#I got a job offer for a job that sounded rlly nice and way better than all these stupid fad food cashier jobs in my area
jaqkiwine · 2 months
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satorugojooo · 2 years
Hellooo, tis me again 🤣 may I request another nanami fluff?
I thought it'd be funny/nice if reader forced nanami to do a mental health day with them. Like he gets dragged home from work (reader let gojo know in advance to cover for nanami) and is welcomed with it smelling like a bakery. Reader had finished baking his favourite pastry before she left to get him.
He's gifted the softest (or silkiest) PJs & slippers, forcing him do facemasks with them, and whatever else you want to add!
Let's face it 💀 Nanami probs needs this everyday
A/n: Hellooo againnn I can just picture how stoic Nanami would look trough the whole process! Can you imagine the way he would ask "Is this really necessary?" while having his face covered in a face mask? I can already see him with that serious look 😆 I hope you will enjoy this and ty for the request! :)
Pairings: Nanami x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure comedy at this point 😭
Nanami didn't like many things, he hated his job as a salary man, he hated being a Jujutsu sorcerer, and he obviously hated Gojo Satoru the most. Trying to survive with Gojo for one day was an impossible task for our beloved sorcerer, and oh well today he changed his mind, suddenly hanging out with Gojo sounded better than... This.
Right now he was wearing the pijamas you just gifted him, and he had some really questionable things on his face if you were to ask him. You told him that it would "help" his skin, but the poor man was convinced that he wouldn't miss anything without getting this thing on his face too.
How did he get in this situation? Well you could blame Gojo for that one. The other say you went to visit the first year students at Jujutsu High and of course the strongest sorcerer was there with them.
"Ah y/n-Chan you know, Nanamin is actually looking like a walking zombie, he needs some self-care! Why don't you take him tomorrow to relax for a bit from all this work hm?" he asked with his usual smile and you thought it was, at that time, a great idea! So when Gojo offered to cover for Nanami you took the chance to take your partner out for a relaxing day, such a shame there's no" relax" word in nanami's vocabulary...
Of course he enjoyed the pastries you made for him since they were his favorite! But for the face-mask and all those products you showed him for a skin care? Was he actually going on a casting for a movie or to a normal day at Jujutsu High?? Well surely you had everything under control, that's what Nanami thought anyways.
As you finally finished removing his face-mask he looked at the cream you were about to apply.
"Is that... Really necessary?" he said and you scoffed.
"Of course it is darling, how else can those eye-bags dissappear otherwise? And from now on you should rlly get some more sleep you know, it will help!" you said as you applied the cream on his skin.
Yeah, Nanami wasn't so sure all this would help much, but he was grateful for what you did for him and for how much you cared about his own health, for him, your love was already the biggest gift he could get!
Bonus part
The next day Nanami was back at Jujutsu High in the teachers room with Gojo.
"Ah Nanamin! I see you look like a Phoenix bird that just reborn from its own Ash, had fun?" he said with a smirk and Nanami gave him an annoyed look.
"Oh how perceptive you are today, those kids would be perfect sorcerers till now if you noticed your own teaching just as quickly as this." he said in a stoic voice and Gojo gasped.
"Ah you hurt my feelings! After I helped you like that..." he said and Nanami just left the room.
When he came back hours later he found a note on the table. Taking it he opened it and... He was met by the same drawing that Gojo showed him a while ago. (I mean the drawing from that small note that Nanami opened from gojo 😆). He quickly torn the note apart and started to think how he got tricked by this man twice with the same thing. Perhaps even the skin care routine was better than gojo...
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angeltrapz · 3 years
SAW ASK!!!!!! 💞 n ee wayz as far as Eric/Adam goes i wld love to hear yr thoughts on how their relationship looks @ th very beginning when Eric still v v fresh in his recovery (obvs we’ve talked a lil abt this both but expandin on stuff), n also u mentioned Eric knowing how to bake (at least some things) n id LOVE to hear more abt that!! also for a general SAW polycule question, just bc it’s a dynamic i don’t think either of us have rlly touched on, thoughts on William + Mallick?
SAW ASK!!! (tysm!! <3)
okay so Eric/Adam:
I rly like th idea u had where they meet at one of Bobby’s groups (also throwing in tht I think abt Group Therapy All The Time) bc like. neither of them want to be there, neither of them rly have much in common w any other survivors, n neither of them can stand Bobby Dagen. so tht’s still like, th foundation fr how these 2 meet to me lol. the idea of them listening 2 him talk while rolling their eyes at each other n fake gagging is So Good.
I feel like Adam is just... rly open? w Eric? bc god does he understand how fucking hard it is 2 be around ppl after smth like that - maybe not to the same extent (though they DO have tht solidarity), but like. there’s only so many times u can hear “I’m so sorry tht happened/I can only imagine what u went thru” b4 yr ready 2 just tell ppl to shut the fuck up. so like, on Eric’s side of things, not getting tht frm Adam? not hearing the whole “I’m rly sorry u almost lost yr son and were locked up fr six months”? tht’s foreign territory ENTIRELY 2 him. sorry is all anyone has to say, even other survivors. Adam not saying sorry n instead being like “well I’m glad yr still around” is kind of what makes tht decision in Eric’s head like, yes, I think I want 2 get to know this dude. He Gets It.
n Adam is just patient too. letting Eric come 2 him, making sure he knows he’s there, tht sorta thing, bc regardless of how much he likes Adam, being around ppl again is not smth he can just jump into. it’s a wound tht is still raw n open n aching n he needs to treat it w care instead of rubbing salt in. n Eric half expects tht to turn Adam away, esp when he sometimes goes a day w no communication, but it doesn’t n he’s just sorta like ??? bc Eric never rly... saw some1 making tht kind of accommodation fr him, never expected some1 to understand it. tht’s another region I feel they’re very similar in - contact, sometimes, can b very very hard, even over text. if they don’t speak all day, tht’s okay - they send each other “i’m okay” texts n th other person responds w “good” n tht’s fine. Adam provides compromises when Eric never even knew tht was a possibility. it’s good.
things progress kinda slowly but not in a bad way. they’re just kind of getting used 2 each other - both of them have been alone fr so long, having some1 in their lives tht they give a shit abt n who gives a shit abt them is smth they’re both navigating. fr Eric, it’s being around some1 consistently after his trap. fr Adam, it’s actually having a friend who doesn’t make him feel like shit + having some1 he can definitively say is there. sometimes its easier 2 sit in comfortable silence than it is to force a convo neither of thm rly have the energy fr. sometimes just being in a room together is enough. tht’s smth they both notice - tht it’s like. they find it easy 2 be around each other. which is SO foreign to both of thm so they’re just kinda feelin it out?
n again like u’ve written b4, I also feel one of th turning points is when Eric calls Adam abt his hair + Adam shaves it fr him in his bathroom. tht’s th point where they’re both like “oh, I rly care abt this person.” bc it’s three in th fucking morning, Adam didn’t even have 2 pick up his phone or even answer when he saw it was Eric. but he did, bc he cares, bc he wants to help, n Adam’s just kinda freaking out internally too bc it’s been a looong time since he’s felt tht way abt some1 - he just wants Eric 2 be okay. n it’s then tht he’s kinda like, coming 2 terms w th fact that he truly cares abt someone who he can say without a doubt cares abt him too and it’s just like. oof. ESP when Eric sleeps over bc again, it’s early as fuck, and isn’t it so much easier 2 just have him stay? isn’t it easier fr Adam to make space fr Eric in his bed n home n heart? n Eric actually doesn’t tell Adam abt this later, but tht night he sleeps over after Adam shaves his hair? it’s th best he’s slept in fucking weeks.
I feel like after tht they’re a LOT more comfortable w each other - not tht they weren’t b4; I mean in th sense tht when they’re not doing too great, they’ll reach out 2 each other rather than bottling it up n dealing w it alone. Adam comes over w CDs he likes bc he can’t talk abt it but he doesn’t want 2 be by himself n they sit in Eric’s living room together in comfortable silence. sometimes Eric sings 2 him. they both find tht it helps. Eric becomes more accustomed 2 accepting help when he knows he needs it + Adam offers - dimming th lights n staying close by to keep him frm getting another migraine, having th TV on but w the sound down low enough tht it doesn’t feel like some1′s hitting him over th head w too-loud dialogue, getting things fr him on th days tht his nerve pain flares up n he’s mostly confined 2 his bed. they’re there fr each other. this is what friendship looks like fr them, two Jigsaw survivors who understand each other better than any1 else ever could.
another huge step fr them is like, th first time Adam offers 2 help w Eric’s rashes. I feel like, even as they grow closer, tht’s still not smth he’s vocal abt/comfortable showing often, something he’s ashamed of bc he feels like it’s gross n he doesn’t want 2 like. make Adam deal w that. but like during one of their sleepovers where Adam cuts his hair fr him n Eric’s got his shirt off he just. grabs the ointment he knows Eric keeps in th cabinet above the sink n while Eric’s still sitting w his back to him, he wordlessly begins tending 2 the rash spread along Eric’s shoulders n his neck n back, n Eric just. freezes. Adam doesn’t say anything, just does it fr him, n Eric kinda. Breaks Down a lil bit. like he just starts silently sobbing bc Adam doesn’t have 2 do this. he doesn’t have to help him w one of th things Eric hates most abt his own body. he could think it’s Gross. but he doesn’t think it’s gross n he doesn’t mind touching it and he’s so gentle when applying the ointment n then when he’s done he just kind of leans against Eric’s back bc He Knows. he reaches around front n grabs one of Eric’s hands n just sits there w him while he cries it out, holding his hand 2 say I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, n that is MAJOR fr Eric. and honestly? tht’s kind of th first time he Rly becomes aware of “oh fuck I love him.” (Adam too, ngl)
basically, the way it starts is a shared experience, smth no one else can rly say they have, an understanding based on tht shared experience. giving each other space until they begin inviting each other in. care, patience, “I’m here.” re-learning th feeling of mutual concern. somewhere along th way, it turns into love, and somehow falling into tht is just as easy.
Eric + baking:
YES I love this hc!! this is smth he picked up during his time btwn jobs during th earlier stages of recovery (but After meeting Adam/connecting w Art) bc he needed smth to do n was just sorta like, “well I guess this works huh?” n like. it was def a learning curve bc Eric can cook, relatively well/at least okay, but baking is a entirely different matter. at frst he was kinda discouraged when things didn’t turn out th way he hoped they would, but w gentle guidance on Art’s side n enthusiastic encouragement frm Adam, he stuck w it n has gotten pretty good as a result!! his fave things 2 make r peanut butter cookies (he does a little design on th top w a fork n both Adam + Art r like Oh My God That’s Adorable) + th aforementioned carrot cake cupcakes!! frosting is usually homemade n it’s usually cream cheese! he makes his own frosting fr cakes n stuff too (Constantly has 2 tell Adam to “keep yr hands off of th frosting/batter/dough! we’re not gonna have any left!!!” even tho tht Doesn’t stop him).
he makes rly good banana bread too! tht one was a lil harder 2 learn but he’s honestly pretty proud of it now. it’s so funny bc Adam typically doesn’t like stuff like tht but if Eric made it? oh it’s Amazing. (he’s like tht w Art’s cooking too kjdfhjs partially bc he is a Disaster in th kitchen, but also bc That’s His BF/Best Friend!!!)
if some1 is feeling particularly shitty he takes requests (Adam usually wants brownies + Art is partial 2 peanut butter cookies but w chocolate chips too) n it’s just a nice lil thing he can do 2 help, which is smth he Always wants to do. he also stress bakes tho so sometimes his bfs have 2 just kinda like check in n make sure he’s doing okay. but! yeah baking is smth he enjoys + is relatively good at!!
William/Mallick dynamic:
yr right I haven’t thought abt this dynamic much but I Am Now!!!
I feel like at his core, William is def a caretaker. Mallick, 2 me, is someone who is just wholly unfamiliar w being cared for. so like, at the Very Least, they’re both dating Adam + Lawrence, right? they spend a lot of time around each other. plenty enough time fr William 2 pick up on this. it just kinda. makes his heart hurt, bc he sees the unease in Mallick’s eyes every time one of thm performs even th smallest acts of kindness fr him - not bc he doesn’t appreciate it/doesn’t want it, but because it’s more that he feels like he doesn’t deserve it. n William Sees That and is just like. I Need U To Know You’re Loved.
they’re comfortable w each other, of course they are! they’re friends, good friends, who happen 2 be dating th same people! who go to bed together at night n wake up w each other in th morning. it’s love, they know tht, but Mallick still always looks so surprised when William makes waffles fr him fr breakfast. William cares.
n Mallick can kinda feel it, and he’s not resistant 2 it, but he’s definitely on edge abt it a little. but William also just has this air abt him that Mallick finds it hard to stay keyed up in, so it doesn’t rly take long fr Mallick to at least be at peace w William’s attention. but the moment he starts to really fathom it is during one of those days he can’t get himself 2 relax n is just shaking out on the couch, knees drawn up to his chest n his arm wrapped around thm, just kinda staring down at th carpet n just Not having the energy to get himself out of his own head. Lawrence + Adam r at work n Eric is taking a quick nap so it’s just Mallick n William.
so Mallick is sitting there spiraling n his breaths r coming out a little fast n William just sits down beside him, a mug of warm tea tht he sets down on th coffee table fr a moment, n he just rests a hand on Mallick’s shoulder. doesn’t say anything, just sort of like. offers tht bridge, opens tht avenue. n Mallick is like This Close to just breaking entirely, but what rly does it is when William just swipes his thumb over his shoulder n squeezes. n Mallick rly DOES break down, almost ugly-sobbing and wheezing, n somehow he ends up w his face in William’s neck, pretty much curled into his side, n tht’s when it truly hits him how much William cares abt him too. tht there are Several People who hold tht kind of room fr him in their hearts n lives. William didn’t even have 2 say anything fr Mallick to understand that, to know it as truth. n tht’s like, one of th events tht actually leads Mallick to building up tht self-esteem, knowing that.
n after tht happens, Mallick is a little less reluctant abt accepting William’s (+ everyone else’s!) help, at least some of the time. like Mallick will catch himself digging his fingers a lil too harshly into th stump of his arm (I’m w u on 10 Pints resulting in at least a partial amputation - like what was tht little scar in 3D???) n then he’ll feel William’s hand cover his n gently curl around his palm 2 be like “I’m not gonna say anything, but I see you, it’s okay,” n his grip relaxes. Eric will notice he’s working himself up too much n he’ll reach out n take one of his hands while he’s pacing + laces their fingers together so tht Mallick has to pause a moment n then he’s able to breathe. Lawrence stumbles across him in th midst of a panic attack n Mallick finds himself breathing easier when Lawrence takes one of his hands, places it over his chest + his heart, n breathes w him. Adam holds him when he jolts awake frm a nightmare. lil things like tht.
one of their fave things to help them both de-stress is they’ll lay in bed n William will read out loud to Mallick, who has his head on his chest n is listening but doesn’t have to put too much energy into keeping up, bc it’s mostly abt being close + having smth to fill the silence tht neither of them feel particularly comfortable in anymore. sometimes Mallick falls asleep n it honestly makes William rly happy bc not only is Mallick relaxed enough to actually close his eyes, he also trusts William enough to fall asleep around him, trusts him during a time he’s at his most vulnerable. it’s not uncommon fr Lawrence to get home frm work to find th two of them curled up against th pillows, sometimes both asleep or just Mallick while William continues reading silently and brushes his fingers thru Mallick’s hair. Adam def has a pic of them like tht somewhere, hung up on th cork board Art had bought specifically fr those kinds of photos. it’s smth easy tht doesn’t really require much energy + has the added bonus of just being close to n held by someone u love n who loves u.
and they help each other. sometimes William has a rly hard time looking at himself, the days where his guilt sits heavy in his chest n doesn’t seem 2 want to anywhere, n Mallick will just sit w him outside on th porch swing and just Be There bc it’s like. “I’m here, I want to b here, Jigsaw was wrong, you are not a terrible person, u did what u could w what u had and I love you,” in a single action. I think William also struggles, like u’ve mentioned tht Eric does, w th guilt of what happened + feeling like it was his fault. so Mallick sitting w him, their shoulders brushing, fr William it’s like, if he was truly as awful a person as John seemed 2 think he was, wld Mallick be this close? wld Mallick willingly lay down beside him some nights n kiss him good morning? wld he kiss him again on th cheek after he makes a fresh pot of coffee + pancakes? n William knows tht Mallick wouldn’t keep himself so close if John was right, so it’s like. proof of tht. n tht means a lot to William. sometimes tht’s all he needs.
they don’t have 2 deal w their struggles alone. they’re both surrounded by ppl who love them n want to see them do well - it’s only natural they feel tht way abt each other, too.
