#I had a visual and just needed to get it out ahaha
timethehobo · 5 days
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A little treat for the Emmrich romancers?
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taegimood · 6 months
mj!! i just saw a tiktok thats like "check ur tone before talking to my girl / watch how u talking to her" and neow i need urbig brained delicious thoughts (sfw or nsfw idc!) on possesive/protective!txt !!!!! 🧎🧎
omfg help… instant wet panties 😵‍💫 i hope this is what you had in mind~
edit: y’all i’m CACKLING at these responses i PROMISE it’s not btob minhyuk in soob’s 💀 i just used the first name that came to my mind HAHAHSKSNJ
yeonjun would not HESITATE.. you’d be at a party together, splitting off for a bit to hang with your respective friends; as protective as he is, he knows you can handle yourself so he’s not immediately racing over when he sees the guy that approaches you.. though his eyes might as well be burning little fires into the guy’s head from the way he’s staring across the room. he’s keeping an eye on his every move, unbeknownst to you; you’re just minding your business, chatting with your friends, and this rando is getting a little too close for comfort, talkin bout sum “why don’t you pay more attention to me instead ahaha” and it’s when you reject his continual advances that his face sours and the name-calling starts. “don’t be such a bitch, you’re lucky i’m even-“
“watch your fucking mouth before i shut it for you.” aaaand there’s yeonjun, seemingly coming out of nowhere. his hand is fixed in an iron grip on the guy’s wrist which had been extending towards you, staring him down — literally down, yeonjun’s height easily surpassing his — with every indication of “i’ll fuck your shit up if i have to” in his eyes. you can tell right away that the guy’s bark is much bigger than his bite as his own eyes are wide, attempting to yank his hand away to no avail, before yeonjun finally releases his grip a few moments later to watch him quickly retreat back into the crowd after some hastily-mumbled apologies. yeonjun scoffs and throws an arm around your shoulders, grumbling and eyeing the area as you just look up at him with a cocked brow and a growing smile, like hello how’d i bag such a baddie ??? him catching your stare and when you jokingly ask “jealous?” he’s rolling his eyes and grumbling about how no one can talk to his girl like that.. he sticks with you the rest of the night, getting extra grabby as you leave to go home — “gotta get your mind off of limpdick lee 🙄” — and you can imagine how the rest of the night goes when he’s determined to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated by a real man 🤤
soobin, bro.. you don’t even see it coming. usually your boyfriend gets pouty and grumpy when he’s jealous, more cute than anything, so you can’t even believe your eyes — or ears — when this time he actually gets scary. not scary for you; you’re just terrified for the other guy. this is the first time you’ve really seen him get so protective; you’d joined him for some schoolmate reunion party that he didn’t even wanna go to in the first place, grumbling about how awkward it would be (but then blushing and grinning to himself when you pointed out how awestruck everyone would become over his 100/10 visuals) and so here you are, his hand in yours as you walk around being introduced to his old classmates. it’s when he leaves you with a kiss on your cheek to go use the bathroom that it happens. you’re perusing the refreshment table, deciding which drink to grab for soobin, when this guy that’s been hanging around the table starts edging himself closer to you. you nearly jump out of your skin when you glance up to see him already staring from 3 feet away. this dude (whose icky school reputation you’re unaware of) becomes relentless in his “flirting”, talking about your body, trying to touch your hair, making you all-around uncomfortable as fuck until suddenly he stops mid-sentence and just stares up at something past your head like a deer in headlights. confused, you turn around and soobin is suddenly standing right behind you with the NASTIEST, MEANEST, most STEELY glare you’ve ever seen grace his pretty face. “minhyuk.” his voice instantly sends shivers up your spine (and down to your core). this ‘minhyuk’ is already backing off with his hands up in surrender as soobin goes, “if you don’t walk the fuck away from her right now, i will make you regret it.” GAH DAMN…. GAH DAMN…. the way you jump his bones later is unreal i’m just sayin. minhyuk is quick to apologize and leave you alone while soobin is quick to grumble out a “we’re leaving” with an aggravated pout forming on his face, the one you know so well — but holy fuck is this about to be the roughest, yummiest, BEST sex that you’ve ever had.
beomgyu omfg 😭 he doesn’t even TRY to have any chill. you’re out shopping together and he’s already hanging all over you in the first place, ever the clingy baby, so when some guy has the AUDACITY to still come up and try hitting on you, beomgyu is not having it. you’re in the video game section arguing over which league of legends dlc you guys should download when you get home, you stopping to test out smash bros on the newest switch model while beomgyu’s got his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder and rocking you back and forth obnoxiously — “GYU YOU’RE MAKING ME DIZZY” “well pay attention to me!!! 😩” — and neither of you notice the store employee that had been lingering in the same aisle, restocking the controller shelf and sneaking glances in your direction. he makes his move when gyu gets distracted by something off to your other side, arms untangling from your waist as he leans over to take a look at the other shelf with one finger hooking mindlessly through your belt loop. “there’s actually a pretty cool new feature on that one, here lemme show you 😉” you’re standing there like 👁️👄👁️ when the voice that is not your boyfriend’s is suddenly all up in your space, this guy reaching past you from behind, going through some game settings that you’re not even paying attention to because why is this guy’s sweaty chest pressed up against my back?????? “what the fuck” aaand beomgyu has tuned back into the channel. lip curled and a 🤨 look on his face that he doesn’t even try to hide; you’re both standing there like the surprised pikachu meme for a second before the cogs start turning again. “dude. why are you touching my girl?” shouldering his way between you, arm protectively going around your waist again as he blocks the employee off with his large frame. the guy’s hands going up as he defends himself, “hey, she was asking for it.” THE WAYYYYY THAT BEOMGYU’S JAW WOULD DROP ??!?! “what the fuck did you just say?” ohhhhhhhh he’s mad now.. facing the guy while keeping you behind him, dude’s eyes widening as he realizes his mistake — “uh, i didn’t mean-“ “i don’t care what the fuck you meant, you don’t get to fucking talk to my girl like that, you piece of-” you have to DRAG him out of the store and he’s ranting the entire way, finally grabbing your face and kissing you firmly when you get to the car before grumbling “you weren’t asking for shit..” league of legends be damned, he’s fucking you good the second you get home.
taehyun….. 👁️👁️ is it hot in here already….? you guys don’t go clubbing often, but when you do, your boyfriend is like a blinking neon sign that reads “touch my girl and i’ll run you into the ground 😀.” he hates leaving you alone even for a second, not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust “all these fucking horndogs that wanna get with you.” his words, not yours. barely drinks anything at first cuz if he has to pee then he has to leave you alone 💀 eventually you convince him to be more chill, have some drinks, and you’re enjoying yourselves — pressed all up on him on the side of the dance floor 🤤 — until begrudgingly he finally excuses himself to the bathroom. you stay put, bopping your head along to the music as you sip at your drink, leaning against the wall to avoid getting knocked into by any dancing bodies. perhaps this backfires, however, when one of those bodies, fairly drunk and heading straight for you, cages you in with his arms before you can even process his intention. his breath reeks of alcohol as you flatten yourself as much against the wall as you can, eyes flitting nervously towards the direction of the bathrooms, praying taehyun will be quick as this manchild croons to you about how he’s been watching you all night and couldn’t wait to get you alone like this. “my boyfriend’s gonna fuck you up,” you mutter, and fuck him up he does. in a flash the guy is on the ground, reeling from the gut punch he just received, taehyun standing there with a terrifyingly calm look on his face. “what do you think you’re doing?” there’s a warning in his eyes, a warning that this bitch ignores as he stumbles to his feet, throwing all kinds of colorful words at the both of you, before stopping mid-tirade as taehyun steps forward calmly, gripping the guy’s collar in his fist as he stares down at him and says with gritted teeth, “you have 5 seconds to walk away before i shove my foot so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting leather. try touching my girl like that again and see what fucking happens.” the raging storm in his eyes paired with the level tone of his voice has your thighs squeezing together despite the situation, and when the man scurries away, you almost feel dizzy at the burning kiss taehyun gives you. muttering “we aren’t coming here again” as he immediately leads you out to the car, heading back home where the filthiest fuck of your life awaits you 😍
kai tends to get quiet when he gets jealous. his instinct being to close himself off more, becoming a careful observer rather than an outright confronter; which is why you’re taken so off guard by the open display of back the fuck off that he dishes out one day when you’re at a convention together. you’re exploring the different booths hand in hand, gushing over the merch tables and limited edition figurines, debating whether or not you should add to your shared plushie collection — when suddenly from behind you comes a low “damn, what a nice ass.” you almost don’t catch it at first. you almost don’t process that it’s being directed at you if not for kai freezing beside you, gaze snapping over his shoulder to the crusty man stood eyeballing you shamelessly. you’re both in shock for a moment until an uneasy feeling creeps over you, and kai can tell. “what did you just say?” your eyes flicker up to him and widen; you’ve never seen him look so serious. his tone is careful, but you can tell that he’s angry. the man is rolling his eyes and saying something like “i wasn’t talking to you, kid, was i?” as he reaches forward as if ready to tweak at your skirt with his fingers. you quickly back up into kai and his hand is flashing out at lightning speed to shove the man’s arm back. “you need to step away.” he’s firm now, holding his ground even as the man sneers at him and starts, “yeah? or what-“ “you need to step away right now before i fucking make you. do not try me.” you’re GOBSMACKED, is this really your sweet plushie loving boyfriend ??!!?!? whatever sexy protective spirit possessed him, you hope that it stays, because the man is visibly shaken even as he scoffs and leaves the booth behind. you turn to look up at your boyfriend whose brows are furrowed over dark eyes, and he’s quickly asking if you’re okay, asking if you want to leave, rambling out questions of concern that have you interrupting him with a simple statement: “i’m gonna suck you off so good later.” his face turns bright red as he stops functioning for a second before groaning and mumbling all these things about how you should be treated like a princess and an angel and.. let’s just say that you definitely feel like one later that night after he’s done with you <3
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hijinxinprogress · 8 months
I need the jl to discover that Captain Marvel is a menace
Billy gets arrested as Captain Marvel and he’s just a smug menace the whole time despite being on comms with the league “Of course, I understand the seriousness of this situation! I will absolutely comply, I completely understand that you need the code…the code is 1-3-1-2. Also, I want my lawyer 😇” which gets leaked to the press both audio and visual which leads to the jl claiming that CM had been impersonated and their only evidence is the stupid ass grin on his face
The jl was investigating the misuse of a magical artifact and discovered that a group of police officers had joined a cult. Before they had the chance to gather the evidence proving those officers guilty but they’d already sealed away the artifact so Marvel suggested getting himself arrested to incriminate them and he was a little too happy about it
Let’s be honest, Billy only gets caught by the police bc he can commit to a bit and he’s pretending to be an ancient magic immortal so why would he run from a regular civilian human?? But on the inside Billy is dry heaving and sobbing bc he knows that the police could never catch him on his worst day even if he was personally broadcasting his location
Speaking of broadcasting isn’t Billy a fucking radio host?? I know he’s a fucking asshole during commercial breaks “This next commercial reminds me of a recent encounter with officer smith who got lost three blocks from his station” and it cuts to a fucking toilet paper commercial (people swear they heard him mutter ‘bc you’re absolute shit at your job’)
Sometimes people will call in to debate his views on the police and he’ll have a three hour philosophical debate but actual cops will call in to argue with him and Billy’s making your mom jokes and playing air horn noises or 2016 vines like a fucking child 
Billy probably gets caught when he graduates high school bc his yearbook quote is like marvels most well known quote “Captain Marvel coast city precinct, interrogation room 5 (Oct 14 XXXX) 3:37-4:31” billy added too much information and it gets flagged by the watchtowers security system so the jl has a meeting about the breach in security and Marvel’s like ‘yeaaahh, that was me mb’ and batman is making disapproving noises bc ‘this is serious, Marvel! high school graduate, William-’ he can’t finish bc Marvel’s gagging dramatically ‘Billy. It’s Billy ohmygod’
batman, on the verge of a breakdown: who is this kid?? Why does he know the time, date, and location of an undercover league operation??
