#I fucking hate dolls like it’s one of the things I’m afraid of
ropes3amthoughts · 23 days
Dawg I had some creepy ass dream where me and like fifteen other people were locked in a bunker and suddenly the power shut off and everybody was panicking because it was pitch black but then the emergency power kicked in and me and this other guy received instructions to get the power back on for good and so we were navigating these dimly lit tight hallways and there were these creepy human sized dolls that had shown up during the power outage??? And we just like had to kill them??? They didn’t move or anything they were just standing still and when ever you stabbed them stuffing came out and the doll would fall over and you could pass and get closer to the emergency power but then when I got to the last doll and stabbed it blood started oozing all over my hands and then it turned its eyes to look at me and it was alive what the fuck. Like it was creepy as shit dude that dream was so fucking creepy like the power going out and it was all dark and then the tight winding hallways and when me and the other guy saw the first doll thinking there was someone else out there who shouldn’t be there and then when I had gotten in the habit of easily getting rid of the dolls and then instead of stuffing there’s blood like what dude I feel like lowkey shaken up like geez ok brain yeah you creeped me out good job why did you do that
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candycandy00 · 7 months
The Doll House - A Gojo x Reader Fanfic Part 4 (Final)
You sell yourself to the Doll House to pay your mom’s medical expenses, only to discover your trainer is the guy who bullied you relentlessly in high school: Gojo Satoru.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Geto’s Part Here!
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
Note: Please remember that these stories don’t take place at the same time, or even one after the other! Consider each one its own timeline. So if you see Geto and Toji with other dolls, don’t be alarmed lol. I had to do it this way because if I don’t, by the time I get to the last trainer, there won’t be any other trainers left to interact with!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Gojo’s. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored!
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Chubby Reader. Dubcon. Pet Play. Bullying. Collars/Leashes. Fingering. Anal sex. Vaginal sex. Bondage. Dildos. Humiliation. Oral sex. Tons and tons of cum. Gojo being an asshole.
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Gojo looks confused, as if you just spoke a different language to him. “Hurting you? Was I too rough with the training? I’m sorry, I thought you liked-“
“No, not the training!” you yell. The training was the only part of this whole thing you enjoyed. “It’s all the sarcastic remarks about me being cute or little or ‘highlighting my best features’! Saying all those things when I know what you really think of me! And now saying you love me?! You want to keep me?! How stupid do you think I am? How cruel do you have to be to try to get my hopes up just so you can laugh at me?!”
“What are you talking about?” he asks. “Why would I try to trick you? I wasn’t being sarcastic! Fuck, why are you so insecure?!”
You stare at him with your mouth dropped open, totally stunned. “You made me this way!” you scream, tears flooding your eyes. “You gave me this insecurity!”
He actually looks offended. “How?!”
“You made fun of my looks for two years! You, the most beautiful person in the school, laughed at me, said horrible things about my clothes and body, gave me that awful nickname, made me feel ugly and disgusting… made me hate myself!”
“I never made fun of your looks!” he says, his voice getting loud. “I thought you were beautiful! Why would I make fun of your looks?!”
“You called me Chubby Bunny!”
“It’s a cute nickname!”
You shake your head in disbelief. “Even if you thought that, didn’t you notice that everyone was laughing at me because of it? You started that! And you laughed right along with the others! You made my life hell!”
He draws back as if he’s been slapped. “I… I just teased you… I-“
“That was more than teasing, Gojo! I was terrified of you! You were my boogeyman. If I heard your voice coming down the hall, I ducked into a room or hid around a corner until you were gone, because I was so afraid of what you would say or do to me!”
“What? No! I never hurt you! I couldn’t have… I was crazy about you!”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Is he actually rewriting history to make himself feel better? “What about when you tripped me in the hallway? I twisted my ankle. I couldn’t even get up by myself. Geto had to help me! And while I was on the floor, another boy walked by and said I looked like a seal! A few of them made seal barking noises at me for days after that!”
The outrage in his expression is gone, replaced by a look of uncertainty. “I didn’t know anyone said that. I was just joking around. I tripped my friends all the time, even Shoko! I just wanted to see your reaction.”
“So you saw it,” you say, your voice a little more quiet now. “Did you enjoy it? Watching me limp away in tears?”
“No! I actually felt bad about it, I swear! I even thought about apologizing, but Suguru said I should just leave you alone.”
“But you didn’t leave me alone, did you? You took my things, you made constant comments about my clothes. You laughed so loud whenever I made a mistake in class or even dropped a pencil, which got everyone else laughing too. You made me the laughingstock of the class! Why did you do that to me?! What did I ever do to you?!”
He looks hurt, almost sad. “I wanted your attention. You always ignored me. Every girl in the whole school paid attention to me, except the one girl I wanted. And the only way I could get that was to make you mad. I just… wanted you to look at me.” 
“I did look at you then, didn’t I?” you ask. “I looked at you with fear. You made me dread going to school.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, taking one step toward you. “I didn’t realize I hurt you so much. I was just a dumb kid back then. I can make it up to you, I can-“
“No, Gojo, you can’t.” Tears are running down your face. You wipe them with the back of your hand before going on. “Do you remember when you grabbed that love letter I was about to put in someone’s locker, and read it out loud?”
He flinches. He definitely remembers. “Yeah, and I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done that, I know!”
“There’s something you don’t know about that letter,” you say. “I actually wrote it two years before that. I wrote it for you, back when I was in love with you. But I was too shy to even anonymously sneak it into your locker. I was afraid you would somehow find out it was from me, and be disgusted. But I couldn’t throw it away, just like I couldn’t completely throw away my feelings for you, no matter how badly you treated me. So I held onto it. And when I started liking someone else, I realized all those same feelings applied to him. So I tried to drop it in his locker. But you grabbed it, and read it, and laughed. What you were laughing at, Gojo, were my feelings for you!”
Horror is written on his face. He has the same expression as someone who has just been informed that a family member has been in an accident. “I didn’t know… I was jealous… I’m so sorry!”
You don’t engage with his apology. You don’t have the mental strength to do that right now, so you continue airing your feelings. “Even after graduating, I had a complex about my body. I wouldn’t let anyone see me naked, not even my boyfriend. He probably broke up with me because of my hang ups. Eventually I was able to bury my feelings for you, the love and the hate. But then… I came here…” you say, your voice breaking as you begin crying again. “And all those feelings came rushing back to me! I worked so hard to forget about you! And now… now my heart is in tatters!”
There’s a flicker of light in his eyes. “So you do have feelings for me! Even now!”
You scoff, wiping your eyes again. “Yes, but that’s the problem! Loving you is hurting me! Because it makes me feel low and weak and pathetic. I even started feeling lucky that someone as perfect as you could hold back their disgust long enough to fuck me.”
“Don’t say that!” he practically yells, his face twisted in pain. “This whole time I thought I was the lucky one! Fuck, I’ve practically been permanently hard since you got here! I spent my high school years dreaming of touching you. Even when I’ve been training dolls, even when I was fucking them, I imagined they were you!”
You shake your head. “It’s too late. You already did the damage. I can’t be your doll. Whether you knew it or not, you’ve owned me for far too long. I can’t let you literally, legally own me for ten more years. It would destroy me.”
He seems to be at a loss for words, his eyes shimmering and wet, like he’s about to cry. 
You wipe your face again. “I can’t stay in here tonight. If you touch me, I might crumble. If you’re serious about feeling anything at all for me, you won’t do that to me. I’ll ask the owner if I can sleep in one of the empty rooms.”
“No, I’ll go. You can stay here,” he says, his voice unusually gentle. He grabs a few things and then heads for the door. Before stepping out, he looks at you again. “I really am sorry,” he says to you, and then he’s gone. 
Not long after, Gojo is knocking on Suguru’s door, not caring what he might be interrupting. It takes a few minutes for his friend to answer, his long hair slightly messy and his face annoyed. “What is it, Satoru?” 
Gojo doesn’t even say anything, just looks at him. 
Suguru’s eyes narrow. “Let me guess. You told her you’re keeping her and she told you to go to hell.”
“It was so much worse than that!” Gojo practically whines. 
With a sigh, Suguru says, “Let me clean up in here and I’ll meet you in the dining hall.”
An hour later, the two friends are sitting at a table, cups of tea in front of them. Gojo has told Suguru every word of the conversation he had with his doll, twice. 
Suguru takes another sip from his cup. “I tried to warn you when she first got here, but you wouldn’t listen. You never listen.”
Gojo is leaning over the table, his head on his arms. “I thought it would work out. I thought making her fall in love with me again would be easy. And it sort of was. She said she still has feelings for me!”
“Yes, you’ve mentioned that part a dozen times already,” Suguru says, sitting his cup back on the table. “But for her, you’re the person who ruined her life just to get attention. Loving you only makes her feel worse. I don’t blame her for wanting to get away from you.”
Gojo looks up. “But I didn’t know! I didn’t know so many other people were making fun of her because of stuff I did, I didn’t know about the letter. I didn’t know I was hurting her so much!”
“Now you know,” Suguru tells him. “The question is, now that you know, what are you going to do about it?”
The next morning, you wake up in Gojo’s bed. It smells like him, and you can’t help remembering all the things you’ve done in this bed with him. 
But it’s over now. You’re going to talk to the owner and tell her to find a buyer for you as soon as possible. Gojo can move on to his next doll and hopefully both of you can put this whole mess behind you. 
The owner agrees to meet you in the welcome room to discuss your situation, and you find her standing in the center of the room. A folder is tucked under her arm.  
You open your mouth to speak to her, but Gojo suddenly rushes in. “Did you bring it?” he asks the owner, not even looking at you. 
The owner opens the folder and pulls out a paper. “Here it is, her contract. She is now your doll.”
“Wait!” you yell, confused and angry. How dare he do this after everything you said last night! You read your contract, you know you can reject him as your owner if you give sufficient reason. You’re pretty sure your history with Gojo would qualify. Still, the fact that he’s ignoring your wishes makes you livid. 
Before you can approach him, he turns to face you and holds your contract up in front of him. “You probably won’t believe me, but I planned to do this from the very start.”
With that, he rips the contract into tiny pieces and lets them fall to the floor. 
You freeze, watching the shreds of paper falling before your eyes. 
“You’re free,” he says. “You’re not a doll anymore.”
Your eyes widen. The owner sighs and shakes her head, saying, “Gojo, do you understand what you’re doing? This was your one doll to keep. You can’t ever pick another.”
“I know. I’ll never want another doll anyway,”
he says, then looks at you again. “I know this doesn’t make up for what I did to you, but I hope it can be a start.”
You feel your eyes becoming wet again. You’re free! You don’t have to give up ten years of your life after all! You glance at Gojo, unsure of what to say. 
“I never wanted to own you,” he says, his face a little sad. “I just want you to be happy. If you believe anything I’ve told you, believe that.”
“I… uh…” you flounder for a moment, trying to decide what words to use before finally settling on, “Thank you.”
He smiles at you. “Maybe someday, if you want to, we could try being friends? No pressure or anything. Just think about it.”
You nod, somewhat dazed. In the end, you leave with his phone number and return to your normal life. 
It takes over a month for you to text him. Just an awkward, “How are you?” that he replies to within seconds. You can almost feel his excitement to hear from you. 
“I quit my job as a trainer,” he tells you. “I just wasn’t all that into it anymore.”
You wonder if it’s because of what happened between the two of you, but don’t ask. A small part of you is relieved that he doesn’t currently have some other woman on a leash in his room. 
For the next couple of weeks, you and Gojo talk via text and phone calls. He never asks to meet up, and never tries to pressure you in any way. You do discuss your past some more, calmly this time. He listens quietly to everything you say, apologizes over and over, and (only when you’re ready to hear it) explains why he did all those things. 
His reasons were so childish and petty, it makes you realize he was just fifteen or sixteen years old when he did those things. Maybe it’s not fair to keep punishing someone for things they did at that age, if they’re trying to make it right as an adult. 
One night you have another anemic spell, and your friend is at work. The only family you have is your mother, and she’s still hospitalized. Nervously, you text Gojo. He’s already told you to let him know if you ever need anything, but the thought of seeing him face to face again makes you uneasy. 
Still, he shows up at your door in a flash, a bag full of food and DVD’s hanging on his arm. Seeing him standing there in your living room, so tall and so beautiful, makes your heart race.
“Did you faint again?” he asks, looking so worried. 
“No, I just felt dizzy and weak,” you tell him. 
“Then just relax,” he says with a smile. “I’ll take care of you.”
And he does. He cooks for you, brings you hot tea, and sits on the couch with you watching movies. He stays until the next morning, and you’re a little surprised that he never tried to tempt you into sleeping with him. You remember that the last time you weren’t feeling well, he did the same thing. 
To be honest, you’re a little disappointed. 
After that, the two of you are officially friends. You talk often, always checking in on each other’s days, getting to know each other’s habits and schedules. 
The friendship doesn’t last long. 
The first time you go to his place to “hang out just as friends”, both of you give in. 
One minute you’re sitting on his couch, laughing and talking, and the next you’re wrapped in his arms, his tongue in your mouth, his hands tugging at your clothes. 
He spreads you out naked on the cushions and eats your pussy like a man starved, saying how much he missed you, missed tasting you, missed watching you cum. He goes at it for over an hour, making you climax so many times you practically forget how to speak, only able to whimper and gasp. 
Then, he fucks your ass, absolutely railing you. You’re so overstimulated by this point that you just want him inside you, no matter what hole he uses. Overwhelmed by your own feelings, you start crying. Gojo holds you close to him, hugging you gently, rubbing your hair, whispering sweet words into your ear as he fucks you relentlessly. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re so beautiful. Feels so good inside you… Fuck, you’re incredible!”
You know what he’s doing, and it only makes you even more emotional. He wants you to know what he thinks of you. He doesn’t want you to question how attractive he finds you. He doesn’t want you to feel insecure. 
The two of you begin dating after that. You couldn’t ask for a sweeter, more supportive boyfriend. He takes care of you, pampers you, treats you like a queen. He even goes with you to visit your mom in the hospital. And through all this, you feel like you’re finally beginning to heal. 
And when the two of you are alone, and very horny, sometimes you go back to being his Bunny. Not Chubby Bunny, he’s never called you that since finding out how much it bothered you, but just Bunny. 
Right now, you’re in the living room of his apartment, all the curtains closed and the door locked. You’re wearing your collar, bunny ears, and thigh high stockings, and nothing else. Your hands are handcuffed in front of you, and you’re on your hands and knees, your legs trembling as you crawl toward Gojo, who is tugging on your leash. 
It’s hard to crawl with two huge dildos shoved inside you, one in each hole, both of them vibrating and rotating wildly. Earlier, Gojo got on his knees behind you and jacked off until ready to cum. Then he stuck just the tip into your pussy and filled it full. With his fingers, he scooped up the cum that leaked out and pushed it into your ass. Then he put the dildos in, leaving them to churn and stir up his cum, telling you not to let them fall out. 
It feels so good, being full of his cum, the sensation of it swirling inside you. But there’s one more hole that hasn’t had any yet. So you crawl between his spread thighs while he sits on the couch, looking down at you lovingly. You nuzzle his clothed crotch with your face and say, “Please fill my mouth, Satoru~”
You’ve only recently started calling him that. It felt a little weird at first, after calling him Gojo for all these years, but you love the effect it has on him when you purr out his name like that. 
You hear his breath catch in his throat, but he manages to compose himself. “Such a naughty, greedy Bunny! I’ve already filled two of your holes! Why don’t I just put the third dildo in your mouth?”
“No, please! The real thing… in my mouth… please,” you whine, staring up at him with glossy eyes. “Your cock tastes so good, Satoru… please feed me your cum!”
His eyes go wide, and you can just barely hear him mutter, “Holy fucking fuck!”
You’ve leaned by now that he’s totally weak to your begging. You’re the one handcuffed and leashed, but Gojo would move heaven and earth to please you, to watch you lose yourself to pleasure. 
“Th-then I guess I’ll fill that pretty mouth,” he says, his hands fumbling with his pants in his hurry to get them open. He stands up, towering over you. There’s a faint blush across his pale features, and he’s breathing a little harder than usual as he pulls out his cock. You open your lips, your tongue partially out. He grins. “You’re gonna have to open wider than that, Bunny, or this huge dick won’t fit.”
You lick your lips, then open your mouth wider, and he immediately shoves in. He fucks your mouth, thrusting into it, hitting the back of your throat, groaning when your tongue laps at every inch it can reach. 
“F-fuck! Your fucking mouth… so good…”
These moments together are so much hotter now that you can fully enjoy them, knowing he finds you irresistible. It makes you feel sexy, desired, loved. Knowing you can make him lose his mind gets you wet every time. 
Just when your jaw is starting to get sore, he pulls out so that he’s barely in your mouth, and shoots his load inside it. There’s so much! 
“Don’t swallow it yet,” he says, his face slightly red, his hair messy. He grabs the third dildo and pushes it into your mouth, turning it on low so that it can slowly stir his cum in your mouth, spreading it to every inch. Then he stands back and watches as all three of your holes, full of his seed, are fucked by the gyrating toys. 
You moan around the dildo in your mouth, locking eyes with him. He’s panting, his eyes wild with desire. Before your eyes, his cock gets hard again, standing tall and gorgeous just like him. 
He drops to his knees behind you and uses his hand to pump the dildo in your ass, in and out, making obscene squelching noises. With his other hand, you feel him pull the dildo out of your pussy. He holds it up, and you look at it over your shoulder. It’s dripping with his cum and your wetness. 
“Gotta be inside this pussy,” he mumbles, and then he’s thrusting into you, deep and hard enough to make your body jerk with his motions. You’re sore from being fucked by the dildos, which are almost as big as Gojo’s cock, but you wouldn’t pass this up for anything in the world. He pushes the dildo into your ass to the same rhythm as he fucks your pussy, making your eyes roll back as you release muffled cries. 
Gojo is grunting behind you, losing himself, babbling out words. 
“Fuck… fuck… I love you so much… this cock belongs to you… every ounce of my cum belongs to you… everything I am… yours…”
He thrusts in deep enough to make you scream, and shoots loads of hot cum into your core. After pulling out, he quickly pulls out the dildo in your ass, sticks his cock in, and shoots out the rest of his load. 
He’s panting as he turns you over, so that you’re lying on your back, your legs splayed, creamy cum dripping out of both holes. He reaches over and gently pulls the dildo from your mouth, watching as your tongue continues to lick at it, collecting any remaining cum from the sticky object. 
“Just how much do you love my cum?” he asks, staring down at you in awe. 
You run your tongue around the edge of your mouth. “It’s delicious,” you say. 
“God, you’re beautiful,” he says, pulling you up and unfastening the collar. 
You snuggle into his arms as he helps you to the bathroom, enjoying how incredibly sweet he is during after care. 
The two of you have come a long way.  Even now, you’re not certain you’ve one hundred percent forgiven him. And occasionally you remember something terrible he did to you and it makes you uncomfortable around him for a few days. But he’s putting in the work to make it up to you, and you’re having a wonderful time enjoying being his girlfriend. You couldn’t ask for a happier ending than that. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene @lzaj19 @lyn-lotte @missthatgirl @peachedtv @ladytamayolover @nanam1nx @deegausserr @voids-universe @hinata7346 @maflorex @issracollen @xkittiecatx @ryumurin @emrys3456 @mysecretesc8pe @typicalloser3 @gabriiiiiiii @fvsm4x @tyunhyukamyloves @rottmntrulesall
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goodgirlofglory · 1 year
Hiya doll! 👋 Finals month is still in motion, so I’ve been pretty quiet on the asks. But today I was feeling some sort of way, and I wanted to know if you’re open to this request.
“Bucky with a reader who is insecure about her body”
Basically, I see a lot of representation for plus size girlies on tumblr ( and this is no hate to anyone) but I wish there was also more representation for midsize girlies. Also for girls who are on the taller side, I’m talking 5”7 and up. I’m 5”7 myself, and wearing any shoe that gives me extra inches makes me feel like I tower over my friends or others.
Another thing is, if you do write for this ask, I was thinking that even though reader does have a low self-esteem, she puts on a front and seems like she has a majorrrrrr ego or god complex. So maybe, Bucky see through that, gets her down from there, and fucks her in front of a mirror 🫣🥵
And I oop-
Anyways, regardless to everything, have a fantastic day/night and rest of your week! I appreciate you 💜💜💜
I hope your finals went well!🫶🫶🫶
I am soooo sorry this took so long! It needed to sit with me for a while before I felt I could do it justice, and then life happened in the meantime ya'know.
Anyways I so dearly hope you like this🙏🙏 I resonated a lot with your prompt as a midsize girlie myself and channeled some of my own experience into it (though I have sadly never been fucked in front of a mirror by Bucky Barnes)💖
Anyway, hope you're having a good day or night wherever you are, you are a true gem 🫶✨️🫶✨️🫶
(Also can’t wait to hear what you think of this so lmk😘)
Just perfect / One-shot
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x secretlyinsecure!taller!midsize!reader
Word count: 7,8k
Warnings: explicit sexual content, explicit language, SMUT, bathroom sex, fucking in front of a mirror, dom!Bucky, unprotected p in v (be safe my sweet darlings), a split second of oral (f receiving), reader is insecure and has some harmful thoughts about her own body.
Summary: A rather dreadful Christmas party at S.H.I.E.L.D takes a turn for the better (and frankly therapeutical) when Bucky Barnes shows you that your self-deprecating thoughts about your body might not be as objective as you thought.