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wonderlustlucas · 5 years
soonie, doongie, dori, & john - lee minho
⇢ prompt “Why did you steal a fish? You don’t even take care of yourself let alone a fish.”—a prompt from @the-moon-dust-writings​ ⇢ pairing minho x female reader ⇢ word count 4.4k ⇢ genre fluff ⇢ warnings lots of cat interaction. if u don’t have a cat you may be confused. mega fluff. that’s it. ⇢ summary Sharing an apartment with Lee Minho has been an adventure since day one. Plus, you got a best friend and three fur children out of the deal. But when a heavy realization hits you the same morning Minho has an accident at the pet store, it seems as if it’s only a matter of time before John shoots Cupid’s arrow and paves the way for a happy ending.—friends to lovers!au ⇢ a/n bear with me on this one, it’s kind of slow in the beginning. this is the first i’ve written in ages. i feel like i’ve forgotten how to english. also i did as much research as i could find to try & figure out the genders of minnie’s cats hopefully theyre right jsfajkhkjf. also i watched a lot of vids of minho for this & it rlly made me realize how much i love him & how soft i am for him & it seems as if my bias list is unstable now
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From her curled-up position in between your legs, Dori’s ears twitch up in attention at the sound of the front door swinging open and closed from across the apartment. She has grown a lot since Minho first brought her home, you notice when she finally lifts her tiny head to listen to the footsteps past your bedroom door, jade eyes blinking tiredly at you in post-nap dreariness. Excited, she pushes herself up to arch her back in a long stretch before she abandons the warmth of your bed to greet Minho. Pouting, you watch as Soonie ditches you as well, hopping off from his perch looking out the window to follow the younger kitten.
“Oh well,” you mutter to none other than Doongie who stays by your side, white mittened paws tucked snugly under her chest that rumbles with a purr when you reach over to scratch the soft fur behind her ear, “I still have you.” You can practically feel Minho’s jealousy radiating from behind the door when only two out of his three children go to see him— not that this is new.
It has been this way since you moved in together nearly two years ago. Due to increasing international interest for your university at the end of each year, not every incoming freshman was guaranteed a dorm room. It just so happened Minho and you were two unlucky victims of such a shortage. By chance, you had met at an open house only seven months prior and so, not even knowing whether he was frantically searching for an apartment like yourself, you reached out to him with an offer your parents helped scrap up.
Minho was uncertain at first. First, he was not prepared to start university living with a girl. It wasn’t that he did not like girls; he simply grew up expecting to meet his forever “bro” in his dorm room. In addition to this, he was an only child and imagined living with a female only child could end up causing him some great distress.
Secondly, while the pros outweighed the cons for the most part, he was more than disappointed that the apartment was in a more… domestic part of town. Yes, the rent was cheaper than the apartments closer to campus. Yes, he would be able to have a car now and yes, the apartment really was more than sustainable for two kids, but it was all these things and more because it was not an area where sleaze balls sunk their talons into desperate students looking for a place to live. And so, this basically meant that the two of you were close to the only students in the area.
And last but not least: there was only one bathroom. Enough said.
But what eventually won him over was the fact that the apartment was pet friendly, which meant he could bring Soonie and Doongie (and Dori, eventually) with him. It was for this reason he finally agreed to share the apartment with you before he lost the opportunity and you asked someone else.
It couldn’t be that bad, right? Afterall, you seemed nice enough at the open house and you did go out of your way to ask him in the first place to live with you. And he was right. In fact, it was not bad at all. You were more than nice, generally not concerned with specifics other than the agreement that Wednesday was grocery shopping day together, Friday was cleaning day, and that you washed your own dishes. Minho did not mind those three simple promises because he found getting to be your friend easy and your roommate his favorite part of his day.
What he did mind, however, was the fact that Doongie instantly took a liking to you. “This isn’t fair,” he complained only your third day together after searching for said feline and finding her cozied up with you on the sofa, “how can she betray me like this?”
His possessiveness humored you, to say the least. “What can I say? She just likes me better. You’ve bored her, Minnie.” He grimaced at the nickname and your bold statement. You were just bluffing—there’s no way Doongie would choose you over him after all these years, right?
Wrong. After freshman year flew by and the two of you agreed to stick together for a second year due to how dependent you had become on one another, he suddenly brought home Dori to ‘fill the void Doongie left in my heart,’ he exaggerated. “Wow, is Soonie not enough for you? You make him sound so unimportant. Maybe I’ll steal him too,” you had replied, grinning from your spot in bed when he narrowed his eyes at you.
“I thought you’d be mad I brought a kitten home,” Minho admitted from the doorway, ignoring what you said and holding said tabby against his chest with one arm. He’s so cute, you admired for hardly a second, reaching for your iced tea on your bed side table and shrugging to him, “You know I don’t care, you’re the one who pays the vet bills. Bring all the cats you want; the more, the merrier,” you said, taking a sip and blinking at him lethargically.
For a moment he was quiet, processing your words before, “If we get married it would be our vet bills.”
You nearly choked on a mouthful of tea. Married? You took a moment to collect yourself and your thoughts. “Minho, if your plan is to marry me, you’ve done a terrible job at getting that message across.”
“Damn, what can I do?” He asked, sulking.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, grinning at him behind warm cheeks, “you can start by getting your ass over here so I can see this new kitty and discuss our wedding theme.”
And that’s just how things were; you, Minho, Soonie, Doongie, and Dori.
Or so you thought.
Past the hum of your ceiling fan and the purring coming from Doongie like an engine, for a minute or so you listen to Minho sing, “I want to see my little boy,” from Vine to presumably Soonie at least four times, followed by a loud thud, a high-pitched screech (not from a cat), a door slamming closed, and then the pipes moaning like a horror movie as the shower is turned on. Unfazed by the chain of events as this kind of chaos was something you have come to accept living with Minho, you shrug off all the noises you heard and opt instead to regretfully roll over until you meet the edge of the mattress.
Once you manage to tumble out of bed and stretch good enough to make your legs shake, Doongie lets out unamused meow now that her own personal space heater and pillow has moved.
It’s you. You’re the personal space heater pillow.
“Whaaaat,” you reply, grabbing a pair of cotton shorts from a drawer and glancing back at her. With ears drawn flat, Doongie follows your movements with a cold glare. “I’m sorry,” you coo, falling for her manipulation and bending back over the mattress to envelope her in a hug of sorts and cover her muzzle in kisses. When she starts struggling to get away from your grip, beginning to meow loudly and pushing your arm away with her paws, you pull away and scratch the base of her tail as she stands to stretch.
Shimmying the shorts up your legs with an unnecessary amount of effort exerted, you at last exit your room for the day, grabbing your phone from where it sat charging on the bed side table on the way. Padding barefoot down the brief hallway, you realize with a shiver when you reach the tiny dining room table how unreasonably freezing it is in the apartment. Minho must have not raised the thermostat this morning after lowering it to sleep.
Instead of fixing the problem, you reach for Minho’s orange university sweatshirt draped over one of the chairs and pull it over your head. At your feet, Doongie weaves between your legs, dragging the side of her face against your shins and she does not stop mewing until you bend down to gather her into your arms so that her front paws dangle over your shoulder. “So needy, you are,” you grumble, blowing her tail away when she threatens to swat your mouth and making way for the kitchen where coffee calls your name.
Minho must have made enough for the both of you as there is still another cup or two left in the pot, you realize with a smile, reaching up into the cabinet for a mug and pouring yourself a cup. Doongie leaps off your shoulder when you open the refrigerator for creamer, joining Soonie and Dori who sit poised like statues along the kitchen’s pony wall.
Stirring in cream and sugar, you wait until the color softens to a lighter shade of brown before unwrapping the flakey chocolate croissant Minho bought you yesterday and taking a seat at the table. Humming to yourself, you shift to cross your legs on the chair while taking slow sips of your coffee, heart beginning to thump faster in your chest.
And it’s not from the caffeine now making its way through your system.
This is too good. Life is too good, and you should not feel at such peace at twenty years old. You should not be having such a casual morning, drinking coffee Minho made for you, eating a croissant Minho bought you, wearing a sweatshirt Minho left hanging around, having a staring contest with the cats Minho brought into your life, listening to Minho sing in the shower one room over. Minho.
You slowly set your mug down with a newfound epiphany flashing like a billboard in your brain. Of course, you always knew Minho was the most special person in your life recently, your best friend really, and that you loved him. You probably would not have lived with him for this long if you didn’t. But since when were you in love with him?
You shake your head and take a hefty mouthful, hoping to wash away such troublesome thoughts. You’ll get over it. It’s just a crush. On the boy you live with. And spend all your time with.
“Oh boy, what are we gonna do now?” You ask the three felines who have abandoned studying you to stare down like hawks at the table, ears raised in curiosity. You follow their gaze, squinting in hope to better your vision when you see the fluttering tail of a fish as it swims within its tiny plastic cup. Blinking once, twice, and on the third you finally reach over and grab the container, bringing it closer to inspect and yep, that most certainly is a betta fish staring back at you.
Setting it atop the refrigerator where the cats can’t get to it, you stuff the rest of breakfast into your mouth and dump what’s left of your coffee into the sink before marching to the bathroom, swinging the door open without so much as a knock. He yelps from behind the shower curtain and you mentally thank God you did not barge in to find him butt naked in front of the mirror.
“Lee Minho, care to explain why there was a fish on the kitchen table?” You bark, crossing your arms and leaning against the sink for when he pops his head outside of the curtain.
“First of all, you could have knocked,” he starts, looking to the floor when you glare at him, “and I, um, I stole it.” You sigh in defeat, dragging your hands down your face when he disappears back into the shower. “Minho, why did you steal a fish? You don’t even take care of yourself let alone a fish.”
“That just isn’t true. I am fully capable of taking care of myself and my children. And I didn’t mean to steal it,” he retorts, turning off the water and you watch as he slips an arm out to slap around in search of his towel. “How the fuck do you accidentally steal something, Minho? And did you not think I would see it eventually?” You huff, exasperated.
“You see, I went to go pick up cat food and I dropped my phone where all the betta fish in cups are and when I went to pick it up the bag hit a cup and it fell and then the lid popped off and then there was water everywhere and the fish was just flopping around so I panicked and put it back in and then ran to get water from a fish tank and I thought I would get in trouble so I just ran out since no one saw me,” Minho rambles without taking a breather, whisking open the shower curtain and stepping out as he does so, towel snug around his waist and cheeks glowing pink from both embarrassment and the aftermath of a hot shower. You sigh for a third time, moving out of his way when he makes way for the cabinet and opting to sit on the toilet.
“Did you even get the cat food, then?”
“No, I just ran. With the fish.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you grumble, “You’re an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot,” he grins, dragging a cotton round over his face with toner. You send him a warning glare. “Well,” you click your tongue, hypnotized as he combs out his hair and by how unfairly ethereal he looks post-shower, “we should probably go to a different pet store to get cat food. And we need to get a nice fish tank and food.”
He raises a brow, surprised with how nonchalant you are, and moves to stand in front of where you sit so he can tilt your face up with his index finger tucked under your chin. “Are you mad?” He asks.
It’s not fair, really, the way he asks such a question after making you feel so vulnerable under his touch and proximity, heart racing a mile a minute. Really, you should be mad. But when it comes to Minho, you cannot find it in yourself to be. This is just how things are with him.
“No, I’m not mad,” you smile reassuringly, leaning into his touch and you both seem to forget for a moment that you are nothing more than friends when his hand moves to cup your cheek, thumb ever so slightly brushing over your warm skin as he beams down at you, “just amazed as usual at how stupid you are.”
“Hey!” He steps back at this, running his fingers through his damp hair and shaking out the strands. “I’m not stupid.”
“Yeah, and Doongie likes you more than me.”
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“It sucks we have a fish now. I was thinking about getting a guinea pig or something soon. Maybe even a rabbit,” you announce, leaning over with Minho to peer into the guinea pig enclosure. His giggle reverberates throughout the entire store and you cannot help but grin in return, even though he has scared all the little critters back into their huts. With nothing left to coo over, you grab his hand and tug him toward the fish care.
“Where are we going to keep… him? What’s his name? Do we even know if it’s a him?” Your question turns into three, stopping in an aisle full of different tanks and small décor pieces to go inside.
“I’m pretty sure it’s a dude. I think they only sell males in that section anyway. I’ll check if he has a dick when we get home though,” when you look over, he’s smirking as if he just said the funniest thing ever and you have to hold back your laughter. “Yeah, you do that, Minho. I’m sure you’ll be real successful.”
“We can probably just put him on the desk. I’ll move all my shit and he can just go next to my laptop,” he continues, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder as you look over the different tank options. It makes it hard to concentrate with him so close. “I mean— yeah. Yeah. That works,” you stutter, swallowing past the sudden lump in your throat and quickly scanning over the tanks one more time, “we should get this one. Is that okay?” You move closer to said tank, hoping he would let go when you reach out to grab the box but when he doesn’t, your heart seems to beat so erratically in your chest that you think it might fly out. Why, all of a sudden, are there butterflies—no, lions—in your chest when he is around you when there weren’t before? When did this happen?
“Minho. We can cuddle at home. I just want to get what we need and leave,” you whine, trying to pry his fingers apart from where they are linked above your hips, leaving your skin tingling even under his sweatshirt. He huffs, detaching himself from your frame. “Fine. But we’re gonna get home and you’re gonna say ‘Wait, we have to take care of the fish’ first and by the time we’re done, you’ll fall asleep before we even have a movie on,” Minho grumbles, taking the box you shove into his hands and trailing after you.
You gasp, pointing an accusing fake plant in his direction, “No, you fat head. You’re always the first to fall asleep. You just like to blame it on me.” He continues to grumble under his breath while you grab a bag of pebbles, fish food, and water conditioner, finally able to breathe now that he isn’t clinging to you.
“Come on, stinky. I don’t want you to start crying on me,” you grin, wishing you could hold his hand but alas, you did not think of grabbing a basket on your way in. His face brightens up with a smile anyway, and he follows you the rest of the way right at your side.
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“So, you never gave him a name. What’s it gonna be?” You ask, nearly unhinging your jaw to take a bite of the Big Mac Minho begged you to order after making fun of you the whole ride home for never having one. You stopped at McDonald’s just to appease him. You look to the fish, surprised yourself over how pleasant his quiet presence is, especially with his emerald and sapphire scales that reflect and glow iridescent in the light.
“Mm,” he hums, chewing on his own hamburger and watching the fish in thought, “I think… I think John.”
You blink at him now, setting your food down. “John?”
“Why… why John? Why not Nemo or something?” You ask, eyeing him curiously and gnawing on the straw to your soda.
“Dunno. He just looks like a John,” Minho explains, giggling cutely and looking back up to you with stars in his eyes. It feels like liquid adrenaline is being injected right into your bloodstream when you lock eyes, and looking into Minho’s cat-like eyes feels like looking into the sun for too long—it almost burns, instead, there is an entire zoo in your chest. But it feels good. You almost wish he did not stop giggling so you could giggle with him. Instead, you have found yourself lost in him, every ounce of breath stolen from your lungs.
“Are… are you going to actually take a sip of that?” He giggles again, glancing to the soda straw dug awkwardly into your bottom lip.
Your cheeks flush hot pink, stomach sinking heavily and you cannot find your voice. Clearing your throat, you look away as you begin to hyperventilate and stand up abruptly to grab John’s fish tank from the table and walk across the room toward the desk.
“___? You alright?” He asks, worry lacing his tone and you wince when you hear him push his chair in. “Y-Yeah. I’m fine,” you laugh breathlessly, placing John down and adjusting the tank so it sits catty-cornered next to Minho’s laptop.
“No, you’re not.” He is quick, you’ll give him that. In the blink of an eye he is at your side, grabbing you by the hips and spinning you to face him. Here we go again, you hiss at yourself to snap out of it, clenching your fists at your sides simply due to how overwhelmed you feel. How incapable you are to forget how you have been feeling and brush it under the rug.
“Why’d you get all googly eyes on me over there?” Minho questions, grinning like a madman when he brings his hands up to cup your face and squish your cheeks together. “And why are your cheeks all hot?” You gasp, defensive, and press your hands over his, “M’not.”
He drops his voice to a whisper, leaning in closer so his breath fans over your face, “Is that how I make you feel, ___?”
