#I forgot someone's legs xD
aimless-passerby · 4 months
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Finally, it's not in a wip queue anymore. Related to this strange au.
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aeon-arts · 2 years
How did Fluttershy lose her hind legs in your design?
She was just born w/o em :3
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husky-studies · 4 months
Concept: Dr Ratio with Ruan Mei's student reader (whos a child) meete Dr ratio's bf aventurine! (Pt 2! A bit inspired by the Aventurine in bed official art)
Warning: relationship between the reader and the characters are strictly platonic, hinted aventio
You can read part 1 here!
Aventurine could be seen clutching his stomach, rolling on the floor while the doctor was covering his flushed face with his one and only mask look alike. You just stared at them with innocent eyes, little did they know those innocent eyes held mischief intent to the duo. The doctor hadn't made a reply, probably because of his flustered state.
"Gosh this kid! I like em already!" Aventurine said between gasps of breathe. "Thank you Mr Aventurine, you're a cool person! Which is why you could do better than that..." You replied while pretending to give Dr Ratio a side eye. Aventurine's shoulder started to shake as he tried to contain his laughter. Looks like he's trying so hard to not give his stomach anymore pain.
Dr Ratio faced Aventurine, his funny-looking mask no longer on his face as he continued to introduce Aventurine to you. "Ahem, incase you didn't know, Aventurine is apart of the IPC." You nodded at him and said "I feel bad knowing you're his colleague." You smiled at the end of the sentence as Dr Ratio could only pinch the space between his eyebrows in frustration. "Anyways which uh...part is he in?" You asked.
"Part? You mean division?" Dr Ratio corrected. "Yeah that, forgot the word. Which one is he?" You repeated the question to be more clear with it. "He's apart of the Ten Stonehearts, other than that he's also apart of the Strategic Investment Department." Dr Ratio explained while Aventurine just smiled at the explanation. There was an awkward silence for awhile before someone spoke up from behind you, calling out your name.
"There you are, I had been looking for you for awhile." You turn around and found yourself looking at your teacher, Ruan Mei. "Did you need me for something?" You asked her. "No, I was just wondering where you left. The critters were looking for you as well." She said. Speaking of critters, you have an idea.
You whispered something in Ruan Mei's ear, she thought for a moment before nodding and pointed towards her lab. As quickly as your little legs could carry you, you sprinted towards her lab. "What did she asked you?" Dr Ratio asked, Aventurine butted in "Im curious as well." Ruan Mei only gave them a small smile, "You'll see."
Not long after she said that, you came back to them while carrying 3 cat critters with you. "What is that for?" Dr Ratio asked. "To keep your boyfriend company while you go beat someone up with your chalk, duh." You jokingly said as Ruan Mei looked at you, then to Aventurine. Aventurine only laughed before accepting the critters you gave him. "Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you. It does get lonely when he's out there beating his students with some chalk~" Aventurine dramatically replied. You two burst out laughing before Ruan Mei made her way towards Dr Ratio. "So, you and him?" She teasingly asked. "I'd rather not reply..." He said as his stone looking statue is back on his face.
Tags: @mitzukitsuna
Should I make a series of Ruan Mei's student!reader? You all seem to enjoy this xD
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byunpum · 1 year
More moments in the life of AUNT sully.
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Pair: Aunt human reader x sully family x mate na'va x friends
Warning: none, Mention of trauma, death, nice ending
Note: This one was really hard, I was debating too much, but I still hope you like it. This was a compilation of 3 request. They were very similar, so I decided to put them together. I leave them here so you can read them "HERE". By the way, in one part of the reading the reader can breathe pandora's air? sorry, I forgot she was human and not the hybrid version. So pretend she can breathe xD
Request: @ilovechickenwings Maybe aunt series she find love and gets pregnant and all of the kids gets sad because they think she might forget them.
AVATAR MASTERLIST  (check all my auntie sully series)
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Life had been very quiet for you the last 3 years, you had a great family, your son and a quiet place to rest. Little by little you had found your place in pandora, being a human was something very difficult to do but not impossible. Or so you said, since you had no choice. There were 3 types of humans in Pandora, those who had their avatars, those who didn't have avatars because they didn't want to or weren't part of the avatar project and on the other hand there was you… the only member of your group. The humans who could not have avatars because of their genetics. You could be Tom and Jake's sister…and they could be compatible with an avatar body. But your genetics were not compatible, and when it met with that of a navi. It practically broke the lifeline. Grace tried many times, she even came close, but always failed. You must admit that you were very jealous when you first saw Jake in your older brother's navi body. You wanted that…grace even tried to see if you were compatible. You didn't care about being a man in a navi's body, you just wanted to be one. But it didn't happen.
You got used to the fact that you could never experience what it was like to be a real navi. You had prepared yourself so much. You knew everything, from the language, to their customs. And the fact that you lived with them made you a very wise person on the subject of the Navi. So life in these last days had been easy for you, you were so happy. And even more so now… you were getting closer to a certain navi, who had taken an interest in you. No, you hadn't planned it… it had never crossed your mind to fall in love with a navi man. You were of different species and that was very clear to you…but with him. It was impossible. Ruk'e… was a very quiet navi, too quiet to be true. He was the storyteller of the Omaticaya clan. A serene navi, who was in charge of taking care of the farming, telling stories of the travelers. He was not a warrior, or someone who caused trouble. His presence was almost unseen by others, he liked to spend time in the forest with nature and devote time to himself. And for some reason, he had grown very fond of you. You used to go and sit by the campfire, while he told the old stories of the clan. Stories about the warriors, battles and many other things. Usually after three stories, the omaticaya who were listening would leave. But you were staying, looking at him with enthusiasm.
You loved to hear about the clan's past, and about other clans. You looked like a little girl, sitting with your legs crossed waiting for him to continue. At first it was strange to him, he had contact with humans but it was always at a long distance. The things that were said about humans were not very good…so at first he kept his distance. Picking up his things as he finished, he said goodbye politely. Leaving you alone at the campfire, but it wasn't until one night you got up the courage to ask him.
See how he is getting up from the floor, picking up his materials. He liked to use hand-carved wooden animal figures. To make his stories more entertaining. You approach him carefully. "Hello" you speak, you looked nervous. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable, you always sat backwards in the back corner. "Hello" says ruk'e making the gesture with his hands. You copy his movements. "I wanted to… I wanted to" you stutter, he laughs a little. And with all the patience in the world he waits for you to feel comfortable to continue. "I wanted to ask…if you could tell me more about the mountain clans?" you ask, you had your head down. You feel someone take your chin and lift it, you lift your face. And you see how he has a sweet smile on his face, it was so charming. "Sure little flower, it would be my pleasure" he speaks, his voice was calm and sweet. It was like a quiet melody. You sit down in front of him. He watches you settle in and you look at him intently. From that moment on… you were never apart again. He used to come looking for you, and you always went to listen to him every night. Things came naturally and your feelings for each other grew quickly.
Eventually after a while, you and ruk'e became a pair. This surprised everyone…first because ruk'e was very traditional and second because you were a human. But this didn't matter to the two of you, you had your own little world in which this spider. You had introduced him to the man, not long after he started courting you. The man was surprised that you did not have the father of the child by your side. Omaticayas are very monogamous, and it is very rare to see a woman alone with her child. But you explained everything to him…from the beginning to the end. You thought he wouldn't understand, but thanks to eywa he did. And you were even more surprised when he hugged you and kissed you on your forehead. "You are brave my yawntu" says ruk'e.
Spider fell in love with ruk'e. He had become his father, of course… he was not a normal Navi father. Hunting? Spider had to kill only what was necessary, there was no reason to kill a creature to show off his talents. Ruk'e thought hunters were sometimes a bit silly. Fighting? Why do you have to fight…violence begets more violence. This was a direct joke to tsu'tey, who was always making comments about ruk'e. Of course, spider never cared about any of this…he always obeyed his father. And thanks to that he was the kindest and most lovable boy in all of Pandora. And that's saying a lot, because the mo'at itself praised spider's upbringing. "His parents are raising a beautiful child," said the woman, watching as spider helped a pregnant woman, and he was only 5 years old.
The need for your family to grow was very evident in your eyes. You wanted to have more members in your family, all three were fine. But you knew that ruk'e wanted to have a child, but you were hurt to know that you couldn't give him that. You couldn't get pregnant by him in the first place, could you? You weren't sure…no one was. You could be compatible, sexually, and have no problem with that. But creating a baby together? Mmm you don't think it's possible. And having an avatar? That was history. Or so you thought, because someone gave you a surprise.
"Spider honey…come here!!!" you yell a little, while calling the little guy. You needed to clean him up, his mouth was all dirty. Spider was in the hammock playing with his father. "Honey…leave him alone. He looks cute like that," says ruk'e, while he blows a trumpet on spider's cheeks, and spider laughs. You start to look up at him. You hear someone approaching and calling you at the edge of your hut. You had moved in with ruk'e days after joining as a couple. The hut had been arranged to your liking and comfort. It sure was different from the other traditional huts, but ruk'e didn't mind. "Hey…Y/N can I talk to you for a second?" says norm, you could see he had some papers in his hands.
