay.” His hand gently presses against your back—a silent command to follow, not argue. You feel the warmth of his touch seep through the layers of your emotional turmoil, grounding you.
Once you both find a quiet spot, nestled away from prying eyes and judgmental whispers, he turns to you, and his icy facade melts into something softer.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice low but steady. Sunghoon isn’t one for long speeches, but his gaze locks onto yours, intense and unwavering, making you feel truly seen.
“W-What are you talking about?” You smile, doing your best to deny what you’re feeling and hide it from him. You don’t want him to worry; he has enough on his plate.
As you try to shrug it off, he raises an eyebrow—that look he gives when he knows you’re lying. It’s a look that makes your heart flutter, even in such a heavy moment.
“They’re idiots,” he says plainly, crossing his arms. “The kind who’d fall flat on their face trying a single axel jump.”
The reference catches you off guard and makes you giggle a little. “A-axel jump? That’s a throwback.”
Sunghoon takes a good look at you as you settle, fixing the hair strands that almost cover your face. He can tell you’re trying to keep it together, but he’s seen you crumble before, and it breaks his heart to witness it again.
“It still hurts, doesn’t it?” He hesitates for a moment, showing a rare side of himself, before saying, “It hurts me too. Seeing you like this.”
You understand what Sunghoon is trying to say. People aren’t always kind about idols dating, especially when they’re the same sex. You’ve faced your share of hate and gossip, but it’s not something serious enough to ruin his reputation. It’s something very personal for him when he knows you’re being targeted.
But to him, none of that matters. As long as he can show his love for you while doing what he loves, he feels content.
“They want a reaction. Don’t give them one,” he says, firm but not cold. “We’ll show them this instead.” He flashes his bright, dimpled smile, warm and calculated, before linking his arm through yours and leading you back into the room.
You laugh again, seeing how cute your partner is. He’s trying his own way of showing how much he cares for you, and nothing can compare to his efforts.
You lean against his shoulder and tighten your grip on his strong arm, silently thanking him for everything he does.
Of course, Sunghoon smiles. Deep down, it’s all that matters to him.
That you feel happy, comfortable, and loved. With him.
“You’re better than every single one of them.” His breath feels warm as he kisses your forehead.
“And I’m never wrong about people.”
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wishing you comfort in these small drabbles. from me and enha <3
hope you guys enjoyed it! please like, comment, or reblog~
my masterlist!
made by writhyv 💘
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gingiesworld · 3 days ago
In The Stars (2/?)
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, violence
Word Count: 4.5k
Since the night the two had finally opened their hearts, embracing their feelings for one another instead of hiding away, they had begun to spend more and more time together. Although, they had kept it a secret from Pietro, wanting to enjoy the peace and tranquillity behind closed doors. Wanda was sat at the island, watching as Y/N moved around the kitchen, cooking a dinner they had promised her. She admired how they moved around, how they held themselves up on their feet, soon raising a brow as they turned to face her, leaning against the counter. 
"Do you think we should maybe tell Piet? About us?" Y/N asked her, Wanda sensed their nervousness, moving around to stand in front of them, taking one of their hands in hers. 
"Maybe." She answered, soon moving her hand to cup their cheek, looking in their eyes. "But, is it too selfish to want to stay in our own little world a little while longer?" She questioned, stroking their cheek with her thumb. 
"I guess not, but he's my best friend." Y/N replied, taking a deep breath. "He's always been there for me, and I hate keeping secrets from him, he's always been there for me, through everything. I just." 
"How about we tell them on Sunday?" Wanda suggested. "At Sunday dinner?" Y/N exhaled, nodding slowly before Wanda stepped up on her toes, kissing them softly. "But, I think dinner's going to burn if you don't concentrate. We don't want to burn the kitchen down, do we?" She teased them, patting their cheek before stepping away.
"You know, I have never seen you cook before." Y/N stated with a smirk, stirring the Bolognese. "It's like you might be just as bad of a cook as your twin." They chuckled as she shook her head, a smile forming on her face. 
"I can cook, I just haven't cooked in a while." She told them. "Not since I moved here with my brother and his wife." She moved to stand beside them, watching as they added some herbs to the sauce. "But, maybe I can cook for you next time." She bumped her hip against theirs. 
"You know, I may just take you up on that." They accepted with a smile, glancing down at her. She soon moved to help set the table as Y/N finished with cooking, as Wanda grabbed their drinks, Y/N grabbed their plates, following behind her, placing them down before pulling her chair out for her before moving to take their seat. Wanda watched as they started to eat, glancing at their left hand, seeing their ring finger bare. 
"You took of your wedding ring?" She questioned, Y/N wiped their mouth after swallowing what they had in their mouth. 
"Yeah, I figured it was time." They told her. "I honestly don't quite know what we are, or if we are even putting a label on us yet, but I want to be all in this between us." Wanda's heart beat rapidly in her chest, waiting for their next words. "I know that what Jean and I had was special, it was amazing but I believe that we could be just as or more than that. I want to believe that." 
"I do too." Wanda whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just, I'm scared to get hurt again, I can't go through that again." Y/N reached over, taking her hand in theirs. 
"I can't say that we won't have our disagreements, every couple has their disagreements." They started, looking in her eyes as a gentle smile took place on their face. "But we are both adults, we can always talk through everything, any problem that we come across, we will get through it all together. Love isn't always enough to keep a relationship working, there's more to it, it's give and take, compromises and sacrifices, but it's never all going to be one sided." They lifted her hand to their lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "I am all in this Wanda, as much as it scares me too, but I want this. I want us." Wanda only saw confidence and comfort in their eyes as they spoke. "But I need you to want us too." 
"I do." Wanda spoke shakily, their words taking an effect on her. "I just." 
"I'm not him, Wanda." They cut her off, already knowing she was going to repeat her previous statement. "I will never ever be him. I want to be your safety and comfort, I want to be someone who you can rely on when you need me, however you need me." 
"I'm sorry." Wanda looked down, her plate suddenly becoming more interesting until she heard their chair move. They got on their knees beside her, a hand resting on the back of her chair whilst her hand remained in their other. 
"You have nothing to apologise for." They told her tenderly, moving her hair from her face. "You're allowed to feel how you feel, there's nothing wrong with it, and I will always be here to listen if ever you need. I will give you reassurance if that's what you need." Wanda only nodded, a small smile on her face as Y/N kissed her hand once more. "Now, let's finish eating and we can watching your Dick Van Dyke before you go home if you'd like?" Wanda nodded, picking up her fork as Y/N got back in their seat, stealing glances at her every now and then. There was no denying that the two still had a lot of work to do on themselves, but there's no saying that they both can't heal side by side as they grow together. 
Y/N still found themselves in the cemetery, cleaning up Jean's headstone and replacing the wilting flowers. Soon sitting on the ground, leaning back on their arms as they looked up at the clear blue sky, the weight that they had felt in their chest for the past two years, barely noticeable. 