You blink at him, all the color draining from your face and you must look ridiculous right now, jutting your lips out in a pout as he continues pressing your cheeks together. And what can you say now that he has caught you? Lie? “No,” is all you quip, staring at him, practically begging for mercy. No more questions. Just a ‘goodnight’ and off to your room for the night.
“Hmm,” he hums, pondering for a moment, before grinning once more, “I have an idea.” Oh no, you do not like the sound of that. Minho? Having ideas? Bad. This thought progressively resonates louder in your mind the closer he gets, this is bad, this is bad, this is really bad. It just so happens that a whimper on behalf of your sanity escapes you the same moment his grip on your face eases and he moves his hands to rest below your ears, thumbs caressing your cheeks before his lips brush yours.
His lips are warm and taste… salty? The fries, you realize, before his tongue pressing to the seam of your lips obliterates every thought. The worries leading up to this moment evaporate like a summer shower on a hot car and, of course, you part your lips and grant him access. Drunk on endorphins, your brain seems to light itself on fire and warmth spreads throughout your entire body, your only desire to touch him, to stand up higher and to hold his cheek the way he holds yours.
His fingers run down your spine, pulling you closer until there is no space left between you and you can feel the beating of his heart against your chest. A kiss like this is a beginning, a promise of so much more. “___,” he whispers slowly when he pulls away, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. You smile, heart fluttering at his voice as you lean forward and bury your face into his chest, overwhelmed with relief and desire and worry and giddiness.
“___,” Minho repeats, running his hands up and down over your arms, calming you down before reaching your shoulders and pulling you back, “how did that make you feel?”
“You— what?” Is all you manage, searching his face for a trace of mirth, and yet you find none. In fact, he himself seems relieved, the corners of his mouth quirked up and his eyes bright and dark all at once like the midnight sky. He grins, laughing a little and stroking the baby hairs around your face with his finger. “I like when you wear my stuff,” he says, tugging at the collar of his sweatshirt you still wear.
“Um, I— thanks?” You laugh nervously, heartbeat beginning to skyrocket once more when he reaches for your arms and maneuvers them to hug around his waist. You hum, confused, but content nonetheless and link your hands together. He instantly presses closer, tipping your chin up, “I know you always say I flirt with everyone, but I don’t know how you haven’t realized by now I only want to flirt with you. It’s been you since Doongie chose you. I can’t even get you out of my head, imagine how hard it is living with you, not able to kiss you and do all the cute shit I know we would love.”
He what now? You blink up at him, more than bewildered, “Wait, are you trying t—”
“Yes,” he interjects, not even giving you a chance to finish, “whatever you’re thinking, yes. I’m confessing, or whatever. So let’s cut to the point. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Your brain stutters for a moment and every part of you goes on pause while your thoughts catch up. Girlfriend? Well, of fucking course you want to be his girlfriend, but how have you been misreading all of him for so long? “God, I’m an idiot, aren’t I?” You mutter instead, slapping the palm of your hand to your forehead and his giggles ring throughout the room.
“How many languages do I have to get through for that to translate into a ‘yes?’” Minho cackles, prying your hand away to return it around his waist. When you look up at him, you feel as if you may cry, so instead you opt to laugh with him in order to dodge the waterworks. “Yes, of course that means yes. It’s always been a yes, stupid.”
“Hey, you’re the stupid one. Seriously, have you seen us today? We’re so coupley already, literally nothing is changing,” Minho chuckles, walking you backward until you comfortably fall back on the sofa together, “except now,” he pauses, settling himself above you and bringing his face up to yours once more, “I can kiss you wheneeever I want.”
And he does just that; peppering your face, your lips and cheeks and nose with kisses until he has made you a giggling mess, writhing beneath him until he finally stops, sharing a mingled breath with you. “Is it too early to say the ‘L’ word?” Minho whispers, tracing your upper lip with his thumb. You smile, kissing the pad of his finger before, “No. I already know I love you, Minnie. I’m more than in love with you.”
His smile is one of happiness growing, much as a spring flower opens. “Heh. I like this. I love you too,” he answers, finally returning to kiss you in a way that is slow and soft and comforting in ways words cannot describe. And then he pulls back with a gasp.
“I forgot the cat food.”
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honeyfreckled · 5 years
we have talked a few times and im sorry for this but you are the most accepting and easiest person to talk to honestly i dont have many people in my life i can tell anything real to. but the thing is ive been thinging about relapsing a lot more since i broke up with my boyfriend and i work with him so it makes work depressing and impossible to get through a day without crying sorry this is anon but i am scared ily dont hate me i am not trying to stress you out
ok wow first lemme just say: I DO NOT HATE U. EVER. 
and don’t be srry i don’t have a lotta ppl irl i can tell my shit to so i get it. pls know u can always ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me, and u dont gotta be scared to come off anon. i get it and it’s ok if u prefer it that way- but pls know i dont keep it on alot bc i get hate and then i turn it off bc i gotta look out for myself and dont post all the hate bc i dont wanna bring yall down or give them the satisfaction of knowing i have given it a read and response. so u can message me or make a sideblog or idk im just saying this so if it’s off later u dont blame yrself or feel scared to come off anon. ok sorelapse is a real thing and it’s fucked and hard and addiction is fucked up and a real life struggle and we dont treat addicts w the real tenderness, respect, kindness, and acceptance they deserve. but u DO deserve it. and there are hotlines, apps, churches, groups, chatrooms/boards, and sites that are more versed in what are the appropriate things to say to u- i say this bc while i’ve been thru it w loved ones i have not myself struggled w addiction w substances. my addictions were to self harm and victimhood so those are the things i searched for help on. but if it’s alright i’d like to give u some tips or things i used and have heard work for addicts of substances
places like i said like churches, groups, chatrooms, sites, apps, hotlines the apps and hotlines are good if u cant travel or want to talk to ppl who wont share their story bc maybe u cant hear it like its not the kinda help ur looking for. hotlines are sometimes tricky bc some of those folks are not educated they are volunteers so judgment leaks thru and in that case u ask to be redirected and report that volunteer so hopefully they dont repeat that kinda mess to other vulnerable folks looking for help
make a list of things, anything. list of foods u like to order, list of things that make u clench yr teeth, what were yr fave gifts you’ve ever got, style icons of urs, hobbies u tried that annoyed u, movies u can always watch, places on yr skin u hate being touched, any list of anything it doesnt have to be the usual thing of “what to live for” bc when yr depressed those kinds of things arent easy to think of. but if u get a list going of like “best things ive ever touched” “sounds that make me laugh” “trends that were stupid af” “popular things that i didnt like n couldnt figure out why they were popular” “weirdest ppl ive met” well those things might get u on a roll of good memories or laughing or seeing that theres more to yr life than what has been occupying yr thoughts
dancing. dance in yr room in the dark. clear some space. put on some headphones. lock yr door. do it in the shower. just dance. i had to start w closing my eyes and picking songs that i was taken by emotionally. songs that made me jump and slamdance tbh and then it’s just gotten more and more something im not as ashamed w. i spent a date night w james just dancing and then we ya know ya know bc the dancing got so wild. now i make playlists of songs that set moods for diff kinds of dancing
watch shows w ppl who arent doing better than u. they dont live in fancy places, they dont do much w their lives, they dont dress better than u, they struggle, they arent eating good food u dont have access to. iasip. freaks and geeks. letterkenny. undeclared. jake and amir. tpb. the state. youtube. tiktok/vine comps. lots of these kinds of vibes on youtube
podcasts. improv comedy podcasts tbh saved my life. comedy bang! bang! has best of’s those are good ones to start w. improv4humans bc matt besser has great guests of some of the best improvisers out there and he has musical guests and they’ll play a song and the improvisers will use it as inspo for a scene
make things. moodboards. pinterest. playlists. fill a shopping cart and tell yrself “i’ll get it when i win the lotto and move away from anyone who knows me so i can be the me i wanna be w/out judgement” make tea. make a meal if u can. make yr bed. clean one thing. clean the sink. hang some clothes or go thru yr drawers and clean them out. throwing things out feels hard at first but then it’s nice bc u feel less bogged down
find something to throw yr obsession at for a bit. something that wont hurt u as bad, being obsessed in general isnt good. everything in moderation irl. too much of something is bad just as much as too less of it can be bad. but yr looking for something lower risk here and if u gotta be obsessed w a celeb or a song or a food that’s ok. yr focusing the energy on something that isnt a substance so be proud of it
give yrself a break. give yrself some credit. everyday isnt gonna be on the “best of your name here’s days” but sometimes u just live to live bc that’s what u do. u wait it out and get thru it and wait for the sun to come back out. and if u cant get outta bed. or if you hate yr job and wanna scream- that’s normal it’s more normal than always being happy ppl just dont like talking abt bc society kinda trains us to hide our fucked upness idk why but thats how it is. they dont wanna tell us to do preventative care until we’re in the pits
all in all- it comes down to (at least for me) not planning w an endgoal in mind. it’s not over til it’s over and rlly we dont know. it’s all fluctuating and not meant to be a finish line we cross and then suddenly we’re done and we dont suffer anymore and the feeling of shit is gone or the risk of relapse is gone and the depression is cleared away never to be seen again. it’s not realistic. bc it isnt real. on the real- risk is always there and the downs and ups mix and run together and depression is not curable (this isnt something to be miserable over tho) depression isnt curable, yeah ok, but it is manageable. it can be quieted down from time to time and if u keep up w yr healthy routines and coping mechanisms- depression will still find its way to u bc the real world is not something u can manage. death in the family, loss of money or job, car breaking down, sickness outta nowhere, depression grows wild when these very real life stressors come into our lives. but all that too eventually gets easier and easier at least from a “ok i have some distance now” standpoint. and then as those days get more and more btwn it u can then be like “oh wow, ive made it thru X amount of days! ive put up w it this long! whats one more day, whats one more week, hell might as well see how much prouder i can feel once ive got a year under my belt!” plus u will be more capable of handling the bullshit if u know u can still find some safe places in yr coping skills or friends or resources.
ok so this is prob a mess but bottomline know this:
I love  you and i will be here the best i can should u ever wanna come spill or if u need me to just send u pics of my dog or boring pics of knickknacks or selfies or memes or links or anything just tell me what u need and i will try my best to show u my love. i hope u can see that u reaching out is just already a HUGE major step in the right direction, give yrself credit! thats amazing! yr already doing it pumpkin look at u! it’s hard ik. but i also know if u are capable of saying u have this problem going on, u are capable of getting thru this. u are a light in the world. u offer goodness and u offer yrself and that’s enough. even if yr fucked up right now- u are contributing to the world by simply being u. there is literally NO ONE ELSE WHO IS YOU. so u are unique by definition. i hope u get something from this post and if not i hope it strikes an idea or thing u can do that will help. i hope u know im here and i hope u see this.
i am sending u all my light and love and good vibes and i can’t wait to see or hear from u again. u are never bothering me, a burden, or stressing me out. tbh it stresses me more that u might be struggling and not telling me or anyone. i dont ever want u to suffer in silence bc u feel guilt or scared or anything. u deserve to have a place to voice yr shit. im here to listen if u do wanna tell me anymore.
everyone else-if this helped or if u can think of anything that might help anon or anyone else- feel free to reblog and get some good NONJUDGMENTAL advice or tips and tricks going, but please please please remember to not come off as judgey or flood it with your drama. keep ur drama out of this post so anon or anyone else doesn’t get triggered by it. 
and dont ignore my rule and do it anyway and then say some shit like “ik u said not to but i think this will help lol sorry” like we need this post to stay on this vibe that i set in motion and not a struggle contest or dick measuring or all sad personal reminiscing. go make yr own post for that this is NOT the space.
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cottonblush · 6 years
model student | hrj
❧ word count: 2,568
❧ genre: fluff, humor
❧ notes: i really didn’t know what to title this but then i was like?? hey the reader is a model student bc they’re like a top student who tutors often and renjun is a literal model student so,,,, watch literally no one get my pun um we love that! also renjun is 500% visuals he could definitely be a model and if anyone disagrees they’re irrelevant:)
renjun really doesn’t want to take more time off of school since he’s already missed a lot
but he’s gaining more popularity in the model industry and doesn’t want to miss out on any opportunities
so after almost a month he’s done bunch of shoots and decides it’s time to go back to school
but when he gets back he’s kinda lost
ok maybe really lost
renjun likes to consider himself a pretty smart person but he’s having a hard time catching up
so his teacher says he’s assigning you as his tutor bc you’re one of the smartest students
and at first renjun is like,, no way josé i can handle this on my own
but then his chemistry teacher starts talking about the born-haber method and it’s at that moment he knows
he fucked up he desperately needs help
he’s supposed to meet you after school the next day and he’s lowkey nervous because,, what if you judge him or look down on him
but then he realizes he just doesn’t?? care what people think
so he gets to the library and at first he doesn’t see anyone so he’s like
gasp!! i’ve been played
but then he notices you sitting on a bean bag chair near a big window
you’re studying what seems to be calculus and you have earbuds in so you don’t hear him approach
just when renjun goes to tap your shoulder you take a sip of water
and end up spitting it out all over your textbook bc you really didn’t hear or see him coming
meanwhile renjun is just standing there wondering if he should apologize or like help clean up or something
and he’s about to ask if you need a napkin
when you jump up from your seat and turn to face him and
??? you smile at him
renjun is officially confused™
shouldn’t you be mad?? he made you ruin your textbook and those aren’t cheap
anyway you take your earbuds out and place your book on the floor and you say
“hi you must be renjun! i’m y/n!”
and renjun is like “ok but your book,, she dead”
you assure him that it’s totally fine it’s your own copy of the book anyway
so then yall sit down at a table after cleaning up the water
and then you clear your throat and ask what he needs help in
renjun tries to be nonchalant about it like “oh i mean i’ve kinda gone for a while but i’m sure i can catch up in no time”
but then his voice cracks in the middle of it and then he’s like!! oh shoot i look dumb
but you’re nice so you just don’t bring it up and decide to assure him
“ii think so too:))))) you seem like a rlly smart person”
renjun doesn’t know how but you seem to speak the language of smiles? and he’s mildly uncomfortable like how can you be this happy after a long day of school
anyway he decides to just explain his predicament and tell you about his modeling gigs and stuff
and once again you surprise him by not freaking out or acting different like most people do
you just nod and smile some more like you totally understand him
and the weird thing is?? it’s actually believable
like renjun really feels like you get him and he thinks to himself?? mayhaps yall could be friends
so you guys finally get to the studying part and you somehow manage to crack a joke every two seconds
even though they’re lame renjun laughs bc his grades sorta depend on you helping him
but once in a while you say something sorta funny and renjun loses it
and it’s weird bc you’re the first person he’s met that he feels comfortable around (other than his friends jeno, donghyuck, jaemin, chenle, and jisung)
anyway so you two cover a couple of subjects and before long the sky is dark and you’re like
oh shoot i gtg!!
and renjun is kinda worried you’ll be in trouble
but then you’re like
lol no it’s just that my cat likes to be fed at a certain time and if she doesn’t get her food she literally attacks me but it’s totally fine ahah living my best life
you and renjun decide to meet 3 times a week so that he can get caught up asap
and ofc renjun’s friends think he’s got a gf so one day they decide to stalk him and they follow him to a starbucks where you said you would meet
and they get out a newspaper and hats and sunglasses and everything
they really think they’re being super sneaky but
everyone is giving them weird looks
except you and renjun bc for once yall are?? actually studying? who would’ve guessed
anyway after about 2 minutes of staring at you two chenle gets bored and decides to confront you
so he gets up and he doesn’t even bother taking off the gigantic trench coat and sunglasses he’d been wearing
“dude are you just not gonna introduce me to your gf/bf i’m so offended,, i thought we were close i even binged the kung fu panda movies with you”
you and renjun look up and see this giant blob of a man(??) shaking his head disapprovingly and yall are just like,, whomstve?? do we know this chump?
and then chenle rolls his eyes and then takes off his disguise and renjun groans and rolls his eyes
“how did i not know it was you chenle,, first of all they’re not my gf/bf and second you’re the kung fu panda fan here are we just gonna ignore the fact that you collect all the figurines-”
ofc chenle ignores renjun and he turns to you and is like
“how do u even tolerate renjun ugh he can be so mean sometimes he’s basically my bully”
and you laugh and tell chenle that renjun isn’t that bad he’s actually kinda sweet sometimes
cue chenle going “oooooooooooooooooooh yall are totally dating”
renjun doesn’t even try to hide it when he kicks chenle in the shin
by now, the rest of renjun’s friends have given up on their disguises and are blatantly staring
and renjun notices them out of the corner of his eye
he drops his head in his textbook and just wants the earth to swallow him up
on the other hand you’re having a blast because renjun’s friends are a hoot!!