Marvel, avoiding eye contact with Cyborg who helped picked out his outfit for the yearbook photo currently being projected: ahaha about that…
Cyborg, who distinctly remembers telling Billy not to do anything fucking stupid: 😐
(Vic has framed the picture of the ‘oh shit’ look on Billy’s face when superman lunges across the table damn near in hysterics)
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kuwdora · 1 month
For the vidder ask: 11, 18, 24, 26! :)
Ooohhh, this gets really really long because of the multiple questions ahaha and I also tried to be succinct in my answers but that's hard.
24. When and why did you get started?
A stargate friend way back in maybe 2004 was sending me bootleg copies of Stargate SG-1 episodes on a CD-ROM but also had included some music videos that had some pop songs to the characters. (I’m A Slave for Yu of Britney Spears for Lord Yu and My Goddess by the Exies for the Goa’uld stick in my mind). I thought these videos were really, really soooo cool. I also grew up watching MTV when they were still showing music videos regularly and had unconsciously been absorbing the visual language of short form narrative and grooving with the music. So it’s no wonder that I wanted to learn how to make music videos of my own to a show that I really deeply loved.
I started vidding in 2007 with a copy of iMovie. And pretty quickly I realized I wanted to do more of this video editing thing because I was having so much fun. I didn’t have the pirating knowledge back then so I used my entire summer job money to pay for a student license of Final Cut Express which I think at the time was $200 or $300 back then as well as an external hard drive. A small investment to dive further into the hobby that would become much of my creative joys for the future.
Around 2006 and 2007 I was scouring livejournal for other fanvids at the time to see what other people were making. Buffy and due South and X-Files and Stargate were all very popular shows to vid for and I found the vidding community on livejournal and just hit the ground running with the hobby. Reading people’s vid notes, reading people’s comments on vids. Looking up lyrics and seeing how people tried to connect story ideas of the song and shippy feelings to the show. This was pre-YouTube and streaming video platforms were only just starting to become a thing. All fan-made tutorials were meticulously written out in text and screenshotted. It was a combination of all the fannish resources and communities where people asked questions and me literally mashing every button and pulling on every lever in the software that I started to learn how to export and lose my mind over things called “codecs” and “aspect ratios” and more. You won’t hear people screaming about it much now but old school vidders will remember ghost frames and that weird green line that would appear in exports and other batshit visual artifacts that would end up in finished results. the tech was so janky back then and Final Cut crashed a lot. The technical aspect was so hard to get used to but it was really satisfying to learn enough to make the things.
I love making stories come alive in fanvids. ---
11. Have you vid any ocs?
I had to sit and think about this because I was only kind of sure the answer was yes. I needed to go and look and make sure it was only one or two instances that I managed to vid OCs because I’ve made SO MANY vids and have half-started others over the years that it’s hard to keep track.
Armour For Liars is a fanvid for synecdochic’s Stargate SG-1 AU fic A Howling in a Factory Yard. At the linked vidpage I have a lot of notes about making this vid at the time. It was a true delight to fan-cast for synecdochic’s original characters. It was also really, really great to recieve such enormous and surprised and awed feedback on that vid. I wasn’t not doing well at the time I made that vid so it was nice that I could still make something really cool and watch people get excited. Just take a look at the 40+ comments I got on that vid, it’s still wonderful to look back on it. :)
18. Favorite artist to vid to?
I have like five different answers to this depending on the day (and I also have another ask like this I’m answering with more and different detail.) I love vidding Kesha, Linkin Park, Lady Gaga, Audioslave, Bishop Briggs, 2000s music, etc etc.
Right now I REALLY look forward to vidding covers and mashups and medleys. This type of song allows me to create a more layered narrative/emotional landscape to use songs that are familiar but end up hitting very differently when applied to a vid. Also the songs are just really cool, IMO and tickle my brain. Let me give you an example.
Memory Leak (also on ao3) is my Matrix Resurrection vid. I wanted to vid this film and I specifically wanted to find a song that was contemporary at the time of the release of the original trilogy (so 1999-2003) but I wanted to have it be a cover. It’s a new take, re-visiting an old song. Similar to how the film is re-visiting the events of Neo’s life from the original trilogy after he's aged 20+ years.
I identified the song Adam’s Song by Blink 182 pretty quickly since it came to mind based on the subject of the film. The original song had depressive overtones (and you can read more about the song on Wikipedia) which I believe mapped out well to the emotional journey of Neo in Matrix Resurrections. However, the thematic arc and motivation of Neo’s journey is one of love and perseverance. I had like 3-6 covers of Adam’s Song that were more melancholy and hopeful, somber and positive. I settled on Albert Salt’s cover because it his vocals and his version of the song I felt matched the hope and love vibes that I got out of the film. This cover also ended up being a medley and giving me some extra lyrics from other Blink182 songs to play with outside narrative context of Adam’s Song and I think that also really helped elevate the vid. Also I think it’s just a really pretty cover, very lovely.
26. Any vidding rituals you have?
My main ritual happens before I even start actively working on a vid. When I’m ready to warm up my brain for a project, I create a vidsong playlist for my current vid interests. I will be listening to the vidsong about 4,000x before I even download an episode or make a clip or create a project file. I listen to it until it’s in my bones, my brain is saturated with it and no other music exists. I should be tired of the song by the time I start vidding it but it really helps grease my creative wheels.
I also love to create multiple vidsong playlists and shuffle things around for various reasons. It helps me keep some of my (too many) ideas somewhat organized and I love tidying my playlists and adding to them during this idea/discovery stage of the process. I have a main/general vidding playlist, a playlist for songs that are “incubating” and don’t have a show or film attached to it yet but I love the song and know the song would be great to vid. I have two (actually three) witcher-specific vidsong playlists, a ‘vidding graveyard’ playlist for song/ideas I’ve abandoned over the years. I have other playlists that are genre specific. I have show/film specific playlists while I’m either contemplating an ambitious project like a Vid Album or when I’m trying to listen to potential vidsongs back-to-back and audition them in my brain for the vid I think I want to make or would like to make. Honestly I could do a separate ask game just on my vidding playlist ideas or my vid wips and published catalogue for the sheer volume of music genres/artists and sources I’ve done over the years. If that’s something people might be interested in exploring. I could call it “Vidder Open House.” thank you for the ask!! Get to Know the Vidder ask game! Send me an ask!
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thewild--flower · 2 years
[Translation] Olympia Soiree - Himuka After Story
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Source: Olympia Soiree Official Visual Fanbook Nuit Blanche
Author: Yuma Katagiri
'Here, Himuka. These are some snacks from me. Some slightly hard biscuits that should keep well, some with dried fruit and some with jam, and some salted fish.'
As Byakuya entered the cabin, she smiled and held out a basket.
'Thank you! I've baked lots of bread, some with peanuts, some with dried apple, and some with sausages. I picked you some passionfruit as well.'
'I'm so happy, I just love the bread you make, Himuka. I'll do my best not to eat them all in one day.'
Tonight, she would set off for Tennyo Island. In order to purify herself before our wedding ceremony. That was why, instead of farewell gifts, we had decided to exchange food instead.