"I uh, I kind of fell for someone." They started, turning their attention to Jean's picture on the stone, a small smile on their face. "I don't know if it would be considered too soon, because it's only been a couple of years since, well you know." They chuckled lightly. "But I believe that I could fall in love with her, I can't quite explain it, but I've never felt like this, not since you." They sighed as they soon lay back, watching the clouds float along in the sky. "You would have loved her yourself, truthfully she reminds me so much of how you used to be, she's strong and beautiful, smart and she really is amazing." They rested their hands behind their head. "But she's just as terrified as I am, I guess we both don't want to be hurt again." They squeezed their eyes shut. "I can't lose another person who I love, I just don't think I would survive losing her like I lost you." They swallowed the lump in their throat, moving to their feet. "I just want you to know that you will always have a place in my heart, you were the person to show me how to love, that I could be loved and you have no idea how grateful I am to have had our time together." They wiped their eyes, taking a shaky breath. "Even if it was as fleeting as it seemed, the pain of losing you doesn't outweigh the time we had and the lessons that you taught me. I love you, my phoenix." Y/N pressed two fingers to their lips, pressing a kiss before placing them on the picture. "I'll be back again, I'm never going to forget you." With that, they made their way to their car, settling in the driver's seat, resting their head on the steering wheel, giving them a moment or two before they decided to head to Pietro's for Sunday dinner, before they were going to tell Pietro about the two of them. 
Once Y/N had pulled up outside their best friend's home, their heart was beating out of their chest, afraid of what Pietro would say about them and Wanda starting whatever they are. They reluctantly stepped out of the car, every step heavier as they approached the front door, taking a deep breath before they let themselves inside. The house already smelled of roast pork, quietly closing the door behind them, they made their way towards the living room, where they found Wanda sat alone with a book in her hand.
"Hey." They spoke softly, gaining her attention, a shy smile on their face as they nervously stepped inside, taking a seat on the sofa beside her. Wanda smiled gently, the butterflies swarming in her stomach, she was both nervous and excited.
"Hey." She greeted them, placing her book down on the coffee table before turning to face them. "How was your morning?" She asked them, knowing what their routine was.
"It was alright." They nodded, picking at their cuticles until she reached over and took their hand in hera. "I guess in someway, I feel somewhat lighter than before." Wanda's smile widened as she scooted closer to them. "How about you? You nervous?" They asked her, playing with the rings on her fingers.
"I am." She nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I have been replaying what we're going to say in my head, coming up with the different outcomes, but we won't really know what will happen until we tell him." She told them, Y/N nodded in agreement, lifting her hand to their lips and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles, a gesture that seems to make her heart beat quicken everytime.
"We will do it together." Y/N whispered, the two separating as they heard footsteps approaching. Then Monica entered the room with Pietro following behind her with their drinks.
"I told you they would be here." Pietro told his wife with a triumphant smirk. "It's like clockwork every week." Monica shook her head as Y/N thanked Pietro for their drink.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, it's like the two of you are married." Monica teased Pietro, Wanda giggling as the two made disgusted faces at her statement.
"I'm sorry to say that your husband is most definitely not my type." Y/N told her. "If we were to be married, it would be more of a pity marriage on my part." Pietro looked offended as both women laughed. "It's true! Who would feed you otherwise, you'd kill yourself with your own cooking." They defended as Pietro scoffed, turning away dramatically.
"Well I have you know, I would bring more to our marriage than just bad cooking." Pietro told them.
"Like what? You're not exactly handy around here either." Wanda added, earning a glare from her twin.
"It's true." Monica agreed, sipping her lemonade with a smirk. Everyone burst out laughing as Pietro tried his hardest to fight his own smile.
"Anyways Y/N, I do have a question." Pietro started, turning to face them. "When did you stop wearing your wedding ring? I've noticed you've not wore it for a while."
"It's been a couple of months, at least I think." They answered him truthfully, remembering that they had stopped wearing it the morning after they had slept while on call with Wanda. "I figured that it's time, Jean is always going to be a huge part of my life, she helped me figure out the person I wanted to be and well, I can't keep living in the past and always wonder what if." They answered, half truthfully.
"I'm proud of you." Pietro told them honestly, a gentle smile on his face. "Jean would be proud of you." Y/N only nodded before taking a swig of their beer. As the afternoon went on, the four of them sat around the table, eating and bullying Pietro's lack of talent in domesticity.
"Before we finish here, we need to talk." Wanda started, her eyes finding Y/N's who only nodded for her to continue. "You know you're always going to be the most important man in my life, but you need to know that Y/N and I." She took a deep breath as a silence took over the room.
"We've kind of been spending time together." Y/N continued for her, looking at Pietro, whose expression remained stoic. "We don't quite have a label on what we both are yet, but we are figuring that out together."
"So, you both have been lying to me?" Pietro spoke calmly, too calm which made a chill run through them both. "You have both been sneaking around behind my back?" He looked between the two, ignoring as Monica gave him a pleading look.
"No, it's not like that." Wanda tried, watching as he just shook his head. "I have feelings for them, I can't quite explain really how it started between us, but it has. We were both afraid of tellin you because we didn't know how you would react." Pietro remained silent.
"I do really care about her." Y/N confessed. "More than I should, but I know what I feel for her isn't like what I felt for Jean, it's different. Completely different." Pietro's eyes softened slightly as he listened to them. "You know, I love Jean, I always will, but that doesn't mean that I won't love Wanda." Wanda reached over and took their hand as they spoke. "Because I am falling for her, more and more each time I'm with her." Pietro pulled a disgusted expression. "No, not like that, hell we haven't even took that step yet. You know yourself that I'm an all in kind of person, you know that, you saw that with Jean and I." Y/N took a deep breath. "What I'm saying is that I do believe that Wanda and I could have a future together, I do see that, I don't even know if she sees that herself, but I don't care if she doesn't just yet." Y/N turned to gaze at Wanda, who had tears forming in her eyes. "I'm a patient person when it comes to someone I truly care about, I would always be patient with you because I think." They shook their head with a chuckle. "No, I know, I know that I am falling for her, I am truly falling for you and the truth is, I don't want to stop falling for you." Pietro smiled as Y/N wiped a tear that had escaped Wanda's eye.
"I'm falling for you too." Wanda whispered shakily. "I really am and all I ask is that you would be there to catch me."
"Of course, I'll always catch you." They told her. "I'm not afraid of this anymore, as long as I have you by my side, I'm not scared." Wanda cupped their cheek and pressed a soft passionate kiss to their lips, breaking apart as Pietro faked a cough.
"As touching as all of this is." He started, a hard expression. "I just have to say this one thing, I am really happy for you both. You both deserve all the happiness in the world." He smiled at the two, both Y/N and Wanda smiled.
"You know, I thought this was going to end differently." Y/N stated.
"How so?" Monica questioned.
