#I gotta draw them soon now that most of my finals are over….
paging-possum · 6 months
as always i see you reblog something from me with cape kids and i’m interested soo if you want to ramble about cape kids i would gladly listen :D (this is technically me wanting to know more about the story sjfhwkd)/bf btw!!
OKAY HIIIII wanted to wait until I was clear of mind and not sleepy for this but we actually had another session!! A lot of cool stuff happened and the basic gist is that we have RERETRIEVED the world card (meaning we have options as to what to do now! One of the other PCs, Markus (ma-lark-ey) DID find out that a lot of people in the magical world are hurt though :( that said likely no souls will be sold and none of us will die immediately but we found out from one of the NPCs, Celeste (bodbdearg) that the empress wants to kill all of humanity so they likely have to save humanity, and on top of it all, another PC, Tyson (lyltinc) found out he has like ?? 2-3 more siblings than expected?? Through magic. Leo’s chilling though or at least how chilling you can be while knowing theres a beautiful woman who wants all of humanity to die 😔😔 that one post in question was because the first time Markus and Tyson met, Markus called him a ‘smooth bitch’ and then Leo made fun of him for finding Tyson cute because they’re besties 🫶🫶 and then Markus makes fun of Leo for not knowing she’s gay
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Sweet Tooth (NSFW)
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, he absolutely is all over her, jokes about breeding and pregnancy, talk of oral (f receiving), Leon’s fingers go places, swearing probably.
Words: 530 (v short, I just wanted to get SOMETHING out for you guys)
A/N: So I saw these Eating HCs today for Leon from @ichigo-dream and I was obsessed. I didn’t have a whole lot of time as most of my writing power has been dedicated to 3 fics I am SO excited about; but yeah! A lil something!
Also my requests are open, it may just take some time for me to get to things! ❤️
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*gif not mine. Found on Tenor*
Days like these? These are the best kinds of days. Leon’s home, wrapped up in some kind of paperwork on the couch, but he’s home. I pull the tray of cupcakes out of the oven, dreading frosting them for this stupid party my cousin was hosting. Thankfully, I don’t have to stay at said party, but having to make 4 dozen cupcakes all within a few hours is frustrating to say the least.
“Ah no!” I yell as I turn to see Leon eyeballing one of the cupcakes. “Absolutely not!”
“Why? Just one?” He pleads, a slight pout on his gorgeous features and I roll my eyes.
“Sorry babe, but I am only making enough to send with Kim.” It may have been a bit mean to only make enough for what she needs, knowing about the agent’s overwhelming sweet tooth, but it honestly slipped my mind when I started them this morning. I turn to grab the piping bag when I hear a low whistle from Leon. “What’s up, agent?”
“I didn’t know you owned shorts like that.” When I finally look back over my shoulder, his blue eyes are locked on my ass, the bottoms of my cheeks spilling out of the bottom.
“They’re just at-home-shorts. Not like I wear them anywhere.” Do not tell him what your best friend dubbed these shorts. I begin piping green frosting onto the soft cake, but as soon as I lift the tool away, a hand slaps quickly over my ass and I gasp. Leon’s strong arms wrap around my waist, tugging me against what I can tell is a speedily rising erection.
“You gotta change outta those shorts, Princess, or they’ll be around your ankles by lunch.” His husky tone sends a chill down my spine as my back arches on it’s own accord, his hot breath tickling my ear.
“Don’t you have work to do?” I tease, trying to draw his attention elsewhere.
“I did. But then I smelt something sweet in here that I’m apparently not allowed to have.” Soft lips pepper kisses along the column of my throat before his teeth lightly sink into the flesh. “So I need to find another snack.”
“Leon, baby, I only have a couple more hours to finish these,” I argue, but it’s no use, his fingers sliding into the elastic band of the shorts and pushing them to the ground. Wrapped around my ankles.
“Well, maybe my girl should have thought about that before she went teasing me with these sexy little shorts.” He presses his hand down to cup my sex through my panties before he clearly has a realization. “Wait, are these the shorts your friend called the ‘get me pregnant’ shorts?” My cheeks heat up as two of his fingers rub teasing circles over my clit through my panties.
“It was a joke, babe,” I mutter, head dropping back to rest on his shoulder at the stimulation.
“Well, joke or not, now you have a choice.” Oh god, what is this little shit planning? “You can let me ‘get you pregnant’ or you can let me get my sugar fill by letting me eat this sweet little pussy.”
Fuck. Tough choices.
Tags: (tag list is open)
Leon: @house-of-kolchek @bonnibuckets @athanasia-day @muffimtv
Everything: @chaosandbubbles @kassiekolchek22
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kassiekole22 · 6 months
Joy Ride
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Pairing: Brian O'Conner X Fem!Reader
Description: Brian finds you walking home late one night and offers you a ride, which turns into a night-long joy ride around Miami.
Warnings: Fluff, Speeding, Friends Or Future Lovers? (You Decide)
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Sooooo, I watched 2 Fast 2 Furious for the first time a around a month ago and this guy has been on my mind ever since. I have always really loved Paul Walker so this was bound to happen eventually. 😂 I don't know if I plan to write more for him or if this will just be a one time thing, but I have been working on this fic for quite some time now and I'm happy to finally be posting it. More to come from other beloved characters soon! Enjoy the fic and if you want more Brian O'Conner fics in the future, let me know in the comments or inbox! 🖤 (Also did any of you get the reference in the name? 👀)
Main MasterList: 🖤
Kassie's Angels: @mornandil, @lorebite.
(If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
The air is pretty cool for a night in Miami, but I don't mind. I walk with my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, protecting them from the slight chill. It's nothing too intense, but I haven't been used to being in cooler temperatures for awhile now.
I walk quickly down the sidewalk as a few cars pass from time to time. The sounds of their engines make my fingers and feet tingle a little, my body missing the feeling of the steering wheel gripped in my fingers and the gas pedal under my foot.
I wrecked pretty badly during my last race, resulting in my car becoming too banged up to drive. Most street racers have other cars to fall back on. Unfortunately for me, my girl was all I had. Now I'm left to walk on foot until I can get enough money to fix her.
The ambiance in the street is pretty calm until I hear the familiar rumble of a very specific engine approaching my side. To my surprise, that iconic silver and blue Nissan Skyline pulls up, slowing down to drive at my walking speed. But the slick paint job or glowing underbody isn't what makes it difficult to look away. The driver is none other than the man who beat me in my last race, Brian O'Conner.
I'm met with a kind smile as he rolls down his windows, his bright blue eyes glancing up at me from the shadows of the interior. There is just something about that man that draws me in. I could never tell what exactly it was, but it pulled me in his direction like a bee to a flower every time I was in the same location as him.
"Ey, need a ride?" He queries in a rasied voice, nearly shouting over the Skyline's growl.
Though it's tempting, I don't want to throw a wrench in any plans he may have. Knowing him, he has another street race or date to get to at this hour. So, despite the aching pain in my feet that is screaming in protest, I respond casually, "Nah, man. I'm good. Home's not too far away anyway, y'know?"
Even though it wouldn't take him too long, it would be pretty pointless to drive only a couple blocks anyway. He takes a mere second to let my words sink in and find an answer, his eyes hopeful as they are taken off the road and landing on me once more.
"We don't gotta take you home. The night's still—" He checks his watch, and his eyes widen slightly as he realizes the time. "—Well, middle-aged, but that don't gotta stop the fun."
I can't contain a faint chuckle at his dumb joke, rolling my eyes as I do so. The next thing I know, my feet are subconsciously coming to a stop, and he gently lays on the brakes. His car is also stopping right beside where I now stand, but the engine still purrs softly to alert all of its consciousness.
"Ah, c'mon, girl. Let's live a little, eh?" He flashes me that dangerous half-smirk that beckons me forward into mischief. It now dawns on me that he might not have the intention of taking me home, which is intriguing in a way.
I contemplate my options for a moment. The only thing waiting for me at home is a couple bottles of beer and some cold pizza left in the fridge from the night prior. It seems like I've been spending most of my time alone lately. Maybe it would be good to spend some time in good company.
"Alright," I give in with a subtle but still noticeable sigh, backing down in my mental debate.
He reaches across and opens the passenger door for me as I round the car, its headlights illuminating me for a brief moment as I cross in front of the bumper before hoping into the seat offered to me. It felt weird being in the left seat and not having a steering wheel before me. I could never get used to those foreign imported cars. 
But regardless, it sure is a beauty. The leather interior smells oddly fresh and calming, with a faint hint of exhaust filtering through the open windows. It's clear he just cleaned her up. Brian was always the type to take care of his rides.
I pull the seatbelt across my chest and lock it in securely, mentally preparing myself for the wild ride I know damn well he is about to take me on. He looks at me and flashes me that cocky yet proud smile as he revvs the engine for only a moment before taking off into the night.
With windows down and speed carrying us, I feel like I'm floating on air. The soft breeze I felt only moments ago is now a fast wind in my hair, and the soft ambiance of the nightlife in Miami is now disturbed by a machine growl.
I glance over at him, and it's as if time slows for just a minute as I take in how happy he is. He's a simple man. He doesn't need the fancy things in life, just a fast car to make the corners of his lips part into that iconic grin I have grown to love.
"Wanna get fuckin' nuts?" He asks me, his voice taking me out of my thoughts and putting me back into reality. That's when I notice that mischievous look in his ocean blue eyes, their pupils blown wide with adrenaline.
Hm... Blue and full of adrenaline, like the blood pumping in our veins.
"What?" I blurt out, not fully comprehending what he is asking, until my gaze wanders down to where his thumbs hovers over the nitro buttons.
I look at the road ahead, seeing that it is completely barren of all life, and I can't help but smirk at the thought of what he is suggesting. It's a dangerous game—playing with speed in such a way—but a thrilling one, for sure.
Taking my eyes off the road ahead to look back at him, I notice the hopeful glint once again in his eyes, only pushing my thought process toward wanting to comply. So without a second breath, I cheer, "Fuck yeah!"
With a simple click of two buttons at once, we are off like a rocket in space. Suddenly, the street lights look like comets, and the lines on the road are just blurs of colors. It's oddly beautiful in a way, and I marvel at how it ignites my soul with such a unique feeling, which I can't possibly seek from anything else. My fingers dig into the sides of my seat as my heart pounds against my ribcage like thunder, both overwhelmed but thirsty for more of this intoxicating rush.
Though Brian only lets this last for a moment, just seconds passed that will remain with me for an eternity. We laugh as the car slows to a semi-normal speed again. My smile is so wide, I can feel my face begin to hurt.
But I don't care. I am just so high on the thrill that my mind is lost in a cloudy space of euphoria. It's crazy how the night went from a quiet walk home to taking a joy ride with one of my rivals, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Once our laughter dies down, the soft purr of the engine is the only thing heard yet again as we both seemingly get lost in our own thoughts. What is he thinking? I wish I knew. The only thing on my mind is how happy I am. It isn't until a couple minutes later that he speaks his mind, taking a deep breath before his lips finally form the words he has been pondering.
"We should do this more often," he suggests in that nonchalant tone he carries quite regularly for someone with such excitement in his life. "Y'know, hang out outside the racing world? You're a cool girl."
I can't repress how my smile softens for a moment at his words as my eyes flick over in his direction while a million responses filter through my mind. This guy is a legend—a local celebrity, if you will. To have this opportunity is an honor. However, I don't necessarily get the vibe of entitlement from him. Instead, his atmosphere reflects something else—something friendly and inviting.
"And you're a cool guy. I'd love to hang with you more often." I reply, trying to sound chill but coming off way more sincere than intended. Though he doesn't seem to mind, in fact, he seems to be pleased with my response.
The next thing I know, he is pulling into a public beach. Its sands are abandoned by any human life due to the lateness of time, though the footprints of the visitors that day still remain like ghosts of the past, their memories carved in the sand until they get washed away by the waves.
He locks the car in park, unhooks his seatbelt, and gets out. I watch through the windshield as he rounds the side of it to rest back on the hood. My eyes study him as he lifts himself to sit on the hood, not once looking back to see if I leave the car as well. It's almost as if he expects me to.