'If that's the case, in a week's time, I'll bake another basketful and bring it to you.'
'When you come as my bridegroom?'
As I watched her laugh as if enjoying herself, I also felt happy myself. Ah, I really did like it when she laughed.
'Do you think they'll let me do that at least? I'd feel bad crossing over to the island without bringing anything.'
'It'll be just for ceremonial purposes, so I don't think we need to worry too much about it…… But, I think it would be nice to stuff our cheeks with bread for our wedding. So, if you would?'
'Of course. Please look forward to it.'
In a week's time, Byakuya and I would formally become husband and wife. Exactly how this would happen had been a complicated process - Douma and the others had had to think hard to find the right solution. His daughter, who was of the White, had chosen the Undertaker as her husband—the news had quickly spread across the island, and I had become the object of envy of many. Among them, some came to harrass or badmouth me.
However, compared to my happiness at being with her, it was but a trivial matter. The real problem was 'Hiruko.' I knew that there were rumours about whether I was really there or not, even my existence itself was doubted by some. Though the truth was I had indeed snuck out and was now living on Corpse Beach, I did feel rather apologetic about that fact. There had also been a proposal—that I should use the formal occasion of our wedding as an opportunity to reveal my identity at last. After much worrying and thinking, I decided to have Tsukuyomi make me a beautiful ceremonial mask. First I would put the mask on, and appear in front of everyone as 'Hiruko' to pronounce my blessings on the marriage of the daughter of the White. After that, I would quickly change clothes and stand at Byakuya's side as 'Himuka' — that was our plan. I did not want to cause chaos among the people of the island, but more than anything I wanted to protect our peaceful days together. Even now, no one but Byakuya came to the northern beach. It was the reason we were able to leisurely search for treasures, and throw ourselves onto the sand for an afternoon nap whenever we wanted, so it would be a problem if thoughtless people started coming out there in droves.
'Himuka, you haven't been back to the island since then. You'll be surprised to see how habitable it's become.'
'Ahaha, even if there was nothing but grass there I would be fine. But it's nice that it's being taken care of, I'm sure Amaterasu is happy about it too.'
'You think so? It would be great if she was.'
She shifted her gaze so that she could look up at the sky through the window.
‘Back then, I was not able to talk to Amaterasu for long, but she seemed satisfied. We did not know much about what it meant to live as a human, so I think your words really resonated with her.’
It was strange, if I thought about it. For beings such as us to not understand the human heart, though we watched over humanity.
‘I would like to speak to Lady Amaterasu once more. I wonder if that would be difficult though.’
‘Is there something you’d like to tell her?’
As I asked the question, Byakuya gently caressed my hair as she spoke.
‘That time when I went to get you, Himuka……I never thought you would return to me like you did, and I was in shock. And then Lady Amaterasu disappeared straight after…..I wasn’t able to thank her properly.'
‘But I think your feelings got through to her. It’s not as if I can hear Amaterasu’s voice either, you know. But I can tell that she’s in a very good mood right now.’
‘Yeah. As far as I can tell, she’s enjoying herself the most she ever has.’
My words were neither an exaggeration nor just a way to make her feel better. I was no longer a god, but I could feel her presence. There was no doubt that this world was blessed, and overflowing with dazzling light. The reason why was that she had seen the future in her own descendant, the daughter of the White. That was how much she had entrusted her hopes to the children of humanity.
‘I’ll believe it if you say so, Himuka. After all, I am but a human.’
But she did not know. That miracles weren’t something caused by the gods. Miracles were brought about by the strong feelings of humanity. And she— was a girl who could move the hearts of the gods.
‘I’ll keep trying my best at your side, as well.’
‘I’ve been thinking of what I ought to be doing from now on, in my own way. And then, I thought I should try to become like Jigen. He brought the wisdom of ‘Japan’ to this island. In the long time I spent wandering, I heard and saw many things. Until now, I never imagined myself getting involved with others, but I think it might be…… fun to convey those kinds of formless things to everyone, little by little.’
‘I think that will be great! I fully support you, and I’m looking forward to it!’
‘Really? I’m glad! I was a bit afraid to talk about things like this……that maybe the words of someone like me are unnecessary.  Ah! I’m sorry, I promised you I wouldn’t say things like this anymore, that is……’
‘I’m happy.’
Upon her sudden kiss to my cheek, I jumped a little.
‘“The waves bring what one seeks” ……I’m sure, no, I’m certain, the knowledge you’ll bring, Himuka, will make this island even more wonderful.’
‘Y-you think so……’
‘Of course I do.’
I felt reassured. Searching for something that I could do to contribute was fun yet scary. Because until now, no one had needed me. But now that I had become human, I wanted to try my best, even if I failed. Because she was there, and would surely cheerfully encourage me without mocking me for being like this.
‘By the way, I met Kuroba yesterday……’
‘Did he say something to you?’
‘He said to, "Hurry up and make some children."’
Her face reddened, and then she gave a wry laugh.
‘Normally I would go give him a scolding and tell him not to tease you but…..In reality, it might be better earlier rather than later.’
‘There are only two Whites left after all. I think you will live for a long time, but even if it’s just one person, I’m sure you’d like to have many more compatriots, right?’
‘From the beginning I was looking for a husband in order to preserve the White bloodline, so I was prepared for it. But now…… I think it would be fun to have a child.’
‘......A child.’
‘How hideous. Let us set such a child adrift on the sea.’
My chest tightened. Remembering those days when I endlessly wandered alone, completely alone, on the dark seas.
‘I wonder if……I can love our child properly.’
As I said those words, Byakuya hugged me tight and spoke.
‘You don’t need to think so hard about it. Just like you treasure me, treasure our child that will be born. It’s alright, Himuka. You’re someone that’s more than capable of showing kindness to others.’
I said the word aloud, then pondered it over in my mind. I wanted to treasure them. I wanted to protect them to the best of my ability. Byakuya, the children we would have, and this world.
‘Yes, I understand. I’m nervous about it now…..but I’ll do my best to become a good father. No, I vow that I will definitely become a good father.’
I had not known how to love. But through meeting her, loving her and being loved by her, I had learnt what it meant to care and be cared for by another. So that was why I would surely be able to learn yet another new kind of love.
'I’ll also work hard to become a good mother. We might fail at times, but I think as long as we’re together we’ll be alright.’
‘......Yeah, you’re right.’
To think that I who had once been formless, could now love another, and even have a child. I was scared, but I was also looking forward to it, without a doubt.
‘Well then, I’ll be returning to the mansion now. See you in another week-……’
I had immediately grabbed her arms as she had gone to stand up. Although we had already exchanged parting gifts, it was still awfully difficult to part from her.
‘Just a little longer……please stay here, just a little longer.’
I gently pressed my lips to hers, running my hands through her pearl-coloured hair. Though truthfully I had meant to stop at just a kiss, once I started touching her it was hard to let her go after all.
‘It’ll be lonely not being able to hear your voice for seven days and nights. So, at the very least….just a little longer.’
I slowly laid her down on the fur rugs and pulled up her skirt. Wanting to hear her sweet voice, wanting to trace her trembling skin, I covered her lithe body with my own.
When I had become human, I had learnt what it meant to desire someone. It was something that was indecent, fun, maddening, affectionate ——and without end.
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plaindangan · 1 year
A surprising fact, every single akamatsu girl somehow developed a costume love and kink at one point in their life (and also went goth, they just really like to try stuff) and learning about tsumugi’s talent… harmony just KNOWS she has to take care of it~… so she decides to steal a Jessica rabbit costume miu asked for from tsumugi… and somehow managed to get into it without breaking it.. and making the original character "flat and boring" next to her sexyness curvy ness and seduction level~! It’s like a bigger even more hourglass figure Jessica rabbit come to life~! So.. now she just needs to get tsumoomoo a surprise private show… to convince her to let her and her girls have full access to her work for free~.. (tsumugi can be a futa for a change, futas are cool)
Disclaimer: Below is content that's more on the racy side! If not for you, you probably shouldn't read!
Boys? Girls? Harmony found them all cute...and all so very easy to get what she wanted out of them!~
Hey, life gave you you the perfect body, why not use it to help in your personal matters? Like, for instance, getting some super cute. ultra sexy, and downright gorgeous costumes from that adorable geek that befriended her little munchkin!~
She knew her type and just how to appeal to her!~ Taking that stunning dress from Miu (who she compensated quite lavishly~) she mad her way over to the studio Tsumugi worked in and presented herself.
"How do I look?~"
For Tsumugi it was like someone had taken a lifelong dream and made it come to life!~ As if the Goddess of Fiction has come to personally bless her!~ Standing in front of her was one of the finest Jessica Rabbit cosplays she had ever witnessed. Hell, it was even better than the original characters!~
As Harmony sauntered up to her, her hips bounced and swayed ever so seductively, a gentle rhythm that had Tsumugi hooked like a visual drug. Those giant, full, milk carriers that Harmony had for breasts were bouncing with each step and Tsumugi could just imagine those knockers being exposed because of the dress finally giving out against them. To add more effect, Harmony had even dyed her hair and applied red lipstick. Effectively making her closer to one of the sexiest cartoons ever!~
Towering over the cosplayer, she smirked playfully and had her hand stroke the girl's cheek. "Stunning, right? How would you like to...play patty cake with me?"
As she looked down at the bluenette's skirt, seeing that long 'carrot' she had, Harmony licked her lips.
