#I hate this show but I will see it through to the end
chaos-in-deepspace · 2 days
LADS Zayne: Hard Day in the Office | NSFW
One of my buddies really wanted Zayne jacking it in his office. And so did I. So I did it. Here's a masturbation fic of our favorite doctor.
Unedited Drabble
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Pairings: Zayne x Reader Warnings : Masturbation, Public Office Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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He had thought he handled the situation well. Your appointment had been going well, for the most part. Other than a little playful banter, it had been professional. Just like every appointment with Dr. Zayne.
Then the end of the appointment had come, and you had gotten a bit more casual with the doctor. Placing a hand around his arm as you spoke with a smile on your face, asking him what time he got off today in case he wanted to get dinner after his shift. It was sweet, it was innocent.
So why had Zayne's head gone to the gutter the moment you laughed and told him you'd see him later.
You had left him alone in his office, alone to his thoughts, and not a single one could be considered even somewhat professional. Instead the only thing he could think about was how uncomfortably tight his pants were, and how hot his office suddenly had gotten.
Zayne had checked the time at his computer, looking it over and sighing in frustration. He had at least half an hour before he had to see his next patient. At least if he had work to do, he could distract himself easier. Instead he was at his office, alone, for half an hour.
Trying to do paperwork was basically a lost cause as he shifted in his chair and winced when he could still feel his erection. With a resigned huff, Zayne got up and locked the door to his office before going back to his chair. Behind his desk, even if someone had walked in, they wouldn't be able to see him.
He sometimes hated how complex his clothes were as he began working his belt off and unzipping his pants. He didn't bother fully taking anything off, instead grasping his hard cock and letting out a soft grunt in response.
He was already so damn worked up from you as he used some of the pre cum at the tip to help him glide along his length. His breathing was already a bit shallower as he worked his dick, thinking about all sort of scenarios.
What would you look like underneath his desk at this moment. He could perfectly envision you under the large desk, away from view. Your mouth teasing him through his clothes and you nuzzled up against his thighs, asking him what he wanted. His hands going through your hair as he guided you closer to his cock and your smaller hand going to unzip him and pull out his length.
Zayne squeezed his own cock as he imagined how your mouth would feel. You'd probably be leaving butterfly kisses along the length of it, kissing upwards to tease him until you took the head into your mouth. Zayne closed his eyes now, imagining all of this happening and covering his mouth with his free hand to help stifle the noises he was making.
The things he'd do to you…the things he'd let you do to him. Whatever you wanted he'd be accepting of it. On top, on bottom, switching it up, eating you out, letting you suck him off. If it meant he could be with you, he'd be willing to do it.
Another gasp left his mouth as he felt himself getting close, his pace picking up as he worked his cock. He just needed to cum, to get that release so he could focus on his job. He grunted again as he took in deep breaths.
Would you be willing to swallow it? Zayne had a fairly healthy diet if you didn't consider all the sweets. He'd be more willing to eat things that would make him taste better if it meant he could watch you. Have you sticking your tongue out, showing him his own cum painting your mouth, then swallowing his load.
That mental image was enough to throw him over the edge. He groaned as he felt the warm release coating his fist as he worked himself through it, no longer capable of hiding all of his noises. He was panting again, slumped in his chair as he looked over at the time. Only ten minutes had passed. He let out an almost pitiful huff as he sat back up, then heard his phone chime.
It was a message from you. A short one, giving him the location of the restaurant you wanted to try. He thought it over and blushed, realizing how hard his day was going to be when he thought about you.
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ariaste · 2 days
A Discussion on Book Endings
Hey, friends. Thanks for coming today. I'm sorry to break it to you, but this is an intervention. Please, don't get defensive -- everyone here loves you and cares about you. But listen... I'm gonna need book readers and reviewers to reflect on the idea that finishing a book and going "Oh, I loved it so much, but I wish it was just a few pages longer!" is not really a valid point of negative critique in the assessment of a text.
Let me explain.
When I read people's otherwise wildly positive reviews of books and they say that line, I don't interpret it in context as, "This story needed to be a few pages longer for the plot to work, structurally, and for the ending to achieve a solid resolution." Rather, they basically seem to be saying simply, "I loved it and I didn't want it to end." That's always a GREAT feeling, but then they're.... taking points off from their total rating because of that??? They seem to be penalizing the author because they weren't left with a feeling of "Ugh, thank god it's over"? It's like, "This would have been five stars if it had had just one more chapter but it made me sad that it ended, so four stars" -- Guys, do we understand that's an insane take? It's insane. A book has to end. If you shriek "NO!!!" that it's over because you were having such a great time, that's... that's a symptom of a 5-star book, babes. I'm not sure why there's such a fashion these days for penalizing authors for this particular thing in this particular way, but it's really baffling to me.
But setting aside the puzzling trend of "I'm knocking points off because it ended when it should have gone on until I personally was fully bored and exhausted of it, like the 11th season of a TV show that was only supposed to go until season 4" -- listen, I guarantee you that nine times out of ten, when you're out here longing for just one more chapter or saying "this could have used an epilogue" you... are wishing for something that would have actively ruined your enjoyment and the quality of the book.
Are you a writer yourself? Have you ever finished writing a book before? Have you done it more than once? Have you deeply studied the endings of books? They are HARD, let me tell you what. Endings are so much harder than beginnings, because you're looking for that beautiful final note, like the ending of a symphony, and you're trying to ride it for a few glorious seconds before the FLOURISH and dum-dummmmmm....! and the conductor collapses as the audience bursts into applause! Right? Yes? Except that chances are that one more chapter or epilogue would ruin the pacing and resolution of the ending and muddle up the summary of the theme and thesis statement, and all of this WOULD ACTUALLY fuck up your experience of the story as a whole. For example, please consider the last Harry Potter book as an example. We all hate JKR now for being a TERF but oh, children, how quickly we forget that back in the olden times, we used to hate her for that fucking epilogue that made everything that came before feel rancid and pointless and hollow and cheap. Y'all remember how sickening and infuriating that was? Do you remember the Hunger Games epilogue? Nine times out of ten, that's what you're inexplicably wishing for.
To see this point illustrated, let's do a quick exercise together. Go pick out a piece of classical music -- some of my best suggestions for this are Beethoven's Ode to Joy, or "Der Holle Rache" from Mozart's Magic Flute, or Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Listen to it all the way through. If you're struggling with scrolling addiction and your attention span has been severely damaged, fine, listen to the last two minutes ("Der Holle Rache" is the shortest, just 3 minutes). Then, after the song is done, click back to some random spot earlier in the piece, listen to another 30 seconds, and then stop. Consider: Did adding that last 30 seconds materially improve the piece, or did it undermine the overall emotional journey? Did it help the ending to stick the landing even more than it already did, or does it just feel weirdly stuck-on as an afterthought, like the "for more fun videos, check out the rest of our channel and don't forget to subscribe!!!" card at the end of youtube videos?
When you are wishing for an epilogue, my doves, you are wishing for something you do not actually want -- or which you probably would not want if you had the option to see it in practice and compare it side by side with the original. You are wishing for something that would more than likely make the story worse. You are holding the author at fault for something being wrong with the text only because you hit immersion and were having a lot of fun and didn't want to come back up for air. Like, I'm just not sure that's something that the author should be blamed for? It sounds like they were doing their job really well???
Please, just. Separate your feelings of "bittersweet disappointment that this wonderful book is over" from "frustration that the author didn't stick the landing, ugh what a flop" because they are two separate things. Before you say "I'm taking points off because I wish there was more", please take two seconds to ask yourself critical thinking questions like, "Why did the author choose to end the book here rather than in two more chapters?" because (other than a few wild outliers that should not be counted) the answer is never, "They got bored and just didn't feel like finishing the story." Chances are, they chose that specific ending for a reason. They ended it there because that's the point that underlines the thesis statement of the book, or because the emotions of that scene are the ones they want you to remember and walk away with, or because that marks the place where the story arc is genuinely over. When the author says, "And they all lived happily ever after," that means that what happily-ever-after looks like is in your hands now.
Nine times out of ten, you don't want one more chapter. Please. I promise you that you don't want one more chapter. The book is done; what you want now is either fanfiction or someone to talk about it with. Or maybe to start the book over from the beginning! Believe me, you would not want one more chapter if you had it. (Or, if you did have it and it magically didn't suck, you would just keep wanting more chapters because that's what "really enjoying the book" means. In which case, go read fanfic, that's what it is for.) I promise you, I promise you, the book would probably be worse with one more chapter and you would not like it as much. Please stop wishing for the author to be less good at their job. Please. A book has to end; so does this post. And we all live happily ever after*. The End.
----- * The post-canon coffeeshop AU sequel will be detailed exhaustively on AO3
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turtle-taetell · 2 days
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goodbye Mersmp
Super long message below!! (Funny story!)
and a message to the CCs at the end! <3
This is a piece that means so much to me. 21 months ago the designs for Theo and Faye got released. That day, i drew them! On paper with the supplies I had laying around, in a sketchbook smaller than my hand. At this point I was proud of my art but still very nervous about it. I had no idea how to draw them. I struggled a lot.
The second time I drew it, a year had passed. I felt I had been able to grow a lot as an artist and was excited to show how much I improved, so I redrew it! I loved how the lineart turned out and was so so excited to see the finished piece! But guess what? I hated it. I colored it in and still hate it to the point that I don’t even have the final version saved to my phone. It makes me feel ashamed.
But now, Mersmp has come to a close and the characters I have grown to care about so deeply have gotten their happy ending. So I wanted to give this piece that as well.
And finally, I think I can finally say I did.
I started drawing this final piece as soon as I was able to screenshot their epilogue designs. I was determined to make it right. So I sat down and drew, and drew, and drew, only taking an hour break to have dinner with a friend (don’t be like me). Finally, at 3am, eleven hours later, I was satisfied.
