#I feel like he’d be a big fan of Indian food
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bloodied-velvet · 1 month ago
So… if Alucard was actually awake and traveling, there may have been a possibility that he saw the construction of the Taj Mahal during his days in India 🤔
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milkymora · 8 months ago
✧ 5 midcin flirts - headcanons ✧
~note: hiya, this is my first midcin post! i don’t really know if the fandom is alive, i’m just gonna drop these here because i still love this game. the pictures used aren’t mine, ct to the respective owners on pinterest & all headcanons are SFW! xoxo mora
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✦ Louis Howard.
his favorite instrument is the violin. he can’t really play it, he took a few lessons, but he’d rather listen to other people play it than playing it himself. he enjoys it more that way.
he is scared of big dogs. nothing ever happened, but hearing them bark agitates him a lot, he’s more of a birds/cats guy.
he despises alcohol. he drinks it forcefully every time when he’s in business dinners, he’d much rather drink tea or coffee. the taste is just too strong for him.
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✦ Alyn Crawford.
loves rings. he is a silver guy, and wears them whenever he isn’t working. also necklaces & chunky earrings too.
when he was a child he was obsessed with pirates. he readed so many stories growing up, and is the number one fan of pirates of the caribbean.
he used to have his hair super long, but had to cut it short to become a royal knight.
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✦ Giles Christophe.
has a secret tattoo in the low part of his back. he tattooed a little saturn planet, which is the planet he likes most (he loves space).
enjoys indian food so much. he loves spices and spiciness, his favorite dish is aloo gobi (a vegan dish, made of potatoes & cauliflower + typical indian spices).
hungry reader. he reads around 30+ books per year, of all genres. particularly, he fancies historical ones the most.
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✦ Nico Meier.
a huge sanrio fan. he loves keroppi, and has so many plushies all around his bedroom. actually, he loves toys in general. action figures, dolls, ect.
sweets addicted. he loves milka chocolate, chip chocolate cookies, strawberry cheesecakes & blueberry muffins, could eat these all day long.
believes in angel numbers a lot. very superstitious in general (he will shit his pants if he breaks a mirror).
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✦ Sid - Lloyd Grandier.
sports lover. he jogs every morning, loves basketball, swimming and so much more. he’s super muscled.
he is a huge fan of metal music. he loves Metallica more than anything and has several shirts of the band.
only wears baggy clothes. he hates tight fitting ones, he finds them to be incredibly uncomfortable and can’t stand that feeling.
~ heyyy. thank u sm for reading, i hope u enjoyed! i’m planning on doing more headcanons about louis because he’s my favorite and tbh i don’t know much about the other characters because i haven’t yet played their routes. but i’ll make up for that :)
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luke-o-lophus · 5 years ago
Coming Back to Life Pt.2
Part 1 can be found here
Part 3 is up now!
Sam Wilson , Indian/Desi Reader , Bucky Friendship
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“But I want a shower, not a bath”, you whine while Sam half supports half drags you to his bathroom.
“You can barely stand”, Sam says with a roll of his eyes.
“Then how do you know I won’t drown in your goddamn tub if I’m so outta it?”
He mutters curses at that comment and shoves the door open with his shoulder,”I’m gonna get grey hair soon and it’ll be on you.”
You slump heavily on the toilet while he starts running the bath. You drag your toes in little lines on the tiles, leaving small trails of mud. Normally Sam would scream at that, but now he was just glad you had the energy to do something useless. A tap on your shoulder makes you look up and raise your arms above you slowly. Sam wordlessly takes off the jacket, tosses it into a bucket nearby. He raises his brows at the blouse you’re wearing underneath. “That jacket’s too big on you and this is not your mission gear”, he points out, but you just hum in response. Of course this shimmery gold blouse isn’t your mission attire. Sam just sighs hard. This was unusual, really unusual, and it was eating at him. But he knew better than to probe right now. Anyhow, you could go only so long without spilling all the beans to him, or Bucky. If that man didn’t look out for you as much as he did, Sam would’ve wiped off his face the smug grin he got every time you shared something with him first.
Sam returns to the job at hand, testing the water with his fingertips and turning the tap off. You were half asleep where you were seated; he shakes you awake gently. A groan and squint of your eyes, waving your hand at the light he’d turned on. He flicks it off immediately and pulls you to a standing position. A little fumbling with the buttons of your jeans then he kneels to help you pull them off. “I need to keep extra underwear at your place”, you mutter absently.
“I’ll get a shirt for now”, he offers, helping you into the tub and lowering you  into the warm water. “And I’ll tell Barnes to bring over a few sets of your stuff. You’re staying here for a bit.”
Normally, you would’ve argued on that just for the heck of it. Today you just nod and dip further into the water, eyes shut. Sam considers leaving, but another look at you makes him sigh and pull the stool to sit by the tub.
“This is like raising a teenager”, he mutters in mock annoyance and your lips curl to a smile. “I got a headache”, you mumble back and Sam snorts. “Once you’re cleaned up pretty sure we’ll see more than just a headache. Were those rope burns on your arms or what?”, he asks almost casually. You hum again and scoot closer to him, resting your back on the tub's side. Sam knows the drill, this ain’t the first time you’d shown up with well, injuries. But he could swear he’d never seen you so out of it in your headspace. Nevertheless, not the time to bring it up. So instead, he focuses on wetting your hair and squeezing out some shampoo. Lathering up, he starts carding fingers through your locks again, the aromatic foam smoothening the matted hair. It gets hard to keep the fond smile off his face when you relax back almost immediately. Bucky had remembered that shampooing his little sister’s hair used to calm her down. He then tried it that one time he’d found you in the midst of a panic attack. Turns out, you were a sucker for it too.
“I’ll tell you in the afternoon, ‘kay? Tell Buck to wait, please?”, you suddenly pipe up in a small voice when he’s done washing your hair. Sam kisses the top of your head before getting up,”Sure, anything for princess.”
You splutter in indigation at that while he leaves to get clothes, shooting a knowing grin your way. And finally you feel awake enough to process your surroundings.
“Your shorts...almost fit me”, you note with surprise when he’s helping you to his guestroom. “That’s ‘cause they’re not mine. That’s Captain Little Ass’s shorts.”, he chuckles and you giggle at his nickname for Steve. “I really should keep some of my stuff here, everyone else seems to have theirs.” you say. Sam glares at you as he hoists you up onto the bed. “Yeah ‘cause when I bring ladies home what they’ll wanna see is a pair of lacy underwear just hanging around on some chair”, he grumbles and you laugh loudly at that, clutching your side. Your laughs are broken by groans, twinges shooting up from your lip and sides. Sam shakes his head in exasperation and just leaves to get his medi kit. You smile at his retreating figure, wondering what you’d done to deserve him. Turning to a side, there's a glass of milk and a plate with toast and a banana sitting on the bedside table. Seriously, when did he get the time to do that?
“You should just hang up a sign...Free Food and Lodging for Secret Service Personnel in Crisis”, you tease him when he’s back. You’re still sipping the cold milk slowly, cradling the cold glass to your lips. “It’s not like you people give me much of a choice”, he grunts, starting to wrap the ankle you’re limping on with a crepe bandage. “Sure, sure”, you say with a playful twinkle in your eye.
Eating is painful, but Sam doesn’t give in to your puppy eyes. “Not later, now”, he says firmly.
“You just enjoy being a mother hen”, you shoot back. He smirks at that, the cheeky bastard,”Y’know what, maybe I do.”
Bucky is at least two shades paler when he’s knocking at Sam’s door. “Where’s she?”, he demands as soon as the door swings ajar. Sam takes in his sleep tousled hair, bag on one arm and helmet tucked under another. “Good morning to you too”, he grumbles, moving aside for the man to enter. “Don’t fuck with me, Wilson”, he hisses as he almost storms inside. “Jeez man, she’s just sleeping, chill out”, Sam whispers and Bucky almost slumps in relief. He places the things on the table and quietly makes his way to the guestroom, Sam close behind. Bucky leans against the door frame, taking in your form curled up under the sheets and wet dark hair fanning out on the pillow. His eyes narrow on the lines of blackish discoloration on the arm that's not hidden by the blanket. They certainly look like rope burns and he turns to Sam for an explanation. The man shrugs and shakes his head. "She told you to wait up. I'm making coffee...If you drink that sorta thing." He gives the metal shoulder a pat and walks away.
Bucky walks in, frown deepening as he took in the purple swelling of your lip and a cut on the same side of your face. With a deep sigh, he gives your head a small comforting stroke and retreats to the kitchen.
"You're an asshole", he mutters to the Falcon. "Who the fuck texts her name and emergency in all caps and a 'come over with her clothes'?"
"Hey I had my share of scare when she turned up. You didn't have to see how she was then. You deserved that message." Sam takes a sip of the strong black coffee.
"Did she tell you she had a mission?", Bucky purses his lips, cup forgotten in his hands.
"I thought she told you.", Sam shrugs.
"How bad are the injuries?", There's a grimace to that line when spoken.
Sam shakes his head,"She's confident nothing's broken. An ankle sprain, nothing too bad. But likely there'll be more bruises with time. She...keeps wincing whereas there aren't much marks yet."
Bucky rubs the ghost of a headache from his temples,"I feel like there's a 'but' to this, Wilson."
"Well, she was completely zoned out when she came. Sort of a daze? Didn't want to snap out of ..I don't know..'mission mode'?"
Long moments of silence pass while Bucky quietly sips his coffee and weighs the various possibilities. Finally he spoke up.
"She reminds me of Becca", he says, looking out of the window at the world waking up to a new day.
Sam cocks his head,"Man I've never seen your sister but I'm darn sure she looks nothing like Rebecca"
Bucky rolls his eyes, pushing off the seat and going to the sink to wash his cup. "You know what I mean", He says, not unkindly.
It's then that in goodness knows how long, Sam doesn't argue with him.
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dragonnan · 4 years ago
This is faaaar from a complete list and will be spotty at best but I’ve been pondering MCU characters a lot as I’ve been getting slowly back to work on my mega-fic.  I LOVE minor head canons.  Simple stuff like favorite foods or what music they listen to or were they ever a smoker or whatever whatever.  So I’m gonna give myself the challenge of crafting some head canon and anyone else is very welcome to dive in! (some things are already established via canon)
~ Ethnicity ~ Faith ~ Smoker ~ Alcohol ~ Favorite food ~ Favorite cookie ~ Favorite animal(s) ~ Favorite music ~
Tony Stark:  Ethnicity: Mixed European-American-Jewish (he refers to himself as a “mutt”) Faith: “No thanks” being the initial answer but if he feels like opening up he’ll admit to believing there’s likely “something” out there but at the same time figures that “something” stopped caring about humanity a long long time ago.  Smoker?  Never liked cigarettes but smoked a few cigars when he was younger due to Obie’s influence.  He never was a big fan but wanted to fit in with his mentor.  Alcohol: Influenced both by his father and Obie, Tony started drinking hard liquor semi-regularly as young as 14 (his Dad let him try his first sip at the age of 6).  He pretty much sticks with Scotch or Bourbon but is not opposed to cheap beer at a ball game.  In fact the cheaper the better - a requirement for any self-respecting American.  Favorite food: hot dogs.  Neither one of his parents cooked.  Breakfast and lunch were whatever whenever for all three of them but dinner? You better be sure you were at that table before the plates were set down or you could go without (and Tony got a slap from his father when he’d observed that rule only seemed to apply to him).  But on the nights he was sent to his room, Jarvis would slip upstairs, later, with a sandwich or, on really rough nights, a couple of hotdogs.  Favorite cookie: Those Christmas wreath ones made with cereal and marshmallow with the cinnamon candies.  Favorite animal(s): he likes all animals but if he had to pick one for a pet he’d get an iguana.  Favorite music: well duh lolol.   
Stephen Strange: Ethnicity: Mixed European-American (borrowed from Benedict Cumberbatch’s ethnicity and adding the American) Faith: Originally atheist but now closer to Buddhist.  Smoker:  Never.  Even prior to becoming a sorcerer he has always been conscious of what he takes into his body; especially given the history of cancer on his mother’s side of the family.  Alcohol:  Wine, occasionally, though he isn’t really a social drinker per-say.  Favorite food:  The spicy shrimp and pork dumplings from a Thai place in Midtown.  Favorite cookie: Hmmm.... not a big sweets guy but he won’t turn away a few ginger-pecan cookies with coffee.  Favorite animal(s): dogs - unequivocally.  He had a border collie growing up on his family farm in Nebraska.  Favorite music: please don’t make this poor man actually have to choose.  
Steve Rogers: Ethnicity: Irish (as per comics) Faith? Irish-Catholic (as per the comics).  Smoker? Prior to the serum there was no way he could safely do so with his health issues.  After he started traveling with the performers all of the girls in the group smoked and he tried it out a few times but never developed a taste for it.  Alcohol: he drank A LOT - easy enough to do as it never had any real effect on him.  He enjoys scotch and bourbon (a taste he picked up from hanging around Howard Stark).  Steve seems to low-key always have the munchies (like most enhanced) and once Tony picked up on that there are always a variety of snacks scattered here and there throughout the compound (also of benefit for Bruce, Peter, Thor, and, later, Bucky).  Steve’s favorite foods typically remind him of his mother’s cooking.  While they’d never had much (especially after his father died) his mom could do a lot with limited supplies.  She used to make a fantastic meat pie with ground beef or tongue.  He hates SPAM.  They ate it in the Army, constantly, and just the smell will occasionally send him back to those days and not in a good way.  Favorite cookie?  Oreos.  He can clean up a family sized pack in like 10 minutes.  Steve loves animals but is especially fond of horses and dogs.  There was a dog in his unit in WW2 and Steve, like most of the other men, would share bites of his rations with it.  Steve is nostalgic about music from the 40s but finds that 70s rock really resonates with him.      
Bucky Barnes: Ethnicity: Romanian-American (borrowing a little from Sebastian Stan’s ethnicity) Faith? Possibly agnostic.  Smoker? Heck yes - both cigarettes and cigars.  Like Steve, the serum he received (via Hydra’s experimentation) means he gets to dodge the detrimental side effects of smoking.  Alcohol: He likes to drink but is almost exclusively a beer drinker.  He has a big appetite but refuses to eat around others if he can at all help it.  His favorite food is corned beef with cabbage.  Steve’s grandmother was an Irish immigrant and would make it every Sunday before the war impacted rations.  Since both Bucky’s parents were dead he’d often have dinner with his best friend.  Also, unlike Steve, he actually likes SPAM.  But then, arguably, he isn’t terribly picky about food in general.  Favorite cookie: molasses.  Favorite animal(s): birds - eagles in particular - though he doesn’t look too deeply at the psychology of their ability to just fly away.  Needless to say a crafty observer might spot a former Winter Soldier tossing seeds towards the pigeons.  Favorite music: He’s pretty eclectic though he shies away from anything too loud like death metal.  He finds classical very soothing.       
Peter Parker: Ethnicity: Mixed American-Scandinavian-German-ish Faith: Protestant upbringing but unsure where he currently stands. If pressed he’d say he’s “leaving his options open” Smoker?  “Oh gross!” Alcohol: “Um, too young to drink, thanks! But if I WERE to... you know, try it just to taste it there was this mudslide at one of Flash’s parties that was super good...” Favorite food: spaghetti and meatballs.  Lots of meatballs.  Favorite cookie: chocolate chocolate chip with chunks.  Favorite animal(s): NOT spiders.  And NOT birds given how many rooftops he’s traversed layered in pigeon ick.  He’d probably say cats.  Favorite music: The B side of techno rock - especially Depeche Mode.
Peter Quill: Ethnicity:  Half mixed American and half celestial.  Faith: His Dad was a god and he killed him so he figures he probably isn’t on the best terms with the Big G God should He... or She... or Them... be out there.  Look he just wants to do his thing and cause a little trouble without mixing it up with any other celestial types but if they DO wanna throw down he’d like to point out that he’s 1 for 1 and willing to rumble.  Smoker: He would not say no to a really good cigar and may have possibly lifted a case from Yondu’s stash when he struck out on his own.  Alcohol:  Anywhere any time and in large quantities.  Favorite food:  A thick steakhouse bacon burger with potato chips right on the patty.  Extra cheese please!  Favorite cookie: He’s a simple guy with simple tastes.  classic chocolate chip no frills no fuss and fresh from the oven.  Favorite animal(s):  He likes dogs - who doesn’t like dogs?  But he really likes cows.  Just maybe don’t mention the burger thing.  Favorite music:    
Thor: He’s a Norse god of legend so I figure we can forego the ethnicity/faith questions lol.  Smoker: He has never understood this human custom nor has he felt any inclination to try it himself  Alcohol: Beer, mead, and anything capable of knocking him on his ass.  Favorite food:  chili with ghost peppers.  Though nowhere near as hot as the fire chilies of Muspelheim (which would be instantly fatal for humans so its just as well).  Favorite cookie: strawberry cheesecake with macadamia nuts.  Favorite animal(s):  It’s a tossup between bilgesnipe and whales.  Favorite music:  The mighty horns of battle!  He also enjoys old school country, much to Tony’s disgust.  The story aspect of that music is what appeals to him.
Bruce Banner: Ethnicity: Italian-American  Faith: Catholic in his childhood; currently Atheist or maybe agnostic.  Smoker: He tends to avoid any substances for, you know, obvious reasons.  Alcohol: See previous.  Favorite food:  Waffles with sliced mango.  Favorite cookie: Oatmeal.  Favorite animal(s):  Mantis shrimp - “did you know they can generate so much power in their attacks that they can briefly super-heat the water up to 7,700 °C??”  Favorite music:  Indian- especially Krishna Bhajan.    
Clint Barton: Ethnicity:  Mixed European-American and Panamanian.  Faith:  His parents were both Protestant but he’s never latched on to any specific faith and hasn’t really devoted a lot of thought on the matter.  He has a sorta loose idea of “maybe something out there” but that’s all the further he’s gotten on the subject.  What he tells anyone who asks it’s that his religion is coffee.  Smoker: Briefly when he was a teen.  Alcohol:  Beer - he’s a fan of dark lager.  Favorite food:  Coney Island dogs, Pizza, and pickle flavored potato chips.  Favorite cookie:   Monster cookies with the mini M&Ms.  Favorite animal(s): Dogs  Favorite music:  80s rock and some country.
Natasha Romanoff: Ethnicity:  Russian.  Faith:  She was not given much choice when younger and was raised as “state atheist” (per comics).  In the years since escaping that life, however, she has tried to discover more about herself.  Her parents were both Russian Jewish and there has been a pull to discover more about that faith - especially since meeting Wanda - who is Jewish.  Smoker:  No.  Alcohol: Some vodka - that’s a given.  But she actually prefers wine; and honestly her favorites are wine spritzers.  Favorite food:   Favorite cookie: Krumkake filled with creme and berries.  Favorite animal(s): Favorite music:  Overall she listens to a pile of little-known bands and whomever is playing at whatever bar in whatever city she happens to be in.  She also is a huge fan of old school Spice Girls.
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tomb-lair · 4 years ago
Harry Potter Headcanons- Part 1, the Main trio, Ginny, and Draco:
Harry: Auror detective, working with elf partner named Cibzy (OC).
Ron: Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.
Hermione: Social Activism focused on Elf rights, journalism, publishing.
Ginny: Quidditch Pro Player for Holyhead Harpies to Star to Commentator.
Draco: Muggle and Wizard Relations at the Ministry of Magic, marries a squib he meets there named Karnapriya (OC).
First off, I agree with Harry becoming an Auror, solving detective cases because it keeps him out of the spotlight and he likes following leads, helping people. Harry's partner, Cibzy, is the first elf Auror: "but I'm not here to discuss elf rights or change the world, I'm here to solve cases." "Some might say that is changing the world," Harry says back to her. "Don't be smug, Mr.Potter."
Cibzy likes cider and knitting. She even sometimes knits with Mrs. Weasley.
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And they have a case involving Dudley! ***Imagine if Cursed Child was about Dudley's kid, Penelope, a muggle-born witch, and she goes missing or is cursed...I might write this. Takes place when James was the only Potter child. JKR said that "any latent wizarding genes would never survive contact with Uncle Vernon’s DNA," but I find that quite negative.***
Harry is usually given big cases that take up a lot of his time, but he sets work aside on Quidditch nights--BIG at the Potter House. Harry orders food from the Elf Restaurant nearby: Goppy's Grub (their famous dish has actual grub insects.) He and Ginny always encourage the kids to eat a lot, clean their plates. Molly Weasley looks after the kids a lot.
I also like Ginny as a professional Quidditch player for the Holyhead Harpies. Scores a lot as Chaser and does big celebrations that piss off the other team. The coach tells her to tone it down before the Beaters all target her. After the game she is very respectful, so there’s no real animosity. She becomes a Quidditch star, and later in her career commentator for Quidditch games.
Ginny and Harry tend to go out on dates in Muggle areas where they don't have fans because while Harry mostly gets people tipping their caps at him, Ginny gets surrounded by fans who want her autograph.
Ron working at the joke shop makes sense, but I also like the idea of him becoming the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts and being the fun teacher that has a lot of stories (because Ron kind of likes showing off). Think he's tired of facing danger head on, but he'd feel proud to teach students-- some of whom gone on to become Aurors. Also Ron being Head of Gryffindor house and having a rivalry with the Head of Slytherin would be hilarious. Hermione jokes he's become an academic but he retorts that he's teaching self defense, not academics.
He is amazed at the gossip professors have that he never would have guessed as a student. Ron is always telling Hermione he's not spying on their kids-- he just hears things. He'd help George with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes at first, but I imagine McGonagall offering Ron the job when they can't find a replacement and George pretty much kicks Ron out and tells him to take the job. (Seamus joins George with new ideas and lots of enthusiasm).
Hermione becomes a journalist and activist, focused mostly on Elf Rights. Researches on history, and writes about social movements and civil rights, laws that are up for vote. She later gets into book publishing. She is mostly focused on publishing the stories of magical creatures-- like centaurs, goblins, and elves-- who haven't had their stories heard. She often invites the authors over for dinner.