A perfect answer!~
"So, I'll be back later to pick up some costumes for my little Melody and Maple!~ You'll have them ready by then, right my little Mugi!~"
Laying naked on the floor was a buck naked Tsumugi...in a giant pool of her own sticky cum. Her dick was coated red from tip to her long shaft with red lipstick stains. Even her balls and pussy was coated in in them!~ Cream continued to leak out from her cock, the cosplayer's gaze completely glazed over in euphoria.
"Ahaha...M-mommy...f-fuck me more, Mommy!~" she mumbled out. Giggling, Harmony finished re-applying her lipstick before kneeling next to Tsumugi like a dutiful, caring, motherly Goddess. Giving her one final, wet, kiss on the lips - one that had Tsumugi's eyes light up in utter glee....before promptly passing out - she waved a goodbye to her new little 'munchkin' of sorts!~
"You'll get all that you want and more!~ A good Mommy would never lie!~"
Maybe if Tsumugi does a really good job, perhaps she can allow her to fuck her ass? Good girls need to be reward somehow!~
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snaillamp · 1 year
1, 4 and 19! In love with your writing btw<3
Ahhh thank you!!! <3 back at ya!
1: What are your favorite whump tropes?
A list of ones I don't like would be way shorter ahaha. I'm a sucker for sickfics, fainting and hidden injury. When a big, tough stoic character is so cool, calm and collected and then bam they start sweating, fainting and being all delirious... solid stuff. Also absolutely love whumpees being knocked out if you couldnt tell from my writing. If they're unconscious I'm there.
Love a good little stabby stab too, but a fun little trope I've tried to include a couple times if the knife to the throat and drawing a teensy little bit of blood. That visual in my head is always so great and the whumperflies are insane.
I also love soft fluffy stuff, team members looking after their Leader is a solid fav and the tough character cracking and becoming the fluffiest caretaker for whumpee is where it's at!
My writing contains my favorite whump tropes, I don't really write anything I don't like cause why would I? That being said if it was requested I would try my best, some of the prompts for JOD I didn't like turned out to be my favorite stories to write (Day 27 as an example might be my favorite story I wrote from the entire month, we might need to visit Enjar again?)
I also write different tropes depending what I'm studying at the moment! I recently started ~trauma studies~ so I hope it improves my physical whump a little more. (I'm a 2nd year uni student. Transferred from nursing to paramedicine at the end of last year and I have to do first year again yayyyy...) I was doing a lot of CPR as well as assessments for illnesses last semester (cardio-respiratory, abdominal and neurological) and last year did medications, life support and wound dressings. I have to try really hard not to do the step by step of aseptic non-touch technique or describe in detail how Rescuer inserts and OPA when I write lmao.
I usually resort to "And caretaker applied the dressing and went away" instead of "Caretaker lined up the dressing and using the fold method, applying the dressing cleanly to the sterilised skin" cause thats way too specific.
Anyway, the point of that ramble is that I use it to practice for my assessments, it helps me wrap my head around concepts I'm struggling with and it's good inspiration and fun to use my free time in an effective way. Whumpee fell over and broke their leg? Snail is on the scene! Whumpee had a seizure? Snail is doing AEIOUTIPS to figure out why! I love medicine as a science, that shits cool as fuck!
I don't tend to post those ones as they are kinda long, boring and kinda personal as the Caretaker is me. It feels like writing what is effectively fanfic about myself and doesn't make me feel right, I'm not a super boastful person really. I have posted a couple Cranky Whumpee is an example of when I did a mental check of how much I remembered about wound care and what I needed to study up on (the massage was just cause I wanted a massage). It keeps me interested in my more boring skills, prevents skill erosion and is good practice for writing and medical care, my two favorite things!
**I would like to clarify however, that I have a love for whump and a love for medicine but they are too seperate things. I don't get whumperflies for my patients and dont like to imagine scenarios in whump similar to what I have done irl. I got into whump as a thing after I began studying. I did not decide to study these things because of whump. I've always had an interest in medicine and almost everyone in my family are in the medical field in some capacity.** - thank you potential employersssssssssss :)
✨we love ethics here✨
damn thats a long answer sorry for the essay :) im coverin my ass lmao
4: Do you prefer physical whump or emotional/psychological whump?
It really depends on the whumpee and what's happening. Physical whump is more fun to write, but psychological whump is a close second. Love delirium and all that jazz. Emotional isn't as much of a favorite cause I just can't get into it as much as the others, idky. I guess it just feels mean which is weird cause I happily write about people smashing Leader's ribs or whatever. Do love an emotional moment tho, fluffy emotional caretaking is the best.
maybe its cause I was a touch starved child but hugging, cuddling, being close just is nice to write about and I love giving my whumpees something nice as a treat.
19: Who are your favorite whump bloggers? Tag them!
I love this whole community but a few favs are
@allthewhumpygoodness - it says it in the name folks
@whump-or-whatever - the prompts here are so good
@hufflepuffwritingstuff2 - I love the sense of humor in their writing
and last but certainly not least: @fallenwhumpee - Surprise!
I love your work it's awesome! I think we both like similar things which is so cool. You may have noticed me scrolling your blog a few times before sorry for the spam of notifs <3
I could list more but also I would be here all day. To anyone new in the community I recommend finding a tag you like and just going at it, find stories and prompts from people and just follow them all! the whole community is lovely and talented!
other answers
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atherix0 · 2 years
ohmygosh GREENHOUSE :D
i was already excited with the idea of mumbo gifting scar a greenhouse since the first time grian and him saw his flat, but to see how much the story has progressed with their relationship and the added layer of what scar’s plants mean/do for him—
i’m in love with your writing and even more so with how well you map a story out. just the fact that something so old and forgotten has the potential to be something new as a show of love is everything to me. it also adds so much that the sunroom was introduced as part reason to why mumbo returned to boatem and stayed in his manor (more specifically adopted it as his own again).
side note, something about knowing mumbo trained professionally as a doctor rather just offhandedly having first aid knowledge is a beautiful visual, it’s giving carlisle from twilight but a sexy british man. with so much time on his hands, why wouldn’t he train in a difficult profession in order to help other people without recognition or a need of money, the selfless bastard (affectionate)
but ahhhhhhhh! the sunroom reflected a time of war and pain, a time when mumbo came back to help others in times of need. the sunroom was something luxurious and beautiful, yet it was sacrificed to the cost of war. THE FACT THAT IT’LL BE REMADE IN THE NAME OF LOVE AFTER ALL THIS TIME OF NEGLECT??
it’s an addition to the manor that will truly show how important scar is to their lives; from being a hated stranger to a beloved partner, in this essay i will—
nothing will ever not be enough for mumbo’s partners and it’s so beautiful to note how much effort he’s willing to put into his manor so it’s theirs as well (he owned a house and they’re making it a homeeeee).
i’m basking in the fluffiness yet am also excited to what the future may hold for our lovers. the set up of scar leaving for the first time since their establishment has so much potential for angst or as a testament to their love, i can’t wait to see what comes from it.
it builds when mumbo also considers how unnecessarily selfless scar can be. it was a small observation at the end but i can’t help but recognize how little scar prioritizes his wants/needs beyond balancing his magic because he’s been told all his life how little time he has. it’s one thing to know of your limited time, it’s another when you’ve been consistently reminded how fragile and limited you are because of things “destined” to happen. my traumatized elf :(
scar deserves his happiness with his lovers and i can’t wait to read when he sees it for himself. they potentially symbolize something worth living for outside of sacrificing time for others (the moment scar confines in them of his wants might be the day i die because it’s a level of trust, it’s a huge step in their relationship, it’s wHEN HE GIVES IN TO HIS NEEDS AND PLEASURE—). his possessive lovers love him because he is worth being loved, regardless of the impact one could make on such restricted time. our scar deserves to be selfish, i refuse to believe otherwise *^*
i want to apologize for ranting so much yet i can’t, knowing it’s a result from the genius that is your talent and craftsmanship. i just, i appreciate you so much. thank you for taking the time to share your work with us readers. it’s semi silly to think i’m hyperfixating on minecraft fanfiction, but you continuously make it worth getting excited over.
i also can’t help but commend you on your references. beyond the places each lover first resided in, just the subtle details that make it specific to minecraft is *chef’s kiss* the Mycelia War made me smile so big (i mean it’s terrible in context with the story, but yknow lol)
YASSS I love greenhouses <3
Ahaha I believe you left an ask about it before yeah? It was so jhgfdjkjh bc I had intended for Mumbo to do this for AGES now <3 And now Mumbo has more knowledge to make him decide that a greenhouse is not only good but a necessity for their Elf <3
Ahaha thank you so much <3 I absolutely love the idea of bringing old and abandoned places back to life <3 A room no one even knows is there, bringing new life to it for the sake and comfort of someone you love who doesn't even live there yet nfdsjkfsjdk <3<3
I am not gonna lie I never read Twilight and have no idea who Carlisle is \<3 To which I have just realized there is some irony in that I named my series the Midnight Series......... lmao- But ye Mumbo's had time over his life to learn a lot of skills <3 He's a soft heart and such a selfless person <3 and also back then was before he knew of any blood-delivering services so if anything went wrong during a feeding-
YEAH <3 <3 <3 Mumbo hasn't even LOOKED at it since before the war but immediately he thinks about it and the potential it has to help Scar <3 I adore the idea of grand but personal displays of love, something that is big but still means something on a very personal level to the person. Grian's feathers, a place for Scar's plants in Mumbo and Grian's house..... <3
YEAH IM HJFSJKDSHJ I was rereading my own fic (for. Reasons.) and I was cackling at Mumbo being so unhappy about seeing Scar because of how far they've come all thanks to a smart little birdman <3 They really went from "wow I have to deal with this for 20 minutes a year can we PLEASE not make this longer" to "you're staying here tonight" to "I'm gonna kiss you every day for the rest of our lives" lmao-
YESSSS Mumbo's been alone for so long, he's spent all his Isolations alone (and away from the manor, coming back during his Active periods but they're so much shorter than Isolation period </3) and now that he's not alone he wants to make sure they're comfortable and happy <3 They bring light to the manor and life to Mumbo and I just hjfsdkjfdsj <3
Enjoy the fluffiness while it lasts <3 Haha yes, I wonder what might happen.... :)
YEAH our poor Elf boi, he's always prioritized other people over himself </3 Well, to a degree. There are some things he's not willing to sacrifice/do (as we saw in his history with the Fae King and Cub hjfdsalk) but </3 speaking up about his wants or needs? This is the man who pushed Mumbo's buttons on purpose just because he didn't want to inevitably hurt Mumbo when he dies, despite having feelings for him </3 So fdjksgsdjk <3
He does deserve happiness and his partners will shower him with love until he realizes/accepts it <3 (ghjfdjkgfdjk this is a man for whom allowing someone to touch his hair is a big deal, the amount of trust it takes for him to finally hjfdsjkfghjds <3) YES. He is worth being loved and regardless of the future this is still so <3 and they will make sure he knows hfgjkjk <3 I agree with you let the man be selfish for once <3
Haha no need to even want to apologize, I love reading these <3 waking up to these in the morning is one of the funnest things hjkfgkdjkj Thank you so so so much, I'm so happy you enjoy it so much I'm having so much fun writing it <3 <3
Hahaha Thank youuuu!! <3 I love adding little references like that hjkfgjkdjkgfkj <3
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baladric · 2 years
4, 10, 14!! heehee!
