#I had all four and two were impacted and close to the nerve but still
neilfinnaesthetics · 1 year
Okay guys, how bad was your pain after wisdom teeth extraction? My pain is actually excruciating and I have been pacing my room and screaming because the pain is so severe. I’m on tapentadol and it only gives me relief for about two hours (after a six hour waiting period between each dosage) before the pain comes back, it’s insufferable :(
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“ cuddle–bugs. „
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(( request PART TWO )).
!!! read part one | part three | part four | part five here !!!
mcu!peter parker x reader.
IN WHICH — you fell asleep on your best friend’s shoulder during movie night and the avengers won’t let you live it down.
author’s note ; okay so i made this a winter/christmas fic on accident cause i miss it. you’re welcome:,) ALSO !! lmk if y’all want me to add you to the part 3 tag list;)
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It’d been two nights, and you still couldn’t boggle the thought of Peter from your brain. Well, boggle the romantic thought of Peter from your brain. You had always been extra thoughtful and considerate of your best friend, but you never realized just how much you were until two nights ago. Two nights ago, when you had the best sleep of your life, passed out on Peter’s shoulder. Two nights ago, before Sam and Bucky started ogling you and Peter like no one’s business. Two nights ago, the last time you got a successful wink of sleep.
Perhaps you were lying to yourself– No. You were definitely lying to yourself. Peter Parker was your best friend, but you knew that your feelings for him were far from that simple. You were the first one to notice when he entered a room, and the first to feel his absence when he’d leave. You knew him better than anyone else did; he was written in a language that you’d carefully taken the time to understand. You just hoped that he’d taken the time to understand you just the same way.
The thought was gnawing at you, feeding on the anxiety that had kept you up all night. There was no way you could act on this, nor express your thoughts to him. And there certainly was no damn fucking way in hell you could look him in the eyes while you tried to process your feelings.
As the sun rose, so did you. Seeing as you had barely slept an hour, starting your day as early as possible seemed like your best option — even if that meant peeling yourself from your bed at four in the morning.
Your breath visibly filled the passing air as you ran the outdoor track in the courtyard. Winter’s chill was spiteful at such an early hour, but it was just the medicine you needed to give you energy after an all–nighter. The wind welcomed you with a sharp bite along your exposed skin, which was mainly your cheeks whilst you ran. Steve had taught you a thing or two about going on runs, and covering up in the winter was one of them.
The day went on tediously; constantly training, working on paperwork, and avoiding the company of Peter Parker. The latter was the most difficult. He was your best friend for crying out loud. You still couldn’t shake your nerves, or stomach the embarrassment that your teammates would cause you from their teases. There were already too many close calls.
While you were practicing close–hand combat in the gym, Bucky approached you. At first, he criticized your form and shadowed you for critique, but after a few minutes of ice breaking, he was quick to give some snickers and googly–eyes.
“Hang on there, cowboy.” He started, right hand hovering just beside your wrist. “You need to hold your shoulders back so that your punch gives a harder blow..” That’s when the devious smirk shadowed his face. “Unless, you’re planning to tussle with your boyfriend.”
The sharp breath you exhaled in response was a lot more intense than you’d initially intended. “He’s not my boyfriend!” The tone of voice you gave was also more intense than you intended, especially as you unconsciously gritted your teeth. And gathered from the way Bucky’s eyes widened at your punch, you took it that the impact was, once again, more intense than you’d intended.
You blamed the sleep depravity.
Later on, post–shower, you went to the kitchen to grab your second energy drink of the day. You felt your shoulders ease and your eyelids grow a bit heavier as you popped the metal can open. The quiet simmer of the carbonation was melodic whilst you downed half the serving, on spot. You were so focused on obtaining the beverage that you nearly missed Natasha looming in the corner.
“Cute sweatshirt.” She chimed, arms crossed while she watched you from the furthest crevasse of the kitchen.
Eying her, you could see the silhouette of her smirk. It immediately sent you questioning why she looked at you so smug. Your gaze fell to which baggy sweatshirt you decided to wear, suddenly insecure about it. It was a Midtown marching band hoodie; royal blue, faded–vintage yellow writings. It took you a beat or two to remember where you got it, but when you did–
“Is it your boyfriend’s?”
Frustration bubbled through your system. Except, it wasn’t frustration towards the team. It was frustration towards yourself. How much of a coward did you have to be to act so nervous? To not be able to look Peter in the eye? To avoid any entertainment of the thought of the two of you together?
Well, if ignoring those thoughts made you a coward, perhaps you weren’t the biggest one. Most nights, when you couldn’t sleep, you used the image of his torso spooning yours to get you some peace of mind. The warmth of his arm hugging your waist, the slight tickle of his breath on the back of your neck, and the safety of his little kisses hidden in your hairline. In fact, you thought about it most times; however, last night, thinking about it made you feel unbelievably guilty.
You found that guilt and sleep don’t mix too well.
Hours later, you sat yourself in the meeting room, hacking away as best as you could at your training reports for the day. The task was stupid, but you were understanding of it. It just didn’t help that you felt the weight of only sleeping an hour creeping up on you. Your eyes felt like they carried a thousand pounds to them.
A gentle knock met the doorframe, catching your attention from your assignment. Your eyes met Wanda’s, curiously. The curiosity fled your expression the split second she opened her mouth.
“Peter’s looking for you. Should I tell him–”
Annoyance scrunched in your nose, and an anguished huff pushed itself out of your throat. Your elbows met the table quietly, hands rushing to cradle your face in it as you tried to keep your composure. “He’s not my boyfriend!” You cried.
Still, Wanda held patience to herself. Now she was the one who looked at you curiously, arching a brow as she noticed how troubled you were. You already knew she was reading you like a book with her telepathy. Wanda had already flipped through your thoughts front and back by the time you’d finished your response. “I know. He’s your best friend, and he’s looking for you.” Her voice was so gentle, you wanted it to swaddle you and lull you to sleep.
Just before she took her leave, Wanda kept a sympathetic smile on her face. She’d already started to step out of sight, but she had a closing thought. “And, y’know.. I felt the same way you do now with Vis.” She hummed, “The only way to relieve yourself from it is to talk to him.”
Which brought you here. Now. At eleven twenty–three in the evening. You sat yourself on the same couch that started this spiral, chipping away tirelessly at the paperwork you vowed to finish. Though, your progress consisted of staring at the document blankly. You were closer to passing out than you were to actually typing out a sentence.
“You should get some sleep.”
The second you met Peter’s eyes, you felt it immediately. That zing. That spark. The knot in your stomach that guilted you for avoiding him all day. You couldn’t even muster out a response to give to him. Part of that definitely had to do with the fact that he was in his pajamas; flannel pajama pants, and no shirt. It wasn’t the first time you saw him shirtless, though the sight of his abs, especially right now, took your breath away a little.
His palms pressed against the head of the chair, leaning on it as he rocked back and forth on his feet. His brows slowly knit together the longer it took you to reply, obviously worried about you. “Are you not speaking to me? Did I do something?” The second question was quick to follow the first.
Your expression mirrored his, though with less worry and more defense. “What? No.” You stated, shutting your laptop without breaking eye contact. “Why would you think you did something wrong?” It churned your tummy to think that he’d been overthinking about this all day. Then again, if you were in his shoes, you’d have been thinking the exact same things.
It wasn’t hard to notice the relief that settled his posture, or the hesitance that lingered in his stare. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe you, it was more that he wasn’t sure he could yet. “Because this is the longest you’ve gone without speaking to me since fifth grade.”
The urge to roll your eyes at him was strong, but the smile you had to fight off was more distracting. “Peter, I didn’t speak to you because I had laryngitis. I literally couldn’t!”
He smiled back at you, gesturing his hand towards you to emphasize his point. “Exactly!” Peter made his way around the chair, seating himself beside you on the couch. “I just got worried.” He made sure there was enough space between the two of you, nervous that you’d be upset if he sat too close. “Are you okay though? You look like you didn’t get any sleep.” And suddenly, you were reminded that you couldn’t hide from him like you wanted to.
You nearly forgot that Peter was your best friend. He studied you before you even had the chance to notice he was in the room, half the time. Wanda’s words bounced around in your brain, but the idea of communicating all of that right now made your stomach churn worse. Slowly shaking your head, you moved to set your laptop on the coffee table beside you, quick to turn your attention back to the boy beside you. “I, uh.. I’m just stressed, is all.” You shrugged, simplifying your emotions.
Peter’s stare narrowed at you, concerned. “Stressed about what?” Once again, his eyes scanned over your face, trying to find the answer he was looking for before you felt the need to say it. When he found how panic it brought you, he stopped. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
It felt like a weight lifted from your shoulders at how understanding Peter was. You smiled lightly at him, focus flickering between one of his eyes to the other. Maybe it was because a smile began to touch his lips too, or because you felt unbelievably seen by him, but your heart swelled more than it ever had before. “I’d rather not talk about it right now.” You answered, honestly. “I should get some sleep first. I’m just…”
As you trailed off, Peter picked up the sentence where you couldn’t finish it. “Nervous about sleep?” His voice got softer as he asked the question, smile growing when you nodded in agreement. He waited a moment, brewing a few different solutions in his head. “Can I help?”
You could feel the way your heart raced at Peter’s earnesty, happily realizing you couldn’t turn down the offer. Nodding, you eyed him closely, watching as he grinned at you. He grabbed a throw blanket from beneath the coffee table, and the remote for the flat–screen while he was at it. Peter turned the television on and sat back on the couch, extending his arm for you to lean on him.
“You sure you want me to cuddle with you? You’re shirtless.” You pointed out, verbally self–sabotaging yourself. Idiotically self–sabotaging yourself.
Peter raised a brow at you, laughing quietly. Though, there was a slight blush creeping along his cheekbones. “That hasn’t stopped you in the past.”
A small fit of laughter drove your decision as you laid yourself beside him; head cozy in his shoulder, and your body pressed against the side of his. He laid the blanket over the two of you, but the arm he had hugging around you was the most securing. His fingertips gently brushed tiny shapes into your forearm, and Peter knew exactly which movie to put on to whisk you off to slumber.
Watching your comfort movie was quite a tempting offer, but you still couldn’t stop your eyes from shutting. Peace overtook you before you could catch it, and you couldn’t exactly remember the moment sleep finally conquered you. The last thing you remember hearing was Peter’s faint whisper to ask FRIDAY to dim the lights.
Peter watched you sleep more than the movie. He couldn’t stop himself, seeing how cute you were. He found himself in the same spot he was just two nights ago; gently rubbing your shoulders and back, brushing the hair back that fell into your face, and listening to the stilling sound of your breath as it slowed with your slumber. It made his heart swell.
The second he knew you were passed out, he stealthily turned the television off and scooped you into his arms. Peter lifted you delicately, swaddling you in the blanket and carrying you off to your bedroom.
As he laid you down on your bed, a particular piece of room decor caught his eye; the newest addition, something he’d never seen before. His cheeks grew ablaze with pink at the framed photo on your nightstand, taking in every aspect of the picture. His heart raced, a dorky grin touching his lips when he finally read Sam’s sticky note.
Peter was pulled from his thoughts at the feeling of your gentle fingertips grasping his arm. He heard the sheets settle beneath your stirring, and the soft grumbles sifting through your lips. Feeling your hand grasp at his elbow and tug him towards you made his heart skip a beat. The hug you pulled him into was all he needed to know that you wanted him to stay. And that, he did.
He lost track of how long he’d slept for, or when you decided to get up without waking him, but he wasn’t mad about it. Peter had one of the best sleeps of his life, and he had you to thank for that. He had you to thank for everything
Peter had never woken up feeling so rejuvenated. He felt like a brand new person; alive, ravished, loved. He felt validated by Sam’s little sticky note, and finally connected the pieces on why you were so jittery around him. He’d seen you interact with a handful of people you’d found attractive, and now he understood that he was also in that category. At least, if his assumptions were correct. He at least had woken up with a fresh coat of confidence today to make him believe his assumptions.
It was routine for his thoughts to drift somewhere in the midst of you. Every sense of him found you intoxicating and now more than ever did he cherish it. He inhaled the lingering aroma of you left over from your sleeping figure, and grew a smile at the sound of your laughter that carried itself through the compound’s corridors. The same laugh that he’d heard all too often.
You usually only laughed that hard at his jokes.
Peter slowed his slippered–steps toward the kitchen, peering his focus to where the sweet sound came from. His heart swelled in his chest at the sight of you so happy, but immediately dropped to the floor when he saw you so happy with a guy. A vaguely familiar guy. A strikingly too attractive guy. It sent a sharp chill through his bloodstream and made it boil beneath his skin.
“A little birdy told me that Harley’s been meaning to ask them out before he leaves.” Sam’s voice cut through the quiet, though he made a means that the information didn’t leave the kitchen. His voice stayed soft, secretive.
Harley. Harley Keener. That’s why his name was so familiar. The Harley Keener: Tony Stark’s protégé intern, who’s attending Stanford for mechanical engineering, and skyrocketing as one of the most influential teenagers of this generation for his work on climate change. Peter recalled the six three articles he’d read just last week on Harley’s work. What was he doing here? And what the fuck was he doing here talking to you?
Peter’s focus remained stuck on the sight of you and Harley talking down the hall. The second his gears finally processed what Sam had told him, he turned his head to look over, eyes landing last on Sam by the espresso machine. “What do you mean?”
Sam shrugged lightly, his lips pressing into a line as he stirred the sugar in with his coffee. “I heard that while he’s here on break, he’s planning to ask Y/N out.” He let the sentence fall from his mouth with a sigh, disappointment tracing the sound of his voice. “Sources say, he’s planning to pop the question before Hanukkah starts.”
It hit him like bricks, the urgency. The punch to the gut. The confidence Peter had woken up with withered somewhere he couldn’t grasp anymore. He glanced out of the windows behind him, watching the snowfall cover the courtyard. Hanukkah was in four days. Peter still had some time, but would it be enough?
“Wait.” He started, turning his attention back to Sam. “What source?” Peter walked into the kitchen, placing his hands on his bare hips. He was still in his pajamas, messy hair and shirtless torso. His outfit merely consisted of flannel pajama pants and dinosaur slippers. “Were you using your mini drone to eavesdrop again?”
Sam chuckled, trying hard to act like he wasn’t offended. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t call Redwing that.” He acted like his remote control helicopter actually had a name. “But no. My source’s name happens to rhyme with boney shark.”
If Tony really said that, it meant that Harley was actually serious about this. The Avengers were definitely prone to tease, but they were far from the crowd who’d start rumors. The bitter taste of jealousy weighed on Peter’s tongue, and he could already feel the sickening aftertaste caking in the back of his throat. He swallowed, thicker than he had in what felt like a decade. It felt like he had forced down an entire jar of peanut butter.
Sam saw the way Peter froze in his tracks. He walked over, steps slow to prevent spilling any of his precious latte from its mug. He gently placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, turning his attention to where Peter’s naturally gravitated back to; the way you and Harley interacted definitely seemed intimidating, but Sam wasn’t going to let Peter give up that easily.
“Another little birdy told me that boney shark hopes you beat him to it.” Sam’s voice suddenly got smoother, lower, as though his words had a deeper meaning. And to Peter, they did. The boy seemed to lighten up, processing Sam’s words like they were prophetic. “And that birdy’s name rhymes with shmaptain shmerica.”
Sam took that as his cue to leave, knowing that he said what he needed to. Quite frankly, he said more than enough to shake Peter out of his doubtful thoughts. There was no way in hell that Sam Wilson was a liar, which only added to how true the statement was.
If Steve–liberty–and–justice–for–all–Rogers was in on this, that meant something truly powerful. It meant that his team was rooting for him. Knowing that may not have given Peter’s confidence back to him, but it gave him something even more important. Something that grounded him back to the present unlike anything else, and something that he’d never take for granted:
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outro-jo · 1 year
wayv saying “i love you” first
pairing: wayv members x reader
type: scenarios 
summary: the wayv members and when they can’t help but say those three words
warnings: mentions of food, also bella for those afraid of dogs, dejun being bullied a little in yangyang’s, use of their actual names, fluff
masterlist | info
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kun- the boys were exhausted. their comeback was pushed back for a third time but they continued to train and practice like it was still happening as scheduled. your boyfriend had texted you earlier that they were at the dance studio all day and that he may not get to see you today. little did he know that when he and the boys walked back into the dorm that you had other ideas. upon entering, the whole place smelled of incredible food and each of the boys walked in, breathed deeply, happily groaning in excitement. “hi!” you greeted them from the kitchen. kun made his way over to you as you explained, “i made all your favorites!” you started listing them but was cut off by the impact of kun falling into your body, pulling you into him. “thank you, baby. i love you.” he sighed out. he said it without a second thought. he was so worn out and so grateful that you not only cared about him but the other boys too. your generosity warmed his heart. kun didn’t think much of it as he said it but he noticed you were stiff against him and pulled back. “oh, baby, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean—“ now it was your turn to cut him off, but with a kiss this time. “gross. can we eat now?” you heard yangyang say followed by a smack from ten. 
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ten- chittaphon was beyond excited for this concert. wayv was getting to perform in bangkok which meant he got to see his family again, and you were getting to go with him. the downside was that he only got to be home for less than twenty four hours. they were flying in, performing, and then leaving on an early flight. but he would take what he could get, especially if they were letting you come along. he was giddy in the days leading up and the flight there. he called his mom as soon as they landed and headed to the venue. a smile was permanently etched on his face and his hand held yours every opportunity he was allowed. though some would think it might have been too early to meet parents but with the distance chittaphon would take any opportunity he could. also he knew you were the one from the moment he met you so it didn’t matter. his phone lit up again while he was getting dressed. “they’re here! can you go meet them at the door and bring them back here?” he asked you. the nerves began to bubble up in your stomach again but you smiled and nodded. when you returned, chittaphon heard your voice but hearing you speak a language he’d never heard you speak before. the two of you usually spoke english or korean when you were there but when you were speaking thai with his family he froze. he watched from the other side of the room as you and his family smiled and conversed. his heart raced and a love struck grin spread across his face. the fact that you learned his native language to speak comfortably with his family was so heartwarming to him. of course you struggled some but you took it in stride and he found it so endearing. after a few moments he joined all of you. the group reunited with hugs all around and catching up on the time missed for as long as they could until it was time for chittaphon to take the stage meaning you all had to take your seats. it all ended too soon and before you knew it the amazing night was coming to a close. you and chittaphon sat in the back of the van with your hand in his once more as you gushed over the performance and shared about your time with his family, still riding the high of the show. chittaphon watched you with what others could only describe as heart eyes because of how full his heart was from the evening. it couldn’t have been more perfect for him and he couldn’t help himself. “i love you.” he said in his native language making you stop mid-sentence. you knew quite a bit of the language and your certainly knew that phrase, you just weren’t quite sure he even said or meant it. “what?” you looked at him wide eyed. he scooted closer to you in the backseat of the car and reached up to caress your cheek. “i love you.” he repeated louder and more assured. you knew it was for real, just as you had learned it. he really did know how to take your breath away. you softened from your surprised, rigid state and smiled back at him. “i love you too”
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winwin- he definitely didn’t mean to say it as soon as he did but the poor guy was so sick and tired. you could tell days before that he was staring to come down with something but a few days later when he texted you he was sick, you rushed right over to take care of him. kun had been doing the best he could until you got there with all the supplies you needed to care for him. though sicheng preferred being taken care of by you, he still fought you once you arrived, insisting he would be fine and you shouldn’t risk getting sick. you of course ignored him and went right to work. you made sure he was propped up, given the right medicine, warm enough, and even started making his favorite soup which you fed to him when it was done. he was honestly so touched at the way you cared for him and tried so hard to keep it together. once he was fed his eyes started to feel heavy and droop. you helped him get settled and tucked in when you headed him say it. it was so soft and with the rustling of the bed sheets, you almost missed it and sicheng was so tired he went right to sleep before you could even ask him to clarify. he looked so peaceful and beautiful in his sleep, you started to understand the way he felt. you smiled to yourself softly before brushing his hair back and placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “i love you too, sicheng.” you whispered. when he was recovered he doesn’t really remember saying it and even later on in your relationship he denies that he was the first to say it, but you’ll never forget it. 
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xiaojun- you paid attention to pretty much everything dejun did but he never realized how observant you were. he just assumed you were like most everyone else and the little things he said and did went unnoticed to you. boy, was he wrong. when he came home from a long day of practice, he collapsed on the couch. suddenly bella came running into the room and hopped on to the couch next to him. he rubbed her back but began to notice she looked cleaner than she did earlier that day and she smelled nice too. as he looked around, he also noticed that the living room was a bit cleaner than before and the poster they’d bought months ago was finally hung on the wall. a few more things were put into place and projects they had put off in their living space were done. before he knew it, you came into the room. were you always here? he wondered. “baby, when did you get here?” he asked. “oh, yangyang let me in while you were gone!” you smiled and kissed his cheek. “ok, bella is clean, i got some stuff done in here, your clothes are folded and on your bed. i’ll go ahead and start dinner.” you rattled off the checklist to yourself out loud. dejun looked up at you confused and reached out for your hand to stop you. “wait, wait, you did all of this?” “well, yeah, you were saying the other day how some stuff needed to be done but you didn’t have time. i thought i’d help you out.” you shrugged. his eyes softened at he looked at you and he stood to his feet to pull you into a hug. “i can’t believe you did all this for me. i love you.” he’s so sentimental. “awe, jun, it’s nothing. i love you too” you pecked his lips and went off to the kitchen. 
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hendery- when kunhang entered your apartment that evening, he was worried when it was full of smoke with the detector going off. “ohh no!!” your loud groan filled the apartment. “y/n?!” he called out, worry lacing his tone. “in the kitchen.” before coming to find you, he opened the window in the living room to air the place out. “are you hurt?” he asked, fanning around the smoke alarm with a book he grabbed off the coffee table. “no, but our dinner is.” you said sadly. it was finally clearing out enough so that he could see you. he walked over and wrapped an arm around your waist as you looked down at your burnt meal. “what where you cooking, baby?” he chuckled lightly. “it was supposed to be your favorite. i called your mom for the recipe and everything. i wanted to do something special for you because you were a little homesick.” you spoke in pout. to kunhang, you were so adorable. you worked so hard to try and make him feel better and even though you failed it was still touching. he leaned down and kissed your lips then rested his forehead on yours. “i love you for trying.” his fingers laced with yours. “c’mon, i’ll take you out.”
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yangyang- it really didn’t take much. as much as he tried to deny it, he was feeling it pretty much from the moment he met you. he tried so hard to push it from his mind and take things slow as not to freak you out. in all honesty, it freaked him out too that he was feeling like this. one afternoon you were with him and the rest of the boys of wayv in their apartment. he was already swooning because all of the pets loved you from the jump. bella currently laid in your lap, dozing as you rubbed her head and it was pretty much the cutest thing he had ever seen. if that wasn’t enough, you also managed to get in a clever, well-timed jab to dejun that earned the respect from all the boys. combine all that with just how gorgeous you looked in the hoodie your stole from his room, he was pretty well smitten. after another well executed joke, the laughter had died down and before he even knew it, yangyang let out an “i love you” with a sigh. all the boys looked around in confusion and then the teasing began. “ahh our little baby is in love!!” his older brothers gushed, reaching to pinch his cheeks. yours burned and you tried to hide the smile on your face. yangyang did his best to play it off but it was far too late for that. after quite a bit of teasing you got up from your spot and sat down in the youngest boy’s lap and kissed his lips, silencing the room. “i love you too.” you told him. the boys started hyping him up but he wasn’t even pay attention. all he could see was you.
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tetedurfarm · 1 month
can't remember if i ever really gave the full story here, but some of you may remember a couple years ago when i was constantly losing rabbits around around weaning age from a mystery disease and i'd like to talk about it to maybe help others. it has now been over a year of implementing the new weaning protocol and my losses have dropped from 90+% to almost zero.
obvious tw for animal death and discussion of disease.
symptoms: no appetite, severe grimace, bloating, dehydration, occasionally diarrhea. necropsy revealed discolouration of the kidneys on some animals but not all. symptoms would occur suddenly and kill within 48 hours. bodies were often found with legs extended and heads thrown back against the shoulders. some close to death animals would show neurological signs (shaking, stargazing, unable to stand,) attributed to bloating pressure on the nerves inside the body.
attempted treatments: force feeding with critical care mixed with electrolytes, probiotics, and sometimes caecotrope slurry. five days on five days off five days on treatments of toltrazuril dissolved in water; syringed to animals who would not willingly drink. treatment with corid on the five days off. multiple doses of simethicone oral suspension daily for bloating. banamine for pain. cleaning cages between growout groups with bleach, virkon, and torching.
lastly, i took a freshly dead rabbit (euthanised by me because it was near death anyway,) to a local exotics vet for professional necropsy. vet diagnoses: massive amounts of cocci. however, treatment with powerful coccidiostats were not having any significant impact on kit death, especially in winter, when conditions are wet.
i was genuinely at a loss. i spent about fourteen months (longer than i know i should have, and i still feel very guilty about it) trying to get a grip on this disease. i was at my breaking point. i was losing entire litters overnight, within two weeks of weaning them. coccidiostats helped a tiny bit but clearly it wasn't just the cocci that was the problem. however, no other disease i could find listed on any of the rabbit disease and treatment website or books sounded remotely close to what i was experiencing. the symptoms were so generic (rabbits love coming down with mysterious gut problems), and the necropsy done by the vet had basically found nothing else.
thoroughly cleaning the walls, floors, feeders, and water cups of each cage with bleach and a torch had a marginal but noticable affect not on how many kits became ill, but on how long it took them to become ill.
this was a disease that affected almost exclusively young rabbits. i have had four adult rabbits become infected with the disease; of those, two survived the above treatment regimen. all other deaths (and there were a lot,) were kits around 6-9 weeks of age.
but absolute chance i was having a little bit of a crisis on my rabbit breeder's discord server about how i was one more dead litter from getting out of rabbits entirely. which...if you've been here a while, you know is a huge fucking deal to me. it was not possible for me to go scorched-earth on cocci in my current barn, which is open-fronted with dirt floors, so my only remaining option was to cull or rehome my animals and try again once i had a new barn that i could clean more easily. in the midst of throwing around last-ditch effort treatments to look into, i offhandedly mentioned that bleaching cages helped a little.
and then @/bonefarm said 'well bleach doesn't touch cocci, so if bleach helps, it's probably bacterial.'
which led to: 'y'know it almost sounds like clostridial disease, like you vaccinate hoofstock for'
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so i thought y'know what. fuck it. a vial of CDT vaccine is ten bucks at the co-op. it literally cannot make things worse. so when my next litters got to weaning age, i bought a vial, some 22 gauge needles, and jabbed them all on their way to the growout cage. in two weeks - the point in which normally, if they hadn't already started dying, they definitely would begin dropping - i revaccinated them.
and then none of them died.
when i tell you i nearly cried.
it took a few more months to really get a full hold on the situation, as the weather in washington in fall and spring is unpredictable and can put a lot of stress on a kit already dealing with leaving mom and being in a new group situation with other rabbits it may not know, but i was starting to get litters where i would maybe lose one or two, and most litters all kits lived to butcher age. i also learned that timely revaccination is ABSOLUTELY necessary as they can and will start dying again. as is cleaning out the cage after each group. but for ten dollars my rabbits were suddenly staying alive.
now the routine is, a week or so before i wean kits (around 4-6 weeks of age), i vaccinate kits with CDT. now i use insulin needles, as they are 1cc syringes (you typically won't need more than that,) and the tiny needles are easier on little baby bunnies, but the smallest gauge needles you can find (at my feed store the smallest they carry is 22 gauge) works just as well. in two weeks i buy a new vial and revaccinate.
the dosage is .1cc per pound (~0.5kg) of weight, so a vial goes a long way.
i still lose the occasional kit, and sometimes there'll be a couple that get icky but get over it in a couple days, and those are animals i don't keep back for breeding to try and build some sort of resistence to it. in the future i hope to not have to deal with this, but it will probably take years. hopefully the new barn with better climate control and concrete floors will cut down on the bacterial load in the animals by a lot.
i don't know why this is a problem i am dealing with, but i can't be the only one. if you're out there dealing with mystery GI disease in your rabbits that won't respond to other treatments...consider stopping by your local farm store and buying a little vial of CDT vaccine and some needles.
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lambtotheslaughterr · 13 days
Summit : Chapter Five
A Ransom Drysdale Series
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WC: 5k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
all AI images are created from prompts i wrote. they are not real images.
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793 days since the world ended
            The doe was in your sights. You had Ransom’s father’s hunting rifle balanced against your shoulder. He had attempted to show you how to use it, to not throw yourself off balance when it kicked, but you had been taught to hunt a young age. So when he moved forward to shadow you, you simply moved out from under him & shot at a 45 degree angle into the sky, not losing a smidge of balance.
            He had looked impressed, “Alright, then.” He commented, an amused smile on his face, “You know what you’re doing.”
            You offered a sarcastic smile at that.
            Then you two moved through the forestry for a few hours. It was about midday when you came across the first sign of life. You both froze, peering around silently for the doe. When you spotted her, she was standing in the middle of a clearing, sniffing the earth floor. You & Ransom were about 30 feet away.
            Quietly & slowly, you both lowered yourselves until you were on your front side. Ransom remained on his knees beside you as he watched the doe while you finessed the scope on top of the rifle.
            Then you peered through the lens.
            She was a beautiful one. Fully grown but on the younger side. Her ears were perched, listening for any danger, but she never picked up on either of you.
            You steadied your breathing, your finger just on the side of the trigger as you readjusted the rifle.
            Ransom whispered beside you, “What are you waiting for?”
            You tossed him a narrow glare.
            He sighed heavily but quietly. You saw in the corner of your eye as his jaw ticked.
            Peering back through the lens, you watched as the doe was none the wiser to her impending demise. For a moment, you thought about how not too long ago she was you. Alone in the forest, just trying to survive before two men decided to attack you.
            Who were you to decide that the doe’s life was worth taking?
            Thoughts riddled you, making you question whether it was necessary. After all, there was still plenty of food left inside Ransom’s home. Neither of you were hurting. Yet when Ransom asked you earlier that morning if you wanted to hunt game with him, you were more than happy to join him. It had been a while since you’ve properly hunted, especially with a rifle.
            But now there you were, the doe ready for the taking, & you were hesitating.
            “Give me the gun.” Ransom lowered himself till his voice was in your ear.
            No. You tensed & relaxed your muscles as you gently placed your finger over the trigger.
            With the doe locked in your sights, you exhaled, closed your eyes, then pulled the trigger.
            A shot rang through the forest & you heard the bullet whip through the air before making impact. The doe wailed before thudding to the earth.
            Ransom jumped in the air beside you, “Nice fuckin’ shot!”
            You slowly opened your eyes, & realized only then that your arms were shaking. Shaking off the nerves, you stood yourself up & handed the rifle to Ransom.
            He took it proudly as he smiled down at you, “Guess dinner’s on me tonight. You killed, I’ll cook.”
            The two of you began making your way towards the clearing wear the doe lied. But as you grew closer, you heard the moans.
            “Ah, shit.” Ransom uttered as the two of you stepped into the clearing.
            There, in the center, with a small pool of blood beneath it, the doe groaned in pain. You watched as it kicked it’s feet in reaction to the both of you appearing. You stared at it’s body, noting the bullet wound. You had missed the chest cavity by a few inches.
            “We gotta put it out of its misery.” Ransom told you, producing a hunting knife from his pocket, “Want honors?”
            But you made no indication of having heard him.
            The doe was staring at you as you were staring at it. You felt your race quicken & shatter. You swallowed a nauseating lump forming in your throat as you slowly approached the dying creature.
            “I wouldn’t…” Ransom started saying but you ignored him.
            The doe struggled some more as you kneeled near it. Then very slowly, you brought your hand towards it & began running your palm along its neck, comforting it.
            I’m sorry.
            It moaned in pain again. You saw the fear in her eyes as she watched you warily.
            As you pet it a few more times, you felt a few tears roll down your cheeks.
            Then you bent forward, your head closer to hers. Your forehead was just about to touch hers when she suddenly jolted & whined louder.
            You jumped backwards, falling on your butt as you looked to see what caused her sudden outburst.
            Ransom had stuck a knife into her chest, right where her heart was, & twisted.
            The doe released a final breath of air before stilling.
            Your jaw shook, the need to sob coming on strong but you kept it at bay as you saw Ransom’s hand pull the knife out.
            “Sorry.” He said, avoiding your eyes as he stared at the now resting doe, “She was in pain.”
            You simply nodded. Had you shot her right to begin with, she would’ve had a quicker death. Ransom completed the task for you.
            “You alright?” He asked, his eyes finally meeting your own.
            You signed back.
            “Well…” He sighed, nodding to the doe, “now comes the hard part.”
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            You had tried helping Ransom with the gutting process but you found your hands shaking when you tried. Eventually, he insisted that you just sit back & relax while he gets it done. You sat on the edge of the clearing, your back to the process & your hands over your ears as you attempted to block out the gruesome sounds.
            Thankfully, Ransom had been quick with it, & even made sure to toss the remains into the forest before having you come over to help him.
            He took the front two limbs of the doe as you gathered the back two. Then you two began your journey back to the estate.
            Fortunately, Ransom let you lead the way, leaving the doe you killed you & were helping carry quite literally behind you, out of sight. Then you were able to focus on getting back without shaking.
            You didn’t understand your reaction back there. You had never had a problem hunting before. Perhaps at the very beginning of your lessons, but you always reminded yourself of what your mother had said, & since then, you’d been able to hunt fine. But all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it was like you had forgotten all those ethical lessons & reminders. You didn’t understand, but you hoped it would be the only time it happened.
            After a few breaks & couple hours, you & Ransom finally made it back to the estate. Once the two of you reached the backyard, he dropped the doe & nodded towards the house, “Why don’t you go take a bath, I got it from here.”
            You frowned slightly, signing to him. Are you sure?
            He paused to remember your own lessons to him with sign language.
            “Yeah, it’s fine. Gonna be a couple hours before dinner is ready so just take your time, nap, do whatever. I’ll let you know when it’s time to eat.”
            Normally, you’d sign your argument to him, knowing you were more than capable to assist him. But you didn’t have the heart.
            Signing your thanks, you turned your back on Ransom & the doe & headed inside.
            A bath sounded like a great idea after sweating for a handful of hours. But your energy was quickly dissipating. All you wanted was to lie down & nap for however long your body would let you.
            So, you decided to do just that.
            Once in your room, you locked the door & slipped out of your pit-stained shirt before crawling under the sheets of your bed. It was still bright outside & the sun bled into the room, keeping it warm but you didn’t mind. Having grown up in the south your whole life, it wasn’t nearly as warm as you were used to. You had slept under worse circumstances.
            As you rolled onto your side & tucked your knees into your chest, you wrapped your arms around your chest & felt your eyes flutter close.
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            You woke with a start. Your chest heaving & covered in sweat. You sat up feeling groggy & when you glanced down, you noted how the covers you had fallen asleep with were kicked off, all waddled together at the foot of your bed.
            Sitting forward, you wiped the sleep from your eyes & glanced around. It had gotten dark out, but it wasn’t night, not yet. You imagined it was late evening.
            Slipping off the bed, you grabbed the towel you typically used from the chair closest to the door & entered the hallway.
            You could hear faint music coming from downstairs. You imagined Ransom in the kitchen, making the dinner he told he was going to do, & allowed yourself a small smile.
            It had been around a month since you’ve met him & as the weeks passed, you found yourself living a domesticated life. The estate sat on a number of acres, the closest abandoned house a 10 minute walk away. And if it hadn’t been for the constant reminder in the back of your head that the world had ended, you’d be convinced that you were living the simple solitary life with a man you met in the woods.
            But that wasn’t the case. You were a survivor surviving with another survivor. And as surreal it felt sometimes to think that this could be your life should you choose it to be, it would never actually be real. All good things must come to an end, & your end goal was still St. Johns.
            Walking the rest of the way down the hallway, you entered the bathroom. What you saw surprised you. There were candles placed around the space & you saw steam billowing from the already filled tub.
            Had Ransom taken a bath?
            But you answered your own question when you reminded yourself that Ransom had his own bathroom. He rarely used the one you did.
            So he…
            The thought unnerved you. There was no one else who would have set this up for you. Ransom had proven to be mostly trustworthy, but he, more than you, seemed to enjoy the domesticated like the two of you had unintentionally formed together. You didn’t want him to feel like he was obligated to take care of you, let alone, wanted to take care of you. And at that thought, another uncomfortable realization dawned on you.
            How would he react when you did finally leave? Because you would leave. One day. Sooner than later.
            So far, he had never tried to stop you from leaving, not forcefully anyways. He had made arguments on why you staying would be beneficial for you both, which is ultimately why you had made the decision to stay for a bit longer, but it was a choice.
            Still, part of you was worried that the longer the two of you lived together during the end times, he would make it harder to leave.
            But you hoped that was just your paranoia.
            So, pushing those thoughts to the side for now, you undressed & slipped into the tub, allowing your muscles to relax & re-strengthen.
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            You stayed in the tub until you began to shiver. The heat of the water having cooled after a lengthy amount of time. You found yourself dozing off a few times during your wash but managed to stay awake.
            Once you got out of the tub, you dried off then wrapped yourself in your towel before gathering your lump of clothes. You began making your way to the door to leave when you paused.
            A shadow crept on the other side & you stilled as you watched it shift.
            He was there, on the other side.
            Mild fear coursed through you as you realized how vulnerable you were. All you short history with Ransom flew out the window when you spotted his shadow under the crack of the door & all your survival instincts locked in.
            Despite appearances, Ransom wasn’t a friend. He was still a stranger, a man. He wasn’t your father, or even the boys on the farms that you grew up on. And even so, you wouldn’t trust those boys either.
            Quickly eyeing the space, you spotted an object you could use as defense if need be. It was a heavy marble ball, a decorative piece. It was bigger than your own hand but you still gripped it roughly. Swallowing a lump that had formed in your throat, you kept the ball hidden behind your back as you stepped towards the door. Your eyes never left the shadow peeking in from under the crack.
            The only offensive tactic you had was to catch him by surprise. So, as quick as flash, you unlocked the door & swung it open.
            Your arm jolted, prepared to raise the ball & bring it down, but you halted when your connected with Ransom’s.
            He was leaning on the wall opposite of the bathroom door. But more so, he looked casual, as if he was simply waiting in line for the bathroom. It wasn’t until he smiled kindly at you that you took in the rest of his appearance. Unlike his usual t’s during the day or his sweaters at night, Ransom was dolled up; wearing a white button down tucked into a pair of black dress pants. His feet were bare.
            “You alright?” He finally asked, having must’ve noted your defensive stance. The ball was still hidden behind your back. Your fingers ached from the weight of it.
            You nodded, eyeing him warily.
            Ransom accepted your answer before continuing, “Dinner’s ready. And I made it extra special so I laid something out on the bed for you. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want, but I figured after this afternoon’s gore we could do with some fun.”
            Fun? The word seemed foreign to you.
            You stiffly nodded once more.
            “Okay, well.” It didn’t escape you how he did a quick once over of you. And it was then that you were reminded you were naked with only a towel covering you.
            You stepped back & behind the door, the ball still tight in your palm.
            “I’ll leave you to it. See ya down there.” With that, he pushed himself off the wall & headed for the stairs before disappearing down them.
            You frowned after him, listening until you heard his footfalls on the ground floor. Finally, you released a breath of air before allowing your muscles to relax. You returned the marble ball to its original place before peeking your head into the hallway once more. Ransom was nowhere in sight.
            Quickly & quietly, you sped walked to your room & slipped inside, shutting the door behind you & securing the lock.
            Ransom had not been up to no good, but you had to remind yourself you couldn’t trust him, not fully anyway. It was still you vs. him vs. the world.
            Turning to the face the room, you about made for the nearby dresser where Ransom had left you clothes that belonged to his cousin but you had only taken a step when you spotted the dress on your bed.
            It was lacey & pink, reminiscent of the 40’s or 50’s. It looked almost vintage but you had never worn, let alone, owned anything of the sort so you couldn’t say for sure.
            Fingering the fabric of the dress, you looked at the objects surrounding it. A pair of matching pink shoes, a jeweled bracelet, & a pair of pearly white earrings.
            Rasom expected you to wear this?
            You recalled how he said you didn’t have to. But as you stared at the items, you thought there would never be another reason to wear something so…pretty. And thought pretty wasn’t your thing, you figured perhaps Ransom was right. After today, it wouldn’t hurt to be something, or someone, else.
            Dropping the towel, you got changed into the dress & slipped your feet into the shoes. The bracelet was loose on your wrist but not enough to fall off. It wasn’t until you picked up the earrings that you realized a dilemma. Your ears weren’t pierced.
            You stood in front of the only full length mirror in the room, holding the earrings up to your ears. They did add a little flare to the fit.
            Chewing your lip in contemplation, you steeled yourself as you brought one of the earrings to your lobe. Wincing quietly, you stuck the earring through until you heard your skin pop & the narrow metal rod slid through.
            That wasn’t so bad…
            You did the same to the other ear. Your lobes throbbed from the sudden assault but you’d felt worse pain. There was really nothing else to do to finish getting dressed. You had never learned how to do your hair or make-up, so you simply fingered your hair until it looked adequate. It was still wet but you didn’t mind.
            Staring at yourself in the mirror, you admired yourself once more. This would likely be the last time you dressed in something so elegant. The world had no room anymore for the finer things in life.
            Leaving the bedroom, you walked down the hallway & descended the stairs. There was no music playing but you could hear the crackle & pop of a vinyl still running. You followed the sound until it led you to the dining room.
            You paused in the doorway, taking in the room. You had been in here before, but only in passing. Now it was lit up with candles & the mobile vinyl cart was situated in the corner. The table had been cleared of all placemats except for two at either end of the 10 person table.
            At the other end of the dining room, Ransom appeared, carrying two plates in his hands. He stopped & stared at you, a faint smile tugging on the corners of your lips.
            “Wow.” He breathed out, his eyes twinkling as he took in your appearance, “You look… beautiful.”
            The word made you shift awkwardly as you glanced down at the dress. You shrugged your shoulders.
            Ransom stared in awe for a moment longer before he cleared his throat & shook his head, “Dinner is served. C’mon, take a seat.”
            He put one plate down on the furthest end of the table before closing the distance towards you. He placed the last plate before pulling out the chair & gestured for you to sit. You flicked your eyes toward him before finally moving. You signed your thanks before sitting.
            “You’re welcome.” Ransom winked at you once before he tucked the chair you sat in.
