#I feel like veganism is so out of reach for me rn with my low cholesterol but once I get a primary doctor here I just might go back to
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jellypawss · 10 months ago
back on my diet because I’m not paying rent anymore and can afford healthy food (fuck america btw)
Secondly! I started eating overnight oats, what are y’all’s favorite things to add to oats!
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stark-strange-love2 · 4 years ago
A Day at the Fair
My submission for the ironstrange fanfic challenge!
Tony drags Stephen out on a date to the fair, despite Stephen insisting he doesn’t want to go. Tony spends the whole day trying to show Stephen how much fun it is until finally, Stephen breaks down and confesses the real reason he didn’t want to come today. 
Omega Stephen Strange, Alpha Tony Stark, high school au
Tony grinned, practically vibrating with excitement as he rolled out of bed. Every year he and Stephen went to the fair, the closest thing their tiny town had to offer for fun. He grabbed his phone from his nightstand.
T: Heeeeeey Steph~
S: Tony? What is it?
T: Well I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the fair this fine day, as per our usual tradition
Stephen took a few minutes to reply. Tony set down his phone, brushed his teeth, dressed, and sat down for breakfast. Stephen still hadn’t replied. Then, as he was pouring cereal, his phone dinged.
S: Idk. I’m not feeling up to it rn
T: Okay… do you wanna come over and hang out then? My parents are out of town… I could even sneak a bottle of wine for us
S: Eh… let’s just go to the fair.
Tony smiled.
T: Great! I’ll pick you up in an hour?
S: Sure
The fair was loud and hot and crowded. It reminded Tony of every fantastic summer with Stephen he could think of. Tony squeezed Stephen’s hand, but Stephen didn’t squeeze back.
“Hey, Steph, are you okay? You seem a little off-color.”
Stephen bit his lip.
“Just tired I guess. I have a bit of a headache.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen’s cheek, then down to his unmarked scent gland. “Maybe we can sit down near the back? Have some lunch? I have Asperin too if you need it. We can even go back home if you’d like. Anything for you,” Tony said.
Stephen smiled softly.
“Lunch sounds good.”
He finally squeezed Tony’s hand back.
“Ugh, don’t they have anything remotely healthy?” Stephen bitched, scrunching up his face at the third deep-fried Oreo stand they passed.
“Oh? Are you doing another vegan kick or something?”
Stephen shook his head, cheeks pink.
“Uh- no. No, just trying to eat a little healthier, that’s all.”
“Can you take a break for today?” Tony asked. God knew he wasn’t planning on eating well today.
“Well… I mean…” Stephen worried his lip between his teeth. “I’d just feel better if I ate healthily, that’s it.” He didn’t meet Tony’s eyes.
They finally found something reasonably healthy- chicken tenders and lemonade- and sat down at a table under a large tree. Somewhere in the background, a band was playing. Stephen picked at his food while Tony happily munched away.
“After this do you want to go on a ride?” tony asked.
Stephen shook his head.
“No rides.”
“Why? Are you still not feeling well?”
Stephen didn’t meet Tony’s eyes, electing instead to look off into the never-ending distance, hazy with the feeling of the fair, a haziness that stayed in Stephen’s mind and mulled like a roiling, humid cloud of every problem that had ever graced him. The heat clung to his skin. His stomach turned and he looked down, his arms folded over his abdomen. Tony could smell the scent of unhappy omega from across the table.
“Yeah. Not feeling great,” he lied.
Tony’s eyes were so warm and comforting that Stephen’s stomach couldn’t help but crawling higher into his throat and nestling there like some sort of weak and defenseless baby bird. Stephen’s cheeks were hot with shame.
“Are you sure that’s everything? Please tell me if something’s bothering you, Stephen. I love you. I want to help.”
Stephen’s stomach churned and he ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up. Tony leaped to his feet and rushed over but Stephen waved him away.
“Oh God- oh God Stephen!” Tony cried.
“I’m- I’m fine,” Stephen coughed. He wiped his mouth and downed his lemonade, popping a few breath mints into his mouth. He let out a low groan and took a deep breath.
“Jesus Stephen, let’s go home. You’re sick. You need to rest.” “No. You brought me here on a date. We’re staying.” The resolution in Stephen’s voice felt strong and clear and hard and unwavering, the same way a freshly poured asphalt highway stretches on and on and on until it dissolves into a dazzling mirage. Endless and resolute in a way that made Tony feel tiny in comparison.
