#I hate you people who bully artist off platforms
straightasaaro · 2 months
me when my new favorite artist is starting to get treated like my old favorite artist
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metal-berry · 2 months
RWBY die-hards are so funny tbh. They spent the past five years deliberately and vehemently gatekeeping the fndm to a ridiculously high degree, doing things like gloating that they were "purging" the fndm of all but the show's most ardent worshipers, launching vicious smear campaigns against anyone and everyone who said even the mildest bit of criticism and slinging baseless accusations of "sexism" and "homophobia" against them (even though an overwhelming majority of their targets have been queer or women or both, while an overwhelming majority of RWBY's creative team have been straight men with histories of open misogyny and queerphobia) they've bullied fan-artists off every platform, they've sent hate mail, death threats, rape threats, slurs, they've literally posted long lists of "rules" they expect fans to follow "or else" (and the rules include things like "you must fiercely advocate for my favorite ship" and "you must love my favorite characters and hate my least favorites" and "No AU's or Fix-it fics allowed" and then if anyone is caught breaking these "rules" they get labeled as "the HTDM" and viciously smeared and bullied out of the fndm, they've deliberately sought out popular fanworks and started viciously smearing and harassing the fan creators while gloating "if you criticize the product sold by a corporation, we get to coordinate cyberbullying campaigns against you as an individual artist who makes fanart for free, because those are totally the same thing in our minds so you deserve it!!!" They've swarmed YouTubers like penguinz0 or Hbomberguy and harassed them with death threats and accused them of "trying to kill rwby" (as if it couldn't possibly have anything to do with 1. Rooster Teeth being a horrifically abusive and bigoted company that every decent person decided to stop supporting, 2. "CRWBY" being comprised of and run by Rooster Teeth bigwigs including four of the five founding fathers of the company and several department heads, many of whom have open histories of extreme bigotry themselves, which bled into the show and caused extreme bigotry to be baked into the writing itself, and 3. *this exact fandom*, all of which together are enough of a poison itself, to the point where having a couple of youtubers say "so this isn't a good mix" was never going to actually affect viewership NEARLY as much as the Corporation and Fandom were already doing) and also can we talk about the horrific amounts of biphobia that gets leveled against the people who ship Blake with literally ANYONE other than Yang and ship Yang with literally ANYONE other than Yang?? Because my god the biphobia that exists within the Die-Hards in this fandom is off the fucking charts. The amount of specifically bisexual fans who have been viciously attacked because they did not list bumblby among all the queer ships they liked. The amount of times I've seen people say things like "the only reason anyone likes BlackSun is if they're homophobic" when a lot of BlackSun shippers are openly bi and ship them as a bi-for-bi ship. The amount of times I've seen people say things like "the only reason anyone PRETENDS to like Freezerburn is if they're trying to shove Yang with a random girl so they can force Blake to date a stinky MAN while using Yang and Weiss as shields to protect themselves from being caught as the homophobes they really are." The amount of times I've seen people attack fans who ship Blake with Ilia or Ruby or Nora, or fans who ship Yang with Pyrrha or Neon or Nora, because it *does not matter* if you actively ship a hundred queer rwby ships and write hundreds of fics about it and draw endless fanart of it, if you say "eh I personally just don’t care for Blake X Yang" or even if you say "I used to be a hard-core bumblby shipper but the way the writers chose to execute it left a lot to be desired and turned me off the ship" you get labeled a "Sexist Homophobe" and violently abused and bullied. It's fucking disgraceful, it's NO WONDER this fandom is fucking dead
When a fandom: a) posts strict rules detailing exactly which interpretations, headcanons, character opinions, and ships are REQUIRED in order to be considered "not a hater," b) viciously attacks and harasses every single person on the internet who does not follow those strict rules and labels them a "hater" because of it, c) slings baseless and despicable accusations of "sexism" and "homophobia" against these so-called "haters," because apparently they're too ignorant to pick up a dictionary and learn that "criticizing rwby" is not included in the definition of those words, while also completely ignoring or even *denying* the fact that most of their targets are queer women and most of our complaints are that *rwby is textbook sexist and homophobic and RACIST AND ABLEIST and was created and almost entirely written by openly sexist and homophobic and racist and ableist men, and you actually kind of have to have failed Progressivism 101 in order to not see it,* d) engages in open bigotry themselves by attacking marginalized people to punish them for condemning bigotry while using bigoted slurs and dogwhistles against them, and e) deliberately "purges" the fandom of every single fanartist, fanfic writer, theorist, meta analyst poster, or even shit-poster who DARED to express an opinion that didn't conform to the "rules" and therefore got labeled a "bigoted hater" who "laid down with the dogs" and was "guilty by association..."
The fandom dwindles away to nothing, and dies
And then the last remaining Die-Hards who got their wish and "purged" the fandom of everybody whose opinions did not 100% align with theirs, get all pissy whenever they see somebody like you acknowledge the empty void left behind
The fandom got so militant and zealous with their gatekeeping that there's just nobody left anymore, except for the few who turned Worshiping RWBY into a cult and violently kicked out everyone who didn't conform - but they consider that to be a "victory" so they attack every new straggler who walks into the vast empty field and says "there used to be a fandom here."
That post that was made five years ago about how it was time for the mega-stans to "purge the fndm" of everyone who didn't conform to THEIR view of the show? Yeah lol well they succeeded and I hope they're happy with their echo-chamber of circle-jerking Yes-Men who have been throwing all their hard-earned money at bigots and abusers while crying about the uncertain future of the show they turned into their identity, and I hope one day they realize that THEY contributed to Rooster Teeth's downfall far more than the critics ever did
Because fandom has historically thrived on diversity of opinion, including the allowance of criticism and the celebration of fanworks
So when a culty subsection of the fandom decrees that freedom of expression is WRONG and differing opinions are WRONG and writing fanfiction they don't like is WRONG and drawing fanart they don't like is WRONG and shipping ships they don't like is WRONG and not shipping the ships they do like is WRONG and liking characters they dislike is WRONG and disliking the characters they do like is WRONG and criticizing the corporation behind the product is WRONG and holding the product creators accountable for their hateful and ignorant beliefs is WRONG and choosing to withhold our money from those who have been proven to be abusive bigots is WRONG and therefore demanding change instead of letting them keep getting away with everything is WRONG, and so they are so totally justified in their efforts to deliberately cyberstalk, harass, and bully the "Arrogant, Entitled, Ungrateful" non-conformists until they've driven everybody away...