So to fulfill his silent expectations, I swing my door open and hop out after freeing myself from my seatbelt, nearly stumbling as the ground is unexpectedly unsteady where I stand. My feet sink into the sand, and I'm grateful I chose to wear boots tonight over anything else.
Once out of my sticky situation, I take a moment to appreciate the freshness in the air—the sweet smell of the ocean before me for just a second. After approaching him, I rest beside him on the hood, watching the waves crash before us. It reminds me that life is quite like the sea. It's unpredictable, a little scary at times, but beautiful in many unique ways. I release a soft breath, my body relaxing in this calming moment.
"I remember the first time I saw you pull up in that black Trans Am to the race. Fuckin' engine and bass on your stereo roaring over the sound of the crowd." He chuckles while he reminisces about old memories.
"Buni," I correct him as I smile fondly, thinking about the beauty that's currently under a tarp in my garage, just waiting to be repaired and set free on the road once again.
"Yeah, Buni." He parrots me in an almost teasing way. I know he finds the fact that I named my car ridiculous, but I can see it in his eyes that it amuses him all the same. "You're something else, (L/N). A damn good racer, though."
My heart flutters at the compliment, and I feel my cheeks heat up with this familiar warmth that only he ignites in me best. The soft breeze blows through my hair as I think of a reply, running through my strains like an angel's fingertips. But it's not the breeze nor the location that has me in such a calm and joyful state.
I continue to study him—the way his blonde curls blow in the breeze, the corners of his lips turning up ever so slightly to show his contentment, his biceps flexing ever so slightly as he crosses his arms over his chest. It amazes me how all the different shades of blue in his iris reflect the scene before us. It's like I could literally drown in them each time I gaze into them to admire their beauty.
"Yeah? You and your Skyline ain't so bad either." I finally quip with a small bit of sarcasm dripping from my tone after forcing myself out of where my mind has disappeared to for a short time. He smiles softly at my words, because it's evident how I really feel about him. He knows, and I know that, but I don't really care anymore.
We talk until sunrise and watch as the black sky fades into orange and pink, blending with the stars to make them barely visible. Though they are out of sight, I know they still shine brightly above us, like angels waiting for us in heaven. It's quite special—maybe even magical.
The sea reflects the morning sun as it rises from the horizon, its golden rays shining upon us as we remain on the hood of the car. It's just us out here in our own little world. If I learned anything from last night, it's not the place that makes a moment special, but the person you share it with.
I don't know where this road will take us. I know it will be a long one—with plenty of traffic and bumps ahead—but the ride will be an enjoyable one with a new friend in the seat next to me as we speed through it all. And if we happen to get separated some point along the way, I know in my heart that I'll see him again.
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billybangbang · 2 months
Billy Butcher Kinks:
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Predator/Prey Kink
He loves to watch you when you don't notice
Following you from room to room, waiting just for the right time to make himself notice
Gets a rush out of the hunt, whether it be the silent stalking or you trying to run away from him
Has this predatory smirk on his face, his steps assured, he already knows you will not get away
When he finally has you he will tease you mercilessly,
Caress your skin, breathing hotly in your ear, whispering about all the things he'll do to you
"Gotta be my good little girl and do as told, luv"
Nipple play:
Loves to make you take off your bra as soon as you are home
Keeps a hand on your tit at all times, especially while sitting on the couch drinking a bear and drawing lazy circles around your nipples until they get nice and hard for him
Likes it when you do it to him too
He does it not just out of pleasure but possessiveness. Holding your titty like it is your heart
So when you do it to him, it gets him hard as hell
Sensual play such as cold and warm
Taking an ice cube to your nipple, preferably on top of a white tank top and watch how your nipples get hard and your top see through
Tracing it down your body, watching goose bumps eruption along the way
He likes it when you lay him on his back and straddle him before taking a candle and letting the wax slowly fall onto his chest and tangle in his chest hair
The heat feeling too good on his skin and the slight pain of removing the wax from his chest hair even better
But what he likes the most is the feeling of you switching between an ice cube and warm tea in between sucking his dick
Sometimes, you blindfold him to tease him even more. He never knows if he will feel the coldness of the ice cube or your mouth extra warm from the tea you had swallowed
Massage Sex
He sleeps naked we all know that and so do you (I mean who would want to wear close around billy)
So when he has an off day you two spent it in bed, watching TV or talking about your week, he would slowly roll you onto your stomach and start out massaging your shoulders and back
Using the nice massage oil, trailing soft kisses down your back
He'd push a pillow underneath your hips and trail further kisses down over the swell of your ass and down between your legs.
He'd get you all oiled up and teasing you
Then stopping before turning you over
"Sh, Sh, don't ya worry, gotta take care of my favorite girl. All of you. Now you just keep breathing."
He would go on like that star from your leg massaging them up to your tights before skipping to your arms towards your breasts and down your stomach
Once he brought you to orgasm, it is your turn to oil him up, he had been rock hard for a while and ilthe feeling of him brushing between your legs, back, breasts had been driving you crazy
He would rub himself on you while you kissed and massaged each other
Honorary mentions:
He would go absolutely feral for you trying to seduce him. Looking at him through your eyelashes throughout the day, playing with a lollipop while looking directly into his eyes, dancing all sexy just for him. But ultimately, he would make the last move grabbing you when he finally had enough of your teasing
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Possibility of a Johnson thing with a plushy reader based on the song Crush by Cigarettes After Sex?
Feel Your Love Crush - Johnson/Reader
Warnings: No use of Y/N, gender-neutral reader, the reader has self-esteem issues but they're overcome, oral sex, brief fingering as prep, sex.
Wordcount: 3436
Summary: He was always surrounded by the most beautiful people you'd ever seen, so what made him look only at you whenever you were with him? You couldn't figure it out, but thanks to him you were beginning to.
Notes: I can't believe I'm 22 requests in and this is my first Johnson, how is that even possible OTL but aside from that and the Lester sequel, all of my old queue is now finished! When I saw this one I actually gasped, since I myself am plushy 👉👈😖 so while writing I kinda ended up doing it for myself, channeled my own insecurities in there, I hope that's okay! It still ends up cute, I just wouldn't be able to believe it if Johnson asked me out on a date when I'm me heh
Once again, you were thankful for the chill of the night as the southern heat died down for the day, a golden ticket in your hand as you waited in line behind the other eager patrons of the Bang-a-Rang. Johnson had told you to just come around the back, someone would let you in if you'd just mentioned his name, but you didn't feel like you were there yet, the constant worry that someone else would come along and steal him away always on your mind. It returned again as you were allowed inside, the beautiful dancers around you drawing the gaze and keeping it hostage until the money flew, but you had just one man in your sights again tonight, the back of his head just visible over the crowd as he headed for a table.
His friends were there, the ones he worked with and were rarely without, but he'd leave them for you again the moment he saw you, he always did. His back was still to you as you approached his booth, the blonde one, Matty, noticing you first and giving him a nudge and a smirk. He turned in his seat to see what had him smiling so wide, his eyes shining in the neons the moment he saw that it was you. He grabbed his drink and stood, his jacket slung over his shoulder as he left them as always, but you didn't feel like going out this time as you placed a hand on his shoulder, not after that week's ticket had cut into your grocery money.
‘Can we stay? I just got here,’ you murmured, not wanting to make him choose but also not wanting to waste all that money so soon. He was fine with it though, again he always was when it came to you, and the others made room as you sat down with them for a drink. You didn't talk much, just like him, the other two doing all the talking for you as the music blared on and the dancers kept drawing gazes, and when a particularly pretty one with red hair and an untamable smile came over to try and rile up Matty you couldn't help but feel that familiar comparison to everyone around you arise once more without fail. 
She was beautiful, she was lively, she was thin and fit and looked so pretty in her outfit, and the moment Matty finally sent her away with a, ‘Don't you have something better to be doing tonight?’ you felt Johnson lean in to whisper in your ear.
‘She's like a sister to us, you don't gotta worry about her,’ he reassured you with a smile, and while you tried to take comfort in that, you still couldn't help but notice that his friends were also beautiful and lively and thin, your thicker legs pressing together so you wouldn't take up too much space at your end of the bench. As if reading your mind, he motioned for Matty to lean over before whispering something in his ear, the blonde giving him a quick nod as Johnson then nudged you to stand. You did, fearing that maybe he'd caught on that you didn't fit in around here at last, but instead of telling you to go he instead led you to a nearby door.
It led to his bedroom, two king beds, three dressers, two nightstands complete with matching lamps, one small table, and three comfy chairs filling the room, a bathroom to your left cutting into the room and just barely obscuring the mess of clothes that were gathered on the floor in the remaining space on the other side of the wall.
‘Ignore that,’ he chuckled casually when he caught you staring, and you did the moment your eyes caught something else; it was the dresser by the door, one third of it a gather-all for their junk and empty bottles, the other two thirds housing a row of old books, while the wall above was decorated with photos. They were all pinned directly to the wall, only a couple having frames, and when you moved closer you saw that they were all of you.
You during your various drives with him, you when he brought you to his favourite shops, you that day by the river when you'd felt brave enough to not only swim but ditch the clothes you wore overtop of your suit; he'd said you'd looked amazing as he'd snapped the photo, but the camera was so old you'd honestly just thought he used it as a joke the entire time, because who'd ever want any pictures of you when they were surrounded by people like this?
‘I keep every one,’ he told you as he slotted himself against your back, his arms coming around you and making your plush tummy feel warm under his palms. ‘Ethan got the camera for himself, but I keep borrowing it whenever I know you're comin’ around.’
‘Why would you want these?’ You didn't mean to ask it, to question his tastes, but he didn't take offense at your words at all, just chuckled in your ear as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of your head.
‘Because you're the loveliest one of them all.’
Your breath caught in your throat as he spun you around to kiss you for the first time, your heart beating faster at his confession; you'd been seeing him for a few months now, he'd been the one to spot you in town and ask you out for drinks to your complete and total surprise, but you hadn't actually believed that this was real until now. He'd always seemed genuine in his friendship with you, and Matty and Ethan never once made jokes about how different you were, but it wasn't until he gave a gentle tug to your pants that you knew he actually wanted you as much as you wanted him. You let him lead the way to the nearest bed, it must’ve been his as he nodded for you to sit down, get comfy against the pillows, their softness luring you in and letting you sink in as you looked up at him in a new light.
‘They won't bother us, Matty's gunna bring Ethan up the river for tonight,’ he told you as he started to strip, the sight of him shedding layer after layer making the room feel much warmer than it actually was. 
‘And you really want-?’ you asked nervously, the way your thighs then rubbed together making him stare as he crawled onto the bed in front of you. 
‘Just as much as you want me, I’d like to think,’ he confirmed, a knee coming between yours to part your legs, ‘unless you don't want this?’
‘I do,’ you were quick to say, Johnson chuckling at how honest you were once you stopped trying to convince yourself you weren't good enough for him, a hand cupping your cheek when your face then turned red over your eagerness.
‘You gunna trust me when I say I've fallen for you, then?’ he asked softly, your throat tightening as you gave him a small nod. ‘Good, cause I've been dyin’ to get my hands on you ever since you walked in.’ He kissed you again as he straddled you, his taller form boxing you in against his pillows, and you helped him start to strip you as the music went on outside. You wore a bit less than usual to combat the heat of the wait, and it seemed like he enjoyed what you'd chosen as he hummed to himself, kissing each new part if you that was revealed. 
You had to help him tug your pants down your hips, your cheeks flushing again when it proved to be a bit difficult, but he just smirked and yanked them free in one quick movement, your body jolting down with the movement and making the both of you laugh at how strong he was. It was just what you needed to not only feel more comfortable with baring yourself to him, but to set the mood as well as he ran his hands up your thighs until he settled on your hips. 
‘So soft, I'm gunna love holding you,’ he growled lowly, his desire for you making it harder to keep your own hands at bay as he rocked his hips forward just once. ‘You looked so good that day by the river, I wanted to push you in, tear that suit off…’
‘Johnson,’ you moaned, unable to keep yourself from imagining it, knowing full well that you hadn't been able to help yourself after seeing him sweating in the sun in just an undershirt, his jacket and button up left in the car.
