#I had to check the SSL but everything says there are no issues. so i guess it's either a tumblr problem or my country blocked my blog or
novuit · 9 months
I feel like I decorate my tumblr blog theme for fun because I can't visit my site unless I use a VPN which is really weird.
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foyil420-blog · 1 year
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financialsecrets · 1 year
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jeffrapham · 6 years
21 Effective Low Effort & High Return SEO Techniques for 2019
Ranking high takes both time and effort. But there are some SEO techniques out there that are easy to implement and will definitely bring some results. The best part? You can probably do everything yourself.
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Spoiler alert, though: many of them include basics. During the years we have observed something rather shocking. Many clients that I’ve picked up had paid big time for search engine optimization services in the past. To my surprise, however, basic things like keywords in titles were missing.
Now before you start, you can always perform an audit. It’s not actually something easy to do, depending on the size of your website, but it will help you prioritize your actions in order to save time. Depending on each individual situation, different actions in the list below might not be useful or might not apply to your case. 
1. Optimize Your Titles and Headings
As mentioned in the introduction, I was often surprised to see that although some of my clients had paid big money for SEO services in the past, basic optimization things like keyword research and title optimization were not performed.
These being said, make sure your pages are targeting the proper keywords. The title tag has the most weight in search engine optimization, so make sure your keyword is there. The closer the most important keyword is to the beginning, the better. After that, you need to add the proper keywords to your Headings as well. The H1 is the most important heading so it should be the first thing on a page. In many cases, it’s the same as the title, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.
If you have a PPC campaign running, you can inspire yourself from those titles. Many people think that PPC titles are unfit for SEO, but the truth is that the PPC titles are focused on conversion, which will benefit SEO greatly.
Same thing goes for the meta descriptions. Optimize the meta descriptions to convince people to click your link. Make sure you have your keywords there as well, otherwise the chances of it showing up are much lower.
Once you get a hold of it, you can start targeting multiple keywords with one page. Although this article doesn’t really target multiple keywords, we could say that this title is optimized for “effective seo techniques”, “seo techniques” and “seo techniques 2019”.
This is a great thing, because you can focus on writing bigger pieces of content instead of many smaller ones. Google loves longer content.
2. Prioritize Pages in Website Navigation
Navigation is the most important structure element on your entire website. Why? Well, because it’s the first thing linking to your ‘other’ pages and it’s usually at the very top of the page, giving those links a lot of weight.
You can see, for example, that pages optimized for some of our most important keywords are linked to right from the navigation menu. These links are found on every page on the website, making those pages look very important in Google’s eyes.
That’s actually one of the reasons the Homepage has such high authority on all sites. It’s because, usually, the logo on every page links to it.
3. Add Breadcrumbs to Your Pages
Adding breadcrumbs can be very beneficial to your website, especially if it’s an eCommerce one. This is due to the fact that they create structure within your site.
Most, if not all online stores, link their products from their category pages. This means that the category pages send some equity to the product pages, making them stronger. Not a bad thing, overall.
However, I’m pretty sure though that you want your category pages to rank high, because those are the ones optimized for the keywords with the most search volume. With Breadcrumbs, you will consolidate the strength of your Category pages by linking to them with all your subcategories and related products.
If you’re using a CMS, things are pretty easy. Most templates already come with breadcrumbs, so make sure you check the template’s settings first. If not, you can search the web for “Your CMS Platform” + “breadcrumbs plugin/extension/module”. I’m sure there’s something out there for you.
On a custom platform you might not be able to do it yourself without coding knowledge. However, a programmer should be able to do it pretty quick, so it won’t be a big expense.
4. Implement Tracking on Your Site
Tracking is extremely important. If you don’t track your rankings and traffic, you can’t spot the issues with your website.
What pages do the users leave quickly? You know you can improve those first, especially if the search volume for them is high!
Also, if you don’t monitor your organic search traffic you can’t know if you’re making any progress and, worse, you won’t know if the search engines penalized you or your rankings have dropped.
You can use Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor your organic search traffic and issues with your pages. They’re fairly easy to install as long as you have access to your server. You might even be able to install them via a plugin for your CMS. I recommend using Google Tag Manager to implement all tracking codes. They will be easier to manage afterwards.
If you want to go to the next level, you can try things like HotJar, which creates a heatmap of where your users click most on a page. However, that’s a lot harder to understand and improve correctly, so an experienced person is required.
5. Install an SSL Certificate
SSL has become a ranking factor since 2014. If you’re wondering why, the answer is pretty simple. Because of security. Cybercrime has been on the rise constantly and more and more people share more and more sensitive data on the web.
Installing an SSL should be pretty easy. Most of the time, your hosting provider can help you. However, there is a simpler solution which is also free: CloudFlare. You simply have to change your domain’s nameservers to point out to CloudFlare and then CloudFlare will act as a filter, blocking spam and bad IPs from reaching your server.
Read more on https://cognitiveseo.com/blog/20208/effective-seo-techniques/
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digitrainers · 3 years
Generate more visitors to your website
You've had a brand new website made and you're all set: let those customers come!
But actually not much happens. You are waiting for more and new visitors, but they don't come. What went wrong? Is the website not good? Or did you do something wrong?
Launching a website does not mean that your website will automatically attract more visitors. I speak from experience that it is a very important factor, but if your old website did not yield any visitors, a new design will not change that! You will have to help people find you. You do this by increasing the visibility of your site, which is possible with SEO, Social Media, SEA and PR. I would like to explain more about this to you:
Polls of online traffic
More visitors through SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In concrete terms, SEO means that you are going to optimize to realize more visitors from search engines to your website / webshop / app or platform. Hereby you ensure that your website (pages) provides the answers to questions that people ask in Google.
More visitors via Social Media?
We are all familiar with Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, you name it. By having a presence on Social Media and using it in the right way, you can get more visitors to your website. Each channel has its own approach, and many platforms are focused on keeping visitors on that platform! You can also choose to generate paid traffic through Social Media Advertising.
More visitors via SEA / Google Ads?
SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising. With this you ensure more visitors to your website, by paying per click to your website. This can be done via Google Ads, or to a lesser extent via BING Ads. With this you quickly and often realize the right visitor to your website. To achieve good results, it is best to work with a freelance SEA specialist.
More visitors through PR?
Finally, you can also work on your reputation, of you as a person or of your company. You ensure that people recognize your brand name and so Google you, for example, and come to your website. You can do this by, for example, writing press releases, entering into partnerships, or writing articles on well-known platforms.
So, do you want to attract more visitors to your website? Then I would be happy to help you with techniques that you can use to increase website traffic to your website:
First the basics to get a website visit
Before you can increase the visitor numbers, you will need to get a few things in order. Many people often forget this step, which results in disappointing results.
The foundation of everything you want to do is your website. This is the place where you create and manage content. And from here you will share things, so that you can increase the visitor numbers. Your website is, as it were, a digital hub of all your material.
 So you will have to work on 2 very important things to be ready to attract visitors:
1.      The basis and structure of your website is of high quality to facilitate visitors. This is especially true for SEO and Social. In order to score for search engines like Google, you will need a website that is fast, with good clean code and where the right SEO techniques have already been applied. This is also known as technical SEO . In addition, the website will also have to function properly . This makes it easier for you to write, post and then share content more easily. Without these functions you make it very difficult for yourself.
2.      Your website also needs to convert . You want to achieve something with your website. Whether that is a contact request, more readers of your articles or orders via your webshop. This is especially important for SEA and PR. For SEA, you want the investment in more visitors to yield a return (ROI). Otherwise you are wasting money. For your PR you want your website to convey the right message . And that your website exudes your identity, mission and vision, so that this is consistent with the branding that you propagate elsewhere. If you want to improve this, you will have to hire a conversion specialist.
Now that you know what the basics are (and you've got them in order!) I'm happy to help you with techniques to get more visitors!
Techniques to get more visitors
Based on the 4 parts (SEO, Social Media, SEA and PR) I give you tips and techniques to get started yourself. Of course you don't have to do everything, so choose the points that suit you best. Do you want to start something, but do you lack the knowledge? Then call in a (freelance) specialist who can help you further!
More visitors to your website through SEO
1.      Do a technical check (or have this done)
2.      Check your Google Search Console for keywords
3.      Work on your SEO titles
4.      Create an FAQ
5.      Improve your old Content
6.      Blogging (with a good strategy – like hero hub hygiene)
7.      Improve your landing page experience
8.      Use link building
9.      Bonus: SEO outside your website (video and audio)
1. Do a technical check (or have this done)
Your website is an extremely important vehicle for your SEO to come into its own. Certain technical aspects ensure that your website functions properly to give SEO a chance. Think of things like an SSL connection (fairly old) and more recently speed or even better: core web vitals . Perhaps you don't quite know how to do this yourself, so do you want to do this right? Hire a specialist once or for a longer period of time! Tip: you can get pretty far with WordPress yourself. If you choose another CMS, you will need a good web builder or developer!
2. Check your Google Search Console for keywords
Do you already know Google Search Console? If not, I advise you to look quickly! Here you can view the (current) performance of your website , such as the technical work, but also which keywords you already rank for! Very handy, because often you are not aware of this at all! Here you will find the keywords, the number of clicks to your website, the average position, etc. You can also search the landing pages 1 by 1 and see for which keywords they are ranked. Finally, you can also pass certain settings to Google, such as your XML Sitemap .
Example of your performance over the past 3 months
3. Work on your SEO titles
As a follow-up to point 2, there is immediately a nice hack that you can apply to your SEO landing pages and blogs! You often see in search console that your original page scores for other keywords or keyword combinations than you actually thought of. Or you hadn't taken this into account in the past. So try to change your SEO title based on this date! Of course, don't deviate too much from the original. Has no keyword been found on your page yet? Try changing the intent of your SEO title. Example: I had a page with the keyword SEO . Of course, that's a big and generic keyword. By changing this to Freelance SEO Specialist and slightly adjusting the text, I suddenly ranked!
In addition, you can also improve the SEO title for the CTR . There are many tricks for this, but an aid tool like yoast or rank math will easily assist you with this!
4. Create an FAQ
When you get started with SEO, part of this will focus on information content . That is to say: content that answers an issue or problem of the target group. An FAQ fits in perfectly with this. Here you answer the most frequently asked questions that the target group struggles with. I'll leave it up to you how you do this exactly, there are several ways to do this. The approach depends on your website. 
