#I had the magic school bus theme song stuck in my head the whole time I drew this
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little-pondhead · 9 months ago
Day 15: Field Trip
“It’s good to see you, Mnemosyne.”
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[Full comic without text under the cut.]
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peace-coast-island · 4 years ago
Diary of a Junebug
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A regal gyroid adventure
What a wonderful day for gyroid hunting! The crisp air and the cool breeze makes me want to sit by a tree and snuggle up with a cup of tea. I think this is by far my favorite type of weather - slightly cloudy skies with sunlight creeping through and gentle breezes with a slight chill.  
We’ve got some old friends from Rosevine with us - Almie and Pippa! Daisy Jane and Almie were the unlikely pair in high school - as in you wouldn’t think that they were close friends based on their personalities. Almie’s very much an extrovert, one who jumps into things without really thinking it through, someone who’s always looking for excitement and adventure. He tends to get in over his head sometimes but that’s what we love about him. Pippa, on the other hand, is a total introvert, the kind of person who likes to stay in her comfort zone and stick with what works. Although they’re almost total opposites, Almie and Pippa are very close - even more so after what they’ve been through.
There’s also another Medina sibling - Alon - who’s absolutely nothing like his family. While Almie and Daisy Jane are the unlikely duo, Alon and Mae are two sides of the same coin. Let’s just say that if Alon or Mae were here, most of us wouldn’t be having a good time.
This gyroid event is a regal themed one. The designs were a collaborative thing between Daisy Jane, Celinda, and Manda. It’s a mix of baroque, rococo, and vintage with a touch of modern - a totally fresh and unique spin on regal themed furniture. Having Daisy Jane help design gyroid items was the best thing to ever happen at the camp.
Almie’s been meaning to visit the camp for a while and he was going to help Daisy Jane move into the cabin until a family emergency pulled him away at the last minute. It’s been a rough year for the Medinas, especially for Pippa. The trip was kinda spontaneous but Almie felt that his sister really needed an escape - specifically a low-key one that won’t put her health in danger or wear her out. Dropping by in the middle of a gyroid event worked out perfectly - also the regal theme is something that Almie and Pippa totally dig so that makes it even better!
In between gyroid hunting, we took the time to enjoy the weather. Pippa was content lying the grass and collecting little treasures to put in her memory book. It’s good seeing her again after what she’s been through. Daisy Jane and I were kept up to date either by Almie or Abbey, but it’s not the same as being there for Pippa. Almie’s certain that Pippa’s gonna beat the cancer and knowing him and Pippa, I know that no matter what, she won’t go down without a fight.
This year was supposed to be a big year for Pippa. She was gonna practice driving and learn how to use her magic - a trait she and Alon inherited from their dad’s side. It was also the year Pippa wanted to get out of her shell, so she made a list of things she wanted to accomplish on her sixteenth year. While Almie wanted Pippa to be more adventurous and carefree like him, Alon wanted her to consider her future seriously and start climbing her way up to success by training to be a powerful wizard.
So Pippa tagged along with Almie on his little adventures much to Alon’s dismay. Alon’s similar to Mae as they are super ambitious and strive to be the best of the best. They’re good at what they do but sometimes they get arrogant about it to the point where they actively make others feel bad for not being as accomplished or busy as they are. To appease Alon, Pippa agreed to vigorous training, which ended up taking a toll on her physically and mentally. It didn’t help that around the same time Pippa was feeling off, which she initially attributed to being pulled by her brothers.
Eventually it became obvious that something was wrong. Pippa started getting bruises and everyone blamed Alon as the way he was training her was not safe at all. He would shrug off Pippa’s complaints when she had trouble keeping up, so Pippa kept quiet around him. Almie suspected something was wrong but because Pippa didn’t bring any attention to it, he thought it wasn’t a big deal.
A trip to the ER followed by tests at the hospital revealed that Pippa had leukemia. They say that you don’t know who your true friends are until you go through something rough. Almie and Abbey stuck by Pippa’s side, Alon did not. Abbey was the rock, she was always the source of strength for her kids. Almie was the optimist, he was the one who helped everyone get through the days. Alon carried on doing his own thing, seeing Pippa’s illness as an unfortunate setback and was determined to get her back on track after she “got over it”, which shows how much he cares.
