#I feel like this was only to set up last episode's illustration and they were like eh actually too complicated let's back from it
mazojo · 3 months
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girl me too what
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anastacialy · 3 months
alright that last post had me thinking. i understand a ton of people wish penelope and colin got more screen time directly. believe me, i get that! i am always the first to say we should have gotten ten episodes, not eight, just to let the other plots and especially scenes with colin and penelope breathe a little more. but. i keep hearing a lot about how some of the other plots were "completely unnecessary" and "didn't add any value" and that's just plain incorrect. i think a lot of people who i see saying this just sort of... don't understand? narrative foils?
for those uninitiated, a foil is "a literary device that compares and contrasts one character with another to reveal their traits, values or motivations of one character through the comparison and contrast of another character." think of this like a mirror, or a photo negative.
if you are looking for foils of only penelope and colin, we've got plenty, though many other characters foil each other, too. this is bound to happen naturally in a show with so many characters, but for this post i'll focus on them first and foremost: - the mondriches: many wondered what the point of the mondriches plotline was, and though i simply enjoy having them on my screen, (they are incredibly cute together) their narrative purpose is very clear. their son is now a baron, and they must navigate the world as not someone with title, but as the mother and father of a titled lord. penelope and colin, we learn by the end of the season, also have a son, who will be the new baron featherington. it is the very same solicitor that delivers the news to alice and will, who threatens to take away the chance at keeping the estate from the featheringtons. the titled son plotline was clear from the beginning, though it was a "mystery" which sister would turn out to be the mother of the new lord featherington. (mystery is in quotation marks since i doubt anyone actually believed that it wouldn't be penelope). either way, they are foils to another family, and other main characters.
still, they are not finished in their role, as they also serve to illustrate the struggle of working members of the ton, and the argument to give up a business you love in order to remain in good standing. in this, will is penelope's foil, and alice is colin's. though i love both alice and colin, they initially do not understand what it means to give up something you have worked unbelievably hard for, and see their partners giving up their businesses as the easy, clear choice. alice contrasts colin by winning her argument, and convincing will to let go of his bar. will contrasts penelope in the same way, by letting go of something that was important to him in order to make room for other ventures. while will and alice come to a compromise that prioritizes alice's desires (hosting balls to entertain rather than keeping the bar) penelope and colin come to a compromise that prioritizes penelope's desires (revealing her identity as whistledown and getting permission from the queen to continue writing). yet, both pairs have made the choices that are right for them, and both feel satisfied by the compromises.
and the last note on the mondriches' purpose: they show us what is expected of families of the ton, to inform penelope and colin's arguments later in the show. we are shown alice and will being given separate bedrooms, as many of the other families have been shown to have, though it hasn't been quite as clearly remarked upon until now. in their plotline, it is quite a big deal that they are expected to sleep separately, as they haven't before, and do not wish to now. they ultimately decide that they will share alice's designated room — and later, we see that after they argue, it is likely penelope's room that colin is sleeping in front of, rather than going to (presumably) his own. now, it is unclear whether this was simply a set limitation or not, as we never see an interior of colin's bedroom, but it's likely that he had long since decided they'd be sharing penelope's, as that is the room he chooses to introduce to her in the mirror scene, and the sitting area of that room is where he places his desk, whereas hers is inside the bedroom proper. (we only see this and their drawing room, but i don't doubt that the house is larger than was shown, given the size of both those rooms and the hallways that connect them.) - violet, agatha, and marcus: let's see, a brother and a sister, where the sister's best friend wants to be romantically involved with the brother, and all three of them are being weird about it. now where have i heard that one before? in these moments, agatha is a foil to eloise, marcus to colin, and violet to penelope. through them, we can extrapolate ways eloise may be feeling about penelope and colin's relationship, as violet and agatha talk it out, whereas eliose scampers off to scotland quite quickly. the contrast here is that violet and marcus are very timid and reserved in their relationship until they obtain the 'blessing' of agatha to pursue it, whereas penelope and colin dive headfirst into marriage before eloise and penelope reconcile their damaged friendship. however strangely, though, the foils here seem to swap characters often: marcus also mirrors penelope, as it is him who wronged agatha, not violet. another comparison within these three are violet and agatha mirroring penelope and colin, as violet has to outright state to agatha: "i hope you know that my care for you is not contingent on your aid. i am here for you, agatha, always." which shares a sentiment with what penelope states to colin later: "it is not what you do for me that makes me love you. [...] just being you is enough, colin. i do not need you to save me, i just need you to stand by me." agatha and colin, here, both assume their value lies in what they can do for others, rather than simply being themselves with those closest to them. - benedict, tilley, and paul: what, do you not want to see benedict kiss a guy? the fuck?
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aspoonofsugar · 2 years
Life, Death And Rust
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The Parfait Predicament is that the Parfait is the least important thing that happens this episode :P
Here are some thoughts on what we got this week.
When we break or wear out or simply finish what we were made to do we are called back (...) I know, I know. Wehre you come from, things die, but we are not like you at all. We ascend. Herb will have his purpose again.
The CC's speech and Ever After's creatures not dying, but "ascending" ties into 2 themes dear to RWBY and Ruby:
Creation and Destruction
Both ideas come together in The Cycle of Life and Death, which is illustrated (or at least hinted at) in the character of the mysterious Blacksmith:
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The Blacksmith's role seems to be collecting lost weapons and to use their metal to forge something new. When it comes to this, she is similar to Jinxy:
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Jinxy takes things that are lost, changes their shapes and gives people the chance to get them back, if they are willing to pay the price. It is possible that what is left unsold is then given to the Blacksmith, who gives new life to it.
Two details have interested me of the Blacksmith's introduction:
She is made of gold and her workplace is all gold
She is forging a butterfly
Both are important symbols in the series.
Gold is the perfect metal and the objective of alchemy. The characters are going through the scale of metals and getting more and more refined, so that they can become gold. Pyrrha is gold to begin with and is the first one to become a true Huntress and to end her arc. Penny dies surrounded by a golden cloud because she goes from copper (her metal) to gold and reaches perfection. (This also ties with Pinocchio's fairy tale btw). In short, gold is important and the Blacksmith being covered in it frames her as an alchemist. Someone who starts reactions and transforms things.
Butterflies are symbols of transformation, of death and rebirth. So, it is important the Blacksmith is forging this specific animal. It may hint to how she is some kind of God in the Ever After. Or at least, that her role is God-Like. People who lose themselves in the Ever After come to her in the form of weapons and metals. She reworks them and gives them new life. The Butterfly might even be a reference to Herb, who "ascended" and is now being "fixed up".
So, what does all of it has to do with Ruby?
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(I have yet to write a full analysis of Ruby's allusion, I only have snippets of it for now. However, the imagery this episode was rather strong)
Ruby's meeting with the Blacksmith develops 2 ideas already present in the previous episode:
Her Journey Through Grief
Her Loss of Identity
So far, each episode has explored a specific stage of grief. Let's review:
Episode 1 > Denial
Episode 2 > Bargaining
Episode 3 > Anger
Episode 4 > Depression
Last week I identified episode 4 as Acceptance, but now I think it was depression (both Ruby and Herb are depressed). What is true is that it ends with the concept of Acceptance, which is fully developed this episode. The CC's speech and the appearance of the Blacksmith hint to this idea. Ruby, however, is still far away from fully reaching this stage.
Still, she is slowly getting closer to fully facing her ghosts, even if it is difficult to say if this is a good or bad thing right now:
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The Blacksmith's weapons give Ruby 3 different mirror images:
Why is that so? @lintuwaterfall shared a theory where they could represent Id, Ego and Superego (these are their words):
Penny - Id - Desire - She has deep feelings about her friend
Alyx - Ego - Reality - Doing what one can to survive in the world
Summer - Super-Ego - The ideal set out by a Parent
I quite like this idea and whatever the case, it is clear Penny, Alyx and Summer represent 3 parts of Ruby. In particular, they could once again allude to past, present and future (just like Neo's allusion while Ruby is falling may):
Penny is a lot like Ruby's past idealistic self. They became friends precisely because they were so similar. This is also why when Penny came back it is as if Ruby could find her childhood and innocent self once again.
Alyx went through a journey very similar to Ruby to the point they are often paralleled and juxtaposed. Alyx is described as a girl running from herself and she probably lost herself eventually.
Summer is set up to be Ruby's future. She is who Ruby has always wanted to be. An ideal she has been chasing after. She is the self Ruby has always wanted to become. Until recently, at least.
In short, the Blacksmith's scene is just Ruby going through the exact same pattern she did last episode with Herb. There she meets her past self, who asks her who she wants to become and suggests she may meet the same fate as Summer. Here, those unsolved and repressed feelings manifest themselves in a more subtle ways through the weapons.
This may also be why Ruby goes from Penny's beautiful sword:
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To Alyx's humble and small knife:
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From an ideal:
Ruby: Not just a powerful warrior, the most powerful to ever lived. She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes. Take us to the royal birthday, and allow us to present this most precious gift.
To reality, which is much less beautiful and impressive:
The Blacksmith: What are you? Are you lost?
Ruby starts as beautiful as Penny's sword, a precious gem (rubies and jades), but has right now turned into a smaller knife. The question is... who will she become? Which weapon will she choose to wield?
Blacksmith: If you change your mind, you may choose anyone of these you like.
As for now, she seems to be willing to let go of her past self to a degree that is almost dangerous and destructive:
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Ruby: Here, I'll give you this! It carries a mother's promise!
A moment after seeing a glimpse of Summer in herself, she immediately bargains away a reminder of her. Just like she gives up Penny's sword after getting it in order to meet the Red Prince. Ruby has just gone through the stages of grief when it comes to Penny. However, Penny's death has now forced her to go even deeper and to face Summer's. She is probably going through the stages once again, so that she can deal with Summer. Only then she will be able to accept both her friend (her inner child) and her mother (her future ideal self)'s deaths. And change.
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It is too soon to say for sure, but so far Jaune seems a foil to Ruby when it comes to dealing with grief and identity.
It is implied Ruby wishes to forget:
Ruby: When Herbs come back... will he remember anything?
And she is willing to let go of herself completely. To self-destroy:
Young Ruby: You can do whatever you want! Be whoever you want! You don't even have to be Ruby Rose.
The first glimpse we get of Jaune instead suggests he wants to remember:
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He calls his new friend Juniper
He chooses to live in an acre called "garden" and full of flowers (Nora) and leaves (Pyrrha)
The leaves have a rainbow pattern, which calls back to both his teamd and name
His house is a giant lotus (Ren)
He wears a red bow to remember Pyrrha:
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He seems to have been in the Ever After for years, but he has apparently failed to change. He is still wearing his old armor or at least a similar one and his weapon is still broken:
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In short, if Ruby's reaction to grief is to refuse it, to forget it and to self-destroy, Jaune's reaction seems to be not to let go when he should. Both characters clearly have to change and evolve, but Ruby only sees the relief of self-destruction, while Jaune only sees the importance of moving forward. Interesting considering they reacted in opposite ways when it comes to Pyrrha and Beacon. In general, the 2 of them seem to also have exchanged places since the beginning of the series. There Ruby was an already experienced Huntress in theory and very effective in combat. Jaune was instead unsure of his role and was often the load. In this week's episode instead we see how Ruby seems helpless when it comes to fighting, while Jaune rushes to the battlefield and basically takes Ruby's role as the 4th of her team. (This is a superficial note btw... I think the point is simply Ruby doesn't know where to fit right now, which reflects on her fighting style and willingness to fight - see the chess fight).
Basically, Ruby and Jaune explore 2 opposite and extreme reactions to grief. It is probable them both will be forced to revisit them. Ruby might have to accept her own pain, while Jaune might be asked to let go of an already consumed persona.
Obviously, Jaune's appearance might be misleading and he might have already been remade into something new. In this case, his own attachment to the past and knight persona might be an illusion to hide how broken his own identity is (the shattered sword).
Whatever the case, it is probable Jaune will be forced to change and to be remade into his true self. So, that he can finally evolve.
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We have reached the midway of the season. So, all the main characters and ingredients for the story have gathered. This means that both Jaune in the form of the Rusted Knight and Neo in the form of her illusory Jabberwalker have joined the fray and interacted with RWBY.
This gives us space for a meta commentary (this partly repeats last week's post):
Ruby is the protagonist - she even more so than the others has 2 animals guides there to help her out. Still, she is thinking of refusing her role and wants to lose herself and to be remade.
Neo is the antagonist - she multiplies the Jabber Walker aka the only antagonistic forse in the Ever After > the only thing able to kill. Symbolically, she is spreading her grief in a world which knows no death. However, she might seem to want more than just a role and is using her semblance to add new characters and potentially change the story (only 1 Jabberwalker was supposed to exist).
Jaune is the side character- he has completely fused with the story to the point the protagonists know his character even before they meet him. It is as if Jaune is running from his role of main character in RWBY to be content with an easier role in another story.
At the same time:
Ruby processes grief through wishing to destroy herself (she internilizes)
Neo processes grief through wishing to destroy others and the world (she externalizes)
Jaune processes grief through refusing destruction altogether, so he doesn't let go of his mementos and protects others even in this strange world.
We'll see where we go from there. That said, it is interesting the Rusted Knight is introduced fighting the Jabberwalker because these 2 characters are juxtaposed in the opening:
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And there is clearly something going on with the Jabberwalker... are they a person trapped in the Ever After? What is their deal?
The wonderful Chatterbox's song seems to suggest there might be a problem with communication:
I don't think the Jabberwalker is evil. Rather I think they have a problem, but since they are scary, dangerous and impossible to understand people have made them be the villain. Which leads us to the final thematic highlight of this week.
Weiss: It's impossible. Things have to die someday, right? CC: Goodness no! Although, I suppose there is a creature...No, no. That's not the sort of thing you talk about while in polite company.
The CC may insist there is no death in the Ever After, but there actually is in the form of the Jabberwalker. Whatever form this death takes is left to be seen. (When is it that stories die? I would say when they are forgotten or their meaning is lost... so maybe the jabberwalker not being able to articulate things might be the reason behind it?). What is sure is that the Jabberwalker is a creature of Destruction, while the Ever After is the world of Creation. And yet, Destruction and Creation can't be divided:
Weiss: I am so tired of leaving places in ashes.
So, very poignantly the Ever After is compared to Atlas. Both are Kingdoms of Creation where the inhabitants live happily and think they are untouchable. And yet, Destruction arrives and changes things.
I don't think this is the only similarity between Atlas and the Ever After, though. First of all, the 2 places appear as incredibly rich and wonderful, but both ignore their shadows:
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Atlas ignores Mantle and the Ever After ignores whatever place the Jabberwalker comes from. Not only that, but both places are in the end run through control and manipulation and roles.
Each character has a role and is dismissed the moment they are not able to fulfill it anymore? Doesn't it remind you of something? Like a very utilitarian and strict military state?
Maybe this is why the CC's power seems at the same time extremely kind and extremely dangerous. Atlas explores trust, but shows how it can degenerate in control. The Ever After might introduce the theme of empathy and how it can be used for manipulation:
CC: I gave him something new to do for the moment...
Blacksmith: Are you her guide, little one?
Little being recognized by the Blacksmith as Ruby's guide makes me wonder... is it possible Alyx too had a guide? And if yes, could that guy have been the CC? Did they fail their role as guide and this is why they are so interested in RWBY and Ruby especially? To the point they are ready to challenge the Red Prince, to have Herb ascend, to sacrifice a Poor Bird and to risk their own life, just to protect Ruby?
It seems a little bit too much investment for character introduced as minding their own business and acting on a whim.
If so, then this take on Alice In Wonderland is a retelling where Alice fails to get home and The Cat wants to make sure the story doesn't repeat itself? And yet, the CC is not Ruby's guide. Little is. Interesting the juxtaposition between a naive little mouse (heart) and an experienced tricky cat (mind).
Finally, this week's song rocked! I am enjoying the new songs, I must say! Also, this volume's soundtrack so far seems to be about Ever After Characters. Both the Red Prince and the Jabberwalker have now their own song. Interested to see if this continues or if our titular RWBY characters will get new songs as well.
