#I gasped when I saw the mountains lol
lionfloss · 2 years
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by avdidit
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resi4skz · 5 months
Title: Breakfast & Pancakes
Pairing: Chan x chubbyReader
Words: ~3k+
Warnings: slight nsfw, slight fluff, kitchen s*x
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Placing the last plate on the table and arranged the flowers in the vase, I stand back to review my work. Will she like this? Satisfied, I walk into my room when I'm struck by the beauty sleeping on my bed. God, I want to take this picture and forever carve it in my mind. It had been 6 months into our relationship and last night, I made her mine. Officially anyway.
I take a few steps closer and stop just as she turns in her sleep, exposing her pretty face to me. My eyes travel down to her arm and hand. Smiling, I gently grab it and start drawing small circles on the back of her hand. It makes her stir in her sleep but opens her eyes and gives me a sleepy smile. "Morning."
"Morning baby," I say as I lean down, planting a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well?"
She nods her head, smiling. "Yes."
When she's a bit more awake, I lead her to the dining table. She gasps and blinks at me. "Channie, did you make all this?!"
I chuckled, pinching her cheek. "Yes. Now come. Let's eat."
We eat in peace. But mostly, it was me watching her eat as her eyes sparkled when she saw her favorite breakfast. Pancakes. She told me they were the best pancakes she's had. We talked about our work and friends, you know the usual. And when it came to clean up, she stood up with her hand waving at me as if to dismiss it.
"You cooked. I clean."
I'm absolutely entirely and over the mountains and hills full time fucked.
Each day she gives me a reason to fall for her more and more. I sit back and watch her start to wash the dishes while humming a song.
God. If time were to stop now, I wouldn't even complain.
Standing up, I slowly walk over to her till I'm standing behind her. I give her a look from head to toe, stopping at her mid-riff. I inwardly groan as I make my presence known because she freezes mid-wash and stops singing. "Channie?"
I hum in response as I move closer and change the position of her hair, completely moving to the left side. Next, my lips attach to her shoulder then her neck as I feel her shiver. "You know you're mine, right?" I whisper-ask.
She nods, letting out a whimper.
"Use your words, babygirl."
"Good," I lean over her ear. "You're fucking mine."
"Channie, why do you find me attr- ah!" She yelps when I smack her plump ass cheek.
"Baby, you don't know what you do to me. What these," I grab her ass and squeeze. "What these do to me, fuck, you're perfect."
"But I'm fat."
I stop everything and she whimpers at the loss of my touch. But I place my hands on her hips and buck my hips against her ass, letting her feel the evidence. "This, this is your fault. Feel what you do to me. I'll fuck this, YOU, everyday if I have to so you know you're beautiful."
"Channie," she moans.
"I'll remind you every day and night, that you're the only one that makes me crazy for you," I frantically lower her panties and find her ready for me. "Fuck, baby. You're so good to me."
Then she turns the tap off and turns around. I blink down at her as she jumps, my arms going around her curvy thighs and hips curving around her ass. "Chris."
I groan as I clear off the kitchen island before setting her on top of it. I waste no time as I dive right for her lips. Taking off my sweats, I settle between her legs. Fuck, my cock was hard and leaking. I pepper kiss my way down to her chest when I push in making her silently cry out in pleasure.
That day, I showed her just how much she meant to me, how much her curves made me feral. I couldn't get enough. I don't think I will ever get enough of her. Because she's mine.
"You're mine," I whisper, kissing the back of her head before wrapping my arm around her, spooning her from behind under the blankets as we soon fell into a deep slumber.
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A/N: a little drabble but i hope it's okay? Lol enjoy ^_^
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Wood You Be Mine?
Pairing: Lumberjack!Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 2,667
Summary: Your work and Grandmother bring you away from the city and into the mountains and you find more than just some peace and quiet.
Author's Note: I'm really enjoying these AU's with Joel! Been fun to explore and he wears enough flannels LOL Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: it's fun and flirty and reader is sassy and Joel is grumpy and it's fluffy and soft too!
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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After several miles of driving along a bumpy dirt road, the cabin appears. A puffing chimney tops a two-story log house, and red checkerboard curtains line the windows. You park your car in front of the porch. The only other vehicle you see on the property is an old blue pickup truck.
When you step out of the car, a rhythmic pounding echoes from the backyard, somehow in tune with the abundance of sounds from the surrounding woods.
You sneak around the side of the porch hoping to catch a glimpse of your newest client. He’d reluctantly agreed to have his cabin featured in your magazine but only because the story was about eco friendly homes built by their owners.
You round the corner of the house and stop dead in your tracks. You had no idea what the man looked like from the front, but from the back…well you liked what you saw.
His strong arms raise an axe high above his head, then crush it down on a log propped on another stump. The corded muscles of his forearms flex with every movement and his biceps are barely contained by the rolled-up sleeves of his flannel.
Faded and worn blue jeans hug his ass and thick thighs and a pair of scuffed up work boots complete the ensemble. A real-life lumberjack.
He stops momentarily, leaning over to grab a rag, and wipes the handle of the axe. He swings the axe again, splitting the log in front of him, and the two half pieces tumble to the ground.
Whatever noise of appreciation comes out of your mouth was not meant for his ears but suddenly, his head whips around and he levels you with an aggravated glare.
He drops the axe to the ground and stalks over to where you stand, his dark brown eyes narrowed and his soft lips tight with his gritted teeth.
“Can I help you with somethin’? Since you’re trespassin’?” he rumbles.
His eyes rake over you and he glances toward the sky.
“From the city?”
You bristle. “Yeah, and what’s it to ya?”
He snorts. “Those boots look real practical darlin.’ I’m sure they’ll come in handy for the next snow storm.”
You look down at your heeled feet. “We plow snow in the city. Super convenient. You know since people like to get a life. Do things. Instead of hiding away in the mountains.”
He raises a bushy eyebrow. “Uh huh. Well, good for you. Any reason why you’re interrupting me.”
“Just here to take the pictures for Mountain Living magazine.”
You rummage through your bag and pull out some papers, passing them his way. You can’t help but notice how his hands dwarf them.
“So you’re the photographer.”
“Yep,” you answer, popping the p and giving him your name.
“Joel Miller,” he grunts and stands to his full height, crossing his thick arms over his broad chest.
You smile brightly and bat your lashes.
He scowls.
“Let’s go inside so you can take your pictures. And then you can get back to your fancy city life.”
You follow him inside, careful to avoid the mud puddles. A loud, keening screech shatters the silence and you yelp in surprise. You slide in your boots and bump into Joel, grabbing his thick bicep for safety.
A huge bird swoops by and lands on a nearby tree branch, ruffling it’s feathers and eyeballing you. Your fingers flex on his muscle and you gasp.
“What is that? It looks like a dinosaur! Is it going to eat us?”
“It’s just a hawk darlin’,” he answers with a shake of his head. “Shit, don’t they have any birds in the city?”
“I mean sure,” you begin, “but they are small and hop around a lot.”
He stares at you, unmoving. “Well, you’re not in any danger. Unless it decides to take a shit on your head.”
He says it without cracking a smile.
“Aren’t you hilarious,” you scoff with a roll of your eyes.
“Why exactly are you up here in the wilderness?” he asks. “You don’t seem too excited about it.”
“Other than work…I’m visiting my grandmother. She lives up here and I’m staying with her for the next month. Getting some fresh air and all that.”
“Just as you step up onto the porch you hear a whining noise. A fluffy yellow lab ambles over and sits on your boot, wagging it’s tail and looking up at you with big brown eyes.
“Who’s this?” you ask as you lean down to pet the dog.
“That’s Winston.”
“He’s a lab right?”
You cough to hide your laugh. “He’s very cute but I thought it was mandatory for all people living here to have some huge breed like a Pyrenees or Saint Bernard.”
“Does your grandmother have some giant dog?” he asks.
“Two Swiss Mountain dogs actually. Bert and Ernie.”
He surprises you with a huge smile. His whole face lit up, his eyes even crinkling at the corners.
“Nice names. I like your grandmother.”
“She’s the best. Even if she worries too much about me. She wants me to move out of the city and come up here for the cleaner air!”
He opens the front door and ushers you inside. “She has a point. It’s much healthier here.”
“And boring-er.”
The door bangs shut behind him.
“That’s not a word.”
“It should be. At least up here.”
He doesn’t look amused and instead walks over to small desk in the corner and shuffles some papers.
You take a look around and blink in surprise. It’s gorgeous. The granite fireplace is surrounded by hand-made wooden furniture and the high ceilings and large windows create a rustic and beautiful scene.
“You look shocked,” he chuckles from behind you.
“Oh,” you startle. “It’s just…it’s so beautiful. How did you do all this?”
He smiles again. “It took a lot of time and sawdust.”
You walk around, running your fingertips over the curves of the furniture and firing off the names of all the different woods it’s made of.
“How do you know so much about that?”
“I’ve taken enough pictures of furniture and asked enough questions to know most types of wood,” you explain.
“Well, now, isn’t that funny. City girls knows all about timber but is scared of the outdoors.”
“I never said that!” you grumble.
“I could see it all over your face when the hawk flew by! You look around like somethin’s gonna jump out and eat ya!”
You narrow your eyes and step closer to him. “That’s just not true. I’m not scared of the woods…I’m simply afraid of…of…certain large mammals that might enjoy life in the woods…you know rubbing up against trees, eating berries and honey and maybe an occasional human!”
“What in the world…?” Joel smirks.
“I’m afraid of bears!” you say as you sit on his couch and slump back.
He tries to stifle a laugh. “I’m guessin’ there’s a story hiding somewhere darlin’.”
“I’m guessing my grandmother is expecting me for dinner. I better get started on the pictures so I’m not late.”
You shuffle with your camera equipment until you’re satisfied then start snapping shots. You’re in the zone and hardly feel Joel’s eyes on you as you work. When you’re done you pack up and hold out your hand to him.
“It was nice to meet you Joel.”
Your hand is engulfed by warm, rough skin and so much strength. You peer up into his face and expect a snarky smile but instead you gasp softly at the winded look you find. He blinks slowly and he tightens his grip before tugging on your hand.
Your boots slide across the hard wood floor until your inches away from him and his gaze drops to your mouth.
Your knees buckle when Winston slams against your legs and wiggles his body between the two of you.
Joel sighs. “Damn dog.” But he leans down and affectionately rubs behind his ears.
Winston sits on your feet and presses his body weight against you, relishing the ear rubs.
“Winston,” you coo as you join in.
“Sorry about him. He’s a big fan of affection.”
You clear your throat. “Isn’t everyone?”
His eyes level with yours and you get caught in his gaze, a warmth spreading along your skin.
“I better get going. I’ll be sure to e-mail you the proofs of the pictures so you can be part of the selecting process.”
You fly out of the house and into the car, tearing down the dirt road then peeking in your rear-view mirror to see Joel standing out on his porch.
“I need a drink,” you mumble before turning toward the small town.
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Joel runs a hand through his already disheveled hair after he pulls into the parking lot of the general store in town.
He knows a hot cup of coffee will help and one of those muffins that the owner’s wife bakes.
The general store has it all…coffee, muffins, dog biscuits, a new axe…and you.
There you are, smack dab in the middle of the aisle stocked with wine. You grab a bottle and round the corner toward the register.
The owner, Mark, chats you up as you check out.
“Celebrating something tonight miss?” Mark asks.
“Actually no, just visiting with my grandma but I needed a drink,” you explain to Mark.
“Not sure that’s somethin’ your grandma should be drinkin’.”
At the sound of that familiar deep voice you grit your teeth and turn to face him.
The look of indignation on your face almost makes Joel laugh, the corners of his mouth twitching with his suppression.
“Grandma loves her wine Mr. Miller. And she’s old enough to enjoy it!”
Joel can’t hold back any longer and lets out a bark of laughter.
“What’s so funny?”
He steps closer and gives you a once-over before taking a sip of his coffee and raising an eyebrow.
You want to stomp your feet. “I’m surprised you even have wine in this town!”
“It’s not the middle of nowhere. We have electricity, indoor plumbing and the internet! It’s all very modern.”
“Oh yeah sure it is,” you tease. “That explains the jars of penny candy then! And if that’s what you call coffee…well…”
You look to Mark standing at the cash register, “no offense Mark.”
“None taken,” the old man says kindly, amusement dancing in his eyes.