"Something wrong?" you approach, stepping out of the hut a bit. Spider signals to his father, for you both to go peek in. "I have very good news," says Norm, with a big smile. "What happened? Say it already!" you speak. "I think I managed to create an avatar for you," says Norm. For a moment you felt like all the air in your body was gone, you even felt dizzy. You stare at norm in surprise. "You're not kidding? Are you?" you couldn't believe it, finally. "No…I just need to run some tests and take blood samples. The avatar will grow in one of the capsules we have free. It might take about 5 years to grow, but…I think we can do it" Norm is so excited. Secretly he had been working on this project in secret. You jump up, and hug Norm, "By eywa…I am!!!! Ahhhh RUK'E!!!" You scream, running towards the hut. To your surprise, you see that your mate and your son were standing there, with a giant smile on their faces. "Did you hear everything??!!!!" you speak, you see as ruk'e nods his head smiling even bigger. He kneels down so you can hug him. "Finally…finally!!!" you feel like you could explode, this is really happening? You couldn't believe it.
Days and weeks went by, you went every day to the lab to see your avatar. She looked so much like you. Your excitement was so great, this was really happening. Jake was next to you looking at the avatar's body in the capsule. You were both silent as you watched the avatar make involuntary movements. "Are you sure about this?" says Jake, you look up. "Yes…I've never been more sure in my life about something like this" you speak, jake can see your smile widen and you continue to stare at your future body. He knew how much you wanted this. That same night, you were lying on your partner's chest. Ruk'e was stroking your hair, while singing a lullaby. "at last I can give you a son" you speak, you can hear ruk'e's voice stop. You lift your head slightly from your chest to see him. He was looking at you and had a serious expression. "Y/N I don't mind having a child. Sure…I want to. But it's not important to me. I don't want you to do this 'new body' thing for me. If you do it I want it to be for you" says ruk'e, his voice sounded distressed.
"But…you know I can't, and it's almost impossible that" you start to speak, but ruk'e takes your face in his hands and gives you a soft kiss. "I know…but we have spider, he's enough. Don't worry about it" he laughs. You settle back into his chest, hugging his chest tighter. "I want you to know that no matter what happens…I will always love you" ruk'e speaks, pulling you closer to his body. They both fall asleep quickly. That same morning, norm's scream jolted you awake. The man was agitated and from the look on his face. Something bad had happened. You get up quickly, and run to Norm, "You have to come to the lab" says Norm, you don't even get ready and run away. "Ruk'e stay with the boy…I'll be right back" you yell. Taking one last look around, watching as your partner is worriedly trying to calm the anxious spider.
You and Norm hurry to the lab. He didn't want to say anything to you on the way, nerves were killing you. What could be so bad that Norm would arrive at your house worried like this. As you enter the lab, your eyes widen. You see some of your friends surrounding the capsule where your avatar was, trying to stabilize it. You rush over, peering through the glass to see how it's warping. The scientists were doing what they could. "Get her out of there!!! " you shout, looking at norm in desperation. "We can't…she would die!!!" says norm, trying to install a tube so we can give her some medicine. All was chaos in the lab, you could see your friends running from one side to the other. While others were trying to stabilize her. You were a bit far away, this was not your field. So you decide to stay away and let them do their job. Out of nowhere, you hear a silence and see how everyone starts to look at each other. The machine that was checking your avatar's pulse had stopped and you noticed this. "Norm? NORM WHAT'S GOING ON?" you approach the man, who is looking at the capsule. You can see a tear come out of his eye. "I'm so sorry…I swear I tried" says Norm, it couldn't be true. This wasn't happening to you. "No, no, no…why? Why" your voice breaks, as tears well up in your eyes. You look at your avatar, she had stopped moving and looked a little pale. You start to cry and fall to the ground. You couldn't stop… you were so close. So close. Norm sits down next to you, and pulls you into his arms to hug you.
"Love…take it easy. I need you to breathe" ruk'e says as he holds you between his legs. Everyone was in the lab. Jake, Neytiri, ruk'e, norm, max…everyone. Norm had called them after the event, he thought it would be best. You were very upset. "And what happened? I wasn't well?" asked Jake, he was worried. "There was a glitch in her system… I thought the Y/N DNA had finally come together. But no…there was a break in her genetics. This caused a heart attack" says max. Neytiri takes a deep breath, she couldn't understand much of what max said, but she understood that your avatar had died. She was holding spider in her arms, she had told ruk'e that she would take care of the child that night so that he would take care of you. "He's a very young avatar…it's a shame," norm says. Everyone falls silent. While you are still crying, hugging your mate's neck. Ruk'e was doing his best to calm you down, but he knew you had to let all your emotions out.
Norm said he was going to take care of the body, that there was nothing to do. Your avatar was still too young, so he couldn't handle the whole process of genetic acceptance. You were devastated, ruk'e had taken you home. You were both sitting in silence, while your mate cut up some fruit. Your gaze is lost to anywhere in the hut. "Where is spider?" you ask, your voice sounded so sad. "He is with neytiri and jake…they will take care of him for the night" he speaks. You just answer him with a "mmm". Ruk'e walks over to you, taking your hand to kiss your palm. "everything will be fine" you raise your gaze, it looked lost. Ruk'e had to look at you for several more seconds, to be able to find you because you didn't seem to be there. He knew how hurt you were, you had put all your hopes in this. And now he was gone.
"I failed…again I failed. I failed in everything, what have I done to create all this" your tears begin to fall. "Why don't things work out for me? I'm a fucking failure" you cry, as ruk'e comes closer to put his arms around you. "Love you are not a failure" he speaks, you pull away. "Of course I am… he was right. I'm a fucking failure, I didn't make him happy. I'll never make you happy. I'm never going to get what I studied for so many years. I'll never… and it's all because of me. It's all my damn fault" you lower your head as your moans are heard throughout the hut. Ruk'e lets you cry, and respects your space. He doesn't usually get upset, but now he had a feeling of rage. He knew the damage that man (quaritch) had done to you. What he had left in you, so many years of mistreatment and you being so young destroyed you. Ruk'e turns to you, taking your hands and giving them a squeeze. You look up, and you can see tears welling up in his eyes as well. "I know you are hurt…I understand. I can't heal that wound. But I can be your support while you do" ruk'e takes a deep breath, and wipes away a few tears.
"I told you the story of the Binary sunshine flower?" ruk'e says, moving closer. To now stand next to you, draping one of his arms over your shoulder, pulling you closer to his body. "Ruk'a love…" you start to moan, but he continues.
"Once upon a time there was a Binary sunshine flower called Hewngea. Unlike the other flowers, Hewngea could not bear fruit or seeds. This made her feel left out and rejected for not fulfilling her traditional purpose. Hewngea felt sad and believed she was a failure compared to the other flowers. However, she was unaware that its beauty and fragrance attracted butterflies, which were key pollinators in the garden. One day, Hewngea saw how the yayo fluttered around her, collecting pollen on their wings. She realized that, despite not fulfilling the commonly accepted floral purpose, their existence was vital to the butterflies' life cycle and to maintaining diversity in the garden." Counts ruk'e, as he hugs you more.
"Ruk'e don't be like that…" you start to speak, but he ignores you and continues telling the story. "As the yayo flew from flower to flower, they carried Hewngea's pollen with them, helping to pollinate other plants and ensuring the reproduction of the surrounding flora. Hewngea realized then that, although she could not bear fruit or seeds, her role in the yayo colony was essential. From that moment on, she embraced her uniqueness and took pride in being a source of life and beauty for the yayos and her colony" spoke ruk'e, maintaining his silence for a moment.
He makes a quick movement, for now he is in front of you. His tail wagged from side to side, while his eyes searched yours. You pet the side of his face. "You are so important to me…you are my whole life. You are spider's mother, his mother. You are the best sister and the best aunt ever. You have a family that loves you, and if you were gone they would fall apart. I would fall apart. You are not a failure love…you are everything that is good and beautiful in this family" says ruk'e. You wipe away your tears, and move in for a kiss. For this reason you had fallen in love with him, how could he be so adorable? How could he be so… him?
"I see you" you speak, watching as he moves closer to your face. Leaning his forehead against yours. "I see you" there was a comforting silence. You knew he would be there for you, you knew he wouldn't fail you. That he wouldn't claim you for anything…he wasn't that man. No one was that man…you no longer had to meet his standards. Now you could be you. "Why don't we finish eating and then rest" says ruk'e, you laugh a little. "Yes…I agree" you say, coming closer to give him a big hug.
It had been three weeks since that event, and little by little you had recovered. It wasn't easy to say goodbye to your last chance to have an avatar body. But you were working it out. After all, you had everything you had asked for. You had your son, your mate and your family. What else could happen? Neytiri had asked you with her to go to the nearest lake to take the children to play. They were all between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, and they did not sit still and got bored easily. You agree, you didn't want to be alone for too long. They are both sitting on one of the rocks near the water. They were talking about everything, about the latest events that had happened. They might live nearby, but they both had lives of their own, so they were making the most of this time as friends.