In this final piece are things that show just how tired I was. There are countless freckles on both characters, even under their scales! That’s a lot of dots. But wait… not the smallest. If you zoom in close enough they have pores! Much smaller than their freckles. That’s really a lot of dots! My freckle brush must have really come in clutch, right? WRONG! I dont have a freckle brush! All of this was done with one single smooth brush and I made Every. Single. Dot. Individually. That must have been pretty hard on my stylus, right? ONCE AGAIN WRONG! I don’t have a stylus! All of this was done on Ibis Paint x, a free art program, on an old janky ipad I got for free because it was so broken, all drawn with my finger. Even if I got a stylus, my ipad is too old to connect to any of them, including apple pencils.
The moral of this story is to never give up and not to let your resources limit your creativity. It doesn’t matter what medium you use, just do something to learn and keep pushing to improve. You will get there. Despite everything, you can do it.
And to the Mermp crew: Thank you for everything you have done. Through the story you have told and the community you have built, you have helped myself and others to grow in many ways. I myself learned a lot from Theo, learning that I do in fact go nonverbal at times and that does not mean there is anything wrong, and that I can feel conflicted and unsure about gender and expression. I learned I don’t need to be fixed. Just like I have now learned to look at the first redraw. I may not like it, but it is an expression of who I was at the time. Similar to Cella and Bite. Those characters may not like what they did in the past, but they are able to look back and recognize that it made them who they are today. If I always was proud of my first redraw, I may have never pressed myself to make this third one as beautiful. Thank you for the stories and lessons you have shared with us and allowing us to grow along side you and your characters.
And maybe, one day, a year or so from now, I can return to this and redraw it again, seeing what other things I enjoy in the future and how they may shape me to change.
With love, Turtle.
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cherubharrington · 3 days
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Rafe x Latina!Popstar reader
{this doesn’t follow the show’s plot, I’m using labios mordidos by kali uchis and Karol g. https://youtu.be/RPcGDkjyhlI?si=8O1jssXsUqmSghhD, the performance this is based off of}
You’d lived in the outerbanks for most of your life. But you were dreaming for bigger. You didn’t hate it, you were a kook. But you never really felt like you belonged. You had dreams bigger than what outerbanks could hold. —Your parents could tell from when you were a child how talented you were. You had a voice and you knew how to dance. They put you through piano lessons, singing lessons, anything and everything they could think of. It eventually paid off.
“I don’t understand, I get it. It’s a big dream of yours. But don’t you get it. It’s going to take you away from me.” Your boyfriend Rafe said.
You looked at the ground;conflicted. “I know, Rafe. But I need to try. I need to see it through.”
It had led to the nastiest breakup you’ve ever had. Both of you sobbing, Rafe trying to hold onto you. Not letting you go. But it was final, your dreams were the love of your life. And you were going to chase them. Cause unfortunately, you loved music more than Rafe.
“La nena esta encendí’a, se me pega como un tattoo.” You sang into your mic, your body on the ground, your butt in the air. The dancers in front of you. “Yo te doy garantía que nadie estás dura que tú.”
Rafe watched on the tv; his jaw ticking.Sarah and Wheezie had decided to turn the tv on to this. To you performing for all your fans. You looked so beautiful, a ping of hurt spread through him like a wave. He missed you so much.
“Wow, I knew she would make it big.” Wheezie said, mesmerized.
“Right.” Sarah said, eating popcorn from her bowl. Rafe watched as two of the guy dancers lifted you into the air and helped you roll your body like a wave. His jaw ticked again. He was feeling all kinds of emotions.
“How does it feel, Rafe? Must sting.” Wheezie said, that did it for him.
“Shut up, Wheezie!”
“Jeez, calm down. I was only kidding.”
“She was joking, Rafe.” Sarah says.
He got up abruptly, knocking something over. “Rafe!” Then leaving the room. He went into his room, his head in his hands and tears following down his face. His leg shaking.
Once the show was over, you had immediately gone backstage. The adrenaline was running high and you felt good. This is all you’ve ever dreamt of. All you’ve ever wanted. A call comes from your phone.
It reads:
You instantly pick it up.
“Hey.” You say, drinking a cold bottle of water.
“Hey! I’m so proud of you, me and Wheezie were just watching.” You can feel her smiling through the phone. You hear Wheezie cheering on the other end.
“Thank you! I feel like this is so surreal.” You pause. “Did- did uh Rafe see?”
“Uh—he did.”
“Y/n! We have to do interviews now! Wrap it up!” Your manager says, interrupting your conversation. You smile and nod.
“I have to go. Tell him I miss him.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
You hang up and sigh. You know Sarah probably won’t and you understood why. You follow your manager out… your mind on Rafe, who’s miles away.
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hyunjinners · 22 hours
✧:・゚Flower Wreath → Lee Felix x reader ˚₊· ꒰🌼꒱
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꒰ 命 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ꒱┊ You spend a quiet afternoon with your boyfriend, distracting him from all the difficulties of his career…
꒰ 命 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ꒱┊Lee Felix x fem!reader
꒰ 命 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 ꒱┊cute, soft, comfort, established relationship, sweet moments between couple, anxiety, hate (directed by “fans”), happy ending
꒰ 命 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ꒱┊ Felix is sad, but everything gets better later :)
꒰ 命 𝐖.𝐂 ꒱┊1,2k
꒰ 命 𝐀/𝐍 ꒱┊a short chapter I pulled out of the back of my mind. I hope I can get more random inspiration more often. At the request of a reader, I opened a taglist, so let me know if you want to be on it too! English is not my first language. Have a good read. :)
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It was almost 5:00 pm, but you didn't mind still being there. The breeze was cool because of the late afternoon, despite the warm sunlight hitting your faces. His head was resting on Felix's lap, while he rested his back against the trunk of the large tree in the field, a centuries-old oak that was the main attraction of that place.
Having alone time as a couple was essential for the two of you, especially during difficult times. Recently, Felix has been receiving a wave of unnecessary hate for unfounded reasons. Even though he knew he wasn't wrong, Felix still felt sad about disappointing his “fans”.
Taking a moment like this, away from society, is essential for the development of your relationship and self-knowledge. The sound of the country breeze and the soft sounds of rural animals is much less chaotic compared to the chaos of city life. The air is cleaner, the weather is cooler and the sun is gentler. It all makes for a perfect outing.
You look Felix in the eyes, and he returns your gaze with his sweet and typical smile, which is responsible for brightening your days so much. However, today specifically, his smile was not as bright as usual. Sometimes you wonder if the city's pollution is due to the large mass of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or if it is because of the level of toxicity in the relationships that people have with each other.
Felix was always a ray of sunshine, but even the thickest clouds could overshadow the brightest glow in the sky. You were here to make sure the storm passed quickly, so he could shine radiantly again.
“Do you know why I enjoy these moments with you so much?”
Felix looks away from your face, to look out at the horizon, shaking his head silently. “Why?”
“Because these are moments when you don't need to force a smile to make strangers happy. These are moments when you smile because you feel happy, and if you are happy, then I can be at peace.”
He watches your gaze fondly, gratitude and affection for you written all over his face. Felix has always been understanding and has always been available to be a kind of support for the people he loves. He never had a problem with sharing his burdens with him, but he would never do that to you. Not that he doesn't trust you, but he didn't want to show weakness.
He feels that in order for him to maintain a healthy and stable relationship with people, they don't need Felix's weaknesses to be exposed.
Felix's name has been shared in the media in recent weeks in a not-so-good way. Of course, it was common for small misunderstandings to alarm haters, but it was as if every little gesture he made in front of the media was never right.
He didn't want to seem ungrateful to the true stays who supported him so much, so he just apologized tirelessly even though he hadn't done anything purposeful or truly tragic to make it happen.
You realized this was affecting you when you noticed that your post-workout fatigue and muscle tension weren't entirely linked to physical exertion alone. Felix was mentally and emotionally exhausted. You could see through him the tears he tried to hold back whenever you hugged him, assuring him that you would never leave him.
Planning outings outside of the routine was almost like her job in her relationship with Felix. Taking Felix's focus away from the harsh reality was your goal, you saw this outing as an escape from all his problems, even if only for a few hours.
Of course, you understood his relevant schedule, so you calculated when his next day off would be, asking if he would be available to spend time with you. He didn't deny it, of course, and you felt relieved that he didn't want to stay tucked under the warm covers of his room, lost in self-deprecating thoughts.
You packed his favorite snacks, made a road trip playlist of his favorite songs, and you hit the road. The journey was smooth and the conversation was light, but the feeling of tiredness in his forced smile was palpable.
His heart sank at this.
You arrived early in the afternoon at the desired place, which was green and full of vegetation and had a beautiful lake with some cute little ducks. You tried to distract him as much as possible with your lame jokes and cheesy pick-up lines, which worked for a while.
He wasn't an idiot, he understood what you wanted to do, and he felt extremely guilty about it. He felt like a burden.
Felix closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, his head projecting a question that remained implanted in his subconscious.
“You know you don't have to do that, don't you?” A silence followed his words and he felt like an idiot, thinking you might have interpreted his words as rude.
“... But I want to. I need to.”
“But why? It doesn’t make sense.” Felix’s gaze shone with confusion and anguish. He didn’t understand.
“Because I love you, Felix. I love you. And that's reason enough for you to understand that what I want is only your good. And I feel very sad to see that you are forcing yourself to carry your pain alone. Please don't do this. Talk to me. I want you to talk to me, because when I needed you the most, you were always there for me.”
His speech was quick and euphoric, but not a single word spoken was unusual or in vain.
It's very strong for him, but he knew it was true, because he also understood that feeling.
He couldn't find answers or contradictions to what he said, so his only reaction was to lean over you, kissing you passionately. The touch of his lips was like a warm blanket over her cold body, a touch of tenderness over her pent-up pains. Felix's kiss was more than a gesture of affection, it was a declaration of loyalty to you alone.
As your lips gently caressed Felix's, you could feel something tickle your feet. You ended up bumping into the basket of flowers that, out of boredom, you had collected to take home. You separated from Felix, thinking that some animal was climbing on you.
Seeing your reaction to the flowers, Felix let out a heartfelt laugh, for the first time in days. You warmed internally at this.
Sitting down, you gathered up the fallen flowers and then noticed something at the bottom of the basket. A daisy wreath that you had made to take some pictures for your Instagram profile.
Delicately, you took the crown in your hands, arranging it on Felix's head. He was confused at first, but felt light as he felt your hands caress his scalp.
