#I guess we'll never fully know exactly how it went down but I love how he had to drop this in
yesterdayiwrote · 1 month
ayo what
tbf this is a VERY old quote that has just been dragged up. George first said this just before Singapore in 22 so I'm not quite sure why it's suddenly been noticed by everyone?
Idk that it was a case of Alex's family ringing to prepare him for the worst so much as it was possibly him ringing them to ask for an update and then telling them to keep him in the loop when they said it wasn't great, but we'll never know the specifics and its not really important I guess.
But yeah, this is why it was so funny when I got that anon telling me they're just 'racing friends'. They're besties through and through. George was literally fretting to the press that Alex was coming back too quickly. It's just part of their lore!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hey! The game just came out yesterday so can I request a glamrock Freddy x reader who is doing the repair game for him ? If u have time no rush !!!! I was nervous about asking I’ve never asked for a request before .
Yesss I love that repair game so much
"Hello? Is someone there?"
"Freddy! Long time no see." You grinned from ear-to-ear upon hearing the voice of the Pizzaplex mascot.
As much as you wished this Freddy was the real deal, the company did a stellar job at bringing him to life via virtual reality. You had no clue what to expect when you jumped into the new Help Wanted game, but you were excited!
Freddy's mouth didn't move, but he was clearly speaking to you through his voicebox, eyes neither blinking nor moving. "My ocular fluids have crystalized. I am unable to process your appearance."
"Oh.." You pouted a little. "Guess we'll just have to fix that up, huh?"
"Although we have just met, I know I am in good hands." He chuckled softly. "After all, you are a Fazbear technician...are you not?"
Shrugging your shoulders, you just couldn't stop smiling as you checked the tools that laid before you. One of them seemed to be the heat gun which the tutorial informed you about. It had a hot and cold setting. There was also the diagnostic machine, too.
Apparently your objective was to extract the birthday cake from within his stomach hatch, but before you could do anything, he spoke again and sounded rather..ominous.
"However, I must warn you: due to extreme temperature fluctuations, I am not quite myself at the moment. Do be careful.."
'Even as a virtual character, he still worries for people's safety...that's sweet.' You nodded, checking out the diagnostic machine to see what you needed to do.
First, the ice covering his arms had to be melted. But as you turned up the heat and took care of that, you heard him speak again and froze on the spot, muscles tense.
"Is it just me..or is the room getting hotter?" He growled, which surprised you considering you never thought he'd get angry.
Then again, he did warn you about this exactly; plus you could see the lightning bolt on his chest starting to turn red--a clear warning sign that he was easy to overheat. So you swiftly repaired the inside of his arms before cooling them down, moving onto the next step.
Next, you had to cool off the rest of his inner mechanisms, including his endoskeleton head. You removed his eyes and booped his nose to fully open his mouth--
Only to jump back as he unexpectedly lunged at you with outstretched claws.
At first you feared you did something wrong...until he leaned back into his original position.
"Jeez..c'mon Freddy. No more jumpscares for me, alright?" You chuckled, shaking your head before continuing on.
Eventually you gained access to his stomach hatch, quickly cooling down the overheating coils inside of him. You were spraying the mist as though your life depended on it.
And, in a way, it did as you'd hate to get a game over.
At last you were able to extract the cake, with Freddy commenting on how he's been told it tastes delicious but couldn't actually verify that himself..and his self-awareness humored you greatly.
The developers truly went out of their way to replicate his personality.
For a moment, you wondered what the next step was...until alarms starting blaring and you became incredibly confused. 'Did I mess up again? What's going on??'
"Oh no! I am receiving a cake removal alert!" He cried out. "Please find something of suitable size to replace it with!"
Looking around, it only took you a second to find a similar cake labelled for Timmy instead of Jimmy. You were quick to place it inside his stomach hatch, praying it would register the weight in time.
Fortunately it did as you heard cheering and kazoos to indicate your success in this monumental task.
"Good job! You are my superstar!" The bear laughed, which warmed your heart as you smiled at him, the screen eventually fading to black.
"Thank you Freddy.."
This was a lot of fun.
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livelaughwhump · 9 months
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Yes! I love this idea! Sorry I couldn't answer the ask directly. After I saved it to my drafts, it wouldn't let me edit it again. @rosekins621
Content: mentioned past trauma, mentioned past captivity, regression, self-deprecation, self-hatred, former pet whumpee
Elliot stared blankly out the window as the world rushed by in a blur. The storage truck behind the van lurched over a pothole and Elliot cringed at the sound. He wondered if any of the team's belongings would be broken by the time they arrived. Fortunately, Elliot didn't own much, so it didn't really matter to him
"Are you excited, El?" Broderick asked from the driver's seat.
Elliot shrugged. Truthfully, he wasn't. He didn't like moving. He'd moved too many times as a kid and the process only served to make him anxious. Moving from foster home to foster home, then back to the children's home. That's what this felt like.
Lyra gently rubbed his shoulder. "It's not your fault we're moving, if that's what you're thinking."
It wasn't, but now that was all he could think about. "Aren't-Aren't we moving because of M-Master?" He asked timidly.
Yvonne shook her head. "No, of course not." Karine cleared her throat and nudged Yvonne, who chuckled awkwardly and said, "I mean...that's part of it, yeah." Elliot sighed and turned back to face the window. "It's just that Christian knows where the old safe house is. Our best chance at evading him is moving far away. Don't worry, though. The new safehouse is gonna be almost exactly like our old one."
Elliot glanced over at her again. "Almost?"
Yvonne pressed her lips into a tight line and flushed. Karine pinched the bridge of her nose. They were clearly hiding something, but Elliot didn't care enough to push the subject.
Lyra, of course, knew the real reason behind his reaction to moving. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry, sunshine. The only thing that's changing is our house. We're all still here and we always will be." Elliot nodded, but it was the only reaction he could muster.
The truck came to a sudden stop and Elliot felt his heart sink. This was exactly how it felt whenever he was forced to meet a new family that would inevitably give him up in a few weeks.
Lyra held his hand as the team spilled out of the van and continued to do so as they entered the house. Elliot refused to look at the house as they entered, but he could hear the echo of their footsteps bouncing off the empty walls.
"Elliot? Do you want to pick out your room first?" Karine asked.
Elliot briefly looked up at the hallway of open doors before them. He shook his head.
Landon shrugged. "Guess I'll choose first then."
Karine elbowed him in the ribs and whispered, "You know where you're going, moron."
Landon groaned. "Can't we re-vote? Why do I have to be in the basement?"
Elliot gasped upon hearing that final word and tears instantly sprung to his eyes. "B-Basement?"
Karine smacked Landon upside the head, which made Elliot flinch.
Lyra knelt in front of him and gently held his hands. "Sunshine, it's okay. It's nothing like Christian's basement. It's like a little hang out spot with a bedroom attached. It's fully furnished with a TV and a mini bar."
"But since three of us don't really drink, we'll probably use it as an extra kitchen," Yvonne added
"Speak for yourself," Landon said. "If I'm living in the basement, I'm doing whatever I want with that area."
Karine flicked him. "You need to stop talking," she scolded.
Elliot started crying. "I-I don't w-wanna go b-back in the basement. P-Please, don't l-lock me up. I can be g-good."
"Oh, sunshine. You are good. You're the best, in fact. We're not locking you up, I promise," Lyra assured him. "Why dont we show you so you can see for yourself?"
Elliot's eyes went round.
It's a trick. They're gonna take you down to the basement and put you in chains and leave you there for the rest of your miserable life. You'll never see the sun again after today
Lyra held his hand and gently led him to a door along the opposite wall from the bedrooms. "Look, it's right here. I'm just gonna open the door and show you, okay? I just want you to look. You don't even have to go down." Elliot's breath hitched as they started to turn the doorknob.
They're gonna push you down the stairs and lock the door behind you
Lyra opened the door to reveal a carpeted staircase leading down into darkness.
Look at it, mutt. Look at the darkness. That's where you're going. Down into the endless dark and cold, and you're never coming back up
Elliot started sobbing and instantly dropped to the ground, groveling at Lyra's feet. "No, please! Please, Master, I'll do anything! Please, don't l-leave me in the d-dark. I p-promise I can be a g-good pet. I-I'll sleep on-on the floor or-or even outside if-if I have to. P-Please, a-anything but th-that." Tears began to pool on the floor and his pathetic sobs echoed in the empty house.
"Elliot," Lyra gently said. Elliot Pet flinched and wrapped its arms protectively around its head. "Sunshine, it's okay, really. No one is going to hurt you and you never have to set foot down there if you don't want to, I promise. You're safe."
Pet was quivering uncontrollably. "I'm s-sorry, Master."
Lyra's heart shattered. Karine leaned over to Landon and whispered, "Go get Elliot's things from the truck and start setting up his room."
"What?" Landon whisper-shouted. "Why me?"
"Because this is your fault. I told you not to mention the basement and now he's in his pet headspace again," Karine pointed out. "He doesn't have much. It's just his mattress, his comforter, his bedside table, and his lamp. He needs something comforting and familiar, so go do it or I'll lock the door to the basement and you'll end up sleeping on the couch from now on."
Landon ground his jaw until he looked at the pitiful state that Elliot was in; the way his shoulders shook, the humiliating position he'd willingly put himself in, the tears pooling beneath his head. Landon sighed. "Fine."
As Landon left, Karine quickly ushered Broderick and Yvonne out as well until it was just Lyra and Elliot in the hallway.
"Sunshine? Can you look at me please?" Lyra asked. Pet did as it was told. It lifted its tear-streaked face from the floor and locked eyes with Lyra. Lyra smiled at it. "There's my boy," they said. "Can you tell me your name?"
Pet answered without thinking. "S-Slaves don't h-have names."
Lyra slowly shook their head. "Even if that were true, you're not a slave. Not anymore. I know you know it. What's your name?"
Pet had to think for several long seconds before it figured out the answer Lyra was looking for. Everyone on the team had their own nicknames for him, but there was one thing that they all called him. "E-E-Elliot."
Lyra's smile grew. "Good job," they softly praised. "Now, where are we?"
Pet Elliot glanced around the empty space they were in. "Our-Our new s-safehouse?"
"Exactly, and who am I?"
She nodded. "And have I, Lyra, ever hurt you?" Elliot shook his head. "Would I ever hurt you?" He shook his head again. "So, what do you have to be afraid of?"
Elliot glanced to his right at the—now-closed—basement door, then back to her. "N-Nothing."
Lyra's smile grew again. "Exactly. I won't ever let anything happen to you, Elliot. As long as I'm here, you have nothing to be afraid of." Elliot nodded in understanding. "Can you tell me your name one more time?"
"Very good. And do you feel more like Elliot or more like Pet right now?"
"I-I feel like E-Elliot."
Lyra gently kissed his forehead, a proud smile on her face. "I'm so proud of you, Elliot. How are you feeling now?"
Elliot thought about it, still glancing at the basement door. "I-I feel o-okay. Do-Do you p-promise I-I won't have to go down there?"
"I promise," Lyra said. "Don't think of it as a basement, okay? Just think of it as Landon's room with a downward staircase. Can you do that?" Elliot nodded. "Great. Are you ready to help unload the truck?"
Elliot's gaze wavered. "Can-Can you h-hold me for-for a little while f-first?"
Lyra smiled and opened her arms. "Always." Elliot crawled into her embrace and relaxed. She rocked him back and forth, carding her fingers through his hair.
Elliot couldn't help the smile that began to crawl across his face as he let Lyra hold him. He was still frightened of the basement, but he truly believed that Lyra would never let anything bad happen to him. If she promised him that he wouldn't have to go to the basement, then he believed her.
I hope you enjoyed this! This was a lot of fun to write. Unfortunately, this is going to be a non-canon drabble, as the team is not moving (for a very specific reason that I will be happy to explain at some point) but I do consider the end scene of Lyra comforting Elliot to be canon because I like to believe that Elliot slips into his "Pet" headspace every once in a while and Lyra is always there to help him out of it.
If anyone else has any drabble requests, suggestions, or questions for me or my characters, please feel free to send them to me!
@l-antre-des-merveilles @pigeonwhumps @nicolepascaline @burningkittypoet @whumpinggrounds @suffering-and-misery @make-them-scream @honeycollectswhump @rabass @whumpdreamz @clairelsonao3 @rosewriteswhump @cepheusgalaxy @pinkraindropsfell @mj-or-say10 @considerablecolors @whatamidoingherehelpme @whumped4whumplover @ladybizarre13 @theaustralianfrog
If anyone wants to be added to or removed from the taglist, please let me know!😊
Or if you only want to be tagged in main chapters
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nero-ya · 1 year
Content warning ? I don't really know to be honest but safety first so just prepare for a bit of smut I guess.
I'm normally not really one for posting shit but I really need to get this out of my system.
First of all i wanna say thanks to all creators out there writing the best fics I've ever read.
I love you guys and your writings are amazing no matter what character it features.
Every fanfic I read about law is truly amazing and I love every single one of them fluff, smut, modern au, rare pairs, drabble, Oneshot or longer story with multiple chapters they're all amazing but.....most of them I have read are nearly the same, showing law as a dominant one who always has the control and it's good yes but listen closely.
That's just my opinion but please that traumatized handsome dude went through so much shit and lost so much and it's plausible if he's afraid of not having control over everything in fear of losing someone again and I'll get it but at the same time I think it's exactly what he needs, I'm a firm believer he's a switch even though he would never ever admit it only over his dead body but he is and he fucking needs it.
He needs someone he can trust fully without fear of getting judged or laughed at, someone's that just chains him to the bed for hours on end, teasing and pleasuring him, fucking all the stress and trauma out of him and giving him the most relaxing day all week.
At least once a week he needs to be fully pampered and cared for, let him forget for a day that he's not just a captain, a friend, a Brother or a lover, most of all he's fucking human and I would love to see more about law finding a person he can be vulnerable with and let go of everything for a day without the fear of being teased for submitting and leaving his care in you're hands.
Ahhhhh I just wanna fucking pamper him and just imagine law chained to the bed, blindfolded and sprawled naked on the sheets. Tracing every tattoo he has on his body, slow and sensual, kissing every scar he got along the way, massaging the Stress and pain he feels out of his body before sucking him empty and not stopping till he forgets everything around him, the responsibility, the pain, the trauma, his papers that are stacked on his desk and how Luffy ruined his plan every damn time.
Only focused on the pleasure he feels traveling through his entire body, bringing his mind into another place and giving him one orgasm after another, one better than the last one and only stopping when his mind and body is fully blissed out and numb.
Praise him for everything, let him know he's safe and how good he's doing, how pretty he looks and encourage him to let go more and more with every soft whisper and kiss and please never ever forget aftercare it's the most important thing after every scene.
Get him down slowly and massage his limps, especially where he was chained or use some soothing creme.
Don't stop kissing and praising him on how good he was, just love the ever living shit out of him.
Get a warm wash cloth to wash away the remains before it gets too sticky and gets uncomfortable for him or even worse it makes him overstimulate.
Make sure he really sleeps before you leave his side to get something to eat and drink and maybe get him his favourite book. It's important to be there when he wakes up or comes out of his subspace just to make sure he won't drop and catch him if he does drop.
Cuddling, kisses and soft words of Courage and affirmation while staying in bed with him all day long.
Just be there for him and reassure him, make him feel safe and get him to understand it's okay to feel and be human.
Oh fuck Post got longer than I thought it would....welp whatever.
I just hope I'm not the only one thinking that way and if then we'll...fuck me also I'm always open to other opinions so just hit me like you mean it.
Have a great day or night ya all.
It feels kinda bare without a picture so here's one of my all time favorites.
Credits to the creator of this fine fanart
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cloverandstuff · 6 months
I'm rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood cause it's been literally a decade since I've watched it.
So cheers, I have a reaction thread (because I'm a sentimental bitch)
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Episode 1:
God, I've forgotten how it immediately just got to the action in the first episode. Like, it set up everything and gave a glimpse of nearly all important character.
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Poor Isaac, was probably manipulated, but ultimately led himself to his own demise. Very bold though.
And god, I think I was too depressed at the time of watching it, but the Eldric brother's backstory was so painful with that small glimpse.
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Episode 2:
I cannot for the life of me understand why this shit didn't affect me as much as it should've as a kid. It might've depression that numbed my emotions, but I guess we'll never know.
Anyway, my point is, this is is traumatizing, and that's me saying this as an adult. The backstory and the short glimpses of the mom, as well as the clear love and dedication they had for her? The way that Ed didn't even hesitate to try and find more truth? The way he dragged himself, bleeding leg and all, to the armor to shove it down, and connect his brothers soul to it???
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And god, the way I just kept whisper-shouting when they came to recruit him, cause I didn't remember shit, going-
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But man, as someone is is now so much older than Ed is in the anime, they make him act a kid. A very smart, powerful and purposeful kid, but a kid nonetheless. He's so young and you can just feel it in the little things he does. He does not have his shit together and is still figuring some shit out.
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Episode 3:
I love the comedy this anime has. It has the funny little pauses and the interuption of what should be serious moments without ruining the actual serious moments.
It is exactly my cup of tea, with a silly joke that just poked fun at a kid or being, well. A kid. He's small, and that joke may remind He's small but I can also remind you that he is so much younger than his peers.
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I am an atheist so I do have the same kinda mindset about God that Edward has. Rose has this sort of annoying mindset of God and his priests being this answer to all suffering and anyone who disagrees will suffer divine Punishment. It is frustrating at the start.
But I can fully understand where she's coming from by the end. She clung onto this hope, this prayer that someone she loved so much will eventually be revived. Rose then meets the brothers who lost someone they loved, and tried to being back as well. She saw the consequences and felt terrified. But she spent so long just clinging onto this hope that she desperately wants it to be true. So she argues, trying to convince herself that Cornella was telling the truth and she didn't waste so long praying for something that didn't exist.
People can find comfort in the idea of God(s). The idea that there is someone looking after everyone and offering guidance is reassuring for some.
That was not Rose's situation.
