#I hate how good lululemon leggings look and feel
commodorecliche · 1 year
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silly bathroom mirror selfies but I felt suave af
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orchidsangel · 2 months
on the topic of fashion, what’s something that you despise and would never be seen wearing? for me, it’s polka dots
i feel so similar about polka dots. and it’s not even that i despise them, just that i wouldn’t personally wear them because i just don’t think i could pull them off, but sometimes i see people wearing them and they look so good. it’s really just that i hate polka dots for myself but on other people they can look really great (not everybody tho…)
i really hate bike shorts. i’ve hated them since they started trending years ago and i’ve hated them since. i think they look fine if you’re biking or working out but in a normal outfit they look so. fucking. stupid.
in the same vein, leggings paired with lingerie tops. this really open happens w a specific genre of teenage girls but i just hate it so bad. why the fuck are you wearing lululemon to the club?
the jerseys w bloomers w mid calf socks w either kitten heels or adidas sambas combo is also trash. i cant stand it.
and this isn’t something i wouldn’t wear, but on the topic of fashion, another thing i hate is when a small independent designer creates something new and the first thing people say in the comments is “can’t wait for shein to dupe this.” like, YUCK. these bitches have zero integrity!!!! but i won’t get into it too much because i could write an essay on how fast fashion has made people entitled and unempathetic
thank you for this ask!!!
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mytraumanarrative · 6 months
I Play Rugby Now - Fall 2014
Written March 16, 2024
I started college in 2014 immediately after my high school graduation. My undergraduate university requires all incoming freshmen  to attend a freshman orientation. We were put in the small groups and toured around campus in the heat and the hills. Learning where different buildings were and playing mandatory get to know you games with other terrified 18 year olds. In my orientation group, I met a girl named Caylee Joye. Caylee was bleach-blonde with striking blue eyes, too much mascara, and of average build, except for her giant tits. We strongly resembled one another at the time, physically and humor wise. She was my first friend at college. Though I was only an hour and a half away from my hometown and my college was tiny and isolated among wheat fields, it was comforting to have a friend in what felt like a very large and scary place.
Caylee told me she played rugby back home and she was looking forward to trying out for the girls rugby team here. I thought it was cool, kind of hot, even, but I don’t recall having any strong interest in playing myself at the time. Somehow I didn’t get any of Caylee‘s contact info by the time our orientation had ended. Though I am generally likable, I was and am still fairly shy. If it weren’t for the unique spelling of her name, my desperate attempts to find her on social media may have been fruitful. The first week of classes came and I was relieved to see Caylee in one of my women’s studies classes. She caught me up on what dorm she was in, about her move from the west side, and how to spell her name. When Caylee said she was still planning to try out for rugby in the coming weeks, a girl seated near us shifted her eyes on our direction.
That’s the day I met Sara.
Sara told us she was on the rugby team in a matter of fact way that didn’t really feel like an invitation to know more. She wore a bold, red, zip-up sweatshirt with her sorority logo on it and a full face of make up, Lululemon black leggings with little white ankle socks peeking over her black and white vans. Her sweatshirt hugged the curves of her large body, her size being the only thing that made her stand out from other sorority girls. She clearly fell somewhere between desperately wanting attention and also wanting to never be seen; needing to be noticed and hating what she had to offer. I didn’t yet know just how deeply that ran. (I don’t say these things to confirm that her size made her anything less than her sorority sisters because I do not believe that. But the way she felt about herself is a integral part of her experience and of this story.)
I didn’t know at the time, but meeting Sara would change the course of my life forever. I can’t for sure say what it was about her, and not in some indescribable quality about her way. She was actually so average that I cannot recall what drew me into her, but I was. If anything, she stood out because she didn’t fit in, and her shyness made her seem kind of mean. When she told us she was on the rugby team it didn’t seem like a desire to connect, her face didn’t light up, her eyes didn’t sparkle (though later, when she frequently asked me to tell the story of how I immediately fell in love with her, I would lie and tell her that they did). I think I noticed a desperate need to be validated and the hardness she lives behind. And I think it was at that moment I decided deep in my gay little guts that I would be the one to soften her, to reassure her of all her insecurities, to prove to her she is a good and beautiful person. I decided all of that before I even knew if she was a good and beautiful person.
So this girl, who clearly hated herself and was trying desperately to prove her worth by fitting in, somehow won me over with her bad attitude, side eye, obligatory white people smile (you know, the one where we purse our lips tight over our teeth and look a little constipated), and her immediate disinterest in me.
First impressions are a bitch. And now I play rugby.
Well, played. For one year to be exact. Though I tried out for rugby with the intention of becoming Sara’s Knight in a Shining Armor, I also discovered that it is inherently the gayest sport alive. God Bless. Having recently come out and simultaneously dumped by my high school girlfriend (that’s another story that you’ll probably get to hear about later) I was ready to live my gay college girl dreams.
Sara and I didn’t start dating right away, not even close. But this is where the obsession began. Memories tend to become warped with time and even more so after enduring years of narcissistic gaslighting, so it can be hard to reflect on my actual thoughts or feelings during that time. How much was I truly attracted upon our first meeting? How long did it take for her to notice? I don’t know. What I do know is I became obsessed with making her feel good about herself, it made me feel good about myself. Every skillfully placed self-deprecating comment motivated me to save her from her own insecurity, and she knew it too. My new life’s purpose was to be good enough, perfect enough, that she believed she too was perfect. (Spoiler alert: impossible.)
Disclaimer: if you don’t know, or haven’t already gathered, I am a trans man. I didn’t know or come out as trans until I was about 20 years old. So, much of this begins when I was still identifying as a girl, and even more strongly, a lesbian. All trans people are different in how they like to be referred to in the past and present. Some hold firmly to the fact that they “always knew,” having had a strong sense of who they were before they had the language or safety to share it with the world. I did not “always knew.” Yes, looking back there are signs of the beginning glimmers of gender dysphoria that I can decipher knowing what I know now. But I personally relate strongly to having a girlhood, discovering myself as a lesbian, and learning to find my place among other women. Again, everyone is different, and if you have a trans person in your life that you don’t know how to refer to in any tense, just ask. 
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 here!
A/N: I already know some of y’all are going to be mad, it’s 2020 and twilight needs some diversity, don’t @ me.
* You’re not really sure how you got here
* “This ones done”
* Edward holds out the blood bag to you, carefully pulling out the needles from you beloved Deer, Hayden.
* “Ah, thank you.” You place it carefully along with the others, before lavishing Hayden with affection
* “You were so good today! You’re going to get extra carrots, yes you are!”
* You’re aware of Edwards gaze on you as he disinfects the injection point.
* “You know it’s illegal to have Deer as pets in Alaska don’t you?” The corner of his mouth is quirked in the smallest smirk you have ever seen, and you roll your eyes
* “Tanya got a permit, the official stance is they’re her deer, I just take care of them for some extra pocket money”
* Not that anyone would venture into the “siren house” to ask questions
* You knew people were probably wary of coming up to the estate, even the mail man looked dead scared when he left Irina’s Lululemon packages in the mailbox
* But you didn’t think the locals legit called the manse “The Siren House”
* Edward told you they used to call it “The Witch House” but then, upon seeing the Denali sisters, changed it to Siren
* Edward doesn’t say anything, just moves to take the filled blood bags up to the house
* Ever the gentleman
* You really thought Edward would show up once, figure out he couldn’t read your mind, and retreat into his own moody silence.
* You figured you would mostly be dealing with Carlisle, who would teach you how to draw blood from your heard of deers, and then you would be on your own.
* But instead it was Edward who volunteered to do it for you, Carlisle was busy with his day job after all.
* He shows up once a week, usually after school, and carefully extracts the blood
* Then he puts them inside the fridge and leaves
* You really don’t get what’s going on, if he hates you so much why even bother coming over in the first place
* You’re about to fall into your usual rhythm of handing him the blood bags, which he then puts in the fridge when he breaks your routine
* “Why-“ your head pops up from the small pile of blood bags and to him. He’s looking away, but then his gaze meets yours. “Why go through all this trouble for a few deer.”
* You grin and hand him a blood bag
* “Another vampire might say the same thing to you, why go through all the trouble for a few humans?”
* He flinches, and you laugh. He’s so unaware of himself it’s actually funny
* “For the record, I do it because they remind me of my (Dog/Cat/Pet).” He quirks an eyebrow at that.
* “Your pet?”
* You nod. You’re number one concern on arrival here had been whether your dog was okay, but sifting through your memories of this life, you realized your dog had passed away in the middle of high school.
* “When I look into their face, all I can think about is my dog” you shrug, it’s the same with bears and other animals too.
* “Also, it’s kinda disgusting to drink that blood straight out of the animal.”
* Draining the blood must have deducted something from the taste, you can’t imagine what that skunky revolting flavor would have been like if you were drinking straight from the animal.
* Edward laughs. It’s the first time he’s laughed around you, pearly white canines in full view, the skin at the corner of his eyes folds
* It’s cute, very boyish. You get what Bella was talking about now
* “You get used to it after a while” he shrugs
* You shake your head, no one should ever have to drink that crap
* “Here, try some of my blood” you say it like you’re offering him some cookies you made. You pick up one of the bags, still warm, and he quirks an eyebrow
* This isn’t the first time you’ve offered, usually he declines and rushes to leave
* One time it looked like he might say yes, but then he noticed Tanya and excused himself.
* He accepts the bag, holding it up with one hand
* “Do you pour it in a mug?”
* And so you and Edward sip your blood-Capri-suns in the kitchen that’s only now started to be used
* You sit in the counter cross legged, while he leans against the adjacent counter. Both of you silently sipping your meals.
* “This is really good” he finally says, his blood bag almost empty.
* “Who’d you have? I’ve been trying to add different veggies to their meal to see if it brings out a different flavour profile.”
* He had Henrietta, who you had been giving more citrus too. Partially for flavour, and partially because she’s your favourite
* “It kind of tastes like...fruit punch” Edward recalls after a prolonged minute.
* He seems so nostalgic, you wonder how long it’s been since he’s had human food
* “I think genetics have something to do with the flavour too, the breed from this region all seem to have a fruity aftertaste”
* “I’m partial to deer since they don’t have a strong game taste aftertaste.”
* “Yes! That part is the worst, it’s like eating a skunk” You scowl and he laughs again.
* You know he doesn’t belong to you, he’s Bella’s, in a few years she’ll be all he thinks or cares about.
* But maybe the two of you can be friends until then.
* All at once the moments broken, Edward stands a bit straighter, the smile on his face gone.
* You turn to look behind you to see Carmen.
* Her head is tilted to the side, a smile tugging on her lips
* “You both look like you’re having fun.”
* After that the conversation is pleasant, but it definitely stutters until Edward eventually leaves.
* “I think he likes you” You’re reading a book by the fire, the gentle heat is nice and it sets the mood.
* “What?”
* Carmen’s grinning
* “The Cullen boy is interested in you.”
* You just shake your head. You doubt it, Edwards only got a one track mind for one person. And it’s not you
* “It would be nice if we could be friends though, I don’t really know many other people my physical age.”
* Carmen stops mid-stitch on her embroidery hoop
* “Is that something you want? Because the Cullen’s have other’s your a-“
* “I don’t need you to set up play dates for me Carmen”
* “Understood”
* Edward comes by regularly, to help you with your animals. You’re both always under the (discrete) supervision of one of your guardians (excluding Tanya of course.)
* And with each visit you learn a little more about him
* You find out that right now he’s masquerading as a senior in high school, he’s considering going to college for veterinary sciences
* “Why veterinary sciences?” You wonder if he’s about to poach your best deer and start his own blood business when he shrugs
* “It’s one of the few degrees I don’t have”
* You’re drinking blood-Capri-suns out on the porch, he’s still in his school clothes, including a very puffy jacket
* “What were you going to do?” Your raise an eyebrow and he elaborates “before you turned, what were you plans for the future.”
* “I was on my graduation trip, I was going to college in the fall”
* You got accepted into your safety school with a generous scholarship.
* Edward doesn’t press any further. But you can tell that he wants too.
* Many nights go by, you experiment with you animals diets, have supervised hang-outs with Edward, you meet Carlisle every so often who basically gives you therapy and helps you control your emotions
* Life is good
* But your growing complacency with the situation is starting to bother you
* You haven’t forgotten about Alec and Jane who are still fighting so hard to survive, or the countless others who would prefer this way of life if they only knew
* You know the minute you start being content is the minute the world wins
* So every night -or really every so often, you’ve lost all perception of time, the nights in Alaska are totally fucked and these heathens don’t even have a damn clock. Your only really sign of time is the mail man dropping off amazon packages- you sit and dream
* You think about giving back to the community, about saving your friends, and about dethroning fucking Aro
* You’re only at the beginning now, there’s still so much work to do, but it’s a start
* You hear a noise and your eyes open
* If you had a beating heart it would stutter when it saw Edward standing beside your bed, your hand moves on it’s own through reflex, clutching your heart
* Under the circumstances you would expect someone else to laugh, but Edward just looks confused
* “Are you...sleeping?”