5. Improve your old content
People often start with a content strategy, but set it up purely from new content . Often this is not necessary at all! If you have already written good content in the past, then you (if all goes well) already have a golden source of content that you can improve. They also call this refurbished content. To do this, it is best to take a look at Google Analytics. You then go to the Behavior tab >> Site content or landing pages. Here you will find all pages that are visited. This way you can quickly find blogs that still have traffic, but may already be somewhat outdated. Determine if they need an update, such as SEO copywriting or a content upgrade. This is often much faster than starting from scratch!
6. Start blogging (+ a content strategy)
Do you have little or no content yet? Then blogging is a great start to create more content. You can do this yourself or hire a content creator . Based on your website, you make a list of topics why you want to write more. Make sure that these also fit with your target group and that the articles also match content. This way you can link or refer to each other in the blogs (good for your authority). In addition, work on a content strategy . This means that you write purposefully and set up a strong SEO strategy. For example, you will set up a clear structure and determine what type of content you want to create. 
7. Improve your landing page experience (with CRO, among others)
Are the visitors slowly starting to pour in? Or do you send some traffic via eg Google Ads or Social Media to your page for a traffic peak ? Then make sure your user experience of your target group is good! This measures (among other things) Google via Google Analytics, on points such as bounce rate, avg. duration on page and click through rate . It is therefore very important that in addition to answering the question, you also create engagement with your visitors.
You can do this, for example, by incorporating more interactive content into your blog. Think of videos, or calculators in your content. Or offer a suitable download such as a white paper. This is how you involve the target group and work on your own online marketing goals 😉
8. Use link building
A part of your SEO is really building more authority. You can compare this with scientific articles : the more people refer to you as a source and the more often you cite good works, the more important you are and become. Google also uses this principle to distinguish important sources from bad ones. However, the dividing line here is thin, so beware: if you only have (or buy) a lot of poor quality links to your site, then Google will not appreciate this and even penalize it. At the university you will also be regarded as a fraud if you buy this off!
9. Bonus: SEO outside your website (video and audio)
Your website is absolutely the foundation of your SEO. But not everything takes place on your website, and certainly not only in written text. Video and Audio are becoming increasingly important. Think of video SEO via YouTube, with which you provide information about your specialization on video. Or make a nice podcast (or make sure you are interviewed) and post it on channels like Spotify, stitcher or Google/Apple Podcast.
To get more in depth knowledge to get more visitors to your website, you can reach out to us anytime. We provide best digital marketing training in udaipur to help our students achieve new heights in the field of digital marketing.
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hydrus · 3 years
Version 435
NEW app
OLD app
I had a good week. I continued last week's server work and have a macOS Big Sur build available for testing.
new macOS build
This was delayed far longer than I wanted, but I think I have it figured out now. Thanks to work from Suika and ReAnzu on github figuring out the script, the macOS build is now put together on github itself, on Catalina. This new build thus works on Big Sur, and should generally have less compatibility jank on any newer macOS machine. I have included my old 10.12-built release as well today, just in case I messed something up, but if you are a macOS person, please give the new one a try and let me know how you get on.
Assuming this works out ok for the majority of people, I'll be moving to it as the official macOS build. Anyone who is still on an old macOS will have to run from source to stay updated with hydrus. The new release is just out of testing, so I'll clean up the filename and add the readme.rtf and so on so it looks prettier. I will also explore reducing the size (300MB vs 137MB wew), but I am told this may be unavoidable due to some new macOS thing that bundles both old and new versions of libraries in the App.
editable repository update periods
Just in case, it is probably a good idea to back up your server before you try this!
Hydrus repositories now have an editable update period! This was an oft-requested feature for users running a server on a LAN or between just a few friends, so if this is you, please give it a go. There is a new 'edit options' permission for accounts, which any account with 'manage account types' (admins basically) will inherit on update. If you have this, the 'admin services' menu will have a new 'edit update period' entry, which launches a simple time delta widget where you can change it.
Changes occur immediately. The server will create any updates that are now due, and your client will do a resync to keep up to date with the new numbers, so if you have 'review services' open when you make the change, you should see everything update in realtime. Other clients that sync with the server will catch up with the new check times when they next do their normal sync, unless they too force a resync with the new 'review services' button I added last week.
You can change the update several times, up or down, and it shouldn't be a big deal--the client no longer cares if one set of updates were short or long--so please feel free to play around with this a bit, just don't go crazy with super short or long times. The minimum is 10 minutes, but I recommend you only go down to about 60 minutes if you really want to be that fast, at least as we experiment with this. The system was originally built with 100,000 seconds in mind, so I think super short periods will add overhead bloat over time (not to mention, you only see content after processing, which atm only happens in idle time anyway).
the rest
I had another go at multi column list 'last column' resizing. Dialogs shouldn't judder around so much when you resize them, and more instances of dialogs growing or shrinking slightly on the every re-open ''should'' be mitigated.
Tag upload to a repository has a new safety check for a particular error state. I know one user got stuck with some pending mappings that wouldn't clear--in fact it lead to an endless cycle of uploading!--which is now caught, and a new maintenance routine can fix it.
The Client API's file search now converts tags with asterisks into wildcard or 'namespace' search terms. Its version is now 16. Also added to the Client API help page is a link to https://ififfy.github.io/flipflip/#/ , an advanced slideshow engine that now supports hydrus as a source.
full list
a new macOS build that should run on Big Sur is now ready, it should be attached to this release. it is built on github automatically, and is thanks to hard work from Suika and ReAnzu. I am attaching my old release as well, just in case I messed up somewhere on my end. if you are a macOS user, please try the new App! it will not work on very old macOS like 10.12, but if this works out today for the majority of macOS users, I will be moving to just putting this new build out going forward. I'll add some polish like the readme.rtf and harmonise the filename etc.. too. I'd love to cut the filesize down, but this may not be possible (it is apparently some modern macOS thing where it bundles old and new versions of libraries in the same App so you basically get it twice)
the bottom-right corner of the regular media viewer canvas now also shows media zoom
the StringSorter object now has a simple 'reverse' sort type
the infamous multi-column list 'last column' width calculations are improved: first, dialogs with multi-column lists should no longer judder back and forth a single character's width as you expand the parent window. also, the last column saved size (which is used in dialog relaunch width initialisation) is now snapped to rounded 5-character intervals, which should mitigate various 'fuzzy' reasons for some dialogs to remember a larger or smaller size and grow or shrink one or more characters' width on the next launch
the _help->debug->gui actions_ menu has a new entry to reset all multi-column list saved widths back to default
the 'edit OR predicate' panel when you shift+double-click an OR predicate now expands horizontally and vertically with the window
the 'edit search predicates' list in the 'edit favourite search' panel now expands vertically with the window
the client now detects some invalid tag mapping states on tag upload--when a mapping is both current & pending or when it is both deleted and petitioned. these pair-states are mutually exclusive, normally impossible to get to, but one user who nonetheless ended up in this situation encountered an infinite uploading loop to a tag repository (since the tag was already current/deleted, the pending/petitioned status was not clearing correctly on upload commit). now, the upload will be abandoned and an info message put up with the fix
added a new maintenance routine to _database->check and repair_ that fixes logically inconsistent mappings. it has a popup dialog when it works and forces a pending count refresh and shows a summary afterwards
the routine that counts up total current or pending mappings on a service when the cached number has been reset is now massively faster (from a 30-60s down to less than a second in my dev tests). it now sums the tag autocomplete cache, rather than counting raw tables
fixed the BUGFIX option in 'connections' that allows you to disable ssl verification. this will also be extended at a later date to be domain-specific
new server stuff:
a new permission is added to hydrus service accounts--'manage options'. any account with 'manage account types' will get this by default on update
any account on a repository with 'manage options' permission will now see 'change update period' in the admin services menu! it launches a time delta control with the current update period and will send the new one up to the server. the client will resync account, options, and metadata immediately, and the server will generate any now-due updates immediately, so you should be able to watch changes occur in 'review services' and the server terminal live. other users will catch up to the new time when they next hit an update. various hardcoded check periods (like how often due updates are checked for and delay-buffered clientside and serverside) are shrunk significantly. the whole system should react to changes better
the minimum settable update time is now 10 minutes (the default value remains 100,000 seconds), but I recommend you try larger, say an hour minimum, at least to start. the network generally works more efficiently with higher numbers, and be warned, if you are adding 144 updates a day, there may be bloat problems after a year
let me know how this goes, whether you are running a server on a LAN or just a regular user running on one who gets a new update time!
the new 'full metadata resync' routine now triggers an immediate metadata update sync and wakes the daemon involved, so it should now happen as you watch
fixed the new pause/play buttons on review services to use neutral pause/play icons, not the downloader pause/play
brushed up metadata sync status string on review services
cleaned misc server and network code
cleaned up some old clientside service code
the client api now supports wildcard and namespace tags in the file search call
client api version is now 16
added https://ififfy.github.io/flipflip/#/ , a slideshow engine that now supports hydrus as a source, to the client api page
next week
I have unavoidable IRL next week (jury duty), so I can't do the release on Wednesday. I will put a smaller one out on Tuesday!
I will hammer away at some small issues and plan out multiple local file services.
0 notes
antoniosteffan85 · 5 years
Bitcoin Era Erfahrung Review: Oplichting Of Legit?
There are brilliant methods for profiting on the web, at the highest priority on the rundown is putting resources into the best cryptographic money exchanging robots. My experience as a digital currency broker has been awesome, and I have no stresses over cash since I win all that could possibly be needed cash each day by utilizing cryptographic money exchanging robots. Be that as it may, to profit I procure day by day, simply the best exchanging robots must be used. There are such a significant number of them, however with our assistance, individuals can distinguish the cryptographic money exchanging robots that truly work. We have tried the Bitcoin Era Erfahrung, and in one expression, it is the best. In this audit report, we have itemized our experience while testing Bitcoin Era Erfahrung and why everybody keen on profiting from the digital money market ought to think about utilizing this exchanging robot. Not surprisingly, before testing a digital currency exchanging robot, we set out to know whether there is a group of people who can profit by our survey and the general discernment about the exchanging robot. We found blended responses with respect to Bitcoin Era Erfahrung, a few clients are as of now making as much as $1,500 consistently, while others are distrustful about contributing in light of the fact that they don't have a clue whether the Bitcoin Era Erfahrung Nerds is genuine. Right now, we have addressed all inquiries dependent on our experience while testing every one of the highlights of the Bitcoin Era Erfahrung. Fortunately, we had a magnificent encounter in light of the fact that Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is fantastic, it is so natural to utilize, and the achievement rate for all exchanges is high.