ouuuu thank you!!!!
4. How many different styles/medium (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculpture, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
on the diversity of media front, i feel like i stagnated a little! i used to have a lot more breadth, but this year like 98% of my work was done with procreate, and the other 2% were very occasional pencil/pen doodles that i then spruced up in procreate ahaha!! but honestly i'm not too arsed about this, like the sheer volume of art i made this year is so much higher than usual, entirely bc messing around w procreate and the specific hyperfixations i've had this year really inspired me to keep throwing myself at drawings again and again until i got it right—which has translated into a lot of skill growth, which i honestly could not be happier about!!!!!
10. What inspired/motivated you this year?
content-wise, the goblin emperor was my main artistic motivator (specifically my own goddamn au s;alkdfjaow;if), but i'm also really learning how to create my own original works as expressions of various emotional experiences i'm shufflin my way through lately.
also (and i've said this already recently but it bears saying again) literally i looked at @littleowlbub 's concept art for their new comic, prism, and i fell deeply and madly in love with how they draw hands—they're like... so expressive and lovely, but what really sets them apart for me is this sense that there's joy in the simple act of drawing them. their hands are, for me, the visual equivalent of taking that first full breath of fresh air at the start of a hike in the blue ridge mountains ;lakjdfaef like, god, i look at a few of the drawings of spectrum specifically and just feel love and peace in my own existence as a tactile being, idk!!!! this is all a lot of weight to put on the way someone draws hands, but it's WHERE I'M AT and honestly it has really inspired me to find my own ways of creating that feeling with the hands i draw, and i have a long road ahead still but the results are so visible to me, and i'm so so excited about that progress!!!
14. What's one pairing/character/subject/body part/object you want to explore next year?
pairing(s): hrmm honestly i've been eyeballing my internal visualization of evemer and kadou from @ariaste 's A Taste Of Iron and Gold, like i am itchin to draw them a whole whole bunch
characters: it's become a pathological need to figure out how to simplify eddie entertainment munson's dumb face down to a few brush strokes, like i've done so much noodling to try to figure out what it is exactly that makes his face his face—is it the full lips? the angle of his eyes? the sparse eyebrows? the laugh lines? nose, the particular contours of his 3/4 profile?? who the fuck knows!!! but i will figure it out or i will die trying!!!!!!!!
subject: really digging my vent pieces so i fully intend to keep honing that style and the sort of. idk creative muscles that go into funneling big emotions into little eyestrain-y guys
body part: see my tender screeching about hands above. also really working on understanding legs. why are they like that. whose idea was that.
object: man i need to draw more objects. engineered shapes in general suck SO BAD. i wanna get better at musical instruments especially, but one of my broadest goals is to get better at dramatic lighting (light is a huge part of my creative world, which is really apparent in my writing and poetry, but much less so in my art bc i Don't Know How To Do It Yet), and i'm annoyingly aware that the best way to work at that is to, in fact, do a lot of still lives, and probably like. paint more. pls pls, 2023 me, let yourself fuck up with gouache. you love gouache. it's so good for light.
artist wrapped ask meme!
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chroniclesmacaque · 2 years
You’re on my mind
"Yeah, I know…" Michi's shoulders dropped further, her slouch pronounced to an almost comical degree. "I promised I'd focus on my studies for a bit, at least, until I'm done with midterms. But I just… can't stop thinking about her." 
Plotmon pouted. "Well, you do usually have trouble switching tracks. Be it the new manga that piqued your interest, reading up on kanji radicals or…" 
People. Michi couldn't deny it: it was far from the first time it would happen (...)
Michi deals with her worries by opening up to Plotmon.
Word count: 2506
Characters: Michi Shinjo, Plotmon, Kazuma Natsuyagi, Bearmon
Relationships: Michi & Plotmon, Michi & Kazuma, mentions of Sara/Michi
AO3 link in rb.
Michi sighed loudly as she scrolled down her feed, posts blurring into an indistinct visual mass. Plotmon echoed her with a pitiful sniffle of its own:
“Let’s just go home already.”
Michi glanced out of the corner of her eye at her half-scribbled sheet of half-baked second-grade equation system exercises and grimaced.
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. Maybe a walk will clear my head out!”
She gathered her bearings and ploded all the way to the exit and continued doing so through the terrace as she made her way into the park. Plotmon exhaled heavily:
"Yeah, I know…" Michi's shoulders dropped further, her slouch pronounced to an almost comical degree. "I promised I'd focus on my studies for a bit, at least, until I'm done with midterms. But I just… can't stop thinking about her." 
Plotmon pouted. "Well, you do usually have trouble switching tracks. Be it the new manga that piqued your interest, reading up on kanji radicals or…" 
People. Michi couldn't deny it: it was far from the first time it would happen: she'd feel inexplicably drawn to certain people— feel a burning desire to be their friend, be with them, talk to them, share this or that, shower them in undivided attention until the fire died down to mere embers, and she was finally able to deal with them normally, as she would others. Sometimes, in a matter of weeks; others, in months. It often left her in awkward spots, either coming across as too intense, thus off-putting, or suddenly cooling down her relationships and making her friends feel neglected. 
Michi often wondered if those were crushes. They fit the description quite well, except… Well, it wasn't quite right. For one, it wasn't that she wanted to date those people. At least, not always. It had happened with a variety of persons and beings: from her favorite teacher in elementary school, to the transfer student in middle school, to Plotmon and Herissmon… It felt more akin to how she felt when she'd get hooked with a new book series, or a new TV show, or a new cryptid she couldn't stop tracking both online and offline… It often got very painful when she couldn't engage with her new fixation, opening the gates for frustration and annoyance to flood her over. 
"But Michi, we should stick to what we know, shouldn't we?" Plotmon smiled. "We don't have to be stuck in our own heads all alone."
Michi blushed at the blatant reminder of their heart-to-heart at the Dark Area. She clasped her hands together and drew them close to her face. 
"Ahaha… Sorry, I was doing it again."
"That's alright, it's perfectly Michi! That's what I'm here for— to help you stay on track!" 
"Aww… Thank you very much!" Michi scratched her cheek. "So, how can I focus on my studies?" 
Plotmon's sprite hung its head low. Uh oh. 
"Well… Talking about it will probably make you think more about her and make it harder to switch gears, but… I think you're worried and need to let it out—so, wanna sit at the park and tell me all about it?" 
Michi could feel her ears warming up, and not necessarily because of the sunset that hit her back. 
"O-okay! LET'S DO THIS!" 
And so she dashed for the nearest free bench. She practically plopped down on it, despite its metal constitution. 
"I really wish you could be outside, Plotmon." 
"Maybe I can? I mean— I don't look too different from a dog."
"True!" the tip of Michi's index fingers touched and she fiddled with them. "Would you like to come out?" 
Plotmon materialized right beside her. 
"It might be a problem if people see me do this or speak, though." 
Michi waved away their concerns. "We'll deal with that when it happens."
Plotmon soughed but still asked: "Are you worried about how to find Sara?" 
Damn. Plotmon cut the chase right out of the gate. 
"Well… yeah. Or more like," Michi started playing with her wristbands by pulling from them and releasing them, the slight sting they left on her skin keeping her grounded. "You know, I don't think we'll have any problems finding them if she and Takumi keep acting like they have up until now. I'm more worried about how to stop her, what to tell her…"
Michi bit her index finger. 
"You know you have a chewing necklace for that, don't you?" 
Michi chuckled, abashed. "I had forgotten."
It was a habit she had never been able to get rid of, a history of chewed pen caps, pencils, rulers, plastic straws… and really, anything she had at hand —her own digits included— to serve as testimony for it. Michi reached for the rubbery flat mini soccer ball pendant that hung from her neck and continued talking while nibbling on it:
"But yeah… I wish we didn't have to fight. That we could talk things out, but Sara is so stubborn!" Michi's expression soured down with her frown, and she gnawed on it. "At least, it looks like she's willing to hear me out now."
