#I had so much second hand embarrassment watching that scene in the theaters
sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
So we can all agree that Rio Morales was a massive bitch to Gwen right? And just a massive judgemental bitch in general?
Im perfectly fine with dying on this hill alone either way.
I’m sorry Anon, but you are dying on this hill alone 😬😅
In my opinion, Gwen was in the wrong when first meeting Miles’ parents. Her first words to Mrs. Morales was literally, “Rio! Hi 😃!!!”
Idk how ur parents raised the rest of y’all…but you do not, DO NOT, call an adult but they’re first name…ESPECIALLY if this is you’re first time meeting them. That’s just downright rude and disrespectful. End of story.
(Some adults are comfortable w/ kids addressing them by first names but Miles’ parents obviously weren’t. And either way, this is her first time meeting them so that was an L move on Gwen’s part, bro…)
And then Mrs. Morales found Gwen’s jacket in Miles’ room…how fun 🤩😀😃- definitely doesn’t raise suspicion as to what the two were doing. The audience obviously knows what happened when the two together in Miles’ room, but Miles’ parents DON’T.
Go into Miles’ parents shoes for a second: You’re son brings a girl over and her jacket is just CHILLING on his bed. Not suspicious…not suspicious at all 🤨🤨🤨
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 7 (MBJ x Famous Black OC)
A/N: no warnings… just lots of cuteness, fluff and a side of smut :)
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“So Charlotte, this is your first major film and you got to work alongside veterans in the industry like Michael,” the interviewer, Janelle, gestured toward Michael, who sat next to Charlotte, “And Sylvester Stallone. What was that like for you?” 
Charlotte immediately threw a glance and sweet smile toward Michael. “Oh it was so much fun. Really like showing up to a master class in acting every single day. I loved every minute of it. You know they were both so welcoming and warm and really made the set fun but also were more than happy to show me the ropes and give me a boost when I needed it. And this one,” she rubbed Michael’s knee, her smile growing from a professional small one to the bright wide smile he adored, the one that brightened every single day he was with her, causing his lips to curl into one as well. Her hand remained perched right above his knee, resting lazily as she continued speaking. “He really has a way about him that makes you feel so at ease and comfortable on set and in his presence in general. And he just went above and beyond to be an amazing and supportive scene partner. So it was great, I learned a lot from them.”
“And Michael, how was it working with Charlotte?” 
Michael’s hand went to rest on hers, squeezing it lightly as he showered well deserved praise on the love of his life. “I would echo what she said. But I think we all learned a lot more from her than she did from us. I mean I know she’s gonna have a long and successful career and anyone who gets to work with her will be extremely lucky. Because her process is just crazy and makes mine look like child’s play.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes with a smile. If she could’ve, she would’ve blushed. Though a Michael could see her skin flush red with embarrassment at his showering of kind words. “He’s exaggerating.” 
“Nahhh I’m not. I think bringing her experience from the theater, which I don’t have, really was, you know, interesting to see. Not only is she just a fun person to have on set, but she really is a student of this craft and you can see it in how she moves around the set. And not just of the script or source material, but of the other actors as well. You know I’d be doing a scene and she’d be on the side just watching, studying us. And she really gets to know you, your quirks, your tells, and she’s able to respond to them in the moment. If I wanted to go somewhere left field, I just did and she would be right there with me, no hesitation or anything. And I really only see that in people like Sly who’ve been doing this for decades and decades. For someone our age, it’s just talent and art I’ve never seen before. She’s just one of a kind.” 
He eyed her and the way she intently studied the black fabric of her dress, the way both of her cheeks flushed red with humility and embarrassment, how she chewed on her bottom lip to keep from grimacing at the praise, praise she did not hear enough and was not used to in his opinion.
 “And she’s crazy humble so I know she hates everything I just said,” he chuckled, elbowing her gently. 
Sure enough, one hand covered her face with embarrassment, Michael squeezing the other before turning his attention back to the interviewer. 
Though they had agreed not to tell people they were dating yet, the pair found the casting of “platonic co-stars” to be their most difficult roles yet. The subtle touches that passed between them were as thoughtless as breathing, second nature that they could not turn off and did not often realize what was happening until skin was against skin. Charlotte was hyper aware of every touch, every stroke of his fingertips that left a trail of heat painting the path he trekked. It was not always a sexual heat, sometimes it was more of a comforting warmth like a sip of hot cocoa in the winter, a warmth that lingers and makes you want ease into it. She craved that type of touch above all because she saw the intention behind them, nonverbal reminders that he was near, that his touch would always be gentle and safe, and that her guards could crumble. And many times, his touch set her body ablaze, leaving an inferno of desire and need etched into every inch of her skin. And those were the touches that she fought to resist, fought to remember the role she was meant to play. After all, platonic co-stars do not study each other as if they are waiting for the first private moment to rip each other’s clothes off. 
“I love how you both talk about each other and your work ethic. I think that is really great to see. So we are gonna play a quick game. To see how in tune you are with your characters. ” The interviewer reached into her bag and pulled out two paddles with their characters’ names on either side. “I’m gonna read the statement and you tell me who is more likely to do that thing or who would be better at whatever it is, Bianca or Adonis.” 
“Sounds easy enough.” 
“Ok so who would plan the better date? Bianca or Adonis?” 
Both of them raised the side that said Adonis. They glanced down at each other’s answer before nodding. 
“Yea I think Donnie is a bit more of a romantic than Bianca,” Charlotte supplied. 
“Yea but I think Bianca would show Donnie a better night out. He doesn’t get out much and being a singer, she probably knows all the local spots.” 
“Who are you most likely to call in an emergency?” 
Charlotte raised the paddle with her own character’s name, immediately busting out into laughter as she saw Michael raise Donnie’s. 
“Absolutely not! Just like I wouldn’t call you in an emergency,” she laughed, gesturing at Michael. 
“What?? I’m great in an emergency!” He immediately defended himself though his tone was playful because he knew she was right. 
“Maybe if the emergency happened like right in front of you. Like you know, if someone gets hurt or something like that, you have a great… super comforting and calming presence. But he literally doesn’t really answer his phone. So if someone were injured, they’d call him 8 times, go to the hospital, be totally healed, and two months later, he’d be like ‘aye what happened that time you called me?’” Her voice dropped down a bit to an unexpected but excellent impression of him that caused his body to double over in laughter, leaning into hers as they both laughed for several minutes before they calmed down enough to continue the interview, Charlotte wiping literal tears from her eyes.  
“Y-yea I’m really bad at calling people back. I got like five people who I’ll call back immediately and that’s about it. But I think Donnie would be good in an emergency. He’s got these hands,” Michael threw up a couple playful jabs, Charlotte playfully dodging them. “He’d be good at whatever you threw at him.” 
“I still say Bianca,” she shrugged with a smile. “That’s my girl, I gotta stand by her. So let’s say they’re equal.” 
“Who’d win in a fight?” 
Both of them immediately picked Adonis. 
“Did you learn any boxing moves while you were on set, Charlotte?” Janelle asked, pausing the game briefly. 
“A couple actually. I was against learning for most of our time on set,” she admitted, not that the fighting and learning how to defend herself did not intrigue her. She just always talked herself out of it when Michael offered. “But this one,” she pointed at Michael,” is quite persuasive and a great teacher so he finally got me in the ring randomly one afternoon while we were waiting around during our last couple weeks.” 
“So if we put you both in the ring, who would win?” 
“Me,” she answered immediately as if the answer was obvious. 
“Only because I’d let her. But she would gloat about it like she earned it fair and square,” he teased. 
“Very true! He let me win a lot but I just took it to mean he recognized my superior skill as a boxer and knew he didn’t stand a chance? So it must be true.”
“Of course,” Janelle joked with them, their banter providing great content for her interview. “Ok back to the game, who has the better Spotify playlist?” 
Once again, their opinions were split, each choosing their own characters though she could tell Michael hesitated. 
“Oh come onnnn,” her fingers gripped his forearm, shaking him lightly. “Bianca, easy. Music’s her whole life and you know she knows about all the good artists before they’re popular.”  
“Touche. Alrightly,” he flipped his paddle to her character’s name, Charlotte offering him a sweet ‘thank you’ for recognizing her character’s superior talent. 
“Who is the better cook?” 
Both of them stared down at their paddles before glancing at each other and laughing. 
“Ok so funny enough, we had this conversation on set a-” 
“We don’t think it’s either of them. Bianca gives strong quick meals and take out energy,” Michael interjected. 
“And we think Adonis is a boring meal prep or take out type of guy. Chicken breasts, rice, rinse repeat. Maybe they’ll learn how to cook together?” She offered with a shrug. 
Michael let out a soft noise in the affirmative. 
“Ok and lastly, who would confess their feelings to the other first?”
They both held up Adonis. 
“I think that’s a really hard one though and could go either way. I think they both are terrible at letting people in,” Charlotte laughed. “But when it comes to love, Bianca might be a bit more guarded than Donnie whereas Donnie is more guarded about everything else like his past, his career, and all that. So I think when pushed for an answer, Donnie’s gonna cave a lot faster than Bianca.” 
“Agreed. I think feelings and vulnerability aren’t easy for either of them though, which you know brings some fun conflict to the movie and in their budding relationship.” 
“Amazing, well I want to thank you both. This was a lot of fun and I appreciate you taking the time to chat with me.” 
“Thank you!” 
“Appreciate you.” 
The interview left, both of them immediately sagging back in their seats for a brief moment as the room turned over for the next interviewer. 
Charlotte rolled her neck, massaging her shoulder, an action that was immediately noticed by Michael who moved her hand out of the way to give her a firmer touch. 
“You’re doing great, Els,” he offered quietly.
“You weren’t lying,” she whispered. 
“How tedious this is. J-just the same questions after the same questions after the most random games. And we have like 8 more of these. It’s not so bad with you but the ones by myself? Fucking torture.” She was thankful there was no camera watching as her eyes lulled closed and she savored the firm massaging Michael provided. She had to stifle a moan that almost escaped her lips, the noise pettering out into a strangled sigh, as his ministrations hit a tense spot on her shoulder.
He dipped his head to her ear farthest away from the folks around the room, his breath tickled her ear and sent electricity through her. 
“Easy, Els…” two short words in a deep breathy whisper that signaled he knew what that sound originally was, a whisper that made desire pool between her thighs. 
“I hate you,” she whispered back with a shake of her head. 
And as quickly as their hidden moment started, she felt his hands drop to his sides, her shoulders suddenly feeling cold and deprived without his touch. A new camera crew and interviewer started to stroll in, forcing her to roll her shoulder, fix her face, and ignore the ache that he caused and only he could remedy. 
This is gonna be a long day, she uttered silently as she plastered a fake smile on her face for the next interviewer. 
“Hey, I’m Michael B. Jordan.” 
“And I’m Charlotte Bennett and we are playing, ‘How Well Do You Know Your Co-star?’”
“You ready?” 
“Born ready,” she joked. “I feel like this game was kinda made for us?” The pair completely ignored the cameras as they started pulling questions out of a bowl, each taking turns answering questions about each other’s careers and lives. 
Truth be told, this game would be the easiest of their press tour game-style interviews. Buzzfeed did not know this, of course, but since the pair was dating, they knew almost everything there was to know about each other. 
“Ok, I’ll pull first.” Her manicured nail reached into the bowl, searching deep for a question. “Oh this is actually a hard one. Where did I get my middle name?” She waved the little piece of paper before glancing away from Michael and to the camera. “I feel like this question is super pointed,” she laughed. “Like someone at Buzzfeed clearly wants that story themselves.”  
Michael let out a laugh. “Come on Els,” he shook her knee as he emphasized her nickname. “You gotta give me a harder one than that.” 
“That is hard! We talked about it being a weird name because-” 
“It’s German but no one in your family is German,” he interjected. 
“Yes but I don’t think we ever discussed how they picked it.” 
“We didn’t but I still know the answer.” At her shocked expression, Michael could only smirk. Of course he knew the origins of his favorite nickname for her. What kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn’t? “Your mom was a European history professor and read it in a book about the history of art in Germany and fell in love with it. But your pops hated it because…” 
“He knew his daughter was a black woman.”
“Which is fair. So they made it your middle name, combined with your first name, which was your great grandmother’s name on your dad’s side.”
“Wow, that’s insane. I’ve literally never told you that story! Because I hate the name so much,” she eyed him suspiciously, desperate to know how he managed that. “How’d you find that out?” 
“I’d never reveal my sources,” he winked at her. 
However, the wink gave him away. She immediately rolled her eyes, “My brother?” 
“For sure.” 
“I don’t know if I really like how close y’all have gotten??” And it was true, since officially meeting Jackson, the two couples hung out quite a lot and Charlotte was shocked to find out that Michael and Jackson hung out on their own time. “Ok, if you got that one, then you’re gonna get every other one in this bowl. Your turn.” 
“How’d I get into acting?” 
“A talent agent saw you and your mom at an appointment and encouraged her to sign you up for modeling. And then you got into acting and became a superstar.” 
“What’s my biggest pet peeve?” 
“Tardiness,” he answered immediately. “Which means she hates Hollywood and me because I’m literally never on time.” 
“Also correct. This man is literally allergic to being on time. The only place he’s on time to is set and he rolls in like right at call time. Everything else?” She waved her hand dismissively. “You can forget about it.”
“She always got jokes. Alright. Oh this is hard. What was my first TV role?” 
“Oh… darn… I know this! Don’t tell me.” Her hand went to rest on his forearm, her fingers drawing lazy patterns as she racked her brain for her store of Michael B Jordan knowledge. “Ummm… ok. I have to do it based on the Wire. Sweet sweet Wallace, RIP by the way, was the first major TV role. But little known fact, you had a small role in one episode of the Sopranos like 2 or 3 years before the Wire. And then I think you did one more guest role on a show, maybe Cosby, before you landed the Wire.” 
“Ooooo baby girl!” They high fived, their hands staying together for a few moments while he spoke. “That’s really good! Everyone assumes it was the Wire, which she just watched like two years ago by the way, y’all.”
Charlotte gasped and threw one of her pieces of paper at him, which completely missed him much to his amusement before covering her face in embarrassment. 
“They are gonna drag me on Twitter all week. Can we edit that out??” She asked production behind the camera to which they laughed and shook their heads. 
“Ok in her defense, she is actually not a big tv watcher at all unlike me. But I don’t think I ever found out why?” 
“Ummm, I dunno. Just was always busy in the evenings, missed a lot of primetime tv so I just never really got into it. Since streaming’s picked up, I’ve found my way to all the cultural phenomenon shows I missed, like the Wire. I’d seen episodes randomly because my brothers watched it but I just binged like the entire show two years ago.” 
“Oh another one, I just put her on to Game of Thrones like last week,” he added with a teasing tone, not giving her a break. He never did.  
“You’re making it worseeeee,” she moaned. “Gotta stop telling the people the shows I just discovered. He loves embarrassing me and making fun of me, y’all. I’m pretty far on GoT though for us to have just started it. Just started season 3, which Michael is on pins and needles for me to get to some episode about a wedding?” Michael threw a knowing glance at the camera before turning back to her. “But yea not a big tv watcher. Alright, next one,” she desperately wanted to move the subject away from her lack of TV knowledge. “What is my favorite food?” 
“My bolognese.” 
She made the buzzing sound just to annoy him. “Wrong answer!” 
At his faux offended look, she stuck her tongue out at him like a child. “That’s what you get for trying to get my black card revoked by the entire internet.” 
“She does really love my Bolognese,” she mouthed ‘I do’ at the camera as he spoke. “But I think her actual favorite food is pizza, particularly meat lovers pizza.” 
“Yes. Anytime, anywhere. I’ll always choose pizza.” 
“What is my favorite sport to watch and which team?” 
“Easy! Basketball, the Lakers, you have courtside seats and have a Kobe jersey hanging in your house. Speaking of, you still owe me a game.” 
“Name the time and place, baby girl.”
“What’s my dream role?” 
“Elphaba from Wicked.” 
She could not help but offer him a soft small smile, their banter dying as she remembered the first night they went out in Philly and she told him that, the first time she had to contend with the fact that her feelings for him stretched far beyond co-stars. He had been so interested in her, her career and her dreams. She had just been talking, never expecting him to hold onto that information after so long.  
“I told you that like the first time we went out to dinner on set. How do you remember that?” 
He merely shrugged and threw her a sly smirk that sent shivers down her spine. “I remember everything you tell me.” 
His words were colored with love and adoration, she could hear it and feel it. For a moment, she could tell they both forgot the cameras were rolling and that there was a small audience as her heart swelled. 
He cleared his throat, breaking the trance as he remembered they were not alone, before grabbing another piece of paper. “Umm… ok, soft ball, when’s my birthday?” 
She made a face and noise that signaled this question was beneath her expert level of Michael knowledge.
“February 9, he’s an Aquarius. This is a good mix of easy and hard questions.” She reached into the bowl. “What’s my favorite song?”
“Ummm Sweet Love by Anita Baker. You listen to it at least once a day.” 
“Very good, Mr. Jordan.” 
“Sing a couple bars.” 
Charlotte immediately shook her head. “No, no, no, no. You aren’t gonna get me caught up on this one. No one, and I mean no one, can do it like THE Ms. Anita Baker. I wouldn’t dare try.” 
“She’s being hella modest. Come on… you sang it at karaoke that time in Philly and got a standing ovation. It was flawless. Sing just the chorus and I’ll make you the bolognese when we get back to LA.”
Charlotte knew she could not retort that he was going to do that regardless, which was true. A well placed kiss or two was going to get her that bolognese either way. So she groaned, knowing she could not say no as the folks behind the camera also encouraged her to sing. 
“He knows I’m a sucker for that meal. Ugh. Loves for me to be his personal jukebox.” 
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, knowing if she looked at him while she sang this particular song, she would give it all away. 
With all my heart, I love you, baby
Stay with me and you will see
My arms will hold you, baby
Never leave, 'cause I believe I'm in love
Michael’s face immediately lit up as her flawless and smooth voice filled his ears. He loved to hear her sing, her voice was mesmerizing, a siren that controlled the waters of his soul and put his entire being at ease every time he heard her voice. She sang to him sometimes while they laid in bed, this song and others, and he never grew tired of it and believed he never would. 
Sweet love
Hear me callin' out your name
I feel no shame
I'm in love, sweet love
Don't you ever go away
It'll always be this way
She offered him a smirk as the last note left her mouth, both of them remembering the last time she sang that to him, their bodies a tangled mess as they cuddled in his bed.
Her heart soared at the applause she could hear from behind the cameras from the Buzzfeed staff and their team. She did a mini bow before the pair continued to answer two more questions before they heard “cut.” 
Michael helped Charlotte get down from her seat, her skirt a bit too short for the high chairs they had put out for both of them. She could tell his hands fought the urge to find their way up that short skirt. Anytime a camera was not trained on him, she could feel his eyes on her, drinking in her toned thighs and ass. 
Through all the events and interviews of the day, she desired nothing more than to feel those calloused hands against her smooth exposed skin. But she knew she had to wait, as always. The facade slipped occasionally for both of them throughout the long days. However, they knew when they were finally allowed to be them, and when they did, they could not keep their hands off each other. 
“Fuck. J-Just like that, don’t stop, don’t stop,” Charlotte begged as she pressed her fingertips into the floor, Michael fucking her from behind as he kept her hinged at the waist. She was barely maintaining her balance on her feet, his hands digging into her hips were the only thing that kept her from toppling over. However, they both chased their release with desperation, desperation to be one again, to feel each other in the most intimate ways. 
She loved the feeling, the snap of his hips against her ass, the way he spanked her, causing her ass to ripple lightly. If someone had asked her years ago, she would have scoffed at the idea that she would enjoy that during sex but she did… with him. Because his touch was still him, still safe, gentle and cautious. He was rough, at times, during sex, and used a firm hand but his touch managed to still maintain the rounded edges of tenderness to them, the caution of someone who knew the limit and would never cross it for sport or even come close to it. So she trusted his touch, trusted his actions, which always ensured his dominance in the bedroom bent toward her pleasure first and foremost. 
“Keep your eyes on the mirror for me, baby,” he ordered, his words loving but his tone left no room for arguments. She lifted her head to the floor to the long mirror in the hotel room to watch him fuck her.
She had never really seen herself in the throes of passion, shocked at how wild and uninhibited she looked. It was a difficult task to keep her eyes where he wanted them though, each stroke made her eyes want to roll back into her head or fall closed, the pleasure otherworldly and intense.  
“You look so fuckin’ beautiful taking my dick, baby. You gonna cum for me?” 
Charlotte was a blubbering mess, her words shallow and broken into pieces by her moans and pants of pleasure. Meanwhile, he always appeared unruffled, complete sentences flowing without issue.
“Y-Yes,” she could feel it, the precious peak of her orgasm. When she finally revealed to Michael one night that he made her orgasm for the first time, he seemed to take it as his personal mission to ensure she never went without again. And she hadn’t. Every time he nestled himself between her thighs, every time he touched her, she reached her mountain top. Every single time. 
“Watch yourself cum, baby.” As the instructions left his mouth, he increased his speed, slamming his hips into her with the force and strength of a superhero. 
Michael loved to watch Charlotte come undone, savored the faces she made and the way she screamed his name as pleasure coursed through her. This mirror allowed him to enjoy his favorite position with the perfect view of her. 
As soon as her eyes connected with his, her body shook with the force and strength of her orgasm. Michael continued his relentless pace as she came, reaching his own peak as he felt her tighten around him. 
He gently helped her over to the bed, Charlotte collapsing there. He placed soft kisses on her back for a moment before going to grab a towel to clean them both up. 
She took a moment before pushing herself up onto her forearms, her eyes brimming with lust as they followed his naked body through his hotel room. 
“Don’t get any ideas,” he warned, his tone not conveying any real seriousness. “We gotta go to bed. Our flight back is early as hell tomorrow.” 
“Ugh fine. I know,” she pouted. They were on the first flight back to LA tomorrow for another long day of press before the premiere. “If we go another round, I’ll definitely just fall asleep in here.” Her face planted into the bed for a moment, Michael chuckling at her dramatic but adorable antics. 
“Would sleeping next to me be so bad?” He asked as he laid next to her on the bed, more sensual and soft kisses pressing against her back. 