“I would even say ‘a flower for a flower’ but I think I’ve already made enough cheesy pick-up lines for today.” He laughs at her comment, wrapping her in his arms, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead..
“Just know that, just like these flowers, having you in my day to day life makes the environment lighter.”
“... Thank you. I love you.” He returns the words you said earlier, a silent promise that he would try to open up more from now on.
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ε ї з — like × reblog! by: @hyunjinners ❜ɞ
ε ї з — taglist: @oc3anfloor
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murrpa · 1 day
heart wrecking angst⇩
In Deadpool 4, Logan discovers his presence in Wades universe messes up cycle of events and if he continues to live in it— the universe can collapse (butterfly effect kind of thing), so in the end of the movie B-15 and minute men show up dramatically a they do at Wades apartment, and escort Logan back into the headquarters planning to send him back to his “home”. Both Logan and Wade see the scale of this, and Wade soon is taken to talk to him one last time before never seeing him again since B-15 felt generous that day. So she give them this moment.
Wade scoffs: So now is the time? Hah, I should’ve known, TVA has every event written down to nanoseconds… I swear, it puts someone’s strict mother’s skill to plan the whole year in advance and never let her kid see the light of day without her permission at shame!
All that while Logan looks at him. Though he has so much to say, to confess, but decides not to do it, maybe because it’ll hurt letting him go more than it already is.
Wade approaches him: I… ugh, was not prepared, otherwise I would’ve pulled out my 100 page essay and read it to you in British accent as you walk further away from me into the sunset.
Logan: Wade?
Wade: Yeah?
Logan struggles. What is there to say now? His heart is aching, and cracks with each passing second there’s left. He wanted to say his life was at its fullest by Wade’s side, how he’s now changed man, all because of him. For him. That he will continue being that person in his world simply because Wade will be proud.
Logan: I might have my own place, my house and whatnot… But I never dared to call it my home, y’know?
Wade listens, no longer daring to quip a sound. And hazel eyes of Logan glisten in nothing but sadness. If that emotion could be painted— it would be him. Right now.
Logan: I wish the world was on my side, fair to me, to us, Wade.
His voice shakes. And he no longer cares to control the tear that soon oozes out the corner of an eye, to his hope, telling at least a tenth of all what his heart wants to say. Then it finally hits merc. Is this really it?
Wade: Peanut, I promise, it’s okay.
No. It fucking hurts. Wade never hated to say goodbye so damn much like now, but understands, that to love someone is letting them go.
He’s only doing it for Logan, for his universe. Sure there’s something that’s waiting for him, something better than this. Which what Logan deserves, after non consensual involvement in Wade’s goal to save his own world. After what he had been through.
Logan softly sobs: It shouldn’t be, I wish I had a choice. Because coming back is long time off my list.
Wade realizes his emotions reveal, a hot heavy tear drops off his chin, and fake but bitter smile grows to comfort Wolverine. Ignoring everything what’s falling into pieces in his chest.
Wade: I just… I just never want you to get into dangerous shit cause of me. I want you to be okay.
But Logan doesn’t care, even if his old life promises to be as peaceful as Swedish government. In the end, being next to Wade— suddenly makes chaos worth it.
Logan: I was okay, Wade, I was… so happy— but as soon as my foot steps through the teleporter…
Logan breaks as more tears rush down his face. His gaze locked with Wade’s.
Logan: … I will comeback being the same pitty guy you picked up at the bar.
But Wade protests.
Wade: No, nope, you’ll comeback better than ever.
He gives up smiling, then reaching out for the man, locking him in the most loving hug, arms wrapping waist, one digging fingertips into the shirt, and second one cards Logan’s hair. Which makes older man hate himself for not hugging Wade often before, when they were so happy, and lived under one roof not knowing this day would come.
Wade: You are, and always will be the best wolverine.
Logan hides his face in Wade’s neck, ashamed someone might see him, how destroyed he is with pain of leaving him, forever.
Wade: Thank you infinitely, for staying, saving my world.
Wade’s hushed voice sends chills, and throat begins to burn, yearning to say one last thing as he hears footsteps approaching.
Logan: Thank you for becoming mine.
(lmk if you’re interested in me writing full fic based off of this💛❤️)
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cl-0v3r · 2 days
can I talk about something real quick?
I hate how 99% of arcane fans completely Ignore their favorite character's flaws so much. I know this has been complained about multiple times but i genuinely get so tired of it and physically need to turn off my phone when that happens.
And Im not talking about Jinx, everyone knows she's not a great person, neither am I talking about silco or Sevika or quite literally any of the characters that are placed on the darker shade of grey.
Im talking about characters like Viktor or Mel or Jayce, Vi & Caitlyn aswell, but specifically the first three.
Look, we all know what their intentions are, they only wanted to help, they wanted the best for their cities/family and their goals, but the way they do it is Flawed. The sacrifices and nuance they go through and do just to achieve that specific ideal and goal affects how morally ambiguous or not they are.
What annoys me is that most of these people KNOW, but refuse to accept it and continue bringing down other characters because they refuse to accept there's different opinions over something in the show.
Especially with viktor, he is NAUNCED. He is selfish one way or another, he is willing to destroy himself for the sake of making something too far gone work, and not only did that destroy him, but completely result in the death of Sky. And eventually, that is going to destroy his relationship with Jayce too. He refuses to create weapons even if it means as a tool for self defence because he refuses to accept that zaun is not the most stable in terms of aggression, he got mad at Jayce for calling them dangerous when there was a literal riot on the bridge, a scene playing right infront of his eyes. Again, he is rightful to feel protective of his home, but he is ignorant towards certain things too.
I see so many people ignore viktors flaws and wrong doings, did we forget who he's going to become next season or what?? He literally committed a murder wether he wanted to do it or not. which is lowkey kinda hilarious because I don't see people defending Jayce for murdering that child despite the fact that its equally as wrong as Viktors mishap. He.is.not.flawless.
Mel, oh my god. i love Mel with all my heart, shes my everything, but she is a councilor. yes she's focusing on proving her family wrong, yes she wants to make piltover a better, safer place, and I don't think she's completely ignorant towards the undercity's state, but what has she done about it? Now, its not entirely her fault, I know, its all accumulated from Himerdingers ignorance, but that does not change the fact that she is apart of the same body that kept the undercity in its current state with all its problems for generations. She is a manipulator too, she wants things to go her way, wether it was with good intent or not. She pushed for weapons, YES, as a means of self defense, YES as protection from external threats coming from places other than P&Z, but her mother wasn't completely wrong about how weapons will always be used in every way possible, but she finds it difficult to accept such fact. Not to mention the fact that she literally told a zaunite to create a weapon that would be used against zaun.
So no, her being manipulative is not hot (this literally pisses me off the most) , especially not after that scene with hoskel because she BASICALLY called him stupid and belittled him indirectly. Is it true hes not the smartest? Yeah, did she do it to get him under her palm and ended up using him to do something "Good" in the end? Yeah, Is she good at doing it? Yeah, does she look good while doing it? Yeah, but she looks good ALL THE TIME. Manipulation is not what makes her attractive, its a FLAW, an ugly one. So calling Mel attractive ONLY because she's manipulative is mischaracterization at its finest. And I will bring this point again, separate intention from action.
I don't want to get into more details about mel, I will lose myself, but she is FLAWED, shes morally grey, she isn't perfect, just as the other characters in the whole show.
Jayce, he goes through multiple extreme points during his arc, he's quick to decide on things. At some points it could be a good thing, like how he apologized to viktor for saying harsh words to him. But what his major flaw with this trait is the fact that he goes between violent and peaceful multiple times, figuratively AND literally. He was settled with the fact that he doesn't want to harm zaun, infact, he wanted to help them in the first place, but he got influenced, and ended up resorting to violence, he lost himself, and it ended with the loss of a child's life. He didn't want to make weapons before, got influenced, look where it got him now? He is selfish too, and the list goes on.
Though, Its rare to find people who defend Mel and Jayce in this entire fandom, most of the people I've seen who claim to be fans of them tend to do this all the time smh.
And I just know I will start a war as soon as I open my mouth to talk about Vi & Cait. Which is why I won't because this post is long enough and I want to cover other things.
Please keep in mind that I wrote everything as flatly as possible, so the way you understand the things I say may be different from what I initially thought of, I swear on my life I do not hate these characters, Jayce Mel & Viktor are literally my upmost favorite characters of all time.
This is mostly talking about how sometimes you need to separate the intentions from the actions these characters do, because most of the time, actions speak louder than words.
ALL your favorite characters in Arcane and flawed, they have problems, they aren't perfect. And that's what makes each so special, because it makes you wonder how they will clean their footsteps and deal with those said flaws later if they decide to partake the lighter path, or how they will step deeper into the darker one. And even so, they will still be on the grey scale.
By far, Ekko is the only character closest to white if im being honest, and he still isn't perfect.
Arcane fans need to understand their favorite characters in different points of view, not just from their eyes, even if you agree with their doings and find it right.
One big example that i will bring up again, that scene with Mel, Viktor and Jayce discussing the potential misuse of hextech as Viktor dismantles the bomb. You can understand Viktors point of view, but why not Mels too? (& Vice Versa)
Another is the scene when Vi finally gets to see her sister in episode 5, Caitlyn tagging along with her. You finally get to see powder and Vi reunited, you feel content, and then Jinx comes back and gets angry on why Vi is with an enforcer, which is well within her rights considering how they literally killed countless of zaunites and people, but why not understand from Caitlyns side too? Jinx is a wanted criminal, she'd put a building on fire, killed people in the process, stole volatile items with possibly horrible intentions considering what her crimes are.
ANOTHER is the bridge scene with Jayce and Viktor with the riots, Why the fuck is Jayce calling them dangerous infront of viktor??? Hes well within his rights to be mad! But he isn't WRONG, And jayce is under a lot of stress, and viktor is literally going against him by taking shimmer, and God that list never ends.
Literally almost any other scene.
caitlyn Ekko & Vi , Vi and the Council , Vi and Jayce , Jinx and Vi on episode 9 , Silco and Jayce , Mel and Ambessa , Mel and Viktor, Mel and Jayce in some scenes (like when she put him on the council) , singed and Viktor , etc etc etc
Need i say more??