Hermione tried to convince Harry to write a book about his life experiences-- starts writing the book herself and makes Harry read her drafts at gatherings. Ron tells her to just write the whole book herself: "You were there. Hey, I was there!" but she tells him: "It's about Harry!"
Draco works in the Ministry under the Department of International Magical Cooperation. He focuses on Muggle and Wizard relations, bettering programs that acquaint muggles that have wizard children with the wizarding world, and wizards with squib children to the muggle world. He learns a lot about Muggles and corrects what he was taught by his parents. I imagine Draco would meet a squib from an Indian pure blood family, Karnapriya, who transfers to working in the same department as Draco. (Can Draco just be happy and not lose his wife to a blood curse? What would be an Indian term for a squib?)
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Draco has an interview with Hermione that she publishes in her paper. She invites Draco over for dinner and Ron is a little stand-offish until they discuss how their kids are. Ron gives a little gossip about Rose and Scorpius: "Don't tell him I said anything, Malfoy, and don't say anything to Rose, Mynee." "You two gossip more than Rita Skeeter." (Ginny ends up joining in on the gossip sessions.)
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spyoikawa · 4 years ago
Hihi! I'm alive! Battling this history competition, but I'll make it!
So let's jump back into these requests starting with, @wakatoshiswife
(sorry I lost the request so I'll copy/paste below the line break!)
(and I am once again on a different electronic, so sorry if this looks different, I will format it to look correct later)
Request: Hello! I saw that you’re doing matchups for valentines! I’d like to request for one too if that is okay :) I’d like to matched up with a guy please...I’m a 160cm girl, ISTJ/ESTJ (I’m an ambivert), my enneagram is type 8. My zodiac sign is cancer. I have black curly hair (type 3B hair) and my eye colour is brown. At first glance, people often think I’m mean bcs I have really think eyebrows and I have a resting b face. However once you get to know me, I’m pretty fun. My hobbies are gaming, baking and editing. The characters I kin are Sakurajima Mai, Light Yagami & Osamu Miya. I enjoy working out as well! Especially jogging on a cold morning/evening. I love watching formula 1 and I would watch football if it means getting to bond with my partner/friends. I play any sports but I like volleyball and badminton the most. I also enjoy cooking Asian cuisine as I am asian, I’m a mixed Persian-Indian. My favourite weather is Autumn as it matches my aesthetic and overall aura and vibe. My favourite colour is red as if I were to be a colour based off my personality, I’d be red. Although I look best in nudes, black, white and purple...I also have the best music taste ever. I’m the chill friend in the whole group. I am very very laidback, in fact I can be a little too laidback at times but it’s nothing bad, I know when too loosen up and when to get serious, hence this is why I’m often (almost every time) a leader. I’m quite the procrastinator and the last minute person but I always know what I’m doing so its all good. I’m confident in what I do and I stand strong for what I believe in. Words, will not hurt me unless it’s said by directed to an insecurity of mine. I hate losing. I’m that one competitive friend that hates losing but I never go too much yk. I’m pretty chill when it comes to competition, that meaning, I don’t show how competitive I am. I have a blank face as I’m competing with others. I always strive to win even if it means winning in a ridiculous way, however I won’t drag it too much as I hate when a small problem gets really really big bcs people keep making it big although it’s just a minor problem (I’m so sorry if you don’t understand T^T). I’m kind, polite and pretty mature but not too mature as I don’t want my adolescent to go to waste. Therefore I try my best to loosen and up and relax! If I were to go on an outing with my friends and they’re being noisy and loud in public, instead of telling them to quiet down, I’ll leave them there so I don’t get embarrassed 🗿. I hate creating a scene in public. I’m not a fan of popularity unless it’s for a good cause. Therefore, I’m a private person with around 15 people in my circle and I enjoy it this way :) I’m also very passionate in what I do. I’m very ambitious and my hogwarts house is syltherin. I know what I’m doing as for now and I love to plan ahead so it won’t be chaotic. I’m 100% a leader and my personality is very dominant. However when it comes to relationships, I’m 100% the submissive (or switch? I’m not sure) one bcs I am very shy to actually initiate anything. My preference in a partner is someone who’s dominant and he wouldn’t mind losing for me. If I were to be an animal, I’d be a wolf or a tiger but as for my partner, I’d like him to be a wolf or a lion but deep down he’s just a bear 🥰. I also prefer guys who aren’t loud, like quiet guys but not too quiet. Ones who talk when they need to, as I’m not rly fond of people who talk a lot a lot. It can be quite annoying and I’ll probably end up accidentally hurting them. I’m so sorry if this is too long bcs I think I went overboard. Thank you so much and have a nice day :D
Alright, thank you so much for this request, and thank you for being patient with me! I'm glad I got a nice long request to get back into the jist of things! And I never like to assume, but I feel like I've been bugging you, so I'm gonna assume you were requesting tulips-
anyhoo, without further ado (lol that rhymes)
Rion's Flower Shop! Today we have Tulips! I match you up with
Kuroo Tetsuro
relationship dynamic
- its actually quite nice! A perfect balance of similarities and opposites!
- and those said opposites are harmonious!
- you guys are both admirable leaders in your own way, and can often cooperate together, and despite different approaches, reach the same goal
- both of you are really confident in your talents and areas and you use that a lot to your advantages
- he's lowkey scared of your poker face but will never admit it
- despite this, the little perks and habits the two of you have are quite amusing
- he still struggles to see how tf you get work done when you procrastinate so much, but is honestly amazed by it
- and the competitiveness you share drive the 2 of you to keep moving forward
- it's always nice to have someone supportive of you (and you 2 are, don't get me wrong) but it's also nice to have some friendly banter and competition, whether it be over music, which teams are better, opinions, which food type is best, etc.
- it keeps you two on your toes
- and (as I mentioned earlier), although the two of you can keep going back and forth, you can also lean on each other, and trust one another for support.
- he can count on you to show up to some of his games and you can count on him to have your back you want to try something new or show him your hobbies
- you guys are also there emotionally, he will always be there watching your back, and cheering you up or proving people wrong after particularly harsh, uncalled for comments, because he knows how you really are and that those people are talking bs :)
- and you do the same for him, to cheer him up, let him know he's a good captain and friend. And although he doesn't show it as much when he's older, he still gets nervous in social situations and he can count on you to be a constant in new areas
What you guys do together/ What's it like with them
- this can either be the most fun relationship or the most comforting, laid back one ever!
- and honestly both are good choices
- neither of you really want to lose your childhood, cause you only get it once
- so it's not uncommon to try out new hobbies or experience new things together to make the most of this time you have
- there are a lot of firsts with him because of that
- he doesn't mind having fun out in public, like that's the point of going out to him, but he also agrees with not wanting to cause trouble, one) that shit's embarrassing 2) he knows it'll make you, himself, and others uncomfortable, so there's really no need to do something uncalled for
- however, despite all the fun of childhood, it's also good to have calm, quiet moments in certain relationships, such as this one
- he doesn't mind, and actually quite enjoys indoor dates, like studying together or watching your favorite movies/shows
- that gives him a chance to be and focus on you only, and maybe get to know you better
- no matter what you do, you two have a silent understanding of what you enjoy, don't enjoy, and what each others needs and wants are
- and he also understands how you might not like to initiate things, he can understand to a degree
- for a while it's a matter of who will make the first move, but once he gets comfortable, he won't mind initiating it for you :D
What they like about you
- he likes your overall personality tbh
- how you can be so laid back yet confident at the same time
- yet also sweet and nice to others
- it's a nice mixture where he doesn't need to force his personality out and express everything that comes his way, but he also doesn't need to shrink to avoid overwhelming you
- and although he likes to take the charge, he likes that you can be dominant at times too, sometimes he'd rather just leave things to you, because he knows he'll like what you like
- it also feels easy for him to talk to you
- he doesn't know why but he finds himself expressing his opinions and sharing things he'd usually keep guarded with you, because he trusts you enough to understand and not share with others
- overall, its the understanding for him :)
- and he's taking this to the grave, but he's also a firm believer that slytherins should stick together
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alrighty, to be completely honest, idk how I did on this one, so please, if you did not like the style of writing or the character I matched you up with, please let me know! I will gladly rewrite it for you!
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snelbz · 6 years ago
The Arrival {ACOTAR 2nd Gen - Part 1}
A/N: Surprise! @tacmc and I didn’t even tell you this one was in the works. The idea popped into our heads and we both fell head over heels in love with it! It will be based around a long weekend away from Velaris. Each “chapter” will cover a day. We hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions about the kids, please feel free to drop an ask in either of our boxes!
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Cassian climbed out of the truck and slammed the door, taking a deep breath as he looked out over the lake.
This long weekend away from the hustle and bustle of Velaris was exactly what Nesta needed and he heard his very pregnant wife groan as she lowered herself from the passenger side cab.
“Uncle Cass!”
He turned just in time to catch the little girl that jumped at him, hoisting her up and propping her on his hip. “Luna-Bug!”
“Hi!” She tossed an arm around his neck, squeezing as tightly as she said. “Uncle Rhys told me to tell you he needs your help on the dock when you get here.”
“Well since I have the boat, I guess I need to do that, don’t I?”
Luna nodded, excitedly. “Can I come with you?”
“Of course,” he laughed, kissing her forehead before setting her down. He looked back to where Nesta was fanning herself next to the truck. “Doing okay, sweetheart?”
Nesta gave him a glare that could destroy cities. “Thorn? Can you and John take our bags inside, please? I’m going to go find your aunts.”
Thorn nodded, taking a duffle bag out of the bed and throwing it at John, who fell down from the impact. Nesta couldn’t even take a step toward him before he was on his little feet, charging for his big brother.
Cassian just chuckled and looked back to Luna. “Boys.”
Luna rolled her eyes as if to say, Tell me about it.
“John!” His youngest son paused, looking back over his shoulder. “Don’t even think about it. Thorn,” he pointed at his eldest son, the spitting image of himself. Mischief danced in the blue-gray eyes he’d inherited from his mother. “Don’t be an ass.”
Luna gasped and covered her mouth. “Uncle Cass, that’s a bad word!”
He laughed and started heading for the lakehouse, the front door swung open wide to let the heat in. “Don’t tell your mommy I said it and I’ll give you an extra one of Aunt Nesta’s brownies after dinner.”
Luna’s eyes went wide. “Ooooh yummy.”
Azriel was standing in the kitchen, taking everything out of the fridge that he would need to start grilling. A 6-month-old Lannan was strapped to his chest in a carrier, little feet kicking wildly. Luna began squirming until Cassian put her down.
“Daddy! Uncle Cass is here!”
Azriel turned around, only to have Luna run into his leg with a big hug. She reached up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to baby Lannan. “Hi, baby brother.”
Lannan giggled and tangled his fingers into Luna’s dark hair.
“OW!” she screamed.
Azriel sighed, untangling his infant’s fingers from his eldest child’s hair.
“Hi,” he laughed, meeting Cassian’s gaze. “You’re needed-.”
“Dock? Yeah, so I’m told,” he said, narrowing his eyes at Luna, who stuck out her tongue and ran out the back door, toward the lake.
He ruffled his hand through his brother’s hair (much to Azriel’s dismay as he whispered “Prick,” under his breath) and pressed a kiss to the top of his nephew’s head and headed for the door. “Cass?”
He turned and looked back towards the kitchen. Azriel tossed him a beer. “Here’s to a good, long weekend. You’re going to need that.”
He saluted him and cracked the top, following the sound of giggles onto the back porch.
Feyre and Elain were sitting down by the dock in their swimsuits, Nesta waddling toward them — Thorn gripped by the wrist in one hand, John in the other.
Feyre and Rhysand’s twins were running around in the grass through the sprinklers.
“Party’s here!” Cassian announced, descending the back porch stairs.
Feyre rolled her eyes as Nesta let go of Thorn and John and plopped down in one of the other lawn chairs.
“Control your boys,” Feyre chastised. “Your wife is a whale.”
“Bitch,” Nesta muttered but didn’t correct her. Cassian didn’t want to know what it took to create human life.
“She’s beautiful,” Cassian winked, pressing his mouth to his wife’s before strutting out on the dock, to an impatient Rhys.
“About time you got here,” he said, tying the jet skis off.
Cassian raised an eyebrow. “In case you somehow forgot, my wife is 8 months pregnant. If you want to be the one tell her to hurry up, that’s your balls, not mine.”
Rhys glanced over to where Nesta was resting, her shirt raised over her belly, letting the sun warm her skin. He shuddered at the idea of asking an irritable Nesta to do anything she didn’t want to do. “Fair enough. I’ve got the ramps ready. You want to help me get them into the water so all you have to do is back down?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Rhys lifted his beer towards Cass and the two clinked their bottles against each other. “Happy Solstice, brother.”
Cass grinned. “Happy Solstice.”
Nesta groaned as she felt another sharp kick to her ribs. “I swear, if she wants to come early, I’m completely fine with it.”
Feyre drank from her wine glass and looked at both of her sisters. One pregnant and one breastfeeding, she would be the only one drinking. Nesta eyed her wine glass. “Have one for me, please.”
“Same,” Elain said, eyes closed, an arm tossed over her face to block out the sun.
“It would be my pleasure, but if-.”
All three women were instantly turning, Feyre and Elain on their feet, but it was Lily who was crying as she sat in the grass. Thorn had her Barbie in his hand, held high in the air out of her reach, and he looked as if he’d be caught red-handed. Nesta tried to get up from the chair, but her swollen belly wouldn’t allow her. She decided to yell instead.
“Thorn Stormwind Nazari, you give your cousin back her doll right now or I swear-.”
Feyre and Rhys’ son pushed him from behind and he landed in the grass. “Leave my sister alone!”
“Let them fight it out.”
The three women looked behind them to see Azriel. They hadn’t even heard him approach.
“Sounds like a bloodbath waiting to happen,” Elain mumbled, as Azriel took Lannan out of his chest carrier and handed him to Elain.
“It’s good for them to settle their own conflicts,” Azriel said, not unkindly, as he unstrapped the carrier and tossed it in the grass.
Elain watched the scene play out, worry coating her eyes.
But, Thorn got up, dropped the doll, and ran to the tire swing that hung on a large oak tree.
“What are we eating today, chef man?”
Azriel gave Feyre a small smile as he pulled off his shirt, the sun catching his tanned skin. “Burgers, hotdogs, I’ve got a few steaks.”
Nesta took a deep breath and cursed. “I’m so hungry, that sounds amazing.”
“Still not able to eat red meat?” He asked. “I’ve got chicken breasts for you, just in case.”
Nesta ran a loving hand over her stomach. About 3 months into her pregnancy, Nesta discovered she wasn’t able to keep red meat down, but craved it almost 24/7. There were many nights that Cassian was down on their porch at 2:30 in the morning, grilling a burger that would go uneaten, just so she could huff the smell of it out of his shirt as she laid in bed.
“No, I believe we’re finally past that, but I’ll probably still have them. That sounds so good right now.”
“She’ll change her mind in 30 minutes,” Cassian yelled as he went around to the drive to get the boat. “She’ll decide she wants Indian food or a pickle smoothie.”
“You did this to me, remember?”
He smirked. “Oh, I remember well.”
“Little ears, Cassian!” Elain cried, covering Lannan’s ears, even though there’s no way the small infant could have any idea what was being said around him. He cooed as she gazed down at him. Azriel dropped a kiss to his wife’s head.
Cassian just grinned. “Oh, you’d hate the things we say around our kids at home-“
“Cassian,” Nesta interrupted, shaking her head.
Cassian just laughed as he continued his walk to the driveway.
“Mommy?” A dark-haired, tanned skin boy tapped Feyre’s shoulder. “I want to go swimming. Thorn does, too.”
“I’ll go with you,” Azriel said, smiling softly. “Get your suits on. I’ll be waiting by your dad, okay?”
Bennett nodded excitedly and hurried inside to change.
Azriel asked, “You're giving this one a normal name, right?”
Nesta laughed. “Like you’re one to talk?” She heard Elain giggle from her seat. “Yes, Cassian lost his child naming privileges when I woke up and ‘Thorn Stormwind’ was our son’s official birth certificate. This little one will be Scarlett Rosemarie Nazari.”
“Thank goodness,” she heard Feyre breathe.
A little voice sounded behind them. “Mama.”
They turned to find Olive, one of Rhys and Feyre’s twins on the dock. She reached for her and Feyre lifted her and sat her on her lap. “What is it, sweet girl?” She didn’t say anything, just nestled her head against Feyre’s chest and closed her eyes.
“Looks like someone is ready for her nap,” Rhys said, taking his daughter from his wife’s lap. “Are you sleepy, Livy?” She shook her head ‘no’, but her thumb was in her mouth and her eyes were slipping closed. “Let’s go get your sister. Nes, want me to to put John down, too?”
“Please,” she said, taking a sip of her water. “He didn’t close his eyes once on the trip up here and if we don’t put him down now, we’ll be due for a meltdown right about dinner time.”
Rhysand chuckled and nodded. Soon enough, he had a line of toddlers behind him, holding hands, like ducks in a row.
Azriel had Bennett on his shoulders, Cassian holding Thorn on his.
“Alright, the first kid to hit the water has to set the table tonight,” Rhys announced from his swan floatie by the dock. “Go!”
The two boys wrestled atop Azriel and Cassian’s shoulders, until Bennett fell back, hitting the water. He came back up a second later, lavender eyes furious. “That’s not fair! Thorn’s older.”
“Don’t worry, kid,” Cassian winked, throwing his son into the water, off his shoulders. “Thorn would love to help you set the table for supper.”
Now it was Thorn’s turn to come up looking pissed.
“But I won!”
Before Cassian could respond, Bennett tackled him into the water and the two began to fight.
“Careful,” Rhys called, sunglasses on, eyes shut. He glanced over at the boys, and saw that they were wrestling, but weren’t too deep in the water, so they’d be fine.
His brothers, however, were nowhere in sight.
“Oh, shi-.”
Before he could finish swearing, the float was lifted from the water and tipped from underneath.
Cassian and Azriel emerged from the water, laughing, water dripping from their hair.
Rhys came up, his sunglasses floating next to him and glanced at his beer floating in the water now. He sighed. “I just opened that, you pricks.”
Elain called from the house. “Dinner’s almost ready! Start getting dried off, please!”
Cassian hauled himself up onto the dock and grabbed Thorn’s outstretched hands, lifting him up, too. Bennett, Azriel, and Rhys used the stairs and the boys all grabbed towels from the trunk under the upper deck.
As he ran a towel over his shoulder-length hair, Thorn asked, “Is Aunt Elain going to have her boobs out again?”
“Dude,” Cassian said, grabbing his son’s shoulder as Azriel choked on nothing and Rhys began to laugh. “We’ve been over this. She’s breastfeeding, Lannan has to eat, too. And you know not to stare.”
“But they’re boobs,” he said, making a disgusted face.
“You won’t feel that way for long, buddy,” Rhys said, clapping a hand onto Cass’ shoulder, trying to salvage the conversation.
Bennett looked up at his dad and asked, “Is Lannan always going to eat from her boobs?”
“No, just until he can eat real food,” Rhys answered.
“Can we stop talking about my wife’s boobs?” Azriel mumbled, holding his towel in front of him, rather than tying it around his waist like the rest of the boys.
Rhys and Cassian just laughed loudly as they led their sons up to the house.
Azriel followed them up the grassy hill and into the house, where Elain was waiting for him by the sliding door.
“You look amused.”
“Just talked with an eight-year-old about your breasts,” he mumbled, kissing her quickly.
She huffed out a laugh before shaking her head. “I don’t want to know.”
“You don’t,” he said, taking the plate of burgers and hot dogs from her and making his way over to the grill.
She went back into the kitchen, where Feyre, holding Lannan, was sending Bennett and Thorn to their room to change and get washed up. Elain returned to her place at the counter, tossing the salad and adding things in here and there.
“Where’s Nes?” Cass asked, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.
“She’s laying down,” Elain replied, not looking up from where she had begun cutting up vegetables for the kids. “Said she was having really bad heartburn from lunch.”
He laughed. “She’s the one who wanted ‘authentic Mexican’.” He tossed air quotes around the words and said he’d go get her up. No one else dared to wake the very pregnant, sleeping woman, for fear of bodily harm.
Feyre bumped Elain’s hip. “Want me to go wake up the littles? They’ve been down for, what? Almost two hours?”
Elain looked at the clock. She hadn’t realized it had been that long. “Please do.” She took her youngest from her sister. “And it’s time for you to eat, isn’t it?” She lifted him in the air and kissed his cherub cheeks as he giggled. “Yes, it is.”
Feyre just smiled as she headed down the hall and cracked open the door at the end. All three toddlers were out, the movie that was playing on the tv in the corner had ended long ago.
She brushed a soft hand over John’s curly hair. His face twisted in annoyance at being woken and the expression was so much like Nesta that Feyre had to stop a chuckle from leaving her lips. “Time to get up, Jonathan David.” His little eyes opened, hazel staring back at her and he yawned. “Are you hungry?” He nodded as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Uncle Az is outside grilling up your hot dogs. Wanna go help him?”
He nodded again, but another yawn wracked his little body as he scooted off the bed. He looked to where Livy and Lily were still asleep. He whispered, “Are they still sleeping?”
“I’m about to get them up, baby.” She brushed his light brown hair off his face again. It seemed it was time for a much-needed haircut, but if she had to guess, based off of both Cassian and Thorn’s hair, it would take a miracle for John to let anyone near him with a pair of shears.
“They’re still babies, they need more sleep than me.”
She chuckled. John wasn’t even 4 months older than her girls, but he was always so adamant that they were babies while he was a big boy. No doubt something he’d picked up from his own big brother. “Exactly, bud. Now, go help Uncle Azriel while I get them up.”
“Okay.” He yawned one more time before leaving the room.
“Livy,” Feyre sang. “Lily. Time to wake up.”
Olive was the first to open her eyes. The two looked so much alike, both like their father, although Olive had Feyre’s eyes. “Sleepy, mama.”