She moaned, painfully pulling herself away from him and his touch. “Now who has all the bad ideas?” She asked as she rolled away from him to grab her clothes. “Sleeping next to you is my preferred spot. I sleep far better with you,” she added under her breath though Michael caught it and clocked it for later. “But we don’t want a guest or housekeeping or anyone seeing me traipse outta here like a one-night stand. Platonic co-stars, remember?”
Michael sighed and nodded. He had agreed to this course before they left for Philly to start press but he did not realize how difficult it would be or feel in practice. It was a mutual decision, neither of the actors in them ready to burst the sweet bubble that was their ultra private relationship just yet. However, the regular guy in him who was madly in love with his girlfriend wanted to shout it from the rooftops. He wanted to post photos of them on Instagram and talk freely about his girlfriend. As ridiculous and corny as his friends would call him for feeling that way. In every interview, he wanted to praise her performance, work ethic, talent, not just as her co-worker, but as the man lucky to be with her. But he also understood that going public meant subjecting Charlotte and himself to scrutiny they did not want or need. 
“I know, I know. Just you leaving after I nut makes me feel like we’re a booty call. I miss sleeping next to you. I miss touching on you all the time.” 
She smiled and stood between his knees as he sat up. 
“You still touch on me quite a lot, according to Twitter,” she laughed as they recalled an intervention style meeting their teams had with them the day before about the fascinating and hilarious Twitter discourse on whether their great chemistry in interviews was truly platonic.
So they had tried to keep their hands to themselves throughout that day. However, all that did was rack up the sexual tension between them to such heights, even his utterly platonic touches created flames across her skin. They barely made it through dinner two hours prior before they stumbled up to Michael’s room and fucked for hours. His entryway was a blur of discarded clothes that marked a trail to his bed. 
“And it ain’t enough.” 
She rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead before resuming her search for her panties. She let out a disgruntled huff of annoyance. 
“Seriously, though… maybe we should think about just announcing it ourselves and getting it over- UGH.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Can’t find my damn underwear.” At his snickers, she let out a pitiful moan. “Not funny, Bakari. Help me,” she pleaded with a dramatic whine that had him searching his bedroom. He had no idea where he threw them off, having likely tossed them somewhere when they left her body. “But yea, the team might have a point that we should just announce it. If we don’t, it’ll leak eventually. I feel like saying it how we want to matters. People seem to think they got us figured out anyway. And we aren’t doing a very good job of hiding certain feelings.” 
He nodded, unable to argue with her on that point as he handed her the rest of her outfit. She now had her bra, dress, jacket, spanx and still no underwear to be found. 
“What do you think?” 
He sighed. “I think I like living in our bubble, the quiet of it. But I also don’t like hiding who I love. I mean we can’ hide it forever and why should we? I mean think about how much more fun this tour would be if we weren’t worried about saying the wrong thing or keeping up some dumb ass facade. I want to enjoy this time with you as you, my girl. Not just my coworker.” 
She nodded, finally giving up her search with a defeated shrug. “You sure? You’re gonna break hearts all across the globe.” 
He shrugged, his arms stretching out as he yawned, so deep Charlotte felt the exhaustion settle in her own bones. It made her move a bit faster to get out of his hair so he can rest. 
“They’ll find a new sexier guy and their hearts will mend.” 
She slid on her shoes before walking up to him. Even in her heels she had to stretch a bit to reach his lips. She pressed her lips to his, biting his lower lip before backing away and walking toward the door. 
“There’s no one sexier, baby,” she offered with a wink. 
He smiled and grabbed her purse for her, a lacy piece of fabric falling off of the side as he moved it. 
“Ah. Think I found them. But I don’t think they’re wearable?” 
“What do you me-?” Her words stopped as he held them up, the beautiful black, delicate lace torn apart by the brute strength of a boxer. 
“Seriously dude??” Her annoyance was clear even as lust curled in her belly. She could not tell if she was upset he kept accidentally destroying her most delicate lace items or if she was so turned on by his soft but commanding strength that she wanted to strip down for round 5. “You and those damn muscles.” She held out her hand for the destroyed piece of clothing and tossed it into the trash. “Please skip arm day before you destroy any more of my clothes.”
“If I skip arm day, how else could I do this?” He hoisted her up in the air with ease like she weighed nothing, her legs automatically wrapping around his waist as he backed her into the wall. 
His firm grip on her bare ass beneath her dress made her moan as he buried his head into her neck and sucked on every inch of soft skin he could find. 
“T-touche,” she moaned. “A-and not fair.” However, he had her right where he wanted her, one rogue finger already able to feel the wetness pooling between her thighs. She moaned as that finger caressed her clit. She knew she was not making it to her hotel room anytime soon. 
“We can sleep on the plane,” he muttered as he felt himself growing hard again. Charlotte could do nothing but cling to his shoulders and cry out in utter bliss as he entered her in one swift motion, filling her to the brim, fucking her against the wall. This time, she could see their reflection in the window and he did not need to command her to watch as she took in his perfect back muscles as he thrust in and out of her. 
By the time they finished, Charlotte was resigned to falling asleep in Michael’s arms, wanting to get good rest in the arms of the man she loved more than caring whether a housekeeper or rogue person with a camera caught her leaving. She just planned to sneak off a bit early to her room so they did not leave together. She was thankful she had the foresight to pack that morning so she would have minimal things to deal with tomorrow. As she settled on his chest, she heard his voice break the silence around them.
“Be my date to the premiere.” 
Charlotte knew it was a question, even if he did not phrase it as one, and a return to their earlier conversation. She propped herself up to look him in the eyes. 
“You sure? Once we go down that road…” 
“Without a doubt. I don’t want to hide what we have. We ain’t gotta tell people everything but we also don’t gotta hide.” 
She smiled and kissed him before settling back on his chest. 
Though they could not see each other, both of them fell asleep with soft smiles on their faces. 
Michael’s hand grasped Charlotte’s, an effort to stop her fidgeting as their limo took them to the premiere.
“It’ll be fun, babe. Just some photos, a couple interviews and then we get to finally see the film.” He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, the uneasy waters in Charlotte’s body relaxing to a soft rapids. “Relax.” 
She nodded. “I know, I know.” 
He eyed her for a moment. “You know we can just walk as co-stars. We don’t have to announce it or do anything tonight if you aren’t ready for it. I know it’s an adjustment.” 
She shook her head immediately, sliding closer to him. “That’s not it at all. I want to be beside you tonight as your girlfriend. I just…” she shook her head before sliding back into her seat, her insecurities flaring. However, she stomped them back. She did not even want to give voice to them, they seemed so foolish. “Never mind.” 
“You know I hate when you do that,” he chuckled, his hand rubbing her thigh. “Tell me. No embarrassment and no judgment.” 
She leaned her head back, careful to not disturb her team’s hard work. 
“I’m just worried about what people will say… with me on your arm,” she muttered, her voice small. Michael picked up on the tone as if there was something wrong with her. 
“What’s wrong with you on my arm?” 
She let out a merciless chuckle as if the answer was obvious. “You’re practically every woman’s wet dream, Michael. A-and I’m just…” 
“Just what?” 
“Just… me. Nothing particularly special,” she muttered, the insecurities she still could not shake flowing from her. She knew he saw her differently, and loved him for it. But the rest of the world? No one knew how they would see her and that terrified her. 
“I think there are plenty of people who’d disagree with that. But trust me when I say that I don’t care what a single person out there thinks… All I care about is what you think, what you believe. And I want you to believe you deserve all of this. Not just me,” his finger tilted her chin to meet his eye. “But praise, attention, and this moment. This premiere is as much yours as it is mine. And one of the reasons we decided to go together was to celebrate us and how far we’ve come, personally and professionally since we met. So for tonight, don’t think about what anyone else thinks o-or any of the other shit. Think about what you know and what I know. And that’s that you are beautiful and talented and any guy would be lucky to have you on their arm.” He snickered. “But they can’t because I got you.”
His last statement made a small chuckle escape her lips. “You always know what to say… it’s as infuriating as it is charming, you know?” 
“Yea I know. Listen, I'm with you every step of the way, aight? Anytime you feel unsteady, just squeeze my hand and I’ll catch you.” 
“You always do.” 
And that’s exactly what she did. Her insecurities ebbed and flowed but there was one constant through it all: Michael. His hand only left hers one as they posed on the carpet. She felt that unsteadiness creep up on her once and she tested it, giving his hand a light squeeze as they posed. 
He did not miss a beat, immediately snagging her attention from the reporters. However, to her surprise, he did not say anything, he just leaned in and kissed her. A kiss that melted away all those insecurities, all her fear, and steadied her immediately. It was short and chaste but it was all she needed, her heart soothing again. 
The yells from the reporters increased and it caused a stir but Charlotte blocked it out. His words echoed through her head. This was their moment to spend how they wanted and she did not want to waste it being afraid that she was not enough. Michael thought she was and if that was enough for her, it would be for the rest of the world. 
By the time they returned to Michael’s house, Charlotte was on cloud 9. He worshiped her body as he always did, the perfect ending to a perfect night with him. It was all she thought about as she meandered in his kitchen at 3 am. 
Charlotte’s leg jingled as she made herself a cup of tea, nothing but the light above his counter guiding her as she moved around his kitchen like she had been there for years. She did not want to be disrespectful, after all, it was not her space. But Michael seemed happy to give her free range so she took it when needed. 
And tonight, her free range activity was breaking into his mom’s tea collection. He was upstairs, dead to the world asleep, but the beast of sleep was too elusive for Charlotte to capture. She always struggled with sleep, only routinely getting 5 hours on a good night, less when things were busy or she had a lot on her mind. It did not bother her much anymore, her body accustomed to functioning on the little sleep she was able to get. But since she spent so many nights at Michael’s, she found it harder and harder to hide her persistent sleep issues. She slept better here in his arms, which is why she chose to be there more than her own. But some nights, she found it nearly impossible to get any rest. And since she wasn’t at her own home, she had none of her gadgets and hobbies to distract her. All she had was a pen and notebook, which she would use to write songs quietly in the kitchen while she drank her tea to pass the time. 
Usually, her energy was pained, sleep evading her for negative reasons. But tonight, it just felt different. She was happy, genuinely happy. A song formed in her head and tried as she might to sleep without writing it, she could not. She had missed this feeling, the creative restless energy that kept you awake, not nightmares and trauma. She knew it was him, there was no other explanation. His love had awakened in her a new energy and lyrics flowed from her mind to the page as she sipped her tea in the dim light, no interest in returning to bed until this was done. 
She was only pulled out of her writing as her phone started to light up. 
“Now who could be texting me this late?” She muttered to herself, glancing to find her sister in law and brother texting in their group chat. Unsurprising, since they were likely dealing with their twin toddlers. 
She opened it, her eyes growing wide at the screenshot from Michael’s instagram. 
Jackson: Why didn’t you tell us y’all were premiering your relationship tonight too??? Had to find out on social like a commoner 
LoLo: he really thinks he’s part of your relationship
LoLo: congrats girl! Glad to see the premiere was a success in many ways
Charlotte giggled before she closed her messaging app and went to Instagram. She had her notifications turned off for it, never being a big social user herself anyway. However, that often meant she missed posts she was tagged in. 
She immediately went to her activity page and found a notification from Michael. 
The picture was of the pair kissing and holding hands on the red carpet earlier that night with the caption: 
Celebrating tonight with my leading lady on screen and off. Here’s to many more Creed premiere date nights in our future. 
She opened the comments to find a million versions of heart eye emojis, hearts, and excited “I knew it” comments from his followers. 
Her heart swelled as she examined their photo, reveled in how carefree and happy they both looked. 
“God I love him,” she whispered as she added a comment of her own. 
Another perfect date night with you with a few heart emojis and a kissing face. 
“I love you too.” 
Her tea cup clattered against the granite counter, the scalding liquid splashing out onto her hand and the counter as Michael’s voice interrupted her quiet musings. She turned to find him perched against the entryway to the kitchen. She supposed she should not have been shocked to find him in his own kitchen but she was surprised she did not hear him coming down the stairs. 
“Busted?” She drew her lip in between her teeth, a drop of guilt coloring her words. 
Michael chuckled and closed the distance between them. “You were busted a while ago, babe. My mom noticed the tea disappearing faster than usual and mentioned that there might be a night time tea thief lurking around. Figured I’d catch you one of these days.”
Charlotte smiled. “Sorry, I was gonna replace it.” 
He shook his head. “I don’t care about the tea. I already got her some more. I do care about why you’re up this early? We just went to bed at 1.” 
He sat down on the bar stool next to her. She held up her notebook, which she allowed to fall closed. 
“Had a song and couldn’t sleep till I wrote it down. Got distracted by someone’s very sweet instagram post.” 
“I was wondering when you were gonna see it. You weren’t lyin’ when you said you don’t use social like that.” He paused. “So you enjoyed tonight?” 
She nodded, “It was perfect. You’re perfect. And the movie was fantastic.” 
“I thought so too. So when do I get to hear this song that kept you away from my bed?” He dropped his lips to her shoulder, his breath causing goosebumps to form.
Her hand tightened around the book protectively. It was not ready for his ears, not yet anyway. “Soon. I promise, it’ll be worth the wait.” She grabbed her tea cup and took his hand. “I got most of it down, it's enough for tonight. Let’s go back to bed.” 
He nodded, leading her back to his bedroom so they could rest.
Tags: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @hi888888sworld @msniaimani @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @chaoticevilbakugo @blackerthings @pipsqueak-98
A/N: The next chapter will have a bit of a time jump and we head to NYC where the drama is realllllllll lol just fair warning. Drop a comment and let me know what you thought! Hoped you enjoyed it :)
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starriwonderland · 2 years
Hihi! I wanted to request a headcanon of Idia and Azul of how they would take a male s/o out on a date :D thanks!
Hi! I love this idea so much! I tried my best to make the reader male! I got stuck on what to write so I added crack because this is the twst-verse I hope that's okay!
Genre(s): Romance, Fluff, Crack if you squint.
Warning(s): mushrooms, slight ooc on Azul's part sorry I'm still learning about him, mentions of social anxiety on Idia's part.
Reader: Male
Character(s): Idia and Azul
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I'm joking💀
Azul will take you on a date AWAY from Mostro Lounge because he doesn't want the Tweels interfering
They still did anyway
Got the right from Headmaster to leave the campus don't ask how. All you need to know is Crowley is graciously giving his full permission.
A gentleman, he bought you flowers and wanted to take you to dinner!
Wanted everything to go perfectly but Tweels intervined :,)
Took you to a fancy restaurant and you guys sat down
You both ordered pasta as the waiter respectfully wrote down what you wanted.
A band was playing music to fit the romantic atmosphere
Everything was perfect...too perfect (Leech twins cue to come try to mess everything up for funsies)
His glasses went askewed when he finds out Jade is the 'new waiter' when there food is delivered.
"Unfortunately I will be serving you now as the last waiter has finished his shift" obviously it was a lie. Since when did jade work here?
Azul was kinda nervous about eating now as Jade expectantly waited for you both to try your food.
One bite and it was evident that the recipe had been modified with mushrooms
Jade looks every bit pleased by you guys reactions to the fungi and notes everything down.
Well if that wasn't embarrassing enough Floyd is now trying to take over the music band because "their taste in music was too sappy and boring" the guests are just bewildered at the scene.
"If you two are here, who's watch The dorm and Mostro Lounge?" He asked in a serious tone.
Azul looked very upset until he heard joyous giggles coming from you. He loved your laugh and now he's laughing too.
You were having a great time regardless of the twins shenanigans.
Of course he'd take you out again on a proper date though (or at least try to. </3)
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Idia loves you to bits he really does!
But he REALLY hates social interaction
Ortho has to drag him out of his room kicking and screaming just in order for him to go to class.
Usually your dates would be watching anime or gaming sessions or just chilling in his room
Honestly, you didn't really expect Idia to want to go on a date with you anywhere outside his room, because...well he's Idia.
Well time for the surprise of your life
This introverted otaku somehow gathered himself together to ask his boyfriend to go to a movie with him.
Idk what the Twst equivalent of a studio Ghibli movie is but that's where he wanted to go.
Got permission from Crowley a while back in a slightly more civil way than Azul, with the help of Ortho. (Ortho almost blew up the school again💀)
Actually Ortho had convinced Idia to ask you. "I want Nii-san to go make good memories with Y/n-san!"
Before he could have second thoughts and cancel, Ortho shoved him out of his room.
*Locks Idia out of his own room cutely* /hj
Oh well no turning back now.
"Y-y/n I heard that they were releasing this new anime movie that would be in theaters only and I r-really would love it if you go with me." He muttered almost inaudibly while averting his gaze.
Of course you said yes this was a rare opportunity!
He actually hadn't freaked out about social interaction for about a good thirty minutes but to be safe, you decided to do the talking at the ticket counter
Idia links his pinky with yours while you stood in line, since he was still a little shy when it came to PDA
On the other hand, literally clung to your arm like a life line when you were trying to pass people to get to your seats, he's internally screaming. Idia sweetie you'll make it harder to get to our seats in time—
Once you and the blue-haired male sat down he visibly relaxed.
He enjoyed it more than he thought he would, and knows ALL the lore on whichever movie was showing at the theater.
"This actually wasn't that bad..." Idia noted to himself while starting to blush
He was gonna ask to do it again until—
"OooOoo pwetty!" A little kid attempted to grab at his long flaming blue hair.
*screeches and uses you as a human body shield*
The whole thing was hilarious and you had to restrain your self from bursting out in laughter.
You calmed him down and returned back to the campus after getting something to eat.
Regardless of what happened earlier he would definitely want to go out with you again.
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crowtrobotx · 1 year
I'm so glad to hear that Barbosa is appreciated. I wouldn't say I'm in the fandom but I do love those movies and when the second one came out I was probably 10. I remember I had just gotten out of surgery that morning but my little sister was begging my mom to take her on opening weekend. I insisted I was fine because I didn't want to miss out on seeing it, so my mom reluctantly took me with. So I was just high as balls with an ice pack and bloody cotton falling out of my mouth watching the movie. And Barbosa is hands down the coolest character so when he shows up at the end my high 10 year old brain didn't know what to do. So I stood up from my seat and gawked. My mom was embarrassed and like"you good??" while trying to get me to sit but I was on a different plane of exisitence and Barbosa was asking me personally a QUESTION so I just stood til the credits rolled 30 seconds later lol
The “So tell me, what’s become of my ship?” line right? I’m dying. That scene is iconic. Funnily enough I was reluctant to even see the second movie because Barbossa is (obviously) my favorite and at that point he was still “dead” and I saw no reason for him to come back. When I tell you I YELLED in the theater much to the dismay of my friends.
I’m far too lazy to look it up rn but I think the first draft of POTC 2 was supposed to introduce his daughter as a character. It was obviously scrapped (and reintroduced for 5 but we do not talk about 4 or 5 in this house) but Jesus Christ the last thing I needed at that tender and hormonally unstable age was the sad dad-ification of the original old man blorbo. I think the universe intervened to protect me from that until I was ready.
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nines82 · 1 year
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Shin Kamen Rider Review For many it was a day of excitement when it was announced that Hideaki Anno would be making a reimagining of the original Kamen Rider, I found myself whisked up in it having been a fan of the original manga and television series seeing that original teaser recreating the iconic television opening that I so dearly loved.
But then time struck each 12 on its clock and the more we saw, that excitement dwindled into confusion and almost indifference towards the idea (especially when the theater pamphlets and summaries from Japanese audiences made their way here) and it almost felt like I was listening and seeing a film that may end up not scratching the niches of what I view that original series/manga as.
So when the Western announcement came, I kind of shrugged and didn’t really want to touch it with a ten foot pole. I’d engage in the fanart of course, as I’ll blindly like and share that anywhere. Then the digital release was revealed and whence it came I didn’t have any plans with my partner so I shrugged and went “why not” and I watched all 2hours of Anno’s vision of Kamen Rider is in his eyes. . . . .
I came out feeling that same confusion and indifference, but in a newfound sense of second hand embarrassment of what felt like an amateur fan film. While that can have its form of endearment, I feel like Anno here understood what being a Kamen Rider is but not necessarily what the manga/show were doing tonally nor visually. While yes, the show was pretty low budget even for tokusatsu at the time compared to the likes of Ambassador Magma, the Ultra Series, Giant Robo since it mainly filmed on-location with only a few actually built sets; it still had a unique quality to its filmmaking and choreography that defined it with how it framed shots with the equipment it had or how a fight would play out according to location. It had a fixed camera, but it never felt like the fixed camera would result in a dull visual nor make a fight feel less fluid or unimpressive because even in its editing it felt like it had impact that it had a kick to it. The manga especially made its fights feel so real and sometimes brutal because of the reality of what these characters are.
Shin Kamen Rider attempts both of these, but in Anno’s still very crude style that does not do it favors in this film as Anno has a really hard time actually making these action and the set-pieces feels like they have any sort of meaning or impact. A punch lands and it may show a splatter, but it is has no weight and feels more like shock value and its framed/edited to where its hard to really make out whether someone knew how to film a fight scene. Anno sprawls out random blurps of CGI to make up for not wanting to do wirework and uses POV cameras as if that would make a fight more engaging as much as it does instead make the audience feel motion sickness and personally took me out of the movie.
The dialogue in typical Anno fashion is written by someone who doesn’t know how humans talk, stilted and wooden as a board with nonsensical speech that is supposed to be how these characters “speak” to others. The most normal piece of dialogue in this film is Rider 0 asking Hongo if he slept with his sister Ruriko, a perfectly normal response a brother has about a dude who hangs with his sister all the time because brothers are weird and invasive like that. I feel like Anno’s direction doesn’t make these any better either, I’m not the actors obviously but in many sense I felt like it was hard to make sense of Anno’s vision of how a scene is executed and whether a person would actually say these words.
The film visually is also kind of ugly, the color palette is very mute but also can have downright kind of weird saturation to its colors like the drone shot of the house where Ruriko and Hongo meet Tachibana and Taki making the falling sun look more like a weird filter someone put onto the screen in after effects or photoshop. The film either is too dimly lit or overcasted in shadows and darkness that, while that may be director’s intent, does not serve the viewing experience well when no shots really POP out. The film also sometimes will shoot a scene like the Man Bat arena or the Shocker Rider fight like a really bad video game cutscene that tries to show what this free flowing camera can do with these weird almost “replay” screens from racing games for the Shocker Rider fight where it almost borders on a bad tech demo.
