#I got a very good deal on it because I told the person selling it I would definitely be learning to play it
tj-crochets · 4 months
Hey y'all my neighbors had a yard sale and I got an autoharp but I know absolutely nothing about autoharps, how to tune them, or how to play them. Do you have any advice?
22 notes · View notes
loudstan · 4 months
(67) Days of Whatever the Fuck that Was (PART 1.)
Summary: Chenle wasn't interested in committed relationships until he met the one. The problem is that now she is the one who doesn't want to commit to him.
Pairing: Werewolf! Chenle x Siren! Female reader
Warnings: OOff where do I start. Things get dubious, and even a bit non-conish sometimes so do not read if that's not something you're into. A lot of mind games, manipulation, gaslighting, and all the red flags you can think of. Y/N is MEAN. Also, this is super long so i had to make two separate posts. Read both if you want to know how it ends! SMUT.
Chenle didn’t understand why everyone said they had such a hard time trying to get their mates to accept them. All his pack brothers told horrendous stories about how hard it was to approach, confess, and get together with their destined person (except for Haechan, who found the whole ‘bugging her every day until she says yes´ approach normal). So far, all their mates had not been wolves like them, so it made sense that they didn’t immediately believe them, nor did they want to compromise to be with them for life. 
But Chenle? Chenle had his mate in his arms right now, not even five minutes after first laying eyes on her, kissing him and giggling playfully at his dumbfounded but eager state. 
He can barely remember how he got there. He remembers going to this bar that Jisung was ridiculously excited to check out. It was literally inside a ship that was (supposedly) safely anchored and that was accessible through a wooden bridge connected to the port. Rumor had it they served the most exquisite liquors from all around the world and they never stayed in the same town for more than a couple of months. Chenle found the concept of a wandering floating bar clever, especially because paying for a spot to park a ship wasn’t as expensive as renting a place on land and getting it ready for the business. He had some concerns regarding the legal permits to sell alcohol in different cities and countries, though.
 He was thinking about all the technical details that opening a business like this required while trying to decide what to order when he locked eyes with the bartender– the most beautiful creature he had ever seen– and he forgot how to speak, so he just looked at you dumbly as your lips moved delicately, asking him who knows what. 
You thought maybe he was new to drinking, so you leaned forward over the bar and pointed at some options on the menu, avoiding the ones that contained hard liquor. 
“Are you a beer-only type of person? This one is a little bitter but a lot of our regulars like it,” you tried to speak over the loud music. When he didn’t reply you tried again. “If you prefer something sweet there are a few cocktails that I could recommend but they are kinda strong–,” You looked up and saw that you had been talking to a wall the entire time; he wasn’t even looking at the menu. Instead, his eyes moved hesitantly from your lips to your neck and finally, your breasts, which were barely covered by your low-cut top, and had him salivating. 
He finally looked up when you scoffed. 
“That’s not really on the menu,” you teased him. You weren’t mad. You often got hit on during your shift, and you quite enjoyed the attention when it came from attractive young men. And this one was incredibly attractive. 
He cleared his throat. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to stare–”
“Do they look good?” you asked, tilting your head and crossing your arms under your chest, making your tits look even prettier. 
He swallowed a groan and forced his eyes to look back into yours after taking a quick look. So you were a tease, huh? He could deal with that. “Yes,” he said, suddenly sounding very confident. “But they would look prettier with my mouth on them.”
You were taken aback by the change of demeanor, but you couldn’t deny it sounded tempting. You had had your fair share of one-night stands, most of them fun, some of them not so much, but you had never wanted to kiss someone you had just met this badly. 
“Sangie,” you turned and called for your coworker who was cleaning some glasses. “Can I take a short toilet break?”
Yeosang smirked knowingly and nodded. There weren’t many customers right now, so he could handle them just fine. Plus, it was the first time he saw you taking the initiative to go with someone, which had to mean you really liked that lucky guy. 
“Thanks! Love ya!” you said, leaving your workstation and grabbing the stranger’s hand, who let you guide him without even thinking about his friend waiting for him at the table. 
And now he was pressed against the wall of a restroom as you assaulted his lips until he felt light-headed. The way the ocean waves rocked the ship didn’t help. He felt drunk already and he hadn’t tried a single drop of alcohol. 
“What’s your name?” he asked in between kisses.
“Y/N,” you replied, pecking his lips. “And you are…?”
“Chenle,” he said, chasing your mouth. “Zhong,” he added. He thought you had to know his family name as well since it would be yours one day. 
You giggled against his lips and his heart skipped a beat. 
And then he almost had a heart attack when you placed his hand on your breast. 
“I thought you were gonna make them look prettier, Chenle Zhong” you taunted. 
He let out a sound that was between a laugh and a scoff. He would fix your attitude later, right now he was feeling too good to be mad about it.
He squeezed your breasts while he trailed your neck with wet kisses.
You sighed and closed your eyes in delight, waiting for him to fulfill his promise, but he was taking his sweet time with your neck. 
“Hey,” you tried to get his attention to no avail. “I can’t be here all night, you know?” you informed him, laughing. 
Either he didn’t hear you or he decided to completely ignore you because he seemed fixated on nibbling the soft skin on the crook of your neck.  
You normally wouldn’t mind some of that for foreplay, but you had to get back to work at some point. Not only that, but the constant licking and sucking on the same spot was starting to get painful.
“Chenle,” you hissed, tapping at his shoulder insistently, but instead of stopping he opened his mouth wider and you felt sharp teeth scratching the surface his tongue had abused before. “Chenle, stop!” you demanded, grabbing a handful of his hair and finally pulling his head back. “What are you doing?!” you asked him, holding him in place and using your other hand to soothe the sensitive patch of skin. 
He groaned and stared at you defiantly. “Let me go.”
“ You’ve  been sucking on my neck for five minutes.”
“I found the right spot,” he argued, trying to dive in again, and grunting when you pulled his hair harder. 
“Right spot for what?” you asked, baffled. 
“To bite you,” he replied, rolling his eyes like you had asked the dumbest question ever.
“...Nice, but that won’t get me off,” you explained. “So can we move on?”
His reddened eyes (had they always been red?) squinted at you. “My mate has a sassy mouth, huh? Let me make it official and then I’ll get you off all you want,” he offered, aiming for your neck and letting out a frustrated sigh when you stopped him again.
“I’m no one’s mate. What the fuck are you on about?” you asked in disbelief.
“You asked for my ID before I could order a drink, right? What species did it say I was?” he tried to explain as kindly as he could, but he sounded like an exhausted elementary school teacher. He was losing his patience and it was getting really hard to be coherent. 
“A werewolf, but–,” you stopped mid-sentence and your eyes widened in realization. “Oh…”
“Yes, ‘Oh’,” he echoed. “So why do you think I need to bite your neck?”
“…You imprinted on me?” you whispered, gulping.
“Smart girl,” he cooed, pecking your lips and making you blush at the unexpected praise.
Once again he started kissing your neck, teeth grazing against the skin threateningly. When you tried to pull his hair again he growled, opting for pinning both your hands on the wall.
“This is what’s going to happen,” he whispered next to your ear. “After I mark you, we’re going somewhere more…hygienic and comfortable, where we can mate properly. Once my rut is over, if you can walk, we’re going on a date to discuss the details of our future together. Marriage is a must, but pretty much everything else is negotiable. Do you like diamonds?” he recited like he had been preparing this script for a long time.
“Absolutely no—”
“No diamonds?” He asked skeptically, thinking you were rejecting his gemstone choice instead of his whole plan. The way you squirmed didn’t seem to give him a clue of your thoughts either, because all he did was pin both your hands together on top of your head with one of his hands while the other grabbed your jaw firmly to keep you in place. “I guess there are other options, but diamonds are the most durable…” he mumbled.
“I have no intention of—”
“What type of house would you like? If you don’t like any of the properties on sale we can get one designed and built to suit your taste. Anything for you. You’ll get anything you want as long as you’re mine,” he continued like he couldn’t hear you. He wasn’t one to lose his mind easily, but you smelled of sea salt, coconut, and vanilla and he couldn’t think of anything else besides having you by his side and spoiling you.
Your heart sprinted. This stranger was about to make you his for the rest of your life. He was certainly handsome, but you had no intention of settling down. There was a reason you worked in a wandering bar! You couldn’t stay in just one place and belong to one person. 
You tried to reason with him, but your pleas fell on deaf ears. All he did was whisper reassuring words as he prepared to sink his fangs on you.
“C-can you at least look at me first?” you begged.
You don’t know if it was your desperate tone or the way your body was trembling but he miraculously decided to grant you something, lifting his head to look into your eyes.
And his eyes were so full of adoration.
It almost made you feel guilty for what you were about to do.
You had promised your captain not to lure anyone into doing something you wanted again, but this was an emergency. 
“Chenle Zhong,” you called his name sweetly, the sweetest he’s heard from you so far. “You don’t want to mark me,” you assured him.
His brows furrowed.
“I… I want–,” he tried to look at your neck again.
“Look at me,” you commanded, still using your luring voice. “You don’t want to be with me.”
He shook his head, opening his mouth dumbly without being able to formulate a word.  He seemed confused, like he couldn’t remember what he wanted to say but refused to let you go still. You were impressed. No one had been able to resist your hypnosis and you were sure he would give in soon, but he was putting up a fight. How sweet.
“Let me go,” you instructed softly.
He didn’t reply, but he reluctantly let go of your arms.
“I will get back to work and you will go home,” you informed him.
He nodded slowly, lost in your eyes. 
“What will you do?” you asked.
“I will go home,” he replied monotonously.
“Good boy,” you replied, caressing his cheek. He was so pretty… totally your type but you two didn’t want the same thing, so it was better to end things right now. Ideally, you would have been able to reason with him without bewitching him… but you doubted he would agree with you when his rut was clearly about to hit. “I’m leaving first,” you finally said before unlocking the restroom door and stepping out.
As soon as you walked out you bumped into the guy Chenle had arrived with. His panicked expression made him look like a mom who lost her child at a supermarket and you wondered if he was the reason Chenle’s phone kept vibrating in his pocket while you two made out. 
His widened eyes looked at your neck and his mouth fell open comically. 
“I think your friend had too many drinks,” you said casually, walking past him and pointing at the restroom. “You should take him home.”
The man looked at you suspiciously before rushing into the restroom.
“Had fun?” Yeosang asked casually once you got back to work.
“Not really,” you sighed.
“He wasn’t that good, huh?” he offered you a sympathetic smile after handing a customer a freshly prepared cocktail. 
“No–I mean…I don’t know,” you shrugged. “We just weren’t compatible.”
“Hm…it was certainly quick,” he replied as he saw the man he was talking about being dragged out of the restroom by another guy. “There he goes. Not a heavy drinker I guess–oh,” he stopped mid-sentence to let out a soft gasp and locked eyes with you. “You did not,” he said in disbelief. 
“I did not what?” you asked, feigning innocence and keeping yourself occupied cleaning the already clean bar top.
“Did you do the thing?” he whispered, looking around like he was afraid someone would hear. 
“No,” you lied.
“I don’t remember preparing a single drink for him. And he walked into that restroom with you just fine. Why does he look so lost and dazed?”
You sighed. Of course, Yeosang would be able to tell. He had been raised by merpeople before he was recruited by Hongjoong. Many would believe Yeosang was a siren himself because of his bewitching aura and appearance, but he was human alright. A human who grew up mirroring and understanding siren behavior. It was thanks to him that the captain accepted you as part of the crew when he caught you stealing from him some years ago. Hongjoong would have never been reckless enough to take a half-siren in, but Yeosang seemed so excited to meet you and spend time with someone who wasn’t a complete brute. He gave the crew the most devastating puppy eyes as he asked if they could ‘keep’ you … How could Hongjoong say no to him? 
You had tried to escape a couple of times but Yeosang’s sad face when you got caught always made you feel terrible. You ended up growing fond of him and it didn’t bother you when he asked you if you wanted to help him make a seashell necklace or if you would let him brush your hair. Soon you started feeling comfortable around the others too as you understood that you weren’t a prisoner and that no one had any ill intention toward you. They saw you as part of the team. All you had to do was work at the bar, help keep the ship clean, and follow the captain’s rules.
 Speaking of rules…
“Y/N! Captain said not to!” Yeosang reprimanded you, looking from you to the exit as Chenle and his friend left. 
“It was an emergency!” you hissed.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked, scanning you with alarmed eyes but besides the purple marks on your neck, you seemed fine. 
“No,” you rolled your eyes. “I just shouldn’t have tried anything with a werewolf in the first place.”
“...Oh, well…uh-,” he blinked twice, trying to understand the problem. “I didn’t take you for a human supremacist…”
“Wha– I’m not a human supremacist, Yeosang!” you exclaimed, frustrated. “I’m not even fully human myself!”
“Then what was the problem?”
“He imprinted on me,” you disclosed before heading towards a new customer to take their order.
Yeosang’s widened eyes followed your movements. He was still silent even after you prepared the requested drink.
“What?” you asked when you noticed a tiny smile forming on his lips.
“Do you feel the same for him?” he asked you, failing to hide his excitement with the way his eyes glimmered. “Is that why you wanted to be alone with him?”
“What? No! I just wanted to have some fun tonight,” you replied. “Humans don’t have mates.”
“But sirens do,” he said.
Your neck almost snapped as you turned to look at him. “They do?!” you asked in shock. You grew up on land and didn’t know as much as Yeosang about sirens so this was new information for you.
He nodded.  “And you are half siren,” he reminded you.
“I’m mostly human, though,” you shrugged, pretending to inspect the bottles on the shelf. “But just out of curiosity, what does imprinting feel like for sirens?”
Yeosang hummed. “Well, besides the expected attraction and hornyness, you may feel kinda weak if you’re not with your partner. Some sirens get sick.”
You nodded. It should be fine, since you felt perfectly fine, besides the obvious sexual frustration. If you were lucky enough, the effect of the hypnosis would last enough for Chenle to leave you alone until the boat sailed to its next destination.
Meanwhile, Jisung finally managed to get Chenle home. Chenle was cooperating, but his body was acting kind of clumsy and he was running a fever that kept getting worse. 
Thanks to his friend’s zombie-like curt answers, Jisung figured out that Chenle had imprinted on the woman who worked at the bar and that she ‘smelt really good’, but he ‘did not want to mark her at all’ which was very odd for any werewolf who just had his rut triggered due to a fated meeting with their real mate. When Jisung tried to get some clarification, Chenle would simply reply that he needed to get home.
 What scared Jisung the most was that Chenle’s eyes looked empty, like he was dead inside. They had turned red like they usually did when they experienced strong emotions, but they didn’t express anything. 
So as soon as the front door opened and the two youngest were met with the familiar faces of their pack, Jisung asked for help.
“I think we need an exorcist,” he blurted out, fighting tears of terror and holding onto his probably demon-possessed friend’s arm.
“Finally,” Haechan murmured as he sprinted to his room to get his exorcism kit. “My time has come!” he yelled from a distance.
“What would you need an exorcist for?” Jeno asked skeptically. 
“Chenle is not Chenle,” Jisung answered, pointing at Chenle who was standing like a statue next to him. 
“He looks like Chenle to me,” Jeno said. 
“No, no,” Jisung insisted. “There is something wrong with him!”
“Hey, man,” Mark greeted, walking up to Chenle. “You good?”
“Yes,” Chenle said in a monotonous voice.
“Uh…” Mark halted at the unfamiliar tone and exchanged a look with Jisung before continuing. “How was your night?”
“Good,” Chenle murmured, his eyes were on Mark but he wasn’t really looking at him. 
“Really? Uh, t-tell me more,” Mark insisted, trying to get some information. 
Chenle’s eyes squinted momentarily in confusion, not knowing how to answer.
“He doesn’t reply to open questions, ever since I found him in the restroom and dragged him out of the bar,” Jisung clarified. “You have to be specific. Watch this; Chenle, who is Y/N?”
“My mate,” Chenle replied without hesitation, his eyes lighting up for a second. 
“Woah! You found your mate?!” Mark almost screamed. “Congratulations!”
Haechan came back in that moment with a box full of enchanted objects ready to expel the devil from his friend’s body. “What?! Then he’s not possessed, Jisung! He’s probably just daydreaming!”
Jeno laughed and gave Chenle a friendly punch on the arm. “Congratulations!” he said before turning to Jisung and patting his head. “You got us worried for no reason, pup.”
“No, guys, you don’t understand,” Jisung insisted. “Listen to this: Chenle, did you mark Y/N?”
“I don’t want to mark her,” Chenle replied.”I don’t want to be with her.”
Jeno’s eyes widened, Mark’s eyebrows furrowed and Haechan, who was about to walk away with his exorcism kit, turned back, thinking that he may need to intervene after all.
“You don’t want to be with the person you imprinted on?” Haechan repeated.
“ I don’t want to be with her,” Chenle echoed.
“Those are the only full sentences he says,” Jisung whispered with urgency. “That, and that he wants to go home.”
“Well, you are home now,” Jeno informed, placing a gentle hand on Chenle’s shoulder.
Chenle let out a relieved exhale and collapsed on the floor with a loud thud like he had been waiting for that piece of information to shut down.
All four men looked at their passed-out friend in shock until Haechan broke the silence with urgent commands: “Jeno, Mark, hold him still!”
“What for?” Jeno asked, confused.
“I d-don’t think he’s going anywhere…” Mark said.
“Oh, you’re right, why don’t we just let Mr. Demon take their sweet time to consume Chenle’s soul? ” Haechan replied sarcastically. “JUST GRAB HIM!”
Mark and Jeno pinned Chenle’s arms and legs down hesitantly.
“Jisung, help me draw a pentagram around him,” Haechan instructed, handing Jisung a piece of chalk that he took with a trembling hand.
  Jaemin entered through the front door and stared blankly at the scene in front of him. “Is this another episode of ‘just boys being boys’?” he asked, still standing under the doorframe. 
Jeno, Mark, and Haechan exclaimed a bunch of incoherent answers, while Jisung continued sobbing and drawing a circle around Chenle, but somehow Jaemin got the idea and rushed toward Chenle.
“He fainted because he has a fever,” Jaemin sighed after taking his temperature and checking his pulse. “Very intense ruts can cause that. Didn’t you say he just imprinted on someone?”
“But he didn’t sound normal!” Jeno insisted. “He was speaking like he had no soul!”
“BECAUSE A DEMON TOOK IT!” Haechan yelled, making Jisung cry louder.
Jaemin rolled his eyes. “His brain was probably not working properly because of the fever. How many of you can have a normal conversation while in rut?”
The boys sat on the floor in silence, looking at Chenle and then at each other, embarrassed of the collective hysteria that took over them. Jisung was still hiccupping but he calmed down a little.
“He’s not possessed,” Jaemin declared, holding back a laugh. “Now put those candles away and go get him some suppressants and water.”
After that, Chenle’s rut was quite uneventful. Too uneventful.
Taeyong was the first to notice something was off, deciding to enter Chenle’s room after an entire day of not hearing any noise coming from the inside. 
Instead of being met with an incredibly horny and incoherent Chenle humping whatever he could find, he found him lying on the bed as he stared at the roof absentmindedly. 
He called the younger’s name twice. Then he grabbed his shoulders and shook him softly, but Chenle only let out a pathetic whine.
Typically, the best way to reduce the fever that comes with a rut is to get off, as a way to trick their wolf into thinking they were breeding. But Chenle wasn’t interested in getting relief, despite his visible erection. 
He was unresponsive, burning up, and not even trying to do something about it. 
“Chenle, this isn’t your first rut. You know what you gotta do to feel better,” Taeyong reminded him. 
Chenle turned around to lay on his side, looking away from his leader.
“I heard you met your mate. Y/N, wasn’t it?” Taeyong tried a different approach, smiling when Chenle tilted his head towards him slightly with interest. “What is she like?”
“S-she–,” Chenle’s voice was hoarse, so he cleared his throat before speaking again. “She’s perfect…”
Taeyong nodded. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Chenle replied curtly. 
“You don’t look like someone who just met the love of his life.”
“Why? Because I’m not behaving like a horndog?” Chenle spat angrily. “I have more class than that.”
“I see,” the leader replied, unimpressed. “Is that the reason you don’t want to mark her or even be with her? Not classy enough for you?”
Chenle groaned. “I just don’t want to! Why do I have to commit to someone I just met?!” he asked defensively. 