            On the plate before you was a mix of carrots & potatoes, a cut of meat, which you knew to be from the doe you killed earlier, & a twig of rosemary. It smelled delicious & your stomach growled audibly as proof.
            Ransom chuckled as he stood by the vinyl player, re-adjusting the pic. La Vie En Rose by Louis Armstrong began playing.
            At the first set of familiar notes, you felt your chest tighten. Louis Armstrong had been your mother’s favorite.
            Ransom swayed slightly to the music before meeting your eyes, a smile graced across his features, “Brings me back to my childhood.”
            You, of course, said nothing but waited until he moved to sit in his own chair. But before he fully sat, he shot straight up, “Ah, almost forgot.”
            He grinned joyfully before disappearing from the dining room. Your stomach whined as the scent of the meal before you wafted to your nose. Your fingers tangled themselves within the hem of the dress. Clattering noises came from the kitchen off the door Ransom disappeared through. You wondered what the hell he was up to before he finally reappeared again.
            This time, he was carrying two wine glasses & a bottle of wine by the neck, “Can’t forget the most important part of eating venison.”
            He approached you & uncorked the bottle as he did before placing down a glass before you, “Red wine. Cabernet. Really enhances the experience.”
            You felt your eyes widen slightly as you watched the rich, dark liquid pour into your glass. Your parents had allowed you a sip of beer or wine in the past when you were in high school, but you had never really drank seriously before. The world ended before you could indulge in the common pastime.
            Ransom finished filling your glass before pouring himself one as he returned to his end of the table. You watched, unsure of what to do before he finally met your eyes, raising his own glass, “To… us. To the doe. To a new beginning.”
            It was a task to hide your frown this time around, but you succeeded, hiding behind the glass of wine you raised yourself. Mirroring Ransom, you brought the glass to your lips & took a sip. The flavor was jarring, not having tasted something so heavy & mildly sweet at the same time. It was almost like a syrup texture but not. You weren’t sure how to feel about it.
            “Now,” Ransom smiled from across the table, “let’s dig in.’’
            It was a relief to hear those words & you wasted no time to begin digging in. The carrots & potatoes were like a long forgotten dream, not having had fresh & seasoned vegetables in what felt like forever. The venison too was a delight, & you silently thanked the doe for her sacrifice like your mother had taught you, allowing you to enjoy the meat rather than grieve it.
            You were completely lost in your food, practically stuffing your face that you had forgotten Ransom was even present. It wasn’t he made a grunt of amusement that you suddenly paused & shot your eyes upwards. He was watching you, leaned back comfortably in his chair, the wine cupped in his palm as he chewed lightly.
            “Please, don’t stop. It’s not often I get to watch someone enjoy my cooking. Wasn’t much of one before the world went to shit.”
            Despite his encouragement, you swallowed the food in your mouth & sat straight. Though you had no appearances to keep up, you were reminded that you were wearing a dress way out of your economical status & you likely looked like a feral animal in it as you ate rapidly. You willed yourself to slow down & take it easy.
            “Don’t forget about the wine.” He nodded towards your glass. “It’s a game changer.”
            Feeling the spotlight on you, you quickly grabbed the glass & took a drink, but too much was too late & you began coughing, the thick flavor of the wine making you choke slightly.
            “No.” Ransom laughed softly, “Here.”
            You covered your mouth to try & cover your coughs but you watched warily as Ransom stood, holding his plate in one hand & his glass in the other. Then he moved to your end of the table before taking a seat to the right of you.
            “Like this.” He cut himself a small piece of the venison before popping it into his mouth, then he swirled the wine in his glass before taking a small sip.
            “Your turn.”
            Following his directions, you cut yourself a small bite & brought it to your mouth. Then you grabbed your glass & moved it towards your lips but Ransom reached out, his hand grazing your wrist to stop you.
            “Swirl it.” His met yours, “Slowly.”
            The wine sloshed wildly for a second before you found the right momentum. You eyed Ransom for approval. He nodded once, taking a sip of his own as he watched you.
            Then you finally took a sip.
            Flavors burst together in harmony on your tongue. The wine paired with the venison lying in wait made for a new & exciting taste. The wine wasn’t nearly as heavy but added more juice to the meat as you chewed.
            You moaned happily, a small smile appearing on your lips.
            “See.” Ransom commented, “Told ya.”
            The two of you ate in silence the rest of the meal, just enjoying the food, wine, & soft music. You had cleared your plate & Ransom his. Once the two of you finished, Ransom placed your plate on his before shifting them out of the way.
            “So, how was everything?”
            You nodded, confirming your enjoyment.
            “Good, good.”
            Ransom then clinked his glass with yours, “Would you like some more?”
            You hadn’t realized you polished the wine off.
            Before you could shake your head no though, Ransom was already pouring the two of you another round.
            What the hell? You thought. Ransom had made tonight something special, another glass would be okay.
            You signed your thanks once more before taking another sip. Ransom signed back. At that, you both shared a smile.
            It was a few minutes later when the vinyl scratched before humming, signaling the end of the record. Ransom stood up & approached the cart. On the bottom shelf of the cart was a plethora of vinyl’s in their jacket. He pulled out one that was encased in a faded white jacket that had writing in marker on it.
            “My cousin, Meg, was into making her own vinyl records. Kind of like how we used to burn CD’s but with vinyl’s.” Ransom shared with you as he removed the record from its sleeve. You stood from your seat, & the world around you shifted slightly. You caught yourself on the table, stabilizing yourself.
            You knew well-enough that it was the wine. You had never been drunk before, but from how your father would speak about it, you knew this is what he had spoken about. Ransom, fortunately, hadn’t noticed as his back was to you. So, you steeled yourself before straightening your posture. You didn’t want to appear drunk. This second glass of wine would be your last to ensure that.
            “I found this once a couple months back in the room she would stay in. And I was listening to it earlier while you slept & there was this song…” He placed the vinyl onto the player & moved the arm over the disc.
            “I think it’s suiting.” He glanced at you over his shoulder.
            Piano music began to sound along with the smooth, deep voice of a man.
            “Don’t know the name of the song or the artist, but I think you’ll appreciate it. Considering the state of the world.”
            You stood there as you listened intently to the lyrics.
And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth burns to the ground
Oh, girl, it’s you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
            The music crescendo’d & you felt your skin erupt with goosebumps. Ransom was peering at you & it made you shift awkwardly. To hide your awkwardness, you turned away slightly to take another sip of wine.
            The song stopped suddenly & you turned to face Ransom, he had gently lifted the arm & moved it to the edge of the vinyl. The song started over.
            Ransom approached you then, his hand held out, “Dance with me.”
            Had you been one for words, you would’ve stumbled over them.
            “C’mon.” Ransom gently grabbed your own hand & tugged you closer to him. Your chest nearly bumped into his but you managed to find your footing before you could.
            You grunted slightly as Ransom wrapped an arm around your waist, a hand on the small of your back. His other fingered it’s way down to your hand, raising it to place it on his shoulder.
            “This okay?” He asked, his eyes peering down into your own.
            Even your many years of signing failing you as your hands failed to move to life.
            He took that as your compliance.
And we’ve drunk a couple a couple of bottles, babe
And set our grief aside
            Ransom began swaying your bodies to the music & you felt your head loll slightly. You forced your head upwards. It was too intimate all of a sudden & you kept your eyes low, staring into his chest. Your feet didn’t move in sync with his as he moved the two of you & at one point you nearly tripped.
            “Here.” Ransom chuckled lightly.
            Shiver danced up your spine as one hand of his fell to your thigh, easily moving your leg forward until your foot was on top of his. Then he did the same to your other leg.
            He returned his hands to your waist but you still felt his touch on your thighs.
            Now, with your shoes on his, you danced easily.
We creep up on extinction
I pull your arms right in
I weep and say, “Goodnight, love”
While my organs pack it in
And here it is, our final night alive
And as the earth burns to the ground
Oh, girl, it’s you that I lie with
As the atom bomb locks in
            Ransom leaned in, his head nearly in the crook of your neck. His lips were at your ear.
            “I want to hear your voice.”
            Your tongue, for once, felt loose. Like speaking would be possible.
            You raised your eyes to meet Ransom’s, who was already staring at you.
            Your lips parted.
            Ransom stopped your dancing.
            Your heart raced.
            “…” You sighed, your head lowering.
            You dropped your hands from Ransom’s shoulders, stepping back & out of his arms.
            I’m sorry. You signed. Your body shivered, suddenly feeling cold & hot at the same time.
            “Don’t.” Ransom stepped forward.
            A soft gasp escaped you as he cupped the side of your face with one hand. His fingers tucked themselves under your chin.
            And then, as the world spun around you & your focus became blurred, Ransom sealed his mouth over yours.
Yes, it’s you I welcome death with
As the world caves in
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i have been looking so forward to this chapter. things are beginning to get confusing for reader.
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Sweet Talk
Dragonfable fic this time!!!!! DF!Magius kind of drives me insane I love them.
Enemies to lovers, Herokath, Violence, and the realization that this fight is foreplay about halfway through.
Before he could even register that they were still armed, Magius threw the knife in their left hand. It was a blur in the air for a split second, just long enough for him to mark this fight down as a loss and prepare for the sharp pain that spiked up his leg as the blade lodged itself into his thigh. Falling backwards Drakath could see the smug glint in Magius’ eyes as their gambit paid off.
He landed square on his back, the impact forcing the air out of his lungs. He wasn’t able to move for a moment, and he couldn’t tell if it was from the shock or from some weak paralysis agent that Magius may have gotten their hands on. Either option was equally likely, and the end result was the same, he remained stunned as Magius scrambled back up to their feet. They fumbled to grab the dagger he had worked so hard to disarm and hurried over to him to take advantage of his paralysis. Straddling him to keep him pinned down they yanked the little throwing knife out and threw it to the side, all with the eery silence Drakath had grown accustomed to them using when they were ‘working’.
“Finally.” They hissed, leaning in to keep the edge of their blade close to his neck. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this.”
He did actually, given that if the two swapped places he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands from trembling from the sheer excitement of the situation. Even underneath them it was overwhelming, a shudder fluttering up his spine as Magius’ thighs tensed against him, adrenaline making his heart pound out of his chest from how quickly they had flipped the situation. Being this close was electrifying, as if all the energy that invigorated him when they struck at each other in combat had nowhere to go. The physical contact, where their legs, their hands, touched him was almost too much sensation to handle. As they shifted on top of him to position themself closer he found himself focusing on their face to avoid thinking of what was happening elsewhere.
At least Magius didn’t seem unaffected either, what he had assumed was an impenetrable ‘working’ air was wavering. Their eyes, normally slits set in gold against black sclera, were blown wide as they continued to lean further forward. They could barely keep eye contact with Drakath, continuously breaking off to either stare at their weapon or where their free hand clutched at his shoulder to keep him pushed to the ground. A light dusting of pink flush was visible just around the edges of where their cloth mask covered their cheeks and nose. It would be a satisfying view if it weren’t for the knife still pressed against his throat, now shaking in their hands.
“It’ll be easy, a clean cut.” He didn’t doubt that they were capable, every aspect of Magius was honed and sharp. They hadn’t yet though, had never been in a position to finish him off before, and it didn’t seem as though they were in a hurry now. It had been almost four months of dancing, battering his pride, brawling in the dirt for this, he couldn’t tell if the hesitation was nerves or from the… intimacy of the moment. Drakath clenched his fist, if they were stalling, he needed to stop getting distracted and take advantage of this. He couldn’t move until the knife was away from his throat, but he just needed to say something, anything to throw them off.
“You’re not awful looking. From this angle.”
Magius startled, sitting up with a strangled noise and causing Drakath to wince as the knife bobbed closer to his windpipe. Maybe that should’ve been a last last resort, it was definitely more humiliating if Magius killed him by accident then by choice. Although in fairness, he currently had a lot of reasons for it to be at the forefront of his mind. Reasons that had just suddenly dragged against his hips, the sensation almost drawing an indecent sound out of him that he barely choked down.
With the knife still wavering at his throat he couldn’t afford to give them time to recover, swallowing his mixed feelings he forged on. “Cute even. From a certain perspective.” A messed up one, he reminded himself. Sane, stable minds could see that even as the pink on Magius’ cheeks rose higher above their mask and they leaned back harder against him, knife dropping just slightly away from his throat.
“What?” Magius asked.
Drakath blinked, he was expecting a little bit more of a response than that. “I’m not going to repeat it, you have ears.”
“No I heard just- what?” Magius shook their head. “You aren’t supposed to say that when I’m about to kill you. People usually start begging by now they don’t… imply something about my face.” Finally progress, the blade moving a safe distance away from him as Magius reached up to tap their mask. “You can’t even see it.”
Drakath was too distracted by the rebuke to remember why he was complimenting them in the first place “Well- I don’t need to see it to make a guess, and it’s not like your eyes are covered. The way you look at me is… nice.” The knife was away, Magius’ grip on his shoulder was weakening, why did he say that?! Magius seemed equally bewildered.
“That’s what I look like when I win, dumbass, when I kill people. You think that looks nice?” Drakath thought about mentioning that if Magius jittered and looked aside every time they went for a killing blow they should probably work on that, then considered the position he was still in and realized that for once in his life he should save it. Instead he slowly began to put his arms back and prop himself up into more of a sitting position as Magius began to ramble. “I mean, I can take ‘not awful’- terrible line by the way, but I’m not cute. Especially in this position, and why were you thinking about it at all? I wasn’t! Not even when I felt how warm you were or how comfortable this feels-” If they noticed that he wasn’t really pinned anymore they weren’t showing it, instead easily transitioning to straddling his lap as they continued to lecture and oh, this angle was worse for him actually. Nice.
“And maybe I did want to touch you really badly but I’m not going to! Just winning felt amazing enough!” Drakath froze, could feel how his face flushed with heat as Magius realized what they said and shut their eyes in embarrassment. “Avatar’s above. Just- Just forget everything I just said, this whole day actually!” They couldn’t be serious, not that he didn’t preen and pride himself on his appearance, but there was no world where Magius would think about it. How did this wind up happening? He was just saying nonsense to distract Magius long enough to get out alive. Why was he still here? He needed to push them off of him and flee, then he could come back and kill this idiot the next time they fought. That’s all he had to do, so why wasn’t he?!
“You can. Touch me I mean, if you still want to.” The speed at which Magius’ eyes snapped open to meet his instantly killed the voice in his head telling him this was a terrible idea. It was, he knew it, but as much as Magius remained a thorn in his pride, as much as he wanted to, hopefully, eventually, someday actually beat them, well. Since that fight by the wind orb he couldn’t exactly say he hadn’t thought about it.
“I’m not going to fall for that.” Magius’ harsh words were betrayed by the way one of their hands was already moving to his side, the other still clutching their dagger like a lifeline. “This isn’t how any of this is supposed to work, we can’t just stop.” Even as they said that they were tracing a circle on his side with a finger, Drakath let out a shuddering sigh as their light touch left more of that almost painful feeling along his flesh.
“We aren’t stopping.” He said, only half thinking, bracing himself back on one arm as the other drifted towards Magius’ hip. He felt them stiffen as he thumbed at where the top of their rogue's leathers met the belt around their waist, causing him to pause for a moment. Magius stared at him for a long moment before nodding ever so slightly “It’s just uh, preparing for another day.” Preparing for the next time they fought was definitely all Drakath was thinking about as he pushed his hand underneath their shirt to feel the firm flesh of their abs.
Drakath had to shut his eyes as Magius writhed for a second, adjusting to the sensation, he could just about figure the overstimulation they were experiencing so long as it was comparable to the way it felt as they pressed against him. The dagger dropped out of their hand, forgotten for the moment on the ground.
“It’s a lot more than I thought it would feel.” They said quietly, Drakath wondered for a moment, at what kind of weird pathetic life they were living that this was surprising for them, that made them start this whole situation from being caught up by how close they were while about to kill him. Then Magius’ thighs clenched tighter around him again and his vision got fuzzy from the sensation before he could say anything about it.
The two paused for a moment, and Drakath pretended he was at the precipice of a decision instead of knee deep into it with Magius. Despite Magius being the instigator he had, naturally, taken the lead here. The only problem with that being…
“I thought you were going to touch me.” He mumbled, looking to the side as he found himself feeling Magius’ chest. His pride twinged as he heard Magius let out a strange sort of breathy yet smug huff.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.” Their response was enough to make him regret mentioning it, but as much as they were going to lord this over him at least it was undercut when he traced a shape along their skin to make them pause. Gritting his teeth he raised his voice a little louder.
“You said you wanted to touch me, I want you-” This sucked, he didn’t even have to look at them to know that their eyes had that stupid shine to them. “I want to know what you meant by that.” It can’t just have been the light touches they had been doing so far, for as long as he fought them he had never known Magius to want something in halves.
To his surprise Magius didn’t make some pithy remark about him being desperate, in fact they were eerily quiet as they shifted their weight in his lap. Curiosity overrode his need to avoid their judgement and he looked back at them. Magius, dirty underhanded assassin who had the least shame he had ever known a person to have was wringing their hands as they shuffled uncomfortably. His look of shock must’ve spooked them as Magius' next words were so soft he had to strain to hear them.
“I’m not very good at not hurting people.” They looked… so afraid like that. Was that all? Drakath was almost offended that Magius thought they could do significant damage without trying. Before he could stop himself, what he was thinking slipped out.
“You can do your worst, I don’t mind.”
Ignoring how monumentally stupid that statement was to admit he slipped his hand out from Magius’ shirt and began fiddling with his armour straps. Magius just sat there, stunned while he furiously removed his various equipment while thinking of how convenient Magius’ was to maneuver around. He wasn’t, couldn’t admit to what was happening, not when Magius and him would have to go back to killing each other the next time they met, not when everything that Magius was fighting for was so antithetical to his very being, but he also couldn’t stop. Magius’ eyes shimmered with something unknowable as he met their gaze, the last of his common sense begging for something to stop them.
“So are you uh, game?” He hated how nervous he was, like this was a monumental decision that could change everything. It wasn’t. There was only one way their ‘relationship’ was going to end, he knew it as much as they did.
“Winning was really good, but being here? That was almost better.” Magius said, reaching to undo the belts of their gear. “Let's play this out.”
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amaranthprincess21 · 2 years
A Tale Worthy of a Novel: Chapter 1
Fandom: Genshin Impact Pairing: Kamisato Ayato/Reader Rating: Mature AO3 Tags: background Ayaka/Lumine, fuck canon Kazuha has sisters now, she/her pronouns for the reader, Family Drama, Marriage Proposal Fic summary: Being a writer, it's easy to get sucked into the worlds you create. But that's all they are in the end: fantasy worlds and scenarios that you can escape whenever you please. When you marry Kamisato Ayato, it feels as if the lines blur between reality and fiction. And as time goes on, that line gets more and more faint as things you once considered the truth are exposed as lies.
And as Rina looked down the cliff, she realized that the waves and rocks below cracked the shackles that kept her bound to horror. The monster was no more, sinking beneath the waves. She could breathe; the fresh sea air cleansed her lungs. It was over. 
There was a shaky kind of excitement that came with finishing a novel, especially one that had been serialized for the past two years. It was similar to that feeling of being too little sleepy, that jitteriness that tells you you’ve made a mistake. But this wasn’t a stomach-sinking, icky feeling. Your heart was soaring and it felt as if a weight had been taken off your shoulders. This should be the last edit of your novel. And then it would be completed. And before the deadline, too! Well, four hours before the deadline. Still, better than nothing! You quickly shoved the manuscript into your satchel and made for the door.
The Outsuka Manor seemed to be in a tizzy, lately. It felt like more servants were around, which you guessed made sense. It was a pretty nerve-wracking time for the household. You hurried down the stairs, careful to avoid any servants or your… you weren’t sure what to call them, but the elder Lord and Lady Outsuka, the parents of your sister’s husband. You gave them a polite greeting before heading for the door.
“I thought I heard you. Where are you going?” So close. You turned around, seeing your sister stride out of her husband’s study. Surprisingly, there wasn’t a servant there to help her walk. After all, everyone was doting and waiting on her every whim because she was pregnant. And they were just letting her walk? On her own? The nerve. 
“I’m going into the city for some dango milk,” you lied. “Do you want me to bring you back some?” 
“No thanks. Ugh, the thought of it makes me sick,” she said, gagging. It could be the pregnancy, but okay, you wanted to say, but didn’t. Her husband, Lord Outsuka Tsutomo, came out to join you two. He carried a pouch that jingled heavily. 
“You’re heading into town?” he asked. You nodded.
“Yes, sir.” 
“Thank goodness. I was going to send a servant to do this, but given you’re already heading into the city…” He handed the pouch over to you; it was heavy and you stashed it into your satchel, careful not to reveal the manuscript inside. “You need new houmongi. Go to Ogura’s and commission her for at least two.” Homongi? You had one, but given you never accompanied your sister or her husband on their visits to other estates, you never really wore it. Perhaps they wanted you to be more involved in clan affairs?
“Uh… Yeah. Yeah, I can go to Ogura’s. I’ll try and be back before dark, but who knows?” you told them. 
“I’m sorry I can’t go with you, but you know, baby, and all of that,” Big Sister said with a laugh.
“No, don’t worry about it,” you reassured her. Thank goodness she was pregnant and couldn’t go on long trips. How you’d escape to visit the publishing house with her in tow, you didn’t know. You slipped your shoes on and hurried towards Inazuma City. After all, your manuscript wasn’t going to turn itself in.
Hanamizaka was quiet that day. The weather was nice as always. But perhaps it was still early enough in the morning that everyone was still rousing from their beds and getting ready for the day. Hajime was already at work at the blacksmith’s, and you gave him a polite greeting as you passed. You didn’t really know him, but your families were connected, and etiquette and all of that. 
At the very end of the district was Yae Publishing House. No one seemed to be around, so you let yourself inside. One or two editors were already in, but none of them yours. They sat at their desks, chatting with Lady Guuji herself. She was a more frequent figure at work than one would suspect. Although she was the head of the Grand Narukami Shrine, she still visited the publishing house every morning. Their eyes turned to you as you entered. 
“Sorry to interrupt. I have my final draft for Shigeru,” you told him. “I’ll go ahead and put it on his de–”
“Not so fast.” In a blink of an eye, Lady Yae was in front of you, taking your manuscript out of your hands. “Let's take a look," she said, flipping through the manuscript. You stood there, watching her face as she read through the manuscript. Time crawled to a halt as you stood there, watching her read. Was she being slow on purpose? The only sense of time you had were her little nods, the occasional flipping of paper, and the quiet conversation the other editors started up. What if she didn't like it? What if you had to go back yet again and rewrite something? This chapter had been through so many revisions already that you weren't sure you could have a new version done before the next publication date.
"I see," Lady Yae finally said after a tense silence. Or perhaps it was only tense for you. "It's quite good. I'll go ahead and mark it ready for publishing." Your heart leaped out of its chest.
"Thank you, Lady Guuji." You tried not to sound too relieved. Who knew how'd she take that?
"It feels like just yesterday you signed with us, although I suppose it's been a few years now," she commented.
"It has. But I suppose these books took longer to finish than I thought they would," you commented. Shortly after your older brother had taken control of your family and promptly left the country, you'd gotten signed with Yae Publishing House. That'd been three-ish years ago. Maybe getting close to four.
"So, do you have any ideas for your next work?" she asked.
"No, not yet. I was thinking of taking a break for a couple months while I try to figure something out," you told her.
"A break? Well, I do suppose you've been working constantly since signing. Have you thought of taking commissions?" Commissions?
"Um, no I haven't. I've been too busy with the duology to even think about taking on other writing projects." She said nothing, and spurred by the silence, you continued. "Is. Uh. Has the publishing house been asked to write something?"
"No, not officially. I've been thinking of commissioning one of our writers for another serialized piece for a newer publication we'll be starting in a month, but the person I was thinking of is going to be taking a break." The edge in her voice was enough to make you flinch.
 "Well, if I don't have to think of the main premise, I suppose I could take it on," you told her. Her mood brightened immediately.
"Wonderful! Come, let's talk in my office. I don't think this is something you'd want to discuss publicly." I've made a mistake is the first thought you have as you follow her into the small building, into the loft office she had above the printing press room. It was a small space, but it didn't need to be large. It wasn't like she was here 24/7.
"So, what would the premise be?" you asked her, sitting down in the chair opposite hers.
"Has anyone told you about the new publication?" You shook your head. "That's Life has been taking off and as such, some of the other women in the office and myself are thinking of creating a bi-monthly magazine for older women. I have reporters and columnists lined up, but I would like a fiction section in each issue," she explained.
"The premise for our first serial is simple. Our heroine is sold to a prominent bard by her parents, who are strapped for cash. The story would involve the heroine coming into the bard's inner circle and falling in love with him."
"I... So, it's a romance? Just to clarify," you added hurriedly.
"Yes, although I think the better term for it is a ‘bodice ripper.’ They’re all the rage in Mondstadt currently. I recognized the premise may seem a bit outlandish, but I know it’ll do well. Especially if you’re helming the project," she told you. A bodice ripper? Oh no. Oh no no no no no. You only knew two things about the genre: lots of romance and even more sex.
"Lady Guuji, I'm very honored that I'm your first choice for this serial, but truthfully, I don't think I'm the right person for this," you began, and she immediately cut you off.
"So you think my judgment is off?"
"No! No, not at all!" you squeaked. 
“Then I look forward to seeing your outline and first chapter in two weeks.” There was no arguing with her or turning this down. There was a weight on your body as you nodded and bid her farewell. How on earth were you going to write this? Maybe you could get away with not writing a lot of sex scenes. That would take care of one problem. But romance? As the main focus? Every step you took towards Ogura’s Textiles, it was as if your heart was sinking further and further into the ground. 
“Oh, good morning, Miss Outsuka!” Ogura Mio greeted you cheerfully. It wasn’t worth it to correct her. You lived with your sister and her husband; for all the commoners knew, they had adopted you into her husband’s clan. It hurt, but it felt silly to correct anyone.
“Good morning, Miss Ogura. I’ve come to commission two houmongi.”
“Go ahead and pick some fabric and we can get to work.” Choosing was certainly going to be a difficult choice. There were always so many beautiful fabrics in Ogura’s. Just picking one seemed rather impossible. You looked along the racks, eyeing the various bolts. Part of you wanted to ask for prices and pick on that. But you knew if you did, not only would it be humiliating, Big Sister would be furious. It was lucky she got married before your clan completely fell from grace; she married wealthy and got to spoil herself. It was a miracle she was able to secure a good marriage, all things considered. 
There were footsteps and a flash of blue and red caught your eye. Although you wouldn't call yourself friends, you knew the girl who just walked into Ogura Textiles. Her silvery hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was accompanied by a tall man with strawberry blond hair. Lady Kamisato was someone you knew, but you'd never spent much time with her. Her family had much higher status than yours. And besides, both your brother-in-law's family and your family (before yours had dissolved) had served under hers.
Lady Kamisato looked over to you and a sweet smile spread across her face as she gave a small wave. 
“Lady Kamisato, Thoma, good morning,” you said politely.
“Good morning, Miss Outsuka,” she said. She didn’t know better. “A fine morning to go shopping, isn’t it?”
“It is.” What could you say? Would it look bad for your sister's family if you said the wrong thing? But would it be worse if you said nothing? “It’s awfully early for you, isn’t it? Your estate is quite far.”
“It’s true, I had to wake up earlier to be here. But it’s fun to go out and about so early, don’t you think?” You didn’t want to give her the honest answer.
“It is.” There was a beat, you two smiling politely at each other, panic in both of your eyes as you ran out of topics to discuss. “Um, what brings you here?” Shopping, obviously. What were you even saying?! 
“Oh, Thoma’s favorite yukata caught fire and he needs a new one,” she said with a shrug, as if that was a normal occurrence. “How about yourself?”
“Big Sister wants me to get some new houmongi,” you told her. 
“Is she out shopping too?”
“No. She’s expecting, and her husband and the servants are keeping her home as much as possible.” Lady Kamisato’s face lit up.
“How wonderful! Congratulations on the addition to your family,” she said with a wide smile.
“Thank you. She’s not very far along, but they’re being cautious,” you said.
“I can imagine. Pregnancy is a rather scary time in someone’s life,” she replied. “I… Oh my, I’m so sorry. I didn’t–”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” you replied just as fast, trying to make sure she didn’t feel as if she imposed. “It happened years ago. It doesn’t hurt. I’m sure my sister will fare better than our mother did, anyways.”
“R-right.” She cleared her throat and turned the bolts of fabrics. “Are there any you’re fond of?” She was… helping? Sure, you knew her, but this was the most you two had ever spoken to each other. During formal functions when you were younger, you and your brother mostly stuck together. Talking to Lady Kamisato wasn’t something you did. But, as odd as it felt, you needed to roll with it lest you embarrass your sister’s family.
“I’m fond of all of them. It’s a problem,” you sighed. Lady Kamisato nodded and stepped closer to the fabrics, surveying them all. She glanced at you, and then pulled a bolt out. 
“These colors would suit you well,” she told you. The fabric was a beautiful ombre in the colors of the sunset. Hydrangeas just as beautiful, outlined in golden thread, seemed to float in the sky that was the fabric. It was incredibly beautiful, but was this fancy enough? Or would it be considered gaudy? You couldn’t remember the kinds of houmongi Big Sister had when she was cou–
“Is it not your style?” Lady Kamisato’s voice jolted you. You looked over to her, seeing her trying to gauge your expression and there was the faintest look of disappointment on her face.
“No! No, not at all. That’s not it. I’m sorry, I spaced out for a moment,” you hurriedly replied. “I’m just trying to think if it would get my sister and brother-in-law’s approval.”
“I see.” Lady Kamisato nodded.
“Lady Outsuka likes hydrangeas, doesn’t she? If I remember right, the last time she visited the Kamisato Estate, her kimono had hydrangeas on it.” You jumped a little as Thoma spoke up, still going through the premade kimonos. 
“Now that you mention it, I think it did,” Lady Kamisato murmured, tapping her finger on her cheek in thought. “Surely she would approve of a similar design?”
“She does like them.” Lady Kamisato seemed so fond of the fabric. Well, you needed two, right? You could get one in this fabric. ”I think she would be okay with me getting a houmongi with this fabric. That just leaves one more.” Lady Kamisato’s smile rivaled the sun’s brightness as she went back to searching through the bolts, letting you hold the first one she’d picked out. She was awfully pretty when she smiled like that. There was an energy about her that seemed positively infectious as well. You couldn’t help but grin. She sharply turned to the wall of fabrics and pulled out another bolt. 
“Perhaps this one would do?” she suggested. It wasn’t as vibrant as her other suggestion. This one was a pastel ombre with elegant gold and silver embroidery of birds and a flower you didn’t know the name of. It was much more of a mature vibe, but perhaps that’s what you needed? It vaguely reminded you of something your brother-in-law’s mother wore once, albeit hers was more ornate. Again, she looked so excited, you couldn’t bear the idea of letting her down.
“I think this is the one. I can’t thank you enough for your help, Lady Kamisato,” you told her, and she smiled sweetly at you.
“I’m so glad I was able to help,” she replied, still radiating that pure, joyful energy. For a moment, you wondered why you’d never bothered to speak to her before. 
Ogura Mio said the new houmongi would be done in a week, and sure enough, a week had passed and you got word they were ready for you to pick up. It was fairly early in the morning and before your brother-in-law got to work. While it wasn’t a rule, you always told him or your sister if you were leaving the house. But as you approached his study, there were the faint strains of a conversation. 
“... Kanade, I don’t think you should get your hopes up,” you heard your brother-in-law say. 
“What, are you saying she’s not marriage material?!” Your blood froze over as you realized the topic of their conversation: you.
“No, that’s not what I’m–” he sighed. “I mean I don’t think you should assume she’s going to get the best possible suitors, considering… Her family situation.”
“She’s an Outsuka now. She has been since we took her in.” Was that really your sister?! Her voice was ice cold and had an edge sharp enough to put a knife to shame. 
“You know she’s not officially a member of the family,” he said gently, but Big Sister scoffed.
“Tsutomo, she. Is. An. Outsuka,” she spat out. “We are going to get her married, and married well. And soon.” 
“I don’t think she even considers herself an Outsuka since we never truly adopted her,” he pointed out. “She’s still very much a–”
“She absolutely is NOT,” your sister spat. “Either way, the sooner she’s married, the sooner she’ll have a proper family name and not have to dwell on the past.” Every word they said added a stone on your heart, tearing at the fragile skin and pushing it further and further down into your stomach. One more stone and you were sure your heart would fall to the floor. You turned away quickly, bursting through the front doors and plowing into the courtyard.
You were not an Outsuka. Why was Kanade always like this?! Insisting you were a member of a family that you most certainly were not. Tsutomo was nice, but he and his family made it all too clear you were not one of them. You were your sister’s family. Not theirs. To Big Sister, it was as if your real family was somehow a dirty secret, something meant for you to forget. But you couldn’t. You wouldn’t. They had been the ones supporting you, who loved you. Even if they were no longer around.
The sakura tree in the courtyard weeped petals. It felt fitting to the mood. Sitting underneath the tree, you were showered in the soft pink petals. Even they seemed to have weight, your shoulders seemingly sagging as you sat there. No. You needed to leave. You needed to get out. You needed to go on to Ogura’s to pick up your houmongi. Without telling them. If only your brother was still in the country; you could stay with him for a while. 
Standing up, you brushed the petals off of yourself and started the short walk to the gate. But as you got closer, you heard the sound of a horse neighing and then human footsteps drawing nearer. A guest? This early? You stopped for a moment, confused. Lord Outsuka did get visitors, but not usually this early in the morning. Was something wrong? Was something important happening?
A figure appeared at the gate: tall, immaculately dressed. He had a smile similar to his sister’s, yet there was something about it that was… off. Off in a way you couldn’t quite put your finger on. But still, he was handsome and pleasant to look at. 
“Ah, Lady Kaedehara, good morning,” Kamisato Ayato, the head of the Yashiro Commission, greeted you with a gentle smile.
He got my name right.
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mamun258 · 8 months
Cutting and recruiting at the same time, where will the major manufacturers go in 2024?
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In 2023,
companies from Silicon Valley to domestic major manufacturers and startups are laying off employees, and some subsidiaries and  HE Tuber  business lines are even directly cancelled. But on the other hand, some tracks and departments are vigorously recruiting people, and the existing manpower cannot meet the requirements; both companies and workers are looking forward.
"On the last working day of 23 years, I never expected that I would not be able to escape the butcher knife of the Internet."
In the movie "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop", the executive vice president of Zhonghe Group formulated the "Guangjin Plan" in order to reduce costs and lay off employees, vowing to lay off 6,000 employees. Art comes from life, and similar plots have been repeatedly staged in many "big Internet companies" in the past two years.
Lin Ping (pseudonym), 34 years old, has been working in a "major Internet company" before and has been in the most recent company for nearly four years. But on the occasion of Christmas in 2023, the leader suddenly called a meeting. The content was very brief, the business could not be maintained, it needed to be laid off, and jobs could not be transferred. There were normal "N+1" and year-end bonus compensation.
"To be honest, I usually complain about not wanting to go to work, but when I was unemployed, I felt very anxious every day and couldn't sleep all night." The pressures of social security, mortgage loans, and age have put Lin Ping in a state of chaos. Now he has I can't maintain the calmness I had when I was looking for a job.
Layoffs are just a microcosm of the hesitation and transformation of large companies. Both Lin Ping and the companies and industries behind him are in urgent need of a definite answer to the future.
1. In 2023, layoffs will continue
"Take survival as the main agenda, shrink and close edge businesses across the board, and pass the cold air to everyone." This sentence mentioned by Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei in an internal speech in August 2022 was regarded by netizens as " "Cold Theory" is a true portrayal of a series of actions of many major manufacturers at that time.
For about a year starting from the winter of 2021, news of layoffs from major manufacturers has been like "beating drums to spread flowers", constantly impacting the nerves of netizens inside and outside the industry. This may be the topic of "layoffs" that has attracted the most attention since the rise of the Internet industry. period of time.
After entering 2023, "cost reduction and efficiency improvement" once became a hot word in the workplace, and many companies still have layoff plans throughout the year.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
In the first half of 2023, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence was revealed to have optimized organizational positions and personnel, with an overall proportion of about 7%; Kuaishou's commercialization line was also revealed to have started a wave of concentrated layoffs on the eve of the Spring Festival. Judging from the number of employees disclosed in financial reports, major companies such as Tencent and Bilibili are also showing signs of layoffs.
In the second half of the year, the gaming industry became an area of ​​focus for the outside world due to "layoffs". In October, Bilibili disbanded the Guangzhou Game R&D Studio that it had just acquired for 800 million 19 months ago; in the last week of November, the news that "ByteDance will completely abandon the game business" was like a thunder, and it quickly Spread on social media.
As a representative of "deep-pocketed" companies in the industry, Byte's cumulative investment has reached tens of billions since it entered the gaming industry. Despite this, Byte is still "cutting off" its gaming lines, and this decisiveness is also in line with the industry. related to the overall background.
In fact, in addition to Bilibili and Byte, other well-known game manufacturers such as Folding Paper Games and Culuo Games have been reported to have laid off employees in 2023; in addition, according to estimates from the foreign data website videogamelayoff, the global game industry will have nearly 10% of employees in 2023. Thousands of people were laid off .
Image source: Weibo screenshot
It is worth mentioning that the game line is not the only department of Byte to announce large-scale shrinkage in 2023. PICO, which was once hailed as the "hope of China's VR industry", has also experienced dramatic changes .
According to IDC data, PICO accounted for 58.7% of China's VR market share in the first half of 2023, taking a far leading position; even so, PICO still reported news of layoffs many times during the year. Although Byte officials stated that the company will still invest in the XR business in the long term, some company dynamics and details can still show Byte's attitude towards this part of the business. In addition, Tencent also announced in early 2023 that it would abandon the development of self-developed XR hardware. XR technology has always been regarded by the industry as a "key key" to the metaverse; now it seems that the once prosperous metaverse industry is heading towards a crossroads.
In addition to games and smart hardware, there have been intensive news of layoffs in the chip industry.
Affected by the downturn in the semiconductor industry cycle, many semiconductor companies from raw materials, devices to terminals have laid off employees to reduce costs, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented "wave of layoffs." According to statistics from "Jiweiwang", about 30 well-known companies will lay off employees in the fields of semiconductor equipment, design, and manufacturing alone in 2023.
Among them, OPPO shut down its chip design company Zheku Technology and dismissed 3,000 people, which once shocked the industry; Geely's Xingji Meizu and TCL Holdings' wholly-owned subsidiary Moxing Semiconductor also reported that they would abandon self-developed chips and "company disbanded” rumors. The "AI chip leader" Cambrian (688256.SH) was even revealed to have carried out multiple waves of layoffs. The software department became the "hardest hit area" and the smart driving chip strategy was also frustrated.
In addition, international giants and foreign-funded companies, including Qualcomm, Intel, Cisco, and British chip design company Graphcore, have laid off employees many times or stopped sales in mainland China. Looking at the dynamics of domestic and foreign companies, it also reflects the overall difficulties of the industry.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
In addition, companies such as Gaohe Automobile, NIO (9866.HK), and WM Motor have also laid off employees in the field of new energy vehicles.
However, regardless of layoffs or transformation, it does not necessarily mean the decline of a company or industry; sometimes withdrawing one's fist is to prepare for a more powerful next blow.
2. The linesman makes moves on the side, is there an opportunity in danger?
Interestingly, industries such as new energy vehicles are showing a situation of "ice and fire"; on the one hand, some car companies are laying off employees, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and on the other hand, the demand for relevant talents by car companies continues to rise.
The "2023 Talent Migration Report" released by Maimai shows that from January to October 2023, the new energy automobile industry ranked first in the talent shortage industry with a talent supply and demand ratio of 1.77, which is equivalent to 1.77 people competing for each position . During the same period, new energy vehicles also ranked second in the list with a talent inflow and outflow ratio of 1.33, and its ability to absorb talents is second only to the new energy industry.
Image source: Screenshot of "2023 Talent Migration Report"
This seemingly "contradictory" phenomenon is reflected in Weilai. From January to October 2023, among the top 30 companies with the number of new jobs in the "new economy industry", Weilai ranked 15th, higher than Xiaomi, NetEase, Douyin and other companies. Among the new energy vehicles on the list Qizhong is second only to BYD, Geely and Li Auto.
Zhang Xiang, director of Vodafor Digital Automotive International Cooperation Research Center, believes that this is related to changes in the employee structure of car companies. In the early stage of market development, a large number of marketing, marketing, and R&D personnel are needed; after the brand is established, the demand for advertising and planning personnel may decline; after technology is settled and products are stabilized, more "new R&D personnel" may be recruited to replace senior personnel. "R&D seniors" to reduce costs.
In addition, during the transformation period of automobile companies, the talents needed are no longer limited to the industry. Weipai CEO Li Ruifeng once pointed out the difficulty: "Traditional IT background talents do not have an in-depth understanding of vehicle system engineering, while mechanical professionals have difficulty in integrating electronics, transmission and other information disciplines. What is needed now is a composite of deep integration of these knowledge Talent."
Also hungry for talent is the AI ​​industry; thanks to the rise of large models, AI has become a hot topic being pursued by all fields in 2023. Many industries, including the Internet, chips, games, new energy vehicles, etc., are increasing their recruitment of artificial intelligence talents.
Maimai data shows that from January to August 2023, the number of new artificial intelligence jobs has been the same as that of the whole of 2022. From the perspective of job salaries and benefits, the phenomenon of "high-priced workers" was born under the tumult. In November, a subsidiary of an Internet company launched the "T-Star" top talent recruitment plan, with annual salaries starting at one million and no cap; "Qujie Business" browsed BOSS direct recruitment and found that many companies are recruiting AIGCs with 3-5 years of experience For algorithm engineers, the monthly salary basically starts at 30,000.
Picture source: BOSS direct recruitment screenshot
However, the shortage of talents in this industry is also very serious. The ratio of talent supply and demand during the same period was only 0.39, which is equivalent to five positions competing for two talents. Another report released by McKinsey shows that by 2030, China's AI talent supply will only be one-third of market demand, and the talent gap will reach 4 million .
Similar to the new energy automobile industry, AI is also an emerging industry with relatively high entry barriers and requires comprehensive professional backgrounds in mathematics, computers, data analysis, etc., as well as relevant industry experience. Against this background, fresh graduates still need targeted training; while there are few industry insiders with rich experience, and most of them have already worked in major domestic and foreign companies, so talents are naturally in demand.
