#I got accidentally a little drunk off one cocktail because I forgot how long runs lower my tolerance
bereft-of-frogs · 19 days
I have identified the causes of my writers block for the last couple weeks and it’s
1 - how nasty things got in the fandom which really just means I need to withdraw a bit from tumblr/reddit (though that does NOT mean replace it with Instagram reels like I did yesterday oh my god you don’t even want to know what I did to my Instagram algorithm it was horrific I went down SUCH a rabbit hole)
2 - the fact that the audience is going to be like 5 people. Maybe 10 tops. I mean the basic fact of my fic writing stands, I’m writing so I have something to read and I put this level of effort in because I have high standards. Buuuuut it is a lot of work and it is a little demotivating when I think of how little return there’s going to be. So I really just have to delude myself into thinking that there will be an audience haha I’m just going to live with this delusion until my WIPs are done.
Anyway I’ll probably still be active because I can’t shut the fuck up but I won’t be looking at the tags/for you page for a bit and I’m going to live in delusion for a few weeks/months lol.
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kpop-zone · 4 years
A Little Longer pt.3 | Jennie
Warnings: indicated smut, mentioning of blood, a few curse words, alcohol abuse
Wordcount: 4,765
A/N: Sorry guys for the mini hiatus, I just got really caught up writing this and forgot writing anything else. This story is still not finished, but I really wanted to post something, so here’s Part 3 for now. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
Part 1 Part 2
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Jennie giggled silently as she stumbled through the hallway to the living room.
“This one looks like a butt.”
She laughed when she looked at one of Jiyong’s paintings. Fascinated, she paused in front of it while taking a few more sips from a bottle that she had stolen from the kitchen. Loud chatter from the living room, however, reminded her again what she was doing here in the first place.
“Oh right, I can’t let the nobs wait.”
Shakily, Jennie continued her way until she reached the entrance of the living room. The guests inside were all engaged in a lively conversation and their happy faces were disgusting her. They were all so pretentious and selfish. After another hefty sip from the bottle, Jennie put it down in the hallway and stumbled into the room. Not everyone noticed her right away but after she accidentally ran into a cabinet in the process of trying to walk straight, all heads turned the same time. Jennie tried her best to play it off, but when she noticed your gaze resting on her, her knees felt even weaker than before. The way to her seat suddenly seemed to be seven miles long; especially because the whole room was spinning. But eventually, she plopped down on her chair, feeling the eyes of the other guests burning holes into her.
“Excuse my interruption, I haven’t eaten anything today and was feeling a little dizzy.”
Jennie uttered tediously, feeling like her tongue was heavy like lead. Sheepishly, she let her gaze wander around the faces in the room. Some were still staring at her skeptically, but soon all of them flashed her a reprieving smile before returning to their conversation.
“Back to what I was saying. I think that actress must be an arrogant diva. Denying a fan an autograph? As if she didn’t owe her whole career to her fans...”
The same man that had made the inappropriate comment about your plus one (Jennie refused to call her your girlfriend) scoffed, and Jennie couldn’t stop herself from rolling her eyes. Usually she was already used to dimwitted remarks like that, but the alcohol had unfortunately lowered her level of tolerance.
“Yeah right, because she belongs to the public, doesn’t she?”
Jennie snarled, feeling her bottled-up emotions threatening to burst. The guy looked like a ghost had just appeared in front of him, apparently not being used to someone talking back.
“No, that’s not what I meant. But celebrities hold a certain responsibility that they can’t just discard.”
He responded self-opinionated, causing Jennie to laugh bitterly. She was tired of people making her feel like they were omniscient and had complete power over her.
“Responsibility? Responsibility for what? To make a wimp like you feel powerful?”
After Jennie’s statement the whole room fell quiet. Her words had been harsh, but they were true, so she didn’t even think about apologizing. With a triumphant smirk she looked into the dumbfounded face of the guy, watching how he struggled with his words.
“Jennie, you must be drunk. We don’t know you like that.”
Hyerim, another one of her so called “friends”, broke the silence in order to safe him from further embarrassment.
But Jennie had had enough of this.
Everyone at this table could go to hell as far as she cared. They were stuck in their own little worlds, too occupied with themselves to try to emphasize with someone else. And she couldn’t stand being in such a toxic environment right now. Therefore, Jennie pushed her chair back with force, causing it to loudly fall over before storming out of the room without any further explanation.
“Such an asshole!!”
She yelled in the hallway after slamming the front door shut before weaving to the elevator.
This whole dinner had been a dead loss and Jennie regretted having talked Jiyong into hosting it. Angrily, she kicked against the elevator door because she had to wait way too long to finally be able to leave this godforsaken place. But even after she had left the building, Jennie couldn’t calm down. The alcohol had failed its purpose to make her numb and had stirred up all her emotions instead. It felt like her whole system was overheating. Her brain was working at full capacity, her heart was slamming against her ribcage and all of her senses were desperately trying to fight against the influence of the alcohol.
Therefore, Jennie had to take several breaks on the way to her car as her stomach needed to get rid of the toxic liquid that was clogging her system. With shaking hands, she eventually reached the car and rummaged around in her handbag until she pulled out her car key to unlock her car. It almost slipped out of her hand, but after fidgeting a while, Jennie finally managed to press the right button. Just when she was about to open the door though, she suddenly got yanked around.
“You’re not driving like that.”
Out of nowhere, you were suddenly standing in front of her, your voice being able to freeze the ocean and your face absolutely unreadable.
“Let go off me!”
With a harsh movement, Jennie ripped herself free from your grasp and huffed in annoyance.
“Give me the key.”
You said calmly while holding out your hand, but Jennie wasn’t even thinking about giving it to you.
Childishly, she wrapped her fingers even tighter around it and hid it behind her back.
“Could you please stop behaving like a five-year old?”
Your patience seemed to run out and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
“Could you please stop meddling in things that are none of your business? Just go back to your perfect girlfriend.”
Jennie bickered back, apparently striking a nerve according to the sour expression on your face.
“Leave her out of this.”
You snarled, but Jennie’s torn open wounds and the alcohol in her system prevented her from knowing her limits.
“Why? Is she even too good for me to take her name into my mouth? I mean, I understand. She’s really beautiful and her clothes weren’t cheap either, so she has to be wealthy. Must really be a little Miss Perfect.”
She could see that you were gritting your teeth in anger, but you kept calm.
“Just give me the keys, Jennie...”
You sounded like you were tired of this charade, but Jennie was in full spate and didn’t want to stop now.
“We shouldn’t do this to Miss Perfect. You should go back to her and tell her what an awful person I am. Isn’t this why she is here? So you can spite me? To make me realize what a failure I am and-“
Jennie didn’t get to finish her sentence before you finally snapped and cut her short.
“Oh cut the self-pity! You know why she is here tonight? Because she was there for me and you weren’t!”
You huffed in frustration before turning around and storming off, leaving Jennie alone in front of her car.
Why couldn’t you have said that Subin was there because she was prettier than her? Jennie even would have accepted if you had called her nicer. No words could have hurt her more than the ones that you had used.
She was there for me and you weren’t.
Of course, Jennie hadn’t been there for you. How could she have? She had chosen her career over you after all. The one time, Jennie could have proven her love for you, she failed to. Tears started streaming down her cheeks and a silent sob escaped her lips. She just wanted to go home now and lock herself in her dark bedroom forever.
With her shoulders slouched, Jennie turned around to get into the car, but once more, she was stopped last minute. Someone yanked the keys out of her hand, causing her to look back in shock.
You again.
“Get in the passenger seat.”
You growled and this time your face wasn’t unreadable. Anger was written all over it and even your voice trembled, carrying the power of your emotions. Immediately, Jennie realized her limits and obediently walked around the car to get in the passenger seat. After fastening her seatbelt, she turned her head to look at you insecurely. She had never seen you like this before. Your eyes seemed to be spitting fire and your knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel too hard.
Maybe this night hadn’t only taken a toll on her.
Faster than usual, you sped through the nearly empty streets of the sleeping city while Jennie didn’t dare to utter a word. There didn’t seem to be anything left of the weak pushover that she had toyed around with during your last encounter. It seemed like it was true what people said. What didn’t kill you, did make you stronger; at least you could be the living proof of that. After all the games that she had played with you, all the wounds that she had caused you, you were finally standing up to her.
It was the perfect wakeup call. What had she been thinking? She had promised Jiyong that she would accept your decision tonight. No matter whether you would decide to give her a chance or not. And Subin was a very clear sign that you were not willing to mend things with her. But instead of keeping her promise, she had made a scene like the selfish monster she was. In shame, Jennie let her head hang and bore this suffocating silence, knowing that she deserved your anger. It seemed like the ride home lasted all night, but after an excruciating long time, the steady noise of the engine finally ceased, and you parked the car in front of her apartment.
There were a thousand things that Jennie wanted to say, but she didn’t have enough courage to do so. She just wanted to stick to her initial plan and hide in her dark bedroom forever. Therefore, Jennie quickly threw open the car door and bolted out of the car. The front door of the building was close, yet so far for someone that had an undefinable cocktail of diverse liquors in their stomach. Jennie’s legs just didn’t work like they were supposed to, and she could only just feel her knees giving in when her face already moved towards the ground in a rapid pace. Before it was about to collide painfully though, something wrapped around Jennie’s waist and stopped her fall. She felt herself getting straightened up again and she turned around in confusion, only to find herself standing face to face with you. You were merely inches in front of her to the extent that your torsos were touching; yet you weren’t moving away. Your feet were firmly planted on the ground and Jennie felt shivers running down her spine due to the proximity. Automatically, her gaze flickered to your lips, feeling an unbearable desire to close the distance. Only the knowledge that you were seeing someone else right now was holding her back. But why weren’t you pushing her away? Could it be that you wanted this too? Jennie’s face moved closer to yours like your lips were magically drawing her in. You still didn’t push her away; it would be so easy to get the taste that she was craving.
Jennie jumped back as if someone had just scared her. You were taken. She wouldn’t seduce you. Jiyong had told her that you were finally happy, and she couldn’t selfishly temper with your happiness. Not again. Regret filled Jennie, thinking back about the breakup and the incident at Jiyong’s vernissage. She had never even apologized to you.
“Y/N, I’m s-“
She choked out but she didn’t get to finish as you pressed your finger on her lips.
You shushed her, causing her to look at you with wide eyes.
You almost had a smug look on your face, leaving Jennie completely confused. But you didn’t seem to care about an explanation. Instead, you suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the entrance of the building. Perplexed, Jennie let you drag her and stumbled behind you without talking back. Together you stepped into the empty elevator, but Jennie wished that someone would be there with you. The tension was making her heart beat five times faster and she gulped thickly when you suddenly stepped in front of her. Like a tiger on the hunt, you silently crept closer, causing her to walk backwards until she reached the wall.
“Why did you get wasted tonight? Can’t you stand to see another woman touching me?”
You asked with a cocky smile on your lips, catching Jennie off guard. She didn’t know what to answer. You were right, but she didn’t want to admit that. Therefore, she tried to shake her head, but her gesture was barely noticeable.
“Did you miss me?”
At last, you had closed the final distance between the two of you and softly pressed your body against hers, causing Jennie to gasp. She could feel your breath on her face, but you didn’t stop moving closer. Your lips were so close that Jennie could almost taste them. But just when they were about to touch, a ringing sound could be heard, indicating that the elevator had reached the right floor. The door opened and you pushed yourself off her with a smirk. Jennie inhaled shakily to recollect herself, but right in that moment, you grabbed her wrist again to drag her behind you. Apparently, her nightmare disguised as a daydream wasn’t over yet. With big steps you crossed the hallway until you were standing in front of her apartment door.
You ordered firmly, causing Jennie to flinch.
Immediately, she started rummaging in her bag to search for the keys, but she was too nervous to steady her hands. You had completely thrown her off balance and all the sensory impressions around her were too much for her to take in. In her mind, she still tried to process the scenario in the elevator just now, causing her to lose focus and making it impossible to find the keys. Eventually, you huffed impatiently and yanked the bag out of her hands to get the keys yourself. You merely needed a second before you had found the desired item and cleared the way into her apartment.
Roughly, you pushed Jennie inside before slamming the door shut and pressing her against it. All she could do was to stare at you with wide eyes as you smirked smugly. Slowly, you lifted your hand and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear before letting your finger graze her jawline. Jennie’s eyelids automatically fluttered close due to the sensation and she felt like she was melting under your touch.
You whispered, your mouth being so close next to her ear that shivers ran down Jennie’s spine.
When she opened her eyes again, you were staring at her intently and Jennie immediately got lost in your eyes. How she had missed being so close to you. She didn’t know why anyone would ever think that she had power over you when in reality, it was the exact opposite. One word from you and she was quiet; one touch and her heart jumped out of her chest; one look like the one that you were giving her right now and she could feel heat spreading in her core. She just couldn’t bear this tension anymore. She knew that you were having fun right now while teasing her, but she needed to taste your lips at least. Hastily, she leaned forward to grab your hips in order to pull you in, but she grasped at nothing, almost causing her to fall over. You had suddenly taken a step back, causing Jennie to stare at you in confusion.
“Sucks to be left high and dry, doesn’t it?”
You chuckled with an evil smile playing on your lips and Jennie wondered if she had misheard your statement. With her hands still hovering in the air, she stood frozen in place, unable to say a single word, much to your amusement. An ugly laugh caused your chest to tremble and Jennie flinched in shock.
“Oh you are adorable.”
