#I feel like a lot of y’all are saying your comic fans
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Are twitter users allergic to fun?
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mellodillo · 2 years ago
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A little traditional inking practice with a brush pen I hadn’t tried yet...I missed working with actual ink and paper so much! Now’s probably a good time to remind folks that I have a Patreon tip jar. I primarily release early webcomic pages and random sketches there when I feel like it. My patrons got to see this one a few days in advance, along with another sketch I did the same day! Due to my sporadic schedule, I don’t want to ask for a lot, especially since this is primarily meant to act as a tip jar. So, the minimum pledge tier is only $1! If you like my doodles and comics and want to throw me a bone, please consider it!
Thank you all for your support, and I’m looking forward to sharing more work with y’all soon!
(By the way, fans of my webcomic might wanna check out the Patreon today...just saying 🦔)
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canisvesperus · 9 months ago
I’ve seen some discussion on this, so allow me to explain something.
Some people do not seem to grasp why artists like me draw so much fashionable Eridan. He’s not fashionable at all, just look at his canon outfit, they say. Well, it is simple. Eridan is one of the few trolls actually experimenting with fashion at a young age in the comic. Look me in the eye and tell me you too weren’t a hot mess trying to dress “fashionable” in middle school. Yet, chances are that if you had that awareness and drive early on, you will also develop a sense of style and grasp on aesthetics earlier in life compared to your peers. This was my experience. I was well known for being very stylish as a kid, but this didn’t happen overnight. Indeed, if you were one of these kids you most definitely started off with some odd or disharmonious clothing combinations that you threw together in an attempt to express yourself aesthetically despite inexperience in that type of self-expression. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I usually draw young adult Eridan. Obviously given some time, his tastes would develop and mature into something derived from those original aesthetic visions, but far more cohesive.
It’s clear he’s trying to assert his individualism and status in his clothing choices, and most of y’all shrug him off as having bad taste while not also foreseeing the intent and vision behind those choices. I see it, and so do other artists. We differ in how we portray this derivation because there are frankly a dozen different directions he could take it depending on the circumstances of the post-canon/fix it scenario. This is why you may see me refer to the Eridan in my depictions as “my Eridan”. I don’t presume to depict something identical to Homestuck proper, nor am I particularly interested in doing so. If you’re the type of person who is married to the events of canon and cannot consider a scenario involving an older Eridan who was allowed to grow and change, this is why we are not seeing eye to eye— and I’m certain this is the root cause of various other discourses as they pertain to portraying the character in post-canon fanworks. That’s fine. That’s your choice. My choice is different.
Eridan consistently demonstrates concern (an excess, really, which backfired for him in the cruelest of ways poor thing) with respect to how he is perceived, hence the consciously thought out image-crafting and classic Eridan façades that his own peers call him out on for being poorly executed, transparent, and otherwise not believable. They were kids. This is normal. Of course he doesn’t have himself figured out yet. It’s a process. Some people in this fandom believe his façade in the most literal and uncritical of ways but this is all a story for another day. Is his drip game shit though, without regards for fan interpretations? If you’re asking me, I don’t think it’s really that bad considering his age. I really don’t think it’s that bad. That kind of scarf with the cape is a bit much to wear around the neck. Maybe he’ll swap the big scarf for something similar in function and category but less top heavy— a cravat, jabot, bandana, or lavallière? If the cape is too overwhelming for the rest of the outfit, a smaller caplet, shawl, or a coat will work. To accommodate some of the alternative neckwear, a shirt with a collar would be preferable. What many people perceive as a turtleneck sweater, need not be entirely sacrificed. Put a sweater vest on that boy. I see lots of complaints about the shoes and pants. More discreet pinstripes and more formal shoes (field boots, paddock boots, oxfords) will work. Of course he can go in the opposite direction, less formal, in that case the cape can go and the long scarf can stay, get some cool sneakers, consider denim bottoms or casual slacks in a single color, accents welcome. However this isn’t the derivation I pursue so I feel less qualified to speculate. He could ditch all of it even. Start new and fresh especially if he were to go through a markedly subversive reclamation of identity and character redemption sort of process. In any case, he can work with it!!! You just have to believe in him.
I believe Eridan had a lot of narrative potential that was wasted, possibly out of disinterest for the character. It’s only predictable that artists like me simply want to devise a world in which these characters had a chance to actually live their lives. I truly do not understand why there has to be so much confusion over this. That‘s all.
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dreadpiratesilas · 1 year ago
This is a comment I left in a Facebook group I’m a part of, but I wanted to post here because . . . Wow. As a fan, I would love to talk to people about OFMD, but seeing people complaining about a certain character death has made it difficult to log in and enjoy myself because as a creative, this aspect of it makes creating something and interacting with fans about it really feel like a godawful customer service job sometimes.
It started with the NYCC panel and spilled over into the season finale. Seriously, c’mon y’all.
1) you’re not entitled to a happy ending for your favorite characters. You’re not even entitled to the show itself. It’s a passion project between a group of people made into something to entertain the rest of us.
2) just because creatives are adults and CAN take it doesn’t mean they should have to. If I were to take some of the comments I’ve seen towards him and flip it into a customer saying these things to a service worker who got their order wrong, people would (rightfully) think that person was being a dick.
I’m a comic artist and writer who has put stuff out there. Granted none of it is anywhere near as popular as OFMD, but I swear the internet has turned fandom and interacting with some fans into an awful customer service job.
You can not like something that happened in the season finale. That’s totally fine. There’s a difference between critiquing and not getting your way, and a lot of people still don’t seem to grasp this. I also feel like David Jenkins and the rest of the cast/crew have done a lot to build up good will with fans and deserve better than what they’ve gotten from a lot of people.
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stackthedeck · 1 year ago
i need someone who understands to commiserate with me.
WHY are people marking spider-man - all media types when they mean "twinky tiny teeny baby tom holland and papá stark and ooh sometimes big hulking predatory gay teen fucker deadpool (i think thats his name ive never read a comic but i know he hears voices oooOohooH)" thats NOT ALL MEDIA TYPES THATS THE FUCKING TOM HOLLAND MOVIES
they can like that! i dont CARE. what i care about is intentionally obfuscating your fic premise, thereby making ME read it 😭😭😭
i know spideytorch is your fav flame but at least many torch knowers know about smth besides the movies 😔😔
(have a good day, i needed to bitch and i was like. he is the only one who will truly understand 💛)
Anon I feel you I bitch about this every day lmao the exclude mcu button on ao3 is my best friend! Like listen mcu fans can do whatever they want but like fandom etiquette dictates that if I don’t like I shouldn’t read so it’s common courtesy for them to say exactly what the fic is so I can know that I’m the type of fan who doesn’t like it so I won’t read it. Like I’ve been 5k words into pretty alright Spider-Man fic and then I’m hit with the “mr.stark” and I’m like god where’s my Spider-Man that doesn’t respect billionaires it’s crushing every time. And like hey mcu fans, y’all are the majority here if people want Tom Holland Spider-Man they’re searching that fandom tag so use it so more of your intended audience can read your fic!