However, companies and practitioners also need to be wary of the "talent bubble" that appears when the industry overheats. In 2018, the "Four AI Little Dragons" emerged due to the popularity of visual recognition. At that time, after companies raised funds, a lot of funds were spent on "high-tech talent poaching"; but since then, the "Four AI Little Dragons" have been difficult to turn around, and "talent The "battle for battle" automatically ceased.
In today's large-scale model industry, the demand and requirements for talents are higher, and the human sea tactic may not be effective ; only truly top-notch high-end talents can create huge value for AI companies.
It is worth mentioning that the recruitment demand for overseas positions in the "new economy industry" will continue to grow in 2023, mainly focusing on the five major positions of operations, marketing, products, sales, and R&D ; among them, operations positions have the greatest demand, followed by marketing positions. Judging from the data, companies such as Pinduoduo and BYD are seeing rapid growth in the number of new overseas jobs.
The recruitment demand for overseas positions in 2023 also reflects the collective understanding of domestic companies to a certain extent. The Chinese market is huge, and the global market is even bigger; when the growth of some industries encounters bottlenecks, seeking "AI-backed" technological innovation, or exporting the advantages of the supply chain and service system overseas has become the key to breakthrough performance. Key directions.
3. The bubble is squeezed out, and workers choose to reconcile with themselves
"The Internet has changed." Although new people are still flowing in, and major manufacturers are also developing new directions, Yang Hua (pseudonym), who has been in the industry for many years and has experienced the "highlight" period of the industry, is still filled with emotions.
"How tolerant the market was in the past few years." Yang Hua graduated eight years ago and has experienced multiple job transfers such as agency to client, education to content, and market to commercialization. In his view, in the Internet at that time, as long as you had academic qualifications, background, ideas, and endorsements from others, it was not a dream to double your salary after changing jobs. "Give me more than I ask for."
But now, not only are the requirements for those with high education and working background in large factories more stringent, there is also a strong emphasis on the matching of job type and industry experience; only when the requirements are met, there will be an opportunity to meet and chat. Yang Hua's latest job change was for a flat salary.
Behind this is actually the fact that the Internet industry as a whole is in the process of "bubble squeezing" and "disenchantment". High-tech talents are still in demand, but it is no longer easy for middle- and low-level employees to reap dividends.
The "2023 Workplace Insight Report" jointly issued by Lagou and Zhihu shows that the average monthly recruitment salary in the digital technology field dropped by 7% year-on-year in 2023, and the average monthly recruitment salary for technical and design positions dropped significantly; while operational positions were subject to entry-level recruitment The reduction in jobs had an impact, but it increased by 2% year-on-year .
Image source: Screenshot of "2023 Workplace Insight Report"
Senior Internet observer Ding Daoshi said that after three years of epidemic and cost reduction and efficiency improvement, the industry has gradually returned to rationality and due business logic, from market launch, industry cooperation to investment funds ; this may be the case in the future. Normal, the previous "get rich overnight" basically no longer exists.
However, from Ding Daoshi's point of view, this is actually a good phenomenon. Only in this way can the industry develop sustainably instead of becoming a flash in the pan and a passing cloud.
However, as the dividends of large companies gradually disappear and companies reduce costs and increase efficiency, some employees who have "survived" have also shown a trend of intensifying "involution". An employee of an Internet company said on social media that in the past, he only needed to review 400 pieces of content a day to meet the standard, but now he needs to review 800 pieces of content. Some netizens said that the work pressure was so great that they broke down mentally and physically, and even fell ill. Time to rest.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
The environment is changing, and the mentality of people in the workplace is also changing with it; some employees who stay in "big factories" are even eager to be laid off or voluntarily leave their jobs. "Qujie Business" learned that when an employee switched jobs to a leading factory, he had already made a plan to "leave after one year and travel immediately", and successfully completed it; in his view, life and health are more important. Importantly, if you continue to work for longer, your body may be overwhelmed.
Although some laid-off workers are anxious, they still choose to "embrace life" first . For example, they spend time with their families, or take care of their bodies first; others try to start a side job, or simply take a pay cut and return to their hometown, leaving more time for themselves to do the things they like after work.
At the same time, companies are paying more attention to "spending money wisely" and are more "focused" and "pragmatic" in strategy.
Yang Hua said that the sentence he heard most in the past year was "the future will be good." "Everyone is in the fog, but one day we will see the sun, right? Everyone is waiting for that day."
0 notes
mamun52 · 8 months
Cutting and recruiting at the same time, where will the major manufacturers go in 2024?
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In 2023, companies from Silicon Valley to domestic major
Manufacturers and startups are laying off employees, and some subsidiaries and HE Tuber business lines are even directly canceled. But on the other hand, some tracks and departments are vigorously recruiting people, and the existing manpower cannot meet the requirements; both companies and workers are looking forward to it.
"On the last working day of 23 years, I never expected that I would not be able to escape the butcher knife of the Internet."
In the movie "The Annual Meeting Can't Stop", the executive vice president of Zhonghe Group formulated the "Guangjin Plan" in order to reduce costs and lay off employees, vowing to lay off 6,000 employees. Art comes from life, and similar plots have been repeatedly staged in many "big Internet companies" in the past two years.
Lin Ping (pseudonym), 34 years old, has been working in a "major Internet company" before and has been in the most recent company for nearly four years. But on the occasion of Christmas in 2023, the leader suddenly called a meeting. The content was very brief, the business could not be maintained, it needed to be laid off, and jobs could not be transferred. There were normal "N+1" and year-end bonus compensation.
"To be honest, I usually complain about not wanting to go to work, but when I was unemployed, I felt very anxious every day and couldn't sleep all night." The pressures of social security, mortgage loans, and age have put Lin Ping in a state of chaos. Now he has I can't maintain the calmness I had when I was looking for a job.
Layoffs are just a microcosm of the hesitation and transformation of large companies. Both Lin Ping and the companies and industries behind him are in urgent need of a definite answer to the future.
1. In 2023, layoffs will continue
"Take survival as the main agenda, shrink and close edge businesses across the board, and pass the cold air to everyone." This sentence mentioned by Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei in an internal speech in August 2022 was regarded by netizens as " "Cold Theory" is a true portrayal of a series of actions of many major manufacturers at that time.
For about a year starting from the winter of 2021, news of layoffs from major manufacturers has been like "beating drums to spread flowers", constantly impacting the nerves of netizens inside and outside the industry. This may be the topic of "layoffs" that has attracted the most attention since the rise of the Internet industry. period of time.
After entering 2023, "cost reduction and efficiency improvement" once became a hot word in the workplace, and many companies still have layoff plans throughout the year.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
In the first half of 2023, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence was revealed to have optimized organizational positions and personnel, with an overall proportion of about 7%; Kuaishou's commercialization line was also revealed to have started a wave of concentrated layoffs on the eve of the Spring Festival. Judging from the number of employees disclosed in financial reports, major companies such as Tencent and Bilibili are also showing signs of layoffs.
In the second half of the year, the gaming industry became an area of ​​focus for the outside world due to "layoffs". In October, Bilibili disbanded the Guangzhou Game R&D Studio that it had just acquired for 800 million 19 months ago; in the last week of November, the news that "ByteDance will completely abandon the game business" was like a thunder, and it quickly Spread on social media.
As a representative of "deep-pocketed" companies in the industry, Byte's cumulative investment has reached tens of billions since it entered the gaming industry. Despite this, Byte is still "cutting off" its gaming lines, and this decisiveness is also in line with the industry. related to the overall background.
In fact, in addition to Bilibili and Byte, other well-known game manufacturers such as Folding Paper Games and Culuo Games have been reported to have laid off employees in 2023; in addition, according to estimates from the foreign data website videogamelayoff, the global game industry will have nearly 10% of employees in 2023. Thousands of people were laid off .
Image source: Weibo screenshot
It is worth mentioning that the game line is not the only department of Byte to announce large-scale shrinkage in 2023. PICO, which was once hailed as the "hope of China's VR industry", has also experienced dramatic changes .
According to IDC data, PICO accounted for 58.7% of China's VR market share in the first half of 2023, taking a far leading position; even so, PICO still reported news of layoffs many times during the year. Although Byte officials stated that the company will still invest in the XR business in the long term, some company dynamics and details can still show Byte's attitude towards this part of the business. In addition, Tencent also announced in early 2023 that it would abandon the development of self-developed XR hardware. XR technology has always been regarded by the industry as a "key key" to the metaverse; now it seems that the once prosperous metaverse industry is heading towards a crossroads.
In addition to games and smart hardware, there have been intensive news of layoffs in the chip industry.
Affected by the downturn in the semiconductor industry cycle, many semiconductor companies from raw materials, devices to terminals have laid off employees to reduce costs, and the industry has experienced an unprecedented "wave of layoffs." According to statistics from "Jiweiwang", about 30 well-known companies will lay off employees in the fields of semiconductor equipment, design, and manufacturing alone in 2023.
Among them, OPPO shut down its chip design company Zheku Technology and dismissed 3,000 people, which once shocked the industry; Geely's Xingji Meizu and TCL Holdings' wholly-owned subsidiary Moxing Semiconductor also reported that they would abandon self-developed chips and "company disbanded” rumors. The "AI chip leader" Cambrian (688256.SH) was even revealed to have carried out multiple waves of layoffs. The software department became the "hardest hit area" and the smart driving chip strategy was also frustrated.
In addition, international giants and foreign-funded companies, including Qualcomm, Intel, Cisco, and British chip design company Graphcore, have laid off employees many times or stopped sales in mainland China. Looking at the dynamics of domestic and foreign companies, it also reflects the overall difficulties of the industry.
Image source: Weibo screenshot
In addition, companies such as Gaohe Automobile, NIO (9866.HK), and WM Motor have also laid off employees in the field of new energy vehicles.
However, regardless of layoffs or transformation, it does not necessarily mean the decline of a company or industry; sometimes withdrawing one's fist is to prepare for a more powerful next blow.
0 notes
ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Do You Two...Fondue? (15)
Warning: Very emotional smut which is split between two chapters. (Minors DNI) soft! but also :cough: determined!Steve.
For America, Part One (see previous or series)
He’s regretting not waiting for some water. His throat aches from all the forced swallowing. However, if he’s got to have this conversation, at least Steve’s rooms are private and have faucets.
When you open his door, you don’t turn on the lights, and his eyes shoot wide.
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“Really?” You tick your head to the side with zero explanation, forcing him to enter a room he’s lived in for years as if it’s foreign soil. “Now,” you say when the door seals behind him, “you have four either normal, or more likely, heightened senses, while the other has been taken away…kinda. If—see—when you turned off the lights at the hotel, one of the things that did was make my other senses work harder to get the experience—“ you snort out a laugh but quickly stifle it “—of the room.”
He can vaguely see you in the dark, even where everyone else would see black. His sight is obviously fine. Better than fine. To his eyes at the hotel, you were the most exquisitely detailed charcoal drawing, undulating in rapture beneath him. In bright light, the fine hairs over your skin have a dusting effect like chalk, and when you’re still asleep as dawn breaks, it evokes the oil-painting mastery of the classics. You’re so peaceful, made of smooth layers of color painstakingly built into pure beauty.
None of that, however, addresses the problem. “I don’t think—I mean, I haven’t ever noticed something boosting my…feeling.”
“Yeah, it’s not the perfect metaphor, but basically, there are other pieces to, uh boy—focus—“ he hears your sharp inhale and notices you shiver “—to experiencing pleasure. That’s why I asked if you get excited before you’re touched.”
“Did you just…was that your reaction to my cologne?” He’s miffed, acutely flattered, and a little bashful.
“Yeah, yeah, crisis at hand, Sketch. Focus.” Though he inches forward, you continue. “Your thoughts are recreations or fantasies of senses.” You clear your throat and stand up tall. Steve doesn’t know why but you stare at the floor even in the dark. “For example, you’ve…made several faces that—and you don’t—didn’t even touch me, or you weren’t—but just the look…I mean, wow.”
He notices something, and he feels like an idiot for not understanding this sooner. He didn’t put it together all those times before, the ones where you looked at him a certain kind of way and (if he was close enough) he could smell you. You’re talking about a visual, auditory, or olfactory cue that had a physical response, or really anything not-physical that has a physical impact on a body. You’re talking about how he can feel when you feel, and that has never been dampened by anything. His nerve-endings don’t have to signal his brain; that part is all memory and imagination and empathy. It’s exactly like how looking at a sketch of you immerses him in the moment he was trying to recreate in two dimensions. He can hear what you were telling him as he switched from pencil to pencil.
“Just wow,” you repeat with a whisper. 
Steve thinks about the time on the couch, right behind where you’re standing, and he remembers hearing your voice lower and your heart race. He remembers kissing you and being struck by how the same glorious, wet warmth from your mouth was being pumped up and down him. It’s the first time he wonders whether he has to grip himself so hard to come or whether that simply makes him come faster.
He hears your shoes thud against the floor behind him as you kick them off. 
“Steve,” you purr with a smile, “what are you thinking about?”
He swallows again, having forgotten all about that water he thought he needed. Seems he is salivating just fine but can’t think of any words. Neither of you is surprised.
On the couch, you caught him off-guard, too tired to understand or protest. In the hotel, he focused on you and that was enough. Now, he feels vulnerable, exposed, even in the dark with all of his clothes on, even when you cannot see him. He can’t get his body to move.
The slow crackle of your dress’s zipper jolts him, making his own skin tingle lightly. It’s the barest rustle of fabric when it falls, a hint of midnight blue puddled against the faint cream of his carpet, and when you step forward, there it is. He can hear your heartbeat.
That rhythm soothes him every night you’re here, every night you’re with him. He hopes that becomes every night, full stop. He closes his eyes, focused on the base of it like a subwoofer in his head.
“Shall I tell you what I’m thinking?” Another step forward, thick honey words dripping into his ears.
He smells you now, breathing as deeply as he is, standing as close as you are with so little on. He’d recognize your scent anywhere, remembers how potently you stayed on his fingers, enjoys that you linger on his sheets. He may be stunned by how often you reek of excitement for him, but he’s not disappointed in the slightest. Since you’ve brought the cocktail of everything to his attention, he’s realizing how much of his own fantasizing has not been about touch. Just the sound of your voice makes him smile.
“I’m gonna marry you, Steve Rogers.”
Now, those. Those are sounds that create a physical response for Steve. His hands are at your jaw as his lips find yours, gentle, plush, hesitant with a building need. He’s still waters with an undertow raging. What Steve thinks but can’t say is that he is sick of thinking. He wants to know what it’s like to be with you, wants to know what you sound like each and every place he touches, wants to know what you taste like over every inch.
He’s so caught up in kissing that he only notices you’ve unbuttoned his shirt when his belt clinks as you untuck the ends. The base of your heartbeat reverberating in his head is matched by the slightest bit of shaking across his whole body. His insides are running in all different directions, so he tries to regroup.
“What did you call them,” he mutters between kisses, “my lips, at the hotel?”
He’s so tall that his looming slowly presses you both into the wall.
Your voice is hoarse, ragged. “What is this a pop quiz?”
The only way for him to move closer is to slide his knee between your legs, but touching you is steadying the jumpiness inside his chest. The more he cages you in, the more he feels engulfed by you, his safe space, and when he looks down, there you two are, draped in dark shades like an early Van Gogh, together.
This is the image he wants, the art he’s inspired by: you and him, happy, blended, harmonious. It makes him whole. It makes him joyous.
Steve starts with a low note, hums it deep within his chest, pitches it higher, and then drops it back down. The melody rumbles through his muscles. His body relaxes, and he can tell the moment you recognize the song. He moves his hands to your hips, the back of his fingers grazing over your nipples on the way down, just like in the hall, just like he’s thought about dozens of times. You sway together, minute shifts that shake off his final hesitations because the song is so true, just like your song on stage was earlier.
He can’t help falling in love with you. All of his senses, every single one, tell him you understand, that you are all-in, just as he is.
When he gets to that bar, the line he’s hung his fantasies on for so long, you softly sing the words, “some things are meant to be.” Your hand squeezes the back of his head, and he can feel the band of his mother’s ring glide down his neck.
His hands. His life. His whole body is yours.
Steve slides both thumbs into the elastic of your underwear and begins to draw small circles. He has to toe off his shoes anyway, so he makes a deliberate show of nudging his thigh deeper between your legs, the meat of his muscle actually holding your weight. The movement drags you against him, and the reaction is instantaneous. It’s because he can see that he knows your mouth drops open. It’s because he can hear your sharp breath and raised heartbeat that he knows how worked up you’re getting.
“Luscious,” he says, lips landing just beneath your ear, “that’s what you called them.” He begins to blaze a trail down, and finally, it’s because he can taste that he finds the spot where tart lemonade spilled on you earlier.
Salt, sugar, lemon, and sunscreen. It’s more perfect than any ‘happy birthday.’ You’re perfect and practically gushing with need of him, body writhing and whimpering beneath his broad, steadying hands.
He’s half-teasing, half-serious. The balance finally feels right. Steve is not a dominant man, but he does enjoy the exploration of, well, anything to do with you. He’s still a man—or perhaps just himself? because he isn’t judging anyone’s preferences—so embarrassment is not a turn-on for him, especially when the embarrassment is failing you. While he’s still not sure he can finish the same as you, he is determined to please you. He’s still nervous though.
“Don’t,” he starts, feeling that flutter of warrior butterflies again, “don’t let me ruin this.” Steve stretches to press his forehead to yours. “Please.”
For a moment, you hold him, quiet and comforting, before asking, “pop quiz. What did you say when you proposed?”
He’s about to recite his practiced little speech, but you beat him to it.
“You already make me happy, Steve Rogers.” You kiss him gently on the lips. “You’ve already made me a better woman.” Another kiss to his cheek. “You take on the whole world everyday, but—“ you pull him closer to whisper in his ear “—I’m gonna marry the shit outta you.”
Steve snorts. Of course. Of course, you know just how to break his little spiral of doubt. “You’re ridiculous.”
“I believe the word you are looking for, sir—” your hands slide down his torso while you smile, grabbing his belt buckle “—is insatiable.”
It’s not dominance or submission, he figures out. You two have been swinging back and forth like a tide, rolling between each other’s spaces and needs, and now, as you’ve calmed to the middle, finally in sync, it’s become a vibration, a hum of little waves that dance and sing together. Just like the words of your song: it’s a game of give and take.
While Steve’s brain is all art, music, and poetic romance, your hands pop the button of his pants and unzip them. He forgot he buried the idea of physical intimacy being fun a long, long time ago. He replaced it with thoughts of difficulty and logistics, only to pile on more  strange phobia and critiques of modernity. He has to laugh, a shaky combination of self-deprecation and nerves. This doesn’t come easy to him, but that’s because he never really imagined he’d get this. Girls aren’t lining up for the guy they might step on, but girls also don’t stick around to be stepped on by a guy’s life.
But you. You’re different. Steve’s in awe of how you’ve kept all these sides of you preserved even when he has witnessed how hard that’s been. You’re still playful, poking at the hem of his bottoms to make him take them off, shivering with a giggle as his hair drags across your chest when he stands again. You’re still cheeky and serious and sexy and delicate. 
Nothing, nothing he has thrown at you, purposefully or accidentally, has deterred you from wanting Steve. All of him. The complete and unabridged version. You’ve systematically excavated the original Steve, the part of him excited to love the right woman. You’ve encouraged his old hobbies and his new interests. You’ve befriended his team and stuck up for his decisions. Steve actually feels whole again, and he can’t wait to thank you for the rest of his life.
(Next part)
(Apparently, I can't stop writing this steve x reader pairing to save my life. It just keeps going on!)
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jooniyah · 3 years
Lover Bouquet : One
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Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
AU: Yandere!au, Idol!au
Genre: Angst, Mature, Smut (R)
Warnings: Two instances of NON CON, polyamory, established relationship, yandere behavior, pregnancy discussion, emotional abuse, violence, kidnapping, scandal, blood, degradation kink, mobbing, manipulation, profanity, group sex, oral, smut, cum play, groping
Word count: 19.58k
Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction and I do not condone any of the actions of the characters in this fiction. This is to be treated as pure fantasy, and should not be misconstrued to be demeaning the idols in any way. If any of the above warnings cause you discomfort, kindly refrain from reading.
This is an idol au setting, please proceed only if you are not triggered by the warnings. I repeat, please be sure to read all the warnings carefully.
Author’s note: This fic is set in an au where the boys are part of a 7-member boy band called the Biker Boys Squad (BBS) and everything that follows is completely fictional with no intended resemblance to actual places, bands or agencies.
Cover credit: @maleficosmos-2 ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ, ˡᵒᵛᵉˡʸᵎ
─── ·❆· ───
The smooth roll of wheels outside had visibly no impact on the inside of the limousine. The shiny interior, complete with Italian leather and crystal wine glasses screamed luxury. The windows were completely tinted, reflecting the bright lights of every radiant storefront the car zoomed past.
The car smelt like heaven, a bouquet of smells fanning your nostrils and intoxicating you. Cologne, aftershave, hairspray, all the most delicious masculine smells danced around your senses, tugging at your inner coil that was slowly rearing its head up.
Namjoon was going through a little chit in his hand, mostly out of habit than necessity. He didn’t really depend on those notes, but it gave him a sense of security to know he had all the points in hand before stepping up to the mic.
“Hyung, add a line in English at the end for our International fans,” Taehyung said, peering over at the chit in Namjoon’s hand. The little note had words written in neat Korean letters, which the younger man glanced at.
“Yeah, will do, Tae,” the elder man responded, his hand reaching down to pat the head nestled in his crotch.
“Keep going, baby girl,” he said, gently ruffling your hair as he resumed scanning the chit. Taehyung and Jimin were sitting on either side of him, Jimin casually sipping the Cheval Blanc from his crystal glass, his pillowy pink lips made even glossier by the fine red wine.
You bobbed your head up and down Namjoon’s length, savoring his unique scent with your cheeks hollowed out around him, sucking deep and hard.
“Shit, that’s it, baby,” he hissed, too far gone to focus on his acceptance speech anymore.
Jimin smiled warmly, his hand snaking down to Namjoon’s lap. His fingers gripped your hair, and he tugged it gently, seeking control over your head. You obliged happily, letting him maneuver your head as he liked.
He slowly pushed you further and further down Namjoon’s shaft, his eyes trained on Namjoon’s face, watching his face twist in hunger. Jimin’s palm was flat against your skull, pushing you to gobble Namjoon’s cock without sparing an inch.
Yoongi was playing a game on his phone, and he looked up just in time to see you struggling against Jimin’s hand.
“Let her breathe, Jiminah,” he lazily scolded, his gummy smile out in full brilliance.
“N- no,” Namjoon panted, looking at Yoongi with pleading eyes. “So close- I’m so close.”
And with that, he groaned out loud, his hips bucking up subconsciously. He ground his body down to the leather seat, his legs trembling in the aftermath of his orgasm.
The hand pressing against your head stayed put, not budging until Namjoon’s legs stopped shivering. Namjoon leaned back and removed his glasses, wiping his hot forehead with a groan. The hand left your hair, moving down to caress your neck.
“Feeling good, hyung?” Jimin’s voice came to your ears like a song.
“You wouldn’t believe how good, Jiminie,” the elder man replied, his breaths coming out in strained intervals.
“Tch, baby…” Jimin said, handing you a Kleenex to wipe your mouth. “You left a drop on Hyung’s trousers.”
Namjoon snapped his head down, his eyes rolling when he saw the single blob of cum on his crotch.
“Damn, those paparazzi will roast us alive,” he murmured, reaching down to wipe it clean.
“No, Joonie,” you whined, hastening to dip your head back down on his crotch. Namjoon’s hand remained suspended in the air with his fingers grasping a tissue, his thigh muscles tensing up when you timidly licked a stripe on his expensive trousers, gathering the blob and sucking it up.
“Oh Y/N, you are so fucking naughty,” Jimin giggled, pulling you up so you could rest your knees.
“Come here, baby,” Yoongi said, his voice thick and raspy. He had waited patiently until Namjoon finished, and now he couldn’t wait a second longer.
Hoseok was sitting next to Yoongi, and the seats were somewhat cramped because four of them were sitting across from Namjoon. The limousine had been altered to their taste, but the seats were a bit smaller than needed.
“Here,” Jin extended his hand, pulling you so you could sit on his lap.
You took advantage of the brief moment to lock your lips against Jin’s neck.
“Hey, no hickeys,” he said, gently swatting at your shoulder. “It’s awards night. No hickeys.”
You puckered your lips up in disappointment. You were only pretending to bite him, just to see his eyes flash. Stern Jin was so fucking sexy.
Yoongi was in the far corner of the seat, and Jin being the smart guy he was, always found a solution.
“Lie down on our thighs,” he said, helping you sprawl yourself across the three sets of thighs, the tips of your toes resting on the owner of the fourth set.
Yoongi’s fingers worked quickly on his zipper, and Jimin’s clear voice teased, “Hyung, you’ll be wrinkling your Saint Laurent suit if you wiggle around too much.”
“Y/N is worth ruining a thousand Saint Laurent suits, Jiminah,” Yoongi quipped as he fished his dick out.
Jin’s long sensitive fingers drew soft circles on your calves, admiring your splendid legs. He brushed his fingers against the curve of your ass, finally settling down to squeeze and knead the firm flesh in his big palms.
The man next to Jin sighed heavily, looking out of the window and squinting through the tinted glass. He had a hard time trying to control himself, but the little toes that kept grazing his thighs distracted him. He bent his head, fighting himself to avoid looking at the sight around him. Of all the men in the limo, Jungkook was the only one who wasn’t staring at your body with simmering lust.
Yoongi was groaning, his hand fisting in your hair as he guided you to take him even deeper. He rested his head against Hoseok’s shoulder, closing his eyes and losing himself in bliss.
Hoseok gazed at Yoongi’s scrunched-up face with warm affection. He always felt supremely happy when Yoongi was having a good time. Your torso was laid on his lap, and he patted your back, encouraging you with soft whispers of praise.
“Yes, baby, that’s it keep going. You’re doing so good.”
Yoongi’s vein bulged alongside his cock, throbbing hard. He was straining so much, curling his toes inside his shoes.
“Gosh, I wanna get inside you,” he moaned, his voice coming out needy and whiny. Taehyung raised his eyebrows, whistling at his wristwatch.
“We’re gonna be on the red carpet in ten minutes, hyung,” he said, clucking his tongue. Yoongi opened his eyes, sending Jin his best pleading look right from his position on Hoseok’s shoulder.
Jin pursed up his pretty lips, looking down at your butt. It was not an easy feat to have full-on sex in the limo. As usual, he was the one who had to improvise a plan.
“Ten minutes is enough for a quickie,” Yoongi whined, his meat still lodged in your hot mouth.
“Okay okay, quit whining. Y/N baby, go sit on Namjoon’s lap,” Jin said, patting your ass. Namjoon looked up, removing his glasses and tucking them inside his breast pocket. He wished he had thought about asking Jin earlier.
You grinned and crawled over to Namjoon, cozying up with your back against his chest, his strong muscular arms spreading your legs wide open.
“All yours, hyung,” Namjoon said, nodding at Yoongi.
It was such a pretty sight to see your red lace undies completely soaked. Hoseok couldn’t hold on anymore, and his hand slipped down to palm himself through his pants.
Yoongi licked his lips, unbuckling his belt for better access. Your legs were already open for him, and Jimin had started caressing your clit with gentle touches. He crouched into a half-kneeling position, grazing his tip against your core.
“Please, just fuck me already,” you cooed, unable to bear Jimin’s teasing anymore. You had to have a cock inside you, it was urgent. Jimin was such a tease, and he enjoyed working you up into a frenzy.
Yoongi smirked, winking at Jimin and slamming his hips into yours, burying himself into you completely.
The car started slowing down, and Jin’s panicked voice rang behind Yoongi’s heaving form.
“We’re here, there’s so many cameras! Stop it, you two!”
Sure enough, there were hundreds of cameras outside, flashes going off every few seconds, waiting for the biggest boyband in the world to step out onto the red carpet.
Yoongi pounded into you harder, sweat running down his temples. He was growling with each thrust, the sound rumbling from deep inside his chest and sending a delicious thrill up your spine.
The car rolled to a stop, directly in front of the sea of people. Hushed murmurs were going around as everyone strained to peer through the tinted windows.
“What’s up? Why aren’t they stepping out?”
“Is something the matter?”
“Are you sure they are inside?”
A few reckless journalists tried to inch closer and glance through the windows. But the blinding camera lights reflected off the glass, completely blocking out the interior of the limousine.
Inside, Jimin hastened to pat down Yoongi’s streaming face, his nerves strung out completely. Yoongi buckled over and collapsed on Namjoon’s shoulder, blissed out at his climax. Jin grabbed him by the waist, pushing him back into his seat.
There was no time to be lost, and you got to work immediately, sucking Yoongi clean and zipping him up. You were just done tucking his shirt back neatly when one of the agency’s managers politely knocked on the door.
Looking up, you grinned at Yoongi, patting his knee.
“All done. Off you go, guys.”
You stayed back, keeping yourself hidden while the boys got out of the car one by one, smiling and waving at the crowd. The camera flashes multiplied manifold, clicking incessantly as the lenses gobbled up your boyfriends.
─── ·❆· ───
“I miss you,” you whined, pouting at your phone screen. Hoseok’s gorgeous face pouted too, as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
“I miss you too, Y/N. Everyone does.”
A chorus of groans behind Hoseok declared their assent. Taehyung’s head popped into the screen, and he settled his chin over Hoseok’s shoulder.
“It’s so frustrating without you, Y/N.”
You sighed and shook your head sadly.
“I know, it’s the same here.”
“Hold up, Yoongs wants to talk,” Hoseok said, moving his phone and pushing it into Yoongi’s hand.
“Babe...” he drawled, only half-awake from his power nap. “Get on a flight and come over.”
You twisted the cord on the hoodie you were wearing.
“How? You guys are all so busy. You’re touring so many places. Besides, your schedule is jam-packed.”
Namjoon’s voice piped up from the background.
“I got an idea.”
─── ·❆· ───
“Are you sure this will work?” you asked, shimmying into the black uniform Namjoon had brought you.
“Of course. You can travel with us throughout the tour and no one will know.”
Taehyung whistled on seeing your outfit.
“You know hyung, I’m beginning to see why they call you the brain of our band.”
Namjoon chuckled, his dimples popping out.
“Yeah,” Jimin said, holding you by the shoulders and turning you over to let the others see. “This is brilliant.”
The white letters were stamped boldly on the back of your outfit.
Jin came closer, pinning an identity badge on the belt loop of your jeans.
“There. You’re officially a crew member now.”
There was a knock on the door, and you ran to hide behind the clothes rack.
“We’re all set,” a crew member said, gesturing that it was time to go on stage. “In five.”
She left the door half open, and you peeped out from behind the rack.
“Time to go?” you asked.
“Yep,” Jin said, gripping your hand. “Come with us.”
There were so many people wearing the same outfit as yours, milling around the backstage rooms. It was very easy to blend in.
You walked with the guys to the very entrance they would go through, heart fluttering to hear the thunderous welcome they received from the audience as they stepped on stage.
It was a terrific experience to stay so close to the stage and see them perform. It was even more astounding to watch the audience get enthralled in the magic your boyfriends created. You stood at the wings, your heart swelling with pride.
After a while, it was finally time for a break, and the guys made their way off stage. They were soaked in sweat, and were panting hard.
“Sprained my ankle,” Hoseok whispered, limping gingerly while Jimin supported him.
“Fan, please,” Yoongi groaned, and a crew member hurried to get him a mini fan.
People were running everywhere, stylists were dabbing touch ups to the makeup and assistants were helping the guys change into the outfits for the next routine.
You hurried to Hoseok’s side, kneeling beside him and taking his hand. A medic was tending to his sprain, and you squeezed his hand tenderly.
“You okay?” you whispered, and he managed a weak nod.
“Better rest this foot,” the medic murmured, to which Hoseok shook his head.
“No. Rest after the concert. Gotta dance.” He was clenching his teeth tightly.
A heavy hand gripped your shoulder, and you looked up. Namjoon was standing with a mini fan, sweat streaming down his face.
“He won’t listen to the medic,” you said in a low voice.
“I know,” he sighed, gently pulling you up to your feet. “Don’t worry too much. It’s like this all the time.”
You nodded, looking around. Everyone was holding mini fans and wiping their sweat off with towels. Yoongi was sprawled out on the floor, and a crew member was fanning him with a big cloth.
“This is hard,” you said, turning back to face Namjoon.
“Yes. But they’re all strong. They’ll handle it.”
You nodded again. This was something they were used to. It would take you some time to get used to it, though.
“Here,” Namjoon said, clasping your hand and walking towards the wings again. The audience were still energetic, doing the fan chant over and over until the guys would get on stage again. Their light sticks were glowing bright, lighting up the whole arena and making it feel as if the stars had rained down to watch the concert.
“See that?” Namjoon whispered, his voice taking on a tone of astonishment. “That’s surreal. So much love, so much energy. They’ve all camped out in the cold for two days. Forget us, imagine how much they’d have gone through to get here.”
You hummed in agreement, still lost in the beauty of the light sticks.
“That’s who we perform for,” Namjoon said, his voice warm and sincere.
You smiled and looked back at his shining face. His eyes were reflecting the radiance of thousands of light sticks.
“Stand by in three...” someone’s voice shouted, and all the guys shot up to their feet with exhausted groans.
They assembled in line again, ready to get on stage for the next performance. One by one, they hurried through the entrance, until everyone except Namjoon had gone back to the waiting area.
“Namjoon-ssi!” someone screamed in alarm, and you shook his arm to get him going.
“Go on, Joon,” you hissed, trying to push him into action.
He looked at you in a daze, and dipped his head urgently.
“Namjoon-ssi!” Another voice called out in emergency, when he cupped your chin and captured your lips in a frantic kiss.
You saw people running towards Namjoon out of the corner of your eyes. There were confused shouts, as the red digital timer counted down the seconds to cue the music.
In a quick flash, he broke the kiss and squeezed your hand, running over to join his mates on stage.
─── ·❆· ───
The mischievous eyes twinkled at you when he replied with a coy “Hm?”
You were lying on his chest, content with listening to his heartbeat thudding away. When you raised your head to look at him, you placed your chin on his ribs, making him squirm and giggle.
“Y/N! It tickles!”
He was still laughing, trying to lift your pointy chin when your next words caught him off-guard.
“Jungkook was so sulky today.”
His laughter died down, the glee on his face replaced with an inscrutable emotion.
“Do you know why?” you pressed, not ready to leave it undiscussed. “He looked like-”  you batted your lashes, “-like he was pissed off at us.” You drew a long breath. “Mostly at me.”
Jin was quick to cup your cheek, tutting at the last comment.
“Of course not, Y/N. He was probably nervous about the concert.” He could clearly see that you weren’t convinced. “I’ll talk to him about it.”
You nodded, lost in thought. Did Jungkook not want to be part of the relationship? He hadn’t kissed you or said a kind word to you in days. He had flinched hard when you had touched him earlier in the day. You were about to open your mouth and voice out your thoughts when the bed dipped beside you, and Taehyung’s large sinewy hands landed on your waist.
“Jin hyung, I need to cuddle Y/N to sleep,” he said, his sleepy voice deeper than it normally was.
You swallowed your words, forgetting your thoughts at the deep voice booming into your back. Jin hummed his acknowledgment to Taehyung, gazing at the ceiling in peace, content with having you draped on his chest.
The boys rarely closed their doors, because it was so normal for one or the other to pop into your room at night. You were in love with all of them, yes, but you always slept with Jin. He had been your first boyfriend, and it was a given that you would go to bed with him every night.
The rest of them dropped by sometimes, as Taehyung had just done. Sometimes it even led to threesomes and steamy hot sex. But tonight, you were content with the Jin-Taehyung sandwich. Because the boys were frequently in and out of the room, you left the door open at night.
A digital watch somewhere in one of the rooms lit up its iridescent digits, sounding a slight chime when it turned 2 am.
You were having a dream, and the sound interrupted it, waking you up. You had no desire to open your eyes. You lay with your eyes closed, listening to Jin’s even breathing in tranquil happiness.
Taehyung moaned slightly in his sleep, burying his head into your neck and crushing you tighter against his chest. His thick hair brushed against your skin, and you grudgingly opened your eyes.
It was so dark, and you made out Jin’s hand stretched towards you, in case you wanted to nestle into the crook of his armpit. You smiled to yourself, loving how sweet he was. You wanted to crawl into his arms, so you decided to move slightly.
You raised your head, and your sleep-heavy eyes caught sight of a figure sidling along the open door, the sudden apparition eliciting a strangled scream from deep within your bosom. You rubbed your eyes and squinted again, but the apparition had vanished.
“What? What is it?”
Jin was up in an instant, his groggy voice somehow soothing your anxiety. Taehyung woke up too, and between them, they asked you what had happened, and you pointed at the door with shaking fingers.
“I- think I saw someone. Something.”
Jin squeezed your shoulder reassuringly.
“Y/N, baby, what exactly did you see?”
Your nerves were shaken so bad you couldn’t raise your voice above a whisper.
“Someone- was watching… me. I only saw the eyes. And then- it- disappeared.”
Jin looked at Taehyung, the brief glance laden with meaning.
“Okay, I’ll go investigate. Taehyung, stay with Y/N.”
Jin got out of bed, tiptoeing out of the room in search of the mysterious apparition. Taehyung hooked his chin on your shoulder, hugging you protectively and blowing air softly on your neck. Jin was gone for a good ten minutes before he returned to the room.
“I did a thorough sweep, Y/N. There’s no one at the house except the guys.”
He climbed into the bed, pulling the sheets over his legs. He took your hand in his, squeezing it gently.
“Don’t worry baby, even if he or she comes back, you’ve got two strong boyfriends in this room to protect you.”
God, Jin was so good at making you feel perfectly safe. You smiled and squeezed his hand back. Taehyung hummed behind you, agreeing to Jin’s words.
In a few minutes, Jin was peacefully breathing again, his hand resting on your waist. It was heavy, but the weight gave you reassurance.
─── ·❆· ───
Hoseok’s morning routine included waking up his friend and kicking him out of bed. The guy was simply impossible to rouse, and the rest of the guys steered clear of his morning temper. He reserved a string of eloquent curses to fire at the unfortunate person who woke him up, intentional or otherwise.
Hoseok and you were the only ones immune to his foul mouth. Hoseok simply cursed back at him, and you had a completely different method of waking Yoongi up. A method that involved locking your lips around his morning wood and humming around it.
Today, however, you weren’t around to save Hoseok’s ears.
“Where the hell is Y/N?” Hoseok muttered to himself, ripping the sheets off the man curled like a kitten underneath. Yoongi had a large queen-sized bed, but he insisted on rolling into a ball when he slept. It was endearing to find him curled up like that, but the next moment he would hiss and scowl, cross at being woken up. That man certainly ran hot and cold so quickly.
Yoongi opened his mouth, ready to go off, when Hoseok pushed a pillow into his face.
“Save your breath. I’m gonna go find Y/N. Get your ass off the bed, hyung.”
The rest of the guys were up and about, chattering noisily and clattering dishes in the kitchen.
“Taehyung I swear to God if you break that plate…”
“Namjoon just flip the pancake, man you’re burning it!”
Hoseok waded through the noise, walking down the kitchen and crossing a suite of rooms. His sharp ears picked up your whimpers, and he followed the sounds, briskly trotting towards the source.
The door was half-open, and he stepped in, not bothering to knock.
“Goodness, what a racket!”
Jimin had you pinned up against the wall, your legs wrapped tight around his lithe body. One of his hands was around your neck, and the other was working on rubbing your clit. He had been ramming into you hard, and he jerked to a stop at Hoseok’s voice.
“Hobi hyung!”
Hoseok licked his lips when he saw your pretty little cunt filled to the brim with Jimin’s thick cock. He felt himself stirring in his pants.
“Such a noisy one,” he said, walking towards you. “I could hear her whining all the way in the kitchen.”
Jimin grinned, his eye-smile lighting up his face.
“I’m doing my job right then.”
Hoseok snickered, tracing his finger along the bridge of your nose, bringing it over your lips. You opened up obediently, sucking on his finger with closed eyes, still impaled on Jimin’s cock.
“You need something to stuff your mouth with, darling,” Hoseok murmured, and you nodded in agreement. He wasn’t satisfied though, and he glanced at Jimin, and the latter slipped out of you without a word.
“No,” you moaned around the finger, whimpering at the loss.
“Use your words like a good girl, baby,” Hoseok said, popping his finger out of your mouth. “Only then you’ll get Jimin’s dick back.”
You loved it when Hoseok was all riled up and ready to snap. He was delicious when danger oozed out of his persona, threatening you into submission.
“My mouth needs to be stuffed, Hobi,” you said, drawing the syllables out sexily.
“With what, baby?”
Jimin’s sly smile returned, and he bit his lip while he waited for your pretty lips to form the words.
“With your cock.”
“That’s right.”
Hoseok nodded at you, and Jimin set you down gently, untangling your legs from his hips. You went down on all fours, and Hoseok turned so his back was supported against the wall. He sunk his fingers into your hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling your face towards his crotch.
You had learned the art of unzipping pants with your teeth, so it was easy to unzip him. Behind you, Jimin was spitting on his palm and stroking his length.
“Please,” you whispered, lust blinding you. “Please fuck me.”
The men grinned at each other, and with one savage push, Jimin sheathed himself inside you again. Hoseok had been slapping his dick against your cheek, and when you opened your mouth to moan at Jimin’s entrance, Hoseok took the chance to push himself inside your warm silky mouth.
“Fuck,” he groaned, his hand grabbing at your roots hard. “Beat that pussy hard, Jiminah.”
Between the two of them, they found a steady rhythm that let you get fucked on both sides without any lag. Jimin was going at it hard, slamming himself into you like it was his last day on earth. It was sinfully delicious to hear his angelic voice groaning loud with each thrust.
You moaned around Hoseok’s cock, tapping his thighs softly. He stopped abruptly, looking down at you in concern. He slipped out of your mouth gently.
“Yes, baby?”
You ran your finger on your lips, smearing his pre-cum all over your mouth. You knew it always drove him crazy when you did that.
“Hobi, sit on my face.”
A smirk spread on Hoseok’s face, and he chuckled lightly.
Jimin pulled your hips towards him, helping you lie down on the floor. Hoseok gently placed your head down, making sure you weren’t uncomfortable in the slightest. And then, he knelt so his thighs were on either side of your face, and dipped his pelvis down a bit, ghosting his weight on you.
You reached out and pulled his thighs closer, whining “Just sit on me please.”
He giggled, his whole body vibrating in mirth.