It wasn't long before you started to feel sick. You swore that you saw the water in the stream and you saw it was white and your eyesight was a little blurry. Neytiri noticed how you were rocking back and forth, the movement was slow. "Y/N are you okay?" she asks, holding your shoulders. You were fainting, and just like that, you were in Neytiri's arms. "Y/N!!! no!!! Wake up!!!" was the last thing you heard, after that. You didn't know anything else. When you were finally able to regain consciousness, you could hear several voices in the distance. You could hear your brother jake, neytiri and ruk'e. They were a little upset but their everything was fine. They were a little upset but their whole mood was one of happiness. Even norm's voice, this made you open your eyes quickly.
You hadn't spoken to Norm since the event in the lab. Everyone saw your eyes widen. "You are awake" says mo'at, who was doing several massages to get you up. You see that you have something on your belly, and several wet cloths of a paste on your forehead. Thank eywa that you were now wearing na'vi clothes, otherwise this would be a disaster. Everyone comes around you, and ruk'e kneels down to stand next to you. You see everyone is looking at you with that stupid grin. "What the hell is going on? Jake?" you look at your brother, and you just swear you see him crying. "We have to tell you something" says Neytiri sitting on the other side of you. You look at her with concern. "What? Am I going to die?" you ask. Norm laughs. "You are pregnant," says Neytiri, very happy. Squeezing your hand, while you open your mouth in shook. "WHAT?" you shift your gaze to look at your partner. Ruk'e ascends with his face, and you turn to look at jake, and he copies ruk'e. You almost faint again, but mo'at holds you up. "Easy…we're here" says neytiri, you turn your gaze to her. She looked so happy for you.
You couldn't understand how you had become pregnant. It was almost impossible, if you couldn't with a human, why with a na'vi? What if you hurt your baby? Since your genetics are not compatible? Oghhhh you were going into crisis. After you recovered and felt better. Norm stopped by your home, he wanted you to go to the lab. But you didn't feel ready to visit that place yet. "How did this happen? How is this possible?" you ask. "Mmmm I don't know…I really don't know what to tell you. This is a one in a million chance" says Norm, you can see how happy he is. "But if I…I hurt him. That I wouldn't stand for" you speak, norm takes your hand. "I'll be there to help you and take care of you. I promise you everything will be okay" norm speaks. You laugh, and squeeze his hand. He always keeps his promise…always.
4 months of pregnancy had passed and everything was happening just right. It still felt so unreal to you. Sometimes when you are alone you swear it was eywa who blessed you with this pregnancy. Everything was calm again, you were sitting in the hut. You felt tired, it was a na'vi baby inside you. You might be 4 months, but you felt 7 months. Norm was always monitoring you, keeping an eye on everything. You were grateful to have your friends and family all together. You sat there resting while you watched spider and lo'ak play in the hut. Lately lo'ak always wanted to be by your side, so it was normal to see him at your house early in the morning. You watch as the two children approach, while spider leans down and places his face on your belly.
"I hear his heartbeat!!!" says spider, excited. The child had recently turned 6 years old, and is very active. Lo'ak mimics his movements, you stroke his hair while your nephew listens carefully to what is in your belly. See how his little eyes open, lo'ak has na'vi hearing so he can literally hear everything clearly. "Wowwwwwww" shouts lo'ak. "It's great?" you speak, stroking lo'ak's cheek. " Aunt Y/N…it's going to be a girl" lo'ak says, you look at him curiously. While spider nudges him a little. "How do you know!!!"? spider is already getting annoyed. "I just know," lo'ak says, rolling his shoulders up. "Lo'ak has magical powers" you joke, tickling both children. You were anxious to be a mother to your second child, finally.
Dictionary: Yoya [bird ]
p.s: I know that in the request they want aunt sully to have a na'vi body, but I decided not to do it. Since in other requests she is always represented as human. So leave her as human, I see no reason to change her. Being human and being the weird Aunt of the family is her job.
I am gradually answering all the requests. Wow…thank you very much, I love you very much <3
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captain039 · 3 months
PART 4 Predator grounds (Cooper Howard)
Alpha!Cooper Howard (pre-war)x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB dynamics, vault tech things, forced heats/ruts, eventual smut, age gap, angst? Experiments, needles, drugs, talks of pregnancy, first times, anxiety attacks, anxiety, forced claiming
Previous part <-
I really struggle to write smut and use the right words. I hate the word ‘pussy’ and the word ‘cunt’ seems so inappropriate but other words just sound stupid xD
But honestly I feel like this is the best smut I’ve written in a while lmaoo
Also! Someone asked to be tagged I think I’m sorry if I forgot about you😭
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You’re at a loss in feelings. His lips on yours, tongue dancing around yours, arms securely around your waist, hard cock pressing into your clothed centre. His scent drove you wild, his natural alpha smell mixed with rut felt like an addicting drug. His hips move to grind against you as he tries to bring you closer but you’re already so close.
“I’m not fucking you on this damn floor” he growls his accent coming through thick as his arms tighten and he lifts you. You yelp in surprise arms going around his neck in surprise that he can lift you off the floor. Being frozen for 200 years hasn’t done anything to your weight, and he’s older than you. Cooper doesn’t seem to care as he carries you to the bed lays you down before instantly kissing you again. He’s just as needy as you are, pressing right back into your body, forcing your legs open so he can lie between them. You can hear soft growls in the back of his throat as he grips your vault suit and tugs down the zip.
“Fuck these damn suits” he grits as he lifts his body up. He’s got a haze in his eyes, carnal lust and need as he tugs your vault suit off your shoulders and shimmies it over your hips and down your legs. You’re left in a white singlet and black boy leg underwear. His eyes stare, going up your legs and over the top tight material. He unzips his own suit but doesn’t take it off as his hands reach for your underwear. Despite your heat hazed mind you take a small shuddery breath, you’ve never been with a man before, your toys only satisfied you for fun time. He freezes eyes looking to yours instantly worried he must’ve smelt your anxiety.
“I’m sorry” he says leaning down to cover you again and pressing a small kiss to your lips.
“No, no, I-“ you gulp a bit hands resting on his chest as he gives you his attention his head tilting to the side slightly.
“I’ve never been with a man or alpha” you manage to get out and he stares for a moment as the words process.
“I can make you feel good if you want me too without taking you” he mutters and you jolt a little hands gripping his own white singlet. You stare at him in confusion, you need this, you need him to fuck you now or you will breakdown again.
“Words sweetheart” he whispers.
“I need you to knot me” you say wondering where the confidence came to say such a thing to this alphas face.
“Fuck” is all he says as he kisses you again with full force.
“Let me taste you” he whispers kissing down your jaw and neck and all you can do is nod. He shuffles down your body holding your waist band again and tugging it down. You flush with embarrassment, biting the inside of your cheek as you look away. You haven’t shaved anywhere, for 200 years even but he just groans. The noise makes you squirm a little as he tossed your underwear somewhere behind him before he runs his hands up your legs and kisses your hips. He grips your thighs tightly as he runs his nose over your hip, over your mound and to the other hip. He nudges your legs open more, putting one over his shoulder as his breath fans over your centre. He presses kisses over your inner thighs, your folds and mound before his tongue presses against your heat. It makes your back arch and gasp as he licks slowly, up and down gathering the slick seeping out your hole. He’s slow and torturous, low moans leaving his mouth as he eats you out like you haven’t been receiving three main meals a day. His hands tighten more against the flesh of your thighs trying to tug you closer against his face as he sucks and licks. He flicks his tongue across your clit every now and then making your body jolt in pleasure before he slides down to your entrance and prods his tongue against it. You were already so wet, your body already getting prepared for your alpha the moment you woke up. You feel him move his arm specifically and then there’s fingers joining his tongue and you moan loudly. The noise makes you silent quickly and you can feel him smirk against your centre. His mouth focuses on your clit sucking and rubbing his tongue against the sensitive bundle while his fingers move through your folds gathering your slick. You can’t help the noises that escape, the harsh breaths leaving you quickly as your stomach clenches and unclenches. You feel his finger rimming your entrance before he slides it in. God it feels so different from your own or your toys, his mouth and finger together making your legs shake. He slowly moves his finger in and out, curling it sometimes and brushing against your walls. You feel a second one by his first and tense.
“Relax, omega” his voice rumbles and you let go of the breath you were holding as he slides a second finger in. Your back arch’s and you breathe brokenly as he moves two fingers inside you and keeps his tongue against your clit. He thrusts his fingers in and out before spreading them apart gently going further every time, stretching you out. It stings a little, but with his mouth on you, you can hardly focus on the sting. He makes motions with his fingers, curling them, spreading them and you clench your thighs.