‘So many nights I pictured myself between these thighs, wanted to know how it felt when you held me in place, I'm so glad you said yes to that drink.’ He was confessing everything to you now that he could, more talkative than you'd ever seen him so you knew just how much he felt for you, the sound of his rarely used voice only making you want to hear more. ‘Lay back, I can't wait any longer…’
You shifted down with his help, his mouth finding your thighs as promised as he tugged at the waistband of your underwear, his hands everywhere the moment he freed you of them as well. You made sure to give him space, spreading wide the further he traveled until you were squeezing on instinct, the pleasure of his mouth on you making you gasp and clutch his head. 
He didn't complain, only groaning against you as he wordlessly urged you to do more, want more from him, and you rolled your hips as he pressed light bruises into your skin. He worshiped you until he was satisfied, his eyes dark as he forced himself to stop before you came, because there was more he wanted, and you wanted it as well as you gently took him by the chin and guided him back to your mouth. 
‘I'm not letting you go home tonight,’ he whispered as you undid his belt, his need to be with you now very apparent as he rocked against your waist. ‘I wanna fuck you slow, love.’
‘Please…’ You'd never wanted anything more in your life, your mouth going dry as he took himself out and started to stroke. It looked like it pained him to have to part with you now that he had you on his bed, but it was a necessity as he got up and went to the nightstand next to the other bed instead of to his own. He pulled open the drawer, quickly shifting around until he found what he was looking for, and when he kneeled down next to you, his pants now on the floor, you swallowed hard when you saw that it was a nearly empty bottle of lube.
‘How did-?’
‘Why d’you think there's only two beds?’ was all he had to say, your face going beet red as you then understood why the other two were so okay with you stealing their room for the night. Your thoughts about it were quickly pushed away when he then laid down next to you instead of straddling you again, the lube popped open and his eyes only on you as you turned to him in confusion. ‘Take them off for me,’ he didn't ask, his head nodding towards his boxers as he palmed himself, and you fit perfectly between his legs as you returned the favour. He was stroking himself again the moment the fabric left his hips, the lube already spreading over his length and making him let out the odd groan just at seeing you before him. ‘I want you to ride me, love.’
‘But… won't I be too heavy?’ There was that nervousness again, you didn't want to ruin this for him even though he was a grown man and could certainly handle you, and he made that very apparent as he reached forward, cupped your ass with a bite of his lip, and pulled you forward until you were completely seated in his lap.
‘I've wanted to see you like this for months, you gunna let a little thing like that get in the way of this?’ He didn't say it to be pushy in the face of his own needs, or to get you to continue even if you were uncomfortable, his words instead making you see that when he said he wanted you he truly meant all of you; while you were out there comparing yourself to the people in his life, he was only thinking of and looking at you, and suddenly you didn't feel so self-conscious as you gazed down at the man who wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
‘No,’ you said honestly, and he kissed you again as he started to finger you open for him. You grinded down on him, let him touch you without reserve as you did the same, your hands becoming acquainted with his strong arms, stronger chest, and the bit of softness around his own belly from all the drinking and diner foods. He arched against you until you could feel the muscle underneath, he could probably pick you up easily he was more than likely trying to get across, and you almost wished you had the courage to ask him to fuck you against the wall.
Maybe next time.
You whined at the loss when he was satisfied once again, although you didn't have to wait this time as he lined himself up to you, his silent plea for you to move showing in his eyes as you slowly sank down until you were seated on him again. You shivered as you adjusted to him, Johnson losing composure for just a moment as he brought you to his chest, his mouth sucking marks into your skin as his hands trailed southward over you until he found a comfortable place on your hips. 
He didn't ask you to move, just waited patiently for your strength to return, and you didn't want to keep him waiting any longer as you started to ride him. It was good, damn better than you'd dared to imagine on the nights where you were lonely and fantasized about what this could be like, none of them comparing as he helped you along when your legs already started to get tired.
‘Don't stop,’ you pleaded with him, and he gladly took over for you as you let out a broken moan and braced yourself against his chest. You both panted into each other's shoulders, desperate to be close after so long of being silent about it, the pictures on his section of wall once again catching you off guard as you realized you could see them pretty clearly from his bed. Just as you'd been thinking of him, you bit back a surprisingly lewd moan when you imagined him doing the same, staring up at you from afar as he got off-
‘Every time you'd go I'd come back here,’ he murmured against your skin, his eyes also on the wall as he got you to roll your hips along with him. ‘I'd put up a new picture, and I'd think about all the things I wanted to say and do to you when you were looking at everyone else.’
‘I was afraid, you're too good for me,’ you finally admitted, the stimulations from the slowness of your movements starting to make you keen.
‘Now I'm gunna be good to you.’ He got you to sit back so you were on full display for him, a bit of energy coming back to you as you ran your hand down your chest to your stomach before touching yourself. He loved the sight of you feeling so good, the way you clenched around him making him thrust up a little harder each time you sank down on him again, and when he went from mouthing the words to finally saying them you couldn't hold it in; you rode him in earnest, Johnson fucking you through that final stretch until you came, and even as he followed after you and you collapsed against his chest he didn't stop, his arms tight around you as he kissed you despite the need for air.
‘I love you,’ he repeated even though he’d said it so many times, but you could gladly hear it a hundred times more as you said them back to him. ‘Just a little more, don't want this to end,’ he breathed, and you let him go until he was satisfied for the third time, although this time you undeniably were too, if you did say so yourself.
‘I don't either.’ You laid your cheek against his chest, your thighs shaking from the effort as you let them rest, his hand rubbing up and down your back as your heart rate went back to normal. ‘...Why didn't you ever say anything? I mean, I did think you were joking at first when you asked me for that drink, but even when we kept hanging out you never told me.’
‘I thought me bringing you on all those dates was tell enough,’ he figured, and you had to admit that they were pretty date-y locations most of the time, since they were all personal to him and the others never tagged along, but you hadn't wanted to hope this tall, very handsome stranger was choosing you. ‘Matty did say I should suck it up and spit it out, his words,’ he chuckled, and you laughed as you tried to get off of him. ‘Where d’you think you're going? Already told you I'm not letting you go tonight.’
Your face flushed deep, you had thought that had been only his way of talking dirty to you in the moment, but you were starting to catch on that Johnson was just very open about what he wanted, there was no second guessing here. ‘I don't really like the idea of sleeping next to where your friends constantly have sex, especially not if I’m seeing them tomorrow morning,’ you confessed quietly, your eyes avoiding the bed like they were already there, and he chuckled deep from his chest as he kissed you quickly and helped you sit up. 
‘Then we'll go out, don't gotta hit the river til next month.’ You felt empty again as you parted, but his hands leading you to the bathroom to clean you up after your sudden but very much enjoyed activities helped you feel a little better. The shower was quick, Johnson washing you carefully and whispering everything he loved about you as he worked, washing away every insecurity that’d plagued you all your life. When you were done you almost ended up pressed into the tiled wall, like he really couldn’t keep his hands off of you now that he had you, you were his.
While getting redressed, you didn’t have much of a choice but to wear the same clothes from the floor, so you sat down and pulled your shirt back over your head as he pulled out a fresh shirt from his drawer. It was mesmerizing watching him dress just as much as it was to undress, every curve of his body drawing you in more than any Pinup ever could; you couldn’t believe that he was all yours, since when were you ever that lucky? You couldn’t be sure, but you were very certain that the sight of him looking down at you while he did up his pants and tucked in his undershirt was pretty equal to winning the lottery.
‘Where do you want to go? If they’ve got the car for their own reasons, you can’t really take me for a ride tonight,’ you wondered as you stood, Johnson leaving his shirt unbuttoned as he sauntered over to you and pulled you close.
‘We could always take your car,’ he suggested with a small grin, the idea sounding wonderful as he grabbed his pack of smokes from his dresser and lit one up, ‘could grab a drink or two, go to your house this time.’
He tasted like nicotine as you went in for another kiss, the hand on your waist giving you a gentle squeeze as you pulled away and blew his stolen smoke out of the corner of your mouth. ‘That sounds like a perfect date.’
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puffyducks · 3 months
DCRC Week #8 (Part 1)
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ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK! ODIN WEEK!!! It's PKNA #5: Portrait of the Hero as a Young Duck btw. Please enjoy my epic edit- I mean real panel I mean totally real screenshotted and unedited comic panel.
Also, I try to put spoilers for the comics I'm reading about as they happen in the story, but this time I couldn't help myself so beware of reading this if you haven't read the whole chapter yet.
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I already have this panel saved in my folder, it's so iconic in my head. He wanna be Batman sooooo bad.
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Gotta love these military guys opening fire like their lives depend on it and PK is just behind them making silly little jokes like :D
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Wow this guy seems interesting I wonder what his opinions on AI art are
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Gorgeous panel and some gorgeous one-point perspective here. Sorry for being an art student but we made a lot of drawings like this and it made me learn that drawing buildings makes me want to die. So this is even more impressive to me in that regard.
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Lowkey cute asf for Odin to just put a whimsical little garden in place of where Ducklair tower used to be
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Donald is so SAD it breaka my heart 💔 RIP Uno who is totally super dead 💔💔💔
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Donald is SO SMALL. Shoutout to the PKNA writers for pushing the entire main Duckverse cast to the side so that they could create an all-new roster of characters that all fucking TOWER over Donald in height. Lyla, Angus, Xadhoom, Styvesant, soon to be Odin in like a few pages. If you need to know anything it's that Paperinik is a little SHRIMP and he is so tiny and small and the most specialest boy ever.
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haha..... yeah..................
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DEFEND UNO'S LEGACY DONALD!!!!! Also Lyla... okay and I guess Geena cause she's the ACTUAL robot he's defending-
This is the part where I look at the camera like it's an episode of The Office btw. If you know you know.
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OOOOH SHIT IT'S YA BOI!!! I forgot about him trying to meet Donald by just slamming his ship into theirs. Like I GUESS that's a surefire method to speak to someone...
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Cheeky son of a-
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Snitches get stitches Geena... (imagine a little text pops up on screen like in a video game and says "Geena will remember that")
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Hmmmm where have I seen this shot before.... *flashback to issue #0.1 which I put a filter over to make sure you know it's a flashback to an earlier chapter*
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oh right.
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Crying over this shot they BOTH wanna be Batman man 😭 two dumdums that were made for each other
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He's so cheeky I hate him (affectionate)
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So obviously they bring up that Odin just means "One" (or Uno) but it's also worth pointing out what an Eidolon is. Eidolon is a Greek term, meaning "a spirit-image of a living or dead person; a shade or phantom look-alike of the human form" (at least according to Wikipedia).
Anyways to wrap up with some final thoughts-
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Something that doesn't really get addressed in this comic (probably for plot reasons, it's not super relevant) is just how comforting it must be for Donald to travel to the future and see that the Evronian Empire is all but wiped out, a shell of its former self. Obviously timelines can still change, we saw that in Day of the Cold Sun, but it still must be nice to see that all the fighting he does is going to pay off in a big way.
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Btw remember that bit in an earlier chapter about Uno finding Lyla attractive? Yeah well I should think so considering that YOU'RE THE ONE THAT BUILT HER- Okay well he's not the DESIGNER but still I think that connection is funny ok. I wonder if Uno scanned Odin's gun and was like "oh"
I like this comic, I think it's another really good one. I mean it's no Earthquake but still, between Day of the Cold Sun, Earthquake, and then this volume I feel like we've just had banger after banger after banger. I'm also super stoked to have Odin in the story now, even if thinking about Uno way outliving Donald and being excited to see him again after 200 years makes me really depressed if I think about it too hard. I'm happy that he got to escape the confines of Ducklair tower and even got a cunty green suit in the process though, good for him. Donald is REALLY gonna regret not accepting that explanation from Uno though, RIP 🙏 SUUURELY he'll figure it out one of these days guys. Like EVENTUALLY. Right???
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quijabored · 4 months
It's been far too long for not watching BSD, but in my defense I've been playing bungo tales, drawing more bsd, (Dazai doodles will hopefully be up soon? If theyre not theyll be up tommorow) and I've also been in the midst if reading and writing for a book I'm working on.
So long story short, I haven't had much time to watch it, BUT IM BACK
If he does die I'm actually gonna start sobbing
I kid you not I went outside of my room and was like "HES- HES NOT DEAD. I KNOW THIS BECAUSE- UH-"
While like on the verge of tears
He would kill me if I got too close BUT SHHH
I TOOK A SCREENSHOT FOR IT, THE LINE WAS, I KID YOU NOT, "Stop jabbing me in the ass!"