The fandom dies
And there's nobody left to BUY THE PRODUCT
*shocked Pikachu face* that RT went belly-up???
The Die-Hard Mega-Stans are the ones that killed RWBY. That's why they're so desperate to point fingers and bitterly curse the names of all the fans they deliberately ORDERED to "Stop Watching," "Stop Posting," "Stop talking," "Stop Writing," "Stop Drawing," "Stop BUYING," and that's why they're so fucking ANGRY every time they see proof that their mass gatekeeping, mass cyberbullying, mass smearing campaigns WORKED.
The fandom is dead because they fucking drowned it on purpose, and they refuse to admit that fact to themselves
What else can they do but lash out?
What else is there to say? You nailed it. I was there in the very beginning when the fandom was thriving and I watched the wasps slowly kill it. I remember all the creative au’s and how even rarepairs got content. It’s not even a husk of its former self, it’s crumbled dust.
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gala-art · 11 days
Hi! I recently come across your art on pinterest and found your blog thanks to the link. I apologize in advance for the errors in the text, because I speak English poorly, I write through a translator (hello from Russia!). I just want to thank you for the atmospheric and cute drawings (of Daryl and Beth), I often review them. I am also an artist, I have an audience (1,500 people have subscribed to me on the VKontakte social network), and I wanted to ask you if you have come across any hate to the fact that you paint Bethyl? If you have encountered this, how did you react to it? On Pinterest, I often noticed people who strongly hate Bethyl, saying that they have a big age difference and other age-related arguments (in my personal opinion, meaningless arguments that can be strongly argued with, but it's still a shame when cute pairing is condemned from scratch). Because of such people, I'm a little afraid to share the art related to this couple. Your advice will be useful to me. Thanks in advance for the answer!❤️
Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words, and for your ask. I'm always excited to meet other artists and fans who support bethyl. They are a beautiful ship. I love to hear that you have a following for your art in your home country. I would love to support your art. If you ever consider sharing it on tumblr, or if there's a way for me to find it on pinterest or elsewhere, please let me know!! The bethyl community here is still active and very supportive.
In response to your question: Yes, I have received hate on my art. And I know that many of my friends and our fellow shippers have also received hate even just for posting their opinions about bethyl online. It's unfortunately not that uncommon, though as I've heard, it used to be a LOT worse. Unfortunately, there are people on the internet who think that they are a kind of "morality police." It's usually because they simply want another character to end up with Daryl in the show, so they use any excuse to invalidate ships they don't agree with. For bethyl, that happens to be the age gap. It often results in all kinds of bullying. Name-calling, harassment, etc. I've seen people refer to Beth as a "kid," even as that is clearly a lie.
As you said, and as we see here, there are of course arguments to be made, ie: Daryl and Beth are both adults, it's a fantasy, it's a fictional apocalypse setting, shipping something or liking something in fiction doesn't mean you'd condone it in reality, etc. etc. etc. Unfortunately with these people, none of that stuff matters. It doesn't feel good.
SO. The best way to deal with it is mostly to just ignore it. In the past, I've mostly just told people to go away. If you're being harassed, block the person, report them on your platform if possible. The last thing I try to do is argue with them, because it's pointless. I also try not to let it affect me and my love for bethyl and my experience as a fan artist too much. The thing to remember is that bethyl was and still is very popular. Most people don't care about the age difference. Most people aren't sitting around and thinking up ways to make other fans miserable. Being a part of a community, if possible, is the best way to fortify yourself against antisocial bullies. Having friends and mutuals on your platforms who lift up your art and support you, and who you support in return, is the best defense against haters. I have made many friends in this fandom who I will cherish always. That's why I am here.
On that note, try not to be afraid to share art of the couple you love. This is a hobby, a passion that we take part in for free. And there is nothing morally wrong or "problematic" with bethyl. Haters will make that claim, because they will say anything to bring other people down. If people are put off by the age difference, that is of course their right. They are entitled to their opinion. But that is JUST their opinion. It doesn't mean that their opinion is more correct or better than anyone else's, no matter what they say, and it DEFINITELY doesn't justify hate and abuse. So surround yourself with friends and a community of people you enjoy. Even if it is very small, it's enough! Ignore the haters, and block/report them if they become a problem. They will always be there, as haters are a fact of life. So we just have to persevere. That's my advice. I'm very flattered that you would ask for it ❤️
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pweaselbee · 2 months
MY unpopular HP opinions
(part 1?)
As someone who’s been a “fan” since 2008
Draco Malfoy is not an innocent
Regulus Black is not an innocent (and jegulus… just doesn’t do it for me)
Lily Evans is sidelined far too fucking much
Snape is an interesting character, but not a good person. Literally that male friend you’ve had forever who you bear your heart to and then he says “i have something to tell you” and if you reject him he calls you a slur. holds onto childhood grudges at his big age. BULLIES CHILDREN?? to the point where he is the WORST FEAR of a 13 yr old boy??