All of these characters are full of layer upon layer of writing, they're all so well written, their intentions, ideals, morals, are all bricks and pipes of what builds them as characters, but their flaws and nuance is the 'glue' of what keeps them standing too. They may have no choice but to do or say those things that they do or say, because if they don't, they will possibly crumble. But that does not mean it gives them a pass, in the end of the day,, murder is still murder, ignorance is still ignorance, manipulation is still manipulation, and etc. They're not all equally as horrible as the other, but that does not make them better qualities, comparing all these issues/problems and completely siding with one thing because you find A to be less horrible than B is not a good start to understanding Arcane or any show with a similar level of writing to it.
as usual, im sorry for any mistakes or if this is uncollected and full of reptitivness, I don't usually correct my rants or anything because they're like... rants... And im very sorry for nagging about certain things, some points may actually be wrong so please don't feel afraid to give advice or correct me over them NICELY. Other than that its really just my opinion, i just wanted to get the "understand characters from different views" & "sEpEraTe InTentIons FroM ActIons" points across.
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noisydelusionlove · 18 hours
The Feral Medic
Chapter 3
Not edited or beta read
Pairings: poly141xoriginal character, GhostxSoap 
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, sexual situations, anal sex (male receiving and giving), medical inaccuracies, military inaccuracies 
“Here's your office, through that door is the medical examination room. Look around and tell me anything you need ordered from the hospital on base I’m not sure how the inventory is in there.” John states as Aurora glances around the small office. There’s a small desk with a computer and rolling chair, behind it are large bookshelves filled with medical books. To the right, there is a locked filing cabinet beside a door with a window leading into the medical exam room. 
Aurora smiles as she nods. “Of course Captain.” She says as she glances at the other pack mates standing at the door. “The filing cabinet should have the medical files for the four of us. I would show you the rest but I need to meet with Laswell so I’ll have Gaz show you the rest of the building.” John says as he pats Aurora on the shoulder. “Welcome to the pack.” He says in a gruff voice before turning to leave. 
Aurora watches as Kyle steps forward. Her bright eyes shine with humor as she stares up at him. “Let’s go mister your guide.” She says playfully causing him to let out a small chuckle as he turns to head back down the hallway. 
Aurora listens intently as he shows her the common room, the meeting room, and the office space where Price and Ghost's office are before stopping at a door that leads down a long hallway. 
“Our quarters.” Kyle says as he walks down the hall. “Price is at the end of the hall, the door at the direct end. My room is to his right.” Kyle says as he points to the door at the end and the door next to it. “Then Soap is next to me with Ghost right across.” He says as he continues to walk. “The door next to Soap leads to the bathroom, it’s communal sadly except of course Price has a private bathroom. Next to Ghost is the laundry.” Kyle says patting the two doors before stopping at the door across from his, between Ghost and Price's large suite. He opens the door and smiles. 
“This will be yours.” He says as the door swings open. Aurora glances inside to see her bags and suitcases sitting on and around the full-sized bed that sits in the middle of the room. Her things carry her scent, a strong mix of strawberries and something floral wafting from the room. 
Aurora takes in the room, not noticing the way the three men stiffen as her scent hits their noses. Ghost coughs to cover up a growl that seems to come from his chest. 
“The next building over has the mess and the gyms. I know you’re used to military so we do breakfast at 0600, lunch at 1200, and dinner at 1800 but the kitchen in the common room has snacks and you’re free to buy whatever and keep it in there.” Kyle says as he smiles at Aurora. 
“Oh wow okay, thank you.” She smiles as Kyle clears his throat. “Well, we will leave you to get packed. We will come get you for lunch. If you need anything let me know.” Kyle says as he gives a small wave and heads back out of the living area. 
Johnny and Ghost are standing there with Johnny looking up at Ghost curiously, trying to read his expression through the mask. “Do we have to wear scent-blocking patches or is it just up to us?” Aurora asks Johnny as she moves into her room. “It’s up to you Lass most of the time no one wears them unless they’re meeting someone new. Price thought it’d be a good idea since we’ve never met you before. We mainly wear them on missions honestly.”Johnny says as Aurora nods. “Good I hate them, they cause so many skin issues.” Aurora says as she reaches up and peels the thick patch off her neck and begins removing the ones on her wrists. Outside the door, Ghost takes a deep breath as her unfiltered, fresh scent hits his nose through the mask. His hands tighten into fists as he grabs Johnny by the back of the neck. 
“See you at lunch.” Ghost says gruffly as he practically drags Johnny back down the hallway toward the offices. Aurora watches them go curiously before turning back to her room to begin unpacking. 
“Shite LT you’re going to rip my spine out!” Johnny practically yells as his Alpha drags him into his office e before shutting the door. Ghost finally releases his tight hold as he shuts and locks the door. 
Johnny watches Ghost with a raised eyebrow as he begins removing the patches on his neck and wrists. As soon as the patches are removed the deep scent of gunpowder and tobacco permeates the room. 
“Bleeding Jesus.” Johnny gasps as the scent hits his nose the darkening of the scent causing his head to spin slightly. “What’s got you so worked up?” Johnny says as he watches Ghost fix him with an intense stare through his mask. 
Ghost ignores him as he slowly stalks towards him. “Ah, I see the little Omega has you all ready to go huh?” Johnny smirks as he backs up slightly, enjoying teasing his Alpha. 
“Johnny.” Ghost practically growls in warning, his voice deeper with his Alpha timber causing a shiver to go down Johnny's spine. Johnny smiles as Ghost finally grabs him around the back of the neck his hands making quick work to remove the patch lying there. When the patch is removed the smell of citrus and rain fills the office, and the smell is slightly dark as well. 
“Not the only one worked up by the ‘Mega.” Ghost grunts as he lifts his mask to reveal his mouth. Johnny groans as Ghost leans down and begins nipping at his neck causing him to let out small whimpers. Ghost glances at the clock behind his desk, 1100. “Gotta be quick.” He murmurs before pulling Johnny in for a rough kiss full of teeth and tongue. 
Ghost leans around Johnny and opens the top drawer of his desk, removing the bottle of lube he keeps there due to him cornering Johnny or Kyle in his often more often than not. Johnny whimpers when he hears the drawer open, a growl escaping his lips as he’s roughly spun around, his hands slapping on the desk loudly. 
Ghost makes quick work of the button and fly on Johnnys pants, barely shoving them down to his knees. He uncaps the lube and presses against Johnny's lower back to force him to bend over. “Come on, you know how I like it.” Ghost growls as Johnny lays his front flat on the desk and spreads his legs as much as he can. Ghost groans as he spreads the lube on Johnny's hole before slipping a finger inside to quickly prep him. Johnny releases whimpers as he’s quickly stretched before the ghost adds another. 
“Simon, please.” Johnny whimpers with his face pressed against the desk. A deep growl escapes Ghost's chest as he quickly undoes his pants, not bothering to pull them down more than enough to free himself. He lines himself up before releasing a loud growl as he slowly slides inside. 
Aurora smiles as she looks at her room. She had managed to move the bed so it was up against the far wall with the desk directly under her small window. All of her clothes were folded and put away in the closet and dresser. 
The bed was a mountain of pillows and blankets, a true Omega nest. She had just finished changing into more casual clothes, noticing that on base the dress code was much more lax for the task force, when a knock sounded at her door. She opens it to find Kyle smiling at her. “Lunch time.” He says with a smile. The scent of spearmint and linen fills the small space causing Aurora to smile at the relaxing scent of beta. 
“Good, I’m starving even though I know mess hall food isn’t the best.” Aurora laughs as she steps out and shuts her door. “It’s not, but it’s better than one of us cooking inpromise.” Kyle jokes causing Aurora to laugh slightly as they head to the mess. 
Aurora fills her plate with food and follows Kyle to a table in the corner where Ghost and Johnny are already seated. As she approaches and sits across from Johnny she notices that Ghost stiffens slightly. She can swear she hears him take a breath in as he continues to stare at his food. 
Kyle sits next to her and they begin to eat silently. After a moment Kyle sniffs the air and stares at Ghost and Johnny, noticing their scents are blending. Upon a harder look, Kyle starts smirking as he notices a fresh bite mark on Johnnys neck. “How was your paperwork LT?” Kyle says with a smirk as Ghost looks at him. “Fine.” Ghost grunts out as Johnny looks at Kyle with a smile. 
Aurora glances between the two betas and alpha before smirking as she notices the bite mark as well. “Ghost had a tendency to bite.” Kyle leans over to whisper through a laugh. She shakes her head with a laugh as she continues to eat her food. After a moment she feels eyes on her and glances up. Her heart practically stops as she meets Ghost's eyes, his pupils dilated as he stares at her. He doesn’t falter when he notices her staring back. After a moment Kyle clears his through causing her to jump and look at him. 
“So Cap said you were going to have to give us all exams and possibly some vaccines?” Kyle says as Aurora nods. “Yeah after lunch I’m going to go check the inventory and look at everyone’s files and then I’ll let you all know what you’re all missing and need to get caught up on.” She says as she takes a bite of her pizza. Kyle nods as he looks at the other three. 
“I’ll probably start the exams and stuff tomorrow morning after your training.” She says as she glances at Ghost. “You’ll go last for obvious reasons.” She says as she points her fork at him after taking a bite of salad. Ghost bristles slightly at that, squaring his shoulders and sitting up a bit taller. Aurora raises an eyebrow at his attempt to intimidate her. She doesn’t back down and continues to stare at him until Johnny leans over a places a hand on Ghost's shoulder causing him to relax and return to staring at his food. 
The group finishes their meal and breaks off, promising to see each other at lunch. Aurora heads to the medical office and the boys head off to training. 