Most horrifying experience I've ever had, she just slowly walked away
ALSO THE FACT THAT JOUNO WAS LIKE "Wait till the other guys and Tecchou hear about this!"
Like why didn't you lump them together 🤨 kinda fruity if you ask me 🤨🤨🤨
I'm delusional
OH AND JOUNO BEING LIKE "You made the mistake of showing me how to care for the life of others"
And then Akutagawa bit him
Seeing him w/o his coat was super fun though, I can finally figure out how his shirt looks for my artings
Makes me really sad how he sees everything as a test for Dazais approval though :(
Knowing he's gonna die due to a lung disease hurts, like I knew he was sick and stuff but still :(
And then Fukuchi went back in time.
Imagine putting your pink children earbuds into a Gothic Victorian man's earlobe, ant other person from that time would've called it witchcraft
I just have to hope nothing bad happens cuz everyone's like on the brink of death right now
KUNIKIDAS NOT GONNA DIE, I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT (If I turn out wrong by the time the series ends Im crying)
I love how hes yapping about old stories and how he's super strong and then Ayas just like "The huh??"
I love bsd I love bsd I love bsd I love bsd I-
Not as much of an adorbie worbie as Akutagawa tho, no one can top my son
Love Mori when hes not being a creep, I still hate him but his character interests me to say the least and Ill analyze him further eventually.
I love both of them.
I didn't see a chess board when Dazai and Fyodor were in their weird bubble cells, but Fyodor called Dazai his chess buddy, so I'm 90% sure they just kinda...
"I move my rook to E5."
"You dont think I saw that coming? Knight E5."
"Hm, whatever. I already planned this out anyways. Queen, E5"
"Hah, youre only just starting to fall into my traps. Ill play the waiting game. Pawn, D3"
HELLO???? THEY??? HOW???
I love playing chess sm though, very fun game would reccomend
I play chess with my therapist actually :3
It's really neat, live laugh my therapist bro
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rainingstorms1220 · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
Oooh uh uh that's difficult. Let's see...
1. My OCs and stories
Literally my only motivation to live. I'm very, very attached to my kids—they are the culmination of my blood, sweat, tears and soul. So anything revolving around them makes me very happy, inspired and motivated. I will do everything for them!! Art, writing, even making games if I can! Merch too! Plushies, accessories, anything and everything. All for them. The thousands of little fictional people, worlds and stories living rent-free in my mentally ill brain.
Bonus happiness points when other people also like my kids and are interested in getting to know them better. Like, if you take the time to approach me and ask questions about them, are willing to sit through hours of me rambling your ears off about characters that spawned from the depths of my hellish critter mind, and also actively want to discuss them with me and tell me all of your thoughts—that is like the ultimate quality to my quality time love language right there. It's the most idealistic, unrealistic, impossible thing ever though, mostly because I have a lot of kids and like. 20+ different stories with several more AUs. To have someone else be able to digest all of that information? No way. But yeah.
Fanart and fanfiction of my kids also make me very happy. I will treasure each and every one of the art pieces/writing dearly. Basically anything related to my kids, I will cry over. I will explode over my kiddos.
2. Various media
As of right now, I'm fixated on Twisted Wonderland (LEONA), Bleach (HITSUGAYA AND HITSUKARIN), One Punch Man (METAL BAT AND BATAROU) and Blue Lock (RYUSAE AND KAISER). Very much waiting in anticipation for the TWST anime, Bleach TYBW Cour 3, OPM Season 3 and Blue Lock Season 2 + Nagi movie. I'm also really invested in the Final Fantasy series (III, IV, VII, IX, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, Crystal Chronicles EOT and ROF, etc...)! And I'm a casual player of Punishing Gray Raven (very much looking forward to Wuthering Waves by the same company)!
I also like books! Haven't been able to read as much as I'd like to these days, but I have books I've bought that I hope to read soon. Gotta read Six of Crows (yes, Lune, I'll finish it). Have also been wanting to collect Bleach's light novels (CFYOW currently). And TWST's novels and manga too, once they're translated (Savanaclaw manga and novel C'MERE)! Much to look forward to <3 Fanfics of media I like are also really nice to read. When I have more time, I'd like to write for the fandoms I'm in.
Pretty art is nice. Good games are nice. Good stories and wonderful characters are nice. Beautiful writing is nice. I'm very simple haha, as long as the media strikes my fancy, chances are I'll look into it and derive some form of enjoyment from it <3
3. Writing/Drawing
If it wasn't already evident from the above two points, as well as my own profile, I like to write and draw. Very much an arts kid (creativity is another thing that I'm not sure I have, but let's not get into that). I'm not good at speaking, so having visual representations of the things I feel, be it via written words or artwork, is the best way for me to express myself and communicate, I find. And it's also fun! When I'm not preoccupied with other IRL commitments and stuck in creative ruts, that is.
4. Music
I know nothing about music theory or playing instruments. Not a music kid. I just like listening to good music. In particular, I'm a big fan of J-Pop, J-Rock, Rock, Instrumentals, EDM and Dubstep, Gothic-sounding music, and others, depending on whether they strike my fancy or not. Favourite artists/bands include Tatsuya Kitani, Aimer, Mili and ONE OK ROCK. Banger musicians. You're free to drop recommendations too! I'm pretty open to most genres. Though extremely selective with a few others (K-Pop being one of those genres haha oops).
5. Spending time with friends
Pretty clear cut, I think. I don't have a lot of people I'm particularly close to, but I do cherish those I consider my friends a lot. Quality time love language—just spending time with them makes me happy. We don't even have to really be doing anything. I just like having their company, and if they willingly seek me out and want to spend time with me too, that's even better.
And yep, that's all. I can't think of anything else haha. Thank you for the ask, beloved~
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mangoyakult · 14 days
tw reality vent dump? i went deep on this lowkey
lets talk about the effect (my) phone addictions have on perceiving reality. you become so used to the online world and are engrossed in it that you cant fathom the reality of the real world. once a blue moon you get the opposite of dissociation where you come to the realisation that real life has an end and it will keep moving on without you, without your favourite shows, ESPECIALLY the bit about how it will move on even after your shows, loved ones, etc end.
its hard to talk about it when im NOT currently in this state of mind so if i remember i'll come back and reblog and talk about it more when i am in that state of mind, but like it just hits you like a cement truck that (and i know it sounds cliche) we are just on a floating ball in space.
everything you know will come to an end and you wont know about it because i believe you experience "life after death" in the same way you experience life before you were born. in the same way that blind people dont see black, they see nothing, its not there. if you close one eye, you dont see anything out of it, thats what i believe death will be like, and its the one thing keeping me from going insane when i get these thoughts but also it makes me spiral even more.
i think about how i'll miss loved ones but then i remember i won't miss it because i won't experience anything. times like this i wish i believed in a religion, i wish i believed in the afterlife, and a part of me does, a part of me believes in ghosts and reincarnation.
wild take that might offend several people but the same way that over hundreds and thousands of years humans fled to religion to distract their minds from these thoughts, i flee to my phone and silly blorpos to distract my mind from these thoughts. except im wayy less productive than them lol they full on built massive cathedrals and monuments and statues dedicated to these ethereal beings and i just go haha funny orangutang with the play dough ur so silly.
i don't stay up all night because i have an addiction to games and my phone, i stay up all night til i pass out because if im not entirely tired ready to pass out, my mind will be racing with all these horrible thoughts i cant remove from my brain and i will wake up with puffy eyelids.
idk these are my thoughts this is what happens when you take away tiktok doom scrolling from me
and i know a lot of you will tell me to get hobbies and friends and hang out and have fun but when i get these "episodes" i genuinely feel like thats the ONLY thing i can do. if i'm not watching my blorbos or hanging with friends, or crocheting or gaming or drawing, life is meaningless and why am i waking up 6 mornings with no plan waiting for the end of the week where i can finally see someone and hang and be happy
i think i'm in a state of burnout, i only have one spoon per week and i'm already using it to go to work because yeah i work like twice a week i'm not home all day, i have uni i go to occasionally, but its so tiring and though i am as far away as possible to suicide (remember my little fear of death above?) i just want like a break month where i can do nothing and chill without any pressures
i think about moving out and growing up and possibly having kids and a partner and i feel as though i'm not prepared for that. mentally i'm 13 and i just want to go to high school, play with friends, yap about gravity falls and other hot shows of that era
i physically can't envision myself as an adult yet i am one, i physically can't wrap my mind around simple concepts most adults understand, like taxes and bills and a lot of things. trust me i've tried! and now i'm on my fourth year of tax evasion because i just don't know how they work!
i gotta stop talking bc lowkey i'm getting myself into this damn mindset and i have work soon and customers are damn near horrible and i have to fake a smile for them
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noliaert · 3 months
Okay so I thought to show off some of my WIPs for IWTV (amc), especially since I've not managed to finish off most of my WIPS regardless of how excited I have been for them :/ IWTV in 2022 was like a muse to me! I had so many wips! But little or nothing to show for it (cause extensive projects got overwhelming) 😔 I have however finished off 2 loumand pieces since S2 started off, 1 that had too been a wip from 2022 (I'll edit in a link once I post it, I've done so on twitter, but I feel the need to fix on some things... majorly is the issue one of the louis-es as it was a 3, initially 4,-in-1 piece :/ was rushing cause of the looming loumand divorce and doom, otherwise known as S2 "trial" finality, was approaching... and I was feeling 😅 about the reception of softer loumand kisses at the time. Like- timing!)!
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1. Batnight: I worked out this timeglass composition to symbolise Louis' transformation into vampirism after he entered that church one fateful night. The trifecta of the vampfam, the time encapsulated by death and by blood, something which Louis seemingly has a different relationship to than most living vampires as the "tortured vampire". All focusing on the drop of blood, but with different expressions. Idk if i should do anything with the background of the bottom half of the timeglass though 🤔I'm meant to sketch out Louis' family and community from the wedding on the top half, as the sun sets (or rise...) behind the family home (sorry), a life now closed off to him. Vampires and bats- uncontested. The church? It is one from New Orleans S1 and I remember asking for the ref, but I am uncertain that it is the correct church when thinking back on it. Which is 🧍 Also as I started on this late 2022, I had only Bailey!Claudia to go off of, which I'll probably stick to for this one. Would be cool with both! But idk if I can extend that energy. I do need to figure out which of her hairstyles to do though 🤔 and I've been learning more about how to draw black hair so that's fun too
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CLAUDIA WIPS! (Both from late 2022)
2: For the first one? Something about the tragedy of claudia, for S1, leaning towards the middle, Claudia the child, the eternal teenager, but a breaking into maturity and adulthood, on... the child witnessing the troubles of their parents, and of the child failed by their parents. Claudia standing in ashes alone (oh not the born from ashes turned to ashes 😭 at least she wasn't entirely alone by the end but had someone choose to face the same fate with her over her own living ♡), looked down upon from our pov to showcase her continued positions of disadvantage. Not the most thought out composition or anything, just wanted to draw Claudia, but these were the things I was thinking about while doing so. Also just really want to try make more dynamic compositions. Try that is.
3: The second one is me wanting to either do a 3-piece with smaller edits, or a 3(+?)-in-1, showing off a little vaguely different stages in Claudia's life back in S1. Or maybe a combined 1 if I figure it out. Combining the cutesy and the horror ✌️ Since these were majorly just sketches, I should be able to try draw Delainey!Claudia! And though S2 makes for SO MUCH inspo too, I'm scared to start on more new things. An irony. But I'd like to finish some more ideas.
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4 & 5: Lestat wips! First one is really just a sketch trying to capture his face, buuut the second one? My attempts at a gorier more horrific looking corpsestat since I was feeling robbed by the S1 finale? Oh certainly 🙏 gotta figure out how best to pose Claudia and Louis though, to make sure I make the right impression I wanted 🤔 may have to flip him over too... idk just... extensive work, but I've been especially excited about this one as well as batnight (and the soon-to-be-posted loumands)!! Both from late 2022.
