#I found some new friends but I'm constantly anxious about having said the wrong thing while with them
bluethedream · 1 year
obligatory comeback vent post lmao
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(Disclaimer: please don't read this out for content on any video or audio streaming site. I don't know if people have started pulling them from here yet, but I don't want this to be on youtube.)
I have a really shitty ex, he was someone who's mentally unwell, but would use it as an excuse to take everything out on you. He did some awful things to me while we were together; abandoning me outside of a bar in a dangerous, unfamiliar city, at 9pm when I had no phone or way home if anything went wrong, taking me inside adult stores and trying to pressure me to buy things when he knew I was anxious and made fun of me afterwards (I can't go near them without feeling on the verge of a panic attack), basically telling me that if I wanted to see him that I should send him gas money, kept calling me slurs when I asked him not to, etc etc list goes on and on.
I was younger and stupid, and just head over fucking heels for this dude. He'd constantly need reassurance and comforting that his friends didn't hate him, and all this emotional support and he just absolutely drained me. I couldn't send him a "hey, I'm out with so and so rn, they say Hi!!" without him going into a monologue about how everyone actually hates him. Eventually after one almost break up because he couldn't actually articulate that he wanted to dump me, he finally ended our relationship about 2 years ago.
A few months ago, I got a heads up from a friend that he's tweeting on his nsfw side account about me and how I was the shitty one. Come to find out, there's months of this. Hes been tweeting about me for all this time. Our last actual conversation was civil. I actually warned him not to go on a road trip with an ex friend of mine because this person admitted to raping another friend of mine and tried to flirt with me as soon as he found out I was single. I've only talked a few times about his clearly abusive behavior to what were mutual friends and that was directly after the break up, again close to almost 2 years ago.
Every blue moon I'll check his stupid god damn Twitter to see if he's said something new due to morbid curiosity and the fear that he might do something about his anger. He knows my address and where I work, and he's sent me a picture of a family pet with a gun next to it. As of sending this, he's recently tweeted about being enraged about me.
Its been going on for so long and I think its geniunely bad for both parties so I'm considering talking to his dad. I still have his number from when we were together. His dad's not going to beat him and probably won't do anything extreme, but I think my ex geniunely needs an intervention. Would I be a dick for contacting his dad?
What are these acronyms?
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sunnylands-world · 2 years
Draco Malfoy with reader who has anxiety/social anxiety
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x gender neutral reader
Summary: as it says Draco with a reader who has anxiety
Word count: 786
Warning: reader with anxiety [don't read if you'll be triggered by the topic or description of it]
Universe: harry Potter
A/n: I had this idea because it's me ♡ and I thought some other people would relate. I'm not the best with these headcanon things but I Hope you like it loves. ☺
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When he first saw you he was just observing you.
You were quiet for someone at a party, didn't drink or socialize, just sat there watching. He let his gaze drift from you till the commotion started and some guy had his grip on your wrist. He didn't know who he[the guy] was but he could tell you were uncomfortable but you didn't tell the guy to let you go.
Fear: fear of what people may do to you.
You shifted a bit, letting out an awkward laugh. Draco didn't want to start trouble but as his hand met your thigh, your eyes widening, draco stood stalking over to the guy and telling him to get lost. After that you stayed by his side at parties.
He'd always have you close by, grabbing your hand as he weaved through the crowds. And if he had to go somewhere you couldn't be he'd have Crabbe and Goyle keep you company, luckily they made you laugh and smile.
Next he noticed you didn't want to go anywhere alone.
Alone: Who knew what would happen if you walked by yourself anywhere.
He'd offered to let you leave early because he'd like to sleep in, and didn't care much for being late. You seemed anxious towards the idea, not responding he figured you didn't want to go which said a lot because you weren't the type to make mistakes that could get you in trouble.
He always took you but if he did, he'd make you walk half way, keeping a close eye because the only way to get over your fear was to try.
I'm sorry, I can fix it: the fear you're a burden to friends and people may not notice you disappear or you've done something wrong and have become unwanted.
Now Draco couldn't read your mind so on the occasion he'd invite you with his friends [still have you close, of course] but you'd seem to not engage with others and when you tried it was always the same topic over and over.
It got to the point where pansy snapped at you for constantly talking about it, you didn't speak after that.
Little by little you'd drift farther and farther away and he noticed.
He found you in a corner, tears fresh on your cheeks. He brought his thumb up, brushing away the dampness.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you or your friends upset" you said, new tears glossing over your eyes.
"Darling you-"
"I'm not trying to be weird or anything I'm really sorry and I understand if you want to leave but I kinda hope you won't and-"
"Shh, shh listen to me, okay? You're not weird my friend can be a bit hard to relate to. I'm not leaving you. Everyone has problems and I'm willing to help you love, so don't cry, I hate when you cry" he smiled
You nod in agreement as he pulls you into a hug, his hand rubbing your back to soothe you.
I can't help if you don't say: trouble asking for help or talking to others at a quick pace like you'll run out of time.
The first time he saw you arguing it was like you were submerged under water as you spoke. Your voice shook and your eyes glossed. Your words seemed like they were on speed with your quickened breath like you were having trouble breathing. He walked over, resting a hand on your back telling you to breathe.
You wouldn't get anywhere if you couldn't talk calmly.
Next was in class when you struggled with your potion. He didn't blame you though, Snape wasn't the easiest to approach. He called him over for you, squeezing your hand lightly in reassurance
I'm here
You eventually were able to talk now he just had to get you to ask people to come to you without being afraid you were bothering them.
They're all watching: in which you fear you are being judged by others.
You were in the store looking over the items when Draco spotted you muttering under your breath, struggling to get something loose.
He walked over getting if for you, bringing a hand to your now sweaty one. Your eyes locked on a couple laughing and he understood.
"Just want to let you know love, those people have their own thoughts just like you which means they're probably not thinking about anything you're doing just like you don't think about them." He whispered and you seemed to relax in realization.
Nobody was worried about you because they were worried about themselves.
He isn't perfect but he was there for you when the world got to be too much…
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Draco lovers and requests
@alexxavicry, @sarahthehuffpuff, @supercoffeeblogs, @thatwattpadobsessed, @amyclare04, @kyracanwrite, @animeloverfreak310, @imafangirl22, @phildunphyisadilf, @jac1ndaa, @lovelycassy
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2996
and it's done.
below is a long post. some of it is ranting about people. most of it is happy things and love for the con and my con family. proceed as you like. ☺️
i woke up this morning, put my watch on the charger, set another alarm, and went back to sleep for another hour or so. it was much needed.
got up, showered, collected myself and my things, and went in search for the things i needed for my final panel, and i went. i put out table covers, had someone grab the bulbs, and then got repeatedly frustrated because my "helpers" were less helpful than i'd hoped. when i say "put these out" i don't mean scatter the tiny packaged things on the table and call it a day. take them out. sort them. organize them. so that was fucking annoying.
and like. i have been having an extremely difficult time this entire con finding people with fine enough motor skills to do things within my threshold of acceptability. i found one person. one. out of everyone i know, one. and thank fuck i've known her a long time, because otherwise it would've been a problem. she was one of the people from my a cappella group at unh when i went there. it's nice because i get to see her every con. i need to hang out with her more. we're in our 30s now. we gotta hold onto that, yknow?
also because i'm literally in my 30s now, i don't have time for people who don't own up to their own bullshit. for people who cause drama because they happen to be unhappy people and can't communicate. do you not like how someone does something? talk to them about it. do you not want to be around someone who you feel has done you wrong? tell them. don't use other people as your intermediary because you can't fucking communicate. use your goddamn brain and use your words and write it down so you know what to say if you're anxious. don't expect people to read your mind. it costs no money to be nice to people. you think you have a thankless job? don't be a bitch to people, and maybe it won't be so thankless. take responsibility. plan around shortcomings you're aware of. don't have a license? plan trips. aren't getting somewhere until a lot later than you intended? let someone know and come up with an interim plan. don't fucking refuse to communicate and then bitch about how you're the only one doing anything. that's on you.
jesus christ.
i have no patience for this.
none of it.
on a different and better note, once said obnoxious-drama-causing person left, i could think again. fuck. my mental state is so much worse when they're around because i constantly have to think about them and how they'll react. they on about hating manipulative people and how others create unnecessary drama. look in the mirror. your acting like a teenager. you're not. get over it.
i should add that "could think again" is a very loose phrase. i still couldn't brain; these cells i've got here have been deep-fried so much this weekend.
so when i went back upstairs to work on my paper, i found the room with a handful of people gathered and chatting and having a good time, including the con guests. i eventually sat down and pulled up my laptop and realized that there was no possible way i was going to be able to write the paper i needed to before midnight. at first it was because i couldn't think of a topic. then it was because it was almost 10pm. so i gave up on it and sent an email to my professor.
not before i made a new friend.
so as i was sitting there, trying to think of a paper topic, the conversation in the room was between a table of my friends and family and the guests we had this year. just hangin out. it was so fucking hilarious, i laughed so hard, and it was pretty great. one of the people we had as a guest was sitting across from me and as the others were talking, we made faces and shared reactions like "are you hearing this??" it was fucking hysterical. he came over to talk to me when he got up. i told him what i was writing (or trying to write) and he read what i had, which was the honest thoughts in my head as i tried to think. he thought it was incredible.
so i pulled up the STUPID essay i wrote last year. yknow, the precursor to the SMART essay i wrote? because i was panicking and had no clue what to write? well i pulled it up and he read it and he said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and that it needed to be in the world. so he's gonna do a narration of it and post it on the internet. this whole-ass monologue is gonna be voiced by major attaway and posted on the internet and im so excited. because holy shit. it's my favorite thing and i am honored to have a new friend. who's a voice actor. it's so cool.
and speaking of cool, let me just talk about joel for a minute.