(more under cut)
ATYD, while a great AU fic, has damaged the personalities of characters. ex. in this fic it’s understandable that Lupin has a backbone but in canon it is SO IMPORTANT to his character that he never really had enough backbone to stand up to his friends when they took it too far?? and he grew INTO gaining that backbone
Percy Weasley is overhated, sure he was a bit of a pompous prick at times but that was 1. when he was a literal teenager (aka when everyone’s an arse) and 2. when the job he’d been working towards his entire life spoonfed him propaganda… yeah he’s not perfect but he was trying to do the right thing
All the Weasley’s being in the same house is lazy writing (percy should have been a slytherin and he’s not the only one)
JKR, on top of all the racism, transphobia, etc etc is also… not as good of a worldbuilder as everyone says. Look deep enough into it and everything just falls to bits. Her ‘wizarding world’ (specifically BWW) is just European folklore thrown at a dartboard, with aesthetic English Boarding School dumped on it. and don’t get me started on the rest of the wizarding world. (wym there’s only one school for all of south america. joanne i’m coming for you) at best it doesn’t make sense or is ignorant but at worst it’s actively harmful.
It is not enough to separate the art from the artist when the artist is actively profiting off the art. Especially when the art itself is steeped in Racism, Transphobia, Anti-Semitism, Fatphobia, and more. JKR has her platform and money from these works and is using this platform to spew rhetoric that is directly harmful to Transgender people, ESPECIALLY trans women. As much as you are consuming HP content you better also be actively doing whatever you can to help the people directly affected by her hatred. Instead of merch, maybe donate to a goddamn gfm. Next time you reread the series, put some time aside to analyze the text you’re reading. I guarantee it’s not as good as you thought.
The books could have survived as beloved children’s literature is Joanne had never gotten a twitter. Am I saying there’s nothing harmful in the books? No. But the harmful content would have been overlooked if JKR had kept her mouth shut.
“slytherin skittles” is a stupid ass name and i view anyone who mains baby death eaters with utmost distaste. babygirl those are fascists. literally wizard nazis, joanne was not subtle but perhaps you’d prefer the subtlety of a brick to the face
yeah so this was long and i’m probs not making any friends lol. but hey. new blog! maybe i’ll get hate mail
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
Freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences. Anti-censorship but we still don’t want to platform bigots 🫤 Coming from a neutral party, I think you could learn a lot from listening to all perspectives to avoid echo chambers. Form your own opinion instead of following a crowd. My opinion? Hate the person, not the ship. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover, but that is what the book cover is made for. I think it’s healthier if you and everyone else stopped trying to be antagonistic? How are you supposed to spread positivity if you’re always on the verge of angry ranting?
Okay I'm going to try and answer for the sake of the people who might read this kind of bs in their inboxes and be affected negatively by it, and maybe even feel like they're being unfair towards the very bullies which spend their energies harassing and insulting (and sometimes also doxxing and suicide bating) us.
Let's break this down.
1. "freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences" I can't even talk about some dark themes in fiction or my own personal history of real life abuse without getting termed here. Erotic art can't be posted almost anywhere at this point, and not just the kind antis dislike. Freedom is a construct on social media because ultimately these spaces are owned by someone, and you'll be kicked out if they don't like you.
2 "we don't want to platform bigots" no, absolutely we don't. Historically, giving a platform to bigots and hatemongers fosters hate, violence and censorship. Also I have no power to platform or deplatform anyone, I'm just a guy on tumblr, so I don't even know what you're on about with this. If I had the power to decide, trust me that I would kick the terfs the fuck out of here anyways. And also the cowards who hide under the anon cover to send hate and threats.
3 "listen to perspectives and avoid echo chambers" I'm over 30 and I've been a kinkster for most of my life. I'm queer. Among other things, history and queer history are in my field of studies. I didn't form my opinion here, I came here with one already. I listened to all the perspectives you might think of also because I was here when the rise of censorship and puritanism happened, and by the way you know who got deplatformed? The kinkster and the artists, surely not the bigots. I don't think I've ever seen an instance of an anti being blocked or termed for harassment, whereas blogs get blocked every day for having NSFW content.
4 "form your own opinion instead of following a crowd" again, do you really think I existed as a blank slate before creating this blog?
5 "my opinion is(...)" You sound like a Christian preacher and it gives me the heebiejeebies.
6 "it's healthier if you stopped trying to be antagonistic" sweetheart, we are being bullied every day. If you're someone who creates erotic art of any kind you're subjected to a ton of harassment, and if you create something which could be considered problematic, you get death threats. Suibating. Insults lathered with misogyny, transphobia, queerphobia, you get treated like a freak of nature and threatened to have your livelihood taken away. Or threats of doxxing and of deplatforming. And you might very well get your blog shut down. I'm going to stop being antagonistic when I'll stop being antagonized, and if you think that said bullying is justified and I should just suck it up - and I say this in the most antagonistic way possible - fuck off. Not one single ship or one single fictional character is worth the harassment of another human being.
7 "how are you supposed to spread positivity of you're always on the verge of angry ranting" What makes you think I want to spread postivity? No like, honestly. What makes you think that my purpose with this blog is that. I'm here to talk about my blorbos, and if this makes someone happy then good for them. If the fact that I'm opinionated and passionate about things bothers you, no one is forcing you to stay.
Your whole thing is a mix of victim blaming and fake neutrality which is not welcome on my blog. Please block me and go on with your life, I'm not interested in your empty platitudes.
To anyone else who's reading this, don't ever feel guilty for defending yourself and for fighting back against oppressive measures. There is never a good reason for harassment, and if you were subjected to it, it's in your right to be angry. No matter what p r o b l e m a t i c ship you posted about.
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schattenschreiberin · 11 months
Wattpad is a mess. Especially if you want to read fanfiction and are used to AO3s neat tagging and filter system.
But I can't help but be in a love-hate-relationship with it.
Because of this
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You know what wattpad has, you art community full of trolls, thieves, harassers and understaffed helpdesk?
You who let someone bully vulnerable people off of your platform without doing anything while it was happening, nor in the years after it happened. Who just let that harasser continue to exist on your site.