“Thank you Mark. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go enjoy this with my grandmother!”
You grab your bag of wine and march out the door, this time feeling the heat of Joel’s stare at your back.
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“Is there anywhere else you want to go before we head back Grandma?”
She smiles and asks you to take her to the general store to visit Mark and get some coffee, telling you it’s been ages since she’s been in to see him.
“Sure Grandma. I’d get coffee too but I think I’ll pass…”
Your Grandma chuckles and pats your knee, still smiling.
As you walk around the store and listen to your Grandma talking with Mark you can’t help it as your thoughts wander back to Joel and the undeniable heat you feel whenever you’re near him. When you make it to the register your Grandma and Mark are talking in hushed voices, glancing your way and looking suspicious as you get closer.
“What’s going on?”
Your Grandma looks at you knowingly. “Mark here was just telling me that you took the pictures of Joel’s cabin for your magazine.”
Your eyebrows come together. “But how did he know that?”
“Joel told me,” Mark explains. “Said you took fantastic pictures. Really captured the heart and soul of his place.”
You smile at that and your Grandma’s face brightens.
“He’s a good man. A bit gruff, but good. Better than most actually.”
You look at your Grandma, letting her words sink in as you become more confused. “You know Joel?”
“Everyone knows everyone ‘round here baby,” your Grandma says. “And when I tell you Joel’s one of the good ones you best believe it.”
“Why should it matter to me?” you ask as realization dawns on you.
Your Grandma and Mark share an entertained expression.
“OH NO!” you say, far too loudly. “No way! There is no way in hell I’m getting involved with a big, cranky, grumpy, Lab-owning, house building, bearded lumberjack who lives in the middle of nowhere!”
Both your Grandma and Mark smirk and glance over your shoulder.
“Hi Joel,” Mark says. Good to see you again.”
You narrow your eyes at Mark. “Funny. You expect me to believe that he’s standing behind me?” Just how naïve do you think I am!”
A low rumble in your ear raises every hair on your body.
You turn until Joel’s face comes into view, his beard, complete with patches of gray, only inches from your lips.
“For the record, I’m only grumpy when people trespass on my property.”
He smiles and places some dog biscuits down on the counter before walking off down another aisle.
Your Grandma cackles. “Oh he definitely likes you.”
Mark nods enthusiastically in agreement before you look between them both and stomp off in a different direction.
Unfortunately that direction takes you smack into the hard chest of your grumpy lumberjack.
“Oof,” you mutter, closing your eyes when his strong hands close around your waist.
“You ok darlin’? You were comin’ round that corner so fast I didn’t have time to move. Sorry.”
“I’m fine,” you whisper, slowly opening your eyes until your vision is filled with the soft brown color of his.
“And by the way,” he continues. “I might be slightly grumpy, a lab-owner and a builder but I ain’t no lumberjack.”
“Really,” you muse, still standing close enough that you can feel his chest brush yours with his inhale. “Let’s see,” you point at his flannel shirt. “Plaid shirt. Check! Axe? Saw you use one of those! Check! Beard,” and you glance at his chin, your fingers slowly lifting until your brush them over his cheek.
“Check.” The last one comes out breathy and light.
Joel chuckles, dipping his head until his warm breath fans your cheek and his lips brush the shell of your ear.
“What do you say to lettin’ me take ya out for a bite to eat? There’s a local dive that makes decent food and I think they even have wine.”
You pause, trying to steady your shallow breathing.
“Well, I guess that might be okay. Considering there’s wine…and Grandma says the college boys are really cute here in town.”
Joel frowns. “College boys? I don’t think college boys would know how to satisfy a sophisticated city woman like you.”
He strokes his callused fingers over your soft jaw. “I think you might need a real man for the job.”
You still beneath his touch, then let out a slow breath.
“What makes you think I’m looking for a real man? Maybe I’ve sworn off all men for a while.”
“I don’t think you have any idea what a real man can do for you darlin’.”
Your eyes linger on his mouth and he clears his throat, but his voice still comes out gravelly and strained.
“Lumberjack men don’t fool around. What you see is what you get. And when we see what we want…”
He stares at your lips, pouting and inviting. “We take it.”
Your lips part on a breathy gasp before you recover and sass him with, “but you said it yourself, you’re no lumberjack.”
He just smiles and waits, softly tracing the outline of your jaw.
You run your tongue over your lips and stare at him.
“Okay. You can take me out.”
He grabs your hand and turns on his heel, pulling you right past the register and out the door.
(Don’t worry, Grandma got a ride home and is safe and sound- neither Joel nor our reader would never leave her hanging).
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@pedritosdarling @lorilane33 @hiddles-rose @blackwidownat2814 @justkinsey @littleseasiren @laineyreads @beccablogsthings @kmc1989 @hallecarey1
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uwukillmenowowo · 25 days
Hi! I saw that you wrote Cookie Run Kingdom and I LOVED the story Curiosity! When you have time, maybe you can continue it? And take your time, no need to rush! ✨✨💙🩵💙🩵:3
(ง╥̃ ⏥╥̃)ง
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Curiosity Pt. 2
(Parent! Elder Fairie Cookie X Reader X Parental! Beast Cookies)
(Slight White Lily X Reader)
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Reader will be Non-binary
After the battle, you started questioning not only yourself. But your father too
I kinda didn't know what I was doing here so sorry if it's short lol
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How did the beasts know you? Did your father know? how come you didn't? Why can't you remember what happened during your childhood?
{Second POV}
You were extremely happy for White Lily when your father threw a celebration party for her. The other Faeries who didn't accept her before, accepted her now. Her party so far was going great.
But after the first three months you started feeling... off...
This wasn't like the other times. Normally you would be by either your father's side or the side of whoever the party was for.
But after the battle, you just couldn't shake that strange feeling of remembrance. You don't remember ever meeting the beasts. So how they know your name is.... quite concerning.
Did your father know about this? What about the other Faerie Cookies?
Going off on your own, you walked and walked until you were at the entrance of the kingdom. You knew that leaving a party without telling anyone is disrespectful but you just need the alone time.
Walking out of the kingdom, you made your way a bit further from the kingdom. You just couldn't shake your thoughts off the fight.
The beasts knew your name and said that your voice was familiar. How they knew you, you have no clue. You were scared, nervous, concerned.
Too many emotions at once.
You walked and walked until you made it to the 'Misty Peaks' as your Father called it. He said that it used to be the home of one of the beasts before they perished.
You used to come here a lot as a kid. The height of the peaks granted me a full view of the kingdom, but since it was normally pretty far, you would only come here once every now and again.
You made it to the top of the peaks and took a seat. Taking a breath of the high altitude air, you started to feel at peace.
Yet at the same time... A hint of familiarity... You've never felt this the last time you were here. So what's different..?
You felt a chill run down your spine as you looked around. Only to see no one there. You tried to go back down, but suddenly, you found yourself surrounded by mist. You panicked and tried to run downwards, but it only ended up with you tripping and falling the rest of the way down the mountain.
Meanwhile, from behind her seal, the former Wheat Cookie of Volition tisked in frustration. She was saving the power (Unlike Shadow Milk Cookie) that slowly seeped out for that moment. Now it was wasted.
Back to you, who groaned heavily. Your dough landed on a sharp crystal rock and now you started bleeding. You gasped in pain before you started to use your magic to heal yourself.
Yes, you knew magic. One time you fell into the river when trying to look at the pixies, you scrapped your knee on the riverbed and your father was worried sick. He made you learn healing magic so that you don't have to endue pain for so long.
Slowly, you felt your dough getting better and crispier. You sighed in relief and started to head home.
When you got back, you saw that everyone was just as lively for White Lily's party as when you left. No one had practically realized that you had left in the first place.
All excpet one.
You were hanging by the silver tree, gazing at it and the vines that blocked the seal. "[Reader] Cookie? Is everything okay?" You flinched and turned around. "W-White Lily Cookie! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be partying?" "Eheh~ I could say the same to you" White Lily giggled and you could feel your dough warming up.
"So... what's up?" You asked, rubbing the back of your neck. "Well. Everyone is warming up to me now. But it's already been a few months. I'm kind of shocked that parties last so long." White Lily stood by my side as we both gazed downwards into the clear river below. "Yeah. We do love our parties." I chuckled.
White Lily and I then just started to talk about the party and how we were getting tired of the loudness.
'Perhaps it was better to ignore that for now. The party is for White Lily.' You thought ignorantly as continued to talk with the cookie beside you.
Meanwhile, the beasts from beyond the seal glared at White Lily Cookie. Ignorance may be bliss but this was unprecedented. Especially for you.
The beasts glared harder at White Lily Cookie. They needed to get you away from her. So that you can remember your life with them. You don't belong with them! You're one of the beasts! it's no fair that those... faeries... can keep al of you to themselves.
They lost you once.
They won't lose you again...
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My train of thought went "Bye Bye" Mario style
Soo I'm kinda just not- feeling the motivation rn
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
omg, can I request number 13 with sebek please?????
I did it anon! I wrote this! The ending could be better but I think this turned out good. This prompt really fit Sebek too lol
Prompt: 13. We make contact before trying to steal the last seat on the subway/bus/train and I end up in your lap and fuck you, I’m going to stay here because I’ve had a really long day and this seat was mine
Note: Modern au and aged up characters
Word Count: 1691
Warnings: not beta read, possible OOC characters (Sebek is an asshole at first), and an attempt at writing subways (I based it off NYC)
500 Follower Event
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Yuu was having a not-so-good, horrible, very bad day.
It had all started when she had slept past her alarm and woke up to Grim, the recent cat she adopted, making her sofa a scratching post. Then, after running out of her house with a white blouse, a skirt, heels, and a cup of coffee in her hand, she magically ran into someone, spilling coffee on her clothes. 
The person apologized, but Yuu wanted to scream. She only had 5 minutes left until her shift at the office started, and she did not want her boss or coworkers to get on her about it. 
(There was a redhead in the IT department who was strict and infamous for lecturing a coworker who was late by two seconds). 
It was a stroke of luck that Yuu made it on time. Everyone was too busy to notice her arrival except for Vil, who gasped at Yuu's current state. Luckily for her, he had a blouse and a skirt that he lent her (but not before giving her a lecture about her appearance). 
The rest of her shift was boring after that. Yuu quietly sat in her cubicle while the chaos happened around her. It was a typical day, to say the least, until her boss, Dire Crowley, showed up with a mountain of paperwork and wanted it done by the end of the day because he was oh-so kind. It reminded her of the infamous trio in Accounting and Finance, who she was 100% certain were in the mafia. And so, Yuu left her job with a massive headache, a plastic bag with the company label of her soiled clothes, and a list of how to get revenge on her boss. The poor girl was working like Cinderella, and she only wanted to sleep while cuddling Grim.
Yuu made her way toward the train station and mindlessly went to her stop. Yuu could not hold back her yawn as the subway appeared. She tiredly followed behind the crowd into the train, letting her feet guide her inside. It was partially full, and luckily, only a few people entered with her. Her eyes landed on the spot near the door, perfect for her to sit and decompress. 
Yuu only took two steps towards the seat when suddenly, a man with slicked back light green hair, yellow-green eyes, and the strangest green and black outfit she had seen sat down in HER seat. Now slightly awake but more annoyed, Yuu marched toward him. 
"Excuse me, sir. That is my seat."
The man looked her up and down at her appearance, and his lips curled up in disgust like she offended him. "It is clear that I saw this seat and sat down first. Therefore, it is my seat."
Yuu huffed and wanted to say some not-so-nice words to him, but some children were around her. She chose to look down at his stupid-colored eyes with determination. "Look, mister. Don't you know the saying 'ladies first?'"
The man scoffed, "Of course I do. Do you think I was raised like a barbarian?" He said and eyed the plastic bag in her hands. "Unlike some people. Besides, I must be in top shape after spending all day protecting my Master."
Yuu stared at him like he was a crazy person. "You- jjsndgondvisjdf" She could not form words and chose to say sounds instead. One parent covered her child's ears. 
"Do you not know who I am?"
Yuu stopped her rambling and looked at him. "I don't know and I don't care. If you don't move, then I have no choice."
The man's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you? HEY!" He yelled, causing some people nearby to silence him. Meanwhile, the girl on his lap made herself comfortable. "What are you doing?"
"Sitting," She said like it was obvious. She turned her head to look into his eyes; a frown etched on her face. "Look, I had a tiring day today too, but I need to sit down after a long day at work."