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“Mid,” you muttered to yourself as you looked over your outfit one more time in the mirror, fighting down the nagging notion of not feeling entirely satisfied with the reflection. The little, black dress fit you perfectly, hugging your upper body like a second skin before flaring out in the shimmering, silk fabric of the skirt that reached just below your knees. Appropriate for a work party, while the hidden slit in the side of the skirt was just a little something extra cheeky for those who’d pay attention. You doubted anyone would. It fit your persona as a ruthless man repeller perfectly too. No flashy colors, no risque shapes, no cutouts and not too short. No fun either, but that wasn’t important here. The cleavage even appeared modest with the average size of your breasts. 
“Fucking mandatory Christmas party,” you muttered as you grabbed your bag and left your apartment to head to the Avengers compound for the second time that day. How is it even allowed to make an after hours social event mandatory, you wondered angrily as you got in the waiting cab. You kept adjusting your dress as the city slowly flashed by outside the cab window, second guessing everything about your outfit from the dress to the shoes to the bag to the red lipstick you’d dared yourself to put on, afraid it was too much and too basic at the same time. 
You knew it was ridiculous to feel so self conscious about yourself and your body. For all intents and purposes, you were perfectly and quite uninterestingly average, neither plus size nor skinny. You knew your plus size girlies had a way harder time being judged and disrespected for their size, and you didn’t want to be too skinny either, like malnourished. You were perfectly midsize, eating healthy and exercising for your body's sake, eating chocolate and pasta and drinking beer for your mental health’s sake. You were perfectly. average. midsize.
It was just that, the lack of appreciation and attention over the years has slowly chipped away at your confidence, and then your self-image, and then your self-esteem, to a point that it was difficult to even rouse any positive thoughts about yourself that didn’t feel half-hearted or mandatory for the girlboss-affirmation of the day. 
The one thing you had going for you, the one thing you felt unequivocally confident about, was your job. Working as one of the high level secretaries for Fury himself, you actually had quite the high seat in the house, with clearance, authority and trust from the big man on top himself. It also meant saying no to quite a lot of things and people on a daily basis, to stop people from charging into the director's office in anger, to be authoritative enough to make people listen and actually do whatever orders you delivered on the director’s behalf (and your own sometimes). The job, which you loved and had worked hard to get, was just a tad challenging to splice with a lack of self-image.
So you’ve built a ruthless, badass, girlboss, gatekeep, gaslight persona for yourself, known for being resistant to all flattery, all bribes, all flirting and all begging. Nothing got past you and everyone seemed just a little afraid of you. It was true, you’d garnered the nickname “the other she-hulk” among your peers. And though you embodied this persona like the most natural thing in the world, it was also a front really, for your honest to God lack of confidence in your everything average.
Oh yeah, except for your height, you realized as you got out of the cab at your destination and was hailed over by the other female colleagues in your department waiting outside the compound - the shoes you wore turned out to give you several inches of height on the other girls, even as they also wore stiletto-like heels. In the height department, you were just above average, which did not make you feel any better necessarily. 
Fuck. You looked like their fucking body guard, looming behind them like a giraffe as you made your way inside, them smiling and laughing, you affecting your haughty mask, the one that protected you the best when you were feeling a bit off-kilter. Better to deem everyone here below your interest before they even had a chance to assess you, right?  
The party was nice. They’d somehow managed to make the compound not feel like a concrete bunker, decorating almost every surface with some fabric or other, flashy reds and silvers and greens and blues, giant trees everywhere overloaded with decorations. Maximalism galore.
“It looks like Santa exploded in here,” you joked to your colleagues, receiving a bout of wild laughter in return. It hadn’t really been that funny, but hey, maybe you could be known as the “other deadpool” in the future if you worked hard enough on your comedy. 
As usual, the lovelier girls of your department got swarmed pretty quickly by guys. Recruits, officers, cadets, other secretaries - they all flocked to your group. You didn’t blame them, your colleagues were beautiful, witty, smiling brightly and exuding a sort of light that could only be rivaled by the sun. They were nice to everyone too, unlike you. 
You stayed and chatted for a bit. No one commented on your dress and certainly not the split at the side, and you tried not to let that get to you. This was a work event, after all, it would be inappropriate if they did come on to you or something. Your self-esteem whimpered quietly even so. 
It didn’t take long for the rest to get tipsy, and someone started blasting music somewhere, effectively switching from corporate mingling-mode to drunken tomfoolery-mode. You easily resisted getting dragged to the dancefloor, effecting a disinterested, above-it-all mask as your work friends pouted and dragged your arm in a petulant, though surprisingly endearing way. 
“I’m not debasing myself tonight, thank you very much,” you said, knowing it was harsh but only gaining a playfully scolding look before the whole gang bounced off to dance without you. 
You made your way over to the bar instead. A half-hour or so more and then you could safely leave without breaking any social codes, you thought with relief as you ordered another glass of champagne. 
Turning from the bar, glass in hand, you suddenly bumped into someone, champagne sloshing around the rim, a few drops spilling over your hand. 
“Hey, watch where-” you started, words dying in your mouth as you looked up…and up a broad chest, a thick neck and then came face to face with Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier himself. 
B-big, your brain supplemented eloquently as you stopped speaking all together. 
How was he so tall? Okay, so you knew he was tall, you’d encountered him regularly over the years and had always felt dwarfed by the tree-trunk size of the man, but you were in four inch heels, god damnit, and you still had to crane your neck to look into his eyes. They glinted as he looked down on you, and for a moment you forgot who you were supposed to be and nearly shrank in on yourself, feeling uncharacteristically small. 
“Sorry,” he simply said, giving you a once-over so quick you weren’t sure it’d happened at all, and then he leaned around you to grab a few napkins from the bar. He made quick work of taking the glass from your hand and wiping the stray drops of champagne from it, set it on the bar and then gently took your hand in his and wiped it as well. 
You could only stare in astonishment at the size of his hands, rough and calloused, but with neatly trimmed nails, engulfing yours and being so exquisitely gentle. He put the glass back in your hand and looked down at you with a pleased smile. 
You quickly amassed your indifferent mask, raising a haughty eyebrow at him, and stepped aside so he could order whatever he wanted. He’d at least apologized and cleaned up the mess he (and you together, admittedly) had caused. You supposed it was the best outcome, both for your pride and confidence. You didn’t step far from the bar, sure you would be back soon enough for another glass, and looked out on the burgeoning dance floor in front of you. 
“Why don’t you join?” a deep voice asked from the side. 
Looking over, Bucky had come up to stand at your side, looking out over the crowd as well, whiskey glass in hand. His strong profile was illuminated by the flashing lights of the dance floor, reflected in those baby blue eyes, and his hair was tucked back into a bun at the back of his head. His suit must have been tailored by sorcery or something, because it hugged him in all the right places, press neat and crisp, making him look both perfectly put together and indecently so.   
Okay, so maybe you had a little something of a crush on the guy. He was fine as hell, and always put this old school New York charm on you whenever you met. He was the only one who still tried to charm and flirt with you whenever he came to Fury’s office, and though you put on your unimpressed and uninterested mask, thoroughly shutting him down each time, you secretly appreciated those moments more than you would ever admit out loud. It felt nice that he at least treated you the same as all the other secretaries - he was the only one who still did. 
You raised your eyebrow, securing a bored look even as you wanted to ask with you?
“Not exactly my crowd,” you said instead, taking a swig at your drink. 
“No? Didn’t think you cared about things like that,” he said, smoothly challenging you. 
“Not exactly my music, then,” you said. Arrogance and low energy usually got people to leave you alone when you felt fragile. You turned to give him a fake, sarcastically apologetic smile. 
“Ah, I see. Too bad, would’ve loved to see how wide that split goes while you twirl,” he said, leaning closer to you, and in your shock the mask you’d held on so tight cracked, and you whipped to look at him. He’d noticed it?
You saw the pleased victory shining in his eyes. Cheeky bastard was trying to break you, trying to make you drop the haughty exterior, like he knew you were only putting up a front. And you’d let your mask slip and showed him he was right. And like you suspected he knew, it was the exact sort of thing you deeply, secretly craved someone to do. 
But it wouldn’t be that easy. Bucky could just be fucking with you, or making easy conversation. But he’d noticed the split in your dress, so he must’ve been looking, right? Just a little harder than everybody else. Still, it was out of the question to just drop every defense and wall you had now, in this room, just because of one comment from him. You quickly affected an unimpressed, almost fatigued mask, raising your glass to your lips. 
“Too bad, Barnes, I’ve already had my high school prom,” you said, delivering the line with just the perfect amount of arrogance and judgment. 
You felt his eyes lingering on your face for long moments as you stared into the crowd, refusing to meet his eyes and potentially let more slip. This shit was exhausting enough when people didn’t clock on to your farce. Still, a small part of you didn’t want him to stop looking, to stop showering you in this undivided attention that sizzled like carbonic bubbles on your skin. 
You immediately shut down your disappointment when he left without another word, telling yourself to be proud you didn’t beg or flirt or plead for his attention like everyone else did. You didn’t need anyone but yourself, you needed to remember that. 
The music shifted from some mainstream pop song to some very old jazz, and the sudden shift only had a second to register before Bucky appeared as from thin air, took your glass from you, downed the rest of your drink in one gulp (eyes shining with mischief as you gawked a little at him), ditched the glass on the nearby table and then promptly took you by the hands and hauled you out on the dance floor. 
“W-wait, I -” your words cut off to a little squeal as the soldier wrapped a strong arm around your waist and twirled you so your feet lifted off the ground, the skirt of your dress flying out. Your arms clung around his neck and shoulders as the world spun in a flurry of bright, flickering lights, and your feet didn’t touch the ground for ten solid seconds as Bucky turned and turned. 
When he eventually put you down, his arms didn’t let up much, keeping you firmly tucked to the hard planes of his stomach and chest with a hand that went around your back and held your waist on the other side. 
You schooled your expression down even as nerves and excitement and a fair share of actual, fucking excitement filled you from the unexpected dancing. You actually did like to dance a lot. You looked up and found Bucky’s eyes on your face, glimmering in the bright lights as he easily led you in some old timey couple’s dance that he apparently knew perfectly.
“This music more to your liking?” he asked, challenging and genuine at the same time, and you couldn’t for the life of you understand his angle. Why was he doing this? 
You knew people were watching, even as the dance floor was still full of other dancers making due with their modern dance moves to the old music. And though you did feel kinda nervous being so exposed, you couldn’t very well cut off this dance and leave - that would only make you look even more insecure than you felt.
So you soldiered through, putting on a mildly entertained, smug look and looking Bucky in the eyes. 
“It’s certainly something else,” you said, and watched as his eyes flared over with a sort of playful frustration, shaking his head a little at you, but smiling despite himself. 
“Drop the act, sweetheart,” he said then, low enough for no one else to hear, but it still made you bristle. 
“What act?” you said, making it sound nonchalant and innocent at the same time. “Just because you remember one dance from 70 years ago, I’m supposed to swoon?” you challenged, knowing the words were harsh but goddamnit, he was getting too close. 
A groan escaped him then, one you felt more than heard from the way your bodies were pressed together, and you flushed, not expecting that kind of response. 
He leaned down and murmured in your ear.
“I like it when you’re mean, but I’d like it more if you were honest,” he said, and your breath caught, the physical sensation of his hot breath on your ear distracting you to the point of stumbling a bit on your heels. His arm around your waist didn’t let you so much as twist an ankle, which made you feel even more heated. 
Before you could come up with a retort, Bucky flung you out in a twirl, making your skirt fly around you. He led you perfectly even as he almost threw you around like a ragdoll, and you had to admit you were amazed by how graceful you were even as every move and twist were orchestrated and led by Bucky. The crowd disappeared as you moved to the music, coming back to Bucky, being swung out again, your back to his front at one point, his breath hot on your neck, swinging out again and stepping past each other in swoops only connected by your hand in his. 
You met his eyes and saw the flash over with an intensity that made your skin prickle, with a hunger you could scarcely believe was meant for you, eyes raking over your body, lingering on the leg peaking out through the split in your skirt, your chest heaving in the low cut neckline of your dress, your face flushed and no doubt looking as amazed as you felt on the inside. 
The dance ended in a perfectly timed dip, Bucky holding you down and cradling your neck and the small of your back in capable arms, face so close you could feel his breath fan across your face, smelling of whiskey and spearmint. 
You smiled, couldn’t help it, you hadn’t had this much fun at a work event in years. Bucky’s eyes flitted about your face as he echoed your smile with a brilliant flash of teeth himself. Your heart thudded in your chest, and your eyes flicked down to his lips, those luscious, plump lips and oh holy fuck did you want to kiss him at that moment. A desperation you couldn’t quell seized you by your fucking guts and you positively throbbed. Your smile faltered, and you saw his fall too. Daring to look up into his eyes, you saw the same hunger reflected there, nearly engulfing you in its heat. 
Then the crowd returned, cheering, the music went back to some pop song from last year and reality dumped back in on your head so fast you almost made the mistake of scrambling out of Bucky’s hold. 
No, no, no, way too exposed, this was not how you planned this night…
You were actually proud of the way you managed to slowly extract yourself from Bucky’s arms, give a slow, bored “thank you,” and then calmly leave the room all together to escape to the ladies room. 
You had to admit, they hadn’t neglected the bathrooms in the compound, you thought as you occupied the space alone. They were kinda nice, big and spacious, marble and polished steel making the space comfortable and with an air of luxury compared to the practical, brutalist vibe of the rest of the building. 
You touched up on your lipstick, hands shaking a little from the excursion of the dancing. Okay, you needed to leave, you thought to yourself as you felt your skin still sizzling faintly wherever Bucky’s hands had touched you. Your nerves seemed newly awakened as if from a deep slumber, and it would not do to develop an even deeper crush on him. 
As if summoned, the door to the bathroom opened and Bucky stepped through, eyes finding yours in the mirror immediately. 
“I think you’re supposed to be in the next room over Barnes,” you drawled even as your heart picked up speed. 
He didn’t answer as he slowly crossed the room. 
You couldn’t help shifting in your skin as your body thrummed with an exhausting amount of nervous excitement. His gaze was level,possessing your attention like an iron grip. It was like he saw right through every mask and facade you tried to put on, right in to the very center, the very truth inside you. It lulled you and provoked you at the same time. 
“You’re in the wrong restroom, Barnes,” you said, even harsher, when he was about halfway across to you. He still didn’t answer. 
You spun to face him, anger welling higher. Who did he think he was, coming in here and stripping away the only scraps of protection you had, looking at you like he could read the thoughts as they appeared in your mind?
“I’m exactly where I need to be,” he answered as you glared at him, coming to stop directly in front of you, only inches between you, and the air there sparked with energy you just couldn’t deny you were affected by. 
You scoffed, fighting against the crumbling of your exterior. Fuck, fuck, fuck, you wanted him. Couldn’t deny it, couldn’t help yourself as your muscles ached to reach for him, to press yourself against him and let him wrap his strong, safe arms around you again. To tuck yourself away into him and shut your mind off and just feel taken care of - in any way - by someone other than yourself.
A desperate thought occurred to you; maybe you could do this without losing face. If you went on the offensive, you could still hold control over the situation while still letting whatever was sizzling between you and Bucky explode, you thought a bit desperately as you held his stare, his eyes darkening as the seconds ticked by. Maybe you didn’t have to bare your soul for him in order to get a taste of what you wanted. You could just make it out to be a hookup at a party, something carnal but detached. Give your body to him while still guarding your mind and soul. 
Not giving yourself a moment more to stall, you surged forward, grabbed his neck and kissed him. He wasn’t as surprised as you’d liked by your sudden call to action. In fact, he seemed to come unleashed the moment your lips met his, a grunt sounding in his throat as he instantly wrapped one arm around your waist, his other going into your hair to keep your head firmly put where he wanted it. 
The kiss was filthy, hot breaths and open mouths and tongue on tongue almost immediately, like a dam of pent up lust had just erupted at that first touch for the both of you. He pushed you back so the marble counter dug into your ass, and plastered himself against you, groaning as your hands moved to map out his back. 
You fumbled to reach for the lapels on his jacket and he let up his hold just long enough for you to wrench his suit jacket off him before both pair of hands went on frantically groping and gripping and touching, and you couldn’t seem to draw breath into your aching lungs for all the burning desire that flooded your body. 
Bucky broke out of your heady kiss, gasping as he leaned his forehead to yours, hands gripping your hip and the back of your neck so tight it almost pinched you, and you relished the feeling. 
“Fuck,” he groaned between pants, and you liked the sound of that very much. 
You gave him a sultry and cocky “mhm” as you kissed him again, nipping at his bottom lip. When you opened your eyes again, he was still looking at you, his stare so fucking intense. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said, and that…was stepping into a territory you were not too keen on. You couldn’t have sentimentality at that moment. You couldn’t control your tiny wince either, trying to move on with another kiss, your hands dragging down the hard planes of his chest to entice him to move along. 
Bucky didn’t grant you that mercy. He apparently saw your wince as well as he saw the split in your skirt, and scrutinized you with a piercing stare as he reiterated between kisses. 
“So gorgeous,” he murmured and you tried your damndest to ignore it, kissing him more intently, hands moving a bit desperately to his belt, but an uncomfortable laughter escaped you either way. 
Bucky stopped your hands, grabbing them and putting them on the counter at your side before cradling your face firmly in his hands. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what is he doing, you lamented as you looked everywhere but his eyes. 
“I mean it, you’re a gorgeous woman,” he said and you whined softly, not at all capable of hearing that. Whether out of a misguided sense of pity or because he wanted to get in your panties, you didn’t want him to tell you that shit just to placate you. You were already dying to get fucked, false flattery was of no need. You were practically soaking your panties already just from his kisses and his hands, one warm and one slightly colder, moving over your body like he couldn’t get to all of it quick enough.
“You don’t have to-” you started exasperated, squirming to get away from the intimacy of his proximity, the way he looked at you and the way he was cradling your face. 
“You see, this is what I mean. I think you’re hiding, doll. You don’t realise how fucking amazing you are, and you hide it behind a bitchy face and even bitchier words,” he said.
Words failed you then. The fucking audacity of this man to call you out like that. You were not prepared to be laid out like that, and you didn’t know whether to fight back with teeth and claws or to flee in your humiliation. 
Bucky must have seen your warring thoughts on your face, the simmering rage at being cornered and confronted like this, like an animal frantic with self preservation. 
“You don’t believe me?” he asked, and you could see a fierce competitive glint light on fire in his eyes, pouncing on the challenge.
In a flash, he’d turned you around and you met your own expression in the mirror above the sink. Bucky stepped flush against you again, and nestled the hard bulge in his pants right against your ass. You squirmed and whined a little. You wanted that inside you already. But Bucky held you tightly pinned between himself and the counter, his metal hand coming around to splay on your stomach, shining metal against the black silk fabric, effectively giving you no room to move. His hand was so huge, it covered nearly the whole area between your belly button and the underside of your heaving breasts. He propped his chin on your shoulder and captured your eyes through the reflection in the mirror. 
“You’re exquisite, doll” he whispered, his other hand landing lightly on your waist. This time you saw your own wince of disbelief in the mirror, instantly embarrassed at how revealing you were. Heat bloomed on your cheeks, both from his words and the way his eyes were just eating your body up in the mirror. 
“I’m nothing special,” you heard yourself murmur. 
“Oh, on the contrary, doll, you’re as rare as they come,” Bucky said, flesh hand moving to grab your hips appreciatively. “Swinging these hips all around the compound, your walk so sweet compared to that barking mouth you’ve got on ya,” he said, drawled a bit, his Brooklyn accent coming forth, kneading your hips and pulling you back to grind your ass on his hard bulge. 
Your breath hitched on a gasp, and your heart fluttered in your chest. He’d been watching the way you walked? And he liked it?
His hands came up to cup one of your heaving breasts. 
“Such elegant lines, perfect, round tits,” he murmured into the skin below your ears, and you trembled in his arms as his fingers teased a nipple through the thin fabric of your dress. 
“A neck that’s just begging to be sucked on and marked,” he continued before his lips sealed itself to that sensitive spot right below the hinge of your jaw and you gasped raggedly as sparks flew through your body. 
You were positively high on the novelty of his praise, but you just couldn’t quite believe it. 
“I’ve…a-always just thought I was so average,” you admitted, voice timid, nothing short of a whisper, and you berated yourself for revealing your insecurity so openly, even as Bucky’s lips let go of your skin and he nuzzled the hair behind your ear. 
“God, no,” he sighed, hand coming down to your hip again, guiding you to grind back on his bulge again, and fuck, he was hard, “I don’t get how you could even think that,” he said, and the genuine astonishment in his voice had to be real, or else he was a brilliant fucking actor. 
Your hips had started moving on their own now, steadily grinding between his metal hand on your stomach and the hard cock at your ass, sizzling sparks of heat traveling your body from the friction. You could feel Bucky nodding into the crook of your neck, encouraging and praising at the same time. 
“But I’m…kinda tall…surely y-you’d want someone shorter, m-more petite?” you heard yourself whisper, and you just had to ask him right out, to give voice to those incessant, nagging insecurities. 
He actually laughed then, a breathy chuckle against the exposed skin of your shoulder. 