* “I like to pretend, it’s a nice way to end the day” he raises an eyebrow at that
* “It’s 4 in the afternoon”
* “Well damn Edward, we don’t have any clocks in this house, how am I supposed to know what time it is.”
* He does laugh at that
* “Is it...nice?”
* “Yeah, it’s pretty relaxing, kills some time too.” Noticing the curious look on his face, you ask:
* “Do you want to try?” You pat the space on the bed beside you.
* You’re fully expecting for Edward with his old fashioned virtues to deny your suggestion. So you’re surprised that after several long seconds of silence, and a rather pained look, he adheres to your request and lies next to you on your bed.
* It’s a king size bed, so he’s at least three Great Danes away from you, but the closeness still surprises you.
* “What do I do now?” He says, eyes closed.
* “Daydream, or fantasise I guess, about things that happened in your day, or things you wish happened, places you want to go and memories you wish you could relive”
* “What do you usually dream about?” He asks, eyes open now
* “I think about Jane,” the answer is automatic, and you regret it as soon as the words come out. But Edward’s expression doesn’t change so you continue. “I think about my deers and my family too.” Most of the time you’re just thinking about what animal you want to excitement with next tbh
* “And sometimes I think about you.”
* And how glad you are to have a friend
* Edward doesn’t say anything for a long time, and for a second you hope he hasn’t misunderstood your words, you know he’ll never feel that way about you. All of those romantic feelings are saved for Bella
* “Would you like to come to my house sometime?” The questions throws you off, and your expression illicit’s a laugh from him. “Emmett and Esme are dying to meet the newborn from the Denali coven”
* That’s probably true for Esme, you’re pretty sure Emmett just wants to have some physical match with the “Volturi-reject”
* “That sounds fun, sure.”
* Maybe they have a clock in their house you can steal
* Edward shows up the next day in his shiny white Volvo to pick you up.
* On either side of you on the front porch are Carmen and Kate with their most fierce expressions (and behind them is Eleazer who just looks like he’s along for the ride)
* “Where are you going?” Kate asks
* “Our home on the other side of the mountain, you’ve been there before” Edwards got a small smile curling in his lips, and an eyebrow raised.
* “What will you do?” Carmen asks
* “My family’s having a board game night, I think we’re playing monopoly”
* “What time will you bring them home?” Kate intervenes, man they’re not even pretending to be polite
* “Well it’s not a school night-“ Seeing his joke isn’t going to land, he rethinks his words midway
* “Whenever they tell me to.”
* You’re half expecting to get a curfew, even though this household seems to operate without the concept of time, when Eleazer interjects
* “Well be safe, and have a good time.” He slides a backpack up your shoulders. “I packed you some blood bags in case you get hungry, Henrietta’s since I know that’s your favourite.”
* He’s the only one waving as you get into Edward’s car
* The view as you drive is breath taking, the snow covered mountains, abs crisp green trees
* Edward laughs beside you, at your awestruck expression no doubt
* “You don’t get out much do you?”
* You have your nose practically pressed to the glass
* “Not at all.”
* The Cullen’s home is reminiscent of the one from the movies. All light, with glass everywhere. It’s like a aurora, all wavy with no true shape
* “Welcome to our home (Y/N)” Carlisle greats you first, and behind him is... Esme
* She’s not at all like the books or the movie
* She’s definitely not white, you can’t tell exactly what race, but she’s definitely a POC.
* Her caramel cheekbones seem even more prominent when she offers you a smile.
* “It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’m Esme.”
* For some reason her being a POC, makes you feel more comfortable around her.
* Maybe you will ask her to draw up those plans for a proper barn.
* Edward stifles a laugh behind you, and you raise an eyebrow.
* “Emmett is dying to meet you upstairs.”
* You follow Edward up the stairs, finally meeting the family that spawned four books and a movie franchise.
* None of them look like they’re actor counterparts
* For one Emmett is black. And also really handsome, he’s got this Chadwick Boseman look alike thing going on and you’re down for it (RIP)
* Rosalie looks basically the way she was described in the books, all blonde hair and angel faced, but she’s the only one
* Alice is definitely Asian, she kinda looks like Lana Condor
* Jasper.... is ambiguously brown, but it still makes you let out a sigh of relief when you remember he was a Major in the CONFEDERATE army.
* More to the story than someone who was blatantly racist and supported slavery.
* They’re all beautiful, and they terrify you. You’re not exactly sure why, but something primal in you tells you to run away as fast as you can.
* But Edward lightly brushed the small of your back, pushing you forward. Right into the lions den.
* “Hello, I’m Rosalie”
* Looks like they picked her to be their spokesperson, all glittering smiles and flawless cheekbones. She extends her hand, and you lightly grasp it.
* “It’s nice to meet you.”
* It’s surreal to think how you know almost everything about this girl, while you two are virtually strangers
* Jasper introduces himself next, all smiles and quiet gentlemanly behavior.
* You’re not really sure what to expect with Alice, from what you know this girl has seen every future you could possibly have.
* Who knows what she saw
* But when she stands she hugs you
* “It’s good to see you!”
* “Alice, you haven’t introduced yourself”
* “Oh, right. I’m Alice”
* Emmett claps you on the back like you’re an old friend.
* “So, I heard you used to hang out with the sadist twins in the Volturi”
* You can practically feel the tension in the air, even Edward winces
* “They’re not so bad” really, what did anyone expect when they were in that environment
* Emmett grins
* “That’s bad ass”
* The rest of the night passes in a blur. The cullen’s game of monopoly includes some monstrous version where they put 8 different themed boards together and play in teams (You’re obviously on Edward and Alice’s team)
* They also have some sort of structure where they put four hotels together and called it a mega-hotel
* The whole thing blows up when Emmett accused Alice and Edward of using their powers to cheat
* “What do you want me to do, I can’t turn it off when I want Emmett, trust me I would especially when you and-“
* “Oh shut up Emmett, like we haven’t noticed Rosalie has an awful lot of $500 bills” Jasper interjects
* “It’s because you always pay me rent in small change!” She screams
* “Now-“ Carlisle tried to interject but Alice stands up
* “That’s a lie! I saw you steal from the bank several times when Esme wasn’t looking” Alice screams
* It goes on like this until Carlisle Declares the game over, and shoos everyone away.
* “Sorry, I would say it’s usually not like this, but I would be lying” Edward grins and you shrug
* “It was pretty fun and... entertaining in its own way” Edward beams at you, and once again, you definitely feel the dazzling effect Bella described in the movies
* “Should I... take you home now?” You can tell he doesn’t want to take you back yet, and if you’re being honest you don’t want to go back either
* The Cullen’s house has so much light, and you can see the stars so clearly here
* And if you’re being honest things seem to be way more entertaining here
* Edward takes you to a nook which houses a grand piano
* You’re fingers instinctively roam over the keys.
* “Do you play?”
* “Just a bit”
* You’re not the one who knew how to play, not really. But now this body is yours. You’ve thought about asking Carmen for a Piano, you’re sure they would love something that adds to the gothic feel of the mansion, but always cast it aside.
* You’re busy enough with your research.
* “Play me something” Edward grins.
* Alec had said the same thing to you when you were first taken by the Volturi, at the time your mind had raced wondering which piece would impress him the most. Which would aide in your survival.
* But looking at Edward now, you know that it’s not the same situation.
* He really does want you to play whatever your heart desires
* So you play “Love like you”, accompanied by your quiet voice reciting the lyrics
* At some point Edward sits beside you, playing in a deeper key, adding another layer of depth to your performance
* Wordlessly, afterwards he plays a piece of his own, Claire de Lune. Which you know is a remarkably hard piece.
* Still halfway you chime in, your super human fingers keeping up with him with ease
* And so it goes on like this, you play a modern song, waiting for him to catch up and he does the same with a classic
* Like a never ending game of cat and mouse
* It stops abruptly when Edward is in the middle of “moonlight sonata” when Alice clears her throat from behind you.
* “I hate to disturb,” there’s a teasing grin arched on her face. “But if you don’t drop them off, Carmen and Tanya are going to come over personally to retrieve them-“
* You see Edward wince, no doubt reviving Alice’s vision through his ability
* “And I don’t think anyone wants that.”
* You nod, moving to grab your backpack when you overhear Alice say-
* “You never let me play like that with you”
* Edward let’s out some sort of noise akin to a scoff
* “Where did you learn those songs?” He asks when you’re on the road
* Well you can’t tell him they’re from artists who aren’t known yet
* “Personal compositions” you murmur, and Edward grins his dazzling grin
* You talk about nothing but music until you pull into the familiar circle driveway of the manse
* Right when you’re about to thank him for a fun time, he gently stops you with a fleeting touch to your shoulder.
* “I’m graduating next month,” he hands you an envelope which you assume has his graduation card. “I was wondering if you would like to come to the ceremony.”
* You hold the card with both hands stunned, he’s already graduating high school?
* That means only 4 more years until he moves to Forks, and another two until he meets Bella
* And you realize that while time is frozen for both of you until the end of the universe, you’re the only one who isn’t moving forward
* “Yeah, I’d love that!”
* You try your best to smile, but your sure it comes off looking strange
* You don’t talk to anyone, heading straight for your bedroom
* What’s next for you?
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la-appel-du-vide · 3 years
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12•25•21 - CHRISTMAS
Christmas comes faster and faster every year, and I am already feeling the post-Christmas blues. I HATE waking up the morning after Christmas and remembering that it's all over. Hurts my heart. But it's only because Christmas is the happiest day of the year. I'll miss the lights, the excitement, the feeling in the air...
We got up at 8:45, and started with presents! Mom drugged the dogs on both Christmas Eve and Christmas this year so they'd be a little calmer with everyone around (so rude haha). But it worked pretty well. They were still happy enough to open their presents, my favorite thing to watch, and enjoy, but they didn't fight or jump or anything like that.
We do presents one at a time, and try to enjoy the moment. I gave Whit a Loungefly Eeyore backpack and Halloween Mickey ears, since we always talk about how cute the backpacks are and she's never had one, plus she couldn't get new Halloween ears this year since Disneyland wasn't selling any for some reason. She's excited about it, and it was a total surprise. I gave Aubrey a Skims cropped sweater and matching sandals, which she asked for, but still loves. Dad got a golf bag that Isaac helped me pick out, which I think he's excited for. I gave mom a full interior car detail. The boys got duck toys, which they ripped the heads off of rather quickly, so now they have two headless ducks. Isaac and Allyssa didn't come over until later in the day, but I gave Isaac a massage gun and a golf hat he asked for. He seemed pretty excited about the massage gun.
Mom and dad helped me pay for my wedding dress as my Christmas gift this year, but I still got a couple of gift cards in my stocking. Aubrey and Whitnie gave me lululemon leggings, a planner, and some giant scrunchies haha. Grandma gave us each a calendar - mine is Queen Bee themed.
We got six new games this year - Listography, Sequoia, Wavelength, Sequence, Deer in the Headlights, and I Should Have Known That. We spent all day learning and playing them. Brayden and Derek came over later to play as well. I think my favorites of the year are Wavelength and Sequence. In Wavelength, you get a spectrum - like hot to cold. And then you give your team a clue to get them to guess the right area of the spectrum. (So like, if my line fell really close to the cold side, I'd say something like "snow" to get them to lean that way. Or if it was in the middle, I might say "home"). At one point, when it was Allyssa's turn, her spectrum was smells bad to smells good. Her clue was "blanched tomatoes." We all died laughing. What a random, specific clue that no one knew how to interpret.
I love, love, love our Christmas breakfast - German pancakes, Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, sausage, eggs. hot chocolate... it's the best. I love Mom for putting it all together for us.
Around 5, Isaac and Allyssa left to go to her parent's house, Derek and Aubrey left for his house, and Whit had to work. That kind of stuff never happens! Usually it's all of us sitting around the kitchen table all night. I hate that everyone is big now. But B and I stayed and played, and ate cheese and crackers, for a few more hours.
Then that night, we did our own presents, and he did presents with Beach also. He gave me a cute little yellow lounge sweat short set, emerald green pajamas (my favorite Christmas pajamas), a poetry book about dogs, a game we looked at getting in France called Dinner in Paris, and some thigh-high black boots! I gave him a black denim jacket, a flannel shirt to wear with it, a Vinyl record of Mama's Boy by LANY, and an I Owe You for a new professional record player. He'd put it on his list. and when I went to order it in November, it said it was back-ordered. I called the company to ask if it would be here in time for Christmas if I ordered it, and the lady I talked to said it would be in the next week, and would definitely make it in time - so I ordered it. What lies. It's the 27th now, and it STILL hasn't arrived in stock. I'm mad. I could have gotten him something else from his list so he could enjoy opening it on Christmas, but here we are. Just waiting. RUDE.
It was a perfect Christmas Day.
I spent the day after Christmas cleaning to avoid the sadness of it all being over - plus cleaning and organizing always feels good. And then Mom made a delicious, basically Thanksgiving dinner, for our Sunday Christmas dinner. It was so good. Dad smoked his first turkey on the Traeger and it turned out awesome. Then we played the rest of the games Whit didn't get to try on Christmas since she had to go to work.