"Well, I thought I would be getting a punch in the face or something." They chuckled. "Especially with her being your little sister."
"Twin!" Wanda defended herself, struggling to hold back her smile.
"I am still twelve minutes older." Pietro stated triumphantly, leaning back in his chair whilst Wanda just shook her head with a smile on her face.
Wanda had decided to head to Y/N's after dinner, she was sat on the sofa, her feet tucked under her as Y/N brought her a glass of wine with their beer. She smiled and said a soft thank you as she took the drink from them, watching as they sat beside her, sipping their beer. She leaned her head on her hand as her arm rested on the back of the sofa.
"What?" Y/N questioned, a curious look in their eye as they watched her carefully.
"Did you mean it?" She asked them. "What you told Pietro, did you really mean it?" Y/N placed their bottle on the coffee table, turning to fully face her.
"I did." They answered her, rest their hand on her knee, rubbing small circles over her skin. "I meant every word, and I'm not always certain about my feelings, but I am certain about what I feel for you. I want this, you and I, it's what I want. It's what I crave and I." They chuckled lightly, Wanda tilted her head slightly, confused. "I can't get you out of my mind, when we're not together, and even when we are together, you are all I think about." They exhaled before continuing. "It's intoxicating, it's like you're all around me, even when you're not." Wanda moved to place her glass down on the table before settling back on the sofa. "I uh, I have been wanting to ask you this, maybe in a more romantic date or something." Wanda watched as they became nervous, her own heart beating rapidly in her chest. "Will you be my maybe, I." Wanda smiled at their nervousness, leaning forward and pressing her lips to theirs.
"I would be honoured to be your girlfriend." She told them with a smile, Y/N exhaled in relief before pressing their lips against hers, the two breaking the kiss with a smile.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now." They told her honestly, resting their forehead against hers.
"I'm sure I do, because you have made me the happiest I have been in a very long time." Wanda spoke quietly. Y/N shifted slightly, moving their hand to cup her face as they looked in her eyes.
"I will only ever want you to feel happy and comfortable with me." They told her, caressing her cheek with their thumb. Wanda moved to kiss them, more passionately than before.
Time seemed to pass by faster, the moments were filled with love and happiness. Although the two had never said those three words out loud to each other, but neither of them could really hide from their growing feelings for one another with each moment.
"So, you and my sister." Pietro said as he sipped his beer, the two deciding to hang out outside of the confines of either homes.
"Yup." Y/N nodded, finishing their drink before ordering another round, placing Pietro's in front of him. "I'm sorry if it's weird."
"No, it's not weird." He told them, turning on his stool to face them. "It's nice to see the two of you happy. I never knew what Wanda was like when she was with Vis, but I know she was unhappy, especially with everything she told us." Y/N listened to him, hanging on to every word. "But I've never seen her this happy since we were kids."
"She deserves to be happy." Y/N spoke softly.
"And so do you." He reminded them, watching as a smile formed on their face.
"I am happy, like really happy." Y/N admitted. "Being with Wanda is just, it's amazing. I can be myself with her, and she doesn't even care that I have some traits that are annoying to a lot of people." They smiled as they thought of her. "Even when I'm in the garage, she's always right there with me, she has been helping me with the project I'm working on, I've been teaching her about carpentry and how to use the tools and she seems to enjoy it."
"Are you sure she does?" A voice sounded from beside them. The two turned around to see a tall blonde man stood there.
"This conversation is kind of private." Y/N told him firmly.
"Well, you are talking about Wanda Maximofg right?" He smirked as he looked between the two. "If you ask me, she doesn't really have much good to offer to a relationship. Especially in the sack." With that, Y/N swung at him, landing a punch on his jaw.
"Y/N." Pietro spoke, a warning in his tone. "Leave it."
"Yeah Y/N, leave it." He smirked, rubbing his jaw. "Better yet, leave Wanda, you could do much better with paying for a hooker." His eyes remained on them. "Hell, she does actually give one good blowjob, that's about all she's good for." Y/N saw red, lunging at him and tackling him to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face.
"Y/N! Stop!" Pietro yelled, pulling them off of him, leading them away from the bar towards the exit. "What the hell was that?!" He questioned once they were outside, standing on the pavement.
"You heard everything he was saying about her!" Y/N yelled, still angry at the words spoken about Wanda. "He completely disrespected her, and I will never let anyone disrespect anyone I love!" They took a deep breath, ignoring Pietro's eyes widening. "He's lucky I didn't kill him."
"You would have if I didn't pull you off of him!" Pietro shot, watching as Y/N shook their head, starting to walk away from the bar. "You need to be more careful with your temper, you don't want the same thing to happen as college do you?!" Y/N stopped in their track, turning around to face him.
"You know I'm not that person anymore." They told him, hurt in their voice.
"Really, I'm pretty sure that I just saw them resurface." He told them, Y/N hung their head, looking down at their hands.
"I changed." They told him. "Since Jean, I haven't been that person since Jean came into my life."
"Really, what about what you did to Scott?" Pietro questioned. "You were lucky back then that there were witnesses of how he tried to take advantage of her, you only got let off with a warning." He reminded them. "You put him into a coma, you lost control and almost killed him."
All Y/N could do was look down at their feet, not wanting to see the disappointment in their best friend's eyes once again. They flinched when he gently placed his hand on their shoulder.
"Come on, let's head home and clean your hands." He spoke softly. Y/N only nodded, turning around and walking in the direction to Pietro's house. The walk was quiet, only the sound of chatter from passers by and cars passing through the night. "So, do you love her?" Pietro broke the silence, Y/N's head shot up, glancing at him. "With what you said earlier."
"I do." Y/N told him. "I really do love her, it's not like how I felt for Jean, it's different, but then again every love isn't the same. We recognise it as love, but it's never the same as it felt for someone before."
"Have you told her?" He asked them, they shook their head no.
"I've told her that I am falling for her, but I haven't said I love you to her." They told him. "I just, I guess I'm scared because if I tell her, what if she takes a step back from us? What if she doesn't feel the same or see the same future as I do."
"You'll never know until you tell her." He told them. "I mean what I said before, she has never been this happy with you before, and with what that jerk was like, who I presume is her ex that she moved to get away from, she most definitely wasn't happy with him."
"I just, I'm waiting for the moment." They told him. "You know, a way to make it special, like under a beautiful sunset or something."
"You don't have to wait for a big time romantic moment, it doesn't have to be during this grand gesture." He told them. "It's much more meaningful and special when you don't expect it, in a quiet moment between the two of you. Whether it be while watching a movie or cooking together. It can be anytime." Y/N nodded as they took his words in, soon stopping the conversation as Pietro's house came into view. Once they both entered the living room, Wanda and Monica were sat watching one of their rom coms without Pietro making jokes all the way through it.
"Hey, what happened?" Wanda asked once her eyes landed on Y/N.
"We met your ex tonight." Pietro stated, taking a seat beside his wife. "He really is a piece of work."
