#I feel by default what I like to draw are pretty people. Like how almost all anime influenced artists started out wanting to draw the faces
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stillthesunkenstars · 2 days ago
shoutout to my GOAT @setaregan who is one of the kindest smartest most articulate person I've ever known !!!!!!! Without your tag comments and friendship I would NOT have started drawing the kind of narrative illustrations that I do now 😭😭!!!!!!!!!!!
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mrcrawly · 2 months ago
Jayvik headcanons
hello jayvik nation im dumping these here bc im almost done with the second chapter of my fic and these have been stewing a while
has the most beautiful curly calligraphy handwriting ever but it's so curly and fancy you genuinely can't read it
Ibuprofen allergy. source: my twisted mind
fidgeting with stuff all the time. paperclips, pencils, clips, rubber bands, the buttons on his vest
bonus to that one: he messes with his vest buttons so much that Jayce is constantly having to sew them back on when they come off
chronic nail biter
big sweet tooth
great cook but a shitty baker
"get even" kind of person; probably holds grudges from the second grade
doesn't cry very often but can be sensitive in the sense that he cares very much how his closest friends view him and internalizes their opinions
love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service
likes to be touched but not held (autism)
hates winter because it makes his joints hurt, summer is unbearably hot and he can't stand it, he has spring allergies; default fall enjoyer
animals really like him and strays tend to show up at the lab or follow him around
children like Viktor. Viktor doesn't like children back
kids will sometimes randomly talk to him and tell him things in public and he doesn't have the heart to be mean to them or ignore them so he just sits there like "mhm ☺️" while they talk until their parents apologize and walk off
probably has a pet reptile (a turtle or some kind of lizard methinks)
cold natured and wears seven hundred billion blankets to bed every night no matter the season
identifies as male in the sense that he was born a man and just never bothered to think much about it but doesn't fully grasp the concept or purpose of gender. could tell you what makes a man a man or what makes a woman a woman but doesn't understand why nor care
interested in jayce from the beginning but never felt as if he was in competition with Mel
sorry they can pry the JayMelVik love triangle out of my cold dead hands ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
not very affectionate because he doesn't know how to discuss his own feelings but very good at soothing other people
dysgraphia (i think that's the term?) – not many issues with reading but not the best with writing
viktor is hyperlexic so it works out alright
AMAZING at drawing. like if he didn't have the passion for science he would be an artist. he draws out all their diagrams and blueprints and Viktor labels them
can cook pretty well but doesn't like to do it; if he stays at Viktor's place then Viktor always cooks for him
likes baking because he controls every single thing that goes in and it's very exact
both he and Viktor have chronic pain in their hands (carpal tunnel) from spending all their time taking notes and working with small delicate parts
he doesn't complain about his even when it bothers him because it feels silly knowing how bad Viktor's pain is every day 💔💔💔💔
10,000 step haircare routine but Viktor's looks better anyway
used to be prone to acne as a teen (if accutane existed in arcane he would have been an accutane kid)
(i was an accutane kid and im projecting)
shaved regularly pre-hexcore because his father had facial hair and he looks a lot like his dad anyway; he was always a little worried if he grew it out it would remind Ximena too much of his dad and make her sad
took entire days off of work and pushed deadlines back when Viktor got bad just so he could stay with him when Viktor was in too much pain to do practically anything
used to deliberately sleep in the lab because Viktor would stay late and he didn't want Viktor to be alone in case he passed out or something happened
love languages are physical touch, gift giving, and quality time
money doesn't exist to him when he's buying other people things. can't do secret santas at Christmas bc he constantly exceeds the budget
simultaneously one of those people who legitimately cannot accept gifts and feels bad when people give him things
was genuinely so in love with Mel; used to have dreams about marrying her and living somewhere quiet with her
most definitely forgave her for manipulating him on the council and understood her but it was just never the same
bottom. argue with the wall
OUGHHHH my shayla 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
guess my favorite character challenge level impossible (it's so unbelievably obvious)
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grammarpedant · 1 month ago
Crashes in here, hi this is my main blog and I just saw the tags you left on my art of Miki and the CombatBot and I'm going just a little insane over them. I've been thinking of a fic from Miki's POV for Rogue Protocol for a while and while I don't think I have the skill to pull that off I am SO EXCITED to see that someone else has had the same thought!!! Urg... I just love Miki so so much and seeing how the events unfold from its POV would be so interesting.
I think I gotta go draw Miki some more now hehe. Good luck with writing!!
(the Miki art in question)
Hehe, right? Miki is SUCH a character full of so many hidden depths and surprises, greatest of all is that it's also exactly what it looks like on the surface, in full sincerity: a sweet, kind person of a bot that cared very deeply about its friends and wanted to be able to count Murderbot among them. It also deliberately obfuscates the truth from Murderbot and from Don Abene alike on multiple occasions, it seems to sense what MB means and feels through the feed almost better than MB itself, it's a science bot with visual magnification abilities beyond MB's, when it's stressed and pressed for time it stops trying to talk like a human and goes back to its native code language; Miki has in-jokes with its human friends, but I never had a friend like me. And that's just random stuff I pulled from skimming the book looking for something else! Miki is just such a fascinating character!!
And in this fandom we just LOVE our outsider POVs, haha. I'm sure others have done or tried to do Miki POV of the book before, but I'm gonna use this moment as an opportunity to gush about the thing I want to write- I left the tags that I did because what came to me first was the bit leading up to the same scene you've depicted, the tragic beauty of Miki choosing the trajectory that it did. I have a heartwrenching final scene of Miki's POV in those moments that I absolutely cannot show anyone, not least because the scene simply will not hit as hard as it could unless I actually lay the groundwork that would give it a real punch.
Miki would be about (is about) self-determination, right, obviously. But the Miki POV I want to write would also be about a character caught between connection and alienation, a bot among humans and all that entails. —People love and protect Miki, yes, but do they understand it? Don Abene loved it, and Miki loved her too, and what about all the times they struggled to understand each other? The work that it takes to overcome miscommunication? How does Miki feel, knowing that there are some experiences it just cannot share with its human friends, nor they with it? Do they understand each other regardless? Does anybody ever really understand another person? —Miki has a way of talking that's a little clipped and which may seem "childish" to a reader at first glance; given that in times of stress it defaults back to a nonverbal-to-humans mode of bot communication, might we draw parallels between it and the semiverbal disabled experience? —For perhaps the first time in its life Miki met someone who could understand it reflexively, instinctively, empathize with its machinic experiences almost effortlessly. How does it understand this person's refusal to accept the vulnerability of connection? Does Miki understand Murderbot, and if so how much? In what ways?