You who let someone earn money on your site with stolen artwork, despite several different artist reporting them and more than enough evidence being provided by numerous users. For ELEVEN YEARS.
You who banned a victim of art theft instead of the thief and refused to give the victim their account back.
You who doesn't accept help from your community and rather delete journals with proof of theft and harassment, which only exist because of your inactions, than doing something about the problem itself.
You who doesn't give a damn about their artists and promotes your own AI-Art-Generator, training it with the work of your community without asking them first.
You who let the same person impersonate a pregnant woman, fake a suicide, steal numerous pieces of art and only took them down after they already created a second account and only because they promoted very questionable role-plays in their gallery.
You who let a pedo run wild on your site, ban evade and write fanfiction about dating 17-year-olds. And when you finally ban him you leave those stories up for everyone to see.
You who loves to identify as the biggest art community on the planet.
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Writing is an art form too, Deviantart.
And getting an immediate response to you reporting someone harassing you is a really neat thing too. And something I've never seen from you either.
AO3 is still superior to both of them though.
And if I have to put it in, tumblr is too.
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If Lily really does follow some of these blogs (and I’m sure she does), it would be neat if she could read this message:
She goes on about how for YEARS she’s been the victim of constant harassment, criticism, “stalking”, etc.
Her friends defend her to hell and back on how she doesn’t deserve this, and she’s a sweet wholesome pun-loving woman who is just the damnest sweet thing.
Lily’s rebuttal for this CONSTANT criticism is that these people are mad at her for “not liking the cartoon show”, “weebs butt hurt about their anime porn” or “because she’s trans and/or Native American”
And I have to ask her; really? Do you genuinely believe that? Do you honestly think that there would be so much time dedicated to debunking your videos, MULTIPLE gossip blogs discussing your work/behavior, or even this many people talking about you via tumblr when your posts get, what, 20 notes max?
Speaking as a past fan, I don’t talk about you negatively because of your cartoon opinions. I don’t post on these blogs because you don’t like anime. And I CERTAINLY don’t give a shit about your identity (TERFS f**k off challenge)
I engage with these blogs because I think you are a horribly judgmental and toxic person, and the more people know this the better.
You wish death on people who have different political ideologies. You send your fans to harass people you don’t like past and present and show NO remorse (not even a “please don’t harass these guys” obligatory message). You CONSTANTLY view people who AREN’T YOU or your friends as opposition, even YOUR OWN FANS. You invalidate artists and have absolutely no respect for animation as a medium. You have this unmovable victim complex where you absolutely refuse to take ANY responsibility for your words/actions. It’s always someone else’s fault.
You perpetuate the horribly toxic setting of no one being allowed to say anything (and I mean ANYTHING) you don’t like at risk of making you upset. People can’t even like a different GAME as you without you throwing a bitch-fit.
Going off her own accord on this sort of behavior: Lily is a flat-out abusive woman.
But it’s her job to stay online and say what she wants to say.
She has a PLATFORM. She gets PAID BY FANS for her to do what she does. She has not changed since her Brony persona where she encouraged victims of bullying to beat their bully’s skulls in, and she continues to slip her toxicity into other fandoms like WoW and TOH.
People don’t hate you because of your takes, heritage, gender, or whatever your friends say people criticize you for.
People hate you because you’re a f**king toxic asshole.
That’s all I have to say. Duces ✌️
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miini-nalog · 20 days
HYBE was a shitshow from day one
these are my OPINIONS if you dont agree you can comment so long as you regulate yourself and thoughts like a normal person
Hybe is a shitshow.
the whole idea of a parent company and smaller labels was a bad idea in the first place considering how competitive kpop is and is becoming due to oversaturation in the western pop market causing a knock off effect in the korean pop market -- where kpop as a genre gets it's main influences/trends -- and having multiple sub labels releasing groups when they're all seen as just 'HYBE' is a quick way to make people sick of you.
groups like TWS and BoyNextDoor could've massively benefited if TWS debuted a bit later,, im aware that BND are under KOZ and TWS are under PLEDIS but to the general public or someone who isn't nose deep into kpop it's "why is hybe debuting another group?"
this is the same with ILLIT and NEWJEANs, only I dont think the 'illit copied nwjns' narrative would've stopped bc bunnies have been throwing this claim of 'coping newjeans' to basically every group that tries something fresh comparing GIDLE to newjeans is insane.
comparing illit to newjeans is stupid bc conceptually they dont have anything alike, musically theyre very different with very small similarities like no bridge and smililar vocal direction , and visually the only things that are similar is long natural hair which newjeans long abandoned 2 years ago and 5 members which wasn't planned as they were meant to be a 6 member group, and the choreography wise I think belift were aiming for a cute reference but overestimated how nice kpop fans are, especially after the lineup reveal disappointed many people.
and then the whole Min HeeJin thing, im not even going to talk too much about this but if hybe were a good company with good intentions would they hire and let a woman with p3dophillic tendencies set up a company under your label and take trainees from another one of your labels, then ask her to publicly step down..?
if hybe were a good company the only news we'd get is that mhj was kicked out of the CEO position
also I'd like to touch on hybe's love for 'all publicity is good publicity' mindset/rage baiting because why would they release a documentary on drama 1 year after the survival show,, letting some random girls blatantly hate on one of your artists on your OWN platform while painting 2 girls from your own group as bullies if not to make headlines or get people talking?
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ladyzephroar · 17 days
Do not tag my name in the comments of your post...
When you are doing one or all of these problematic behaviours (Note, I will not be dropping names or the fandom affected. However, I will not hesitate to reveal all the details- names, reveal the fandom affected, and come with screenshots if I am pushed into a corner by certain people):
You are too much of a coward to address the situation that you have found yourself in because of your own problematic behaviour. You knew what was going to happen when you had one of your cronies literally drop tag me. If you can't take the heat, don't start and stoke the fire in the first place. I am quite literally like the monsters you hear of in myth where everybody is terrified to say their name... You call my name. I will come. End of discussion.