"What did he say?" She asked, her voice shaking slightly.
"Just a load of crap." Y/N told her, remaining in their spot by the door.
"Yeah, then he got his ass handed to him." Pietro told her, Monica looked at Y/N, Wanda's eyes following as they both saw their hands, their knuckles bloodied and bruised. "I pulled them away before it got to far." Wanda stood up, looking over Y/N before gesturing for them to follow her. Y/N treaded lightly up the stairs behind her, following her into her bathroom.
"Sit." Wanda told them, letting the sink fill up with warm water, grabbing a cloth before gently taking their hand in hers, cleaning them as Y/N watched her closely.
"I'm sorry." Y/N whispered, Wanda's eyes shot up at their words.
"You have nothing to be sorry for." She told them. "I know first hand what he can be like."
"I just, he said all of these things about you, he overheard Pietro's and I's conversation." Y/N started. "I hated the way he spoke about you, I hated the way he was amused by his own words, I hated that I lost control and became that person I never wanted to be again."
"Hey." Wanda cupped their face, forcing them to look in her eyes. "I don't care about the person you used to be, but I do care about the person you are now. The person I am falling more and more in love with everyday."
"You love me?" They questioned, their eyes never leaving hers.
"I do." She told them honestly. "I have been trying to deny it myself, but I can't anymore. I love you so much, more than I have ever loved anyone before." Y/N wasted no time in pressing their lips against hers, their hands holding her close by her shirt.
"I love you." They whispered against her lips. "I really do. I love you so fucking much." The two smiled, Wanda then moved slightly, finishing her task, causing them to flinch when she grabbed the alcohol wipes from the first aid box. A fear that the two had unknowingly shared seemed to be a silly notion of what could have been. Finally accepting how deeply they both feel for each other.
Taglist : @mothertoall2 @natashamaximoff-69 @canvascoloredin @wizardofstories @louxbloom @wandanats-goodgirl @the-ox-fan20 @ladyqueenxoxo @aemilia19 @wandaromamoff69 @mfd-101 @dorabledewdroop @marvelogic @dopeyouth @karsonromanoff @reginassweetheart @machyishere @gemz5 @pawiie @duckiekong (If you want to be added to my taglist, please DM me or comment)
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4drianaaaa · 13 hours ago
can u make a hamzah x reader where they’ve been together since like high school? Reader was with hamzah during freakshow but just never revealed her identity cuz she’s kinda shy abt it and her and hamzah just keep it private online but one day during the pod hamzah slips up abt something to do with her and him and Martin forget to edit it out and the fans figure out he has a gf? 😭
"Keep us a secret..." | Hamzahthefantastic
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fem reader + sfw! wrd counter: 1.5k
It was the summer after graduating when you were able to finally hang out with your boyfriend Hamzah. You both grew really close together and he ended up asking you out one random morning on a Friday with a small cute teddy bear and your favorite drink - any energy drink ever.
After all those years you two were glued to each other like crazy. Hamzah ended up taking the streamer/entertainer thing more seriously after a crazy pay check. You on the other hand went to college studying what ever you were studying.
When quarantine happened, it was the worse for him. Ever since you both started dating he's always been clingy. He loved when you were around him. Just your presence gave him an awe. He loved when you would be all over him although he hated to admit it. And so did you. Because the two of you were inseparable.
He began a small streaming idea with some of his friends which gained him hundreds of fans. Although during this time there was so many rumors about his dating life that had to do with members in the small streaming culture and even outside of the group due to him having a lot of girl products in the background, especially during his streams.
Because of this he wanted to take his content creator lifestyle more seriously. He decided to move to Toronto, Canada. Where he also invited you to share a small apartment with him. The relationship was so true you couldn't say no.
Now, you both live under the same roof with two small cats, red and blue. He loved the fact that he was living the life he is with you.
Although there was always, always, speculations about Hamzah being in a relationship It was never you that was targeted which made Hamzah very nonchalant to the constant rumors that surrounded his love life.
He loved the fact that he was able to get home to see you and his two favorite cats in the whole world. He loved waking up every morning seeing you by his side. He also loved the way he was able to have you all to him self. He loved moments like that, he's always dreamed of them especially with you.
Memories with you were engraved deep into his mind. It was the little things he can never forget.
You, Martin, Hamzah, Mandy, and Freddie have all grown very close together. You all liked to spend time in the office thinking of ideas as well as the other people working in the office. This was also because Hamzah always begged you to come with him.
You and Hamzah were in the office by your self's waiting for Martin to arrive. You laid on the couch of the podcast as you saw Hamzah walking towards you with a small digi-cam. You turn and hear a click with a flash as you sat up.
"What was that!" You said clicking your phone off as he plopped beside you showing you pictures he's taken around the office, "Just things to keep around here" he smiled as he pushed his glasses back going through the very random pictures. You looked up at him as he seemed very intrigued to the camera. You hated to admit it but you loved his blonde hair. You noticed the small dark roots pop out which only made you more excited about what it would look like fully grown out. As well as his Glasses. His nose complimented them so well.
"I'm a big fan of this combo here" you said as your finger traced the side of his glasses, He looked up at you with the smallest cheesy smirk he always does. "You like it?" he said cheekily as you nodded, "I love it" you said in a more teasingly voice. His cheeks a faint pink as his hand met the outside of your thigh, "Yeahhh?" he hummed as his lips met yours. You giggled due to him towering on top of you. His hands met all over your waist until you both heard the door shutting.
Your lips parted from each other suddenly as you got up from the couch knowing it was Martin.
"We'll continue this later." Hamzah winked as you rolled your eyes jokingly pushing him off you as you made your way to a seat behind the camera.
"Hey guyss!" Martin wiggled his fingers in the air as he set his laptop down and his backpack. They both set up for the pod as you were practically controlling the camera. Because the fact you were here almost everyday, you slowly were taught how to use their equipment. You were able to record properly, sort of fix technical issues, and open software's to edit.
"Alright babe, ready?" Hamzah asked as he sat beside Martin. You threw your thumbs up as he nodded.
"Hello? Is this thing on?" Hamzah said into the Microphone as he jokingly snorted pushing his glasses up as Martin laughed at his reference.
You laughed behind the camera.
"Dude have they seen you in this Combo here on the pod?" Martin questioned as he pointed out Hamzah's glasses. "No actually they haven't." He looked at the Camera as he noticed your smile.
"Actually I think I was posted up in this exact outfit on Valentines Day!" He laughed as Martin scoffed, "Ah hell nahhh..." he backed up a bit from Hamzah. "Honestly to be fair it actually doesn't look bad. With and without the glasses It suits you man- the blonde." Martin explained as Hamzah nodded. "It's always a little experiment I've been wanting to do. I was just super bored one day." He spoke into the mic, "Actually not even like an Hour ago y/n said she likes what's going on here" he said circling around his face with his finger as he raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah it's not to bad at all" Martin added into the topic as Hamzah rambled about how it was something you were gonna hate.