“But it’s dinner time, then we get to go for a boat ride,” Feyre said, kissing Olive’s forehead. “Wake up sissy and go wash your hands really good. Okay? I’m going to go help Uncle Az.”
Olive nodded, sleepily, as Feyre left the room.
She stopped at Nesta and Cassian’s door, raising her hand to knock when she heard a quiet moan that had her covering her mouth to stifle a laugh.
She was still chuckling when she made her way back into the kitchen.
Rhys, Azriel, and Elain all looked at her and she shook her head. “I think we’ll be eating without Nesta and Cass.”
Rhys began to laugh while Azriel rolled his eyes and Elain blushed from where she was nursing Lannan in the corner. The kids were all in the living room, Livy and Lily having joined them, even if Lily had curled right back up on the couch and fallen back asleep.
“I don’t understand how she still has such a strong sex drive,” Elain said, quietly. She inclined her head towards Azriel. “I didn’t even want to look at his dick by the time I was 8 months with Lannan.”
The look on his face said that she was absolutely right and that her last pregnancy had been the longest 9 months of his life.
Rhys wrapped his arms around his wife, pressing a kiss to the back of her head. “Definitely didn’t stop us.”
Thorn and Luna came into the kitchen and she asked, “Didn’t stop you from what, Uncle Rhysie?”
Rhysand blinked as everyone looked to him. “From...playing together.”
“Oh,” Luna said, shrugging. “Come on, Thorn. I’ll teach you how to properly set the table.”
They went onto the back porch, where a giant picnic table sat, and Azriel laughed. “So neat and proper, just like her mother.”
Elain was watching her, fondly, through the window as Luna scolded Thorn about silverware placement.
“Playing together?” Feyre asked, leaning into Rhysand’s chest.
“Fucking is frowned upon,” he mumbled, licking the back of her neck, earning a swat in the chest.
“Now's not time to play,” she scolded, but her arms went around his neck anyway.
“Alright,” Azriel said, standing and effectively cutting the conversation off. “Dinner’s ready. Everyone grab a plate and a kid or two and let's eat.”
They called everyone in, helping the little ones make their plates and get settled before making their own and sitting around a large table with an umbrella. Lannan was once again strapped to Azriel’s chest while he helped the other kids and Elain couldn’t help but gaze at him longingly while he talked to their son and he giggled back.
She sighed and Feyre looked at her. “I want another one.”
Rhys choked on his burger. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t want his dick anywhere near you while you were pregnant?”
“Yes,” she blushed. “But I’m not pregnant anymore.”
Azriel caught her gaze from across the porch. “What?”
She just shook her head and continued to eat her hot dog.
Cassian and Nesta stepped onto the back porch and grabbed their plates.
“Have fun?” Feyre asked as Nesta plopped down next to her.
Nesta groaned. “The more it goes into me, the faster this baby gets out of me.”
Rhysand chuckled, taking a giant bite from his burger. Cassian looked quite smug as he stood by Azriel to eat, speaking to his brother.
“Daddy?” Lily asked from the kid’s table.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Can I have a posicle?” Her little voice stumbled over the word.
A multitude of voices repeated the question.
“Did you eat all of your vegetables?”
Silence answered him.
“I did!” John cried, raising his hand.
“Good job, buddy, you get whatever color you want,” Rhys said, picking him up and carrying him in the house.
“He’s totally lying,” Cassian said, mouthful, but Rhys and John were already inside.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “A quality he’s gotten from his father.”
Cassian winked before shoving another bite into his mouth. “Popsicles for everyone!”
The kids all dropped their food and ran inside after Rhys and John.
“Cassian,” Elain scolded, shaking her head.
Cassian just shrugged, finishing the last of his burger in one bite.
“We’re on vacation, babe,” Azriel said, sitting in Rhys’ vacant seat next to his wife. “A little extra sugar won’t kill them.”
“No,” she said, taking Lannan out of his carrier on Azriel’s chest and cradling him as he dozed. “But it may kill all of us.”
Nesta inhaled sharply and Cassian was on his knees in front of her before any of the others had time to react.
He pressed soft kisses to her belly and quietly spoke to it. Nesta sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“The only way she’ll calm down and stop kicking me in the ribs,” she said, a glare to her round stomach, “is Cassian’s voice. It’s the sweetest thing, but damn it, if I don’t hate it.”
“I want another baby,” Elain said, for the second time that evening.
“Really?” Nesta blinked. “Me dying makes you want to be pregnant?”
Elain shrugged, rocking a sleeping Lannan.
Azriel was just staring at his wife, mouth hanging open. “He’s only 6 months old, El.”
She shrugged again. “And? Feyre had two at one time and they survived.”
She interjected and asked, “Hi, a friendly reminder that you both carry the twin gene, too. Do you want to tempt fate and end up with four kids instead of two?”
“I wouldn’t hate the idea.” She smiled at Azriel, who was gazing fondly at his wife and sleeping son.
“Okay,” he said, his mouth quirking to the side in a secret smile.
“Lock your door if you plan on starting tonight,” Cass said. “You’re in a house full of kids who barely know how to knock.”
Azriel huffed a laugh. “Noted.”
“Uncle Cass!” Bennett ran out of the house, popsicle in hand. “Can we go on the boat? Please please please?” Three little heads were peeking out through the screen door, waiting for his answer.
Rhys sauntered his way out behind his son and leaned against the door frame.
Cass looked up at the setting sun. “No swimming tonight, it’s too late and everyone just ate, but we can definitely go out for a bit.” He hollered into the house. “Thorn! You done with your popsicle?” He stuck his head out and nodded, curls bouncing. He tossed his keys to him. “Go make sure we have ten life jackets on the boat, please. You know which cubbies they’re in?”
Thorn jogged past him and said, “Little kids are in the front, and ours are in the back!” The fact that he continued to try and lump himself in with the adults always made Cass smile. John tried to run past his father and follow Thorn. “Nuh-uh,” Cass said, scooping him up and throwing him over his shoulder. “You know the rules. You can't be on the boat without mommy or daddy.”
“But Thorn-!”
“Is four years older than you.” Nesta cut in. “He wasn’t allowed on the boat without us until last year.”
Regardless of his nap earlier, almost as if he knew what Nesta had claimed about a meltdown earlier, he started to cry.
“You need to go to bed?” Nesta asked, brow raised.
With an angry look, John shook his head, arms crossed.
“So we're going to have a good attitude on the boat?” Nesta asked.
John nodded.
He kept that look on his face the entire time they waited for everyone to gather, and as they walked down to the dock.
Nesta stayed with Elain and Lannan at the house. Feyre helped Bennett, Lily, and Livy into their life jackets, while Azriel helped Luna and John. Thorn, already in his, was helping Cassian get the boat ready to go out. Rhys was on the dock, ready to push them when Az said, “Hey, I think I’m actually going to hang back. Need to make sure Elain is, uh,” he cleared his throat. “Well, taken care of.”
Cass threw his head back and laughed. “No time like the present, is there?”
He stepped out of the boat, much to Luna’s dismay. “Daddy, noooo.” She began to cry and reach for him.
Before he could even turn around, Cassian had scooped her up, promising she could sit in his lap while he drove the boat. This began a litany if requests to drive.
With the attention off of him, Azriel threw a grateful look and clapped Rhys on the shoulder before running up to the house.
Elain was sitting on the couch, a sleeping Lannan against her chest as Nesta stared lovingly at a bottle of wine.
When Azriel opened the door, both of their heads snapped in his direction.
“What are you doing?” Elain whispered. “Don’t want to go for a ride?”
Azriel cleared his throat. When he didn’t say anything more, Nesta slowly rose to her swollen feet. “I know when to take a hint.”
She waddled over to Elain and reached for the baby. “Gimme.”
Elain was rubbing a gentle hand along his back. “He just fell back asleep and it’s been a while since he’s been changed. I don’t want you to have to-.”
“Okay, I had babies before you, not to mention the one that literally refuses to vacate the premises of my uterus right now. I know how to be a good auntie,” she said, taking Lannan and resting him on her belly. “I promise, I can handle changing him and putting him back to sleep while you two make another niece or nephew. I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”
And with that, Nesta was down the hall and shutting her door.
Az sat down on the couch next to her and put his arm around his wife. “You’re sure?” He asked. “Lannan is just now sleeping through the night.”
“I’m sure,” she said, leaning up to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek. “We Archeron girls like to keep everything in neat threes.” She winked at him.
With that, he kissed her and rolled on top of her.
They forgot all about the boat ride out on the lake.
Thorn hopped onto the dock and caught the rope that Cassian tossed to him before expertly tying up the boat.
“He’s getting pretty good at that,” Feyre said, impressed.
“Sure is,” Cassian said, proudly.
“What do we get to do now, daddy?” Lillian asked, jumping into Rhysands arms.
“You get to go night night with your cousins,” Rhysand said, as if it was the most exciting thing on earth.
All the kids groaned and he put Lily down.
“Not me! I’m oldest,” Thorn beamed.
“Even you, bud,” Cassian said, turning off the boat engine.
Thorn pursed his lips, turned around, and stomped down the dock, heading for the house, while the rest of the kids played in the grass.
With a chuckle, Rhysand hopped onto the dock to tie up the front of the boat. “He certainly takes after his mother, doesn’t he?”
Cassian grinned. “He’ll be asleep first, too.”
Thorn ran back down the dock. “I thought you said Lannan would only eat from Aunt Elain until he could eat real food?”
Cass groaned. Of course, they were back to this. “He will, buddy. Then it’ll be solid food like you guys eat.”
“Oh okay.” He looked back towards the house. “So why is Uncle Az breastfeeding, too?”
Both Rhys and Cass froze and then Rhys took off down the dock and passed the kids. They took one look at him running and got up to chase him.
Cassian, taking advantage of one of their favorite games, yelled, “Uncle Cassian says, ‘Freeze, right now’!”
All but John stopped. “Jonathon David, I said ‘Freeze’!”
He stood absolutely still. Cassian looked at Thorn who still stood by him on the dock. “Don’t tell anyone what you just saw and you get to stay up for an extra 30 minutes and play Xbox when we get home. Especially not mom.”
He grinned, looking exactly like Cassian, when he said, “Deal.”
Rhys reached the porch and made a show of stomping up the wooden stairs. When the two figures on the couch didn’t stop, he cracked the sliding door, keeping his eyes wrenched shut and said, “Little eyes, Az! Little eyes!”
He heard them both curse, hurried steps, and then a door in the hallway slammed shut.
He looked back at the dock and gave Cassian a thumbs up.
Feyre, on the other hand, was howling.
Thorn went back to looking confused, and the other kids were still frozen on the lawn.
“Oh, UNFREEZE!” Cassian yelled. “Pajamas, teeth brushed, in your bedrooms!”
They all did as they were told, laughing hysterically from the joyous feeling of a boat ride and a game of “Uncle Cassian Says”.
“And Az is the smartest one in our group,” Cassian muttered, tightening the ropes before helping Feyre out of the boat.
“Are we partying after the kids go to bed?” She asked.
Cassian just grinned.
Azriel and Elain were in a sweaty heap in their bed, slowly kissing, just enjoying their time together. They’d heard the kids run in, Cauldron bless Rhys for giving them enough time to run into their own bedroom, and had listened as the house fell into a comfortable quiet, the only sound the hushed voices of their siblings in the living room and the occasional rumble of Cassian’s deep laughter.
“We didn’t tell Luna goodnight,” Elain murmured, Azriel pulling his lips away from hers only to trail them down her neck.
“I think she’ll be fine for one night, love,” he dragged his lips back up to hers, brushing his tongue against her lips.
There was a banging on their door. “Alright, you two, you’ve had enough playtime.”
“Go away, you prick,” Azriel called.
Cassian jiggled the doorknob in his hand and shook the door. “You’ve got 10 more minutes before I come in there and pull your naked ass out of there. And you, too, Azriel.”
They heard Nesta, Rhys, and Feyre laughing in the living room.
“You know he’s serious, right?” Azriel breathed in her ear.
“Oh, I have no doubt,” she said, kissing his cheek. “Go, I’ll be out in just a few minutes.” He raised his eyebrows and looked at her, a question on his face. She glanced down at her legs squeezed together tightly.
“Have you been doing that since I-?”
“Yes, yes, I have. I’m not wasting any of it. I want a baby, and I want it in exactly 9 months.”
Azriel gave her a fond smile before kissing her cheek and hopping out of bed. He tossed on a pair of shorts and a shirt before walking out into the hallway.
He made a stop at the end of the hallway, where the big kids were huddled together in sleeping bags on the floor, watching a movie.
“Daddy!” Luna whispered, smiling brightly. “I thought you weren’t going to say goodnight.”
“I’ll always say goodnight,” he promised, kissing her forehead. “Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, daddy.”
“Goodnight, Uncle Az,” Bennett yawned.
Thorn was already snoring.
“Goodnight,” Azriel winked, ruffling Bennett’s dark hair.
He closed the door quietly behind him as he joined the others in the living room.
Feyre was smirking and Cassian raised his hand in a high five without even looking at him, keeping his eyes on the puzzle in front of him. Az chuckled as he slapped his hand and sat down next to Rhys. He handed him a shot of tequila and Azriel braced himself as he tossed it back.
“Did you knock my baby sister up again?”
He coughed and almost had to endure it coming out his nose as he looked over at Nesta, who hadn’t looked up from her book. “Excuse me?” He laughed.
“I just want to know if it was a success since I had to listen to ‘Fuck, Az, yes, Daddy, please!’ for 45 minutes.”
Her impression of Elain was spot on and the house erupted into laughter as Azriel’s face burned.
“What are we laughing about?” Elain asked as she tied her long hair up in a messy bun. She had put on a pair of leggings and one of Azriel’s t-shirts.
The laughter stopped abruptly before Feyre mumbled, “I didn’t know you called Az daddy.”
Elain’s cheeks were on fire as she turned on her heels and hurried into the kitchen. “I….need a drink.”
Rhysand chuckled, nipping at Feyre’s ear.
“Let’s play a game,” she suggested.
“What game?” Cassian asked, still not looking up from his puzzle.
Feyre shrugged. “I’ll go see what we have in the game cabinet.”
The second she opened the double doors, her eyes landed on the box and it was decided.
She dropped Twister on the coffee table, right on top of Cassian’s puzzle. He glanced up at her.
“If I wasn’t absolutely positive I’m about to kick your ass at this game, I’d be mad at you.”
“Gimme the spinner,” Nesta said, snapping her book shut and holding out her hand. Feyre handed it to her and stood up, spreading the mat out over the carpet.
Elain came out of the kitchen with a stack of shot glasses and a chilled bottle from the freezer. “Who wants a shot of Fireball?”
Rhys took the glass from her and narrowed his eyes at it. “Gods, what, are we in college again?”
He tossed it back and blew out a harsh breath. “Yep, tastes like regret!”
Elain threw a vulgar gesture his way which had Cassian howling. “Az, baby, will you go get the can of formula out of my bag? I want to make Lannan a bottle since I’m drinking tonight.”
Cassian muttered, “Don’t you mean, daddy?”
“Gods above,” he groaned, but made his way down the hall to their room.
“I’m gonna start calling you daddy,” Feyre said, winking at Rhys.
Rhysand lifted a brow that said he wouldn’t hate that idea.
“Nesta already calls me daddy,” Cassian said, grinning. The way he said ‘daddy’ was far too confident and provocative.
Nesta scoffed. “I do not. I call him many things in the bedroom, but never daddy.”
Elain sat down next to Nesta and she mumbled, “Don’t knock it til you try it.”
Rhys brought Elain two shot glasses full of tequila. “Drink up, Lainy. You’re about 6 drinks behind and we need to even the playing field for Twister.
She rolled her eyes, but did as she was told, shaking her head and laughing.
Cassian turned on some music quietly in the background and Azriel came back down the hall, shaking two full bottles.
“Thank you, daddy,” Elain giggled and he just sighed and shook his head as he made his way into the kitchen.
“Who got my wife drunk?” He called from the other room.
“That’d be me,” Rhys said, tossing a hand in the air.
He brought her a bottle of water and gave it to her, pressing a kiss to her head. “Thanks for that.” He poured himself another shot of Fireball before pointing at Nesta. “Let’s do this.”
She spun the dial and chaos ensued.
They didn’t hear the door as it squeaked open down the hall, didn’t hear the little footsteps as they snuck down the hall. He stood there, with his thumb in his mouth, clutching his blankie and said tearfully, “Da-daddyyyy.”
Cassian’s face was far too close to Azriel’s ass when he looked toward the doorway to see John standing there.
“What’s wrong, buddy?”
“I had a ba-bad dream,” he said, a tear sliding down his cheek.
Cassian stood, losing his place on the mat as he went to his 4-year-old and picked him up. “I’m sorry, bud. I’ll tuck you back in, okay?”
John nodded, lying his head on Cassian’s shoulder.
He took a detour, stopping in him and Nesta’s room to grab a stuffed animal out of the overnight bag they’d packed for the boys. John held onto it and Cassian tightly and he paused before leaving again, sitting on the edge of the bed and running a soothing hand over the back of his son’s head.
“I wanna sleep with you and mommy,” he said, voice already getting heavy with sleep again.
“Mommy and I aren’t going to bed yet, bud. Plus you’re getting to camp out with Bennett and Luna and have a sleepover. You love your Luna-Bug, don’t you?”
He only sniffled and nodded.
“You wanna tell daddy about your bad dream?”
He shrugged, gripping Cassian’s t-shirt tightly in his little fist.
Cassian took his blankie and tucked it around him.
“I think there’s a monster under Livy and Lily’s bed.”
He mock gasped. “A monster? I guess I better go tell it to hit the road, shouldn’t I?”
A quick nod and Cassian had John propped on his hip as he quietly slipped into the Little’s room. He could see that Olive and Lillian were fast asleep so he sat John on his bed and put his finger over his lips, telling him to be quiet. John nodded and watched as Cassian bent down by the girl’s bed. “Be careful, daddy,” he whispered, and Cassian’s heart felt like it would burst as he noted the true fear in his son’s voice. He trusted his daddy completely and he hoped he always would.
Cassian peeked under the bed and saw nothing but spare socks, long-forgotten toys, and dust bunnies, but he made a show out of whispering, “Listen here, Mr. Monster, I don’t know where you came from and I don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here.” He heard John gasp and he tried his best not to chuckle. “What’s that? Oh, you were just passing through and didn’t plan on staying anyways? Well, that’s good. I appreciate you being so understanding. Have a good night.”
He turned and faced John again, who was staring wide-eyed. “See? It was just a misunderstanding. All gone now.”
He looked around the room. “All gone?”
He pressed a kiss to his curly head and tucked him in as he laid back down. “All gone, buddy. I love you.”
“Love you, daddy,” he yawned, clutching his blankie as tightly as he could.
Before Cassian was out the door, John was already sleeping soundly. He tiptoed back down the hall, peeking in on the other kids before he made his way back to the living room.
Azriel’s ass was straight in the air, his head nearly touching his knees as he stood between a howling Feyre and a giggling Elain.
Rhys was lying on the floor, apparently already having gotten out, and Nesta was still holding the spinner with her feet propped up on a footstool.
“Right hand, blue,” Nesta announced, catching sight of Cassian as he entered. “He okay?”
“Oh, yeah,” Cassian said, sitting on the armrest of the chair she was in. “Just needed his daddy to scare the monsters away.”
Nesta grinned as she spun again. “Good thing he has such a good daddy.”
“Elain has a good daddy, too,” Rhysand noted, words beginning to slur.
“Shut up,” Azriel laughed, head still in an awkward position.
“We’re never going to live that down, are we?” Elain asked with a heavy sigh, walking her right hand to the closest blue space. It just happened to be the same spot Feyre’s foot was on.
“Of course not,” she laughed. “You two gave me and Rhys shit for so long, it feels good to finally have something to make fun of you for.”
Elain scoffed and dug her finger into the arch of Feyre’s foot. She squealed in laughter and knocked the three of them down, into a sprawling heap on the mat. Azriel rolled away, sitting next to Rhys. They admired their wives, tangled in a giggling heap on the floor.
Rhys nudged him, his words becoming harder and harder to understand. “That’s a god damn Archeron sister wet dream right there.”
Feyre barked out a laugh and said, “Pig,” before she crawled away from her sister and straddled his waist, pushing him to lie back onto the floor.
Cassian lifted a brow. “I know the kids are asleep, but my eyes burn, too, watching the two of you make out, so-.”
Feyre pressed her lips to Rhys’.
“Apparently my words mean nothing,” Cassian finished.
Nesta chuckled. “It’s getting late, I’m pregnantly exhausted, and we have a big day of chasing kids tomorrow. I’m ready for bed.”
Cassian kissed her forehead. “All in bed before midnight. Not as young as we used to be, huh?”
“Kids add a few years,” Azriel mumbled, pulling Elain onto his lap on the floor. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“If your canoodling worked this afternoon, you’ll have to add a few more years onto your life in nine months,” Rhys grinned, back still against the rug.
“Canoodling?” Nesta asked.
“Kids also expand your vocabulary of substitute words for fuck,” Feyre winked.
“We tell Luna we have to go do laundry,” Elain said, eyes already closed as she drew small circles on Azriel’s collarbone. She traced the swirling tattoo sticking out from his shirt.
“Luna hates laundry day,” Azriel smirked, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back. “She has to stay in her room until we finish ‘folding clothes’.”
They all looked at Nesta and Cass, sitting on the arm of her chair. They glanced at each other. He shrugged. “We just tell them we’re having adult time and to go play Xbox. Boys are easy.”
Nesta smirked. “We’ve never been interrupted once.”
“Wish we could say that,” Feyre groaned.
Rhys just laughed and said, “When he was five, Bennett caught us fucking at, like, 4 in the morning once. We figured we were safe, so we were just going at it. No covers, nothing to hide under, absolutely nothing.”
Feyre covered her face and leaned down, burying it in Rhys’ chest. “He asked us why daddy was poking mommy with his pee pee for MONTHS.”
Everyone laughed at that, but no one harder than Cassian.
“What about you two?” Rhys asked, and smirked. “This afternoon notwithstanding.”