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notacyborg · 2 days
I really hate Gerrard and how he is treating everyone, everyone, and this isn't anti-Eddie, but my dude, you are a boot licker to the max, like not even Hen and Chim are as bitched out as you are. I love you, man, and I'm going to put it up to you dealing with Chris. Gerrard punishing Buck for saving that girl and her mom was some bullshit. Then, telling him the grown-ups will handle the bees when he is hell competent at his job is just putting lives at risk. Got I hate that man. Oh man, Buck saving him from the circular saw! But cracking his skull on the pavement. So either the golfing is a nightmare, or golfing is a thank you and trying to win Buck over. Is the bitch going to be down for the count... Buck is going to have consequences for this; I can speculate what they might be. Gerrard will either try to pull Buck in because of it or suspend him for assaulting a superior. 2. YAY, House hunting, but how dare they put Athena through this bullshit, ohhh they are pulling a Jeffery Epstein. This could be interesting. Oh man, she's going to have to fly; I hope we have a certain flying firefighter to talk her through landing. 3. The bees are great, but man, Buck, your praise kink is showing; I need a fic now where Tommy just praises Buck in a daddy-dom way for how good he did or just comforts him after the bullshit with Gerrard. But like I really do wonder what the fallout from tackling Gerrard is going to be. I really don't think he's sustainable for network TV in the long run because of how horrible he is. I do want to know what his Connection with Ortiz is, and if he got her Hen's file. I think Ortiz is going to be the long-term problem this season. 4. I feel so bad for Eddie, the shit with Chris and his mom, and his mom not even taking the camera with her to sing happy birthday, and like the way she's talking to Eddie when Chris isn't there is fucked up given what's going on. 5. The Buck Tommy scene is everything I wanted, freak4freak and geek4geek. I can't wait to see them work through their baggge and have a few hurdles and how much they grow, I'm not getting my hopes up, but I hope they are long haul and that Hen calls them U-Hal Lesbians by ep 6. Maybe Buck Tommy End Game.
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vitalverstappen · 7 hours
The Tortured Poets Department - D. Ricciardo
summary: snapshots of your relationship with Danny
pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader
warnings: smoking, anxiety, self sabotage
word count: 1.6k
a/n: writing is quite literally the only thing getting me through the danny news so enjoy!
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It wasn’t hard to figure out that Daniel was into the arts. He constantly had a camera in his hands, he had a .jpeg account, and his favorite dates were always to the local art museum. So it was no surprise that when you first started dating, he started to dabble in writing. What did puzzle you was the fact he bought a typewriter for his endeavors. And that he had a habit of leaving it at your apartment. 
“I don’t understand how you keep forgetting this thing. It’s huge” You joked as you flipped your phone camera to show the machine that was collecting dust on your kitchen table. As much as you loved him, you’d never understand why he chose such an antiquated way of putting his stories to life. 
“I left it there again?” He asked “Maybe I should just keep it there. We could start a club: The Tortured Poets Department” 
“Yeah, good luck with that” You said, a smirk plastered on your face. 
The next Grand Prix came quicker than you would’ve liked. You loved watching the race, and loved seeing Danny do what he loves, but you hated that he always ended up self sabotaging. It didn’t matter if it was a race win or if he came in last. He always found something to be upset about.
A frown was plastered on his face as he climbed out of the car. He had gotten fourth, so you would think there was nothing to be upset about, but that’s not how Daniel operates. You were easily able to decode that the finish meant he was either upset that he didn’t get on the podium, or that he didn’t think he deserved to be that high. 
“There is no way I actually got P4.” He began 
“I don’t deserve that” The two of you said in sync, a playfully mocking tone in your voice. You already knew how this was going to play out, as if it was a show you had watched countless times. You had the dialogue memorized.
A sigh escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, your tone becoming more serious, “Yes you do, love. You deserve that and the whole world.”
“You really mean that?” He asked as he pulled away from you, his arms still at your waist.
“Yes, I fully mean that. You’ve hauled that tractor of a car all the way to fourth. You have incredible talent behind the wheel.” You reassured him. 
That night, the two of you returned home to Monaco, where you had a nice, relaxing evening of listening to your favorite songs, smoking, and going through the F1 gossip blogs. It was a guilty pleasure, hearing what everyone had to say about you two. Both you and Daniel didn’t care how everyone felt about you two. If anything, it was funny seeing how wrong the internet was about everything that happened behind the scenes. 
“‘I think Danny and Y/N should get a dog. They’d be such cute pawrents!’” Daniel read and then glanced over at you, wiggling his eyebrows “Should we?” 
“God no” You laughed “ We can barely take care of ourselves. What makes you think we can take care of a dog?” 
Daniel shrugged “True, we’re not Charles and Alexandra. We’re just two idiots” 
“You’re gonna love this one ‘Rumor has it that Y/N Y/L/N is leaving Daniel for another F1 driver.’” You read off of your phone “And guess what the attached photos were of?” 
“What?” Danny asked as he took a bite of the chocolate bar he had in his hand
You managed to form a smirk with the blunt in your mouth as you tilted the phone for him to see. On the screen was a photo of you in the VCARB garage talking to another man. What the world didn’t know was that the unnamed man was your twin brother. 
“Wow, you and Matthew seem pretty close. I heard he’s into you” Daniel joked as he plucked the blunt from your mouth and putting it in his instead
“Oh shut up” You said, the two of you quickly breaking into laughter
The sound of laughter slowly died down as the album that was currently on the record player ended. The walk over to the dresser was like a minefield littered with empty chocolate wrappers.
“How many of these did you have?” You asked, picking one up
“Seven?” Daniel answered, unsure 
“Oh my god you’re ridiculous” You chuckled as you threw the wrapper at him, nearly hitting him in the face. “What do you wanna listen to next?” 
“Charlie Puth?” Daniel suggested, as he put out the end of the blunt “You know, he should really be a bigger artist” 
You thought about his comment for a second as you put one of his old records on, “Yeah, you don’t hear much about him nowadays”
As you climbed back into bed, Daniel rested his head on your chest. Out of instinct, your right hand began running itself through your boyfriend’s curly hair. He took your left hand and started fiddling with the ring on your middle finger - your mom’s engagement ring. Daniel loved playing with it for some reason, but you never questioned why. 
His chest began to rise and fall slower and slower, the fiddling stopped, and snoring began to fill the room. Never in your life did you imagine having a tattooed golden retriever of a boyfriend, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
But the doubts always crept in, and this night was no different. You were awakened by the feeling of Daniel tossing and turning all night, something clearly bothering him.
“You alright?” You muttered, turning to face him
“Wha? Yeah everything’s fine. Can’t sleep that’s all” Daniel spoke
“You usually sleep really well after a race. Something’s up. Talk to me.”
At this point, the two of you were fully awake and sat up in bed. Like you predicted, worry was spread all over his face. 
A sigh left his lips before Daniel spoke again, “Is this too much for you?” 
“What?” You asked 
“The relationship, the media attention. I know there’s a lot that comes with dating me. The cameras, the rumors, me constantly being away. I know it’s a whirlwind that even I can’t keep up with sometimes. Is this all too much for you?” 
Silence overcame the two of you as you became deep in your thoughts. It was a lot on you, and he knew that. It was always tough being away from each other, and you never thought your relationship would have a magnifying glass focused on it. 
But to you, it was all worth it to be with the one you truly loved. Love was about sacrifices and being there for each other regardless. And that’s what the two of you had done. 
“I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a lot to handle” You began “It’s never easy being away from you, or worrying about your safety every weekend. And the constant comments about us aren’t exactly rainbows and butterflies, but honestly? I don’t want it any other way. I chose to be in this cyclone with you. I wouldn’t want it any other way as long as I have you.”
You could hear Daniel release the breath you didn’t know he was holding, “I love you”
“I love you too” 
The reassurance you gave that night was all Daniel needed. Once summer break arrived, he insisted on taking you to your favorite restaurant; the same one he took you to for your first date. He had managed to get you a secluded table with rose petals covering the cloth. 
“Danny, you didn’t have to do this” You said as he pulled the chair out for you 
“Maybe I wanted to” He said as he pushed you in and then sat across
The night was spent talking about anything and everything, from the first half of the F1 season to reminding Daniel why you refuse to eat pineapple on pizza. As the night continued on, you could tell Daniel was getting more anxious about something, but you couldn’t put a finger on what. 
“You know I love you, right?” Daniel blurted out 
Your eyebrows furrowed “Yeah Dan, I do. And I love you too”
“No, I love you, a lot.” He began as he took your left hand, “More than I thought was ever possible to love somebody. The day I met you I knew I wanted to be a part of your life. I wanted to experience everything that you do. Be there to celebrate your highs and support you through your lows. It has been so much fun getting to live life with you, and I’m so thankful you’ve been doing the same for me.”
Daniel paused as he got up from his seat, his hand still holding yours as he bent down on one knee. As he slid your mom’s engagement ring off of your middle finger, you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest. This was happening. This was real life. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you marry me?” Daniel askes 
“Yes Danny. Yes, yes. A thousand times yes!” You answered, the words falling out of your mouth with ease 
As you two returned to your apartment, the same typewriter Danny bought all those years ago greeted you on your dresser. Dust covered each of the keys, but it seemed to shine with a new brightness. There was something about the machine that drew you in. So you sat down, as if you were greeting an old friend, and blew the dust off the rusty keys, ready to join the Tortured Poets Department with Danny. 
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solxamber · 3 days
Antinomy - Leo Kurosagi x reader
You and Leo have been at each other's throats for the past few years. So why does it feel so wrong when he shows up at your door bruised and bloody? aka the prompt: "I didn't know where else to go"
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The knock is sharp, almost a thud, one that echoes through the room like the reverberation of some bad omen. It’s well past two in the morning, and nothing good ever comes from visitors at this hour. But still, curiosity gets the better of you, and you open the door with more force than you intend.
You freeze. It’s Leo.
He’s leaning against the doorframe, disheveled, one arm clutching his side. His usual smug demeanor is nowhere to be found; instead, his face is bruised, streaks of dried blood trailing from his nose. There’s a cut above his eyebrow, barely clotted, and his shirt is torn like it’s seen better days—like he’ seen better days. It’s probably the first time you’ve ever seen him so out of sorts.
“What the hell…” You can barely get the words out as he leans more heavily on the frame, gritting his teeth.
“Look,” he rasps, voice rougher than the usual annoyingly smug tone, “I didn’t know where else to go.”