You sighed, although the mockery was not to miss hearing.
“And so, so dumb...”
Slowly, Jennie realized what was going on, but her heart refused to believe it.
“You think, you’re so good, don’t you? You think that just one look will make me fall for you again, right? But you’re wrong. You can’t satisfy me. You never could.”
There was pure disgust in your voice that caused tears to pool in Jennie’s eyes.
“Did you think our little quickie had been enough to make me forget about everything you’ve done? I have always needed more. I wanted your love, Jennie. But a monster like you can’t give me that. I know that now.”
As you kept talking, Jennie felt herself drifting away mentally. She heard your words, she felt them cutting deep into her heart, into her soul, but she couldn’t bring herself to fight back. She didn’t care about the pain anymore. It was what she deserved after all.
“But Subin can give me what I want. She can give me so much more than you. You are nothing but selfish, pathetic and incapable of love. You’ve proven that over and over again. Did you really think, I would ever come back to you?”
You scoffed sardonically, causing Jennie to feel more mortified than ever before. Yes, once again, she had hoped that she could be good enough for you. And once again, she had proven that she wasn’t.  
Jennie didn’t know how long you kept mocking her. It felt like hours. Every word dug a little deeper into her chest and in the end, a huge hole was ripped into it, causing a torrent of blood to gush out of her heart. She felt like a ghost and apparently that was truly all that was left of her, because you didn’t bother to let her defend herself. Instead, you turned on your heel as soon as you were done talking and left her standing there in her misery.
Jennie wished that you had just talked a little longer. Maybe your words could have made the hole in her chest consume her completely, instead of leaving behind the zombie that she was right now. Half dead, half alive and the only antidote to her slow death had just walked out of her life.
As you bolted through the front door of the apartment building, you gasped for air as if you had been holding your breath since setting foot in this place. What had you done? That couldn’t have been you. You weren’t one to play dirty; much less one to take revenge. But after Jennie had stumbled into your arms and you had seen the regret and desire in her eyes, you knew that she would be an easy victim. For once, you had the upper hand. You could give her a taste of her own medicine.
But it seemed like you had given yourself a hefty sip of it too. There was a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, and you didn’t feel as glorious as you thought you would. You felt like throwing up. You tumbled over in the little front yard of the apartment complex, but nothing left your body. Because it wasn’t your stomach that was rebelling against you. It was your bad conscious. You didn’t know how Jennie could have survived her games with you unscathed. The picture of her petite figure standing in front of you hunched in pain was engraved into your brain now. And even worse, it had carved into your heart too, ripping it into two.
“Damn it!!”
You yelled, ramming your fist against the tree next to you, causing the skin around your knuckles to break open. Blood was dripping to the floor, but you couldn’t care less.
You weren’t supposed to feel this way. You shouldn’t have feelings for Jennie anymore. But why did it hurt so much right now? Why had you almost discarded your plan and kissed her senseless up there? Yes, Jennie had been your drug. But you had been sober for a while now. How long would it take until you finally had her out of your system? Your world shouldn’t revolve around Jennie anymore, it should revolve around...
In shock, you ripped your head up, remembering that you had left your girlfriend at a table with a bunch of strangers after giving a highly questionable excuse why you had to chase after Jennie. Subin knew that she was your ex, but you might have left out a few details concerning your relationship. Your girlfriend knew that Jennie had broken your heart, but she didn’t know that it had never mended ever since. And she should never learn. Therefore, you needed to get back to her. Since storming out of Jinyong’s apartment too much time had already passed, and you weren’t sure whether Subin was still waiting for you there. Plus, you didn’t really want to go back again and explain yourself. It would be for the best if you would just go home and simply send Jiyong an apologetic text for being a bad guest. For now, Subin was your priority.
Determined, you walked to the street, only to curse a second later when you realized that you hadn’t come here with your own car. With an annoyed huff, you pulled out your phone to order a car which would cost you precious time that you didn’t have. But there was nothing that you could do. Reluctantly, you waited for the car before ordering the driver to bring you home. Nervously, you sat in the backseat, bouncing your leg and thinking about the consequences of tonight. How would your girlfriend react? You hadn’t only ditched her, you had ditched her for your ex-girlfriend; who you had almost seduced. Frustrated, you grasped your hair. This was a disaster.
“Rough night, hm?”
The driver chuckled from the front seat and you flashed him a tired smile. You weren’t in the mood for jokes right now. You needed an adequate solution. For one, you had to apologize to your girlfriend. A difficult task, but not impossible. For two, you had to get Jennie out of your system. That, on the other hand, was a borderline insane task which needed thorough planning which you weren’t capable of doing tonight. Therefore, you chose to stick to the easier task for now.
You needed to make an overwhelmingly good apology to your girlfriend and you already knew where to begin with that.
“Can we stop by the next convenience store please?”
There was nothing that a sincere apology and some flowers couldn’t fix, so you ordered the driver to make a little stopover. A quick solution which allowed you to find yourself in front of Subin’s apartment 15 minutes later with a bouquet of flowers in your hands and a drafted apology in your head. You looked up at the building from the car, seeing that there was still light in Subin’s windows and you inhaled deeply to calm your nerves.
“You’ve got this buddy!”
The driver gave you an encouraging thumbs up and you thanked him before exiting the car.
Slowly, you walked up to the entry and let yourself in with the key that Subin had given you a while back. For once, you decided to take the stairs instead of the elevator in order to be able to have a little more time to recollect yourself. When you finally reached her apartment door, you felt more or less like you hadn’t made the worst decisions of your life tonight. Your hands had finally stopped trembling and your brain was able to focus on anything else but Jennie again. Therefore, you unlocked the door and silently slipped into the apartment like so many times before.
Inside, everything seemed to be like usual. The TV was running and Subin was sitting on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands. Only when she turned her head to look at you, you gulped thickly. She didn’t seem to be seething in anger, but her gaze wasn’t friendly either.
“Hey, babe.”
You waved awkwardly, but Subin ignored you coldly to pay attention to the TV again. She was definitely mad...
With slouched shoulders, you walked up to her in order to sit down next to her, like a child preparing to be scolded. Regardless of her ignorance, you cleared your throat and started to apologize.
“I’m really sorry, Subin. I know this evening was nothing like it was supposed to be and I really deeply regret how I handled everything. But I can explain.”
Carefully, you glanced up to see how your girlfriend would react. She rolled her eyes in annoyance but turned off the TV in order to pay attention to you.
“This explanation better be good. You left me alone with complete strangers, Y/N.”
If looks could kill, you would be dead by now. But you didn’t let yourself be discouraged.
“It is! You know about my history with Jennie. The thing is that I left a few things out...”
Your statement seemed to have sparked Subin’s interest and she turned her torso in order to be able to look at you better.
“I know that Jennie always seems to be a cold person on TV, but she isn’t. She struggles a lot with her fame, and she has a lot of issues that not a lot of people are aware of. But I am. And I know that she tends to deal with her issues horribly. So when I saw her earlier, I got really worried. I was afraid that she would do something rash, which turned out to be right. She was completely wasted and wanted to drive home. And I couldn’t allow that. So I brought her home.”
Technically, you weren’t lying; at least that was what you told yourself in order to not let your bad conscious drag you down again. Maybe you weren’t necessarily telling the whole truth, but you meant well. You were trying to spare Subin’s heart. She didn’t deserve to get tangled up in this mess. You loved her and that was all that mattered. The rest had to be fixed by you alone.
“Oh I didn’t know that.”
Subin simply said and you saw that her angry demeanor was starting to crumble.
“Of course, you didn’t. You couldn’t have known! And that’s on me. I haven’t told you the whole truth, because I had the feeling that I still had to protect Jennie. But I don’t need to do that. I’m with you and only you. So I need to start behaving accordingly.”
Carefully, you took your girlfriend’s hand, expecting her to pull away, but when she didn’t, you continued.
“I promise that I’ll work on myself in the future. No more erratic decisions and I promise to communicate better. No more secrets.”
You smiled, but you wondered whether Subin was able to see the shadow that laid upon you tonight. You weren’t yourself. You didn’t know who this monster was that looked like you but didn’t act accordingly. But it was shocking to hear those lies rolling off your tongue like they meant nothing. When had you become a perfect liar? You hoped that it wasn’t too late to save yourself though. You just needed a fresh start. You needed to leave everything behind and forget about the past.
Your salvation significantly depended on your girlfriend though, so you looked at her pleadingly.
“Fine, I’ll forgive you. But don’t you dare to ever leave me alone with your weird friends again!”
Subin chuckled and you laughed out loud.
“I promise.”
You whispered as you already closed the distance between the two of you to connect your lips.
Nothing was in the way between you and your fresh start now anymore.
At least that was what you had thought. But like always, it was so much easier to make promises than to keep them. You wanted to be better for Subin; you really did. You were ready to let go of the past, but what you didn’t realize was that it wasn’t ready to let go of you.
And your obliviousness should turn out to be your doom.
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dearericbittle · 6 years
but that’s just a first impression (I could be totally wrong) - Sterek 1/1
Summary: Derek is on a really awful blind date (Laura will pay for this). But the waiter is really cute.
(Also on AO3)
This was not the first time that his family had set him up, but it was definitely going to be the last. After this guy, Laura was never going to be allowed to even think of forcing him to meet anyone.
They only just got to the restaurant and Derek was already over it – and thinking seriously about injuring himself to get away. He was a werewolf, he’d heal, but his date was not in the know and he did not look like he possessed enough empathy to take Derek to a hospital. It made it more likely he’d leave Derek alone to seek medical attention that he didn’t need – the perfect escape.
So far, the guy had already tried to grope him three separate times, barely taking his hands off before Derek was tempted to let his claws out. He’d been a douche to the hostess, a perfectly lovely girl, albeit a little nervous on her first night on the job. And now he was talking about his fucking car again – a Porsche, because clearly he was compensating for something.
Derek was ready to stab himself with the shrimp fork.
Also, who would take a first date to such an embarrassing and stuffy restaurant? Did this guy really think that Derek would be impressed enough to get naked because of it?
“Good evening, gentlemen,” the waiter showed up.
Ugh, Derek didn’t want to look up from his menu long enough to get a glimpse of his date, because then he’d have to acknowledge that this was actually happening. Not even his most impressive resting bitchface with his most severe murder brows had deterred this guy from getting inappropriately close on the car ride over there.
And it didn’t stop him from hating on the Camaro.
“Finally,” the douche was an asshole to any and all waitstaff as well – another deal breaker. “I thought I might die of starvation before we got some actual service here.”
That earned him a serious glare from Derek, that the worst date ever didn’t even notice because he was too busy treating the server like complete shit.
The server with golden eyes and an impish tilt to his nose, the one who smelled vaguely of cinnamon and sugar. The man he could have sworn he’d seen somewhere before, but he didn’t display any signs of him being familiar with Derek.
That was going to bother him until he’d figured it out.
“I apologize you had to wait longer than you’d been expecting,” the server looked vaguely bored with the conversation – Derek could relate. “Can I get you anything to drink while you peruse the menu? If you’ve already made your choice, I can take your order.”
Normally, Derek would suggest alcohol, and lots of it, but he drove the asshole – and because the guy did not actually know Derek wouldn’t be able to get drunk off a couple glasses of wine, he had to play human and stay sober.
“Are you trying to rush us out?”
“I’d like some water, thanks,” Derek completely ignored his date and just addressed the server directly. “What would you recommend?”
It wasn’t just that he did not want to interact with his date, but also that he still had not figured out how he knew this waiter. Maybe if he talked more, he would put the pieces together.
“You look like a carnivore to me,” the guy actually winked at him, briefly forming a claw with his left hand. “So I think you would appreciate our pork tenderloin or the steak. Rare, of course. Or the rabbit.” Another wink, without the gesture this time. “We have a lovely beef stew that pairs well with our house red. But my personal favorite appetizer is the sausage-stuffed pepper poppers. And not just because it’s wonderful to say. I pair it with our signature cocktail – which we can serve for you in a virgin version as well.”
Who was this guy and how did he know? The claws, the jokes about rabbits and rare stick (which really was a personal favorite of his)… The mystery was the most interesting thing about the date so far.
“I will take your suggestion,” Derek let his eyes glow briefly, easily written off as a trick of the light. “And that virgin cocktail. I’ll take the steak. Rare.”
When the waiter did not flinch at that, reacting to his electric blue eyes as if he’d seen it all before, Derek almost gaped at him. Even those in the know would react to a blue-eyed werewolf with fear and disdain. He’d gotten used to it, but he’d never liked it.
“I’ll tell the kitchen,” the server – Derek really wanted his name – nodded solemnly, a hint of a grin on his face. “And you sir, have you made a decision?”
Oh right, there was someone else at the table. Derek had been this close to forgetting, and now he was forcefully reminded that he’d have to spend the rest of the night with this guy.
“What are your low-carb options?” His date was looking worse by the second.
Derek barely held back a groan, because he was an asshole. He was judgmental about these model type guys eating hardly anything, or watching their weight because of some fad diet. Sure, as a werewolf he never had to worry about his weight or his metabolism, but it was just another thing where they were as far from a match as they could be. The guy was probably a vegetarian too.
He was going to murder Laura for this.
As the waiter painstakingly went through the many dishes on the menu, his fake smile never faltering, Derek tried to surreptitiously take another sniff of him. Processed sugars normally made him sneeze, but there was something about this guy that made it work.
Somehow he completely failed at being surreptitious, because the server wiggled his cute nose at Derek without pausing his speech about the fresh vegetables used in the pear and goat cheese salad.