The truth was he did not understand why he kept repeating that. He could hear his wolf whimpering painfully in disagreement and his heart throbbing whenever he said he didn’t want to mark you, but for some reason, his brain kept telling him that’s what he wanted. The constant fight between his mind and his body made his head hurt, and his rut was making everything worse. Taeyong’s voice was fading away and his head hurt so much he felt like he would throw up. He couldn’t understand a word that was said to him and honestly, he didn’t want to understand right now. He just wanted to rest, but the room was so hot and it was getting hard to breathe.
He doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up he felt less hot than before. As he opened his eyes slowly, he saw Doyoung hovering over him, gently rubbing his face and neck with a wet cloth.
“Hey,” the older one greeted. “How are you feeling?”
Chenle gulped and blinked a couple of times. He was still in pain but he could think a bit more clearly. He noticed he was wearing different clothes, so he assumed his previous clothes were probably drenched with sweat and his pack members had changed him into clean, dry ones.  “G-good.”
“We were going to take you to the hospital if your condition didn’t improve,” Doyoung said. “The entire pack is worried.”
“Sorry,” Chenle said. “I’m fine, it’s just my rut.”
Doyoung, always so perceptive, could tell that something was bothering Chenle, but when he opened his mouth to ask, an enthusiastic knock on the door interrupted him.
“It’s my turn to babysit the pup,” Yuta said energetically, entering the room.
“I don’t need–” Chenle sighed but was quickly cut off by Doyoung.
“Thanks, Yuta! I can’t miss this meeting so I really have to go. He needs to take some medicine at 4. Did you check the group chat? I texted–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Yuta replied, pushing Doyoung out the door. “Just go!” he exclaimed, closing the door and turning towards Chenle. 
Then Chenle heard him lock the door.
“What are you doing?” Chenle asked.
“Why aren’t you jerking off?” Yuta asked straight to the point, asking the question no one had dared to.
“I beg your pardon?” Chenle deadpanned, sitting up and glaring at the older. 
“Why aren’t you making it snow?” Yuta rephrased.
Chenle gave him a disgusted look. 
“You had no problem doing it during past ruts. So what was that about suddenly having too much class for that?” Yuta continued the interrogation.
Great. Taeyong had told everyone.
“I just don’t want to!” he insisted stubbornly. “I’m capable of making my own choices whether my wolf wants it or not.”
“If you won’t listen to your wolf, then at least listen to your body,” Yuta sighed. “The fever will keep coming back unless you take care of yourself.”
“A fever won’t kill me–”
“Doyoung didn’t sleep all night because of how worried he was.”
That shut Chenle up. He didn’t mean to cause trouble. He also wanted his rut to be over but for some reason, it felt wrong to touch himself to the thought of you. After all, you weren’t his. He didn’t want you to be his, right?
“You need to cum, Chenle,” Yuta said firmly.
“...I’m fine,” Chenle murmured, staring at his lap.
“I’ll get you off myself if you don’t.”
Chenle looked up, surprised and enraged. “Wha—,” he yelped, jumping off the bed when he saw Yuta walking towards him. “Hyung, what’s your fucking problem?!”
“You need to cum,” Yuta repeated.
Chenle gulped. “Y-you wouldn’t. You’re mated,” he reminded him.
Yuta nodded. “I already called my mate and asked her for permission. I explained that it was an emergency and I would only do it if you didn’t cooperate. She found it weird,  but in the end, she agreed as long as I only used my hand and never mentioned it again.”
Chenle’s eyes were wide with bewilderment. Yuta was not fucking around. He really was that guy who would help a bro out. “You’re crazy.”
“So I’ve heard,” Yuta conceded. “Now, get over here. The faster we do this, the faster your rut will be over,” he said while he rolled up his sleeves like he was about to perform some surgical procedure.
“NO!” Chenle exclaimed. “I’ll do it myself!”
Yuta raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Go on, then.”
They stared at each other in silence for a whole minute.
“Do you mind…,” Chenle asked vaguely, pointing at the door.
“Nah, I ain’t leaving until you do it.”
“Hyung,” Chenle spoke through gritted teeth. “I promise you I’ll do what I have to do, but please give me some privacy.”
Yuta seemed to think about it for a second and then he made his way to the door, unlocking it and opening it. As he was leaving he spoke again.“Just know that if I don’t hear any fapping sounds I’m coming back–”
“GET OUT!” Chenle yelled, throwing a pillow at the door which closed right in time.“He’s so weird,” he murmured to himself. 
“I heard that!” Yuta yelled from the other side of the door. “That’s not the sound I’m waiting for!”
Chenle groaned. He was incredibly embarrassed to have to touch himself while someone listened, but he knew Yuta wasn’t bluffing and that he wouldn’t leave until he did what he promised he would. 
He stood in the corner of the room that was the furthest from the door and hesitantly palmed himself over his pajama pants. Immediately his back arched and his eyes rolled back.
“F-fuck…” he whispered, pressing his palm against his erection harder. It felt so good to get some friction after holding out for so long.
Why was he avoiding this again?
No, what he was avoiding was not the pleasure itself, but thinking of you to feel said pleasure. He felt like he had no right.
‘No right?!’ huffed an incredulous voice in his head. ‘Who else would have that right if not me? She’s my mate–’
He shook his head and his hand stopped moving. You weren’t his. He didn’t want you to be his, right?
That’s what he had been telling everyone since he met you.
But why did he keep saying that? Why didn’t he want you?
He remembered the taste of your soft lips and his hand resumed its movement as he let out a shaky breath.
How could he not want those lips?
And the way you whimpered when his teeth grazed your neck? 
Oh, hell no. He definitely wanted you.
He pulled his pants down and thrust into his fist.
“Mm…Y/N–ah!” he moaned.
He remembered it now. You had told him that he didn’t want you…and he just went with it?
He let out a sound between a scoff and a laugh as he remembered the conversation. You had dared to tell him what he wanted?
Next time he saw you he would fuck that pretty mouth. That way you wouldn’t repeat such insolent words. 
He gasped, imagining you on your knees with those beautiful eyes glaring at him, full of defiance. 
 You were attracted to him. It was obvious. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have dragged him into the restroom and kissed him stupid. You only showed resistance when he straight-up told you he wanted to mark you.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say to someone he had just met, but Chenle never had been one to beat around the bush. He probably would have told you all that even if he hadn’t entered his rut. 
He wouldn’t let you go that easily next time.
You would be his.
“I want you…” he murmured like he was talking to you. “I want you,” he repeated, this time louder and more secure. “I want you, I want you, I want you—Oooh!” He gasped and his legs trembled as he reached his long-overdue orgasm and white liquid covered his hand. 
He continued stroking his cock lazily as he slid down the wall. 
That was the best orgasm he had ever had. And it had just been a quickie with his hand.
Oh God…he hoped Yuta had left already. He must have, because he couldn’t smell him anymore.
“Y/N,” he whispered. “I want you,” he declared, practicing what he would say next time he saw you. 
His head was clear now and he knew that he had to have you. Whatever possessed him to say he didn’t was gone. 
His hand sped up again, this time without a single ounce of guilt or hesitation, aiming to enjoy every sensation the thought of you was giving him and finishing his rut fast to go back to that damn bar.
And he did just that.
A couple of days later you were taking orders and preparing drinks as usual when a familiar ID card was slid toward you on the counter.
You tried not to show your nervousness. After all, you had hypnotized him, so he surely wasn’t back for you. He probably just wanted a drink.
You cleared your throat and tried your best to avoid eye contact. “What can I get you?” you asked curtly.
“I want your number,” the familiar voice said.
You looked up, surprised. 
There he was, glaring at you with such intensity you just knew he had managed to escape your spell. In just two days.
“No,” you replied, trying to hide your agitation. 
“No?” he echoed.
“I’m not interested,” you half-lied. Were you interested in him? Yes. Were you interested in a commitment to life with him? No.
“You were interested when I offered to suck on your tits,” he reminded you, making a few people turn their heads in shock.
You were mortified.
“Y/N, Can you get some whiskey from the storage room?” Yeosang’s voice called as he stood in front of you. “I’ll be taking your order, sir.”
You nodded, mentally thanking Yeosang and making your way to the storage room, just to see Chenle trying to follow you by walking around the counter. 
“Sir,” Yeosang spoke harshly this time, as he positioned himself in front of Chenle again. “I said I would be taking your order.”
“I’m not done talking to her,” Chenle said.
“I think you are,” Yeosang replied with a polite smile, crossing his arms and displaying perfectly sculpted muscles.
Chenle didn’t work out as hard as some of his pack members and he had no experience fighting so he knew this guy would probably knock him out with a single hit. But his wolf kept telling him to fight this bartender guy who dared to hide his mate from him. 
“I just want to talk to her,” Chenle spoke through gritted teeth, trying his best to calm himself down.
“Do you want to talk to him?” Yeosang asked you.
You looked at Chenle and then at Yeosang, before sighing and giving Yeosang a short nod. 
“Fine. But over there, where I can see you,” Yeosang warned him, pointing at an empty table in a corner.
“Thank you,” Chenle mumbled before walking to where he was told to go and taking a seat to wait for you. He was a nervous wreck, but he would never admit to it.
“Here,” you said, placing a glass of water in front of him before sitting on the chair next to him. 
“Thanks,” he replied curtly and took a sip of water, trying to remember what he had come to say. It was hard to concentrate when you were looking at him with those captivating eyes.
You also drank some water to calm your nerves as anxious thoughts invaded you. Had he figured out what you had done? If so, you should probably apologize now that he seems to be open to dialogue.
“Sorry,” you both said at the same time.
Both of you seemed surprised at what they heard from the other.
“Uh…,” you stuttered trying to figure out how to continue from there.
“Sorry, did you want to–...” Chenle vaguely gestured for you to speak first.
“No! You first,” you urged.
“Okay, uh…,” he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry if I scared you the other day.”
“...Scare me?” you echoed.
He nodded.
“That whole biting thing and the things I said…I won’t lie and say I didn’t mean them. I meant every single word. But I understand that’s not how normal conversations go when you just meet someone. I got carried away.”
You nodded too.
“I would like to start over if you’re okay with that,” he offered hopefully. “We don’t have to do anything like that night. We can just…talk and get to know each other.”
You took another sip of your drink while Chenle waited for your answer.
“I don’t think so,” you finally said, looking away when you saw Chenle’s eyes widen in distress. “I don’t date.”
“You d-don’t…,” Chenle repeated dumbly. “What?! Like at all?!”
You shrugged. “It’s not my thing.”
“Then what did you want from me that night?! A quick fuck?!”
“Yes. Exactly,” you admitted. “You thought you could find a wholesome relationship at a bar? How cute,” you teased him.
“It wouldn’t have mattered where I met you. I would have wanted you regardless,” he replied assertively.
“Mm, thanks,” you replied casually like your heart didn’t beat faster at his words. “But my answer’s still no.”
Chenle froze. What did you mean no? That was ridiculous! How would a wolf survive after being rejected by their mate?!
“We don’t have to call it dating,” he quickly said when he saw you standing up to leave.
You hesitated and looked at Chenle.
“What would you call it, then?” you asked him just out of curiosity, sitting down again. You wouldn’t change your mind regardless.
“Whatever you want,” he bargained, trying to look uninterested when he was actually desperate.
“Whatever I want,” you hummed. “So you’re okay with being fuckbuddies?” 
He was conflicted. He didn’t want that exactly, but if that was his only hope to win you over, he would take it. He would take anything as long as you didn’t cut him off completely. 
“Yes,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“Hmm.. I don’t know,” you teased him a little more. He was just so cute when he was annoyed. “You’re not really my type.”
He poked his tongue on his cheek. “Why not?”
“You’re not very tall–”
“I’m not short either.”
“You're too impulsive.”
“Says the one who dragged me to the restroom.”
“And you’re younger than me.”
Chenle opened his mouth to speak and then he closed it again. He never told you his age–Oh, right, his ID! 
“So what?” he asked.
“You won’t even ask how old I am?” you taunted him.
“Doesn’t matter. I bet you’re barely a couple of years older. And I would want you even if you were 10 years older. I don’t care.”
“But I care,” you lied.
He leaned closer to you. “Bullshit,” he laughed. Sounding confident for the first time in the conversation. “You knew my age that night when you had me pressed against the restroom wall.”
Your smirk dropped. 
“You were moaning and humping my leg like you couldn’t get enough of me, but now I’m not your type?” he mocked. “I like that you’re playing hard to get. It’s cute,” he admitted. “Now can you drop the act and let me ruin you?”
You gulped.
“What makes you so sure that’s what I want?”
“Oh, please. Your pupils dilated when I said that,” he scoffed. “But what really gave you away was how wet you got as soon as you heard my voice. I can smell it, you know?”
You bit your lip and glared at him. “How do you know it wasn’t because of someone else?”
“Because the scent gets stronger whenever I speak,” he said hoarsely, making you shiver. “I have never met someone so…sensitive to sounds,” he purred, dangerously close to your ear.
 You had to fight the urge to roll your eyes back in bliss. Sirens were indeed sensitive to sound and just like they used their voice to tempt their prey, they felt attracted to melodic voices too.
“It’s not bad, I guess,” you admitted.
“I like your voice too,” Chenle said. “Would love to hear you screaming, though.”
You inhaled sharply.
Chenle smirked triumphantly. Admittedly, he had come to see you to ask you out romantically, not sexually. But this approach seemed to work better with you and he was getting turned on too. “Let’s get out of here,” his sultry voice suggested and by your scent, he knew he had won.
“You’ll have to wait until closing hours,” you said, trying to act coyly even though your legs visibly shook when you stood up. “If you wanna wait here then you have to order something.”
“I’ll get a glass of whichever your favorite liquor is.”
Smooth. He was quite confident now that he was sure you liked him back.
“I only drink luxurious brands,” you lied, trying to intimidate him. “Can you afford it?”
Chenle handed you a black card and chuckled when you gasped. 
“I think I’ll survive,” he said. “By the way, what did you want to apologize for?” He asked, remembering how the whole conversation had started.
“O-oh, just for…leaving you alone in the restroom that night,” you lied. “I’ll go get your drink,” you added and left before he had the chance to reply
“You okay?” Yeosang asked when you went back to the bar counter. 
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“You guys looked close,” he commented teasingly. “Are you sure he’s not your mate?”
“I told you it’s not like that.”
Yeosang shrugged. “You looked tired and kind of pale these last two days but now you suddenly look like you slept 12 hours and had a four-course meal.”
“You’re seeing things, Sangie,” you laughed nervously. 
“Hm… and you haven’t been feeling a tingle on your fingertips right?” Yeosang asked casually.
You almost dropped the glass you were holding. Your fingertips had started tingling the day before for no apparent reason so you had assumed you had an allergic reaction to something.
“Why do you ask?” You inquired.
“It’s one of the signs of siren imprinting,” he replied distractedly as he handed a drink to a customer.
“Why didn’t you mention it when I asked you the other night?!” You asked him urgently.
“I forgot,” he said simply.
“Any other symptoms I should be aware of?” You asked in an irritated tone.
“You said you were sure you weren’t mates, so I don’t think so.”
“Okay, but what if we were mates? What else would I need to know?” You insisted. “Hypothetically,” you added when he gave you an inquisitive look.
“Well, I guess hypothetically, you should be aware that for sirens pleasure is very important and that orgasms strengthen the bond,” he commented. “Once your mate makes you orgasm then you’ll be tied to him forever,” he said.
You scoffed. “So I would belong to any man who makes me cum? That’s ridiculous! I’ve never felt that way after sex.”
“Because none of them was your mate. None of them made your fingers tingle in a funny way, or  feel energized as soon as you saw them, or made you feel like you would explode if you didn’t kiss them—“
“Chenle doesn’t make me feel like that either!” You lied, feeling called out.
“Then you have nothing to worry about, right?” he agreed. “This is all hypothetical.”
“But, hypothetically, if Chenle and I were mates and I wanted to…hang out with him…”
“Hang out as in…having sex?” Yeosang clarified.
“Uh,y-yes,” you replied. “Let’s say I want to have sex with him but I don’t want to consummate the bond. How should I do it?”
“Pleasure, especially orgasms, are what seal the bond between mates. If Chenle is your mate and you want to fool around with him but you don’t want to be tied to him, then all you gotta do is make sure he doesn’t make you cum,” he explained like he had a PhD in this stuff. 
You looked at him, dumbfounded. “I don’t get to feel good?”
“You can if you’re willing to accept him as your forever mate,” he shrugged. “Hypothetically,” he added mockingly. 
He always knew when you were lying, so he was sure you were crazy about Chenle even if you denied it. 
You sighed. “Fuck…”
“Y/N, would it really be that bad?” Yeosang sighed too, trying to understand why you were so against the idea of being in a romantic relationship. “You imprinted on him, and he imprinted on you too. Why not accept and enjoy it?”
“And being stuck in a boring town with a stupid mutt as a companion for the rest of my life?” you hissed. “Sangie, you know me! I can’t stay in one place or be with one person! I’m a free spirit!”
“Then don’t get involved with someone who clearly is serious about you?” Yeosang offered, confused at your dilemma. 
“But I want him so bad!” you whined.
“Then go get him?”
“But I don’t want him forever.”
Yeosang clicked his tongue, expressing disapproval. “You’re so selfish sometimes…”
“I’m literally just a girl,” you countered. “I’m allowed to have fun–Oh, that’s right! I can just stop before I cum, right?” you gasped, excited at the discovery of a loophole.
Yeosang didn’t reply. He shook his head in disbelief and went back to preparing drinks. 
You were too excited to worry about his criticism. Taking orders and stealing glances at Chenle who wouldn’t look away from you during your entire shift. He waited patiently for you to finish working but the anticipation was killing him, and when you finally approached him after cleaning your workstation, he grabbed your hand and took you out of the bar in a hurry, observed by a very conflicted Yeosang. 
Considering he had a black card, you weren’t surprised when you found yourself sitting in a luxurious car that screamed rich. You knew nothing about cars, yet you knew this one was expensive. This guy was a big deal.
“Are you even allowed to drive, pup?” you teased him when he sat in the driver’s seat. It was a dumb question, just aiming to make him feel smaller as a way to gain back your power.
“Put on your seat belt,” he commanded, ignoring your question.
“Ah, I guess you’re still a learner driver,” you said, chuckling. “It’s okay, don’t be embarrassed.”
Before you could blink he was hovering over you, looking into your eyes sternly. 
“Do you have any idea of how hard it is to focus on driving when you’re soaked sitting next to me?” he asked slowly, threateningly. “I’m suffocating on your scent, so sorry if I want to keep you safe while I speed to get us somewhere private.”
You couldn’t think of anything to say.
No smart comebacks. No teasing. 
You were sure all that would leave your mouth right now was a pathetic moan, so you opted to keep quiet. 
That seemed to please Chenle. 
“Good girl,” you heard him whisper before a clicking sound told you he had successfully fastened your seat belt. 
He accommodated himself and put on his seat belt before starting the car and driving in complete silence. He was gripping the steering wheel with so much strength that his knuckles were turning white. His jaw was tense and he kept his eyes strictly on the road because he knew if he looked at you he would stop the car and take you right there.
You didn’t say anything either. Aroused yet annoyed at the power he effortlessly held over you. You would find a way to gain control again soon.
When the car stopped, Chenle quickly got off and walked around the vehicle to open the door for you. 
“What a gentleman,” you cooed, back in the game, allowing him to help you out of the car.
“Not for long,” he spoke under his breath, once again taking your hand to drag you into the fanciest hotel you had ever seen. 
You tried not to let it show that you were impressed.
 “I guess your place wasn’t good enough to take me there…,” you taunted once you reached the elevator and he pressed the button with the highest number on it.
“My place is too crowded. But we can go there if you don’t mind the entire pack listening,” he commented, still holding your hand firmly. 
“Like you could make me moan,” you scoffed. 
Chenle huffed. He was so ready to fuck that attitude out of you. “We’re about to find out,” he said, guiding you out of the elevator and into the room he had booked.
You couldn’t help your gasp.
“Is this the presidential suite–?” you turned to ask but were interrupted by Chenle kissing you hotly, pressing your back against the door you had just entered through.
The kiss was wet, unpractised,  desperate. He tasted like liquor and his skill wasn’t perfect, yet it was somehow the best kiss you’d ever had. The lack of air in your lungs and the way his hands held your waist with his hips pressed against yours firmly, made you feel deliciously dizzy and craving for more.
You let out a broken moan and Chenle chuckled. 
“You said I’m not your type and that I can’t make you moan, huh? ” he whispered, pressing his hips harder against yours and making you whine. “I haven’t even done anything, yet you’re enjoying yourself so much,” he cooed, licking your earlobe.