“Want me to teabag you, little slut?” He lowered himself down a little more. “Huh? Is that what you want?”
“Mmnnhhhh” you buried your face into his balls, and Jimin lay down flat on the floor, his face burrowed into your clit. His lovely lips clasped tight around your bud, his tongue working hard and fast to reduce you to a pool of wobbly jelly.
Above you, Hoseok grabbed his dick and pumped himself hard, dipping his balls in and out of your mouth all the while. He growled when you sucked on them and used your teeth to slightly graze them.
His hands roamed over your chest, gathering your breasts and massaging them. He saw Jimin eating you out at a feral pace, and a fresh pang of want made his dick throb. He aligned his cock between your supple mounds, starting to fuck your breasts while you suckled on his balls.
“Fuck, Y/N. You are a damn fucking goddess,” he breathed, picking up his pace and working his cock faster, amazed at how your breasts bounced so beautifully around him. His thighs started quivering, and you could feel his sweat beginning to moisten his skin. He was so close.
He ran his hands over your breasts and traveled down, leaning forward a bit, doubling up so that his face was in level with your navel. His hot breath sent all your nerves into overdrive, and he started kissing a line down to your belly button.
You moaned out loud, but the sound came out strangled because you had a mouthful of balls. Jimin felt you tremble and shake under him, and he smiled into your pussy. He worked his finger into you, curling and twirling proving even his fingers could dance.
You felt Hoseok’s tongue lick a hot circle around your belly button, and that was it for you. There were stars in your vision, and you trembled so hard that Jimin gripped your calves tight, helping you ride it out. Hoseok straightened his back, seeing you shake all over. He put his arm around your neck and held on to your shoulder, wiping your sweaty forehead and kissing your hand softly, cooing to you.
Jimin shot up the next moment, wiping his mouth and laughing that sweet tinkling laugh.
“Hyung, she squirted all over me!”
Hoseok had just finished shooting his cum all over your breasts, and you strained to look at Jimin.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Jimin.” Hoseok tilted his hips and you propped yourself up to look at the mess you had created. All of Jimin’s shirt, right from the collar to his torso, was soaked.
“I’m sorry... let me clean it,” you reached your hand out, and he simply swatted it away.
“What are you sorry for?  Lie back down and let me eat your pussy again, baby.”
─── ·❆· ───
Eighteen months ago
“Jinnie,” you called, turning to face your boyfriend who was stuffing his face with noodles. You were fidgeting before the mirror, unsure what your boyfriend’s reaction would be.
“Huh, babe?” he asked, still busy scraping the last bits of noodles from the takeout box.
You quickly stole one last look at yourself in the mirror and then marched to the side of the bed. His suit was strewn over the white sheets, and he was in his boxers, slurping noodles like his life depended on it.
“Tell me if this dress is okay,” you said, standing directly before him.
“Why, that’s a lovely dress, you’re so pretty!” He paused to fan his mouth, the spice finally catching up to him. “Hot. Damn hot. You. And the noodles.” He fluttered his hands wildly, coughing dramatically.
You tossed a water bottle to him, giggling at his red face.
“So,” he said, sipping the water thankfully, “why do you even ask that? I bought that dress for you.” He scrunched his nose up, looking at you in mischief. “Are you doubting my taste?”
He got a well-aimed pillow thrown against his face, and he laughed.
“Why else would you ask?” he raised his voice like a bratty child.
You pointed to your boobs, biting your lip. He pushed the cushion under his head, ogling at your body lazily.
“I don’t see anything wrong with your rack.” He smiled proudly to himself. “You look awesome.”
“But,” you sighed, nervously pulling at the fabric. “The neckline- it’s too deep.”
“So? It’s even more sexy.”
He didn’t seem to get it.
“Seokjin,” you said, putting your hands on your hips. “What about the rest of the guys? What would they think? Isn’t this more... like… suitable for when we go on a date, alone, just the two of us?”
“Ah.” He finally understood what you were going on about. The dress had a very low neckline, and you found it weird that he had suggested you wear it to the party with his friends.
He cleared his throat as if he were going to say something. He opened and closed his mouth several times, not a sound escaping his lips.
“Y/N, listen. I need to tell you something. But can it wait until after the party?”
He saw the curiosity burning on your face, but you managed to nod.
“Also, don’t forget to wear the fishnet stockings I got you.”
You tilted your head and gazed at him, pursing your lips.
“Are you trying to show off before the guys, Kim Seokjin?” you asked, accusingly.
He shook his head, the smile never leaving his lips. “Just wear it to the party and I’ll tell you all about it later.”
You were slipping your heels off, Seokjin was lending you his arm to balance yourself. He had looked stunning in his suit, and you had loved the way his eyes streamed while he joked and kept everyone in splits.
It was a very hush-hush party open only for the label’s artists and their dates. Seokjin didn’t have much privacy in his life, and he tried his best to take advantage of the precious few private parties that came his way.
“Careful,” he said, catching hold of your arm just before you slipped. “I don’t know what you get by torturing your feet like that.”
You simply giggled, pouting your lips at him. “You’re too tall, Jinnie. I need to be able to kiss you whenever I want.”
And there, you had done it. You had made the master of jokes blush so hard his ears turned red. He cleared his throat, his breadcheeks straining hard to contain his smile.
“Let’s go and have a drink.”
He tried to walk ahead, but you caught his sleeve and tugged.
“Jin, tell me what the big secret is,” you mewled, loving how good his toned arms felt. “You know, you said there’s something you had to say.”
He patted your knuckles, nodding sweetly.
“I know. That’s what I need the drink for.”
You huffed, watching him saunter over to the cabinet to pull a bottle of wine. He was so damn hot when he was in suits, but he was hotter when he was pulling his bow loose and mussing his hair. You followed him to the bedroom, tagging along like a lovesick puppy.
The rest of the chaotic group were drinking and fooling around in the living room, rocking the walls with their boisterous laughs. It wasn’t unusual for Jin to bring the boys over; they were always hanging around one time or the other.
You crossed your arms, and the gesture didn’t help Jin. Your boobs were squished together and the deep neckline made it impossible for him to focus. He licked his lips and took another sip of the wine to steady his nerves.
But Jin had such an easy relationship with you. He knew that he could talk to you about anything. He trusted you so much that he just knew what he was about to say wouldn’t break your relationship. He just needed to find a way to break the ice.
“Come here,” he murmured, patting his thigh. “Come sit on my lap.”
You glided towards him, settling down on his lap happily. Your cleavage was even closer now, and Jin just lost control.
He placed his glass down, not caring about staining the rug. With a deep moan, he pushed his face into your chest, burrowing into his favorite place in the world. He rubbed his face against the soft flesh, purring in delight.
You let him be, carding your fingers through his thick glossy hair. He would talk when he was ready. Meanwhile, you would enjoy your boyfriend’s attention contently. His teeth were grazing your skin now, sucking soft love bites to show his appreciation.
“Jin,” you breathed, and he lost it completely.
“Fuck, yeah. Say my name like that.”
He lifted his head to look into your eyes, and you saw the rich want coloring his pupils.
“Lemme inspect my girl,” he whispered, pushing his hand between your legs and feeling around for the familiar wetness of your undies.
“You’re soaking already, Y/N,” he groaned, and you saw his nostrils flaring. He gulped at the feeling, and his Adam's apple bobbed enticingly.  It was the most beautiful sight ever.
His finger pushed the fabric aside, easily scooping up your essence. He looked straight into your eyes as he brought his digit to his lips and licked it, curling his pink tongue and making your insides clench.
Jin was blessed with long bony fingers, and they were a bit crooked too. A fact he took huge pride in. Because it allowed him to do things to your pussy that no one else could. He slid one finger inside you, drinking in how bothered you looked.
With a soft groan, you parted your legs wider to give him better access. His finger pumped in and out of you, drawing strangled moans from your shaking body. He slowly increased his pace, never taking his eyes off you.
He slid another finger in, and this time his crooked bony fingers found your happy place and pushed against it, reducing you to a whimpering mess on his lap. He never stopped, his chest puffing with pride when he saw how you came undone on his fingers.
“Wanna cum?” he asked, and you nodded vigorously. His grin made an appearance again.
“You gotta ride me first, baby.”
Smiling impishly, you tore the jacket off his shoulders in one swoop. His shoulders were so wide, and you loved grabbing onto them when you rode him. The white dress shirt underneath had gold-plated buttons, winking at you. Seokjin certainly deserved to be dressed from head to toe in gold.
You could hear the boys knocking things around in the living room, and the little wildcat in you reared its head. You liked the thrill of riding Jin with his friends just outside the room. Jin might never guess it, but you wouldn’t even mind if one of the guys actually walked in on you bouncing on your boyfriend’s cock.
Snaking your hand down to his crotch, you unzipped his pants and fished his dick out. He was rock-hard. Jin always had loads of glossy pre-cum, and you slowly worked his juices all over his shaft, stroking him. He grabbed your wrist, his plush lip caught between his teeth.
“Sit on me.”
You gladly obliged, shifting your hips and hovering over him. He pushed your undies aside with his thumb, and you slid down his length, sheathing him completely. Once he was fully in, you rotated your hips, drawing sharp curses from his pillowy lips.
“Ah shit, Y/N. That’s it. Faster, go faster.”
You picked up your pace, holding on to his broad muscular shoulders and bouncing as fast as you could. Jin usually wanted to see your breasts when you rode him. That day, however, he made no effort to undress you. The red fabric was bunched up unceremoniously around your waist, but your breasts were still clothed.
“Oh gosh, Y/N, allow me….”
He grabbed your hips, pushing himself off the bed and thrusting up into you. You let him take over, squeezing his shoulders and letting him rail you as he pleased.
Jin loved the whimpers escaping your dirty little mouth, the sounds egging him on to ruin you completely. He pounded into you, the sound of skin slapping on skin filling your ears like a crescendo.
“Like my cock stretching you, huh?” He panted between his thrusts. His stamina was out of the world.
“You’re my little cockpuppet, aren’t you?”
His words always had the effect of reducing you to putty. That man had such a filthy mouth, one he was only too happy to unleash on you.
“Oh goddamn, Jin!”
You knew he was close; the taut flesh of his abdomen was quivering with the stirrings of a powerful orgasm. Your fingers clawed into his broad shoulders just in time.
Jin sounded nothing like his ordinary self when he cummed. He had a special sex voice that only you had the privilege of hearing. He moaned out loud, growling like an animal in pain as he shot all his seed inside your walls.
You could feel his cock pulsate inside you, twitching as your pussy milked him for all his worth. His breaths came out in hot pants, beads of sweat rolling down his temples.
“Feeling good, baby?”
He looked into your eyes, and you smiled happily at him.
“Never been better.”
The soft breadcheeks stretched into a smile. Damn, he was so beautiful when he smiled like that.
You hooked your finger under his chin.
His finger was tracing circles over the fishnet stockings, and you raised an eyebrow naughtily.
“Since when are you into fishnets?”
He chuckled slowly, chewing his lip.
“It wasn’t exactly for me... Remember when I said I had something to tell you?”
You huffed in impatience, gripping the hair at the base of his neck and peering at him curiously.
“Come on! Tell me. Now.”
He looked down at where both your hips joined. He slid his softening dick out of you, and you silently helped him tuck himself back into his pants.
The sound of the zipper closing shattered the silence. He bit his lip and peered into your eyes.
“Y/N,” there was a slight shake in his voice. “Have you ever…” His pink tongue darted out to lick his lips. “What do you think of…”
You blew out your cheeks. It was unusual for your ever-confident boyfriend to sound so doubtful.
“Just say it, Jinnie.”
He took a deep breath, and ran his fingers up your thigh, gathering his thoughts.
“Y/N baby, you sometimes moan in your sleep.”
You smiled at him playfully.
“What do I moan?”
He knotted his eyebrows and sighed softly.
“You moan the names of the other members.”
The smile froze on your face, your heart steadily dropping in your chest. It felt like someone had shoved a giant block of ice down your throat.
“I- I didn’t mean to… It wasn’t…”
Jin saw the panic on your face and shook his head hastily.
“Hear me out, Y/N.” He reached his palm to cup your cheek. “Wait, listen.”
He hadn’t meant to make you feel guilty in the slightest. He shushed you and blurted the words out:
“I meant to ask what you thought about sharing.”
You wrinkled your forehead in confusion.
“Sharing what?”
He wiggled his nose, carefully looking at your reaction as he said the words:
“Sharing you with the other members. Like- like a poly relationship.”
Your jaw dropped, and you regarded your boyfriend with a wary look. Was he really suggesting that? Or was it a snide question? You knew the Jin you loved would never be mean to you. He was too straightforward and blunt to beat around the bush.
“Are you… really asking me?”
His finger traveled up your face and traced your cheekbone.
“Of course I am. You can tell me no if I crossed a line.” He paused for a second.” I genuinely want to know if you’d like it.”
You bunched his shirt up in your fists, scared of what would happen next. Would he hate you if you said “Yes”? Would he feel inadequate? Would he feel like he’d been cheated on?
It was a while before you found your voice.
“Am I going to lose you?”
His face became serious.
“Why would you? Of course not! Baby, I’m the one suggesting it.”
He was suggesting it? The thought made your head spin. It was all too raw to process.
“Are you drunk, Jinnie?”
You knew he wasn’t. Your boyfriend had an extremely good tolerance for alcohol. He shook his head without taking his eyes off your face.
“Don’t worry, I am not. And no, I am not going to back out in the morning.”
He really was serious. You chewed on your lips, gazing at his open face.
“And- the guys, how will you talk to them about… this?”
He bit the inside of his cheek, his rare dimple peeking at you.
“I may have already talked about it with them.”
You drew back in horror.
He shifted his hips into a more comfortable position. He had talked about it with his guys, and they had been open to trying it if you really wanted it. Jin knew how your mind worked, and he was sure you’d want to try at least once.
“Sh, Y/N. It’s all up to you now. No one will judge you for it. I know the guys. They all adore you. Just tell me if you want to try this.”
Your hands flew to your hot face in a poor attempt at hiding yourself. Jin’s big palms caught your wrists.
“Don’t hate me,” you whined, your voice so low it was close to breaking.
Jin held your hand tight as he guided you to the living room. The six other guys were boisterously arguing about something. A sudden hush blanketed the noise as soon as Jin ground to a halt in the middle of the room.
You refused to look up, staring at the rug like your whole body would ignite and go up in flames if you did.
“Let’s go to the guest bedroom,” Jin said, addressing the men in the room. He jerked his head at them and turned on his heel, pulling you with him.
The bedroom was the biggest in your apartment, and it housed two queen-sized beds. You had originally intended to rent it out to your friends before your boyfriend came along.
Jin drew the blinds and returned to your side, tapping his foot on the floor gently. One by one, the guys made their way into the room, forming a semicircle around Jin and you.
They were all still in the suits they had worn to the party. Granted, a few ties and bows were loosened and some suits were specked with pizza crust. But they looked just as fucking handsome as ever, disheveled or otherwise.
Everyone looked slightly nervous, and they waited for someone to break the ice. Namjoon, used to his role of the leader, took the lead naturally.
He cleared his throat, glancing at you.
“Y/N, I… um… understand this is all new, but…”
Jin stared at Namjoon, silently urging him to use his eloquent mouth to come up with something more confident.
Namjoon took a step forward, his palms open to in an attempt to instill trust.
“We all love you so much, and I assure you that there’s nothing to be worried about.”
The rest of the group nodded in silence, and you looked at Namjoon through lowered lashes. This was so surreal. Was it all a dream?
Jin squeezed your hand, and you squeezed it back. Gosh, this was so real.
You saw the polished tips of Namjoon’s shoes advance towards you.
“If you say no, we’ll leave this room and forget that this ever happened. We’d understand.”
God, no. You couldn’t say no. It would be a lie if you said you didn’t want them. But how was it all true? How did all seven of them like you back? Was it right to even think about it?
“No,” you saw the tips of Namjoon’s shoes stop abruptly on the floor.
“No," you repeated, "I can’t say no.”
The gleaming shoes hesitantly made their way towards you again.
He stood directly in front of you, and Jin let go of your hand. A sudden feeling of panic rose up your chest, but it disappeared when Jin’s hand reached to grip your shoulder lightly.
Namjoon reached his hand out, saying,
“Is it okay if I do…” He rested his palm against your hip, “…this?”
You gulped and nodded, staring into his chocolate eyes.
He gently squeezed your hip, watching you in rapt attention.
“And this?”
“Yes,” you breathed out shakily.
“You’re wearing fishnets,” Namjoon noted with barely contained eagerness, and you saw Jin cheekily nod his head at his band mate.
“Just how you like it, huh?” Jin teased, winking at Namjoon, who blushed in return.
Namjoon’s hand slipped around your waist, and he murmured in a soft voice, “Is it alright if we move closer to the bed?”
You nodded your head in a daze.
The rest of the guys parted, breaking the semicircle and making way for you. It really was happening. The thudding in your ears grew louder and louder.
Namjoon sat down on the edge of the bed and patted his lap.
“Come sit, honey.”
You turned and looked at your boyfriend, seeking reassurance before you let yourself go completely. Jin nodded his head and winked, a little smile playing on the edges of his lips. Drawing a shaky breath, you climbed into Namjoon’s lap, feeling incredibly self-conscious.
“We can stop anytime you want,” Namjoon said, gazing earnestly at your face. “Do you want to continue?”
You bit your lip and looked at the men clustered around you. This was it.
“Yes, I want to.”
A barely audible sigh escaped Namjoon’s lips. Had he been holding his breath too? Was he nervous too? Nothing about his persona gave away his nervousness. His fingers were steady, so was his voice. He had an aura of confidence in every move.
“Are you sure, baby? You are okay with this?”
“Yes... oh yes, please.”
The last word was drawn into a needy whine, and Taehyung chuckled from across the room. A few of them were sitting on the other bed, watching the events unfold. Jin was standing at the foot of the bed, his hawk eyes never leaving you. Yoongi was leaning against the wall, looking unbothered. But only he knew the way his stomach was doing backflips, the thought of having you leaving him shaking in his shoes.
Namjoon gently cupped your jaw, pulling you in and brushing his lips softly against yours. His other hand roamed over to your shoulder blade, a finger hooking under the spaghetti strap. Taking his sweet time, the man peeled the strap off your shoulder, his hand moving to free the other strap as well.
His whisper was full of lust, and you nodded in urgency. With one fluid tug, he pulled the top of your dress down towards your waist, leaving your lace push-up bra for all the men to see. There was a sharp gasp from somewhere in the room, but you were far too gone to identify who it belonged to.
Your eyes flitted over to Jin’s, and you saw him looking straight at your chest, enthralled. He didn’t look the least bit concerned. Rather, he seemed to be enjoying it, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he gulped at the sight.
There was a deafening silence in the room, it was almost unbearable. Namjoon’s hand roamed over to your thigh-high stockings, and his long index finger slipped under the elastic band, dragging sinful lines along your skin.
He sighed darkly, admiring the way your legs looked. He had only mentioned to Jin about his kink for fishnets in passing. He couldn’t believe Jin had remembered.
His other hand was on your back, his fingers hooked under the clasps of your bra.
Deftly, with just two fingers, he undid the clasps, ridding your skin of the offending fabric.
The cold air in the room coupled with the sudden nakedness gave you such a rush, so much that all the fine hair on your skin stood up in goosebumps. There were a few groans around you, and it became so hard to sit still on Namjoon’s lap.
“Make sure she’s feeling comfortable,” Yoongi murmured from his position against the wall, his palm resting ever so slightly on his bulge.
“Here,” Yoongi said, moving towards you and stooping to look into your eyes. “Are you feeling okay, Y/N?”
You nodded, too enthralled in his brilliant black eyes to answer.
He dropped his voice lower, sliding a finger along your jawline.
“Tell us what you want.”
Your nipples were so hard, painfully neglected by not one but seven men in the room.
“I-”  You looked at Namjoon, and gripped your hip gently, running his tongue over his plump lips. “-just, can you all take your shirts off?” Your naked torso was in stark contrast to their suits, and you were hyper aware of it.
Jungkook’s little giggle reached your ears, and you sighed in relief as one by one, all the suits and dress shirts came off, revealing sculpted chests and hard, taut abs.
God, Jin was fucking ethereal when he was naked, you always had to remember to breathe when he undressed. But now, right in front of you, seven sons of Aphrodite were offering you their shirtless bodies, letting you feast your eyes on godly perfection.
Namjoon’s bare chest heaved perfectly in harmony with yours, the warmth of his body seeping into your pores.
“Please…” you whined, needy for attention. “Please touch me.”
Yoongi groaned, rubbing his face against your neck, and starting to press kisses down your shoulder blades.
Namjoon nodded at the rest of them, and slowly everyone moved towards you, crowding around you like children around an ice cream truck. One strong arm pulled you, so you were sitting sideways on Namjoon’s lap, providing better access to the others.
Jimin dove straight into your chest, attaching his mouth to your breast and suckling eagerly. He gobbled up as much of the flesh as he could into his little mouth, earning shaky moans that spilled out of your lips.
Namjoon’s finger pushed your underwear away, dipping into your core and curling a bit. He popped out his dimples, smirking hard at Jin.
“Guys, hyung has already marked his territory.”
Jin’s ears went red, and he stammered out while waving his hands,
“It’s nothing like that! It’s just impossible to resist her.” He paused, looking down and grinning at you before adding, “You’re all gonna discover that soon enough.”
You giggled, catching sight of his red face and puckered lips. Jimin was still attached to your chest, working his devilish tongue on your breast.
“Show some love to the other tit too,” Jin said, and everyone chuckled, the tension in the air evaporating completely.
Soon enough, Jungkook’s veiny hand was kneading your other breast, and everyone closed in on you, their eager hands running all over your body, sending you tumbling into bliss.
─── ·❆· ───
Present day
He was hunched over some sheets of music, his nerdy glasses making him look wise and serene.
He removed his glasses, running his hand through his shock of black hair, mussing it up. A genuine smile lit his face up when he looked at you.
“Yeah, baby?”
You knew he was busy, producing music for one of his collabs. But he had asked you to hang out with him in the studio. And that was when Jungkook had entered, his face hostile and sullen, passing by to drop some of Yoongi’s lyric sheets. He had practically glowered at you, slamming the door behind him unnecessarily loud.
“Um, do you think Kook is mad at me?”
He looked surprised.
“No, why would he be?”
You hadn’t the faintest idea why. But something was up. You knew that. You had tried multiple times to talk to Jungkook, but he had just shrugged and slipped out of your efforts to light up a conversation.
“I think he doesn’t like this.” It had been a thought that had started out as doubt, but Jungkook’s behavior made the doubt grow stronger and stronger until you were subconsciously convinced that it was the reason.
Yoongi leaned back in his chair, raising his eyebrows.
“He doesn’t like what?”
“This.” You flung your arms out, tracing the air, frustrated. “Maybe he doesn’t really want to be in this relationship? I tried talking to him many times, but he just won’t speak to me.” You pursed your lips. “It has been weeks since he even smiled at me.”
“Y/N,” Yoongi drawled, reaching to pull you closer. “You know he loves you. We all do. He’s probably overworked and exhausted. Try talking to him after some time, you know?”
You nodded absently, thinking of how Jungkook had sprung up like a startled cat and stomped out of the room while you were watching a movie with all the guys. Just because you had placed a hand on his thigh.
There was something off about Jungkook. But he shut up like a clam, choosing to slip out of the way whenever you tried to talk to him.
You snapped back to focus on Yoongi. He was partially right. They were all working their asses off for the new album. You would talk to Jungkook later.
“Okay, babe,” you said, shrugging your shoulders. Your hand reached for the phone.
11:21 pm.
Yoongi had made lunch reservations for both of you. You still had plenty of time.
“You get going on that sexy producer thing you do,” you said, cozying down on his sofa. “We still have some time on our hands.”
So back he went, his serious face poring over the sheets of music sprawled on his table. Yoongi probably didn’t realize, but he looked like a grumpy kitten when he was concentrating hard on something.
You smiled at his bent head, swiping on your phone to check for emails from work. There were none. Good. Maybe you could scroll through Pinterest for new design ideas. You worked for an ad agency as a graphic designer. You had to always be on the lookout for new stuff.
The endless stream of pictures was flooding your feed, and your finger was trying to catch up. Ding. The notification chime wasn’t usually enough to distract you. But this time, it held the title you just couldn’t resist. It was a YouTube notification from your favorite graphic artist.
You were halfway through the video when the suggested section caught your eye. An involuntary chuckle shook your chest when you read the title.
“Boy band BBS talk about DATING and SECRET GIRLFRIENDS?!!”
It was classic clickbait. Something everyone seemed to be doing for views. You knew it was just a clip from the Red Carpet of the MTV Music Awards. You still remembered the hickey you had given Hoseok that had forced him to wear a turtleneck under his suit. Delicious times.
You had watched that video already, but something just pulled you towards the video. You would never tire of re-watching your seven gorgeous boyfriends slaying the red carpet.
Sure, you were right. It was just a clip that everyone who had followed the awards had already seen. The familiar questions about collabs, celebrity crushes, favorite food, every question your boyfriends were already tired of but answered anyway, made up the first 4 minutes. Click bait much?
“Haha we have all the love in the world, we have our fans,” Namjoon was saying, his sweet little dimple flashing at the camera.
“But,” the redhead insisted, her dazzling smile widening. “You boys have any secret dating lives we aren’t privy to?”
The answer was already in the question. No one was supposed to be fucking privy to that information. You pursed your lips, waiting for Namjoon’s sassy reply to tumble out of his lips.
“We wanna focus on our careers, we don’t have time to date,” he said, a small lilt of mockery creeping into his voice.
Damn, you had teased him mercilessly that night, bratty about him saying ‘not having time.’ You remembered how he had begged to lay a finger on you, and a satisfying warmth spread over your belly.
The video was ending, and you grinned at Namjoon’s closeup fondly. But just before the replay button came on, you caught onto something odd.
You had been scrolling down, and a few comments had popped up in your line of vision. People were screaming about how dazzling their bias looked, or how proud they were of the boys. But there were a few ones written by hawk-eyed fans.
“not at how bored JK got of the question at 6:48 lmao he’s so pissed”
“damn, was it just me, or did JK actually ROLL his eyes sfakjfkjfk hahaha”
You hit the replay button, dragging the seeker to the last few seconds of the video.
There, glowering with mad eyes, stood Jungkook. He was well behind Namjoon, a bit out of focus around the 6:45 mark. He had put on a charming smile throughout the video. Until the host popped the dating question, at least.
For anyone else, it would seem like Jungkook was bored with the question. But you knew his quirks. He had been casually gazing at the camera, letting Namjoon answer the host’s questions. The word “dating” left the host’s lips, and Hoseok lightly touched his turtleneck at the exact time when Jungkook’s expression flattened out to a cold hard stare. He rolled his eyes ever so subtly, his face turned sideways. He had been annoyed.
Annoyed at Hoseok that he was reminded of who he was dating. Annoyed that the question had reminded him of the hickey his turtleneck was covering. More like disgusted. Disgusted at what exactly? At the host for asking that question? Or- was it at what dating meant to the eight of you?
“Y/N, babes?”
Yoongi’s voice finally reached your ears, and you looked up in a daze.
He scratched his head, his other arm supporting the jacket casually flung over his back.
“I said we can go. We’ll be late if we don’t hurry.”
Oh, the lunch. You had totally snapped out of focus.
“Yeah, I’m coming,” you said, jumping up and slipping into your shoes. Yoongi watched you closely, a bit concerned.
“Are you alright, Y/N? You look... odd.”
You debated if you should tell him what was bothering you. But you didn’t want to ruin the date with your speculations. You’ll talk about it to your boyfriends after you had enough time to sort your feelings.
“No, it’s probably nothing, Yoongs. I’ll tell you later. Let’s go, I’m famished.”
You would have to tackle Jungkook and his surly temper later.
─── ·❆· ───
“How’s the track shaping up, hyung?” Taehyung asked, pouring more wine into Yoongi’s glass. You were cozily settled between Yoongi’s thighs, the warmth of his chest on your back.
“Hm, I worked out most of the chords,” Yoongi returned, picking up his refill and taking a sip. “But I still have some more work to do, especially with the bridge.”
You hummed contentedly, listening to your boyfriends discuss music, sprawled on the floor around the coffee table. It was lovely, watching their serious faces talk about what they loved and lived for. The door opened, and Jungkook walked in, clutching his sports bag.
He mumbled an “I’m home,” directed at his friends, before turning to kick off his shoes.
“…and before I knew it, the time had flown like… phew!” Yoongi was saying, while you eyed Jungkook’s bag. He had been going to the boxing ring too often these days. What was up with him? His hair was damp, and his face was flushed.
“…and then I bundled Y/N up into the car and we rushed off,” Yoongi said, and there it was again. You had been watching Jungkook’s face, and at the mention of your name, the annoyance - no, the disgust flashed across his features. He scoffed to himself, unaware of your attention. It wrenched your heart to see that, and you looked away.
Jungkook picked his bag up again and stormed towards his room. You watched his retreating back, only half-listening to Yoongi’s praise for the lobster frittata.
“You guys keep talking, I’ll be back,” you said, pressing a kiss to Yoongi’s cheek.
“Uh-huh,” Taehyung purred, craning his neck and offering his cheek for you to kiss too.
“Clown,” you giggled, dropping him a kiss, and giving him a playful shove. “I’ll be gone just a sec, don’t miss me,” you said, winking and jumping up to your feet.
You had to talk to Jungkook and ask him just what his problem was. You just couldn’t bear his sourpuss charade any longer.
Loud music hit you in the face as soon as you opened the door to Jungkook’s room. The guys never bothered to close their doors, but Jungkook had lately started closing his. Another red flag waving right under your nose.
He was on the floor, doing pushups and grunting out at the exertion. His sinewy arms were trembling, and he had changed to shorts that revealed his muscular thighs shining with sweat.
The guy certainly was on the fast track lane to exhaustion.
“Jungkook,” you called out, straining your voice to be heard over the blasting music. “Hey! Can you hear me?”
He went on exercising without any acknowledgment, so you stormed to the stereo and turned it off with a click.
“What the fuck?” he growled, snapping his head up before he caught sight of you.
“Well, you couldn’t hear me,” you said, crossing your arms and standing your ground.
“Of course I could,” he sneered, getting up to his feet and wiping the sweat off his chin. “I chose to ignore it.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“Are you serious right now? You ignored it? What is that supposed to mean?”
He picked up his towel and started dabbing at his forehead, not even sparing you a glance.
“What do you want, Y/N? Why are you here instead of sucking Yoongi hyung’s dick?”
Your jaw dropped.
It was completely out of character for Jungkook to be so prickly. He was always the sweetest and goofiest man out of the lot. What had gone wrong?
“Jeon Jungkook, you dare not speak to me that way,” you said, bristling. “What is up with you? You are so sullen whenever I try to spark a convo.”
He scoffed and threw his towel down. His face was a strange mix of anger and disgust. You couldn’t understand what had ticked him off so bad.
“What is up with me? You tell me, because you’re so smart, Miss. Perfect.”
He crossed his arms and puffed his chest, using his height to his advantage to stare you down.
You huffed in impatience, stressed at his refusal to be drawn out. You had to simmer down and try to make him say what was bothering him.
“Jungkook, tell me why you’ve been so pissy lately. What did I do, to make you so upset? Just tell me.”
He glowered at you, the tips of his ears going red as he clenched his teeth.
“Good question. What didn’t you do?” His eyes swept over your clothes, taking in the wine splotch on your shorts. He averted his eyes, staring at his treadmill instead. “Whose cum are you leaking this time?”
The question was almost inaudible, but the spite in it had already reached you and poisoned the air in the room.
You stood rooted to the spot, shock numbing your senses.
“Did you just-” you struggled to keep the quiver in your voice under control. “-say that…”
You had never been in a real fight with any of your boyfriends, and this was a cold punch to your gut. You had only had the occasional bickering and loads of makeup sex after every disagreement. But this was new. This was raw, palpable and spiteful, and left a bitter taste in your mouth.
You waited for him to rush and say something, to explain and say he didn’t mean it that way. Just anything really.
But he didn’t clarify or even attempt to take his words back. He simply stood there, glaring into your eyes in contempt.
The YouTube video flashed before your eyes. The disgust in his face when he even thought of dating. When he thought of you. The thought crept steadily into your chest, twisting and crushing your heart. He resented you. He resented the relationship.
When you opened your mouth to break the heavy silence, your voice came out in a whimper.
“If you didn’t want to be in this relationship, you could have said so. No one forced you into it.”
He didn’t reply, choosing to glare at his treadmill in stony anger. You went on.
“If I’m keeping you from finding someone else or dating other better people, you could just say so. Instead of insulting me like this.”
He snapped his head to face you, fury painting his face red.
“What the fuck are you going on about?”
“Please, Jungkook,” you said, scoffing and masking the low sob that threatened to escape your chest. “You resent being with me. You can’t even stand me. You don’t have to stay and feel trapped in this relationship. You think- you think-“ You bit your lip, “-you think I’m a slut. You could have just declined to be part of this. None of us forced you.”
His eyes went wide in shock.
“Why would you say that? That’s not fucking true.”
“Are you screwing with me, Jungkook? You don’t even look at me anymore. You cringe when I touch you. Do you think I’m blind to not see how much you hate being in the same room as you? You haven’t kissed me or spoke a kind word to me in weeks.”
He sighed hard, running his hand through his hair. When he spoke, his voice was soft.
“You’ve got it all wrong.”
You weren’t going to cry; you weren’t one to break down so easily. But there was a strange sadness in your tone when you asked,
“Do you love someone else? Are you feeling- trapped with me…with the rest of us?”
He grimaced, the steely look coming back to his features. He shook his head in despair, straining visibly to keep his calm.
“No. What do you… No, what the hell? Of course not. You’ve got it all fucking wrong.”
“Enlighten me then. Spit it out, Jungkook. I’m not a mind reader.”
Taehyung’s voice drifted from the living room, in a muffled sing-song tone:
“Y/N! Starting to miss you here!”
Jungkook’s lip curled, and he stomped to slam the door shut with a bang. He turned to face you, hot rage clouding his eyes.
“This. It’s this. I can’t bear this anymore.”
You had no idea what he was talking about. But you hated loud noises, and the loud slam had pissed you off.
“What exactly is this this you’re talking about?”
He scrunched up his face impatiently.
“God, Y/N. You just- you’re so oblivious all the time.”
This was getting nowhere. He was talking in circles, and you weren’t going to humor him anymore. The slam of the door had already set a headache off, and your patience was wearing thin.
“Just say it already. I’m not interested in guessing games.”
He buried his face in his hands, clawing at his skin. When he looked at you again, you could see the vein in his forehead stand out.
“I can’t do this anymore. This is so stupid. It’s such a dumb idea. I don’t like this. ”
There it was. Out in the open.
“So, you want out? Are you breaking up with me? I already told you that no one is forcing you to stay. And you told-”
“Shut up, Y/N. Just shut up.”
You stopped, jaw open at his interjection. He shook his head, and you could see his nostrils flaring.
“Y/N, I love you. Okay? Don’t be silly.”
“What? Why the fuck do you keep contradicting yourself, Jeon Jungkook?”
He sighed and pulled your wrist, dragging you to the wall. He trapped you between his arms, pressing his warm body against yours, dominance lighting up his feral eyes.
“I want you to be mine. Just mine.” He sighed again, and his hot breath fell on your lips. “I can’t share you.”
“But- “
Your words were cut off abruptly, as his lips crashed into yours, silencing any words that were bubbling up in your mouth.
His kiss was hot and desperate, as if he was scared to stop. Scared that you would say something that would break his heart if he released your lips. The corner of his lip was trembling, and he bit into your lips to hold on just a little longer.
He had strong muscly arms, and they were crushing you relentlessly.
“Stop…” you breathed, pushing against his chest. “Jungkook, stop”
“No,” he moaned, whimpering with closed eyes. “Y/N, please…”
You pushed harder and violently struggled in his grasp until he had no choice but to let you go. Shoving him away, you spat at him with wet lips.
“Jungkook, this is a polyamorous relationship. You know it doesn’t work that way.”
He threw his hands up to hold the sides of his head, a painful look on his face.
“I can’t… it’s not fair. I can’t even stand the thought of the other guys touching you. Kissing you.” He grimaced. “Or fucking you.”
It was your turn to grimace.
“It’s not fair? I’m not just yours. You knew this when you got into this relationship. Jin is the one- “
He snarled and raised his voice cutting you off.
“He’s responsible for this fucking mess. He’s so fucking selfish, and …and…”
“Stop right there, Jeon Jungkook,” you said, your voice raising to a shout. “Don’t you dare call him selfish. He’s nothing but supportive of sharing. Don’t you dare.”
Jungkook kicked the treadmill’s frame, losing his temper.
“He stole you from me. He fucking betrayed me!”
“Don’t be delusional, Jin was my boyfriend longer than any of you.”
You flinched at his loud voice, pressing a finger to your throbbing temple. Clutching the sides of your head, you walked away from him.
“I’m outta here. I can’t listen to your deluded screams anymore.”
You stomped to the door, turning the knob to get out. But Jungkook was quicker, and he reached the door to block you from opening it.
“Let me go,” you said, speaking through clenched teeth.
“No,” he said, leaning his back against the door and glowering at you. “Fucking listen to me, Y/N.”
You had no other choice, so you folded your hands and glared at him in stony silence.
“I was the one who fell for you first. I told Jin hyung that I was in love. He told me I was too young, and that it would damage the band’s reputation, and that I would lose all our female fans if the word got out. He convinced me that it wasn’t wise to date.”
You didn’t reply, choosing to scowl instead. He angrily went on.
“And then imagine my surprise when he went ahead and asked you out. And you betrayed me by falling for him.”
Your scoff interrupted his flow.
“I’m sorry, I betrayed you? Have you gone crazy?”
“It would have been me if Jin hyung hadn’t stolen you from me. I would have been your boyfriend, and I sure as hell wouldn’t let any other guy lay a finger on you.”
The disgust in his tone annoyed you to no end.
“Has it ever occurred to you that I chose Jin? Do you think you could just turn back time and replace him? Are my feelings that insignificant to you?”
He shook his head urgently.
“No, that’s not what I meant…”
“And did you tell Jin that you were in love with me? Did you explicitly say my name?”
“No, I- I told him I was in falling for someone. I didn’t say your name,” he mumbled. “But he ought to have known, you were the only girl in my life at that time.”
You blew your cheeks in exasperation.
“Did you think he could fucking read your mind? You’re being so damn stupid, Jungkook.”
He whined again.
“He ought to have known. He knew I liked you very much.”
“He was just looking out for you! He didn’t ‘betray’ you. Why the hell did you agree to be in this relationship then, if you were so against sharing?”
Pain flashed across his face once more.
“Because there was no other way to be in your life. I gritted my teeth and bore it so long just to have a part of your heart. But…”
You tapped your foot, waiting for him to continue.
“…But I can’t share anymore. It kills me to see them look at you that way. It just…kills me.”
There was no response ready on your tongue for that. You had never expected such a situation to arise. You had talked and talked for days with the guys before jumping into the relationship. You had been confident about the success of the talks, but you weren’t sure anymore.
You sighed heavily. This wasn’t going to work. Jungkook and you, it was strained beyond repair.
“I love you, Jungkook. But I can’t and won’t choose you over the others. It doesn’t work that way.”
Something inside him snapped, and he snarled at you, bunching up your nightshirt in his fist.
“What if you got pregnant? Whose child will it be? Who are you going to marry? All seven of us? How will you explain it to the world?”
You struggled in his grasp, clawing at his hand to shake it off.
“It will be Jin I marry. And if I got pregnant, there will be eight people to love the child.” You closed your eyes, clenching your fists. “There’s nothing that can change that.”
The repulsion on his face was clear as day.
“You’re a fucking slut, Y/N.”
─── ·❆· ───
“Hey,” Jin called out, smiling at you from his position on the couch. Yoongi and Taehyung were passed out on the floor, the empty wine bottles sprawled around their bodies.
“Hey,” you said, flashing him a watery smile. “When did you come?”
“Just now,” he said, patting his thigh and signaling you to sit on it.
You shook your head, biting your lip.
“I need to-” you winced, gingerly pressing on your knuckles. “-can you get me some ice?”
His gaze fell on your swollen knuckles, and he jumped up hastily.
“Y/N baby, what happened?”
He rushed to get the ice, barreling to a stop in front of the fridge. There, with his head poking into the freezer door, stood a figure in gym shorts.
Jin knocked at the curly mop of hair, complaining loudly.
“Yah Jungkook-ah, get your head out. I need to get some ice.”
Jin was taken aback when Jungkook whirled around, sporting a bright crimson nose, a tiny trickle of blood running down one nostril.
“The fuck-“ Jin started to say, but Jungkook pushed him away, wiping his nose and storming back towards his room.
When Jin came back to you with a bowl of ice cubes, his quick mind had already sensed a problem.
“Y/N, what happened? Did you- punch him?”
He raised his eyebrow, scrutinizing your face.
He hadn’t been ready for that.
“But why? You’ve got to tell me. We shouldn’t be hitting each other like this.”
You let Jin hold your fingers and ice them, holding your silence and thinking how best to explain it to him.
“I’ll tell you, but not now.”
He clucked his tongue in dissent.
“No, now.”
“Jin, just leave me be. Not here.”
Your boyfriend pursed his lips, and the disapproval was evident on the curl of his mouth. He pulled you up and guided you to your shared bedroom. It was farther down the suite of rooms, out of earshot from Jungkook’s.
“Out with it,” he said, closing the door and pulling you down to sit on the bed. “Now.”
You never kept secrets from any of your boyfriends. And this was a very big issue that you had no intention of hiding from Jin.
“Jungkook... he called me a slut.”
He was on his feet, anger rising in his chest. He knew it wasn’t just dirty bedroom talk, judging from your swollen knuckles.
“Y/N, why did he say that? Tell me everything from the start.”
Ten minutes later, you had barely finished speaking when Jin stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
─── ·❆· ───
Namjoon and Jimin had been out all evening, working on the lyrics for Jimin’s new solo. They were surprised when they got back to a living room full of people, all looking stern and pissed.
“What’s up?” Namjoon asked, hanging his coat on the hook. “Did someone break something?” He internally prayed that no one had discovered the burnt pan stowed under the sink.
No one responded.
“What is it?” Jimin whispered to Taehyung, sliding into a spot on the couch.
“It’s Y/N…” Taehyung started to whisper back, and Jimin exclaimed loudly,
“Oh gosh is she pregnant?”