(i will have you know now that i am not, in fact, drunk, nor have i had any alcohol in the last 24 hours to impair my reasoning.)
he's so fucking spectacular.
this isn't me drunkenly rambling about how cool my boyfriend is. this is me being incredibly proud of the man he is and the relationship that we have.
he's got an interview on tuesday. he's gonna talk to my professor, the regional CISO of minecast, about a job, his résumé, and work stuff in general. he supports me getting a job in dc once i'm done with my degree, and has a plan for himself if/when it happens. he wants to take over the con. he has plans for all of this stuff. he's had conversations and has been open and honest (as always) and i love everything about him. i'm so, so lucky to have him by my side as we go through everything. i have him, i have my con family, and i have people who love and appreciate me for the person i am. they are grateful for the things i do and do not expect things from me. they're kind and inclusive and considerate, they're honest and they say what they mean. there are of course a few expectations, but every bushel of blueberries has a bad few until you pick 'em out.
i'm happy. the con has gone well. i've had several pairs of people in almost all of my panels, and one of them gave me something - the girl was wearing a togepi pin and yesterday i said i loved it. it was star-shaped and super cute and it was awesome. today they gave me one just like it. i was so happy! i put it on immediately and i wore it all day. last night a girl gave me a bottle of super glue and made sure i drank water to stay hydrated. i've had really awesome people in my panels this year. i really have loved it. the stress and everything i go through is worth it when i see the people there enjoying themselves and creating things that they can keep. maybe sometime in the future i'll have a panel for like, making something small that is in demand in the area for people, like hats or something, and get together a big donation box for things to bring in so we can donate it to a local shelter or something because it's october in new england - winter is coming soon, and shelters everywhere are in need of supplies for people who are in need. and maybe we can help them, even just a little bit. so there's that. i'd like to do that if i can.
and after my terrarium panel today, i took a bunch of time to sort through and organize all of the arts and crafts things and make sure they were labeled properly. it was so organized. only a few cardboard boxes remain for arts and crafts. i have also started to make a list of things i'll need for next year so i'm ready for the con ahead of time. i'll also need to be able to access it easily because i have the most time-intensive hands-on needs-to-be-done-beforehand prep work of any department save for the actual scheduling and everything of the convention. plus as it stands, i'm still gonna be by myself, so i'll handle all interactions involving crafts, like the polymer clay lady or the cloudbreaker people and their steampunk stuff or what have you. regardless, im proud of myself and the work i do. i could be better at being less anxious, but i brought my teddy bear named harold with me. he's got a pokéball hoodie, so i thought it was appropriate for him to come along to the con. it was a good decision. so harold has been with me this weekend, which was nice. all of my attendees have been kind and supportive and understanding.
i love what i do here. i love this con. i love these people. i love this family. i wouldn't trade it for anything.
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exocium · 3 years
Sweet Nothings
Summary: Being away from your husband for 3 weeks had you turning into some love-deprived and spoiled pregnant lady.
Wordcount: 1,210
Pairing: Kyungsoo x You/Reader (Female)
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Husband!Soo, Wife!Reader, pregnancy
A/N: Saw a picture of the back of Kyungsoo's head and wrote a rough draft of this in like 10 minutes. God, I am so whipped I just want his movies to come out already I miss! this! man!
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"Stop it."
"I said stop."
"Make me."
Kyungsoo sighed.
"You're acting like a child."
Kyungsoo looked over his shoulder at you, a bit annoyed. You were currently on his back, peppering the back of his head and neck with kisses as Kyungsoo tried to make coffee with one hand, while his other tried to keep you secured behind him.
It had been 3 weeks since you last saw your husband as he had to attend a business trip in Japan. Truthfully, you and your husband weren’t really the clingy type. Unlike some couples you knew, distance actually had a positive effect on your relationship. Being away from each other at times helped keep you both sane. You were confident enough in your relationship that distance, spending time with friends, having drinks with officemates after work, was never an issue. From the very beginning you agreed that friends, family, and work should never be an issue in a relationship. What’s important is making time for each other.
However, spending 3 weeks away from your loving husband who cooked, cleaned, and made love to you almost every night had you feeling like a love-crazed deprived wife whose husband never comes home. It didn’t help that you were currently 11 weeks along and in 3 of those weeks, your husband had been away.
And that’s how Kyungsoo found himself attacked the moment he opened the door to your house. You latched onto him immediately; arms wrapping around his shoulders and legs around his waist. You told him how much you missed him and almost cried at the feel of him wrapping his arms around you and burying his face around your neck. Even his smell drove you mad.
You weren’t the only one who had been deprived though. Kyungsoo tightly hugged you and whispered sweet words about how much he missed you and thought about coming home and sleeping next to you every night. For a while, the two of you had stayed in each other’s warm embrace.
After some time though, he started to feel uncomfortable and asked that you go down. He hadn’t taken his coat and scarf off yet and wanted badly to be rid of the extra layers. You had refused to be separated from him however so Kyungsoo had no choice but to accept it as you hurriedly stripped him of his coat and scarf and got on his back to continue hugging him.
"You were gone too long." Kyungsoo felt goosebumps at the desperation and hurt in your voice and set his mug down. He knew he left you at a bad time. You weren’t far along into your pregnancy yet but you were constantly anxious about it after you found out. Every little thing that went wrong at home or at work would have almost caused you to break down if it weren’t for Kyungsoo calming you with soft whispers and gentle pats on the back. You also began to crave a lot of attention, he thought. Kyungsoo sighed. "I'm sorry. They had us extend another week because of some problems."
"You were supposed to be home last Friday."
"I know, love. I'm sorry."
On your end, you knew you were being an annoying brat. And truth be told, Kyungsoo would usually never allow you to get away with it but it was in the first few weeks of your pregnancy that you started to notice his strictness turn down a notch. He seemed to be softer and more tolerant of your teasing and moods; even when they were unreasonable and over the top at times.
So you started abusing it, knowing full well Kyungsoo wants nothing more than to give you whatever you wanted to ensure you were constantly happy. You felt a bit guilty knowing how apologetic he had been on the phone when he delivered the news that he'd be gone another week. And you knew very well the moment he stepped through that door that he was apologetic as hell.
You should have just accepted that apology and sweet reunion by the front door. But you weren't going to because you'll be milking the hell out of this opportunity you were given.
"Stop making coffee." You ordered, voice muffled as you kissed his shoulder and kept your lips there. Kyungsoo sighed again but stood still. "What do you want me to do?" He asked, voice soft and gentle even though you knew he was probably getting tired of this. "I want to cuddle." You had the audacity to feel a bit of shame. You were well aware that Kyungsoo was tired from his flight and wanted coffee so as not to fall asleep too early. Kyungsoo hated having his body clock ruined so that he never slept no matter how tired he was during the day. He had to sleep on time to wake up on time and to wake up feeling well rested. But again, the pregnant lady in you wanted to be spoiled rotten today.
"You seem to be on the right track already." He joked, turning around to look pointedly at your state behind him. You pursed your lips to hold in a laugh. Kyungsoo chuckled, feeling you tense up. "A real cuddle, please. Kyungsoo I missed you." At that, Kyungsoo tapped your bum softly before slowly easing you down. He faced you and embraced you tightly.
See, it wasn’t just that he had been physically away for some time. You've been stressed since you found out about your pregnancy. Truth be told you weren't really sure you wanted kids; motherhood was not something you were confident in. Kyungsoo knows about this and has assured you a hundred times over that it wouldn’t matter. It only helped a little though because that nagging feeling of not being a good partner always stayed with you. But you’ve also imagined having little yous and little Kyungsoos running around the house and so you never bothered to stop Kyungsoo whenever he wanted unprotected sex. Plus you couldn’t help but enjoy sex a tad bit better without that little barrier keeping you from completely feeling him.
But now that you're here, you've been anxious ever since. You lacked sleep, didn't eat as much, and always needed reassurance that things were going to be okay.
Kyungsoo kissed the top of your head. "I'm here, I'm already here." He gently swayed the both of you, arms still wrapped around your body. You felt tears in your eyes. "I missed you so much. I felt lonely here."
"I know. It's my fault. I'm sorry."
"Your mom often came to visit but it's not like I could jump on her and ask her to whisper sweet nothings to comfort me."
"Please don't, you'd give her a heart attack."
The two of you chuckled.
For a while, the two of you stayed that way. Arms around each other; finding comfort in the silence. It would be later that night, after you’ve eaten dinner (care of your personal chef Do Kyungsoo) and washed up, that your husband would caress and kiss every part of your body and make love to you the way only he knew how; closing and ending the 3-week longing that made your heart ache.
A/N: Thank you to everyone that liked my other fics! I know I promised 15 other Kyungsoo fic ideas after I posted Still, it tasted great but I got caught up in school and work cause I got a new job. Your sis struggled lol. Hopefully this makes up for it. Welcome to new readers as well ♥
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter seven - “the king is dead”
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.7k
synopsis: shuri has awful news. the reader is terrified but bucky is strangely calm. the world is turned upside down, and not in a good way.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
[A/N]: this was so fun to write omg get ready it’s finally getting interesting!!! (as always, OC on my wattpad @ / typicaldaze)
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Months had gone by since that day at the lake. Countless therapy sessions had been endured, several hard questions asked, many many issues worked through. Bucky suffered through a few more anxiety attacks along the way, but they never hindered his resolve, thanks to (Y/N). They had made progress, good, solid progress. Bucky was pleased; (Y/N) was thrilled. It's hard to see change when you're the one going through it. However, to the person guiding that change, every step forward is recognized. She was proud. She was genuinely proud of him. He wasn’t “fixed,” he still had struggles, but he was a lot better off then before.
There was something peculiar, though. Their relationship was strictly professional, (Y/N) knew that. However, she couldn't help but feel as though along the sidelines of their progress, they had grown to become friends. She knew that, clinically, this was not appropriate, but there were no corporate guidelines she was working under. She was helping him. So, what would it matter if after all this was over, they were friends? What would it matter if his therapist also operated as his friend? Hell, she didn't even have an official therapist position here! Sharon just sent her to help. (Y/N) had decided she didn't care about the boundaries being crossed. Nothing ever went wrong with someone gaining a friend. It's fine.
Regardless, the two of them had thoroughly addressed the anxiety and the PTSD, and he now officially had both diagnoses. He understood himself and his brain so much better, and with (Y/N)'s help, he not only acknowledged his disorders, but accepted them. She taught him to not see them as the enemy, not something that was wrong with him. They were just a part of him, same as his brown hair or blue eyes.
Bucky was so much more open now. He was less on edge and more comfortable, especially around her. In all honesty, he was usually his most comfortable with her. He had coping skills and everything!
This was all grand and good, but (Y/N) hoped with everything in her that it wouldn't be ruined by the present disaster.
"I thought he was automatically supposed to be king?" (Y/N) asked, confused.
She was at her weekly meeting with Shuri for Bucky's treatment plan, and the young genius had just told her she couldn't make it next week due to T'Challa's coronation.
"He is," Shuri started, "but it's Wakandan tradition to open the position up to a dual. So, his rule isn't set in stone."
"Oh... What if someone... challenges him?"
"Then they will fight! However, I have no worries. T'Challa is a great warrior, and though I doubt anyone would challenge him, he would win if they did."
(Y/N) admired the faith Shuri had in her brother. She could tell their bond was strong.
"Couldn't you technically challenge him?"
Shuri revealed a kind of devilish smirk that only a sibling can muster. "Oh, I have thought about it. But I am much more useful in my lab, and T'Challa wouldn't know what to do with himself if he wasn't in charge."