"And guess what, she ended up LOVING it" He explained as Martin nodded. "Yeah Honestly Mandy didn't really care, plus we told her like months before so yeah.". Cluelessly they name dropped like crazy. It was like if you weren't even there or as if the Camera wasn't even recording.
"And that is it slushies. Make sure to go subscribe to us AND the patreons to have full access to the documentaries and Hamzah's exclusive podcast only on patreon! Okay byee!" Martin and Hamzah both waved at the Camera.
You all decided to order food and chill out in the office. You were sitting on the chair beside Hamzah of course and you skipped through the middle of the episode after they were done name dropping. "I'll finish if you want y/n, I'll continue at home." Martin offered editing the rest of the podcast as you agreed too.
It was as a couple hours later after releasing the new episode of the podcast. You woke up to a bunch of notifications on Hamzah's phone. You sat up from the cozy bed as he was still sound asleep. You reached for his phone and unlocked it, You saw the most jaw dropping message ever.
Martin: They know about Y/n...
Your heart dropped to your feet as you read the message. You didn't wanna wake up your peacefully sleeping boyfriend but it was something he was scared about revealing too.
"Babe! Wake up!" you shook him as he groaned in response as he slightly opened his eyes. You pressed on the messages as he read it with his eyes barely opened. After reading the message his eyes widened like crazy. He quickly got up as he grabbed the phone from you texting Martin back urgently.
"Did I do something?" you said lowly as he placed his hand on your lower back, "No of course not princess, It was Martin or one of our editors...I dunno'". He said calling Martin. He opened his socials to see your Instagram everywhere. He expected this day to come eventually and he was obviously planning on revealing you to his fans but this was the most unplanned way.
You looked over at Hamzah who seemed stress every time his finger swiped down on his phone. He placed his phone down as he took a deep breath.
"Well, I guess your free from being anonymous!" He said in a defeated tone as you looked at him un-amused. "Look I'm sorry if it was too quick baby I'm really sorry." He grabbed your hand as he kissed your hands. "It's okay I just can't believe it!" you said in shock as you felt naked in a way. Later on a ton of people's speculation and rumors became true. Obviously not specifically you but the 'dating since high school' thing was definitely a score in a bunch of people. Since then, you've finally had the liberty to be able to make cute videos with Hamzah, appear in videos, and even be in Mandy's vlogs. It definitely was a relief at the end of the day.
I hope you guys enjoy! Lowk confident abt this one ;)
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munsonsmixtapes · 19 hours ago
That's My Man
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rockstar!eddie x popstar!reader
Eddie defends you in an interview and you repay him in the most generous way
cw: MDNI (18+) oral (m receiving) handjob, the interviewer makes some inappropriate comments about reader
This is a request made my the always lovely @the-witty-pen-name who also came up with the title!
Eddie puts on the pair of headphones that were pervaded for him as the “on air” sign glows the bright red, signaling that the show has started. He doesn’t even know why he even agreed to this interview. The guy’s an ass and Eddie just knows that he’s inevitably going to say something inappropriate. 
He’s really only doing this because his team begged him to. Why, he doesn’t know since the majority of the band’s fanbase hates the kind of guy that Rick is. He’s everything in the book that Eddie can’t stand and now he’s gotta sit here for an hour for his segment. It can’t be too bad, can it? 
“Eddie, welcome,” Rick greets and Eddie puts on a smile even though all he really wants is to kick Rick’s ass. He’s unfortunately caught clips of the show here and there and all he does is sexualize women and talk badly about people of color and members of the LGBTQ+ community. 
“Hey, thanks,” Eddie replies, trying his best to not say something he really shouldn’t. He just sits there and waits for Rick to start the conversation. 
“So you’ve got a new album out which is “From the Upside Down.” What was the process like for creating the record?” Eddie’s genuinely caught off guard by the question considering that Rick never seems to care about that kind of thing. Maybe this won’t be as bad as he initially thought. 
“It was actually so different from what we’ve done for past albums. We actually did everything ourselves this time and that was really fun. We took some time off and wrote a bunch of songs and Gareth actually produced them so that was a really cool process to see.” 
Eddie loves talking about his music. It’s like a parent talking about their child. He’s always so proud of himself and his bandmates for what they do and he doesn’t think that’s ever going to change. They worked so hard to get where they are now and he’s nothing but grateful that this is his job. 
“That’s very interesting,” Rick nods and there’s just something about the look on his face that makes it obvious that he’s about to say some dumb shit. “So I know you’re seeing y/n l/n and can I just say, well done, man.” Yep, definitely some dumb shit. 
Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes. Normally, Eddie would love to talk about you. It’s actually his favorite thing to do. But not like this, not in the way that Rick and a lot of other men like to. Where they just sexualize you and reduce you to an object. Eddie won’t stand for that for anyone, but especially not you. 
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I’m “seeing” her,” Eddie laughs nervously. You’ve been trying to keep your relationship under wraps for the past six months but it’s so hard to do when the two of you are under a microscope. 
“Oh, so you wouldn’t categorize this as seeing her?” Rick asks as he pulls up a photo of you and Eddie kissing outside a bar. He didn’t even know that anyone had taken photos of that and now he feels gross.
“Well-” he tries to explain himself but Rick quickly cuts him off. 
“Is she a good kisser? Better yet, is she good in bed?” All of this makes Eddie want to throw up and he can’t believe that men like Rick actually have the audacity to ask questions like that. 
“I don’t feel comfortable answering that,” he answers politely even though he’s seconds away from a crash out. 
“C’mon, you can tell me. It’s just us.” It’s actually not considering it’s a live radio show and even if it wasn’t, that’s something just between you and Eddie and no one else. Especially not pigs like Rick. 
“No, I’m not sharing anything about our relationship. That’s the only thing we have that’s ours.” 
“Is she flexible? I bet she’s flexible.” He shows Eddie a photo of you doing a split on stage and his lunch is about to come up. “Oh yeah, definitely-” 
Rick doesn’t even have time to finish his sentence before Eddie snatches the tablet and slams it down on the table. He would never let any woman be talked about this way. Especially not his girlfriend. 
The anger is festering and he’s having a real hard time trying to keep his cool. Fuck that. He’s not going to be so nice anymore, not wanting anymore disgusting things to be said about you. He can’t let anything else be said about you or he’s going to do something he regrets. 
“Don’t talk about her like that,” he points at Rick, glaring at the man and the man actually looks afraid of him. Good. “I know you tend to objectify women and that shit stood today. If I ever hear you talk about anyone else this way or in a derogatory manner, you’ll have me to answer to. Now keep my wife’s name out of your mouth or we’re going to have a problem.” 
With that, out of the room. Nothing is worth sitting there and letting that man sexualize you. It makes him feel disgusting and now he feels like he needs a long shower. He’s wiping his jacket with his hands to try to literally get rid of that feeling, but he knows the only thing that will help is seeing you. He just needs someone to talk to about the whole thing. 
