#I hate the VFX
shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Are you going to watch Adipurush?
No <3
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ouroborosorder · 7 months
Do you have an instance of Arknights VFX that gets frequently praised that you as a VFX artist think is mediocre or bad?
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Look. I love Ebenholz, a lot. His effects are really strong, too! Some of my personal favorites. But this skin. Jesus Christ this skin.
I have seen so many people praising this skin as having good effects or being better than his original and it genuinely makes me wonder if half of the effects are actually rendered in some sort of shrimp colors that everyone but me can see.
There is not a single part of this skin's effects that I don't hate. Not just because I find them ugly, uninteresting, and unclear, but because I think they fundamentally misunderstand who Ebenholz is.
You asked for this.
Part 1 - The Colors.
The actual art for his skin has a beautiful striking blue and light gray background, with the light pink Arts accentuating it, and then the blood red and pitch black of his outfit meant to draw the eye to the center. This works perfectly in the art, so what's wrong?
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First problem. Ebenholz doesn't have the blue background in gameplay. Meaning that his effects are red (not pink, like the art, they are red) and his skin is red. So there's extreme monochrome happening, with absolutely no interesting contrast between him and his Arts. His Elite Charge is blue, at the very least, so his signature gimmick stands out uniquely, which is quite nice! That's a great decision that won't cause any problems down the line at all.
"Oh, but Keys, it's so that the red Arts stand out when he uses his S3 and summons that giant goat spirit in the background!" That's a great point, person I just made up. Please remember this excellent point for later.
Part 2 - General Effects
The effect starts with a deploy animation wherein Ebenholz is surrounded by sparkles like some sort of magical girl. The deploy effect is genuinely bad in so many ways, mostly related to timing and motion, but this rant is going to be long enough. And I'm gonna need to focus and talk about the sparkles.
The biggest thing to know about Eine Variation is this image. Get acquainted with it. If there was a recurring visual motif in Eine Variation, it is this piece from the original art.
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And yeah, as an effects artist, I'd be amped to work on this. This looks fucking sick as shit. It's dynamic, it's chaotic, it's got harsh lines to contrast the flowing music staff, it's great. So let's see how this texture looks in g- okay what the fuck.
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In the game, it looks nothing like the art. It's literally just the stock glimmer effect. It's not even a new texture. This thing's been in the game since release. It looks. Bad. It's way too simplistic. Because it wasn't meant to be the center of attention, it's meant to appear for an instant and then fade. Like, you know. A glimmer.
What you just saw in the screenshot above is one of Ebenholz' Mystic Caster charges. And it is easily my least favorite part of the entire skin.
Ebenholz (Original Flavor)'s Mystic Caster charges has one of my favorite visual touches in the entire game. Ebenholz fights using artifacts from the Witch King whose power he inherits - a wand and a set of five Originium dice. So he wields the wand, and has die rotate around him as he fights. In-game, they represent this by his charges being the dice, rotating around his hand. This is, as we say in the vfx industry, fucking badass. So naturally they removed the dice entirely in Eine Variation.
Fine, alright. Maybe it's him... moving further from the Witch King's influence, then? We'll go with that hey stop looking at his S3 what are you doing don't get ahead of me.
Now, I know what you're thinking. "hey, Keys, this is unfair. You're asking us to judge an animated effect based on a static picture of it." Well, my dear reader, I have bad news. You just saw the entire charge's visual. The whole thing.
They are a glimmer of light that does not pulse or twinkle. They just. Sit there. Floating. Again, it's just so simplistic, it's not even interesting to talk about.
The only good thing I can say about it is that it's way easier to tell how many charges he has since they're bigger, more spread out, and not moving. Also the Elite charge is WAY more distinct, since it's bright blue now to contrast with the red normal charges. Which is nice! A good decision! It would sure be a shame if it bit them in the ass later!
Part 3 - Attack and Skill 1
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Did you think I was kidding when I said that the sparkles are the sole visual motif in this skin?
I hate these attack trails. Not only are they too simplistic, they're just too cute. I joked about magical girls before, but dear god, this just doesn't fucking look right. This skin is literally described as him being apathetic and miserable as a noble, so why are the effects so... Colorful and cute? Ebenholz isn't a cutesy goofy music-themed magical girl, Ebenholz is a sad gay goth kid who would create a fake My Immortal confession for attention.
I also hate the musical notes. I know I complained about the glimmers being too one-note (pardon the pun), but they just don't interact with the rest of the effect at all. There's nothing else musical about what is happening here. They feel added to remind you that he is casting music.