(Y/N) looked back on the memory anxiously as she stared in horror at the look on Shuri's face. A wicked mix of fear, grief, and stress drained all the color from the princess' normally dark, beautiful skin. Shuri had always radiated confidence and composure; seeing this change worried (Y/N) deeply.
"The King is dead."
Her face became void of any expression and all she could process was fear. She thought she gasped but she couldn't remember breathing out again. Her brain was frozen. (Y/N) was in a foreign country that just lost its monarch. She was alone, and all the people she was relying on to protect her just had their kingdom invaded and taken over by someone with the word kill as part of their nickname. She was almost certain that this would be her end.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)?" Shuri said unsteadily. "Did you hear me?"
"Y-Yes I... What are we going to do?" her voice was weak and small. Pathetic and afraid.
Then, thoughts of Bucky crossed her mind. What would happen to him? He could fight, she supposed, but he doesn't have any weapons or gear and he'd be against an entire regime. What if they killed him? What if they tortured him? Different scenarios quickly flashed through her brain, but she could only one concrete thought.
I have to find him.
"My family and I have a plan, but we can't take you with us."
Any remaining semblance of hope dissipated from (Y/N)'s body, and she swore she could feel her veins quiver with apprehension.
Her voice felt far away.
"It is not ideal, and I'd never leave you unless I had to. But Agent Everett Ross is here. It's a long story, but as you know, he can't find out about Sergeant Barnes. He can't know that either of you are here. If we take you with us, it could compromise everything we've been working for," the nervous princess explained.
"So... what of me and Bucky?"
"Again, it's a long story, but there's a... sort of fallout shelter - I guess you could call it - that was built years and years ago when the first tribes of Wakanda were constantly at war with one another. I will give you supplies and directions, and you two must go there and remain hidden until this is all over."
Fantastic. (Y/N) would get to play Cold War nuclear fallout in Wakanda.
"How will we know?"
Shuri gave her a somber look. A look of uncertainty and immense guilt.
"I wish I could apologize enough, my partner, but I do not know. I promise I will try to contact you as soon as I get any information, but for now we must hurry. We do not have much time."
With that, Shuri took (Y/N)'s arm and quickly led her her outside. It was late afternoon and the air was beginning to cool. They ran, locked together, until they met the Queen under a large tree among the outskirts of a nearby forest. The woman looked just as shaken up as Shuri.
(Y/N) could see bags of different shapes and sizes at the base of the tree. She could only hope whatever was in there was sufficient for survival.
Shuri immediately embraced her mother, but the moment was short lived as she then bent down to gather the bags.
The Queen placed her hands gently on the sides of the psychologist’s face. "I am so sorry, child. This does not involve you in the slightest yet you are swept up in the middle of it."
Shuri handed her mother the bags and they both geared (Y/N) up with all her supplies. It was heavy. Really heavy. She realized she was carrying supplies for two. Then, there was panic.
"What about Bucky?"
"Barnes doesn't know about any of this yet. I thought it best he heard it from you," Shuri expained, "and we cannot afford anymore delays. Us or you. You must go now, tell Barnes what is happening and go. I wish I could be more help, but we simply don't have the time."
(Y/N) nodded, trying to process all the chaos. She was internalizing every bit of it. As a result, she was once again, frozen.
"Dr. (Y/L/N)!" Shrui exclaimed.
Her head shot up, snapped out of it.
"Go! You must go!"
And with that, (Y/N) took off. She had been in Wakanda long enough to know her way around the castle's surrounding land. Her speed didn't last very long as she was carrying for two, but she tried all she could to keep going as quickly as possible.
Eventually she found herself outside of Bucky's living quarters. She didn't know what to do, so she knocked.
An array of different emotions went through Bucky's face. At first he looked pleased, but then he saw the horror etched into (Y/N)'s features, and the bags she was carrying. He could tell something was wrong.
"What happened?" he asked, surprisingly calm, while immediately taking some of the bags from (Y/N). He still only had one arm but that really didn't seem to matter to him.
She was out of breath, face flushed and eyes wide.
"The King is dead," she said breathlessly. "Someone... someone killed him a-and took over."
Bucky didn't look as scared as (Y/N) felt. In fact, he looked... totally fine?  She was so out of it she wanted to curl up in a hole and allow natural death. How was the anxious man she was accustomed to so at ease? The world was flipped upside down and (Y/N) had no control. She wished there was a word stronger than fear because she couldn't even describe what she was feeling.
"Okay," Bucky said, gently taking another bag, leaving her with only one to carry, "What did Shuri say? What do we have to do?"
She shook her head, trying to regain her breath and her composure. "There's um - there's a fallout shelter thing we have to go to. Here."
She handed  him a crumpled up piece of paper that Shuri gave her. A map with directions. (Y/N) knew he would've been better at locating it than she could at that moment.
"Alright," more of the calm voice filled her ears. "Anything else?"
"There are more details, but - we don't have time," she sighed, restlessly. Her voice began to shake ever so slightly. "Bucky, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. I promise I'll tell you everything."
"Okay," he said again. He bent down slightly, looking her directly in the eyes. " (Y/N), we're fine, okay? We're good, and we're gonna be fine. I will get us there. Are you ready?"
She nodded, steeling herself.
Bucky looked at the map, then glanced up in the direction of the shelter. He took (Y/N)’s forearm firmly. She gave him a look, confirming she was ready. And off they went.
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uw-us-stuff · 3 years
Yachi Hitoka headcanons
Yachi, my beloved 😚
Warnings ⚠️ - okay so there's some angst here (?) like... I few drops here and there.
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First off, Yachi is a lesbian. (why? Because I'm a lesbian and I said so. 🙃 Seriously, did you see how big of a simp she is for Kiyoko?)
Okay so Hinata was definitely the first person she ever came out to (he was like her first friend so-) And at first he was a little confuse. Why is she so nervous telling him she likes someone? But he was super supportive and gave her the biggest hug he could give! (Noya and Tanaka found out she liked Kiyoko and welcomed her with open arms! Simps stick together)
Now I know Yachi doesn't really have that good of a relationship with her mom at first, but it's only because she wants Yachi to stand up for herself and be more confident. Once she becomes manager, she and her mom spend more time together. It was really awkward in the beginning but they're so much closer now! (and her mother is just really proud of her okay?).
Yachi is a perfectionist, not the kind that hassles people when they do something wrong. She'll usually just offer to do it herself. (she is the person in the group project that does everything).
She's a really good cook but she hates cooking when there are other people around. She gets anxious and messes up so she only ever cooks for herself.
Speaking of, Yachi bites her nails. After meeting Kiyoko she got really self-conscious about her nails. Kiyoko fixed it via the power of nail polish! Yachi will pick a colour that Kiyoko likes, so whenever she does get stressed she'll just look at her painted nails instead. Now she's almost always wears nail polish.
Yachi is a cat person. (change my mind).
She got into astrology because Tanaka and Noya would constantly say that they're meant to be with Kiyoko, because it's written in the stars. She... really took that to heart and got into it to see if it's true... and if they'd be a good match.
She likes making jewellery, and she's made some for everyone on the team. Ofc they all wear it (Tsukki has it on his bag but he obv likes it!).
Yachi is the type of person that remember every single detail about you. And not in a creepy way but in a "These are all the things they like and I have to write it down so I can use it for potential future gifts because I love them so much and I need to show that I care for them" way, you know? Her notes app is just filled with lists. She gives the best gifts though so...
Timeskip Yachi is definitely just 💖 She's more confident, she speaks up for herself and she's just a nice coworker overall. Girlboss Yachi in the making!
She loses things easily. She needs things to either clip on her person or else she's going to lose it. She lost her apartment keys oh so many times...
I feel like she has a thing for the ocean. The aquarium is her favourite place because its just so beautiful and peaceful...
She's able to learn new things pretty quickly. Picking up new hobbies are easy for her, she's really just able to understand things quickly.
She's loves walks! She has a little notebook she takes with so she can doodle while going for a walk. She loves doing this, it's like a reminder of what she saw that day. She doodles a lot.
a/n - I hope you guys enjoyed! Yachi is so precious and I love her so much 😚. I hope this isn't sad for any of you, I swear I'm trying to keep it lighthearted... for the most part. Thanks for the support! <3💖
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straw-of-the-hat · 4 years
A Lillian x Katsuki soulmate au???? I'm sorry but soulmate au's are a hole i have fallen far into.
Lillian x Katsuki: soulmate edition
(Not edited! Expect typos!!!!)
These headcanons belong to this fic.
-Soulmates are rare. So terribly rare, in fact, that few still believe they exist. They're more of a legend these days�� a myth, if you will. Despite this, everyone seems to know what they are. And deep down, everyone wants one.
-Katsuki's parents aren't soulmates. His grandparents aren't either. His aunt and uncle aren't soulmates in the least. In fact, they'd gotten a divorce last June and has left one another on rather nasty terms last he heard.
-His mom used to tell him stories. Stories about meeting your fated other and becoming so indescribably complete that you'd wonder how you even functioned before. It was the few times his mother would go from loud and rambunctious to serene and soft. Her change in demeanor was how he knew, growing up, that she was telling the truth..
-Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone he thought they were true. Or that he daydreamed about finding one.
-Katsuki felt he was missing something. It made him mad that it wasn't there. Something in him was empty and gnawing. He wasn't sure why. He had a powerful quirk and was praised by those around him for such. He made good grades. He even had a couple extras to follow him around.
-A soulmate was what he was missing, he deduced for what had to be the millionth time. Not that he'd tell anyone.
-Becoming the number one hero was his chance. The only way he'd ever hunt them down! He'd be known worldwide, and somewhere, someday, they'd know.
-That, and he'd be the strongest hero ever. Which was just the sprinkles on top really.
-He joined UA, angry and not willing to make friends. He noticed someone rather quick. He had never dated or really had his eye on anyone. If he was going to be with anyone, it would be his soulmate.
-So why on God's green motherfucking earth did Lillian Faust draw his attention?
-He didn't know. He had no idea! He tried to talk to her, but she was honestly pathetic. Short, scrawny, shy. He dwelled on her constantly. Constantly! He'd stare at her, doodle her in his notebook absentmindedly, try to count the freckles on her face and arms. It was just this constant nagging feeling that drove him nuts.
-He decided she was an extra. An irritating one.
-She kicked ass at the USJ shortly thereafter. He rescended his decision that she was a nobody.
-There was something up with Lillian. Lillian, who'd stopped using her last name. She walked home with friends, so he didn't get the chance to confront her anymore. The blonde one would bark at him. Literally. Like a dog. Fucking pathetic.
-Things were hard after that. Lillian, Lillian, Lillian. His parents started to ask what the fuck was wrong. Why was he so quiet? Did he need help? Was he depressed? Why was his search history all UA's digital yearbook? Was he looking at his student photo?