you guys have a lot in common and after 10 minutes you’ve already promised chenle see his figurine collection and you tell donghyuck that you’ll totally go sing karaoke with him
renjun is lowkey jealous so he reaches across the table and taps your hand and is like,, can we ditch uh-,, can we ditch
so then you tell the boys that you have to take care of your cat because it’s sick
and technically you’re not lying you do have to feed it
renjun stands up and is like,, dw i’ll walk u home so we can save ur cat!!
so you two grab your stuff and dash and it kinda has the boys suspicious but they’re dumb so they’re all thinking
omg i hope the cat is ok lets all go home and pray for it
anyway so now it’s just you and renjun walking down the street and watching the sun set
and renjun is mentally asking himself why he got jealous back at starbucks
he decides that he got to know you first so maybe he’s friend jealous?? yeah bc that’s totally a thing
and his mind also goes to this new offer he got from a photographer recently
he wasn’t going to take the job but now he figures when he gets back he’ll get to spend more time with you and for some reason that makes him rlly happy
so he tells you about it and is like
“you better be there to catch me up god knows i can’t count on the others”
and you laugh and say ofc you’ll help and you’re super excited for him bc it’s a shoot for a pretty well known brand
when renjun finishes his shoot he’s really excited bc he thinks it turned out amazing and he can’t wait to show you,, and of course the others too
so he gets home and he’s about to text you when he sees this notification for an article about him
it talks about how he’s just a generic teen who does the same poses over and over again and he doesn’t even look that good
and all of a sudden renjun just feels like he’s lost all confidence
it really isn’t like him he’s usually super confident and doesn’t care about what strangers think but
this review came from a famous fashion magazine and he really liked it but now?? not so much
he doesn’t reach out to anyone for a while
and after a couple days you know something’s up because you know he’s home from the shoot already
you go to visit him and you find out he locked himself in his room
and you knock and ask if you can come in but he doesn’t answer
so you just talk to him from outside and hope he’s listening
you start by saying you heard from his manager what happened and that he’s dumb for even caring about some random article
and then you rant about how he’s smart and funny and has pretty much everything going for him
and then last but not least you’re like
“you’re someone i and a lot of other people look up to a lot and i rlly want to see you smile again bc it’s lowkey gorgeous and you’re lowkey gorgeous but anyway”
you figure you’ve said enough so you skedaddle!! and uh usain bolt can step aside bc you’re pretty sure you’ve set a new world record
all this time you’re freaking out bc you have no idea where all of that ‘ur so gorgeous’ talk came from
probably out of your left buttcheek you’re literally so flustered
and renjun is just thinking about what you said and he doesn’t know why but,,, he can’t,, stop smiling
those negative thoughts? poof gone. insecurities? whomst.
ok so a few days pass by and renjun finally goes back to school
and it’s lunch time
and renjun is nervous to see you but he still doesn’t know why
and you’re nervous to see him bc you think you made yourself sound dumb the other day
so you try to distract yourself by talking to jaemin about some gossip you two heard
but then in your peripheral vision you see renjun enter the cafeteria and your heart!! stops
and you still don’t know why but your heart is like all tingly
as renjun approaches it hits you like a brick,,, you like renjun!!!!
snap crackle pop you rlly like this dude!
so you get up mid sentence and you run up to him and you just smile and say “you’re back i missed you:))”
and he says he missed you too and he missed your smiles
and then you’re like “haha that’s nice um wanna go on a date some time,, wow is that a bird in chenle’s hair i should go bye”
renjun is like “wait what did you say” but you’re already: gone
and he runs after you and makes it to the lunch table and you’re sitting there with your face in your hands bc you think you’ve just screwed it up
so he sits down next to you and gently takes your hands away and like just holds them in his and the size difference is so cute bc compared to his hands yours are so tiny!!
at this point the rest of the boys have gone quiet and are staring and chenle is about to interrupt and say something dumb but jeno shuts him up by shoving some ramen down his throat
and he senses the atmosphere (perhaps he’s been binge watching the bachelorette and love island in private so he knows what’s up) and somehow grabs all the other boys and drags them away
as he’s leaving jeno does like a salute in renjun’s direction bc he’s got his bro’s back but
renjun is too busy rn
trying to get you to look at him
also jeno is now pouting bc he really wanted it to be this whole cool scene where he and renjun saluted each other or did some like secret code but,, it’s totally fine:(
anyway so here you are face as red as the chilies in the popeye’s red stick chicken advertisement
you’re just like
why did i say that why did i say that wHY DID I SAY THAT
but then renjun is like
“hey y/n i’d really like to go on a date with you if you could maybe breath first tho”
and you’re like
“…………………………wait what”
“yeah i actually think you’re really cool and i’ve sorta had a crush on you for a while”
“…………………………wait wHAt”
“istg if you say that one more time i’m leaving”
“nono uh i mean are you sure you like me?? i’m not that special or anything”
renjun then hits you on the head and assures you that to him, you’re the most special and beautiful and perfect
and you’re like
“that’s cute aw so glad i have a recording of it”
and renjun stops and says “um recording?? whom-”
“sweetie it’s called acting now ii have something to blackmail you with if you’re ever rude to me”
and then you pull out your phone from your pocket and you stop the voice memo app and save the recording as
'bf’s confession uwu’
and then renjun chases you for the rest of lunch trying to delete the recording and you’re laughing rlly loud and disturbing everyone but
you guys don’t care bc you’re too happy
and tbh everyone thinks you’re a cute couple
like jealous classmates? no how about supportive ones who ship you and write fanfics for yall
it’s cute how renjun can get flustered by some of the stories that get written about you two
and he has to try and keep his 'idc’ façade up but it never works
anyway the point is yall are basically perfect for each other
catch you two on campus at the tuck shop buying snacks for each other
or walking home together
or finding cute lil restaurants to eat at
eventually your relationship goes public and like
at first you get a bit of hate bc some of renjun’s fans are protective
but then they realize you’re a literal squish and then all of renjun’s supporters turn on him and are like
“istg if you hurt y/n i’ll kill you idc how gorgeous you are”
and honestly you love it and you rub it in his face like all the time
“hah maybe i should be the famous one it seems like they like me more”
“shut up or i’ll make chenle do his dolphin laugh every time you try to sleep”
“lol nice try we’re kung fu panda buddies there’s no tearing us apart”
perhaps renjun hates you but at the end of the day he can’t see himself living without you
so it’s all good
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theearlymorningmist · 7 years
Don’t Judge a Book: Chpt. 5
Plot: Your mother always told you never to judge a book by its cover…But can you remember that when it comes to Mr. Stark, the one person you can’t stand? In order to see what kind of man the great Tony Stark really is, you decide to become his personal assistant…
Chapter One, Chapter two ,  Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine,  Chapter Ten
Warnings: Panic Attack
Word Count: 1800
(Y/N) = your name,  
 A/n- Sorry for the shitty quality of this chapter, i’ve been rlly out of it lately.
You spent most of Friday morning dealing with last minute party plans. Little things here and there. But the odd part was that it was actually getting you excited to attend the thing, and see all your hard work come together. And that excitement was cutting through any doubts you had about going on a boat…
You had just finished confirming what time set up would begin when a commotion outside your office caught your attention.
“Ma’am you can’t be on this floor.” You heard one of your co-workers explaining. You stood up and opened your door to see what was going on.
“You don’t understand, I’m the teacher of the elementary school tour going on today, I’m missing one of the kids.” The teacher explained, worriedly.
Just as you were about to offer to take them around the building looking, the elevator doors opened with a ding. Out walked Mr. Stark with one hand around a young kid and the other nonchalantly in his pocket.
“Lost and found, party of one.” The man smirked, walking over to the frantic teacher.
“I met Tony Stark!” The kid exclaimed, happily.
“Don’t be too mad at the kid for slipping off.” Tony chuckled, flashing you an acknowledging smile afterwards.
“Come on, everyone’s waiting.” The teacher said in a stern tone. “Don’t go running off again.” They added, as the two began walking away.
The kid glanced back at Tony sadly, and the man waved goodbye. “Stay curious, kid.” He called, as the elevator doors shut.
Everyone else went back to their desks, but you stayed just watching Tony smile after the kid. It was such a sweet moment… “Like something you see, darling?” The man asked, catching you staring, and ruining the innocence of the moment.
“No.” You replied sweetly, chuckling.
“So, are you excited for your first Stark Party tonight? Got your notepad and guillotine ready?” Tony teased.
“I’m attending as a simple observer.” You explained. “Like a nature photographer on a safari.”
Tony laughed, shaking his head. “You can’t observe a party. You have to live it, experience it.” He paused, grinning. “Drink it.”
“Don’t worry, Mr. Stark. I’m sure you’ll drink enough for the both of us.” You quipped, heading back into your office.
“Such insubordination.” Tony gasped. “I should have your badge for that.”
You let out a sigh. “Tony…we’re not doing this. The flirty quipping thing. Let’s just try and keep things professional.” You explained.
“Hey, you’re the one that called it flirting.” He winked.
That comment flustered and annoyed you. “I…” You cleared your throat. “I need to get back to work, sir.” You managed, staring at your black computer screen.
“Oops, the S-word. That’s my cue.” Tony shrugged. “I’ll see you tonight, darling.” He added, sing-song, before sauntering out of your office. That man…you thought…Is too witty for his own good.
The entire time you were getting ready to go to the party, your mind was going back and forth on the matter. On the one hand, you wanted to go and part of you was excited, but on the other hand you were worried that you were letting your guard down too much with Tony. You found yourself actually tolerating the man, and maybe even having fun talking to him sometimes. But you had to stay impartial. All you had come to do was see what kind of man he was, and then you’d go your separate ways…
Before you knew it, you were ready and about to call a cab, when there was a knock at the door. You answered it and was surprised to find that Tony had hired a car service to take you to the party. A big, flashy, black limo. Inside, there was a note from the man himself.
“(Y/N), can’t have my PA arriving in anything but the best. I’ll see you there—fashionably late of course.
You rolled your eyes. ‘Fashionably late’ was asshole code for ‘I want attention.’. Never the less, you decided to shrug it off and enjoy the product of your hard work. The boat looked beautiful- stunning even. Everything had come together better than you could have imagined.
And yet…you found yourself hesitating at the end of the boarding platform. It’s just a boat. It can’t hurt you. You repeated to yourself as you took your first step aboard. As you made your way up the platform you couldn’t help but think- What is it with rich people and boats anyways?
About an hour into the party, you were in the middle of an interesting conversation with one of your co-workers when you felt a tap on the shoulder. You were surprised to turn and see Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, smiling at you.
“Mind if I interrupt?” He asked, politely.
“Uh, sure, yes.” You nodded, saying a quick goodbye to the other person. “Are you enjoying the party Mr. Rogers?” You asked.
“Please, you can call me Steve. And yes I am, you did a great job.” The tall man smiled. “Listen, I wanted to apologize if we made you uncomfortable the other night.” Steve began, sincerely.
“No, I’d like to apologize, I was completely out of line to say what I did. I should have kept my thoughts to myself.”
“That’s quite alright ma’am. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.” He said, almost making you laugh. He was just so polite. The complete opposite to how Tony spoke.
“Hey Capsicle, you trying to steal my PA?” You heard, Tony’s voice from behind you. “Because you can’t have ‘em.” Tony added, patting a hand on your shoulder. “I have dibs.”
Steve shook his head, amused. “Just making conversation. It was nice talking to you (Y/N), maybe I’ll see you again.” The man nodded goodbye, and headed off to talk to someone else.
“You turning traitor on me, (Y/N)?” Tony teased.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes. “Note- ‘fashionably late’ means approximately an hour or so. Got it.” You spoke to yourself.
“So you’re sticking around long enough to need notes on my habits. Interesting.” The man smirked. Before you could comment he spoke again. “Care to dance?” Tony asked, holding out his hand.
“I don’t think dancing with my boss would reflect very well on me.” You replied, hesitantly.
The man took your hand anyways, leading you to the dance floor. “Who cares what other people think? Life’s no fun when you’re worrying about that.” He chuckled, pulling you close.
“Maybe life isn’t supposed to be all fun and games.” You countered.
“Then you’re living wrong.” Tony said, with seriousness, as the two of you began to sway to the soft music. After a moment, the man regained his playful air. “So, how am I doing?” He asked, interested.
“At dancing?” You questioned.
“No, in your little moral tally book. How am I doing?” He repeated.
The man’s tone was amused, but there seemed to be some sincerity to his curiosity. He genuinely wanted to know what you thought of him. You let out a short sigh and met the man’s gaze.
“You’re…complicated. You do objectively good things, like save the world or taking care of your employees…But all when you’re not expecting people to look. And then you scream look at me whenever you’re being a total asshole.” You glanced away quickly. “So I can’t tell if you’re a good guy who’s trying to cover up just how good he is. Or if you’re the asshole who just gets off on the savior thing.”
Tony seemed to process this for a moment before giving you a soft smile. “Maybe I’m both.” He shrugged, spinning you out and then pulling you back in, closer than before.
“If you’re both, then I don’t know what to think of you…” You breathed, heart pounding as you let yourself hold the man’s intense gaze.
The man leaned in close, whispering in your ear as you continued to dance. “Think of me as Tony. Just…Tony.”
You pulled away slightly, wanting to look at the man’s face. “Tony.” You repeated, trying to just see a man. A man that you had to admit…you didn’t entirely hate. In fact you might even like ‘just Tony’ a bit.
As the two of you held each other’s gaze, you felt both of you beginning to lean in. You didn’t think, you didn’t question it, you just allowed the slight movement, closing your eyes as your lips were about to touch…
And then the boat horn went off. And you nearly jumped out of your skin. The rude awakening made you realize all the people looking at you. Your co-workers, the Avengers, it seemed like even the waiters were catching a glance at the two of you.
A sudden wave of embarrassment washed over you and you let go of Tony, stepping away from the man quickly. “I…need to get some air.” You mumbled, walking away quickly.
You walked until you found a place where no one seemed to be. One floor down from the party, at the very back of the boat. You leaned against the railing, taking a few deep breaths.
You had almost kissed Tony Stark. Your boss, and the man you thought you hated more than anyone else. And everyone had seen it almost happen. How could you ever go back to work now?
You shook your head. What did you care about work? You were quitting eventually anyways… At least, that had been the plan.
You felt yourself getting more and more worked up, and you weren’t even sure why this was so upsetting. Every time you tried to think, the grinding of the boat’s engines interrupted you. You just wanted silence from that awful noise. It sounded so much like another engine that you couldn’t forget.
You cursed yourself for coming to this party. You knew you weren’t ready to be on a boat again. This was only too obvious by your erratic heartrate and shaking hands.
“(Y/N)?” You heard Tony call to you. “There you are, are you alright?” The man asked.
You turned to face him, clutching the man’s arm and looking at him with desperation.
“Tony…help me.”
@captainsherlockwinchester110283 @lilylovelyxo @not-reptilian @thevanishedillusion @kilamanjiro @xxcxrolinexx  @txnystarkimagines​ @josislife @hellaoppa @sneakingthroughyourgifs @embrel, @cudan2 @jellybean557@wefracturedmotivation @capandbuck
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dont apologise! i didnt check until just then so np :)
mmm yeah it is a bit trippy. hehe ITS TRUE THO. yeah sadly i think ur right, and tag blocking is probably a good idea. sometimes smut written well or not in excess is okay but goddamn when its abt 01 line and thats the whole fic... *silently blocks tags*
hehe i do that all the time lol this conversation is carrying on threads from a month ago :) mmm yeah ur probably right sadly, same. HA HE DIDNT HAVE A CHOICE and now i have someone to talk to abt them, so thats good! I KNOW felix was actually the one who got me into skz with his iconique gods menu line so i guess i have a soft spot for him. i always tell myself my bias is chan but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess im more whipped than id like to admit. mmm yeah that does make sense dw i hope they do that as well. YES king seungmin hIMSELF. GODDAMNIT DONT GET ME STARTED ON MINHO IN GODS MENU I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS PART OF THE GROUP UNTIL I STARTED GETTING MORE INTO THEM. BITCH (affectionate) THE LINE DISTRIBUTION HAS BEEN UTTER DOG SHIT but *deep breath* its better now so were moving on adn hoping it stays that way. sis same but i may or may not have gone thru a rlly depressed phase and actively sought out the elimination episodes so i could actually force some tears out of my emotionless shell of a heart but what cna you do? lmaoo i feel that irl, binnie deserves more vocal lines. yesss channies accent is rlly prominent then, i think also the way he structures his phrasing? is more english speaking than korean? but yeah i totally get what ur saying. AJKSAL lmao
okay then! im excited for whenever it gets done! (maybe tag me?) ahh the cold shrivelled heart of a dark au writer beats again at the thought of torturing another poor characters very soul (/j) :(( yeah that would suck not being able to see them. ohhh ur on the other hemisphere to me! were just going into spring rn. mmm smth to look forward to! YES you put it into words. they rlly are pretty independent from the company (remember how jyp rejected that other dudes songs after like 3 seconds and then how he was apparently nervous to show the song hed written to chan cos chan was so good at writing hits ahhh sweet revenge) mmmYES we rlly need a mute and remove notifications button for our brains dont we?