The music also kind of blended into the background a lot, I didn’t really find anything particularly standout nor memorable at least in context of it in the film (I haven’t personally given the soundtrack on its own a listen, I’m not that type of reviewer) and it was drowned out a lot by the action it usually accompanied. I do appreciate the end credit musics however, I appreciate hearing Masato Shimon on Dolby.
Would I wholly recommend this movie? Sure, I am not one to really stop you from going ahead and engaging on your own and rather: encourage it. While I may see it how I see it, maybe you won’t feel the same.
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cyberhades · 2 years
Movie Night ੈ♡˳ Eddie Munson x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N and Eddie decided to watch a horror movie together, but many things can happen under the sheets.
Warnings: smut, protected sex, fingering (female receiving), overstimulation, cute sex.
A/N: thanks to my amazing bestie @eddiemunsons-girl for helping me to develop that plot, i love youuuuu <3
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ANOTHER FRIDAY 13 ARRIVES and with that the atmosphere was propitious for a good horror movie, a great classic that caused chills in everyone. One of the best movies ever made was on the shelves of the video store that disappeared at the speed of light, everyone was apparently wanting to watch this memorable date.
Nothing better than watching this masterpiece with your best friend, Eddie Munson! You two were always horror movie fanatics, the difference is that he wasn't as scared as you, so he was in charge of hugging you and calming you down by telling jokes.
He was a good friend, he had nothing to complain about. On the one hand, you had fun getting scared and he had fun watching you getting scared. In the end, you both had fun.
Now during the night the metalhead arrived at your house, you would be alone all night. Your mother was a nurse and would be responsible for the night shift at the hospital. Eddie had brought a lot of the things you liked to eat, all the goodies he knew the ones you loved like the back of his hand.
He was a respectful best friend.
— Are you ready to not sleep well tonight, Miss Y/N? — he gave an idiotic laugh.
— Fuck you, Munson — you laughed back, giving him the middle finger.
Blankets, chocolate, popcorn, cookies, gummy bears, soda, and comfy pillows made that couch a thousand times better than a movie theater. Not just for the atmosphere, but for Eddie as well. He always knew how to make the place where he was, he never went unnoticed and he was always making his presence felt.
The film's suspense and dramatic atmosphere along with the chilling soundtrack made every hair on your body tingle with tension, you were always ready to see Jason Voorhees making yet another victim in Crystal Lake. There were always dumb victims too who went straight to their deaths, and at that time you and Eddie complained and cursed the characters like crazy.
And everything was great, until there was a time when a sex scene came. It wasn't weird to watch a sex scene in a movie, but to watch a sex scene in a movie with anyone on your side it's weird as fuck. You had your head resting on Eddie's chest as you watched and you noticed that his heart rate increased.
Being so close to his body, it was impossible not to notice that he had a huge erection in his pants. He got restless, and you were getting horny too.
— P-Princess... I need to go to the bathroom... — his voice was even heavier, as if he was starting to get breathless and nervous.
— If you go, I go too.
— Are you afraid Jason will kill you? — he joked.
— In fact I know what you're going to do in the bathroom... — you said shyly as you lowered your head, you couldn't look at him anymore without feeling embarrassed. — And I think I need to do the same thing...
You didn't think much before speaking because you knew your brain would stop you, so you just spoke without delay and shut up right away. The two of you didn't speak for nearly fifteen seconds, but the silence seemed to scream.
Soon, the TV was turned off by Eddie who had taken the remote beside him. Then he grabbed your waist and brought you to his lap.
You let out a little cry of surprise when you felt your pussy right above his erection. In return he smiled, an attentive and malicious smile at the same time.
— What are you doing? — your voice cracked a little as you were still trying to take back the air that was missing from your lungs from nervousness.
— Helping you with this little problem we both have — he whispered, overcome with desire.
You immediately kissed him. You've wanted to do this for a long time actually and that was an excellent excuse, a great opportunity that life gave you.
Eddie kissed you back immediately, taking one hand to your hair, tugging lightly while the other squeezed your waist with desire. The way he kissed you was voracious and there he was making it very clear that it was ambiguous that the two of you wanted to feel each other's lips for a long time.
Your hands were on his neck, running the tips of your nails subtly along the back of his neck, making him shiver and making him moan against your mouth. Obviously he wasn't going to let it go unpunished and he gripped your waist more tightly as he pressed down, making your soaking pussy rub against his hard cock.
You moaned against his mouth to feel his erection. He was nothing small apparently and you already found yourself throbbing and craving for more and more. So much so that it hurt.
His hands slid down your back until they reached your ass which was covered by the dress you wore. He slid the fabric through his fingers, lifting until your ass was uncovered. His nimble fingers found the hem of your panties, curling and tugging at the elastic with a small snap as it found your skin.
— Fuck! — you cried out as you felt the snap against your soft flesh.
He bit his bottom lip intoxicated with lust. Feeling your body pressed against his was better than he'd ever imagined.
Then he laid you down on the couch positioning himself between your legs, and making you squeeze him with your thighs, bringing him closer. Nimble fingers found the fabric of your dress, pulling it out of your body through your arms.
When he saw your breasts he went crazy and was practically salivating. His kisses went down to your neck, and he licked and sucked leaving light hickeys.
On the other hand, his hands that were on your waist dispersed. One went up to your thigh and the other was busy making it way to your sodden panties. When you felt Eddie's fingers inside your panties you moaned slyly.
Everything there was in a good mix. His kisses and hickeys on your neck mixed with his grip on your thigh and his fingers on your swollen clit had you stunned. First he started to masturbate you, making circular motions on your delicate point of pleasure.
— Oh my good... — you whimpered.
Your legs were already starting to shake slightly. You felt that he was being precise in what he was doing, his fingers were driving you to delirium.
The moans of the two of you were taking over that atmosphere. His moans against your skin were fierce and your moans were shy and sly. You couldn't explain why, but being completely naked beneath him while he was fully clothed felt strangely good.
His fingers, which were now on your clit, slipped inside, penetrating without warning. Making you scream once more with lust and desire as you feel him inside you, going back and forth with two fingers.
He was skilled. Even more skilled than you imagined and he was being amazing, much better than in your dreams.
— E-Eddie... I'm gonna cum... — you cried out in pleasure while you pushed your hips towards his fingers for more friction.
— Cum on my fingers, princess — he said in a fierce tone as he sucked your breasts voraciously.
And it didn't take long for you to feel yourself melting in his fingers, as you held him tight. At the same moment he removed his fingers from your pussy and brought them to his mouth, sucking in a fierce way that even growled slightly.
He got up and started to take off his clothes. By God, Eddie really was perfect. You didn't know whether to pay more attention to his smooth skin or in the trail of hair that ran down his belly button to his pubs.
He returned to the couch and slid his fingers down your waist until they found the hem of your panties and pulled it down your legs. You could not help but notice that he had a condom tucked into the denim jacket he'd taken off so he could use it.
You looked forward to what would come next. And seeing him "getting dressed" only turned you on more.
— How do you want?
You immediately spread your legs, giving him a privileged view of your pussy that was dripping with desire and lust. He practically growled once more.
You made a "come here" sign with your hand, making him come back to the couch and lie on top of you, making the tip of his cock brush against your entrance, making you push your hips for more contact, and he penetrated a little.
He gripped your thighs eagerly, squeezing the flesh.
— But what a hasty princess you are... — he said through gritted teeth with a mischievous smile on his face as he moved his hips deeper into you.
You felt his cock inside you, making you moan and squeeze his back and bite your bottom lip. He groaned in return.
— Damn... so tight... — he said against your neck, his hot breath against your skin.
Eddie's movements started to take on a good pace that made you moan like crazy and feel extremely satisfied and happy at the same time. You've wanted this for a long time.
— Y-You're so big... holy shit! — you cursed feeling it coming and going inside you.
Your pussy was already more sensitive from the masturbation he had given you with those skilled fingers from years of playing guitar. It was impossible to take his cock not only because of his size, but also because of your sensitivity.
Eddie's moans had you delirious, along with the sound of your hips colliding. The way he squinted his eyes tightly and threw his head back left you wanting more and more.
This was better than any dream.
It didn't take long and you were feeling a knot form in your belly, soon it would burst. His cock hit your sensitive spot over and over again in a delicious, perfect pace. He was in pure delight at the way you moaned and squirmed beneath him.
— I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again! — you screamed desperately, feeling your walls squeeze him.
— Come on my cock, princess — he said, bringing a hand to your clit, masturbating that swollen, sensitive spot of pleasure.
You practically sighed to contain the urge to scream that you were feeling and so you continued at that pace until you had one more orgasm.
— Thank you so much... oh fuck! — you moaned, feeling your legs shake and your back arch.
— I'm going to come, I'm going to come... thanks to that tight pussy... oh princess... holy fuck!
He said in a husky voice as he filled the latex of the condom with his hot cum. The way he pushed his head back made you want to cross your legs.
Now you were lying on the couch, covered by the blanket. He'd discarded the condom in the trash, it was worth every second of all that madness. You were lying on his chest while he stroked your shoulder and kissed your forehead.
— This was the best Friday 13 of my life! — you said with a silly smile on your lips.
— Mine too. Thank you, princess — he left a gentle kiss on your lips.
— But... what are we to each other now?
— More than friends I'm sure — he smiled cutely with slightly flushed cheeks.
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stars-n-scars · 2 years
I'm not a writer so this might be bad but no one wrote this so I will. This is based on the part in the bathroom scene when Robin mentioned the Texas chainsaw massacre. Neither Finney nor Robin were kidnapped in this. Also, I know nothing about the 70s and I haven't watched the texas chainsaw massacre in a while so bear with me.
It was 5th-period history and robin was bored out of his mind. He was extremely excited to go see the Texas chainsaw massacre again tonight with his uncle. He knew that Finney wasn't allowed to go but he decided to give Finney a note asking if he wants to go anyways, it would be much more fun if Finney was there.
Finney felt a light tap on the shoulder, it was Robin. It was always robin. He turned around, hoping not to get in trouble with the teacher. Robin handed him a note and they exchanged quick smiles. Finney always loved Robin's smile. The note read "I know you already said your dad would kill you but I'm seeing the Texas chainsaw massacre tonight and it would be better if you were there."
The bell rang and everyone pack up their stuff to walk to their next classes. Robin walked up beside Finney. "So, about the movie," Robin asked hopefully. "Like I said my dad would never let me go" "but what if we don't tell him or say we're seeing another movie.". Finney thought about it for a second. He thought about how his dad would react if he knew he snuck out. Not pretty. "No, my dad would kill me if he found out I lied" Finney replied.
"Oh come on Finn live a little," he said wrapping his arm around Finney's neck.
Finney didn't know what it was about that name. When Gwen or donna said Finn it didn't feel the same as when robin said it. It was just Robin, and Finney loved it. "Screw it, I'm in. But we're gonna have to lie and say we're seeing something else". "Perfect".
Finney was beyond excited not only does he get to see a movie he has been wanting to see forever he gets to see it with his favorite person (other than Gwen of course). He biked to Robin's house being thankful that it was close as he was already running late. Robin's mother opened the door and greeted Finney. They have met many times with Finney always coming over to help Robin with math or just to hang out. "Oh hi, Finney, Robin is in his room". "Thanks, ms.arellano"
Robin and Finney biked to the drive-ins, where robins uncle - James - would meet them. James works at the theater so they would get I'm for free.
Once they got there his uncle informed them he had to work but there Is blankets in the bed of his truck they can use.
Around the halfway point of the movie, Someone was cut in half with a chainsaw. Finney jumped making him significantly closer to robin than before. Soon he got comfortable. Robin was warm and it was cold. Very cold. Like it's the middle of winter cold. Robin did seem to mind either. Finney played his head down on one of Robin's shoulders, if it weren't for the scariness of the movie Finney would have fallen asleep. 
Or maybe he did. Robin whispered in his ear "Finney wake up". He was embarrassed. Finney couldn't believe that he fell asleep on robin at the movies. Finney was mentally hitting himself.
From that day on things changed between them. Maybe for the better.
Like I said I'm not a writer but I tried. I also have ideas for a part 2 if anyone wants one. If anyone has corrections I will be happy to change them. Also, this is not very proofread. (Edit: I just proofread this and tried to address detail) (Sorry again if it's bad)
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Hey sweet stuff!
I enjoyed your first date question so much that I am sending it straight back to you. Pick two wrestlers, one you really enjoy writing for and one you have never written for, but always wanted and tell me all about your first date.
Where'd you go, is it awkward at times, how does it go down, any kisses?
I was so happy you sent this one back to me, I love doing these!
For the first one I have to pick Eddie Kingston because he was my 1st love watching AEW.
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I definitely had a crush on Eddie way before he noticed me. Eddie knew this, it’s super obvious when I have a crush on someone, but he pretends not to notice. He was already a veteran on the Indy wrestling scene and I was just a girl starting out; always hanging out with chubby Ethan Page. (And that is no hate on Ethan Page because he was adorable chubby and still an amazing wrestler). It wasn’t until I got to AEW and started to be more confident in the way I dress and be a bit more sexual in promos and in the ring that he started to notice. He also felt more comfortable looking at me now that I was in my 30s and him in his 40s verse when we first met and I was in my early 20s and he was in his 30s.
He asked me out to the movies to see the new Doctor Strange and I happily accepted. I picked him up at his house and than asked who we needed to pick up and who we were meeting us there. Eddie looked at me like I was crazy. “Sweetheart this is a date.” Me being me didn’t realize this and thought this was a group hangout. He tries to take it back and starts to text other people to come but I stop him.
“Eddie I have been waiting for this date for 10 years.” The car ride is a little awkward after that, but once we get to the movies we shake it off. Eddie likes to show off and treat his girl like a princess so even though I insist on paying for something. He covers it all.
I’m not really interested in the movie, because I have only seen Dr. Strange in other marvel movies and I’m a little confused. Luckily and very conveniently no one else is in the theater and Eddie explains everything to me and shows me his nerdy comic book side to him and tells me all about his favorites. I tease him a little and tell him next time I get to pick the move and it’s going to be a musical so I can show off my nerdy theatre girl side to him. We already know this date is the 1st of many.
After the movie we drive over to a park and take a little walk. Eddie and I get to know each other a little bit better. I grab his hand and walk like that for little bit. Until he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into him. We walk like that until we get back to my car.
I pull up to his house. Eddie wants a kiss and I do too, but we also don’t want to rush the other person. He leans in for a hug and during the hug I kiss his cheek and the corner of his mouth. Because I read that in all my romance books and thinks it’s super sexy and cool.
Okay I’m taking a deep breath before I write this out. I don’t know why but I feel like a teenager admitting to an Embarrassing crush…probably because this is an embarrassing crush. But here it goes.
Max caster
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I got to know Max through Anthony Bowens. I am obviously a huge wrestler fan and when Anthony introduced us at a party he was hosting I of course thought he was so handsome, but there was something about him that just rubbed me the wrong way. Maybe it was because he wanted to be a rapper and a wrestler. Isn’t one of those jobs enough? Or maybe it was because he was so confident with everything he does and I have no confidence what so ever. Or maybe even because he was a little Long Island rich boy and I grew up so differently. The real reason that I put a cold shoulder towards Max was because after meeting him for the 1st time I really liked him and I knew a curvy geeky girl who reads a new romance book every week and manages to fall up while walking up stairs would never give me a second glance.
And I definitely wasn’t Max Casters typical type. He liked tall, size 2 models with blonde hair and blue eyes. Girls that liked designer clothes and made sure their hair and makeup were perfect before leaving the house. Anthony noticed that Max kept going up to me during the party. And after the party he would ask about me afterward. He wanted to get to know me, but had no clue where to start with a girl like me. Anthony didn’t want to get involved, but his boyfriend came up with the perfect ambush blind date.
Anthony had invited both Max and I to a day trip to Disney with a couple of other friends. I was there first and got the text that the other friends couldn’t make it. And when Max meet me at the front gate. Anthony had texted us both that him and Michale wouldn’t be able to make it. It was pretty obvious that we were set up and it was super awkward, but who is going to turn down a day at Disney. So together we walked in the park and avoided the eager cast members wanting to take our picture.
The two of us are able to agree to ride the most popular rides 1st: Haunted Mansion, and Pirates of the Caribbean, . It’s nice because the lines hadn’t gotten insane yet and we are able to have nice conversations in lines about movies, wrestling and music. Max offers to share a popcorn with me and we stroll and eat. We run into Gaston and Belle. Max pretends to be super protective of me when Gaston flirts. Belle tells us that we are the cutest couple she has ever seen. We both pretend we can’t hear her. We manage to do a couple more rides before having lunch. It turns out Max loves the roller coaster and thrill rides. I’m typically the girl who holds the hats and bags for other people, but he somehow convinces me to go on them with him. Before space mountain, splash mountain, Big Thunder and even the seven dwarf kiddie coaster he squeezes my hand and tells me it’s okay, he won’t let anything happen to me before the ride takes off.
By dinner time we’re starving and need a break. We are able to get a table at a Tony’s Town Square, this time when the sever assumes were a couple we tell him it’s our 1st date. After dinner Max is a good sport and rides all the classic rides with me like petter pan, Winnie the Pooh and during small world he makes a rap for the ride and the day we spent together.
We end the day eating the classic Mickey Mouse ice cream and watching the fireworks. While we don’t kiss, max insists on riding the tram to my car and we hold hands and i rest my head on his shoulder. We make up a whole story where Anthony and Michale were dressed in disguised and followed us around the park. (We don’t find this out until they tell the story at our engagement party) Max promises to text me the next day.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 5
Pt 1,  Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, House Map
Summary: Movie theater, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and the county fair
“We can come back to get the rest. I don’t understand why you’re doing that.”
Wanda watches you struggle trying to carry everything you brought from the store but two bags that Wanda herself is carrying. 
“Because, my young Padawanda, it is one of the most important rules of the Jedi Code. One must never make a second trip to the car lest he be a nerd.”
“Oh my gosh! Have you seen Star Wars?” You and Wanda turn your heads towards the porch where Sam and Peter reside. Peter runs down to you in excitement. “Which ones have you seen?”
“Only like all of them!” you answer, just as excited as Peter to have someone else here who likes the movies. Laura finds them boring, Clint thinks they’re too long, and Nat says she’s not a child. You tried watching them with Cooper and Lila but they fell asleep halfway through. So no one can blame you for getting excited. Unfortunately, the little bounce that accompanied your answer causes a few things to slip from your arms, but Peter, given his incredible reflexes, catches them all before they touch the ground. “The force is strong with this one,” you tell him.
“And a second trip is what makes you a nerd.” Sam mumbles under his breath on his way over to help by taking the bags from Wanda. “What’s on your neck?” He asks her. Her hand flies up to her neck only to find it sticky.
“It’s what happens when you mess with a Jedi,” you answer for her in a silly voice making Peter laugh. You also make Wanda blush as she recalls how it happened, but you don’t see this since you and Peter are already making your way to the house. Sam, however, does notice Wanda’s face and recognizes that look, leaving him stumped. Wanda only snaps out of her trance when the door closes behind you and Peter. 
“I don’t get it,” he says to Wanda. “What is it about her? Is it the confidently flirty but still kind of geeky thing that does it for you ladies?”
Wanda, embarrassed at being caught, heads to the house ignoring Sam’s questions. She can still hear him as he yells after, “Don’t walk away! I need to know if nerds are the thing now!”
Sam catches her in the kitchen along with you and Peter putting things you bought where they’re meant. Instead of asking Wanda anything, he turns his questions to you and Peter, who you all find out has a girlfriend now. Sam guesses his “nerds are in” theory correct based on that and soon he is agreeing to watch Star Wars with you, Peter, and Wanda. He threw Wanda a subtle wink when neither you nor Peter were looking as if to say ‘you’re welcome’ for including her in those plans. Clint, coming in from the side door, catches the ending of that conversation and groans. 
“No! Laura! Peter and Y/N found an interest they can both be annoying about,” he goes to complain to his wife. Later though, he as well as everyone else joins you to watch the movie. You and Peter thoroughly answer all of Sam and Pietro’s questions and hush everyone at your favorite parts, mouthing the lines along with the scene. Wanda ends up not watching the movie anymore but watching you and she begins to wonder if maybe Sam was right.
“How much longer?” you find yourself asking the next morning trying not to sound as out of breath as you are. You’ve been jogging for you don’t know how long now but it feels way longer than what Nat had promised it would be when she woke you up at six in the morning.
“Another mile,” she answers, no sign of struggle in her voice as if this is a cakewalk. You suppose it is for her since she’s had to slow down numerous times for you to catch up.
“Another mile?!”
“Hey, you said you would keep up today,” Nat reminds you.
“You know you can’t trust anything I say during my haven’t-had-caffeine-yet hours. Don’t I get points for trying?”
“Like your little green friend says, ‘Do or do not, there is no try’,” Nat retorts.
“I knew you were paying attention last night!” You increase your pace to jog beside her. “You can act too tough to like Star Wars all you want around everyone else, but I’ll always know the truth.” You can see her shake her head from the corner of your eye. You don’t say anything for a moment, but being one who cannot let the quiet linger too long, as Tanya would attest to, you speak up. “So, how’s your little green friend doing?”
You turn your head for a second to show Nat you were genuinely looking for an answer and in the next she’s practically running away from you. She went fast but not quick enough for you to miss the little redness creeping up on her cheeks. You have never in your years of knowing her seen her blush before. You have seen her sweat after a sparring match with Clint, get a bit of a sunburn, and get so angry she looked like she would pop a vein, but not one of those times were her cheeks turning a rosy color. Aww, Romanov’s in love. Once you’ve come to that conclusion, you go to tease her. Wait, where did she go?
“You asshole!” You yell at Nat who you finally find casually leaning on the car door watching you storm up to her. It took you an hour to find the car after losing the trail you were on trying to find Natasha. She doesn’t even flinch as she reaches over and pulls a twig out of your hair. “What happened to you?”
“You left me!” You huffed, walking around to the passenger side while Nat got in the driver seat unfazed. Truth be told, after 30 minutes without any sign of Nat, you thought she was putting you through some kind of test. You were getting paranoid, so it’s not surprising you took a tumble when you swiftly tried to avoid an attack from what turned out to be a squirrel running up a tree. But you’ll just keep that to yourself forever.
You head straight to the shower when you get to the house ignoring the morning greetings from those you pass on the way. “What’s up with her?” Sam asks Nat in the living room. “She hasn’t had her caffeine yet.”