Those are the themes I'd want to pull at, and to do so I'd use the motifs of Miki's scientific research function. Its literal ability to perceive the world differently from both humans and from MB, its framing of the world through numbers and measurement and factoids and analysis that is nevertheless beautiful to it, even when it struggles to put that beauty to human words. Names. Identity. Choice and free will. Emotion and connection. What Miki was thinking when it looked at MB's camera at the nebula storm and said, Pretty! The jokes and media and little moments it shares with Don Abene. The love and happiness that made it so secure in itself. If I could just get through the groundwork of it all... it would be beautiful. At least as beautiful as the art you drew.
Anyway, I hope you keep drawing Miki, friend! The art you did has already inspired me a bit more 🥰
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decepti-thots · 7 months ago
it is SO noticeable when you read through MTMTE paying a lot of attention to the colour work in it (which i have done, because i really like burcham's work in particular) just how rarely it relies on "scary or menacing scene = Dark And Spooky" visual shorthand. a lot of early MTMTE stuff is pretty explicitly drawing on horror as a secondary genre- everything from the sparkeater mini-arc kicking things off to delphi to the overlord stuff. but you will pretty much never see those scenes fall back on "this will be Dark so it is Spooky", and often it's completely the opposite. the delphi stuff takes place in brightly lit snowy environments outside or uniformly lit medical interiors. that doesn't really change until e.g the later arc slaughterhouse, for example. the early stuff in particular is overwhelmingly bright no matter what.
what often gets used instead is unnatural contrast and startling colour combinations. for example, here are two scenes i think a lot of people might default to making dark for the sake of dramatic effect and tone setting if asked how to make them menacing:
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both of these instead use a kind of "overexposed" look and contrasting colour choices which feel kind of strange and jarring. (the bottom right Whirl panel has those odd purple shadows contrasting with the bleached out yellowish walls, the red and green contrast on the sparkeater). it almost has this effect not of the moment in a horror movie where it's dark and you can't quite see whatever it is that is all Spooky TM, but when suddenly the flashlight falls on it and illuminates it all at once and makes you jump.
(i would imagine some of this relates to keeping milne's very densely detailed work readable, especially on pages that have so many small panels in them; bright and contrasting choices on the colour side will keep those busy details distinguishable even when those panels do not have a lot of 'breathing room'. if nothing else, the colour work in MTMTE does a lot of work to keep those smaller panels and dense crowd scenes readable, lol.)
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puffskeeter · 6 months ago
Hey I’m such a big fan of your art and I very much enjoy watching your YouTube channel 🤍🤍
And I want to ask you why you don’t ship the ppgxrrb and I want to hear your opinion about it which I can very much respect.
Plus another question that what type of fashion you think your au of the Powerpuff, Rowdyruff, and your Original Characters fall into between I really love how you draw them?
OMG TYSM!! I think i've seen your comments on my videos and TYSM for those too!! :D
I'll make a seperate post for my fashions/aesthetics for RRBORN characters! this one is pretty long even though i wanted it to be short lolz
Why i dont actively ship PPGxRRB:
I'm scrapping my drafted essay post about this for now because its really uncalled for and unnecessary. IDK sorry to anyone who looked forwards 2 it, but i just dont think i illustrate my point very well and more than half of it is lowkey a biased vent post and pure rambling. Either way this is the TLDR for the post you'll never see LOL.
But actually, I do ship PPGxRRB, i've just drifted away from it over the years. I think one of the biggest 'problems' i have with PPG x RRB is mainly with the portrayal of it. My main issue is with how a lot of people mischaracterize the RRB/PPG and completely deconstruct them as characters so that they can be love interests for the eachother and nothing more. One of my points in my scrapped post was that; I have no idea how an entire fandom managed to gender-bend the Bechdel test, but it is rare that i find PPGxRRB media where the RRB have actual lives, interests, hobbies, and friends that have nothing to do with the PPG. Half the time they can barely have a thought if it isn't about the PPG. As i said, Gender-bent Bechdel test.
Another point was that: ppgxrrb has gained a horrible reputation for itself over the years. Back in its "Glory" days, Toxic fans of the ships had bulldozed anything that differs from their favorite empty dynamics. Those usually being The Reds, Blues, and Greens. Nowadays i still see almost nothing in the realms of variety between creators interpretations of the ships. Almost every time i see a PPGxRRB post, it can fit into a set dynamic that the ship is already infamous for.
I want to be able to see the creators love and passion for their ships. I want to know how and why these characters ended up together. If a story is to be told, i want to hear it. I know that the majority of PPGxRRB creators are, by default, amateurs (they dont get paid and its not on a professional scale), but after seeing the exact same badly written love story hundreds , maybe even thousands of times with little-to-no variety, I've gotten bored and tired of people devaluing my favorite characters to be nothing more than overplayed dynamics and shipping fuel.
A lot of people like shipping because of the dynamics, but ship dynamics don't hook me in, and ive noticed that most PPGxRRB stuff is purely ship dynamics and nothing more. Theres nothing wrong with loving ship dynamics or being drawn to ships for their specific dynamics! I just dont care about dynamics, i care about chemistry and story. But most amateurs cant effectively show the chemistry or write the story, a lot of them can barely characterize the 2 characters in their ships.
FYI this isnt about anyone specific or even many recent fans of PPGxRRB. I've been in/around the online PPG fandom since before 2016, and a lot of my thoughts/feelings on the matter have a lot to do with stuff that happened over the years i've loved this series, and more specifically, The RowdyRuff Boys.
To be clear: When i say that they are mischaracterized, i'm not talking about HC's. I'm just tired of seeing the PPG and RRB dulled down into one-note personalities with stereotypical characterization and almost always no tangible character development. A love story is still a story, and a lot of shippers seem to half ass the "story" for favor of the "love".
I dont hate or even dislike PPG x RRB. I'm just really tired of rarely seeing people do the RRB justice, and i want these characters to be treated with the full respect that i think they deserve.
WOW this post is way to long already... still a lot shorter than my OG post. Sorry for being insane about the RRB. it will happen again.
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Meet my “It Lives in the Woods” MC: Angel Kang
Maiden Name: Angel Tuong.
My OG self-insert MC XD.
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Pronouns: Any pronoun
Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual
Loves: Art, ballet, his friends, his pets, and Andy
Nicknames: Ang (by everyone), Babe, hot stuff, spousey, hubby, wifey (by Andy)
They’ve always been fluid in their gender. They’ve never had a singular specific label they default to when it came to their identity, they were just always fluid. They love being a guy, they love being a girl, and they love being a non-biney fine-y. It’s impossible to misgender this bean
They presented masc when they first met the gang, so for the longest time all the guys thought they were a cis dude. The girls only knew Ang was AFAB because they’d use the girl’s bathroom together at school
When the boys found out Ang was born a girl - think the Voltron scene when Lance found out Pidge was a girl XD
Haven’t 100% worked out their family dynamic yet. I don’t know if I wanna give him accepting Asian parents or model their parents after my stereotypical high standard Asian parents XD
They’ve never physically transitioned nor do they plan to. They’re blessed enough to have a relatively flat chest and they attended voice lessons to lower their voice naturally, because of this, they like to switch from their fem and masc voice depending on the day to change how they present.