How was he doing this? How could he tell?
He was spending so much time thinking about his server that he completely missed whatever stupid thing his date ordered, only tuning back in for a crack about not everyone having a body to maintain (making the waiter flinch at the judgment and Derek prepare to roar out his disapproval).
“If you need anything else, just ask for Stiles,” the server – Stiles? – nodded before departing with a fake customer service smile. “Your drinks will be right with you.”
“What the hell kind of name is Stiles?”
Honestly, the shrimp fork was looking more and more appealing by the minute. Stiles would help him escape, he was sure of it.
By the time Stiles brought out the main course, Derek was tempted to ask the server to run away with him. The food was delicious, but the company continued to be awful and Stiles’ subtle digs at his date were the only reason for Derek to stick around.
That and all of the favors that Laura would owe him after this. Where did she even meet an asshole like this? She’d probably told him, but he hadn’t really been listening. Which is also why he wouldn’t be able to tell anyone his date’s name even if someone held a gun to his head.
He assumed that the asshole was one of the people Laura had gotten in touch with at the DA’s office. And if he’d go out on a date if Laura asked, he couldn’t be one of the people she put behind bars, or someone she beat. Because those guys hated her.
Because she was better than all of them combined. But he could never tell her that – that was the sibling rule.
Digging into his food, he almost let out a moan at the perfect flavor of the steak. And it was perfectly cooked – rare enough for him to really enjoy it, but not rare enough to make it look and taste like he was eating raw meat.
Perhaps someone on staff was a werewolf?
There was a small piece of paper carelessly dropped next to his plate. The second his date was otherwise occupied – probably by his own reflection – he folded it open and had to hide an actual laugh threatening to escape from his mouth.
I spit in the salad
Sorry not sorry
It was awful, but it was also surprisingly charming. The handwriting was terrible, almost illegible with the way that the letters all crowded together and some of them slanted weirdly to the left – but the words were still easy enough to make out for Derek. He could almost hear Stiles’ voice wrapping around the words, as if he’d spoken them aloud.
There was no way he couldn’t respond, awkwardly hiding his hands as he wrote on an old receipt in the pocket of his slightly too tight jacket.
I’m sure the saliva really brings out the flavor in that lettuce
He took advantage of his werewolf speed to shove the note in Stiles’ pocket as he passed the table, holding the empty plates of the lovely couple occupying the table next to them.
It took a minute, but then he heard laughter coming from the kitchen, and he knew a pleased grin had made it on to his own face. He really hoped that his date didn’t think it had anything to do with him.
At some point his date would have to talk himself out, right? Because Derek hadn’t said more than two words to him since Stiles delivered the entrees and still the guy was talking (about himself). Derek was happy not to make conversation, but if the guy’s foot moved up his leg one more time, he was accidentally going to break it.
Only it really would not be an accident.
When Stiles came by to ask about dessert, Derek was ready to call it a night, no matter how much he’d love to continue flirting with Stiles. Passing notes like they were in high school, shooting smiles and flirtatious looks without the asshole noticing.
Fuck, Derek still couldn’t remember his name.
“How about we take dessert home?”
Wait, the douche still thought that this date was going well? Even when Derek hadn’t responded to any of his overtures? Even though Derek didn’t respond to a single thing he said and didn’t speak to him unless asked? Even though Derek forgot his damn name?
“How about I drop you off at your place,” Derek was tired of holding back, “and I go back here to get my own dessert. All. By. Myself.”
He hadn’t had a chance to look at the dessert menu, and his sweet tooth was sort of an open secret to his pack. And maybe he could have sucked it up a little while longer, but the implication that Derek would go home with this guy just because he bothered to took him out to a fancy dinner? That was more than enough to have him refuse outright.
“All those in favor say aye,” Stiles muttered under his breath, trying to distance himself from the awkward proceedings.
Shit, he really couldn’t put Stiles in the middle of this, because he didn’t want him to risk his job. Anything less than kind he did or said to this douche would naturally have the asshole calling for his job. Because God forbid people had opinions about him that were less than complete awe of his existence.
Why the hell did Laura think Derek would want to go on a date with a guy like that?
“We’ll take the check,” Derek spoke decisively. “Thank you.”
Sure, his date protested at that, and rather loudly at first, until he realized that he was drawing attention to himself. Guys like this never wanted to be seen as less than perfect – and a rejection from his date? That would be less than perfect.
Ugh – he was probably going to try and convince Derek when they were alone. He was not looking forward to that.
The asshole didn’t leave a tip, even though he did pick up the bill – it was his idea, so Derek thought it was only right. Though he did grab his wallet to leave a proper tip, shooting a kind smile to the insecure hostess on his way out.
As he expected, only painful honesty got the asshole out of the Camaro with Derek’s metaphorical virtue still in tact. He was still going to take a long shower to wash the scent off him, but first he was going to go back for dessert. Two desserts maybe.
He was going to leave this part out of the story he was telling Laura. She did not need any extra ammunition to make fun of him – as his older sister, she had a lifetime’s worth.
“You came back,” it almost seemed like Stiles was waiting for him.
“I couldn’t leave without dessert,” he shrugged, like the awkward shit he was.
Because he did leave, no matter how briefly – he had to drive the douche home. But he wasn’t going to leave Stiles before he’d gotten a chance to talk to him, to at least try and figure out what he knew and if he could grin at Derek some more.
If that didn’t make him a creep who hit on someone at their job, which was probably up there on the list of asshole things to do.
“You are in for a treat,” Stiles’ smirk promised only great things – some of them slightly dirty.
Or was that wishful thinking?
Still, Stiles did not take his order before he walked away. Which meant that he probably had some kind of plan to surprise Derek with a nice dessert – he could never argue with a plan like that.
He could trust Stiles to pick something good for him.
It was awkward sitting at the table by himself, with people giving him pitying looks like he’d been stood up by a date – instead of kicking his date out of his car and coming back to flirt with the cute waiter some more. And get dessert. But mostly that first bit.
When the scent of cinnamon and sugar got even stronger than it was before, he looked away from the snooty old couple he’d been glaring at. Stiles was grinning as he placed a perfect cake in front of Derek.
The reason for the grin quickly became obvious.
The writing was in a hideous shade of pink, the shade Laura always claimed was no one’s color but Barbie’s. But she always enjoyed defacing his property with a pink pen, because that was what older sisters were for.
His sister was actually the worst.
“I won! You lose, baby brother.”
His sister was actually here, digging into the cake with relish as her eyes flared red ever so briefly, just to stick it to him even more.
“You won what?” Derek had to roll his eyes at her. “The competition for worst blind date you’ve ever sent me on?”
And that is a pretty high bar, so far. After setting him up with Jennifer, who ended up trying to magic him for some reason, he had all the rights to complain. Though Jennifer was a pretty good date until she tried to manipulating into killing her ex-girlfriend.
“I feel like I should be offended,” Stiles was still there, taking a seat next to Derek for no apparent reason.
What the hell was going on here? There was no way that he minded Stiles sitting with him, the guy could sit in his lap and Derek would be happy. But still – Laura’s plans always ended in some kind of humiliation, and apparently she hadn’t had her fill after that awful guy.
“Jackson was my intern,” Laura has frosting on her face, but she doesn’t seem to care. “I told him I’d finally let him take on a proper case if he was the worst date ever. That way you’d be too annoyed to ignore your actual date. My good friend Stiles here.”
Jackson! That was his name!
“You always dismiss these dates before you even bother getting to know them,” Laura continued her speech, because she always did love a speech, “and I’ve known for ages that you and Stiles would hit it off.”
Derek really wanted to be mad at his sister, because the whole manipulation deal was not okay, not ever. And she knew it, and would probably apologize for it in time, once she was done gloating about it.
“Because I’m adorable,” Stiles nodded seriously.
But also, that. He did like Stiles, right away. And if Laura had introduced Stiles as his blind date, he probably would have found an excuse to hate him, right away.
“How about you go eat your victory cake elsewhere?” Stiles proposed. “And your hot like burning brother and I can discuss this without your interference.”
For once, Laura listened to someone other than herself – which was impressive. And the way Stiles just grabbed him the second Laura’s back was turned was even more impressive, especially when Stiles told him that Laura would have to pay for that cake.
Stiles clocked out and unbuttoned his tie, thoroughly distracting Derek.
By the time Laura finished the cake and paid, they were steaming up the windows of the Camaro.
Laura never did have to set him up after that.
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hayjeon · 7 years
Yours [M] ft. Jungkook
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Drabble game #83. “Just once.”
→ captainAmerica!Jk finale, part 1 here → 10k words, finally I think i’m over my writer’s block LOL this monster took me all night.
a/n: i know in the movies cap!am doesn’t have his own company like stark does, but let’s just deal. you know. it might oscillate between like a ceo!jk and captain!jk, but just assume that after avengers went popular or whatever, he built himself the same name and wealth for himself like stark did.
also rated, for….well….jungkook basically. this is pretty nasty LOL
It’s been weeks. Weeks since Jungkook barged into your apartment that one time and fucked you until you forgot your own name, breaking his rules about sleeping over and doing anything but sex.
Weeks since he left you confused and helplessly sore and even more in love with him. He left you empty, no calls or even a goodbye before he left while you were sleeping, not even a piece of clothing left behind to even prove he’d been over. The only evidence was on your own body, the full ache and throbbing of your core and the hickeys and bruises scattered over your chest and hips. And in your dreams you can still vaguely remember the pressure of his hands pressing yours down into the sheets and gripping your hips as he drilled into you, the growl of his voice demanding you to scream his name…dreams that had you waking up in a sweat and with arousal slicked between your legs.
Even in the office he doesn’t give you another glance than he does the other employees. Not even a curt nod, or a lingering look to indicate a deeper relationship.
Heck, he even treats Stark better than you, which is a lot saying he absolutely hates his guts and Taehyung Stark was the only person Jungkook would actually let get on his nerves.
The nations number one role model still had his weaknesses.
You sigh as you type away on your computer, organizing his schedule and contacting the other offices for files and documents for the upcoming merger. Almost month and a half of not seeing Jungkook privately and not even being able to get off on your own.
Your best friend Chaeyoung was having a fit. “Get a boyfriend! And stop whining over that guy, he’s definitely not worth it. Asshole.” She was the only other person in the world who knew about your little affair. She’d accidentally walked into your apartment before you got a chance to hide the discarded captains uniform crumpled on your bedroom floor and had run straight into a ruined bed and your clothes scattered all over the house.
And after she’d gotten over the whole you’re-fucking-captain-America shock phase, she’d been badgering you on breaking it off to preserve your own heart. It was painfully obvious to anyone that you were head over heels for him. But no one was allowed to know.
So when the two-month mark hits, of not having any conversations other than your polite greetings to Jungkook and fleeting glances on your part down hallways, and catching glimpses of him only through the pixels of your computer or tv screen on the local news or broadcast, you decided it was time to finally let go.
Chaeyoung’s boss was holding a big get together for the holidays at his condo and had invited all of his employees who were allied to bring plus ones. She’d excitedly dressed you up in one of her classy-but-confident ensemble of a dark blue dress, strapped heels that were higher than the building you worked at, and perfect hair and makeup that took her hours to perfect. She’d gotten herself ready in a flash as you finished curling her hair and finishing a few documents from work.
The taxi arrive on time and the both you clamber out and take a moment to gawk at the estate. Chaeyoung said it was supposed to be a condo, but it seemed like this was an entire city packed into one home. The huge building decorated with classy Christmas lights, a huge tree in the middle, and a buffet of food off to the side that your mouth was watering for.
Chaeyoung nudges you as you two enter the two double doors, receiving nods from the bouncer as they recognize Chaeyoung. “That’s the host, him, over there. Stark Taehyung.”
You turn to her in shock. “What the fuck Chae,” you hiss, pulling her close, “you don’t work for Stark! I thought you said the host was your boss!”
She slips away from you, rubbing her neck.
“Technically Stark enterprises bought out my company sooooo…” she trails off, grinning at you knowingly, “he is my boss. And he specifically asked me to bring you.”
You curl back. “What? Me?!”
She nods, glancing back at him as he expertly chats away a group of important-looking men. “Yes! Y/n, why would he do that! It’s cause he’s interested! Now go, go and flirt. He’s much nicer and sweeter than Jungkook can ever dream of being.”
You frown. “I don’t know. It feels a little wrong you know?”
She rolls her eyes. “Would you break out of that shameful little secret you had with Mr Jeon? This is different. Taehyung is not morally obligated to be a role model fake ass hoe like Jungkook was. He can do whatever he wants, which includes flirting and most likely boning you tonight.” She winks.
You elbow her. “Stop, two months is not too long.”
She scoffs. “I just hope that your vagina isn’t still using sticks to create fire and actually understands that the world is round.”
You giggle and shove her lightly, as she gently pushes you towards him. You turn and see Taehyung take a quick glimpse in your direction, catch your eye and raise his glass and smile at you, and quickly turn back to his conversation and end it before jogging over.
You’re a little breathless.
He’s gorgeous in photos and news broadcasts, but it’s your first time seeing him in person, especially after spending so much time with Jungkook, who made it his personal mission and agenda to cross paths with Taehyung Stark as least as possible. And in person, Taehyung is absolutely gorgeous and tall and piercing.
He smiles, “y/n! Nice to finally meet you in person.”
You laugh, accepting the flute of champagne. “You know me?”
He laughs, sipping his wine. “Of course, you’re a celebrity in the department for being the most excellent worker.”