You let the shower wash away your moodiness which, you can admit to yourself alone, stemmed for the most part from embarrassing yourself. Afterwards, you head to the kitchen ready to eat whatever everyone had for breakfast, but come up empty. You guess they’d finished all of it if the plates and pan left out to dry say anything. You open the fridge looking for something to eat. Maybe there is something in there you can heat up. Unlike Laura, Wanda, and self proclaimed chef Pietro, you cannot cook to save your life. 
“What’s cooking, good looking?” Speak of the devil. Maybe he can make you something? You know all it would take is some batting of the eyelashes and a compliment. No, Wanda said no. But there is nothing in the fridge to heat up and you were hungry. Wanda would surely understand it was for the greater good, right? Already breaking the first rule, I see.
Caught red handed, you look over Pietro’s shoulder to see Wanda walking into the kitchen to join you two. She’s raising her eyebrows at you waiting for an answer. 
“Okay, new rule,” you say. Pietro is confused at what he assumes is your response until he sees that you aren’t talking to him. “No more reading my mind,” you say sternly, pointing at Wanda. 
Pietro smirks. “Yeah, I don’t need you to hear what goes on Y/N’s mind when she is thinking about me,” he says to Wanda. Both you and Wanda roll your eyes. “Sam is asking for you outside,” is all she says to him and off he goes with a groan.You groan as well, the chance of getting someone to make you food leaving with him.
“You could have just asked me, you know?” Wanda says, leaning against the sink. 
“I thought I said no mind reading,” you remind her. She chuckles when you close the refrigerator door and hit your head against it in defeat.
“I wasn’t,” she defends. “I was serious when I said he can’t cook. I may have saved you from food poisoning.”
“Maybe, but I would have been full and happy for a moment. Since you chased away my shot at food, I think you should make it up to me by making me some breakfast,” you try, leaning against the fridge.
“Oh? I should, should I?” You nod confidently thinking it might just work, but she tears that thought away when she continues, “Cause I remember you still needing to make it up to me when you didn’t buy the ice creams.”
You frown, “I thought you’d forgotten about that.” She smiles, with nose scrunch and all, shaking her head. “Fine, you want to go to the fair? I’ll take you to the fair tomorrow!”
“A fair? I want to go!” you hear Cooper shout. He is coming in through the back door with Lila who looks just as excited and with Nat who does not. You ignore Nat’s face when you tell Cooper that you can all go to the fair. He and Lila run off in excitement to tell the others. Nat glares at you as she takes a seat at the kitchen table. 
“See,” you turn to Wanda. “Now I have to take you for sure. Make me some food now, please,” you beg her, drawing out the word please. She squints her eyes like she’s thinking about it and then, “Only because you asked so nicely.” 
“Thank you,” you throw her a huge smile at which Wanda rolls her eyes.
“But if you are going to be here,” she says pushing you away from the fridge, “you are going to help. You’ve got to learn how to cook for yourself.” And you do just that. You nod along intently listening to all her instructions, not wanting to miss a thing. Sometimes you’d interrupt to make a joke and when one is about her brother, she playfully punches you. You are so immersed in your little bubble, you forget Nat is not too far away watching your interaction with curiosity. She has you try the food first and you could almost moan. You notice a blush creeping up on Wanda’s face and suddenly she’s avoiding your eyes.The food is so good and you were so hungry that maybe you did let out a little noise of satisfaction. Before you could say anything, another voice interrupts, “What’s this I hear about a fair?”
You turn slowly recognizing the tone your cousin uses. It’s the who-made-these-plans-without-asking-me-first tone. You smile at Laura, mouth full of food. You see Nat point at you but Laura was already looking at you. “Yeah, I think she knows it was me, Natasha.”
A few uneventful hours go by and you are bored out of your mind. You have a sudden urge to go out seeing as the sun was still shining. You pull out your phone having an idea of what to do to kill some time. You scroll through your phone to see what movies are playing at the only movie theater in town. You see that the next showing is for a horror movie. 
“Do you like scary movies?” you turn to the group playing Uno in the living room. Pietro gets up in excitement when you mention going to the movie theater. Sam agrees to come as well and drags Peter out the door when Peter wants to stay claiming it’s to keep the kids company. You are about to head out with everyone but you notice Wanda still sitting on the couch. You wait for her to get up when Pietro says, “Yeah, good luck with that. She’s too chicken to watch scary movies.”
Wanda, offended, gets up quickly from the couch, “Am not. I just think they’re boring.”
“Sure,” Pietro chuckles as he heads out the door.
“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to,” you tell her. You think she is going to stay, but she starts heading out the door to the car. 
“You sure that’s not enough butter, Y/N?” Peter asks you when he sees how much butter he’s already put in the bucket at your insistence. He can feel some of it through the bucket already. 
“Fine, that’s good. You grab some napkins. I’ll hold the bucket,” you tell him after you see his eyebrows scrunch. You all go to the designated room and pick a row to sit in having pretty much any seat you want since it was practically empty. You sit down next to Peter and notice Pietro’s eyes falling to the empty seat on your other side. He aims to sit next to you but his sister who was sitting next to Peter before beats him to it. He throws her a confused look as he shuffles his way down to sit in her abandoned seat. “Real subtle there, Wanda,” you say, amused more than anything.
“I can see the screen better from here.” You let her bad excuse slide and turn to the screen as the movie begins to play. Between you, Peter, and Pietro, the popcorn is gone in record time. The jumpscares begin halfway through the movie. Peter holds the empty bucket as a safety blanket which you find adorable. You don’t even know if Wanda is watching the movie. She’s got her eyes somewhat hidden behind her fingers. You want to tease her, so you reach to take her fingers away from her face, but another jumpscare happens and she takes your hand in her free one. You feel her squeeze the life out of your hand in anticipation of another jumpscare. 
Your palm begins to sweat and you start to feel uncomfortable with all the butter on your fingers, so you slip your hand out from hers. She turns to you in question. “Sorry, my hand’s full of butter,” you whisper. She reaches over you to ask Peter something. Without a word, she leans back in her seat with napkins in her hand and cleans all the butter off your hand before taking it in hers once more, this time interlacing your fingers. She turns her focus back to the movie. You feel you should just do the same, so you follow her actions. You let her hold your hand for the rest of the movie until the lights come back up.
Wanda shouldn’t have watched that movie. It is much too dark in the bedroom. It is much too quiet. She can hear Nat’s soft breathing from beside her. The silhouettes of various items around the room are creeping her out. She doesn’t think she is going to be sleeping any time soon. Maybe some tea will help. She gets up quietly trying not to wake Nat, but when she’s at the door, Nat asks, “Where are you going?”
“The bathroom,” Wanda lies easily. She’d rather not let Nat know that she couldn’t sleep because of some scary movie. What kind of superhero would that make her? As she heads downstairs, she wonders if you were still awake. She turns down the hallway to peek into the living room and sure enough you were still awake watching television. She walks over to you behind the couch. “What are you watching?” she asks. You feel your soul leave your body not having heard her approach. She giggles as she walks around to sit next to you. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, just warn a girl next time.” She turns her attention to the show. “It’s Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It’s really good. I used to watch it with Laura when she would babysit while my mom was at work. Some of the jokes I wouldn’t even understand but I’d laugh ‘cause she was laughing,” you reminisce. 
“You and her are very close.”
“Yeah, well, she’s practically the only family I have. My mom passed not so long ago and seeing as there was never a dad in my family picture, my aunt and uncle took me in. I don’t have any siblings and neither does Laura so, she’s kind of it.” You add, “Well, apart from Clint, Nat, and the kids of course.”
Another two scenes go by on the show before you ask, “Did you have a nightmare or could you not fall asleep?”
Wanda looks down embarrassed so you add, “I promise I’m not teasing. I’m just asking.”
“I couldn’t sleep. It was too quiet and dark and Natasha was already asleep, so I thought I would come down here,” she replies.
“Oh, so you thought I would definitely put you to sleep. Wow, I don’t see how this friendship is going to work if you think I bore you to sleep,” you tease. Upon seeing her tired smile, you take pity and pat your thighs and gesture for her to lie down. “Come here.”
When she lays her head on your lap, you begin running your fingers through her hair. You hear her yawn and a few minutes later you find her sound asleep. Careful not to wake her, you reach over to the blanket you were meant to use on you and throw it over her body instead. Another two episodes play before you fall asleep.
You wake up once again with a sore neck and you feel that your body might be as well, but when you remember the reason, you don’t find it in yourself to complain. You look around prepared to see Nat in gym clothes holding a coffee cup but you find the living room empty apart from you and Wanda. You look out the window and see the sun is barely about to rise. Surprised to have woken up before anyone else, you decide to make the most of it but you are quickly sidetracked getting distracted by Wanda’s sleeping form. “I can feel you staring,” she says, her voice husky which you try hard not to find attractive. She turns her head to look up at you with sleepy eyes. “Friends don’t do that.”
“I was not staring. I was admiring,” you respond. “And friends can admire their friends.”
“Well mine don’t the way you do.” 
“Ain’t that a shame.” You boop her nose with your finger making her scrunch her nose.
“They do, however, let me sleep,” she jokes. She turns her head back as if she was to go back to sleep and you decide this might be the best time to get up. You gently lift her head from your lap and swivel your body off the couch. “Where are you going?” she whines, when you place a pillow under her head.
“I am going to wake Nat up for once in my life,” you reply with determination. You stretch and shake your legs trying to get the feeling back in them.
“Good luck with that,” is the last thing Wanda says before closing her eyes and going back to sleep. You head to the kitchen to start the coffee pot and then make your way upstairs. Luckily, the door was left open so you don’t make any noise on your way in. You tiptoed your way to Natasha and bent down so your face was eye level to hers. You honestly can’t believe you’ve made it this far since she is the lightest sleeper. This is the spy they chose for the Avengers? You giggle to yourself imagining the face Nat is going to make when you scare her. Oh, if they could see her now…they would be satisfied with their choice, you think as you try to choke out, “Uncle. Uncle.” Nat somehow has you in a choke hold and you are tapping furiously on her arm. Once she realizes it’s you she lets go.
“Y/N, what the hell! I could have hurt you!” she yells at you as you’re coughing. You stare at her unbelievably, rubbing at your neck, and once you can speak again you say, “Then what was this to you? Some light foreplay?”
Once you both settle down, she realizes you were up before her. You take some exercise attire out for yourself from your luggage. You might not like to exercise but gym clothes are sure comfy to lie around in. “You gotta keep up, Natasha. You don’t want the boss man to catch you slacking. Oh, I’m also making coffee so don’t worry about that.”
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” she asks, her eyebrows furrowing. You smile in turn. “I don’t know what you mean. I’ll catch you downstairs.”
You leave her to change and head downstairs with your clothes. You go to the kitchen first and make two cups of coffee. Then you go to the restroom to change. After she finishes changing, Nat goes to the kitchen and sees you were not kidding. Natasha takes her cup of coffee to the living room as she always does and finds Wanda asleep on the couch. She sighs as things start adding up. She guesses this is the reason for the lack of a grumpy attitude from you so early in the morning. She wants to say something but Nat would rather take a motivated Y/N over Y/N complaining every five minutes on their hike. So, she doesn’t say anything for now.
You actually keep up with Nat this time and to top it off you don’t talk too much like you always do. Nat thinks it’s because you're in a good mood giving you motivation, but the reason for keeping her pace and keeping quiet is your fear she’ll leave you again if you say something to set her off and lose her like yesterday. Nat even goes as far as giving you a compliment at the end. Well, semi-compliment, but her “Not too bad, Y/N”s are few and far between so you return to the house feeling proud of yourself.
This time you’re the one saying good morning to everyone when you enter. You see a few of them still eating breakfast in the kitchen. You hope there will still be leftovers by the time you come back down after showering. Knowing how some of the guys eat, it is going to have to be a quick shower. Laura sees you eyeing the food and says, “Don’t worry, we saved you a plate.” And here you thought Wanda was the mind reader. “Wanda told us you were grumpy yesterday from not catching breakfast so we made sure to make more.” That explains it. You smile, happy someone kept you in mind. Now you can shower in peace. You thank her and head upstairs.
“You saw that, right?” Laura turns to Clint and Nat who walked in not too long before you left.
“She’s been like that all morning. Not one ‘Are we done yet?’ or ‘Why do you hate me, Natasha?’ on our hike,” Nat replies in a hushed tone as if it’s so unlike you to be agreeable in the morning. 
“Do you think it has anything to do with a certain somebody?” Laura felt the need to ask.
“Well she didn’t just find a love for exercise,” Nat sarcastically says.
Clint sighs, “Do you think we have to talk to her again?” 
Nat goes to respond, but Laura cuts off whatever Nat was going to say, “No, if anyone is going to talk to her, it’s me. And it’s not going to be some crappy ‘no dating’ rule type of conversation. You two are great when it comes to getting someone to talk with your intimidation, but save that for your job, which speaking of, Wanda is your coworker, so you may want to talk to her as well if you had to talk to Y/N because last I remember it takes two to tango.”
Nat and Clint stare at Laura in shock, embarrassment and guilt rightfully taking over their bodies. “Are we clear?” Laura asks them though it’s more of a statement leaving no room for argument. 
“Yes.” “Yeah.”
Upstairs, you make your way to the guest room to grab some clothes. Wanda is sitting on the bed reading her book. She is still dressed in her pyjamas, which makes you smile. The sound of her turning the page shakes you from your thoughts and saves you from staring a bit too long. Wanda smirks without bothering to look away from her book and you know she caught you.
“Morning, I’m just gonna get some clothes,” you explain as you move to where your bag is. Wanda speaks up while you zip your duffle closed, “I’m sorry for bothering you last night.”
“Come on, Wanda. You could never be a bother,” you say sincerely, giving her a smile that she shyly returns. “Alright, the shower is calling my name.”
“Yeah, I can hear it screaming,” she jokes and laughs when you take mock offense, “Hey!” She goes back to reading when she sees you heading out the door but you call her attention once more, “Oh! Thanks for telling them to save me a plate.”
“Of course,” she replies like it wasn’t even worth mentioning. You nod at her and then go to shower, closing the guest room door behind you.
A few seconds later, the door opens up again and Wanda amusedly says, her eyes never straying from the page she’s reading, “Did the shower call the wrong name?”
“No, it was definitely calling Y/N’s and mine too, I’m sure, but I wanted to talk to you first.”
Wanda’s head diverts to the door at Nat’s voice. 
“And you needed back up for it?” Wanda looks over to Clint who awkwardly stands behind Nat.
Clint clears his throat, “Well it was only fair if Y/N got both of us, you did too.”
Wanda straightens her posture as she places her book beside her. “Ah, so this is about Y/N. I had a feeling.”
Nat and Clint come into the room, Clint closing the door behind him. Nat goes to sit on the end of the bed and Clint stands behind her. “Look, we were wrong to tell Y/N what to do or rather not do. She is an adult and has the right to do whatever she wants, but you have to understand she’s someone who tends to get ahead of herself and we didn’t- we don’t want anyone to get hurt,” Nat starts.
“So you’re saying she is getting ahead of herself with me? That what? Come two weeks, she’ll realize she doesn’t want me?” Wanda starts to get visibly upset.
“No, that’s not what-” Clint tries to speak but Wanda is not done talking. “Even if that was the case, it would be her choice. It would be my choice.”
“Wanda, you are not going to be here in two weeks. You are not going to be here in a few days,” Natasha calmly says trying to reason. “Look, we love Y/N, okay? But she often finds herself making mistakes-”
“So I would just be another mistake? 
“No, you would be a dangerous one,” Nat says trying to get something through to Wanda.
“I would never hurt her.”
“No, maybe not intentionally,” Nat continues, and when Wanda looks like she is going to argue, Clint interrupts, “Wanda, just let her finish.” Wanda takes a breath to calm herself down and then nods for Natasha to carry on.
“Being in our lives more than she has to could get her hurt. Even this morning, I hurt her when she was probably just trying to play some stupid prank. Being around us is dangerous. Why do you think Clint kept all this a secret,” Nat motions around the room. “Why do you think I was so upset about her and Yelena? Why do you think we haven’t said anything to Y/N before? Those other girls aren’t you. Those other girls aren’t Yelena. I don’t even know where she is right now. We live different lives. Say things do work out with Y/N. Much like I don’t know where my sister is, there will be times she won’t have a clue where you are or if you’re okay. When Clint and I say we don’t want anyone to get hurt, it goes both ways.”
“Wan, have you seen my blue shirt with the buttons?” Pietro storms into the room like a man on a mission, not even bothering to acknowledge Nat and Clint are in the room as well. “I know I packed it.” Not until he reads the hurt in Wanda’s eyes does he read the room and like the protective sibling he is, he is quick to get defensive. “What’s happening here?”
Her brother’s interruption could not have come at a better time. Wanda didn’t know how to respond to Nat’s explanation. She was feeling herself choke up, Vision’s voice springing in her head again. She’s happy to have Pietro here so willing to jump in to defend her but she doesn’t want to drag him into it, so she clears her throat and says, “Nothing. We were just talking.” He still looks unsure, so she gets up from the bed and offers, “I’ll help you look for it.” Her eyes plead for him to let it go. Luckily, he does and heads out the door.  Clint and Nat watch Pietro leave and Wanda stop by the door. “You don’t have to worry. Y/N made it clear to me that we’re just friends,” she says in defeat, then turns to follow her brother.
“Well, that went well,” Clint says sarcastically. 
Wanda spends the next two hours helping Sam, Peter, and Pietro get ready. She helps Sam pick an outfit first seeing as he was the first to shower. She has to pry one of Peter’s t-shirts from his hands saying he’s twice Peter’s size and he cannot pull the nerdy look. She helps Peter next. It’s mostly just styling his hair he needs help with. At last she helps her brother after having knocked on the bathroom door four different times telling him to hurry up. 
“How does the one with superspeed take an hour in the shower?” Sam asks rhetorically. Sam, Wanda, and Peter are on the bed in Cooper’s room watching Pietro straighten out his shirt.
“Hey, it takes time to look this good,” Pietro says as he fixes his collar. All three of them nearly roll their eyes. “Do you think Y/N will like this shirt?”
“Yeah, if it was on Wanda, maybe,” Sam snorts. Peter holds back a chuckle while Wanda tries not to react. 
“You look nice,” Wanda says, not wanting to tear down her brother’s confidence. Everyone’s attention is drawn to the closed door when someone knocks. They hear you ask if you can come in. Pietro responds, “One second.” He goes to lean against Cooper’s desk casually and all three on the bed try really hard not to laugh. Peter has to shove his face in a pillow. “Okay, come in.”
You let yourself into the room, your eyes falling on Wanda immediately. “Not that you don’t look nice in them, but do you really plan on wearing your pjs to the fair?” you tease her. “I mean, you’ll for sure be turning heads, if that’s the plan.” 
She replies, “I was waiting on the shower. Someone was taking their time.” She points her head in Pietro’s direction who gives you a nod in acknowledgement and a “‘sup?” Sam’s mouth forms a line trying so hard not to laugh out loud. Peter’s face stays hidden behind the pillow but you can see from the side of his neck his face was getting red. You feel like you walked in at the wrong time given everyone’s behavior. You tell Wanda, “You might want to hurry. Clint says we’re leaving soon.” With that you turn to leave wondering what you had walked in on. 
When you shut the door, everyone in Cooper’s room excluding Pietro bursts out laughing.
“What the hell was that, man?” Sam asks between fits of laughter.
Peter gets up and leans against the desk to mimic Pietro, “‘Sup?” Everyone laughs again, Pietro leaning over to slap Peter in the back of the head.
They take the family car and Nat’s car to the fair. Sam and Peter ride with Nat while the rest of you ride with Clint driving. As you wait in line to buy tickets, you lean over Wanda’s shoulder, who is standing right in front of you with her back to you, and say “I meant to say this earlier but you look nice.”
She smiles and then turns around to face you as you take a step back. She jokes, “I thought I looked good in my pyjamas but someone implied it wasn’t appropriate for the fair.”
“Oh definitely not appropriate. It was way too sexy. We couldn’t have that around the children,” you reply making her giggle.
“You don’t look too bad either,” she returns the earlier compliment, taking in your outfit as you shuffle forward with the rest of the line. “Your outfit is very nice.”
“Oh, this. I just threw it together.” No, you didn’t. You took your time with it. “But thanks,” you wave her off. When you reach the ticket stand, you rush in front of Clint to pay for yours, Wanda’s, Laura’s, Nat’s, and the kids’ tickets. You explain to him when you are all walking together that you kind of owed Wanda for something and you were the one who promised to take the kids here much to Nat and Laura’s displeasure so you kind of owed them too. 
You make it inside the fairgrounds. A giant banner that reads “WESTVIEW COUNTY FAIR!” greets you overhead. Everyone gets excited upon seeing the banner and all the lights in the background. Well, everyone but Nat and Laura, Nat not ever a big fan of fairs and Laura not a fan of taking care of kids at a fair. Out of all the lights shining on the fairgrounds, your favorite is the one shining through Wanda’s eyes as she takes everything in with wonder. 
“So what do you want to do first?” you ask her.
She turns to you and almost looks embarrassed. “I don’t know. I’ve never been to a fair.”
“What?” you ask in shock. She shrugs not knowing what else she could say. “Well, it’s settled then. We are not leaving until you get the whole experience. Let’s go buy some wristbands for the rides. We are going on every single one.” Her eyes widen and the wonder in them from earlier shifts into nervousness. “It’ll be fun, come on,” you reassure as you drag her to another line, leaving everyone else behind. 
You and Wanda get on every ride but the ferris wheel telling her you have to leave that one for last. You even ride some twice, but you get hungry and ask Wanda if she wants to eat yet. She agrees that she could take a break for food. You try various things the fair offers wanting Wanda to try everything. “You Americans like to fry anything you can,” she comments as she takes another bite of her fried oreo. She hums as she finishes it off. “I understand why,” she says, making you laugh. 
You spot Laura and Nat sitting at a table near the stage where some band is playing music. You and Wanda head on over. Soon everyone regroups there, finishing off the food they bought and watching people dance. Clint pulls Laura to dance with him. You all sit at the table watching them with a smile when someone obstructs your view of them. You look up to see a tall guy in a black cowboy hat smiling down at Wanda beside you offering his hand out asking her to dance. She looks at you, unsure of what to say. You give her a smile that admittedly took you a second to form and nod encouragingly for her to accept. She smiles politely at him and takes his hand. You watch them dance, your eyes only ever straying when you see Wanda going to look at you. You watch when he leans down to tell her something in her ear and she laughs. You wonder what he told her that was so funny. Your eyes roam over him. He’s handsome, you’ll give him that. He has a nice face, good posture. You note he is also respectful with his hand placement when dancing, so you can appreciate that. It seems like Westview County has their own Steve Rodgers. The thought bugs you.