Fun/General Facts:
High functioning autistic
Vietnamese immigrant
Knows English, Vietnamese, and ASL
HUGE simp. Like he’s picked up so many new hobbies, skills, and interests to try and impress the people he’s crushed on. I canon that He had a crush on Andy when they were kids and picked up skateboarding just because Andy said he thought it looked cool once XD
Loves learning new random hobbies in general. The whole thing where everyone was picking up new skills during Covid is just an everyday thing for this man
His favorite hobby is art. He’s a traditional 2d artist (painting, drawing, etc.) His hands are almost always stained/covered with some kind of art material from a new project he’s working on (most often charcoal, ink, graphite, and paint)
Has absolutely zero consistent style. He dresses in everything from punk goth to cottage core to dark academia.
He dresses masc and feminine depending on how he feels - fuck toxic masculine standards
Grew out their hair because they like having it braided and played with, but they used to wear it short
Outside of the random sports he picked up to try and impress crushes, he doesn’t get much exercise in. The only physical activity he picked up that stuck with him was ballet which he started when he was 7
They only started working out after the incident with Noah because they felt terrible that Andy could carry them if they were in trouble but they couldn’t return the favor when his leg was busted
Total workaholic - homie forgets to eat and drink water because he gets so hyper fixated on what he does XD
Pretty confident flirt. Until the person flirts back, then they’re a blushing mess.
Life after the Series:
Will update after playing “It Lives Within”
Personality: A complete dork - a romantic, intellectual, dork, but a dork nonetheless. Very tender hearted and unbelievably forgiving - almost to a fault. Used to keep to themselves unless explicitly invited out to join/do something - Kind of timid a shy in that sense - they never really had the courage to make plans with anyone. This obviously changed a bit after the gang got back together and grew closer, but outside of the group they’re still kinda introverted. Super confident in the way they present, but they struggle to set boundaries for themself which has led them to being in uncomfortable situations before; they struggle to advocate for themselves in general. They’re just terrified of burdening people or coming off as annoying, so they have trouble communicating their problems.
Despite this, they’re definitely the mom friend. They take it upon themselves to make sure everyone in their friend group is alright and have someone to talk to. They’d sacrifice themselves and the universe for the people they love in a heartbeat - they just couldn’t get themself to take Jane’s place because they’d have to leave Andy.
‘Note: This baby is definitely my favorite MC and I’ll be adding to their lore as time goes on
My late official entry to @choicesmcappreciationweek Terrific Heros
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navtechnicianez · 17 days ago
About Me
Hi! I'm Ezra. I just finished my 3 year Space Navigations Technician diploma. I fix the systems that allow spaceships to find and steer themselves to where they want to go. I thought this job with Pony Express would take me to interesting new places! They didn't tell me I would be working on a historical relic, though...
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Silly little Mouthwashing self insert roleplay blog~
Click read more for more info/boundaries!
first time roleplayer. please be niceys 🥺
private dm roleplays kind of freak me out like feels like theres a lot of pressure. so I'll probably stick to asks and posting.
pretty much no topics are off limits to me.
just dont be weird or mean or rude to me okay
// for OOC
About Ezra (the character):
(subject to fine tuning as I work out the character)
Age: early mid 20s
Gender: nonbinary (closeted; someone with a savvy queerdar might notice but otherwise their femme presentation enables them to go through life as a "woman." To them, it's "not worth the fight".)
Sexuality: bisexual with a preference for men
Pronouns: any, with some preference for they/them. Though for above reasons, most will default to she/her at first.
Backstory: They are a Navigations Technician. Their job is to maintain the sensitive equipment within the flight console that allows the ship to chart its course and steer. Fresh and green out of their diploma course, they took this job with Pony Express over a better paying job maintaining unmanned ships that would have kept them closer to Earth. If asked, they would say they wanted the adventure, but inside they just wanted to get away from their family back home. On the Tulpar, they come to find that not only is the sense of adventure not quite so grand in a small windowless metal box, but the technology that guides spaceships has advanced a lot in the decades since the Type-F freighter 0926WO Class C was in its prime. Simply put: they don't know how to maintain the systems they were brought on board for, beyond a few barebones similarities to the modern technology they were taught about in school. They spend much of their time poring over the manuals and schematics, praying all the while that nothing breaks before they can figure out how the hell to fix it. Add in a dash of autism while being stuck in close quarters with a handful of total strangers and they're in for an interesting time.
Personality: Somewhat self doubting and unsure of themself, their skills, and their direction in life. Preoccupied with being liked, as such has a hard time being authentic at first. This shows as a kind and genial outward demeanor; someone who makes every effort to be polite and accommodating. Though this kindness is often based in a sense of fear, it isn't in itself a facade, more an optimistic "treat people the way you want to be treated" mentality. Tries to be open minded, empathetic, and understanding of people's differences, problems, different life circumstances. When comfortable with someone, they let loose the weirdness, obsessive tendencies and dark humour. Takes a lot to make them dislike someone, but when they do, internally they get really vindictive, spiteful, and all around unforgiving. Prone to bouts of depression, but will try very hard not to show it.
Interests: Likes to read fiction. Particularly fond of scifi. An artist at heart, enjoys creative pursuits all different kinds, but is focusing on improving their drawing and sketching for the duration of the haul, drawing the different environments of the ship and the people within them. Music is incredibly important to them, and it's almost impossible for them not to move to the beat of a song in some way. They are particularly involved in goth subculture, though their music taste expands beyond it. Loves to sing, is okay at it.
Curly: Doesn't quite know what to make of him. Thinks he's handsome and charismatic. His position of authority makes her uneasy. Curly is kind, which counteracts that. But his closed off nature throws her off. So any attempts to get to know him better and build a more comfortable (to her anxious mind) relationship fail. A mix of good, friendly interactions, and very awkward ones when she starts trying too hard.
Jimmy: Relates to his sense of humour and his mistrustful, self-centered worldview (as well as the deep insecurity they can sense within him), though they approach it with a different mindset than he does. Starts finding him very attractive as their relationship progresses, ending up with a pretty significant crush. Is much more willing to look past his faults and negative traits because of this. Lacking in the confidence to pursue him directly, they put in a lot of energy making themself and their attraction noticeable, but not so noticeable that they look desperate.