You shivered. “S-shut up–”
“Look at you, so precious,” he continued, moving his hips in a circular motion that had you closing your eyes and moaning louder. “Are you gonna cum just from this?”
Your eyes snapped open in realization and you pushed him away abruptly, almost making him fall on the floor. 
He looked at you with wide eyes, confused and worried. “What? Was I too rough?” he asked. 
You exhaled shakily and tried to regain some composure. If what Yeosang said was true, then you absolutely couldn’t cum. Not by Chenle’s doing. You were going to have some fun with him, make out, and maybe torment him a little bit, but you wouldn’t let him get you off. 
“Did you bring me here to hump me and cum in your pants? What was I expecting from a dumb pup,” you sighed, feigning disappointment. 
He squinted his eyes and clenched his fist.
“I’m feeling charitable today, so I’ll offer you a deal,” you said, smiling sweetly and walking towards the master bedroom, with Chenle tailing you. “I’ll get you off and then you’ll drive me home,” you declared, sitting on the huge bed.
“Get me off?” he repeated dumbly, standing in front of you. “What about you?”
“You think you can get me off?” you sneered. 
“I was about to before you pushed me away,” he growled.
“Please, that was not me about to cum,” you lied. “It’s just a little act us women put on to make guys feel good.”
“I’m sure you were about to–” he insisted.
“Yeah? Do you think you know my body better than me? Why would I have stopped you if I was feeling that good?”
Chenle blinked a couple of times, processing that maybe he had read your body language wrong and disappointed you. He wasn’t crazy experienced, but the few lovers he had had hadn’t complained. Surely he couldn’t be that bad…
Or could he?
Oh no…You had agreed to meet with him only for sex and he couldn’t even do that, right? Fuck, he couldn’t lose you now. He would do anything.
“Let me try again,” he proposed, climbing on the bed and trying to kiss you, but you turned away.
“If you’re not going to follow my rules, I’m leaving,” you threatened.
His eye twitched. He wanted to spank you until your ass turned red and pound you on the bed until you behaved. He wasn’t one to take orders. But he wanted to do things right with you. Now that he was thinking somewhat clearly, he wanted you to be with him willingly, instead of biting you and forcing you into a relationship. He wanted you to want him. And if that meant he had to lower his head for now and re-learn all he knew about sex, then so be it.
“What do you want me to do?” he finally asked. 
“Just be a good pup and take your pants off for me, will you?” you asked and giggled. That little giggle that drove Chenle crazy.
He cringed at the pet name but he did as he was told, standing up and unbuckling his belt. You loved your men obedient, but even if his actions were compliant, his eyes failed to hide his obstinate nature. Anyone could tell he wasn’t used to submitting to anyone.
You smirked, willing yourself to pester him with some other brazen comment when the sound of his belt and pants hitting the floor brought your attention toward his barely covered center. 
Shocking. Scandalous. Massive.
The pair of gray boxers could barely contain what was in there. 
You had seen big before, but not this big. 
“What now?” Chenle deadpanned. He wasn’t loving this situation.
“What now?” you laughed, swallowing back the saliva that pooled in your mouth when you were daydreaming about his cock. “There’s already a stain of precum on your underwear. I think you could cum without me doing anything at all.”
Chenle sighed, frustrated. “Look, if you don’t want to do this–”
“Come closer,” you commanded.
Chenle bit his lower lip. He wanted to say so many things, but he controlled himself and walked until he was mere centimeters away from you. 
Ignoring his blazing glare, you hooked your index fingers on the elastic of his boxers and lowered them lazily, hearing his breath stutter. 
There it was. Hard, thick, and huge right in front of your face. 
You hoped Chenle hadn’t noticed your thighs rubbing, or that he magically couldn’t smell your wetness, but when you looked up at him his eyes were glimmering with mischief. He had noticed alright.
Before he could say anything smart, you blew the reddened tip of his cock, making him groan. You gave him a sickeningly sweet smile. “You okay, pup?”
He glared at you, gulping audibly, and gave you a short nod.
“If it’s too much for you,” you purred, tracing the length softly with your fingernails and making him shiver. “We can stop, you know?”
He shook his head. “N-no.”
 You laughed, finally circling him with your fist and giving him a firm tug that made him groan. When you built up a steady rhythm, his knees buckled and his hands quickly landed on your shoulders to avoid completely collapsing. 
Noticing how difficult it was for him to stand while being so overwhelmed with pleasure you stopped your caress to make him an offering. “Climb here,” you instructed, patting at your lap. 
Chenle, who had gasped dramatically at the sudden lack of stimulation, looked at you like you were crazy. 
“You don’t wanna sit on mommy’s lap, pup?” you faked a pout, sitting further back on the bed to make more space for him.
“I’m not a fucking pup!” he snapped. He had tried to be good, but you were stepping over the line. “I’m not a fucking virgin either so stop treating me like one and I don’t care if you’re older than me I’m not calling you mommy.”
You glared at him, unamused. You could just threaten to leave, but seeing how annoyed he was, he would probably let you. And that wasn’t the plan. You still wanted to have some more fun. 
“What a shame,” you sighed, parting your legs just enough for him to catch a whiff of your arousal. “I was getting excited…”
Chenle forgot immediately about his anger, keeping his eyes on your hands that were slowly pulling your skirt up your thighs. 
“Thought that maybe you could make me feel good,” you pouted. “ But I guess I was wrong.”
Chenle shook his head and climbed on the bed. “No, no, I can,” he whispered, pecking your lips. “I’ll make you feel good, ” he promised.
You bit back a smirk, which soon turned into a yelp when Chenle pushed you so you lay flat on your back with him on top of you and slid his hand under your skirt and right into your panties. “C-chenle!”
“Yes,” he whispered against your lips, drunk on your scent. “Yes, I’m here. I’m here for you.” 
“O-oh!” you moaned when his index went straight for your clit and stroked it skillfully. “Oh my g-god–Chenle wait a min–Mmm!”
He hummed in delight. The sounds you made were so beautiful. 
“I’ll make it good this time, okay?” he panted, stroking you faster and making your back arch. “I’ll make you cum for sure,” he guaranteed.
“P-pup, slow down, m´kay? Aah… s-slow…I–fuck…I said I w-wanted to get y-you off, remember?”
“That’s because you think I can’t do the same for you,” he protested. “But I’ll show you I can.” 
Fuck, he was determined. If he was just a random hookup you would appreciate it, but right now that was the last thing you wanted.
“H-hey, Chenle–aah…” you called for him, grabbing the wrist of his hand that was working hard to make you see heaven. “I can’t come j-just like th-aah…” you spoke shakily, trying to discourage him. “Y-you can try a–haa– again n-next time–”
Chenle kissed your lips and hushed you. “You’re close,” he assured you, and he wasn’t wrong. You could feel your toes curling and your abdomen tensing.
It was about to snap.
Oh no. No, no.
You didn’t want to do this to him again, but…
“C-chenle, listen to me,” you caught his attention by grabbing his face with both your hands. “You don’t really want to g-get me off,” you told him, using that alluring voice that always got you what you wanted. 
His movements slowed down. “What are you talking about?” he whispered incredulously. 
“You just want me to m-make you cum and then you’ll be satisfied,” you said like you were reminding him of something he had forgotten, silly him. 
His fingers stilled on your pulsating clit and he seemed lost, like he had no idea what to do with himself now.
“You only want to sleep with me, no strings attached, remember?” you breathed out, relieved that the pleasure was fading away.
“Yes, I…I remember,” he muttered. 
“And we agreed that we would do things my way,” you informed him.
“We did,” he agreed.
“Good pup,” you sighed, pulling his hand out of your panties. “I’ll take care of you, okay?”
He looked at you with furrowed brows. He felt so weird. What you said made sense, but why did it feel wrong?
You bit your lip when you saw a dash of hesitation in his eyes. How come he was so resistant to your hypnosis?  You had to make him stop thinking.
“Relax,” you told him, caressing his still-clothed shoulders, arms, and stomach.
“Somethings’s wrong,” he admitted.
“Nothing’s wrong.” you purred, reaching his member and resuming your touch.
He moaned and almost collapsed on top of you. “Y-Y/N…”
“Relax,” you repeated.
“I…Ooh– I f-feel… like s-something’s missin–ah… ah, ah–Mmm…,” he spoke incoherently, thrusting into your fist.
“Mm? What could be missing?”
“Doesn’t it feel good?”
“ ‘S good– so fucking g–Ooooh…” he whined.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” you asked.
“Haa… gonna– y-yeah, ah…,” 
“Then cum,” you encouraged.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck and came with a choked moan, convulsing on top of you and spilling all over your hand. 
You had to use a massive amount of self-control to avoid cumming at the sight. He sounded and looked beautiful, and even the tiny aftershocks that made his body convulse were kind of cute.
You don’t know what took over you when one of your hands started playing with his hair like you would with a lover. He hummed contently nuzzling your neck.
“My mate,” he murmured sweetly, placing a gentle kiss on your collarbone. 
You froze. That wasn’t very ‘no strings attached’ of him.
“Alright, get dressed,” you instructed, pushing him off you and getting off the bed. “Time to drive me home.”
He looked so vulnerable, naked from the waist down, displaying his spent cock covered in clear liquid, and his face flushed red while he looked at you like a kicked puppy. He opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it again. The feeling that something was off came back but he had no idea what it was.
In the end, he sighed and did as he was told. For some reason, he didn’t feel satisfied at all and he kept overthinking even when he got home.
He didn’t know what to tell everyone when they cornered in the kitchen the next morning.
“You said you would keep me updated so I had my phone with me at all times,” whined Jisung, following Chenle to the table. “But you didn’t text me once! 
“Jisungie was about to go find you,” Renjun sighed. “I told him that if you didn’t text him it was because you were probably busy.”
“I text you guys even if I’m busy!” Jisung complained.
“Really? Do you text us even when you’re balls deep in your girlfriend?” Haechan asked nonchalantly, making Jisung gasp, Mark choke on his cereal and earning a glare from Renjun.
“Language!” Kun warned from the sofa, without looking up from his book. He had arrived from one of his trips a few days ago and he was not impressed by how much the pack’s manners had worsened. 
“Sorry,” Haechan said even though everyone knew he wasn’t sorry.
“Is t-that what you were…” Jisung tried to ask Chenle, blushing and stuttering.
“What?” Asked Chenle, munching on his sandwich.
“Were you… balls deep in Y/N?” Jisung asked shyly, waiting for Kun to reprimand him. But no nagging came. Kun was as silent as the rest of the guys, waiting for Chenle’s answer.
Chenle groaned. “Do you have to say it like that?”
“So you were!” Haechan accused, getting ready to celebrate another successful love story in the pack.
“No!” Chenle groaned. “I was with her, but we didn’t get that far.”
“How far did you get?” Haechan asked.
“You don’t have to answer that,” Renjun said.
But Chenle knew they would pester him until he spilled the tea.
“We talked and we made a deal,” He said, omitting that you had completely dominated him.
“What type of deal?” Mark asked.
He was hoping Renjun told him he didn’t have to answer this one either, but Renjun seemed curious too.
“We agreed to get to know each other physically, for now,” he grumbled.
Everyone’s smiles dropped.
“You mean like sex stuff?” Mark asked awkwardly.
“But not dating?” Renjun asked, exchanging worried looks with the others.
“…No, we uh—we don’t call it dating.”
“What do you call it, then?” Haechan asked. Even he had stopped eating.
“We’re fuckbuddies…”
Renjun, Mark, Haechand, and Jisung didn’t know if that was good or bad news. 
On the negative side, it could mean that Chenle’s mate didn’t take him seriously and didn’t want a relationship with him.
In a more positive light, she hadn’t completely rejected him.
“That’s great!” Haechan decided it was good news. “It means she’s attracted to you.”
“Yeah,” Mark agreed. “And it can grow into something more as time goes by.”
Renjun remained silent. He wasn’t that optimistic.
“So..” Jisung finally spoke. “You’re sleeping together but you’re not… together?”
Chenle shrugged. “Yeah, we don’t need labels. It’s whatever.”
“Are you sure that’s okay?” Jisung asked.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Chenle asked, feigning indifference. “I’ve never been a relationship person.”
“But she’s your mate,” Jisung insisted, while the others observed quietly.
“Doesn’t she make you want to be a relationship person?!” Jisung asked exasperatedly. 
“We’re fine,” Chenle sighed. “She doesn’t want to date anyone anyways,” he murmured.
Kun’s laugh startled everyone and annoyed the fuck out of Chenle. 
“What’s so funny, gege? He asked.
“You really know nothing about women,” Kun said, grabbing a chair and joining them on the table.
Chenle glared at him. He wanted to tell him that he knew what he needed to know… but he remembered the humiliation of not knowing how to make you feel good and you looking down on him as a sexual partner and he decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to hear Kun’s words. “What is it that I don’t know?”
“Have you never watched (500) Days of Summer?” Kun asked.
“OH! I know that one! There’s this girl with really big eyes, right?” Mark replied and Haechan and Jisung started guessing and mispronouncing the name of the actress.
“Does the girl end up  with the main guy?” Kun’s voice interrupted their animated conversation.
“No,” Renjun sighed. This was exactly what he was worried about and he was glad Kun thought the same.
“What’s that stupid movie have to do with me?” Chenle asked.
“Every woman wants a relationship eventually, but they don’t give themselves to just anyone,” Kun explained, not shying away from Chenle’s furious eyes. “If she doesn’t want a relationship it’s because she hasn’t met anyone worth being in a relationship with.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Chenle growled.
“She doesn’t see you as a potential partner, so she’ll have fun with you until the man of her dreams steals her away.”
Chenle stood up abruptly, not caring about his elder talking, his half-eaten sandwich, and his friends’ worried eyes. He walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him.
“I didn’t really understand the movie,” Jisung admitted. 
But even he knew that his best friend was in some deep shit.
 Hoping to calm down, Chenle went to the beach for a walk. He needed some fresh air and time to think. And the smell of the ocean reminded him of you, so it helped him lower his anxiety.
He wasn’t just annoyed at what Kun said, but at what he himself kept saying. 
Why did he say what you two had was whatever?
Why did he keep saying he didn’t want a relationship with you? Why didn’t he want it?!
What type of werewolf doesn’t want to commit to his mate?
Younger him would have loved the idea of a hot older woman getting him off without wanting anything in return. It was every teenager’s fantasy.
But he wasn’t a teenager anymore and you weren’t a fantasy. You were the real deal; the woman he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.
He sat on the sand, feeling defeated and tried to collect his thoughts to figure out where this whole ‘I don’t wanna date Y/N’ thing came from.
First,, he met you at the bar and he made it very clear he wanted to mark you and even marry you.
Then you told him that’s not what he actually wanted and he agreed.
During his rut, he came to his senses and decided to ask you out properly.
He did ask you out. You said no, but you were open to casual sex with him.
He didn’t want just sex with you, but he thought that was the only way to spend time with you so he agreed.
You made out and then you pushed him away and told him he couldn’t please you.
You told him he only wanted to get off and nothing else.
He agreed.
Why did he agree?! Why didn’t he make you cum too?!
“What the fuck’s wrong with me?” he groaned.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?” You asked Yeosang.
“Nothing,” he replied calmly.
“You sound like you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad. I’m disappointed,” he clarified.
You groaned. “I told him I didn’t want a relationship and he agreed.”
“Did he?” He challenged. “Or did you use your siren voice to convince him?”
You looked away.
“That’s not fair Y/N,” he murmured.
“He agreed before I bewitched him,” you defended yourself.
“Then why did you even have to bewitch him?” He asked, knitting his brows.
“I uh… didn’twannacum,” you barely whispered.
You licked your lips in annoyance. “To make sure he didn’t make me cum,” you repeated, louder.
Yeosang’s jaw hung open. “Unbelievable.”
“He’s fine,” you rolled your eyes and finished whipping the counter. “I made sure he finished—“
“I’m done,” Yeosang interrupted you. “I don’t wanna talk to you until you understand what the problem is,” he spoke firmly and walked away from you to take a customer’s order.
Your heart broke. In the four years you had known each other Yeosang had never been mad at you. 
You knew he was right. You shouldn’t have done that to Chenle…but you had never liked someone this much. He drove you insane with a desire that was somewhere between sexual and domestic. And that terrified you.
You loved working and traveling on the ship and you didn’t want anything to change. But would it really be that bad to enjoy your time in this town? Once the bar moved to its next destination you wouldn’t see Chenle again and you and Yeosang would go back to normal.
Everything was fine.
After a few nights, you texted Chenle to ask him to meet up after your shift, which he immediately agreed to, picking you up and taking you to the same luxurious room he had booked last time. In a matter of seconds, you had him sitting on the bed half-naked, with you on your knees in front of him, taking as much of his cock as you could in your mouth.
Chenle was taken aback, but once again, he let you do what you wanted. He was hoping that this time he would make you feel good too, and if he was lucky you would stay the night and he would wake up to your sleepy face–
“Fuck,” he hissed when you circled the tip with your tongue, spreading his legs wider. 
You looked up at him and regretted it immediately because the view almost made you cum untouched. He was biting his lip to repress the moans and his eyes were half-lidded, and you thought no one could possibly look this hot.
You closed your eyes to avoid the arousing visual stimulation and focused on his taste only, which was weirdly addicting and made you salivate so much that the blowjob became even sloppier.
“Y/N…” he sighed. “I’m not g-gona last…”
You ignored him and bobbed your head faster. The plan was for him to not last. Not that you wanted this to end fast because you didn’t enjoy it, but because you wanted to get off soon, and for that, you had to go home while memories of Chenle were still fresh to pleasure yourself. 
“Ooh fu–,” Chenle moaned. “Okay, f-fine, I got it– We’ll do it your w-way but,” he gulped and paused to take a deep breath and regain some self-control. “I get to make you feel good too–aaah!” 
You chose that exact moment to deep-throat him.
“Haa…Y/N, fuck, fuck fuuuck,” he whined, daring to place his hands on your head and caress your hair. “Imma….Imma eat y-you out real good after this-Oh!” he lost his train of thought when you choked around him and he came in your mouth as you sucked him dry.
He let out one last broken moan when you released his member. He was panting and looking at you like you were a miracle.
“My turn,” he said darkly, pulling your arm until he had you sitting on his lap, kissing your face and neck all over while he unbuttoned your blouse. 
“I–,” you stuttered. “I’m actually k-kinda tired.”
“Tired?” Chenle stopped his kisses and touches and looked at you in surprise before quickly collecting himself. “That’s okay, you don’t have to do anything. I’ll take care of you,” he promised as he finished opening your blouse.
You pulled away, with your blouse completely open, and looked down at a very confused Chenle.
“I’m not really in the mood anymore,” you shrugged and his mouth fell open in shock.
“A-are you sure? Because your scent–”
“Pretty sure. I’ll call a taxi,” you said, grabbing your phone.
“N-no, I’ll…I’ll drive you,” a very defeated Chenle said, slowly getting up and getting dressed. 
Admittedly, you had made him feel very good. Hell, that was better than good, it was mind blowing. But he just couldn’t be satisfied if he was the only one who got to feel good. 
He could smell how aroused you were, and sometimes he felt like he could taste how close you were to cumming. Yet he never had the chance to make it happen. He was afraid that if he didn’t fulfill his duty as a fuckbuddy you would end things real fast.
So he kept showing up whenever you called and doing whatever you wanted for about a month, only to be dismissed whenever he felt like he had you. 
One night he had been particularly lucky; you had him completely naked, on his back, with you wearing only your bra, straddling him and letting him slide just the tip into the most delectable warmth known to him. 
“You’re s-so good,” he muttered, fixated on the way the tip of his cock disappeared inside of you. “So good…” he repeated.
“Yeah? You like it?” you asked, trying to keep your voice steady. You were more affected than you wanted to admit and you were playing a dangerous game because you had never been this close to cumming during your previous encounters with him. You should stop now and use your hand or mouth like you usually did, but he was stretching you so good.
“I love it,” he groaned, arching his back and licking his lips. “I love you,” he breathed out.
You moaned. For the first time in weeks you moaned.
He had just said he loved you. Three words you didn’t need in this type of relationship but that somehow brought a wave of pleasure to your body and made you lose strength and accidentally go lower, him sinking deeper in you.
Chenle watched in awe how you took more of him and he grasped your hips desperately. 
You looked at each other with wide eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
But this time Chenle reacted faster than you did, snapping his hips up and making your vision go blurry.
