#I have a lot os asks to get to mkay?
sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hello 😄
Here I have not read the GRRM books but at the end of game of thrones I became interested in the Targaryen family. I read several things on the internet and then your story which is incredible. However there is a question that I ask myself, why rhaenys and corlys supported rhaenyra? She insulted them and laenor with her bastards. Is it only because their granddaughters rhaena and baela are daemon's daughters? Or there is an another reason? Especially since in addition there are rumors that say that daemon would have killed laenor. I'm sorry if that seems like a silly question. But as reading your story the reason why the velaryons support rhaenyra is well explained. I was wondering if this was also the case for the books so since you seem to be an expert on this period I allow myself to ask you.
Good luck, I can't wait to read your next chapter !
Hi there 🤗
Hum... if you want I would suggest you read "The World of Ice and Fire" just because of the amazing artwork <3 and the condensed version of the story which I think it's still enough for a very good understanding, though "Rise of the Dragon" is coming out later this month so that might also be worth it <3 it's only about House Targaryen. Ahhh I'm PRAYING for some good artwork because I need something good this year to lift my spirits!
About your question, I don’t like to call myself an expert on anything (my particular field of work teach us a LOT of humility (and imposter syndrome)), but I can say I maybe have spent more time reading and writing about this time period than most people -> anyone of you funny people brings out my word count and I’m blocking! I am kidding -> so I will do my best to answer you 🤗
We are never told directly but it's very clear they did so because Rhaenyra had been Laenor's wife (on paper), and their children were for all intents and purposes Laenor's children (on paper). 
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Now to elaborate a bit on this, Laenor and Rhaenyra were terrible at best at pretending to have a functional wedding and a "Do you think everyone and their dogs is stupid AF?!" at worse. To avoid any confusions on anyone's part there is no mention whatsoever in the books that they had a bedding ceremony, even because Laenor left mid celebrations and left (haha double left) everyone wondering if the marriage had been consummated - very (very!) safe to assume it never was. In the meantime they spent their time apart (sorry y'all they weren't friends or besties watching each other's backs), and Rhaenyra spent all her time with Harwin Strong. For context she married in 114 AC - we don't know the month - and by the end of the year she had given birth to Jace. Moreover, his sisters were her favourites :) So besides not being good at pretending to actually having a marriage with Laenor, she was also not very good at pretending to be faithful. Same was true of Laenor though, who had his boy toys especially Qarl, but unlike Rhaenyra he couldn't get pregnant or get Qarl pregnant so no one cared. She went on to have two more kids by Harwin as we know. 3 in 4 years.
I will say that again because this gives me trauma. THREE IN FOUR YEARS.
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I'm not even going to bring up that later on there was not even two years between Aegon III and Viserys II.
Ok I am.
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At 25 Rhaenyra had five children and had been married twice. So look yourselves (I'm doing that right now) in the mirror and ask yourselves wtf are you doing with your lives.
Moving on.
Apart from this later on Laenor is killed, very likely by Daemon's orders so he could have Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra and Daemon remarry like what 3 months after their spouses die? - baby Aegon was born by the end of 120 AC so they had to marry no later than month 4 and be like "Haha :D the baby came "early"". The rule here would be to wait between 6 months to a year before remarrying we are told by asoiaf standards to show respect. So by doing this, Daemon and Rhaenyra were showing they didn't really care their spouses had died recently.
Daemon and Rhaenyra:
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That's nice of them.
So, so far on Rhaenyra's track record of daughter-in-law she:
-Didn't have or pretended to have a real marriage with their son;
-Had a public affair with Harwin Strong, three sons that were clearly his, and even turned his sisters in her favourites;
-F_cked and married and got pregnant by their daughter's widow - her sister-in-law's husband - couple of months after their son died;
That was nice of her. 
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Why would they still side with her anyone might ask?
Well, it's not really very well explained. Like me and @xenonwitch have discussed at length, and like she pointed out, Fire and Blood remains George's weakest work. I agree. I think it has tons of potential (that was recently completely wasted to the point it makes the book read like a f_cking masterpiece with absolutely no flaws in logic or plot or even character development) but it wasn't really expanded upon enough and we are left with trying to tie together all the missing links - and boy oh boy! do we have copious amounts of them - to the best of our abilities. I think there is something pretty cool about it in the sense that you can almost create your own story in how you think it makes the most sense. It's also frustrating because at the times you really have to make your brain work overtime to make something out of it that is believable and makes sense.
But my take on it. Well, from what we know of Corlys and Rhaenys they do strike me as pragmatic people who couldn't have illusions about who their son was. -> hells, as an Anon once pointed out, every lord plus their dog knew Laenor was gay. Gay gay. Like if there is a spectrum for sexuality it's like at one end.
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I mean. I get him. I am all about the men too. Like ladies no, thank you. No, thank you! If I was a man I would like d:ck as well.
This to say, they likely knew that the "Velaryon" princes were the best they were going to get so it was either take it or leave it. Let's say they said leave it because there's Baela and Rhaena. Well... ok sure, but Daemon was not the second in line for the Iron Throne. Baela and Rhaena were too far down in the line of succession, in fact so far, I believe this could be why they were not given the title of princesses.
So if they left it that was it for House Velaryon's aspirations to ever have a Velaryon king.
And now people can turn to me and say "Go f_ck yourself" to which I say "Bold of you to assume I have not already 🤗". I'm kidding.
They could turn to me and say "But Popcorn, maybe the Velaryons could push to have Baela and Rhaena married to Viserys's sons who were heirs after Rhaenyra. Maybe Baela could marry Aegon II and Rhaena could Aemond or some other similar arrangement.” BUT -> here comes that but-
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How likely would it be that Viserys, our sweet lovable Viserys, would like to have an alliance with the people who accused his beloved daughter and heir of High Treason and denounced her children and his grandchildren as bastards?