Rose's situation is more akin to having a loved one suffering from a terminal disease and convincing yourself that prayers and God will be able to do what science could not. You can not pray for the impossible. You can pray for hope, for guidance or for even a fast recovery. But you need to understand that even if you wish for something impossible, you cannot spend your life wasting away on these prayers and refuse to do anything else.
Rose needed to stop clinging in general because she was clinging on to something impossible that compelled her to try and attempt awful things. She needed to learn to stand on her own. Maybe she could one day find hope in God again, but it wouldn't be anytime soon.
Man, I went on a rant there.
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Anyway, I just wanted to type all that put because my mind just felt like analysing for a bit.
I forgot what the philosopher stone even did until now. I remembered that it was powerful but I that was about it. Now I remember, it was shit about defying the rule of absolute equivalence.
I am kinda happy I forgot majority of the lore of this anime, it makes it fun to put all the pieces together again as an adult who can process things and analyse better.
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Episode 4:
This hurts.
This hurts so much. They were so happy, and acting like actual kids. They played all sorts of games with Nina and Alexander. It was so bright. They were so bright.
But Tucker, the motherfucker, only saw what he was bound to lose instead of what he had. He tried to work his way through it, but eventually just gave up.
My heart sank when I heard him ask Nina to play the next day. It broke even more when heard Nina say, in that voice that doesn't belong to a kid, "onii-chan".
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He sacrificed everything just to save his title pf State Alchemist. He gave up his wife and then his daughter and the respect of these kids.
God, I hate him. I understand him and his desperation and I hate him.
Scar is back though. We love scar man. He's weird but core to the story and has every right to hate State Alchemists.
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Again, when I was a kid, I didn't feel much. This episode never hit me as hard as it does now. Back then, I though the Eldric brothers were being dramatic about the whole thing.
Now it just strikes me so hard how fucked up it wad to be willing to experiment on your own kid for a stupid title. To mutate her into an existence that was nothing like her human one.
Brotherhood didn't make it blatantly, but it was mentioned time and again, just how painful it was to be a chimera in the original. Nina was in pain and Tucker knew this.
I fully understand why this hurt the Eldric brothers so much now. That was horrid. And to be able to even see a semblance of yourself in that was painful.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 8 months
Most-Listened of January 2024
[last month]
Yeah, winter officially hit this month. Half of December was too Finals to be winter, and the other half was me reflecting on the year in music (so lots of 2023's most hard-hitting songs, which weren't exactly cozy winter music!). But in January, the snowy-gray-won't-leave-the-house mood actually hit--and I think it shows in this list (prepare yourself for LOTS of gloomy folk)! There were so many exciting releases this month, though, even though I couldn't muster up all that much energy about them--I'm really excited to see how the Sleater-Kinney, G-IDLE & Andrea Santiago albums will age!
1 . Boy's a liar Pt.2 -- PinkPantheress, Ice Spice
Yeah I sooooo get it now!! Like I don't fully get the lyrics, but it's so charming that I don't care! It's peak girl-next-door sweetness :)
2. BDH - Acústica Versión -- Bely Basarte
The first time I heard this, I wrote down: "Now THIS is how you do layered harmonies, cowards." I stand by my assessment—this is proof that acoustic tracks aren't boring, at least not when you give them a soundscape as beautiful as this one!
3. Tanta adrenalina -- Bely Basarte
This reminds me of the summer I was obsessed with Chung Ha's "California Dream"—even in January, I need some light, fluffy house in my life! (And yes, you can see that my Bely Basarte phase has kept going strong from last month!!)
4. Big Black Car -- Gregory Alan Isakov
I am a sad boy <3 (HOPE WAS A LETTER I NEVER COULD SEND !!!!)
5. Lost On You -- LP
I've been watching Loudermilk this month, and when I heard this song in the end credits of an episode, I instantly went to find it online. It's so wonderfully desolate, especially with those vocals... and the soft jingling of the guitar... *happy arm wave*
6. Southern Star -- Gregory Alan Isakov
Can’t stop singing this one—the melody is pure magic!
7. When the Party's Over -- Faux Paz
I like the original version better, but I'll never get tired of Faux Paz, either!
8. Ungrateful -- Megan Thee Stallion, Key Glock
Saw @shyreol post about this, and I'm so glad I decided to check it out (thank you for sharing)!! I'm absolutely obsessed with the hook—instant comfort song!
9. The Healing Game -- Van Morrison
Loudermilk part 2. This one hasn't even been played in the show yet, as far as I know, it just gets quoted by one of the characters—and deservingly, because these lyrics hit HARD. (And now I can cross 'liking a new Van Morrison song' off my music bucket list for the year—thanks, Loudermilk!)
10. Lalalala -- Stray Kids
This one has lost most of its appeal after a few weeks of listening, but it was very good noise to keep me sensory-happy during some rough weeks (and that ‘lalalalala’ hook is still great)! We'll see how it ages, I guess!
11. The Fall -- Gregory Alan Isakov
Speaking of Stray Kids, Isakov's lower register in this song is GLORIOUS.
12. Soldier, Poet, King -- The Oh Hellos
Believe it or not, I hadn’t heard of this one before December! It’s so good tho :)
13. What's Love -- Empress Of, MUNA
This sounds like the best parts of nighttime—it’s a little more muted than most synthpop these days, but it manages to stand out with just how ethereal it is! The production really just gets more beautiful with every listen—okay, maybe I just have a thing for vocoders…
14. La isla de Lesbos -- Javiera Mena
I don't really remember listening to this one in the past month? But I'm not mad about it being here—it's a classic in my book, because I can never say no to sparkly house music!
15. Smiley -- Yena, Bibi
An instant shot of energy, every time!! So glad I finally added Yena to my stan list, her music soooo deserves it!
Five-Star Songs This Month:
Ungrateful -- Megan Thee Stallion, Key Glock
Hell -- Sleater-Kinney (i mentioned how excited i was about this album right?? i love the texture of this song i love how it go grrrrr i love the line “hell is just a place that / we can’t seem to live without” !! i have a very good feeling about this one helping me get through the year SCREEEEEE)
BDH - Acústica Versión — Bely Basarte
Certainty -- Big Thief (this is what love is to me btw like i realized this month that i don’t think any other song has captured it better so here we are) (YOU LAY BESIDE ME / SLEEPING ON A PLANE / IN THE FUUUUUTUREEEEEEEE)
Was I Just Another One -- Gregory Alan Isakov (i listened to this allll the time in 2020, but i ended up developing a new appreciation for its atmosphere this month like good god i’m in awe GLOOMY FOLK GLOOMY FOLK IT IS A WASTELAND IT IS IMMACULATE EEEEEE !!)
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blackenchanting · 1 year
Welcome to ravens borough episode 10
Somewhere in the unheard of town of Raven's Borough…
The contents of this story are nsfw therefore not for children
The Impala flew down the interstate on the way back from a job as the car rattled from the speed.
"God I love when the roads are empty." Eva said.
"It is pretty nice." Rob said.
"You're worried about Ameila aren't you?" Eva asked.
"Of course I'm worried. She's obviously hurt by something and I can't even figure out what." Rob said.
"And your principles refuse to let you dig up the answer yourself." Eva said.
"Exactly. But, we'll know something soon enough." Rob said.
"Fair enough. For now though let's get back home and relax for a bit." Eva said as the Impala slowed a bit coming off the interstate.
A pair of red tail lights illuminated the word charger on the back of a shadowy vehicle. As a car went around the Impala. Allowing the lights of it to illuminate up the word dodge charger rt on the back
"Well that's something you don't see every day." Eva said.
"You should have seen what Orion's got in his garage that he's afraid to touch." Rob said.
"Heh, fair enough. Though right now I'm focused on getting home. Getting undressed and snuggling up into bed with my favorite person." Eva said.
"Aww, that's sweet Eve." Rob said.
"Mmhm. We'll see if anything else happens." Eva said.
The charger pulled forward as their headlights showed the license plate that said mad1son on the back
"Alright that's gotta be Ava right?" Rob said.
"That's my guess." Eva said as they came to an intersection pulling up beside the charger
"Here we go again." Rob said, adjusting his posture.
"What?" Eva asked, looking at the charger.
The window rolled down as an arm attachment to a red jacket sat on the door. As they heard them fiddling with the radio
"Well alright then." Rob said looking over. He could see the outline of a werewolf behind the wheel.
"Well that's not Ava." Rob said.
"Then that leaves…" Eva said.
"Huh, never thought Chris would be back." Rob said.
The radio turned over as bad to the bone started playing. While the charger reved
"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Rob said, rolling his window down as Eva revved the Impala.
The figure turned his head, noticing that they were there.
"Sup." Rob said casually as Eva waved.
"Sup" a male voice said as the chargers engine revved fully putting theirs to shame
"Nice ride." Rob said.
"It was better when I have my wife in the seat next to me but alas" he said
"Heh, yeah I can understand that. It's nicer driving with a loved one." Rob said.
"Guess her mom's nickname of widow maker makes sense now" Chris said
"It's not all too bad. You still got family." Rob said
"Makes sense" Chris said
"Good seeing you back in town Chris, we'll catch up later, though I'm gonna get some sleep and cuddle first." Rob said.
"Yep" Chris said as the light turned green. Causing the charger to take off like a rocket
"And off he goes." Eva said taking off for home.
"Yup. Let's get home and relax." Rob said.
Ameila picked up her rag looking through one eye as the other was bandaged up as she slowly took it over the counter in a sloppy manner her vision began to fade again as she heard a prosthetic arm
"nah mate go fuck your self! I'm tired of paying for hospital bills.." Ameila said as her vision came back while she continued to clean the top of her bar counter in a sloppy manner.
"Man i need some entertainment ascides from music" Ameila said
As Amelia was cleaning, the doors to the bar were swung open but not with too much force that it would damage anything. A tall girl with long flowing blonde hair stepped through though her face was obscured by her biking helmet. After surveying the location with a quick look to her left and right, she took a seat at the bar.
"Oh… welcome to the hearts of steel. I'm the one armed cyclops how tough are y-" Ameila said.
The girl removed her helmet.
“Heya, me again.” The girl said, seeming highly confident in herself.
"Fuc… welcome to my establishment, how can I help you today ma'am" Ameila asked the girl.
“Yes you can, I feel we got off on the wrong foot the other day when you jumped out the window, Rubes told me how to find here so we could have a better intro. the names Xiao, pleased to meet’cha.” Xiao replied, holding out her hand to shake Amelia’s.
"My name's the full metal alchemist I own the place" Ameila said shaking her hand
“Suuuure it is.” Xiao said sarcastically.
"Yeah…. It's the queen bee…" Ameila said, accepting her nickname.
“Sweet! oh, while I’m here, mind if I have a drink? “I’ve had my eye on trying the scarlet kiss.” Xiao said.
"Throw in a blowjob and it's on the house" Ameila said
“Tempting offer but I gotta decline.” Xiao said
"Figured as much," Amelia said.
“Maybe another time though.” Xiao replied, winking at Amelia.
"Maybe so scarlet kiss hmm that's.. Lime… you seem like a no ice kinda gal.. two shots of vodka... For you.. a dash of lemon and rose whisper… and that's one scarlet kiss with a dash of.. love" Ameila said kissing her finger and taking it around the brim of the glass.
“For me? You made it unique based on how you predict what I like? Risky move, I like ya style Queen Bee.” Xiao said.
"..I'm all about the risk factor.." Ameila said in her matured sexy tone.
“Flirty too, if you weren't taken, I’d be sliding over that surface and doing ya right here and now.” Xiao said admittedly.
"You seem to know alot about your bartender for someone who knows nothing about your bartender" Ameila said keeping the tone.
“That ones on Rubes, she’s told me quite a bit… flirty, taken, prosthetic arm, both of ya traumatized by some half bird bitch… ya know, the important junk.” Xiao said, taking sips of her drink in between.
"I.. wouldn't call her.. that" Ameila said
“She tried to kill you… how is that not the correct term for it?” Xiao asked.
"Not me.. she killed everyone because of me" Ameila said, correcting her information.
“Huh… guess I was only half listening again while she was explaining.” Xiao said.
"Happens.. at least you got the looks to make up for it." Ameila said.
“Damn, you’re a flirty one, it’s kinda turnin’ me on a little.” Xiao replied.
"Good, that's very good." Ameila said.
“Is that blowjob offer still on the table?” Xiao asked.
"I mean, possibly why?" Ameila asked, twiddling her fingers.
“I’m considering taking up the offer.” Xiao answered.
"Well I'd suppose it's better than paying fifteen pounds" Ameila said.
“I have the money but this seems much more fun.” Xiao said.
"Go for it I ain't gonna stop you" Ameila said holding her tongue out to the side.
“Right, show me the fella I’m puttin’ in my mouth.” Xiao said, licking her lips.
"Come get it" the one eyed cyclops said.
Xiao wasted no time climbing over the counter and tackling her.
The door to the detective's office opened as Robin stumbled in. He was still in his uniform but his badge was missing.
"Woah, you alright?" Rob asked while Eve was sitting on his desk.
"Yuah is fie" Robin said, clearly drunk .
"Did you walk here?" Eva asked, turning around on the desk revealing her black toe socks with red toes and heels.
"You're drunk. What happened?" Rob asked.
"Isa ned tacan" Robin said
"What?" Rob said.
"I need ta can" Robin said holding his fist over this mouth
"Ta can?" Rob asked.
"There's a trash can right there." Eva said pointing right next to Robin. Who vomited something fierce into it.
"You good there buddy?" Rob asked.
"NU" Robin said whipping the vomit off on his sleeve
"Alright. Whatcha need now?" Eva asked.
"You really shouldn't have gotten drunk man, you know how it makes your CVS act up." Rob said getting up and walking over to Robin.
"Drink make feel good" Robin said pulling a file folder from inside his uniform and tossing it on their desk
"Buddy…" Rob said, hugging Robin as Eva picked up and opened the file folder.
"Ugh..Fuck" Robin said snapping out of it as he pulled off his uniform top underneath he was wearing a gray crop top making his tattoos visible flowers a butterfly and the phrase till death do us part
"You good?" Rob asked.
"Yeah" Robin said as their was the faint outline of what appeared to be a bullet hole hiding under his tank top. As he walked over to the desk
"Alright. Whatcha need?" Rob asked.
"Got another wacky one here for you" Robin said gesturing to the file"Coming all the way from lyn town believe it or not" Robin said
"Something about a bed and breakfast… we'll look into it." Eva said.
"Are you doing alright?" Rob asked.
"They say people have been going missing without a trace of life at the black diamond bedside manor. It's one or two people every few months. And so far it's been six people" Robin said placing his hand upon his gun
"Alright. We'll check it out tomorrow." Rob said.
"No rush." Robin said
"Fair enough." Eva said.
"What happened to your badge?" Rob asked.
"I think I left it at the bar… so Katelyns probably wearing it right now." Robin said.
"...uh hi… am I interrupting anything?" a pink haired girl in a black dress and hat asked looking at Eva
"Whatcha need?" Eva asked.
"Need a ride home Robin?" Rob asked.
"..not uh entirely sure. I'm looking for something.. closure I suppose?" The lady said
"Alright. Tell us about it and we'll see what we can do." Eva said.
"I'm looking for an old friend that I haven't seen in a long time. I heard they had moved here but.." the lady said
"What's their name?" Eva asked as the lady explained the situation to her.
"And I stopped keeping up with them after they moved here." The lady ended
"Alright we'll see what we can do ma'am." Eva said.
"Thank you" she said as she headed out
"Alright I think that's everything for the day." Eva said.
"You… uh" Robin said turning towards the door
"What?" Rob asked.
"You didn't get her name or phone number…" Robin said
"Shit. You're right." Rob said heading after the lady. Who was mysteriously gone
"Well that's weird. She's gone." Rob said coming back in.
"Right Imma go get krunk again you two have fun" Robin said
"Oi, try not to get too fucked up please." Rob said.
"Yeah you're too precious." Eva said.
"Watch me bitch!" Robin said leaving.
"Let's take a look into that first case… in bed." Rob said picking up Eva like the princess she is.
"Ooo, forward huh?" Eva said, grabbing the folder off the desk and kissing Rob.
"It's been a long day, my love." Rob said closing the office while still carrying the white haired minx and carrying her up to their apartment.
0 notes
getitinbusan · 4 years
The Grammy Sessions
18+ smut part of The Studio Sessions
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It's not a Grammy award but I hope it's a little distraction for you all until the performance. Written for @jungkookbabyyyy and @etherealxjiminx thanks for the love 💜 I hope you like it.
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"You all look so handsome."
Gushing over the five men in front of you was easily one of your favorite  pastimes.
"You need to be out of here in 5 minutes, where's Jin and Joon?" 
"I'm here," Jin walked in tucking his arm around your waist. "But there's a little issue with Namjoon," he whispered not so softly in your ear. Everyone looked at each other nervously. 
"What the hell does that mean?" Yoongi vocalized what everyone was thinking. 
"It means he's a little freaked out. I've never seen him like this." Jin was usually Namjoon's support and if he was saying it, it wasn't good. 
Jimin pulled out his phone, "Should we call Sejin Hyung?" 
All eyes turned to you, waiting. "Why do you think I know the answer?"
"You always know what to do Noona, you take better care of us than anyone." Jungkook flattered while looking worried. 
You looked to your boyfriend, "He's not wrong," Yoongi shrugged.
The wheels turned in your head as you tried to formulate a game plan. 
The doorbell rang, "The cars here, what are we going to do?" 
You looked them over analyzing  who would be your best accomplice. "Jimin put your phone away, i'm going to handle this."
You tried hard to sound confident. "You're going to stay with me. Everyone else go get in the car. If we're late, you're going to have to do press alone." 
The looks of terror that befell them made you sigh. "Seriously? You all speak perfectly fine English. Stop being such cowards and use it." You kissed their cheeks one by one as they filed out. Jungkook was last.
"You've got this baby, I promise. Your English is so good now, you can do it."
"Do whatever it takes Noona, just get him there." 
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"So why am I here? What exactly is my role in all this?"
You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm gonna need you to drive." 