Someone blocks your view once again, only this time you are kind of thankful for it. You look up to see Pietro asking you to dance. “Why not?” you say, wanting to do anything rather than stare at Wanda dancing with some guy. He pulls you to the dance floor. You enjoy your time dancing with Pietro though you get dizzy from how quickly he spins you. You’re a little disappointed your dance is cut short when Lila taps your arm asking if she can dance with Pietro. You smile at her saying of course she can. With your distraction gone to dance with Lila, your eyes search for Wanda once more but you cannot seem to find her. You feel someone grab your hand and you are spun into that someone’s arms. Your eyes fall to familiar green ones and you smile, “Smooth moves, Maximoff.”
“Thank you,” she says with a smile as she starts to sway with you to the music. “You let me dance with a stranger.”
“You’re dancing with me now and we were strangers not so long ago,” you rebuttal. 
“But at least we know each other’s names.”
“Did you not get his name?” you ask.
“I never asked for it,” Wanda returns simply, shrugging. You find it hard to believe that his name never came up so you say, “That was a lot of talking for him to not have given you a name.”
“You saw us talking? I would not have guessed you were paying attention. Every time I looked at you, you turned to look away,” she teases you.
You swallow, choking on the embarrassment of getting caught. “Doesn’t matter. His name’s probably Brad or something. He looks like a Brad.”
She laughs then catching on to your tone she asks, “Y/N, are you jealous?” 
“What? Me, jealous?” you ask, astonished. She nods, smiling like she has her answer. “Wanda, I could never be jealous of some Brad. Dance with a Marcus and then maybe, but a Brad? Pfft. No.”
She just laughs and pulls you closer. You let yourself go and dance with her until whatever song the band is playing ends. “Let’s go play some games. I feel like shooting something,” you say, making her laugh loudly. 
Everyone decides to play with you as well so you all head over to the different stands. Nat wins the shooting game, Clint coming in close. He wins the popping the balloons with darts game. They give their prizes to Cooper and Lila. Peter and Sam spend some time with the hammer and bell game; Peter hitting the bell every time garners some attention especially from some girls which frustrates Sam. Pietro wins a fish when he plays ring toss. It seems like everyone but you has been winning something. Even Wanda won a stuffed panda she gave to Lila after playing a water shooting game. You were getting frustrated trying to knock some blocks off a stool. You’ve spent a good $20 on this game already. Wanda catching your frustration decides to help you out. When you are down to your last ball, you try your best to focus and throw the ball. Two of the three blocks fall down. The last one is teetering on the edge. You think you’ve lost but a second later it falls over. You shout with glee. You ask the attendant for the keychain that has the letter W on it.
Wanda watches you with a smile as you approach her. “Thank you for that,” you say, and when she tries to play naive, you continue, “I know you knocked the last block.”
She gives you a sheepish smile. You hold out the keychain to her. “I figure this only rightfully belongs to you. May it proudly hold your keys until you lose it.” She tries to say no but you take her wrist and place the keychain in the palm of her hand. “It has your initial. You have to keep it.”
“I’m pretty sure the W is for Westview County,” she counters.
“A happy coincidence.” You don’t take no for an answer and she finally smiles and thanks you, putting her new keychain away so she doesn’t lose it. You look around to see the others still distracted with the games but you also catch your cousin yawn. You know this means you’re leaving soon so you grab Wanda’s hand and head over to the line for the ferris wheel.
You thank the attendant when he checks you have your belt on and pulls the bar to your lap. The wheel starts turning and when you are midway to the top, it shakes a little as two people get on the final empty cart. The shaking makes Wanda nervous. She grabs your hand almost protectively as her posture turns into one that looks ready for a fight. You turn your palm over to interlace your fingers and rub your thumb on her hand to try to soothe her nerves. “Hey, it’s okay,” you say. She turns to you and you see her irises are red. “They always do this. We’re okay. Just don’t rock the cart and we’ll be good.”
She takes a breath willing herself to relax. The red in her irises fade back to her green. She sits back and the ferris wheel moves again, this time not stopping for people to get on. You keep holding her hand squeezing it from time to time in reassurance. You can see Clint and everyone from the ferris wheel and point them out to Wanda. The only ones to see you are the kids who wave to you. You wave back. 
“Do you come to the fair every year?” Wanda asks.
“Pretty much. There’s not much else to do,” you shrug. She ponders this for a moment and then, “So you’ve brought dates to the fair before, I’m guessing.”
“Yeah?” You say more like a question wondering where she was going with this.
“In the movies, people on dates always kiss on the ferris wheel. Did you kiss them?”
“Wanda,” you say her name but it comes out more like a warning.
“Sorry, I was just wondering,” she mutters, then turns to look back at the fairgrounds. 
“No, I didn’t.” You answer sincerely. She looks back at you. You explain, “The two other people I’ve taken to the fair on a date were too afraid to get on the ferris wheel.”
“You said ‘other’,” she says smiling at you.
You look at her confused. “What?”
“You said ‘the two other people’ meaning other than me. So is this date?” she raises an eyebrow, an amused expression on her face.
“A friendly date,” you say, making her frown. She huffs in defeat letting go of your hand and hold the lap bar instead. The night had been going so well, you didn’t want this one thing to ruin it, so without letting yourself think it over, you wait until you get to the top of the ferris wheel. You lean into her space and look her in the eye to show her you are serious when you say, “Don’t tell Nat or Clint.” She looks confused but the confusion quickly turns into a pleasant surprise when you gently grab her face and lean in to kiss her. It doesn’t last long enough to give her a chance to kiss you back. You pull back with a cheeky smile and say, “I did promise the whole experience.” 
The kiss may have ended too quickly for Wanda but it was long enough for a few people to catch it. One of them being your cousin whose kids were pointing to you and Wanda on the ferris wheel in excitement. She just shook her head in amusement when she saw you kiss Wanda. The other person to catch you was Wanda’s brother who, when seeing you kiss his sister, just whines, “No, Y/N.”
I'm sorry this took so long. I got sidetracked and then when I started I got stuck and in my true fashion, once I started writing, I couldn't stop and I couldn’t leave you without taking you to the fair. So, I hope the length of the chapter makes up for the wait. Oh, Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there doing their best to be good moms! I created a house map of how I picture the inside to look, you know without the fine details.
Next chapter bring your bug spray, you’re going camping.
Taglist: @madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovepoem @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission 
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eremiie · 4 years
could you make a fic where eren or whoever gets freakay in the back of a cab?
extra tip, please?;
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❥ eren x reader | 1.7k words | nsfw
❥ CAN I??? i sure can, here you go🤲🏾
❥ in which eren gets impatient and wants to please you in the back of a cab
❥ content: thigh riding, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, semi public sex well it’s basically public, grinding, eren being a baby
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the night sky was beautiful, people walking up and down the busy streets much like you and eren, who decided to watch a movie in the local theater on the same night.
however, eren deemed the movie to be boring; the whole time he was teasing you about your movie selection, snorting at corny scenes and picking up his phone time to time.
he also kept his hand on your thigh, leaning his head into your neck and giving light pecks despite your small protests of, "eren, stop! watch the movie!” you were enjoying the attention in a way, when he would pull your leg on top of his and tell you how you guys should ditch the movie and just go home.
"but then our tickets would go to waste." you pouted, taking a sip of your red slushy while your head rested on your boyfriend's shoulder.
"i payed for them, i don't care. i just wanna go home with you right now." eren whined. his hand roamed around your stomach, trailing down until he reached the hem of your shirt, pushing his warm palm underneath until you tried to pull it away. "c'mon, lets go."
you knew exactly what he wanted, and just the way his fingers would dance across your skin, the way he would squeeze the flesh of your thighs between his palm, kiss the crevice of your neck and nibble on it slightly until your breath hitched made you want to give in.
so you did.
you let eren pull you up, essentially leaving your slushy and popcorn behind, and you let him drag you out of the theater, wandering eyes wondering what the two of you were giggling about.
the cold evening air had hit your skin as soon as you stepped outside and you wished you brought a jacket, but eren's arms wrapped around your waist keeping you close and kissing you here and there almost made the cold feel like nothing.
"put your thumb out, we gotta get another cab." he mumbled against the skin behind your ear and you obliged while his hands ran up and down your body, trying their best to get under your skirt without you pushing him away with a laugh.
eventually a cab did stop for the two of you and eren all but threw you into the back of the vehicle, closing the door behind the two of you and pulling you onto his thigh, keeping your side snug against him as he peppered more kisses on your chest. it would've been more embarrassing if it wasn't for the divider between the front and back seats of the car, despite the little reach through window where you could see the windshield.
"where to?" the young taxi driver asked minding his business, not even daring to figure out what the shuffling and smooching noises were that elicited from the back seat.
"hm, uh, trost.." eren forcefully disconnected his lips from yours for a split second to continue his sentence immediately missing that cherry flavor on your tongue, and his eyes darkened at your eagerness, him pulling you against him tighter. "trost street."
if the cab driver responded, or even nodded, neither you or eren could've noticed, and on the cab driver's side; he couldn't really tell what was going on in the backseat, as your body on top of eren limited the view of the small divider. however, when he looked into the rear view mirror he could see eren's hand roaming up and down your body, to your sides and down where he could only imagine where they stopped.
he could also only imagine an extra tip once you guys would leave the vehicle, and with that he sighed.
eren continued his kisses down the side of your neck, trying his best to get you to let out a moan although you didn't want to in kindness towards the cab driver, you wanted to spare him the ride as much as you could. his hands pinched your sides as well, forming a grip that would steady you as he rolled his leg up from under you, meeting your clothed heat with need that only you could disperse.
you tried to cover up your moan with a mere "oh," once eren began a steady pace, and you could begin to feel the wetness growing in your underwear. you grinded against his thigh more fervently while his eyes lazily trailed down your body, stopping at where your skirt was bunched up over his thigh, and thank goodness you wore a skirt.
it was such a turn on, watching you try to get yourself off from just his thigh, and he couldn't help but stop his movements just to see how you would react.
you let out a sigh of discontent instead of letting it be a whimper and continued to try to ground down on eren's leg, until he pulled you closer to him, his fingers gripping your jaw until his mouth brushed against your ear slightly.
"look at you, trying to get yourself off like that..." he mumbled before turning his head to kiss your cheek, the hair dangling in the front of his face tickling your skin and making you shudder.
your eyebrows turned up and your mouth parted as your movements stuttered. "eren, more." you whispered, and by surprise he pulled you into his lap until you were situated right above his hardening dick, letting his hips jut up to meet yours and you bit your lip to stop any noise curdling inside your throat. at one point the car jolted causing him to buck up into you more harshly and you couldn't help but let out a soft moan, quickly covering your mouth and coughing into your hand. luckily your cab driver didn't even look back, although you weren't sure if it was out of your own embarrassment or his.
eren's kisses continued until they were at your chest while he continued his movements, where he began to suck darkening marks into your skin right above your breast. he nipped at the skin lightly once he was satisfied, and satisfied with the way you let out small "ah," and slumped down to bury your head into his neck when he finished giving you your love marks.
eren moved down as well determined to have you reach your high. "nuh uh, i want you to cum on yourself baby. don't let up now." he murmured softly so only you could hear, and he stifled a groan when you let out a small sob from the cramps rising in your legs from the continuous grinding motion. eren started to catch on and began turning your body around from his sitting position until you were facing the windshield, your head resting on his shoulder. "hold on," he scooted you up in the slightest so he could shrug off his jacket, placing it over your lap with a pat.
eren pecked your forehead and let his hands slide down your top until it was at the band of your skirt, slipping his hand through and then fumbling to pull aside your underwear. the warm intruding feeling of his hand near your pussy made you drop your jaw and your breathing jagged. of course this feeling accompanied by eren's barely audible groans from beside your ear at how slick you were.
"i did this? you're this wet because of me?" he asked you while his fingers played with your folds, gathering your wetness on his fingers before letting one slip into you. "right? you're this wet cause you want my dick?"
your toes curled in your shoes, and a whine came out of you this time, although it was a quiet one. god, did you want it so bad. eren’s fingers continued to pump in and out of you and he let his other hand slip under your shirt until it met your bra, going under your wire until his palm sat right over your nipple, him kneading at your breast to encourage your high further. you nodded your head in response to eren’s earlier words, screwing your eyes shut and dropping your head as well at the ecstasy.
“cum for me then,” eren was still next to your ear, his words feeling drowned out through your wave of pleasure, but you were snapped out of it when you couldn’t feel the movements of his fingers anymore, them resting inside of you, your walls tightening around them. “and when we get home, i’ll give you this dick... if you’re lucky.”
a shiver ran up your spine and came out of your mouth in the form of his name, “eren...” you began to gyrate your hips in efforts to get his fingers moving again, your free arm now gripping at his on your bra through your top, and with that he started to thrust his fingers again, this time curling them against your favorite spot inside of you.
your movements worked in synchronous with his and along with the “that’s right,” and “feel good?”s that came from eren while he drove you to your orgasm, you finally came, clenching around his fingers tight, and gripping his hand even tighter, pulsing and coming around those nimble digits.
“fuck, baby,” you panted softly while eren continued to pump his fingers slower inside of you to help calm your climax. eventually, he pulled them out and you slid into the seat next to him, your legs hooked over one of his. you rested your head on his shoulder and looked up at the brunette to see him peering down at you as well, and then he brang his slender fingers to his mouth to suck on the saccharine taste you produced. “mm...” he put on a show, letting his tongue lap at his fingers before removing them from his mouth and moving them to your lips, prodding at them to usher you to get a taste of yourself as well.
once you complied by opening your mouth, he let his fingers go further down, until he curled them your jaw hanging open to make space for the intrusion. “good girl...” eren leaned down, kissing you lightly. “‘m gonna fuck you good when we get home okay?”
and you nodded in response unable to speak until he removed his fingers from your mouth, you wiping the saliva from your jaw while eren wiped it from his mouth onto his jeans. only then did you realize he was still hard, but you knew you’d take care of it when you got home.
needless to say; eren left the cab driver not only his own problem, but yes, an extra tip.
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did i add that one line from that song? yes, yes i did.
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nyctophilin · 4 years
Fake affection | I
sweet anon: Can I request a dom! Han Jisung smut? Where he and the reader are fake dating because Jisung want's to make someone jealous but ends up fucking the reader instead? I love your writings so much!!
Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV, Epilogue
Description: Han Jisung has been rejected by the girl he likes one to many times. He decides that he has had enough and is set on making her want him back. What could possibly make her want him more than seeing him with her rival after she boldly assumed he can’t find anyone better. That way Jisung and Y/N are stuck in a fake relationship until Jisung’s crush falls for him. Or he falls for someone else.
All rights reserved © nyctophilin 2020. Re-posting, copying and translating any of my works is prohibited.
Pairing: Han x fem!Reader, Hyunjin x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.5k
Genre: College!AU, Fake dating!AU, Angst, Fluff, eventual Smut
Warnings: swearing, mention of masturbation
A/N: Wow, so it looks like I am unable of making short fics, haha. I planed for this to be a one-shot but it’s already this long and I don’t want to bore you guys with long fics so I will make a second part and a third if needed but I doubt. I really hope you guys like this one. Feedback is very much appreciated.
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      Y/N was tapping her finger on the desk, her head resting in her palm. She was watching the professor walk around in front of the class explaining something but she wasn’t paying attention. Her mind was filled with thoughts about whether or not she was going to get the role. 
      Some people from her university that were majoring in Film Production had to write a script for a short movie and the best five got chosen to be produced. Initially, she believed that only Theater and Film Majors could participate at the auditions but the administration of the school made an announcement one morning informing them that everyone could take part in the audition process. That meant she had to deal with more competitors for the role she wanted.
      Initially, Y/N was the only one who wanted to audition for the main role of one of the movies since people didn’t really catch its concept that well. When the audition day finally came, one Modern Dance major showed up out of nowhere and auditioned as well. The apparition of that particular character made her blood boil with anger.
      Her competitor for the role was none other than Mina, her so-called enemy. They weren’t enemies in the real sense of the word. They just simply didn’t click with one another and silently agreed a long time ago to ignore each other. They weren’t pulling childish stunts on each other, they didn’t speak each other's names unless necessary, they didn’t try to win each other in grades or parties or body counts. They were just mutually ignoring one another. And everything was fine until she showed up there.
      Y/N wasn’t going to lie and say that Mina wasn’t good. Her performance wasn’t exceptional but for someone that has never done that before, she was fairly good. That had her worried about her chances of getting chosen.
      When the bell finally rang ending her suffering she got up in the split of a second and left the room. She could not bear to hear any more of the professor’s babbling. Her boots let out quiet thuds every time they touched the concrete floors. She found herself in front of the announcement board but the paper that was supposed to tell her if she got chosen or not, was missing. Thinking to herself that they probably will put it up later she turned on her heels and made her way towards the cafeteria.
      She met her friend Hayoon there and they sat down at a table situated in the centre of the cafeteria. They talked about how they had been up until then and Hayoon complained about one of her classes and how she’s going to fail it.
      The chatter in the cafeteria died down when the door was slammed open and Mina stomped in, a bitter expression on her face. “I can not believe that they made me a stunt double! What does that even mean?” Her voice was louder than it should have been as she addressed her friends. Her intention was most probably to attract attention.
      A smirk crept on Y/N’s face as she realised that she did, in fact, get the main role. She gave her friend a suggestive eyebrow raise as she slowly took the chopstick to her mouth. Her face dropped when she heard the stomping approaching her. “Hey, loser, what’s a stunt double?” Mina’s voice was scratching her ears. How she managed to sound like one of those toys for dogs sometimes, she’ll never understand.
      “I can’t believe you’ve auditioned for a role without knowing what a stunt double is.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the other girl and a few people from around them chuckled. Mina’s face caught a crimson colour as the embarrassment settled in.
      “Haha, you are so funny!” It was clear by now that the girl was trying to mask her flustered form by trying to embarrass Y/N back.
      The truth was that she didn’t mean to make fun of her. She just let her first thoughts leave her mouth. “I wasn’t trying to be funny.” A sigh left her lips. “A stunt double is a person that executes all the dangerous or action scenes for the main actor so they don’t get injured. Stunt doubles are usually gymnasts, people that know martial arts and all that jazz. They probably chose you because of your dance background.”
      “I can’t believe it. Not only they didn’t give me the role, but they are also going to use me to protect you?” Mina had an annoyed expression.
      “Oh please! Did you really think they were going to choose you? You entered that room without even knowing the concept and somehow managed to get the feel right a couple of times. Meanwhile, some of us actually prepared for that audition.” Y/N was fed up with Mina’s princess behaviour. Always thinking that everything is rightfully hers and expecting everyone to kiss her ass. All that just because her father was donating a big sum of money to the university every term. They are donations at the end of the day and she should not be expecting special treatment just for that.
      Mina’s face became a crimson red for the second time in ten minutes and she stomped away from Y/N’s table. The few people that were watching them averted their eyes when Y/N took a look around.
      From the corner of the cafeteria, someone was watching them with a smirk on their face. Oh, how he got just the perfect idea.
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            Y/N sat in the second closest row to the professor. She was in “Canto class” as she liked to call it. It was one of the optional classes she chose to take that year. It wasn’t a compulsory class for Theater and Film majors since you don’t necessarily have to know how to sing to be an actress but she took it anyway because she thought it would be fun. And so far it was.
      A loud bang invaded her left ear and she turned to find Han Jisung having his back to her and chatting with his friends that were seated a few rows behind them. She raised her eyebrow but didn’t question it. It wasn’t like the seat was occupied and she definitely had nothing against him sitting next to her. He probably just wanted to pay more attention since he and his friends are always distracted during class. 
      Y/N turned back to her stuff and opened her notebook to take another look at the notes from last class. Soon after the professor entered the classroom and the chatter died down. 
      She was vigorously writing in her notebook everything the professor was explaining to them. Suddenly she felt a touch on her left elbow and stopped for a second. She immediately resumed her writing, convinced that he probably did that by mistake. Not even a minute later she felt another touch on her elbow this time more evident. She ignored it again not paying much mind to it. Jisung’s elbow collided with hers causing her to push her notebook and scribble on it.
      She snapped her head towards him and felt anger overcome her when she noticed the smirk on his face. “What?” She whispers yelled in his direction.
      “Hi!” He did a short wave of his hand in her direction and she clenched her jaw. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply before going back to her note-taking. She had only five minutes of peace before he poked her side again. She smacked his hand away from her and continued to mind her own business.
      Throughout the class, Jisung kept bothering her and trying to talk to her despite her obvious wish to let her take notes. When the bell rang she got up quickly, her blood boiling and left the room in a hurry hoping she could lose Jisung on the busy halls. As she was hurriedly making her way between the sea of people she felt an arm going over her shoulders and she crashed with the owner of the arm.
      “Why are you in such a hurry babe?” Jisung’s voice rang in her ear as they were practically glued to each other. She grabbed his hand and swung his arm away from her shoulders.
      “For the love of God, what do you want from me Han Jisung?” Exasperation was present in her voice as she threw him an ugly look.
      She couldn’t guess what he needed from her to annoy her to that extent. They were acquaintances and nothing more. They knew each other from that one class they shared and the longest interaction they had was when the professor prepared an interactive class once and they had to work in groups of five.
      He was the university’s “heartthrob” as people liked to call him. Y/N personally thought that that title should be given to Hwang Hyunjin who was majoring in Modern Dance. He was more mature than the rest of his friends, he was friendly with everyone and wasn’t pulling pranks on innocent people to entertain some brainless creatures. But who was she to oppose the masses?
      On top of doing all those things, Jisung was also in a relationship with Mina. Every time they are together they will target someone and will start making fun of them. More Mina than Jisung but he was still entertaining her actions and that made him as guilty as she was.
      “I need to ask you something. Or better, make you a proposal.” He winked at her and she felt an uncomfortable shiver run through her. How disgusting.
      “Ok, and what is it?” She threw him an expectant look and he started looking around.