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magic-belodie · 1 year
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I finished MCLAL Kentin episode 6. It cost me 1.206 AP. I got the illustration. Here is the summary: (This summary is the sequel of the summary of the proposal route episode 5: https://www.tumblr.com/magic-belodie/708420728642486272/i-finished-the-proposal-route-of-mclal-kentin?source=share)
You start this episode in the van. The dogs get up from the place where they were sleeping and start wagging with their tails. That can only mean one thing. Kentin comes inside the van and asks if you had a good day. The dogs jump up on Kentin and Kentin hugs them back. Then you pull Kentin towards you to kiss him. Your day was not bad, you saw Rosa, Alexy and Thia and eat ice cream with them. Kentin's day was a little bit tiring, because the customers were tiring. But after work he went to his parents. His parents are doing good, they are still really excited about the wedding. They asked all kinds of questions about the wedding. The wedding is only weeks away, and you two haven't done much of the preparation. But you two have a place for the wedding. Kentin looks a bit tired. The last two months, Kentin worked multiply jobs. You try to cheer him up with some food. Kentin has the week for the wedding free. Like planned. Kentin can't wait. The food is ready. Kentin sets the table outside and you two go sit and eat. The day after tomorrow you two are going to choose the rings in the morning, then Kentin is free. You also arrange to go to the caterer this Friday. It was the only spot they had left. But Kentin can't, he has to work. If he works this Friday, you are able to choose every menu you want. But you want Kentin to go with you. You don't care about that. You just want Kentin to be with you, and do those things with you. Kentin will call his boss tomorrow and change his schedule. You thank him for it. It is the wedding for the both of you. It is much more fun to do those things together. Kentin smiles at you. You are right, Kentin is excited to do those things with you. But Kentin is very tired now. Kentin and you clear up the table and go to bed. You have problem falling a sleep. You are a bit worried that Kentin is working too much. Kentin has been working so hard because of the wedding. He really wants it to be the best. But you haven't seen him a lot since he is working so hard. You didn't imagine organizing, and the time before your wedding, would be like this. If things go on like this, you have to talk about it with Kentin. The next day started normal. You confirmed the caterer for Friday. You walk the dogs and work as a waitress at the Cozy bear café. But when you get back, Kentin is already at the van. Kentin asked to get free for Friday, and it didn't go well. His boss was not happy that Kentin wanted free, after he arranged everything that Kentin could work more hours. Kentin requested it. You ask Kentin why he did that. He is already working enough. Kentin did because of the wedding. You ask Kentin what is going on. You and him have enough money for a wedding. We are in the budget if we stick to what we said. But Kentin wants to be able to do the things big without any limit. It is a really important moment for most girls. For Kentin, of course also. But he wants you to have the wedding of your dreams. That you could just choose any ring or dress you want, and that you don't have to look at the price tag. You can't help but smile, Kentin is so cute. You feel like Kentin is the one with the greatest ambition of the two of you. And three weeks of work is not going to change the budget that much. Plus, the choosing is part of the fun. You want to choose things with Kentin. Kentin wants to choose two, but he wants those things to be covered in diamonds. He wishes he can give that to you. Kentin is so sweet. You are very touched to hear him say that. But the rings, cake, dress, it is all decoration. And it makes you happy to do it and choose it. But the most important is Kentin. If it puts this much pressure on him. It is not worth it. The only thing that matters to you is to share everything with Kentin. You would marry Kentin in secret in the back of the van, without hesitation. Kentin smiles at you. Would you really marry him anywhere? Yes, you would even do it in the cave where you found the dog on your last trip. But you have already booked a place. It is better if you take advantaged of that. Kentin cares your cheek. Let's make the wedding day the best day within you two means. Plus, Kentin is already going to give you the best gift, his last name. Kentin is surprised. He didn't know that you had already made up your mind. Kentin's name Lerhay fits you like a glove. Kentin takes you in his arms and spins you around. You would have told him sooner if you knew that it had this effect on him. Kentin is going to call his boss. He is going to participate in all the choosing stuff. His boss has to understand and otherwise who cares. You are both so happy. The wedding rings Hand in hand, Kentin and you walk to the jewelry store. You two first look outside at the window. You both see multiply things you like. But Kentin and you have to choose. Kentin kisses your forehead. He has been in a fantastic mood since yesterday. You both walk inside the store. The sales lady asks if she can help you two. You two would like to see wedding rings. She shows you where they are lying. Kentin and you are pointing out all the rings. It is hard to choose. And seeing them lay on a cushion reminds you that you haven't chosen the ring bearer. It would be logic to go with Cookie or Muffin. So definitely a dog. They both have an important place in your history. But normally a child would do that. You two could ask Thia. She would like it. Or a friend, Alexy is Kentin's best man. Maybe you two could ask Armin. Kentin says that you may choose. You choose to let Cookie and Muffin do it. Each of them would carry one ring. That way, no one is jealous. Maybe Joker and Siska would be. But Kentin is sure they would understand. It will be perfect. Then you two look back at the rings. You are sure. You want the crossed rings. Plus, the ring that fits with it was the first one that Kentin liked. They will look perfect. Kentin gets the sales woman. She takes your measurements and makes sure they are ready. Kentin and you walk out of the store. Kentin can't wait for all the other choices. You are both so happy. Kentin and you walk to the ceremony place. Both your parents are already there. You all hug each other. And then you tell them about the rings you two have chosen. But they don't get to see them, it will be a surprise. The place looks beautiful. It was a little climb to it. You are 1500 feet high. Kentin was the one who chose the place. Kentin knew the guy of the place. He worked for him a few seasons ago. At the altar you have a view of the whole valley. At the bench you have a view of the mountain. It will be safe, there are fences everywhere. Your parents point out that you both look so happy. And you do, who wouldn't be with a place like this. The meal is going to be served in the big building over there. There will also be dancing and you can park your car behind it. Kentin's parents ask if he still manages everything with work. Kentin took some free time for the wedding. Everything is going great. You discuss a lot of other things for the wedding, and the bachelor party will be organized by the maid of honer and the best man. They ask who you choose. Kentin chose Alexy. You asked Kim. The athletic girl who works at the gym. Your mom thinks it is a good choice. You want to ask them their opinion about activity between the ceremony and the meal. It is a good thing. You all come up with things to do. You like the musical chairs option. Kentin likes it a lot, two. Kentin and you walk back to the van. It was a nice moment with both of your parents. Kentin is also still really happy with the rings. And he can't wait to get his suit tomorrow. You also can't wait to see what Rosa has planned.
The Dress Kentin and you are at Leigh's shop with Rosalya and Leigh. They are both really happy to see you. Kentin points out that you should take the dress you want the most and don't care about the price. Rosa will make sure that happens.  Leigh and Kentin leave to get his suit. You stay behind with Rosa. Rosa shows you the dresses. They are all beautiful. There is one Rosa likes the most, but she doesn't want to influence you. You have to discover the one you love on your own. And no matter what you choose, she has a matching outfit for Kim. The same goes for Kentin with Alexy. Rosa tells you a bit about every dress. Then you get to try all the dresses on. As soon as you put on the breathtaking one, you know it is the right one. You get to pick the dress. There is only one option to choose. This dress was Rosa's favorite. Kentin and Leigh are back. He found the perfect suit. Kentin and you see them back at your bachelor parties. Kentin and you leave the shop. You are both really happy with the outfits. The wedding is coming together. The caterer Kentin and you have tasted all the appetizers. You don't know what to choose. You taste again and choose the forgotten vegetable verrine. It is very colorful and tastes so good. And it is light, a good way to start. That way, Kentin and you will still be able to dance in the evening. Then we can move on to the main course. Since the wedding is in the mountains, they made something special. Balsamic pork tenderloin with cured ham and a salt-crusted potato. You taste the food. It is really delicious. Kentin has no words for it. It is so good. They also have a vegetarian option, which is also perfect. Then you get to choose the dessert. It will be a decorated cake or a tired wedding cake. You get to taste all the options and choose to go with the decorated cake and chocolate taste. It is one of the classics they are selling a lot of them. It is not a surprise. Then everything is set.
The Bachelorette Party Kentin and you still haven't decided on the honeymoon yet. You two have some time left before your parties start. Kentin was already looking at a place for you two. A paradisiacal place. That you two have never been before; Cuba. During the dry season, it will look incredible. Kentin always has wanted to go. You two already have been to a few of the Caribbean islands, but not to this one. Kentin asked if you had already thought of a place. And you did. You thought of Canada. The adventure of the nature. The forest and the snow, it calls to you. Or you could go to a hotel spa and have a relaxing retreat. The opposite of the van. Kentin likes both the options. You choose to go with Canada. Cuddling up with Kentin in a cabin. Spending days in the forest and the snow. Kentin also likes the idea. It sounds like a great program. It would be a nice change. He can already picture it.
You have to leave for your party and walk to the park entrance. There you see Rosa. She asks if you are ready and lets you turn around. Then you see all your friends; Priya, Kim and Melody. You all hug each other and go into the limo. The limo takes you to the beach. There you have a treasure hunt. The puzzles were about your travels with Kentin. They also arranged a meal and a sleeping place. It was amazing.
The Big Day You are with Rosa in the van, and you are very nervous and not able to stand still. It also makes Rosa nervous. If she doesn't get your dress good, you have to marry in your underwear. So you keep standing still. But you are still nervous. You shouldn't think of everything that could go wrong. You should think of everything that could go right. Kim keeps you updated on how it is going at the location. Everyone has arrived, and the cake looks beautiful. Muffin and Cookie already have the rings. You start to relax. Everything is going to be okay. Your dress is ready. You look like a princess. Rosa and you go to the ceremony location. 
Your dad is waiting for you and walks you to Kentin. Kentin looks stunning. You get to read his mind. When he saw you, it felt like the whole mountain was rocking. Kentin was waiting for this moment, his whole life. It wasn't just a feeling. He dreamed of this moment for so long. And it is finally here. You are even prettier than you have ever been. He can't take his eyes off you. Kentin is afraid you will disappear if he does that. But you are really there. The moment he has dreamed of so many times. And now he is living it. It is even more beautiful than he could ever dream. He hopes that this moment also meets your expectations. The story switches back to you. You are at the altar and hold Kentin's hand. It is time for the vows. Kentin starts. He is necessarily not the most comfortable when it comes to words. And he already hopes that you know how much he loves you since always. But he wants to tell you again in front of family and friends. And above all, to tell you again here, it's the closest thing to the top of the world. In any case, it's the highest we can get without having to get married in an insulated jacket. Because that is where he wants to be with you. On top of the world. That is where you belong. You deserve nothing less. Kentin has known it since the first time he saw you. At that moment, he knew he liked to go to the end of the world with you. He wants to go everywhere, and that you feel like he feels now everywhere. Happy, loved and the world at your feet. You have tears in your eyes. But now you have to say your vow. You have always felt like that. Ever since you and Kentin found one another again. It took you some time to realize it. To realize that your idea of a lot of things was wrong. That you had the possibility of being happy, as you have never been before. You just had to agree to change your perspective. This place is perfect for the both of you. You never have made a better decision, then to leave and see the world with Kentin. And if Kentin is right that you deserve to be on the top of the world. It is all thanks to him. And you be rather anywhere else with him then here alone. And you want to thank him for that. That is always why you loved him. Kentin has tears in his eyes. Everyone is clapping. The rings are coming towards you two. Muffin and Cookie walk over the aisle. They both have a ring on their color. The dogs sit at your feet so you both could take a ring and put it on each other's fingers. You both say I do. Kentin and you may kiss. He takes you off the ground and into his arms. You kiss him passionate. You get the illustration. Then the episode ends.     
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
This is a Poll! I Will Eventually Get to the Poll!
Conversational drift is a thing and if you got someone who's drift compatible, you hang onto that person for life.
So, the spouse and I were discussing how the word "subwoofer" is wasted on an audio device and it should instead refer to some kind of discreet toy that give deep bass vibes, perhaps via blue whale noises. That's not what I'm gonna ask you about, Tumblr, that is objectively true.
No. Somehow we decided Yassified Mrs. Tweedy from Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget has real dom energy and her next conquest would be El Pollero himself, Gus Fring - if only he wasn't gay! El Pollero is Mrs. Tweedy's impossible dream! In fact, once he finds out about the chicken collars, he might try to seduce "what's-his-nuts, in the chicken suit" away from her. "Mr. Tweedy II," I ad-libbed, (It's Dr. Fry but I had to look it up.) "has it never occurred to you to to sell these happiness collars to people?" And then, in a goofier voice, "But they're chicken collars, they're to make chickens happy..."
And the spouse says, "I don't know how to make people happy!"
If I'd been drinking water I would've done a spittake. "WTF, are you adding emotional depth to this? Oh, my god. That's a fic!"
"It's a crack pairing. It'd only hold up for a thousand words or so..."
"No! Are you kidding me?"
"100k, slow burn romance?"
"YES!" A pause. "In the spirit of that game where you buy three items to freak out the cashier, the only fic I have on AO3 right now is the WTYP one. WTYP fights Gozer, a slow burn romance between Gus Fring and whats-his-nuts in the chicken suit, and what's the third one...??"
After some discussion, I admitted, "The one I really wanna do is Bartleby the Scrivener as a Seinfeld episode... And maybe in the B-plot Kramer does The Tell-Tale Heart."
"Wait, is Kramer the killer or the victim?"
"The killer? I dunno, we need him for the next episode..."
Anyway, we decided Kramer gets a Furby and he's taking it everywhere and Newman's real annoyed with it, but he needs to sneak into Kramer's room while he's sleeping and steal it without setting it off. A cursory internet search suggests that Furbies and Seinfeld did share a brief moment on this planet, so this would've been one of the last episodes, perhaps a lost finale. ...In which case I would be free to kill whoever I like!
But, okay. I'm done with my next six-pack and I'm not going to publish it until I can illustrate. My eyes are putting me on indefinite hiatus. But I can write! So, if I get real bored... And I'm not saying I will, 'cos I got a lot of eye exercises to do and ATM they get me real tired and useless. But IF I get real bored, and if this poll strays across your dash, and you decide to care, do you wanna see:
Option 1: A slow burn romance between Gus Fring, from Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad, and Dr. Fry from Chicken Run: Dawn of the Nugget, guest starring Yassified Mrs. Tweedy. I can't promise you 100k but I will take it as seriously as I can.
Option 2: An episode of Seinfeld where Elaine details her investigation of her new coworker Bartleby, George tries to get out of work by saying "I prefer not to," and Kramer and Newman do The Tell-Tale Furby.
And if you feel moved, go ahead and steal. I think our takes would undoubtedly be unique, and it would be hilarious if someone clicked on a tag and found MORE THAN ONE.
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elmainlcye · 2 years
Do you really think there is a chance of stancy being endgame? Steve's scene watching Nancy and Jonathan's reunion feels like closure to me and...
"Season 5 is going to start pedal to the metal. We're not going to do the ramp-up. There's no time. There's no normalcy, obviously, once you've reached the end of four. That's not like there's going to be time to explore our characters' love life, and how is Steve’s dating going? There's going to be none of that, it's just going to be going 100 miles an hour from the beginning."
i mean the Duffers made it very clear that season 5 is going to be action from minute 1 and the specification that there is not going to be time to explore the love lives of the characters especially Steve makes it look like they are going to leave things as they are on the romantic stuff (jancy, Mileven, jopper endgame).
It's the last season and they have to tie up a lot of loose ends in regards to the overall plot literally they are not going to have more time to delve into the characters love life and that kind of drama like they said.
It's going to be 8 episodes of the length of 45 minutes, that seems to me little time even just for the supernatural plot so....
Also sorry for my bad English!
hi there! in the same interview you're citing, the brothers say this when discussing character arcs in season 5:
"...and again, that's sort of setting up sort of us coming full-circle back to Season 1, and I think you'll see that with a couple of character arcs, not just with Will, but also with Steve and Nancy, and her relationship with Jonathan where things are not fully resolved. The characters have maybe made steps like in the case of Will, but that journey isn't over yet and all of that is going to play a huge role as we try to wrap this thing up next season." (x) so no, the camera panning to steve walking dejectedly away while robin rubs his back was not meant to be seen as closure. and regarding the "how steve’s dating is going" comment, that was the db saying that unlike season 4, where the first two episodes were spent establishing what the characters have been up to for the past year, with little given to the main conflict before all the characters come together when they realize Something's Wrong, season 5 is going to be pedal to the metal. they are picking up right where they left off, no wasting time with What Are They Up To Now b-plots, which is how they've started each season previously. there's going to be no 'how nancy's time heading the school newspaper is going,' 'how eleven's been adjusting to her new high school,' etc. steve dating around to try and find love is an equally easy way to illustrate that point.
beyond that... yes, i do think all of this is to set-up steve and nancy ending the series together. the...12? sdhjk intellectuals in stancy hive have reflected on this much better than i have the bandwidth for, and have eloquently brought attention to themes, motifs, etc. but in essence, they not only brought back romantic tension between steve and nancy, but had dustin and robin, the two people who know steve best and mean the most to him comment on it and advocate for it, had eddie, the now wise-ghost quasi-omniscient plot device characterize it as true love, had vecna take nancy through her unresolved trauma about barb and interspersed that with memories of her and steve’s first time, had her wake up from that trance in steve’s arms, had steve and nancy connect about the future, had steve confess his dreams of a future with nancy that was interrupted before she could respond, and topped it all off with jonathan lying to her about college and what he sees as their miserable future together. and that’s just season 4. and to your point that there’s no time for this in season 5, well, they already did all the work. we just have to hear from nancy.
sometimes you kind of like.. just have to pick up what they’re putting down, you know? there’s a lot in this show that relies on theory. romance has never been that.