You blush. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just look like I have a lot to do.”
He laughs, leaning against a chair. “You mean, juggling work and relationship?”
You finish off the flute and grab another from a passing waitress. “No,” you shake your head, “I’m not in a relationship. Just my job!”
He clinks drinks with you. Winking, “Ah, well that’s just awful! A woman like you, with your hard working personality, your beautiful looks, who wouldn’t want to date you?” 
Maybe it’s the alcohol making you a little nervous and honest right now. “I know right? I should just go out and find the right one.” 
“Hm, seems like you do have someone in mind. Does this person not know of your feelings for him?” 
You rest your elbow on the table and cradle your head in your hand. Staring sadly at the bubbles in your flute, you mumble, “Mhm. Doesn’t even give me a look,” You scoff, finishing off the champagne with another quick swig. 
Taehyung just watches you with a little smile on his lips. You keep going. “Can you even believe it though? Doesn’t even say hi, not even a look, who does he think he is?” 
He eventually stops you from drinking any further, but stays by your side all night, until you slowly start to feel yourself sobering up. You sway a little by the balcony, and he immediately catches you by the waist, helping you steady yourself on your heels. 
“Careful there,” he says lowly, letting go when you lean against the railing. “Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Stark, I’m feeling a little better.” You sip on the water bottle he gave you. “Um, can I ask you a question?” 
“Sure darling, go ahead.” 
The nickname seems to make you even drunker. “Would you like to have se—” 
“Y/N.” A low voice cuts you off from behind and you whirl around at the familiar tone. Jungkook stands behind you with a tick in his jaw and his tuxedo jacket thrown over his forearm. He strides up to the both of you, and you stumble a bit as you hastily move to straighten up. Taehyung grabs you from behind, large warm hands cradling your waist and you catch the way Jungkook’s eyes linger darkly on the sight before moving back up to your unfocused ones. 
“Captain Jeon,” you mumble, bowing clumsily. 
 "Are you okay?“ He asks, stepping forward to wrap his jacket around you, "this womanizer isn’t trying anything on you?” He throws a look at Taehyung.
 "Woah woah,“ Taehyung interjects, both hands up, "I’m a gentleman. I would never." 
 Jungkook snaps back, "then why the fuck would you let her get this drunk? It’s a cocktail party for fucks sake, not a college frat party." 
 You shrivel under the harsh tone he spits at Taehyung, feeling the burnt of the remark because it’s mainly aimed at you. You were the one who drank the alcohol, not Taehyung. But mr. stark doesn’t say anything and just smiles, finishing off the rest of his glass and sauntering away. Ever so always the slick one. 
 As soon as Taehyung is out of sight, Jungkook turns to you and immediately his brow furrows. You hunch as small as you can, feeling the heat of his glare. But his tone is a bit different from how pissed he looks. 
"Why can’t you take care of yourself? Be careful of getting too drink with another man,” he murmurs, tucking his coat tighter around your bare shoulders. “You don’t know what they want." 
 You probably shouldn’t have drank so much. Chaeyoung always scolded you for having a loose lip whenever you get a bit tipsy. So you blurt out, "what do you want Jungkook?” 
He blinks back at you, frowning. “What?” He takes a look around, making sure no one is close enough to see or hear the both of you. 
You slur, “I said, what do you want from me? You’re a man. I’m a woman. What do you want?” You press closer to him, and his large hands come to your elbows, holding you at an arms distance away. 
He sighs, brows knitting even closer on his handsome face. “You’re drunk, Y/N. Let’s get you home.” 
You shake your head so hard you stumble a bit, and the hands on your arms help steady you, maneuvering you to lean heavily against his side. “Don’t wanna” you mumble, closing your eyes as he begins ushering you to a back entrance, probably to his car. “I hate you.” 
His voice rumbles in the chest you’re leaning against. “You hate me huh?” 
You nod, pushing hair away from your face. It was probably a mess right now, but you couldn’t care less. 
“Yeah, I hate you. I’m over this.” 
The last thing you remember is Jungkook carefully placing you in his car, and then sitting down into the driver’s seat, exchanging a few muffled conversations with you before you black out. 
Your head is throbbing and it is so fucking hot in the room when you wake up. Your back is slicked in sweat, and your face feels warm and stuffy. Squeezing your eyes shut you groan and sit up, pushing your hair out of your face. Peeping one eye open, you stare at your surroundings, groaning as the white covers reflect the sunlight filtering through the window–
Fuck. You didn’t own white covers. And if the sun was already up, you were definitely completely fucking late. You scramble up, staring and gawking at your surroundings, mouth gaping as you try to rack your memory for what the hell happened last night. This place was a gorgeous room, decked with expensive looking draperies on the 4-poster King sized bed, dark grey carpets matching the gray marble in the restroom you could see from here. You scan the area for your belongings and find your purse and heels sitting on the nightstand. Grabbing them and strapping on your shoes, you grab your purse and the accompanying jacket lying there and scramble out of the house. 
It’s a huge estate, spacious and large and surprisingly empty, and you thank the gods as you make it to the front door and down the hall without running into anyone. As you punch your finger desperately into the elevator button, you realize you’re on the topmost floor in the center of Seoul. 
Confused, you slump against the glass walls of the elevator, catching your breath and rubbing your temples. The last thing you remembered from the party last night was chatting with Taehyung before you got extremely drunk. Frowning, you couldn’t remember any details about him carrying you home though. 
You sigh as you make it to the street without any problems or running into any familiar faces who’d definitely recognize you despite the day-old makeup and the horrible nest of hair on your head. Flagging down a taxi, you hurriedly bark out your address and the driver understands and zooms down toward your place. 
Chaeyoung isn’t home either, and you jam your phone into its charging port as soon as you open your door. While it turns on, you throw off your clothes into the hamper, including the jacket and jump into the shower to wash off all your makeup and somehow gain control of the mess of hair. If you were going to be late, you might as well look presentable while you’re apologizing. 
After the quickest shower in your life, you scurry out and quickly throw on a formal business set of clothes, spritzing some perfume on your wrists and letting your hair down to blow dry a bit. After some mascara and some lipstick, you’re ready to go. You grab your phone and quickly make it downstairs in time to catch another taxi to work. 
You scroll through your notifications, including a dozen emails from Captain Jeon’s partners and collaborators, asking to fit themselves into his schedule. A couple missed calls and texts from Chaeyoung demanding to know where the hell you are, and then finally, a text from an unknown number. 
[12:04AM] Did you make it home last night? - TS
You immediately recognize the initials. You quickly reply to Chaeyoung and then type back a response. 
[9:03AM] Yes, thank you. How did you find my number?
The response is almost immediate. 
[9:03AM] I have my ways ;) 
[9:04AM] What are your plans for tonight? 
The taxi driver slows to a stop in front of Jeon Corporations. Thanking him, you tip him generously and walk out towards the entrance, sheepishly greeting the receptionist as you hurry through the security doors. 
On the elevator ride up, you respond to Taehyung. 
[9:08AM] I guess it depends on what the captain has planned on his schedule today. 
More people filter into the elevator.
[9:08AM] You know that’s not what I mean, Y/N. 
Frowning, you lock your phone and stuff it in your purse. You were extremely late and about to get chewed out by whoever was inconvenienced by your tardiness in a couple seconds. You didn’t have time to think too hard about these texts like a giddy high school girl. 
Smoothing down your hair and straightening your shoulders, you wait until the elevator stops at the highest floor, and step out gingerly in your heels. Breathing in short breaths, you round the corner until you see your desk empty, and gingerly sit in the seat without making too much noise. Your co worker looks up from her screen and her eyes bulge out at you, glancing quickly toward Mr. Jeon’s office before throwing you a look. 
You smile, apologizing with your lips, and you stand up with her as she leads you to the break room. 
“Y/N,” Seulgi hisses, “Do you know what time it is?!” 
You groan, pouring yourself a cup of coffee. “I know, I know. I’m so late, I’m sorry. Is everything in the office okay?” 
She sighs, watching you rub your temples. “No, honestly. Two deals got canceled today. He’s not in a good mood.” 
You sigh, mixing in more cream and sugar. You were gonna need it. “Fuck,” you mutter, “well, guess I’m in for a chewing out by the one and only.” 
She leans against the counter. “Where were you last night?”
You sigh, straightening out your blouse. “Okay, honestly? I don’t know…” 
Her eyes widen and you continue. “I remember talking to Taehyung Stark about something and then that’s where my memory kind of cuts off…” You trail off. 
“Damn,” she whispers, “you got hammered didn’t you? How much wine did you drink?” 
You shake your head. “I seriously don’t even remember. I haven’t drank like that since my 21st birthday. I woke up in a stranger’s room.” 
“Y/N!” She squeals, eyes wide, “I can’t believe you! Did you get laid?” 
“No!” You hiss, “I didn’t!” 
She laughs, leading you back to your desks. “Well, damn, if I got a chance to romp with Taehyung, damn me.” 
You giggle at her, cradling the cup in your hands. “Oh shut up. We didn’t even do anything.” 
“Do what?” A deep voice startles the both of you and you snap your head to see Mr. Jeon standing in his doorway, watching the both of you with a dark glint in his eye. Seulgi stammers out an apology and scurries back to her desk. You stand there with eyes wide and panic mode, trying not to drop your coffee all over your new Jimmy Choo’s. 
“Uh,” you mutter dumbly, swallowing the lump in your throat. “G-good m-morning, Mr. Jeon.” 
He just stares you down a couple of feet away from you, glowering. “Meet me in my office, Y/N, 2 minutes.” He turns on his heels and slams the door behind him, leaving you quaking in your heels. You glance at Seulgi who looks like she’s about to cry, and sigh as you set down your coffee and enter his office. You let the door shut quietly behind you and linger by the doorway, hands wrung in front of you and eyes cast down at your shoes. You couldn’t bear to look at him. 
“Y/N,” he says lowly from his seat at his desk. “come here.” 
You look up at him and slowly walk over to in front of his desk. “Yes sir.” 
He hums behind his hands. “How late were you today?” 
You cringe. “Two hours sir.” 
You blink. “Um, I ran into some unprecedented troubles in the morning, sir. I am so sorry about that, I assure you nothing like this will happen ever again.” 
He quirks an eyebrow at you. “Does it have anything to do with how drunk you were last night?” 
You snap your head up, staring at him in horror. He’d witnessed your state!  Internally groaning, you let your chin drop down again as you mumble, “Yes sir. I apologize for any inappropriate behavior last night sir. I completely must have lost my mind.” 
He stands up, hands in his pockets. “What kind of behavior are you sorry for?” 
You bite your lip. “I’m not sure, I can’t remember much.” 
“You can’t remember?” He seems a bit caught off-guard, and you cock your head to the side as you try to rack your brains on what he might be referencing. Were you seriously such a drunk idiot last night that he was questioning you like this?
“Uh, y-yes sir. I’m afraid I can’t recall anything…” 
His face hardens, his jaw tightening and he turns away from you to face the huge window behind his desk. 
“That’s all for now. You can leave. Have Seulgi come in later to read me my schedule.” 
What the hell? That was odd, you’d expected him to at least give you a slap on the wrist for being so late. But this, this was not good. 
“Oh, okay. Is that all you have to say to me today sir?” 
He doesn’t turn, his shoulders tightening from where he stood. “Yes. Get out.” 
You bite your lip and mumble another apology before quietly exiting the room. Tears burn behind your eyes, feeling absolutely humiliated by him and disgusted with yourself. Sitting quietly at your desk, you blink back the anger and heat and focus entirely on re-doing Mr. Jeon’s schedule to an impeccable perfect calendar, adding in the emails that you missed this morning and finalizing some more appointments and organizing a few more reports. 
Halfway in, you throw a glare at his door. 
How could he just question you like that, make you feel like an idiot, and then throw you out? This wasn’t even the first time. He was just so cold. After all that you’ve done with him… 
Glancing at your phone sitting on your desk, you grab it in a moment of pure compulsiveness and type out one daring message. 
[10:02] Taehyung, what do you say you take me out tonight?
The response comes back immediately. So different than Captain Jeon, who took hours and hours to respond to any of your messages. 
[10:03] Perfect. ;) I’ll pick you up at 6. 
Locking your phone, you take a quick look at your reflection in the mirror, and unbutton the first two buttons on your blouse. Today was going to be the day you officially moved on. 
Taehyung made quite the show of showing up at Jeon enterprises with a sleek black Rolls Royce and stepping out of it to wait for you to exit the building. Blushing, you greet him with a smile, and try to step into the vehicle as quickly as possible to avoid any looks. Thank goodness the Captain had left an hour ago to attend the last business meeting of the day. If he’d seen the car, he’d be livid.
Who were you kidding though, there were already crowds of people lingering in the glass lobby, staring at the both of you and wondering how the hell the president’s secretary was stepping into the expensive car of his rival. There were probably already rumors going around as you took each next breath.
Taehyung gets in behind you, shutting the door and the driver begins driving smoothly to a destination without him having to ask anything. Turning to you, he smiles widely, charmingly handing you a single rose and kissing the back of your hand. 
“So, how was your day?” 
You put the rose in your purse. “Horrible. Thank you for picking me up, Taehyung, I needed this.” 
You see his eyes linger on the exposed skin of your chest when you lean forward. His eyes are a bit darker when he looks up at you again and throws you another charming smirk. 
“I needed this too.” 
“Where are we going?” You ask, surveying the passing surroundings in your window. 