-He was looking at Lillian's, actually. Like he'd tell them that.
-Strangely enough, he wasn't embarrassed about this... Whatever this was. He didn't being it up because he's get teased, but it didn't bother him like it should've. He was irritated and confused because he couldn't figure this out, but not... Not annoyed with her, or disgusted.
-He thought long and hard. He was shit with feelings. Complete, utter shit. He went over the facts one at a time.
-Lillian was strong. With her quirk, she could stop him in his tracks. There was no a way to stop someone who could blink and freeze you in place without you even knowing she'd done it until after the fact. This should've angered him, but it didn't. It made him... Want to laugh.
-She had long black hair and was covered in freckles. Her hair was always messy and he found it endearing. He wanted to count and trace her freckles. There were so many, and he could almost map out constellations with them the more he looked.
-Katsuki's favorite color had been red his whole life. Lillian's eyes were aqua blue. Subsequently enough, his favorite color had switched to that exact shade of blue shortly after he joined UA. Odd. Probably not a coincidence, he begrudgingly admitted.
-He would not mind hugging her. He sort of wanted to. The more he thought about it, the more okay it seemed. That wouldn't be that odd if he hasn't blown up Kaminari yesterday after he'd accidentally brushed shoulders with him.
-A bit of google searching had him at a simple yet horrifying conclusion. This was, without a doubt, a crush.
-They next few days had his head spinning. He'd never had a crush before, so why now? Where had he gone wrong? What had triggered it? Could he make it go away?
-He practically drilled holes in her head in the days leading up to the sports festival. He may as well have been drooling. He deduced that his crush was going nowhere.
-He almost ran into her in the hall just before the festival, in fact. She was dressed in shorts and a shirt that said "Team Eraserhead" on it, and had her hair up in a ponytail that was falling apart. She was sweaty and breathless, and clearly in some sort of pain, but she... Well, she smiled.
-He was gone. Done for, really. Something was amiss, and he didn't know how to make it stop. Lillian has hooked him, and boy was he sinking right now. What was going on?
-She won the race with her two friends in the first round, and one piece clicked into place. Nothing enough to give him any sort of full picture, but it was... something. Something deeper than a crush.
-She dominated in the second round with ease and surprising confidence. He felt annoyed watching her laugh with Shoto Todoroki. Jealous, even. Another piece clicked.
-She asked him to join some sort of fucking protection squad. She was kind and genuine. He couldn't say no. It was another piece.
-Talking to her made him less angry. He felt calm and more like himself than he had... well, ever really. He was collected, and just... happy. He could laugh, and smile, and roll his eyes in a teasing way. This was another piece. One to a nearly full picture. One he could almost make out.
-The last piece fell into place during the final portion of the sports festival. Before it started, they had all the contestants come out and shake hands with one another. It was sort of a show of good faith. One he didn't want to participate in.
-But then it was time to shake Lillian's hand. And the stadium's roar fell on deaf ears, and everyone else ceased to exist. The cameras zoomed in on them, and Present Mic made some witty remark about opposites colliding. But Katsuki couldn't look away from Lillian, and neither could she.
-Their hands collided. And everything seemed to change in an instant.
-Her hand was small and warm in his, and it sent a shockwave rippling out. It was powerful and physical. Not something he'd imagined based on how silent the stadium got. His world brightened, and he couldn't believe how full it'd been before. Lillian's eyes were so much... Fuller than he'd realized. Full of blues he hadn't realized existed.
-There was silence. He didn't let go. She didn't either. They just stood there in the eerie silence, staring at one another in shock. And Bakugo realized he didn't feel so empty anymore.
-He told her in a quiet voice that carried through the entire stadium that she was his soulmate. That she was what had been missing.
-Her brilliant smile and the roar of the crowd told him he wasn't wrong.
-Scientists contact them and want to study their bond, but they refuse.
-Being apart makes Katsuki antsy. It doesn't feel right when she's not there.
-Aizawa despises him
-So does Mic but in a more passive aggressive manner.
-Lillian can feel Katsuki very vividly and knows when he's in any sort of emotional turmoil.
-Hitoshi and Neito are very, very weary of him and he's constantly under a microscope when they're around. Of course he doesn't give a shit
-The world now knows there's soulmates. Everyone in that stadium felt that wave, and the camera literally picked it up. There's a new frenzy of people trying to find their other half
-A few actually do. But only a few.
-Mitsuki and Masaru don't believe it. When their son comes home, he's just as rude as he's always been.
-But then Lillian shows up, cleaned up after the festival. And she wraps their son in a hug, and Katsuki is smiling and laughing in a way they've never seen
-They love Lillian for giving him that
-Katsuki can feel Lillian's nerves and knows how to calm them
-The class is hyper-aware of everything they do. Every glance Katsuki throws her is met with a wolf whistle and every whisper exchanged us observed with curious eyes
-Lillian and Katsuki learn not to mind
-They fit together so naturally. Lillian couldn't even imagine being anxious around him, and she doesn't know why. She's just... not.
-When they first kiss it feels natural and a lot like coming home
-They're a fairly private and subtle couple. 1-A almost doesn't think they're together until the dorms come into play.
-It's the way Lillian throws her legs over Katsuki's when they're sitting on the couch, and the manner in which Bakugo puts an arm over her shoulders and leans into her to look at something on her phone that tells them.
-He's softer with her. Still himself, but kinder in a way. It's so... Normal. It makes sense without making any at all at the exact same time. The way they talk to each other is simply how it's meant to be, they guess
-They're pitted against each other in hero training one day by drawing lots. It's completely by chance, and supposed to be just simple hand to hand combat
-They just stand there and stare at one another. And when Aizawa asks what the hold up is, they just blink. They simply... don't. They can't. It's not possible. It makes zero sense in their minds. The idea couldn't even occur to them, even for training purposes.
-So, they're not put against one another anymore. They find it's for the best.
-Anytime one of them is hurt, the other had a very obvious reaction. Lillian falls and scrapes up her knee quite nastily, and Katsuki is already turning around with wide eyes. He looks like he's seem a ghost. The same thing happens to Lillian, whether the injury is big or small.
-They're practicing working in teams and get paired together. All Might and Aizawa have never once in their lives seen a more efficient team. Their quirks are stronger and more durable when they're together, they realize.
-Katsuki tells Lillian he loves her. It's stated in a very matter-of-fact way, as though it's obvious.
-And it is. Lillian loves him too. She tells him as such.
-Overall, they're just two peas in a pod. And everything just... Fits.
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goth-bunny · 4 years
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I hate to say this, but I no longer feel at home or safe using Tumblr.
Within the past 3 years, it's caused me a lot of anxiety and caught the unwanted attention of bigots, even to the point that I constantly had asks flood my inbox and my personal posts reblogged and mocked.
In 2018, I was targeted by T_RFs, in 2019 I was dogpiled by wh_te supremacists, and in 2020 I was stalked, harassed, sent death threats/suicide baits, and nearly doxxed by a transphobic anon who couldn't take accountability for a simple mistake, to the point that they had to target my main Twitter account.
All these events have made me more anxious and apprehensive when it comes to socializing with others on this website and the lonliness is overbearing.
I've been on this website for 10 years (this blog for almost 7) and I've learned so much about myself and other people through this platform. I've made long-term friends and acquaintances. It's safe to say this has been my home and safe space when it comes to sharing content and being out and accepting about my own identity as a nonbinary bisexual on the spectrum, but in recent years...I feel like I can't even vent about small things on here without anons coming into my Inbox and tell me that I complain too much on my own blog.
I don't want to be on Twitter all the time because of its notorious userbase. Facebook isn't exactly the best place for it and I've also had some negative experiences there last year, what with some self-absorbed member of our pagan group insulting me when I told them I was trapped in a family that doesn't always seem to understand me, and an artist around my age who was exposed for defending child abuse materials and harassing minors.
I feel sad coming to think of having to leave this website since it helped me form my own thoughts and grow into my own person instead of having to rely on my own parents and their weekly Sunday church visits all the time.
Even though I started off ignorant and naive when I joined, I laughed at the nonsensical humor posts, I listened to personal anecdotes, I learned more about the world around me and beyond, all without having to leave my country.
I soon learned that the relationship I got into when I was 18 wasn't exactly how I pictured it, and I never had the chance to explore my identity fully until I was 21 and I had to break up with my ex for being stubborn and lacking compassion for marginalized sectors at the time, as well as being transphobic when I came out nonbinary.
I've learned that a lot of the tics and habits I had is commonly found in others on the autism spectrum and it gave me a new understanding of why I act and think the way I do.
I know I haven't exactly been the kindest last year, and I haven't been as open as I hoped. My poor mental and emotional health impaired my judgment and critical thinking, costing me a long-term friendship and the trust of some others. However, I did repay the people who commissioned me when I said I couldn't be able to do them due to my mental health. That is a reason, but not an excuse for how I acted. know I've done something wrong and I would like to apologize. I know it may seem like I haven't changed much, but it's hard to be open and honest when your words and actions can be twisted online and that ill-willed folks might be watching my every move.
What's next for me?
Well...I'm not sure.
I'm currently thinking that I might take an indefinite break from this website, even if it breaks my heart. Or start anew on a new blog and live quietly, even if it means giving my comfort space.
If you reached the end of this post, thank you for taking the time to read it. I know I don't seem like it, but I appreciate the mutuals and followers I have, even if I don't know you very well. You make my life less lonesome and I hope you have wonderful days ahead of you.
And I'm sorry if I've ever been petty or unbearable at times. Even if it was about little things like preferences, maybe I shouldn't have been too much of an ass and actually just said what I meant. I'm still learning how to accept my shortcomings and bad mental health days without having to resort to memes. Wisecracking can only get you so far and some things are not worth poking fun at, especially if they're treading on more sensitive issues.
P.S. I don't think I will be turning on anons for a long time. If you want to say something to me, whether good or bad, please be open and honest with me. I appreciate it.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Character Descriptions for Fantasy High 2.9!
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: trauma, abuse, mental abuse, neglect, starvation, manipulation, memory loss mention, dark themes, isolation, imprisonment, fantasy racism, vomit mention (please let me know if I missed any)
All pronounciations typed out have a rolled R.
The party is currently at 44,100 exp. each. Next level is at 48,000 (which will probably take 3 more big battles, 2 if Brennan is super generous with RP awards).
Abernant family had all their land and wealth reclaimed by The Court of Stars for their treachery and failure to prevent a war with Solace. Elianwyn committed treason and betrayal as well.