That was the impression she had gotten when Sara had gone her own way right in this very park, after the battle with Grandracmon. She hadn't rejected her as her friend and told her to leave her alone like she did before; and she had let on the intense loyalty she felt for whoever it was she was in cahoots with, aside Takumi. 
Plotmon frowned, looking determined. "I'll always support you, Michi, no matter what. And if it comes down to a fight, I won't lose!" 
Michi petted its head. "I know… I'm sorry I put so much pressure on you before."
"Don't worry about it! We're partners, after all!" 
Still, Michi couldn't apologize enough. She had been so obsessed with finding Sara that she kept making Plotmon overexert itself, to the point they had gotten into its head that it was too weak to be her partner. Geez! That had been seriously wrong! That stuff didn't matter, because even if they were unable to evolve to ultimate, there surely had to be something the both of them could come up with to face Sara. At any rate, now that LovelyAngemon could take on Mugendramon, it made things simpler. She just hoped things didn't get gnarly. For now, Plotmon deserved to rest, so their training sessions had been paused. Mon had warned her, too— a Tamer's mental state had a big influence on their partner, evolution-wise as well as how they're able to perform. Boy, did they know about that! She still wanted to kick herself in the shins for allowing Grandracmon to manipulate them like that. Michi really needed to get it together. 
"What sort of stuff do you hope to talk about with Sara?" Plotmon's composed voice brought her back to Earth. 
"Obviously, I'd like her to tell us why she's doing what she's doing, so we can figure out an alternative that doesn’t put the Digital World in danger, or troubled poor Herissmon." She scratched her temple. "Easier said than done, though." 
That part depended entirely on Michi. On whether she could reach Sara. The memory of Sara's hand firmly clasping hers to snap her out of Grandracmon's control, the warmth Sara had infused her with in those moments where she had hit rock bottom, the softness of her skin, the bravery and determination it must have taken Sara to go all the way to the Dark Area! It all flooded her back, emanating from her chest and flowing into her limbs. Oh, the things she had told her then! Just remembering the gentle way she had reassured Michi about all the good Sara saw in her was enough to send her heart drumming. How could Michi stop thinking about her after that? The help she lent her had somehow reinvigorated her and given her hope that maybe things could work out…
"Hehe, you're thinking about her, aren't you?" 
Michi's face flamed, and she couldn't help but to hide her face in her hands. "How did you know?!" 
“It's written all over your face." Plotmon stated, its smugness evidenced in the way its little nose pointed upwards. "I have to say, though, I'm surprised you like her this much. I was under the impression you weren't too fond of distant people." 
"Well, she…" No, Sara was definitely rather reserved. She had even been evasive at first. Michi grinned. “You’re right, Sara seemed like the aloof, princess type at first. But I couldn’t help it, I was curious about her! Since she was a tamer, too. There’s just something about her mannerisms that felt classy rather than rude.”
Plotmon giggled. “Is that so?”
“Yeah! And we had such a good time when she tagged along when we were looking for that angel’s shadow!”
“I really don’t get why you were so fixated on it when I can evolve into angewomon…” Plotmon muttered.
“Haha! Sorry, it just felt exciting because it could have been something I had never seen before! And, well, even if it was a digimon, it definitely was one I hadn’t encountered.”
“I guess…”
“Come on, you’re always going to be my favorite digimon!” Michi cuddled Plotmon.
“But really, Sara is always so full of surprises…” Michi whispered, “I just want to get to know her better. I want to hear all she has to say and… It just doesn’t feel right not to reach out to her.”
Plotmon hummed.
The sudden yelling startled Michi and Plotmon both, making their shoulders jump. However, the voices sounded quite familiar. Michi shot to her feet, scanning the park for the source of the noise. As expected, it was Kazuma and Bearmon, doing, very dramatically, some kind of martial arts form they likely saw on TV. 
"Bearmon, follow my lead!" Kazuma drew his balled fists to his waist and Bearmon followed suit. "Let's focus on feeling the power flowing!" They threw a punch forward, roaring again. Were they trying to sound like some kind of wild animal? Michi considered walking past them, however briefly. Some of the passerbyers around them shot them side glances or giggled or muttered to themselves, but no one really approached them. It looked like it was a common occurrence. 
"Kazuma, Bearmon!" She called out to them instead, "Wasn't expecting to find you here!“
Kazuma and Bearmon broke their stances to wave at them enthusiastically. 
"Michi! Plotmon! Same goes for you! You have stopped dropping by Truffle again, too." Kazuma pouted. Bearmon settled on the grass by his side, hugging his leg, not unlike a child waiting for their parent to be done talking to an acquaintance they ran into at the market.
Michi deflated. "I know. Since I was missing for three days, my parents got really worried and gave me a curfew and all. And… midterms are coming. I'm trying to focus on my studies for a bit. Speaking of, aren't you busy with them, too?" 
Kazuma shot her a thumbs up. “I revise my notes continuously! Preparing cheat sheets to make one final review is going easy-breezy!" 
Oh, damn. Cheat sheets, of course. How could she forget? She totally should compile the exercises the teacher had said would be on the exam for easy access. This is why it was best to be around others, the ideas and good vibes always flowed more easily when one wasn't alone. Though, it was true, study meetings often got derailed. Michi wished she could ask Kazuma to cram with her, too bad he was one year her junior. If anything, it should be her setting a good example for him. 
Michi chuckled, "So, you're a good student?" 
"I try! It's important to keep up with these sorta things daily so they don't pile up. That's what I got taught at the cram school I went to for my high school entrance exams," he shook his fists energetically, "after all, one doesn't get into the same school as Takumi without hard work!"
Gee. Michi didn't know why she was surprised Takumi had come up already. But it made them alike. Even down to chasing them to stop them from mischief. 
"You're always thinking about him, aren't you?" Plotmon gave Michi a meaningful glance. 
Kazuma nodded emphatically and fist-pumped some more, practically vibrating. Bearmon shot to its feet and mirrored him.
"Kazuma has told me all about Takumi! We're definitely gonna get to him! 
That was so like them, always raring to go. Michi couldn't help but to smile at their unwavering confidence, especially since Takumi was way less personable than Sara. To convince him to talk things out looked practically impossible to her. 
"Don't you get worried sometimes? About whether your words will be enough to sway him or if it'll get ugly when you fight?" Michi's voice was barely above a whisper. 
"Just because it's impossible for us, it doesn't mean we shouldn't try!" Bearmon's arm bolted the same way its voice did, throwing a punch. "Kazuma taught me this!"
"That's right!" Kazuma clamored as well, but fell quiet for a moment afterwards. He scratched his nape. "Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't panic sometimes, but it's because all of you are with us that I don't have to worry!" He smiled wide and his teeth beamed. "I'd be a lot more scared and confused about everything if I was alone, but you guys are always looking after us! Mon might be harsh and strict, but I know it's because she worries about us and doesn't want us to get hurt! And Mayu and Kudamon are super cool and dependable, they can both kick ass and heal us up! And Keito is so smart, I have no doubts he'll be able to figure out what Takumi and Sara are up to in no time! And you two help us out a lot too, Michi! You always take the time to fill us in on things we weren't there to see and explain stuff everyone is too busy to show us!" Kazuma bowed, “Really, we can't thank any of you enough!"
Michi's heart seized and she couldn't help to place her hand over it. 
"Aww, you guys… It's no big deal!" 
“That's why the two of us gotta do our best too, so we can help out however we can!" Kazuma and Bearmon shook their fists at the same time. They really were in perfect sync. 
Michi nodded. “That's true! We aren't alone! It's just like Herissmon said— even if we're apart, we're always connected to our friends.“
“Yes, that’s it!” He and his partner resumed their exercise, this time stretching their limbs.
They continued dawdling for a while, catching up about how things were at Truffle and at school. Michi might not have found all the answers she needed, but she certainly felt less burdened. Some things had definitely fallen into place. She just needed to keep trudging forward, and somehow everything else would feel right as well.
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Omg, I’m so glad to hear this! I totally thought you were maybe tired of writing those long posts, and I mean granted, I wouldn’t blame you. That’s A LOT of writing, but man, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy devouring every word of it. Your thoughts are incredibly insightful (hehe, get it?). No one else I’ve seen really delves into the Japanese text and all the visual details quite the same way. I really do hope you feel encouraged to keep sharing but with no pressure simultaneously if you are looking to keep your main blog mostly for art stuff! It’s all up to you of course, but yes, please know that you have a very dedicated fan hiding in the shadows that loves scouring through your notes like a Byrgenwerth scholar studying the cosmos lol!
...Ahaha allllllright I really need to find the weird guy that started to apparently pay people to send me compliments fshjghds Because recently I am having abundance of them and that never happens :^) /j
Thank you very much though; This means a lot! I will admit, I shared majority of my core theories, the rest are just some details I share at my own pace or when prompted <:3 Bloodborne solidified my belief that videogames ARE the best form of art for me. With BB, to understand more you need to analyse EVERY medium - more lore lurks in the songs lyrics, in songs leitmotifs, in colors, in subtle design similarities between clothes, in environment, in face datas, in cut content that is STILL useful, in internal filenames, in item descriptions, in item placements... And, ah, yeah, dialogue is there too I guess! xD
I have strong love for complicated, multi-sided things like this. If BB music was just pretty music with no lore significance - that would not be the same. Just check out how first stage of Rom's theme sounds like broken version of first stage of OoK's theme! If clothes designs were just cool drips with no lore significance - that would not be the same. Look at how interesting it is that default Hunter and Henriett are wearing bootleg style of Old Hunters! It just means a lot for me when someone enjoys all these infinite DETAILS with me ;-; Bloodborne is a godsend for my habit to overthink!
