#I even dubbed it I don't usually do it for this webtoon
coconut530 · 8 months
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Best Scene in the comic, hands down ❤️💙
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behindthescenes-if · 3 years
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*Notice: This is an extremely early idea, I wasn't planning on posting the intro post so early into the development, but I have decided to just mainly to see if anyone would be interested in this idea before I actually start getting into it and also I got a bit too excited. It is a very early idea, so I cannot guarantee that I will be with it to the very end, but I will try my best. I am also extremely new to both coding and writing, so it will probably take me even longer to do this. I am still figuring out how to use twine, so the game will probably be on there unless stated otherwise in the future. As for the demo, I am a full time university student and have a very busy schedule, so I don't know when it will come out, it might take a few months, it might take a year, I don't know. Just wanted to put this notice beforehand.
Hi, I go by the pen name Ms. Protagonist and Behind the Scenes is a very recent project that I've just started working on inspired by the Thai drama Lovely Writer and other webtoons/manga that delve into acting and the entertainment industry, such as Act-Age amongst others. Although I am fluent in English and have been speaking it for many years, it is not my first language and this is my first time writing a story fully in English, so please keep that in mind and please do bear with me, I will try to make it the very best I can. I've always wanted to write my own interactive fiction story, so hopefully this sticks.
Behind the Scenes
*Behind the Scenes will be rated 16+ for language and potential content not suitable for those who are younger readers.
You're an upcoming actor trying to make it big in the city of Orlia.
After taking minor roles for the majority of your career your manager stumbles upon one  potential role that could be the stepping stone for your career.
An author going by the pen name  Lera Blue, usually known for her fantasy novels  has published a  mystery romance called "Dagger in the Heart"  that will be getting a TV series adaptation. They have put out a casting call for auditions and you seem to fit the criteria for one of the lead roles, and as such you end up auditioning.
Unfortunately , Orlia's entertainment industry is not all glitz and glamour. Navigating your new found fame you might find yourself in potential controversies, rumours and shifts in public opinion that could make or break your reputation.
Will you have the big break you've always dreamed of or will you fall from grace?
●Customise your MC's appearance, personality, gender and sexuality amongst other things.
●Public opinion could potentially make or break your career. Influence the public's opinion of you through your actions.
●Romance or befriend the 6 ROs (3 gender selectable, 2 gender-locked non binary and 1 gender-locked female)
●Bond with the rest of the cast and the crew or don't; it's up to you at the end of the day.
Romance Options under the cut
Ezra Wei (Female) [Bisexual] <Ethnicity: Hui Chinese and Zulu South African | Nationality: Singaporean> "Dagger in the Heart" 's  author that goes by the pen name Lera Blue. Ezra is not a woman of many words, tending to keep people at arm' s length. She is often described by those who know her as an enigma: hard to decipher; no one really knows what she's truly thinking. Despite coming across as harsh at times, Ezra truly cares about her craft and wants the best adaptation possible of her work.
Kylo Shrestha (Male/Female) [Panromantic Demisexual] <Ethnicity: Newar Nepali | Nationality: British> Your manager and best friend. They have been your biggest  supporter ever since middle school where you would act out some of your favourite scenes from Naruto's English dub in the living room. Kylo is an easygoing person with a sarcastic sense of humour and infectious laughter. They are incredibly loyal and reliable and has always been there for you when you've needed them most.
Maisah Aissaoui (Male/Female) [Biromantic Greysexual] <Ethnicity: Berber Morroccan and Afro-Algerian | Nationality: Spanish, raised in Orlia> Part of the main cast and one of your co-stars in the TV adaptation of "Daggers in the Heart". Maisah is one of the country's most popular actors, having been part of the entertainment industry from a very young age. When the cameras are off, Maisah is an aloof and blunt individual that keeps their friends close and their enemies closer.
Asher Akedele  (Non Binary) [Pansexual]  <Ethnicity: Yoruba Nigerian | Nationality: Born and raised in Orlia> The director of "Dagger in the Heart". Asher is outgoing yet direct in nature, as you would expect from someone of xyr profession. Known for xyr charismatic disposition and commanding presence, xe is well respected  within the entertainment industry and by media critics. Earning xyr respect is much easier said than done, loosing it on the other hand is far less complicated.
Harlow Gibson (Non Binary)  [Panromantic Asexual] <Ethnicty: Irish and Italian | Nationality: Australian, raised in Orlia> A journalist working for FameGame Magazine, who appears to have taken an interest in "Dagger in the Heart" 's adaptation. Harlow is a cunning and persuasive individual who will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Their articles have been known to make or break many celebrities' careers; whether they will make or break yours is an entirely different matter altogether.
Logan Van der Westhuysen (Male/ Female)  [Bisexual] <Ethnicity: Belgian | Nationality: Born and raised in Orlia> Part of the main cast and one of your co-stars in the TV adaptation of "Daggers in the Heart".  Logan's reputation as a flirt and the nation's heart breaker precedes them. With mixed public opinions due to their seemingly shallow personality and dating scandals, Logan has been a topic of controversy for as long as they can remember. Whether there is more to them than meets the eye is up to you.
* I've seen some transphobic/aphobic comments that authors have been getting about their characters and some of the things that these anons have said are absolutely disgusting. So let me make it clear now, Ezra is a trans woman and both Asher and Harlow are Non-Binary. Kylo, Harlow and Maisah fall within the ace spectrum and as such any transphobic/aphobic comments or asks regarding my characters will not be tolerated. You will be blocked immediately and your ask will be deleted.
Other links (more will be added)
Skintone chart for the ROs
RO Appearances
RO Birthdays
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