The man blushed at the close proximity and looked away. His face was slightly red, and a pang of guilt filled his chest. "I'm sorry for being rude to you. I was unaware."
Yuu waved him off, "It's alright. You didn't know." She suddenly yawned and rested her head against his chest. She could feel how fast his heartbeat was going but was too exhausted to ask why. She felt like she was covered in a blanket. "You can just chill until it’s your stop. I'll get up when it is my stop."
The man looked at her curiously, "Where is your stop?"
Yuu yawned again. Her eyes felt heavy. "Ramshackle Street," she replied, her eyes getting starting to close. "You are so warm and comfortable," she said absentmindedly, wrapping her arms around his torso. 
"Hey! What are you?" Sebek stopped talking and stared at Yuu's sleeping face. He moved his arm to shake her awake but stopped. He could see how exhausted she was by looking at the eye bags under her eyes and how she managed to sleep so quickly. It reminded him of Silver, but slower by two seconds.
Speaking of, Sebek's suddenly rang, and his friend's name was on the caller ID. 
"Ah! Sebek! There you are! We were looking for you. Where are you right now?" His other Master and Silver's adoptive father, Lilia's voice, replied. "My phone died, so I must use Silver's khee hee."
"Father, that's because you misplaced your charger." Silver's voice called out. 
Lilia laughed. “Silly me!”
Sebek rolled his eyes, “Is the Young Master safe?” 
Lilia huffed. “Malleus is next to me, eating some ice cream. You know how he is, but we have a more important matter to discuss. Where are you now? The city must be so big for you to accidentally wander off."
Sebek sighed. He should have been more diligent and kept sight of Malleus (the tallest person he knew) or Lilia, but he didn’t. And now he was stuck on a train with a random girl sleeping on his lap. 
It was like the girl knew he was thinking about her because she mumbled something about 'that damn Crowley' and was loud enough to be heard by Lilia.
"What was that?"
Sebek scrambled to say something, "I apologize, Master Lilia! I am taking a train that will stop in the Diasomnia area, but I might be delayed. You see, there is this girl-"
"A GIRL?!?" Lilia exclaimed, "Why didn't you say that earlier? Is she your girlfriend? Did you meet online and finally get to meet in person? Am I finally getting grandchildren???"
Sebek could tell that Silver was rolling his eyes at the last part. "No, Master Lilia. She was exhausted from her work and ran into me on the subway. She is taking a nap right now."
"Oh, crumbs," Lilia sighed dramatically. "I thought I would finally experience what it is like being a grandpa. You know I am not getting any younger."
"We know." Silver and Sebek said at the same time. 
"Well, make sure that the girl gets home safely, Sebek. Do you know where her stop is?"
"Ramshackle Street."
"Perfect!" Lilia exclaimed. "It is actually nearby Diasomnia, so we can meet you there. Malleus has always wanted to explore it anyways. It is known for its historic mansions, you know. Make sure to send your location or call Silver so we can find you."
Sebek nodded and adjusted Yuu by securely wrapping an arm around her so she did not fall off his lap. "Understood. It should be one of the upcoming stops, so I should be there soon."
"Good. See you soon, Sebek!" Lilia said and hung up. Sebek pocketed his phone and looked down at the sleeping Yuu. She looked peaceful, and she was breathing quietly. However, she did look cold, and her thin long sleeve did not look like it was enough. Sebek took off his coat, leaving him in his white shirt and tie (it surprised him just how he did it, given the complex design), and wrapped it around Yuu's body. He wrapped his arms protectively around her again and sighed. 
"Next stop is Ramshackle Station. Stand clear of the closed doors, please," the intercom's voice called out. 
Sebek gently shook Yuu's shoulder. "Hey, you need to wake up. Your stop is coming up."
Yuu slowly opened her eyes and looked around her surroundings. "Huh?" Her eyes landed on Sebek's face. "Oh, right. I took a nap on you. Let me get out of your way." She moved to stand up but was stopped by Sebek holding onto her hand. 
"You have a few minutes until the train stops. You can stay until then..." His voice trailed off. 
Yuu chuckled, her laugh sounding like music to Sebek. "Where are my manners? I'm Yuu." she smiled, causing Sebek's heart to skip a beat. 
"I'm Sebek Zigvolt." Yuu's smile grew even wider as she clung to Sebek's coat. Realizing the unfamiliar fabric, she looked down in shock.
"Is this yours? Here, let me return it-" She began to take it off only to stop when Sebek shook his head. 
"Keep it. Besides, you can wear it even longer if you allow me to walk you home."
Sebek expected her to say yes, not jump on him, and wrap her arms around his neck. "Yes! Thank you, Sebek!" She grinned. Maybe her day was finally getting better after all.
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Bonus: Sometime during the walk back to Yuu's house. 
"You know, this fabric seems pretty fancy. Are you a bodyguard or something?" Yuu asked while rubbing Sebek’s coat between her fingers. 
Sebek nodded and smiled proudly. "Yes, I am. In fact, you might meet my masters when I drop you off."
Yuu's eyes widen. "Really? They must be important people for you to call them that."
"Of course! It is none other than the great Malleus Draconia! He is so great and powerful-"
Yuu sweatdropped as Sebek went on a rant about Malleus when all she wanted to do was to go home. 
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Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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sensivs · 2 years
I'm back lol
I was thinking some...
Graves gets eaten out by male reader in his office
I am currently working on another graves smut thing but yes
BOTTOM GRAVES FOR THE WIN 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Basic summary: it’s time gentlemen… THE WHOREIFCATION OF GRAVES
Graves let out a big sigh, he was currently in his office looking at some paper work.
A simple knock came from his door, “come in!” Graves answered, in came you. You were graves assistant, you were known for being a jokester towards the big boss man but he still kept you around.
Why? Because he’s in love with you.
“Hey sir” graves rolled his eyes when he heard your “annoying” voice. “Hi y/n” “what you doing there boss?” You peaked over his shoulder.
“None of your business, now tell me why your here” graves replied, putting the papers he had in his hands down onto the table.
“Oh nothing, I’m just here because i miss you” “you literally saw me a few- why are you really here? What do you need lieutenant?”
You could tell graves was getting annoyed very quickly, jeez that task 141 shit was really getting to him huh? “Calm down boss, it’s gonna be okay” you said, rubbing his shoulders.
You knew that phillip’s shoulders were an absolute weak point of his. “F-Fuck off” graves said, stifling his moans.
“Your so cute when you try to hold your moans~” graves felt embarrassed, being teased by an assistant isn’t something that graves would call a “flex”.
“Shut. up.” Graves said through bitten lips. “Come on, let loose Phillip, you know you want too~” you did have a point.
Phillip was really stiff these past few days, he really needed some relaxation for all his hard work. You guided your bosses face to the table, laying it down gently.
“Reeelaaaaxxxxx” you calmly said like those massager people, idk but something like that. “God you’re so fucking annoying y/n”.
“Calm down the hate train football dad I’m just trying to keep you from having a complete meltdown”
The last time graves got so overworked wasn’t a pretty sight for sore eyes.. so preventing it was like a gift from the gods.
Graves let out a big sigh once again, being mean to your pookie bear isn’t gonna win him Phillip 🥱‼️.
He was being too hard on himself and he knew it, once you saw that graves had finally gone into a relaxed state.
You slowly pulled down grave’s pants and boxers. All those teases that you told graves following the lines of “i will eat your ass” were finally becoming true.
Graves shivered, feeling the cold air hitting his bare ass was a new experience for the man. “You ok boss?” “A-All good”.
You chuckled, you looked at the meal you had in front of you. Goddamn did it look delicious, but you couldn’t just dig in just like that. Make him feel it.
You groped both of the two huge mountains of flesh presented in front of you, graves let out a cute little gasp but kept quiet, not wanting you to stop.
You then started leaving bite marks and hickeys on the man’s beautiful buns, they were very soft and were very delectable.
You left one last bite mark and then looked at the real reason for all this. Graves hole puckered slightly (pls be nice to me guys I’ve never wrote someone getting eaten out).
You immediately dived right it, the sudden action made graves jerk his hips forward and moan loudly.
Graves moans didn’t lower and you knew that Phillip wasn’t going to lower them anytime soon. You had a strong grip on his thighs, their soft plushy feeling almost made you cum.
But you knew better than to cum just by touch, so you continued enjoying your meal. Graves’ moans started to get louder, “aH! Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! Just like that y/n, oh yes just like that, aHh~”.
And just a few seconds later, graves came. Soon after, you came. The both of you tried catching your breath, you got up and comfortably laid yourself on top of graves.
“Get off lieutenant! Your crushing me!” “I’m not that heavy stop lying >:( “
I’m sorta thinking abt a Valeria and Alejandro x male reader tag team type of thing but idk if y’all want it to be Valeria or Rudy orrrrr maybe both??? , you guys pick and I’ll do it :) .
WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETERRRRR 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
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colesluvr · 1 year
Hi can I request any of the ninja/nya meeting their older sibling after the merge in dragons rising (if you watched it ofc) you can always igorne this request lol
"You're Alive?" | Lloyd X Gender Neutral Reader
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decided to do lloyd :)
omg, this was so fun to write <33 Ty for the req!!
You were thrown off the Bounty after the Merge hit. You've crashed landed on an unknown land. You stumbled upon weird creatures, dangerous dragons, and even people?
That's all you could remember. You couldn't believe it's only been 5 years, and your brother, Lloyd and the others were no where to be found?
You had hope the survived the blast. However, it's hard to keep moving forward. The villagers had faith in them, they will find you and you will find them.
For 5 years, you mapped out the area you've lived in thanks to the kind villagers who gave you a roof over your head, food and water. and even a bed to sleep in.
The time came where you decided to head out to find the others. The villagers support followed you as you waved goodbye, and left.
Days, maybe even weeks went by and you were walking along unknown paths, attempting to see if you could find pieces of the Bounty other then the parts that crashed with you.
Your hope was depleating, but something in your heart told you to keep going, knowing your family is near.
As you walked, your placed a hand over the locket around your neck. Thankful it didn't break durning the crash. Lloyd has the exact same one, and it's a photo of you both as young children. You smiled at the fond memory, excited to hug Lloyd once you see him.
However, your daydream soon was cut off by a sudden crash in the distance. You looked up to see where the sound came from, or who it came from, and a sharp gasp escaped your lips.
The boulders that were hardly sterdy above you were falling, falling fast. You saw a Earth dragon on the top of the mountain of rocks fluy around like a vluture around the tip of the mountain, causing you to quickly duck behind a nearby rock that stuck up from the ground.
Hoping the dragon hasn't seen you, you peeked your head out the side of the piller to see the dragon sniffing around the area you ran from, his large feet slowlt stomping toward you.
You covered your mouth to stop your heavy breathing, moving your body back fully behind the piller, however the dragon continued to make his way toward you.
Praying to the First Spinjitzu Master the dragon would leave on his own path, the sound of something hitting and a bright green light caused you to duck down in a squat position.
Moments went by and you leaned over the rock to see a figure where the dragon used to be. The figure watched the dragon fly away with an injured leg possibly.
You watched the figure turn to your direction. "Hey!" They called out, jogging over to you. It sounded famialir in some way. As the lighting got better you squint to get a better look at the figure running at you.
They're outfit was green.
When they got to a reasonable feet away from you, he paused, looking at you.
Each of you paused, looking at each other with confused and hopeful looks on your face.
"Lloyd?" You whispered, a tear already rolling down your cheek as you watched the figure in green pull down his mask to reveal his face.
"Omg..." You laughed, dropping your supplies to cover your mouth as tears filled your eyes.
"Y/N?" Lloyd smiled, opening his arms slowly and walked over to you step by step.
"Y/N!?" The Ninja cheered, hugging ou as you ran into his arms. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you hugged your brother tight. "I thought-"
"I know, but I'm here now." You creased his cheek, wiping his tears with your thumb, giving him another tight hug.
"Master- I mean, Lloyd?"
Both you and your younger btrother pull away from the hug and look to the side to see a younge boy with black hair and a orange sweater, and a girl with pink hair and cat ears, a interesting choice of clothing.
"Who's that?"
Lloyd smiled, looking at the other two then you.
"Arin, Sora, meet my older sibling, Y/N Garmadon!"
