#I guess my trick tricked me myself
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kraniumet · 12 days ago
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you come into my house the day some pharaoh is about to be the king of game (theory) and you accuse him of being bad at math?
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tea-time-terrier · 1 year ago
I need to know does the fish ever get identified as a different breed or mix and what's the weirdest or funniest one you've gotten
Oh man all the time! Even if people know what a rat terrier is, they have a little piebald miniature in mind and pigroast is...neither of those.
She is most commonly mis-identified as a miniature pinscher (I get it), a basenji (until they see the nub), and a doberman puppy (???).
My favourite was kelpie mix though <3
Funniest dog pike has mis-identified? A German pinscher. She was 100% convinced it was a rat terrier.
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loderlied · 7 months ago
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an-assortment-of-forks · 1 year ago
there are doctors there are hospitals there are specialists there is medicine there are systems in place so people do not have to suffer and be tortured under their own chronic pain daily and yet. they're all fucking inaccessible to the people who need it most!!! to what I would argue is most disabled people!! I'm so fucking done with the medical system.
#today is an absolutely wretched pain day that makes me want to not be here anymore but guess what!#wasted a whole year trying to convince my doctors I was in significant and disableing pain daily and the best they could do#is tell me to go to PT and to wait 6 months and tell them if it gets better#to prescribe some shit like gabapentin or otc pain meds and write me off#tell me they'll get new X-rays to see if it got worse by the summer#disability exists!! specialists exist! good doctors fucking exist!! somewhere!!! I'm sure!!#but here I sit. in excruciating amounts of pain unable to convince any fucking doctors of anything#and that year I spent pushing myself to the limit is wasted bc at the very end of it all only one guy listened to me#and he said no one in their giant ass facility could diagnose me#so I'm back to square one bc I got a new job which means new insurance and new doctors to try and convince again#I just want to be on disability so i can want to be alive again#I'm so frustrated and in pain constantly#what are people like me who have to work 40hrs to afford to live but don't have any family to rely on supposed to do??#just die? am i supposed to continue to work until im too disabled to move and be profitable unless i get lucky?#bc some fucking doctor finally decides to actually listen???#ive tried ALL THE DAMN TRICKS TOO. telling them a friend has it and thats how i found out. that my previous doctor was looking into it#etc etc#I'm SO done living like this i am exhausted.#and to know that i COULD BE HELPED. RIGHT NOW. is the worst fucking part#these systems are in place so people like me dont have to fucking suffer.#but i cant even do anything about it bc i have a cat.
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thesaltyace · 10 months ago
Anytime my partner is away overnight, I rediscover that ADHD is, in fact, a whole-ass disability.
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bison-appreciation-club · 1 year ago
so yall telling me that i am wanted and lovable...
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lamortwrites · 7 months ago
God I wish tumblr had a better blocking system
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depresseddepot · 8 months ago
I'm trying to find ways to slowly ease my way into taking walks (debilitating social anxiety) so I was going to download pokemon go again but my phone is too old :(
#im actually very upset abt this lol#all of the other tricks ive found rely on having a dog to walk#and like i would love to get my own dog but i absolutely cannot afford one lmao#so i guess i just. still can't go on walks#nobody seems to understand just how impossible it is for me to walk down the street when im not trying to get somewhere#like just going for a walk for fun/to look at nature feels like im being killed#people are LOOKING at me and when someone even so much as glances at me while im walking i instantly feel like I'm doing something wrong#or like they're going to misunderstand my sort of odd behaviors#i can't walk slow because they'll think im a stalker. i can't walk fast because ill get out of breath and they'll think im disgusting#i can't keep a normal pace because im too nervous and i just spend the whole time tense and hate myself even more when i get home#like. what the hell am i supposed to do lol#getting a dog is the only way i think i could stop myself from spiraling like that bc of COURSE im walking slow and leisurely.#im walking my dog. my dog wants to smell and has to poop or whatever#im no longer a freaky fat stalker im just some guy walking my dog#this became more of a vent than i was expecting lmao but if anyone has any actual tangible tips for how to go on walks i would appreciate it#when i had to walk 2 miles to class i used to take a small part of an edible right before i got on the bus lmao and that worked WONDERS#but i don't want to have to do that just to walk around my own neighborhood when i eventually move out#i just want to be normal lmao i want to go out and find bugs and look at leaves#i guess i could walk in the woods but what if i get lost#i want to be able to look at stuff. i want to be able to stop and look at a plant while some person passes by me#without feeling like im going to blow up or like they're going to hit me or like IM going to hit THEM#im used to anxiety but i always feel so erratic in public places. when everyone wore masks i was a little better#i still mask most of the time but it doesn't help anymore bc now im like one of the only people that does it#so now instead of blending in AND having my face covered i just stand out more#my face is still covered so it still helps but its like barely a net positive lmao#i want to be able to look around without worrying that someone is looking at me from their window and thinks im a stalker#truly how the hell am i supposed to do that without a dog lol
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shanicetjn · 2 years ago
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Your OC in 3 Artworks
Wanted to do this meme and practice Illustrator...So uh- Ta-daa? ✨
Compiled - 26 July 2023
Original Meme Template (C) aubergieine
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phagodyke · 11 months ago
demand avoidance is so stupid. what do you mean I'm not going to do the thing I wanted to anymore just bc someone else wants me to......