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lightlunas · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Episode 10
Episode 10 was a nice episode overall, but there were some differences to the manga I didn't like, though they're mostly nitpicks.
-The only one that's kind of relevant is the part where Denji just short-circuits and Power beats him, which I feel has a bit of a different tone in the anime than in the manga.
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This to me just feels like a comedy moment, especially with Power's expression, it seemed more serious in the anime, I've even seen someone think Denji was about to cry.
-They left out this line when Kishibe comes to their home, which presumably shows a bit how the alocohol actually affects him, since he forgot that he told them he'd pick them up. Or maybe Fujimoto just forgot he made him say that last chapter and that's why they left it out, who knows...
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-This is just personal preference, but I would've loved a shot of Power and Denji side-by-side like in the manga
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sort of like this edit I made:
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-Then there's the way the episode ended. This is also more of a nitpick, but... I feel like it really kind of illustrates the difference in tone that the manga and the anime are going for. What kind of expectations are set as a cliffhanger. I'll just let the pictures do the talking (spoiler for like, what will be the first 10 seconds of episode 11) This is where the anime ended, which adapts this page perfectly:
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And this, one page later, is the ACTUAL last page of the chapter, which for some reason they felt wouldn't set the right tone as a cliffhanger:
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Again, I feel like this perfectly represents how the anime puts a stronger emphasis on the dark and serious aspects of CSM over the goofy ones. Not that it doesn't also include the funny and light-hearted moments and does them well of course, but the general tone is slightly shifted from CSM's unique brand of humor.
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mk-wizard · 1 year
15 Video Games that could translate well into a TV series or Film
Hi, everyone. I mentioned in my last post that my favourite Final Fantasy game Final Fantasy 4 would make an excellent TV series as long as it stays true to the source material, but after thinking about it, it’s not the only one. And with the success of the Mario Brothers film, I think other iconic stand a good chance at making a great show. Note that some of these game have already been made into movies or shows, but I mention them anyway because they still have what takes to translate into amazing TV shows or film when they’re respected and the follows the source material. And above all else, culture wars and politics stay out of them. Games and fantasies are a neutral territory for everyone. I will also not mention video games that already have great shows or movies made out of them, so I will not bring up Sonic the Hedgehog.
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1- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (anime series): This is the best LoZ video game in opinion and it had a very episodic feel to it within itself. It has been adapted into manga four times and I can confirm as someone who read them that they were all great. With that said, this game could definitely translate beautifully into in anime TV series. Heck, the illustrations in the manual were fit for an anime as they were.
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2- Chrono Trigger (anime series): This is another video game that feels episodic for obvious reasons and it has a tight cast. Plus, the art was already made by Akira Toriyama who also did the art of several Dragon Quest video games which also got several successful anime spin offs. Plus, the characters are very well developed and animated. My only nitpick is that I would not give the hero Crono a voice. In fact, I think it would be better and a very nice twist if he was mute because you don’t need to be noisy to be a hero. Also, this anime would have to be drawn by Akira Toriyama. Period.
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3- Secret of Mana (aka Secret of Mana 2 in Japan) (anime or cartoon): This game’s story and visuals are a fan favourite and are beloved even by adults. Plus, I could imagine this anime/cartoon as a big hit with kids too. However, it has to stay true to the plot and the characters have to be in character all the way down to their true names.
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4- Resident Evil (CGI film): Now, I know what you’re all thinking, but hear me out. When I propose making a movie out of RE, I mean RE 1 the video game. Not a spin off, not a reimagining, not an AU and not a self-insert fanwork that got greenlit. I mean a film that stays 100% true to the plot of the game that started it all. Of course, we can leave out the puzzles and just reference them instead. Also, I would have the narrative switch between Chris and Jill. Who knows? Maybe a proper movie will remind Capcom what RE really is and set it back on the right path.
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5- Silent Hill (CGI or live action film): Considering a revival of the video game franchise, perhaps a proper movie is in order. Like my RE suggestion, I can easily see the first game translating into an amazing film. Harry Mason is so underrated and he deserves more respect than being called “feminine” for being a good dad. He’s also a very relatable character because he isn’t a man of action. He’s everyman who dearly loves his daughter.
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6- Darkstalkers (anime series): Usually, fighting games don’t translate well into film or shows because each character’s story is too unique and you usually too big of a cast to work with. However, Darkstalkers is the exception because it usually 90% of the same cast, each character’s story intertwines and Morrigan is a pretty badass heroine. She as “strong female” as they come. She kicks butt, is independent and she’s got style. Plus, she did it all FIRST long before Bayonetta.
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7- Final Fantasy V (anime series): Like FF4, FF5 which I admit is also my second favourite FF game, has an amazing and unique story which would translate beautifully into an anime series. It has a tight well developed cast that makes you laugh and root for them, Bartz is a charming hero, ExDeath is a delightfully evil villain and the art and music of the game is stunning. However, it has to stay true to the source material unlike the attempt that was made in the past which was pretty bad.
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8- Dino Crisis (CGI or live action film): This video game was made to be film material as it even feels like the long lost sister of Jurassic Park. It is also another video game that has a strong female protagonist Regina who breaks all the molds. Like with RE, I would just reference the puzzles and I would true to the source material, but I would forgive some liberties because the setting is supposed to be in the future and now, that future is past. Plus, you can’t go wrong with dinosaurs.
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9- Dead Space (CGI, live action or cartoon film): Not much to say here except that this franchise already had an animated prequel, so why not just go the whole nine yards and make the first game into a film? The twist at the end is one of the best twists in writing I have ever seen. The story alone plays out like a modern Lovecraft film.
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10- Castlevania (cartoon or anime series): I know this one recently had a series, but it was bad. The jokes were not funny, the plot was boring, the characters were not likeable or in character, and the obvious hate towards Christianity was in poor taste especially because the real Castlevania is religion neutral and positive. The art was solid though and the source material makes for a solid TV series. However, when creating a proper series for this franchise, you have to accept that it has Christian themes. If you can’t, then you shouldn’t be working on it. Plus, if you want to adapt it into your own way, the best blank canvas Belmont to use is Simon and even then, please make him likeable and a hero we can root for.
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11- Parasite Eve (anime film): This video even felt like a cop-horror movie and considering it is actually the sequel of a novel with the same name which also got the film treatment, it would be great. However, I would make it an anime not live action especially consider what Mitochondria Eve and the monsters look like. In fact, this game had a manga based on it and it was nice. And Aya Brea was unjustly forgotten. She deserves to be remembered and known.
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12- Marvel’s Spider-Man (cartoon series): Honestly, I’m surprised that this game was not pitched as a cartoon series first because THIS is exactly the type of Spider-Man we want to see more of. We’re long overdue for a non-child-friendly Spider-Man as it is. My only nitpick is that it would look even better and the facial expression would be more passionate if it was animated in 2D.
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13- Final Fantasy VI (anime series): This was my brother’s favourite FF game and I have to admit that it was FF’s last great game before it developed an identity crisis. When I think about it, it can work, but you would have to condense the cast in such a way that some characters become secondary or tertiary ones. The main cast would work for this story in order for it work as anime would have to be Terra, Locke, Celes, Edgar and Sabin. That’s it. They have the most impactful roles in the story and the plot only moves on as long as they are there. Don’t get me wrong, I like the other characters too, but their stories are very personal and they are more like team mates towards one of the five main characters.
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14- A Plague Tale (anime or cartoon series): Both Innocence and Requiem feel episodic and play out like a TV drama within itself. It is a beautiful story worth animated as a cartoon or anime because you don’t see many like it. The bond between Amelia and Hugo is absolutely touching and while it sad, it’s a beautiful kind of sadness.
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15- Metal Gear (CGI or cartoon series): Did you know that Solid Snake was actually inspired by both Rambo and Van Damme? Well, that alone says a lot. Snake has the personality of a TV character to begin with and the series could play out like multiple seasons of a series that could become a cult classic. My only proposal is that one you do Metal Gear Solid, stop. After that game, everything got weird, contradictory and confusing. Also, let’s animate it. The actors who inspired Snake’s look are too old to play him and I can’t imagine anyone else doing so.
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amplifyme · 11 months
Cat and Mouse
I’m back! Another short entry; but I’m sure it will still be delightful~ :DDDDD
Anyway, my thoughts: a pleasure to reread, especially in putting William’s grumbles and Winslow’s abrasiveness in better contexts, having gotten to know the characters from the show. Love how Nan captures the littleness of “human” reactions without self-discipline, all ages, ranges, and stages of life. Cullen is really growing on me-- I already liked him from AWTN; but was a bit thrown by the series episode. Rereading is putting it all back together, in a way. Father is delightful even in his flustery, mother hen panicky concern. Vincent and his chessboard maneuvers-- with ‘Rat’ and the people Below alike-- are fascinating, especially knowing what else Nan is building on top of these moments. Vincent’s anger at feeling ‘separated’ from the people Below by his failure is really, really excellent of Nan to draw from, touch on, and further set up for future explorations. 
Overall, highly enjoying myself-- and so is Sis (she is enjoying the experience more than the human drama; but that’s her typical schtick.Sis: “Hey, don’t get me wrong, I can get invested in human drama….”). And I am also highly enjoying taking her most extreme reactions, hyperbolizing them, and reading them back to her (Sis: “Yeah… they’re fun…” said with woeful sarcasm? “I dunno-- irony, maybe.”) And now, I shall transcribe Sis’s reactions: 
““He resignedly scuffed on to the top of Father's stair, overlooking the study, which seemed empty. “Father? I'm sorry if I'm late, I—” “Vincent?” Father's voice brought Vincent's head up, and he located Father on the balcony, shoving off a stool and starting in great haste down the spiral iron staircase. “Vincent? Where on earth have you been?”” Sis: COOL YOUR JETS, OLD MAN. Let him live.”  (We had a bit of banter here-- her Father’s stanship will last because she is invested enough to critique and still hold him as a favorite.) 
She and I are having a brief tete a tete (Sis: “BUT WE ARE ALREADY HAVING A CONVERSATION-- it’s different than a tete a tete because--” and I lost the rest because she was talking a mile a minute) over Father’s parental worries-- she’s still salty about Devin-- but, overall, it’s entertaining for me to hear her ranting (“No, it’s not ranting, it’s not really ranting!” she rushes to assure me, after she calls it ranting.) 
““You say you were hunting,” Father prodded. “The so-called rat, I presume? Did you...settle the matter?”” Sis was so highly amused she was cackling over Vincent going Street Fighter on a metaphorical rat. 
I was describing these short stories as photos in an album to better illustrate why Father still has lessons to learn (on top of the other lessons he will ALSO learn in AWTN); and Sis threw in the idea that Diana is the third party that thinks all of this is messed up. We’re having a blast (Sis: “It’s about the friends we made along the way.”) 
““Vincent, don't ever say that. You are not an animal.”” Sis: “Just try getting him to believe you. Obviously, that didn’t work.” 
We briefly talked about Gabriel, and Sis made a crack about punching him amicably before both of us denied it because she doesn’t have amicable feelings towards Gabriel (Sis: “I’m not friends with him. He’s just a guy.”) 
““...Vincent could sense only the tension and the anger, none of the love and relief they sprang from.”” and ““As the outer bruises faded, the inner ones went deeper, toward the heart, affecting Vincent's most basic sense of who he was and of what he was to everyone around him.”” are so key to Vincent’s journey in AWTN-- glad I caught it even more the second time around. 
““Father patted at the air. “William, that's a matter of simple logistics--”” Sis’s mouth dropped open, imagining the numerous logistics: “Well then, you figure it out, Father!” I explained how Father would not be able to do so as well as William. She completely understood: “Oh, well, fine.”
““When Cullen's hand landed on his shoulder, he was so startled he nearly choked.”” THERE’S CULLEN STARTLING HIM AGAIN. Love whenever Cullen does that in the narrative. 
Sis gave Part 2 a “thumbs up”-- she’s a self-described “click off” reader, meaning she reads, she likes, she clicks off. Her modus operandi. So a thumbs up is her way of expressing “yay” to the reading experience. (Yes, she does this to my stuff, too.) 
Anyway, gotta shuffle off again! Will be back soon with the next installment~.
Hey! Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Yesterday was cray-cray. I love reading yours and Sis's thoughts and the bantering you do while in the midst of your re-read. I really don't have anything to add to this except for one thing, below the cut...
““Vincent, don't ever say that. You are not an animal.”” Sis: “Just try getting him to believe you. Obviously, that didn’t work.” 
Okay, but here's the thing, V is right: he is an animal. And he's much more cognizant of that fact than any of the people he lives amongst and loves. That's always been and will continue to be Father's absolute blind spot when it comes to his very unique son. There's no doubt F offers that belief to V out of deep love and respect for all the things V is that don't include "animal," but to deny that part of him is to refuse to accept the whole of the person - good and bad. And I think it's part of the reason V has such issues with his own sense of worthiness.
It's the same thinking that so many fans (especially Classic) have of Vincent: that he's this perfect man who just happens to have leonine features and enormous strength. But they're wrong, he's not just a man. He's very much other, and a large part of that is animal. And there's nothing wrong with that. Vincent is a singularly unique individual, a "creature who has never been."
I think one of the reasons Nan and I hit it off so well is because we shared the same beliefs about V. It's so easy to focus on the aspects of him that are the most admirable and relatable. But if you chose to ignore or disregard the truth of his otherness, then you do him a great disservice.
One of my favorite lines in the show ever, is one of Diana's and is, sadly, one that a lot of folks didn't or don't pay enough attention to. It not only goes a long way in explaining who she is and how she thinks, but it also strikes me as the perfect example of why she and V are such a perfect pairing. Because it proves that she'll be able to acknowledge and accept all of Vincent, and not just the parts that are the best of him.
"If all you’re willing to see is what you’ve seen before, you’re gonna miss half of what’s going on."
I'll leave you with that. 😊
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againtodreaming · 1 year
Hi dear :))
For the ask game:
Chamomile, camelia, orchid, ivy,
(Sorry not sorry you didn't set a limit-)
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Hi Misfortune!!! Tysm for the ask <3 (and i will never set time limit on these things ;)) ALSO!!!! THE BIRD IS SO CUTE!!!! 😍💖 Back to another episode of "Mila tries and fails to answer questions in less than 10 sentences"
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
I mean, it depends? It's a case-by-case basis thing.…ok, I'm lost so let's go back to the words I wrote when I was trying to outline my answers to see if I can figure out how to elaborate the logic behind that. 
[Meaning. Useful. Emotion.]
Like…well, that? Not sure how to explain it. Like my uncle last year gave me a hammock bc it was on sale and like, why would i even want a hammock 😭 Even if i did want it, there is no place to put it in my house!! I can’t even use it.  It’s useless and minimum effort bc like, he knows I like to draw and write and read. Like, buy me office supplies at least! Those are cheap too and I will actually use them. He bought me the 6th book of a fantasy series when I was a kid and ok, idk why he only got me the 6th book of a series I had never heard of when I didn’t even have the 1st 5 books but at least I enjoyed reading it even if I was somewhat lost with the plot. And last year he bought me some cheap notebooks for Christmas I think which I did like bc I love notebooks and can always have more so it’s like. If u are not going to put some thought or effort into the gift and make it meaningful, like, at least give me smth I will actually use. If not it feels like such a waste since it will be just shoved somewhere in a closet never to be seen again. But another example, my aunt. She rarely buys me stuff bc money, but when she does they are things she likes that she thinks I will like which I love!! And even when she doesn’t buy me stuff, she makes really pretty illustrations for me. Or even my younger siblings!! There have been a lot of times they have given me handmade crafts (or drawings) they made and like, okay, most of them were not exactly what u would call pretty, but their intentions and the effort they put into it is what mattered!! Or a great-aunt who knitted a scarf for me. I haven’t seen her many times in my life so we don’t really know each other well, and I don’t care much for scarfs, but she didn’t have to give me anything but she wanted to and decided to make a scarf herself which I appreciate a lot plus I will probably need to use a scarf during winter, so you know, useful too.
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
@irritable123 you also asked orchid: 
None I think? I mean like…What is perfection?