To save Adaine, the group decided to break up into 3 teams: Pylon 1 (Ragh, Tracker, Cathilda, and Sandra Lynn), Pylon 2 (Gorgug, Fabian, and Riz), and Recovery (Ayda, Fig, and Kristen). Team 1 and 2 would simultaneously take out the pylons. Then, the recovery team would go in (invisible and/or disguised) and gets Adaine and Aelwyn. They would all meet back at Van where they would most likely use Ayda's teleport to leave Fallinel (or regroup to plan their next move).
New Characters
Tell-ah-mine Low-men-el-da
Fabian's grandpapa
Tall elf with regal green robes, a silver circlet, long platinum white blond hair with a widows peak, and shimmering blue eyes
Crinkle in the corners of his eyes shows his age in sort of an Elrond way. He look of a dude in his late 40s/early 50s who took excellent care of his body and kept it tight
Moves with supernatural grace
Can turn into silver sand and float away
Has no concept of what time means
Obsessed with the fact that his grandson will die before him (Your human blood has brought mortality to this family. You will one day die.)
Offers to send word to an elf who is a fabled eye smith who lives on the high mountains at the heart of Fallinel that can craft a working eye (from songs, whispers, beams of moonlight, jeweled edges of the blue of the sea, and shimmering poems pulled from the ether itself) for Fabian, but has no clue how long it will take (a moment, a year, or a hundred years).
Can't pronounce words in common very well, especially words he's never heard before (which delights Fabian and pisses off Gorgug)
Calls Fabian Aramais Seacaster fa-bee-ahn ah-rye-ah-my-ess Seacaster (which might actually be the proper pronouncations of his name in that region as "Seacaster" was said correctly and that's how all the other elves say his name as well) and calls Hallariel ha-lair-ee-el
Weeps without moving his face, but also sometimes makes a soft eeehhhh sound when he cries (at one point he cried over a drop of water)
Gifted stewardship of Khy-low Meh-new-rah 3000 years ago after he crafted The Sword of the North Star (he was the smith of fung-dran-ghoor) for the ancient king of Fallinel Th-wrist-win Eversong.
"Without the Elven Oracle, we are lost."
Saw the Abernants as power hungry and cruel and can't understand why they would leave Fallinel. He found Anguin in particular to be a crass and small man with no nobility, only a thirst for power.
Thinks Riz has a harsh energy, is "a little dick", and calls him "a strange green mouse thing"
Got physically ill when a gun was explained to him, calling it gross and some dwarven kind of thing before vomiting which he turns into a flock of white crows
Fabian's aunt
Tried to heal Fabian's pneumonia with elvan singing
Said "I have failed" when her singing doesn't work before she fades into starlight and vanishes
Hal-door-in and [unnamed youth]
Elven teens in white linen shorts arguing because [unnamed] believes Hal-door-in took his lute.
Calmed by a distant song which stopped their fight.
Lithe elven youth (around 17 or 18 years old) with a blond mop of hair covering one eye
Bakes elven whey bread
Lived a sheltered life
Ragh was the first half-orc he met
Mostly into Ragh due to Ragh being half orc, excessively talking about his green skin (like the boughs of a tree leafy, my leafy man), being big and beefy (your legs are like the mighty trunks of trees), was really into rage (like when Ragh punched a seat cushion) to the point of it making Ragh uncomfortable
Sang in bed
Elven youth who does morning dance yoga
Tried to get Fabian to eat a grape
Oak Warriors
Elemental plant based automaton soldiers made of pure magic
Look like 8 foot tall green men with leaves coming from their faces
Changes to Established Characters
Matted long blond hair
Dry skin, chapped colorless lips, and thick bags under her eyes
Severely dehydrated and trance deprived (probably hasn't been allowed to trance for nearly a year)
5 points of exhaustion. Only magic is keeping her from going to the 6th level and dying.
Her "room" is a large large beautiful elven chamber with silver and marble. Ambiant light glows from the white stone.
Trapped inside a 15 foot diameter orb that's constantly turning so she can't trance
Crawling on hands and knees while trapped, shaking with the effort
Doesn't give Adaine up to Kear
Can still remember how to cast the message cantrip
Feels strange and addled (unable to think clearly; confused), can't remember what's real or imagined anymore, doesn't clearly remember what happened in her past (including what she did to get imprisoned), and forgets what she and Adaine have already talked about (causing a lot of reputation).
Thinks her parents "tried their best they could" and that "they expected quite a lot of us, but isn't that what- doesn't that... didn't that make us great?" (possibly due to something her father said or did since her imprisonment as it echoes a few things he's said)
Looks scruffy (from not shaving), dirty, and has pit stains
Somehow didn't mess up being diplomatic with Fabian's grandpapa
Unbuttons the top button on his shirt when he "lets loose"
To Fig about Sandra Lynn and Garthy: Are you aware of such... hanky panky?
Learning of Sandra Lynn's infidelity with Garthy "Honestly? Perhaps this is... fucked up. It makes me feel... like there wasn't something uniquely wrong with me. Maybe a tiny little w for Gilear."
Spent the night walking through the forest with Hallariel's father, reciting poetry (badly)
To Fabian after Hallariel's father threw up "You're low and he's low. It's Gilear's day baby! It's Gilear's day."
Tried to ask Hallariel's father for her hand, but even though Fig gave him bardic inspiration and Riz helped by covering Fabian's mouth, he failed... so much. ("Lord Tell-ah-mine of Khy-low Meh-new-rah I like you am-" *makes himself throw up* "We get it. We both get it. We... We're the throw up boys." *passes out*)
Hid in the van the entire visit
Might have rejection sensitive dysphoria (which is common in those with autism or ADHD)
Did a sending spell to Zelda for Gorgug for 150 gold (after reminding him that she very much does not like anyone in her debt or visa versa)
Offered to exact vengeance on Zelda for Gorgug
Is powerful enough to know teleport and learn plane shift (so level 13 or higher)
Stated that Adaine is her best friend and decides that since Fig is also Adaine's best friend, by the transitive property she is best friends with Fig as well (and Fig agreed). Learning this, she says "Fantastic. I grow richer by the day. I'm emotional." before starting to cry fire "I'm emotional. I'm gonna fly away." She then flew away, returning after she had calmed down.
Ate grapes and started burping musical notes after he left Khy-low Meh-new-rah.
Lost his virginity to Faf-threth-riel who then got creepy and kinda racist, making Ragh very uncomfortable (and want to get out of there asap)
Lost both points of exhaustion thanks to the 8000 thread count elven sheets (did they get to keep the sheets or at least one sheet for help with exhaustion?)
Felt really good when he tried out dance yoga, even wondering if he should be some kind of yoga dancer instead of a fighter (how about a whirling dervish dancer like Cathilda?)
The grapes he put in his pocket (after refusing to eat them) turned into song
Indifferent towards saving Aelwyn and doesn't want to be on the retrieval team
When he started feeling anxious about the Aelwyn stuff, Riz told him to lose himself in dancing again to feel free (Riz: You are the only one that I wanna see dancing right now.) It made him feel much better.
Other Characters
Taken by Court of Stars
Her jacket and spellbook were taken
Trapped in an orb which is soft and doesn't hurt her, but the constant movement of its slow turning doesn't allow her to be still or trance
The walls of her room glow with runes and there are many perminant magical effects, making her captors capable of some crazy things (like prepared directional counter spells), but the setup wouldn't counter cantrips
Escaped the orb with dispel magic (dc 15) which makes a couple counter spells go off and an alarm sound
Hid in Aelwyn's room. The sister's spoke before she was recaptured and placed back in her orb. Adaine told Aelwyn that she was going to get her out
Discovered that her room was close enough to Aelwyn to talk to her via the message cantrip
Repeatedly cast Ray of Frost to turn her orb into a slip and slide to stay entertained
Instead of speaking to her father in elvish, she responded in common. Also cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on him.
Anguin and Kear said she would be executed for treason for staying in Solace and refusing to cooperate. She demanded a lawyer and then the Ambassador to Solace, citing her age and being a student at Augefort Adventuring Academy which summoned a recorded hologram of Arthur Augefort.
Arthur Augefort
Has a recorded hologram that is activated when a student claims the need of his diplomatic help in foreign affairs.
It threatens the listeners with graphic and terrifying violence and doom, giving them the options of either rectify the actions that summoned him (Yes) or refuse and welcome the aforementioned punishment for their actions (No).
Fabian's grandfather called him Jhor-judge
Finally got a message to Zelda via Ayda using her sending spell (Zelda. Safe in Fallinel. Gonna finish cell tower soon. Sorry about everything, but hope your break is going well in spite of this. Miss you.) and got a reply the next morning a little while after waking up (Sorry. Was at a party. You don't have to build a cell tower. That's crazy. It's all whatever Gorgug. I don't blame you.)
Didn't sleep well, but still got the benefit of a full night's sleep due to elven sheets.
Got in a fight with Tracker and then got 3 nat 1s on persuasion checks when she tried to make up with her.
Slept in Adaine's room
Doesn't know how to make a cell tower
Took one of the 40 to 50 foot long diaphanous silk scarves with her
Gave (inspiring?) speech ending with "Friendship is thinker than water and we need water to live." which gave everyone 11 temp hit points
Accidentally called Pok a "smiling elf" and then blew it off as being due to her being human
Can now see Shadow Cat in the picture (along with Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Garthy, Riz, and Sklonda and possibly the dead cambian, Pok, Jace, and Adaine's mom) and reacted by saying "Was I spooning the cat all night in the milk!?"
Sandra Lynn
Dropped out senior year and got her diploma after the fact to join an adventuring party
Joined as a replacement member for an existing adventuring party that was already active in the world and included an older much more powerful married couple.
Fresh out of high school, fell in love with one person from the couple (nonbinary or gender intentionally hidden) who "did not treat her very kindly"
When it all came out, she was ejected from the adventuring party, her romantic partner took great pains to smear her name (so no one would accept her), no other party would take her as a replacement, and she was forced to become a Celesian Ranger
Gilear knows who the couple were, but doesn't want to tell Fig (could she know the people involved?)
Child-like elven maiden with long brown braided hair, a white gown, and a large staff.
When confronted by Arthur Augefort's hologram, she chose to not heed his warnings.
More from 2.9!
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euphoriacrossing · 4 years
So while I sit here trying to get normal balloon spawns...
I may as well write a blog. I am using a guide post on how to catch normal balloon spawns to try and get more cherry blossom recipes. Well I am only half using it.. I am camping on the beach waiting for normal balloon spawns instead of going there every 0/5 ending minute. I'll share the guide on here after this if I remember, but I already got one new cherry blossom recipe just by camping on the side of the beach that balloon spawns are coming from and ignoring the bunny day balloons, so I think this could work, too.