Anya: Sort of intimidated. Feels a kind of pressure to relate to her on the basis of them both being "women," something they've always had difficulty with, despite the fact that this is not something Anya 100% positively expects from them. Anya is so unfalteringly nice they feel really bad being as uncomfortable on the inside as they are. Is also quite jealous of Anya's passion for medicine and drive to achieve it, as that kind of ambition is something notoriously absent from their life.
Daisuke: Least intimidated by Daisuke out of the crew, they get along well enough, being so similar in age. They both like video games and art. But his energy can be a lot for Ez. Even so, they really relate to his lack of drive, and feeling like they ended up in a place they didn't want to be/weren't ready for in order to appease their parents. So when he opens up about it, they end up commiserating on this topic.
Swansea: Is technically their direct superior, though they don't spend nearly as much time under him as Daisuke does. Reminds them of their dad somewhat, so they end up flip flopping between being taking him for what he is and liking him, being incredibly intimidated and even fearful of his gruff demeanor, and being pissed the hell off by him. Though they were highly unprepared for the reality of working on the Tulpar and start off quite clueless about the workings of the old equipment they were brought in for, being educated on the matter they're still pretty capable, and thus tend to escape his ire.
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(headcanon: pony express employees have to buy their own uniforms. this work dress is a style they offer, but is more expensive than the typical jumpsuit, and you have to sign a waiver absolving the company of responsibility for any injury incurred by the improper coverage of this attire. ez also owns a regular pony express jumpsuit.)
About Ez (the roleplayer):
23 | they/she/he
writer. find me over at @xyfanficarchive for more info <3
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storgicdealer · 6 months ago
OKOKOK so im re classpecting the sticks bc i understand much more abt classpects now than i did when i first classpected them. i hope you dont mind if i drop em here bc youre very smart and you know both avam and hs so
tsc - lord of space (this stays, its way too narratively relevant for it not to)
green - prince of breath (very passionate, perfectionist, tries to be carefree even when he cares way too much about what other people think)
yellow - mage of light (moreso on the knowledge front than the luck front, similar to rose but more active in his role, likes to figure things out but using what shes previously learned)
blue - witch of life (FEFERI WOOO obv shes very witchy, leaf feels like theyd be more rebellious, life player bc its very energetic and tends to take on a healer role in the group)
red - knight of heart (tends to jump straight to protecting her friends, very impulsive and passionate/soulful, acts confident but is sometimes more hesitant than others realise)
victim - thief of hope (man i was so on point with this one)
chosen - mage of doom (has a lot of firsthand experience with doom and suffering, also suffers from their aspect, and very good at causing doom *cough* chosen has never won a fight on the right side *cough*)
dark - heir of time (very destructive by default, causes a lot of death, RED 🔥🔥🔥, but also logical, at times a bit too laid back and chill)
striker - maid of mind (maid im not sure on i just wasnt sure what else to do, mind bc shes very straightforward, thoughtful, plans ahead, very serious and logical)
purple - prince of blood (accidentally or on purpose fucks up almost all his relationships at some point, at the same time is also the reason most of his friends met in the first place, Prince = royalty theming, also matches with green)
mango - rogue of life (acts very skeptical and un-lifey but takes life from others to give to the people they care about)
gold - sylph of hope (loves to cheer people up, very hopeful and energetic demeanor, fairly childish, wants to make everyone happy all the time!!!)
hangman - bard of rage (calms people down, fairly chill compared to the other players, prefers to support and wishes people were more peaceful and mature)
ballista - knight of breath (session lacks breath for reasons i dont feel like describing rn, acts chill but actually feels like he cant live up to the title of Hero and isnt that carefree, protects the few people he attaches himself too <- that one scene in his original short where he draws upon the memories of his friends to open the door)
hazard - seer of void (ngl this is mostly just process of elimination but hazard feels pretty void oriented tbf. hes so chill hes not minding anyones business)
paleo - witch of heart (same as above </3 very passionate headstrong etc etc)
sorry for the word vomit in your inbox i want to talk to you more and idk how to initiate conversation other than random infodumps
oh this is so good. this is so good
my knowledge on classpects is probably slightly closer to surface level than yours lmao but from what i get GOD yes !!!!!! yellow being a mage of light / red being a knight of heart is literally them hello. absolutely. its in their code
PRINCE OF BLOOD PURPLE !!!!!!!! WOOOOOOO !!!!! thief of hope victim OH this is so good. im eating this up (id say my victim leans towards being a rogue a little bit. my whole rambling on how much i associate the motif of them being a "divine being sharing the gift of the animators with the outernet" typa thing) mage of doom chosen DONT even joke with me lad. im shaking him shaking him so hard
MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! MAID OF MIND AGENT !!! (even if not a maid shes still very much a mind player methinks)
oh knight of breath ballista oohhh ... this is so smart oh my god (and very obviously. already fits with one of his forms in "wanted" of literally looking like a knight lol)
wait i just realized green & purple knight and princ. cinder im gonna. im. oh this is SO good
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i'm sure One Million Kazillion people have asked you this but if not Perpep for the ask game?
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Just one more! This is specifically for Beforan Perpep. Not Bard's Collage or Alternia. Perpep
favorite thing about them Playing her is so fun. She's just a little guy. She is just a little guy, yknow? I also love how she talks. Its not the best transcribed on my part but its just cute. Her intonation is cute.
least favorite thing about them Probably just my... like. Inability to keep up with her timescale... I decided all my ocs have some time distortion shit going on with them because of my executive dysfunction. There are. several things in her drafts that are there because i wanted to draw a picture for it and never did. There are... so many...
favorite line Ok so if youve been here for a while, she once was really mad at Raveri, the other Raveri, and wrote a whole rant about him. That was funny I liked that. I also liked the time she was talking about the horrorterrors and drew one of them with her text.
brOTP Uhhhhhh I still dont really get this im ngl. An otp but platonic, so either a qppr or like... just being good friends? buddies? Well that'd've probably also been old Raveri. They were sopor chess buddies. They did sopor slime and played chess.
