#I guess kind of
etchif · 1 year
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Adreamimus, the heron mimic
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coffin-hopping · 2 months
dad starts making me feel bad again —> blogging about Simon Riley pipeline
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twslug · 10 months
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the cooldown room has been replaced by a cooldown car
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oltammefru · 5 months
Post This Theresa.
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for. for no reason. i think i will be relistening to binary. this is totally fine. not at all thinking about the implications of being stuck in a computer reaching out to someone through the horrors.
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monzterbatz · 9 months
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sigh.... i just recently got into dsaf. god damnit i love these fruity ass men
also happy new year 2024 :3
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foxboypaws · 1 year
i 4got to post this have a @squeakybuny getting art-ified by Sio
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manofshrimp · 3 months
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ace attorney really said “orange man bad” when they made him
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On the inside I'm really a massive negative nancy who just notices everything wrong with everything, but I try not to say anything about it because that's rude you know? People don't need to here about every little thing that's wrong. So it happens that I look a lot more cheerful than I really am because I try and only talk about and express things that are good, which gives off the false impression I'm a super chipper person because I'm choosing not to be angry or depressed. I think it comes with an unsuppressed perception. Like how our brains inhibit our ability to properly feel our insides because our intestines are always breakdancing, keeping us from feeling a forever stomach ache. Some part of my brain that's supposed to filter things is broken so everything pours in, making me really such a bitchy asshole who's seen every little wrong thing and angle about me and everything else and thought of a thousand of the worst things to say and do about it before choosing to be nice because I know that's just the right thing to do most of the time, and a lot of the little things I notice that tick me off don't matter. I guess that might make me a good person by some definition. It's also made me a little callous though, the constant feed.
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beano5 · 1 year
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I can't take it... Anymorr 😓😓😓😭😭
Stuff I have drawn 3938489393 years ago but never posted. The first image is of my oc she is chronically online and is hashtag autism. Okyy baiii
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etchif · 3 months
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duskroots · 2 years
anet: the commander is suffering. haunted by the ghosts of the past both literally and figuratively. they're just so so tired. yet they cannot rest. traumatized. abandoned. mental wounds that will never heal. forgotten by those they once called their closest companions. what a dreadful existence. what a lonely life. when will the horrors for them end??!!?!?
me, personally: my commander is the most stable and well-adjusted they've ever been. just so relieved the dragon cycle is over, tyria is still standing, and her loved ones are safe and happily moving on to lead their own lives. she's finally been able to relax the past year, pick up a new hobby or two, spend some quiet time with her family. what a time for them to be alive!
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purrincess-chat · 2 years
One of the reasons why I'm happy with Adrinette dating pre-reveal is the salt Adrien used to get and still gets for dating Marinette in Chat Blanc "just because he knew she's Ladybug". I know that's not true, his feelings are deeper than that, but I always wanted him to realize his feelings and date Marinette without knowing her superhero identity. Now that it's canon, I can't describe how happy I am.
As for Ladynoir, I can't see any way in which them being best friends threatens their relationship. I know they're like a married couple, and a married couple being simultaneously best friends is a sign of a healthy and wholesome relationship. Ladynoir is my favorite side of the LS and I want them to be more open and honest with each other before the reveal happens. If canon gives me that I'll be overjoyed.
Those are perfectly valid ways to feel! And if that's how you feel then screw everyone else. If they really hate the show now, they can just not watch it. But don't let their bitterness and novel-length tantrums convince you that you should feel bad for liking something because that's just bullying at its finest. If you still love the show and love the direction it's going, that is so so wonderful, and we can enjoy it together! ❤
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apocalyps-o · 11 months
this sunny sunday afternoon feels like a cup of tea with friends, a brief moment of calm and respite in the midst of an hectic string of days. i did hard, tiring things this morning and i will do stressful things this evening, but for now i can bask in the sun, with just a touch of melancholy to balance this calm and quiet kind of happiness. i am so tired, but the warmth of the sun feels like a caress from my mum; i guess it will work out eventually. i love her and i miss her, but it's impossible not to feel her love in these tiny fragments of bliss.
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kurohadiana · 2 years
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went through my ipad and found a bunch of zenovae sillies i made that i need to store for easy access. only like three of you will understand any of this
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tieflingbi · 2 years
We watched Dragon Age Absolution and apart from how incredibly good it was in general it was also just SUCH a nice breath of fresh fucking air to get DA content that does not in any shape or form contain fucking eggman or even just any mention him at all. Like maker fucking bless :) Instead we got lesbians, gays, the CUTEST Qunari ever i would kill and die for her, Evil Matthew Mercer who ironically is NOT one of the characters actually voiced by Good Matthew Mercer, some throwbacks to DAI which I thought was super lovely (as someone who has practically lived in Inquisition for a LONG time since it was like. The Comfort Game(tm) during some of my worst depression years lmao. seeing Skyhold was incredibly nostalgic. also imho it is kinda funny how Leliana got multiple close up frames while Josie and Cullen only show up for like a second and are like this 🤏 small), there's a dragon, and the plot twist at the end got us both like OOOOHHH SHIT!! Like I'm actually a lil mad. I thought at this point I was over DA as a franchise and that I wouldn't even be interested in playing DA4 what with all the horrible stuff that came out about how Bioware treated their employees but now I'm like. Oh I wanna play it.
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