“Cooper” you moan out and he quickens his pace slightly, pressing harder with his tongue and then you’re coming walls fluttering around his fingers. You let out a small broken cry as your chest heaves and body shakes. He slows his rhythm, lets his fingers slip before his mouth laps at the slick leaking from your entrance. You jolt with each tongue press and grip his hair silently begging him to stop. Christ that was the best orgasm you’ve ever had. He lifts his head his and licks his fingers clean before wiping his mouth on the back of his suit. He stands as he tugs off his vault suit, his white singlet and pushes down his black tight boxers. You’re still catching your breath but keep your eyes on him as he crawls back over your body.
“Can you sit up?” He whispers softly grabbing your own singlet and you nod. You lift yourself up as he pulls off your shirt quickly. Your breasts are confined in a sports bra which he slides off to after the shirt. You lay back down on the pillow seeing his eyes roam over your chest. You feel yourself flush again, you’re not used to having an alphas eyes so intense for you. He leans close to you again and you can smell yourself all over him and a feeling of pride swells in your chest before he kisses you softly. You expect a gross taste of yourself but don’t and relax into the kiss as he moves your thighs wider. He gives you one last look his hand lazily stroking his cock before he lines himself up with your entrance. You nod and you feel his tip before he presses inside you. You gasp and grip his arms at the sting and stretch, much more different than his fingers. He’s hushing you quickly, soft praises leaving his lips in between kisses he presses over your face.
“Such a good omega for me” he whispers and you whine in response. You want him to move but you’re still adjusting, letting out small shaken breaths before you nod and tilt your hips. He lets out a small growl and you relax your hips again as he slowly moves out then back in and repeats. It’s a slow pace he sets, letting you get adjusted, feeling him slide against your slicked walls easily.
“Fuck” he breaths against your neck, mouthing over your claiming bite that makes you shudder in response. Your eyes have fluttered closed as you bask in the feeling of him inside you and close, your scents intertwined.
“Faster” you mutter hearing a soft chuckle leave him before he snaps his hips quicker. You moan body going like jelly as he pants in your neck. He quickens again chasing the feeling that’s building inside. He grabs your hips and angles himself, head lifting up to watch your face as he thrusts back in harshly. You scrunch your face in pleasure and slight pain as he continues the rough angle. You can feel him swell at the base of his cock, see his eyes darken in need to knot you. He’s keeping his eyes on you, watching your face, memorising it as his knot swells. It feels like too much and your hips can’t away but he forces you back closer leaning down to your ear.
“You can take it” he mutters nipping along your neck as you stretch around his knot his fingers going to rub against your clit. His hips stutter till he stills and his knot is locked inside you. You feel warmth fill you as he comes, he continues moving his fingers and you come around his knot with a soft moan and a small bite on the neck from him over your already there mating bite. You both pant as he mutters soft praises again the hand on your hip gently massaging the flesh he squeezed tightly. You cry softly against him as he hushed you, his other hand gently massaging your scalp as he lifts his head. You don’t know why you’re crying, but he wipes away your tears and presses soft kisses against your cheeks, nose and lips.
“You’re not gonna like it, but we need to roll over” he says and you make a small over exaggerated sob. He chuckles softly pressing one last kiss to your lips before he rolls you both. You whimper at him tugging against your entrance as he hushed you and finally stills as you lay on top of him. It’s more comfortable like this though, you can hear his heart beating quickly in his chest, his warmth pressed against you, his scent in each breath. His arms rest relaxed, one of his hands on your head still massaging your scalp the other running up and down your back lazily. Your eyes are already closed, body warn out and heat blissfully satisfied for now.
“Do you need a blanket?” He asks quietly and you shake your head feeling warm enough, a light layer of sweat covering your body.
“M, need sleep” you slur and he lets out a chuckle, making your body vibrate with him.
“Get some rest sweetheart” he says.
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skylark325 · 2 months
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Read Through
Chapter 21-31
It dragged Han Myungoh into a tunnel by one of his legs.
>Good drag that bitch away
The nearest, Yoo Sangah, swung her spear but the situation got worse because Han Myungoh held onto her.
The real villain is that boss istfg
Jung Heewon burst out, "Ah…I knew I was going to get cancer because of that uncle."
[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' resents this frustrating person.]
>Dude same
"If hyung was such a person, you wouldn't have saved me on the subway. I believe in you."
>I would kill for Gilyoung
To be mature and to be an adult were completely different things.
i love how introspective dokja is
At that time, someone's voice was heard, "It is all because of Yoo Sangah-ssi!"
fucking hell
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' hates the character 'Han Myungoh'.]
>Girl same
"Theft? Shit, don't talk bullshit! You should've just got in my car from the beginning!"
>what does that…what
"That…it keeps saying 'become Mother'…"
The dark keeper pointed at Han Myungoh this time. "Kallitu!"
I’d argue dokja is more mother but whatever floats your boat demon
>Oh shit yeah no not dokja, the rich asshole is definitely mother
>demon mpreg CANON?
[The obsessive-compulsive constellations praise your readiness.]
>LMAO so real
"I'm not someone who kills easily." [The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' admires it!]
>No, you have a lying out of your ass policy
[The demon king 'Asmodeus' has put a terrible curse on the person who dealt the final blow!] [Final Blow: Han Myungoh]
Love me some demon king curses
[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' has recommended your scenario to Star Stream.]
>SP just like me fr
I grabbed the greasy hind leg and dug into the flesh. The juices ran from the flesh…I forgot to chew and closed my eyes.
>…is it bad that i wanna how it tastes
Suddenly, I looked up and met Yoo Sangah's eyes. Ha, Yoo Sangah came to her senses and suddenly cried out, "I'm pathetic."
[Ah, no, why is this thing here?] The alarmed Biryu shouted belatedly. [I-I-It was banned immediately after release!]
>warehouse issues man, you gotta fire your manager
>the novel is so much darker damn. i want to strangle those sexual predators
>heewon loml you’re so badass
Like a person who was born for murder, Jung Heewon killed and killed. If I cut off a man's arm, Jung Heewon stabbed his heart.
>so really he was helping her get more coins 🥹
[You have received 1,500 coins from the character 'Jung Heewon'.]
>did i mention i love her
[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' likes your companionship.] [The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' smiles slyly.]
>difference between a fujoshi and…whatever straight ship fans are called XD
Human physiology didn't stop even in a world like this. Lee Hyunsung also opened his mouth, "Ah, then I will go to the bathroom."
>ok but getting your period in a world like this would be my worst nightmare. like atp i might as well die
[A constellation wearing a straw mat is filled with expectations at your actions.]
[A constellation wearing a straw mat is delighted with your actions.]
[A constellation wearing a straw mat is puzzled by your actions.]
[A constellation wearing a straw mat is appalled by your actions.]
[The constellation 'Bald General of Justice' is happy at this situation.]
>average orv reader experience
He pretended to be okay but perhaps the one with the most terrible trauma in this place was this child.
> 😞
"Who are you? Don't you know that this area is our hunting ground?" In the faint light of the entrance, a girl holding a long sword stood.
>Jihyeeeeee. If she’s here then our buddy must be nearby
Lee Jihye, who was about to leave, turned her head at 'Yoo Joonghyuk'. There was vigilance in her eyes. "…Who are you?"
>she’s like…no way my master has friends so who tf are you
"I don't know. Master's friends?" At Lee Jihye's words, the eyes of the people on the platform became bigger. They looked at us with amazement and awe.
"He is a good friend."
>Yall skipped first base and were straight up choking each other when you met the first time. Oh yeah i bet he’s a real good friend.
"…Yes. They are small forces, but the Landlord Association has obtained most of it."
>not the fucking land owners association we really can’t escape them anywhere
[The character 'Gong Pildu' demands 500 coins for invading his private land.]
>making a child pay rent typical land owner
In any case, I seemed to be the type that was popular with the bad guys. It was the same with Kim Namwoon.
>that checks out
Gong Pildu smiled like an ordinary neighborhood ahjussi, but I knew… Gong Pildu could never be an ordinary neighborhood ahjussi.
>real ones know no neighbourhood ahjushi is normal
"What is your relationship with Yoo Joonghyuk?" "We are companions separated by life and death."
>real good friends yes
"My best companion is coming."
>dokja your simp is showing
The main character, the lone hero of a drama, was walking by her side. He looked at me with impressively fierce eyes.
"Have you been well? Your face looks good?"
>flirting in front of everyone’s mother and my salad is this who we are
"Do you have anything to say?" Yoo Joonghyuk asked.
“You have the most luxurious hair and a face sculpted by Gods, truly if I could I would’ve already jumped-“
“I meant…about the scenarios.”
“OH yeah no I know enough, don’t worry.”
However, being cheeky isn't good. Should I just kill him now?
>God yjh would HATE being around middle schoolers. the child death rate would skyrocket
"What are you looking at?"
Good job, Jung Heewon.
「 Kill… 」
"Yoo Joonghyuk."
"I have a lot to do." Yoo Joonghyuk stared at me quietly and said, "You will never understand."
>…about that 😭
"That jerk Yoo Joonghyuk." [The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is satisfied.] [100 coins have been sponsored.]
>Talks shit
100 coins sponsored!
"Ah, I hate thinking." Jung Heewon complained.