Ended up going to the dictionary:
perfect (adjective): complete and correct in every way, of the best possible type or without fault
So like, perfection doesn't really exist? Bc like, are we judging it under whose parameters? It doesn't exist. It's all subjective. Unless maybe we add religion to the discussion but that's a whole other thing and I haven't had religion classes since primary school (it wasn't even a favorite class so I didn't really care for keeping the notebooks after the school year either) and that was only Catholicism, so not knowledgeable enough either to even try to debate that. So, back to the point, songs. Perfection has never entered my mind when judging anything but my own stuff and I know nothing about music (can't even remember how to read the music sheets and I know I knew that in primary school, like that's the most basic thing, we probably learned it in 2nd grade or smth) so I don't have enough (not even the basic) knowledge to even try to judge it on a technical standpoint either. If we are going to judge perfection using my own likes as parameters……..can't be done either. I just listen to whatever I'm in the mood for? I just add every new song I like to the same playlist I have since I was like 12 or 13 years old and favorites come and go. I do have more specific playlists in youtube but it's mostly categorized by the fandom of each AMV and a couple for WIPs and one that's like, comfort music. And I speed up almost all of them up every time I listen to them (reason why I prefer to listen in Youtube rather than Spotify but I'll accept Spotify when I need to use my phone for background music), so even if I did consider a song perfect, would it even count when I prefer to listen to it in the speed up version? 😅😂
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
....look. I can remember the most random details about my childhood, most emotions and summarizing strokes, but ask for specific memories and I'm lost (unless u are asking for a few negative ones or random snapshots). So like, trying to be accurate here but no idea how correct I am being aasdfghj
Okay I was always described as: shy, quiet, kind, and creative. Smart by adults. Which like…I mean, they always told me that I became really talkative after I knew someone for a while. I don’t know if i have become more talkative after all the moving countries plus growing up, or maybe it just feels like I’m more talkative bc most of my childhood friends were really extroverted and more talkative (they usually talked to other people for me…I was REALLY quiet with people I didn’t know, even if they were classmates) (just you know, shaking my head for yes or now and 1 sentence answers at the most) (i did talk a little more with some classmates after i got familiar with them and if i liked them) than me so maybe I just didn’t notice it?? And okay, social confidence has always been super low, but I was fine in general in other aspects. Then moving countries and like, confidence in every part of myself dropped below zero. I didn’t even feel capable of washing vegetables for a time (idk!! but in my brain i could surely find a way to mess it up and wash it wrong and then everyone would maybe get sick and and and yep i couldn’t)  and I’ve been doing that since I was probably like 5 years old so like omg 😭🤦‍♀️💀 Then, this last year the confidence levels have started rising to more normal levels, wouldn’t say they are very high, but they are good enough to function. Somehow, definitely better with social situations than when I was 13 so that’s at least an improvement. I've become a lot worse in academic stuff, mostly bc depression and anxiety and at first the foreign language thing and well, the zero confidence for anything so I just haven’t been doing anything in fear I will mess up. Like, I’m sort of all or nothing with stuff 😅 Been doing well this school year so far but like, the classes have been easy so far so like yeah, we’ll see how it goes. I don’t know, I just used to be more active, present, useful, productive, I actually did the stuff I wanted when I was younger. But most things, it’s just…I mean, aside from being more mature and self-aware (from so much overthinking lol) I don’t think I’ve changed much? Same interests, same likes, same values, same personality. Things got added but that's it i think? It’s just how the way I act that has changed a bit but trying to get back into doing the stuff I used to so it’s like, the want is still there, it’s just my willpower that’s a work in progress ig? Not sure what more to add in this section so just stopping here 😂
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
Happy = this one is usually obvious (pretty sure at least, my sister says i'm usually easy to read; also, i don't really bother trying to hide my emotions except in some occasions). The more happy, the more energetic i get, the higher and faster i talk (although this one also happens when I'm annoyed), and I just get really...I don't energetic, I want to do stuff, have fun, more optimistic, laughing a lot, more social, affectionate
Annoyed. Depends on levels? As I said, higher and louder and faster I talk. I will either be complaining a LOT or staying really silent, with some trying to not be snarky comments with varying levels of success if someone directs any question to me or if the annoyance just gets too much (i usually try to retreat before that happens tho). Also, dramatic.
Upset..right, remember me saying that i don't really like to hide my emotions unless it seems necessary? It's this section (sometimes annoyance, like it, depends but mostly here bc I can complain a lot but a lot of it is mostly out of principle). Depends on the level and category of upset really, and how close someone is to the situation. And if it's useful to share. Like, if i think telling someone will help my problem, I will probably share but if not, I'll just keep quiet and deal with it myself. Or if it's too recent. A lot of stuff is old news by now even if they are still problems so sharing those is easier than new stuff that are still doing their obligatory rounds around my head. If I feel like it's...idk, justified or inconsequential for me to be upset I will be upset. Either complaining about anything minor that has suddenly become annoying bc of my mayor annoyance, or complaining about whatever thing i'm being forced to do, or silent or taking turns doing both and just with no wants for anything and just like, no energy for anything and wanting to be alone and not wanting to talk or do stuff or anything. If I'm hiding it...it's not actually hiding bc it's not like I'm actually making an effort to hide it but just like, no complaining and I will not make efforts to behave happily or anything but I will also not express that I'm upset? Like, you can ask me whatever and I will just lie and either deny feeling upset, downplay it, attribute it to whatever else or just shrug and shake my head in yes or no and try to escape the conversation. Like, just will be more quiet and subdued. I actually don't know how good I'm at lying bc I really dont like lying but also, the few times I have lied nobody has said anything about it so ig they believe it? Or are they just giving me the benefit of doubt??? Like no idea, I don't lie enough to have much data. Also, half the time I'm upset about smth I can be more passive aggressive but, unlike my sister who will be doing passive aggressive comments each time she seems me, I will be so passive about it that the only one who ends up knowing about it it's me which is both frustrating and relieving and embarrassing so...yep. I just don’t like fighting ig. Can't do silent treatment tho, my sister does it and it's like ugh. I hate it. Plus I don't like being upset, anger requires so much energy and feels awful and it's my least favorite emotion, and the sooner the conflict is over the better. Tend to fidget a lot with my rings or hair-ties or rocks (if i have them near) or strands of hair when anxious. Also, almost forgot to mention this part but if I'm upset about smth and the people I'm talking with are not related at all with the problem, I usually don't mind talking about it
Tired....i mean tired? Quiet, subdued, maybe complaining, no energy to want to do anything, stressed about all the stuff I have to do.
ps: no idea how obvious i am when i'm upset when i'm not trying to make it obvious. bc sometimes people notice and sometimes they don't?? even when i think i'm pretty obvious?? So like yeah, no idea
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jackiestarsister · 1 year
OUAT Rewatch: Season 2
Possible spoilers for future seasons are noted in parentheses.
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Episode 2x01 “Broken”
~ The first time I saw this episode, I did not realize that the opening scene was part of it, because it starts in such an ordinary, mundane setting outside of Storybrooke or the Enchanted Forest. It is only when the bird shows up with the Storybrooke postcard that it becomes clear that this is that story.
~ I’m quite confused about the timeline of Maleficent and Aurora’s relationship, given what they say about each other and what is shown in later seasons.
~ Although a tearful reunion might have been expected, Emma’s reaction to her parents makes complete sense. It’s weird and awkward because she has been carrying mixed feelings about her parents her whole life, and they’ve turned out to people she has already spent time with, and even considered friends/family.
~ Snow/Mary Margaret is right that they have lot to talk about, but she could have at least waited until they were alone before trying to initiate that catching-up conversation.
~ Dr. Frankenstein being the one to lead an angry mob is quite ironic!
~ Why/how does Gold have a selection of women’s clothing in his shop? Does he sell secondhand clothes too? That’s a funny scenario to imagine, if people come to his shop like it’s a boutique!
~ Mary Margaret improvising a blowtorch = badass!
~ Why does Regina play ignorant when Jefferson is mentioned?
~ How/when did Gold learn that the wraith was gone and Regina survived? Did anyone tell him?
~ Mary Margaret did the opposite of Gold when her child was being sucked into a portal to another world. He clung to the world he was comfortable in, whereas she leapt in to follow her daughter into the unknown.
~ While it is sad to see them separated from Emma and Snow/Mary Margaret, it is really nice to see David and Henry finally spend time together during this half of the season.
~ This episode is pretty confusing as far as the flashbacks/flashforwards go. Did the Land Without Magic storyline happen before the Enchanted Forest storyline?
Episode 2x02 “We Are Both”
~ Considering Emma and Snow/Mary Margaret have been kind of the main protagonists of the first season, it’s interesting to see an episode where they are absent for the most part.
~ Flashback Regina has a tree-shaped pendant, probably an homage to her apple trees!
~ Gold says that portals are outside his purview, but he knew how to get his hands on the looking-glass in this episode.
~ Gold uses “love” as a term of endearment before Hook ever does!
~ It looks like Henry has been prepared for a quick getaway for a while; or maybe he used the same method to sneak out on past occasions.
~ The cycle of a child becoming like the parent they hate is on full display in this episode. Regina stops Henry from running away the same way Cora stopped her from running away.
~ It’s amusing to see Sebastian Stan and Josh Dallas in scenes together, knowing they play very different types of characters in their respective Marvel movies!
~ I wonder what David would have done if he knew what Jefferson did to Mary Margaret and Emma last season.
~ I hope Ruby or some other townsperson eventually told Snow/Mary Margaret about David’s speech. She would have been so proud!
~ Where did Emma leave David’s sword after fighting Maleficent, and how did he get it back?
~ David and Henry sipping their drinks in unison is adorable, and the shot of them sitting together at the counter looks like Norman Rockwell's painting "The Runaway"!
~ Introducing present-day Cora at the end after seeing all the flashbacks is excellent. The audience spends the episode thinking that the flashback storyline was simply illustrating Regina’s past, but it was actually setting up for the future.
~ This is the first of three episodes that shows one of the main characters fighting a villain in the past, and then revealing that villain as a present contender at the end of the episode. First it’s Cora, then King George, then Hook.
Episode 2x03 “Lady of the Lake”
~ Parent-child relationships are a focal point of this show, but this episode really zones in on mothers: Snow most of all, as she gets to act as a mother to Emma for the first time; Ruth, as she meets her daughter-in-law and sacrifices for her family’s future; and Cora as she plots to reunite with her daughter.
~ Cora uses an apple idiom to describe Regina! It’s such an ordinary phrase, it’s easy to miss, but with Regina’s connection to apples, it is kind of hilarious!
~ King George using a potion to sterilize an enemy is really horrendous.
~ It’s beautiful to see that Ruth and Snow had a meaningful and positive relationship despite only having a short time to be together. Unlike in many other meet-the-parents stories, they love and respect each other right away. That really only makes sense given that one of them raised David and the other fell in love with him.
~ It’s amusing to see Snow White and Princess Aurora, two classic Disney princesses, fighting hand to hand!
~ Did the group camp for the night as they originally said they would, or did they press on to reach the castle that night?
~ Henry is kind of like Emma in this episode: he has been so used to operating alone that he continues to do so when he wants to check out Regina’s vault.
~ This is the first time Henry reveals the more selfish desire underlying his original goal of getting Emma to break the curse: he wants to be part of the fairy-tale world and be a hero.
~ A possible clue to my question about the other worlds’ religions: most of the Enchanted Forest characters say “gods” as an interjection, but Lancelot refers to “God in His mercy.” Of course, it would make sense for Camelot to be a Christian land, since the Knights of the Round Table famously seek the Holy Grail, which Lancelot alludes to during the wedding ceremony.
~ I hope Snow tells Emma at some point about how she’s indebted to Ruth and Lancelot for her life.
~ Snow and Charming’s music motif sounds so sad as Snow leaves the nursery!
~ Cora does what Rumplestiltskin does, bottling ingredients for magic to use in the future.
~ The final scene uses the same cinematography device twice, having a character watch other characters interact from a distance while sitting in a car.
~ Henry moves as though he has already done some sword-fighting!
Episode 2x04 “The Crocodile”
~ This may be the first episode in which Emma, Snow, and/or Regina are completely absent.
~ Evidence of Milah’s drawing ability can be seen throughout the episode. When Rumplestiltskin enters his family’s home, a drawing of a desert island can be seen pinned on a wooden beam. When they return, a sheaf of them can be seen on a table. It seems Milah had been daydreaming about her getaway for a while. (I initially wondered if she drew them, or if her pirate friends drew them for her.) Finally, near the end, a portrait of Baelfire is shown.
~ Killian Jones (not yet Hook)’s first scene is wonderfully understated. If you’re not actively looking for and watching him, he could be overlooked as an ordinary crowd extra; he only has a couple lines and doesn’t get any closeups.
~ Is Rumple trying to nurse Milah’s hangover when they talk at home? That would explain why she’s in bed and he’s making her a warm drink.
~ The way Milah talks, it sounds like she was thinking she, Rumple, and Baelfire could travel with the pirates, or at least get passage to another place to live. I wonder if Killian would have let Rumple and Baelfire come with her if she’d asked?
~ Prince Charming mining with the dwarves seems oddly fitting, like a rite of passage for him to be part of Snow’s adoptive family. But is his pickaxe magical like the dwarves'?
~ Ruby/Red Riding Hood bringing them meals is just perfect!
~ Rumple does the same thing in both storylines of this episode: he is looking for his love interest, who he thinks is in danger from another man, not knowing whether she left voluntarily or was kidnapped.
~ “A man unwilling to fight for what he wants deserves what he gets.” That’s almost like Killian’s thesis statement, a motto that he lives by. He fights hard for what he wants, whether it’s revenge or love. (Spoiler: I wonder if his thoughts on this change over the course of the series, as he ends up being a recipient of grace, receiving much better than he deserves.)
~ Killian’s devil-may-care attitude vanishes when he recognizes Rumple. He becomes dead serious when he realizes the danger he is in, and he tries to protect Milah by saying she died.
~ David and Gold’s conversation doesn’t make much sense, because David and Mary Margaret’s relationship didn’t work in Storybrooke. Rumple should have asked how Charming and Snow made it work.
~ Rumple foreshadows what he’ll later do to Milah when he says he wants Killian to feel as helpless as Rumple did when Killian took Milah.
~ Rumple seems to project his own regrets onto Milah: they both abandoned Baelfire in a sense.
~ Milah and Belle are very different in that Milah puts her own desires first and Belle puts others’ needs first. But they have one thing in common: they both want to see the world and have adventures. It seems odd, but could be a sign of learning, that Rumple does something to grant this wish for Belle by giving her the library.
~ Killian is shown to be a true scoundrel, given the way he treats Rumple; but his self-defining moments in the final scenes, as he becomes Captain Hook, are just awesome!
Episode 2x05 “The Doctor”
~ Although the present-day Enchanted Forest storyline doesn’t relate much to the rest of the episode, the first scene helps to establish the horror-genre tone.
~ (Spoiler:) Emma is the one who finds Hook! I guess finding people is still what she does, but it’s also fun foreshadowing if you know how things go for them later in the show!
~ Rumple really is like Palpatine and Snoke, urging his “apprentice” Regina to go further down the path of darkness on the pretense of training.
~ “So long as you live in your past, you’ll never find your future.” Not the most original line, but significant in a show that’s all about time and the relationship between past and future.
~ (Spoiler:) It’s not surprising that it takes Emma such a long time to trust Hook, considering their first-ever conversation was full of him lying, and even lying about not lying. Also, he talks about survival from the very beginning!
~ I’m surprised that Cora amassed so many hearts even before she became a queen. What reputation did she have before Regina sent her to Wonderland? Did people outside her family know about her and her abilities? I’m guessing those hearts were of people still living, since they were still pulsing, which would mean that she had a lot of people under her control.
~ If Jefferson had seen Cora’s heart collection, did he know, when he ended up in Wonderland, that she was the Queen of Hearts?
~ Rumplestiltskin, Dr. Frankenstein, and the Mad Hatter: three different varieties of insanity. They only share the screen for one scene, but I would have loved to see more!
Episode 2x06 “Tallahassee”
~ This is the first episode with flashbacks taking place in the Land Without Magic, and the first to show part of Emma’s past.
~ (Spoiler:) The way Neal first speaks to and looks at Emma kind of sounds and looks the way Hook would. I wonder how much of Hook’s personality or mannerisms might have rubbed off on Neal during their time together.
~ Emma basically does the same thing in both past and present timelines: trying to steal something with her love interest. Given how things went with Neal, it’s no wonder she doesn’t want to give Hook the chance to betray her.
~ Emma and Hook have to dress/equip each other before climbing up the beanstalk! He gives her jewelry/armor, and she gives him his prosthetic/weapon. Kind of intimate if you think about it.
~ The name “Henry” is visible among the keychains when Neal is talking to the cashier!
~ Neal likes the Apollo candy bars, just like Henry!
~ Bad dreams are discussed in both timelines: Emma teaches Neal about dreamcatchers, and Snow tells Aurora about David lighting a candle.
~ “You’d make a hell of a pirate.” Hook is more right than he knows: Emma kind of was a pirate in her old life.
~ Emma’s jacket in the flashbacks looks sort of like Snow’s old outfits.
~ It’s interesting to see Snow acting as a mother to Aurora since Emma is reluctant to let her fill that role for her.
~ How can August say that Neal was just “caught in the crossfire”? Does he think it mere coincidence that he and Emma met?
~ When August came to Storybrooke and found out Emma had a son, he must have known that it was Neal’s. So August knew, before anyone else did, that Baelfire, son of Rumplestiltskin, was Henry’s father.
~ The giants’ home couldn’t be very well-constructed if one giant could make the stones from the roof fall just by running.