I’ll be honest with you anon the reason I’m so into spidey torch is because 1 it’s a semi popular ship and 2 spidey torch fans tend to be obsessed with the comics sometimes for both the boys but they’re a super fan of at least one. The fantastic four have had nothing but shitty adaptations so their comic fandom is bigger than their movie fandoms it’s wonderful. I don’t really ship Johnny with Peter beyond like oh they probably were a friends with benefits situation or a Johnny is way more hopelessly in love situation. Nah the real goat of Johnny Storm ships is Johnny and Wyatt Wingfoot that is a power couple that can stand the test of time. But unfortunately it’s a very small tag and there’s quite a few writers who don’t know how to be normal about Native Americans. But my diehard spidey ship is parksborn and that tag is such a mixed bag! Sometimes it’s like the perfect replication of the comic dynamic, sometimes it’s the Raimi movies (functionally two different characters but also fun), something to do with the cartoons (not my thing because they’re kids doing high school drama), whatever the fuck Andrew Garfield had going with that dying Victorian orphan, or Harry is the evil ex but like evil the same way Norman was like fuck off!
Anyway spidey torch is the only spidey dude slash ship that has like consistently good fics but all the other ships you’ve gotta sift through a lot of bull shit but it’d be so much easier to find what I want if people would just tag their shit correctly!
Anyway thank you for bitching with me anon. Reminder: fuck the mcu until Sabra is removed from captain America 4, pirate your movies and comics and don’t buy shit from them. Pirate spectacular Spider-Man comics and every single Wyatt Wingfoot appearance
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houkagokappa · 2 years ago
The Yuri Manga Post
From when I first came across yuri manga a decade ago, followed by a long break from it due to the excruciating longing I’d experience reading about girls loving girls while not experiencing it myself, I’d been wanting to get back to reading yuri manga again. The loneliness hasn’t gone anywhere, but my love towards girls and girls loving girls has remained, and I’ve wanted to take part in it once more.
What got me started was Hanamonogatari by schwinn. People were hyping it up on twitter as old woman yuri, and not just yuri involving a grown adult, but an actual grandmother. So far only 2 chapters have been translated, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the series. It’s a nice change of pace to read about someone in their 60′s, and it’s wholesome to see how they discover make-up as a new hobby and the salesperson as a new romantic interest. Life doesn’t end after your 20′s, y’all!
This inspired me to check out what else is popular these days, and one of the first works I saw recommended was Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete by Akihiro Ononaka, which is the polar-opposite to Hanamonogatari. It’s about a young girl who adores magical girls, but ends up becoming a villain forced to fight them. Her new alter-ego is sadistic and enjoys teasing and torturing her opponents. The manga feels like a combination of Douman Seiman’s works and Kill la Kill, the way it’s stylized with high contrasts and contains plenty of wacky, sexy comedy that takes things just a little too far for comfort. Personally I love it. It’s not a manga for everyone, and I wish it would start wrapping up soon after 9 volumes, before it starts repeating itself too much. It’s been one of the most refreshing manga I’ve read in a while, a funny parody with an amazing artstyle, even if it also contains some... questionable scenes.
Looking at more conventional works, I picked up Ki ni Natteru Hito ga Otoko ja Nakatta by Agu. It’s about a high school girl who falls for a guy as they bond over similar tastes in music, but as the title suggests, it turns out the guy’s actually a girl and her classmate (disguised in her casual/alternative style). The manga releases on twitter, and it’s been a fun exercise for me to keep up with it in Japanese. The twitter releases have also allowed Agu to use some colour, adding lime green to the traditional black and white, which makes the manga stand out and look really cool. The art itself is great too, both girls are super cute with their own distinctive styles. I like seeing how their relationship develops and I’m glad that it doesn’t dwell on the initial misunderstanding for too long. I will say that it’s a shame to be caught up with the story, since each weekly update is only 4 pages long and I’d rather read this in one go.
Next, I picked up Kakeochi Girl by Battan, since it was recent and renowned, with gorgeous covers. It’s about a woman who runs into her old high school sweetheart again after 10 years. While she never got over her, her old lover is now about to get married to a man, and have his baby. I wasn’t a huge fan of this manga. I thought it was sad how the main girl hadn’t been able to move on and felt stuck with her life for so long, while her romantic interest was stuck making bad decisions. I also didn’t like how the husband was portrayed as a villain of comical proportions. I think there’s value to the story which explores what comphet does to a woman, but it’s not something I care to read about when men become too central to the story. I also have conflicting feelings about the art. The covers, illustrations and some pages were absolutely gorgeous, and I love how Battan portrays different feelings, especially whenever something’s a little scary, but exciting, with tingles and sparks, but I’m not a huge fan of her style when it comes to the eyes and other facial features, which is a stylistic choice for her and a personal preference of mine.
I gave Battan another chance with Ane no Yuujin, since I couldn’t resist the enthralling, sensual cover. I liked it better than Kakeochi Girl, and it helped me appreciate the art more, thanks to her excellent portrayal of longing and joy. I was about to say that I liked the characters better too, but now that I think about it, I’m not sure I did. I think the fact that this was much shorter and focused on more characters masked it for me. I don’t think Battan’s works are for me, but I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who do love them for good reason!
I continued my yuri journey with another work I’d seen and heard much about, Sayonara Rose Garden by Dr. Pepperco. It’s about a Japanese maid who works for an English noblewoman, set in England in the early 1900′s. My first impression was that Dr. Pepperco is a genius for this setting and combination of aesthetics, with the Japanese maid dressing in kimono off-duty (!!!). The manga is beautifully drawn, and I enjoyed both main characters, but unfortunately a man had to get between them as well. It makes sense considering the setting, but it’s still not something I enjoy reading about, so my initial excitement was dulled out after the first volume. Overall it was a good read with great art, but because of my high expectations and slight disappointment, it didn’t end up as a favourite of mine.
After getting worried about not finding any more good yuri to read, I was happy to discover Ikemen Girl to Hakoiri Musume by Mochi au Lait and majoccoid. It’s another manga where one girl mistakes her classmate for a man and falls for them. Here the girl confesses right at the start, the other one accepts as a joke, and they end up dating while the misunderstandings are still at play. The girl who was mistaken for a man is incredibly sympathetic and a whole mood (TM), while her girlfriend is super bubbly and sweet. The manga is light-hearted and funny, and I wish I could find something similar to this, since it’s been one of my favorites.
Next up I read Yuunagi Marbled and Kimi Koi Limit by Momono Moto. Yuunagi Marbled was a tad bit on the edgy side, but still an okay read. Kimi Koi Limit had a real mess of a main character, which I enjoyed immensely, since I’ve been looking for something like that in yuri works. After all these stories about women who suddenly end up in lesbian relationships, or who have to hide the fact they want to be in them, it was refreshing to read about women who were open and assertive about their interests. I can’t say either of these works left a strong impression on me beyond that, but I found the girls cute and they were easy enough to read.