Elain blushed again and buried her face harder against Azriel’s neck.
“Yes, we’ve been caught before,” he laughed. “A few times actually.”
“Once by dad and then by Luna, too,” she said, her voice muffled.
“No!” Nesta yelled, laughing. “I need both stories. Now.”
“Well, your dad caught us before we were even married,” Azriel began, and Elain was already blushing. “He came over to bring Elain a box of her old things after we had just moved in together. Apparently, he doesn’t believe in knocking, because he opened the front door while I had Elain bent over the kitchen table.”
“Oh my god!” Feyre howled. “Why didn’t you ever tell us that?!”
“Because it’s horrible,” Elain said, face still buried in her husband’s neck.
“So that’s why you and dad didn’t talk for months,” Nesta said, nodding. “Huh.”
“I’d never seen him move so quickly. He dropped the box and hauled ass,” Azriel said, unable to control his own laughter as he took another shot that Cassian had handed him.
“Please tell me Luna caught you in a less compromising position,” Rhys said, humor in his violet eyes. “Or, at least in the dark.”
Before she answered, Elain reached for the tiny glass Cassian was holding for her and tossed it back. “It was in the hot tub. I still had my top on, so she couldn’t see anything through the bubbles from the jets but- Gods, I can't believe we’re talking about this.” She blushed and covered her face.
Azriel has a smug look on his face when he said, “She was riding me pretty hard and we were pretty focused on what we were doing. We didn’t even hear her come outside until she asked if she could have a pony ride on my knees next.”
The house erupted into laughter.
“She had been asleep for three hours and we didn’t have Lannan yet!” Elain cried, her head thrown back as she laughed. “We thought it was safe!”
Their laughter faded away into a joyful, comfortable silence. They had all grown up. Gotten married, had kids, but even so, they had all remained close. Friends. Family.
When Nesta began to doze off, Cassian rose to his feet, lifting her up in his arms. “I’m taking mama to bed.”
“Looks like Scarlett won’t be making her appearance tonight,” Rhys mumbled.
Cassian chuckled. “We’ll speed up the pregnancy again tomorrow,” he promised with a wink. “Goodnight.”
A chorus of goodnights rang throughout the room. When they heard Nesta and Cassian’s door click shut, Azriel ran a finger up Elain’s arm. “Ready for bed, baby?”
She was already half asleep on his chest but still managed to smirk as she whispered, “You put baby number 3 in the oven already. Don’t want to try for number 4?”
He chuckled and stood, pulling her with him. She looped her arms around his neck and hopped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He huffed a laugh as his hands cupped her rear and held her up. There was nothing sexual in the way he held her, just love and support, as pure exhaustion was written on every inch of her.
“Goodnight,” she called, face buried in Azriel’s neck.
Feyre and Rhys laughed and told her goodnight.
“Night, guys,” Az said, carrying her down the back hall.
When it was just the two of them in the living room, Rhysand rolled his wife onto her back and hovered over her. “Seems we’re the only ones who didn’t get to engage in any canoodling today.”
She laughed, brushing his hair off of his forehead. “You seem to be forgetting about the hour-long shower we took before the kids got up this morning.”
“Oh, I could never forget anything that wicked mouth does to me.” He bit her bottom lip and tugged lightly. “I just meant out here. This is the first place we ever had sex.”
Feyre blushed at the memory. “You sure you aren’t just trying to get me to call you daddy?”
Rhys tipped his head back and laughed. He leaned his lips down and dragged them up the long column of her neck, pausing to suck and lick the tender skin. “I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t be opposed to you trying it out.”
She rolled her eyes. “Cocky bastard.”
She kissed him, long and slow, as the rest of the house grew completely silent.
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spine-buster · 6 years ago
Alone, Together | Chapter 21 | Morgan Rielly
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A/N:  Y’all deserve this one.  I’ll be at church cleansing my sins if you need me.  
Briony never got to give out Valentine’s Day cards at school because she could never afford them.  She’d get them from her fellow students, decorated with superheroes or puppies or whatever else was popular at the time, usually with a heart-shaped chocolate or a Hershey’s Kiss, but she was never able to give any out.  That was why, given the opportunity, she went out and bought really corny Valentine’s Day cards, the fold up ones that came in packs of 30, wrote one to Morgan for each day of his road trip, and hid them in his suitcase for the 13-day tour of Montreal, New York, Colorado, Las Vegas, Arizona, and St. Louis.  Bee was a bit bummed that she wasn’t able to spend time with Morgan on their first Valentine’s Day together, but there wasn’t exactly anything she could do about it.  
Instead, she was focused on the training she was completing for her new job.  The day after her interview, Mark Travers had called her back.  “Can you come back to my office?” he had asked.  Morgan was at morning practice, so she high-tailed it in an Uber.  When she got there, he sat her down in the same chair she sat in for the interview.  “What are your salary expectations?”  “There will be performance bonuses if you accept and do well.”  “We’re not going with the candidate from Montreal.  I would love for you to be part of our team.”  It was all very surreal, and of course, she accepted the job.  She was a junior financial analyst at Scotiabank.  Her hard work paid off in the best way possible.  Yes, she had a boyfriend, the best boyfriend in the world – but now, she had a job.  She had a career.  She had everything she had ever wanted.
Morgan was, of course, over the moon when she told him.  So over the moon, in fact, that the Leafs won their next two games against Anaheim and Ottawa.  She was able to go to both games after her training, just a short walk to the ACC from Scotia Plaza.  He asked so many questions and was so interested in everything she would be doing.  He was like a little kid in a candy store.  He wouldn’t shut up about it.  He told his teammates.  He told the wives and girlfriends (as if she hadn’t already).  He told Mike Babcock because, well, he just happened to be listening at the time.  He told the Uber Eats delivery man when he dropped off their food that night, a celebratory feast on Indian food.  He’d tell a park bench if it listened.  
But, like always, then he had to leave.  A thirteen day road trip for the team.  He cursed the fact that after all these big events, he always had to leave, and they could never properly celebrate.  They couldn’t even properly celebrate their first Valentine’s Day, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it.  There wasn’t exactly anything any of the other wives or girlfriends could do about it, so instead of wallowing in self-pity, Alannah had organized a “Galentine’s Day” night over at hers and Zach’s place.  The boys were facing the Vegas Golden Knights tonight, and the girls could at least watch the game together while eating junk food and sipping on mimosas and mocktails rather than spend the night alone.  
Until then, Bee found herself with Aryne, who was apparently feeling particularly stir-crazy.  There was a week of paid training before Bee assumed her full responsibilities, and in the time, Aryne made it her personal goal to meet with Bee everyday for lunch so they could check out places to eat in the financial district.  Today, they were at the Cactus Club, an import from western Canada that just opened a few blocks north of the Scotia Plaza.  Aryne had ordered them both a tuna poke bowl and non-alcoholic Valentine’s Day-themed drinks.  
They had been talking for a while, discussing who was going to be at Alannah’s place that night and what time Aryne would pick Bee up, when suddenly a shrill voice was heard from across the restaurant screaming, “Ohmigod, Aryne is that you?!”  Aryne and Bee both looked to their left, and Bee saw a beach blonde running over to them with a giant smile on her face.  
“Oh Lord,” Aryne mused under her breath as she smiled at the woman making a beeline.  
“Who’s that?” Bee asked, but it was too late.  The woman had approached their table and Aryne was smiling politely at her.
“So nice to see you here!” the woman said, bending down and giving Aryne a hug, who didn’t bother getting up from her seat.  “I can’t believe I ran into you here of all places.  What are you doing here?”
“I’m having lunch with my friend,” Aryne said.  Why else would she be in a restaurant with another person sitting across from her?  “Bee, this is Sydney.  Sydney this is Bee McTa--”
“So you’re Bee?” she said slyly, not bothering to offer her hand for a polite shake.  “I’ve heard so much about you.”
“From who?” Bee asked.
“From Instagram,” Sydney said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  Bee got worried the second she mentioned it.  She didn’t even know who this Sydney was – why did she knew who Bee was?  What had she seen on Instagram that made her feel like she already knew who Bee was?  “I just love that Chanel bag that Morgan got you.”
“What have you been up to, Sydney?” Aryne intervened the split second she saw Bee’s eyebrows furrow.  “What brings you back to Toronto?”
“Well, I had my dress fitting at Kleinfeld today.  Jessica had a working lunch so I thought I’d come to Cactus Club and see what the food’s like,” she explained.  Bee had no idea who Jessica was and she wasn’t inclined in the slightest to ask.
“Jessica who?  Mulroney?” Aryne asked.
“Of course, Aryne.  Who else?” Sydney smiled.  “Anyway, the second dress was already ordered in Southampton so we’re waiting for that to come in for alterations as well.  Then there’s the veil and the flower wall and just, like, so many other things.”
“Should’ve eloped,” Aryne winked.
“Boomer wouldn’t want that,” she giggled, turning her attention back to Bee.  “You must know my fiancé Matt?  Or my father Boomer Esiason?”
Bee didn’t understand.  Did Sydney just ‘my father’ her a la Meghan McCain?  Was she just name-dropping people in the hopes that Bee would recognize who she was?  Why would she want anyone to recognize her?  Bee shook her head.  “I’m sorry, I have no idea who you’re talking about.”
“My fiancé is Matt Martin.  He plays for the Islanders.  He was on the Leafs last year,” her tone was light but she spoke in short sentences, talking to Bee like she was an idiot.  “Do you not know about hockey?”
“Not a lot, actually,” Bee tried to keep her voice as cordial as possible.  She could see Aryne trying to suppress a smirk.  “I’m usually too busy with work to learn about other teams, so I just stick to the Leafs.”
“Oh…” Sydney was taken aback by Bee’s answer, by Bee’s lack of interest in who she was, in Bee’s lack of caring about anything to do with her.  
“Bee’s a financial analyst with Scotiabank,” Aryne informed Sydney.
“And Morgan’s okay with that?”
A shiver ran up Bee’s spine.  “Why wouldn’t he be okay with that?”
“Morgan earns more than enough money for the both of you.  All the hockey players I know would love to have their girlfriends at home with them to help with the hockey schedule.  You know how boys are so dependent,” she tried to turn it into a joke.  “They can be so useless sometimes.”
Maybe her boy was dependent, but Morgan could get by on his own.  Bee didn’t like the insinuation that he was the only one that mattered in the relationship and that her needs took second place to his.  That’s not the way she lived her life, ever, and that’s not the way she and Morgan acted in their relationship.  “Morgan loves that I have my own career,” Bee said definitively, taking a sip of water to prevent her from saying anything else she might regret.
Sydney smiled politely.  “Well, I won’t keep you two much longer,” she gave a half smile to Bee before focusing on Aryne.  “Look for the invitation to come late May.  It’s going to be in Southampton.  We’ll provide hotel details.”
“Good luck with the rest of the planning,” Aryne smiled before Sydney walked away, readjusting a Prada bag on her shoulder.  Aryne looked back at Bee and gave her a look.  “Sorry about that.  I thought we’d be safe here.”
“Is she always like that?  Namedropping Jessicas and Boomers and who her husband is?” Bee asked.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Aryne rolled her eyes slightly.  “Her dad was a pro football player and now she’s getting married to Matt.  He played for the Islanders with John, then played in Toronto for two years, but now he’s back on the island.  She’s really close with Steph.”
Bee tried not to roll her eyes.  She didn’t like those types of people – those that would namedrop to get what they want or so they could let you know who they were.  It actually did say a lot about who they were, and to Bee, it wasn’t that good.  She didn’t even like it when Morgan did it all those months ago at Cibo.  “What did she mean she saw me on Instagram?” Bee asked.
“Well obviously we’ve been uploading pictures and stuff,” Aryne said, taking her phone out of her purse.  “But then there’s like, the fanpages or whatever.  She stalks them a bit to see what they say about her and Matt.”
“The what?”
“The fanpages.  You know, like the girls who somehow get a hold of our pictures and then post them on their accounts?” she phrased it as more of a question.  When she saw the confused look on Bee’s face, she shook her head.  “Oh come on Bee.  You have to know about them.”
“I know about the girls who send me messages telling me I’m fat and Morgan’s my sugardaddy,” she said bluntly.  Aryne knew about them too.  They laughed about them together.  “I don’t know about these so called fan-pages.  How do they get the pictures if our profiles are private?”
“Oh, they find their ways,” Aryne typed something into her phone and swiped through a few screens.  “It’s nothing horrible.  They literally just post pictures.  But…yeah.  Here’s you,” she said, showing Bee her phone over the table.
Bee took Aryne’s phone in her hands and swiped through the post from @theladyleafsoftoronto: ten pictures stolen from her Instagram account, from Ashley’s Instagram, and even from Lucy’s private one somehow.  Group shots of her with the girls.  None of her and Morgan together, thankfully, because those were few and far in between.  She had just posted her first one, series of photos of them together in Vancouver, after they got back from their trip.  She’d cleared her Instagram like Angie told her to, and she hoped they wouldn’t get out.
“Check out at NHL wives and girlfriends,” Aryne said the name of another account before she stuffed her face with contents of her poke bowl.  “Those girls should work for CSIS.”
Bee punched the handle into the search bar and immediately saw the account.  She didn’t have to scroll far to see the two different posts, each with another series of photos and videos of her.  Twenty total.  They had screengrabbed Instagram stories of her and Morgan kissing from Auston’s New Years Eve party and others, Boomerangs from Halloween in their costumes, and even went so far as to include one of the oldest pictures of herself she had posted to Instagram.  They were crazy.  And somehow – yup, of course, of-fucking-course – the series of photos of her and Morgan together from Vancouver were on there.  She didn’t even want to know how they got there.
“Wait…” Bee said as she noticed one specific picture.  Their backs were to the camera and they were standing on the seawall on Kitsilano Beach, where Andy brought them when they landed in Vancouver.  “That’s…that’s not…”
“What’s wrong?”
“One of these is Shirley’s picture,” she said.  “Shirley…she only posts to Facebook.  You mean to tell me they stalk her Facebook?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” Aryne shrugged her shoulders.  “I told you.  They should work for CSIS.  They could get information on anyone.  Hell, if you didn’t even have an online presence they’d still find you.”
It was at that point, staring at the candid picture Shirley had taken of them in Vancouver, that Bee realized there was nothing she or Morgan could do about it.  Absolutely nothing.  They could switch on every privacy button they could, they could refuse to post – none of it mattered.  It would still end up somewhere.  It would still end up on an Instagram profile with almost 10,000 followers and fifty comments on the post.  It was completely out of their control.
So why bother?
“Jesus,” Bee shivered slightly, and it wasn’t because of the cold outside.  She handed Aryne’s phone back to her.  “I didn’t know…I mean, these girls must have a lot of time on their hands.”
“I know it’s a lot, but it’s not a big deal.  It happens to us all.  They all find it somehow.  The more you come to just accept that it’s gonna happen, the less freaked out you get when it does happen,” Aryne explained.  “The fact that you don’t care what they say helps, too.  Yours and Morgan’s relationship is strong and you’re better than what they say about you.  Other girls aren’t as strong as you.”
Bee had received a text with a picture of every Valentine Morgan found on his 13 day road trip followed by a heart and a message of “I can’t wait to see you”.  Now that he was finally on his way home, Bee sent him a text back: “I can’t wait to fuck you.”
She was restless.  All she wanted was him with her, beneath her, above her, beside her, behind her – she didn’t fucking care at this point.  She wanted touch him and to feel him so desperately she was willing to jump his bones the second he got in the door.  Hell, she’d meet him down in the parking garage if it meant getting her hands on him.  But with the last ounce of self-restraint she had, she put on her blush coloured baby doll lingerie set and waited for him on the bed.  
Even as she heard the door open and shut, she stayed in her position.  “Bumblebee?” Morgan called out, the sound of his bag hitting the floor loud in the quietness of the apartment.
“In here!”
She heard his footsteps make their way to the bedroom.  When he opened the door, he was greeted with her, sitting on the bed on her knees in her lingerie.  He stopped for a moment, taking in the scene before him.  “Well well well…happy belated Valentine’s Day to me,” he hummed.
“Happy Valentine’s Day baby,” she smiled, noticing he had something in his hand.  “What’s that?”
“Your valentines,” he said.  “Wanted to give you a kiss for every one you left me, but it seems like you have other plans in mind,” he licked his lips.  “I’ve never seen this before.”
“I was keeping it a secret.”
“Oh were you,” he sauntered over to her, making a come hither motion with his finger.  She moved towards the edge of the bed where he was standing, slipping her arms around his neck.  “I mean it.  Thirteen kisses,” he mumbled, grabbing hold of the flesh at her hips before giving her the first kiss.  “I love the pink,” he mumbled.
“I knew you would,” she said, biting his bottom lip.  “God, I missed you so fucking much.”
“I missed you too, Briony.  But I’m home now.”
She kissed him again, unable to wait any longer.  They definitely gave each other more than thirteen kisses as they made out, but she wasn’t exactly complaining.  Morgan’s hands on her flesh were intoxicating and all she wanted to feel.  She wasted no time in ridding him of his clothes.  He moved quickly to put the valentines on the dresser so he wouldn’t lose them.  
“Lie on the bed,” she directed him when he came back.
“I said lie on the bed,” she repeated as she made way for him to do just that.
“What are you --”
“Can you stop asking questions and just lie on the bed!” she giggled, pulling him down so he had no choice.  Crawling in between his legs, she couldn’t help but smile as he put his hands behind his head to view her.  She grabbed a pillow for him so he could use it in place of his hands.  She needed his hands for this.  “Did your cock miss me?”
“Mmmm, you have no idea,” he said, his voice low.  
She helped him out of his boxer-briefs and scratched her nails teasingly down his thighs.  When she finally grabbed hold of his cock, she smiled before kissing the head gently.  Morgan bit down on his lip as he looked at her.  “C’mon baby.”
“Nuh-uh,” she shook her head, a devilish smile on her face.  “Nice and slow.”
He glared at her momentarily.  “Excuse me?”
“Nice and slow,” she repeated, her eyes flashing with revenge.  “I can tease too, you know.”
“What are you – wha…” he didn’t understand what she was trying to say, but then it hit him.  This was payback.  ‘Nice and slow’ was payback for their little impromptu rendezvous before Auston’s New Year’s Eve party, where he’d teased her so achingly slow with his fingers.  “Baby, please --”
“No,” she said definitively, licking the underside of his cock, but pulling away right after.  “Nice.  And.  Slow.”
He let out an exasperated sigh.  He knew he was going to pay for that one day.
 True to word, miraculously, she worked on his cock slow and steady, making sure to take her time with the foreplay and use all of her tricks that she knew would drive him wild: the moaning, the dirty talk, even the simple act of catching his eye while his cock was in her mouth and rolling them to the back of her head in pleasure.  His body felt like it was a thousand degrees as she worked her magic.  
When she began to take him deeper into her mouth and throat, he made sure to gather her hair in his hand as he guided her up and down his shaft.  Like always, his eyes rolled back when she would gag slightly, but because she was taking this all nice and slow, everything seemed heightened.  She was thoroughly enjoying herself and taking her time, and by her actions he knew she wasn’t forcing herself to do anything she was uncomfortable doing.  
“Feeling good, baby?” she asked quickly before taking him into her mouth again.
He grunted in appreciation, tightening his grip on her hair slightly.  “You’re so fucking good.”
She moaned a little before she sucked him from base to tip, ending with a pop.  “I wanna taste you baby.”
His breathing was hot and heavy.  “W-What?” he stuttered out.
“I want you to cum down my throat baby.  I want to taste you,” she cooed.
“Fuuuuuuuck,” he moaned out, but before he could say anything else, she took him deep in her throat quickly, gagging, and he actively had to think about something else to prevent him from exploding right then and there.  He caught her eye as she looked up at him.  “I won’t last long if you keep doing that.”
She giggled.  “Good,” she said before continuing her actions.
True to his word, it wasn’t long before he began to lose control.  He tightened his grip on her hair one last time before he rocked his hips so he could push himself even deeper into her throat.  After one last moan and one last gag, she felt him shoot his hot load into her throat.  His breathing was erratic, his sighs more high-pitched than normal, and Bee let out a satisfied sound as she swallowed every bit of him.  
She continued sucking until she felt him get soft, ending with another pop and another devilish grin on her face.  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Morgan.”
“Hap…Hap…” he tried to speak, but he couldn’t.  He couldn’t even think straight.  “I can’t…I can’t…” he repeated, worried, still on a high.  He didn’t know what to do.  He couldn’t move, but he knew the night couldn’t end here.  No way.  He never wanted to not make her come, especially for Valentine’s Day celebration, but after doing so himself, like that, he didn’t know how long he’d have to take to recuperate.  Needless to say, he didn’t exactly want to wait either.  
“C’mon Morgan,” she whispered, her voice breathy and low, her lips grazing against his ear.  
His brain was fucking mush.  He wasn’t even sure where he was to be honest.  “I…I…” he tried to formulate a coherent thought, completely spent and still trying to catch his breath.
“C’mon baby.  I’m all dressed up,” she taunted him.
He watched her as she slipped her hand underneath her panties and began to touch herself.  He regained enough semblance of a conscience to realize he didn’t want her to be doing that.  He wanted to be the one.  “Stop,” he said as firmly as he could.  
She did as she was told.  She looked at him and a small smile crept onto her lips.  “How do you want me?” she asked.  
Just by the way she phrased it he was ready to explode again right then and there.  “Get on your knees,” he said, and she followed instructions, lying back on her knees to face him.  “Other way,” he directed, watching the surprise spread across her face as she did what she was told yet again.  
Finally regaining enough consciousness, he got on his knees too, getting behind her so her back was flush with his chest.  He wrapped his left arm around her slowly, making sure his fingers grazed her skin underneath the material of the babydoll.  His right hand was already playing with the lacy material of her underwear.  He kissed his way along her shoulder and up her neck until he got to her ear.  “You trust me?” he asked.
Bee nodded her head.  “I trust you.”