"I don't want ahjussi to die. You were quite impressive against Master earlier."
"Don't worry, I won't die.”
Great as usual. I love reading more of dokja’s thoughts hes such a freak and simp i love it XD
Next: Ch 32-52
Previous: Ch 11-20
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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THG Reread Thoughts...I don't know how many I am up too. Sorry XD.
Katniss and both her alliances reresent some kind of rebellion, tbh. Both of them are representing her chooseing love and compassion over obeying the Capitol.
Katniss is SMART. SO much smarter than I remember giving her credit for. She isn't uber, mastermind genius because she is still in actual fact 16. But she was able to form a plan to get a legit leg up on the Careers useing all of her and Rues skills and it works as best it can. And I don't even think ALL of that is how much she is forced to survive. I think Katniss is genuinely a sharp girl.
Mentioned it in the Rue focused post...just the way her death hit me true tears came to my eyes. The unfairness and pain Katniss expereinces took my breath away as an adult whose, this time reading it, has expereince so much more loss.
So the rule change...is interesting. I will always maintain Crane WAS a bit short sighted sanctioning it. Had he thought about the possibility of them actually both living and what that would mean I legit don't think he would have. Whitch speaks to the ambition that festers in the Capitol...they wanted a better show, a love story. To bad that became hope and a rallying cry.
Katniss calling out Peeta's name is such an iconic scene. It shows just how much she has him on her brain the first thing she does is call to him.
Forgot how real Collins got with their injuries. Peeta's leg is something you can't avoid for even a sentence. Katniss's hearing is a constant issue and showing even in a realisic way (as someone who considers herself hard of hearing, this is actually refreshing to see).
Lets talk everlark. I think I will start by saying how early Katniss expression confusion caused by the act they had to preform took me back. We see so much more of that, the constant unsure and confused mess around her emotions, but it does start almost as soon as the act does. Katniss begins to wonder what she is doing because there is something connecting Peeta and her, and what she is doing for the act very early on and importantly, it only gets worse. Lying does this kids, even with the best intentions. And it makes it hurt when you get glimpes of how much Katniss DOES love and care for him.
Katniss instantly suspecting there is some truth to Peetas story about his crush makes me give her sus eyes so hard XD. Like girl you seem very eagar for him to not be totally playing to the camara rn XD.
There moment hunting is SO sweet honestly. And one of the more real moments they got and I love it.
The feast and the medicine scenes shocked with how much they scared me rereading them this time around. For a moment I forgot Thresh spares Katniss, and was genuinely worried for her. Points to Collins for her writing being with rereading in mind! Her storytelling is exciting enough to be captivating upon rereads whitch is AWESOME and not always the case.
Peeta nurseing both him and Katniss back after she's been helping him. Get you a man who will do it like him.
Katniss and her reaction to their first 'real' kiss forgetting she landing a smooch onto his cheek. Yes it was a snarky thing then but still XD. Reguardless it is SO sweet.
'The first time I want another' about this kiss also has been the subject of a lot of back and forth. Reading it now, it is pretty clear to me that yea...Katniss is meant to be expereince SOME kind of desire here. If for nothing else, more closeness.
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴
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[ 🌸 ] Today it's my soft boy's turn, tomorrow I don't know who I'll choose...
characters: itachi uchiha;;some character mentions
genre: fluff;;fluff;fluff
warnings: just a sweet boy and how he would be like your partner;;itachi pampering the reader;;fem!reader;;some mentions of spicy stuff;;non massacre AU!
Itachi as a boyfriend?, yes please <3. 
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- - -
- - -
- - -
- Aa
- Where do I begin?
- He is a sweet but weird boy
- Itachi being the good ninja that he is always watching everyone
- You know? He even pays attention to the smallest stone. That's how observant he is. The bad thing is that he then downplays the people he sees
- Like; “oh yes, I saw you the other day. But I forgot your face and I remembered you until today when I saw you again"
- So yes, it was inevitable that he didn't notice you at the end of the day.
- But if you want to seriously attract his attention, you should have something remarkable.
- Something that makes you unique, like a strange hair color, a pretty smile, or even a striking personality
- But here comes the bad
- He will not approach you to talk to you
- This is 100% canon seriously
- he will not approach you unless it is necessary xd
- Literally, Shisui was the one who approached Itachi. I think if Shisui hadn't reached out to Itachi, the Kid wouldn't have had any friends.
- I feel like Itachi would love to have a person opposite of him as a lover. What do I mean by this, you will ask yourself; that he would be attracted to someone a little more outgoing than himself.
- So yes, he wouldn't mind being with someone more outgoing. But please don't overwhelm him lmaoo
- So imagine you talked to him and then over time you became friends, and then you became lovers.
- Itachi would enjoy your outgoing personality, for him, you feel like a fresh air in his life. Also, he secretly enjoys telling bad jokes with the person he loves, so expect a lot of jokes from him. I feel like he would like someone who is down to earth as well, he obviously wouldn't mind if you take a break from reality for a bit as he enjoys bringing you back to reality over and over again lol.
- Body preferences? Do you ask if he is attracted to a specific body type? Oh my, that's so far from Itachi xd. That doesn't mean that he doesn't appreciate his partner's curves or chubby, It's just that he just doesn't care if you have some hair on your legs or your skin color, Itachi just doesn't care how you are physically, since he doesn't fell in love with your body in the first place, he fell in love with your personality.
- will always be on the lookout for you, like "have you eaten yet?" "How did you sleep last night?"
- He cares about your health as much as he cares about Sasuke's
- Speaking of Sasuke I've seen a lot of toxic headcanons on a certain topic, in particular: “Itachi loves his brother more than you” and oh my God no, that's so far from reality. Itachi loves them both equally, Sasuke is his brother and you are his partner! The two of you will always be by his side. And that will never change… so please never doubt that you are just as important as Sasuke and that he will always love you.
- Going on to another topic...
- Itachi enjoys taking care of you, you could even say that… ahem is one of the biggest kinks of him-like… when- you know… after the spicy stuff ,,, oww
- I feel like Itachi would enjoy someone smaller than him, how he loves having his chin rest on your head when he hugs you, and you just disappear under his huge body and it's so-- awww
- Cuteeee
-We already know that Itachi does not judge, so he will take his precious time to get to know you better and guess what, it is the best investment he has made
- Because he met a beautiful angel fallen from heaven that bears your name, <3 and yes, it's you precious.
- On the other hand, the investment of time that has been taken to get to know you will also help him to know how you are, like: if you are rude, you lie, and you always discredit others -kabuto is that you?- Itachi will simply leave the room, or it will just run away from you as fast as it can, and you will never see it again.
- Aww Itachi is so nice to you that he is just so AGHWA
- sorry, I got excited-
- Ahem…!
- Itachi is so gentle, kind, sweet and so selfless with you and believe me he loves you so much… he can't help but seek your comfort first before his.
- Please talk to him and tell him that his comfort is also important -cries in Spanish-
- Mikoto raised Itachi (and Sasuke too) to be chivalrous towards women. So he's always going to pull your chair after you sit down, he's going to open doors for you, he's going to hold your hand when you're going through a crowd, he's going to carry your stuff.
- i imagine in a modern setting he would open the car doors for you, he would hold your hand as he drives aawww he is so cute
- Itachi is from the old school,, So after having asked your parents and you for permission to woo you, he sent you flowers of different colors; Each bouquet he sent had a small note, on one side were written his feelings for you and on the other side what each flower meant.
- Some flowers that he sent you were; tulips, orchids, licianthus, white lilies <3 awww
- My boy sent you beautiful poems sometimes, or he just wrote how he felt about you
- When both officially became a couple and the idea of marriage became a plan for the near future, he began to give you jewelry and small trinkets
- You know?, like; Pearl Pendants, bracelets with small diamonds. Only the best for his partner.
- He is the son and heir of a clan boss, money will never be a problem for this family, also when you become his wife you will become the matriarch of the Uchiha clan.
- Even so... he overwhelmed you with ✨jewels✨
- lmao
- Leaving that aside...
- He is good at cooking, his mom taught him well. Honestly, he surprised you, he spoils you with his food, and you enjoy it, you feel like a queen.
- When he has to go on a long mission he makes Sasuke or Shisui take care of you (Spoiler: they're weird guys like him), plus he leaves a crow nearby to watch you at night (I told you he was weird).
- Obviously, you noticed the crow. Another spoiler you named the crow, It's called; Almendras.
- Shy boy Shy boy
- He doesn't like the pda so much, like: it's okay if you hold his hand while walking, but don't kiss him in front of everyone… he's going to have a heart attack -owww
- Aa~, but when you're inside your house or his, it's a different story.
- Itachi loves kisses, hugs, caresses, pampering... Pampering! Pampering him please, it's his favorite thing in the world!
- Although at first he didn't get used to kisses, lmao
- He was so nervous
- But after a while you were the one who got nervous lmao
- Let me tell you that his kisses are so soft but hard at the same time. They always take your breath away, Itachi loves to taste and listen to the little sounds you make, it's so addictive to him aww
- oh
- Right, I forgot something.
