#I forgot deworming
hedgehog-moss · 10 months
Look at the delicious sushi for llamas I made today:
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It's courgette stuffed with deworming paste and thanks to Poldine my plan went swimmingly. Pampelune is sometimes distrustful on deworming day, but when they saw Poldine get a treat then try to steal the other treats which were obviously meant for them, the other animals hurried to claim their own medicinal courgette as well.
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Except Pampe. (How many times have I written these words.) She looked at her sushi, looked at me, sniffed every side of the courgette, decided it smelled like deceit, and walked away.
I felt daft for not going the muesli route straight away. Like all great tricksters Pampérigouste is suspicious by nature but she can't resist muesli. So I un-stuffed the courgette and used the sticky deworming paste to fashion a little muesli ball.
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It was gooey and not very appetising but it's muesli, right? I camouflaged the muesli ball in a dish of innocent muesli and offered it to Pampe, but unfortunately she was now very aware that I was up to something. Instead of mindlessly vacuuming the contents of the muesli dish as she usually does, she examined the strange slimy little ball, pushed it away with her nose with obvious contempt, then ate the normal muesli. I tried (with increasing insistence and frustration) to convince her to eat the damn muesli ball, but no.
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New idea: I went to the kitchen to get some pumpkin rinds, and squished the muesli ball between two small pieces of pumpkin skin like a Choco BN (if you're from the US, picture an orange worm-killing Oreo). Pampe likes pumpkin skin! I tried to explain to her that she would be punishing only herself if she refused the (admittedly deceitful) offering out of principle.
Somehow she managed to eat the outside 'biscuits' and spit out the stuffing.
At this point I had to shame her. (I told her to look ashamed for this photo; not sure she understood the assignment)
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I had exhausted my creativity and had nothing left but the mean method. I got Pampe in llama jail, aka the school room where I spent many hours trying to teach her to wear a halter and be a good docile llama when she was little, while she spent many hours trying to escape by any conceivable means—high jumps, bribery, tunnels, you name it.
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(In the background behind Poldine you can see the bag of hay that I used to get the llamas to follow me into the corral. Pampe naively thought I had given up on trying to make her eat gross slimy things and was about to give her a normal meal)
She tried a strange kind of escape this time around, which honestly might have worked if she were a swift salmon returning to her natal river to spawn, slicing against the current in a series of graceful, forward-arching curves. But she's a llama. It's like she forgot she wasn't all neck and also had a body that needed to clear this obstacle.
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I sang her a little song to soothe her, and scritched her face, and managed to get a llama kiss which is more affection than I've ever received from a currently-jailed Pampe—her daughter really is a good influence on her!
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So of course I took advantage of this moment of calm and trust to stick my hidden secret syringe in the corner of her mouth and push 2cm of deworming paste onto her tongue.
She was VEXED and WROTH.
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We were talking about learning poetry by heart the other day; well, if Pampérigouste did that, "I am rowing (a hex poem)" is the poem she would have invoked in that moment.
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After I left, all the other animals hurried into the corral to eat the hay I had used to get Pampe in, while Pampe turned her back on the meal and walked away a strategic distance, far enough to show me that she felt betrayed and would never eat any food I bring her ever again, not so far that she couldn't go back in and fight the donkey for what was left of the hay as soon as I stopped looking.
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dullahandyke · 5 months
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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crowccidiosis · 7 months
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I adopted two more piggies about a month ago, I forgot to post pictures. The mother, Litha, was not happy after I put ointment on her feet since she was recovering from bumblefoot... The piggy in the picture is her daughter, Samhain. I did a health check on them when I brought them home and I dewormed them. They get along great with Yule! Samhain looks like a skunk, the hair on her butt sticks straight up.
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skippygoldfish · 10 months
anywho i got messaging with someone on FB and they reminded me very nicely, essentially, how goldfish need hella filtration and water flow, and how i should've dewormed my fish after having them outdoors. i can't believe I forgot.
they recommended treating with prazi and salt to kill worms, flukes, or the like. they also recommended adding AquaNatural african cichlid sand to boost the pH. I'll def get prazi but I'm still pondering the sand. I have been considering giving them a full sand substrate anyway.
today I set up the second HOB filter again to increase water flow, and put media in it that i've been keeping in a floating box in the tank.