“Are you kidding? You nearly gave me a heart attack in these heels tonight, baby,” he said easily, calm and honest and straightforward and it was like he wasn't even trying to convince you of anything, he was just speaking honestly. “And when you danced with me? How sexy and smooth and fucking alive you were as you let me spin you? Couldn’t take my fucking eyes of you, fuck, I haven’t been this hard in ages. Plus, you’re just perfect for me to fuck like this. Can’t you feel how perfectly your ass fits against my cock when you grind like that, huh? Can’t have that with a shorter girl, you were made for me, darling,” he said, breath growing puffy and you were almost shaking, both from his words and the blazing fucking heat they stoked.
A needy, whimpering sort of whine escaped you at that. It was perfect, your height to his. Perfect for you to nudge your ass against his pelvis and feel his hot lips and a sliver of tongue on the heated skin of your neck at the same time. 
“Do you believe me, now, sweetheart? Or do you need me to fuck it into you?” he asked then, a teasing lilt to his voice even as it dropped a fucking octave, rumbling over you skin, making you ache. 
You turned your head to graze your lips against his, recognising when he was posing a challenge by now, when his competitive side came out to play. You waited just a few seconds, letting your mingling, ragged breaths fill the silence, before answering, looking him straight in his eyes.
“I don’t believe you,” you whispered against his mouth. 
His reaction was almost instant. His metal hand came up to cradle your throat, pinning you close to him as his flesh hand had the skirt of your dress bunched up around your hips in a split second. His hand was between your legs in the next second, brazen and possessive and you fucking loved it, knees nearly buckling in your stilettos as his warm flesh palm cupped you there. A filthy groan sounded in your ear. 
“Fucking perfect pussy already soaked for me, huh?” he downright growled, fingers moving up and down your clothed slit, feeling just how wet you were through the flimsy fabric of your lace panties. “This pussy aching, huh? Hasn’t been fucked right in ages, I reckon? Some bastard left you feeling like less than just perfect?” he babbled as he began rubbing tight circles on your clit, making you keen at both his words and ministrations, mind floating up to the fucking skies on a cloud of endorphins and arousal. “You give me their names, honey, and I’ll make sure they never bother you again,” he said, dark intentions in an even darker, gruffer voice and you couldn’t stand still for the way you needed him. 
“Fuuuck, please, Bucky,” you whined, grinding your pussy down on his hand, soaking his fingers. 
“That’s right, baby, you take what you deserve, you take what this perfect body deserves,” he encouraged. 
“I need…I need,” you breathed, eyes closing as you rode the sensation of being touched like this, so expertly, too much one second and not enough the next. 
“What do you need, baby? Tell me,” he groaned into the skin of your neck. 
“I need…your…please, your cock,” you whimpered. 
His hands pulled back and gave your pussy a playful little slap, making you jolt and yelp in his arms, and the slight sting felt so fucking good. 
“That’s right,” he said, giving you a few precious seconds to collect your frayed, jumbled, melting mind as he frantically undid his belt and fly, pulling his cock out and pulling your soiled panties to the side to notch his cock at your weeping hole. 
He didn’t give you anymore time to beg before he pushed his hips forward and you both gasped raggedly as his cock slid in, perfectly to the hilt, your pussy sucking him in like it had a mind of its own. His whole frame, massive and rugged as it was, shuddered as he stood there with his cock buried inside you, and you opened your eyes to watch in astonished fascination through the reflection in the mirror as he took a moment to get a hold of himself. One hand flexed its grip around your throat, the other on your hip, grip so tight and you hoped it would leave bruises. 
He didn’t wait long until he started thrusting, pulling out almost completely before thrusting in again, forgoing any buildup and going straight to the main fucking course and you were so ridiculously relieved he wasn’t teasing you anymore. 
His hands let go of you and you fell forward, draping yourself over the counter so you could just feel the way his cock, thick and ridged and so fucking hard, dragged against your walls, yielding nothing as he speared you. 
“Need to see you,” Bucky breathed between pants as he kept fucking you. 
You felt the bodice of your dress loosen and realized he had undone the zipper at the back of your dress, peeling it off your arms and then hauling you the meat of your shoulder to straighten against him again, completely naked from the waist up. 
His hands were on your exposed skin immediately, mapping out your ribcage, squeezing the pouch beneath your belly button and coming up to knead your breasts, pulling on your nipples. He was like a man starved, all the while his cock was steadily pumping into you, pushing you higher and higher, the sounds from where you were joined filtering in through your haze of lust and pleasure like a sinful symphony. 
You opened your eyes to find his in your reflection, pools of incendiary desire following every minute twitch of your face. Your eyes flicked over your own face and saw the crimson flush, the sweat on your brow, hair ruffled, the scrunched up expression and heavy-lidded, drugged eyes. You looked a downright, embarrassing mess, your deepest pleasure so plainly written on your face, exposing you to the point of pain and you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to lean back to hide in the crook of his neck. 
Bucky did not let you. 
“Oh no, no, no, don’t hide from me now, sugar,” he said, one hand coming up to pull your face forward, “look at me,” he ordered and you opened your eyes to his again. 
“See how exquisite you are?” he asked, hips slapping against your ass. “See how beautiful you look, taking my cock?” he asked, watching you watch him in the mirror. “Look at yourself,” he ordered, and you whimpered as you met your own gaze in the mirror again. 
There was an almost lascivious tilt to his voice as he kissed your neck sloppily and murmured. 
“Tell her she looks beautiful,” he said. 
You thrashed as much as you could in your pinned position, the counter digging into your hips, high heeled shoes barely touching the floor. 
“Bucky,” you whined petulantly. There was no way. 
“Say it, darling,” he warned before his hips slowed down to an almost complete stop, and that only made you thrash harder. “Oh, you want to come baby? Then look at yourself in the mirror and say ‘I’m beautiful,” he said, and you gawked at him in disbelief, humiliation and mortification burning hot on your cheeks. 
The hand not holding your face towards the mirror kept exploring your flesh as he waited, pinching and grabbing everywhere like he just couldn’t stop. You looked at yourself in the mirror, took in the simmering fire in your eyes, your lips with its bright red lipstick smeared all over. 
“Come on, darling, don’t you want to come? Won’t you let me make you come?” Bucky asked, spreading kisses down your neck as his eyes burned into your face through the mirror. 
You fought it for as long as you could, didn’t want to play these games, didn’t want to see your own vulnerability on your face as you said something you should believe but didn’t quite. 
Bucky grinded his hips all the way inside you and then stilled completely and your need won. 
“I’m beautiful,” you whispered, breath hitching as you saw the disbelief, the resistance in your own eyes, hating yourself both for saying it and not believing it. 
Bucky groaned in a resolutely pleased manner and started moving his hips again, languidly stroking in and out of your sopping cunt. 
“Again,” came his growled order from behind. 
Your resilience was weaker this time, with the tip of his cock reaching so deep, adding rhythmic pressure to that elusive spot in the deepest nook of your body that had your knees going wobbly. 
“I’m beautiful,” you said again, this time giving a low, timid voice to the words. 
Bucky groaned behind you, hands gripping you tighter as his hips picked up speed. 
“That’s right. Say ‘I’m gorgeous’.”
“I-I’m gorgeous.”
“Say ‘I deserve this’”
“I d-d - oh fuck - I deserve this - ah -”
“Say ‘I’m making Bucky Barnes crazy on a daily basis and I don’t even care enough to acknowledge it,” Bucky husked behind you. 
That made you actually giggle, though it came out more like a stuttering whine.
“I-I didn’t know,” you moaned, breaking your own eye contact in the mirror to look at his face. You honestly didn’t. Sure, you’d established a playful banter over the years, frequently sparking conversation whenever he was at your desk for something concerning Fury or you met in the halls or right after department meetings. But you’d honestly never considered you, just being you, could be driving a man like him crazy. 
Eyes dark as the ocean burned into yours from where his face was propped on your shoulder, mouth nibbling on the side of your neck and your earlobe as his hips kept up a punishing pace. It was becoming hard to string together coherent thoughts, your mind going hazy from the steady punch of his cock. 
He smiled against your skin, nipping it so hard you squealed a little, head swimming from the mix of pain and pleasure. 
“You’re killing me here, doll,” Bucky murmured playfully against your skin, hands moving again, skimming over your skin and kneading your flesh in such an appreciative way it had you blushing, even as you were steadily pounded by his cock, halfnaked in the bathroom at your workplace during a fucking Christmas party. 
It was all a haze, the way you were hurtling towards the precipice of your orgasm, his cock in your pussy, his hot breath on your neck, his hands roaming your body like a starved beast. The smell of his rich, musky cedar cologne and the hint of fresh, male sweat. And his eyes, devouring everything his hands didn’t touch. 
“I-I’m gonna…fuck, Bucky -” you stammered. You were so close. 
“I got you,” Bucky answered breathlessly, his flesh hand moving down between your legs to stroke your clit in fast, tight circles. 
You keened, vision blurring as your muscles seized, teetering on the edge. You faintly registered your own expression in the mirror in front of you, mouth falling open, eyebrows scrunching and a crimson flush high on your cheeks. 
You heard Bucky groaning behind you and trembled at the sound. 
“Fuck, there you go, baby, fuck you’re squeezing me so fucking - tight, god damn -”
And then Bucky was wrenching your face to the side and kissing you. And maybe it was the way his hips stuttered as you moaned into his mouth, or maybe it was the possessiveness with which he pushed his tongue into yours. Maybe it was the way his metal hand gripped you tighter as you started shaking, or maybe it was the sheer desperation in his kiss as he herded you over the edge that truly made you feel beautiful in that moment. Beautiful and blissed out as you spasmed on his cock, hearing his choked grunt as you pulled his orgasm right out of him.
You felt him throb in turn with you, his cum pooling hot deep inside you, the both of you nearly falling off your damn feet as you came together, the kiss disintegrating to a mere sloppy tangle of breaths and tongues.  
As you slowly came down from your high, your mind started whirring. Halfway preparing for Bucky to pull out and leave swiftly. To maybe give you a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, to push the skirt of your dress down over your ass and then make his exit from this very public bathroom. It wasn’t that you thought Bucky was some kind of sleaze, but it would be okay if he left it at that. You were a big girl, you knew people got carried away during a rowdy fuck, and if he left it at this, you would be fine. You told yourself as much, at least…
But Bucky didn’t leave. He didn’t pull out right away, either. Once you could both catch your breath, he reiterated his kiss, slow and thorough and breathtaking all anew. His metal hand firmly secured your face to meet his and his flesh hand gave your clit a few more gentle swirls, and you could feel his smile, fascinated and playful against your mouth as you jolted at the sensation. Whimpering a little at the overstimulation but keeping yourself completely still for it anyway, you were astonished by how sensitive you were and how fucking good it felt to have Bucky teasingly play with you as you basked in the afterglow. 
You squeezed around his cock still lodged inside you, and he gave a little grunt in response. 
“Careful, sugar, or I might get hard again,” he murmured against our lips, rolling his hips gently into your ass. 
“Is…is that supposed to deter me?” you asked, your snarky tone just a little undermined by the way you gasped. 
He groaned at that, low and pleased. 
“I suppose it should…at least until I can get you out of this fucking bathroom and into a bed,” he murmured, and a surge of adrenaline went through you. He wanted to do this again?
A small thought in the back of your mind wondered how it was possible that no one had come in and interrupted you by now, but it was quickly pushed away as Bucky gently pulled himself out of you. You tried to conceal the shiver of arousal that went through you as you felt his cum leak out of you and down the inside of your thighs. 
“Stay like that,” he whispered, removing himself and the fucking furnace of warmth that had been plastered to your back. The cold air hitting your back made you realize just how naked and exposed you were, your dress a scrunched up tangle low on your waist. 
You didn’t have time to become self-conscious though, before Bucky was back, kneeling behind you. Peaking over your shoulder, you were just in time to see him wipe a damp hand towel up your thigh and gently across the puffy, sensitive mess between your legs. You flushed for an entirely new reason now. It was just so…intimate, and sweet and generous and you struggled to handle the care and tenderness with which Bucky thoroughly cleaned both his mess and yours. 
You watched him quietly as he cleaned you up, and then as he seemingly couldn’t help himself from bending forward and kissing your pussy, tongue darting out to swipe a small lick to your still sensitive clit. You yelped, hips bucking away. 
He shushed you gently and kissed your ass cheek soothingly, fitting the admittedly soggy fabric of your panties back over your pussy before getting on his feet again. With gentle hands, he turned you around, and your eyes went wide as you looked down to see his cock still hanging out of his fly, already back to full hardness. 
Bucky followed your shocked expression down and chuckled. 
“Yeah, I know,” he said, hands still cradling your shoulders, moving up to knead the muscle between your shoulders and neck, and you hummed in pleasure, eyes falling close. 
“Does that always happen?” you asked, feeling the soreness in the muscles ease up under Bucky’s dexterous fingers. 
“No,” he answered simply, and you could tell by his tone that it meant something. That it lent itself to everything he’d said about you and the supposed attractiveness you held to him. You kept your eyes closed and bit your lips to keep from smiling too broadly at that. 
Feeling emboldened, you reached for him, hands finding his clothed chest and stroking down until you reached his cock, wrapping a tentative fist around its stiff heat. 
You heard Bucky suck in a breath, and then his hand wrapped around yours, holding it tight as he thrust his hips lightly a few times, pumping his cock gently through your fist. You were ready to go again by the time he gently pried your hand away and groaned like he was being gently tortured. 
You couldn’t help your pout, opening your eyes to find him gazing at your face. 
“I want to take care of you, too,” you complained, and the gentle whine of your tone sounded so small and decidedly submissive, certainly not fitting the badass work persona you’d built. It just suddenly felt so safe to be a bit whiny with him. 
Bucky only stepped closer and cradled your face in his hands. 
“I’ll let you take care of me later, sweet thing, to your heart’s content. For now, tuck me back in and we can get outta here,” he drawled, Brooklyn accent soothing his tone and lulling you to comply, pacified by his promise to let you take care of him soon. 
You did as he said, tucking his hard cock back into his pants and doing up his fly and belt as he watched your face intently, no doubt seeing the way your eyes grew hazy, your breath labored and your face flushing all anew at the way he held you while you handled him. You let your hands linger over his bulge when you were done, dying to take him out again and just do whatever he wanted to make him feel good. 
Soon, you told yourself, soon. 
“Now, I would like to swing you one last time on that dance floor out there, let everyone see that gorgeous leg through that deadly split in your skirt. And then I want everyone to see you leave on my arm, before I take you back to mine and take care of you properly,” Bucky said, voice even and sure and smile so dashing, you couldn’t help but smile back and nod in enthusiastic agreement. 
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
Shiny New Toy (2)
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Pairing: Demon!Dean Winchester x Fem!Virgin!Reader
Summary: With one orgasm down, Dean is starting to have a little bit more fun with you
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Age Gap, Cursing (4x), Smut (Oral Sex, Fingering), Degradation
Authors Note: Hope you enjoy part 2 of my Demon!Dean smut mini-series! | Things are starting to heat up now ;) | 18+ only please | MDNI | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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“You know what I really want to do my little virgin?” Dean asked. You weren’t sure if he had wanted you to answer or not, so you opted to stay quiet. Although you couldn’t see him at the moment because he was behind you, you could sense the eye roll. “That’s your cue to answer doll.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Your sorry’s came out quick, sounding slightly afraid. “Um, what do you want to do to me?” You asked. The question was innocent enough, but you knew his answer was going to be far from that.
In that moment, both of his hands smacked hard against your shoulders, and you let out a small yelp, not expecting the contact. A small chuckle escaped his lips. He leaned down a bit, just enough to press his lips to your ear. “I want to see how that innocent little mouth of yours feels around my cock.” Fuck. You thought to yourself. “Never sucked dick before right? I’d be your first?” You nodded. “Hmmm. I didn’t quite catch that. What did you say?”
You let out a defeating sounding sigh. “No.” You replied weakly.
“No what?” He asked. You couldn’t believe he was actually trying to make you say it. And you knew why, you had never talked about things like this before, well, not with Sam or Dean anyway. You didn’t mind talking about sex, but you didn’t really know what to talk about when it came to the subject because you lacked experience. Hell, you’ve only seen porn once, and that was completely on accident. You really were a virgin in all senses of the word, even when it came to watching porn.
“No, I’ve never sucked cock Dean.” You said. You almost felt yourself shudder at the words, almost disgusted with yourself that you had uttered them. But at the same time, there was a small part of you that had actually liked saying it.
“That’s what I thought.” He nodded, confirming. He came to the side of you, removing his hands from your shoulders. “The amount of times I’ve pictured you sucking my cock, doll…” his hand gripped your jaw tightly, making you look him in the eyes, “God. More times than I can count.” His eyes flashed black quickly, before turning the normal green that you had loved. “Sometimes when you were talking, I would be too damn distracted because I couldn’t help but just stare at this cute mouth of yours. Picturing myself disappearing between those lips.” He smirked, his words were more casual than you had expected. You knew Dean had no issues talking about sex, but this was probably one of the first times since you’ve known him that he’s gotten explicit with it while you’ve been in the room.
“Dean.” You said.
“That’s my name.” He responded. “What’s up baby?” He removed his hand from your jaw and found himself walking back over to the table.
“I’m…I’m nervous.” You weren’t sure if you should have shared that information with Dean or not.
A smirk formed on his lips. “Sweetheart…” he walked back over to you, finding himself behind you again. “I’ll tell you what.” He began. “You being nervous, I really couldn’t give a rats ass. This, this whole thing? It ain’t about you.” His voice was so cold, not the usual warmness it usually radiated. “Y/N.” You hated the way he said your name now. “Nervous or not, I’m taking what I want. And what I want, is for you to suck my dick, getting it nice and ready for yourself when I not only fuck that cunt of yours, but that ass too.” He grinned. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your cunt and ass are nice and prepped for me cause, I’m not average by any means.” He leaned down whispering in your ear again. “I know you’ve seen it.”
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About a year ago (the one time that you had accidentally watched porn) was the same day that you had first seen Dean’s dick. When you went to his room you had knocked, but when he didn’t answer you opened the door and had found him lying on the bed with his hand wrapped around his dick jacking off to some random porno on the TV. It was a sight that you had never actually wanted to see, but it was something that you hadn’t been able to get out of your mind since then. If you were being honest with yourself, you did (from that time on) start masturbating to that scene.
“Alright, so here’s what’s gonna happen.” He began, snapping you out of your thoughts. “As much as I love having you chained up, I’m gonna unchain you. This way, we can have a lot more fun.” He said. “But, here’s the catch. If you try and run out of here, try and do anything that isn’t being my little slut right now, you get chained right back on the table and I get to use these fun little toys here on the table. Got it?” You nodded. “Good.”
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You were now unchained from the table, but you hadn’t moved away from it, afraid to actually get off despite you being chained to this for an unknown period of time. The room was so industrial looking, not the kind of place you’d have wanted to have sex for the first time, let alone have sex at all. You rubbed your wrists for a minute, watching Dean. His eyes were fixated on you, watching your every move, making sure you didn’t seem like you were going to run. Even if you did manage to run, where would you go? You were in Hell. And in Hell in just a bra no less, who knows who could find you. At least you knew Dean, despite him not fully being himself.
Dean approached the table, and placed his hands on either side of you, your knees were against your chest, and you simply stared up at him, staring at this evil grin that seemed painted to his face. “No need to hide Angel.” He said, slowly spreading your legs away from your chest. They moved without any kind of fight. He looked at your chest then and started playing with the straps of your bra. “This gotta go. Don’t you think?” He asked, but not really asking you. Grabbing the knife nearest to him he cut the straps off. “Take it off.” He demanded. Without hesitation you did what he asked if you and removed the bra, tossing it to the side.
As soon as you removed the bra he placed the knife back down and started cupping your breasts, playing with your nipples that had started to become hardened from his touch. “God you’re perfect.” He mumbled. “Come here.” He demanded. He didn’t even give you a second to respond or react, he grabbed you and pulled you closer to him so he was fully between your legs, your hands pressing against his chest. You looked up at his face, swearing his eyes flashed that harsh black color. “Don’t move.” He stated.
“Okay.” You said simply, your legs hanging off the edge of the table. Dean lowered himself, starting out slow as he started kissing along your jaw, down your neck, and stopping at your collarbone. He started sucking then, and you felt your breath hitch, feeling a slight wetness again. At your hitch, Dean took two of his fingers and started slowly rubbing your clit.
“So wet already.” He commented before going even lower and started sucking on your hardened nipples. “Your collarbone is gonna have some nice marks on them.” He hummed. As he sucked your nipples, his fingers started to slowly press themselves into you, a small moan escaped your lips. “That’s it Sweetheart.” He praised as he started pumping his fingers slowly in and out of you.
All you wanted to do was grab onto him, almost pull him closer to you, but you didn’t want to disobey his order of not moving. But it was getting so difficult. You felt yourself break, and found your hand touching the back of his head, almost gripping him. At first, you thought the simple act was going to be something of a problem, because technically you disobeyed, but it wasn’t. It almost seemed like you had encouraged him.
Hips lips and mouth made its way to your cunt, which was currently being aggressively pumped in and out of by his fingers. As he pumped his fingers, he added his tongue and mouth into the mix, pushing his tongue ever so slowly into your pussy when his fingers weren’t there, almost alternating. “Fuckkkk.” You shut your eyes, feeling a smirk on his lips.
You let out a moan, and looked down at the demon between your legs. It was a weird sight, his tongue and fingers slowly appearing and disappearing from you. The look on his face seemed almost ravenous, like he hadn’t eaten in days. He felt you watching him, and the thought of you watching him practically destroying you with just his mouth and fingers had started to make himself harder than he was before; he was having a hard time containing himself.
