#I genuinely have no clue
athena-xox · 4 months
When are y’all gonna get on the good king x cook agenda
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you follow multiple of my sideblogs that are not at all related To one another it is quite interesting to me
But it makes sense now because i know haveyoueverconsideredpiracy (as in they are mutuals with my moots)
wait i do? which ones and who are you
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xx-alexorex-xx · 1 year
you know its gotten bad when you take random pills and melatonin before you sleep in hopes of not waking up.
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bumble-the-sun-bee · 3 days
how??? How do you get so many people liking your art and making fanart of it??? Give me your wisdom!!! Give me your talent!!! Please as A SMALL ARTIST I NEED IT!
I dunno :,)
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sillylittleraccoon · 5 months
ive never had beef jerky- is it yummy ? :P
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devildevotee · 6 months
i want to study demonology, paranormal phenomena, parapsychology etc because research is the only thing my family would allow me to do publicly as well as it interests me always always always buuuuuut
what if walked into class & said "hello i'm a satanist" & they side eyed me. what would i even do. how do i even begin to express that demon is not bad to me, but instead demon is my friend? do i just. ignore and study anyway?
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thebluebafoon · 1 year
How the hell do you pronounce his name🔥🔥🔥
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mariathechosen1 · 9 months
Merry Christmas to those of us who celebrate on the 24th instead of the 25th!
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Okay, everyone please answer what you think is Beniko's dream for the future. The wackier their answers the better.
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stunie · 2 months
Out of curiosity, is there any particular type of AU (Royal, coffee shop, urban fantasy, etc) that you've always really enjoyed? And have you written for it at all?
HIII MISSFOXXX omg i have no idea if i have written any au i am ngl >: if i did it would have been 100% accidental !! i don’t have any creativity in that area aaaaa 😭
however !!! i love love love um . coffee shop au . so cute . anything cute like that i love !!! but i’ll read pretty much anything ehehe
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kikikakapo · 3 months
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Found this in my drafts
what the hell did this mean past me
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spneveryseason · 2 years
Hey who came up with the term web weaving for this genre of post. Is it an spn fandom exclusive or is it general use do we know
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xifopendra · 2 years
So I revisited the notebook in which I plot my stories and on the "So please just fall in love with me this Christmas" part I wrote a random sentece that said "Desire has to appear somewhere. I don't know where but I love them too much not to give them their moment" that I forgot completely about. And now I have to reorganise the whole plot to fit them in because of course I would do anything for them.
Also, next chapter will probably be up this weekend since I finally got my life back.
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wewontbesleeping · 1 year
I hate peer review so much. if I knew how to make your paper better, mine wouldn’t suck so much ass!
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foolish-fitz · 1 year
not my dumb ass still not knowing if it's implied that Wintrow and Etta are together together or if they're just co-parenting Kennit's child. please I just need an answer 😭
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radiantruffian · 2 years
Hey, how did we get a photo of the milky way galaxy? Isn't it like a kajillion light-years wide? I know we didn't send a satellite to the edge of the galaxy so it could take a photo and send it back to us because as far as I know
A) there's no way it managed to get there in under a thousand years
B) even if it managed to there's no way the signal from that satellite got back to earth in one piece and
C) how did we get a photo of the milky way?
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