We really did have ourselves a Merry little Christmas.
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The Guinean Peace Corps Guide to Packing
This list obviously isn’t perfect, but I’m sure if you’ve stumbled onto this blog post you’re looking for a good Peace Corps packing list, especially if you’ve just been accepted to Guinea and you’re getting ready to leave. I’m currently in my 6th month of living in Guinea and I’ve received a few things from home along the way.
Just as a reminder, you’re technically only allowed two large suitcases, at 50lbs each for the trip. However, I knew some people who paid extra for another bag, and, looking back, I should have just done that. It would have saved me and a lot of people at home money on the expensive overseas shipping to Conakry.
Things I packed:
a note about clothes, try to get things that are quick dry or make for an active lifestyle. You will be washing your clothes by hand and you’ll want things that are very easy to clean, don’t show dirt, and don’t hold smells. I suggest Lululemon, Athleta, Patagonia, and those kind of brands. You can find cheaper and discounted clothes online at backcountry.com and Sierra Trading Post (also a great place to find any of the camping or hiking gear listed on here). You  can also check out TJMaxx and Marshalls. Also, you’re going to get clothes made here and people are always leaving stuff “up for grabs” at the regional houses, so don’t pack too much clothes wise.
For girls, I will say, error on the side of caution when it comes to shorts, skirts, and tops. You can always cut things or have them tailored but where I live is pretty conservative and as much as I hate it, I wouldn’t be caught dead walking out of my house in a thin strap tank top.
  3 pairs of pants that youcould wear in an office setting but also wear hiking (try Athleta for these)
1 pair of hiking or durable pants that you don’t mine messing up- I use mine to garden
1 pair of black leggings
2 pairs of running/workout leggings
3 pairs of shorts (try to  make them longer/knee length)
2 pairs of compression     shorts/spandex
1 pair of jeans
5 or 6 nice shirts (at least one long sleeved one, I promise there are places that it does get cold here)
2 or 3 tank tops
5 casual t-shirts/workout shirts
2 skirts (well past the knee and flowly)
3 day dresses
1 or 2 nice dresses (but not heavy or thick, the place where you train for three months is very hot)
10 pairs of underwear (check out ExOfficio for great travel underwear)
6 sports bras
2 or 3 regular bras
2 or 3 pairs of hiking/thick socks
7 pairs of regular running socks
1 pair of Chacos or tevas (I live in these shoes)
1 pair of running shoes
Hiking boots or closed toed shoes with a very good grip (the only real tourist thing to do in Guinea is hiking and you will definitely use them. I also use mine when gardening)
1 or 2 bathing suits (these are hard to find in Guinea)
1 good durable raincoat
1 lightweight jacket
1 sweatshirt
1 sweater/cardigan
Other wearables:
A good hat
Cheap sunglasses (you can buy more here and I’ve already broken three pairs)
Two scarves
Non-valuable jewelry if you  like that sort of thing
A good backpack
A small foldable bag for market days
A purse
A small cross-body purse
INSURANCE INSURANCE INSURANCE     (Clements Worldwide is the one I use. It was $150 for a year but it saved     my life when I got robbed during training and was reimbursed almost $2,000     for the stuff stolen
My Macbook
A kindle or tablet- I use     mine every day
An iPod (I also brought my     old iPod touch in the case that I got robbed… it was definitely a smart     move)
A smartphone (MAKE SURE YOU     CAN REMOVE THE SIM CARD AND PUT IN A DIFFERENT CARRIERS SIM… I had a lot     of friends have issues with that because they were tied to Sprint or     another carrier that had the phone locked)
A lifeproof or otterbox case     for the phone
A rechargeable external     battery
A solar battery charger for     phones (I recommend DragonX brand)
2 Luci Lights (look it up,     it’s a solar light)
2 headlamps
4 power adapters/converters
A surge protector- trust me,     my iPhone died my first month because there was a power surge and it fried     my phone
Multiple charging cables for     anything USB related
Three pairs of good earbud     headphones
An external hardrive (2TB)     (mine has hundreds of movies, tv shows, and workout episodes on it. I     highly recommend this)
A digital watch
  Home and Kitchen
Scrubba Wash Bag (look it up,     in my opinion it makes doing laundry here a lot easier)
Duct Tape (if you forget     everything else, remember to bring duct tape)
Electrical tape
Can opener- trust me on this     one
Garlic press
A few good kitchen knives
Thin, plastic cutting boards
Three quick dry towels
Compressable pillow (I     recommend ThermaRest brand)
An all purpose tool
Shampoo and conditioner     (Seriously, you will want this. I ran out of both during training and     there was no place to buy either of them where we were. You can also try     LUSH bars, solid shampoo and conditioners, expensive but worth it.)
Dr. Bronner’s All Purpose     Soap
Toothbrusth and toothpaste
Facial toner and cleaner
Face wash
Sunscreen (you are given some     but I’ve found it clogs the pores in my face)
Basic makeup: eyeliner,     mascara, lipstick, coverup, blush, and a small thing of eyeshadow.
Your favorite nailpolish
Nail clippers
Alcohol wipes or a small     bottle of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.. Peace Corps doesn’t issue this     and this has definitely saved me from infections a few times
Medical tape
For girls, Diva Cups (they will save you from using the crappy tampons medical gives us and keep you from having to buy pads, which are expensive)
Baby powder
Mini bottles of travel hand sanitizer
A few toothbrushes and a toothbrush top
 Other Gear
A really good pocket knife
A few pens
Colored markers or crayons
A mini stapler
A portable mini safe (I use mine here and just wrap it around the table leg. I keep all my extra money, my passports, and my credit cards in there.)
A mini sewing kit
At least two Nalgene water bottles
Liquid chalk markers (are cool for writing things on your walls and for using in the classroom)
Hair cutting scissors (multiple uses and of course, for cutting your hair)
Tape measurer
Wooden clothespins
  Things I wish I brought:
My Birkenstocks or my Rainbow     flipflops
A nice travel yoga mat
A nicer pair of dressy  sandals
More packets of dried food (knorr pasta sides, etc.)
Cliff bars, energy bars, etc.
Tuna packets (you can find sardines here but tuna is almost 3 dollars a can)
Workout gear
More photos of my family and friends
A small projector (I got one brought over for me and cost me 85USD. It’s perfect for movie nights and doing presentations)
Lots of charging cables
A small and light extension cord
Small fan (you can also get decent ones here when you get ready to move to site, but not having one during training was brutal)
Essential oils (can be used to do all sorts of things, especially when it comes to repelling bugs)
A good set of twin sized bed sheets. (SHEETS ARE EXPENSIVE and the sheets here not always that comfortable. Dig up your bedsheets from freshman year of college and bring them along)
 Here’s a list of things you can totally live without, but are nice to have:
 For the Cook in You:
Rennet tablets (for cheese     making- a project I’m still learning how to prefect)
A scoby to use to start making your own kombucha
Lots and lots of spices (you can buy them here but they’re expensive)
Measuring cups and measuring spoons
A small KitchenAid type  handmixer and blender
A mini mortar and pestle
Small bottle of Truffle oil
Peanut butter
Lots of water flavoring or     Gatorade packets
Oatmeal packets, dried food     packets
Dried cheese powder (cheese     isn’t a thing here and you’ll miss it more than you realize)
Bottle opener and wine opener
Any snacks you can think of     that you can eat without preparation (training is rough when it comes to     food verity, I legit ate a can of green peas once because all I wanted was     something besides rice and sauce)
 For the Workout Fanatic:
Soccer ball (I had a deflated     one sent to me, just add it to a care package list you won’t want to take     this with you)
Soccer cleats
Soccer socks
Resistance bands
Yoga mat
Arm band for iPod or phone     for music
 For the Gardener:
A good pair of gardening     gloves
Packets of all kinds of seeds
A small hand shovel and small     hand rake
  For the Hiker and Camper:
A hammock with a mosquito net     or a small tent
Carabineer clips
An ultralight sleeping pad
Compressable pillow (I     recommend ThermaRest brand)
Moleskin for blisters
A dry bag to store your stuff     when it rains
A steripen for water
 For the Future Pet Owner:
*I got a kitten in Guinea and it was the first thing I did when I got to site. If you’re preparing to get yourself a furry friend, here’s a number of things you’ll want because buying anything pet related in country is super expensive
Cat or dog collar
Flea collar or medication
Small toys for them
Deworming medication
 Things you can leave at home or could buy in Guinea:
High-heels. Trust me on this. You will never wear them (except maybe at Swear-In, but if you want there     are places to find cheap heels here.) Save the space in your bag.
Most kitchen utensils (but I  would suggest bringing at least one fork and one spoon)
A lot of books- theres lots     of them here at the regional houses and if you bring a kindle or tablet,     you can buy more or trade kindle books with other volunteers
A portable camping shower     (you’ll get use to bucket baths and trying to set it up was much more     effort than it was worth.)
A hair straightener and mini     blow dryer. (You won’t use them)
 That’s all I’ve got for you! I hope this list helps and if anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me or shoot me a message!
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belovedalittlemore · 4 years
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may 26, 2020 | review
i feel like we watch a lot of simpler, more fluffy movies that are much more based on emotion and drama rather than action and gore. however, i am such a HOE for a good crime thriller; i love a good heist, a detective or two, perhaps even a quip here and there. i am also a HOE for any (neo-)noir films: ever since watching rita hayworth in gilda (1940), they’re my new fave. (ok gilda’s lowkey not a noir and i find rita really hot but i like noirs anyway, okay?)
the negatives
every fashion choice in this movie is a fucking travesty to society. i get that the scorpion is chosen for that whole “scorpion and the frog” shit, but genuinely, why was everyone dressed like that. we got driver with the jacket, blanche with the heels and the lululemon combo, just so baffling. also, every pair of sunglasses worn in this movie, jesus, i wanted to rip them off the cast’s heads.
also, the gore. i hate blood, it makes me feel icky, i get scared and creeped out, i don’t like it. i get that a lot of it is for the noir, crime thriller effect but i hate gore i cannot HANDLE that shit.
the volume: okay this is me being nitpicky and maybe this was a stylistic choice but every conversation was like 10 decibels lower than the action. i’d turn my volume up hella high so i could hear the conversation but then a car would start driving and my ears would experience physical assault.
finally (this is me being super nitpicky), i could not take josh brolin’s and anthony bourdain’s love child seriously in this movie. oh god he spoke and i’d be giggling. same with those car noises.
the positives
driver: he’s so soft-spoken and all he really cares about is irene and benicio and making sure they’re okay, even if they’re not with him and his little SMILE is so soft and god i adore him.
driver + irene: when she PUTS HIS HAND ON HIS OHMYGOD he can’t even move he’s so nervous and happy and ugh YES and when they’re flirting in the hallway “i wish you would” the TENSION
god they’re so cute and wholesome
“i could come with you guys; i could look after you” like OHMYGOD my heart burst. watching driver interact with irene is like watching a nervous teenager who knows the girl is so out of his league but he loves her anyway and he doesn’t know how much she loves him too; that spiderman:mj energy in far from home (2019).
also, knowing that driver is at his happiest with irene and that’s why every time he interacts with her, the same song plays everytime oh god that’s fucking CUTE
okay i rewatched it on youtube to make sure i’d get all of the vibes and note things i hadn’t seen before
(maybe this is all my interpretation + completely incorrect but here we go)
driver realizes that this is his last chance to see irene and make a good impression, because he knows that he’ll have to kill the guy with the gun and irene’s going to have to see it. this is his “good side” saying goodbye to irene. and so, he pulls her from the middle to his side, and he goes in and reaches to CURVE HIS HAND AROUND HER WAIST and kisses her so gently. he doesn’t even move forward with his legs, the chest is doing the leaning for him, and irene’s just standing there like “hehe yes smoochy smoochy me likey” and at one point he turns his body to shield her from the other guy. and then he stops and looks at her for so long and he’s trying to communicate everything he’s ever wanted to tell her in that moment. and he stares at her lips and i just imagine him to be thinking about how soft her lips were and how he just wants to kiss her again but he knows he can’t and this is how it ends.
that’s the story, but ohmygod i LOVED THE KISS. also, as he pulls her over to him and turns around, the lights fall around them, only highlighting them, and the elevator buzz fades and it’s completely silent except for “wrong floor” playing like a movie-esque dreamy kiss and that is so FUCKING CUTE. it’s like, for that one moment, driver got to escape his terrible world and live in this lovely dream with irene. and of course, as the kiss ends, the lights in the elevator slowly come back and the noise returns, but ugh, it was just done so well.