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6: St. Paul! Ah the brothers! 🙏 the impact his family, and specifically Paul, has on Louis cannot be understated (S2E8 final dubai scene 😊). Kinda get so emotional when I've been rewatching S1E1 too ;-; another wip from 2022! I so rarely have seen pieces of Louis' family, or human family, which is a shame. I really wanted to do one for Louis and Paul though, and so I ended up with this wip meant to symbolically (far from vague though hah) capture some of that "confessional relationship" (can't escape the catholism) they had, but in a more playful youthful setting. Lowkey pointing towards an elevated sainthood of the future dead too. Paul being Louis' closest confidante, and someone who wanted to be a priest. Many thoughts on Paul really. Paul practicing I suppose, during their teenage years, Louis happily entertaining him and then glancing over his shoulder at- I am thinking Grace, their sister. I found the angle of Louis' head challenging though (been feeling intimately on my limitations), and as it is, I need some refs of Jacob to actually capture HIM too, and not just the angle.
Now unfinished iwtv wips from 2024...
Armand wips! But yea, I already had ideas, but I've felt prompted during S2 to draw more Armand due to the whole Assad Zaman fanbook thing that I thought could be nice to join in on. I've struggled to draw though, even if I have finished the 3-in-1 loumand thing and the spontaneous loumand cig-kiss piece, so I was really damn rushing 😅
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7: It's possible I'm mixing ideas... different intents. So I'll have to review it again. I wanted one more bitey one, I was thinking of the "easeful death" scene of E5, but with a different angle. Was initially thinking active feeding I think, with half-lidded eyes or direct eye contact... to put emphasis on the darkening of his eyes in those moments. It's funky and I really wanted to draw it, though I guess this is getting too distant to really see it much. Something something generally about vampirism, a general victim, putting emphasis on the blood that they provide. First by extended blood dripping down the throat, now by the body being the blood fully visually. Something classy, yet... I want to reposition the arms and have the head burrowed further into the neck to actively feed as first intended. I also think I am certainly thinking about an intimate art piece for the whole gentlemanly death feel, so maybe i should try actually find the piece for reference. Also, it's not exactly in this sketch, but I too want to have him in that E2 or E3 coven suit, with vague coven/cult figures in the background. We never really see him feed (properly, of a human), but I've been thinking about the... parent providing food for his children thing (motorbike scene E2), or the "let me teach you" of E3... So a "lead by example" sort of thing, like pre of the picture of the mountain lion and her cub feeding of a carcass sort of thing XD leant too much into the whole typical romantic imagery as I kept going and finally got some of that posture right (and so I tought). But these are the ideas ✨️
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8: Armand too got ahold of a switch btw <3 Armand and electronics huh, or... not necessarily only electronics and technology. There's a general almost manic curiosity, which is especially found in that one DM chapter that I kind of adore (smh to private island and blabla tho). A mood, though I'm not making ratshakes 🫢 Assad was talking about it too in an interview though, relating to that fascination, so I kinda wanted to make a piece leaning in on that. Had a few vague compositions, some with more of that almost cold intensity of E5, but here he's more just chilling (doesnt mean it doesnt get intense) ^^ I also wanted to display an evolution of technologies, at least within a certain timeframe, so physically stacking a room with different stuff? Like that works XD because I was rushing for the deadline, I fear I only got to send in the wip (one in an even earlier stage than this one)... which is a real shame 😔 I am excited to finish it though!
Anyway 👍
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asexualsoup · 2 years
So I don't really write fan fiction and I never planned to but here we are I guess lol 😅
**Cannot emphasize enough that this is a WIP. It's not finished lol. But if you yell at me enough I probably will finish it.**
Remember That I Love You
Juno Steel/Peter Nureyev
Post Season 4
So far, everything had gone exactly to plan. Rita had hacked the pharmacorps’ computers and, from the safety of the Ruby 7’s driver’s seat, had set enough fires across the compound to draw most of the guards exactly where she wanted them. No matter how many times Juno watched her do this, he always found himself in awe of how easy it all was for her. Like a kid with a magnet drawing little shapes in metal sand.
Once the guards had been dispersed, it was just a matter of using their stolen map and the Ruby’s own scans to figure out exactly where they needed to go. That’s where Juno came in.
“There,” he said, pointing to a cluster of moving dots on the Ruby's screen. Taking the hint, the Ruby 7 zoomed its three-dimensional map onto a hallway at the bottom of the complex. “That’s where we’ll find him.”
“You sure, Mista Steel?” Rita asked, unconvinced. “How can you be so sure? We only get one shot at this, so you gotta be exactly right—”
“I know, Rita. You don’t need to remind me. When the fires went off, the executives left their meeting and ran down to this hallway. The Ruby’s showing them all leaving the hallway, but they’re just phasing through a wall. There are no rooms marked there on the map. The Ruby’s scan isn’t faulty, so that means—”
“A safe room!” Rita finished. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses. “That’s so cool! And there’s a buncha them, too, from the look of it. A whole row of safe rooms! How can we be sure which one is his?”
“Ruby?” Juno said with a smile. “You know what to do.”
It was over in seconds. The Ruby had scanned their target so many times, it could recognize him instantly, even from this distance. Juno didn’t fully understand it either, but he knew he could trust the Ruby to be accurate. It had helped him find Rita on that asteroid, after all.
As soon as it found him, it sang a triumphant little tune.
“Good job, Ruby,” Juno said. “Send that scan to my comms. I’m heading in. Let’s go get Nureyev out once and for all.”
* * *
Juno moved quickly through the compound, listening and reacting to Rita’s directions in his ear every step of the way. With her help, he avoided all the patrolling guards long enough to sneak into one of the server rooms she hadn’t set ablaze.
Keeping his voice low just in case, he asked her, “You sure the code you’ve put on this chip will eliminate his debt?”
"And all his accounts and bio-records, yeah, yeah," her voice chirped in his earpiece. He chuckled, imagining the way she was rolling her eyes at him. "You’ve asked me that about a hundred times, Mista Steel. It’ll work. Trust me."
“Like you said, we’ve only got one shot at this. It’s gotta be flawless.”
"We’re Aurinkos, boss. It don’t gotta be flawless to be successful."
“Yeah, well,” Juno said, feeling that old reliable flicker of nerves and self-doubt in his gut. “I’d rather have both, if I’m honest.”
With Rita’s assistance, he inserted the chip. The computers beeped and popped for a bit until Rita finally squeaked again.
"That's done it, boss. You can take the chip out now."
Juno did as she said, slipping it back into his pants pocket. "Great," he said. "Now it's just the hard part. Getting to him, taking out the guards, and then the escape." He sighed, suddenly feeling his age. "No biggie."
"It'll be fine, Mista Steel," Rita said. "Once you find him, you won't be alone in there anymore. You'll have him to help you with those last two steps. And Mista Nureyev has always been good at fighting guards and sneakin' outta places. It’ll be fine!"
"Still weird hearing you call him that. Even on private comms. But you make a good point. Once I find him…."
Juno trailed off, his mouth feeling suddenly very dry. He hadn't been this close to Nureyev in months, not since he'd smelled his cologne at Aurinko Permanent Corrections. The realization sent a torrent of butterflies through his stomach: fear, panic, and a good amount of excitement too.
Nureyev was in the building. And within minutes, he'd be in Juno's arms. Safe and sound at last and with his whole life ahead of him. The future at his nimble fingertips.
It was the same gift he'd promised to Slip Jackson all those years ago. And while Nureyev couldn't give that future to Slip in the end, Juno could make sure Nureyev got it now.
So, with a deep breath to swallow his panic down, Juno pressed on to the next phase of the plan.
* * *
Juno had taken out so many guards over the course of his career that a few localized in one closed off room should be no problem at all. And with all the tricks he’d picked up from Nureyev during their year of crime together, they wouldn’t know what hit them.
He crawled on his belly through the vents, Rita and the Ruby still guiding him around every corner, until finally he peered through a grate into the room in question.
As soon as he saw Nureyev, he felt his heart fly into his throat. He was sitting in a chair against the wall, looking like a prisoner in that tiny room with four armed guards around him.
But that wasn't what made Juno so upset. Nureyev… didn't look like himself. He was thinner than the last time they'd seen each other. Paler, too, like he hadn't seen the sun in weeks. He was still dressed to the nines and covered in makeup, but none of that could hide the new slump in his posture and the deadened look behind his eyes.
As wonderful as it was to see him again, it was frightening to see how only half a year away had changed him.
That ended here and now.
In one hand, Juno held his blaster. And in the other, he held a small pebble-like ball. Another trick he'd picked up from Nureyev.
Slipping the ball through the grate, he watched as it hit the floor and exploded into vapor, instantly surrounding the guards in a thick curtain of smoke. As the guards coughed and sputtered and shouted to each other, he kicked open the grate and dropped himself into the room.
Darting out of the range of the smoke, he planted his feet firmly in front of Nureyev.
“Juno?” came that beautiful voice from behind him, the one that made his heart flutter.
“Yeah, yeah, you can swoon into my arms later,” he said. And even though he was joking, he wanted nothing more. “Whatever you’ve got to use against these guys, now’s the time to use it.”
“But, Juno, I—”
Whatever Nureyev was about to say would have to wait. The guards had finally collected themselves and were starting to stumble out of the smoke, blasters raised and searching for a target.
Ducking beneath the nearby table, Juno sent a pair of stun blasts out between its legs, completely incapacitating the first two guards he saw.
“I see you haven’t lost your touch, dear detective,” Nureyev said, sliding in beside Juno. “Shall we take this to the next level?”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
It was a maneuver they’d learned together during their time on the Carte Blanche. That time felt like so long ago now, and yet Nureyev fell into position as smoothly and easily as if they’d practiced it only yesterday. Juno would have to thank Buddy for those lessons later, among a million other things.
Grabbing opposite ends of the table, they swung its legs out from under it and in one fluid motion, launched it flat-side first into the smoke. Both of the remaining guards grunted in pain as they were struck, and somewhere within the haze, they both collapsed under the weight of the table.
“You truly are a sharpshooter, aren’t you?” Nureyev said as he leaped to his feet again and reached out a hand to help Juno. “You hit them both even through all that fog.”
“Hey, it was a big table,” Juno said, taking that proffered hand. “And anyway, you’re just as likely to—”
But his words were cut off. As soon as he’d gotten to his feet, Nureyev’s mouth had found his. The kiss was hard, desperate, pressing his lips almost painfully against his teeth. But it was exactly what they both needed after all that time apart. Juno couldn’t help the moan that escaped his throat, and his hands found Nureyev’s collar, pulling him in even closer.
Once they’d separated, Nureyev narrowed his eyes. “I told you not to come after me.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Juno said, hopping up to swiftly kiss Nureyev’s lips again.
“I suppose not. Though we’ll definitely have words about this later. A lot of words.”
Nureyev released him and without another word, flew gracefully into the depths of the smoke. Still a little awestruck, Juno found his feet again and moved to follow him.
Squinting through the fog, he peered around quietly for any sign of the two guards they’d knocked down. The table was easy enough to find, its legs splayed like a dead spider on its back. But the two guards that it had hit? Those were a lot harder to spot. And so was Nureyev.
Juno slunk low to the floor, crouched near the table’s legs and stared into the surrounding fog for any sign of movement. It only took a minute for him to spot something. A glint of metal in the fog. He stared in its direction, trying to find it again, but couldn't.
Instead, when a guard finally did appear in the smoke, it was to his far left. They stumbled near him, their shirt pulled high over their mouth and nose. They made eye contact with Juno, who already had his blaster raised, but before either of them could make a move, a dark heel swung out from the fog and hit the guard right in the back of the head, knocking them out cold. With another glint of metal, Nureyev emerged from the smoke and crouched at Juno’s side once again.
“That was brutal,” Juno whispered. “I always forget you can kick that high.”
“So did they, apparently.”
“You might want to take off your jewelry before we handle that other guard, Nureyev. I can see it shining through the fog.”
For the first time since their reunion, something made Nureyev pause. “Juno… there’s something that you should—”
“Let’s deal with the other guard first, Nureyev. Do you have any idea where they are?”
“Juno, I—”
But whatever Nureyev was going to say, it was cut off by the cracking sound of a blaster shot. Nureyev gasped and flew backward, hitting the ground hard.