Then I went on to read Papa no Sexy Doll by Kajikawa Gaku. Look. The title is questionable. And the manga is indeed about a girl and her dad both having some sort of relationship with an android to get over the loss of the girls’ mother. I checked it out because I read something else by the same author, which left me curious about what else they’d done. Then I wanted to check what Papa no Sexy Doll could possibly be about, since it wasn’t marked as r-18. It was a pleasant surprise to see that it was yuri, and I actually got attached to the main character, who’s a young girl going through a rough patch with her crush/girlfriend and seeking solace (not necessarily sexual, but also that kind of comfort) from the titular doll. There are only a few chapters out and it’s still ongoing, but so far it’s been a nice story about loss and the pains of growing up. I can’t recommend it for everyone, but it’s been a pleasant surprise for sure.      
To continue with more questionable works, I was excited to give Kyou wa Kanojo ga Inai kara by Iwami Kiyoko a try, based on the gorgeous art and a powerful line I randomly came across and had to fish out the source for. Like the title suggests, it’s about a girl in a lesbian relationship, but said girlfriend is still in the closet afraid to show any sort of affection towards her in public. Furthermore, she keeps ignoring her in favour of club activities, which leaves our main girl sad and lonely. A third girl shows up, and with a few pushes, the main girl starts two-timing her girlfriend. I love how horrible the girls are, and how easy it is to see what drove them to be the way they are. The art is to die for, and although I can’t recommend such a controversial topic to everyone, it’s been one of my favorites. The manga is still ongoing, with 4 volumes currently, and things are heating up!
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After reading all these popular and currently talked-about series, and not finding that much more looking though what’s popular, I discovered the greatness of Interest Stacks on MAL. There were a few collections with titles and covers that looked intriguing, and I started reading older works, with the oldest being Maya no Souretsu by Ichijo Yukari, published in 1972. I love the 70′s shoujo manga style, and the story was a tragic wild-ride about loss and revenge.
From there I kinda fell down the rabbit hole that was 90′s josei. Some of the yuri works I read were Love Vibes and Sheets no Sukima by Erica Sakurazawa. They are both about messy relationships that involve a lot of sex and cheating, and while love between women was central for both, there was more action between women and men. Because I read other josei works from the same era before these two, I came in thinking it was cool to see women be active and forward, so I didn’t mind it, but I do think Sheets no Sukima in particular suffered from not developing the relationship between the two women further. The ending was incredibly unsatisfying and abrupt, even if it could be seen as realistic and tragic in a way I usually love, because it reflects how uncertain and unsatisfying real life can be. I definitely preferred Love Vibes out of the two, where the feelings were more clear and reciprocated. Both works had a charming artstyle, and the girls were cute so it was nice reading them.
Back to the present day, although ready to take a journey into the past, I continued with Yume no Hashibashi by Sudou Yumi. It’s about two women in their mid-80′s who have been in love with each other since they were 14/15, but unable to be with each other due to various societal reasons. The manga starts with them in their old age and progresses backwards in time, with each chapter giving us a small glimpse of the choices they made and the feelings they had throughout different periods in their lives. It’s quite an interesting structure, and I loved seeing what drove the characters to make the decisions they did, when I already knew what they would lead to, and to see what prevented them from choosing to be with each other throughout the years. I wasn’t sure what to think of it based on the first two chapters, but I was crying as I reached the end. It was tragic, yet beautiful, and what hurts the most is how there are people out there who have gone through similar experiences. This was another favourite of mine and I highly recommend it, with the warning that it’s a heartbreaking read. I’d love to read more yuri by this mangaka, but unfortunately I couldn’t find much else.
Following these, I read Nettai Shoujo by Yoshitomi Akihito. I picked it up after reading Balance Policy, also by him, thanks to the nice cover art. Balance Policy contained some yuri as well, which would ordinarily be a nice bonus, except here it was paired with some of the most absurd ideas of how women work I’ve come across in a long time (weird stuff about periods etc.). Along with some other choices, it was quite obvious it was written by a man. I don’t think gender should prevent you from writing whatever, and I can even appreciate yuri that’s created for the male gaze, but oh man does it hurt when it’s combined with bad writing. Both Balance Policy and Nettai Shoujo got me though, since they depict summer in the countryside, which is one of my biggest weaknesses when it comes to manga settings, especially paired with queer themes. Nettai Shoujo is a collection of shorts around that theme, and it delivers, save for a couple instances where you can clearly tell it was written by a man, and a few “but I’m a girl” lines, which I didn’t know I’d come to dislike as much as I now do. In their defence, it was written in 2007, so I can’t be too mad about it.
It was only after reading Nettai Shoujo that I realised Yoshitomi Akihito is the man behind Blue Drop. I’ve read one or two installations from the series and I’ve always wanted to read through them all, so I’m now stuck in this weird love-hate relationship with Yoshitomi Akihito and his works. I’ve gotten quite busy, so I haven’t had the time to read more than the first (original) volume so far. I love the art and the sci-fi setting of lesbian aliens taking over Earth, but it feels aged and contains gratuitous fanservice, which I don’t enjoy. The girls are either undressing themselves at weird moments, too often, or it’s done to them in a way which feels exploitative. I’ll read and reread the rest of Blue Drop, and I’ll probably check out the anime too, but for now, I no longer have the time. Pride month is coming to an end too, so this shall be it for my big yuri manga review.
Thank you for taking the time to read any or all of this!
I hope you’ve been able to read some good yuri as well, and if you have any recommendations I’m happy to receive them!
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writingonjorvik · 2 years ago
What did you mean you were "biased" about the Elli & Helena stuff? You said it in your tags, but how can you be biased about that?
Ehhhhhhh, alright, might as well. This is copy-pasted from the ROJ Discord:
"I figure y’all are all due an update since I said I’d be back by now and ROJ has gone pretty quiet. And with some recent discussions going on in the community, discussing ROJ came back up.
I wanna tread carefully with this because I don’t want saying any of this to feel like I’m trying to take the spotlight off people more directly involved. Because while I did miss an opportunity here that I’m very sad about, other folks lost actual jobs and that feels self centered to focus on me. But I’m also not gonna lie and say that seeing some of the community response has me hopeful that maybe the community could motivate the team to change their minds.
That’s a bit vague so let’s be direct. You may have seen recently that SSE has shuttered their publishing department from Elli and Helena talking about how there won’t be more comics or books. I knew this happened months ago because, surprise, I’d been in contract negotiations with SSE to make ROJ an official IP. I’d been kinda tongue and cheek about this, it was an open secret with friends since there was no contract yet. And there never ended up being one unfortunately. When the team shuttered the department, I got a very kind email from the department head and that’s been the end of it.