OTP Uh... Hm... Yknow, again, I don't really ship Perpep. I guess her alt!self Oftcas has an 'otp' with (B!)Detheo. Their wierd fuckin biuniversal asses. Postgame she has a pitch thing going on with Somati, but her whole situation makes it kind of... I think her intimacy is pretty heavily wounded. Yknow... from being a human pet. Being without a relationship after so long of it being the default is hard though. Something that happens during the game that makes this part easier, but she does feel it really intensely. It's why she gets with Somati actually. Its technically pitch and she thinks of it that way even if it resembles a pale relationship a little more because of how Perpep is. It's not entirely NOT pale on somati's part, but it is pitch. Not the angry kind of pitch though, the like... theyre two individually really chill people who start fucking with shit to compete when theyre together. Mentos and coke ship.
nOTP Shrugs. You'd probably think I'd say Perpep and her culler, but thats narratively interesting to me. Uhhh I guess she would be really bad with Alpha Detheo. Like they wouldn't mix at all and their preconceptions about the other would clash so bad i think they might just kind of avoid eachother a little bit. Curiosity on both sides, with fear twinging Perpep's and logical guilt on Detheo's. Logical guilt being like... not guilt guilt but like. Ah a version of me hurt this person in a very sick way. This has added a level of morality to my self image that is troubling and I will have to consider deeply what went wrong in my other life to ensure something like that does not happen in this one. Also I should stay away from Perpep because she definitely doesn't want any more Detheo in her life. (Not entirely wrong on that last count but not right either)
random headcanon Perpep is the cuddliest motherfucker on the planet. During her session, about from the Entering when she loses track of Cinimon to her death during the Among Us conference between her, Miyers, Respit, and Sphinx, she's really fucking nervous and crabby because of touch starvation. Thats actually part of why she throws so much shade during that little meeting. She's not got a lot of emotional skill, so when she feels negatively, those emotions leech into her other emotions like dye in water. She has a hard time distinguishing between different stressors almost. Like if her emotional state was a body, and her stress was caused by a horsefly biting her on one side, she would project the same anger in every direction. She's new to this, yk.
unpopular opinion uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My unpopular opinion is you should go on her blog and look at the posts under #captures and appreciate those drawings :-)
song i associate with them Ohoho. Hold on let me get the Perpeplaylist Taroko by August Greenwood Death by Melanie Martinez New Normal by Jack Stauber Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown I Can Talk by Two Door Cinema Club Otherside by the Red Hot Chilipeppers Sports by Beach Bunny (Voiceclaim also) Wreckingball specifically the cover by The Orion Experience In that order. LMK if you have any guesses on how her timeline fits to those. I feel like its pretty obvious but I am also the writer so yk.
favorite picture of them
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This is stil the funniest thing ive ever drawn i think. She flashbanged herself poor fishie.
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This one which is still way detailed. Im kinda sad no one ever asked about the collar, to get a closer look at the picture, the bullet, the rook, the tiny grub hons, the necklaces, the bident, or . any of that. I also planned to have it be more obvious that those are *somati's* clothes. If you look in captures you'll see his dad's dead body. Thats where she got the sgrub disks. College and Exec disorder got in the way of the pictures of Snapdad i planned for Somati to post... I might end up redoing that though. Shrug.
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And obviously this picture from her postgame band on Continua. LOOK At her. she is such a sweetie.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year ago
Hi, if you haven't done so already, could you do Zuko for the headcanon?
2-4 songs that are probably on their iPod- All the Ways I Could Die- Arrows in Action; Might Love Myself- Beartooth; Bouncin' Back- Mystikal
the one place they sometimes end up falling asleep – where they’re not supposed to: Zuko's comfort is small spaces. His favorite nap spot is a crawl space that no one knows about. It is dark and out of the way enough that very few people know about it, and if someone does happen upon him, they can't sneak up on him.
the game they'd destroy everyone else at. Chess. Pai Sho. Strategy games.
the emoticon they’d use most often 😑
what they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: He gets very quiet and rigid. Only those who know him best recognize the signs of him getting tired, though. Quiet and rigid is pretty much his default response to any discomfort.
their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights. or mornings. or whenever. He'll never admit it out loud, but he is almost as big a fan of tea as his uncle.
how they like to comfort/care for themselves when they’re in a slump He is the introvert's introvert. Self care is a few hours alone, probably reading a book.
what they wanted to be when they grew up He wanted to be a son his father could be proud of. Now he just wants to feel at peace
their favorite kind of weather: He loves stormy weather. Heavy rain when he doesn't have anywhere to be is heaven for him.
thoughts on their singing voice (decent? terrible? soprano? alto?): He has a lovely tenor voice. He had lessons growing up. Not many people know he can sing, though. He has to be pretty drunk to sing for a crowd. Only his wife and kids get to hear him sing otherwise.
how/what they like to draw or doodle He does very detailed portrait sketches. He loves drawing faces. He's a great artist. It's a talent he's a lot more comfortable sharing than his singing.
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hannahssimblr · 1 year ago
Chapter Four
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“How long are you going to make me stand like this?” 
“Claire, the life drawing models do this for an hour at a time, I think you can handle ten minutes.”
“At least they get paid for it, all I get is criticism.”
“Please, try to keep your feet in the same spot, the legs are really important.” 
She sighs and readjusts, planting her feet back onto the two X’s I’ve marked on the floor with masking tape, then stands still for a good five seconds before reaching up to touch her hair. 
I sigh with frustration. “Claire…”
“Sorry, I just feel like my hair looks weird.”
“It’s fine, please can you just…”
“I’m worried you aren’t going to make me look good.”
“It’s not about making you look good, it’s about capturing an accurate portrayal of human anatomy.” 
“Ugh.” She moves her arms back to roughly the correct position, but now her torso has kind of twisted out of position, so I take my gummy eraser and start rubbing out what I’ve already drawn. 
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‘Why is this so hard?” I mutter under my breath as I bring the charcoal to the page again, drawing a fresh line for the curve of her spine. It seems like no matter what I do, I can never recreate the focus I have in Ida’s studio. I’ve tried drawing in my sketchbook on the bus, in cafes, while sitting on benches at the park, but my drawings always look off, I don’t feel sure about my talent like I used to. I’m not carrying an inspirational spark with me when I’m outside of the walls of my college and yet, tomorrow is Friday. The day that we all have to lay our sketchbooks out on the floor and critique each other for the work we’ve done during the week, so really I have to come up with something halfway good. I want Ida to be proud. I don’t want the cursed Dean Cullen to be mean, although he inevitably will. His default mode is nasty, but still, I can’t help but want to prove myself. To be good enough. To be the best.
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“I’m not going to move, don’t worry…” Claire says. “But I just want to say that I’m getting very cold.”
“It won’t be long, I promise.” I plead.
“Don’t life drawing models also have heaters?”
“It’s not like you’re naked. Leggings and a vest are like, roughly the same thing as a heater.”
“Not at all. And it’s almost winter. Why don’t we at least have the radiators on?”
I shudder at the thought of the last electricity bill, the memory of opening up that little white envelope and feeling like I was going to have a heart attack and collapse onto the wooden floor. It was revealed then that Claire was leaving the heating on pretty much all day from the moment the temperature dipped below fourteen degrees, for the sake of being cosy. Her parents pay for everything, including her half of the utility bills, so really, nothing matters at all to her, and I know she doesn’t really understand why we have to suffer in the cold, or why I kept telling her to buy a hot water bottle instead of cranking on the radiators every time she goes to bed. If I didn’t keep remembering to switch it off our bills would be astronomical every month. I wish I could be the passive-aggressive housemate sometimes and put a padlock on the timer. 