- Itachi likes to touch you, but at the beginning of the relationship he was too shy. Now that he's used to it, he can't keep his hands off you.
- What I want to say is that Itachi loves you, and he will love you until the end of his days. And if you allow him to stay by your side, he will do whatever it takes so that you never lack for anything ❤️
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* Many things were missing owww -cries in Spanish-
* maybe i’ll do a little fanfic in which he dances with the reader under the moon? It would be fun u.u mmmm…
* I have to look for tutorials on how to manage tumblr, seriously...hELP-LMAO
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Let's Talk About PingXie: Part 3
PingXie Fanfiction Vocabulary
Or "Some Words in PingXie Fanfiction That Can't Be Translated Properly by MTL" XD
Here is a list of words that I found interesting, and occasionally appeared in PingXie fanworks. Some of these words, I couldn't find the exact equivalent in English, so excuse me for the long explanation. My friend helped me but my knowledge is still limited (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
It's not a complete list (and kinda random). Please note that they are mostly used in PingXie/DMBJ fandom, I don't know about other fandoms. I may add some more, if I find it again.
【1】 窗户纸 (mtl: window paper) : it's like a trope where they're being so ambiguous and the status of their relationship may not be revealed, but everyone also knows that they are lovers. It's a special connotation of symbolic objects in Chinese culture, refers to two people who have a very deep love but did not confess to each other, their feelings are hidden in the heart. Other people also know that their relationship is similar to lovers but they did not say it. It's like a layer of window paper has not been pierced.
【2】 捅窗户纸 (mtl: pierce the window paper) : it's almost the same as the previous one, but they come to the realization of their feelings and confess to each other. They end up together, become lovers.
【3】 论坛体/直播体 (mtl: forum body/live broadcast body) : something like Social Media AU, but it's often on the forum instead or written in forum style.
【4】 竹马 (mtl: bamboo horse) : a male childhood friend
【5】 校草 (mtl: school grass/school bully) : the most handsome boy in the school
【6】 沙雕 (mtl: sand sculpture) : funny and silly
【7】 骨科 (mtl: orthopedics) : incest
【8】 伪骨科 (mtl: pseudo-orthopedics) : they are brothers but not real siblings
【9】 清水 (mtl: clear water) : no description of s*xual activities
【10】 破镜重圆 (reunited after a broken mirror) : they meet again after separation which is usually not in a good way/unreconciled
【11】 本传 (mtl: biography) : refers to the main story of DMBJ
【12】 杭州名木/杭州著名木头 or 吴邪,杭州一块有名的木头 (mtl: Wu Xie, a famous piece of wood in Hangzhou) : it's like comparing Wu Xie to the wood, because he is being oblivious and insensitive, he doesn't notice that Zhang Qiling loves him haha. There is a meme based on this lol.
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Meme source: I forgot where I got it, but there's a watermark in it. The picture on the right is translated using mtl with some corrections, sorry for my poor translation (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
【13】 铁木真/铁・木・真 (tiě mù zhēn/temujin) : it's not Genghis Khan here, it's a pun or a joke about Wu Xie. It's like the previous one, but added one more element.
"铁" (tl: steel/iron) for "钢铁直男" means he is a straight man of steel
"木" (tl: wood) for "杭州著名木头" means he is the famous wood in Hangzhou
"真" for "天真" Wu Xie's "Tiānzhēn"
【14】白月光 "bái yuèguāng" (mtl: white moonlight) : the first love that can't be forgotten
【15】 吴山四美 "wúshān sì měi" : four beauties of Wushan(ju)—Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Xie Yuchen, Hei Xiazi
【16】 嫩牛五方 "nèn niú wǔ fāng" : a group of five people—Wu Xie, Zhang Qiling, Pangzi, Xie Yuchen, Hei Xiazi
【17】 挨千刀 (mtl: suffer a thousand cuts) : it is used to scold someone, but it is not insulting them. Its tone is more into worried rather than being angry. For example, Wu Xie complains "挨千刀的闷油瓶" in his heart, it sounds like he uses a spoiled tone to show his annoyance.
【18】 醋[瓶] (mtl: vinegar) : jealous [Zhang Qiling]
【19】 墨水[瓶] (mtl: ink) : a slight dark [Zhang Qiling]
【20】 排雷 (mtl: demining) : a setting that you should pay attention before reading, usually it is unacceptable for most people.
【21】 黑金古刀 (mtl: black gold ancient sword/black gold ancient knife) : Xiaoge's sword
【22】 大白狗腿 (mtl: big white dog legs) : Wu Xie's dagger
【23】 发丘指 (mtl: hair mound finger/Faqiu finger) : Zhang Qiling's two long fingers
【24】 哥嫂 : brother and sister-in-law, refers to Zhang Qiling (哥) and Wu Xie (嫂)
【25】 吃软饭 "chī ruǎn fàn" (mtl: eat soft rice) : a slang that means men rely on women to survive
【26】 吃豆腐 (mtl: eating tofu) : something like taking advantage of others, teasing or flirting, etc.
【27】 PA : parody
⚠️ NSFW Terms ⚠️
【28】 脐橙 (mtl: navel orange) : a wordplay of "骑乘" which means r*ding
【29】 水煎 (mtl: boiled water/water decoction) : a word play for "睡奸" which means somn*philia
【30】 Doi : same as ML (from English "do" and "i" from Chinese "Love" (爱 "ài")
【31】 双龙 (mtl: double dragon) : a man gets r*ped by two other men at the same time, in this case, it has the same meaning as "两瓶一邪" (both of the 2 Zhang Qiling, 1 Wu Xie).
【32】 爆炒/炒 (mtl: stir-fry/fried) : erotic content/explicit s*xual content
【33】 QJ : r*pe
【34】 XP : s*xual fetish
【35】 SP : sp*nking
Some of them courtesy of 小粉蛇 (PinkSnake). Thank you for all the help!🌹
🔗 Other related links: Part 1 | Part 2
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skyward-floored · 10 months
Unfinished Warriors angst/bunny legend thing/more downfall Time? 👀
Okay for starters, those are not connected XD Somehow they just ended up in the same spot??? There’s also like half of my most recent mermaid legend fic but from Legend’s POV instead of Hyrule’s and I wasn’t sure what to do with so it ended up in there too so... yeah. it’s a messy wip.
Anyway, I’ll go in order!
Unfinished Warriors angst! Basically I had an idea for some Warriors angst like, ages ago, but it never really went anywhere so it’s been languishing in my wips for ages.
I probably should have tried to use it for whumptober, but I forgot it existed. Bummer. Anyway here’s some of it:
Warriors coughed, but it turned into a pained gasp as agony shot up his side. His entire body hurt, but his side was the worst, and he could feel something hot and sticky beginning to soak his skin and tunic.
Time gently shushed him again, and brushed a hand across his forehead.
“It’s okay, it’s okay captain. Someone will be here any moment, the castle must have seen that,” he murmured reassuringly, and Warriors managed to focus through the pain enough to be confused at his words.
“Wh’ happened?” he managed to get out, “h—”
He broke off into a pained gasp, and saw Time’s face grow even more creased.
Bunny Legend thing was also a random idea I had one time, that I also probably should have tried to use for whumptober but forgot about hah. Basically Warriors and bunny Legend, and Legend doesn’t have a great time.
Also don’t really have any plans for this one, it’s sort of just a couple hundred words of vague idea. But here’s a wip if some of what I’ve got:
“But... but how..?” Warriors gaped, rainwater dripping into his wide open mouth. “You’re... you’re a rabbit!”
“Quit gawking captain, you look like a dead fish,” Legend snapped, then let out a squeaky moan, squeezing his eyes shut. “‘S long story. Just... just help m’ up.”
“You’re hurt?” Warriors asked, snapping out of his shock and leaning closer. Legend didn’t even glare at him, instead squeezing his eyes shut in a wince.
“Moblin got me,” he bit out, curled around himself. “More than once. Think—”
A clap of thunder made Legend violently flinch, and he yelped in pain, falling limp again and breathing heavily through his teeth. Every bit of him screamed discomfort, and Warriors carefully reached a hand out, gently turning Legend so he could get a better look at where he appeared to be injured.
More downfall Time is what it says on the tin. I gave in and started playing around with ideas for something more with him, but there isn’t much yet.
But there’s a little :)
His legs shake, an ache shooting across his middle, and someone’s arm catches him when he starts to fall, the grip steady.
“Whoa, take it easy,” Sky says with a kind smile, and Link tries to regain his balance, feeling a flicker of frustration as his legs refuse to behave.
He’s been awake several days now, and he still can’t walk around by himself.
“That’s probably enough for today,” Warriors says after several more unsuccessful minutes, and Link feels his face fall.
“Sorry kiddo, we don’t want to wear you out too much,” the captain says, and gives him an encouraging smile. “You did good today. You held your weight for a solid amount of time, you’re getting there.”
“I guess,” he mumbles, and lets Sky help him sit back on the bed.