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dadvans · 8 years
pls tell me more about mpreg victuuri... yuuri's "so much eros it could make me pregnant" line has awoken something in me
Yuuri hates his pregnant body.  He’s due in the death throes of August, and it’s only mid-June now.  The Kyushu heat makes him feel like he’s boiling alive, make his feet swell and ache more than they ever did when he was throwing himself all over the ice seven days a week.  The baby feels so big now too, taking up all the space meant for things like Yuuri’s vital organs.  According to Victor, the baby is the size of a cantaloupe this week, and Yuuri believes him.  When they were setting up the crib yesterday, Yuuri sneezed three times in a row and proceeded to piss himself.  (Victor had laughed, but not unkindly, and got him a change of sweats and told him to go lay down on the couch and let Victor do “the rest of the work, you’re already doing so much,” with a kiss to his temple, which was not enough to distract Yuuri from how fucking embarrassing it was.)  Victor spends a stupid amount of money buying him designer  maternity clothes with soft, organic fabrics that are supposed to be super breathable and moisture wicking, and Yuuri still manages to sweat through them while laying in front of the tower fan in their living room cursing Japan’s cruel indifference to home air conditioning.  
“Sweetheart,” Victor says, kneeling next to him by the couch.  Their hardwood floors are littered with cushions now, partially because Yuuri’s grown big enough it’s impossible for them to lay comfortably together, and Victor likes to be as close to him as possible, resting his head on Yuuri’s stomach and talking to the baby.  “Can I do anything to help?  Get you ice?  We can take the convertible out, roll the top down, see if the summer breeze helps.”
It’s a sweet thought, but Victor is literally the worst driver that Yuuri has ever been subjected to, and he’s already pissed himself in front of Victor once this week.  “Ice maybe,” he says, and Victor squeezes his hand and gets up to go to the kitchen.  
He comes back with a cup of crushed ice and the look on his face is--complicated.  Considering.  
“You should take your shirt off,” he says, kneeling back down on the pillows again.  He snaps the fabric where it’s taut and soaked through against Yuuri’s skin and Yuuri sneers at him. 
The other thing he hates about being pregnant is the undeniable weight gain, and how fat settles all over his body too easily.  He was never going to be a lululemon mom with a cute belly and stick legs, and instead he just feels huge, like water that’s lost surface tension and is oozing over the side of something.  He hates being naked in front of Victor in any capacity, hates how the expanse of his skin feels hot all over when Victor has to see him like this.  His chest has started to droop too, and it feels like something he’s spent his entire life fighting against being thwarted by his traitor biology, and he hates it, he hates it so much.  “Can you just get me a new shirt?”
“Yuuri,” Victor whines, and he noses at the hem of Yuuri’s shirt like a dog.  “Please?  I want to see my husband.  I want to see my baby.”
Yuuri bites the inside of his cheek trying not to grimace.  He doesn’t know why Victor tortures himself by wasting any more than a glance on him except out of morbid curiosity.  “Fine,” he says eventually, but he makes no move to peel the sweat-soaked fabric off, even if it is uncomfortable.  Victor finally rolls his eyes and does it for him, chasing up his stomach and chest with a trail of kisses while pulling it off over Yuuri’s head.  
“Are you happy?” Yuuri asks, a little meaner than he intends.
Victor doesn’t care.  “Very,” he says, eyelashes heavy with something Yuuri almost mistakes for lust.  “You never let me see you anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have to--” Yuuri tries, and Victor presses a single finger against his lips to shut him up.
“Yuuri,” he says again, and he almost sounds like he does when he coaches, stern in a way that still comes as a surprise sometimes.  “How many times do I have to tell you?  I want to.”
“Oh,” Yuuri says, disbelieving.  He looks away, past Victor’s shoulder and out the window where the sun is fading purple over the sea.
“I want to,” Victor says again.  He slides his hands up the curves of Yuuri’s sides, up to his chest, thumbs over his nipples.  He pinches Yuuri teasingly and then makes a curious expression, putting his thumb up to his mouth.
“What?” Yuuri says.
“Did your milk come in?” Victor asks.
“No, not until the baby comes, that’s just uh,” he says, wanting to grab a pillow off the floor to cover his face in shame.  It’s just a nother thing he hates about his pregnant body, the mess of it.  “I’ve just been uh, leaking a lot lately.”
“Oh,” Victor says, choking around the vowel.  Yuuri thinks he must be disgusted, except then Victor reaches back down to knead at Yuuri’s chest again, fingers brushing over his nipples with slow, firm intent.  “Does it hurt?”
Yuuri gasps, because it doesn’t, it feels fucking amazing.  He’s always been sensitive there, and Victor had spent roughly days in the past sucking hickeys into this chest and teasing his nipples until whatever has been tightly wound inside Yuuri unspools completely.  “No it,” he says, and Victor smiles at him looking smug, looking wicked, “it feels good.”
It feels amazing.  It feels like the best brand of filthy Yuuri’s ever known, and his knees would give out if he were standing.  
“May I?” Victor asks, and Yuuri can barely see the blue of his eyes with his pupils so wide, and there’s no way he can lie to himself that Victor doesn’t want this.  He rests his chin delicately on Yuuri’s chest, breath hot against where Yuuri’s leaking, and it makes heat rush to his dick, makes him absolutely throb.  Victor’s voice is so low, like a predator asking for permission from its prey to devour it when he says, “please?”
“Yeah,” Yuuri says.  He never stood a chance.
Victor moans the second he gets his mouth on Yuuri, sucking earnestly, teeth scraping just enough at where he’s most sensitive to punch a gasp out of him.  Even in the wet summer evening heat, the slipper warmth of Victor’s mouth is devastating, and Yuuri finds himself gripping at the back of his neck to keep him right where he is. 
“You never let me taste you anymore,” Victor whines softly, lapping at his fat, swollen buds.  “I love the way you taste.”
Yuuri’s always felt selfish with Victor’s mouth on him like this, getting lost so easily in the way Victor seems to know exactly how to tease out his arousal, and he craves Victor’s reassurance the same way he craves the little whimpers Victor makes, nursing at him greedily.  He can’t help but think about months from now after the baby comes when his chest will be even more firm and full, and what it would look like to have Victor in the same position, milk spilling out the corners of his mouth, and it’s too much, it’s too good.
“Touch me, Vitya,” he begs weakly.  He hardly lets Victor touch him these days unless it’s in the dark, because he sees himself in his mind’s eye and it makes him feel sick, thinking of Victor seeing him like this.  But now his body burns for it, his dick tenting eager and mean in his sweats.  “I need you to touch me.”
Victor groans, and he presses a kiss to the soft above his nipple. “Of course, God.  I’ve been waiting.”  
He reaches down to tug at the waist of Yuuri’s pants rough and blind while he continues to suckle and tease him with his mouth, and Yuuri whimpers, no longer feelings suffocated, cock bouncing up to rest against the swell of his stomach.  Victor’s hands immediately wrap around it and squeeze, the tip of his thumb finding Yuuri’s slit with laser precision.  Yuuri cries.  He’s always been easy with Victor, has never needed much, but right now he feels like a teenager with how easily Victor could get him off.  
“Missed this,” Victor says, mouthing hot, open mouthed kisses against his chest, his whole face slick and shiny.  “I missed this so much.”
“Yeah,” Yuuri agrees, feeling so, so stupid and wonderful all at once.  “Yeah, me too, God.”
Victor jerks him off rough and quick, and it doesn’t take long for Yuuri to come strips up his own stomach, which Victor happily traces with his fingers and sucks on greedily.  
“Can I?” he asks, as Yuuri breathes heavy with the orgasm pulsing out of him, toes curled into the upholstery of the couch.
“Fuck me? Yuuri asks, and he misses that too, misses at least being able to see Victor when they’re fucking, the way he looks so free when he’s buried deep inside Yuuri.
“I mean, eventually,” Victor says, and he adjusts himself a little so Yuuri can see how hard he is, and admits, “I could--honestly, I could get off just doing this.  Can I--”
“Uh huh,” Yuuri says, because Victor could do anything he wanted right now and Yuuri would let him.  Victor smiles, and pulls himself out of his pants, letting them pool around his thighs.  He’s got a hand on Yuuri’s stomach and his other gripping himself as he returns to nursing at Yuuri, and it only takes a few more seconds.  He finishes with an ah, ah, ah, panting with his eyes shut, forehead pressed between his collarbone.  
“That was,” he says wildly, chest heaving, “you are.”
“Yeah,” Yuuri agrees, because he knows exactly what Victor means.  “We are.”
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elizabethbgrimes · 6 years
“That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be)
Day 1-Blog-“That Girl”
Have you ever wanted to be “that girl?”—That girl who has it all “together?”
Or perhaps, have you ever feel like your body is working against you? 
You think: “If only I _____” then I’d be happy?
If only I weighed 10 pounds less or more
If only I didn’t have love handles or cellulite
If only I was fitter, stronger, faster, or better
If only I didn’t feel so bloated or constipated all the time
We all have that nagging thing—I call it our “Achille’s heel” or “dangling carrot.” That thing that holds us back or keeps us striving forward, telling ourselves, “If” or “When” we are “THAT girl” ALL will be well. 
I get it…big time. 
My Back Story: Wanting to Be “That Girl”
For MOST of my life, I’ve wanted to be “THAT GIRL.”
You know: A mix between Blake Lively, meets Mary Kate & Ashley Olson, meets Carey Underwood, meets “Tone it Up,” meets CrossFit badass, meets ____ —any other beautiful girl that comes to mind.
In fact, for the latter first half of my life, I struggled with a severe eating disorder that left me constantly in pursuit of the ideal: Wanting to be “that girl.” (Check it out here) 
It Begins: 9 Years Old
Wanting to be “that girl” all started around the time I was 9-years-old. What began as an “innocent diet,” however, quickly snowballed into a full blown eating disorder, in pursuit of becoming “that girl.”
Although I found recovery (over 15 years later), in the aftermath, I found myself struggling with ANOTHER health battle I NEVER saw coming—and that ironically, STILL, left me striving to be “that girl.” 
I call it “Post Recovery Recovery”—what happens to your body AFTER spending MANY YEARS dieting and abusing it.
Post Recovery Recovery
In short: for the past 5-6 years, I’ve still found myself wrestling with my body at times.
Hating on it or telling it, “You’re too thin,” “You’re not pretty enough,” “You’re not healthy enough”…
To say the least, over the past 5-6 years, as my body has continued to heal from more than 20 years of damage (from both my eating disorder and my childhood processed foods diet), I’ve also dealt with my fair share of side effects from those years including:
Metabolic Dysfunction & Insulin Resistance
Autoimmune Diseases
Hormone Imbalances (“adrenal fatigue”)
IBS, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Dysbiosis (gut bacteria imbalances)
Thyroid Problems
Rude and hurtful comments and whispers from others who cut me down because of what I look like
—All of which have left me feeling frustrated with my body and, more than anything, wanting to be “That Girl.”
My Wakeup Call
While it’s not bad to want to look good and feel good, these frustrations with my body continued until the past 6 months when I had a BIG wakeup call that I actually am THAT GIRL, and she’s been inside me all along. 
What do I mean? 
If you’ve every wanted to be “That Girl,” read on to find out. This one is for you…
That Girl
How “That Girl” Looks
She’s got a defined waist, toned legs, flat abs. Perfect hair, not one out of place, even after the wind blows. 
She looks good in jeans and a t-shirt, Lululemon yoga pants or a little black dress—no matter what she’s wearing, she’s always dressed to kill.
At the lake, or at the beach, she can rock any swimsuit she so chooses—be it a frumpy one-piece that she turns into a ‘classy’ Jackie-O style, a sportswear Speedo—donning her femininely buff arms and legs, or a string bikini—who no one else on this planet could wear but her.
She can even make a brown paper sack look good. 
How “That Girl” Moves
That Girl moves ever so gracefully in high heel pumps—as if they were Nike tenni-shoes, and any time she enters a room, heads always turns to see that woman who just walked through the door. 
She’s fabulous, confident, and completely 100% at peace in her own skin—never a flinch of distaste for herself, but not conceited either. 
She just is—she does her thing, nothing seemingly standing in her way.
She’s into CrossFit, Barre, yoga, spin or running—something she totally loves and moves, not out of hate for her body, but out of love—doing things that enliven her and give her energy. And when she’s working, she doesn’t sweat. She glows.
How “That Girl” Eats
She’s totally paleo, or into green juice, or vegan—something that makes her feel connected with nourishing her body and sustainability. She probably doesn’t feel pulled or tugged to or sneak a date with Ben & Jerry’s on her couch late at night.
How “That Girl” Hangs
That Girl has a long line of suitors who would kill to date her, or raise her children. She always has. And she doesn’t settle for anyone or neeeeed a man to define her. Whoever is by her side is special—someone that is able to hang with That Girl and doing big things in this world too—captain of the football team, president of his fraternity, hot musician, soccer stud, CrossFit badass, an investor, a Harvard-educated lawyer, a retired pro baseball player, an entrepreneur—of, now, multi-million dollar companies. 
She also has a select handful of really amazing friends—Girls who are doing things in their lives. Growing non-profits, changing lives, starting something great. She moves and grooves with other movers and shakers.
That Girl’s Instagram has thousands upon thousands of likes, whether she posts a picture of her Acai Bowl at her favorite café, the scenery of her awesome vacay to the West Coast, kicking butt in spin class, rocking her bikini laughing with her friends on a Labor Day boat ride, or side-by-side with her fam on a visit home—people love to see what she’s up to.