He made eye contact with you, and you found yourself looking away, as your chest started moving up and down. “No, no.” He said, removing his mouth and tongue. “Want you to keep watching.” He said, and you nodded, finding yourself complying with his request.
His movements again started to get more erratic and you couldn’t but release a string of profanities that you didn’t think was even possible to come out of you in that moment as you found yourself starting to come. “That’s it.” Was all he said, continuing to ride out your orgasm.
His mouth and fingers were covered in your cum, and there was a part of you that was almost embarrassed, but at the same time you were also a little bit turned on seeing him that way. “Here.” He said, standing up and bringing his fingers to your lips. “Want you to taste how sweet you are.” Dean stick his fingers into your mouth and without any kind of prompting, you started sucking on his fingers. “You’re learning.” He grinned.
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“Alright Sweetheart, are you ready to suck your first cock?” He asked, but you knew he wasn’t really asking. Sheepishly you nodded. “Good, because I wasn’t really asking.” He unzipped his jeans and pulled his pants down along with his boxers; your eyes weirdly fixated on it. “Missed seeing it?” He grinned. “Get off the table and kneel down on the ground.”
You were frozen for a moment, almost not computing what he had said. “I said,” he began, taking your arm and yanking you off the table. “Kneel.” His eyes went black, and you felt your heart almost stop. His eyes turning back to your favorite shade of green.
You knelt down in front of him, your hands resting on your thighs. His finger tilting your chin up. “I know this ain’t about you doll but, the more you cooperate, the more pleasurable this whole experience can be for you okay?” His voice seemed a little bit more calm than it had been. “I need an okay from you Sweetheart.”
“Yes Sir.” The words just slipped out; all you had wanted to say was ‘Yes Dean.’ The smirk on his face grew.
“Yes Sir? Knew there was a kinky little thing underneath.” He removed his hand from your chin and held his dick in hand for a moment. “Alright, let’s see how much I can fit in that mouth of yours.”
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The position you were in was embarrassing, humiliating. You were completely naked on your knees sucking the dick of your – well what used to be – one of your most trusted friends, someone that you knew you could rely on, someone you knew that would never take advantage of you.
You assumed that you were doing a good job, because as you looked up underneath your eyelashes Dean’s eyes were closed, and he was making a face that seemed to be of absolute pleasure. “You’re such a natural Sweetheart.” He mumbled, grabbing the back of your head so he could get a firm grip on your hair. “Should have had you on your knees years ago.” He praised.
You ran your tongue along the shaft slowly, keeping one of your hands above your lips as your mouth and hand moved in tantum with each other. Semi-loud grunts had fell from Dean’s lips, and you had felt a small knot in the bit of your stomach, along with the wetness between your legs starting to form again. You had heard from some of your friends that have done this numerous of times before that sucking dick was one of their favorite things to do, that the very act was something that could actually make them cum. You had thought that thought was silly, that there was no way something like that could happen, but the more you sucked Dean, the more you knew that you were about to eat your words.
“Little faster Sweetheart. Gonna cum.” His voice was breathy, and you instantly went deer in headlights. He took his hand, tilting your chin up to look at him. “Wanna watch your face as I cum down that pretty little throat of yours.” His evil grin was back, and you felt yourself shake your head a little, trying to convey ‘no.’ His face looked at you, confused. “No?” You nodded. “Too fucking bad.” His eyes went black just then, and it was too late, his hot cum started spilling in your mouth and down your throat – you felt like you were about to throw up.
Removing your mouth from his cock after he was finished coming, you had wanted to throw up; hating the salty taste that was in your mouth and now filled up your stomach. You started coughing a bit, Dean simply just laughed watching you. “You’re so cute.” He said, almost in a mocking tone. You looked at him, still naked and on your hands and knees, trying to stop yourself from not throwing up. You couldn’t imagine what you had looked like right now, but you thought you probably looked nowhere near cute.
Dean walked over to you, quickly yanking you up by your arm. As you stood up, the front of your body crashed against his chest; his hands had a firm grip on your arms, while your own arms were slightly crushed against your chest and his. If he wasn’t a demon, you would have loved the closeness you had to him right now; this was the type of closeness that you had always craved from Dean. You had loved when he would pull you close into a hug after a long hunt, or cuddle you at night when you had a bad nightmare. “Ready for me to fill you up Sweetheart?”
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @fullbelieverheart @little-x-wolf @angiebangiee If you'd like to be added to a tag list, let me know!
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deansapplepie · 8 months
Inherited | Chapter 5
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Summary: You go find Merle and end up drunk with him. Rick Grimes have to call Daryl to get both of you. With the alcohol come some confessions and
Warning: Mentions of Leah (Daryl’s not a cheater, just stupid), alcohol consumption, drunk people, mentions of drugs, mentions about sex, Daryl and his lack of knowledge about technology, very small hangover, lil bit of jealous Y/N. Minors DO NOT interact 18+
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count: 3,166
A/N: Sorry for taking too long, but the ones that follow up the things I share know how my life has been. Thanks for your patience, love you all.
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Series Mastelist
Main Masterlist
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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Chapter 5: Why d’ya hate me?
Days passed and he didn’t say a word about the picture or Merle. You also didn’t find it in the trash, so you considered he kept it. Your conversations were simple and plainly about business, from time to time of course you’d throw a bitter comment at each other. 
That day you didn’t see him around, he had gone hunting and didn’t even bother to tell you. Well, it’s not like he had to, but you lived together and it’s good to know where the people you live with are, for safety, what if the person is murdered or kidnapped and nobody knew where this person went? 
You spent the whole morning doing some work for Aaron as you promised, by lunchtime he still didn’t have arrived back at the farm. ‘Fuck him’, you thought. You were also going to leave and you’d not tell him. You took your bag and the keys of the old truck, and left to do what you should’ve done days ago. 
You took the old road going deeper and deeper into the woods. You were surprised you still remember the way, because when you started this journey you were afraid you’d get lost. Soon, you were parking your car in front of the Dixon’s cabin. You got off of the car and walked to the front door. ‘I hope Merle is here, and sober’, you thought. You knocked on the door, once, twice, 4 times and after 15 minutes you gave up. There was two options for Merle, 1 he was passed out after drinking and/or drugging himself too much, 2 he was out at town. So you decided to bet on the chance that he could be in town. 
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You drove your car on the streets, hoping to see him in one of the bars and you weren’t wrong. You found him just where you thought he’d be, at a bar. You parked the truck and went inside the bar to see your old friend. 
“I knew soon or later ya’d come and look for me doll.” Merle said before you got close to him. “What took ya so long?”
“Your asshole brother, I guess. And of course, now I have a lot of job to do.” Once you got close to him, he engulfed you in a tight hug. A so welcome and familiar hug, damn Dixons knew how to give a good hug. You missed it. “How have you been? Your brother wouldn’t tell me a thing!”
“I’m busy during the week, working on some… business and hunting too.”
 ‘Oh Merle, you’re still involved in this kind of business?’, you thought.
“Don’t you get tired of seeking trouble?” You ask him, already sitting next to him.
“I’m not looking for trouble, I’ve been busy and there’s some years that I don’t get arrested. At least not for the things you’re thinking.” He defended himself.
“Still a hot head and getting involved in bar fight, ain’t you?” You know this was probably the reason.
“It’s making wonders to my friendship with my favorite officer Grimes.” You laughed, you knew him and Rick were far from friends, they mostly despised each other. Rick was probably tired of arresting him and having to call Daryl every single time.
“You’re really something Merle.” You missed his lame jokes too. You wish you had come to see him earlier.
“How’s baby bro?” Merle asked and suddenly the small cup of alcohol he had in front of him became very interesting. “He’s not talking to me. Since ya returned. Guess, I should blame ya.”
“Not my fault. I have no idea what’s going on in his head, I’ve been trying to make things easier between us, but… I guess it’s impossible. We can’t have a conversation without being dicks.” You said honestly, it really annoyed you all of this, and you had always found a good listener in Merle. “But… answering your question, he’s the same grumpy ass and I think he’s still pretty much affected by everything that happened to my dad. He always locks himself in his own shell, and it’s difficult to get past it. You know how he is.”
Merle nodded but didn’t say anything. “I think you’re right, it’s my fault he’s not talking to you. He mentioned I’m good at telling you things and talking to you. Because you opened your big mouth to scold him for the things I told you.”
“And I dun regret scolding him, he deserved.” He was a stubborn ass, he would never admit it.
You asked for some beer and appetizers and continued to talk with Merle. “He hates me Merle…”
“Pffft… don’t be dramatic no one could ever hate ya sweet pie!” Even drunk he managed to be nice to you, many times you got caught in your thoughts thinking why he couldn’t do the same for other people. 
“He does...” You said, and then started bickering your beer. 
You wanted to talk to Merle about the idea you had of him working in the farm with you, but of course you had conditions for it. He was already a little tipsy when you arrived, you preferred to call to him sober – if it was possible – so you took the afternoon to drink and talk to him. 
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The afternoon soon became evening and some hours later old John Lee wanted to close the bar and go home to rest and see his wife, but Merle and you were passed out in your table. The poor man had no option but to call Sheriff Rick Grimes to help. 
From all the people in the world, you were the last one that Rick would think that would have to make him need to come to a bar to solve a problem. He took his phone and called Daryl, after what seemed like an eternity he answered it.
“Wha’ did he do this time?” It was late, for Rick Grimes to call at this hour, it had to be Merle causing problems.
“Not exactly him… he’s here, but he did nothing. Y/N and him are passed out at Lee’s. He needs to close the bar. Can you come and take them?” He drawled, his hand passing on his jaw, a little bit worried.
“Do I have a choice?” Daryl asked to no one in particular, he didn’t need an answer. “Gimme 15 minutes, and I’ll be there.” 
Shortly after he got to the bar, he speeded so much that he didn’t even need 15 minutes. Your truck was parked in front of the bar, so he’d need to use it to take you back home. He wasn’t prepared to see you and Merle passed out. Your head resting on the older Dixon’s shoulder, while his head was hanging behind and he didn’t even seemed to be uncomfortable with it.
“ ‘m sorry…” Daryl apologized to the old man, it wasn’t the first time he had to apologize to him, it wasn’t the second time either.
“It’s ok kid. The young lady seemed like she needed to drink and a good conversation with a friend.” John Lee said and moved his head in your direction to indicate he was talking about you, even though it wasn’t needed.
“Hm..” he grunted he didn’t want to stop and think about what the man said, because if he did his line of thought would remember him of all the reasons you had for it. He took his wallet and asked the man what they owned him and paid it, like he always had to do when he needed to come for Merle.
“Why did she drink like this? It doesn’t sound like her drinking this much.” Rick asked Daryl in curiosity, of course he had already seen you drunk, being silly, happy and dumb, but never passed out drunk.
“Yer guess is as good as mine…” he answered and Rick gave him a look that said ‘you don’t think I’m going to believe it.’. He went to you and looked if you had a bag or anything, nothing. Just great, the keys were probably in your pocket. 
“Y/N…” he called you, you just hummed in response. “Y/N, where’s the key?” Nothing. Freaking fucking shit. He didn’t want to be a creep and shove his hand in your pockets. “Ok… I’m gonna look in yer pockets and gonna take it, al’ight?” He said as if you were going to understand a thing in your state.
Once he found the keys he took it as fast as possible from your pocket and threw it at Rick so he could open the car for him. Daryl took you in his arms and stiffened when he felt you snuggling against his chest. Damn, there was a long, long, looong time he didn’t have you in his arms, and your smell it was still the same. If it wasn’t weird and against everything he had been saying and doing, he would allow himself to burry his face in your hair and smell it. He took you to the car and sat you in the middle of the sit, fastening the seat belt before he went back to Merle.
“Merle! Wake up!” He commanded and kicked his brother’s foot slightly. “Com’on sleeping beauty, I’m not carrying ya to the truck!”
“Do ya wanna some help?” Rick asked, by the looks he knew Merle wouldn’t cooperate.
“Think so…”
Rick helped Daryl taking Merle to the car and once everyone was settled, he left town with the two drunks and praying his baby, his bike, wasn’t stolen or harmed until he came to take it home again. The drive was long and silent, he had a lot of time to think about all sorts of things. When his thought came to you he tried to put them aside, but your head that had fell on his shoulder wasn’t helping it at all.
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Once he arrived at the farm he took care of Merle first, despite the older Dixon not being able to keep his eyes open, at least he cooperated a little with his legs not letting all his weight fall on Daryl that was supporting him inside the house. He took Merle to his room in the basement and almost regretted it the moment he tripped on the stairs and the two almost rolled it. He put his brother in his bed and didn’t even bother to take of his shoes or anything and left to take you from the truck. 
He had to carry you once again, this time you were a little bit more conscious because you wrapped you arm around his neck. You inhaled his scent and it brought a comfort to you while he carried you to your room, but it also made you remember that you shouldn’t, deep in your subconscious you fought a battle that not even yourself had any idea. He kicked the door of your room open, put you in bed and worked on taking off your boots. He checked you one last time and when he was leaving, he was surprised by your hand yanking his pulse and his name been called, taken by surprise he fell on his ass on the mattress a few inches distant from you, and he needed to be grateful for it because it spared him from the embarrassment and probably crushing and hurting you.
God damn, what could you want from him at this time and in your state? He looked at your face and you had your eyes half open. “Why? Why d’ya hate me?” You drawled, your southern accent showing up in your drunk state, since your brain was relaxed and you didn’t have to worry about masking it. You knew you didn’t need to mask it anymore, but the trauma you had with the other kids made your brain being in constant alert even when you didn’t need to.
He was taken aback by your question, it shouldn’t surprise him, you were 24/7 bickering at each other, but he didn’t have a strong feeling like hatred for anyone, except Shane, Dwight and Negan, but they didn’t count. Most people hated them too, maybe not Dwight but… “I dun hate you.” He answered. You had hurt him, but he had not gone easy on you and after that he said so much worse. Despite all the anger he felt inside himself and all the mean things he had  told you, part of him didn’t know if he said it to torment you or to punish himself.
“So, why…?” You asked again and he was almost ready to say one more time he didn’t hate you, but you spoke first. “Why did ya sleep with ‘er?”
He was taken aback, what were you talking about? He hadn’t been sleeping with anyone. Were you drunk hallucinating? “You could have fucked any girl, we weren’t together… so, why her?”
“What are ya talking about? I dun understand. Yer drunk, go to sleep.” He said trying to free his arm from your hand, but you tightened your grip.
“Leah… why her? I was going to call ya, I wanted to apologize, but that photo… it killed me.” Fuck. He had just slept with Leah once. After she showed him a photo of you and Aaron at uni. She wanted him to be mad at you, nobody knew you had broken up, he hadn’t told it to anyone. Until that moment, when he faked indifference and announced you weren’t together anymore. He didn’t think about it. He was 19 and stupid, and he had sex with her one time. But which photo? “Ya knew she hated me. Why?”
“I was stupid, stubborn and dumb. That’s why.” He said, he could see your eyes shining, the indication of tears. He caressed the hand that held his arm until you relaxed and he could release it. “Which photo are ya talking about?” He asked, gosh he really hoped you were too drunk to remember it the next day.
“The one… the one she posted on facebo..” and you had fallen asleep, as easy and simple like this. Facebook? Damn, he never had one. He hated all that social media shit. Probably that’s the reason he never knew about. He put a blanket over you and swiped 2 lonely tears that came from your closed eyes.
He headed downstairs and entered the office, turning on the computer. He took his phone from his pocket and called back to the last number that had called him.
“What the fuck, Daryl? Do You know what time is it?” A sleepy Rick complained on the other side of the call.
“Ya call me late at night to pickup my drunken brother from time to time, ya own me.” The cowboy argued.
“ ‘kay, what do you need?” The sheriff asked impatiently.
“How the heck do I make a facebook and how can I see the photos someone posted?” He threw the random questions that got Rick even more confused.
“You own me an explanation after this, and I want the whole story. Wait a minute…” The sheriff said, then covering the speaker of the phone, his voice resonated through his house. “CARRRL!”
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The following morning you woke up with a stinging pain in your head, the sunlight that came through the window almost blinding you. You sat on the bed and felt your stomach aching. How did you end up like that? You just remembered being at the bar with Merle, drinking and… nothing. Everything was a blur. Did you drive back home in your drunken state? Impossible. No. 
You got up from bed and took care of yourself before heading downstairs. When you entered the kitchen you saw Merle at the table and Daryl in the kitchen. “ ‘morning…” you said weakly damn, you should never drink like this again.  “Merle, what are you doing here?”
“I had to pick your two stupid asses at Lee’s. Merle, I’m always expecting this from him, but you…” he said pointing his finger at you, a dishrag on his shoulder and a spoon in his hand. “It was as very unexpected, even coming from you.” 
You sat and looked at him, finding very funny the whole scene. “Ok, mom. I’m not doing it again.”
“Listen here, ya little shit…” he started to say, but stopped mid-sentence when he noticed that he was actually behaving like a mom.
He turned back to the stove and put 2 bowls of chicken noodles soup with veggies and eggs. He put the bowls in front of both of you. “What’s that, Darylina? This isn’t breakfast.” Merle complained.
“It’s a noodles soup. Carol said it’s good for hangover, eat.” He said and went back to take a bowl for him, that wasn’t his usual breakfast, but no way he would do any other thing.
You looked at him, squeezing your eyes as if you couldn’t see things clearly. Since when did he listen to anyone’s advice? And was he this close to Carol that she went giving him advices like this? Did they get drunk together? “And what does she know about it?” You threw the question before your could close your mouth and keep the words to yourself.
“She’s a mom, mom’s know this things.” He answered as if it was obvious and sat at the table to start eating.
“Her daughter is 15, Daryl. She doesn’t get drunk.” You said taking a spoonful of the soup.
“We got drunk the firs’ time with less age than her, so I ain’t understanding your point.” He answered. If humans snarled, you would have snarled at that moment. Damn him and his necessity of being always right. “Take yer soup, and stop talking.”
“As if you’re the boss of me…” you muttered, but he preferred to ignore it and eat. Were you jealous of Carol? No, he shouldn’t think about it. The day before had already a lot of happenings to make him think about.
Merle silently observed both of you having your little argument. If he wasn’t busy with the food, he’d have to comment that you still had the hots for each other, but instead he chose to eat while he had free entertainment. That was a good way to start his morning.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Reading about Grandpa Wayne at the park had me thinking about how protective Eddie would be with his baby- he would be totally fine with ‘The Crew’ but I think he would freak out with strangers. He would be afraid of people crowding her, or other kid’s sneezing on her, like he would be thinking, keep your germs to yourself, because the last thing he would want is for his little doll to get sick. I could picture him shopping and pushing the cart with a car seat in it, someone walks up, oh can I see your baby? He’d be like uh no. 😂
Hiii lovey!! I agree I think Eddie is gonna be all “let me see your hands” and squirts hand sanitizer on everyone before he lets them touch/hold her, especially Dustin😂 so I hope you enjoy this!💖
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
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Eddie is walking around the mini mart pushing the stroller that currently has Dotty asleep in it, he only needs two things so he didn’t see the point in waking her up to put the carrier into a cart. He’s on the formula aisle when he hears a noise making him look over his shoulder.
“How old is she?” He feels his eyes go wide when he sees an older woman peeking into the stroller to get a better look at his daughter. “She is just so cute.” Eddie quickly takes a few steps and moves the stroller closer to him making the woman stand up straight and give him a look of shock and confusion as if she had no idea why he jerked the stroller away from her.
“Do I fucking know you lady?” Eddie asks as he looks at Dotty to make sure she’s still peacefully asleep. “You can’t just poke your creepy hand into someone’s stroller what’s wrong with you?” He hates to admit it but he knows he sounded just like you in that very moment but right now he doesn’t care because it needed to be said. The woman’s face goes red as she backs away and holds a hand to her chest.
“I’m sorry.” Is all she mumbles before exiting the aisle letting Eddie turn his attention back to picking up the correct formula for Dotty so you don’t send him back here with a list after giving him a lecture about how he doesn’t listen. 😂💖
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blues824 · 1 year
♡.•° To Dearest Blues824 :
Heya! My Brain Was Going Places And Was Thinking About The Dorm Head's With An Alastor (From Hazbin Hotel) Like Reader? :D
☆.•° - You Can Call Me Stardust Anon If Ya Want!
I see what you did there, Stardust Anon! 
Gender-neutral reader, supposed to be platonic since Alastor is aromantic, but can be interpreted as romantic. Cursing, 1920’s slang because I’m good at it.
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Riddle Rosehearts
You were definitely very loud and boisterous, but he just chalked it up to your radio personality that was typically required of you. Aside from that, the two of you got along quite well with each other. You both used the same sort of formal language, but you did not know how to use a phone. You actually hated it a lot, and the Housewarden found it rather amusing.
One thing he found absolutely infuriating about you was how you thought the Queen’s Rules were absolutely laughable. However, since you were a demon, you were able to memorize each of them and went along with them out of pure boredom. But, when someone was disrespecting the rules, you wouldn’t hesitate to resort to violence. Riddle has had to tell you that the punishment for breaking a rule would simply be a collar rather than a black eye and a bruise about their neck, but you shrugged your shoulders with a smile and went on with your day like normal.
He could tell that you were from a different time period, since you often used slang that was popular in the 1920’s. Even in Twisted Wonderland, it existed. You once caught him while he was doing his makeup and you asked why he was getting ‘all dolled up’. The question caught him by surprise, as he had never heard any of his peers ask it like that before. 