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stray-kaz · 2 years
Awkward Question : a Zed Necrodopolis x reader blurb
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A/N: To be VERY clear, Zed and reader are 18 and away at Mountain College in this. They do not room together, but have become close over the last six or seven months. He calls her “pixie” because she is short. It is meant to be endearing not offensive. I myself am 5′2. I have been called more creative names than this lol.
“How do zombies have sex?”
Over the other side of the room, Zed choked on his drink and struggled for air, his eyes widening as he stared across at you, tip of a pen between your teeth, chemistry book open on the desk in front of you. You blinked at him, suddenly blushing and uncertain.
Finally able to breathe again, he pointed incredulously at your study book.
“That’s not a question in your test, is it?” he demanded, astounded.
You shook your head, chewing ferociously on the pen.
“Just curious” you spoke around it, shrugging one shoulder. “So? How do?”
Rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, Zed shrugged, grateful for once that the tinge to his skin prevented him from blushing obviously. You, on the other hand, were near scarlet, waiting for his answer.
“Just like everyone else, I guess” he muttered finally. “We’re not...anatomically different.”
Without conscious thought, you glanced down at his lap and then away hurriedly, mentally kicking yourself for your behaviour.
There was a scrape of chair wheels on wooden floor and a quiet shuffle of Converse.
“Why were you curious?”
The quiet voice right next to your head made you gasp and jump, your book crashing onto the floor in a rustle of paper and the pen falling out of your mouth when you saw Zed leaning over you, one arm along the back of your chair. He was suddenly so close you were breathing his air. Dark eyes like melted pools of chocolate stared into yours, unblinking.
You crossed one leg over the other and shook your head, trying to play it cool.
“Um, no reason in particular” you mumbled; just one frustrating inch and his lips would be touching yours.
His eyes narrowed a little and you cowed back, away from the mischievous expression he was now wearing. He held up his hands, wiggling his long fingers at you.
“Don’t make me tickle it out of you, pixie” he threatened; his nickname for you, because of your stature, never ceased to send a thrill through you.
“No, Zed, please don’t” you begged, eyeing his hands. “You know I hate being tickled.”
He cocked his head to one side.
“Then fess up” he said. “Tell me the truth.”
You shook your head again.
“I can’t!”
Desperation laced your voice, but he didn’t listen to it as he attacked you with the most dexterous fingers known to man or zombie. Fingertips strummed up and down your sides and across your stomach, tickled under your chin and around the back of your neck. You shrieked and fought, twisting violently to get away, until you fell out of your chair and landed on the hardwood, sprawled on top of your book.
You gasped for air as Zed continued his onslaught, determination in the set of his jaw and in his eyes.
“Tell me and I’ll stop!”
You bit your lip and arched away as he reached around to tickle the small of your back.
“Tell me! Come on, pixie! I wanna know! So bad!”
You kept your mouth shut until his hands slipped under the hem of your t-shirt and danced across the smooth warm flesh of your stomach. Then you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I like you, okay?” you blurted out, red faced all over again. “I really like you, Zed!”
The tickling stopped and he took his hands away, shocked into silence. You stole the opportunity and scrambled to your feet, leaving your chem book and pen behind and sprinting out the open door, headed for your own dorm room and safety.
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To be continued?
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smoothielenny · 1 year
Bearly see any Norm or Max and seeing artists reader got me thinking of this
Unlike Spider in some ways Reader respect the people of the tribe and not try to be liked them but try to understand them ( like Steve Erwin on how he respects the animals and people) and they went to a solo adventure to draw more plants that haven't even documented in her art book and one day she came back kinda late and they holding something and it's few jars of bry dyes, and when asked where they got it she just said " I meet a small group of Na'vi in my adventure and they seem to liked drawing so we trade one of my art book with these "
Turns out they meet different type of Na'vi who wears a type of skull mask due to the high altitude they travel with their large flight companions ( bigger then the banshees ) that been traveling, and they seem to be very friendly as they view reader as a just a child despite being a sky demon, apparently these Na'vis are very allusive and private individuals but willing to learn of things that Pandora have to offer with a open mind
Dora, Dora, Dora, The Explorer
I couldn’t think of better title lol.
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“Norm! Where is (y/n)!?” Max yelled. Max and Norm is like your parents, they deeply care for you. Max is mostly the worried one while Norm is more focused f that chill dad. Norm scratched his head responding with ‘I don’t know’ Max just sighed and face palmed himself.
“I’m sure she’s around, you know how she is, always on adventures.” Norm calmed Max, but he wasn’t having it. What if you accidentally went to the enemy’s territory? And got kidnapped by them? What if this time you got lost? These ‘what ifs’ is messing with Max mind and it’s making him crazy.
While you ‘dad’ is having a panic attack, you were walking around the jungle, actually opposite where the enemies territory are, so basically you are safe. While walking you saw through wood some Na’vi, you thought it would be some Omatikaya who is in hunting, but no, they look different. The clothing seems a bit similar, but they were wearing a mask. A mask that looks like a skeleton (luckily not a human skeleton). You walk further to them make a crisp noise from stepping at a dried leaves. They all look at you way, they took their arrow and bow and on their defensive mode. You gasped and put your hands up causing to drop your sketch book and pencil. Your breathing started to go faster. Nervousness is crawling up to you head.
“I…I’m not a threat I swear.” You said in Na’vi. They were shocked that a human knows their language though they didn’t back down yet.
“I’m a friend, not an enemy.” You said slowly. They all look at each other and finally lowered their weapons. You sigh in relief from this, but now feel intimidated, you don’t know what to do after, but you just asked, “are you part of Omatikaya?” They said no and answered with ‘We are not, We are mountain people.’ You nodded. They were about to leave, but you said something along the lines with, “Will you let me follow you? I want to know more about you.”
You are now in the air riding with one of them on a big ikran, well at least like an ikran, it is bigger that an actual ikran. They all landed on the top of a mountain. It is different from the Hellelujah mountain, it has its own type of plants and habitats. You were intrigued by it and starts drawing it. One of them got curious and gets close to know what you are doing. They saw you vastly sketch out a plant, they were impressed. You started asking them about everything you could find and taking notes of it, they happily answered you. Talking to a human who has an interest in their clan and place makes them happy. They told you about their tradition, their food, animals, and their own spirit tree.
Night has come and Max is extra stress. He still couldn’t find you and Norm is now also worried. You usually go back afternoon and now it’s night. You now probably got lost.
“Norm that’s it, I’m going out—“ his arms is grabbed by Norm, again trying to calm Max.
“Hey, hey. It’s already night, why don’t you relax and I’ll find her with my avatar bo—“ his words interrupted by a bang of a door opening. It was you.
“(y/n)! Where were you!?” Max exclaimed. You have a lot of thing to tell him.
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yinyuedijun · 3 months
WAIT i was scrolling through your masterlist and couldn't figure out why your 'higher than the mountain deeper than the sea' seemed so familiar (also i think the links were broken so i googled it) but then i saw the ao3 link and gasped the biggest gasp BECAUSE!!
you were the author that finally pushed me to finally make an ao3 account!! because i was sick of browsing through my browser bookmarks and manually checking for updates unu
and now i've stumbled across your work and fallen in love all over again.....! (˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) anyway that is all i just wanted to let you know that you were a Turning Point™ in my life
hi bitti!!! omg this is crazy to me LOL - I can't believe that my dabi fic was the thing that made you get an ao3 account!!! it's been so long since I last updated it, I'm kinda shocked you remembered it after so much time (and across different fandoms too)!! thank you for letting me know that the masterlist links are broken btw... I'll need to figure out how to fix that 🥲
and ahhh I'm so happy you like my works so much!! it means a lot to me, especially since I ADORE your art of the xianzhou men! ngl I lowkey screamed when I saw you comment on zero-sum game - thank you again for that!! 🥺💞💞
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loafbud · 1 year
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[ Twisted Inkblot | Fanfic ]
A Splatoon + Twisted Wonderland Crossover AU
CHARACTER APPEARANCES: Neo Agent 3, Lil Buddy, Lilia Vanrouge, Mr. Grizz (mentioned only: Judd/Lil Judd, Squidbeak Splatoon, Malleus Draconia)
CONTENT WARNINGS: contains violence (fighting scenes w/ mild violence; one moment is more graphic & is not described in detail, but implied); character death; nausea mention/feeling sick
WORD COUNT: 3,882 words (21,897 characters)
A/N: ASDFGH I FINALLY WROTE IT BUT,, WHY IS THIS SO LONG,,, this was meant to be shorter tbh..... I haven't written fanfic in years dawg lol this is based on a dream i had months back (which i also drew a scene of), so everything that happens in this story actually occurred in the dream- also do expect OOC (out of character) stuff & AU/details that aren't canon (Lilia wore a red cape in his general armor + was the briar valley king in the dream, for example)
UUUH BUT YEAH IDK WHY I SPENT OVER 3 HOURS ON THIS (im too lazy to draw header art for this)
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Clutching their Hero Shot, Agent 3 sprayed forth an uneven path of ink ahead of them to swim in.
Spray ink, swim, spray ink, swim… It went this way for a while. Agent 3 was beginning to lose track of time
Treading carefully along the rugged path, the inkling looked up and widened their eyes, frozen in step. Just up ahead, a figure stood in the clearing of a flat mountainous area in front of the door of the ancient sand-colored sanctuary. Agent 3 recognized the general armor shrouded by a long ponytail and crimson cape that swayed majestically in a silent breeze. A gasp caught in the agent's throat.
Lilia Vanrouge! But… why is he here?
Before Agent 3 could announce themselves, the fae spoke without looking back. "You shouldn't be here," he said coolly.
Neither should you! Agent 3 wanted to say, but bit back those words. The inkling put a firm foot forward, Lil Buddy losing his balance on top of their head. "What about Briar Valley? They need you there now more than ever!"
"It's far too dangerous for you to be here."
Agent 3 flew their gaze across their surroundings. There were no signs that an enemy was nearby; nothing looked upturned or in disarray. The sacred aura surrounding them felt still and undisturbed. The inkling looked at Lilia again and hadn't realized until now at how on-guard and tense his stance was, like he was waiting for an ambush at any moment.
Stepping closer, Agent 3 stammered. "I-I saw what happens in my timeline…"
"You shouldn't have traveled back here to the past," Lilia shot a look at Agent 3, daggers in his eyes. "You've done all that you could. There's nothing left for you to do."
"B-but…" Agent 3 reached for Lil Buddy on their head and held him in their arms, "we want to help."
Lilia fell silent for a moment, his gaze dark. After a moment, the fae lifted his chin. "As general, this is my responsibility. There's nothing you can do here."
"Me and Lil Buddy can figure out something."
"You'll only get in the way!"
Before Agent 3 could get another word in, the air began to rumble around them. Lilia shot a look towards the center of the mountainside sanctuary clearing. A dark portal manifested before them, big enough for a giant oak tree to fit in. Moments after the portal solidified, a giant figure lumbered from it, its body covered in brown fur. Agent 3's body grew cold as they recognized the grizzly bear standing before them.
Mr. Grizz!
The ominous swirling portal trickled away behind Mr. Grizz as he approached the fae and inkling, his eyes glowing a menacing red. Several other portals appeared and dispersed around him, a silver Lizalfo spawning from each one until there was a large group of them.
Lil Buddy gurgled in a growl in Agent 3's arms, but then scurried inside the agent's backpack after making eye contact with one of the menacing Lizalfos. Agent 3 could feel the smallfry trembling in fear. Glaring at the bear, they were about to reach for their Hero Shot when Lilia put a hand out to stop them, giving Agent 3 a warning look.
When Lilia looked back at Mr. Grizz, his dark red eyes gleamed with hatred. "So you've came back," he sneered.
Mr. Grizz's tone was casual, like malice hidden beneath a sheet of ice. "I'm on a tight schedule, so I'll make this quick." He gestured his hand to the doors of the mountainside sanctuary. "Allow me to obtain the Great Golden Egg to aid in my plans to keep mammals from going extinct, and me & my minions will leave you two in peace. Also, to be clear, these lizalfos aren't mammals. But they've decided to work for my cause."
Lilia gave a long, cold stare at the bear. Agent 3 wanted so bad to take their Hero Shot and teach Mr. Grizz a lesson! But they stood back and held back the urge, watching from the sidelines with Lil Buddy daydreaming.