Episode 2x07 “Child of the Moon”
~ “Once one controls something, one no longer need fear it.” A fitting quote for this episode, and very in-character for Gold.
~ It’s interesting that Gold does a favor for Henry, as if he has a special care or interest for him. Does he already suspect, at this point, that Henry is the boy prophesied to lead him to his son, and then be his undoing?
~ David says that it’s been “a few months” since Mary Margaret was framed for murder. That seems longer than what’s been shown or suggested: the last few episodes of Season 1 and the first few episodes of Season 2 only looked like a few days or weeks each.
~ Interesting stuff going on psychologically with Red/Ruby in this episode, and the werewolves in general. Not sure how much I agree with the way they describe it, but it sounds similar to the concept of “eating your shadow,” confronting and integrating the parts of yourself you don’t like.
~ (Spoiler:) Belle saying “I’m sort of an expert when it comes to rehabilitation” is funny, but not really true in terms of her overall relationship with Rumple, since he has ups and downs and she is still capable of being manipulated by him.
~ I don’t like Ruby’s emotionally-driven decisions. The last one especially, deciding to put herself in the mob’s way, doesn’t make sense because she could end up hurting them in wolf form.
~ This is a really emotional episode for David, and reveals a lot about his character—his bravery, his loyalty, his faith—but I feel like it didn’t go deep into his point of view.
~ As much as I love Red/Ruby’s friendship with Snow and Charming, I wonder if another character could have played David’s role in calling her back. That showed the kind of brave, selfless love that spouses, parents, or siblings show.
~ I wish the series showed Red and Granny reconciling after she finds out the truth about her mother.
Episode 2x08 “Into the Deep”
~ I think this is the first episode that does not have any flashbacks. I’m glad, because they aren’t really needed, since the action cuts between multiple parties in both realms in the present day.
~ I had forgotten about Cora controlling the dead with the hearts she’s taken. I’m surprised that wasn’t used more.
~ Looks like there are some autumnal decorations in Granny’s diner, suggesting that it could be sometime in the fall.
~ Do Belle and Gold ever have a proper, uninterrupted date? They didn’t even get a bite of their hamburgers before Regina showed up with a crisis!
~ Henry gets a scene with three of his grandparents: his two biological grandfathers, and his step-grandmother Regina.
~ “I was born to do this.” = a nod to Joan of Arc?
~ “Sometimes being a hero means knowing when not to run into the fire.” Sounds like a bit of Mufasa wisdom.
~ Aurora finally shows some backbone and integrity in this episode. Her scene with Cora is interesting; I hadn’t realized that she was thinking about starting a new life in Storybrooke.
~ The music during Hook’s scene with Aurora sounds noble, like he’s doing a good thing and genuinely hopeful of renewing his alliance with Emma. What I’m wondering is, had he already taken Aurora’s heart by that point?
~ I like Emma and Mary Margaret’s conversation about who is to blame for everything that has happened.
~ Cora’s bird companion and Regina’s laboratory setup both look like nods to Disney’s Snow White
~ Regina and Henry’s scene may be the first time we’ve seen them have an honest and positive conversation. It’s not exactly a bonding moment, but it’s a nice change!
~ Henry and David’s moment is lovely, and feels earned now that they’ve spent time together.
~ David’s journey to find the burning room could be symbolic of the journey to the subconscious.
~ It’s nice how Emma and Mary Margaret take turns encouraging each other.
~ (Spoiler:) “You must have a death wish” is a funny line to have addressed to Hook, considering how many times he’s going to die in the show!
~ Hook really is sleazy and slippery, kind of like Rumple—or, for a Marvel comparison, Loki. You’re never quite sure when he’s sincere and when he’s manipulative, or both at once.
~ That last scene with the princesses is intense! There’s a moment when it really seems like Snow is going to kill Mulan, and Emma is already shocked. How would things have played out if Aurora hadn’t arrived?
Episode 2x09 “Queen of Hearts”
~ It’s interesting to see Hook and Evil Queen Regina meet. They’re both characters who play up their attractiveness and try to use it to their advantage when they want to entice or intimidate.
~ Good on Regina for trying to continue her upward redemption arc! And boo to Rumple for trying to twist her motivation.
~ Apparently this is when Emma finds out that Rumple/Gold knew she was the Savior all along. Did she not get that when she talked with Regina and Gold about the creation of the Dark Curse in the Season 1 finale?
~ The scroll with Emma’s name fits with both Rumple’s descent into madness and his penchant for names.
~ Henry reads the storybook to David, just as Mary Margaret did for each of them when they were in comas!
~ Rumple has said that fairy magic doesn’t mix well with him, yet he harnesses the power of the fairy dust here.
~ Why would someone as smart and ruthless as Cora leave the princesses alive in the cell? They had no further usefulness to her. It’s the same thing that happens in superhero stories when the villain leaves the hero detained or on their way to death while they go off to complete their evil plot. The only possible explanation I can think of is that Hook may have requested that she let them live, and they would probably have died of starvation in the cell.
~ The way Regina’s theme plays, so light and gentle, over Henry’s lines twice in this episode is so sad.
~ If Regina didn’t want to have any weakness, why didn’t she just rip out her own heart, like Cora did?
~ Hook did a random act of kindness! And in the middle of a battle! Repairing the wrong that he did to Aurora! In spite of all his selfishness and switching sides, he still has a shred of compassion. Also, the way he saves the satchel from falling is like Flynn Rider in Tangled.
~ Not very subtle sexual imagery when Hook pins Emma down—not only in his words, but in the way he moves his weapons down over hers.
~ All the dwarves watch over David under the sleeping curse, the way they watched over Snow!
~ Gold says that Emma needed to find the scroll so everything could occur; but he didn’t seem to know she would be able to use it to get back to Storybrooke.
~ “Maybe one day, they’ll even invite you to dinner.” Emma does, in fact, invite Regina in the next episode; and (spoiler!) Season 6 ends with everyone having dinner together!
~ How did the Jolly Roger get through the portal? In fact, where has it been all this time? Was it inside Cora’s protective bubble, shielded against the curse? Did they restore the bean’s magic at Lake Nostos and then bring it to the ship to make the portal?
~ What happened to the enchanted compass? Do they ever use it again? (Spoiler: My headcanon is that Hook later got it and used it to find Emma in New York.)
Episode 2x10 “The Cricket Game”
~ The opening shots of Hook are just him acting fabulous and slightly Byronic.
~ There are swans near the docks when Hook and Cora disembark!
~ It’s odd to cut from a Charming family scene to a flashback of the Evil Queen. Usually at least the first flashback is related in some way to the present scene—either the same character is in them, or a common item or similar situation. It would have made more sense to cut between Mary Margaret in bed and Snow White running through the forest.
~ They reused the “Welcome home Mary Margaret” banner from Episode 1x19, and added “and Emma”! I’d like to know who among their friends was so practical.
~ Emma and Regina’s conversation feels very real, like divorced parents trying to get along for their child’s sake. Regina’s music theme sounds so sad and wistful at the end.
~ This is a question I had from the pilot episode: who are the nameless soldiers who sit with Snow, Charming, and their more iconic friends at the round table?
~ When she’s looking out her tower window, Regina’s theme sounds a little more like usual, but still sadder.
~ The door between the interrogation room and the mirror room remains ajar when David and Emma go through.
~ What did Rumplestiltskin receive in exchange for giving Snow a way to test Regina?
Episode 2x11 “The Outsider”
~ Why is this episode called “The Outsider”? To whom does that refer? Greg Mendel seems the most likely candidate, but he only shows up in the last seconds.
~ It’s pretty messed up that no one notices the death of the person Cora actually killed. When the local conscience/therapist dies, everyone takes notice, but when some random guy without a famous story dies, no one comments? Do they take him out of Archie’s grave after learning it was someone else?
~ Belle is present at Archie’s funeral, even though she didn’t know him as long as the others. She really must have gotten to know everyone in the short time she’s been out of the asylum.
~ Marco/Geppetto must feel so alone thinking that both Pinocchio and Jiminy are gone!
~ Belle wears brown, for the first time, in both storylines of this episode. Her outfit in Storybrooke is my favorite of them all.
~ I love the concepts behind Belle’s flashback adventure, but they’re not super well executed in terms of dialogue.
~ Belle reminds me a little of Desdemona in Othello: she has so much love and faith, she doesn’t seem capable of imagining what horrible things the man she loves might do.
~ Smee must have gone to Hook and told him about the way to cross the town line; but Hook must have been spying on Gold if he was able to find out about the shawl and where it was hidden.
~ It’s brief and only visible through the window, but Gold’s reaction to realizing the shawl is gone is to cover his mouth, just devastated.
~ The first thing Gold smashes is a model ship! Clever.
~ Belle carries the gun so casually as she searches for the Jolly Roger.
~ Belle is extremely book-smart, but not very street-smart, and she’s rather reckless when she tries to do things on her own. The safe, smart thing would have been to tell Gold her hunch, or at the latest, when she had found the ship. But I wonder if she kept it from him because she did not want him to confront Hook himself.
~ Did Hook see Archie leaving? Did he simply let him escape?
~ Emma finally shows a desire to be with her parents!
~ It’s strange that Belle isn’t more disturbed by Hook’s revelation that Rumple killed Milah.
~ “Why do you think anyone who’s gotten close to him has either run away or been killed?” It sounds as though Hook believes Baelfire ran away from Rumple.
~ “Your [heart] is rotten.” / “You’ve no idea.” Does that mean Hook believes his heart is more rotten than she thinks, or not as much?
~ Does Hook have an actual death wish? Twice, he tries to goad Gold into attacking him, knowing that he can’t defend himself against magic.
~ How did Hook get to the town line so quickly, if he was walking and Gold was driving?
Episode 2x12 “In the Name of the Brother”
~ Who called Emma and her parents to the scene of the accident? Are all three of them on night patrol?
~ Emma is very sensitive to Hook’s circumstances: she notices him after the accident, diagnoses his injury, and has the presence of mind to tell the hospital staff to hide him so Gold can’t get to him. When she sums up the situation to him, there’s a note of genuine concern in her voice.
~ “If I had to pick dead guy of the year, I’d pick you.” Foreshadowing on multiple fronts!
~ Emma and Hook give each other such nasty smirks!
~ Greg Mendel’s ringtone is Star Wars music! I guess that was allowed after Disney purchased Lucasfilm.
~ “We don’t let go of people.” Interesting line, especially for Frankenstein!
~ Cora snooping around Regina’s house is actually such a mom thing to do! Did she need to see a picture of Henry so she could impersonate him?
~ I did not notice until now that Henry’s bedroom is full of clocks!
~ Cora knows exactly what Regina has always wanted to hear from her. But she stops short of an apology for killing Daniel, and she doesn’t exactly apologize for forcing Regina into a loveless marriage, just says she shouldn’t have done it.
~ I laughed at Regina referring to “Emma and Henry and the two idiots”
~ Cora says they see Regina as a snake, but Cora is really the one acting like Satan, sowing doubt and convincing her that she can’t make things right with the others.
~ What became of Gerhardt Frankenstein? Did he die at some point before the Dark Curse?
~ That high tinkling music sounds eerily like “Rock-a-Bye Baby”
~ Even in hospital, Belle still wears yellow and blue!
~ Belle smashing the cup is heartbreaking! You can see how much that crushes Gold, like shattering his hope.
~ It’s odd that Ruby and Belle both have several scenes but don’t interact with each other in this episode. Ruby is later shown to be aware of Belle’s situation. Did she not try to check on her when she arrived?
~ Gold seems to be looking at Henry when he threatens to kill the whole family!
Episode 2x13 “Tiny”
~ Hook seems to be done being a “gentleman,” as he said he always is. Is it because he’s no longer with just women, as he was in the Enchanted Forest for a while? Does he start making innuendoes about Mary Margaret just to irritate David and Grumpy? Is that his way of making himself feel powerful?
~ How was Cora able to abduct Anton? Did he come down the beanstalk, or did she go up?
~ Hook seems to slip away when Anton attacks David. Did the others simply forget about him? Shouldn’t he be in either the hospital or the jail?
~ Ruby continues to play the role of delivery girl for the sick!
~ James is dressed like an attractive villain, similar to Hook: black clothes, low V neckline, necklace.
~ The Jack introduced in this episode seems to be a different character than the one Hook described to Emma when they went up the beanstalk.
~ Jack slayed the Jabberwock!
~ Emma really does act like a daughter, or daughter-in-law, toward Gold during the airport security scene. In that moment, he’s not a wizard or the local miser, he’s just an old man who needs reassurance.
~ Cora must have had the mushrooms to make Tiny small, and then big again, because she brought some from her time in Wonderland.
~ The way Emma and Henry look at each other after Gold leaves clearly says, “What are we going to do with him?”
~ Why is Tiny’s small size the one he now reverts to? Does it not wear off the way the growing mushroom does?
~ How did David manage to hold Anton’s weight? And how does Anton come up before him?
~ The dwarves seem to accept Tiny as one of them, with an axe and everything. So why didn’t he accompany them for the rest of the series? Did the actor lose interest, or did the writers not know how to include him?
~ The sound of the plane taking off is an effective way to show Gold’s increasing anxiety!
Episode 2x14 “Manhattan”
~ Milah is sewing Baelfire’s shawl in the first scene, and later he’s wrapped in it as a baby!
~ I appreciate that Hook is still moving like a man who was injured in a car accident.
~ Gold seems to think that Henry has already fulfilled his role as the boy who would lead him to his son, since Henry brought Emma to Storybrooke.
~ The Seer could have overheard the soldiers call the saddles “cows,” so it’s not much of a confirmation of her clairvoyance.
~ Neal and Snow both have lines, addressed to their significant others, about never having to see each other’s face again.
~ If Emma thought she could still bring Neal to Gold, how did she think she could keep him from meeting Henry? Did she think they could be introduced without them realizing the truth?
~ Why does Gold think who his son loves is pertinent information? Would he have used that against him?
~ Does Gold really think he could beat Emma in a physical fight? He’s shown that he can be brutal even without magic, but he still has a bad leg, and she’s much younger than him.
~ The fact that Neal came back to defend Emma, after spending his life hiding from his father, speaks to how much he cares about her.
~ Having the scene where Rumple meets his son right before the scene where Neal meets his son is brilliant.
~ The Greg Mendel scene should have been at the end. It feels like a random interruption in the midst of so much drama.
Episode 2x15 “The Queen is Dead”
~ How are they not suspicious of the package arriving on Snow’s birthday? Cora is one of the few people who would know that date.
~ Having Hook emerge from hiding and reclaim his hook is a great way to end the teaser!
~ Why couldn’t Regina and Cora just use magic to dig, instead of a shovel? And that conversation was way too convenient—were they trying to be overheard, so Snow would look for the dagger?
~ Emma, Henry, and Gold must have stayed somewhere in New York overnight and met up with Neal again the next day or two.
~ I’d forgotten how violent Hook and Emma are to each other: he pushes her aside to attack Gold, and she hits him in the head with a fire extinguisher. And she locks him up again, this time in a storage closet.
~ Why did Cora impersonate the Blue Fairy to talk to Snow White? Why did she want to give her that candle? What did she expect Snow to do? Did she want to darken Snow’s heart, or cause a particular person’s death?
~ Snow losing her mother as a child is even more tragic knowing that she was the one with her mother when she died.
~ King Leopold’s absence in this episode feels off—not that it mattered to the story, but that it’s out of character for him not to be present and involved at his wife’s death and funeral.
~ There might be an inconsistency about how much time passed between Queen Eva’s death and Snow’s first meeting with Regina. It wouldn’t make much sense for Cora to wait long to arrange the meeting after the queen’s death, but in Episode 1x18 King Leopold says it’s been years and that he’s searched the land for a new wife.
Episode 2x16 “The Miller’s Daughter”
~ Mary Margaret is holding an apple during her first scene. Why is that, when their family, in general, does not like apples, and she has a negative association with them due to Regina?
~ How and when did Regina and Cora tap Mary Margaret and David’s phones? Must have been after Emma gave Mary Margaret the news about Gold’s son, since they don’t know about that.
~ Regina says Henry would never forgive Cora; does she mean for killing Gold? But Regina doesn’t yet know that Gold is Henry’s grandfather.
~ Cora speaking to Regina about never bowing is first time she actually comes across somewhat sympathetic.
~ Past Cora adds a rose to her hair—a nice nod to her future as the Queen of Hearts!
~ This episode kind of ruins the timeline that was described in Episode 2x02. Prince Henry said that Cora knew Rumplestiltskin long before he met her, and it sounds as though Cora’s relationship with Rumplestiltskin lasted a fairly long time for him to teach her magic, to the point of her calling him “master,” and eventually meeting newborn Regina.
~ “You’re selling off your own flesh and blood” is a strange line to give Cora, who basically sold Regina into a loveless marriage for status and revenge (and did more, as season 3 reveals).
~ I like how the ridiculous boast about turning straw to gold comes about, starting as a jest in their verbal sparring.