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Leona Kingscholar
He absolutely despised you. He thought you were too loud, and you often disrupted his naps along with the annoying hunter. Like, you were right next to him. You didn’t need to use your weird-ass microphone to project your voice to the cosmos. He may be sleeping, but he can hear you when you speak normally.
During his overblot, you were not afraid to use your power as a demon and as an Overlord of Hell to put an end to it within seconds. Actually, someone had to stop you so that you didn’t kill Leona. In the infirmary, you apologized and said that old habits die hard. His eyes widened when he asked about and processed what in the actual fuck you just said and you just laughed before leaving the room.
There was one time where you had invited him to walk to your classes with you, but he refused and said that he would much rather be sleeping. You told him to not be such a pill, and he was so confused. Bro looked it up, and was then offended that you called him boring in a 1920’s sort of way. Now he just calls you ‘gramps’ because you’re old.
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Azul Ashengrotto
Also despised how loud you were, and thought that the microphone you carried with you was excessive. However, the first time he saw you quiet was when you told him that you were the one that did the deals around here and benefitted from them. Now he prefers your boisterous self more than your quiet self.
He has seen your secretly violent nature when Floyd snuck up behind you to try and squeeze you. A tendril came up from out of the ground and wrapped itself around the tweel’s neck, and it started to suffocate him. Azul was absolutely horrified as he screamed at you to stop, but you just had your big smile on your face. The only way he was able to tell that you weren’t happy was how you said, through gritted teeth, that you did not appreciate the eel’s actions.
One thing about you that always leaves the cecaelia confused was the slang you used. Like, you once compared the Mostro Lounge to a speakeasy, but instead of selling liquor he was selling dreams at the cost of a [most likely illegal] contract. He was about to say something about underage drinking when he remembered that you were a demon who has been alive since before the 30’s. That being said, you were of-age.
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Kalim Al-Asim
It was Jamil who told him to stay away from you, but you just looked so friendly. Imagine him as a more ditzy version of Charlie, and Jamil as Vaggie. However, you had no plans to take advantage of him. He had nothing to take advantage of, or nothing that you wanted at least, as you were already the Housewarden of Ramshackle.
Your violent side came out when you saw that the Vice Housewarden of Scarabia was hypnotizing Kalim. You used your magic and held him by the throat (much like Darth Vader) and leaned in close. You made his vision go staticky and said that if he were to do something that you did not agree with, there would be heavy consequences to pay. It was fortunate that Kalim was not there to see your little threat.
The young Al-Asim was always awe-struck by the 1920’s terminology you often used. You told him that Jamil was such a wet blanket and Kalim had no idea what you just said. You explained that a wet blanket was someone who was a killjoy or a ‘party pooper’, to make it a bit more modern for him to understand.
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Vil Schoenheit
He could tell that your happy and friendly persona was really a mask. After all, it takes an actor to know an actor. However, you seemed to have even Rook fooled, so he had to give you kudos for your act. He didn’t tip anyone off either, but it’s not like you would have minded being known as the most powerful being within Twisted Wonderland.
You showed your relentless and more sadistic side when Vil made a rather passive-aggressive remark about the way you dressed. Sure, it was a bit older and on the more formal side, but that gave him no right. So you used a tendril from Hell to snatch him off the ground and emphasize your point and say that it was better than the pool of fabric he called an ‘outfit’. You also said that any snide statement about you again and it would result in his untimely death and arrival in Hell.
The only reason why he knew about your slang was the fact that he had to play the role of a mobster in the 1920’s before in a movie. He’s even translated for you when you said that his outfit to match you was swanky. He said something about how he wanted to put on the Ritz for the upcoming photoshoot, and Epel just stared at the two of you, confused as to what the fuck you were saying.
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Idia Shroud
You reminded him of a character from a popular show, and you had the microphone, suit, and smile to match. Honestly, he reminded you of a certain god of the underworld, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it. That aside, you both were the exact opposite of each other. You were really loud and extroverted, while he was really quiet and introverted. You often liked teasing him and making him flustered and just moving on like it was nothing, and it left him with a whirlwind of emotions.
The one time you showed your aggressive side was during the time where the Phantom Bride kidnapped him. The only one who could torment your dear friend was you, and not some dame dolled up to the Ritz who was already bumped off the Flivver. Now, you typically were one to make some snide remark, but you were past that. There was no reason to bump gums when none of the other Housewardens were helping Idia out of his rather strange predicament.
He was surprised when you had summoned a tentacled monster of some sort and you threatened to have the ‘little’ monster drag them to Hell for interfering with matters in the overworld. Eliza let out a shriek as she hid behind Puffy and Gramps, shaking out of fear upon recognition of your name. You were one of the Overlords of Hell, after all.
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Malleus Draconia
You were rather amusing, at least according to the dragon prince. You were also much more powerful than him, a fact that only his retainers found absolutely horrifying. Instead, he was actually very interested in you. You dressed and talked in a much different way than he did, but it was very… snazzy?... as you once said.
The more demonic side that you had made its debut during each of the overblots, and every time someone had a problem that they wanted you to deal with. You made it a point to emphasize time and time again that you were a demon who would do charity work when you wanted to, not when someone asked. After all, you needed some form of entertainment, and this was not it. Malleus often offers to order his knights to stop people from harassing you, but you told him, in a grim and menacing way, that you would love to give them a painful reminder.
One time, as you both were going on a typical nightly walk, he asked if you could show him what your time period was like. So, you being you, broke into a jazzy musical number as you used your magic to bring him into a little scene from the 20’s. He was dressed in a similar suit as you, and you used your mic to sing a song about what exactly happened in the world and to you right up until your death. Honestly, he didn’t really care that you were a cannibal. As a member of the royal family within Briar Valley, nothing phases him anymore.
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swampstew · 5 months
Captain_CumShot - Chapter 2
Welcome to Raven's Reading Nook - a small corner of this blog dedicated to cozy story times. Take a seat on the chaise lounge, plug your electronic device in so you can enjoy this multi-chapter, full blown smut story. The Captain is the snack and sadly, I have nothing to offer to soothe the yearning. As always, links to Wattpad and AO3 at the bottom. Enjoy, from your favorite loyal, cabin hoe♥
Summary: You treated yourself to a tier upgrade😘
Minors DNI you will be blocked - for adult audiences only.
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Admin: Thanks for upgrading your subscription to Tier III! The Captain will want to thank you personally ~ drop your next available hour slot and we’ll set it up.
You: 10 PM
Admin: Talk to you soon ~
10:00 PM
Captain: Hey doll. I’ve seen your likes and comments around here for a while and I’m chuffed that you finally upgraded. What changed?
You: Truthfully, I challenged myself to save up so I can really treat myself when I felt I needed it. Especially after the last year and four months at work.
Captain: You waited ONE YEAR and FOUR MONTHS before you felt like you needed a break?
Captain: I’m flattered you’ve chosen me as your reward but gat damn girl. You need to treat yourself more often.
Captain: What the hell do you do for a job??
You: I’m an accountant at a small but valued firm, so we’re kind of just always busy! Especially at tax time which is ALMOST over. So I spoiled myself a few days early.
Captain: Congratulations ~ Do you work in a stuffy office with a buncha dorks?
You: Well I wouldn’t say dorks and it’s not a closet! I work in an office building with maybe less than 50 other people. I have a corner office so yay for small wins!
Captain: Aye that’s the least they can do fer’ya!
Captain: Do they make you dress business professional like you’re gonna meet the president every day or is it a normal place that lets you dress like a human being?
You: Haha, nothing so refined. Business casual for the most part, Fridays we can wear jeans, and sometimes during the seasons they’ll do a morale boosting themed clothes week thing.
Captain: 🤔
Captain: Does anyone enjoy that?
You: Some do, some don’t. The bosses buy a big lunch spread though so it’s not all bad.
Captain: Tell me, are the morale boosting bits mandatory?
You: You’re not required to dress up. They don’t technically say you have to be at the luncheon but they do have someone sweep the desks to make sure no one is still working. I think they legitimately think they’re providing a “break” for us but like, a paid lunch hour would be a thousand times better.
Captain: Bet.
Captain: You ever skipped it all together? Just said fuck it and hid on the roof to scroll on your phone and eat lunch?
You: Sometimes my car! We have a secure parking garage and its air conditioned so it’s quiet and not boiling hot.
Captain: Hooray for small victories.
Captain: Have you ever gotten uncomfortably turned on enough that you’ve escaped to your car to get relief?
You: 😳
You: Maybe once or twice. I’m always afraid of getting caught.
Captain: I’d make sure we wouldn’t.
Captain: See I personally fucking hate it when instead of just paying people more, employers make their people do a whole dog and pony show. Leave people alone!
Captain: This is literally a crime.
Captain: If you’d let me, I’d come and save you from those stupid lunches.
You: 🤔
You: I wouldn’t hate that!
You: Not sure you could pull it off though, you would garner a lot of attention just from standing, you’re just that attractive 👉👈🥺
Captain: Relax, I’m nothing if not professional. Want to hear my grand scheme that I cooked up, just now?
You: Oh go right ahead!
Captain: I’d start by doing research into your company and get the lunch reservation details of these luncheons. I would then pose as an employee dropping off the food order/doing set up and while everyone is gathering, I would linger a little, totally incognito, and slip out to find your office if you haven’t already entered the room.
Captain: Should I continue? I’m really proud of this scheme actually.                           
You: Please, I wonder how you plan to get away scot-free and not get me fired!
Captain: You’d not only get fired – you’d get off, repeatedly and it would be a seasonal thing cause I’d never get caught. I think it would be a professional bonus because then you’ll be so satisfied at work, you might even get a promotion or pay raise or some shit😏
You: This I gotta hear
Captain: Where was I?
Captain: Just kidding
Captain: I would then smuggle you to the parking garage under the guise that you’re my ‘job equipment’ or whatever, and then, I’d take you to your car. Ideally, I can convince you to get in the van I rented as part of my infiltration disguise so I can actually sit and stand without breaking my neck. The windows are blacked out, I keep anchors and blocks on the wheels to keep it stable, and then I rock your fucking world.
Captain: Still with me?
You: I am
Captain: You’re probably thinking, ‘but if you’re as beastly as I think you are, won’t I be screaming my brains out?’
You: I was!
Captain: As a professional content creator – amongst other trades – I know a thing or two about sound proofing. There’s always a gag if you’re into that.
You: I could be persuaded…
Captain: I have a lot of things I’d like to persuade you to do in there.
Captain: Do you normally participate in the themed clothes or do you keep it professional?
You: I don’t usually, not really my thing.
Captain: I see.
Captain: Back to my scheme ~
Captain: After I’ve successfully fooled everyone and have you in my clutches, I’d take you to my van where you can have a lunch break actually worth attending.
Captain: I would first take off my disguise and reveal that it was me all along! After you get over your initial surprise, I’d ask you what you’re hungry for.
You: Oh I get options?
Captain: Hell yeah doll. Your choices can range anywhere from a quick snack to a mega meal.
You: Do the options change too?
Captain: I don’t believe in constraints. Unless they’re kink-related.
Captain: I think since you’re the kind of doll that doesn’t splurge too much on ‘erself, I’d start you off with a ‘left no crumbs.’
Captain: What that entails is me, sitting you all pretty like on a seat cushion, starting ngwith something soft and sweet. Kisses up the arm, on the neck, slow, building up anticipation. I’d tease you over your clothes, petting your kitten until I feel your wetness through the fabric.
Captain: Pepper your body with kisses and bites to keep you on edge. When I have you down to just your undergarments, I’d sit you in my lap. Spread your thighs open. Start rubbing your pussy until you’re leaking all over my hand. I’ll let you have a quick orgasm, a small and sweet one. But don’t think we’re done.
Captain: I might take my pants off to feel you a bit better. Push you down on my hard-on as I wrap an arm around your waist to keep you still. I’ll use my free hand to play with your pussy again. Rubbing you, flicking you, lightly smacking you, rubbing your clit, finger fucking you. Rub my big dick against your trembling body to make you even more sensitive.
Captain: Since you only have an hour, I’ll make sure you look presentable before you go back to the office. Where you can spend the rest of the day sitting in the mess I’m going to leave. How does that make you feel?
You: I’m…speechless, in a good way…Shit that’s really hot. It makes me feel devious, a bit dirty, like I really want to do it.
Captain: Damn and I haven’t even finished telling you what’s included in your lunch?
You: 🤐
You: Please forgive me
Captain: I could never stay mad at you doll.
Captain: As I was saying ~
Captain: I can’t let you leave your break without feeling fully satisfied.
Captain: Before you go, I’d spend some time with you against the van wall. If you’re into it, I can use rope to help keep you standing. I encourage it, you’re gonna need it.
You: I’m into it, I’m into it 🤤
Captain: Heh. Freak.
Captain: I’d keep you still and propped up, putting your blouse on, keeping my lipstick stains and bites hidden underneath. I’d pull your panties and bottoms over your ankles, slide your soaked underwear up your thighs…
Captain: And give you dessert.
You: What am I having??!
Captain: Me.
Captain: I’d pull your panties up your thighs but not put them on entirely. Leaving them maybe a few inches from your twitching pussy. Then I’d finally let you see my cock.
Captain: Do you want to touch it?
You: Yesss🥺please let me touch.
Captain: Don’t worry you’ll be feeling it.
Captain: I’ll prod my cock against your clit, slide it up and down your puffy lips, maybe push in a little bit.
Captain: After I get it nice and wet with you, I’d stand in front of you and fuck your body. I won’t go in in, I’ll slide in between your desperate lips, make you clench over my cock with your needy pussy, I’ll hit your delicious ass cheeks, pull back out and rub against your clit until you’re crying.
You: Oh my fucking god.
Captain: I’m not done.
Captain: While I do this, I’ll rub my thumb down on your clit, and I won’t stop until you’ve cum over my cock, frustrated yet relieved.
Captain: But don’t be disappointed just yet because the next part is my favorite part.
Captain: As you’re coming down from your orgasm, I’ll finish myself off. Jerking myself in front of you and finishing right on your cunt.
You: 🥵
Captain: Yeah.
Captain: I’d milk my length to cover you, watching it drip from your vulva and trembling lips down to your underwear and thighs. Whatever falls further down I’d wipe with my thumb and make you lick it off.
Captain: Then I’ll pull your panties up nice and high, make sure they sit on your hips just right, don’t want any of me to spill out. For good measure, I might even rub your underwear against you some just to smear it in you some more.
Captain: I love cum play.
Captain: I’ll pull up your bottoms, wipe your tears, and send you away with a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass.
Captain: How does that sound doll?
You: I would fucking die!!! I want this so bad fuck why would you DO THAT TO ME?!?🥵🤤 FUCK! You’re so hot, all I want is to touch you and be touched by you😩
Captain: Are you touching yourself?
You: If I said yes?🥺
Captain: I’d say me too. Check out the photo gallery later, you’ll see the load I blew for ya😘
Captain: Glad to add you to my harem of Cabin Hoes. I’m not supposed to have favorites, but I think I’m gonna grow fond of you.
Captain: G’night doll. Thanks for subscribing😘
<end chat>
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Alpha/Omega au (Evil Tony)
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(Alpha/Omega au because I haven't done one for a while and like I need it) 
You sat in the training room shaking and crying in pain while blood dripped from your nose.
You looked up at Tony who stared down at you. 
"Now, sweetheart. I'm going to ask one more fucking time. Are you ready to behave?" He asked, slowly kneeling down and gripping your chin. 
"Yes, sir." You muttered as he smiled. 
"See? That wasn't so hard now was it? I thought you'd learnt your place, Y/N. But, here we are, lovely. Now, go to the infirmary and get Bruce to fix you up, can't have you looking ugly now, can we?" He asked as you looked at him with tears in your eyes and nodded a little. 
You slowly stood up and walked past him, he quickly grabbed your arm roughly. 
"If you ever disobey me like that again, I will fucking force you into heat and throw you into a room with ten alphas. Understood?" He growled as you kept your eyes down and nodded. 
"Yes, sir." You replied making him smile. 
"Good girl." 
You eventually made it up to the infirmary and saw Steve treating one of his recent wounds on his hands. 
He turned around and looked at you in shock. 
"Is Bruce here?" You muttered as you walked closer. 
"No, he's out for a bit. I can help if you want, sweetie." He sat, patting the bed he was in front of. 
You walked over and sat on the bed in front of Steve as he brought out some basic medical supplies. 
"Love, what happened?" He asked as you kept your eyes down. 
"I had an outburst at Tony... I got angry and swore and called him names." You muttered as Steve sighed softly. 
“It’s not fair… I didn’t choose to be born an omega! And just because of that I deserve to get abused?” You shouted at Steve before he roughly grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. 
“Enough, you can’t speak like that. You know exactly what everyone here is capable of.” He growled as you looked at him and nodded. 
He sighed and let go of your face before he began cleaning up your wounds. 
“I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated.” You muttered as Steve nodded. 
“I know, once you’ve rested a bit we can have a sparring match or something, help you get all that tension out.” He replied as you smiled a little.
"Thank you, Steve."
You sat next to Bucky on the couch, watching tv.
You liked being around Bucky, he felt so safe. Bucky didn't talk much and his Alpha side was practically wiped out by Hydra, so when you were with him you felt equal.
You leant your head against his shoulder while you watched TV.
"I'm scared." You whispered as Bucky looked down at you with confusion.
"Why, doll?" He asked, you continued to stare forward at the TV.
"My heat is coming up and I hate it... I don't want Tony taking care of me when I'm like that. He's so rough with me and he doesn't give me aftercare and I end up worse off." You muttered as Bucky looked at you sadly.
He never agreed with Tony's way of treating you, especially when he would lock you away while you were in heat. Only coming in to fuck you a few times and that was it.
"Something Tony doesn't understand, that he'll probably never understand is that it's not all about sex. Him going in and screwing you isn't fixing anything. An omega is vulnerable when they're like that, needing care and support." Bucky said as you closed your eyes, afraid you would cry.
"I wish you or Steve could help me through it..." You whispered as Bucky ran his hand through your hair.
"Maybe one day..."
You were in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone, you didn't mind it helped keep your mind off of things.
You saw Tony coming down and your body automatically tensed up.
"What's our wonderful girl cooking for us tonight?" He asked wrapping an arm around your waist while you cooked.
"I thought I would make spaghetti tonight, is that okay?" You asked as he chuckled and kissed your neck.
"It's perfect my little chef. I have to talk to you about something." He said as you stiffened a little.
"I have to go away for three months, sweetheart. That means you'll be going through two heats while I'm gone." He continued as you did your best to keep in your excitement.
"Who will help me?" You asked as he pulled away and held your face in his hand.
"Well, I want Steve to help you through it. I trust him with my life and with you, so it's going to be Steve. I know he can keep you in line like I do." He said as you smiled and nodded.
"Is it really three months? Can we at least call or something?" You asked doing your best to fake that you would miss him.
He chuckled softly and kissed your forehead.
"Of course we can call, sweetheart. I'll miss you so much." He said as you hugged him.
"I'll miss you too, Alpha."
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How to tell Cobra
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Character(s): Smokey (x reader), "Cobra" Junpei Hino
Plot Line: Even though you were twins, Cobra was born before you. This meant he would be your big brother; no matter what you or he could do about it. He took this to heart and protected you fiercely from everything. However, what happens what you end up in a situation and you have to tell your protective older brother something he rather not hear?
Warnings: Anxiety, Angst, Inappropriate comedy (18+), talks of terminal Illness, High & Low violence
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How does one tell Cobra something. 
Even as his younger sister (though only by an hour, which you remind him of constantly) you ask yourself that often. For it is often that Cobra messes up and has to tell you something. Like the time Yamato and him broke your doll house or the time he accidentally lost all your history notes that he stole before a big exam. 
So whenever you messed up, it was hard to tell him. 
Usually there would be a right time or a moment you could bring it up. But, you didn’t think such a thing existed in this situation.
Put simply, you were pregnant. 
More precisely three months along now but you’ve known since you were two weeks in. The main problem was. You haven’t told anyone…
Not Naomi. Not Yamato. Not Noboru. And definitely–Definitely–not Cobra. 
The reason was simple. You were scared. Not just by their reaction when they find out you are pregnant. But by whom. 
Life worked in strange ways. Everyone would be shocked when they found out. How the hell did you two meet? They likely wouldn’t think you two had anything in common. Turns out it was the simple things. You both cared deeply about family and you both hated to be a burden to the ones you loved and adored. The two of you grew close over those two simple things. Extremely close on nights when one of you needed comfort. 
Was it love? Was it a close friendship? It was hard to determine.
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You still remembered Smokey’s words when you told him. Always so calm and always so sweet; thinking of others before himself. Even as he tried to keep calm and collected, you could see by how his hands ever so slightly shook as he took yours that he was scared. Afraid. 
Smokey has never been in good health since you’ve known him. While you’ve helped him go to a doctor, they didn’t have much help to give. A lung transplant; that's the only thing that could stop his deteriorating health. All he could do was wait and maybe–if he was lucky–get a donation to pay for the surgery. But the chances were few and far between. So, he could only take some pills to keep himself stable and put his health on the back burner for now. 
Would he live long enough for the child to grow up? What would happen if you were left all alone? Even though he didn’t say it, you knew those were the questions that were clouding Smokey’s mind. 
It’ll be alright. We’ll figure it out.