YES CORRECT i totally agree. some people jsut dont give it a try, adn assume its bad cos its korean smh racist assholes. yes! im coming up to my 6 month anniv actually! sis sAME, i feel like theyre being tugged into appealing to the western american market and theyre not staying as true to their artistic flair as a group, especially with only writing english songs atm. *sigh* ah well, at least theyre bringing recognition to the kpop world. AHUH dead on, theyre going to be discarded pretty soon and then where will bp be? theyll prob go solo paths which is rlly sad but what can you do when the company is run by a prideful asshole? yg is not going to last much longer in the big four if they keep this up.
hehe you get it. oooh very cool! whos ur ult? (sorry if youve said this before) mmmm yeah good decision, i feel liek thats probably a wise decision. this is my first album release as a kpop stan (not counting mixtape oh) so i think ill get it for sentiments sake. yeah! im excited for the new music! mingi was the one who got me into them, but atm my bias is seonghwa followed by san, wooyoung and ateez but jonghos high notes man *swoon* he, yeah atm ive got jake, jay, nikki, jungwon and sunoo down so just trying to get the rest :) heh, yeah kard i rlly only got into cos of bm, ive seen him like interacting with a lot of idols and he seemed nice so i decided to check out the group. ikr gunshot man *another swoon*
no noe! i didnt know what it was until i got it lol. thx toffee ill try and take that to mind :) yeah lol im on a waiting list thats not going to be free until late september so hopefully i can hold on until then. hope ur okay, that sounds like it sucks, hope you can find someone. maybe ill just take you along on my phone and the therapist can get a two for one patient deal lmaooo. mmm, sorry no i havent mentioned it before, i dont rlly talk abt it much. uhhh basically hypermobility? if you google it, it doesnt seem bad, jsut joint flexibility but ive got the severe end of the stick, leaning towards ehlers danlos syndrome so thats fun. basically it just makes it hard for me to exercise, run, jump, stand or just walk for long periods of time and gives me a lot of joint and muscle pain so... thats fun! but obviously so many other people have it worse than me, so i try not to complain. normally in young people it will improve as they get older, but my doctor said bc its severe in me, its unlikely to get much better. but again, i dont have the worst lot in the bunch, so its all g.
oh its good that its not the bad type of rain, a light sprinkling can be relaxing sometimes. aww thx darl, the concern is appreciated but it went pretty well and i managed not to cough too much on stage or kill myself trying to run around to the other side of the stage in the pouring rain so thats good! oooh tea buddies! my dogs a labradoodle, but shes a bit more of a feral poodle lol not much labrador in her at all, unless its her relentless urge to hunt down every bird that has ever walked this earth smh :((( hopefully they can come back on soon, does uni have dances?
ahhh a mood if i ever heard one. hopefully things will get better for you soon, ik anxiety sucks ass. ooh thats always good! when its sunny here, its always melt ur thongs to the pavement hot so the nicely cool sunny days are a lovely change. hehe impatience is not so good for you, but good for us that get to see ur beautiful theme early. ahh no worries, itll come eventually hopefully. and if not, then just things that make you not anxious are good. it doesnt have to be black or white, sometimes gray is good. mmmmm sames i have midterms this week to catch up on and then two weeks of end of terms so thats fun! i hope u can overcome that a little, heres some channie to be ur motivation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8LWyNjzOww. hah! i hear that all the time, he seems to be everywhere. did you see that tiktok of hans slowed back door rap, i stg it sounded EXACTLY like namjoon, it kinda scared me. also teh beginning of another day, sounds so much like joon i swear.
that reminds me! idk ur biases! i feel like this should be smth i should know so please! feel free to elaborate!
ahh im glad, i was worried it is. mmm same, so no hard feelings if either of us misses a day or smth. ill start worrying if weeks/months have gone by, but if its just a little while thats more than fine. ill just picture you studiously completing notes and i wont worry lol
<3 w.a. 🐺
at some point i really think i'm going to start blocking accounts because blocking tags won't be enough. i saw ask tags the other day and it just made me want to bleach my eyeballs.
i could talk about god's menu felix for hours man. the teaser for god's menu that featured his part on the bridge made me look forward to the mv release. you: biases chan, also you: lixiesbabyhands. yes you are more whipped than you think. i can't believe orange haired minho was given NOTHING during that era but they kind of made up for it in the b-sides. i also hope it stays that way. the distribution for this era was pretty fair.
"torturing another poor character's soul" in all honesty, i used to live for this. 2017 me leading up to early 2020 wrote nothing but angst. i have another aussie friend on twt and tbh i'm still really (O.o) about the seasons! jyp should be terrified skz could easily take over that company. heck if skz grow old and start their own company, they'd probably do a great job at running it. PLEASE. i have issues on muting/notifications both mentally and in real life. sometimes, i just wish to disappear.
some people in my country are just disgusting tbh. not only racist but homophobic too. they label kpop as 'gay' and it DISGUSTS me. it's a problematic behavior/mindset people in my country need to fucking get rid of. anyway, HELP ME 6 MONTHS??? and i've been in this shit for like a decade eye. tbh, i’m not fond of kpop groups trying to appeal to the western audience :// it feels like they’re losing their identity in a way. yes recognition but at what cost? yg has my favorite groups but that’s one shitty company when it comes to promoting.
okay my ult! it’s haechan from nct but i consider chan an ult too. like a close second above my whopping list of kpop boys. oh yes! you should get the album just for like a keepsake? remembrance? how did mingi appeal to you? omg did you start getting interested in ateez back when he was still on hiatus? NOT YOU BIASING THE SAME PEOPLE I DID WHEN I FIRST STARTED STANNING. the infamous ateez thot-line. jongho is easily one of the best fourth gen vocalists out here, no one can change my mind :( good luck with memorizing the rest of enhypen! just in time for the comeback too. i hope i’ll get into kard soon but i’m pretty content (and a tad bit overwhelmed) with the amount of groups i stan right now.
please hold on though, feel free to vent here if you like. thanks for the offer tho HAHA but like i’ll try to get checked here too when the cases die down a bit. i’m sorry to hear about your condition though :( please don’t ever overwork yourself to the point that your joints/muscles would ache. it’s completely valid to complain about it tho. i get that you have others in mind but keeping that mindset really doesn’t do you (like you internally) any better? so if you need to, vent your frustrations out and don’t keep it in.
oh my god, about your performance last sunday. was the stage out in the open? glad you didn’t cough too much and did well on your concert. i’m proud of you! i can never understand dogs and poor birds T_T uni doesn’t have dances unfortunately. i think there’s just one party at the end like a graduation ball. what year are you in anyway? if it’s something that you’re fine with sharing. if not, it’s cool.
good luck with your exams! and thanks for the link! AHA what a cutie. i think he does this motivation thing once in a while during his lives and it’s just comforting. yeah joon and han my irl just freaked when we made that discovery. ult crumbs for her. oh god not me forgetting about every biases when you asked. you can ask for my biases in a few groups just list down the one’s you’re interested in knowing. 
i missed yesterday because i was grinding and finishing what if we stay + school work. finally did it today. i’m sure i’ll reply in like a day or two, definitely not a month unless i state otherwise. if i ever decide to abandon this blog, i’ll let you know.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Boy Without a Car // Lee Mark
the prompt: can i request a scenario with mark lee where you’re is like special guest/host of this formal/special event and the grand entrance is a staircase, and upon entering, you trip and fall down the stairs (unfortunately while everyone is watching) and clueless hero mark lee is there to catch (more like cushion) your fall? please make it rlly fluffy^^
words: 1892
category: fluff
author note: i was gonna upload a second scenario but i got distracted watching rip vine compilations and now i need to sleep so pls enjoy this mork fluff.
- destinee
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You looked down at your dress, the slim, sequined bodice intimidating you as you thought of having to stand in front of tons of people. “Are you sure this isn’t too flashy? I can wear something else.”
“Nonsense,” your mother told you. “This is your eighteenth birthday party. It signals the day you become a woman, and also the day your father announces that you will one day inherit his company. It’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, “to you and all your millionaire friends. Can’t I just get some cake and leave?”
“That would be a horrible way of thanking all of your guests for coming out to celebrate your birthday,” your mother reprimanded you.
You huffed, “Well when you put it that way I can’t cop out, can I?”
Your mother smiled charmingly. “Be ready to descend down the stairs when they announce your name. You need to be the apple of everyone’s eye.”
“I’ll try,” you answered, for that was all you could do.
Mark tugged his white collar nervously from the corner of the ballroom. “How much are we getting paid again?”
Donghyuck scoffed. “Less than minimum wage. Honestly, next time we take over Yuta and Hansol’s jobs for them we’d better ask the payment before we agree.”
Mark wasn’t sure he could argue with that logic. Since he was here, though, he would work like he committed to do. Still, he didn’t like the idea of being around so many important people. He was nervous he would mess something up. Then even the little pay he got would be gone.
He and Donghyuck split up, moving to different sides of the ballroom to offer people crab cakes and other hors d'oeuvres.
Mark found himself enjoying the party, since he was basically being paid to walk around and listen in on people’s conversations. He was beginning to think the job was one of easiest he had ever taken when the host of the party clinked a fork against his glass.
“If I may have your attention, everyone! I present to you the guest of honor, my daughter, Y/n Y/l/n.”
Mark followed his gesture to the staircase, where you descended gracefully. He felt his cheeks go warm at your beauty, feeling foolish for being so easily enamored by someone. However, you looked adorable to him with your dark blue dress and curled hair.
That feeling was short lived, however, when you broke him out of his thoughts by nearly breaking his wrist.
You walked down the staircase, one hand on the banister. A fake smile adorned your face as you looked at the many guests.
Your gaze got caught on a certain boy who seemed to be a waiter for the party. He stared at you for a moment before turning away, looking disinterested, as if his mind were a million miles away. He intrigued you.
In fact, he intrigued you so much that you lost your footing. A collective gasp arose from the crowd as you began to fall face first down the steps.
As humiliating as it was, nothing could quite top it off like the having the handsome boy you had been staring at cushion your fall. Not to mention that the tray full of appetizers he had been holding went flying across the ballroom floor.
Your guests let out an audible gasp as you face planted into the boy’s chest. You groaned in embarrassment and kept your head hidden in his chest. Maybe if you stayed there long enough everyone would turn away and forget it ever happened.
His voice made you come to your senses.
“Ow!” He winced from under you, holding his wrist to his chest.
“I’m so sorry!” You clambered off of him and grabbed his uninjured hand, helping him up. “I’ll call the hospital.”
“No need!” He said quickly. Then he looked down at your intertwined hands and blushed, ripping his hand away from yours. “I-It isn’t broken. It just hurts a bit.”
“Oh,” you said. The crowd had returned to their frivolous conversations, until it was just you and the boy staring at each other.
He scratched the back of his neck nervously, “So, uh, happy birthday.”
“Huh?” You looked around. “Oh, thanks. I’m Y/n.”
“Mark,” he replied. You saw a ghost of a smile appear on his face.
“So, do you want to go do something?” You offered him a shy smile.
Mark met your gaze, his eyes wide and innocent. “Me? Oh, I can’t.”
Noticing your downcast expression, he held out his hands, “I mean, I want to! I just can’t because I’m working.”
You grinned. “Well, do you know the best part of being the guest of honor is?”
“What’s that?” Mark asked.
“It means you’re officially off work and free to hang out with me.” You answered, feeling more confident.
Although, Mark seemed to feel the opposite, for he let out a flustered laugh. “Can’t say no to the birthday girl, can I? Let me go tell Donghyuck.”
You nodded, although you had no idea who Donghyuck was.
Mark shook his head to clear his thoughts while he looked for Donghyuck. He untied the white apron around his waist, thankful it kept most of the food stains from getting on his nice slacks.
“Dude, that was one fall– Why are you handing me your apron?” Donghyuck looked at the apron that was now in his hand.
“Y/n wants to hang out,” Mark breathed. “See you later.”
Donghyuck gave Mark an unimpressed look. “You’re going to leave me here alone to serve all these people.”
“I’ll give you my share of the wage!” Mark promised, already halfway across the room.
Donghyuck clicked his tongue in disapproval as he watch Mark walk out of the ballroom with you.
“This is what you wanted to do?” Mark found himself laughing as you climbed the magnolia tree outside of the estate.
“Yeah,” you grunted, bunching your skirt above your knees to reach the next branch. “Why do you think I wore shorts under my dress?”
Mark furrowed his eyebrows, “But why did you invite me?”
“So I would have someone to talk to,” you answered, smiling softly at him. “Climb up.”
Mark obeyed, clumsily reaching for the lowest branch before heaving himself up. “What about your party? Don’t you want to inherit your father’s company?”
“Of course,” you answered. “I just don’t want to have to talk to a bunch of people. That’s not my idea of a good birthday.”
“Oh,” Mark, an introvert himself, could understand. “So you’re just going to sit in a tree?”
“Until they serve the cake,” you answered.
You kept climbing, occasionally stopping to help Mark up since he wasn’t used to climbing trees. “We can see into the ballroom from the top branch, so we’ll wait for the cake there.”
“Will it be able to hold us?” Mark asked nervously. He was beginning to feel aprhensive about your whole idea of “hanging out”. He had already gotten hurt once around you. As cute as you were, he wasn’t looking for another injury.
Still, he kept climbing. Curiosity had definitely won in this situation.
Finally, Mark and you were sitting side by side in the highest tree branch, your feet swinging against the rhythm of the nearby fountain.
“Tell me about yourself,” you said.
Mark coughed awkwardly into his rolled fist. “Well, I was born in–”
“No!” You giggled, “Don’t start from the beginning.”
“Where do I start, then?” Mark asked.
“Start in the middle,” you advised. “Stories are always more exciting when they start in the middle.”
Mark looked down at his handing feet. “Well, I moved here from Canada.”
“See?” You grinned at him, “That’s what I’m talking about. What’s Canada like?”
“It was nice,” Mark said. “I miss the snow.”
“I’ve never seen snow that actually stuck to the ground.”
Mark chuckled, a feeling of comfort washing over him as he thought gleefully about home. “It can snow for days there, if you live in the right place.”
“I’d like to see it one day. Would you take me?”
Mark stuttered at your straightforward attitude. “Uh…”
“That was weird wasn’t it?” You were flustered as well. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant if I ever went to Canada, it would be nice if I had a friend to show me around.”
“Oh,” Mark sighed comfortably. Then, “I’d take you. After I took Donghyuck, that is. He’d never forgive me if I took someone else before him.”
“Is he that other waiter? Are you two close?” You wondered aloud.
“Yeah,” Mark answered. “We’re best friends.”
You timidly leaned your head on Mark’s shoulder, feeling happy when you talked to him.
Who knew you falling on top of him could result in this?
“I would like a best friend,” you mumbled. “Truthfully, I don’t have many friends. They all act entitled because their families own large companies and they make fun of my father because his company is the smallest out of their circle of friends.”
“Doesn’t your dad own a million-dollar company?” Mark asked, feeling stupid since he didn’t even own a car.
“Yeah,” you answered. “But he makes less in millions than the other dads.”
“That’s frivolous to fight over,” Mark said.
“I know,” you sighed. “That’s why I’m not friends with them. I like being friends with people like you.”
“What?” Mark laughed, “Poor people?”
You laughed along, “It sounds bad when you say it like that, so no. I like being friends with humble people.”
Mark looked down at you, some kind of soft look in his eyes, “You’re interesting, you know?”
You met his gaze, a fierce blush appearing on your cheeks as he began to lean in. You placed a hand on his shoulder, pulling him close enough to close the hesitant gap between you.