Smoothly, the giant grizzly bear strode across the dusty clearing of the ancient sanctuary entrance as he spoke, his voice like thawing ice. "I've seen the future. It's looking rather bleak for us mammals, Mr. Vanrouge; an absolute wasteland eventually overran by sentient sea life." When Lilia sneered in silence, Mr. Grizz continued.
"I'm only helping us out. Don't you want a bright, promising future for your fae? With the Great Golden Egg in my possession, I will ensure the longevity and prosperity for all mammals. Disallowing me to do so will guarantee a mammalian mass extinction."
General Lilia's eyes were narrowed, his pointed ears perked, breathing steadied. Agent 3 could see the grip of Lilia's hand relaxed on the hilt of his weapon. Don't believe what he's saying, Agent 3 hissed mentally. Images of their timeline flashed in their mind, like a movie film riddled in dust, an aged relic left unscathed. Mr. Grizz doesn't know… but regardless of what he does, the mammalians won't make it…
And yet they recall the felines Judd and his clone Lil Judd, who are in fact mammals. A shiver trickled down their back. They remember seeing a large, towering furry figure that closely resembled the callous grizzly bear. But Mr. Grizz didn't come from Agent 3's timeline, as his timeline was here in the past. Surely that didn't mean…
Mr. Grizz's booming voice broke into their thoughts. "I take your silence that you're considering the thought," he told Lilia, who remained composed under a stern gaze.
The bear rolled his large shoulders back, trails of red mist radiating from his body, slithering over to snake around Lilia and Agent 3. The inkling and fae shared a cautious glare. Stay on guard. Lil' Buddy, oblivious to the situation, was too busy trying to lick the black-and-red streams, stretching his neck out from Agent's backpack.
"So…" Mr. Grizz's voice brought their attention back to him and when they looked at him, Lilia and Agent 3's eyes widened with horror: Mr. Grizz was headless! The dark red miasma seeped out of his neck, smoky purple clouds forming a collar. Mr. Grizz's head was on the ground by his feet, facing them with a composed smirk and eyes rimmed with pride as he continued, "…do I have your trust?"
The red miasma steamed from his eyes until it concealed his head. When the miasma cleared, his head was back in place. There was no sign of wounds, and he had no discomfort or pain in his eyes. The grizzly bear had a relaxed composure as he watched Agent 3 and Lilia frozen with fright, the smallfry salmonid unaware in his own little world.
Fear crept up Agent 3's shoulders, shuddering at the sight. H-how was he not in pain? Several steps in front of them, Lilia gasped and clenched his fists. His eyes were wide with dread, breath slow and shaky. Agent 3 felt sick. They had never seen the general this shaken before.
When Lilia spoke, his voice was teetering on the edge with disgust. "You… you made a deal with the devil after all!"
A haughty laugh thundered in Mr. Grizz's chest. "Correct," he chimed. "If I were to face anyone in opposition to my plans, I needed the necessary power to put 'em in there place."
The silver lizalfos squawked and chattered in clamorous victor. Lilia staggered forward and Agent 3 thought he was about to fall. But then the General fae's body tensed as he clutched his weapon hilt, his bangs casting a shadow across an unreadable expression. For a moment, Lilia seemed to stunned to speak. But when he finally spoke, his voice was ice. "You know… for a second, I considered your plan of action. Considered forming an alliance, even. And now I'm hearing you've formed an alliance with an enemy-" Lilia unsheathed his weapon, lunging forward in a snarl. "I will not let mammalians be saved under your govern, Demon King Grizz!"
Agent 3 reached for their Hero Shot but their body grew numb. "I-if Mr. Grizz formed an alliance with the devil," they murmured under their breath, voice quivering. "Then… that means… th-that means… Mr. Grizz is the Demon King…!"
Mr. Grizz swung a burly arm at the lunging fae, sending him to land on the ground with a crude thud. "You're right on the money, fae," Mr. Grizz spat in a wicked grin. "I've gained the new title of Demon King, and you will respect me as such! But oh, I see you've made yourself clear as to where you stand… therefore-" his face gnarled in a menacing toothy smile, eyes blazing with crimson malice "-you are an obstacle in my plans."
Lilia shot back up on his feet in the blink of an eye, vigor burning bright in his wild eyes. "Ah, a fight," he sneered. "I haven't had good combat since fighting off those five Lynels! Hraaaah!"
Agent 3 watched from the distance as Lilia whirred around Mr. Grizz like a hawk, landing blows and strikes on the Demon King. Mr. Grizz barely budged from his spot, a wicked smug look plastered on his face as he casually lifted his large hands, countering the strikes. The confrontation was short-lived when the demon bear scored his claws down Lilia's side, piercing his armor.
"Vanrouge!" Agent 3 shouted, fear glazing their eyes.
Dust clouded the air from the impact of Lilia's fall, catching in his throat and making him cough. Sprawled flat on the ground, Lilia propped himself up on a trembling arm as he breathed heavily, winded from Mr. Grizz's attack. Agent 3 clutched their Hero Shot firmly, gritting their teeth. Lilia's face was obscured by his long hair, disheveled from the combat. Come on… they hissed in thought. Get back up… don't give up now!
Almost as if the fae heard their troubled thoughts, he was beginning to rise himself up. But just as he was about to kneel back up, the towering grizzly bear sent a heavy kick to his side, sending Lilia stumbling back on the ground.
Bellowing in laughter, Mr. Grizz stepped next to the wounded Lilia as the Lizalfos around them began chittering. "Can't you see," Mr. Grizz snickered. "You are powerless against me." A silver Lizalfo scurries over to grab the end of Lilia's bright crimson cape, studying it with curious eyes as the grizzly bear continued. "Oh, how unfortunate of an opportunity you passed. We're on common ground! And yet you chose to play a moral high and stand in my way. How foolish of a General the fae will see you as… they'd see me as a better fit for their ruler."
With a grunt, Lilia propped himself up on a weak elbow and turned his head on a stiff neck, eyes clouded and glaring up at the grizzly Demon King. "Foolish bear," he spat, chuckling sickly. "You have a beehive in your brain if you think they'll take orders from a bear."
Suddenly, darkness clouded over Mr. Grizz's gaze. His expression was unreadable as his body began glowing crimson, dark miasma and black streams steaming from him. The growing energy around him send a burst of wind that nearly knocked Agent 3 on the ground. They dug their heels in the ground and covered their face with an arm, Lil Buddy ducking in the backpack. Lilia remained on the ground, his intense gaze ingrained on the Demon King. Chattering rose from the Lizalfos dispersed around them, hopping in place with excitement. The air around them grew thick with malice, the skies becoming swallowed by red clouds shrouding the afternoon sunlight. It didn't take long for everything to become engulfed in a dark crimson lighting.
When the miasma cleared, the appearance of Mr. Grizz had changed: he had glowing purple streams of long hair that flowed like flames, his chin covered in the same purple matter; tufts of it flared out on top of his head. His shoulders were broad and his eyes glared a menacingly bright yellow. Once the miasma's energy burst died down, he lifted an arm to the side. The air above his palm swirled with red sparks as he summoned a crimson-red scythe nearly the length of his body, the blade in a thick sheen. Gripping the scythe radiating with darkness, the Demon King bear looked down at Lilia as his face twisted in the vilest grin Agent 3's ever seen in their life.
"'They won't take orders from a bear', huh? Ok. Well let's test that theory, shall we?"
Mr. Grizz clasped both hands on the scythe hilt firmly. Rolling his shoulders back, he rose his scythe in the air, his eyes growing wilder and wilder. Agent 3 felt sick.
"No!" they wailed. "General, get up! Get up, get up!"
A nearby lizalfo leapt in front of them and, before the inkling could react, the monster lashed its thick tail at Agent's head, knocking them down on the ground. At the same moment, Agent 3 heard a sickly sound followed by a bloodcurdling wail from Lilia. They couldn't look. They couldn't look…
They couldn't look.
There was nothing they could do.
A sharp wave of nausea overwhelmed Agent 3. More and more lizalfos began spawning around them, concealing the brutal onslaught that Mr. Grizz unleashed on Lilia Vanrouge. The world was beginning to spin around Agent 3. Shifting into their squid form, the inkling super-jumped away from the mountainside clearing. They needed to get away fom the sanctuary. Far away.
Hours had seemed to pass after dozens of super-jumps. Even from here, the red skies stretched across overhead, and Agent 3 could hear the distance sneers of lesser monsters in the distance. Agent 3 reached the isolated forest that governed the time portal that lead to the future, Agent 3 and Lil Buddy's timeline.
After what had happened, Agent 3 wanted nothing more to do than to wail to the heavens and hope for a hole to appear beneath them. But they clutched their Hero Shot, eyes heavy with misery. They traveled back in time to defeat Mr. Grizz from affecting their timeline, but he evolved into the Demon King and slayed General Lilia.
I failed!
Agent 3's eyes were glued heavily to the whirling, brilliant time portal. Do I even want to go back? How much different would the world be in my timeline? Would it change at all? Or would it be the reflection become the reflection of my failures?
Lil Buddy leapt out of their backpack, landing softly on the low vibrant grass. He garbled in a murmur, staring at the inkling with a worried look. Lil Buddy shuffled over, nuzzling their muzzle against Agent 3's ankle, but the inkling was too deep in emotional thought to notice.
Furrowing their eyebrows, Agent 3 gave one long look at their Hero Shot before flinging it behind them, not looking back as it landed somewhere by a berry bush. Lil Buddy jumped in fright at the sudden action. He warbled a sound of concern before Agent 3 made powerful strides towards the time portal. Scurrying in circles, Lil Buddy seemed to go 'Wait! Your Hero Shot!' as he scampered after them in a hurry. Right before walking into the portal, Agent 3 halted, their tentacle swaying to a halt, barely bushing the portal entrance. They closed their eyes shut, fighting back a stray tear coming from their eyes. With their fists clenched, they stared down wildly into to the shining pathway inside the portal.
Whatever lied beyond that path… it was their home in a changed world.
Agent 3 readied themselves to jump, Lil Buddy leaping up to grab their shoulder tightly, and staggered into the time portal. The portal shrieked with light, filling their ears and spreading blinding light into their vision until their world was covered in white light and they lost track of time.
Bright white light ebbed away into clear blue skies as Agent 3 and Lil Buddy flew out of the time portal, which was a short height off the ground. Even grass softened their landing with a thump. Lil Buddy landed on his back and he wriggled himself back up, hopping in place while warbling with excitement. Agent 3 sat up with a groan, rubbing the brilliant lights of the time portal away from their eyes. After they recovered, their hearing was met was the cheery music of birdsong in the distance and just began taking notice of their surroundings:
They sat in a vast field, a bright royal castle sitting atop vibrant grasslands with a garden maze in front of the courtyard. Trees lined the horizon far out and around the fields. The air felt unruffled, as though it was a world coaxed in tranquility.
Agent 3 finally stood up on their feet, a look of confusion across their face. The location was the same before they jumped to the past, but the castle wasn't there before. Was this the right timeline?
Looking closer, Agent 3 could see two jellyfish guards standing on either side of the castle's front gates, but in the courtyard there were a small crowd of humans flocking around in a fair chatter. Agent 3 staggered back. The humans survived! A gasp of astonishment caught in their throat. But there's also jellyfish! So does that mean Mr. Grizz plan worked? But why is everything so peaceful? And why are there jellyfish? What about the other mammals? What about the species from my timeline? How's the Squidbeak Splatoon?
Sharing a look of surprise with Lil Buddy, they stumbled forward in a dash closer to the bushes that lined the courtyard's gates. They neared the edge of the hedge that stopped by the front gates, giving the two a better, closer view at the brilliant courtyard. Agent 3 was able to study the humans in more detail. Their heart skipped a beat.
Those aren't humans… they're fae!
The crowd had grown a little more since the inkling and smallfry arrived without being seen. The chattering steadied into silence as a voice began speaking up ahead of the crowd. It sounded like they were holding some sort of ceremony, or an important meeting. Whatever it was, the energy in the air felt airy and easygoing.
Cheering and an applause followed shortly after and died down as the speaker continued in a light voice that carried in the clear air. Agent 3 looked down at Lil Buddy, who was gnawing at the leaves in the hedge. "I thought… I thought Demon King Grizz was going to wipe us out in exchange of keeping mammals existing. But-"
A shriek followed by several murmurs of shock from the crowd cut off Agent 3. When the Agent saw spooked them: one of the fae had turned into a tombstone standing in the ground! But that's not all… the tombstone lulled idly in low, sweeping voice, singing ominously. The faes' voices rose in a cacophony of panic and astonishment.