“Nureyev!” Juno shouted before he could stop himself.
Flying onto his feet, he whipped around and pointed his blaster in the direction the shot had come from. The fourth and final guard stood there, grinning through the smoke. Her blaster was pointed right at Juno’s head.
“Really?” Juno gasped, trying desperately to think straight through the panic now flooding his brain. “You sneak up behind me and decide to shoot your own guy instead?”
“I was following my orders, lady,” she said darkly, her hand flexing against the trigger. Ready to send another laser directly through Juno’s brain.
He wasn’t going to give her the chance. With one hand, he grabbed her wrist and twisted, sending her laser up to the ceiling. Bringing around his own blaster, he struck her hard across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor where his own shot struck her right in the chest a second later. Her eyes went hazy as the stun wave overtook her body, and then she closed her eyes, unconscious.
Breathing heavily, Juno dropped his gun and rushed to Nureyev’s side. Nureyev was panting hard, one hand over his face. His hands were shaking.
“Goddammit, Nureyev. No,” Juno wept, searching Nureyev’s body with his hands. “No no no. Where did they hit you? Oh, goddammit.”
But no matter where he looked, he didn’t find any blood. All he could find was a small laser burn on the front of Nureyev’s shirt.
“It was just a stun blast,” he said, relief flooding him once more. “You’re fine. You’re gonna be fine.”
But as Nureyev gave another groan of pain, Juno felt his relief crack once more.
“N… Nureyev? Come on. Snap out of it.”
Nureyev groaned again, his mouth twisting in pain and all four of his limbs starting to tremble. The fingers by his forehead curled, as if trying to grasp at something, and between them, Juno could see that glint of metal again. It was only then that Juno realized Nureyev wasn’t wearing any jewelry. No rings, no earrings.
Nothing but whatever was shining on his temple.
Grabbing Nureyev’s hand, he slowly pulled it away.
His stomach dropped. “Nureyev… no… please, no… Is that a…?”
Nureyev groaned again and Juno swore he could hear the pops of electricity coming from it.
Because right there, stuck on Nureyev’s temple, was a little gray chip. Smaller than the Theia Soul had been, but otherwise the same.
“Goddammit. Nureyev, what do I do?” Juno asked desperately.
In response, Nureyev cried out as the chip zapped him again, and this time, Juno actually saw the skin beginning to sizzle around it.
He fumbled for his comms, knowing somewhere in the back of his panicked mind that if anyone could fix this, it would be Rita. But a second later, as Nureyev’s body went slack, Juno’s heart stopped.
Nureyev’s eyes peered up to meet his, bleary and unfocused. Lines of blood began to form around the edges of the chip.
“Nureyev?” Juno asked breathlessly.
“Ju…no…” was all the man managed to say before his eyes closed and unconsciousness claimed him too.
(to be continued?)
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Heyyy request - Y/n is a model and Josh’s agent takes him to meet Y/n to see if he’d want her to be the (main girl character )in gvf’s music video, and like Josh really liking y/n but Sam liked her a lot to (couldn’t stop staring when Josh introduced her )so Josh and Sam both fight over y/n and both guys getting jealous when the other is shooting a scene with her.
A/N: I love this idea! Bare with me, this is my first request! Please be kind 😅❤️ I did change it from agent to manager. But I tried to stick to the rest!
Sammy x Reader x Josh
"Okay Josh, we've narrowed it down to two girls. I'd like you to come on down to the office and meet them. Your input will be taken into consideration for the final decision. Meet here in about an hour?" The boys manager asks.
"Yep, sounds good. See you then." Josh says before ending the call.
"What was that about?"Sammy asks.
"Oh, it was just Tony. He wants me to go to the office and meet a couple girls for the new music video. Want to come?" Josh asks.
Sam nods his head and Josh says, "Well we better head out now. It's getting close to the lunch rush and we really gotta work on not showing up late to everything."
They guys arrive 15 minutes late, despite their best effort.
"Finally. Come on back, the girls are right through here." Tony says, motioning toward one of the conference rooms.
Walking through the door, Josh stops in his tracks, causing Sam to bump into him. Looking at his older brother, getting ready to ask, what the hell he's doing, he catches sight of you. You are stunning. More than that, you're a goddess.
Smiling, you step forward extending your hand and introduce yourself.
Josh and Sammy reach for it at the same time, knocking into one another. Giving each other an irritated look. You chuckle and reach for Josh's hand first.
Smirking, Josh introduces himself. Sammy, quickly takes his place and does the same.
After introductions are complete, the interview process begins. You and the other girl take turns answering each question. After 20 minutes, it's time for the solo interviews.
Once it was your turn, you sat back into the chair smiling and waiting to begin.
"So, tell us, what draws you to working on this project?" Josh asks.
"Well, I really enjoy the concept." You say noticing Josh perk up. "I think the idea of your God being this wise and strong, albeit beautiful, woman, is amazing. Women are worthy of such worship. So, yeah..." You say trying not to ramble on.
"We whole heartedly agree. Women are the most perfect of creations." Sam says, smiling.
The interview continues on for a little while longer. Throughout the whole thing, you noticed how both Josh and Sam try in their own ways to flirt and connect with you.
Once it's time for you to leave, you stand and shake their hands. Making sure to go to Sam first this time.
"We want her." Sammy says pointing to your headshot.
"Okay, we'll keep your preference in mind." Says Tony.
"No, we pick her. She's perfect for the video." Josh cuts in.
"Well alright then. I'll give her a call right now." Tony says, stepping out to call you and give you the job.
On the ride back to his place, Josh looks over at Sam and says, "Notice how she was looking at me? Think I might have a chance."
"Nah, she was flirting with me. She's definitely more interested in me." Sam says.
"I guess we'll just have to see who she picks at the shoot then." Josh says with a smirk.
It's been about a month since you got the job. But, the day is finally here. You're on your way to the location for the shoot, nervous and excited.
As soon as the car arrives, your door is opened. Looking up, you see Sam. Extending his hand, he helps you out of the car and says, "You finally grace us with your presence my goddess."
Giggling, you shake your head. As soon as Sam begins to speak again, Josh appears out of nowhere.
"Ah here she is, our beautiful girl has arrived. Let me show you to your trailer." He says taking your hand and looping his arm around it.
As he leads you away, he looks back at Sam with a grin and winks.
Seeing that, Sam's blood begins to boil. But, he knew you'd choose him over his big headed brother.
By the time your makeup was done and you were dressed, the boys had finished their scenes and were ready for you.
It took about 4 hours to get all the shots. During all that time, you noticed Sam and Josh each vying for your attention. Giving each other dirty looks and scoffing when it was the others' turn to film with you. It was cute watching them seeming fight for your affection.
After filming had wrapped and you had changed back into your own clothes, you stepped out of your trailer and started walking toward the car they had provided for you.
Before you could reach it, Josh stops you.
"You did an amazing job today. Thank you for coming out. You were fantastic." He says.
Just as you're about to say thank you, Sam walks up from behind you and says, "Hey, I'm glad I caught you! I just wanted to thank you for coming out today and tell you how awesome you did."
"I already let her know, but thanks anyway Sammy." Josh says, smirking.
Taking in a deep breathe, you look at the both of them. "Thank you so much. I really enjoyed working with BOTH of you. I hope we can work together again." You say before giving them each of them a kiss on the cheek.
Walking away from the stunned pair, you reach the car. Before getting in, you turn toward the two of them and wink.
Just as you shut your door, you hear, "She just winked at me. No! She winked at me. No..."
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate and Phantasms #300: Vritra
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today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making another demonic snake dragon goddess, Vritra. she might have class disadvantage against the other one, but her name’s faster to type so I’m grateful for that. Also, unlike Ibuki Douji, Vritra turns into her giant snake dragon rather than summons one, so that’s fun!
she’s a Moon Druid for the aforementioned snake-turning-into, as well as an Eldritch Knight Fighter to turn that snake into a proper dragon while still being dang good with a vajra.
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: didn’t we just have an MMA santa?
Race and Background
I know we just pointed out the similarities between ibuki and Vritra, but the latter doesn’t spam invincibilities in her bossfight, so she’s a Lizardfolk instead of a Yuan-ti. it also helps with a little combo later. we’re using the new version of lizardfolk, so you won’t be able to craft stuff, though tbf you were given your spear so it’s no big deal. you still get a Swimming Speed which is kind of ironic as a goddess of drought, but you also get to put those pointy teeth to use with a Bite attack, an unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage. you can even use your Hungry Jaws to bite as a bonus action Proficiency times per day, and those attacks also give you temporary HP equal to your proficiency bonus. the first of many stops on our way to immortality.
on top of the swimming thing you can Hold Breath for up to 15 minutes at a time, and your Natural Armor basically gives you permanent mage armor- plus if your AC would ever be lower than 13 + dex it stays there anyway. you also have your Nature’s Intuition giving you proficiency in Animal Handling and Stealth. you also get +2 Strength and +1 Constitution.
I certainly wouldn’t call you a normal Acolyte, but you do have a lot of knowledge involving the gods and are kindasorta one yourself, so that’s proficiency in Insight and Religion.
Ability Scores
immortality is definitely what the experts call a “long-term” goal, but we can make it easier on ourselves and start with Constitution as high as possible. it won’t help our being a giant snake, but it’ll give you extra health to survive when the giant snake thing falls through. secondly, pick up some Wisdom. technically the monster army you can summon is a bunch of demons, but if it looks like a snake and quacks like a snake, that’s animal handling. third is Strength. you gotta chuck spears at people, and we can’t get psi warrior, sadly. your Intelligence isn’t as high as I’d like, but it’s still above average. I learned from my mistakes with Calamity, don’t worry. however, that does mean our Dexterity isn’t that good- thankfully you’ve got your scales to make up for it a little. finally, dump Charisma. turns out killing entire nations with your droughts makes you unpopular, who would’ve guessed?
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: we’re starting as a fighter, both for the extra HP and also to nab that sweet, sweet Constitution save proficiency. you’re also proficient in Strength saves, as well as Athletics and Intimidation.
as for your Fighting Style, the Thrown Weapon style lets you draw weapons as you throw them, seriously reducing the action economy cost of chucking shit around, while also letting you deal an extra +2 Damage with thrown weapons. you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, it’s another way to heal yourself on you bonus action.
2. Fighter 2: second level fighters can make an Action Surge once a short rest for an extra action. that isn’t super useful since we’re going moon druid pretty soon, but more actions equals more biting or stabbing, so it’s never a bad idea.
3. Druid 1: now that we’re tough and fast, let’s get snakey. as a druid you know Druidic, it’s a written language that not only can only druids write and read, but other people won’t even know it’s there most of the time. somehow druids are sneakier than actual rogues- wild. you can also cast Spells now by using your Wisdom. grab Mold Earth to make walls… slowly…. and Frostbite to start freezing rivers shut.
okay maybe not specifically with this spell, but it’s got the theming down.
you can prepare your known spells each day, so it’s not a huge issue to grab spells as you want them, but I’d definitely check out more defensive stuff like Entangle and Fog Cloud, y’know, set up obstacles for your enemies. also Protection from Evil and Good to fuck with gods, bc fuck those guys.
4. Druid 2: at second level Moon druids can use their Combat Wild Shape as a bonus action, turning into a creature of CR 1/3 their level or lower (rounded down, at least CR 1 as a limit). they can do this twice per short rest, and each usage lasts half your druid level hours. you take the creatures physical stats (strength, dex, con, and HP) and when you drop to 0 in that form you turn back with as much HP as you had beforehand. you can also take class and racial feats into the wild shape with you as long as they physically make sense. so like, you probably won’t be able to keep your swimming speed as a tarantula. you can’t cast spells, but you can concentrate on them.
you can also use your bonus action to heal yourself by spending spell slots, what a surprise.
you won’t get a swim speed allowed until level 4, so no snakiness until then. in the meantime, you can use those wild shape charges to summon a Wild Companion for a regular-ass snake, but you could also use them to just. turn into something else. we’re not cops here, we don’t care if you break character.
5. Druid 3: third level druids get second level spells. it’ll be a while until you’re a dragon, so in the meantime check out Enlarge/Reduce to be an even bigger snake next level. by the time you hit level 8 that’ll let you hang out in the same size category as the Terrask! also grab Earthbind and Warding Wind to use two more elements to block peoples’ paths.