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dewdropsleftsock · 1 year
Another Vulture Rants:
I've had people get mad at me, including today, that I don't (and in reality, really can't) feel as much sympathy for animals as other people do. Someone could tell me their dog died and my first thought would probably be "Oh, that sucks". It makes me feel insensitive, but it's something I can't help. On the other hand, I am so emotionally attached to birds, it's not even funny. Maybe I'm connected to them in some way. Just like other animals, they feel pain and emotion but they can't physically show that. Not expressively, at least. I think thats why I go to such lengths to care for these disheveled and disabled chickens I keep adopting. Just because I see myself in them.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot
Update: Pearl is doing okay. I got some Corid and dewormer for her, but she might have an impacted crop from eating too much too fast, like the little twat she is.
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Still 197 weight wise
Ate "shepardess pie" for dinner, which is basically shepards pie with lentils instead of meat. 100% vegan.
Still taking my black walnut and wormwood tincture. It's harmless to take, not like any other deworm medications. I'm going to keep taking it for about a week and my mind should be appeased by then.
Making a meal plan and shopping list. I was able to get everything calculated down to about $55 at aldi which I'm sure while I'm at the store I'll pick up a few more things that I forgot.
Here's my meal plan for the week:
Sunday: (fake) sausage, potatoes, and sauerkraut
Monday: spaghetti and (fake) meatballs (bonus points for vegan parmesan)
Tuesday: tofu, potatoes, and red cabbage
Wed: penne alfredo with broccoli (alfredo has milk but I've had it in my cabinet so long i need to get rid of it)
Thursday: ? Maybe a sweet potato day? Maybe pick something up?
Friday: tacos
Saturday: beans and rice
Next week I'll go back to the salvage store when there are more things I'll need to buy.
Here's to keeping (mostly) vegan for the year so far. I'll keep improving.
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horsesofgili · 2 years
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Today we saw two different horses with some minor issues (I totally forgot to get photos of the second horses face 🤦‍♀️) The first was a mare with sone nasty rub wounds from the collar and long feet. We refitted her harness properly and provided padding as well as betadine and salve. They will bring her back so we can show them how to trim her feet. The second had a nasty fungal infection on his back pasterns so he was sent home with care instructions, betadine, and an anti fungal cream. We also dewormed both of them 🙏🏻 We see local horses like this 3-4 times weekly and are happy they trust enough to seek out assistance 🥰 #horsesofgili #lombokhorse #horsesofasia #rescuehorse #rescuepony #ilovehorses #makeadifference #donatenow #horsesofinstagram #rescuehorse #rescuepony #horserescue #ponyrescue #horsecharity #indonesia #giliislands #giliTrawangan #oneponyatatime https://www.paypal.me/horsesofgili https://gofund.me/afb3daa2 https://www.patreon.com/horses_of_gili Cash app $horsesofgili https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3MM3SV2FRR32U?ref_=wl_share https://horses-of-gili.creator-spring.com (NIB ) : 2706220052431 KBLI : Yayasan RUMAH KUDA GILI - Indonesian not for profit foundation https://www.instagram.com/p/CjdONAiP8K2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timothylawrence · 3 years
timkat 👉👈👀
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This is literally the best Tim ship sorry ❤️✨
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bread-tab · 3 years
the other day at work i witnessed a wild conversation wherein:
an unremarkable middle-aged white lady (mask off) disclosed a batshit conspiracy theory about covid being done on purpose by the chinese government (also the vaccines are fake, the real cures are ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and the delta variant is a completely different virus but also made by the chinese government)— seeming incredibly relieved to get that off her chest, rather as if she expected to be called crazy and laughed out of the store—and also mentioned some of her experiences actually living in china at some point??