He hums, sitting back into the plush leather seats. The sun is setting and one by one, the street lights begin to flicker on, shrouding the city in a beautiful blue and golden glow. “How about some drinks?” 
You hesitate and he chuckles. “Don’t worry, we’ll eat too, so you don’t get so tipsy.” 
Groaning, you step out when the car slows down to a stop in front of an expensive looking restaurant and bar. “You remember?” 
He laughs, helping you out with a large hand clasped around yours. His fingers are long and warm against yours and squeeze them a bit as you steady yourself. “Of course, more than you do.” He gives you a flirty wink and nods at the host standing in the entrance. Without having to look at his list, the host escorts the both of you to the back of the restaurant, where a table for two is already set up with menus sitting on the top. 
Taehyung murmurs an order of some wine that goes over the top of your head and you let him pull your chair out for you as you sit down. Surveying the lavish decorations of the restaurant, you gawk at the floor-to-ceiling aquarium decorating an entire wall, and the brilliant chandeliers that look like they’ll cost your yearly salary suspended throughout the room. Even the wine glasses have intricate designs cut into the crystal, and the plates look like they’re lined with genuine gold. 
The menu doesn’t even have prices. Just a couple choices and quite simple ingredient lists below them. But even the paper of the menu feels heavy and expensive in your hand, and you politely choose a plate that doesn’t look too much. 
The waiter comes with a smile and silently pours the dark wine into your glasses as Taehyung tells him your orders. When he leaves, Taehyung grins at you. 
“What?” you quirk, taking a sip of your wine. 
“Nothing.” He grins, unashamedly staring at you. 
You bashfully take a few more sips of your wine. You remember what Chaeyoung told you when you got the party last night. Taehyung was a good man, and was okay with no-string relationships. Maybe this was your chance to finally get over the captain. 
Clearing your throat, you lean forward, letting your lashes fall heavily on your cheeks, and you lower your tone a few notes. “So what happened last night?” 
Bingo, Taehyung’s eyes flit to your chest once more before they focus on your lips that are curled in a smirk. His eyes meet yours again, dangerously glinting with excitement and eyebrows raising as an acceptance of your challenge. 
He swirls his wine in his glass, “Well, for starters, you were blubbering about the things you hated in your work.” 
Your mouth falls open. “I did?!” 
He chuckles, “Yes, Y/N. It was hilarious.” 
“Why? Do my miseries at work humor you?” You quip. 
He raises his brows, smirking back at you knowingly. “Of course not, I’d never laugh at a lady. I’m laughing because we both know that I’d treat you better than Jeon does.” 
The statement has a lot more implications laced into it, and his eyes glint darkly at you in the dim lights of the restaurants. Your breath becomes short, as you hesitate. Not only was he offering you a job, but a break. 
“What do you know?” You breathe out. He knew, he knew about you and Mr. Jeon. You’d spilled it. You’d made the biggest mistake of your life. 
He meets your gaze, recognizing the fear immediately. “Oh no, Y/N, you didn’t have to say anything. Although your reaction gives me quite enough information.” He takes a sip of your wine, grinning at your horrified expression. “Any idiot can tell from the way you look at him.” 
You frown at him. “What do you mean? The way I look at him?”
Something catches his eye behind you, and he takes a last swig from his glass. Cocking his chin up towards your right, the grin falls from his face. You turn in your seat and swivel to see a sight that makes your throat close. 
There, a couple tables away from you in the restaurant, sits Jeon Jungkook in the suit that he wore today to work, and a girl you recognize as one of the partners of his business sitting with him. She’s ditched the seat across from him, judging from her purse and coat on that seat, and opted for the one a few inches from Jungkook, giggling as she loops her arm around his and pops a grape into his mouth. 
He laughs, moving over to nuzzle her ear, and looks up, eyes running lazily over the room before they settle on you in your seat. They widen, and Jungkook’s brows furrow as he pulls away quickly from the girl and straightens in his seat. You can see the way his figure tenses as he spots who is accompanying you, and his jaw tightens as he leans over and whispers something in the girl’s ear that makes her giggle. 
You feel the tug in your chest and the burn behind your eyes. 
“That look.” Taehyung responds lowly, pouring himself another glass of wine. You turn to him slowly, eyes blinking back tears. “You look at him like you love him.” 
Your mouth presses in a tight line as you try desperately to bite back the tears. 
“Please,” you whimper, “please get me out of here.” 
Taehyung’s jaw hardens as he waves over the waiter. “Tip yourself double the bill.” The waiter nods, eyes wide as he realizes how big of a tip he’s receiving today and hurries to clean your table. Taehyung briskly grabs his coat and helps you up, wrapping it around your shoulders and walking you out of the restaurant into the waiting car. 
You open your eyes and cast a look back at the restaurant, and you swear you see Jungkook getting up from the table and running towards the entrance, but Taehyung tucks the jacket around you tighter.
He holds you close, and you sniffle with your head cast low to hide your tears. He silently just keeps his arm wrapped around you as the driver asks you for your address. 
When you calm down, the car is beginning to turn into the familiar road towards your place. 
Realizing Taehyung’s arm is still around you, you shift and he retracts it, and you glance down at the jacket. “Thank you,” you mumble, taking it off and handing it back to him. “Oh, I still have your other one back at my place. Thank you for letting me use it last night.” 
“Huh?” He stares down at you with confusion. 
You gesture at his coat. “You left a similar one, black, with me when you let me stay at your place? Thank you for that, by the way.” 
“Wait, Y/N, what? What are you talking about? You went home with Jungkook last night. I saw him take you into his car.” 
You frown, remembering the unfamiliar room and the jacket. There was no way-
And then it hits you, the mumbled conversation you had with him in the car. 
“Yeah, I hate you. I’m over this.” 
He turns in his seat, his hand on the steering wheel as he stares at you. “What are you over?” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, cheeks hot and mind reeling from the haze. “This game that you want to play, this stupid dumb game where you fuck me until I love you and then you retreat and act like I’m not worth anything to you.” 
He pulls out of the parking lot, the low hum of the car lulling you to sleep. 
“Y/N, it’s not a game.” 
When you don’t respond, he glances at you. You’re not completely asleep yet. “You’re mine,” he growls. “Mine.” 
You feel a heavy pressure on your hand. He’s holding it tightly with the one that’s not gripping the steering wheel. 
“And I’m yours.”
You shake your head as the memories come rushing back, too heavy and too fast for you to handle. The tears spring up again and Taehyung assumes it’s because he’s mentioned Jungkook. 
“What do you want, Y/N?” Taehyung whispers, staring down at you with a heavy look. 
You blink up at him, and in brash attempts to save yourself from drowning in the love you have for Jungkook you painfully croak, “Help me forget him, Taehyung,” you whisper, blinking back tears, “Just once.” 
He nods, and takes a large hand and wraps it around the nape of your neck, drawing you in quickly into a kiss. 
His lips are warm and strong against your trembling ones, and yours immediately open up to sigh into his mouth as he presses his urgently against yours. He kisses you softly, lips gliding over yours and collecting momentum and confidence as he tips his head slightly to the left whilst a hand comes up to cup your cheek to the right. His lips delve deeper and his tongue flicks over your lower lip, drawing out your reactions in slow and deep drags of his mouth against yours. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, but you can’t help the whimper that turns into a sob as tears begin streaming down your cheeks. Taehyung feels it and detaches from you, worriedly looking into your eyes that are crying uncontrollably. 
“I-I’m so sorry,” you choke out, and Taehyung just looks understandingly down at you and murmurs to the driver, “Pull over.” 
The car comes to a stop and you squeeze his hand with trembling lips. 
“Do you know why I don’t do romance, Y/N?” He murmurs, his thumb swiping over your knuckles softly.
You just stare at him as he continues sadly. 
“I assume it’s different for Jeon, but for me, I could die any minute protecting this country. I would never do that to the woman I love.” 
“Love?” You croak out. 
He nods, gazing at you sadly. “It’s quite obvious the way he looks at you Y/N. I’ve worked with him for decades, and I’ve never seen him look at any other woman the way he looks at you.” 
The tears stream down, and you sob into your fist as he continues. 
“Maybe he pushes you away because he knows it’s dangerous, that it’s not worth hurting you to be selfish for once.” 
You haphazardly wipe away the stray tears on your cheeks and throw open the door of the car. He just smiles sadly and let’s you go without another word, which you’re eternally grateful for.
Thankfully the driver has carefully parked in an area that’s not too far from the restaurant. In your heels, you slam the door shut behind you and begin scrambling towards the direction of the restaurant, crossing streets quickly and praying under your breath that Jungkook didn’t leave the restaurant yet. 
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sleep with Taehyung because you’d be betraying your heart, your body, your mind, every part of you that screamed for Jungkook, longed for him. Every waking moment was consumed by him, and every dozing moment before you closed your eyes were always captured by him. You didn’t know if he returned it. But if you were going to live, you wanted to do it right. You didn’t want to regret this years later, being disappointed and regretting that you didn’t get a chance to voice your feelings to him in a sober state. 
You finally reach the restaurant, and in your breathless and sweaty state the host casts you a look, before finally recognizing the guest of the guy who’d tipped the biggest tip of the night, and mumbles an apology under his breath before letting you back in. You thank him haphazardly and run into the restaurant, drawing a few stares from the rich guests whose quiet dinners are interrupted by the sound of your heavy breathing and clicking heels, and the sight of your desperate figure scouring the restaurant for any sign of Jungkook. 
But the table he was seated on has been cleared and is set up impeccably, as if he’d never been there. Cursing, you turn on your heel and run outside, flagging a taxi. The last and final resort was to try and get to the house that you’d woken up in last night. 
You pray that he had the mind to at least invite the girl over to his place instead of going to hers. 
As you slump into the seat, you scoff at yourself. 
You were completely pathetic, wishing to yourself that Jungkook had brought the girl home to his house rather than going to hers. You didn’t even have your wallet or purse with you, just your phone tucked into your hand. You didn’t even have his personal mobile number, just the digits that corresponded to his office line. This was your last chance. 
The taxi drops you off in front of the estate and the man lets you pay with your phone with a frown. Ignoring the passive-agressiveness, you thank him and leap out of the taxi with your phone in tow, running up to the building and showing the security guard a picture of your work ID tag, blurting out some excuse about needing to notify your boss immediately about some important issue about the company. 
He’s about to deny you entrance, but then seems to think about how the fact that you know that Mr. Jeon resides here, means you must be someone important to him. He gives you a once over again, and you promise him that you’re not anyone dangerous, assuring him that if he calls someone at the company right now, he’ll realize that you’re Mr. Jeon’s personal assistant and secretary. 
“Is he here with someone?” You gasp.
The man sighs, “No, miss. He came alone.” 
You mull over that. Alone? That meant he didn’t come in with his date and returned home alone? 
You thank the guard before running over to the elevator and jamming your finger into the button repeatedly. It comes in an instant, and you step in, immediately pressing the highest number you can see on the board of numbers. 
The doors open with a ding, and you step out hesitantly. 
The cold air in the hallway is chilling against your clammy skin and you breath shakily as you survey the single door at the end of the beautiful hallway. 
Your feet ache, and you sigh as you remove them, groaning lowly as you step on the cool marble that helps chill and soothe your aching feet. 
The hallway feels like miles long, as you quietly pad down it and reach the door. It has no number, no peep hole, and is a very simple door. But you recognize this hallway, you realize that the jacket you brought home was definitely not Taehyung’s, because it has that aroma that makes you go crazy. And you can smell it slightly on the floor of this building, and you hesitantly bring your hand up to knock on the door in three clear pounds.
You don’t know what to say. You didn’t prepare a speech or anything, and you’re sure your hair is completely winded and your blouse is probably now drooping past your shoulder, your feet red and swollen from running in heels. Your makeup is probably smeared from the crying you did earlier, and you can feel the sweat sticking your blouse and skirt to your skin. 
But you don’t care. 
The door sounds a slick sound of a lock turning in its place and it opens outwards. You step back as you come face to face with the confused and puzzled dark look of Jungkook. 
His eyes harden as they sweep across your blotchy cheeks and down to your swollen feet. 
Immediately, as soon as you meet eyes with him, the tears come back, your heart growing three sizes and bursting forth in a tsunami of ugly emotions. You blubber, “I-I came because I tr-tried to forget and I can’t and I–” 
He closes the distance between you in a swift movement and swallows your words with his lips, hands gripping your cheeks and carding through your hair as he presses you against him and steals a kiss in greedy desire. You lose your breath and all your inhibitions are thrown out the window the moment his lips touch yours in familiar passion. 
You drop your heels and wrap your arms around his neck, sighing into the kiss as he holds your waist tight against his body, pressing you to him as he imprints his taste into your mouth, pulling breaths and sobs from your lips until your cries turn into breathless pleas and sighs. 
His lips demand your submission, assuring you of his presence, swiping across yours in passionate desire and perfection. He drags the pleasure out of you and pulls out the deepest darkest desires in your heart as he pulls you into his apartment. The door closes shut with a sound and he presses you up against it, hands gripping heavily through your blouse. 
He pulls away to catch his breath, and it’s only then that you can see that he’s only dressed in a white dress shirt and the slacks he wore to work today. His tie has been thrown off and the first few buttons opened, revealing his heaving and flushed chest. 
You raise your eyes to look at him and he’s staring down at you with utter concentration, eyebrows furrowed and irises dark as he surveys your expression. Before you can even say anything, he reaches down and captures your lips again, and you sigh into the kiss in silent consent, fingers coming up to unbutton his shirt. This you understood. 