"That's it? I could be drinking free champagne at the virtual pre show but instead I have to be the chauffeur?" 
"I'm sorry but Guk or Jin would be messy, we've gotten too close and they'd be hurt having to watch."
"Watch what?" 
"Me fucking Joon in front of them.  God Jimin, keep up we don't have much time." 
He stood puzzled. 
"Taehyungs a pervert and he'd get too turned on and try to make it about himself. There's no way Joon would fuck me in front of Yoongi and Hobi is just a shit driver." 
He didn't even bat an eye. "So your plan is to bribe him with sex?" 
"Can you think of a better option because I didn't see you suggesting  anything."
He grabbed the keys from their hook and shrugged, "I guess I'll be waiting in the car." 
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"Joon?" You knocked lightly on his door, turning the handle before he could answer. 
He was in his own world pacing the room as if he was lost in thought. 
"Hey sweetheart." You startled him. 
"You know you can't skip this right?" He sat down onto the edge of the bed with his head in his hands nodding. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?" 
Kneeling in front of him you pulled his hands away from his face. He looked tired. 
"What if we don't win?" 
"Joon what's really going on? You never worry about things like this."
"This is our ultimate goal, everyone knows. There's so much riding on this and it's all on my shoulders as the leader." 
He began pacing again. "If we lose I'm the one who has to tell everyone it's okay, i'm the one who has to calm the fans and I'm the one who has to console the members." 
"But what if you win and you're worrying about this for nothing?" 
"Thats it though, the one thing nobody's thinking about. If we win tonight we've reached our highest goal, where do we go from there?" 
"Namjoon," you couldn't help but smile in fondness, "you think too much." 
Wrapping your arms around him you gave him a squeeze. "Shut your head off and try to live in the moment for once." 
He kissed your forehead, "I wish you could come tonight." 
"Well your car already left so you've got me until we get there."
You picked up his jacket and flung it at him. "Now let's go before you miss anything."
He went to open the passenger door but you pushed it closed. "Don't worry Jimin's got this under control. You're going to ride in the back with me and relax." 
His hand was clammy and he kept squeezing yours like morse code.
"What are you doing?" His eyes were clamped tightly shut and his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. 
"I'm practicing my speech in case we win. I'm sorry I just can't make my brain stop." 
"So if you can't shut it off…" You let go of his hand and palmed him over his pants. "We'll just have to find a way to distract it." 
He looked at the front seat towards Jimin. 
"Don't worry about him. He's going to keep his eyes on the road and make sure we get there on time."
He was growing firmer with every stroke, straining against the fabric that held him in. "Doesn't that feel better already?" 
He smiled with a nod.
"I just want you to sit back and enjoy the ride."
Sliding to your knees in the back seat you carefully undid his zipper. Gently lifting his semi hard dick out of his underwear you leaned in for a suck.
"You have the nicest cock Joon." It twitched at your flattery. 
He wrapped his hand into your hair and pushed you closer to his swollen member. You could feel him relaxing under your touch.
"Suck it for me." 
Wrapping your lips around him you embraced his shaft with your suctioned movements. Wet lips worked him in and out of your throat while your other hand burrowed around his balls squeezing them gently. Small sighs escaped him, the sound of tension leaving his body.
"What are you thinking about?" You licked the head of his cock. 
"How good your mouth feels." 
"Umm," you hummed. "If you're still thinking I'm not doing good enough." 
You sat up and leaned against your side of the door spreading your legs wide open you fully exposed yourself. 
"You're really not wearing anything under there?" 
"I wasn't planning on leaving the house." You pulled the oversize sweater you were wearing as a dress over your head.
"I was just going to stretch out on the big couch and watch you perform." You dipped your finger into yourself and his jaw dropped.
"I figured I'd be so turned on and none of you would be there to satisfy me so I'd have to take care of myself." You grinned sinfully, "Undergarments just get in the way." 
Catching Jimin watching in the rearview, you circled your clit, teasing the little bud for your audience. He shifted in his seat while adjusting his hard on, "Eyes on the road please driver." 
Namjoon reached forward, wanting to explore you like your own fingers were. "Go ahead, put in."
His index finger slid in beside yours and he slowly pumped it in and out matching your movements. "You're  so fucking sexy." 
"I want you to fuck me Joon, my pussy wants more." 
He pulled his finger out and you grabbed his hand, holding it still.
"We should tip the chauffeur, give him a little sample don't you think?" 
Namjoon was hesitant, unsure, until a soft, "please, let me taste her," came from the front seat. 
Namjoon reached around the headrest and he held his finger out. Jimin's plush lips latched on greedily sucking it clean, running his tongue around the tip for good measure. "You taste so fucking good Noona." 
Eyes totally glassed over, Namjoon was desperate for satisfaction. 
"What are you thinking about now?" You bit your lip. 
"Pounding that pussy into the car seat until you can't walk anymore." 
"Yes please." You used your legs to pull him in closer, "get over here and fuck me."
He slid into your wetness with ease, your excited pussy drenched in anticipation for his meaty cock. His body had you pressed into the leather seat while Jimin sat staring at his ass pumping furiously into you.
Catching his eye and holding contact you smiled and moaned louder. You wanted him to have to sit there, horny, counting down the minutes until he could find a release. Knowing he'd be thinking of ways to punish you for putting him through this the entire show made you even wetter.
Wrapping Namjoon tightly in your thighs you whispered, "Cum in me Joonie please, I want you dripping out of me all night." 
Ramming himself into you with a newfound energy the car shook as he shot his load deep inside you and collapsed. 
"Namjoon baby, what are you thinking about?" 
He started laughing from where he was tucked into your neck, the vibrations tickling, making you squirm under him. 
"Absolutely fucking nothing." 
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With Namjoon safely delivered you turned your attention to Jimin. 
"Why aren't you getting out of the car? You're already so late."
He looked at you in the rearview mirror,  "Don't smile at me and pretend that wasn't intentional. I need a minute,  I can't exactly walk in there with a boner."
You couldn't stop laughing. "My poor Mochi. I'll tell you what, I'll make it up to you when you get home."
He pushed the door open to get out but came and leaned into your unrolled window.
"Win or lose you'll be getting something later."
Walking away he grabbed his dick and winked at you.
"You'd better be waiting up for your prize." 
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xiu21chen99 · 4 years
hxh headcanon/imagine.
again... still about hisoillu but about their engagement instead of illu's influenced fashion choice.
also this is more of... idk it gave reason why they chose to marry instead of uh other ways i guess??
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i've seen so many fanarts where illu would break the news to the zoldycks or how killu would react to having hisoka as his brother in law- like srsly it's meme worthy at this point- and lotsa ones that showed how hisoka proposed as a joke or smtg but... I've been overthinking abt it these past few days sO i present to you how i think "the big question aka the proposal" happened... (manga spoilers??)
it's after hisoka resurrected himself obviously, and def after he killed kortopi and shalnark (so he knew there was gonna be empty slots in the spiders' lineup)
i imagine illu went back to the zoldyck estate after the whole fiasco and only heard of hisoka's "death" from rumors while he was on a mission
and then when he was idk maybe contemplating on whether or not he should visit the body(?) to pay respects or something, he gets a text message from the devil himself
their text went like this probably:
hisoka: hey~ where are you right now?♠️ (and no u can't tell me hisoka doesn't text w card suits u just can't-)
illumi: who are you and how did you get the phone you are currently using?
hisoka: ooh~ illu~ i feel betrayed, did you delete my number?♣️
illumi: hisoka is dead
hisoka: *image attached*
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illumi: oh
illumi: hello hisoka, how are you still alive?
hisoka: you sound disappointed~♦️
illumi: i kind of am...
hisoka: rude, just tell me where you are♥️
...and that's how they met up?? ngl i think illu has a know-it-all syndrome where he just has to,,, k n o w everything
he's curious so he agrees to the meetup ofc
he's also surprised when he sees hisoka is in good shape when they meet (idk at a bar in an unknown city?)
they drink whiskey on the rocks because... you know...
hisoka explains how he survived and his next plan of action (which is terminate the spiders)
illumi makes a mental note of nen after death bc he's heard and seen it all before but... not to this extent,
this is gonna be,,, bland but i think this is the logic behind why hisoka chose to get married/engaged instead of just paying up front (reference to the ten dons' commission to get chrollo killed and chrollo's commission to get the ten dons killed)--
anyways here's how their conversation goes:
i: "why did you want to talk in person?"
h: "oh y'know, for old times sake."
i: "...right"
hisoka laughs, "okay so maybe i want to ask you for a favor..?"
confused, illumi asks, "why could you not have just texted if you wanted me to kill someone for you?"
h: "no, no- wait, actually, you're not too far off."
i: ~mOrE cOnfUsiOn~ "huh?"
h: "how do contracts for assassination work in your... family business?"
i: "half the promised pay before, the remaining half afterwards. should the target be eliminated by a third party, the assigned zoldyck still gets the pay and should the employer die, then the contract is terminated and the zoldyck will report back immediately."
h: "and has anyone made a contract to have themselves terminated?"
i: "i beg your pardon?"
h: "what complications will arise should your employer's target be... themselves?"
i: "i believe... i have never encountered such circumstance before. the people who hire us are those who have enough money and resource to have their enemies killed quickly. no one's tried to test the zoldyck assassination prowess."
h: "so... how will that work?"
i: "are you implying this is the reason why you have contacted me today?"
h: "yes~ ♥️" (how he said a heart emoji out loud is up to you, reader)
i: "it will be a pointless paradox. logically, the zoldyck will only get the employment bill. and i, myself, do not find pleasure in going for the kill like you lest i get my reward, so you will not get a contract out of me, hisoka."
h: "is there no leeway?"
i: "a zoldyck stands up to their word. so no."
h: "even for a friend?~ ♦️"
i: "we are not friends, hisoka-"
hisoka raises his glass of whiskey along with his eyebrow.
i: "oh..."
h: "didn't you tell dear killua that a zoldyck didn't need friends?"
i: "you... are an associate, someone reliable in the killing world. it's different."
h: "hypocrite"
i: "i ask you for favors and you make me return them. it is not like we spend our time together leisurely like killu with that island boy..."
hisoka clinks their matching glasses of whiskey even though his is already empty, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
i: "you suggested we meet here."
h: "this isn't the first time we went out to drink, right illu?"
i: "regardless!! i will not kill you just for half the money. i do not like wasting efforts on fruitless missions."
h: "as i said, is there no exception, to make sure you get my money if you were to succeed in killing me?"
i: "are you doubting my skill, hisoka?"
h: "that's not the point right now~ ♠️"
i: "wait, why do you want me to get all of your money?"
h: "haven't we just gotten over this subject? because you're my friend, of course."
i: "i... we are not friends, hisoka."
hisoka claps, "that's it! illumi!! ♣️"
i: "eh?"
h: "marry me! that way in our prenup I'll make sure you get all of my money, and even without a prenup you'll still get it since you'll be my only relative! that solves it!"
i: "hisoka, are you sure death did not took a toll on your brain? you did say you used Bungee Gum only on your heart and lungs..."
h: "i'm being serious, illumi!! and doesn't this solve your earlier conflict? we don't have to be friends, we'll be husbands!"
i: "do not use that tactic with me, you manipulative bastard. stop joking."
h: "this is purely beneficial for you, honestly i don't get why you just won't accept it."
i: "then humor me this first, why now?"
h: "dear illu, i've been to literal hell and back. i think it's time to leave my mark in case i fail to escape death again."
i: "was it that bad?"
h: "you'll love it there, illu~ ♥️"
h: "on a more serious note, though, i do plan to marry you. out of everyone i've encountered, you're the most eligible candidate. you're powerful, fully capable and extremely pretty to boot! you're the ideal husband!"
(blushing obviously, illumi downs the remaining whiskey in his glass) i: "death has changed you, hisoka."
h: "so?"
i: "fine."
h: "excellent!"
and in one fell swoop, illumi has a pin against the curve of hisoka's jugular, wrist held tightly by hisoka- a card matching against his own neck.
"not yet, dear husband." hisoka whispered into his ear, "we have to manage the papers first. and i've a request before you do."
they let each other go at the same time, not even breathing an unnecessary breath in the other's personal space (well, they're nearly pressed thigh to thigh anyways, what's the point of personal space anymore-)
"a condition rather than a request, really."
"what?" hisoka orders them refills, and downs his when it arrives.
"join the ryodan first."
glass already pressed on thin lips, illumi's confused hum resonates softly into the concave utensil. "why?"
"so things can get more interesting. i assume you know of the dark continent expedition that's soon to take place?"
"father has advised i take part on it, since kalluto told me the ryodan plans to rob some cliches who'll join the expedition- to look after him. you want me to join them?"
"yes, and i plan to board as well, don't fret."
illumi's eyes turn to slits, "how should i know you would be there? i can't take your word when you might just disappear when we've all boarded."
hisoka grins, wide then wider, "you should know by now illu, i plan to avenge my wounded pride. that damned chrollo didn't even fight me properly."
tilting his head, illumi stared at the man beside him, "is that not contradictory? i thought you did not mind your opponent using whatever means necessary to win?"
"magicians use tricks and misdirection to awe the audience," hisoka says almost thoughtlessly, "chrollo's a narcissistic hypnotist who used the audience as a damned shield because he knew he couldn't handle me face-to-face."
he groans, tinged in regret. "i shouldn't have picked heaven's arena, if i'd chosen a more discreet location then maybe the damage won't be this bad."
"damage?" illumi rests his chin on his palm, facing his husband.
hisoka swipes a hand over his face, and the glamour comes off. the picture he sent illumi now present in front of him. he was missing a nose, his left hand didn't have any finger left and dried blood chipped on his white skin. "oh."
with another swipe, everything's made correct again. hisoka was grinning again. he downs the remaining alcohol and leaves jenny bills under the emptied glass.
"come, lovely husband. we're to elope and legalize our union!"
illumi follows suit after downing his own glass, "i think there might be another loop hole, if you were to join the family. zoldycks do not kill family."
"so if i were to wed you, here and now, you'd think me more of a family than alluka?"
"alluka is not family."
"are those your words, illumi? or silva's?"
"wow, you're really just as fucked up as i am."
"where do you plan to take me? i've just said i cannot kill family."
hisoka chuckles, "then you're the one to take my name, of course."
"who the hell still uses that word?"
"i am and will always be a zoldyck-"
"exactly. it's just legal papers, if you kill me then you'll just be a widow and even get your name back! see how everything'll work out in the end?"
"are you doubting your skill of assassination, my dearest husband?"
"... i better get the most expensive ring in this damned city."
"that's the spirit! now let's go get married!"
"wait, hisoka. what is your last name?"
later that night, when they leave a chapel, something gold glimmers on hisoka's bungee gum/texture surprise ring finger. a matching one around illumi's finger.
unlike hisoka, though, illumi had an extra red glimmer right under that gold, in the dead center of a silver band of intricately designed pattern. hisoka had foregone the traditional diamond in favor of a 16 carat ruby engagement ring, such a curious choice but illumi accepted it all the same...
(much later on, hisoka took both rings as collateral and reminded illumi that he would get them back even if he died bc it was in their damn prenup- and bc it was technically bought under illumis name and that's how hisoka assured illu that he'd be on that black whale,,, bc he had the rings and planned to give them back to him there)
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"I thought a red gemstone was better suited for the rather bloody and murderous ending that our relationship will inevitably come to, wouldn't you agree?"
-Hisoka Morow whenever someone mentions his preference of proposal ring...
"I disagree with most of his ideals, our relationship has always had a fragile foundation, and I knew from the start that we'd eventually end up killing each other."
-Illumi Morow, nee Zoldyck when asked about his thoughts on his husband...
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loneliestmuffin · 3 years
This thing on Ao3!
2.10.2021 Hand holding
On our Way to You
(Bonus pairing Reborn/Lal, All/All)
Colonnello and Skull are super excited today. Which is understandable. Afterall, it's not everyday that Fon invites them all to celebrate the Chinese New Year with him. It's just... Skull and Colonnello are almost too excited.
Skull has been bouncing with every step ever since they left the COMSUBIN base and his excitement slowly infected Colonnello. Now there's two idiots, hopped up on unnecessary adrenaline, making the peaceful streets of Italy unsafe. And because Reborn decided to accompany them, of course they have to pass through the random street market that popped up overnight.
Because Reborn saw the stand selling flowery honey as they passed by and that inevitably attracted him like a starving ant. And when Lal gives him a dirty look for it, he gives her an innocent smile and sweetly sing-songs. "Its either this or getting me unbanned from the farmer's market~ Your choice."
Lal rolls her eyes, sighing faintly, before rubbing the bridge of her nose a tiny bit. This is giving her a headache, because Colonnello is trying to buy the entire jewelry stand, just to have a gift for everyone and... To be honest, Lal has no damn idea where Skull went.
The point is that Skull and Colonnello are like little kids and she can't keep track of them.
Reborn isnt any help either, because he very very caught up in investigating the different flowery tastes this honey allegedly has. This is the third damn jar he wants to taste test and the stand owner is getting fussy and suspicious. Lal has to be obviously annoyed at this point, because when Reborn glances at her, he does this exaggerated, heavy sigh and grumbles. "You're their mom. You do something."
Lal's response is instantaneous and biting. "You are their dad. Why would you do this."
Reborn pulls a bit of a face, before his eyes land on another jar and he becomes adorably excited. "Ch-cherry-honey?"
Aaaand Lal lost him. Again. This is enough to snap the last few strands of her patience. So she whistles loudly, a sharp, high pitched tone. Colonnello instantly perks up from the jewelry stand, grabbing everything he paid for and running over to her as quickly as he can. He's flustered pink and adorable, but Lal doesn't have to acknowledge that. "You're staying with me, starting now. No more running off, soldier."
Colonnello damn near salutes her, but he catches himself at the last moment and pauses instead. He takes a single look at all the stuff he bought, shoves the paper baggies into each other and excitedly grabs Lal's hand. Lal flusters faintly, but... Well... 'Nello is being adorable... So she'll let it slide this time...