#this is about true detective ive wanted to watch it for ages but my flatmate started it recently + recommended it + even shared the files#and i DO want to watch it. and i was going to but now ive found out our other friend really likes it (presumably why she got into it)#and another mutual friend said hes a fan so the 'expectation' that my mind has now invented means im not going to anymore 👍#ugh i mean i will. eventually. but its going to involve some pointless mental acrobatics to trick myself into getting around pda#this doesnt ALWAYS happen with recommendations but probably 80% of the time it does. usually if i leave it long enough it wears off..#sorry if youve ever recced smth to me i promise its on a list somewhere and i trust ur taste. im just weird and neurotic#give me a few months or years......#also a bit annoyed now bc the other day my roommate apologised for rarely ever accepting my recommendations. and thats ok i dont mind#like i can be weird abt it too sometimes + i never expect anyone to start smth i rec. i just think they might like it innit#but the fact she brought it up and apologised made me realise that actually she does take recs from other friends a lot..#one of them in particular and thats cool but damn okay. i see how it is.... im half joking i mean she can do what she wants forever#and i get theyre closer friends so it makes sense. but i guess it just feels like a kind of judgement of me in a way. hmm anyway#whats new there innit. ahh well im gonna play elden ring so i dont ruminate the rest of this afternoon#.diaries
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theonlycabbage · 1 year ago
me having a conversation with another human being without talking about "what's fucked up about my brain chemicals and why I'm a sad sack of shit" challenge level: impossible
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caruliaa · 2 years ago
all my og posts gettinng no likes for the past few days. so glad to see you all really care about me and my life and me as a person and not just the one post i reblog every once in a while that you would have reblogged from the next person to put it on your dash if i wasnt there
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leirathemartian · 2 years ago
I wasn't going to look at the online notes from my psychiatrist visit this morning because I was a rambling disaster and kept losing track of my train of thought (apparently caffeine has a much better effect on my ability to control myself than I realized) but then I remembered I forgot the time of an appointment next week, so I got on to look anyway and. uh.
"Patient presents a clear psychological status indicative of ADHD. The interview speaks strongly for (severe?) ADHD. The patient has a high talent and capacity for structure, which could mask and compensate for the inconvenience throughout life. But clearly, it affects the patient in large extent, and the suspicion is that it secondary causes fatigue symptoms, anxiety and depression."
I am having a lot of Feelings about this and I'm not entirely sure what they are, even though I knew this would be the result. I didn't expect the (severe?) though, I'm normally less hyperactive than I was today. I guess I feel surprised to be validated, or something?? Just like. over here rotating this in my mind for a while now.
He also wrote "Good disease insight" which makes me feel very Yes I got a good grade in therapy etc etc lol
...Still can't get meds until there's an official neuropsychiatric evaluation which will take a few months which is bullshit but whatever.
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woundedheartwithin · 2 years ago
Sometimes I trick myself into wondering if I actually am strong or if I just think I’m strong, and then I have to do something like wrestle and pick up a 200 lbs goat with my dad and think no I’m actually stronger than some dudes. And that makes me feel good so I’m feeling better now lmao
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wabblebees · 2 years ago
just got THWACKED upside the head by a wave of nostalgia & now desperately want to play kirbys epic yarn..... rude
#cruel cruel world. i dont think our wii has worked in like. a year now#the universe is MEAN. TO ME. GRrRAUGHh.#im ignoring all my responsibilities to bemoan the lack of kirby enrichment in my enclosure. whatever will i do...#i dont have a switch or anyth.:( BUT... my brothers do..... maybe they have kirby enrichment.......#i think they love me enough to let me borrow some kirby enrichment if they have it to spare#hmm. ik there was a mad dash to save/pirate(?)/emulate(??) nintendo stuff after they pulled some fuckshit but now i cant remember details#mayhaps later when im done with some of my stupid responsibilities i can *mumblemumble* myself some kirby enrichment to my laptop or smth#oooh... or maybe those brothers mine still have the ds stashed somewhere?? bc like. what i rly want is to play kirbys epic yarn. BUT.#if the ds and the game cartridge are still alive+kickin around... kirby mass attack would ALSO do the trick lmao#and then i wouldnt have to worry abt *mumblemumble*-ing myself some kirby enrichment. bc tbqh i am... Not Very Good at *mumblemumble* yet#shameful ik. lmfao#but ive been wOrKiNg oN iT oKaY... its just. building those skills (+ therefore: my library) is very very slow going hkdkjshk#im... not COMPLETELY technologically inept#but im definitely not GREAT with computers#anyway. my brothersre all currently out of the house so i gUeSs ill return to the work i Should be doing rn instead of complaining abt how#i find our lack of kirby disturbing#maybe ill listen to the soundtracks while i work... hopefully that scratches the itch instead of makes it worse lmao#bee speaks
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mywritersmind · 6 months ago
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summary : lando isn’t used to being a human mirror, but when a pretty girls tells him to hunch down and let her fix her lipstick in the reflection of his glasses, he’s more than happy to oblige.