Before you had time to recover he did it again. And then again, and again until he had you bouncing on his lap.
“C–Chenle, let m-me…,” you moaned, placing your hands on his lower abdomen to stop him from thrusting up. “Let m-me do it, pup,” you offered, knowing that if he kept it up you would cum soon.
He stared back at you, disobediently, and since you weren’t letting him push his hips up freely, he brought you down, hitting a spot that had you gasping for air.
“Shh…I–I got it,” he spoke through gritted teeth, speeding up and trying to hold back his own orgasm to pleasure you.
Your body tensed in his firm grasp and the volume of your angelic moans escalated.
 A sense of pride filled his chest.
He was making his mate feel good.
He was finally going to make you cum.
“Yes, yes, come on, c-come on, come on,” he muttered urgently.
“NO!” you yelled. “STOP!”
He hesitated momentarily and it was enough for you to break free and run to the bathroom, leaving poor, flustered Chenle on the bed alone.
You entered the bathroom and locked the door behind you, leaning against the door and taking deep breaths to calm down, but the tingling feeling in your center was urgent. You normally waited until you got home to touch yourself after meeting up with Chenle, but your orgasm was right there. You just couldn’t wait.
So you didn’t.
You held your breath and inserted a finger inside of you, trying to get yourself off before Chenle came looking for you–
“Y/N, are you okay?” he asked from the other side of the door.
“Mmhm, a-all good,” you said quickly, working yourself faster.
“Can you open the door?” he asked worriedly.
“J-just give me a minute,” you spoke a little out of breath and bit your lip to catch any lewd sound that could give you away.
You didn’t hear him say anything else for  a few seconds, but then the door handle shook hastily. He was trying to enter.
“Just a m-minute!” you repeated, closing your eyes at the incoming climax.
“What are you doing?” He growled from the other side, struggling with the handle.
A few whimpers escaped you when your thumb grazed your clit and he banged on the door loudly.
“Open the door!” he commanded. “Y/N I swear to god if you’re doing what I think you’re doing—”
You came with a shaky moan. It wasn’t scandalously loud, but he heard it for sure.
The door you were leaning on opened abruptly and you fell in the same arms that had you shaking earlier. When you looked up you were met with his livid eyes.
He turned you around hastily and brought the hand you had used to pleasure yourself to his face, easily seeing the sticky liquid spread on your fingers. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yelled
You were petrified, trying to come up with an excuse for your behavior. Nothing you could possibly say would make sense.
“I was so close to making you come but you ran away just so you could finish yourself in the bathroom?!”
You sighed. “I’ll help you finish now–”
“You think that’s what’s bothering me?!”
“Then what’s bothering you?” you asked dismissively. “Can’t a woman make herself feel good?”
“Of course you can! When you have no one to take care of you–” he let out a frustrated groan. “What I mean is that I’m right here, and I’m dying to make you feel good, but whenever I think I’m doing a good job you run away and take it away from me!”
“Maybe you’re not doing as much of a good job as you think,” you lied.
“Then teach me!” he basically implored. “Tell me what you like for once instead of making me cum as fast as you can and leaving.”
“Chenle,” you spoke more gently, making him look at you, and once again using that voice. “Trust me, you’re getting so much better. Just a few more nights and you’ll have enough experience to be allowed to touch me,” you offered.
His expression became softer, but he still looked hesitant, as he always did whenever you used your powers on him. 
“I can’t let just anyone touch me,” you continued. “You have to earn it, don’t you think?”
“...Earn it?” he echoed, dismally.
“And you’re almost there, pup. But you have to keep doing as I say, okay?”
He nodded slowly and automatically. “Okay…”
“Good pup,” you praised him, caressing his hip. “Now, we can continue–”
“Actually,” he interrupted, gently pushing your hands away. “I’m kinda tired. Can we call it a night?”
You opened your mouth dumbly. “I…uh–Sure…”
“Thanks,” he murmured. “I’ll drive you home after I take a shower, okay?”
“Okay…,” you agreed, watching him go into the bathroom and close the door.
You tried not to think too much about it, but for the next couple of days, it killed you to think that maybe he was getting bored of you. But how could it be? Didn’t he say he imprinted on you?
You didn’t want to commit to him, but you also didn’t want him to move on from you. 
So when you received a message from Chenle asking if you had some time to hang out you typed your answer so fast anyone who saw you would know you were desperate.
Oh, how the tables had turned.
He picked you up and took you to the hotel as usual. Things seemed to be going the usual way, but when you opened the door you saw that the entire place was gracefully illuminated with candles and there was food on the table.
“What’s all this?” You asked.
“Dinner,” he replied, walking you to the table.
“What’s with the candles?”
“I like candles.”
“Don’t you think it’s too… intimate?” You asked, pointing at the decoration vaguely.
Chenle pulled a chair out and made you sit down by pushing your shoulders firmly. 
“I’ve been inside you. It doesn’t get more intimate than that,” he deadpanned before walking around the table and sitting in front of you.
“Chenle, this looks like a date,” you pointed out.
“I guess it kinda does,” he admitted.
“That’s not part of the deal.”
“Oh? The deal won’t allow us to eat?”
“Not like this,” you said for a lack of better words to explain yourself. “It’s like you’re tricking me into dating you.”
“It’s just food and some wine. Don’t be dramatic,” he said before he started eating.
Hesitantly, you followed. He was right, it didn’t have to be romantic. You could do what you normally do after dinner. And the food was delicious! You enjoyed it so much that you lowered your guard and didn’t mind Chenle’s trivial questions about your life and the things you liked.
He looked more relaxed too after having a normal conversation with you and it made the atmosphere more enjoyable and sensual by the time you reached the bedroom, giggling as you undressed each other.
Chenle was in a great mood; teasing and joking as he climbed on top of you and kissed your face. He was also more obedient than usual letting you do as you pleased and waiting for your permission to touch you.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he laughed breathlessly, one hand by each side of your head to keep himself from crushing you while you pressed a bullet vibrator on the base of his cock.
“Good?” You teased, moving it up slowly until it reached the tip and then back to the base, making him moan shamelessly.
“Y-yeah,” he whispered, pecking your lips. “Everything m-‘my princess does f-feels amazing.”
Maybe the wine had taken its toll on you because you low-key liked that petname.
“Your princess?” You giggled, moving the small toy up and down deliberately. 
Chenle’s eyes rolled back in pleasure. “Mhmm, you like that? Y-you wanna be my pretty princess?”
You nodded dumbly, drunk in desire, wine, and—even though you didn’t want to see it—adoration.
“You c—aah…You c-can be my princess anytime, you k-know that, yeah?” He half-moaned, blindly thrusting against the tiny toy you used on him.
“Y-yeah?” You croaked, licking your lips.
“Myeah, and I’ve…mmm fuck right there,” he hissed when you pressed the vibrator right under the head. “I’ve b-been a good p-pup for you, right?”
You nodded. “The best,” you said before giving him a kiss that was a little bit more affectionate than intended.
“Don’t I des— haa… deserve a reward?” He pouted.
You giggled, turning up the intensity of the vibrations and making him whine desperately. 
“Oohh—oh g-god, princess —,” he knitted his brows in concentration, making the biggest effort to say something coherent. “I—aah… I actually wanted—ah!”
“What is it?” You asked, putting the toy away momentarily to not overstimulate the poor wolf and give him the chance to speak.
He took a few deep breaths and looked into your eyes with determination. “Go out with me.”
 You suddenly sobered up and your dreamy smile faltered.  “Chenle, no—“
“Why not?” He croaked. “We have such great chemistry when we spend time together like two normal people. Or did you hate having dinner with me that much?”
“Dinner with you was great,” you assured him. “But that wasn’t our deal.”
“Let’s change the deal,” he pleaded. 
“You said no strings attached,” you reminded him.
“No. You said that,” he accused.
“And you agreed.”
“I don’t know why I agreed!” He admitted. “Y/N, I—I don’t know why I keep saying those things; it makes no sense! I imprinted on you. I crave to be with you in every possible way, not just sexually. Can’t we at least try?” 
“Chenle,” you sighed, feeling terrible. You didn’t mean for things to go this far. You thought any man would be happy with a shallow sexual agreement, but apparently it wasn’t Chenle’s case. You would have to use your voice again. “You don’t really want—Hhmp!“
Chenle’s hand covered your mouth before you could finish speaking. “Don’t,” he begged. “You always say weird stuff and I end up agreeing like an idiot.”
You let out muffled sounds and hit his arms but he didn’t budge. He was terrified of what you would convince him of if he let you speak.
So you quickly grabbed the vibrator that lay forgotten on the bed, turned it on on the highest setting, and pressed it harshly against the leaking tip of his cock.
He gasped and lost his balance and you managed to uncover your mouth and quickly finish your sentence:  “You don’t want me!”
Chenle shook his head, distressed and trying to cover your mouth again, but you kept slapping his hand away while overstimulating his member. That, combined with the wine made his movements clumsy and inefficient. “P-please, d-don’t say tha—aaaah…”
“You don’t want to be with me. You only want me for sex,” you insisted and your voice almost broke when you saw Chenle’s saddening expression.
His imploring eyes finally turned into void ones, as expected when under a siren’s spell.  At the same time, his body tensed and he came with a silent scream, staring into your soul.
You finally turned the toy off and the room was silent.
Then a hot, wet drop landed on your face. You looked up and saw abundant tears coming out of Chenle’s expressionless eyes.
“Yes?” He replied monotonously.
“Why are you crying?” 
He blinked slowly. “I don’t know.”
Your stomach dropped. He looked so calm in his own daze, unaware of how you kept dismissing his feelings. Ignorant of how you kept convincing him of things he didn’t want whenever he tried to connect with you.
Yet he was crying.
Oh no. You had broken him.
You couldn’t stop yourself from crying too.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you quietly.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” you sobbed. “I’m trash—no, I’m worse than trash.”
He hesitantly placed a hand on your back. “No. You’re perfect…,” he assured you, just like he had told his leader a long time ago. Even in his confused state, he couldn’t think of you being anything but perfect. 
You sobbed harder. He deserved better.
You cleaned him up and caressed his hair until he fell asleep. Then you sneaked out, feeling like you didn’t deserve to be around him.
Yeosang was right. You were selfish. 
So you knocked on his door to apologize.
When Yeosang opened the door, he looked very surprised to see you, but he was more concerned about why you were awake and crying at 4AM.
“Y/N?” He asked, grabbing your hand gently. “What’s wrong?”
“Selfish is putting it lightly,” you said.
“You said I’m selfish. But the truth is worse than that. I’m a bad person, Sangie. You’re right to be disappointed.”
He brought you into his room and closed the door, sitting you on his bed as he kneeled in front of you. “What happened?”
You told him everything. From the first encounter at the bar to what had just happened at the hotel. 
Yeosang listened patiently, calming you down when your voice broke and encouraging you to go on when you sounded ashamed.
“Do you understand the problem now?” he asked.
You nodded, sobbing.
“People are not toys, Y/N.”
“I’m so s-sorry,” you whispered.
“I know. Recognizing your mistake is the first step,” he said, whipping your tears away with his thumb. “Now you need to fix things.”
“By making a choice,” he confirmed what you were fearing. “Either you accept him–all of him, or you let him go.”
You nodded again. “That sucks.”
He chuckled. “It does,” he agreed, pulling you into a hug. 
“I missed you,” you admitted, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I missed you too,” he said, hugging you tighter. He licked his lips before speaking again. “Sorry for asking this, but… did he make you–”
“Sangie!” you groaned, knowing what he was referring to.
“I’m not being nosy,” he explained quickly. “I know it’s personal, but if I’m asking it’s because it’s important.”
“He d-didn’t make me cum…” you confessed, feeling your face heat up.
“Ever?” he pressed.
“It almost happened many times,” you explained shyly. “But I always managed to stop it.”
“That’s impressive. It’s been about two months,” he calculated.
“Yeah,” you groaned. “Impressive.”
“Remember what I told you about orgasms?” he asked you
“Yeah,” you sighed. “That’s why I kept stopping him before it happened.
“That’s good news. It means you’re not completely tied to him,” he hummed. “Look, I contacted an old friend of mine—a siren. She imprinted once but she and her mate…they just had very different lifestyles. Different goals. So they didn’t consummate the bond.”
“Consummate meaning…?”
“She didn’t reach climax with her potential partner,” he explained. “Both of them went separate ways and never saw each other again. And you know what? She found love again.”
You pulled away from the hug to give him a surprised look. “She imprinted again?”
“No, not exactly,” Yeosang shook his head softly. “Sirens only imprint once in a lifetime. But she met someone else who could make her happy. What I’m trying to say is that you will live a good life no matter what you decide. Even if the goddess Amphitrite chose this guy for you, you can choose to live without him. And you will be fine.”
You bit your lip, deep in thought. 
“Or if you want to stay with him–” Yeosang continued listing your options.
“No,” you whispered. “Not after the way I treated him. The most honorable thing to do is let him go so he can find a good partner.”
“Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly. “You could think it over–”
“No, Sangie…I’ve prolonged this long enough,” you gave him a sad smile. “The sooner I end this the better.”
Poor Chenle had no idea what transpired when he woke up alone in the same hotel room where he always met you, with a terrible hangover and missing you more than ever. He still hadn’t gotten used to the inexplicable emptiness in his chest that he felt every time he separated from you, but today it felt more haunting than usual. Not seeing you in the room made him question if you were ever there, or if you were just a product of Chenle’s imagination. Were you even real? Was he going crazy? 
Thankfully your message took him out of what could have become an anxiety attack. You wanted to meet.
You had never contacted him two days in a row before. But what he found even weirder was that you were asking him to meet during the day. You also told him he didn’t need to book the room, which he found funny, because he owned the hotel, but he omitted that detail.
He went to pick you up at around 5PM, like you had requested, and he was taken aback when you asked him to go on a walk with him instead. If he was in his shifted form, he would be wagging his tail contently at the mere suggestion of sharing such a wholesome moment with you, but human Chenle was good at pretending he didn’t care.
He was so over the moon that he didn’t find it weird when you engaged in small talk and asked trivial questions like how he had slept if he had eaten or what his plans for the weekend were. You never cared much for any interaction with him which wasn’t quick sex, so this was a pleasant surprise for him.
You stopped at the beach. The same deserted beach where Chenle often went when he needed some time alone.
“I love this view,” you commented absentmindedly. “The ocean is the only place that makes me feel at home.”
Chenle took mental note of that. He would make sure to buy a house with the most beautiful ocean view. 
He looked at you and stared in awe at how gorgeous you looked. He was sure it wasn’t the golden hour effect, because you always looked stunning to him.
You turned to look at him and caught him staring, so he cleared his throat and quickly looked away.
“Here,” he said, offering you a small shopping bag that he had been carrying.
“What’s this?” you asked curiously,  opening the bag and taking out a delicate velvet box.
“It’s…for you,” he said, barely audible.
You opened the box and gasped when you saw what was probably the most beautiful and elegant necklace in the whole world. “Why?” you breathed out.
“I just saw it and thought of you.” he shrugged, still speaking very softly, like he was exhausted. 
That was half true. He did choose it because he thought you would look ravishing.
The other reason was that he called Jaemin to ask him what that feeling of emptiness could mean, and he had theorized that it could be because he still hadn’t marked you. Since biting you was out of the question, Jaemin suggested he gave you a little token. It wouldn’t be as permanent as a mark, but his wolf surely would feel more at ease if he saw you carrying something of his. 
Only Chenle would see costly diamond jewelry  as tokens. 
He looked at you attentively, panicking at your sudden loss of words.
“If it doesn’t suit your taste–”
“Let’s end things,” you said.
Now it was Chenle’s turn to be speechless. 
“...W-what?” he asked weakly.
“I’ve been thinking about it and I think it’s for the best,” you explained, closing the box in your hand and putting it back in the bag, offering it back to him.
He glared at the bag offendedly. “No, it’s not!” he countered.
“Yes, it is,” you insisted, shaking the bag in your hand closer to him but he took a step back. “This isn’t working.”
“I’ll make it work,” he hissed. “You’re not fucking leaving me.”
“That’s not your choice–”
“Nothing has been my choice!” he yelled. “You’re always bossing me around and doing whatever you want but now it’s suddenly not working?! I didn’t put up with your shit for you to leave me like this–”
“See? You hate the way I treat you, so why do you want to keep this up?!” you asked, once again trying to make him grab the bag, but he grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him instead.
“Because I love you!” he growled. “And you know it, even if you play dumb. I know you see it in the way I look at you, I know you feel it in the way I touch you and I know you’ve heard me moan it when you have your way with me. Sometimes a weird voice in my head tells me that’s not true,and that what we have is just sex, but– that’s not my voice and—” he trailed off, trying to make sense of the opposing ideas he had in his head.  “Yeah, I hate how much of a bitch you are sometimes, but I won’t give up on us, you hear me?!”
You almost gave in. 
But you reminded yourself he deserved better. 
There was one way he may let you go without you having to use 
“I’m not happy with you, Chenle,” you said firmly.
His entire world came crashing down around him. He only reacted when he felt you trying to break free from his grasp. He tightened his hold on you. He was not going to let you go.
“Why not?” he breathed out.
“I’m just not,” you said, trying to keep the tears at bay. “I get nothing out of being with you.”
“I’ll change that. I’ll do anything you say–” he said, swallowing his pride.
“And then what?” you asked coldly. 
“Then we–,” Chenle looked around nervously, and licked his lips, looking for the right thing to say, anything that would make you stay. “We become w-whatever you want us to–”
“So you’re okay with me leaving with my crew when the time comes?” you rolled your eyes. “I’m not staying here, and you’re not coming with me–”
“I’ll go,” he said quickly, squeezing your arm so hard it hurt. “I’ll go wherever you want–”
“I don’t want you to come with me, Chenle, fuck!” you screamed. “I want you to leave me the fuck alone, okay?!”
He froze, finally relaxing his deadly grasp on your forearm. You pulled away carelessly, dropping the precious gift on the sand, and walked away.
Chenle stayed right there for who knows how long.
He doesn’t even remember dragging his feet to get back home while hugging the wrinkled paper bag close to his chest. All he knows is that at some point he was fully clothed under the bed covers, feeling that dreaded emptiness expand inside of him.
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ceasarslegion · 2 months
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OK...I'm asking....
So this happened in what I consider the worst job I ever had. And that is saying something because I very much worked retail in a mall. I had just graduated uni, I couldn't afford toronto anymore, and I needed a full-time job to make ends meet now that the stability of university was gone. So I went to edmonton because I had one family member I could stay with until I got on my feet. And I was not in a position to turn away a job that paid.
So I took a door to door sales position. For telus. I can hear the canadians in the room wincing so to everyone else: telus is one of the three whole mega megacorporations that control the ENTIRE canadian telecommunications network. And all three of those companies are buddy buddy and have us all by the balls. That's why canadian phone plans are the most expensive in the world. Not in the developed world: in the WORLD.
The meth lab incident happened on my 3rd whole day on my own. I was in St. Albert, which is this suburb of edmonton that is like if a kale smoothie and that guy who won't shut up about bikhram yoga had a baby they abandoned in an HOA meeting. Which is what makes this that much more unhinged: it was in the most cookie cutter suburbia part of the EMR.
So I was doing my knocks in my blue Jay's hat and my telus branded polo shirt with my clipboard and I knock on my next door. I'm greeted by a middle aged woman who proceeds to dump on me that she's divorcing her husband of 30 years and moving to New Brunswick. I'm like okay cool I just wanna sell you cable packages, good luck with that?
I write that off and continue along the cul de sac until I knock on this other lady's door. And when I say talkative I mean a real chatty Kathy. She practically grabs me by the collar and plops me down on her deck chairs, shoves a coffee in my hand, and says "HEY TELUS GUY DID YOU KNOCK ON METH GUYS DOOR???" And points to the house of the lady who just told me she was getting a divorce
At this point I have forgotten about my commission. I have forgotten about my shitty supervisor and how every part of this job sucks and how I wanna go back to Toronto. I have thrown away my clipboard I have started sipping her coffee that could very well be spiked with something and I go "you have to tell me about the meth guy"
That house I knocked on? The weird oversharing lady who was getting a divorce? Her husband was running a meth lab out of the basement THEIR ENTIRE MARRIAGE and she ONLY FOUND OUT THEN?? He called it his man cave and said that she wasn't allowed in?? And then one day she went down out of curiosity and it was a METH LAB??? All the bonuses he said he got at work were meth money.