Anyway, now story mode is over, but I still have so, so much to do that it's not even funny. I am making it my main priority to save miles up to buy all the different paths and stuff. I think I have three left to buy so roughly 6,000 miles to earn. But saving miles means making less bells as Nook mile trips are where I made the most, I think. And now I can't take them because I have no miles/am saving miles and so I don't have the bells to pay off my house or to build a new bridge or any of the things I am saving for. But in part the fact it is harder to save bells just makes it feel like I have more to do and that is comforting in a way. I want the appeal of this game to last forever but I know my brain doesn't work like that. Still for now it's the best distraction I have and I'm grateful for it.
Having the ability to make paths is tough because it's just another million decisions to make and hope I get it right or can redo it better or whatever, so that Euphoria becomes the island I dreamed it could be. Right now I have a lot of dirt paths and I think they look okay. But I plan on redoing them someday with either custom paths or maybe just the arched tile ones... I like that path style. Still I started when I just had dirt so I just kind of kept going that way.
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It looks alright, I think, especially at the entrance. I haven't finished a lot of the paths on either the right (residential) side or the left (wooded area/orchard) but I have mostly finished the center which is shops and such.
(So far I've gotten a normal balloon spawn every 5 minutes! So it works to just hang around the beach and then look for the spawns at every 0 and 5 ending minute. Edit: Aw, nope just didn't get that last one... I am probably doing something wrong then. Oops Edit2: Definitely doing something wrong. Didn't get a spawn again. Oh well I'll check the guide again once I finish this post. I am also watching for wishing stars so it won't be a total waste.. though I haven't seen any of those either. Last edit: Guide said spawns don't happen every time AND I just got another regular balloon, so maybe I'm fine? I hope I am not just wasting time.)
I am moving most of the houses before I do the paths on that side which is ANOTHER expense for sure, but after seeing a couple of my friend's islands, I knew I could make the houses probably a bit straighter and I decided I want them not quite as closer together as I want everyone to be able to have a yard. One of my friends has houses that are PIN straight and have little yards to them. I don't think I can accomplish that. But I do think I can space them out far enough to fence them in and have little yards.
So I started with the last to move in which was Marina. I put her in a space both by the beach, and by my house because even though she just moved in we're absolute besties. No but honestly, I love her. She sings like everywhere she goes and it's adorable.
I would move Beau next but I think he might stay close to where he is. Unfortunately if I have to move him a little bit I first have to move his house out of the way and then move it back because you can't move buildings just a tad, you have to find a whole new spot. This is why I had to move the whole museum to a new spot as it was slightly out of line and i couldn't just move it to where it lined up. I wish i had known this when i put things there. I didn't take care placing anything because I knew it could be moved. I only ASSUMED it could be moved a small amount as well especially since I assumed correctly that you were paying for it. But no, so oh well, now I have to come up with new spots for things, that's fine. Luckily both Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters I got in perfect alignment with resident services like I wanted to so they're all on one straight path.
Anyway, I hope I can get it looking like i want it to. I thought that decorating it how I wanted would be the hardest because I still need to find all the furniture. But the paths might give that a run for it's money when we talk about difficulty level if you include trying to get all the houses in the right position and such.
But as hard as I've been "working" (it's definitely still fun or I wouldn't do it) I have found plenty of time for play as well. Yesterday morning I visited a friend for her KK Slider concert. I luckily have a good group of friends from a discord I'm part of and a lot of them are from other countries so they experience stuff before I do and things like that. So a bunch of us visited her for her KK concert and we did some of that...
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And then things got a little wild...
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Lol, it was fun. I thought for a second about the state of the world but I didn't panic thankfully. I just saw a bunch of us coming together from across the globe, some of us in quaratine, almost all of us at least ADVISED not to go out unless necessary. The world is a scary place right now, but the fact we could still come together from across the globe to be silly and enjoy a game together makes me feel like everything might be alright. I mean, it would still be cool even if these things weren't going on, but the fact they are abd socialization is becoming more difficult than ever, it's cool to see an alternate means of that in action.
I can't believe I took no pictures of her super straight houses, ugh, if I go again, I will have to, they are literally perfect.
And the weirdest thing about all of this to me is how included i feel in all of this. We're all on a small AC discord together and it seems like a lot of them have maybe known each other a while. But unlike a lot of other places it doesn't feel cliquey to me. I've always been welcome to come to their islands, and they have always been very courteous when any of them have come to mine. They act as happy to see me as they do anyone else. And I've only known them a short time so it would usually feel strange to call them "friends" but it doesn't. Now obviously they could feel differently but if they do they don't show it. I am incredibly grateful to have found them. I really couldn't ask for a better group of people to play with.
I actually was invited from this tumblr. Likely after I made some kind of post about not feeling like I belonged in the AC community or something similarly emo and whiny, I'm sure. So I am surprised I was invited at all, but I am so thankful I was. It was just what i was looking for in the AC community.
(Yes! I learned cherry blossom umbrella! Balloon hunting is going fairly well considering I only had like two of the cherry blossom DIYs total before I started and now in about an hour I've doubled that.)
I do have some facebook friends and such I have play AC with, and I am also grateful for them as well of course. It has brought us closer together and I am thankful for that. I have one friend who we constantly send each other gifts like if we accidentally got two of something or a DIY we already have or just if we think something is cool, it's really fun. I enjoy mail as much in game as I do in real life.
But yeah, I was nervous when this game first came out that I would be stuck playing just with my sister. And don't get me wrong I love playing the game with her, we always have a good time. But sometimes you need socialization beyond your own family and I really saw this as my one chance to connect since I'm not very social, I am very anxious, and I just struggle with these things. I may have been right about it being my best chance at connection because I can hide a lot of the awkwardness in game. Very thankfully though, I found people who accept what I can't hide in game. And who accept me. For some reason that's just been really hard to do. Every community I am a part of I feel like an outsider until now. But yeah, I am looking forward to a continued friendship with these people and continuing to enjoy the game moving forward.
I guess I've rambled enough. I still need to get more balloons, but I can't write here forever. Though... I frequently do write far too much here and I wonder if it get read. If it doesn't I don't blame ya. But yeah. I will leave you with this adorable pic I took while Marina was singing... you can't really tell she was singing, but still, she's adorable either way.
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(And don't you love this dress? I have it in I think 4 different colors, I just love it.)
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spookysanta · 5 years
miss you. (g.d.)
part i of ii.
Summary: long distance relationships suck; but especially for (Y/N) and Grayson.
Pairing: Grayson Dolan x Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of sex (not yet), angst??????????????????????????, fluff, bad writing
YUH look at me on a writing streak :) and let’s all reminisce on fetus baby boy by these precious “date” snaps:
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(@trapezoidmouth on IG)
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i only mention that bc it’s talking about graduation and it’s july so i didn’t want people to make a big deal about it
"So," she told him with a big sigh on the phone when she got home from class. "I did my presentation today."
"Oh, really?" he replied, while cooking himself an omelette. It was three o'clock her time and noon in Los Angeles, where he was; so it was brunch time. "How'd it go?"
"It..was awful." She tried to force herself not to cry, because when she cries, Grayson is quick to get up and go wherever she was to comfort her. Which might be good in the moment, but she doesn't want to do that to him (anymore--this would've been the fourth time he'd done that). "Gray, I did everything my teacher told me to! I added the information I needed to, took out some stuff, and I even memorized everything! But when I got up there...I couldn't do it."
"What was your topic again?"
She recited her research question as if it were read out of a book. "How listening to music during pregnancy helps a baby's development in the womb."
"Really? That doesn't sound hard at all."
"It wasn't that my topic was hard, it was that the questions I got asked were too hard for me to answer, and how I answered questions was a big portion of my grade." she was getting a little misty-eyed. She'd been working on this project for months; she thought she'd learned just about everything there is to know about music's effects on child development. "Gray, I really thought I had it until then."
"Listen, baby. Regardless of how you think it went, I'm sure you did better. Because I've heard your presentation and you sounded like you knew exactly what you were talking about. I think it's all in your head, angel." He sighed, flipping his omelette in the pan. He liked omelettes when she made them for him when she visited, because she knew exactly what he wanted, how much of each ingredient to add, and she makes sure they're always cheesy and delicious. But when he makes them, sometimes they're a little...underdone.
"I can't focus." she put him on speakerphone and took off her top, pants, and bra, opting to wear one of his t-shirts for comfort. She has a few of them, but her favorite one to wear is the black crew neck. It's plain and simple, and it fits him like a god. But she managed to take it when she left L.A. the last time; and honestly, she took a little vile of his cologne, too, to spray on the shirt after she washes it. "It's so close to graduation, baby, and I know you're gonna call me a loser for saying this, but I can't do this anymore. I want to drop out." she groaned.
"You're a loser either way, in my opinion." he heard her laugh on the other end of the phone. And that laugh was like air to his lungs, if he's being completely honest with himself. He hadn't heard that angelic laugh in months. The last time they'd been together was when she visited him the last few days of her Winter Break--and that was in January. "But you literally graduate in a month. Shut up."
"Okaaaaaaaaaaaay." she groaned again. What she wouldn't give for his bone-crushing cuddles right about now. That's all she wants. She'd been feeling weepy and anxious and a bit sad all day, but now that she's talking to her man, she's starting to feel the heavy weight of her stress lift. "I miss you." she confessed. "I know we agreed that we wouldn't get all sappy like this but I'm wearing your shirt right now and all I smell is you."
“I miss you, too.”
She heard noise on the other end and nearly vomited at the sound. "Move your mouth away from the receiver, Gray. I can hear you chewing."
He chewed louder, his mouth hovering over the phone's microphone. "Like this?"
She hung up the phone.
He called her again later, at around four o'clock his time. He and his brother were outside and he was about to grill some steaks for dinner. "Hello?" he greeted into the receiver. "Baby?"
"Hey." she groggily replied. She'd fallen asleep while talking to her best friend on FaceTime and she woke up about five minutes ago. "What's up, boo?"
"Just checkin' on you. I wanted to make sure you're in better spirits than earlier."
"Yeah, I'm fine." She sat up and stumbled down the stairs and into the kitchen , finding a box of Kraft mac and cheese in the pantry to cook. "I'm just glad everything’s over with."
"I understand. I just don't want you to be all sad and mopey."
"I'm not sad and mopey only because of my presentation, I'm sad and mopey because I miss my boyfriend." she sighed. "I really don't think I can wait until my birthday to see you."
"So what do you want me to do? You want me to come there, or fly you out here?"
"It doesn't matter, honestly. I just want to see you." she stirred some salt in the pot of boiling water, then poured the noodles into the pot, turning down the heat, and shutting the lid. "Doesn't even have to be long. I just want cuddles and kisses."
"I'd be glad to give you that, and you know I would come and see you right now if I could, but I can't right now. We're filming all week this week and both of us need to be here for it."