He gave her another tender kiss on her neck, his right hand already reaching over and slipping into the front of her panties to tease her hot core.  She jumped at his touch, knowing what he was about to do.  “I’m gonna start with one,” he whispered in her ear.
A shiver went up his spine.  “Two?”
She nodded her head.  “I want it so bad.”
He sighed contently, chuckling to himself at the desperation in her voice.  He began teasing her with two fingers, playing with her slick folds and rubbing circles on her clit as he continued to kiss and bite the skin along her neck and shoulders, definitely leaving marks.  He could feel her getting wetter with each passing moment and, lacking all self-control, he didn’t wait to push his fingers inside of her.  
She moaned at the action, grinding her hips against his hand as much as possible.  She snaked her hand along Morgan’s arm that wrapped around her body and intertwined her fingers with his.  “Fuck, Mo.”
“Feel good?” he bit down on her neck.
Bee could only nod her head as he curled his fingers in her, hitting the spot that made her shake in pleasure.  “Feels so fucking good,” she managed to breathe out.
His kisses were a mix of tender and hungry; his bites both loving and heated.  He bit his way back up to her ear.  “Are you gonna be a good girl for me Briony?” he asked.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes.  “Yes.”
“Are you gonna take more?”
“Yes.  Yes,” she said, desperate, grinding her hips again.  “Please Mo.  I want more.”
He slipped another finger in, now three fingers deep in her.  Bee shouted out slightly at the sensation, adjusting to the new feeling as much as she could before her body began reacting before her brain could.  A warm shiver went up her spine and she leaned back into Morgan, his chest slick with sweat.  “You okay?” he asked quickly.
“Go harder, Morgan.”
Was it possible to self-combust?  Because between the blowjob and this, he was sure he was going to spontaneously self-combust right then and there on the bed.  She knew just the right tone to use in her voice when she begged to drive him wild.  “You’re fucking desperate, aren’t you?”
“Please Morgan,” she begged again, bringing her free hand up to yank at his hair, pulling him so she could give him a sloppy kiss.  
His fingers continued to curl inside her and she moaned out in pleasure.  This time, he tightened the grip his arm had around her body, limiting her movement so she couldn’t grind against his hand as much.  He knew how much she liked when he held her hips down while he ate her out, making sure the responsibility of her pleasure was in his hands the most, and he figured she’d enjoy it just as much in this situation too.  A whine escaped her as she realized what he was doing; despite her best effort, she wasn’t able to grind down as much.  “Harder,” she panted out.
Losing any semblance of restraint he had left, he began pumping his three fingers in and out of her quickly, much to her wish and indulgence.  Her moans were loud and desperate, long and throaty, while, by some miracle, he was still rubbing against her clit and he was still kissing and biting down on the sensitive skin on her neck.  It was all too much for her – the different sensations in different places – and her body became hot and she could feel her orgasm already building as Morgan continued to work.  “Morgaaaaaaannnnn,” she elongated his name, pleading with him to continue exactly what he was doing.  
“You like that, huh,” he mumbled against her skin, making her nod her head.  “You’re so fucking desperate for me to fuck you like this.”
“Morgan, please,” she didn’t know what else to say.  She knew it was all she was saying but she could barely form a coherent thought.  This was so unlike anything they’d ever done; although he had fingered her before, it was never like this.  It was never this hot and this steamy and this raw.  She was so close she felt like she was going to explode already.  “I’m so close.”
“Then make a fucking mess, Briony.”
That’s it.  She’s lost it.  She cried out loudly, repeating his name over and over again as he curled his fingers in her one last time, making sure it lasted as long as it could as she collapsed against his body, her head leaning back onto his shoulder.  Her legs felt like jelly and her hair stuck against his skin.  
His fingers were still in her and her thighs were wet as he gave her a tender kiss.  “You’re such a good girl for me.  Always such a good girl,” he whispered.
He stopped momentarily.  He wasn’t expecting to hear that.  “What?”
“More.  And again.”
The shock was written all over his face, but she couldn’t see because between not facing him and her eyes rolling to the back of her head, she couldn’t see much of anything.  “I…you want more?” he clarified.
“Keep going,” she nodded her head.  “I want more.  Keep going until I can’t scream anymore.”
In a snap second he realized what she was asking him to do.  “Are you sure?” he asked one more time.
“Positive.  Go wild, baby.”
He practically growled at her request, tightening his grip around her once more and starting to move his fingers in and out of her again.  “You gonna take it all like a good girl?”
“Like your good girl.”
“Mmmmm, that’s right.  You’re my good girl,” he licked at her jawline.  “You ready?”
Bee nodded her head.  She whimpered when he curled his fingers and began pounding them into her even harder than before.  She felt so warm and wet and the sounds they were making, the moaning and the screaming and the panting, the squelching of her wetness against his hands, it was all so hot and heavy and neither Morgan nor Bee could get enough.  “Mooorrrrgaaannnnn, fuck you’re so good baby,” she cried out.
“You want to come again, Briony?  So desperate for me to make you come again?” he tormented her.
“Yes baby.  Over and over.”
“Over and over till you can’t walk tomorrow.”
“Yes!” she screamed out, apparently loving the idea.  “Yes baby.  Because of you.  Only you get to do this to my pussy.”
“You gonna make another mess?”
“Yes.  Yes Morgan.  Always.”
“You gonna come for me?”
“Only for you baby,” she turned her head as much as possible to kiss him.  “Don’t stop, baby.  Keep going until I can’t fucking take it anymore.”
Morgan did just that.  Over and over Bee cried out, losing control, screaming, panting, her body being shattered as waves of pleasure continually washed over her, non-stop, especially after Morgan slipped a fourth finger into her, stretching her completely and filling her like she hadn’t been filled before.  Her body felt like it was on fire as Morgan held her up in his arm, but the constant state of orgasm and the more overstimulation she felt, the more her body began to feel like it was going to collapse onto the bed at any given moment.  
The longer they went, the more orgasms she had, and the longer they went, the more Morgan recovered and began to feel hard again.  He didn’t even know how long they’d been going for, but because of the overstimulation, his non-stop movements, and the fact that Bee hadn’t been silent since they started, he also wasn’t truly sure how many orgasms she’d had.  “How many?”
She didn’t answer at first.  She couldn’t answer.  She was so wrecked she didn’t know words were a thing she could use.  “How many, Briony?” Morgan repeated.
“I d’know,” she let out quickly.  
“You wanted this baby.  How many?” he demanded an answer from her.  
“I don’t…I don’t know,” her moans were broken, her skin shining from the sweat.  “It’s so much.”  A rose flush had taken over her body.  His fingers hadn’t stopped.  She was too concentrated on the feeling; the feeling of pleasure but also the feeling of being completely lost to another person, her pleasure in his control, and feeling one hundred percent safe about it.  
“C’mon baby, you can keep going,” he encouraged her.  
“Morgan,” she cried out, so hot and so wet and so…so willing to keep going.
“C’mon, you can do it again, huh?  Like a good girl?  Like my good girl?”  His voice was soft instead of demanding, filled with love instead of forcing her to do something.  
“Y…Yes,” she panted out.  All she knew was that she was close, she was so close, but she wasn’t done yet.  It was a lot, almost too much, definitely more than she had ever felt before, but she wanted to keep going.  
“That’s my good girl,” Morgan cooed as he placed a kiss on her temple.  “I’m almost ready, okay?  But you’re being such a good girl.”
“Fuck me when you’re ready,” her voice was hoarse and strained.  
“Don’t worry baby.  I’ll fill you up like I always do.  Stretch that pretty pussy how you like it.”
“Mmmmmmm fuck, keep going Morgan.  Keep going,” she whimpered.  
“C’mon baby, you can take it.  You can take it,” Morgan hummed as he began moving his fingers inside her again.  She was so sensitive that any movement sent her over the edge quickly.  She cried out his name over and over, his fingers and her thighs absolutely fucking soaked, and it wasn’t long before he felt her walls clench around his fingers again, and again, and again.  
Finally, finally, the arm keeping her up loosened, his hand going to his cock to stroke himself and get him as hard as he could.  She immediately collapsed down, hitting the sheets as he teased at her entrance.  It wasn’t long before he pulled her by her hair, slick with the sweat from their bodies, and brought her back to be flush with his chest.  “Are you okay baby?” he asked.  She barely nodded her head.  “One more?”
She closed her eyes, another barely there nod.  “I need your cock deep inside me.”
He entered her in one quick go, gasping at how fucking wet she was and how fucking easy it was to slide in to her aching, hot pussy as she collapsed on the bed again, ass up in the air for him.  He knew he wasn’t going to last long, his hard thrusts burying his cock deep inside of her.  She screamed and moaned and whimpered over every movement, practically sobbing at the feeling of feeling completely and absolutely wrecked by Morgan.  When she felt his hot cum squirt inside her, one last orgasm – after way too many to count – ripped through her body, sending her into one last rush of pleasure before Morgan collapsed on top of her body, cock softening inside her but refusing to pull out.
It was a long time before they came back down to earth.  Bee’s heart was threatening beat right out of her chest, the overstimulation still running rampant through her, especially since Morgan’s cock was still inside her.  She took some deep breaths to try and calm herself.  When Morgan’s arm wrapped around her and he shifted their bodies slightly so he was spooning her, he placed tender kisses along her shoulder, now absolutely ravaged with red hickeys and bite marks, and she felt her heartbeat slow down a bit.
“You okay, baby?” he whispered.
At first, she could only nod her head.  Her throat was so dry it hurt to speak.  She wondered if she would have a voice tomorrow.  “I’m okay.”
“You did so good baby.  You were so good for me,” he cooed, giving her another tender kiss.  “Always such a good girl.”
She couldn’t get enough of him calling her his good girl.  She knew she was always good for him, to him, but he was good to her and for her, too.  She twisted her body so she could somewhat see him yet still keep his cock inside her.  She was absolutely spent, just absolutely destroyed, but she wanted to see the face of the man who made her feel this way; the face of the man who indulged her every want but always kept her needs in mind.  “Thank you, baby,” she whispered.  She wouldn’t have been confident doing this with anybody else, and for that, she was truly thankful.  She could completely lose herself to him and know she would be safe.  She knew he would explore this with her but always keep her in control.  
“Thank you, baby,” he kissed her.  “I love you so much.  I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No.  No, you didn’t hurt me.  It was better than what I wanted.  I love you too.”
“You wanna clean u--”
“No,” Bee said as he began to move.  Her desperate hand on his skin stopped his movements.  She knew it probably wasn’t the best decision but she didn’t care.  “I don’t care right now.  Just stay here with me.”
Morgan nestled back into her, arm draping over her body as he pulled her close against his chest, their bodies still slick with sweat.  She’d kill him once she realized what her shoulders and neck looked like, but for now, all he could do was kiss the skin peppered with love bites until they both drifted off to sleep.
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petersmparker · 6 years ago
24, 42 and 53 from the first prompt list💛
HOO BOY. WE MADE IT Y’ALL.You’re a QUEEN for waiting this long, selen, tytyty ❤️❤️❤️This one was easily the hardest to figure out, so I hope I still managed to end pretty strong!!
Thanks again sister 😚
blurbs #24/42/53 “sorry, I have a girlfriend.” “kiss me again.” “can you please just come pick me up?”
Peter Parker is a grown ass adult, and his girlfriend is his ride. That’s fine and all, he feels no amount of shame toward the matter, because it’s so infrequent, but it’s not always the most convenient thing in the world for either you. Most of the time, he’s happy to have his web shooters be his transport everywhere.
That isn’t an option tonight.
It had been the plan, originally, when he left your shared apartment to go to the Daily Bugle office party. After all, Peter only intended to go for an hour or two. He’s only a freelance photographer and not a big enough fan of his boss to want to hang out with him over cake and punch, so it seemed like it would be silly to make you sit through all the traffic.
Only a half hour in, he’s already regretting his decision to come. Jameson is riling up half the employees with his typical loud mouthing about that absolute menace Spider-Man. Peter had already pissed him off by joking around a mouthful of buttercream frosting that, menace or not, you had to admit that Spider-Man had nice abs.
“I certainly do not have to admit such a blatant lie, Parker! What the hell are you doing looking at his abs in the first place? Maybe if you weren’t so distracted by his physique when you’re supposed to be doing your job I could use some more of your pictures!”
Peter had thought it’d been a pretty funny joke, anyway, and it had made the little vein in Jameson’s neck pop out, so as far as he was concerned he’d gotten everything he could have hoped for out of this party.
Unfortunately, one of the new journalists also thought it was pretty funny.
She stalks over to Peter while he’s perusing the cans of soda near the snack table and announces herself by giggling loudly enough for it to be startling, as if the joke hadn’t been a good ten minutes ago. He turns around to investigate and is met with a look that seems oddly predatory. While it’s unlikely that she’s any real threat, his spider sense flares up a bit.
“That was so funny!” She coos, before reaching past him to grab a bottle of sparkling water, far too much into his personal space.
“Uh, thanks,” he responds, stepping back toward the pretzels.
Oh, jesus.
Peter knows he’s decently attractive by now; a bit more confident in himself than he had been in his youth. There have been several occasions where he’s been hit on in the past few years, but most are pretty tame. This woman seems like she’ll be… insistent. He doesn’t really need it right now. He’d kind of been hoping to sneak out early, pick up some Indian food, and go home to screw around with you for the rest of the night.
“I agree with you, by the way,” she says, twisting off the cap and taking a sip like she’s trying to make sparkling water, of all things, sexy. “Spider-Man is built. The things I’d do, honestly.”
It’s a first, being hit on as Peter and Spider-Man by the same person, at the same time.
“That’s… nice,” he says, glancing around the room in hopes of finding salvation elsewhere.
He catches Jameson’s attention with his awkward look, and silently begs for help. He squints at Peter, hard, and goes back to ignoring him.
“But you,” she continues like Peter isn’t very clearly visually begging for respite, “You’re that bring home to daddy type, aren’t you? Spider-Man’s too busy to be anything more than a good night, I bet. You’d treat a girl real nice.”
She takes a step forward. He takes a step back.
“Sorry, I have a girlfriend,” Peter says, quickly, throwing his hands up in an uncomfortable attempt to put a barrier between them.
“I don’t see her,” she says, taking hold of the identification card that hangs around his neck.
He pulls her hand off the lanyard. “Pretty sure we weren’t allowed to bring guests,” he contends.
“She’s on her way to pick me up,” he adds.
The woman tweaks her eyebrow, looking disbelieving, as she says, “Can’t wait to meet her.”
You find it hilarious when Peter runs to the bathroom to call you for help. Once he hears you laugh it off, he finds it kinda funny too, but that doesn’t change the fact that you need to come pick him up. Otherwise, he’ll spend the rest of his time at the Bugle watching his back like a gazelle in the savannah.
“She said I’m the bring home to daddy type, Y/N,” he stresses, “I don’t want to be brought home to daddy. Can you please just come and pick me up?”
You laugh so hard that he hears your phone fall out of your hand, and he smiles despite himself. You’re lucky he loves you.
The woman is very displeased when you arrive at the receptionist desk thirty minutes later. Peter watches her eyes narrow as she takes in the sight of you. You’re wearing his old marching band sweatshirt from high school, the one that has MIDTOWN TECH BRASS SECTION above the heart and PARKER printed across the back, and your hair is tied in a knot atop your head.
She looks unimpressed. Peter thinks you’re a knockout.
He knows for fact that that sweatshirt had been in storage.
The receptionist lets you into the office space, but Peter is happy to meet you halfway. Finally, he tries to say, but you stop him before you can. Peter’s never really seen you act jealous, but the kiss you cut him off with is quite a bit more than a greeting. It leaves him dumbstruck.
You pull him from the building, a sly smile coloring your expression, and burst out laughing again as soon as your butt hits the driver’s seat.
“Did you see her face, Peter?” You exclaim, slapping his thigh in your excitement, “She looked like I slapped the drink out of her hand! Who even likes sparkling water, anyway? That was great.”
Peter hadn’t seen her face to confirm this. He’d been too focused on the way that you had grasped the back of his head, the hand you had splayed across his chest, and the curve of your lips against his in a way that he’s never experienced before. Either you were truly jealous or just that committed to messing with his coworker.
Either way, he liked it.
“Kiss me again,” he requests, reaching out to for a fistful of your sweatshirt sleeve.
Oh boy, do you.
permanent tag list
@undiadeestos @moonstruckholland
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lalainajanes · 6 years ago
For Day One (late, shhh) - Word Prompt: Annoyance. From the Writer’s Month list I reblogged.
Humming Along
She tosses, she turns. She presses her pillow to her ears.
Nothing blocks out the noise.
It’s after midnight and there’s no indication that the guitar sounds drifting through the thin walls are going to quiet anytime soon. Normally, Caroline wouldn’t care. She keeps odd hours herself, is often up editing or researching or writing. And Klaus is good so it’s hardly unpleasant background noise.
Tonight, however, she wants to get a good night’s sleep. She’s got a meeting tomorrow, one that’ll potentially change her life and she doesn’t want to show up red-eyed and cranky and forced to over caffeinate.
She can (and often does) talk a mile a minute without added stimulants.  
Caroline’s lived next door to Klaus for two months now. He’d been familiar to her from the first moment they’d met, something about his absurdly perfect jawline nagging at her memory. She’d figured she’d met him at a party once, or that maybe he’s been a Law and Order murder victim (like a ton of the people she kind of recognized at the gym or Whole Foods). She just couldn’t quite place him.
Not knowing things has never been comfortable for Caroline and she’d found herself going through all the various spellings of Klaus on imdb about a week after he’d moved in.
She’d spent the next week hiding from him, until she’d been sure she could keep a lid on all the questions she had.
Like, why in the world was the Klaus Mikaelson living in a super unfancy apartment complex in LA? Surely he could afford to rent a big ol’ house with a pool and a double oven in a better neighborhood.
She still itches to know.
Klaus– writer and producer of an insanely long list of recent Billboard hits - has lived next door for two months and she knows his patterns. He strums more softly when he’s wrapping up, pausing for longer and longer intervals. She’s come to assume that he’s writing things down, a guess bolstered by the streaks of marker she’s spied on his fingers when they meet up in the elevators in the morning.
They’ve fallen into a bit of a routine. Most mornings they walk to the nearest coffee shop together. They’re conversations are easy but not particularly deep. He’s never mentioned his career beyond a vague reference to working in the music industry. She’s followed his lead and never let on that she’s practically memorized his extensive Wikipedia page (and he definitely doesn’t know that she’s searched out every photo shoot he’s ever done). She knows a million little facts and quirks. Klaus is a big Shark Week fan, Caroline’s recently learned. He orders dinner twice a week, is methodically working his way through nearby Indian restaurants in search of the best chole and bhatooras. They’ve bickered about the weather – he finds the relentless California sun and heat annoying, Caroline relishes that she never needs more than a light outer layer.
She’s willing to admit he’s got a point about the hellish traffic.
She’d vowed not to get entangled in a relationship until she’d signed with an agent. Klaus is seriously testing her desire to stick to it.
And Caroline Forbes has a freaking ton of willpower.
She’s also never been shy about going after what she wants. Right now, what she wants is to sleep.
With a sigh, she throws her legs over the side of the bed, gropes for the robe that’s hanging on her closet door. She makes sure everything that needs to be covered is while she slips on a pair of flip flops, tugs futilely at the short hem of her robe as she steps into the hall.
Oh well. Klaus has definitely seen (and appreciated because he’s not been subtle about his interest) Caroline in shorter shorts.
His door is only a few paces away and Caroline knocks sharply before she can talk herself out of it. The music stops abruptly, there’s a pause and Caroline shifts restlessly waiting for him to open the door. He looks tired when he does, his hair ruffled and sticking up in spots.
She feels less guilty for interrupting his work. Clearly, he should be getting some rest too.
“Were you planning on sleeping tonight, or…” she smiles when she says it, not intending the words to needle. She respects workaholic tendencies, is no stranger to an all-nighter.
Klaus runs a frustrated hand through his hair, and the source of its disarray is suddenly clear. “Planning, yes. Will I manage it? That’s not a guarantee.”
She feels for him, wonders if she can offer comfort or assurance without making it explicitly clear that she knows more about him than she’s let on.
She’ll mull it over. Work out the best way of teasing a confession out of him tomorrow.
He fishes his phone out of his pocket, his eyes widening when he takes in the time. His eyes run down her body, taking in her outfit. “You could’ve banged on the wall hours ago, love. You’ve got a big day tomorrow, yeah? Or today, rather.” He stills as soon as the words are out, a brief flash of panic widening her eyes.
“Interesting deduction, Sherlock,” Caroline says. “How’d you figure that out?”
He shifts his weight, his growing tense with irritation. “I may check a social media platform of yours. Or two.”
Klaus is watching her carefully and when Caroline laughs he visibly relaxes. “I can’t be pissed without being a huge hypocrite. I’ve google stalked the crap out of you.” Besides, her online presence is public and carefully cultivated. She might be trying to make it as a writer but she’d payed attention in her marketing classes in college.
His lips curl, smug now. “Oh, really? Find out anything interesting?”
Yeah, she’s not about to feed his ego. “Plenty. But I’m more interested in what I haven’t been able to find out. There isn’t even a teeny hint online about who you’re working with right now.”
“I’m…” he trails off searching for words. “I’m not writing for anyone else. I’m writing for me.”
Or maybe he’d just been deciding if he trusts her.
“Klaus that’s amazing.” She means it, her brain instantly recalling the melodies she’s heard, trying to reconcile them with the few clips she’s tracked down of Klaus singing. She wonders if she can wrangle a private performance.
Ugh, and there goes her brain to a really dirty place.
Luckily, Klaus is too distracted to notice that she’s turned a little pink.
He shakes his head, some of his earlier edginess returning. “No, it’s really not. It’s been ages since I’ve tried. I’m nearly convinced I no longer have my own sound.”
Caroline narrows her eyes, stepping closer. She’s tempted to reach out and poke him to get her point across. Her pep talks are always pretty hands on. “Um, I’ve been listening to you play for weeks now. And I have excellent taste. Trust me, you’re good.”