Unfortunately, that's exactly when Skull returns, running around a corner at full speed for some reason and screeching to a stop right in front of them. His eyes are positively glowing with his flame. That's just how excited he is. And he can't contain his voice either, apparently. "Are we holding hands-?!"
Lal can't even get a word in edgewise before her other free hand has been claimed by her excitedable little sky. And she still hasn't found the right words, by the time Reborn finally finishes his shopping. He stocked up on about... Four different jars of needlessly expensive honey.
Their sun takes one look at them and he instantly sounds very scandalized and deeply offended. "Heyyy... Since when were you all holding hands? Why wasn't I invited-?"
Lal is dying off an unnecessarily deep blush, but luckily, Skull has the tendency to just spout solutions whenever he has them. He's also very handy, immediately reaching for Reborn free hand and holding it all too happily. He has no right to sound so damn bright and innocent. "Aw, don't worry Senpai! I have two hands!"
Colonnello then looks at his wristwatch and his eyes go comically large, before he waves a hand at Skull and Reborn. "We have to go! NOW! Or we'll be late, kora!"
And that's how Lal ends up running down the winding streets of italy, her hands warmed by the calloused palms of two childish idiots. With Reborn helpfully reminding all of them why they have even gone out today. "Lunar New years... Did we bring those gift envelope thingies for Fon?"
Skull is loud and bright, but nobody minds that anymore. By now they are fully able to crank his volume down in their minds as it happens. "I have everything in my pockets!"
Colonnello huffs laughter and Lal has to resist rolling her eyes yet again. Skull is adorable. He's just... A lot sometimes, when it comes to what he does and doesn't have in his pockets. Colonnello sounds criminally cheerful and it chases heat into Lal's cheeks. "That's good, Sweetie! Cause we've finally reached our destination~"
He's right. The Kaputziner Fon chose for their family dinner today is right ahead of them. And Colonnello isn't slowing down at all, dragging them all along after him. Fortunately some poor civilian just so happens to open the Kaputziner's glass doors right as Colonnello is about to run headfirst into.
Colonnello nearly loses his balance over that, screeching to a stop and waving his free hand for balance. Lal pulls him back upright, sighing sharply, when her other hand is suddenly very lonely. Only for a moment though, because Reborn all too happily takes Skull's place.
Skull instead runs ahead to the table that was reserved for them, making quite the... Ruckus, just before he launches himself onto Verde's slender shoulders. Lal, 'Nello and Reborn are several meters away, but they can still hear Skull's excited exclamation. "Hubby!"
They all come to take their seats by the time Fon gets over his happy incredulity. He gives Skull his best pout, putting his hands on his hips. "Excuse me? That there is my hubby."
Skull pauses in his exaggerated Verde-snuggling, to give Fon an adorable, innocent blink. "We can... Share?"
Fon shoos Skull away, pulling a slightly stunned Verde against his own chest and pressing kisses into his hair. Fon sounds very pouty, even though he's hiding an obvious smile in Verde's fluff. "No. He's mine. I had him first and I'm not sharing."
Skull visibly deflates, before he shrugs mildly. "Aw. Alright. I'll let you keep your scientist I guess."
He sounded dismissive, but they all know better. Even if Verde still pretends to take offense. "Hey!"
But Skull just ruffles his hair, before he turns to wave happily to Luce, Aria and the kids instead. Because of course they would be fashionably late. When they look again, Viper already spawned in, frowning at the menu, before looking at Fon. "Who's gonna be paying-?"
But Aria stumbles into their words, so obviously excited. As kids tend to be. "When do we get to exchange gifts-??"
Luce gently caresses a hand through Aria's hair, motherly love radiating from that action alone. Because of course Luce adores every single one of their girls. "Don't be so hasty."
Fon giggles quietly, still wrapping Verde in his selfish embrace. "I already Video chatted with my family back in China. Then there's decorations, which we did this morning. Next... Comes family dinner. Gifts happen after that."
The kids obviously deflate, but they also obediently climb into the chairs that were reserved for them. Fon's short speech reminded Reborn of a thing, however. And of course their chaotic sun doesn't stay quiet when he wonders things. "Did you family get their gifts on time? What was the little one's reaction?"
Fon gives Reborn a blank stare and his voice has never been that deadpan before. "I did not send Kyoya a gun. I send him a rubber baton. And he loved it."
Reborn is pouting. Verde is cuddling his wife. Fon is cuddling his husband. Viper is still fretting over the menu, but Reborn Jr. is by their side, doing his best to calm them down. Luce is helping the girls figure out their orders. Colonnello has yet to let go of Lal's hand. Lal has yet to speak up about that. Skull happily chats with anyone that wants to listen to him about his day.
They are a family.
Tomorrow's prompt: Under the Rain. Whom shall it be?
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Too Daze Gone (Joe x Reader)
(Happy birthday to me! You’re all going to suffer. This is a little something that I wrote over 2 1/2 years ago based on a concept that I thought of three years ago; one of the first ideas I ever had for a Def Leppard fanfic. I made some very minor edits to it ((since I’m not 17 anymore)), and honestly, this is still one of my favorite things that I’ve ever written. But I know you guys are gonna have my head for it later...)
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Prompt: It’s December of 1989. You and Joe are recently married, the world has now officially entered the post-Hysteria era, and- well...
December 1989
The soft morning sunlight was seeping through the plane’s window right next to you. Joe’s head was resting on your arm, and you used your opposite hand to stroke his hair soothingly. He had one hand on his stomach, along with his green eyes closed and shut away from the world. The plane was flying steadily now, but your minds were anything but steady at the moment. There was so much to say, but no place or time to say it. It was almost as if you two were having a telepathic conversation; there was so much thinking between you both, yet nothing was being said.
“You alright, Joe?” the voice of a London guitarist broke your attention from the window. He’d strolled over to the seats where you and the man in question were sitting, and let his concern get the better of him.
There was far too much concern going around today, so Phil's question was rather unnecessary.
“Oh, he’s fine,” you answered sweetly, knowing that Joe didn’t want to answer, and also not wanting to give Phil any hint to your invisible nerves, “He’s just feeling rather sick is all.”
Phil sighed, “Ah, yeah, the turbulence wasn't the greatest.”
You decided to go along with Phil’s theory of why Joe wasn’t feeling well. After all, it was believable.
“Yeah, we haven’t been awake that long, either. You know how he can be in the morning. He’s just sick of the day, really,” you lightly joked. Today was not necessarily a good day for jokes. There was a deep, underlying sadness beneath the surface of everybody's tone no matter how much they joked around.
“Oh, so he’s got morning sickness, I see?” Phil joked along, trying to lighten the universally tense mood, “Well, congratulations on the pregnancy, Joe.”
Your heart jumped and you forced a chuckle at the statement. You felt Joe’s heart jump, too.
“Thanks, Phil,” Joe cracked a gentle smile for him as he walked away. You could feel how forced the smile was as Joe slowly reached out and squeezed your hand. He was definitely more worried than you.
“Shh, I know. I’m worried, too,” you whispered to him so quietly that you could barely hear yourself, “But we’ll deal with this later.”
~18 hours earlier~
You weaved your hands together with the utmost anxiety as you waited for Joe to get back from a small trip to the supermarket. As you waited, there was no stopping the racing thoughts in your mind. Once one thought appeared and rooted itself within you, it was impossible to keep it from rolling into a snowball of others. It was driving you absolutely mad on the inside. Keeping calm on the outside, however, came rather easily. It almost felt like second nature at the moment. Of course, you knew that was all going to change the second Joe got back.
Everything was going to change the second Joe got back.
When he did come back, you immediately stood up and went over to him, trying to be casual and lighthearted.
"Hey! How was the store?" came the greeting from you. Your voice was nearly on the verge of breaking from the tension of the whole situation.
"A fucking treat," he grumbled sarcastically, putting four bags down on the table, "The whole bloody place was packed, the service was piss poor, traffic on the way back, you name it."
You kissed him on the cheek for a few seconds in consolation, quickly making his small dimple appear as a result. Normally, it melted your heart to see him smile, but this time, it made it almost vibrate with worry. It hurt to see him happy now, since you knew it wouldn't last long.
He turned and put his hands on your waist, "I suppose it was worth it to get back to you, though."
You wrapped your arms around his neck, quickly pecked him on the lips, telling him, "You're too kind. Now let's see what you've looted up on-"
Desperate to distract both of you from each other, you turned to the grocery bags and started to pull the items out. You did it in a sped-up manner to keep your hands from shaking too visibly. You had no idea when to mention what had to be mentioned.
"I'll tell you what," Joe spoke up, his annoyance still audible in his voice, "The service down there was so fucking slow. Took me a half hour to get four bloody bags worth."
"I'll say you took a while," you impulsively decided to create a segue- any segue- that may get you closer to your fated subject. You blurted out "You’re late."
As he continued pulling out the groceries, he cocked an eyebrow, and asked without looking at you, "What do you mean I’m late?"
"Just, you're late, that's all," you shrugged, the anxiety overwhelming you more. It was getting close to the subject now.
"I'm not late," he chuckled, still not looking up or fully understanding you. You both often liked to joke and tease each other, so this wasn’t anything strange to him.
"No," you stated calmly, going completely motionless with fear, “But I am."
He didn't completely comprehend what you had said. He began to put away the groceries and asked you obliviously, "What do you mean you're late?" Late for what?"
You pressed on, remaining rooted to a motionless state and staring at him, "No, Joe... I’m late."
"You mean that this month you didn't get your-" he started off normally, but then paused as the penny dropped. He froze, and dropped the can he was holding. Your heart sank in your chest at his reaction. Now was the time to talk about it, and you could sense it wasn't going to be pleasant. Part of you began to think that this is how it might end for you two.
He turned around, looking almost mortified and whispered, "Oh my god... are you...?"
"I don't know..." you were shaking now, "I'm just assuming."
For a moment you both stood there, staring at each other, lost for words.
Another impulse suddenly arose within you, and you blurted out again with a wavering and worried voice, "I-I hope I'm not, Joe, and I know you don't want me to be, either, because now is not a good time for this to be happening! You’re at the peak of your career, and we’ve got the new album on the way, then you'll be on tour again- and-"
"Hey, hey, shh," Joe moved forward and put his hands on your arms, "Calm down... it's okay, it's okay. First of all, who ever said I didn't want this? You can't just assume that I wouldn't be okay with it... and I'm not mad- really, I swear! Second of all, this isn't set in stone yet. We'll have to find out if you are first, and if you are, we'll... then we'll make it work out somehow. Don’t think too much just yet; try to relax.”
You blew out a shaky exhale and muttered, “Yeah, okay...”
“Have you been sick?"
"No, but something just feels... off."
"How late are you?"
"About a week..."
"Have you been this late in the past, but gotten your period anyway?"
"Then we don't know for sure," he kissed the top of your head, embracing you and reassuring, “So what if you're late? That doesn't have to mean anything! I'm worried, too, but we can't just jump to conclusions like this. I wouldn't even put the stakes at 50-50 right now. All this worrying is probably over nothing. You could just be overthinking."
You turned your head and attempted to look up at him to say, "But this is a child, Joe... if there's even a small possibility that this child exists, we've got to assume that it does... we can't just ignore it for too long."
"You've got a point, you've got a point, but just for a second, genuinely consider the possibility that you're not-" he didn't dare say the “p” word, "-you know..."
You sighed into his shoulder, fighting back against tears that wanted to fall, "Okay, okay, you could be right, but there's so much that might have to be done- we can't just put this off..."
"We can until we know for sure," he suggested, "If it's worrying you so much right now, then I'll run out to the corner store and pick up a test. We can sort this out once and for all. How long did you wanna wait before taking a test?"
"I don't know, I don't know," came the drawn out reply as a few tears spilled from you, "Maybe a day or two or three, but I'm just getting so worried that it might be true, I can't wait anymore."
"Okay, then you won't have to wait anymore," he tilted your chin up to give you a quick and thoughtful kiss, then wiped away your tears, "I'll run to the store quick and buy us a test. Is that okay?"
"Yes, please just do it. I'm sorry- you just got back from the store and-"
He laughed and squeezed you tighter, swaying with you in his arms, "Ah, don't worry about it; it's a necessary trip now."
"You're taking this a lot better than I thought you would."
"What'd you think I was gonna do? Leave you?" he chuckled lightheartedly, though he guessed exactly what you were thinking.
You faked a chuckle in reply, "Yeah, kinda... I had a lot of time to overthink everything."
"Well, would you leave me? Especially if I were in your shoes?"
It was your turn to squeeze him tighter (and laugh into his chest), "Joe, if you were in my shoes, I think we'd have a real problem."
"Oh, I know, I know- but apart from that- would you leave me?"
"Of course not..."
"Exactly. You wouldn't leave me, so I definitely won't leave you. You know we've always looked after each other, and I still plan on holding up my end of the bargain."
He kissed you again, longer this time, before softly assuring you, “I love you. Don't ever think that I’d abandon you to raise a child on your own, cos' it'll never ever be a possibility. I'll be here no matter what. Positive or negative."
Positive or negative, indeed, you told yourself as you wearily gazed out of the plane's window. You still weren't completely sure how to feel about the outcome of the previous day, but- as you told Joe before- you had to deal with it later. There were more pressing matters currently at hand. Your previous issue could wait for an extra day or two. The more serious problem that you all were on your way to currently needed the most attention. This particular problem also seemed to outline a theme for the past 24 hours; accidental life or accidental death.
~17 hours earlier~
You both sat on the bathroom floor in quiet anxiety. Your hands were joined in a world of worry. At the moment, it was impossible to tell who was more worried, since neither of you could bring yourselves to speak.
The longest two minutes of your lives were currently taking place. The test was sitting on the counter of the sink, and neither of you were counting down to when you could look at it again. Every now and then, a reassuring thought would come to mind that you were all worked up over nothing. After all, Joe was right; you barely had any evidence other than the fact that you were late, so you couldn't just assume the worst. On the other hand though, you couldn't help but feel that there was some impending doom about to come, almost like you felt it instinctively.
With you both being scared shitless at the moment (and not even trying to hide it), you sensed that deep down, both of you knew what the result was going to be. Neither of you wanted to admit it, though.
A few rooms away, the phone suddenly sounded off, shattering the tension and making you both jump. It was almost like a form of divine intervention to prevent you from thinking any more. Almost immediately, Joe lifted his hand away and quietly said that he'd answer it. He stood up and left, leaving you alone with a possibly huge revelation sitting on the counter a few feet away. However, that would no longer be your biggest concern, for you could easily overhear Joe talking on the phone.
"'Ello?" he answered before pausing and replying anxiously, "No, I really don't have a minute... I can't say, but I don't have time to chat. You alright, mate?”
There was an unnerving pause before you heard Joe ask, "Why?"
There was an even longer pause before he spoke again. Your heart was pounding more. That gut feeling that your lives were about to change for the worse grew enormously without warning. On top of that, you suddenly realized that it had been well over two minutes at this point. Your future awaited you now.
"Fuck... oh my god..." Joe's voice was a lot more quiet now, "...oh my god, is he...?"
Now, you began weaving your hands together, slowly growing more and more impatient and worried.
"Dammit," Joe said a little louder, "We'll we've gotta go, then. We've gotta go as soon as possible. What about Rick and Sav...? Alright, then. We'll meet you there tomorrow morning- I've really gotta go and tell Y/N right now. I'll call you in a bit. Yeah, alright... just try and calm down, mate- okay? See ya, then."
As soon as he hung up, you heard him rush back to the bathroom.
"Y/N, he huffed before he was even in the room, "Y/N, something's happened and we’ve gotta-“
He froze in the doorway upon seeing you now standing and completely covering the test in your hands.
"No," he moved forward and put a hand on yours, "Please don't look at it yet; something awful's happened and I don't know how much sudden news we can take at this point. Did you look at it?”
You shook you head, not breaking eye contact with him, "No, but now I'm too scared to take my hands off. What's happened?"
He came right out with it, "Steve's been found unconscious at a bar in Minneapolis. They took him to a hospital, he’s in intensive care and... and he’s pretty bad.”
Right then and there, you dropped the test in your hands with a gasp. You were speechless, but part of you couldn't help but ask, "Is- is he gonna make it?”
You suddenly saw tears in Joe's eyes when he answered, "I don't know... he won't die unless we knock some fucking sense into him! That was Phil who just called, and he sounded scared shitless..."
"W-well what are we gonna do? Is anyone going to see Steve?"
"We are. Tomorrow morning we're flying out with Phil, Mutt, Tony, and Peter."
"Wait, what about Rick and Sav?"
"They both can't make it on short notice. We're gonna have to give Steve a beatin’ over the head from them.”
Just like that, you forgot all about the test on the floor. Steve was dying, and that was enough to flood your mind. You wanted to cry, you wanted to hug Joe, you wanted to scream, and most of all, you wanted to see Steve and sob your brains out to him.
"He's never gonna get better, is he?" you quietly asked, not particularly looking for an answer. Joe shrugged and sighed, running his hands through his hair.
He coldly chuckled in a quiet voice, "Not unless we keep drilling it into his head that he's gonna kill himself!"
Hanging your head out of astonishment, you sat on the counter, realizing that this was the biggest blow to your lives since Rick’s accident.
At least, it would be until you saw the result of the test on the floor.
"Joe..." you whispered to him, staring down at your hands, "Should we look at the test? Should we wait until we get back?"
Joe did nothing more than stare at you, frowning nervously. He moved his own hands forward, placed them on top of yours, and took a deep breath.
“We’re only gonna be more worried if we wait... so we might as well settle things now.”
Joe slowly got on his knees, and felt on the floor for the test without looking at it. When he located it, he rose back to his feet, and brought the test forward. He kept it covered with all his fingers wrapped around it to conceal the verdict.
Blowing out a trembling breath, you looked at him as he did at you, and he gently unfolded his fingers from the test. You both simultaneously looked down to see the clearly marked result. In that second, you were fairly certain that life would never be the same.
In fact, you were positive.