Mark pressed lips against yours with a tenderness you weren’t accustomed to. Maybe all the boys you had dated were too confident and arrogant in their skill to kiss you slowly. Their kissed were always sloppy and messy: adjectives you didn’t wish to use again.
With Mark, you didn’t have to use any negative adjectives. Because it was just him, faintly moving his lips against yours as if he were afraid you would push him away, or reject him.
You didn’t know where his confidence came from, but you found yourself liking the Mark who leaned in first.
He finally pulled away, looking down at you with a soft smile. “Hey,” he whispered awkwardly.
“Hey,” you giggled back, a new feeling of giddiness rushing into your heart.
You grabbed Mark’s hand and held it without a word, once again leaning your head on his shoulder to watch people dance through the window.
Finally, you saw a three-tiered chocolate cake being rolled into the ballroom and you gasped. “Cake!”
You climbed down quickly, with Mark lagging behind, and ran back into the ballroom just as your father began to look for you.
Mark took his place beside Donghyuck as they watched people sing to you, an embarrassed blush on your cheeks.
“Where were you two?” Donghyuck asked. “You left me with all of these people to deal with.”
“Sorry,” Mark said quickly, smiling as he met your gaze. “I owe you one, really.”
~the end~
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Fantasy AU {1}
Witch Junior started the chat 45 seconds ago
Princess Colette (Witch Junior) joined the chat
Queen Alma (Princess Colette) joined the chat
Knight Doug entered for the first time
Witch Lavi entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown entered for the first time
Tengu Kanda entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown I'm a beautiful horse
Witch Junior that you are
Kelpie Crown Clown a very pretty horse
Knight Doug u m Knight Doug pretty horse, yes
Kelpie Crown Clown trots around the forest looking for pr-er, friendly faces
Thief Nea entered for the first time 8 seconds ago
Witch Junior riiiight Witch Junior "friendly faces"
Witch Lavi is munching on an apple
Knight Doug bitch if you come anywhere near the princess, ur dead Knight Doug @ nea Knight Doug stay away from the precious smol
Witch Junior: Okay so }
Kelpie Crown Clown pretends to eat the grass but ew, plants
Thief Nea uhmmm are you stereotyping me??? Thief Nea i dont steal princesses you ignorant fuck
Knight Doug bitch i might be Knight Doug u wannA GO?!
Knight Doug aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Knight Doug wait a minute- did you just
Tengu Kanda Children plz.
Knight Doug did you just call me tin man?
Thief Nea uh, yeah?
Knight Doug ur gOIN DOWN
Kelpie Crown Clown tin humans are easier to d-MAKE FRIENDS WITH
Witch Junior: BASICALLY -- There are two major kingdoms that have been at war for forever. Doug and Colette are part of one. Alma is recent queen of another, recently inherited from their parents' passing. After Queen Alma became ruler, she extended an offering of peace and now the kingdoms are meeting in the port trade city of Palance for a peace treaty thang, which is fairly neutral territory and home to those from all walks of life. Big old party n shit going on. Do whatever and be wherever 😎 }
Knight Doug: ;; NICE NICE Knight Doug listen, every single one of you can mcfuckin fight me
Thief Nea: || gotcha
Princess Colette don't fight, we're here to stop the fighting aren't we? :'(
Knight Doug ,,yes Knight Doug desole
Thief Nea for 8000 gold pieces a month, I will Stop
Tengu Kanda: ( Also don't fuck with Alma because Kanda is her vanguard. -fingerguns- )
Knight Doug you'll stop if the princess tells you to, you slut
Kelpie Crown Clown why fight when we can all get along. I'll give you a nice ride. We can go for a summer stroll in the forest.
Thief Nea not my princess
Knight Doug :I Knight Doug hey, colette Knight Doug can i like. stab this guy?
Princess Colette noooo no stabbing people :'( You'll make me cry
Knight Doug ,,,alright
Witch Junior look at this great big party. Lavi we should crash it
Knight Doug is most likely by colette's side, back straight and eyes locked ahead
Witch Lavi we should definitely crash it, Junior
Knight Doug try me, witch Knight Doug t r y m e
Witch Junior is that a challenge
Witch Lavi I think it was
Knight Doug maybe, maybe not
Princess Colette is watching all the people and the pretty decorations and festivities like oooooooo
Kelpie Crown Clown changed name to Horse Crown Clown
Knight Doug takes a small glance at colette and smiles softly
Thief Nea wow look at all these important people and all their important jewelry
Tengu Kanda Of course he is being anti-social while leaning on a wall, but keeping an eye out on the entire party near Alma but boy does he stand out.
Queen Alma softly nudges him Queen Alma: Don't be so grumpy, Yuu~ Its a party. A day for celebration!
Tengu Kanda A huff softly leaves his lips, while it was he was not so easily swayed from his guard. Tengu Kanda: "I am doing my job Princess Alma, this may be a peace party but I need to keep an eye out."
Princess Colette is kind of excitedly watching all the performers that are setting up inside the city
Witch Junior hums at Lavi
Knight Doug takes a deep breath and chuckles softly, keeping his pike on the ground, but not letting his guard down for a single moment
Witch Junior: You going to come with while I mingle in with the performers?
Witch Lavi looks over at his twin Witch Lavi: Think it'd be a good idea? Might draw a lot of attention
Queen Alma shrugs a little bit Queen Alma: True, I suppose. You did come as my vanguard. Still, you could try not to look so sour. Queen Alma she just laughs softly tho
Witch Junior: Hmm... true. One of us stands out well enough.
Knight Doug you both stick out like a sore thumb Knight Doug :I
Horse Crown Clown walks a bit closer to the town in the distance. It won't go inside and it tries to stay hidden but h-uh, the urge to seek a friend was making it desperate.
Witch Lavi: I'll mingle, you go with the performers
Tengu Kanda: "This is how I naturally appear, Queen."
Witch Junior: Sounds like a plan. Witch Junior gives Lavi a little shoulder pat and goes to slip in amongst the performers
Queen Alma: I suppose you're right
Thief Nea is honestly just lurking around
Queen Alma she's going to go take an interest in the food stands because it all smells so good. Much better than the food aboard the ship.
Thief Nea like a rude ass lurker
Tengu Kanda: "Besides, humans are not too keen on Tengu and I on humans for the most part, it is for the best I remain distant."
Witch Lavi: [Have fun~]
Knight Doug looks at colette again, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again, voice muffled from the armor around his face Knight Doug: this is nice.
Witch Lavi smirks before slipping into the crowd of people
Horse Crown Clown changed name to Traveler Allen
Princess Colette nervous little head nod. THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE and she is a smol
Thief Nea guys the food here is rlly good Thief Nea like holy fuck
Traveler Allen he's has a patch over his eye, he's got a costume and makeup on, and he's in the thick of the entertainers, balancing on a ball and juggling! Festivals, what a great way to get money!
Knight Doug kneels down and places a hand on colette's shoulder Knight Doug: ...whatever happens will be fine.
Queen Alma: Yes, but you are here with me as an envoy of the queen, aren't you?
Knight Doug: i'm right here.
Witch Junior is just gonna slip in through the gates among the performers being let through, looking all dressy-like like another performer
Tengu Kanda: "That I am, but that does not stop the hateful glares I keep receiving. Through I suppose it is warranted, Tengu and humans have never had a good relations."
Princess Colette nods timidly and eyes the performers Princess Colette: ...Can we go closer?
Knight Doug grins and nods Knight Doug: of course.
Traveler Allen he's balancing the balls on his head while he balances on a giant ball with great concentration.
Knight Doug stands up once more and glances around before taking colette's hand gingerly and beginning to walk slowly and carefully
Queen Alma: Well, anyone who has a problem with it can take it up with me.
Knight Doug: ...just hold on to me.
Princess Colette nods and holds onto his hand before following along kind of peeking around him
Tengu Kanda: "No need for that Queen Alma, I am used to it and find it amusing by now. I can deal with glares all that matters here is your safety."
Queen Alma hums quietly and resumes looking at and trying food stalls Queen Alma: As you wish.
Princess Colette is watching the performers balancing on balls and flipping and doing acrobatics with great interest
Knight Doug: it's quite beautiful, isn't it? Knight Doug hums softly,,
Witch Junior hums and kind of looking over all the performers with a searching eye
Princess Colette little head nod Princess Colette: ...mhm...
Traveler Allen carefully but gracefully does a handstand on the ball with stuff still balanced on his head.
Thief Nea why is this Ball Guy so flashy
Tengu Kanda A nod is given in response while glancing at a few other people here, but he does not look to one place for long anything could happen here.
Traveler Allen I Want Money
Knight Doug: perhaps we'll have parties like these more often.
Thief Nea then just Take Money
Knight Doug: now that there's finally peace.
Traveler Allen I am an honest man
Witch Junior that is quite the flashy performer
Knight Doug hands some money to allen before nodding to him
Traveler Allen collects the money in his Money Hat and gives the knight a bright smile.
Witch Lavi: [See anything interesting over there?]
Witch Junior: [Yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Gonna have myself a little bit of fun~]
Witch Lavi: [I see something pretty interesting too.]
Princess Colette gives the performer a sheepish little smile
Knight Doug nods to allen once more, holding tightly to his pike with his free hand Knight Doug glances at colette and grins
Witch Junior hears a drop in the festival music going into another song and lightly taps the flashy performer on the shoulder
Witch Lavi hums quietly while eyeing some guards through the crowd.
Traveler Allen he's up on his feet again and thinking of what to do next when someone taps him on the shoulder. He spins on his toe towards the tap, blinking rapidly.
Witch Junior smiles and offers his hand with a small bow Witch Junior: Care for a dance? Witch Junior: I dance well.
Knight Doug Watches TM Knight Doug s q u in  t s
Witch Lavi ooh, this food smells great
Knight Doug gives colette's hand a gentle squeeze before continuing to walk
Princess Colette shyly ducks behind her knight
Witch Junior: also, because Junior's a slut for dancing to it, the song is gonna be this one B ) } Witch Junior: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxkgpm }
Knight Doug: ;; N i c E Knight Doug: ...would you like me to take my armor off for a bit so that we can dance?
Traveler Allen well, it was a festival, he might as well have fun! He'd gotten a lot of money, anyway. He hops off the ball and dumps his things into a hidden pocket. The ball was supplied to him, so he kicks it back gently to the side.
Knight Doug looks at colette and quirks a brow
Traveler Allen: "Sure!" *He takes Junior's hand.*
Princess Colette kind of looks at him in surprise Princess Colette: Can we?
Knight Doug nods and takes off his helmet Knight Doug: ...of course we can.
Witch Junior hums and takes Allen's hand, starting to lead the steps to the music, starting off with some slow basic back-forth steps
Queen Alma oh, it looks like there's dancers! Queen Alma can't go anywhere without her vanguard tho so just grabs Kanda's arm and tugs him along
Princess Colette happy Colette noises
Traveler Allen humors Junior by stepping with him, bouncing between steps.
Tengu Kanda glances over at the two now dancing, perhaps more will follow suit and start dancing too -- When he's pulled there's a bit of a surprised expression, but he follows without resistance.
Witch Lavi slips between food stalls casually, startling a few guards before he grinned and uncovered his magic eye. It doesn't take long to hypnotize them, quietly giving them their orders as he covers up his eye again. The guards nod and Lavi leaves them be, blending into the crowd again.
Knight Doug laughs quietly before quickly guiding her back so he can remove his armor and picks her up to rush back to the dance, setting her down Knight Doug: may i have this dance, mademoiselle?
Witch Junior just kinda warms up into the slower parts of the tune until it gets into more of the fast beats and picks up his pace : )
Princess Colette giggles a little bit and takes his hand Princess Colette: Mhm!
Queen Alma stops at the edge of the crowd to watch the dancers happily
Traveler Allen is happily picking up the pace, he's hip-shimmying in excitement occasionally, come on, let's spin around! He's trying to stay at a pace Junior's comfortable with, although.
Queen Alma: Isn't it wonderful, Yuu?
Knight Doug spins her around before picking her up and holding her close to him as he bounces around to the beat
Witch Lavi watches as the guards as they leave while they chat as though nothing was wrong, their visors down as they head off to orbit near their queen, Alma. Lavi hums quietly, he supposes that'll be good enough for now. They were technically guarding their queen along with that tengu.
Witch Junior Kek. Its fine. I'm a high energy dancer : ) Picks up his pace again to the music and jingle-jangles all his little bangles and gold rings to add to the music
Tengu Kanda: "It is interesting at least, I have never seen so many people enjoying themselves before."
Witch Junior Everyone lookit me dance!
Witch Lavi: [Do you see the Tengu, Junior?]
Knight Doug "accidentally" bumps into junior Knight Doug: ah! excuse me!
Witch Junior does a little twirl and-- Witch Junior stumbles a bit but recovers and offers a small bow Witch Junior: No trouble, my lord!
Knight Doug glances him over before dipping his head
Witch Junior: [...yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Hard to miss.]
Knight Doug goes back to twirling around with colette :I
Traveler Allen gives a short bow to that handsome tipper and soon he's back into the music, gosh, he should buy some more bells with how pleasant his partner's bangles sounded with the music!
Witch Lavi taps his fingers while humming along with the music. (Get closer, boys.) The guards move to be a little closer to their queen, after all, even if her vanguard is there, it's a big crowd.
Knight Doug whispers to colette Knight Doug: perhaps it's time for us to go. Knight Doug: after this dance...
Princess Colette and now you get the big child whine
Witch Lavi: [He's the Queen's vanguard from what I gleaned off the guards. Interestin' choice.]
Princess Colette: But why?
Witch Junior goes back to dancing and twirling Witch Junior: [Interesting choice indeed.]
Queen Alma hums curiously Queen Alma: Have you ever learned to dance, Yuu?
Guard (Queen Alma) joined the chat
Tengu Kanda he seems to be watching the guards moving closer, did they not have a different patrol route? That was strange to see them come close, so he walks much closer to Alma. Tengu Kanda: "No, I have not."
Queen Alma: Its a little bit more... dramatic than what I'm used to doing, but perhaps I could show you a little bit?
Knight Doug: ...there was something in that man's eye. Knight Doug: the one i just bumped into. Knight Doug: i don't like it.
Witch Junior wow, rude. My eye is gorgeous : (
Knight Doug mhm Knight Doug sure
Traveler Allen spins Junior around, was he a bit distracted? The idea of the end of this dance sort of saddened him, but he enjoyed it while he could.
Witch Lavi: @Guard [You don't want the peace. Do your duty for your kingdom.]
Tengu Kanda: "Perhaps, but not right now my queen not until I am sure of something."
Witch Lavi peeling an orange now.
Knight Doug starts twirling away from the dancers Knight Doug something's about to go down
Witch Junior dances a bit closer to the edge of the crowd and jingle-jangling the bangles. He playfully reaches out and swipes a hand out to tug a strand of Tengu hair out and let it drop playfully, giving a little one-eyed wink
Knight Doug i'm certain of it Knight Doug hHHHH Knight Doug TWIRLS A LITTLE FASTER
Queen Alma gives a little laugh
Knight Doug: we need to go.
Traveler Allen Well uh that was mighty brave of ya, touching the bird man.
Queen Alma: I think that one isn't so against Tengu at least
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Pfft, nice one.]
Princess Colette whiNES MORE Princess Colette: But I wanna watch the dancers!
Knight Doug hhhhh Knight Doug s tops and pants for a moment
Witch Junior: [Thank you, I try~]
Knight Doug: ...alright.
Tengu Kanda The action causes his eyes to narrow upon the action at was taken aginst him, he would have already swipped the man's head off with his sword but this was not the place. So he does not even bother to look at the man, merely reach out and take Alma's arm and lead her off to a different area.
Witch Junior pouts and just goes back to dancing thEN fine be a stranger
Knight Doug: can we at least let me get my armor, princess?
Princess Colette hums and pouts Princess Colette: I suppose...
Queen Alma indignant squawk Queen Alma: Yuu! Where are we going?
Knight Doug hums nervously and starts walking back
Traveler Allen gonna just, end up doing some cartwheels and flips he's still so pumped up.
Knight Doug: i don't trust them. Knight Doug: i'm very sorry.
Princess Colette kind of smol nervous look Princess Colette: Are they bad?
Tengu Kanda: "Away from the guards who have left their designated posts my Queen, I do not like what is going on here and your safety is the utmost importance. I do not trust it, even if it seems silly." His voice is quiet while whispering to her.