He’s driving to the venue where you’re performing tonight before he can stop himself. He just wants to hold you in his arms and tell you how much he loves you, hoping that you haven’t been listening to the radio even though he’s sure that you are because you always listen to his interviews. 
Eddie’s so angry about the whole thing, still letting it eat at him even though he already took care of it. He just needs to calm down and he will as soon as he sees you. That always makes him feel better. Just thinking about you is doing the trick and when he pulls up to the venue, the weight on his shoulders is lifting.
You’re sitting in your dressing room, doing your makeup when he walks in, your face lighting up when you see him in the mirror. The anger on his face seems to melt away when he sees you, his smile matching yours as he makes a beeline for you. He saw you just this morning but the time you’ve spent away was far too long. 
You get up from your chair and he’s quick to pull you into a hug, a tight one as he buries his face into your neck. This is all he’s wanted all day, especially since he stormed out of the interview. You always seem to calm the screaming that’s constantly going on in his head. Your hand moves up into his hair, scratching at his scalp as he kisses your neck, moving your hair away from it as he does so. 
You pull away far too soon for his liking before pulling him in for a kiss. He’s needy and desperate and he just wants to show you how much he loves you. Your hands are in his hair as you lick into his mouth, moaning loudly which is only making him harder. He needs your cunt so bad and is so close to taking you right there until you begin to grind against him. 
“I heard what you said on the radio,” you tell him as you kiss down his neck, unbuttoning his jeans. “Defending me like that, it was so
hot,” you whisper the last part into his ear before biting down on the lobe before kissing his neck again, giving it a rough suck, making him squirm. 
You’re backing him up against the vanity, pinning him there as you continue to suck, his hands falling from you to grip the table behind him, white knuckling it as he lets out a whine, his cock hardening even more to the point where you can now fully feel him against you. 
“Now I feel like I owe you.” He defended you and you know it’s because you’re his wife, but you know that he would do that for anyone and that’s how you know you got one of the good ones. 
“You-you don’t owe me anything, sweetheart,” he breathes. He really wants whatever you’re willing to give but only if you really want to not because you think he deserves in return for defending you.
“How about I suck you off, is that payment enough?” His eyes widen at both your question and the way you’re biting down on him. 
“Please,” he whines, needing to get some sort of relief. You give his neck one more kiss before pulling down his jeans, his underwear following as you get down onto your knees. You’re looking up at him with lustful eyes and he watches you, wondering what you’re going to do next. 
You start by spitting into your hand then grab hold of the base, slow strokes to warm him up but they progressively get more intense. He’s already leaking with precum, letting out stuttered breaths as he watches, white knuckling as a moan escapes his lips. 
You keep up the pace, moving as fast as you can as Eddie lets out moan after moan. He’s coming undone already so you know he won’t last long. And you only have a few more minutes before you have to be on stage, so you’ve gotta make it worthwhile. You’ve really gotta make this count. 
You bring your tongue to the slit, licking up the cum that’s already come out, not wanting to waste a drop then bring your lips to the base, kissing it which catches Eddie off guard. You’re now peppering it with kisses and he somehow gets even more hard as he watches you leave lipstick prints behind. It’s hot. You’re hot and he thinks this is where he likes you most, on your knees.
You then bring your mouth back to the slit, licking it again before bringing it into your mouth, sucking lightly as Eddie’s hands wind into your hair, letting out yet another whine as you bring him in deeper, sucking harder as your tongue swirls around the head. You’re taking him inch by inch and he’s so close, on the edge of an orgasm as you finally get the last bit of him inside. 
Cum leaks into your mouth as he screams your name, your eyes watering as the head hits the back of your throat, gagging as you suck him off for just a bit longer. Tears are streaming down your cheeks as you pull him out of your mouth with a loud pop, making sure to swallow as he helps you to your feet. 
Eddie pats your tears dry with a tissue so as to not smudge your makeup before you press a lingering kiss to his lips. You clean him up before pulling up his pants and touching up your lipstick.
“How’s that for repaying you?” You ask and he smiles, still dizzy from receiving the best head of his life as he follows you to the side of the stage, wondering how he can get you to do that again once your show is over. He’s sure that you won’t need much convincing.
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elenasalvatore1 · 2 days ago
To begin with, I don't understand the claim that I tend to hate Ginny Weasley. Let's just say it's not a ship issue. Even if harmony were the result, I would hate Ginny Weasley (as much as possible in relation to the character in the book). Why should I write well about Ginny if I think she's a bad person?
1. Sister argument. You say that Harry described her as sister. Harry said only about two girls as sisters- Ginny (HBP) and Hermione (DH). It is obvious from your post that you compare Ginny and Hermione. And I explained that all “sibling vibe arguments against Harmony” it is nonsense. It is suitable for hinny too. They have nothing common.
2. Trauma. They don’t have the similar traumas.
I like when people tell that they have the same trauma.
Ginny said by herself that that she had had memory lapses when she had had the diary! She doesn’t remember anything. Besides, her obsession with the diary is not the same as Harry being a Horcrux. Ginny wasn’t Horcrux. The part of Voldemort’ soul did not life in Ginny Weasley. She never understands what it means being Horcrux. It different influence on person mind and body.
If you look at it , then ONLY NAGAINA could understand him in this regard . Then, what the hell is with this injury. It seems that Ginny’s injury is being elevated to some kind of absolute. It doesn’t matter that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Neville went through much more.
Harry has a lot of trauma. Only Neville understands what it means to lose his parents in the war, only Snape understands what it means to be unloved by a family, Sirius understands what it means to be lied to, Luna understands what it means to see death and be different. Hermione understands what it means to be betrayed by a friend, left alone without any help, without hope for success, to freeze and starve.
Should Harry marry with all of them?
3. Quidditch.
Harry likes to play Quidditch. I'm not arguing. But there are a lot of couples all over the world who love different hobbies, and sometimes hate each other's hobbies. It's enough for Harry to have friends to play Quidditch with. So the importance of Quidditch is greatly exaggerated.
I have to remark, that Ginny's rudeness towards Hermione and her knowledge of Quidditch was unfounded. Hermione doesn't play well, but Hermione: she found the Quidditch magazine interesting, she attended all of Harry's matches and played with Harry in the Burrow against Ron and Ginny. So it's a lie that Hermione doesn't understand anything about Quidditch. And it will be enough for Hermione as Harry’s partner.
After all, don't forget about post-traumatic stress disorder. It's unlikely that immediately after the battle, Harry will run to play Quidditch
4. Humor.
My favorite topic. So Harry always had sarcasm. Ginny's humor is antics of parody and insults ("cow", "phlegm"). Different styles. To be honest, I don't know who finds Ginny funny at all. This is childish and annoying behavior that is filled with a thirst to be in the center. Although I still admire the fact that Rowling wrote that Harry started laughing at Ginny's jokes in the sixth book, even though she makes fun of his best friend.