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God I fucking hate the sparkles so goddamned much. I also find it really funny that one single musical note bursts forth with each hit. These shapes are just... So boring, so simple. But put a pin in that for a later.
His S1 uptime comes with an awful aura. he glows red. There is only red and white. this is all there is. This is all there will ever be. That's all I've got about S1.
Part 3 - Skill 2
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Oh jesus go back to the red and white
First off, I find these goat so fucking ugly. The synths are a truly terrible choice, because synths and digital music don't come up in any capacity throughout the rest of the effects. So. Great work. This doesn't make sense.
Anyway I hate the color here. The original has a great two-tone black smoke with bright blue glowing eyes, contrasting with Eben's orange Arts. In the skin they slapped an awful blue glow haze over them. This makes them just completely draw visual attention, while they don't match up with Ebenholz' aesthetic at all. if you could see the black, there would be a clear visual link between them, but... Nope. It's ONLY blue, motherfuckers.
Also, they passively emit triangles, which is the only time in this entire effect that the Arts = Geometric Triangles visual idea appears in the entire skin based around an arts caster. Yay for recurring game-wide motifs!
Shockingly, I hate the explosion. It's passable, it's fine. But the timing is absolutely awful. The original's feels like an explosion that is pulling the target in, but the skin's feels like an explosion followed by absorption. It makes it feel less like an explosion and more like a contrivance. Also, it spawns only like, four notes total, which is just so low. Please have more notes, you even have the musical staff, you're so close to having this look like musical arts. I also hate the random swirl of red. The goat didn't have any red in it. Why does this have red. Monochrome would have actually worked better, this is just a summon.
Part 4 - Sound of Silence
Eine Variation S3 features Ebenholz getting hoverhanded by a goat.
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I wish I had any other way to put it. But he gets hoverhanded by a goat for the entire uptime of this attack.
What even is this thing? Obviously, it's the goat behind him in his splash art, but what is it? Is it the Witch King? That would make sense, but why is the Witch King's avatar blue? The Witch King has literally never been blue, he's always been associated as being red. Unless this isn't The Witch King, in which case, what the fuck is it then?
I hate this effect more than anything else in this game. The ghost looks absolutely awful. it is very blatantly just the art from the actual skin, slapped behind him with no regard for aesthetic consistancy. Or even regard for if the image is readable at the distance Arknights is played at. The goatghost.jpg is not animated at all, but the hands move up and down, which weirdly only further reveals how static the ghost is. Also the hands aren't animated outside of going up and down which is just so uncanny and uncomfortable. It just reveals how desperately they needed to have some animation to make it not look like absolute hot garbage, and they still failed.
After an entire skin of absurdly simplistic geometric shapes and basic ass textures, suddenly they think they can pull off some shit that looks like a granblue render. This doesn't even look in-line with the rest of the skin's effects, let alone with the chibi artstyle.
Now. Why I truly, truly hate this attack.
When you activate S3, all of Ebenholz' Charges become Elite charges. Meaning they all become blue.
The charges all finally become blue.
In the only part of the skin where you have a blue background.
I just. I can't figure out how you'd fuck this up this bad. If the Elite Charges were red, it would look like the fucking skin art, with the red notes on the pink staff. They'd stand out, or at least look fucking decent. How many charges does Ebenholz have? Oh I don't know THEY'RE FUCKING BLUE ON BLUE.
anyway I will give credit where credit is due. I actually quite like the trail when he casts his stocks in S3.
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The slight orange two-tone and complicated trails add a lot of nuance and depth to the effect, and the glimmer is toned down to the point where I can see the diamond shape hidden underneath. There is one singular silver lining to this cloud. It could use more musical touches and less fucking sparkles but at this point I need to compliment something.
Finale - Why Do I Give A Shit
Eine Variation launched as part of the Bloodline of Combat skins that came out with Lone Trail. It released alongside Specter the Unchained's Born as One; my personal favorite skin in the entire game. It is a skin that perfectly conveys Laruntina's love of natural beauty and Specter's love of poetry and recitation, bringing them together into poems reflected in a starry lake. The effects are serene and dreamlike, peaceful yet chaotic. It conveys who they are going into the future, who they are together.
Born as One is Bloodline of Combat at its best. Bloodline of Combat is at its best when it tells you something about who this character is at this part of their life. How they change, how they grow, how they look at the world in this point of their life. This is the story that good effects can tell.