He shakes his head, like he’s going to argue, and Caroline can’t have that. She interrupts, brisk. “Nope, now is not the time for tortured artist self-doubt. You’re exhausted. I need to be fresh and on point for my meeting tomorrow. I will happily make you see things my way tomorrow.”
“Over dinner?” Klaus asks and she’s got to give him a point for smoothness. A second for making a move.
“Sure,” she chirps. I’ve got a new dress that needs a night out.” If tomorrow’s meeting goes well she’ll barely be breaking her vow. A date isn’t a relationship, right? She’s enough of an optimist to believe she can have the papers signed before she and Klaus make things official.” Caroline bounces forward a step, rests a hand on his chest and leans in to drag her lips across his cheek.
She catches a glimpse of his expression – a satisfying mix of pleasure and shock - before she whirls away.
She might be too giddy to sleep right away but something tells her she’ll be in a great mood.
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aelaer · 5 years ago
Tumblr’s algorithm picked up my last whumptober post and that unexpectedly rocketed me up to over 300 followers (welcome new folks, I haven’t had a chance to even look at y’all yet). But really it’s quite flattering. (I think at least 10% of them are pornbots, but beggars can’t be choosers.)
So I guess in uh, celebration/woohoo, I’m just gonna post snippets from my WIPs (outside of the whumptober ones as those are coming out in the next couple days) which… well, it’s something. :3 Yes it all has to do with Stephen, I’m going one-trick-pony mode right now and it’s a friggin blast.
This is long and has WIPs of art too, so cut cut cut bellllooww.
The farking Doctor Strange/Sherlock crossover that’s been at 80% complete since July and still has no title
However, before Sherlock got caught up into the cloak once again, he forced his eyes to the man’s hands. A lot could be discovered by someone’s hands.
And what hands they were. His eyes involuntarily widened at the sight of the ragged, and in some places hypertrophic scars on the back side of each finger. He quickly looked to the other hand; they were there, too. Clearly they were crushed in some sort of accident, but an accident that left him upright and without any hint of a limp. It was possible that they were caught in some sort of machinery, but both at the same time? Statistically speaking, a car accident was more likely. A car accident that damaged the bonnet of the car and crushed his fingers between the steering wheel and the dashboard, more than likely leaving permanent nerve damage. Unfortunate.
The age of the scars showed that they were healed over, but their nature made it difficult to determine how long ago they were received. With the overall lack of fading, however, it was likely that the damage occurred within the last few years. He could not see his palms and determine anything from there, but the callus upon his right middle finger determined which hand he wrote with. Or once wrote with, at any rate. His hands could certainly be worthy of further study, if only to attempt to determine their surgical history.
Upon his left wrist was, of all things, a wristwatch. He narrowed his eyes. It was a Jaeger-LeCoultre and it was not a counterfeit by any means, but it was not a model he recognized. It looked very similar to the Master Ultra Thin Moon only just released; was this an early prototype for a new model? Even as the question fluttered through his mind, he immediately chastised himself for his stupidity. There was clear wear on the band that spoke of it being worn for years, never mind the cracked face. 
Custom-made, he eventually concluded, though even that answer did not quite sit right with him. Regardless, it spoke of a man who had wealth— or used to, in any case. The wear and damage on the watch told a new picture now, but he seemed to still be connected to some form of influence. His clothing was of a very rich quality, and that was not including the unique cloak. Perhaps he was now connected with someone in the Greater Tibetan area, or someone of wealth in the Indian subcontinent. Or from there, at any rate. 
He let his eyes go up the length of the man’s sleeves. Cloth bands decorated the forearms of his otherwise seemingly-plain shirt, likely made of wool and hemp. He indulged himself and studied the embroidery on the edge of the cloak again. He received no further information concerning its origin and make beyond what he had already determined, but there was something about it that was absolutely enchanting.
But enough lingering; he finally turned his body to lay on his side and brought his eyes up to meet the bearer of this very odd ensemble of attire.
And he saw himself.
Within the Shadows (villain!AU) sequel that finalllyyy has a title, Inhibited Lodgings (I think this one is about at 85%! So soooonnnn)
When one of the nurses came in with dinner, Stephen hardly acknowledged him. The nurse set the tray on the overbed table and, after a quick, “Eat while it’s hot!” left the room.
Stephen ignored it. He continued his obsessive perusal of the tablet, shaky fingers managing to steady enough to click link after link after link.
Stark came in an hour later and the tray was still untouched. He quirked his brows up. “Y'know Doc, if you don’t eat, Doctor Cho is going to be very stern with you and you’ll feel terrible after that.”
He raised his head from the tablet at the sound of Stark’s voice, blinking. “What?” He then looked at the tray of food. “Oh… right. I forgot that was brought in.” He looked at the now stone-cold chicken and broccoli with a small grimace.
“I’ll have them make you another plate. Send that info up, FRI.” Stark sunk into one of the chairs beside the bed. “What has you so distracted, anyway?”
Stephen turned the tablet around to show him his screen, which had a list of all the Billboard Hot 100 and Billboard 200 for all genres in 2011. “I only considered yesterday that there might be differences in music between my reality and this one. A check to see if my favorite artists existed here turned into something of a full day project.”
Stark was clearly interested. “No kidding. Did you find any differences?”
“Dozens. In some ways it’s amazing that it’s only that many across hundreds of artists and songs, but I cannot imagine not having Rocky’s training montage paired with ‘Eye of the Tiger.’ ”
“I know I’ve seen a couple of those films, but I couldn’t tell you the name of any training song off the top of my head,” he said. “But I’d probably remember a song with that name.”
He nodded. “Exactly! I can live without the 'Macarena’ and 'Kung Fu Fighting’, but that song made that sequence legendary.”
Stark’s lips twitched in amusement. “I’ll take your word for it. Anything particularly good from your reality that you found missing?”
“I’m still debating if losing all of Journey’s discography is worth never having to hear 'Don’t Stop Believing’ again.”
Time Travel Pseudo!villain Stephen aka Freakin Carmen Sandiego (yes, this is gonna happen. But it’s not happening until those two above are completed, and it’ll be written concurrently with the rest of the villain!Stephen series, as I suspect it will be on the longer side. The outline’s 4 pages long…)
He walked over and crossed his arms as Bruce replayed the video; it was definitely a better quality than the pixelated mess of everything else he’d seen so far. Even with the high-definition, though, the man’s fully-black outfit made him difficult to see against the night sky, and his face was completely covered by what looked like both a mask and hood. He’d be all-but-invisible without the glowing lights all around him. A gasp suddenly ran through the crowd, and the camera swiveled to look at the Palace of Westminster, now bereft of the tower. A few shouts then broke through, and the camera footage swung back to the night sky, but the man was gone.
“Where’d he go?” Tony asked as he leaned over Bruce and pressed both the replay and mute button.
“Uh, according to witnesses, after Elizabeth Tower vanished, he darted under the bridge— probably at the end with the screaming there— and disappeared.”
“I thought that was Big Ben,” he muttered, pressing replay again.
Bruce shook his head. “No, Big Ben’s the bell in Elizabeth Tower. I knew someone in college— British— who got rather annoyed over that misnomer. Really annoyed, actually.” He made a face to himself.
Tony, however, was busy squinting at a bit of the footage he had paused. “Does it look like he has a sort of— something— on his chest?”
The physicist leaned in and squinted alongside him. “Yeah. I’d say it almost looks like one of your arc reactors, but I don’t think your arc reactors do this.”
“But it could still be a power source,” Tony answered. 
“Definitely,” Bruce answered. “It looks almost like he’s pulling from it.”
“That makes no sense, but a lot of this alien tech is nothing like anything that exists on Earth right now. I’d be interested in figuring out how it works.”
Bruce continued to peer at it. “So would I,” he said. “If you can keep it from S.H.I.E.L.D long enough to do so.”
Tony makes a face. “They have the scepter to play with. They can have it when I’m done.”
“You’re going to have to catch him first,” he pointed out.
“Pshh, after Loki, this’ll be easy-peasy. We’ll have him caught within two days.”
ARTS (just the two Stephens for now)
I didn’t have time last weekend to work on digital Stephen, but he’s still a lot farther ahead than when I last posted here sooooooo. (I won’t have time this weekend either, so… he’ll come sooner or later).
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Annddd I figured out what my ugly yellow corner square is gonna be. I’m doing fan art for a fan fic like a real nerd. Bringing out the prismacolors again. Right now I’m still in the ‘messing around with line art’ phase. I plan to do this while I’m at tabletop gaming on Sundays.
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And that’s that for WIPs. Now I need to go work on ficlets.
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rawberry101 · 5 years ago
Tag Game
@clio-is-amused tagged me
1. who are your idols?
I don’t know if I’ve ever idolized anybody. Growing up I considered my grandad to be the person I wanted to emulate most, but I don’t think that’s not idolizing him. Anyway now I can’t say that I idolize him even if I did back when I was young. Maybe I’m taking this too seriously.
2. If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
I never really traveled much as a kid, especially not out of California. I’m so starved for travel I’d be happy going anywhere. I’d feel more comfortable around English speakers because I don’t know other languages very well, but there are so many possibilities. I’ve had an itch in the back of my head to visit very remote places if I could as long as I can remember, like Ellesmere Island or Svalbard. But I’d settle for New York. Never been.
3. What decorates the walls of your room?
I have a ton of bookcases now. They don’t all contain books but there are a ton of them including my grandparents old Encyclopedia Britannica set from the 60s. Some shelves have albums and sports memorabilia and a bit of landscape photography. I have a large old timey map of college football teams hanging on a wall.
4. favorite color combination?
I’m not a style person. Yellow has always been my favorite color, but I don’t wear it much. I wear a lot of black which is the easy way to pair colors because it contrasts with everything. Red and black look great I think, not just because I went to San Diego State.
5. What’s on the top of your bucket list?
I definitely want to publish a book before I die.
6. height?
6′4″ when I decide to have good posture
7. favorite animals?
Cats but I’m not a big animal person
8. last song you listened to?
Probably something by the Velvet Underground. I’ve been going through a kick lately. Could be any number of songs, perhaps Oh Sweet Nuthin.
9. pets you have?
None currently. We had pets when I was a kid but they were never replaced after they died so we haven’t had any in about 15 years when the last goldfish went belly up. I might get a cat if I felt more independent with my living situation but I honestly doubt I’d do it if I was just living by myself.
10. last film you saw in theaters?
I saw Parasite with a friend right before shit hit the fan. Great movie!
11. favorite food?
Anything Indian or Mexican. I’d love to have some chicken masala right now.
12. why did the chicken cross the road?
Only a chicken would know the real answer.
13. do you wear socks to bed?
In the winter when it’s cold. I can’t do it in the summer at all. The place I live in right now is always cold, so I’ve been wearing them more.
14. favorite piece of clothing you have?
I’ve got a nice zip up sweater from the 2016 Rose Bowl. I’d be paranoid that a girlfriend would steal it but I’d need a girlfriend first lmao. I have been coming around to work slacks, the pair I have is surprisingly comfy.
15. what piece of media do you wish you had written?
Naruto so I could fix the ending lol
16. name five artists you want to see in concert?
I’d like to see Robert Plant, Radiohead, Coldplay, Bob Dylan (again) or Roger Waters (again)
I was gonna see Roger Water and maybe Radiohead this year but the dates are pushed back now ;_;
I’d kill to see Led Zeppelin or Jimi Hendrix live but that’s impossible without a time machine.
17. last film that made you cry?
Probably Lord of the Rings. I get worked up every time.
18. top 3 ships?
Uhhhh I don’t really do that. I’m not trying to say it’s cool to not like it or anything. Idk I get a weird feeling when seeing stuff like that on tumblr. I know, I chose the worst site ever to avoid ships, but here I am.
But if I redid the Naruto ending he’d obviously have to end up with Sakura and not Hinata of course
19. last movie you watched?
I think still Parasite lol. One of my new years resolutions was to see more movies but I’ve fallen into a ditch since the quarantine. I even have a better reason to watch and I just haven’t.
I’m almost done with Breaking Bad finally, but that’s not a movie of course.
20. currently reading?
I’m currently on Moby Dick! I never read it in high school so I’m doing it now. I like it so far. I finished Mansfield Park about a month ago because I’m trying to bone up on the classics.
Thank you for the tag! I love doing these things even though my answers are always boring.
I tag @dweemeister @nflstreet @cloudberried @buckeyenative01 @welcometothegreenparade @thegingerstagemanager if you want but no pressure
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yaniethoughts · 5 years ago
To the Next Person Who’ll Love Him
An open letter to the next person who'll love him and the things I found out and loved about him. It was a privilege to be given the chance to know this much about him. The things I'm about to say are things I found out during our friendship and are not necessarily true for future reference. People can change when they want to, so this is the version of him that I got the chance to know and love.
1. His SB drinks: Iced/hot English Breakfast Tea with white mocha and raspberry syrup with a splash of breve, tea bag in also known as "Pink Drink" and looks like the "Pink milk" from thai dramas. For him, it was like happiness in a cup. When he started med, he has tried mocha frappucinos, americano and cold brews.
2. Alcoholic drinks: Prefers Red horse over other drink. Most unforgettable was a canned beer from Thailand. He sometimes get Heineken. Not so picky with cocktails, and will go with anything the group decides.
3. You'll know he's tipsy when his hair gets messy or he starts shaking his head after a drink or shot. When he's drunk he'll just doze off or he can become unreasonable so just listen to what he has to say. If he's hurt, he'll start opening up or cry. Just be there to listen. If ever there will be a point, he wants to vomit…he'll tell you.
4. Food: He's quite picky with food. Totally no middle eastern or Indian food. Anything with too many spices and aromatics. He doesn't like anything too spicy or fermented either such as kimchi. His comfort food during our friendship is samgyeopsal, particularly the thinly sliced beef without marinades, slightly toasted to a crisp. Aside from that, he used to order Breakfast starter: eggs scramble, bacon, plain rice and lemonade with an extra order of bacon. If funds are getting low, either he won't eat at all or offer cheap alternatives…preferrably with a fast service, Laxamana's (Pork sisig) or Paylite (teriyaki).
5. He cannot be separated from his phone: He's always on his phone. He has a lot of friends and responsibilities in med school. He will check up on those at anytime, don't worry he's still listening to you if ever you're teeling him something. BRING A POWERBANK. His phone during our friendship had battery problems, and his phone drains so easily. Bring a back up type c cord too, just in case. If he somehow, ignores his phone during your time and talks to you instead…you're very lucky.
6. Don't let him wait, especially by the time you meet him. He'll either be busy with acads, clerkship or internship. Same with most med students, their time is precious. Do not demand for more, because you know the type of career they have. At this point you have to remember quality over quantity.
7. He might have inhibitions from receiving things. (I feel I might have contributed to that) He would often hesitate to accept things, but will accept them if it's already there. He'd willingly accept treats from friends instead. Just remember that when you give things freely, you no longer have ownership over them. Don't ever count them and use it against him or isumbat mo sa kanya. You gave it freely and he never asked them from you.
8. Maingay siya magreview. I think yun yung learning strategy niya. And being a teacher, there are times na you have to pretend to be a student kasi he uses teaching as a review. Don't try asking the questions in his transes, not very helpful and kung non-med student ka hindi mo rin masasabi kung tama or mali yung sagot. Kung may kailangan ka din gawin, pwede ka naman mag earphones pakiramdaman mo lang kung kelan siya mag rerest. Either kukunin niya phone niya or kukuha ng bagong trans.
9. He smokes: a lot when stressed, but curbed when he has to do a lot of things. He usually uses this as a reward after finishing a certain number of transes. If you smoke, you should at least have a pack of marlboro blue (pwede rin green or black) or esse pop and a lighter. If you don't smoke, okay lang din naman sa kanya.
10. There will be times he won't be able to reply to you as fast as he used to. Either he's phone is dead, quiz or exam, tulog pa or travelling. If those conditions don't apply, take a hint. If you got impatient waiting, ask him personally and not through text.
11. Music: You'll often find him listening to music. During our friendship, he had listen to a lot of OPM bands, Particularly Ben&Ben the rest includes: The Juans, Autotelic, December Avenue, I belong to the Zoo.
12. There will be times he'll rant or throw a shade on social media. Just ask how he's feeling first before asking to whom it is directed to. He's not in the mood during that time and it's more important to let him calm down first. He'll tell you when he trusts you.
13. He rarely invites people out, but when he does that means he wants to be with you. If you want to spend time with him, do the same. Just invite him out, especially when he wants to, he's very vocal about it anyway.
14. When he nags you in texts, or send songs that he listens to before he shares it on his social media accounts, he cares.
15. As mentioned before, he has a lot of friends. It's best to keep your best foot forward. You'll meet them along the way. Masaya sila kasama, and it would be best to go with the flow of their humor. Being too serious and rigid, won't help you.
16. Marami din siyang crush. Just remember, crush is paghanga only. If he really likes someone, he'll stick to one. You'll know it's you if you notice some of his friends warming up to you. He would usually ask his friends to be his wingman.
17. He has a lot of smiles, all equally adorable but not necessarily true. Once you’ve seen all, you’ll know which one is true. The kind of smile that radiates towards you.
18. He rarely watched movies in theaters. So if you were to invite him for a date, go out for dinner, coffee or drinks instead. He enjoys long walks too, if he’s interested.
19. He’s an ultimate fan of Friends, watching it over and over to cheer himself up or to relieve some stress. Game of thrones as well, finding the finale disappointing. Big Bang theory as well.
20. He’s not perfect. He has flaws just like everyone else.That’s up to you to decide, but one thing is for sure, you have the capacity to accept them. Accept them, not change them. He has to do it on his own, when he finds it necessary. And when he does, support him.
I'd like you to know that I found happiness in him that's why I found all of these things easy. Acquaintances and even my closest friends have called me stupid for doing them for so long. There are times that I believed them but not completely. All I did was express my love…transform it to something that is acceptable to the both of us…. Even though it didn't last. Judge me if you must, but I will do all of these things all over again if I had a chance. It was my love for him that allowed me to open my doors and become the person I am today. A kind of love that is transformative. I admit that most of it came from me, but it won't exist without him that's why I am so grateful for him. Unfortunately, his love is not meant for me, not because I don't deserve it, it's just not for me.
To the next person who'll love him, I hope you'll mean it when you say so. I want you to know that there are people who loves him as well, and he refused them to meet you and be with you. If you would be given the chance to love him, the kind of chance where he is fully aware and acknowledges your love to the point he reciprocates it…don't lose it. He's been hurt before, and if you've felt that before, don't become the reason for it. Communicate.
To the next person who'll love him, love him your own way….because I'm not the best person to know. I don't know how to love him, if I did, he would have seen it. If I could no longer be in his life as a lover or even as friend, I just want him to remember me as someone who truly loved him. I hope he won't settle for less because if someone like me could love him so easily, someone whom he loves should be capable of exceeding it. Just as I won't be settling for something like this ever again, because now I know that I also deserve the love that I was willing to give.
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ikonct95 · 6 years ago
Happy Birthday!
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A/N: It’s my birthday! :D
I decided to gift myself with this little one shot. I used a Korean name because I didn’t feel comfortable sharing my name lol. Also, I major in American English Linguistics only but everything else mentioned in this fic are facts. Another thing, I’ve never been to Namsan Tower and only mentioned things I’ve read in blogs and seen in that one NCT ep where the foreigners line went to Namsan.
I hope you enjoy! ^^
Also, please ignore any spelling or grammatical errors! 
“Sorry! Pardon me! Excuse me!” Hanbin panted as he bypassed the sea of people while rushing towards the subway. He was on his way to Seoul National University to meet up with his best friend at exactly 1 pm. It’s 12:40 pm and it takes about 25 minutes to reach the street across the university.
“Damn it!” Hanbin cursed beneath his mask at the sight of the long line where people scanned their cards to access the metro. Checking his watch, he cursed when he realized he only has 20 minutes left and the bus leaves in 5 minutes. Inhaling deeply, the Korean idol pushed his way through, ignoring the curses and angry shouts of the people.
That all didn’t matter to him. Let them swear or curse at him. Today is a special day and he’d be damned if he missed it this year…again.
You see, Hanbin had met his best friend about four years ago at the Seoul National University library while he was reading through poems to find some inspiration to write the lyrics of iKON’s debut song. He went down isle after isle, hoping to find the right book when he suddenly bumped into someone who let out a loud squeak.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t see where I was go-” His words died on his lips as he watched the person in front of him stand up after picking up her books.
“It’s ok.” The woman said in accented Korean. “I was looking through the nombers.” She replied while holding up a piece of paper that had the number of the book required for class.
“Numbers.” Hanbin instantly closed his eyes. He didn’t mean to correct her mispronunciation but it just sliped.
Luckily, the woman took no offense and smiled up at him, “Right, numbers!”
Hanbin couldn’t help but return her smile while a sense of relief washed over him. “Do you study here?” He asked her and watched as her eyes lightened up as she answered his question.
And since that day, they’ve been best of friends. The woman’s name, Hanbin learned, was Eun Jung. Though, that was not her birth name since she was not Korean but an Arab. She explained that international students were encouraged to adapt Korean names to make things easier. Eun Jung explained that she didn’t mind the Korean name that much but she made sure when introducing her name, she would say both her Arabic and Korean names.
Hanbin also learned that she is currently studying Korean Linguistics with a minor in English Literature. She is also Muslim and that her birthday is on Feb 25th.
Eun Jung was a happy-go-lucky girl who tried as best as she could to be optimistic. She said her teen angst exhausted her and she wanted to move on from that lifestyle. Eun Jung also spoke two languages and can speak conversational Korean. The two couldn’t meet very much in public since Hanbin became so busy with his idol life but he made sure to meet up with Eun Jung at least twice a month to catch up. Eun Jung understood his lifestyle and never judged. She eventually became a fan of iKON despite already being a fan of several other groups. But what’s nice is that she never befriended him for his fame or money. She’s his friend because of he was and Hanbin is thankful for that.
Hanbin checked his phone again and inwardly cursed once he realized that he only had ten minutes to make it to the gates of the university where he had promised to meet her at.