I'm still enamored by how this happened. Did it not smell? Like for those who don't know edmonton there is a HUGE meth problem here. Like across the political aisle we all agree that something has to happen about all the meth, the details get foggy and that's where people argue, but needless to say I have smelled and been offered meth before just by virtue of living downtown. That shit REEKS. Like you know meth smell because it somehow smells like the word "meth." You will know what you are smelling even when you've never smelled it before. And it lingers. It hangs. It gets into walls. I know when I've taken a train car before because the smell of that guy who hotboxed it with meth smoke last week will still kinda be there. There's no way that house didn't smell like ass down to the foundation.
And the "you arent allowed in my man cave" excuse... im enamored by both the sexism towards his OWN WIFE and the way she just... went along with it for 30 years? Never set foot down there? The sexism and the just believing it?
I kept trying to steer the conversation back to the meth lab and this lady I was on the porch of kept actively trying to buy internet deals from me. Like she was the only person I ever pitched who was TRYING to get my bundles. I ended up just handing her my list of products and told her to check off what she wanted and was like "more meth lab?" And she went right to "yknow i think if I was your age I would've been a boy now. We didn't really have those terms when I was a kid" I DID NOT BRING THAT UP MA'AM I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR GENDER CRISIS TELL ME MORE ABOUT THE METH LAB
That job was so shit that that was the only one I ever quit with no back up plan and did not regret for a second. I then went to the mall and handed out CVs and got my retail job by the end of the week from doing that.
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AITA for not helping my family pay for hospital bills?
🎷🔥 so i can find it later
This is going to need a lot of context right off the bat. I (20'sM) am a gay man that comes from an extremely conservative family. My sister (20'sF) is also a lesbian and recently got married and adopted a child. I'm very proud of her, but that's not the issue.
My parents seem to have little to no issue with my sister marrying a woman. They do have a very big issue with me liking dudes, however. Like, it was the reason my parents got divorced "big issue." I'm not gonna go into everything, but my sister ended up with my dad and I stayed with my mom for reasons I'd rather not share.
Our last parting was on... less than decent terms. Upon finding out that I was of the homosexual variety, my dad flipped his lid. He called me several slurs and said some other very hurtful things, and even made moves to physically attack me. My mom, also a very homophobic woman, stepped in and thankfully talked him down. Then divorce, etc etc.
I saved up enough money to move out when I turned 18 and may have done some impulsive things including completely trashing my mom's bathroom, which I know I'm definitely the asshole for, but in my defense my mom kept "forgetting" to pick up my prescriptions and I was manic (I have bipolar). But, again, I know I'm the AH for that.
I now live with my two best friends R (20sNB) and P (20sM) in a house we all pay for. R comes from money so they help out a lot, and I love them both to death. We kind of have a sort of situationship but none of us are poly? Idk it's weird we're just going with it rn.
Anyway, I bring them up bc we all went to my sister's wedding together, and my parents separately chewed me out for bringing them (and for R daring to wear a dress. They're amab for context) and I obviously argued back bc hey they're my best friends and my sister specifically said it was okay for me to bring them (she and R are also friends and they wouldve been invited regardless of me bringing P) and also because R looks very good in a dress and i can handle them shit-talking me but i will not tolerate slander towards R or P.
At the wedding, I went full no contact with them and told them to lose my number. They, ofc, did Not lose my number and I got several calls from extended family saying about what you would expect them to say, so I switched numbers and gave only my sister and her wife my new number.
My sister. I love her to pieces but sometimes she gets on my nerves. She gives my number to my mom to have "just in case," but she reassures me that she won't give it to my dad or any other family. So far, she's made good on that promise, I just have to deal with periodic calls about getting a girlfriend and having kids.
Now, my dad isn't the healthiest guy out there. He has arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other things that i don't really wanna get into. As he's aged he's only gotten worse and there have been several times he's almost died, but recently he's been put on hospice and has an estimated Not Very Long to live.
Here's where I may be the AH. My dad calls me while I'm at a very important, personal event for R (he got my number from my mom) and goes on a long rant on how I'm an unlovable disgrace and how he fed me and clothed me and I could make up for all that by helping him pay off hospital debt. I say no immediately and tell him that he's never been my dad, only my dna donor, and that he's going to be dead anyway and that selling his house could cover all the bills. He calls me many more names and tells me he wishes I was never born (calling my mom some very derogatory names too (she's asian)) and that i should just go ahead and off myself to save the world someone like me. I tell him he should die faster while he's at it because God knows the world already has enough bigots in it and there could never be too many mentally ill queers.
I hung up, but now I'm thinking I went a bit too far. AITA for not helping out with his hospital bills and yelling at him?
What are these acronyms?
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y-rhywbeth2 · 4 months
Ketheric continues to be the member of the Chosen I struggle to get a grip on. Like the other three I can tell you the details of why (I think) they grew up to monsters:
Long post.
Let's start with Gortash: spent his childhood being told he was a selfish monster for his thoughts - apparently from birth - for the way he perceived the world, for *checks notes* wanting his parents attention as an undeveloped human being that relies on its parents to survive and thrive.
Then his parents send him to hell as part of a deal. Because that's where monsters go isn't it? They go to hell to suffer eternal damnation because they were monsters in life.
So you grow up in one of the literal cesspits of the universe, where the only people you meet are the literal scum of the universe, or those you're going to learn to see as weak fools who had to rely on others - and were ultimately willing to commit atrocities themselves - who were taken advantage of by the scum of the universe. You get to the Hells by committing atrocities, either because you want something so badly you'll fuck somebody over for it (out of greed, or because you couldn't fix it yourself (weak)) or because you did them of your own volition. And curiously, some of these people had their price tags wrapped in such subtle terms they don't even realise they did anything wrong! Lesson learned; anyone will willingly be a monster if you make the evil sound nice. Every single devil you meet has had the humanity flayed from their soul, and they got to where they are in their existences by fomenting (and committing) hate and rape and murder and everything evil under the sun as a regular Monday morning in the ultimate goal to make the universe an evil place. Devils are also 'self made men', everybody started from nothing as a lemure and clawed their way to where they are now. Every social interaction in the Hells is manipulation and abuse. Everyone there hurts everyone.
But you do have one example of a good person! There's Hope! Lovely lady, kind and sweet... Trapped in hell being abused forever going insane because of it because your ambitious sister fucked you over. That's where trust and love being a good person gets you.
And that was his entire social life. That was the people he had to look to for examples. All his early experiences were limited to a sample of the absolute worst it has to offer, and he has a very skewed view of the universe.
And the fact that he's apparently so damn good at sex a lady gave him a ring worth everything she owns after growing up around a pleasure devil whose role is harming and corrupting people with sex and has built in charm person at etc is not ringing alarm bells(!) I'm not side-eyeing the boudoir at all.
I wonder why having a child/teen spend their formative years in the evil factory literally designed to spit out monsters... spat out a monster? Kudos to Karlach, though: just how many layers of defence mechanisms has she got in her brain?
Gortash's thought processes are 50% through the lens of engineering and 50% through the lens of a devil's perspective to me. People will sell out others for their own gain, because they're too weak to do it themselves or because they're bastards. If you don't get with the programme you're the victim. You only get ahead by being ruthless. Everybody is untrustworthy, and relying on them will get you betrayed. The world is divided into the weak and the ruthlessly strong who take what they want. Yes, he's a monster. And so are his parents. And so is everyone. And then Bane saw this perfect example of his way of thinking and said 'that one.'
Orin: obviously we've got grooming. The fact that her formative memories include her mother trying to murder her, and the fact that she feels like the only person who has ever cared about her or supported her is her grandfather. Who is implied to have been raping her, or intending to. All she's permitted is to have her brain poisoned by her faith, which her life revolves around, and then her kin 'does it all wrong' and inherits everything she's been groomed to believe is hers. But no, 'they're not wrong,' says everybody around her 'you are!'
She's a Bhaalspawn, so her relationships with her kin are "kill or be killed," as Helena proved. You will please father by slaughtering your siblings, or you will die - or worse. You must be and stay favoured by Bhaal above all the others to be truly safe ("safe"), and Durge outranking her is a threat to her existence. Actually Durge existing is a threat to her well-being. She has no way to live a life outside the cult, never has and never will. Her life is insanely lonely and mostly consists of paranoia.
But the overlaying theme here is that she's a changeling. She's mirrorkin with no unique physical identity of her own, she can only reflect those of others. To be dnd canon accurate: she has no real facial features, no pigmentation. She's not permitted an identity of her own, and was punished for trying. She's a mirror born and raised to reflect the glory of Bhaal, the glory of her failed grandfather, the rise of Bhaal's favourite child. Never her own. Gee, I wonder why she literally wears people's skins.
Denied the ability to do anything but live according to what she's told, she does her best to live up to it because to fail is to become her parents and the countless aunts and uncles currently enjoying their damnation in the Throne of Blood. And then she's told she's doing it wrong. By everybody. She's a 'rabid dog'. She, despite having doctrine poured into her ears and probably carved into her flesh her entire life 'doesn't understand Bhaal.' And everybody is insanely patronising about it! You're never allowed to be anything but what we tell you to be, but you're still not good enough! Which is death. The Temple of Bhaal needs murder feminism.
The Dark Urge is my favourite little nightmare, and I've talked about them at length: much of Orin's trauma also applies to them, although where she's a mirror made to reflect the egos of others, Durge is only allowed one identity: Bhaal's. Where Orin can never seem to reach the standards forced on her, Durge is never allowed to fail to meet them, or else. Every outside connection they ever had was brutally sabotaged, and they've had 'you're a monster and only I (your abusive Father) can love you' drilled into their mind. They hate themself. We got the threat of sexual exploitation (assuming it didn't happen), there's a subtle undercurrent of incest to some interactions. The prayer for forgiveness kind of sums it all up: 'I'm sorry for forming an emotional connection that isn't blind love for you father, but don't fret, I'll destroy it with my own hands just like everything else and then finally get to kill myself just like I've always wanted.'
But Ketheric? Like villains don't need tragic backstories to be terrible people, but it does make them more interesting.
OK, so your bio family is fucked up and I definitely get the impression that they sucked (Malus is giving me vibes that say he'd have been a villain anyway, and might've been secretly Sharran to start with; Gerringothe seems to be drowning whatever her issues are in gold), and then the loving family you made for yourself broke: your wife died, and your daughter died, sure. But plenty of people on Toril probably have similar if not the same stories and didn't go evil overlord! Why are you doing this? What is informing these decisions? Why does your existence hinge so much on your dead daughter that your son is basically named after her and you seem to hate him for existing and not being her? Does Shar have something to do with it? Has Ketheric just carved out so much memory and emotion, so much of his own identity, that all that's left is the grief and the hunger for the pain to stop but, as per Shar's intent, it keeps coming back, with less and less positive memories to soften the pain. A wound that festers and never heals. Is the obsession with Isobel because she's the icon of everything that was good in his life, and her loss was the moment everything good was gone? Was he a rational man who turned to Shar to stop the pain in a moment of understandable grief and rage at her sister, and then was trapped in a cycle that destroyed everything that was good in that man until we get the General?
Just guess working my way through his entire backstory...
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vikkirosko · 1 year
Hello! Can I request Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, Vox, Lucifer, Blizo, Millie and Moxxy with a female child witch reader?
Reader is 10 and an Umbra witch (like Bayonetta in Bayonetta origins : Cereza and the lost demon). She can summon a demonic creature (cheshire her plush cat made by her mother) to help her fight.
Reader is alive and is in hell because she's searching for a demon to make a deal with. A demon strong enough to help her fight the other witches who locked her mother away, where she will never see her again.
Reader is a nice child, and knows the dangers of hell and making a deal with a demon, but she will sell away her soul if she can be with her mother.
Platonic headcanons Umbra witch
🌈 Charlie Morningstar x child fem!Reader 🎶
When Charlie first saw you, she couldn't believe her eyes. A ten-year-old human girl was standing on the threshold of her hotel. Alive and inexplicably trapped in Hell before death. She didn't know how to react to this, but she hurried to you to prevent the demons from harming you. She had lived in Hell long enough to know that a living person trapped in Hell could suffer or die. However, she was even more surprised when you asked her for the opportunity to stay at her hotel until you find a strong demon who agrees to sign a contract with you
You were a serious child, cuddling an unusual plush cat. Charlie genuinely didn't understand why you needed to make a deal with a demon. She tried to explain to you what it could lead to, but you told her that you know perfectly well what it could lead to. You were well aware of the risks involved, but you had a reason why you wanted to make a pact with a demon and why you were even willing to sacrifice your own soul, but you didn't talk about what that reason was
For several weeks you have been staying in a hotel, periodically leaving to continue the search for a strong demon. Charlie took care of you and got to know you better. You were a sweet and nice girl who genuinely cared about those who were dear to you and Charlie also became such a person for you. After another unsuccessful trip to the city, you told her that the reason why you went to Hell was your mother. You had no one but your mother, but she was taken away from you. You and your mother were part of a witch clan, but witches from another clan locked up your mother and you didn't have enough strength to save her. That's why you went to Hell to make a deal with a demon. You were ready to give your soul to be near your mom again
By the end of your story, you started crying. You really missed your mom a lot. Charlie couldn't help but hug you tightly. She felt sorry for you and now she understood that she could not leave you in this position. She intended to take care of you and try to find a way to help you save your mom without signing a contract with a demon. She saw that you were a good person and didn't deserve your soul to end up in Hell. She wasn't sure if she could help you save your mom herself, but she was willing to help you find another way to do it
❌ Vaggie x child fem!Reader 🎀
Vaggie wasn't in Hell for very long, less than Angel or Alastor, but even so, when she saw you, she realized that you weren't supposed to be there. You were a alive ten-year-old girl cuddling a stuffed cat. She didn't understand how you ended up in Hell in the first place, but she wasn't going to leave you to your fate. She brought you to the hotel, saying you could stay there, but asked how you ended up in Hell in the first place. Your story surprised her
As it turned out, you were a witch and came to Hell to make a deal with a strong demon. You claimed that you needed the power to fight other witches, but you didn't say why you needed it. Vaggie found it hard to believe that you wanted to do this for some evil purposes, but she watched your behavior while you were at the hotel. However, you really weren't a bad person. You were a kind and sweet girl who did not wish harm to others. However, there was something that bothered you, which caused you to continue searching for a demon who would agree to make a deal with you
When Vaggie came into your room from which you did not leave after you returned, she saw that you were crying. She hadn't expected this. As it turned out, the reason for your tears was that you missed your mom. Only then did you tell her that you shouldn't have gone looking for a demon so early. Usually witches from your clan made a pact with a demon at a more mature age, but witches from another clan grabbed your mother and locked her in a place where you couldn't get in. That's why you went to Hell. You knew about all the dangers that awaited you and were ready to sacrifice your soul to save your mother
Vaggie felt very sorry for you. She couldn't help you save your mom, but she was going to protect you while you were in Hell. She knew how cruel the denizens of Hell could be and wasn't going to let them hurt you. She saw that your stuffed cat was an unusual toy and protected you when you were attacked, but that didn't mean that Vaggie would stop protecting you. She didn't want you to get hurt, because you were just a child and she didn't care that you were a witch
📻 Alastor x child fem!Reader 🎙
When Alastor was alive, he did not harm children, at least as much as adults. That's why when he met you, he had no intention of harming you. You were a ten-year-old girl who was alive. How you ended up in Hell was not clear, but when you approached him and asked if he could make a deal with you, he was surprised. Pretty quickly, his surprise turned to laughter.  It was hard for him to believe that a human child wanted to sell his soul to a demon, but when he saw how several demons tried to harm you, he decided to protect you and look after you until you changed your mind about making a deal with a demon
You often went to the city and looked for strong enough demons, but still could not find a demon who would be strong enough and would agree to make a deal with you. Every time you came back, Alastor would treat you to the food he cooked and tell you stories. When he once told you about his mom who always cooked him delicious food. When he finished cooking and looked at you, he saw that you were crying. He didn't expect such a reaction and tried to cheer you up. When he asked you what upset you so much, you sniffled and told him that you really missed your mom
You told him how you and Mom lived together. You and Mom were from a witch clan and she taught you everything she knew, but witches from another clan destroyed your quiet world. They took your mom and locked her up. You tried to save her, but you weren't strong enough. The only way to save your mom was to make a pact with a demon strong enough for you to stand up to other witches. Alastor listened carefully to what you told him. At the end of your story, he said that he, so be it, agreed to make a deal with you
Alastor wasn't as strong as the other overlords, but he decided he couldn't leave the girl who wanted to save her mom so badly in trouble. He saw that you were ready to give your soul to save a loved one, so he decided to help you and give you the opportunity to live happily until your time comes to die and when he decides to take the promised soul
🖥 Vox x child fem!Reader 📱
Vox is used to a lot of strange things happening in Hell. He saw a huge amount of what turned out to be in the vastness of hellish social networks, but when he saw you, he was surprised. You were the one who shouldn't have been in Hell. You were a living person. A child who ended up in Hell in some unknown way. But he was even more surprised when you approached him and with a serious expression on your face asked him how strong he was
You followed him, watching him, as if trying to confirm his words that he was strong. Vox didn't understand why you needed it, but it wasn't difficult for him to prove his strength to you. However, your next question has him stumped again. You asked him if he could make a deal with you. As it turned out, you had to make a deal with a strong demon, which is why you went to Hell, even though it was very dangerous
For several weeks, you tried to convince Vox to make a deal with you, but he didn't see the point in making it with a child. He didn't understand why you needed it until you told him the reason why you risked going to Hell. As it turned out, you were a real witch. You lived with your mom, but witches from another clan came and took your mom away. That's why you tried to save her, but for that you had to make a deal with a strong demon so that you had the strength to resist other witches
Vox doubted that even with his strength, you would be able to accomplish what you planned. However, he was interested in what you could do. He doubted that you could survive, but he wasn't going to stop you from trying to die and was even willing to help you live a little longer, realizing that if he didn't make a deal with you, someone else would
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x child fem!Reader 🐍
Lucifer is used to the fact that many called him to make a deal, but when you came to him, he was surprised. You were a child alive, a little girl who came to Hell herself to make a deal with a demon, and the demon you wanted to make a deal with was him, Lucifer. This surprised him and amused him. It was the first time that someone who wanted to make a deal with him came to him himself
He was wondering why it took you so much effort to meet him. He tried to find out from you, but you tried to evade the answer to this question. Lucifer felt a mystical power from you, which allowed him to understand that you were an unusual child. It wasn't until some time later, during which you tried to convince him to make a deal with you, that he found out why you actually needed to make a deal with him
You were a witch and lived with your mom all your life. You were part of a witch clan and lived a quiet life. However, one day your peace was disturbed and witches from another clan captured your mother. You sincerely wanted to save her, and for this you needed to make a deal with a strong demon so that you would have the opportunity to resist other witches. You knew perfectly well that going to Hell was dangerous and you could have been hurt, but you were determined to save your mom
Lucifer knew perfectly well how important family was and that's why he agreed to help you. He saw how you were even willing to sacrifice your own soul to save your mother, and he just couldn't leave you without help
😈 Blitzø x child fem!Reader 🐴
Blitzø is used to receiving orders from a variety of sinners, but when there was a knock on his office door, he expected to see a new client, but he saw you, a little girl, cuddling a plush cat.You were just an ordinary kid who shouldn't have been in Hell. At first he was very surprised to see you, but when you told him that you wanted to hire him, his surprise turned into a fit of laughter. It was hard for him to believe that you came to Hell just to hire assassins
As he soon found out, your goal was to make a deal with a strong demon, but you didn't know who could be suitable for this, so you decided to contact I.M.P. being sure that they could help you find a strong enough demon who would agree to make a deal with you. He tried to find out the reason for this, but you avoided this question by translating the topic. However, Blitzø couldn't help you so quickly, so you stayed in their office while he was looking for someone suitable to fulfill your order
When he came to check on you in the office late at night, he saw you upset. He asked you if everything was all right, to which you sighed heavily and said that you missed your mom a lot. You told him that you and your mom were witches who were part of the same clan, but your quiet life ended when witches from another clan attacked you and took your mom away. You couldn't save her on your own. You didn't have enough knowledge to save your mother on your own, so you decided to make a deal with a demon to use his power and save mom. You knew perfectly well that it was dangerous, but the dangers did not frighten you
He listened attentively to you, realizing that he could not refuse the job you gave them, because he knew better than anyone else what it was like to lose a family member, so he decided to help you find a demon who would help you save your mother. He wasn't sure he could get rid of the witches himself and help you save your mom, so he decided to help you with the method you both were sure of
😈 Millie x child fem!Reader x Moxxie 🎶
Millie and Moxxie met you when you came to the office where they worked. At first they couldn't believe their eyes. You were a human who came to Hell himself, and also a child. This greatly worried Moxxie. You firmly told them that you came to them to hire them, but not to kill them, but so that they would find a strong demon who would agree to make a deal with you. They did not expect such a job, but their boss was not going to give up such easy money
Millie and Moxxie took care of you for the time that you stayed in their office. You were just a child who needed love and care, so Moxxie and Millie began to play the roles of your parents. At first, you reacted calmly to it, but after a few days of their care, something happened that they did not expect. You cried. At first they thought it was their fault, but pretty quickly they found out the real reason for your tears
You told them that you lived with your mom all your life. She was the dearest person to you and you loved her very much. You were witches and she taught you everything you could possibly need, but one day your quiet life was destroyed. Witches from another clan came to your house and took your mother away. They locked her up and you were too weak to save her, so you decided to go to Hell and make a deal with a demon. The care from Moxxie and Millie reminded you of your mom and your emotions got the better of you
They were surprised by your story. They calmed you down, and then decided to try to figure out how to help you. They weren't sure exactly how to help you, but while they were looking for a way to help you, they intended to take care of you so that you wouldn't be left alone
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cursedvida · 1 year
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WARNINGS: violence, swearing, Buggy being angry.