Continuously going on the attack against fanfic authors and fan artists in the attempt to bully, harass, and intimidate these creators all because they are writing or drawing things that you don't personally like or agree with.
Having yourself and your cronies go on coordinated hate attacks against these same fic authors and fan artists across multiple platforms. You have even chased people across the sites because you feel like you are some kind of white knight that needs to 'save your favourite game' against people 'intending to destroy it'. By doing what exactly, dear? What crime have they committed against you specifically? All I see are people wanting to write fic and draw fan art.
Being absolutely vile and throwing around the word 'pedophile' to use against people who love to write a specific non-canon ship. I do not need to define what a 'pedophile' really is, do I? You're twenty four years of age- there is no way in hell that you don't know the actual definition of this word.
You actively accuse people writing ships you don't agree with, writing stories that you don't like, writing tropes you feel are disgusting as being aphobic, homophobic, hating on people with disabilities, and the list goes on. None of this is happening.
Bringing up your age as though it means something. Again, you are twenty four according to your pinned post. Sure, one of the targeted authors you are specifically bullying is older than you are, but you are the problem when you are targeting minors. How does it feel to bully and attack a teenager? Do you get off on it, dear? Does it give you a sense of power that you never experienced in your personal life?
Speaking of a targeted hate campaign: You are currently bullying and harassing a minor, a teenager. As a twenty four year old grown ass adult. Since you seem so keen on bringing up ages here in an attempt to make yourself a victim, I will use your age as a way to explain how predatory you and some of your cronies over the age of 18 are. At least one of the authors that you are targeting (that I know of) is under the age of 16. So why is it that a twenty four year old adult person is going after somebody under the age of 18? Is it some kind of power trip?
Using your neurodivergency as an excuse for bad behaviour. Being neurodivergent does not EVER give you the right to bully, harass and intimidate others on any platform. If this kind of behaviour is not tolerated out there in the real world, then what makes you believe it will be accepted and tolerated on the internet?
SENDING YOUR CRONIES ON TARGETED WITCH HUNTS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH WHAT SOMEBODY IS WRITING! Honestly, who the fuck do you think you are to make this even remotely okay. I know I mentioned this above, but it came to my attention just now that people are now harassing a fic author through Tumblr's 'Ask Me Anything' feature. As if it's not enough to leave nasty comments on somebody's fic on AO3, misusing and abusing that site's guidelines, but nobody can get a break from you even if they block you, right? You have a very distinctive writing style SP. Just like your other cronies do. I know that you are some of those anons sending hate to this person. What, you don't have the guts to do it on your own account so you decide to be a complete coward and do it anonymously instead?
Getting me indirectly involved in your latest brawl with a fanfic author by getting one of your creepy stalker fanboi cronies to drop name me in the comments of two of your posts. I was polite about it. Usually, I am not. I do not tolerate people like you who use their platforms to bully and harass others just because you have zero understanding of how fandom spaces work. Again, I was patient. I was polite. I could have gone to your posts (both of them are ridiculous) with the intention of giving you a taste of your own medicine by doing the exact same thing you've been doing to others in your fandom.
Constantly bringing up the game's developers in an attempt to intimidate artists and fanfic writers. Firstly, these game developers really don't give a shit about the fandom that has been built up around their game. They have a job to do. That is their main priority. I am willing to bet that they read through the fandom drama and are shaking their heads about it. Honestly, I am surprised that they haven't called out this toxic behaviour because of the bad press that has come from this. Do you think anyone will want to play a game where the fandom built up around it is such a mess and is made up of nothing more than a bunch of bullies? The only importance you bring to these game developers is providing free advertising to the game. That is it. These game developers have zero business infiltrating fandom spaces, and they know this which is why they keep to their official account on here and don't do anything else but answer questions and provide basic praise to fan artists.
I honestly do not understand how some people can be so ignorant of what fandom spaces are yet feel that they are entitled to participate in those fandom spaces. If you can't get it through your thick skull that fandom is meant for everyone, you have no business participating in any fandom space that exists both currently and in future.
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nebulastarz · 4 months
BEHOLD MY SPLATOON OC! (Note that I haven’t been into splatoon for a while, so this may be inaccurate in parts)
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General info
Name: Melodi Shirabe
Melodi: The same way you say “Melody”
Shirabe: shìrábéꜜrù
Nicknames: Melo, wannabe, idol maniac, pinky
Age: 15
Bday: 12/6
Zodaic: Gemini
Gender: Girlflux
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: straight
Species: Inkling
Weapons: splat charger (main), Autobomb (sub)
Family: Her mother and father (both alive)
Friends: sapphire
Powers: None
Facts: went to the Callie vs Marie when she was EXTREMELY ill because she didn’t want to miss it and wound up throwing up in a bin. She was NOT happy when she heard the news the next morning.
Physical appearance
Height: 5,7
Figure: average body type, if a bit lanky.
Chest size: 51 (over) 41.9 (under)
Hair: pink, light to dark gradient
Eyes: pink
Skin: slightly tanned
Scars: none recently (had them lots as a kid), but has a bruise from when someone knocked her off a platform in a match and hit the floor hard
Piercings: none, but likes to pretend her ears are pierced (has tons of clip ons)
Accs: clip on earrings, her eye contacts (prescription, not colour)
Hair style: banger
Likes: idols, cute clothes, winning, singing and dancing
Dislikes: Her bullies, school, loosing, when she trips, wearing glasses
Mental disorders: autism
Melodi is a young inkling girl who is OBSESSED with idols, to the point where she aspires to become one. She is very confident in her abilities and has her parents support, she can become blind in her quest and become egotistical, one of many traits that makes her a victim of bullying. If she has a goal, she will abandon basically everything in order to achieve it. Melodi hates all the things about herself that she deems “not like an idol”, such as her glasses (she usually wears contacts) and the fact she trips over her words when she’s excited.