He groans and begins kissing down your neck, tongue and teeth scraping the delicate skin and marking it with sheer possessiveness. The groans he lets out when he noses your skin shoot straight into your core and you whimper as you struggle with the last few buttons near his lower abdomen. He grips your wrists in his large hands and presses them against the door behind you, rendering you completely exposed to his lips. 
He cards them roughly down your neck and onto your exposed shoulder, mouthing at the skin there and lapping up after he bites into you. 
“Fuck, Jungkook, please,” You whine, blubbering pleas as his strong hands keep yours anchored to the door. He finally lets them go but immediately rips open your blouse, buttons skidding and clattering off the tile as he yanks your bra down to envelop his lips around a nipple. 
It’s long hard licks with his tongue spread wide against your skin, his nose brushing at the swell of your breast as he moans into your skin. Your knees buckle and he mounts you there, hips pressing hard into yours against the door to keep you upright. 
“Fuck,” he mutters, “I missed this,” he groans, his other hand coming up to surround and knead your other breast. You moan and keen into his mouth, upper body curling into him as he licks you so good with his tongue, moaning around your nipple, sending the vibrations straight to your core. 
“Jungkook,” you breathe out, scrabbling for his hair or his shoulders or something to grab onto to keep yourself grounded. You yank at the hair on his nape and he detaches with a groan, glaring down at you as he straightens back up. You discard the shreds of your blouse and wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your trembling lips desperately onto his, tip toeing to tongue at his lips. 
“Please,” You mumble, brave with your words and what you asked of him. “Please, please.” You don’t even know what you’re begging for at this point, but Jungkook seems to have an idea. 
His lips don’t part for you as you kiss him, and you whine desperately and pull back to look at him. His eyes are still open and dark and angry as he stares down at you, and he lets out a curt, “No. Tonight I’m going to take my time.” 
Before you could even respond, he reaches down and picks you up, and you gasp, holding onto him as he walks briskly past the other doors to the familiar door at the end of the hallway. He throws it open and throws you onto the 4-poster bed that you’d woken up in this morning, and straightens up at the edge of the bed, as he undoes the buttons on his wrists. 
Pushing his sleeves up past his gorgeous forearms, he crawls on the King mattress, looming over your body. He encircles your ankle in his grip and pulls you close, dragging you underneath him as he presses a hand next to your head on the mattress. 
The same hand gripping your ankle drags up your leg and disappears under your skirt as he leans down to press his lips against your neck again, and you sigh at the touch, hands coming up to encircle his neck as he begins to make love with his tongue to your breasts again. The hand under your skirt pushes aside your underwear, and parts your folds with familiar practice, collecting the wetness on his fingertips and dragging them all the way up your slit until he finds your clit. 
You choke on nothing when he does, breath catching in your throat and leaving your lungs in a whoosh that he feels with his mouth when your chest heaves. “Oh my go–” Your statement cuts off when he slides his fingers right in, curling upward to find the spot that has you squeezing your eyes shut and tightening your thighs around his hips. 
“God, you’re so wet.” He groans into your skin, and you can even hear the sounds of your arousal, your walls sucking his fingers in as he moves them in and out, aiming for the spot inside you whilst his thumb joins into rub at your clit. 
“Ohhh Jungkook right there,” you breathe out, swallowing heavily as he finds the rhythm that has you teetering on the edge. He sucks even harder at your breasts, tongue flattening out and dragging the rough pad of his tongue over the sensitive skin as you fall apart on his fingers, crying his name and rocking your hips desperately against him. 
He touches you and kisses you through the orgasm, groaning along with you as he feels your walls clench down on him and spasm over his hand. He stops to look down at you, with his hand still inside you, surveying the marks he’s made all over your chest and neck. Smirking, he removes his hand and immediately laps up the wetness he’s collected there, and in the smoky haze of post-orgasmic bliss, you watch him in awe as he stares down at you with a dark glint in his eyes as he skillfully moves his tongue around his digits and cleans it of the glistening remnants of your orgasm. 
“Fuck, taste so good,” He grunts, letting go of his fingers and reaching for your skirt, yanking it down your legs and throwing it over his shoulder. You’re now completely nude, and you stare down at him as he lays on his stomach and throws your leg over his shoudler. 
“N-no Jungkook please,” you whimper, half desperate for the immeasurable amount of pleasure you know he guarantees you, but half cringing from the sensitivity from the orgasm he just gave you. 
But he ignores you and strong hands grip your inner thighs and spread them open, lips immediately dragging over the wetness that he’s already pooled there, and tearing a high-pitched cry of his name from your throat. You immediately grip his hands that are resting on your hips, scratching at his fingers until he yields and threads his fingers through yours, mounting them to your hips. 
Your back bows and arches up into his mouth as he licks up lasciviously into you like he doesn’t know whats up or down anymore. He moans into the skin, sending vibrations straight up down your toes and making you curl away and cringe from the oversensitivity. Tears prickle at your eyes as he tears yelps of his name from your lips, tongue dragging over sensitive flesh and abusing the swollen nub that has you gripping his hands tighter, and clenching down on nothing to try and appease the pleasure. 
“Do you want to cum?” He mutters, and you open your eyes to glance down and almost cum right then and there. He’s breathing heavily, glaring up at you with dark eyes with pupils almost blown out of proportion, lips glistening from your arousal. 
“Fuck,” you cry, head dropping down on the sheets. 
He squeezes your hips in his hands, “Say it.”  
“Fuck!” you yell, tears streaming down. “Yes, yes, yes, yes! Please Jungkook, please, let me cum!” You’re blabbering nonsense at this point but it doesn’t seem to stop Jungkook from returning to your folds with newfound purpose and immediately makes a suction at your clit, teeth grazing the bundle of nerves in a slick motion that throws you over the edge, completely unprepared. 
You convulse against him, your walls clenching on nothing as he continues to kiss you and work you through your orgasm until you’re yelping from the pain and pushing him away and cringing away on the sheets, face and upper body twisted in an attempt to get away from his mouth. 
He relents, and watches you twitch beneath him, crying out in pleasure and wanton desire as you grip his hands and squeeze your eyes shut as you ride the waves of your orgasm. 
“Fucking beautiful.” He says, moreso to himself than to you. 
When you come back to earth, you’re breathing heavily and you see that he’s taken off his shirt and belt, waiting and watching you with a hard look. 
You feel drunk, so drunk off of the pleasure, but even moreso in your love for him. You reach up, cringing at the swollen feeling of your folds, but choose to ignore it as you kneel up against him, hands sliding up his body. 
The lines there are as you left them, the muscles hard from their training and the fighting. But while he graced televisions all over the country and billboards and ads, the bare body was all for yours for the taking. 
Your hand trembles as it dips into the hard lines of his abs as you run your hand from his hips up to his chest. He shivers under you touch, but kneels high above you without a word, silently watch you touch him. 
You finally reach his chest, hand resting over his chest where you can feel it heave with the breaths that he takes and the fluttering heartbeat. You look up into his eyes, and sit up higher, whispering to him. 
“I can do this. Please, please let me in. You don’t need to think about anything else. Please, just–” You don’t know what to say, and the words become jumbled and blubbered as the tears come again. 
“Please just let me love you.” 
You reach up and kiss him, softly pressing your lips to his, and you begin moving them. He seems to fight it for a moment, and then relents, his hands coming up to card into the strands of your hair as he exhales into the kiss, eyes closing as he leans down a bit to fit your head tighter against his. 
He lets you kiss him, lets you run your tongue into his mouth and taste him for all he’s worth, and you pour yourself into the kiss, communicating to him how much you love and adore him. 
With a push to his chest, you push him back against the sheets, and he goes down with you on top, hands coming up to cup your waist in his hands. You kneel over him, kissing his lips and trailing off to the side, running your lips over the edge of his jawline, down his gorgeous neck. In spite, you defiantly suck a hickey into his neck and chest as you move lower down, running your tongue over the hard lines of his chest, brushing up against his nipple and relishing over the choked sound he makes in his throat. 
When you move lower down his abdomen, his grip on your hair gets tighter and stops you from continuing. 
He’s breathing harshly, and you can see the bulge in his pants. 
“Fuck, I need you right now,” he breathes, pupils blown wide as his mouth hangs open in pants. 
You nod, quickly getting up and helping him cast his pants aside. But he catches your wrist as you move to get off of him. 
“Ride me like this,” he mutters, leaning back on his back against the pillows. You bite your lip and nod, hestiantly throwing your knee over his hip and settling on his thighs as you steady yourself with a hand on his lower stomach. 
He grips himself and strokes himself in his fist tightly as he stares up at you. You can’t tear your eyes away at how hot it is to watch him do that, but a hand taps against your hips to remind you. 
You crawl a bit further up and reach down to guide his tip into you, and once his thick and hot tip is nestled right against your entrance, you brace yourself on his shoulders and sink down.
The both of you simultaneously moan at the sensation. Jungkook groans like he’s in pain, eyes squeezing shut as he clenches his jaw and grips your hips so hard they’ll bruise. His chest is flushed and his abs clenched so hard it looks like he might cum any second. 
You’re not any better, your folds clenching around him, still sensitive and glowing pink inside from the two orgasms he drew out of you. You tremble above him, choking out his name at the sensation of him completely inside of you after so long. 
“Fuck Jungkook I–” You stammer, dropping down to mold your upper body against his and bury your face in his shoulder. “I–I can’t, I’m too sensitive, I can’t, I–” 
“You can,” he grits out, and ruts up into you with a roll of his hips so smoothly that it hits your spot instantly. 
You garble out his name, crying out at the oversensitivity, nipples hardening against his chest as you hear his heavy breaths against your ear. 
“You can,” he repeats, harshly rutting up into you, feet braced against the mattress. “Give me one more, Y/N.” He raises his torso, taking you along with him so that he faces you, rocking you onto him. 
“I-I c-can’t,” you sob, against him, teeth scraping against any skin you can find to distract yourself. “S-so good,” you breathe out, toes curling underneath you, “S-so b-big, god.” 
He groans at the praise, finding more purpose and control in his grinds against you, eyes finally opening up and drawing your face back so that he can look at you properly. 
His gaze runs over your tear stained cheeks and his brows ease out as he leans in to sweetly and softly press his lips against yours. He swallows your mewls and pleas as he ruts his hips up into yours, hard and calculated, waking up nerves in you that you could never reach on your own. 
You move your hips blindly against his, rocking up and down and clenching and unclenching your walls to draw moans and groans of your name out of his lips. He’s gorgeous like this, completely fucked out and eyes hazily looking up at you like you’re the last thing he needs before he dies. 
You cry out in pleasure, a blubbering mess of his name, and the pleasure starts to become too much, the webs of pain and pleasure drawing higher and higher until you can’t take it anymore, can’t handle the immense love that he gives to your body. 
“Fu—” You keen, hips moving faster against his, “Jungkook I’m–!” 
“That’s it baby,” he breathes, hips matching your pace, thrusting up in the perfect angle to hit the spot that has you seeing stars. “That’s it, one more, do it for me. Give it to me. Fuck,” he breathes out, seeing the way you lose focus. 
“Yeah, only you. Shit,” he grits, sweat trailing down his temple in the sheer effort it takes to hold back his orgasm. “Only you, can make me like this. Only you, fuck. I love you, fuck, holy shit.” 
The praise and the declaration you’d been waiting for all along tumble out of his lips and you cry out and press your lips against him as you fall apart. 
“Jungkook!” You cry out, unable to say or do anything else but think about him him him. 
You sob against him, tears of joy and pleasure and shock and relief flooding down into your hair as he grips your waist and turns the both of you to press your back into the mattress and thrust a few more times into your pulsing core until he’s coming apart, spilling into you with a groan and a strained cry of your name. 
He swallows your moans with his mouth and you take what he can give you, sucking the breaths out of him as they come, mewling against him as he rides out the both of your orgasms. You’re completely limp, helpless against his hands and his body as you twitch and writhe in the presence of the onslaught of pleasure and love and relief. 
He breathes heavily against your shoulder, panting as if he’s run a marathon. His chest heaves against yours, matching your heartbeat in a skittish flutter that warms you from head to toe. And it’s not just in the post-orgasm bliss. 
He loves you. 
When the both of you calm down, he pulls out of you with a wince, and walks over to the restroom to grab a towel and run it under warm water. He cleans himself off and then pads back to clean you between your legs. You’re collapsed on the bed, still awake, but reeling in shock and oversensitivity. 
He puts on his briefs and grabs his white dress shirt, and threads your arms through the arms and tucks you into his arms as he settles next to you on the bed. 
The both of you are still a little breathless, but you break the silence. 
“So, what does this mean?” 
He looks down at you, and you can see the sadness and turmoil that swirls in his irises. 
“I don’t know.” He whispers. 
You reach up and cup his cheek in your hand, drawing him close in an innocent soft kiss, trembling lips against trembling lips. 
“I don’t know if I can do this again,” he whipsers against your lips, and you draw back in confusion. “I already lost one. I can’t die, I can’t grow old with you.” 
You blink back at him, stroking his sideburn. His hand grips your waist, and right now, he looks like a little child, a little boy who’s lost everyone close to him and has cast away anyone who tried to get close.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. “Let’s not think about that right now.” 
He nods, and you bury yourself in his chest, and his strong arms wrap around you, caging you in a warmth that you haven’t felt for years. 
You’d never slept better.
The both of you face each other in the laboratory as you sit on the table. 
“Are you sure?” Jungkook asks you once again, hand wrapping around yours. 