~ The look that David gives Neal after being introduced!
~ I don’t like the way David talks to Mary Margaret, saying she has to “stay” pure of heart, as if she doesn’t get to choose for herself.
~ It’s nice to see that Henry is still optimistic and encouraging toward Emma, despite being angry and distant with her after finding out she lied to him.
~ Cutting from “You won’t let her get away” to Cora being trapped in the tower is pretty effective.
~ (Spoiler:) Cora questioning the “firstborn child” clause is more significant knowing that she had already given birth to her first child by now. Did she think Rumple would want Zelena?
~ Gold and Emma have a mentor-student moment, probably their first real one—and it ends with him praising her!
~ It’s cool to see Regina and Cora using magic in sync. But what did Emma, Neal, and David expect to accomplish against them with just swords?
~ Rumple encouraging Cora to use her bloodlust to fuel her magic explains a lot about her.
~ When he shows his face, you can see they did a good job of casting young Prince Henry; he does look very similar to the old man.
~ Cora and Rumple’s relationship is so twisted and toxic … and yet, it rings true because of their similar motivations. It’s completely based on their tendency toward darkness, a sharp contrast against his relationships with Milah and Belle.
~ How was Mary Margaret able to get into Regina’s vault? Does she not have any locks or protection, even after living in hiding there?
~ Emma’s theme music is played twice over Mary Margaret’s scenes; it sounds so eerie and ominous when she takes out Cora’s heart!
~ Interesting that Cora took to heart (no pun intended) the advice of the king she hated.
~ Rumple’s three greatest loves are on display in this episode to compare and contrast: his destructive love with Cora, his wounded relationship with Baelfire/Neal, and his pure love for Belle.
~ Emma and Neal both struggle—particularly in this season—with forgiving their long-lost parents for giving them up.
~ Neal and Rumple’s scene after the phone call is wonderfully realistic: there is still anger, but also love on both sides, and it’s as close to a reconciliation as they can expect to have at that point.
~ The worst thing Mary Margaret does in this episode isn’t using the candle; it’s tricking Regina into being the instrument of Cora’s death. That whole conversation in the vault, Mary Margaret manipulates Regina, weaponizing her desire for her mother’s love.
~ How powerful can protection spells be if Cora and Regina are able to break through them so easily?
~ Cora actually seems regretful when she says that any baby she has will not be Rumple’s.
~ Did no one in the royal court have any issue with Cora, a princess by marriage far down the line of succession, declaring that her daughter would one day be a queen?
~ Cora’s last moments are so tragic, because all at once she feels the love that she should have had all along for Regina, and she realizes that love “would have been enough.”
Episode 2x17 “Welcome to Storybrooke”
~ The orange car is such an appropriately vivid contrast against the dark title card!
~ This episode is a fascinating exploration of Regina’s psychology in both the past and present.
~ Did Mary Margaret give her students the exact same lesson about birds every day for 28 years?
~ Is Gold being genuine when he talks to Regina, asking her to give up her feud? Does he really care about her happiness or Mary Margaret’s life?
~ Regina’s reaction to Owen is so sweet—it’s probably the first time anyone has shown her unsolicited kindness.
~ When did Regina get Kurt’s phone number?
~ Regina tearing her mother’s clothes is powerful.
~ Gold and David, too, can apparently just walk right into the vault. But Gold makes more sense because his magic is so powerful.
~ Gold’s take on Cora and Regina’s different reasons for being dangerous is interesting. Which is more dangerous, being too led by your heart, or not letting your heart lead you at all?
~ Henry is acting in the role of a prophet again, calling everyone out and reminding them who they are (supposed to be).
~ Neal can understand exactly how Henry feels about his evil magic-wielding parent. Henry’s idea to get rid of magic is strikingly similar to Baelfire’s original goal to rid his father of his power.
~ “He’s your son!” In that moment, Neal realizes exactly what that means: Henry can be just as deceptive and conniving as he.
~ Greg Mendel crossing paths with Henry is more ironic when you know that Greg’s goal is to destroy magic, which is exactly what Henry is trying to do in that moment.
~ You can hear Greg’s phone camera go off as he picks up Henry’s bag. That must have been when he figured out Henry was Regina’s son.
~ Regina actually let Owen go in the end, rather than trying to use his father as leverage or have Graham restrain him. Maybe, on some level, she did care about him. At the very least, she realized she could not force him to love her—and she has the same realization about Henry in the present day.
~ Why was Storybrooke visible to Kurt and Owen at the beginning, but not later? Did Regina do something to change that, like a cloaking spell?
~ I know Regina had a lot on her mind in both episodes, but she must have wondered who Neal was and why he was so protective of Gold and Henry.
~ Mary Margaret’s bookcase has clocks lined up across it, like in Henry’s bedroom!
~ Gold’s advice to Mary Margaret is phrased in such a way that it sounds as though it hasn’t worked yet for him.
~ They did a good job of casting two actors for Greg/Owen. They have very similar faces.
Episode 2x18 “Selfless, Brave and True”
~ Neal wears his coat and scarf like Henry!
~ One minute Emma is bemoaning the fact that outsiders are coming to Storybrooke, as though Tamara is a threat; the next, she urges Neal to tell Tamara the truth about where he comes from.
~ Snow White listening to “Reputation” while doing archery … is one form of self-care.
~ Where did the abandoned trailer come from? Was it always there as part of the curse?
~ Neal and the Blue Fairy/Mother Superior don’t interact, but their scene with August/Pinocchio may have been the first time they saw each other since she gave him the magic bean.
~ The scenes that connect this episode with ones before and after don’t have much setup/payoff within the episode. For instance, Henry hasn’t been shown pulling away from Emma the last few episodes, but she decides to talk to him after seeing Geppetto/Marco and Pinocchio/August reconcile. And we don’t see any of Regina’s thought process prior to her conversations with Greg Mendel.
~ Greg and Tamara are each separately shown using their phones a lot—and there is one time Neal looks at his caller ID and says “It’s her,” like she’s labeled on Greg’s phone!
Episode 2x19 “Lacey”
~ Neal is so into his swordfight with Henry! He may not have much practice, but he really throws himself into being a dad when he finds out he is one.
~ At first, Gold seems to respond the same way everyone else does to Belle’s claim that she saw magic, like he’s gaslighting her; but he’s not. He acknowledges that she’s been through a lot and been under the influence of drugs, but he doesn’t say that what she saw wasn’t real, he just assures her that it will become clear when she remembers.
~ The flashbacks of this episode show just how horrible Rumplestiltskin was to Belle when she lived with him. That period of time was mostly glossed over in “Skin Deep.”
~ I don’t know what’s funnier: David making a pun of Dark One and Don Juan, or Gold’s claim that “Don Juan was nothing before he made his deal with me.”
~ It makes sense that the first thing Emma does after learning about the beans is to read Henry’s book. (Spoiler:) The sentiments she expresses in this episode are fleshed out more fully in the second half of Season 3, particularly in the season finale.
~ Gold wears a blue pocket hanky on his date! And while it’s painful to watch Lacey’s behavior, he is so adorably happy when she acts like the Belle he knew!
~ Rumple takes the Sheriff’s tongue so effortlessly. Was that a nod to the BBC Robin Hood episode, “Sheriff Got Your Tongue”? Can Rumple do that with any part of a person’s body? That’s terrifying.
~ I’m surprised Rumplestiltskin didn’t already know Robin Hood’s name.
~ Belle basically plays the angel on Rumplestiltskin’s shoulder. It’s heartbreaking to see Lacey become the devil on his shoulder.
~ “You are not the kind of man to leave a child fatherless.” Ooh!!! He has probably wanted to hear that for centuries.
~ David driving all the dwarves in the back of his truck is so familial!
~ Emma and Neal seem to do pretty well with co-parenting.
~ I wish we got to see Henry becoming friends with young August/Pinocchio!
~ Neal says one of Emma’s characteristics is, “You don’t stop till you find what you’re looking for.” What Emma is really looking for—now and throughout the series—is a happy ending, only she doesn’t know what that would look like. (Spoiler:) Perhaps it's intentional that the next scene brings back Hook!
Episode 3x20 “The Evil Queen”
~ Why are David and Mary Margaret talking about something so sensitive in a public place?
~ I knew that fisherman was … well, fishy, given the way the camera focused on him.
~ Funny that Emma bumps into Tamara, kind of like Tamara did Neal. Did Emma do it on purpose?
~ Regina seems to have such a warped perception of herself and her capacity for good or evil. Does she truly not recognize how she has earned the name “Evil Queen”? Does she really believe all her actions are justified? Does she truly think Snow is evil, after living with her for at least a decade?
~ Rumple was the one who caused King George’s kingdom to go bankrupt!?
~ I’m not a fan of when shows wipe characters’ memories so they can have interactions without any consequences. In this episode, it happens in a single scene!
~ Is Hook being sincere when he talks to Regina about Cora? Does he actually feel bad for her and want to help her win?
~ It’s interesting that Hook shows an understanding that revenge is an end, not a beginning, and that he’ll be empty without the pursuit of that goal. In that sense, he may be more mature than Regina, who has always put her revenge first and was angry that it did not satisfy her.
~ Did Hook ever meet Maleficent, or did he just piece together what Regina had said?
~ Did Regina saving Snow really have such a profound impact on her faith in people’s goodness? That’s rather ironic, and if true, Regina’s descent into evil should have shaken some of Snow’s faith, because it would have been an upending of her understanding of people in general and Regina in particular.
~ Emma and Henry doing a stakeout together is great to see, harkening back to Season 1. But she’s not setting a very good example for him by breaking into hotel rooms and teaching him how to give a warning signal.
~ This is the first time Henry has seen his parents argue, and you can see how awkward it is for him, but it’s also kind of sweet that he finally gets to experience that.
~ It’s significant for Henry to tell Emma that he believes her. For one thing, no one believed him about his fairy tale theory, so he knows the feeling. For another, he now trusts her not to lie to him again. (Spoiler:) Sharing that ice cream is the last peaceful, happy moment they have together for a long time.
~ Giving a stranger a weapon and the instruction to stay behind her isn’t really smart of Snow.
~ Such a strange interaction between Regina and Snow at the end … Regina leaves her alive, which is good, but how can she insist upon her own goodness when they’re standing in front of the village she slaughtered?
~ (Spoiler:) “The one thing I excel at is surviving.” Hook saw this as a characteristic of his all along!
~ Hook takes no pleasure in the way Greg and Tamara taunt Regina, and he actually looks kind of concerned at the end.
Episode 3x21 “Second Star to the Right”
~ Pulling in the story of the Darling family is a great way to transition to Neverland, which so far has been mentioned but not explored.
~ This show chooses odd moments to use title cards to establish time and/or place. There’s no need for “London, England” when they just showed Kensington Gardens and Big Ben.
~ It seems Baelfire/Neal began his thieving career at the Darlings’ house!
~ Wendy is one to talk about “unusual” names: there were hardly any Wendys before the publication of Peter Pan.
~ Odd to have Hook, the one-handed guy, be the one to restrain Regina. She may not be able to use magic, but she’s not afraid to use physical violence, as seen the time she hit Emma. Did he threaten her with his hook to make her comply?
~ Mrs. Darling deciding to take Baelfire in without even knowing his name … is fast, but fits with how the Darlings adopt the Lost Boys at the end of Peter Pan.
~ “Never underestimate the power of a guilty conscience.” Interesting words coming from Gold!
~ Mary Margaret’s emotional state must be really bad if she can summon a tear so easily.
~ Emma tells Tamara that Regina is missing, as if Tamara knows Regina, but as far as Emma is aware they haven’t met yet. She would only have been a name on Tamara’s list.
~ The music at the end of Emma and Neal’s scene is so pretty and sweet—such a contrast from the usual emotional tone of the show. The music usually evokes wistfulness or suspense.
~ Interesting that Greg and Tamara’s feelings about magic are similar to Baelfire/Neal’s, except that they want to destroy it while he just wants to stay away from it.
~ It’s nice to see that Baelfire/Neal got to be part of a decent family for a while. He’s experienced parental love in the past, but his time with Wendy, John and Michael is his first experience of sibling love, and he proves himself a wonderful big brother.
~ The way the lights go out is like when Tinker Bell arrives in stage productions of Peter Pan.
~ Wendy and Emma both experience losing Baelfire/Neal in this episode. But it’s different than when Rumplestiltskin lost him through a portal, because now Neal is urging them to let him go, sacrificing himself so no more families will be broken. Only he doesn’t see that they will be broken because he won’t be there.
~ Regina wakes up the same way she did in the flashback in the previous episode, startled by Snow/Mary Margaret pressing a compress to her face.
Episode 2x22 “And Straight On ‘til Morning”
~ This is the most Hook-centric episode so far. Up to this point, he’s been seen mostly through the eyes of other characters (Rumple, Belle, and Emma). In this episode, he has multiple people, at multiple points in time, asking him about who he is and what motivates him.
~ “Well aren’t you quite the hero?” Hook doesn’t know how true that will be!
~ Even with Lacey influencing him to do evil, Gold deciding to kill Henry makes no sense with Neal back in his life. Why would he inflict that pain on his son?
~ Hook says, “The things we do for our children,” so knowingly, like a father!
~ I love that Grumpy cares so much about Belle!
~ I wish we got to see Sneezy getting his memories back. His brothers must have missed him over the last several weeks, while they’ve been working in the fairy dust mines and beanfields.
~ There are soooo many layers to Hook and Baelfire’s conversation at the helm! Hook must be thinking and feeling so much—obviously calculating about his revenge, but also thinking about how Rumple and Milah both abandoned Bae in some sense, and how he had a hand in Milah’s actions.
~ Hook has to watch the Charmings’ family discussions twice, and you can tell he’s uncomfortable.
~ The idea of sending the wraith and the failsafe through portals to other dimensions actually isn’t all that selfless. They don’t know where they are sending those dangers. The wraith attacked Philip when they sent it through. They are basically passing their problems on to strangers.
~ Hook’s theme music sounds so sad and reflective when he’s contemplating his choice.
~ (Spoiler:) Was “I’ll track them down in Hell if I have to” foreshadowing the Underworld arc?!
~ Hook looks at Gold so icily when he realizes they’re going to be working together.
~ Once the six of them are on the Jolly Roger, the heroes and villains automatically congregate to opposite sides.
~ Hook’s expression when he says they’re going to Neverland = he knows better than any of the others what kinds of trials they’re in for.
~ Are they actually helping to steer the ship, or just hanging on to parts of it for the ride?
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horridporrid · 2 years
A couple of months ago I did an intense rewatch of WoT. I'd previously engaged with the show as pure pleasure. This time I wanted to turn on my analytical brain. This was before I officially joined Tumblr so I posted my thoughts on Reddit. And since Tumblr is doing a rewatch in anticipation of season two, I thought I'd share my far too involved analysis here, episode by episode. I do spoil the entire first season but I only mention book stuff in a very general way.
So anyway... thoughts on episode one! :)
Leavetaking: (55 min)
There must have been so much pressure to keep this episode under an hour. They even truncated the opening credits to squeeze in as much story-action as they could. What I would've given for an extra... gosh, even 10 minutes would've done wonders, I think.
This opening scene is... clunky. If you were feeling generous I guess you could call it retro? An out and out stating of our hero's quest as she prepares for her journey is a bit '90's (or even '80's?) action-genre tv-show, I suppose. It helps that it's Rosmund Pike doing the voice-over (and the gearing up), and the lighting and sound design is suitably moody.
Two points for: (1) Foreshadowing with the sa'angreal for Rand to kill Dark One and the knife to kill Rand if he decides not to kill the Dark One each getting their own closeup. (2) Moiraine is wearing pants!!!!! (Split skirts is kind of a WoT book meme but let's get the women some practical clothing if they're roughing it across the continent for years and years and years.)
Aaaand the next scene is better (actual action, well directed with the excellent soundtrack kicking up the tension) but I still suspect this was a last minute add because Liandrin has nary a little braid in her hair. (Rafe has commented on his wig-woes and I can easily see filming a last minute, executive-ordered, scene and saving time/budget by not fiddling too much with the wig.)
The horse women look fierce, though. And Kate Fleetwood's delivery of, "you make it filthy," was delicious. A minute in and I'm already loving her as the season's villain.
Ruined ancient, modern/futuristic city!!
Truncated credits arrive and this was our prologue. It's a bit hand-holdy, imo. I think using the "Young!Moiraine and the prophetic announcement that the Dragon has been reborn!" opening would've been better (more creative and exciting). And it would've been helpful for the end of this episode as well (more on that when we get there). But it is what it is and the next bit...
Two Rivers (day one):
...is freaking gorgeous! The beauty of the setting and the laughter and supportive community of the Women's Circle is our introduction to the Two Rivers and I love it.