Her love of idols means she has lots of memorabilia and memories of attending splatfests. Besides this, she enjoys some non idol artists too such as Chirpy Chirps and Wet floor.
Her biases are:
Squid sisters: Callie
Off the hook: Marina
Deep cut: Shiver
Backstory (TW for bullying):
Melodi was a young girl who was friends with everyone. One day, her parents finally let her attend a splatfest and she was hooked ever since. When she returned to school, people began to pick on her for everything, from her appearance to her personality to her autism. When she read an article about Marina’s past, she got the final push to try and become an idol. Later on, she befriended Saphire and the duo have been inseparable since.
Shoutout to @impytheoctoling for giving me inspiration to make her!
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saigamiproject · 1 year
so how's that crappy graphic novel going? is it selling poorly? no wonder nobody is hiring you, maybe stop being such massive cunt who thinks they have a more high ground on everything... why you think your white female empowerment is so fucking important over other issues you dumb bitch, keep up this attitude you'll end up like Cindy James.
Sounds like you've been listening to Andrew Tate- yikes. I hope you get the psychiatric help you so desperately need because veiled death threats aren't cute. Good thing I have an IP tracker. :) Since you asked, my "crappy" graphic novel is actually doing well! My sales aren't too bad for my first time being published- not that it's any of your business, but I'm taking this ask as a great excuse to plug my graphic novel Saigami (https://amzn.to/3Kg09ub) and the next book in the series (https://amzn.to/42RfNG5) which will be out in June. And, yes, it includes EMPOWERMENT of a QUEER FEMALE PROTAGONIST. And, since you asked, I've actually got some steady gigs going right now for some incredible clients, so it's a little funny that you say "nobody is hiring" me. Maybe you're projecting your own insecurities...
I'm not sure what I've done to make you go off in such a rude, vulgar way, but messages like this are a pretty strong reminder of why I'll never stop standing up for my rights as a queer, nonbinary creator. When cowards like you hide behind anonymity to spout misogynistic vitriol and death threats at me on this platform (where many of my followers share similar values, mindsets, and identities), then that's all the more reason to speak louder. I hope you get the help you need. If you're associated with who I think you are, then you should truly be ashamed of yourself. I also don't plan on publicly answering any more hateful asks, and will simply delete them on sight. Any further messages you sent me will be dumped into the Tumblr void. Thank you to the rest of my followers and friends on this platform who remind me that there's more kind people in the world than awful ones. Aside from this sad little bully, this community has been so welcoming and kind to a little artist like me. Looking forward to share more sapphic art in the future!
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whitebookposts · 2 years
Hi, I really hate to be that person, because surprise surprise, I get no enjoyment from discourse. However, a thing was brought to my attention by a POC (that asked to stay anonymous) about another possibly racist sky player in skyblr that goes by @/starry-heavens. Here are the direct words from the person that sent me the proof and asked me to talk about this:
“I don't know where to send this but since you've been talking about the racists in the sky fandom I want to direct your attention to this account. They claim that they want Sky to be a "friendly, helpful community" but it irks me how they call racism a "stupid reason". They preach an accepting community when they themselves can't listen to the voice of poc who are giving criticism to the community.  They also reblogged a post from a pro-shipping account (which by the way, made up of people who support incest and pedophilia). This is the same person who defended that one artist who drew lamed without a hijab on and since then they have been throwing a tantrum about how the sky community is a "toxic fandom" for calling out racist behavior.
If you decide to post this, please cut off my name.  I always see them in the main tags and as a poc, it hurts me to see that no one is calling them out. I see new people interacting with them and I don't want them to get discouraged to join the fandom (especially fellow poc) going through that blog.”
Together with this text, the person sent these screenshots as proof:
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As you can see, these are some pretty serious and very troubling screenshots (especially the reblog from a proshipping blog. We can NOT let proshippers spread in skyblr, we have already enough valleyc*st shippers and people who draw cp of sky kids in the fandom). As stated by the person, starry also was one of the people who defended the unfortunatly famous artist Kuroi when she was rightfully confronted when she acted disrespectfully towards Vault elder’s hijab, and then proceeded to cry and leave skyblr claiming she was bullied off the platform instead of apologizing for her behavior. Such behavior is disrespectful and dangerous, and we can not let it grow in our community.  I would like to ask you to stay away from this person, especially if you are a minor, since this person seems to be a proship, which is especially dangerous to kids. (the I am a proship community grooming survivor and I know how it can fuck up a kid) IMPORTANT: Do NOT harass them. Do NOT engage with them. Just block and move on.  As mentioned in the start of this post, I really dislike discourse and I hate doing this. However, I can not ignore racism and disrespectful behavior, ESPECIALLY when a POC comes forward and talks about it, asking to help their voice to be heard (not to mention my own trauma caused by proship community that I feel is importan to talk about). Dear anon, thank you so much for bringing my attention to this. 
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often times when i hear about some artist's name that winded up in some controversy, ongoing memes/harassment, or anything of that sorts, i may take a deeper look into it.
and more often than not, the person in question turns out to be:
in their late teens/early 20s; meaning they still didn't stop developing as a person (trust me, it's crucial). coming from an abusive, religious, restrictive, or otherwise traumatizing background. groomed as a minor or were exposed to sexual content in a way that clearly affected them negatively. maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as extreme dependency on the internet clout. have some developmental arrests, especially emotional kinds of. a part of a marginalized group, which adds more to the "insanity" of their traumatic responses and behavior.