So I ask you: What story does Eine Variation's effects tell?
If this an Ebenholz who is growing further from the Witch King's legacy into his own man, then why does the avatar of the Witch King appear behind him? Why does the flavor text describe this as clothing worn by every Graf Urtica? Why does it not lean further into the synth aesthetic to separate himself from the classical music of Leithanien?
If this is an Ebenholz who is currently stuck within the confines of nobility, why is he not wielding the dice associated with his title as Graf Urbica? Why do his fucking goats have synths instead of traditional instruments? Why is the Witch King the wrong color?
And most importantly to all of this: Why are all the shapes so simple?
Yes, Arknights' Arts are geometric. They're usually represented by simple triangles. This is true. But think about who Ebenholz is.
Ebenholz is not a simple and elegant person. Ebenholz is a man who nails complicated, difficult, strange flute solos, but who fails to do simple rhythms and scales. He excels at the complex, the elaborate, and the detailed, and fails at the simplistic. This is always how Ebenholz has been.
So a skin full of simple shapes, easy language, and flat colors... Isn't how he'd fight. It's not who he is. It's not how he'd act. It doesn't just feel wrong, it feels like it's not made for him.
I don't just hate this skin because I think its effects are bad. I mean, I do, and they definitely are.
I hate this skin because it just... Fundamentally does not understand who Ebenholz is. And it definitely does not understand why he is so special.
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jennilah · 5 months
my feeds for the last day for some reason: -filled with multiple cases of people just casually shitting on my industry and our hard work again like usual-
me: something save me
in my youtube sub box, like a beacon of light:
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deanpinterester · 6 months
i know we all know this by now but any time you go into the post of a popular post u come to the realization wow. a lot of people get so mad they forget how to read
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
Ok but I don’t like the hyper-realistic cartoons thing either? Everybody keeps going on about how much better these ‘live action’ remakes would look if they gave the animals more toony proportions, but I hate that too. Just let them be fucking flat cartoons, they don’t look “real” they look like they been put under a microscope, they’re uncanny. Things look best in the mediums they’re most suited to.
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temtamoo · 12 days
“let’s bully the Minecraft Movie into changing like we did with the Sonic Movie” pookie you are no better than the studios and executives that mistreat and take advantage of their workers 🤷‍♀️
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apollos-olives · 9 months
Taika also made fun of the VFX workers who worked on HIS marvel movie. He’s such a fun loving guy
i want him dead immediately
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shitslikethis · 9 months
just saw the six of crows sizzle reel that got leaked…… nobody speak to me for a hot minute…… we were ROBBED……
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asleepinawell · 2 months
one of my main takeaways from the er dlc is that the "adding difficulty settings would compromise our vision of the game" thing is just complete bullshit coming from the devs (not that that wasn't already obvious)
because they added that! the fragment level up system as implemented was not ideal and was actually there to make the gameplay harder rather than easier (as in getting all the fragments felt like it was tuned for the base difficulty and scaled up difficulty the less you got rather than letting some people have an easier time) but they did very much add a way to scale difficulty and there are plenty of ways they could expand off that system to let players make things easier if they chose to (no one is making you use those fragments buddy)
i don't think they're ever going to do that, but now they've kneecapped their own argument for doing so and just made the whole premise of it dumber
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fullofvexation · 5 months
It stg every time I see an anti-CGI-in-movies post I have to physically put my phone down to restrain myself from replying with a ten page diatribe about why that's a stupid stance everyone applaud my self control
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
I get SO many ads for honkai star rail and genshin impact lol. Like I already play genshinnnnnn leave me ALONE I’m already HERE!!!!!! Tbh I want to play honkai also but like genshin already hogs so much space on my computer idk if I can OUGH maybe someday lol
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evilblot · 1 year
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Eye practice
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suenitos · 1 year
head in my fucking hands
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slommyyyy · 2 years
i love being the most annoyingest little bitch is the whole wide world. roots of social systems and superhero media and literary analysis special interests all intersect to me being a fucking buzzkill. yessss I looove this movie do you want to talk about how upon further analysis it’s military propaganda and how not being critical of the media you consume can be really harmful *twirling my hair and visibly having an adrenaline rush*
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Ok I almost take back everything I said that She-Hulk finale was the best thing that ever happened
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deanpinterester · 3 months
rewatching season one of shadow and bone now and was reminded of the existence of ivan and fedyor....iconic duo.....i missed them.....where did they go.....
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