You see, today was Eun Jung’s birthday and every year Hanbin missed it. It was either a recording on her day, a photoshoot or a performance that he absolutely could not miss. Thankfully, Eun Jung never seemed too upset with him missing out on her birthday even though he is her best friend. Still, Hanbin felt very guilty since Eun Jung always made sure to celebrate his birthday with him either on the day of or the day before or after. So this year, Hanbin wanted to make it up for Eun Jung by clearing out his schedule two weeks in advance. He made sure that he had the whole day free just for Eun Jung.
So, he called her up two days before her birthday and told her to wait for him at the gates once she is done with classes. Hanbin had a special day planned out and he was already screwing it up by being late.
“Right on time.” Eun Jung greeted loudly as she watched Hanbin jog up to her by the gates, “Only two minutes late.” She smiled at him. Over the years, Eun Jung’s Korean improved and now she has a native like fluency when speaking the language.
Hanbin’s reply was a big exhale of air, causing Eun Jung to chuckle at him. Her teeth as white as snow.
“Ready to go?” Hanbin asked while holding his arm out for her.
“Oh, my!” Eun Jung said in mock astonishment, “Such a gentleman.”
“Har har.” The Korean idol replied while his best friend linked her arm with his.
“So, where are we going?” Eun Jung asked after a moment of walking and catching up with Hanbin.
“A little birdie told me that you wanted to try this new Indian restaurant that opened uptown.” Hanbin said with a smirk.
“Donghyuk, that snitch!” Eun Jung said playfully with an adorable pout on her lips, “Are we really going there?” she then asked with hope in her voice.
Hanbin tried very hard not to coo at her cute antics. When it comes to Indian food, Eun Jung turned into the cutest thing ever and wished he could put her in his pocket.
“Yes, really.” He chuckled instead.
Fifteen minutes later and the two arrived at the restaurant. It was a cozy restaurant with beige, gold and red decorations. Although it opened recently, there weren’t a lot of people there. Which the both of you were thankful for because then you could eat comfortably without worrying about fans and paparazzi swarming Hanbin and bombarding him with questions about his relationship with you.
“This is nice.” Eun Jung breathed out while they’re being led to their table in the corner by the window.
“Just for you.” Hanbin said in sing-song voice, beaming at the tiny blush on Eun Jung’s cheeks.
The food was amazing. The whole time Eun Jung kept moaning and chewing loudly at the delicious food. She once told Hanbin that Indian food is similar to a lot of Arab foods and she grew up eating both so she’s thankful that there are Indian restaurants when she’s feeling homesick.
“Ahh, that hit the spot!” Eun Jung stated while patting on her tummy, chuckling down at it.
“I’m glad you enjoyed.” Hanbin felt so warm inside. It felt so long since he’d seen Eun Jung happy. She’s been feeling homesick lately and stressing out about school that her personality changed a bit. It was nice seeing her happy again.
“Alright, ready to go?” Hanbin asked after paying the bill.
“Go?” Eun Jung asked in confusion as she watched Hanbin stand up.
Hanbin nodded as he slid on his coat to protect himself from the cold February air, “There’s one more place to go to.”
“Oohh where are we going?” Eun Jung asked this as she put on her own coat and gloves, linking her arms with Hanbin as they excited the restaurant.
“It’s a surprise.”
Hanbin chuckled at Eun Jung’s slight whine, “You know I hate surprises!” She reminded him with a playful annoyance in her tone of voice.
“I know, but this will be worth it.”
They had to take the subway to their next destination and halfway through, Eun Jung quickly realized where they’re going and felt her stomach clenching, “We’re not really going there, are we?” Her voice was shaky and she began to sweat a bit.
“I know that you don’t like heights, Eun Jungie, but you always wanted to go there.” Hanbin replied as they entered the cable carts building and bought their tickets. Once he noticed Eun Jung turning pale, he wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her shoulders.
“I will be here with you all the way through. But if you don’t want to go, we can go somewhere else.” As he said this, Hanbin’s voice grew soft, his breath brushing her ear while he pressed her closer to his side.
“No,” She spoke up minutes later, “I want to go and this is the only chance.” She tried to give a confident smile but Hanbin could tell she was still scared.
“I’ll hold your hand, ok?”
Eun Jung nodded and grasped his hand tightly before entering the cable cart. Her heart began to beat quickly as the cable cart jerked into movement. Hanbin’s hand was clutched in a vice grim while his other arm rubbed up and down her shoulder. At first, Eun Jung didn’t look up from the ground, too scared to see how far up they were and imagine how they wires would snap and they would plummet to their deaths. But once she noticed that the cart was going in a steady pace and nothing happened so far, she risked a glance at the window and became breathless.
Seoul was covered in a blanket of snow and the view was magnificent. It was as if they were gliding through smooth ice cream rather than being in a small box traveling through the sky.
“Wow.” She breathed out, inching closer to the window.
“Yeah.” Hanbin agreed. Though, his eyes weren’t on the window.
When they reached the top, Eun Jung gradually calmed down and her energetic nature took over. She felt giddy and excited. She never had the opportunity to visit Namsan Tower due to her very busy schedule and she felt a bit jealous whenever her friends went there. That’s why she forced herself through her fears and made the journey.
The first thing they did was wear traditional Hanbooks. At first, Eun Jung didn’t want to be a Koreaboo but Hanbin assured her that she wasn’t being one and that she enjoy it like everyone else. After they got dressed, they went to various places: the K-Star Gallery, the LG 3D zone, the LED tunnel, the Hello Kitty Island, the Ssen Toy Museum and the Teddy Bear Museum. Eun Jung’s smile never once faltered and her eyes shone brighter than any star Hanbin has seen. And when they went through the historical areas, Eun Jung shared all of her knowledge on how the Korean language was formed, changed and evolved through the years. It was nice listening to her for hours. Once they were done, Hanbin suggested they changed back into their everyday attire and buy locks to hang outside with all the rest.
“Regroup in 15 minutes?” Hanbin suggested once they stepped into the store. And with Eun Jung’s nod, the two went on their way, looking for perfect lock. And 15 minutes later, they regrouped by the exist, each holding a plastic bag. “Did you write on yours?” Eun Jung asked her best friend. Hanbin nodded then asked her the same question. After that, they went outside and searched for the perfect spot to hang their perfect lock.
“Here’s one!” Eun Jung stated loudly several feet from Hanbin’s right. It was by the corner, on the second row. Satisfied with the location, Hanbin took out his lock. Simultaneously, they leaned forward and hooked the metal onto the bar before locking it shut. Stepping back, they both read each other’s locks.
Celebrating the world’s most lovable person on the planet. I love her so much and I’m thankful she’s in my life – Hanbin
I was blessed to celebrate my birthday with someone dear to my heart. I will always love and support him – Eun Jung
The two were blushing a bright red color once they’ve finished reading each other’s little notes. They glanced at each other with a shy smile playing on their lips.
“Ready to go home?” Hanbin asked quietly as the sun behind him lowered, the sky a mix of dark blue, purple and bits of orange.
“Yeah.” Eun Jung answered just as quietly. Her eyes darted downwards and shyly held Hanbin’s hand and made their way home.
It’s safe to say that this was the best birthday Eun Jung has ever had.
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nebulous-frog · 7 years ago
For the Seductive and Magnetic Man
Summary: Dan finds a cologne ad on the floor with a sample scent that smells fantastic, so he has it basically attached to his nose for a while. Phil is confused at first, then amused, and then he gets an interesting idea...
Word Count: 3637
Pairing: Phan
Genre: Fluff, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Dan swears
Author’s Note: Huge thanks to the fantastic @imnotinclinedtomaturity for betaing!
Link to AO3 Fics Masterlist
The flat was a complete disaster. Socks and papers were scattered everywhere, dirty plates were balanced precariously on all the furniture - the works.
Dan couldn’t handle it anymore.
Phil had been gone for the last few days, visiting his family. In that time, Dan had managed to work through all of his usual boredom-ending routines, right up to the point of tidying. He had played video games, outlined video ideas, attempted several times to film, and gone on nearly endless tumblr odysseys. Now, he was just restless, a feeling that was compounded by the fact that Phil would be returning that evening. Since Dan had exhausted every other possible activity, his restlessness led to him finally dealing with tidying.
A few hours into working through the piles of crap littering their flat, Dan’s eye caught on a small square of paper with a very attractive man printed on it. Curious enough to stall his tidying, Dan bent down and picked it up.
A cologne advert? I don’t remember getting this.
Dan flipped it over, looking to see who it was addressed to. It just said “current resident.”
We definitely don’t need it, so I guess I’ll just throw it away, Dan thought. He fanned himself with it for a moment as he thought about which pile to tackle next, then paused. Oh my god, something smells amazing. What is it? He looked around until his eyes rested on the cologne advert in his hand.
The model’s smolder greeted Dan’s confused gaze.
Dan brought the advert closer to his face and sniffed carefully. An overwhelmingly masculine scent flooded his nostrils and he moaned.
Oh my god, this smells amazing. This is legitimately the best thing I’ve ever smelled.
He inhaled deeply, taking in the magnificent scent again, drowning himself in it.
Tidying forgotten, Dan spent the next several minutes stood in the middle of the lounge of the flat, breathing deeply and swooning over a small piece of paper.
Suddenly, his phone rang. Irritated at having to move the advert from his face, Dan took his phone out of his pocket and answered without looking.
“Hello?” he said, annoyance creeping into his voice.
“Dan! I’m almost back to the flat!” Phil replied cheerily into the phone.
“Oh! Great, I’ll see you soon, then.” Dan smiled, happy that Phil was nearly home. “We don’t really have any food ready right now and I can’t be assed to cook tonight, so I’m just gonna call for some Indian takeaway, if that’s alright with you?”
“Sounds fantastic. You know what I like, so I’ll let you handle it.”
They hung up and Dan fetched the takeaway menu from the junk drawer. He was starving, and basically everything sounded good, so he called up the Indian place they liked and ordered probably too much food.
He looked around the flat again and noticed it was substantially tidier, which he took pride in. Phil certainly would appreciate coming home to a relatively tidy flat, something that definitely did not slip Dan’s mind as he reviewed his work.
Realizing he still had the cologne advert in his hand, Dan walked to their rubbish bin to throw it away. As soon as his hand was over the bin, however, he paused. It really did smell wonderful. Was he sure he wanted to throw it away? The scent would probably linger on the paper for the next few days, at least, and he could just smell it occasionally until it was gone, right?
Who am I kidding, this thing will be practically taped to my face this week. It just smells so good, I might as well keep it for now. With that thought in mind, Dan turned around and brought the paper to his room, taking a big sniff one last time before depositing it onto his bedside table for later.
Just as he left his room, he heard the front door opening.
“Hello,” Phil called out cheerfully.
“Hey, Phil!” Dan called. He walked down the hallway to meet Phil at the door.
“Hey! I hope you weren’t too bored here all alone the last few days,” Phil said as he dragged his luggage further into the flat.
“Of course not! It was practically heaven without you here banging against walls, eating my cereal, and leaving cupboards open every five minutes,” Dan teased. Even if he wouldn’t admit it just yet, he really had missed his friend.
Phil rolled his eyes, but at least looked a little sheepish. “Your mum’s a cupboard.”
Dan let out a hyena laugh, then finally pulled Phil forward into a hug.
“I did miss you, though,” Dan said seriously, shoving his face into Phil’s neck.
“I missed you, too, you spork,” Phil giggled, wrapping his arms around Dan.
They stood in the main hallway for a minute, hugging and just breathing each other in again for the first time in almost a week.
“Hey Dan?” Phil said hesitantly.
“Mmhmm?” Dan tightened his arms around Phil’s waist.
“You smell like cologne.” Phil breathed deeply. “I don’t think either of us have that scent, though? It’s kind of faint, I think.”
Dan felt his face heat up. Shit, did I really smell that advert for so long that Phil can smell it on me?
“Oh, uh, I don’t know,” he said nervously. He began to waffle, trying to cover up his embarrassment. “I don’t take your stuff without asking, obviously, so I didn’t take your cologne or anything. I don’t even use cologne that much, you know that. Why would I use cologne when I’ve just been staying home all week? I don’t need cologne at home, you know? I’m not really sure what you’re smelling, tho-“ Dan stopped abruptly when Phil began to move.
Phil pulled back from the hug a little, just enough to see Dan’s face. “You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to, but..." Phil trailed off, trying to find the right words. Dan looked at him expectantly. “Do you have a secret boyfriend that you haven’t told me about yet?” Phil asked tentatively. He seemed unsure and a little uncomfortable, avoiding eye contact and shifting his weight from foot to foot.
Dan spluttered and backed away from the hug entirely. “What?! No!”
Phil held his hands out in a placating gesture. “It’s perfectly alright if you do, Dan. You- you know I support you-“ he continued, clearly entirely misinterpreting Dan’s response as a fear of homophobia rather than pure shock.
Dan burst out laughing, flapping his arms in the air as if he was trying to pull more air into his mouth. “Oh my god, no, Phil! I haven’t left the flat in days and nobody’s been here. When would I have gotten a boyfriend, anyway?!” Dan shook his head and let out another snort of laughter. “Oh my god, this is ridiculous.”
Phil stared at Dan with complete confusion in his eyes, hands still raised like he was calming a wild animal. “I’m... sorry? I’m lost. Why am I smelling new cologne, then?”
“God, this could only happen to me!” Dan managed to exclaim between giggles. “I was tidying and found a cologne advert and it smelled really good, so I’ve just been standing around with my nose buried in it for, like, half an hour?”
Phil’s expression was mostly vacant, except for the slightest downward tilt to his mouth that gave away his continued confusion, which made Dan laugh all the harder.
“Here, I still have it in my room. You have to smell it, Phil, it’s really spectacular.”
Dan quickly led Phil to his room and handed him the advert.
Clearly skeptical, Phil took the paper and brought it up to his nose. He took a small sniff, then his eyes fluttered closed and he took a deeper breath.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!” Phil exclaimed, taking another breath.
“I know!” Dan agreed excitedly. “It’s so good, I just want to smell it forever!”
Phil took the advert away from his face and looked at the text on it, then burst into laughter. “The tagline- hahahaha-” Phil struggled to speak through his laughter. “The tagline is ‘For the seductive and magnetic man’- hahaha- That’s so cheesy, oh my god!”
Dan giggled along with Phil. “I mean, it’s not wrong. It might as well be magnetic, with how much I kept it to my face earlier.”
Much later, after they had stopped laughing and their Indian food had arrived and been consumed, Dan and Phil sat in their lounge watching anime. Dan had the cologne advert right against his nose again. It smelled so good, who could blame him?
Phil glanced over at Dan and noticed the advert, chuckling quietly at Dan’s antics. “You’re really obsessed with that advert, aren’t you?”
“It smells so good, Phil, I can’t help it!” Dan whined. Phil’s laughter only increased. “Stop laughing at me, you spork!”
“I’m sorry, you just look really ridiculous like that!” He really likes that cologne, hmm…Phil thought, the start of a plan formulating in his mind.
“You’d be doing this too if I let you have it, so don’t you start!” Dan argued indignantly.
Phil rolled his eyes. “It smelled good, but not that good, Dan. I think you’ve exaggerated a little bit.”
“I definitely have not. This is the best damn thing I’ve ever smelled. It’s just so masculine but soft and it’s got this hint of vanilla-“ Dan sighed and sniffed the advert again. “It’s genuinely perfect.”
Phil side-eyed him. “Uh-huh, whatever you say Dan.”
Maybe I can use this to my advantage, thought Phil.
That night, Phil snuck into Dan’s room while he was asleep and took a picture of the advert, making sure he could read the name of it later on. His plan was now underway.
A week later, Dan and Phil had settled back into their usual rhythm. Dan would spend hours at a time scrolling through tumblr on the sofa while Phil would look much more productive, sometimes even working all the way through his to-do list. That is, he’d be productive up until he went to the toilet for weirdly long amounts of time, returning with significantly higher statistics in all of his various gaming apps.
They had been “working” all day and the sun was beginning to set as it approached 8pm. Phil was just returning from another long toilet break when he noticed the time and decided that it was late enough for them to be done for the day.
“Hey, Dan?”
“Yeah?” Dan replied, not looking up from his browsing position.
“Wanna watch a film or something?”
“Sure. What did you have in mind?” Dan kept scrolling.
“Maybe Avengers or something? I’m in the mood for action.”
“Sounds good, if you set it up.” He liked some art of him in dungarees. Maybe I should try dungarees in the future...
“Deal,” Phil said. He strode across the lounge to put the film on.
Phil’s movement caused the air to move, wafting an alluring scent in Dan’s direction.
Dan’s head snapped up and he sniffed the air hungrily. “Did you get new cologne, Phil?” He looked over to see Phil bent over their television set, ass sticking out. The combination of the smells and Phil’s fine ass made Dan’s brain short-circuit.
“Hm?” Phil turned around innocently. “No, it’s the normal stuff. You must be smelling things.” He turned back to the TV, completely ignorant of the effect he was having on Dan.
Dan inhaled deeply again, then shook his head. The smell had dissipated. He closed his laptop and pulled a blanket off the edge of the sofa, deciding to get settled in for the film.
When Phil had the movie queued up, he sat down next to Dan and pulled Dan’s blanket up so he could curl up under it, too.
It wasn’t uncommon for them to cuddle while watching a film at home; they were rather affectionate for best friends and both preferred to hold something squishy while watching films, so they often hugged each other on nights like this.
What was strange, however, was that Dan was having a hard time controlling himself.
Phil was attractive, sure, but Dan was well used to it by this point and he had gotten over his all-consuming crush ages ago. Or, at least, so he thought.
There was just something about Phil tonight that had Dan practically drooling. A few minutes into the film, Dan was already pressed much more firmly against his best friend than he ever was for films. Sure, they’d cuddled this close in the past, but that was only when they were drunk or one of them needed some extra human contact for mental health purposes.
But now, Dan’s face was pressed tightly into Phil’s arm and his own arms were wrapped tightly around Phil’s torso.
Dan supposed he must be drunk somehow. He hadn’t had any alcohol, but maybe it was something in the air. Now that Phil was closer, he was smelling that fantastic scent again. Phil had said that his cologne was just the same as normal, though, so Dan was confused. Had he just never appreciated Phil’s cologne?
Dan breathed deeply throughout the whole film, savoring the intoxicating smell. He wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, but that didn’t particularly matter since they’d watched it so many times. Instead, Dan was focused on trying to keep himself from crawling farther into Phil’s lap and physically shoving his nose into Phil’s skin or licking a stripe up his neck.
He didn’t really notice when the film ended until Phil turned to him.
“Dan?” Phil’s amused voice broke the silence.
Dan jumped, picking his head up from where it was burrowed in Phil’s shoulder. “What?”
Phil smirked, but tried to hide it in a small smile. “It’s over. It’s been over for, like, five minutes. Do you ever plan on moving?”
Blushing, Dan pulled away from Phil and moved the blanket off his lap. “Sorry, I’ll just-”
Phil caught Dan’s wrist before he could stand fully. “No, Dan, I didn’t mean-” Phil huffed out a sigh, seeming frustrated with himself. “You don’t have to move if you don’t want to. I was just teasing you. We could watch something else, too, if you want?” Phil blinked his big, innocent, blue eyes up at Dan.
Phil seemed as reluctant to move as Dan was.
Dan relaxed back into Phil, resting his head back on Phil’s shoulder and draping the blanket back over his legs. “As long as we don’t have to move, I’m okay with anything.” Dan finished settling back in by snaking his arms back around Phil’s torso and taking in a deep breath against his neck.
“Of course. I’ll pull up Netflix,” Phil agreed. Once they had old episodes of Buffy playing, Phil sighed and cuddled back into Dan.
This is the best cuddle I’ve ever had, Dan thought briefly. He was just so comfortable resting against Phil, especially when Phil smelled as good as he did. How haven’t I noticed Phil’s cologne before? It’s so entrancing and relaxing. The warmth and calmness of the whole situation relaxed Dan so much and he couldn’t help it when he fell asleep.
This began to happen fairly regularly in the Dan and Phil household. Dan would be on his laptop in the lounge and Phil would walk by, and suddenly Dan would practically attach himself to Phil, breathing deeply and swooning slightly. Everything Phil did was unbelievably attractive to Dan, from taking out the trash, to cooking, to sprawling out on the sofa. There was just an aura of masculinity and sexiness that pulled Dan in like a moth to a flame.
Dan’s clinginess had gotten a little weird as a result. He just couldn’t keep his hands off of Phil. They had always been pretty close physically, of course, paying almost no attention to personal space, but this was on a whole other level.
These days, Dan was often essentially wrapped around Phil. If Phil was cooking, Dan would come up and hug him from behind, burying his face in Phil’s neck. If Phil was editing, Dan would hug him and rest his chin on top of Phil’s head. Dan would seek out hugs from Phil more often than ever before. When Phil asked, Dan always gave an excuse about being tired or touch-starved or having an upset stomach before pulling Phil into a strong hug and breathing him in.
One day, Dan couldn’t take it anymore. Phil smelled too good and Dan had tried his hardest to contain himself, but his willpower slipped.
Phil was making them both dinner, something that always made Dan feel special. Dan came into the kitchen a little before he knew Phil would be done cooking and, as usual, hugged him from behind, arms circling Phil’s waist. He inhaled deeply, breathing in Phil’s incredible masculine-but-soft scent.
“Hey, Dan,” Phil said casually. “I’m just about done.” He’d gotten used to Dan’s clinginess surprisingly quickly.
“That’s okay, take your time,” Dan whispered back, not moving away from Phil. Dan enjoyed the way Phil shivered as Dan’s lips and breath brushed his neck when he spoke. Before his brain could catch up with his body, Dan began leaving kisses on the side of Phil’s neck, just to see how he’d react, starting from the base and working up to his jaw.
Phil stopped stirring the sauce on the stove and tilted his head to the side, giving him more access. Dan took this as a sign of encouragement, continuing the journey of his mouth up to Phil’s jaw, which had a slight 5 o’clock shadow. Dan groaned at the scratchy stubble under his lips. It reminded him once again just how hot Phil was. Phil turned his head slowly, leaning into Dan’s kisses, twisting around until their lips met.