"What's going on?" "N-no… it can't be!" "But… but this only happens when…" "Where's Lilia Vanrouge?" "Didn't he travel to the past for an important mission?"
The air grew cold.
Agent 3, who was kneeling behind the bush, almost stumbled back. General Vanrouge? He existed during my timeline in the future? But he told me he didn't come from this timeline!
Their thoughts were racing until gasps came from the crowd again. Another fae became a singing tombstone. Then two more. Then eight. Their joined voices formed a looming choir, the clear blue skies smiling down on the fae whose eyes were wide with dread.
The fae from before who was the announcer finally spoke up, their voice low and unsteady. "The Choir of Tombstones… a widespread phenomenon passed down as stories since ancient times. It's said to only happen if the fae kingdom is left without a fitting leader to rule it, and the tombstones sing the song of mourning for their fallen king. If Lilia Vanrouge traveled to the past weeks back and the Choir of Tombstones are appearing, that only means…" The fae's voice choked. "King Vanrouge is dead!"
The sounds of Mr. Grizz slaying Lilia rung in the back of Agent 3's mind, and they had to fight back the urge to puke. The inkling couldn't see the announcer fae, but assumed they too had turned into a droning tombstone, from the cries of exclamations from the remaining fae.
The ground began to rumble and before Agent 3 could move away from the hedge, a burst of red-and-black miasma burst from the castle door, sending the jellyfish guards flying. The force sent a gust of wind that felt all too familiar to when Mr. Grizz gained his newfound demon powers. The debris from the shattered castle door was scattered across the courtyard, the fae shouting and scurrying around in fright.
When the red miasma cleared, standing there was a broad, towering figure that Agent 3 thought they'd never have to see again. To make matters worse, the ominous choir that mourned over Lilia's murder seemed to be fanfare for his grand entrance.
Demon King Grizz!
But he wasn't facing them- his back was turned. Flowing along with his glowing purple hair was a long, crimson cape he adorned. It looked tattered and it was torn in a few places. Suddenly, Agent 3 grew sick in the stomach and immediately recognized the cape. It was Lilia Vanrouge's cape.
In the midst of panicked murmuring and gasps, several fae exclaimed all at once.
"Who is that?!" "Is that the Demon King that was prophesized in the stories?" "I thought bears went extinct?"
Mr. Grizz didn't look back, the crimson-red cape flowing behind him with power. As he spoke, the ominous choir gradually grew louder as, one by one, more fae turned into tombstones. "The fae stole the Great Golden Egg from me. And look what it costed them! They converted the Golden Egg into energy to fuel their own devices, and elected Malleus Draconia as their new king! That blasted fae king put me in a three-thousand-year sleep. But finally… finally, my time has come to arise from my imprisonment and finish what I started!"
The last remaining fae, legs trembling in fear, clasped his fists together and lifted his chin in a weak attempt to look brave. "You won't rule us," the fae spat. "O-our leader Lilia Vanrouge may have been slain. But we have Malleus Draconia! When he's back from his journey, he'll put an end to you! A-and he'll become our new k-" The fae's voice faded and joined in with the choir as he became a tombstone. The choir seemed to fade… before looping back around singing their mournful song.
Chills sent down Agent 3's tentacles when Mr. Grizz responded with a chuckle as frozen as ice. When he turned around to face the crowd of singing tombstones, he wore a wicked grin, fangs glinting in the light. He put his head in his large hand, chest heaving with booming laughter, throwing his head back with a crazed expression. As his laughter stopped, he dropped his gaze to face directly towards where Agent 3 and Lil Buddy was hiding.
"I've arrived."
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
Crossposted on @megamindslair
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Two cuss words LOL.
Summary: While out for fuel, you hear a voice that belonged to your confirmed dead best friend Loki. Surely this is a trick, but surely you must investigate.
Word Count: 1,415k
A/N: My first fic! It was just an idea I kicked around. Likely won’t be a “thing”. But I hated the idea that Loki was alive and there was no one but Thor to mourn him. While likes are awesome, please consider reblogging and commenting to support writers!
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You didn’t have time for this. You rubbed your head as the ogre merchant in front of you tried to haggle over something you already negotiated. A stack of American money in exchange for fuel for your ship. You brought the stack, he brought the fuel. What was the issue?
The merchant prattled on and on about fueling and shipping costs. The unseasonably warm weather chafed under your heavy leather pants and coat. Your boots squelched with the telltale sign of sweat between your toes. You were pissed off and hot, a dangerous combination.
You yanked the canister out of his hand and his eyes widened at your strength. You dropped the bag of money on the ground and then picked up the other canister, each weighing a good quarter ton. You dipped your head in thanks to the merchant and walked off, his useless screaming behind you.
You walked towards the docking area maneuvering around busybodies. This realm was new to travelers and the world had made hasty accommodations for all manners of ships, merchants, travelers, and the like. The realm was still untainted by modern hands. There were rolling hills of green, crisp blue sky, and trees as tall as mountains. 
The dock was new. A small city had been erected to dock and service ships, eateries had popped up offering both local and foreign cuisine, and shops cropped up with the latest fashion.
Vanaheim had seen better days. The Vanir who stayed after the war retreated to the forests, hidden away in their alcoves. The Vanir who returned made a treaty with them to leave the forests alone and all would be well. 
You took a deep breath for the familiar smells of home. Earthy scents and fresh bread.
“This way, I know a spot.” 
You froze. You knew that voice. But it was impossible. 
Despite the heat, cold seeped into your veins. Your breathing turned shallow. Your head swiveled looking for the source.
There were suddenly too many people. People of all shapes and sizes, colors and temperament milled about aimlessly or on their way to do business. You moved around them but for each person you passed, three more took their spot.
You heard him. Clear as any bell. Your eyes darted to and fro searching for a ghost. You growled when you couldn’t make heads or tails of the setting before you. It was too much and you were already in a dark mood. 
Perhaps your mind was playing tricks on you again. Perhaps it only sought to torture you of days past. 
You turned to head back towards your ship, cursing the distraction, when you bumped into someone. You looked up, apology on your lips, when you saw him. Your mouth hung slack as you took in your formerly dead best friend. Though, best friend was too small a concept. You dropped the canisters on the ground and stared.
Loki, prince of Asgard, stood in front of you in a…suit of all things. He blinked at you. And you started to giggle. A giggle turned into a chuckle, which then morphed into howling. The type of howling that hurt your sides and made you gasp with effort. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes.
He called out your name softly, surprise making his eyes wide. Gods it wasn’t fair. He looked exactly the same. His hair was shorter, but still combed away from his face. His face was all sharp lines with a regal nose and strong jawline. 
“It’s really you, right?” You asked. Your eyes had played tricks on you before. Your mind was far from easy and after so much loss, this very well may be a ruse or a trick of the sun. You lifted your hand and hovered it above his arm but you were too afraid to touch him.
If this was a cruel trick of the gods, if he wasn’t real…
His long fingers wrapped around your wrist. You sighed. He was real. Gods he was real.
You threw your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes since he was much taller. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you just as fiercely.
“I can’t believe – what are you doing here?” You asked. Of all the places you imagined meeting up with him, Vanaheim wasn’t at the top of the list.
Though you pulled back, you kept in constant contact. You held his hands, you crowded his space. He was here.
“Bit of a long story,” he said. 
“This is cute, but we’re late.” You turned to the sound, noting a short man with a bushy mustache, blond hair, and a big nose. He was dressed in a similar suit like Loki’s and you looked between them. You bit your lip to keep from laughing.
“Are you two in a band?” You asked.
Loki looked down at his outfit and smiled. “Another long story,” he said. 
“There’s a million things I want to ask you right now,” you said. Questions swirled in your head, each too quick to pick one. You wanted to ask him everything but the questions were too small. Even though you held him, you felt as if he would disappear. As if you were his only tether to the mortal realm. 
“There’s a million answers I want to give,” he said. His crystal blue eyes bore into you with an expression that was likely mirrored in your own eyes. It was awe, disbelief, relief, happiness, apprehension. It was too much and not enough. 
“But we really do have to go, our window is closing,” he said with a sigh. 
“What? No. I just..you’re alive, no,” you stuttered. You shook your head. Loki brought his hands up to cradle your neck. His fingers deftly stroked your cheek. “I promise I’ll explain everything,” he said.
You stared at him. This…this was not the Loki you remembered. Since when did he promise sincerely or wasn’t ready with a quip sharp enough to break glass? 
“What the hell is going on?” You asked.
“We need to go,” the man beside him said. You scowled at the man. He could damn well wait.
“What about Thor? Does he know you’ve returned?” You asked.
Pain shuttered Loki’s eyes shut. He dropped his hands from your face.  “No, please don’t tell him,” he said.
“I-it’s really complicated, and we truly don’t have time for it now. I promise, I’ll explain,” he said. 
The man beside him turned to walk away. Loki walked backwards a few steps, leaving your bubble of space. 
“No,” you said. He had to stay and explain what was going on. He had to explain how he was alive and why he didn’t want Thor to know about it. It wasn’t like you knew where Thor was at present, but the guy wasn’t hard to find.
“Come with us,” Loki said. 
“What?” You and the horrible man gave Loki twisted scowls. 
“I can explain some of it on the way. Come with us, but it has to be right now,” he said. 
You looked down at the canisters and then up towards your ship. You were in between jobs so there was nothing keeping you from going. But your crew…
You poked the earpiece in your ear. Your ship’s first mate was a burly man named Tig. He was a teddy bear, but only after he considered you family. 
“Come get these canisters and fuel up. I need to take care of something for a few days,” you said when Tig answered on comms.
As if you would really pass up a chance to see what was going on. Curiosity will likely be the death of you, but fuck it. Great stories never started with, “but responsibility”. 
“What are you talking about? Where are you?” 
Down the dock with other smaller crafts, Tig leaned out of the ship. He scanned for you, you weren’t terribly far, and he waved. 
“Come get them. I’ll check in when I’m ready. Take the crew for leave and I’ll catch up to you.” 
Loki grinned and held out his hand. This was absolutely nuts. This was perhaps the dumbest thing you’d ever done and that was saying something, considering you used to hang out with Loki, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three.
But you couldn’t let him go, not without a guarantee that you’d see him again. So you placed your hands in his and followed him, just like old times.
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There's more Loki to love! The Secret Loki Files
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applesontheground · 1 year
white whale 🍎
my christening of writing a robert englund character has happened, and it’s not for who you’d anticipate it to be...
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honest to god, this was my real introduction to him (but i’ve seen his other work, of course, so stay tuned lol) and i have been playing with an idea with him for a hot second... but that little idea spiraled into a two-part thing. once again, i am being a dream job-influenced menace and i don’t plan to shut up about it any time soon.
(p.s. i will admit it was hard not to focus on leslie, and i failed pretty hard with this opening lmao-)
SFW | Word Count: 1,765 | Doc Halloran x GN Reader
contains reader busts their ass (not in a sexy way), slight stalking/paranoia mentions
🎼: x
➡ continued in holy grail
The things you did for a good shot.
On the side of a steep hill, you were only semi-sure that the rock under your feet would stay embedded in the earth long enough for you to stand on it. Rather, crouch like your back had the sort of stamina to hold a pose of this precision. A lone owl sounded off somewhere, catching your attention as you dared stick your tripod on another flat surface below the rock, haphazard in your form as you turned the camera on.
Field work was a requirement for this autumn’s multimedia class, which meant they wanted plenty of practice obtaining “B-Roll”, filler images to use while the meat of an audio track played in a final cut. The professor had even said, “Never such thing as too much,” so here you were. It was well past 10PM and you were sitting like a goddamn gargoyle trying to get a high enough angle to view the tree line. You started spinning the lens slowly, getting a healthy amount of focus to the nearly full moon.
From your bottom peripheral, your eyes shot down to see someone wading through the forest. He was near silent, so you felt fortunate to have better luck with your eyes in the moment, silently observing with your neck craning from behind the camera. It was definitely a man, you deduced, even though his gait was akin to Bigfoot as he hopped over a few rocks and brambles that he was trying to avpid.