“Shut your damn mouth,” Taehyung hissed, elbowing him in the ribs.
Namjoon’s sharp eyes scanned the scene. There were only seven people in the room. Serious meetings were supposed to have all eight in attendance.
“So, what is this about?” he asked, settling down beside Jin. “And where’s Jungkook?”
Jin remained silent, his face red in a stormy temper. Namjoon looked past Jin at you, addressing you instead.
“Babe, what’s going on?”
You opened your mouth to respond when Jin broke the heavy silence with a piercing shout:
A minute later, a door opened and Jungkook slunk down the corridor, head bent. A hoodie was keeping his head covered, and he sat down on the couch opposite yours. He looked up obstinately, throwing his hood down, earning shocked gasps.
His nose was bleeding, and the blood had dried up in a red streak. His eye socket was a dark purple, and his cheekbone was swollen, effectively sealing his right eye shut.
Everyone was stunned, and indignant voices started talking all at once.
“Who did that?”
“How did this happen?”
“Jungkook, who did this to you?”
Jin snapped at no one in particular, barking out an annoyed “Everyone just shut up.”
He had a sonorous voice, one that commanded respect, especially when he raised it to a shout. The room quietened down, but a low murmur arose again when his shock of hair bounced, revealing a bleeding gash on his forehead.
“I called all of you here to say that our beloved Jungkook wants out of this relationship.”
He raised his palm to silence the babble of voices that broke out again, continuing with:
“He insulted our girlfriend and she broke his nose.”
Jungkook bowed head, choosing to scowl at the carpet.
“And the black eye?” Yoongi’s mild voice asked.
Jin dug his nails into his palms.
“I did that.”
Namjoon shook his head, tsking in disapproval.
“We need to hear both sides of the story, Jin hyung.”
When no one said anything, Namjoon looked at his youngest friend’s bent head.
“Well, Kook? Got anything to say?”
Jin stared daggers at the man in the hoodie, his face a hot shade of crimson. His fingers gripped yours, squeezing them protectively.
“Well then,” Taehyung said, breaking the long awkward silence. “If you’ve got nothing to say…”
You couldn’t hold bear the tension in the room anymore.
“He doesn’t wanna share He wants out!” you exclaimed loudly. “He wants me all to himself! And…” you bit out, glaring at Jungkook, “…apparently, I’m a whore for being in this relationship.”
Hoseok was up on his feet, his fists clenched. Yoongi reached his hand out to grasp his hand urgently.
“Sit down, Hobi-yah.”
The murmur of indignant voices was rising to a fever pitch when Jungkook suddenly stood up. Head still downcast, he muttered:
“Save your breaths. I’m moving out.”
No one stopped him, and his dazed surprise was hidden under his hoodie. He dragged himself out of the room, the stares of his brothers burning into his skin.
“The fuck just happened?” Jimin asked, inspecting your swollen knuckles. “Why is this happening?”
You chewed on your lip, wondering the same thing. What had happened to your close-knit boyfriends? Why was Jungkook suddenly discontented with the bond you all shared? Would your boyfriends slowly fall apart and float away like Jungkook?
You looked around the room, watching the intent faces of your boyfriends as they listened to Jin’s account of the day’s events. Would you lose them all one by one?
─── ·❆· ───
It was really awkward to go to your boyfriends’ studios when they practiced. Awkward because Jungkook was there too, dancing and sweating it out with the rest of them. He removed himself from the room whenever you showed up, and the shift in the mood was palpable.
The others confided in you that they weren’t on speaking terms with Jungkook either, and that the practice sessions were becoming too uncomfortable to be around each other. You knew well enough that it would take a toll on the group’s performance as a whole. After all, communication was paramount to ensure they were perfectly in sync for their dance routines.
You wished to attempt one last time to see if you could talk sense into Jungkook. So, you found yourself standing outside Jungkook’s studio one evening, long after the others had packed up and left. You had half a mind to turn around and leave. But a small voice inside your head kept telling you to give it one last try. Your boyfriends were already suffering enough. You owed them one last-ditch effort to try and mend things.
You raised your hand to press the buzzer, still unsure. Was this going to be a mistake?
The door opened even before the buzzer stopped buzzing. Jungkook stood in the doorway, with his grey sweatpants on, his hair swept back with a headband. His eyes widened in surprise, and you saw his muscles flex when he tightened his grip on the doorknob.
You were at a loss for words. It was strange because you were never out of words.
“I-uh…I thought…”
His veiny arm found purchase on your blouse, and his lips came crashing down on your mouth. His mouth worked urgently, claiming dominance before you could oppose. He pulled you inside and gripped both your hands behind your back, slamming the door closed.
“Jung…” you panted out, but he pressed his mouth harder, drowning your words. He nudged you towards the wall with his body, pinning you in place. His mouth never ceased attacking you, while he worked to trap your wrists into one hand.
His other hand roamed all over your skin, clawing and grabbing your flesh in hunger. Jungkook couldn’t believe you had shown up on his doorstep after so many weeks. It felt like a fever dream, and he held on to every piece of skin he could hold, desperately anxious not to let you slip away.
“I knew you’d come back,” he moaned between breaths, “…to me.”
You struggled in his grasp, trying hard to shake his hand off your wrists.
“No,” you breathed, turning your head slightly to stop the barrage of soul-sucking kisses. “I didn’t come back to you…”
He froze momentarily. Just a moment later, his grip hardened around your wrists. The soft emotion on his features evaporated into thin air.
Without a word, he pushed you tighter against the wall, pinning you under his shoulder blades.
“So, you’re telling me…” he hooked a finger into the waistband of your jeans, “…that you didn’t want me? You never thought about…” he pulled the zipper down, “this?” His hand tugged the jeans down urgently and slithered into the crook between your thighs.
“Stop it,” you said shakily, feeling your arms starting to fall asleep.
But he paid no heed. He pulled your leg and hoisted your hips up against the wall. You felt insecure with both your legs wrapped around his body, with nothing to support you except the wall behind your back.
“You’re telling me…” he repeated, lifting your hips and slowly dropping to his knees while adjusting your legs so they were on both sides of his neck, “…that you didn’t miss me at all?”
By that time, you were hovering mid-air with your neck against the wall and the rest of your body awkwardly supported on his shoulders.
Your hands were free of his grasp, but they were still pretty useless because they were trapped under the shoulder joints that were straining to keep you from falling.
He grinned from between your legs, licking his lips maliciously. His finger pushed the crotch of your underwear aside. He bent lightly and blew against your bare core.
You couldn’t help it, your core clenched at the rush of hot air and it drew another smirk on his face.
“See? You want me,” he crooned, laying the pad of his finger against your clit. You jerked slightly, and he shushed you softly.
“Don’t squirm, love. You’ll fall and break your neck,” he added with a wicked smile. “We don’t want that, do we?”
“Stop it, Jungkook,” you started, but he dove into your clit at the exact moment.
`Though his demeanor was relaxed and careless, on the inside he was anything but. He pressed his tongue flat against your bud, lapping all your juices with feral thirst. He saw your thigh muscles tremble at his ministrations, and he smiled into your pussy. Gosh, he had missed you so damn much.
His tongue dipped and swirled around inside you, and it took all your discipline to stay in place without squirming and snapping your neck. You hadn’t forgotten what a master Jungkook was with his tongue.
He started sucking and sloppily slurping up everything you had to offer, so hard that you were sure you weren’t going to last. You were definitely going to break your neck.
“Stop, just…” you moaned, feeling a cramp beginning in your neck. “I can’t… let me down. Just let me down, please.”
He raised his head from your crotch.
“Why should I trust that you won’t run?”
You could no longer feel your arms.
“Don’t you trust that I love you?” you replied, struggling to stay in position. “Do you think I am fine with losing you? Don’t you understand that I love you just as much as I love the others?”
He cocked his eyebrow at the last sentence, the slight sting of the words sinking in. With a reluctant grunt, he put his hands under your hips, slowly peeling you from the wall and setting you down.
You weren’t sure if you were paranoid, but it seemed that he knew your arms were still numb. He took his sweet time tugging your pants further down your thighs, but all of a sudden, he flipped you over and caught hold of your wrists again.
Damn, right when the little pinpricks on your arms had begun and your arms were regaining strength.
He pushed and held you down so your chin was against the floor, while his knee dug into the back of your thighs. He felt your hands struggle, and he grinned to himself.
“Y/N baby, you’re so weak. Don’t fight me, love.”
You cursed and writhed under his body, but a steady hand of iron clawed at your hips and didn’t let go.
“You don’t understand, Y/N,” he said, the slight sound of clothes scuffling behind you filling your ears. “You want me just as much as I want you.”
More sounds of something wet.
Page Break
Jungkook gave his shaft a few furious pumps, coating his thick glossy pre-cum all over his length. Damn, he was oozing so much pre-cum. He licked his lips and worked his dick, thinking of all the times in the past week that he had fantasized about your tight little pussy stretched around his cock.
His eyes scanned the pretty little birthmark on your left ass cheek. He smiled fondly, remembering how insecure you had been of it when you first started dating him. And the others. His smile vanished as quickly as it had come.
Jungkook had a lot of girth, and he usually prepped you well before entering. But not today. Not when you were writhing beneath him, trying to escape. With one quick push, he plowed into you, burying himself to the hilt.
A surprised whimper escaped your lips. He gave you no time to adjust, slamming into you repeatedly. The force of his thrusts shook your body, earning gasps that you fought hard to bite down. He kept up the unrelenting pace, pounding harder and harder with each thrust.
“What,” he panted between breaths, “won’t you moan for me?”
“Get off me, Jeon Jungkook,” you ground out through gritted teeth. He only chuckled in response.
His panting grew harder, and his thrusts became sloppier. You knew he was close. What would he do after that? He wasn’t going to let you go easily.
He pulled out and flipped you over, his hand returning to hold your hips down. Aligning his cock against your entrance, he pushed in again.
“Look at me,” he said, voice thick and needy. “Look at me when I cum in you.”
You stared back in defiance. Even though you loved Jungkook just as much as the others, none of them ever violated you like this. They hadn’t ever laid a finger on you against your will.
“You don’t love me,” you said calmly.
He raised an eyebrow, still slamming his hips into you.
“Your mind games won’t work on me, Y/N,” he replied, heavily panting. “You’re not going anywhere.” He licked the sweat on the corners of his mouth. “I’ll never let you leave me.”
With each thrust, your love for him withered and crumbled even more. A deep sense of regret washed over you for ever loving him. He didn’t understand love. He didn’t respect you. You had to get out of his grasp as quickly as you could. Would he take you somewhere and hold you hostage? Would he lock you up in a room and never let you see the light of day?
His thighs began shaking, and his thrusts became sloppy.
“Look here,” he grunted, teetering dangerously close to his release. “Fucking take my cum.”
He closed his eyes, his dick pulsing and throbbing inside you with the force of his orgasm. His grip on your body momentarily slipped, and you seized the chance.
Gathering all your strength, you punched him square in the balls, causing him to hiss in pain and topple over you. Even before he could react, you hit him in the ribs and pushed his body off, hauling your lower body out from under him.
His hand desperately snatched at your legs, but you kicked him and slithered away. He screamed out and clutched at your ankle, not letting go.
“Get off!” You screamed, reaching for the jeans bunched around your thighs.
The anger was bubbling in his face.
“No!” he shouted, trying to pull you by the ankle.
You swung your free leg at him, sending a hook kick that caught him under the chin with a sickening thud.
Without looking back, you scrambled up and unlocked the door, pulling your jeans up and running as fast as you could.
─── ·❆· ───
“Hot chocolate?”
You took the cup from Taehyung’s hand and nestled closer to Jin. Your boyfriend had bundled you up in blankets and seated you on his lap. Hoseok was sitting next to Jin, massaging, and rubbing your feet.
Namjoon and Jimin were sitting cross-legged on the rug, their mugs of hot chocolate forgotten. Yoongi was looking at the sheets of rain outside the window.
Everyone was eerily silent. To be fair, all of you had been shattered when Jungkook left. Over the weeks, a faint sense of normalcy had returned to the household. Until Jungkook cruelly wiped everything away again.
Jin had gone all kinds of crazy when you had run into his arms, your hair disheveled and tears streaming down your face. He had been unable to get a word out of you. He had examined the bite marks and welts with murderous rage, his blood boiling at the sight.
He had maintained his silence when you stayed in the shower for hours on end, curled into a ball on the bathroom floor. He had ground his teeth, bursting at the seams trying to hold his temper. He had soaped your battered body, his heart breaking at the way you tried to stifle your broken sobs.
When you had finally acquiesced to go out of the bathroom, he had carried you outside and dressed you gently. He had then bundled you up in the softest blankets as if they could protect and comfort you.
He had bent to kiss your cheek when you uttered it. Just one word.
You had seen his jaw flexing dangerously. Bunching his shirt in your fingers, you had pulled him closer. Slowly the rest of your boyfriends had returned home. They had all seemed to sense the shift in the atmosphere. Somehow, they had realized that something was wrong.
You hadn’t said a word when Jin displayed the welts on your wrists for them to see. He had told them about the scratches and nail marks all over your thighs, and you listened numbly. It had felt like he was talking about someone else.
The sound of someone’s phone brought you back to the present. The notification sound chimed again, and again. Suddenly, all the phones in the room started chiming incessantly, cutting through the heavy silence in the room.
“What the hell,” Yoongi said, reaching for his phone. “The fuck’s happening?”
All of you stared at Yoongi, the notification sounds still going off in the background.
“What the fuck!” he shouted, furiously swiping at his phone. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Taehyung went to his side, alarmed at the panic in his voice.
“FanLive,” Yoongi blurted out, holding his phone up towards all of you. “Jungkook is on FanLive.”
“What?” Namjoon asked mildly, hopping to his feet and peering into Yoongi’s screen. “What about it?”
Yoongi hit the speaker button, setting the volume to Maximum.
“… I was so nervous,” Jungkook’s syrupy voice rang out from the phone, and your ears perked up. “…but I am so happy that I shared this with you. I love all our fans. I really hope you will make her feel safe and welcome.”
Jin slid his buzzing phone out of his pocket, and a news notification flashed on his screen. You looked at it dumbfounded, not trusting your eyes.
Jungkook’s voice was still pouring out of Yoongi’s phone.
“I love this person so much; she makes me really happy.” You could almost hear his bunny smile. You felt sick.
“… We talked a lot and decided it’s time to share our secret. So, yeah… my girlfriend’s name is…” he paused, and all your muscles tensed, “…Y/N.”
You blinked. The constant ringing of phones in the room grated on your nerves. Jin’s knuckles were white, his fingers digging into the sides of his phone. He was seething, the anger growing inside him like an inferno.
“That. piece. of. Shit,” Jin spat out, his body trembling in rage. “I’m going to…”
Jungkook’s rabbity voice piped up again, he was probably showing something to the camera.
“…this is a picture of us…”
You pounced on Yoongi, grabbing the phone.
“Give me that, Yoongi.”
Jungkook was grinning in a successful attempt at cuteness. A turtleneck sweater was hiding the bruises on his neck that your kick had caused. You knew he had probably used heavy concealers to mask the injuries from the struggle.
He was holding his phone up to the camera, and you saw the picture he was showing. It was a selfie Jungkook had taken with you several months ago. You were both smiling at the camera, leaning against each other cozily.
“… this is my favorite picture, Y/N looks so cute…”
Jungkook droned on about how much he adored you and how lucky he was. He even had the nerve to say how happy his band members were for him. You didn’t bat an eyelid, drinking in all the blatant lies he spewed on live camera.
“…that’s the reason for this surprise live stream. Thank you for your love, please accept Y/N too…”
He kept repeating your name as much as he could, as if he wanted to punch your name into every viewer’s brain. That you were his. And his alone.
The live stream ended, and Yoongi flung his phone down in disgust.
“Sick, pathetic leech…” he began, slamming the coffee table. “I am going to strangle him.”
He rose to his feet, but Jimin gripped his wrist tightly.
“No, hyung. Not now.”
“He violated Y/N!” Yoongi screamed out, and Jin flinched. “And now this? I want him dead!”
“Yoongi-yah,” Jin’s firm voice stopped Yoongi’s angry tirade. “Yoongi-yah, we’re all furious. I get it. But we should take a minute to think what to do.”
The younger man glanced at you, and you nodded.
“He has branded me to the world as his girlfriend. You will tarnish yourself if you go beat him up. And that’s not intelligent.”
Namjoon hummed in agreement.
“I want to wrap my fingers around his throat and feel his life leave his body though,” Namjoon said, an unusual murderous look glinting in his eyes.
The buzzing of your phone briefly broke your attention, and you glanced at the screen. It was Hae Jung, one of the BBS stylists. The texts were already flooding your screen. The latest ones popped up in the notification shade.
Hae Jung: Get out of the apartment quick!
Hae Jung: You can’t be seen with the rest of them!
Hae Jung: Y/N!! Answer my calls just once!
“Uh, Jinnie?” You tugged at his sleeve, pulling him gently.
He was simmering in a cold rage, and his gaze was sharp like knives when he snapped out a “What?”
You had a temper of your own and you found it kindling. Taking a deep breath, you displayed your phone for him to see.
“Hae Jung says I should leave the apartment at once. I can’t be seen with any of you. She’s got a point.”
Jin’s wide shoulders broadened as he placed his hands on his hips, shaking his head. Taehyung’s hand squeezed his shoulder, and he said,
“She’s right, hyung. Y/N has to leave.” He composed himself to mask the little break in his voice. “Just for now.”
Namjoon, whose brain processed things 10x quicker, gripped your hand, alarmed.
“I’d be damned if we sent Y/N straight to Jungkook’s apartment.” He gritted his teeth, “Especially after what he just did to her.”
His eyes involuntarily swept over the bruises on your neck.
“Of course not,” Yoongi said, folding his arms. “We’ll keep her safe at a hotel.”
Jimin’s fingers intertwined with yours, and he gave you a reassuring squeeze.
“Let’s send a few of our bodyguard hyungs to keep her company.”
Hoseok, who had been talking to one of the managers, cut the call and flipped his phone closed.
“It’s already a nightmare on Twitter. We need to secure Y/N as fast as humanly possible. All the tabloids will be raining upon us like vultures soon.”
Namjoon’s leader instincts kicked into action, and before long they were smuggling you into one of their getaway cars.
“Here,” Jimin said, slipped out of his coat and draping it on your head. “Stay low, baby.”
Hoseok slid next to you, and just before he could slam the door shut, Jin’s veiny hand slithered into the crack.
He caught hold of your wrist and gripped hard, as if transferring all his strength over to you. No words were exchanged, but the weight of unspoken words was evident in his grip. You nodded silently, and he let go.
Without losing another second, Hoseok slammed the door and the car raced into the traffic, headed straight to a hotel.
─── ·❆· ───
The bird app was full of Twitter trends talking about Jungkook’s bombshell. Hoseok’s phone kept buzzing every few seconds from all the posts and hashtags tagging his band’s shared Twitter handle.
He had removed your SIM card and broken it, handing you a new one instead. He had also signed you out of all your social media accounts. You had been essentially cut off from any media that would give your identity away.
“Baby, I’ve ordered room service,” Hoseok said, drawing the blinds closed. He did a routine sweep of the suite, checking for hidden cameras out of habit.
“Do you want anything, Y/N?” he asked, kneeling on the floor, and peering under the bed.
“I just want you to hold me,” you said, hugging your knees and gazing at his bent form.
He looked up, those soft brown eyes emanating so much warmth. Without a word, he dragged himself up and crawled into bed, pulling you into a gentle embrace.
His nose was warm against the side of your neck, and you inhaled deep breaths of his comforting presence. Hoseok had the innate ability to bring cheer wherever he went, and it was probably why your boyfriends had sent him to keep you company.
“Y/N,” he said, drawing the words out. “Don’t… please don’t resent us for this,” he said, and your heart broke.
“No, no, Hobi-” you said, turning slightly to look into his glistening eyes. “-I never will.” Taking his hand, put it against your cheek. “I’d never resent falling in love with all of you.”
He nodded and smiled happily, his fears crumbling to dust.
“Just- don’t let Jungkook ruin what we have,” he whispered, and you hummed in agreement. You had not for one moment regretted being with them. Jin had opened the doors wide open to so much love, much more than you had ever imagined.
─── ·❆· ───
It had been four days since you went into hiding. Your boyfriends took turns to sneak visits, it was a mystery how they managed to achieve that feat without getting caught by paparazzi. To be fair, the hotel you were sheltered in catered to celebrities all the time, and the staff were very discreet.
Your stomach rumbled, and you scratched your tummy. Whether it was due to your impending periods, you didn’t know, but you craved ramen. Especially the kind with tteokbokki – that was your favorite. Did you dare go down to the nearest convenience store and eat some?
Throwing Jin’s hoodie on, you let your hair loose under Taehyung’s beanie. Hoseok’s baggy pants were your favorite, they were oh so comfortable. Your sunglasses took a while to find, they were buried at the bottom of the drawer.
Looking at the mirror, you were satisfied with your camouflage and decided to step out. The walk to the convenience store took longer than you had expected. There wasn’t one in sight for a few blocks. It felt good to stretch your legs after so many days. But by the time you entered a store, you were already wondering if it was a good call.
The store was quiet. A bit too quiet for your liking. You’d have much preferred a crowded and noisy ambiance, it would have made you far less noticeable. The heavy oily smell of sizzling fritters wafted to your nostrils, interspersed with the earthy aroma of ground coffee beans.
There were a few girls around the ramen aisle, and you tried hard to be inconspicuous while scanning the rows for your favorite robokki brand. All went well, and you managed to get the packet scanned and billed.
You were waiting in line to use the hot water dispenser, wishing you’d stayed put in the hotel room. The girl standing before you turned with her cup of hot noodles, catching you smack in the eyes. The sunglasses flew off your face, and the hot liquid from her noodles splashed across your neck.
“I’m so sorry,” she shrieked, setting the noodles down in an attempt to help you.
“No, I- it’s okay,” you muttered, deciding to get the hell out of there. In your haste, you bumped into a few more people standing in line behind you.
“Hey,” a girl shouted, picking up your sunglasses from the floor. “You left this…”
You shook your head and tried to dart out of there, but she was quicker. She body-blocked you, extending her arm towards you. You mumbled a quick “Thanks” and tried to move, but she persisted.
“I’ve seen you…”  Suddenly, recognition dawned on her face. “You’re Jungkook oppa’s girlfriend.”
“Er, no,” you said, kicking yourself for ever leaving the hotel.
“Ji Hee! Soo Yeon!” she shrieked, beside herself in excitement. “Come here quick!”
The girls you had seen in the line circled on you, wondering what the commotion was about.
“It’s her! It’s Jungkook oppa’s girlfriend!”
They advanced on you slowly, peering into your shocked face.
“You?” one girl snickered in a mocking tone. “What makes you so special?”
By that time, you were trapped amid four girls, and no one else seemed to care about the bevy of girls in the ramen section.
Another girl took a section of your hair and flicked it in disdain, clicking her tongue.
“Just what did oppa see in you?”
The third one egged her friend on saying, “Good that you threw ramen over her, Min Ji!”
“Empty the rest on her too!”
You started to back away, but the girl behind you pushed you, sending you tumbling forward.
“Let me g-“
The girl had thrown the rest of her noodles on you before you even finished your sentence. Instinctively, your eyes closed for a split second, and you felt your hair being pulled. A weak slap managed to jerk your face sideways before the owner yelled out loudly.
“Hey, no fighting. Take it outside!”
One arm grabbed your hoodie, and another pulled you out by the hair. The one called Soo Yeon threw your sunglasses on the pavement and stepped on it, crushing the glass to bits.
Passersby began to stare, and you had no choice but to make a run for it. You were stronger than your assailants, partly because Jungkook had been your gym partner, and all those arm days came to your rescue.
It was no use to try and keep a low profile now that you were out on the road. Pushing one girl away, you landed a karate chop on the arm pulling your hair. The owner of the arm yelped in pain, and you barreled towards the third one, butting her torso with your head and sending her tumbling down.
You ran like the wind, not once looking back. You hoped fervently that no passerby had recorded the whole tussle on their phone. God, you’d ruin your boyfriends if the little spectacle ever went viral.
Dripping in ramen and terribly out of breath, you made it to the hotel’s private entrance. A car was pulling up, and a startled voice called out your name just as you pressed the elevator button.
Jimin bounded out of the car, startled at seeing your disheveled appearance.
“What the hell happened?”
─── ·❆· ───
“But why did you call this urgent meeting, Namjoonah?” the band’s executive PD asked, rolling the paperweight on the table. The conference room in the BBS building was where the group’s most iconic song lyrics were birthed. It had been a room that had witnessed loud arguments about line distribution, heartbreaks over missed awards, and collective joy over record breaks.
“Let the others arrive,” Namjoon replied, his jaw set in determination.
Jin came in soon, followed by a steady trickle of the rest of the band. All except Jungkook of course.
“The fuck is he?” Namjoon bit out, impatiently glancing at the digital clock.
“We’ll get down to business anyway, good that’s he’s not here now,” Jin said, putting an arm over Taehyung’s lap to stop him from fidgeting.
“Well then,” the PD said, dragging a notepad towards him. “What is the purpose of this meeting?”
Everyone looked at Namjoon in unison, expecting him to spell it out for them.
“We all want to terminate our contracts with the agency,” he began, causing the PD to inhale sharply and lean forward urgently.
“… effective immediately,” Namjoon said, his mouth set in a straight line.
“But why? Have we failed you in any way? You can tell me your grievances! I can try and resolve…”
Yoongi’s slow drawling voice eclipsed his boss’s.
“We are willing to reconsider if…”
The PD’s eyes widened in urgency. “If?”
“If you terminate Jungkook’s contract instead.”
Right on cue, the door opened and Jungkook walked in, an air of lazy arrogance stamped all over him.
He slipped into a seat, swiveling on his chair from left to right just to spite the men who were glaring at him.
“Don’t own a watch?” Jin asked scathingly, earning just a cool raise of eyebrows in response.
The PD was still speechless from the earlier discussion, so he didn’t participate in the bickering over Jungkook’s lack of punctuality. The babble of voices grew louder and louder around him.
“I don’t care for your disapproval,” Jungkook was shouting, slapping his fist on the table, when the boss shook himself into action.
“Stop!” he yelled, his voice cutting through the cacophony.
He glared at the youngest member, effectively silencing him.
“Now, what the hell is this actually about?” He turned to Jin. “You! Eldest! Speak.”
Jin looked at Namjoon, who nodded encouragingly. He cleared his throat, unsure how to start.
“Well, you know about our girlfriend…”
The boss sighed. Of course, this was about you. He had been privy to the unusual relationship between you and his artists. And he would be lying if he said he hadn’t expected this rift to occur sometime or the other. He had had years of experience working with hormonal youngsters to expect otherwise.
“Personal conflicts cannot influence your contracts,” he said, eyeing Jin sternly.
“Yeah, tell him,” Jungkook drawled haughtily.
“And you, shut your face,” the boss spat out, furious that his multimillion-dollar band was fraying at the edges because of girl problems.
“Personal?” Taehyung asked incredulously. “Of course it’s personal! Our girlfriend got assaulted and harassed because of him!”
“Correction. My girlfriend,” Jungkook said, staring at Jin’s throbbing neck veins. “She’d have been safe with me if she hadn’t been kidnapped and left uncared for.”
“The nerve,” Hoseok shouted, getting to his feet angrily.
Jimin pulled him back to his seat, hissing sharply.
“Sit down, hyung. Don’t let him get under your skin.”
Jungkook leaned forward, his black eyes glowering at Jin.
“I want to know where you’ve hidden her.”
“You’ve caused her enough harm,” Yoongi snapped. “You were the one who violated her privacy. You showed her to the world. You are the reason she got assaulted. You jeopardized her safety.”
Jungkook pursed his lips in stony mutiny. He had no witty response to Yoongi’s allegations.
“Well, PDnim, we want Jungkook’s contract terminated immediately. We refuse to work with him,” Jimin said, getting back on track.
“If you terminate me,” Jungkook said, leaning on his chair and rocking himself gently, “I’ll sue you. Every one of you. I’ll sue the agency till there isn’t a penny left.”
─── ·❆· ───
You knew it hadn’t gone well as soon as you saw the disgruntled looks on your boyfriends’ faces. They had all come to your hotel room with sulky faces.
“Babe?” you asked, holding the coat as Hoseok shrugged himself out of it.
“No go, Y/N,” Jimin said, shaking his head. “PDnim can’t terminate him. And he threatened to sue the agency too.”
There had been only a slim chance of it ever working out, so it wasn’t a big blow. But it did sting your boyfriends to even think of working with Jungkook ever again.
Jin pulled you snug against his body, sighing heavily.
“We’ll figure something out,” you said, squeezing his big arms that were wound around your torso.
“Hmm,” he mumbled half-heartedly. “We got you some lamb skewers,” he said, burying his face into your neck.
“Oh damn it, I sat on it!” Namjoon whined, guiltily eyeing the now squished package he dug out of his coat.
Everyone giggled, a sudden ease settling amid everyone in the house. It felt just like old times. Well, at least partially.
“Fuck you, Kim Namjoon,” Yoongi said, pulling the package from his clumsy brother. “Now I need to operate on this and save it.”
Another wave of giggles. Somehow it felt like you would all survive the situation and turn out okay.
“Mmm, kiss me,” Taehyung said, sandwiching you between Jin and himself. “I love it when you laugh.”
He dipped his head, cupping your cheeks fondly. Jin pressed himself against your back, his hands moving up to cup your breasts.
“Yah, get a room!” Hoseok snickered, slapping Taehyung’s butt playfully.
You smirked in response, pulling Taehyung’s boxy lips towards your mouth, and leaving teasing licks on the corner of his mouth.
“Ah, don’t tease,” he complained, his outrageously deep voice sending shivers up your spine. Jin’s hands squeezed your breasts through your shirt, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. Jin was a sucker for your tits, he loved playing with them. They were his drug of choice.
His bulge poked your back, and he slowly moved backward, taking care not to disturb Taehyung’s kissing. The others barely paid attention, they were lounging about, talking, or scrolling through their phones.
Jin was halfway through a doorway when Jimin’s surprised yell stilled him.
“Son of a bitch!” he shouted, furiously swiping on his phone.
Taehyung was just as startled, and you peeked around his head to see what bothered Jimin so much.
“What is it?” you began to ask, just as the others started to crane their heads over Jimin’s phone.
No one responded, so you pulled yourself out of the Jin-Tae sandwich and went to investigate. Pushing Hoseok’s head to the side, you stared at Jimin’s screen. And your jaw dropped to the floor.
‘BREAKING NEWS: BBS Band member’s girlfriend cheats on him with ANOTHER member!
Tap to see SHOCKING pictures!’
─── ·❆· ───
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It's Going To Be You
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Spencer Reid Taglist - @asherhunterx, @ilovespencerreidmarryme, @canadailluminate, @nomajdetective,@reidsbookclub, @filmsbyblair, @ready-4-spencie, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @j-cat, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29,
Prompt - I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was…not love at first sight exactly, but - familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it’s you. It’s going to be you.
Spencer Reid knew from the moment he laid eyes on you that you were something else, he could tell from one glance that you would change his life. No words needed to be exchanged for the man to be completely and utterly taken by you. He watched as you walked through the door, though your head was held high, shoulders pushed back giving the impression of complete confidence, he saw the way you fiddled with the strap of your bag with one hand. When he looked at your other hand he could see your forefinger picking at your thumb, clearly a nervous habit. He watched as you looked around the room, watched as Rossi made his way over to you, guiding you over to Hotch’s office with a smile.
“Down, pretty boy.” Derek grinned as Spencer startled, his head snapping around to face Derek just as you entered Hotch’s office. “I’ve never seen that look on your face and you don’t even know her name.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Spencer replied, cringing at how unconvincing he sounded.
He turned away from Derek and tried to focus on his paperwork but he could stop his eyes from straying over to the closed office door every few minutes much to Derek and Rossi’s amusement.
“Who is she anyway?” Derek asked.
“She’s lucky number ten,” Rossi told them, smothering a smile as Spencer looked over, “who knew finding another agent would be so difficult.”
“Wait,” another voice interrupted, “there’s a new person here? Is she nice? Why is that always my first question?” The group laughed as Penelope quizzed Rossi.
“Listen, I know as much as you people.” He said and before anyone else could speak Penelope was being handed a folder causing them all to groan.
“Agent Hotchner?” You asked as you were granted access to the office.
Hotch stood as you walked in, moving around his desk to hold a hand out to you.
“Yes and you’re Y/F/N Y/L/N, I presume?” He asked, smiling slightly at you as you nodded, still fiddling with your bag. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, please have a seat.”
“Thank you sir.” You smiled, taking a seat in the offered chair watching as he made his way back behind his desk.
“Your supervisor spoke very highly of you when I spoke with him, your success rate is impressive.” Hotch praised, glancing down at the file in front of him. “Your latest case seemed rather difficult, are you sure you’re ready to be back in the field again?”
“I passed all my psychiatric exams, I was cleared to return.” You told him stiffly.
“I’m aware of your results, I just want to be sure you’re ready. Infiltrating yourself into the life of Douglas Miller couldn’t have been an easy feat.” Hotch watched as a look of satisfaction took over your face.
“I’m ready, sir.” You told him, relaxing slightly. “It was a tough case, I’ll be the first to admit that seeing what I saw had an impact but I can do this.”
Hotch smiled at you before closing the folder.
“I believe you,” he said, “I think you’ll be a valuable addition to this team.”
The words were what you were hoping to hear, you’d wanted a job with the BAU for longer than you could remember but you paused. Surely it wasn’t that easy, right?
“Wait? That’s it?” You asked.
“That’s it.” Hotch confirmed, fighting back a smile at your expression.
“But- but I’ve been here less than five minutes.” You countered back, there were so many emotions going on within you that you felt slightly overwhelmed.
“Y/N, ever since your name was put forward I looked into your work and I was impressed. Your skills at undercover work are far above what I’ve seen in a long time, that alone would be an incredibly useful assest to the team but on top of that your ability to connect and empathise with unsubs, fast thinking and your profiling skills- trust me, you deserve this job and I have complete faith in you.” Hotch’s words had left you speechless, you had no clue how to respond but thankfully you didn’t have to as the door was pushed open and both you and Hotch turned to look at the brightly dressed woman in the doorway.
“I’m sorry to interrupt sir but we have a case.” The woman said and Hotch stood gesturing for you to follow.
“You have a to go bag?” He asked as you both walked out the door.
“Yes sir.” You nodded, still baffled by how well things had gone.
“Good, welcome to the team Y/L/N.”
“Everyone, this is SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N. I’m sure proper introductions can be made later.” Hotch said as the two of you entered the room before gesturing to Garcia that she could begin.
“Ok, yes, so, we have five bodies so far found in Wyoming. The first two bodies were hidden amongst some trees close to firehole bay. The ME presumes that the time of death was mostly likely a week ago but we should have full confirmation when you arrive. The victims, who we haven’t been able to identify yet, but I am working on it, were stripped completely and the wounds, that are in your files because I so do not need to see that, show heavy signs of torture. ” Garcia informed you all.
“The next body was a single male, again stripped and tortured and the ME says this death is most likely four to five days old. This body was found a few miles away from Basin Bay Point campsite.”
“Wait a second,” somebody interrupted, causing you to turn your head. There sat a man, younger than the rest of the team, he was…how you had missed him you didn’t know but now you felt like you couldn’t look away. “If I’m not mistaken those places are roughly twenty miles from each other at walking distance.”
“And driving distance?” An older man asked.
“I don’t think there is a way to drive to Basin Bay Point, especially not to where the body was left.” The younger man replied, looking down at the folder he was given with a frown.
“I’ll have a map ready for you on the plane.” Penelope assured him before continuing. “Now, the next two bodies were the most recent, ME says they were killed a day or two ago and these victims we have been able to identify as Taylor Gomez and her boyfriend Jack Gaskarth.” Penelope said as she brought their pictures up. “They were never reported missing because they had told friends and family they were going camping, which checks out because their bodies were found three miles away from Lewis Lake campground. They show the same wounds as the other vics.” Garcia explained.
You grimaced as you looked down at the tablet Hotch had passed you as you saw a young man and woman, naked with slices all across their bodies, as well as deep bruising to the neck.
“What was the CoD, Garcia?” The younger man spoke up again.
“ME still needs to run a full examination but her best bet is that it was asphyxiation.” She told him with a frown.
“That makes sense, there isn’t a lot of blood or scabbing which suggests they were done post mortem.”
“So what,” you spoke up, pausing for a moment when everyone turned to you, “the unsub blitz attacks the victims and kills them before torturing them? What’s the point in that?”
“It could be a number of things actually. Perhaps it’s not about the kills for him but more to do with the fascination of the human body, we’ve seen it before where curiosity leads to this kind of attack. It could also be that he has to kill, he has a compulsion to kill and once he’s given into that compulsion he gets to fulfil other urges. If I had to guess I’d say the victims are victims of opportunity-” The younger man rambled, his hands gesturing in front of him as he spoke causing you to smile.
“Because there is no set pattern, he crosses race and gender lines and there’s no secondary location.” You cut off the other man who looked at you with a grin.
“Exactly, the area is so isolated that he can get away with quick and easy killings but because it doesn’t seem like there’s a secondary location yet we have to presume that the torture is a means to satisfy himself when he can’t hold his victims hostage.”
“It’s a long flight and this unsub doesn’t appear to be slowing down. Wheels up in fifteen.” Hotch said as he stood up, everyone was quick to follow until it was just you and the guy you had spoken to left.
“Hi.” He said, causing you to turn around with a smile.
“I’m Spencer, Spencer Reid.” He introduced himself.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you.” You replied, reaching out your hand to shake his, your eyebrows pulling together slightly as he shook his head.
“Sorry, I don’t um,” He said, causing you to drop your hand and nod understandingly, “it’s nothing against you, just…germs.” He trailed off, berating himself in his head.
“No problem.” You smiled again, god that smile. Spencer felt his heart race.
“Congratulations on joining the team.” He praised as the two of you walked out of the round table room.
“Thank you, I’ve wanted this for so long.” He watched as the smile fell from your face before you shook your head slightly.
“Is everything ok?” He asked, understanding the nerves. He couldn’t help but glance down, almost smiling as he saw you picking at your thumb.
“Yeah, I’m just, what if I mess up?” You couldn’t help but ask. After wanting this job for as long as you had, all the hard nights and long days spent training you were finally here and you’d be damned if you screwed everything up.
“You won’t, Hotch wouldn’t have hired you if he didn’t think you were good enough, trust me. I think you’ll be amazing.” He told you, flushing slightly at his own words and the soft smile that replaced the frown on your face.
“Thank you Spencer.” You replied softly and before he could respond the rest of the team was calling for the two of you to head to the air strip.
On the plane you were properly introduced to everyone as you took a seat next to Spencer, sitting opposite Hotch and Rossi. On the table in front of you Spencer had both a map of the US and a smaller map of Wyoming. You watched his fingers trace invisible lines as his eyebrows knitted together.
You were trying not to stare, really you were, but there was just something about the man that made you want to get to know him.
Thankfully before anyone noticed your eyes glancing at Spencer every few moments, the man himself spoke.
“Guys, if you map out where the five victims were found,” Spencer began, circling three places on the map as he did, “it looks like the victims might have been hiking the continental divide trail.”
“Pretty boy, isn’t that trail like thousands of miles long?” Morgan asked, watching as Spencer nodded, pushing the little map of Wyoming out of the way for a moment and drawing a line down the map of the US.
“This is the continental divide trail, it’s 3,300 miles long and it’s actually quite difficult to hike. These people had to have been exceptionally fit and healthy which further backs up the theory that these were blitz attacks. You can go days without seeing other people when hiking the trail and most hikers have to give up because of lack of supplies or needing urgent medical care from injuries and illnesses they attract. A part of the Wyoming part of the trail includes a 120 mile stretch of desert with water sources few and far between.” Spencer rambled and you couldn’t help the soft smile, though you did try to hide it behind your hand, glancing away from Rossi when you locked eyes with him and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“So we have a serial killer and 3,300 miles of potential hunting grounds?” JJ asked.
“So far he seems to be focusing on Wyoming, which narrows the geographic profile down to…’ Spencer paused as he pulled the Wyoming map closer to him, “550 miles.”
“I hope you all brought your hiking boots.” Rossi said as groans filled the jet.
“Hello my crime fighters.” Garcia’s voice sounded through the speakers. “Hotch, the families of the latest two victims are at the station waiting for you.”
“Thank you Garcia,” Hotch replied before turning to the team. “JJ, I want you to come with me to the station and help interview the families. We also need to get ahead of the media on this before they start glorifying the unsub. Reid, since the geographic profile is mostly established, I want you to take Y/L/N and head to the latest crime scene. Dave and Morgan, the two of you head to the second crime scene.”
You and Spencer both shared a look at the news you were travelling to a crime scene that couldn’t be driven too. Whilst you managed to pass the FBI’s training and fitness tests you weren’t exactly athletically inclined and seeing from the look Spencer was giving you neither was he.
Judging from the chuckles that filled the plane the others had come to the same conclusion that you and Spencer were not going to recover from this trip.
You had driven as close to the crime scene as you could get, which was thankfully closer than the one Morgan and Rossi had to go to. It was still a hell of a hike to get to where the unsub had dumped the bodies.
“Ok, ok,” Spencer panted, cheeks flushed from the heat. “Let’s take a break.”
“Please.” You were quick to agree and the two of you sat down heavily on a fallen tree trunk. You had all been warned that you needed supplies, even for a short hike. So you had both been sent out with backpacks filled with water bottles and food. There were other supplies like maps, compasses and first aid kits that you were hoping you wouldn’t have to use. Thankfully you had been paired with the man with the eidetic memory because you couldn’t read a map to save your life.
After the two of you gulped down some water and caught your breath Spencer spoke up.
“Why the BAU?” He asked suddenly, causing you to look up in confusion.
“Sorry?” You replied.
“You said you had wanted to join the BAU for a long time, why?” He asked again, not pushing you when you paused.
It wasn’t a secret what had happened to your family, Spencer could easily find the information out if he wanted to but you wanted to be the one to tell him. It wasn’t a story you liked sharing with people but something about Spencer made you feel…safe.
“When I was a kid there was a serial killer but he was in the next state over and we were from a small town so nobody thought to worry and after a while things went quiet so everyone just assumed he stopped, you know? Anyway, one day I went to my friend’s house, it was summer and I was always out with my friends. I was there for a few hours but I was always home in time for dinner except for this day, I ended up losing track of time and headed home an hour late. When I got home, my momma was there in the kitchen. She was covered in blood and I just screamed. The rest of my family didn’t make it either. When the police came they said the markings were the same as the victims from the next state over.” You told him, not pausing for breath as you rushed through the story. You watched as his expression fell, his sympathy written on his face.
