#I have Always Always loved It's Over Isn't It <3 A full mournful song for her ugh it's so gorgeous ♥
sysig · 4 months
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Nice healthy obsession you got there (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#DAX#ZEX#SU#Scribbles for maximum speed and minimum prettiness lol#How! many! layers! deep! can I go!!#I have been well-out from Steven Universe for a heck-while now - stopped around Off-Colors I think? I haven't been back since 2017ish y'see#Something-something pick up Vargas drop off Steven Universe (there was a few months of crossover but it's a whole thing w/e w/e)#Anyway! Lol#It was lurking dormant for This Moment is what I'm getting at#Just needed to stew on SCII for five years and then all the feelings'd come up lol#It is still so funny to me that I drew Max and Dex before ZEX and DAX - whenever things come full circle like this it tickles me#I've already written up a Whole Thing about my alien-faves so that'll be a thing soon enough lol#For now! Silliness! I mean - more silliness lol#Those /are/ ZEX and DAX but?? I guess?? with the body-snatched version but they'd be gems?? I don't know either lol#I put in the caption that DAX would be a pearl but honestly he feels like he'd be an opal or something#Can't say labradorite that's too indulgent but he'd be so pretty! Those hidden depths and flecks of green <3#I feel like ZEX would be something clear and beautiful :) So - not a green quartz lol but something pretty and important!#I dunno I've forgotten many many things about SU gem types haha#Also silly how I put ZEX in the Pearl position - he just Seems It y'know ♪#I mean Max would too lol#But no DAX is the obvious Pearl here - her songs were always my favourite <3 Discounting that she was always my favourite ahem lol#I have Always Always loved It's Over Isn't It <3 A full mournful song for her ugh it's so gorgeous ♥#I've been trying to learn the Italian version because it is So pretty <3#Thank goodness the comments weren't disabled under the Italian upload so someone was able to post the lyrics#So nice to be able to see them! And the words genuinely flow so beautifully they're really fun to sing ♫
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dreamboundedstar · 2 years
More Zekina Headcanons (Mostly Romantic, Some Are Just Headcanons for Them as Characters)
1. Zeke eats a lot of food with garlic in it to prepare himself for a vampire strike. (side note, the fact that vampires are one of the things Zeke dreads at night ((revealed in "Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien")) is interesting when you think about "Vampire Disco Death Dance". That boy dreads vampires, but he's still the first to finally get himself and the others to finally watch the movie with Tina. That's just really sweet to do despite his fear. Though I suppose he would probably still watch vampire movies because of the thrill of being scared, he just doesn't want them to be real.)
2. Tina loves vampires but mourns that she probably could never have a vampire boyfriend if they were actually real because she doesn't want to give up garlic bread. So she'll just stick to zombies and other monster boyfriend options.
3. Zeke calls Tina, Sweet T every now and then along with his usual TBird and Tina Girl when they start dating.
4. Tina is not really good at pet names. The last time she did one she was teased for not knowing what a thunderbird was ( My first Zekina headcanon posts for context). So she usually leaves the pet names to Zeke. Though she can take pleasure in knowing she's one of the few people that Zeke is okay with saying his full first name, Ezekiel. Though, every now and then she will call me Kiel when she's feeling spicy (look up the definition of "keel" and you'll know why it's spicy especially if you know my headcanon of Zeke getting a captain's license XD)
5. Zeke reads poetry and classic literature every now and then when he's lonely at home. Tina is impressed by his interest in poetry and classic literature because it contrasts so much with his personality. His interest in poetry helped build his creativity so he later could write songs with Jimmy Jr or Gene.
6. Zeke graduates from air guitar to actual, acoustic guitar because I say so. LOL
7. Before dating (but after she's officially over Jimmy Junior), sometimes Zeke would purposefully try to start competitions with Tina because he loves butting heads with her when she gets very competitive and trash-talky in a game setting.
If he's not ready to get serious with Tina then he might as well have some fun and goad her into a competition of who can create the best puns, that being one example at least.
Tina doesn't realize this is another one of Zeke's ways of flirting with her until much, much later. She just assumes he's being an annoying butthead that wants to get a rise out of her. (I just want more of their competitiveness from "Friends with Burger-Fits", it's so cute and funny!)
8. It takes a while for Tina and Zeke to go anywhere with their relationship because both are so comfortable being friends. Zeke isn't subtle about wanting to date her but never seems like he takes it seriously as a defense mechanism, so Tina always assumes he's joking. Tina takes a while to be ready to admit to herself she's attracted to Zeke because he looks nothing like what she usually goes for in a guy aside from growing taller in his later years and his accent.