There's a remark to be made here, a bunch of characters that Harry laughed with.
Should Harry marry with all of them?
5. Nature of the romance in hinny.
it, I'm saying it like it was in the books. Harry and Ginny weren't talking. Harry remembers her hair (definitely her appearance) and how they played quidditc ( what they did with other people), and then he starts thinking about how much he hates Dean. That's all, actually. There is no "love" relationship here. A chest monster is generally synonymous with lustful puberty.
This is an unsubstantiated claim that Ginny has overcome her fascination with the hero. There is not a single example that would demonstrate that Ginny loves him.
There is enough evidence that Ginny kept being his fangirl.
"I never really gave up on you," she said. "Not really. I always hoped. . . . Hermione told me to get on with life, maybe go out with some other people, relax a bit around you, because I never used to be able to talk if you were in the room, remember? And she thought you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more myself."
"I never really gave up on you” - it’s a stalker’s ideology.
“I always hoped” - she is a fangirl, who is dreaming about her hero.
“Hermione told me” - she went to Hermione ask for advice how to get Harry. Ginny is a fangirl who is trying to find methods to attract the special boy.
“maybe go out with some other people 
 you might take a bit more notice if I was a bit more myself." - he never gave up idea of Harry so she asked Hermione, recommended her to go out with some other guy, Ginny started to meet Michael and Dean. Yes, she definitely used them and played with their feelings for her own selfish aims.I don't excuseHermione's actions, but Ginny did a lot worse. Hermione went to a party with Cormac, not being his girlfriend, to annoy Ron. Ginny was in an official relationship with Michael and Dean, for whom everything was real. Meanwhile, Ginny continued to dream about Harry, following a plan to attract Harry's attention. HBP:
"But you've been too busy saving the Wizarding world," said Ginny, half laughing. "Well . . . I can't say I'm surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that's why I like you so much."
“But you've been too busy saving the Wizarding world” - Harry is going to go to the war, Harry had dangerous mission, Harry doesn’t have any adult defender
 Instead of thinking about Harry , his worries. Instead of trying to give him support, believe him
 Ginny said about his heroic part of saving world. She like a hero.
“you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort” - Ginny does not understand him. Harry would be happy if he weren’t chosen one, if his parents, Sirius were alive, if he hadn’t spent time with Dursley. Harry HAD TO hunting Volandemort because of the prophecy and the fact that V. ruined his family.
“you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that's why I like you so much." - she literally said the reason why she likes him so much. She likes a hero. If he weren’t Harry Potter she would never pay any attention on him.
«Harry was able to be who he truly is with her aside from just the chosen one.” It is one more unsubstantiated claims without any sense. That is not based on anything. I can also write about the Moon, Hermione. Marilyn, I can say the same thing about the Dursleys, but with whom Harry definitely did not feel chosen, it was with them.
The fact remains that Harry is open with Hermione, he is not shy about showing his emotions (he turned away when he cried so that Ginny would not see i, but he did not worry about tears nearby Hermione, he does not talk to Ginny about his life and problems. It's funny, but Harry experienced the most emotional moments with Hermione. And Sirius's rescue, and her support in the fourth year, her injury at the ministry, Lily's letter, the tent, the cemetery, a visit to the God's Hollow. and it is with her that he does not hide his emotions, with tears, with anger, with despair. It's only with Hermione that he acts like Harry, not the Chosen.
Harry and Hermione are much more than friends. She refuses from everything to help him, including her own family and safe life, she stayed with him when Ron could have been found by death eaters when he was alone. She never doubted in him. Her screams were the only power that allowed Harry locked his mind from Volandemort. The book is filled with a bunch of their little moments reflecting their deep bond, an intimacy, they even talked with each other without words
 they have already behaved as married couple. Harry and Hermione have such level of closeness that Ginny can't even dream of. If I were a Ginny fan, the last thing I'd want would be Hinny. Of course, having a husband who is closer to his friend Hermione than his own wife, and his wife goes in the background like a piece of furniture, is not at all what I would like for my favorite character.
6. Neville, Ginny and the Christmas Ball
“Right," said Ron, who looked extremely put out, "this is getting stupid. Ginny, you can go with Harry, and I'll just "I can't," said Ginny, and she went scarlet too. "I'm going with -- with Neville. He asked me when Hermione said no, and I thought . . . well . . . I'm not going to be able to go otherwise, I'm not in fourth year."
Ginny wasn’t invited by Harry. It was Ron’s idea that Harry could go with Ginny.
Ginny agreed because “and I thought . . . well . . . I'm not going to be able to go otherwise, I'm not in fourth year”. She didn’t go with Neville because he is a good person, a good friend. She used the benefit from him that it is the only way for her to get to the ball. Yes, she used Neville for her aims. . She agrees to go with Neville to get to the ball. At the same time, Ginny told Harry and Ron that Neville was her only ticket to the ball. So Ginny uses Neville for her own personal interests. I feel here her disrespect to Neville, that she doesn’t want to go with him , but she doesn’t have any other opportunities. ESPECIALLY WHEN NEVILLE IS FANTASTIC.
By the way, at the ball, Harry noted the beauty of Hermione, Fleur, Cho. In fact, he completely ignored Ginny’s appearance, noting only that. That she winced when Neville stepped on her foot.
In fact, there are many more examples of Ginny's disgusting behavior. It's funny, a long time ago I wrote that Ginny had a chance to become a good person and find a true love story with Neville. But instead, Ginny didn't become the best person.
In conclusion, I will use the tags as I see fit. There is no «pro-hinny» tag here. This is my opinion about «Hinny», which has a right to exist. No one is confused by the huge number of anti-Harmony posts in common tags, but at the same time everyone is trying to shut up someone else's opinion if it is connected to Romione and Hinny, especially Hinny.
Ya'll really gonna come in here and tell me you love Harry Potter but you hate Hinny.
You're going to tell me to my face that you love Harry James Potter, a man who has been through so much. Lost his whole entire family., and you're going to deny him his greatest source of comfort.
Are you actually going to tell me that you think ferret face or someone who Harry has described as a sister to him is a better fit for him than someone who makes him happier than he can ever remember being.
He was willing to die happily just thinking about her kissing him. Literally his last dying thought but you're gonna come here and tell me that you hate true love.
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gynnnicsworld · 2 days ago
WELL, I have NO idea how to start this post so i'll just say that i have a theory that a sterek fan collaborated in the creation of a thai series and she/he gave the happy ending to their d/s versions? cause DAMN there are too MANY coincidences, please tell me i'm not delusional.