I also love that the initiation into the Women's Circle has an element of danger. (Just an element, mind. None of the women looked worried and you know kids in a village situated near a raging river like that are taught early how to swim and how to handle getting swept into rapids.) It hints towards a warrior society (foreshadowing!) and the visual illustration of how women are trained to channel was kind of brilliant.
I also love the cultural importance given the braided hair of the Two Rivers women. It gives a depth to their society that I'm not sure the books quite gave them. (Or at least -- it quickly gave their culture a depth that the books had the advantage of time to get across to readers.)
And! The warmth Nynaeve is expressing towards Egwene is kind of beautiful.
Soft-boy Rand! I adore his fuzzy blue sweater and that our opening scene with him is all about him being a sappy little romantic. Also, he and Tam are so comfortable with each other. (Light foreshadowing of lurking danger with the wolves keeps the story tension going.)
Intro to Mat and Perrin and first impression is Mat may have a gambling problem (he is palpably desperate to keep gaming and that worries both Rand and Perrin). Also, Perrin is the responsible and checked in one, keeping up with current events, trying to keep his friends looped in.
Egwene arrives! She survived (Dad is massively relieved so... maybe a bit more of a danger element to the initiation than I'd first thought? warrior society intensifies) and now, Party!!
Rand's big, unaffected smile! Perrin's sweet smile! Such good boys. (Did not pick up on Perrin's crush at all at first. This is where a tiny bit more time might have helped the episode a bit.)
And Rand almost immediately realizes Something is Up with Egwene. And a bit further into the evening Perrin realizes Something is Up with Rand. (They all know each other so well. Great subtle storytelling here.)
LAN IN THE CLUB! And only when all has fallen into an expectant hush and the tension has built to screaming: Slow-mo Moiraine entrance. (All eyes on us.) God, I love them. They are so wonderfully extra.
Of course, this is Detective!Moiraine at work, scoping out the 20somethings, looking for dragons.
Something interesting, Egwene looks intrigued when Moiraine is assumed a noblewoman. She gets just as guarded as Rand and Perrin when Moiraine does her ring flash to reveal it's actually, Moiraine Sedai. (Mat, bless him, is the only one who appears the least inviting, giving Moiraine a small smile.)
And then our extra!couple leave and Nynaeve sends Perrin home to Laila with enough of a loaded comment to tell us, Something is Up with Perrin and Laila's marriage.
My first impression was a miscarriage because of the belly hug. As we now know -- it's not that at all. I think the belly grab is meant to provide an echo for that shot where Perrin is covering Laila's belly wound towards the end of the episode (complete with the meaningful pinky grab) but when you're not given a reason for marital issues, you do go looking. I wish this scene had been a couple minutes longer. A bit more dialogue to let us know Laila is worried that Perrin either settled for her or is second-guessing marrying her... Something to give us a real sense of what the issue was as I don't think that was meant to be an ongoing mystery. That he carried a bit of a torch for Egwene was maybe the mystery to gradually unfold but that Laila was uncertain of his love for her... I don't think it was meant to be a secret kept from the viewers. (Or at least, I don't see any benefit in keeping it a secret.) I think Perrin's the character who is most screwed by the tight runtime of this episode. I actually quite like this new backstory for him. But I don't think it's shared as well as it could've (and should've) been.
On the other hand... Mat comes out of the sex barn (heh) to find his drunk mom watching his philandering dad and we realize he's got issues other than gambling and a really warm, caregiving, heart. He cares for his mother and is wonderful with his sisters and his mom drunkenly voices his deepest, darkest fear (he's a prick, just like his dad). So all is not right in the Cauthon home but Mat is successfully shielding his sisters from it -- which is a massive job for someone so young.
In the land of warm, supportive families, the al'Veres and al'Thors behave like they're already family and they're very comfortable leaving the kids alone at which point...
Rand goes all in on tackling the problem: "You've been avoiding me." Points for bravery!
But then when Egwene is about to tell him what the issue is he interrupts her with a kiss and it's all in for sexy times (with eventual fade to black because, classy, and I'll try not to pout because...classy?). So Rand's bravery points get taken right back.
And I have to take this moment to say: I adore that the kids have all been matured from the first book. It's more in line with who they are through the bulk of the series, anyway. And I am SO. FUCKING. GLAD we don't have to live through whole Two Rivers purity culture shenanigans that made everyone seem either 10 years old and worried about cooties or card carrying members of the Harper Valley PTA and looking for any excuse to clutch some pearls.
Meanwhile, Lan and Moiraine chilling in a hot tub, not-having-sex, 'cause that's not who they are. And we see that they are a team of equals as Lan feels very comfortable prodding Moiraine to use her powers to get the hot tub to the right temp.
And we get the, "Who is the Dragon?" mystery officially off the ground with Egwene as our first contender what with the leading smash cut to her immediately following the question.
A word on the lighting: I kind of love how the firelight glows off Rand's naked chest and belly. Also how it shows off the stenciling on the ceiling beams. Good lighting job, is my point.
And this is where we get Egwene choosing her calling over her boo and the super-packed line: "It's a lonely life, being a Wisdom." Also, Rand's voice break on "no kids." This is a boy who wants nothing more than to be a father. (With Tam as his role model, I can see why.)
And with all that character-work done we're back to the plot with the Fade's arrival.
Two Rivers (day two):
Adore that the whistling musical motif is picked up by Padan Fain's actual whistle as he arrives in town. And I adore what they've done with Padan Fain as well. The slyness of in his voice when he interacts with Mat... Johan Myers is killing it.
So we're into the early morning of a new day and Tam continues to be the best dad ever by letting Egwene know Rand's taken off. Clearly getting that there's trouble still brewing but not holding it against Egwene or trying to interfere.
Whatever trouble was brewing between Perrin and Laila, her snuggle + pinky grab suggests it's over but... what the hell was the issue in the first place?!? (Is what the audience is left wondering and I think that was a mistake. Oh, for that extra 5 min to their first scene!)
Anyone else notice that Mat's coat kind of echos Fain's coat? A cheaper, more ill-fitting version but similarly shaped, right? Just me? (If you watch Lezbi Nerdi's YouTube channel, her discussion with Pez regarding the costuming also points this out. So... vindication!)
We learn that this is an annual thing between Mat and Fain ("What do you have for me this year?") and that suggests Mat's desperate gambling the night before probably doesn't speak to an actual gambling problem. And it's all over a couple of lamps for his sisters for BelTine. The best of big brothers doing a job he's too young for... and this has been going on for a while. The heart clenches.
Moiraine and Lan are doing their detective thing and also their conversation short-hand thing. Moiraine is on Dragon search duty. Lan (who's aware of the lurking Fade) is on monster duty.
Time for Rand and Egwene to officially breakup. It's sad and sweet. They both still obviously love and care for each other, just -- they have different dreams that cannot work together. Really maturely handled but still a painful event. (And I kind of adore that they both lean on each other for comfort.)
Gorgeous spot for a break up, though!
Detective!Moiraine checks in on Nynaeve and I love how Moiraine leans into Nynaeve's hostility (her little power play when Nynaeve tries to get out of the pool) to push Nynaeve into a background revealing monologue. That's our Moiraine!
Mat is very warm with his mom as he gives her a lamp to put in the river and she looks kind of devastated and I strongly suspect Mat had three little sisters and one died. The death of a child can push parents apart. I can see his mom self-medicating with alcohol and his dad self-soothing with sex and Mat (who'd also be grieving) being the one to pick up the pieces for his surviving sisters' sake. His parents do still love each other (they're leaning on each other as Mat helps his sisters put lamps in the water) but they're also a mess. And it leaves Mat being the adult in the family which is not fair to him, obviously.
We do not see Perrin or Laila put a lamp in the water (which should've told me my miscarriage theory was wrong) but they're leaning lovingly into each other and there's another pinky-grab. Whatever the issue is/was with their marriage it seems well towards solved.
Nynaeve puts her lamp into the water somewhat apart from everyone and fiercely wipes away her tears before heading back out. The loneliness of the Wisdom underscored. (We'll also see her watch, but not participate in, the village dancing later.)
Battle scene!! (~34 min in):
Honestly, incredibly well paced and shot. There is shaky-cam but it's used well to denote character confusion and it's used sparingly. Shaky for Egwene initially. Very smooth for Padan Faid's dip and the Fade's watching eye. With Laila and Perrin the camera's not so much shaky as it is off kilter (having the focus action being out of center with unsettling push ins and cuts, etc.). Ditto the camera work with Mat until he enters that one room where a bunch of people are sheltering (including his parents but not including his sisters) when the camera goes smooth (safety). It goes off kilter again when he makes his hero run through the battle, though it's more his swerving in and out of view (too-long sleeves flailing) as he serpentines through the battle.
This holds true for the battle up at Rand and Tam's. (Rand no longer in his soft-boy sweater.) Steady until the Trolloc bursts in, going a bit shaky initially, steadying right back up when Tam unsheathes his sword. There are quick cuts but a very steady camera until Tam is injured and then steady again when Rand kills the Trolloc.
We also get smooth camera work when Lan and Moiraine enter the battle. This is the first time we actually see the weaves of her channeling (and I personally think they're beautifully done) and I think you could argue that the first time she channels (the bath) it's Lan's POV so we don't see the weaves -- but this time it's Egwene and Nynaeve's POV so we do see the weaves. (Which fits with the lore that only women who can channel can see the weaves of channeling women.)
The arrival of Moiraine and Lan is an upturn of the battle and it's at this point that we see the Women's Circle kill a Trolloc with their farming tools (warrior society!) and this is when the Trolloc bursts into the forge and Perrin picks up an axe and Laila picks up a hammer and we see them fighting it together in a sort of amateur echo of Lan and Moiraine.
Then it's a downturn of the battle when Nynaeve gets grabbed by a Trolloc and carried away. A second Trolloc comes into the forge and Laila and Perrin are both fighting their own Trolloc in separate corners of the forge. Perrin goes into some sort of berserker mode (sound design here is really well done), finishes off his Trolloc with extreme prejudice, spins with his axe and accidentally hits Laila who is poised to do a finishing move on her own downed Trolloc.
She dies very horribly and Perrin tries to hold in her belly wound and she grabs his pinky finger (echo of their first embrace) and dies. Rutherford does an amazing job showing Perrin's horror and grief and I'm sorry this scene got tangled up in, "is Laila a Dark Friend," questions (there were very definitely two Trollocs in that room and she was very much bringing her hammer down on the Trolloc she'd been fighting; but I don't think the director anticipated that question so there's no clear overhead shot of the body layout) and "what was up with their marriage?" questions. I think if it'd been clearly laid out that Laila was worried that Perrin loved someone other than (or more than) her, this moment would've been better served. But... as I said, Rutherford killed it and I don't think any viewer doubted the guilt and grief Perrin carries from this moment onward.
Yes, this is a Fridging, but! I think it works here. For one, WoT has enough Fridging to fill a Costcos with in-book Perrin given his very own aisle. So it's not unprecedented and it very much works to make Perrin's interior struggle with violence something exterior that a viewing audience can understand. Also, it takes Fridging in an interesting direction. Usually the trope motivates the male character to violence (and this is how it's generally used in WoT, including with Perrin) but in this case it turns the male character off of violence. So, for me, this Fridging gets a pass.
Moiraine is hit by a Trolloc knife but manages to win the battle by throwing the inn at the assembled Trolloc army. (We get a really good look at the Trollocs here, a slow, closeup shot, and my hat goes off to the Practical Effects and CGI crew. They look incredibly good.) Moiraine collapses as the inn collapses with Lan charging up to cover her body and... battle end. We're ~45min in, so that was a solid ten minutes of battling and I wasn't bored once and felt like I learned something important about each character we focused on. Gold stars all around. :)
Two Rivers (day three):
We fade into Rand leading his horse (Bela if you're in the know) into town with his injured dad and realizing crap happened everywhere last night (the lighting gives "early morning" vibes). His face is streaked with blood and filth.
Reunions happen, beginning with Egwene and Rand. She's obviously thrilled to see Rand and he her, though his injured dad has priority. Then Mat arrives with his sisters. His parents are, again, leaning on each other, and his dad seems a bit ashamed (which, he should be). Mat notices Perrin coming out of the forge with Laila's body (Perrin has obviously taken the time to clean her up a little bit). His calling out to Perrin gets Rand's attention but Rand is focused on Tam. So it's Mat who silently supports Perrin as Perrin lays Laila down with the other bodies.
Egwene was fetching Moraine for Tam. And I love how visibly exhausted Moiraine is. Because we saw how hard she fought last night, we recognize how much she's pushing herself here. Which makes Rand's accosting her all the more jarring. And a very strong contrast to the soft-boy Rand we've seen previously. (His sweater is long gone.) And of course, by season end we understand why he's on edge at this moment. (Stradowski gives good reaction when Moiraine retorts, "They're here for you." He looks like he's about to be sick.)
And then we're into Moiraine's monologue about the blind Aes Sedai's prophecy or vision and... yeah, this bit is clunky and rushed, imo. Oh, how I wish the opening scene had been that vision itself as Rafe had planned! That would have left space for more natural sounding dialogue -- less stuffed to the brim with exposition -- for Moiraine to gather our crew together and get them to leave with her. Pike is able to deliver it fairly well but... yeah. Still kind of clunky.
I do love Lan's line, "How did they get here so fast?" The frustrated confusion in Henney's voice, like he's almost speaking to himself. That's the natural I was looking for.
Anyway, it's everyone on their horses and off they go. A couple of things I noticed:
Everyone is still as filthy as they were prior to getting onto the horses. All that's changed is Rand and Egwene have on (admittedly really nice) coats. So there wasn't even a pause to wipe the blood and dirt off their faces.
Everyone has someone to say goodbye to except for Perrin. D: The heart clenches. The warmest goodbye is between Tam and Rand. Tam gets a close up for his gentle, best-dad, smile.
TL;DR This episode, out of the whole first season, is the one where I most felt the interference of sticky executive fingers. The very beginning is an unfortunate level of clunky, and the very ending is almost as bad. Thank God for Rosmund Pike and Kate Fleetwood is all I can say. Fortunately, the middle parts range from good to amazing. I do wish Perrin's backstory had been fleshed out more. (I don't see any benefit gained from not full on spelling out that Laila was worried Perrin loved another woman more than her. And I think there was some cost to not spelling it out.) But otherwise, I enjoyed the character work and the world building.
A solid B episode that easily carries me into watching the next one.
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kaisooficdrunk · 3 months
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo ft. ksoo's I Do
This episode is in commemoration of Kyungsoo’s second mini album, pre released track, titled ‘I Do’. we will be looking at a fic I believe is very appropriate. This story we will be looking at today, illustrates and has the essence of the song. 
The sequence in which we will be sharing this space:
Introduce the fic with its technical aspects of word count, tags, author’s summary, setting.
My experience reading the fic, and connecting parts of the narrative to the lovely song we have received from our dear Kyungsoo.
Short intro to the author and a qna with the author.
Without further ado, let us dive into the fic of the day.
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The fic i will be going through today… is laced with so much love, and even more love to be desired upon after reading this short thousand word fic. 
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo is the fic we will be looking at today. Set in this universe where kaisoo is the way we see them now, but of course laced with fiction. This work is part of the Waxing & Waning series. I will not get into what Waxing & Waning is today, because that series needs a few episodes by itself. But going back to the fic of the day. General tags of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo includes Fluff, Romance Wedding ish, and because it is a non au, it has also been tagged as canon compliant. 
The premise of the fic, reading from the authors summary: The location is heavenly, and Jongin envisions something other than a press conference taking place. (Kyungsoo does, too.)
The setting for this fic comes after the Waxing & Waning series, so kaisoo is already in an established relationship. It is a non au, so it is inspired by real life events. Here, the event that sparked this beautiful thousand word fic was The War press conference back in July 2017.
Everytime i read this fic, it is quite a fast read, well again it's about a thousand words, and wow does it give me the giddy feeling of love. The first few paragraphs of the fic, we have a scene where kaisoo are in their immaculate suits, written so painfully like them getting ready for a wedding ceremony in the venue. Sorry not A wedding, THEIR wedding.
The giddy feeling of love and hope and knowing their love is perfect. TO ME. Their love is perfect to me.
I am so in love with kyungsoo’s voice and his loving and lovely lyrics. So with that, connecting parts of the narrative to the song, we have Kyungsoo singing Whatever you like, I like it too Wherever you go, I go
And in the last part of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo, and i quote: 
He releases his boyfriend and reaches into his white pants to pull out the silver ring and look at it properly. Jongin turns it over in his hand and notices an inscription inside the band:
Then, Now, Always
His eyes well up a little, and he meets Kyungsoo’s gaze with a *hitch* slight hitch in his breath.
“You like it?”
Jongin nods, his joy evident despite the tear that trickles down his cheek. “I do, I do.” Kyungsoo smiles back at him, a little glassy-eyed himself, and reaches into his navy pants’ pocket, pulling out a matching silver ring. Jongin marvels at it for a moment. “So we were only missing an officiant today?”