a native american lady (possibly also black—idk i'm too faceblind to tell, mask on) with very calm vibes complained about how the annual disastrous california wildfires are caused by forest mismanagement, implying her ancestors were indigenous to the sierra nevadas with strong land back undertones ("we" would let small fires burn so that big ones like this wouldn't happen)
the two of them had a bonding moment over their shared distrust in both the government and the medical industry and seemed to leave with a sense of solidarity and slightly more faith in humanity
meanwhile in the background
a very tired-looking amazon delivery worker with pink hair walked in midway through the conspiracy rant, got in line behind this conversation... stared... let out an actual huff of disbelief and ducked around the native lady to hand me a package before fleeing the building in a visible state of "fuck this shit i'm out"
i helped arrange for the native lady's material possessions to be moved out of the path of said wildfires while packing up what looked like some sort of homeopathic (pyramid scheme??) product for the conspiracy lady and maintained the best Invisible Retail Worker Poker Face™ that i have ever performed in my entire life
in conclusion:
murica, fuck yeah
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we had a VET DAY for both of my cats today. there is an exactly 5 pound weight sifference between them, because one of my cats is Little and one of my cats is Big. overall they were both pretty healthy, although apparently atlas cat picked up tapeworms when we were fighting fleas 6 or 7 months ago, poor boy. (the vet gave him a dewormer today so he's fine, and tapeworms can't be passed directly from pet to pet, they gotta go through fleas, so my other critters are parasite free.) vet said there was nothing she would change :)
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blazed-chestnut · 3 years
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Imagine: You’re obsessed with dogs and your girlfriend Nat is both so done with your shit and so in love with you.
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*Not my GIF.
Warnings: Dogs, deworming mention, fluff: both in the story and the doggos, metaphorical murder mention.
(Y/N) = Your Name.
(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name.
You’re gentle with the new canines as you carry them into your bedroom at the compound; a litter of a dozen golden retriever puppers in a cardboard box and their mama, along with a bunch of doggo stuff. They all got vaccinated, in the process of deworming, all that fun stuff. But they’re so excited to see this new place so they make little yips and yaps.
“Haha, Tony’s gonna murder me,” you chuckle. 
You freeze. It’s Nat. You try to hide the new family members. You already have a husky, a Jack Russell mix, and a malamutt. Nat made you promise not to get another dog. But you couldn’t help it. They were on the street all alone, no collars, no nothing. Plus you’re a sucker for Golden Retrievers; they’re so sweet and cuddly.
“Baby?” you say, trying to sound as innocent as possible as you hide the puppies in the closet and the supplies under the bed.
You hear her approach and finish up as quickly as possible. You sit on the bed trying to look innocent as she walks in.
“Hey, honey,” she smiles. “Where’ve you been? I thought you were just gonna get coffee.”
“Oh, yeah I did, but I realized that I forgot some things when I went grocery shopping yesterday, so I put in an order to pick up some later.”
Suddenly your pups rush in; Misha the Husky, Nico the Malamutt, and Sparky the Jack Russell mix. They practically knock you down like a bowling pin as they jump up to greet you. They sniff you over to try to figure out where you’d been when Sparky jumps down and sniffs under the bed. You try to get up to pull him out, but Nico’s butt is right in your face and Misha’s on your stomach.
You freeze as Nat pulls something out of Sparky’s mouth. It’s one of the toys you’d bought.
“What’s this?”
“Umm….I just thought the doggos could use some extra toys,” you say.
“God, I’m a terrible liar….”
Nat looks at you in disbelief. Suddenly Sparky rushes over to the closet and sniffs it. That’s when they become apparent; about a dozen little yips over and over. She heads over to the closet.
“Um, y-you really don’t need to do–!” you begin.
But Nat opens the door. The cardboard box tips over and the Golden Retirever puppies surround Nat and the mama tries to herd her babies back into a group. Closing her eyes and pursing her lips, Nat huffs.
“….(Y/N)?” she asks.
“….Yeah?” Your voice goes up an octave or two.
“Why is there a litter of Golden Retriever puppies and an older dog hiding in your bedroom closet?”
“….Would you believe me if I told you I had no clue?” you ask hopefully.
She looks at you knowingly and you whine.
“Baby, they didn’t have a home! I just found them on the side of the road all by themselves! I mean, c’mon. Look at how cute they are!”
“You promised!”
“C’mon! Golden Retrievers are such sweethearts!”
“We already have three dogs.”
“What’s thirteen more?” 
You look up at her and pout cutely, trying your own puppy dog eyes. 
“Can’t we keep them, Natty? Pwetty pwease?” you ask in the cutest voice you can muster.
Nat huffs, but she also can’t help but smile and shake her head.
“Exactly how many dogs do you plan to get?”
You blink.
“Is there a limit?” 
“I’m pretty sure there is.”
“Well then we can open a dog kennel!” you suggest. 
Nat shakes her head and rolls her eyes.
“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”
“Baby, there are only two things that I’ve ever been more serious about than normal. This is one of them.”
“What’s the other one?”
“Being in love with you.”
Nat chuckles and you can tell she’s blushing a little.
“You do realize Tony’s gonna murder you when he sees this, right?” she tells you as she folds her arms.