Once a great wise man said "one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?" *and like ten more, what does that mean?*
gift by: sunshinepanic
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((little context: I started watching a Thai series that came up on my tik tok, I started watching it for a completely different reason and ended up watching it cause I fell in love with these two characters that give me too many Stiles/Derek vibes) BUT TOO MANY COINCIDENCES, really, you guys are going to agree with me)) This series is called "The heart killers" you should watch it, it's entertaining and very queer. and they have their own version of Stiles/Derek.
Just look at this: (YES, there is a fucking jeep) and that's not even the most relevant part I actually noticed the jeep at the last minute and I was like "Oh damn, THEY HAVE A JEEP!!"
Okay, get ready. The guy in the blue shirt is called drum roll "Style" . Yes, that's right, his name is 'Style'. The guy in black shirt with black cat (or wolf) vibes is called "Fadel".
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gift by:nanihirunkits
(I'm going to do a little summary of things)
Okay, Style is:
-An only child -He has his father (he loves his father very much, he's the most important person in his life, and he's willing to trade his life for his father's, meaning, Style would die for his father if necessary and prefers to lie to him about certain things just because he feels he's keeping his father safe and secure) -His mother died when he was a child (from an illness) -He has a best friend coughcoughhehashiscottcoughcough and it's because of his friend that he's involved in all this mess -He's very talkative, everyone tells him all the time that he "has a very big mouth" -He's totally "the funny character" (who ends up stealing the show) -They say he's kind of clumsy but smart
gif by: firelise
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Gif by: Sheryl-lee
-His relationship with Fadel and him is about 'annoying' Fadel until he falls in love with him, getting under his skin and his nerves, wearing down his patience, and it's This is all dynamic "I hate you but I love you"
As a curious fact, he is the one who has his "Style Auto". He is the mechanic of this relationship who fixed Fadel's jeep.
-Fadel is an orphan (BUT he has an adopted brother) -His parents were murdered -He doesn't trust anyone and believes that anyone can betray him -His character is based on being sad, hating everyone, looking at everyone badly and dressing in black with leather from time to time. -He is a murderer (he is 'dangerous') But not for Style according to Style -He wants to avenge the murder of his parents -An older woman betrayed him making him believe that he mattered to her, that she loved him, but in reality it was never like that and she only used him and spoiler: she was the one who killed Fadel's parents -He had a boyfriend that he was very very in love with but his boyfriend disappeared, which made him close himself off and not want to give his heart to anyone again, but some time later he finds out that his boyfriend was "eliminated". I mean; His first love was murdered. -Family is important to him, because he lost his and in the end Style becomes his chosen family. Although Fadel has an adopted brother who is important to him -He is imprisoned by the law and then released. -Fadel seems to be a constant point that people want to kill. According to Style his boyfriend always seems to have someone after him who wants to kill him (I mean, he's not a wolf like a certain sour wolf, but he is a sour killer who kills 'bad people' and his dangerousness lies in what he is and does that puts the lives of the people he loves at risk, which is why he constantly tells Style that he wouldn't blame him if he left him, that he would prefer it that way, for Style's safety) But Style always ignores what he says and instead, Style says that if Fadel is going to put himself in danger, then he will go after him
The literal meaning of what I said a paragraph ago is this; and Fadel's reaction
pics by: nabi-unveiled
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Okay, there's more, but I actually did this a bit out of order, because I literally finished the series yesterday, and I wanted to share these observations with you as soon as possible, sorry for the mess of my post, but I think you get the idea.
Now please tell me your opinions!! I really don't think my theory is wrong, there are too many coincidences, and (again) as Stiles says "one's an incident, two's a coincidence, and three's a pattern, what's four?"
What do you think? Share your opinions! And to clarify, I'm not attacking anyone or anything, I'm just making some observations that I found very curious, I like both series, and seriously it would be something that as a sterek shipper I would do if I had the chance, to FINALLY give those two the chance to be together. I doubt any sterek fan would think differently, I think we would all do the same, try to give a happy ending to the characters inspired by them.
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shatcey · 2 days ago
Lost in the lustful elixir (Fun with Ally)
Even so the event is have a very obvious topic and content
 I won't talk about it. Sorry, not sorry. Maybe a bit.
I strongly disagree with this

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And it's the same in the premium ending.
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Kate always defended Ally if someone said that he was incapable of love. She always believed in him. She never doubted. And here she simply agreed. It's pretty weird. Did she start doubting after she dated him for a while? Considering how much he has invested in this relationship and how much he has changed
 it's pretty sad.
Actually, I think we have perfect taste. Thank you very much!
The next part will be better

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Ally and Oggy (let's try a new nickname for once) playing kids again

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You know better than anyone that Oggy knows how to relax. You're drinking with him!
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Ally doesn't seem happy about it. Could it be
 he is really afraid of Vivi? If so, then this is the first father-figure that boys are truly afraid of. The boys were constantly teasing Sirius (IkeRev). I really hate it when they call him old. HE'S NOT OLD!!! Abel (IkeVamp) can't control any of the boys, they literally do whatever they want, the same with Vlad. Sari (IkePri) is scary, but only Bell is afraid of him. Nobu (IkeSen) is scary too, but he's the boss, and they respect him. So it's different. I know that Vivi is also the boss. But he will always be "daddy" to me. He's too cute

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 Of course, Daddy!!
Or he's not afraid, but
 as Ally himself said

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"I'm a good boy
 Don't scold me." (squeak) He's so cute!
And, of course, Ally couldn't just let it go
 so there was a little revenge later

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Ciele (@judesmoonbeauty) what the hell is Jude's girl doing here?
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And more than that
 she's flirting with Roger.
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And according to his words in the epilogue
 she had been chasing him for a while

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This girl knows what she wants
It can't be the same Isla, right?
 This ANOTHER Isla is

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I totally agree with that. I think you look much better

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I mentioned this then talk about the Secret ending
 she really said "eat him". Let's start from the beginning.
Kate noticed the devouring stares of people directed at Alfons

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Yes, she's selfish, and I totally understand that, who would agree to share this guy with anyone else (I'm still considering Elbert and somtimes Vivi
 not now girl!), but the most she could think about was protecting him. Despite the fact she was jealous
 her first priority was his well-being.
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So she was very worried. And
 my logic in the SE is probably correct. That's one of the reasons he did what he did.
And in the dramatic ending, he really offered

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 the meaning is completely different if you know the context.
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And it's just a challenge to the imagination

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 she's standing on her knees
 his leg is in there somewhere
 her "bud" is closer to the toe of his shoe, not the heel
 So, how did he do that??? He lifted his foot
 to her stomach or something?
In the SE there were words that he used his toes
 but in the process
 you know, she works with
 and at the same time, he somehow manages to
 move his foot. One wrong move, and she literally eats him. WTF? Okay
 Maybe I'm exaggerating

It was a lot of fun! I laughed so hard I cried. I hope you enjoyed it too.
dividers by @.sweetmelodygraphics
🔝 𝕊𝕋𝔾ℝ𝕋 â„™đ”žđ”Ÿđ”Œ 🔝
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