How “That Girl” Does It All
That Girl has a lot on her plate—just like we all do—and then some, but for some reason, she seems to pull it off without flinching.
 “I don’t know how she does it” other says. 
She’s a med student, a pediatrician, a finance and accounting double major. She’s going to be the next Erin Andrews on ESPN, or talk show personality on the Today Show. She’s an accomplished blogger, jewelry designer, fashion merchandiser. She has her own business—or is looking into starting her own. She’s an active member of her sorority, or the Junior League; cheer squad or inspiring personal trainer; three kids or super nanny; Honors Society or booming medical or law practice in town; chair of the Booster Club, PTA or chair of the community service organization; a leader in student government or a social do-good non-profit movement.
That Girl doesn’t waste time. You won’t find her spending hours upon hours, sitting on a couch, watching re-runs of the Gilmore Girls, or staying up on her computer until the wee hours of the night Facebook stalking, or look up at the end of the day and think, “What did I do today?”
She’s engaged in living her life—not watching it pass her by. 
That Girl totally, fully, completely has it ALL together, and we all, at one time or another, have wanted to be That Girl. 
And try as we might…That Girl is always there, in the back of our minds.
How “That Girl” Has ALWAYS Been There (in the Back of Our Minds)
In middle school and high-school That Girl’s accomplishments and accolades looked different—but she still had it all together. And that’s what we wanted too. Come college and her 20-somethings, then on to 30’s and kid rearing, and even in her post-menopausal and golden years, That Girl is the Girl we always want to be—but never can seemingly live up to. 
And we can’t help but think: How does she have it all—and have it all together—and I never do? Or, I am not good enough plays on repeat in the back of our minds. 
In our efforts to be That Girl we’ve hired personal trainers and committed to 30 day bikini BODY tone ups. 
We’ve gone on juice cleanses, tried the paleo diet, sworn off meat, downloaded My Fitness Pal to carefully calculate every calorie we consumed. We’ve restricted, then binged, then purged through exercise, fasting or with our head in a toilet. 
We look in the mirror every time we pass by—to check to see if we look any better than the last time we looked. We’ve gone blonde, brunette, ombre—something in between.
 We’ve plastered on fake lashes, laid in contraptions with harsh lights to get tan or been sprayed down while standing completely naked in a foreign shower to look more bronzed. 
We’ve dragged our butts out of bed to go to the gym and slaved away not at just one cardio kickboxing class, but stayed around for Pump or Core right after to get our double dose of body chiseling. 
We’ve run another mile in the name of justifying that muffin we ate for breakfast or that sushi roll we are thinking of eating for lunch. We’ve Google searched until late into the night—looking for the answers to our bloating, stubborn weight gain, metabolism or fast ways to get lean. 
All to be That Girl.
How “That Girl” is Not Reality
It’s easy to believe that everyone else is much better than you. 
Comparison is the thief of all joy and like a dangling carrot in front of our noses, That Girl is something we’ve constantly chased, but never seemed to catch. 
The reality? 
You are not alone. Everyone else, just like you, has wanted to be That Girl (and it’s not just something that goes away after middle school).
The reality?
“That Girl” doesn’t really exist—At least she doesn’t exist the way you think she does. 
Because That Girl also has a “That Girl” that she wants to be too.  
And That Girl really only exists when she first believes that she can actually be That Girl herself—That Girl who glows, has confidence, knows her worth and isn’t worried about being like the next person. That Girl who is present and fully committed to living her own life—not someone else’s. That Girl who realizes all she has (and wants) to be is the best version of herself.
How You Can Be “That Girl”
YOU can be That Girl when you stop striving and comparing. 
When you make up your mind to STOP hating so much on yourself…or loathing your weight…or your style (or lack thereof)…or your frumpy hair.
When you stop fingerpointing all of your flaws, and instead, decide to genuinely, truly love yourself as you are—flaws, blemishes, quirks and all.
Just do you and when becoming “THAT GIRL” is made possible.
The post “That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/mindset-body-love/that-girl-becoming-the-girl-you-always-want-to-be/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ “That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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clarencebfaber · 6 years
That Girl (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be)
Day 1-Blog-“That Girl”
Have you ever wanted to be “that girl?”—That girl who has it all “together?”
Or perhaps, have you ever feel like your body is working against you? 
You think: “If only I _____” then I’d be happy?
If only I weighed 10 pounds less or more
If only I didn’t have love handles or cellulite
If only I was fitter, stronger, faster, or better
If only I didn’t feel so bloated or constipated all the time
We all have that nagging thing—I call it our “Achille’s heel” or “dangling carrot.” That thing that holds us back or keeps us striving forward, telling ourselves, “If” or “When” we are “THAT girl” ALL will be well. 
I get it…big time. 
My Back Story: Wanting to Be “That Girl”
For MOST of my life, I’ve wanted to be “THAT GIRL.”
You know: A mix between Blake Lively, meets Mary Kate & Ashley Olson, meets Carey Underwood, meets “Tone it Up,” meets CrossFit badass, meets ____ —any other beautiful girl that comes to mind.
In fact, for the latter first half of my life, I struggled with a severe eating disorder that left me constantly in pursuit of the ideal: Wanting to be “that girl.” (Check it out here) 
It Begins: 9 Years Old
Wanting to be “that girl” all started around the time I was 9-years-old. What began as an “innocent diet,” however, quickly snowballed into a full blown eating disorder, in pursuit of becoming “that girl.”
Although I found recovery (over 15 years later), in the aftermath, I found myself struggling with ANOTHER health battle I NEVER saw coming—and that ironically, STILL, left me striving to be “that girl.” 
I call it “Post Recovery Recovery”—what happens to your body AFTER spending MANY YEARS dieting and abusing it.
Post Recovery Recovery
In short: for the past 5-6 years, I’ve still found myself wrestling with my body at times.
Hating on it or telling it, “You’re too thin,” “You’re not pretty enough,” “You’re not healthy enough”…
To say the least, over the past 5-6 years, as my body has continued to heal from more than 20 years of damage (from both my eating disorder and my childhood processed foods diet), I’ve also dealt with my fair share of side effects from those years including:
Metabolic Dysfunction & Insulin Resistance
Autoimmune Diseases
Hormone Imbalances (“adrenal fatigue”)
IBS, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Dysbiosis (gut bacteria imbalances)
Thyroid Problems
Rude and hurtful comments and whispers from others who cut me down because of what I look like
—All of which have left me feeling frustrated with my body and, more than anything, wanting to be “That Girl.”
My Wakeup Call
While it’s not bad to want to look good and feel good, these frustrations with my body continued until the past 6 months when I had a BIG wakeup call that I actually am THAT GIRL, and she’s been inside me all along. 
What do I mean? 
If you’ve every wanted to be “That Girl,” read on to find out. This one is for you…
That Girl
How “That Girl” Looks
She’s got a defined waist, toned legs, flat abs. Perfect hair, not one out of place, even after the wind blows. 
She looks good in jeans and a t-shirt, Lululemon yoga pants or a little black dress—no matter what she’s wearing, she’s always dressed to kill.
At the lake, or at the beach, she can rock any swimsuit she so chooses—be it a frumpy one-piece that she turns into a ‘classy’ Jackie-O style, a sportswear Speedo—donning her femininely buff arms and legs, or a string bikini—who no one else on this planet could wear but her.
She can even make a brown paper sack look good. 
How “That Girl” Moves
That Girl moves ever so gracefully in high heel pumps—as if they were Nike tenni-shoes, and any time she enters a room, heads always turns to see that woman who just walked through the door. 
She’s fabulous, confident, and completely 100% at peace in her own skin—never a flinch of distaste for herself, but not conceited either. 
She just is—she does her thing, nothing seemingly standing in her way.
She’s into CrossFit, Barre, yoga, spin or running—something she totally loves and moves, not out of hate for her body, but out of love—doing things that enliven her and give her energy. And when she’s working, she doesn’t sweat. She glows.
How “That Girl” Eats
She’s totally paleo, or into green juice, or vegan—something that makes her feel connected with nourishing her body and sustainability. She probably doesn’t feel pulled or tugged to or sneak a date with Ben & Jerry’s on her couch late at night.
How “That Girl” Hangs
That Girl has a long line of suitors who would kill to date her, or raise her children. She always has. And she doesn’t settle for anyone or neeeeed a man to define her. Whoever is by her side is special—someone that is able to hang with That Girl and doing big things in this world too—captain of the football team, president of his fraternity, hot musician, soccer stud, CrossFit badass, an investor, a Harvard-educated lawyer, a retired pro baseball player, an entrepreneur—of, now, multi-million dollar companies. 
She also has a select handful of really amazing friends—Girls who are doing things in their lives. Growing non-profits, changing lives, starting something great. She moves and grooves with other movers and shakers.
That Girl’s Instagram has thousands upon thousands of likes, whether she posts a picture of her Acai Bowl at her favorite café, the scenery of her awesome vacay to the West Coast, kicking butt in spin class, rocking her bikini laughing with her friends on a Labor Day boat ride, or side-by-side with her fam on a visit home—people love to see what she’s up to.
How “That Girl” Does It All
That Girl has a lot on her plate—just like we all do—and then some, but for some reason, she seems to pull it off without flinching.
 “I don’t know how she does it” other says. 
She’s a med student, a pediatrician, a finance and accounting double major. She’s going to be the next Erin Andrews on ESPN, or talk show personality on the Today Show. She’s an accomplished blogger, jewelry designer, fashion merchandiser. She has her own business—or is looking into starting her own. She’s an active member of her sorority, or the Junior League; cheer squad or inspiring personal trainer; three kids or super nanny; Honors Society or booming medical or law practice in town; chair of the Booster Club, PTA or chair of the community service organization; a leader in student government or a social do-good non-profit movement.
That Girl doesn’t waste time. You won’t find her spending hours upon hours, sitting on a couch, watching re-runs of the Gilmore Girls, or staying up on her computer until the wee hours of the night Facebook stalking, or look up at the end of the day and think, “What did I do today?”
She’s engaged in living her life—not watching it pass her by. 
That Girl totally, fully, completely has it ALL together, and we all, at one time or another, have wanted to be That Girl. 
And try as we might…That Girl is always there, in the back of our minds.
How “That Girl”  Has ALWAYS Been There (in the Back of Our Minds)
In middle school and high-school That Girl’s accomplishments and accolades looked different—but she still had it all together. And that’s what we wanted too. Come college and her 20-somethings, then on to 30’s and kid rearing, and even in her post-menopausal and golden years, That Girl is the Girl we always want to be—but never can seemingly live up to. 
And we can’t help but think: How does she have it all—and have it all together—and I never do? Or, I am not good enough plays on repeat in the back of our minds. 
In our efforts to be That Girl we’ve hired personal trainers and committed to 30 day bikini BODY tone ups. 
We’ve gone on juice cleanses, tried the paleo diet, sworn off meat, downloaded My Fitness Pal to carefully calculate every calorie we consumed. We’ve restricted, then binged, then purged through exercise, fasting or with our head in a toilet. 
We look in the mirror every time we pass by—to check to see if we look any better than the last time we looked. We’ve gone blonde, brunette, ombre—something in between.
 We’ve plastered on fake lashes, laid in contraptions with harsh lights to get tan or been sprayed down while standing completely naked in a foreign shower to look more bronzed. 
We’ve dragged our butts out of bed to go to the gym and slaved away not at just one cardio kickboxing class, but stayed around for Pump or Core right after to get our double dose of body chiseling. 
We’ve run another mile in the name of justifying that muffin we ate for breakfast or that sushi roll we are thinking of eating for lunch. We’ve Google searched until late into the night—looking for the answers to our bloating, stubborn weight gain, metabolism or fast ways to get lean. 
All to be That Girl.
How “That Girl” is Not Reality
It’s easy to believe that everyone else is much better than you. 
Comparison is the thief of all joy and like a dangling carrot in front of our noses, That Girl is something we’ve constantly chased, but never seemed to catch. 
The reality? 
You are not alone. Everyone else, just like you, has wanted to be That Girl (and it’s not just something that goes away after middle school).
The reality?
“That Girl” doesn’t really exist—At least she doesn’t exist the way you think she does. 
Because That Girl also has a “That Girl” that she wants to be too.  
And That Girl really only exists when she first believes that she can actually be That Girl herself—That Girl who glows, has confidence, knows her worth and isn’t worried about being like the next person. That Girl who is present and fully committed to living her own life—not someone else’s. That Girl who realizes all she has (and wants) to be is the best version of herself.
How You Can Be “That Girl”
YOU can be That Girl when you stop striving and comparing. 
When you make up your mind to STOP hating so much on yourself…or loathing your weight…or your style (or lack thereof)…or your frumpy hair.
When you stop fingerpointing all of your flaws, and instead, decide to genuinely, truly love yourself as you are—flaws, blemishes, quirks and all.
Just do you and when becoming “THAT GIRL” is made possible.