This is why 1.1 got delayed for so long. I’d been hoping that instead of 1.1, ROJ would move into official production and get a relaunch. So I kept pushing off the release of what was arguably an already ready version of 1.1 until things got signed and we moved forward. 1.1 released very shortly before I got the news. Just had a feeling things were changing, and I was right.
All of this has made coming back to ROJ difficult. I back burnered it originally to focus on other projects until contracts were done but ended up a lot more painful than that after nearly two years of trying to make a deal happen. I don’t begrudge that being the time these things take to produce well or SSE for it taking that long, but it is still two years of my life that I spent excited that maybe I’d get to bring more lore and worldbuilding to this franchise I adore, and a platform for all of y’all to share your ideas as well! ROJ was never going to be true canon but it was a fan’s dream come true. I’ve been playing since international launch, this was bringing every community fan head canon to the table. In some small way at least.
Again, of any people who deserve attention during this discussion about the department shuttering, it’s Elli and Helena. They’re amazingly talented and they deserved better than what they got. If there ever is a return of the publishing department, it should be for their works.
But the discussion has brought it all back up for me too and I thought I’d at least talk a little about why ROJ has come to a standstill. It’s hard to go back to working on the system after two years of talks and because of the short notice that things rolled out, not even some closure on running ROJ as a fan project. That’s how serious things had been, I wasn’t getting resources to continue ROJ as a fan project cause I’d been told the team was committed to seeing it officially published. It’s kinda hard to come back to that and the hiatus was a good enough excuse for me to just not.
This all is very bittersweet, and I should say, I’m not mad at the team or the folks I worked with during that time. It would have been an amazing opportunity and I’m grateful for them working so hard to get ROJ out for so long. But I’m also just sad about the whole thing and I don’t see ROJ getting more attention until I can process that.
Please show your support for Elli and Helena. Their works are amazing and they deserve more support from the community. And if you haven’t already, follow their other works too!
Y’all have been the best and most supportive community and ROJ wouldn’t be where it is without you. I’m so grateful to have met you all. ROJ may come back one day. But we’ll see."
Again, I've been hesitant to talk about this because, mostly, I don't want to take the spotlight off the people who were more seriously impacted. ROJ didn't get a contract, I'm not in the lurch like this closure left other folks because I hadn't adjusted to making ROJ my full time work yet. I also don't want to burn bridges in the event that the department ever returns, which is why I've tried to focus this discussion on the creators and supporting them over pushes to reestablish the department (although I appreciate those as well). I would love still to make the official ROJ transition happen, but I don't want that so badly that I'm not trying to do my best to support these creators post the closure, and realistically, y'all should be too. That's why I made that post with all the resources.
Hope that clears up my "bias."
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years ago
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Bonus tonight since we haven’t had a proper Kiku post in a while and a pending draft made me think of this. If you didn’t know, Kiku’s made it into a One Piece game. Her, Kin, & Oden are a DLC pack for Pirate Warriors 4. Really feel her and Kin should have just been base game since it includes early Wano...but whatever. I used Tashigi mostly in PW3 and fittingly, Kiku really plays as a better Tashigi. With ice elemental attacks. And she’s accurately sized so you get the benefit of being comically huge which I enjoy.
It’s fun to play as her, and I’ve long been a fan of these Koei Warriors series games in moderation. Giving them a One Piece spin is a natural touch. Which gets us to the fun part...her lines. These games always have a lot of fun little special lines characters linked in the source material will say to each other. Gives a lot of fun teasers for what if scenarios. DLC character means you don’t get others referencing her directly but it’s cute what she says about some... 
My favorite is the “beautiful” aspect. Because that’s part of her reputation, we get some for Cavendish and Hancock. First, y’all are gonna love the sapphic energy radiating off her lines towards Boa. Pretty bland though. Just “you’re as strong as you are beautiful, amazing!” type things. It is hilarious to see petrified Kiku with big heart eyes popping out. Cavendish? “Your pursuit of beauty has led to a failure to pursue strength.” 
You obviously get fun ones for the big flashy Okama. Iva’s cute, “The ability to change ones sex, what a marvelous sorcery!” Bon’s is the better one to me though. A little more reserved delivery, uses her confused face icon, “The way that you dress...where does your heart lie?”
There is also one neat trick they pulled for other characters addressing her. Sure, they didn’t re-record a bunch of new lines for base roster faces, but they had a smart little backdoor. The Whitebeard Captains always have a special one or two for Luffy. The ones that don’t name Ace or him they’ll say to Kiku as well! I give an audible daww every time.
You get that and more out of the game + DLC package. I like her big special following up with the cute Bakura “Oh, why did I just do that?” and donning the mask as a transformation ability is so satisfying. She also gets in on a cool little Iai style mechanic a few swordsmen share. 
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substituted-shinigami · 2 years ago
“Quick” Blog/Writing/Art Update: May/June 2023
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience! Sorry, it’s been awhile, but I do hope to be back soon! I’ve had a good long rest from the stresses of social media (I wish I could also say life as well, but I’ve learned it does what it wants!), and I hope to be at least semi active again by the time Bleach is back in early July! Thanks again for your patience! 🥰
Now unfortunately when I say semi-active, I really do mean semi-active. I won’t go into detail about my real life stuff, but it causes me enough stress that I’ve realized I can’t deal with it and social media stress at the same time. So I probably won’t be on here as often, and will be posting even less, but I want you all to know that I still love all y’alls stuff and will look at it when I can! I took a peek just recently to try and get back into the groove (the app has really changed in the last few months, huh?) and saw you all were talking about Soul Society Trains awhile back, and I’m so sorry I missed it because OMIGOSH DO I WANT IT TO BE CANON! Like can you imagine if Squad 12 designed one?! It would be a horror show, with a bunch of little feet and eyes and horns and UGH! Or maybe, due to how Soul Society is layed out, it’s a subway instead! Maybe it's an immortal mole creature that travels underground on some well known migratory route, and if you’re knowledgeable and crazy enough, you can just grab its fur and hold on tight to get where you need to go faster! Where was I going with this? Oh, right! You all are great, and I hope to read more of your ideas, and headcanons, and other stuff whenever I’m able!
What else…oh yes, posting content. So you know how I was talking about social media stress? Yeah, posting causes a lot of that. Creating though, causes less of that though, sometimes even decreases it. Like I literally sleep better if I write fanfiction before bed (sad, I know, but hear me out). So what’s the solution? Well, I could just never post, but I like sharing with others too! So what I’ve decided to do instead is post in seasons kind of like a tv show! I’ll work on fanfiction/fanart throughout the year, and then once October hits, I’ll post whatever I finish on a sort of schedule, like every Saturday or something. That way, I won’t feel stressed to get something out every month and I can work on multiple stories at the same time (which is my preferred way to write)! That said, since I won’t be online as much, I may be pretty slow in answering messages/questions/comments/etc, so I want to apologize in advance. Know that I still love and appreciate all of you, and will get back when I can! 