Is Bitcoin Era Erfahrung Duitsland Echt? Werkelijk!
We originally expected to affirm if the exchanging robot is genuine before continuing with diagnostic tests. We can certainly say that Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is genuine and can be trusted. Underneath, you will locate a rundown of our evaluations; Our investigation instruments demonstrated that the achievement rate on Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is 92% – which is perhaps the most elevated score we have acquired as you will see on our top Bitcoin robots list Our unwavering quality tests uncover that Bitcoin Era Erfahrung has a score of 95%, in light of the exactness of its exchanging robots and operational procedures. As to support, we scored Bitcoin Era Erfahrung 98% – This depends on responsiveness and fulfillment in the wake of utilizing the administration. Generally, the exchanging robot scored 98% making it a standout amongst other venture stages for everybody keen on profiting from exchanging digital currency – The exchanging robots are dependable and quick. Our tests were done continuously. We opened a Bitcoin Era Erfahrung record to test and examine the live exchanging highlights, and it was great. We additionally looked into the tributes presented by current speculators on know whether there are any common issues, yet there was no issue. It was glaring that a greater part of the clients who had seen how auto-exchanging digital currency robots work were getting a lot of money consistently.
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Wat Is Een Testrapport Van Bitcoin Era Erfahrung Duitsland?
We know what number of our perusers rely upon this report as a speculation control. It is so natural with these exchanging robots. The client should simply finance their Bitcoin Era Erfahrung account and sit back, to watch the exchanging robots do basically everything. Toward the finish of an exchanging session, there is a huge benefit holding on to be pulled back. Exchanging with Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is a brisk method to develop automated revenue; we have broke down its highlights to affirm benefit, online security, responsiveness, and authenticity. My group incorporates splendid programming engineers, showcase experts, and digital money dealers. We utilized imaginative examination instruments to run the tests, and our outcomes are precise.
Hoe Betrouwbaar Is De Bitcoin Era Erfahrung?
It is imperative to test the unwavering quality of a cryptographic money exchanging robot. Financial specialists are keen on a wellspring of ordinary pay. From our expert evaluation, the designers of Bitcoin Era Erfahrung have set up every one of the assets and apparatuses to guarantee the exchanging stage is constantly on the web. Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is available to financial specialists in more than 150 nations; we affirmed that clients from everywhere throughout the world are profiting day by day from their interests in Bitcoin Era Erfahrung.
Hoe Winstgevend Is Bitcoin Era Experience?
We expected to affirm that each speculator in Bitcoin Era Erfahrung will make a benefit; this is the reason we opened another record to test the framework. It was simple; my group had an extraordinary encounter utilizing this auto exchanging stage. We made a store of $ 250 and tried the live exchanging highlight, the exchanging robots performed incredibly, and we made a benefit toward the finish of our first exchanging session. My group was intrigued with the stop-misfortune highlight, which brings down the dangers of losing cash during a live exchanging session. We discovered that Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is overseen by a group of specialists who have a gleaming notoriety as digital money dealers and business experts. The authoritative group likewise includes splendid programming engineers. Measures to Ensure Online Safety: We likewise expected to affirm that all financial specialists on Bitcoin Era Erfahrung were secured on the web. The auto exchanging stage is ensured by SSL conventions which encode and secures all exchanges on the site. Client data isn't imparted to outsiders, and we discovered evidence that security conventions are refreshed normally.
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Wat Is Bitcoin Era Experience Germany?
Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is an auto exchanging stage that permits everybody to contribute and begin winning from the digital money showcase. Speculation can be made by anybody without essentially having specialized information or aptitudes identified with digital money exchanging. The clients make a store in their Bitcoin Era Erfahrung account, and the exchanging robots assume control over, exchanging with the assets and making benefits. We found that the base store on Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is $ 250, which is a standard. The high achievement rate on the auto exchanging stage makes it conceivable to gain 15% of the store each day. We likewise saw that financial specialists that set their records to exchange Bitcoins as regularly as they need, when the record is supported. Numerous clients are profiting with Bitcoin Era Erfahrung,
Hoe Werkt Bitcoin Era Erfahrung?
The framework is controlled by insightful exchanging robots that perform exchanges for clients. In the wake of making a record, the client makes a store and enacts the live exchanging highlight. At the point when this is done, the exchanging robots break down the digital money market to recognize beneficial exchanges that should be possible with kept assets. All exchanges are checked by merchants to guarantee the clients will make cash before handling. Toward the finish of an exchanging session, clients can pull back benefits and reinvest the funding to get more cash-flow. We saw that the exchanging robots work with a one of a kind calculation that is impeccable. This is the manner by which the robots can break down a tremendous measure of information from the digital currency showcase rapidly to guarantee clients don't lose acquiring openings. We are dazzled with Bitcoin Era Erfahrung; we saw tributes of clients who make somewhere in the range of $1,500 and $5,000 consistently. It would be ideal if you note that the digital currency advertise is exceptionally unstable, and there are dangers. Be that as it may, the quick procedures on Bitcoin Era Erfahrung bring down these dangers and increments acquiring possibilities for all clients.
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Wat Is Het Proces Van Het Openen Van Een Bitcoin Era Erfahrung-Account?
Bitcoin Era Erfahrung is accessible in 150 nations; we found the rundown of nations on the site. If you don't mind see the registration process here; we have portrayed our experience while opening another record underneath. Stage ONE: Registering another record :We had the option to open and enroll our new record in under five minutes. This is an encounter we like to feature; everybody can open a record; the means are snappy and clear. The data required to open another record is insignificant; we just entered a record name, telephone number, and an email address. We were incited to make a secret word, and after the check of our data, we got a notice that our new Bitcoin Era Erfahrung account has been actuated. Stage TWO: Making a Deposit:To utilize the live exchange include, we expected to make a store. We were glad to see different installment alternatives, for example, MasterCard, Visa, wire move, WebMoney, Maestro, Neteller, and Skrill. To test the exchanging robots, my group chose to store $250 in our new Bitcoin Era Erfahrung account. This was a fast procedure; our record was subsidized in a moment or two and prepared for live exchanging. Stage THREE: Live Trading Before initiating the exchanging robots on our Bitcoin Era Erfahrung account, we set a stop-misfortune cutoff to ensure our venture. The live exchanging session went on for eight hours, and we made a benefit of $190 after the exchanging robots performed exchanges with the $250 we had at first saved. The exchanging robots worked rapidly and capably to recognize the best lucrative open doors which were confirmed by agents partnered with Bitcoin Era Erfahrung. We likewise saw that the exchanging procedures utilized by the robots were assorted, which might expand the odds of getting more cash for the client. Subsequent to making a benefit, a commission is charged uniquely of the benefit, and the parity is sent to the clients' record. The underlying store is immaculate. We are persuaded that Bitcoin Era Erfahrung gives outstanding amongst other lucrative open doors for everybody who needs to turn out to be monetarily reliant and grow an easy revenue.Click here to open an account with Bitcoin Era or keep reading to learn more: https://horlaxendeutschland.de/bitcoin-era-erfahrungen/
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thewul · 5 years
Predictive Dialer
Here we are again boys and girls, I will let the rest of my resume answer for itself for now. This book is not so much an admission of guilt but to answer for the many challenges that face intelligence agencies around the world to keep the place manageable. Like I said we needed to make it tidy so lets jump right to Newscorp.
One of the first things I told many people that they themselves knew about is bringing the press industry and the media in check. Better than that to assimilate them same as we gobbled the arms industry with army intelligence agencies. And they had the stomach for it, all we needed was the money which started pouring by distributing a string of armament budgets and contracts.
It was a global rapid succession of purchases by regional branches. Newscorp accounts today for almost all of it, print, TV, and the internet. It has regional policies which its staff our staff coming from different intelligence agencies respects to the letter, we have gotten to the point where we can make someone vanish from public interest, for good. Agents do a fine work as journalists, they go to select journalism schools, journalism is a career they can pursue for years even decades and it makes for a nice cover, well paid too. They practice being synthetic and accurate from their reporting and articles they write, we know way before the public does, its all pluses.
Newscorp brought us much more peace of mind, for example it allowed different, many in fact, governments to work on solving issues rather than having an irresponsible press pour more negative public opinions over it, we now have responsible people who answer to a chain of command. Its quite soulless too, if someone has to bounce from politics, business or otherwise not only that person gets blanketed from the media globally but even its past coverage gets deprecated over time to account in a decade or two, tree even so for nothing at all. Meanwhile people have other preoccupations they moved with.
Hundreds of billions went through the banking system for this operation which was swift and ruthless. The government was now entitled to it all, I convinced it and sent it tumbling down on stock markets. Its one big bully when it wants something and I used that, they are all the same pretty much. People who didn’t buy out, well they died of the usual causes of death. Businesses kept rolling and ownerships changed.
There is something to holding a press concern that is akin to holding state power which frankly I wanted for myself, to shield myself and Nakashimura from public scrutiny to start with. Its not tomorrow I am appearing in a tabloid or in a front column branded as a mass consumption victim. It’s bad enough that I left the love of my life in some city. It’s not good enough for me, since I been with you I’m gonna sip on this drink, when I’m fucked up I should know how to pick up I’m gonna catch the rhythm while she push up against me Ooh, and she tipsy I had enough convo for 24 I peep’d you from across the room Pretty little body, dancing like GoGo But you are unforgettable I need to get you alone Why not? A fucking good time, never hurt nobody I got a little drink but it’s not Bacardi If you loved your girl then I’m so, so sorry I got to give it to her like we in a marriage Oh, like we in a hurry No, no I won’t tell nobody You’re on your level too Try'in do what lovers do. Maybe someone is reading this who knows at least there goes my effort. I know those other types are, everyone is curious as to how I framed them. I gave them what they wanted, and when they had it I was the only one who could use it.
Maybe they knew all along. I am only telling because I made it legal. I studied law, and I found out that executive powers gave all of the needed leeway inasmuch as they were in the right hands. Which you can take them from those hands if you know how even if it is better to put your people there to start with which is the way to go about it.
And then there are special powers which you are learning about. Put them with military and intelligence services cut the ball in two with politics by subtracting the press. Legal authorities can only smile at that they distributed the powers not the suits. Everything I do is constitutional.