The post “That Girl” (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/mindset-body-love/that-girl-becoming-the-girl-you-always-want-to-be/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
That Girl (Becoming the Girl You Always Want to Be) via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
PBF Baby #2: Weeks 24-27
And just like that, another four weeks have come and gone! I’m coming at you today with a recap of how the past month of my pregnancy (weeks 24 – 27) has been going around here.
Just in case you’re catching up, here are my past pregnancy-related blog posts from this pregnancy:
A Miracle On The Way
The First and Second Trimester (So Far)
PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 20-23
Let’s dive right in, shall we?
PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 24-27
24 Weeks
Flashback: 24 Weeks Pregnant with Chase
As I entered the 24th week of my pregnancy, the symptom that surfaced with a bang was the return of foot and calf cramps. I remember these popping up in the later months of my pregnancy with Chase and they are no fun! They seemed to be exacerbated by travel (I drove to Florida and flew to Illinois this week) but I’m doing my best to stay hydrated and stretch them out as much as possible when the killer pain kicks in. I found myself feeling rather unmotivated to work out this week and kept the three workouts I did on the lighter side. I also felt easily stressed out multiple days in a row and completely exhausted by the end of the week.
25 Weeks
Flashback: 25 Weeks Pregnant with Chase
This week I’ve been a bit emotional for personal reasons though I think some of my feelings could be attributed to pregnancy hormones and just feeling everything deeper and stronger. On the bright side, I feel like I’ve felt more grateful and head-over-heels in love with my family than ever. When I think about the fact that our family is growing, it only exacerbates these feelings. Physically, I’ve noticed a bit of heaviness down there when I run at the gym and while it’s nowhere near as uncomfortable as the heaviness I experienced with Chase, it’s still enough to cause me to opt out of running for stretches of more than a couple of minutes at a time.
One thing that’s kind of fun? I’ve become belly obsessed this week and constantly find myself rubbing and touching my belly when I’m at home. Whenever I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom (which is, um, A LOT), I find myself rubbing my belly and it’s oddly comforting to me. I just love that little one growing in there!
26 Weeks
  (The kangaroo pouch on my sweatshirt coupled with the way I’m holding Chase disguised my bump a bit so this is admittedly not the best belly pic from this week but it was the only one I had!)
Flashback: 26 Weeks Pregnant with Chase
This is the first week of this pregnancy that I’ve started to really feel the physical weight of my belly and the 20+ pounds I’ve gained. Shortness of breath surfaced for me really early (within the first few weeks) but my growing belly and increasing weight are feeling more and more noticeable to me. I’ve been taking more breaks than ever at the gym, modifying more and more and listening to my body. Throughout this pregnancy, my only fitness goal has been to try to remain active and healthy, so simply showing up at the gym feels like a victory even if I scale things back in a major way some days.
We had a prenatal appointment with a specialist this week that involved an ultrasound and it was so, so nice to see our little one! We found out that our baby is measuring ahead (a big change from Chase when I was always behind), already has hair and is approximately 2.2 pounds. YAY!
Sleep this week was pretty horrible nearly every single day. Aside from waking up constantly to go to the bathroom, I kept finding myself tossing and turning for well over an hour in the middle of the night multiple nights in a row. I’m not physically uncomfortable in bed and yet I felt absolutely WIRED most nights from 1 to 3 a.m.
27 Weeks
Flashback: 27 Weeks Pregnant with Chase
I had some nausea surface again toward the end of this week and felt a little more sluggish than usual. There were also a few afternoons where I felt totally exhausted by 4 p.m. but thankfully my energy level in the mornings was usually pretty decent so I didn’t begin the day feeling too pooped other than one day last week when I opted out of my usual workout and kept things pretty low key… well as “low key” as possible while still caring for a crazy 2 1/2 year old.
I also felt low motivation when it came to cooking and preparing healthy food and while I managed to eat some kind of vegetable most days, I had cereal for lunch or dinner a few days this week which hit the spot and felt good on my stomach. I’m also so, so unmotivated when it comes to putting any effort into my appearance these days. I’m almost always sporting leggings and a sweatshirt and rarely take the time to do my hair and put on any makeup beyond a swipe of mascara here and there. Anyone else go through this during pregnancy!? I’m not sure if it’s because I’m becoming increasingly uncomfortable, a little more fatigued or what but getting ready often sounds like the least appealing thing in the world to me right now!
The big milestone of this week was heading off to my OB/GYN’s office for my glucose tolerance test. I mentioned this on the blog during my pregnancy with Chase, but my mom had gestational diabetes with both me and my sister and since many doctors believe there is a genetic link, it’s something I’ve always been a bit nervous about so I was relieved to receive my results at the end of the week and learn that I passed the screening.
On My Mind
Boy or Girl?
(Flashback pic to the cupcake we cut into to find out Chase was a boy!)
I am shocked by how much I am LOVING not knowing the sex of our baby. I truly never, ever thought I would want to be surprised but last year had a way of changing a lot of things inside of me. I really, truly am so beyond excited to snuggle a baby again in a few months and get giddy all over when I think about holding a boy OR a girl in my arms.
I feel like I’m the only mom out there without any kind of mother’s intuition about what her baby might be! People ask me all the time what I think we’re having and I have NO idea. I constantly think of our baby as a “he” but part of me wonders if this is because of Chase. I also picture giving birth to a baby boy and envision Ryan saying, “It’s a boy!” when I think about that moment, but again, is this intuition or past experience!?
When I take the time to look at this pregnancy, it has felt very different from my pregnancy with Chase in a number of ways ranging from nausea (all-day vs. a couple of hours in the morning), clearer skin (my face and upper back were Zit City with Chase but I’ve had very clear skin this time around), more rapid weight gain all over, a higher, rounder belly and completely different cravings and aversions (I wanted red meat like crazy with Chase and the thought or smell of nearly all animal protein made me want to vomit for months this time around). All of this makes me wonder if we’re having a girl so I basically feel clueless on a daily basis. Everyone around me, including Ryan, thinks we’re having a girl.
Childcare for Chase When We Go To the Hospital
I don’t know why this stresses me out so much but it does! Without family in the area, I’m not sure what to do about Chase when I actually go into labor in a couple of months. I have some absolutely incredible friends in the area and I know if I asked any of them to help out with Chase they would, but I feel bad because many of them have their own little ones to wrangle or full-time jobs that wouldn’t allow them to just drop everything and hang with Chase while I give birth. I know it will come down to asking a friend to help (my friend Carrie was unbelievably kind when I needed her to watch Chase for hours at the last minute for my second D&C) but I cannot help but feel envious of those who have family close by who are willing and able to come over to hang with their kiddos at the last minute. I hate thinking of waking Chase up in the middle of the night and bringing a groggy, cranky toddler over to a friend’s house for them to then try to settle back down in the middle of the night while we rush off to the hospital. I know it will all work out, but it’s just a logistical thing we have to think through.
Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
One of the items I have on my must-do list for postpartum recovery after our little one arrives is meeting with a pelvic floor physical therapist. To be completely honest with you guys, I’ve struggled quite a bit with what I’ll call “mom pee” ever since Chase was born. If my bladder isn’t completely empty and I sneeze, I’ll often pee a tiny bit and it’s only worsened during pregnancy, despite doing all the kegels in the world. When I briefly mentioned this on the blog in the past, I had a couple of you chime in urging me to meet with a pelvic floor physical therapist and it’s something I’ve had on my mind ever since. It’s a must for me after our second baby arrives because I want to be proactive with my postpartum pelvic floor recovery now that I know it’s not something that, for me, will likely just improve on its own over time. If any of you have personal experience in this area, PLEASE let me know!
New Maternity Favorites
I don’t have too many new things to share since my roundup of pregnancy favorites from last month’s recap, but here are a few new maternity favorites from the past few weeks:
ASOS Cold Shoulder V-Neck Ruffle Blouse (Pictured above and only $24!)
Lululemon Align Leggings (By FAR the best purchase I’ve made in months thanks to your amazing recommendations! SO comfy. I live in these things.)
Aerie City Sweatshirt (Not maternity but it’s oversized and slouchy – and on sale for $25! – and perfect for a growing bump. I’m wearing it in the 25 week bump pics above.)
Nursery Inspiration
I am just now beginning to think about our little one’s nursery but don’t feel too much pressure to get everything in order before our baby arrives because I know they will be sleeping with us in a bassinet in our room for several months. Still, I had a lot of fun pinning inspiration pictures on Pinterest and love a subtle combination of mustard yellow, mint green and, depending on whether we have a boy or a girl, blush pink or navy blue. Exciting to think about for sure!
[Read More ...] https://www.pbfingers.com/pbf-baby-2-weeks-24-27/
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
The New York Times Came For Yoga Pants, And Women Aren't Having It
The New York Times Came For Yoga Pants, And Women Aren't Having It
An op-ed in the New York Times has many people seeing red over its claims that yoga pants are “bad for women.”
The column, credited to senior staff editor Honor Jones — though some have speculated that this is a generic pseudonym used by multiple people at the Gray Lady — calls out yoga pants for being too constricting, sexy, and unforgiving. According to the Times, they “threaten to show every dimple and roll in every woman over 30” and offer less comfort and modesty than the baggy sweatpants of yore.
The opinion piece also argues that women wear tight workout leggings to “look hot at the gym,” choosing fashion over functionality.
“We aren’t wearing these workout clothes because they’re cooler or more comfortable,” “Jones” writes. “(You think the selling point of Lululemon’s Reveal Tight Precision pants is really the way their moth-eaten design provides a ‘much-needed dose of airflow’?) We’re wearing them because they’re sexy.”
The op-ed goes on to lambaste the booming fitness industry for pressuring women to splurge on pricey gym classes and the latest athleisure looks. But while there’s no doubt that a SoulCycle membership and a gym bag stuffed with Lululemon leggings have a certain prestige, the yoga pants tirade has rubbed many readers the wrong way.
Much of the backlash stems from the implication that yoga pants are too tight and “sexy” to be comfortable, and that anyone with a less-than-perfect body should opt for something slouchier. It’s also worth noting that women who wear workout leggings are often criticized for being overly casual. They’re either too seductive or too sloppy, with women getting shamed either way.
As someone who has practiced yoga for years, it’s unbelievable that you think we wear yoga pants because they’re “sexy?!” We wear them because they allow us to maneuver in ways other clothing doesn’t. Alternatively, seeing if you aren’t in the proper position is just as important https://t.co/cy70QBWnrF
— kimmie caruba (@kimmiecaruba) February 18, 2018
I see someone has posted yet another op-ed on the perils of wearing yoga pants after 30.
Lemme clear this up for everyone:
Wear yoga pants if you want to. If somebody doesn’t like your over-30 dimpled rolls… tell them not to look. Dress for you, not for anyone else
— Kodi Kat (@puma_legal) February 18, 2018
Has anyone written about the fact that leggings and yoga pants are important because they don’t *hurt* to wear? Like, congrats if your jeans don’t leave red marks on you by the end of the day, but I’ve never known that life.
— ✨⛸ Jaime Green 🥌✨ (@jaimealyse) February 18, 2018
Why do people gotta hate on good things to be edGY? What’s the point? Starbucks is good, yoga pants are comfortable, greys anatomy gets addicting, and target is full of cheap things that are adorable. You just sound like an uncomfortable, uncaffinated, bitter person
— savannah (@trauma_mama_) February 18, 2018
serenely reading the NYT yoga pants take, completely unbothered bc my ass looks bad in all sorts of pants
— Brandy Jensen (@BrandyLJensen) February 18, 2018
Okay @nytimes. 1) I am sure you had your pick of thoughtful opinion pieces for this Sunday’s edition…and this was your choice? 2) Women writing op-eds about other women’s sartorial choices is bad for women 3) You can have my yoga pants when you pry them from my cold dead booty https://t.co/8RU9l8iVde
— Candice Adams (@TheCandiceAdams) February 18, 2018
I think we should march on the Times in our yoga pants. https://t.co/I2hP2Tfq2e
— ana marie cox (@anamariecox) February 19, 2018
yoga pants are fine sweat pants are fine pants in general are fine, even cargos and even … EVEN … capris slacks is a funny word and we should use it more but let’s just chill out about pants shall we get your pants judgment out of my face
— Jen Doll (@thisisjendoll) February 18, 2018
Sweat pants, yoga pants, heels or flats. Long skirts, mini skirts, blonde hair or blue. How about the joy of being able to make the choice you want as a full grownass woman? https://t.co/I9BqXokFLp
— Kirstine Stewart🙋🏼 (@kirstinestewart) February 18, 2018
The op-ed does raise one valid point: Sweatpants are comfy too. Still, they’re not for everyone, and nobody should feel pressured to wear one thing over another. A pregnant woman might prefer the stretch of a yoga legging; someone else might want a garment that wicks away sweat, or something tapered that won��t catch on their jump rope or Reformer machine.
Bottom line: Wear what suits you, don’t judge others who do the same,  ignore the haters, and brace yourself for the eventual takedown on sports bras. You know it’s coming.
Read more from Yahoo Style + Beauty:
This post was originally published on Yahoo Lifestyle.