listen up : no warnings!!
word count : 750
I can practically feel the music through my veins. The lights of the club are flashing and my friends are laughing and swinging shots back.
I won today. Singapore has been fucking amazing honestly. Besides the whole drowning in sweat thing.
“So…” Max Fewtrell claps a hand on my shoulder, “Taking a girl home tonight, winner?” He teases me as I roll my eyes and sip my drink, “What- You too tired?” he fakes a frown. I didn’t really want to go out tonight but decided it’s sort of a one in a lifetime thing.
“Go find your girlfriend, idiot.” I eye him.
He throws up his arms and laughs, “Gladly!” As he walks away I feel a hand on my shoulder, spinning me around. I’m surprised who did it had such force for being so small.
A girl stands in front of me, a pencil in hand and for a second I think she’s going to ask for an autograph, “Bend down a bit!” She tugs on my shirt and I do as I'm told because I'm genuinely so confused and the pretty girl means business.
She takes the sunglasses from my head and pushes them over my eyes, looking directly into them and bringing the pencil to her lips.
The ‘pencil’, I now realize, it’s a makeup product and deposits a dark color to her lips as she uses me as her mirror.
As she’s stood in front of me, my eyes can’t help but analyze her. This club is stuffy and smoky but she’s so close I can see everything she has on.
She’s got messy brown hair, silver jewelry, a mini skirt, a fur jacket, and a white corset top. Something about her feels magnetic. She’s stunning.
My eyes go to her lips which she smacks together before pulling out a proper lipstick, as she runs the makeup over her lips I start to smile a bit. She finishes quickly and doesn’t pauses as she starts to place the makeup back in her back.
I slide the glasses down to hang around my neck, I see the recognition appear on her face, “Shit.” She says confidently, “You’re that guy!”
I laugh a bit, standing up straighter and looking down at her, “Nice to meet you too.”
“Sorry! Everyone’s been talking about you today!” My tongue runs over my teeth, smiling a bit, “Thanks for being my mirror. And- congrats, I guess?”
“Thank you. And no problem, I’d never deprive a pretty girl of her lipstick rights.” This makes her laugh and fuck I want to keep her laughing.
She gets a look in her eye, her arms behind her, and her eyes staring up at me, “Well I appreciate it. Like it?” I look at her lips again and I’m beginning to think this is a trick just to make me want to kiss her.
“I do. It suits you.” Her lips pull into a wide smile and she steps a bit closer. “You know- people are talking about me for a reason.” I say, building myself up a bit.
She squints, “Right… A win?” I nod, “You’re celebrating then?”
I nod again, “A bit boring though… if only there was a girl to make my night better.”
She scoffs, “Suppose you want a winning kiss then?” I eye her, sipping my drink once more. My eyes flick to her lips but she doesn’t stop looking at me.
“I mean- your lipstick would look great on me.” I say smugly as she stops herself from smiling, humming and nodding.
“Would it?” She says into my ear, the club getting louder with the music.
“Suppose we’ll have to check and see.” I say in her ear this time and when I pull back, I can tell she’s trying to figure me out.
She hums again, leaning in close and slipping her hand onto my neck. Her cool rings practically sting my hot skin. She turns my head slightly, I feel her stand taller to softly kiss my cheek.
When she pulls away, I’m smirking again, “Let me get your number.” I don’t even ask it as a question.
She pulls the lipliner out of her bag once more, uncapping it with her teeth and taking my arm. She scrolls the numbers slowly against my arm, holding me close.
When she’s done and there’s red numbers up my arm, she closes the product and smiles kindly, saying “Congratulations, winner.” before walking away.
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