But... Yeah, never count on localizations of foreign media, ESPECIALLY Japanese ones. For some reason western translations often seem to warp the original context to fit their values/agendas more - and then western fans pick that up and continue. Or sometimes they simplify lore for no reason? Just ask Kirby fans what they did with Four Matters in Star Allies! Gehrman being made into a creep that tells you that you can do... things with the Doll is just one of the most awful examples, and I totally believe it was intentional and not a misinterpretation! Because a sexist creep is "easier to understand", in opinion of localization team, for western audience than an actually cool character or something? It is CRUCIAL for me to know what creators were truly trying to say! For example:
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This is what Miyazaki had to say about Fauxsefka, and it changed my perception of her a lot back then! I used to think she was just a crazy binch using people to drain Insight from them once they're Kin with the cosmos yeah... But angle of Miyazaki helped me to look from different perspective and I could suddenly see what he meant with her character? Her dialogue about 'willing to save even if just one person' no longer seemed like bullshit lying to win sympathy, but as genuine sentiment - she was helping people to evolve past the risk of falling into beasthood the only way she knew how!
And it is arguable, twisted 'heroism' but isn't it what makes it SO interesting? THE core fun of interacting with overseas media is how different some things can be! Original Japanese script is just the next fastest way to access what creators TRULY wanted to say, after reading direct interviews of course x) So yeah that's why I always rely on direct excerpts from Japanese for my theories!
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thesearch-continues · 7 months
004: Turks, Toronto & Texas
It's been a while! I hope you ain’t forget the kid! Life has been life-ing but we still here and the search continues.
So after graduation I started off my travels with a long overdue family vacation. This was MOST of the fam so just imagine 30 Jamaican's trying to navigate a cruise. It was with Carnival, which wasn't the best but I was there for the drinks and laughs! My first cruise ever was with Royal Caribbean and my standards were up. The ship went from Ft Lauderdale to carnivals private island in Bahamas, Puerto Plata in Dominican Republic, and Grand Turk in Turks and Caicos.I enjoyed the time, but I honestly wished I did something like this with my friends I feel like family cruising has it's limits. But overall I had a great time and got to see a few things. 
More importantly I had PEOPLE TO SEE AND THINGS TO DO ON LAND!!! On my search I got an opportunity to work with an American heritage brand. they were looking for someone to shoot a visual campaign for a classic cent that was made specifically for a hotel in NYC that winter. So I went to work. I connected with my friend Vinny Seda, he was the perfect look for what the ad called for. the city was pretty cold and gloomy, so we tried to wrap filming on Lexington Ave early. Right before this shot Vinny says to me "bro you know it's supposed to snow tonight right? and it did. I hit roll and we film this walk on Lexington, and the snow falls on que! Still one of my favorite moments filming. Vinny and I have made some great stuff since. Give him a look that's my guy! So we finished the campaign the company loved it and I was off to my next adventure!
I arrive to Austin, Texas. The music festival season in the spring is always a great time. I'd visited Texas before, so as soon as I landed I grabbed me some Whataburger and connected with my guys Henny Retro and Prince-to get the adventure started. Austin during SXSW is always a place to see some of your future favorites and genuinely have run ins with some of your favorite people. From after parties to- smaller intimate shows. You never know what or where you'll end up. Now I was only there for three days before my next trip, so I had to make use of time. After sitting down with the guys and planning out a content capture schedule I sat down to think up some cool locations to film at. Years back A friend of mine and I had our car break down on the road when we went out for lunch and while we awaited the roadside, She brought me to a nearby Creek that was so beautiful, I promised I'd return. So I did! So now years later Here I am Trying to find my way back to this spot, honestly retracing my steps and I do find it. This time I save it in my index and we film a music video called "Hate or Shine" for Retroi$awesome. It looked like something out of Nat Geo haha! Following that we shot a nice Music Video for Henny Blanco. A memorable time with my brothas man I'm so glad that my last time in Texas was that much fun. But let's continue!
Before Heading home to Jersey I decided that I needed to Visit the six, a friend of mine was staying there and she invited me to come se the city! So hey why not? 
I arrive In Ontario sometime the next day and I'm excited, I haven't been in Canada for over 4 years and would love to see what they got going on. After getting in and settled I met with a old friend and I hit the town, we visit the Ripley's believe it or not aquarium, the Rec room in downtown Toronto. It was a lot of fun, tthe first time really exploring downtown Toronto with someone from home felt refreshing. I was only there for 2 days so She surprised me with a dinner at the CN tower. The restaurant is still one of the coolest experiences ever. You take a huge elevator to the top and then when you walk in you see the counterclockwise rotation of the restaurant. I was so lost when I first walked in. I had to look at the floor. To recalibrate ahaha! We had so much fun and it was a blast but it was now time for me to take that trip back to Newark international for a nice tall glass of EWR blues.
To finish up my mini north American tour I reconnect with Retro and some of the MENTIS homies to visit the Brooklyn museum. One of my favorite Music artists Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) was debuting a new album that could only be heard in an art exhibit, Once played all the way through. No phones where allowed just you other fans and art lovers. Heck there was even a newborn baby was there! Everyone listening to the album and viewing the artwork. As Bey touched on life, death, and time. in the center of the exhibit was a huge moral tribute to the late Nipsey Hustle. Where he was immortalized in paint and beautiful tapestry. One thing I loved about the entire experience was that when you leave you feel apart of something larger than yourself and if you want to re-listen to the album you must look inward and recall the memory of sound. A real spiritual journey accessed by memory. "Negus" 5/5 stars.
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sweetpastillas · 2 years
ahaha i just watched MoM :)
here are my fresh thoughts on it
visually, the film is stunning. the thing about doctor strange films is that the film production is absolutely allowed to go ham with the cinematography. mystical shit, bitch, absolutely weird. it was why the first was my favorite, and why i anticipated this one (probably not as much as i did for nwh, but what can i say lmao spiderman funny i am tired college freshman epic !!!)
like some of my favorite shots or scenes were definitely homages to horror films. the reflection/mirror dimension parts going for the ring, and the tunnel chase scene being what i think is an homage to the shining (?). a lot of those are scattered throughout MoM, and i thought those were really cool. thank u mr raimi
plot-wise? not good.
lemme just narrow it down to some points,
wherein the screenwriters, evidently,:
did NOT pick up on the nuances of stephen and christine's pre-canon lovers-to-friends arc in his first film
surely, only solely watched the what if? series to put in the concept of strange feeling more romantic love than he actually did in the mcu (to be fair, ol' cabbagepatch really sells it well, it's the VA expertise in him)
did NOT watch wandavision,
OR took away from it the idea that wanda only became a... questionably redeemable villain. yknow, after she took down a witch who would only hoard and harness her powers to herself without the guarantee of westview being set free
ignored the fact that wanda herself imposed seclusion and self-exile after westview, because That is how she learned to let go and so that she wouldnt hurt anyone anymore
DEFINITELY ignored the fact that people like monica, darcy, and jimmy acknowledged that she was at the peak of her grief, and knew she was ultimately good underneath all of that
kinda forgot about billy and tommy's powers, and how if they had used them against the scarlet witch in defense by the end, it would likely still make the point they wanted it to
uhhh once again denied a character who has suffered throughout her life even the tiniest sliver of a redemption arc OR real mental help that can be talked about. she doesnt visibly come out of there alive, there's no small seconds of her facing justice but getting proper healing and adjustment that she needed. they literally said that the darkhold (if i am spelling it right, edits abound) corrupts the user. ok, and as the scarlet witch, a literal nexus being, one of the most powerful people out there, couldnt be given the chance to gradually overcome that by the end?,, what is the point of establishing her as a key figure if she justs becomes the big bad to be vanquished at the end of the day?
also lol skipped over mordo being "the guy that tries to kill doctor strange every now and again", like he didnt have a large role in the first film
and many other weak points that may come to mind later on
so, basically, you mean to tell me that throughout all of wanda maximoff's life in the mcu, she never gets another channel for her grief, and that is how exactly she dies? her story doesn't become one of those that essentially say, you get to carve your own destiny and your position or actions or whatever people say dont make you completely evil. no, no, it doubles down on the fact that she's a wicked woman, or turned into one because she lost her kids.
also its crazy because.. idk if it's the angry wanda stan in me right now just after watching the movie, but i cannot remember what stephen's role was. was his arc set on becoming the guardian and mentor for america chavez? was it another lesson for him on how actions have consequences and so does his pride? or was it solely hinged on love and want for christine? hm. he's the titular character.
great cg tho thats what im saying, and all these actors still bring all theyve got to the table despite the weak script.
honestly, way back at the beginning before more details of the film's production were announced, i thought mordo would be the antagonist. y'know, because they alluded to that in the first film's end credits scenes AND because he just is in the comics. like he'd do something or find a way to fuck up sorcerers and magic in the multiverse, because he literally said "no more sorcerers" or smth like that after his disillusionment with the ancient one, so it would be up to a doctor strange/scarlet witch teamup to stop him. and ofc wanda and stephen could have their debate on who's more villainized and why, but still have them be on the same ground. you would expect wanda to be tempted by mordo, with the promise of her children or universes where she's with them and her husband and her brother, but she wouldnt be the total rushed villain and redemption would at least still be on the table. stuff like that, yknow.
but no. that is not what happened, indeed.
