#I feel like I’ve said these exact things to a man in bed before so🤔🤔
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sanasanakun · 1 year ago
There’s nothing hotter than a deranged, monstrous man who uses his fucked up worldview as a way to hide that he’s just some dude afflicted with “pathetic little boy” syndrome..Oh, you wanna take over the world? Ok, so why are you still crying that your parents don’t love you? Why are you so lonely? Why do you act so confident when you’re still a little bitch playing dress up to look powerful, huh?
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. We’ve talked a bit on here about the fact she doesn’t wear her wedding ring every day, which made me think what was his reaction the first time he noticed? 🤔
"Brigitte?" He called out as he walked through the door to their home, happy to throw down his briefcase, kick off his shoes, and join her. It had been a long day at work, but now it was over and he could relax with his wife, and that thought alone brought a smile to his face.
"In the kitchen, chéri!" She hollered back, "dinner’s almost ready."
"Mhmm, I’m starving" he teased, quick to entrap her in his arms, pressing his lips to her neck making clear what, or rather who, he was hungry for.
He had thought that after so many years together and close to a year under their belt as husband and wife the newlywed phase would have calmed a little - that the novelty of waking up beside her everyday, the joy of simply smelling her perfume when he walked into a room would have faded a little (not completely, he knows he’s never not going to be just a little in awe that this is his life), but it hasn’t, she still steals his breath every time he sees her. And he would be embarrassed by how much he constantly wants her if she wasn’t the exact same (and boy did that stroke his ego).
"Later, chéri," she laughed, calming his ardeur a little. "I’ve worked very hard on this dinner tonight, I would like to eat it without having to reheat it for once."
"But -" he pouted.
"You’re a big boy. Act like it," she teased, turning off the burner and turning around in his arms, slipping her left hand onto his cheek.
He startled at that, pulling back quickly to look at her hand. He is so used to the feeling of the cold metal of her wedding band against his skin that it’s absence felt like a slap.
"Brigitte?" He asked timidly now very afraid as to the meaning behind all this.
"Yes?" She asked, a little surprised by the turn of his mood - noticing he was no longer playful, but rather was looking at her with such dread and fear.
"Why aren’t you wearing your wedding ring? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry for whatever it is, please just tell me so we can work through it, so I can fix it. Please -"
"Shhhh, shhh," she soothed, moving her hand back to his cheek and stroking gently. "Nothing’s wrong, Emmanuel. You didn’t do anything. You are perfect. We are perfect."
"Then why?"
She sighed trying to figure out how best to describe it to him, a man who is so loyal and attached to his rings that she didn’t feel the same attachment to the symbol. "You know, for years now, you’ve been my partner, you’ve been the love of my life, and even if under the eyes of the law another man was my husband, in my heart you have been my husband since I fell in love with you. For me, what I feel about you, what I have felt about you, what I will always feel about you has been beyond anything the rest of the world has ever seemed to understand, and is beyond anything any symbol, even a wedding ring, could begin to represent.
"So, sometimes, if I don’t feel like wearing the ring for whatever reason - and today, it was because I was going to be working a lot with my hands and sometimes rings hurt! - it means absolutely nothing, nothing about you and me. I’m yours, always. No matter where I am, who I am with, what I am doing, or what I am wearing or not wearing, in this case. Okay?"
He nodded gently. "Okay," he agreed, trying to wrap his head around it.
"Now, I’m going to serve us dinner. We’re going to eat it in our home, at our dining table, before I take you to our bed and show you just how much I love you," she said simply, reaching down to grab his hand, giving it a light, reassuring squeeze before giving him a quick kiss that left no doubt as to how much she loved him.
Helloo fanfic Anon #2! ❤️
The poor little thing freaking out when didn’t see the ring! But Brigitte’s words... damn! Oh my heart! So beautiful, so full of love! And it feels so real because yes, I can easily imagine it being that.
Thank you so much, fanfic Anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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