“Are you sure?”
Stephen ate his last chicken tender and tossed the tray.
“Maybe we can try at one of those fair games,” Stephen offered.
“Aren’t they all rigged?”
“Well that makes winning more impressive,” Stephen said with a grin.
Stephen took Tony’s hand and they walked through the fair before stopping at a booth: balloons and darts. Stephen bent over, looking at the booth. Then there was a loud whistle and a squeak from Stephen that had Tony’s alpha growling in his chest. Tony turned and snapped at the fuck boy alpha that currently had his hand on his omega’s ass. Stephen turned and slapped the guy’s hand away, face red and furious. His blue-green eyes burned like two twin stars hovering above the ocean horizon.
“Hey sweet-cheeks, what’s a pretty little omega like you doing with a boring alpha like him?” the guy said with a thousand-watt smile.
“Not interested.”
“Aw, come on baby, don’t be like that.”
“He said he’s not interested,” Tony growled.
The guy rolled his eyes.
“Fine, tightass.”
He stalked away and Stephen’s resolve broke. His entire body drooped and he sank into his seat, the smell of pure displeasure and unhappiness radiating from him like a morning fog over a valley. Tony sighed and pulled Stephen to his chest, holding him tight.
“Fuck Stephen- I’m so sorry.”
“Not your fault,” Stephen mumbled.
But there was a flat sort of grey hanging in his eyes and Tony knew it wasn’t okay, but he also knew there was nothing he could ever do. Tony held him close, whispering gentle things into Stephen’s ears.
“Hey, I saw what happened.” Tony looked up to see the carnival stand girl looking apologetic at the two of them. “I don’t know if this would make you feel better, but would you like to play a few rounds for free? It’s on the house.”
Tony smiled and looked to Stephen.
“Does that sound fun?”
Stephen shrugged, laying his chin on the counter.
“You play. I’ll watch.”
Tony nodded, a plan in mind. He missed the first shot but nailed the next four. Then he aimed for the bright yellow balloon titled ‘10,000 points.’ It was tiny, underinflated, and unlikely to pop from elasticity tension. Tony ran a few trajectory equations through his head, nibbling at his lip. He had two darts left. Gravity was his best bet, if he could arc the dart so it landed into the balloon, he might stand a chance. All the other balloons were one point, and by now, he could maybe get Stephen one of those cute little teddy bears, but he wanted to get Stephen something bigger. Like that giant fluffy round hamster plushy the size of Tony’s body.
The first dart missed, bouncing off the board and falling to the ground. Tony took a deep breath and tossed the last dart in a high arc, watching as it fell and fell and fell and gained velocity until it popped the yellow balloon with a loud snap.
Stephen grinned and clapped and Tony did a little dance. The girl grinned.
“Congratulations! What prize would you like?”
Tony grinned and pointed up at the massive hamster. The girl pulled down the hamster and passed it to Tony who promptly passed it to Stephen.
“Hey, I know today hasn’t been great, but I’m really glad I got to spend time with you today. You never fail to make me happy, even when the whole world feels bad, and I want you to know I want to be there for you, on all the good days and bad.”
Stephen looked at the hamster, then back at Tony. He sniffled and broke down in tears.
“Oh God- Stephen? Was it something I said? Are you okay? Oh God, I’m so sorry!” Tony stammered.
Stephen whimpered, tears pouring down his face. Then he turned and ran, the hamster in his arms as he wove through the crowd and through carnival stands. Tony stared after him, heart sinking. He stood there for a second before taking off after Stephen.
It took him twenty minutes to find Stephen in one of the animal shows, surrounded by cages of fluffy baby bunnies. He was crying silently into the hamster, squeezed tight in his arms. Tony knelt beside him.
“Stephen?” His voice was soft. Something was very wrong. “Please… please just tell me what’s wrong. I want to help you.”
Stephen looked away. His chest was so full of lead he couldn’t bring himself to speak. He felt heavy and dense, like an ancient tree rooted to the ground, bark worn by the elements but still there. Unmoving. Unable to move.
Stephen let out a choked whimper.
“I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you.” His voice was cracking and frail. So weak. But it was the truth.