N/A: thirth part of this series, it's not gonna be so much longer. I hope you enjoy!
After revealing your ability to knock a guy down with just a couple of blows, your pretensions of going unnoticed within the crew have become quite impossible. You have caught the attention of Buggy, who on the one hand seems quite interested in your skills, but on the other is somewhat suspicious of you. And no wonder, in his eyes you have gone from being a helpless young girl to a killing machine, that has to confuse anyone. 
The day after what happened in the tavern he calls you to his cabin. It's the first time you've been alone with him since you found him that night in the ship's hold. You are very nervous, not because he might blow your cover but because he is so close to you. Buggy is not an overly muscular man but he is very tall, at least two feet taller than you. It was something you hadn't paid much attention to until now. Having him so close to you makes your chest tighten, making you feel ridiculous. 
"So tell me, Y/N.... why hadn't it occurred to you to tell me that you can finish a man off in half a minute?"
Buggy's voice sounds soft, almost seductive. He's using a patronizing tone. You've been watching him long enough over the past few months to know it's his way of hiding an impending anger.
"Do you think i'm an idiot?" There he is, he's just pulled out the genie. He abruptly turns to you and approaches, positioning himself dangerously close. "Tell me, do i look like a joke to you?"
You should be nervous about having to come up with some excuse but actually all you can think about is that you see him as a very kissable person. Obviously, you can't say that. 
"Did you really think I'm gonna believe the story of you not minding important to tell me about your fighting skills?"
"Tell me the truth, Y/N. Now."
Buggy comes dangerously close to your face, his nose almost brushing against yours. He must think your nervousness is because he's caught you, but the truth is your heart is going so fast because you're holding him so close and it feels like a sin not to eat his mouth. Every day that passes your desire for him grows and at times like this you find it hard to control yourself.
"Well?" he insists, getting impatient. 
You snap back to reality, you must answer something. You sigh, perhaps the best thing to do is to tell the truth.
"Okay..." you nod, pulling away from him a little. You can't center your head holding him so close, his scent clouding your sense. "I had foster parents, they were Marines. They were working as undercover agents, but they ended up in prison for treason or something. When they were arrested my sister and I escaped, but we ended up as slaves and were bought by a horrible guy who was in the business of training children to sell them as mercenaries in the future. I was one of the best, escaped from there, got my own life and blah, blah, blah..."
You were not good at telling stories but that time you have excelled, you have told it with such reluctance that anyone would say that you are summarizing a very boring novel. Buggy stares at you for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. You don't understand what's so funny, maybe you don't like to make a big deal out of it because your personal traumas have turned you into a kind of emotional robot, but it's not to make fun of other people's misfortunes either. 
"Do you really expect me to believe something like that?" 
Wow, so that's what it is, the truth has seemed too far-fetched for him. Well, good for you. 
"I have to admit, you're a good storyteller. You could use that talent for some show." You stifle a smile, one of the things you like most about that fool is how sometimes he doesn't know anything. "But I want the truth, Y/N, or we'll have a problem."
You sigh. Fuck, that's lazy, now you'll have to make something up. 
"My father was a former marine" you lie "I was trained by him." 
Buggy grimaces.
"Yes, of course the earlier story was much more interesting, it had more drama."
"I thought if I told that my father had been in the Navy you wouldn't want me in your crew" you shrug. Well, in the end a boring, simple excuse was the most convincing. 
Buggy stares at you, weighing whether to buy your excuses or not. 
"Okay, I believe you" he nods. He folds his arms and leans slightly towards you, speaking menacingly "But I hate it when people try to make a fool out of me." 
"I never have ever intended anything like that" Actually at first you did. 
"Are you sure?"
"Fuck, of course yes!" You exclaim, exasperated, stepping completely out of your role. 
Buggy pulls back, confused by your reaction. 
"What, you're offended?" he asks, incredulous "I'm the one who has the right to be angry here!"
"For God's sake, Buggy, stop thinking the whole fucking world wants to fucking laugh at you."
You've never said swear words in front of him before, nor spoken in such a rude manner. It's the first time you show him your true personality and he seems quite surprised. And a bit angry, to be honest. 
"You're obsessed with what fucking people think. Fuck it, people are bullshit." 
"How dare you talk to me like that, don't you know who I am?"
"Of course I know, everyone knows. You love make everyone know" you reply, a bit fed up now "I'm just telling you the truth."
"You don't seem very enthusiastic, maybe you don't like being on this crew anymore."
You fold your arms, he's not the only one who can be proud and stubborn, you've always been known for that too. 
"Maybe not."
Buggy's gaze seems to be on fire with rage. He's really furious. 
"Well, get the hell out then."
That really knocks him off his feet.
Your tone has dropped considerably, regaining your composure. 
"I'm not leaving." 
"May I ask what the hell is wrong with you?"
At this point in the conversation, and considering that you've already discovered too many cards to give up the game, perhaps it's time to tell the truth. But the one that matters. The stuff about you working as a bounty hunter or that your goal was to kidnap him is not something that seems relevant to you.
You take a breath, take a deep breath and stare at him. 
"I like you" you reply matter-of-factly.
Buggy stares at you as if he has just seen a ghost. He's speechless, that's quite a feat coming from someone who is incapable of shutting his mouth for more than two minutes. He opens his mouth slightly to say something but he can't, he gets stuck. Your confession has completely thrown him off, right now so many things are going through his head that he is unable to manage. 
"I don't care about being a pirate" since you confess, you decide to confess completely "but I like you and I don't want to leave the ship. So stop accusing me like that, it doesn't sit well with me."
Not that it feels too good to your self-esteem to see the horrified look on Buggy's face at this point, but it feels genuinely good. You've finally let it out, you've been holding it inside for so long that it's been a lump in your throat.
"Your .... Eh.... Me?" It's the only thing Buggy finds himself able to utter. 
The idea being liked by someone is not something that crosses his mind often. Buggy can brag about all his exploits and constantly bravado about his abilities, but he has always felt considerably inferior than many of his peers. He knows he inspires fear, terror even, that some of his disciples look up to him but... liking him? Why would you like him? You're quite a bit younger and very pretty. In fact you don't know it, but more than one member of the crew has commented to him once or twice that they finds you very attractive. He's sure it's a ruse or something to confuse him, there's no way you really could like him. 
"Look, I'm not going waste more time, this is a childish conversation" You tell him, once you've made your confession it's like all the nerves and fear have disappeared. You are you again. "When you calm down you look for me"
And then you make the decision to do something you've been wanting to do for weeks. You were taught that if you decide something you have to go all the way, that has always been your character. So you approach Buggy, stand on tiptoe and give him a light kiss on the lips. He stands still, motionless, like a statue. You look into those eyes that enchant you and say:
"I really wanted to do that, I'm sorry." 
And with that said you leave, returning to the deck. Buggy stares at you, static, unable to react. 
What the hell just happened?
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mayariviolet · 19 days
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭-𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
summary: Non-Curse AU. What part time jobs I think the Tokyo students would have. Some of them are only seasonal!
cw: none
a/n: I didn’t work today so I finally got to relax a little and write this… hehe…
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
Megumi Fushiguro // Cashier at a Grocery Store
Honestly, he doesn’t need to work, but he wanted to keep himself busy for the summer after Yuji said he was applying for some jobs, which dragged him along to a billion interviews. He always clocks in on time and does what he needs to do. Whenever there’s a store promotion, his manager urges Megumi to peddle the deals, and he’s mostly pretty good at getting those bonuses. He definitely memorized produce codes for efficiency's sake and not because he cared. Obviously.
Yuji Itadori // Day Camp Counsellor
He loves his job so much! He searched for a long time and had no luck until he saw a posting at the gym he went to. Yuji works really hard planning daily activities (dodgeball is somehow always relevant?) He is definitely over-enthusiastic, but he really likes creating a fun environment for kids to run around. He’s mellow enough to make those super-shy kids feel safe enough to participate. When it comes to writing reports and paperwork, though… he is less enthusiastic.
Nobara Kugisaki // Retail Associate
Full transparency, she doesn’t want to work. She has never wanted to work. That being said, when Nobara saw a job posting for her favourite shoe store and applied as a joke, she got in. During the interview process, they told her that she would get a 40% discount for everything, and suddenly, it wasn’t a joke anymore. This girl could sell water to a fish! She is getting that commission and MORE! Also, she is the kind of person who accidentally becomes important because she can handle demanding customers. Nobara is also definitely the kind of associate who talks in explicit detail about her life and doesn’t care if anyone else is around.
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
Panda // He is a panda.
? He is a panda. He doesn’t need to work.
Toge Inumaki // Lifeguard at an Amusement Park.
That one lifeguard who’s only ever stationed at the top of the water slide and tells people when it’s their turn to go down the slide. He got the job through Gojo’s recommendation. Inumaki always looks incredibly bored, but he’s actually very attentive when he is clocked in. If there is any suspicious activity, he blows that whistle (his friends are visiting him, and he wants to scare them as a fun little prank). That said, his supervisor had to talk to him about abusing the ‘whistleblower.’
Maki Zenin // Cashier at a Grocery Store
She works at the same store as Megumi. Sometimes, they take their breaks together, which is the only time they really talk. Once they’re both on the floor, they will be hard at work. Her uniform hardly looks used, and she could not care less about selling “bullshit store credit.” (Her words, not mine) Her supervisor overheard this conversation with Megumi, and ever since then, Maki and Megumi have been put on tills at opposite ends of the store.
Yuta Okkotsu // Movie Theatre Attendant
I actually have no idea how he got this job when he and Itadori interviewed for the same position, but I digress… He is so bad at making small talk about the movies people are watching that he sometimes accidentally spoils them. Over time, though, he gets better and more confident in himself. Sometimes, he can recommend other movies to people that are a hit! He loves it so much! His favourite part of his job is the quiet period in between screenings. He has worked at the movie theatre for a while, built an admirable reputation with the managers, and eventually got Itadori an interview and position! During their breaks, they make promotional TikToks for the movies that are playing.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬
Kinji Hakari & Kirara Hoshi // Basketball Arcade Machine Attendants
I fear these two are the codependent besties who always have the same job every summer. They put each other down as references for the same fucking job😭. They know it won’t work; they just think it’s funny until they get hired at a travelling exhibition… They egg on passersby people into playing their games. As a side hustle, Hakari also sells customized graffiti T-shirts at the EXHIBITION WHILE ON THE CLOCK. Needless to say, they were terminated quickly after.
© Please do not copy or replicate my work. Inspiration is appreciated, but credit properly! ♡
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blues824 · 1 year
♡.•° To Dearest Blues824 :
Heya! My Brain Was Going Places And Was Thinking About The Dorm Head's With An Alastor (From Hazbin Hotel) Like Reader? :D
☆.•° - You Can Call Me Stardust Anon If Ya Want!
I see what you did there, Stardust Anon! 
Gender-neutral reader, supposed to be platonic since Alastor is aromantic, but can be interpreted as romantic. Cursing, 1920’s slang because I’m good at it.
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Riddle Rosehearts
You were definitely very loud and boisterous, but he just chalked it up to your radio personality that was typically required of you. Aside from that, the two of you got along quite well with each other. You both used the same sort of formal language, but you did not know how to use a phone. You actually hated it a lot, and the Housewarden found it rather amusing.
One thing he found absolutely infuriating about you was how you thought the Queen’s Rules were absolutely laughable. However, since you were a demon, you were able to memorize each of them and went along with them out of pure boredom. But, when someone was disrespecting the rules, you wouldn’t hesitate to resort to violence. Riddle has had to tell you that the punishment for breaking a rule would simply be a collar rather than a black eye and a bruise about their neck, but you shrugged your shoulders with a smile and went on with your day like normal.
He could tell that you were from a different time period, since you often used slang that was popular in the 1920’s. Even in Twisted Wonderland, it existed. You once caught him while he was doing his makeup and you asked why he was getting ‘all dolled up’. The question caught him by surprise, as he had never heard any of his peers ask it like that before. 
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Leona Kingscholar
He absolutely despised you. He thought you were too loud, and you often disrupted his naps along with the annoying hunter. Like, you were right next to him. You didn’t need to use your weird-ass microphone to project your voice to the cosmos. He may be sleeping, but he can hear you when you speak normally.
During his overblot, you were not afraid to use your power as a demon and as an Overlord of Hell to put an end to it within seconds. Actually, someone had to stop you so that you didn’t kill Leona. In the infirmary, you apologized and said that old habits die hard. His eyes widened when he asked about and processed what in the actual fuck you just said and you just laughed before leaving the room.
There was one time where you had invited him to walk to your classes with you, but he refused and said that he would much rather be sleeping. You told him to not be such a pill, and he was so confused. Bro looked it up, and was then offended that you called him boring in a 1920’s sort of way. Now he just calls you ‘gramps’ because you’re old.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Also despised how loud you were, and thought that the microphone you carried with you was excessive. However, the first time he saw you quiet was when you told him that you were the one that did the deals around here and benefitted from them. Now he prefers your boisterous self more than your quiet self.
He has seen your secretly violent nature when Floyd snuck up behind you to try and squeeze you. A tendril came up from out of the ground and wrapped itself around the tweel’s neck, and it started to suffocate him. Azul was absolutely horrified as he screamed at you to stop, but you just had your big smile on your face. The only way he was able to tell that you weren’t happy was how you said, through gritted teeth, that you did not appreciate the eel’s actions.
One thing about you that always leaves the cecaelia confused was the slang you used. Like, you once compared the Mostro Lounge to a speakeasy, but instead of selling liquor he was selling dreams at the cost of a [most likely illegal] contract. He was about to say something about underage drinking when he remembered that you were a demon who has been alive since before the 30’s. That being said, you were of-age.
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Kalim Al-Asim
It was Jamil who told him to stay away from you, but you just looked so friendly. Imagine him as a more ditzy version of Charlie, and Jamil as Vaggie. However, you had no plans to take advantage of him. He had nothing to take advantage of, or nothing that you wanted at least, as you were already the Housewarden of Ramshackle.
Your violent side came out when you saw that the Vice Housewarden of Scarabia was hypnotizing Kalim. You used your magic and held him by the throat (much like Darth Vader) and leaned in close. You made his vision go staticky and said that if he were to do something that you did not agree with, there would be heavy consequences to pay. It was fortunate that Kalim was not there to see your little threat.
The young Al-Asim was always awe-struck by the 1920’s terminology you often used. You told him that Jamil was such a wet blanket and Kalim had no idea what you just said. You explained that a wet blanket was someone who was a killjoy or a ‘party pooper’, to make it a bit more modern for him to understand.
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Vil Schoenheit
He could tell that your happy and friendly persona was really a mask. After all, it takes an actor to know an actor. However, you seemed to have even Rook fooled, so he had to give you kudos for your act. He didn’t tip anyone off either, but it’s not like you would have minded being known as the most powerful being within Twisted Wonderland.
You showed your relentless and more sadistic side when Vil made a rather passive-aggressive remark about the way you dressed. Sure, it was a bit older and on the more formal side, but that gave him no right. So you used a tendril from Hell to snatch him off the ground and emphasize your point and say that it was better than the pool of fabric he called an ‘outfit’. You also said that any snide statement about you again and it would result in his untimely death and arrival in Hell.
The only reason why he knew about your slang was the fact that he had to play the role of a mobster in the 1920’s before in a movie. He’s even translated for you when you said that his outfit to match you was swanky. He said something about how he wanted to put on the Ritz for the upcoming photoshoot, and Epel just stared at the two of you, confused as to what the fuck you were saying.
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Idia Shroud
You reminded him of a character from a popular show, and you had the microphone, suit, and smile to match. Honestly, he reminded you of a certain god of the underworld, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it. That aside, you both were the exact opposite of each other. You were really loud and extroverted, while he was really quiet and introverted. You often liked teasing him and making him flustered and just moving on like it was nothing, and it left him with a whirlwind of emotions.
The one time you showed your aggressive side was during the time where the Phantom Bride kidnapped him. The only one who could torment your dear friend was you, and not some dame dolled up to the Ritz who was already bumped off the Flivver. Now, you typically were one to make some snide remark, but you were past that. There was no reason to bump gums when none of the other Housewardens were helping Idia out of his rather strange predicament.
He was surprised when you had summoned a tentacled monster of some sort and you threatened to have the ‘little’ monster drag them to Hell for interfering with matters in the overworld. Eliza let out a shriek as she hid behind Puffy and Gramps, shaking out of fear upon recognition of your name. You were one of the Overlords of Hell, after all.
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Malleus Draconia
You were rather amusing, at least according to the dragon prince. You were also much more powerful than him, a fact that only his retainers found absolutely horrifying. Instead, he was actually very interested in you. You dressed and talked in a much different way than he did, but it was very… snazzy?... as you once said.
The more demonic side that you had made its debut during each of the overblots, and every time someone had a problem that they wanted you to deal with. You made it a point to emphasize time and time again that you were a demon who would do charity work when you wanted to, not when someone asked. After all, you needed some form of entertainment, and this was not it. Malleus often offers to order his knights to stop people from harassing you, but you told him, in a grim and menacing way, that you would love to give them a painful reminder.
One time, as you both were going on a typical nightly walk, he asked if you could show him what your time period was like. So, you being you, broke into a jazzy musical number as you used your magic to bring him into a little scene from the 20’s. He was dressed in a similar suit as you, and you used your mic to sing a song about what exactly happened in the world and to you right up until your death. Honestly, he didn’t really care that you were a cannibal. As a member of the royal family within Briar Valley, nothing phases him anymore.
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
Choso at Pride
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Word Count: 1264
Paring: Choso x Transmasc! Reader
Summary: While at Pride, a karen tries to cause problems only to have her spirits crushed. Followed by some sweet cuddles after a long day
Warnings: Bigots being Bigots, the usual homophobic and transphobic reasons for being assholes, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Just a little Choso pride fic. For the record I have never been to a Pride festival for many reasons though I’m hoping to go to one this year. Also I ship yuji and megumi, if you don't agree either deal with it or move on. Anyways enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    Choso may have not been a person for long but he couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that there are people out there, who hate people for expressing themselves. When his partner told him about Pride and how it was a celebration for the people who were part of the LGBTQ+ community to show that they are happy to be who they are, he couldn’t help but want to join in on the fun. Afterall his partner was part of said community and after some self reflection he also decided he fell somewhere in the community. So the morning of the Local Pride festival, Choso helped Y/n get ready before heading to the park.
   “Choso, I’m so glad you wanted to come with me, It’s going to be so fun.” Y/n shouted as they got closer to the busy park full of so many different happy people.
   Choso smiled as he held their hand. “Of course, why wouldn’t I come celebrate the person who has helped me adapt to the world the most.” His smile was infectious as he pulled them in for a quick kiss.
   As they entered the park they were greeted by rows and rows of different vendors selling various pride themed items, most clearly hand made and perfect for the event. The two wandered the festival browsing the various booths, occasionally striking up conversation with those running them. Eventually they came to an area dedicated to some food trucks and decided it was a good time to take a break and get a snack.