You allowed him to hold you that night. Ignoring the worried calls from Cobra and the others when you didn’t return home. Only in the morning messaging a simple ‘I’m okay’ to them even though you weren’t. You and Smokey going your separate ways as the sun rose early in the morning. Him needing to return back to the Rude Boys and you needing to return back to Sannoh.
Life worked in strange ways. It really did.
It really fucking did.
“I can’t believe this,” You mumble, likely looking a little pale as you stare down at the stack of ultrasound photos. Each one of the Rude Boys wanting a photo of their precious niece/nephew so you had to ask for quite a few. Usually one would have their first ultrasound at 6 to 9 weeks but due to you working full time and bills needing to be paid, you had to wait until now; at 12 weeks. 
Technically you could have waited longer, Smokey and you were in no rush to get the ultrasound. An idea more on the backburner as the boys and him were more focused on trying to figure out if they could make furniture for the baby out of scrap wood from around nameless city. An idea you were highly against unless they sanded it and made sure none of the wood was compromised in any way. 
Surprisingly, they found such wood. And on the same day, when you woke up to a very big shock. 
“Lala,” Smokey’s sister whips her head around at her name being called. Looking quite confused as she sees you in the middle of Spring wearing a big puffy coat. It seemed your weird appearance didn’t just catch her attention either as P and Yu jumped down from their places in an area up above. Likely on patrol. 
“Is everything ok–” Not allowing her to answer, you dragged her to a tent nearby. Usually used for shops to set up, but it was far too early for them. Quickly, P follows after you two, signaling to Yu to go find Smokey. Knowing this is something he should know. “What’s wrong–”
Lala falls short of finishing her sentence as you take off your coat and show her what had you acting so strange. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she just saw you a day ago and it didn’t look like anything like this. 
“Woah…” P lets out, taking the words right out Lala’s mouth for her. The girl still very much in shock as she tried to wrap her head around it. “That’s… That’s normal right?”
“I– Sort of? I– I don’t know. They said it's common for it to just appear suddenly one morning when you wake up. But– I don’t think it's supposed to be–”
“Is everything–” 
You nearby jump in shock as Smokey and the rest of the Rude Boys barge into the tent. Expecting something horrible only to stare in shock just like P and Lala were seconds ago once they see you. The only one being somewhat calm about the situation being, of course, Smokey. Who after reading some books with you, knew this would be happening any day now. 
His eyes soften as he gazes upon it. Looking at you with love and wonder as he slowly makes his way to you. A soft grin spreading to his lips as he touches your stomach, lightly tracing the bump there with his calloused fingers. 
“Don’t– Don’t you think it's a bit big?” You finally ask after a few moments, telling Smokey the worry clouding your mind as you gazed upon your stomach, “I look eighteen weeks pregnant, not twelve.”
You were correct. While many in the tent knew nothing about pregnancies and had hardly ever seen a pregnant woman in her first trimester, they couldn’t help but agree that your bump was rather big. Which is likely what added to the huge shock as they saw you just over 24 hours before, no bump in sight. 
“Maybe you should go to that ultrasound?” Takeshi suggests, always the voice of reason amongst the boys especially whenever Smokey was absent. “If it has to do with your belly… the doctors should be able to notice it with that, right?”
Smokey and you looked at each other and you couldn’t help but agree that Takeshi made a fair point. 
“I can see if Dr.Sato has a free spot today? Will you be…” Your voice trails off when you notice a sad look grow on Smokey’s face. 
“Sorry…” He starts, letting out a heavy sigh, “Things between Daruma and us have been… tense. We are expecting Daruma to try to cause some chaos in the market later today. I really want to but–”
You grab Smokey’s hand, stopping the man from going into a rant, “It's okay. I understand.”
And you did. If being Cobra’s sister taught you anything, it is that sometimes the people you loved had to drop everything at a moment’s notice to protect what they believed in.
“Just keep me updated. I’ll let you know if I got the appointment and if nothing is going on, we can see if it's safe for me to come here after.”
Smokey nods his head. While disappointed he won’t be there, he is at least pleased he will be updated on what is going on.
As you finally turn your phone back on after shutting it down during your appointment, you couldn’t help but grow anxious at the slew of texts that came in; some dating back hours ago. While many were from Sannoh and your brother asking if you wanted to join them at the bar, some were from the Rude Boys. It seemed the situation with Daruma was solved and Smokey was wondering if–
“There you are,” You nearly jump in fright as a voice calls out in front of you. Instantly recognizing the blonde male in front of you.
“Takeshi? What the hell–” You start, thankful it wasn’t a different blonde. Especially as it would be hard to explain the building you were standing out in front of. Quickly you whip your head around before dragging the male into an alleyway nearby, “What are you doing here? This is Sannoh territory.”
It would be extremely hard to come up with an excuse as to why a Rude Boy was this far from their territory. Especially as the boys rarely left and you were in the north end of Sannoh, closer to Oya territory than theirs. 
“Smokey got worried. You didn’t answer his texts and it was getting dark,” Takeshi says, gesturing to the golden and red sky above you guys, “He sent me to pick you up.”
Moving his hand, he points to an old army jeep. One the Rude Boys often used along with their dirt bikes when they needed to get somewhere not in their territory fast. However, due to it being so old and so unique, it wouldn’t be hard for any of the Sannoh boys to instantly recognize the vehicle. Knowing an opposing gang was in their territory.
Oh god.
“Give me a second.” Takeshi says, suddenly seeming to remember something as he pulls out his phone. It rings for a moment before someone picks up on the other end.
“Hello?” Instantly recognizing the voice on the other end, you visibly relax. 
“Hey, Smokey. I’ve got her right here. She just came out of her appointment.” 
“Did everything go well?” Smokey asks as you take the phone from Takeshi. Already feeling much better as you could hear his voice on the other end. He has always had that calming effect on you, “Nothing wrong?”
Letting out another sigh, you hear shuffling on the other end of the phone. Likely the others joining Smokey to hear the results of your appointment.
“Everything went well. Nothing wrong at all. Just…” You let out a particularly heavy sigh, knowing you had no choice but to explain it to them as just ignoring the obvious would make them more concerned, “...I’m feeding for four.”
Takeshi–the only one you can visibly see–jaw drops in shock as he processes what you just said. Even though you shouldn’t, you can’t help but laugh a little. Finally giving the male the stack of photos after a few moments so he can finally come to terms on what you said. 
Staring down at the photo, even though it wasn’t his, Takeshi can’t help but feel tears pluck in the corner of his eyes as he sees his nieces/nephews. Each labeled with a number 1 through 3 so it was each to identify each one.
“Tr–Triplets…” Takeshi starts, his voice slightly shaking as he speaks, “She’s having triplets, Smokey.”
A little concerned by the sudden silence at the other end, you call out as well, “Smokey?”
Your eyes can’t help but widen in shock as you hear an ever so slight sniffle on the other end. 
Takeshi seems quite taken aback as well as he hears the others telling Smokey it was okay as they laughed and patted their leader on the back. Though the two of you quickly can’t help but allow a wide grin to take on your faces as you hear Smokey’s chuckle as well; Sounding slightly watered down from his tears and stuffy nose as he was still a bit emotional. Realizing it was a good cry, not a bad one.
“We’ll be there soon, Smokey.” Looking up at Takeshi, who grabs the keys from his pockets, you quickly follow him out of the alleyway as you continue to talk on the phone, “Don’t go crying anymore. I still have yet to show you the photos. I practically started sobb–”
Quickly, as you glance to your right, you can’t help but freeze in your steps. The smile wiping clean off your face when your eyes lock with another. 
Oh, no. 
No. no. no. no. no.
“Shit,” Takeshi curses once he sees them as well, “Smokey, fuck. We’ve been seen.”
However, even though you know Smokey and the others are saying something on the other end, you can only continue to stare at your brother; the rest of the world blocked out just from the pure shock running through your body. Cobra eyes are wide and confused as he sees you. The rest of the gang confused as well as they pause in getting off their bikes. Clearly having showed up after hearing the Rude Boys jeep was spotted in Sannoh.
It is only as Takeshi shakes your shoulder that you finally snap your gaze away from Cobra, “We have to go. Now.”
Not allowing you a second to respond, likely thinking you were still in shock, Takeshi grabs you by the wrist and starts dragging you to the car. Hoping that since the boys are far enough down the street, that he could beat them to his car.
“Hey. Hey!” The roaring sound of blood pumping through your veins echoes in your head as your brother finally snaps out of his trance. His voice muffled in your ears even though he is probably yelling. As you shakily take a seat in the passenger seat, you can’t help but jump in surprise as you feel a hand suddenly grab onto the jacket on your shoulder.
“What are you doing? Why the hell are you with—?” Yamato asks as you stare up at him with wide eyes. However, it is as he pulls at your jacket, that he sees your stomach. Stopping him dead in his tracks as he takes in the sight, “Why are you pregnant? What the fuck did those bastar–”
You gasp in shock as Takeshi suddenly kicks Yamato, getting the man to fall onto the sidewalk, as the vehicle finally starts. You can’t help but snap your head around as your brother begins to call your name, still racing after the vehicle. Only stopping once the vehicle finally picks up speed, causing him to stop and stare. 
To stare back at you with so many questions and concerns in his eyes.
“I—“ You start, turning back around to face the front. Just in pure shock at what just happened, “I— I should have told him. Oh my god… I’m such an idiot.”
“Stop it.” Takeshi yells over the wind as he drives, reaching a hand over to grab onto one of your shaking ones. “You did what you thought best. You weren’t sure how Cobra would react to finding out about Smokey. It could have caused a bigger mess than this for all you know.”
“But— My brother will be chasing after us, you know?” You start, looking in the rear view mirror as if waiting for the motorcycles of the Sannoh Hoodlum Squad to whip around the corner, “He’ll— He’ll come to nameless city and—“
“It’s okay. It’s okay.” Takeshi says, grabbing hold of your shoulders and hugging you as the vehicle reaches a stop light. “Everything will be okay. This can’t blow up anymore than it is.”
“Breathe. Please just breathe.” Takeshi says, running a hand down your back to soothe your shaking figure, “We’ll be home soon. Everything will be okay.”
As the stop light changes and he is forced to pull away, you are finally quiet. While still shaking, you lean into Takeshi’s side for comfort. Clutching his hand tightly as he continues to drive back to the Rude Boys territory. Unable to stop yourself from jumping whenever you heard to loud sound of a motorcycle engine off in the distance
“Smoke—“ As soon as Takeshi slams on the brakes, putting the car in park. The rest of the Rude Boys descend. Instantly Smokey clutches onto you and helps you out of the car, not wanting to let you go.
His eyes trail your body, looking for any signs that you were hurt in any way. 
“What in the hell happened out there?” 
“Sannoh recognized–” As Takeshi leaps out and begins to explain, you allow Smokey to pick you up–something you usually wouldn’t allow–as he and the group begin to walk. Knowing better than to argue with the leader when he was like this, though you also didn’t have the strength to. Secretly you are glad Smokey’s large puffy jacket muffled your ears from the talking of the boys around you. Allowing you to focus on his steady heartbeat; giving you a chance to tune out of the world. 
Though only for a couple of moments, only a couple moments of peace, before Smokey calls your name. Lifting your head, you glance up at Smokey, who looks down at you. Concern and apologies swirling in his dark eyes.
“We need to hide you.” Smokey whispers, seeming to not like the conclusion he has determined but knowing it was the best and safest option for you. 
“What…?” You start, caught off guard as the boys begin to jog, knowing where to head as they likely have limited time. You, still in his grasp, whip your head around to determine where you guys are going. However, night had fallen and it was too dark to know your surroundings. The only light being the moon that shined through the clouds, “Smokey, wait. You– You can’t do that. The boys– My brother is going to misunderstand.” 
“Yes, I know. I’m sorry.” Smokey says, lifting you up and handing you to P on a platform attached to a crane. Reminding you of the ones that are used in the mines. As the boys all jump on, Yu hitting the lever before jumping on as well, the platform begins to move upwards. Finally allowing you down to your feet, Smokey brings you into his arms. Hiding his face in your hair as he attempts to control his shaky breathing, “I’m sorry. I just… can’t risk how they will react. Yamato has already seen your stomach and they likely have already begun to draw their own conclusions.”
“But…” However, your voice quickly trails off as you think. Smokey had a point. While you know your brother and his friends would never hurt you. Never. You could very easily get caught in the crossfire if things heated up too quickly between the groups. The gangs in SWORD were always on the brink of war with one another. Even the slightest of comments or looks could break the peace in seconds.
“I’m sorry.” Smokey repeats, lifting his head to press a kiss to your forehead. One that causes your eyes to flutter shut as you lean into his gentle and caring gesture. As he pulls away, you can see a slight glint in his eyes. One you can’t determine as the lift final comes to a stop. As you look around, you gain an understanding of where you are. All of you are in some sort of watch tower office. One that clearly belongs to the Rude Boys as you look around: maps, notes and their items strewn about the place. 
As you watch P pull out a batch of wires inside the panel of the lift, clearly cutting the power so it can’t be accessed from below, Smokey takes you in another room. While you guessed it was originally meant to be a small office meant for a manager, the Rude Boys had clearly turned it into a resting room of some sort. Torn pillows, blankets, and even an old twin mattress on the floor in the corner. Likely this room was used by the boys when they took turns watching from the tower on patrols. 
As Smokey shuts the door and calls your name, you turn your attention away from your surroundings and back to him. 
“Promise me.” He starts, bringing up a hand to cup your face. Swiping a thumb across your cheek as he looks you in the eyes, “Promise me that no matter what happens that you won’t run out into the mess of this.”
While you didn’t want to agree. Especially as you considered what could possibly happen and how many could get hurt. A thing that made you nauseous as you realized it was all caused by you. You knew you had to agree. If you left Smokey and the others worried, who knew what could happen to them. 
You knew the best option would be to allow Smokey to have a clear mind. One that could keep him calm and hopefully talk to your brother instead of having an all out brawl commence, “I promise…” 
Your words are quickly cut off as Smokey captures his lips in yours. It is passionate and heated compared to the usual pecks he gives you. One that takes your breath away and leaves you dizzy. 
And as Smokey pulls away, you see the glint return back in his eyes. You once again didn’t understand it, that is until Smokey pulls you once again into another hug. Kissing your hair as he sighs, once more trying to calm himself. 
It is as he does so, his body pressed up against yours more so than usual as he rests his chin on your head, that you feel it. 
“I…” You start, unable to help yourself from letting out a laugh. Instantly trying to muffle it in the fur of his jacket as you feel it pressed up against your hip, “Do you have…?”
“Why do you…” You can’t help but let out another laugh at how Smokey shifts slightly away so you can no longer feel it. Always a gentleman. “Why do you have a boner, Smokey?”
“I–” As he pulled away to look at you, you could tell he felt embarrassed and quickly stopped laughing. His eyes looking more so to the wall than you, “It’s because… some guy is trying to take you away.”
“But… it's my brother.”
“I know.” His eyes snapping back to yours so you don’t misunderstand what he is trying to say, “It's because he has the power to stop me from seeing you. Permanently. That’s what it is, not who he is.”
“So… you are basically saying that you…,” You start, heat slightly spreading up your face at what you are about to say, “You are possessive over me and are trying to… stake your claim.”
Instantly, Smokey’s ears turn red and you can tell he just wants to bury his head back in your shoulder in embarrassment.
“It’s okay, Smokey,” You say, reassuring the man as you come up and press a kiss to his lips. One he instantly melts into, “It’s pretty… attractive. Just not the right place or time.”
“Don’t apologize. We can… explore this later.” You say, cutting off another apology from him. While he wasn’t as prideful like your brother or the other sword leaders, he was apologizing a lot today. Even for him, “I just don’t want the boys or… my brother to walk in on us.”
Just as an uncomfortable shiver trails up your spine at the thought, you see Smokey freeze. Definitely horrified at the thought as well. 
“Another day it is,” He agrees, making you laugh a little. The sound bringing a small grin to his lips. Though not for long as a knock on the door breaks the happy atmosphere. 
“Smokey,” Takeshi says, pausing for a moment as he seems to determine his next words, “Cobra and the rest of Sannoh is here.” 
“Okay. I’ll be out in a moment,” The leader replies, before looking back at you. A concerned look once again returning to his face, “Please. Stay here.”
“...I will…” 
Giving you one last look as he opens the door, Smokey seems to take you in–almost as if he was thinking this might be the last time he would see you–before shutting it close. A soft click followed by what sounds like shuffling. It takes you a moment to realize the boys were pushing heavy boxes in front of the door in order to hide the room. 
As silence overtakes the room, you find yourself all alone. With the only light in the room being from a window covered in newspaper clipping, you can’t do much other than sit so as not to trip or fall. You can’t even pace to ease your worries. 
With a heavy sigh, you grab an old tattered quilt on the floor and sit in the corner on the old mattress. Wrapping yourself in the blanket as the cold spring night wind whips around outside. It was a long time spent in silence and your own thoughts. You couldn’t even look at your phone or the ultrasound photo of the triplets; both still in Takeshi’s possession. Sitting, waiting and thinking; that's all you could do. 
You even thought about sleeping, but you knew you couldn–
You let out a loud yelp as a crash resounds throughout the room. The glass of the window shattering and it takes you a moment to realize it was P. Covered in bruises and cuts as he attempts to get to his feet in the middle of the room, you realize someone had thrown him through it.
“Are you ok–” 
“Stay back!” P yells, stopping you from coming to him as you get to your feet. You are confused until you hear someone else jumping through the window as well. However, it's not who you expect. 
“So this is where you have been keeping her,” Koo says as he adjusts his white suit, slightly brushing something off his shoulder. Rocky’s assistant glances your way as you stare at him in shock; seeming to check over your figure. His eyes stopping on your stomach before his jaw clenches, “A bunch of heathens that's what you guys are. How many times did you take turns abusing and manipulating this woman?”
“Wait–” However you can’t even get a word in before you are suddenly lifted up, letting out a scream as someone begins to take you through the window.
“Let her–” P dodges as Koo attempts to hit him with his staff. The older man fully intending on blocking the Rude Boy from grabbing you as you are continued to be taken through. 
As you glance back, you see Shimura. The blonde male, with both of his eyes covered in those strange leather goggles of his, grins at you, “Got you!”
Of course, the White Rascals are here.  
Protector of Women. They would instantly jump in if one was in danger. You were just surprised your brother asked the group for help. At least you think he did. 
Did that mean the Rude Boys were outnumbered? Were any of the other SWORD groups here as well? You had too many questions and worries bouncing through your mind. Way too overwhelmed for what was good for you.
“Okay, now we are– Hey! Wait!” As soon as Shimura puts you down on the platform so you can stand, you instantly end up bolting. As to where you would go, you didn’t know. You knew you couldn’t go back in the office as that would be a dead end and Koo was still in there. Stuck on the highest point of the tower, you technically could only go one way. Down.
“Oi! That's dangerous!”
The white rascal chases after you, only to freeze in his steps as he watches you go over the railing and walk across a supported metal beam. Thank goodness the boys got bored one day and taught you some of their tricks. While you couldn’t do any of their crazy flips or spins, you could at least keep your balance and slide down on some things.
Grabbing hold of the fabric at the end of the beam that fell all the way to a platform a few floors below, you take a deep breath and step off the edge. An action that makes Shimura gasp and begin to yell at you to knock it off as you dangle on the material; drawing the attention of some of the others nearby. 
“Oi– Hey!” You nearly jump in fright as something grabs onto the fabric as well, however you breathe a sigh of relief when you just realize it is just P. The young man a bit more bruised than a couple moments ago when you saw him but he seemed to escape Koo’s grasp without an issue. 
“Be careful,” P says as places one of his arms around your waist, just in case you slipped so he could grab you, “Let's try to get you away from this mess.”
With a deep breath, you and P begin to slide down the fabric. A bit slower than what the Rude Boys would normally do, but thankfully you got to the bottom without any issues. 
“The bikes–Shit.” Just as P goes to look at something, he instantly stops in his tracks. As you look to your right, you see both Rocky and your brother making their way to you. Simply stated, Cobra looked pissed. 
“Hino, wait–” You start only to stop once something jumps down in front of you. Taking you by surprise, it takes a moment to realize it was Smokey. While you normally would be more than glad to see the young man, it wasn’t right now. Your heart stopping when you see the crimson liquid dripping from his lips, knowing it was from his lungs, “Stop. Stop! Everyone just stop!”
As you clutch onto Smokey, screaming at everyone, Cobra and Rocky pause in their steps. Well maybe not Cobra if it weren’t for Rocky sticking out a hand to stop him. 
“Are you okay?” You ask as Smokey gets to his feet, a little shaky as he wipes his lips. The man nods his head but makes no effort to move, instead bringing you close so you are behind him. P behind both of you so as to watch your backs.
“Stay… Stay behind,” Smokey chokes out, grabbing your hand and running his thumb over it. As he looks back at you, unable to help yourself–mostly out of worry–you take the sleeve of your jacket and rub away the crimson liquid falling from the man’s lips. An action that has you wincing as Smokey ends up accidentally having a coughing fit into the fabric; Spiting up more blood in the process but you don’t bring your hand away. Too worried about him than anything else. 
“Smokey, you bastard!” Cobra suddenly yells, catching you off guard as you look to see your brother practically fuming as he glares down the male. If looks could kill, right? “I thought of you better than this. You have a sister but you– you still allow your group to manipulate and rape–”
“Hold up! Wait!” You shout, cutting off the extreme conclusion your brother came to. Not even wanting him to finish that sentence. Taking a deep breath you finally decide it was time to address the obvious. No more running away in fear or allowing Smokey to protect you.