“I’m so sorry.” He told you and you could hear the sincerity in his tone. You gave him a small smile before continuing.
“I could just never understand why. The thing that kept me up at night was that question: why? Why them? Why did he come here? Why wasn’t I home? Why did I deserve to live? I started researching and somehow came across an article about the BAU, from there I knew I wanted to work there.”
“Most people wouldn’t be able to come back from something like that, especially at such a young age.” Spencer said, causing you to glance over at him. “They’d be so proud of you.”
You couldn’t help but let out what sounded like a chuckle and a sob at those words, causing Spencer’s eyes to widen in fear he had upset you further but then you smile brightly and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“I like to think so.” You said softly. “You ready to continue?” You asked, chuckling as he groaned before standing up.
“I hate Hotch.” Was the grumbled response and the laugh he received in return made every sore bone and the aching feet worth it.
“We know that this unsub is a physically fit white male in his mid to late thirties.” Hotch began.
“Looking at the geographical pattern it’s safe to assume that he too is hiking the Continental Divide Trail in search of victims who are isolated from the rest of civilization. He also has no problems taking down two victims.” Spencer continued.
“The period in between kills is lessening so we should expect to find another body soon, have as many officers as possible on the rest of the trail.” You picked up.
“Considering the last kill was two days ago, the average person could walk up to 30 miles a day on normal terrain but we have to consider that the terrain out there is harsh so lets say he walks 20 miles a day that gives up a 40 mile radius he could be in. He is guaranteed to stay on the continental divide trail so stop every male you see.” Spencer told the LEO’s and after some more information was shared everyone headed off in different directions, the BAU members heading into the room they had been given to work in.
“Y/N,” Hotch said, causing everyone to look over at you.
“Yes sir?” You asked, looking up from your laptop.
“You’re probably the most skilled undercover agent in this room,” He said, causing your cheeks to flush and Spencer couldn’t help but smile. “I know this isn’t exactly the type of case you’d usually be assigned but perhaps if we send you out there we have a better chance of catching him. This man is impulsive, if he sees you he won’t be able to control himself.” Hotch explained, ignoring the questioning looks he was getting from most of the team.
You, however, relaxed, thankful that you hadn’t done something wrong. Undercover work was easy, you were comfortable with it, you knew you were good at it. Obviously you weren’t as confident at this part of the job yet, how could you be on your first case, but undercover work? That was your area of expertise.
“Of course sir.” You agreed easily before remembering how fun the small hike to the last crime scene was…your body would not thank you for signing up for a much longer hike.
“Hotch, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Morgan spoke up causing you to frown. Sure they didn’t know you yet but surely your record spoke for itself. “No offence to you,” he said quickly as he turned to you, “it’s just-“
But before he could finish Hotch cut him off, “I have full faith in Y/L/N’s abilities.”
You couldn’t help feeling a swell of pride at Hotch’s words, a man who you looked up to, a man who barely knew you but was trusting you with so much already. You locked eyes with Spencer who smiled at you reassuringly.
“I’m not doubting the kid’s abilities,” Morgan continued, missing the way you rolled your eyes at being called a kid. “I’m just saying maybe don’t send her in on her own on her first case.”
“I’ll go with her.” Spencer spoke up before Hotch could argue back.
Your eyes widened at Spencer’s offer, he did just as well as you did on your first outing and now he was offering to put himself through hours more of that for what?
“Are you ok with that, Y/N?” Hotch asked you.
You didn’t even hesitate to nod, more than happy for the opportunity to spend time with Spencer Reid.
“We’ll be close by the whole time,” Hotch told you as he passed you your backpack filled with supplies, “the second we hear something, we’ll be there.” He assured you and you couldn’t help but smile at his concern.
“I’ll be fine, sir. This is actually the part of the job I’m good at.” You laughed, watching as his lip twitched upwards.
“You’ve been a great help in coming up with a profile too.” He assured you and before you could say anything the rest of the team was flooding in.
The plan for you and Spencer to hike up to a specific spot that Spencer had managed to pinpoint the unsub at and set up camp there. From there you would wait and hope for the unsub to appear. The man was impulsive and his need to kill would be overwhelming by now. The two of you were wired up so that if the unsub appeared the rest of the team could step in and help with the arrest.
You and Spencer were dropped off half an hour away from your campsite just so that if the unsub was around he wouldn’t suspect anything.
The walk was mostly silent, both you and Spencer focusing on not breaking an ankle on the uneven terrain when Spencer finally spoke up.
“Morgan didn’t mean anything insulting.” He told you, causing you to pause before shrugging your shoulders and continuing. When you stayed silent Spencer continued, “he’s just protective but sometimes he isn’t really good at showing it and it comes across…”
“It comes across like he thinks I can’t do my job despite this being my forte.” You finished with a huff before sighing. “I’m sorry, I just…you can’t imagine how many times a male colleague has said I can’t do something and then a supervisor has agreed, you don’t understand how hard I have to fight to be given assignments and not have somebody constantly berating me.” You ranted.
“People look at me like I’m a child. When I first joined the BAU nobody would take me seriously, without Gideon I don’t know what would have happened.” Spencer told you quietly, causing you to frown.
“So you can understand why it’s so frustrating that someone who doesn’t know me didn’t even want to give me a chance.” You replied, causing him to nod sadly. ‘I know he probably didn’t mean anything but…”
“You’ve heard that your entire career.” Spencer finished.
“Hotch was the first person to give me a chance without any hesitation.” You told him softly, watching as he smiled at that. “This should be close enough.” You said as you looked around, the place looked similar to the image Spencer had shown the team.
“Please tell me you know how to put a tent up.” You said, watching as his face twisted.
“I know the theory?” The way his response sounded like a question made you smile as you pulled poles and material out of a bag. The two of you staring down at the mess with matching expressions of confusion.
“Now would be a really good time for the unsub to attack.” He muttered, causing you to laugh loudly. Spencer couldn’t help but grin over at you, your cheeks flushing as you caught the expression.
It took longer than either you or Spencer were willing to admit to put the tent up, despite the fact that it wouldn’t get used, you had to make it look like the pair of you were really camping. There was a lot of grumbling, many curse words and a cut or two.
There was also a lot of laughter coming from the comms in your ears causing both you and Spencer to roll your eyes.
Once the tent was up, Spencer lay a blanket down outside of it and sat down, gesturing for you to do the same. Miraculously the two of you got a fire started and as the sun set and the night time air chilled you were thankful for it.
“I don’t camp but I guess I can see the appeal.” Spencer told you as he titled his head back to look up at the stars. You glanced up too, the sky wasn’t totally black yet, more of an inky blue colour and you could see every star on the cloudless night.
It was beautiful and yet you still found your gaze falling back on Spencer.
“Yeah, me too.” You replied softly, your voice quiet so as not to break the peacefulness around you.
Somehow the two of you ended up laying down and looking up at the sky, you had a smile on your face that refused to move as Spencer’s hushed voice told you facts about stars.
“I’m glad you’re on the team.” Spencer whispered after a long pause of silence. It took you a moment to register his words before you turned your head, coming face to face with the man.
“Me too.” You whispered back, meaning the words with your entire being.
Just as Spencer went to say something you heard a rustle in the bushes and locked eyes with Spencer who nodded.
The two of you waited, not waiting to disrupt the operation if it just turned out to be an animal, but as you pushed yourself up on your elbow and discreetly looked around you saw a faint outline of a man. He was hidden behind a tree but he was watching the two of you.
“The hike up here was exactly what we needed.” You told Spencer and through the comms you heard the team moving out.
“You’re right.” He played along, smiling up at you from his reclined position.
Before you knew what was happening Spencer had his gun out and the unsub grabbed you, placing you in front of him as a human shield. If someone asked you, you would never have been able to recall the events that led to you having a knife held to your neck.
You saw the panicked look in Spencer’s eyes but you couldn’t hear his thoughts, they were overwhelming. Thoughts of Maeve passed through his mind as he pleaded with anyone who would listen to let you be ok, he couldn’t lose you too. Hell, he’d only known you a few days and yet he knew you were special, he knew he had to have you in his life. If you died now…
“Just let her go.” Spencer said, keeping his gun trained on the man.
“I let her go, you ship me off to death row.” The man responded, his face close to your face, too close. The smell of his breath had you grimacing.
“I’ll make you a deal,” Spencer responded, not even thinking. He just needed to get you away.
“Spenc, what you doing kid?” He heard Morgan through his ear piece but he just shook his head before shooting you a reassuring smile, trying not to focus on the tears in your eyes or the blood on your neck.
“I’m listenin’.” The unsub replied after a moment of silence, gesturing for Spencer to continue.
“Let her go,” He said, lowering his gun, “I won’t arrest you. You can get a head start before anyone else gets here. Just let her go.” Spencer pleaded.
It was a tense few seconds in which Spencer never took his eyes off you, he hated to see that scared look in your eyes, the fear in them made Spencer ache.
“Let her go.” Spencer said once more and he let out a sigh of relief as you were pushed into his arms.
Just as the unsub ran to leave, you twisted around in Spencer’s arms and drew your own gun, shooting the unsub in the leg. The rest of the team ran in just as the man fell to the ground.
Spencer turned you around so that you were facing him, his hands on your shoulders.
“Are you ok?” He asked, Morgan and Hotch walking over whilst Rossi and JJ dealt with the man.
You didn’t respond with words, instead you wrapped your arms around Spencer. He didn’t hesitate to wrap his own around you, holding you close as you let the tears slid down your face.
You pulled away abruptly, rubbing your eyes as you did.
“Sorry, you don’t like to be touched and here I am-“ You said but Spencer just cut you off.
“It’s fine, really.” He assured you before his attention turned to your neck. The knife hadn’t pierced the skin too badly, there was a small bit of blood where the knife had nicked you when the unsub pressed a bit too hard.
“Are you ok?” He asked again, fingers on your jaw so that he could tilt your face and get a better look.
“Spencer, I’m fine.” You assured him but that didn’t stop him from getting you medical attention the moment you were back in the town.
Spencer watched as you squirmed away from the nurse seeing to you with a soft smile.
There was something about you that made him feel so free, like he could be himself and the thought of losing you…he didn’t want to think about it again.
“You like her.” Derek said as he came to stand next to the younger man.
“That’s ridiculous, I’ve known her for a few days.” Spencer shot back but he knew his friend was right.
“If she’s the right girl, a few days is all you need.” Was Derek’s reply before he walked away, leaving Spencer looking at you with a thoughtful look on his face.
The plane ride home was uneventful.
You took the seat next to Spencer again and watched him pull a book out. You couldn’t help but glance down at it, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion as you didn’t recognise the language.
“It’s Russian.” He told you quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone as they settled in for a long flight.
“You read Russian?” You asked just as quietly, watching as he smiled bashfully and shrugged before nodding. You glanced down at the pages again before letting out a small yawn. “Can you read to me?” You asked him, smiling as he nodded again.
“Of course,” He said and with that it wasn’t long before you fell asleep to the soothing sound of Spencer Reid.
“Ask her, man.” Morgan said as both he and Spencer watched you leave the office after finishing your paperwork. Spencer too was done and Morgan assured him he’d make sure Hotch received it.
There was only a brief moment of hesitation before Spencer snatched his satchel up and ran to the elevators, getting there just before they shut on you.
“Hey.” He greeted as he stepped in.
“Hi.” You smiled, brushing a piece of hair out of your face.
“I was wondering, I mean if you wanted to, of course you don’t have to, I was only suggesting but I’d really like it if you would,” Spencer rambled before cutting himself out with a groaning causing you to giggle.
“Are you asking me out?” You asked, cheeks flushing as you asked.
“I’m trying to,” he told you, “but I’m not very good at this.”
“Just ask.” You told him softly.
“Would you like to go out with me?” He asked after taking a deep and calming breath.
“I’d love to.” You grinned, thankful that the man had made a move. You wouldn’t have risked asking him on the chance that you were reading him wrong and he didn’t like you but thankfully he had taken it into his own hands.
“Good. Great. That, that’s great.” He repeated, a soft grin spreading across his face causing you to giggle as the doors opened.
The two of you walked out together and there was a moment of awkward silence before Spencer dipped his head down to kiss your cheek, making your blush even more prominent.
You looked so pretty when you blushed, Spencer thought.
“I’ll call you.” He promised.
“I hope so.” You replied before heading towards your car, when you turned around you saw Spencer still stood by the doors with a smile still on his face. You giggled to yourself but couldn’t stop smiling yourself if you tried.
Spencer Reid was something else and you couldn’t wait to learn everything about that wonderful man.
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rhinozilla · 2 years
Detroit: Become Family 2022 - Prompt 7: Fear
A delivery truck driving in front of Connor’s taxi had abruptly hit its brakes to avoid a distracted pedestrian. The autonomous taxi’s brakes had locked up and been unable to stop in time, and the car had run into the back of the truck. The van behind the taxi had been following too closely, and the driver had either been distracted or otherwise had reaction time that was too slow to avoid joining the collision. Connor’s taxi had ended up crunched between the two vehicles.
Considering the three-vehicle collision, involving three humans and two androids, the number of injuries was fortunately few. An ambulance had already taken the van driver to the hospital with a possibly fractured ankle. The human driver of the delivery truck and his android colleague were having their statements taken by the police. They were in a jurisdiction across the city from Connor and Hank’s precinct, so Connor didn’t recognize the officers on the scene…and the emergency technician had strictly advised him to refrain from using his higher processing functions until his system had been completely scanned and received a clean diagnostic post-trauma.
The front of the taxi had accordioned against and under the back of the delivery truck. The back of the taxi had been crushed, and the impact of the van had knocked the taxi askew in the roadway. All four doors had been jammed, and one of the android police officers had had to forcefully rip one of the doors open in order to get Connor out.
Connor wasn’t used to his body hurting…but especially not when the discomfort did not align with the severity of his injuries. His system had registered the whiplash of the two impacts and some minor trauma to his shoulder where the seatbelt had prevented him from being thrown around the inside of the taxi. His head had struck the wall of the car beside his seat, causing a hairline fracture of one of his facial plates and breaking some of his thirium lines under the plastic panels. The result was a very minor laceration on his cheek ridge, a glitching skin projection on the site, and pooling blue blood under the plastic giving him a ‘bruised’ look.
In a similar fashion, he had bitten his lip at some point during the whiplash, and now the left side of his lower lip was swelling from the coagulating thirium. It was also staining his teeth and his chin. The technician had given him a wad of gauze to hold against it until his system stopped the bleeding on its own. His core felt like it was creaking every time he moved; everything from his shoulders to his hips felt strained and…sore. Sore. That was the word.
All of that collectively ached, and what was additionally obnoxious was the odd, involuntary trembling in his extremities that he couldn’t seem to stop.
“You aren’t malfunctioning,” the female technician replied calmly, eyes on her work as she carefully applied cleansing solution to his damaged cheek.
Connor grimaced but tried to hold still for her, sitting on the stretcher where she had told him to sit and looking at his free hand resting on his knee. He could see his fingers trembling visibly…but he wasn’t cold. He didn’t have any synthetic nerve damage or damage to his muscle fibers that would cause this…
“You’re shaken up. It’s a natural physical reaction,” she explained, daubing a pad of gauze against his cheek as she gauged his facial injury.
“I was not shaken up. I was…thrown around,” Connor replied quietly, and the motion of speaking caused his lip to throb.
“No, I mean you’re shaken up. You were in a car accident; it’s natural to have the shakes or other signs of distress and fear about the ordeal.”
“I’m fine. Why would I be afraid now? I walked away from the collision.”
She lifted her shoulders, opening a clean bandage and applying it over his cheek. “Fear doesn’t always make sense, kiddo…Well, looks like your diagnostic came back clear—”
Hank barreled into view, shoving through first responders and bystanders, and Connor spotted him before he spotted Connor. His eyes were wide, wild, and bloodshot, and all the color was gone from his face as his eyes landed first on the three-vehicle wreck, then the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles, before finally finding Connor.
Connor involuntarily lifted a hand to wave him over, but discomfort lanced across his chest and up around his shoulder. He hissed and lowered his hand to his lap again.
“Don’t move around too quickly. Everywhere is going to be sore for at least a few days,” the technician advised.
Connor only half-heard her, because Hank was muscling through the remaining bodies between him and Connor. By the time Hank reached them, he had to skid to a stop, restraining himself from apparently grabbing Connor up in his arms. Instead, Hank just stomped to a stop beside the technician—who had the awareness to step back—and then Hank’s hands were reaching for Connor.
Connor involuntarily tensed, and Hank immediately slowed. His hands hovered without touching, as if any touch might hurt him. Given the other pains in his body at the moment, Connor couldn’t say Hank’s hesitation was an overreaction.
“Connor—oh my God—oh my Goddd…” he moaned, eyes roaming over Connor’s form from head, to toe, and back up to the damage to his cheek and his lip. “Jesus Christ…Are you okay? Connor, look at me, are you all right?”
Connor shifted slightly on the stretcher, uncomfortable with being on the receiving end of the raw, unfiltered fear that was naked on Hank’s face.
“I’m okay, Hank. The technician was just saying my diagnostic is clean. Just minor damage to my face plates and mild trauma from the whiplash.”
Despite this being relatively good news in Connor’s opinion, Hank’s face was abruptly full of tears, and his shaking hands lightly touched Connor’s elbow, his knee, and then gently rested on his shoulder, as if he was desperate for tangible contact with him.
“I’m okay,” Connor repeated, and seeing the old emotional trauma running rampant through Hank’s form was worse than any of the physical pain that Connor was feeling from the crash.
He started to stand up to emphasize his statement about being okay, but one of his knees wobbled slightly…a previously undiscovered bruise starting to impede him. He winced, and Hank was immediately holding him. He was infinitely careful and gentle, and for some reason that made Connor’s own trembling worse.
And then it seemed to fully dawn on him…REALLY dawn on him.
This could have been so much worse…He could have died…Could have…Could have…
“You’re okay,” Hank took over the mantra as Connor’s voice modulator seized from an abrupt panic. He gently folded his arms more securely around Connor, and Connor desperately clung to him in return. “You’re all right.”
Connor wasn’t sure if Hank was reassuring Connor or himself. In this moment, he didn’t care.
He was okay. They were okay. Everybody was okay.
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luimagines · 3 years
Perhaps them being protective over you(the reader)? Mostly platonic but hints of romantic(if you get what I mean?) Like, the relationship between them has been platonic and they’ve only really seen it has platonic, but someone(the Heroes) might be catching feelings. Also if it isn’t too much trouble do you think you could keep this in the same timeline? Like, your other scenarios had the same reader and felt like these all happened at some point, can you do the same for this one? I hope this isn’t too much trouble, really love your blog!💖💖💖
Ok, I think I get what you mean. The Hero is protective with a hint of feelings they haven't come to terms with. They're crushing but they don't know it yet.
I don't know what you mean by the same timeline though. It wasn't supposed to be the same reader for all of them but hey! It be like that sometimes, I guess! Especially if they're just friends.
The Reader is also set to be the same age as Wind for his scenario.
Warrior's got longer than intended and there is some catcalling in that one. FYI
Scenario under the cut!
"You can be seriously going out in that." Legend couldn't help but snap. The group had been dropped into a snowcapped mountain in the middle of a blizzard. The only luck they had on their side was a nearby cave where they all but ran to in an attempt to weather the storm and get their bearings.
But someone still had to scout and you were planning to take Wild and Twilight with you since they were the only ones who could both brace the cold and most likely find their way back.
He, however, didn't like the idea of you going out there period.
Even less so when he found you severely underdressed compared to your companions.
It seemed however, that you saw no problem with it, even going as far as to tilt your head and look down at what you were wearing at his comment. It sparked something in Legend's chest that he wasn't willing to decipher at the moment.
"What's wrong with it?" You asked.
"Are you serious right now?" Legend scowled. The top you wore was tight around your chest and the cloak that clasped at the front billowed around you ever so slightly from the wind at the front of the cave. There were thin layers of furs under your linen over shirts that matched the fur lining your boots outlining your figure and silhouette in a way he found irritating.
The light that barely peaked through the clouds lit up your form gave you a halo of light over your head and made you look more of a hero than he ever would have pictured you.
It didn't sit well with him.
"That doesn't nearly look warm enough. If you plan on going out in that then you'll freeze within the first ten minutes." He crossed his arms and stared you down, willing you to disagree, to challenge him, keep you here longer so one of the others can pick up the lack and go instead.
"It's bear fur Legend." You reply instead with an easy grin your face. He elected to ignore it because he was trying to stay mad and irritated at the lack of care you seemed to have for your own safety. Why weren't the others backing him up?! Wouldn't Twilight have said something by now?! Or Time?!
Why was it just him?
How dare you smile like that? And at him no less! He's trying to make a point, darn it! It's hard to concentrate when you look so... innocent and bright and happy and-
Focus Link.
"I actually have four layers on as well." You continue and peel back what you can to show him what your clothing looks like. Unknowingly giving him a great look at your figure beneath said layers. "Two layers of wool and two of fur and I still have my clothes under here as well. Without enchantments like Wild, it's probably the warmest thing here. I'll be alright."
He can't bring himself to believe it.
He grits his teeth and continues to look at you, not bothering to spare a glance at Wild or Twilight when they eventually join your side, both now ready to head out.
"Honestly Legend. I know it doesn't look like much but I grew up around snow and ice and mountainous storms. If anyone knows what they're doing here, it's me."
He knows this. You told him. He knows that he knows this.
Why can't he believe it?
His hand forms a fist with a tight grip and he gets an idea.
Before he can fully think it through, he's marching up to you and snatches up your hand before you can protest.
You haven't put on your gloves yet so it's skin on skin.
He can't think much of it or he'll lose his nerve and he's already gone too far to go back now or he'll only be making a fool of himself.
Legend all but rips the most powerful ring he has on his person and shoves it onto your own. It's a protection ring, it'll shield you if anything tries to hurt you.
He's not entirely sure why he cares so much, just that he does, and this is all he can do if no one is going to back him up and stop you from going.
"I want this back." He says. He knows it sounds meaner than he's intending but then you let him put it on, take your hand back and marvel at it for a moment.
"I'll protect this with my life." You flex your hand, testing out how it feels and wonder what magic it must posses for Legend to not only give it up but deem it worth for the storm outside.
"Thanks Vet." You grin brighter and Legend finds himself floundering for a moment at the intensity of it.
The tips of his turn red, he knows this and he forces himself to distance himself or else the others would notice.
Your trio disappears into the white and he sits down by the fire made for the smaller ones of the group. He hasn't made eye contact with anyone since you left and he makes the mistake of trying to casually play it off by looking up.
Time is watching him with a knowing smile on his face.
"What?" Legend barks and scowls at the attention.
The older man just laughs a bit to himself and shakes his head but he doesn't say anything.
Legend thinks back on his actions a little sooner than he thinks he should and glances at his hand. The hand that grabbed yours.
Despite the journey, your hands were so soft.
He can't help but smile.
Time was watching the over the group for the morning shift, his hand over his sword and his eyes watching... well you.
You intrigued Time.
Out all the heroes of courage on this journey, you weren't one of them. You weren't a Link and yet you seemed to fill a gap the group didn't know it had.
He couldn't figure out why or how but he found himself wanting to know what made you tick, why did you work so well with the others, what your world was like, and how did it mold you to be so....
He had trouble finding a word for it.
As the boys rough housed and played around, he found himself relaxing. It was a quiet morning and he had the added support of Wolfie on look out for any monsters.
He put his sword down and and walked over to where you were.
You were sitting with a book in your lap, something he found you doing often. But this time you were ignoring the book, laughing at Wind's and Wild's antics as they blasted each other with their Deku leaves. Wind continuously knocked the Champion around but neither of them seemed to mind.
If anything, it appeared the were doing on purpose and were trying to see how far he'd go.
He could feel the smile on his face as he made his way toward you.
"Enjoying the theatrics?" He spoke up.
You jumped with a small yelp, something he found endlessly entertaining.
"You're the biggest guy here! How are you so quiet?!" You yelled in his face with a pointed finger and hand on your chest.
Time chuckles and sits down next to you, sitting just close enough for your knees to brush. "Sorry. It's not always intentional, I promise."
"So you admit you do it on purpose!!" You turn to face him fully. Book absolutely forgotten.
Time finds himself pleased by the change.
"Occasionally." He grinned.
"Oh, and I so happen to be your favorite victim then?" You crossed you arms and leaned closer to him. Your words were biting but the smile on your face was teasing and the glint in your eye was knowing.
"Of course."
"You're impossible." You shove him away. "You're only like this because no one will ever suspect you."
"Is that so- LOOK OUT!" Time had noticed a second too late but in the seconds Time stopped paying attention to them, Wind and Wild had stopped launching each other and started launching objects.
Such objects like coconuts and hard wooden barrels.
Like the ones heading in your direction.
With no time to act, he grabs you and rolled out of the way, pressing you into his chest. The huddling objects bounced off of your spot, some exploding on impact while the rest crashed into the nearby trees and bushes.
It looked like a war zone.
Time held onto you for a second after the damage passed, waiting for any else to come your way. When nothing appeared, he began to let you go, looking down on you to see your reactions. "You ok?"
You had curled yourself into his chest, continuing to press yourself close to him even after he let go.
Time finds himself pleased by this as well.
"Well..." You took a deep breath and slowly looked up and around. "That was exciting."
"Are you hurt?" He asked again. You looked fine, if only a little shaken, but he wanted to hear you say it.
"I think my leg got scratched in the chaos."
Time forces himself to stay calm and to not show any reaction. A scratch is better than getting hit head on. You'll be fine.
"What about you?" You look up to him again, eyes wide and bigger than he remembers and they were such a lovely color-
"I'm more concerned about you." He says, cutting his own thought process off. Time proceeds to get up, being as gentle as he can with you still in his arms. "I did just happen to grab you."
"Well, I'm sure it would have been worse if you hadn't." You grin at him and push yourself away.
Time now finds that he misses the feeling of you there but isn't able to focus on why when the two culprits are running up to you at break neck speeds.
"Are you two ok?!" Wind reaches you first.
"We're so sorry, we miscalculated the angle and it went wildly off our target." Wild continues and helps you to your feet.
Wind hovers near Time, unsure of what to do or how to help.
Time looks over to where you are, breathless but smiling dazzlingly. "We're ok." You tell Wild. "Just thrown around is all, we're fine."
Time sighs and stands up, putting his serious face on. "You boys better have a good explanation for this."
They could have hurt someone. They almost hurt you. His only consolation is how they squirm under his gaze.
"What the hell? What the hell? What the hell? What is this place?!"
Wind looked over his shoulder from the fight over to where you were, the monster he was fighting falling before him. It was a great thing in his eyes to no longer be the youngest of the group. Not only for there to be someone of his age to talk to but also get the group off of his back for some of their more dramatic attempts at keeping him safe.
Wind was having a blast.
Everyone had found a dungeon in the sense that they fell into it against their knowledge and will and had happened to land with partners.
He hopes so anyway.
But on his end, he's with you!
And he's loving it!
You've never judged him and you've always thought that his stories were great and this was a great opportunity to show you how cool he is in a fight without the others trying to stop him from doing all his cool stuff.
And as an added bonus, he loves spending time with you!
Wind was close to wishing on stars for more time to spend alone with you. The others were always around and always in his business. How lucky that it seems he got his wish without doing that little kid stuff, like star wishing.
He didn't take into account that this might be your first dungeon though.
...Guess you didn't have those in your world...
But that's fine! He'll just walk you through it. They're easy once you get a groove going, and as dungeons go, this one is old hat for him.
The enemies around you fall within minutes and you're a little more shaken up than he likes.
"You ok?" He puts his sword on his back and walks toward you. You're staring at the fallen enemy in front of you with your own sword still raised. There's a slight cut on your arm, a red line going across and down, but Wind is almost certain that the cut is across...the blood is just going down your arm.
Wind takes a moment to quiet the sudden and unexpected rage. The monsters are lucky, he thinks, that they're already dead.
He grips his wrist tightly at the sight and places his other hand on your own. You gulp slightly and look at him tearfully. "Wind, where are we?"
You're scared, he realizes.
Scared, and alone and you don't know what kind of place this is.
There's another cut just above your eye and there more blood going down your face.
Wind feels himself fill with determination. He has the experience you lack to make it through here. He has been in more fights than you have. He knows what he's doing.
He's going to make sure you get out of here without being afraid anymore.
"Come on." Wind lets himself go and places his hand on top of yours, gently pushing the sword down and make a small effort to lace your fingers together. His other hand grips his sleeve and he begins to swipe it across your face, trying to clean the blood the best he can. "We're going to find the others, ok? We just have to keep going and if we're lucky we'll find a map, maybe a compass and it'll help us get out of here. We'll be back with the others in no time!"
You gulp and nod, tightening your grip on his hand and let him lead you through the unknown. Your voice is quiet and soft and Wind finds that he wants to hear it more often like this...just not laced with fear. "Ok. I trust you."
Wind nearly preens at your words, a large smile overtaking his face.
He'll protect you and you won't have to be afraid, not while he's here.
"Just leave it to me. I got this."
"Whatup, Captain?" Warrior feels a weight be thrown on his shoulder at the call of the voice.
He looks to the side where it is and throws an easy smile on his face.
It's you! And you're grinning fabulously in his direction.
"Nothing in particular. Just checking our supplies, we might need to make a supply run in the nearest town for potions if we're lucky enough to find one but..." He looks at the bag in front of him with slight distain.
Truthfully, the group is low on a lot of stuff. Food, medical and magic supplies, someone is going to have to buy the Veteran more sewing supplies as well with how much battery all your clothes have taken on.
It would have to be a big buy....
A small town probably won't have half the stuff they need. And he doesn't know what kind of budget he's working with either.
But he's dealt with worse with less.
The group will hold on for a little longer if nothing drastic happens.
But Warrior doesn't want you to know that. If he had things his way, he'd let you think that everything was ok. That everything was fine and under control.
He's used to having to keep dire news from the troops so that they can keep fighting the good fight.
Lying to you though feel wrong. Dirty.
He finds your complete trust in him endearing and your willingness to help him with any and all loads on his shoulders means more to him than he'd ever be willing to tell you to your face.
You brighten and throw a thumb in the direction behind you. "We're in luck then. There's a town, that-a way according to Wild's weird telescope from his slate. I was planning to go check it out regardless but was in need of a partner. Wild can't because Twilight benched him after last fights stunt. Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone?"
That idea sounds fantastic.
"I'd love to." He says easily. "Got anything to do before we head out?"
"Nope. Ready to leave immediately." You get off of him and he follows after you without missing a beat, quickly falling into sync with your steps. It's a habit he has trouble breaking, but if he can focus on matching your stride instead, he can stay by your side for the walk.
"We're getting supplies from the town. Be back soon!" He calls out to Time and the group as you walk by.
Time raises his hand in acknowledgement and goes back to pinning Wild down with his stare alone. Warrior doesn't feel sorry for him.
With that taken care of, you both pick up your speed and quickly leave the range of your little camp. Jokes are traded easily between you two and Warrior finds himself relaxing.
It's a strange feeling but one he knows that he can share with you.
You put him at ease and there's something about you that calls for his attention.
Maybe it's your attitude. Maybe it's your determination. Maybe it's the way you fight and the grace you carry yourself with.
You're a good fighter, a good team mate, and a good person.
You take care of the others. You take care of him.
He doesn't know how to thank you.
Warrior notices that you both reach the town in record time, the conversation seeming making time a useless way measure distance.
You both walk in and begin with Warrior's shopping list since it has a higher priority than simply exploring.
Warrior makes a promise to himself to find something for you.
A small gift, if you will.
He's not entirely sure what you like just yet but he thinks you deserve something nice and if he's here to buy nice things, then why shouldn't you get something as well.
The trouble is getting it without you seeing him buy it, or figure out his plan.
You were always able to read him like a book.
"Lookin' good sweetheart!" A voice calls from the side. A loud and obnoxious voice followed quickly by multiple cheers and whistles.
Warrior instantly has a spike in irritation and he forces himself to not shout back. He's used to this. It happens sometimes back home. He's not surprised it can carry elsewhere. There's pigs everywhere.
He ignores them.
"Why don't you leave your boy toy and come find out how a real man can treat you darlin'?!" Another one comments. More cheers and howls.
Boy toy?
That's new.
Warrior looks in their direction and comes to a startling discovery.
They're not looking at him. THEY'RE LOOKING AT YOU.
Now... Warrior likes to think he's a rational man. He's good at keeping his head on straight in tough situations. He's good under peer pressure and under stress.
He takes one look at you and sees your smile gone, your head is down and your face is red in shame, anger and embarrassment.
But you don't say anything in reply and only shuffle closer to him, trying to get in front of him so he'll shield you from their gaze.
Warrior is a rational man.
Many would agree with that.
He wants to tear their heads off.
"Come on baby, don't be that way! As easy as your back is to watch, we want to get a good look at your pretty little face!"
Warrior turns suddenly and faces them all head on. "Thank you for the compliment doll face! I'm new in town and just passing through but maybe-"
He starts walking towards them as sultry as he can manage, pulling on every acting cell he has in his body.
Which is a lot if you ask him.
The tactic works as he wants it to. Warrior knows he wasn't their target and the idea of him responding instead throws them off their rhythm.
"No, no, wait-" One of them holds a hand up and takes a step back. "Not you."
"Who else darlin'?" He mimics their drawl and smirks at their instant discomfort. "You want a good time?"
"I'm leaving." One of them says after a second of horror shows on his face and not so subtlety turns on his heel and leaves. The third follows without saying anything and it just leaves Warrior and the first caller.
Warrior likes these odds.
He drops the act and lets his murderous intent shine on his face. "Got anything else to say?"
Warrior reaches for his sword and the idea finally gets through the guy's head. Leave us alone or else.
"...No." He says and finally leaves as well, not looking back at either of you.
Warrior nods at his retreating form and returns to you, a little ashamed by how long it took him to react. For your sake.
His head is low when he reaches you and he scratches the back of his neck instead of making eye contact.
"Um... What do you want to do now?" He asks lamely. By Hylia, he wants to kick himself into oblivion.
A small snort catches his attention and he snaps his head up.
You're looking at him, hand over your mouth and crinkled eyes giving away your not so hidden smile. Your shoulders are shaking and it only grows as he stares at you.
You're not mad? He has trouble believing it because he's still furious.
A small bark of laughter escapes without your consent and it's the last wall to break as the dam flows out. You're laughing hysterically and it's beginning to scare him a little.
"D-Did you see their faces?!" You nearly scream. "Oh my god, Warrior, I love you. That was amazing."
Warrior shakes off the shock and feels himself blush. "It wasn't that special..."
"Wasn't that-? Oh boy, I wish Wild was here. I would have loved to get a picture! Warrior that was awesome. I'm so glad that you agreed to come with me." You walk beside him and grab his hand, beginning to drag him through the town. "You know what? I owe you. I have some rupees and we're not expected to come back to camp yet. You want something? I'll get it for you. My treat. Anything you want."
Warrior begins to flounder, and he's uselessly dragged behind you while your grin grows with every second that you talk.
While this all happens and you talk about the ways you plan to treat him, Warrior starts to think that he might just do anything for you.
Hyrule was busy enjoying the scenery of their most recent trip. He had managed to sneak away from the group and walk around the area without having to worry about the others for a moment.
The quiet was nice and familiar. The place was new and begging for him to explore what it had to offer.
Hyrule... found himself wishing for companionship, weirdly.
Well, as long as his travel companion is you.
He supposed Wild would have been just the same....but he found himself wanting to be with you instead.
He just... he doesn't know why. It doesn't bother him.
There's just.... He has trouble finding the words.
You're warm and gentle and it reminds him of casting his Life spell on himself before he met the others. There's a sense of safety, of calm.
A cool breeze on a warm summer's day.
A smile creeps on his face at the thought of you. Hyrule knows that he does it often but he still can't bring himself to care about it.
"Oh my- NO! HEY!" He hears your voice. Panicked, frantic and shrill.
And it gets cut off.
It's a bucket of ice water dumped over him. His heart launches into his throat and his stomach drops to his feet. His feet are moving in the direction towards you before he even realizes it.
Hyrule has reached a full on sprint and has to continue to run when he fails to find you. He takes a moment to be grateful for his stamina and how he's used to running but you're not.
At least he doesn't think so.
But he hopes this isn't where he finds out.
He trips over something. A sharp pain cuts across his shin as he falls to the ground, palms barely sustaining damaged thanks to his armor.
Hyrule gets up and sees something even worse than what he thought.
It's your sword.
You don't have your sword.
You're unarmed and alone.
Hyrule picks himself up and your sword and continues running at an even quicker pace.
He reaches you eventually and feels unadulterated rage flood through his system.
There's a pig monster over you, cheering and dancing in victory. There's only one. He thinks it's one of Wild's bokoblins but he calls on his magic and sends his sword straight through the monsters beating heart.
There's no black blood as it falls.
He sprints even more in your direction and begins to cradle your head, gently checking for blood any injuries.
He lets the healing spell move through his fingers to catch whatever he might be missing, whatever he can't see or get to without hurting you further.
He can feel what areas need the attention the most and can almost reconstruct the attack.
There's a large bump on your head, most likely the hit that knocked you unconscious.
Your arm is scratched and multiple pieces of skin have been torn off but it's a graze more than anything, it's not bleeding and doesn't goa any deeper than that.
Probably the hit that knocked your sword out of your hand.
There's a bruise blossoming on your knee and on your stomach and he has trouble figuring out what came first. They could have come from your fall or the beast could have simply hit you again.
The magic works its way through your system and subsequently heals him as well from his own minor injuries.
There's no way you can wake up fast enough and it leaves his heart pounding in his chest.
Hyrule knows when there's nothing left to heal and has to force himself to stop before he overexerts himself. The uncertainty is killing him. Just when he was hoping to spend time with you alone, this happens.
You groan and begin to sit up, your hand going to your head before realizing that it doesn't hurt and that you're not alone.
"Hyrule...Hey." Your voice is soft and a smile overtakes your face. You looks around and sit up straighter when you catch the dead body of the monster not two feet from you. "Guess that's your doing?"
Hyrule nods and moves to give you space, reaching his hand out for you to take. "How are you?"
"Good, all things considered...." You shrug and pick up your sword. Hyrule didn't even notice that he dropped it. "I was looking for you."
A mix of emotions fills his heart. Guilt at being the cause of it. Relief that at least you're together again. Happiness, strangely, at the thought of you thinking about him.
"Well I'm not lost, just..." He nervously looks up to you, his hand coming to scratch the back of his neck. "Got left behind."
"We noticed." Your smile fills with mirth and it's borderline a smirk.
Hyrule is not prepared by the realization that he finds that incredibly attractive.
"Thanks for coming to my rescue." You say, wrapping your arm with his. "The rest of the group is over here by the way."
"Yeah... Yeah ok." He grins and tightens his grip around your arm. "Let's meet up with our friends."
Yeah....friends...That's just what friends do.
Why does he feel weird about it?
"On a scale of one to ten, how hard is it to learn how to ride a horse?"
Twilight looked around Epona's form, pausing his motion in brushing her to see you leaning up against her, a hand on her neck and brushing ever so slightly.
"Some people are more natural than others I suppose..." Twilight responded, an idea forming in his mind. "But it's not difficult."
You nodded in response and continued to pet the best girl around.
"I can show you how... If you want that is." Twilight grins to himself, leaning closer to Epona so you don't notice. The thought makes him giddy in a childlike way and he doesn't want you to be put off by his overexcitement.
You snap your head in his direction, a bright and excited smile on your face. "Really? I've always wanted to learn but I didn't want to impose."
Out of everyone who could easily show you how to ride a horse, you came to him.
Well... doesn't that do something to his heart.
I mean, he is the only one with the horse but -DETAILS!!
He doesn't care for them.
"Here. Get on." He walks around and holds the reins, gesturing for you to get on Epona's back.
"Right now?" You're surprised, but delighted.
Twilight thinks it a good look on you.
"Sure. We're not going anywhere just yet and Epona can use a walk to stretch her legs." He says and helps you get up. Twilight is quick to follow after you and sit behind you, your back pressed up upon his chest.
"Ok, here's what you're going to do." He gives you the reins and places his hands over yours, leading you and Epona to where he thinks is a good place to go for a small trot.
It's effortless for him to lead you both through the trail.
Your trio actually pass by the group who are resting for lunch and wave to them as you go. Twilight catches the smile Time has on his face and is quick to put together that he knows something he doesn't. He'll ask Time about it later.
Twilight talks to you about how to hold the reigns, how to kick the horse into gear, how to steer and anything that he can think of that means safety for both you and the animal.
"Hey Twilight-" You mention suddenly and point just beyond the distance. "-Should we be concerned about that?"
Monsters, also on horses.
An arrow wizzes by suddenly, imbedding itself in Epona's side.
Shocked by the pain and scared by the suddenness of it, Epona takes off in a sudden sprint. Encouraged by the reaction, the monsters give chase.
Twilight notices that they don't have as much control over their chosen transportation.
He has the advantage.
Epona's first instinct is to run back to the group, back to the numbers and safety. Twilight knows better though, he can't lead the monsters to the group, even if he has a sizeable lead on them. He quickly turns her away, a plan forming in his mind.
You don't have weapons or back up, so this is going to get interesting.
"TWILIGHT!" You scream and throw yourself against him, covering your eyes with one and and gripping him tightly with the other. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Trust me!" He yells over the rushing wind. "I think I have a plan!"
"YOU THINK? You're crazy!" You reply, directly into his ear. "But I trust you... so I guess I am too!"
"That's the spirit!" He grins. Twilight knows Epona won't be able to do much more without injuring herself further and he doesn't want to make any reckless decisions with you right next to him.
He'd hate for you to no longer want to ride a horse over this bad experience.
"Hang on tight!" He finds himself yelling, adrenaline in his veins and he pushes Epona to go a little bit faster.
There's a cliff nearby, a ledge that if he can Epona to go fast enough, she can jump it.
The monsters may try to follow but Twilight is riding heavily on their lack on control and the horses will to stay safe.
Epona reaches it and jumps.
There's a moment of weightlessness and Twilight's heart floats up to his throat. You gasp, and fling yourself around to press your face into the crook of his neck.
Twilight takes one arm off of the reigns and wraps it around you, pressing you tightly into his chest.
Epona makes the jump, landing on the other side with a little more turbulence than Twilight is used to, but he'll blame her shot.