      “Let’s talk outside where there are fewer people. You got a free period, right?” Confusion made its way on her face.
      “How do you know that? Are you weirdo following me?” She has never talked with him as friends and they share only one class. How on earth would he know her schedule?
      “What? No! I see you hanging out around the university all the time after our class.” She rolled her eyes at his answer and gestured her hand towards the closest exit out of the building signalling him to lead the way.
      Very soon they were seated on a bench under a tree somewhere behind the university. It was her first time coming there. Y/N usually liked to remain at the front of the building since couples usually liked to come there and make out sometimes even fuck.
      “I think we should start dating.” He blurted out and she froze for a second before jumping to her feet startling the man.
      “I knew you were fucking weird. I’m leaving!” What in the actual fuck did she think when she came here. For a second she expected a real conversation but Jisung’s main skills were flirting and making bad jokes. She set her expectations way too high for that conversation.
      She picked her bag from the bench and started leaving only to have Jisung grab her wrist and stop her. “Wait, let me explain. I swear you’ll understand better after.” Y/n wanted to turn and leave but the puppy dog eyes he gave her made her stay and listen to him. Now, don’t get her wrong, his expression didn’t soften her but if he was desperate enough to try the puppy eyes on her then it must be important to him.
      She plopped down on the bench and waited for him to start talking. “Look, I’m pretty sure you know Mina. And I know you two aren’t on great terms. I say we date so you can get back at her for all the things she has done to you.” He raised his eyebrows at her and pursed his lips.
      Y/N was the one that raised her eyebrow next as she leaned her head to the side. “Aren’t you and Mina dating?” 
      “Obviously not.” Jisung used a tone that pissed Y/N off. A tone that said ‘It was so obvious, how can you not know?’ and she didn’t like it one bit.
      “Oh, I’m so sorry! I must have read the signs the wrong way. I mean, it's not like you are always together and you carry her backpack around and you hang out outside of school six days out of seven and kiss before classes and make out behind the university probably right on this bench.”
      A smirk appeared on Jisung’s face. “Who’s following who now?”
      “Don’t flatter yourself. Mina’s voice is so annoying I could hear her every time she talked. When I would turn to see what was up now you two were most times engaged in some sort of PDA.” She spoke fast trying to prove that she wasn’t following him. She didn’t know why she felt the need to do that but the thought of Jisung thinking that she has some sort of interest in him was terrifying. He completely humiliated the last “unpopular” girl that confessed her feelings to him and at that moment the last thing she needed was for him to go around saying she is a stalker.
      “Well, we are getting there. I asked her out and she said that she’ll love to but it’s too fun to tease me. When I asked her ‘What if I get a girlfriend?’ she told me I can not find anyone better for me than her. When I saw you fighting in the cafeteria earlier I knew I found my perfect girl. Not only are you hot, but she also hates you.” Y/N raised an eyebrow at his words.
      “Hot?” Her tone was untrusting as this was the first time someone from uni had said that to her. 
      “Yeah. You didn’t think that guys came to last year’s theatre spectacles because they were actually interested in theatre, right?” A laugh left his mouth at her dumbfounded face as she registered his words. A blank expression adorned her face immediately after trying not to seem so surprised.
      “Well, not anymore.” She let her tongue trace her bottom lip before biting the flesh. “Ok, so tell me what you actually want us to do.” Uneasiness settled inside Jisung as he watched her bored face.
      “Well, I mean what I said. We should date. Or fake dating if you will. That way I can make Mina jealous and push her to run into my arms. I bet she can’t stand seeing me with you for too long.” He looked into her eyes hopefully thinking that maybe he convinced her but his hope was quickly shattered when she opened her mouth.
      “What are you? Five? I don’t want to get back at her and I have absolutely no reason to help you in your sick plan. I’m out of here!” Once again she picked up her bag to leave only for Jisung to grab her wrist and stop her, again.
      “Please Y/N! I’m desperate. I’ve been trying to date her for a year and a half already.” That was pathetic. She had absolutely no reason to help him. None at all. But something pushed her to stay and accept his offer. Maybe she could take advantage of the situation.
      Turning her head towards her she tried to keep a straight face as best as she could. “What do I get out of it?”
      Jisung’s face brightened instantly at her question and he held her hand with both of his. “Anything you want. If it’s possible I’ll do it.” His eyes were pouring into hers and a stupid sparkle was present in them.
      “I guess you were going to do that anyway but I want you to present me to your friends.” The same bored expression that she had on for almost the entirety of their conversation was adorning her face. Jisung was amazed at the lack of emotions she managed to show but she was an actress. Maybe she’s just good at her job.
      “Why? Do you have a crush on any of them?” A smirk was enveloping his facial features and he had a teasing tone. Y/N rolled her eyes at his comment.
      “No. Some of them seem like really interesting people but their only defect was hanging out with you. Now that I have to hang out with you too I might as well start talking to them.” She shook his hands off hers before putting it in her front pocket. “Now I have to go to class cause my free period is almost over. See you later, babe!” She winked at him before turning around and making her way to her next class.
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      The next day she met with Jisung in front of the cafeteria so they could walk in together and “announce” their relationship. Somehow he got hold of her number and they texted the night prior about the terms of their little deal. She felt like laughing when she saw how serious he was about it. If he really did end up dating Mina she’ll be convinced that both of them are idiots.
      His arm was over her shoulders as they walked through the tables. Multiple people were staring at them but she decided to ignore them. Upon reaching the table she placed her tray down and took a seat. The people at the table were looking confused at one another and some were throwing Jisung questioning looks.
      “Everyone, meet my girlfriend.” He spoke gesturing with a hand towards her. She smiled at them and waved her hand, muttering a soft ‘Hi!’.
      One of them, who she recognised to be Lee Minho, a Modern Dance major cleared his throat. “Hey. It’s nice to meet you.” He had an awkward smile on. “What are you majoring in?”
      “Yeah, I don’t recall seeing you around campus.” Seo Changbin, a Music Production major added.
      “Oh, I…” She started talking but a puff coming from her left stopped her.
      “Seriously dude? You share a class. She’s L/N Y/N from your Theory and Improvisation class.” The voice belonged to Hwang Hyunjin and she felt a funny feeling in her stomach at the realisation that he knows her. Everyone around the table was throwing him weird looks.
      “You are right but how do you know that? I’m pretty sure you don’t take that class.” There was a trace of embarrassment in her voice.
      “I don’t but sometimes when I wait for those guys outside of the classroom I see you walking out.” He said that with nonchalance taking a bite from his food.
      “And how do you know her? She’s not a Music Production major otherwise we would have known. And she’s not a Dance major either otherwise Minho and Felix would have known about her as well.”Changbin’s tone was almost provoking as if Hyunjin had done something bad and he was about to reveal it.
      “She’s a Theatre and Film major. Last year when we went to all those theatre spectacles to support Jeongin I was actually paying attention to the plays. She had either the main role or the lead. I remember her being really good.” She felt her cheeks heat at his comment.
      “Thank you!” She threw him a smile. However, she got ignored as Lee Felix started talking.
      “Do you know her Jeongin?” She somehow felt offended by his question. Maybe that wasn’t his intention but he should have used a different tone.
      “Of course I do. We share almost all of our classes and last year we worked on multiple plays together.” Annoyance was present in his voice caused by his friends' ignorance.
      She knew Jeongin from the first day. He was the first to speak to her although they didn’t exactly become friends. They kept on working on plays together throughout the entirety of the first year of college but they kept everything mostly professional since they both had their own group of friends and she kind of disliked most of his friends.
      “Then how come you never talk about her?” Now, wasn’t Changbin an annoying one? She rolled her eyes discreetly at his question.
      “Because we are not the best of friends. Why don’t you talk about Kim Gina from your degree?” The youngest question was a good one. They were acquaintances and barely knew something about each other. What was he supposed to talk about?
      “Gina is not hot. What am I supposed to talk about?” The older male said calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.
      The water she was just drinking got stuck in her throat and she started coughing violently. Jisung started hitting her back repeatedly trying to help her swallow. When she finally calmed down she looked at him annoyed.
      “Who she is, is not important. What’s important is that she is my girlfriend” he gave Changbin a side look ”and you have to accept that. Stop talking about her like she is not sitting right in front of you.” A few of them raised their hands in defeat while some of them averted their eyes. Minho and Changbin rolled their eyes.
      She felt her blood pressure spike up at their action. She remembered why she never wanted to talk to any of them. Arrogant pricks.
      “Ok, Mister protective boyfriend. Just tell us when you break up.” Minho took a bite of his food done with the younger man’s antics. Everyone knew that he was in love with Mina. The moment she shows some interest in him he would probably leave this one in a heartbeat.
      Y/N sucked in a breath discreetly. He really got her worked up and she hated it. She put an arm around Jisungs shoulders and yanked him towards her, his face close to her chest. With her other hand, she grabbed the sides of his face making him look up at her and forcefully pursing his lips. 
      “Break up? Do you wanna break up with me, babe?” Y/N’s voice was mocking as if she was talking with a child. Jisung swallowed hard before shaking his head. She smiled at his response and used the hand from around his shoulders to ruffle his hair. “That’s what I thought.” She placed a short kiss on his lips before releasing him and turning back to her food.
      Everyone at the table was looking at both of them shocked, especially Minho and Changbin. She wanted to let a proud smile escape her but she controlled herself.
      For the rest of the lunch, she decided not to engage in any more discussions with Jisung’s friends. She continued eating her food and listened to them talking about things that didn’t involve her, occasionally responding to Hayoon’s texts.
      She was the first one to get up, impatient to go to her next class and not have to see them. “Bye guys. It was lovely meeting you!” She smiled at them, a smile half true because she did like some of them. “Bye babe. See you later!” She grabbed the sides of his face again placing another kiss on his lips before taking her empty tray and leaving them alone.
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      The men all watched her as she made her way out of the cafeteria. When she closed the door behind her they all burst into laughter. Jisung was biting the inside of his cheek irked by their action. When the laughter stopped, Seungmin that was sitting next to him put his hand on his shoulder.
      “I absolutely adore your girlfriend. She knows how to keep her ‘babe’ in check I see.” Seungmin tried cupping his face as Y/N did but Jisung slapped his hand away.
      “Are you her good boy, Jisungie? Does she give you rewards if you listen to her?” Minho cooed at him and Jisung held back an insult.
      “Shut the fuck up. It’s not like that. She surprised me as well. Who the fuck knew she was going to do that?” When he proposed the whole fake dating thing to her he thought it would be easier. Looking at it now he can’t understand why he thought that. He saw the way her fights with Mina unfold and he knew she was an actress which meant that she was probably either crazy confident or really good at faking it. For some reason, he thought she would be easier to tease and control but it would be a lie if he said it didn’t intrigue him. He liked a challenge and if the prize was Mina he would try his best.
      “And you man” Chan spoke for the first time “what the fuck was that? Do you know her entire biography?” He was looking at Hyunjin who rolled his eyes.
      “I told you I paid attention to last year’s plays. On top of that, she’s hot. I remember that after one spectacle I and the guys from my dance group at the time talked about her for like a month. She was so..” The man let out a groan and threw his head back trying to explain what he meant.
      “Sure, tell me more. Did you masturbate to the thought of my girlfriend? Perhaps got any wet dreams about her?” Jisung commented, raising an eyebrow.
      Hyunjin winked at him as a smirk made its way on his face. Some of the guys simultaneously let out disgusted sounds at his gesture.
      “But how did this whole thing happen? I can’t remember a moment when you talked about her or when you were together.” Felix’s deep voice rang making everyone pay attention to him.
      Changbin suddenly let a gasp out and dramatically covered his mouth. “Yesterday our little Jisungie sat next to her in Theory and Improvisation and when the class ended he ran after her. I think he might have had a secret crush!” The older man teased.
      “Yeah, but she looked really annoyed with him. Hence why she sprinted out of the class. Why would she accept to date him if she looked like she’d rather listen to Mr Jung talk about the first piano ever invented.” Chan intervened making Jisung shrug his shoulders.
      “She was annoyed with me but what can I say? I’m so charming she couldn’t refuse me.” He leaned back in his chair putting his arms over the back of the chair. 
      “I think she did it out of pity. When she realized you’ve been trying to get Mina for a year and a half now she probably felt so bad for you she decided to sacrifice herself so you look less like a loser.” Hyunjin said his tone way to serious to be a joke.
      Jisung threw the man a deadly stare. “At least I didn’t masturbate to the thought of her like a fucking virgin.” He spat in the other man’s face.
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yourmcu · 4 years
Body Pillow
 Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Natasha finds you cuddling a body pillow. In your dream, it’s actually her you’re cuddling. It’s Christmas Eve too.
Word count: 1,600
A/n: I’m takin a long time to post but I’ll get em out soon! I hope! thanks for 200 followers btw :))
Warnings: fluff, sleep talking
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It’s not a surprise to anyone in the compound when they find you sprawled on your favorite sofa in the lounge. Of course you had a room, but you just love it so much that you’d rather sleep there most of the time. Especially after or before your favorite holidays.
Bidding Sam and Bucky good night as they're the last ones to turn in, you ask Friday to dim the lights and to turn on a Netflix show. If you’re ever wondering why no one stays with you for a movie night or something it’s because you’ve had too many already, and most of the time you don’t mind being alone anyway.
After two or three shows, you finally fall asleep.
Few hours later, Natasha walks across the lounge to get to the kitchen, not all that fazed when she sees a lump shaped like you on the sofa. Though she stops in her tracks when she hears a faint voice coming from your direction.
She decides that she’s just hearing things, or you probably saw her come in then drifted back to sleep.
When she’s about to return to her room, you speak again.
She decides to reply this time. “Yeah?”
You don’t respond back immediately. So just in case, she walks up to the sofa to see if something's wrong.
Your hands are wrapped around the side of the body pillow and it's slightly bigger than you. The whole blanket is wrapped around you as well, so Natasha could only imagine how comfortable you are in your sleep.
“You give the best hugs, Nat,” you murmur, still fully asleep, oblivious of the same redhead witnessing it in real life too.
Everyone knows you’ve developed a lil something for Natasha. Does she know? Yes... and no. She refuses to believe you like her that way. If you do, she wants to hear it from you, not from the testosterone of the team.
But seeing you so adorably vulnerable and cute, in a way, it makes her heart flutter.
“I do, huh?” Natasha chuckles from above you and leans down to kiss your hair. “Too bad you’re gonna have to get up soon.”
“Aww, no,” you whine, snuggling closer to the crook of her neck.
Natasha just stands there and tries to process it - you, her teammate and close friend, is dreaming about her. It’s normal, right? Even she has dreamt of the others, including a weird one where Tony and Bruce were riding unicorns-
She flinches when you make a movement, but you just make yourself more comfortable on the pillow, sighing contentedly.
Obviously she’s giving you a good time in your head. Natasha believes she could do better though. If you ever ask her to cuddle, she’d make sure. Am I really jealous of myself right now?
The opening and closing of bedroom doors shake her from her thoughts. She clears her throat and walks back to the kitchen to wait for Wanda so they could make breakfast together. It the day before Christmas, after all, everything has to be special today and the next day.
Wanda enters the kitchen moments later, still a bit groggy from her slumber but she’s in a mood to make a good breakfast. As the pair gets started, they hear a yelp that sounded like yours from the lounge.
“Ow! Tony!”
“Wakey wakey,” Tony teases, defending himself from your playful punches. “For gosh sake, you need to stop having sleepovers by yourself here - you sure you don’t want that sofa in your room?”
You grumble and walk out of the room to get dressed, taking your blanket and body pillow with you.
The lounge and kitchen starts to get occupied by the inhabitants of the compound. One of them being you, out of your pajamas and in a casual Christmas sweater. You greet them with the usual good mornings including Natasha.
“Good morning,” she drawls out. “Sleep well?”
She's curious on how you’d react. But of course you don’t think much of it, you don’t know that she knows what you dreamt about.
“Yeah, it was... nice,” you try to play it cool, avoiding her eyes to pour yourself a glass of eggnog. I mean, look who’s asking. And the fact that she was just about to kiss you in the dream before Tony so rudely interrupted-
“Bet it was,” Natasha smirks after Steve grabs your attention to point out your favorite comic strip on the newspaper, thinking you didn’t hear her.
You chuckle at the Christmas-themed edition of the comic but your gaze returns to Natasha not long after because you did hear her. Maybe she was just being Nat but yeah, the dream was nice. Too nice to be real. You sigh and sip on your drink, getting lost in your own world as Tony loudly rambles about a party to the group.
It was just you and her, so many blankets, watching movies. You don’t know or remember what film specifically, everything was a blur except the way she held you.
As a kid you never got that much affection physically, so every hug from your friends means a lot to you. Well, especially the ones from Natasha.
You couldn’t bring yourself to admit how you feel for her. The men constantly tell you to do it, that it wouldn’t hurt to try, but you’d rather have a close and friendly relationship with Natasha rather than an awkward one just because she didn’t feel the same about you.
The thing is, you don’t know if she shares those kinds of feelings. That’s what Bruce was nagging to you about. ‘You won’t know until you try, until you tell her-
“Y/N, you with us?”
Your hand involuntary twitches as you snap back to the room. “Sorry, yeah. What’s up?”
“Well, instead of a usual party, we’re gonna have a movie night,” Tony says, stealing a piece of food from your plate. “Thoughts?”
You sent him a look but chuckle, “haven’t we already had enough of those?”
“But it’s Christmas!” Tony insists. “And we’re watching Die Hard.”
Steve frowns. “That doesn’t sound like a Christmas movie.”
“Alright Cap, it may not sound like a Christmas movie to you but it’s one of the best.” Sam jokes and plays the movie once all of you have settled.
The theater room is dim and composed of two large sofas, one in front and one just behind it, and a table filled with food. You're one of those who occupied the second sofa behind along with Clint, Wanda, Vision and Natasha. The rest fought for a place up front, which took a while to be honest.
“Hey Nat,” you mutter, eyes not leaving the screen but you do see her from the corner of your eye claim the spot beside you, the one at the edge of the sofa. She gives you a warm smile and makes herself comfortable.
An hour into the movie only the men seated at the front are fascinated by the fighting scenes. Well except for Clint who's seated at the other end, pointing and asking Sam questions about the plot. Wanda and Vision are half asleep leaning on each other, you and Natasha are the only ones calmly watching, probably because you’ve both seen it many times.
You make a sound when Hans Gruber appears on screen again. “Did you know that’s the same guy who played Professor Snape?”
“What?” Natasha chuckles.
“From Harry Potter,” you reply, smiling to yourself. Then you turn to her, “have you watched any of those movies?”
“I’ve heard of it but, no.”
You tilt your head at her, slightly surprised. “You should watch them with me sometime. I prefer the original source material but the films are good on their own.”
You wish you could photograph the way Natasha smiles at you. She’s all smiles today. I wonder why. “I’d love that.”
A loud explosion echoes throughout the room along with yells that sounds like Tony’s and Clint’s, making you yelp and scoot closer to Natasha. She wraps an arm around you instinctively.
“Guys, turn the volume down,” she calls out. Silent chatter fills the room once it turns into a more calmer scene, and Tony told Friday to lower the volume. “You okay?” 
Her arm is still wrapped around you and you want nothing more than to hide yourself in the pillow you’re hugging out of embarrassment. “Yeah... m’good,” you manage to say while holding a yawn. Natasha tugs the blanket more snugly over both of you.
“You can sleep if you want,” she speaks softly. “I think they’re planning on watching all the Die Hard movies until dawn.”
“That’s crazy,” you breathe out. Your eyes are starting to droop and your yawns became frequent. 
You know that cozy feeling when the room’s cold and you have a warm blanket over you? That’s one of your favorite things (the other one being Natasha).
There are only four of you left on the back sofa since Clint moved to the front. At this point your head rests on Natasha’s chest while she plays with your hair, and one of your arms loosely wraps around her waist. You exhale, falling asleep entirely.
Natasha admires how adorable you slept on her. “I hope this is better than your dream,” she murmurs, gently planting a kiss on your forehead and getting drowsy herself.
You snuggle closer to her, as if it was to say, it is.
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mylkys · 3 years
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gojo satoru x f!reader
warnings: 18+ smut. public sex. unprotected sex
word count: 2,877
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“If you eat all the popcorn before the movie even starts, I’m punching you.”
Gojo paused as he shoveled another handful of popcorn into his mouth, a few slobbery pieces falling back into the half-empty bucket. You sighed and grabbed the bucket, but Gojo whined and yanked it back towards him, causing popcorn to fall both from his mouth and the bucket.
“Now you’re just making a mess.”
“It was an accident!” He quickly chewed and swallowed the popcorn in his mouth, all the while keeping the bucket away from you. “Besides, I paid for the popcorn, so I can eat as much as I want.” 
You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your seat, arms crossed over your chest. “Like I’d want to eat it when half of it’s covered in your spit.”
“Uh, rude!” Gojo huffed and petulantly turned his head away from you. “You’re so mean.” 
He tilted his glasses down to glare at you, and you shivered as his crystal clear blue eyes bored into you. “Besides, I thought you liked my spit.”
You tried to choke back a gasp, but it came out more like a whimper, which was even worse. You slapped your hand over your mouth and turned back forward in your seat, absolutely refusing to meet Gojo’s haughty face. 
Gojo chuckled lowly, and you watched as his mouth stretched in a smug grin from the corner of your eye. He caressed your cheek and guided you to meet his domineering eyes. 
“Awe, is my little princess embarrassed? How cute is that,” he cooed. 
You pouted at his condescending tone, and tried to turn your head again. Gojo frowned and tightened his grip, squishing your face between his fingers. “I asked you a question, baby. Answer me.”
“I-“ you were cut off as the lights dimmed, and the last few previews played on screen. “Oh, would you look at that! The movie’s starting.”
You freed your face from Gojo’s hold, and locked your eyes on the big screen. You could feel his sharp eyes peering at you, and it took every fiber of your being not to shiver. He turned his attention away from you as the opening scene began to roll. You sighed in relief. 
Gojo slung his arm around your shoulders, and you didn’t hesitate to curl up into his side, head resting comfortably over his steadily beating heart. He press a gentle peck to the crown of your head, before focusing back on the screen. 
Around halfway through the movie, you found yourself almost completely wrapped in Gojo’s hold, his arms pressing you firmly to his chest. One of his hands rested against your waist, the other on your thigh. 