(altho john krasinski as reed richards is cool in concept. it fits, and id like to see more of him in that role ngl.
sir patrick stewart as professor x... definitely done dirty with his quick death [as is the case with all members of the illuminati, why are they in charge if they can get taken out like that] but otherwise extremely cool to show his impact And his powers. you could feel that he's got the heart when he went into wanda's mind for a bit. i personally havent watched the x-men films in his and sir ian mckellen's era, and yet somehow because ive got flashes of knowing about it from childhood i get to feel like ive missed him. thats fun)
so did i enjoy it? kinda, yea. a 6-7/10
would i watch it again? only for the sheet music battle scene because i want to properly hear the soundtrack to see how it fits the moment.
otherwise, no. i'd rather rewatch the first doctor strange film, wandavision, and any other fan fix-its.
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Ahaha bad introduction but
Yk the sheriff right? You remember that guy? He meets the player
But he meets the player after having the shit beat out of him and getting kidnapped because they need information from him for a new mission. They literally meet in the van.
He takes a second to catch his breath after he realizes he isn't locked with Deimos, or even worse, Sanford, or god forbid Hank. No. The thing he is locked with is definetly NOT a grunt. And after hearing their voice, it was clear it was the player.
And player, knowing who he is, just kinda looks over him and check his injuries. After all, we do want the hostage to be able to function, right?
And its like:
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Sorry for giving the player hair btw? I am incapable of not giving mfs hair
I'm not sure if this technically counts as a request, but I'm extremely tempted to write this as a legit hcs set haha. But to talk more on this in the meantime: Sheriff already had a good idea of who you are from Christoff, but his interest in you only skyrocketed after hearing your voice. (To the point he developed kind of a crush on you, figuring that you must've liked him too if you complimented him the way you did.)
However, he never had direct contact with you; he wasn't one of your vessels so he couldn't recognize the warmth that emanated from you, nor did he know what you looked like. So when he's ambushed by the main three, beaten to a pulp, and then thrown in the back of a van, he was already terrified. But to then look up and see a weirdly colorful creature with exposed eyes and no visual cross staring at him was worse. At least he knew what awful things the other three would do to him, but whatever this was?
From your point of view, you were just staring at him to take in his injuries. You deadpanned when you saw the bloodied scrapes and bruises on him, having specifically told your vessels not to hurt him that bad. Some resistance was expected, but it was generally important to keep hostages in tact before interrogation. Seems they overlooked that. You shifted a little closer to get a better view, ignoring the way he flinched as you raised your hand to prod at his injuries, and spoke to him.
"Sorry about this, I told them not to hit you too hard." He stiffened, a muted gasp leaving his lips. He knew that voice. It was you, the Player that Christoff had revered so deeply, and the one that he grew to adore himself after you gave your positive attention to him. A veritable God according to some, was in Nevada. And by his side, softly pressing their claw-less hands over his body as they looked him over to make sure he wasn't hurt too badly. The reality was almost more than he could handle.
(You quirked a brow when he seemed to melt under your touch and lean further into your hands, skin heating up under your fingers. He was surprisingly red, though you assumed that was from what just happened. Oblivious to the Sheriff's internal freakout, you moved to undo the top few buttons on his shirt. You had to make sure his diaphragm wasn't injured that badly, and you're sure you saw the gradually darkening print of a shoe peeking out. You really should scold the boys when you get back - though not before ensuring the Sheriff was fully functional, of course.)
[Also, omg dude, your art is so good! :D I adore the way you portrayed the Sheriff in this, he's so cute haha. I love the fact that the Player is just completely unfazed too, and using the regular look of grunts in the thought bubble? Genius. I love this! ❤️]
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SR Malleus Draconia Apprentice Chef Personal Story: Part 1
"Master Chef"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Master Chef ー Malleus Version ~Let's Make Soufflé Omelette 1~
Ghost Chef: Today's assignment is a soufflé omelette! Do you know what kind of dish that is, Malleus-kun?
Malleus: I do. It is an omelette that is visually similar to that of a pancake.
Malleus: I have eaten it before, back in Briar Valley. It had an intriguing consistency that seemed to melt in my mouth.
Ghost Chef: If you've had them before, then that makes this easier. You can make a soufflé omelette by whisking eggs into a fine foam.
Malleus: That is the secret? You mean to tell me the way eggs are mixed have something to do with that distinctive consistency?
Ghost Chef: Exactly so! The other thing to remember is to fold the eggs in two when cooking them, instead of rolling them up.
Malleus: So, the shape is made during the cooking process. I understand, I believe I have a general sense of the dish thanks to your explanation.
Ghost Chef: Wonderful. Then, let's start cooking!
Malleus: Yes, indeed.
Ghost Chef: (Whew… I feel a bit nervous teaching Malleus-kun.)
Ghost Chef: (It doesn't seem like he wants the course credit, nor, frankly, the ability to cook.)
Ghost Chef: (I heard he decided to try this class out after hearing about it from other Diasomnia students, but… I wonder what specifically drew him in?)
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Ghost Chef: Okay, let's try cracking open some eggs first! You'll want to hit it onto a flat surface to crack the shell first, then split it open.
Malleus: I simply need to hit it onto a flat surface…
Ghost Chef: Oopsie daisy, the egg got smashed. You need to use only a smidge of your strength, just enough to put a small crack in the shell.
Malleus: I was holding my strength back already… It seems this requires much more finesse and control than I thought.
Ghost Chef: Alright, let's try one more time. Don't worry, once you get the hang of it, it'll be easy enough.
Malleus: …Chef.
Malleus: Why should we bother to start over once more? I can simply remove the broken shells with magic and continue with the lesson.
Ghost Chef: No, no. Magic is not allowed in this Master Chef course. That's the rule, so we can't make any exceptions.
Ghost Chef: Also, the yolk and egg whites sometimes need to be used separately in dishes. That's why it's important to break them cleanly.
Malleus: If it is as you say, then I suppose I cannot argue. I will attempt it once more.
Malleus: I need to be aware of how much force I am using to only make a slight crack in the shell…
[tap, tap, crack!]
Ghost Chef: Woah! Nice! You did great!
Malleus: This was rather difficult. …It may have been easier if you were to have told me to break a boulder instead of this egg.
Ghost Chef: Ahaha, you're really good at cracking jokes, Malleus-kun~!
Ghost Chef: Alright, once you finish breaking all the eggs, we'll move on to the whisking part!
Malleus: …So, we will be cooking this dish without separating the yolks and egg whites?
Ghost Chef: Yes, for this dish. I'm sure there'll be times when you'll have to learn the technique to crack the eggs cleanly to separate them.
Ghost Chef: This isn't related to this class at all, but what if you were to make fried eggs for breakfast sometime?
Malleus: If I were to prepare my own breakfast? …Heh, that would be quite amusing. I do hope that opportunity arises someday.
Ghost Chef: (Eeeeh~~!? Then why're you taking this Master Chef class!?)
Malleus: I have finished cracking open the remainder of the eggs. Now, how do we whisk them?
Ghost Chef: Ah… Right. This time, we'll use this whisk. It's pretty strenuous, do you think you'd be up to the task?
Malleus: No problem at all.
Ghost Chef: That's good, then.
Ghost Chef: Now, tilt the bowl slightly in one hand, while stirring as hard as you can with the other. Keep going until it turns white.
Malleus: I simply need to stir as hard as I can… I understand, now, allow me.
Ghost Chef: And hey, it's hard to whisk by hand. So, if your arm gets tired…
Malleus: Your worry is unnecessary. Sit there and watch.
[loud, fast, whisking noises!!!]
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @dearestsugar.
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hummingbird-games · 2 years
Dev Blog #20
Any other creatives out there just throwing themselves into work so they don’t have to think about Other Things? 
Hi. January was flaming garbage and I very much want to put it behind me and that’s what we’re gonna do. So...
Being away for a month did what I needed it to do (mostly) and I got some stuff done. I also got some confidence back, got to play some visual novels for inspiration and just good old entertainment. (Follow/block the tag gem’s game gems concerning that content now and moving forward lol)
Major editing for all paths, romance and friendship are complete. At this point, if there are errors, they are spelling or grammatical in nature and I will be adding it to the list of things for beta testers to keep an eye on OR I will see if I can bribe one or five of my friends to split up the work and proofread for me ahaha.
That pesky beef I had with the achievements page?? Squashed. Flipped that ish into the ‘endings’ and worked smarter not harder. I should have done this from jump, but if I’ve done my job right, y’all won’t even know that I struggled, LOL.
I teased the revealing of a release date a few days(?) ago and I’m happy and slightly terrified to announce that High School Daze: Junior Year will release...Tuesday, October 18th!!! This coincides with the second nine weeks here in my hometown which is also when HSD takes place, and it’s the furthest fall date that allows me to release a completed build I can be proud of. 
Also...sorry I don’t have fancy chart visualizing my progress for y’all 😭. Maybe I’ll get my act together and drop one in a gamedev rambles post? Or Screenshot Sundays?
Just know that we’re still on schedule for release and I’m trying very hard not to project myself into the future when there’s STILL quite a bit of work to do. There be tingz I have running in the background but 1) I want to make sure the main game is whole and complete and 2) I don’t overextend myself with Want To Dos
Also, also, ALSO we’ve hit 730+ downloads at the time of this post???? What even is life right now 😱 
Friendly, annoying reminder to check out the survey if you’ve played the demo, please and thanks! It’s real-real-real short.
Last thing of note, I promised something fun shaped and I Have Delivered. I completed this during a FaceTime with a friend, and I present to you the Which HSDJY Route Should You Start First? quiz!! Don’t know who to romance first?? Really like taking random quizzes?? Need something to tie you over until I start posting relevant content on this Tumblr page?? This is for youuuuu!!! 
Also if y’all could share your results, that would literally be the best thing ever. (Me and my sister both got April so....)
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