He then stopped, back faced towards you on the mountain, and a low-lit outline of overall straps were strained over his shoulders as he took something out from the brush. Glances of his face from where you could see it gave way to a flat, round mask covering most of his identity. Without thinking, curiosity immediately taking control, you looked back to the camera and began zooming in on him. Turning the knob and doing anything in your amateur power to try and correct the lighting, you finally saw what he was holding up.
A closed bear trap, the U-Shape recognizable but giving you doubt at how cartoonish it almost felt to see one in real life. That soon gave way to a tight realization that there was no bear, or no animal for that matter caught between its teeth. Spattered with mud and a more streaked, thinner liquid alongside of it, you barely made out the crooked fingers of a forearm and hand without an owner as he released the trap with a swift, steady pull of his own arm. The appendage fell back into the brush, and when you flexed your hand to try and bring feeling back into your chilling body, your thumb had been pressing on the record button in a strike of mortified pressure, releasing it again with clammy skin.
“Fuckin’-ey.” You gasped, and that was when a shuffle of brush a few paces too close made your head snap away from watching the man.
Another body was seen, but that was all you caught before the reflex of jumping from the crouch sent you backwards. You gasped, already parallel to the side of the mountain as your legs gave way and skidded on loose dirt. One second, you watched the body at the top of the mountain stand straighter, a hand going out to try and catch you to no avail. The next your knee was embedding into the slanted earth as your head snapped to look back at the other body, now distracted and taken back to see others out here with him.
Both were frozen, watching you continue to slide and tumble down the mountain. You couldn’t help the noises you made, “Ach, fuck- God! Ow, god damn it-“ Finally, when you fell into a few unforgiving but large bushes at the foot of the hill, you stayed stock still. Head still spinning, you were whacked along the spine by your tripod tumbling after, but grabbed it by the camera still screwed on top and started blindly getting to your feet.
Your ankle was rolled, sharp pain shooting up and down your calf as you found a stride that had to be fast enough to disappear as quickly as you had been found. You didn’t listen for any voices, and it seemed that no one came after you. Eyes stinging from dirt and leaves having swat at them, you just kept running.
What was going on?
More importantly, why the hell did I try to get a photo of it??
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The waitress brushed your t-shirt’s sleeve as she approached with your order. She did a double take at your empty mug, recalling you had needed it filled what was barely ten minutes ago. Looking up at her an apologetic frown, she gave you a smile. “I’ll get you another one, dear.” She assured as she took it, “College student, I’m guessing?”
“You guess right.” You sighed, hearing her quaint chuckle as her heels clicked off again.
Sitting in a shoddy little diner at 6:30 AM was all you could do without the paranoia eating you alive. It was better than just laying in bed back at your place, unable to close your eyes for more than a couple minutes at a time. The evening before had felt so far away, but it was only a handful of hours all at the same time. You put a hand on your bruising knee, itching the scab that had grown over a fresh scrape. It was at least disinfected and bandaged under your pant leg, which was some kind of reparation from going chest first down a rocky hillside.
If you had to be frank with yourself: that wasn’t what was causing you the exhaustion. You glanced out the window again, the sun taking longer and longer each day to rise from the myriad of suburban-esque buildings in Glen Echo, the bricks still a murky blue, not yet touched by golden dawn and brought to life. Eyes wandered back inside, and the waitress set the refilled mug down by your folded arms as you gave her a nod in thanks.
When your eyes left her again, you then realized there was someone looking at you from the other end of the dining room. You looked at your plate before the eye contact lingered, but your eyes were already growing, and there was no denying they were bloodshot as hell.
Fuck, that means his probably are too. Both of us had a late night.
You adjusted in your lonely booth, a hand running over your mouth as you gave another anxious glance out the window. Still, it didn’t stop him from standing from his seat, seeing that you were debating whether you were going to make a break for the door. He really thought low enough of you to anticipate a dine and dash; to be fair to him, you had been spotty enough to take off running from him before. He wasn’t even the one who had been setting up the murdering devices, and you were still frightened by the guy.
Looking up from your coffee, you pretended to be surprised with the man now standing over the booth, like you hadn’t been watching the advancement in petrified dread. “…H-hello.” You played dumb, but he made you squirm again with a mulling, thorough stare, like he was analyzing your very posture, giving your obviously unnerved disposition its own character estimate.
He then stated, “You’re up rather early for someone who had been-“ You looked up at him in alert, and he was taken back by your mortified countenance. Still, he went on, “Staking out alongside me last night.”
“Okay,” You rolled your shoulders and quickly murmured, “What I was doing has no involvement with what I saw. I-I didn’t know that was what the camera was going to catch when I went out to the Vernon Farm.”
“No?” He breathed, unconvinced. Not sure what else to do, going into a muted panic, you decided to gesture to the empty seat across from you. He cast a disinterested glance at the chair, but then another pleading bob of your Adam’s apple from a guilty swallow was enough to get him to take it.
“I have never approached that man, but I…” You trailed off, looking around one last time before admitting, “Okay. I’m just a student, and I just needed a simple, local story for a school project.” You shook your head briskly, eyes staring into nothing as you laid it out for him, “I didn’t know there was…something lurking out there, just thought it’d be a goofy urban legend I’d cover with no dice on actually seeing anything, and then I’d get a grade for it and move on with my life.”
His eyes were losing their edge, listening to you go on, “I-if you’re a PI, or an officer, I’ll turn over my footage. I didn’t mean to write myself into this story or interfere with your investigation if that’s what you think I’m doing.”
The diner continued to bustle in an early morning lull while you were stuck in a limbo of silence. You sipped your coffee, the sound of the leather from his gloved hand finally releasing from its clench and setting flat on the table got you brave enough to look over at him again.
“I don’t believe it’s necessary.” He eased, and you breathed a sigh of relief from behind your folded hands. It only was sucked back up, seized in your chest again when he then mused, “Infact, I want to use it as means to help me.”
“What-?” You began, trying to smile, but his hand coming up to slow you in a definite gesture made you clam up again. “Yes, you’re amateur, but you have gotten closer to that man than I could even hope to despite not being one of his targets. You can’t deny that you faced him last night, correct?”
You merely nodded, and he shook his head, “I don’t think you understand how difficult that is. You’re lucky you weren’t maimed when he spotted you.”
I was lucky I didn’t maim myself, you concurred. You tapped your nail on the outside of the mug and weakly joked, “He must’ve had better fish to fry.” The man leaned forward slightly, and you finally looked him in the eye, seeing the world of knowledge you couldn’t even begin to understand quite yet.
“If we don’t stop him, my young friend, it’ll become far too many fish.”
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fjordfolk · 2 years
I saw someone say they thought a lot of the dogs at crufts just seemed generally heavy and I definitely agree with many of those, but did you see that Bavarian Mountain Hound? To me that body type just looked all wrong. Any I've seen have been sleek and workable. On the other hand the Bernie was such a step up from the heavy headed droopy eyed things they usually pick! How could they not even shortlist that stunning borzoi?! I gasped when I saw it lol.
would you question this dog
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beezleberry-breakie · 2 years
Shouldn't Have Done That 🔪🔪
So I lied. Max is gonna come soon I swear. I redid some of Holly's info >.> felt like I made her stand out a lot, almost mary-sue ish. Soooooo I changed some physical things and gonna redeux some of her info....hehe. She's 5'7" now instead of 5'6, lol gave her an inch, lol.
Disclaimer: I do not own Bloodlust Devotion or James they belong to @hotpinkmoon (who I am sure is tired of seeing me spam her inbox ⊂(•̀_•́⊂ )∘˚˳°). But with a beautiful mountain man likes James comes fans like me who want to climb him.
"Hello. Welcome to 7-Heaven", you mumbled the greeting, phone glued to your fingers, when you heard the chime of the front doors. The pit pat of feet soon echoing against the linoleum floor.
Another boring late night at your job. Another lousy 10 hours to go. A lonely bitter work shift. People shouldn’t have to work like this, let alone live on a shit salary, but it was all you could find in the classifieds in this town. You swore as soon as you had enough cash- you’d leave this place and make something of yourself. Maybe become a doctor, or an astronaut, or hell even a crab fisherman. Something that would make papa proud, but alas here you were an assistant manager to a small supermarket. This blowed.
An exaggerated yawn left your lips as you decided to do your job to look for the customer who had just entered the store. Nothing unusual, seems they were floating around the snacks and beer aisle, seemed about right for a late night visit. Your eyes lazily glanced to the giant round mirror that hung in the corner at the end of the aisle. Hmm, looked like about a 5”7’ female wearing a dark green dress? You squinted, no a jacket? You couldn’t fully tell, you leaned a bit forward to garner a better look. Brown skin with vitiligo, whatever hair they had was gathered in the back of her jacket dress you didn’t fuckin’ know what she was wearing, and it looked familiar. Almost stupid familiar. Wait. You inwardly gasped. She was back. Shit, you haven't seen her in a while, hell has she been, you're unprepared for this moment!
In a small panic you went back to your phone, using it's camera like a mirror to fix your hair and any imperfections you saw. Once you felt that you were in the best looking shape, you straightened your back, and took a deep breath. She had just turned around to make her way to the register. You smiled.
It's go time.
"Long time, no see stranger".
The young woman blinked, then gave a strained smile.
"Oh, hey Y/N".
It was Holly!
You watched as she continued to approach the counter, long ebony curls bouncing with each step. Your eyes wandered down to finally catch a glance at the monstrosity she was wearing. It was baggy…a VERY BAGGY zip-up hoodie that draped on her shoulders. Damn thing was close to covering over her knees. You blinked, she never wore anything like that before, at least from what you could remember of your past interactions.
The thought was pushed out once you heard Holly say your name again. Her sweet voice, it was always so warm and smooth, like dripping honey into milk. She had a way to make the night a little more bearable when she used to stop in. You stopped your ogling to snap yourself back into work mode, a faint blush on your cheeks.
You remembered the first night you both met, she seemed to curl into herself, like she was just tired and wanted to get the night over with. She wouldn't even chance a glance or talk to you when cashing out. The days would continue as the day before. Holly would come in, grab her snack and coffee, then cash out. Nothing changed in the first couple of months of seeing her, and you were close in giving up hope in getting to know her.
Suddenly one week she just became more talkative. Honeyed eyes shining brighter, her laughter and dirty jokes contagious, it was like she finally found something that made her days better. She was nearly stopping in everyday at your workplace, so in some hope you felt you had a reason for her sudden happiness, in fact you felt that maybe it was all you. Every chance Holly shopped in the market, you always tried to start some sort of small talk and always wished her a better night. You felt a swell of pride as you thought you gave this young woman some new found happiness. You’re such a good person! Gold star!
Yet she just seemed to disappear one day? Was her weeks of happiness at seeing you just a sign of maniac depression she complained about? It had been a few months when she didn't stop in at all and you tore yourself up in not getting her number. Maybe she just needed a friend to lean on, a person to cuddle with, or someone to talk to? Whatever went on, seems to have passed as she was here now! You beamed. Fate seemed to always find a way for star crossed lovers, and maybe Holly was yours.
Holly placed the basket of food on the counter, soon followed by a 6 pack of light beer. She huffed a bit after placing the objects down, her hoodie and straps of her tank top dropping from off her shoulders. She cursed softly and pulled the straps back onto her shoulders and moving the...was...was that a gold chain on her breasts-uh uhm uhh you meant neck?! That chain looked way too big for her, was baggy and saggy a new thing from Europe or something?
You blushed, mouth falling agape as you watched her move the gold chain from in-between her full breasts. A swallow was stuck in your throat. Fuck. She was looking at you now! Damn these hormones. You forgot how she makes you feel. Recover this moment Y/N! You cleared your now dry throat to stop embarrassing yourself any further.
"H-Holly! I haven't seen you in a w-while", curse your stammering words. This was your moment to make a move....do you think she noticed that you slowed down scanning her things yet?
" H-How have you been? I...I worried about you when stopped coming by".
Holly had blinked several time before shifting her eyes quickly to look out the glass door, you also peered, but didn't see anybody outside. What the fuck was she looking at? Was she in trouble or just was someone out there? You glanced back at Holly for a moment, but decided to just go back to scanning. She didn't look like she was in trouble, in fact she looked flawless. You bet your face was the color of fire right now. Keep your shit together Y/N, you can ask her questions later once you get her number.
You needed to fix this awkward moment, what did Holly like again? Aw that's right! After scanning the last snack, you brought your phone out to show Holly a pictures you took when you were finally able to vacation in Europe.