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reynoldslevi10-blog · 7 years
9 Ways to Get a Great Workout at Home
"You're not tired! You're not tired!" says Chalene Johnson, as she starts another set of high-intensity exercises. She's tiny, blonde, and has the body I want to have. I am tired, but I follow her lead–a breakthrough since I'm watching her fitness DVD, an advanced cardio program called TurboFire, and there's no one in the room forcing me to do so. Why is this a big deal? Because I'm lazy–really. When I go to the gym, I can think of a 101 things I'd rather be doing, even as I jog on the treadmill. Outdoor exercise is also out; too hard on my asthma. You'd think I'd be the last person to do video workouts at home (no witnesses to my sloth!), but I've been able to stick with it for the past two years. Now, I'm stronger, I have more energy, and my endurance has improved. I even feel more confident when I pull on my skinny jeans. Here are my tips for keeping yourself motivated during your at-home workouts. Find a workout that fits your life  Guess what? I used to think I hated workout videos. The truth was I had not found the right one for me. There are hundreds of DVD workouts, and some of them are too hard. Or too easy. (Or too boring.) So Goldilocks, take the time to find the one that's juuuussst right. Amazon.com has hundreds of user reviews for you to read and consider, even if you don't want to buy. Start by searching for well-known trainers like Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, Chalene Johnson and Tony Horton. Then, hop onto Youtube to find a sample video. Some are short, but there are many high-quality videos that are 40 minutes to an hour long. Take the time to watch them to see if you can do the moves. Even if you're superfit, why not have a celebrity trainer you'd never have access to in real life? Stock up on DVDs Variety is the key to never getting bored. If you choose a popular program, you can save money by going online before buying from a store. If you get lucky like me, you might be able to pick up Tony Horton's P90X or TurboFire on Craigslist.org or Ebay.com for $40-$50, or half off the retail price. And just so you know, this is a good time to do it, since people are doing their spring-cleaning and getting rid of their dusty fitness gear. Personally, I like to keep more than one video around, so I can switch things up and never get bored. I currently own three, and one of them is a dated version of Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6. Even though it's old, I use it because it has a good track record, the trainer is likable and the music is pumping. After all, the whole point of this exercise is to get fit, get limber and to get moving. If you're budget-conscious, get yourself to the local library. Mixed in among old Hollywood blockbusters, there could be some pilates or cardio-based workout DVDs that someone has donated. You can also try using Freecycle.org. It's a nationwide service that people use to connect with others who are looking to give away their stuff for free. Schedule your workouts Open up your planner and schedule your workouts, following your trainer's calendar as closely as possible. BLOCK THOSE TIMES OFF! Rest days should overlap with special events or visits from out-of-town guests. And before you leave for any weekend trips, load your fitness programs on your laptop or iPad so that you can work out wherever you go. Think ahead, because when you're standing in front of a screen in your gym clothes, there should be no distractions. Johnson recommends working out six times a week, but I'd be happy if I could manage to do four. I've learned to be realistic, and this is a number I can stick to doing. Reward yourself for working out  Still feel like you're too busy to work out? Try this mental trick. Make a list of things that eat up all of your free time. It could be Facebook and Twitter, or the TV shows you watch. Then, circle three or four of your least favorite activities, and swap them out in favor of exercise. For example, I can make a conscious decision not to watch an episode of "New Girl" every week. And just like that, I'm able to squeeze an extra 30 minutes out of my day. I also like to use a rewards system. Since food-related ideas are out, I've been forced to get creative. I've made trips to the museum and to Broadway shows. I've taken self-defense classes and signed up for bouldering at a local rock-climbing gym. Create the perfect space  When I first started using fitness videos, I did it in my living room. It was so crowded that I had to push my coffee table and sofas aside so I could have enough space to do lunges, jump squats and sun salutations. I've learned that I'd rather have a trimmer, fitter body than a perfect living room. My commitment to exercise is not something that needs to be rolled up and hidden away all the time. This is something you might need to consider. I've recently moved all of my operations to the basement after discovering that I'm wearing a hole in my living room carpet. If you plan on doing a long-term program, it's probably a good idea to find ways to save your flooring from wear and tear. You can rotate your rug every few months, or invest in foam exercise tiles to spare your hardwood floors. Here's a pro tip. "To motivate yourself to enter and remain in your exercise environment, make it pleasant and inviting," says sports psychologist Mark H. Anshel, PhD. I'm taking his advice by painting the walls in a pretty, energizing color like peach. It should do wonders for my mood when I exercise. Change your diet too Some of the more advanced DVD programs offer menus and an eating plan, and I am happy to take advantage of the free advice. I love that I don't have to decide what to eat since it's all mapped out for me. For example, both P90X and TurboFire offer three meals and two snacks a day, and multiple options for each. With TurboFire, I get 50 pages of recipes, all based on a 1,500-calorie plan. There are weight loss tips, such as how to track your calories, understand food labels and break a weight loss plateau. And P90X has more than one nutrition plan. I can choose whether it's more important to me to shred fat and build muscle, boost my energy or maximize my endurance. Get the right gear To find out what equipment you need, you'll want to skim through the user manual that comes with most DVD programs, or watch the first five minutes of the video. Amazon reviews are especially useful, because you can find information on what equipment is necessary, what's optional, and where you might get items on the cheap. My current setup consists of a yoga mat and blocks that I purchased from Lululemon, and a pair of Powerblock dumbbells that I got for half off the retail price on Craigslist. I also ordered a set of resistance bands from Amazon. They can be used to replace small hand weights and don't take up much room. And since I do dance-based exercise routines, I have a pair of jazz shoes to help me slide and twist. Altogether, I've spent about $300 on equipment. It's steep, but still cheaper than paying for a gym membership every year. Dress to sweat!  It's tempting to start working out in whatever you happen to be wearing, such as pajamas and bare feet. But if there's one thing I've learned about using exercise DVD's, it's that it's always best to get dressed as if I'm going to the gym. Wearing sneakers actually makes it easier to do jumping jacks, lunges and leg lifts. Since they cushion my feet and give me a better grip on the floor, I'll last longer and do more reps, giving me a better shot at actually finishing my routine. Equally important is a good sports bra, to prevent bounce when you start jumping around. And if you do yoga, I recommend wearing a top that doesn't gape open when you do the down dog. Still not convinced? Dr. Anshel says that workout clothes "reflect your commitment to perform at optimal levels and have motivational value." This means it's a lot easier to jump in and do your exercises if you change as soon as you get home from work. Here's another lazy-girl trick. If you're an early-morning exerciser, you can wear your gym clothes to sleep. The next day, you can pop out of bed, scrunch your hair into a ponytail, and hit the "Play" button on your DVD player. Practice patience It can be frustrating to have to learn a new series of moves, especially if it's a dance or aerobics routine. But in real life, you can't ask your fitness instructor to stop the class and show you those moves just one more time. The beauty of using fitness videos is that you can stop and rewind as many times you need. When I get frustrated, I like to take a deep breath and concentrate on getting the steps down. Most of the time, I'll discover there are only a few moves that are repeated several times. And if that isn't the case, I can choose whether to persist or downgrade to an easier video. That's always an option so don't give up!
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brandyfields66-blog · 7 years
9 Ways to Get a Great Workout at Home
"You're not tired! You're not tired!" says Chalene Johnson, as she starts another set of high-intensity exercises. She's tiny, blonde, and has the body I want to have. I am tired, but I follow her lead–a breakthrough since I'm watching her fitness DVD, an advanced cardio program called TurboFire, and there's no one in the room forcing me to do so. Why is this a big deal? Because I'm lazy–really. When I go to the gym, I can think of a 101 things I'd rather be doing, even as I jog on the treadmill. Outdoor exercise is also out; too hard on my asthma. You'd think I'd be the last person to do video workouts at home (no witnesses to my sloth!), but I've been able to stick with it for the past two years. Now, I'm stronger, I have more energy, and my endurance has improved. I even feel more confident when I pull on my skinny jeans. Here are my tips for keeping yourself motivated during your at-home workouts. Find a workout that fits your life  Guess what? I used to think I hated workout videos. The truth was I had not found the right one for me. There are hundreds of DVD workouts, and some of them are too hard. Or too easy. (Or too boring.) So Goldilocks, take the time to find the one that's juuuussst right. Amazon.com has hundreds of user reviews for you to read and consider, even if you don't want to buy. Start by searching for well-known trainers like Jillian Michaels, Tracy Anderson, Chalene Johnson and Tony Horton. Then, hop onto Youtube to find a sample video. Some are short, but there are many high-quality videos that are 40 minutes to an hour long. Take the time to watch them to see if you can do the moves. Even if you're superfit, why not have a celebrity trainer you'd never have access to in real life? Stock up on DVDs Variety is the key to never getting bored. If you choose a popular program, you can save money by going online before buying from a store. If you get lucky like me, you might be able to pick up Tony Horton's P90X or TurboFire on Craigslist.org or Ebay.com for $40-$50, or half off the retail price. And just so you know, this is a good time to do it, since people are doing their spring-cleaning and getting rid of their dusty fitness gear. Personally, I like to keep more than one video around, so I can switch things up and never get bored. I currently own three, and one of them is a dated version of Debbie Siebers' Slim in 6. Even though it's old, I use it because it has a good track record, the trainer is likable and the music is pumping. After all, the whole point of this exercise is to get fit, get limber and to get moving. If you're budget-conscious, get yourself to the local library. Mixed in among old Hollywood blockbusters, there could be some pilates or cardio-based workout DVDs that someone has donated. You can also try using Freecycle.org. It's a nationwide service that people use to connect with others who are looking to give away their stuff for free. Schedule your workouts Open up your planner and schedule your workouts, following your trainer's calendar as closely as possible. BLOCK THOSE TIMES OFF! Rest days should overlap with special events or visits from out-of-town guests. And before you leave for any weekend trips, load your fitness programs on your laptop or iPad so that you can work out wherever you go. Think ahead, because when you're standing in front of a screen in your gym clothes, there should be no distractions. Johnson recommends working out six times a week, but I'd be happy if I could manage to do four. I've learned to be realistic, and this is a number I can stick to doing. Reward yourself for working out  Still feel like you're too busy to work out? Try this mental trick. Make a list of things that eat up all of your free time. It could be Facebook and Twitter, or the TV shows you watch. Then, circle three or four of your least favorite activities, and swap them out in favor of exercise. For example, I can make a conscious decision not to watch an episode of "New Girl" every week. And just like that, I'm able to squeeze an extra 30 minutes out of my day. I also like to use a rewards system. Since food-related ideas are out, I've been forced to get creative. I've made trips to the museum and to Broadway shows. I've taken self-defense classes and signed up for bouldering at a local rock-climbing gym. Create the perfect space  When I first started using fitness videos, I did it in my living room. It was so crowded that I had to push my coffee table and sofas aside so I could have enough space to do lunges, jump squats and sun salutations. I've learned that I'd rather have a trimmer, fitter body than a perfect living room. My commitment to exercise is not something that needs to be rolled up and hidden away all the time. This is something you might need to consider. I've recently moved all of my operations to the basement after discovering that I'm wearing a hole in my living room carpet. If you plan on doing a long-term program, it's probably a good idea to find ways to save your flooring from wear and tear. You can rotate your rug every few months, or invest in foam exercise tiles to spare your hardwood floors. Here's a pro tip. "To motivate yourself to enter and remain in your exercise environment, make it pleasant and inviting," says sports psychologist Mark H. Anshel, PhD. I'm taking his advice by painting the walls in a pretty, energizing color like peach. It should do wonders for my mood when I exercise. Change your diet too Some of the more advanced DVD programs offer menus and an eating plan, and I am happy to take advantage of the free advice. I love that I don't have to decide what to eat since it's all mapped out for me. For example, both P90X and TurboFire offer three meals and two snacks a day, and multiple options for each. With TurboFire, I get 50 pages of recipes, all based on a 1,500-calorie plan. There are weight loss tips, such as how to track your calories, understand food labels and break a weight loss plateau. And P90X has more than one nutrition plan. I can choose whether it's more important to me to shred fat and build muscle, boost my energy or maximize my endurance. Get the right gear To find out what equipment you need, you'll want to skim through the user manual that comes with most DVD programs, or watch the first five minutes of the video. Amazon reviews are especially useful, because you can find information on what equipment is necessary, what's optional, and where you might get items on the cheap. My current setup consists of a yoga mat and blocks that I purchased from Lululemon, and a pair of Powerblock dumbbells that I got for half off the retail price on Craigslist. I also ordered a set of resistance bands from Amazon. They can be used to replace small hand weights and don't take up much room. And since I do dance-based exercise routines, I have a pair of jazz shoes to help me slide and twist. Altogether, I've spent about $300 on equipment. It's steep, but still cheaper than paying for a gym membership every year. Dress to sweat!  It's tempting to start working out in whatever you happen to be wearing, such as pajamas and bare feet. But if there's one thing I've learned about using exercise DVD's, it's that it's always best to get dressed as if I'm going to the gym. Wearing sneakers actually makes it easier to do jumping jacks, lunges and leg lifts. Since they cushion my feet and give me a better grip on the floor, I'll last longer and do more reps, giving me a better shot at actually finishing my routine. Equally important is a good sports bra, to prevent bounce when you start jumping around. And if you do yoga, I recommend wearing a top that doesn't gape open when you do the down dog. Still not convinced? Dr. Anshel says that workout clothes "reflect your commitment to perform at optimal levels and have motivational value." This means it's a lot easier to jump in and do your exercises if you change as soon as you get home from work. Here's another lazy-girl trick. If you're an early-morning exerciser, you can wear your gym clothes to sleep. The next day, you can pop out of bed, scrunch your hair into a ponytail, and hit the "Play" button on your DVD player. Practice patience It can be frustrating to have to learn a new series of moves, especially if it's a dance or aerobics routine. But in real life, you can't ask your fitness instructor to stop the class and show you those moves just one more time. The beauty of using fitness videos is that you can stop and rewind as many times you need. When I get frustrated, I like to take a deep breath and concentrate on getting the steps down. Most of the time, I'll discover there are only a few moves that are repeated several times. And if that isn't the case, I can choose whether to persist or downgrade to an easier video. That's always an option so don't give up!