“Pretty much,” Kyungsoo says, giving him a light peck on the nose, cheek, and lastly lips. “You like it here? Or someplace like this?
“Name the time. Name the place. I’m yours.”
To fuel this kaisooism even more, Kyungsoo says in ‘I Do’: I know you and you know me like we are one, between us we share countless, identical memories.
I think enough has been said. The thing is, as a kaisooist who takes references from at1stsoo’s fics, it is as if the song was inspired by this moment. Their moment of innocent intimacy, their promises of lifelong commitment, and the confidence that they would be able to prevail all that limits their bond of love. 
Just an anecdote of what happened on the day of the pre released track, as i was listening to the song, i DMed at1stsoo. She mentioned upon listening to the latest release, that she had to edit the fic to have Jongin say I do, I do, to Kyungsoo’s sweet proposal.
Onto the next segment where we introduce a bit on the author: at1stsoo is, as we all know, a writer. A kaisoo historian and won the best kaisooist a few years ago. Works on ao3 amount to about 50 fics and counting. All on EXO.
at1stsoo has been in this fandom since 2013, that's about 10 years. The pull factor that got her into this fandom was when EXO released Growl. She heard the song and loved the start of the second verse. When she watched the music video for Growl and saw Kyungsoo sing the start of the 2nd verse, her bias was solidified. Back during The Moon promotions, at1stsoo obsession was on all of Kyungsoo’s stage greetings for The Moon and the confidence he is showing in interacting with fans. The meaning behind her user pseudo name is: when she fell in love with Kyungsoo at first listen and at first sight.
My question for at1stsoo was, what was your thought process when you saw kaisoo in the war press conference? What was the first thing that came to mind, and how did everything come to place in the end to birth this beautiful one shot?
At1stsoo response was that she immediately thought the boys looked like they were ready to be in a wedding, esp Kyungsoo and Jongin, and the venue for the presscon was soooo different from the usual? outdoors? greenery? it felt like such an outdoor wedding, so she thought - ok today's the day Kaisoo gets married in the Waxing & Waning series.
at1stsoo continued that of course, a proposal made a lot more sense than an actual wedding, so she ran with that. at1stsoo had always loved their secretive whispers right in front of fans on stage so she thought a secretive proposal in front of the press was kinda fitting.
So that about sums it all for this episode, link to the fic would be linked, do take some time to read! It is just a thousand words, and what better way to celebrate this proposal ish song other than at1stsoo’s subtle wedding ish nonau fic, In the Clouds With You?
Have a lovely week dear kaisooists, thank you so much for tuning in, and we’ll see you in the next one. Bye!
0 notes
alexiososp · 7 months
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo ft. ksoo's I Do
Hello dear kaisooist, how has your day been so far? I hope you are well.
I first recorded this episode a day after the pre-released track titled ‘I Do’ of Kyungsoo’s second mini album.
So this episode is in commemoration of Kyungsoo’s second mini album, pre released track, titled ‘I Do’ PLAY THE MUSIC STOP AT 0:03, we will be looking at a fic I believe is very appropriate. This story we will be looking at today, illustrates and has the essence of the song.
Before diving into the fic of the day proper, I would just like to share with you the sequence in which we will be sharing this space.
First I will introduce the fic with its technical aspects of word count, tags, author’s summary, setting. Then I will talk a bit about my experience reading the fic, and connecting parts of the narrative to the lovely song we have received from our dear Kyungsoo. And lastly a short intro to the author and a qna with the author.
Without further ado, let us dive into the fic of the day.
The fic i will be going through today… is laced with so much love, and even more love to be desired upon after reading this short thousand word fic.
In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo is the fic we will be looking at today. Set in this universe where kaisoo is the way we see them now, but of course laced with fiction. This work is part of the Waxing & Waning series. I will not get into what Waxing & Waning is today, because that series needs a few episodes by itself. But going back to the fic of the day. General tags of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo includes Fluff, Romance Wedding ish, and because it is a non au, it has also been tagged as canon compliant.
The premise of the fic, reading from the authors summary: The location is heavenly, and Jongin envisions something other than a press conference taking place. (Kyungsoo does, too.)
The setting for this fic comes after the Waxing & Waning series, so kaisoo is already in an established relationship. It is a non au, so it is inspired by real life events. Here, the event that sparked this beautiful thousand word fic was The War press conference back in July 2017.
Everytime i read this fic, it is quite a fast read, well again it's about a thousand words, and wow does it give me the giddy feeling of love. The first few paragraphs of the fic, we have a scene where kaisoo are in their immaculate suits, written so painfully like them getting ready for a wedding ceremony in the venue. Sorry not A wedding, THEIR wedding.
The giddy feeling of love and hope and knowing their love is perfect. TO ME. Their love is perfect to me. Haha
I am so in love with kyungsoo’s voice and his loving and lovely lyrics. So with that, connecting parts of the narrative to the song, we have Kyungsoo singing Whatever you like, I like it too Wherever you go, I go PLAY THE MUSIC at 1:52 stop at 2:02
And in the last part of In the Clouds With You by at1stsoo, and i quote:
He releases his boyfriend and reaches into his white pants to pull out the silver ring and look at it properly. Jongin turns it over in his hand and notices an inscription inside the band:
Then, Now, Always
His eyes well up a little, and he meets Kyungsoo’s gaze with a *hitch* slight hitch in his breath.
“You like it?”
Jongin nods, his joy evident despite the tear that trickles down his cheek. “I do, I do.” Kyungsoo smiles back at him, a little glassy-eyed himself, and reaches into his navy pants’ pocket, pulling out a matching silver ring. Jongin marvels at it for a moment. “So we were only missing an officiant today?”
“Pretty much,” Kyungsoo says, giving him a light peck on the nose, cheek, and lastly lips. “You like it here? Or someplace like this?”
“Name the time. Name the place. I’m yours.”
and of course to fuel this kaisooism even more, Kyungsoo says in ‘I Do’ start at 0:54 PLAY THE MUSIC stop at 1:07 ‘i know you and you know me like we are one, between us we share countless, identical memories’ oh my kaisoo… honestly i think enough has been said. The thing is, as a kaisooist who takes references from at1stsoo’s fics, it is as if the song was inspired by this moment. Their moment of innocent intimacy, their promises of lifelong commitment, and the confidence that they would be able to prevail all that limits their bond of love.
Just an anecdote of what happened on the day of the pre released track, as i was listening to the song, i DMed at1stsoo. She mentioned upon listening to the latest release, that she had to edit the fic to have Jongin say PLAY THE MUSIC STOP AT 0:03 I Do, I do, to Kyungsoo’s sweet proposal.
Onto the next segment where we introduce a bit on the author: at1stsoo is, as we all know, a writer. A kaisoo historian and won the best kaisooist a few years ago. Works on ao3 amount to about 50 fics and counting. All on EXO.
at1stsoo has been in this fandom since 2013, that's about 10 years. The pull factor that got her into this fandom was when EXO released Growl. She heard the song and loved the start of the second verse. When she watched the music video for Growl and saw Kyungsoo sing the start of the 2nd verse, her bias was solidified. Back during The Moon promotions, at1stsoo obsession was on all of Kyungsoo’s stage greetings for The Moon and the confidence he is showing in interacting with fans. The meaning behind her user pseudo name is: when she fell in love with Kyungsoo at first listen and at first sight.
My question for at1stsoo was, what was your thought process when you saw kaisoo in the war press conference? What was the first thing that came to mind, and how did everything come to place in the end to birth this beautiful one shot?
At1stsoo response was that she immediately thought the boys looked like they were ready to be in a wedding, esp Kyungsoo and Jongin, and the venue for the presscon was soooo different from the usual? outdoors? greenery? it felt like such an outdoor wedding, so she thought - ok today's the day Kaisoo gets married in the Waxing & Waning series.
at1stsoo continued that of course, a proposal made a lot more sense than an actual wedding, so she ran with that. at1stsoo had always loved their secretive whispers right in front of fans on stage so she thought a secretive proposal in front of the press was kinda fitting.
So that about sums it all for this episode, link to the fic would be linked, do take some time to read! It is just a thousand words, and what better way to celebrate this proposal ish song other than at1stsoo’s subtle wedding ish nonau fic, In the Clouds With You?
Have a lovely week dear kaisooists, thank you so much for tuning in, and we’ll see you in the next one. Bye!
0 notes
glowyjellyfish · 2 years
October Halloween Movie Fest Day 25:
Tonight I watched The Thing for the first time, and boy I’m glad I didn’t watch it until I was thoroughly desensitized! I don’t think it affected me much, but that was some scary shit. Amazing effects that held up 99.9%, and any flaws were hidden with fantastic cinematography. The music—or, often, lack thereof—was perfectly executed to highlight the tension and terror. I was aware of this in advance, but flawless dog acting. What a smart boy. The ending was perfect—I’ve seen several movies this month that had a calm false ending before a second climax, and was practically expecting that to the extent that I watched the whole end credits waiting to be surprised, but this ending was exactly right for this movie. The other movies, like say Poltergeist, were about defeating and escaping from a monster. This movie was about paranoia, and the sense that it was better they die than escape. And so, without actual spoilers, it was right to cut off when it did, and leave the viewer with unanswered questions to gnaw away at them. Also, I didn’t realize Keith David was in this movie until I saw him in the end credits! I can’t believe I didn’t even recognize his voice, man. It’s probably not going to ever be a favorite of mine—I prefer horror with more character development, tragedy, and/or psychological elements—but given that my childhood was full of FF7, Parasite Eve, and the X Files, it was good to finally watch and see the inspiration for things. I mean, this movie is basically Jenova’s origin story, right? Oh, and I find it interesting that there is zero motivation given for the Thing; surely it would make the same basic choices if it was just trying to survive on an alien world, as opposed to wanting to assimilate the planet?
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My list is growing very thin, especially given that I am saving some for the last couple days, and several others are being held hostage by exclusive streaming bullshit. I will have to think very carefully about what to watch tomorrow.
Treehouse of Horror 25 (School is Hell/A Clockwork Yellow/The Others):
Fairly good, actually. I remember being unimpressed when it was new, but it’s a bit better than I remember. The first segment has a lot of cool designs and spooky imagery, even though it’s not particularly creepy. I found the second segment to be the weakest—it had a solid parody concept and again neat designs, but suffers a lot from not being as dark as the source material calls for. I think it’s only creepy if you understand the source material—and if you do, it’s still not creepy because it’s been thoroughly defanged. Plus, it feels like it just finished getting set up when it ends, without ever touching on the actual plot. The third segment is a bit of a gem, being absolutely packed with nostalgic callbacks and meta humor. It’s got a respectably spooky atmosphere even after the relatively benign nature of the plot is revealed, maybe getting slightly creepy at times. And it has Bart Twists! So many Bart Twists. All in all, a decent episode. My list is now 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2, 20, 9, 8, 17, 23, 16, 15, 25, 19, 13, 24, 21, 12, 14, 10, 18, 22, 11.
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i can’t tell if illustrating things with Simpsons gifs is working but it’s my posts I can do what I want
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rambling-addict · 2 years
May I rant about the season 3 finale of MFS?
No? I’ll still do it anyway. This took me awhile. Had to get my thoughts organised, because my brain is just itching to begin rambling. There’s too many to say, and I’ll probably miss some stuff.
Disclaimer: I still love the show with all my heart. It brought me Raylla and the beautiful friendship that is the unit. And I know, I know… they’re rushing with this season and trying to wrap it all up. I’m familiar with this excuse. But seriously? Still left so many questions.
So here I go… my rant list:
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1) Anacostia’s death.
Was it really necessary? It’s so sudden. And seriously, if you’re gonna kill her off, at least do it in a more honourable way! Crushed by a fuckin’ truck?? Really? All that power and badassery—reduced to this incredibly mundane death? I am so upset. They didn’t need to follow other shows formula in killing off characters for shock value.
First off, they ‘kill’ Izadora… then bring her back so she can set off Penelope on Hearst and Silver—meaning, the death was unnecessary. And now, Anacostia… my heart is broken. Why can’t she be revived, too, then? At least, bring her back like Alder…get her to say her goodbyes. That eulogy was lackluster—they moved on so quick, like c’mon. It’s so stupid.
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2) Scylla as a side character.
I hate that Scylla got reduced to that in this last episode. From necro ex-Spree agent, she’s just there… a love interest of the main character. You could have written Scylla off this finale, and it wouldn’t matter… because she didn’t add to anything. She was an accessory to the unit, and I hate that. She’s so much more than that, and she’s capable of more. I’m so pissed that the last we get to see her is them all staring at the sky. No proper goodbye to the character. Even Adil and Khalida.
Also, as a side rant. I hated how Raelle didn’t seem as devastated when Scylla was captured to be tortured. When it was the other way around, you could feel Scylla’s pain at losing Raelle. Raelle was a bit out of character that episode. Rebel Raelle would’ve slipped off to save her girl. But no matter… seque rant over.
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3) No Raylla happy ending scene.
It would have been nice to have a single scene Raylla walking along the beach by the lighthouse… or a shot of them hanging their army medals on their front door. A life with no obligations, no army. But I guess with the unit being the mushroom’s new stewards, we don’t get that. I’m shocked that they didn’t even have a finale kiss, not even one. Even Tally and ‘Greg’ had a kiss scene.
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4) Nonsense earth and sky thing.
All that build up about the earth and sky being too powerful or dangerous to be united… only to point out that Abigail is a steward. If Jem can sing two elements —earth and sky— then why did they play up that narrative of Abigail and Adil? Of the Camarilla hunting down the Tarim and Bellweathers? I’m confused. And while I’m stoked that Abigail is a steward, Adil got pushed to the sidelines. Their union was all for naught. And I wanted a scene at the beach, damn it!
Also, all that mystery regarding the Abyssinian line… and the clue is in a book collecting dust in an abandoned house in Ghana, complete with illustrations, lol. The Camarilla historian surely sucks at his job. Or maybe they were hiding the fact that they knew it was the Bellweathers? I guess it doesn’t matter now.
And I thought the song had to be passed down? Or did I miss that?
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5) Where is everyone?
When everything was going down, they said half of the army was still in the Cession. So the other half is in Fort Salem, right? So where the hell were they when the base was getting attacked?? Hiding?? I was hoping for a war scene, even just glimpses—just to prove that the Army isn’t such a wimpy bunch. They’ve looked so helpless the whole season. I wanted them to fight back!
Where is M? They’re more useful fighting alongside the unit, not protecting the Wade. G-boy gets to be there in action, why not M??
And Kara Brandt? Like a ghost. I’m hoping it’s a loophole to make her the villain when there’s a next season, yeah?
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6) What did Tally ‘figure’ out, really?
What is the mushroom’s plan with them as the ‘new stewards/ goddesses’? Again, I’m hoping it’s open-ended as a continuation for future seasons. But c’mon… it didn’t make sense when Tally said she figured ‘it’ out. I was like—what? What did I miss?? How is it about the three of them? If the First Song didn’t matter, then why the stewards still sung it? It’s a bit of a cringe, it’s just so cheesy—that scene with the Mother speaking through Alder.
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7) Everyone are witches now?
I get that the original six went off in different parts of the world to spread the gift, so it is possible that witchcraft is passed on. But then if everyone has an inner witch that awoke, what’s with all the witch hunt last season? The army and Camarilla determining who has the dormant witch gene? And the witch plague, Penelope? I thought the plague was only deadly to witches… Hearst died because he had a witch vocal cord maybe, but Silver? I am so confused. And what happens to Penelope now?
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8) Witch bomb
The whole scene inside the mycelium still boggles me. One minute, it’s Adil and Scylla dying… then Raelle ends up on that glow-y sacrificial table of sorts, now she’s the one kinda dying and ready to blow? It just confuses me. And Raelle dispersed the gift to everyone in the world, with the witch bomb? This would’ve been the perfect moment for the Mother to actually materialise and explain her mysterious plan…
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9) ‘Greg’
Again, nothing against the actor…but really? You manage to squeeze in a scene of him rambling to Tally why he failed to help them in that Necro room and then give them a stinkin’ kiss scene (albeit short)… and then nothing about a Raylla/ Adigail kiss scene at the end? Or even some other significant scenes—like what the hell was happening outside Fort Salem, or like clips about the aftermath… They cut so many scenes for this guy, and his scenes doesn’t even add to the plot. *shakes my head* Yup, still bitter.
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10) Overall dark and slow-paced season and didn’t live up to the previous 2 seasons,, BUT still the one of the best shows to represent a wlw couple.
Like I said, it’s all mixed feelings. I’m disappointed at the finale. But at the same time, I’m so grateful for knowing Raylla. Taylor and Amalia did their characters so well, and I will forever cherish this ship. The cast are all brilliant, and all the crew did a fantastic job on making this show happen. I just wish it could’ve ended on a good note instead of rushing. It was a hot mess, but it’s done. I’m still grateful… and I’m still hoping for more seasons so they can fix this.
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