You nod, “Yes, for the last time. I’m ready.” You glance down at the ring on your finger and give a nod to the doctor, who prepares the syringe. The formula that would grant immunity from death, without the side effects of strength or whatnot. This was exactly what you’d been waiting for.
Smiling, you face your fiancee, too happy to notice the sting of the needle in your forearm. 
You loved him, and he loved you. 
It was an honor to spend eternity with him. 
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Sparks Chapter 2
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Pairing: Bucky(POV) X Reader(POV) ft. other members of the avengers team.
Word Count 3.5K
Summary: Annual Stark Fourth of July Bash at the tower where y/n runs into Bucky. After finding out that Bucky is uncomfortable around firework sounds, not wanting him to be alone and miss the show y/n offers to keep him company. y/n is later attacked in the labs and Bucky and y/n fight together against the antagonist, because y/n isn’t just a damsel in distress. Thats right she’s got her own moves.
A/N: This is a story about two people building a great friendship and then slowly falling in love. y/n is a strong, independent, and smart scientist. She meets Bucky when she wakes him up from cryo sleep and they become friends. This is going to have all the angst / best friends falling in love / fluff / drama / & eventual smut ;) that I can possibly fit in it. This fic is going to be looong! So far my document is like 66 pages. So editing is hard If you catch any grammatical or formatting errors let me know.
July 3, 2015
It’s a stressful day filled with reports. Which means a lot of paperwork. I sat at my desk skimming through the documents on the computer screen while I toyed with the cross on my necklace.
“Hello Dr. y/l/n,” I hear someone call my name and look up from the screen. It’s Barnes. “Arms working out great so far.”
“That’s great,” I say with a smile watching him walk past my desk towards Axelrod’s office. Physic evals probably. I look back down at my computer screen continuing my reading.
Bucky’s POV
I step off the elevator to the 82nd floor where the medical labs are located. I walk through a pair of glass doors and the first thing to catch my eye is y/n sitting at a desk fiddling around with her necklace. She looks focused. It’s been three weeks since our meeting when she reunited me with my left arm and I still linger over her words sometimes. Man not a Machine. Especially since the entirety of my three weeks have been spent mostly sitting through briefings about how I can be successfully integrated into the Avengers team as a field agent and how I may be best put to use. In those three weeks I’ve had twice weekly meetings with that asshat Axelrod who has been overseeing my ‘reintegration into society’. And every time I find myself back up here in the lab I find myself experiencing a sort of curiosity about y/n. I’ve seen her outside the labs usually hanging out with an asian woman who I later came to know as Dr. Cho. In all her interactions she seems kind which continues to raise my curiosity about her. Today she looks busy. Too busy to strike up conversation so I opt for a casual hello. I tell her how my arm is working great and her reply is short. So I continue my way to Axelrod’s office.
y/n’s POV
It’s finally evening and i’m finally done proof reading reports and proposals. I head over to the lockers to grab my bag and head home for some much needed R&R. Around the 40th floor the elevator i’m in stops and Natasha Romanoff walks in and with a smile she says, “You’re coming tomorrow night right?”. Tomorrow being independance day and Tony’s annual bash.
“Yeah wouldn’t miss it,” I reply “A chance to watch people I work with get drunk and make fools out of themselves. Who would give up such great blackmail material.”
“I’ve brought you over to the dark side,” Nat says with a wink. We spend the rest of the elevator ride down casually conversing about tomorrow’s details.
July 4, 2015
I wake up to something blaring. Still half asleep I think, not my alarm because I didn’t set one its my day off… Then what? My phone. I rub my eyes and reach for the phone on my nightstand and look at the screen. It’s Axelrod… great… I pick up and before I can even say hello he says, “y/n I have a couple shipments coming in today I need you to be there to sign for them and make sure they are undisturbed and left in my office.”
“Why can’t you just tell security or ask a intern? It’s saturday my day…” I begin when I’m cut off.
“Important medical equipment! I don’t want to leave it in the hands of incompetent fools” He says before hanging up the phone. Great…
I make it just in time to the tower to see a white truck and two workmen arguing with security. “Hey!” I walk up to the scene. “It’s alright Dr. Axelrod called today morning. This delivery is for his personal lab.”
“It still has to be cleared with security Ma’am” says a man dressed in a sharp black suit.
“Its fragile medical equipment i’m supposed to escort to his private lab upstairs. Call him and clear it with him if you need” I say to the security personnel who is clearly growing impatient with the whole situation. After a brief call. I escort the men upstairs along with a handful of large metal boxes and sign some paperwork and i’m back home two tedious hours later. Only to realize I accidentally forgot to leave the signed equipment files in Axelrod’s office. Whatever, i’ll drop it off tonight before the party I think and shove the papers into my bag.
What a couple hours can do to a building’s atmosphere always seems to amaze me. I arrive at the tower around 7pm to find it surrounded by sports cars, limos, and even a hot pink party bus. Everything is in full throw and even the usually uptight security personnel look much more relaxed. I walk through the glass doors and take the elevator up to the roof where most of the guests are situated. It’s almost sunset and everyone is waiting for the fireworks show to begin. The frivolity has clearly set in because Bahni from legal is doing body shots off a very shitless and very built field agent. I walk around till I find Cho whose happily situated near Steve and say hi. I take a seat next to her on a bar stool and sip on a Mai Tai. We are casually conversing when Barnes walks over says, “Almost didn’t recognize you out of your lab coat Dr. y/l/n”. He looks down at my casual bright red sundress.
“You clean up well Mr. Barnes,” I answer back to the man dressed in a black open color dress shirt and black pants.
“Call me Bucky,” He says.
“Well then you can call me y/n,” I say back with a polite smile. This is the first time I’ve actually talked to the man outside the lab. He seems more relaxed than usual.
“Nickname basis. Bucky here must like you” Steve quips in.
“Hey I like anyone who’s nice enough to set me up with equipment like this,” Bucky says raising his left arm.
“Seven!” Cho yells.
“No way,” I say back at her looking over Bucky’s shoulder at Sam who is waving a cocktail napkin at us with a smirk on his face.
“What?” Bucky asks turning around.
“They’re betting on who can get the most numbers tonight Sam or Clint,” Steve replies.
We spend the hour or so getting fractionally drunker, or at least I do, while laughing at the wild antics around us. When Tony announces its almost firework time I stumble around to the bathroom to splash some water in my face. Then, I realize I forgot to return the files to Axelrod’s office. Opting to do it now because, let’s be honest, later i’m most likely going to be too drunk to remember I grab my bag and walk towards the elevator. I see someone get in and run in after them just in time before the doors close. To my surprise it’s none other than Bucky himself. “Going home so soon?” I ask as I push the button to the labs floor 82.
“Yeah, well home is just a few floors down. Me and fireworks don’t really mix” he replies looking at the floor.
“No way! Everyone loves fireworks.” I say before I can stop myself. I suddenly realize my tipsy self completely overlooked the fact that he probably has PTSD and loud booming fireworks probably remind him of his hydra days. Crap I think to myself. I can’t believe I was so insensitive.
“Not a fan of loud noises. Anyways, how about you?” he asks still looking down at the floor as he pushes a couple strands of long hair behind his ear. “You can’t seriously be headed to the labs to do work right now”.
“I’m not. I have to drop off some paperwork. Then i’m headed back up.” I say as the elevator doors ding open to the 82nd floor. Maybe it was the alcohol or the fact that I was a little more than tipsy tonight. Whatever took a hold of me I don’t know. But a lightbulb went off and there was no turning it off now. “The labs!” I said suddenly causing Bucky to look up at me. I grabbed his metal hand and with a tug pulled him along with me into the dimly lit lab floors and through the glass doors. I look back at him and say, “do you trust me?” and he gives me a questioning look. Drunk me is talkative me. “Of course you don’t you barely know me. So let me explain,” I say still leading him by his hand.
Bucky’s POV
I feel her small hand around my wrist it’s surprisingly cold. She’s pulling me through the labs and even though I would rather be in my room right now with some headphones drowning out the noise of impending firework bombs. Curiosity gets the best of me and I let y/n drag me through the dimly lit lab corridors. She’s much more talkative outside the lab, maybe it’s because she’s had a few drinks in her. “So” she continues “These are the medical labs anddd” she drags the last syllable as she pulls me through a pair of glass doors into a dark room; the only light radiating from the hallway outside. She lets go of my wrist and I stand there watching her stumble around and pull open the curtains revealing the huge glass wall behind it with a magnificent view to the city beyond. Moonlight and city light fills the room we’re standing in. “this is one of the patient rooms. Completely soundproof and great view.” She pushes the patient bed from the middle of the room towards the window. “This way you get to see the fireworks without the annoying audio,” she says as she slips off her shoes and hops on the bed sitting cross legged. “Come on,” she says patting the space next to her. I walk over amazed and take a seat next to her. I can’t believe this girl, who I barely know, could be so thoughtful and considerate.
y/n’s POV
I sit next to the soldier in the dimly lit room my knee resting aside his thigh. I look out the great big window waiting for the sparks to fly. It’s still, and quiet, and for a second I wonder if i’d creeped him out by dragging him along with me. But i’m too tipsy to overthink it right now.
“Thanks y/n” he says, I notice him curiously looking at me from the corner of my eye.
Just then the first sparks of light fly into the air. “Look!” I point out the window. It’s quiet and still in the room. A long red streak flies out into the night sky and explodes into a ball of color. It’s followed by blue and white. The only noise I can hear is our collective calm breaths. We watch the explosions of color in silence.
After a couple minutes Bucky says, “You would really rather sit here with me watching fireworks in silence than up there having fun with everyone else?” Bucky asks giving me a quizzical look.
“Hey,” I swat him on the shoulder, “I’m having fun”. “Plus what kind of human being would I be to let you miss out on such a great show”.
“I’ve been around for quite a long time and I can tell you, you’re a pretty swell human being” Bucky replies with a laugh.
“Swell” I say, “I like that.”
“You like helping people,” he notes.
“Yep, that’s why i’m a doctor,” I reply “Whoa” I say pointing at the sky. A big ball of red fills the sky and explodes in a bright light.
Bucky’s POV
“What’s your favorite color?” y/n asks still staring outside the window.
“What?” I ask looking at her a little surprised.
“Favorite color. Mines red,” did she just ask my favorite color? Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve heard that one. She’s definitely drunk. Why else would she want to be alone in a room with a potentially unstable assassin watching fireworks and talking about favorite colors?
“Umm, purple,” I say still looking at the figure sitting next to me. Is she real? I can’t help but think. She’s twirling around the pendant on her necklace again. Must be a habit. I’m close enough to notice that it’s a cross pendant. “You’re religious?” I ask. She looks up at me and then down at the pendant between her fingers, “Oh, I guess. My mom gave it to me years ago”. We watch the rest of the show in silence and I hear a ping from her phone after the last spark goes out. She picks it up with delicate fingers and taps the screen. “Wanna go get something to eat?” She asks looking up at me. “Cho, Wanda, and me are supposed to go out to this sushi place”.
“I don’t want to intrude,” I answer looking back at her still a little taken aback at her open friendliness.
“No intrusion, plus I think Steve and Sam are tagging along now too,” she says in a chirpy voice.
“Yeah, then sure,” I say. This night’s definitely going very differently than i’d imagined. I didn’t expect to be this social. The only reason I even came to this thing was because Steve said it was good for me. But even he knew i’m more of the lone type now. Who knew drunk chipper y/n could drag me out of my she.
“They’re still upstairs. I have to drop off a couple files at my boss’s office. I’ll meet you up there”. She said uncrossing her legs and hopping off the bed.
y/n’s  POV
I head through the corridors leaving Bucky to walk back to the elevators. I walk towards the other end of the floor towards Axelrod’s office. I dig through my bag looking for the spare key to his office. Still a little tipsy I jab at the lock with the key and fumble for a couple minutes before I finally get the door unlocked. I swear I heard someone moving around for a second Then realize it’s pitch black no ones here. The alcohol is definitely getting the better of me. I flip on the desk light and pull the large folder out of my bag and accidentally drop it. “Crap,” I say and gather up the papers. “Photon beam laser T-23” I read off froom a paper on top of the pile I’m gathering from the floor. What? I think to myself that’s not right. Why do we need photon radiotherapy? Maybe the delivery guy gave us the wrong paperwork? That can’t be. CRAP! I must’ve signed for the wrong delivery. Axelrod’s going to kill me. I flip through the book and look up at the metal boxes around his office. This can’t be right. Radiotherapy machines don’t come packed this small. Ugh my brain isn’t working I’m beginning to regret the last five shots I had. I drop the packet on his desk and kneel next to the first metal box. I unhook the latch and click the box open. Inside I see three vials of serum labeled ‘veritas’ and a needle injector. I click the next box open and find a head piece. With screws attached to it. What the fuck? I think to myself. Then it clicks. I don’t know why it took this long. I’m a smart woman but clearly the vodka killed off a few brain cells. Veritas serum, invasive neural surgical head gear. Where have I seen this before. About 6 months ago when I was doing inventory on a hydra warehouse that had been cleared. Why is Axelrod sneaking hydra equipment into the tower? Now that’s a question that I wish had come to me a little sooner. Because if said question had occurred to me about 20 seconds earlier, then the answer would have also occurred to me about 20 seconds earlier. He’s a double agent. But the realization came about 20 seconds too late and I now realize someones standing behind me.