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I’m on the student support grant, which just about covers my rent and food. I don’t think she understands that some people have to think about money, that it doesn’t just endlessly flow into all of our accounts, or materialise from thin air whenever we want a new skirt from American Apparel. 
It frustrates me sometimes, the disparity between our finances. I’d never really thought about class, or where I stood in society before I moved away from home, but now it’s all around me all the time and utterly impossible to ignore, woven into my identity. I’ve never associated with the notion of being a working class person from a working class household but when I’m here it feels as though it’s the number one thing that defines me. It saturates everything, everyone’s accents and postcodes under scrutiny. Who’s dad can afford this and that, who has to work evenings and weekends to pay their way, who gets the grant, who doesn’t. I’d never before considered the fact that Claire got a thousand euro for her Confirmation and at my house, the year of the financial crash, we had plain pasta for dinner every day for three weeks, but now it seems as though this was something I should have always been aware of. 
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Shane comes into the apartment without knocking, as usual at that very moment, and Claire immediately drops her pose to skip over and embrace him, as if they haven’t seen eachother in a month, instead of every single day. He has his own apartment in Clonskeagh, but is seemingly never there. He’s become our third housemate – the one who never pays rent. I groan and drop my willow charcoal back into my plastic pencil holder. Whatever is on the page now will just have to do. 
“You alright there, Evie?” Shane says over her shoulder, never letting me just have a tantrum in peace. 
“Yeah I’m fine. Just finishing up an assignment.”
“Seems to be going well, sure you look delighted.”
I stick my tongue out at him, and he ignores me. “Bit cold in here, isn’t it?” He comments, and Claire throws her hands up in agreement. “Thank you!” She says. “I’ve been trying to tell her that all evening.”
“She’s cold because she’s in a vest in leggings.”
“That you made me wear for your drawing.”
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Shane smirks. “I’m not complaining about the vest and leggings anyway. Come on, just flick the heat on for a while.” He goes over to the thermostat and flips it on expertly, like a man who lives here. Which he doesn’t. He just sleeps here three to four nights a week. Then he comes over and sits beside me on the couch. I try to close my sketchbook before he can catch a glimpse, but it’s too late. He puts his big hand in the way to block me. 
“That’s good.” He says, pointing at the drawing I’ve just done. 
“Is that the one of me?” Claire says, coming over to perch on the arm of the sofa next to him. “Oh, it is good. You made me look very pretty.”
“Not hard to do.” Shane tells her with this dreadful, flirtatious look on his face and I have to suppress a disgusted shudder. 
“It’s fine.” I say begrudgingly. “But it’s not going to be good enough.”
“I think it’s great.” Claire reassures me. “What more could they be looking for?” 
Shane lifts the sketchbook out of my hands without asking and starts flipping through it. “So what, is your tutor like some kind of dragon, or?”
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I sigh. “Ida is fine, she’s honest but she’s fair. There’s just this one guy.” I take the sketchbook back off him and try to close it in my lap, but he easily slips it away from me again and resumes his snooping. 
“A student, like?”
“Yeah. Dean Cullen. He’s always horrible about my work.”
“I wouldn’t care if some random man was making comments about my work. Sure he’s hardly going to give you grades, is he?”
“No.” I say. “But I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of criticising me.”
“I doubt he sees it like that.”
“Yeah, and do you know him, do you?”
“Obviously not but he probably just thinks he’s being constructive, like.”
“He said the legs on my piece were lazy last week.”
“‘Lazy’ isn’t very constructive.” Claire agrees. 
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Shane turns another page thoughtfully. “Some lads just say what they think and they don’t care about how it comes out, though. He’s probably like that.” 
“He’s not.” I insist. 
“Sounds like he’s got under your skin.”
“He hasn’t.”
“Alright so.” A pause. “Is this me?” He holds up the sketchbook on a page of drawings of a man’s head in profile. They’re done in brown pencil. He’s got a short-back-and-sides haircut and a bump on the bridge of his nose where it was once smashed with the butt of a hurl and never quite set back the right way again. 
“Yes. That’s you.” 
He looks at it again, saying nothing for a few moments. Then: “Can I have it?”
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“No, I need the sketchbook intact for my grade.”
“Well, can you put it online or something then?”
“Why would I do that?”
“So I can show it to people. Sure it looks exactly the same as me. I’d make it my profile picture and all.”
“Nobody wants to see my work online.” I say, going red.
“Oh they would!” Claire says. “Everyone is doing it now.”
“On Facebook?”
“No, Instagram.”
I pause. “What is that?”
She and Shane exchange a look as though I’m some old age pensioner who just had a ‘moment’, and I sigh with frustration. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what that is, apparently I’m technologically illiterate.”
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Claire whips out her brand new iphone to show me the cute little app that looks like a polaroid camera, and then scrolls through her feed, which is just pictures and more pictures, no text posts, no statuses, just photos. “Everyone with an iphone has it now.” She explains. “You just take pictures and upload them. You can edit them in the app and everything, and you follow your friends so you can see what they post too.”
“And everyone is doing this?”
“Yeah, it’s the new Thing. And look.” She opens up a search bar and types in the word “Art”, and immediately the screen floods with images of paintings and drawings. “You can look at what other artists are doing too. I think you’d really like it.”
“Hm.” I say. “Maybe.”
“Hand me your phone.” 
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I obey her, and she starts tapping away at it. I watch as she downloads the app, signs me up for it, and then she follows both her account and Shane’s, who I can see has exclusively posted photographs of himself on the football field. Not content I’d be especially interested in, but I can always unfollow him later. She lifts the sketchbook off the couch and carefully turns to the page with Shane’s head drawings, and snaps a picture. She applies some brightening filter to it and then uploads it, and there it is. My first post on Instagram. 
“Thank you.” I say. 
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“Go through my follow list and see if there’s anyone else there you want on your feed.” She instructs me. “And like, find out who else in your drawing class has it. You can all compare your drawings and leave nice comments or whatever.”
“That kind of sounds like a good idea.” I admit. 
“Listen to the good feedback, not just what stinky Dean Cullen says.” She strokes my hair affectionately. “You’re so good at drawing, I’d hate it if someone made you think that you aren’t.”
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“Thank you Claire. And Shane.” I say as I get up from the couch and start heading towards my room. 
“We’re going to watch a film, if you want in.” Claire offers, but I shake my head. 
“I think I’m going to keep drawing. I can do more studies of my own feet or something.”
“Okay, whatever you want.”