For the next few weeks Pippa went through chemo. She was released from the hospital and it seemed like things were slowly going back to normal. Except it wasn’t - not by a long shot. Pippa adjusted to the changes and Almie did his best to help her out. The whole ordeal made them closer in ways that they’d never imagined. 
Much to everyone’s surprise, Almie began to take on more responsibilities by helping Abbey out whenever he can, taking Pippa to the hospital for appointments, and applying to community colleges. He’s still the same old Almie, but more grown up now, as he likes to say.
Around the time Almie was gonna drop by the camp to help Daisy Jane move in, things were looking good for Pippa. She still wasn’t out of the woods yet but as long as she kept up with her meds and appointments and followed safety measures, Pippa was taking care of herself. Then Alon and Mae had to ruin it for her.
Basically, Alon had enough of Pippa “slacking off” and wanted her to resume training. On top of that Mae insisted that Pippa start looking for jobs and wanted to do a mock interview with her. So they both convinced Pippa to take the bus to visit them despite the fact that she shouldn’t take public transportation because she’s immunocompromised. 
So not only Pippa contracted pneumonia, her blood work was also showing concerning signs. Abbey and Almie were furious but Alon and Mae refused to take responsibility. Apparently Mae had a minor cold when she met up with Pippa so she got an earful from her mom - which thankfully Daisy Jane never had to witness but heard secondhand. As much as we want to give Mae the benefit of the doubt, it’s hard to take her side because she was well aware about Pippa and made a really bad call.
Pippa hung on and pulled through after that harrowing experience. There was concern that she was going to relapse, which while it’s not a death sentence, it meant that her future was uncertain. It was a slow and complicated recovery, but she lived.
Almie and Alon haven’t spoken to each other in the months since Pippa’s hospitalization. The two used to have a good relationship but things went sour after Almie dropped out of college. With how manipulative and controlling Alon can be towards Almie, you’d think he was older. Almie’s willing to forgive if Alon admits that he fucked up badly but seeing that he never took Pippa’s health seriously, a reconciliation seems unlikely at the moment.
Right now, Pippa’s slowly getting back on her feet. She’s keeping up with her usual routine of meds and maintenance treatments. Things are still far from normal and she’s nowhere near where she was before the pneumonia but at least she’s getting there. All she can really do is take it one day at a time. While she and her family are optimistic, they’re well aware that while Pippa’s prognosis isn’t exactly poor, there are some unfavorable odds stacked against her.
Pippa later told me that picking gyroids was the most fun she’s had in forever. Turns out that going on a gyroid adventure and visiting the camp were on her list of things to do on her sixteenth year. The list was something she picked up again during her hospitalization as a way to pass the time and give her something to look forward to when she got home. She might not be able to get her driver’s license or go on a rollercoaster, but at least she can cross off gyroids, camping, and going off on an adventure with Almie.
Along with hunting for gyroids, I taught Pippa and Almie how to fish and catch bugs. Almie enjoyed chasing butterflies while Pippa had a great time wading in the ocean and picking up seashells. The good thing about coming in the middle of a gyroid event is that the items that take the longest to craft are out of the way so by now the stuff we have left to make take a couple hours at the most. Pippa was fascinated by the whole process and it looks like there’s talk about Pippa and Daisy Jane designing furniture for a future gyroid event!
On days like this, it’s great to slow down and take your time. As much as I like gyroid events, sometimes it feels a bit stressful, especially at the beginning when you want to get the big stuff out of the way. Later on it’s more chill as there’s not as much pressure to get things done within a time limit. Pippa managed to cross off a lot of things from her list - as well as add a bunch of stuff that will be crossed off later - so overall, it was a good day!