... and nobody seems to question that explicitly? like, sure, some people say "get help" here and there, but it never goes beyond that. it's just constant baiting, harassing, twisting further what person said which, as one can expect, of course drives them even more insane. it's a never ending cycle, unless person is bullied off the platform/the internet, or in some cases offs themselves.
what bothers me even more is that people who claim to hate places like kiwifarms do exactly the same thing, fall for exact same trope of thinking, lack of analysis, sympathy, and in general are just prone to brushing off blatant victims of cptsd the moment they realize their trauma is "ugly" (same goes to mistreatment of cluster b btw) this is literally the monkey-brain level of tribalism, and it's not a good thing, just stop.
like. these call out posts and, granted, very shallow, nitpicky and generally low tier attempts at analysis are literally just kiwi/lolcow.farm threads 2.0, but this time this is excused because it's not associated with aforementioned websites.
imma be real, i obviously don't really know what to do in these cases. especially when the person's behavior is completely out of hand. such as, pathological lying, sui baiting, self harm, etc. there isn't much you can do if you're miles away probably (though, as a trauma survivor that might have fallen down the insanity road when i turned 18, all it took is supportive friends and communities online that gradually helped me to stay sane and safe, so... who knows) i just sort of ignore people like this and try not to enable/trigger them further.
i'm thinking now that boundaries play a role here. a lot of people end up being abused by trauma survivors because they, themselves, have poor boundaries. that was the case with me too, and now i realize that maybe i could have helped them more if i had better boundaries and didn't let their antics get to me.
but anyway, stuff like this makes me think there's no hope nor place for trauma survivors. people are still largely ignorant on psychology and rely more on their knee-jerk reactions about events/people rather than stopping and thinking what is going on (bonus points if said people are also trauma victims, that's how you get never ending internet dramas lmao). cptsd victims, esp the longer they go untreated, unaccepted, misunderstood and ostracized, are the easiest target despite, for the most part, doing no harm. in retrospect, the harm they actually did was either something stemming clearly from mental issues, or something so... relatively mundane? i had some artists i used to follow and was disillusioned with them for one reason or another, and things they did made me angry at the time. but now i regret jumping on the bandwagon lmfao i kind of realized in retrospect that it was all some petty crap and definitely not something worthy of "cancelling" someone, it was just that typical weaponization of person's issues, thoughts, or even just neutral traits, which then was obviously met with them weaponizing their sui and self harm ideation in return. because that's what trauma survivors do. their emotions and behaviors are developmentally arrested.
i'm thinking how the whole chris-chan saga is sort of like icon nowadays, and sometimes it's presented like the biggest, most documented online harassment campaign, along with chris being the most documented person online. it sounds big. epic, even. sometimes it even makes you think it's the worst case of online harassment.
... and yet, how do we define "worst"? what about the rest of people documented on kf/lolcow? what about people who ended their lives from being unable to cope with the harassment AND with themselves? is there a line? where is the line? when bullying, enabling, harassing, abusing is "safe and appropriate enough to do"? am i the only one seeing absurdity of this question?
... i also can't stop thinking about how in most cases these people are from marginalized groups. i can't stop thinking how groups of ignorant, often seeking for some outlet, people are also acting like vigilantes when it comes to this enabling and/or harassment. is there a term cyberlynching? because it's literally what is happening. especially in most extreme cases when said "vigilantes" are pushing a clearly maladjusted person to suicide, probably knowing deep down that this person is weak and an easy target.
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shenyaanigans · 2 years
the thing that i think has worried me most as i've grown up in the socmed environment is the way these environments and their users have trended towards assuming bad faith instead of good. and it's easy to understand why; you good faith someone who's bad faithing you one time—or you witness it happen to someone else—and it's awful. it's humiliating. and i think it's a reminder of a collective experience of being bullied when you're younger; feeling helpless because standing up for yourself, despite how difficult that may be, is exactly what they want. they want to get a rise out of you. and so if they get it, they've won. but if they don't get it, you're the one stuck there, pissed off and upset, because damned if you do, damned if you don't. (unless you throw a real punch. which will make YOU the bad guy anyways, so again. who's the real loser?)
but i think this has bled over to like. everything. like in particular, media critique is inundated by people who are bad faithing the author of the work specifically. like if something in the work was painful to experience for them, that something was on purpose or willfully ignorant or could have been avoided so therefore the author is a wrong, terrible person. moreover, authors are assumed majority unless otherwise stated, which is particularly obvious for queer artists who are not always visibly queer. and hell, even when their Marginalized Person License comes out and is verified, that still isn't enough sometimes; real queer folk have been run off platforms for writing work that was true to their experience and wasn't fun or mainstream. and i think that rly sucks because it means everybody everywhere is on the defensive all the time and that is fucking exhausting.
like doesn't that suck? to feel like everyone in this world is out to get you specifically? doesn't that hurt to believe? wouldn't you want to think that maybe, just maybe, this world is filled with people who are existing around you in ways that don't align with you but that doesn't mean they're out to get you? like i think thinking the world is coming for you tends to hurt you the most. and take that from me, certified person who is trying very hard to STOP being so defensive for this very reason. it sucks!! why choose to believe people are being hateful when i know this world can be kind? when this world has been kind to me? when i want to be kind to others?
don't get me wrong, everything is case by case; there are people out there who do things in bad faith. there are creators out there who make ambiguously gay shit for clout and to get that sweet pink dollar. but not all creators are like that. and approaching them all that way carte blanche actually does you a disservice—because you're not actually considering or looking into the ways they might be actually doing that, yknow? you're just assuming based off superficial assumptions at first glance which is almost always something like, "there's homoerotic tension in this work that hasn't been officially canonized."
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cruelestpoetryever · 13 days
So I’ll be honest.
Well I do
Either way you shouldn’t
because everyone just decided everything I like is cringe
Generalizations like these aren’t healthy, they perpetuate the idea that you are under attack on a “me vs the world” situation when most of the times people just come here with a disagreement or with fact checking. There are trolls here, sure, but I saw you lash out on people who were just trying to explain something to you (and they were being respectful), and you ignored all of their points to say somehow like “so you think I should just…” or “so you mean I am…”. Of course you’re gonna think everyone’s attacking you if you read everything in bad faith — I get it, “from my perspective it looks like X”, but people have said time and time again that they meant something completely different and you ignored them in favor of the interpretation that makes you a “victim”.