“That’s okay. I just want to make sure you’re safe… are you safe?” Tony asked, taking Stephen’s hands in his.
Stephen nodded.
“It’s just… I don’t know.” Stephen hung his head.
“It’s okay not to know,” Tony whispered. “Do you want to go home now?”
Stephen shook his head.
“I want to ride the Ferris Wheel. Like we do every year.”
Tony smiled softly and hugged Stephen, staying there for a second, the way a curling vine of ivy finds comfort in cracked bark, grey with exhaustion. They stayed there for a bit, nestled amongst the animal cages and beneath the flair of the crowded festival like the world was fog and they were the grass, rooted in place.
Stephen moved first, reaching up and pulling himself to his feet and then reaching for Tony to help him up.
“You know, you’re the best alpha I could have ever wished for,” Stephen said with a small, bittersweet smile.
“Well… I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to fall in love with,” Tony responded.
“Do you promise you’ll always be with me? Through everything?” Stephen asked, squeezing Tony’s hand.
“Of course. I love you, Stephen. And nothing can ever make me stop.”
Tony leaned up and kissed Stephen softly, sweetly. Stephen let his eyes drift closed and he savored every single saccharine second.
They found the Ferris Wheel easily. It was the center of the fair, after all. And one long line later they were sitting in a car going up and up and up. Stephen fidgeted quietly. It was funny how the second all you needed was time it seemed to twist and turn and go faster and faster so blindingly fast you can barely even remembered what you prepared to say. When the carriage got halfway up its arc Stephen bit his lip, letting out a little, tightly-wound sigh.
“Tony… I need to tell you what’s wrong. I’ve been avoiding it all day, but… I just wanted one last good day with you before it all changed.” Stephen looked over the edge of the carriage and let out a dry chuckle. “Although I suppose I ruined my chance at that, too.”
“What- what are you talking about?” Tony’s voice was on edge.
“I-I’m pregnant.”
Stephen stared at Tony full-on. He kept searching for something other than shock but it was like combing a beach for something that just wasn’t there. Stephen’s hands started to shake.
“T-Tony? Please say something.”
Stephen’s voice sounded so small. He felt so small.
“Am I- Am I the dad?” Tony finally asked.
Anger flared deep in Stephen’s gut and for a moment he wanted to slap Tony off of the stupid Ferris Wheel.
“Of course you’re the father!” Stephen snapped. “You fucking idiot- you really think I’m screwing a dozen alphas behind your back?”
His scent soured and he turned away, glaring. Tony stayed quiet.
“Whatever. You probably want to break up with me now anyways. Just do it. I don’t want to have you pretend to care about this. I’ll just… forget about my full-ride to Columbia. I doubt my parents will even let me go. They want me to stay on the farm and become a good obedient little housespouse omega.” Stephen let out an involuntary whimper. Tears were pouring down his cheeks and he hugged himself. “I thought I was going to be happy… I thought I was going to have a future, but I- I don’t know anymore!”
The whole world felt like it was collapsing, folding in an compressing into one invincible singularity stuck in Stephen’s windpipe. Everything was spinning and hot and his head hurt so so much… Stephen closed his eyes and buried his face in his hands, sobbing.
Then, Tony gently wrapped his arms around Stephen, pulling the crying omega to his chest.
“Shh… it’s okay. I’m sorry, I just… I’m a father…” A small smile appeared on Tony’s face. “I couldn’t believe it. But Stephen, whatever you choose to do, this is your choice, and I will back you up 1,000%. I love you, and I meant it when I said I would stay with you no matter what. I know how much medical school means to you, and I swear that I can help you take care of our child so you can study if you choose to keep it. You don’t need to give up your dream, your dream can always stay. If you choose not to keep it, then I’ll be there for you too. No matter what you choose, we’re in this together.”
Stephen let his hands fall away from his face and his head plop on Tony’s shoulder. He was still crying and shaking, but this time from happiness. Tony wasn’t leaving him. He wasn’t going to be stuck alone on a farm his whole life. He would be okay. They would be okay.
He turned and tackled Tony in a hug, enough to rattle their cart. Tony laughed and held them as they reached the top of the Ferris Wheel, watching as the sun set over the fair and the town and everything surrounding it and turned it all to gold.
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