You stare, unblinking, taking in the sight of him—your infamous rival, the bane of your existence, now standing battered and barely on his feet. A barrage of thoughts rush through your mind. The first: how the hell did he end up like this? The second: why is he here?
When you don’t immediately move or speak, Leo’s mouth curls into something resembling a smirk—though it’s weaker, a shadow of his usual arrogance. “Sho’s out of town… and as much as you love hating me… we both know you don’t hate me enough to leave me out here bleeding.”
Your jaw tightens at that. The nerve. But he’s right. Damn him, he’s always right when it comes to this—knowing just how far to push before you break.
“What did you do?” you finally snap, folding your arms, though it feels more like an attempt to shield yourself from whatever storm’s about to follow him inside.
“Picked the wrong fight,” he mutters. “Didn’t turn out quite the way I expected.”
“Clearly.” You look him up and down, incredulous. “And Alan? Why didn’t you just call Alan?”
A wince flashes across his face as he tries to straighten himself. “I'm already on thin ice with him. I'd rather not hear it from him right now.”
“You expect me to help you? You do realize who you’re talking to, right?” You bite out, though a part of you already knows you’ll cave. There’s something different about Leo tonight. Gone is the usual bravado, the mocking quips and cynical remarks. In their place, you see desperation—vulnerability. He wouldn’t have come here unless he really had no other option.
“Come on,” he breathes, his voice fraying at the edges. “As much as you’d love to see me suffer, you wouldn’t let me bleed out on your doorstep.”
You hate that he’s right. And you hate that some twisted part of you does care—more than you’re willing to admit, even now. With a sigh, you step back, allowing him entry.
“Fine,” you huff, “but don’t expect me to play nice.”
“I’d never expect that from you,” he says with a pained grin as he limps inside.
You close the door behind him, trying to ignore the pounding in your chest. You’re rivals—you hate him, really—and yet, here you are, letting him into your space, into your life when he’s at his weakest. It’s irrational. It’s stupid. But it’s Leo, and you’ve never been able to figure out why you care so much about someone who’s made your life extremely inconvenient for so long.
“Sit,” you order, motioning toward the couch.
He gives you a mock salute, then collapses onto the cushions with a groan, clutching his side tighter.
“What the hell happened to you?” You grab a first-aid kit from the kitchen, already mentally preparing yourself for a long night.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle,” Leo mumbles, though the way he winces with every breath tells a different story. “Just got a little out of hand.”
“A little?” You raise an eyebrow, kneeling down in front of him to examine the damage. His knuckles are bloodied, the cut on his eyebrow still oozing slightly. His shirt’s soaked with sweat, and you can see the bruises spreading across his ribs. He looks like he’s been through a war.
Leo watches you with an unreadable expression as you start cleaning his wounds. “What’s with the concern, hmm? Thought you’d be celebrating right about now. Finally got me on my knees, and not in the way you imagined.”
You glare at him, pushing a bit harder on the wound than necessary. He hisses but doesn’t flinch. “Shut up, Leo. You’re lucky I don’t kick you while you’re down.”
He chuckles softly, though it’s strained. “You always had a mean streak.”
“Maybe I just hate you.”
His grin falters for a moment, something almost… hurt flickering in his eyes. “Yeah, maybe.”
There’s a beat of silence, the weight of the moment pressing down on both of you. You’ve patched him up as best you can and cleaned the wounds on his knuckles but they still looked raw and painful. But the tension in the air is thick, and neither of you seems willing to break it.
“You didn’t have to come here,” you murmur, sitting back on your heels, arms crossing over your chest again. “You could’ve gone to anyone. Your fans would’ve eaten this up. Why come to me?”
Leo’s gaze shifts to the floor. For the first time since you opened the door, he looks… unsure.
“I… I didn’t want them to see me like this,” he admits quietly, his usual cocky bravado nowhere to be found. “And Sho wasn’t around. You were the only one I thought of.”
Your heart skips a beat, though you fight to keep your expression neutral. “Why?”
“Because I knew you wouldn't let me bleed out,” he says, so softly you almost don’t hear it.
And there it is. The vulnerability beneath all the layers of arrogance and wit. The part of Leo you’ve only ever caught glimpses of. You’ve always known it was there, buried deep under his ego, but seeing it now, laid bare in front of you, feels… different.
“Dumbass,” you mutter, looking away. “You picked a fight, got yourself hurt, and now you’re here expecting me to fix it.”
“I don’t expect you to fix anything,” he says, his voice barely more than a whisper. “I just didn’t know where else to go.”
You take a deep breath, trying to rein in your frustration. He’s hurt, and despite all the history between you two—the constant bickering, the rivalry that’s lasted years—this is different. He came to you when he was at his lowest, and there’s something in that which makes your chest tighten.
You sit down beside him on the couch, careful to give him space but not too much. It’s a strange feeling, having Leo so close, especially like this—broken, vulnerable, his cocky grin now replaced by something far more human.
“Why do you always do this to yourself?” The words slip out before you can stop them, not exactly what you meant to say, but the only thing that comes to mind. “You pick fights you know you can’t win and rely on Sho to bail you out. What do you think will happen if he can’t make it in time?” You gesture toward his battered state. “And when he couldn’t, you showed up at my door?” Your voice trembles as you take a shuddering breath. “Do you expect me to pick up the pieces?”
Leo glances at you out of the corner of his eye, and for a second, you think he might laugh it off, make some snide remark like he usually does. But he doesn’t. Instead, he just sighs, leaning his head back against the cushions, eyes closing.
“I don’t know,” he admits quietly, and it catches you off guard. “Maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment.”
You shake your head, frustration boiling beneath the surface. “That’s not an answer, Leo. You’re reckless. You put yourself in danger just for the thrill of it, and then what? You expect people to be there to bail you out?”
“I don’t expect anyone to do anything for me,” he says, his voice sharp, but there’s an edge of defeat in it. “Not even you.”
“Then why come here?” you press, anger rising. “Why not just go home and patch yourself up like you usually do?”
He opens his eyes, turning his head to look at you. There’s something raw in his gaze, something you’ve never seen before. It’s unsettling, like he’s letting you in, showing you a part of himself that he’s always kept hidden.
“Because I knew you’d actually care,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
And there it is again, that vulnerability, the crack in his armor. It’s the one thing you never expected from him, and it’s throwing you off balance. You don’t know how to respond, don’t know how to deal with Leo when he’s like this—so exposed, so… real.
You swallow hard, looking away. “You’re an idiot, Leo.”
“Yeah,” he mutters, leaning his head back again, closing his eyes. “I know.”
Silence falls between you, thick and uncomfortable, but also strangely intimate. You can hear his breathing, slow and steady now that he’s stopped trying to act tough. His hand rests on his lap, knuckles still raw from whatever fight he got himself into. Without thinking, you reach out, gently taking his hand in yours, inspecting the damage despite just cleaning it.
He doesn’t pull away.
“You could’ve died,” you say softly, the words almost getting caught in your throat. “And for what? A stupid fight?”
He’s quiet for a long moment, and when he finally speaks, his voice is low, almost pained. “Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if I had.”
Your heart stops. You turn to him, eyes wide, but he doesn’t look back at you. He keeps his gaze fixed on the ceiling, as if he’s afraid to meet your eyes.
“Leo…” you start, but you don’t know how to finish. You’ve never heard him talk like this—so defeated, so broken. It’s like you’re seeing a completely different person, someone who’s been hiding behind that arrogant smirk for years, and it scares you.
“I’m tired,” he says, his voice barely more than a whisper. “Tired of all of it.”
You swallow hard, trying to keep your emotions in check. “Then why do you keep doing it? Why do you keep putting yourself through this?”
“Because I don’t know how to stop,” he admits, his voice trembling. “I don’t know how to be anything else.”
The words hang in the air between you, heavy and suffocating. You can feel the weight of them, pressing down on your chest, making it hard to breathe. You’ve always known that there was more to Leo than the cocky influencer he portrayed online, but you never realized just how deep his insecurities ran.
You squeeze his hand gently, hoping to offer some kind of comfort. “You don’t have to do this alone, you know. You don’t have to keep pretending like everything’s fine when it’s not.”
He laughs, but there’s no humor in it. “And who’s going to help me? You?”
You meet his gaze, holding it this time. “Yes. Me.”
For a moment, neither of you speaks. The tension is thick, but there’s something else there too—something unspoken, something that’s been building between you for years. You’ve always been rivals, always been at each other’s throats, but underneath all of that, there’s been this… connection. This thing that neither of you has ever been willing to acknowledge.
Until now.
Leo’s eyes soften, his usual sharp wit dulled by exhaustion and pain. He watches you for a moment, like he’s trying to figure something out, and then, slowly, he leans in.
You don’t stop him.
His lips brush against yours, tentative at first, like he’s testing the waters, waiting for you to push him away. But you don’t. Instead, you close the distance, pressing your lips to his in a kiss that’s soft, but filled with years of unresolved tension.
It’s messy and imperfect, but it feels right—like this was always supposed to happen, like this was the inevitable conclusion of everything that’s ever passed between you. And for a moment, it’s just the two of you, lost in each other, everything else fading away.
When he finally pulls back, he looks at you with something like disbelief in his eyes, like he can’t quite believe what just happened.
“You…” he starts, but he doesn’t finish. He doesn’t need to.
You just nod, leaning your forehead against his. “Yeah. Me.”
And in that moment, something between you shifts. The walls that you’ve both spent years building up start to crumble, and for the first time in what feels like forever, you’re both just… there. Vulnerable. Real.
It’s terrifying, but it’s also liberating.
“You don’t have to keep doing this, Leo,” you whisper, your voice trembling. “You don’t have to keep fighting.”
He closes his eyes, exhaling softly. “I don’t know how to stop.”
“You don’t have to do it alone,” you say again, squeezing his hand. “I’m here.”
For a long moment, he doesn’t respond. But then, slowly, he nods and buries his face into your neck.
“Okay,” he whispers.
And for the first time in years, Leo lets his guard down.
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I just remembered this part of Garnet’s timeline from the artbook… woaw
let’s take a look at some more garnet quotes.