He slows her down and looks to the other side of the ledge.
The monsters do in fact try to follow but Twilight's gamble and intuition pays off. The horses stop just by the edge and several monsters fly off of their backs and down below. The other monsters who can't get by, stop in anger and scream from the other side.
But it appears they lost their archer to the abyss.
So you're safe.
"Oh my goodness..." You gulp and remove yourself from him. "Holy cow... You did it. You mad lad, you did it."
Twilight chuckles nervously and begins to lead Epona back to the camp, gentler and a little more aware now of how she's moving, how much she's been hurt.
"Is Epona ok?" You try to look around him and spot the injury, but there's not a lot of space on the saddle to manage that. He does it for you and sees that it's mostly blocked by the saddle itself, the arrow imbedded deep into the side, just missing the both of you.
Epona most likely only has a scratch and was more startled if anything.
Twilight's not happy about his girl getting hurt but knows that she's taken worse hits. He'll tend to her later, he's worried about you too.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, but Epona?" You insist.
"She's fine. It mostly hit the equipment. They were terrible shots." Twilight grins easily, taking the lead in steering Epona and leans into your back.
You laugh breathlessly and turn your head directly into his. It gives him a great view of your eyes and how they seem to glow in the light. He finds himself entranced and almost misses what you say completely.
"You're incredible, you know that?"
He nearly preens and he pulls himself back. "You think so?"
"Incredibly reckless." You snort. "You've lost your privileges' for yelling at Wild. You're just as bad as him."
"I-..." Twilight starts but can't finish.
"But hey, at least we're ok." You lean back and make yourself comfortable against him. "That could have been worse."
Twilight doesn't move a muscle while you're there, if you're comfy against him, then he'll keep you comfy. "Yeah. Sorry about freaking you out back there."
You go quiet for a moment and he wonders if he's ruined something. Twilight doesn't know if there's something to ruin actually, and he doesn't understand the thought now that he's had it. He doubts you'll stop being friends because of this, so that's not at threat. Monster attacks are not something new. But...
He wants to do this with you, for you.
He doesn't like the idea of you turning him down.
"I don't know..." You say eventually. "Maybe you can make it up to me by continuing these horse riding lessons. Maybe I'll forgive you then."
Twilight doesn't look at your face, he doesn't turn to look at you. He's afraid he'll give too much away on his face if he does.
"If you're still up for it?" It's question. It wasn't supposed to be a question.
You nod and fully relax, your heartbeat gently beating against his own. "Maybe less monsters next time?"
"Agreed." Twilight grins. "Not until after you learn to go out on your own."
"How about... No."
"Wild. I. Have a question." Wild looks up to your approaching form, tensing up in anticipation.
"Yeah, what's up?" He tries to grin naturally. Wild feels his heart start to beat faster and his face heat up. He gets nervous around you even if he wants to be by your side, but he doesn't know why.
He knows you're friendly and sweet and nice and incredibly smart and there should be no reason that you do this to him and yet he wants to impress you so bad....
But he doesn't know how.
"Your slate has that crazy inventory right? So you carry a whole bunch of stuff on you at all times?" You try to stand tall but you dip your head and thread your fingers through your hair.
You're nervous.
Now you really have his attention.
"Yeah. I might have enough stuff to rival the Veteran and he's known as the Collector as well." Wild sits back and tilts his head at you. "What's up?"
"I..." You start and bite your lip. Wild's eyes land on it and he focuses there for longer than he thinks is appropriate. "I just wanted to ask if I could borrow a sword if you had extra... Mine's about to break and I don't want Smithy on my case about it, since I don't have what I need to fix it. But....um...You know what, nevermind. It's not a big deal, I'll manage, I'll-"
"No! It's fine!" He shoots up to his feet and grabs your hand to keep you from leaving. "Got anything in mind? I've got claymores and short swords, elemental weapons and sheikah blades. I've got some cool boomerangs or clubs from monsters if you want those."
While he's talking, he brings up his slate and begins sliding through the pages and icons, bringing it up to your faces so you can get a better look at what he had to offer. He's quick to point out what weapon can do what and how he has one story for each of them.
He takes a look over to your face and is overjoyed when he sees that you're looking through the screen with as much fervor and excitement as he did when he first came into contact with his world's weapons.
"..." He sees your eyes lock on one of them and voice comes out in a giddy giggle. "This one."
"Which one?" He leans over and places a hand on your shoulder. You let him, or you don't notice but the fact that you don't shove him away makes in happy in a way.
You point to it and he has a brief moment of panic when he sees the one you want. It's one of Robby's creations, a sheikah chainsaw so to speak. It's one of the biggest weapons he has.
"OK." He gulps and takes it out. He presses the activation button and watches your face when it lights up the blade.
A large grin over takes your face when you see it and stare at it for a moment. The light is bright in your eyes and you let out a giggle that's borderline hysterical.
"This is awesome!" You make grabby hands at it and he hesitates to give it to you.
He likes that you like it....but he's suddenly not all to convinced that he should. Wild knows that he's reckless and that he gets hurt a little more than anyone appreciates but... What if you get hurt? With his weapon, no less?
The thoughts scares him a little more than he'll admit.
Maybe you should have that one.... Maybe a more... normal weapon would have been better?
You step away and give it a few experimental swings and his heart launches into his throat.
"Ho-ok!" Wild frantically opens his slate again and takes out a another weapon, a normal iron sword. "Take this one as well actually."
"One is enough Wild. Thank you but-"
"We don't want the others to get jealous, now do we?" He lies. "This way it'll be easier to explain...so maybe save that one for emergencies?"
"Alright." You press the button and stash the weapon away, taking the other sword from his hand. Your fingers brush and he tries to not jerk his hand back and make it awkward.
"For the others sake." You grin, and there's a glint in your eyes that makes him think that you're on to him.
But you don't mention it.
He won't plan to mention it either.
He'll gladly share anything else with you though. You just have to ask.
Four's head snaps up and he doesn't have the time to register why before you run past him and grab his hand, dragging him behind you.
"WHAT?!" Four yells next to you and matches his stride to your easily. "WHY ARE WE RUNNING?!"
"THEY'RE AFTER ME!" You cry and continue running, taking a sharp turn. "NO TIME TO EXPLAIN!"
Four isn't prepared for the level of rage and concern for your behalf as he begin to reach for his sword and turns around to fight whatever has you in a panic.
"Don't!" You pull his hand harder and nearly throw him off of his feet. "It's not worth it. Just run, maybe we can find a place to hide."
"What's after you?" He asks instead. How bad did it have to be that you didn't even want to fight back? Was it monsters? Did they have numbers on their side? Was it the weapons they had? Were they infected?
He'd gladly fight them for you.
But if it's bad... it's bad and he knows that infected monsters take more effort then they should and they're not something he can do alone.
"Here!" A smile appears on your face and with another sharp turn to press him close to your body and squeeze into a small space. There's no space between you two, it's chest to chest, completely up against each other and Four suddenly has a hard time concentrating.
Four says your name in an attempt to distract himself from your body and eyes the hand you press against his mouth in response.
"Shh..." You look outside the hidey hole and snap back in.
Familiar voices ring with mirth and exhaustion but they are not dangerous. Four finds it in himself to be a little miffed at there not actually being any danger but he keeps quiet at your request.
"Where do you think they went?" Wind has a grin in his voice.
"I don't know. I think they actually lost us." Wild replies in kind. "But they can't be far. It's not like they can out run us."
"You take the right and I'll take the left?" Wind offers and Four has to wonder what they want with you.
You keep your hand over his mouth for a moment longer before slowly retreating.
Four gulps and takes a breath. He's immediately assaulted by how you smell. It's weirdly not just sweat, but apple blossoms and some kind of herb that he's having trouble pin pointing.
It's intoxicating and despite the lack of personal space, Four thinks that this is the most comfortable place he's been in a while.
"Ok. I think they're gone." You turn and begin to shimmy out of the hole. "Sorry about that. They want me to do something dumb with... an item of mine and I don't have the heart to tell them no. So I ran... Which didn't really work because they followed."
Four follows out of the hole and brushes the front of him off. He places his hands on his hips and fixes you with a stare.
"And then I ran into you and I didn't want to explain everything but you're a good guy and you'd just tell them where I went because you wouldn't know and I didn't want to risk leaving you behind-"
A good guy?
"So you kidnapped me?" Four raises an eyebrow. "That was your solution?"
"Well... How else do I get your attention?" You mimic his position and look him in the eye.
Four's about to retort with something that you could do before he stops himself. It's... not something one would just say to a friend. But he finds the idea very appealing for a moment before being disgusted with himself for thinking that about you.
He rolls his eyes to change the conversation outwardly but he continues thinking about it. "There are easier ways to get my attention. One of them, for example, say my name."
"Hard to do, if all of you have the same name." You grin.
He smiles back.
Truthfully, now that he's thinking about it, a lot things that you do catch his attention.
The way you move your hands when you talk. The way you move when you fight. The sound of your laugh. The color of your hair and your eyes.
"Um..." You laugh nervously and scratch the back of your neck. "Would you mind staying with me for a moment longer? I uh- Don't know the way back and I don't want to risk running into either of them just yet But.. I did kidnap you, so if you have something better to do-."
Oh yeah, he'll stay with for for longer. He doesn't mind one bit.
Sky yawns and rubs at his eyes for a moment before turning his gaze back into the fire.
It's early.... like, stupid early. He hates getting up before the sun and would have gladly stayed in his bedroll... but it's his shift.
Admittedly, he doesn't mind being on watch.
But it's the whole concept of being up before the very time keeper in the sky that miffs him. His body wants to fight it and he typically has to put his whole bed roll away when it's his turn or else he'll be tempted to go back to it and sleep the rest of the night time away.
The only bonus, he supposes, is the chance to watch the sunrise.
It's so different on the surface than on Skyloft, there's more colors and it's not as blinding. He can't to experience more when he reaches his own time again.
The other bonus, he supposes, now that he's thinking about it, if the chance to watch over his new friends and that includes you.
You... Are just as mesmerizing as the sunrise, he thinks.
There's something about you that he finds completely captivating. Your endless colors and arrays of simplistic beauty keep his attention in ways he wouldn't have thought possible. Bringing peace and tranquility to the group when they need and being a signal to start the next leg of the adventure.
And yet, he can admit that it's nothing extraordinary.
You're not trying to impress anyone. It comes naturally to you.
Like the sunrise.
Sky smiles to himself and....he's mature to admit that he's glad he met you, and he think he'll miss you the most when this is all over.
When Sky comes back to the present instead of being trapped in his own head, he realizes that he's been staring at you for a while.
You're still sleeping.
He takes a breath. That wouldn't have been awkward. He prides himself on not being a creep, thank you very much.
You turn in your sleep and a sound escapes you.
Sky sits up a little straighter and watches you again. He knows that everyone has their fair share of demon to fight even when they're asleep. It wouldn't be all that surprising to learn that you had your own battles beyond daytime.
You move again, lifting your arm to fight whatever your brain says is in front of you and a gasp comes through.
Sky shoots up again begins to make his way over to you. He's careful not to wake the others but if he kicks Wind's on the way over, he won't mention it... It's not like that woke him up anyway.
When he finally reaches your side, you're shaking and moving side to side without knowledge of what is happening outside your own mind.
Sky nearly growls and kneels next to you.
"I wish I can fight those things for you..." He says out loud as he begins to gently shake your shoulder. "How dare they still plague you. They're not even here. Who gave them the right?"
You give out a small scream, something in your mind terrorizing you and it prompts Sky to shake you by both your shoulders until you wake up.
Your eyes shoot open with a gasp. You're covered in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. It takes you a while to realize where you are and who's in front of you but in the meantime you try fighting Sky off, still not fully aware that you're awake.
"Hey, hey, it's me." Sky takes a step back in hopes of calming you, even if it's the last thing he wants to actually do. "You're safe now. It's ok."
You finally stop and look at him, staring for a moment until he can see the moment when you see him. "...Oh..."
"You ok?" Sky takes the step forward. "That seemed rough."
"I... Um..."
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He takes another step forward and places his hands on your shoulders. You're still shacking but instead of answering him you launch yourself into his arms.
Sky doesn't hesitate to hold you and lets you cry into his shoulder for as long as you need. He makes a vow to himself right then and there.
He's going to do his best to protect you... and the others. So that even if things get hard, maybe you'll have less nightmares to deal with.
If you'll let him, that is.
For now, he's going to hold you and be there for you when you need him.
It's... really all he can do.
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Don’t Worry, Darling (one-shot)
Synopsis: Falling in love with a co-star is something that can hurt, especially when it seems like they’re talking to other people behind your back, but falling in love with a co-star and being unable to help when they’re sick, is even worse.
Pairing: Harry Styles x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, SMUT 
Warnings: COVID-19, sickness, swearing, SMUT (fingering, m going down on f, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it))
Word count: 11 968 (yoikes)
Please note I’m not trying to make light of the pandemic or the virus and those impacted by it. It’s a very real and serious thing, which is why I decided to use it. Please stay safe and healthy, follow the local health guidelines and if you have the ability please get vaccinated. Let’s keep ourselves and one another safe, frens :)
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When Y/N got the call she’d gotten the role of Jack’s ex-wife who’d disappeared in mysterious circumstances, she was over the moon. As a Marvel alumnus, she was excited to work with Florence, as she’d loved Midsommar, and knowing she was going to be one of the new faces carrying the next Marvel chapter, she wanted to get to know her. Having played Tony Stark’s adopted daughter since the age of six, she was very protective of the franchise but was excited to see where it’d go.
      Then Shia LaBeouf, Chris Pine as well with Dakota Johnson’s announcements coming soon after, Y/N got even more stoked, and with Olivia Wilde leading all of them, she was sure the movie would be a hit.
      Shia and Dakota had to drop out due to scheduling issues (which Y/N couldn’t lie – she was kind of happy Shia couldn’t do it), and that's where Harry Styles took over the role of Jack with Kiki Layne Dakota’s Margaret.
      Now, when Y/N had seen Harry’s picture next to the re-cast e-mail the whole production had been sent out, she might’ve had a little (a massive, like a ginormous) freak-out. As much as she’d grown up listening to classic rock, due to Robert Downey Jr. and Iron Man, she’d been an avid One Direction fan. Like to the point, it might even seem a bit creepy. Y/N had sort of grown out of the obsessive phase of it all, but most definitely admired the solo albums they’d been able to produce, and when Dunkirk came out, she was excited to see Harry join the acting world, with the amount of talent he had.
      The first table read was sort of awkward, and definitely the weirdest one, given how a pandemic had started, and everyone was at their respective homes using Zoom. 
      Y/N and Florence had been the first to join the conversation about half an hour before the official beginning, and by the time everyone else did, they were crying from laughter and had to excuse themselves from their computers to collect whatever remaining composure they had. 
      “You two alright?” Oliva Wilde had raised her eyebrow, as the women re-joined, still chuckling. “Will we have to use body doubles for the scenes you two are in?”
      “Nohooo!” both of them yelled through laughter. “We’ll be as professional as professionals are. Which is very professional.”
      Then Y/N made the mistake of glancing at Florence’s square, and the two busted out laughing again, spewing apologies in between, but no one seemed to really mind. In fact, it looked like they appreciated how casual and open everyone was being, hoping the set wouldn’t be stiff either when they moved onto filming.
      And for the two women, it wasn’t really. Actually, they grew closer than ever. The amount of time Florence spent in Y/N’s trailer was to the point that the two started to talk about just moving in together. After scouring the nearby apartments for rent, they settled on a three-bedroom apartment, as two-bedroom ones were non-existent. 
      When Harry grew closer to them as well, given how he spent quite some time with both women, they suggested he move in as well.
      “You know, what? I changed my mind. You’re taking away our closet, and I don't like that,” Y/N pouted, watching as Florence lifted a pile of her clothes and moved it to her room. “That’s not very ‘treat people with kindness’ of you.”
      All he did was flick a finger at her forehead, which Y/N swatted away with a smile. When he’d double-checked about moving in with them (which, mind you was the seventh time, and half his stuff was already there), the two women were ecstatic. They got along amazingly on set and basically having a sleepover with friends every night suited all of them quite well. 
      At that moment, Y/N was sitting on the edge of her bed, knitting while Harry painted all of their toes and Florence put on facemasks.
      “Wine!” Y/N suddenly exclaimed, almost knocking over the light blue nail polish bottle as she jumped up, throwing her needles back on the bed. “We need wine!”
      “Do not ruin my masterpiece!” Harry hollered after her, as she waddled away on her heels, toes separated by foam and hight up in the air. She even had to manoeuvre around the carpet to avoid any hairs and fibres that could get stuck inside the still wet lacquer.
      It took her a second to find a bottle all three of them could enjoy, given their tastes were so different – Y/N preferred sweet and red, and didn’t care if it was a three-dollar bottle from Target, Harry had a bit more of an expensive pallet, giving preference to something with a more of a lingering aftertaste and in the higher ranges of price point, while Florence liked rosé and white wines.  
      Taking two glasses in one hand and the bottle with a third glass between her fingers, she shuffled back to her room when she heard the two muttering something in low voices before Harry whispered harshly, “I’m not telling Y/N that!” 
      “Won’t me what?” Y/N’s question made him and Florence spring back where they’d been engaged in a heated conversation when she re-entered the room, putting the wine bottle and glasses on the nightstand.
      Florence waved her off, giving her a smile, she didn’t believe in. “Nothing. Now come on, Harry will do your fingernails now, and I think it’s about time the mask came off.”
      And that’s when Y/N’s heart dropped. She’d been in the industry long enough to know how fake people could be, how they could put on smiles so inviting and friendly while hiding their true intentions behind them. She just didn’t think two people she’d found so genuine and sweet would be like that.
      And the thing was – it wasn’t the first time she’d heard the two whispering like that and hushing up when they saw her enter the room or even come somewhere near to them. 
In the beginning, Y/N had chalked it up to the two being closer, given they had to spend more time together, so they knew one another better, but this time sort of solidified it wasn’t the fact the two were closer, it had to deal with Y/N specifically.
      So, she started to distance herself. She’d had enough users in her life to last her for the rest of it. Y/N excused herself from the movie nights they had on most Fridays, she no longer joined in on the cooking sessions and mostly spent time in her room, or on work calls.
      When she re-entered the flat, four weeks after their falling out, they watched as she nodded to them, and went inside her room, closing the door, much like she’d been doing for the past thirty days. 
      “Do you think she knows?” Harry asked, brows furrowed and bottom lip between his teeth as he hoped the doors would open, yet, obviously, they didn’t. 
      “Well, I haven’t told her, and unless you did, then I doubt it…”
      Harry stood up, running a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna talk to her.”
      “You think it’s a good idea?”
      “No, but if she’s upset maybe she needs to talk to someone.”
      “Or maybe she wants to be alone.”
      Harry bit his lip thinking over Florence’s words. When he was upset about something, he himself did like to kind of retreat and become a little bit of a recluse, to sort out his emotions before anyone else tried to jump in and help with it, but the thing was – Y/N’s distancing started the night when she’d walked in on the two of them arguing, and it’d been about the girl in question herself, so he shook his head. “I’ll just ask if she’s alright.”
      He took a deep breath and went to enter the room he hadn’t seen in almost a month. “Hey.” Harry poked his head through Y/N’s door, making her swirl around in her chair. She looked adorable to him. She’d changed into a big fluffy nightgown, the hood up, a headband pushing hair away from her face with a green facemask covering her skin. The domestic life flashed through Harry’s head like a freight train, as it was something he craved, but pushed it away. There was no daydreaming before figuring out what was in front of him in reality. “You okay?”
      “ 'M fine.” She shot him a quick smile. “Why? Did Olivia send something new for the script?”
      “Um, no, ‘s just you’ve been, I dunno – detached a bit?”
      “Look, Harry… I may be younger than you, but I’ve been in this industry longer than you or Florence.” Y/N stood and shrugged before crossing her arms. “And the thing is – I don’t care for shit like that. So, you two can gossip and whisper and talk whatever you want about me behind my back. Everyone else is doing that so, you’re not that special. But’ I’d prefer if you did it somewhere else besides my room, my space, and I’ll say this once, but very clearly – we’re not friends. I don’t need friends like you. We’ll be civil and we’ll do our jobs, but…” Harry’s heart broke at her eyes, seeing the pain in them as she nodded and made sure he understood where she stood. “We’re not friends.”
      She didn’t leave any room for argument. When Harry left, Y/N didn’t even look over her shoulder to see him exit.
      The next couple of mornings she didn’t see them leave nor come back, seeing as Y/N had the week off from filming, but the morning of the seventh day was awkward as hell, given how all of them had to go and get tested, and well, they had their allocated time slots one after the other. Usually, they’d take one car together, but this time, Y/N drove off on her own, while Harry and Florence carpooled on their own.
      The tests were always nerve-wracking. If one person went down, the whole production did for at least two weeks. And as much as she hated going in alone, she was glad no one was with her in the car, because as she stepped out, a certain notion swept over her that this would be a lot different than usual.
      A doctor dressed head to toe in protective gear motioned for her to sit down, as another processed her ID and work ID. Her leg was bouncing up and down the whole time, and he eyed her. If she could see his lips, she was sure they’d be pursed. “Anything wrong?” He handed her back the IDs before moving to the table where a set of large q-tips seemed to lay in sterile packs.
      Y/N sighed, biting her lip and nodded. “Woke up with a sore throat and a small cough appeared on my way here as well. I wiped and cleaned everything down at the apartment I’m staying at and wore gloves and a mask the whole time.”
      “Anything else?” the doctor asked, writing down each word as Y/N said. “The feeling of breaking bones, fever, muscle pain, eyes hurting when you look up, lost sense of smell or taste?”
      “No, nothing like that. Just a sore throat and a small cough.”
The doctor let out a large sigh, probably from having to wear a full-on hazmat suit. “Alright. Just for safety reasons, so we know who’s a potential contact person, who are you staying with?”
      “Florence Pugh and Harry Styles. We’re renting an apartment together.”
      “Do you know if they’ve had any symptoms?”
      “No,” Y/N shook her head honestly. “And I haven’t really interacted with them this past week, as they’ve been on set, and I didn’t have any scenes to film, and by the time they get back, I’m already asleep, and I’m still asleep when they leave so there’s been no direct contact. We have our own kitchenware, so there shouldn’t be any direct contact. I think.”
      That last bit was half-true, seeing as she hadn’t been asleep when they came back, but she might as well have been. The second Y/N heard the door click, she’d place her headphones on or leave the room, only glimpsing the two faces falling as she did that.
      The doctor clearing his throat and motioning for Y/N to open her mouth so he could take a swab and then to do the same for both her nostrils, was what brought her out of it. She was so used to it, it was like nothing at that point. “Okay. We’ll need you to stay in the car while the test is being run, and if it comes back positive, you’ll be placed in a separate flat, as to not endanger the rest.”
      Her ‘alright’ was barely audible. Fuck. It just felt like the universe was against her. First, the two people she’d gotten closest to were whispering behind her back and being fake to her face, now she might have a super contagious virus to which there was no medicine really, nor was there a vaccine, let alone the thought she’d have to miss filming for potentially more than two weeks.
      The thirty minutes of wait were agonizing, her leg bouncing up and down. Y/N’s eyes kept watching the line of cars slowly move forward through the tent and then settle behind hers. She knew Harry was about five cars away, and she was glad he wasn’t closer. They weren’t really allowed to get out of their vehicles while the tests were being run, and Y/N didn’t think she’d be able to not look back at him through her review mirror. 
      Two more minutes passed when finally, one of the med students in the full hazmat suit came up and knocked on her car window.
      “Miss Y/L/N?”
      “ID please.” It was standard so that no med info got leaked. The only reason she had to rummage through her stuff was, because she’d bite the little plastic card in half if she didn’t throw it somewhere deep inside her bag.
      “So.” The man sighed, and he didn’t need to elaborate. Y/N understood, but still, he had to confirm it to her. “Your test came back positive for COVID-19. The production has been informed, and for safety reasons, everyone will have to self-isolate for two weeks.”
      Y/N’s head slammed against the back of the seat. “Fuck. Okay.”
      “Because so far, you’re the only positive case, you’ll be placed into quarantine. We’ll need the address you’re staying at, and if you need anything from your apartment, we can send someone over to grab a few things. You’ll have to follow the black SUV right there.” He pointed further down the lot where indeed a black SUV stood. “They’ll take you to where the quarantine apartments are. Is there anything immediate you’ll need?”
      “I – uh – I need my pills, my birth control that is. I take it every evening. Computer, chargers. That’s the most immediate I can think of. Maybe some food? I didn’t get the chance to eat breakfast.”
      Even through the mask, Y/N could see the man smile. “Well arrange that. In the meantime, here’s the number for the coordinators who’ll get you the rest of your things and deliver them to you.”
      “Thank you. I’ll call my assistant, and she’ll drive down to the apartment. She knows where everything is.”
      “Have you been in close contact with her?”
      “Just through the phone. She hasn’t been on set in almost a month, as I told her only to come when it’s an emergency… Guess this is it.” Y/N let out an awkward chuckle.
      And truly that was it. With one last motion as to where the SUV stood, she started back up the engine, reversed out of the spot and followed the car to where the ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ production had set up a few quarantine apartments, specifically for actors and crew, speed-dialling her assistant Anna and letting her know of the situation.
      “Shit, girl,” she’d cursed. “That sucks.”
      “Tell me about it.”
      “Okay,” Anna huffed. “Do you have a spare key for the apartment by any case or do I need to go down to the lot and ask Harry or Florence?”
      “Both of them will be at the apartment, given how everything’s shut down, so they should be able to open the door for you. Hopefully, if both of them are negative. If not, call me, I’ll tell you where we hide the spare. Thank you, Anna.”
      “Of course.”
      As Y/N pulled up behind the SUV, a man and a woman in face guards and masks stepped out. She ended the call and stepped out as well, pulling on a cloth face mask, an envelope in their hands, which they handed to her.
      “Your flat’s on the third floor, 367. When you have the list of things you need, forward them to us, and we’ll gather your things.”
      Y/N nodded and gave them a tight smile. “Thank you. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
      With a sigh, she took her bag and entered the complex. As much as she’d only had a small cough in the morning and a sore throat, walking up those flights of stairs made her winded more than it usually would. Maybe it was the knowledge she had a sickness, or maybe it was stress about missing work and putting everyone on lockdown, or maybe it was the combination of it all with her falling out with Harry and Florence on top.
      She placed the key in the lock and twisted, revealing a studio type apartment, and it was so bare it made her heart clench. As much as she felt awkward being around Florence and Harry, their flat was a bit messy, had little pieces of clothing thrown around, giant knitted blankets on the sofas, a candle always lit whenever someone was home. Harry’s shoes were typically all over the place while Y/N’s make up was scattered around everywhere. Literally. Florence and Harry had gotten back early one morning from a night shoot and found her looking under the sofas for one of her lash glues as she started to get ready for the day. They’d made that flat their home for the time being. This… this was nothing like that.
      She threw the keys on the small kitchen counter and shrugged off her jacket. They was going to be a long two weeks. At best.
       Back at their place, Florence and Harry were pacing around, having heard the news that someone was positive, and everything had to shut down for the time being, yet Y/N was nowhere to be seen when a knock at the door disrupted them.
      Harry was there and flinging it open in a matter of a second, only to be stopped by Anna instead of Y/N.
      “Hey.” His brows furrowed as she and two people all wearing masks and gloves entered. “What’s going on? Is Y/N alright?”
      Anna sighed, nodding her head for the two strangers to go towards the woman’s room. “She was the one who tested positive for the virus. Gave me a list of the things she’d need while in quarantine. We’re here to pick ‘em up and get them to her.”
      “And she’s not doing that here?”
      “Per the safety instructions, she’s been placed in a separate flat in self-isolation.”
      “She could’ve done that here. We’d be fine with it,” Florence butted in, arms crossed over her chest. “We’re more than willing to take care of her. She’ll need someone to help her.”
      “You both tested negative.” One of the people piped up, carrying a box of books and yarn. “I’m sorry, but she’ll have to quarantine separately until she’s no longer infected. She’s under the supervision of doctors, and she knows if an emergency happens, they’ll be there in ten minutes tops. I’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.”
      Harry sighed, nodding as the people exited their place, but before Anna could leave, he took hold of her bicep. “Hey, can you please tell her to call me? I just wanna talk.”
      “I uh – ” Anna furrowed her brows, showing Harry that Y/N hadn’t said anything to her about the falling out they’d had. “I’ll uh, yeah. I’ll do that.”
      With that he was left to close the door and just wait for… anything.
       In the two hours Y/N had spent in the apartment, she already felt like going insane, having been left alone with her thoughts, so how she was going to do another two weeks after finally getting back into the rhythm of work was beyond her. She didn’t have any of her knitting supplies, didn’t have any of her books (yet), and most likely there was no reason to look at her script anymore, as she’d made up her mind about a lot of things. 
      There was a knock at the door, and Y/N instantly had a mask on her face and gloves on her hands. She peeped through the peephole and when she saw boxes lined in the hallway, three people in masks and faceguards at least six feet away, only then did she open the door and give them a wave.
      “Everything should be here, but if you need anything else just pop me a message.” Anna then pointed at a bag that sat atop everything. “There are the most important things, so you don’t have to rummage through everything and a pizza is on the way while I do some grocery shopping for you. And umm, there’s a paper you need to sing that you know you need to be in self-isolation and that you understand what happens if you’re not.”
      Y/N hoped all of them understood she was smiling underneath the mask, grateful for having them help her out like that. “Thank you. So much.”
      She rushed inside found a pen and signed it, moving between the boxes to place the papers on the stairs so that they could be safely retrieved. With that, the two assigned people left, leaving Anna to say goodbye.
      “Call me.” She pointed at Y/N. “No matter what, even if you just wanna talk for five seconds.”
      “Will do.” Y/N nodded and gave her a thumbs up. “If I could, I’d hug you.”
      Anna sighed, cocking her head. “Same. And umm, Harry told me to ask you to call him.”
      “Yeah, uh thank you.” She knew he probably wanted to talk, so it wasn’t that big of a surprise, but it still made her stumble on her words. “Take care, Anna.”
      “You too.”
       The next two days Y/N spent worrying as to how to present her decisions to the cast and crew. She felt worse with every hour, and with that had come her thought process, but as much as everyone was going to be impacted by what she was going to do, Olivia would be the one dealing with it most, so later that night she hopped on a Zoom call with her director.
      “Hey, girl.” Olivia gave her a warm smile, and Y/N almost melted. God, she loved that woman. She was like the older sister she never had. “How are you doing?”
      “I’m alright. Feelin’ kind of woozy from time to time, throat’s killing me, and I’m fairly certain I’m getting abs from how much I’m coughing.” That made both of them chuckle before Y/N bit her lip and ran a hand through her hair. “Look,” she sighed, looking at Olivia. “The reason I called you is that umm… well, I think it’d be a lot more cost-effective for you to re-cast me. We’ve barely shot one scene with me. I’ll be out of commission for two weeks, as a minimum. It could get worse. And I’m definitely not going to be back before I get two negative consecutive tests.”
      Olivia shook her head, running down her hands over her face and then through her hair. “Y/N, I really don’t want to do this. There’s a reason we cast you. You’re amazing, and yours and Harry’s chemistry is off the charts. We’re all quarantining for two weeks, and I’m sure you’ll be fine in no time, back on set and killing it like you always do.”
      “You don’t know that.”
      “Of course, I do! Nothing’s gonna happen to you.”
      “All I’m saying it could take up to a month to get those two negative tests. By that point, you could’ve shot at least a fourth of my scenes. Olivia…” Y/N gave her a small, sad smile. “I know you know I’m right. I hate to pass on this, but I won’t hinder the production. If you want my input, I’ll help with the re-casting, if it takes the guilt away.”
      “I still feel like shit this is an option we even have to consider.”
      “’S not your fault. You didn’t get me sick. We should be happy it’s just me, not someone else or more than one person.”
      For two more days, it was radio silence from Y/N, and Harry and Florence were anxious messes. If they could distract themselves from the falling out while on set, then now, having to be cooped up inside the apartment with pretty much nothing to do, was so much worse, not to mention Y/N declined all of their calls and left their messages on read, leaving the only option for checking in either through Anna or what she decided to share on her social media, which wasn’t a lot. But the thing was, Harry knew his best bet was to call Y/N in the middle of the night. Disorientated and barely awake, she probably wouldn’t look at the caller ID once. And he was right.
      A bleary face appeared on his screen, eyes squinting as she tried to block out as much of the light as possible. “Hello?” Her voice was scratchy, and Harry’s heart clenched at just how much pain her throat must be in, let alone how she was feeling as a whole.
      “Hey, there, lovie.”
      It took her a second to comprehend the person who was speaking, and she’d be lying if she said hearing Harry’s voice didn’t bring her some sort of joy. “Hey, H. Are you alright? Why are you still up?”
      “I couldn’t sleep. Kept thinking about you.”
      Y/N hummed, rolling on her side, and immediately regretting it as the action elicited a coughing fit. “Yeah?” she asked hoarsely. “ ’Nd what about me?”
      ‘How shitty I feel about everything’, ‘I miss you’, ‘I’m so fucking terrified’, but instead he asked, “How are you doing?”
      “Alright,” Y/N croaked out before her body was racked with coughs once more. Harry’s own chest hurt just hearing them. “Fever’s finally down, so I’m getting some sort of sleep. Throat’s killing me though, and they’ve hooked me up to an IV. They’ll be coming in two hours or so to change the bag. How are you?” she asked quietly. “How’s Florence?”
      “She’s alright. Upset. Just like I am.”
      Y/N’s brows furrowed. “Why’re you upset?”
      “Are you kidding me? You’re sick, alone in quarantine and… and we can’t help you. I can’t help you.”
      A genuine chuckle escaped her. “Didn’t know you had a medical degree, Styles. Could be my personal nurse. Fetch me my water and shit.”
      “No, but at least I’d like to be there for you.”
      “I like you,” he said after taking a deep breath, hoping that the break he’d heard in Y/N’s voice as she’d said his name wasn’t just because of the sickness, but because her heart thudded just as fast as his when he thought of them together, that her mind reeled with the possibilities of where their futures could take them and that whenever they touched, she could feel the electricity that ran through his fingertips, igniting his whole body. “That’s what Florence and I were whispering about all the time. Is that I’m madly crushing on you, and I couldn’t gather the courage to say it to you.”
      A strong coughing fit made her drop the phone on the bed and lean over, as she gasped for breath, and through it all, all Harry wanted was to be there. Fuck him possibly getting the virus, as long as he could make it easier for her in some way. 
      “ ’M sorry,” Y/N whispered, trying to keep her voice as low as possible as to not aggravate her throat. “Harry, I’m so sorry.”
      “Hey, there’s nothing to apologise. You’re sick, you can’t help –”
      “No,” she shook her head. “I’m sorry I assumed you and Florence were talking bad behind my back. I never should’ve done that. And this is not an excuse, I’m not trying to shift the blame from being in the wrong, but I like you too.” She gave him a shy grin that he thought was as bright as the sun. “I really like you too, Harry. I think that’s why it hurt so much to hear you two whispering ‘bout something. And thinking it was about me, and it was something bad, hurt even more, ‘cause I really connected with Flo, and I kinda, well I kind of fell for you. Hard.”
      “You did?” His tone was like he didn’t believe what his ears were hearing.
      “Yeah. A lot actually… I – I really like you, Harry.”
      He couldn’t explain how his heart expanded in his chest while simultaneously was being crushed by his inability to help, by the distance between them, while the hope that glimmered in his eyes at Y/N’s words made her heart break as much as his was, when he asked, “So you won’t resign?”
“Harry,” Y/N made her voice as tough as it could sound with her condition. “I told them to re-cast me not because of you. I’ve been on enough sets and worked with enough pricks, and still gotten the job done. Genuinely, this is not because of you or Florence. I just – I just don’t want to hold up production. You’ll all be out in what – twelve days or something? I’ll be here for at least twice that, if everything goes the way it’s going right now.”
      “I don’t want anyone else to play Larie. You are my Larie,” he muttered, which made Y/N smile, but in a true Y/N fashion she just wanted to make others feel better. 
      “You do know Jack murders Larie in the middle of the night.”
      Harry’s mouth opened like a fishes’ while Y/N’s mouth pulled up in a grin. “That’s – that’s not what I mean, and you know it!”
      Both of them were laughing now, all tension having evaporated. 
      “I know.” She bit on her lower lip. “But um… we’ve gotta be practical. I sent Olivia my resignation letter already, and she signed.”
      She saw Harry sigh and throw back his head at her words. 
      “ ’M sorry, Haz. I didn’t want to but –”
      “I know.” His smile was gentle, understanding. “You always put everyone before yourself. God, this just sucks major ass.”
      “Trust me,” Y/N started before being interrupted by another major coughing fit. “I –,” she took in a breath. “I know.”
      Her heart cracked seeing Harry’s face and his green eyes, the eyes she’d gotten lost in more times than she’d ever admitted being lined by tears. “I wish I could help you.”
      “But you are. Just by – by talking to me, by keeping my mind off things. You’re helping me more than you’ll ever know.”
      “When you get out, I’m taking you on a date.”
      Y/N couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on her face. For the first time in a while, she felt good, despite being sick. “Is that a threat, Styles?”
      “It’s a fucking promise.”
      That night she fell asleep listening to Harry talking, seeing as it became harder and harder for her to do so, so he just took over, telling her stories that lulled her to dreamland where he was there, and she could touch him. 
      The following days she also had calls with Florence and the rest of her cast to explain the situation, but she wasn’t doing much talking anymore, and one night they’d even seen her almost throw up from coughing so much, which broke everyone’s hearts. They were lucky the only Covid case before Y/N had been a light one, so witnessing just how brutal it could be, made everyone appreciate what they had, but at the same time, feel as helpless as ever.
      A week and a half in, that was when shit really hit the fan. Despite her feeling shitty the previous days, now Y/N woke up from the feeling as if she was drowning. She’d fallen asleep while talking with Harry on FaceTime, his features illuminated on her phone. At first, she thought it was just her dream still lingering and causing that effect, but when after a minute or so her lungs still remained on fire, she knew she had to dial the doctors.
      In five minutes’ time, an ambulance was at her door, and it was a miracle she’d been able to get out of bed to open it because the second she did, her whole body pretty much collapsed into the arms of one of the nurses. 
      “Come on,” Harry muttered into the phone, pulling on a pair of trousers as quickly as possible and a knitted sweater he took from the floor as he immediately tried to redial her, having heard the call drop. “Come on! Pick up, Y/N!” Her voicemail answered instead.
      “Damn it!”
      It took Harry seven minutes with the way he was driving to get to her assigned isolation place, only to be greeted by red and blue flashing lights, an ambulance right in front of the entrance, and it took Harry five seconds to feel his heart drop as a team of three doctors wheeled out a gurney on which lay Y/N, face covered in a mask, an IV stuck inside her arm while a huge plastic cover domed over her body.
      Without even thinking about himself or his safety, Harry jumped out of his car, rushing towards the ambulance.
      “Sir.” One of the doctors extended a palm towards him, keeping him back as Harry tried to get towards the inside of the car. “Sir, you can’t be here.”
      “Is that Y/N?” Harry felt like he was spinning out of control, and his mind was dizzy from not being able to take in a proper breath. “Is – is that Y/N?” 
      “Are you family?”
      “I –,” Harry so desperately wanted to say yes, to say he was her boyfriend at least, but he couldn’t lie. “No, I’m just her collegue – friend! I’m her friend. Is she alright?”
      “Okay, well is there anyone we can contact from her family?”
      Harry nodded, knowing that her mum and dad were on her emergency contact lists. “But her family is out of the country, and they won’t be able to fly out with all the restrictions in place.”
      “Alright.” The doctor sighed before looking back inside the car. In a way, Harry was happy he couldn’t see Y/N because he was sure if he did, he’d completely break down and crumble to the ground. “We’ll contact her parents, but if you could leave us your number as an emergency contact on place that’d be a lot of help.”
      “Okay, uh…” Harry took in a deep breath, held it for five seconds and then let it out before reciting the number he used while in the USA and his permanent UK number as well, so he could be reachable anywhere and at any point in day or night, no matter the time. 
      “Well keep you up to date.”
      And with that, the ambulance doors shut, and they rushed away, the vailing of sirens echoing in the dark night, leaving Harry with a hand in his hair, tears streaming down his cheeks and without a clue as to what to do.
      In the end, Harry had gone back to his car and cried for what felt like ages, but instead, it was just twenty minutes. He pulled himself together but was still shaking as he made his way back to the flat where Florence basically ripped open the door. Seeing his face told her everything she needed to know.
      “She’ll be alright,” the woman muttered as she soothed Harry by rubbing a palm up and down his back, letting him hide his face in her shoulder. “It’s Y/N. She’d pull through an atomic bomb.”
      They spent the rest of the night and the following day on the couch, glued to Harry’s phone waiting for any sort of updates. From time to time a text message came from the hospital letting them know what procedures were being done on Y/N, that her parents have been informed, and if necessary, they’d allowed Harry to be the main contact person because of his proximity to their daughter.
      Three days later and the quarantine for the rest of the cast and crew ended, yet when they returned to the set, everyone was in low spirits. Especially, Harry – he was miserable. Every moment spent not reciting lines or acting was occupied with the thoughts of Y/N, how she was doing, was she improving, was she still breathing, how he wanted to just ditch everything and run to her, to help in whatever way he could.
      “This sucks,” Florence grumbled, arms crossed over her chest as they took a break while re-setting already in for the fifth day of filming, eight since Y/N’d been in the hospital. “Can’t believe they won’t allow a phone in with her.”
      “It’s the same policy for everyone, but trust me,” Harry sighed and looked up at the bright blue sunny sky above. “The number of times I got out of my bed in the middle of the night and had the car keys in hand is ridiculous. And the number of times I’ve thought about breaking into that hospital is even more concerning.”     
      Florence let out a small chuckle and nudged his shoulder. “I’d cover for you if you did. As long as she doesn’t have to be there alone.” She hung her head, blond strands falling down to curtain her face. “Can’t imagine how scared she must be.”
      Harry just sighed. There really wasn’t anything he could say. 
      Something vibrated in his pocket, but he no longer furrowed his brows when unknown numbers called, knowing it was from the hospital. It was nerve-wracking though to pick up the call each time because he had to mentally prepare himself for the possibility of bad news, even though he always hoped for good ones. 
      “Yes, hi. Hello. I – oh,” he put a hand over his mouth and sagged down onto a chair. “Oh, thank god, thank you, doctor. Yeah. Yes, I’ll let her know, and someone will be there to open the flat. Thank you again. For everything.”