"I'm dying without my fuckin' cuddles, man." she drained the pasta, hissing to herself when a little bit of water got on her brown hand. She cursed quietly, already assuming that Grayson knew she'd injured herself somehow--as she usually does. She put the pasta back in the pot and added butter, almond milk, and the powdered cheese, stirring it and letting it cool a bit before pouring it in a bowl next to the stove. "I wanna see your pretty face." she spoke, holding the phone to her ear and with her bowl in one hand and a bottle of sparkling water in the other.
"Hold on a second." she heard shuffling on the other end of the phone. He was making a space on his desk for his phone to sit on, but she already knew that that'd been what he was up to, because his desk is constantly cluttered with papers, receipts, pens and pencils, etc. His desk was riddled with stuff. She heard the quiet his of "ah dammit", and then she finally saw it. That gorgeous grin that makes his hazel eyes crinkle in the outer corners. "Hi, honey."
And as happy as she'd typically be to see his face on FaceTime, all she did was sob. "Hey." She grabbed her food and her drink and with cloudy vision, she guided herself to the couch to eat.
His face fell. "What's wrong? Did I catch at a bad time?"
"No." She sniffled. God, she was so emotional today. "I just...I want you."
"Oh, babe. I wish there was something I could do about that but right now my hands are completely tied."
"I just want cuddles and kisses and hugs! And I want to wear that new shirt you just bought because it looks comfy and I bet it smells good."
"Baby I promise—hold out a little bit longer and you can have whatever it is you want." He paused. "Except for that shirt.”
"Why?" She whined.
"Because I bought that shirt last week. It's still new."
"So? I want it."
"You can have every other shirt except that one. At least not for a while."
"Ugh!" She groaned. "You're the worst."
"I've been told."
She looked away from her phone that was propped up on a pillow and turned on the television, turning to a DVR recording of Botched and settling into the couch, fully accepting the fact that she had to cuddle with the pillows next to her instead of her boo. She picked up her fork, sadly poking the orange-dyed macaroni noodles and putting them in her mouth. "I don't want this anymore." She muttered to herself, catching the attention of the boy on the other end of the phone, who'd only just found something to do on his laptop to distract himself from looking at her tear-stained face.
Because if he did, he'd be at her every beck and call and give her exactly what she wanted. And he was a busy guy; he didn't have time to fly across the country to snuggle her like he has the slight habit of doing.
As much as he craved her—her body, her mind, her laugh, her smell (God, the way she smells? Absolutely intoxicating. He finds himself thinking of the inticing scent on the days when he misses her the most, and it's almost as if she infiltrates his nostrils. Ergo, causing him to miss her 1000x more.)—he cannot leave Los Angeles for at least the next week. If he leaves, then that means Ethan would be left with editing their upcoming video's footage, and that's the last thing he needs right now.
"Why not? When we texted earlier, you said you were hungry."
"Yeah. I was. But now...I don't know." She shrugged. She stopped the recording on the TV, picking her bowl back up and setting it in the microwave for if she wanted it later. Then, she trudged her way back upstairs and got in her bed. She sighed, feeling the lump in her throat form again.
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coldtomyflash · 6 years
Weird question, and it's perfectly okay if "I don't know" is your answer: How did you manage to do grad school AND finish writing so many good fics? I'm writing the lit review for my dissertation right now, and I want to finish several WIPs I have (if nothing else, just to prove to myself that I can), but it just feels like I can barely do either, much less both. Any advice at all?
Ah, no worries! It’s not that odd a question. Actually, someone’s asked me before ^^;  My reply to them at the time was here. No need to read it, but it’s some context? 
My reply now that my head is in a healthier place is... long and winding and not actually full of that much advice but eh, I rambled as I do. If you just want the advice, scroll all the way down and it’s there. 
For starters, I’m not a normal comparison point. This isn’t to pat myself on the back, but for a variety of reasons, writing is something that comes really naturally to me. I’ll detail those reasons, but before I get into that, the point I’m illustrating here is that... sometimes I think people compare themselves to how much I wrote and what else I accomplished in that time and think “hey cool - that is a function human! Why can’t I do that?” And the answer is short answer is that my brain is programmed for pretty much one thing, and that thing is writing writing, and holy crap I was the opposite of a functional human when writing that much and that quickly.
The long answer is - 
I’ve been making up stories literally as long as I can remember. I spent my childhood consuming stories. I taught myself to read and was during school I was consistently reading about 8 grade levels above my reading level, and loved learning about narrative structure. I annoyed the shit out of my older brother by reading the same book series as he read, but guessing plot points that were going to happen either in that book or else 2-3 books out. he didn’t get how I would just know and I’d be like “it’s obvious - that’s where the story has to go!” Because I was imagining it in my head - what i would do with it, where it would go, where it had to go. Closing the page mid0chapter and imagining the next-scene, and then picking back up to see how right or wrong I was.
And I had a best friend for most of my childhood through to early adulthood with whom I made stories. Every weekend, creating narratives together, not writing them down but basically roleplaying them by talking them out (voices and all, it was a heck of a lot of fun, as much as it made me pretty much the nerdiest teen in existence). We tried to write a novel when we were 12, got about 7 chapters in. We had a lot of starts and stops on other stories too.
Which isn’t said to stroke my own ego, it’s said to highlight that I have a metric fuckton of explicit and implicit practice at storytelling. It was and sort of is my “whole life”. I also had teachers that helped me develop storytelling skills, and was really freaking lucky to go to a school with an AP program for English that seriously stretched my ability to write fast. We had to write an essay every single class, during class, and have it finished by the end of class (or in less time if we had lecture stuff to go over too) in my last year of high school. The essays could be creative response (i.e., short stories). I wrote a short story almost every week in the space of an hour when I was 17. By the time I got to the end of year final and actually got to use a computer and type that shit instead of hand-cramping halfway through, I somehow managed to write the two-essay final in the allotted 3 hours and, i shit you not, had a wordcount of 6000 words. 
That’s still my record. It was probably a dumpster fire but I got 100% probably for sheer volume.
Anyway that was over a decade ago, but the whole reason this life story is pertinent is because - 
I have practice. The only way to improve at anything, to get faster at it, for it to ease, is to practice. Practice at storytelling, practice at having to set a scene using just words sitting in my BFF’s room and trying to describe the image I had in my head for how I wanted her to see the scene as it was playing out. Practice at writing fast and getting feedback on how to write. Practice implicitly at trying to imagine what routes stories can take. Practice taking stories apart and piecing them back together, in my head, all the time.
So that’s part of it. 
The other part, and this is what I said in my previous post, was depression. I was seriously fucking burnt out and depressed when I started writing coldflash fic, and grad school took a huge toll on my mental health. It’s easier to write when you’re doing it to procrastinate working on your dissertation, and easier to keep writing when you get positive feedback and it feeds those lovely dopamine gremlins in your brain who aren’t getting any positive validation from grad school because holy damn that shit is hard.
I had no balance in my life for a long time. It wasn’t good. I went to counselling. I got more balance. Fic slowed down. Still finished, but not 120k words in 3 months (that was the pace when I started fic writing...jfc I don’t know how I managed.) Life got harder. Fic was now harder to write. I got more counselling. Fic was easier to write. I moved around the world. Fic got harder to write. I started anti-depressants. Narratives now seem to be flowing again. 
Regardless of the state of my mental health though, I’ve never written as much as quickly as I did during the middle of grad school. And I think that’s because I was very narratively pent up when I started writing fic. I had been so busy and pushing myself so damn hard in grad school that I didn’t make almost any time for stories, for fic, for imagining my own stories. I was suppressing that side of myself in the service of Focus. So when I burnt out, my narrative side rebounded and said “fuck that noise, I still exist, and we’re making space for me”. It took over. I came literally a hair’s breadth from quitting my PhD post candidacy. Idk what type of program you’re in, but business schools in North America? It’s a 5 year PhD typically, and I was at the end of year 3 and eyeing the door.
Anyway - I say all that because - 
I am not a good example and you should not do what I did. Finishing that many long WIPs that quickly wasn’t healthy, and was only possible because I didn’t do much else at the time, and had a lifetime of practice and a narrative rebound to make it even possible. 
But - 
My actual advice?
1) Practice. Practice. Practice. 
Not all at once, but everything counts. Daydreaming counts. Watching shows and thinking of how they could be improved counts. Talking out story ideas with friends counts. Just make it fun. Practice is something we think of as arduous and annoying. Learning new words is practice. Meeting new people and considering their traits is practice. Everything can be practice for writing. All the research you do can be practice for writing. (Random note: a childhood coping mechanism for anxiety that I had was to narrate what I was doing to myself in my head in the 3rd person. Like telling a story of myself walking to gym class in my own head. That was also practice.)
2) Have fun with it! 
Don’t making writing an obligation. Then it’s another thing on the list of things you avoid. Finishing stories often feels like an obligation. I’m going through this right now with Needs Must. It can be hard to complete a WIP because you start to have internal anxieties about disappointing readers, not living up to expectations, exhaustion from that narrative, distraction / temporary loss of interest (which is normal! and not actually a bad thing!). All of that then makes you feel guilty, which makes it impossible to get into a creative space to write. You can’t work on the thing you’re avoiding.
3) It’s okay to give your WIPs breathing space. 
When you hit a wall, you may need to set it aside and read it again in a month with fresh eyes. You may need to treat your story like someone else’s story. That’s, again, literally where I’m at right now with Needs Must. I just reread a bunch of it and hadn’t really forgotten the details but once they’re on the page they’re out of my head, and so taking some time before going back to reread it made it easier for me to think of like I think of every other story: “what would I do next with this? Oh that’s a twist, that needs to come back later. There’s a theme here, we’ve seen that three times. What’s the best ending I, as a reader now, can imagine for this?”
If avoidance, guilt, and/or writer’s block aren’t your issue, and it’s literally just down to time management - 
4) Your graduate degree is more important than your WIPs. 
Your WIPs aren’t going anywhere, they don’t have a deadline, and your readers will wait for you, and new ones will find you. Time management is an essential, awful, part of being an academic. 
I get more done, both at work and creatively on fic, when I’m just a bit too busy, but that’s me. Figure out what is optimal for you, and do it. When do you get the most writing done? When you’re relieved? When you’re anxious? Late at night? First thing in the morning? When does it flow? When won’t it ruin your graduate career?
(Seriously I was writing fic at work last week and was kicking myself. I don’t have time for that shit! Set boundaries on your time!)