Pippa gave me a copy of her to-do list that’s up to date as of today. It seems like a lot to accomplish in a couple days but I’m sure we can do it! Here’s what she wrote down:
Take a class at Happy Room Academy
Dig up gems at Shovelstrike Quarry
Cross-pollinate flowers
Bake cookies
Take a hike in the forest
Go berry picking
Sail around with Gulliver
Make hats and scarves with the Able sisters
Go stargazing
Attempt latte art
Learn how to play a KK Slider song on guitar
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brohilda · 8 years ago
30 questions
i got tagged in the 10 questions thing by 3 lovely sweet ppl ♥  so i’m gonna do them all at once sorry mobile users lmao
rules: always post the rules, answer the questions given to you, then write 10 questions of your own, and tag some friends!
favorite ice cream flavor? chocolate cherry & salted caramel
if you could have Any superpower what would it be? i’d love to be able to teleport tbh
what are your favorite songs? i’m gonna do a top three here so currently it’s love illumination by franz ferdinand / the way up by brns / armada verbala by suie paparude (exposed my location rip)
if you were a flower, which one would you want to be? one of those lil weeds that grow in concrete tbh
favorite movie/show when you were a lil kiddo? the entire once upon a time franchise & the magic school bus
do you have any articles of clothing that remind you of a food? nothing comes to mind tbh but i often feel like i look like a sushi roll
favorite place in the whole entire world? the city i live in
if you had to travel to another planet in our solar system (and could survive on any of them) which one would you choose? imma cheat here bc it’s not a planet it’s just a lil moon but it’d be europa it’s crazy beautiful i think
do you have any hair plans? (like for your hair) gotta get my undercut done asap
fictional character you relate to? every single character in brooklyn 99 idrk
what’s your favorite item in your room that you own? ya idk by ipad or my video camera probably
are you an early bird or a night owl? i’m a hardcore night owl
pizza, ice cream or burrito? ice cream!!!!
most remembered dream that you had? i only remember this bc i told it to so many ppl but once i had a dream that it was the apocalypse and i got locked into my university building w some random ppl and we had a chess championship to pass the time
which hp house are you in? ravenclaw for life (although it took me like 4 tries to spell ravenclaw so idk)
describe yourself in 4 words ? ? ? ? tbqh
what age do you wish you could permanently be? i’d go back to being 23 or sth and stay like that forever
if you could live anywhere, where would you go? belgium or the netherlands
if you could change your name, what would it be? i quite like hannah tbh
biggest fear? escalators, insects that can get under ur skin and being abandoned lol
When did you start playing the sims & who/what introduced you to the franchise? i got the sims livin large as a present when i was a young child. one of my friends also had house party so i often went over to her house to play.
Favourite Food? spinach? and hummus ig
What are your three favourite things about yourself? idk this is pretty hard to answer bc i’m not a big fan of myself lately but i guess i am fairly intelligent, i have a good sense of humor and i’m a good listener ??
Describe your pets! If you don’t have any, describe your dream pet! i don’t have any pets atm (my parents have cats!!!) but i’d love a border collie and/or a big orange cat
Where do you get your inspiration from? books i read, music i listen to, my friends
Favourite TV Shows? lmao all i watch lately is cutthroat kitchen pls recommend me some shows to binge watch!!!
List an unknown fact about one of your sims. harley speaks hungarian (although w a v bad accent)!
What was your dream job as a child? i wanted to be an archaeologist or work in a museum but a string of shitty history teachers crushed that dream so
If you were to get a tattoo, where would you get it and what would it depict? i have so many tattoos planned out but i would LOVE to get an eye on my ankle bc of a series of unfortunate events!
List 5 of your favourite Simblrs and why you love them! i can’t possibly list just 5!!!!! i follow so many lovely & talented ppl i’m in awe all the time tbh!!
tag time!!! i tag @traproot, @cranberrrybog, @ohthesefaces, @simsluname & @musicalpixls you don’t have to do it ofc but it’d be fun !!! your questions are:
what’s a movie that changed your life/the way you think?
which language would you like to learn and why?
do you have a special recipe that you made up? if yes pls share!
what song is stuck in your head right now?
what would your traits be if you were a sim?
if you were to throw a dinner party, what would be the theme?
which object from the sims do you wish existed irl?
what was the best gift you’ve ever received?
what’s something you’re ~bad~ at but still keep doing regularly?
tell us your fav bad joke!
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