Hmmm…Any last details? Oh yes, fanart and Bloodlines. I’m gonna be honest, y’all, fanart has been slow coming. I wanted to do more fan comics, but I haven’t had a lot of inspiration or motivation lately. I unfortunately might have to save that idea for next year, but if I do, I do have a back up plan that I think you all will like, so hopefully that works out. But for now, we’ll just have to wait and see!
Bloodlines…will be out…this year…or so help me, I’ll- *cough* Anyway, work on it has been going steadily, which should make me happy, but for some reason has got me extremely nervous. Like, is it going steadily because it’s close to finishing? Or is it going steadily because I missed a major flaw? Like will I be about to post it and realize I need to REWRITE THE ENTIRE THING! These thoughts plague me. Current improvements! I’ve learned what chapter hooks are and have implemented them to make the beginnings more interesting! Also, while I think Bloodlines is still a good “series” title, it is no longer a good title for the piece. The new working title is “Learning to Breathe”. I think that better encapsulates the story I’m trying to tell! Current worries! Is the climax “climaxy” enough? Does the build up pay off in the end? Do the dramatic moments make sense? DO I NEED TO REWRITE THE ENTIRE THING??? 
Anyway, I think that is finally, actually it! If you made it to the end, that’s pretty amazing of you! One day, I’ll learn to summarize my thoughts better, but today is not that day! See you all in July when Bleach comes back! I’m so hyped!
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months ago
11, 14, 15, 16, 23 and 24 for the fandom year review, please! ;D
Biggest squee moments of the year (For ye youths who no longer use such awesome terminology, that means the fandom moments that made your heart cry out in overwhelming joy. Can y’all believe that “squee” didn’t quite stand the test of time??)
I am currently reading through Post-Crisis Superman comics in roughly chronological order. And pretty much every time, Clark and Lois have a cute moment, I just sit there with my face in my hands grinning like a schoolgirl. I was particularly giddy when they got engaged. I am not sure that this entirely counts as a squee moment of the year--considering that it literally happened a few years before I was even born. But it was arguably the squee moment for me this year discovering it years later.
In terms of moments that actually did happen this year, Sir Pentious ending up in Heaven in Hazbin Hotel. And the long-awaited Wicked movie being as good as I hoped it would. (Also it was cute, because there were a bunch of people in my theater that dressed up for it. I sort of did too--since I wore a Wizard of Oz shirt and my ruby slipper socks. It just made my heart so full to see people excited about movies again).
Favorite m/f ship of the year
Yeah, it's still Elena/Esteban. Even though Esteban had some actual real competition as my current blorbo this year, they are still the het ship for me even if they are on my mind less. That being said, Clark Kent/Lois Lane are giving them a bit of a run for their money, and I can't wait to be obsessed with them when the new movie comes out next Summer.
Favorite f/f ship of the year
Regrettably, I've never really had nearly as many femmslash ships as I do het and/or slash ones--and amongst the few that I do have, I tend to be less passionate about them overall.
It doesn't help that on the rare ocassions that I get into a fandom with a sizeable femmslash community...I tend to be indifferent to--if not outright dislike-- the most popular pairing (tbf this is also usually the case with het and slash dominant fandoms) and the possible f/f ships that do ping my radar are even rarer than usual by my rare-pair obsessed standards. And so it's hard to get more excited about a ship that I'm at best casually interested in when no one else seems to be.
In terms of canon ships, Charlie/Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel is kind of cute. And in terms of more mainstream and "popular" ships (lol see what I did there), I was really feeling the Elphaba/Glinda vibes from the Wicked movie, even though I never really had been into them in the past. I also have seen a rise in Kay Faraday/Franziska von Karma shipping due to the AAI collection release--which makes me really happy as I've always liked that ship. (especially when compared to their fanom default options of franmaya and kayema.)
In terms of ships that I personally have thought most about in my mind even if nobody else seems to/haven't done much about, Chloe/Maliga from Elena of Avalor.
Favorite m/m ship of the year
Much as I want to say that it's still krisnix or even estevictor (and I still do love them and think about them a lot), I really can't give this spot to any ship except Jason Todd/Dick Grayson from Batman/the DCU in general. I am vibrating them in my mind and thinking about them so much.
The most missed of your old fandoms
While I am still involved in the Ace Attorney fandom, I wish I was still as intensely focused and passionate about it as I used to be (and was for awhile). It's currently a really great time to be an AA fan given that there is a lot of enthusiasm due to the recent AJ collection and AAI collection ports. So many people are discovering the ships, characters, and games that are some of my very favorites and I wish I was "all in" with them--as we need the spark.
While I am again still in the fandom and it never exactly reached true "hyperfixation" levels for me, I also wish I was more hyped/involved with the BBC Father Brown Cinematic Universe fandom. It's definitely one of the nicest fandoms I'd been involved with and honestly, we get so much attention/fanservice from the writers that it's seriously unreal. It really is a "happy place" for me, which is why I wish I could be insane about it for longer than a month or so each year (after the next season drops).
Fandom resolutions for next year
Finish (and post) a dang fanfiction. I had a little goal with myself last year to post one of the very many Elena of Avalor fics that I started by Christmas. That did not happen and even after an entire year went by, I still didn't finish any of my many works-in-progress. (I did however start a few new ones to add to the already massive pile).
Find more femmslash ships that I can be just as obsessed/unhinged about as my het-and slash faves. It's already an underappreciated side of the fandom and I feel like I should do my part toward spreading lady love. I know I can do it, because it took me forever to find slash ships that I shipped more than casually. (It turns out I just disliked pretty much of all the popular ships and it was a matter of finding the right rare pairs.)
Catch up on some of the fandoms that I enjoy but haven't been following as closely (particularly the last season of What We do in the Shadows and multiple seasons of Doctor Who. (I watched and enjoyed most (all?) of Thirteen's first season but haven't watched anything since even if I have heard very mixed things about both the rest of the Chibnall run and the second RTD run).)
Gif more things. (Particularly for Ace Attorney, Elena of Avalor, and Father Brown). I haven't giffed anything in *months* and even though it's a lot of work, I do enjoy it and think I've gotten okay. (Nowhere near good enough for a "big" fandom but just good enough/one of the few people who does for my small-midsized fandoms.)
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haveumetbi · 1 year ago
I've been using tumblr for a long time, but only recently I've felt confident enough in my english to actually try to join communities and make friends. 
A little introduction... That is actually kinda really long and I’m not gonna subject y’all to it unless you want to, so here’s the tldr:
I’m an acearo, bi, cis girl (🇺🇸 she/her — 🇧🇷 ela/a).
White latina from Brazil.
I’m disabled and neurodivergent
I love sitcoms, comedy is my fav genre of fiction
and cats
and The Sims
and Turma da Mônica
and hairstyling, braids, make up
and Jane Austen
and Taylor Swift
If you like any of it, follow me!! I’ll definetely follow back. If your curious, read bellow.