“garnet’s confidence and straightforward leader behavior developed from knowing rose as a fighter, and because rose consulted with garnet regularly.” — steven universe podcast, volume three, episode one
“garnet is shocked. rose quartz taught her to love herself. if that was a lie, if pink diamond was self-hating and wanted to disappear, then what does that mean for garnet […] no it wasn't garnet being inspired by rose... rose was inspired by them!” — end of an era, page 26
“before garnet, rose was only fighting for earth. but garnet changed everything. rose wanted to fight for her, she wanted to fight for gems!“ —pearl, now we’re only falling apart
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rose & garnet have a very interesting, often overlooked dynamic. it’s something that i’ve written about before, and really i should find a way to add it to my pinned post. for rose, there’s 90s flashbacks & there’s war flashbacks. a lot of focus on rose’s relationship with greg & also rose as a mother, because the show is from steven’s perspective. he never met his mom, and he’s imagined her that way—an ideal warm & loving mom who knows everything & has no issues of her own. it’s a comfort, really, especially with everything that he goes through as a child. as he gets older, he learns that mom shattered pink diamond. then, he learns that mom was pink diamond. it’s… a lot to take in.
garnet is confident & straightforward, a leader who is literally made of love. just as a stable fusion is held together by love, garnet also tends to hold the group together as the leader of the crystal gems. she feels stable as garnet, and she knows that rose helped her love herself. the leader aspect also comes from rose, who consulted with her regularly, as sugar said. she has a kind heart & she’s incredibly caring, but on a flip side she’s often keeping it together and not showing her emotions so that she can keep the group together. she also prioritizes being there for steven, too, because she knows that he’s only a child who’s dealing with a lot himself.
i love the answer, now we’re only falling apart, & your mother & mine because they all look into garnet’s dynamic with rose. i also love the timeline and the quotes from the creators because it tells us even more.
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in the flashbacks from pearl’s perspective in now we’re only falling apart, she remembers a version of rose who was ranting to her about how incredible garnet was. “a fusion between two completely different gems. can all gems do that? how have i never heard of this, i’ve only ever heard that it’s… unheard of!” in the flashbacks from garnet’s perspective in the answer, she sees rose as this beautiful, mysterious, inspiring leader of the rebellion. she remembers their surroundings, the forest of roses as beautiful, ethereal. like a dream, really. until now we’re only falling apart, she has no idea how much rose is inspired by garnet herself.
garnet is a quiet character; she doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve, and i relate to that. this is why i really appreciate that you reminded me of these quotes from the timeline. she trusts rose & respects her secrets, she loves her mystery so she learns to love the mystery of herself. she’s inspired by rose’s self love… wow. my reaction is a lot like yours! we also see the way that she talks about pink diamond in your mother & mine.
her world was literally turned upside down, when she found out about rose’s past. & this really gets overlooked a lot, doesn’t it?
she had a special bond with rose, and she was deeply inspired by her. she felt that rose taught her how to love herself, and she said confidently that she was made of love. ultimately, she remembered that this love was always there. rose was inspired by garnet, admired her, and followed her simply because of who she already was.
& that’s such an important part of the show. sapphire’s line, “all this time we thought we were following her, but really, she was following us” has so much meaning.
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dragon-ashes1485 · 2 days
TROP s2 ep7. A rant.
Firstly, this episode has been such a joy to watch, secondly, my heart rate is concerning.
I loved the scene where she was in the cage, completely ready to die, because she wants to make things right. The scene with Celebrimbor was fantastic, at any moment I expected it to actually be Sauron, but the gentle way she talks to him and held his face like a child broke my heart. Phenomenal acting on both sides and the music was also amazing. Her kindness towards Arondir broke me. Her advising him against seeking out Adar was pure irony given her hunt against Sauron.
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Galadriel sneaking around in that orc cloak was so stressful, even though we know she lives.
She seems kinder than in previous episodes, perhaps a result of no longer being around the ring? Or maybe she's just realising everything is going wrong. Either way, can't wait to see where her character goes next.
This guy. I loved how at first he looked ready for battle, but that he was also terribly afraid. But something seemed to switch in his character when his horse was killed and his pure anger there really shocked me. Also absolute savage for sending that orc flying.
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I would like to take a moment to admire that he pauses to briefly mourn his horse.
The stunts that he performed are insane in this episode, and I love how Arondir keeps him safe throughout the later part of the battle.
"Durin will come" was such an important part to me, Elrond really looks like a young boy, as if he were sat on the beach during the third kinslaying again. I think the way that was portrayed was breathtaking.
And how he sits, looking up at Adar, completely ready to give in, broke me, he is utterly defeated. He has been abandoned once more (I know there were reasons but that's probably how Elrond feels). He then tries to stab Adar, but it is clear from where he aims for that he doesn't want to kill Adar, he wants to hurt him. His sigh when Adar got the ring kind of made me laugh, he's so done with all this crap.
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I can't wait to see the aftermath of this.
Minor characters:
Camnir: so glad he was not in this episode or I would have cried.
Vorohil: please let this guy live. I will be sad.
Rian: I am sad. But absolute props to her for that savage arrow in her final moments.
Narvi: he just watched his kin be killed by his own king...let Narvi be ok.
Ow. I hurt. Charles Edwards is an absolute gem, no he may not "look right" for Celebrimbor, but his potrayal of Celebrimbors descent was amazing.
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Also, props to the set team for the scene where the forge transforms into its true state.
He tries so hard to fight against Sauron, he literally cuts his own thumb off. His own. Thumb. And when he's caught by the guards, he tries so hard to explain. I was so scared they'd just hand him back to Sauron until Galadriel showed her face.
I feel like I need to mention Mirdania. She was another product of Sauron's deception. Her death was horrifying and...I just can't even. Her naivety to believe "Annatar" about Celebrimbor, a man she greatly admired, was so sad, and then for her to spend her last moments believing that Celebrimbor had killed her? Ouch.
Celebrimbor tried so hard to escape, only to do what a true lord of Eregion would do, return to the only place he could protect it from, and the place he had just escaped. His bravery really shines through, and in the end it is he who comforts Galadriel.
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ps: shot on the left is fantastic.
Still a bitch. But now with Darth Vader powers for some reason. Probably about to destroy Alderaan. I have no more to say.
Yea I'm expecting a full orc rebellion next episode. He doesn't care as much as he did about his children which is why they were loyal to him in the first place. Glûg stayed behind when the others went to fight so I think that says a lot. It'll be interesting to see where that goes. I also hate him now because Arondir.
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Durin's speech was so middle-earthy I loved it. And then it goes to shit. I love that he got Narvi on side. The scene where he sees Elrond again means so much to me, there has not been enough of these two in this series and I really hope ep8 rectifies that, particularly after what happened (or rather, didn't happen) on the battlefield.
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I love that Durin admires Elrond's new hair, as he should, it is fabulous. ALSO WHERE IS DISA. I swear if Disa dies, then I do too.
Look at this dwarf in his element. Also eff his dad, his dad is a prick.
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He's really starting to come into his own, fighting against the evil. And you can see later how much his father's actions hurt him because not only does it mean he can't aid Eregion, but his father has killed dwarves. His own kind.
Amazon, please be kind to Durin next episode.
Not much to say except from look at this boi in all his regalia. Love it when you see a monarch actually in the fighting, makes you like them. Especially as Gil-Galad has not been the most likeable chap this series.
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Anyone needs me, I will be crying. That's all I have to say.
Overall thoughts on episode:
Battle sequence was 10/10. The effort put into this show amazes me. Fantastic acting from everyone, namely Charles Edwards, Charlie Vickers, Robert Aramayo and Morfydd Clark (ok fine, everyone). Well done to all the stunt horses as well, such good horses. Bear McCreary's soudntrack shone this episode, including so many characters themes. Also the last ballad of Damrod in the credits!
I am both anticipating and dreading next episode. What will happen with Celebrimbor? And what of Khazad-Dum? How will Adar use the ring? And will we need a box of tissues?
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*New Bucky theory on Thunderbols*
Ok, now that a few days have passed and I'm thinking things through more calmly, and also because of Seb's comment “he's a little bit of Bucky and a little bit of the Winter Soldier”. I think I came up with a theory that doesn't include mind control, but could explain what's going on with our boy, keeping him in the character Marvel has shown us for 13 years...
I think first of all, Bucky is being forced by the government to work for them, and that's why he's a congressman, which otherwise wouldn't make sense. And let's remember that this is Ross' new government, the same asshole who wanted to have the Avengers under his control, the same one who said Bruce's body is government property, the same one who resents enhanced people, and the same one who didn't care about Bucky's innocence in CW, scoffing at the idea that he might have a legal defense.
His new government no doubt could have modified the conditions of Bucky's pardon, consisting now of having to do compulsory service for them and him being obligated to do only what they allow him to do. Doesn't that sound familiar to the Sokovia Accords Ross insisted on so much? This would explain the court scene in the trailer. Because no, that wasn't a congressional meeting scene as many thought, Bucky is in a courtroom, almost identical to the courtroom scene in Iron Man 2.
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I think in addition to the modifications to Bucky's conditional pardon, there could be another type of blackmail, such as the government threatening him to pursue charges against those who helped him and Steve escape in CW and who Cap broke out of The Raft, ergo the remaining living members of team Cap: Sam, Clint and Scott.
Being how cynical the government is, and more so Ross's, I totally see this coming. I also absolutely see the emotional blackmail coming, something along the lines of “you worked for the bad guys, if you really want to repair the damage you caused to society, now get the bad guys”. They know full well Bucky still feels guilty about what he was forced to do as the Winter Soldier, though of course he's an innocent victim in all of that, and they're using that to manipulate him.
And there is no doubt Yelena, John, Ghost and Taskmaster are bad guys in the eyes of the law, 'cause well, literally they are criminals, who have done nothing but take dirty works as job for a living. And the government could have drilled it into Bucky's head that they are a threat to society and their freedom puts the lives of innocents at risk, which isn't too far from the truth to be honest.