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year ago
okay so this is super self indulgent but preface for those who arent aware i have this whole full world for my ocs & basically its like a 50/50 chance for any given person to have psychic powers called abilities & this ability is entirely dependent on the person themself & has nothing to do with genetics. ur either born with them or u can get them if ur from a different world & are isekai'd in. the only real thing about abilities is it has to be something a person can do with their mind/state of mind & isnt just like some super power like super strength.
anyway i realized this week i feel like i know the isotopes well enough so i ended up spending a lot of time thinking of what abilities they would have and i give u all my final decisions!!!
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Kafu: she has something im going to call window creation. basically the ability to call forth 'windows' which ranges from just invisible walls in the air to creating a pane that lets her (or anyone near by to see it) see into a different place, time, or both. these are in effect solid walls/windows so its theoretically possible to use them as a weapon but given how kafu is i doubt she would think that way & instead would take a more defensive route, using them as a sort of force field or to get info the group otherwise wouldn't know
Sekai: i'm calling hers shadow manipulation. she can take control of shadows in the area and turn them into a semi-physical thing & from there pretty much becomes a distance attacker or defender depending on both her mood & what's necessary. i would like to think she also keeps a little shadow as a pet & it just follows her around or sits on her shoulder. the shadows can change shape btw
Rime: pyromancy. she gets to create & control fire at will. i like to think she puts too much pressure on herself to learn it & ends up unable to do it at first because of that but the second she lets herself breathe she finally gets it & from there puts in so much practice that her style with it ends up absolutely beautiful to watch. default flame color is red bc thats her color but it changes color/temperature with her emotions. u threaten one of the others and watch how fast it ends up blue-white.
Coko: fox. by shifting her mental state she can transform into a fox & while in that form can do things like create wil o wisp/fox fire & force fields, but mostly i think she'd specialize in creating illusions. she probably actually has multiple tails in that form but after drawing the rest of her outfit i thought one was enough to get the idea across. yes this is the third time im giving a chara this ability its bc im not allergic to fun normally people cant talk in the fox form but i like her so i guess she gets a little telepathy as a treat too.
Haru: consciousness walking. that is, she can separate her consciousness from her physical body & move around almost like a ghost. she can interact with the physical world on a minimal level in this state, but more importantly it allows her to see & interact with other people's consciousnesses in a way that's very easy to mess with their perception of the world & throw off their judgment & things like that. kind of like astral projection but not really, also if she gets really skilled with it she'd be able to move both her physical & spiritual forms at once although that is very tiring
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miru667 · 1 year ago
Yay thank you shakooo~! 😊
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Audrey Grace is my muse!! I don't draw often but when I do it's almost always Audrey, so she's my default drawing subject now, and I never get bored of drawing her either. I want to draw her 10000 more times I just never have the energy or time because of work. 😭 As for writing, if RP counts then I'm pretty much rping her every single day with my friends. RP is my other main hobby besides art and she's currently in 7 separate RPs right now ahhhha! 😆 They go at different paces though so it's not as much as it seems.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Oh oops she has a lot of horrible memories TTWTT Not only because she's been through a zombie apocalypse but also because in Beach AU she died painful gruesome deaths everyday for like a year due to a death curse skjdfhgdjl one time she got stuck in a hotel elevator and it plummeted 15 floors and crashed into the basement and it left her body in shreds and then she woke up as a ghost and had to limp around still in that broken form, it was awful (BUT IT WAS SOOOOOOO FUN TO RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😂). Anyway, anyone can send me more ✂️ emojis and I can share more bad memories haha
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
What she loves to do: Many things 😭 She loves doing her hobbies (painting, piano, guitar, reading), she loves being active (rollerblading, biking, dancing), she loves to try new food, she loves to learn new things, she loves to feel useful and productive by doing her chores and taking care of her plants at home and helping out friends. She LOVES having a good time with friends irl, Audrey is an extrovert and with her closest friends she loves showing physical affection like hugs and holding hands and clinging to their arms. Oh, and she loves to drive, it makes her feel independent and she enjoys the wind in her hair.
What she hates to do: Arguing, and leaving things on a bad note, so she tries to avoid it, but it's hard when she tends to be an antithetical girl at heart. Her silence does her a disservice sometimes.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
She's versatile...I feel like I can put her in any AU and draw her any way I want because she's not just a single trope character; she can be anything, like barbie. I also like that she's helped me appreciate nature more and become braver at trying new foods. I used to not care about things like flowers or gardens or sceneries at all until I rped Audrey loving those things which then influenced ME to love those things (and also because they make me think of her). I also don't embarrass myself as a guest in other people's houses anymore because I'm slightly less picky about food now because Audrey eats EVERYTHING. And I also feel like I'm nicer now...I always try to rp Audrey as a kind person so that's rubbed off on me :,) Life hack: if you want to improve yourself, make an OC you want to be more like and get obsessed about them. This also makes me laugh because everyone says we put part of ourselves into our OCs but I feel like Audrey has influenced me more than the other way around. xD
Link to ask game questions: https://www.tumblr.com/miru667/738658174946721792/ask-game-for-someones-ocs?source=share
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krakrac · 7 months ago
hi! day, bling and change for any of your OCs pretty please ^^
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
This is universal for almost all of my OCs and people on Kélas in general: most people own a so-called Damsetian tunic (which is the tunic which my OCs wear in most of my drawings) with its high collar. It can be made with various fabrics based on region and it comes in a lot of types for any weather and in different lengths and colors. There are two main variations – with sleeves (short or long) and sleeveless.
A shirt is worn under this tunic, usually linen, but they come in a lot of variations as well, some for warmer, some for colder weather, some as an undergarment and some as a piece of clothing that can be worn on its own.
Coats and especially cloaks are very common and are used either for warmth or against rain and wind.
The most popular hats are winter hats similar to ushankas. Fairly common are also vaguely cowboy looking hats that are widespread mainly in the Amar Steppes.
I haven't thought about pants and shoes much, so there is nothing interesting about them as of now.
Of course each culture has its own additional pieces of clothing (and some have nothing to do with the Damsetian tunic at all, especially the southernmost and northernmost cultures), but the above basically describes what Nyr and Yrsk wear on a daily basis.
I could also yap about uniforms of the Leiki's Knights but I'll probably show it instead some other day because I have the design for those more or less done.
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
I'm not a fan of jewelry myself so I literally just forget that it exists which results in only like two OCs wearing jewelry 😭 Hara wears it mainly because it is common in her culture, Rasanian people are basically the backbone of this kind of stuff as huge amount of jewelry in all of Kélas was made in Rasan.