Hey wow new material for this book and for people who purchased the book, if not you can read it online. I should start to look into a book cover. So yes there is an information war going on, and abuse of power that need to be looked into. And we are.
And it points in the direction of a strong ICANN, way more powerful than it is to protect everyone’s interests mine included. More centrally located too, yes I also work at ICANN.
We are indeed going towards producing national, meaning TLD based and regional versions of the internet, meaning firewalled. Where the different countries that are party to ICANN can themselves set their versions of ICANN’s domains database, and chose which sites or even TLD’s are served and which are not. And its a variety of issues ranging from porn to malware, satanism, racism, hate talk, immigration and visa frauds. Counterfeited goods and drugs. Its a free for all.
So we and its a large we of people who are concerned, need to address those issues because it affects the daily lives and morals of generations around the globe.
Also in our firewalled regional subnets the FDA can suspend all it wants, such an infrastructure implies that services, any services and all services that are live such as Tumblr be run regionally, meaning present in the region and not serviced from out of region based servers.
The free world is also the internet, in the wealth of knowledge that it has to offer, and the people that maybe don’t know each others, maybe never will, but keep an eye on what others are doing. 
We built this thing its all hacker stuff that you’re using everyday, you think you’re going to own it now? Hackers built your cellphone, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun its all hackers, hackers wrote the code that you think you can come bother us with.
Hackers wrote the hacker Manifesto that we go by everyday while you take the people’s money and will not even respect your constitutional duty to protect their civil rights. You say you live in the free world ain’t the free world. This is the free world.
This is the free world that tells all of you that are concerned to do your job as regards the people before you come knocking at our door. Its the free world that knows no distinction of gender or income or nationality or race, all we’re looking at all day long is the internet.
While you was after me I was maturing as a hacker, pleased to meet you I hack life in general same as I hack computers. Its what got you interested in the first place and here we are, I hack organizations, administrations, governments do you copy. I hack and I engineer, re engineer them.
People are reading this because it is valuable to them. They value the free speech of a free citizen of the free world. Unlike not being able to say what’s on your mind, hierarchy, bla bla blah hey we know you.
And your bosses, well hey its the big boys they know wassup they know what to do. That they’re not doing because the punk above them didn’t say nothing plus he can say all he wants and after that its the politicians. You’re Mr Clean living with Greasy.
All of you who don’t live for a pat on the back reading this, ie hackers, from all walks of life and from law enforcement. I know you’re out there and you know that I know. Hackers don’t live for a pat on the back, hackers don’t want to be known its years of jail if you get caught stealing state secrets if only to know what’s up fuck that pat on the back.
Fuck that pat on the back and do your jobs, say it like it is your duty as regards the rights of people to a decent life and future not to be abused online by scumbags.
This here is the free world. The indomitable world, the world that will not bow down nor cease to overcome. And we can tell all the difference in the world with what you are proposing.
The day after
And you ought too to rise up with your hacking skills see its not about tricking dummy into thinking you’re a network node or stealing SSL certificates from your nearest multinational, life is there waiting to be hacked, life itself and that means change for billions towards that which we want to build, a fair and free, open, transparent, prosperous, society. Its not what we have. We got to hack what we have into it.
Yes we’re back, freedom not an empty word, freedom is when everyone is free from the invisible chains of bondage and slavery. Society offers a vast panorama of resources that are over exploited, under exploited or plainly neglected and untapped by the people themselves who’s business it is to discover their potentialities and express them. Freedom is a vast project when everyone can fulfill their potential and express it, freedom is the expression of potential. 
And that potential has to be constructive and positive to be of value. Freedom is not what you make it, freedom is what it makes you.
0 notes
freshaffiliates · 5 years
Bluehost Review
Bluehost Review – Website Hosting
If you want the short version of this Bluehost Review, here it is. After testing many hosting providers, I recommend Bluehost Hosting. In my opinion, it surpasses it’s competition in speed, support, file storage and usage limits. If you want to know more about my experience and why I deem Bluehost as the best, continue reading.
So you’re in the market for a new hosting provider. It might be your first website, you may have clients or you may currently have a not-so-desirable hosting package. Hopefully this Bluehost hosting review will help put your mind to ease when deciding to go with Bluehost.
Important Factors for Website Hosting
You may have noticed I mentioned that I tested out many providers, well when I actually first started online, the first thing I did was buy website hosting. And in summary to everything I have learned, the main factors you should keep in mind when buying website hosting as as follows:
1. Fast server loading speed 2. Amount of websites you can host 3. Amount of files you can host 4. Type of cPanel Access 5. Amount of I/O Usage you can use 6. If a SSL included or not 7. If there is good customer support
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Price vs Hassle
Trust me when I say this. It’s worth spending a few more dollars starting off with something capable than having to deal with all the issues and moving everything later on. I found out the hard way. The good thing though is that hosting is cheap compared to other tools you’ll need for your business! 
Please note: I have tried to provide as much value as possible in this website. As it’s based in the affiliate marketing space, it does also contain affiliate links for programs mentioned. If you decide to follow through and purchase items, I may earn a referral bonus which you can learn more about here.  
Bluehost Bonus – Free Blogging Course
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Blogging Secrets Course
If you are looking into getting started with Bluehost, I’ve got a bonus you can’t refuse! Simply purchase Bluehost through the links provided on this page, and you’ll get it for free! 
More Details on the Bonus
Bluehost Review – Best WordPress Hosting 
Bluehost Hosting is Fast
As I first mentioned above, Bluehost has incredible website speed. Upon moving this current website from Fastcomet hosting to Bluehost, I was able to increase the speed of the site by 3 seconds! This means it will be a more pleasant user experience for the website visitors, plus it is more desirable for Google which means potentially ranking higher. If the site you are creating is going to be driven by sales or affiliate marketing, you definitely want it to be fast.
Bluehost is able to do this by having more servers around the world and limiting the number of sites per server.
  Bluehost Pricing Plans are Competitive
I am currently using the “Plus Plan” as listed on the Bluehost pricing page, and I think this package is suitable for all people in all industries. It allows you to host unlimited websites, unlimited file storage and unmetered bandwidth. This will ensure you never create a project too big, you have room to move sites to new names if you need to and you can run the important tasks you need to.
And just touching on the unlimited websites a little more, you never know a situation where you may need a second domain hosted. Whether it a marketing campaign, a joint venture, a membership site or a test site. It’s always handy to have the ability to have more than one website!
  Website SSL Certificates
It’s becoming more common for web hosting providers to provide free SSL certificates these days. What an SSL certificate does is let the browser of the visitor who visits the website, know if it’s safe or if it has unsafe scripts running. This helps prevent things like malware and viruses get installed on your computer. It’s also a minimum requirement for adding payment gateways on your website. Once a SSL is installed, you will see the green lock on the website URL in the address bar and it may include the word ‘Secure’.
Customer Support
When it comes to facing problems, the last thing you want is to be on the other end of a chat box or phone to someone who has no idea what the problem is or what you’re even talking about. I have had multiple bad experiences with customer support chats on hosting platforms like Hostgator, luckily you’re in good hands if you’re with Bluehost. They even offered to help with a service they normally charge over $100 for, for free! Nothing beats good a good customer support service.
Final Thoughts – Bluehost Review
If you’ve made it this far through the Bluehost review, you will have seen that it ticks all the boxes. Whether your starting off brand new or you’re a season vet in website building, Bluehost can help fulfil your needs.
As a special little incentive too, I’m currently giving away my Blogging Course, Blogging Secrets absolutely free for those who join Bluehost through my link. That’s a $197 course (price may increase) that will walk you through all the necessary steps to build a strong website that will get noticed by Google.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the review and if you’re also interested in blogging, affiliate marketing or making more money online, make sure you check out our private Facebook community!
The post Bluehost Review appeared first on Broken Limitz.
source https://brokenlimitz.com/bluehost-review/
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
CSS-Tricks on Flywheel
I first heard of Flywheel through their product Local, which is a native app for working on WordPress sites. If you ask around for what people use for that kind of work, you'll get all sorts of answers, but an awful lot of very strong recommendations for Local. I've become one of them! We ultimately did a sponsored post for Local, but that's based on the fact that now 100% of my local WordPress development work is done using it and I'm very happy with it.
Now I've taken the next step and moved all my production sites to Flywheel hosting!
Full disclosure here, Flywheel is now a sponsor of CSS-Tricks. I've been wanting to work with them for a while. I've been out to visit them in Omaha! (👋 at Jamie, Christi, Karissa, and everybody I've worked with over there.) Part of our deal includes the hosting. But I was a paying customer and user of Flywheel before this on some sites, and my good experiences there are what made me want to get this sponsorship partnership cooking! There has been big recent news that Flywheel was acquired by WP Engine. I'm also a fan of WP Engine, being also a premium WordPress host that has done innovative things with hosting, so I'm optimistic that a real WordPress hosting powerhouse is being formed and I've got my sites in the right place.
Developing on Local is a breeze
It feels like a breath of fresh air to me, as running all the dev dependencies for WordPress has forever been a bit of a pain in the butt. Sometimes you have it going fine, but then something breaks in the most inscrutable possible way and it takes forever to get going again. Whatever, you know what I mean. At this point, I've been running Local for over a year and have had almost no issues with it.
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There are all kinds of features worth checking out here. Here's one that is very likely useful to bigger teams. Say you have a Flywheel account with a bunch of production sites on it. Then a new person starts working with you and they have their own computer. You connect Local to Flywheel, and you can pull down the site and have it ready to work on. That's pretty sweet.
Local doesn't lock you into anything either. You can use Local for local development and literally use nothing else. Local can push a site up to Flywheel hosting too, which I've found to be mighty useful particularly for that first deployment of a new site, but you don't have to use that if you don't want. I'll cover more about workflow below.
Other features that I find worthy of note:
Spinning up a new site takes just a second. A quick walkthrough through a wizard where they ask you some login details but otherwise offer smart-but-customizable defaults.
Dealing with HTTPS locally is easy. It will create a certificate for you and trust it locally with one click.
You can flip on "Live Link", which uses ngrok to create a live, sharable URL to your localhost site. Great for temporarily showing a client or co-worker something without having to move anything.
One click to pop open the database in Sequel Pro, my favorite free database tool. Much easier than trying to spin up phpMyAdmin or whatever on the web to manage from there.
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Flywheel's Dashboard is so clear
I love the simple UI of Local, and I really like how that same design and spirit carries over into the Flywheel hosting dashboard.
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There are so many things the dashboard makes easy:
You need an SSL cert? Click some buttons.