I'm sure Bucky would prefer to take more of an arrest approach, and not a final elimination as such. Just like in TFATWS, when he plotted the arrest of Senator Atwood and the Flag Smashers. But if it is now the government/congress itself who ordered Bucky to capture/eliminate the TBs, and I suspect also the paramilitary group that was pursuing them, he could not resort to police intervention, because the mission itself is not one of arrest, and because the police work for the same government.
So, if Bucky is being coerced by the government, and he has no ally to turn to, he would literally have no choice but to do what the government demands of him. All coupled with the emotional manipulation the government would use by taking advantage of the unfair guilt Bucky always has to carry.
I also feel like that Winter Soldier mode is something the government also forced Bucky to adopt. They would want to use him and show him off as their own living weapon just like HYDRA, something like “the Winter Soldier who was the fist of HYDRA is now the fist of America”. Of course this is something our poor Bucky hates with all his heart, but he literally would have no choice... This explains how unhappy and depressed he looks, and why he let his hair and beard grow back as a sign of lack of self-care...
It is more than clear that absolutely with all this, Marvel is undoing their own “happy ending” that they gave Bucky in TFATWS, where they at least left the door open for him to be more than the Winter Soldier.
Of course they're not going to let him shed that name, because they're simply not going to let him develop and be recognized as a hero, even though Bucky has always been a hero in every sense of the word and in his own right...
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Fandom: Invader Zim
Character: Tak
Pairing: Romantic
Type of Fic: Concept
(Optional) Other info I should know: Gender-neutral human reader
Sure! Hope you like it :) I rewatched her episode for this.
Yandere! Tak with Human! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Jealousy, Kidnapping, Isolation, Secret recordings, Dehumanization, Mind control/Mind tricks, Implied murder, Forced "relationship."
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Cunning, ruthless, and deeply vindictive... It's easy to see Tak as more serious than Zim.
She's much more advanced in her tech and one can assume she'd be capable as an invader.
If Zim didn't ruin it for her.
Her being with a human would be strange for her.
After all, she doesn't understand human affection or behavior.
She didn't think she cared, either.
Not until she met you, someone close with either Dib or Zim.
Originally her goal for interacting with you was information.
Her disguise is convincing compared to Zim's, mostly because hers was proper.
She doesn't understand humans but you seem to fascinate the Irken.
Not going to lie... Tak is infinitely more capable of securing her obsession than Zim.
She can easily stalk and remember your routines with MiMi.
MiMi is Tak's SIR Unit, but when disguised the bot just seems like a cat.
So while you think Tak's just a cat person and her cat seems really interested in you...
She's actually spying on you.
Of course, at first it's to know more info about Zim.
You're either close with the male Irken or his nemesis, Dib.
Which means you must have info.
Instead, she has a ton of footage of your routines and who you talk to through MiMi.
Along with a lot of footage that includes you petting MiMi, which wasn't what she was looking for at all.
Tak herself is your classmate in school.
For the sake of this concept of course, this is an AU where you're a senior in high school or you're in college.
She ends up following you to every class, keeping a cautious eye on you.
Tak's known to many as just, y'know, the goth girl.
Her human disguise has that appearance and many find her strange.
Some may even see her as appealing.
Tak is only interested in one human.
She isn't even sure why.
Humans are just the disgusting life forms on this planet.
Why does she find this one interesting?
She shows to be distant around at times, other times she tries to engage in conversation.
Although her speech with you seems... off... a bit too eager.
She wouldn't harm you.
No, she doesn't think humans show affection through violence.
The only reason she's violent with Zim is because she hates him.
She probably knows how humans show affection.
Does she understand the purpose? Not entirely.
Doesn't matter much to her.
She tries to deny the idea of liking you.
However... When in her ship, she finds herself scrolling through the footage MiMi took of you.
She will admit... you're cute... for a human.
Due to Irken not having courting or romantic practices like humans, her views of you are twisted.
She probably thinks having a partner is like having a pet... or entertainment.
She's seen human courting before... the internet database she hacks into helps with that
But she struggles understanding the real meaning behind it, even if she imagines doing it with you.
It's quite literally alien to her.
That might not stop her from replicating it, though.
Tak may mimic human courting to try and be closer to you.
Just to satisfy her strange curiosity.
You'll see this when she gives you gifts she's heard you wanted.
Of course... She stole it with MiMi, but it's the thought that counts, right?
She even tries replicating physical touch, like hugs or a hand around the waist.
Feels weird but... She's trying.
In terms of kissing? She'd probably stay away from that for the most part.
Although, when she feels she's had enough of 'taking things slow'... She's just going to abduct you.
Similar to Zim, she plans to keep you in a cell with MiMi watching your every move.
She may even make you walk in there yourself as she's shown to have some sort of mind trick powers.
Said powers are actually how she gets you gifts, food, and others to not question your disappearance.
Why should they worry?
They no longer need to do that.
Such manipulation is how she gets her way without too much violence, which could draw attention.
People like Dib and Zim could notice.
But she'll probably find other ways to keep them out of her way.
Examples include an injury of some kind... or even death (Especially for Zim).
Tak plans everything, so others finding out about you will be easy for her to cover up for the most part.
You're scared enough when Tak, whom you thought was your friend, kidnapped you.
Yet you're even more scared when she reveals herself as her Irken form, an alien smaller than you yet still quite capable of harm.
She'd probably stay her Irken form around you in private, not caring much about you seeing her now.
Scared? Understandable.
But if she went through all this trouble of 'courting' and caging you... Then it must mean she cares, right?
You doubt that.
She'd probably do things like pet you or hold you close to him.
She may even praise you, dehumanizing you into a pet.
She sort of sees the appeal now.
She likes having control over you, a human.
Your species is lesser to her...
You should feel grateful she's 'pampering' you.
It irritates her when you sit in the corner and sob that wretched salty water.
Do you need more affection?
More pets? Hugs? That kiss thing humans do?
She doesn't particularly enjoy it... but it is a bit endearing to see how you react.
Tak blames you for catching her attention.
Yet... You'll prove useful.
Her first step is going along with her current plan.
She'll get rid of Zim... and Dib for that matter.
Then she'll claim the Earth as her own to impress The Tallest.
After that?
Well... After that you're coming home with her.
She thinks she's courted her human correctly.
After all, now you're hers!
You'll live in the cell she made for you and stockpile supplies...
Then you'll go to your new home with her...
Her beloved human pet... or is it a partner in your culture? She still doesn't quite understand.
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vevobly · 1 day
Being Natalie Scatorccio Girlfriend Headcanons (Pre-Crash) [Part 2]
A/N: More headcanons for being Natalie's girlfriend pre-crash! Heads up for sensitive topics such as alcohol drinking, substance abuse, and more.
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Now, Natalie can't help it but she often ends up thinking she's not good enough for you. I mean, she's just broken goods; what do you even see in her? It's cause of this that she tends to push you away, convinced you deserve better.
You have to constantly remind her how much she means to you and that she's worth fighting for, even when she doesn't believe it. Still, it pisses you off when she pushes you away, and sometimes you two even get into fights because of it. But it's nothing you guys can't manage to get through!
Now elaborating more on the first part of this where I mentioned Natalie will call you up late at night just to talk about whatever. It usually happens when her dad passes out drunk or another fight at her home happens.
In your relationship with Nat, it's not about what's being said or done—it’s just about knowing you’re there for each other. You two have a tendency to listen to each other talk before falling asleep. Whether it’s you or Natalie who falls asleep first, neither of you ends the call until you hear the other breathing quietly after a moment.
Sometimes, when things get really shitty for Nat at home, you guys just sneak off with alcohol from her dad's stash (stolen out of spite) and drink together. You're not proud of it, but it's one of the ways she copes. Besides that, she always feels guilty afterward, and when she does; you're there to comfort her.
Oh, and in case you don't drink, Natalie always brings an extra drink other than alcohol for you. Or if you feel like it, you just take a small drink of it. Maybe mixing in some water with it even though it doesn't make much difference if you do.
After soccer practice (assuming you're not on the team with her), you're always waiting for her outside; leaning against her car. It's like a little routine you guys have: she'll spot you as she's leaving the field and will be beaming.
If you smoke, you guys will share a cigarette before driving off together to wherever you two can find a little peace. If you don't, Nat will probably just take a quick drag of her cigarette before driving off with you.
Think of it however you want, but you and Nat practically share a locker at school. Well, to be more specific, she shares her locker with you. Whether you keep yours tidy or not, she always makes sure there's space for your things despite how messy her locker is (the old papers, cigarette packs, and gum wrappers).
Whether you're a fan of sports or not, you're always at the edge of the field and cheering her on. But of course, in a low-key way! Since your relationship with her is supposed to be on the down low, and she isn't one for big shows of support. She might never admit it, but seeing you in the crowd? It keeps her grounded and it's one of the few things that makes her feel like she belongs.
Now this completely depends on whether you have a fucking savior complex or not but despite knowing her reputation at school, you give a fuck ton of excuses to teachers when they ask about her. Like she's just running late, not feeling well, something came up, and whatever you can make up on the spot honestly.
You even went so far as to literally fake some stuff (excuse letters from her parents etc) up for her just so she could stay out of trouble. Sometimes when she gets caught skipping school or with something she shouldn't have and whatever, you take the blame or help her cover it up.
She feels hella conflicted on whether to fucking love or hate you for doing that just for her. Oh, and really guilty too. You'll try telling her some other reason than not wanting her to get in trouble and shit, she'll still feel guilty. If you were out with her and doing the same as her, that just doubles the guilt she'd be feeling if you weren't.
Just like every relationship, nothing is perfect. You two will fight, have outbursts, and these moments where one of you shuts the other out. But you both will keep finding your way back to each other despite everything.
Shit becomes incredibly different though when Natalie's father dies. She shuts down emotionally and you're the only one she lets in during that time. Nat isn't great at expressing grief and she'll hide her emotions behind drinking or other reckless behavior. And you? You'll be there for her through it all, maybe you'll try to help but there's really not much you can do than just offer her your support.
Even before Nat's dad died, she talked a lot about wanting to leave town and start over with you. Though, her idea is to just pack up and drive far away from home and the crappy town you live in. While you? You think more about the details—where you'll go, what you'll do, and how you'll get by. It was a nice thought.
At least before the plane crashed.
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