“Now is literally the worst possible time to talk about this, Joe,” you whispered again so no one else on the plane could hear, “It can wait a day or two. We’ve got to worry about Steve first."
Joe nodded a little, agreeing with you, “Okay, I suppose it can wait.”
“Don't stress yourself out so much; it's literally making you sick. Besides, I’m the one who’s supposed to be sick,” you chuckled, “That’s not your job.”
“Oh shut up,” he laughed a little, “It really is the turbulence… and the fact that Steve’s… and you’re… and I’m surprised you’re not this overwhelmed.”
You sighed and turned your head towards the window, “Yeah... I’m really surprised, too. This is gonna be one hell of a story to tell this kid when they’ve grown up...”
“I feel sorry that their story had to start out like this,” Joe put another hand on top of your already joined hands with a guilty exhale, “With such bad timing...”
As you watched the illuminated clouds move on by the window of the plane, you couldn’t help but think that things truly would be okay at one point: like that maybe this wouldn’t be such bad timing after all. Things would all work out eventually. How far away that merciful checkpoint was, you’d never be able to guess.
Later that day, you found yourself sitting in a circle of people in a rather pleasant-looking and sunlit room. For such a nice day that it was, nothing about the day seemed to fit the mood the weather provided; the universe simply wouldn’t allow it. Now was the time for the serious matter you came for; you were desperately trying to help Steve.
“Steve, you’re scaring the shit out of us,” Phil read bluntly from his letter to his best friend, trying not to let soft emotion seep into his tone. He knew he needed to be stern, but caring towards him.
The whole time he spoke, you wanted to devote all of your attention to him and Steve, but soon found that you couldn't. The constant thought of your unborn child was first on your mind, and although you didn’t want that taking over your thoughts, it was beginning to eat you alive. You almost felt like you couldn't hold the secret back any longer, despite only knowing for a day. In any other circumstances, it would have been so much easier to keep it secret. Today, however, was the worst possible day, with the worst possible scenario.
Every now and then, Joe would look over at you to see how you were doing, and turn back to not be conspicuous to everyone else. You could practically sense his growing worry. Going on in this manner for so long was starting to make your own unstoppable thoughts bubble to the surface. You couldn't hold out for much longer, and was even starting to think outside the box about your while situation. Was being with child really a problem? Did it have to be a bad thing right now? Could you actually find a way to rip some positivity from it all and shed some light on this situation?
That's when it hit you.
When Phil was done his speech, some silent tears were shed by everyone in the circle (including Steve). Near silence commenced afterwards (which only reminded you that there was no distraction from your thoughts now). You reached out to Joe slowly, and took his hand in a tight grip without looking at him. While you felt his eyes on you, you didn't dare look at him.
"Has anyone else got something to say to add onto that?" Peter softly asked, looking around the circle. Your heart began to pound; an opening for you was coming.
Phil slowly began to comment, looking at his feet, "Well, there's nothing I can say to get the point across any more. We can beg and plead all we want but the point still stands, Steve. I know you're not a fan of us guilt tripping you to hell- but we don't want to beat you up; that’s not what we came here to do. We love you, mate... so it doesn't matter whether or not we guilt trip you by saying we're worried sick, or- or..."
"I'm pregnant," you stated simply, closing your eyes and squeezing Joe's hand. While you didn't see it, you felt Joe inhale and look at you instinctively. For the single day that you were aware of your condition, you and Joe had feared the "p" word, and avoided using it at all costs.
Phil didn't entirely comprehend what you said, and kept talking on, "Exactly, even if we said that-"
"No-" you sat up in your seat and opened your eyes, now shaking again, "I mean... I'm pregnant."
You looked over at Joe, who seemed tired, yet understanding. Your eyes went down to his hand as you corrected yourself, "We're pregnant."
All eyes were on you now, but no one had any inclination to speak for a moment.
“Are you serious?” Mutt broke the silence in astonishment, “You're fucking with us right now, aren't you?"
“She’s not,” Joe shook his head, still fixing his loving eyes on you.
Steve looked at Phil and stated coldly, "I thought you said you guys weren't gonna make stuff up to guilt trip me."
"Does it look like I'm making this up?!" you snapped at him, anxious and shameful tears brimming your eyes. You looked around at everyone, landing your eyes on Steve.
"So you're serious?” he asked softly, frowning as he flicked off ashes from his cigarette, “You really are pregnant?”
You nodded, trying to hold yourself together.
“When did you find out?” Peter inquired gently, coming off as the most calm member of the group.
Your voice began to break as you told him with a sad chuckle, “Yesterday... we were waiting for the result of the test right when you called, Phil...”
Phil's eyes lit up at your statement, and he apologized, "Oh- fucking hell... Joe... you even said you didn't have time to talk... and what I said on the plane this morning- must've only made things worse... guys, I'm so sor-"
"That wasn't your fault, mate," Joe smiled sadly, "There's no way you could've known."
"It was just bad timing," you stared at Joe's hand in yours, feeling him shaking as well.
No one spoke for a while after that; no one could think of the right thing to say. It seems you both had scared them all into silence (even more than Steve had). Everyone in the circle couldn't speak because they no longer saw you and Joe the same way. A minute ago, you were still Y/N and Joe. Now, you were mum and dad. The others didn't know how to speak to those strange new people just yet.
“Well, congratulations, for one thing,” Tony broke the silence with a soft smile. A few muffled chuckles and agreements went around the circle, but it wasn’t what you or Joe wanted to hear.
“No, no, that’s not the point,” you threw your hands out in frustration, “We never even planned on telling anyone today! Don’t you guys see how suddenly life can come and go? Twenty-four hours ago Joe and I didn’t even have a child, and now we do. Twenty-four hours ago, we didn’t even think that there was a possibility of you dying-“ you pointed at Steve, giving him your own furious input, “-and now there is. It’s just all so surreal, but no matter how bad the timing of your life is, there’s always time to fight for survival. And that's exactly what we need to get a grip on right now.”
Steve put out his cigarette at this point, looking as if he were genuinely listening to you now more than ever.
“And I guess timing was a real bitch to us today,” you put a hand on your abdomen for the first time since you found out, addressing Steve directly, “But I’d say now you’ve got a little bit more to fight for. Just think about this whole situation; it’s not exactly a tale to be proud of. If this story keeps getting worse, and this is how it ends for you- I don’t want that to be the story of Uncle Steve. I want our child to be born into a world where you're thriving- where they... where they actually have an Uncle Steve."
You had hit a nerve (or a soft spot, to say the least). Before you even realized exactly what you had said, everyone in the circle was crying, including you and Steve. Joe looked at you with his face smothered in tears, but smiling, no less.
The seven of you remained like that for a minute or two, absorbing what had really hit everyone hard, and quietly crying your brains out.
Steve didn’t raise his head to ask you with heartfelt astonishment, “...Uncle Steve, really?”
“C’mere, you fucking idiot,” you sprang to your feet at one point and rushed over to him, taking him in your arms as he stood to take you in his without the slightest bit of hesitation.
“I love you so much, Steve,” you sobbed into his chest, “And I will always care about you. You mean so much to me, and I know you’ll mean so much to the baby, too.”
One by one, everyone else in the circle joined in the hug, each of them murmuring their love to Steve in their own affectionate way. Once you were all broken up, Joe embraced you himself and kissed you over and over again.
“Hey, back off from her,” Mutt teased, “Haven’t you done enough?”
“I still can’t believe you knocked her up,” Phil sighed with happy disbelief, “That’s something we only ever joked about!”
“Yeah well, it doesn’t have to be seen as a joke anymore,” Joe put his hands on your hips and smiled, tearing up all over again, “I’m gonna be a dad...!”
Peter chimed in, “Now that’s a bit scary.”
“It’s not scary,” you chuckled, stroking the back of Joe’s head, “It’s exciting! Timing is a bitch... but I think I’m ready for anything time can throw at me, now.”
Reaching that point of acceptance was a day-long journey that you thought would never have a final destination. All was nearly well in that moment where you and Joe hugged with a seemingly-changed Steve standing by. Right then and there, the future seemed bright for everyone; including your unborn child. An eternity went by in those two days you were gone for, and even though the next day you found out that your test result was a false positive, and Steve only lived for about another year, that false positive seemed to be just what you all needed to keep the world at bay.
The end
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deanandthephantoms · 4 years
We're a Perfect Harmony PT.3 - Reader x Charlie
This is Chapter 3 of my Perfect Harmony story. You can read Chapter 1 here and Chapter 2 here if you haven't yet. In this chapter we'll see what life after camp is like for y/n and Charlie.. Enjoy!
Missing you more than i should..
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When I got home I was overwhelmed by the amount of silence in my home. I used to love being home, curling up on the couch watching a movie or reading a book in silence. I hated loud, crowded places and now I actually missed it? What happened to me? Who am I?! I thought to myself..
“Y/N is that you?” I heard my mom call out from the living room. “Hi mom!” i said while walking up to her and giving her a big hug. “How are you doing honey? How was it?” I hadn’t really spoken to my mom at all during the week, I had let her know once that I was doing alright and that was basically it. “It was incredible mom. I had the best group of people surrounding me..” and so I told her everything about my new group of friends and everything we had done during the week.. “Thanks for making me go mom.” “You’re glowing Y/N! I’m so happy you had such a good time. I honestly felt bad for making you go when I saw how nervous you were.” “yeah.. I kind of hated you for that.. but I guess sometimes mom really does know best.” After talking to my mom I decided to lay down for a bit all those late night chill sessions with Charlie and a night of not sleeping at all was really taking it’s toll, I don’t think I had ever been this tired before. I fell asleep with a smile on my face only to wake up the next freaking day at 10am. I slept for 15 hours I really had been tired.. I picked up my phone to see I was indeed added to the girls group chat, I was also in a chat with our entire camp group and Charlie had , like he promised, sent me a private text. Seeing that put a smile on my face. Now I know what you’re thinking.. but I really just liked him as a friend that’s all. I opened his message.
“Good morning Nugget! On a scale of 1 to 100% dead.. how tired are you?” I raised my eyebrow at the nugget part, no idea where that was coming from. Without hesitation I replied.. “ Hellllooooo! Nugget? What’s up with that? Very bold of you to assume that I was even tired to begin with by the way.. but to answer your question, I have slept for 15 hours.. that says something doesn’t it?” I was about to put my phone down assuming Charlie would take his sweet time to reply. But no. the 3 dots that told me he was typing appeared almost instantly and  seconds later this popped up on my screen; “15 HOURS?! Really? Are you sure you weren’t dead and came back to life or something? I thought I was bad with my 12 hours.. I’m blaming you for the fact I’m so tired by the way.” He’s blaming me?! Excuse me? “Pardon? What? What did I do?!” “You kept me up till at least 3am every night only to be woken up again at 7am.. i’ve never been so tired coming home after camp. So yes I’m blaming you Nugget.” “The nugget again? Really? Anyway. I’m not sorry. You kept ME up actually. I’m blaming you Charlie.” “Yes Nugget. You mentioned once you like nuggets. I’m calling you nugget now. You can’t stop me. Oh and I’m not sorry either 😉” “Riiight. Don’t expect me to start calling you after one of your gross foods.. but all jokes aside, i’m glad you’re not sorry. I mean, all those late nights might be one of my favorite things of last week.”  “Really? I genuinely thought I annoyed the shit out of you.” That text made me laugh. “Don’t get your hopes up Gillespie. You sure did. Apparently you’re just the type of guy who gets away with it.” I teased. “Ouch.. that hurt. :( “ is all I got as a reply. Which caused my brain to go in full panic mode, did I just really hurt my new friend? Oh god what if this ruined it all? As fast I could I sent him “I’m sorry! I’m just kidding! You know that right?! You didn’t annoy me at all dude, in fact you did the opposite you made me feel super chill and comfortable..” I stared at my screen for what felt like hours, in reality it was probably more like 5 minutes but I got no reply..
I sighed deciding to ignore my own stupid actions I got up from my bed and went downstairs making myself some breakfast. Sitting down at the table I actually found myself missing the man that had sat opposite of me the entire week. I was missing the man that made me feel sick with his strange food combinations. Missing the man that called me out for looking dead after 3 hours of sleep. Missing the man that annoyed me with how loud he was so early in the morning. Don’t get me wrong I missed the others as well they had all, in their own way, made that week a very good week for me. I had just connected with Charlie in a different way, he seemed to really get me, he understood where I was coming from. He had not once judged me, he made me come out of my comfort zone.. My phone buzzed on the table, my hand flew straight to it and picked it up only to see Charlie had replied. I felt my heart speed up and started feeling very nervous. Why was this happening? why was i scared for his reply? We had been teasing each other right from the start. This could not have been so bad that I ruined everything, right?!
With a deep sigh I opened our chat back up. “Y/N calm down. I know. I was just kidding too! Good to know I made you feel that way though. You do realize you did the same for me right? You made me feel better when I was feeling down. I really appreciate that.” I couldn’t help but let out a big sigh of relief. Thank god everything was alright. Why did I care so much? I had known this man for 8 days. Why was I already so afraid of ruining this friendship? “Charlie, I swear to god, you can never do that to me again! I thought I ruined it all..” I typed, but deleted. I didn’t want him to know a simple joke made me go into full panic mode, he’ll think I’m crazy.. so instead I went with “ha-ha, very funny Gillespie. And hey, cheering each other up, that’s what friends are for right? 😊” “Yeah definitely. You didn’t have to do that though, you barely knew me. Yet seemed to know me better than the people I’ve known for years. You noticed things others didn’t notice or they just decided to ignore it. You didn’t. You’re a good friend Nugget. I’m thankful for getting a chance to meet and know you.”
Reading that made me feel al warm and fuzzy inside I just sat there at the kitchen table with a dumb goofy smile on my face. That’s when my mom walked in. “What are you smiling about?” “ohhh nah it’s nothing.” I simply replied, hoping my mom would buy it. Too bad for me my mom knew me longer than today. “It’s a boy, isn’t it?” “Mom! I.. eeh.. no?.. I mean.. well technically.. Yes. But no. Charlie is just a friend mom.” And I truly believed I felt that way, my mom clearly didn’t though ..”oh alright, well we’ll see.” She replied. Before leaving me once again to get back to her office. I directed my attention back to the screen “You’re a good friend too Charlie. I’m thankful my mom made me go to camp. Thankful I now can call a few amazing people my new friends. I really miss you guys. Is that weird?” “Thank your mom from me for making you go! 😉 And no, that’s not weird. We all feel that way after camp. Don’t worry the feeling will vanish over time and we’ll keep in touch through texts and facetime!” “Facetime huh? Why don’t we facetime later, you can thank my mom yourself haha!” i texted half jokingly but Charlie seemed to think it was a good idea. We kept sending text to each other the rest of day and I noticed I was looking forward to seeing his face again. I missed his bright smile, his facial expressions that said everything for me. His eyes that showed he was fully invested in whatever you’re telling him. I missed his hugs. They really were the best hugs I had ever had. I sighed at the thought of having to miss those for a whole year.. Can’t exactly hug through facetime, can you?
Later that night Charlie called me on facetime, accepting his call I saw his bright smile pop up on my screen. “Nuggeeettt!” he screamed at me sounding all excited. I couldn’t help but instantly feel happy and laugh at him. I refused to get used to that nickname but also decided not to fight him on it tonight. “Gillespieeeeeeee!” I just screamed back at him earning a big smile in return. “Soo, first things first, get me to your mom, I need to thank her.” “Your wish is my command sir!” I reply as I get up from my bed to find my mom. I find her in the livingroom on the couch. “Hey mom, Charlie wants to tell you something” I say while handing her the phone. “Hello Mrs.Y/L/N!” “Ah, so you’re Charlie! I’ve already heard quite a bit about you.” If looks could kill I would have killed my own mom right then and there.. “Yes.. that would be me. I just wanted to thank you for sending your daughter to camp. She has been a good friend to all of us.” My mom laughed “You’re welcome dear. Thank you for doing the same to her” My mom then handed me my phone back. Giving her one last glare I make my way back to my bedroom. “Sorry about that..” I say to Charlie while walking upstairs. “Sorry for what? Your mom seems lovely. No need to be sorry.” Thankful for the fact he apparently did not pick up on the whole ‘heard quite a bit about you.’ I let out big breath I apparently had been holding in.
I sat back down on my bed and luckily for me Charlie had grabbed his guitar “so. How about we continue our little tradition of singing? Name a song and we’ll sing it.” He said with the biggest smile. I was just glad I did not have to explain why I apologized and quickly started thinkin of a song. “Do you know High hopes by Kodaline? It’s not the happiest song, but it’s sooo good!” “I’m kind of offended by the fact you’re even asking me if I know it.. It’s actually one of the first songs I learned to play on this guitar.” And before I could apologize for offending him I heard the first chords of High hopes being played. As if we were still on camp we sang a few songs, granted it didn’t go as smooth thanks to delay in the video and such but still it was nice. After a few songs I heard my mom come up and calling out a good night. “Char.. I think I’m gonna have to go. My mom is going to bed so you know I gotta be quiet now…” “Nooo! don’t hang up just yet. We can still just talk for a bit right?” I was caught of guard by his plea for me to stay. “I, eh. Yeah. Yeah we can. Of course we can. Give me a second though. I’m gonna change into my PJ’s.” and with that I threw my phone on the bed, grabbing my oversized Rush t-shirt that basically functioned as a sleeping dress. “Nice ceiling you’ve got there nugget.” I heard Charlie call out. Giving him a chuckle as response. Once I changed into my PJ’s I picked my phone up and brought Charlie with me to the bathroom. “Loving the house tour Y/N, where are we going now?” “To the bathroom. I need to brush my teeth.” “oh right let me go do the same!” and he sprinted of with me to his own bathroom. About a minute later we were brushing our teeth together. causing us both to giggle at each others charming facial expressions.