“Hino, they never did any of that. I– Smokey and I…” You take your gaze away from your brother to look at Smokey. The haggard man slightly panting in order to breathe but smiles gently as you Interlock your fingers with his. Giving you a reassuring squeeze, “Smokey and I are together.”
“Well sort of together,” You say, mumbling slightly; not noticing the tone your brother used, “We became close friends and… things sort of happened… and then I got pregnant. I–”
“You–” Something suddenly smashes nearby, making you jump slightly and cut off your words. Instantly Smokey pushes you further behind him and it takes you a moment to realize it was caused by Cobra. Your brother having kicked something nearby to him in a heat of rage, “You can’t be serious. This– This has to be some sort of lie. He must be manipulating–”
“It’s not!” You yell back, your emotions finally coming crashing down on you, “I just– I just…”
You let out a heavy sigh as you cross your arms, slightly gnawing at your lip as you begin to feel anxious. Especially knowing you had to explain your decision, “I was just scared to tell you, Hino.”
Your brother seems to pause for a moment. His gaze slightly growing less sharp and cold upon hearing your words, “Scared to tell me…?”
“I…” You gulp, feeling tears begin to prick the corner of your eyes. Damn it, “I–I knew I messed up. I don’t regret anything with Smokey but I knew that because he was from another group that it could cause problems. I wanted to tell you but– but– I was scared if it would cause a fight or– or– if it would disappoint you– or–”
You sniff a little, wiping your eyes as tears rolled down your cheek. It's silent from Cobra’s end and you can’t bring yourself to look up at your older brother. Though through blurry vision trained to the ground you see Smokey turn around. Guessing he was looking at you as he began to rub comforting circles in your hand. Unable to help yourself–the simple act reducing you to sobs–you can’t help but throw yourself in the male’s arms; hiding your head in the man’s jacket as you cry.
However as you cry in Smokey’s jacket, trying to calm the aching and horrible feeling in your heart, it isn’t long before a hand grasps your arm and you are pulled into another’s hold. The other person’s arms instantly wrapping around your body tightly as they place their chin on your shoulder. Smelling the cologne and laundry detergent you knew your brother used made you sob even harder when you realized it was him who was holding you.
“I–I’m–m so sorry– Sorry, Hino–” You sob out, your voice breaking and cracking as you attempt to pull yourself together. Especially as your brother hushes you and draws shapes on your shoulder with his hand to get you to calm down. Something he has done ever since you two were kids.
“Idiot… What are you apologizing for?” Cobra says, pulling his head back up so you can see each other. With a small frown on his face, he brings up a thumb and wipes the tear stains from your cheeks, “I’m not angry or disappointed in you. Sure, you and Smokey…”
He takes the chance to send the male a glare from over your shoulder. One you probably would guess, Smokey gave right back; knowing him.
“...I’m not too happy about it but it's at least better than Murayama or… Hyuga. I would definitely kill them if that ever happened.” You can’t help but let out a small choked laugh at your brother’s comment. Especially as he grumbles about the last part, “But, if anything, I’m just upset and worried you felt like you couldn’t tell anyone this.”
“Technically, all of nameless city knew–”
“Doesn’t count.” Your brother sternly says, cutting P off, “You couldn’t have even told Naomi?”
“You know she would instantly tell Yamato or you.”
Your brother huffs but understands that you were very much correct in your assumption. While she kept some secrets from the boys, you knew she would definitely tell the boys about it the moment she found out about anything between you and Smokey. Entirely for your safety of course.
“So…” Your brother starts after a sigh, seeming awkward but you could tell he wanted to ask something, “How long have you and Smokey been a… thing?”
“Well…” You turn to Smokey who seems to freeze at the subject. Knowing this could quickly set Cobra off as well, “We aren’t really together. We sort of…”
“…are messing around?”
“No, no,” You say, quickly reassuring your brother as he attempts to go around you. Likely to give Smokey a piece of his mind if he thought of you as a ‘fun time’, “It wasn’t physical. Definitely not at first. We would just… rely on the other to share our deepest secrets and to seek reassurance when we weren’t okay. It isn't until later that the other stuff just… happened.” 
Grumbling under his breath, your brother seems still quite unhappy about the whole situation but honestly–-truly honest–his reaction could have been a lot worse. Especially knowing him and all the scenarios you conjured up in your head. 
It is only as heavy boots approach you, that you forgot about one crucial thing. A thing that makes your blood run cold once more.
“Sor–Sorry, Rocky,” You murmur sheepishly, glancing at the Rascals leader as he approaches. While he outwardly didn’t look pissed, some of the White Rascals men were definitely beaten up. A clear indicator in the bruises and cuts on Kaito, Kizzy and Koo’s faces as they walk up behind their leader, “Sorry you got dragged into this mess–”
However, the White Rascals leader raises his hand, signaling you to stop in your rant. A small smile gracing his lips, that quickly disappears as you blink. Reaching into his pocket, the man pulls out a business card and gives it to you.
“If shit hits the fan again and you need help,” He starts, pulling down his sunglasses he gives you a knowing wink, “Don’t hesitate to call.”
“Hey.” Your brother warns as the White Rascal leader walks away. But, the Rascals don’t listen and just ignore your brother; instead cheering and exhaustingly leaving as they eaves you goodbye. The only one seeming to still pay attention to your group was Kizzy. The young woman holding up a small picture–almost making you choke on your spit as you instantly identify it–and sending you a knowing smile.
“You better stop by at the club,” Kizzy yells as Kaito wraps an arm around her shoulder, beginning to lead her away, “I want to see more of these cuties.”
“Hey!” Yu yells as he leaps down next to you guys. However the Rascals are already walking down the metal steps; no longer in hearing distance, “That’s ours!”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” You reassure, stopping the younger male from chasing after them. Clearly pouting at the fact they stole something they were waiting for, “I got plenty of extra copies.”
“Extra copies…?” Cobra asks as Yu yells upwards at Takeshi. Asking him to come down so as to get his copy. Once more you freeze as you realize your brother has no idea about the appointment today… nor the results.
“Well…” You start as Takeshi joins you guys. A nervous sweat breaking out as you see the rest of Sannoh and Rude Boys coming out from the structure as well, coming to likely see what the ruckus is about, “...twin genes, am I right?”
As Takeshi holds out a picture to Cobra, you back up and return to Smokey’s side. Allowing Sannoh and your brother to process what exactly they were seeing. Hoping their reaction wouldn’t be too bad as you left them alone with the other Rude Boys.
“You okay?” You ask Smokey, cupping the male’s face. His stern eyes easing as you approach; seeming to melt into your touch as he wraps a hand around your waist. Always liking you close by within arms length.
Instead of responding, Smokey leans in and takes your lips with his. While you flinch a little at the sticky feeling, reminding you he was just coughing up blood a few moments ago, you eventually relax and return the loving kiss. Humming as Smokey takes his other calloused hand and gently cups the back of your neck. Playing with the baby hairs located there that causes shivers to shoot up your spine.
As Smokey pulls away, a loving gaze on his face. You can’t help but grin uncontrollably back at him. An action he seems to like as he wraps you in his arms and presses kisses to your face. A smile beginning to grow on his—
“Smokey… I think we should have a talk.”
Uh oh.
You forgot about Cobra standing right there. 
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mrsfrankadler · 6 months
Figuring it out.
jake jensen x f!reader, bucky barnes x f!reader
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A/N: LOOK WHAT Y/N’S MESSY ASS DID NOW🤣🤣 she’s all over the place.. lordt. but in her defence, she is in a vulnerable state, things will be normal for her soon. & don’t be afraid to hit up that ask box 💋
Warning: intentional lower case, not in y/n’s pov, angst?, silly little pet names 🙃 ( doll, dollface, baby ), kissing, SMUT ( p in v, praise, no aftercare 😓 ), awkwardness :/
Summary: babygirl is all over the place ( i am bad at summaries ) 🤕. can be read as a standalone but ⬂
pt1 pt2
the morning after your… unfortunate date with ransom, your alarm wakes you up earlier than usual. the jarring sound of that familiar ringtone reminded you of the obstacle you had to face today.
you were finally going back to work after your - much needed - mental health break.
being in a relationship with syd was hard in itself, but when he finally upped and left, that took a huge toll on your life. you were already affected mentally by the way he treated you when you were together but regardless you stuck around, so when he chose to leave, it just made you feel like shit.
when he noticed the effect of the break-up, jake suggested that you take some time off work to focus on yourself and try to recover, and so you did. but now that time was up.
jake was startled awake by the sounds of you rushing around to get ready, he was going to have to get used to you being awake at this time again.
you hear the floorboards creak as jake slowly steps out of his room, you peek your head out your door to see him in nothing but pajama shorts… who needs boundaries?
“you’re up early, y/n/n…” he points out, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.
“yeah, jay, i’m back to work today.”
he tries to hide his concern knowing you wouldn’t want him worrying about you but he can’t help the way his eyes widen at your statement. “ah. i remember.”
“so i gotta go jake, love you, i would hug you but you’re basically naked,” he frowns as you kiss him on the cheek, and with a deep breath, you’re out the door.
when you arrive at work, you make a bee-line straight to your little cubicle, not wanting anybody to ask too many questions about your whereabouts or your mental state.
when you thought you’d made it safe, you sunk into your chair and let out a deep breath. this is not so bad, you thought. until you heard a voice that was all too familiar to you. shit.
“well whaddaya know!” he practically bellowed at your cubicles entrance, “long time no see, dollface.”
luckily there was virtually no one in your vicinity so he didn’t draw to much attention. you let it slide.
you swivelled on your chair to face him, “barnes.”
bucky barnes, though you acted like you hated him, might have been the best part of your days at work. he was always cracking jokes and trying to make you laugh but you could never let him know you really found him amusing or he’d get too cocky.
“so, you were gone… and now you’re back.” he tilted his head with a grin. did he even know where he was going with this conversation? “what’s up with that?”
“yeah, i was. do you need something, barney? i wasn’t even gone that long.” you sighed.
“i missed you calling me that.”
“i didn’t miss your flirting.”
“oh, shit, yeah you have that boyfriend right?” he smirked and you internally groaned, screwing your eyes shut. really barnes?
the two of you stew in awkwardness before you break the silence.
“yeahhh, no. i don’t fuck with him anymore. we broke up.”
bucky’s face dropped. “ohh…” he just stood and scratched the back of his head, “damn.” and you huff out an annoyed sigh, resting your head in your hands on your desk until this idiot pipes up again.
“what happened? if you don’t mind me asking.” he came and sat on your desk.
“he treated me badly pretty much throughout the relationship and then he just dumped me. pretty much out of nowhere.” you just sighed.
“fuck, that’s awful. i’m sorry that happened to you…”
“yeah, thanks.”
“well, do you want a hug.. or something?” he trailed off, expecting to get shot down but;
you had to stand up slightly on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck and you rested your head on his warm chest. his big hands smoothed over your back, rubbing up and down to comfort you. you practically melted into his embrace, had you ever even hugged bucky before? shit felt good as fuck.
when you pull away, his hands linger on your waist and your mind starts to wander. why was he being so sweet and comforting? why did he seem genuinely concerned for me? does he actually care about me?
his steel blue eyes looked down at you through droopy lids. is he..?
he pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. innocent enough. friendly enough.
he stared for a moment,
and then he ducked his head down to swipe his lips over yours. gently and barely, he kissed you.
“hm, i’m sorry, i shouldn’t-“
you decided to kiss him again, of course, to shut him up, no other reason. you figured you wouldn’t be able to handle the awkwardness that would follow his apology.
‘i’m sorry i kissed you, you’re going through a hard time, i overstepped’ etc, ugh no. if you were going to ruin the current dynamic of this friendship, you were going to get some fun out of it.
to avoid drawing attention, you whispered, “hm, it’s like three minutes till our lunch break and i think i want you to take me to the storage closet...”
if anything could evoke an instant boner from bucky barnes, it would be that sentence right there.
“and what would we do in there?” he smirked raising a brow.
“just shut up and let’s go.”
the two of you subtly made your way round to the storage room and briefly checked your surroundings before going inside. thank fuck there were no cameras around here.
when you had both made your way in, bucky immediately pushed you gently against the wall and started to kiss you again. his desperation was evident in the kiss, you could tell he’d wanted this for a really long time..
“i’ve wanted this for a really long time.” he whispered while trailing wet kisses down the nape of your neck.
all you can do is moan in response because, have you? you weren’t to sure.
he quickly gets to work and bunching your skirt up to your hips and moving your underpants to the side. at a tormentingly slow pace, he begins to rub circles on your clit eliciting a strained whine from you.
“that feel good?” you can practically hear the smirk is evident in his tone, as he dips his middle finger down to your hole to collect your slick, “fuck you’re wet.”
“well, that probably means you should hurry up and fuck me. you know, before we get caught.” you whispered to him.
he chuckles lowly, unbuckling and taking down his pants but his laughter comes to a halt as you begin to push his tip against your clit, silently begging him to get on with it. he smoothed his hands down the backs of your thighs, lifting you up so that you were just about hovering over the head of his dick and resting on the shelf behind you.
“you ready for me, doll?” he pressed a sloppy kiss to the side of your mouth. you nodded, ‘mhm’, and that was all the confirmation he needed to slowly lower you down onto his length, sharply sucking in air.
“awh fuck,” he groaned into your ear as he thrusted upwards into your cunt. “feel so fucking good around me, angel.”
the way he was moaning and whispering praises in your ear had you so wet to the point where he was effortlessly slipping in and out of you. his speed was causing the shelf you were rested on to rattle and shake which was making you both laugh slightly. you could feel him panting hot breath against your neck as he quickly rutted into you and you bit your lip to stifle your moans.
bucky admired you slightly sweaty, half-lidded form, “you’re so beautiful, y/n/n. can you feel what you do to me?”
getting praised and complimented like this was a stark contrast to your relationship with syd. sex with him was always pretty rough and there was never much love there. this felt different. in a good way.
the position that you were in mean that your clit was rubbing right up against his pelvis making it almost impossible to stay quiet.
to avoid finishing to quickly - you assume - he began to slow his pace, meaning he was now grinding into you with slow deep strokes that drove you crazy. you couldn’t help but let out quiet whimpers as you gripped his shoulder.
“you getting close?” he started to kiss on your neck.
“awh shit, bucky, i’m gonna-”
“come on, baby, come on this dick.” he grunted, his thrusts beginning to speed up again, indicating that he was also close. “can feel you squeezing me, just let go.”
“fuck!” you whisper-yelled as you reached your climax.
bucky pulled out of you and finished with a moan shooting his spend onto your inner thigh. breathlessly, he rested his head on your shoulder for a moment. you tapped his bicep,
“come on barney, don’t fall asleep on me now, i got places to be,” you checked your watch, “still got 8 minutes of lunch left.”
he picked you up off the shelf and gently placed you back down on your wobbly feet.
you turned to get a kleenex from the shelf to wipe away his jizz from your thigh and pulled your skirt back down.
“‘kay, fine, bossy. you go out first and i’ll come out five minutes later.” you could hear him redoing his belt buckle.
“okay cool.” you chirped, “um, thanks for… cheering me up, barnes. you are sweet.” you gave him a brief hug before slipping out of the moderately spacious big storage closet.
you inwardly sighed. what the fuckk.
the rest of your afternoon at work was not very eventful. just the usual shit. answering the occasional phone call, writing emails, counting down the minutes to go home… you didn’t really see much of bucky for the rest of that day but the thought of him didn’t leave your head. you just couldn’t really comprehend what you ( and him ) had done.
you let the flirty fuckboy at work hit it, real classy y/n. what is jake gonna think? you had to tell him, you two told each other everything so it would be wrong to keep this from him. it’s not like he’d be that bothered anyway. why would he care?
“YOU WHAT??” who were you trying to kid, you knew he wouldn’t take it well.
you were sat on the living room couch whilst he was frantically pacing living room.
“with that guy? ‘cause i don’t really know about him..,” he paused, “why?”
“hm, i was really horny i guess.” you rubbed your temples, “don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“oh no, hey, there’s nothing wrong with you.” he came and sat by you on the couch, “‘m not judging you. just confused. did you want to sleep with him?”
“i’m not sure jake. i just, i opened up to him a little about syd and, he comforted me and he gave a hug, but it was a weird hug and-“
“hey, hey,” he pulled you into his side and rested his head on top of yours. “i guess you don’t have to know right now. you’ll figure it out at some point.”
you just hummed in response.
“so how was your day, jake?”
he scoffed, “not as eventful as yours.” earning him a playful punch in his arm.
“whatever man.”
“you wanna watch adventure time?”
“yeah, jay.”
a/n: gollllyyy. i was tired when i wrote this so it’s not that great & im also pretty bad at endings but the middle wasn’t too bad…🤷🏾‍♀️ anyways what do we think. i dont see her going back to bucky and this was her seeking comfort in perhaps the wrong form but, what can you do?
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ave09 · 1 year
Hey! I'm not sure of ur request policies (my bad), so if you're not comfortable, I understand fully. Could u do a Indiana Jones x reader where they are in the middle of an adventure in the peak of danger and they are being separated somehow and she tells him she's pregnant and it's just very angst but then a happy ending? Love your work, thank you!
ofc! i lowkey struggled with this, i couldn’t figure out how i wanted to write it, but i hope you like it! if not, i will totally rewrite!
indiana jones x reader
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“behind you!” 
“watch your back!” you exclaimed, lifting your gun, pulling the trigger as indiana ducked down. the man after him collapsed immediately, his body falling off of the top of the train. 
panic set in as you caught sight of more people running across the train top towards you and indiana.
you glanced at your husband, noticing just how worried he was too. “what’re we gonna do?” you asked, raising your voice in order to be heard over the loud wind.
he remained silent, as though deep in thought.  
then a smile spread across his lips.
“what?” you asked, your concern growing quickly as they began to close in. indiana then took your hand in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “we’re gonna jump.”
you stared at him as though he was insane, and you made sure to voice your thoughts, “are you fucking insane?” you exclaimed. “maybe a little bit, but it’s the only plan i’ve got.” 
it was the only option of escape. but you could not jump off of this train. 
“i-i can’t.” you whispered. now it was his turn to stare at you as though you were insane, “what? you’ve done much more complicated jumps then this!”
“well i can’t now!” 
“i don’t see much of a choice, doll!” his voice was rough, urgent. “indiana, i can’t!” 
“and why the hell not?!”
“i’m pregnant!” 
somehow time seemed to slow. you watched as the man registered your words, his expression morphing rapidly. first confusion, then a different version of confusion, before his eyes widened, “you’re what!” 
“you heard me!” you exclaimed. the people were now gaining on you. it was now or never. “go!” 
he shook his head rapidly, “and leave you and our unborn child-hell no.” 
— — — —
“so. pregnant, huh?” 
you refrained from rolling your eyes. this was the absolute last thing you wished to discuss while tied up back to back in a dark room. 
“why didn’t you say anything?” because you were afraid, no, terrified of how he’d react. children were never in the cards considering his profession. 
this was completely unexpected. 
“i couldn’t figure out how.” you replied softly. 
“how far are you?” 
“eight weeks.” 
indiana remained silent, which somewhat concerned you. 
“it all makes so much sense now.” he said. you furrowed your brows, “what?” you felt him shift slightly, “a little over eight weeks ago, i got back from asia.. and we-“
“yeah, hate to break it to you, indiana but your pull out game sucks.” 
the man couldn’t help but laugh. funny how such a joke could make a strange situation into one somewhat enjoyable.
you felt indiana’s fingertips brush against your hand. it was difficult to have any contact when tied back to back. you found comfort in his touch, despite how mild it was.
“let me tell you something right now.” 
“i promise, we’re gonna get out of here. and once we do, i’m taking a break. you and this baby are all i care about now.”
you smiled, although he was unable to see it, “and what of your endeavors?” 
“i’ll put ‘em on hold.” 
“you’d do that for me? for us?”
what he said next melted you, “sweetheart, i’d do anything for you.” 
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rdng1230 · 2 months
Breaking down that "which actor/singer are you" scene from chapter 4
I was gonna write this after I was done with the whole thing but fuck it. I'm damn proud of it and I want to let all of you in on the layers:
"“I’m just tryna figure out which member of the rat pack you are.” Tommy ponders, using his spoon to gesture in his direction. Sal poses jokingly, before eventually just giving up and pointing at his eyes. “Mmm, too obvious.” Tommy says with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Even ole Blue Eyes has got nothin’ on you in that department.”"
Ok so this is when the options are limited to just the members of the Rat Pack, There's no universally agreed upon list of who was in the Rat Pack, but generally it includes the likes of Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr., and most famously Frank Sinatra, whose nickname was 'Ol' Blue Eyes'. So he's saying Sal's eyes are prettier than the man who is famous for having gorgeous blue eyes. More down bad-ism on display from our dear Tommy Kinard.
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So Tommy broadens his sights to classic Hollywood in general.
""Sal knows whatever he’s about to say is gonna be equal parts bitchy and adorable. “Brando.” Tommy nods, sure of himself. “Definitely Brando.” Sal brings one hand under his chin, doing his best smolder.""