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dvskf4llz · 1 year
HIYA! could I request a grain x f reader
Where the reader is struggling to defend from mobs one night and gets injured while returning late from fishing and grain come to the rescue? 🫡
Here ya go!! <3
Also I hope you meant Grian xd -
𝓖𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
My Hero ☆
Warning ⚠️!! this oneshot will contain: kissing, injuries, blood, swearing, passing out. If you are uncomfortable with these then dni.
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You were just trying to fish for some fishes.
You needed a lot of fishes (for some reason). so you woke up so early just to start fishing, the other hermits insisted that you could just get from them but you turned down their offers.
The whole day, it was just you fishing non-stop while the hermits were offering you things that you needed constantly.
When you were getting some of the last few fishes you needed, you noticed the Sun was setting. You were nervous since you weren't prepared to fight mobs, but you continued fishing.
It had reached night time and you became more nervous, you could hear the groaning of the zombies. You looked around to see that you were surrounded by mobs, you grabbed your sword and started hacking at them.
You didn't notice but, you could hear an arrow coming towards you. You yelped when you felt a sharp pain in your arm, you checked and saw the arrow plunged right in your arm. Blood was dripping down from it, while you were too busy trying to get the arrow out a creeper went right in front of you. You heard the hissing and immediately turned around and saw the creeper about to blow up, you got launched and hit a tree. You groaned from the back pain, you looked at your leg and saw it was twisted.
" Crap...." you said under your breath, you could hear the mobs going towards you.
" Well, I'm screwed." you said while trying to laugh, you stopped and closed your eyes ready to die.
You heard the zombies getting killed, skeletons bones falling, spiders and creepers screeching. You could barely keep your eyes open, the last thing you saw was someone with a red sweater carrying you. (Damn I keep adding the fact that the reader keeps on passing out in everyone shot I've made.)
You woke up and looked around to see you were in a room, you heard the door open and saw Grian at the doorway. His eyes widened and he rushed to you, he hugged you a little tightly.
" You're awake!" Grian said muffled because his face was on your shoulder, you hugged him back
" What happened?... All I remember is that I was collecting resources.." you said confused, he looked at you
" Well I was just flying by, when I saw you lying down by a tree with an arrow in your arm and your leg twisted. I had flown down and killed the other mobs, then I brought you here so I could patch you up. " He explained to you, you immediately remembered what had happened.
" Well uhm thanks..." You said while rubbing your neck blushing, you see you had feelings for the parrot hybrid that had just saved you. What you didn't know was that he liked you back.
The next few days, you kept on struggling with the mobs and Grian had always came to the rescue everytime.
One day, you and Grian looked at each other after he patched you up. You both slowly started leaning in without noticing, you 2 were just do lost in each other's eyes you ended up meeting each other's lips. Both of your eyes widened in surprised and you both blushed, but soon you started to melt in the kiss. Once you both pulled away, you both chuckled.
" I love you, [Nickname]. So so much." Grian said while smiling at you.
"I love you too, My hero." You replied back returning the smile he gave you. You both kissed again, smiling happily.
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I hope yall liked it- I kinda rushed it when I realized I hadn't post this yet.
Anyways thanks for reading!
Au revoir reader! see you in the next oneshot hopefully! :D
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omoghouls · 9 months
HI IM BACK idk u can call me jane doe or jane if u want i’ll probably be back a TON. hope ur doing well today!!! lighting sage and thinking of u hoping ur day is full of blessings also i Also have a ghost self insert and a cod self insert..:.. might anon send u stuff of them sometimes i Don’t have a blog atm….
more shark headcanons omo please?
SajhfdfjAJSADSJ omggg you can def use my mailbox as a home (I'll even set out some pillows and blankets for ya!) AND YAAA OMG PLS TELL ME ABT THEM, LOEV TO HEAR ABOUT YALLS CHARACTERS/SI'S
And fhgfdghdf 🥺💕😎😎
-So Shark is technically a Kortac member but was given the task of doing some infiltration work within the 141. bc/ who would expect the medic to be the rat (and also so I can have Shark sandwiched between any character heheeh) so, Shark was trying to think about how he could wriggle a bit closer to the 141 and make it seem less weird how they suddenly got a new medic despite already having some and what better way to break the ice than to melt it? Anyways, mans is having casual drinks with the lads and you know how dudes will just go out back and take a leak? Well, Shark was going to do that- until he realized he forgot his dick back in his room but, he's tipsy enough where he still thinks he can make the clear of his zipper- needless to say he fucking pisses himself (but hey, it got a few laughs and now it's a tale told the next day so, it's a win in Shark's mind)
-In general he doesn't mind popping a squat if he's forgotten his dick but, it will have to be a "If I don't pee now I will piss myself" type of scenario bc/ of how it's a bit more of a vaundurable postion to be in
-Has totally pissed himself during a mission, but he will gaslight others that he didn't piss himself, it's just someone else's bodily functions on him (this only works when you know, there is someone who got injured during the mission or if Shark was in the vicinity of other's fluids lmao)
-One to want to completely finish his work before he allows himself to pee. So sometimes someone could walk in on him, doubled over, legs crossed and bouncing in place bc/ he wants to finish the write up report (he believed that saying of "When you need to pee you work better" xD)
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sugarpuptard · 26 days
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waaaaaahhhhhh im gonna go insane i miss my boyfriend too much i need it to be october already so i can have him all to myself again ITS NOT FAIR I NEED HIM!!!!!!!! i keep thinking about earlier this year when i went to his state to visit in person for the first time i wish it was longer 3: i want more pics with him too i don't have enough, one of my favs tho i'll share hehe, i don't think he wants his face here but the pic below is still perfect and cozy >w< leg reveal i guess? xD
i love this pic so much i stare at it every time i miss his touch (pros of too vivid imagination + too much vr training phantom senses = i get to feel it almost enough again yippie! but its not the same) thought i should edit it to look extra cute here <3
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i was only there for like 5 days but he's staying longer when he comes for my birthday and im too excited omfg. traveling is much more new to him than me since i've been to plenty of states but he hasn't left his state really so i get to show him new stuff hehehe i like that, imma show him the city!!
i also wish i wasn't a little nervous but i think its just some past trauma with relationships in this situation ( ; w ; ) but i dont actually have anything to worry about since its not like that anymore (reminder to myself: its not like that anymore) and i think its more excited nerves than anything, things will be good!
another thing i am also nervous-excited about is that he's gonna be proposing to me!!! (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ like HUH??? ME????!!??? u choose my weirdo NEET mentally ill and crippled ass to be yours forever?? ;w; i don't know how i found someone like him he makes me feel so safe and happy and genuinely cared about, he's everything i wanted and everything i didn't realize i needed, and to think we met as middle-schoolers on ROBLOX?? specifically in the robloxian highschool rp game (∘︎>▽<。) we had quite a long and intense roleplay over multiple days and weeks possibly we were hella invested, i forgot most of the plot tho my memory of back then is so blurry
we didn't talk for quite a few years because of my mental issues getting me put into places that kept me away from online too much sadly, but he never left my mind so in june of last year i finally messaged him again with the help of some alcohol and my friend saying DO IT DO IT DO IT and thank God i did. he replied pretty quick too because luckily he was still signed into his old account on his phone and he woke up to my texts at like 3am xD oopsies
im just so lucky to have him, i feel so unsafe so much for so fucking long and finally i have someone that gives me that sense of safety and security, i dont have to be scared or stressed i can just love and i love him too much and i'll do anything to have him forever. my journal rambling for today is fitting the theme of my yandere blog posts ngl ( ̄▽ ̄;) but i didn't know i was gonna ramble like this and i dont feel like logging out sooooooo this go here instead teehee
i genuinely didn't mean to ramble so much but my new med is a stimulant so i've been a bit wired all day lmao, i gotta get the ramble vibes out somehow, if u read all this damn :o
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
Jim! I forgot to say I ship you with Jim. He is your designated silly man ^^
JIM!! Thank you XD 💚💚💚
Oh, this made me realise I have been neglecting him a little while I've been hyperfocused on Callahan (I have already written 3 fics for him. It took me months to write the first for Jim 😅😅 Its just the teacher kink thing I swear, Jim will always be my favourite) and the Titanic!! So I had to write this XD I hope you like it too!
Jim Bickerman x Fem!Bartender!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: You're just working your shift at the bar like usual, a regular Thursday night with Jim keeping you company on the other side of the bar, when someone you serve slips you something you didn't ask for back... Luckily Jim's got your back.
Warnings: Use of a date rape drug/roofie, talk of head achiness and a vomit mention. Also unedited.
Tagging: @masqueradeball
A glass slips from your fingers and smashes against the ground; cascading across the wood in every which direction. The heel of your hand moves heavily straight to knead your forehead and you groan,; closing your eyes. God, you suddenly have the worse headache... and you're so sleepy...
Did you really drink that much??... you think, trying to recall but struggling to even think through the fog in your brain. You usually drink a little bit with the customers, but not nearly enough to... ah... hurts...