After I was done I went back to my bedroom and crawled into bed making myself comfortable. “sooo I assume you don’t want to be here when I go pee right?” “Eeew Charles! No. Either hang up the phone or put me somewhere far away!” He laughed at me “Yeah thought so.  I’m not hanging up so let me just put you down on my bed.” “ Oof.. That also sounds a bit strange sir.. But sure. You do that.” “kinda does, doesn’t it?” he laughed “Okay, I’ll be back, don’t go anywhere.” And with that I was staring at Charlie’s ceiling waiting for him to come back.. which he did incredibly quickly.
Crawling into his own bed he picked me up only to instantly put me back down again."You actually waited for me!" He said while I could see him taking off his shirt nothing I had not seen before but still a sight I sure was not mad about. “of course i waited, why would i leave without saying goodbye?” i reply before Charlie fell back down on the bed and picked me back up, trying to get comfortable he was tossing and turning a bit. “You alright there, Charlie?” I said half teasingly. “Yeah, quite comfortable actually. You? I really like your shirt by the way.” Why did I feel myself starting to blush? Acting as if nothing was happening to me I replied in my chillest and coolest way; “Yeah I’m alright. Very comfortable as well actually. Nothing beats sleeping in your own bed right?” “I don’t know about that nugget, I could think of a thing or two I totally would pick over sleeping in my own bed.” “Really like what?” When I see a mischievous smile appear on his face i’m suddenly scared of the answer I’m about to get. “Oh you know..” He falls silent with that same damn smile on his face. When I raise an eyebrow at him he continues; . “You know, Sleeping in a tent at festivals, or just camping with some friends in a beautiful piece of nature or something.” i let out a sigh of relief “oh righttt. Yeah i’m fully on board with all of that.”
Charlie and I talked for another hour while we we’re both laying in our beds. At some point I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier, and I kept fighting it as hard as I could. I was enjoying this conversation way too much for me to go to sleep now. I totally believed I was hiding it from Charlie as well. I clearly didn’t though..“Hey Y/N?” “Mhhmm?” “You’re about to fall asleep aren’t you?” I’m silent for a while now really almost falling asleep. “Goodnight nugget.” I suddenly hear Charlie say softly. That wakes me back up a bit. “NO!” I clear my throat before continuing “I mean.. no I’m not tired..” “Oh really you’re not tired huh?” Charlie starts to imitate the way I had been acting and reacting the last 20 minutes. “okay okay Fine. Stop it Gillespie. You win, Nighty night Charles.” “night night Y/N. Talk to you again tomo.. well in a few hours,” He gives me one last sweet smile before I close my eyes and I hear Charlie hang up the phone right as I’m about to fall asleep. 
Charlie and I kept in contact like that every single day. We didn’t start our day without wishing each other a good morning and refused to go to bed without wishing each other a goodnight and giving each other a virtual hug. During our schooldays we took every free second to text and we made sure to hype each other up when something important had to be done. Late nights were still being made but the few hours of sleep never seemed to bother me. I was basically running on 4 to 5 hours of sleep each day and was doing just fine. i didn’t even come close to feeling tired and was ready to do it all over again the next day. Months passed spending my time just like that..
I had been in contact with all of them on the regular and today i was actually meeting up with Madison who lived somewhat close to me. I was so excited to see her again. We had agreed to meet at a train station and that’s where I was now waiting for her to arrive. Y/N! I hear Madison yell out. I look in the direction the voice was coming from, I see Madison and run up to her to embrace her in a hug. "Madiiiiii! I missed you! How youu doing?" I let go of her and she laughs at me. "How you doin? Charlie, is that you? " Leaving no room for me to defend myself she continues "kidding, I'm great! How are youu giiirl?" while catching up on how life has been we walk to the restaurant where we had made lunch reservations.
“Sooo” Madison said once we were sat at our table. “ Soo.. what?” i asked the girl who was grinning at me. “ Sooo what’s up with you and Charlie?” i give her a confused look.”What do you mean? We’re friends, Mads. You already knew that though..” Madi laughs at me. “ Really Y/N? That’s all you’re giving me? I know you and Charlie have been talking pretty much non-stop..” I can feel the blood flowing to my cheeks when I say “Well yeah, yeah we have. And yes I have enjoyed every minute of that. But that doesn’t mean anything is going on between us. We just get along very well. Besides, he’s still with Emma so I’m sorry to disappoint you but we’re just friends..” Madi just looks at me for a while before a smile spreads on her face.” What?” I ask her. “ You like him.” She simply states with the biggest smile.” What?! Mads I just told you..” I blurt out a little too loud and a little too fast to actually be somewhat convincing.. causing Madison to laugh at me again. “ Girl you soooo do! “
By now I feel like I'm looking like a tomato, bright red, and i don’t even know why. I truly believed I liked Charlie as a friend, nothing more nothing less. Sure he was the sweetest man i had ever met and sure he believed in me like no one had ever done. and yes we had this incredible connection and were on the same wavelength on so many topics. Yes he got me, yes I felt safe enough to fully be myself and fully be honest with him about everything. aaaand yes he was goood looking. But i didn’t like him like that. I Couldn’t. He was with Emma. Me and him were just friends. I would not let myself get a crush on this guy. It would ruin everything. “ Look Mads. I’m not gonna lie. I do miss hanging out with him in real life and Charlie does make me very happy. But i don’t like him like that. He’s just a good friend to me.” Madison clearly was not convinced.”Sure, keep telling yourself that Y/N.”
And I did. In the following weeks I kept telling myself I didn't like him. I just missed him that was all. The more I talked to Charlie and the more the girls teased me about liking him the less I started to believe my own excuses. Untill the day i couldn’t deny it any longer. I totally liked Charlie more than a friend..
- read chapter 4 here
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
Warriors in Red Armor
Next | Masterlist
Chapter One
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Hound I
"So, are we going to 79's tonight?" Hound asked. He had meant to be subtle about it, but the question burst out of him the moment his well-worn boots crossed the threshold of the small break space allotted to members of the Coruscant Guard.
As break spaces went, the one designated for the Coruscant Guard's clone troopers was an embarrassment. Some determined being had managed to cram a table and a handful of chairs inside, but it was a tight fit. If more than a few fully armored troopers went inside at the same time, none of them would get back out without removing some armor to clear the traffic jam. The lights flickered, the faucet leaked, the floor was always sticky, and the stuffy air held a hint of the chemicals that had been stored there years ago. Since then, the previous break space had been renovated into an office for one of the few nat-born commanding officers and this one had been created for the clone troopers.
Still, the smell of caf was stronger than the smell of chemicals most days and the light from a nearby advertisement screen lit the room so brightly that the flickering lights didn't give any of the troopers a migraine anymore. Hound always was a man who liked to see the glass as half-full. Maybe even a little more than half, if that glass was sitting under the dripping faucet.
Thire snorted at Hound's question, leaning back in his chair until gravity threatened to topple him. "Well, boys? Hound wants to know if we're going to 79's this lovely Friday evening. What do we think?"
Thorn glanced around the room, looking unamused by his brother's antics. "We think I'm the only other one here, di'kut."
"Exactly!" Thire said in triumph, obviously determined to ignore his fellow commander. "It's the weekend! Why wouldn't we go to 79's?"
"Because you've finally realized that it's a glorified zoo?" Thorn snapped, tone venomous. "79's is where civvies go to stare at clone troopers so they can feel like they're being daring. In reality, they're being irritating."
Having spoken his piece, Thorn tossed back the last of his cup of caf, always consumed as dark as his mood. Hound shuddered at the thought. Corrie Guard caf was brewed at the approximate concentration of speeder fuel and could eat through duracrete. Only a trooper who hated himself would drink it black.
Thorn always drank it black.
"So you don't want to go?" Hound asked again, sounding heartbroken.
"No, I'll go," Thorn told him. "Zoo or not, 79's still has the cheapest booze on Coruscant that doesn't use poison as a mixer."
"Well, that's the most excited I've heard Thorn get about anything for a week, at least," Thire smirked. "Commander Fox, you want in on this?"
The Head Commander of the Coruscant Guard, having just stepped into the break room to fill his mug with caf, shook his head. "No, I'm on duty tonight. The Clone Rights group has been cleared to march and the Chancellor wants an extra Guard presence. Stone will be stuck here as well, monitoring any new arrivals."
"Ugh," Hound said, summarizing everyone else's point of view. "Well, we'll be thinking of you both, Commander."
Fox lowered the datapad in his hand to shoot a look in Hound's direction. "Sergeant, don't you have that ARF PR stunt tomorrow at 0800?"
Hound shrugged. "Yeah, but I can do both."
"Make sure you don't miss it," Fox ordered sternly. "The last thing I need is to have to report to the Chancellor that you missed a chance to give the GAR a boost in civil opinion."
Hound saluted and Fox turned his attention to the other break room occupants. "Thorn, if you let your stubble get any longer, it'll be considered a beard and subject to facial hair regulations. Thire, sit on the chair like a normal being, would you?"
Thorn nodded and Thire grinned as he let the chair's legs slam onto the floor. Fox rolled his eyes at their antics, refilled his cup of caf, and left the break area. Hound idly wondered how many of the gray hairs appearing at the Head Commander's temples were due to the commanding officer team. Still, the Chancellor had let Fox choose his own team of COs, so there was no one to blame but himself.
"Meet at 2100?" Thire asked. "That's prime time for 79's and there'll be plenty of talent. I'll go ahead and apologize, vode. When you look this good, you automatically get your pick of the females."
Thire brushed a hand back across his hair - meticulously trimmed to maintain the subtle horizontal lines shaved into the otherwise regulation cut - and grinned at the other two. Hound and Thire rolled their eyes, but agreed anyway.
Kai I
"Hey, do you guys want to go to 79's tonight?" Kai asked, perched on the desk she was supposed to be sitting behind. She was always restless and neither of the other women blamed her for the odd choice of seat - even though it made inter-desk communication a bit of a pain.
Arkularia - who, for the sake of Kai's sanity, allowed the others to call her 'Ark' - was the first to respond. "79's? The clone bar?"
"Do you want to drink, dance, or find a one-night stand?" Ransom asked from behind her expansive tech setup. "Because there are better places for any of those. Closer, too."
"No, I want to go to 79's," Kai said, kicking up her chin. "And as for what I want… I want all of them. All three options, please and thank you."
"Did you just try to order a night out? Like from a menu?" Ransom asked. From the tone of her voice, Kai had managed to earn a rare smile from her boss. Of course, that was only a guess since Ransom didn't emerge from her den so Kai could verify the expression.
"No… but can you imagine how much easier that would be?" Kai asked in her own defense.
"It would take some of the fun out of it, I think," Ark said slowly.
Kai chucked a wad of flimsi at her friend and co-worker's head, cheering to herself as it connected and bounced off of Ark's white-blonde hair. "I know that, Ark! C'mon guys, do you want to come to 79's with me or not?"
"I'm out," Ransom said immediately, shutting down the projector option on her desk. She was still illuminated by the ambient light from the schematics on her datapad. The cybernetic implants in Ransom's arm gleamed in the blue glow as she dragged a hand over her shaved head. "I have to work late if we have any hope of finishing our next job on time."
"Ark?" Kai asked, not too proud to sound like she was begging.
Ark sighed, pale eyes hopeless in the face of Kai's wheedling. "Fine, I'll go along."
"Ransom, are you sure you can't come, too?" Ark asked, her voice a bit desperate.
"I really do have to stay and work on this," Ransom apologized, gesturing at her assortment of datapads. "My condolences."
"We're going to a club, not facing a firing squad!" Kai admonished. "Besides, I just want to find someone fun."
"Like that last guy?" Ark asked, squinting a bit as she applied her prodigious memory to her own question. "What was his name?"
"Not sure," Kai admitted. "But he was so much fun! Great tattoos."
"So you are looking for a hookup! I knew it," Ransom crowed.
Ark frowned. "Why a clone trooper? They're never on-planet for long before they have to leave."
"Exactly," Kai said with a wink. "Love 'em and leave 'em."
"Didn't the last one stick around for a while? I thought I remembered seeing him more than a few times…" Ark pondered.
"Hardcase! His name was Hardcase," Ransom remembered. "He came by every day of his leave."
"Strange name," Ark commented.
"Strange guy," Ransom said with a shrug.
"But he was hot," Kai countered, folding a piece of flimsi to look like a tooka. At least it did in her imagination. "And so much fun. I need another someone like him."
"What happened to him?" Ark asked curiously.
Kai would have blushed if she had any shame - too bad for Coruscant that she didn't. Instead, she pouted. "He moved on with a Zeltron who works at GAR headquarters. That's the best place to meet troopers, but they don't give access to civilians unless they have official business."
"Hardcase didn't seem like the type to ghost you out of nowhere," Ransom mused.
"I… may have freaked out about him asking me to be his girlfriend," Kai admitted. "I don't want anything serious, you know? Besides, I'm the one who introduced him to the new girl. She's a sweetheart. He adores her and she's the same about him. Can't be too upset with that."
Ark and Ransom exchanged loaded glances, but Kai had no interest in a therapy session. "Right! So, Ransom, you're still out?"
"I have no interest in coming along and I have work to do here."
"Well, that was almost nice," Kai congratulated. "Ark, it's you and me. When should we go?"
Ark shrugged. "Why don't we just stop there on the way home from work?"
"Are you kidding?" Kai asked, aghast at the idea. "We aren't exactly wearing Senatorial dress, but we're still too professional for a club! No, we need to go home, change, and meet there. How long do you need?"
"I don't know… half an hour?"
"How long do you need to find an outfit that makes sense in a club setting?" Kai rephrased her question.
"Two hours," Ark corrected herself, sounding sheepish.
"That's more like it," Kai said, satisfied. Her look turned wicked as she said, "Now, let's talk about makeup…"
"Are you sure you don't need any help here, Ransom?" Ark asked their boss, her eyes widening with hidden significance.
"No, it's too late!" Kai denied. "Meet me at my apartment and I'll help you. Let's say eight."
Ark glanced back at Ransom, who gave a sympathetic shrug. Ark sighed. "Fine, eight."
A/N - Hello, and welcome to yet another Clone Wars-based story! I can't leave these poor guys alone. They deserve so much more than they got! So, you may have noticed that some of the characters are a bit different from the way they are normally portrayed in fan fiction. The first fic I read with the Coruscant Guard had Thire as a happy joking guy and Thorn as a serious doom-and-gloom trooper. I'm coming to realize that is not typical for fanon interpretations, but those characterizations are embedded in my mind. I hope you didn't find this too jarring!
I'm experimenting with a new Game of Thrones-style POV tracking format. Hopefully that will keep things from getting too confusing as we bounce back and forth across eight different POVs! I apologize for the short length of this chapter, but it's just a simple introduction of (most of) the characters.
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All I Need.
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Jasper Hale x Reader
I’ve made this so it can be a two parter if people want! Let me know what you think and I hope everyone is staying safe during this scary time, my inbox is open for anyone needing a chat.
It started like the first snow of winter – light and gentle – nothing at first to be concerned with, the numbers of runaway teenagers and drifters gently began to increase, but just as innocent as the snowflakes appeared, it quickly became an avalanche as the bodies of workers around the coast and hunters began to appear in the vast woodlands surrounding the isolated town.
It wasn't until the echoing sound of a glass vase, smashing against the hardwood flooring, a single shiver travelled throughout your body as the whole room became slow-motion. The entire Coven turned it what would have been lightening speed – if your vision hadn't slowed – to face Alice, her large eyes, blinking rapidly yet somehow remaining blank and glassy – a wave of confusion and concern spread throughout the household as Edward's and Jaspers faces sunk with dread.
You gently touched Alice's hand but in her frozen state, only one word manages to force itself from your mouth. “Victoria.”
That single name confirms everything we all dreaded the most. Those drifters and runaway teenagers weren't just a coincidence. She was making an army, but not just a regular human army – an army of Newborns, the most powerful and cruel creatures to exist, they have no drive except to hunt and kill.
Carlisle’s eyes flicker towards Jasper and yourself as a aura of concern surrounded him. A familiar feeling blossoms in your chest as you stare at Bella and Edward, your eyes and face couldn't hide the glimmer of resentment towards the pair, if he hadn't bought her along that day, if she hadn't of been so numb to the danger, then we wouldn't of had to hunt down and murder our own kind, Victoria's mate – James.
“Y/N.” Edward speaks lightly, clearly breaking the rule about reading your mind.
His hand coasts across the skin of your upper arm but you pull away like his touch burned you.
“We need to start preparing,” Jasper said, taking the focus off you for a minute, “We all need to train and plan a location that'll work to our advantage because trust me, if we want to survive this, we'll need it.” Carlisle nods silently.
“Bella, you better go talk to Jacob, we'll need the help of the pack too.” you mutter, loud enough for the human to hear you before leaving the room in silence.
The frosty ground crunches beneath your feet as your dart through the dense woodland, dodging the towering trees, upturned shrubs and roots with large rocks and ridges with ease, throughout the years you'd memorised the area like the back of your hand.
From the corner of your eyes, you spot the large clearing and slowed down towards the edge of the trees, allowing your sprint to turn into a walk. The tender ground turns from soft moss and dirt to a tough, grey stone; the clearing is several meters wide and across before leading to the edge of a vast cliff.
You stood in silence as you sat on the very edge of the cliff, the toes of your shoes hanging over the edge as you look down at the thrashing waves beating against the cliff bottom. Your mind wanders as you stare out at the water, you twist the small ruby ring on your middle finger, watching as the small rays of light dance across your skin making it sparkle, a young child had once told you, “It's like you made of diamonds.”. Breathing deeply you look out at the calmness in the distance is the opposite to what was about to occur.  
After a few more minutes, you notice out of the corner of your eyes a blonde haired man watching you intently, a small smile on his lips as he takes in your stance, Jasper had always admired how strong you are, the way no matter what happened, you always had a strong aura around you but with Jaspers powers, he knew exactly how you felt – scared.
He approaches you carefully, “Talk to me darlin', you've been distant.” he speaks softly, his rich southern accent peaking through, making you smile.
“I guess I'm a little sceptical about fighting Newborns again.” you admit, subconsciously running your nails softly across one of the scars that decorates your body, this one is what made you what you are today, and it covered the small patch on the middle of your shoulder.