“I’m very well aware. I’m gonna go see how much it costs to get a kennel license.”
You grab your laptop and hop up on the bed. 
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), what am I gonna do with you?” she sighs, smiling.
“Come and cuddle me while I do some research?” you suggest.
She chuckles and hops up on the bed with you, hugging you in close. Yeah, you may be a bit of a sucker for floofs, but that’s just one reason she loves you. And she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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hedgehog-moss · 3 years
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I set a double trap for Pirlouit today. I needed to take measurements of his nose to see if I should order a new type of halter in horse size or pony size, and I knew my measuring tape might freak him out and he might run away, so I placed an apple in the middle of the corral. Then walked away, admiring a cloud, talking to the cats, making it clear that whether or not he walked into the corral was of no interest to me. He walked into the corral. I immediately materialised behind him to close the gate. He looked at me, cranky-eared, then looked at the apple again like “Well, this better be a good apple at least.” He bit into it and it was a hollow apple full of deworming paste. He chewed it with this look of depressed acceptance that donkeys sometimes have.
I had locked Pandolf in the barn so he wouldn’t mess up my plans (Pandolf often messes up my plans; his loyalties are unpredictable) and when I freed him he ran to the corral and started smelling everything very seriously like a detective investigating a crime scene. Sniffing the measuring tape left by the gate, then sniffing the spot on the ground where the apple had been, piecing together a timeline of events. “Yes. An apple was here. It’s all starting to make sense.” Then he saw a cat and forgot he was a detective.
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Sorry for the inactivity! Update though: dog dewormer worked and the tank is now planaria and hydra free. My shrimp population quickly rebounded, and I’m going to get some new reds soon. Interestingly, they’ve all bred into either dark blues to black, or tinted wild types. I’ve also bought five endlers livebearers.
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I’ve changed up the lights again to replicate what I had originally downstairs. Unfortunately, I forgot my old aquarium light is yellow, and it has a three prong plug, which is tricky in the corner. I’m trying to decide how to work around this.
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mousedetective · 3 years
Good News! + Still Need Help
Mr. Killmouski went to the vet today (I didn’t reblog the new total last night but I reached $125 before the appointment) and he got some more vaccinations and some probiotics to kick the last of the diarrhea and he also got dewormed for tapeworms. We also found out despite tapeworms and diarrhea he gained a pound. He needs to go back in two weeks for his last Parvo shot and another round of deworming. We asked for the cost and $60 is what it came to as long as there are no surprises.
I also still need to come up with money to pay the $300 loan I took out to cover the cat stuff/my mom’s dental co-pay, once the interest is factored in. It’s due July 11th, but I don’t have the money to cover it and pay all my bills next month, so any help would be most welcome. It’s going to mean the difference between paying my (newly increased) rent on time or being late and having to add $50 to it.
EDIT: I forgot a loan. ::headdesk:: This one needs to be paid off by the first of July. Please help if you can?
EDIT 2: I paid off the loan due on the first with help from a friend! Much thanks. But we're running out of food and I'm adding a little more to what I need to cover some stuff. Any help, even $5, would be a HUGE help.
EDIT 3: Apparently I had more loans than I thought. But they are all paid off due to my state stimulus check arriving in the mail today. But it took up the whole check so any help with food money would be amazing.
Cashapp- $afteriwake23
Venmo- @penaltywaltz
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neitherlightnordark · 3 years
Am I allowed to ask for the new ship to see your thoughts on Seavil? think I asked this for the old version but I forgot what you said on it dknddmnd
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[I.D.: Ask from @taliaxlatia that says "seam/jevil for the ship bingo". End I.D.]
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[I.D.: The relationship bingo. Filled out are "i love them", "romantically", "platonically", "*clenches fist* it's about the narratives", "i need deworming just thinking about them", "Fluff Fluff Fluff Fluff", "it's... complicated", "how did this even become a thing", "wooh rarepair bonus!", free space, "they can make each other worse", "aesthetically they're immaculate", "Angst Angst Angst Angst", "let them sniff each other through the door first", and "the comedic potential alone is worth it".
There is one bingo along the right, lined with transparent Seams. A supplement typed on "romantically" says "i used to impulse ship them and i adore it immensely when my friends talk about them romantically but tbh it's more fun for me for them to be friends now!!!" End I.D.]
YEAH THANK YOU... the og the original. baby's first blorbos
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