The other OC is Rivalis which is not surprising given she is a queen of the Empire. She actually doesn't really care about it, she dresses up and wears shiny jewelry just because her status more or less requires it and she loves to be the beautiful, stunning and godly ruler to her people.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Oh well >:) *rubs hands*
First Yrsk, he had to change wardrobe completely after Yarhaq, his swordplay teacher, took him to Sorka for training. Not only is the culture there completely different, even the land itself is as different from his homeland as it can be. So he wore clothes fit for desert and the scorching sun, which he wasn't the biggest fan of, but the clothing itself he actually liked, especially how it flew in the wind.
Nyr significantly changed clothing once for like a week, against his will and he HATED every second of it. Heartbreaking – poor autistic boy was forced to wear luxurious clothes whose texture drove him crazy 💔💔 I fucking love thinking about this one, I would've never thought that I could psychologically torture my OCs with clothing.
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sunbloomdew · 2 years ago
࿐ ࿔*:・゚welcome to my blog!࿐ ࿔*:・゚
current interest: inazuma eleven series
askbox: almost always open! feel free to ask me about anything (within reason). keep things polite!
you can call me mei! i'm fine with any pronouns, except for she/her. po polsku można się do mnie zwracać byle jakimi zaimkami.
gadam tu po angielsku ale staram się wpleść tu trochę polskiego. :]
i talk about whatever i want, whenever i want (d'angelo wallace style lol). games, shows and movies, youtube vidoes, music, anime, manga, books, webtoons, fanfiction and art.
⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
picrew credit
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ina11 series sideblog: @wmiescieinazumy ⸙͎。˚⋆ 𓋼
about me
polish 🇵🇱
speaks polish and english
part of the lgbtq+ community 🏳️‍🌈
NOT a minor
i am in a lot of fandoms, so chances are if you mention one to me, i will most likely at least know about it haha
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my tags
#sunbloom reblogs – all of the stuff i reblog
#sunbloom talks – my epic rambles about everything and nothing
#sunbloom's anime/manga rambles – pretty self-explanatory
#sunbloom draws – my amateur art! pls don't laugh
#gamer hours – for posts i make about games i play
#sunqueue – thingies in the queue!
#mei's asks - for answered questions and so on
#mei's kids - tag for my original characters <3
a rule i follow in life is that as long as you aren't hurting yourself or anybody else, you can do and be whatever you want.
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general information on how i operate on this blog
i block on sight if:
there is a slightest chance the account might be a bot (default pfp and background picture, default title/something nonsensical in the title, nothing in the bio)
the person running the account is most likely a shitty person (ex. racist, homophobic, transphobic, queerphobic in general, ableist, a TERF, a p*edo, you get the idea. and i say "most likely" because people usually won't list their wrongdoings in their bio but you can tell what they think ya know)
the person running the account uses ai pictures/writing generators and posts ai generated stuff as their own and/or believes ai should be a replacement of artists and writers entierly instead of a helping tool
the vibes are off lol. sometimes i just don't like your schtick dude
no hate or discrimination will be tolerated here. this is a safe space for everybody and i'll do my best to ensure that.
be kind and respectful ❤
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darkestrellar · 2 years ago
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WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE SMELL LIKE?  I normally struggle at this question orz ... I think he either smells like not much in particular or often kinda sweaty from being active lol. It does depend a lot on where he's been hanging out and what kind of ambient smells were in the area, though.
WHAT DO YOUR MUSE’S HANDS FEEL LIKE?  Another one that's tricky for me to answer because I haven't given it that much thought. Bro they feel like hands 😭 not suuuper rough but not like baby untouched soft? He climbs trees n stuff with them. He also likes wearing gloves though.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY EAT IN A DAY?    Okay, well, first let me go on a tangent about his eating habits in general. You know Svern's deal with not feeling very much? Yeah that extends to his appetite too. He eats when he sees or has access to something he wants, or when he's hungry hungry, but he also just. Will skip eating sometimes. Because it doesn't bother him enough and he's not bothered to eat, at that moment. (He's lazy. What else is new.) Still, he'll usually eat at least 1-2 decent serves of something in a day. What exactly that is depends, usually whatever he has easiest access to that he likes best - easy prep/instant food, prepackaged, takeout or just eating out. He can be motivated to eat more by things he likes which is mostly spicy foods. He likes spicy foods.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE A GOOD SINGING VOICE?    If he puts effort into it? It's probably pretty decent. I'm not sure if he'd have trained it at any point (if so, then it'll be better). He's just as likely to just put as much volume into it as possible, though, without caring whether it sounds good or not... if he's singing around others, anyway... he wants those complaints/criticisms.
DOES YOUR MUSE HAVE ANY BAD HABITS OR NERVOUS TICKS?   You mean besides his entire attitude in general or getting into stupid situations? No. Any nervous habits or mannerisms you see from him are manufactured.
WHAT DOES YOUR MUSE USUALLY LOOK LIKE / WEAR?   Svern's "fashion sense" varies wildly depending on his whims. I normally draw him in basic boring clothes which... fair... he likes a good old hoodie/jacket... but he also does a lot more than that! Jumping between very drab colour schemes and colours IN your face (outfit tag), or casual, to questionable, to more conventionally chic and stylish, he will wear almost anything. He will also pick up clothes from anywhere. BUT THAT'S JUST THE CLOTHING SIDE! You may know by now that his favourite look (messy auburn hair, amber eyes) isn't his natural look. While yes it is the "default", he's not limited to it, at all. This guy likes playing with looks. Tomorrow he's going to be decked out in nothing but hot pink, hair and irises included.
IS YOUR MUSE AFFECTIONATE? HOW SO?  He might act it sometimes, in an over-exaggerated way, but the reality is that he isn't. Svern's true affection, the one you can trust to reflect his real feelings, is quiet and understated, and almost never spoken aloud. It's reserved for people he really, genuinely likes/cares about, and those are... few and far between. It's silent things like him spending more time around you, or the trinket-giving I've mentioned. Real physical affection from Svern is also rare and usually limited to just being in close proximity. Probably one of the softest things he can do is if he actually seeks out physical closeness.
WHAT POSITION DOES YOUR MUSE SLEEP IN?    Any way he can contort himself. You might not believe it's comfortable but he's fine with it. He's got himself twisted with his hips facing one way and his head the other and also his arm lifted and draped weirdly over the top. Additionally, he sleeps wherever the hell he feels like. (Though it helps that he doesn't tend to sleep unless he's actually tired and then he passes out pretty easily.) For some reason, he seems to prefer surfaces that aren't too soft versus softer ones.
COULD YOU HEAR YOUR MUSE IN THE HALLWAY FROM ANOTHER ROOM?  Generally speaking yeah because he's loud as heck. But if he doesn't want to be heard for whatever reason? Nope. He sneaky.
Tagged by @technodromes! Thank you very much! Tagging @jocundcompany @evoblue anyone else Please steal it and tag me the beta editor is being so evil about these tagging sections lately
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