Jasper nods slowly, his body radiates with your emotion of fear and nervousness. He wants to make you feel better but you made him promise he would never mess with your emotions, so instead, he reaches out and touches your cheek with his hand, grazing his thumb across your cheekbone tenderly. He engulfs you in a loving hug, peppering light kisses on your forehead and cheek, causing you to erupt in giggles, you pull away and look up at him, taking in the beauty of his golden eyes, thick light hair and sharp facials features, you tip-toes up to peck his lips quickly causing Jasper to smirks before wrapping his arm around your shoulders, almost of though he was attempting to keep you warm.
“Come on, let's go train some mutts.” Jasper half-joked before detaching himself from you, pushing you gently and sprinting off into the distance with you hot on his heels.
About a mile from the training ground, you and Jasper slow down and walk leisurely the rest of the way. Everyone was wearing workout gear with the girls wearing their hair out of their faces. Carlisle and Esme are the first to greet us – Esme affectionately kisses your cheek – before you greet your adoptive brothers and sisters, Emmett is excited to start training, any excuse to show how strong he is, Rosalie is stood with a stiff upper lip as Alice chats to her excessively. A few minutes later, Edwards car screeches round the corner and stops abruptly, he jumps out before dashing round to open Bella's door, helping her out like she was made of glass.
“Are they coming?” you ask.
Edward nods silently as a growl echoes throughout the woodland and a few seconds later, eight huge wolves of a variety of difference colours and shades appear, their muzzles pulled back in a constant snarl as they approach us. The Coven opens from the circle we had created to stand in a line facing the wolf pack.
“They don't trust us to be in their human forms.” you say, breaking the silence between us all.
Edward nods, Carlisle steps forward confidently, “They came, that's what matters.” he says before turning to Edward, “Will you translate for me?”
He nods silently and approaches with Carlisle, Jasper moves us forward slightly as Alice stands by Bella and Rosalie and Emmett hold hands. You watch as a medium brown wolf with shades of ginger kept looking over at Bella, you smile gently when you realise it's Jacob. Carlisle thanks the wolves for coming, who bark or growl in response before turning to Jasper and yourself. “Jasper and Y/N have experience with Newborns,” he announces, guesting to us, “They'll teach us how to defeat them.”
Jasper nods at the creatures as you offer a friendly smile, your eyes link with the large black wolf as he takes in you for a minute before turning back to Carlisle and growled. Your stomach twisted slightly at the response to you but Edwards glance assures you it wasn't aimed directly at you.
“They want to know how the Newborns differ from us.” Edward says.
Carlisle went to speak but you interjected, “They are stronger and more lethal than us. In the first few months of our new life we are the most powerful because our human blood still lingers in our bodies.”
Jasper smirks at you, “My beautiful mate is right, that's why they are created...” a bitter tone takes over his voice as he slips into his natural deep southern accent making you watch him intently, the Major in him began to peak through making you smile and your eyes darken. The Major was someone you hadn't seen fully in a number of years, Jasper felt your arousal and turns to look at you momentarily before continuing on with what he was saying, “A Newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army and no human army can stand against them.”
Jasper took a step backwards and motions to you, “The two most important things to remember are, one; never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly, and two; never go for the obvious kill, they'll be expecting that and that's how you die.”
You turn to Jasper, “You want to go first?”
He laughed, “No my darling, ladies first.”
A small smile settles on your lips as you turn to your big brother, Emmett, you teasingly gesture at him with your index and middle finger like an old kung-fu film, he returns your smirk and both take positions, Jasper acts as a referee giving tips to us as we fight, “Don't hold back,” you tease cracking your neck.
Emmett laughs loudly before launching himself at you, for the first few moments you let him throw you about to make him overly confident before you launch yourself up his body, legs wrap around his head, you throw your body around causing Emmett to flip over onto his back, the ground beneath the pair of you shaking slightly as the dirt cakes the clothing you both wore.
Jasper smiles at you, “Never get to confident and lose focus.” he says as the pair of you separated.
Next you up was Edward and Carlisle, Jasper remaining the referee as the wolves allowed you to stand next to them, giving them tips and tricks that they can use, the wolves accepted your help, letting out noises and expressions to let you know if they want more information. You even went as far as to show them where you most vulnerable places are and where the best places to bite and claw at will be.
Jasper called you away for a minute to pair us with Rosalie, you winked at her to tease her, she always needed to be the best at something, the fight was actually a smidge harder than Emmett, Rosalie was more graceful in her moves, quicker in the sense that she was strategic but even with that, you had her in a headlock in less that ten minutes, tight enough to cause her to panic but not enough to do her any actual harm.
You allowed Jasper to train Alice, the way he smiles at her made you wince a little inside, especially because of how she blushed – not literally of course but figuratively – he was easier on her than the rest.
Once training was over, you headed back over to the wolf pack with Edward to ask if there was anything else they felt they needed to know or learn, you even offered to do one-on-one training with them so they knew what it was like to fight a vampire. The large black wolf – the Alpha, Sam – bowed his head at you.
As the rest of the Coven and pack mingled amongst themselves, you spotted Bella sitting on the bonnet of Edwards off-roader, you headed over at human speed not to startle her. She looked up from her palm and smiled at you.
“Hey.” you speak, hopping up on the bonnet with her.
Bella's aura softened, she had always been worried that you didn't like her, in that respect you were a lot like Rosalie, just softer round the edges, you trusted but when it was earned and you protect yourself with a hardened exterior because it was drilled into you during your first years as a vampire.
“You know I don't blame you, Bella.” you spoke after a few minutes, touching her arm with your hand gently. “This is all just one huge flash back for me, and Jasper.”
Bella turned to you, “How do you guys know all this stuff?” she asks, her voice in a whisper.
“We didn't exactly have the same upbringing as the rest of them,” you mutter, pulling up one of your sleeves to expose a series of bite marks all the way up, some overlapped, others weren't neat. “Battle scars.”
Bella gripped your arm and inspected them closer, you smile at her inquisitive side, before pulling up her sleeve to reveal the bite James had given her. She looks at you momentarily and you just nod, confirming silently that vampires had made the marks on you.
“How? I mean...” Bella trailed off.
You let out a small laugh, “I'm originally from England, if you couldn't tell from the accent, but when I was turned my maker realised I had a rare... ability, shall we say... he saw more benefit for him in trading me,” you say, Jasper stood several meters away, leant up against one of the large trees, listening to you, “We arrived in Texas waiting to meet Maria, the leader of the Coven my maker wanted to do a trade with but we were attacked by her Newborns, my maker was killed almost instantly but I... let's just say I cost her ten Newborns that day.”
Bella studied your face as you bit your lip, memory lane for you wasn't the happiest, “She was making an army?”
“They were apparently very common in the south, constant battles for territory. Maria always won, she was careful and smart but she one important weapon – Jasper, he was a Major  in Texas Calvary, when I arrived he was in charge of training us and his ability to control emotions served her the best. She never let them live beyond a year, it was Jaspers job to –”
You swallow hard, Jasper felt a sudden wave of sadness echoing through him.
“Dispose of them.” Jasper said, appearing in front of you making Bella jump slightly, “I could feel everything they felt, the fear, the disappointment, the wondering of worry. I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was just a puppet.”
He paused, glancing at me.
“It wasn't until Y/N arrived I realised what love what,” he laughed look at you, “She was just as stubborn and strong then as she was now, she started training the Newborns with me but she was also the one to convince me to runaway. If it wasn't for her, I have no idea what I would of done, or what I would be now.”
You smile widely and smugly, “I sound awesome right?” you wink.
Jasper and Bella laugh along with you, soon enough Edward approached us, “Come on, we better get you home.” he says, scooping Bella off the bonnet carefully before pushing you off, Jasper catches you bridal style as you flip Edward off.
Your mate hugs you into the side of him as we watch them leave, a comfortable silence settles over the clearing, everyone else had headed home leaving you and Jasper once again alone. You look up at Jasper with a loving expression.
“You saved me.” you whisper.
Jasper smirked and looked down at you, “No, you saved me and you have saved me every single day since.”
You lean up, wrapped your arms up around his neck, pulling his lips to you. The pair of you work perfectly, tongues soon battle for dominance as the kiss heats up, soon Jasper pushes you against the trunk of a tree, his forehead against yours as you both pant – unnecessarily of course but something's are just naturally going to take your breath away.
“So Major, what's you plan now?” you tease.
Jasper shakes his head at the nickname, “Well ma'am, I plan making you very happy and moaning a hell of a lot, how does that sound?”
You can't help but laugh loudly, you put on your thickest southern accent impersonation, “Well sir, that sounds mighty fine.” and wink at him.
Your mate laughs loudly before kissing you again. A smile remains on your lips throughout the kisses, you may not be like Alice and see the future but you know for sure that everything you will ever need, is right here with Major Jasper Whitlock.
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The rise and fall of our love
part one | part two
playlist: broken by jake bugg
no.1 party anthem by arctic monkeys
pairing: james x reader, james x lily 
warnings: language, angst, fluff 
A/N: sooo im back with part two!!! thank you for the fantastic feedback and appreciation you gave me on the first part, and i hope this lives up to your expectations!!!! sending all the love xoxo
(moodboard made by me)
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"How is he?" 
"Y/N…" Remus began, putting down his quill. Your gaze never left the essay in front of him, refusing to see the pity that his stare held. Because that - that glint in his eyes, the way the right corner of his mouth lifted in a poor attempt of a smile - that was pity. 
You shook your head softly. How did it get here? 
"Am I not allowed to know? He won't speak to me or look at me. I almost feel guilty even though I know I haven't done anything wrong." 
"James is…"
"A fool." 
You knew he was trying not to smile. "Yes, that is the obvious answer. But he is still with Lily." 
Of course he is. What he said that day - or rather what he smelt - has been the talk of the school for weeks. People were staring at you in the halls, pointing behind your back - so much that you stopped hanging out anywhere else besides your dorm and the library. 
And James - he never bothered to say anything to you. It hurt more than you expected to, but you didn't let it show. I am fine, you said every time one of your friends asked. Then, you would smile kindly and change the subject. You would see them exchange worried glances - you pretended you didn't notice. Soon they stopped asking, and you stopped pretending. 
"Do they love each other?" Something in your pathetic heart broke at the quiver in your voice. Love.
Love. Never in your life have you heard a more overrated word. So much loss, so much damage made for love. Was it really worth it? The way your stomach dropped and the slight tremble of your lip, the ache that would just not go away - were these the cost of love? 
You lifted your head, meeting his gaze. He watched you in awe - as if he read the truth in your eyes. You felt the tears roll on your cheeks, hitting the parchments sprawled on your desk. You let them fall. He opened his mouth, then closed it. 
"I understand." you whispered. 
You got up, but Remus caught your hand. 
"Do you…?" 
You smiled softly. "Does it matter anymore?" 
He let go of your hand and you walked away. 
"Hogsmeade, today?" Sirius asked as he plopped down next to you. He took a big bite of your sandwich - and noticing your icy glare, he put his hand over your shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You pushed him off you and wiped your face. 
"Bloody hell! You even kiss like a dog!" you retorted. 
"No, I don't." 
"No, he doesn't." Marlene smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"Hogsmeade, you were saying?" 
"Yes - Remus and Lily are busy with their important top-secret prefect duties and James has quidditch practice, so it'll be just us. I guess you don't mind third-wheeling for a bit." 
"Can't wait!" you feigned excitement. 
It was freezing, to say the least. You were glad you had two pairs of socks on, otherwise you might have had to postpone the trip and pay a visit to the hospital wing instead. 
"I don't sound like that!" Sirius whined, handing you and Marlene your butterbeer - you've decided to stop at The Three Broomsticks. 
"Of course you do, darling. And may I add that you look ravishing." you purred in your best impression of Sirius' voice. Then, you turned to Marlene and winked. "You are the most gorgeous person in here."
"Careful, that's not true." a voice caught your attention. No, no no no.
"Oi - Prongs, mate! Thought you had quidditch practice!" Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. 
"Got cancelled because of the snow. Hello." he nodded and smiled towards you and Marlene, then pulled a chair at the table. It was the first time he's talked to you in weeks. 
You didn't bother to answer. In fact, you didn't even look at him. The rest of your stay at the pub passed in a haze, with careless answers and quick nods. 
Before you knew it, you were left on a bench with James, waiting for the others to "buy some quills from Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop", as they were in big need of "quills" and "didn't have any left to write the Transfiguration essay we had due Wednesday". Oh, if only you had Transfiguration on Wednesdays! 
"So… how have you been?" James trailed off, rubbing his neck. Ah, so that's how he wanted to play this game.Too bad. 
"Why, James?" you ask, gazing at the shops in front of you. "Why did you ignore me? What happened that day?" 
He sighed. "I don't know. I- I made a mistake. You shouldn't have found out, not like that." 
"You have some guts, don't you?" you spat. 
"Excuse me?" You faced him. That face - the face you dreamt about, the one you kept telling yourself you hated - you missed that face, you missed him so much that you were glad you were sitting down, for you might as well have fallen to your knees. 
"Do you know how it is," you started, feeling the tears pooling in your eyes, "to feel so alone that you find yourself crying without a reason? Do you know how it feels to spend your nights wondering why you weren't enough - what you did to deserve this? Even if you did nothing wrong?"
"Do you know how it's like to watch the person you love drift away from you? To watch that person become a stranger? Do you know how it felt to know that you wouldn't even look at me?" You were now shouting. "Tell me, James! Look me in the eyes and tell me!" 
Silence. You watched him trying to find an answer and you silently begged him to say something. 
"Do you love me?" he whispered incredulously. Not that. 
"Would it change anything if I said I do?" 
"I don't know."
"Do you still love her?" You couldn't say her name. 
"I don't know." He let his head fall in his hands. For the first time in weeks, you laughed. You laughed until your vision went blurry, until you felt the salty taste of your tears. 
"You know nothing, James Potter." you sneered, then got up. 
You made your way back to the castle alone. 
"Guys guys I have the most amazing idea." Sirius came rushing in the Great Hall, managing to trip and almost fall. He quickly regained his composure and continued running as if nothing had happened. 
"That's new." Remus said while reading the prophet. 
It's been weeks since that night in Hogsmeade, weeks in which you've avoided James at all costs, despite his numerous attempts at conversation. 
"I'll choose to ignore that." Sirius glared at his friend, then continued. "Don't you all want to go for a dip?" 
"I think I speak for all of us when I say that I do not intend to die in the freezing lake on a lovely day of winter." You scowl, munching on your pastries. You loved pastries. (mood) 
Sirius smirked. "I'm glad you are all so joyous so early in the morning, but for your knowledge, I wasn't talking about the lake. My dear, smartass friends, I was thinking of crashing the Prefects bathroom!" 
That got your attention. You looked at Remus full of hope and he shrugged. 
"And how exactly are we going to do that? "
"Well, this is where our prefect friends come in handy."
"Lily would never help you do this." James cuts in. 
"That's why I wasn't planning on inviting her." Much to your surprise James didn't object. "You forgot about our other prefect friend - and I'm looking at you, Moony." 
You all looked at Remus who seemed a tad bit uncomfortable. "I guess - alright? But if anyone catches us, it's your fault." he pointed his finger at Sirius. 
"I solemnly swear." He put his hand over his heart, then winked. 
"Looks like your plan to ignore James isn't gonna last." Marlene said while stuffing all the towels she could find in her bag. 
"I'm aware of that." You really were. You've mentally prepared yourself to spend the night in the same room with him for the past week. "Ready? The boys are waiting." 
"Yeah, let's go." You were to go to the bathroom in groups of three using the cloak, then spend the night there. 
"Alright," Sirius' head popped from under the cloak "we'll go together - Remus, James and Peter are already there. Come on." he whispered. 
You got to the bathroom in no time and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach. You felt pathetic - you were all going to hang out as friends. 
Marlene's hand squeezed yours - everything will be alright. It was your thing; back in the day, you used to do this every time the other would be anxious about something. You looked at her and smiled, squeezing back twice - I know. 
You entered and your mouth flew open.  You've never seen a more luxurious bathroom before. The "bathtub" was easily the size of a medium sized pool. Greek caryatids held the archways, and the stained glass windows reflected their patterns on the marble floor tiles. 
"I suddenly feel bad for not working harder to be a prefect - if I had known this would be my bathroom, I would've gladly learnt the entire History of Magic coursebook by heart" Marlene said, with a small pout on her face and her arms crossed. 
"Same here." Your gaze followed the sculptures on the ceiling and slowly fell on him. He looked angelic - the way the coloured moonlight caressed his face, the faint blush on his cheeks - made him part of the setting. 
There was no point in lying to yourself. You liked him, despite everything he's done, everything he's said, you continued to like him. All those comforting lies you've said were trying to cover the inevitable truth, the truth which had been well hidden somewhere deep inside your soul. Until now. 
You stripped out of your clothes, fully aware of his impertinent stare. You stepped into the pool, sighing in pleasure at the warmth of the water. 
"Wanna play anything?" you asked no one in particular. 
"Oh, we should play shoulder wars!" Sirius exclaimed excitedly.
"I think I'm gonna skip this!" Peter announced from his chair. 
You looked at James, then turned to Remus. You rose your eyebrows inquisitively, and he smiled kindly. 
"I guess imma skip this one as well." James said, slightly disappointed. 
"Come on, Marls, we gotta kick some ass."
And so did the games begin. 
You were trying, and failing miserably to keep your balance on Remus' shoulders. 
"Haha- losers!" Marlene laughed. It was your sixth time losing.
"Y/N, I think I'll give up now, before this becomes too humiliating." Remus said while getting out of the water and pulling out his book. 
"No Remus, you can't give up now! I know we can do this!" you saw him sit comfortably in an armchair, and something clicked into your mind. "You ditch me to read? And sabotaged me? Remus John Lupin, I'm disappointed."
"Take Prongs instead, he's far more competitive than I am." he smiled innocently. So this was his plan. 
You turned to James, and he got up excitedly. You got on his shoulders, and his hands tentatively touched your legs. You saw Marlene and Sirius smirking and you glared at them. 