Knight Doug: i'm not so sure yet. Knight Doug: just... the look in his eye.
Queen Alma huffs a little bit and pulls her arm free, crossing her arms over her chest Queen Alma: Maybe they are chasing thieves or some other thing? Queen Alma: There are many people here. Surely there are thieves too. It does not mean I am in any danger.
Knight Doug sets her down to put his armor back on and just... soft hhhhhh
Tengu Kanda: "Unless they consider me a thief I doubt it, I have been the only one near you thus far."
Knight Doug: please stay close to me, princess.
Princess Colette nods a little bit Princess Colette: Okay...
Witch Lavi hums to himself, he guessed that those two wouldn't be much use. He mentally ordered them to go about their 'routes'.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [The Tengu's skittish as hell. Ugh.]
Queen Alma: Are you truly so worried? Queen Alma you're making her nervous now Kanda
Knight Doug takes colette's hand once more and guides her back to the dancers, holding to his pike closely
Witch Junior goes back to dancing with Allen and grabs his wrist to twirl him around
Tengu Kanda: "Just stay close to me, that is all I ask I will protect you no matter the cost my queen."
Knight Doug Watches That One Redhead
Witch Lavi closes his eye and mentally reaches out to another while eating his orange and tapping his foot to the beat.
Witch Junior: [Not making this easy, huh?]
Traveler Allen twirls around easily, and then jumps up to twirl the taller stranger back!
Witch Junior twirls and dips Allen when he comes back so their faces are close together and his little eye cloth thingy hangs out but its fine his hair is in the way. Hi how ya doin, like my magic eye?
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Not one bit. I might have to get a few more guards or maybe even one these 'lovely' people to do the job.]
Princess Colette slightly happier to be watching the dancers again
Queen Alma nods a little bit
Knight Doug has to go back into serious mode and just. squints at junior Knight Doug Something Tells Me To Arrest You
Queen Alma: You did come along even though you didn't have to to ensure my safety... I trust your judgement. Shall we head back to the festivities or elsewhere?
Witch Lavi: @Guard [When you do strike, make sure that you get her on the first hit.]
Traveler Allen oh, an odd-eye?! Don't worry, he'll keep quiet about it. He's wearing an eyepatch himself! He sticks out his leg and arm during the dip for flair.
Knight Doug hhHHH Knight Doug HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Knight Doug glances at colette Knight Doug looks back at the dancers
Witch Junior Not shy? Good. I've got a little job for you, street performer.
Tengu Kanda: "Yes, that seems much better in the grand scheme of things my queen, I don't trust this area now the air feels off." A part of it reminds him of the fude that took place at his home it was sickening.
Guard faint nod at Lavi's command.
Traveler Allen is trying to figure out if he can lift Junior into the air. Probably, but would he stay balanced?
Knight Doug fidgets nervously hhh
Queen Alma: Where shall we head, then? Queen Alma going to follow Kanda
Witch Junior don't strain yourself
Princess Colette is just kinda happily bouncing to the music at Doug's side, holding onto his hand and smiling
Tengu Kanda: "..." That was a good question where should they head to, well it should not matter if they merely stayed near. "How about that stand over there?"
Queen Alma nods and smiles at him Queen Alma: It seems as good a place as any so long as you are at my side.
Traveler Allen If he failed he could always try to uh, cushion Junior's landing with his own body, would he be up for it?
Witch Junior I mean, you're pretty small, dude. Like I said, don't strain yourself.
Knight Doug glances at her, and yes, he's glad she's happy, but... Knight Doug watches junior again
Witch Junior just going to keep dancing and twirling, making playful flirty motions at a few people in the crowd. Kinda plucks a more enthusiastic girl out and into the dance for a few steps before continuing to be playful with the rest of the crowd's edge
Tengu Kanda there is a small hidden smile only she could see, before leading her over to the stand in question.
Knight Doug growls softly,,
Princess Colette a little bit hoppy Princess Colette: Can we dance again too?
Knight Doug looks at her Knight Doug: ...yes. Knight Doug it'LL BE HARD TO DANCE IN ARMOR BUT Knight Doug for the princess
Traveler Allen is gonna do it. If his partner jumps into his arms he'll-wait, aw, he was dancing away, but he meets more dancers and dances his way through after him.
Princess Colette yay!
Knight Doug sets his pike aside and takes her into his arms again Knight Doug taKES A DEEP BREATH
Witch Junior smiles and twirls on over to the armored knight and taps his shoulder pauldron, offering a hand to dance Witch Junior: May I have this dance, my lord?
Knight Doug starts twirling around with her even if he does almost lose his balance a few t- Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug slowly glances back Knight Doug hhh Knight Doug: colette, go wait where it's safe. Knight Doug: i'll be there as soon as i can.
Princess Colette gives him a confused blink and kinda backs away a few steps at a time, nodding shyly
Queen Alma is just humming to the tune happily and watching the festivities from a safe distance
Knight Doug swallows hard and takes off a few pieces of armor before humming Knight Doug: yes, you may. Knight Doug smiles softly
Witch Junior bows his head down and takes his hand Witch Junior: I am honored~
Knight Doug blinks a few times before chuckling Knight Doug: aren't you polite? Knight Doug i still don't trust you
Witch Junior: I do try, my lord Witch Junior pulls him into a dance
Tengu Kanda There's another glance at the area before reaching out with his hand to lift something from one of the stalls they walked by, offering what looked to be a rose colored like a rainbow to Alma.
Queen Alma blinks in surprise before smiling softly and taking it and admiring it. Its so pretty~
Knight Doug soft noises of surprise but follows after him into the dance
Queen Alma: You spoil me so, Yuu...
Tengu Kanda: "Not so much." Through he does smile at her again out of other's sight.
Traveler Allen there was the stranger! holding out his arms to him, telling him to come towards him with his eyes, and so he darted forward, his hands moving to his pockets to grab his ribbons, it would be a grand pickup, and suddenly his darting forward passed by his partner and his hand was grasping a knife and it was buried within a girl's neck. He was being lifted!
Princess Colette loudly squeaks in surprise!! And-- Princess Colette down she go
Witch Junior dances for a bit before the gasping and screaming "draws" his attention and he gasps in feigned horror Witch Junior: Oh no-- Witch Junior: Lordship!
Witch Lavi keeps himself from smiling and dons a confused face as he looks towards the screaming crowd where his brother is.
Knight Doug: colette!
Queen Alma perks up a little bit. Oh, did something exciting happen? It sounds like there's ooing and awking maybe?
Witch Junior my work here is done. Kek. Witch Junior quietly slips into the panicking crowd
Princess Colette is coughing blood and whimpering
Tengu Kanda: Snaps his gaze over to the screams and gasping before he reacts swiftly. "Those are not sounds of excitment my queen, they are fear and panic." Quickly he turns and picks her up from the ground, this place was dangerous.
Knight Doug k NEELS DOWN BESIDE OF HER, HANDS HOVERING OVER HER Knight Doug: c-colette.... Knight Doug: colette, please...
Princess Colette: ...S-sir Douglas... Princess Colette she's bleeding a lot
Knight Doug: i'm here... Knight Doug: i'm here, shh... i'm here...
Queen Alma yelps in surprise
Knight Doug swallows hard and just.... feels tears gathering in his eyes
Queen Alma: Yuu?! What's happened?
Knight Doug: it's... it's going to be alright.
Princess Colette: ...m-m-m... scared...
Knight Doug: shhhh...
Traveler Allen the cheers were so loud, what an amazing lift, he twirled around with the bloodied hands, the blood spatters looking like streamers to him.
Knight Doug rips a piece of his shirt and presses it to the wound
Guard mobilizes along with the other guards as the panic starts to guard their queen
Tengu Kanda: "I do not know but we can see, I hope you don't mind heights." With a small smile his wings unfold and he darts up into the air where they could see what just transpired.
Knight Doug doesn't dare move her and just Knight Doug stays strong for now lma o
Witch Junior hums and watches all the chaos and screaming and rage unfold in the streets and also-- ope, there goes the Tengu up into the sky
Princess Colette whimpering and holding onto his wrist with a terrified, glassy look
Knight Doug pets her hair and swallows hard Knight Doug: shhh... Knight Doug: it's... it's okay. Knight Doug kNOWS THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN FUCKING DO NOW
Knight Doug: je t'aime.... je t'aime.....
Traveler Allen these cheers were turning into panic, and he was somehow on the ground instead of in the air. Why was his hands wet? He wiped it on his pants onto to see... blood?
Tengu Kanda there's a small bemused smile but his hold on the queen is tight, he would not drop her no matter the cost before his eyes land on the horrible sight. "... Princess Colette is bleeding with her knight standing above her, it looks fatal."
Witch Lavi glares where the Queen was taken before slipping through the crowd. Time to get back up.
Princess Colette softly whimpers and chokes a few times before falling very, very still
Queen Alma a gasp catches in her throat and she just looks utterly horrified
Knight Doug stares for a long moment
Queen Alma: Why? Why would anyone do that? Queen Alma are those tears? Those are tears
Knight Doug fe els a tightness in his chest and picks her up
Queen Alma: @Lavi [How are things on your end?]
Witch Lavi finds some archers, it's so easy to get them under his command and he motions towards their target before leaving them to be somewhere else. He needed a good spot.
Knight Doug: EVERY GUARD IS TO SEARCH FOR THE REDHEAD! Knight Doug: AND WHEN YOU FIND HIM, KILL HIM! Knight Doug so b s and looks down at he r
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Annoying. He flew up into the sky with her]
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Noticed.]
Witch Lavi: @Junior [I got back up on it.]
Witch Junior oooh so. That's a thing. Thought he was less obvious than that but oh well.
Knight Doug f eels something... snap Knight Doug hands her off to another guard and grabs his pike
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Good. We have to make this quick. They're onto me a little faster than I'd hoped.]
Knight Doug has blood all over him now but
Tengu Kanda: "Someone clearly does not want this peace treaty to go through, you are not safe here." Glancing at all the people running along the ground he thinks about leaving, but instead he merely flys up higher to move in the direction of the gathered crowd.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Paranoid guards. Always the most troublesome.]
Knight Doug: i'll do it my damn self.
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Indeed.]
Traveler Allen he feels a heavy weight on his chest. Oh dear, oh dear, something odd happened around him again. He stayed with the crowd, putting up his hood.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Maybe I should just do this myself.]
Queen Alma is getting a little bit a i r si ck oh gods they are very high up Queen Alma: Y-Yuu I must confess... I think... I am a little less used to heights as you are--
Tengu Kanda: "Forgive me." With a swift motion he lands on the ground next to the terrible little crime, setting Alma on the ground while looking to Doug. "What happened?"
Knight Doug doesn't speak, just keeps walki n g
Queen Alma give her a moment to just.... catch her breath oh lords
Witch Lavi: @guard [Now!]
Witch Junior is just gonna quickly head along through some alleyways and crowds with a little bit of hurried spring to his step. Good thing there's people running EVERYWHERE.
Guard charges out of the panicked crowd and draws a sword, swinging it towards Alma Guard: FOR THE PRINCESS!!
Traveler Allen is gonna leave this town before more people freggin die. Little does he know.
Knight Doug quickly turns Knight Doug: DON'T YOU DARE!! Knight Doug: THAT'S NOT YOUR TARGET!!
Guard sorry he ain't listening
Tengu Kanda the sound causes him to turn and rush an arm in front of the queen, but he can't get his wings up in time.
Knight Doug th ough t s o Knight Doug: STAND DOWN!
Guard swings his sword at Kanda then if he's going to get in the way
Witch Lavi throws his knife in the air, controlling the knife as it cuts through the air and sinks into the back of Alma's neck.
Queen Alma she jumps startled at the guard charging at her and Kanda getting in their way Queen Alma: Yu--!!! Queen Alma and she just cuts off and chokes. Down she go now
Tengu Kanda The sword swing hits as he was not going to move out of the way of Alma, because he was distracted with the guard the flying knife wasn't even noticed. But he does hear her voice and glances back to-- NO.
Witch Lavi hums as he slinks away into one of the alleyways quickly. Witch Lavi: [Got her, Junior.]
Witch Junior: [I knew you could do it~]
Knight Doug you know those tears in his eyes earlier? they're gone
Witch Lavi: [Had to use a knife I nabbed earlier but it did it's job.]
Queen Alma feebly kind of pushes herself up and then slumps back down choking horribly Queen Alma: Y-Y--
Knight Doug is just... staring
Witch Junior: [Good. Now its time for us to get out of here. Just pissed off two kingdoms in one day. I'd say that's an accomplishment, right?] Witch Junior kek
Traveler Allen more QUICKLY leaving town goodbye Traveler Allen those screams did not bode well
Tengu Kanda: There seems to be a demonic growl eliminating from his chest, it's enough to echo in the small area as his eyes turn just as red as the blood now staining he floor. "You..." With a swift movement of his hand he stabs it clean through the guard in front of him.
Guard screams and goes down bloody
Knight Doug j u s t s t a  r es
Witch Lavi: [It's a record. I'm almost out. You?]
Knight Doug all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put me back together again
Tengu Kanda With the guard down he swiftly turns to Alma, he can't do anything but he tries to hold her in a comforting postion the best he could both wings now covering them.
Knight Doug is tempted to stab kanda because that was one of his men but
Witch Lavi goes through the town gates after a while.
Queen Alma is only faintly breathing and choking
Witch Junior: [Just passing through a gate now. Easy peasy~]
Knight Doug slumps, pale eyes burning with hatred and anger
Traveler Allen decides to take a shortcut through an alleyway and with his head down and eyes on the ground and terrible sense of direction he may or may not slam into somebody
Tengu Kanda: "... Alma, I cannot save you I am sorry I failed." Lowing his head in shame he couldn't bring himself to even look her in the eye.
Witch Lavi: [Same. Pretty sure I pissed the Tengu off but, oh well~]
Knight Doug turns and starts walking again
Witch Lavi glances around looking for his brother while he moves away from the town.
Witch Junior: [Think we pissed off more than that, just not necessarily knowingly at us~] Witch Junior he's just skirting around the outer wall towards the other gate to find his brother
Knight Doug oNE WAY Knight Doug OR ANOTHER Knight Doug I'M GONNA FIND YA
Witch Lavi: [True~]
Witch Junior: NO } Witch Junior: XD }
Knight Doug: ;; LA UGH S
Witch Lavi: || OH MY GOD
Tengu Kanda: ( LOL )
Knight Doug: ;; N O R E G R E TS
Queen Alma: Y-y--
Tengu Kanda: ( I LOVE YOU DEAK )
Queen Alma chokes a few times and falls still, her eyes glassing over
Knight Doug: ;; 💗
Traveler Allen nearly gets knocked over from someone and goes with the crowd again. A crowd's fleeing the town, he easily blends into the entertainers rushing out.
Witch Lavi spots Junior!
Witch Junior spots Lavi! Witch Junior skippidy skip
Knight Doug hah u fuckers Knight Doug uR DEAD Knight Doug die, die, we all die
Tengu Kanda: "..." Shakes his head slightly before standing up and taking Alma with him, a part of him wondered if he should have just stayed in the mountain to avoid this.
Witch Junior you and what fucking magic
Witch Lavi pats Junior's back.
Knight Doug my fucking pike
Witch Junior makes a rolling wrist motion towards the woods and grins Witch Junior: After you~
Horse Crown Clown (Traveler Allen) joined the chat
Witch Lavi: Why thank you~
Knight Doug nOT SO FAST U FUCKERS Knight Doug NO
Horse Crown Clown hey you people need a ride
Witch Lavi practically skips towards the woods
Witch Junior practically nothing. LITERALLY skips towards the woods.
Witch Lavi smirking while they go.
Witch Junior is so proud of us
Witch Lavi very proud of us
Knight Doug r eaches the outskirts of town and glances around
Witch Junior oh hey its a horse-- Witch Junior well
Knight Doug g r o w l s
Witch Junior kind of a horse
Horse Crown Clown looks at them witches and struts towards them heyyy
Witch Lavi is already in the woods and looks at the....kind of horse.
Knight Doug: ...........
Horse Crown Clown you need a ride boys. Can a horse wink? Yeah, it winked.
Knight Doug glances back at the town
Witch Junior: ...that thing just winked at me
DS Timcanpi (Tengu Kanda) joined the chat
Knight Doug starts back into town
Witch Junior kinda skipped around it and is skipping backwards and watching the kelpie
Witch Lavi: That's....new. But c'mon! Let's head home. The old man probably misses us.