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You should answer any and all the fruits you want >:B
OKAY I'M FINALLY HOME LET'S DO THISPeach: Do you have any piercings or tattoos?One piercing in each ear. No tattoos.Raspberry: Favorite flower?Either orchids or chrysanthemumsLemon: do you have any pets? what are their names?No pets. Haven't had any pets since I was like 12Mango: what is your trademark?I'm not really sure what this means by 'trademark'. I guess the closest thing I have to that is the fact that I literally never wear pants anymore? I only ever wear leggings now.Passion fruit: How would you describe your style?Whatever is comfortable and gives me the mobility I need during workPineapple: sexual orientation?StraightStrawberry: favorite desserts?Brownies and lemon barsCherry: can you play any musical instruments or can you sing?Can't play any musical instruments. I can hold a melody and if I really try I can harmonize with some of my favorite songs. Not saying I'm good by any means, so don't ask me to post a video of me singingGrape: if you could take a vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?Cabo San Lucas or the MaldivesBanana: favorite horror movies?None. I hate horror moviesBlackberry: is your life an action film, a comedy, a romantic comedy, or drama?It's a fucking tragedyPomegranate: when do you feel the most confident?Fuckin' uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh when I'm at work, probably. That's the closest thing I have to confidence right now Cantaloupe: what are your parents' names?Shonna and TristanGuava: dark & dramatic makeup or natural makeup?I used to go dark and dramatic... trying to gravitate more towards natural looks now. That is, when I do wear makeup, I hardly do anymoreTangelo: if you could be any mythical creature, which would you be?DragonPlum: favorite clothing brands?I really like Lululemon. Other than that I could not give less than a fuckCoconut: favorite perfume?Again, could not care less. I don't even wear perfumeLychee: satin or lace?Satin. Lace is too uncomfortableBlueberry: what do you want to dress up as for halloween?I think this year (if I do dress up) I might do Rey. Halloween has never really been my thing, thoughApple: what do you use more, tumblr or twitter?I don't even have a twitter. So Tumblr, I guessKiwi: what's something that fascinates you?Brains that are chemically balanced and women who experience normal menstrual cyclesWatermelon: do you have a job? if so, what is your job title?I'm an instructional aide for kindergartners with autism Papaya: what song describes your aesthetic? Um.... the one that is most accurate at this moment in time is probably "Seasons" by DragonforceCranberry: favorite time of the day; morning, afternoon, dusk, or night?DuskNectarine: would you consider yourself an emotional person?I used to not, but then I emotionally invested myself in someone for over two years and now I'm trying to separate myself from that so... I actually kind of am I suppose Orange: do you have long eyelashes?Nope. I think mascara kind of fucked that up for meApricot: what do you do when you're sad?Cry, listen to music, try to writeStar fruit: favorite sea creature?DolphinsDragonfruit: do you drink alcohol?Nope
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yes-dal456 · 8 years
Can I Blame My Mental Illness For My Lousy Behavior?
Content Notice: eating disorder
Seven-and-a-half years ago, on the night of my 35th birthday, I told my husband that I wanted a divorce.
It was 2 AM. Maybe we’d been arguing, I can’t remember. I can’t remember a lot from that period, except the embarrassment. I remember the embarrassment with incredible accuracy.
Earlier that evening, we’d gone to dinner with my grandparents to a local Italian place. I can’t remember the name of the place; it’s not there anymore. It was replaced first by a Japanese place that served sushi that was only barely decent. Then by a Chinese place. Then a place that served Pho. Now I think it’s a Mexican food place.
I had Carbonara, which I also remember. It was surprisingly good for a place that would be out of business in 6 months. We had a bottle of red wine, probably Cabernet. I didn’t love wine yet, but I drank it because it seemed like the grown-up adult thing to do when you’re 35.
We went home and put the kids to bed; they were 14, 11 and nine then.
And at 2 AM, when he asked what was wrong with me, I told him I wanted a divorce.
He asked me to reconsider, pleaded the way only someone who has known you 20 years, who has seen you through every awful thing that has happened to you since you were 14, can.
I didn’t reconsider.
I feel the deepest level of shame, shame to my very core, that I walked away from my children. That 2 AM seemed like a good time to leave my kids and the only family they’d even known, to create a new family that they never asked for. I have bipolar disorder. And this is what unmedicated mental illness looks like for me.
The next day, we sent the kids to school and decided how to tell them. Maybe it was me who thought it would be a good idea to take them to pizza after telling them their lives were about to be ripped apart. Another poor choice in a long list of poor choices.
He told me if I wanted to split up our family, I’d have to leave. So I left.
I left my children there, the people I made in my body. The people who meant more to me than anything, I left at home.
Before I left, my 14-year-old gave me something she’d made with Perler beads, a little boy playing soccer. I kept him in the bag I took when I left, right up until last week.
When I took the figure out of the overnight bag, the black one with cherries on it, that I still use and still hate, I broke his foot off, and I cried. The foot can probably be ironed back on, but that’s not the point.
The point is, I broke him, and them.   
In the year before I left my family, I left myself.
My body wasted, worn down and broken from an eating disorder I denied. I stocked and stashed laxatives around the house. I ran until I fractured my leg and then ran on it still, even though it was excruciating until I broke it all the way.
And even then, I went to the gym and spent an hour a day on the elliptical on the broken leg. The elliptical is a low impact machine, or that’s what I told myself. In my broken brain, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable alternative to running on the road.
I lost ⅔ of my body weight in six months.
I bought handbags costly enough to feed a small nation, a drawer full of yoga pants from Lululemon, running shorts, dozens of new bras, thousands of dollars of new clothes. Every pound I lost deserved a reward, and I gave them to myself.
Despite barely hanging on to our ballooned mortgage, I shopped. At J. Crew, Gap, Macy’s. Nowhere too expensive. I must have figured no one would notice. Until the debt piled up and refused to be hidden.
The day after I told my husband I wanted a divorce, I packed my bag with my Perler-bead boy, two pairs of overpriced Lulu shorts, two sports bras, underwear, two sundresses, two bras with matching panties that I’d bought the week before, and my toothbrush. I went to my grandparent’s house.
I went there — I guess because it was the closest place, three blocks from my house, in a tiny town where everyone lives no more than a few miles away from each other. My grandmother gave me a room with a giant bed covered in an equally giant comforter which was in turn covered with roses. That night I drove around, with regret, but also a bizarre mix of conviction and pride, sure I’d made the right choice.
One day after that, I left my grandparents’ house to visit my sister three hours away. Fourteen years younger than me, she was in college at the time, pursuing the degree I never got, but she was away for the weekend. Instead of waiting for her, I bypassed the campus and drove to the Bay Area where I met my (now) husband.
We spent two nights and days together.
I’ve never written this. I’ve scarcely repeated this story to anyone outside a very tight-knit circle.
I am ashamed.
I’m not ashamed about the love I feel for my husband and the two babies we went on to make. I’m not embarrassed by the strength and struggle of what most would call a rebound marriage and the blended family, both beautiful and disastrous, that goes with it.
I feel the deepest level of shame, shame to my very core, that I walked away from my children. That 2 AM seemed like a good time to leave my kids and the only family they’d even known, to create a new family that they never asked for.
I have bipolar disorder. And this is what unmedicated mental illness looks like for me.
When the fog of a long season of depression lifts, and the manic energy arrives, bringing with it a bunch of irrational decisions, it’s easy to flush your meds — which is exactly what I did — right down the 50-year-old pink toilet, in the first house I ever owned.
I quite literally flushed all my meds because exercise and diet had restored my sanity. Or at least fooled me into thinking my sanity had been restored.
And with that “cure” came insurmountable debt, an eating disorder that leached the calcium from my bones, a delinquent mortgage, and a black overnight bag with cherries on it, filled with two days of clothes, a toothbrush, and a tiny beaded figure that my 14-year-old thought would give me comfort while I was gone.
My grandmother came into the spare bathroom situated across from the spare bedroom I was sleeping, but not really ever sleeping in, without knocking. The sight of my wasted body, the protruding collar bones, the sagging skin, must have alarmed her.
I was too busy thinking about the 10 more pounds I needed to lose to notice or acknowledge her reaction or when she said she was going to the kitchen to make me the mashed potatoes and gravy I’d take two bites of and then rinse into the sink.
When I came back from the Bay Area and the two days that I had sought to make me forget the mess I had left, I borrowed $1,200 from my grandparents and rented a tiny two-bedroom apartment.
In that apartment, I’d make spaghetti for my kids, and we’d eat it off of a wicker patio table that had, the week before, been next to my grandmother’s pool. They would go to sleep on small twin-size air mattresses I bought at Target. I would lay awake on the queen size version. Because I wasn’t sure what I was doing, and also because mania robs you of sleep, making you believe two hours is sufficient.
I had only a few things my ex let me have, a few things that I had charged on a credit card that wasn’t entirely maxed out, a fluffy floral sofa and a patio table that my grandmother gave me. And my mania and my shame.
I listened to the song “Lucky” on repeat, singing along, crying and learning the chords so I could play it on the acoustic guitar my dad had given me on the birthday I celebrated before I left everything behind for a new life.
I was so lucky to have a new life and a new person to love, who loved me.
And I was on a manic cloud that made it all seem so perfectly idyllic.
That’s what mania did to me.
But I can’t blame it. Not because it wasn’t there, but because that’s a bullshit excuse. I wish I could say that every mistake I’ve made, every lousy decision, is all a manifestation of my faulty brain chemistry.
But the truth is, even if it was the mania, I still have to sleep with the image of my kids crying over pizza the night I told them that I’d never share that house, the first one we’d bought, scrimped and saved for, again.
Four years after the wicker patio table and that hideous sofa, I saw the psychiatrist who would finally officially diagnose me over a bag of Sunchips and a Starbucks latte. The man that would medicate me, adjusting formulations over and over, until a year after that, I was at last, after 20 years, stable.
I haven’t had a single suicidal thought in nine months. I haven’t had a manic episode in much longer than that. I can’t remember a lot of words or phone numbers and addresses I had memorized for 20 years — because that’s what Lamictal does while it keeps me from buying useless shit instead of paying my mortgage.
My mouth is dry, and I gained 15 pounds — because that’s what Zoloft does while it keeps my OCD and eating disorder at an arm’s distance and my depression suffocated.
For a while, I was on one medication that made me fall asleep sitting up. I can’t remember what it’s called because I was asleep, and also because of Lamictal stealing my words.
But I take them every day, eight of them, along with a colorful handful of supplemental horse pills that I hope do something to counteract what the pharmaceuticals are doing to my liver. Every morning with breakfast, over coffee with the man I adore. Every night at the bathroom sink, right before I shea butter my hands and spoon to sleep with that same guy.
And I sleep. Mostly restful. At least five hours usually, always striving for seven. Our two littles sneak into our king-size bed and kick me in the face. Sometimes I end up on the bottom 5 percent of that giant mattress. And it makes me angry because no one likes to get kicked in the face by a six-year-old, but then I wake up, and I love them even more than the day before.
I am still ashamed. But despite that, or in spite of that, my life is beautiful.
I have all I need and most of what I want. When I can’t sleep, I can write at 1 AM, and in the morning I will have coffee that is made just how I like it, by a man who is my match, paired with my pharmacy of meds, and probably two fried eggs that we collected from our backyard hens the day before.
My big kids, two of whom are adults now, are fantastic. The two kids Matt and I made, that united our family around a common love, are people I can’t imagine living without. My life is as perfect as I could ever ask for or deserve.
And the Perler bead soccer guy is on my dresser. A reminder of why I swallow a dozen pills every day.
This article first appeared on ravishly.com. Read more from Joni here.
Also at ravishly:
Why Do You Hate Your Body?
13 Things My 4-Year-Old Needs To Discuss at 4 A.M.
Follow Joni on instagram and Facebook.
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