The score was close. It was the match point. Marlene was desperately trying to push you when you came up with the winning idea. You splashed some water into her face, obstructing her vision. Then, you tickled her and she fell. 
"And that's how it's done!" you shout, raising your fist. Marlene's head appeared from under the water, clearly mad. 
"That was not fair!" 
"There's no such thing as fair!" Marlene smirked, as if she was saying oh, really? and pushed James with such brute strength that he fell, taking you with him. 
He caught you before your head could hit the bottom. He lifted you up bridal style and you put your left hand around his neck and moved the other one from your nose to his shoulder. You stayed in his arms, not wanting to let go. You were gazing into each other's eyes, breathing heavily, when it hit you. 
You loved him. 
And he was still with Lily. 
You pulled away from his embrace, breaking the stare. "It's not right - Lily…" you mutter, getting out of the water. 
The others seemed all deeply interested in Remus' book. You could even hear Sirius asking questions about the plot. You turned away; James was still in the pool, in the same place, trying to make out the meaning of what happened. 
It wasn't fair. 
Life wasn't fair. 
stay tuned for the next part and lmk what you think❤️
taglist: @futurewriter2000, @puppycat714, @booksbeforebois, @slytherinquill, @screennamealreadyused, @fific7, @with1love1anu @slytherinwriter618 @angelinathebook @mischiefsemimanaged @remibarnes22 @hxfflxpxffs @approved-by-dentists @hss20052313 @pregnant-piggy @marauderswhisperer @lumoscharlie
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forkanna · 3 years
WARNING: Another NSFW chapter, though this one contains more plot.
NOTE: I apologise for taking nearly a month off from posting. Just haven't been in a writing mood. I'll be trying to get back to our regularly scheduled programme soon!
                                                  ~ o ~
The appointed hour had arrived. Rise watched Ai's face carefully as it was screwed up in concentration, trying to ignore the anxious flutter in the pit of her stomach. This situation was life-or-death, because if it went in a direction she didn't like she would probably want to throw herself off the nearest bridge.
"Hmm… it's like… a shiny flower… butterfly… thing."
Huffing, Ai pushed up on her elbows a little more. "Well, what do you want me to say?! That's what it looks like, spread open like that!"
"Ughh, you don't have to make me feel like my body is weird! I'm doing this for you, remember?"
"Yes, and I appreciate it, of course," she conceded with a roll of her eyes. "But don't act like I don't have a point; that is what it reminds me of. I'm just being honest."
Now all Rise wanted to do was close her legs. But she had to ask one more question. "Does… does that mean you don't like it?"
"What? No way, don't be an idiot!" Crawling forward to look straight into her eyes, she whispered, "You're the hottest chick at Yasogami. Well, besides me." They both smirked. "And every part of you is beautiful, do you hear me?"
"Okay, okay," she muttered glumly, trying not to pout. "Sorry."
"No, no, I get it. Suddenly I'm the bitch whose opinion matters a lot because my body is the only one that gets really close to yours. Like, you're obviously going to be worried that I'm not into your body as much as you're clearly into mine."
"Geez, you don't have to put it like that, Ebi-chan. I'm not a pervert! I just… I really like my girlfriend, it's normal! Well… not that liking girls is."
Ai shrugged as she reached down to pet her fingers up and down over Rise's abdomen. They were on the tatami in the middle of their hotel room, the setting sun barely lighting up the walls, and Ai was still fully dressed whereas her girlfriend had fully disrobed, to give her the chance to examine her body at her leisure. It was a little weird, and she felt like a lab experiment, but she knew Ai had probably felt much the same when she was sniffing around her dick before. Fair was fair.
"I think it's pretty normal," Ai protested as her flawlessly-buffed fingernails teased through Rise's well-trimmed strip of pubic hair. Why was that not just hot, but somehow yet hotter because they were such delicate fingers?
"Mmhhh… well, I… I feel so guilty, still. Like we're sneaking around and doing something naughty."
Her lips quirked into another smirk. "Oh, we're definitely naughty. But sneaking around? It's kind of a social media blitz for you or whatever, so… either we're not doing that at all, or we are amazingly shitty at it."
"Shut up," she snorted, bopping Ai on the ear with her knee. It was the easiest thing to reach. "But um… I guess that's true."
"Everything's completely fine, girl," she told her in that extremely rare tone of gentleness that made Rise's heart pound double-time. "We're golden — it's Golden Week. Loosen up."
Snorting, she shot back, "I could have said that to you this morning." Ai rolled her eyes. "Y'know, when my finger was in y-"
"Yes, I get it, I get it." Her head tilted to one side, honey-hued locks pooling on the floor. "Did you like that?"
"Well… it was weird, and kinda gross at first. But!" she protested when Ai started to grimace. "I'd do it just to make you happy, even if it was horrible. And it wasn't, okay? I even…"
When Rise still hadn't finished that sentence after a few seconds, Ai wound up prompting her, "You even… liked it? Hated it? Give me something to go on here."
"No. It's too weird."
"Come on, it's just us. You gotta get used to trusting me sometime. Or don't, I guess."
"Are you… guilting me?"
"See? You already don't trust me." But when Rise pouted, she snorted and poked her in the tummy. "Just playing with you… but maybe also making a point. I know I'm kind of a bitch, but I'm trying to trust you despite almost outing me to the entire school. Can it start cutting both ways?"
Thoroughly chagrined, she whispered, "Well… that's not exactly what this is. But I get it. I'm just embarrassed and you know that, but I'll try to open up… if you do."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. So if I admit I thought it was pretty hot, watching you get all squirmy… will you admit that you liked me slipping a finger up there?"
Stalemate. Both of them were staring into each other's eyes, trying not to give ground. A perfect example that both of them were correct in their estimations of what areas they needed to work on. Eventually Ai took a breath and sighed, "Okay, okay, you're right. I just… it's almost like admitting weakness. Which is so dumb that I care, we should both be getting more comfortable with each other."
"Okay. Just this time, even though you didn't say it, I'll accept that as you admitting you liked it," Rise said in a slight sing-song. When her girlfriend pouted, she went on, "And I thought it was hot. Like, not the butt part exactly? But fingering you…" She could feel her cheeks heating up from having to put it into words.
"Yeah. I mean, I get that. Just because it's… where it is, doesn't mean you didn't fuck me right."
"EBI-CHAN!" she hissed in a scandalised tone.
"What? You did. I mean, now that we're being honest…" Ai still had to clear her throat, even if she was doing a better job of keeping an even tone of voice. "Your finger started hitting really deep — hit my spot, and it was all over. I've never, ever felt like that before. It was like my fingers and toes and nose and tits were all orgasming with me."
Rise had been gaping at her until the very end, when she let out a weak little laugh. "Nose and toes, huh? Wow. But I'm really happy I could help; I just wanted to make you feel good, and find out if that was one way we could do that."
"Definitely. Like, now that I'm past trying to pretend I don't need it." Ai squirmed a little. "Uhh…"
She sat up a little more, petting through her hair. And she leaned into the touch. Had she ever done that before? "Do you want me to do it again? Not right now!" she reassured her, and Ai relaxed a little. "But just, um, just in the future."
"I think so. Is that weird? You're my girlfriend, you shouldn't have to fuck me in the ass like a dude."
"Mm. Well, then I'll fuck you in the ass like a lady."
Ai giggled a little, crawling up to curl around her body. "I don't know exactly what that means, but I'm there. I'll offer you the same anytime you want."
"Oh, I think I'll be okay," she laughed easily. "I've never had any interest in that. Before! Before now. Wait — no, I still don't have any interest in having mine… d-do we really have to keep discussing this?"
"No," Ai told her with a slight smirk as she leaned in to kiss her cheek so tenderly that Rise briefly forgot that she was even nervous about the topic of conversation. "We could go back to talking about that phone call."
A brief pause. "So about my butt…"
"Come on, it can't have been that bad," she challenged her with a little snort. "You're just gonna keep being your fabulous self, and so will I, and Japan will join the fucking twenty-first century."
"Yeah, I just… talking about it… I'd rather focus on you, on us. On Okinawa! This is one of our last little flings — especially for you, senpai."
Clearly, that hint wasn't lost on her. She sighed and cuddled a little closer. "You're right. We should enjoy it while we can."
"Mmm, it feels like somebody already is."
"That's- it's an involuntary reaction! I was literally staring down the barrel of your pussy two seconds ago — anybody with one of these would have theirs sticking straight up, too!"
Voice the tiniest bit haughty, she said, "Well. I'm not going to assume anything, okay? I know you don't want me to… give you a little kiss down there… or caress with my fingers… or-"
"What a goddamn tease," she muttered.
"You love it." When Ai didn't answer, she grinned and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, pulling her in yet closer. They didn't really need any words anymore. As hard as it was to ignore that firm presence, given how unfamiliar Rise was with such things, she just tried to keep her focus on those sweet lips pressing against her own, on the warm back beneath her palms. On the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
That realisation bowled her over. Even though they had been trending in that direction, she had yet to truly think about their future together. Sure, they would have to list Ai as male in order to get a marriage certificate… or would they? Maybe they really shouldn't worry about it. Not being able to enjoy the same status as her straight friends would be frustrating, yes, but it wasn't the end of the world. As long as she could live with her lover and share their lives, that was good enough.
By the time they finally parted, Ai managed to breathe, "I want you so bad…"
Careful to keep her tone neutral, she whispered, "How?"
"Any way I can have you. I… shit, what the hell did you turn me into?"
"Then I'm all yours. You can… have my mouth again, if that's what you like. Or did you wanna go, um… go all the way?"
"I don't know!" she groused as she pulled at her hair. Not that this minor crisis was reducing her arousal any; it was still grinding into Rise's hip and driving her up a wall. "UGH! I want to be as close to you as I can, and that seems like the way, but I also don't want to be the 'boy', you know?"
Drawing her in for another brief kiss, she whispered, "You won't be. Not to me; you'll always just be Ai. My cute little Ebi-chan. I… do you want me to use my finger on you again? I'd love to! I wanna do anything that makes you happy!"
"I… kind of? But no, not right now. I want to make you happy this time."
"Oh." Rise felt another flush of shame, trying not to remember the very obvious fact that she didn't have a stitch of clothing on her person. "Well, um… I want what you want." Did she just give her permission?!
"Good. Then let me try, um… with my mouth. I'll probably suck, but hey, no time like the present to start practicing. Especially if I ever want to be able to do this right."
"Sure! Yeah, that's… that's the same thing I was thinking while doing it for you." With a slight squirm, she then lowered her voice to barely a whisper, "I'm just… I'm sorry if it tastes, or smells… you know…"
Ai lifted a hand to waft away such thoughts. "You'll be fine. It's you. I mean, even if you weren't the sweetest girl in the universe, you're still Risette; that label of yours wouldn't let you have some stanky puss."
Bright red. Like a stoplight. Even though Ai was saying hers wouldn't be so aromatic, the very idea of it meriting a word such as "stanky" made her want to take a bath with a toaster. "U-uhm… thanks?"
"Anytime, girl."
And that seemed to be all the warning she got before Ai was kissing her way down her chest toward a clear goal. This was it; she was finally going to get as good as she gave. Unless she thought of some legitimate reason to ask the teen queen to pull back… but her mind was a blank. All she could think about was those perfect lips dimpling the skin of her abdomen, the lusty gaze being shot up in her direction as she moved lower, and lower…
Lowest. She felt a kiss in her hairs and she couldn't entirely suppress an anxious squeak. Her eyes slid closed as one leg moved up to drape over her girlfriend's back, hoping that would somehow encourage her — prove that she was ready. Even if she wasn't.
"This alright?"
Oh no. Ai was calling her bluff; it was glaringly obvious how high her nerves were running. "Y-yeah… it's just really, um, new?"
"I get that."
Then Ai moved again, and Rise almost curled into a ball. "WOW! That's- you kissed my…"
There was a slight sheen on Ai's smirk when she raised up to look at her properly. "You are soaking fucking wet, Kujikawa. How bad have you been needing it?"
"I haven't been! Honestly, I'm- NNH, how are you doing this?!"
"Pretty easy," she shot back before leaving a long lick along the entirety of her vulnerable flesh. Rise reached down instinctively to grip the hair attached to that head that was giving her so much pleasure it was overloading her system. Did everybody experience this? Was she oversensitive, or was it normal to feel like every inch of her skin was on fire, like she was losing all control?
"God, this is getting me so hard," Ai breathed before diving back in. Which didn't help matters in the slightest; Rise already felt like she was losing her mind, and knowing her girlfriend was nearly as bad off only heightened her pleasure, making her want to roll over and rut on her face. Or…
Or go further. Ai wasn't ready, and she would respect that, but if just her lips and tongue were making her feel this phenomenal, what would it be like for them to really go for it? Uniting their bodies had to be just as good as taking care of each other in turn, if not better.
"NH!" she finally burst out when she felt the pleasure rising. "I'm… I'm about to- it's gonna happen!"
"Yeah?" Ai panted as she used her thumb to caress that tortured flesh, gazing up at her with glazed eyes. "That mean… should I finish you off?"
The volume at which the word "YES!" ripped from her throat left their ears ringing. Rise would feel embarrassed about that — later. When she had time. Right now, she was too busy literally dragging Ai's head back down to devour her anew, moaning as her hips rolled up into their point of union. A little more — and the way her tongue was hitting her clit was spurring her on faster, making it-
Ai brought her to the hardest climax she had ever experienced. Feeling this one made her realise she had been only getting close to a real orgasm all those years since she first began to awaken sexually; a real orgasm blew those pretenders to the throne out of the water so easily. Guess that was what she got for never truly masturbating, or finding anybody who could take care of it for her.
Once the most intense of those sensations began to fade, Rise started coming back to her senses. A few things surprised her: she felt the tatami suddenly pressing into her back, because she had lifted herself upward. Ai's shirt moved when she started pulling her leg back, because her toes had clenched so hard in the fabric. The same was true of her hair — which she let go of first, feeling a few strands come away with her fingers with a little flare of guilt that she hadn't been gentler. Her mind had literally gone somewhere else while the ecstasy overwhelmed. It was almost scary, but mostly just… damn.
"Whoa," Ai breathed simply. The whole experience had left both of them speechless. After swallowing and clearing her throat, she licked her lips before wiping them on the back of her hand and crawling up to hover above her girlfriend. "You okay?"
"Hmnah!" was the best she could do. Ai giggled, so she tried to do better this time. "Yeah!"
Grinning, she pressed her face into Rise's neck. "Yeah. I can handle that review, I guess. Still wanna know if I did anything stupid, though; like, this was my first attempt, I can't have been perfect."
"Oh… you… close to… heaven." She hadn't meant to say 'heaven', it just slipped out.
"Really? Well… good, that's good." Ai was kissing her neck a little more firmly, more frequently. It suddenly occurred to Rise that she could feel that bulge digging into her hip; poor Ai hadn't gotten off since that morning, even if she did get there twice.
"You… want help?"
"Huh? Oh, naw, I can ignore it. Don't even trip."
"But you… I wanna… I like your friend." She took a couple of breaths, finally beginning to fully recover. "What can I call her?"
"Annoying," she snorted, and Rise rolled her eyes while she grinned into her hair. "Bitch that won't leave the party."
Nodding, she kissed into her scalp and earned herself a little sigh of appreciation in return. "I like her. That doesn't mean you have to, or like… that you have to keep her or like her for my sake. But just so you know, we get along pretty well. I mean, for a girl and an, um, appendage."
"Dork. But thanks. And it makes me mad that we have to have this conversation… but I appreciate that you get it. That you can really, uh, want my D without forgetting that I don't want it at all."
"Yeah, of course. I might have been dumb when we first started out but I learn fast."
"You do," she agreed with a little squeeze. Rise wrapped her arms more tightly around her girlfriend, appreciating their warmth, their connection. "It's honestly refreshing. Like, I got so much hate when I came out… even from my own family. I had started to believe it was impossible to expect people to get me. Then here comes this prissy famous bitch."
Rise smacked her on the arm, which only earned a harsh chuckle. "Who's the bitch here, really?" But then she moved her hand down to her bulge. "Let me take care of this. Like, it doesn't have to be anything special, or… not unless you want more."
"Mmhh… annoying." But Ai looked away, biting her lower lip. Again, Rise questioned why she found watching that to be so hot but she tried to relegate that question to the back of her mind for the time being.
"What is it?"
"Your mouth is so good… fuck, I'm sorry. Like, that's a lot to ask, twice in one d-"
"You got it." When Ai just blinked at her, she shrugged bashfully. "I'd do that. I'd use my finger again, I'll give you whatever you want. As long as you're okay with me figuring out how to do it as I go, I don't mind! It's nice that we can help each other out."
Though it took her a second, she started to nod with a slight smile. "It is really nice. Weird, but like, I guess it's not since we're dating."
"Yeah," Rise giggled. "We're just not used to dating, right?"
"Mm. You're sure I didn't mess up while muff diving?"
"While WHAT?! Excuse me? You can't call it that!"
Smirking a little as she sat up and started to disrobe, she purred, "I can call it whatever I want, Risette. Now perform for me. Maybe I'll just jerk off onto your butt."
"NO! Ew, why would you do that when I- that's gonna be all sticky, we'd have to take another bath!"
"So what? The last one turned out to be a real event…"
"Yeah, for you! And you were definitely writhing and squealing all over the place!"
"Y-yeah, well, that was your fault!" she shot back as that ready-and-willing cock bounced out into the open air. "Maybe I'll take you up on your mouth just so you can't say mean things to me."
Rise pursed her lips for a moment before saying, "Maybe I won't be as careful with my teeth this time."
"Hey, don't joke like that," Ai said with a shiver. "I might not want to keep her but that is NOT how I wanna lose her."
"Then behave," she purred as she crawled toward her lap, rubbing her cheek against the warm length. "And I'll behave exactly the way you want."
Ai complied. She complied for the following ten minutes, and got exactly what the doctor ordered — because the alluring Nurse Rise was tending her every need. Five star service.
                                               To Be Continued…
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