"S-So, Holly May", fucking shit ,what a horrible nickname you just graced her, "I took your advice and actually went on holiday overseas". That seemed to snap her out of zoning out, this was the only moment you noticed that she wasn't staring outside, almost unblinkingly so. Your shaky hand reached out to give her your phone, your fingers grazing for a slight moment against her own as she snatched gently took it.
"Oh meride! You went to that tourist trap?” she began swiping to look at more photos “Penedejo. Who the hell told you to go here?!", awwww there was your peace, your Holly, it was like she never left as you listen to her ramble about her families home town that you visited, making obscene hand gestures and cursing in a mix of French and cursive Spanish to some of the photos of you backpacking through the country. Your courage continued to skyrocket when she leaned forward, excitingly mind you, to explain the different spices she used when it came to some of the meals you told her you had. You couldn’t help but take a quick glance at her round ass as it poked out from under the hood. Another hard gulp stuck in your throat. Ok. Ok you decided.
It was now or never.
Just when you were about to confess your feelings, the chime of another customer entering the store caught your attention. You groaned, excusing yourself from chatting with the energy gremlin that was Holly to greet the new customer.
You forced a smile, looking towards the door, "Welcome to 7-Heaven, I'll be right...with...you?".
Oh, oh he was big. He was very fucking big. You stared, the length of which you did more than boarded on rude at this point, but someone this big and scary looking needed to be stared at. Yet looking into his eyes you saw how he, at first, kept his gaze on Holly then turned to stare at you-his glare seeming to hold a silent veiled threat. You almost locked your knees in fear. What the hell?! Who is this guy?! You had the snarky idea to call him Jasón Voorhees but you were sure he’d punch your teeth in.
You jumped, even muffled through the mask he was wearing, the baritone of his voice caught you both off guard. Holly had shot straight back up, fingers scrambling to catch the phone she almost dropped, her eyes snapping to the new intruder.
"James”, she pulled the hoodie back onto her shoulders, concern etched on her face, “-is somethin-"
"You ok darlin’?".
She had yet to take her eyes of this behemoth, her fingers nervously tugging on the cuffs of her hoodie. "Yes! I'm fine James”, was she fucking blushing?! “Im sorry for taking so long". She was smiling? A true genuine smile even as this James, stood menacingly behind her to place a masked kiss to the top of her head, his eyes not once straying from your face. You swore you almost heard a purr fall from Holly's lips at his gesture, all her attention now directed towards him. It's like you didn't exist anymore. He looked controlling, possessive, downright dangerous, and you didn’t understand how Holly was loving on him like a bitch in heat. You bit your lip in frustration.
When did he even appear? You didn't even see this tall motherfucker outside, how the hell were his footsteps so silent, was it Friday the 13th? You quickly glanced at the mini calendar on the counter. Nope not the 13th, you silently thanked God at least you’d see another day.heh.
You watched as Holly grabbed one of his hands to intertwine their fingers together, acting like a love sick puppy to this deranged giant. Whom you noticed, had still YET to take his eyes off you.
Was this who she went away to all those months? With this giant ogre of a man doing god knows what? You clutched the scanning gun in your hand, your eyes focused on Holly. This couldn’t have been healthy, right? To just be gone for a couple of months then be all love drunk to a man who resembled Scarface’s son. No. You had to reason with Holly. This was wrong.
"H-Holly are you sure you're doing alright?". You place the scanning tool away, worry etched in your voice as your hand reached out to her. “You know I can help if you just ask. I’m here for you Holly”
This triggered a response. Not from Holly, oh no, but from James. He tilted his head at your emboldened heroic statement, eyes glazing over while his arms protectively crossed over Holly’s chest. Right now you deemed him akin to a bear protecting its slain prey, it was intimidating, and it made your blood run cold.
No. She wasn’t worth it, not by that much. You went back to scanning the last of Holly's snacks, hands shaking as you bagged the items, almost dropping a few in the process.
You hit the register to get the total, "$2-24.50". They’d be out of your hair soon, you kept repeating to yourself, he’d be gone soon. Holly was digging in her hoodie pocket to pay you when James had beat her to it. Reaching over Holly's shoulder he slapped a 20 (and your now broken phone) onto the counter. You looked back up at him, unwilling to blink, as if the gesture would keep him from physically striking you. You wanted to get some sort of bravery back into your system, but no matter how much you tried, you just couldn't ignore the feeling of dread that was choking the air. It was suffocating and Holly was none the wiser as she kissed the back of James’ intwined hand. You gulped nervously. She was too far gone. No saving her.
"Keep the change", with the final word, he turned, grabbed the bag of snacks and tugged Holly’s wrist to finally leave the store. You let out a puff of air that you didn't know you were even holding, your chest burning at the lack of air. You wanted to steady your shaking hands before you looked at the damage created on your phone. At least you could try to save something.
The screen was completely shattered, small fissures on the sides, ruining any chance of saving the device. You gave a deep sigh and looked out the store’s windows to watch Holly and James disappear down the sidewalk. Her form leaning against his arm. Even with them gone, you still felt the murderous gaze he gave whenever you chanced a look at Holly. You shivered. Did you sign your death certificate? Something was just not right with either of them. Maybe. Maybe it was time to move. Pawn everything and just leave. Yea, that sounded like a good idea. You'd start packing as soon as you clocked out and just start anew in another town. Fuck Holly and her new Beau. Your 10 hours of work couldn’t finish fast enough.
It was a pity though.
James came back to “talk” before you could even step foot out of the store.
I feel like I'm making these things long...should I shorten them up? Also was Holly Mary sue? I need to know >.> I don’t raise no perfect bitches.
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megamindslair · 1 year
Moving my fics to @megamindsecretlair
Warnings: Two cuss words LOL. Loki x Black!Reader
Summary: While out for fuel, you hear a voice that belonged to your confirmed dead best friend Loki. Surely this is a trick, but surely you must investigate.
Word Count:  1,415k
A/N: My first fic! It was just an idea I kicked around. Likely won’t be a “thing”. But I hated the idea that Loki was alive and there was no one but Thor to mourn him. 
You didn’t have time for this. You rubbed your head as the ogre merchant in front of you tried to haggle over something you already negotiated. A stack of American money in exchange for fuel for your ship. You brought the stack, he brought the fuel. What was the issue?
The merchant prattled on and on about fueling and shipping costs. The unseasonably warm weather chafed under your heavy leather pants and coat. Your boots squelched with the telltale sign of sweat between your toes. You were pissed off and hot, a dangerous combination.
You yanked the canister out of his hand and his eyes widened at your strength. You dropped the bag of money on the ground and then picked up the other canister, each weighing a good quarter ton. You dipped your head in thanks to the merchant and walked off, his useless screaming behind you.
You walked towards the docking area maneuvering around busybodies. This realm was new to travelers and the world had made hasty accommodations for all manners of ships, merchants, travelers, and the like. The realm was still untainted by modern hands. There were rolling hills of green, crisp blue sky, and trees as tall as mountains. 
The dock was new. A small city had been erected to dock and service ships, eateries had popped up offering both local and foreign cuisine, and shops cropped up with the latest fashion.
Vanaheim had seen better days. The Vanir who stayed after the war retreated to the forests, hidden away in their alcoves. The Vanir who returned made a treaty with them to leave the forests alone and all would be well. 
You took a deep breath for the familiar smells of home. Earthy scents and fresh bread.
“This way, I know a spot.” 
You froze. You knew that voice. But it was impossible. 
Despite the heat, cold seeped into your veins. Your breathing turned shallow. Your head swiveled looking for the source.
There were suddenly too many people. People of all shapes and sizes, colors and temperament milled about aimlessly or on their way to do business. You moved around them but for each person you passed, three more took their spot.
You heard him. Clear as any bell. Your eyes darted to and fro searching for a ghost. You growled when you couldn’t make heads or tails of the setting before you. It was too much and you were already in a dark mood. 
Perhaps your mind was playing tricks on you again. Perhaps it only sought to torture you of days past. 
You turned to head back towards your ship, cursing the distraction, when you bumped into someone. You looked up, apology on your lips, when you saw him. Your mouth hung slack as you took in your formerly dead best friend. Though, best friend was too small a concept. You dropped the canisters on the ground and stared.
Loki, prince of Asgard, stood in front of you in a…suit of all things. He blinked at you. And you started to giggle. A giggle turned into a chuckle, which then morphed into howling. The type of howling that hurt your sides and made you gasp with effort. Tears gathered in the corners of your eyes.
He called out your name softly, surprise making his eyes wide. Gods it wasn’t fair. He looked exactly the same. His hair was shorter, but still combed away from his face. His face was all sharp lines with a regal nose and strong jawline. 
“It’s really you, right?” You asked. Your eyes had played tricks on you before. Your mind was far from easy and after so much loss, this very well may be a ruse or a trick of the sun. You lifted your hand and hovered it above his arm but you were too afraid to touch him.
If this was a cruel trick of the gods, if he wasn’t real…
His long fingers wrapped around your wrist. You sighed. He was real. Gods he was real.
You threw your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes since he was much taller. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you just as fiercely.
“I can’t believe – what are you doing here?” You asked. Of all the places you imagined meeting up with him, Vanaheim wasn’t at the top of the list.
Though you pulled back, you kept in constant contact. You held his hands, you crowded his space. He was here.
“Bit of a long story,” he said. 
“This is cute, but we’re late.” You turned to the sound, noting a short man with a bushy mustache, blond hair, and a big nose. He was dressed in a similar suit like Loki’s and you looked between them. You bit your lip to keep from laughing.
“Are you two in a band?” You asked.
Loki looked down at his outfit and smiled. “Another long story,” he said. 
“There’s a million things I want to ask you right now,” you said. Questions swirled in your head, each too quick to pick one. You wanted to ask him everything but the questions were too small. Even though you held him, you felt as if he would disappear. As if you were his only tether to the mortal realm. 
“There’s a million answers I want to give,” he said. His crystal blue eyes bore into you with an expression that was likely mirrored in your own eyes. It was awe, disbelief, relief, happiness, apprehension. It was too much and not enough. 
“But we really do have to go, our window is closing,” he said with a sigh. 
“What? No. I just..you’re alive, no,” you stuttered. You shook your head. Loki brought his hands up to cradle your neck. His fingers deftly stroked your cheek. “I promise I’ll explain everything,” he said.
You stared at him. This…this was not the Loki you remembered. Since when did he promise sincerely or wasn’t ready with a quip sharp enough to break glass? 
“What the hell is going on?” You asked.
“We need to go,” the man beside him said. You scowled at the man. He could damn well wait.
“What about Thor? Does he know you’ve returned?” You asked.
Pain shuttered Loki’s eyes shut. He dropped his hands from your face.  “No, please don’t tell him,” he said.
“I-it’s really complicated, and we truly don’t have time for it now. I promise, I’ll explain,” he said. 
The man beside him turned to walk away. Loki walked backwards a few steps, leaving your bubble of space. 
“No,” you said. He had to stay and explain what was going on. He had to explain how he was alive and why he didn’t want Thor to know about it. It wasn’t like you knew where Thor was at present, but the guy wasn’t hard to find.
“Come with us,” Loki said. 
“What?” You and the horrible man gave Loki twisted scowls. 
“I can explain some of it on the way. Come with us, but it has to be right now,” he said. 
You looked down at the canisters and then up towards your ship. You were in between jobs so there was nothing keeping you from going. But your crew…
You poked the earpiece in your ear. Your ship’s first mate was a burly man named Tig. He was a teddy bear, but only after he considered you family. 
“Come get these canisters and fuel up. I need to take care of something for a few days,” you said when Tig answered on comms.
As if you would really pass up a chance to see what was going on. Curiosity will likely be the death of you, but fuck it. Great stories never started with, “but responsibility”. 
“What are you talking about? Where are you?” 
Down the dock with other smaller crafts, Tig leaned out of the ship. He scanned for you, you weren’t terribly far, and he waved. 
“Come get them. I’ll check in when I’m ready. Take the crew for leave and I’ll catch up to you.” 
Loki grinned and held out his hand. This was absolutely nuts. This was perhaps the dumbest thing you’d ever done and that was saying something, considering you used to hang out with Loki, Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three.
But you couldn’t let him go, not without a guarantee that you’d see him again. So you placed your hands in his and followed him, just like old times.
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