Dan froze, his brain finally catching up with his actions and making him panic. I’m kissing Phil. Oh my god. I just threw myself on him, he’s probably so uncomfortable! I’ve taken this too far, I need to go back! He quickly pulled back, eyes snapping open. He wasn’t even sure when he’d closed them.
Phil’s eyes were gently closed, his lips still puckered from the kiss. Without hesitating, Phil leaned forward and kissed Dan again, who was still too shocked at his own behavior to pull away fully after their first kiss.
Phil’s kissing me. Oh my god. With this realization, Dan loosened his arms around Phil’s waist, giving Phil the freedom to turn around so they could kiss easier.
Dan was in heaven.
When they finally pulled away, Dan was slightly dazed breathing heavily.
“Well, that took you long enough,” Phil whispered teasingly, leaning his forehead against Dan’s. Phil had a cute little smile on his face.
Dan blinked, confused and still reeling from the kiss. “What?”
“I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me for weeks, you spoon,” Phil giggled quietly. “Well, more like years, but I’ve been trying harder these last few weeks.”
Dan blinked again, but couldn’t figure out what to say.
Phil rolled his eyes. “I bought that cologne you were addicted to. Remember? The one where I thought you had been visiting a boyfriend but you had actually just been smelling an advert?”
Dan blinked a third time, then his brain finally caught up. “Hey! You said you didn’t change your cologne! I’ve been going mad trying to figure out what happened this whole time!”
“Oops,” Phil giggled. “I guess I lied.”
“Damn, Phil. That was an ordeal. Do you have any idea how fucking enchanting you smell? I can’t believe I haven’t jumped you yet. In fact-” Dan kissed Phil again, harder this time. He broke it off a few seconds later with a satisfying smack. “I can’t get enough of you. I’ve been attached to you for however many weeks now because you just-” kiss “-smell-” kiss “-so-” kiss “-good.”
They kissed again, for longer this time. Dan pushed Phil forward until Phil was crowded against the sink, thoroughly snogging him.
Phil pulled away just enough to whisper out, “Dan,” before his lips were otherwise occupied again. A few seconds later, he did it again. “Dan, wait, dinner-”
“Shit!” Dan said, pulling back and releasing Phil. He could smell whatever sauce Phil had been cooking beginning to burn. He quickly pulled it off the hob and stepped back to let Phil fix it. “Sorry.”
Phil shot Dan a disbelieving glance. “You’re totally not, but I forgive you anyway. We were having way more fun.”
Dan grinned. “That we were.”
Phil grinned back, then turned to his cooking. “Besides, this means I can give this cologne a positive review. The advert was totally accurate.” Phil casually stirred the slightly-burned sauce.
“Oh, really? What did it say, again?” Dan said with a teasing tone. He tried to think back to what it said, but found himself a little too distracted by the rush of affection he was feeling for Phil to be able to remember.
Phil turned back to him with a sly smirk, now finished with his cooking. “‘For the seductive and magnetic man’. I think your behavior is proof of the accuracy of that statement, since you were definitely magnetized to me, you seductor.”
Dan spluttered and laughed. “Phil, you’re the seductor, since you seduced me, not the other way around!”
Phil just smiled. “Oh, well, that’s just a matter of perspective.”
“For what it’s worth,” said Dan as he wrapped his arms around Phil once more, “I think you’re definitely a ‘seductive and magnetic man’ and I couldn’t be happier to have been seduced by you.” Dan leaned in and kissed Phil again. “Especially since it was with that fantastic cologne.”
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 6 years ago
Haven Raised- Chapter 5
Summary:  Harry’s life is completely changed when his aunt and uncle are forced to take him to a funeral at a relatives. Now being raised by Primrose Evans, her sister Grace and the citizens of Havenfall, his life is going to be a roller coaster.
On AO3
-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Harry was utterly terrified as he walked onto the platform. He really wanted his mom or aunt. But he was a big kid and his mom said she was proud and…
No panicking. No panicking. Just breathe. Just breathe. He told himself, gripping Spot’s leash tightly. He was happy he'd gotten permission to have the dog with him. He wouldn't be able to stand it otherwise.
“Hello!” A voice said, startling Harry and causing him to almost fall over. Spot barked. “Whoa! Sorry about that.” An older boy moved to stand in front of Harry. “Didn't mean to surprise you. He your guide dog?”
“Companion animal,” Harry said honestly. The boy nodded and offered his hand.
“I'm Cedric Diggory. It's nice to meet you,” the boy said.
“Harry Potter, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” He said like his mom usually did when she was in a situation with strangers. The boy looked surprised before he smiled.
“Would you like a hand with your trunk… oh! You got a shrinking one?”
“My mother’s idea. She said it was a better idea then having to haul one around for the next seven years.” Harry told the boy who nodded.
“Fair,” Cedric said. He did help Harry find a nice compartment though- commenting about Hedwig.
“My uncle believed it would be a great idea for me to contact him this way. I moved to America when I was young and while we have a mailbox an owl is quicker for him and me.” Harry told Cedric who nodded his understanding. He left to go find his friends and Harry pulled out a book on magizoology while petting Spot. After a while, the door opened up and a red-haired boy came in.
“Do you mind? Everywhere else is full.” The boy said.
“Not at all,” Harry said. The boy blinked and looked a little nervous but sat down.
“I'm Ron Weasley.” He said cautiously and Harry took a breath.
“I'm Harry Potter. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Ron looked shocked.
“You are?!?” Harry winced, unable to control that. Ron also flinched seeing the wince. “Sorry.”
“It's…” His mom's voice came into his mind, saying never apologize for his feelings. “Alright. I… had an unpleasant experience living with my aunt and uncle before I went to live with my adoptive mother. I'm not a fan of loud noises.” Harry pet Spot a bit more. Ron looked confused but shook his head.
“Where do you grow up then? In the Wizarding World in America?”
“No. My mother is a muggle though she does have contacts with the magical world. I grew up in a small town in Indiana- a State in the US.”
“Wicked,” Ron said. “Do you have any siblings? I've got six of them.”
“That's quite an amount!” Harry said in surprise. “I don't have any siblings really. My mother’s younger sister is only seven years older then I and she's always been more of a sister than an aunt but she is still my aunt. We were raised together.”
“Cool,” Ron said. “I'm the youngest boy. Every single one of my brothers has done something great, meaning if I do something awesome they've already done it.” He looked gloomy as he spoke. Harry could sympathize. Some of JD’s stories or Razi’s comments about their siblings being better than them came to mind.
“My mother’s boss- Razi- has an older sibling he says was always better,” Harry said slowly, remembering the talk Razi gave him when he was upset at not getting the highest grade in the class. “He currently runs the family business and is known as one of the kindest men in town. It doesn't matter what your siblings did- it matters how you do them.”
“... thanks,” Ron said, smiling a little. “Umm… what house do you think you'll be in?”
“I don't know. This is the first item I encountered a House system truthfully.” Harry shrugged.
“They don't have it in America?” Ron asked in surprise. Harry shook his head.
“Not at all.” Harry hummed. “Truthfully I feel Hufflepuff would be the best choice for me. I am hardworking and my mother often taught me that being a hard worker is all it takes to succeed. As well… she's always been a loyal woman. She chose to give up her dreams for me and Grace- her sister- because she didn't want us to be raised by people who didn't care for us.” He shrugged.
“She raised you and her sister?” Ron asked.
“Her parents died when she and Grace where young and their grandmother died when she was given a scholarship to a culinary school- a cooking school,” Harry clarified at Ron’s confused look. “She's worked herself to the bone to be a good parent for me and a good sister for Grace.”
“Wow.” Ron hesitated. “You know, my mum was one of the top five students in her year. She chose to be a stay at home mum with my older brother Bill. And then she kept having us and she could have…”
“You don't realize how much your parents care until it's staring in your face,” Harry said. Ron nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. Spot barked from Harry’s lap and Harry happily pet him.
“How do you have two pets?” Ron asked then, curious and a little jealous though he wouldn't admit it.
“Hedwig was a gift from a friend of my biological parents so I can keep in contact with him. My mother and I have a mailbox set up I can carry with me to send letters and magic proof phones.” Harry explained. “Spot is a companion animal for my anxiety and panic attacks.” Ron winced then.
No longer jealous at all.
“I've got Scabbers,” Ron said then, pulling the rat out of his pocket. Spot suddenly lifted his head to stare at the rat for a long moment before putting his head back down. “He was Percy’s rat for a few years but he got an Owl for being Prefect-”
“What is a Prefect?” Harry asked in confusion. Ron blinked at Harry.
“Blimey, you really are not used to this school huh?” With that, Ron launched into a description of the school. Harry listened carefully, nodding to show he understood some comments.
The door opened after a while when the conversation turned to Quidditch- a game that Harry was fairly certain his mother would have a panic attack herself if he played. A witch pushing a trolley was outside the door.
“Anything off the trolley dears?” Ron winced and pulled out a sandwich while Harry pulled some coins out of his pocket. His mom had figured that there would be someone there with food but had still given him a lunch, just so he could buy some treats but not just eat junk food.
“Ron, can you help me pick?” Harry asked him, redhead. “I'll buy you something as well?” Ron blinked and looked uncomfortable but stood up. They bought a small collection of treats- Harry thinking of Dr. Diego’s look if he bought too much. The downside of his mother is friends with a doctor, something he told Ron about.
“Aren't doctors those nutters who cut people up?” Ron asked in confusion.
“No. A doctor is… like a healer.” Harry said, remembering the word in a book. “Dr. Diego is the town doctor and usually handles colds or immunizations or other things. He does do surgery at times- which is cutting someone open but there have been hundreds of years of history to figure these things out.”
“Huh. Cool. And he’s friends with your mum?”
“Yes. He's friends with her boss and often comes to her workplace for a drink and the two talk.” Harry shrugged. “After school, I would go to the bowling alley to do homework and chat with her.”
“Bowling alley? That where she works?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, getting more and more used to Rob and dropping the formal tone. Ron noticed but didn't say anything. “It's like a second home. Razi helped me a lot through the ears and JD’s fun-”
“JD a coworker of your mums?”
“Yeah. They're pretty hilarious.” Harry said. Ron looked confused again and Harry elaborated. “They're nonbinary and always having Sheriff Hunt come in to yell.”
“Hmmm, I think the term I can use is Auror? She's the boss of our town’s division.”
“Wicked. JD causes trouble? And what's nonbinary?” Harry began explaining some of JD’s funnier stories while also explaining what nonbinary was. The two boys had a laugh and ate their packed meals first. “That's American food then?”
“Yeah,” Harry said, munching on his burger his mom had bought for him from Stop and Go and put into his enchanted lunch box. “It's my favorite. Mom takes me out every once in a while to get one. She did learn how to cook Indian food from this woman named Chetas but like… I really wanted a burger before we left.”
“Cool,” Ron said, nodding. The candy was weird to Harry though he really wished he could give JD some of the Every Flavoured Beans for a laugh. They would be so angry it would be funny.
“I'm not a huge pure chocolate person,” Harry said, looking at the chocolate frogs he had gotten Ron.
“Why not?” Ron asked. Harry shrugged.
“Dunno.” The door opened then and Harry’s spine stiffened. Ron noticed it and frowned as a bushy-haired girl came into the compartment.
“Have either of you seen a toad?” She asked in a bossy voice. “A boy named Neville has lost his.” Harry shook his head as did Ron.
“Terribly sorry but no we did not,” Harry said politely. The girl looked at him and frowned.
“Dogs aren't allowed at Hogwarts.” Harry frowned in turn.
“I received special permission to have Spot with me,” Harry said. The girl scowled.
“That's unfair. The rules are there for a reason and you flaunting them is wrong!” She said, huffing. Harry simply stared at her, feeling his heartbeat picking up. “I'll talk to the Headmaster and-”
Harry began breathing raggedly, his lungs compressing and eyes widening. No, no, he can't lose Spot. He can't-
“Harry!” Ron said, standing up as Spot barked and moved to sit in Harry’s lap fully. The girl looked shocked. Ron turned to her, glaring. “Get out. You're being rude and mean and we don't want you in here.” The girl looked hurt as Ron went to Harry, keeping back a bit and feeling lost.
“Uh, Harry ummm… can you breathe, please? Just breathe okay?” Ron said in a nervous tone. The girl left, running off to find someone as Harry hugged Spot, shaking and having a hard time breathing. “Look if you have permission they won't take Spot, promise, alright?” Ron said, guessing what it was given Harry had said the dog was a companion animal and not a pet.
“Hey-” a third year wearing yellow and black robes came in. “Heard the commotion… shit.” The boy said softly. “Panic attack. Harry- it's me, Cedric. You met me this morning. Can you take a deep breath and hold it?” The boy asked soothingly. Ron watched like a hawk as the boy calmed down Harry even when Percy showed up with the girl. Percy held her back and watched carefully.
Once Harry was calm he also looked incredibly embarrassed, hiding his face in Spot’s fur.
“Panic attack?” Percy asked. Cedric nodded. “Alright- Ron, give him a bit of space yes? He’ll be alright. We’ll inform the teachers just in case but he's okay now.”
“What about his dog!” The girl demanded. Ron turned to give her a nasty look.
“Shove off!” He told her. She looked incredibly offended as Percy frowned.
“Please be polite Ron, and I assume it's a companion animal. He's here for health reasons and thus he was given special permission to have him.” The girl scowled.
“He could have-”
“He said he had special permission and you made him sick!” Ron told her, glaring at her. She looked upset as a boy came up to them.
“Umm Hermione? Have you found my toad?”
“Missing your pet? Here, I'll teach you a quick charm-” Cedric said, standing up and ushering the group out, leaving Ron and Harry alone. Percy went with them, obviously realizing they needed to leave the compartment.
Ron stood there, glaring at the door while Harry took shallow breaths.
This girl had caused a kid who looked like he had a bit of a hard time in life to have a panic attack- whatever that was- all because of her stupid want to be right from what Ron could tell.  Whatever house she was in, he didn't want to be near. Even if it meant following Harry to Slytherin, that girl was annoying and rude!
Harry and Ron had just changed into their uniform after the battle when the door opened again, Harry tensing and Ron moving in front of Harry slightly. Harry was thankful to Ron for that, feeling a bit calmer now that his friend was with him.
“I heard Harry Potter was in this compartment,” said the blonde. He looked annoyed for some reason as he spoke. Harry swallowed.
“That quite depends on who is asking,” he said, mimicking his mother’s tone when she was trying to be polite but cold to people. The boy scowled but tried to hide it.
“Draco Malfoy.” Harry immediately remembered his mom and her talks about the Malfoy family. She had said to be careful but not to think the worst of the son. That was rude and cruel.
“I see,” Harry said in as neutral a tone as possible. Ron snorted himself. His dad had hated the Malfoy patriarch ever since he had cut funding to their office. Luckily with the truth about the whole seat not being there's coming out, they got more money coming in now- meaning he and his siblings all had new wands now which was great.
It was nice to remember that moment of happiness on his dad’s face.
“Think my name is funny to do you?” Malfoy sneered at Ron who scowled at him. “Red hair, muggle clothing? You're either a mudblood or a Weasley.” Ron snarled at that. You did not say that word! That was disgusting!
Harry frowned though. That sounded like an awful word and this kid was using it?
“I can help you Potter,” Malfoy said. “Show you that some Wizarding families are better than others?” He offered his hand. Harry ignored it.
“I believe I am more than able to find the right sort for myself. Now please leave. Spot is hungry and I'd rather not pull him off you.” The dog growled and Draco looked nervous before snarling at Harry wordlessly, leaving the compartment with a bang.
“That was brilliant,” Ron told Harry. Spot barked happily and the two boys traded smiles. It was the start of a great friendship.
The train soon arrived at school and the boys left, Spot having to be left behind while the boys were gone, but Harry felt safe with Ron honestly. He had already stuck up for him! It was a nice feeling. Sure some of his friends back home were cool but… they wouldn't have done this.
The guy calling all the first years over was huge! Harry was a little nervous about him but he smiled at everyone and just gave off this cheerful vibe as he got them all to come over to a bunch of boats.
“No more than four to a boat!” The giant man called. Harry and Ron, as well as two girls who looked like twins, got into the boat. They waited patiently as everyone was seated and then off they went.
The first sight of the castle made Harry’s breathe hitch, eyes wide as he stared at the amazing place. He heard Ron gasp as well, staring at the sight.
There were no words to describe it, other than amazing.
At one point in their journey, Harry suddenly felt like he was back in the safety of the bowling alley, having a cup of hot chocolate and chatting with Razi, but it faded rather fast. That was weird. Maybe it was a ward to help them feel protected in a certain place? He had always felt the most protected at the bowling alley.
Once they got to the castle, they were introduced to a woman that the big man called Professor McGonagall. Harry sort of remembered her from when she visited with Dumbledore. She looked as impressive as she did before.
She was giving some speech he didn’t pay much attention to, instead, he was looking around and trying to see if the girl was around. He’d prefer to avoid her, definitely.
They had to wait for a little while in the room, while Ron was wondering about the sorting.
“It can’t hurt. Can you imagine parents letting their kids be hurt?” Harry asked Ron softly when he mentioned his brother saying it hurt.
“Nah, guess you’re right mate… you doing alright?”
“Yeah.” Harry agreed quietly. “Just hope this ends sooner than not.” A handful of ghosts came through the walls then, all chatting about something.
“Oh!” New students said one of them, acting incredibly surprised… and remarkably like JD when they were acting innocent. Harry’s eyes narrowed as he watched the rest of the interaction.
“That looks staged,” he told Ron as McGonagall came back in. Ron blinked and then looked thoughtful.
“Huh. I suppose it was. Weird.” Ron shook his head but followed McGonagall without much more thought. Harry just thought it made sense for it to happen like that. Introduce the kids to ghosts early so they didn’t freak out later.
There was a hat on a stool in front of everyone in the huge hall they entered. Harry felt nervous, staring at it before it suddenly began to sing.
As it sang, Harry just stared, feeling shocked and confused. That was… that was weird. What?
“We just have to try on a hat?! I’m going to kill the twins- they went on about wrestling a troll!” Ron grumbled.
“That hat just sang,” Harry said, blinking. He shook his head. “Magic, right. At least it sounded better than JD’s death metal.”
“What?” Ron asked.
“A type of music,” Harry told Ron. The two watched as people went up to the hat and said hat would shout out names. Some took awhile, and others were fast.
The girl who had accidentally triggered a panic attack was named Hermione Granger apparently, and she went into Gryffindor which was the House of the Brave. Ron looked horrified and Harry just hoped he got into Hufflepuff as he wanted.
Malfoy went into Slytherin, something he also decided he wanted to avoid.
When his term came, everyone was whispering in awe and shock as he walked up to the stool, trying to ignore everyone as he sat down, focusing on Ron who was looking at him and mouthing encouraging things.
When the hat was dropped on his head, it blocked everything. Wow he was small
“Well, well, well. What an interesting mind…” mused the hat on his head. Harry took a quick breath in surprise and gripped the seat of his stool. “Such a strong mind, such talent… oh, what interesting people you know young Mr. Potter… now where to put you…” Harry’s mind turned to Hufflepuff, the loyalty his mother showed to him and Grace, the fact she worked so hard for him and Grace to be happy. He thought of Sheriff Hunt and her strengths, her hard work. Of the people in Havenfall and how strong they were, their loyalty to one another, even if they didn’t like each other. Like the time JD’s brother rolled into town and they turned him away. Even Luce.
“Well, seems I know the answer.” The hat said. “Better be… HUFFLEPUFF!” Harry let out a sigh of relief even as what felt like shock gripped the hall. McGonagall removed the Hat, but her face was shocked Harry noticed, the boy standing up and ignoring the shocked looks.
And then Ron began clapping. And soon a yellow and black table burst into cheers and shouts. Harry sat down at the table with a grin, next to a boy named Ernie who shook his hand happily. Harry grinned and waited for Ron’s sorting, feeling very nervous.
Ron himself felt nervous, sitting underneath the hat. He didn’t know what he wanted. He knew what Harry had said about loyalty, about doing something different… and…
“Well if you’re sure… better be… HUFFLEPUFF.”
Meanwhile in Havenfall…
Prim propped her head on her hand, staring at the wall of the bar. She was already missing her kid terribly. Barely eight hours ago she’d dropped him off- though everyone thought it was yesterday- and all she wanted to do was see him again.
“Hey, why the long face?” Asked one of the men at the bar. She gave a half smile.
“Hello, Stan. I’m just… a little tired. A little sad. My kid’s gone off to school now and I’m feeling old.” She joked. The man laughed.
“Eh, you can say your old when you're my age. Your kid will be fine, yeah? He got into some special boarding school I heard?”
“Yes, he is.” Prim agreed. Very special.
“Well then, he’ll be fine! He’ll have a bunch of stories to tell and fun new things to try. And you can have some fun, huh?” He teased and Prim laughed.
“Thanks, Stan. Want your usual drink?”
“I’d love it, thank you.” The old man smiled at her and she grinned back. Diego who was sitting near Stan gave him a look.
“Mr. Lee, need I remind you that you are not to drink too much?”
“Bah, let me have fun. When you get to my age you take what you can get.” Prim giggled at the two, smiling to herself.
Harry would be just fine.
I would like to dedicate the small part at the end to Stan Lee, may his legend live on.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I do want to address the part with Hermione, Now, before anyone says anything- Hermione is the beginning is an annoying and bossy little girl. I like Hermione!! She's an awesome character and a sweet kid. I really do like her!! I just also know that neither Ron or Harry would like her in the beginning. I needed a solid reasoning for this dislike when I put the boys into Hufflepuff and the idea of her accidentally triggering a panic attack came to mind. So here we are!! Don't worry- she'll be best friends with Ron/Harry soon!!
Small plot point:
Why no Goyle or Crabbe? The Malfoy family lost a lot of clout with their bull with the seat. Meaning the boys don't want to be near Draco, too dangerous for their standing in the house.
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