   “You sit and take a breather, I’ll go get us something to eat okay?” Choso directed as they approached a small table near one of the many food trucks.
    Y/n nodded, accepting the offer to just sit for a minute. Walking and dancing around the park had started to cause some aches and pains so they were thankful. Fanning themself with their large Nonbinary flag fan, Y/n decided it was too hot to continue wearing their black ‘We are all human’ shirt opting instead to place it in their bag. With the dark shirt out of the way, their Binder which was colored to look like the trans flag was now on full display. 
    As Y/n waited for Choso to return with their lunch, they heard footsteps fast approaching from behind them. Expecting it to be a fellow Pride goer coming to strike up a conversation about their binder or something, Y/n turned to greet them. Unfortunately, it was not someone looking to be friends, instead it was very clearly one of the many protesters they had seen throughout the park.
   “How can you so disrespectfully damage the body god gave you? You’ll go to hell if you don’t change your ways and abandon such satanic practices.” The Karen said pointedly. Y/n just rolled their eyes, taking in the fact the woman was holding a sign spouting something about trans people indoctrinating children. “You are putting children at risk by supporting such dangerous things.” Y/n had fully turned away from the lady knowing that she just wanted a confrontation. “You turn away because you know I’m telling the truth. You turn your back on god.” At this point Y/n was ready to just get up and go find Choso. “Such a beautiful young lady like yourself should be at home taking care of children, not defiling your body and indulging in the lies of these groomers.”
   Y/n truly had wanted to ignore the woman’s nonsense but calling them a lady and then spouting the same ‘they’re all groomers’ bullshit, pissed Y/n off. “First off, I never asked for your opinion. Second, what do you get out of telling people their life is not something you approve of? How many people have you spouted the same nonsense at, have actually changed because you told them they were going to hell?” They asked, turning to the now bewildered woman. “Judging by the shock on your face, none. So, instead of being mad that I have people who love and support me for who I am, you go home and worry about how your kids never call.” With that Y/n grabbed their bag, getting up and searching for their brunette boyfriend.
   As they were looking for Choso, they heard a familiar voice. “Love, I thought you were going to wait at the table for me?” Choso asked, approaching them with a confused look on his face. “Did something happen?” He noticed the slightly irritated look on Y/n’s face.
  Y/n sighed as they accepted the plate of food Choso had offered them. “It’s nothing important, just your average transphobe telling me I’ll go to hell for ‘defiling’ the body god gave me.” They said as they took a bite of the food. “Don’t worry too much I put her in her place and then came to find you. Let’s walk around while we eat.” They suggested leading Choso away from the makeshift food court.
   Choso nodded, knowing that if the encounter had really upset Y/n they would have told him. So they continued through the area, occasionally stopping to buy little things that caught their eyes. After they finished their food they kept walking around enjoying the atmosphere. As the afternoon shifted to evening, the couple decided it was time to head out.
   Once they made it home and were laying on the couch reminiscing over the day, Choso brought up what had happened when they were separated. “Are you sure you’re okay? I know you said it was fine, I just want to make sure you are 100% okay.” His concern was clear as he looked down at where Y/n was resting on his chest.
   They lifted their head placing a quick kiss to his nose before responding. “I’m 100% sure that I’m fine. Had it been a problem I would have told you right away. Plus I think you should be more worried about how much money you spent on Pride merch.” They turned to look at the mini mountain of assorted items that made it look as if a Pride explosion happened on their coffee table.
   “Hey, I have to support the community and plus not all of these are for us. Some of those things are for Yuji.” He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
   Y/n raised a brow at the half curse before questioning him. “Why? I thought he and Megumi were going to Pride themselves, couldn’t he have bought stuff then?” They asked, perplexed. 
   Choso chuckled. “Shortly before I ran into you with our food, Yuji called me. Apparently they were called for a last minute mission and couldn’t go. He asked me if I could grab them some stuff since they couldn’t go.” He explained.
   Placing another kiss on Choso's face, Y/n smiled. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” They asked jokingly. Choso pretended to ponder the question, before shaking his head no going along with the joke. “Well, I love you so much. You are such a great brother and great sorcerer. And most importantly you are an amazing boyfriend.” They said finishing their sentence with a final kiss on the forehead.
   Choso smiled at them, placing a kiss on their lips. “And you are the most amazing partner I could ever ask for.” After sitting for a moment they both relaxed back into the couch both falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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outcaststars · 6 months
I've been streaming on twitch for over 4 years. I've made a great community and a wonderful group of friends but I've also had to deal with a lot of aweful people. Recently I've been feeling particularly upset about it all so I'm going to air all my grievances here. TW this mentions bullying, grooming, self harm and abuse. If anyone mentioned in this post trys to comment im just gonna delete it, i also dont care if your fav streamers is here, this is my authentic experience. Also dont go attacking anyone i mention here, the whole point of this is to be better then them.
The first streamer I ever had an issue with was Rat_emoji. It all started when I tuned into one of their DbD streams only to find him streaming another, younger, streamers live content.
He had just died to this kid playing Myers, he had TTV in his name and Rat was so mad about what had happened he streamed this kids twitch live to his viewers, all the while making fun of his appearance and stream quality.
A day later I would go back and screen record this whole interaction so I can share that if you want to see it. It felt so disgusting to watch this happen live, he has 100 viewers in chat and they were all being nasty. The only person who told him to stop was drag streamer Suttonfister (i think, 90% sure) who was in the same game and discord call at he time. the whole scene was aweful to witness, it felt like such an abuse of power. Rat didnt directly say anything mean but they made a lot of mean girl comments and didnt moderate anything cruel their chat said, it was obviously intentional.
After this I blocked Rat, it would have been easy to avoid him if he didn't found the stream team "Aussie pride", he got a lot of attention for that and a lot of praise and all of it made me sick. Funnily enough I heard that Aussie Pride was an aweful team to be in. The creators didn't care about the smaller members, planned no events and then disbanded the team with the release of Hogwarts legacy because they didn't want to take a stance on JK Rowling. Honestly it seems like the whole thing was a vanity project. That's why I don't like Rat_emoji.
DCpup was the first streamer I tried to network with. He hired me to make some art for him. He wanted me to work on merch for his channel, I declined, saying that I wasnt comfortable with the idea of someone else selling my art. I counter offered to just make him a profile icon, this way we could see how my style suited him and i could work out how to tackle the idea of eventually doing merch.
When the icon was done I sent him the high res file, he asked for my signature (my artist tag, a very small "outcaststars" in the corner) to be removed. When I asked why, he told me he needed it gone in order to upload it as merch.
Naturally I was upset. I explained that we had already made a deal not to do merch yet and I also explained that I was uncomfortable with the idea of removing my tag. I went on to explain why visibility was so important for artists. At the time I was a much smaller content creator and DCpup platform was much bigger.
He apologized and said he would give me a cut of the sales. I said don't bother and reluctantly let him do what he wanted. At the time I was too scared to make enemies so I fell into people pleasing.
I took more work from DCpup because I needed the money and I hoped it would be good for my channel growth. He would upload my work to his store and wouldn't credit me. I was frustrated.
The tipping point was after the final comm I took from him. An animated ending screen. During this process DCpup would message me everyday asking for updates which was annoying. When I delivered the final product he once again asked for my tiny, half transparent signature to be removed. I was so upset and defeated, I told myself I'd fight it but I didn't. I removed my sign from every layer, reanimated the whole thing and vowed not to take work from him.
After the piece was done he wanted to commission me again. I left him on read, then I found out what he was saying about me to other people. A good friend of mine showed me a message he had sent in his stream, telling him not to bother commission me, because I would be too busy doing work for him. I was furious.
Another week later I got raided by someone and told the new viewers to check out my work, it broke my heart when someone who looked at my insta, told me he had no idea I made all of DCpups stuff. Why would he? Dcypherpup went to ridiculous lengths to hide my credit. He was telling people not to contact me and not tagging any comm work with my name. One day he came into my live stream and I was so mad I banned him on the spot .
I wish I had done more to be assertive, live and learn. Funnily enough I found out he posted a big rant, telling people off for supporting JK Rowling when Hogwarts legacy released. Only to be called out for buying it and playing it on his steam, which he had forgotten to make private. He deleted the tweet. What a cunt.
Undertheredmoon and Greenypika
Redmoon is furry streamer that I use to really like. They were funny, had great energy and I would even go as far to say that they were a friend.
All this came to a grinding hault the day he invited furry artist and accused child groomer Daveoverlord to join us on Monster hunter rise live on stream.
Dave wasn't in voice chat and I wasn't reading Redmoons twitch chat at the time, so although I was aware of who Dave was, I didn't realize it was them. When someone messaged me about it a few days later I was mortified, I assumed Redmoon didn't know and I messaged them immediately.
I asked Red if he knew who Dave was and what he had done and the kind of artists he was friends with (cub artists). Redmoon ghosted me, left me on read for a week. I messaged again asking why he wasn't talking to me. He said he was too stressed to deal with this "drama" and didn't care to get involved. He mentioned that if Dave was guilty cops probably would have gotten involved and said he just wanted to focus on his own work.
When I asked Redmoon where he stood on cub porn, he stopped replying. We haven't spoken since.
The same person who told me about Dave joining stream also pointed out that Greenypika was inviting Dave onto his stream. They dm'd greeny and asked them if they knew and greeny said he had no idea and that he'd look into it. Greeny hadn't responded for a few months so I dm'd him with the same message and got the same copy paste reply. TLDR greeny knew and was just lying about it so I blocked him too.
Dudes a fucking groomer and now he streams. Blocked.
Cider and I got into an argument once, the topic of which is no one's business.
His bf weyland got mad at me for it and vague tweeted about it so I decided to start a group chat with them to sort it out. And we did.
I apologised for what I did and cider took some time away from interacting with me. Everyone in this situation wanted what was best. And weyland is now one of my best friends.
Cider and I aren't as close as we could be but that's my fault. They're honestly a wonderful person and I appreciate their friendship. There inclusion in this list is to prove a point later but they're also the only person here who I think deserves success.
Stripeydragon and Break trail.
This one is complicated because it involves someone who ment a lot to me.
Back when the exclusive stream team Break Trail formed, my good friend Marsh joined the team. Being an artist he did a lot of the teams promo art of all it's members. Marsh had a lot of anxieties about the team because he was one of its smallest members and often told me he felt underappreciated or out of place. This feeling for worse when artist/streamer and fellow team member Stripeydragon decided he was going to do a redraw of all of marsh's promo work.
I didn't see Marsh much at the time but when this began he spent the better part of a week in my mod chat expressing how upset he was about it. It didn't help he was already anxious but he felt stripydragon was replacing him and even mentioned a time when he tried to give feedback on stripys work only for him to disregard it. Marsh was really fucking upset.
After stripeydragon posted the work my moderator, Ibn, who had been listening and consoling marsh for a week, decided to comment on the art publically. He said he didn't think stripyes version of the art was better and criticized him of slimming down the fater characters.
I wanna pause this to say I don't condone what Ibn did. He ment well but it wasn't his fight and he shouldn't have commented a critique on something no one asked him to judge. Don't do this. Anyway...
Stripeydragon fucking hated this. Not only did he respond to every tweet, he went into the break trail discord and rallied everyone to defend him and attack Ibn, a lot of break trail members also rushed to the comments to defend stripey and attack ibn. He also posted ibns comment in his own discord to encourage others to dog pile on. This shit got out of hand super fucking fast. Ibn was crying and marsh was pissed. It was betray of trust on Ibns part, but the way stripey responded was downright scary.
Shit was at its peak by the time I woke up (Australian timezone) and I immediately went into damage control. I gave Ibn a huge lecture, I was mad af and told him to apologize. I dm'd breaktrails stream team manager Mari, and tried my best to defuse the situation so that both parties could stop. Everyone deleted their tweets. Ibn apologised a dozen times and Marsh told everyone that ibn was just an asshole.
So the story everyone believes now is that marsh actually loves stripydragons work and Ibn is just a weird jerk. There where no consequences for stripydragons weaponizing a stream team and their fan base against someone on twitter. They're still a member of break trail but the team has been dead for a long time. I understand that Ibn was in the wrong and marsh should have just talked about his issues with his team. But this is another case of someone with a big platform and bigger ego not hesitating to use that to attack others.
this one is fucked up.
Starky mods for a bunch of break trail members, so he had an inside look into the whole stripeydragon thing. Keep that in mind.
About a year after the stripey incident, I woke up to a message from starky. I had recently finished a commission for starky but apart from that we didn't know each other well.
He claimed that ibn had harassed him on stream by bringing up controversial topics and that because he was my mod he wasn't going to support me any more. I was pretty angry, Ibn was causing trouble again. I dm'd ibn and told him I didn't want to hear what he had to say and instead I just wanted the timestamp on Starkeys VOD so I could see what he did myself.
I watched the VOD and what I saw didn't line up with anything starky had said. He made the whole thing up.
What really happened was, starky decided to bring up "cancel culture" and went on a rant about how it was inherently bad and that anyone who participates in it only does it for "self-aggrandizing reasons". A lot of the shit he said was very thinly veiled right wing bullshit dog whistles.
Ibn asked him to elaborate and said something to the likes of "what about people who cancel pedos and rapists" and starky banned ibn and ended the convo.
Ibn didn't start the controversial topic and he didn't harass anyone. But starky was mad and wanted to attack him, he knew Ibn had a history of starting shit so he came to me with a bullshit story thinking I'd believe him and Ibn would lose his friends. And it almost worked.
I tried to talk some sense into starky, I pointed out that his original message was dishonest. Starky doubled down and made up more lies. He continued to claim that things happened during the stream that aren't in the VOD. He even bought up weylandshere and claimed he was harassing him too, out of nowhere! which if you watch the VOD is also completely made up. He said some ablist shit about "high functioning autism" aswell, its all really incoherent. Non of this is true and I downloaded the VOD so he couldn't hide the evidence.
Starky tried to use my argument with cider and Ibns argument with stripy as evidence that we were bad people. I found this really sinister, because my initial reaction to Starkys story, was that i believed him, pretty much everyone reacted this way. It upsets me that i was almost convinced to distance myself from my best friend because of a lie.
A ton of people didn't watch the VOD and took Starkeys word. Starky blocked me and started asking all his followers and mutuals to do the same. A whole bunch of people sub tweeted about ibn being an abuser and me being an enabler. It was fucking aweful. It went on for days.
This only stopped when Kyziethewolf stepped in and defended me. Even tho starky was one of his best friends, he had watched the VOD and told everyone he was lying. Starky doesn't talk to kyzie now and it really broke his heart.
A lot of people still believe starky and I lost a bunch of mutual streamers support because of this. It's one of the worst attacks I've suffered on twitter/twitch to date.
I found out a few months later he's added "outcast is racist" to the narrative he tells people and there's nothing I can do about that
This also basically ended my friendship with Marsh. I've known marsh for 7 years and hes a friend of Starkeys too. During this whole ordeal he never spoke up, it was only kyzie. I was really upset about this because i feel that Marsh could have made a significant change to how this played out if he had of just stepped in.
When he dm'd me a few weeks after asking if I'm make some free art for his project I told him no. I told him I was hurt. He said he just didn't want to get involved in drama. i think its really harmful to reduce harassment to just "drama". We've stopped talking.
I met jayed though my friend weyland. I needed a 3D artists and he needed work.
Jayed had recently lost a lot of friends because during COVID he tweeted that people not social distancing at a furcon where putting disabled, high risk, people's lives in danger. Totally righteous imo.
He however also tweeted that anyone who doesn't where a mask should kill themselves and deservingly got a lot of hate and backlash. Lost a lot of friends. Since then he was pretty unwilling to comment on any political shit. Publically that is.
The first fight I got into with jayed was when Ibn reposted a Tumblr thread about the YouTuber keffals, and some of the problematic things she'd done. Jayed loves keffals so he dm'd Ibn about it and started a huge fight defending his favourite YouTuber. I stepped in to try and resolve the fight but no one was really happy.
This argument made jayed realise that he didn't have the same values as the friend group he was in. He liked keffals, he thought it was ok to say the R slur and he felt people should be allowed to support JK Rowling.
He left my discord and I contacted him trying to smooth things over. We talked for a long time and I settled on agree to dissagree the hopes to change his mind on some of these issues.
That didn't happen. Jayed kept starting fights about woke shit, even though he's a self proclaimed "leftist" and it slowly drove a wedge between us. He stopped talking to everyone in our friend group, unfollowed us all on socials.
Artists/streamer and friend Ixu had drawn a big group shot of all of us together. Weyland (who is in this friend group) was pretty angry about the whole ordeal so he asked Ixu for a version without jayed edited out. When he posted this jayed got super pissed about it.
Jayed tweeted about how unwelcoming my community was. Screen caped some DM's and changed the context. I was so angry, I had spent months continuing to offer my friend ship and trying to change his mind. One of the last fights we got into he said he was mad that "people" expected him to show support for Palestine and thats kind of the end of it.
This one hurt because it felt like a betrayal. Jayed you can get fucked dude.
This one is super recent and is basically why I decided to write this.
I can't remember how I met socks. They work in the games industry and they have a LOT of money/connections. He gives away a lot of stuff, Donates to people a lot. He very affectionate and Everyone loves him. I even accepted a bunch of charity/gifts from him and in return drew a bunch of gift art.
Socks success made a few mutuals of mine uncomfortable. He had a lot of money to put into stream so his channel grew insanely fast. I'm also told he made comments to some mutuals, comparing channel growth that made them feel bad. He ran multiple giveaways and got partner almost a year after starting stream.
There was some drama between socks and one of his mods. I tried my hardest not to get involved. Socks employs a lot of parasocial strategies in order to retain an audience so he flirts a lot and also has a persona of "I'm you dad" on stream. Idk if this counts as love bombing, but it feels similar.
I heard that one of his mods developed a crush on him and when rejected, he drank himself into the hospital. He almost died.
I spoke with this ex mod about it. He doesn't blame socks for what happened even tho he feels the rejection was harsh. I still feel that socks takes advantage of people with his gifts and parasocial friendship. This is a result of that going unchecked.
One of our mutuals found out about this and was really upset. They tweeted about it and tried to hold socks accountable. Nothing came of it.
I grew distant from socks when he started hanging out with Redmoon a lot. Because I felt close to them at the time I messaged him a about Redmoon and what happened between us. He never replied.
This story takes a dark turn when jayedskier, friend of socks, decided to make that tweet mentioned in his section. Socks also went in on someone jayed had mentioned.
This is about my good friend Weyland. Weyland had had someone very close to them pass away recently. Socks complied some tweets and chat screen caps, and made up a story of weyland threatening to kill themselves.
Some of the messages were about weylands dead friend. Socks knowingly changed the context and lied to make weyland look bad.
I honestly think this is the worst thing on this post. To use the death of someone and the personal anguish of someone and ammo for you bullshit story about them is fucking horrifying.
I replied to socks tweet about weyland, I told him what he was doing was wrong. He told me that he feels bad I'm surrounded by toxic people and that he hopes they get better.
After seeing the way socks treats his audience and the way he lied about another streamer, I genuinely believe hes some kind of abuser. Idk the vibe is REALLY off with this one. This feels worse then bullying, there's an ego about it. I've blocked socks on everything. Frankly they scare me.
Final notes
Anyway that's been my aweful experience with aweful twitch streamers. The whole thing has left me bitter and sad and I no longer want to interact with anyone. idk where to go from here.
Twitch TOS doesn't care what people say or do on other platforms. And with other streamers/mutuals so unwilling to get involved or show support I just feel alone.
I do feel compelled to speak up when I see or experience something I think isn't right. I think a lot of neurodivegant people, like myself, feel that way. But I think it's been terrible for my career. I hate the feeling that I'd be so much more successful if I'd shut my mouth and looked away. Maybe even be partner by now. I know a lot of this comes across as just "furry drama" but i think its reductive to label it as that. Content creators who engage in these kind of harmful behaviors need to be held accountable if we want to see any positive change. And im not saying that means "CANCEL" them. some (not all) of these content creators can still learn and grow and be better. Negative attitudes and dismissive statements of "its just drama" create a space for bullies to thrive
Finally, please PLEASE do NOT under any circumstances harass anyone involved in this post. This is not an attempt to rally the masses to lynch some people, im just telling my story so that next time you see someone come forward with claims about a content creator you like you'll see the situation differently.
If you made it this far, wow. Thank you. Dunno if I'll post the vids/screencap evidence. I don't know if I care enough.