Wanna force HTTPS? Flip a switch.
Wanna convert the site to Multisite? Hit a button.
Need to edit the database? There is a UI around it built in.
Want a CDN? Toggle a thing.
Need to invite a collaborator on a site? Go for it.
Need a backup? There are in there, download it or restore to that point.
It's a big deal when everything is simple and works. It means you aren't burning hours fighting with tools and you can use them doing work that pushes you forward.
When I set up my new CSS-Tricks workflow, I had Flywheel move the site for me (thanks gang!) (no special treatment either, they'll do that for anybody).
I've got Local already, so my local development process is the same. But I needed to update my deployment workflow for the new hosting. Local can push a site up to Flywheel hosting, but it just zips everything up and sends it all up. Great for first deployment but not perfect for tiny little changes like 95% of the work I do. There is a new Local for Teams feature, which uses what they call MagicSync for deployment, which only deploys changed files. That's very cool, but I like working with a Git-based system, where ultimately merges to master are what trigger deployment of the changed files.
For years I've used Beanstalk for Git-based deployment over SFTP. I still am using Beanstalk for many sites and think it's a great choice, but Beanstalk has the limitation that the Git-repo is basically a private Git repo hosted by Beanstalk itself.
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During this change, I needed to switch up what the root of the repo is (more on that in a second) so I wanted to create a new repo. I figured rather than doing that on Beanstalk, I'd make a private GitHub repo and set up deployment from there. There are services like DeployHQ and DeployBot that will work well for that, but I went with Buddy, which has a really really nice UI for managing all this stuff, and is capable of much more than just deployment should I ultimately need that.
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Regarding the repo itself, one thing that I've always done with my WordPress sites is just make the repo the whole damn thing starting at the root. I think it's just a legacy/comfort thing. I had some files at the root I wanted to deploy along with everything else and that seemed like the easiest way. In WordPress-land, this isn't usually how it's done. It's more common to have the /wp-content/ folder be the root of the repo, as those are essentially the only files unique to your installation. I can imagine setups where even down to individual themes are repos and deployed alone.
I figured I'd get on board with a more scoped deployment, but also, I didn't have much of a choice. Flywheel literally locks down all WordPress core files, so if your deployment system tries to override them, it will just fail. That actually sounds great to me. There is no reason anyone from the outside should alter those files, might as well totally remove it as an attack vector. Flywheel itself keeps the WordPress version up to date. So I made a new repo with /wp-content/ at the root, and I figured I'd make it on GitHub instead just because that's such an obvious hub of developer activity and keeps my options wide open for deployment choices.
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Maybe I'll open source it all one day when I've had a chance to comb through it.
For the same kind of spiritual reasons, during the the move, I moved the DNS over to Cloudflare. This gives me control over DNS from a third-party so it's easy for me to point things where I need them. Kind of a decentralization of concerns. That's not for everyone, but it's great for me on this project. While now I might suffer from Cloudflare outages (rare, but it literally just happened), I benefit from all sorts of additional security and performance that Cloudflare can provide.
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So the workflow is Local > GitHub > Buddy > Flywheel.
And the hosting is Cloudflare > Flywheel with image assets on Cloudinary.
And I've got backups from both Flywheel and Jetpack/VaultPress.
The post CSS-Tricks on Flywheel appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
CSS-Tricks on Flywheel published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Reimeiroku Saito Final Chapter
have i ever mentioned how i’m a masochist when it comes to this stuff? like, i will freely admit how i actually don’t like translating and doing more unnecessary work, but I when I do something for myself, I tend to want a certain degree of quality.... which is why i decided i’d do some video editing for this... a decision that I really regret now though i can say that it’s something that i know hate more than photoshop lol. 
after i finished my yuugiroku 2 vid, i figured i might as well try to install Visual Novel Reader to see if that could offer me better visual and audio quality for this... but before I finished installing it, I went and checked what videos were available that I could use for assets and found a video made through vnr had about the same audio quality as to ppsspp... along with videos from someone other psp emulated version of this... which i then clipped for audio. 
between visual and audio quality... i’ll pick audio any day so after deciding that i’d be using some of the less grainy audio i found along with my ppsspp footage... i set to work trying to layer the tracks.... but since the audio didn’t match the visuals’ timing, I had to manually cut pieces of my screencap video up so that it matched the audio timing, while also making sure that the visuals looked like they were still continuous (damn  circle icon which wouldn’t go away and caused problems)... on top of which, i had to deal with removing a number of random black screens that would just flash on screen for less than a second when i ran reimeiroku through the ppsspp emulator.... then i also had to find the song that plays towards the ending of this cuz the audio i had cut before the end of my screencap vid which was also a pain because i couldn’t find the damn thing anywhere on youtube so i had to go find the game rip audio (thankfully i have a site for that. also in the game, that song doesn’t naturally fade out and i manually added in that effect cuz i felt like it and thought it was better than the audio just cutting off) so i could put that in and align it so that track matched the audio timing for the vita audio track.... and then i also had to do something about the interval where i had to increase and decrease volume since the end kept sounding off no matter what i did....tho i kinda think the video still sounds off in 2 places.
once i got all the damn visuals and text properly lined up, i gave up on having to deal with the the stupid circle icon in that was originally in the bottom right hand corner since i got pissed enough seeing it and cuz it was no longer continuously in motion so I decided to remove it entirely along with the auto-play icon (at this point im on about version 10 of the video).
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then, to cover up the right side of the video, i figured that’d i’d just stuck up an image over top of that section.... but after several tries i gave up on that since every damn picture i imported regardless if that was a screenshot of the game or a screen capture of the video from the editing software itself, nothing would match the colour of the text box for some infuriating reason... which ultimately led to me redoing everything so i didn’t have the stupid text box then stringing together clips between those stupid bouncing icons to erase the damn thing entirely though i thankfully didn’t worry about the auto-play icon the second time around....
however, doing that in itself posed a whole new problem since what i could effectively clip was less than >0.5 seconds each time to create cropped video layers that would hide that stupid icon, and my comp reaaaaaallllly started to issues when i did more of this and when i copied and pasted too many of those millisecond clips together... it got to the point where i was waiting 15 minutes for about 4 seconds of copied hide-the-damn-icon-video-clips (or about 8 hours for 40 seconds worth)... which pretty much crippled my computer..... 
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this resulted in me having insane amounts of segments that looked entirely like this^, which occurred whenever there was an icon to hide... or text shake for some reason.... which caused me to create +20 openshot files for editing...(btw this is 138 tiny clips over the span of 6 seconds)
in the end, over the course of a fucking month, which i can honestly say that me finishing this for today was a complete coincidence (i barely managed to finish Warframe’s Scarlet Spear event cuz of how bad this was lol), i lost count of many versions of this video I made sometime after I reached version #32, openshot crashed on me at least 15 times (gave up counting that too), and my laptop crashed twice.... 
after i finally finished my video, i thankfully didn’t spend that long on subtitles but it took me far longer than i’d have liked to get the damn positioning right since potplayer is annoying when it comes to single lines and i had to guess and check the positioning almost every other time for some strange reason whenever i had a single line... which was never a problem when i had 2 or 3 lines of text... but editing was a slight hassle cuz i wanted the text used to be as accurate as possible... and i checked 3 reimeiroku tls of this chapter and the JP mtl of a bunch of sentences just to be sure. 
anyway, thanks to doing all of this unnecessary torture, i am absolutely never going to ever be repeating this experience ever again even if someone pays me because video editing is a serous pain in the ass and I hate it more than photoshop (also why the hell does ppsspp have so many issues with reimeiroku when compared to yuugiroku 2)!!!
also, learned my lesson and didn’t write this post this after staying awake til an ungodly hour lol. my attention to basic grammar plummets like a rock if i stay up past 4 am.... so i decided to write out all my grievances beforehand.... and put my video for this at the very bottom cuz im terrible like that and want everyone who sees this to deal with a massive wall of text xD! suffer! suffer as i have dammit lol!
enjoy the fruits of my damn labour! i’ve passed the point of caring if there are errors in this so keep anything you notice to yourself!! goddammit i noticed something wrong that i couldn’t ignore... namely the chapter name and my credit.... fixed that now.
on a final note, it’ll probably be more than a year before I touch Reimeiroku again because of my commitment to what I am able to translate for SSL so don’t ask lol.... 
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listiqueblog · 5 years
The 7 deadly sins of ecommerce UX
According to Statista, there were 1.79 billion global online buyers in 2018, and in 2021, the number is expected to rise to over 2.14 billion. And if you’re reading this and haven’t shopped online — especially on a mobile device — what’s your secret? My wallet wants to know.
If you’re one of the millions of retailers running an ecommerce site, it’s essential to make sure your users have an optimal experience that makes shopping easy and keeps them coming back to shop again. 
Yes, your product should be quality, but KPMG International found that 30 percent of consumers would rather buy from a website they’ve previously bought from. So how do you build trust with users by giving them the best experience possible — and making them feel secure enough to complete a purchase?
Let’s explore seven common user experience (UX) mistakes ecommerce sites make that could end up costing you business.
Mistake 1: Designing for desktop
You have a beautiful site that looks great on a desktop or laptop computer. That’s all good and fair. But, uh, have you checked it out on your smartphone recently? Mobile-first thinking is an absolute must for any website, especially ecommerce.
In 2018, 52.2 percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3 percent in the previous year. Mobile traffic currently accounts for half of all global web pages. And that number is only going to grow. If your site isn’t optimized for mobile or, better yet, responsive design, you’re losing a lot of potential customers and revenue.
Consider these when looking at your website on your phone:
Scale.Do you have to pinch and zoom in on anything? Is your font or icons tiny? Can you easily select a CTA button with your thumb without touching anything else?
Function.Are any components of your website or certain webpages broken in mobile view, like tables or embeds?
Mistake 2: Bad navigation 
The heart of many websites is the menu/navigation. Users should easily be able to find relevant buckets or categories at a glance. And then, even from within a product, the choices they have there (i.e., color, size, quantity) should be easy to find and intuitive to interact with. 
Good user experience sites will have products listed out in their main navigation. You can see BestBuy.com doesn’t — they have a main bucket just listed as “Products” instead of the actual product categories themselves. Displaying deeper buckets up front helps someone find what they’re looking for much faster. A study also found that hiding the first level of product categories in the navigation (like Best Buy does) makes it difficult for users to determine what site they’ve landed on. 