      He took away the phone from his ear and stared at the ground for a minute before leaping up and hugging Florence, laughter escaping his mouth.
      “What’s wrong?”
      “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong, it’s the opposite. Y/N’s out of the hospital.”
      “Oh thank god!” Her hands flew to hug him back.
      “She’ll have to stay in self-isolation until the two negative tests and will be monitored by the doctors, but she’s out.”
        Immediately he was dialling her, and Harry had never been as happy for the invention of a video call, because when he saw Y/N’s face light up the screen, as tired as she looked, it was the most beautiful sight that graced his eyes.
      “Hey, lovie.” His voice was soft and low as if anything louder would worsen her state.
      Her ‘hey’ was barely audible, but he heard it, and it made the weight of a boulder drop off his shoulders.
      “I’m so – I mean we all are so happy you’re back home.”
      Y/N smiled, shaking her head. “I’m happy too,” she whispered. “I missed you. Missed everyone, but most of all I missed you.”
      Harry was happy they were separated by a screen because if she was anywhere in a five-mile radius, he was sure she would be able to hear his heart beat out of his ribcage at her words. “How are you feeling?”
      “ ‘M alright,” Y/N tried to let him know. “Very tired.”
      “Then get back to sleep, lovie.”
      Y/N shook her head. “Wanna talk to you.”
      “I’ll keep talking,” Harry promised. “Like we did before, okay.”
      And so, he did. He kept talking as Y/N listened, and he watched as her eyes slowly closed before she drifted off to sleep. Even though Harry had to go back to filming, he didn’t dare end the call. He’d never end the call. 
      It took a month and a half for Y/N to get those two consecutive negative tests, to feel somewhat human again and when she did, she probably garnered at least seven speeding tickets with how fast she was driving down to the set.
      It was the most inconspicuous outfit she could scramble together, consisting of a hoodie and baseball cap, as she watched Harry as Jack lean down to peck the actress’s lips, then step into the vintage car and rev out in the driveway, while a dishevelled Florence started the scene from the side, eyes racking over Jack’s first wife, who was dressed the exact same way, hair styled like hers and even nails painted the same, her character putting all the puzzle pieces together. 
      “And cut!” Olivia yelled across the lot, nudging Y/N’s side and giving her a smirk. “He’s gonna freak. You’re all he’s been talking about on set. We almost had to put a ban on you as a topic,” she muttered that part so only the woman could hear while telling everyone to re-set, so they could do the scene from another angle, but not before asking the three actors to come and look at the monitors so they could understand how to move in order to keep the continuity.
      Y/N moved to the side, ducking her head down as Harry, Florence and Mandy, the actress that took over her role, all leaned closer to watch the monitors. Y/N had to bite on her lip to keep the grin away, as all of them analysed their movements and the scene, nodding along to what Olivia was saying.
      “Y/L/N, what do you think?” Olivia asked, grinning. 
      Y/N stepped forward a bit, seeing all of their shocked faces through her peripheral, as she pointed to the screen, lifting her head so that everyone could see her face fully. “I think it’s great, you might want to step to the side a bit more, Harry, when –” but she was unable to finish the sentence as he swooped her in his arms, lifting her basically off the ground, and burying his face in her neck.
      “Watch the hair! Daniele will have a fit if you ruin her masterpiece!” Y/N laughed, holding one of her hands on the base of his neck, the other tightly wrapped around his shoulders, but he just shook his head, and she could feel tears splash her skin.
      “Fuck the hair!” He let out a small chuckle, and she could hear the lump in his throat. “I’ve missed you so much. I was so scared.”
      “Same,” Y/N whispered. “Missed you like crazy. And your stupid, unfunny dad jokes.”
      “ ‘M hilarious, lovie, what are you talking about?”
      He finally set her down but didn’t let go of her waist, and she smiled cupping his cheeks. “A true comedian, that’s what you are.”
      “I know. Why’dya think I got that SNL slot?”
      But his eyes, as he gazed into hers once more glassed over.
      “Hey,” Y/N cooed wiping away the tears running down his cheeks. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry, cause then I’ll cry, and we’re both gonna be crying messes, and then these guys will have to deal with that.”
      Harry sighed, leaning into her touch. “Happy tears, lovie. All happy tears.”
      The two looked at one another as if there was no one else in the universe. And for the two of them, there really wasn’t. Neither had to say what was on their minds, they already knew.
      His face was inching closer to Y/N’s, and heart started to beat erratically, not that Harry minded, as his palm rested in the middle of her back. In fact, his own heart mimicked the rhythm, but it stuttered when someone behind him cleared their throat and interrupted their moment.
      Y/N hid her face in Harry’s chest as he sighed at Olivia’s raised eyebrow. 
      “You’ll be able to smooch as much as you want, but we need him in hair and make-up.”
      “Now,” she let out a small laugh. “Before Daniele removes my head from my shoulders.”
      “Go,” Y/N patted his side. “I’ll still be here.”
      “Is that a threat?”
      She grinned up at him. “A fucking promise.”
      Harry dashed away like lightning, hoping that the quicker he was done, the sooner he could have Y/N back in his arms even if it was for a second, but her attention was taken by a woman with long blond curls, a flowing green slip on her figure; her steps unsure as was the wave she gave her, but Y/N’s heart melted at the sight of her.
      “Hey, Flo,” she whispered and brought the girl in a bone-crushing hug, holding onto her, trying to convey how much she regretted her words and actions, especially because they were unwarranted.
      “I’m so sorry,” Y/N said, and she nodded.
      “Me too.”
      Y/N shook her head. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
      “And I should’ve made sure Harry pulled his head out of his ass.”
      That made both of them laugh, and it was nice to do it not only without having to cough up her insides, but to do it with someone she’d connected with and had become great friends with.
      “He did that. I just hope if he wants to make another move, it won’t take me dying to push him to.”
      Florence pointed at her, a serious look on her face. “I’ll kill him with my bare hands if he does.”
      A small noise of someone clearing their throat from behind Y/N took both of their attentions for them to go onto the actress who’d been cast as her replacement, the woman coming forward and extending her hand for a handshake with a nervous smile. “Hi. I’m Mandy.”
      “ ‘S very nice to meet you.” Y/N tried to give off as open and accepting of a vibe as much as possible, because she genuinely wanted Mandy to feel respected and that she wasn’t a threat. “Before you think anything if you’re worried about me taking the role, don’t. It’s all yours, so don’t worry about that. I just stopped by ‘cause I hadn’t seen anyone in almost two months. Never thought I’d say this, but fuck did I missed people.”
      Mandy shook her head, her smile a lot lighter and brighter now. “I – uh thank you for that actually. I’m a huge fan of yours, and well, can only try and live up to what you would’ve portrayed.”
      “Well, I’m sure you’ll absolutely kill it, and I can’t wait for the movie.”
      It was great to see Mandy’s shoulders drop in relief. “Would it be too much if I asked for advice on the role?”
      “No,” Y/N laughed. “But I would say that you should make this role your own. It is yours. You are Larie now. And Harry’s Jack. Make it yours.”
      As she said that, she turned to watch Harry who was practically bouncing on his feet, green eyes flitting back to where she was standing, and when their gazes met, neither could help the smiles blooming on their faces.
       “You know he messed up a scene once and said your name?”    
      Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked over at Mandy. “What do you mean ‘said my name’?”
      “It was a kissing scene. The wedding bit, actually. As Jack and Larie recited their vows, and he leans down to kiss her, he was supposed to say, ‘I’ll love you Larie, until the very end’. He said your name instead.”
      That hit Y/N more than a semi-truck wheeling a ton of bricks would. Yes, she knew Harry liked her, and he knew she liked him, but love was a big word, and for him to admit that, whether it was a flub or not, was even bigger.
      Harry was a private person. While he openly talked about what he felt, he guarded heart at the same time, much like Y/N did. But she had to wait until Olivia yelled cut for the day, and had to watch him make a mad dash for hair and make-up before running to the dressing trailer as he didn’t want to miss out on a second he could spend with her. Even as they walked up to their shared flat and he opened the door, his fingers stayed intertwined with hers.
      “How does it feel to be back?”
      “Kinda shitty, honestly,” Y/N laughed throwing the keys to the table and shrugging out of the jacket and taking off the cap, Harry immediately helping her and putting it on one of the racks. “I’ll have to move out, now that I’m not part of the movie.”
      “Why? ‘S not like the production is paying our rent, we’re doing it out of our own pocket.”
      “Yes, but now that I don’t have a job, I kinda need to look for one.”
      “And what says that you can’t live here while you do that?”
      “I –,” Y/N’s brows furrowed. “I mean nothing, really… I just… kinda thought because I’m not part of the movie anymore it’d be safer if I found my own place. But um… I think I have something else I’d like to talk about. Mandy,” Y/N dragged out her name a bit, a sly smirk appearing on her face, “told me you had a flub on set.”
      Harry’s heart was pounding underneath her palm where she’d grabbed onto the lapels of his dress shirt, so he couldn’t run away. 
“I’ve uh,” he let out a nervous laugh. “I’ve had a couple of flubs on set. Who hasn’t?”
      “I don’t doubt that. But she said you misspoke a name.”
      She made him look into her eyes and wouldn’t dare let their gaze break. “You said my name during the wedding scene. You said Y/N. Not Larie.”
      Harry looked like a cross between a deer in headlights and a fish out of the water, eyes wide with his mouth opening and closing, no sound coming out, which made Y/N worry a bit.
      She placed a palm against his cheek. “Harry? You alright?”
      “I – I meant it.” He let out a deep sigh and leaned down to press his forehead to hers. “And when I thought back on it, I don’t remember seeing her face or Larie’s face. It was yours. And the lips I was kissing belonged to you too. I was holding your hand, and you were holding mine. And I know it’s way too quick, for a wedding -”
      “Unless you threaten me with it –”
      “I –,” Harry stuttered before laughing, all tension evaporating from his body. “No, that I don’t want to be a threat. That will be a question asked with love and hopefully an answer given to it the same way.”
      Y/N nudged his nose with hers. “Well, we’ll see. I mean if you don’t kiss me what makes you th–,” 
      But she didn’t get a chance to finish the sentence before his lips were on hers, pressing with such gentleness, it made her weak at the knees, and she would’ve crumbled if Harry’s arms handn’t woven around her middle, fingers pressing into the sides, the pressure increasing with each second their mouths were connected. 
      Harry’s hand drifted up Y/N’s back and settled on her neck as if he could pull her any closer, her own palms slipping over his stomach, pecks and grabbing onto his jaw, fingers lightly scratching at the stubble that’d grown throughout the day. He had to shave every morning for the role of Jack, but each evening she’d see a small, darkened shadow across his skin, and Y/N would be lying that when she’d realised her attraction to him, she hadn’t thought about how delicious it would feel to have it leave small burn marks on the inside of her thighs. 
      Unconsciously, she clenched her thighs, trying to create some sort of friction which became more and more unbearable as she felt Harry moan into her mouth, tongue sweeping against her lower lip, asking for permission without words, which Y/N granted without a second to spare. 
      It was heavenly to have him so close to her. She did wonder if the sensation was intensified by the fact, she hadn’t been able to touch anyone properly for almost two months, but that thought vanished when his fingers skimmed underneath her hoodie, brushing against her heated skin. No. It was because it was Harry.
       “I –,” he was breathless as he pulled away, but Y/N didn’t let him get too far, her lips attaching themselves to his neck, making him groan in pleasure. “I don’t want to push this too far.”
      Her brows scrunched up, as she took a look at him. “What do you mean? If you think I don’t want this, then let me be perfectly clear – I do. A lot.”
      Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m so fucking glad you do, but… Y/N you just got out of the hospital, where you were on a ventilator. I don’t want to make anything worse.”
      “Not your choice to make.” A devious smile appeared on her face, as she stepped a few feet away and lifted her hoodie over her head, making Harry inhale sharply. “So here are your two options.” Her hands went behind her back, unclasping her bra and letting it slowly drop to the floor, the green eyes that hadn’t left her now wide as saucers. “Number one.” She toed off her boots and popped open the button of her jeans. “We can stop this, obviously, just say the word, and I get to my room, start packing and looking for a new place. We can have some dinner and just chill. Or number two.” Y/N hooked her jeans behind her thumbs and slowly dragged them down her legs, revealing more and more of herself to Harry. “We can go inside your room and make up for the lost time. In every position imaginable, for as long as you want. But.” Y/N’s eyes glimmered with mischief as she made her way to Harry’s room. “I don’t think you wanna take the first option.”
      Harry ran a hand through his hair, turning it from the meticulously gelled hairstyle into a mop of messy strands. “You know you’re making it really hard for me to be a gentleman.”
      Y/N swayed her hips a bit more as she took another step closer to his room, the door meeting her back, and one of her hands went to the doorknob, pressing down on it. “Well, a gentleman doesn’t kiss before the first date, and definitely not like that.”
      He stood there, hands on his hips, eyes not leaving her body, as she cocked her head. “So, what’s it gonna be?”
      They were ten torturous seconds for both, hearts beating out of their chests, but it only took three steps for Harry to cross the hallway, his hand sneaking behind Y/N’s back and pressing down on the doorknob as well, revealing the inside of his room. It was messy, much like her own, but it wouldn’t take too much to rip all off the tossed around bedding leaving a whole bed to themselves. 
      “You. Are. The. Devil.”
      Her smile was nothing short of wicked. “I mean you can listen to the angel on your shoulder.”
      “I’d rather listen to you.”
      Together they stepped inside, and Y/N nodded. “Making good choices already.”
      “Can’t get on your bad side, can I now?”
      “I mean you can.” Her legs hit the back of his bed and she fell down on it, Harry leaning over, resting his elbows next to her head. “But bad boys get punished.”
      His nose skimmed over hers. Now he was the one smiling like a devil. “I’ll hold you to your word. For future reference, that is.”
      That kiss was nothing like their first. This was messy, and passionate, all tongue and teeth, hands grabbing everywhere possible to get the other unclothed. Or at least that’s what Y/N was trying to do, seeing as she was pretty much naked already, and Harry was the one still wearing too much.
      Her hands pretty much ripped open the shirt. It one of his expensive Gucci ones, she was quite certain of it, but it didn’t seem like he cared, as he shrugged it off, throwing it to land somewhere on the floor.
      Y/N sighed into his mouth as her hands were now freely allowed to run over his chest, over the ink embedded into his skin, over taut muscles that relaxed under her touch, and dig into his sides in an attempt to leave her own marks on him, much like he was going to do to her. 
      “Think you can take your pants off? It’s only fair.” Y/N muttered into his mouth and his own travelled down to her cheek, then neck and to her chest.
      “You mean my trousers?”
      Her lips quirked up and she shrugged her shoulders. “No, in this case, I meant pants the British way.”
      “And if I’m going commando?”
      Y/N pressed her hand against his chest and pushed him away from her. “You had nothing underneath all day on set?”
      “No! I wouldn’t subject the dressing department to that. But underneath this.” He looked down at his jeans and smiled at her. “I do have nothing.”
      “Well then? Get on with it!”
      Both of them were giggling, as Y/N tried to unbuckle Harry’s belt, his own fingers mixing with hers as he went for the zipper and the button. He nudged his head towards her. “Your socks and pants come off as well. Or we’ll be unevenly matched.”
      Y/N lifted her eyebrow, as she went for her own remaining pieces of clothing. “No socks during sex?”
      “No, what kind of a weirdo do you think I am?”
      “And if my feet get cold?” She threw them away somewhere.
      “We have a blanket.”
      As Harry removed his jeans and his own socks, Y/N slipped off the dampened piece of clothing that’d been on her, now both of them completely naked. 
      “Alright.” He leaned over her again, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling them chest to chest. “Happy now?”
      Y/N deeply kissed him. “Very. But I think we can make each other even happier.”
      “Agreed,” Harry hummed. “Wanna get a taste first.” He attached his lips to her collarbones sucking a bruise there. “Can I?”
      She groaned at the feeling, knowing there be a pleasant ache that accompanied mark. “You can. Don’t have to, if you don’t want. No need to do this for me.”
      “And if it’s for me?” Harry was moving lower and lower with each word, wet tongue flicking against a perked bud, and making Y/N gasp. “What if I wanna feel you cum on my tongue, and what if I wanna do something I’ve dreamed about for months now?”
      His hands were kneading her breasts, mouth having left a trail of kisses down the middle of her stomach as it was moving towards where an ache that’d been left untreated made itself more and more prominent. 
“Then please, please, please do something, Harry.”
      “With pleasure.”
      Luckily for Y/N, she didn’t have to beg any more, as his mouth attached itself to where she wanted him most, tongue sweeping past her lower lips and licking up a broad, steady stripe.
      One of her hands went to fist into her hair and the other into Harry’s. “Shit,” she moaned. “Fuck, that feels good.”
      “Guide me.” He licked a circle around her clit. “Tell me how you like it.”
      “Mhgm, fuck, okay,” Y/N breathed out. “I – I mean you’re doing great on your own.” Her chest was heaving as if she was running a marathon, and Harry shifted her legs so that they lay over his shoulders. “But umm, like if you lick around my clit, but like really press down li – oh, fuuuuck, just like that.”
      The coil in her stomach tightened with each pass he did, just like Y/N had instructed, small tight circles just how she did with her fingers, only what took her sometimes half an hour, Harry managed to do in less than ten minutes, to have her toes curling and hands grasping anywhere they could find purchase to just keep onto something real.
      The vibrations from Harry humming sent shivers straight to her core. “What else, lovie? What else, do you like?”
      “If – if –,” Y/N panted, “if you suck on it, but like – fuck – shit! If you kinda keep a seal around my clit, that fuck! Yes!”
      The way Harry was eating her out was almost sensational, but what made it even better wasn’t that he just decided to do something and assumed, she’d like it, he asked, he wanted to learn and discover what made her tick and turn, or in this case – cum. 
      “Harry, ‘m close,” Y/N warned him, feeling the warmth slowly start to spread all throughout her body. 
      “I’ll get you there.”
      He let his lips go for a moment before slipping two of his fingers so that they pinched her clit and moved them slowly but tightly up and down it, while his tongue went to slip inside her hole, and that did it for her.
      With a gasp of air, Y/N’s eyes rolled to be back of her head, hips lifting up as euphoria exploded through her veins. Her mind went completely dizzy, and she was quite sure some drool also dribbled down the side of her mouth because she’d lost all ability to function.
      “ -o me, love,” Y/N heard as if through a fog, and then felt two soothing palms running up and down her legs. “Come back, love. There you go.”
      A drunken smile bloomed on her face, and she ran a hand down it, the same hand that’d grabbed Harry’s hair like a vice. “Fuck. You’re good, you know what you’re doing.”
      “Well, I’m certainly glad you enjoyed yourself because I thoroughly enjoyed myself.”
      She watched as he straightened out to sit on his knees, her legs still over his shoulders, cock slapping against his stomach, and when she looked down there was a wet patch on his side of the sheets, a sly grin morphing on her face. “You liked eating me out so much you came yourself?”
      “What can I say – bringing pleasure, gives me pleasure. And your cunt’s probably the sweetest I’ve ever eaten. But… do you think you’re ready for me?” Harry asked, kissing the inside of Y/N’s thighs and watching as she vigorously nodded her head, but he just smirked. “I think I need to test it out. Just to make sure.”
       “Harry,” Y/N whined as she felt his fingers skim the apex of her thighs, teasing her. 
      “Don’t wanna hurt you.”
      With that, he used one of his hands to open up her lips, his thumb pressing down on her already sensitive clit, eliciting a gasp before he allowed two fingers to skim her entrance and then slipped in.
      “Still so tight,” he said, watching as Y/N sighed and her mouth fell open, his fingers curling in a come-hither motion. “Told you needed to check if you were ready. What kind of a gentleman would I be now, if I didn’t make sure you could take it?”
      Y/N gritted her teeth. “I can take you.”
      “Don’t doubt it.” Harry left kisses along her leg, as he continued on with his movements, noting how her hips slowly started to grind down on his palm, so he pushed his fingers in deeper so that the heel of his hand could rest against her clit, making the pleasure intensify. “But I’d never forgive myself if I hurt you when all I wanna do is give you pleasure. And you weren’t stretched out enough. Not yet at least.”
      “Oh, god, Harry,” Y/N groaned, one arm thrown over her eyes as his fingers hit just the right spot.
      “That’s it? Right there?”
      “Yes, right there,” she moaned. “Just. Fuck! Just don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”
      “Gonna cum again?”
      “Yes, just – just curl your fingers and twist them a bit more.”
      And much like the first time, a couple more times was all it took. Her orgasm was even more powerful than the previous and fully knocked her breath out of her lungs. Her legs fell open around his shoulders, stomach and chest spasming from the intensity. 
      Gentle fingers skimmed up and down Y/N’s arms and featherlight kisses fluttered over her breasts, then chest, neck and finally were peppered across her cheeks.
      “Kinda spaced out on me there. You alright? Not too much?”
      “ ’M – I’m good. But I’m pretty sure you’ve killed me.”
      Harry chuckled, and Y/N leaned her head to the side so she could press a kiss against the closest of the swallow tattoos. “Hopefully not. I still wanna take you out on that date.”
      Her eyes landed on Harry’s left hand’s ring finger, where a golden band still laid. 
      “Oh, yeah.” He lifted the digits, still covered in her cum before pushing them past his lips and licking them clean. “Forgot to remove it. Hope the prop guys don’t kill me.”
      She hated how his eyes sparkled, absolutely knowing what that sight did to her, how it made her stomach flutter and heart thunder against her ribs. Y/N was sure with the force it was pounding, they’d crack. 
      “Well, if they don’t, I will.” She pulled him down, nails raking on his skin, dragging to rest on his ass as they bit into it. “Now get inside me.”
      “No, ‘m on the pill.”
      “I’m clean, I swear, but it’s still not a hundred per cent safe.”
      Y/N shook her head. “I’ll buy the morning-after pill. Just need you inside.”
      “You sure?” Harry placed a strand of hair behind her ear. 
      “Yeah. I mean I’m clean, and uh… I just wanna feel you.”
      He’d cum once already, and Harry would be dammed if he did it again before having the chance to know how heaven feels like. As gently as possible, he took himself, giving a few strokes before nudging the tip against Y/N’s clit, her sharp inhale stalling him until she nodded. 
      Her nails dug into his biceps, as he finally slipped inside her, making both of them moan at the feeling. Even with all of the stretching out he’d done with his fingers, and the two orgasms he’d drawn from her, the slickness helping everything to be easy and smooth, Y/N still felt a little sting.
      Harry’s head dropped to Y/N’s shoulders and even from under him, she could feel his thighs and stomach shaking, as he tried to hold his composure and give her a little bit of time to adjust.
      A couple of deep breaths later, she tapped his ribs. “You can move now.”
      “ ‘ya sure?”
      “Mhm,” Y/N nodded her head and pecked his lips reassuringly. “Please.”
      His dishevelled and sweaty hair shook as he nodded and slowly drew back his hips so that just the tip of his cock remained in her before gliding back inside. The sight alone was more than enough to make both of them explode, but they wanted to last longer than thirty seconds, especially for their first time together. There’d be quickies for later, now they wanted to have a proper shag.
      Bit by bit, Harry’s pace quickened, pearls of sweat gliding down his skin and dampening the sheets below them, much like it was with Y/N. Her leg slid up to rest around his hips, giving him a better angle and more leverage for him to strike the right spot, as he pushed her knee to rest against her chest, Y/N’s head falling back to the pillow.
      Her insides were shaking from the pleasure, and it was like an invisible force was pushing down on her chest, as she struggled for a proper breath. “Harry,” she dragged out his name, the word turning into a high-pitched whine.
      “I know,” he responded in the same breathless voice. He could feel her tighten around him and wasn’t sure just how much longer he’d be able to keep up the pace. “Touch yourself ‘f me, lovie. C’mon, use those fingers.”
      Y/N did as she was told. It didn’t give her that butterfly feeling like it’d happened when they’d been Harry’s, but it did make her cum faster, and the sensation of her gushing around his cock made him lose all self-control and he spilled inside.
      It wasn’t enough for Y/N, but she guessed she needed to settle for it. She knew that nothing really ever touched in the universe, that the closest atoms ever come to touching one another is when their wave packets overlap, much like she and Harry were now overlapping, his body lying on top of hers, skin sweaty and frame trembling as he came down from his own high.
      “I uh,” Y/N cleared her throat, finger tracing the outline of one of the butterfly in the middle of Harry’s chest. “When the people came to get my stuff, I umm, asked them to take your rainbow cardigan. Wanted something that smelled like you, so I didn’t feel so alone. Was the first thing I put on when I got out of my hospital gown.”
      She felt his body rumble with laughter and a kiss being pressed to her forehead. “I know. Saw Anna stash it inside the suitcase. I uh, I was the one who also put in one of my sweaters. Know how cold you always get.”
      She hid her smile against his collarbones. “Thank you. For thinking of me.”
      “ 'M always thinking of you… Will you knit me one though?”
      Y/N raised her eyebrow. “Knit you one?”
      “Yes. I know you knit –“
      “Everyone knits nowadays.”
      Harry drew himself back a bit, and she pushed away the matted down strands from his forehead, wiping away the sweat from underneath his green eyes as well. “Yes, but the point is – there’ll be a million other Gucci shirts and sweaters and cardigans. But I’d like to have one-of-a-kind made by you. So, I have something to sleep next to when you’re not next to me.”
      Y/N ran a finger along his jawline, biting away her grin. “It’ll probably have mistakes. I’m not that good at it. ‘M not a professional.”
      “Exactly.” Harry tilted her head up with a finger and their eyes met. “Which is why it’ll be perfect.”
      “The arms will most likely be different lengths in the end.”
      “Don’t worry, darling.” He pecked her lips before hugging her and not letting go. “It’s flawless for me.”
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Harry Styles tags: @sarcasticallywitty15​ @breezykpop​ @girlboss99​ @harrystylesdoesntknowiexist​ @alliyjane​ @sirtommyholland​
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chasing-classics · 4 years
Our Little Secret Sessions- Nate Jacobs x Reader
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Pairing(s): Nate Jacobs x Reader
Warning(s): SMUT, language, toxic relationships, older reader, dubious consent
Requested: Yes, by @bokillylovesloki​
Summary: After landing a job as the high school’s new counselor you settle into your new home, unaware of what danger lurks just outside your front door.
 Part 2
 You blew the hair out of your face, managing to load the last box full of kitchen appliances onto the hardwood floor. You smiled, looking around triumphantly at your new home. It was spacious, far too big for just you, but it had been an absolute steel on the market. Once you had gotten the call from your new boss, Principal Hayes, that you had landed the job at East Highland High School as the new counselor you quickly packed your bags and jumped at the opportunity. You were fresh out of college, bright and intelligent, but still young for the job. You were saddened to leave your friends and family up North, but this job had been far too good to pass up. Now all you had from your hometown were two dozen boxes of mementos and furniture, your old yet faithful car, and a handful of missed calls from your friends/parents asking if you made it safely. You were so busy scrolling through the various texts and voicemails that you didn’t notice a lanky figure enter the doorway of your humble abode.
  ‘’Hey,’’ a deep voice caused you to gasp and nearly drop your phone onto the floor.
 You spun around to find a guy standing at the entrance of your new home, where you had stupidly left the front door wide open. Your eyes quickly analyzed him. Dark hair, brown eyes, pouty lips that were set in a cocky smirk, and a jawline that you were convinced could cut through glass. He leaned lazily against the door, his hand still held up from when he had casually been knocking against the wooden surface. He was tall, incredibly tall. He looked slightly younger than you, maybe twenty-one or even twenty-three.
 ‘’Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I live next door and noticed you were moving in, I wanted to know if you needed any help,’’ the guy chuckled a bit, eyeing your tense form. You laughed in relief, hand on your chest in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
 ‘’I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Thank you for the kind offer, I’m Y/n, Y/n y/l/n,’’ you offered a welcoming smile, stretching out your hand to properly shake his hand. He returned the favor and the moment his massive hand took hold of yours’ it felt like icicles had been thrusted into your back.
 ‘’I’m Nate Jacobs, it’s nice to meet you y/n,’’ he smiled back. What you assumed he meant to be a reassuring smile instead filled your insides with butterflies and sent your nerves into a frenzy. He was attractive, but you could vaguely hear the alarm bells going off inside your head.
 ‘’Well thank you very much Nate, but I think I brought everything inside already,’’ you referred to the numerous boxes and wrapped up furniture that was currently littering your new living room, spilling into the kitchen.
 ‘’No problem, just let me know if you need help with anything,’’ that crooked smile was a permanent feature on his face, you quickly discovered. You nodded your thanks, moving to close the door when the power suddenly went out.
 ‘’Great, just my luck,’’ you groaned, moving to find a flashlight somewhere.
 ‘’If you want I can check your electric panel?’’ Nate’s deep voice sent shivers up your spine.
 ‘’Are you sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble? I can call an electrician in the morning,’’ you offered, finding out that said flashlight that to your frustration was full of dead batteries. Candles it was.
 ‘’It’s no problem at all,’’ you could hear the amusement in his voice as he brushed past you to check the panel. The heat from his body filled you with a sense of longing, something primal. For a moment, you wondered what it would be like to moan out his name.
 ‘’It should be in the backyard, by the picnic table,’’ you called out, shrugging off the less-than-appropriate thoughts running wild in your imagination.
 You had successfully located a handful of candles along with a lighter. The cozy glow of the flames illuminated your house to the point you could now see where you were going without bumping into anything. Noticing that your phone battery was running low, you set it down on the counter and prayed nothing more would happen tonight. You had to be up early for the first day of school tomorrow and you didn’t aspire to look like an extra from the Walking Dead due to dark circles and lack of sleep. As you nervously tapped your foot while awaiting Nate’s return, you squealed in delight as the lights came back on. You turned your attention the French doors that led to the backyard, the smile quickly fading from your face when you saw Nate’s drenched form. You bit your lip when his blue hoodie clung to his toned form, the bulges that were his abs teasing you.
 ‘’Got a towel I can borrow?’’ Nate smirked, his hair falling into his eyes as he shook himself off.
 Your mouth still hung open as you quickly dug through a random box, successfully finding a fluffy cotton towel.
 ‘’What happened?’’ you wondered, eyes straining to remain on his face and not his muscular body.
 ‘’I turned the power back on, I must’ve accidentally reset your sprinkler system too and, well you can figure out the rest,’’ he scoffed, removing his drenched hoodie.
  Jesus Christ.
  ‘’See something you like?’’ Nate’s voice was low as he leaned down closer to you. You could feel his breath hitting the side of your face and shoulder. Your eyes instantly fell to the floor, your cheeks set aflame with embarrassment.
 ‘’Don’t look away, doll,’’ he whispered, hand gently cupping your neck to get you to meet his gaze.
 ‘’I don’t think I’m your type,’’ your voice was soft. Low, but vulnerable,  and Nate took notice.
 ‘’Because you’re a few years older? Come on y/n, we’re both more mature than that,’’ he groaned, taking one step closer to you, than another and another. Your back quickly met the wall, gasping at the rough contact.
 ‘’This isn’t right,’’ you whispered, trembling as Nate’s thumb stroked your bottom lip.
 ‘’What are you? Twenty-four?’’ Nate drew back, his thumb still pressed against your bottom lip as you nodded your head.
 ‘’So what’s a couple of years?’’ his husky voice groaned into your ear as he bent down, pressing open mouth kisses on your exposed shoulder, up the base of your neck.
 ‘’N-Nate,’’ you whimpered, clenching your fists until your knuckles turned white.
 ‘’Just give me tonight, you’re a beautiful young woman, let me show you what you do to me,’’ he grunted, rolling his hips against your clothed center. You could feel the bulge straining against his still wet jeans. He was big, you could feel it. And you were desperate for his touch.
 You craned your neck up to kiss his lips, throwing caution to the wind. It was just a few years, so what if he was just a couple of years younger? He clearly wanted you as badly as you craved him. His height, his arrogance, everything about him screamed that the age difference between the two of you wasn’t much, that you had nothing to worry about. He looked no younger than maybe twenty-one. The way he carried himself put your mind at ease. You allowed yourself to enjoy just one night with a handsome stranger.
 His kisses became rougher with each passing second, his hands running up and down your body in a frenzy. You moaned and mewled as his teeth nipped at your collarbone, your neck, and then your lip. His rough hands easily covered your breasts through your thin shirt. Your own hands stroked his bare chest and alternated from tugging his hair to clawing at his back in a teasing manner.
 ‘’I’m going to make sure you remember this,’’ he grunted, pressing his clothed erecting to your legging-cladded center, pushing it into you and further into the wall. You whimpered, kissing the column of his neck, tracing a vein that ran along the side of it with your tongue.
 You yelped when he moved away from you, dragging you toward the surface of your kitchen island. Your cheek collided with the smooth surface, hands sprayed out on either side of your head to cushion the impact. You shivered as he easily tore through the material of your shirt as if he had claws. Your skin broke out into goosebumps despite the hot later summer air.
 ‘’Look at you, all excited and needy for me and I haven’t even gotten started,’’ Nate groaned, hand pressed against the exposed small of your back, running upwards to the lacey material of your bra.
 ‘’Nate,’’ you moaned out as he began grinding himself into your backside. You could feel the heat emitting from his pants and felt the angry throbbing of his cock even through his jeans. His left hand cupped your breast underneath your bra while the right easily managed to unclasp it. You fidgeted as his fingers tweaked and rolled your sensitive bud, the other hand doing the same to the other breast. You whined as he gripped your tits, forcing you backwards to meet his thrusts as he grinded into you harder.
 ‘’Can’t wait to stretch that pretty pussy, make you ride this fat dick,’’ he grunted, tangling a hand into your hair and forcing your face upwards as he roughly kissed you. The kiss had you whining, panting for more. Your cheeks flushed as you felt the familiar sensation of your slickness coating your womanhood. You were quickly flipped around so that you were now able to look up and face Nate. His lips were red from the rough kisses, yours felt bruised and plump. He eyed your exposed tits as you slowly took off the lace bra. He easily leaned over, taking one bud into his hungry mouth as he began biting and sucking. You threw your head back, using your elbows to support your weight on top of the island, your legs trapping Nate between them.
 You stroked his hair as he fervently sucked on your sensitive nipple. You cried out each time his teeth yanked and tugged on the delicate flesh. Once he had his fill, he switched to the other and began the process all over again. You were so lost in the erotic moment that you didn’t even notice his hand make its’ way into your leggings until you felt him roughly pull your lace underwear to the side and forcefully plunged two digits into your tight canal.
 ‘’Ah! Nate, it’s too much!’’ you cried out, burying your face into his neck as he lapped at your hardened nipple.
 ‘’I’ll tell you when you’ve had too much,’’ he growled, resuming to thrust his fingers into your pussy as you whined and whimpered below him. All you could do was grasp his biceps and whine as he stretched you out to his liking. There was something completely carnal in the way he took control and used your body like an instrument. His breathing became more labored and intense as his hand sped up, the obscene squelches causing you to hide your face further every time he entered you. You both knew your release was quickly approaching from the way your pussy clenched around his index and middle finger. The way your nails dug into the skin of his arms as you moaned and squirmed under him.
 ‘’W-what?’’ you cried as he retracted his hand, Nate quickly shutting you up as he forced his fingers into your mouth. You gagged, taken back at his rough actions, moving to pull back your head in protest. Nate would have none of that.
 ‘’No, no. Be a good slut and suck on them for me,’’ he commanded, a heavy hand forcing you further onto his hand as he yanked your hair.
 You breathed through your nose, tears brimming the corners of your eyes as you tried not to choke on his slender digits. The sweet, tangy taste of your juices danced along your tongue.
 ‘’Good girl, now spit,’’ he growled, forcing his fingers deeper to the back of your throat. You coughed as saliva coated his hand, desperately trying to catch your breath the second he released you.
 You had no time to prepare yourself as he roughly picked you up, managing to shove your leggings and underwear down in one pull. He sat you on the counter as he hurriedly forced down his jeans. The hand that as coated in your saliva angrily jerked at his impressive girth. You began having second thoughts on sleeping with Nate at that point, his thickness and length alone were something to be afraid of. He was going to destroy you. You opened your mouth to protest when he forcibly grabbed your thighs, dragging them apart and pushing you down so that your bak met the cold surface of your counter.
 ‘’Scream for me, fight if you want,’’ Nate whispered before jerking your body forward, thrusting his entire cock into your cunt.
 ‘’Nate!’’ you screamed, body lurching back from the force of his thrust. You pulled and slapped at his chest as he began bucking into you, a firm hand pressed between your bouncing breasts to hold you down into place.
 ‘’Fuck, it’s so much better than I expected,’’ he moaned, jaw going slack as the sound of his balls slapping against the soft flesh of your ass echoed throughout the room. You continued to scream and claw at the counter, nails digging into the palms of your hands as your body bounced from his pounding. You had never taken a man as thick as Nate, and it hurt in the best way. You struggled against him, torn between giving into the pleasure and desperate for some space to relieve the burning feeling of your insides being stretched to accommodate him. The hand that was pressed on your chest slid down to firmly rest against your stomach.
 ‘’I can feel myself moving inside you,’’ he grunted, his cock throbbing inside your greedy cunt. You whimpered, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your lips parted in complete pleasure and need.
 ‘’Harder, Nate,’’ you begged, legs now wrapped around him as your hands gripped his forearms to have something to hold onto.
 You regretted your words as his thrusts angrily sped up to the point you worried your island would collapse from under you. A hand gripped your throat as he dragged your body back and forth to meet his brutal thrusts. You were a symphony of moans, cries, and nearly animalistic noises as he fucked into you. It felt like he was splitting you open with his cock, but it was one of the most divine feelings you had ever experienced in your lifetime. Lips crashed against yours as he forced one of your legs higher around him, the new position allowing him to his that sweet, sensitive spot inside the depths of your core.
 ‘’I’m going to cum,’’ you moaned out clawing at his shoulders as you gripped him in every sense of the word.
 ‘’Cum on my cock, baby. Milk me,’’ he snarled, hips snapping and bucking wildly.
 One particularly sharp thrust triggered your release as you moaned Nate’s name, quivering under him as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through your entire being. Nate’s thrusts slowed down only slightly to admire the view of your juices coating his member, the tightness in his balls alerting him of his own release. He gripped your jaw in his hand, forcing you to keep your eyes solely on him as his thick release painted the walls of your cunt. His breathing was hot, fanning your face as a thin sheet of sweet coated both of your bodies. For a moment, you just laid there as his dick continue to shoot cum deep inside of you.
 ‘’That was amazing,’’ your voice was hoarse, lips trailing along his jaw as he smirked above you.
 ‘’I’m not done yet,’’ he replied, taking you into his arms and leading you to your couch in the living room. He dropped your sore body onto the cushiony surface, towering over you as his dick stood proudly once more, your combined juices still coating it. His eyes fell onto your exposed pussy, where his cum began seeping out your abused hole.
 ‘’Get on your knees, turn around, and hold onto the back of the couch,’’ he growled, his cock bobbing.
 You hesitated, resulting in Nate forcefully turning you over himself, as if you were nothing more than a ragdoll. Your hands gripped the back of the couch as he kneed your legs apart. The air left your lungs as he buried himself to the hilt once more before he began rutting into you.
  By the time you awoke you hardly had anytime to get ready. You searched your memory for a moment before you realized you had passed out after Nate took you from behind for the third time last night. You hardly had anytime to shower and look presentable before dashing out the door lest you be late for your new job. You winced with every step you took, although you tried to pass it off as a smile to your new colleagues. You wondered if after work you should stop by Nate’s house, or if it had been a one-night stand. Either way, he was probably at his own job by now. If he wanted to see you again, he knew where to find you.
 You sighed in content as you sat down at your desk in your very own office. You smiled at your golden name plate and a welcoming plate of cookies left by the ladies who worked at the front office. A knocking interrupted your thoughts.
 ‘’Ah, Principal Hayes, good morning,’’ you beamed, pushing yourself to stand up and shake your employers hand.
 ‘’Ms. y/l/n I hope the office is to your liking?’’ Hayes grinned, shaking your hands in a firm but welcoming grip.
 ‘’It’s more than enough, truly, thank you,’’ you smiled.
 ‘’Terrific, I hope you don’t mind but one of our students wanted to welcome you to the campus.’’
 ‘’How sweet! Of course,’’ you smiled warmly.
 Your warm smile was shattered and the air was knocked out of you the minute the figure walked through your office door. Nate Jacobs.
 ‘’Hi, I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Nate Jacobs, welcome toe East High,’’ he smirked, reaching out his hand to shake. The same hand that a few hours ago had been finger banging you on your kitchen counter. The same hand that had wrapped around your neck as he came inside you. Nate fucking Jacobs.
 ‘’H-hi. I’m Ms. y/l/n,’’ you stuttered out, a cold sweat falling over you.
 ‘’Well I’ll let you do your thing, don’t be late for class, Nathan,’’ Hayes bid his farewells and before you could protest, was out the door. You turned your attention to Nate, eyes narrowed and lips in a firm line.
 ‘’What the fuc-‘’
 ‘’I’d watch your mouth if I were you, Ms. y/l/n. Wouldn’t want a pretty face like yours to end up behind bars. Dirty sluts like you don’t do well in jail. Especially if you’re locked up for sex with a minor. Pretty sure that’s statutory rape,’’ he grinned that evil Cheshire cat grin.
 You suddenly felt extremely nauseous.
‘’Y-y-you said you were just a few years younger,’’ you whispered, taking a step back as he stalked towards you. Out of instinct you closed your eyes when you felt his breath on your neck, hands sliding to rest on your hips.
 ‘’I didn’t lie. I am younger. You should’ve asked for specifics,’’ he whispered, one hand cupping your ass through your skirt. You pushed him off of you, devastated and terrified and disgusted all at once.
 ‘’What kind of game are you playing?’’ you snarled. The same grin was stuck on his devilish face.
 ‘’No games. Those are for children. I’m going to tell it to you straight; anytime I say so, you get on your knees for me. Whether I want you to blow me after a football game in the locker room, or bend your legs over my shoulders as I rail you in the backseat of my truck, no matter where or when. If I want you, I get you.’’
 You felt the tears begin to build up in your eyes as a shaky hand pressed against your mouth to muffle any cries that dare trickle out.
 ‘’Why are you doing this?’’ you sniffled, shaking as his hands roamed your body.
 ‘’I wanted you, so I did what I had to, to get you. And now-,’’ he bent forward to kiss the corner of your mouth.
 ‘’I own you.’’
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