6. Druid 4: fourth level druids get another cantrip, and since there’s only one element we haven’t picked anything up from yet, grab Control Flames. you also get your first Ability Score Improvement, with which we’re grabbing the Piercer feat. now you can re-roll one die of piercing damage each turn, and your critical piercing attacks deal an extra die of damage! that’s nice for your spear, and hey, guess what kind of damage snake bites do?
speaking of snake bites, your Wild Shape Improvement lets you turn into animals with a swim speed now, so snakes are on the table! right now the best options on the table are the Giant Poisonous Snake and the Constrictor Snake, both of which have less than 20 HP! less awesome! maybe just grab a tiger or something for now, it’ll be a hot second til we get a good option.
7. Druid 5: fifth level druid, third level spells, and it’s time for immortality! …a bit. grab Feign Death to at least make it look like you come back from the dead later, or if you can figure out a way to cast it on yourself after your death, Revivify. also grab Elemental Weapon to make a magical spear that can skewer even divine enemies, and Conjure Animals to conjure your snake army. eventually, once you can upcast it. for now, you can turn into a giant constrictor (next level), and you can summon a giant constrictor at the same time! trippy!
8. Druid 6: like I just said, sixth level moon druids can turn into CR 2 creatures, so a Giant Constrictor is now available to turn into, with a hearty 60 HP per transformation and the ability to squeeze a creature into submission. also worth noting, at this level your wild shapes gain Primal Strikes, so their attacks count as magical for overcoming resistances and immunities to nonmagical damage, which I’d bet most gods have.
9. Druid 7: seventh level druids get fourth level spells, so you can use either Blight or Control Water to start causing proper droughts. there technically isn’t a drought option in the latter spell, but parting water or redirecting the flow away from where it usually goes can work if you’re creative.
10. Fighter 3: now that we’re finally on the right path magically, let’s head back to fighter to start kicking ass! as an Eldritch Knight you get another set of Spells based on your Intelligence, and most of them have to be Evocation or Abjuration. check the handbook to figure out what spell slots you’ve got each level, they have a page for that. or look it up online, there’s probably plenty of calculators to use.
thankfully your cantrips don’t care about that limitation, so grab Sword Burst to swing your spear around like you just don’t care, and Ray of Frost for more icy goodness. for your leveled spells, Frost Fingers finally lets this build that’s supposed to be about someone who freezes water actually freeze water, and Shield is just good. it’s a good spell, and your AC isn’t that great so it’s useful. you also get one spell of any school this level, but we’re gonna replace it later so grab what you want!
one last thing- you can use your Weapon Bond on your spear, so as long as its on the same plane as you u can summon it as a bonus action! also you can’t be disarmed
11. fighter 4: use this asi to nab the war caster feat! it lets you use spells as opportunity attacks which is like, boring! but it also gives you advantage on concentration saves to keep a spell going after you take damage! you can’t re-cast stuff as a snake, so it’s important you keep it up!
you also get another spell, and earth tremor is another way to block peoples’ way with difficult terrain! it’ll also deal damage to anything in the area
12. fighter 5: fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each action, and yes you can take this into your wild shape.
13. Fighter 6: sixth level fighters get another ASI, so bump up that Strength for better spearings. it doesn’t help when you’re a snake, but it’s nice.
14. Fighter 7: at seventh level your War Magic speeds up your spellcasting, so if you cast a cantrip as an action you can now attack once as a bonus action! yippee!
you also get the real good ice spells this level- rime’s binding ice can freeze people in place, and now that you’ve got 2nd level spells you can replace that first any-school spell with dragon’s breath, giving you the ability to breathe fire, acid, cold, lightning, or poison for up to a minute!
15. fighter 8: eighth level fighters get another asi, so bump up that wisdom for stronger spells! that doesn’t help your fighter spells, but a lot of those won’t need your intelligence either, like Magic Weapon. with this, you can add a bit to your attack and damage rolls, and it’ll also punch through those pesky resistances against nonmagical damage. D&D isn’t as modular as some other rpgs are, so this is the closest we’re getting to “anti-god” tech without homebrew. still, talk to your DM, killing a god sounds like a cool high-level campaign idea.
16. Fighter 9: ninth level fighters are Indomitable, letting you re-roll a failed save once per day. if you’re gonna be immortal, you’re gonna need to pass those death saves.
17. Fighter 10: at tenth level, eldritch knights get another reason we won’t have to focus on magic that much, their Eldritch Strikes. basically, whenever you smack someone with a weapon attack, they get disadvantage on their next save against one of your spells before the end of your next turn. however, spending two turns to set up one thing is dumb. let’s speed it up a bit, and get your NP at the same time.
turn one- cast dragon’s breath on yourself to get a dragon’s breath as a bonus action, then use your main action to turn into a giant snake. turn two, use your hungry jaws to bite as a bonus action (RAW it’s your lizard bite, but c’mon DMs be cool about this) and then whatever you snatched up will have disadvantage on your breath save that turn. repeat up to six times for a well-cooked enemy.
to make your attacks more accurate you could use True Strike but that’s bad, just attack twice. for a spell that is actually useful, Darkness will give you the aesthetic of your NP, a cloud of magical darkness nothing can see through (except a surprisingly large and growing number of races and classes) though this also uses concentration, so you’ll have to choose between the fire and the smoke.
18. Fighter 11: eleventh level fighters get a second Extra Attack each action for up to three per action, six per turn, or seven with your hungry jaws. wild shapes weren’t really made for this kind of thing, so take advantage and do some crazy damage.
also you can cast Arcane Lock for one last barrier between humanity and whatever the hell you have that they want.
19. Fighter 12: use this one last ASI to bump up your hp with some Tough ness. now I know what you’re thinking- “if concentration’s been so important, why’d you go with this feat instead of more constitution?” good question! because Tough is a feat. it gives you 38 HP this level, and an extra 2 next level, but the important part is it is a feat. feats can be brought over to your snake forms. that means not only do you get 40 more HP, but your snakes also get 40 more hp! maybe. talk to your DM first, don’t spring this on them. if they say no, then yeah just go for more constitution. If you really want to game the HP system you can always pick up a relic sloth wild shape, which also kind of fits in with your whole “immoveable blockade” lore.
anyway, we’re getting off topic. more HP good, tough druids = most hp. maybe.
20. Fighter 13: our last level of the build is for one more use of Indomitable, so you can re-roll two failed saves a day to get even tougher. you can also cast a Glyph of Warding to create traps in case of anyone trying to tamper with your dam. now you can either set them up to re-freeze any water that leaks through as a Spell Glyph, holding a copy of frost fingers or binding ice, or you can set up Explosive Runes to take care of any pesky humans showing up to break the water out. either way, they’re very useful.
Pros & Cons:
right off the bat, you have a shitload of HP, with just over 200 normally, and somewhere between 120-200 extra from wild shapes depending on how your DM takes tough, plus you have options to heal yourself, and get temporary HP. this all feeds further into pro #2-
you’re great on defense. you have plenty of options to slow or freeze enemies in place, and you can create plenty of environmental hazards with earth tremors and controlled water, making getting from point a to b an absolute nightmare even if there wasn’t a giant snake sitting in the only way in.
you’re a powerhouse alone, but you’ve also got summons available, and enough concentration power to keep them going for quite a while. the only thing worse than fighting one giant constrictor with your feet frozen to the ground is fighting three. or like, 16 smaller creatures, your choice.
we put absolutely nothing into your dexterity, so even with those scales your AC is garbage. which is bad if you plan on turning yourself into a literal giant target. it’s a good thing you have plenty of HP to chew through.
you’ve also got low charisma, so even if you have a good reason for setting up a lair somewhere, good luck convincing the townsfolk.
multiclassing gave us some good spell slots, but only low-level spells. getting advantage on an upcast Dragon’s Breath is cool, but I would have killed to be able to grab Wall of Ice from the druid spell list.
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motionjames · 9 months
Wake up girlies, it's time to return to the frontline!
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Guess who has insomniaaaa! 🤗💕💕
A month of cramps, nausea, increasingly worse insomnia (but a strangely good mood) has lead me down the path once again. I caught wind of some strange "gfl2" thing and after being struck with nostalgia, I grabbed bluestacks and fell into hell once more. I'd deleted gfl off my phone simply because it took too much space but now that it's on my computer, it's become DANGEROUS...! Github and clip studio up front with logistics running forever in the background. Yes, the ideal working experience.
Anyhow, everyone say hello to Contender.
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I've been making more progress in these past two days than I had in the entire two months I spent with my new account because I realized how to (partially) Not Be An Idiot. Turns out there's a thing called "anchored construction" and you can get some pretty nice units (eventually) if you realize it exists! Wow! I got the girly and now I'm working on grabbing Carcano because she is pretty but also insane skillz.
Also, there's a discounted gatcha running right now and that means I can finally get over my mental block and spend tokens... I was surprised at how easy it's been to acquire them, so I've just been shilling em out. My dorm was totally bare until now. I'm sorry, everynyan...
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As for actual gameplay, I finally made it past 2-6. It might seem like a simple thing to most but I was yet again, being an idiot. I was under the impression that I HAD to have dupes of the girls to dummy link them when I actually was swimming in dummy cores 🤦🏽‍♂️ What's wrong with me... Well, I jumped over that hurdle, blasted through the emergency missions, and am finishing chapter 3. The first parts arent so bad when you learn how to read! 😃😃😃
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First eschalon is good, it's the standard one that everyone seems to use to clear the early game. This second one is a WIP mess that I'm readying for night missions. You see, I'm really hurting for half-decent SMGs and rifles, the second one there is kinda lacking in defense/fire power... I wanna create a decent second eschalon and night mission groupie but I gotta figure out what units to invest in. I hope for Carcano soon. She is cute. Also, feel free to berate me for my bad decisions and suggest decent compositions. I am so lacking in SMGs that dont immediately explode (mpk you are so cute but so stupid). I'm currently looking at friend's compositions to figure out what formations work...
In completely different news and only further proving how dense I am, I only recently learned that Girl of the Bakehouse was related to GFL. I've had my eye on Reverse Collapse for a while now since it's a remake (of a remake?! I didnt play the previous one) of a visual novel I played in 2012 or so. The original vn was made in 2009 in like Kirikiri script and I was a young lad very fixated on all things with girls and guns (Gunslinger Girl was and still is a favorite of mine, I would've read it one summer at my Uncle's out on the front porch). There's an english patch now, but back then it was only in Chinese so I had to use text extracting and image translators, looking up the characters as I went. I got a cup of coco and opened up a patched version last night for old times sake. It's clearly a doujin work with those rough edges but it's so damn confident in its presentation you can't not get swept up in the presentation. The sound work make it very immersive. I highly reccomend reading it if you want a solid, emotional war story. Looking at the sepia soaked sketches, down-to-earth narrative, dense wordbuilding and general war otaku sentimentality... It really predicted a lot of my tastes, huh... 😅
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Behold, teh wolfguy...
Back to work. Logistics still running. I can and WILL continue being stupid. The nostalgia is really strong, I'm tempted to draw fanart despite the sour memories of the past. Again, please berate me and tell me of your team compositions. I think my ID is 772030 but I promise you, I won't be any good on teh battlefield 😇 this machine runs off hopes and dreams, not realities!
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petiterazu · 2 years
Your drawings are so good! Do you have any tips on how to do better? (Also i’ve never shaded before) no pressure to answer :3
Tips?:0 from me? Oh my :>
To be honest the best advice I can give is-
Draw everyday, even if you don’t want to, I used to think I’d never improve no matter what I did- but here I am. 1000+ drawings later.
Now fortunately I am a big fan of you and your work :> so I can give you some proper tips on that.
1. Always start with a sketch
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Yes you’re gonna hate, no one really enjoys their first sketch but you gotta trust le process~ and hey now, referencing helps a butt ton! Don’t be afraid to use em.
2. Start refining your sketch
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After a few draw overs youre soon gonna get what ya want, start cleaning up the important parts too. Like hands and smaller items- especially da face.