It started out as small movements- barely there twitches. A flex of his fingers, a slight reposition of his hand. You almost didn’t notice it until you felt something brush against the tender flesh off your ass. 
You peered up at Gojo through your lashes, but you could see that his eyes were still focused intently on the screen. 
He must have felt your eyes on him, because seconds later, his gaze snapped down to you, and you jumped a bit at his quick movement. The corner of Gojo’s mouth quirked, and his pearly white teeth peaked through as he adjusted you in his grip, pulling you completely into his lap. 
Gojo ducked down and pressed a kiss to your ear, and you shivered as his hot breath fanned over the sensitive flesh. “Shh, baby. It’s rude to talk during a movie.”
You swallowed thickly, but nodded softly before settling back into his chest. His hand was still planted firmly on your ass, but it didn’t move for a few moments, so you went back to the movie. 
Yet, your attention was stolen minutes later as his large hand moved under your skirt and massaged the plump skin. You went to reach down to stop him, but the hand he had around your waist caught you and pinned your hands to your lap. 
“What did I say?” 
You gawked at him, wide eyed, and when you took too long to answer, Gojo delivered a sharp pinch to your ass. 
You squeaked are the sharp pain, but it was gone nearly as fast as it came. “You said it was rude to talk.”
He smiled at you. “Then be quiet.”
Gojo’s groping hand continued where it left off, squishing the malleable tissue. You whimpered as his fingertips began to poke underneath the fabric of your panties. 
He let go of your wrist, and Gojo guided your arms around his shoulders, you face near his neck. You couldn’t see the screen.
“Try to be quiet,” Gojo whispered against your neck, pressing a little kiss against the thin flesh. 
The hand on your ass gave it one last squeeze before sliding between your thighs, and you bit your lip as he cupped your pussy in his palm. Gojo kneaded the swollen flesh with his lithe fingers, slick leaking out of your cunt under his stroking fingers. 
Gojo inhaled sharply as your panties dampened underneath his fingers. He wordlessly pushed your legs open, giving him room to pull the soaked material to the side. 
The cold air of the theater chilled your wet folds, but Gojo’s warm hand followed behind. He stroked the tingling flesh slowly, making sure not to breach your labia and touch where you needed him. 
You attempted to egg him on by bucking your hips into his palm, but he stilled. 
“Don’t stop,” you whined softly. You pulled away from his neck and looked at him with wide puppy eyes. 
Gojo scoffed quietly, and took his hand away from your cunt completely. You began to protest, but paused when he removed his sunglasses, revealing his intimidatingly bright and translucent eyes. They bored into you as his hand snaked back to your cunt, easily slipping past your folds and into the sopping flesh. 
Your mouth dropped open as his deft fingers pressed against your clit and rubbed firm circles against the swollen button. Your legs jerked at the stimulation. 
“Such a little slut. Letting me play with your pretty cunt in public,” Gojo teased, mouth twisted in a patronizing grin. His fingers abandoned your clit and pressed against your entrance. 
Your cunt sucked him in- his finger glided in without effort. You perched forward as he sunk knuckle deep. 
“Even your goddamn pussy is so fucking needy. Who knew my sweet princess was such a whore,” Gojo chuckled. His fingers pumped into your cunt, curling every few thrusts in search of that fleshy patch he knew so well. 
The wet squelching of your cunt was almost deafeningly loud. Gojo’s fingers fucked into you at a leisurely pace- not too fast, but not too slow. The pleasure you felt wasn’t enough to make you cum, but it made your toes curl in your shoes. 
At a particular curl of his fingers, you yelped as Gojo pressed firmly against your g-spot. You clamped your hands around his wrist, almost trying to get him to stop his ministrations, but he yanked you back to his chest with his free arm, his mouth firmly pressed against your hair. 
“If you don’t be quiet, someone will see what a whore you are. Do you want that? Want everyone to see how much of a whore you are for me?”
You nervously glanced around the theater. Thankfully, not many people were there, and you were sat in the back row, but you couldn’t ignore the fact that you both were very much in public, and if you’re too loud, all someone has to do is look back to see Gojo fucking his fingers into your cunt. 
You slowly shook your head no, and Gojo’s scowl shifted to a soft loving expression. 
“Good girl,” he praised. He pressed his lips to yours, devouring your mouth as his fingers increased the pressure on your g-spot. He swallowed each whimper that fell past your lips- which was probably for the best. 
He let go of your waist and pushed his fingers firmly against your pulsing clit. You broke the kiss to pant as quietly as possible, and Gojo’s moved to your neck, littering it with sloppy kisses and wet bites. 
Both of his hands were focused on your cunt, and you could feel the beginnings of your orgasm build in your gut. Gojo noticed, too. 
He slowed the rubbing pumping of his fingers, before slipping them out. 
“Why’d you stop?” you whimpered. Gojo popped his fingers in his mouth, groaning loudly as he swallowed down your slick. 
You bit your lip as he cleaned his fingers. He released them with a wet pop. 
“If you’re gonna cum, you’re only gonna do it on my cock.”
Your cunt clenched hungril. You didn’t fight Gojo as he situated you with your back to his chest, legs splayed over each thigh. 
Gojo reached between your thigh, leaving a swift slap to your cunt, making you yelp.
“Take out my cock, baby,” he said, and you hastily complied. 
Your shaky hands unbuckled his belt and yanked his zipper down, not caring how loud it was. You fished his cock from his briefs, and your mouth salivated at the pretty pale skin. 
“Spit on it.”
You gathered the spit in your mouth and let it fall from your lips. Your saliva dripped down his cock, but before it could touch his pants, Gojo wrapped his hand around the shaft and stroked it. 
“Satoru,” you sniffled and looked back at him with watery eyes. Your lip wobbled as you impatiently waited for Gojo to give you permission to put him in. 
Gojo smiled sweetly at you and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Take your cock, princess. All yours.”
Within seconds, you lined the head of his dick up with your entrance, and sank down to the base. Gojo quickly pressed his hand over your moan, muffling your moans. While he wasn’t particularly thick, he was long, so long you swore you could feel him in your stomach. The position made it difficult to move, so you settled for rocking your hips back and forth. 
“Satoru, please, fuck me,” you warbled pathetically. 
Gojo chuckled as he roughly grabbed your hips. “Such a slut.”
Gojo lifted you off his lap before dropping you, letting you slam back down on his cock. The head nestled against your cervix with each pounding thrust. 
Your mouth gaped in a soundless scream as Gojo hammered his dick into your cunt. Each thrust jostled your limp body, and the fapping of his thrusts was muffled by the fabric of his pants. 
“Feel so fucking tight on my cock, babe. Does being fuck in public turn you on this much?” One of Gojo’s hands left your hip as he humped your cunt, to spread your folds apart. “You’re so wet. I bet you’d fucking love if one of those people just turned around and watched you get pounded.”
You cried softly as his cock dragged against the sensitive tissue of your entrance. His thrusts were rough, and in the back of your mind, you knew you wouldn’t be able to walk, but with the curve of his cock hitting the deepest parts of you, you couldn’t care less. 
With a particularly hard and deep thrust, the head of his cock pressed against your deeper spot, and you didn’t catch your moan in time. 
Gojo slapped his hand over your mouth and his hips stilled, cock balls deep as you both watched the people in the rows in front of you. A few seconds past without anyone turning to look, and you let out a small sigh of relief. You rested your head back on Gojo’s shoulder and looked at him with bleary eyes. 
“Didn’t I tell you to say quiet?” 
His tone was firm, a little harsh, as he glared at you. You gulped nervously, but before you could respond, Gojo maneuvered you so you straddled his lap, face to his neck. 
“If you’re going to be so goddamn loud, I need to shut you up. One more sound and you don’t get to cum.”
You weren’t used to Gojo being this mean, but you couldn’t say that you didn’t enjoy it. A deep heat tickled at your clit at his voice, and you nodded dumbly and tucked your face into his neck. 
“Such a good slut,” Gojo wrapped his arms tightly around you, and his breath picked up. “Hang on.”
Gojo gave you no other warning as he started to pound into you. 
You wanted to scream, it was right there at the back of your throat, but you held it in. You knew that Gojo wasn’t lying, and you needed to cum. It was so close. 
Gojo’s seat squeaked with each debilitating thrust, with each harsh jab against that spot. He was mercilessly as he targeted at it, showing you no relief as he pounded against it. 
You couldn’t hold the scream anymore, and acting on instinct, you sunk your teeth into the meat of his neck. 
“Fuck!” Gojo hissed, the pain of you ripping into his neck making his cock throb deep in your cunt. He’d never admit it, but he loved when you hurt him. 
You gnawed on his neck, tasting a bit of blood as you hurtled close to the precipice of your orgasm. Your legs were burning hot with electricity, and your climax was so close you could taste it. 
You unlatched from his shoulder and cried softly. “Satoru- I-“
“I know,” he groaned, the end tapering off to a slight whimper. “I am, too.”
His thrusts were erratic- harsh and rough and fast, but no true rhythm. Loud moans tried to bubble in his throat, and in a similar fashion to you, he latched his lips to your shoulder and sucked harshly. 
“Please, let me cum, Satoru,” you sobbed as quietly as you could. Your fingers clenched tight to his shirt, surely wrinkling it, but too occupied to care. 
“Cum, fucking cum,” Gojo growled, and that was it. 
You tried to fling your head back, but Gojo caught you and pressed your face in his neck as you released, waves of your cum soaking his cock. 
You shook violently in his lap, and the contracting walls of your cunt sent Gojo over the edge as well, his hot cum spurting inside you. 
You whimpered pathetically as feeling him cum extended your orgasm. Gojo panted heavily as he filled you up with his load, almost whining, as his seed leaked from your fucked-soft hole. 
You whimpered as you slowly came down. You could feel the warmth of Gojo’s last few spurts of cum fill you, keeping you warm in the theater’s cold atmosphere. 
As Gojo came down, he let out a loud sigh and slumped back in his seat, your head still nestled in his neck. 
“Damn, princess,” he laughed breathlessly. “Didn’t know you were an exhibitionist.”
“You’re the one who started it,” you sassed, and rose from his neck. 
His pretty face was flushed a deep red and, as you expected, his pristine white shirt was wrinkled. Not to mention the small red stain on his collar. 
“Oh shit, I made you bleed.” You absently brushed your fingers over the wound, before leaving a little kiss to the harmed flesh. 
“No kidding. For a second there, I thought you were going to eat me.”
You rolled your eyes but settled back into his hold, basking in the ethereal glow that came post-orgasm. 
You sat holding each other for a few minutes, just nearly absorbing the others presence when loud music began to play. You looked over your shoulders to see the end credits begin to roll, and people gathering their things to leave. 
“Did we fuck that long?” you mumbled to yourself, and Gojo laughed. 
“I guess so.” 
It was awkward getting off of his dick. It had plugged his cum inside you, so as you stood, it all came rushing out and splattered on the floor. The crotch of Gojo’s pants were wet with a mix of your cum and his. 
“It looks like you pissed yourself,” you teased as you adjusted your panties back over your cunt. You grimaced as Gojo’s seed began to soak the fabric. 
“It’s not my fault your cunt turns into a slip and slide any time you think you’re about to get dick,” Gojo jabbed back. He grabbed his glasses from his pocket and put them on. “But you are a slut, so it’s not surprising.”
“Only for you.” 
Gojo picked up the discarded popcorn bucket and looped his arm around your waist, which you were grateful for. Your legs wanted to collapse beneath you. 
The walk to the car took longer than it should have, and you got more than your fair share of weird looks- not that you were surprised. You probably looked a mess. 
Gojo opened your door, and you thanked him as you crawled inside. When he climbed into the driver’s side, he leaned over and gave you a quick kiss. When he pulled away, he had a smug smirk on his face. 
“Round two when we get home?”
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
While You Sleep
Chapter 14
Relationship: Bucky Barnes x Reader Warnings: depictions of panic attack, suggestive content Summary: Soulmate!AU - Throughout life, you’re given glimpses of your soulmate through dreams. As you sleep, memories flash in your mind showing you the life your soulmate has lived. Everyone around you raves about how their soulmate reads great books or volunteers in their spare time. But you can’t relate as your dreams end up being more like nightmares. Through initial images of death and violence, you come to learn your soulmate is the Winter Soldier.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
After a couple of days had passed, Bucky had approached you with the idea of going on another date. At first, you were greatly hesitant. The memories of the Hydra man telling you their first glimpse of you was during a date couldn’t escape your mind. You had brought it up to Bucky as gently as you could but he assured you, you had nothing to worry about. Those at the facilities were…”gone.” He had simply put it at that. You didn’t want to think about how deep the organization may actually run seeing as they had been able to be under the radar for a while. But you forced yourself to put the rest of your great concerns away and, eventually, agreed to a date. 
Bucky thought the movies could be a fun thing for you two to do. He admitted he hadn’t been to one in quite some time and was interested to see what was out there in terms of genres. That led you two to sitting at the kitchen counter in the compound, leaning over the newspaper, skimming the movie showtimes. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you could've just looked this up on your phone.
“What about an action movie?” Bucky asked. You scooted your stool closer to read the title he was pointing at. You had to admit, you were getting pretty comfortable at the compound, having declared this one particular stool yours in the kitchen. You were harboring a lot of concerns over your apartment. It still sat in your mind as the, well, the initial scene of the crime. The start of that incident. Thankfully, no one seemed bothered by your extended stay and you thought Bucky seemed to secretly enjoy playing house in this capacity. 
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “They’re so hit or miss. We might not like it.”
Bucky hummed. “If we don’t like it, it’ll just give us an excuse to make out.”
You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped your lips. It was a rare occurrence lately and Bucky always looked relieved when you’d show any signs of getting closer to peace. “Is that why you want to go to the movies, Buck?”
Your soulmate scoffed, shaking his head with a little cheeky grin. “You mean to tell me you really watched every movie you went on a date to see?”
“Oh, hush,” you smirked back as Bucky playfully rolled his eyes. “I guess nothing really changes over the years.”
This banter was good - it felt good. You weren’t in pristine condition but this was maybe showing some progress. Crying in bed with Bucky seems like a lifetime away despite just being a day or so ago. Concerns of various formats weren't vanishing so fast, though. Especially in the realm of nightmares. You hadn’t brought it up to anyone but it was like something had reset in the bond. While they weren’t as obnoxious, you weren’t getting dreams of Bucky reading or any cute shit like that.
“How about a horror movie? That could be fun,” Bucky said. “I can hold you when you get scared.”
You bit your lip. “Who said I get scared during horror movies?”
Bucky shook his head, letting out a light laugh. “You’re making this impossible, doll.” 
Before you could tell him to quit it, someone entered the kitchen. The person came up behind you two and began looking over your shoulder at the movie times. “Going to the movies?” Steve asked. 
You and Bucky turned to him, nodding. “We can’t figure out what we want to see, though.”
Steve hummed as his eyes raked over the page. “How about a romance?” He suggested. “Bucky used to cry his eyes out over those.”
Immediately, Bucky began spewing protests left and right calling Steve the biggest liar while you couldn’t help but genuinely crack up at the situation. It was a nice thing, you thought, sitting here laughing over something silly between Bucky and Steve. Almost like you were getting on and everything was figuring itself out. Maybe today would be the day it all finally took a turn. 
“Alright, alright,” you said, trying to calm Bucky. Steve looked greatly amused while your soulmate was just annoyed. “I think that’s settled then. My curiosity has peaked. I wanna see a romance.”
Bucky groaned. “It happened one time.”
Steve shrugged. “Maybe she can hold you just in case it happens again.”
“Thanks, Steve,” Bucky scoffed. “Want to share anything else with her? Any other embarrassing stories from back in the day you think she just desperately needs to hear?”
You looked excitedly towards Steve. “Yeah, Steve, is there anymore?”
He smirked. “Trust me, there’s plenty. But I wouldn’t want to waste them all now. I’ll save them for your wedding day.” And with that, Steve nodded, possibly quite proud of himself for dropping that, and exited the kitchen, back on his path to wherever he was going. He left you two practically with a bomb. 
Wedding day - the idea of that was something that has never crossed your mind. And from the looks of it, neither had it crossed Bucky’s. It wasn’t uncommon for soulmates to get married. Most didn’t see the purpose outside of the legal side but you didn’t fall into that. You were hopelessly guilty of daydreaming about your wedding day...
Bucky cleared his throat. “So,” he looked back at the paper, “romance it is, then?”
You took a deep breath, snapping your thoughts back into place. “Sure.”
Steve’s claim hadn't been that too far off. As you two were exiting the theater, having just watched an hour and a half of two people being oblivious when it comes to love, Bucky wouldn’t meet your eyes. You were commenting on the movie but he was stuck looking at the hem of your dress. You had gone with a light sundress having not much effort to get that dressed up but still wanting to look good for your man. It was decorated with little polka dots. Apparently, the dots were the most fascinating thing in the world to Bucky.
“Bucky,” you nudged him as you were walking down the street, “are you even listening to me?”
“Hmm?” Bucky jumped, his eyes finally meeting yours. And sure enough, they were wet. You couldn’t help the little giggle that escaped you.
“Steve wasn’t kidding,” you smiled, “romances really get to you, huh?”
Bucky playfully rolled his eyes and looked away. You took the opportunity to take your hand in his as you two continued your walk. 
After a moment, you spoke again, “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Buck. I think it’s quite endearing.”
He scoffed. “You’re just saying that.”
“I am not,” you protested. “I think it’s very sweet you love love that much. I see it when we’re together.”
Bucky finally turned back to you. “Really?” He asked so gently. His eyes had a glimmer of hope in them. Your heart was melting. 
“Of course.”
Abruptly, he stopped you two right there on the sidewalk. He looked like an absolute dream in his nice shirt and slacks, illuminated just by the glow of the night and the flickering street lamps. He was looking at you like you had hung the moon and stars. You went to ask why you two were stopped but before you could, Bucky’s lips were on yours. They were so soft and gentle yet fierce and loving. You had forgotten how much he channeled in these kisses as you hadn’t been quite intimate since before the kidnapping. You had been scared, quite honestly. Despite the sequence of events not exactly being related, the last time you slept with your soulmate you were whisked away. It was a stupid, ridiculous fear you felt slowly dissipating the more your lips moved in sync. 
Suffice with the moment but leaving a bit to tease, Bucky eventually pulled away. “Let’s get back to the compound.”
You bit your lip a bit more hesitantly than you had intended but still nodded. You knew where this was going and you had to run with it. You had to let Bucky guide you to it. He was it for you, you had to remember. He was your soulmate for a reason and you were getting through this together. As cliche it seemed, you walked with him into what felt like the unknown. 
The second you were outside the shared bedroom, Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off you. He was the perfect gentleman on the way back and even all through the compound but once the coast was clear, his hands were trailing up and down your sides, dipping scandalously low. You tried playfully shooing him away but then he’d reach under your dress and pinch the inside of your thigh and, well, after that, you were practically done for. 
You were absolutely amazed by how naturally you fell back into this rhythm with Bucky. You figured something had just been needed, some kind of push to get you back on track. Maybe this date had been that. You didn’t want to think too much anymore, though, so you followed Bucky as he walked you back into the bed. 
He was on top of you in a matter of minutes, lips locked fully with yours as his hands continued to roam. It was all happening fast. Very fast. Bucky was a skilled multitasker in more ways than one. As he was taking off his shirt, he was already working on getting your dress off. You paid little attention to any of it, trying to let yourself get lost in the movements and lovingness of your soulmate.  
Once your dress was discarded, long forgotten in the room with Bucky’s shirt, next came his pants and your bra. All while doing so, Bucky kept stealing kisses from all over your body. Your lips. Your neck. Your chest. Your stomach. He was like a starved man and maybe, in some way, he really was. Part of you had denied him from so much, including sex, after the…
Your eyes shot open. Your heart was suddenly pounding but not in the excited, horny kind of way. Not in anticipation for your soulmate’s touch. In fact, you wanted the exact opposite of that. You felt like you were suddenly suffocating. You became very aware of Bucky’s body on top of you, the weight of him holding you into the bed that was so soft you felt like you were sinking. 
Bucky was seemingly oblivious to all of this despite your breath becoming shallow and unsteady. You wiggled under his touch trying some way to get him off but he mistook it for pleasure and kept his teasing work around your panties. 
“I know, doll,” he hummed, his lips back at your neck while his metal hand dipped a little into the waistband. You shook your head.
“No, Bucky, please-,” your voice was barely there as you tried to convey your nervousness. Your brain felt like it was cloudy. You didn’t know what to say, what to do, to get his attention. You gasped, overwhelmed.
Bucky pulled away from your neck immediately, brows furrowed in confusion at your sudden switch in emotion. He said your name, voice so full of concern, but he felt so far away.
You couldn’t find the words anymore so you just tried to push him off. While naturally impossible, he took the sign and quickly lifted himself off of you, going as far to leave the bed. He stood at the foot of it, watching you try to prop yourself up on your elbows. 
You were struggling to breathe still and trying so hard to get your brain focused on something other than the feeling of being held down. It didn’t make sense, though. It really didn’t. You hadn’t been held down like that but there was something about the logistics of it your brain couldn’t separate the actions. You couldn’t move, you were dominated once again. And then you suddenly remembered Bucky’s involvement and it all just… It was all just one giant fucking mess. Your hands were shaking. 
Bucky tried again, “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
Your eyes shot to him, realizing how wild you must look. You were having a panic attack in the middle of sex. How much more could your life be affected by those goddamn-
“Doll, please, breathe with me,” Bucky pleaded as he leaned down to your eye line. You sat up further and he took the chance to take your hands in his. He held them as they shook uncontrollably. You stared into his eyes, regaining some order in your breathing.
“I-I’m sorry-,”
Bucky shook his head. “No, don’t you dare apologize. It’s alright, I understand. Just focus on your breathing. There’s nothing bad here, sweetheart. Just me.”
You nodded slowly and closed your eyes, focusing on your heart which was finally settling down. You pushed away the thoughts. The images of being strapped down. The way you were tossed around like a ragdoll. The look Bucky wore as he killed those men-
You shifted your attention to the weight of Bucky’s hands in yours. They had done so much bad but were also doing you so much good. 
It was over. Everything you had endured was over. Those men were gone. That Bucky wasn’t really that Bucky. He was still your Bucky. The Bucky that walked you to work and cried over movies. You had to drill this into your brain before something else overtook you.
After a moment or so, you felt you could finally reopen your eyes. Bucky was still watching you intensely.