9. Tina is the first to confess she like likes Zeke but Zeke is the one who asks her out. (Technically Zeke was the first one to confess he like liked Tina, but he never really made a serious move so Tina is the true confession that helped Zeke get serious and make his move seriously)
10.  Zeke gave Tina wildflowers (a step up from just weeds XD) on their first date to make up for the fact he couldn't afford a store-bought bouquet on top of all the other stuff he planned to do with her. He continues to give her wildflowers every now and then until their first-year anniversary. For their anniversary he surprises her with a bouquet of white gardenias, red roses, and lavenders. (Gardenia because it's Tina's favorite flower, lavender because it's the smell of the candle Zeke was holding in "Tina and the Real Ghost", and the red rose because that's what Tina received from Jimmy Jr. in "The Gene & Courtney Show". Just Zeke casually making up for never giving Tina a carnation in that episode XD)
11. Once Zeke made a love song for Tina about bumper cars just so he could say the phrase "bumper to bumper" after finding out Tina liked it when the traffic updates said it. Tina was really into the song. He couldn't do a song specifically about the traffic updates because it was too boring for him. lol
12. Tina tries to be as supportive of Zeke as he is of her and become his hype woman. She's not great at it, but she's trying her best and Zeke will always appreciate her for that.
13. Tina often fears she isn't giving enough in the relationship because Zeke gives so much by comparison. Part of it is to make up for the years of never giving him a chance as well as being hostile to him at the beginning. Zeke tells her she doesn't need to run herself ragged to prove to herself the relationship is equal. She's already enough on her own for him. He doesn't hold it against her for how she acted when she was 13 and neither should she for herself. Heck, they probably wouldn't even have a relationship if she still held onto all the gross or naughty stuff he did at 13. She'll never understand how he can be so darn understanding.
14. When they watch scary movies, Zeke holds onto Tina acting like he's comforting her when in reality he's just hiding he's the one that needs to be held and just holds onto Tina to remedy it. Tina is very much aware of this and simply lets Zeke be the tough guy protecting his girl for his sake. It's not like Tina is completely unaffected by scary films anyway, so she does appreciate the embrace. She tries to remember to return the favor and embrace him back when he embraces her. However. sometimes she enjoys the embrace and immerses in the moment too much that she forgets accidentally.
15. Zeke is the first to say I love you to Tina. (I have no idea how it's going to happen. It's either going to be super casual by accident or the most obnoxious thing in the world on purpose. I will settle for no inbetweens! XD)
16. Zeke proposes to Tina on Halloween with his late grandma's wedding ring. He originally wanted to reenact what Tina did in "Tina and the Real Ghost" (because that was the day he realized he had a crush on her in my headcanon) and surprise her. Things get out of hand when Louise decides Zeke needs help to make the proposal more memorable and add some more zombie spice. Louise gets Calvin and his carnies involved to make it seem like Mr. Fishoeder started a zombie apocalypse for free labor and now is going to pull a Frankenstein on Tina and Zeke by killing them and using both their parts for a new body. That way his brain can live on in a new, immortal, stitched-up body that could always be in control of his zombie carnies.
Zeke was able to catch on none of it was real once Mr. Fishoeder said the words that copied what Zeke wrote in ketchup in the mausoleum,
Tonight you will depart from this mortal state.
To be reborn as one, this is your fate.
Tina was a mix of trying to rationalize everything because she knew zombies weren't real and also thinking this was something she wouldn't put past Mr. Fishoeder doing. While Zeke was going to have a few words with Louise later, he just went along with it and kept his fingers crossed that Tina would be into it. He intended to shock her a bit before proposing to her, not full-out scare her into thinking a real zombie apocalypse was happening.
When he finally asked her to marry him, the zombie carnies stopped moving toward them, music started playing (you pick what song it is. I assume it's from Gene because I think the Belcher family is hiding in the background of the cemetery somewhere lol), and the zombie carnies dance. They also moan to the instrumental of the song as if they were trying to sing it.
Tina says yes but also has so many questions about all that just happened. Zeke credits everything aside from the ketchup writing in the mausoleum to Louise. He told her not to do it because he didn't want Tina mad at him for making her think her life was in danger just for a proposal. Zeke assumes that Louise took it as a "wink-wink-nudge-nudge" no and did it anyway, thinking he meant he just didn't want to be blamed for it.
Calvin also confirms that even if he wanted to go to Frankenstein on someone he would of went after way sexier people for his new body and the couple was so not on his sexy list. Calvin and the carnies, now acting normal leave the pair alone in the cemetery so they can go home.
Zeke tries to apologize to Tina for the chaos but is cut off by the intense passion of her lips.  After the deep kiss, Tina tells him it was the best Halloween, zombie-themed proposal ever and she couldn't imagine a better way to be proposed to. Zeke got over his anger with Louise pretty quickly after that.
The Belcher family hops from their hiding spots and runs to go hug and congratulate the couple on their engagement.
(On that Halloween, Zeke went as Frankenstein's Mobster and Tina went as Frankenstein's Mobster's Lich or Frankenstein's Lich for shortening's sake. Just don't make an acronym of the longer version XD. The idea is that Frankenstein's monster found a lich, got together, and they formed a zombie mafia where they're both the bosses)
Anyway, that's it for my Zekina headcanons for now. I have no doubt I will probably make more in the future. Especially if I get some good character interaction between Tina and Zeke in "So You Stink You Can Dance" on the 23rd. I really hope they work together to support Jimmy Jr. in that episode!
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