I would say not likely. Not likely at all.
So instead, Rhaenys and Corlys called it a day. The "Velaryon" princes did not have their blood but they had their names. Plus, with their engagement with their granddaughters they would get their blood on the throne eventually. Better to let things run smoothly.
As for Daemon very likely having ordered Laenor's death, all that was known for sure was that Qarl had killed him. If Daemon did it or not was a matter of dispute and likely, either the Velaryons didn't suspect him, or if they did maybe they rather not know the answer.
This is related to what I do in real life, but most of us have such experience with people we know, and the lengths most of us go to try and have peace and keep the family together knows almost no limits. While Viserys liked to bury his head in the sand I also think Rhaenys and Corlys had to do this sometimes for the sake of their heads maybe. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Now we never see it, or are told about it, but I would also suggest Rhaenys had some level of respect for Rhaenrya, and that she looked like she wanted her to be queen. At least her actions certainly say it. Hell she died for Rhaenyra's cause and fought for her too. Might have to do with what herself went through of being denied the throne for her sex, or maybe everything aside, they got along well enough. Maybe Rhaenys understood where Rhaenyra was coming from (i.e., gay husband) and knew herself well enough to assume to herself that in Rhaenyra's position she would have done either the same or similar. About her marriage to Daemon, again I think Rhaenys and Corlys had no illusions.
Rhaenyra and Daemon had a thing -> that we can debate how far it went but we talking third base at the very least -> before they ever married Laenor and Laena.
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And we know they wanted to marry but were told no by Walserys -> the OG Daemyra anti. Given that Rhaenys and Corlys married for love, maybe again they knew where their son and daughter in law were coming from and were like “Meh at least all the grandkids are together. Saves us a trip or two!” 
I know sometimes we look at such situations and get enraged like HOW DARE THEY?! I WOULD HAVE NEVER STOOD SILENTLY WHEN... But what I see most in life is people staying silent and not bothering themselves or not wanting to cause trouble, especially in situations in which they will really gain nothing except lifting some weight from themselves and letting it out from their chests. 
I also know this all requires a LOT of maturity from Rhaenys and Corlys and that (especially in light of recent clear cash grabbing events) I might be giving turtle man too much of a benefit of a doubt. This said, and Rhaenys and Corlys do strike me as being very pragmatic and rational. And all things considered, it’s the best explanation I got XD 
I hope it makes some sense and thank you for having liked my version 🤗 I did my best to make it believable.
Tons of love to you! ❤️ And yes everyone I am writing the next chapter see: 
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This is so I remember to make some reference to eating trout and to give credit to Lucifer210 over at AO3 who mentioned it in the comments. 
Gossip Popcorn. 
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soulnottainted · 2 years
this might be a cop out, but i honestly love your familial ships a lot, they make me very happy. i know I'm not very familiar with a lot of your f/os but you care about them a lot and you have such loving parents and friends and you have so much fun showing your love for them!! i think my favourite familial f/os you have are your wotw parents (even though I'm terrified of the source material tbh) but it's just very sweet that you have so much love to give :3
Send an ask about your favourite ship of mine and why
Awww, no its not a cop out at all, Elliot!! thank you, I love all my familial ships so so much!!
Victorian parents!!! YES!! I love Carrie and George immensely! And yeah, I totally get how the source material is terrifying, because it honestly is. Like I get chills when listening to the musical version, especially the howls that the Martians make. But gosh, I can't contain how much I love the Herberts, mkay.
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mysterystarz · 3 years
Mkay imma do a few of me fandoms here - uh if you’re not in them dw but just know I have my reasons heheheheh idk if you’re in them or not and asking would give it away so- also forgive me if my analysis of your character sucks I’m trying but this is HARD
Haikyuu first:
Romantically: Akaashi, 110% how could I NOT?! Perfection
Platonically: Idk I think Hinata? I just think that you’d get on pretty well… I can’t explain it I just think it would be the most wholesome friendship
Harry Potter:
Romantically: Here me out ok - Neville… idk again it WORKS he’s pretty calm and quiet but I can see you two having some good convos and he would treat you righttttt
Platonically: Like the whole golden trio - the vibes that would occur with you four damn
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit:
Romantically: Frodo… he gives me minor Akaashi vibes actually that’s probs why fsojnfijdfnjd but anyway yes
Platonically: Ori… lil studious buddy you two can be deep and chat about books and stuff besties
(Me trying to think if there are any other fandoms I have actual ideas for with you in there at the moment)
Yk what
Marvel (Specifically MCU):
Romantically: Steve, now this was an internal debate lemme tell you but I think you two would be chill together and kinda cute
Platonically: Thor… bcs hinata vibes… also Sam wdnfwffbo I keep giving you calmish s/os and bright bubbly besties what lol anyway yeah vibes
Don’t be too put off by my choicessss
let me ship you with hq and harry potter characters because even though i know all these fandoms, i've got the best characterizations for these ;)
romantically: sugawara you and him would just be so adorable and he'd love you for your creativity and attention to detail and he would just love you freaking much for all that you do and respect you i stan <3
platonically: kuroo i can see you two having a lot of good and intellectual conversations while maintaining a good amount of light heartedness it would be so cute you guys could be a power duo
romantically: i see you with harry actually because you have this understanding yet fun quality to you that he could use to feel safe and loved while still experiencing a slight thrill!
platonically: HERMIONE you and her could have some of the best conversations about all sorts of book and have a lot of fun in your quieter moments 100%
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