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Source: Best Buy
However, it’s ok to have the same products under multiple categories. People search for things differently, and oftentimes, a product can fit under more than one category. For example, BestBuy.com displays the same subcategory under multiple categories. “Home Theater Systems” can be found under both “Audio” and “TV and Home Theater.”
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Source: Best Buy
You don’t want a customer to have to click three or more times just to get to a product they want. Less clicking is more buying. If BestBuy.com had listed out its products from the main navigation, buyers searching for “home theater systems” would’ve had to click one less time to get to the product.
Of course, if a product doesrequire five clicks on your site, many people might resort to just searching your site via the search bar for a particular item. Which brings us to the next common UX mistake.
Mistake 3: Bad site search
If a user knows exactly what product they’re looking for on your site or they’re frustrated because they can’t find it using the menu options given, they will most likely head straight to the site search bar. Make sure you have a functional search bar!It’s also important to include any necessary filters and make sure fuzzy, misspelled, and exact searches for product names or model numbers give relevant results. Here are more design tips for a site search your customers will actually like and use.
Mistake 4: No SSL and secure checkout
I don’t know about you, but before I ever use a website — and definitely before I ever buy from a website — I take a quick look at the URL and make sure it says “https” instead of just “http.” That little “s” is a big deal for your bank account and personal information!
Do yourself and your customers a huge favor and get an SSL certificate for your site. By having a digital certificate, you can safeguard personal data through an encrypted connection. Your customers will be reassured that the website is safe, their information is protected, and they shouldn’t have any worries about spending their paycheck on your site. 
Mistake 5: Bad checkout experience
If you do have a secure checkout, you also want to ensure you have the following on your site for a smooth checkout process:
Guest checkout.Because who wants to spend time making an account and risk getting spammed? Buyers just want to buy! Allow them to do their thing — you’re more likely to have a repeat customer this way.
Related products to boost sales. Related products are like the “impulse-buy” candy shelves at the grocery store checkout stand. Something catches your eye and, hey, you’re already checking out, and, hey, maybe it’s on sale so in the cart it goes!
Visible shipping rates.Be upfront about shipping options and costs. There’s nothing worse than going to check out and wondering why the cost of everything jumped up significantly. If shipping rates are visible, I’m more likely to add more items to my cart for free shipping or adjust my cart, so my cost with shipping fits my budget.
Multiple payment options.There are more options today than just Visa and Mastercard. Including other payment options like PayPal, Apple Pay or AmEx expands your customer market.
Simple forms. Don’t use complicated forms, don’t require more fields than you need, and please make sure phone keyboards adjust to the requirements of the field.
Mistake 6: Mishandling out-of-stock items
A user finds the perfect item, exactly what they were looking for and it’s even on sale. Great! Potential customer then goes to add said item to their cart only to be told “We’re sorry, the item is currently out of stock.”
Would’ve been nice to know upfront the item wasn’t available, right? As a business, you want to instill confidence in your customers. Not appropriately marking items as out of stock is a surefire way to kill that confidence and get your customer to leave your site without buying anything. Make sure you find a way to mark out-of-stock items and maybe even incentivize the shopper to return by apologizing or giving them a promo code.
Mistake 7: Hidden/invisible customer service details
Customer service is essential to consumer retention. According to Bain & Company, companies that excel at the customer experience drive revenues between 4 and 8 percent higher than those of their market. And friendly employees or customer service representatives. are what makes a memorable experience that causes 73 percent of consumers to stick with a brand.
All this to say, you want to make sure that you not only have excellent customer service but promote that excellent customer service visibly on your site. If people have to hunt around for a number to call or a chat icon doesn’t exist anywhere or you don’t post anything at all regarding customer service, it’s an immediate turn-off. 
What if a customer has a product question? What if they want to return an item? What if they’re having a website or checkout issue? If these things can’t be resolved because you failed to promote customer service contact information, you’ve lost a customer. Presumably forever.
UX is of the utmost importance for ecommerce sites. Taking special care to make sure your customers can easily find and buy what they want from your site will make a huge difference in your retention and sales.
What other UX mistakes do you often see on sites? Tell us in the comments!
The post The 7 deadly sins of ecommerce UX appeared first on Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog.
The 7 deadly sins of ecommerce UX published first on https://goshopmalaysia.tumblr.com
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This is my first post here, I wanted to complain so much that I joined this subreddit just to share with you guys my experience.
I have managed VPS with InMotionHosting for over a year now. And I couldn’t be more disappointed with them.
I had multiple instances with them, I’ll start with the recent one.
I’ve been struggling with performance issue with my web apps for months now, but I could’t find the source of the problem, my team and I optimised and checked everything, but still we couldn’t find the problem. Until today a member of the team suggested that maybe it’s a slow disk issue, so of course we benchmarked the disk and we were so surprised to see the results.
Yeah you guessed it right, we have 7MB/s write speeds and 20MB/s read speed with their “20X Faster SSD”.
I’m just gonna post here a copy of my chat with the representative when I told them about it.
[L\*** K.] Hello J***** T******, my name is L**** K. Thanks for contacting us today!*
[J\**** T******] Hi*
[L\*** K.] Thank you for verifying, J***** T******! I’m sorry you are having issues with this and I’m happy to help.*
[L\*** K.] How can I help you with this?*
[J\**** T******] My apps run slower than expected on my VPS here, after few days of investigations I’ve came to the conclusion that the disk is performing poorly.*
I own few virtual servers across many vendors, so to validate my claim I ran disk benchmark on my VPS here and my other VPS.
My other VPS performed X10 times better than the VPS I own here.
I ran this command to benchmark:
fio –randrepeat=1 –ioengine=libaio –direct=1 –gtod_reduce=1 –name=test –filename=test –bs=4k –iodepth=64 –size=1G –readwrite=randrw –rwmixread=75
My vps here resulted in 20MB/s read and 6.8MB/s write, while my other VPS resulted in 230MB/s read and 76MB/s write.
The numbers are way too low, which probably mean that there is some sort of problem (maybe with the physical hard drive?)
[L\*** K.] It’s unlikely that there’s something going on with the hard drive, but I’m happy to check into it. What is the domain the App is at?*
[J\**** T******] [a list of websites I have, I deleted them from this message]*
[J\**** T******] I’ve uploaded the same project to a similar VPS at “*******” and it was much faster there*
[J\**** T******] by a margin of X7-X20*
[J\**** T******] after that I suspected the disk is performing bad, so I ran the benchmark as mentioned*
[L\*** K.] Okay. Please hold 3-5 minutes while I look into this for you.*
[L\*** K.] Thank you for your patience. I am still looking into this and will need more time. Please continue to hold another 5-10 minutes.*
[J\**** T******] OK thank you*
[L\*** K.] Thank you for your patience. I am still looking into this and will need more time. Please continue to hold another 3-5 minutes.*
[J\**** T******] Sure no problem*
[L\*** K.] Thank you for holding!*
[L\*** K.] I don’t see anything wrong with the hard drive. I did notice that MySQL is using a lot of memory and CPU which could be slowing it down. Would you like me to reduce the memory MySQL is allowed to use?*
Most CPU Intensive:
mysql 9787 40.6 51.8 7464472 1629560 ? Ssl 12:52 175:43 /usr/sbin/mysqld
26531 1.0 0.3 591884 10644 ? S 20:04 0:00 \_ php-fpm: pool
Most Memory Internsive: mysql 9787 40.6 51.8 7464472 1629560 ? Ssl 12:52 175:43 /usr/sbin/mysqld 9951 0.6 2.5 777720 79168 ? S 12:54 2:50 | \_ /opt/cpanel/ea-php73/root/usr/bin/php-cgi /home/\**/public_html/protected/yiic.php books sync –part=2/4 –skip_genre=1*
[J\**** T******] no, that’s not right, I have duplicate VPS with identical config.*
[J\**** T******] Could you please benchmark the hard disk and tell me what numbers do you see?*
[J\**** T******]* https://www.inmotionhosting.com/managed-vps-hosting
[J\**** T******] “20x faster SSD’s Included FREE (Others Charge!)”*
[J\**** T******] If you are familiar with hardware you’d know that even HDD perform better than my results*
[J\**** T******] I killed the SQL server, running the benchmark again…*
[J\**** T******] Exactly the same results:*
[J\**** T******] READ: bw=20.6MiB/s*
[J\**** T******] WRITE: bw=7039KiB/s*
[J\**** T******] These are just funny results, I can plug in USB drive and it would be faster*
[L\*** K.] I can run the same benchmark you did if you’d like, but as you’re on a VPS and the hard drive is shared we can’t make any changes to it. We can work to optimize everything else on the server, but you’d need a dedicated server to change hardware.*
[J\**** T******] This is just unacceptable answer*
[J\**** T******] Im not asking for 100% SSD speeds*
[J\**** T******] Im asking for reasonable results*
[L\*** K.] I can check if there’s anything else we can optimize on the server, but most likely the changes in the hardware that you’re looking for would require a dedicated server.*
[J\**** T******] My team and I spent two weeks optimizing and debugging, until we came to the conclusion that it’s the hard disk*
[J\**** T******] I’m sorry, does 7MB/s write speed look fine for you? a simple yes/no question*
[L\*** K.] Yes, that’s looks normal to me. What speed are you looking for?*
[J\**** T******] This is ridiculous, Can you please transfer me to an agent with some more knowledge in hardware?*
[L\*** K.] I’m happy to put you back in the queue if you’d like to wait for another agent, however, we won’t be able to make any changes to the hardware unless you have a dedicated server. A VPS is a virtual server, which only gives you access to your software so we can only make changes to that.*
[J\**** T******] to put that in perspective, saying that 7MB/s in fine, is like saying swimming from New York to London is fine*
[J\**** T******] It’s either you have a problem with your physical server*
[J\**** T******] or you are way overloading the servers*
[J\**** T******] either way that issue should be checked, because 7MB/s is unrealistic*
[J\**** T******] Could you please send me a copy of this conversation to my email?*
[L\*** K.] Our systems team watches the hardware to ensure it’s not overloaded, but if you want to be moved to a different node you can submit a ticket to request it. It’s highly unlikely to make any major difference though, and it sounds like you are wanting the hardware changed, which you would need a dedicated server for unfortunately.*
[J\**** T******] I’m tired of trying to explain*
[J\**** T******] we are gonna start looking for other provider\*
[J\**** T******] please send me a copy of this conversation to my email*
[J\**** T******] to show my manager*
[L\*** K.] Yes, there is a print and email button very small, below the send button. It’s the one on the right.*
[J\**** T******] Thank you*
[L\*** K.] My pleasure. Is there anything else we can assist you with today?*
[J\**** T******] No*
That’s it for this incident.