But ask yourself: what’s the problem with being cringe? Is it a crime? Will someone report you for being cringe? Is it a matter of life or death?
and I'm worse than Hitler for just simply liking things.
Ahh I’m not sure this comparison was warranted but ok, you feel like you’re wrong for liking things and that sucks. However, most people (that aren’t trolls) don’t care that you like TS or whatever, the problems since the beginning were; a) the generalization of alt culture (and people told you why it was harmful and why it was hypocritical of you to say you hate alt culture while complaining about people that hate swiftie culture), b) the posts purposefully targeted towards antis (like the jet one or the obstructed view ticket one, where again people tried to explain where they were coming from but you centered your experience when it wasn’t relevant to the situation), c) the petty polls whenever someone said “X artist is better than TS”
Tumblr is supposed to be a place where you can be yourself
I agree, but most of the time you act like people you disagree with can’t be themselves — like antis posting about the jet thing, or thinking X artist is better than TS. The bigots can fuck off, you’re not wrong about them, but sometimes… you overreact about small things. I wouldn’t have known about you if it wasn’t for the post accusing antis of being emo bullies.
but I guess we never grew up past 2012
That’s also a pattern with some of the asks you get: people accuse you of being childish because you only reply with a real, honest answer when people are enabling you. If someone disagrees you reply with a petty sentence and, again, most times you ignore what’s being said in order of acting like you are being attacked.
so being yourself on here still only counts of your an alternative goth type of person
That’s not true. I’m sorry to say it, but it’s just not true. I’ve been using tumblr and other social platforms for a long time and every type of person can thrive on an online space — there are the cottagecore folks, the dark academia enthusiasts, the ones that like hyperfeminine aesthetic and so on and so forth. You’re projecting your bad experiences with alt people on everyone you talk to online. I remember once you said everyone that sent you asks were goths, and like… no. You have a grudge with goths you know irl and therefore you imagine goth culture is elitist and exclusionary when it has been discussed before (on your blog!) that it isn’t.
who bullies and looks down on everyone else.
If we’re talking experiences, every subculture (for the sake of the argument I’ll say that swifties are part of the pop subculture) or group of people will be seen as bullies who look down on everyone else. But if one swiftie is not enough to judge the entire community, the goths you know irl aren’t enough as well. But this conversation is not about goths.
Just so sick of all of it
It has been said before that your online experience can be curated. I’m sorry to say it, but sometimes the way you act make you seem difficult do deal with and have a conversation, specially because you act like your experiences and opinions are the default point of view. You argue that you want to be listened to, and people do listen to you, but sometimes you sound out of touch or dismissive of others. Basically you don’t act nice with people who are different than you, and you claim to act nice with people who are to you but more than once you were rude with people who just wanted to help you.
Do with this what you will.
Okay well first of all I don't agree that I try to act like I'm being attacked, people DO ATTACK ME. I can't get mean and transphobic asks all the time and it's usually the same people who hate on me for other things in my opinion. And I don't agree I'm rude to people who want to help me, I'm usually nice to those people. And calling me childish isn't constructive it's antagonistic and unnecessary
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kankrii · 2 months
Rambling tw pro/anti drama fandom stuff etc etc
If your only excuse for hating an entire fandom is you don't like one (1) piece of fanart someone drew of the characters then you probably shouldn't be in that fandom?
I'm talking like instead of just blocking the post/artist that made you uncomfortable you go off and tell them to kill themselves, dox the artist, send all your friends and followers on every platform you're on after them and spam them with threats and gore while making up lies and fake facts about said artist to get more people on your side that don't even understand the original context. And then say "well the artist is a proshipper!!!!!" when asked why they're acting like this. That's not an excuse to be a horrible fucking person and you need to get your head out of your ass?
Most of the time the artist an anti is attacking doesn't even call themselves a proshipper, they're just an artist having fun.
Proshipper literally means pro shipping, for shipping. Having fun in a fandom and making the silly little fictional characters kiss like Barbie dolls. Have fun making the Barbie dolls kiss, if someone is making two Barbie dolls kiss that you don't like? Keep moving because it's obviously not for you, and that's okay! They're allowed to have their own fun online just like you are. That's literally it. Nothing to do with pedophilia, hurting real life children, nothing like that. That's... Kind of fucking obvious?
Meanwhile, antis are giving extremely puritan you can't kiss a boy before your married vibes to fandoms and fictional characters that don't even exist in the real world. And god forbid you do? Then death sentence, everyone in your life needs to know that you ship two fully grown adult characters oh no!!!! It's also kinda giving chronically online to a really sad point. Why do you have so much free time to harass random people online that liked a fic or drew something you don't vibe with?
I've spoken to an anti that told me to bully another person after said anti dug through THREE years worth of fics on AO3 in someones likes to find a ship they didn't like just to justify attacking them. Like... I'm sorry is that not insane behavior? I'm talking going through 45 pages of liked and bookmarked fics that other people wrote. To attack a person who randomly liked one story with a ship someone they didn't even know didn't like. And then got attacked over it. (The anti was trying to justify a reason to get the other person kicked out of a general discord server.)
Just because an anti decides the definition for proshipper should mean something else so they can justify attacking other real people, doesn't mean it's true. And I really wish people understood that.
It makes me so sad seeing fandoms fall apart instantly as they form because people have forgotten how to have fun. Fandom is for weirdos to express themselves and explore possibilities not in canon. To celebrate the fun and good things that are canon! Not for clout.
Please note the fanart in question this time? Was just a bunch of characters having a picnic. Nothing nsfw, just some dudes chilling eating a snack. How horrifying indeed.
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