3. Get ya coloring/ lineart together
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Now for me I start coloring after my final sketch but most people start line art first. Keep them lines clean and make sure everything you got is easy to make out✨
4. Shading
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Shading will always be a difficult challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. You just gotta pick a spot where you want your light to start and go from there, never forget that shading references are all around you- remember that you can use anything from reference. Also when you’re shading using a different brush helps.
I hope this helps :> and if it does I’ll be keeping an eye on your posts -. ^-. ✨
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peterpan1234567 · 1 year
Dexter Charming Smut
A.N: Okay so I’m writing this cause I’ve had a thing for dexter charming ever since I watched Ever After High and I can only find shit on dating and I don’t like blonds so yeah. Hope you like it…
It was a normal day in the ever after high school cafeteria the royals sat and talked about there happy ever afters while the Rebel girls well they talked about dating and the guys well they talked about everything and nothing all at once.
Faith Quinn was sat by Raven Queen daughter of the Evil Queen, Maddie Hatter daughter of the mad hatter and Hunter Huntsmen while they were all talking about whatever Faith was starring at a certain royal that she refused to admit she liked. Dexter Charming.
Most girls they were head over heals for Daring but Faith never had a thing for the outgoing brother that only paid attention to himself she was drawn to the shy brother that didn’t talk much and kept to himself.
”Hello earth to Faith.” Raven was snapping her fingers in front of Faiths face trying to get her attention. It wasn’t really working till Hunter started throwing food at her knocking her out of her starring.
“Who’s the lucky rebel that has Faith Quinn starring at them I bet it’s Sparrow,” Hunter always thought that he liked you so of course he would say him. “Eww gross never in a million years would I day Sparrow I would rather jump into acid like my mom did.”
Raven and Maddie laughed they knew who you were starting at you were all roommates before Apple made Raven be hers it’s kind of hard to hide a drawing book full of Dexter Drawings from your roommates especially when they are always looking over your shoulder at what your doing. “Well if it’s not Sparrow then who is it come on tell me you can trust me.” It’s not the fact that you didn’t trust him it’s just the fact that you didn’t know if he would like the idea of a royal and a rebel together.
“It’s no one okay so just drop it Hunter you’re never finding out who I have a crush on.” “Okay we’ll see about that now won’t we I have my ways,” “Yeah sure using animals and axes won’t help you here.” He rolled his eyes at the comment and was about to say something but then the bell rang dismissing everyone to their next class. “Gotta go guys keep guessing Hunter I enjoy you being wrong.” “Haha I’ll get it one just you wait.” You laughed and rolled your eyes before walking off to your next class that just so happened to be the only one you had to sit by Dexter in positions with Rumpelstiltskin you hated him.
Faiths always the first person to class she uses the shortcut to avoid being late since being late means you get 50% off of your final grade. You liked potions just not the professor he was so uptight and mean and always called you out when you were looking at Dexter.
Today you weren’t the first one Dexter was he had his head resting in both his hands and was looking at the board his glasses falling just the slit test bit off the top of his nose before getting out the stuff he needed for the lesson. You sat down trying not to look at him and you to grabbed out everything you needed for the lesson but on accident you grabbed your drawing book the only had Dexter in it without noticing.
Faith had just gotten out her pen to write down the word son the board so she wouldn’t forget later when Dexter turned towards her. “Hey Faith do you have the notes from yesterday I forgot to write them down if you don’t mind letting me copy them.” This was the first time Dexter had talked to you without it being in your imagination “Um yeah sure let me get them.” You opened your notebook but it wasn’t your notebook it was your drawing book Faith quickly closed the book hoping Dexter didn’t see and went to look for her potions book.
“Sorry I had the wrong book here’s the notes.” “Thank you so much I owe you one know.” You were so happy he said it so happily you couldn’t help the best that went straight to your face but looked away before he could notice. Dexter soon gave back your notes and the lesson started right after the door slammed shut keeping anyone who’s late out of the room. “Good morning class today we will be going over everything in chapter 3.” At the front of the room there was Apple White and Raven Apple was always a show off and you just hated her but didn’t know why.
Rumpelstiltskin Started to pour a bunch of things into the beaker making most of the class lost or confused with what they were trying to do. You had read chapter three it was basically a recap of chapter two but it was a potion for making a butterfly and you found it interesting so you new what you were doing even without Rumpelstiltskin’s horrible demonstration.
You put a bunch of this into the beaker while Apple had of course already done it perfectly and Raven somehow managed to make it as well somehow and you only had one more ingredient you put in the leafs and put came a black and red butterfly it matched you like how Ravens was purple and Apples was bright colors. “Well done miss White, Queen, and Quinn you will all get a B- as for the rest of you, YOU FAIL!” He always shouted even when you didn’t want him to it’s like it brought him joy to put you kids in pain to be fair it was quite funny though.
Everyone started to put there things away as you looked over at Dexter you saw his glasses were crooked and his hair was all spiked from the beakers exploding from the failed potion. Even when he looked like this he still looked perfect and you couldn’t wait to draw this photo of him in your book once you got to yours and Maddie’s dorm.
You made sure you had everything before leaving the room and heading to the dorms that was your last class you and Maddie walked together and as always she talked in riddles it was funny but you never really knew what most of them meant just her living up to her name of the mad hatter I guess. You reached your dorm and immediately Maddie said.
“So how did it go with Dexter I saw you talking today?” “He just asked for my notes it wasn’t a big deal okay.” She set her stuff down on her side of the room while you got out your sketch book to draw yet another picture of Dexter while you sat in your window thing you had. Raven walked in a few minutes into you drawing Dexter and said she needed you and Maddie to help her with something about Throwncoming and having to get back the story book of legends while she told her story you were able to finish your drawing and where ready to go you put your shoes back on and where oht the door following Raven and Maddie.
Cedar Wood came with you to the place that only came there on throwncoming you halfway listened to Baba Yaga about this place when she spoke about it earlier you never really cared your mom didn’t leave anything just the annoyance of having to live up too her which you didn’t want to do. Cedar used her truth glasses to find the story book of legends in the story book of legends ironic right I know you found the boom but when you touched it, it pulled all of you in Briar Beauty. Apple White, Raven Queen , Maddie Hatter, Blondie Locks, Cupid, Ashlyn Ella, Cedar Wood , and Faith Quinn all sucked into the story book of legends.
You all fell in a circle of standing books that also looked like the story book of legends all of them did. There was nine books just like there was nine of you but which story was whose you all decided that you were just going to go with the boom closest to you. When you went into the book you had to have been in Briars story sleeping for 100 years didn’t sound fun to you how hard could it be right just keep your finger off of the spindle and bam your done right? Talking to yourself in your head made you throw your hands up and prick your finger and all you saw was back after that.
Almost everyone else had made it back Briar felt bad for Raven about how her story went the only people left were you and Apple Briar guessed that Apple had her story and went after her and Maddie and Raven went to get you. Seeing as you had Briars story that meant Apple had your but what was taking her so long?
One second you were asleep and the next you had everyone but Apple and Briar looking down at you. “Am I dead or something?” They all laughed and said no “Wait where’s Briar and Apple?” Raven answered first “We don’t know Apple had your story and Briar thought she had her and so she went to get Apple but neither of them have come back out yet.” You were horrified you knew how your destiny ended and that was you drowning in acid like your mom was supposed to but since she married the joker you can marry your brother and would have no one to save you from it so you bolted towards the book that held your story hoping to wasn't to late for Apple and Briar.
When you got there they were still breathing and not in the acid to your surprise but instead unconscious on the floor. Then you saw your mom Harley Quinn holding her signature bat and the scroll you need to get from her what was this your worst nightmare happening right know. You didn’t want to see your mom ever again not after she tried to kill you when your dad died and here she was again trying it the same way. “Ah there you are I was waiting for when you were going to show up I like them you won’t be unconscious by the time we’re done you’ll be dead drowning in acid.”
You didn’t say anything but instead grabbed a crowbar that was on the ground. If there’s one thing your father taught you it’s to fight the right was and win hit them in the back of the knee then the pressure point in the neck knock them right out.
But you knew your mother would think you do that so instead you went for a headlock with the bar getting her to slightly lose some of her air but hey she won’t need it right she not real anyway. You held the bar to her neck till she stopped kicking you and focused on trying to breath the. You grabbed the scroll and threw her into the acid so she could t stop you from leaving again.
Soon enough you Briar and Apple were out of your story and everyone looked at you all weird you were coughing and so were Apple and Briar but only front eh loss of air. Apple looked at you for a second then told you “I am so sorry Faith no one should have to have a story like that.” Briar nodded agreeing with Apples statement just because they saw how your story ends doesn’t mean you were going to be all friends with them now no thank you. It before anyone could say anything you were all being pulled out of the book again but you all still had the pages.
it was a silent walk back until you wanted to know who had who’s story. “So who had what story?” Maddie spoke first almost sad and happy at the same time. “I had cupids and let me tell you it is not just all shoot arrows and fall in love not as fun as I thought it would be.” Then Blondie spoke “I had Maddie’s never going to her house on a holiday.” Maddie laughed and hugged Blondie. Then Raven. “I had Apples not the best way to almost die.” Apple looked up and even though you knew already said “I had Faiths and nothing is going to beat hers.” You rolled your eyes she was feeling sorry just because of a story how pathetic.
Briar looked up as well. “I had Ravens I am so sorry by the way I had no Idea.” Even Ashlynn who you forgot was there. “I had Cedars story never thought I would hate lying so much.” Everyone laughed at that. “Well at least you didn’t have Blondie’s she’s got a lot of running ahead of her.” Cedar said it as if it was nothing. Cupid went next. “I had Ashlyn’s never knew it felt like that to have the shoe on the other foot.” Then it was only you left. “Well I had Briars never thought I wouldn’t want to sleep again till know.” Turns out the pages were for Jilles Grimm’s curse and not the real storybook oh well at least now less time of having to have your destiny planed out for you.
And you were back at the castle thank god it was time for the Throwncoming dance but you weren’t going to go since all you would do is stand around and watch as everyone else danced. You and Maddie were walking back to your dorm room since she was going to go to the dance and you were going to stay there she wanted help to pick out a mad enough dress for her and by the time the dance came she looked as mad as ever (in the good way though). You were about to go to sleep when you realized your drawing book was missing you forgot to put it up before you left and now it’s not in the window thing.
You looked for it everywhere and then decided since it wasn’t in your stuff that you would ask Maddie if she new where it was. Faith waked down to where the dance was and instead of seeing Maddie like she wanted she say her drawing book in the hands of Duchess Swan on stage showing the drawings to everyone including Dexter. Before you could stop yourself you ran back to your dorm and hoped that no one saw you to save you more embarrassment never been more happy that I hate dances now.
What were you going to do you had classes tomorrow WITH DEXTER what would he think you can’t go no you can’t and you won’t. Maddie walked in after about another ten minutes of Faith thinking about what she was going to do but she had her sketchbook in hand and gave it back to her without saying a word. “I thought you might want it back I found it .” You looked at her amazed she lied to you. “Don’t lie I went looking for it and saw Duchess showing everyone the drawings.” You opened to book to find everything still the you left it thank god.
“You know since you didn’t come she didn’t get the reaction she wanted I only got the book because I got it out of her hands before the pictures of him sleeping.” “THANK YOU SO MUCH I FORGOT I DREW THOSE.” You practically screamed it at her. “Are you going to classes tomorrow or not?” Maddie knew the answer was most likely no but still wanted to ask. “I don’t even know anymore if I don’t Duchess gets what she wants and if I do then I have to face Dexter and everyone and we both know Hunters going to make fun of me for finding out who I like finally.” “Oh if Hunters what you then don’t worry he already knew.” “WAIT WHAT HOW?” “You told me and Cedar heard you say Dexter and so when Hunter asked her she has no choice but to tell the truth.” “Oh my god so he was just messing with me this whole time.” “Yeah pretty much. I’m going to bed now have a wondertastic night!” Maddie said before she fell asleep instantly when she touched her bed something I wish I could do. What am I going to do tomorrow Dexter knows. That what I stayed up thinking about all night till I just passed out.
A.N: I decided to make this a series last minute so maybe part two tomorrow or today I don’t know it almost three is I go to bed it’s past my time but hope you liked the story and more parts to come with smut I promise and more Dexter too 😜🤪.
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