I’m a 23 year old college student who is majoring in History. I’m kind of a huge nerd, I love subjects like History (duh), Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, but also Comedy (i find fascinating to analyze it, even if that kinda defeats the purpose, sue me). I kinda only watch sitcoms, actually, maybe because of how obsessed I am with the genre (more on that later). 
Being Brazilian I may reblog/talk about Brazillian issues/stuff and most definetely will reblog things about Turma da Mônica (brazil’s most beloved comic book series that shaped the childhood’s of at least 3 generations now since the 60s/70s), my longest autistic special interest. Oh, yeah, I’m also neurodivergent, AuDHD and also have persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia gang rise up! or dont, ik its hard and tiresome) and fibromyalgia.
Another special interest I’m unhinged about is The Sims, I use Tumblr mostly bc of it, so I’ll definitely reblog stuff about it, maybe if everythings works out I will even create a side simblr, who knows. I love historic/fantasy gameplay, would be cool to share with people.
Idk if its a SI or just regular cat owner thing, but I’m definitely obsessed with these little guys. Speaking of cat lover, I love Taylor Swift. Like, I’m very casual about most music I consume, but she is the exception, I just... feel SO MUCH with her songs. Idk, idk... She also makes me feel things on a sapphic way, though I’m no g*ylor or hetl*r (rlly dont care about who she dates, just here for the art). But not in a wow I wanna bang this celebrity I have a crush on, cuz I dont wanna bang no one, cuz I’m acearo. Just, dont swing that way (or any way, really /hj cuz i'm actually gray-bi-romantic but its very rare, so i'm usually not swinging at all lmao).
I really like to read, but it has been tough to keep the habit with depression and disabled adult life knocking at my door and kicking my ass... currently I’m finishing reading all Jane Austen’s work (i love her sense of humor and analyses of human psychology) in portuguese, but I plan to eventually read the original stuff in english. I just really love stories and storytelling as an art form, maybe that’s why I love to write. I’m obsessed with fanfictions, actually, been writing since I was 11, never anything in english, but who knows, actually creating and participating in tumblr may be the first step. I mostly write about tv shows I’m obsessed about (though I did write some Turma da Mônica Jovem fanfiction...... thank god I deleted, it was terrible, tho in my defense I was still a preteen) and I mostly watch sitcoms so.... About that...
My favorite sitcom ever is probably How I Met Your Mother (it was literally what i needed when i was going through a really rough patch) and BoJack Horseman (yes, cartoon sitcoms totally count, shut up). I’d say my first sitcom love was The Simpsons, my biodad had a lot of dvds and tapes from the golden seasons and the fondest memories of my childhood were us watching together and laughing like two idiots. My first fandom was iCarly (i was a preteen okay), but I wasnt a big fan of the revival/reboot (yes I was team seddie, no it has nothing to do with it, I gave it a shot, but just didnt vibe with it). I also love The Office, That 70′s Show, Never Have I Ever, Community, Our Flag Means Death, The Sex Lifes of College Girls, One Day at a Time and The Good Place.
I’m pretty sure the only other shows that I got obsessed with that weren’t sitcoms were Once Upon a Time and Lucifer, two shows that were quite humorous with its wacky premises (fairytales in real life???? the devil taking a vacation in LA??? i mean, c’mon!!). I’m loving the Percy Jackson disney adaptation, it was my favorite YA book series and it always bummed me that the movie adaptation was so terrible, I'm glad we finally have a great adaptation and can't wait for more seasons to come!!!
I’m very talkative (you dont say?? 😮 /s) and a total extroverted that really loves to make friends, but my communication difficulties really do shine on long distance conversation... be phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages etc... So, although I’d love if you shoot me a message, bc I love to make friends, I also am not the best texter, so dont expect someone who always immediately answers you right back cuz they are online — please dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with who is messaging me and everything to do with my disability mkay? And yes, I am trying to work this shit out in therapy, but you know... growth aint linear. When shit hits the fan, the first thing that I lose is the ability to answer text messages 😭 idk i just stare at them, they stare at me, i combust and die, the end. 
Dont know how to end this text, so, I’ll just show a pic of my cat, cuz shes everything. Bye!! 
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icebabey · 2 years ago
I forget some Jason fans are like this and don’t hate the Titans Tower Arc (TM)
I guess idk abt y’all but to me, so much of Jason’s comeback is just bad. Like it just doesn’t fit his character at all and imo it’s poor writing bc the authors wanted to make Jason a Bad Guy, a Rouge/villain instead of the antihero that fits his character and personality better.
While yes he’s a Dramatic Bitch the idea that Jason would blame/target Tim is just bizarre and feels wrong. Like that’s a whole-ass child right there. And it doesn’t make sense that Jason would acknowledge the flawed systemic issues within Gotham (Arkham’s revolving door nature, Bruce enforcing a flawed system, the nature of crime and corruption in general; mostly addressed in UTRH), but not the same types of systemic flaws in the nature of sidekicks is just weird.
And I’m not gonna say that Jason’s pov is perfect or anything, like his actions towards Bruce early on make more sense bc he’s also an angry, angsty teen (comic timelines are fucky but he can’t have been older than like 18-22 in his return and as someone in that age range, we’re fucking stupid and have more emotionally charged reactions than media likes to portray—our brains are just barely starting to settle down). Him lashing out at Tim once wouldn’t be unsurprising, but to the levels in the comics? It’s too much
I think that’s part of the reason why Titans Tower aus and the idea that Jason was still under the influence of Pit Madness are so popular in the fandom. (Or at least, I seem to see them a lot.) They offer alternatives to what a lot of ppl view as bad and out of character writings presented in canon.
(Sorry for hijacking your post lol. It brought Thoughts back to the surface and sometimes you just gotta let it all out)
“Tim didn't make space for Jason to come back into the family” I'm sorry the sixteen year old going through the worst year of his life in which it seems everyone he loves is dying didn't try to play nice with the adult man that he met when he beat the shit out of him. I'm sorry he didn't have the patience to not mock him and didn't apologize for existing. I'm sorry he didn't immediately try to make amends after he'd been shown time and time again that this asshole wants him dead.
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lomlscott · 3 years ago
RANT !! this has to be said.