In a previous incident, I noticed that even though my plans says that I get 6GB of RAM, I actually get 3GB of RAM + 3GB of “burstable” RAM. Which I thought should be fine because I have 6GB of RAM and I can configure additional SWAP space for emergency.
But turns out you can’t, their 3GB of “burstable” RAM is actually SWAP memory (probably mounted to some fancy RAM disk) and YOU CAN’T MOUNT ADDITIONAL SWAP (all I wanted was to configure additional regular disk based SWAP).
When I asked them about that they told me that their virtualization infrastructure can’t allow that.
When I signed up for their VPS I thought that I’ll get 6GB of RAM + SWAP using my SSD. Later I checked and they didn’t mention it any where that their “burstable” RAM uses SWAP and you can’t configure any additional SWAP.
In conclusion, you’d better be hosting your own server using a RaspberryPi or Arduino with MicroSD card than using their services.
Don’t make the same mistake we did.
We are moving now to other provider.
Submitted April 14, 2020 at 10:44AM by jtannous https://www.reddit.com/r/webhosting/comments/g1a5jo/review_sdd_with_7mbs_write_speed_inmotionhosting/?utm_source=ifttt
from Blogger http://webdesignersolutions1.blogspot.com/2020/04/review-sdd-with-7mbs-write-speed.html via IFTTT
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
LPT: How can I help? The best question for hard times.
LPT: How can I help? The best question for hard times.
How can I help?
Truthfully, “how can I help?“ is one of the best questions you can ask someone who might be going through some rough patches.
Thankfully, the show New Amsterdam slammed that into the heads of its viewers, sparking attention to detail.
For example, it feels horrible when you end up sick, people just get used to it and it feels as though they care less and less as time progresses.
Then comes the stigma regarding Chronic illnesses which can’t be seen on the outside but very much so on the inside.
“That person is so lazy, they can’t do anything, they don’t even try.”
Or, better put by Kay Redfield Jamison said in her book “An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness.”
“Others imply that they know what it is like to be depressed because they have gone through a divorce, lost a job, or broken up with someone. But these experiences carry with them feelings. Depression, instead, is flat, hollow, and unendurable. It is also tiresome. People cannot abide being around you when you are depressed. They might think that they ought to, and they might even try, but you know and they know that you are tedious beyond belief. You are irritable and paranoid and humorless and lifeless and critical and demanding and no reassurance is ever enough. You’re frightened, and you’re frightening, and you’re “not at all like yourself but will be soon,” but you know you won’t.”
Isn’t it too bad we don’t have x-ray vision?
Unfortunately, while people are living their best life, going to school, concerts, traveling the world, securing careers and having a family…
Others are at home counting spoons to get through the day.
Luckily, maybe you had a day off and got to take a shower and watch some Hulu or Netflix… And we just wrapped up forcing ourselves to take a shower.
A positive self-fulfilling prophecy is something we all need!
What about the Chronically ill?
Sadly, people do have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning and taking a shower…
Depression and other ailments can make your normal activities of daily living feel unachievable.
Under those circumstances, it’s incredibly important to ask how you can help rather than assume.
Common Misconceptions of Chronic illnesses
Just because of the way a person looks on the outside, it does not mean they aren’t feeling physically ill.
They seem to be enjoying themselves, they must not be as sick as they explain.
Why invite them, they won’t come anyway, they are sick (if only they knew planning is possible).
You should get a real job if you can do any tasks at home.
Working from home or being home all day long is a dream (from first-hand experience it’s not always fun and who likes to be home all the time sick)?
You just don’t want to come out anymore, you’re a flake.
Rather than assume, realize it’s not a legit reflection about how chronically ill a person feels.
Why is Kesha a good influence in our world today?
Judge less, learn more about the situation.
With this in mind, hundreds of inspirational quotes come to mind… but are we actually practicing them?
Regarding this, bad things happen to us all, not just those facing chronic issues.
Shouldn’t we be more helpful when life hits us a few times?
And in the importance of having someone by our side to say “it’s okay, how can I help?”
Well, that changes everything because you’re not giving advice that someone has already heard, or trying to sell them a “cure-all.”
In fact, it shows that you care, it shows that you’ve likely gone on Google to learn more about x subject in order to help a friend or loved one.
Simply, listening, and asking how you can help someone in need saves lives…
You can be surrounded by people and still feel completely invisible and alone.
The invisible diseases are haunting.
Life may not be easy but it’s worth it, especially when you have the right family and friends.
How can you help?
As for you, you also have two choices, speak up, talk, and keep on fighting to the good fight.
Anyhow, the ones that walk away were never true and you deserve better in your life.
For this reason, it’s important to judge less, love endlessly, and be supportive, you can save a life.
Due to the fact, it’s relatable as a person with Crohn’s disease, Reddit offered relief.
Above all, if not for those stranger friends, who knows how life would have turned out?
Thank you, Reddit for having the best communities in the world, and for saving lives.
Shout out to those in and out of my life who do this for others, you’re all simply amazing.
Blessed be.
Reddit creates “Full Bucket” for terminally ill patients!
The post LPT: How can I help? The best question for hard times. appeared first on Positive Celebrity News and Gossip.
No related posts.
from WordPress https://positivecelebrity.news/2020/03/03/lpt-how-can-i-help-the-best-question-for-hard-times/
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Bri Hand
On this week’s episode of Security Nation, we had the pleasure of speaking with Rob Graham, the founder of Errata Security Consultancy, well-known security blogger, and soon-to-be book author. Our podcast highlights guests who have taken on a challenge that has advanced security in some way, and Rob’s work in developing BlackICE and now writing a security textbook are perfect examples of this.
Here is our recap of the podcast:
Behind the scenes of BlackICE
Twenty years ago, Rob created BlackICE, an intrusion prevention system (IPS) that detects and blocks intrusions. Eventually, it was purchased by IBM. If you were in cybersecurity 20 years ago, you likely used it on your desktop, but upon its acquisition, it went where most apps that IBM acquires go: the IBM graveyard.
Rob explained that the name BlackICE came from William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” book. “ICE” stands for Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics, and because that was pretty much what he was building, the name seemed fitting. However, Rob felt guilty about using a name created by another author, and one day William Gibson tweeted about how people lift product names from his book all the time, but most aren’t successful. Someone replied that BlackICE was actually wildly successful, so Rob chimed in that all these years he had been feeling guilty about taking the name. Gibson wrote back to him “If you just buy me a new MacBook, we’ll call it good”… and so Rob did just that.
During our interview, Rob talked about technical breakthroughs achieved with BlackICE, such as user mode network drivers. At the time, everyone thought you needed to put everything in the kernel for performance, he did the opposite by putting everything in user space, including the hardware drivers. That’s how they achieved such good performance. Nowadays, this practice the standard for nearly all packet sniffers.
He also changed the way in which you can parse network traffic efficiency. Though this is a common practice today, back then, it was very difficult for people to know how to parse traffic. Simply put, BlackICE set the tone for many common practices you see in cybersecurity tools today that were quite foreign and revolutionary back then.
When others are doing it wrong, write a book
Much of our interview centered around Rob’s upcoming book on securing network code. In Rob’s words, “Because everyone’s doing it wrong, I want to show how it can be done right.” He says he’s covering everything from how to secure IoT devices to security hygiene. When most people talk about hygiene, it’s more like waving your hands over a problem. Zatko, for example, is trying to show that all IoT devices don’t have ASLR enabled. ASLR is designed to help you when you have a security issue that’s exploitable so that you can practice better hygiene. While that certainly could help things, it’s hand-waving over the real problem: Where do these security problems actually begin? Rob explains that you really need to be looking at how to refactor the code to get rid of the vulnerabilities in the first place.
Exim, a popular email server that runs over half the publicly accessible email servers, is a prime example of how no amount of ASLR hygiene can fix the fundamental problems they have. Exim essentially passes all their strings through a generic scripting system, which can have replaceable variables like usernames. There’s a full scripting language where you can call function calls and DLLs and it passes everything through, like host name from the SNI field and an SSL certificate through the system. This means you can actually supply a full script as the host name that you’re connecting to. So, rather than defining what the input should be, such as just a host name, they instead say, “We’ll accept anything in this field though the cell connection and won’t apply any sanity check whatsoever before it passes through the rest of the system.”
This is much of what Rob’s upcoming book is about—how do we identify problems like this and refactor them to reduce or eliminate them from coming back in the future.
A lesson for all
Rob has big intentions for his book, which we were quite excited to hear about during the podcast. The first is for it to be used across universities. Most professors don’t have a good textbook that teaches students how to secure code, or if they do, they tend to be hygiene-focused rather than root-case-focused. His second goal is to leverage the book as a reference point for companies that want to fix these fundamental problems.
Rob also hopes the book will open up the public policy discussion. There are a lot of discussions within policy circles right now around secure by design and how to incentivize the right behaviors, so having better information on what that looks like can be helpful for both policymakers and educators. He’s also written quite a bit of code that’s now on Github that demonstrates how you can make issues like Exim’s right.
Advice to future security authors
We wrapped up our interview by asking Rob what advice he has for others looking to write a book. His first piece of advice: Be prepared for quite a bit of work. His original plan was to take some blog posts he’d written and publish them together in a book, but as he got into it, he realized that it’s much more than that.
Another lesson Rob shared is to be okay with disagreement. When he finds something he disagrees with (like the whole fiction of the OSI model) a book can be a good place to right a wrong (recognizing, of course, that there will be people who will disagree with you). Rob says disagreements can be healthy, when done right, and he advises people see them as an opportunity to learn and grow. If you’ve ever read Rob’s work, you know he tends to take a stance on a topic, but he is also very open to listening to different viewpoints and having an actual discussion about it. With that, he wrapped up by saying, “I can’t imagine anything worse than being in a room where everyone agrees with you.”
Listen to the full interview
We’d like to thank Rob for sharing how he played a crucial role in the way cybersecurity products are created and his current book writing endeavor. He’s an inspiration to us and many others who seek to take on security challenges that can positively impact the world.
To hear Rob’s interview in full, be sure to check out our latest episode of Security Nation, and if you like what you hear, please subscribe! We release episodes every other Friday, each featuring someone who is advancing security in their own way.