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So Brando is one of Hollywood's most famous Hound dogs and he was an equal opportunity hound dog. his affairs included Rita Moreno, James Dean (apparently they were like SUPER kinky), Jackie Kennedy, and indeed, legendary comedian Richard Pryor. He was also known for his cocky smoldery attitude. Tommy making this comparison is an indicator that he likes Sal and is super attracted to him, but doesn't really take him seriously as a long term romantic prospect. That list of affairs I mentioned? He was married during most of them.
Another layer to this is that Sal compared himself to Sinatra and Tommy compared him to Brando who notoriously HATED each other. Brando stole the role Sinatra wanted in the movie version of Guys and Dolls. Now funny enough, the role Sinatra ended up having was as a kind of lovable goofy guy who is actually deeply in love with the woman he's with but has strung her along for 14 years because he's too afraid to come out and commit to his own feelings. She ends up pushing him away and breaking up with him because she doesn't believe he's ever going to actually choose her (hmmm now what couple does that remind us of?)
As an aside, I actually think Sal and Tommy have a lot more in common with Brando's character Sky and his love interest Sarah. Sky, like Sal, is a hound dog who is really surprised to find himself in love. Sarah, like Tommy, is a romantic who is really surprised to find herself SUPER turned on and attracted to this guy she knows is wrong for her. But that's not really relevant, so moving on.
So Sal gets all up in his feelings and doesn't object to the Brando comparison. Which could mean nothing....
He turns his thoughts to picking out a comparison for Tommy. His first thought is Cary Grant, but he puts a caveat that it will make more sense when Tommy is older. He specifically singles out the North by Northwest Suit, which is widely considered to be the most perfect suit that has ever been created. This is basically him saying "I think Tommy will age so gracefully he will turn into the epitome of Suaveness."
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He also eliminates the idea of Bogart, who was known for his very moody/broody personality. It's a little bit ironic, because back in Chapter 1 when they ran into each other at the wedding, Tommy's mind went immediately to Bogart's most famous broody line. This is Sal not realizing the sheer negativity happening in Tommy's subconscious. He registers Tommy's tenseness, but not necessarily the sadness its masking.
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He also disqualifies Clark Gable for being too smarmy. This is honestly just him saying he thinks Tommy's coolness comes from being kind and not from being a cocky asshole.
"He throws out “Peter Lorre.” to buy himself more time. “You dick.” Tommy huffs, tossing a few more pieces of cereal for good measure."
Now this truly broke my heart when I wrote it. So Peter Lorre was famous for playing kind of effeminate gremliny little dudes. He also tends to play characters that kind of cling to the hero of the movie, like an unwanted hanger on. Now for Sal, he says it specifically because the idea of Tommy being like that is so ridiculous. but for Tommy, who has all these hang ups about being the lonely "not anybody's first choice" kind of guy, I think Tommy thinks Sal is being serious on some level.
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"Sal smiles when he finds his answer. Sweet, kind, dark haired, beautiful. He runs his tongue over his lips, building up his nerves. “Rock,” He commits, “Rock Hudson.” Tommy tilts his head a little, he seems almost touched. Sal sees a cloud come over Tommy’s face that he wants to physically push away with his hands, but it's just as quickly replaced with a goading smile. “Is that a fucking gay joke?!” Tommy barks."
Ok so firstly, this answer comes to you courtesy of @mannafromtevan who provided the magic ingredient to this scene without even knowing it. Rock Hudson was a dark haired, very sweet, sort of boy next door-y type. This comparison is Sal seeing Tommy's big heart and kind demeanor and telling him so. It's probably the most honest Sal has been about how he feels about Tommy since their relationship began.
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So why does Tommy get that dark cloud? Well as we've established if he can interpret things in a doomed/sad way, he will. Rock Hudson was closeted. Most of his fellow actors knew and protected him like Julie Andrews, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor etc. But when the AIDS crisis hit and he contracted the virus, he couldn't really hide it when he got sick.
He was essentially the first well known celebrity to publicly die of AIDS, and so again Tommy hears "doomed queer, never getting a happy ending" over all the other sweet things Sal is trying to say.
In summary, this scene is a big old red flag saying "Hey! you guys are ignoring/not seeing key facets of the other's personality!" and also that Tommy's doom spiral is very much in progress as he keeps latching on to the most negative possible meaning of Sal's words.
I think that's everything! Thank you for coming to my info dump/director audio commentary. And I'm sorry again for the trauma I have caused you all with that last scene. Never fear Saltommy friends, they'll get there eventually.
@sunnywithachanceofbi @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @racerchix21 @evansboyfriend @cliophilyra
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sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Ayo heard you want horny brainrots well I (🦝) have been summoned.
I don't know what your preferences are. Men, women, both, neither but personally I would fuck just about anything that is off age and willing so that being said
I absolutely adore Beidou. She is so fucking hot. She's powerful, strong willed, breathtakingly gorgeous and overall just step on me, captain I am actually begging. On top of that, she wields a claymore, the back amd shoulder muscle she must have? On God?? Yes, MA'AM.
Realistically she probably has a bunch of scars and a sun tan and overall I think Beidou might be the hottest woman in all of Genshin. Genshin has many hot women but no one surpasses her. My queen. My goddess. My love. My main since day ONE. (that's a lie but she was in fact the forst character I pulled)
Alright I'm going to take my brain and wring it out like a wet towel to give you some more asks. Cya in the next one
✿ 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙢𝙮 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚 ♡︎
characters: beidou x gn! reader
warnings: fluff, angst, there will be nsfw but it’s not as wild as my other posts, both reader and beidou are switch, cute domestic shits, kazuha being y’alls adopted son (kinda)
notes: 🦝anon, my beloved, i have already made it clear that i’m a raging bisexual so yes, women♥️. women, men, sexy human look alike puppets with god and inferiority complex, idc gimme them all! went with head cannons format with this one i hope you don’t mind. also i’m so sorry my beloved 🦝 anon, i took so long to answer😭😭
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aahhh yes beidou
i’m pretty sure everyone took one look at her and went “i’m sat”
and yes 🦝 anon she would have the muscles, sun tan i mean come on she stays out in the sea for as long as she wants, scars and damn did i mention muscles whew it’s getting hot in here
absolutely would spoil tf out of you
jewels, foods, all kinds of trinkets from the places she’s been to before
and if you were to talk it out with her and won’t get seasick easily, she won’t hesitate to ask you to come with her on her ship alongside the crux
after basically adopting kazuha, you two would almost become his pseudo parents in a sense
beidou is the fun carefree mom while you are the parent that frets over him as if he’s a baby
and everytime she sees you scolding kazuha over the smallest of things such as scratching his pretty face she won’t hesitate to tease you in all kinds of ways
general nicknames would be “darling” “your highness”(teasingly) “my treasure”
if you were to ever kiss her scars or wounds while treating her she would just melt
“ahaha… oh darling, what did i ever do to deserve you?”
due to her past of being hated by the village she was taken in, sometimes beidou would have a very horrific and detailed nightmares or thoughts of you leaving her because she is ‘cursed’
would hate to burden you but will gently stir you awake to ask for cuddles and kisses
“i-i’m sorry, treasure. i-i just… please? hold me?”
please don’t degrade her even as a joke
since you’re someone so dear to her heart, even if she were to laugh it off as a joke on the outside, she would be thinking all sorts of bad thoughts on the inside
i feel like she would give the best hugs and piggyback rides
if you’re both walking around and you’re getting tired or wounded, she won’t hesitate to squat down in front you or carry you bridal style
is so so incredibly gentle with you
she knows she’s strong, she knows she’s powerful i mean she struck down haishan, the leviathan while visionless
and due to that knowledge she’s afraid she might accidentally hurt you in some way, even when she knows you’re not some fragile doll
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i can’t really see her being a sub honestly
i feel like she would be either a switch or a soft dom
is into face-sitting and i cannot stress this enough
whether it’s you sitting on her face with your juices gushing and squelching, your legs trembling to hold yourself up she won’t stop until she’s satisfied
“shh it’s okay darlin’ you’re doing sooo good. come on sit on my face, i wouldn’t mind and you know that”
or her sitting on your face as she grinds her slicky pussy into your mouth while moaning and calling you a good girl/boy as she grips your hair
it doesn’t matter which one it is, she’ll take it
will overstimulate you but in the gentlest way you get what i’m saying?
“aww there there. come on you can cum again. you can cum again right darlin’? yes you can treasure. come on cum for me. you can do it”
or it’s you absolutely worshipping every inch of her body
“haaangg~ oh yes, that’s it. keep mmggff! keep going. ah yeah, you’re making me feel so good treasure~”
sex with her would generally be very soft, slow and filled with praises
aftercare would be you two cuddling together after cleaning each other up and just talking of small topics like today’s weather, the next destination, which destination to go to next etc etc
just,,,, beidou🥹🫶
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multiversefanfics · 1 year
Little Brat
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader Warning: Smut, Minors DNI!!! Mean Bucky, mentions of hydra Summary: All i’m going to say is. Whew Bucky! A/N: I am going to try and make sure Bucky isn't too mean but we all know how he is.
You and Steve were out on your daily morning run, he challenged you every morning. You were the only one besides Bucky that could keep up with him, just like Sam you got tired of him saying ‘on your left’ so you worked hard behind his back and managed to gain speed, it may have something to do with you also having the super serum in you. After Hydra you stopped training you fell into a deep depression and got ‘lazy’ as they say, Steve pulled you out of your funk and helped you get back to yourself minus Hydra. Your attitude changed a ton since you joined the avengers and had Steve by your side to help you through the dark days. You didn’t realize that while running you kind of slowed up until you heard the familiar voice beside you “On your left” You groaned and started to catch up with Mr. Captain America himself, he was at the end panting waiting for you to meet him “I haven’t said that to you in a while, I miss it” He chuckled elbowing your shoulder a bit, you pushed his arm away trying to catch your breath “I was distracted.” You pushed the loose hair away from your face, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and began walking back to the compound “What’s on your mind, sweetheart.” You groaned rolling your eyes at the same time “You know I hate when you call me that” He smiled down at you and nodded “Yeah, I know. What’s wrong?” You sighed and looked straight ahead “It’s Bucky, he just- He’s been a little meaner than usual, he won’t even look in my direction every time I enter a room he quickly gets up and walks away. I asked him to pass me the ketchup the other day at Sam’s cookout and he basically threw it at me.” Steve sighed as they continued walking “Bucky is just a little tough around the edges, Hydra messed him up.” You groaned removing yourself from Steve “That’s not an excuse anymore and I am tired of people tiptoeing around Bucky like he’s some baby. I went through the same thing Bucky went through okay, I know what Hydra did, I was there.” You took a deep breath before spewing out words you didn’t really mean to say “I am tired of being the only one that Bucky doesn’t get along with, Im tired of everyone including you, making excuses for him. He’s a grown man and should be treated like one.” You could see in Steve’s face that he was no longer looking at you he was looked passed you and you knew exactly who was behind you, and you weren’t afraid to face him. You heard a low growl as you turned around coming face to face with Bucky “If you’re so tired, then leave. No one wants you here anyway.” His eyes were cold, his fists were balled, and the veins in his neck were poking out “Bucky!” Steve barely raised his voice to Bucky but for some reason today was the day. “No, Steve. She’s so tired, go.” You rolled your eyes and brushed passed him even though he never moved an inch from the contact of your shoulders connecting. “You want me to fucking leave? I’ll leave. No one wants me here okay, fuck you Bucky!” You mumbled to yourself as you walked to your room grabbing the closest duffel bag you could find, stuffing a bunch of clothes in it.
You heard a soft knock at your door while you were throwing your clothes in your bag “Go away, Steve!” Your door pushed open and slammed shut, you heard the lock turn which made you turn around as well. You groaned at the sight of Bucky “What do you want?” He responded by pushing your back up against the wall, staring deep into your eyes “I want you.” He growled dangerously close to your ear, and you felt a shiver go down your spine he nibbled on your earlobe a bit “And Doll, I know you want me too.” It was true, you wanted nothing more than to let Bucky have his way with you, it was just something about him that made your lady parts tingle, his eyes were dark and searching for your approval to continue which you subtly gave him, your wrists now pinned above your head with his metal hand, his other hand slowly following the curves down your body until he reached the waistband of your underwear. Again he looked at you for approval. Bucky always wanted your consent, no matter how angry he was, consent was his number one goal tied with making you orgasm first. Bucky slipped his flesh fingers between the folds of your warm, wet core which made you squeal and shudder from his touch "Oh, for someone who hates me, you're sure wet for me." Bucky began making circles on your clit making you squirm under his touch. He loved nothing more than to see your pleading eyes stare at him, and beg him for more "B-Bucky please.." He continued the circles, leaving wet sloppy kisses down your neck, to your chest. "Use your words, Princess." Bucky moaned against your skin sending more chills down your spine. "I want your fingers" And without hesitation he slides two fingers deep inside you, causing you to moan his name loudly, Bucky smirked up at you watching your eyes go shut "Oh, no Doll. Eyes open." You forced your eyes open making sure to look directly at him "That's a good girl." He purred while pumping his fingers a few more times, but by now Bucky was hard and wanted nothing more than to feel you around his throbbing cock. He lifted you up by your thighs, tossing you on the bed, as he walked over he unbuckled his belt with one hand not taking his eyes off the beautiful bundle of nerves that so patiently waited for him. He took a second to admire your body for all that it is. Finally, Bucky had you right where he wanted you. Begging. He lined himself up with your entrance, and he looked up at you once more "Are you sure you want to continue?" You pulled his face down to yours, smashing your lips to his tugging at the hair on the back of his head, just as you were about to gently bite his bottom lip, he slowly but aggressively slides in you, and your mouth falls open, screaming out his name in pure painful pleasure "Fuck Bucky, don't stop please!" He picked up his pace watching your eyes roll to the back of your head "That's it, baby. You take me so well." You began clawing at Bucky's back knowing there will be scratches later but neither of you cared. You felt your body start to shake, you'd never had this type of orgasm before, Bucky put you on cloud 9 and everything soon fell into place, you let out one last moan before you both cum. Bucky now out of breath, collapses on you while still very much inside of you. You run your fingers through his hair trying to catch your breath. "So, Y/N, do you still hate me?
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daddythegrabber · 2 years
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Pairing: Albert Shaw/The Grabber x Reader
Warnings: masturbation, drug use, Albert actually fucking your panties, confessions
Summary: Albert decided to let you go. Sadly you’re disappointed, but he cannot be away from you any longer, he needs you. But the only thing he’s fucking is your panties.
(Bf/n): your best friend’s name
The Grabber
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
True to his words, he came back, the mask he wore was hiding hide his eyes but not his mouth. The horns were added to the look.
“Sorry Bunny. Something’s come up….” He said and you just nodded. “I’m afraid that I have to lock you up into the basement again.” He sighed and sat down onto the bed. Feet hanging from the edge of it, you were disappointed a little.
“Uhmm….why? Did I do something wrong?”
“Oh. No…no..No Bunny. You did nothing wrong” he said and patted his legs and you moved quickly and sat down on them facing him. Albert moved his hands and massaged your thighs until he was at your bottom, which he grabbed and made you make close to him even more. You opened your arms and hugged him by his neck and rested your head on his shoulder. He sighed.
“I have to be honest, (y/n). I’m afraid that I have to let you go soon.” He said and you were just hugged him, to shocked to say anything. You sat straight and looked him into his eyes. They were serious.
“What do you mean? I…I don’t understand.” You babbled and he grabbed your face in his hands and you melted into his touch.
“Don’t be angry Doll. I have to do this, cause I have more feeling for you that I ever imagined.” You eyes widened.
‘Did he just confessed that he likes you? Like-like you??!’
“I see….”
“Don’t you feel the same Bunny?” He asked and he was dangerously close to your face, lips almost touching. You licked your lips and stared into his eyes, unable to look away.
“I guess….. I do….” It made him frown, and you did not understand..
“That’s what I did not want to hear. I thought that you still hate me for what I’ve done to you. But there you are…” you recalled the memories of your first meeting and the stuff that happened after. “Looks like cat got your tongue (y/n).” Should you be angry or disappointed?
“I think…. You should let me go. I mean love’s not your thing anyway…. Right?” You asked and he seemed a little angry at that. Al shook his head and grabbed you by your nape and got out a spray paint bottle and shakes it.
“It’s a pity (y/n).” He dragged your hair down and as you opened your mouth he sprayed inside of it. You screamed and you fell onto the floor with a thud. “It was a pleasure knowing you (y/n) (l/n).” He said and suddenly everything gone black and you were out cold.
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Time skip
When you opened your eyes, it was night time. You rubbed your eyes but cannot see very well. Maybe it was the spray. You saw that you’re back into your home. On your bed.
‘Did he tucked you in?’
You cannot express how shitty you felt, you started to like him, like really like him, after all he had done to you. The kidnapping and the stuff after. You were so lost in thoughts you did not even heard the door bell. You lazily dragged yourself up the bed and went downstairs to open the door. It was your friend. (Bf/n). His/her eyes were filled with tears.
“Oh my god (y/n).” She/he hugged you and almost choke you to death. You hugged her/him back and sob into their shoulder.
“I’m here now. Don’t be sad, cause I’ll be sad too. Why you’re here? It’s so late?” You asked and ushered her/him inside. You went into the kitchen and started to make some tea. (Bf/n) sat down in a chair and told you about everything.
“But where you were?! I even called the cops and the hospitals but I got no information about your whereabouts. I’m so glad though you’re here. I was worried sick.” She/he said and as the kettle whistled you grabbed two mugs and placed one in front of your friend and placed the other in front of you. Put teabags in them you poured the hot water into each mugs and filled them. As you waited for it to infuse you told her/him, what happened, well not exactly the true story.
“Well. I’m glad you’re back, but next time call me or anything. You know I’m always here.” She/he reassured and you saw the she/he was relieved a bit. But your friend cannot know the truth…
“I will, but I really needed this. I just wanted to be alone a bit. You know breath some fresh air. I’m better now.
“Go girl. I’m always happy when you’re happy. Ya know. What about a sleepover? I already have some clothes here so what you sayin’?” She/he wiggled her/his eyebrow and you slapped her/his shoulder.
“You son of a… hell yeah. What about some movie?” You asked and she/he nodded and you two organised everything for the party.
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Time skip again sorry T-T
As you two watched the movie you choose, popcorn and pretzels in hand, you noticed that (bf/n) dozed off. You two already packed down the sleeping accessories. Two big fluffy pillows and two covers hanged around your frames.
“Oh shoot I forgot my phone.” You slapped your forehead and sat up carefully not to wake (bf/n). As you were going up the stairs you heard your bedroom window open and close. Your hears was thrumming inside your chest as you slowly approached the bedroom door. You heard someone was there, searching for something…
‘Is it a burglar?’
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard moaning? And it was a familiar one.
“Al?” You whispered that only you could hear. You bit your lip and opened the door slowly not to creak and when you opened it a little you saw that it was indeed Al. On your bed. Pants down to his knees. Cock in hand and as you looked it it further you was that it was one of your panties. He…. fucked your panties. His tip was already leaking with pre-cum, as he pumped his hand up and down. His moans echoed in your bedroom and it made you insanely wet. Like your pussy were starving for his cock. You watched as he come undone, semen dripping down onto his hands and some on the floor and your panties. Al panted and laid down onto your bed, his breathing raggedy from the climax. You cannot help but moan. You missed him, cannot lie. But then you remember how easily he let you go. After all that.
“Ohh…Dear. I’m such a fool. Letting you go that easily my Bunny. Yeah… I’m getting so hard for you again.” He sighs and you saw that his cold started to sprung to life again. His muscles made his cock move up and down and you liked the view. You bit your bottom lip to surpass a moan and slowly moved your hand down to your panties and showed it aside to put two fingers inside of it. Your legs wobbled at the sudden pleasure and your fingers moved in and out slowly then rapidly, shuffling the movements while he grabbed his shaft and started to pleasure himself again.
“Ahh…. What I would do if you were here, on my cock, squeezing it so good. Ah…yes.” His hand were moving, and you wanted nothing more but to sink down on his cock. Feel him stretch you so good and (y/n) were pretty sure that he wanted the same. You panties were tossed away somewhere in the corridor and your fingers did not stop moving.
“I wanna fuck your so bad, (y/n). I wish that I never told you what lie. I…oh god. I’m close again, fuck yes. It is you who make me cum. Ahh….” He let out a loud moan and he spent again, cum on the panties again. And you too came, hard.
“Shit…” you were sure that he heard the moan. But he did not. It was a little disappointing for you.
“I’ll come back for you (y/n).” He was out of breath but managed to speak as fast as he came as fast he left, cum stains on the floor still remained, but your panties were gone.
“(Y/n) are you up there?” You heard suddenly your friend’s voice from downstairs.
“Y…yeah I’m here. Just looking for my phone.” You lied and pulled up your panties and entered your room. And that’s when you realised that he left his mask, the upper part to be exact. (Y/n) grabbed it by the rim and lifted it up to her face. And placed it on your face, fastened the belt around by your head. And you felt it, the power it held and not to mentioned that it smelled like Him.
“Oh…Al.” Footsteps were heard and you grabbed the mask and hid it under the bed. That’s when (bf/n) barged into the room. Your heart almost bursted out of your chest, head lookin like a friggin apple 🍎.
“Hey, you alright? You look like a deer in the headlights.”
“Y…yeah.. I wanted to go down now.” You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and followed your friend down the stairs and popped on another movie.
Hello, there! I know it’s a little bit short, but bare with me. 🥺 I hope you liked it. Next part will be up soon. Until then…..
Laters Gators 🐊
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