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the fact i just realized there’s an “anti scott mcall” tag just baffles me. it’s just weird. you can dislike scott but there is zero reason to make an anti tag.
sure, he made stupid mistakes but it’s the fact y’all want him out of the show? he’s the fucking main character and no one’s perfect. he’s a flawed character and let’s not act like your favs aren’t deeply flawed as well?
most of the people who interact or interfere with this tag are sterek or stiles stilinski fans which is pretty sad. y’all are either mad cause tyler p said the sterek ship is “twisted” (even though it’s really not that deep) or y’all just hating to hate. SMH LOL.
since scott McCall appreciation week is starting tomorrow imma just say that many people think that his character is “bland” or “boring” compared to the other characters which is wrong. everyone is entitled to their opinions so let me state mine real quick.
scott tends to be “bland” to most stiles fans because that’s who most people focus on for “comic relief” on the show. that’s why no one notices the good things he does for the others around him.
also, there are ppl in the anti tag saying how tyler posey is a racist (when it isn't even true) just because their bitter. aka, the same people who bash on tyler p but stan peter hales actor- who has been called out for many problematic things?
the hatred of scott mccall literally gets too much to the point where there are people are hating on the innocent, "im the hot girl" scene. WHAT?? HOW COULD SOMEONE HATE SCOTT IN THAT SCENE. i literally thought it was so funny with stiles and isaac and so adorable.
tyler p's done some stuff irl but anti's have gone way too far, just cause he has a fucking only fans doesn't mean shit. sterek fans/anti tyler p and scott mcalls have gone way over the top and made fun of how scott looks and his jaw- comparing it stiles/ dylan o brien. LIKE.. come awn now yall. literally everyone is attractive in the show and the haters can't pull any of them lmfao.
scott mccall has also done things, ALL the characters have but yet you feel the need to attack him only? like that time scott believed theo over stiles, that was dumb. really dumb- like why would you believe some rando over your bestfriend. but now yall are just throwing words in.
no one mentions how stiles treated scott like a literal dog during the first few seasons, when he couldn't control himself just because lydia kissed scott- (scott wasn't even himself) no one mentions how stiles made fun of liam's IED. no one mentions how he was always negative towards isaac. no one talks about how he literally pushed his dad into drinking more alcohol even though noah was known to have an alcohol problem. stiles acts as if he knows isaac's trauma, but really he doesn't. he also played with malia's feelings, i could list a whole lot of things- but im not a hypocrite. i can list a whole lot of things with scott as well.
so really what i'm saying here is that all characters have flaws- and there's no reason to make an 'anti' tag because that's what makes them realistic.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years ago
Could you do something where the reader is a marvel actor but crashes a panel that Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are doing (kinda like Tom Holland did that one time) but the sofa is small so the reader is squished in between them and has to share their mics when asked questions something like that. It can be platonic but they are really close or the reader has a little thing going on with Seb but is really close with Mackie. I hope that made sense!
Oooo this request is so cute! Thank you for the request lovely, hope you like it!💜
a/n: This imagine is HEAVY on the dialogue because I wanted to include some fun questions from the fans and what not, anyway here’s the imagine:) 
Stackie Sandwich
You watched from backstage as Anthony showed off his thighs to the crowd, you know, the usual. You were currently at ACE Comic Con along with Anthony and Sebastian. You always enjoyed going to these kind of things. Meeting and getting to interact with the fans was always fun, it reminded you of why you did these movies and how thankful you were to have such lovely, supportive fans.
Currently you and the crew backstage were trying to find a way to sneak you onto the stage without interrupting a question.
Anthony sat back down on the small couch as Sebastian laughed at his friend’s antics.
“I’m telling y’all, you wanna have thighs like these, you gotta do leg day. Don’t skip leg day.” Anthony tells the crowd as he nudges Sebastian. You chuckle from backstage as Kevin Smith, the monitor of the panel continues.
“So I know we were supposed to be joined by (y/n) (y/l/n), where is she?” He asked the men.
“Probably on a coffee run.” Sebastian answered immediately shaking his head with an eye roll. The crowd reacts with quiet giggles.
“I swear that woman cannot function without her coffee.” Anthony remarked.
“I’ve known her for years and lemme tell you it’s like her body is going through some kind of error. We were on set for a movie we did together and I was talking to her.” Anthony started as he leaned forward.
“Now I didn’t know she didn’t have her coffee yet. I’ve been talking for like 10 minutes and the whole time she was sleeping. And when she began to like wake up and talk, it was like she was a sloth.” Anthony shared as he proceeded to act like a sloth saying “Error 404” really slow.
You turned to the stage hand and said “I’m going now, he just called me a sloth.”
The man laughed and handed you a mic from the side. Before walking out you say into the mic, “I know you ain’t talking about me, Mackie.” You walk out to the stage and the crowd cheers loudly. Mackie throws his head back as he laughs.
“Hey everyone!” You greet the crowd, waving at all of them. You approached the guys with your arms up in a “fight me” manner, it was mostly for Anthony. You greet Kevin and move to Sebastian, purposely skipping Anthony.
“Hey, dragostea.” Seb greeted you as he wraps his arms around your body. You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hide your face in between his neck and shoulder.
When you pull away you turn to Anthony who looked offended. You send him a playful smile and smack his arm before jumping on him and wrapping your arms around him. He lets out his boisterous laugh and hugs you back. In the process you drop your mic on the stage causing you to cringe.
You guys settle onto the small couch. You sat in between Anthony and Seb, fairly squished in the middle by the two buff men. Their legs took up too much space on the couch, leaving no room for your own legs. The crowd laughed at your face as you tried to make yourself comfortable in the tight space.
You went to speak into your mic but it didn’t register. Looks like you broke the mic.
“Look at you, haven’t been up here for a minute and you already broke something.” Anthony tisked playfully. Sebastian poked you with his mic and handed it to you. You thanked him with a smile. 
“I’ll pay for that! Just send me the bill.” You yell towards the back. You look at Anthony and raise your brow at him.
“You need to pipe down, son. You’ve been coming at me all morning long.” You acknowledged pointing a finger at him. The crowd laughs along with Seb. Anthony nods as he stifles his laughs to himself.
“(Y/n), thank you for joining us, how are you?” Kevin asks you.
“I’m doing great! I’m so excited to be here and meet all of you! I saw so many of you guys dressed up, and you all look absolutely amazing! I also saw a dog on my way here!” You answered bubbly.
“What kind of dog?” Sebastian asked pulling your hand with the mic towards him.
“A golden retriever and omg he was dressed as Cap!” You squealed.
“I hope that dog is here because I want to meet them and just smother them with hugs.” You add as you motion to the audience.
“Sebastian said you were running late because you were on a coffee run, is that true?” Kevin asks as Sebastian scrunches his nose. 
“I mean he’s not completely wrong. I got coffee before I got here. But the traffic on the way here was really bad.”
“She’s lying, she spent a good half hour at Starbucks sippin’ on her coffee while inhaling the smell of Starbucks like an addict.” Anthony jokingly jabs at her. You were used to the playful jabs from Mackie, it was how you guys were. Knowing each other for years, you guys formed a brother/sister relationship.
“Alright then! So, we’ve got a line forming for the questions! How about we start?” Kevin continued as he motioned to the crowd.
🕓 Time Skip
It’s half an hour into the panel and you guys have been asked so many questions already. Some about your characters, the relationships off screen, and some new projects. Thankfully the crowd was very nice and respectful to you all, no one asked anything rude or made offensive comments.
The laughs were just dying down after Mackie told another one of his jokes. A teenage girl dressed as your character came up to the mic.
“Hi, my name is Maddie and my question is for (y/n)!” She waved at you with a grin.
“Hi, hun! You look beautiful by the way, I love your costume!” You complimented her, taking Anthony’s mic. She thanks you and continues.