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hcfiles · 1 month
How to promote an actor? Well, one way is through promoting his interests, life style and details of his personal life. But, that shouldn't be the main goal of his team and those personal details are not always true, created to entertain, sell a persona and keep his name in the media. Talent and other professional skills should be important. But, if you don't have those, nor an established name like Hugh Jackman, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, George Clooney, for example, you have to keep digging. So, he created an AVATAR, a fake persona, with some real characteristics, to sell his image and keep his name as news. Times are different now. And today, in Hollywood, talent is not enough. There was a time when movies were art and told great stories. Today, it's all about money. Any poor script may become a hit and any hot stuff, famous. The plot doesn't need to be great, it only needs a pretty face in good shape, a sex symbol to make people buy tickets. That's the kind of actor he is, from the new school, were all you need is to sell yourself as a hot stuff. Never seen efforts from his side searching for a nice plot, but for a role in which his physical image came first. So, he decided to sell himself as a sex symbol. And, it has been working for him, because, despite precedents, he always managed to keep an image. But, this image was destroyed by his own team and they are making a great effort trying to restore it. Meanwhile, concerning his acting career, what have we had, so far? A few cameos, small parts in insignificant movies and a lot, I mean A LOT of clickbait. For the last four years his team has promoted projects that turned out to be untrue. A lot of speculation around his name, but very little work. He got stuck in a circus that discredited his image, has been hiding from social media, only appearing when to sell a product and his management doesn't seem to be doing a good job for a very long time, focussing more on money rather than in achievements . And he has been having to do both jobs: act and manage his career. From time to time, they come up with a new clickbait. He's rumoured to star in many new projects, but in practice he hasn't had one. That's what it is. They are desperately trying to bring him back to track and arrange him a new iconic role, when meanwhile, there's nothing and he has established himself as the cameo boy. Why come up with new projects' rumours when Rosie Project, Bond, WH and Highlander rumours never resulted in close deals? What it seems is they are desperate to get him something, selling him as a cheap bitch, which makes him worth less as an actor.
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ballad-of-birdy-lamb · 4 months
Hiyaaaa!!! I’m on like some search for Atticus finch fics bc they are so rare and i am HUNGRY for some.
May i request an Atticus x baker + babysitter reader? Like his kids have been visiting this little bakery in town and Atticus decides to swing by to see if his kids ran off down there and meets reader?
I'm so full of love I could barely eat.
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Atticus Finch x Gender neutral! Baker! Reader Summary: basic romantic headcanons of Atticus falling for baker! Reader Warnings: mention of violence (not put in detail, just the actions Mr. Ewell does after the trial) Word count: 1.2k A/N: I made the reader a baker only since it felt more in line with your request. And you're so real for searching for fics. ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Love isn’t a common thing for Atticus to pay attention to, especially since he’s so busy and a bit older. He’s got kids and their friends, work, and making sure everyone in his home is happy. There’s so much going on romantic love barely seeps in. It also was because he didn’t know how his kids would react to getting another partner, Jem didn’t need to think he moved on too fast from his mother or Scout persecuting the person he could have possibly brought home.
Every couple days he would walk home when he saw Scout and Jem running and begging him to take them to a bakery in town. It was quite odd that they would willingly go into stores without having reason. They always groaned when he brought them shopping, so it must have been a big deal for them to beg to go somewhere. He never took them on his own time since he saw it as no big deal, wanted to go home, and knew the prices were a bit high for the time.
It was one day that Calpurnia had stopped in his office to tell him she couldn’t find the kids and neither could Alexandra. He assured her that he would find them and told her to go back home, still shaken from not finding them. After work, he went around Maycomb searching for the kids before he stopped at the town’s bakery. He hadn’t been in it many times since the recession, and he didn’t feel the need to go into a store just for one thing.
When Atticus finally found Jem, Scout, and Dill, they were sitting at one of the tables, eating away at pieces of blueberry bread. He would go off on them the best he could and ask them how they got the money to even afford getting food from the place. Naturally, you would say you fed them since they asked so nicely.
Just the sight of you would cause him to hesitate to speak again. You’d go on about how sweet they were and how you gave them the food since the bakery couldn’t sell it but it was good enough to eat. Atticus would smile a little wider than Scout and Jem have seen in a long while, thanking you for not charging them. He’d get the two to leave, grabbing the bread and leaving with a small smile.
“Why are you smiling so much?” Scout would ask as they walked home, holding the bread in her hands. Atticus would shake off the question.
“I can’t smile?” He’d remark, patting her head softly as they continued down the road.
It would become more common for Atticus to go to the bakery after work, just going off to talk to you. Each day that Scout and Jem would wait for Atticus, they would look at the corner, waiting for him. And he comes from the other end of the road. Sometimes he would wait until he’s close enough to pipe up, giving them a spook sometimes.
Once the summer comes, they would try finding why he comes from a different area after work and would watch as he walks from the bakery. He’d be questioned an insane amount, specifically from Scout. Atticus would brush them off the best he could, telling them he was talking to a friend.
The romance would be gradual, he would come in to find Jem and Scout to get them home, jokingly telling you off for feeding them pastries before dinner. Of course, it wouldn't be the best joke since he isn’t very good with satire. Either way, he’d thank you for not charging them for the food and be off… even if he wanted to stay longer.
Atticus would stop by more often, simply talking to you about business, the normal old people talk. He would try keeping it casual enough to not make you uncomfortable since he isn’t too good with flirting, so even if he tried it would come off as awkward. Scout said it herself; the kind of humor Atticus tries to have can only truly be done well by a lady Finch.
You would naturally give Atticus the test pastries for him and his kids to try. You’d give him the job of tester since he’d come by so often.
It was most obvious to Jem and Scout as time goes on, they both knew it was because of you. Atticus’s gaze would linger on you, and he would hesitate to say they needed to leave.
One night when the bakery had closed, Atticus stayed back with you to make sure you could close the shop safely (at least that was his reasoning for it). He’d sit at the counter and watch you quietly go on about your day, the new pastries sold, and how things were doing back at your home.
When you had fully closed the shop, he would stop before you could turn away to go home and finally work up the nerve to ask you out. Even if Atticus had more experiences in life than he would prefer bragging about, he still falters with asking a woman out.
“I would like to take you out this Saturday…,” Atticus would draw on his sentence, smiling slightly, his hat held on his chest, close to his heart. Though he held the top of his hat, he could feel his fast heartbeat. “If you’re alright with the idea.”
Naturally, you would accept, and he would go home with a small smile, knowing that he could take you out. Atticus would bring you a plan to bring you to a nice restaurant, get his best clothes for the date, and get Aunt Alexandra to take care of Jem and Scout. Atticus could only hope they didn’t press him too hard on what was going on.
The date would go well, the food being nice and the conversations being the same. As calm as Atticus made himself out to be, his heart was pounding. He almost forgot how nerve wracking it is taking someone out. He would try his best being smooth about how he feels to the best he could, buttering you up but not enough to come off too strong.
Hiding how the relationship from the children wouldn’t be that prominent after several dates. Atticus never hides anything else from them, how he feels about you is theirs to know about since you would be around more often. Of course, they knew to an extent. Jem would just say he knows, and Scout would ask if he was too old to do something like that.
The relationship would stay nearly exclusive to the family, more so since he didn’t want word getting out and possibly getting someone on you for being associated with him. Though, Atticus is beyond loving to you. He’d still stop by the bakery to talk to you when you were free.
After the trial and with the rampage Mr. Ewell was having on anyone associated with it, he’d target you too. It would lead to Atticus trying to escort you more often from work and home. If Mr. Ewell continued his mistreatment of you, Atticus would suggest you move in with him. It would not only be for your protection but also because he wants you to finally live with him. He’s old, he won’t live forever, and he’d prefer living with you in his arms at night.
My TKAM masterlist
My request list
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campbyler · 8 months
if i may ask, i am v curious when the party got their cars/how long theyve had them
ella i hope you don't hate me from harboring this ask since the end of august bc i really did mean to answer it sooner. i love u mwah.
mike: some of the lore surrounding the mustang has now been revealed through chapter 9.1, but to reiterate for the purpose of this ask: mike really wanted to get a car with manual transmission, and wanted something used so it could be a purchase he made himself. he did a lot of research online and in person before finding the mustang, which he did think was a little gaudy, but to me he's also a pretty big car buff and likes a lot of classic models -- no matter anyone's feelings on mustangs as a whole, it is a very iconic car with a lot of history, so mike definitely appreciates that a lot. he had nancy co-sign but he paid for everything himself! as of acswy, he's had it for just over a year!
will: will's car is also used, and also something he (mostly) paid for by himself! originally he was going to inherit jonathan's car but like in the show, it died. rip. but hopper Knows A Guy who works on and then sells a lot of used cars and that's who they ended up buying will's car from. he got it when he turned 17 for around ~$2500 since hop's friend cut them a deal, and he paid for Most of that himself (using money he's saved up from camp and the part-time job he had during the school year when he was in hs) and hop and joyce covered the rest. that said, will does pay them back on a monthly basis and pays for his own gas and insurance, so to him they didn't help at all (even tho they helped more than mike's parents did lol). by the start of acswy, he's paid his parents back in full and now just worries about the insurance payments.
lucas: lucas's parents and smart and invest and told their beautiful talented son that if he worked hard and got good grades they would buy him a car for graduation. so he did. and then also got a full ride scholarship to uconn to play basketball and his parents said oh ok slay boy. thanks so much. so since they are saving on a LOOOT of tuition and room and board fees they said we will get you a nice car. and lucas said bet, hellcat? and his mom said ABSOLUTELY NOT and his dad said ABSOLUTELY. mike was fuming btw. if you care.
max: tbh we haven't so super fleshed out a lot of max's family lore so i'd have to consult w suni re: current arrangements BUT 2 me max shares her car w her mom. i think her mom works from home and when she needs to go somewhere uses max's step dad's car just so that max can have some extra freedom. it's also my headcanon that max is the oldest in the friend group so she got her license first and was will and el's designated chauffeur for a while <3
el: el Just got her car and license before the start of acswy! i think she's the youngest in the party and she had will and max to drive her places so there was truly no need to get her license or car until now, plus i think she had some driving anxiety. she also got her car thru hop's friend but it was a little more expensive than will's since it's a bit newer and a nicer model, but she's had more time to save up for it! she mostly got one because she wanted to be able to have something to drive back at school, and also because she's more willing to admit than will is that the cobalt is not going to last super long, so one of them needs to have a car lol.
dustin: dustin got his car from his mom when she upgraded to a new one and while most people would complain dustin said FUCK YEAH because he loves his mom's car and also didn't have to spend a single dime on it lol. i think he got it when he was 17 as well so he also drove lucas and mike around for a bit before they got their cars as part of the indy crew!
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
A few weeks back I met a girl and we got on famously and it was about as fine a mental dance as it’s possible to have as we grew hooked on each others minds. But because life is life - and life is always complicated - things didn’t pan out for reasons that wouldn’t stand out in the history of why things don’t work out for people that meet. So I was feeling mopey and also burned out from the war. 
I’m by no means at the epicentre of suffering in this war but fighting for nine months - using my mind and emotions as my weapons - and having to be emotionally unguarded in order to be a good writer - takes its toll and I’ve been slowing down. It’s hard to shovel out the shit at the pace it goes in and there’s a huge backlog of sludge and slime. And who even has the time to deal with their shit when there’s a war on? I keep going because, even after nine months, there aren’t many people on the substitute bench. There’s only a handful of us doing this on instinct - without any support - and some have already dropped out. 
So I was feeling burned out and mopey. For my own health I’d already pivoted my advocacy away from the bleakest stuff as I couldn’t breathe that atmosphere all the time. But I’d been asked to fly to London to help raise money for the rehabilitation of Kibbutz Be’eri which was among the worst hit on October 7th. On the train platform going to the event I felt my head and heart clogging up with that familiar sodden feel and I pulled my hat low as the moist eyed bullshit started and images of dead babies popped in. And walking to the theatre I was so down over the girl and had images of a person’s flesh burned off their head and the baked case of their skull exposed and white. And the bonhomie of those at the theatre and the excited performers happy to see me and calling me a “legend” jarred with my private feelings of wanting to be alone and cry with my melancholy. And that ain’t good. When you got emotions denser than gravity that pull you to the floor it’s time to break free of that bullshit and get off your arse. Move your body and hopefully your brain and heart will catch up. So when I landed back in Israel I decided to go to Jerusalem the following day for no more than to get a meorav yerushalmi. That was it. That was my mission. To eat my favourite meal consisting of chicken hearts, liver and spleen. Admittedly there’s not a very crowded marketplace of dishes consisting of chicken hearts, liver and spleen - but inasmuch as there is - it’s meorav yerushalmi for me.
So I walked to Hagana station. Last time I did this walk I was dropping off a friend at night. The streets that night were menacing and full of piss. But now, in the daytime, the streets were quiet and the urine smells had gone. It seems urine is nocturnal? The odours prowl at night. In the day the sun blitzes them invisible. A crazy man with beer shouted at me in Hebrew. I didn’t understand but gave him a military salute and he saluted me back and smiled. I managed to get on my train with the ease of someone becoming a local, as opposed to the first time I used public transport. Today’s mission to get a meorav yerushalmi was the beginning of a broader decision to try and have two weeks “holiday” away from war stuff so I could recharge and shovel out big chunks of crap. I was tired of being hijacked by sadness and tired of feeling like shit when well meaning people told me I had helped them and made them laugh. The juxtaposition of what others apparently got from me and what I was feeling inside was tough. I needed to help myself. I needed to laugh. And man, I’m so desperate for a laugh. True, holy laughter where your soul is cleansed in the total abandonment of all self.
I arrived at Jerusalem-Yitzhak Navon Station and a frummer was playing piano by the escalator. It was appropriately melancholy and sentimental. I left the station and there was immediate bustle. People were selling grapes and berries and a guy in tefillin was playing rock music. I got a coffee and sat on Jaffa street. A man was playing saxophone. There is music everywhere here. Even in the silences.
I walked to a place I’ve been before and got my meorav yerushalmi. The purpose of the trip. It was really average. But I never expected it to be an epiphany. Life hasn’t signed any contract with our dreams. Magic isn’t summoned on command. It comes when it wants to come.
I happened to meet a police officer whose job is to monitor incitement in the Arab sector. Those who do engage in incitement - like antisemites across the world - have learned how to code their racism and murderous intent so that it camouflages itself as being on the right side of the law. It’s an ongoing challenge. I can’t remember how but she brought up the guy who had his head cut off and which terrorists tried to sell in Gaza. His head was eventually recovered and buried with his body. My holiday was so far going great. Seriously for a moment…this is an insane world we are living in. We are modern people surrounded by mediaeval barbarians. 
I then thought I’d pop into the Kotel that Jews have fought and suffered and striven to see for thousands of years - and which I can now casually stroll to in my shorts whilst sipping a coke.
I went through Jaffa Gate.
In the Jewish Quarter I saw a dead lizard on the floor whilst walking through the alleys towards the wall. It was belly up. Its stomach glittered with aquamarine beauty. Like dragon skin and sapphire-emeralds undersea. There were gloopy blue shades and peacock-coloured depths and shallows of light on its tiny, implausibly intricate body. Its belly was a disco ball of sky coloured mirrors and its tiny legs were open to the universe.
The sun was baking.
I got to the Kotel plaza. A man asked me to put on tefillin but I declined. I went to a spot on the wall and rested my head against it. But no feeling came. I was sterile and blank. I just stayed in that position. With my eyes shaded by stone. It was ok to be in darkness. Then music penetrated the emptiness and entered my ears. There was a bamitzvah close by. And when they sang a happy song I got emotional. Everything has been so far from happy for so long. Joy feels like a foreign land. It’s nice to hear a message from this distant country. It feels foreign, but happiness was a country where we once lived. It was our home. And that’s why I cried to hear. I’m so sad how far we are from home. Hearing my mother tongue, reminding me of the language of the old country, made me homesick. We can’t be refugees exiled from happiness forever. We have to remember the language. The map back home is inside us. The more we remind each other the more we remember.
The sun was baking.
I went and sat in the catacombs by the wall, writing these words as men davened around me. I don’t know how to live sometimes, but I know how to write. So I wrote. The dirge of voices mumbling in prayer becomes a hypnotic din. It’s quite relaxing. Maybe that’s what heaven sounds like. A womb like pulse of prayer you lose your self in. 
I popped out of the moment and gathered my stuff to go. When you know it’s time to leave you know it’s time to leave.
I walked back to the Jerusalem Light Railway. Checking my phone I saw a message inviting me to a gig tonight which I declined. Also a voicemail from a number I don’t know asking me if I’m in the market for a shidduch. I didn’t answer. I wasn’t looking for these things today. I got on the train at Jerusalem-Yitzhak Navon Station. A group of older women were noshing on something and speaking in Hebrew. I don’t know what they were saying but they started laughing and it made me laugh.
Then a Muslim lady got on and asked me in Hebrew if it was the train to Tel Aviv. I told her I didn’t know and that my Hebrew was shit and she laughed. Then she and I made eye contact and laughed privately with each other across the aisle as the train filled up with tired, harassed and angry people having a balagan with each other. One young girl absolutely horrified that people wouldn’t move further down the carriage. Then two young soldier girls came on and they were laughing hysterically with each other about something and that made me laugh. Me and the muslim girl laughed again when we made eye contact. It wasn’t the Golden Laugh that cures all. But every laugh is a jewel that heals something, I guess, and I found them because I went in search of meorav yerushalmi when feeling gloomy.
Feeling gloomy over girls and massacres! How many times have we heard that story??!! 
We’ve all been there!
And then we moved and My God the hills as the train pulled out. Once again those bloody hills.
Jerusalem don’t ever stop.
Some people call you crazy?
Then you are the perfect city for life - because life is crazy.
As the train glided past Ben Gurion I felt a bit better.
Today I visited the Temple where God is closest to earth. When I got back to Tel Aviv I bought some fabric conditioner so I could put a wash on when I got back home.
And that is a good day.
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lablim64 · 5 months
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Because why not-
(And because I want to explain stuff about him a little more, don't ask, I'M HYPED-)
fact 1:
lim has Thalassophobia which means fear of deep water, he can go in the water till the knees but not the whole body, he also don't know how to swim-
Fact 2:
Lim doesn't know much about outside world or outside danger, ever since he were adopted by horrible people till 17,he been slaved and locked in the house with no permission to go out, he only know some stuff from the tv and the people who raised him(which is in terrible ways)
Fact 3:
When I told that lim been thru "many type of abuse/torture" you can expect the very worst one (I won't say because it's a sensitive topic about something that happened to me and I also don't like to talk about it)
Fact 4:
Some of the parts in lim's backstory is based on my past traumas (I won't say which ones, don't ask.) Also same with some of the people in the story are created base on real people I met (like monster and dragon, soon you might meet new people I will gonna mention)
Fact 5:
Lim is mostly a violent toxic person cause all he seen from people since he were a kid was all abuse and stuff, so he doesn't really know much about how bad those actions are but he never ment any harm to anyone unless things get serious
Fact 6:
The feeling is the reason how lim become an undead
Fact 7:
Lim is an ex worker at brimfero laboratory and killed by Mason and john for trying to steal some stuff from them
Fact 8:
Lim is bi and short (no surprise-)
Fact 9:
Lim as a low healthcare system that his past home caused, cause him to get sick most of the time
Fact 10:
Lim likes to eat ketchup, not with anything, just straight up ketchup, it were an addition since 11
Fact 11:
Lim hates me the most-
Fact 12:
Lim is a Spongebob and salad fingers kid, his favorite shows and the only shows he always watched when he were little
Fact 13:
Lim were actually named "lablim" but soon after they changed his name to lim only
Fact 14:
Lim's birth parents are both unknown and known as dead
Fact 15:
Even tho lim is 17, he's is quite an alcoholic and drug/cocaine addicted, due to him left alone after he run away and only people who look after him on the streets were highed up people (W guys)
Fact 16:
Lim were a daddy's boy, but soon after he start hating parents cause he never got a good one and thought that's how parents are
Fact 17:
Lim were on his close years of graduating high school but died before graduation
Fact 18:
Lim worked like 3 jobs before
- brimfero worker
- night club DJ
- janitor
Fact 19:
Lim as a crime count(updated)
- robbery
- organ selling
- scamming
- kidnapping
- drug dealing
- people stalker
- murder
- mind control (an ability from the feeling)
Fact 20:
He can take his head off, like pop! It's out, he also can crack his joints and didn't die (since he's an undead)
That's all-
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