“Now why couldn’t you be like everyone else and just go enjoy the party upstairs?” I hear his voice behind me. A shiver runs down my back. Well clearly he’s going to kill me. I mean that’s what i’d do if someone discovered my secret plan. Especially if the person’s drunk and vulnerable, killing them wouldn’t be that hard. y/n act now my brain screams. I quickly spin around on my heel and strike a quick hard kick to his shin. Clearly this took him by surprise and I make sure to follow through and knock him clear on his ass. I take my opportunity and run to the office door. But before I can make it, I feel a tug at my leg and fall back. Crap. Before I know it he’s on top of me with two grubby hands wrapped around my neck. Sharp kick to his crotch. That brought me some freedom. I get back up this time and make it through the door. No one’s going to save you now y/n. You’re just going to have to save yourself. I run through the corridor with him on my tail. But no matter how fast I run it’s not fast enough. He grabs my shoulder and shoves me against the wall. In the struggle he grabs ahold of my necklace and tugs to the right ripping it from my neck. Now let me tell you tugging a necklace off someone’s neck isn’t always as graceful as you see in the movies. It’s not just one small pull and tadah the clasp unhooks painlessly and magically it’s off. In real life it hurts. Like a bitch.
“Fuck” I scream. The thin chain leaving a faint cut on the left side of my neck. Now, the truly disturbing part isn’t the cut on my neck but the next thing that happens. He takes a step back smiles and twists my silver cross in half. Bending it like it was nothing. Know when you need help. And whatever Axelrod was he sure wasn’t your typical human evil scientist. I grab the pin holding my hair up and take my chance and stab it in his eye. Follow through. Oh god that was so gross I hear a popping noise probably the fluid in his eyeball bursting. I make a run for it to the elevators. Maybe Bucky is still there. I know I haven’t slowed Axelrod down much because I hear his footsteps shortly behind me. I turn a sharp corner and slam into Bucky’s hard form. I grab his shoulders and stare wide eyed at a loss for words.
“y/n what happen I heard you scream,” he asks concern in his brows.
“Evil scientist,” were the only two words that came out of my mouth before I turned around again to face Axelrod with my jade hair pin sticking out of his eye. I quickly jumped out of the way just as his fist came in contact with Bucky’s metal hand. I stand there disoriented for a few seconds. Watching two super humans fighting each other. What the hell am I supposed to do. You can’t just expect me to sit around being the damsel in distress. I’m in a lab I realize I look around and see chemical storage across the corridor and make a beeline for it. I push open the door and head for hazardous storage. Knocking over god knows how many vials I finally find the one i’m looking for. Ethylene Fluorohydrin I grab the tube and open a draw looking for a injector. I shove the tube inside the compartment and run back. The scene still remains the same: Bucky throwing punches at the man with a pin sticking out of his eye. One shot I think to myself. I take my chance in the chaos grabbing the hair pin from his eye and pulling it out. Step one, distraction he grabs my hand I kick him in the shin causing him to keel. Bucky takes his opportunity snaking his arm around Axelrod’s throat. I take my shot and aim directly for his chest and inject him with the toxic chemical. It takes him a couple seconds to stop moving. And then he’s dead. My knees finally give out and I fall to the floor panting. Bucky does the same shoving Axelrod’s body off of his own.
“Evil scientist,” I begin to laugh. Maybe it’s the shock but I can’t seem to stop laughing.
Bucky looks at me curiously and says, “nice moves. You’re a good fighter.”
“I know,” I reply standing up still laughing out of breath. I reach for Bucky’s arm and try to pull him up. “Ahh” I let out. Grabbing my side. I look down at my hands in the dimly lit hallway. My hands that are now covered in red. When did I get stabbed? I think, looking down at the blood. I don’t remember getting stabbed. My hair pin. My lovely red sundress covers up the blood nicely the stain is barely noticeable. Huh. One hell of a day. Fighting superhuman evil scientist. Then suddenly everything feels very far away and I lose control of my body.
“y/n!” I hear Bucky’s voice right before I pass out.
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
20+ Wedding Horror Stories That Will Shock The Hell Out Of You
Weddings are no doubt the most special occasion for a couple. While everyone desires and has their own version of a dream wedding, the most important part which everyone hopes for is that everything goes smooth. No matter how hard someone tries, the extravaganza is always prone to some disturbances.
The BuzzFeed community has however shared the most horrible things that can happen in a wedding. The situation gets literally shitty in some situations. Scroll down to explore the horrors!
1 That groom who peed all over the dance floor and more…
I went to a co-workers’ wedding with my boyfriend, and we were nearing the end of the night. I was dancing to an upbeat song when my boyfriend nudged me and pointed towards an area of the dance floor a few feet away. Both the bride and the groom had gotten absolutely wasted, and the groom started to unbuckle his pants. People started to notice what was happening when he began to pee all over the dance floor, causing several people — including the bride — to slip and fall. He then proceeded to shit all over the dance floor. Yes.
2 Best man reveals he once dated the bride.
At a wedding a few years ago the best man got up to give his speech and all appeared normal. That is until he mentioned that he knew the groom (his little brother) was getting a loving and supportive partner in his new bride…because he had dated her a few years prior.
3 Mom’s embarrassing speech.
My family is very religious except for my mother who is much more liberal. She got very drunk and did a speech where she told my husband and I to make love often. Great advice! But wrong place and time. My poor father looked so embarrassed he grabbed the microphone from her. I still have people talking about it.
4 Groom’s unhappy mother
The mother-of-the-groom literally got up, pushed the bride out of the way and told the groom “[the bride’s] not good enough for you, I set you up on eight dates this month and they’re all perfect!” And then she continued to drunkenly scream at them. It was especially crazy because the families had been friends for decades.
5 A family fistfight.
My cousin’s wedding: the groom’s drunk brother got into a fistfight with the bride’s teenage son during the reception…which was held on church property.
6 A scandalous mother-of-the-groom and father-of-the-bride situation.
While I was out of town visiting a friend we went to the wedding of her co-worker. I didn’t know anyone there so I was wandering around the reception hall and walked in on an older couple in a ‘compromising situation.’ Luckily, they didn’t notice me. I thought that was going to be the end of the story, but later on during the reception they each had to give a toast because SHE WAS THE MOTHER OF THE GROOM AND HE WAS THE FATHER OF THE BRIDE!!!!!!! I’ve never told anyone what I saw and I don’t know if their kids ever found out.
7 Bride’s dress on fire.
At my friend’s wedding they were setting off fireworks. Next thing you know the bride is screaming as her gown is set alight because of a firework that went off on the ground. Fun times.
  8 A Pacman wedding guest.
I work as part of the banquet staff at a wedding venue and at one wedding in particular we had a very high maintenance and controlling bride who yelled about the littlest details. One of the guests showed up in — I kid you not — a Pac-Man themed suit. She started hysterically crying as the reception started after she saw him for the first time and then started screaming and kicked him out of the reception. Quietest reception ever after that.
9 A drunk ex-uncle.
A drunk ex-uncle showed up to my cousin’s wedding, and made her dance with him, interrupting the bride and grooms’ first dance (he was not invited).
10 A horse stampede.
The bride and groom wanted pictures with a horse. They decided to put the bride on the horse but didn’t count on the horse tossing the bride. The horse then stomped on the maid of honor. By the time the ceremony started, the bride’s dress was covered in grass stains and the maid of honor had a broken foot.
  11 The best man’s X-rated show.
The best man came out of the bathroom in only his trousers and suspenders. He proceeded to strip tease until he was completely naked. He then climbed onto a table and, with his junk tucked, danced for the guests while the bride’s grandmother spanked his ass repeatedly.
12 A drunk Bridesmaid literally on fire.
During the reception my bridesmaid had a little too much to drink. She wasn’t looking where she was going and backed up into a candle with her very long, very hair-spray covered hair. She burnt her dress and her butt-length hair up to her shoulders. And we all know how good burnt hair smells.
13 A bride who had an allergic reaction to her makeup.
I had an allergic reaction to my airbrush makeup. The salon didn’t offer a trial before and I never thought anything of it. We got to the wedding venue (an hour from the salon) and my entire chin, cheek area and nose were as red as a tomato. I burst into tears. The wedding was only two hours away. Thankfully my matron of honor and best friend had spent months watching makeup tutorials and came prepared with a makeup case to do her own makeup. She took me into the bathroom, dried my tears and fixed it all.
14 Minister kept on saying the wrong name.
My ex-boyfriend was marrying his girl Amanda. The minister marrying them knew me and my ex but not the wife to be. The ENTIRE wedding she inserted my name “Joy” into the the places in the ceremony where she should have used “Amanda.” I wanted to die and of course Amanda wanted to kill me but naturally I was in the front row and couldn’t make a graceful exit.
15 A groom wasted and found slept in the bushes
Recently at a wedding I was in, a family friend of the groom must have been pregaming early in the day because by the time the wedding began at 5 p.m he was completely wasted. During the entire ceremony he would be yelling and cheering on all of us in the wedding party as we walked down the aisle. Worst part was that there was a videographer not too far from him trying to film the ceremony. We later found him asleep in the bushes outside during the cocktail hour.
16 Clash of wedding clans.
The entire male wedding party (plus a few guests) got into a huge brawl outside the venue with another wedding party. This included both the grooms and father- of-the-groom from the wedding I attended. It started because someone bumped into “our groom’s’” mom and didn’t apologize. Father of the groom then said something and it turned into about a 24-person brawl.
17 Flower girl who peed herself.
I was actually the culprit to causing a wedding disaster. I was a flower girl in my aunt and uncle’s wedding and during the ceremony while I was standing up front with the bridesmaids, I proceeded to pee myself. All over my white dress and white stockings. In my defense I kept telling the maid of honor I had to go.
18 The woman who accidentally ripped the bride’s dress.
At my aunt’s wedding, I was holding her bride’s dress to help her up the altar. I stepped on it accidentally and ripped her $3,000 dress in front of everyone.
19 Drunk bride’s mother lifted the dress way too high.
The bride and groom were walking back down the aisle when the bride’s drunk mother ran up behind her and lifted her dress up giving the guests a full shot of the poor bride’s rear end…
20 Wedding party got drenched in bathwater.
We set up our entire beautiful reception and were just about to head out to get our hair done for the ceremony, when all of a sudden the ceiling gave way and the room began to flood with the steaming water. Someone above us had fallen asleep with their bathtub running. We had to use big painters’ buckets to toss the water out of the room and into the waterfall outside. Our wedding party had to redo the setup as a result. The best part was the irony of the fact that the room was called the River Room. We can laugh at it now, but it was a disaster at the time!
21 Wedding DJ got arrested.
At my sister’s wedding, she paid the DJ half before the wedding then was going to pay the other half after. He ended up coming by saying he needed the other half for equipment so we paid him. He was running super late to the ceremony, and eventually called and said he had gotten arrested for not wearing a seat belt. Come to find out he was arrested for drugs of some kind that he used our money for! So we had to improvise by finding some speakers and plugging a phone in and hoping they’d be loud enough!
22 The bride attacked by the ants.
While my husband and I were taking family photos, I apparently stepped on an ant hill. Thousands of ants crawled into all 10 layers of the bottom of my dress. My parents and bridesmaids tried to pick out all the ants — we even tried to get a hair dryer to blow them out — but when I finally took my dress off at the end of the night, hundreds of ants fell out in the shower.
23 Husband waited at the altar more than he bargained for.
My grandfather, who was officiating, forgot to have me enter. Someone had to remind him halfway through the ceremony while my husband was standing at the altar…alone.
24 A literally Hot Wedding which melted the cake.
It was the middle of August and my cousin decided to have her wedding reception indoors, in an area of the church with NO AIR CONDITIONING. At first it was sort of alright, we opened up the two doors and someone brought out a big fan. Fast forward to the cake. The cake melted and fell apart.
25  Mother-of-the-bride with a dramatic accident right before the ceremony.
We were at the hotel taking pictures before the ceremony and my mother tripped over my veil and fell. She hit her forehead with a chair. Needless to say, blood everywhere. My husband was waiting for me at the altar. Literally. I had to call him while having a complete mental breakdown, thinking I had killed my mother on my wedding day and try to explain that we were “running a bit late.” We made it just fine in the end, but after that horrible scene, I almost felt sedated and the ceremony was a piece of cake.
26 The bridesmaid straight from hell.
One of my bridesmaids got super drunk. She knocked over my two-year-old niece (and flower girl) who started crying which really pissed off my sister (the maid of honor). This bridesmaid also disappeared for a large part of the reception and ended up hooking up with (loudly I might add) one of the groomsmen. My sister had to go kick them out of an upstairs room when the wedding was over…oh, and she had come with a boyfriend. The next day at breakfast it was all anyone could talk about. Major thunder stolen. We are no longer friends, if you’re wondering!
27 A half-naked, dancing, drunk uncle.
My uncle got completely plastered at our open bar and then demanded the attention of the entire dance floor. Everyone stopped and stared as he pulled his trousers all the way down, walked backwards and called it “the Moonwalk.”
28 The bride who got bird poop in her hair.
I had a bird poop in my hair during our wedding pictures. The worse part is I felt something and our photographer just cringed and said it was a leaf. Thank God, I had helpful bridesmaids who have to scrape it out with their fingers. Ugg.
29 The bride in a shitty situation…literally.
I had severe diarrhea. My (now husband) fiancée was reading his vows. All of a sudden, the LIQUID CRAP starts flowing out of me. My wedding dress had a long tail. The crap caught the tail, and when I ran off to get changed 20 minutes later, the tail left a streak of crap all over the ground.
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