“I—, I’m sorry you’re just so small compared to Anthony and Seb on that couch. You’re so cute!” The audience laughs along with the two men next to you.
You huff and squish your way out between Anthony and Sebastian’s bodies, “In my defense it’s a really small couch! And these guys are so beefy they take up all the space on here!”
“It’s a Stackie sandwich with a side of (y/n)!!” Mackie enthusiastically announced making the crowd go crazy.
Sebastian moved further into the corner of the couch making more space for you. He even moved his arm to rest on top of the couch’s backrest. You could hear some fans point it out and squeal. You thank him by patting his leg as his arm lingered behind you.
“So my question is, how is it like to be around such tall people? Because I’m short as well and I have to always look up at everyone.” Maddie says into the mic.
“That’s exactly how it is! Sometimes I get concerned if I’ll mess up my back because I have to look up at everyone!” You say into Sebastian’s mic, which he voluntarily held up for you.
“We carry her around a lot on set.” Seb chimes from beside you.
“Yeah like a sack of potatoes.” Anthony adds.
You pull on Seb’s arm to talk into the mic, “They also tease me a lot, but it’s all in good fun.”
“Hey guys! I’m Jess and my question is for Anthony! So you and (y/n) have worked on multiple projects together. How was it like to be in Marvel with each other and act along side each other?”
You giggled at the question, turning to Anthony, “How’s it like to work with me, huh?”
“I mean, honestly, it’s always an honor to work with (y/n). I’m glad that I know someone like her in this business, she’s one of the most genuinely nice people you’ll ever meet. And I respect her for that because sometimes it’s hard to not get blinded by the fame and just become a dick, or a diva in your case.” Anthony answered as he threw an arm around you.
“Aww thanks, Mac.” You smile and lean on his shoulder.
“And to add onto that. Our characters in the movie are pretty close as well, so when Anthony and I have scenes together, it doesn’t even feel like acting. It’s always a great time on set when he’s around.” You finished off.
“Hi, I’m Elena and my question is for Sebastian!”
“This is our last question for the panel, so make it good!” Kevin interjects.
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” Sebastian says to the fan.
“Bucky and (y/c/n) have really good chemistry with each other in the movies and the relationship doesn’t feel forced onto the fans. I wanted to know if any of the chemistry on screen is real offscreen?” Elena asked with a cheeky grin. You remained quiet as you felt Anthony nudge you with his knee.
Sebastian longingly stared at you for a moment before answering, “Well it’s not hard to act like you’re in love with (y/n), because everyone on set loves her. She unapologetically herself and I think that’s what makes it so easy to have chemistry with her, it just felt natural with her, you know?”
“To answer your question, Elena. They’ve been on a few dates already.” Anthony blurted out causing the audience to erupt. You looked at him with your mouth agape from your position on Sebastian. You were currently leaning into his side while your arm rested on his thigh.
“You weren’t supposed to say that.” Sebastian uttered as he moved his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have feelings for Seb. You guys definitely had chemistry offscreen and everyone knew about it.
“Hey! All I’m implying is that y’all need to both stop beating around the bush and make it official Anthony defended himself.
“(Y/n), how do you feel about dinner tonight?” Sebastian asked you.
“Sounds good.” You smile at him.
“Great, we have some things to discuss.” He playfully teased the crowd.
“FEELINGS!” Anthony yelled over Sebastian.
Kevin laughed as he ended the panel, “On that note! Our panel has come to an end, thank you everyone for showing up and for your questions! Thank you Anthony, (y/n), and Sebastian for coming here we really appreciate it!”
You guys thank the crowd again and take a group picture with the audience. Anthony leaves the stage first followed by you and Seb. Sebastian helps you down the stairs and keeps a hand on your back.
“Wait, are we actually going to dinner?” You asked looking up at him.
“Yeah, I told you, we’ve got some stuff to talk about.” He winks as he leads you guys to the green room.
dragostea - love
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itsartistpending · 3 years ago
West Coast Avengers (2018)
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Very watered down plot: Kate is still running away from her problems in New York. She decided to restart the west coast avengers because “all the hero’s are in New York”. We are re-introduced to two characters, Ramone and Johnny. In a past Hawkeye comic we learned a few things about them. They seemed normal at first but we learned they both have powers of their own towards the end. Ramone had quite the introduction with America.
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Obviously this isn’t the last time we see them together. Johnny and Kate have a casual thing during the comic run that is eventually over by the end of the run. One character who I was unfamiliar with prior to this comic was Quentin Quire. His “mega-genius” abilities make him arrogant and hard for the rest of the team to accept. He eventually comes to his senses when Gwenpool arrives in town ‘wanting’ to join Kate’s team. Gwenpool is amazing and crazy and I just love everything about her. She’s just as chaotic and self-aware as her counterpart.
Oh how could I forget, she comes with her own pet land shark named Jeff
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Noh-Varr shows back up to help Kate and ends flirting a little too hard with Johnny. America and Clint are also on Kate’s team. America is strong and amazing as ever. She joining willingly and totally not to keep track of Kate because she wasn’t answering her phone. Clint is still a mess so he’s willing to do anything but still feels responsible for Kate.
There are many villains Kate faces that range from moldy bad to MODOK and an evil cult of vampires who like hero blog specifically. Ultimately all of this is tied back to her mom to some extent that I don’t recall. From what u recall, he mom pretended to be madame masque and revels some big truth to her friends so they would stop killing her and help her save Kate and America.
In my overall opinion: I actually really liked this run. It never felt dull or lacking in any content to me. I finished it pretty quickly which says a lot to me at least. The dynamic between Quentin and Gwen was quite cute. Yes, Jeff was her guard dog and Quentin approved.
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By the end of it there are 3 separate couples and Kate has built a team of reliable people she count on when she’s in the west coast. I didn’t particularly think anything was rushed and I loved the references made towards each characters past. The art style of this comic was absolutely perfect and the humor hit in the right spots.
Overall I definitely recommend reading this if your a fan of the young avengers and particularly Kate.
Here are some cute panels I think y’all should see
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If you want to see more Jeff, there is a marvel infinity comic on marvel unlimited all about Jeff and his adventures. I mean just look at him ;-;
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sgnls · 4 years ago
“batfam” content to but to what end. like it doesn’t feel forced to you? doesn’t feel weird or like a cop-out to actual interaction and storytelling that makes sense in the context of these characters? the whole group chat thing reads like the 1,000+ nonsensical chat posts batfam blogs on tumblr dot com spam the tags with. the weird movie nights when some of the characters haven’t interacted on a panel in months or years (bc when has luke fox even breathed in certain chars directions???).
and why? the fans they’re catering to rn don’t buy comics. i’m not saying it like it’s a bad thing either you’re well within your rights to not buy them lmao but it’s true. a lot of y’all don’t buy or even read comics. you see panels and squeal/scream over them with zero context and that shapes your perception of these characters. so what is the end goal to catering to “batfam” stans, i need to know lmao.
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