“B-Better?” He seemed nervous to ask.
“Yeah,” you said, finding your voice again. “Thank you, Bucky.”
He let out a small sniffle and that’s when you finally saw the tears forming in his eyes. You looked down at your connected hands, unable to bear seeing what you had caused. 
“Anytime, sweetheart,” Bucky whispered. “I’m here whenever you need me.”
You gave a small, shy nod. “Can we just go to bed now?”
Wordlessly, Bucky stood up and grabbed one of his shirts for you. While you threw it on, Bucky began unmaking the bed. Once he had set up your space with the blankets you cherished, you crawled right in and tried to let sleep take you.
It wasn’t very pleasant in your dream world as the memories of the kidnapping filled you, despite all your best attempts to suppress it. 
But you stood no chance escaping these because they weren’t your memories. They were from Bucky’s perspective. 
Unknowingly to him, you were seeing all the steps he had taken when it came to murdering the Hydra men. You felt the anger, the determination. The absolute disregard for them. You could practically feel it as his fist collided with them. As he drained their life from their bodies. 
You didn't want to react, though - God forbid you give Bucky another reason to worry -  and instead, you gave in to them.
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dontloseyourpants · 3 years
Stripped on Stage
A commission I received from @gaystripstories! You can also find him on Twitter here. And you can support him by buying his stories on Amazon here.
I'll out the actual story below the cut. It's about a cocky young Broadway bound hunk who has an embarrassing incident on stage during his big debut. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!
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Before the Show: 
Hey, just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a great show! 
A sea of blank faces stared up at him, but he kept plodding on to get the reaction that he  desired. Walking further into the crowded dressing room, he finally stopped right behind me. 
I miss the camaraderie of being packed down here with everyone… it’s so lonely having  that dressing room upstairs all to myself. I usually just spend time before shows lying on my  couch until first call. 
Looking up, I saw his face forcing itself into what he thought was a genuine smile. For  someone who was apparently a much better actor than our poor little show deserved, he really  had such a hard time hiding his true emotions. 
Roger Stilton had quickly made a name for himself on Broadway. A Julliard grad just  like his rich father, he headed straight to Broadway and began booking any role he wanted. With  leading man good looks, his slicked back dark hair, and a jawline that could cut steel, Roger  actually could have earned his roles without daddy’s donations. 
As I continued looking up at him, I realized two things. First, his blush was much too  heavy for a theater as small as this one. 
Roger, sit down- let me help you out a bit. Quickly standing up in my boxers and  undershirt, I let him plop into my chair before wiping a makeup wipe across that beautiful face.  Here’s a tip when you’re not sure how strong to make your blush- you have to see what it should  be naturally and then add two swipes. 
Quickly taking hold of the bottom of his t-shirt, I ripped it over his head to expose that  chest to the whole room. His perky pecs and six pack abs were to die over, but for some reason,  even with all of that narcissism, he didn’t like showing off his body. 
See- that’s the color you want. 
I saw his eyes connect with his reflection to see the blush covering his cheeks, and I  added a bit of my powder onto his face to match. Grabbing his shirt, he just awkwardly held it in  front of him before walking back out of the room with his parting words flung over his shoulder. 
Well, let me let you get back to getting ready… I just love having a great ensemble behind  me on stage. 
I wanted to hate him, but I couldn’t. At least not for another week. He’d joined our show  after workshops, and even if I wouldn’t admit it, he was the reason we’d gotten our residency at  our off-Broadway theater. He was already booked for his next role in a few weeks in one of the  larger theaters, but if I had anything to do with it, I wanted to put his name in the news for  another reason. It was time to confirm the second thing that I realized once Roger walked in  here. 
Listen up. Every head turned back towards me this time, but unlike Roger, I could tell  that they wanted to hear what I had to say. I had a couple of decades on all of the younger actors 
around me, and they looked up to me since I’d give them actual advice. We’re a go for tonight.  Raise a hand if you’re in. 
Smiling to myself as I saw every hand quickly raise into the air, I knew that this would be  one show that Roger or the critics in the audience would never forget. I don’t know if Roger  knew that we’d picked up on it, but there was a lot of info that he gave away. He was using us as  a launch pad for some serious acting cred, and we were using him just as much. And for weeks  of workshops and performances, we existed together, but the last month had been different. He’d  starters treating us as disposable ensemble members even if the small cast all had named roles.  So, tonight, on the most important night of his run, we decided to get back at him. Looking up at  the timer on the ceiling above us, I realized that it was almost time for our first phase of the plan. 
Act 1: 
Look at him- if he wasn’t such a huge ass, he could really be the next big thing. Sorry- all I heard you say was huge ass, and I got distracted. 
Playfully slapping Sam on the arm, I kept watching Roger act as we waited for our cue.  Our show was a new take on the classic murder mystery, and each night, Roger dramatically died  on stage. The twist, the reason that we’d made it out of workshops, was that a new killer was  chosen each show. The audience could return night after night and still get a new experience  since we improved a lot and only kept core scenes consistent.  
This was one scene that was always the same, so Roger felt confident enough to ham it up as he looked at the two women in Row 2: The New Yorker and New York Times. They of  course had names, but Roger only knew them as the critics that he needed to impress. And he  truly was acting his ass off… and that was quite a challenge. Those dark gray slacks were barely  
stretched over that ample peach of a bottom, and I was reminded again that I was happy with the  game plan. And as he placed his glass of water back on the table, it was time for round 1.  
Natasha and Joslyn entered from stage left as Sam and I appeared from stage right, and in  a flurry of motion, we began bombarding him with questions.  
Sir, would you like the dinner menu? 
Sir, would you like a wine list? 
That’d be delightful. 
Sir, would you like your water glass to be topped off? 
Bending down, I poured the contents of my pitcher into his glass and across his chest. Oh monsieur, I am so sorry- let’s get you out of those wet clothes immediately. 
Patting him down with the hand towel, Sam walked behind him and began unbuttoning  Roger’s shirt. In utter shock, Roger just sat there staring at the pitcher that I’d laid down in front  of him- the one that looked completely normal. In every other show, a special prop had been  used that only held half a cup of water, but tonight, it looked like I’d grabbed the wrong pitcher  from the props table accidentally.  
There we go- we’ll have this dried and steamed before you even get the dessert menu…  not that it looks like you eat dessert often.  
He tried to cover his exposed chest as we left stage, but the tiny menu couldn’t cover  much. If he pulled it down, he exposed his perky pecs with his dark brown nipples shining under  the harsh lights, and if he pulled it up, you could see the happy trail disappearing into his pants.  As we all stood offstage in one giggling group, we watched the switch flip over in his head. He 
had just made the choice- he could either be embarrassed about being half naked on stage, or he  could continue acting so that the critics would write about how he powered through adverse  conditions. And he chose the second option… at least for now.
Act 2: 
After improving some line about remembering that he had a spare suit in his car, he  quickly walked off stage with his muscular back facing the audience. Once he disappeared into  the curtain, he began quietly yelling for the prop master, but he was nowhere to be found. Also  gone was the random rack of clothes that had been hiding in the wings for decades, so as he  rushed around, Roger only had time to grab someone’s suit coat and walk back on stage. 
Darling! Is it my birthday already? I thought I wouldn’t get my present until tomorrow. 
With her quick change successfully completed unlike her costar, Natasha was in a skin  tight dress and now playing Roger’s girlfriend. Walking circles around him, she began to  massage his tense body, and it seemed to be having an undesired effect on his lower half.  
Can I unwrap my present early?  
I’m so sorry love, but the weirdest thing happened at dinner earlier. I had time to grab a  spot of food before coming here, and then…  
As he began to sit down, the small blazer completely ripped down the middle, and the  ruined fabric fell in two pieces down each arm. Natasha was really hamming it up now as she  jumped up from the prop bed to kneel in front of her blushing boyfriend.  
I was joking before, but what else is about to come off? Did you somehow trade outfits  with a stripper? 
That time in the gym must have really filled out my shoulders.  
Then flex for me, Romeo. Let me see that body that’s all mine.  
Doing as told, Roger stood up and began to flex his muscles as he faced the audience. His  tanned chest seemed to glow under the lights, and I heard the audience getting into it more now.  If there were any repeat customers here, then they knew what normally happened here. Natasha  would have her birthday party, and in the commotion, Roger would meet his demise. But that  always happened fully clothed. 
Roger’s biceps were glistening in sweat, and his trimmed chest hair was as well. He was  breathtakingly gorgeous, and if only he wasn’t so cocky, we would have all adored him. As I saw  that blush spread further across those beautiful cheekbones, I wondered if there was something  more human under there. Just maybe… 
Oh, I just can’t resist anymore- come ravish me!  
With strength that I didn’t know she had, Natasha pulled Roger towards her as they fell  into the throes of passion on top of that bed. The audience was losing it as Natasha’s legs  comically kicked into the air before wrapping around Roger’s ample ass. She was kissing him all  over as Roger tried to break free for his cue. 
Oh honey, that special suit jacket wasn’t the only birthday surprise that I had planned. In  fact…
And this is where everything went so, so right. Roger lunged into a standing position  without even feeling Natasha’s fingers hook into the two small holes that had come undone on  each side of his tearaway pants. I don’t know how he hadn’t noticed earlier that we’d swapped them out before the show, but they’d stayed together right until they were needed.  
In comical slow motion, the back half of his pants fell to the floor as the front stayed  gripped in her hands.  
You got me exactly what I wanted! 
As Natasha jumped to meet him, we all started streaming on stage, holding balloons and  shooting party streamers into the air. The only one that was still was Roger who was somehow so  very, very visible in the middle of all of this chaos. With his pants gone, he was now standing  there in only his shoes, his nylon socks held up with leather garters on those strong calves, and  an impossibly tiny pair of baby blue bikini briefs that were trying their hardest to stretch over his  large frame.  
We all took a cue from the audience and focused on Roger as he stood petrified on stage.  His hands hung limply at his side, too embarrassed to even move them to cover up his impressive  bulge and thick pubes that were showing over the stretched waistband. You could have heard a  pin drop in the eerie quiet before one camera flash went off from the audience followed by  several more. I saw our one underpaid usher try to stop the cameras, but it was too late.  
Finally urged into action as he saw how many photos of him would soon end up online,  Roger finally spun around to try to find his pants, his jacket- just anything to cover himself up  with. Seeing the bed sheet that had been flung into the floor, he reached to grab it, but I was too  quick and stepped onto it to keep him from getting it.  
Standing back up, he had rage in his eyes as he looked at me, and he had no idea that  even more photos were taken now of him. From the back, his tiny briefs had been wedged  between those glorious cheeks, and he was exposing almost every inch of skin that he could.  
It was you- you’re the one that did it! 
He was about five minutes early with that line, but Roger’s embarrassment had finally  taken over his need to impress the critics. That was usually what he said when he discovered who  the killer was right before falling to the ground, but now, he was saying it to me even though  Joslyn was the one who’d dropped the ‘poison’ into his pasta in the previous scene.  
What are you talking about? It’s me- your best friend! 
A best friend wouldn’t do this on the most important night of their life! 
Reaching forward, he grabbed onto my shirt and yanked it apart. Buttons went flying as  my own chest was exposed to the crowd. My mouth was trying to hard not to break into a smirk  behind my trimmed salt and pepper beard as I backed away from Roger. Following me back  under the lights, he just kept going. 
You’ve always been jealous of me- my career, my body, everything! Do you know how  hard I’ve fought for this? Do you?  
He truly believed the words that he was saying even though he’d never had to go to an  open casting call in a crowded building downtown. He’d never had to squeeze into a borrowed  pair of LaDucas and dance for hours just to be told that they’d gone in a different direction. Oh  no, Roger had never felt rejection like that which is what would make what happened next even  sweeter.  
He lunged at me, and we fell in a heap on the floor. The audience, even the return  viewers, probably had no idea that anything had gone wrong. Everything we’d done had been in  character, and only one thing would be able to prove to them that this show had gone off the  rails.  
Roger’s body was gyrating around on top of me, but he never landed a punch. He wasn’t  angry enough for that, but he was too flustered to even know what to do. He couldn’t handle this  humiliation, and he was just lashing out. And then, it all stopped. As we tussled, we both heard  the pop and froze. It could have been anything, but we both knew exactly what it was. 
The Final Bow: 
And the award goes to Roger Stilton! 
The cameras all swung towards him as he tried to duck down into his seat. This is not  how he wanted awards season to go. He had just lost the Best Actor award for his starring role in  Thoroughly Modern Millie, and he was about to go to the bar until he heard his name called  again. Looking up at the big screen, he saw the category that he didn’t even know that he was  nominated for- Best Quick Change.  
With the DramaDesk award in hand, the late-night talk show host who had no business  being here walked on stage. I was sitting on the side in the cheap seats, but I could still see  everything. The last time that I’d seen Roger was when I’d been lying shirtless beneath him. I  watched as he sat motionless in his chair, and he only got up once the screen started playing a  video from that night.  
He was kneeling on top of me, and as we wrestled, the tiny strap on the right side of his bikini briefs popped right off. With his ass aimed right towards the camera, his pendulous cock  fell into view between his legs, and he tried to cover himself unsuccessfully with his hands. As  he moved, the rest of his underwear fell apart and landed on my chest leaving him completely  
Standing up, he kept spinning around, turning one way and then the other to hide his  embarrassment. His hands were clasped over his manhood which left that ass completely  exposed. His tight waist made his bubble butt even more impressive, and the untanned skin acted  as a beacon for everyone’s eyes and cameras. I’d watched this scene dozens of times from the  comfort of my own apartment, but as Roger walked on stage to confront the host, I realized that  he probably had tried to forget this ever happened.  
When Audra Macdonald won earlier, she serenaded us with a few bars. Roger, what do  you plan on showing off to this crowd? 
The crowd was going wild, but unlike that fateful night, the crowd was over five times  bigger and full of people that Roger wanted to impress. He tried to put on a fake laugh and grab  the award, but even from this far away, I could see how strong that blush was as the host kept  going.  
No seriously, I think we need you to show it off! What does everyone here think?  
I let my cheer join the crowd as we egged him on, but he still wasn’t budging. And then,  the host looked right at me, and I pinched myself to see if this was all a dream.  
Do we need your old costar to come help out? He knows his way around this stage since  he’s performed here a few times. Come on up! 
The spotlight hit me, and now it was my time to feel a little shy. I’d been a background  dancer here in a few awards show opening numbers, but I’d never been up there individually.  Would my big break come decades later than it should have? 
Stepping on stage, I saw Roger’s heart drop, and my nerves suddenly vanished. He let the  host turn him around, and I realized that he was petrified again.  
Make me change my mind, Roger. Why shouldn’t I expose you again for how you treated  us on that show? 
Tommy, please, don’t do it.  
I could have been nice and joked around with him as we walked offstage to pretend like  this was a planned bit. But, he messed up.  
Roger, you didn’t even learn the names of your costars. My name is David- Tommy  worked the sound board.  
And before he could react, I grabbed onto those tuxedo pants and yanked them to the  ground. The button ripped off easily, and they gave me no resistance before sliding down to his  ankles. He’d learned his lesson from earlier and was wearing a pair of black trunks, but I still had  a little bit of humiliation left to give him. I could and should have stopped there, but I didn’t.  Grabbing onto his waistband, I pulled his undies to the floor and stepped back to let him have the  spotlight all to himself like he desperately wanted.  
His half-naked body was projected onto the big screen again but in real time now. His  ample, untanned ass still jutted out from his athletic body, and as he tried to bend down and grab  his pants, it jiggled with every movement.  
Looking down into the audience, I somehow made eye contact with Jan, the critic that  Roger always referred to as The New Yorker sitting not too far from where I’d been seated. As  she began typing onto her phone, I realized that Roger would get that big headline after all.
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Hello! For your event (congrats btw!)
Tamaki Amajiki + Movie Theater + NSFW (preferably a blow job or hand job maybe? Fem!reader too♡)
Please and thank you <3
A little help | Amajiki Tamaki x reader
Hi! Thank you for participating and I'm sorry this took so long!
Warnings: NSFW (18+ content), hand job, public place, a little swearing.
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It was supposed to be a normal afternoon with your boyfriend. It was Saturday and you two decided to go to the movies since neither of you had gone out together for a few weeks. Hadou promised that it was a great movie, but the more the screen time passes the more you regret coming. It had a weird narrative and the story doesn't make much sense. None of you wanted to admit, of course, since you didn't want to ruin the date, but it was getting hard to focus on the scenes.
This is, until a specific scene appeared. It was a really spicy one, and despite being pretty normal in movies nowadays, it was still awkward to watch those things with your boyfriend by your side.
You notice Tamaki’s mood changing in a second. Of course, you (and everyone who spent 10 seconds with him, really) knew how shy he could be, so you just kept looking straight ahead like nothing was happening in order to make him feel comfortable.
Well, at least that was what you thought. You started to be aware of his nonstoping movement on his chair, even after the scene was over. He moved his legs constantly and kept moving as if he wasn’t finding any comfortable position to remain seated.
“Tama?”, you called softly. “It’s everything ok?”
He coughed suddenly, looking embarrassed, like a child caught by its mother doing something wrong. He nods quickly, not looking at you.
You frowned. “You sure?”
“Y-yes. Let’s just watch the movie.”
“Right.” You murmur, finding his behavior a little odd, but maybe he was still thinking about the hot scene from a few moments ago.
Some minutes passed and now you were definitely sure that something was wrong. He tried to stop moving, but from time to time you noticed how he gripped the armchair, especially when you leaned closer to him or talked to him.
Now, you knew how shy Tamaki could be, but after a year and a half dating each other, he used to be comfortable enough around you to not act like that anymore.
You were ready to ask again if he was not feeling good and offered to leave the date sooner when you finally noticed.
Your timid pretty boyfriend passed the last minutes trying to cover his not-so-little friend down there who so kindly decided to wake up in the middle of the cinema. He wasn’t feeling bad, after all. In fact, due to the circumstances, you could say he was as healthy as ever, if you know what I mean.
You widened your eyes when you noticed the volume between his legs. You could practically feel him praying it would go away before you, or anyone else, noticed.
After recovering from the shock, you silently pondered for a few seconds whether you should pretend not to notice, especially to not make him uncomfortable. But after some consideration, a small smirk spread across your lips. Well, why not?
Subtly, you let your hand slip between the chairs until it lightly touches his tight. Tamaki immediately reacts to the unexpected touch, almost jumping from his chair. He moved his head with inhuman speed to face you, but you kept staring at the big screen, feigning innocence.
You heard him clear his throat and try to gently pull away without alarming you.
Sorry, love. You think, trying to contain your devilish smile. That’s not happening.
Still not looking at him, you started moving your fingers up and down his leg, letting your nails gently scrape the material of his pants.
Tamaki held his breath, trying not to show his nervousness at your loving innocent touch.
What would you think of him if you saw he’s got a hard-on in the movie theater? He couldn’t even think about it.
He was about to get up and go straight to the bathroom, covering his front in a way that no one would notice his, uh… problem, but apparently, you had other plans. In one quick movement, you squeezed his thigh and this time he couldn't help but notice the smile you were trying to contain. Looks like his innocent girlfriend wasn't all that innocent.
“What are you doing?” He murmured. You could feel the panic in his voice.
“I think you need a little help down there, don’t you?” You said it back, batting your eyelashes sweetly at him.
Oh fuck.
“Don’t.” He said through clenched teeth, noticing your fingers getting closer and closer to his bulge.
“Let me take care of this.” You whispered.
“(Y/n), I don’t think… aaaaah” A long low moan left his lips the moment your hand came in contact with his crotch. If it was even possible, he became redder than he already was. He frantically looked around to see if someone had noticed.
"Shh, don't worry, the theater is almost empty and everyone is far more interested in the movie than in us."
You move your hand up and down, slowly. He closed his eyes, bucking his hips slightly at the contact.
“You want me to stop?” You asked, knowing that if he really wants it, you would cease the teasing immediately. “It’s up to you.” The softness in your voice was killing him. “I can stop if you want.”
“No!” He shouted, grabbing your wrist the moment you pretended to move away, not noticing the volume in his own voice. You almost chuckled at his impatience.
Thank God you were sitting on the top row, far away from everyone there.
“Ok then. I’ll help you, love.”
With that said, you proceed to unzip his jeans at an agonizing slow pace, looking at him straight in the eye. You could practically feel his neediness.
With a sweet smile, you reached inside his underwear, feeling his hard cock in your palm. You ran your fingers slowly along its length.
"Don't tease me", he growls with closed eyes.
"I'm not", you chuckled, finally grabbing him. "Just feeling you, Tama".
He doesn't answer, leaning back in his chair and delighting in the way you stroke his cock instead, already dripping with pre cum.
“Fuck, baby” He moans. His voice low and sexy.
“You like this, uh?” You tighten around him more, increasing the speed. "Gonna cum here? Make a mess, love?"
He covered his mouth with a hand, you were killing him.
Your hand kept going up and down in a delirious rhythm. Below you, some people laughed at some joke the main character made in the movie, but you were far from paying attention at the time.
Your fingers were already slipping with the sticky liquid he released as you worked his length, squeezing its head lightly every time your fist came in contact with it.
Tamaki threw back his head and moaned, uttering a series of profanities that no one but you could say the boy knew. His facial expression, once obscured by the darkness of the cinema, was suddenly brightened by a scene lit up on the big screen, allowing you to see his face taken with pleasure.
It didn't take long for him to cum, not when he was holding back for so long, and not when your magic fingers worked so well on him. A part of him he never knew existed savoring the fact that you were in public. When it ended, your hand was covered with his semen and your boyfriend was panting beside you, loads of the white substance spreading all over his pants.
“Now, it wasn’t that hard. Was it?” You chuckled.
He didn’t answer, still composing himself from what you just made him do.
“Well, now I need to clean this.” You murmur to yourself, looking at your fingers with a smile. “And I'll bring tissues for you too. Wait here, I’ll be right back.”
Before you could give a single step, Tamaki grabbed your wrist. His eyes burning with desire.
“We’re going home.”
You swallow with the sudden change of his temper. “The movie is not over yet.”
“We’re going home.” He repeated, firmly. “And we’re finishing this. You’re gonna think twice before teasing me like that again.”
Maybe you should take your shy boyfriend to the movies more often, after all.
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Ugh, I'm a little insecure about this post, honestly. But I hope you enjoyed it! :)
Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account: @angie-1306 ]
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