Horse Crown Clown no I didn't grazes peacefully even though grass tastes like shit
Witch Junior: Mhm~ Boy d'we have a story fer him!
Witch Lavi: Heh
Horse Crown Clown *Allen's hiding in the forest somewhere, washing the strange blood off his hands.*
Witch Junior just skipping along alongside Lavi Witch Junior: Hey, y'think Gramps knows anything about winking horses?
Knight Doug comes out the other gate Knight Doug >:I
DS Timcanpi don't mind the small dragon piratically tackling into Juniors shoulder.
Witch Junior better skip fast Sir Knight
Knight Doug ur dead
Witch Lavi we're far from your sight Witch Lavi: Uh, Junior
Knight Doug still dead
Horse Crown Clown hey sir knight need a fantastic horse
Witch Junior small yelp!! and jumps to the side HI there little dragon thing where did you come from--
Witch Lavi: Small dragon
Horse Crown Clown tosses head proudly.
Knight Doug n o Knight Doug walks past Knight Doug the,,, horse thing
DS Timcanpi squeaks at them both and just climbs on Junior's shoulder, things were pretty noisy.
Knight Doug not today, satan
Horse Crown Clown follows doug. I'm a horse I swear. Feed me your... carrots.
Witch Lavi: It's kinda cute
Witch Junior scratch scratches the little dragon head
Witch Junior: Kinda like Tatsui only... less... flamey
Knight Doug: back!
Witch Lavi searches pockets, he knows he nabbed some-- Aha! Pulls out a bag of jerky.
Witch Junior wow rude don't swing weapons at random horses didn't your mother ever teach you manners
Knight Doug turns and keeps walking
DS Timcanpi flops over and paws at Juniors hand, tickling him with the feathers he has rather than scales.
Knight Doug leave me alone
Witch Lavi: Want some food, lil guy? Witch Lavi holds out a piece of jerky.
Knight Doug are u fuckers standing still?
Witch Junior I guess so?
Knight Doug good
DS Timcanpi glaces at the jerky being offered, reaches out with his tail to bring it closer and nibble on it.
Witch Lavi nah, we're gone
Horse Crown Clown huffs and follows Doug at a greater distance.
Witch Junior its so adorable~
Knight Doug quickens his pace a little bit
Witch Junior: Where'd you come from little guy?
Witch Lavi it's very adorable
DS Timcanpi squeaks at Junior through the mouse like nibbling, his tail pointing to the woods they were walking through.
Witch Junior scratch scratches and follows the tail point
Horse Crown Clown you can't outrun a horse angry boy
Witch Lavi: Guess he was lost?
Witch Junior tilts his head Witch Junior: I think its... pointing?
Knight Doug s tops and just stares for a moment
Witch Lavi shrugs at Junior before offering the little one another jerky.
Knight Doug: ...she's dead. Knight Doug glances back at the horse Knight Doug: she's dead and it's my fault.
DS Timcanpi jumps up on the should, bounding around slightly before latching onto the jerky like it was being hugged.
Witch Junior: ...I hope its not trying to lead us somewhere cuz I'd be a little suspicious right after... Witch Junior trails off
Knight Doug ,,holds the pike against his chest, turning his attention ahead once more
Witch Junior: you know
Witch Lavi scratches the dragon's head a little. Witch Lavi: You're always suspicious
Witch Junior gives Lavi a look
Horse Crown Clown snorts in sympathy.
DS Timcanpi Gives Lavi's hand a little face kiss.
Witch Lavi gives Junior a smile
Knight Doug: .....she's dead.....
Witch Lavi is quite charmed by the little dragon. Wut.
Witch Junior: ......
Knight Doug la ug hs  qu i e t l y Knight Doug: dead. dead, dead, dead, dead, she's dead........
Witch Lavi it's adorable, okay? Can't help it.
Witch Junior sees that charmed look and you are definitely gonna get shit for it Lavi Witch Junior: you gonna marry it now?
Witch Junior kek
DS Timcanpi stares at junior with little dragon eyes.
Horse Crown Clown sniffs at Doug. He smelled so much like blood that it can't leave him alone even if it wanted to.
Witch Lavi: You mean like how you married Tatsui? Nah
Knight Doug narrows his eyes and keeps walking, snickering quietly
Witch Junior: ...You'll never understand our love Witch Junior fake sniffles
Witch Lavi offers more jerky to the cute dragon. Witch Lavi: Woe is you
DS Timcanpi rejoices at there being more jerky! Squeaks in delight!
Witch Junior: Anyway, shall we be off? Before all the kings horses and men come running. Witch Junior: You can take your new honey with you Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi fond eye roll at Junior Witch Lavi: Yeah, yeah, let's head out.
Horse Crown Clown trots on after this knight kiddo at a leisurely pace.
Witch Junior skips--
Witch Lavi holds the small dragon now, wow it's got some soft feathers.
Witch Junior head tilt
Witch Lavi: Hm?
Witch Junior: Did'ja hear that or am I goin' crazy?
DS Timcanpi paws at Lavi's hand sofly, even going so far as to nuzzle into his hold and curl into a feather ball.
Witch Lavi: No, I heard it.
Witch Junior: Time to skippity doo daw way awa-AAAAAAHH
Witch Lavi pets the small dragon--
Witch Junior he leaps aside SHIT that was CLOSE
Witch Lavi eye narrows angrily
Knight Doug pa nts and stops, grinning Knight Doug: you killed her. Knight Doug: you killed dearest colette.
DS Timcanpi uncurls to glance over where the pike flew from, but he stays in Lavi's hold.
Horse Crown Clown hey, a battle in the forest, fresh meat!!! Shifts from hoof to hoof excitedly nearby.
Witch Junior: ...oh. Witch Junior: Him.
Witch Junior: D'you want the honors or should I? Witch Junior talking like he's not even there tbh
Knight Doug s obs and clenches his jaw
Witch Lavi: I got it Witch Lavi telekinetically throws the knight's pike back at him at an alarming speed.
DS Timcanpi climbs up onto Lavi's shoulder.
Witch Lavi pats the small dragon
Knight Doug gets hi t?? Knight Doug g a sps and g rips his shoulder Knight Doug lowers himself to the groun d
Witch Lavi: If you want to stab him with a branch, be my guest. It was funny the last time you did it.
Witch Junior: ...branches are fun Witch Junior: everyone underestimates them Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi: Same with roots
DS Timcanpi nuzzles into Lavi's hand from the pat, he knows to stay out of a witches hands in times of battle.
Knight Doug looks at lavi and junior
Witch Lavi mentally twists the pike in the wound
Witch Junior just kinda finds a branch and pins it under his boot while he pulls until it snaps into a nice, fine point and saunters forward. He's gonna have a little fun
Knight Doug h is s e s and doubles over, panting
Witch Junior: Oh Sir Knight~ Won't you please dance with me again?
Knight Doug narrows his eyes
Witch Junior he's just idly twirling his branch around like a baton all casual like
Witch Lavi chuckles at the display, tilting his head a bit
Knight Doug: ...i'd... love a dance. Knight Doug looks up at junior, eyes soft
Witch Junior: Mm... good. I wouldn't want it ta be too one-sided now...
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails while watching the display.
Witch Junior squints a little bit tho Witch Junior looking a little too nonchalant about dying for my tastes there buddy. Needs more dramatic
Knight Doug dips his head Knight Doug places a hand on the pike's shaft
Witch Lavi: [Illusions? Maybe to rile him up?] Witch Lavi: [He's way too docile. Less fun.]
Horse Crown Clown trots back and forth in the background
Witch Junior: [Hm. Maybe.] Witch Junior: Oh... that livened things up a bit
Witch Lavi: A little bit.
Knight Doug and there's blood spilling everywhere now, ew
DS Timcanpi cants head to the side a bit at the sight.
Witch Lavi: [Maybe he'd like to see his little princess again]
Witch Junior smiles a bit
Knight Doug forces himself to his feet
Witch Junior: Hm... and t'think... you scream more than a little girl...
Knight Doug: l...let's da...nce. Knight Doug ch uc kle s Knight Doug: aren't yo...u.... funny?
DS Timcanpi something a bit off about that one, but he's not going to move from his spot it's nice and warm for now.
Witch Junior grins a bit and hums, stepping off to the side. Is that a dead little princess revealed right behind where he was standing, bleeding everywhere? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who can say where she came from~
Witch Junior: As a matter of fact I am...
Knight Doug stares Knight Doug looks at junior, vision darkening
Witch Junior: No. Scratch that. I'm hilarious~
Witch Lavi pets the little dragon, watching the show.
Knight Doug: wha...t kind of... sick joke is this....?
Witch Junior feigns surprise Witch Junior: You said you wanted funny?
DS Timcanpi cue another face kiss to the hand, curls up into a dragon ball head poking out like a snakes as his tails hang off the back of Lavi's shoulder.
Knight Doug stumbles towards him, weakly swinging the pike at junior
Horse Crown Clown neighs impatiently in the background before catching itself and dropping its head to try to hide behind a bush.
Knight Doug pa nts, dropping the pike and gripping his shoulder
Witch Junior dances out of the way nimbly before casually inspecting his nails and humming, still holding his branch and twirling it Witch Junior: Tough crowd... and here I thought that one would be a real show-stopper. My apologies.
Witch Lavi hums fondly at the little dragon, keeping an eye on things still.
Witch Junior casually walks over and stabs the branch through the illusion, "killing" collete again Witch Junior: I guess that joke's dead...
Knight Doug: libera... me... de ignem....
Witch Lavi snorts.
Knight Doug h is s e s Knight Doug is shaking and just. stares Knight Doug: please stop.
Witch Junior: Stop what? Witch Junior feigns innocence
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails a bit at the display, tilting his head a tiny bit to the side.
Witch Junior: This? Witch Junior stabs the illusion again Witch Junior this time it screams
Knight Doug: what you're... Knight Doug fl inches Knight Doug: stop...
Witch Junior lifts his pointy branch up and points it at Doug Witch Junior: Make me.
Witch Lavi eats some jerky, sharing it with the little dragon too.
Witch Junior: [Doug voice] "I'll get you and your little dragon too" kek }
Knight Doug: ;; p mU CH
DS Timcanpi: ( Lmao )
Witch Lavi: || LOL
DS Timcanpi nibbles on the jerky that was offered to him, coils up with it happily.
Knight Doug pi cks up the pike again and tries to drive it through junior's shoulder, breathing heavily as his vision continues to darken
Witch Lavi mentally diverts the pike from his brother, no no, sir knight.
Witch Junior twirls and dances away, jingle jangling all the way
Knight Doug f alls forward and pa nt s
Witch Junior awws Witch Junior: Done already? How sad.
Knight Doug tr ies to push himself up, growling
Witch Lavi: I did make him lose a lot of blood. He's gonna run out of it eventually.
Witch Junior: ...true...
Witch Lavi: I could always just Witch Lavi snaps his fingers as a way to say 'set him on fire'
Witch Junior getting tired of sitting on the sidelines?
Knight Doug is shaking so much tho before he just. falls to the ground Knight Doug is out
Witch Junior: ...oh... now he's suddenly looking very hot Witch Junior .... and down he go
DS Timcanpi huffs out a small fire ember just to slightly cook the jerky in his claw-paws.
Witch Junior goodbye sir knight
Witch Bookman joined the chat Witch Bookman: haven't you had enough fun for today?
Witch Lavi: Gramps!
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman: that's enough.
Witch Lavi turns to look at the old man with a grin
Witch Junior: When have we ever had enough fun?
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman looks at the knight on the ground Witch Bookman takes a deep breath
Witch Lavi: Heh, alright. I'll head back~
Witch Bookman: which one of you killed him? Witch Bookman: no. Witch Bookman: stay.
Witch Junior: ....uh Witch Junior: not me.
Witch Lavi: Hm Witch Lavi: He died of blood loss Witch Lavi: So neither of us.
DS Timcanpi Oh look it's the old man Cross knows about! Time to flutter to him.
Witch Bookman: ...hm
Horse Crown Clown walks on over to Doug
Witch Bookman: fine.
Witch Junior is gonna just creep after Lavi's heels
Witch Bookman: we can't just leave him here. Witch Bookman: junior.
Witch Lavi: You sure I can't fry him?
Witch Junior freezes and gives Bookman a pout Witch Junior: Yea?
Witch Bookman: get the... whatever he is. Witch Bookman: we'll bury him at home.
Witch Junior: ...I guess
Witch Lavi: Ew. Can't we just give him to the Kelpie
DS Timcanpi lands on the knights back and paws a little at him.
Horse Crown Clown come onnnn pleeeassse Horse Crown Clown just give him to meeeee
Witch Bookman: no. we're not giving him to the kelpie.
Horse Crown Clown puppy horse eyes
Witch Bookman: and if he's alive....
Witch Junior: puppy horse eyes }
Witch Bookman looks at him Witch Bookman: ...we'll figure something out.
Witch Lavi: Whatever, gramps. I'm goin' home.
Witch Junior: If he's alive, he'll want us dead...
Witch Lavi leaves.
Witch Bookman: not if we erase his memory somehow. Witch Bookman si g h s
DS Timcanpi squeaks a few times he can tell this man is alive, just passed out cold PAWS MORE INTENSELY.
Witch Junior: ...again, I guess Witch Junior unhappy witch bro noises Witch Junior: ...can I go now? Witch Junior hopeful look
Witch Bookman: carry him. Witch Bookman: i can't. Witch Bookman turns and starts walking
Horse Crown Clown lowers head in unhappiness, it's so hungry... Horse Crown Clown I'll carry him
Knight Doug d e d but not really
Witch Junior and if you listen not at all closely you'll hear a really loud U G H
Witch Bookman hums,,
Witch Junior pushes the probably dead anyway knight over and unlatches some of his armor cuz he ain't carrying all that weight no sir
DS Timcanpi flys off the knight and lands in Junior's hair to get out of the way.
Knight Doug groans softly, flinching and twitching
Witch Junior also he's going to use a little fire to cauterize those wounds b/c he doesn't want to be bled all over RIP if ur still at all conscious
DS Timcanpi: ( You could say Doug is smokin hot )
Knight Doug rIP Knight Doug: ;; lAUGHS
Witch Junior: feelin' Hot Hot Hot }
DS Timcanpi: ( He's burning up )
Witch Junior aaand up he go because APPARENTLY they can't just let the idiot die noooo they gotta save him or bury him or some shit instead of just give it to the KELPIE
DS Timcanpi Oh setting the knight on fire he can help! You knwo for such a small dragon that's quite the plume of burst fire he just breathed at Doug.
Witch Bookman: ...the knight's name. Witch Bookman: it's douglas.
Witch Junior ....kinda glances back at the Kelpie... if ur real quick to eat him up maybe you could have a meat snack after all...
Witch Bookman hums,,,,,
Witch Junior: And y'know that becaaauussse?
Witch Bookman: don't ask questions.
Witch Junior: ....but that's all I ever do
Witch Bookman glances back at him with a sharp glare
Witch Junior kinda inching over to the Kelpie like HEY THERE buddy you want a snack?
DS Timcanpi squeaks in Bookman's direction.
Witch Bookman: i just know.
Knight Doug bitch, don't you dare feed me to that kelpie
Horse Crown Clown oh hell ye just put him on it's back!!!
Witch Junior : >
Horse Crown Clown kneels on the ground and everything, come on
Witch Junior Bookman's not watching right?
Witch Bookman: junior. Witch Bookman i'M WATCHING
Witch Junior: ...... Witch Junior: yeah...?
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails as if snickering.
Witch Junior innocent look Witch Junior: Did'ja need something?
Witch Bookman narrows his eyes Witch Bookman: ...in front. now.
Witch Junior sweats Witch Junior: ...fine. Fine...
Horse Crown Clown innocent horse blinks
Witch Junior real quick not-so-stealthy whisper at the Kelpie Witch Junior: Come by my place later
Witch Bookman: as soon as we're home, i'll wipe his memory of everything he's ever known.
Witch Junior aaaand he's following Bookman like a Good Little Witch yep
Witch Bookman: besides his name.
Witch Junior: If that's what ya want ta do~
Horse Crown Clown snorts, you got it.
Witch Bookman: ...and he'll be our servant
Witch Junior: .......... Witch Junior: so.... Witch Junior: I'll have someone that does anything I want 'em to?
Witch Bookman nods slowly
DS Timcanpi he's just going to brush out Junior's hair with those claw-paws carefully, trough he does drop a tail in the witches face in the process.
Witch Junior oh the possibilities Witch Junior blows that tail out of his face Witch Junior follows along behind Bookman towards home
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