"Fuck," You breath, breathing slowly. And you hear a familiar voice close by, but suddenly everything around you is starting to get blurry. The noises shift and slip away from you- moulding into one. A horrible throbbing inside your head.
Theirs a hand wrapping around your wrist, pulling you into the bar and another low voice speaking slowly to you. Something something... it's all going to be okay, something else... come on, I'll look after you. Vaguely you recognise it as a stranger, someone you don't know, suspicious- but you're not strong enough to pull your arm away from him. Somewhere in you theirs a voice screaming not but you give one slow nod anyway, giving the okay because you just want to get rid of this headache (A migraine??)- when another presence appears right by you on your side of the bar.
He's close enough that you recognise the rumbling voice of Jim and immediately relax a bit, leaning into his side to stay up on your feet- his voice is far too low for you to gather what he's saying, though. A moment after his voice disappears again- the strangers hand releases you.
His arm wraps around your waist to further hold you up, as your legs are starting to feel weaker and weaker (Or your body is getting heavier and heavier?? God you're so confused... ow... ) and when you turn to rest more securely against his chest he takes your jaw in his hand and guides your face upwards. "Open up your eyes there, sweetheart."
Now that, you heard. Forcing yourself, you manage to crack your eyelids open and see him frowning at you as he takes a glance at your pupils. His own jaw is set and looks really unhappy. "Jim I- I think ate somethin bad... " You mutter to him, confiding in him since he's here now- he'll look after you. You know it. You're safe now.
"Jim I- I think I ate somethin bad... " You mumble into his shoulder after he lets your face go and he shakes his head; feeling grim and pissed off as he watches darkly from under the brim of his hat as the weasel who had his hand on you slip right outta the bar- alive. (Of all the nights to not have a gun on me... )
"... Nup, that's not it, sugar." He tells you, glowering at the door now that the bastard is gone. Jim knows he isn't a gold class citizen himself - not by any means. He's done plenty he's not proud of and even more that he is proud of even though he shouldn't be, because he managed to see a pretty check from the deal, - but anyone who does somethin' like this actually deserves to be thrown to fucken crocs. "C'mon, lets getcha some water."
"Mmm, noo, I feel too sick... "
"Thats why you're gettin water, sweetheart. It tastes like junk, trust me I get it but I promise its good for ya."
Frowning like the cutest little drugged up girl, you crack your pretty eyes open again and look up to plead with him. Using up all your energy. "I'll throw up!"
He smirks, he cant help it- you're too sweet. "Little bit a' vomit ain't gonna scare me off. Lets findya a seat."
Taking a deep breath, you give a nod and then hide back in his shoulder- the lights in this bar are too bright and the world is spinning. And the music is too loud and everyone's voices are too loud and the other bartender still shaking up cocktails is too loud... ughhhh...
Jim guides you to a backroom in the bar, which is slightly quieter with the door closed, and sits you down in a ratty old couch before grabbing you a big glass of cold water for you to sip before stepping back- but you tug at his flannel when he tries to step away and he listens; sitting down beside you and letting you curl back into him. "Sweetheart I gotta call 911 now... "
"Do it here with me." Everything still hurts, everything still aches, and vaguely you're aware that this was done to you-- but Jim makes you feel safe, and his flannel is soft, and you need him. "Please."
Luckily he's more then happy to stick by you, nodding and sneaking your phone from your pocket (he doesn't have one) to use with his good hand; squeezing you comfortingly with his hook-arm. "Alright, ehem-- uh, what's the number again??... "
You don't need to look up to groan at him for that wrong-place-wrong-time joke, and his grin goes wider hearing it. (She's still in there, she's okay. She's fine.) "Jimmm... "
Quickly dialing (as fast as he can with one hand), he puts the phone to his ear and blows hair out his cheeks, nervously. Calling this number should be second nature at this point, but when its for you and not himself, the anxiety comes racin' back. (Goddamnit.) "I know sweetheart, I know. Hold on, it wont be long. We'll getcha help and you'll be jussst fine... "
('Miss Sheriff Reba' is gonna get a hell of a report in the morning, that's for fucken sure.)
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sunsetsushiii · 2 months
hihi!! I'm the anon who asked for gawa lifting chuuya (sorry for the late answer, I only saw it now dhajsndk) and!! since u asked for some prompts 🫡
- if u want the focus to be on rashomon, maybe u could draw her scruffing chuuya by the back of his coat (like a mother cat would do to its baby?), or chuuya using rashomon like some sort of spring rider while akutagawa humours him XD
- if u want the focus to be on chuuaku alone, maybe gawa carrying chuuya on his back (post corruption angst? 👁️), or akutagawa leaving a pub with a drunk chuuya clinging to him like a koala (I think it's called embrace carrying?)
still on the drunk chuuya topic, maybe even gawa lifting him from behind by the shoulders to prevent chuuya from throwing fists with someone who was being an asshole (alas, akutagawa forgot that chuuya has legs and that the asshole in question was close enough to be kicked) (the police was called) (rashomon had to restrain chuuya so gawa could savely run away with a human potato bag over his shoulder) (??? what am I even writing anymore)
SORRY FOR YAPPING UEUE anyway. idk if u wanted refs, but just in case: (I don't know how to attach pics, so I'm leaving links D: sorry)
piggy back:
embrace carry (?):
(closest ones I could find djejskd)
I think that's all? couldn't find many refs
sorry for the long text :') and!! I don't want to make u feel forced to draw anything, so take it more as a suggestion than a request!!
anyway, thank u for the attention + take care + drink water + I love /ALL/ of ur art a /LOT/ + may art block never, ever hit u again 🙏
adios (。・ω・)ノ゙
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting anon-san! It's just that I was in my artblock, and I can't find myself drawing anything (plus I'm busy chuuaku RP with a friend atm..) but please, you're so SWEET!!
Of course! I'll try my best to draw them for you again.. thank you for your support anon-san...
You can take this Chuuaku doodles for now.. (Basically what I got from the RP)
Cross-dressing [ver 1]
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I won't overwork myself, thanks for your support again 🥹.
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wayshadow · 2 years
So Way is too lazy to post. I made these A WEEK or even two ago! And since I always take photos of my drawings and only send them to my best friend, he forgot to make the adjustments and post.
A family drawing of Black Pearl, Captain Caviar and who would be his beloved little girl, Shadow Nacar, I don't have a better name, maybe I'll change it but it will be later, I'm literally dying of sleep and it just occurred to me to post xD
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Some context of Shadow Nacar: When Black Pearl got pregnant (I still don't know if cookies can get pregnant, I have my doubts but let's imagine if they can until they confirm if they can or not) Caviar didn't know about it until halfway through her pregnancy, well, history has shown that Captain Caviar is used for the Oyster trade, therefore he is someone quite busy so he cannot always visit Black Pearl /Way out of context, what a novelty~/ When he found out, I plan to take her to the Republic but there was a problem, she is trapped in the Duskgloom Sea thanks to the curse for the loss of her pearl, therefore it is almost impossible for her to be taken, unless she gets her pearl back. Curiously, and not because of the script, C.Caviar knows that Oyster has a Black Pearl, and since he knows of the myths about the fact that the House of Oyster had close relations with Mermaids, he thought of a certain possibility that, perhaps, maybe , that Black Pearl may be from BP.
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The Captain had to return to the republic as soon as possible, but not before having to tell BP about his Plan, who had his doubts because he did not believe that said pearl was hers, he could never follow the trail of it so he just He had to trust his beloved. When C.Caviar returned, he asked for a session with Oyster as soon as possible, the better, once in his session, he talked about the pearl, and having to reveal what was happening, telling him from his first visit to the Duskgloom Sea, up to the present. Oyster decides to cooperate, but he cannot deliver the pearl, since it is the one that made his family stand on top and he could enter the council of elders. They decide to take the Pearl to DS in order to get BP out.
The pearl actually turns out to be BP's, so they manage to get it out successfully(It has nothing to do with the script, not at all(?), but they tell him that they can't return the pearl to him for, uh, their reasons.
Once in the republic they pass off Black Pearl as a distant family, very distant from Oyster, although they have problems with BP since he had used legs in his life, therefore, he can't walk! It took him a while to think of the plan, Shadow Nacar had already been born in the Duskgloom Sea, so even Oyster is surprised that she is not only the Mermaid, but also a small cookie fresh out of the oven(?) (Imagine that they tell you about a problem which is recent, but it turns out to take time, what a surprise, right?)
How they pass off BP as a rather distant cousin/family, Shadow Nacar would be Oyster's niece, who, throughout her life, receives education from the Oyster House, and somewhat overprotected by Black Pearl, since, When she was born, she got her own pearl like her mother, who, not wanting her to go through what she did, believes that overprotecting her and talking about the terrors outside could help, but they only caused little S.Nacar to be someone who carries of curiosity and desire for adventures like his father
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I really love Tumblr, I can make a bible out of a lot of text with no problem!! But hey, I got my much text. I will upload more drawings in a while because I have quite a few (?
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, my English is not very good, my first language is not English
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