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Go to Source Author: Bri Hand [Podcast] BlackICE Creator Rob Graham Turns Security Textbook Author Original Post from Rapid7 Author: Bri Hand On this week’s episode of Security Nation, we had the pleasure of speaking with Rob Graham, the founder of Errata Security Consultancy, well-known security blogger, and soon-to-be book author.
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10 Misconceptions Your Boss Has About Appay
This is simply not stunning.
It can be Unusual that casinos got it so late. They joined the race so late. They late introduced On line casino video games for mobile equipment.
The excellent news is this is little by little modifying. With Just about every passing day, the chances of cellular video games are rising. We are much even more than last 12 months.
We get lots of questions on cell gambling they usually normally seem similar to this:
What can I Engage in? Can I Engage in for actual income? Which cellular equipment are appropriate? Will I get yourself a deposit bonus?
And so forth and so forth.
We thought It will be very good to start out answering them.
It is dependent. Just about every On line casino is different.
In certain, just Visit the internet site from a cell phone or tablet and quickly redirect you for the cellular Model. This can be the case with lots of mobile casinos related to Realtime Gaming.
Other individuals - generally Individuals for gamers exterior the US - use among three ways.
First: you need to scan the QR code that you could find on their cellular web page. Following scanning, it is possible to download all games or people who fascination you.
2nd: you can be requested with the telephone number and site. Right after sending this knowledge you're going to get On line casino games. We know from experience that this is applicable to person game titles rather than the whole give.
3rd: you'll be able to take a look at your application System and obtain the On line casino application from there. This applies to larger websites, including Bet365 or 888.
You can now produce your own personal account or log in if you have already got just one. You then will obtain access to the games themselves, deposit and deposit selections and promotional provides.
Sadly, companies prefer to keep on with the preferred answers. Nowadays, This suggests a telephone applying Android or iOS. Most casinos produce game titles only for these kinds of units. Check out the lists of the best on-line casinos for specific equipment.
Some casinos supply them. Drake Casino is one of these. Very last time we checked, it experienced numerous video games for equally Home windows and BlackBerry equipment.
Besides them, we advise locating a web page in HTML5. This sort of Web site performs with an array of mobile products.
BlackBerry end users can consider assistance at CrackBerry.com. Nonetheless, it seems that quite a few cell equipment are supplying up Flash know-how and center on HTML5, so the above mentioned Answer will only aid them given that their casino doesn't change to HTML5.
It also is dependent upon the casino. It seems that gamers from outdoors the United States have additional choices.
Usually, you may Perform any of the greater well known activity variants. Instead, you will not discover each and every blackjack or video clip poker variation.
But if the basic principles are ample in your case, the options are as follows: Slots, Blackjack, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Roulette, Craps, Keno, Poker, Video Poker, Progressive Jackpots, Game titles with a real dealer.
As you'll be able to see, There exists a little bit of everything listed here. On the other hand, factors seem unique at each casino. You may have to create an account at many casinos to play the many game titles you are interested in.
Even though it will not likely help the Americans. Just about every On line casino We've during the US that We have now reviewed provides a Significantly narrower variety of video games.
Several mobile casinos produced by Realtime Gaming provide about twenty mobile games. This is development compared to last year when there have been ten-fourteen of them.
Having said that, you will find exceptions. If you reside during the US and wish to play cellular On line casino games, Bovada really should be your very first preference. The last time we checked her mobile offer, she experienced 10 types of video clip poker, six desk video games, 2 sorts https://appay.vn/ of blackjack and dozens of slot equipment - such as People with progressive jackpots. You don't will need any software - you Perform with the browser.
Mostly yes.
Tables, devices, cards and so forth will probably be scaled-down. The layout will also be distinct to accommodate buttons and various options specific to a cellular machine.
Nevertheless, the color palette are going to be identical. Games seem just as good, if not better.
Indeed, so long as you Perform in a casino that gives genuine revenue games.
We came upon only a couple of casinos that did not have them, and we've been certain that it had been in the course of the exams since they provide serious dollars video games for PC or Mac.
There are several distinctions. Allow me to share the very first few within the shore:
Personal games from the application shop might be payable. Not all, but some will Price ninety nine cents or even more. Casino purposes usually do not Value something. Game titles from the appliance shop never Perform for income Except They can be on-line casino purposes. This is due to numerous reasons (logistic, specialized, legal). In online games through the app shop, ads or possibilities to order other apps normally pop up. This aids their creators make more money or offset progress prices. You will not see this in casino purposes. On-line On line casino video games usually glimpse greater. It is because These are authored by gambling software organizations. You will find, however, exceptions (in favor of video games from the app store). In casino programs, there'll be considered a greater collection of casino video games, both with regard to slot equipment and Are living casinos.
These are generally just a few variances that come to our head. If you have both of those forms of purposes on the cellphone and you've got been taking part in them for a while, you will definitely have the capacity to recognize some far more.
We haven't satisfied which has a On line casino that might deny cell players a reward or usage of the VIP software. Mobile players get at least similar to Personal computer players.
What's additional, lots of casinos supply special bonuses on the cellular provide. They are generally smaller and switch the give for personal computers, but can be employed being an addition to it. It is determined by in which you play.
If you don't have an account nevertheless, you should create 1. The method by itself is the same, with the only variance which you do it within the cellular phone, not on the computer.
Tip: We propose producing an account on your computer Until you want to key in your name, e mail address, deal with, and so on. with your phone.
You will quickly recognize that precisely the same information and facts is needed as when logging in from a computer. Consequently you should enter:
Identify and surname E-mail tackle User title Password Password Tackle Phone range
Etc. Proscizna.
Payment challenges are also really equivalent. Every one of the casinos we've seen (besides perhaps a single) will help you to fund your account out of your mobile phone or tablet. Deposit and withdrawal options are also precisely the same (Whilst they depend upon your place), much like the restrictions.
This also relates to bitcoins. This is a wonderful issue for players who have an interest in investing. This is because payments have become less difficult for all gamers - and particularly People in america - and since all bitcoin-based mostly casinos are depending on HTML5-primarily based sites.
We are not attorneys, so choose it with caution. Or perhaps question an attorney.
Mobile casinos are legal to exactly the same extent as their much larger counterparts. If the principle casino is certified, regulated, and many others., you are Safe and sound within the mobile On line casino.
With regards to cell gambling, we expect it depends on in which you are in the game.
The very best case in point that relates to head is authentic on the web casinos in The us. When you are on the New Jersey or Nevada border, you are not breaking the legislation. Nonetheless, when you find yourself exterior them, Certainly.
Often geolocation plans are applied which will prevent you from participating in outside of the point out. On the other hand, international casinos Do not seem to care. This is our solution: If gambling is legal in the region you Engage in, you shouldn't be damage.
To hide your own and banking information from probable hackers, on line casinos use identical SSL encryption for mobile choices. Your knowledge is safe.
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It relies upon. Simply how much time are you presently planning to devote to the game?
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We absolutely are now living in the cell era. Fortunately, this also applies to play our favorite on-line casino video games.
Even though you can be a faithful computer consumer, you must consider actively playing on your own mobile phone or pill. This opens up many gameplay possibilities, by way of example, while ready in line in the food market, within the health practitioner's waiting area or even the toilet.
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Sensible units have been recognized as an ace of spades in having fashionable-businesses to the new heights. These units are a medium of A fast and reliable method of the customers, who sculpture the inspiration of organizational business. During this age, everyone is somehow engaged from the use of smart devices which are simplifying the each day-existence operations in their lives. It's solely improved the idea of companies by reworking regular paying for techniques. Company assets could be accessed from anyplace with a single click via the person today. It has happened due to intelligent products and cellular applications.
Hereby, we explore some main impacts of mobile application in several enterprise course of action things :
1. Advertisements: Social media commercials are much less expensive than typical marketing belongings like printing flex, banners, and posters. It acts for a catalyst towards the organization as folks shell out most in their time on line so it really is obtainable into the mass community to get an assessment of available goods in a short span of time.
2. Transaction: Numerous applications can be obtained to the transaction of cash from good units. Contemporary-age e-commerce payment units or electronic wallets like Paytm, Google pay out, Phonepe, Paypal have boosted the business segments and possess compelled towards a cashless financial state. It's also simplified the attempts of monetary establishments by lessening paperwork and facilitating individuals with reduced course of action complexity and commuting.
three. Discipline of selling: Merchandise and services are offered as a result of mobile purposes and folks can easily promote or purchase the items in their alternative from their households.
4. Customer Experience: Placing ahead a review of any product happens to be easier now. It's got served men and women in selecting the correct product or service and businessmen to boost their products and services.
five. Ability Exploration: People with enough abilities but facing a lack of economic sources are using platforms like Youtube and on the net Discovering platforms like a boon to develop their techniques. Some of these purposes also give the ability for buyers to monetize their information with the implication of a number of problems.
six. Education department: The educational situation is modifying rapidly as proficient educators of different topics can be obtained on the web and the students might get quality-training along with saving time and cash. Diverse classes and ebooks can be found at small charges.
seven. Talent Acquisition: Just about the most facilitated sectors from your evolution of the online world may be the Expertise Acquisition sector. Various apps and websites can be found in the industry which provides freelance opportunities to The work seekers. It is usually valuable for businessmen they get their perform done quickly at the proper time As well as in considerably less financial commitment.
8. Solutions: Providers like OYO, Ola, Zomato is serving clients with their companies like effortless hotel bookings, carpooling and food stuff purchasing via good mobile applications. This might be probable due to consumer-pleasant mobile purposes that have made it easier by introducing technology to the earth inside their lives.
Some points and figures of cell purposes connected with the E-commerce market :
one. The data present that there are two.seven million applications about the Google Playstore and one.eight million applications readily available on the Apple Application Retail outlet.
two. It truly is believed that by 2040, e-commerce applications field will protect ninety five% of the marketplace.
3. It is expected that by 2020, web shoppers is going to be much more than 2 billion.
4. In keeping with Go-world, eighteen% of regional mobile queries produce a sale a day.
five. forty six.five% of tiny and mid-degree company Firm leaders believe that free shipping greater their gross sales income.
The quick-developing cellular software has adjusted the whole state of affairs from the business enterprise earth and has indicated a innovative modify within the future years from the market.
InnovationM can be a best-rank mobile software development firm. We've got partnered with numerous industry leaders to reinforce their small business-growth and raise revenues.
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