But full serious here, graduate school is exhausting, and almost inherently de-motivating, and even the best damn students eye the door a lot of the time, even if they do finish. It’s stressful and you feel constantly powerless. It’s a lot to need to cope with. I found writing to be a way to cope. That lit review you’re working on? Yeah, it’s zapping your time and energy. That’s normal (unfortunately). And it’s good to give yourself breaks from that to write. Don’t feel guilty for taking time here and there for yourself - to write, or to not write. To relax, unplug, unwind. To close your eyes and daydream (if you’re me) or have a bubble bath (if you’re my sister), or do whatever helps you honestly, genuinely destress. The best thing you can do for both writing and for graduate school is to take breaks and take time for yourself. There is actual science on the importance of breaks, and academics are fucking notorious for putting too much pressure on themselves to actually relax.
5) If you’re burnt out and/or depressed - seek help! 
Most universities have resources for mental health! Talk to a doctor! Don’t put too much stress and pressure on yourself! Almost half of grad students are mentally ill at some point!
6) Talk out your stories with friends! 
I know I already said this under “practice” but having a fandom friend to bounce ideas with and cheer you on is amazing and essentially. I was in constant contact with Bealeciphers when I started writing, and now I have a different friend who’s helped me the past couple years with writing and developing my stories. Mostly they cheer me on, and when I’m stuck, I tell them where the story is going and what I need help with. But honestly, writing doesn’t need to happen in a vacuum and doesn’t need to be you hunched over a laptop in the dark all alone and staring blankly at a screen (I’m definitely not projecting here, no siree). It’s amazing how motivating it is and how much it can help you stay on track to check in regularly with other writing friends!
7) Pick your battles.
You say you have a... couple(?) of WIPs? How many are you juggling? Is it too many? Do you need to set one (or two??) aside? When my steam was slowly and AATJS and Tumbling Together started to feel like a chore, I set TT aside and took a month break from AATJS then dived right back into AATJS (with the help of the friend mentioned above, cheering me on) because I knew it would be the harder one to finish, and the one that I feared I’d never finish if I put it aside too long. I tackled the biggest hurdle first. If that’s the type of thing for you, I recommend it. Pick the story that’s either the most or least likely to get finished, and focus your energy there.
Another battle-picking thing here? It’s okay to outsource. I’m terrible for not using a proofreader beta. It’s a weird control thing, despite the fact that I love people pointing out typos in my works so I can freaking fix them. The point here is: don’t be like me. If you suck at finding your own typos, use a beta or proofreader. My writer friend who helps me helps when I get stuck. I help them when they need feedback on specific scenes and tones, and I’ve recently discovered they hate editing (I love editing) so this entertains me to no end. Just - you don’t have to do it all yourself. If you feel like you do, see points 5 and 6 again.
Aaaannnddd that’s that. Whew. I just spent... wow, too long on this. I spent as much time on this as I did on my own grad student’s lit review I was providing feedback on today ^^; #whoops 
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seacreek · 5 years
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I don't want to write anything where irl friends would see (no one is gonna see this here anyway) but I need to get this out of me.
I was (am?) literally the most suicidal I've ever been in my life today (is today over if it's 2 am?) and not only can I tell that to NO ONE, but it's like God was fucking rubbing it my face all day. I actually laughed at one point bc I was driving behind someone thinking of whether I should try to do it at home or somewhere else when I noticed their license plate said KYS and then a mashup of my birthday numbers.
But like I've already been feeling this building bc I'm behind on bills and have no heat and it's gonna snow soon and it's the holidays which remind me that my family is all spread out and I don't really talk to my parents anymore and somedays I talk to no one at all but my cat and my life is going NOWHERE with no way to change that but to work myself even harder when I don't even feel like I have anything at all to give anymore.
And I already felt like calling out bc even though I chose to work Thanksgiving yesterday knowing I'd be the only one there, it was still depressing to know that normal people are with friends and family and I'm not. But I also didn't want to take up my neighbors/friends on their offers to join them bc I did that last year and got all the questions about what I was doing with my life and at the time I actually believed I'd be going back to school the next year but now I realize how I can't possibly afford that without accepting help from someone which would BE my neighbors bc my parents would not help and I can't pay for it alone. And I can't accept help from them bc I feel like I would just get overwhelmed and depressed and flunk out and waste their money anyway. And the other reason I couldn't go over there/can't is bc I already feel like such a burden to them. They do all this nice stuff for me all the time and I catch myself even EXPECTING it at times which is fucking disgusting. Even if I'm grateful and say thank you, it's not like they owe me anything just bc I have no one else to give it to me. So I need to stop accepting their help and gifts, but then I know they are judging me for that bc even though their really nice, they are also super judgmental and they really like me bc they think I have "potential", but if they knew that I'm actually just a natural born idiot and failure, they'd never want to talk to me in the first place. And also it's unhealthy probably how much I rely on their validation bc since I've known them since I was little, I'm almost using them as surrogate parents which is also fucked up bc they are not my parents, they have their own kids who actually have their lives together unlike me who is just like a pet project of theirs.
Soooo anyway I already had all this on my mind and more going into work today and when I get there, I look at the schedule and realize everyone called out but me!!!!
And so I had to make a frankenstein schedule out of all of theirs to prioritize what needed to get done and was still trying to do little favors for people in between that I didn't want to disappoint bc it wasn't their fault that their staff wasn't there to do it with them and it was getting super overwhelming. And then I'm super sensitive so when I'd have to tell someone that I COULDN'T do something extra for them that they really were looking forward to, it was already punching me in the gut to see their disappointment. But then the worst part is that they don't fully get that I'm not just choosing to do that out of spite, but I legitimately had negative amounts of time to get everything done so they would blame me for what I couldn't do for them. EVEN THOUGH I WAS WORKING LIKE 4 SCHEDULES IN 1. Like they don't have the capacity to think past what's in front of them sometimes which I understand it's not their fault, but it SUCKS bc then they are pissed at me even though I'm running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to do everything for everyone and keep them all happy and they should really be annoyed with my coworkers who didn't come in but I didn't even throw them under the bus bc it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I'm the person in front of them who is "refusing to do what they ask" so it's my fault.
So that's how my day is going everywhere I go as I rush from person to person and place to place, answering calls, improvising on the spot, and constantly having to tell someone that whatever they had planned on today isn't possible and dealing with the result of that. And the WHOLE TIME I am DAYDREAMING about how I'm gonna kill myself when I get home. Maybe slit my wrists, wait no my leg because I know I'll chicken out on the wrists, wait no, I'll drive out to the ocean and just swim out until I'm drowning too far out to save myself, wait no, what bridges could I jump from let me google that, wait no, I could take all of the pills at home together but then I might throw them up so wait no, maybe I'll drag this out and just not eat or drink til I just die nah that takes too long etc etc etc. And I'm really thinking this is gonna happen tonight bc I already wrote a letter monday or tuesday and I'm sure they'll find that pretty fast when they look in my journals so I don't even have to worry about that part, just the doing. So I'm contemplating my end of life and getting more anxious and sad with every hour passing bc I'm really thinking this is it, this is the day I'm out. But really I keep getting caught up bc my CAT who is sadly the one being on earth that I love who could never understand, is at home. And I'm thinking about how if I kill myself while she's there and it takes time for people to realize I'm missing/find me, she will be sad/hungry/thirsty in the meantime. Which is so unecessary and all of my suicide plans get scrapped if they involve direct trauma of another being and she's the one that means the most, so how could I be so selfish as to not make a plan for her?
So I'm thinking of how I have to sneak her to my sister's place while she's still at work and that's stressful enough but more so bc then I'll have a time limit on getting this done bc as soon as she comes home and sees kaiya there without me and no explanation, she'll start blowing up my phone and when I don't answer, she'll call someone. And I don't want to do that in a pressured state, I need time to process everything and think about life and what I'm doing. Plus, what if I decide not to??? (Which is what ended up happening for tonight anyway) I would've done all that for nothing and then had to confess when she found kaiya anyway and have to go to a psych ward or something which would just ruin my life faster but make it harder to get out.
So I'm thinking ALL this ALL day while working my ass off yet still disappointing everyone and swallowing tears that would turn into sobs every hour until it's time to go home.
Then I drive home and even though I pray to God to send me some sign that he cares, he doesn't.
At this point, I've already lost the fire under me so I know this is another night where I just get through it, cuddle kaiya, and wake up the next day to do it all over and I've accepted that in a way.
Then 1 am rolls around and my sister calls me to say she stopped by a party where she ran into my old best friend and friends from high school. None of whom cared enough about me to even ask what I was up to these days, even though they were talking to my SISTER. And that whole growing apart thing took such a toll on me mentally and I do feel like I'm over it now these days, but it still brought up these gross sad feelings of when I was first realizing that they didn't really care about me anymore and then fully understanding that I didn't matter to them. Which hurt SO MUCH bc they were a ride or die for me, like I would have done anything for them and I never even DOUBTED they didn't feel the same until it was so obvious I had to stop pretending around it. And that fucked with ALL of my relationships with people. Every single friend I had, I started pulling away from bc I was so insecure in myself that I felt like I had to get away from them before they had the chance to drop me which I now felt was inevitable. To this day, I feel like I have a body count of of people that I desperately want to talk to, but don't let myself bc I feel like they don't deserve to have to put up with a person as shitty and worthless as me. And I do that in every possible relationship I have, platonic, romantic, and even familial. And I can't blame them for that bc they were just a normal person growing apart from someone I guess, but I think it triggered something laying dormant in me so badly that it was actually the catalyst for my inability to connect with other people in meaningful ways. I never meet a new person anymore with the belief that they will be in my life for more than a few years at most. Most people I expect to be gone within a week or two. My walls are up so high that it's actually selfish that I even talk to people at all bc I only end up hurting them when I pull away for seemingly no reason at all. And I'm too much of a coward to tell them that there's nothing wrong with them, I just can't get that close to people anymore. Like it actually makes me physically sick to think of carrying on normal relationships with people which is SO fucked. But then I turn into the villain bc I'm worried that they'll develop the same fear of people and I'll be the cause of it. Like I'm a vampire. But I isolate myself and then get to a certain point where I think "I'll try again!! And this time will be different!! I'll really have someone new in my life!" And then I am super friendly and doing my best to be good and making plans and whatever. But then I start getting that sick feeling again, like what if what if they just haven't realized how much I suck and how disappointing I am yet, they'll definitely realize it soon and I come up with some random specific reason why they'd actually hate me if they knew "THIS" about me and I start detaching myself and then flake on plans and then disappear. And then spend weeks worrying myself sick that I permanently damaged their trust in people!!! But then I get lonely again and the pattern starts again!! All traced back to this moment in time where it actually hit me that people's affection for you can disappear in the blink of an eye no matter how much you thought they cared about you. So clearly love is conditional and just that thought alone is enough to make me want to end it all!!
So yea, just a shit day with shit cherries and cream on top.
And now it's 3am and I have to wake up in 5 hrs to do this again.
And all of this is still something no one will know if or until it comes spilling out and then my life will either be changed forever or over.
But yea, drew that lion the other day.
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